BY AUTHORITY. r j PUBLIC ACTS. Paned ',twiny the :timid union of the Thirty•jirlt • - Congress. : [Pentic—No. 9.] AN,„I - Atlirto supply deficiencies In the appropria tions for the service of the fiscal year ending the thitteeniti of June, one thomuind eight . himdred and fifty one. Be , it spaded by the Saudi . and Ilorist of Rspre lentAiols of the United Sta#s of Antrrion in Con iivess'.essened,d, That the following aunts be, and the proe are hereby appropriated to apply de ficimpie, in th e .piproptiations for the service of the fiscal year ending the thirteenth ofjune, nice thousand eight hundred and fifty one, out of any money's in the treasury not otherwise appropria ted, namely: 'For odditional compensation to four watchmen iu the northeast Executive building. five hundred .and forty dollars. For salaries to the judgesio the northern and southern districts of Califtirnia, three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Forniklitiounl compensation to eight watchmen in the southeast Executive building, one thousand and nighty dollars. For. contingent expenses in the office of the First Auditor of the Treasury, for cases for the records, decuments, and offifial papers preserved the office, and for new furniture, this sum hav ing been transferred per act Septenifier thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty, so an addition to the salary of one of the recording clerks, two hun died dollars. For contingent expense:4 of office of Indian Affairs, nine hundredanti twenty twodollars and tire cents. ' Forfompensation" to clerks employed by the Secretary of the Treasury, in the ThirdAuditer's .tiffige, on the examination of muster and pay rolls of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, and Indian wars, in addition to an Uudrawn bal ance of appropriation for the month of July last, twelve thousand dollars: Provided, That no clerk shall receive more than at the rate of one thous and dollars per aunum under this act, except one Whose salary shall besiiteenhundreddellars per annum, and four others whose per diem pa y shall he four dollars. , i ii For contingencies incident thereto, such as printing, binding rolls, desks, office furniture, and lal;or,'five hundred dollars. WAII DEMI:LT=I:T. For additional compensation to four watchmen in the northwest Executive building, fire hundred and forcrdollars. For compensation of superintendent of rented building corner of F nod Seventh streets, from first of Chitober, eighteen hundred and fifty, to thirtieth Juno, eighteen hundred and fifty one, at two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one hundred and eighty seven dollars and fifty :Cents. • For compensation of four watchmen, from Orst of.Pctobn-r, eighteen hundred and fifty, to this , tietki tum, eighteen hundred .and fifty one, fif teen h dollars. - For eon ent' expenses of raid buildit: twelve hand d seventy dollars. To replace oa almint obtained from the Sdb eisteneo Departmenich wan applied to service of the QUirtermastets Department thst year, and is a charge on thetappropriation for the present year, two hundred and,s7nty fire thousand dollars. For the aroma of drafts drawn, the pareeth of which were applied to the service of the Quar termaster's Department in the last year, as have been paid from the appropriations for the present year, two hundred and sixty four thousand one hundred and seventeen dollars and three cents. • To supply a deficiency on, Recount of claims yet to be discharged, under ihe heed of prevent ing and suppressing Indian hostilities in Flori da, seventy five thousand dollar. POST OFTICE DIPS.B.TXENT. For additional compensation to three -watch ,man 5o the' Departthent, four hOndred 'and five dollars For contingent expenses of,the office of the Au ditor of the Post Office Department, for furniture and labor rendered necessary in colo,equonce of the increase of business and numberof clerks, and for deficiency in estimate, one thousand seven hun dred dollars. E =I E 3 For temporary clerks in the Pension Office, in addition to the balance of appropriations now on . hand, thirty-two thousand nine hundred and thirty-three dollars and tnnnty-serge Provided, that said temporary clerks shall tot be allowed more than three dollars and thirty-three and one-third cents per day. For salary of Recorder of Land Titles in Nils- Touti, five hundred dollars.. For compensation of the Surveyor General of Oregon, sitteen hundred dont.s. For salaries of the Attorney and :garland of the Territory of New ,Mexico, 'four hundred dollars. • For salaries of the Governor, Judges. Geese tory, Attorney, and 'Marshal of the Territory - of Utah, eight thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of members of the Legislative As.....emblz, officers. clerks. and contingent expenses, twenty-four thousand dollars. For invalid pensions under various acts, one hundred and sixty-three thousand dollars. Fin pensions to widows and orphans under • the acts of the fourth of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and twenty-first of July, eighteen hundred Sod forty-eight, seventy-four thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. For pensions to widows under the act of seventh July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, fifty-six thousand dollars. Pio pensions to widows under the act of the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, twelve thousand dollars. For pensions to widows wider the pets of the seventeenth of June, one -thousand eight hundred I and forty-four, second of February, one thou sand eight hundred and tarty-eight, and twenty ninth of July, ono thodsand eight hundred and forty-eight, forty-four thousand dollars. For fulfilling treaty with Wyandois, one hun dred nod eighty-seven thousand dollars. ' For fulfilling treaty with the laths,. eighteen thousand dollars. For fulfilling treaty with the liarajoes, eighteen thousand dollars. For arrearages of compensation, from first of October, eighteen hundred andfifty, to thirtieth June,. eighteen hundred sod fifty one, to the In dihn agents for the Indian tribes of California.; 4r, thousand seven hundred ao fifty dollars. For expenses of holding tret . s.l),a w ith the vari ous tribes of Indians in Califirripa, in addition to the aPpropriation of the thirtieth of September, eighteen hundred and fifty, twenty five thousand dollars - For expenses of removal and subsistence of the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Mississippi from the lands`ceded under the treaties of the twenty ninth of Jnly, one thousand eight bemi red and thirty seven, and fourth of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty two, in =din lion to. appropriation of thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty, twenty five thousand dollars. For expenses of the removal of the sub-agency for the Chippewus of Lake Superior and the NIL.- sissippi, from the old site at Lapointe, to the new one. Including the erection of necessary buildings, • three thousand dollars. . ••-• . For compensation and expenses of the commit. tea of old metier party of Cherokees. theirclerks, dm., for services rendered in pursuance of the • provisions contained in -the fifth -article of the treaty of seventeenth August, eighteen hundred . and forty nix, in addition to the appropriation of thirtieth of Septertilier,--eightecti - hundrevl .d fifty, in full for all service rendered, or hereafter to be rendered, one thousand live hundred dollars. For expenses of holding treaties with the wild tribes of the Prairie, arid for bringing delegate, on to theseal of. Government, one hundred thou sand dollars. . --,••••• For expenses of thekemoval and subsistone, of the Choctaws, trete the State of Mississippi to the Choctaw country - west of river, in midi tion• to former appropriations for object, twenty thousand dollars. , ,:iFor payment to the Winnebago Indians, of thi;' • sum erroneouely'charged *pilot the fund of ten thousand donate, set apart (out of the consider ation'r•to be paid for the lailoin ceded) by the eighth clanse of the fourth article of the treaty of the first of November, eighteen hundred nail thirty thousand two hundred and twee ty-eightalollars and twenty-eight cents. • Far pcliyment to the Cherokee Nation the sum of seven hundred and twenty-four thousand six hnudred and three dollarA and thirty-Imre:l cents, and intirest on the above sum at the rate of five per cenium per annum, from twelfth day of June, . • eighteen hundred •and thirty-eight until •paid. • .shitil be paid to them out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. But no interest shall be paid after the first of April, - eighteen hundred and fifty-one, if any portion • of the money isthen left undrawn by the said „ Cherokees: erurided,houvrer, That tho sum now eppropriated shall be in full Satisfaction and a final settlement of all claims and demands what %-soeveg of the Cherokee Nation against the United States, under any treaty heretofore made with • • • the Cherokees; sad the said Cherokee Nation shall,' on the payment of said sum oljnoney, ,execute,tad deliver to the United States a full c and finl` discharge for all claims and demands -whatsoever.' the United States, except for such salinities in money or specific articles of prop •:f,•., N ip us the United Statai may do bound by any tr eaty to pay. to said Cherokee Nation: and, ex cept ••••• United Statek may held in trust for;s : aid Chem ' 'kegs And provided further, That ilk money up-, 4 proprimed thisitera Shall be paid id strict con, (amity with the treaty with said Indians of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-aii. For reepprogintrion- of the -following toll* (canned •to the surplus fund on the thirtieth tune, eighteen : hundred endforty-six, Wog - and the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred end forty. eeveth) under the_fullowing heeds Fulfilling treaties with the Kunsw, eight thou sand siren hundred nod seven dollars and tuen ty one cents. For fulfilling treaties with the Wyandots, three hundred and fifty-fire dollars and twenty-eight cents. Support of 111ml:smiths, &r., for Osage., Nix thousand fire hundred soil six dollars and fifty nine cents. Payment of claims for Osage depredations four teen thousand three hundred and seventy tivedol mars and fifty cents. For purchase of cows and calves for Osages, three hundred and twelve dollars snd sixteen cents. For continuing the collection, and for pub lishing the statistics nod other information, nutherixed by the act of the third of March, eighteen hundred and forty seven and sub sequent acts, fifteen thousand three hundred dol- Fur supplying deficiency in the amount appro priated at the last session for the same object, four thousand and sixty one dollars. For expenses of an agent to collect information to enableNhe department to execute the law of Congress providing for the per capita payment to _Cherokees, under the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty-five, so far 0.8 relates to those Indiana east of the Mississippi, one thousand five hun dred dollars. For removal and subsistence or Indians, fifty two thousand five hundred and ten dollars and thirty-seven data. This rum is required in or der to' settle the claim adjudicated by the ac counting officers of the treasury in favor of the Chickasaw nation Indians, for losses &c., in pro visions purchased in eighteen hundred and thir ty-seven. For the pay of the several companies and thn expenses of three companies of Texan volunteers, called into service requisition of Brevet Major Genet.' Brooke, two hundred and thirty-Ai thou sand nine hundred and thirty-four dollars and thirty-four cents: .I) , ovided, That the pay and al lowonces conform td the pay and allowances of similar troops . employed during the war with Mexico. . For expenditures; inciderit to the isuti of the ten minims dollars of stock for Texan ioietnnity, ten thousand dollars. For reimbursing, the State of Florida under aueh rules and regulations as hare heretofore governed the adjustment of similar claimeof the several States nn the United States, for monies advanced and paid, and for expenses incurred and obligations and services of local troops called into service during the years eighteen hundred and forty nine, by and under tbe,eu thorities of said State, seventy five thousand dol len. For defraying the expense of an extra session of the Legislature of Oregon, held agreeable to the previsions of law; to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the - Production of regular and legal vouchers, lice thou.ind dollars. Fnr the pay and expenses of four companies o: volunteem calle4 into the service of the United 'States by Brevet LirurenrintColonel WdAiugton, New Nlt.,Lien, its )eur eighteen hundred .ind forty-nine. one hundred and thirty-five thin e Lad five hundred and thirty dollars nod twenty cents. (Signed) .110WF.LL COBB Speaker :f the House of Reproorototives. (Signed) :WILLIAM It. KINIL President of the Senate pro tempore. ; ApproTed, February 27, 1851 (Signed) MILLARD FILLNIORE. - I,A:, CULTIVATION. —The proceedings of the g. bi......f.„ Ineetin_ of the Royal Society for the Promotion of the Or lx. of Flax in Ireland, held in Belfast on,th'e flth o 'eh , were of the most gratifying deacription, as t ding to show the incremred in terest manifested ih.,Alrnort all parts of the kingdom, on,tho vnbjeCt of flax. cultivation.— Several new members were enrolled, including the Earl of . 1.a.y0; Viscount. Dungannon, Mr. Thos. ConollY, M. P.. for Donegal, and Captain Rushout, M. P. fur WoreesterXhire. It woo re ported to the meeting that large quantities of Lids seed had been imported into the South and West, owl that many of the northern landed proprietors nee providing their tenants with the lost seed, on credit, until harvest. The ,erre tory was instructed to communicate with the Lord Lieutenant, and to request his Excellency, would press upon the Government the great ad-' vantage which would arise from the extension of the objects of the Land Improvement Advances Act, during the forthcoming session, so as to in clude the building and apparatus required for the steeping and scotching of Sax. Many land lords would at once avail themselves of such a facility, and the concerns once erected, practical persons would, in all eases,' be ready to take up the trade. . . - The brig DTMCSIIIi LI, Lockhart, sailed from Philadelphia, September 25, for St. Parts, &0., since which nothing ha_• been heard from her . — It is feared that she ie lost, together with all on bean'. The last accounts from California briqg intelli gence of the sale in San Francisco of three ves sels belonging to Gloucester, Mass., via: Ilarques Galileo for $lB6O, and Izette for $l3OO and brig Ganges for $l2OO. TO CONTRACTORS To CONTRACTORS ARROL COUNTY RAILROAD—SeaIed Count .t7ii=igmbesag.;.tt" 4 the ntEry of the ;11,Tr:.1• der, the MO anyw March u.uf,frr the gnalnaMo. mvuo• 11;',11,„byridx.-Ti,7.lhL)To=de'tr Mfir"'" Plane and epee:ll3mM+. of the rote may . to . on sad nrceasery Infortuntion ohtained on application t o te Keehn, at the theca of the Cohlt.+ l 7. during the ten deg. pcdeelfolis of the Ro.rd of !V int pfe%l.-td n' 7. CROZIER. • Notice to Contractors HIO AND PENNSYLVANIA HAIL lit ROOD—Sealed proposals will be re,mited 'at the okiru gorpci, ° ll:ol=lV. ' Tt ' At il dW d elit.MV . r l :X 2 TU : l o a r ralh i arrar,,k trumlit=ll , tr , il o r: ro lio=d r = obtained at the tarn In Pittsburgh. for two-weeks pretior to the letting. on application to .lomoo W. Karma. Chie u f Engineer. The promaalr moat be In Ismordane. with the printed forms, and a/Mr...A to the President of thr Com. I lqiishurgh, Feb. (41, North American, New York Tribnnb, Ameririo Railroad Journal, publish four timer. feb7,ltil P ROPOSALS for Erecting a•Wire Supper, Pciao Bridge over the Allegheny Hive, opre.ritt enark stre,L h the Fifth Wan) of the city of Plltrborgh. In place of the nrneture recently destroyed by tree. Sealed Proposals will be tereivol et the can ofJacub Painter & Co. Liberty street. until the ISM day of March next, for the eremlnet of the +bore described bridge; the pattern thereof to be the some as the Monongahela Bridge, with inch altendirma as bidden may s u rge. end the rector. approve. tty order of the Board of Pireebow. feblallf P. LOBES 7. Pree'L Pro. r7MZT7MWTIII77!7I,I OrncsDEP.L.TAT, January 16, laLl. DROPOSALS will be received at t h ey lie- Te: i l iTgiligirs',t - f fi g. N o,ri States for four years from the first dey of April e re whrn ordered by the Department, of (lie following deseriptiou, 'rho Dame of the Office atul Stele cirrular form. cut from a solid block of h.-netted Fleet, and made ton+ manner as to admit of letters unt figures to ded,roate the month and day, with a thumb screw to Iteep such letter. and t he tu stamp. and the letters rump.- , lug the email, to be of the name rile ise. thew rimy man, factored and In use. A turned mahogany handle of the like el, to he seenrely Lode:mil to earl 4.211 D ,. lb. mouths of the year abbreviated en at to contain but three letters each. of the tame size now iu ue, and to be rut from solid blocks of hardened eteel. ri.rps, for the glare of ll.e month. flvon I In 31. ittelnelec. to le northe of like hanlened metal; and of the sire het , albeesakt. Also. stamps with the wants - paid" and 'ln" , of the form of th., now lu nee. ' Also, stamps Pith figures denoting the rates of po•daae. sod similar to dime ram In wee. All of the above donuts to le made of hardened steel The prupsnalo must ale. midair seanntte htdo for the cir cular ritatop, with U.. months and furore. ' Alan, for each ...pante pier, cmitaining the month eon ' eisting calibre.. letters. Al, for ert,ilpie , . far the daya of the month. air complete eem of mouths end figure.. ai.e:for CEED . 1 . 0, ",'," ** Peer sod fAs Al, for each separate Mere gird the liatire• denoting tater of postage. The making of the didertta ~ts will not, however. he giytm to dlfferent which s, hut retch , the er to ra P re i ' pagg l e ' ;;J:lk It exacted. The IA• co iteelf the right to rmect th. prier to deemed .traraasta. Specimen. of the varinos kinds of stamps reohlred can be wen at the appointment otter of this It ja2...5 , !leant , N. K. HALL l'osUntater ilerseraL Linen and House Furnishing Goods. i A. MASON A CO., No. Ca and CA /a.''. Slartad 'treat. keeps entudantly on ham! a and s 4.4 of the tollneriew goal, al the beet manes, le Cloths, Damask mad Diaper,' Nap Ilearlayla Ik,Jio.•. a.. Ae; Tawele. 1 vetabee. Diaper and Darnaelo • ' INapera. Ituaeli;lianteh arid Bled Elve: • Linen Latenn emd LIA/l i tabritan Ylont and 1.0013 Denlaek, 4,ldthe; ' a Linen Cuabrie Ilsodkerr defei -- --- • 104 Allendale tibeetla. 104 Ilnatoli - del,_. . t, 114 A lantk Pheethem 40 lorb pillow el0000." 0- to , i feba KIIIILADIES all say-If you ;rant real goal Tee, et, to Monis & Ilaywortir's Tea Mon I. the au' fur IC The Tic they nen at MI reins per pound •MT Nisch and those at 75 rents and $l, are dab. clews Low JP MIMI, damaged, or inferior Tema are newer hePt dthiseatablishment, and they now retail an their Teas irect from the orifinel oheas, baring rrrmi that Tea wilt not beep In eletalho wrappers, whkh, b eholding up to the light, you will hod is es hornet as a lady. veil. fobll • IMISIC--Where are the friends of ,sy routs ; br o'. Barker. hies Bnoet to mll You. Cm thloiline obri ILO Ley, Liary d ""'" to ih^ iihe Le. ter Oft toted me 012 the Ellett shoo.. /laid :Robb hi licene's on tlm Prairie 4 .—Woolbury fthey. b y 0. C. Porter. I've le ft a:l: r etire Villain. by 0. Barker . The fil.k Shot ' tsTitild lir • with th.—u:Za,!°dl . -".... i.e. Adi.v. of ' An extatudre collection •of new Polka, Wei., Cs.. Con; du Alio ataco supply id - Neu Canal. risen, - c a m. ; Landis. and an mmelkat nen vort, called the - Ideloden,^ eollectiou of pope. , and motel .3.104 h.rexmirwl and ...hied try 0. IA liebband It. Ileson—cooddered ens of the best novice ever publiehal. 11. KLIBEIt, AMU Cold. (tarp. ThIN Co. rEllsToßy OF PENDENNIS, No. 8, im. Theckarey end Om Quevu's Nettle", or or Secret Jibtry- of Um Court of Louie hirdeeeth,. h e Ai. emeader ha.boen reed, and for sal• at ROLLIE'S rebid • Mann D*: o. Third a. NEW STOOK OF PIANOS. ' John IL Jtellan, 61 Word and, hat levlseda Om and rininOn63l l l , .. l , Pr linnotaton op.n.amar no'nnlo• 4,111 112.00 D CANTON FLANNEL—A farther = l7