BY AUTHORITY ,PIIELICACTS. " iax rect daring the +ennui erasion of the, - CokiraL ;. . . [l'mnaci—No. 2.] A 'RESOLUTION directing the distribni ••• Works of Alexander Ramllton,and foe.' • ' poses.' li ' &serried by the Senate and House of Ilepreeenta dica' 6 .f.lbe 'Milled Stela of America 'n Conyeets uPtiwided, That the Secretary of. the . enate and the Clerk of the House of Represeil ti res be, and. they hereby are, directed to di. *bute;:. by mall orotherwise, the works new bei g publish edby.antlioOty Of Congress, hooves the 'AM Of Alexander liumilton, in the ureani 'folloitn . 'one copy; To the President of the tini States, one ropy; hythe litrraries of the ilifferentDe partments, ' of the Postmaster (literal end the •:Attorneir General, one copy, c 'chi to the ' members .of the present Senate mid Rouse of Representatives, one. copy; to the tiffice of the , Secretary of the Senate.; five copies; t the .Lib 'ley of the. Rouse of Representatives , ten copies; -lathe Dibraries of Congress, six co ics; to the t libraries Of the States and Terri ' 'es of tie , m UniOn,;ecsch one copy; to the Smith nian Insti tution, one copy; to the "Slim Academy and the .Naval School at Ana sous. each one copy; •to the Joint Committee on the Library, for the purpose of international exchange, twelve coplet . . to Him pro Jim a ilton, "LIT copies; to ; loch colleges hud literati institutiols • as shall-be designate,' by the present Committe: on the Li brary, one hundred and twenty.copits. Sac. 2. And be itfarther reeolre,4 pat, as the. uppropriatiOn heretofore made for the editing and publi,catioit of papers is inadequate, the Joint COpimittra on said Library tee, and they hereby the, 'empowered to .sell the ' undistribu- - ted residue of the copies of said work; and 'i that the • proceeds of such sale te• applied by said commitee, in aid of the said appropriahcm, te &dray the expense of editing and publishing .. said works.l Sac. S . And be it farther ranked. That the works of the late - John Mains. Published and being published, for which the Congress of the • tolled State have sahscribed, be distributed in the same manner as is herein, provided for the distribution of the works of thelate Alexander Hamilton, except the copies to lies. Eliza Hamilton.. • Sao, 4. And be it further waved; That the ' Clerk of' Um Rome of Representatives be. and Le]isliereby, Instructed to;deliter to each member of the present Congress, one copy of the eighth volume of the American Archives; and for this purpose he dual use the two hundred and nine tern voluinesi of the Archivesand, p urchase for at - the lost 'session of Congress, p a stiffa cient =Mier ' of. volumes to supply the de . Approv ni ed:iFebary 21, 1851. rPontic —Nu. 13. AN ACT Making appropriations for the service of. the Nit Office Department; during the fie.. Cal year ending the thirtieth of June, one tXou - solid eighrt hundred and fifty-two, and for other Antrinirses. Reit enacted by the Senate and Iftiose cf Renn er:wan-me of the Unita Stara of Atnoriea us Coo lass cuarm6Zed, That the following rums be, and tho . same are hereby, appropriated for the ser vice of the Post Office Department, Tenths year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred turd fifty-two. out of any money in the Treasury arising from the revenues of the said Department, in conformity to the Oct of the sec ond of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-sir, and for other purports. vim. For transportation of the mails,- including the service in California mid Oregon, three millions fade hundred and seem:Ay-six thamand `For transportation of the =Mein two steam eldpi from New York, by Southampton, to Ilre men, at one hundred thousand dollars for ouch ship, under the contract with tlie.Ocesn Steam Navigation Company of New York;, and for tram. s portation by two ships under the ame contract, from New York to Havre, at serenty-five thori sand dollars each, in addition to rtu unexpended balance of former appropriations) two hundred and sixty-siren thousand dollars. -For transportation of the mails rwross the Isth mus of Panami, forty-five thousand dollars. For compensatiop to postmasters, one million eiglat'hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. For ship, steamboat, and wayfletters„ forty five thalami ilollars. . . For wrapping paper, , thiriy-five I thousand dol . Foe office furniture, nine thousand dollars. For advertising, eighty-thousand dollars. .Fer mail-bags, thirty-six thecteand dollars. Fdr.blanks, thirty-five thousand dollars. For mail-looks, keys, tindetarapS, ten thousand e Fore:Snit depredations, and special a gente, thir tidies thousand dollars. For elerketn the offices of pcjismasters, four hundred anti twenty-five thousand dollars. • Formiseentuteaue Reme, eighty thousand dol lars. For new man-locks, and keys, twenty-five then sand dollars. For maps of poet routes, six thousand dollars.' Forincidental expenses of pest] offices in Cell fern*, from the datmerespectively of their estab lishment to the thirtieth of Juste eighteen hun dred anti fifty-one„ sixty six thousand dollars; or So =cheered es maybe necessary in addition to the C0M10136/011.13 113101Y04 by: law to postmasters; 'to betrzOnded at such office in such proportions, and under such regulations, nn.. the Postmaster Generalmey direct, to be-accounted for as corn toileions. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the Postmaster General shall be, and be Is hereby, authorised to appoint letter carriers for the de livery of letters from any post office in Califor- Die or Oregon, and to allow the, letter-carriers who may be appointed nt any ouch post office to „demand and receive ouch stun for all: letters, -newspapers, or other minable matter delivered by them, es may be recommended by the post master for whose office each letter-carrier may be appointed; not exceeding . five rents for every letter,' two cents for every newspaper, and two. cents for every ounce of other mailable matter: . and the Postmaster General shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to empoweithe special agents of the Post Office Department he California and Oregon to appoint such letter-terriers in their districts respectively, and to fix the rates of their compensation within the limits aftiresnid, !object to, and until the final action of. the Postmaster General thereon. And Ruch appOintments may be made, and rates of compensation modified, from time to ftme, 03 may be deemed expedient: and the rates of compensation may be fixed and graduated in respect to the distance of the place of delivery from the post office for which such carriers are appointed; but the rate of compensa tion of any such letter-carrier shall not be chan ged 'after his appointment, except by the order pf the Postmaster Generale and inch letter-car rier shall be subject to the proileiona of the forty, first section of the net entitled "An act to change the organization of the Post Office Department, and to provide more effectually for the eetde sant of the accounts thereof, approved July se cond, eighteen hundred end thirty-six, except in ruses otherwise provided for in this net. Sec. 8. And 'be it further enacted, That in all reties 'Aline, Outstay, forfeiture, or disability, or alleged liability for any sum or sums of mon ey, by way of drunagei or otherwise, under any provision of law relating to the Pest Office De partment, or the officers. operations. or business thereof, the Postmaster General !ball be, and he is hereby, authorized to prescribe such general rules and modes of proceeding no shall to him appear ezpedient,Tor the gevernmeat of the sm elter of the Post Dade Department, in mum . ; tabling the facts in each case in whitit it shall be certified to him by truchnuditor that tho interests of the Department probably require the exercise Of the power conferred by this acts and upon the , facts being ascertained as aforesaid, the said dicer shall have power, with the written consum or the Poatmaster . General, to mitigate or re - mit Such Roe penalty. or forfeiture, remove such disability, and to compromise, release, and dis charge such- claims for. such sum or 00319 of money and damages, on Such terms as the said auditor shall deem just and expedient: and in all cases where a judgement shall have been obtain ed for a debt or damages due the i'ost Office De pertinent, and it shall be satisfactorily appear, by the return of execution or otherwise, that much judgment, or so much thereof es remains • unpaid, can not , be collected by due process pf 'Lew, the said auditor shall be. and he is hereby • authorized, with the written consent of the P 031.- EMU? General, to compromise such judgment, end accept, in satisfaction thereof, lees than the *mount of such judgment ' Provided, That the hower conferred by this section shall not extend aisy case of fine, penalty, forfeiture, disabili- LY, alleged liability orelaim which shall be in curred, seem, or arise, subsequent to the pa.s mge of this act; or to any judgment obtained af ter the passage thereof. • Ste. 4. And be it further enacted. That the Postmaster General is hereby authorized to al lbw hereafter to the special agents of the Post Office Department - the annual salary. of sixteen hundred dot:hirer Provided, That no, more shall be expended for this purpose during the present year, than is already appropriated in this act. Approred, March 1, 1851. Voreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON CO., No. Ll 9 Wood Street, HAVE NOW LV STOBS the sid cosajolsts stead FOREIGN AND .4117111C43 , ILUIDWARE , *a the spend trod., and they f t} prepared -Bflpble•rlV4=a*V.ATlVlV:igef:r.o . - v Ecro . pean Agency. , no ollicilber' thAr Whtod.rtichia, orof Irmo, and GaisuXT. dheng 0 , 11344". Jaw Doe, lav of to. ing Pitubargb op Much Apit,3lsy. sad 17th, sad orill id ooo d Athol 00 7 !Po* . do *Wae irbith mar to **Mod to las JOHN D. DATThD. .S. .GAZETTE onr telegraphic despatches .briiiii us the inlet=,.... _4 -- _ , ligence diet-Mr. Mmisor, of the State Depart- PUBLISHED *Y WHITE i CO. - ' meet, bus been appointed Charge... l'iipenhugen. a t' ITT BjIIITIGH. This is the position held by Mr. I . ..iiirdiu. We —_ , • _ _ suppose from this; that he to return V. MORN Nl3, MARCH 8, 1851. i home. i PIT'i'SB[JR(U, . ed 'on the 3 kharge of having entered the Lease of I i ii:3l4 33 ait h i d 3 - . aseartmont ot Mr. Stevens, nt Georgetown Crooc Roads, lit I'' Th . ' '..""."5'4"-"' oust "..."'""'. ' , th.. L''''''' kn"' o'clock or ' the previous ni g ht s °. 43 to have him t '3 ite u33. • suetr.s3ablratt".33'33333torsanCrh"'hns..."-a9l' th ' e c t i re. ".. . ' Al i (' t o h2 1 im/re.,l --, etattofeheo. PrnattaL, Brackets, etlianil if further testimon should connect him eloldittn‘atal all the contrregation. • earne ol l tt,ned. r.. Ae. _ =_-..-.---- , .1 Li on W. shortest too To the Wi,. of Pennsylvania. On 8008 TABLE. 17 7 th the rauseictien. Ile Y l7clo in the mill of Mr. Voshell. ~ ' I egg to Delaware. : ...1....e. NA 11ANIEL W ear. '" 1 "" I .' reusamable eau.. q r ,• • ~,, ~ pr , to execute re A STATE COST - EATON sill be held in the Cal 'We have received from arr. Wm. C. Wall. in Apposlinomink hundred. . ""by ,fi pa. C LOTHS-10,0tal verde floor Oil Cloth. of Lanmstra, on reran/7g. Jane nal, si, for rind 1 The lb rd party iirrested, is William Shelton IgW. F. WHITE-Atm ev at Law-Of- 'X r Is."'Y .. 1 ..u.m, r.. N' to E lan , . wid , d °4 ` . ree.:=Eatit.d,lting'ffertejdn,..) d f li,” .. L 7 r !. Fourth Street, the January number of the Lon- who is a mill hand, : ...owe , pattern, whieh will be 431t1 at los at wholealle as Coast I.7LLEIL Chaim: P oo. / dQuarterly Review and the F 1 • • 7 .L r 11 .. in Arthur , Iluild .n • I. riel um soe:a etre., near on • u ' r HEARN m i V u,„ ~,,,..,,,,. ,on • dux, oom - : uerrly tlie l same neigliborhood Where Roberts ''' '3'333133 '333. vre eoke usia tom w • auy other honain the 4 ''''''' ) j '..', 11 • luta ll Ik' L'!""' Kasen , to th e above slorepla 11_11.min. /. ~r e le atNutlbri of jat%,. 0, , , F. Knox Moons C. Thome/it Jones ! her of Bleck:woods' alagazine. I caste frn . The suspicion against him arises 'OTICE. -31310. ateatner .1 1 1.1.. in July least ' ..1::l', 7 . wso ..... a ".3' a 3 . 3 k it. eititttri. _ W 3- IL sun‘l3d4 ! .1, 3 r 33 e 1 . %W. 3333 alessra. A. 11. English A. Co.. have hdd on our ',from the tact of Ids having recentl • 'bought' Samuel ROL ..r_ brought from linglonol. ol I Lent Churn, and I } a , ,„1,... ~magi at to Joseph n 0..... ,a• ms rt. , . corer , 1. It a Rid - AGE OIL CLOTII-On bond, a Nathaniel Mtwara, T. T n ay for Worth, h i dm i t , f , l . m i t i doublirdiarrelled gun, a revolver or double-bar- 1 ItorettY Olen. that If the aid Churn. and N all. art not ll ._ . J. J. Rbb:hum Alexander E. Bruno. ,tnese . a. num er o. pp mon s. ce an- , . 1., nadtrtmolt of 4 :a. and t/ or. Shall.. Twilled. Worthen E. Preston, 1 Wm. Rater. 1 ics Magnine. We have already spoken favors, i t ' - relied pliant end some dirk knives, .Sm „ • redeemed Or the MO ult.. theY • NZ' a ',..'V t...,„?411t,L. tads and Figured Back, Patent 'Carriage OR Cloth, epleadid 3 , n0• wiser maim iiiat elaruee. , Thew. E. Cochran, Wm. 31 Matto, nen. detioaac .. _ • eieid ~, ik II to I IP , ' al a Waal at. '1°33'111.34`,1315heig..., i bly of this periodical. and from a glance ut the I tng bullets from some poetic 1 1.: 3 ' - ''- ' - ' - ' - -- - ' .. • .. ' Charlei IL Hardman, uar 'il of meted 1311 IN 1I N 0 PA P hit- A bllpOrlt.r Lot. of aeon, Crew,. on ?twin C'elellr , number before vs we are pleased to find that I used in the tura, whom he cautioned 'J, b.l CS'l' ItEC'l7 F ROM PHI LLIPSVILLi D. A. Viwers Digel"eLnn'olr, not to sny - uble Moth.. Pale , . . 5 5 . : , ..,r d I ,','' rt .„ . a. t : ...'.....^ fa Factory-2,f10u yda 4 and .0 , r Dean Oileloth whole. O. Loomts ! then has been . falling Off in interest and use- I ony Oder, about it.. the possession of the art. '"" 3"" . , s r ,• e , 3. i t . • ...• '-•- I •• • ' `al e nvlrelail• tt 4 N 0.7 end U Woild rt. ' Jobs; Ilaußmaa. I `sirT"74ll7kTies... fulness. . :di..sf which he kept coucealed to ale. yosheLL_l I .rip - ' 3 "'" • ' ' 'r•-- ' "'" '''''' -1... '''" J. • IL PIIILLIPS. Wm. FAMIM. I VrLiersio!niati. ' . TOIL KENT-A small brick DWELL- or. . ... .. -- Juan C oesalle 1 Hifi riersomil appearance co with War -„, , T ABLE OIL CLOTI118: - --A can large tors ' ' 'R. P.CNDLE SMITH. Senretars !We are indebted to the Publishers for the A- I , •, ~. . , -, . . , ism 1101 SE runtalulng two parlor. and Mich rd , . s described by .or. t leuteo 01 tile 10 10 WIIO 1100 eu. ro chambers° , elite parloto.oe no, the Litch- . .. 1 ... 1 ,N,.. - " a n n rr o Z ' , I ; "" t C"... "'"' "" " " "d '"".1 "'r a"l" " 1 pril number of Graham' ' s Magaziee. i ' , hat ..1 etabbed him. the bullets e....i.A1y fitted 'l . ' l. "" W ''',.r o i ...,,Lli''''''',,t• Arne., , a ma , ' tab , x 1.1 IL PHILLIPS. i hi, gun, and were of the same metal . that toted MIL. Iti l :ot bl eb.. ,L ut I:: to lu l .....:l:llAront " th:. ' w - a u r r l ' et . h . tflee C L OV ER. ,17 ••a ' ' ''L Tae NEW Pears en Law.-This is the onle7act ! int. mill and the door bore th e mark of having I '''"' n • nni '`" r n3 ",,„," ( t'e r ,".„,",e14„,.. , „ „ s „,. .i w . , ti hoe. Seolt - of marked general interest passed by Congress I, been broken opeiby a blow from the ittunle of 1 mni t s•c; *--- -‘ 7 3 ,,a;5t,,1 1 1,,14.. 3 .i.d... 1 5a ‘ iiii7t0.1a ' . i - Timothy "soar . r. a audjur Pale br at the late session. Tie following are the feint • ' g'33 - . doills1,;-barralled it Ile reseals° absent from I , .. _ _ . _ NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS: m.h, c. DIEWoRTII et CO the mill : from the premons Tuesday until after i I 1 RIED PE-II:11E - 8- lao liu. (prime) for cilia! provisions of the bilk the murder. when he was arrested slot near the A T IiOLaIES ' LI'I'ERAIII DEPOT, Third tX E sale ai Imeta , JS. nit.winern aCO Except in regard to the three cent fNlinEge. reciltnn Cross Roads On these grounds he was 1 •'' ~.„7" . „,. 1t h ,1 3 ,.. `P V.,. ° 01 3 , 3 Z - , ts,, o c i c e,__,,, ( h.,. I livrAsii-to i•asks Ni. 1, for vale by it does not go into operation until lax July next ectumittd for further tmeminotion. and all three ' ar-rtoic-author,..i the - mote ie atm:in. -3 '- . 1 Loeb: J r DILWORTH k. CO. it minces the average rate of postage both upon are now n Kent county jail. • Ilarper'S New Monthly, Gm )1.11 ' qIoicACCO- ' _ _ IllackwcaL tor Vehrourf • . letters and newspaperis nearly one half. The . The excitement against Roberta was intense. ' maw mestriama 'oe al „ ff .vo home extra Teasel We. following schedule shows the rates on newspaper,. and if lie had not euereeded in rusting an elibi, it 4.111:;;,1, ` ,Zri ' 0, ' ,1 ,- --- - 4,1 catty bones'eatra .ti inmate fur dale lo dual. , , tab; J 0 DIM) Wall aCO , under the new law, compared with the old. is probable that he wou hi have been lynched forth- - The tinnier., - . NEWSPAPERS PER QCARTEIL ' With by the people metimary of Mechanic, Nn. t!4. ' VIP, J. D. VOW ELL'S I,"OMPOU ND VEG -1 • The oche nut to Cr - ClOlOOO4 lu the Last nor, to to a Pel,/...0 ..00.12,N , 1 .!_, ..rTA OLE POWDER, for the rare a ElOOllll7O , or SEEM Tri afore than 1 s . •orgmoWll C . num", 11i1'er"L5i'`,V1t;t1.,T..'".f.`...7,'2,2,.P...',,'".":,f :.,4 , I - 7j , ,Y,.." , :.;•-•-" ,,,,,, r. , onset r...r out ae - ase The editor of We American has discovered a i 37iie., Weekly Weekly Wly Tri.,Wly states ,at .he fleet ran ,towards Mr. trouchas 1. n t ` t l L ' t.. 3 lt.a.:ers. nal tech. E. , and to...ruble attn.. to a Litcla Y naoler,To r tney lehuhaill, sad is fighting it right-lustily. He Under 50 (new bill) 5 et, 10 16 25 i house, but. thinking he heard the robber, in the , ___ : tanntb. of mining. alt affortle the moet ornmpt says that Home of the Whigs In Chit county are Present rate, l2 24 3EI 48 1 stable, turned his course towards the t7re., ... Sal of Valnabl H arge e e , o nsehold Furth- ...,,i ....,....le reln.f. subjecte worst rasa In a few darn i stet thie end Is waxily t 1 by * alngle pulage lon. Over 50--under 00 10 2.0 no 50 , Roads. ture. like other tooolla fur ttno todolul Pam It la entirely harm talking of electing Locofocos for Judges, at We _ Present rate, 13 so 54 100 . . 31r. !much also immediately started an ex- i liN 'THURSDAY, MARCH 13th, at 9 o'. • (3. i s: i tt . , ,t .4.; , , ,, ,4 4 ,..,, , , , :i1iv i 4 .,. ,!, no, be rwallowed without approaching Fall Election Not satisfied with O t ter 3(l_under 1000 15 :10 4a 75 Pre. , u 00 arouse the neighbors , . and on the ar. . vt_fr e10ck.,,A.M.hati?.,,,,,,,,ti„,..a„ u'„ . „:„,,,,... ,r . I . l r. I „..,T010e...= b := r .7ra. ' :.: 1 11, :tit V.., o ' f ' ll ' t.t a succession of Judges taken ftvm the Locofoco Pr.ent rate. la 3, 5.4 lag livid of two men trout the Crimes Roads in the Id- I riisse 4 ol l ; 3 . l . 3ol 4 ', E,„1....,,, ;,?..`,,,.t,',1,?:'1n`rt,',.,' I hur,. ,, lt 'a ' ' party, time out of mind, some Whigs, says the . Over 1000, under -000 ...t 40 i 0 100 o '. G I r ' entity s`rf - the house, Miss Webster tinted . Wet of his Honahuld FOIO.IOIIW, ...Dug lu smart of Mantel , PO--Ftftl , Crtits a Package. For ale mtly by • T. II stmt IN 4 CM., American, wiah to perpetuate the succession. - 1 54 108 , Present rate, 18 ,lf, . , . „.. she heard their horses' lie.,. when the axe.- 1 ' Otr a a, P ro r uTwee, 3 a..1. it3r1.'117.3niii..i3e33.73.i...Ta175.711 I . hin Liles") Street. Pittaburytt. 1 4000 :!::0. 50 75 125 sum leek dog. nod tied, having just at that no- "' - La t1 ,,,,,` t,''',l`,(n.,,-2,1,...,,Lzi i,..,r-5„„,rd„,.;=;„,°„ , ;,.,- ~ ..„,'"a: i ...„`, 9 f,^t :,', , .„L„:,.,"..Rfc'' 9 ,1:17,°,: 5 ti,!;,',.". - L '-'''''.'-'". We feel assured this is all a fantasy of the brats Ov pr r o -000 under .IAZ-1a sent rate, is 36 5 I io t a meat shot her. alie made nu state- : ~.. :Mt re's, 1 Iltot. 6 l.ight day 'Moho:any ,be t a 1..; du r c I ' Of the editor' of the Amerierai. Can he nal. 1 o ver 4000 30 C,O 90 ltWi meet of the kind, the ishyticiaus, consiting of j '..,.'" - ;, ° :;..11."‘ i :gr, , ,.t . . , „=„ r , , ,, , ,t, , ,t ,. . tv;!-al;;;; 1 Blank Books , rpHIF. 1 • * lard t Stock Of Blank Beßiurks, of er one we ll -known Whig who is in favor of electing ! Present rate, is 36 ,e ) , los ~ Dr, J h ame i s Melte, G. IV. Oraharn, and John E. 1 ttad ,,,i i ci tuab=l , n . n . d . jahut wa . h „ . .?,,,,"';',,,`,,, i ,,.;",",:m, n 7:,: 1 ' iv ery ...el Iwo, boll aylep or binding, Is offered Mr Locofoco Judges in this genuine Whig county': , All weekly papers free within the canary ' well as ~ , ,,, , .. .e. , ; i ll, :i :! .l ). :.r e .b otrm- u .r death, " '3" Ita bed.; vitt' the u'i° l • •tiFF i t " 1 : 1 ‘ ....,-, ." "hl'''"' I ''' ' '''' ''''''' rr C'.'llAT EN'S. Bloat Rona Slow. Ilio insinuation is a slander upon the Whig party. where they are published. Papers of less than ,. ii „ Ladl 1 n 1; . s ; , state that an at- , I,o2tTalttre.t,e_r:boattidit . 7 nt:r . „,r . ,; . ...... „ .;:._ ..,,,,. , cornet Market and twennd ots. 1.1 ounce half there rates, and papers not over ' °nu MCC 111.1.1 to turottall a rape on both 1 , ` , 3V,;•:, , ,r..,,..4 • %,,,7,,,,.„.‘,. , ,1.A ,„ ~. ~,„,,,,,,, , Merehentv are roustrel tu all ant: examine our Med:. The Whig members of the bar have long been • • of them , either before rrt th • oh 300 square Itches, n ee fourth these rates. . 0a er ej•were . laao ale troodraler i -wate . Of It , s rtro A htlirelaaa, bee i ,tt,,7,‘„;,tt:Li7e. 13,;;:,kr.i.k......tzt,..rbt.:t1..`d at tun , denied all share in the judicial emoluments and The rates on monthly and setnimaimthly news- The funeral or the four victims, Mr. and Mrs. I t l r,,'V, t h ,;t ' ,. " " r " '""''"" '"''''''''' Cu '' "'"""'". I 'Pool and /marran ropy.; nicht; honors, mad the party are not now going to give 1 papers the same, in proportion to the number of I Cosden , Miss Co•deu, and Miss! Webster, took I . tertai .r n ...t.1. , ..7.7 ‘; .. :1tu: . b .,, e 1 ,, tit . arzt4tlo ,.. l . ef . Ll i t . I li D. KING, Banker and Exchanv Bro np the opportunity of rewarding long tried,} , sheets issued.. on weekly papers. , place . Sunday morning et 14 o'clock, and was 11,,tt,73;;;;.1-1,,.:,,,,,,,i„,7,,,,a,„1,11,1,,, ,t a t . .;bt. ' • art, !north sE, deals in Western runt , . sight litical services , and of plaring distinguished legal 1 xceeding - half . I The new rate . letters . not e . attended by hundreds of persons collected from . nithi, , non , t .I, fa the Eastern C.lleo and Malt, colleen°. In the tt1.01.-Nt . Ctte...March 0-t. , _ Aurt rt. eet.t At ;ow rata, and 1. now paying the highest market ounce Is three cents prepai d , . free cents tf not. , • 9 ! ramt miles erotical. and the excitement relative ' ' r I n car funds w American Slier. ache acquimments upon the bench. Ito the bloody affair has had no parallel in - that i Very , Valuable Steam Cirist and Siii 7 lifills I prepaid, for ail distances under three thousand The very Idea of the Whigs of this county 1 miles. Over three thousand miles double these section of country. . 111 3 AT PRIVATE SALE. wishing to elect Locofocos to Judgeships is pre-1 rates. , The Baltimore Sun of March sth, has the fol- I WILL SELL 31i 311 1 LLS, situated eg" , ' posterous, and if there Is any Whig who desires ~ The section added by. the Senate. providing !Owing ~ s t ., , additional particulars • abet tan. n at r , l ,II.:, itzi l r„ri.T.z.l - .‘,1wi:';', 1 .th...... „, . ab ed authorixing ' such a consummation, he must be of a very nonl ttohre th r e os P tai r aste'rugGeonfera'nlvetionnda them through 1 s 'flit Kgsar CoENTI Nlcnotn.-Another Antli a , 1 . 7 at. , tal. f: . .Ur Lona belot'sl. magabela Cay. m Leto. descript kind. The Democrats will elect node ! We learn from Chestertown 1-1111 t. =Other arre.a e _ore h otoo.o=,T"rr ai,i,t't.ti'ir ,7.rer'-',e'r` , ! , tbe mails to postmastenme other persons detir 1 - but those of their own political creed in the dis - ing them. free of charge; was stricken out. Also was made on Monday night., of a man suspected I ~°„":„°,="t`r„:1,,,,11,14r,","te",,n, 1r t.t i .t . ,,, , , , e,x trios where they have the power, and they will ' the section authorities the lippoiagemnt of addl. l of tuning been connected with the massacre of ra o t:i f„. .r e t s tri u t nils o u r se . le e n .. 14.1.17x . s r e n e? ; i0 ,. . , , , ...t , z1 . 1. , e; nominate strong party men for the Supreme . tional clerks to carry out the provinc. of the , air. Co7den and his family , 0(e were unable to " ....t throe real lionawand u n< . rtable. mot atom el :ht bal. , once' tam Ins name. but Isarn that he had been ourvi of Lool lama . . r ill Lll. rear of Itr 11.1., ,,, 1 , he ben. The only chance for Whig, to have any • The section authorizitia the coinage of ri three : missieg from - the time of the murder until Mon , F .irgrtreti.buT:h.L.l,i,:-.Yal:t,' toiler 14 . •at ' t4. share in the judicial decisions of the State, and . • I day evening, when he was found in the woods , and tour Laud" sr twPIP , -. 1 . 10. 0 00,0 / aMr Eton , trc cent pece 1, retained. . to bring the talent and scrairemeno in their - gathering limbs nal bushes to make a shelter ','„'',.:: 3 2„,r 3 ;:h7 0 nt ' :. 1 :,3 1 , ' ,..;t1T ' e L r,,,, 1' , th ".., ° ,'„ ' 1 ", t 3 r., U r 1 1. "- .. on ran be lad on tbe let 'al ttf l April ' or l ion ' ''a '''. ranks upon the bench, i. to elect lob igs In the E. S. 'ACCT.-The Philadelphia American of I for the Wight. Ott his person was found a knife Iron , ~... b, ~ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ ins ~,.0. and a dirk both with bloody handles, whilst „,,,„ Iresurstxmas, I.' W. 1104,1.1 , 1' Whig districts-and this the Whigs of, t IliS coun ty 'yesterday says- I , there was also 1,10.1 on hit clothing, especially PE v. L .l will do, end will also do their full share towards The annexed statement, for which wtr are in- I hi, want:dome, the p o cket, of which were said 8-141 Isaleby r,, . , as ks ( test sorts) or lcli, WICK k tlef. AN 1C1.1.. , Bleeding a full Whig Supremo Ben. • dcbted to the Treasurer of the C. S. alit., E. Ito be strongly marked. He was committed for ~_ __ I 1-44EATIIERS-a sacks (prime) lac hale by • . C. Dale. Esq.. shows the operations of that in- ! further examination. • WICK A. \:11.1111.C.c.5. A New Tam. is PROPECT.-There in no , atitution for the month of Tolman - . The total coin We also learn that the black woman. the fifth -L _ I."''''._. - coal in Western New York. but abundance of , age during the month Of February was i 57,115 - , victim of this awful transaction, dim; 011 Nlonday r rt.:7 - ,! ' bbl. N. 9r f l o c r e n e d ;,-. 1 1,„.. , . • 353 • against 8:2.705.139. 40 in Janu3ry, showing crecong, from the effect , . the wounds she had gyp stom whileinNorth We_stent Pennsylvania. , an ' increase of 5 ° 410:114110,.. near 00 per ' received; s o that. of the whole household. be COD LIVER 1111• - Warranted pun; on the line of the proposed Oilroad from Pittsburgh cent the tmddle of the prEseM month it is ORO c.. , enpeti-the snedl oldie boy, a brother o l f , dr/out/O. Radium. Clarke anttle fer ssie I to to the Neje York and Erie Railroad et Ole. or confidently expected that all deposite., up. the 37, 4,•,,,,,,k,,, who a..,1 on seeing the ..,„-sin en, c.,,,, 0. A. FAUN ESTOh a to, aro, First ll4opf ... _ elsewhere, there is abundance of coal of excellent ascertainment of their value, will he pal prompt. ter the house and fire at his sister. The ma.- • r iIU It as E . 1) - PILL BOX ES;---Assorted sins, quality, but . gypsum. `The interchange . ly, seen sito,ild they_teach to six or seven mile I siting of this terrible mystery wilt be I••olesl for I nit ~, bi IL A. FAIINESTOCK Aco lions a month. The - present paving point extends , with great interest. I eit ' these two important articles, an item hitherto - - s - ,• ' ! . - to deponte No. 19oa. inclusive , V . NTRACT INDIAN lIEMP - English ino hardly thought of, world throw a very large GOLD COINAGE. . , C.g.Fmcr. Am. A.A., ova awes Coucmceis.-Allhuu‘h 'LA C. , ..“ 1 . , G ,, . 0 . 1.. amount of business on the road, and be recipro- I ._ ""2" 7 ,049 doable aaeles, value, 54.5E10,7010 '10.., 0 00.0 as a seri-mum remedy toe Atonic ...a of Ile. A n . 0 A V AIINESINCK sCo cally of great. benefit to both States. In foot the 733,22 f quarter eagles, " 333 . 31,1, 1 ..... aoria..semtist... proprieton of br MeLanie Liar I I ACTECARII.7M-Efigli,lt ituported. tor - 1a8.7 1 i . I ' ll • ''''° ...or:toted for the following gratifying of- 'IA ate b, mehd ,II0t• t II XLSTIAM: ACO I =tire resources of the fine region through which : 188,7 1 12 gold dollars, " .i. 7a its eapaoty out enrolee power. ut Ague and I I •'' • - . pUTIA-117 bladders, in ...lAA sized 1 this road woold pass would ale. justify its con- : ---- . or, and 13 00121 eon:plat. , 550,077 5 3 • 0332 . 9`17 ' ostoaseszna sor 9. IM : 1 1 -33 1'33'1'3'33' i'r3"3. 'l' it. A FARM:STOCK s 00. Struction, to say nothing of this business which metes .51107.11 COCCAO6. ~ . M , . - re Sidi nCs --- .'b's'n 4 fl nd ' ,sr 4. " I ''''' ba '''' ' '' 'r , \\ PLASTERS--Lor d •II will flow upon it from soarces beyond its north- 105,000 dimes, video. - 10.1,00 , untlor s ray peer, at taelt cf 0.• tad Faer, but by the ge Olt 51i1..1 : al* 01 B. A. F A lINI, e..K i co . ern and southern termini. , 100,0( 1 0 half dimes. value, . 5,000 ,me of Meleme'. Ur, rill, I was awn Fa med to port, I . f z‘, eortmr Vint tout n rat eta heaoth I boner' them .be thr bat tordtelue for Elio. i ...___--.......-- -- CoFVEII t'CINAC.F. 1 I ILIF . ' , -Ittn DP Y IllltES receivZil t7nd J. W. F. Wurrc, Esq., late editor ..if the Wash- 7. 1 ;5G 10 cents, 16 . 34;6 ' '3333"n" '''' '‘33 3...."w1".14.7".Z-g3l 3 4 '3 :7 ‘o'3''' 11 tor i - de to coa l Y. aw „ tau lulu nu n of the country. re ington Reporter, has conrindmi to make pitts- . ___- ---- ' . * • I KII ' D k ';''• LIEATiIt:IIS-CO eat"ka Feathers teeett eti burgh the place or his permanent rasidenee. and . 2,441,6 3 7 pieces. Team., 1 , ..1,11.1.W. , nessAa sin F. r. "' . ` C.. ' ''. r and fu• ml. 1., mar A. C.l IA ;lAIIIIACiIII Gold Bullion deposited for . coinage. from Int to I . . to devote himself entirely to the practice or ch., Attention' I,?OLL BuTTER -4, kt,trrel,,ree' , l per S. B. " • . 2Sth Fithrusiri. lbal,s,iiiclustre: profession, the law. We welcome him to our . ~,.....h.,,,i,,.,,r,-,,,, e i zir . 36o . o,to I 6. - Putiat Ann - . ttt. , te untO zeopertfolly hatted to the A i.. .Trr.r.,....4 fur ''s'e 4, ~ ~ ,s. It a ~,,,,,,,,,, city, and trust he will Cod t. change both p rom othe,„„c„, 1 , 11. th, 1 platn. unsarundoot .. .. went of John Watt. who...eared -,_ , '''' _ rat an ..../ 0.141 b 0 ibe T. , of the Peroorea : • I iltt)- uf I 1,1,. & lON kg,. No. 1 Lird in profitable and pleasant ------- 1 Imo L.. 20 e.,1111 that I hay, ban Purred of mt .Jot IA Or. 1.1 ftr rale 1 , , Total. ~.3.0.(X),(10 0 . mi.. o rough nt the u. of Four EAU, el Petroleum. mar. tt e Jar 11A1:1111 ,, II NANIGATINO THE At There appears to 110 Silver Bullion deposited for coinage, „ Tle "it,. ti strut/el r , , ear avi. No Neemb,. and I hst Wegner, Bnechner & Mneller ' s no end to ambition In the progress of modern ' trod Ist. to 2ath Feb.. mesa.` • • 87 700 lad .:11..,..7 of e.ttme well. p. I had taken the pJeleo of SEW ' ' ....,,, r o t a - ‘ ,..a.tu. ..bout may 0.0,111 I w3w .1.10.1 LITHOGRAPHIC ESTAIIL ISO XIENT science. Men have had their incredulity no - ..........." I ...............M.... I ....1.,. P. tro.ura. I rnropted arm Joon, TUE ABOVE FIRM respsalfully an 11,011 , , COmPletely thrown back by astonishing discove. HORRIBLE. AND COLD BLOODED ILIIRDER. , 1.1 ..., s r L., f.,,,,teem,. a 10neti.040.5 , 0 . r.....Mium !Am.- 11 nn. Oleo. sod Om. no_bile o onceoll , . thas ite. , 7 ' I us.v,e tboe ..lateturrto I. ktbutit any athotatt. VI. any are trettarcd, , n. eatente. a note,E r a t •t• 1e , ,;. , ..•.t,..1, , un ries and scientific triumphs, that they are now The telegraph brought us 1111 accouet ,d e , ~,,,_ . ~, ..,..., ..,,,•,,. ~,,, .. b.. ~...r.,_ , . ~,..„ r.,,,,,... ,..... , ~,,,,,..„ a,,,,,,,,,,,,,J.,,,,i.,,,,,,,L,,,.(4.,,,,J,L....,...,,..7,.,... „ ~,,, I afraid to deny that nay project mu be or murder committed near Chestertown, Kent Co., , ,„„, b.. ,yo e cinc =a ,. a.,. 1.,,,.f,..4. 0:., ~.... , 11,0, , •,..g7r..`„4:;,:`,1,,..,., ~..i 5, y ; :r . :‘ , ..,....1 , ~,..?„,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .mplished. There was a time when the most ]ld., on Thursday evening, Feb. 27th The late ma Lds thee recsnests-.! iam . nld 002.5 of FitobutV.h. CM , end ~ '' 4 .0p0r . . . u- tr simple discoveries were persecuted and ridiculed, Maryland paper bring us full particulars. mei i th „, th „,.. (tn . „ one , th , e, but now a man might almost talk of taking a dreadful tragedy, from which we hose condensed 1 ava,.7.a. iebruary trip to the moon, and the world would be afraid the following account . ~ . tsssing t... 14,1 bee. th•rtr thro' Yon , MY r . "''' ....... rro LET -.\ It AIthIIOL .SE, situated ats; , .." PAL , : WATI'. Lon Water 0.. between Market sal 1.., tr... 1.. ;:., quit. of 1 v,,,,,, by h e y.... A ‘1,1A.u..11, ILI ATor..l •15..1,11.. a. m,MS .r.--, II A - rwbuestek. AON emu, , . , rustaLls Mr tbe Prolore bu5ua5a.;. ,,,, 17, ,, v .. ; . 2 .- to laugh st him . The Freechmods project Of On Thursday night last, the . 27th instant the 1'" ,,,,.. 1 .' 4 1- " , - ,. ;',; ,,, ‘ , 7, 1 ,. ' th , „. ,,,, t , , en .„ . D a 1: ,,, ,, ,,..,.. , , m ,,,„ L(L S-< , bid. for sale by . ri ens !•.• .At uter .I A; NI. Il 40IINIITII , _ suspending a railroad carries the Straits ot . Dover family of ale. Wm Coslen. consisting id' Isies.df, t„,„,,,,„, „,, It . a, „„..„„ ~,,,,,,,,„„ ~,,,„ ~, 0,, t ,,,, _ _ was received with the most respectful increduli- his wife, 31iss Coeden, bin sisier, oil a visit. aged , ~,,,.. 11. RIEIL A R 1. 1 7-1 I ketz. Ilt e.tore and tor sale by 17 - aeon Mists We:inter, his wife's sinter. two I ps i e b.ol,.,tka 1 I „ na ,t,,,,,,,,,,,,55, .1-10, 2 0,,,,,,,, I ...„., 50,. 11. J.r11N,1 ,, N ty, amounting to nothing farther than "my dear small children, (one an infant) a white lad, a - - g 1 ktEEN APYLES- - . 5 . 5 bid. for sale by - air, you have probably made ~slight taiscalcu- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. sol fro ha WM It JOHNSTON :010rea boy, and a negro woman, a kitchen see- . - . lation," while the telegraph stretched under We „th,., were living in peace end quiet unauspect - . I I RYIA PPLES-5 11 bu. for sa by -- Fi1 . „, . - "..5. - We s 7a..-s, waves of the angry Atlantic has been discussed t ing harm from env one. Mr. Coolen who Wu., I X/ ' inehS 11 II a le uNSTox with the most profound gravity. The world is'' a most worthy, in7lostrins., and highly respects. 1 1 , 51. SPICING ARRANGEMENT. lasl 111 It.h.ORI,N I 1 8. -17 bid. for :sale by was about taking it seat bv the fire, , 1 eons . um IL JoIINSToN. determined that there shall be no more martyrs ble; '331 standing" . 1 orty-sis hour, to Philadelphia. , 1 1 when he discovered a Clan /IL'lllle of to science, save in bearica the burden of poverty. ;the window with a gun leveled et him. which his : rtirt -four hours to Bid titrusre 01 . 116 LEA F ,,, T01l A C1 ,, - ‘,. - n t1 ., h 0 1 , 1:1 ;;; f0 , r , ,, sale •T '' - - This has 1311111 e inventors more .1d in proclaim - . tired instantly, the ball taking effect. end befell ' Oa , 1 miles Railroad--1 11, 1 miles Coital. F ' . ieg their dream, to the world. M. Petits, in , The man who fit. the gun then came to the • - NOTICE Parisi, has eoreeeded in creating a great deal of 1 door. and, fouling it fastened. knocke , . pan e ! .l 1 n Two Dolly Lines Express Packet Boat& I S 1,1-P.REBY iIIVEN that the undersigned I out with the muzzle of Ida gun. and putting his ;;_.- ;.. .r.,.. IL a the legally ronottuted Adminottrator at the Estate iateiest in his Aerial Ship, although there , . .„ , Wen- ,., , rol-'es---- Ztet,l3,ll7!'s..l3ll4,i,elii'.33tisis3.7.33.7tr.iiVeao.3t.su3siel: • hand In removed the fastereng, icautrig to is no great probability that it will ever be built- fereneC that he knew exactly how it was f.teto , EXCLE,ITELI FUR l'A.F.E.:itEut,, 'lona agantat raid Kande ore de•lreu U. ccuotuttUrou rt.. , . curly uutbrotmal..l. Um ....lemma, mid tht.a indebted A. Spaniard in Madrid, whose name we forget, 1 ed. On opening the door. Mn. Coeden and Olin Tit PHILADELPHIA. BALTIM(7Ith AND thereto sr. ',wed woadr im . t.late pay 01.0 to . has • rival invention for navigating the air, and ! Coaden ran to the cm's° site corner of the room. , NEW YORK. Me ...isomer. tochisstere W.. TIII,I , IPrAIN, sarateistr,ter. tired the bail _ . - has made aomenoise among the grace Castilla's.. ' when he leveled hie gun again, and , ciN the u.ocning Of Canal .Xavigatiou, Two • NOTICE , taking effect on Miss Cosdert whom he rushed , p i ,„ „:;_„. 0 ..,, L1 , 0 „,,,,, u0 .,... 1 „ ~,,, It would seem, indeed, that land and water are on and 'debt. with a knife in both breast , J,. moown them - ;or Purtmmltultnal 1... I S lIEIIEBY lir IVES that the undersigned [beginning to fall into contempt among the bolder 1 Mrs. Cosden then fled 11101 the ya.rd, and the ' HOT MAYSBURGII, a 01110 will Noe Lbrir 11,, open for the . .. eta. of projectors, and the viewless, "air is 'small white boy ran behind the door, and sue- 1 ~,,, ~,,,„ I„ • I rtZt ' trllt.t .'a. y. "' et ' I :a " r . glZ: •' n.rll7, ' of " 4 l . l,*,, ! henceforth to be the grand field of operationa-. ' ceeded in effec ti ng his escape, the smoke of the . NEW PEN 15Y I.\' A NIA RA I I,R JAI. , g , •v. .01211 4 ‘.'e the n hou. of Jae. hanker., In A1t....," en, ..1 Witness the following announcement which we 1 gun conceding him. The boy nays he saw a tan ~, It ,„„ te .„ ( 0 , 1 t .,,,,,,,.,,. „ d i.. din.. ., ~, •re the ISIL.•t Junes )lamJpreo Taern. lu P.rrwmlll..o tho' MAL . O.M. and 2.,1 of April. at Ilra rwettry . • Tavern. ~ man standing in the yard us . el. off. Mrs. PHILADELPHIA. su,eo ~ .4 an the 40 sad nath, rd. Mr. tehr. copy from the Lancaster. (Pa..) Tribune 1 , Coaden was found. deal in the yard, having been'Tavern . 'Mutton:l , at •h e time. Aul Munro anensa.... , Time through rune-Sl.l hours. • 7.1 1 ,Y1;t.7., b 4111`,,?,!"`"1T1,` , 7i'; , T,: , ' , & . 1 1 .`a15`. si gEantoov.-We learn than our indefati 1 I -g o '.., I both shot and stabbed. The • ring, were taken sure E., l'lltlo.l..loifw. 110 Yoe to Elltlmure, 1P.1,7: , • DAVID PHANNEN. townsman, John Wise, Esq., is engaged in con- . off of her fingers. and the ear rings torn um of T , c!..,,,, , h ,. !.,,,,,, ~,... ~,,,,!!,,,,, 4 th . „„,,..,,,,,. ! JSAHAN-KANsOtt. JuSEPH MellAV AI h structlag another monster ballade , us he about / her h e re. "I '''''''''' '''. "C!'t . I "'d " 4 ?.., ,El td n•cire - X. i sttrritew r.wmig. three ' times as Lap 113 the "Ilerculea," used , They then, tubserviug that 31r Co o 7l ol l IFOS rn lpc , l;:.. r t; 1:v0..L;71;irg.0...nm.,.. 1 a c . eAMUSI. MARSHALL D - - 3 .. laSt. StUnllleT. in this city, with which he intends I still alive, shot him again and's,atehlied him, I A LEN'It GUARANI 1 Passengers for Baltimore, JoHN'll. I. LETCHIIII, melt!) to prove the certainty of his ability to cross the I whilst one of them' rumpled welt jumped on his lIENVI MAIL, , heel: • rural a (Ur. et.llmerburu. tate the , lurk and CVO- ' llnsuiMuuvrt . ' _. . Atlantic, and circumnavigate the Globe! , body. He however , lived three "hours after the 1x.t.t.,,,,„,,,,,,,,.,,,, ,„ e ,, t 1 .,,,,,,, dte ,„„,,th et ei1 , , ,,,,,,,, Ile. Wise, it seems, is determined upon this 1 tragedy was discovered, and stated that the man , fnur n o oles , Tdoe. F h t/C2i . a ., 5.. i li egnue on this route. great voyage; and judging from his scientific I, wh o shot him was ❑ unknown to hirit l hut that he 2' 5 -.,.. t Imrge i t'r ees...l ' i kr, this ' the ' mbet ratufortablo. knowledge, principally acquired by practice, and. was a thick-set man, with black whiskers. He, ~,,,,,, e g ,„.., ~,„t5 . :.° , ` , 3 , , so the r...tern am, his character for perseverance and zeal in all bin I also, heard two other men talking °Waldo at the : toe resswi or 150.1011 0 5 *ride 0o J. P. 11OL3IES, Agent, undertakings, ha may astonish our trans-atlantic ' timo the one inside, wits-effecting his murderous Wnnilllcalsaw Ilona friends, by coming down upiin them by surprise I object on aliof Costlen, but did not see them. D. liiEECII & CO. Or to ' one of these days. Miss Rebeten C. Webster, who Iraq lying sick ' canal 11404 n, Penn street. Webolieve Mr. Wise depends lees upon machi- 1 up stairs, on hearing the alarm and reports of . 0 u on Sutter in of ,! July, tig: Jr. , izy=a ,,, l , l t a , i , lca! hod fastened the door of bier room, and 1 through to Meow.' mL . Vert a eery than 31. Patin, anymore upon a theory of ' the o gne of , 3'33 l i iittisis t iil. b refs . ourr 10. '3l , the men came up and broke tbe door his own, concerning the regularity of the up- I '''' '-'ll tat (he implored himforher-I-- - - •-. -- A rrx, ono.. , C,3 CS , c life, PENNSYLVernA P OAD. per currents of air. We cannot understand, op 1 rtud told him that 'all the money she had was in , however, why it is 50 triumphantly sena:ll:meal her trunk. Ile then:examihed the trunk, end ; .EQ*_ .___ T" . R.m_ 1851. !alEa that ho will cross the Atlantic end circumnavi- being unable to bad the money, no it lens tied . 1 , , xpit s . - S 8 PACKET LINE . up, he returned to her bed and shot Sr h in the • gate the glob , for the latter part of the Tier- TO breiNth, and several tdugs Werh found in the bed . Baltimore and New York. formance mast include the passage of the Pacific, , the ~,,d _ Philadelphia, ~ ~ . . which .. also set on tire, either by • E - KIIE FIRS'f PACKET or ens SEASON which is three times . wide as the Atlantic .- 1 , ding or intentionally by - the asses.. She sue. win te,, Shatn.butah (0 Lona atome) nn IVe think it would be more advisable for Mr. I rived until - Saturday evening abut 7 o'clock, ,00d. Mama Al,oßer Mode two IteaN will Icon er as e orninc and evenng. W il de to take a long :trip with Terre Firmart 1 when she died. ,m p..„,,,,cevorrill tike the monderir l'ißGl.)74.(apix..4t, 1 The - blii - ek woman belonged to Depute Sheriff 1 the 'HOMY HOUSE, Allegheny nhatf,) every morning at beneath him, say from St. Louie to New York _- • - . • t 1, ..,7 cvese peening at Co'clueltforrhariuhursh, • Calvin Crouch, who resided on the tuljoimng I L , .,',l'kr, ~,„r , y i(;,,,, , ,, u m , i s re ,, c iror The regular Westerly winds would give him every fain', almot u mile disiaut, but was hired to Mr. ' 33 Tee ' a 5.... or ether toormation apply la I' '' 3 ' J. P. DINE, alonomanit. Howe ndvantage and if he could successfully make ' Cohlloll. She was engaged at the time at the 1 Or to-D. LEECII StEO . Canal Ittoin '.. this trip he would receive more eucuaregement I ironing table in the Intelian, and on tm - ning 1 . tdos.atf , in his bolder ' : schemes. A jnurney of this length around observed the I t door slightly opcn- . citizen ' s Insurance Company of Pittsburgh d, when two en., or It double barreled gun. • has never g et beeriperfonsed, and would be a tri- 14 1 NI 1 01111A6 E HOME I N STITII T lONS. e wes fired at her-bath shots taking' effect -one inapit sufficient to set all the dreaming heads in the in her tide and the other passing through and'. J V (.. ei ,,, V 11.0 No II Watt r greet, In the varrhouke of C. It. world at work, to invent air-ships. If Mr. WI. shattering ' her wrist. She immediately eucceed- 1 ,„; 77,.. , - 1 , .. n i. , 7 , ..t .,,l iii ; a n n y, , ,, u r si . e v . ;. . d a t .. , 10 .,,, , , , t . ....1. 1 ,, .... could offer any strong hope of success in a trial I ed in making her escape out of another door and lin ~,,,. 0 „.1^,„ ma m a„,„ , .‘4 , . s., savant, ior the at [My and InfeErlty of the of this kind he „ the w b ey° li t tl e difficulty in I ran . t 0 th f e r r . 7i , d ,t en ,l CLO , L her ,,,i m ie tb d ete tl y ,r , nn thenti; , : 1r0 t t1tn!,..; ,. , ,,•-i- x,T, ^ .: " ,r ` ,. ' ,47 ` ,. ` , h .,1 I,'=',: finding men to back him; but to jump at once I Ir'eacnlifoglho'house she L from exhaustion . , ‘ l 7l - I ' ll in...% ".31 . be0.1.5."r."1n '''' lll'' ? " """ k ''''''''' "M' ' '''''' ' fromdiis little trips up into the air:and down 1 i at the last accounts was still alive though lit- '3"373ilanS3=3J.:e i; tisioser, Wm: navi(s, Wm. Latimer. again, to au attempt to circumnavigate the I tle hopes were entertained of herrecoven. She p• ,, . ;. 7 1 '...1 ., ...r .., 477,t ; 51t 0 1 . 1, z4 ; 17 ,0,3 ,1 a1.1.7 ianas 11^ e 'Xi 3 4 1,, globe cannot fail to excite a suspiciou against Ma 'Mates she did not see the persons who fired any _I , -, , I of the guns. I I'OPARI N hILSIIIP-We ha associated cautiousness and steadiness of judgement. late ha le uf the Ferment There have been three persons arrested on the 1 i , , , i ),.._..7, 1 ,!;,,:„„..',,'",'',',T.7, ,t.' . :ti,, , hi , ;ramnl ateetam to she charge of being concerned in the murder. Wil- I bunt.... The 'Sly of the firm revalue d 1 heretofore, jinn, W. Webster, an uncle to Mrs. Cosden and (at:. -- 11 ILKINS it Li). and else of Miss Rebecca C. Webster, her ' lll3- I EXCHATIGE AND Ii&NIZING HOUSE ter, who resides in. Delaware, - was arreaterl on I or Friday. and underwent an examination before a I WILKINS & CO., magistrate in that State, and proved an alibi by . A• several most respectable witnesses. Ile iv. ar- . Corner of 'Third and Market sta., Pittsb ' gh meted . the testimony of a brother of Mrs. 1 ll ~ shc and Forrlgli Errhanve,Bank Nara Costion, about ten years of age, who had imid 1 -3. ;,..„ ' t/ ,I s• t t c imeyht,SuhiOachma d ' he heard his uncle make some threats against I --'". 3 ." ' Ai liir. ' '- ' Cosden and his family; besides which, there had . been a difficulty between him and Mr. C 0. . : about some land. This was the boy that escaped, W3I. A. HILL& CO, from the house at the time of the mitaeacre, end tled to Georgetown Cross Roads and gave the I No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. alarm. Mr. Webster having come over to Mr . . I is -- ' , non" a'-i OOlO 0" stn, ''i.".h. hi" C/Igden . s place on Sunday to attend the funeral ! . ' • •• '' '''''''''''"'"3'3"3.---- of the four victims, wits arrested On suspicion of having come connection with or knowledge of the affair, and committed for farther examina tion. SATURDAY. MORN ,ono .e 'c,ther put- ram CUSTOM Holige. APPROPELLTION. IVAslusoros, 'March 5, 1651. To the Editor of the .Pitcpsurgh Gaiette: Dealt Sts;—l have the satisfaction to inform you, and the citireas of Pittsburgh , generally, that the appropriatioti of serenty-fire thou.sand dollars for the "purchase of a site, and erection of public bliildin,gs in our city, hne passed both Ilonsc., and is now alaw. .Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, M. HAMPTON. Father Ritchie, it seems, was defeated after all, as the following account of the closing pro ceedings in i the Senate will show: ti,ELLIF OF THOMAX Foote oioved to suspend the prior orders, and tithe up the joint resolution for the relief of Thomas Ritchie. ..... Mr. Clay seconded the motion. I Mr. Hamlin urged action on the Lighthouse I bill: t i llis resolution could not pass. Mi.Toote called the Senator to order. Such language was not proper. Mr. Hamlin contended that it was proper. Mr. Pearce gave notice that he had before him the materials of a speech, much longer than he could deliver in the few remaining minutes of the session. Mr. Seward milled fur the yeas and nays; which were ordered. T a. And the' ' t resolution, by yens 28, nays 22, was taken . . Mr. Hale called for the reading of the resolu tion, and it read at length. But twen minutes now remained of the 8(.5- eion. Mr. Footehrielly explained theresolution. et ch Mr. P commenced an investigation or the whole stthi t; when be was interrupted by - Mr. Poo e, who said that as it was evident the Senator's would extend beyond the time limited foritho widen, he thought It better to devote the keinsining ten minutes to some useful -:legislation. He wouldconsent o thers to lay the resolution on the table. 1 And the joint resolution weslald an the table. The second one 'wrested is James Roberts. traveling clock mender, who bore the nrnei de scription of the assassin given by Miss Webster, - even to the size, built,' and shape, and also to patches on the kneesnf his pantaloons, or the one who had entered tier room. lie was brought before her before she died, and she three times declared that he was the guilty party. Fie, how. ever, succeeded-in proving 'that he was at Fred. ericktowzi, in Cecil county, between two and three miles off, at the time the murder is sup posed to have been committed'-proving the alibi by most re.spon.sible, witneuzes. This man had been in Mr. Coaden'a house on the same day or the day yretions,aa Mend the clock, and was in• min to dinner. During the dinner , PRESBYTERI.IN osden had Cent up „vtairs 1.. bonus as Jl TlON—lltdattrte,eterrer,—Melt• t Miss IV OA ten tt the was tlisehargel'' the alibi, bat WWI immediately arrest- hureh. It,. Mr. PAXTON'S. meti erchitrtrue., ebur --- • MirP.lCAS. — Adertlitmeuts nond fur ltd. pap, rr6lved nod forwarded freeof tzpewe. from this oak, on Irian). March t..lrwsfe...Lnrut. o nly daughter of !Widen. nund :fo" Month, The tourral Rlll protewd. at '2 cfcltwk. P.M.. on Sabbath. from the renidearn of the innwran. on Penn ntrret, below Ceuzeury. • eve ning. in her lath year. Limn, ragwort of Pam• uel Itobineett. Iler funeral take plate Oil Sabbath. al 4 o'elocit. P. M.. (tom his resider , . in Menebeetat. The Mends er ale fwa,art mjpentOnT leelL i to attend. Catriege• trill Le In w oting Lou rederel stmt. at the end of the Bridge. !Amerknu ropy.) Mahe ' Rh.EV H. S. PORTER, D. D., of Philo .,„1„.1„, the Re, Bet's Chords andar 4 . • '"bwiti,tl4 CONG itr.G A: • "1 duel:and • 0 , ” • F.. I . Falb 0— lir, Mr. • meta wgt .4 • -.- —.— Ilk) the honorable the Judgen of the Court of 1,4,13grul I.Narter F....slorks a th. Nog. In snd fur "' r=rten A ol:p71.1 r.., a th, R.h w. A. eimoburgb, lu tl, Direrounforrald. ghesr,tb— thg, i ~,,,..tttion.., bathided hlm.elf u Ith rusterisis for I.l.,wergnmodettion of triavrlnri and ottler...lal•d•ell. lul how , In=rl O o ur b tl..ahultru m rsZt .‘ , ...r . 1 117; Volst•lf b :n ' te u rtalunt o rt i ft. Ang ;our leUtS i u. ' uer. ' as In l' autf bourn.t.i.glPmY• . , . • aulavriberv, citizen., of the Want atnrrsald. do aertllrthat (hi above g•elltioner ,illf ,mod reputo tar hon. rata and ternrerame. and la eProvhhal with how , room and ronvenlenr , a tor th e areornmalatton ottangers and traveller.. and that said tavern le prows -1•17. Robert Pe.t, C. MeN ,,, mrq.B. gum Ilerald..l. Clark, ni R. Thumon. John White, l'.llovdtrY. W.. llonq . Dame MeDernsot. 11. Bonkhell. 5211.125 i in lt Dry : - rale latud rc Nrionce. twed np,l3 Luquim - • Itt CO., Wllol,Bltirl rs of White. 10401. Itml . 'Front stmets, Pit.. mll7 it A. FAHNESTOCK • laugglnlo. W mattencltt Lalaage. currier 1 Vocal Delightful Summer Re dens for Rent 1U STORY FR 1311: HOUSE, allh n L. Jon contAloing t altuno 0er.,..01.,,,n14a rn3 t'"."=r4:, D „f 1110 East wborly and Cetne s ter s y* 11 ,r 1.. k. o Inf on orma thetion niT, .Ir lANI prem.. Or at the lion of 11. 110,01. ifth Wa! , l, , l'enn , mt In. I ing RHINOASHION FOR IS3l—Thisa I,..nutui elyl, of 11112. %Via a : W i t:al:3 by encl,7 , corner W...:;..Fm1 ..Irtan;nd 011... y. i - - ' 4B TA l' C LI E S, J E W EL RY, SILVER , i iv &ur a Wnre. firllallula Ina tiettA. bent Irl‘'er Nand Fork, IotUN and 11011.1Kwl,r, Table Cutler,. ,an.. niinlitlen 011110 Lamps or All dr.w.WlPt.,.., 100 Citilrehe , Elnr, ILutr, Iltillo. .11.1w.11i0g0 Ilto. Chau dollen,, 100 lintel.. ling klat9c,; 311111 arr fl.od , nr all Mud , : 0014 l'eu litaxiero 0001 fila-v. Cutters' bitainud, kr- lc. o i-Wt.lln my More I. underling repairs lu fenut. rip eum.., will and me In the owe I Mr ntore.,eutran , lu 1 froat.l With a large A... t. 11 t e above gout , . and et uu o,ually law Pelee+ 1 SirWatcb repairing. .hot on heanenl i:tr i rl i.oi. ' Mell7 turner .ourtts nud Ilnel,e.t nix_ TAGED BLANK ii KS.—The Sulweri t, wooid rerpealulls ,a the attoutlon of lerrh. num WAIL. Public Wilma. and II who u.... 111. \ 11....0n. to hi, linos rlorla of Mani. 110 L. rhlen la limit of the beat Lbws figp , r. and 1w.u1.1 In the mat aoh,Mutial maw paw., With tilv paqrs sanobenvi I lw.sullful 1, pr. All who would commit their owe. tilt. at. It in 1 ,1 w0 ,0 ..11. 0,1 ~. .nl,, way foot. which will I offend at the love, It.nTiltliT4,l.N. I Prn;etti No. 47 . liet et. • - PAPER IIANGINU,: SpitiNG sEid, T i,,N;--witi 1.- 'welled. 1.1 Grit ee ,, md bolt -' .0 nod ,holm iu•nrtment of i .twil and ra•trto ..Ir. ~,,,,,, VG..I la y 111, giclils.k. .1.10. and e.',.4, ...IrEls i,',:i u . j ; .wfal ew .I.La lot of eta poret.ty :Jut r . Pnete u.. N, AL tilt V , ii, , mutou ' Pa- P rr ' ' ' - -till LI., eneb. ' Kr Wo..d.t Bolivar - - Firg Brick itt O' - -ctnxing Campy. ~,, ovine. •-.1 , •• . T 4, ..--- • I' an:. W. 4 11,,,WwW, S, . aar ß i ll a r g glLTO e lt a g. at, ( ;LOV EI I t .'„, KIP :It at, CO , P f'...7 .- i. .tt r lß th E r k r g il r", l; ' , .::t u4 ;; U . u . i 1 i .:,...,,,„,;1 7 1, u vri . ,,r,,,itir tv -7 .. .•, 1 7 4... 'n Li Thol 0 ".. ale° i In ewe re °Nn fur said Ilrie . k, to hti Toole In Ow/ end shape t 6 WU purchasers. whleb Phan 7h.4ll..."er:re.ltsPnn p t ab r e t d:En i" . ri i ecrs ir:i. Lar i l ae tti r e w n .... um w eis t.r l i..o a .a llic lut... rann h.. y th.. :i vo.ily Sins The know. Le alemort all venom who use The Mick. The prwletura; have determined that the Brick slull lowa nom of their{ prnent enviable reputation, ...1 that: DO elperue shall epared to coats them even e.t.,,tnnn they have here been. This ls the only establlahrient sow =UM' g Fire Brick at Bolivar. - KIEB. it JONES, meta . Everett: st., Pittsburgh. c.w p ) 'FW , „000 feet Baccitt, Biek , r wiro b iTtt a co. ‘,2 AFLTY ix.d t • • mar 083 Fitting. ALIFFETT t OLD, AT43 , 41...1 Frltirt.tiYY=rzth. P- W.h . hr swat . the puuhr to their ASII-31uspratt's beat quality and blab Atrata.rth. tar - eta at a". t .c. lb , 5 tensor bu'bU“... by 31 . . MITCIIELTREE, mrhaclt Llbarty I I Altl'Eß'S MAGAZINE, for March, re l." mi.m end for rub. at J. B. 110LAIES . . Larraty Demt. Tblrd rrt. ^PPoilte tßr .I' , Olt SALE--Exchange Bank Stock, by ~,,, n. D. KINO. Fourth rt. I. 4 NISIIEIOI}IN, ATTENTiON'.—Was left 1 ,a our %tr...for .al. -3 Fishing Nets, one orthen; 137 %able lout: and too mailer one.. Theywill be paid at • earrill..... ae the owner i , an s,..ed lady 61 72 years, who la deetitut..d abbe. to obtaln an.= to take her to her Lanny In the en State or Irellatul. J. 2 11. PHILLIPS, n.. 101 No. 7 and 9 Wood . A ( r ; RPET—Reeeived this day,. by Leeeh & Co.'. Canal Line. at the Carbet Weewhunee of W. Me . C . NT(ICK. No. 75 Fourth mt. .. , Prlalhg in WI the Fol . 1.... Um vsales: Brumwla. Tapestry, Imperial Threw II er Teoe,try Velutien, Plaln Vroltian. awl auperfue Ingrain 11,1.,/....1 the Innt ovelern styles. • reteloa XIOLASSES-200 bbl. N. 0., for sale by ~,c . EY 0 W. HARBAIIIIII. - - - -- C AN LILES—Li/ boxes Mould; 15 11. 1. Dipped: for de br 1 mrl,o nomads. LITTLX i CO. .11 1 LOVERSEED - 50 reed, for sale by ILi o,ss e,s W. WARBAL , OII. ROLL BUTTER —lUBbls. fresh Ron Butter ^C in and for pall by S. A W. lIARBAUGH. REEN APPLES-30 bbl. reed, for sale I I 5m.1.4 IS. A W. HARDAEGLI. 1,13. NI, 1. in store, for Rale by Ratoi R. a w.IIARBAUtia. • I INSET D OIL-10 bbl. reed, for saln by A ra.hU 11011MX. LITTLE CO. I. ERSE.F. r„ r b e r tnelo ROBISON. LITFLF. t cc). 1 REEK AI'S'LES--:i0 bbl. tin tine order) 1.1 I t. me.' mt.! for rale by ROBISON, LITTLE. AlitlN-- I larze Next Wagon, sutable V 1„. 1 , t ;ir for or . RTIITISON, LITTLE / 4%/. A ILI) 01L-10 bldg, fine Winter Strairni, oak. - .1. KIDD tX),.-. d , ( 11-PF:RAS-45 Oti good onlqr) for J. if,11:11• s Co., Nu. CO Dissolution. • rrii P. PA lIT NERSH I P berotofore elisting thr undo, the rt.!. of ',intl.. ‘llll.. thlos muto.l ill n...ont. MI tnof.noheol lottrtnex. sof 4, 0... &yr / JON .lllnootlUnuf tfo. hot to no , tn. •0101 3 (O IN 111. :ANT JUIIIItTo , tin...ft wen. II QUOAR AND MOLASSES t ,•• WA" • 11 . llola.•••• .1..., Hu;rs &mar. p.i.t. receislii i s t 0 1 - fekle by C." .f A *BA G165 - iiVINES FUR SALE. mehr, r" P 4 ' ' ' ' ' LI Ll ' CO ' e. ../ 12.000 roote r o . f . talairt a Ilruye n 11117 :.