The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 07, 1851, Image 4

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. HYMN OP mairnorme.
I thank thee;Tather, thatilire!
T thank 'thee, for these gifts of thine—
For banding skies of heavenly blue,
And eters divine;
For this green earth where :wild, sweet ainF,
Like freest spirits joyous-4o
Foi winding stream, and trees, and flowers,
• Beside its way.
But more I thank thee for tra' e hearts
That hear sweet gifts of %re to me,
When mine enfolds, and feels that thin
Is lore of thee.
Warm from their spirits sprivols around
An.ntmosphere serene—divine—
lkiegnetieal, like golden haze,
Eneirtling mine.
Tad/1y I bless thee moat for porter ,
(It drawe we. Father, nearest thee,
To love all thine, although they Ore-,
No love to me.
In Stillness deep, I walk a land j
Where spirit forms my footsteps greet, I
And beauteans thoughts—an angel bandl
Chant low and sweet.
. .
. .
I thank thee, Father, that I live
Though wailings till this earth of thine;
To labor for thy suffering ones I
Is joy divine! 1
And even 1, so week and poor,
May bear pomp word of life from thee:
A beam of hop may reach some heart,
, Even through me.
—F,. Freeman.]
"aroma Lob."
Farmers are often troubled with what are gen
erelly known . as sponty places M. their fields.
They are caused by small stream, of water,
which, canting near the surface, are scattered
through the soil,keeping it too wet for thegrowth
of useful plants. 'This evil can be remedied at
small expense; and that which is an injury to
the field be converted into a benefit, in the fol
lowing manner. Dig a ditch across the upper
end of the spouty place deep enough to cut tiff
the streams of water which cause it, and thtn
carryineit lathe direction which the ground d -
seeads, untiiit reaches a point where the sur
face of the ground is a little lower than the hot
toin. of the ditch where it traverses the wet plain - .
Vide done,, fill 11w ditch a few inches deep with
small clones; and upon the stones lay some
straw, leaves, or something else to keep the
earth from filling up with the clay or soil which
iras thrown out, The water which caused the
"spout" will,find „ its way among the stones at
the bottom et the ditch, and follow them to the
issue prepared, where itwill forts tramall spring,
sufficient in many eases to make a watering
place for cattle. We saw a small spring of ex
cellent water obtained in this way, which did not
fajl in the driest seasons. This is what is com
monly called a French drain.
Seam; Ras Costs.—At least we have had
!Fining weather for a-week past., in these pi ns.
and people are beginning to think about garden
ing. However, we would advise them to remem-
Joer that one swallow does not . make a summer.
ani,l we must expect some frosty weather the
present month.
Cutting Craft, should be performed immedi
ittely, if not already done. Preserve them in a
box of damp moss or saw dust, in a cellar, till
wanted for grafting next mouth.
Crape Piney should- be pruned now, as they
will bleed badly if cut when the sap is in active
'Pruning Trees, and alumbs generally, may be
performed now as well as any time. It is.also e
good time for plaiang trees, if the ground is not
Am wet.
Seeds of herb - vegetables, os peas, parsnips,
lettice. &e., may be sown now, if the ground is
in good order. But those who wish to obtain a
good supply of mutt vegetables should make a
tot Lat.
The common size of the time is:ten or twelve
feet long and four or five wide. Thefront board
or:plank about nine inches Wide, and the back
eighteen inches, 30 ns to give the elope towards
the sun, and to carry off the net. The sash are
.made Without mat bans, sod the panes of glass
lap on each other, the same as -for sky lights in
roof* Of buildings. Persons who may, have old
windows, however, can use them for this purpose
by making the frame of proper size to fit the
soak •
,The bed is formed of stable manure in a state
of ; fermentation: -;-It Should contain a good pro
portion-of titter, but not too much, and be in a
moist condition. Select a dry epot of ground in
~ajconvenient place, sheltered from : north and
west winds, and open to the sun. Prise a stake
at each corner, allowing a foot each way larger
than the size of the-frame; then pot on the ma:-
mire, miring it thoroughly and pressing it down
by treading, observing to keep toe pile level and
of uniform quality.
iThe requisite height orquantity of manure for
the bed depends On the ,time of year and the pur
peso for which it is designed. A bed made in
March or April, simply for bringing foritird
plants of early vegetables, flowers, &c., only
needs a moderate degree of heat, and but for a
few weeks, and two or three feet in height will
be sufficient. .
Put on the frame and mob, and let stand three
or four days, for the head to trine, then put six
at' eight inches in depth of fine garden earth in
side the frame, and let stand two or three days
'td beeomi warm, and allow the first rank steam
to pass off; then level the bed, sow the Feeds,and
attend-carefully to giving air, and shade from
hdt sang&c. For more' particitlar instructions
see any work on gardening.
, Mr. EDITOR: Much has already been written
on this subject, and many methods Lave been
devised to prevent, if possible, the puncturing
of the 'plums, nectarine, apricots and other
liuits by this insect. Each theory having more
Or less believers, there may be some troth in all,
but all - theorists are wrong in supposing that
universal experience would prove the truth of
their plans under dissimilar circumstance, • For
instance, one asserts that pavements are . an et
foeutalremedy, another assures vis that they are
useless. Having been a close observer of the
trees in Ms' Longworth's garden, I know that it
Lair been eminently successful there for many
years; in another place it appeared to have no
vipd effect, and was discarded by the propria
torus useless, though to my mind the cause of
failure was very. apparent ' With Mr. Buchanan
'the Knockings' have been therentedx this, too,
.1 have tried with the best results, but another,
less patient or less determined than Mr. 8., has
failed with this experiment also. Others pro
chins the advantages of salt, lime, frtsh manure
etc., etc., and others still appear to have been
unfortunate with a trial of each and all of the
plans so loudly recommended..
I have been en interested reader and observer
of these . discosslow and experiments, moreover
I have experimented and studied ; the habits of
the instate, thinking that any method of annoy
ing them would increase the chances of saving
the fruit. I have syringed the trees with solu
tions of salt, saltpetre, sulphur, tobacco, etc..
and have smoked the trees with tobacco, none of
Which appear to be fatal, or sufficiently annoying
to induce theta to take wing, which they seldom
do, except in the evening, early in the morning
or upon a dull Cloudy day.
They generally ascend, the tree hy•climbing
'up the stem, this I have observed myself, and
one of my neighbors caught_a considerable
number by means of a- trap, made of pa
per, bound about the tree tied tightly above,
and• Bating below like an inverted funnel. I
hope this-experiment may be•mory fully tried by
othersdraing next season, as my neighbor has
great faith in lair plan.
As the result of my study and observations I
have arrived at the followingconclusiona
-Ist. The Curcnlio is rather indolent faits hall
its and seldom inclined to leave the tree'upon
-which it moy first chance to alight, sodong as it
furnishes it with material its which to deposit its
eggs, and with shelter from annoyance.
2d, They retire from the work of destruction
for a considerable 'portion of the day, and take
*leiter in the loose soil or grass, in the shade be
tfeatli ilea tree.
• . 3.1. They am fly when it suits their, and
there is no doubt they do migrate by this means
from tree, during the night, if needing fresh
field, or if disturbed by too constant annoyance,
but they pieferremaining 'stationary.
4th. They groerally ascend The tree by climb
ing, and can seldom be (minced to fij daring the
day, no matter holt much they may he din,
sth. A smooth, close pavement anstund the
trees, extending as far Mt the branches, is in my
opinion, a perfect safeguard against the attnEks
of these insects. If we examine into the histo
ry of cases where. the pavement has failed, we
shall find grass and weedS growing up between
the bricks or stones en as to a ff ord plenty of
ehelter for the insect;—such pavements can he
only a partial preventive, and I should rather
explain the failure by this suggestion than by
euppoting the insect was endowed with nnyre- .
markable instinct or foresight for the preserva
tion of its progeny which ehoold prevent its de
positing its eggs in a situation where the falling
fruit would be swept up and carried to the pigs.
It does not trouble the trees that are surrounded
by 'clean pavements;" because such .a melee af
fords it nceshelter, when it is inclined! to' doze.
All are:aware of the diseorruldure width isapPs
rent, when bye sudden jar, - the insects ire pre
cipitated upon a smooth white sheet spread out
to tee.* them, instead of the grass or earth;' in
which tht7 could so readily hide themselves.
1'.....'- . '"'''''''' .
Other means may be devised as preventives,
but I believe diet dose, smooth pavements will ;
Breve the moat effectual.. Vours, respectfully
L C. Fracas.
[llest. !fort. Rainy.]
A P 611111311 PILEMB •Neconn.—Very great im
provements on the Power Printing-Pm, hare
been made from time to time through the last
twenty years, until the first desideratum, Speed,
has been abundantly obtained—Hoe's latest and
largest eight-cylinder being capable of throwing
off 20,000 impressions, per hour. But thi peed
is only obtained at an enormous cape • err
$20,0011, including allthe necessa pplian •
while the cheaper and less effective Power-
Presses cost from $2,000 up to $12,000. • Mean
time, the Hand-Press has scarcely been improved
in rapidity of execution, if in any respect, for the
last twenty years. There is a manifest need of
some intervening link between: this and the pre
sent Power-Pre:to—some machine which, without
mating a fair competence or requiring a platoon
to work it. will enable the publishers of the more
widely circulated Country Journals to strike off
editions of 1,500 to 3,000 in the course of half a
day, and at a cost not above that of hand-Press
Printing. Such is the conviction of Some of the
most experienced and competent Printers, on the
strength of which we are authorized by George
Bruce, Esq., to offer a premium of $l,OOO to the
first inventor who shall construct and submit for
Judgement a Press which will throw off 500 large
Imperial sheets per hour and can he built and
sold for $5OO. We believe this can be done, and
know that its aecompishment will pc of great
service to the Public, by increasing the circulation
and influence of the better class of country Jour
nal,. A committee of competent persona will in
' due season bochosen to examine competing Press
'es end make the award. It can hardly be ne
cessary to add that the Patent Right of tho suc
cessful Press-will be the solo property of the In
ventor and ought to insure him a moderate for
tunez—N. Y. Tribune.
The widow of Shelley is dead. iler own
literary productions will make her memora
The Snow Hill, Md., Shield of the 19th Mt.,
contained a long account of a brilliant party giv
en by Miss Arinthia fiendlike°, of Accomac
county, Va. The same paper of tho following
leg week announces the lady's death, in the 27th
year of her age. Such is the uncertainty of hu
man life.
" r
Counl;nasal will to reeetred at the °Moe of the Corrol
91.allro . ad Cconram Careolion,Ohloymitil Thum
day. the 13th daft:a' Mare?: next.for the graduation. warn,
rt . . end bell cm the line extending from Carrolton to
and ••liig Sandy: . nem the OnAla
Pland aporifleations of the work may he examined,
ant necomary Information obtained ou application to the
Engiauer. at the ()thee of the COMM. T. thnin.: the ten
darn pnrxione theday of letting.
by order of the Board of Director,
feblsl4l HORT. CROZIER.See'y.
Notice to Contractors.
BOAD—Sealed prop:ante be received itt the ottice
Ohlo stul i'olloSylvmmia
burgh. until ?hominy.. the . ..kith day of March next. for
the Trae
tt s l==ebtmtl . to ll o rdlon. a
~. trxe.
obtnined at the office in Eitteborgh, for two noel.. prev..o
CO the letting. cm application to Solomo u ff. Roberts. Chug
Engineer. The propornis Mt. Co Cu ...orb... with the
printed [grim. nod addreneed to the Pmddent of the Coo,
Fntt) ,
Pittsburgh. Feb. 6th.
Narth Ametican, New York Tribune, Amerimo Rellrond
Joarnal, publish tote duet. 50:41.1
I_IIitOPOSALS ref, Erecting a Wire Suspere
"" Be4g ' e " Tdw. l 77r ß t i TtTo;
pt:of e , ertnettrecntly deetryen br =t;gt
healed From:els will ben readred at the office of Jacob
Painter k Co, Liberty rCreet, until the 15th dew of March
next 4 far the erection of the shore described hridgei the
pattern therwof tw the Weld e rs
the Monongahela Betti,
with mach alterations as Welders may .0 gwet end ttin
rectrtrs approve. Pt order of the Weird of Direct.,
feblaltf F. LORENZ. Pic3ll. Pea
XT 0. SUGAR-40 hhds. landing per str.
Il fetrJr wi"eur " °° 'llit f ifsti.iie - wittsoN co.
lIIDER VINEGAII—W Was. for sale by
,) feb2s S. F. TON BONNHORST tA,
i.i!CRORY NUTS-6 bas,; for sale hj
ir EESE—ISO boxes W.R., for sale Lc
Y. riei IiONNIRIRYTick,
iIIEMJINE PORT WINE:—Tile pure juice
•,_A of the Grape. mitaGir fortunlieinal t'..r rsh
by the Quart or Dottl, at MOURN S 7,11
and Wine .titurr., nit ride err the Diamond. f fehv
I UGAR-150 itMls. prime N. I).. just rec
ker eteauter Fybuylk 111. mnb for +ale by
lint P.M I.f: IN.:III:AM.
)RANGES-:100 by ut iv , o ,i sd:: ; ol for
fele. 1 , 0 It MIA, .1.
' lol ' lo 'i . 7it:N.t rr TEi!; - .. br
SA large a•o+.lrtruerkt
of ibA :eyed sod 0,5,1 styley In Flory b.. , I, We by
4419 lc. 1isl:LINIX1111i-'
8 . R00 „ 5 _,,„ do.en ,for sale liv
itobme Literail Tblbl Ore., bpi... lb.
. .
Lady's Book for March.
Graham'. Magazin , .
a.1.4111',. Magazin., do
Lath& National Mr.azine,
Warntasta: or the, an Indian tale Br Meg.,
Dirtionarr Mrrhnnic, No. =4
titanteld bail: a 111....toracal
Iles p rn' tfar,
libannonualc. a an norel. I,T llrn `ouch. orth.
feblB •
• tare, amsortment of well 1...u0n,1 Oil r it
a the arp. Warehon, No. Fourtte et., tPvtleh tr n e
Its rite the atteuttou of purchasers.
febl9 IC Nice LI NTOCK
CORN -400 bush. for . sale' by •
ILOVER SEED-1 MAR in store, and 62 do.
' to attire, for nale br
feble W5l. 11,,1.11[N T , .! ,
ICKORY NUTS-15 Ithls lbr Rale by
feble 1111. H. JOlleiFiq.N.
be fooml he the one of Perry Devi,. Vegetable Pall]
tipinioo of the Inoßt_procainvsit lerooKie.. ebd
Merchant-1r of Clotelonad fart.
• • . . .,471. Oct• 140.
W. the • undersigned. Drurlsts and Nierrhants of thin
rity. hare been seouainted wit sod soh] for ...year or two
tl4;t o slil ' aui
ereLT lortanee. sof. as we know. it has rtire,p4.l.• bent
eatiefsetion to the parehver SV. can recommend It to the
nubile as an &rade of gnat merit and •itlion Indent w•
onver knew no article of dbabrine herniae olewmelly
g1f.17 7
Ignel 15 of the Ladingg .. e , h r; 9- 1.71 1 ",,`!',',;..C'fit.."`
"`"`' ,;43' .
%cond . street-
SECTION BOATS—The Tanacharisou
rawFitelianee. lying et ColtErnbb, Sbinql.... at Freeport
ud Albert. at Fitr-ol , urah, will Iv. son plicattion to
Jolt!: )IcFAUEN 6 co.
fcol3 Canal Kole. Ftrtsburuhl
][eto.AF SUGAR-100 him, asAorted num
ber, far ealn by ISURBRIDGE INOKAIIAM,
10 !in. 1M W.trr Ft._
A 7 . 7 bale. Cotton:
DT Nets VeatbwE
13 do Pealautr,
4 do Du ADPIeE
dm. W .
2 do do do lamed.
4 do 0110444:
I do Word: now lwrling from I.l,scner Gene
vs. and for sale by ALIT ISAIAH DICKEY 4CO
50 TONS SODA ASH, for only, kr
''.SODA ASH-A sureril article of Sur own
snti mart. n and and for ash by
10617 ' • ' • - Water .orrl.
rBACCO LEAF-4 1111.1. for Kale he
feblB W5l. 11. JOIINtrtON.
SEGARS--150,001) Principe, Regalia and
Ils•ana Snow., of .J 1 .0.111..... for W. trr -.
febl/3 A. CCLIIERTSON et CO.
(11IECK LOST—A cheek drawn Ly uu in
/ fame of Henry Fritz. N. Nth. doted Fei3;ll/cry 4th.
on N. Holton Hour of the .CitY, for thrm hundred
and fifty doIWR him been lot frinn lb. mail bitneen
rittrbargh and ihatitumbunrh. The pnhlir ar..auwto.d
urine. medicine met, cheek. nc" the partnere has irrn
stopped. fehlr MILLER A RICK }TOON.
AL SODA-100casks on hand and for
1...71 pa,* febl7 BENNETT. MERRY a (V.
j‘ll - 1171 - 4fUßfe & MURIA'fIC—ACIDS,—j
"JAI?' °' h. "' " d '-". "11:&Nerr. BY.RR V a Co.
ittACiallAf.--160 bbk large Not. 3, Man
-1.• u,aboN•tts atopectkaL, Mr vale by
e II • JAS. A. lII:TCLIIS2N t Cif.
i ' ll - OLASBES - 4 0 bag Plantation, for bade
11,1 by , 0/7 JAY.. A. lIITTCIIIMN A CO..
LAD—IsUO Pigs Oalena. fur Fmk by
nrill r/USI I. Diti n t t :t , i i PPliti:;; .;,, l;(l , l , ; ( hnle by
° Vbie , i ILA Water xtreet.
F ISH -100 t)ImINo. 3 Markel-fa;
7 Drum. C..lAsh;
4 Ulla Salmon; for nab, by
41.11 W. A V. ICII.SW , .
1 tin LIOZ. CORN BROOMS, for Wade by
Linen and HOuse Furnishing Goods.
A. MASON & CO.. No. f^_t and C.l
.A.• Market Itßel, rnrudantly M. band A large
Jussurtment of the Minoring rnrAls, do, 1.,1 manor.,
tun , .
Table Cloths. Damsel, and Diaper.'
Napkins, Overlay, buyins. ac. 0..,
Towels. II vekaber. Diaper and than:N. , :
Deaner, flavala, Scnteh and Inn!
Liaev LaVna and Linen i'ambrn,
Flour and Linen IKma•k. all widths:
fastenCambrie MandkerehieL,
• 104 Allendale Stretinme, 104 litn.tan do,
6.4 Atlantic Sbevfluin. 40 Inch pillow.casink, ar,
IV -I"b liV MUSlC—Where are the friend. of
I Nnt=e b ive 'l a.Tfo k t7li Ton.
The Robin.
.• Pm thinking n'ef . Da1.11.1.
My New >Berland llome4 taw eras. dedieated to the
Lunen Cl Nett Mflifiand,
6be 1 losva V Or keep..
on, Twat me on the SAM Ohm.
final :ORM.
l u te IrftmOatin , hy IL Barter.
The klythit at.
Po, hi, hi: the Blatt Ehaters' Boas sad Polka.
Would I
na, by H terry with thee--fla Getter.
Au retentive collection of new Polka., Falba". Carla
!km.. aet
'Alms tat amply of "Neer Cumfna Seen: Cantles
Landis, mad en eseettent new werk, tatted the ....eleindat,"
a adicetkesof Popular Mid andel neap, harmonised Add
emensed by 13 - S. Webb and W. Weeren—eoeskiered ease of
the bad workierer pablahe.l. 11. KLEMM, •
piste • Goldin, Sn ,2o / Third et.
I 0 11M. hi. ThaeUrer .and the Itneen'o Nakiere, or
e Secret Ifietory of the Court of lads Biztientle, be Ai.
mend.. have been teed, sad fur tale at' II 'S
Literal BMA, • m Thirdfebl3
'Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
ry a 1,111,,,,,f.t:1,14m,%;,i,1ag,,,p,erA.in0•Rn;:ii I? . ;. 1 h i e xs ter
A th x : . ,";
NJ/ANY, are tbo Directors of tbe s a w catallany fur the
Rot yea,
James ts. (loon, Charles A.Toltm,,,
lAssM. Samuel 1 , 114,1urk,0.
• .1000 Isdarertb. 3 3 10.
Jahn A. %Vilsn.
A, , rn ,
I n c. th 2:4ltlnst: e above !So.'s:tors. bat,' at Meknes of
vras e1.4.1n1 l'resblatit
assret. StretraesS. Vas: i'esableut."
1.‘.1 sal/. A 1.7,11,2, Mmt.lary:
JoYsti, 0. IM.MI.
001. M. o.Esoroinlnii l'hYslelao
The ck subseriptkut !loks of Ow t'ompsor .011 1,.
fooml. for the present. at lb.. house of Mussy, lT iLaw,
0... on W.. .I street. alto, those wisloau solorriie rsn
brae as opts:nit:nal, to do so.
fly order of thr flor& C. A. ' , sesta,
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
BICANCII OFFICE—No. L 7 timrruriet.o STRLET,
II: best evidence of .60 success ,Xtin
rtar,,tor. tu ..o.drevorinqn, make the .5T.1 ri; ft - rr , -
/NM HANCE 111.1114.1 Ni to Illyanal. Of
thr rinrantinlty. the Unparalleled mann,. of lotion.,
whlrli ha+ tan. don bath, inyr 1,1,4, In
a Uttla [nun, then don..-,
einitat to the Company. The Flinn-Mr. am 111%00 to raj.
that nearly all the prorti inaurtiit of thy nilint kind In
'mall rot.. an.l • Inn, romportlyn Ini.un..l for irtlr
itna, , ,r of PolicicA issued, - 510115
Amount of property insured, - ...ir41.139,496.00
do. guarantee premiums. 57,9119.79
In, oath premiums. -- - :1'2,19 4 4.2-1
do. .guarantee mock, - -
do. lit,sra, , 4,100.00
sTn 1_ dinitietyl front the akive Lanny,. tho
ext.... of thy Ake.
rillor nottnley trierntiontii. nn.l rerneps itaraitrr,
amt trollitint rind you'll,' lientnlti it I. britiL`i'd
, rainy taints edYantayet potot of yhyartierr. co
aci , ority.lofetior to no 11.0r:tory l'innyany in this ountry.
Conducted an the Youltably an,LorrradY
of Clanottration 1:61,. anycial hnianl,
suring only a IltriitiNl attioinit lb CU .ale prr.
freUllener and neenrlvilve of IMIV.O tin, am!
Ono both the Snick and Ntutital ohm, Itknit only pin."
the chratinern and arcommodation of FiAlit inellenta
blotntitle. the nottrod to a participation In the Ptriftt..
It in under the mniml ref the following liireetor , —.Jolin
P. %tithes-font. A. J. Iltllen. Jolio It Packer. T Joni,
Alonzo A. Carrier. Philo C. neilntrlek. linlrrt 0101 a.
. • • ..
ri illll. Prvaident.
A. A. Caltittra, Aatnary. 1 , 1 , 7
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
!Fr the
l'ITTSBUI11:11, W. 11. DAVIS,
f•k• :1 No. ,1 Llhart •arret.
qr the twtter rm porr.os reiddlua {b..
lowa, part of tlie .
the corns any alwalw amid daily
Irian 11 to 13 and to 3 a'r!ort•• at he count-mu r. win
J. SLlnwinmaCer A N,. 34 1%0,1 strcat, all
oar, inforinatton will , Oren and ,nmtriunlration... proinpt
ly aucaalad tn. Pamphlets espininina tha tirtnelpl••• awl
bera.lll. of Lilt' Inauranee. and blank forma furtitihwl nn
'P e l at•ital idmk ray, ti3lo.oiiil and min•daally hirroa•ina
Profits dirldral annuall, amonual in... , far 11 , .
Pittabilrab. Jam 31.
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
THE n,uranCe COlllpanv of North America.
I . llll.lclrbil—Cbtrter.ll7 l 4 . est”uo vr ,, ,00k
h0u T a.......„
11.2.11.. thi+ t,
• nd vinns.
np pro,rty ever,' a
and other elthrr transp.rtati, nrrn the,
Arran: G. Colnn, Pre l. T1K.... P. 0,,
el W .14. a., 4.1. I: Nell.
Earard Strilill. IZiellArl I) : Wcv..l,
John .A. 8r0... W illtnm W of-h.
Narrfurl V .Mat. Frapelr Moldy,
Saidarl Itruol., , Ata,tln AIIII.ou
Charie, Tx, lor, .. W m C. Bono,
As:lbn, , IVllttr.
Jana. M. Thorn...
S. Monti. Wetly. 11. It oltort-ent.
Thi. Jo the olile.ilniiitran , Cz.r.ititot
and frau lit high gandine. lona ocnorotiro.ample noon,
and avoiding all risk. oran raga 11,1.111N1nt14
nay I' 'A b ."-L. • •
1,, 141 !runt At.,
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
9 . yerzt for Pgthhetryll, -SA iIL. Il TO ri T.
, rum Srtiltlitorld.
.1 1 ...{.1.10., v.:i.v{llr 1.11 ran 1w
al re..
141; .1..
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
IIi:AI'ITAL $300,000. it. 1 - 11.1.r.1t, .J..
/ ItwAidrrlc --.,.rut.teri•
'llllnrllrr ALrAin.rt All 10.1. , at nAto.. Farr mei )(Arlo.,
All inrur, will be 111..ratl, mAltz.t. rrl prnmply paid.
A tom.. I mtituton- illanA.,-1 Dir,..tor• who yr. w-il
kurwo In the r•AroAmult,. a...1r 1,/ Nal. Art.:m..1.1 6)
prompt.," n.l blerAlt. to to. mt. thr. 01,11litrx . trl,'A.l.
rtlaer ilarn Aw. Immt. gt• KAtrrtuA t:....1 proum,....t. 1.0. , , ,,
who A...Am to ' l>r inrurt,
I.IIAV-lonn—lt Millet. Jr. 11.-t. ..lark. 1 W I.lwr, N.
Holm, Jr., Wm. 11. 1101 m... C Illm.en. ••ro. 'lt ....,,...
Wm. NI. 1.y,, Jas... Lippincott. 1.,,.. Ltu-Ar:JAtAr. NV
mule,. Alr Al x. Nirmrk. Tiz.w..Sr.At .
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
( I FILE, NO i 1
Tlurl 4 ):1
r t . )31 ui"I'111; EN
5. 7 . K. I !! Y i• m nr:. ,tl'',".Tn;. ;17:;;="'
.11,11.1Nr. Ure I itr,r,
W 34 Fmichta I.mign.r !set.4.l-r. .4. I, .1 .1..10
Tmal...ti., antt.
tr•mq.,...1 1, 11 5m..... 1:511, Canal an 4
M.cao nn xml 4s! U. wool lawn! umm
1,1,44.1 A Lo
14t.u. 1
1....r0r•r. IA • .r.. 1 I na. Pal
lolot I.r II N!
;. II Y.n••k 11 , •tr.
ig EP:li i' e
S . . 1 .11 141: ; •," tg 3 • •1 7• u • " •" • " "
Daralrtnr.A . AT T lima! Craig
Jolsu T I.l.ran
WI Luta Mum!, 1,44m11 T•, , , V...• 1,4.
: 4 ..r.1an.
/1114-11rma ol !11. Vmmcai, Wato. a... - inn.-
naval I I` •. )1.%11F.1gA. Ae.elll
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Thiladn
ii ite.v . ro Its W., Get,
it,harlo. Th..7.11ar!.. I! L•, Jgtarr. P. MatiL
‘l "rWitt " i." lIANCK Eli.
TLi<Cu tau. 0 RAN....
C..1211,,umke. I marnarea rtm.n.nt
mantr, . um.. 1.4! an. nn•ni..itt .ttn
Contnany nava rt.,-vn-I r.ntingral
win. ut.l I•tentlatm, ta...4.4,
afford ample pramett.a Ito •
Tb!. M.. , of the Compas, L. -I,nuary
am.-ably 54 the Art of
...... .
T , murar,
Stncr tbair Iv an,rol7ao, • vbn.tran o‘r.. t
bava paad uparard. Pour 1131,1,4
I•3ltara by 77r-. Ohara', •17.0.170., •.777..
sal valatai.• of tnaunnaa. aa • all a. ntailt)
me. t a• it h promPtnea. ail lailltia..
mai trt , ‘, "I" it and .t.
AN ,T ettMl.sSl', Nit VI llatitrt Nettats.
..1 No. II Null -t t. N. V Ainntinnlithni na~thi
1111.0(rVitithdrniditin 5, hi hi yr Ynt ,111 niinura
She nuttorrilicr rennit• I,ll ll'nunnto'n
linen itt the 51n, ourrennltil l'inntiniini the nrtirilin
MA. IWIRA dirill attiring lie n..tanit
tVILLIANI 1' Aginth.
Jes Nii 111 Front ttryt.
: tnr.rro l.
n. l;nntra.-10n. and he 1.10..•
nlrych. Se. nor- arrolnt
ALFA Loon., of .. to ...1.0-nat. o.ntroto. fe. It•.,hnp •011 Onor
Llamrot El3li
1 4 haxt. lit nor. k aro In v....0.n oftw 1..0 And
larert Slaw Qoarei... .11 0, 1,0.1 nnv...
their :Ilan. I. ont mon en, 1.1.0.. 1.0
Sta.—they e mpl, p.n.. other heat rtrwrien....l atol
Heal Ant,. t. enonnlorntl , ha.. In ,
b..lllution in Atorortni... vrf.nly aatertlgni n.. 1. neat),
and hatolr.ornet, enturl,ol. at , 1.40.
vl la any In the trsoln
P.. It Co. rarroollarl, r....mrttend Iloor `Oat.. T..
pot na Inth Inatesul gherlonr. olAnlt .1111 , 4 Pa vantai..
tlv enotrartnes and narnnrror 1...11.1t0u•
leforren. a. In their and 'Wing ran 4 .0 , n—0n. ,
Mr..Tivon, Parr,. no. a 111. 4444, 4444.-
11111,A, —at their :venni. enener of 1:01..1
and Canal.l• ll F. , k 1 - 0
rorrlnro Roof. Tenn/WIT ...Nun,
C0 -PA
itTN HSI I 1 P-Wo th .1-11:1*
stnelate.l with Itelounit. hu.),
111 mntinonr 1...mt0t0r...
JOIL. A. 111 , N:111: 4 .1 l co
Plltrbarch. Junnrtrr In ---ralMrllro
cuANT, an.l 1.t.”
rob, SIT. 12,11.4 mr,.. l'atoburrrti
11r1r,11111 at .borl MAP, for ant dracrisas..” of {1...1
111,THE (N)-I , ,tit'INERSIIIP H F:HET(4I)HE
I.eturen •11br fibr, tAr. , ll-r Mr PI of
. VI. mine C.,. I. de, toy multiol
N/111.:11' ,ill' Nll,
In florriwy ur 11. A 11111-11.,., I. outhr.:l,4 nu. tiv
num" th.. hi. fina In 0A...Gem...4,0 11..•,
11,puoluerolnu Ilerutnforr rautlug brow., 1110
ou Ilwroo urglor Hiorl.l.ll A White. or., Uto
onlynl col Ibr hoot ..f innuor,, 1,1. mutual
nevi Eitl..o aOw oul.u.rblooro 01t...ne1 ...Mini; up
tho I.uoirtroo. and pro, to uo, eh, AM. of the Int ,
firm for that pur....e. N, 1111 •••1 •crowl
II .1111 . 1iI.KET,
Februor, V.:, 'ld. TI19:-. It 14
Ik7 . MN' FIR3I—It. tillacklPtt :int! IVilhaul
i•nyno. a• 4'0t0.r..1 pan..., and 14lioonlin
wruo.l partuer. .111 lunllt,
11.71iorZo buounroo and', Itio nom of 11 I, IThorkl..ll a co,
nt the A 1.., lololy ro-c hut Sl.neklotl WI.R. No 101
Wood Oro.. It I'
1,1.14 PA V. I.
a :6-I';ll{TN Elitil I P—Tho• .10os..lawn. ha,
"rnterrd, in l'..l . rertorr•lnt , l;Alir
A IToon A Okel,
N 1,1(1.1.1
LPlPE—Cornell'm improved:pati , nt
I_4 LenAl Pipe for ligratito; • , ,
All;irs bat Nand A
I.ut nrrot.
la bbal,
fatlf KNANDEIt ItttlthitN.
PitINI; I) 'Cc' (:( xiDs--FlitST t 4 lll'l'l.l —
f10rt.1.11.4 , 1 will 11/la en.trollba • “frin,ll•••
ru • rftrIlnr:TItIlljI•rtA1i:•1;;;4411•;IZ).
lunar attention to thew rale:bet, teb.atrettwnt of to". 4, lb•
pita, al lbfbb, ewott {'or ,arl.aelertml with particular fel
t•P•irry of rola, Ait e ebabll.bnt artlrle4. ••1• , .
••11,11] ••1 lot ,ote r Ord. mar ralltzd 'lmet r alba,
fitolba• atel/ot of Erotlieft 11 , . • , 11.
per tb.artl. tuna 1 14 thaw entirely or: , blt.*)ewbb. 'Alt b. tow ,
l .
.wt. art 4 lltasurt Itbniaa4 Caps, Ae Nb 1,17
mtore and, for totle hy. the toil,
15 rebritter. all of the 10.,t 4 00111 ).
Sulphau• and tat...tate ol Morphia.
than 1404/1,
270•TO111 7 ;t•i.
ham Arto4, •
Ceram Tartar.
1%11 Ilritnaton,
Flour ttulphtir.
Aleaarttlem bra=
(lurn Campltur • t 1 11'it:hi:It: 4 111 11.
falba 0 e410t4 w4obl and math pi,.
HE LADIES all Nay - If wantreal
ea, Nn to !lore. Hat Tr. St.,r, It, the
aitoood co l on It The Tea they veil at r,o venta Per tv.ohd
iv really very erval. and alone at 75 vent. and 11. are deli.
chola Low rieevl. aglow/1.9r aferv.r T... peter kopt
st thl• evtal.llabrorot. and they roue retail .11 their Taxa
direct from the orialoal rhevta, havlogyn.ved that Tea will
ea Joey in >Malik wrapper, which, byboldlog op to the
.1110011 e aa taut,. xi, ladca reno
John 11. Mellor, 91 Wood Arcot, ban
utt received • ono and aplottaid
ofrinnoe. now c o on and r•dTfot ruin. Or3l -
I T yas of • Teley merlon artlrl
i c . nuts
yard rorold ator• of , load SCURF .= BIIACHZITLD.
Cur. Minn.!. by . Jo.I 31 D.
Vat.r Cure In Azurrim-.olitod by Water ratkra.
!laud gook of IlydroPuLttY for PruftotdOuut attcliktmeitle
wt.. by Dr. Weiss.
Itottootie practice of Hydrupatly. with Ittlet, onnraml
illu lt t.tratious of Important subtrot.. hy &fount JohEttlon.
and Pructie. of Ilyttrottalby, y by tb. lat. II
F ri ttk.?.. crautlated loon th. tlerman b Itobt.rt Hatt,
M. It.
Th,• above work' , fin. Aale by H. C. STOCKTON,
1,4.1.11er 6114 Stationer, carnet Nnrkrt Lod Third rl
CIA:: •
. .
FM ROOKS—The Ilistor V 01 PPlldellniA.
11Ili. fortunortoi.fortuu.o. lli. friorols
.nom.. 11, 111111,01,..oponeeTh•rker a y IVlth
illortr,...ns oil wood by the author. It. Iwo volume,
No. •of tho l'osolenni, 11., 11, 11. Thacker,
NIAIN•iII..• A I rAnoonia SU, the author of the
Ifolla Kook.
N. 11, the 1 , . tunol !lok of the iterlklutuna II)
lAAAA up! itAvlr.Al•
II I'. St.i'N.
Nt.. liTO SlArks,
BVS ACHES 1;,r1,111- h\.(2()(1 • • SAM. I. , (1111,
( 11 , 1; ,, S111` 1 S . 11 13 3111ti
SENECA OIL, for mle
I) :lAA! KU.
4Rims Nolo: ROLL BurrEß. For side
L r S-h 1:: SANS
Alf!) (II I I rok . 'll per steittis•r
.11_4 11w-inn:W. and 1, nal« 1 / 1 JAS. DA1.741.1.
1 - )01V GLASmI las, - mill): for
V VrN. Ly (AN JA5.DA1.74.1.1.
g , OPPER AS-25 bbls, in fine order, for Hob.
b, 10,12 .1.5C111015 31 11. El: A Co
1_110.111: 4 1; KEEN --311 raps. for nolo by
J. COO J sellOON 'I Ell ia Co
SEED—In mot,. and for oak fv
fel.ll 1,A1.1 Co.
rr.kll-1511 bbl., More and tl.r sale by
15.11111 DICK El i!O
3 CASES Caßsiitetts
1•1..11 , 15anr1%; For mak I.
511:111'11V a LVE
I ..-- •
F.9-N bi E.l.) BORA X T, 1 6, 11 ..n ea x . , .. , , . , f ,, ,a; :,, 1,1;1 , by
t... 1,00.1 Dry
ino an an App
Wwohtli,rtwa C 4. Buller,
hhilestrftly /lour.
dr. Superfine do:
41...rir.stra Corn /117•0111,
. .
ItA•ilow k0. , rt,1, in sun,.
no.l for nab. I, J1,1ii.% it All a co.
MI. Tim°ll4 SPed. prim. p.. rop;
hri,No I loat.i.arkl:
hh.l, prime N. I) Sugar.
, Slolweer.
txttle gn•ou.l
a 1.0 1.1.1, 'lour. Fripertrub awl tr 3 I.raml•
lay dlu: eoln hj. 61:0WN k h11:1(1•ATIlleh
11 E LA I N ES—A larg.• and Splendid ae.mort•
rums of th.ld YlAylvyb Ilabwltno. nta FrruAll IM LA,ne,
•n.ll'..lnAn.Y. fry. 12A by - 25 , bAt InY‘l•
touch wll no.' IPA J.Alsirs AAA CAAInnArAY nt ActrmAly
bAy 4.1,1 A A MAYIoN a 11l
TA I LORS' TR/AD/I V AL/S--- . ReC.lOql and
no, 1....1d0u0, , q 1010.3, kb, Satin .5.4 lAI,O. 1..
nu.l Ant MAiAI. And Japacknrd htlyt AAA
8ta1. , 11 , I 10111 Awl 111nrk '00J , to•l• ItAtlbtm
I,lLhl A A. MA:•111, CI 0
I N , IN , M ,
. t; LA
• )ATENT SOAP POWDER-2P lonlts 4 itlbt. 11.1 for Yetle by 'IL
of •LAW the geoulor um,
1 4 1 0 X 'S
t.„x,(tr wale lov
1,1,13 I\ll. A. ten
AR!) AND HAMS- lo 1.1.1 s Lard:
I ry..R IlstnA. I .Arri.. An
atA:AAAr 1'...1 Pitt AA. -•1. bl
1 00 Superfine E s h A tr, , f . , :;; R + i ti , ;: m •
SM. A ' I c . : . P. A t c .
I l i 4: m r ,i .: . •;. ‘ll fii,.; , A
N sulk recd fur ',lle by
I S. •
SJA It - 1 1 - 1 1/ rraln+ Wrapping, a+5,q1,+1 . ,
1... do Ilarcluart.
(.4 AI; 1., F...+ J ,11.1)5MA11I:11 04%
I LI )1 - :11 . !: ,, CFSII lON S--+lu+t received and
• 41.. r.r J Rllll - 1 A,
~ Sn .4. VVerr.l nirevt.
6: II AK ER'S II Elt RS. all kind+, a fresh Int
• •L: alth. L.
t J 111141 A Co.
• I V,
Q I oFFEE - 2tai by Cs Itio t'otreor)ust
4,14 1. .1 It iltitrkw a IS.IMAII 11.
St. 1161.
PEVA unt received.:. I , hlA,
Olt r 11
It A 114 . 1.1,110
1: ES I I FliiS—Su drum+ received and for
41 A. II.C1.1:110 A (11.
g 1111 NTERFErf CoIN
• t• the ..I+l , .I.4trumd 4 .2. r.. invet.t...l 1, 4 ...441.
1.,,1 A roornr l
ot, -44. .~fa'..stSIIL.S1
441. A. 4101
FM 4..rst..rnr.Slarkr. 414 .14
1)1 L I. papers 15
, -
D A I'I'LES.-34 Eau1 it 5 , f , t:1 27,.. 17
I JEAI{I,-k! , •11- •;:ti ea-k.+ar
..n Lana al Gar
,•. 067 • It 1/71,, • 1,1
d If all -ixe4 and qualities, on Land
1,1 1.0, It 1,0
43. 1. Rilsl S, ju+l arrived
1`,"1. 1 .:5.:, I. a.
-,m.r and 11..
n , arly
f P., .Me
fly 71' A 11. 0. ATK I NI.IN 11KKEY
ItArAl ArAl le.t •ar.• n [MIZELLkV()
I B.k 111 wllrrant . t 1
ARDEN iEE tS- A 1,1111,,,,1 t. 7,11.1
umut 4.1 rust rrAwlt.Allnrro 1....t0r. ritirA
t.r r•lr. A (1.,1r..1... WO alt, rto(rr I
IV(riAllo(.1 , ;t14 •tr(At
1,1,1 A 511
3)t)t Umlrrett
pal al , lo' 'Arm.
AVM A 1111.1. A (A.
i:EsE__ - 1111„,..., . 4 1 hund and for v;vl.• by
It. DAL/.F.IA (Yo
)" nmi
7 .2"( „ t „. 1 :11 2 ' ' „ .1 1:1 !' :T " i ',' 1 1 1
"11 1 1 .1 IT'LL a 1 . 41,
rto lc aro evvehtvolev Ilroken
II SA 1.11111119. El A. Age•utvt for
Y nrv, Iron ror ntlr of ouperlor
Iv, Warrhonvv 111 W517.v.41
AT;Q i N II m i 1 .. 1 , 1:71;1 , 7 r1 . 111 1 . ..r t 4 . 11 .:1 : , i , Jy
SOD.k .
vaAks, for ale by
W trltz+ ,, N
(n f rbi N lila: 1,1114, for wale
‘troit.t. A 1:111:
4,4 El; A ItS - Errint`ipe, For %nle
Me4/11.1,4 141 E
I D I TTER-1 1:blv
trvw ,r•ale Gr
_ .
Itro , orloLD hot, rovolvoll goo, fill . 00 pi, o f 0 b.,„
r.•••1•..looh thor oan .111 al low, prin, Ikon 11.. Arr.
ta.. Ma, Mack Eioun.4 loot pronolo 1 ,.f
- •
- - • .
I 1 1t1 I' G1Nti11.13,15 —Murphy IturrhfieJil
. I.r, ha a Drip tilnithunir.
rotood micro. north on. o trnor tith
aiew err,. he.f,
~ flat
2.1.111. /nig. 1.)
Gl.l . J 411111 A (11. en Wuxi Ft
pRESII FBI' I'lPendot. owl Blocklserrie,
„ 1' in •laur own
.;ukr... and herupetirally
pn ertginul Ilasor .11.1 frerhneaa.
Al...."l.errte• mai I:haus:put up In the Rah,. manner An.
tae• or las" , Int hand atid 1.. r -.le Iv
IS 31. A \lll IRO A CO
I. hart)
I .
I!? f: and I niop Soo&
• Si Si. Al ./I r lhuhlta;
ELLERS LIVER PILLS --I•Could not get
0.0g....11L0t5t them
rennellaville. 11. Jun. U. IA:.I.
lb,. It I: frh1ru..—.1....r• et. the uelh Liu., 411. the.
.41 hare I not L..t odhug .r,thout thetn, ever,
atle iluun atult• In the ;Upbeat tertnuot
e0n..w1...a. 1 ..117.; J
mut ha It I: SELLI:IIIe. A 7 Ir/...12_,
and la. leuvul , t• Jai&
II it.IISINS-149
193 do ',kin, nu
'meal And !or alte.l.) Bit; 111's A FrIRKPATII.III:
ARP 111 11)110 hest refined {''inter,
I far .nle 1,1 J. SCHOONMAKI:II A
21 II .nO4
I LAZIER'S A NIONDS-1 dos. for solo
J $lllll
Alt I I.- kegs 11111 i : 25 111.10, for 01111' l/s
0..1.111 lIIIIIWN t KI/IKPATIIIuit.
/ 'ASTI IR 1)1 Blow. make, for rude
tehle 510171140%.1 a (11
AVEIN 1 EST)IF. If--.5."1,000l n A 11,, g 1“..
„, „ t ,„ l , Ilusalm. Pm ugh. 1,,
lASI A. 1111.1.0 111
Mud 4 Alum.. 4th.
_ .
1/ 1 ['TT fremh Roll;
)11.4 1,1.11,1 nnd
by SirGll.l..l A 104:
yi II /N TWINE.. -2.50 DM aulicrit.t. .1
J klbli
11(.0 :ale I,
Nn. 141
4 A STI LE SdA Yttaem for wile bV
J. Klbli lab
EliNI I I I 1i5..5; :- -- 7)Tnt.:.
• American ' , G.r mlt. by
040 J AelliaiNitAliEll • CO.
A R.S ICA FLOIVEItS--For mule hy
wiiogib NI A ft1:11 A Cii
—lt LACK LEAD-700 lbs of Ruperinr
t,. for tale by RAY. SEI.I.Y.RA.
fcblv 07 Wmal Aiwa.
ILI 0 0 half tbayta Young Ilyaoo and Black Tma.
115 catty Imam do. dm, Imp actd Isowdry.
If, Imam Itumell 11obInsou 6 . 0 Tobacco.
10 do P. nobolpon A en.. Zen and to do.
ettbincm Fa Tobacm.
10 Or. hay. Prtoe nod Ilironed's S'a do.
IS catay boxmJamea Thompom Jr. pow,.
Z Lump, in stare And for sal. by
Ploo JOIIN PAP Pll k
_ . .
to OLI)
4n bills. puro Ey. Widlik.f,rTry old sad etrtier
bble. Old ktneevirshels Whis key, In fftore sod for
sale by COXXJ XO/111 PAM= X W.
OKS, MUSIC, 6,7 r
hem, Main.loo for Msn n. with to Pirityw
irtirulturho. for I,,:hrunrs:
I:eview d fx
. lir liaifi•
band 11111nenre. Itir moth .r t er ,
b, .
11.1kvs.t.tkm, ur the bur., ut the human
li‘a. •
r• IG G. 1,..1nme,
ULM Litcrar, 4.1 f
i„, 11
l),I111 N••vr m. vat
lu 11.1, rsty.
1 II In
n one mr
el I int
ti I
er I r
le t
Lm d , nl
I \
•,'Wl'•, nnJ
ortaro .litut, . I Plan,
1. 10. wolo tlo. now low,no r ..f Ow oat,
lattot awl wont oavo
olot itat.n.,nwnt. to ,
11.11.• a Clark wtt.orl,
otworn; Dian...
rrto.'wke I&, a I onia. antl , wrintrJ.wrny
tha chairs, n ',was
lIF Till: won't... , II 5111% WI Thinl
Pueko, 1113.1
l'ooat mn,l l'at t wr. n anp t •l t of all a wl.
awl plan, Mae awl r OD Bharat
r ata %, i. 11.55'1:\'.1
1010.1 Pi')
rvl I
• nn.
II Merl
• n
ale ni
h t!,
n fi
nnn n I
inn II 1 .
1)1{.1 FTS.—En , rsved OM'
oZmpla Yeoto • mod Drafte, od woe.' t0...0ut:141 de
0000te,oe hound Imeoke oof , o.rfoott•ore , . hoe
00 0 0 11.1\'7:\'r Moo, moor..
AnOorireolt..lool Coot ntool rt..
ormol moot Po, 0000,
IN K—Arnid.l'm IVriiing Fl u id
mol 1,1 Ink.
EI'S (I..ISSICAL 111('TliiNA fly E
el....jent alt. ttomar, ~ f hr , . , I.
inol Do m:, o
1114,, 0w1g0411..Y• I.rth ~..•' "...
t 11n .1 I: e ,at It..i nph, 1..1 %, ,1,,,,,,,
,1111111 LI. D . ottliorot t ht. lcuoto,rl... of llrool,
.t 11,1111 r, owl of 1 iro.l. [Doi Romon 111,. roph ,
.0 • 1,...,1. vah n:hot-ow n , roetlon• 100,1
1,. Dhorl, A Who, LI. 1/ . 1 1 1-..n...0r r; or
L,o 1,,,,,, a ,,, ii, Colombia 1 1 01Dgo.
lin , l of Hobert I. l ogitlo., :Al
or 11., C1,.,,?,. eunorn A. , lllhr, . TI A. Cu.
ol,lmol. Coull..rhool Full mood dons, with
1.4 , 4 of 11. 1:14,11.11
44.4.14...1 1.114 111. .f .140 Prilni.
Aet.-4 t Lite. of Au.. 4. .1
fmala.l k• I I
The f 1,4 fi and 5,1 Mir.. dolly
r.. sit t 1.4 1.44.1144tv 'f..l—ruek.l... 44 11,14.414 r ..•.4.v•
.1..114. 1,14,14 I:. •
.10 1 5 . r.4 7. 1 . 4 17
11// A N.l) 011
41..1 elf ...41 64 . .4.. Ixrv. noel 4.11 4 1 4 ricr
4 1e... 4. •k f.. 44.1 7 i.l
r th..rmulorwr,
whole h. %%%%% 11hr . 44441r0n "1 P" , 4. I ,
1.11,44 ,kess enIA..
J. Ill\M
N.. 'I •,,71
ci..\ 551 , ..‘1. ioIrTI(INANY ~1
;1 . .,r.. 1 .,4 I,m.n 1,,r.av1t,. M. 111,,,). sn.l ...-.
~,,, .. rd. 1, , .: ..p..0 1?” 1h..0 o
.-m.r. ..I p-eV. ntvl U.
i 1... 1i..., , ,,h, ~..1 m,(1...;.... ) 11, It In :.milli. I. I I,
1:•, - 1.,1 1, . :\ ~n...n
'The Lit 71,11 •.I II 1...11(..1
tl. I . N•15ti),1..4 A I to/ NI,
Ilt•nJrn be gr. wim - A. ••11 by ': .111.t r for Palo
C.I.A 7, ip..11- lourth s .
SlUo-1,1 p el•le , r•trd 1T , .,,
n I
S!..,lser. t.p.Lhful
Freetly Ile eke, L,P, r.vr. P.
P - 4-er tlpre hp,11.1..f mtg.,
.41,T11 Trancaohlit ,
h. happy ye.: Iran lb. Daily Y't a; Lra
fa....rit. mat Paalhav Lalpai
nr dc.'t )ou aw5...1., Ai..
1.1 Mr. rt,...t
La 1, , Inrr~mull, Uttt Chat th.tha
hatrha 'nen
',tar att.l prrtly
1tt;i0,..1 tc )111,h..5t, C.C111. , n4
.t ~,u ..1 - 11untru'a Ittnltt, haw..
si 14,, , .• 44 new 1,46144
it,. PUP , '
Puny. L.n. l`ri,er t , ..1, 1.
.1,1 '4 II Mr.1.1..1t 4 1
riPry 4lvek hnn,.. 1n.r..00
roi ant• pL.,11
no-.I ..14
tlmuarim. t., J4tittmr,
•• ,i—tot.....
,Drutt........t It, .. St M.
PT Dr rt.,,
• litttth
Th %I
11 1,
(.4+ ,
rual. N., I or new 'nine...
New Books, jwct received
and-. 1 the BIM,
I 1t,•ia.70 ~,, I I-n, ,
r.•I Nl.rtr, .1 ,1r1tt0..4,
et' •
1).,....tay• .I,lrnil 11-0.1
wlenern of elx•nue n,i l'excino-tern: 1••
In Ohl% e•
L girt. F.,n1.1e11 F
t • end rwLenl Wm, le,11•1, lel wwn. nntrel.-1
• lone. herenen won • f 11f ,nen I reend.
• et meree. frnen Ihe le %went .1 r.
A A letner• L
.4 V V , V.LV ne fnr en•iew- leinc the re - fennel nne.
feulte of fret., lernueh tlw erllan
awl 'eh, per. nflA, fn-A. hselin
nf 'I he ‘ll., Awl in- .nene....trnh
rant. ',Ant
ishst I len
I's , 1:m."4,4 a .4,1,1 t , •llomr
nnd 1"1. exio
11.111.ANK Bi :-T.IIII;NEIty
0a3.1 an.l
~~!!yF ~II~UNMI!!!N!II~
Vr.nrli and 1, rican. f 1 ns..l
I, !It, ,tau.nor.
.1N I) .1( ritivri NA; E% - ere de
-t,et and In
tt • 1111I.N.
4 . 1.\114.NE.1t1" —II S. II ut ts. v. , rner , •1
ha.. 1, I•r t , nt I
`EW STI ri•K OF 4S.
ate 441et . .!! ' nr!5.171;• ' .17!:1 """
ens s el: ent. tr. et: toren. tit Iter r. t :;(7...n.. 1‘
Ince ea 'tr lent on( ereieelleir Horne
Cl.l ',A teeiewer er,rte..” Inrtrn. I I ern t 1
(ttelentr " "'""
n ee
E'. 115 , . - 1111;n1 , 011 . ,. new IVltrk,
.. r l,;:m4A. ese,kent. le., 1., 1'111.x,( A( Iter
Nn• England of
1.-ohoz;o: nod L . :n0m...v.. Piolloonry. 21.; No
roo , lord.
11oorm , For°;ow , oro • 411 h rorolin,
For It 11 , 11`.1I
jolo A,opllo 11.11,110,
- -
.n.I Hemline. hark'. MM. reedit
aral Corral,* Initt
Traw•ltnran rani I.lisraleiran Jeral,em,
an.l notin•el•ill. , mil Leral POll.ll.
1 nhrand e eye° .1!.11,11i.n. 1/111. t'y enhen
he° tielky Letnany.'aral ether niiiitularlutey Ytael
rem ly %1 . i•tore-rar A II I, le t . A In,
raleraanyt qatil vrith o ra l emee...
WhArtmaa'• llotrltra imituAnti l'aper-antimarlen. dna
el.rahant. aultiralrarr. mini. tot al mei ele
phant: eat...lrant tnemilin
I,Mrainyt l•ratnL nney hey pap,, pl.ln and (alley mlnn.:l pap,. mid wet
val,ll anti omen-, AliA lithrampli• troy (nu° Imm•
, parrrament .1 •raimble tor :Mart.
err nral raplemra, nn, paper. Alt, • .4.. !kin,
Mo./ drolrAta... 1.. .11..• and patlerny Minn, MIL amt..,
arid rant .111erril;raltablo air balls, piirne.. - milillm• rani
heneh nolo envelope, plain mot errytramara lettyritnyel.
nyonn, her ad I:lnnt raid and , plain rallanlyaen . n.
him an d . '
alt. •
•fora rata, aram yramo• pattern.. lerlYllta nuentstas•
n•rat and lurk° linm.i..tratiil Innt;t:ratra.
I. brralrain French and Ent:11.11 ~.pent' b e nrak.p ar y
Ilmte paper of all color, M mil white patent blot:
[Ma aspen pen knlera.
She shoyi. with all other In the Stationery Line,
t a m, pm, Yet Prarther 1.111, A ram. syrartinent of,
blank orainaran.llun tasks el ell notnirara non.
of ra nna. - .... y 11 of pm, of all me•
aral rah fer rale nt pylomd rate, nn tha nyan
11 • II! V •
."".l4 nmwu
k k • 1 ' - •
ra , ••• an t i -Intranet, metiran....,
I ram, of Mnrket pint Sigllritl •Irenta
(f.s TAN tklll, THE PU RITA N, n Tale of
1 the Aineriean Ity Ablest Iraylran.
II•ny , of the Ilefiranratnin nf the rat emil, (ran°.
b, .1 11. 'Nlayle . PreMlent nr the 1 Leak.
glcal .1.11 of :1e.... and VI.: h.•1.1.nt t.l lb.-
hianyelratra, ran•latell II n Trinity 1. , 1
lime. linnbralge
li e ntraky, in Anthirane, IhratraPhY u.
Iti.trxted Poly etramennr. lit Iry .1,111,
werke P:r li• It I aTn:IiTOS.
114.4,11 '.
.1 m t
.1 r.
•10 ferny!eir Market md Thin! e a t..
• -
• - • _
kUT 1,1 NE MA PS--1'4.1 ton's pletiiiill Out
Jr lin. Ma, an nivr twine tnlrtwiesr.4l In nil
In Nvyr Nen irk lir lor.•
fr.r tlivw 11, aml trathen
4:a• ~1
\.n il~ , A
• ,
I. a 42
ot. /0,
a !interim A Africa.o 1,1
t.f Ow IMO 11..01.
71.10. 001 , 10
unnvallcd sunmurac7.l.o.o.7
n ,.., aO .l ,01,04.71 In Ow van,. 01 Ow a.rha o ooo.
ottl.. 010,110,0....
F. 4071. of 1.1.710104..pme., walr.ut of f:700 , 7
h a rp.. EDUCATIONAL 1100 aTOR.E.
ma i° 4 . ororr 7( 7110007 and Fourth .7.
Morris and Wilha's Home Jonria
pt; BLISI I El! overy Satnrlkly in NeetV York
•1 Two , lenbute • I. ar. euratel• in .11 ca., In
etiuunnon or Antxrt--0111, of the Muni. sen
107 Fulton eitnieet. Nr• lurk. leirrouitwir '24. Peon— tn
.e nese evuortin: Tble ma, eurter3 that A
lei duly authorise-11 to art aneint tor biome •
WrAl. an Ili,
r„r east pispir will lee dnl•iunneiwleduied u• Om
OM , eif puldloanlln• nod d ••lir•eiel , anneril mu! tunleir
gond. that Kahaoriplado arei P. al& one )tiar In ail.
van, The. no• indium. will 1 . 1/111UIPtli, WI the let of June,.
t11;11 " ::: " "" k4ilrOVl';7i.ri il sr,' "r" S.
Itsthr Editor, arnl Preinneitnrei.
N E 1.0 P Peoodrod, a - largo
g n a nelty of butt. blue, and whlt• Envelop,. ~l all
Quo, fn. oar at untneunlly prkda
. P. HAVEN'S, Stationary Weirrhnuu
reite3o Con. 'larked and Wroth' Amite
NEW BONNETS—Murphy & Ilurehfield
have open tal.o morning orrond ...Tot New Sprlnn
eta, onnahrtins of
Inc.Enall • Ra b ßliaLdon Chip, Ilunganaa.
a_trArado N aary l' atl AZV . lN;t j'''7 .
4telna Dfn4rolderoo do Anodic. Drar ., l,
Pedal sad 'Tart. Manta Lora! hip and Da outdo. A
Mir0(11 and 'Cbildmna bonnie, I' a varlets of atylea—
noTerloy dolor
knaligh dive., plain alai mixed
adorrd Ctilp do, u d7YI AIR Bola and Lu
y.yg.r. •
cobarg, Altera. China l'oarl. Leghorn. A.
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
A D11.1:1; F 3 it.Esc It I 1 `T lON STORE,
41k. 11 .hr.lotta n.u.l improving P, ,, Ft
for. • prt,ll.h 1.14 ,,
.1.1. 1 y the '.le "
Nt' K the introduetion of thin new' COM.
111. i luld• nrn etingl• In rerr .hurt
too, ty. 1,1 1',41, , rn1 S3nip
rhs.o.r tute timo rot, orb, medicine pl.,
IT 'IA,. AN ESTI nt:l.o S Et( ACTION-The cad Cough
Motion.- all air hrti thr.totioeh and pasture nannea which
than Itself. Thin I. uhri
ated tht• motor, for o oleo...tit ....thing arllrlr
anti it ear. er r/o. nom, r... 1 I. orandrd! The rah
.1..t00. 11 fat or td tenon/lon. in- our r,. from our man
11E•111.i "1,11 Itim ..11.. 14 ittrffirney. It in the
oreremption of natular oh, •, and Leen toot by
L in he on t. bowie.. tor numb, ..1 years. with the
noet +it .....
- X tats bona Strubrn•olle write, that
her .I.tueltirr 1....1 1..413 .11111.04 nil %,....tigh and expector
ation. night ...rate. 10. or leo, and nil the dlOrraning
113 ,111.111....1 C 1.01111401.4.0. 413.1 that after Utah,: two hot.
Orr do. to- eol.ret. rood A orntlonan In Wrohington
...mitt oho 1....1 oifler..l with AOlona and l'hmoir fbugh
ha...1.:1it...a, lo: , No. entirriy rrlltorol and the rough
11... , •1 half a (Inapt, of Loot,. of thin Pat.
Go-al .t rap. A arlillell.lll from Peoria. Moot, •ritra
that...h.. neo• thr Syrut.l.l he a good article, for
L. ban owl it in ht. own ea. •nel in tbr moo, of menthrra
of lon fan.llt wol. nerfeet h eueroa.
Isun Clittfttrr 111t.tuusttet wow ttsr.iitt—lt L ) u t t - np in I, utnt honk+ at b? each, Oral.. bottles
Cot atrt F.1.1111/...rvrr. wnuld do WhIT foit4i a - supply of
n.dreitir on hotel all the time. Mit In nue 01 thrdornt
in rbet nod elbrneloo• tomolien orrr dbworerrd fig all
omelr• a0.1.1in0ta.... of hr lung. and 1.0.1 toot Ibnotaajtion.
I 0171110 EXTRA - , lnto 'erten,. will try to get ,'on
bio oar ..1 the rartoto nortrutro. but .10 not hrol
thon If
A nn 111 1.. nvt hot
t oot
arsitss no. utitt.t. this 111 rem. .hut .
sun... 01 the 1...• lulu:0.1r plaut t and , horbi orate tuaterie
at..l r - 1 - 4.orrn t.k.illent In the he JO liter.. oats I. no .I..vphotrin (hie inedlonr. It
....If ...II Mt.. mad tlorldot.iletoa han noon.,
.0.... rimed, from proem.. In ntl, own otg. Its
vOur3l4. otrrn.-. a loch will he shown to,any peson
thnoutivoil (he Unihd Shale> to w.ll Oda
hart., diaostnte null la tuadgto thole who will
01.. 111111111 t... 1 ID mot
It *III tmy *Oat.. b.&
$...11 ..zott../. 41t.... lb., will bear /hot suffrtinglittmaully
11 1.1.11.i110 their tondo thr grtatent. toralicine
:or Lone dternorn the world ha. ever pnrdurni.
(..r plod.-win and mall. by KLYSEIrt 2.1e1/01V
ELL. Orugoirtr, 110 ...I stns, Pittsburgh. Pa-. 10 whom
ell bore , nremirn moo he addnvon.l. Also. for 1.1111 by
I/ 11. I tirrt..l I' Brock,. tr.. linuornsvills:
. ; ... 11.11.1. SI ...lilt, TU•11. Jl.llll 11. Iturtotutun.lllrkort:
"rot,. Art., port J. It. Volarll. bat ...horn.
tort 111PichLut, ../41 druggist. arnrralit. pat
ELLERS' LIVER PILL—"The very best
l• vin now In tor
K AN I'oo, Ilam. V.. Jen. 4, 16.51.
llr Doar I will .tat. 4. you. that It
tuJ. %our 1.111 N. Ihr ntur
ut.. ut ourpa.. , l nonr no an
1111 It our Mtn'
1111111( I sh. A lam,ll p/11. muol NA all nthers.
I o , na al ru 4.11 - 81 rniwrinur. and from en
w •
lwroo, Man, aw l , 114..1,
. .. • ••
I . i•
t. —II.I n
I.l al ,
tl peri. ..1
n atour orizosi 1•42 r, but
tlnt t. , wrlt..r. • !mie
/fs•-• , ..110r. 1.1,, 1011, nro lb. Orbritod. flolQ . to. nod
t;l0000 orbs. ar.• FAA/I trrf.o or la • ow..
r•,,11••• tit. ' R. F.:Milo,' Liv, 1114 ar.
tlo •••••onil or. trot. orouln. 1.11, 1111. and
No N.' 1%1,1 or , l. ant of thug... ;pm..
roll, llo• too ro.• • ~ rol,. pr:A ,
ELLEES . LIVE,I I'ILLS surerrede all
•010 r. t 1.,..-oft. In. xh,t INI. —Nlr II F.
- 1 oor 1,11. 1.•••••• to.• xn Imo.). 1113111 Ibl• n—
oon •.1 , ‘• , rnolo all other , . RA a
I. or A. WU.... VIII • Yoorm tr.,
ot 441., JANIE:. A.LEWIS.
. .
Poo ha., nec.llort that R. P. 'Rent,' lei, Pill. nor the
cod ~sti, Int. sod xenon. Liter and may be
h a a ~; ~.1 ,dn..t. Kiel nf bruart.t. acitorally
it. t co aod oltcolit tslt/
fa,; . I It .101 IN Ml' RRAY'S FLCID 31.,asEsie
17 I've need utcler Il,e Intinedfate care of the Inventor
cod 1...1, for upward,* of thirty year,.
fin- I.elan In all owe., of
I ./... MI,
woo, and peratel. rho not
,rtoe tua, haul ni which Mtotnecut may. and
10'1, +1 tie. Lad, ono in which It ought to ba exhibited, 'c.-
...In,. . of Ifaccu.sia nor in-arenoral
1..12 lictfic bke it. to form dangornuc room,
L ,t our, heartburn altbout
lh,ctomaeh,ac amt., Wt., and their
j 1
.11arona. d,, it prey...lto the float of Infants
t . ^n... It cetc„ac a id. axing et...neut. and
tectib.rl. yhopt.l to fraud,.
,er t0n,1,r., Da. that Ili,. solution forint ma
ul., c.tbkioction. h one sold Wu. in ego.. of gout and
El , n ...uotrrartio, tlocr Incltrioue tendency.
b.. mho, alkali, and "0.0 Ifccnceeia Itaelf. hod 15,11 rd.
to to tor 11,1, it mph n. Ilart,:eurtroontbsurral to Lba•
Arlo, to Ir.tal, -
haiii ian nn ilnubt that 51aginesia on, e
tL+ntiaira I , in Ifu of • coneantrataa
in f..r Chi.. and Omni .ii/iat
1 f ..alnain that thy 1 , aary 'rains!.
Nt a ilira_ I'lllllll' CILASIPTI.IN
r Jay,. '1: Coaper, Beisht and Massa..
o:hria at )1, iif London, atrongly racasomo .r ti i l
beinir Intinltalti more vala
, •11,'1) . 11 than 10. lima this clsaigar stlrmS.
u A E i.UISESTOthi Jt
1.11 Cur. Jinni Frost no.
T A I N I N(; n o Mercury, nor other
Hln .al It., Y.,. .r.e tettimettiel ea....tient by the
i. breb,i Dr 1,•...,b•r h. the anth, et the Jmntt. rued'
re! or, eroth.l Aste rtren Preettee nt Medicate sod
Isom), ettl.e.lan
• 11,1 . 1111ginn , w. nrn.,.ttintl inth the Inttnntlinnta
On. 0rr0p....1111.1,. I• . ll..azunolintmeut.etstl tot,
i.rtneTt•tt nta,lit In ntirrni a u rnraue
„..; it- ennohninti 111, in, and
un-1 t.,1 1., the nrnt.rien.r. art. nnt. .tlll
I . .ttt ttl rttlut. n trait Snienttne linuttqynf i n,nt
v...., mita 1 tltt-rttni, n.-..ttinttnif it• On, lin.i.inot• win ,o•tl. and witn.ll ntinntt.l thn
run. nt • Krunt nf rint,.. Mooch it. nnver
hrr nnittottr.iotint ,the nf Anon.t
trult d4 , 11.114111in11, burn,,,..
,f I t.....r 0.- rw.tmt.nt. and thr slue
WI.- r(.llrw n..tlatD. much nArardl
D.D. D.
if nr, nn f.. 1.1. t thlue.lntbe wnrlal fts Immo.
It r.• ..r fsol• .n rtlwf
441 4 •• u 0.0.1 APO, it to:dirtn.luavt. It .41i , , tvl4l in n r.rT 4,11"
thr 'Jr .11 - mtla-nA Li dnr MrAlll.l.r.
11..1 ..rn-, 1, Sktn. Snit.
ar_ thr I.tentw. Son, Rhruene.
tl.m Cold r•up......r11...1 or ItmlErn
IN. w 11,e,k.
S ..^
bro trl ..the
rrl7 7 .
,ti! a
; d ,
I rvsl.nevonflhr. wmulerfnl r..or
the .4.11....,ng errtiticate.
nt In mu
. .
itittss i desinr. to Inks.. that I was
stitirtly uf redu in the hark. thy star c./
itt• 1/11.t. • AIL 1 1 ,,slitts Sal.s. from
1 snits,tl ith ti,s stout la st.l r Tsar. st.,lttt night to• Ales, Via.): thnt sots• r.... 1
niad, t. ' n ' al tht• rssnit rset,rai.l. I, ss.•
ta11.... • frts
nivitt psnes,..• and al., I hat.. M. u... 1 the
.slse tot m•lntilAr
hat•pt r. stilts 1 14 it4R.Lt.txr.,ll
t. issi.stst, us tis• tisnls•me.
Prittslpal •••.!•• N•stli nun!
t..;1--.1 . 1. I' A Cu... rem, of
end •1. n, e.• 1.11,,t ; one,
;t •Ircel sod the Iretowl.
6.-. ~ .t. .1 II re.r.
1 . .. en ef.f.eel snelLet thr
IA; -Olitlie..l.l•lrve.t. third .I.e, fn.;
1,, .b.b II P .1 IF. alnr
I.vb .1 II bbr....1 lb
1.11 r... II 1i... A1..•qt..1, A
a trb
1Lbr.b.r...1.1 A 1,..#1.1. I.IIA /I
LES ,tI.II EL'S Sll.ll I N(;
op unt WIC."
.4 MI 11 our.
llill I. all If tml •nn to
ndvlrr ahntlud a pl.-.IJ arv. Inindtn. a 1....4 Jillvt
tnnonvl 1 . 1.4.:1nr., Am dr mini Shemin; t' It j! it
old. lc: nerl drrenl..: of
c6o to•lta•nn, trdlt ...It:—
lrtal rl thin flu nr, num It ...I nduld
nannn •ndrr. inlntsratinn. and pl.ntnre
1 lilt r 1% I Fdi CUE, tl I• rt.:no:Jingly
tnlnr.l. n the .1111 r. awl nirt
e 1 ,1•111,111. an adnnrsl.l, and 1:: et.
trrtned. nnld nal an anal lug 11.....rt0rn. and ntetruldnd
that nuplen.anl awl •1111 froltnA of c ...n
uttro prrernrrd •htt lag
nntnn:rn Ilaurll. mar faro
1b..: 3111,l rtietVi. Innurdutt..., nitre Int
n, • A 1... inf. *kin ChApt,i 111.1 !Loy arnn
n, trr ran ... 111 'war, un ntlarr
I In, ,3 , 111 .141 , entluo— nlorli Ar •pprl•tiar
.nn wrar fn., that lliliant
1.nn1...1.7..1. inn-fn.., will do, alvlntr a•andy
or rnt, antwurann. the .10: 11 the whl.lend
• Sl:at - Inv l'rrnin•arrdrld.btful
rnrnpoolnd.,l • tt1..1.111. no thy liner ..trltnldn of all attlelo..
enltntattd nstreldrf: oprnttlOn of .luring onnlraAtut.
and will I.randerial..l In all • In. flake trial of thrtn.
Ilreintr , l adds In
I.F.d flit F 71., Ilerfomrt and ehrtalft,
n tnllh slr A n . t
nn, wldetalr and rr. ld F 1 . 70.
andll F:ollrn. / . 4t.lntrAll. and Jntin narnrut, awl ItrIn:11. tldnernt
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
1111:111.1C ATTENI'III N in respectfully in
.11...1 to the following fora, in telallon to
tit, a the old lilini•rU
PhiTiall.F.CM Olt Welt 11114 It k not noire than one
yen, ego Awn tht• Onto rented, we. hrotght infore the.
fttethe relief end eurw of dieenee. It+ great{ lvers
hate. nitwit. then. Ineon. fully ahperronted hy the
gonninit, .ud ee elleee that the longer it I. triod the
more eertnin will It. anti fame eoretel. It I. rot the rem
eel,of day. got nu for the moth purpole of making mono;
ot ...loch ,neeive, taintinur to it need when
liiA. oe
r ntrunt. have latn forgotten, The Ittraleuut in
• Natural honed,. olal.watedi In the depth, of the earth
I, pow, nod agenry thatlaugh. to :turn all human eonntlition It 14 our duty- then we trite alms ; a meth
tau, that we write the troth—that are eay nothing mien
led...l to iiiiteitroi 11100%. who Mei tenet our 'candor put nalli•
Ilene,. In or at...lents. Iha Ark on. Ter, not to mirk at
.In, thing the , itehtiliwn relief rmn diem.... A nary eon
hard I, he h.. Mehl, .lught to nuyarr the oiahel of gull
ing he humbougltht oon :o e of thous. Nut, we do not dellre
to do Mt we ore anylon. only that the truth In relation to
ourlted, 11 in told. In order to wetter for It n Moth
ta ,„ r.„xe ro .:lng any >lngle artlele In the toaterla med.
ittt. Plain unearnkl.ell fitett-a-knte flint may he a.r.ertalnell
in our tit, and nyiahlxtlional, hear ample testi:mw to fth
tor the Pet,letun.
Britian ;he poet two monmh.. 08. of our own eitlrene.
who wen. totally Mind, harerectored to soda. Sew.
ernl hf I.llminenr, in the elate of (thin hare hero
there And, ale, the en... ot gent , . maism Bowyer ('runty.
there are others. hot the- are eases nen- home. acid mar
1.. referr.l to I.y perions who hare 'blurt, o.
not Thee, esoo w ere roma after they hid torn abandon.
. 0 1
hr phyciroon. hotwdroe. The Betrdleurn will cum
when ermine to airectirms—lharthda. Dreenteri.
henirrit oan. tont. Neuralairt. Erupt/one on the Blot,
ole the fww.Chnoile Fon.. Eye,
d.aia roil.. In the Ire,.. anti prints, old sores, Ulrent,
Wen.. Agl/11.. , 'irony 0 , 1101, Agin,.. Bronchitis. and all
Pulmonary othrtions of a chronic nolo, tenting to pm
draw rondutnirtlon
Lorna and Sealae..lleenees of lb. Bladder awl Kidney,
chopieol 11um1.a Exenrhdr.l Nipples. &Ira, an.l Briolnua.
In fwd. o hat.. rarett 11.1111.,, been tried
0 .1 the shore dieen..... ithin Olt' past 'cur with the
is.clet rettitleates that will setnnlgh are In
a. rotor prhpriehor, who 011 lake id. deur.. in rime..
in ter ;limn to the attiodr4 or their Mena..
hatevor other" MAY) . ablut their medicine.. the
Betntiotim i• the ir.rentrod 11 00.113 of the age. IllyeleLona
of high vianding IL the professionare Ns:inning u.• It
their 'chow who ea - first loolawl on with doubt
and iinorrtaintr. are walk. to awanl due prraee rool
amcaeration. 'Before another yr•ar rolls reomi, all will In
enuipell.l o arknowle.lav that the Petroleum I. the Brea,
I.oulcaivine ever di.....osenwl For sal... wholesale and re.
.F.VS).:II A Slelit IP EI.L 110 W0..1 st.
Ate..—lt. B. 'Oen. r 4. Ji Wood rinwl; 11. SL Curry, I, A.
F.lllOll. Alleuheny Idly. Alen. hi the pro.
Prieto,. S. SI. KILO. Canal Seventh ctn.., BBL,
hurah. imd 11. A. Foliar...oc & Co.. Woul and ' , mot .Is
pelt •
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
DIGBY'S Cheap Cash Clothing
Nn I , llmrty , s , trint,
of ', ll. 7 gl ' 4 ' ! " . ` ,7 r al. u =
t,r purrhmes Of ftring. shortly to ar
m,. ilet , rmined to oiler Mom at greatlY ndon[l
were[ for All thowe who want good. tanhionable and
well mod,. Clothing, will Iltul it grad') ther
in favor blot with • own,. great bargain, will be otherwti.
New Books Just Received.
A •
LTON LOOKE, Tailo r and Poet; an auto-
NM - mph,. 1 vol..tro,
1 •
mpular Morales. for the we of meats had *when,
hed for yonnir swimm of both era., revved httA Saltbab.
dotsert:cisme .11.1. oreolutket of the Senate nod Home
of iterrerentailres of the Stele of Illehltreb... lly.ln sf e ,
haw. A.IL late ruterintsodeap oftsblle lostruetton. 1 vol.•
llhno. ram..
A that. New Bnok—lllstorw of Madame
O. C. Abbott. with engravings twit.. with th.
;io n ;
vO u s
luma of this Bipolar historical aeries. V wit. I.n.
sue, To Apo. ftudia.
111:VOLVERS—Just received. ;in addition
i.!htin.4°° R `"V.W.tatt i tiV .
itoil,131 1 :171:11-2abb6 v c ime i for sale by
obll ti 0145 nMand 11tSet..,00
LINSEED OIL-10 bbln, for sale by
&bit 11019101:GM
TALLOW -I 0 bbls, prime, for nal. by
fehl I 0- a WAIARBAtaII.
BIIOO3IS-50 doyen, for sale I.v
04.11 0. a W. 11 . 000000 M
D .
RIED APPLES.-150pnme, for sale
febl . l 0. W. 110 0.1111.7U1L
BEEF--6 casks sugar cured, for
jjlr mkt)) febtl S. d NV. lIARISAVGIL
I, ls. folrilltaleGby1"4.1110111Vb oo, aaeurted
LAitl)--5 far bb 100 kegs No. 1, for
we n. a of. flAltl3_
dr /LOVER SEED 55 bbis prime Ohio, for
k_/ sale by febll 8 W LLABBALIGIL
I)HIED PEACITES-156 bay fur sale by
fehl I S. • if. ILARBA UOll.
TAR -50 brlaN. C. Tar for male by
lals sußnitrporksminum
n LACK TABBY VELVETS of a very au
x" tarior quallti. for bore wear to be had at the atom
0. MlNit a BVHCIIFLtiLIh
JaIS IN. E. nor. fourth and Market Oa
DurttlfOki have on hand ea aonrtment of above geode,
Shroudi Saxony. Webb, and dont-ode do ay.. Wide , ..
to Welsh,
. -
)'Morphr 1< Haroldfold beet. especial attention un the
dowtrootat ~of their burbles., turf Write
n.. clothe ern' &weird. hz , ifirr th.r • be[ purottaronc. ; at)
010 grni. for mie , by J. KIDD a CO,
AD. GO Wool St
. -
.4 2 30 . 0 En.. for /14111 by JAM .1 KIDD a CO
.VIA L CORKS--1500 gnaw fel sale by
V jal4 J. KIDD aCO
Sr .. M.a;—:2_ eases fi j n ., and 1 bale extra co
ssi sr
1 4 '1'6031 SILTS—IS brats fur axle 14 7---
I I AIR J. limo aO3
11.4 I ES—Fifty barrels Family Flour;
8.73 5 brIN PUperft. Flom; IX) brill 0m ,kr, 50 buihgls Dry
Appl, I bri Eggm just teedred boci 11,r sale by
JOHN Warr a co
tilA RRY'S TRICOPHEROUS for sale by R.
E. set.l.Ens, 57 Wood agent for Pittsburgh.
tv I:3 mots per bottle. 0.53
R. Murphy Burtbßeld Invite the atteution of those
vantiog gu.d. for LoylV yes", to their wortmeot , olthate
sod atter otykro of vole uhtvb.l tor.lti• pupose. Ala
I%TOOL—C.oh P iiir d tu i t r e l lt o g.. b ll . 9 ut.„T st .
adB ROWN M FLANNELS—One case just
relqwt frcon.totoofortnton. ood for rale
H by
1p Eu FLANNEL—One ease on hand and
11. V+ de Id Jal6 MURPHY a LEE
nLA NKETS—Single and double bed, steam
.1 JIP brat, crib, and coating biailrata Su. ado bi
1.16 311711PUY a LEY.
TWEEDS —Three cases assorted Tweeds
tut recelvnl from inanasettuersigltumß7.ol
_ • .
UMAC--Twe tons Sumac for sale by
/IQLASSES—Fifty-five brls new crop, per
AV - .Learner Hilton. and fO/ tale Ay_
L JAMES DALZELL, 69 Water st
YIPOBACCO-8 bxs No one, G twist, received
per reamer Brilliant. and Sor mate_Lz_
tele JAMES DALZELL, 69 Water at.
Heavy Oakland and Roamed Tvills,stdiabla for steam
IverDecklng or Awning. received ea comegnanant, and Jar
FEATHERS. 16 auks now landing from .
arkcp Iselin DTCEET CO -
Wart sad atoal sta
SENECA OlL—Five brie received, for sale
by deS - 13HRITER & DIANE&
UTTER.—Five Gigs and tin jam prime roll
butter, for fondly ores for We& mut k mum
• 8
cieZ •
XT 0 MOLASSES.—Fifty brie, to arrive,
lby by deb BREIVZIL a TIARNIM.
D. nosk K.vivit4l and BOAR Teed by
n. 16 B. STIX'KTON.
iltY PEACIEES.--nree hut:karat bee just'
1.7 nvetvtd a.u4 tur oak by'
INOTTON FLANNELS—A farther s4pply
,of the strove ghode. fttperier article, Net ri - cidie
}WRENCH LEAF—Fifty bundles French,
rhornw.lhgeki. Gold .w Wye,' Leaf. far eale by
SCIIOANMAYLIt 4 Co, 21 Waal pt.
40LORS-5 brie Ruse
50 lb. 13:mate.. axonod; '
10 cues,Clacese Yellow and Ore=
' I LLION —Triemte, Chinede,Ameri
tan. Awl Imperial ihr rile br •
LI SS E NtIA L can Oil of Sassafras;
IEI max 011 of lavond, Ima Oil of Ratemarr: 1 min
ii,l of Lemon I ran Oil of lieromont: 1, box 011 of Clove&
cuti I hos tnl i•i IGrw Just morived for sale Dr
Jo. J EC1100:01.541E11 t CO.
DIItUSSIAN BLUE—Ten Loxes No. 1, for
J, side 10 1010 J SCIIDOMIAKER t CO.
1p RD Ol L.—Lard Oil of a superior quality,
4env...telly ort barol h r r . u l e
ISAIAII DICKEY a COyrater k rec. AA.
GLASSES.—Twenty lime Grin prime
iT Suglir Hon. Molames i !r v mlattm rie s l27
UTTER.—Thirty kegs and six brls fresh
bun, )1.. reeelval and Leg s
oak by
Eli Alt-21 hhds N, 0. Sugar for sale by
BR('WN t KIRKPATRICK. 111 Llbertr rt.
VEW llAlSlNSonconsigamentfornale by
a. V:ro bbl ter! 'Waited Wbtrkey m trAre sad for ale
tor Jan!' JOUALkA/LICEIt C co.
1 OLASSES.-25 brie Sugar House, St.
Loui - l'graerara'zrAt..mlitraeriPetreet
itE ASE LARD—Twenty bets/Grease Lard
I.sir4 and for rale by
LEAF LARD—Prime Cincinnati Leaf Lard
put up lekrgs for family umr, jug tre'd fer raid br
Inlll 4 WM. A. MeCLI.IItB .t
fOLASSES— tierces 34 tiees and 300 barrels,
'T 131 b tjrl aOW/rizrlTnicK.
W. Moilloblek Italtealurawrs to the lamest .11 .
oclertod amoorttankt Thr.e PI, anal Ingrain
IVomfl b rzur=e%sicct
ag ~.71!R;71. 1 . 4 1$ NA'79 Wcud street.
.1•10 W. MeCLINTOCK.
I : \ , ;l r. H.l to W th HA ; NO ; I ; tI . IS.—W yuteb ;
t:VAT, baal ma
i*Zi`iltsaterc wet 004
to uv 'No. 85 Fnurth 5510
The Old Printing Establishment,
LATE Johnston an,:, Stockton's, and Blank
14u1 and Stationer, Warehonae.
t d . S. lIA VEN prspared to eleenta every atyle of Legal,
Coonerrial, Canal. and Steatn Boat Job Vritattog and Book
linallog; and furtdsb every article to the Blank Book.
Payer and Sttionery liar, at the aborted wane, and on
most rem a onable tern.
Urnitiog Intl,* and Ronk Illodery, Nato) Tud n. Jag
ad ball *Pee Ctvideo Brialy, "Po NO."
12 mite • or. obi do dole, vorlous 'lora.
1U do do. and moil celebrated brsods.
pipe. Itolbind tilo - Bobbin, Abettor ;mit - nth."
2 truerbeons Irtqh
n atilleuteh Mull Markey.
22 or. nuke Port Whir.
2d ltteleir• Pirko,
at In SyrrEtt Maloca Mee.
2.7 do Dry do. do.
lu do Sherry - • •
ta tract Hordes:la Clore_
to .tare and fur de by JOHN PARKER A CO.,
tool =Liberty greet.
VII nod Thor [ha ft s on the Lax Atnekti t 4
bouelt and .ad. !'" 4 w" 4,
Fov 'awl Marto. Polklee Lewd on the most favorable
.1111], at the Ilanklme Donee o(_
,a 9 N A o. fa Fourth street.
ttentlau of noterhante and other. to hit lang• and
we . ..rod ktnek of Hoodery, Woo., Undo. Shirts, and
Prime'', The ahoy. &Okla* In Bilk. Wool. Ilarino, and
Cotton, of all thee and prima. constantly on hand and Ibr
.41, low by • no:P.I P. R. EATON.
ILIOLD PENS. Wo have now on hand a
lfi large Peek of the bed fold 1 7 ets from. the leading
reebutertoriee in Nee Tart, and mode otiroOlrto rId.T.
AI, elegant Gold Pencil Came and Peojleldere dam
Carer In . tereurdne Pea Ifold:x . Pledl do.
All for eale bholeale and nedf Too .
de_ IV. .WITeSON.
CIIANGE OFFICE—N. 110L3IES A 507th. Ye. 57
lot etre, Pittsbureb. Enhance re 011 the Elude.
end Wertern rlek, fir Pale. Coneelleme.mle 1,2 , 01 the
NDIA 4:UBBER PASTE 4 grow; of that
rnAperb ntliclo for I.
Ind anZ
nn.r vn.rof. end pliaLle 1. • p.m f cloth. nth
r11r....rnu11.1 to answer the ram... r.prnne4rd. ot:
Itirnrg:l7 l- rf:'.;l°-°llt:t4ta.rpl4.".
TnEA WARE—English & American Briton.
uo a.k,c.. Ca'aldlmtlcks.
ni. Tra 5..: NM , ' .I. ' P ° . i„ , umitr inz 641.
~. an.l Tatp t . 17atrat cl-,...:. 9 .
_ con, . ~u .
ur, Ilatadlr Tables I utter,. blit , rt,t v, tet..4
ca fit
,I L .E a
. a:
I- , Ant..., Plattal and tatroaso 2311 .. I!
.., tad 2 4
'table Slat, Tra ITait a h.e ~‘ '..1e, r, ,, , t a1u = 4.0,
111.14 in-aameuttel t Plated Teat • 1 ut
A •aer s."' r mei , Powder fed rleanina and pita/dot:plated
•: V 'r
raettee av earaoltta. Chamois ltklaa. -, Feather
p a ~,,,, ae,
Sti-Voit tcwavw,..—bnyefi. enlArs4,l Hltehr,,,
eh..ta the our of • bet whieb will =ale cook beef.'
si•sk. oy•ters, °my Ihies else ha a few minutes:
I , nr wale by
Cor. Market .4 trodrib
ur MlO h. lowanfte, prem. order, ow co zulancitz%
LA brig Clorec teed. prime:
5/0 bd. Mnln•ww, prime copperas%
30 bee
brit t
1.1 Lux At;
30 brie Timothy Seed: on bend he Weir
144 !Abateareet
ws..ised fob
DO lo ate= tlastt:Mbhont
ttiT, 4 0 27 -
60 do 7 Ste
• 3 a
do m Mug Blanket
UJlbaoth, (
3 di f.lL.„.m
3 do ' Tweet, rotors.
Caegtoetee beck ..dtwx7
• 1 do'. Sallostis. Mae gel gre meld.
3 do White Twilled Yleaael. , yard wide..
I do Cross bused do • do
TheAbose decried goods an all et madgemsme from
mere meaufecturare eat sad rt set en lbs see oat
LL ere tams to the Inds. et Vex.
ue num thine, in heat:-1: and earth:
'Then are drearopt
TILE VIRTUES of this rem trkahle rens
jy. and to. ronstant anvil/Teton t.rlt to the Were ,
r p o .. ha. 1..112Mi lon to hare It put op taleellea. with to l
Loeb and dto ds
,ta, for the twr..ett of qt. put.lic.
The POTROLEVM t poet:trot from 3 toil io thin venni
ty, at a depth of four bundled fort, I. a pore. unadultera.
. r u c lp, without, an y chemical but put as IC
(loan (rem Nature P (*MI /...07rIttr.,: Th. i t c „.. tu
proporties teorblor.• number of dielue,l io no longer •
[natter of onorrtaint). • There are nann nalues iu th• an
alleviatingle. If known. alight l.ot ra. weft&
ew, to SUP:MiII., 16141 11.1.1.‘,11r the blenm of
health and older mans !_enrece , r : luo u n a ,„ ny. Na
=eir or tlo e ught of ratting rjra
eine coll. Au it. and ...rend or snNJnllr per
brined. b a ,ore Indication or Be (mom, no no i ar n,
atde spread application in the num of dpesk..
Me du not 11 , 1.1 to make a ll . estg parad,,a' cert.:Goan,
ne are con.clocso that the 171•111rIter ran h unt I. say
Into the Laney f tho.w alto suCer. nn,! ioh a •
be healula
sr do net minion her ti • moan :-A applienti n n in ra y
err dh.ease. unhe.itatlngly than in n nuroler af
Chronte liiaeaaea it Is none:1111d. AIJOnd the. -
W—allooera of the mum,: .
CilitoMe BRONCHITIS. CONorllrt
etj tin Its redly
Madder and Kidney, Pain, in the Per
or.Slr. Nem+.
Lunar., Neuralgia. Palsy. Rheum:ate Pad, Gout. byvip.
elaa. Tette, Ringworm, Burn.. Scald, Prin.,. uld.f.a,
le dr. In ex,e nr debility, 14 , 111011 C from ...ap,,,anr e .
I®n and protracted -of :11...axe. thin nnalt r ;o r w in
bring eel
It sill art • geta.ral TONIC and ACTOR
ATI NM in ;loch ear, Imparnou
and • ttergy to lb
hole pram., prusorlng pletrurti..a ors sling the Klonish.
tunctlona. which mom dluare nod
and giving InerelAta ami reneved terror to all the
of fife proprietor Louvre or ersentl cum. of 11
that realu.el every othrr Orottuent. Ott anon! the woo
of the PETROLRUM ter Al.ort time. The Idrof ant los
giien to any pera:n who ale.ltre It.
None u*nolto, without the lin:nature of the mariner:.
&Id by the nropriette,
5..11 KIER. Canal Baui. taw,
Ito,Aivhy It. E. SELLER..., rd . W
and KEYSER irnowaL.
earner Wood Oval and Virgin Allrnrirho tu•
n0r2417' naularly apt.uted arena
NOW all men wile are sick and afflicted
with disiwse of the Illadderand Kiluets. with rhea-
Ilipains in hark or Inuto. Joint, old saes. total um
Lulcers, kr that thoy eta rrd by ...Law the PETRO
EUM. You ma y lath about Ite being a tue , trum.aa Marts
as you:please. Lut this dove not make ,o r ,
la the fan of an honest mamml, that it has virtues
which are ma mntained in any ,M.or
who hr rackedwith rain, nod sullerine. from die.... ban,
Sru f+o cents. get relief from any of the Ills enumerated
Reader! It meta rery little to make a trial. Thle Petro
leum nantinttire—no entllp.ll/mi. put up tar the unnet.
of broprwiain on the community: hot It a n.o...lyetahan..'
441 by the miorter hand of nature. and bubble tio fneu the
bosom of our mother earth.,ln lie orininal poen, and of
fer. to traffering humanity a ready retool.. vertatn scut
cheap nue.
it QM curmmi Pile.. eh, other medicine. hale failed to
render any relief. It ba. enoal Itheinimibm. of long
alanding.and of the womt roo.rt painful elmmarr. It
but aired Chohnt Morinia, by one or ta. it brs
cured old cone. of Diarrhea. In ehieh every other .trawlr
ham term - f no avail. Aso local renp4ly In burr." app
aced. it Is better than any medical rompolnd. ointment
that we know of. It will care chilblain. and forted
In • i'ew aPPlicatiorin unthekhlml to, man y ran he Dunbar.
ed of the truth contained In tiro above etat.tnent, by call
ing SAMVEL M. it. Canal Ittoin.,..eventh etreek or
either of the agents:A.
Keyser .t ronter of ..tree! and Vireo
alley; R. K. Seller, 67 it'.l irtreen D A. Elliot, and D. M.
Curry. Allegheny city. are the
REEtnuerftht mum.
F ilhat attended the rue of PlOllll3l ER'S
coring the severeat and moot ioVetmtt, ep.r. nf INFLAM.
grl . lrt . th t" thr LtiT tr="l'„ tgl`l l ."Zi —"°''
lkonalroda of cu.. many of their cinema of ft. Lomb..
Mad others bout abroad, hare leen curd within - tiro Nat
few months in the city 0101. Innia alone. while letter+ from
azeuta'abroaal chow abo that it la perPrtaing the rumor
wherever hint Many of theme were chronic of long
standing. and all hope of rworery had hero given up.—
While others wcre of mom recent dab, of the acutainflarn.
Mabry form. eery revere. All. however, JiMiti to the won
derful virtues of thiamedieinr, and thoneande who hare
realised Da benefit, and are now in the rrtionnetit of health
csa but nemesia the original diaeorer, and I...Priem, •
benefactor of mankind.
it IA well known tom the experience of the past, that no
outward application ea nroorildy effect A permanent rum
Of this dreadful diem.. lly the application of atlmulating
litdawnis, trartled relict, in wane ri.e.e. ma, be obtained
fora Mort time. But all the while this dinar V firlen Its
SPMID mare permanently to the system. and "ounce or toter
will aga develope itself in a more d reel ful Prim and after
• few periodical returns. It realer intochrmele Meta,
wltch, If not RAM scroMed. ruins the indiv a
idml for life.—
Thla be verified by the Meter, of the In all emintrie
and mom fully denim:ulna:A by the Li.te,refurni,bcd of
P.Priator of thisintupouvil. at given by several
hundreds of three who bare paeeed under i hi, hi, immediate
notice and treatment during the loaf few month..
PUMP/ h ut Journal onnedr—,mninences Its or.ra
time wk.. re the disease nest originat, marl in purify - bur
the blood, pares threunb the whole evAtem, neutralises the
Impure meat/stir sediment. which has settled nine the
treemillranes, manacles uut temlonr.—rtmo
Lb! eystem. and,re.tor. a the indvid nal too perfect health,
Int those erbrienc annexed ter doodle themcel....M
put all the use Orthla needwitic tow, lung or untheir
limbo ree'illelocatod or entinnotoil each . o until - &wren that
they are etipplea:for The respericenn of hundred. of
thousand. dollen the Pir..llol well es a multilude sr the
resent dayol,monsersue the folly rd csPecnnn
tient relief (rum est appiations.
The proprktor of em u alualic meet:eine know., from tut
' perlenMi, that no outward atneirmtion can loan lily effect a
permanent cure where U. dbene. Many fixed in the
.ystem. lie an and does enlist.. and apply an ruthmes
tko in nes7 acute caste. which will :are relief m one hone,
time, of In will met meet ss , t.crinarrent sure. The tin.
Mire of thistlbsense is such !India n ulna lommatith and'
an internal remedy, to bred um.lthe daircd effect. end Sir
hlummatic Compound .and Illoot Purifies. is the
only remade that has ever lcen .11.4 , vemd, either ha'
Atneeres or my other country that wool effectually eon
U., abet.,
- TILL. medicine ran be had, vrb.•lrralr r retail. at No. 73
TWA rtrent. next In the Port rtalo Inw.burab.
Al. , Mr rale re Dirtalmrah. U. IL rms., Wm. norm,
J. D. Morgan, V. N. iritarrham, and J. A. Jonas.
De re 1137er WAD: FIS lanaleir for 1.3 , ; or VA redraws.
"Pamphlela ran Dr Ima gratis of 'IL. ammt.
novnal • R. 11. \S ISHART, Agent.
Da Jams i t metlenoverer amt role proprietor
hew. moat pt , pular
the Inventor of the cs•lc hated I.trorrocat fo Inflatitur the
Lunge. ha a frestla a rare 41 47annx disew.c., was a stu►
dent of that eminent physician. linst v Meek. mad 1. •
graduate of the I alrerett, of Pen. 'rentaand Po thirty
Trot* mum b. pion engaged 111 1., 11‘...1.WatIcal of dlt.
Tand the application 1 rem, da• then.
hrough the due of hp. mdalltg tubc.navonmetdonwlth
hie Prophylsetle Syrup. and other of Lk, rteilks. he has
trannel no unrerallelml cmmen In en - inthme draadral
and fatal maladlve. Tubercut Coneuroption Cu,,,,,.,
Scrofula, nem... Aeth few, and tgue. Fryman(
W Lind, Chnsde hryclpelas. a all these otutioode
peculiar th koala, Ind . every form of dhow*
vanishes under the tive of his med. , . in which human/.
ty Is heir—not pi the tne of ccon/Pa•rel oAir, for that
lovontradible with Ph , sioloki l Ls, but hr the use of
i i
ht. remediee, adapted to. tuad . •tubed for, each perullar
form of &wawa
Pr. P.n.'s Tome Alterative Hite. when .4.1. are inemite
bly acknowledged to to euperir to ill other, es et purge-
Lee or liver pLI, Inaptmech pr 1 / 1 1.1 . lean.the bowel. Pi,.
feetly free from ra etteenee.. am 1,41./ , t,ohlen POI, are ad
mitted. by the Limit), tort yevuher fn 'le rhea. adate
ted to &nde !him...A bu 6.4 g wit.-fed that a tare trial
Is 'afar:kat Mmtabloh a hat It I.c.n .0. In the minds of
the moat skeptical
The ,, °I I= t,t) ° ,l,M. t eior i i..'Z , Tigi.7:ll% - „LLII:
od &recant of f•arit remedy, an ma applitatun .
e k , r , n=
, 11 , 1 , owln . ::. i te, se well am by moat drag
./ Scheathtaker a Co. 24 it at, , Patehufgh
J M. Townrend.Drugmst. 4. ?lather rt. •
tae. Becklaaa Drogglet. car the Post 013., Anent.-
ay cit
. I . orter . 6ll ß... lot k tltt . P .r rm i reffeT . 7
T Adams. beam,
COMFORT 34v111 7 1 7
41-E OR THE AFFLIC ED trill be found in
Dr. Dewitt C.liellingoes to} ALI lIILE I.III'IIEIT,
ante Fluid. whkh 'mist. he bet of thirty 'earn ea.
Erttalir ' ero t nat= . :1
1111 . 1 i ;idtar.c l In . 1a ... m a ." ,
char and charackr of dlselie rtt. f• 1 that we nama.a . roc.
thing in Goo 11. ~ the , nl3 medico, that has been
01tm..1 to the aria fed that daiii in • rem ten.. of the word,
hat II bead for
s lt has eared..l,l b. tat al I, et rurine Mora dityp er thy n
war other Walkup. often./ for le, we can not by whom
rude oe mid. os by • hat name,
A...strong and convincing proof of thu shore, we 14 , 3"
that it Is the only artole that h. appearedllo. Into of
%patent itedithie that boo errs been patronised end nett.
od the pals of the elite gentralb, at the /meat agretahla
Family Medicine ever offend Ihr rale. or .4,1 by any of
viz t . rt limn H. Grinnell, late 11. C. Tx lion kohl
t" 'l. olllr l l l L lZter l . i... ri 1 1 41 . tt A pr, h crth t n. t l artlof t . lae .
om aatj a a bon of other ' du nualsoed 'tiara. m New
York, wherhave fully lasted Its tater.. Lstr permitted the
proprietor to rer to theto
As It ir well known that r t iledichte. toe not pen,
ally patroni.d by the leanud. calthy 0 , 01 will, curl,
we have undoubtedly aright fool carrel, ea ht.hl, pr.,
lima This Wunder working a topound h. lven nearly
*even years leave the public. its trot
'mends ate rug it.
stronge4 and best Thls moil adonbtadly 1e strong and
cOariming mot of ha nnbntdlwerulnevo and sanatlee
ricadithes. 11 1. a anverelan remedy bar .ii nervous M. 0.,
rheumatic pal., scrofula. swilling,. etwains. brew, ohl
Noma Mat oil the pal. and aelv a that flesh is hetr to
Over 1,00a.00t1 With la h.. teen without ma/plaint,
and have perfected sorb mtonbOlot run, olio
.11 . ther
rms./lee have fallni. . night .tugger belt. r. bad we nGt
olletral, and in our pietvetun, the ithougert tutible era.
Thy P.a., or rueture'et
rt ~tahlret. for Intrruett.a. troll see r
utlt re m the dlaeueteelpurt.. ! i •
rpeterir2c ' ekritTre r r . ''' .11",.. 0
11'esekurege in wale, fre
h' iro r =lrk : tube:trib e byR. l,
ned Ogeleu et Ureter ou r
wrally. It it put on la four
0a. T .,...1 h. warranted
sem 11 eets, when l! kir
but:wheat ohm; tg Uh
, by which
Goer of about. 3 per ocuL
To Mob. 1111.111,--TOrarb p
t litit . gn i lit of C ,r ozpottu o. d t s h r . l the
rai:ed hour that you can ret sem
add as math mid water m
thlokriess: knead it well. and.
Whim baking—one nr two hour
should be mixed much Winn. + 1
will do cm hurt l 014•134 fifteen
Is sio dangeT mitthm kw mu
bread; it will mit turn the bn I
wh,ti used mo t rea
Too ran pathe &Uwe Com e
ding, Johnny mix, Indian
cob mon bread. brown bread,'
c a m smile dumpling,
litiree. Jam rerrietti unit
cod Into in cake, pod.
bitglifivtr Vr7;,l';?v,"'bur
for all ciatinit
'. at:Le:DRS. M' Th d st-
TAX:B N m.
j five Dollars retrart,olll • raid to any one Vil
Mocha. • ?Mx paint, green ,r dry, that cannot Mot.
feasted wilt. Ifolre Interweed F r ,„,„ . Li n , o n
tion of ...yin, to dui ,p i e Mi. t h a t tile
article. by my own umprerm e • t on it. tew
yolk , ' in ibla country
for extra tur..4ltrlt.
team, orway atavr wimpy nub. nve, fn.n..41-.paa. urge.•
ilneartie or bean.' Clothing, a Pr . .. I
idmilite. teal& bonne mnina
t, to 1a wry things
that pea timer not injo, Thaw :ban ,•ne tilouno.d ip different parts at mtioU.• Viirn wild =vibe)
Lould cot wit h out it if It .• SI a Icy trying Ulu
an on more than 300 articles .f r4Tioc taro..
and calkon• I base poly fool. three GF . L .. ..“*". 14 - te n
oriap....,and foot of rain..., on ho-bit elianted.i.ka colon
thitelbre, before putting it on ter ealinnia
of the dress eat. I state tll.l, I aau .Irtenxgvzl no
to recommend it any •trnn,er bee 1 hero to-boitcrlap..
Oaths Prom country men-isnot. swi
IVr w z g r .
attended to by tba;nobecwilor.
..1 Lad nut coed It tame tefon, I felt ite ten. fetal effect:a . '
,11 - R. R. E. r: Su freri rig from a
Ltrdff'&.ltr'tr.'ll. ebkb ltit',Vsei'tr'sYbcrtlttn
I . :. ' Sellers' Cuitatt 3111tu 'L re. ' " I' 'think It :troy shloett ° l
Otee to both you and the pullie_in general. to noaltively
t. that bad nut wed It twio. beton, telt
delear., sod th em e . Nettie m oota.dda
to bob& the bottle. I trot:trod', a. to har.nx leitodoed
propertiee co teem/a of tone: toe ;a partieuh,
who had a try? awelr. on bet lu
we tte, .rtt.b
dhttredor and . aff ect
e only true treulapta,(whore
Mocha and co a affect the auerer) bee ildrended
tte to 'IL 1L Aelleri Cough Mixture."
3 FITAiI.O.U.D. 23.5 Wris.
r=t;i 4 tiril L V: szums, No. :a wood
seal sok/ by . JaN d'
10 Additional mot .
Au... 1304843.
Mr. IL Z. bellen—Being affileted fur amt. time With
bad mdttb,=l.77.yr=th, =ATI ,yt l i C'4 l
as th~fa pi...". IMa so. It bad Med...mod ea., of • " Zi
K • that. / bad dosywnw a
had Mad alms) erel7 Mk, that It: eras iu my to
ct. bof
meth y th a. feell tin
fully t untilaallatkd I met thd. our land.. r .
ci..siy lag. La ye%
and nY . ...taaadlue tba ane of tLy e. m.d••• ,
thy. that burner hem -prapayag fer , the nye IM wldetutt ••
L. tat aged. JANE S fl. ML ITIL
Fmtanal and aald by IL E. YELLYIn. AI %.011 ru.
CARBONATE AMMONIA, - 11artsh - orn
60 be ale by Lian NU= 6 ZEUS
.nly. L. prrtmrett from T.,:
uwe. It be,.
it butith and ptrrotrth.—
amp, Bib.. Cholir, amt
' Kidm•y, and
•• vrlmt..tcr .-att.e It mar
- hollers, Mettsre. KMO It
tun, t hl Ae ruttta l D:tettchts
)311'0 U N Thin
prcAlur, tbr within al.
maim; larad, tea ralcvs.
,avity, rer.viod in Um
and of Italie add, two td
quanta) of Ault, =lx
dry. lthla radian. pre
o Ana loisurc,) tiaeu
at, the dough the wawa
t It Karat Eftoost minutes
will do ne hurt. Iliteult
ted . h.slcn . l at once. but
ty met. There
of Compound in the
yellow, it v•aknatls 4yeee