ESTABLISHED IN' 1786 GAZETTE PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, DY WHITE & co. (UM. MOM LA X- VAITC TERMS. . • DAlLY—....!tvon dnilsr• prr snnurn. paroblo 'half roarlT. BIZ ItoilAns Irll•+4ffn n4rsnro WILEKLY—Tn,..I.sItsr• annum. in utvatn, 171.191 11l l , e •uppllnl mu:Minns.— TIP," prr onnotss " Twenty mpie• ' r.O OP The Imam a men a, aIPI tote pnla ed , Ar In sslyso..n. CPA l'arnaulti Dr rut Neter Or ',sr...tun,. nal, n the mow,' prut tnr tvinnral. • RATES or .4rIVES.TIIIIIIO. Ott Eittpre t 10 1;nr....f I ,parall fly lom9 n an h 6.1.11,ftal Isawrtioo_ ..‘s 1 7.1 Pt, ........... 4 . - ••ur• at 'lab 91 1 1 - , ra , 5919 19 ..... Cal Statullo, (NM*. .auouto 93 or,a, .41 , 1k.0tl tlsn rh.,, ,- 41 , 1e at ol..s.aore (per .9- v0.51,.. ,. !1.1-9,4 thr ...... 211 OD RN, .444 , 4.4 oTer one mouth. god let".oelf nSVI.-9 the yo.stly rule!, bon rex, ao) not or, 9119e9 mot • Ralf . *O. 1,91 ..I•l4ll.ezneubs be y•md tlu gooeuot la be chary-ea the Faroe • tu.arto.l no the enpr Freeltkal ta,rrt..,... •GI roctioued tintN.l.ozad P3/- 14.444 V4a....1 acyc4l,4 :1- . • aelt vao ulatoo..!iax- 1/mlted and all culorrliulaento far to to beo,:te.f A. all s.ll . ..rtlflrments not mokohtial. , {t itoir I.t9lrv, sod 1.11 theroto others - 9e. beyond tr.l.7l.era,s,d, •.1 th e usual rates. Fflr a.ll w-% trauwett v hill. 101 l be scrarateir r 111,altutlang fltr, map. an..l rovellacr,, and ve.,b pro, paral./9 Strlttl, In _r 1 !tarsi.' re wt.... . Drat 1 r 00* enar,... male. aerompa a4r4 fu.nem. I tva,tma , -... obltue.r) makes.. and when mole 1004 f.q. Gera. attret9e-ts ...Lan others 'ending. ennammaier. tam , .1....0un..1 to =II attention to ifa.trs. rt.. or an, poblie entertainment; etre. ra-a, a foottarace—all wale. of pri vy. artrana,su—...e.., .< 1 ......2. - 41,rorti to call attention to Mtemint to promote Dun. vaima ma 'be tossedwith the understand. t-itlar slaw m 1,0 an.. viiinGtotal at ...MI Co ti..1..val c...tuttan. von. be ettortml at the tub. et st..t hsa tner. o-ott *nem It?!anti,' to 1... t eherl,l triple price.. Tamen Leveret Petittn.• t..! each. l sax tri Ape art,l aarortimmerga nut bat aix3r .1 . • ^ar!r rate,. but to to alkre.l a die comae! I.l,rtv tbs. , antont s third per rent. from the oaeogai CI,ESCUr t, MILT PAP.. Chi• Square, there .imertion. fl En Do. ash zuldttiwael loo,rtlon 37 atra.ll..n , nrcrur nom. Ono %use, (1.3 raw {inn GO cent. nag. adann.nal in.ernon mrtna. An immanent advercintmen.. he paid In nlvanon. BUSINESS CARDS ALDERMAN JOILN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth Ward. 14om gre.t. botormot O'Hara sod Walttal. All totettom pr-cartlr ettrotdttl to. ATTORNEYS T. P. G. L. B. FETTERMAN, Actor- II am at Low and heal Acenta, lth strtet . t9U r abur4h. ' feblo - 4 tAMES J. KUHN, Attoencx at Law, office. la Tgennau cam, of Brent stmt and immed • . Fllttbuelth 11. COLLIER, Attonicy at Law, office L . Lowrit , s Fourth xf , &Lore Smithfield. 51r.4. Som.," 5 connoct ,- .5 with Noun, F-vq-. of Rubino., tiff. (farmerlyof dn. Latul 01155) he I, pr, V r'd bef0r5C0a....5. or sni Ur do:memento. jail TAMES F. liERIt. Attorneyat Law—OfFice ,ott ith y I..nrcon and Graoh Plttabutwh. RAN CIS C. FL NEGIN, Attorney ra Lnw F No. 142 rourth net. Pi24hargb. CZC ICLNI ..... .... , ... TOIVE IVlET . StiN,Attortieri at Law No.llo Fourth rittAA,roh. .1t1•0000000-01,17,1.0 Nv.• Jghv Soy ' Zap • " mu, Mont.+. Co, Wm. R. 1%6.11.1th thm - lb" couutattt W..10r1,m, litlxburoh. DIVARD P. JONES, Attorney at Law: Oflke on Fourth etwt, brtw4en Iyand and Sm itb- JASPER E. BitAl)i, Aitorney at La Na b 9 rifth Cu t i'it.• 4ur0h.11.0. B ADi: AND BROKERS. 11 . :M. 11. 1 . 1 - 11:11.1.3PS CO, Thaers y -..11.6 •Yers. Norli Isst corner of Mad and inl sTeu, kta.zi,-,:b. I All tralasact......,l, tl.coaA asd eolLerllans prom Pll l ja2,ly lanlf' D. K I NG. 8,11.A.`, Ant! Bxeflange Broker, - . Fourth Arm, : , Lank Nutea - , Ulla of EA' e g, Gold an,: 1' , 1.1r , ... ~,,, , i1 ta..4n: and polti. The bigne,l. tame,: pt-i.e tent to eneplinci for Annerican (calfH Dollar", and X•cuesn and npanub Dollars. In Jar o i • JaUl • AVM. LABIMR. J.K., Banker and Broker, VV i lthstroe....n,llB.alk,:ellng tbi h llunk of Plti.bninh. LIVILK INS & -CO. Ext .. nage — Brokers. . Hooth Eut Corner of Thin' aril Nlaitat Anil. AU Dona at aunt Wirral ran... — IIOL3 SON. Deft ern . in Forei lES .Y. gn N , 1 ,. • and Dolue ste MD 11, nf huu r. frrthlentra of Du gate; Bank linter/ and nu-olu. N., 0,1111 N1.,,,k..,,,,,,,, pm.- h:3,13.1:.,11,tit1a made on all he intnniind ate, titan( at the I; lilted Nati, g.I,EOIIIIE E. .11INOLD d i- CO., Bankers: %_m Dealer,. In trebellq, Coln. flair Not, it.. No. 74 Fourth no , 3. ,t, ..xt .I,or to Ihr hank f ITtlulenruh. Col -1 fully nitululud to. not the ips.mb multted to urr part of the Union. ' -., -- . 1.1.1 M .11111[1.. ......... • . .......... -LIMA.... RRASIER. - & ILDISi, hankerm and Ex rh.nge Broken lloU•re In Porrign and Donneatle d Ztritentreffertihrai, or Petrone, Bank hotel.— trilea, cornerof l'lstrlrand Won,l Ittriml.ll. dirKtir ODIVIIIIA tha 114.,CharleAs llotetk•..! , J7CAROTICAsiS & CO., Bailking House, • Xo 15 Wont etr•et, Pithburuh. Currant ItcnanT r , ' , . *enrol as Depoelt. Collectione made on nil the principal onhhne of the linitonl Plate, Om t.IITIN. • PMILD k IRVIN. Commisldon Merchnotm sad Om hroa.,-ni.Nn. 11.1 Second Amt. Perennial anti al ZetaLe onirthe. erom She, to $lll.OOO ahritre no Inoo/ . . .. . . ;;;f7iiiiiiri7i.weo. ' .. --.l4simi. ii. srsi.i. Wk. A. OAt. 'PALMER'. HANNA AI CO., Suceexporn. to A It 'pay. flironA A Co.. lityAgne. EtCHANOI IlanwitA, 11.1 7. 4 LoiA•ive Jo Aiiniign AAA fAinuiwthEsrhanco. ficrtiflcatini eyf 00A CiAgi- 1ir , ..11. Awl tlimic.Nort.l4 Wekt ourivir of WV .04 TWA .rota. Ctirrmzt Maar] f”AilfAl o. DA ;AAA AfAit 0,4 , 1 g. Go i Asia: nod rallortlaus mete= near :se„.=:',7,,,wzgi,pso-v-i,!,,,-.l:nd' • Am . foicall .itiolfroAffelittotA.A . A.Siffrrwint.of Proir,.bippril AAA. 6.1 AfAffif Aft*, A ..- I's r 4 W, T r A'YLOlt, Comminodfiner and Bill J ,r, Affrakio Ain bo o» Ow kg fAi4iiim .felltelnd In Kis t rAre. PALiiburgh ofoliAAAAfiitAA •/,..i.stAka , A, Awl Al' portant it id.< m.,-,,, A !.1.4A.... o.4iniu, fifiAtA.Aiiii. 4...,.. firibAlat.i,t 00 GMT.. AM. 10 000- 44."...., Awl, if rkiAilferl. i or= BOONSILLENS AND STATIONERS. e, i3r6eK7re4, Eittßk- L!:;i4:4. l ';-' 4 .74t7;;;;.t.r. Aft - o,elim.i. Li nay Depot, Thf,f, ',wolf, 0, fie* ItorA• no. Ea rq r•t 11(iPgrsrP, ls tqa oft, 01,4. Av•iln Naar o. }Mgr.!, 01 AND CONYTAITDNEEB. ~, 4Vholoyar and rtptall Ma' **l l'S.ryt+Otool, 4r, Mr 1.114:11,60.1 (Ake, oup.l tab., WO. oAnprr DEAtEILI )41 .- SteLISiT6E!K, 31nifithieti+or awl . (=P t 11.% tP V.7V . .04149,..4 COMMISSION AND FONWARDINO ,I d I ; - . I, PANC Y Tratmeltero, I4ritafiloio foul 0i...n1..1.01 Iwtointe, Cmotl ti;6illli3 Pli()Dif 1!1- ' NY A LL,IIB Y 0.1.1 U.,1.1011.0. itnt.f W M. 11. NST,ON,. Porw.rding and 10 4 , 40 , 1 plf.l. Nht/11/ets Tr rgiil3(o:Kf4.... , 1. 14.11 N put. ~' twit' SPA Li' c 4 1,, e,kr, w ril big mill , ., $ 1,11 . 1 .44:1'.110 11.1, 1411•1”...11, Ani/Y, JONF.H In, IQ .1 t. loft Ahnrs , Vin 1,01 r.r.•oll,au Sfr , • oAl.l..whi (1.04, With. Pa. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS . I t ... • r. SLIAOILRI. . ' ^P. Pooko. 0. SHACK Li•:TT .t. (11—Who!mid , pii4e,r9H V 1,1,11 t001,11. - outork It', thuA, No Int thlrruthrhllttoturoh. ._ . ..0 : _... - fritt lL A. .A.crimp** OtrllOr.lurretto V. L. VIT/loNt .1 rt..; LIMO. A. SIASON & CO.. IV holcsaln nn 1! itotall Dour. in 1 , R40y hno) Iktark Di, lkokta. 4 }14,441 t r _.olf . _,ltlttestruh. . .. , Nrid.PAY—AC:itii.itelfkiiiirt), ffiif4":4Af.l MI Retail Dro (Undo Atrnboutot, comer ot,Yourib mut Plnet.4. nitxbarch.. k111iiii....... -r,-rOuror rtio,OW - . ~. 11. P1.4 , 11),11. af3o, - PLEMING .4% (7.0.. Commisgion 31 4.1.. t.--r, th...h..lDoriudo.. Woohin orol Good tr oho, rt,oh, lu_oll ttlsolr of Talon' rim., ltirtilth • u. 1211 Woo• 1 rtoret, fourth doorthru Mb 11U.. ~ .h. DRUGGISTS Itoret e, R.rwr.)Whnltt. l 4o ta g 2A . i zz r of T .Kuvrico:Nh, - 4„.676, • reh--- . no; and , Lano Orrotc • .INo. co. oloso.F. Woxl oont mr..btur. Onkrf 1 11111.1, eirefullY, wk. !' ma Ihßanllod axtzt., - . ---- SCROONMAKIMat CO„ Wholesale efts, NW 84 Wool Pittame, THE DAILY r•• SKLLIKI{S. IhNtler in . l'sints. 1 1 , •tuffs,ll.l.. Varnish... an.; dr,. it 7 Oro.. Init.+ll,l.. 1 . .. wart-n. 14.1. Prissot 10. • - •• IMIN I ) . lomalt• Ihuggist, VP and Doak, In Ue. Paints. 0.1., C. rn1.h,... Ir. -- , ; i jtt u, l . tlon.l Art,. um. .11ns South of lhattonol Q. N. \VICKI:RS!! ANL Druggist _ It 1115.111.1. AUN It EITF;11. W tkoles.tle and Itrt . ail ..f !ninny and St Clair stn.. I Ms- GROCERS - L SII EE. hole.ale Grocer. Conunimai . Mrrelaant. end drat, I n p„, I nu end Irwin ...I, Vauburrh. A3I EL I'. SII It I V I.: It. Wholesale Gro- I tm , r. l'nxture rommo.sion Str,hantA. and le.l - lltvd•tirvh , lonufa•Attrod Articl, Nos. 0.0 sod I= L'..rond ,treet. In.turTn Wool sod Smit.ltto•lol. l'lttnhurgli. • JOHN 6 11.1WOUTU .1.,1,11 DU PAIN T S. DILWORTH & CO., \Th M oIes ONT if 11,1..1,, Prnolure amtl limmlodon Merrhanl.s. Ann[. for !hymn! hoonlvr Co.. of 112,11,1,111...C00t, 81 Wood .1- - 61di131tral E & NO RA male ''" W. ItHEY, MATTHEWS k CO., Wholesale Uto.,Covarni,+lon anal icntentin,, Merrhant, and gma3 . 6o , -Wight.3 Can q Van,. Wa.,,l'il.buruL. t 1 011 t 11 r N l u 7l n 7 T V V A 'lli'T v :,. 10 e. . , Wh0.r.,l o 1 s:lnkl. Nl e . roc ers , ttb o ivtMnufa mh r,.. Ni nd 2. %t ,-cr lml . l'n burgh. P. ~. B. CANFIELI). laic of Volirren, Ohio, Pearl A.L. nut Weld. m I•l.Jucv ,r”erally W.ter brivretn emiLlilleld end Wail B. I t - I S G . WATERMAN & SONS, Wholesale rwirrn. Contl..lan and Forwa.rding Mdrhant.., IL)nchburgh Manuurodbarn, d , Arn%ttrur.dtnd To NI.. I and AI 1i ater F. VON BON N tioßsT n CO., 1% . hob EZ.l' r riZTitrZ.llsl"l.7.g.r,:„M°4 l 7."..° ex,rzter or IL rout street and Chaste, ) lane. JAS. DA T LZELI., Wholesale Greece, Con sniveinn Mervhant. and - Daler in Prnatine and Pitt burgh Illantilactun..--So. 70 Wat,•t.. 01 , Irr ...ST NM., SAIAII DICKEY & CO., li - holesale Gr. Mr], I,nuntsgion Merril:tut.. and Denl,oo. in !Tutu 50 Water. and 107 Front 10t4bur0b: MOLL. J. 112.,41.Tr. NGLISII & BENNETT, late Euzlish. It t aat, e tea• ,11. Co.. Whalen:Lk rneers.Commlmlon and Branling Merchant, awl I air, In Produnr and 1.114- bnrgb Manufactures. No. IZ2 wand 4. and 1:21 Firo betwem Wax! wad Smtthlirld. , - WM. MILS, PIOLLD . L.. -.C. , 31841.' ILLEIt & T Whclesa Wholesale 7:t2 . - burgh, /WM. Noll. (./M4.11 Vargo, Re., Lc outo.t.solly Lanni. 10.11..--JAIII-D D. 11 . 011.1. AU= C. oe. ;I‘tGILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and o=2mb...ion Merchant, N a ?LI Mort, moo.. Ota ore, - OBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Digtiller. dealer er ,, Pittobnroh tartan, and all nf Foreignova Moneette Witten and Lip.lol7. No. Libqty greet,! s hi tonal a rh7j moriongalod a Whlakey, ROBERT BALZELL & CO., Wholesale limners. CcoranieFion Mnrchmtn. des*. in Protons Pitrobur a h Manufacture& Na 2:41 Libert.r street. fittaburoh. DntOBERT A. CUNNINGHAM, liaolesale timer, Prodive. Forwarding.. and Nler. . and Dealer in l'ittaburvii hiatoltacturio, No. Liberty stmt, littnburgh. . 11. OUt.r11,111) 11411.1.1. T. UTSI. BAGALEY tr. CO., Whok.ale Gro- V V aer, N.. IS and iVond .tret.l - cur,ethore, to P. Wok. ~h ol..aal, on cr. Et.nreatling and Cotoml,..lan Merchants. to Cotton Yarn, and Illtoburgn Mannfa , orr• earn.n.c.f W•aal and Witt, rtmv. l'lttal.unth. . . ..... , W . A cuLBERTS(JN & (*LOUSEholes:lh .ra• Grnerrn and VonamitAnn Ilrnbantr. I , slery In I. Jure and l'it.l.ur{th Ilanuntctur..l Artleb. LtLcrt) etxlcL Pittpburgb.l'a. TT D. WILLIAMS & CO., Whole, , alt- and .danufartnrn.: rorner of W0..1 r utrs'.v..'l.l:l‘nnur:th. ItOBINSON, LITTLE CO., N. '2.55 I.ll,rty 1,11,41r1n. Pr uee and Cmtutui.rturt :11,1rLaut, And Jral«re it, PittAlrurvh Af.arrnart, JOEY & E. FLOYD, I%"bole.tle Grocerh, Com -4;l,,laant. and I..lerr w Prduct—W.lnd ureh heca.n: ea LA.'S', N% tonl. end Math Plttethimeh. rtnrcr. , so, co, 101 IN PARKER S CO„ Whole.le G meets: Dralerst in Pram,. "LI Meal ongnheln awl 14-zifira WILL!, —N., S. Coninh....inl Lawny 0t... Pia:batch. MUSICAL ER STIMTEENTS. 011 N IL MEI:1.01t. Il ler in l'iann Fort,. CP elnd /lusval Innrunuu.. N.htg I IL,ltn and • fr"- • KLElifilt,',Drnler in 31:1- pica' et.d .at for i Nnn f . it lrk: l . u m ,u r ntde r nr Iln 11h. nml Strin g . •Ith ( g l n mats 40i01 en Uulurnt. ALn. F.r leunh.wi MANUFACTIMEES ENNEITY, MILOS & CO., Manufactu W,n 7:1111:271 cb" I ONES iiOLOOO:Marinfacturern of Spring ior .04 11114er :geol. Plough Steel. hleol Plough Wing, prioge. Hammered Imo Azle,and drake" le ~ dre" in Molleol Cull ~F ir. toolne Rod Conrh Trimnilnon 106 , 1.4. r.r. , Erna l'lttoburgh. I:PITTSIIURGII ALKALI WORKS.—IIen net, Derry Manufaetnmet of Lasla Ash, Bleach owder, attniatie and enlphuric Add. Warahr.e. No. 6.1 Water at— halo. Prrel• PAYER HANGINGS j r ~ r r Y ALTLR, P. MARSHALL , Surersmor to Samuel C Ilill—hoportzr and I.alpr In Frcrgli and Margie. Paw Hangings eau! linniera. Maeda. Jihad, Fire Board l'enta, ie. *lna -Writing. Printing. and Wrapping Paper. Nu. F 1 Word Fr.nrl.l. and Dizmund titer, Piti.. , buruki. Pa. TEA DEA tint FL. MORRIS lIAWOItTH, Tea and Wine Meechmte, Eset akle of the Dteanarel. httxhumh. • • • IttM. "A.--M'CLURG CO., Onwera and • Teo Dealer, NC. 250 Ulxnty fteet,olo , o boo" alWao o hand • Immo nonortment of (lode+ w,- too sod blu y e Tea , Also--Forollro ond Nut, no Whom.- solo tool retoll. Dealer. Aupplled w tn. lowest term, . TILANSPORTATIOW AGEBTS. LOIN A. C AUG HEY, Agent for thr Lake grin as 11le-Miran lam. I.l.lrer and the Lakes L - - II thu comer of Water uod Smithfield LEECH k CO.. :Emil/Tortola by Canal aod Funrudio. 3iA .lerrtun, mrour of Penh ttreet Pthresoul. 105100yqf.11,11:14641):11 • • - • • AAAV ESTEILV ELT & SON, well known . Makers, keep rotutantly on hand or m to order the lost artlele In their line, _at their old stand. MI. 13 street; also, at No. Int Market stree4 mormo4 • 41.PILOIX In the Inamend. Venltlan Shatters Made Lowder, and old blinds neatly repalned• .t.IP A. IS (DOW N would mint respect fully I form o,.publle that tw keeps on hand at Ists stand on the west , ( slo! the Warman!, A Ilenheny city, a com te ple seivrrtment Vealllnn &leo Venttlan abutters are made te order In the lood sty warranted equal an any In the United gist, )110 blinds can In rrmnvoxf without the aid of a woe dune , . Haring pnreluenl the atm*, nods, and wood of the eahltadeefahllehntent or Hammy A Sleflelland, 1 am prenatal* to ftirnkh .heir old eardemers, at well es the . pule Ds ad lrge, with every thing In their non ' sl.roy X. tt tssl strset. wooi J. A. BROWN. PAPERHANGING AND PLASTERING. lON rim JoliNsToN, 11,:oF.11 & for I.l....r"flr•ldenr«. restner Thlrl otrorl.ndEapt i.itli.."2-1.41.7,1„%1. Mort.. Led.. le., Ow .ale. - WWI, - VETERINARY BURGEON • • 1; . 1 , 1 Alt 1)1E , Vofr rinitr Surgeon, Int., r.fertil alirnta.a) io rrlies n veV , . w.rwroll vrOt earn 7" a'thrhnin