'BIOME MATTERS Amiens° Sense—One of the most painful. scenes we have ever witnessed, takes place daily, between three and four o'clock in the County Pea cm; at which time the friendsand relations of the *tonere confined there, visit it for the purpose of mpplying them with fowl—bread and water being the regular fare. A short time since, we observed an old man, with - whom we had fre quently met, and on whose name, scandal has turverylered to east a shadow of reproach, enter, the jailer's anteroom, with a little tin bucket' in hie hand, which but too well denoted that some unfortunate, whom, he cherished, was con fined within. It was apparently his first visit, for he had 'come after the hours allotted for.euCti calls, aliain a faltering voice ho-asked whether he could send the bucket nth a message in to Then we but too well 'knew that it was for his sofa sake he came there—his eon—the unworthy child of a worthy larent . .. His disttWis 1115 but rendered the more hpbarent by his ist tempte to conceal it, and add-in the room sympa thized deeply in his misfertincs. Mr. Pox, the jailer, at once complied with his request, and the poor father, with a sad heart departed, to return again,- day after day, until the trial, which wi ll decidella son's fate takes place.• There are others, however, and we regret-to say that they nrein the majority, who enter the prison walls without emotion, seeming to think :that there is no disgrace attached to the very ides of having a friend s vconfined there. These poor creatures have been bred up in the midst Of crime, untli - it has lost all its - hideous charac teristic!, and they behold it unmoved,Vat, outrage the laws of society no they mny, the lawn of na ture are Implanted deeply in their bosoms, and they are most attentive to their friends. An hour spent there, is not wasted, if what is taking placearound,is viewed in its proper-light. The child of a few years of op, is seen doming - tO . Wait upon the author of its being—the moth er, whose daughter has sunk, how deeply all but a mother can tell—the wife disgraced by her husbandtlie father by the - son, and even, at times, the eon by the'father, crowd around the Iron bare of the prison, and minister consolation to the fallen spirits within. Hoping almost a .pinat hope, they but cling to them the more closely on account of their very crimes, and the ties of blood which link them together, MU rarely be sundered, ease by-death. DISTINCCISLITD AIIIIIVAL.—The HIM, Cornelius Darragh, Attorney General of Pennsylvania, ar rived in Pittsburgh on Tuesday, from a visit which he has recently been paying to Washington where be was attending to the interests of the •State in the Wheoling Diidge case. Tax CASAL —The repairs on the viaduct at flirty's Run, between Allegheny City and Sharpeburgh.. will positively be completed on Saturday. This trilling break occasioned but little inconvenience, since the ricer is in fine or der. Tut Bosse or Rereac.—The Committee ap pointed by . the Managers of the louse of Refuge to ♦isit the various sites proposed for its erection, .commenced their labors yesterday. JOVENTLE CONCEILT.—The thitd.lnvenile Cau ca* at Lafayette Roll, on. Tuesday everting, un-' der the direction of Mr. Kemmerer, gave: great pleasure to a very numerous audience. !There were about nine hundred persons present, exclu sive of the children who sang—over four hundred in number. Mr. IL will give his next concert to-metro evening, in the Beaver Street 31eilic4iet Church Allegheny, and another in the Sixth' Tard Schee house, on Sciturlay evening. PANOTIAIIA.—CopweII ' s beautiful panorama of a Life in California, was attended by a very crowded audience, yesterday evening, ' Tin WAIIIILEBS.—Our readers will recollect that this celebrated band of Ethiopean Ministrel will Om . their first concert at Wilkins Wall, this eyening. They are said to be fine instru mental performers, as well as vocalist. Localum.--CapL Geo. L. Cothran will lecture on Temperance this erepingat Quincy Hall, Alle &eV, UNITED STA.linl MINT! COMM. Before the Honorable 'Judge birth. The Grand,lary was orgenieedyesterdiymorn= ing, and at once proceeded to business, the Court in'the meantime adjourning, to giro them time: to act upon a bill. At three o'clock, they returned a true bill' against John-Wheeler, of Somerset county, who is - accused of passing a counterfeit See franc piece, contrary to the act of Congress. Charles W,liobb,tysq, counsel for the prisoner, made an application for a continuance, owing to. the absence' of material witnesses; whic after some discussion was granted, and the trial . was postponed until the May Term., DISTRICT COURT Before the Hon. Hopewell lepburzi President; Judge. William and Thomas Morton, Ts: Administra tors of Jaa. Morton. The jury returned a verdict to the following affect, •Thot they find for the plaintiffs as agninet the administrators of James Morton, deceased, the earn of five. hundred and nineteen dollars' and twenty cents, to be levied of thb personal assets of the sold de'ceased, and in favor of the other defendants, the widow nod the heirs of the amid Jas Morton, deceased. Edward Kennedy, vs. George N. Fisher: Ver dict of one hundred and twelve dollars for plain tiff. Mellon for Iplointiff—C'arnahan for de fence. James Elliot vs. Harrison Verdict for the idalatiff,Ahree hundred and twenty five dol- Bms. Carnes Trunick and Marcus Bell vs. Samuel Thropp. No verdict. FATAL ' ACCEDEST.—Mr. WinkillD Can) , was driving 's wagon, loaded with pig metal, down a hill near Wilkinsburgb, on Tuesday afternoon,. when the . rubber, by which ho was retarding its' speed, broke, and the horse was unable to stay its downward progress. At the foot of the bill, it was overturned, and 31r. C. falling under it, was most frightfully crashed and mangled, so much so, indeed, as to render. lie body unrecog nisable. • He lived but a short time afterwards. • LOST Cuitn,..ldr. Henry Shea, who resides at the corner of Sandusky street and Strawberry alley, yesterday met a little girl, who gave her. name as Ann Hatfield, wandering abo it, unable to find her home Her parents will Please call on Mr. Shea Amami LAIICENT.—A young lad 'gamed Ir win was yesterday committed - by (Alderman hlsfor,-ciuirged with taking a number of articles of trilling value, from n stable belonging to a re sident of the Sixth Ward. Exrcssive Fret..—The.Commissionerayeater daY put!forty thousand dollars of county scrip into the furnace which bests the boiler of the Jail: • Itotscii..—An old pensioner, named David Wilson, who,served in the late war with Great Britain, wan robbed, on Tuesday night, of thirty two dollars; Which he had just received from the pension office, in a tavern on Water street. No tine to lead to the detection of the thief has yet been found. • na.s.txr Coumtmv.—Final conimitments were yesturday made out by his hon Or. Mayor Mining, against James Robinson aild Judea Stiles awned of Burglary. Snistr.su. DilSTAXX.—epsinter who has pain ted •--sign in the Fifth Ward,the letters tin which are exceedingly well fonned,after enumerating • long list of articles which. an for for iude,within winds up by eating—"& so 4th." Noteancu—The persons employed, to sweep out the Court house, aro generally employed in their occupation, during the afternoon when acme of tho Courts are in session, and the deg which they iaise is of coulee very =pleasant Could they not select o more suitable time? Coaxestem.—John Baptiste with his wife and badly, moved all their wordly goods rind chattels, a short time ago, into an unoccupied house in the Sixth Ward,• owned hy ;:ilajor John': B. Butler, without the license, .nesessary in such cases, having 'been eitheeesked or Waned. AS they \ We very well satisfied with their qtiarters, and deemed possession nine parts of the law, they %fused to leave them, until they were yesterday arrested and taken before Aldennan Major, upon which they espre esed themselves perfectly wit . Eng to emigrate, and were discharged to make the requisite preparations. . Aamtaco Bran:Lane nan Ausos 101 , 0 , sunned Washington Henke Clay committed to prison by A' I ' Charged, on oath of William 80, concerned in breaking into aud ,Imb-snueutty Haim giiitur—This gentlemen has made a hi g hly forkembli imprasioty.among our amateurs who haireJ 1 otard him n4rl;4ate rehearsal, and has conse - plett to remain. anff , gireet concert on I Motu'lLl evening next; 2 .frlie programme offered will be very "attraitlie. Oa the distinguished flungariap., tlitirreasenghbi expect a toll and fashionable house. a... • GOODS DT rig CAnat..—Mr.liam Bingham yesterday received a large quantity of goods by the canal boat Patton, - direct from Philadel phia. BY: TELEGRAPH HEAVY FAILURE. New Pork, Nlnrch 5. The firm of Austin Sz. Co., the largest auction home in this city failed to-day to a large amount. • • LONVILLC, :' , ltach 5. The river brie fallen two feet. There are 12 feet water on the fells. The weather haii the ap pearance of rain. PHILADELPHIA MARKET Flour—Prices have undergone no change. Standard brands are selling, for export, nt *4 SO 4d bbl, at which holders are firm, sales for city consumption are limited, nt former rates. Grain—Only a limited amount of corn it offer ing, and prices are steady. Sales Penn. yellow in store at 58e, and of Southern at afloat- Oats are dull nt 43(1.4.4c , 4 cwt. Provisions--There in a good demand for all descriptions at full prices. Whiskey—Ts dulletu4 held at 24 in: hhls, and 21ird,22c in hhds. BALTIMORE MARKET. March 5. • Flour—The market is dull. with sales of 300 kites Howard street at $1.37 -- to bbl. Grain—Sales of red wheat at 93€08c and of white at 100C:8104cl? bo. Coitt is selling at 58 for yellow and 59 for white. : Sales of oats at 40q1.43c, and of rye at 6f , c ? Closerieed—Sales at $5,1.5 La bu for prime. Groceries--Coffee is firm, with sales of Rio at 10}et 111 e 7 0 It. Sugar and Molasses aredulL Provisices—The market is firm. Sales of old mess Pork at $l3, and of prime at $lO 1,1 bbl. Beef and Bacon are firm. Lard is ethics at 8a to 91 in bbls and kegs. Cheese—Sales at 7610 c 7 tl lb. Butter—Fair sales at o e ue ? lb. Tobacco- 7 The market is quoit, but firm. Whiskey—Sales at 24(7825c 4a gal. NEW YORK MARKET .1:00N 4EruuT. NEW Toes, March 5 Flour—The market is more active, with sales of 7000 bids good Western brands at $4 68€:-/ 87; fancy Ohio $5 12@.5 26; and of New Or leans at $4 68@4 76 T .) -• Grain—Corn is active, with !tales at 65 66e for prime yellow. Sales 20.000 bus Western yel low, for June, July, and August delivery,at 624 c 134 bur. Provisions—Ohio Pork is a shade lower, with a fair demand, chirSy on speculation. New is not offered very freely,---holders refusing to sell at the decline. Sales of old mess at $lB, and of newmess at $l3 4.0.50 - t3 bbl. Pickled meats are active at 84€69c for hams and 6(6•64 for shoulders. Lard is more buoyant, and prices are tending upward' with sales in bbls at 84003/ (lir new prime; and in kegs at Nu 141 b. Bacon is wanted at 768 c for dry salt; and Befic for smoked beef. Cheese—ls duller, at 54@7c Its, for intri or to choice: Lead—The market is quiet, and pressed on the market at $5 for Missouri, and $470 for for eign 14 cwt. • Iron—Small sale 4 of Scotch pig at $22 14 ton, 6 ma. Hemp—The marketis quiet, at $ll2 508115 ql ton for American dew rotted. • Groceries—Molasses is firm; and receipts light, sales New Orleans at 22c - 44 gal. Sugars in good request,- with sales of Orleans at 6@6ic. Coffee has slightly advanced. with sales of Rio at 111; and of Java of 12.te,13c la lb. Tobacco—The market is firm rd -4 Jemie for Kentocy. . Whislrey—The market is dull, at 23462.44 e for drudge and prison. Cotton—Prices are more steady at 106104 for middling upland. The Pacific is duo to morrow, with one week's later intelligence Trom Europe. 12=111=3 . . Cotton—The closing report gave cotton an ad vance of lc on yesterday's quotations, with 'vales of 4000 boles middling Uplands at lot ? lb. Flour—Prices have declined, with sales 500 bbls common brqnds at $4,44@4,56 ti bbL Chitin—Corn ile declining, with aides of 16,000 bus yellow a1,94/c 70 bu. Provialons—FOrk 3a 60 lower. . Sugar At the close this evening sugar decli ned ? lb. I CINCINNATI ILIIIKET s . Marco d. Floor—The market is firm, with a good de mand at $3,40 tl bbl. Whiskey—Snles at 20Ic fl gaL Provisions—The market is quiet, sales 10,000 pieces bulk hams, country cut, filo lb; 30 hbds bacon shoulders at $5,10e6,60 packed. Other articles are unchanged. The river has fallen two feet. LOOK HERE MY FIUMID! i A RE YOUI A FATHER, laboring for the atgraliftriV.trihtid 114 igll g t i''' ell= Arc Dr . S. la Ilderee Sheltertanaparlila. you a Mother, gullet - lug from &sae e to which fe real. are generally tabled. me Dr. S. D. Dowel. SW." Stssaparll4—'itaill or o f you. Call at our depot or mot of our ammo, and ert is pamphlet. grata, ahem you will Sal that tbe SheMa uparills. as prepar.l by Dr. 0. D. Howe, hr. boorthe ean m nous of yormlnently marina more &rasa. to ableh h rthe uman family' allnuallY eultleet, Dianany other rr.r.r.tion of Kmattarlia . erer yet brought belay , the public. Thin moticiolvot Istablnlud It, high rePtdattim by ita 11111W10. rod II attelted cures. hl. Put PP item% bottles. and le the otor sarntrloin. . ‘ i i, that aete cm a Liver, Kidneys, le Blood at tbe Mali , time, which re est it altovtber more valuable to every Bepulltul yto females. D sureandirtoildre for Dr. P. D. ROWE'S EllAkEtt SARSAPILRIULA, and take no othee. Moe SI per bottle—a tattle. tor SL. For ;g i g D. HOWL A CO, ProPtie es, 0 College lull. CirminuallrOhio. To sebum all faders may be add reassl. Alio, for sale by J. A. Jona, .1. Rehoonmaker a Co- W. Black. It- W. Altana, J. M. Towneend, J. Mohler. W. Jerk retleir ~.._. ' n'rga nl X !' s . t et, P. il ea t 'keV. l. l7= l ;L if i . : , l i i A co., _M ung-. J. Patten.. and E. 0. Imam, &- Giamatti= Mal. A Knox. O. 10, oe2SzlitaT ':: Tothe Honorable the Judgeo of the Court of General Quarter Scud°. of the ham icciUd for C The pe t trtit 4 eVs h onCion Litte of the cloth Ward. Pittaburgh, In the county &formai/1, humbly alieweth— that your petitioner La th proridod Limo if with material* for. the seommmalatiou of burets , ' and other - oval bis dwell. lug Meow in the Ward aforceuid. and pray' , that your hon ors will be plead to rrant him liernee to Map a public holm of entertainment Ami your petitioner. ea to doff bound, will pray. IV, the autamilmate citizens of the Rani afimemid, do nertlfy that the above petitioner. Is of Kral repute for boo elite and lemeentars,and to *ell provided witb bboee ro and conceniennes for the accommodation and ioll