FIEV—INITATIP.M.—.t fire broke out' of about one o'clock yesterday morning, in a small frame building,. nest the FifthL,Presbyterian Church, which was occupied no a rber's ahoy, SSW as the wind was high, the flames speedli9 communicated to the church. The alarm was giTen an soon as the flames broke nut: and those who were first on the ground rushed to the Nen- - tune Engine house, which was nearest to the fire, Pd endeneored to get the eng:ne out, but their orts were for sometime frustrated, as Wheels were found tied tcgattlier. Owing to this fact, the engine did not reach the church until the dames had made considerable progress and bad reached the belfry. MI the engines were promptly on the ground, but it was found Im possible to rave the church, and after a short time the belfry fell inwards, with a tremendous crash. Five sio di frame buildings, next the church, were rn mueli injured, that we presume it will be nece.saly to rebuild them. Four be longed to Mr. Michael O'Hara, nod were not in sured. The large three etorybrick building, be longing to Martin Lytle, was for sometime in considerable danger, and not only saved by the moot untiring eteorts on the pert of the firemen. During the conflagration, the reel of the Fair mount Fire Company, was destroyed by a por tion of a brick wall which fell upon it, Fortu nately none of the firemen were injured. The walls of, the church are still standing, and have sustained but little injury. We learn that there was nn insurance of five thousand dollars upon this building in the Delaware Mu tual Insurance Company, and it is thought that thin sum will be amply sufficient to repair it in a plain substantial manner. This fire is thought to have been the work of an Incendiary, from the fact that the Neptune was found fastened in the engine house, as well as from various other circumstances. ' UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT. Before the Tlonorablo Judge Irwin. The Gram! Jury roturne4l true bile ogninet Jackson Corriston, and Thomas Scott, occused of 'pluming counterfeit coin. The trial of this ciao was postponed until to day, in_ order to allow the prisoner? counsel an opportunity of exa_mlning the bills of indictmenL DISTETCT COIIET. • .-Before . the Hon. Hopewell Ilepburn, President Judge. , Joseph, Elizabeth, Samuel, William and Nanny Boyd nail :dory Ireland, vs. Alexander Speer.— This was an action for ejectment, brought to recover fifteen acres of laud iu Indiana Towriahip. Howard for plaintiff:, .1. W. Loomis for,tlefen dau. Tho jury brought is a verdict for plain ,' tiffs, on condition that they : , ay to defendant the suns of oh hundred and fifteen dollars within, three months, tel liberty to take out a writ of /tab facia. put.,,,ionem. 0a failure to pay the above sum—verdict for defendant. John Forsyth tor us e , vd. Joahna Hato.. int. pleaded with Robert Hanur. . Mellon for plain- - tiff t Shafer &C. 0. Loomis for defendants. Action of debt on n replevin loud for the value of canal boat Sultalm. Veniiet one hundred and thirty-four dollars for plaintiff. John Downing & Co.,' vs. Eli S. Wellever find John and James 31aKee. ' Wills and Coyle for 'plaintiffs, Marshal for defendants. VertLet for defendants. e • Bowman & ffhaniam Myep "Barker. Ver dict of four huii.lred and seventeen dollars for plaintiffs Williams and Shinn for plaintiffs, Mellon for defendants. Joseph D. resi ss. Robert Smith: Magnw for plaintiff, Alden for defendant. No verdict. .CoaswiLL's—This panorama, now on eihibition at. the Athenaeum, continues to attract crowded nudiencei. It is well worthy a visit. Tux Wannt.LlCS.—This fine hand of Ethiopian Minstrels drown crowded, audience yesterday evening. Wo Ivor° very much pleased with their performance, and are happy to announce that they will give another concert on Saturday eve- TEXPEILASCS MUrtsu.—The Young Sten's Association of Allegheny City. have been hold ing a series of Meetings ter the past few evenings, in Quincy hull, which ere very interesting. They have been Addressed by Capt. Colbarn, a truly eloquent end pleosiog speaker. The hall is en tirely too small to accommodate all those who wish to hear him. lie will deliver another lec tare this evening at 7-o'clock. ' DIIITCHIIISO A CuXUDECIATIO:C. —Two young men, whose names we eunpre,s, since we trust they will not again be guilty of the same offence, were brought betbri Alderman Re*hart a short time ago, accused of difturbing the congregation of the Methodist E pbe , ipal . Church of Manches ter, by talking and laughing . during' the service. A large number of witnesses were .examined, and the defendants were found guilty, and sen tenced, under the Act of the 16th of March,. •1847,-to pays fine of ten dollars and the costs, which they paid, and were discharged. KAIiPINO A GA-MIL - MG ROVSE.—A cokired CUM turned noHy, was taken before the Mayor yes terday, charged with allowing persons . 4o gamble in a saloon, in the basement story of the build ing in which Lafayette Rail is situated. He was Abed three dollars and the costa. INPLIZATID.—The females confined in prison, were xestarday removed to the upper tier of cells in the jail, and are now wholly separated them the male department. This is one of the Improvements which, together with the introdue tian of gas, into the Court House, &c., dial:hand • Jurors have been urging for months past upon • the attention of the County Comenissionem JiLLIGLD Bunctattr AND Anson.-Joseph yea yesterday committed to prison by Alder man Major, charged with burglary and train. alladge, d to havibeen committed in break:Mg in to the Moro of Nraliam Buchanan, on Wylie street, which was fired last week. Mar shall Hecketeweller is alto confined on a almilar eharge,.bnt neither are as yet, finally commit ted. • ATTAcullp - r Bcisrmsn Sweitzer. Distritt United States Attorney, yesteriby asked for sa attachment again.t the steamboat Wells ville, the cwners haring refoiTti to surrender their enrolment and license to CM 'lnspector of Customs, after due notice of a till of sale for an interest in said stmtetboat recorded under the acts of 1793;08321, and July The attachment was granted, returnable Els day at ten &Clock. . CILLIM* or Armor. yeung Mall was brougb t down from Brownsville, awl committed to pris onyesterday, accused of setting tire to the Bay ar&ton bridge. After on examination, lbe was discharged, sufficient evidence not , appearing against him to ern...rant Lis final commitment. ' lii6Era DANZ,. —A man was arrested yes es:6.y, sad taken before the Mayor,.,charited with purchasing a coat with notes on a broken hnte. On paying the value in good money, he Illut discharged. • Ritttua I.IIICOII TO A MI:COR.—=.I gentletatuS Wired a complaint a few days ago, before Al derman Reinhart ? egaiust a tavern keeper of the Sixth War", whovvas accused of selling liquor . to it minor. Ills honor bound him over for his appearance at the next term of the Court of Quarter Sea:Anne.. Ins WraimsallonAC.. soltil IFF.‘d. of all kind. fotrn, dat LINN SPUN 1:f.1.1. TOIACCO. h.q.! Tzhami. of ..rer, pineA .tr. Ail AZ PRINCIPE SE.: A'IS:.• hrandw. kxtri h-t.1,11n. r ihN 111:.I. 2 CO. • • _ _ AULT'S ENGLISH GABIIEIiSE.ENS, .te. r ,,.• untier‘igt.,l I I,, ti.lalturi,t. and Seet:t I , ti;:::": '"ii 1 , - T j 'ii - '',Z :.7,'''v 7 , ',•' - ',. l ,''''' i t ''''''"'"'' , pi,,.,' •-•,'n' - .." 1 ' - t‘ t` .:ac Li ' " 77 ',,'". ''''''''' '', ' ~,. - . ,.:',',1,1,'1,. 1,'...,`1",::',,,i'.'..,.' 711.!'i:1„"`,-''''' ' ';',',Z .uell 4,1.4 km.l. , of Cannai., Caulike",m a r. 8,,,,.. n ii lttnee ',lnk anion. lo 1 , a4. Lteeti. kr. A. full +aeon: fartn r ~ ..1 fer u. b. on fr:end, near Lomlon. It'. a fart wen ~.... 1. ro eveir wardenre or rwrienne. that brat • rare 1.n.,1...1. e:.,eien needs produce ia quantity and 11a*ar, ~,,,:,,,..,,,,i, I...rter reon. Ilan be obtained than the beet ere., -•,e.1 10 toll eltmate. This tentark le mile. larly ap,d, ....le to the kind, nomad above, and the,rine cd 0,,,. s a ,Il t...inut the -am:, tb. paid here fiat-Ihe land. rotartron tr... 1, Ts enable centlethtn to as, tbe difletenes ~,,ality, ‘-it:e,t i`,lsellm. to tbetuaeleg., we here teeth'. eel enme 1-e of 11, principal kind,. cinch the v•Illora of the Gazette will pr.ror ta curb of the it friends (Modica. cud mane:na.w.r. und will do the eeneturtlde. and al ity dry u- :, :no- fulurtn:to: os of euerkea, , ',ode, 1:a. our ,e.. 14. and erruittinne.tsillat all tlna. re. ~, i er our prompt and /....1 etttotino. Ina. rill lazd 4' Adam.. Exprew.. tor we onlered.) Wk will fax - Watt the. by the ounce. pound or t a r . or put`in, UP to order. .1- , I'L AUI.T d CO!' febls lair. rt au& Water strteta. 'ltaltinacao.)ld. .. ST. LOUIS. 1)ATII) C. TUTTLE, Attorney. at Law, an d CrIMM,{I6OIII, t lonic 31e eeatunininttung pre•Lepti, nw,rer...L 101 IN 11. RANKIN, Attorney ancL Conn nellnr at U.:, and ( otrteaL.,ire,er) r the ..State elvarkin, :it. Lauf, Oat- rf Pittnbur.:lL) - fleferenece.-111,1sur-411: Ilnn. it: Ilarnytna 31111er. 3! Caudle.. L Parke. llineelt. Ifrenrllk C.. ai,011.111- 3EO AMERICAN _HOUSE, 17.1NOVER 111,TON. • T untiertignell having entirelT re-= built and enlar..4 the ah.v..l,6.n.fve• em1;1,11-h• '',lt4 tuenL ..antaining al ?Lil/4,w Om, hundred at•LI 0 ...".• vr,,u1,1 noti , that It .1. , now mut,' 11.•• thr ree. plwa n.l nt , anmalatton ea' the travelling rotam.ity. tvit. n0tt... , , the u1..urpa, , ..1L1 4 :ntrrenienc, •upvrtlunt, the hne.. 1 ,417 tat.u . l.(antut oroperir 10 IYI Sulnce I: to -ft, 11.• -,nr.,14,, rt . ., ap.rtnt..nt Th , turnitur• • 1441( kT nrac:. tvgartlies.,.: ...J.:. m 1 ivrtnin the w tout,l tuo,l i.eautirug tur. 1,.. 14,4, .^.!+ -Lot en rohvettien... o!th. , • . • • • •••• t•:•• awl t. 11.• )4.1.1z.••• ihr Amt•tiour 11•••. k, ohm!Ilm tru i trur.•ll,, fet,,L.,4•15.0•1ta Lrwys itimt M=EMIM ISMEM 1 .17 E 11 , w wi , :taz vrrir phdo• ot,t otux.. tp, r.. 0, 11,1- glee:, wls,b .111 00t cit. Ind NVl:d =BEE twi t Wlttl 4 11,, lark tttatt art It tatutr t taltto,,,,tsrtttmly Pt: ttii. th- rat- ru,,, ,111,.011. fr, tbr roNSUMPTION a 1 II F 11E1:13 , 1T:k It I-• am 4' Cheri! . n-w r;•., of Con‘utrif , :i. , . vinz .11.1 or (~,,umptien•t• =MEM i 1 IF Para—pour tiin iakt Inc litiortf at adorning. if thr lieti.ifit I inn. ~. In, 0, Italtaint at Wili: Clair,. itt kW. Li:artl nit nit 4.01... ant trait tito-nit inn tu coo. En- Lt.. of ant Lanai rse. hvl 11N1 af 1 waii alitiOtod oni :warts lilt tar trt noititto•iiif tFe ;w,[ !ola ronatt. and •oannetnranal a ivaiat itart of blond. biotic fever. a-. h tuna. , in th , id., atat cheat— mil obilla. altar manna tont, ',tannin or tam e was uud, phyr!cLat. fr.s.lhe Um.. I tat,. tin . l.l About Re..k.: ~ ;11, then alma sn.l , , n*id.rtrl or at 1t.u.1 hey , ,,J our ph, , i , !att, the n. of aaaau c..; Cherry. IVlthou! IPI kpowhalge.trty tatb•r procar,l IL 4.1 conlstum..l / 1 ,111iTi• :AteritlK It to au, and Outu ILL. pr.t Sat I lug n my Imalth in I 6 0from thm Ulm. 1 cnromerwed ualh; abIL w i. out' mad aver mr hwitir, which I ',III ccatsulto bid:. 1 harp htken four bottlr. of Lit, uirdlrio,. :aid not: comp!, loy..:ll'l.,rf.rtly tali. 141:1!!!!IA11 1:131t14:6. aatta .1` 0 0 0 (Nowa Cu_ ly Junelk , i4l. Jun., PNCS—I) sir: In July:lat., I 11, atta , ti sltb .a (veers( ttwlitid rhara, r v 7,1 v h iu , alv n. I.:ntrr, I na 'ken ith la) ,luo mote. auchm ea• ~P r.+3 ,11,U : a an:twined tire. I labortfi under c v vrr cmagh,—ex pvrturahal [Lunar deal. dull‘re lnauhltd n.. 411 cal:t c,: ,iatt I Ilro Irrnurntly r o t.- 1 1.11..1 ham a2 it1b9.4.„ under Jai...n . .1 , 47. **hen 1 ve., atmin eiteeked urfit'rener. ,nr Primal, devjatirml af my and thenei,i could .arrive but a .Leannme. itly entrereltte, IY c, wean Ltruvrantl,,,,4l. dad alu4se ; tlr,t their 6.1. Uudvr Ultra, drentnataurra it um,l4lrally a hiring skeleton. 1 tth4llt,Ltletertmu4tinfult Lakin, fee , liduex prravribral by phymciau,, mad any II:. Wlrtarlv .1Y of Wild Clammy. and f-nra the u,.i avvk that I f-na, urn taking _madnal r..eavory. deal It. aveals month, et tl.f n-a of tam, 1 war rn, 'al. and ca,,0)a.1 nand healti vrer Nu., and cheerfully ye , rrazneud the Itahiara to all Ch.., ailluArd math divrap, .La tile lung.. and vuol.l la thane. to 1., aura,l tv.. Om, la.ttl. curt, but :v. hal, tivu, awl 1 vo but niu.. olv• t•tzt of ten. w1;1 tot , r•1,, ,,, ,1 with rrulro tteulth har , Rtgrc-rtfall, yowl, • JACK,ON • Fr..m Dr. Baker. IVlDlkingtoD I:4lmq, It: Mt n. Stanford .t l'Ark.—l MI, thi.. UP,Ortl.ll, farming you of a no. remarkat.l• I,z - formed v.v.:, m. by the n.• .1 Dr. Wi..tar'.. ..f Chem} In the y•ar 1410. T wrs taken vith an intintnati,nr, th b.wrh, • Lich I lakbor..d made, vb.. I ~.r..v.•ret.•.l. In tb. tra of 18.11 I wa, attactrd rach 1,71: ur.u.nMY lung. and L. , tb gw~^uf dal, ,rar... I tt , u.ronnt...l to my —I tole.t klnu medicine...nd Te.rn‘V et and 1.110. I • earitil On, anal. v. of I hoard of Dr Wl..tar'e. ~11..1 Cheri:. . . rri , tut. T.t,t,drd In. It 4 trie.l.:!.,,th t tntl, up MI hop.- of nvotery. told bwl preparrti tur.olf At • L.lot.- ituuthrt utr:d tloir,to;tritatLx.rt , tt, I-, - 11111.1 It“.• trttit *ape Ntltittn, .41,1 ,111,-tuw. .pmt fidut or Lir liondird lo sr. ytiriv-r, and loot moil idi, ourior had prorod 1141., In riodor, cow,. licoltle Iv IL. too. It Wild Cho,. NI, III.; I,•••,rs .1 0,4 r.—t wk. pruprirt/4. t•: 111.41. (1 111:1.1 Cher, I , .sc IL 1‘1,14 Y.,. I.; Snunnl Park., fourth id Walnut 4n.... Cluannn..u.l.l;:u. A nun t .In. an! 11r..hum all run.t I. addrull.on. PaLc.a.lo... a. Co, A. ...ft, 1,. tilt. I. 11. nom 1., Etalt , utu. if It;. On. n•lnn:. ;.; lit•unt, nuns.n., Scott A Cllnlurr, Snr.. Iltnahunlon:MmOur.ffnmd,,,,,„ 11i1.1.LrInd .t Inlynuc. ./ ,:.An.. A C,,. llruuk‘lll, 1141aanlcul n C.. Caintadur Burton C.., huß.‘. Jun.: nu; BEIMMIESMI I=l . Closing ont the Entare Stock. .(4R u E ,.., 1 i. 1' pri 1 n 3... , k1t ., (1 ; : , 1..1 ,, N ,,, ,5 ;, -- „,. .A ,,, !fftlie t r Jedt ,, t . c , - , ;he 'Allan, ot la. en...,k .1 Vane, and I...taple D. 1 ., ~,..., , . thr I C I. of vv.,. aould r.,a , tfolli .all 1.1.• at, uti..... of 111. old elmtan•r• an.l the bulete...• hr. aZe in vata ..t ~,aal gt.l• at eft) ,a, ri.l. !whoa termer nru.a. .Z. En., la, •.t. alatiour n. , a.nsni..taa buain.., en 31arktI•tr..., 11., a ould la. a •-ot.l olport um(' .. la , 1.1:1 ding., of. IL.. I-1 . an, cf Cu. on lit•ral Innuk,ith a- 1.......etha .ue a vita.h t. ha. nerophal ILI. cla-r llaaarr. nit }uo an ~. tent fondly tradr. ' UM. 1i.13.1.1t1WW. •n:•I Ni.s- Vor4 Ste?.. 11nri...: •:. 1:::41ear. _ ... . UEEDS-40 lads Cluvr.r : . . 4 ..1 . ti: I - 3 a , Tmott •..' .1.. Jot •al• hr . f.. 1,10 li 1:0%t": , . .t li I lOC I, Title:. • - - IiILANKETS! BLANKETS:: MURPHY a .11CILCIIIKILLI, ha.... ~u1••tal • goal ay.orlau,.. i Lk Blank... of all thr4lill.reul q0a11ti...,11,1u./it, :. n:+ Mir of extra .ix.. atalooilit3. a:I vt alorh a, now et.,,a fat prir... .._ _ l,l, g , OLD LOCKETS. --.1‘.1 re0....3,i a 1:11"gl, luipupply of plawant 1,4 11aue.. nu.' 31inlatnle 1.. a.,.. ultabh. for I4glnlaila.... lizar..3 frMS W. W. WILSOX. L ONDON TAPERS—'mdt,.. f r. .r x g ,t eb e t : t .: WAIL PAPER—Frumt ceLtit IL to c,•,• am_• • '"`•'•'"""—Lir filitAppjNO AND PRINTING PAPER VW —fir 042 W. P. MARtifIALI., WHITE FISII-:Q2. Itblo„ for sale by 1: , A1.111 DIVKIN ZW. 1. , b1 I , - Wider and Yrnnt A . ' CAMPHOR -3 bbls fur sale by - 11. E. SMUT:, '.-011(rli-------.1SAYBERRY-2 ,bin for xale 11, It. E. SELLER:. •, r____ iiopt : pt:.„--io bbls fur , 16:111 :. b ..t y 5ra.,..,, • ‘"_ _ _.° 2 .__ DIAL CORK'S-1000 gran, f u r .11., by MAO It. E. FELLEI?__ . . ____ MOUSE DE LAIIs..IM--Priuted :Ind solid ltailitirrifullarati, '''. • • TE 11031 ADE FLANNEL,- • • E-M MURPHY BlatelinELD Ern olllo,f psokl tr .; Ude of abooo so low as 2f, non. Jw*,. M 'Y , on hood Mosul. 1311...C/e, 3.10 I odd oolor t ro . Flo.auelo of mit.. prim, awl EMS