The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 06, 1851, Image 3

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Amiens° Sense—One of the most painful.
scenes we have ever witnessed, takes place daily,
between three and four o'clock in the County Pea
cm; at which time the friendsand relations of the
*tonere confined there, visit it for the purpose
of mpplying them with fowl—bread and water
being the regular fare. A short time since, we
observed an old man, with
- whom we had fre
quently met, and on whose name, scandal has
turverylered to east a shadow of reproach, enter,
the jailer's anteroom, with a little tin bucket'
in hie hand, which but too well denoted that
some unfortunate, whom, he cherished, was con
fined within. It was apparently his first visit,
for he had 'come after the hours allotted for.euCti
calls, aliain a faltering voice ho-asked whether
he could send the bucket nth a message in to
Then we but too well 'knew that it was
for his sofa sake he came there—his eon—the
unworthy child of a worthy larent . .. His disttWis
1115 but rendered the more hpbarent by his ist
tempte to conceal it, and add-in the room sympa
thized deeply in his misfertincs. Mr. Pox, the
jailer, at once complied with his request, and the
poor father, with a sad heart departed, to return
again,- day after day, until the trial, which wi ll
decidella son's fate takes place.•
There are others, however, and we regret-to
say that they nrein the majority, who enter the
prison walls without emotion, seeming to think
:that there is no disgrace attached to the very
ides of having a friend s vconfined there. These
poor creatures have been bred up in the midst
Of crime, untli - it has lost all its - hideous charac
teristic!, and they behold it unmoved,Vat, outrage
the laws of society no they mny, the lawn of na
ture are Implanted deeply in their bosoms, and
they are most attentive to their friends.
An hour spent there, is not wasted, if what is
taking placearound,is viewed in its proper-light.
The child of a few years of op, is seen doming
- tO . Wait upon the author of its being—the moth
er, whose daughter has sunk, how deeply all
but a mother can tell—the wife disgraced by her
husbandtlie father by the - son, and even, at
times, the eon by the'father, crowd around the
Iron bare of the prison, and minister consolation
to the fallen spirits within. Hoping almost a
.pinat hope, they but cling to them the
more closely on account of their very crimes,
and the ties of blood which link them together,
MU rarely be sundered, ease by-death.
Darragh, Attorney General of Pennsylvania, ar
rived in Pittsburgh on Tuesday, from a visit
which he has recently been paying to Washington
where be was attending to the interests of the
•State in the Wheoling Diidge case.
Tax CASAL —The repairs on the viaduct at
flirty's Run, between Allegheny City and
Sharpeburgh.. will positively be completed on
Saturday. This trilling break occasioned but
little inconvenience, since the ricer is in fine or
Tut Bosse or Rereac.—The Committee ap
pointed by . the Managers of the louse of Refuge
to ♦isit the various sites proposed for its erection,
.commenced their labors yesterday.
JOVENTLE CONCEILT.—The thitd.lnvenile Cau
ca* at Lafayette Roll, on. Tuesday everting, un-'
der the direction of Mr. Kemmerer, gave: great
pleasure to a very numerous audience. !There
were about nine hundred persons present, exclu
sive of the children who sang—over four hundred
in number.
Mr. IL will give his next concert to-metro
evening, in the Beaver Street 31eilic4iet Church
Allegheny, and another in the Sixth' Tard Schee
house, on Sciturlay evening.
PANOTIAIIA.—CopweII ' s beautiful panorama of
a Life in California, was attended by a very
crowded audience, yesterday evening, '
Tin WAIIIILEBS.—Our readers will recollect
that this celebrated band of Ethiopean Ministrel
will Om . their first concert at Wilkins Wall,
this eyening. They are said to be fine instru
mental performers, as well as vocalist.
Localum.--CapL Geo. L. Cothran will lecture
on Temperance this erepingat Quincy Hall, Alle
Before the Honorable 'Judge birth.
The Grand,lary was orgenieedyesterdiymorn=
ing, and at once proceeded to business, the Court
in'the meantime adjourning, to giro them time:
to act upon a bill.
At three o'clock, they returned a true bill'
against John-Wheeler, of Somerset county, who
is - accused of passing a counterfeit See franc
piece, contrary to the act of Congress.
Charles W,liobb,tysq, counsel for the prisoner,
made an application for a continuance, owing
to. the absence' of material witnesses; whic
after some discussion was granted, and the trial .
was postponed until the May Term.,
Before the Hon. Hopewell lepburzi President;
William and Thomas Morton, Ts: Administra
tors of Jaa. Morton. The jury returned a verdict
to the following affect,
•Thot they find for the plaintiffs as agninet the
administrators of James Morton, deceased, the
earn of five. hundred and nineteen dollars' and
twenty cents, to be levied of thb personal assets
of the sold de'ceased, and in favor of the other
defendants, the widow nod the heirs of the amid
Jas Morton, deceased.
Edward Kennedy, vs. George N. Fisher: Ver
dict of one hundred and twelve dollars for plain
tiff. Mellon for Iplointiff—C'arnahan for de
James Elliot vs. Harrison Verdict for
the idalatiff,Ahree hundred and twenty five dol-
Carnes Trunick and Marcus Bell vs. Samuel
Thropp. No verdict.
FATAL ' ACCEDEST.—Mr. WinkillD Can) , was
driving 's wagon, loaded with pig metal, down a
hill near Wilkinsburgb, on Tuesday afternoon,.
when the . rubber, by which ho was retarding its'
speed, broke, and the horse was unable to stay
its downward progress. At the foot of the bill,
it was overturned, and 31r. C. falling under it,
was most frightfully crashed and mangled, so
much so, indeed, as to render. lie body unrecog
nisable. • He lived but a short time afterwards.
• LOST Cuitn,..ldr. Henry Shea, who resides at
the corner of Sandusky street and Strawberry
alley, yesterday met a little girl, who gave her.
name as Ann Hatfield, wandering abo it, unable
to find her home Her parents will Please call
on Mr. Shea
Amami LAIICENT.—A young lad 'gamed
win was yesterday committed - by (Alderman
hlsfor,-ciuirged with taking a number of articles
of trilling value, from n stable belonging to a re
sident of the Sixth Ward.
Exrcssive Fret..—The.Commissionerayeater
daY put!forty thousand dollars of county scrip
into the furnace which bests the boiler of the
Itotscii..—An old pensioner, named David
Wilson, who,served in the late war with Great
Britain, wan robbed, on Tuesday night, of thirty
two dollars; Which he had just received from the
pension office, in a tavern on Water street. No
tine to lead to the detection of the thief has yet
been found.
• na.s.txr Coumtmv.—Final conimitments
were yesturday made out by his hon Or. Mayor
Mining, against James Robinson aild Judea
Stiles awned of Burglary. DilSTAXX.—epsinter who has pain
ted •--sign in the Fifth Ward,the letters tin which
are exceedingly well fonned,after enumerating •
long list of articles which. an for for iude,within
winds up by eating—"& so 4th."
Noteancu—The persons employed, to sweep
out the Court house, aro generally employed
their occupation, during the afternoon when
acme of tho Courts are in session, and the deg
which they iaise is of coulee very =pleasant
Could they not select o more suitable time?
Coaxestem.—John Baptiste with his wife and
badly, moved all their wordly goods rind chattels,
a short time ago, into an unoccupied house in the
Sixth Ward,• owned hy ;:ilajor John': B. Butler,
without the license, .nesessary in such cases,
having 'been eitheeesked or Waned. AS they
We very well satisfied with their qtiarters, and
deemed possession nine parts of the law, they
%fused to leave them, until they were yesterday
arrested and taken before Aldennan Major, upon
which they espre esed themselves perfectly wit
. Eng to emigrate, and were discharged to make
the requisite preparations. .
Aamtaco Bran:Lane nan Ausos
101 , 0 , sunned Washington Henke
Clay committed to prison by A'
I ' Charged, on oath of William 80,
concerned in breaking into
aud ,Imb-snueutty
Haim giiitur—This gentlemen has made a
hi g hly forkembli imprasioty.among our amateurs
who haireJ 1
otard him n4rl;4ate rehearsal, and
has conse - plett to remain. anff , gireet concert on I
Motu'lLl evening next; 2 .frlie programme offered
will be very "attraitlie. Oa the distinguished
flungariap., tlitirreasenghbi expect a toll and
fashionable house. a...
GOODS DT rig CAnat..—Mr.liam Bingham
yesterday received a large quantity of goods by
the canal boat Patton, - direct from Philadel
New Pork, Nlnrch 5.
The firm of Austin Sz. Co., the largest auction
home in this city failed to-day to a large
amount. •
LONVILLC, :' , ltach 5.
The river brie fallen two feet. There are 12
feet water on the fells. The weather haii the ap
pearance of rain.
Flour—Prices have undergone no change.
Standard brands are selling, for export, nt *4
SO 4d bbl, at which holders are firm, sales for
city consumption are limited, nt former rates.
Grain—Only a limited amount of corn it offer
ing, and prices are steady. Sales Penn. yellow
in store at 58e, and of Southern at
afloat- Oats are dull nt 43(1.4.4c , 4 cwt.
Provisions--There in a good demand for all
descriptions at full prices.
Whiskey—Ts dulletu4 held at 24 in: hhls, and
21ird,22c in hhds.
March 5.
• Flour—The market is dull. with sales of 300
kites Howard street at $1.37 -- to bbl.
Grain—Sales of red wheat at 93€08c and of
white at 100C:8104cl? bo. Coitt is selling at 58
for yellow and 59 for white. : Sales of oats at
40q1.43c, and of rye at 6f , c ?
Closerieed—Sales at $5,1.5 La bu for prime.
Groceries--Coffee is firm, with sales of Rio at
10}et 111 e 7 0 It. Sugar and Molasses aredulL
Provisices—The market is firm. Sales of old
mess Pork at $l3, and of prime at $lO 1,1 bbl.
Beef and Bacon are firm. Lard is ethics at 8a
to 91 in bbls and kegs.
Cheese—Sales at 7610 c 7 tl lb.
Butter—Fair sales at o e ue ? lb.
Tobacco- 7 The market is quoit, but firm.
Whiskey—Sales at 24(7825c 4a gal.
.1:00N 4EruuT.
NEW Toes, March 5
Flour—The market is more active, with sales
of 7000 bids good Western brands at $4 68€:-/
87; fancy Ohio $5 12@.5 26; and of New Or
leans at $4 68@4 76 T .)
-• Grain—Corn is active, with !tales at 65 66e
for prime yellow. Sales 20.000 bus Western yel
low, for June, July, and August delivery,at 624 c
134 bur.
Provisions—Ohio Pork is a shade lower, with
a fair demand, chirSy on speculation. New is
not offered very freely,---holders refusing to sell
at the decline. Sales of old mess at $lB, and of
newmess at $l3 4.0.50 - t3 bbl. Pickled meats
are active at 84€69c for hams and 6(6•64 for
shoulders. Lard is more buoyant, and prices
are tending upward' with sales in bbls at 84003/
(lir new prime; and in kegs at Nu 141 b. Bacon
is wanted at 768 c for dry salt; and Befic for
smoked beef.
Cheese—ls duller, at 54@7c Its, for intri
or to choice:
Lead—The market is quiet, and pressed on
the market at $5 for Missouri, and $470 for for
eign 14 cwt.
Iron—Small sale 4 of Scotch pig at $22 14 ton,
6 ma.
Hemp—The marketis quiet, at $ll2 508115
ql ton for American dew rotted.
• Groceries—Molasses is firm; and receipts light,
sales New Orleans at 22c - 44 gal. Sugars in good
request,- with sales of Orleans at 6@6ic. Coffee
has slightly advanced. with sales of Rio at
111; and of Java of 12.te,13c la lb.
Tobacco—The market is firm rd -4 Jemie for
Kentocy. .
Whislrey—The market is dull, at 23462.44 e
for drudge and prison.
Cotton—Prices are more steady at 106104 for
middling upland.
The Pacific is duo to morrow, with one week's
later intelligence Trom Europe.
. .
Cotton—The closing report gave cotton an ad
vance of lc on yesterday's quotations, with 'vales
of 4000 boles middling Uplands at lot ? lb.
Flour—Prices have declined, with sales 500
bbls common brqnds at $4,44@4,56 ti bbL
Chitin—Corn ile declining, with aides of 16,000
bus yellow a1,94/c 70 bu.
Provialons—FOrk 3a 60 lower.
Sugar At the close this evening sugar decli
ned ? lb. I
Marco d.
Floor—The market is firm, with a good de
mand at $3,40 tl bbl.
Whiskey—Snles at 20Ic fl gaL
Provisions—The market is quiet, sales 10,000
pieces bulk hams, country cut, filo lb; 30
hbds bacon shoulders at $5,10e6,60
packed. Other articles are unchanged.
The river has fallen two feet.
A RE YOUI A FATHER, laboring for the
atgraliftriV.trihtid 114 igll g t i'''
Arc Dr . S. la Ilderee Sheltertanaparlila.
you a Mother, gullet - lug from &sae e to which fe
real. are generally tabled. me Dr. S. D. Dowel. SW."
o f you.
Call at our depot or mot of our ammo, and ert is
pamphlet. grata, ahem you will Sal that tbe SheMa
uparills. as prepar.l by Dr. 0. D. Howe, hr. boorthe
ean m
nous of yormlnently marina more &rasa. to ableh h rthe
uman family' allnuallY eultleet, Dianany other
rr.r.r.tion of Kmattarlia . erer yet brought belay , the
Thin moticiolvot Istablnlud It, high rePtdattim by ita
11111W10. rod II attelted cures.
hl. Put PP item% bottles. and le the otor sarntrloin.
. ‘ i i,
that aete cm a Liver, Kidneys, le
Blood at tbe Mali ,
time, which re est it altovtber more valuable to every
Bepulltul yto females.
D sureandirtoildre for Dr. P. D. ROWE'S EllAkEtt
SARSAPILRIULA, and take no othee.
Moe SI per bottle—a tattle. tor SL.
;g i g D. HOWL A CO, ProPtie es,
0 College lull. CirminuallrOhio.
To sebum all faders may be add reassl.
Alio, for sale by J. A. Jona, .1. Rehoonmaker a Co- W.
Black. It- W. Altana, J. M. Towneend, J. Mohler. W. Jerk
retleir ~.._. ' n'rga nl X !' s . t et, P. il ea t 'keV. l. l7= l ;L if i . : , l i i
A co., _M ung-.
Patten.. and E. 0. Imam, &-
A Knox. O. 10, oe2SzlitaT
Tothe Honorable the Judgeo of the Court
of General Quarter Scud°. of the ham icciUd for
C The pe t trtit 4 eVs h onCion Litte of the cloth Ward.
Pittaburgh, In the county &formai/1, humbly alieweth—
that your petitioner La th proridod Limo if with material*
for. the seommmalatiou of burets , ' and other - oval bis dwell.
lug Meow in the Ward aforceuid. and pray' , that your hon
ors will be plead to rrant him liernee to Map a public
holm of entertainment Ami your petitioner. ea to doff
bound, will pray.
IV, the autamilmate citizens of the Rani afimemid, do
nertlfy that the above petitioner. Is of Kral repute for boo
elite and lemeentars,and to *ell provided witb
ro and conceniennes for the accommodation and ioll<inN
of strangers and travellers, and Putt sold tavern Is neom
ar .
John B. Noma ne. John .4.11111er. Thca.lll. Jen. Jen,
kin& Jos. Rend Ja. N. Leske, John Panda'', John Minor ,
lei. Jonah B. Poor. Wm. Slorron, Teat], T.S.
If Yon Want Real Tea,
STORE neve r Si of Om D11.1100(1. Danassand
Teas are tent al this catablishmenk ur lo-
Superior Green Tee', PESTS lent. VI G.
T. very bast Imported, 51,00 and rough flavor. Meek, 100tike. b.
Eno mild Savored Eluult. 5045150.- VI b.
This 10 Ose nay .fdre an Ponsbarga that keeps for sale pre
dimly th e en. kind of Black Tess that are nerd In Eon
I.d, Ifab2.s
New Bookongew Books!
IC. of Pend... by
Thaekarey. complete.
Ilhrtorical Romano ,
Beet. littakspo.b No. RR
Nobody's Soo, OT MO and Adventures of Peunival N u: -
berry, written blonelf.
Inv° aturAtabltion, a Novel by On author of "hocking'
leelselpyri&ann. or addle, of Eoutherts Life.
Dirtionar7 of ifeehartice, ta.
. lionsrhoki W orUr, Ka a.
Dr. flollieles Worth. eorolilete.
GENUINE PORT WINE.—The pure juice
bW r ctlZt a rartla ggrialrag
A na
hhds. prime N. 0., just reed
r riwrr er-burimili ud
N 0.116 Wstor
RANGES--100boxes just reo'd and for
116 Water rt.
of insperlor styles and color", in
arrl for rale by
INGRAIN CARPETS --A large asnortnient
.I_ of Os Writ and newest styles In rre awl for Pal. by
Ishii? . bIeCLINTOCK.
_____ _ _
B ROOMS -CVO dozen for on le by, . _
Matt ' S. a IV. 'L — OMA COIL
......—.— ... _
moo& Litmor Longa, Third Arson. OPPidle Ut*
deka, .--
Ik'llne. WY'. boon for March;
Onshao's Monad. do
Sartalst's Masada. , do
Ladles' National Mamba do
Wasoustai ur the Ilvidn:;', an Lull. lido. BY /IQ.
=Eh .
it z truason. by U. P. It. Jom•r.
lelf 2. by Nn. Y.11It•
2 anew mv2l. by Mre SUuthstartki.
wi:lt }mirth
Clotlut, fur
B e et th e Carpet w e sw houw,No. }mirth tw Vie
otarl~ Ll "U." .. Pu ' h"e". W. Meilit:iTOCK.
. .
HORN-- 00 basil. for sale by
fru . n. Joussrum
—A young
,woller, Won
• small his
barna, with
Lis store on
•tting, it oa
CLOVER SEED--4 bbls in store, and 62 do ,
ta niva, for
retiltl br
101111CKOItY NUTS---15 bble for sale b
NO. SUCUR--10 lihde. landing per err.
ert hs wl " cu '"'itil l litlit 7 Yeinarni a en
ILlfft ViNEGAII-20 bbla. for rule be
ttiCkoitl77DTCTSbap..sfoi r sale by
E. F. rloN 114INNIMIcn i CO.
lIEESE-150 boxes W. R. for sale by
l L ey s. F. YoN BONN Hower
FLOIIR-25 Mill eitra Family Flour, for
.3., by fetds 8. Y. VON .t
liRO - 0111S—LA oxen for by
AV.I.I . SLIOW 'GLASS-1000 I,x,
Ladies' Fine Dress Goods.
TiAt l e, Ilersp Woe, Moue. de
77rmy .• Berl do-
feta/ la and GA "Market"...
(.1 PRING • STYLE PRINTS—Choie, um'
kJ beautiful patterns the'd this morningat
febt. , l A. A. & CO'S.
-15 ewes suprr and super extra Long ,laths..
•" " Linens:
Of the most approred mannfartur,—root opvisad at
feb3 , l A. A. SIASON 6'2 and 64 Margie, 0_
OTIIEBS.-300 tuns ansortedNalls.tirultes. and Brads.
dartaurd by the late fire. will 1, sold low. if applied fur
mediatelv. JAMES Woof/ a 0)..
pb2i - mw
S. 113 Mater A.
boxer, best brands, in store
0 m'd for sale by Wll. 13At; ALIA' .t Co..
feb2l N.A. 1 , um! '2O Wow...
OULD CANDLES -50 twxe4 Proctor
1, 1 thimbles No. 1. for mile hi.
L , 1124 and :hi tltr.l .t
_ . .
S ALE RAT U S-120 boxes No. I:
ALEN k ,
(.4.24 I i .1.1 •11
---- •
hal,r+ No. 1 -
• Brom, In store and for bf
W3l. IIAt:ALEY 4 .
and W.nd st..
G EIt3IAN CLAY-125 ban, for sale bv
R' A V.
61.15 ooki 4.
I,I I LO it.--LO 1.1t1;. supertine-70 bits. tine.
1: In .tore and for nale by
6.52-1 s 1 55 11A1111.11"1:11.
Bitooms__,, , doz. Corn Brooms reed and
for pain by Inh24: tI. A W 11.11111AI:till.
IlittlEI) BEEF - 10 oats S. C. Dried Beef,
nr'd and for nth, by
6b2.1 S. A W. lIAIMBAUOII.
-1.3 A lan, Frnah Herbs.. le.. put up in the exnel.
lent MILMIcr of the Shaker, Jost rned and (...r tg
(e 1 ,26 .I.ri.l2llo.iNMAh Eli A C,).
LOUISVILLE LIME-5O bbls. reed and
_RA far sole by [feb1....11 S. 4 W. 11A1113,11:011.
E XTRA FlGS—,lust reed at 25 1 3 Liberty st.
W boo.'
5 " 1111 6 .1. ". ?IrCLURC, t CO..
(.521 Grukn's and Tnt
OSTOX BISCUIT—A supply of Boston
Butler Biscuit nut rer',l i rxrn,.. by
rad! M NIeCLI.:I:.; A 0)...2.36
(IOCOA SIIELLS Afresh supplt;justrnc'd
kj IPM. A. Meta RO t co
E:tiliFTEAS!!—'2l)o half chests Young
and !Mork T a.. o f ail grub . ..
baud and for sal. bY
TOBACCO. --250 boxes Manufactured To-
Lam, (choice brands,) on hand and I,r .ale
k 1123 .4. CCI.IIKIITSAIN it CO.
3, on hand
IV and for gale by
VRESIU RAISINS'-100110ICS 011 hand am!
' for gale be (144 . 24) 4. LT1.111.:101 . S , oN t CO.
SUliAlt—Kept rowtantly on hand aua - far 'al ,. la ,
1.144 4. CUI.IIERTN IN k
B ATTING -W halt, NO. I:
mrat and fur male by MOAB DICKEV
fence Mat and r..rd at
pIIOCOLATE of every description for sale
by W3l. l McCLl:liti t ivl.. N. 2.21121.11) r.
Spanlalt. French, Strew, fr• and Nails. Itat..ra
ha. I Chan.late. C....f1a anal Brom. Thr twat a.a...rtttp.ut
la be found.).,the city. -
•• , .
W ., ,. 1 . T ,, L11 t E5--I . le u c t e! r v , e , d oid a e n2 , 4n ,„ ,,:::,: c i i„,. .„ ,, , ,
the tooatapprortd manufacture. elr. ,
T. F. Cooper's Hunting cued awl patio:
M. J. ToElm do , h ,
Real Jobrvou do do
An other, of relobrated Engll.b .d Geneva Brand,—
Pric•-• eery hns., and wenn., and duraEll4sE nerannd.
Fine 1% atch repairing continued as Ina • JeaeirT
manufactured Co order and carefully mind
/14-A eery expellent AMA of ~,bi i i repo Tr i i 7 ztx7 . .
MC: cnr of 4th and Mark. ...
. . .
LINSEED OIL-10 bbls for tale by
fe.l, - 22 ROBISON, LITTLE I CO.
. -
OLL BUTTER-2 bbln for nab by -
It. • feb2 . 2 1:01U O\. LITTLE a Co.
fI . LOVERSEED-7 , 5 bus fur SUL" by
•_, 0,12 Roll ISuS. UTILES CO
BEAN. . _
S-10 bus White for sale by
feb22 uoulsos. Linty a co
LAlti)-1 kegs fur sale by
feb= ItOlilSON. LITTLE a Co.
SUND R IES— , ' •
5 tierev.. prim. Xl=
lo drum,. I..txtfuh:
lbO b. Dry Apph,
lago Common Cikranc
tat lbs relined rallyetre:
500 lbs .aperfor Yeathriat
A reams Wrapping l'spen
110 gr by survx. 111, lump Tobacco;
1 cult Hall Brimstone:
1 do Chalk;
1500 lbs fled bole Leather.
IUOO Ms do Light dm In storr sod for
sale by 1.1, 22 JOIIN %VATTA 101
W"TIECOPAL VARNlSllrgris,,f,or
UCM SIIELLAG-2000 tbs for sale by
5.1,2 J. mop
IDAPEB. CORKS— antes for sale I,v
J. KIDIr6 00.
ANGANESE. , --2 tons for sale by
iCtACON-:-5 hhde prime /LUBA;
fe F eale 111. 5 do do Elmoloin.Le..r, in t
do nod
IT EIV BOOKS—And rt. u - 's Latin ElDgiblit
Lexicon. By E. A. Andrew, L. L. 1., Royal n v..—
' 'Rre Island World of the Pacific. By Bey. Henry Cheo ,
Tr. 12 ion. taus.
Tbo Woraen of ler,el, By Orme Aguilar. 2 sole 12 no,
Mane...ilk: a Francoman rt.,. By the author II Rolla
The Life of lire. Jame* Quinn. By nre John T. Wright.
Jurt recrivnl and for lade hy It. 110PKINS,
A; Bonding. ith rL
GIRL wanted to do house work. Alorl ?
at this office. _
LINSEED OIL-5 lob's just receiNed, pure
comas,' CII:, and for sale by
fobS to 2.52
350 Intl
: 0 11 2
e 1
ls Dried
, Fe s ue r ll T r ,i.o fg: u s A al c e o t , y
500 bu fr n t lr , lBDriett Applex, for Hale by
uses Coyly Brat:P.—The v.rims. medicines of Mr.
Micno on Wood ett , cl.. are tramming very tcdutlarthomOo
out the muntry. Vertnifuge ham bem found ts, le a
I Nlt h t ' i:...„‘on bh ;an7;
_"d'inlctneb;;4;7or6reati,i Palo end Air
aucrac mcaleince have raine tithe ir populi found ea
, tenalre rapcnenee. They ha', been tricot and to be
racccd exoellent remrdica far the diecaece for whirl. they ary
rmommend.d. We have frmucnOV uccd. Mr. Seiler
Cough Symp. and know It to be a npredr cure for a trou
blenome mugh.—..Varning TeltimUd •
Ic ~-
It. SoLodl
ERS. lneparnl and.4obl. by W K
ARIS:t4,iUINESS MEN—A young, ng,
retire butnaCin;
native of ritteburgh, with an
of from'.l u. right tlwn
an Ingestment..anddevoto his
to tandneo, a, partur
In Villeburgh Bar
le, satire.. l'oct 111100 Una
No. Mt.: fele-M.lm.
•-• . - .
if I LOT 1.118.7P1N S--10 . c.a.leA .E.tern, for
I._) pale by :704i, J. 0. WII.I.IA I IS a 00.
4.1 H. 111.9LASSES--2.5 bblib I:S half do,
°"'°lTP• -1 " fto ! T i e g '' 2c;E.,- r;A g ,ra,.
P IG LEAH' 650
pigs soft Galena, for toile
by . feb . RllOl. * co.
S :5. .1.
UNDItIES-700 1104 prime. lenthcrw,
.lot ....1 Own 11,4n1K
(Arl b., b.-st bras”l W. Mawr.
40 La. Iny
LO IA • prim.. SalrOntu . .
n•blt °l""itiVlN.i;p7azt,f;r:t4.,
S UGA.It--14) Itbds prime N.
21 bids ...sorted I.rol.
10 do CruobJ. 11.11 ed and ll.LlAll.o Plllr..riv.l. for a•le
fnl,lo • •C,
ennwr of I%x.] and YUlb Its.
tIOLASSES--751 ,1,1 t , New (Irleatis;
1 .1. Sugar !loon,
• . to do .11.1 V)) n. for ..I. by
feb2o J. li. 1 S • 01.
SUN DRIES--1 1 , 11 11 , 1 Z Sllp. C ,rn Brounls;
4 bid. Illrinry Nut,
lo t•Akgl,laAb;
10 bax
11/4,}dmo •::-4"Tit7l.".;r
r I .
13 bx• ,l ll" , ood w 's r il'a ,„ !ll , .
u l. D.0 1 ,111.1.1:1M - S t 11),/.
b Dia.
hlf bbl No. 3 M
" it kYtti
0 Ulm Fio. I Salmon; for
af, hickory• 117,41
treble woolen rulea Lc, Lc. For rale'.
Printing Warn.
Am gni.erican Wilma Mar i
fbU copy.
• •
riot Wells t Webb, turnishal •
F oR SALE LOW—A superi r toned rose
ood Nano Torte. For terms. rag Iro at No. 9 J.k
pun nolo. Itubltoon arret, Allegbabl. feta/A.2w
ZINC WASH 130ARDS-2 ;loe. for solo
by Sola) J. D.l !DWAIN CO.
QUM:MIES- 2 bblii No. 1 L
do bletino;
$ do !Ovoid IVA
o bays Orouudouo
" do Dry l'esch
I d o do Appi
10 do Frollenc
lb lairs &Mon, to
dal. far .sle by
fu V 9
tiRANGES--11 .xes, I ,
rale by . 11N1/I,lg
Ichlll 122 Secant.
LEMONS --30 boxes for r r j .l.l
feblO EMIL!'
Clintock loeltee the' attention of ell
to lab exteosiee wortment of
ere, at fia 14 fourth Knot.
T IME E PLY CARPETS-- V. 'McClintock
we I the, Wiest amortmeot er three
VT% °l. e Pt e " .'"u nt•Ved II this mark t. sod of
aaltil=app°roved Wyleo and patter • whlrh are direct
Imm the Importers mad most ap e ed betoriee It the
Volta. Call al go. CUpet W • .. No. 55 Youth rt.
STltCh: FAIN, situated in LAU, heaver Towfitthip.
rrence County, P., on the waters of h e 8•41 , 7, cOn.
Lathing about dell wow. I% miles front the Ohio and Pnlo
- Railroad—the Patel/11NA and Cleveland Stage
'Lead leveeing throughiL
It well known as the herein Farm, and ins been re-
It h
ar a cheep Farm for the lent thirty year. The laud
I. now In lirst rate order, and well calculated for derv , and
tattle It is well watered b' Little Beaver Crock. and nr,
eral poring. shout 2141 Meg
teem the
prevenal part in meadow and pasture, and about ral arrea
In woodland. An apple orchard of choice grallA
with r number choice peach 00.0 Dean the house. If ale
piled nr v.v., valuable lot et honeehold and kltchen_fur
dant,. ale°. first rate ecoking dove and fanning ntenvil.
44 .4Z 4 4, 4444.1.1.. 46c. too Le bad with the Writ at
utod , rate ysrlives.
The buildings no the (prat ve, one Arica hone. 40 feat
votive and two otoriew high: cellar under the Whole hottse.
, inni wall In the center. The house Is well finish
ed and in lna Idyl,. 411., rum. are very
culatetl. - three turbo lower story, with three (or plane. vet
with ten. large Franklin stove, five mane the ePPer
tory, three of which have grate* for nut.. One frame
kitellen attached to' brick lionae. 24 by 10 feet, two atoriev
Igfe b i wiUna hft7tfe:ti;o
stollen high. r ' alculated for • work dein or ledm..
porch In noel ten Pet wide. One tram, word house.
halted n ear he One.. bona. 40 by ao nit. One triune `rink
house, tile brick house, 10 by 12 feet, and to feet
hinh• with lower story 7 feet high, and the a nits made of
sun, eon! and never falllngepring of coft•ater running
through the lovri.r story—the 111. fer well calculated
for ...num. A sheet annexed for wash hoe, brick
te house; on. frame carriage hen, 24 by le hot. ten
feet high. with potatne cellar underneath: one evud Ina
boo...about in nal, (non brick bon, Is by ire lot, one
;1 0 1: 1 17ett h eec. alf un ' e
IM feet, one and • half ateriew high. with Deal ..latoncys
aud winters fur grain—vraFon shed on our .Mice
frame look barn, fill by 4,l,fiet, la het thrtvdded
111 . , unter tdory. and entrance etel--tablea
lower story, one femme etable, attaeled to lax., lane. hy
24 feet. twelve feet high. with "dulls for manic (mate
horn. 42 by 24 feet. twelve Pet hip. one frnUo ...en lawn..
Ivn by 24 feet. 1 1 . flet high. divided Into. 41.,. with
1.111. k, story for lin, • name sheep
house. ennesed to the above honer, Ind le 24 I,nt and •
feet heal. with oak. In the 0.01wr.. ,,, fret. , h.'' , Or
went, lc by feel. end It 4,1 high,
For tern., apply to John Ce 11... the 1.000. i.., who
roll .how the Farm. and give all stevereary 11l recaion. or
to A bitalt Hull. on the Pitt•burgh itowd. luub - Inn, the
mouth ot nearer Peek. weld A tope. 1,11:1.44.)
:Fa 1•, I o 41.0 t, min i m! Booth Common and 7111.121.! alley,
Flre seunt Ints on Bank Lam., .nrh stout 21 hy_o4% R.
to Ton th of Cstml
Alm. u Pithd.orgh. • 101 with Emote Iluildlngs,on Lib,
m d, At rt. time ltnrbur, „Co lo 1111 feet to Ilrestem klieg.
oust of t s,. 141 1E4,25 let I 0 Vollti E BREED
....moo ....-.
'l,Ol RENT—A small frame etittage, withi
S F.' i Ait :— 0 ' 1 . 1 " ) Prinnir^. R°14. 11 " "'I 1,,,,rtr• n . i7sl i h r ir rts'7., l :7:: "l i.' "'" n i' l I `7 l l. l • n a
with . sr, mu ,
1. Ilnyluta So o ., .of 111 mules. for sale by 3114 se •irm Trull (rood, • tor, ilmirtibis moiclimm for •
A EULIIER I'M IN k CO. .lAII 11 natty, situated near Mlnemville Poooeosion riven
(MEC E. LOST—A cheek drawn by us ittl „ ''A . r.„! ':;!•!ral small Tl•notu.4 for runt I
,I tarot! of Henry lint, So 1733, .1..1 Irldunry nth.. Alm. or .10 II lots fronting on llntirma olreet. an.l 3 1
1. on N Holmes • Sono el Oils tidy. for thter Itundmd i front. on Pt ra stmet Tenn..., Apply la
and fifty dollars. ha, 1.... it loot (nun the mad I.ltvitoeu J.iIIN 11171110 IN,
Pittoburgb and Parkorshurgli The h uldir aro sat nod ! feh•Olni or R. I. Cain. mire of Mar., and sth oto
n i t. no-eimug ourt, tilirelt as the t oo m nrnt has lieen
otoppoil fe1.17 SIII.I.EIt • niet:Kts.os I Deniable Residence for Bale.
AL SODA— Ds) ca .ks on band and for i TM: subscriber, intending to remove it few'
03 salo I.y fel.): BENNE:TT. 115.1110 E A CO. It ho Into Hoe count,. aliem b.! -ale the prom rtv in
• lieh e non r00t.1.0. Intel, 1.....1 upon lli...nin•l bunt
ii..l ULPIICRIC A: :t1 I.: ll lAT I( ' ACIDS. id- Is 111 ; !Mi. Int, The .I.lling. n doable ram. and built
' i 6 11' 7 . "" 1,"1 ..d l ''' " l f t A N E rr. 1 , p.„„ y • c,„ 'r..p'in .1 1 •L'f.".,"" a .inzt",1g: ' , , !147 ;_7?..r7,7.."V2:
I mil, ru ming hark tint hundrisland ei g ht, ilso. nut I. Not
N , l AcK ERA L_DR, lobls large No. 3. Mast- i 01 1‘ 10.1, ',Pt:titling el., ohrubber, and fruit 'I Ile
1.11-14“ itialol. timid:ding of n mit am orlimg boors tmlile
' I.l.l ' l ' '''''''' 'n''''''''n. j ' ;' ..t. la . T° ll th° N . I. 1 t'•':u ' Vs' r l"%::."lgnll . t r t't's .. X‘r'•l ll Mino l t‘i 7 lVll;tdcr .r o l l ' i .., it; 'l V 7 ti
Mo t. l.s , ASS [ E ..,, S— i, ill eels Plantation, i , :iLT , ttlfir s . ,.. f s or ,,
, 7: , ile . 1 ,74., !;1. , n t 0.::;; r1 , y ,:, ..0 1 . , ,i , ,;,:i.. ,, :t1 , T . , - 1 ,. %;h.• p7Pert,
~.. no, tr . r . r rrol lo Ales II NI .
••• . No er 4th
LEAD -ISOO Pigs Galena, for sale by I SlogES HANIIMIN
febl7 JAS A. HUTCIIInitIN A ,:,, I FIU I SALE Olt RENT—A comfortable 7,•,.: 1 ::
799 RUSH. DRI n i ,. :IL-ik ,i l , l: , '
, L , llS i;., l7r K s ..n al m e by I
.4.1,.. ? „,1 1 , .. , , ,T, ,,,. ;. ii ., . r i n i.:1 , 11 .:,,1 i i . , : , :ivit: n 1 , i , . ,:.....f , d ,, 1 . , , , c i b i1i
," w`'''' . *" . •_ , out don't •et by oueliutir7oliT.lontli Eria t ui'm of
1 FISH -100 Fads So.:: Mitek'eral; I t . ,„, ,N n IlliEligllAM.
4 00 brums Cultist.. 1 1 . yen,.. id Woml and Muth oto.
4 ls Milmon; Mr rale hi 1 0 IRE NT—Tli•tt laryellwt•llit , boil, e . .t•
10,17 II •• 0 WILSIIN i 4 .. ' ' r ii/h1
Oh ....move...tram!. 1., oleo. and Ptah, .
_ - „., Ms far ;,„1, 1r - I Iloi , tl i. thi• romdetes• el Om Inte At tu J. ni t re o l imn o
100 1)0 1.?ii s l 7 C 0 RN
tn i " l irlPlLYl,4 1 - .,...e. N,; itilik'm ' i ' Z '' ,.",.„"" " in "`"" 1. " -- """ ''""
ACERTAIN CI: IIE FOR ALL PAIN may T „ r „, ° .`„
.„. 6. found in tho mo , or Per, manes regetahle E - . ' _,...
rr I iroaos .: ow RP. prominent Inuggioto nod 1 ,
Merchant , . of lhurinnati in Hs favor: r
O.I:ISNAT, Il _nth. 141 , .
We, the undeoino. [Munn.. siol 11erchnoto of this ,`, 7 'j
itv. hitro lomat 9A q ualot i l • alt. .Tail oold lid 1.5 , ... , ~ n„ . ., ,
kli‘;,l7,:%l;',7l,L. l .'”,i m .:;! ) :;'.'::,•,,',:72r: , kp r ai r, '"Zit'i A,ll
in mid, instne. nth. .I. know. XI,. giv.ll the loot !Il.r
....tam In Om r umbas. ne ran noominetol it to th. ". 'i.
nes. knelt en article t,f Mod.. 1...... -..1..0rdne,111 *i* . IX :111LE M I LLB, FA 101 S. AN I) LVTS
1V. 1 '::i1;,'::,7'.::;:`,:',,r,;',;,,72„'Z,': ':,;',. ^ ,:.`,:j 1:' 1 ';i: " i ia
e t- T.,... b,,.. vb.,. miti..„,.l ~... mll ~
~,,, ~, ... ei , i . n- .emu' i tN. 14 tt et- I root.. 0i1..., omo.-0., •oter lodr , r Ain.
S tVollli '6ll th Fl. l Stli.CELg! - ; h01,.1r, A g ent. No. 57 i g well ml 1 loth. ii. Lan'' , ~,,,, ..4 1 , Ernie 0...
f. hl3 Mot a Fsrm ..f II o ass.... tat the Nos rater. Istss• utti.•
1 brisk ttstosr. for £4...70 Al-o. ore of 140 In, ... ou the
• Oho, ri,er. • milio below 14.1.. r sI- I, ssr ass Alm,
i :TIO X 'IIOATS—TII% , . Tanneharison ' ..). rst fur . it• w r arr. Al...Jarmo of pd. pat und 91 ,
1' oaa'..i.riTit'Zr'gti."...llll.ttl..lhot::'•'ri.lint't%. ro' 4 . ; n rf. l .tYf f it !7r r n7r7 to o fi'e l t7::, I.:llEl'7':ithtl.4, all l"
4 ' , i;
loll!, 11,0.111 l:\' A CO, .... olges anil j pnren. 'Enquire of man!
G.. 11 Canal Huth. Pitt-loirgh N II • ii L 11. FETTEILSI tN.
- ' . Attorneys nt L.! •and Ile. Ent., A g ents,
PAF ,SUll A It— It al bb., assorted num- 071,10 too 107 4. or Pitt-hurgli
r sole Ly El 1:111)11n/ F. a I N.Jil. , li I AO, - -
1171,1'.7 . "' ''' No
,I .. in wa f e r -i l 4 lOn RENT—The store on Market
.t Tr.',.
iiJNDRIES— • i ~, nrc.,.1,1 by C Yongr tts n faraday St n
KW...13 11 . 1.13 OIL int de, of April nest
17 7 tale. Cotton:
117 sad, oe•thenr.
24 do 11•00 to, ' rl l O LET—A Warehouse situated he- 7::V!
ti dri Pry Ap t tra. : 11. tasso W... nnJ Morket, mid running through re
4 do do Pow heo. • fr, ut
At to gecoml Aro', recently O TIN /.11•...
A do do dab {.. 4 4 ,1 - i ...Ifs A Atltirmen It lo suitable for ruastutuguring tr./.
do Onto.. g
tl' ad: 4 ~..„ ~ , ~ , puns., Enquire ..f
~ ,1.,, , 13;--, , 2-- —l-; , %-fi7,,:;;M!'',V- fret. eCA111!. ATE INMIN Al/ EEL)"
ON s . 507 . ; i.-' :till, i ; „i ; 11l 1 h EsT ATE FOR SALE—The under
-50 T- t.idi -- - . tit'lint . ;nul.: ' llJ/11 1 ) ' I ' 1 "" I '''''' " "'" . I .ll' n'To .. '" , `.-h.N''
" , 1..11411r, 10te...1 mute ,r, dmirs.l.l.. ...too for mandfar-
ODA ASII—A superior arlivie of our own , ~ ,,: ,'":",•,,,Tt.„} , t;:;`Ti ' Lh : .l;';'T E LT,!',',l'.;„tt,'l c t,''`,`,:,'"
tJ cattnufncture. my satin en baud and for *ode by i E. ra p i d g north of ',int.:M.4 is ppt.m,s am:
1 / O, NNETT• HEN„," 0 Co. , ' toms ottet urine •••Ith. and Mr reiumnislile primo at r} !L
1.17 'IN. , Ito." , Ms. will bo .1.1. mil render them • safe um us.
g luietn. Title mrh.ct. Tornio I arttl.l.•
TOBACCO LEAF—I Idol for sale lIV or pardenlitro sto,l terms. en q ulre mope undemighisl. at
feblS ' _ ll . ll II Jr,tis,r,,,N. ~ F
obo att.-ores V Idimore, F 10,.. on strmL 1 it,
i ' - bur. Mt.. Mimi and Fourths otreels. or .4 O Illiani
It RV , :‘,l S-8.5 doz for 5ah4.”N. , s ,ni i;trin .t. ..,. and N Panes-um. 11, e. at m tl ,, i s eLr v o nb it: ... AT tn ,,, liirm
-!' , fro LET—One House and Lot .itinited ..112
111 IuKoRY NUTS-2 brim for sale by k,. is,A,r4 an.,, ~,,.mh Av.,' r.,,. t..rxi0..;.q.?
1 1,21 ! Wy. 11.21111770T0N s t .plo to hollltu IN. 1.11-rl,O aco -5.....
- - —••- --- : o -. .
IIR Y APPLES-40 sacks for sale by . . . , _ 1
i ..i J. 21 tea IL JOHNOTON ' 'OR SALE—The subscriber of •rs for .7. , "
11.11 OLL BUTTER-2 brin fresh for sale by E L 1 ,,,,t• • hLrf5.••'• , ri.17„1,r3,7;;,,,p,",,' • .. • 41„, , '" ''
II 1.1 w• li. JOHNSTON heal •i=llfz - m,;,,, - . ,,, c.1,.. .—...,.........
. _ _.... ,
, 10R\-250 bu unshelled, for sale by 11,1.4 ,1 Antal neat,
on, • ter, tl. 10 lot of g nmusi. to.nMitung over Pon )
L., ,•21 W.. II• JOHNSTON ' Att.. with a %pr.., a ...milent cut. there.. sltuatt
near the ...rm. •
11 . 01 . '5. 9 bales for sale by , Al a Ist or grouist ak, Net 11 ihrlierby LW fo. rolmin.
au li JOU:OITM% . ii3lo th• m01d...? of NI,- A. Tenor... the city. Minos. ,
the Sidenth w'.. on Pennsylvania ArrllUr. I,....renlAin
L I LOUR - 100 Init. Superfine; .• given Immediate',
00 idle Inn
Fair by' It lo MON ndtsin that thr Elatik. nom) will he
1, - n. winplete
•21 11'a. IL j " "NSTUN ' I"S ' m ' a '''' 0 !
iz::!;-r . i,L, I ;rn• ru rTZT,;r I -1, 1 , I .r.j7l'."gl'4.2lrj:‘ n .
i T . ., AssE ; l 7 4o? bi , -, A 1.. ,. p1,.,. i n i tt4 c iu n n „. . ,,, f ,, 0r sc.a,le '
''' l L O n l7ll " E ' N ' ' ' T ‘ O a ß "'" g t"'' `7l--'' .."'.:"`
ALL—The subsurils r tr...t.,,
IEA D-2.5(X) pigs Gidena,for sale by 4 will ,II or rent hi. v..,, d..,,,,,i,h• c...str, tn., ga
I 4 .pa , JAS. A. HUTCHISON ACO 1 Iv, In All hen, die. 01t0.4-1 on ohm Lane atal•••••••
kli.-41). or Maine wool of the ...mon. Ihe hoopoe Is •
Qii()T-5u kegs assorted Nos. tor sale by ~,,,,,,, i ,,,. .m Me, ~,,, ..,, o , i ... i , e ~., the .. ! , t .
I 7 1020 .lA4 A HUTCH lesiN ACO •lii.l, ...ammo: h. min s. s ill iti m ....l etondu.t.: evor,
131(11itoN—.50 tom, Brasil ereek, for sale : P,::`,::.:',,'!'hu,;;UOusfttat:',•7',..;;';‘"""Yo'ir.: t.i`riiaiLLT".
I. by 4 40 140111 SON. LITTLE AOl Jat.:Alt
I INSEED OIL. 5 brls pure New Castile - I,N 011 It E NT—A two story Dwelling v:r.t
L4oil, past remil..l and for sals by - 1 - 1t....,,i. 11.,- stn.. Em inn! of ju ,.....- .
,1.02; ItOßL.ON.urrix aco ! m le. JAM ES DAI.4ELL. roo Water-.L
1310 MON.—Fifty torfs Brush Cmek Furnace ir OR SALE OR ON PERPETUAL LEASE
Pb!'..(mule by 111)111M/N, 1.10023:1.10023: A. CO. • .-1 .111 ..It for rnolL or on per i odual le.e. one lot en
' an 22,5 Llburl, otreet.:„ l !min atm, 24 fort rs.m 1., mi,
u ....i. °. si•ring mini. .1 •
- - ' .iiiihm the Ninth It ant En g ine 'lmmo Al. one o n us,.
TOFFEE—IOU bags prime and limey Rio, 4...5am br 1.1 6 r t, 0 , -.. !osi Alkfloito 01tei•... 1 1
%.„../ for sale by of IL WILLIAM, I*CO, tikring All., heios 70 , loot on Liberty, d lia/ hi Spring
J• 24 lid' 0111 h soal Waal ots Alley. Al'., 1.111 tat in-tiling en o..ritim.n /dn.. Imnio
i opposite the Centrallisilrimll4 pet. mot nintalnhig
QUG AR—Prime new and old Orleans Loaf, 45.-r,.. 1.5,..ti:t1 , .1 %NI E. trl I Alt A
, 01Cr""1 .ad l'"'''''''''` r'''' i° l " N" • T
o LET—A large Mansion (louse with ez.
~,,M I
DI nen, of Laud sttneldol. altostaol at I 0,2.1.1 1:71•4 '
lk I OLASSESI—PI:mtation ..t. Sugar House; [ Jtlli 11 (111.0..10 , 1:0 a or. ....:,'
~24 6 `' Ll '''' S l7. r illi.Ll l ,Z., b g , .. c,, I T, 0 LET—The Three Story Ihvelling ~ .7C. ;
ith.... , , , i7tu r ile .tyre, tol prment °moped i. 70.1
liiir 111 TE B EANS-3° h. Prime. fur "' le I W i" } : n I I '';',ri.l;.? . .n d "Vhs•Ilt:": '""1::::=
by J. ' l " l. '' " A " 3 " . ' t.O. 1 .1!..".-',.:LT Ism of A p;:l . IZ t u'in• of j . t' it. it.,,in.
1., 24 Waal . hound Chureh
NIU . L. „. t , ,SSES. 50 l i ir tß ll:gllg i fl i tli ,, fip . _oitl , C ... by 1 ri L l ' (. ' ii CET__O„, T„.„ Story Brick- 1 I ow.
' AT' ' '. gontsluind 4 rosin. on Centro Avenue, Min0n0Z .... !.4
1 VA F SUI 3 A R-30 lugs for sale 10, rt e Inud. Rent lee En n utte tf
/slii IFS W All' A Ct 1
1.4 pa, tubBAIiAL.M . t 17.(1 .. - _ ,
M ALLOW.—Fifty brls received iind for sale 1; 1 C1 , 11 RENT. The
, Store : lls
, M , %rk::t 9
iby 2.2,, HMI V Eit A. DARN F. 24 asul toil .. r'l . '..l . goeto''' ' l`t i .o . Z.oo r ti'd m i c':;egt"t r lT.l.l ol'A r prilJEL•
c..!110E.T5 . --One thousand bus just received '''''", I ... l " ' " l '''' - 1 1,‘,, 1 ,7•4 1 ,;; 1 ,,'' t .. . a '
1..3 y.r ,brasaer Inlay Liod, and f. yak by - - -
SIIIIIVEII 0 BARNES I[ 4 l bit RENT, Iwo 0 oTe ,naebient :75'.,
DtaM.II., ITOU;A:,. on Yht,,l street shove ...."'el
I A RD.—Twenty brls and fifteen kegs for snil nevir to Smithfield Vosoesoion g iretion the fir. •Agadmo
. 4 sale by .1.4:1 SIIIII V Ett 4 11A RN El. of April tie.
Ai.. to Loam for atm or mom yolini. some large meant
lgdo ot, aininrar the Alleghen7 Eder. in On' Niiiiii ‘ 1 o' 4 !
Apply to WM NI likilLlNtiloN,
or 1100.1 11 1111.1 NOT IN,
1.4 .II( Fourth At., near Wotol.
BUR RENT. o. Two story Frame Rouse ^•,,l, and nark building. with two lon, tomato onilit
ford elm. Sixth 11 aril. aduilna 1. iihront
For terri ni, app!} hi M m ini m ., LITTLE k 01.
Mort/ 22.41.11..., otnad.
TOTO LET, the Store Iltsmt N 0.53 Mar- ...7.}1
ket otreot. nobelnlng the M.. and Jog/Aryl:a
V Al M limn. and nmattl t ...opted 1 .1 '1... ,,
N 11.,1nb.• a y..t.... a flanking and L 5.... ono..
TIM nou lo hoisted int. noot ventral sof Lat litioineos
t ollut In the n
,11.,.1•11.11.../1 viit).l4l for a lianktaa and Es.
.ham, °M. val I
oe:immure tithe. or a .1 splendid
ne. frit. al. tinghoh Pinle tits,+., will I. put to In room
.the month. t odualto
Pooomelon i nven on the first •,1 ntnr
ooliy. if wanted.—
En d nim of W W WILSON.
,st Corn, of Mark. and Fourth oilman.
-- -
I'ESISON 11Ad15. bozos revived and
1/n pale br U.U.A r
g 1 KEA SE—Forty - five brln in store, for sale
m e Wer and Froot LL
. . .
CE-15 tiercer; in i ß s t o z i rr i ;tr ii d c l i i i i , r y y
cri.s Wan, and Front ,d,t.
PAINT, for rale by [EA IA II DICHEY a CO
frb, K err and Frond
iorros-21 baie,, for role by
ERRINU—RIO bin Lill", tienleti, for role
• Ithb.. 0n 1 Lard;
Klorlo, now landing from Arluncr Genera
For male by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO.loon ,
WaKr and Front
'OTTON. 2I buten now• landing from the
atrettn,,ivueva, for sud. LI
%Vat, and V ~,,,
fill:E Iltill T 75 -hris an;) ,, h x f4r Is o f , or
GREASE. 9 bhls, now landing from the
ion') aler mul Front Am..
- •
AR!) .t. GREASE—Ten brli No. I Lard;
' I """"""" l "din'rrrnr 7 V Itt " . 4,2.4 isA
Wa, n 0
"l a
1 - 4 1 EA T 11EltS--.3 sacks prime, for sale by
i' eq WICK A HeCANIII.K. ,,
RALILY FLOUR-20 brls extra, for sale by
- -
- 13tiA ft LS—IS casks superior, for sale by
-1- J3's 'wteta& MrCAN DUCKS.
i 4011 N-209 bu 'Oily h.. yellow, for sale by
1 EMONS—I4 lames, just received and fur.
.I_4l Indt. to
I,ill 001
.. J. 11. CANFIELD.
RY PEACLIES—.47O sticks, ,just received
and for rale bi TANI J. K. CANFIELD.
IIt.ESII ROLL BUTTER - 20 tasust re e d
nu gala by Pat J. 11. CA: , YIELD_
1a.c.4M1 4 t Co.
IPrinter's eon
rrALLow. 25 bble for gale 10 ,
1 u s e B CANFIELD
IIRLAXSEED -- A small lut fur sale by
' 8. lIA 'EN 9
,t and F.rry ot.
he manuiacto
' thort notlec
QUEER I'ELTS-1 bah) for male by
1 .1.07 ' J. lI,CANkIELD
BUTTER. 20 bbla roll; for Bale by
Is 9 .1 11 CA tiFIELD
IiROOMS. 41dosenforsala by
(..; ALERATUS. 100 — bo — xcv for sale by
, •_
-ilif:Egkrithiiii;oieT • ta• - .1017
vI j Ettl .-- J II LASFIELIL
r s INlby
LARD -4 bble prinie lent' for gala by
febs N. F. VON BIONNI1011. , . "? ok CO.
harrels packed fin - ale
re on steamer
lICKEY 00,
r and Front sta
UTTER--Eight barrels packed fair rota
jal.l 8. v. VON DONNIIONST
APPLES-Twenty brie.
fur osla by 8. F. VON SON.NIIIIILBT a CO.
j 0.14
nine or Cr, fur
151 Vir At Ft,.
son sset•hlng so fun
de and Plano Co,.
(CORK-20 brls and 3 - 6
sacks justrec'd
DO) . ./. N. DI LWORTII (?)
...11OLL 11131fiii7-25 bits in store
J. N. DI 11TOn
10E-20 tra furs ale by
sUOAR &MOLASS SES-30-hhda ugar;
RsObarreD/ Hol low, an
Buanotia ouilluat.
For Sale.
BLOCK OF BUILDINGS. on tlo. rorro‘i of WaAh
te';V"T2l:=.olon the car
hne hundr , ll and forty tour o feet on Penn irtr.r.L. and
ood;.1 and ohm fr. nine Inelfe• on Wa&1i1u.4...
to n t enty feet alley. Impute of
tnOb&m !in. Ka; Peon 4.
Land for Sale.
ifINE TRACT of 320 Acres: one Tract of
, Lif 160 Am. one Trret of An and two Tract. of
(4, Anne each. All the shore land leore ,Tr 4s. ItnProe
. ed, of lirat rate quality. and well locate m d in Monme 0 0..
and will ho nold, n, not purehamor, further
~..tleularl inquire of WM. JMINSTN.
meha 112 Second at.
with 41 Nexus o r mood utlxbol. situnt,il at ail
utelt3 II A IiDY..IONr-.t DI.
t . OR RENT.—Two ROOMS in the Poet
. Dui!din.. suital.h. ?or Artottix
01 hos,
NooSMALL STORE nu Third otrooL next door to the
ttotitto Mem mouton, wt. Prolog...tot • or: fr:.:V n ll
ho.hvblr.roludowtErupletteLl_oltßotrt exto•u • t
. 0 AhRA nu hoontol ettreL
For Bale.
I.4:SUBSCRIBER offers for snle the 7.71
folloviVng valuable proprrty In Min.:ben) City.Z .
ttoq Brick and Lot. by
fogatin South °rumor, 1101 V by
t o tbDry Bri lint, mot Lot.T. by 110 frct. frnt.
Inv on Sonlb Conan '. on, ' Una okorn‘.l.4l Intl John.on.
.ET—TIC f Ate, on the lower floor flitg:
tholo.t Ito,' It nter fe.ntlo. m, fit
I , 1.,
r• the 101 the
fn.n, ntrn.t.
re•..•, .
or ru
TO LET-IG.)lw+ and Steam Power fur
"7"Artt,V=oN a OKELY,
.3.;t1 110 Vront wt
Rare Chance for Capitalists and Moment ,-
E undersigned being agent for the own
rs. ednu , for Pal. a number of town lots In the town
1,1 ftark county, tlhio, with out lon, autl small
11 and near the town.
1:111. 1" .1;:1 1 , l at " VeT, l4 t7l:. lt tnto Canal. and the Ohio an.l Penn.
orints Itailna.l. now nearly completed, mowing through
t .oteel altonts, ',ethane. the Lest alaxaasiiiu
tato, to persons who may wish to onga, In not.
almoet any dewriptleh. The abundanee and
eheapno. of all the ',vane of living, the supply of cowl hw
fuel per ,sant power, the great quantity of went brought I
to this market.. well . the facilities for transtortatlon
manufactured artlelea, all combine to mate this one of the
W~onwt .I,o , irahle itll,2l.Winhing manufacturer. of
Wool. Cotton. Indeed of all,descriptlens which I. now anent.
ed In the Western country. •
seeeral Improved home, In the rielnlty of the Quaid and
Railroad. are alsooffered—n tract of 716 arm of asoolleto
timbered laud, lynnt between dm Canal and ll.flllved. and
',Lout half a mlbn from the WIC, • l o t of aboutseven
arms. 114J011110. the Itailm D
ad .i.t,nioog ono ‘ l.hkh
the tract C. 0., Mt on two sides, streets of the town. 110
tel keepers and merchants will do well to look at till. bac
fore hoe/ Purclni. Masalllelsewhete.
The .witlon of on. In the heart of in airitultural
rtgin. that
surpassed by any In the rountry. Nan
known that It deemed unnecessary to demote than ref,r,
tott to induot , all who what to make good lorestmenta, to
and eaandne this pr,operty. Title Indisputable and
long enalit. glren If desired. llon..lmlrew iv. Loomis nod
Jcwhon Manna PittAurgh, will give information
onurerning It, and any ulnae will be answered by
plleation to Thum. McCullough, Kent Jar,. or the al. ,
signed at
Maasillon, Feb. 'CL febt:Miwd.
I TOBACCO-49 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by
1,1,7 31di I LLS Ar ROE.
, 0 Sl f IS. , , TE/00 b bl s No. 1 , for sole
sok ;•. Iqu.soN.
TAII-100 bbls North Carolina, for sale by
row: N.2.Y. %WILSON.
n LEACHING POWDERS--200 enskm, a
Aultrior famnufacturnl and for by
. SUM NGS— We are prepar
to tortikti sad ..rvet apo.rarn, for hcalln,
.1.1111 . m11 , 1111.% by gram or Ant Ira., and hare rt..
n' tkl ' APA: t . '" A " t /( " 1;717.`.V . 1.7/11 1 :17. 0*
'!SU 311.XTUIV% for Rain hy J. CHM sCo
MILL—We Smut Mill, complete,
17 torrule 1„w Ilr 1,1.5 IL DA LZELL f CO.
18U- 30banels iind 15 kegs do, Sro bale
u.l/AI.ZIiLI. • co
((forty •
OLL BUrfElt-5 I.MIO prime It. Butter,
e z hand .0,1 for rat.
0 for male by fobb
BANK ' si low
Rhona. for cola. APply to BAIRD
frhl3 114 eemtul
. _
it OL Ibt l i UTTElt-1 bbl
j: otettrr MITON. • -1
avo 1, the wr
above L and Int Cap ermediate PL."...
. -
'this day. at 10 o'elock A. W.
(tdiaht at apply o n bu r' .
VOR ST. LOUIS.—The splendid _
B' new &framer STAID:MA: 4 . as. MortnlaY.
enninander. will Ira, for the a 1.., and int,.
o r day. the Ota Ind.. at 10 A. M.
F, it
or llama., apply on ladtAL or
turlgi Art.
did nteigacr FORT I'ITT, 11IIIor. mager.
vdl have for th..almnre and intermediate ports
fin thk.iny. at A
For Ini=ld ..r pas,rw... ..n lanrd. ^"ss
Louis A: ALD.IN —The
J CRITTEN DEN. SP.rlind. ark r- ....„,
lor the :IVA,. nod I terute , llat•. 4-- '
pnets on gilt Ow I. 11 .
For fr'-'rhr
m eh.,
114 1 01: ST. I.oL'is,—__Tl„, spie,tid
X 101:
haat ..tenmer :SCHUYLKILL
enmroatatar. 14a , •. (04 and M-- , a= o
14 . Mort tth. ts, 4Y. M.
• • • • 'I •
tkEi; UI.A It l'A eN ET li(it :.,,.
1 WHEELING tt SUNFISH —lt, tn. IN. ?. 4 '
'n '2. Owl. N.`. Crain. v Met , an alaa..
'' Y'fr Trr',Vtn;ltt:arti':..kni'..p,',ar t- , a01.t.r It.
iTtiiiiiNelN N AT i N: ST. WI IS
j The on. stammer It. IIiNtEEN. But. her. .-....- . -,7
atter, will it at.. 1, ett a c and mtennedlatt ..
Part• on . 4th Intl. at In .. )4
F, tr , ithl la , tannage. applt en lautnl Inchl
V'Olt ASVI 1.1.1:.—Th , la-t I _
running steam. Ft iENEVA. fa rt W.lhn., .. a .ffightl
a Easel, the ahoy,. sod Intarn,tseta pet,
thit ii, at 4 It M.
For Immtltt in- petal:J..ll,4 en I.ahrd. melt.
I i NOR LW' ISV ILLE—The Tien- ~,.....t ..,
A did strum, XA VMt AT. oil. Capt. W. Mts., ~/. ,
wsll Lava tar the abova end all Intermediate -
;nal.. till. del et Itlo, Irak F , d. Sr. lght. . yam., etkplt
an Ward. mrh.l
. 4 1 0 It ST. I.OVIS.—The Rst run-
nev Ftearnar AF Ik. F
tti• luavu PP the alKor« and all Inlrr
wall pauta flop olny. llor 1, In ,apt. at 4 M
for frambl Pr paaaauu. aPP I 3 .^
4 .1 01{ WABASH RIVER— .T h
iII,A Uri P. Cart
111 lea, far tho alas aa,l ill luto.r.
media , . part. Path.. 1.1,11 u.-t. at 1. , eo , IPP4o. ax •
For fn•fuht o.r appl) oon
-- _ . •
.4 1 0 II SAINT I.ol:lS—The
light dratlclot Paoattopr PAHL , . Smith..l
uaater. Kill loaf.. for 11000 f oal nil inte.
noalit- orte. las huraola,. tlop g.:7at in A
Foot trOvlot .or paael, apply oon lamnl iron.
A? I) 11 ELL!, ILLL—TII.• Pap atuatnoor
F.11.1.F, rtirt•t..r.. illnin
w a ro.:afar paook, ling loaf awl If
1., r_
Patatourulz 11ooli y. pada Fra/a).
Fur frmivllt or prosave. uprl, nu board. ju.".o
ZANKSVILLE —The tine , rtr.,
.trameir.• , F.C.A.nunMer. , ! lll ... l e
lerlntenuteltaie ten, t 1..• raturo.4,ll.
For Irelt:ht pu. , aste. RM.!, on 1u. ,, F•
I•nug. ailj
n. et hetu....n,.b. le•elmu.
1:...1/..purt. mut lestv:ua .11,1. ewer, ) , .• ,
Vlertue.o fur W.•11,111e. ,tent•er. rill., aml 1111.1,, , t. mei
e‘ery Thure.l.,• lur
tutplin3.. `null-h; recurs/D.1,1..1 ,- e. lyul,-
1,11. Suufell .ry ,ernoult. xn.l:e
\ '1111:F1;111\4 ".I.lke
new , pleumer DIURNAL. um**. ;. •
ter, in reZular tri.greek tr . . 1 ,•
0.1. ea, rind F ri d ay , at 10 uric...lK
every and Friday, und reuurnin,
Whe. bug r•e . Thur.lny fld
ewett vc.e.l.. For frri.:l.l .••1 ur
• uul, A r,utn.
:1 ‘ ..1 1 .n . • 17,.
i‘ te r 7! i lt " AL ' "F tT!."4;rrHI....*V. uther-.7.r
• In• 4 tr:u
thete. n.I
Wedruuelny fur Utrnntoi. En,
art, tor trastooosr,oi lttod. r w, A) 11M LUN..11.111. Ilinahna
Binghams' Transportation Line.
THE CANAL lootioz now ontnt, we ane rya
-41:. f) , ),Te and (,ward ,)711014)). 0.1) , and
F r r " , ' lri! ," ; ; ;;Z: t e ' sVl . );: t .t b)
Li nry
l'rvolue.. and 1/I Ir. nahl arr•l
vt snd ur.t. an, harg.. 102. forwurdttac
'`" d ' i
C o 'Cr
r: 'tnnor
„ :::t
Opening of the Pennsylvania CanaL
r of 1..4. • tho a,
...,-rlbre* .111 then prvnan+l 5.); alt) Intr.
lA)l.lrlplus In IlEt•bargh. at 4rtu.; ruttn. vtx-
L/r st.,nl.
want. Lo‘,kina 40c100 Is.
enn2.l, L,stu.
xrTT a s To Tat Tro,.
... 41 Zoo 0.,. per doz.-.
I Ott JI oz.._ ..
_ ... hu;„ 2 os.• .. . ...... ..
Un draught. per ga1100....,.. ... ../ mat,
This I. the t....t nellele manufactur.V. It Eras [twir
ls a m... 1 CuPYINti INK-and will not corrode , mould ,
pnvipltute or dews , . and all the qualities mina.
...; for a m... 1 Writbag Ink , suitable for the Quill , and ad.
" i r r•l ' d d e ' vVrklf ' Zi` h p e ri7 ‘ .;.... I ' M ' fornith to the trtule ei.
OAT b , f racwst ar h.mb e consumption. ot the above very
low ewee, put ub char onler. and deliennwl in aoy past
of tbe en, free t.i• ue. No char, for rarer. Barrels
b. 1.11 0 K. Nno,au et.. New Turk.
Murphy's Self-Sealing AdvertisingEivel
opcs, ,
J. 1 The •übreriterr cement.ting the patronmaent all who
CVL, whichthi. adverts , l. none of that heeltaltlon
WA a new article w brouglirbefore the publle. The
experience of yew" has establi.tual their suPenotity Le
peed all question. and he contidenUe refer. to the twdinto•
n• of thop burl.", men who have teal Hare en7elope,.
and to hit repair lorreasnag salea as prottf of their °mod.
The following un a few of the reasons fur their mou
t-own bw,ar. at ILlta.. .. • .... . • lent,
Si luta).. Anvtl.. Alum. Crude lirtmewne. i I.t. On the ;dace
s o br the seal. e Pee..? Mee
er . , e' , .. - : have In. name. bu.iness, nod a . ddresa. romPiettoostr and
TIDE—EitiIIT D tV.. ! 100ot:fully embo..ed. cohne,l or plain. thus aturding Per'
Ir , h.:,...1 that t 1,. , .. , „..,, , ,.. , :. , tt.r n. r , 71. „ .. , .1, , i , ...i . ,. , , , ,,. . , , : .., nrt 5 , , i . t , , fcc i e f f ;t t i . r .!.,,y,!... i n „:',„.. r. ,,,,,, ta .,.. ~,.. „I ~,u,„,,..,,,,..h.,,,.
‘'''';''' ''''
' '''..'''.. - w t L.l 100,t •, •rl , I str.,ed.
''''''" .'". '' " '. C '' .o L '
~ .'
" ::I.A 111. A. wa- err waf .es ern et.thirt.l to s. el them.
In ~i n 11, It,. /1, , C., 7.4. I s. :I 1.•1.. , Jth. ;dad. 11, uor.....Trin,r of a letWr, the seal insures).
~.„ n .- ,,,,,,„, , 1,„,.. . Mine-lisle morn u. the .ender. irodead of b,ing borital
1., ~ 01, ILI, • I. Pon. a tdo.. 1...0... ' tatall, fp the ihlta Let Otto..
f. h.r. Ire : .Ali The Envelopes not furnishod at almost the sac
rro M Fli:c H.t NTS. tI.I".CUFACTUIIEItS. rk ,, r : . , 7 :1 1 -','i, , :; , ,7 , ",ii . .,..,,ni,.. ,, ,,, , ,,*„....7 i it — r,Z 1 1 ; . ...1:,,,.et t ir:; m „,L h i t i
Jl . .a , 'W .. pr.. nd 1.., ...tract.. to brww .0,..! ruf ~,... ' . : •-
fn.. Phtb...plnts. OA- ....... n. 1.. r., In, of bat, trei,lif• ' .fl,, f,,,,,„.i,,„ t, ~ 1,, t ,!, ~.1,,, foi D[ Of ~,,,,,,,, ~,,
~ t , wm0...1.0m: t. no.. awl at t•-r) 1. w rale , b thout bea.r. awl a hich will la, tor year, and Of Exerther.s. Cl
te.itippun, ~ /I the 51, Appo 1., the usual sire. either white er Lurk of Mad Pane , and
1,1.,1,1 tr . t'. A. 11,10 V LTA d. Ott. l Basin. „,„, „. „,„„,.. „o, „„ a „,„..„1,,,,..„, „, e. ,
I' ',zee qf JAZ,. , rraccr .1 Earth/pea war us
r",.... rw-...,..- , .. - 7-1 . sc•, .. StAK/1 abort.
1 . ...-e - .1 _ iy . 2.1 letters or 1......
i.t51.;•1 --. C.94. Irs 0 I e .- 1 . ... ~,,, ~, f•,, 9...,,,.1000 .2.1. nm,
DI li. . .fs.
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.' - 4 , to no . , ;sato_ ............... ....-.....10.f.0
10.00 Pas, 11 tst
3 1 0 11.: 1,,,1NN1111 atv . c 0,,,,., ar,..,,,, pi,t.l.ur2h. 1.....,:',,.
SITIALJ AAI 11:: ,. .t 0... Deb.. Itnad awl Cheer, etre.ds. ',...,,.:.",,` •,.•
_. _ .
_ , l :-. ,t . A_'. ,, t , : xt .. ,
_, _
~_.. , 1 ., ,, , , ,. 1 ;
awl N., ,t,uth Fourth street. I.dweart larttet and Chu. , . r
,11 . ,,
.• L .,. ' , 7 , 4`.V .,. ,7;7 , .. „ u1 0 i . .7..% i , , ... :,,,,, t y ,, , ,
nut stn.A.. Pi...440.p , 1 . 1:owe i t ;..•ut. All'onler. will meet with prompt
01 ,, N SITES A Cll.. 7.• Nerth stre..t. Eat/more. , attention. If addr,sel. W3l. kIERPIIY,
IIiAVING f‘,ll, vont plete,l 1 ,110 arrange- N 0.2,3 Madkon street. New York.
m ..,,,... „-,. „ L i, t, - ,, 1 ,„,,,,,, „,„„, ,2„. „,,,,,,,,,,, ,f r fh,.
r fl s Tlers will i br u at . brkill o tth; j pvhdt . l .i . if l a r r n. ,, a ( t m th ,.f e . sto r, re li ,.
, Ivan , . t'enal , b' `^", l ''''' ", "`"4 Iran I " .! .e. 3 4..l ” l " mait r' i'e7; 1.3...ivi11b.. L. • " '
burgh. Balutuow. 1 ,. .,11.0h , L1ph:.:. N d r i... 1.1k , .Lbrt• , n.. 1 ,. .tt.. ~. .. -8u.. .; ,,,,. C..., , ,...
. L ,,,,, ,
.1.1., fr,.....,
1 ,. .?- d i. r " aTt .' ,l '.l. -I . th nn ' k . .. ' ..ll.n i tLA od ~',,' ~. ri, a ; ' ,,,„.„d, " . Iris 610,01 per thnusan . d, r,b)::,.dau
---•-- --
'•'" '' '" ' ""'" ,' ' ` • .i.,,-.--h,, Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherous,.
b ' In•uran.... attbout sof .- A.M . "to .ns ' , rt... 'fer- .i
obt ball, *dont,' I.r •.., ~tlwr I.lne. : gIR )lEDICATED COMPOUND, infallible
A" '"""'"''''''"" '''''''''' '' """' ""'''''' .1r f ar rt radria, I, clue. heettUfrina the heir.
Ilal a t'... etliVitlli.l. E. NT. , LI, 1,u1.vi11... 111n1 I,wt. .0 heeteethtt the i- t .. „ eh ,
~,t teths,
''' ;4 4 ,7 - 5 ' 'll'...lVrqtnlel,T2,l:7l:::::‘..l.:U:nl',¢"tV:.:':;ltil the, a. , e,uein.fruP tt " h, b. th .,,, ,e sh' s t . tc, a . ,,i.e.f`s,, oc the a 1.., If.
Plida.P.lphia awl Pubhurult Trau, , rtatlon Lthe of At. ' 1" ... ...‘t"Z • ,1': 1 . .....7 . 1 . 1`,.i,71.,..1iit r .!if. : . r :',`C.,t? ',7,71;
ktn. e 1 . ,. '''''' ll ' aorrl a. . fail." The tirst,ournals 1,, Amelia, medical men
nf the highest ernthence. pnoninent citizens of ell Pr 01 . ,..
W,......, is r; 1 F ....,-.,,, , ~.n,, and ladle. who haze use.' It for years lu their deer
~"............ . a/ ~ ' , . '..1 " . ..A . ..... i tone rr•dna and nurtaticx admit it with oneareonkthat for
Merchants' Transportation Line, i
Imparting vtgor. glees, luxuriance, and curl to the hair.
eradicating .mtrf nod dandrutt heeling wounds. curing
(WI A PENNSYLV AN IA l AN., LS 0 , 0 RAlLllttAlef,) i ,17 , tt n .: L igtV i n ,, , , , , , , ,,1 . , = . in „ ,, ,,:ti i i, - ,.. m .- 2.0z i i , ,v... a v - 4.2
FUR I'lll LA DE Ll'll I A I)lll'..t"f—AVlTl l- : ~,,,,!,,,ry!:,puln,twd,fxl7o..;'-‘,...2...d. y;. - 1171 p i n n the Vi
i ItE,ll I 1.1.1N11. 1,.. et:incur, Beery 5 Trieepherous is unrivalled. The Int.
C.. 1. McANULTY a cy .. ., Canal lhoWn. b. , Pt.nn street. I wen... earl, sales of the artirle. have enabled the Inventor
Pitt.hitratt . tw .upply It at ?A cents lao bottle. which Is from :AI to It.
Cil t
BAY NUil. Control !Lock. Broad etreeL I:011a. ~,,.„,„t ~,,,, ~,,,,,, ~. t ,f a ny other ;reparation for
deltdnn. - .1
e h tir now in use. Tim scientilio treatise on the hair
1, e are PwletreLl to ~.''''.' n' ..`" ...‘ 0 . 5 M''''... d '.... IVId We ,kin enthmeing the valuable diftetions fur the cub
and prwdo. e to ,bil. to
tie . olfnu . '‘''' r... 1 . . I. ':' ?. tun • and pr
or nattire P. ['hal . nronsarnt. in
d , 1dd... , d . 11 , Id'rm.Th'de to°'" . 01 "'`'''' .°.''. . o. '” in whirh . nth bottle Israel...l. Is alone worth th. mow,
1..4 bet...than in ant 1 ,,,,00 . w.f.. , , • Th. • orlinny between the menthe.. which constitutothe
64 - N B ft. , 0ween....1 wool., of Truck, provide , '', , skin awl the hair. which draw, Its e a s es nn from this
th.• baud t'on.m...ionee. tor unary lug our I.,tt. on the 1 triple eat elope, I. eery eloae. All dises of the hale on
' 11adr....1. , will ,'meta' •to, t.w.ebilitf fl dela. , ^l : Pi e in the skin of the heed, If the sirs of the resit ,
j. k 1 ,........ 11 1 . ' o. i 0 ., ,r....':'''.. 1 .i.. 9.'it,r: - ...'1" j net cloggd. or if the blrol and outer fluids do not Meru.
t • A• tInA , 1 .. f . "1 , Inn. freely through the mall Terarli which toed the root
'fox ,
.Catkd eau'' ; with mol.ther. and Impart life to the fibre, the result Is
-_,, -•-- - - , - , - 1 seurf. dandruff...ll...Mink - of the hair, prevent., dryer.,
. 7 "P .4 IS 5 1 - - .:F.-5-?-!.-"!h.r;h,l7-g.z.n.,-gn.ri...., - odf„..ligg'dx:l -. .v:
To Canal Boat Owners and .Transporters. i 2,lJlV,t".t i lii",:ii'kle;:co'a r ttr. v ."ll.',al`a * LVJo t r b ti:':
W I ~ 1 ,, ., !!
. 1. r , : :. ,.t
. 1 .:- t
~f fur
, tlp ,
..t .
Par,,,r, , 5j...,
, r ., t i a , t.
,i i
. 0
n 1 ,1 1 ; 1,i.. ,z, t0 d f .
( Lb : : 4,.. : t.... g:t : u ..1,
.. It a i p,-... 11 ,.. e t. nia t.b . e .
~, th l , w r e A,,.,,;,„_,..,.. ) ,.„,„. m ,„.,,,,„. pi,„,b,„ 1 .,..h the unswol. Pl. tun! the ghubls.lhat the TricopherOn,
durnia the ebtoing .a• u. has st. epertte art on. ...a In all allecnorukand itkinrY a
Tlme from .1..h...t0. Ow htt..bura. ..... ...... I hunts, th'.e'br l -"n" , it i . e es .
p ' renzodr.
•• Inut Pitt.burgli to J.hiwtowt. bold In large bottles. price 23 cents, t the principal or.
,„,,,, t , 1 1111 ' TI Ere. Ikl Broadway, Nor York. end by the prlnciPal T...Tri .
friddAdar I, d ,tlidtls a thk ant. snob druggists throuShout Wu baited elatm. and Can.
tat dee.kana
E ....,„= - ...„ -- -., 1851 . !..4 . ...:,=
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
To tat. 1110,1 I'll,lo 10.11, I lilt, .1. , .....r. ‘,,, • ...•
ATKINS a CO., I.l , Prlvin, NO. .2,:r.,
Conturrft street Philadelphia.
BELL. A LItHiETT, Am.., oannt title. Pittsbunzh.
JOS. TAY LOH. SON. An... Baltimore.
We are w.p.m." t ,
en th e a t t of
Was l' , l l vwal.
Canal. to contract fiT Frrlaht at AA Ira, rates. and give
allippera ow much drapedch and care MO any other Line.
.1015 IrnogN
aura to John )IrFesten r C 41.1
Canal Basin, Penn Street.
Peron:Rail Road Ca—Central Rail Road.
IE subscribers having been appointed
shipping agents tor the Penn, I,• hall
I oat Inform public that wo attiotta maim, at re-
Myr ammerchandise us protium' for 0/11,11311,111ru tthe
opettinit of the canal.
ntl all
tmns s via la h u t ttl lat fornartittl (tois rout.. Al he oarrle.l through
or commis In five slat •
l o
lon or alarm, for actranoca
, RA • 11,1 lairs Ann pirout
Dry i.vdr,
litinitry. Fruit.. Flisiestoin
.1. Si,. -ID. r..
Qll.•••Uxlolnri.. 1,,
Dud ono.. ,4.10,
4 r
Dario, Pork. Butter. bird
Tallow. • mit M 111•1
Nbuible irouiziii 7ur. Root,
• liir.tl4-:!, Cii% t 1
. .
.V. , 74 P.orth It . n,LI to L:.. ,f j.,,,,,,,,,),.
,;;c7..,."1.',„,, D1r1r:L1‘:.'.:1',:;,'..1:7',',...•;;.'" "I 1 1 ;.,.7`:.=r
lIAIUtISIIS SEWELL, Attilrney at Law,
0 101,1 t. StLio Commlroloner for this,,) 1..., , EL - Illons not
~,,,oroon. of 0,...,1., a, u.rlAre--Fourth I
!1...e1: stave
5[331011,4.1. ror.loiLleff
C- , MeCORI) & CO., have received
4,,,,,,„.,,,,,,,, sob. of Hain, to *lnch they r,,-
~,11, it, tu. tho Ltuoutiou or tholr ...tom
,. no.' tl. 1.0.1 i.. ooslornll I - fob=
Partner Wanted.
I'EIISON having n thorough knowledge
A t or t h,. n
bunerr. In an tir trranchrr, and
i.lna 0. b,...,nur • partner to an en.bll.lnl burn.,
cs" .. h lV . N 9, f :4; i,lT.l",riv,
ECKElt'tio FAIIIN4-5 boxes fresh, of
thl,article. K. ..lebruted so t thr Invalid, nr
Lhi n. alro for Illancumnos. Ptuldltm, Gruel or .14n0.
Fur ale very lea by the too. Lk.. or retail..
fehla W3I. A. I.IeCLURO A CO.
IANNEit'S 01L —2O bbltb for male by
feblY J BCIIOON3I. 8 co.
, 5... 41 ~ I th Eecutul etrerl. (above
Ttout. pmt iAr.t Phll%.lPlphla.
_up PAde tinnr. rt: . :..:I_Mark..t rt.. Iltilnalelakii- npl]
. • -
D. C. X . 00111(43
BUCKNOR CO.. Tobacco
11 commt , i , ri Merch.ta. No. 41 N4rnh Watar
10 North Wharves. Philadelphia. augl
VIEItCER & ANTELo, General Commis
•,,ion Merchant , . Philadelphia. Lilx.ral advanrra
.tuNle on eorlaignmenhn of Produm generally. Lian.,....han
OD., F. COCCTAMCC,II.47II. 1...1.CL1G5T..N.
W. POINDEXTER & CO., General
• C.tnii•lun wool F'orerardlng Slembanuand Flour
li ln
r. Market stred. Philadelphia. .152 5
To Southern and Western Merchants.
, The culwrrited respertfullydnelles public attention
of 14rflunterT.S0.1. , loming
a.... to whielt gc1,13 Silver and two Gulden Medals hate,
within the lad sin p.m. been awarded by the Institums.of
New 0005. Ildrt.on. and Philadelphia. tbe -latter being the
bids to
ever awuthal for perfumery either In
hump,. or In this eonntrv. •
Ito. UNFIV‘ILIT lu , T.n CRLAY. (Almond. Rose.
and Ambroilald unisrr.ngy acknostled to d: superior to
any !haring Cream in this muter,' Or Mtrolm.
litroross'a trviu—Beautifully trammarent, end
haponaemem and .emelllent mot.
Pep - mm...00e Compound; Ambrosial 'Shaving nand: Milltle
re Sharing Sten,
et Mina/. TIALVT EOOM—MICOrId• RAY, 51illeilleurs. Bou
uet, Piqueldd. Musk. Patchously, Omnibus, Floating. Oil. Winder, azvl Orme:lan.
Ill? Ilsamcgactuars.—lltow, J51 , 1M111. Dom
quet encoillie. I..raneurn. Jenny Lind, Nioum.eline.Jock
ey Club. Maunnlin. Ch.rnatite. Citronelle, hewed, and man)"
mbar In nil sixty different Pert...s.
Teo., 00 1100.$- Mdrilla Water. Eau do Toilette, Orande
}lower It atm. aryl a gnat 5011011 of C 01.." pod L.rno-
der %tate,
t. ren tar It tin—Clench. , Benn.Andlque
oil. 1t...1011y... E.lll Illelne, Compound On Var.
Be." hquld end in powder, and Philoonno,'Elth
mne. and Jenn, Lind Penman..
"Jar Bala:auk, Elixir, Rom Tooth
Peet, t ha rronl Deutritim, Wonting... Tooth Pt!. and Tooth
Co.ntrica--Veeetalle Cetenetic Cream, Amendlna fur
ehappea band, Cold Cram of 11..aes, Cream du Pen, Lip
,ulve. Residual, Cream, Le.
I.pilatury I'ned , r. • for removing superfluous bair., Pearl
Peed,. losigre Runue, Area:male Victoria
Ilvr Cemn.eltiun. Penton Salta heod.lus a great variety of
attar article.. to . numerous to Ge named In this advertise
The eniverit.m. hopue to maintain the reputation which
this ..tablietiment hat d ui ill
dinwettuir of rathing
hilt sr • t rat.. articles, and will Loliappi to thrnieh [boor
who mar to ;atropin. hitn. either ;thalami, or retail.
ae ap.maple Prate 1.0 tsar easttlishuient in the United
FIV,PFALIt to and former Itireetor of the laboratory of
114 Chesnut et.
lir. Darin , Perfumery in for pale br all the priori:a;
4 , 4....1 ,14 is threountr;.
A. & G. A. ARNOUX,
E)- •
ItAPERS .1, TAILORS, No. 303 Broad
rnrtur Duane .toot. abovetbr Irvald
. .evr Inyttt. the attention of frirnd.and
tt,.. nubile to tholr n.. ,,, rtnt..nt of nen nIlltllst) COODS, of
tln• n,to.rnt. th..mrs• trtvpannl to utak.' nt.
In urtoner and tannd frthlonable ntdle, thtlr
ti.n.tdnual..ratt.t.n. , .. Fr. Cloths, Catn:ltnen , x and Trot.
In., !I' lat i. e,rfrnant. Bahl All. for
pa-ntt..un.! Part. 'item
the olalltud tan,. - euttdoSld In
Alttll and NA CC C l Nltidt-lIS Ina& to . nnttr: arm.
tn.') d...patrh, and Its Up. approynd -unnttn:t. —
l-tra.d.rt vhdt thk Inetrnpollet tlnd at In
It-bnn.nt ..t Ono to them WI , . and n tuo.t . rerf... nt
6 alno. wt.
P1151115t1 11 - AISTMATS eledant trn6txt.ntx. nom taurh ndmind at Caudle Ilanlen, horn loon
In! 1110 nnt ps tultun of the Air-trio:sn 'sloth... at tat. Fair. re 1.11:11n.
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
A p Etaira, NEW 1011 K. Is now opninna. one ol
los rlrhnot as,orttuent+ of SPRINIi AND
,ILAWLS rver before nrrived. Alb" LACE
CS LI N and nil kind, of SILK MAS'TILLAS. mat:lulu
nd from the later( Patin fashions. by the ateatners
partinalarl) adopted u. thy Spring tonic.
01.0. a ruck of PAILkSOLS AND CM.
BRELLAS. e..n , isting of fringrd end plain ndand cot.,
r0,,1 ?IA lurk
Pansanls and Cotton and
Inno mbrnllu.. 111 of whirl, wil . l offnml at aztretneL,
!... prvv, We espeniall, Invite our Westdrn friend, to um.
nn:, u,. nor:, ta-fore lon . nhaains•
A1...10111E lOW
sTANDS. for exhil.Elng Shaads and
Nlrnaillas. put up In case. transportation. febllrtf
C. B. IhtTCII W CO.,
NO 07 Wlll.lAll STREET, NEW 00)10,
• -
AVE now in store, and are constantly re
relvin hv ,egoners. the ro , ,t afoortment of
1•111INISIIINt: 00010 ere/ before
einl.mr_tou the lat,t anal Ftylen of Nasal.,' tshlrta.
o‘rilde, Under aarraent, London
Gown, llandkerrhiefs.
,hould, " Brare, Linea Collars. with a variety of other ar
[id,. peculiar to their line of httlion.r. All of shish will
ia, the very. taweat price.. Our We , Wra friend ,
in•tted to examine. ouc .loek feb,d3tn.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
'ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 05 street,
eji Yr.r4
1201, . do=
lb ce,
b ox.
Very Valuable City Property for Sale
THE .undorsigned Administrators:-of-She
da. , of.ThOmaa Vs&man. deuteand . offer for tale the
real .44,11 C-Of 'the aaid Ttionnot }airman. tumbling
of one . 211 feet SOL.frunting on Liberly xtreet, running turl
to feet 5 inches tolt.tan feet all,. I
A 1..-, the tortOnt...atand known a. the Manninn
I . lonoc.
fnattluo on I.lbrm.atreet Al feet 6 Inelnot. and on them
atter O.: to lt,lnthoU'lonnino bark,. fm, ono, with
liA i
t l
hen d. amtalsl.k.connortud. Itentlont on Plum all,
.11 foot 4 turbeer.l - • •
Abu. three lobe.,finnttno Chun . alley. each eighteen
fret front. and running bock listy , fort parallel with I . lor
. tv " 1: " ? .4of t7o L' e.:l.l ‘ rf:t ttt 'lsa)
to .11 l aren, " afaute -oferOd aorta. at o'clock. P. M., to
the htgherklA
- 151 Liberty at. •
,p EIIOVAL:I—ENopso &11Essrrr,
f l AMES' FLEECY ond.
of %Winter tt/owea — ma Immo ent to la.
"d at the +D.." " I.
knot.. ittriudlng a new artlcle p 1 Wool !aml.t.ri to
• 1 ad at the au,. of
11‘roT Durca
.rm. keep an msortnaelat of the
;!!‘-o od, Al., rink And Usu. ~ MOripo da and Merino
• nod g Wead Drawer.. - i, feba
•- -
g JOE snitiltlat received
V, nle t' WNI. A. SIeCLUEID a 1.0
'VIDE Sh!EE'I'INGS-Auueekobpers,and
0,, 1 gm...nurtl.cant r . ' 4 ', l.7l:t otl'au lll :tta
st”ortmeut a d retlng fin
thr, ".111,1.1,1e, hlen.rh unble ' • MA,
Itneta table table tow. ,
I.c dr.‘,...r. end env!, euld hutuekcePl.r end'
I.3notorture, on bond and for Wu b
17t width& and at 10 - woNt roirro. rec'
trla on MURPHY fr.
Alin: White, Barred, Orton, and Ilaohlioe Blue,
loam! ht the store of
feld MVItPla t 61;1km-ryas.
. .
Sellers' Cough Syrup in Illinois.
IIrDGE PIERCE, of 3liddleport,'lrolooise
CP county . , writ., under dote a JRl.lllrf
r 1 h . that
he ha. horn troublid more or Woo a..
.Art or wrireral
years. which 'mut yoironneomed to him to an reduloil '
niodlesi trwohnent Cfr throe roma. ,
ti lting the *ammo,
'4, 0011tInittr:tAltiTfeloul.'n7nc.Ft...1'41Vaimor
..Rtg.cfb,livid,,7,l.4,l,%'a'l,°: ,701'.e.. - -- 'il :
1.11.010 heul fo ' und the
.r Tim
Front nee an mfamily,,,,
7,, t a. ". n o
If z rz ';:i, I.IIV
_i'••=` ; 3llr:4l.joi Z i gihTi : nt
von ti ent. when owe, menus Pio.. to afford rv)kl.
Proporod and mold by IL SELLEUS,
SI Wood st.
fold 1.1 droill&i. Ok , k ,ll Y LSI the tvo dtki bklibikur
kb/ .
BONN, RHO. & co.,
AVEnIIEMOVEI ) {man No. 22 Smith
Charleo street 4.0 the new warehouse on the NORTH.
CURS Eli Of ( 11.411L1.P AND
where the , inteml mupluettn; the 6- ItoLL. , ALETtIELACCI/
ill'rlNEt , (‘. In all its vatiettee. ttaxine male ern6seta with
several of the ota, mineut manufacturers In the :tato
of Virrinia. for a re((nlar supply t , f the choice htliala via(
Nockin(r ond .fs ( , krtn,:er's Cod ron „,
of amt Cl6to 6.1 , 4(60611.n elitAlt
Itobur.ou's pen , h tamed round s oot.. Itapctted and
Pomesne SP.l(.ll($. of t ,100IN6 TuDAC.
CO and SNI7F.,:, of all kite!, It. an al,o Pole Ai -rate tor.
Oreoncr'. PINE SPUN 1t61.L TOLIACCO. leaf Totoreo,
.eery denniption: Loblt( Ittands. Lc. All of -
the 6i.01, article,. will!, mold on ne6pume.datio,t,,,,a,
N. IL IVe are tu.t rvoolvinw 1111,01.10 of 15m , IMPORTED •
PIONCIPE nE0A1(5.11.,.1.. and harlot brand,. Extra. • •
Minimal, f.16,11t0 BONN. 8110. A CO.
uadersignod Horticulturists and SM.!,
10,,, I'm. 1...4W , ,
Md.. take (he Limo n" to inform the gentle. n
of ur,li andvitt:At,. that they would delichtio rain
pip th(ta , w tho lending ertieka of the hitekvn ,rnrden,
s•vlrious knell of Cebtxx;e. Conti:lower. liroc.ll.
1,1(.41. crluach. Pena. teem.. Le. A full extort.
moot it rot-.d for tot by our friend, near tondo. It is •
fart sell knew. In h ,, T gardener of experience. that tint
rate Envlh h Cah.h.n Seeds i,Colum , In eu.shtitr and flavor(
inrommu:( better en)] o than carte chialtied fn. the
loot se6le r.ored in this climate. Ihirrecuark la tartlet.
larly apptc4ble to the hind, named above, and the
. price of
Inel Fu obout tbnsuot as, hat p herr for the MOS:
chmlabll enSl•le nentlexcen to PCP the different°
lo quality. a ttlu,u,aren6. to theme-elvea we hare etch*.
0 1 „ a mple, rat Ito prmeitod Linde. which the editors of 110 l
(iaaotto will ta-mwnt to aurh ((their fliendo (practical narst
metal aPthty I. n.,'. can add alit it tha Ft...‘13 Juhlits. and
at maturity droois. infortninz to. of ,oceres. kr.
tinder. fur Our (...,(I.e, nril renottaroo, u ill at all timed 'c
otter our prompt an I t thmrioo. IVo wOl/era by
coler6l.l IVe will turnip!, them hi
dor rat.. put`hem up to order.
the torah. foun d
Calvert and \Voter stree6. •
febrd Baltrnota. Md. '
RAVIIt C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
mad -Ccmtmlvtlener lbe i . 11112,111111b...;.t. 510.
.municattonn'promM9, 0rt.14.7417
7011 N 11. ItANKIN, Attorney and Coma
e, Feliar m L.KM! Cemkt,Mber r , e the State o
Pentterttunin , lit. boat. 310., ante
Iteferent..--PlL.ebur.h: Ilon. W. Forromr, tampion &
tUll M'Comilte. McClure. Jtho P. Luke. Itlettella
Semple. McCord a ce. auttl4:l3.
THE undersigned having entirely re-
Lulls and ttrtlnrved the alto, ,xlttuelte rt:Wtlit g:',A
meat, connai vim, in all lout thotoltundrod and hnr
m. 0.. would mg...1.1%10y qtr- ttc.tiett that It Is now fentlT'
for 111, meertiun and ttecfnaunAltstittn of am tr.tvenitt7,
An extrndr.l notim of th. unttUrltt,tt-dfvn‘,nit"...T. Utdf
!tot,. it , de. vard ititnertluttm, Us On: rumen ir.tprove
amrt'Utv :I:it:l t c ' tZl 1 71 ' 1 P.!:et. ' l .
tdtttrttd Ut render our
The furnlturt• was mtlfotat.ftt, , , , ly to order. fettnt" , ll , '• ,,,
cost, and rennin rttrufut ..f tt. ittfoelnlly the DiT-winff
ntoms, found to tip ntanu±a,
tam. Th. Dining rot.m. err cartwittutt, and the for
men!, will tt, arrangtd tosuit the rut, uni, ,, uc-e tho
earl ET y awl late.
rfr .
dettnrtment will s...rart.luelt.l In so untrtfeldinnn -
Litt rtntntttr. and thtt hinwrlf that the
Atratrlttan nnu.t ttl.airlattrtdy the Tnttt stlkett ilomet
fettttflnwtlfzw,mT LEWIS 111(71.
Th c cf :he Lows...4,freetour
tic Lorer..ligooaot. o r fit aloes
. t
, i ‘ f c l and
wires to make no ru..ertian rat to the virtu:... of this 121G111-
rine. and to hold to, hope nad..lll/1: humanity, which
facia will not warrant.
The 31oas of Ireland. and the Pie: and Wild Chem.. ,
Justly celobranal fr, the run• of all dismres of the L•ua.7,
and Liver. which um eo fearfully po talent In all North , rn
latitude.. Fr. a ronibinatcn of chemical ..xtract,
rnrol from this lies not tine.. Ti.-,. Dr. Wirral's
toter With CuAr.r... I. in - inerd•
L:44,-Wistas'a 11.1. Am of Wild Cherry tr a flue nrxrat
ntoiret. eximproed entirely of Wild Cherry Bark and the
genuine lee:m.lllc-, ,the latter imported expentaly foe On , -
purpc....) the rum medical virtues of which aro abo citn
bleed by a new chemi,...llproe,.. with the e.traet. of 'Car—
thus rendering the whole oomPound the na ,,, end
eftinacion4 remedy ever dio - ovored to• •
IlEithillTAlll CUiil...., VI I Cued be Wistais Lab
.ara of Wllil Cherry..—The of Jeremiah Ir
of Conrumptlon, cf his hrot Rud
ring died of Consumntiorol la truly wonderh..e.
l'tzsaArr liumilton
J. II- Pair—Lear :q r.: I. take the liberty of ails/sing you
the taneht I have deri7ol fnm tie um of I,r. II's
Balsam of Wild Cheery. I was prostrated by that terrible
.aaltll,e. Coll.lllllll4inn. in May last. The attack truly
horrifyinz to me. for fee or our family. troy brother, and
.I+ter.i had died of ConxamPtion. I was a:noted with
nm.rl, all the 'worst fcueuce sof We di.m.c. I hada dirtroa..
inn cough. and a great deal. et tAeol. heal.
fever, revere pains In the tide and clout, toil chill., a 1. ,,
mating with Gushy , of la,t.
I not under the care phyrielan. from the
Liam I was tahen rich until about weeks Icing
then about tielpleak. cod my friemis ~i ahlered my
hopeless, or at lout bcytal WE' ph, akill; uJrivil
the use st Wietor, Balsam of Wild Cherry. Withoat tel
ILI:101.1.1g, ray father Dr.s,ured it. and cemir.r.nowil
istering it to me. and from the day I noon:net:col tak
ing It my health Improryd, and In two,weelut frcez the
time I or.rnmenmd usmg it. I ery able to b.• out anl over
arammy buidnesa. and later. which I still et,ntme
hare taken four bottles of the motheitc. mai now no.raier
myself perfectly well.
4 4 i
4 6 z,
t , ;
Coo,: roe:. Cake Co.. la. Jane 15.'411.
Jour D. Pink—Dear :Are In duly:/ , 10, I was atteekod -
with a feverof tpphold character. whieh left me In • wry
debilitated state, when. in the following critter./ war ta
lon with a neveregild, winch r,-land Ja .1.1 rich au ex
ent a. to give meth,' appeal-ant, of a onhtmed notOnmn .
tire. I lalsiml undera ~1,11—.... portend,' agreat
dead. and was troublid wiFerereth cold ;la; :m4111;111 1111 , ...
elm froinently ralmd lAce..l font my luog I rontiou , sl
In tht.c state. grade:3ly shaking Under the dlw•tia%until
January, 1147. when I um al . :aka attacked with force. 311
friends derpairol of my life. and my phy.ithan. thought I
mold survive but a than. tin,. 'MY a. 1 1 ,111111 1, anall.l.l
- ml C.d. were constaitily coil, mod almo,t lent their fee
g. Under these cirram...tors raoy le truly said we.
n lying rkeleton. I fealty tlalelllllo , l ID unit taking - me
dicines promribed by ph y.ielans. and try Dr. Winta.f.A.Bal.
Call of Wild Cherry, and trout the first week that I emu,
menced taking it. I can date a mcovery. !math
not Its tral.lx month.. at the end of which tint. I valour.
• 01, and enjoyed gird health ever elm, and cheerfully
end the EtalAnm to all three oP.tieti . l with of
L., lungs. and would ray to Wore commenting its 113..., not
cn diwoura
if•two or Ohre° Indties do not effect a,
m, Let p.r.evere. a+ I have and I nate no doubt
• tut nine caws out of ten. will he bleseed with' renewed
health as I have been. 14,p..4:fu11y rout.. '
• Jthillt'lt JACKSON.
}tom Dr. ➢.+ter, Springteld, Wa..l ingtop C.unty.
• • . •- ,
lindborirto, Fr. May 11.'i1.
Stanfonl & I'arko-1 take the opportionity of in
forming you Of a mort•remarimble cure yorforotl utuu
mu by the Anse of Dr. Wistatils Belie. 41 Wild Cherry.
In the 'Tray 1550. IW•3 tanem with an inffaniatlon of the
bowels, which I labored under for ido sects, when I grid
unity renoveml. In the 0011 of Pill 1 woo attackod witla
nevem. cold, which seated itself upon my Intim...nod for the
apme of three years 1 tom onr.tined w taylmi. I cried a i l
kindr of molleine, and every vMicty of cll. without how -
ft IlnalltlMl I atomic.," airing nun! the a otter of Ist:,
when I heard of Dr. Wlstars nidtini of Will Cherry..3l y
friends persuaded mu to b i
n: it a trill: though i lied eti•oo
UP ail hopes of mcovory. aul lio t prelim - id Inyciat 0. , Go.
change of mother world. Thnomh then t
induced to make me of the gemiine AVidar",, Iluismo 0.1
Wild Cherry. The effect was Moly ostrithliirm.
three years of end coffering. and oriel. halloo
spent four or nee hundred dollars to no porpoo., and the
befit and mad rinipeeMblo pbroicinits hod eroded unneml
hag, I was coon restored to entlre health lir We Ideattno of
Goland the use of Dr. Whitnes Bair-. of Wild C h erry.
Nay the bleselng of Goil root nfon Ithe PnOirirs of Io
valuable medicine 1001.0000 of wild CherrY.
1100, respectfully.
NV3t. 11. But.
&ad by J. D. 1...,..,(5n00r,avr: to ~,Inford F. Cart,) Fourth
Cincintnal. Istib.ralAxmr.f , ,c the
t'.oth and W.,L to , Lora all ,micro mu,. L.. u1dr0 , .. , 1.
J.llllll Co.. B. A. Fotyrstnelt
WBcot.jr. ritb,b,,,,b; Leo A. it:l:lint, ,111,1Ceni
L T. /tto.ell. WabilLoglon: L. IL llowle. livionoosu,
,Welt;. tireeurborr. S. liountr..Soto, ,, ,,
Ikrlionk heed d Sou. 110031:11000
1111,1,4,rxml d Co.. 11,11.1 an., J It. II Hobo. RittamtLtiy - .
Evans A lb, Brookville, A. I\lL n, A Sun. IV,
!Ict'srmln , l S Co, N. Callewler. runt, U.
ErlG timbal:a / Forker, Co.
b. Smith, Bearer. A. O. Suamo.rtt.n. Warrerr..E. L. A C
Joool, Co‘ob ,,, Port.. I'. Croker, Jr, i:veuFhl:le.
"Closing out the 'Entire Stock. '
GREAT BARGAINS.-4 further ralue
tkwi in prloo.F. The rul , ecriher wishing toel°w.
the hal:lore of hin block cf Yawn' and " .4 1 .
the lot of April next, would nreperttnily otti.l thotateutn , i,
ref hir obi notontera and the public, who are in w.-.,t f
mv,d mad. at tl ft y per cont. below Lanier price, 'ln on 7
wirhlng to commence bugu.,..on
would Le. a magi opportunity, a. he will dlnaspe of the hal
Loco of the otcck on lilwral 6:rmo. with n to_oe.e of the '4,,
which he has otart",lpittl for 0 1 / 7 1 . 11 E. 1 1 ,/ Iv-n, an
lent family trade. 11)1. Ii.IIAIZRAtat '•
POW Now 'fork Stare. I:nr4.ct llt,ohoro
SEEDS --40 Ibis Cheer
60 Tao. , thy . .1 .r
-feblo hit lAN
C BC ItCIITI !MD el , o on hand amortturrt
Blanket, of au rho
pair 'of extra elu and whial :an uow
aL redufw4
GrOLD LOCKETS.--5& , t rt-ceivtql
tablenf eletravt I , llciature CaA.T.
tax 7howrarp , •.ll+.l , .
RA 0:00y; TAPERS__S:) doz. for sale by
tti,z . KIDD it 0..
C IIEAP WALL l'Al'Ell—Frum 6 1-4 e,Tat,.
rir.rvotiarrat. for sQI, by •
trbr: W. P. mar.suALL.
mle by :612 V. I' MAIL:AO-U.
WHITE Fl;tL i P3 GLIe. f 1. 1,
' u n i6. ' A•
febll Wt., am! Pral. ,to.
giI.A.3IPIIOII-4i Mile for sale by
IJ rblo . If. FELL!'
p011"11 BAYBEIURY-2 bblm for 'sair
feblo F.
COPPERAS -1U bbls fur B air l v
leblo IL SELLEI:,
CORKS-1000 gross for ~rtio try
feblO R.:l Nia..1:41.7
1i I 1 I ,rXTr=irrint - Ca an'd K.: it
.v lorno, in • t Tidal at . st V
L ___ _
tide nf Orme zu nr cnan per ynnl. Thoy wen
on band Maurine Ia litmen awl Plaid
Yl. 14 varlottiprims gnalithn., - . 1-44;