The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 05, 1851, Image 3

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    .be finished,-is very b situated in Nlif-
Dip, ... the south bank of the Mononptheix river, nine milea from Pittsbu t.'
rgh. ing A
more accessibleeautifully
location could scarcely
have ban selected , since steamboats pass it during almost every hour In the day. and it olfers,•besides, every advantage so far as re
gards dr i l linage and trentiltalon , being greeted on the second hank. rind site river flowing around the bend on which it is situated, so
that thel indows!'at each tsod'have a good view up and down the Monongahela.
The wounds stirrounding it, which belong to the city, comprise one hundred and sixteen acres, well adapted to tillage, and on
which thime paupers who are able to work, raise the vegetables used in the establishment The new building is two hundretPhrul thir
ty feet in front, and fifty feet wide, with very large and commodiou s bal; buildings. It alone is capable of accommodating four hun
dred intriates. and in addition to this, the old Poor Rouse is well adapted for the reception of one hundred and fifty more. The out
hour_es 11,nd other accommodations are likewise on the most liberal scale, and we are glad to perceive that a building for the reception
of thelisnne, of whom there are tow twelve on the City Farm, is in process of erection.
The pew building was erected under the superintendence of Mr. Jacob McClelland, from the plans of J. W. Ken., Esq., Architect
We wonh take this oppot,unity of saying a word nu the propriety of the city of Pittsburgh, and the county of Allegheny, forming a
union in the matter of providing for their poor respectively. ,The farm belonging to the city is sufficiently large for all farming opera
tion, is 4ceedhlo from all parts of the county: and is susceptible of improvement and cultivation sunny desirable extent. The house
which is pow being completed, is large, convenient and built in the mdst substantial manner, every thing having been done under the
Watchfulleye of a competent superintendent from the moment the ground was first broken. From what we have seen and heard of it
wo feet persuaded It will compare advantageously with any building of the kind in the State. Some plan of anion is at least worthy of
consider l ation, since, if adopted, the same lands, buildings, superintentlant and physician would serve for all the poor.
7 . .
haunt Faint litlISERY.— Th e annual. silver
_linemen! of this celebrated nursery will be found
in our columns Ito-day. We can recommend
with perfect conrence all persons' desirous of
procuring fruit nd shade trees, evergreens,
rases, sic., to this nursery. 'They will find a
rare supply, until moot gentlernenly men to deal
• “CaCISLIG 111 E Ltsr Wen" —..By Charleal.
Pet6lson. Complete in one volume. This is a
men] story of the war of 1812, the first part of
which was published some time since.
'az Canal is now in fine navi
gable order, the small breach near liollidayeburg
haying been repaired, and passenger boats .are
dttilyarrising at and , departing from Bhprpsbarg.
Freight boats als!ti arrive at the same - place,
through. from Philadelphia. and the sprinftradel
has fairly commenced.
..11SRCT ITORP/TAL SUPPER.—toe spent a few
minutes in Willeuse hail lest evening, and were
Passed , to find n Very large company. The en
teitairnent was ptlifuse. and prepared inn man
ner that reflects the highest credit upon the taste
'of the .ladies, Ad every visitor paid fifty cents
at the 'door; and ea there appeared to be a very
liberal expenditure at the refreshment tables - ,
we, hare every' reason:to expect that when
the protits'Are summed up, they will be found
quite large. 'rite s J ery able report of the visitors
which we publishel yesterday, was a noble trib
ute to the worth o the institution, , and we hope
that the Sisters rill never again be fomed to
complain of pecuniary intt.arrassment.
irTIFUL PANOiAII.t.—ThC 1412011111131 of Cal
ifornia, now on exhibition at the Athenaeum, is
afine work. of art,.tuid well worthy of the atton
tiah Which it our:lets. The room is crowded
every - night by out; citizens, who are eager to
.follow, in imagination ardrast, the toils, perils,
and rewards. of their friends and relatives in
the modern El Doiado. There is scarcely an in
habitant in„Pittsintrgb,-some of whose COMIte.
tions are not-there, pod mi they all seem to feel
in duty bound to goluud sec this panorama, we
have no doubt that Mr. Cogowell, the artist, will
reap a rielview - ard. • .
-Tzwerwasce Lecreue.—Copt. Geo. SJFOL
. BOHN; Arai 'deliver a Lecture on, Tempenance,
before Ilia Young Men's Association of Allaghe
ny, in the Quincy Hall, LeacoCk Street, sal this
uniting, at half midi seven o'clock. 31r, leo!-
~ buinhas olreatlypelivCred twolecturca in Alleghe
ny, which are very highly spoken of—nulny
pornonn think that he. is equal to Mr. Gough in
some of hit . fine touChes of natural eloquence,
and that his Lectures, tore nearly, it not quite - as
Interesting. Admission free.
JFVESIL6 Coscsari—Kembierer's Juvenile
Concert at I.afayettoi Hall, yesterday evening,
was attended by a crowded audience.
.Crrriss:s Drrosrr BANE—Books for the
subscription of stock tbnards this new Institu
tion, hare been opened at Alderman Major's of
flee, and a larr,s sullen* has been tatesd7 sub
seribed-towards it. • '
. Some of the featuns are ,rather novel—no
stockholder can aubsCribo for more than five
&arcs at firs; for each of which he pays five
dollars down, and fifty. Cents a week ; afterwards,
until ill is paid in. The number of slams is to
be Sire hundred; and the' amount to be paid in is
not to be less 'than fifty thousand dollars, nor
. more than one hundred thousand. If at the end
of ten days from the opening of the books' the
totatameendot eteek is not token, than the for
mer stockholders are' permitted to subscribe for
five more ethane; and for every five shares, so
subscribed, he Las a vote.
. -Nor Irtranator LINE. 4 .-We learn that sun&
. our! most eiditpliglitg nud wealthy' cinizerw,
have •It -in conternpluthin to erect a line of tele
tratebetween this city and connect
the.O'lleilly line. We have no doubt that the
project wilt be aucceesful.
.• Before the_ Honorable Hopewell Hepburp,
• Wilton Wall re. Benhuniu Wilton—Action of
ejectment for a house and lot in Elisabeth-
- Woods ; and Flannegia for plaintiff—Frew, and
Brody for defendant. the jury returned .. a Ter
dict for the defendnaL
.William land Thomas Morton, vs. AdrainistroL
tors of Jas. Morton. No verdict.
• •
Fite llestroa.—We areindebted , to Mr. G. W:,
Btmu, No. 15. Federal etreet, Pittsburgh, for the
%rah .nntober of the 31ea tor, a magazine for,
children, edited by the Rey. 11. ifsetium Weld.—
It ie.trelfworthy the attention 'of Parente.
TtrusenceEt..r.crros.—The folloiring gentle-
Men have been elected Managers and Auditors,
of the Ureensburg and Pittsburgh turnpike road
eoranany, for the earning year.
ilanvere—llody Patterson, Robert M. Riddle,
Georto Larimer, A. I. McFarlane lathes La:i
.deddorr—David Shields, jWm. F. Irwin. •
Ssonstsu Dona—We learn from the Tributta
thst'aman named John Gni was knocked down
on the'Jilrownsville road. on Siniday evenini,
Wheitretariddg home from church with his wife,
Two men came or, behind, and truck him on thi
head,-and' . felled him to the iground.. The crie
of Ids - wife brought several . persons to the res- I
'cue. who douse tho scamps off; or he would tua
doulitedifhaierbeen robbed of a considerable
- sum of Money which be had 'about him. 'lt will
be . seen from this, that the I.slung shot men"
have retired to the, country to knock down and'
rob, the !Atha:, of the city 'haring become too
vigilont for them.
.astmobaur.--The store of lilcCummon ez Ste
ven; on Market street, near Pater, was entered
by burglars, on Monday nighl. They went to •
room connected with it, in which four young '
men were sleeping, and to6k from the packet
of one of them the key of the iron safe, 'with
which they opened the door, rnd obtained a gold
watch, which wan in it. Th .y then decamped,
taking 'frith them the gran or portion of the
wearing impure' in the room.
Ssocaso•Downs-.lle end o biral that a gen
tleman dallied was OCked down at a
late-boar, on Monday night; by some ruffians
Cut on the Fourth street road.. and aou'rei3'
beaten:, Ile was likewise cub with a knife, In
various places: The scoundrels did not seem to
be bent on obtaining money na they did, not at
tempt to Mb him.
T om• - A young colored 1
yeatarday, charged with eteali
the proseeuto'r refused to app
was clisebarge4. •
w aMested
g a pistol; but as
r against him, he
, tat that Skiles
itaninitteti -
on. a
in Parker. This
red, on oath of
•tenking into his
Ead.ol.--ATe yegenluy n
and Itoblnion bad been re,
charge of stealing 'frqm Mr. Jo
was an error.- Theyypere ace;
-Mr. John Parke, jeweler, with
Pus:--The balding
lao," 3n the BlxUi
' , The Fouptain
• d last night.
4 , -
IIL " A LU . ..1 BLE MILLS, E.1.11\ IS, AND LOTS
W 1.1.1: e • ALE •• • T.,. tort... hour 31311. and o Saw 11111 has
th 4 !Laver tfre•k wall the ant, power Alv .
- -- --- , .. /I nonvor,l Eon,. in Law renyecoutity hie,. Lim.,
- s Attention! - 1 1.,,,. Sono c.f 11, acre-, .. the Oh. river, too.. pd..
get,•• ate, tor 63 2.a. Al., ,me o f IV nere. „n tle
61 i 1- hr. , . 5,,,,,, . 5, 1,0 0 0 t r.. 9 . -. If I'll, 15151 . 41 . '"" Obit. ri. h „h... I: 1. , 4 it: •ler thr sac . r el.:. iin
plain. uncarooh..l • .1vt.....0t of .h.lot I% •It. oho., cist,l vo, sans r e* SI C v., 4, n Alm.. Tuna of 154.13.5. an d e.:
,Senite-All yesteray afternoon and ei'em
of . ../d 1i....55 lo the toe hf the Pt70.T.7.1 is neres.'for 165 per orre Ale, 175 orre• for 512..4 7tt
Was spent id discussing the Itiver and Hart - rm.. ma, that I have t.-e -arot .4 se rad ','-07;„P...`., !„.'',,T,;,,,,:"..,`"',':-.;:',..s'r"'" '''''' '..'"'" `'' "'
: Chi... Chualt. by tho tt. of 1. 5 .5.6 IL , ttle"..t Petrol.... h 1 ,- * II L R. FLTTERM IN.
bill. Numerous resolutions, having its defeat 1
Ina. , ouot, attarl.l ut. a 'car ns.. two Iteersotor..l 11...1 /Maras • to 1..... and lh al !Al., A r on.
clew, were offered and rejected.
No PO Jth et Pltt•hur,sh
lon an hot.. or ainno well, a. I hod token tLe ot . ''''"'
After 0 o'clock a easpension of the rules was
lertsitiscr,,e, Meech 4. I e . gerol tagg e.s.e• •Ittom .eg bliete Iwo: b....." v olt III:NT. .The -tore on 31arket ot , eees
old:tined. and die PeSt office Appropriation hill The most important ttnajnpsw of the loot day of : 61 ohot lo• 5 . 1 .1 11 *.• the 1, tr . h . .l. 1 Enot , ol nn. h , ' . ' uor ne. „tad lo C. Yeager so n V•rtety awn : ••• ,
was received from the House. The Senate in- the erosion, may be summe,Op as follows,
... o
elated oh its amendments .d a ronunitbre cif rolls .Droute J-French Spoliation Bill. River . i '''''''
. " 4 U.Llai‘t,l,:e.K.d'si,s,:-'...e.:,.
conference was appointed, mlo reported o NIL and Harbor Dill, Fertiention DilL Appropriatieu e...".--:.'(...".1n.-.r.r-le:.7l';'. L' „ A','"„t" . : .'-'::'.;' , " , •'';',7';';• Ir k) " T -t ‘V"rd'''''''
end it was - then passed finally. .
Bill, and the Rill making Generol Scott, Lint pont.i. no. eernigeseg I eio 5n.4.1..Q. .14 ' f Pltschor.... f r ,,, st r rrPt " t. 7" ... ' : ` ;ll M .Pr r c ' e r .-:: - . 1' l r t. ,7l 7 l, :fu r p b o: u Okit
The Postage bill was received, and the Home General.
,„, ,„„ „,,,,. ~,,•,,,...,
„,„, ~, ~,,,,,,,,,.
~ .....n, a A tiii ‘ L.T....„l , t h ic •71..t0 6* taantdocturing „1-1 „
amendments being concurred in, the bill was Bale l'arrod- Bill for reducing the rates on . " l "' """ ''"" (`''''""' ''''' JOHN II Afi '''' s•Pl P .,!' " “ " Pr' t . ..%111.1. ATE IhsooS • oFTELI
Portage, Post Office Appropriation Rill. Ciril end . . '''' '' "= " s ' ''''''''' '' L '-' . VOR lEE \ --The l' dw cllin house mid v.y . :
The consideration of the River and Ifarber Diplomatic . I pprepriation Hilt Army and Nave 1 he .1.. h, E..... , 6 Mrho.e'l 111. 45,0 * 'r , ve l G_' 1: • r:o r.' ,. .... i 2... , 2'n'! ' "ee g e , o4 e me F. •
bill was
then resumed; mhthight come, end the Appropriation Bill, and the Dill eames•hi r , g ",. , Seller.. .7 M ...I , In. t Ili A . 1
61....4„.• tS L ~,,....- •e,L o f iv: .1 Ichac d • r in-,t. In trie u richtu r n ent. lls .
que.tion arose as to the termination of Ole ees- Post routes -
, ~,„, ~,,,,„ , ~,,, ......,,,,. 0 , p ar , 0 „, ..,
..„,,,,, Per.... hi.. t„ oud • 1•• noon thermos •mr,ke and 10.
q u o. Mr. Cass t o
that it ended at 42 nee . 4 go. sat gg i..i...., A:h . :floor, nic Li tl , pro :ti."'4". ' n ' to r ith l", : ', :it ,P, % i ty ". s7 ' .::: 'h P t
Pi r , d
OIL htEll, the csty icichdtf 3to ' At DUCII a nd
o'clock, and . Mhere that it continued until 12 u'-
einek, Toes r, March 4th. S tILING gIF Tilt: 11.iLTit" '''""""T c."' ' ' .. " ' "." "` a°(( ""( P 'n'.'''' .n I t tall. e.ST.I TE FOR SA LE-- The under
The rights of Senators to vole, whose terms
New York, March I Foreign and American Hardware. ,1 1 1 , ,-„;;;";,7. 1 , 1',".„'.,:',. ',4..!;,',,,.',7,!.."t0°.`:;'-','"c:.`n,";V.,...
expired, were else discussed. , I The steamer Bettie Basic to-ntorrow for Liver • a
~ 10ri.., le tio , lt.noh . I Illnaivolntin 1,...1 news !h.
Finally a resolution was grtertid by 31r. y,u- i l'''''l,- with t ' .; l' n '" (mt ger". - Amen) , the. are ' • LOGAN, I , IILSON & CO., - 7,,,r ,04 ,.., , ,,i-1-3,!1:1-,,T;,-J,, , , , : ,,,, ..1. L.,.:1- , >,;;;;1-,-).
nt c trt ta re, te n elan
Professor Silliman, Geo. 11. Steam , of Pelle:lel
lee, to the effect that the session did not tend- 1
No. 129 Wood Street, stai n d6rtaro, wealth , and the te.w.nahl, polo.. ct what.
wi , l , , o 1 I .111 render thew 1 ,P and Pn , btebh ot
nate until 12 o'clock on Tne.d,y was agreed tn. ' F l ' i" ( ".e'l Dr Scott, of 2C"vili"
11 4 VI: NOW I • s-rone ..satusent Tale hence( Tall•• tovr.l.,
Then, after a Footle of conbesion unsurpmeged
Amu as. 1 .1.u5t.1.t.... 5 o. FanTL'.!GX .131 , A .VERI , .. A
~, , ,, • , , _ 1••••, , 06, .•,... .., • .t.u. , '., ~••• ",,,,,,,,.-:, ~
in...• „ the , y,4 1 OiltnON. Le, ... On., ctn.*. hoe
by any thing ever before witnevied in the Sen. Lot r 4 rtut, 1. - greh I 1
l ' 1/W 11'1 hot qh. 1at...-co Mint nu.l 1 , 51.11. one.. or of li .11...
ate--the River and Harbor Appropriation bill 'll. rarer has fallen betureu I Crud -, feel The •eitacte for 'i tt! ' -01u,: 1 ;r.6.1.. and . -: hp . h k, ~,,,,, , I . I ' 2; n lTnt . ' .",' N P'r'r. PS "."' r ' '''
' 1 .
~tP r1 1r47, 1 .0 ; Pr ' 17‘4.'...'"'
was laid on the Lytle.
weather le plea rant
to yon-h•...,, A t ah, L. ti....t .111 •urnowee
f r
. 11 . 1 IJ LET- One House end aiteoteal zee.
The amendment to the Civil nut Diplomatic The stmt Paul .toder.on pa.sed up the. morn - ''''''''''
..e. Eledfind 0r..., h. rent!. `c ..J V, 4,1• A !..;
Appropriation bill was ' then taken up
in ,
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsbragh. omit a RollfswiN, LITTIP. ACo es...
Alf. Chime moved to add to it the Meer eed 1 '
_Si 131.0 i •t
asomm, 11 . 41 N COU ItAt ;E: lIONIE INSTITUTIONS. 4 .
Harbor bill, as reused by the House, a Mel: wan i
4 OM , - ••• , I 11., r ~... ~......” b. , . , ~, ii VOlt SA LE --The sub:writ:cr. offers for ere;
rejected. The bill was reported tit 5 o'clock this ; PHIL iDEI.PIIIA NIARKET. o . t‘T
IT' c.d.- t• 1,,,L. .1.61 well bunt litiet. Mos...wall P.c ., '
morodug, and the amendment, were ordered to ' •
'. "'"''' ''''' '.""( 5 " w '..„`..'- ' ° i ro.a , vs.. * c 00..? .4p.d0l . tt.. Founh ote.o.r.e.C '
Mardi e . 1 ( e - ' - mege: , e . . egg eked " . ... - og ( g . go. m - ' , ....". heat. amino shoo ewe, ttl.l.‘,Sti 1 5 c 0...,
be engrossed.
V..tton - The :starlet I. Mien, I' And c ode :g '" ''' n-- -`"" '" ' e. " -'''', • ' „-- '',„."„ , , „ eel , : -1 Ipc,l h• It
The Army -ipproptinti. 1 411. with :intend: few eales ere reeking .11 Irregular prices. . 1,.. ‘ t7.1., ' ,Z t f ' 1 1 :: "' ..4, " 1 'O r . Sh: 1.1.-"..n..t0.rt-..4ii..".9in'euret.....". A'"et"..',",;',.,"i,”,,',!;;;;::',",7,11`,V,...411„T'a'ja,n.,a.PP''.00.,'". ;,%,";;;7,,`„1aat.1.„"
'Dents., pas ' red and the ameents eon( Flour -The expert demand is 'united, and leo .4. •,.. an ',to. io .4 Pat. 17.1,1.. -.AI and Loorchli aa „,,. th ,.,, a ,„ 4
h... u t the ....nun,. ter 4 hctr struhcuo . turvo ) n c.v. A 1... t,l 4 0..1104 . feel i i Drari. I, ?", Get. ae,ae
coned in.
,lere are from, at $4. - di for dopping bran:l4 -- ~.....4.,,,
In, the n4.sinllrt. 111 Mr A 'loner, near the ettr.......14.
The Army Appropriatiortbin tens referred to n Sales for oft) . ' , metaled:lt are limited rat Si - ,gt i '"'''''' - ' " 11 " ..... '• W .: n .Y.I') •". 1 ....... , e rrs n.l.kth w.r.l en Prue, iVADIA A Tlee r 1X...M.0.
Jr. St .It, v ...• sot 111 , .. hl , h.n.s. 1.t.0r.1 Dean-hon. ~c , „ ~..;„,,0 , ,
' in SI for common a.l rot, hrend.
.' . ' m ' 1 "it .• n•••• r , ,,•11, that tho Phut Road win in n•roplo.
The Civil niel Diplomatic Appropriation Lift - ltye Flour --The 14. t anie reported was rat ( 4 1 ( P.III,'IN MIS HIP- 1% e h,,,,, .I,copitsteat r ''' .""`','"'''''', ' •''' ." th jij''''"'"' ' '
with amendments, was then passed. f I (i. 1.14
~, r„
~,,,,,,,,,,,,.. ,
..nzt ,, ; ‘ , ... , irt . t,•ci0r. , en i; 02 . 1 . . ‘ 1ui. ,; 11 ,, , , 1 ,.., g , IEL l t i, It ; Ep , st , r , t , h
Ile Senate refaced to take up the re.olutten Clarn \ led-Sale, ete. etas a: , :tie, 1,,, than E g l . L'e• - • o ?It (~ .' . ., . ...,, , , , , , 4 , ...,,'",..,,i g ,.:,,g, . , ,,q , e n0, , ,_ , 0 ,, , ";,!,. , ( , ,.:,, , ,e' . "*... ' E si l l i t }:' NT Ott 5AL„,_, , ,,.,,,,,,,.6,, er
~ ,,,i t
making bond learrantonseiguable Ni S 7 14 ht,l
I ~ [this, ~,,o
a 01 • !for non bo very doorahle Courctry 0... i• ...,,s
.11r. Brmiltury,frero the J alit:ler - 3' Committee,' I: rain--1:orn I. in diril:ol.l. with ilnlitel eel, -
nee... 514.oheni , P.. ottrated on Ohio Lane stoles...
reported back the President's message eel:clink of l'entm Sides 700 Meg Southern yellow. afloat EXCHANGE AND BAHOUSE 1511. oleoy , A‘en,.......-t a ite. c... 4.4.44, tn. h... I. a
134..0 to 1,.. a i told.. In eouttorto onler There tr
to the violetion of Isw at Roston. at .',oe 'l 4 bo. - Sales ..f • lot of Penns, le store, , ~g
CO. _ , .asesg,..,, ha.a.... asohla.. mud water no the oren•
mr. Davis, from the Conferees... Commi- ut 5 8 . - • (mts ore 'loll
L-1.1..h el.prp... two lax,. well Irnpremod....snhosyver•
it. WILKINS & O,'•
.d.„n T l,.nt i r, M ,, r ,,alw,. ; ty .. .v.1 , , L teatr 0 i5Nzr ., , : v, , , i,, ,, , , , ,, , ,.,
tee on - the Army Appropriation bill, male a re- Ppoil 4 ions-Sotes pickled hams rat 9e shout.
port, which reeeigael lle roneurren - oe cif the dem el, . - el it p or k ~.„ ..r. IL [had ,„ held Corner of Third and Market sts.. Pittstigh P '7.7.17`,'` ' '' '
_. . .
higher. Juan, rt.. ~,,i F.,,,-, c..,a.,,,,, ihra 4 Sohn, f i l iiItEEN T -A two :dory Locating ge .
• lt.O
ILL . . Pearce T . :To:tell lack the Navy Appropri• Whiskey is MAI at 246 in this, and 'Hifi - B'22e ' """ ge Sll'o ,- • Bee _e A VS. l4 .l Fee4.(us," U '''''' "' t. 7 f,Pi1i".1.7..': , li.'
74 K 2,. •cl ~ .
ation hill, and the amendments were .41ehated in hhds. ' I Arras - A
anti acted upon . , The appropriation fora Naval
.11MM ~
E_XCII.I.NtIE .1S1) 11.1NK !NG 110 USE la lo ll S.A LE .lot t ON I ' ERI'ETUAL LEASE
e .-t win cell for each. ur .n. perpetual lea.....nne lot .
depot at New Orleans wee stricken nut That.
I ' 1 . . on *Posh 24 feet Croat to 1.1 het to St mot anti. sal
• e', mow me sum %Nal Et.... Yo e r,. a., one pawn,
for lineal works at New Toil:, els increased to
' WM. A. lIILL & (70,
~...,,,,,i 1., Ether,. Conan.. and 111 ctn..., soul
iSSO - ,000. The amendment incriosing the pig New Yong, March 4.
. No. , ' G 4 Woad Street, Pittsburgh. . '. 04 '"'"'' ''''''' '' .4 6'.' ~u''''''rn ", " 4 " '" 'crake
to the Collins Line ofteetenmere, MI6 ruled out , Non, ft PPolte.
AP, Ahlo. 1.:A., Let trona,: nu / ersoicou ore , . oar.-
,Orl • ri nr, I Lis•lrr• ~• nor 101,,,r. ,iili..l .1111.1 r opt•eate the t , en.val Stalin act 16 , 1. d. and smtautl,
An aPpeoprintion of ( 551.000 to remove the Cotten-The market is steady as 'net reported. '
is a-ree I ton,..t.sf , JAME: , 111 AIS A
wreck of the steamer fifissouri at Gthroltar, was . Flour-The market is in favor of buyer, at - _
yesterday's quotation,
1 10 the Honerable the Judg o , of LISP L'ourt 910 LET-..%. large .)larmitin !louse with 7 .,,
of oreerol quarter 6vanion , of the hwee. la amt for le, Wi area ref Land turbot. cituorwl as Oakland. ;w s a.
I sal.% DA iliV. JONE.IS ao. .7.,.% •
The Post Route bill, with the nmendmeeta, l'rovieions-Pork is lees firm at $l3 50 for `'''''("" " I A1"0 ' . " . . ,
. The petit.. of .h tarot,. Linn. .4 the Snob Want.
was passed by general consent
new mein , end (SI3 00 for oht Lan 1.1 beory pitt,,,,,,,,h. In th e ...roe alun-aid. humbly .1,.....0,- , r LET--The 'three Story 1 /welling ten
The Army Approprindon hill was signed by . at 81c.
that your petl...or hat hprtv idol l onelf cosh toatertopt Ilan, No 171 11 • I.•• ntro-t. tan pie.ent ....-up,..1 ,76: . ;
tr,r the ~......., ortracel. e mud oter,. ho droll •lo John h. 1 , •,,..t.,n. and chntaintsos tone 5ar1.........
the President of the Senile, and sent to the ..
we... ee h...., ~, 11,, tt .1 afore... and pro, that your hop kt-tii•li on ii
Lira,. kichrpos. the Ord fac* Pner•cloo
President of the Urdetd State, for his signature.
~e, .11 be pieswed to a-rout him a taw., , itt, •po bit, . gm, on the Apra Inquire cd . J. •11 FLOYD,
BALTIMORE NIARKET. hu.4 of eutertah....ut. .5.1 your . 0.., L. in dot, Tot. , Round CI, orrh
• The River and Harbor hill is still lying on
bound. will posy. ,
the table, with no chance of its getting through.
- March 1 . • . ;Ir I.ET-One Two Story Brick lieut.°, ettee,„
1 it, the an Acorthem eitheu. nf the IS ord storeraid. oe sem-moos isweene on Cesdry Avenue, Minor.
The Senate haso:passed finally . the Civil toad Flour 30f) bids 11 S brands at RA. ,37 rent, taw tho ahoct petltlnner ..,f ,r... 1 repute toe hoer vu e iuset Ikat.le. enviers or
Diplomatic Appropriation bill-also the Naval "il Ilbl.
ectr atul u•tn-eranee. .5,1 o well prorated with ho Jain ' JOHN IT ATI •CO
Appropriation, bill:
Grain-Wheat is unchanged. Sales of white`rTZ",("'47el''rlo."l.s."(rilar * . g.:lgr . L.: l vln ' Yett b st : 114 .1. 011. Ittg . T7The Store 11X 1 1 1arket e.cs j
, ;:.1
At 1 o'clock the Senate was informed that the Corn at 3.9(e111ic, .1 yellow at 58fit,59e / 4 . *.r,
, I .tre•t, law
.e. dour tn m the mrner of Itantrt ......6 ,
. - . John O Nortntne, John s : ala s Th,witoael.JobenJe. suad 1411,c01y tn.e. i 4 emecoluti alt. the 1.1 nf April....
President had signed the Army,bill. bash.
' h., SIA. Ito.l. Jas.)! ',cake. .I.•hn Paitler, John 111111nat ' ~,,,a , _ I„ a . 00 .,
~. The rule was then euspended, and the Navy Whiskey-Sales at 2fic, iff bbls. ' te r , Stead, n. Poor wee. slum ,. , hob! Teoth. T d
-A EaSallOn lon Penn st
feed Army bill sent to the President for his Fig- Provisions-The market is without change. I ,
- -"'''''"• I
' FOlt RENT, .ern Veer convenient ~... i
drocerie,---Sales at auction to-clay. oe 321 hhds I M t " th " It 't n. ' e n-l-de t itle Jde, of the Canet
DM ELLINO DOESEP. en Tl,lnl arrt. atone. :.•
The joint resolution making the Homily Land 'lPorto Itico Hugger at $5,65fie56,30 ? cwt ,58 I tf,!7c2,e(e"t;'::713:2,..'‘,17:,'"---°`"" P --. 'n - "I '"'" ' 7," ";;;;;:.,',°''''''' '''""m "i'""n '-''` °"` 44 '
Warrants assignable:was ., then taken up and I libls Orleans teo ' lansee at 30 : (4.31e ; and 1, hhds rt. w•euee of lisees "road,. • nr nal.. nose-loe.. r A r l ' ,:o. to leaw , for One
or snore years. ....... liver V•IMIll
In the non" •Int-• 351 buten'', that tour p.n. ' 1,,,„ „,, a 4 ~,,,,,,,. ,e, ,n,„g, 1,,,, i n ,b, Si n , e.,,.,
passed. Several Appromention hills were also Orleans sugar at $5,30(ii.55,50 ' - e•I cwt.
• linnet bath enendol hio.4l' with mrterislA tor the aye.. A,,,,,1, ,
. ‘i qSt O.slll.lNOTteh,
passeeL 1 Other ankles are without change. ; geneses., of traveller, .1 otto.r.. at hut doellino hon.. to i ' •
I • the towaltlP aforsund„ and pror• that your bonen will I. 1, • Aa a ~,
Vaorth In . near Mond.
A restitution of thanirs to the President of the
ploanol to grant hips a lire., to km pub:le hon.. of en
Senate was adopted,
tertaieeseet rtal y uto petite..., ay in duty Loon., von E l Oll. RENT, a Teo story Flume house
President Fillmore has called an Executive ST.. LOUIS MARKET. Prot
I and Park builds., with two ht., wt.., n3\' ^
The street, Sloth 15 onL culselnl. I.- Ohnwn.
Slurch 4. we, the •ntorribera, e 11... hf the trawl:whip ittare.',l.
... torso. • ody to latill•woN, LITTI.E .t. rat,
d certify that lho a 1..... sw Wo., in ut tp..l notate for toe ! A.. ' 5
256 Liberty
The following new members were qualified:- The market is generally inactive , with limited i he ' reote sea temper.... and I. well provided eitlin.o.e. , ._,-
Bright, Itayard, CIDI6, Hamlin, Mason, Pratt, traneactiom. , rut. and rontentenee. for the .. - ......1atks and loloink .
or, I.FiT, t-111. StOre ' ROOM NO. lis :llnr- V,i I
, of rte....0l trarclier, and that ..1.1 {3\l t (11 b. Irc,“11. t
Rnsk, and Dodge.
Floor - The market is very dull, at 53,1,0 for earg ! tot gins I, enneren. th. patch and Jet....11,..ELL.
' Jr
D. 11 , ..., kohl. )I. C Stewart, Pyter r • " • "'h . ' , ( gm , (-,( ' - ede geo - e rent 'T 8 e , .""
The Senate then adjourned vat die. Buperfine.'
I ''' '' ' ( '"', J e- " '''..•". N " I " . " " .I " .l 's ''''" "`"''''' N' T ri s " . PP" ; ',
I r o. ' sP' P' .3 I l: r V "P P"'l
• • •
Ilones.-The House spent last evening and erratn-Wheat is :gelling at tiger/48e Corn is 1 .e..tin ~ ..kry-, data. Wallace. J. 1.5..i1a1e. It ni. ho , lc , le, Jo. , 0 ,4 a 1. 0 „ ''Z
...0,.^a0',, wan ZA,, ' 7,,M a s ore. .ml L a I
. 1 sncho„l.
night, in unimportant busincas-only welling tending upward, with sales at 37ifiv\ 39. e, Sales 4 "'''' - . chance t Mee, haltsnorano. tiff..., or a store. sdendul
' I V XIIIA 1 ( )I:NG II Y SON TEA-Iduet ege. ( eget. e ( di 1,1 e 11 ' ,11 "1an...., :dl la , 1 ,01 "ill ....0
the movements of the Senate, to tuljourr, eine Oats at 4ed - e . ,47e.
. • . the %teener persona. I
1 I'rosimion,-.-Eut little i, doing in Provieions- ; 1
,_,„eiL ( '''',,t,', - 1 4 .. ! :",1",, , , ,1T';.- 11 v. er . "roliar '.. 5 ; • 1 , •••-•1.. goo. ast 11... 6, et , 1 Fehrus.ry. If ...met - ,
ss, elm roondener r a , oora ~,, .
Various - messages from the President, au- 1 31 ros a Pork is held nes t 1,00 with no buy. , ', l nes te .inese..ei at the erg,- Ire ge,,tee Prim st. 1• . -
Corner of Market tool Fourth .rtrerta
, 2, non ,o rants. and I ''
flouncing that he had signed bills were receiv. ors. Sisley of 200,cr00 tbse long middlee at (31.- ; ' ,4 ' . ' ; ' , ' , ' ,",. ' ,; ` , " "„ ' l,7, r i' d , .:,: ,;;;;;;;,- -,,,7 1 ; ~„,,,,.,„ ~,, „,,,,,,.,,, , i . ,
,pi t„) LL'I - -Ilegens end Stieuti l'ower for '
Bacon is selling et r.:_eysle. for shoulders, Gl',(4/,61
' ' AV., ..," r iIY. P-PI I " o.: 1 !;,:i " ::,. " ?, ' ,..1 . , ete or , en le. for ' 1.. oseedionh. , orivar• holohe -, lf
There being no important question, before for sides. and 7 !fi,i,g ge for hems. No. 1 Lard is •,t,„ o' a n ~,' "e- ~,,,y" , ,, a w r ,',!,,d7a00r ... ° Z,.,.4.,..., I f P N1`,,i1111 , ,, ATKINAIN a, ottol.t.
them, the members passed the time in good ho. selling at 71c.. Sales of dry salted meats at 41, , mead themam.... 4 1/I.eval .11. - ount made . retail. r. 1,1 A 112 }rout rt $
aol to aunties fay too lo toe Tont., , , . ,or and attempts to keep awake . From 4 o'clock 54, atm rile for shoulders , side., and hems.
i Rare Chance for Capitalists and bfauttfac-
this morning midi six, the time was (pent in"lna. Whiskey-The market is dull at 211- 4; 2 1,i It I _ ''''''' Tea Dvalen end 1...0, ,
51 41 A M.:Lim. A co,l
king unimportant motion,. gall ,
. 111 UPS --it hales for sale Lt.
' F rITE melereigned being ogeut for the own-
The Ileums refused to concur in the Senate I _ _wweesgewswwww.ll... . ... I rebis
1 pr., niter. Tor the
a totmhes of lone lotn In lb. to•t,
amendments to the Civil and Diplomatic:, and I
.. s
.., ,ACEICAN Straurr Asnowk. ,K; TUC 11Allalla i 70( ) I . I tU3IS S3IIIINA IGS_...j,, r, et .tax.llloo. Hark noon, Ohl, with hut los. and Antall
tril l. IV loitos:1 , (e
Panels of land wall
ond near th• town 61•••111..
Army Appropriation Bills. .
I Base i-The eteam ship Ohio, from t'hagres, - ~,,,,. o ( gol ler ( me Edltorielt, s o, l. 4„rlV . , 4„ A 1 . 0 bete, 0(1.1•1...i Oh 1110 OHO C 1•1101. •11 , 1 the Ohio ambeoue
At half past 7 o'clock, the House took a recess 1
e•prout e Rodnael. now orarlt runsphood, pawl. thrhuch
bron ~'I intelligence that an Atomic. steamer, . - - - - '''
- -
.until 9 o'clock.
,ei AL LAD 011.---04 casks for sale be ' l ' a .„', , b , " „li -'° „,„;,' " e„,1.1Z',', e ,',, 1^ ,,,.,,1,, ° ,,,, ( b :).,•„ 1 , 1",,e; , `". peel
with th ree masts, bad been seen aahore on the
A et: Le to I regi A ..71 ofirt or •of 0.04 nor decor! floh TheNthloureat 1
At 9 o'clock,
,the Home reassembhal; and was
called th order -though there wore any b I BohoMa llanke, about fifteen melee south of Gun . ' '''''' ~
- -- - -- - - tee '4... ' er on the toe f t rain, r tl • •imp], r f II P
,- i".g rrey Reef, with wrecker', along aide, she i, a op_ I 1 RIEI) PI:ACRES-lie/ ht. (sir gide lir &reef ' tur ch..; power, trt r e ' •.% , ll,iaitsWof aOrd ' l;To r t c riSl: I
but order ebseivable in any part of the Hall.- I
_ _
._ A ertneterso‘ a t'd ,e, i , l , tar. a.ell ea the lass:litho es rmegeortattee or
to be the Freeman Rawdon, a vessel re- I 1.1. f .s, '
the gallerim were crowded withspeetators, eager 1 tenth hung ( Pi* ' ' '
--... a. , •Asourgo, our parties In New . (~'3iE-t.i.,‘ltS.l---11(D,111( Prireope. itegaliu, and :,°, r t,ve griPs7se r' .. ' gri... 'd o l oUgtri . ez ‘" tu ' ang tle h t l C:nro;le t)- 47
to witness the last hours of the ISCOsiOn. The mem
-11.71. C. 11, ....1,441 hf mll . I ..•••siptions wbrith lc now afronl
I York city. • She wee on her wey.tu New Yerk, ; t ~( , , b rees sea... .4 all 0ta•1.., for ash 1, 1.
A CI I.llElt nON & Cal led to th• Wtortent oPuntri
hemmer() an in excellent's/01'y., and good humor 1
- -- , seserei mereved forma.. the vicinity Of the Canal and
and would naturally have been in the vicinity of -'-''
notwithstanding the long session of last night
f ( 11E1' li lAlliT - .1 , heel: dro ' “ n by us ill ' f1a1p , 01 ,. . Are , lteoltbrol• gran er :us ..,,, , aot ~,,elie. , ,,
I the Bank.; at. the time ehe is believed to have
Twenty or thirty were on the /I°°T rat tone ' s--"ch i gone nshore. It is hoped that ere this she Lan ' ~,, !.:”:'.'.1.1,',1'....".1,!,!,'„'6,:.'''..';;;1,';,'.;',tc..1T't°,7.',ut,',''.; .'lZ:;'''l,`.l7",',nith's"lnt`,l;',").s;',.`;-."...'1,7'1,RX,V....—:;1.
one trying to speak; and mak.. a every kind
, h itch amt Parkercharali. 11. nubile .r.. rautioned ~ . r j . ..' .... Lthl . two chi,. etreete of their... 3 th.
r -been pm afloat. Iler consort, the :Martin Hoffman, eget ' en e , " 11111- •• 1,6, I.*. Irwt In.o. tbv .. 11 M.... j ' , 4„. o..4 "".th."6llr.' d"v.'E , Llorn , "ne•ble of eh.
were made amidst the general confusion.
arrived here a few day, ego. It is denigneu to aa. t .t o,ocirloo viol. ahem. to the psi sant hoe Ir. 15,! .. ...• ~... a , ' !archon," will do vrel• to Soul O. thl. Te,
The Committee of Conference on the Civil and , run them between New Yurk, Baltimore, and .." . etool- Pl. l' 511 LLER • ISICESKI.rO \ "f i -, 05, 5 . 10ni0 Vl...herr.
.. i........ ot oh,,
the heart of an sorieulthral
Diplomatic, and the Army and Nay Bills, hove 1 Norfolk, in the cmgl trode--else, for the convey- 6.; AL 51,11).A -.100 lark, on hand and for r . ... iiei
by guy Di the country . S. ao well
It. that to 1 .d0...•.1 unnenvoary to d mn , th. otter
concurred in various disputed amendments. I once of pieeengers anti freight. -The NI. 11. j• , 0 gals by t e bij urns Nkry, Hi PRI aCO j',.'itPuP, iodate all oho wads Lab snake pool ' thy...putt, to.
The Flomeby Yea. 88
=ye 113 nottwo thirds : nearly in re'sdiuegs.-.Y. I". Journal Commerce i.O . 1 - I,pm:RIC AAI I :I: IA TIC ACIDS, pi- T." . 5 . ,1 TT... rbW property . Title Intlicputolde athl
. a, - 71_ ,, ,c ,, n i,„ ,.. on toohi owl for ea h• ~, ' . , JP:oPlPlOVlt'artita"."‘Ktr.s.'!eurfinPrilthrtlurTichAVlP.llPalt in""t'annllie"ed.
refused to consider the Senate resoled., ereat- '
ing the grade of Lieut. General.. '
, " I ' -
117 '
' ' "'
r7irgii.`nlini!, l i g: " :4 r 7 11,1 "" '1"
The reports of the Conference Committees on
, Ai A 1'N,1i.!1,,11,1..„..-0,D.)0
tar „rat
I zrge No. .1, 31e, i 1,,,,„, , „„,,,,,,„; 7 ,, ~ .6, kl.. Kettit4,l7,l;rll4,7,ktlvc
diSligrening to the amendments of the Hoare DI
5 .14 4 A tlt7Clll.4oi * trt.) I - M''''''' ... h a . . P. PP' P. '''''' .
that:tell and Diplomatic, end Army and N„.„,
l c
'l' '1) t ' : c 11 (.. ' '
Pc 4 IMO` C A .or 141.1•0 be FOR SALE.
bills, were roucurred in.
Ja il 1. 14 . : 1 JAS A 'ITCTS:I I / 4 dON • Cf. , - VEIIY I - A1.1.:A111.E AND DESIRABLE.
Mr. Mead offered•a reeolution' that the con
'7s,,llr.idscis's4.l*•;:ifille;l,,rl,2tort.",4'lu.laid,:;,l.‘milt.r.n.iisiulrnirP;ll,:and.UlCYteherrhe"..l.PL 16'n1ar!....
struction of the low relative to the public print-
Leer., County: Ps... on the water. of Little Acover, ons
ing, be referred to the Attorney General, which
was rejected.
ettploi RA a ichevo Farm lor the hat thirty years. The laud
On 'notion of Mr. Thompson a comment •e was
I. neer lu Orw rate wo oer. nod well caleulah.d for "heap and
appointed to wait upon the President and inform
game it i. 0,11 traten.l by LOD.. Denier . Creek. ind aes
him, that if he had no commullicatiou to make,
rn' necer.felllnc springy. alo,ut '..2,, ravel Mulct [we. the
the loose would adjourn slue air!
erinemaleert ge meadow and poton,, and about bit woo.
After a short time, the committee retuned,
::litiirigl.eninager• 'L',.;,,4".7,..y,r',"-',;;!,..;',,thg--'.'"ifv,‘,',L.
p 11.4 for ....a roloall. lot c.f liourob..l4 owl knobs. for
and reported that they Lad wilted on the Tres, - u,
new, ern role oath's. etove end anoints mei.,
bleat, and. that he had informed them that he
weusen, plonstitc. a. A, eon 1.• hod with 11 s farm at
had nothing further to communicate to them.
tm Ve ' ll k tP4 rl''' '
. e n0...a the fr are, one bd. that. , , 40 feat
Mr.-Stevens, of Penna. then tooted that the
Pn.ll•lt 14•91:.„1, str.rlo, blob: rally under Lbe whole bun.
House adjourn gins die. The motion was carried ed
:11,=1g,,,,,,:irgyll‘,..t r; „.. Th4llpig::: n gi t rll 1 i e11 . ....11 :
by seclamatibni
, :.:. ).: i u : l r ' , l : ll i , , ';
ri'tt:7l,:,;.:"7;7o:::„...ihni'""JrnCri ''1 1. 1r : v 1: ': c ' e ::' • 4 :7 , ; i l. l l : U"' ff i`r117777;,`",. ci„:,:in-:,7":„,..,'.
Mr. Spanker
- Cobh then rose, and made an
appropriate - and eloquent spcech-reeiewinethe
gee trsme tee. tti.)..:4 PPit'll'ehnenrllt,:. 17',,:t..7.,
proceedings of the erosion. which ha , ceased oe
stone. high. ealculatol for • •nrk 11110 n (n. Lad r0an...%. It
harmoniously-leaving the. Union still undie
porch it/ Innt PO 4.14 wide One frame wool boos L ' ll.
turbed. Ile teadered• his heart felt thanks to
Ne. tomeoor boost, Pi by 01 feet. One frat tor . o 7 ntS
hour,, ne ar the brisk hence PI b 12 het and ' feet
all the menthere, for their deportment , towards
him during the exciting scenes of the Seision.-
.411.: • ...Al ..lurver Tailing cores; of curt waters... Woo
Ile hoped the acts paesed by them wonld ' re-
or • , rosse. A ennl anue...l 11„. u wult how, a brirk
..1051P4 to the honor and credit of the country.
rot." heme( earria. how, a by It: to*, ten
owl a half ...deo high. with a aver Whs. eptl. 11,
- The Capitol is fart clearing of Hs crowds, and
many members will leave this afternoon for th , eir
-( e
the house:Quo hewed lea hush, neor the brirk a 2, ,
respective homem. +of, ' e
la fret. rno and • half , note 101, with !wok chlinne••
t , t l . lNter6 tor gralst-sosFn shed on our chles ea lan.,
,5'. ... 71 . 1 :: ; r aM , ;; " . a ' ;. ' d t ' ts 1r r g . ...! . • " I. fr s;!,. b , l . ' n r ,;' "'7.i. h .'%
lower .t.vy, no,
franto kohl, Mho hod to lapse barn.. bT
21 Pot, twelve tel Idols, with "lona for rattle.... ff..'
171'.1•7;•4:(4.e'Ll PirkZel. ' 7, " :711, h lgi P i n nl r . P P.?t,:- . l, h s ' lo r . P. :lrlS
1 , . , , , - . 4 . 1: „ 1n the, r i strzuptr oni by
tortrs , ..: ,, f}- , tvlse alteep ,
aet ble lt h, with reekgri: tg:: Cater ( • &Ivo buns, fur
ree lo 7. lo kr II Wet, and ',net blat. °'
.1 ,, ,, , h a.1 . ...d..171,19 toduhn Hull ,
on the
i t , .= . 171i7 .
to Ukiah ItulLOta ' the rti r reft "and` l''''' Li:'
month of Belle. ervee o n 6 Tulles below 10... f
11.1312.12•5• '
rrOBAVCO-19 boles 5 L u mp, fur sale by
kb} Aga/LLB* ROL
Jr. L'llros,,Marelt 4.
Capt. Corzens, who left a few doss since for
Jefferson county, has elicited smite inferntation
about Moore, the counterfeiter. lie kocceded
to the house occupied by him before.- he left for
California, and succeeded in discovering, in an out
house, two large boxes, contairffug, u press for
pointing counterfeit bilLsAatik noteimper,
traW3, engravings, implementE, Sm. y ,ln earthen
Jug, tightly corked, was also found,?.containing
a large quantity of bank bills on the Bank of
blicaoiri—in all about $1:00,000.
Congress has been in session all night, and
will adjourn at 12 n'eloilk
The bills' ilefeateil are, the French Spoliation
Bill; the River and harbor [fill, and the Forti..
fication Bill.
Mr. Schenck, of Ohio, has been nominated
Minister to Brazil.
i VEASCI. SYRUCE. or LIGIITNINQ—Lott of 1, fie.
—The brig. Shakspeare, orrined thin morning
from Sagan la (frond°, on the 31st imdant, at 11
i A. M., when In latitude 39, longitude 71, was
struck by lightAlng. It struck the tore trysail
nod passed down the mast. Two of theme's were ' __
1 01.,,,E, -4 , 1 IsislT Plantation, for sale
in the foretop ut the time, in the act of taking
, I
in - the for etopttallant nail. Martin P .
by tebl7 JA.e A 11 1 .:TCHIR)!, a COowers, of
St. Johns, ~ f'., it is supposed Tits stench on EA if —Poll I Pigs Galena, for sale by
his head, as his hat was found with a hole piers - '4 "i'
.1 AS. A If UT(IIISON'd C.
Rd through it. The grefiter portion of his clothes 1)0 RUSH. DRIED APPLES, for sale by
Ist nistarsit t iNsiiiisald
w 11S1 I-101i 1.1,18 No. sl 3llickerel;
were found its the top, more or less burned Ihe a
body fell overheard. The other man, Hugh Me- ins Wn.r ntr. es.
Cannon. of Boston. aged 22, was also struck, and t 4 7 I trot, Crelbele
fell on Oa; deck. Ifs died sixteen - hours there- 4 kW. Paln, , e,. Le ram be
W h y y, 11,00 s
after. ilia remains are on board the brig.—N.
I lit i I a:1/4it P. t . oRN Imo /MS. for sale LS
- -n!
itrltllllll4. h IMOJItAif ,
~ 1,... Oho or. nfperry I , erle's Vegetable II
Large L.intra tn Cotton. —There has been n „I. •, . the whet preeninent Dru,rletse and
1.117 business done In cotton since the Africa's .."."."""' : 1 Ci".""""
In .
" t 4 a f te7;;, ' ,, ‘.,-t,...15h. His
nests, fully nineteen thoutend lodes having chan- 1i",.."" ss.l. ' ,llnssl l l a'oe/sI , I , and ' lterfbano , of thin
gel hands during the last two days, nearly all of V ,,.."- 47 . 7 ., ' : ', 3oolgc d ,r,ght m 4'„ w ''.° Y''' ;, ` ,,, '' . 0 1... '" ;
whidr is on European account. To effect these ,`..solsia'• f'sill RIM , sls l ,•.. yeoll n u/Zu n re o llte . 7i . t. bile OW
bora sales, however, factors hove been obliged . ' tt.a r st i,. sillit::,.,ll,',":,.7” ',',!',;,,;:nb„",,,,..,'",1 lido the
to submit to A reduction of fully lira a cent from to tate he en het... tress mere. and ries ss.4 . l . ed i eee lt i o . we
the rates current at the close of the last week.— eTi Ix, `,tire' c.f 5 11..lieftel theme 1... de, , eyeeilly
tn,..,., ' ,7 . :1 " ,,71 i ",!' w hi , is ers , ..i 4r she tan or
N. 0. Ce, erne Frt. 21,7.
si..ta.,i I, 15 of th5i..5.4.7tVg.17.:"."'4 d''''d'—
Pardoned.--Considerable sensation has been „, } z, Z`l" ::e 1 !. }:. eat.mine, ale,leenle, Agent. Nn. at
excited In New York by the fart that Gov. -- - febla
7 , t i laleee. hint At C..lntnlyin.. Mingles. at Yetepnyt
A SECTION BOATS—The Timitcharison
Young has pardoned Nathaniel W. Roberts, the
lawyer, who was recently cunvictod with George
st, at l'illeburgb, 0,11 1., nail on opplientl,,n to
W. Niles, for obtaining money under false pre- JOHN I , IeFADEN h CO,
tencci. lie still remuitin in prison, upon &nod, _ t i .''' . ._ c.a.' Mato. Pitthburgli.
er charge, for which be iikyet to be tried. o lstr — SllesAII--.1011 bbs: assorted num-
ben, for We by 1 LIM t ll I 31
No 114 Water nt.
Large Caeye.—The ship Nleridian was cleared I tiou i i UKIE I se It LA • 1
at New Orleans on the 19th, by Messrs. Giffney s
I I! N DitlES- ---:
and Lo
veil, for 'Liverpool, within 4,200 bales 7 We. cotton:
cotton, 140 hhds. and 871 boxes bacon, 22 tier- 1/7 wits Featb,q
:41 do l'enn4. •
ces beef, and 7,000 staves equal to the bulk of i) do Dry Ardtlm
4 do du 1 •.
to 5,000 bales of cotton, bei ng the Inrgest freight
2 de do do xl
ever cleared out of New Orleans. The ship arid 4 do Waren. 9'"
cargo is estimated to bo worth $1150,000. ' .... d 4a: b ;rovi dr 1. 0 2 16711 ,., 3r40,7 . 1 1
atmortll Brunch Buibondi—The Honorer (Pa.) ' ! HOUSES, FAIBI 4 : &
L., C.
I Seectitturrays that Mr. Gondor the enterprosing ' - . .__ _, _
I railroad contractor. amt Mr. Sickle. ettiefeagi= I •
OR RENT.—Two in lf
neer, hoveiaerived in that berough, and confer- I,F ~..,,,y , ~,,........,„,,,.. ~, •.,. thy., the .8,2
r r Ft Rooms ,
: enceg have been held with the Imard of directors. ! .
I It is now expected that thin road will be earn- : ~ Ab , - ,:tr,e; L ,„, L 0 , 74..1.! : Ltlx:,'".:„l:o,..."figr.:V".
i menced within a very early period. . htrro • intlow; fornlrhod irithoort ..xperAr to tonaut.
far:_li. D. CiAZZAII„ . I64 ktrconal strm,
I The Virginia Legislature on Thursday re
elevted all' the present State olherrS. The Lunge Tr 0 LET—The Three Story Owchustt, fe j g
! pa,ohl a number of hilin.inelteling that postpo- . i ., , , .. ......., , ... 14 , .*•ritrfirrr r.. 4 ., l r ...t....e. 11. ,, ...b. ./h, ...2 . :4....
OTOWNSEND Jt 01, 1111s.rket it.
nittr the elt,tioli , told the bill tax incorporate the : " I.ligtj !
• Pro‘idenee anal - Potomac plank road company.— ,
For Sale.
Ili E, sunscRIBER offers for sale the rein
Also that increasing the stog.k of the Frederic , '
burg awl Valley plank road company.
f..novina .luable property In Alleghent Co,.
N , O , ti.-•,.1. hoard eoutposett of Commodores : tog r y .. ,
o ill
Nlorris and Pegry and Copt. Breese, to revine the ! f,,sat;itti;ZOor Jatt e e k o, U ott e llstr n U t h; i ol i. t.; n! J l. nol l 1... Oilt..en
rules and regaffations of the Navy, is in ,ession E 11,....„..„ 11thy iy ,thj , ..„ L ., y, ~,,,,., i n .„,.
at Washington. The Court Marshal sitting at-. it,, ou Sofa], cowman. oov; orvupie...l I, )%mink John..l.
; the Navy Yard there, coneltultal the cane of Lt. E IT
/o• MI,. 1.... t. n - ,0, .4.:oith Common and 111,1,11 e all,.
Charlt, C. Bar.loll. ,o 1, 110 f., •
rh , " Lien.
, (W . Strife. —Thi3 in d i v idual, who t„1 1 ,7,,:ft . ,..... ,, ,;; , ..k L., ,-, ~..... t, ~, n
' has jest orriVed at rirtrle.tott, h,,,1" escaped AI.I. 111 / .1114 / I .ltlal. N. tot Is ith Frame nufldiug..o. 1 .1 1 -
fruit his iMprisonment by the Colton outhurities ; I L?, ;', ' ,. ^ ?;,'i 1.1.':`,"iA',""ri!,..,,'..',t,';,,r f73l;hlnriarr
at flat atot,announee the Illihilell6oll a,, hook. . :„,„ ,„., „
entitled the ' , 'telitaan Liberttor." Ile wants
i lf"" '''''''' --
A "Hall irtme 'mil t3 E t. ' with
pay , 0p...1411%nd door; lnr, tin' manna,' .Itchen In
in adrattee , at $1 per eopy. . ...etut.ol: 2 rte..xll rOOl. iu Knrtrt. with a Ito, glint....
th77,e FrerViaiiktreg Lair, which lately pag = ed :t ! a " a i irfLr i f , : . i . `" t ' t t at t t. i tru e ::r ' All. L , ! ..:1V.. 1e r " ....:=17; ,n: e ...;:
e Legislailtre of !Illness in opposition to the la rbal . n i f.., “
rave rtior's Vol°, has now, nceording to the eon- AZ. Zt-e4T!.. irition?rtroTlV:!•!telanto'nrk .tnnet, un,l 3
siltation of that State to be referred to the pro- froutito, on I,:nt 4n..t Tenor r....,. Apply to
I& in Nov. brit.
feharlzn It P rain,ror of Market und oth rte ' ''"h."". 7 ldge Chaim... has Pronoun... 4 ' Desirable'lesidence for Sale.
Benton, of death an Hear •
Phornalt. :It Chet , -
' ter, l'a., for the murder of 3lisv Sharpies,. The THEstileteriher. intending to remove a few
w ~•a ltht.„ i tEto the rountr,,OITIII, has ral.• the propert., In
day of execution istnot fixed. - oh• , At,.. finely 1,11..1 tII41(I the ...mod bunt.
Prof. Agossis and his son arrived nt Charles- !:,7 trITT:V.O.',ibaTIZZLMT.;.I,,tie iT::;3'`:l4"/.11:
! ton, in the Igabel, from his scientific examine, „ " ,r,!:, `" ,,: d , ,‘ V,,,„, P 'r . `",, t • 'Le lot cT r ,. '" „ "t l ' T! a en n ti , e! t i s ''' t
ti on of the coral reefs of Florida, on the °:tth. otat!tf an n t. nt tg.tOtatt e uctit h l:..b n ot el et. a .n d ra ! Ot t er n and 4l i tt i lt. r ' O.
Cl„th has been made at Manchester of three seiltoi!=n a t- IZ i .Tr i t i,' .;: n tr ri eg l a ‘ Vt e t h irg i L hn liti:. Tu b a ' :
(porters il ex ond one nnortpr cotton. The Mau- iot. I . ; r p . lrunt. totl the ,V ire ttugoenglon tlrl.l. thorn, 1..
chester raper, prottountle the experiment gut- tritilitTa're:etneittet t:g A ttTil e n ' riv.:l l l l th "-a r n ell:. '' P"."'
Purelouen nreref,r a l to Ales. It. Miller; Sn. tio 4,1.
. A
.religious revival- and temperance agile- ''''l w '' "I'n'n
310;4., ILt tll't ON.
tion . is going on iu the jail at Newark, New der - 14 . ,,, 0 , R SALE Olt RENT—A ~.,..,,,,,,t;,..- - , . .,
I ply.amntlf tlto.h Eighthlltor pa ct. uti,l 10( 'll
Sy. .
• ± l, illelltAlll otr...t, In Ihe Want. of till. car a...
t r i 1..: . ! , ..A . ,, r mn , talsor fire MOM!: the Intl. forty fert on Clo,l
- lady in the "upper ten'' cow-hided a
' tleman in the arcade at New Orleans on the ~ , ,,,t ''
hiitni`ea in
den s t . h g tti n le !n li ii g n ll.ll 'i llA M.
corner of Wood und.„ M.
. '2Oll.
4POi . 'IFNI Tr' .V: 11 h
I S ''' C.. , ti , In f"....—The lowa Legislature , - , r a,., ,:,:„ ~-,.- „;;;; 1 ,' " ,. -ed" , !'--in g . , -- .. ,“ " .7 ' 7 " !! „,....,
hag patt&l bill, orgonit‘ing no legg than fifty ruin- ...ebot, tin : . - ;;;:ilenf.:iiiti: a; fi°W.LT:i•ti.....;o4-i:11.".
Tine tunnel through the mountain on the Na.slt- y.'"',i'f}l.:::::'''ffTl7"::l-11,..:7.7.17:"''''uonu:drisj:°1,11.7fiy:Y:jt:.e,
vat. and Chattanorogo Ranee:lel, near the folln ''..".
' th..
" *
city, was completed on the '22tl ult. " T o LET—Two of on die lower fluor el
I The steamboat Ajax returned to New York on!;fitn!ge.titlris*fTtettw!nen .teems,
nnnitinn on
I Thursday from the wreck of the barque Kirk- , ' ,. '"' "., " 1,'„.. r ` r ,1'T.,. ''' ',.., e e n ire fr.,,,,„ the : he r' nn ,
wood, of Baltimore, ashore on Brigamine . n All rat the.... - n=1.1 . .. - ...tuhte n ' t % . l ' u= -( oflicer. Re
Silfetht, and reports that the vessel - will be a total a 'tj - ,7„. r t',.,''''' I " na..""' Inc
wreck, The coffee SI working out of her olden. : n
A quantity of rosewood, which compong part of .-='!----
• her cargo, will probably be saved.
...(1 NASHVILLE - , rr-,.. ; THOMAS' 1 VIIITE Tt - 1 ---------
•••• .
~ c . 1 ••rukr.g.. • ONNET :MANE% BONN, BRO. es CO.,
. • .0.0 .t.nmer /OUT PITT Miller T.. a-4 r t.5 ., • -•- r - -r
-''' ''''''''''
''''''''''. '''' ''''' litiA.VE .K.K3IOVED Irrut No. 22 .
50nnr..0........t0,,i, r ,; , ;:,..m.- ,- . = ' , - " ''''''
' '''''
'''''''''''''''''''". .'
& •11 tIr
on ial. 1. at P.. e 10.... A "V.
o n y --- 0 ,„„... - .... Owl,. attar:4lu the now w00t 0 ,„..„ 00 ek;• ,
/or (night , ~ A .Y.,.. AAI•1, ..“ 1..,.1 1.i..1,. i •h I. aw,,,..-uu..._
.....---'....' ---•". 1, Az CAMINEIL OF t ifAELKS AND Lit.llAktO en
4 LFT 1‘ Clill•W V ;', '`....‘...• , where they Intend conhtellne On. WIIOLLSAI Cetill
lell /II 4/ . . LOUIS & A LT( IN -Tlh• _. -I, 11,.\(.' ~...,,: , ..., „ i' , l 4 ..t. LO., 11 hide- , 131.SINESfe. In all Ire , arietrw hat Ina Inaleu 11-set;
.„. ,
r „, rim,..,,
..,,:r,,,, ,
, L. 17 ,r - ,..,„4., ; . • -- uart.. t ,t. phi 61,1., ;s o] . ....veral of . do mor CI da;totnent malogneturer. the
. 1 Irginiu..yr II r. roan' ant .9 of u,,,,t,,,,,, „....„ 4 ,
llled , fcr thy eile;; • a ~.I. n , I I - I , in - II i: '-'•--:-.,4:-.---",:4" ,.,‘ -.. ,",.':;,,''',., , .... .- : ....... .- .. .. I,,loY,Ath Ittad-o. • tholong 40-11. I. on.: h, /1 c. prin. a•,, . 0 4 ~.
1-r• ..t. hi- dm,. th...:11t ', l•vrll e... ‘ 1 l' ' Nl ' '
.1 1 argiaia. I).. azal L s I h. • i 1.4., • 1,10, 111411. ri cur.
'"r oc ' E.. " " r
'.e-r""" d ee \ 111 '' T.; \ I r il \ T . : 2 2‘,..t.1 4. . - , ,
, . E , i ' B BUC K \ Olt ' 'I
I "..
".• 3` " ,,tt,,,,,, it0t.,,,..,..,; 1.. t; goon.) ..1 .Inrso. Imisat...l
. 100 m....
_Merchant.. No 41 a 004 Ira, re,...., num , :th.Sl , l;lr...`S,ure, L° r yer.oloor a MON IN, 11)1
FuR ST. Wl' I S.-T1,, , - .1111/4 II II 'ye., 1 11 1 1 . , II 111 NI rth II hnn.... I.hilodlpta r a " oa - jCO and SAL Fr ,rata a hi- it Iwo Sole Acterth
; . --• aroma. , FIN /: SPI N t.. 11. Tollloo. bra( Tao.,
ime, , TATE,IIh Jas uord:.i. ' , . 0 _ _ ,1...Wv 4 e . ,•4 •AI EIWS .1 - . A STELOi• G • r:
...or/dery ill ire, tor thr nle., and Inter -"vv-'7,---,-,
~ , ,,,74.j,,,,, _ , . , „3 , 1 , .. ., r eh, a , 1 , , , t , .. ,, ,,P , 1 4, 1 a,, ,j , ,eg% ~,.,. hi....,e;.:L.,..:::,;("„4'ne'alti,eere .t .le .:7l.l...7ort rier io ' h n at 6111 la acre ntnau. ' ll r o.7ot e l.. - mat' ''
.ate pot. tut It .71tosOnn. the Mb ...•1 at 1.. 1 1 1
./.. 1.,..0 0 . A. It 11 .. are,uo n0...L. lOnomo of fine 11 114)11.
o , i , ‘; ; ;_.; ~... ;,,,,.. FA , A _ .
.. i
r e r o l v ,.c ivt i,. . t . .
............. .., ,o tt,,, . ' " ha ' tt i t i o . . E r. e . EfLll.lS*Vl'Oet'"'! l'' . 6.rMA'r - N' Yih . l ' '' '' ' 7l;
m . L.
~.....„ j 00 a .„., , 111 ..;,„ it . st a „,„„.. ~..
r _ ..., ......-y, c, ~ .. %., _.7., M.O. Orem. 11.11adelphia st•• •
I•I ‘UU ' ''T- 1 • 111 I - Th•• 9•1••11•Ii•1 47- y
,ilf • ~.•••••,:.i,'‘,,d r ',, , , ,,,;,„ "' „ - ,„. ' '',.;;„ ' ,,,, , ". ,,, , r , "/ , ; A uLrs ENGursEt GARDEN SP,.EDS, J
oolor. 111 17... tor ...... nl/.1 11.1. r.
''' 1 9111.- undersigned liortinu It nyieLa and So
1„.1,,,n;E:xe,,,,„111:,...2:,.,1..,,,0;h .th.... 1. 41. II To Southern and Western Merchiuna. i' ~014,,".",0,....0,,,,,..,01,-,0k.,.";010,...b,ti.,,1y, -,,,'"„1,4,,',,i'd41.`,7.,."'L'1`;
" 0 "" ""'' '" ' i" 0 1 tI•OI;O4ELL's PRE3III.ISI I•Eitpv3f ER y . 1„r 1,1 1 ,1 14,k ;1.1 melon, 'h. the, eeuma.n.Ante.
I It; tII'LAItPA C K I: T 1•' 0I: .-• 111 ' '
i k ~,,,„..,,..., , „,,„ ~,. , ~... i,ir..-,:„.T ! , -,„ . 3 r.. ,7 ' ,7 ! . e.77. - .7;!...v.,r,.." , th:';-: r-.----- !!, 4 '.":' . : ! '"',,..n t Y - - - "i" 'f'" ""' i r ri ‘n ; I.
nor ... It. Coot r. s .......1111.,.... ol „...-,,,-_-_„ ; a ..,
e , ,,,. „
. „„ 1 ,,
~., , ,,, ,. ; 1, nr „ , ,, ,,,,-,...4 . ,• • , ir5,, , ,, , , ,, ,.....;1 , ..„,:.4.„,',.'1,17!,./n......etil.beviv,e.'leeu."•Ze.u., ' an " ;
mert 1 .1. e L
r„ r o .o„. „ „ a. ,..„
..„. .
.. );
;,_ ;;. .... a l 11 IC "MI
; v. tor. 1.., a ed..., be th e
been ,
r z r.
,_ ro,oo
; tor us 1, ....r hien.L. near Lanalou. 1, 4
..":. . / . ; ; ;, , , r, , , , ,. y . ,, ~..
,:, .....
(5,.,,,..,,,..,,,,,,,!,,,,:i...11rzt1kh1a. the tatter being the I ;;..: 7
,!..7. ,, , ,. , ,, 1 ,-, gonlener il l etperience. that 11
M .., Insfomery either in ;e n , ' L ' s ' ."' d "..•" 4 -'• Mot. , ttt ing
; tun., yr in thonnont, ut. 0.1, lytier (3 , , than ran obtained from I
1.4 1 , 11 „ 1 . /
, C , / ,. .N..1 , : ., 1 0,. N , i t:1 , 7 ,,, ,5 4 5 ., 11,,,,,,,1„,1,0.).,11_,,,,,..A.ciree..
5n1,4,,,..1...„1....„4,,,T0,1,1.U3.411.4t1N11 e1...131. ' 4 I--.-. 1. ...- . 1 4 , 1 Nr../. 1,1•0•1 In ILI, elottah Thy remark I. parth
~.e.etty ara„,,,,,,,,` ; : ; :• ; if••' X . 7 ler , .........1./.. to Oro Md. t0.m.1 il ia ....loathe onyn
~,,, i
___,. ';'.'• -1'
. 4 „;;;?,
r . 0,,0, to,.
or g, ,,,0, vttho . 1. u. our • ntlt t. alent the 01.1.‘ •tt • I 1 • 11 LI •no
pm, on tho .1a 7 4h ino et ;,. . 0 -''
o, ...vatt vs. roa otaar-Ile on. • e'''
norm. grad . Torrato ..'" 0 •'‘Pe.- "e..,11'.
lor Inacht or 'you,. mod, c0t1...00 r 0.14 ~.,..,,,n e to ;;.. . • w- • - •MIL •mmtwreNt, end l in quota, ..01.. . 1 ..... r eb
1 lira . I
. „ „ 0„,,, „ , „, ,-; • ) ..r''' . ...'''. 4 'III , . , lIII 4 Int, ' I -maple/ or ;.e. t eT,..l " ; ' P L s' .
jo i" , r t - rr ... tora e" (l ' .
SOR N A sli I' 11,1, E 'n, r„_..., fr, 7 . „, ~, . a, ,4 .4....0. Aminvanel St whin Tel inn molt, ; chu;....- um ..., -,.ht 1.:41 1. er eh, e reet? .. .: ," ' u tieuPgs;
r. 11 alklnd, ).-..., .r.rl . St•teMlN I T.. '
A l f 1=.'1e.'..• ' a r .a e :.T. : : . :... r e . ;a 11 0 .1.1 utr '. ..:....1ta1ei.1.11..- .. "-- '''
11 . 11, 7 . ./..h:1 L V L ... :,. ' . " 7 -Airnnn 'L En "' Mijkl'"nr, Mn M m antra , d:I• ..• -10 .; taZr n artn ' e g l . l t eL L 'r f .r. :-.... " ,...1,1'. '
the .1. at 41. If ---.---_--- .- 1 4,,,,,,,,........„..ithik.
~ , , ,,.. .u.... I. loalluu. 1 onto, tor our sesal, owl remittance ' s . lllt all (Lg.. t
1 /Or fn•iht or woke. noio on loon!. mol4
.1..;4•,(.17,4.,7r.nh,„.,1!. 114 ‘ IP LAIN I III [1, -I ,"'- u..7. 1 3. ' min. IL.o. 7„10...,etr,1.,.....1.:,....11,-544,,u,1,n;n:_.1te ar . te r e h nd ;
"lOU WI IS\ I LLE-1 . 1.• •1•1••tt• , ff.,. „ I ••• clut.. oag„,d o .„ .7,0 t ,j ."/V.,, L1 P . ,1" . ‘" 11 ., , t'vA1 - !the 0n.... lantal ,•r ,-, .or ton loud
; .f.,lne '
1 4 dal otenturr AA i 1.1.11,11 L Copt II neon. 1....atr. -- "t;L-J , ... 1,, r ~ ...1 .ha ~,, ~,,, ; ,,h,.;....i .. „, - 4,,,,;,;:n . ........, ,
~.,1 -ALL+ ,;"
or or
„ e;; an
00„.„,,,,,,...a---La=,,,,,,,a i 1. an WAttit-hh.lhla N... Fan ne 1 oiO•Ite, ora • 1 f. L. - • ...0,1 and it ater street.
pnrt, the. da, at 10n)... For fr. Isla or rc......e, .„, 0 1, , Moor it cter awl a gr. dt tarots ,;f Cylogn.. and L„,,, e 0 1 . . i .......00000roo,-- n.i.mor , va.
. hoard. ...I.; , .I. nat...
lan r ...on rea ter 11..--thenaine Iteor.(1 1 1` Aie ---------------
FURST. LOCIS--TIt•• Too run- r-,.- ~ j " i l 1,-. .i... t.. r. ,, 1. 01i , J.. ('limp Wonr"" ST. LOUIS.
nine. new ...enter As lA. Captain '.l F 14.7"it11f I ow. Unir la;•••• 11.1.1 .041.1.w-der's!. Phih e vrome.. er
i,.l, will len,. for the - Above and 01l int. a•-... 1 n T,7..,"."'„';'0‘...;/ i m" hotowttl. :
mediate ports the.. 4.11. Ille IFI InAnnt at 4P. 31. ; r ..,„... ; •,„,.. ;;;,,,, ./11 7,i tri n, - - nolsaette Ink I:, Row Tooth ; p AVID C. TUTTLE A te,..rtte\ - 01 Law
torfnight Yr rAuYnc, .1/1. 1, on I nmrd. no hl , ;,,,„;;;„; .lln , thher,tl.l.......ToothPorteotnlTooth 1 onannutlw.oner e,• ham,. /0. Lonla M.
- 14 , 01/ WABASH RI VEII-T It II . 117.,... .. ,
ch1...4,1'..,,tab10 Oemelie Comm. Amyl:Nine far i .'"'"u"ku"
''''''' '"''''''''':
A_ W 1... new
~I r I. LAC CUS.
, 1 - no r t „ J„,./4::_a_.:l? s -,, Y ,• .!:iI r V " ; ; C 7T O I - ::" . ..f r_ nt . RT.. , 0 , .... 4 . 1. .... LIP 1 10IIN 11. RANKIN, Attorne r and Conn
.e.t...,0 hey.. f th al A • 1 .11 tr
~F,1 . „ . , ...! . ..„„. i.,,,.., ~
~...,,,n , , , , ...hi, „ v.,..,, ; ft,l4 er z /lor at Law. and
_thdaw.l...Wocr for the /tore o
n 0.11... ;nuts ..a. th. ...7. It lost at 1.1 0 . .... I . In •
I•or tr. wht w ;....nee ,„ , , , I, .I, le art Lb , / ',
lia , r l L:„, ` ;:t 2: . 1. - ,..itr. A r'n'"lr. I ' ln-. ' -Vkint' 7:1-. VIILsti.4 - • v i Pu 'l •!;l.l ' ii ''''.
t -'"ebe"b.) e l
14 1 1 llt SAI :\ T LO I.' IS - l'lte
...,• „ I 1 " ,. ' ,',T. "' " l'' '
`"" °""'"' '' '. " l!' ' ' ' ...2 att•l ' ItruTb ' . 1"" ;t : ;i " i••• ' - ' :- ts..4ralir.prl;.'3l'erf:trard'elek"'Ca't..Nb-C'e'''''.." I.'l°L'''''''7"4 : ' n arn e r +4 l : l ; l l " L.
j Jr rot Et yarn, PARIS. Smith.
~-.? 1 The -oryrril. r 1.,...., ;,, „, Y
twofer noel 1.... Fr the above en I nll luterw--- --d I tai mh.....nm e nt ;,, o . a „, ; „,;',, t ;_ b t . .. t2;•••: ,. l , m s, Otem whirl. ,
nodtate prt.. on Thur ala). the h ityt .atld A M ; hut fd - 0 rth. urn... ....1 rill to 1.147 tof t e' • eerrn- .• ` HOS'I'ON
1 .
For trelght or .woge dpOIS .1 ivao.l cr 10 who mar a el. to POnnorre tom eittor who!' 'Or'. rrbreLi.e•-• .
14 h )111. 1 1 ND/AU:kg, A. I ~n a... n0......na1de tern, as any eamblls hinent .'- this 'e t ; „ , uty 4 l ' 1 --- - ---:-- - ----- - ---------' --- -----. ---.
; 1 0 It I.: LA SGOIV. 1.1 VE FI I'IKII. rm.,- , , eur,..,nod tn 21n1 r.. 1•131, lanel j - c!f r tlt t o lith lw il l 'a crateL..., d ' '-'
Ep0i.:.,,, n..1.0,0ELL, - ' II „.,;;, r , r rL, r r ~ ~ r 0 ,
A IL U II aLLSI 111 F-The Our rj .. ... r ,: , 0 r t •• ,. /1.•
i l dilLLE. II re. , I11•41.n.11. roader. alll,ron ' P
- --."
114 Chenta 0.
a• a regular pieket hoto-en thy rtt, .0 11.11•, II ...., ~ Mr 11.. m's Perfumer, I " rn t ". 1 . LA MI the Pria.Pal . rl'llf}: 00d,,,i II - 1. 11-1
;411h. Ahl.lP,f , 11.1 • v re- ,z,V,I
not Panto/rah ever, Ilinala,, II ..Ineata, . and FroltO .at I thsontv . thecountri
:I o'clok. r a
~,,,, , "..........,............. ;
ra.•••••.ei6.a, !..t.LlV,re!dralite,ell.niLT.,,n".lrlV.rald'ltilbyr•awa''
For Isaiah! cr t... 4.0,. thole ..11 tannl
NE %' YO i. - - fr , t;";'',TLl l .,.l.,:•' - ' - t -,1, . 1 % 14 nut%i
•IISI)11 Z.A N ESA I LLE The tit,•.x. , • _
.111JUOIIiIILLI of 4410 tratlll4
.1 I L
EMPIILSS.L.O oueter..eni h.., - .7trx . r . 2 i - A. ..
, t 6. A. - - - i c - - , -- - l'nfit'aVjle.l%..tic.,rthrumurpur,e4nonerninmesjal4
tor din, hod lorrmedlateinrt.thl•ulL•rut.on. -- ;
aremd; roporlicrao. as the numerous fingrOrw.
at 4 n'elok.
~,, ; Ik1: A PENS .t T A ILI /RS. No :11.13 Broad- I „ `" ,1,,,., "' ''''''." ''''','''''"'"'"'''''''''''' t " ' 1 T' '''''r '''" l'
Wor freight or oven,. ar.1.0. .... Inard
i l we.. eornyr ot Dunn. vtreeL a ...the Irvin g llocco • , rot "'ben's. ' - e"'" " " re re ' re'
It:/ .. / . ../.. 4 ..., 11 .,iy.. 15 ,,.. - ,.. 1 . L1 t 1. ,,,,5.. .. 1. ,i, 1N ,.., 1; 7 . ,; ;N :: 1,1_ i
~.....;,, ,..........„ 74.„
r,,',.41,...1,d0'rrti1r ''r.,trone..,:fi.,,e,s,.,3,,,,'T,„tre,,,..lvelaivede.nrlneyragat=o,rl
~. r " , ;/ !, ,C ., ,; , ' j
r‘1,..7..r.:Cie ; t :e..„ 1. ;.„i t h 0 „.,,7„;,...„ ---e „,, . ' ... • •: '' u r „ and ' t h ou. " ; IL4;innah.i.• Berle, Att. : . 1 taT ' ''TT''.l. ;• ,nasal
r : . le
't . ' ' 'e'r
no „ o,r,_
,-;;;;; „ nob. ; „,„ 0.. , i .,,, , , ee i, „ 0 „ al, ota . or„d1 nonlerate pew Onch thohL Caa.mierwa amd Vept .1 no;ats a 1 . 1 to •a " '"
!''' "'
te o t ton .
.0....,,,..,, h., n 11,111, f1ntam.,,,111... nrol 1 4 ,111nt.. rt 00 ma-
, rd , la , t , e. in.,. ta . 0.0.d ..I, , vont 11 ,, g1.1 L 111.• lor 4 , -.4 , ehrl, „,,, hat; ''''''...e.l '-.
' re ''''''''''.'"l ' ;
17 ;1:1vep ,1 n ' Ti•!,7 , :11.:.h r ,77,7.,:: - „ ', - ,`;,',',.';;;;,;.,'..„,`,!.,7,..,',7;',.. , ,','1'."'.,,',.,. ' , '. ,, i , ' , ' , ' ,4 r , ' , %;' , ` ,„ '„'‘rin v it.',','",t`t i ,„,T.L . '". ' 1. , .. 4 . '';'"'-.'" "I h - -d-i.. , In." , --1 , 1 , -.•
~,, ~„, , u ,„,.,, ~„,, •,„,.„,„., „,„„,,, „„,, ,„„,,.,, ..,.,. ~. ~.,,, ta 1 . 4 4 . ....• to cut PANIS, eel ; ;le te eut Au...r.0Z1ine•:.......dih.1.1. ,14-"-_!"ri.....0”1.-47.,"„"nri,%;'Y':„Silif7rhilacel..7"
owe, Ithlay aftenann /yr hrocht cr 0a50......, 0,, 11 Alslt I/11S laaeh .10nntuent L• rnmarrn. m a n wt - wh ~,,,,,,,,,.„„i", rr t. L 1., It It n 0 F t.1./..4 , ..thrra , ',hit 1 and Att 1 L A Wort. made to order, ith WI. .
• 1 ev Pii.l 11,1. die at the men efirworwt !ner -- - -- --r--, ---,
I I fit , i i I , ' , I / L i. , R ,„
. 11 , T , T , 5 , 8 , 1.: I i l , 1.: . ; I . 1 , N , id , 4 ! P 0.. 7 1 ',4 , t4 , ,, ,,, ,,./r , e ~ ..1, ; 11 , , , n , n ug o tf ‘ on:. si I tu . .l
, t . , , t , I_ll , , e ik r ; L.
new nor. et wweo. r 1.11.1tA 41. t co wek e r:,..... ' " -'w ' il ; ,/7 ; 'i.itn, - ; art , . re.
.1.7 l toils - !hey. ale... C - 11,411•II.
11,.. C.I. at..l nt..711. I.a r er..• latt.horgh at to ..,- ...
.... `," . 1 . ' ; ,..: me ' :chow , ut e t mtlo 1 ./. 1 0.m. love Toso.
.... %dole, 11 ' , •' n.•...• mot . Av.., . new r. 41.....114. ! '.....T . :4,... „.. ~„ ,.1 .4 4 I •...1.11/ 1.. the atnerhso l i f i . , lltd, f ., : e, I
hone . . II Ls iii. .i...ra .
. 1 to-h.. Ttarylay , •..1 ,,, 5.......1.1 - "•• r
. 7 ' ''''
' '"
l l n t ' lls: r Trl.. A Vg../Ve1..V ' ?.... Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. •
11 4 1 S. MILL s , .Y. , •. 0 ; CORTLANUT ST.. I
1I) EGI'L.k II li. EDNES DA I . fr -- ..- , i A .1 mIrs.AFIV 1111 I" •
1 Pl.lll CI .CIA Nii i . .1.1., J-L o 1,744; - •Y-t-} the .7..,... 7-; ",. ~'; ; `.‘.• t• - ; ... • „: 1 ,.„.1... 1 .• ~ ;
1 1 1 11 0 cons Icon 11, -pleond 1.... t . v boot 1.; ---'. "- •• ,, m• Isl iiilE ' ll , ' IITI It Ls -. ...... - r e r.1 . 4.. r. .' •••17 ' ,1 ' : - -- A. '' ' . • rr L A Aa.. ' •' ' ;
thr ow or,. of the stearcer :,.... Neut...., aial mho, tor. al 1, r LIN .c l a;: anal, of 111.4-MANTlLLa...tra'ardfacte!..
the Coo- ..... an mal Pot-corol. para. trod. 411.1 ~ 11l 1.-,An r.-.. 1 from . L a' ca-0 IsrL• frohiore. r....... 711 by Uo oe.uner.
.1172,1.! y 1 1hev . 1 , 7, ,,, 17A.... , 07 ,. /n0.....0 „
s o. 1./... , .. od 1.1 . 7 ,0- Ss .: ; 1ie . . , .. • atel 1 , 7.10, olorl. -Warded orthe vont., trod. ;
tura. it att1...1 . 1. 1. \ 11l Ile. ' /:It Let.• III‘i:/..i.tes,‘..O.rt,dratr,erti f - •
era: e , ' , ‘ „l "l. .„ l ...i ei" =" o e j . A ... ; f b ;!-;',
.1 Th. ,„, ..nyay 1 -, ,, ,A6A,Ayy, ,r ~,„, b ow ... ~..0 0. , e. ,
~,,,, a ..
~,,; , ,,i
~n en. ;0, LA. Lt ,, var..l.lnd. Pranc,Lua. nue. , w o ad,.
no 1 I , act Tu-k 7 - tin Panne.l7 na P C Wt • ' l ee " . . e r '
t mil , I
a u ono s n - ..e. , -h.s, eo :h. eh; Iv, -tern blend. to .., : rr • "'"' s ' ''" ` - "" , '"''" 1 r UI r "lAIIII.sIe dr hit
ClIANS1 ) ()Itl'A'I'l()N
1. :. e....-, (IYAA!At. •
,‘:;,: ,.. , 1 , 1 . t , :.
i1,AL,,,,‘,,,W.,b,,,...,,...r=ri,.., a r " . ;' , l; , r I A ig, rE do not It 'el.. lh, tl. d: kith the !Tea and
I 111\G DISPGSED OF HALF 11 . I\ - . - -
t...PREVG IMPORTATIONS. .I , ...altb of th...lllietc.l. h awe sitewnd) pledge our
, wjers to make no meverfion am virtue. of this nod.
.4 TILP.P.AT IN /V Ve. it t V / L.VC, t . L,. I.rolo r
..i11a..1. NI At.llA 11... 1 u... -dt 110-1...1.•!..... r. C. 11. I{ 11011 a. co., 1. 112 , 42.1111 In hold on nopo to euterinc htunonity: whith
af, r 10. too, ...1 . ode. tto .• .. . t • 0 e.. Ito, A•,,.. A
het. 1 , 11 A w.runr. •
td 'nch/ 11 t 1 11 :11.111 •••. •, 7 u ILI IAM aTRELT. NEM 1 wir ' '''
- -
. n, ii.-, .1 - Iceland. ArLi the Pula - and Ifild Cherry-aro
II .1.5,,1....,:,..w,11,,1 tore :
m allii t lire C2llfiLantiy re- nisto relrhrnted tor them, of rel - enteanes of the Lungs
El:ghat:is' Transportation Line . ,
~ : .., ..i . t , u! ,-,.,,... - ettonorr oval/arot of am: larcr. hll nre ... todefull, psdval. nt. in all Murtha,.
( 1 I•• A
17, 7 4....Z - .;;I:.. - ,,,, I ( 7.5 A) 1• .. , - ..„,,,,, • ~„. ~„•••.,, ..,,,....., n., I,- et Cram.. f Shiro. h• • •• ""'• Fr-.-/ `n " 1 ''''.'..,"..t.. low
LeMlnu 1 x1..•.1
f em Lroir 11:
tat it Lt A
1, y . ,rek. • lAil -I •••iIL, 1,-,,,, t:ty rn .7lll nmikerYlll.• I F rIV • ' •. a rnr "..
Iryo rr I I I ' :; : S c U A I N ii. A II I :•. h. :r I, I Ig I E n
, ; ,1 - 1 , :l . : 11 1: \,...( : I I: , r , 1,.1..S
, t .. ‘ ,. ...f b r ., •th h • - •, , ,.i , ;
.... ` ; : .:.. r m!, ". „. ` ; ' ,,, i '.." ;. 1 4 . '' .. , ' ,.. ik? '"' „.„7 1 ,.„. • i . .''' f. ..
~„..., ~ fri,,,,..b „,,. i, 0n.4 bass re , nnen.d,aosal, of .sloe Cherry Mark .<1 the
t, en ncoove .5...1 IyA sr I re.ho to etotu. e anti wo . I '‘ , . "vomit , out nue k
.frhaMan. ; groom.. Fy.'end3l.....l.Oh..latter i mtortedezOnataiS for titha
lo Lawlor o.ot ay. ~ .0
grectot. alwa, . . low -0 coo. Aare.. lo r. 0.... e.,,, Superior Black Writing-told Copying Ink. ' T'"" " ""• ' th" ""'" "' ' ' '" l 'l" ''''' " "hkh .S. " J- " .. . -
1 hitted ty a new rb..m.if,.!prrrxri. nith (hearth/sr:of Tar
,,,, , r. 4, nor , ~,,„,,,,. ~ !, , ~,. r , ~„„ ,
~ „,, ,!..,. 4 ,,, ,
, J 0,
-NE 'S
E3IPIRE INK, So Nu...w street. } thus rendering tl, whole llama lb. le wt tortilla nod
,a n
and •
•0. solo , thy h., Io LA ....I.n, •A yl S v I..rk.
; eek-yerone neutral, ever diarothnsl for thd '
tan -.., tr-,1,t. 7.............. • r -cram. Palm r•• THE reit..
, 1411. of 1 - „,.. mei ~.„; ,d; .ho.h.-h. hetu...: : • h•e‘ro- let •te- 411 ecs ~,,,. dnr. ...... oa Ld CON aCA I PTION OF 'IMBUING'S.
.4.ttended h• • 11vor or opal. . • 1.11/1..
.... •'^• 4or .. ... ...... -3:. j 111,1411IITANY CON.•CaIIOrION I . l utval hy Wiafiles Be
,ll LIA,II iNI A C.; Cno. no, I ' , ••
l of WILI Cherry.-The ...dieting rA.Aeaf Jeremiah' Ls
"or ; • Pic t o - .arau..t. per tralloo ...... --,Mold, 1..
11l \ ,IIA II n froCK !Ado, 0 - . Thll t. the to, It menutdeturyl. It lowa freely- .I-It •L' " Cnn " .r., '''''s '''''"' ' ''''' .. .a " 2 ' 46 bs
t .... n /north aol tint; .; mi.., It ,c. I a „ay. ,111\O INN--and will .1 coonde. myta.l. alto, di./ CT CnrY I MPUMIL I. trlar setderfulr
.1 ItlPs 11 11 . - .0.A.,...t. . too- or dee, nod thr 1. 101 . Y. 1.. 1 . P.a. !Ina
111411111013 M., Saul, 27. - 50.
SO, ti ...,, 0 ,, n a .... 0 ,, e . .0 tor II ..,1 li 4.1(1/1, Ink. outalde for the Ouill. anal a, t
he ~.„__l„,„. s o ., 1 ea , the ithem..,,e, Toe
con c ..Intod t r 11... root Pen
oc b I '''Ee
\ "II
.",.......' ''',. ~1,, ,1 ho t.n.1.,...,....1 I . ~,,,,,,, ~, , r .,..,,, , 0 1 4. t m ,„l. l of t *melt 1 lo.etletiWid Onm the U. or in. Wistar'S
Opera. - t.. r :on • ....7 or h. tor ~...muldlon, at the above Ter, . Italeam of Wild Cherry. nom mostrated by that terrible
ng of ' the Pennsylvi r ulia Canal ',-,,;,,;:z;",:.•.,001.,;-,.,0,10.,-1i,,;:,,V_00/.,,.;.0.•_•0,0,,..ty Pt i wourgv. thautnnpOotc. May last. The altthk ...Ord/
rlIt: IKNX`I LI ANIA I'AA 11. ~ ..I ' • , 1 0.17 ~.. cLm. . estro. ol cod ,
~,,,m ; - : . ''''
f ' .• ' 4,-11, is-I. 111 , Is the of oar isnollY. Ito.Y brOthers and
,i- ..r:•,::•..:•::.•:,„:::,% ~ ,; ,, ; 47,."•.„,•. . ,'.:'. - :. ".; LlOl , ‹, N.•!;1-• NL I .T , rk• : '''''l,:lr.llll'llo.dwi'd afeC'sausn'',...roTt'd.f.a.,"l'Z'l'd "ith..
....:;: . t.....i'....,..1.-c , .: , -, , ., 1 ,-.La„, ; ; , :i z;:5.... - Murphy's Self-Se 'alnig Advertisin' g Envel- I i...,,,,,,z4,:d expectorated e. arnOth deal Of blend, had.
opes.. , fever, Bereft pains in the ede and cheat. add all/eralter.
L 'L
nation sin, dashes of boaL
11an... .I.r. v. roa. ;Oh • ot no•lzr. 1'r,1”..,
V O . 263 MADISON S l'.. NEW YORK.- Iva' under the of a• ' phyid;„ .„
to. rt. 11.10. .tancorr, cal cloth.
14 t/(14,. Paon.: 1 nail ke5 , ....1......... . j.‘ llu suberOar , an walieltiou the todronaga nfall oho
0. le 757; ".• Um r = •••••• ~... ooe achentwatent. toel. note of .Lilt hentatton th " . I '. t.L.• ° 4 "k n nW A L M. , VIA W..L. &lac. being
. ..
.. ~.., .. .. . Itl, whlrh s now oriels I. hrodaht before the paddle- The then etc ut helplem. and my friend. considered MY ease
Iwo. nAu tr. Mb. ~,,,,_ .. •• , ex, ra..1 . .k. Cf , roes Itm , Mblolted their superionts In• boucle., er at lea.. Invoral oUr IthpeclarN Am ..rbed
n La.,' A ova.. Altus. Crude Pr.., .
.77, 1 ,,Eta r t!5 u r0 ,,.,, ,ferw 0 nd ...,, U ,, :e 0r ter & U ,,,,,,, m0. the oee , wire.„.a n e i r „ e „,,,,,.. 1,1 cbrrrr. wittoro
and to In. moon, Inman... oars. as proof of were excel. knm s thlwm - P." IL so; nturdtteneed al..
TIME-F.PLICY 1 1 .1, '
Later.... Mr. end fin. the orst do" I cum
it Ix hewed that 1b..., opeuttm rates, ..loch are natelt The 1 Mooing are a ftw of the rCMOULI fi r m their lope. ;,„ It 0 ,, b ea m ; u„,..„, ee „, , ,'„,, e . e .,:t i a th ;
low, than . nor pre, lour 0w...n. w ill induce •Infp ry le lent
Intr.., M. 1 , 11/, In LI gnaw event than formorl. 10 On the play. oonri o t by u m . 0 .. a „ eon me , ; time I ronmornoed Wving Oa / was able to be out end over
11 , nwe A Las-rll. Car Loa), a 1 - L Ls, has, 111 , name. hualnem. and aildreaa emwtoeunualy end-I RI my bushes, stal lalwr. which I stlllountiine to do. l'
In 1141. lira 1.11.
aCa . f o r 1 Mott lone
feet • hil.v•Y'L ... 1 /end or Phan. thus adonliue Iwo I I
have taken four hogles , of the molielne, and now ennsider - ,
III•ow e• e b.'. 1 ,,, ino-nunt , • tn. feet wenn. moue.% fraud
LLot• A Utah., Fr Peet , . a 0110 L ll . • Al. The - Envelop,. nyanot he otoned without bel.. do- nne"df Mr''l4.4l, JIAIENITAII 1801I10(1.
, * 4, * „,„
g ti,r . nor wefer• are .. ..tiro! tn 0-al [lam .1 . . . .., hi L ' l t ,
Fro 31 1:MILINTS. )1.1 NI FA ("IT li 1111 S, 4th Upot. the mix-ono, al a O.ther. the., to 1..... ' I "
~ a t t u -
Carars Pam, Lake ea la.. Jura 15. '4O.
I rte .-li ~ Are In• l
ared . mr, ..1 met. •., Irin/ oot Immo:Lae r. 41., In the 011,1er. ictstmal of Ining buried
from Ph.lnlelt.l.l.o. h. y.a.... h 0..:. 1.. t. . A 1,.., , ,-..,,,, tomato . the land I. , YIAr OM,. J,,,,, D. r 4 “-Dtur Sir In Julrralfl. / was attacked
i ,,,.0 ., , ,, ,. .,, , , , , , , ,, ,... % . , ...„. , ,, , „ „ , •!,
.;!, ~, i, o ~,, „ ,th„. ; .
~... , .t ..h.., „.1 1, 1 , /. 3 . 0, 0 ., ..71... are furtiOhed ...nowt the same with a r,ve.r of typtont el:meaner, which left ma in a Isis
1 r 11,.1111 I . :A MoAN I !xi ,eo e,,,,,, 1, 00 ., .th r-rel, letter - m.I.W is a tenet 4/erilve 'Overthrew= h ; th•bn" ".. 1 ... , i. the / n il...A , wi.r. 1 WMI t•
thre to Mum: the .tentton of ell through algae> bends II ! ken sith . esetsrold..lneli naluen.l me /4 mar uo es•
7,.z,:„1„,.......„,„ 1, 8
;5 d ~...,,,!.
..„ . 0 1.1„0 0 7,,,,,,,,,, „ , 1 ,
,„ ~, ,t ,
pro ,. r .„, D;e_e•
r 0„..„ .„ ,„
0 ,„ Wm". - .With .. 1 -ho arreanthee of a eougented consonne .
the. IVI Hal under oryvero enaigh--estwetoralad ogres.
a... g awe.: .t.0,-'4''
/ " '.........e..._0_e_ low,. end .. latch will lu.A for . Min. and of Morgtorract
Pittsburgh Transportadon Line. 01 , ...t,..,i30,,, ..ah,„ , tote .i. buff, of 4,-val surer. /ow deal...l am trnuLlt d w Olt ~1,1 roa I flail itlllht swaths. I
umu.• . nlovo, val. name. addny., ac.: .• - • I, 0 r,...„. 0 r ea l .
.1 till:. /TOO St/II A CU, l'ana, Moan. Pstohothh Priya ~ f fAyA, 1 , ,,,, ,f E,,, ,„,I -' ..,.'..., . ''' ,•44 '.. .1 iahl". i matiatted
, in this state. = - stluilli,y ninklng under the dboose, .U 1
.ITEM. JAM E: a Cc. Der.., lineal not , her, .0.- ~. 1,.., or 1.-, a $4.0 ; - ethere.
rut An .1 Mottle Imath not.. totwy tt Market awl l h.. 1 1' In .4/4 . L.lO INIO
-SW; ' January, tat:, when I tra.m.-attt attacked with fever. My
nut Wow,. Ph/dad...Ll.
I .... to It. 6.01 NV, 7..?) friends .I,maLrod of my Ilfo s and my physic:rm thought 1
a/CON/00Ra a AM. 70 North mart. Italt.nre. 4 11 ,1., . ....... 1..111 .....b.
it; t l, could sure...Litt a short thin, My extreinttles. especial
tn.,. 10...) 4010
1,1 AViNG fully completed ou r arrange- ' ,,t',.., j,,,,, ' ' •
12.0„;, - 444,
li.uo I 1 1 0 7 fort, were ocnet.=l; coLl,anJ alhahnlost. their Swi
ll JIL torn., we wi4 , -- jd - roanoyvai the nlvonn: of the When it I. net enovrtnerat L. forwenlpsnotatt of ord. , : , low Under the,. el - cum. - L...7s i• ma In :rut .1111
Peon, loma Card . -- e.. -e. fit:-ht . not fr. to Ile, ~r Inn , l nr etorra..... ref . . a rovner.lar Nlv 1", k - r ' 1 e wee
hutch. Italttramre, 'IL:,,IILL lolds. A... I fol. Pe coo, •In 11...... will le• so.N.rut AU ordr, will meet 0ti1,'.'„ e00 7..,. a livlng Ockton. 1 rwalla detenumol Ingo. taking me
oman. 1,...,11r. St Loot. and .1 rte /Lot ~L,P; ri r P .I. rot ....en. Ir ..e.lreeed. . IrM. -5 11. 7 kP11Y - . -.
o f
Will LI OIVI >Wis.. , ...I tva - Mr• Withal'. W.
low. retie and with more det,t; II and corn than to. ml . No. 7.ed Ilnalwn edreet. New York OM of Will Chen, a , •IV et the Era wk 1 •
~,,,,L1,,,..,..,,,,,t1y,..;,.,1,,,.,:h, 1.,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,0r,,1.,0,.,,,,,,,.-r-,,.f....1,,,,7....,-,...1
~,_;',/r,,1141.1.,a11..,ne,,,01,. t0, , 0n , .:11.2 , , ,;, - If 1...p . . , , ,, y , , , ,.:41,,i. m.,„ tu.i.„ IL jr...:,1;,',,,,,,,,,,1 ......,:m...h'lLrl;
1 '' ''''''' .ff . '”II•II 1.4 nn, OLlyr_ldn
.1. sohnan.4 to. 1 . 4 11111:am et. N i 1 1 1 taw lila moulluvat the . col or allieh Ume I tsaa eti,
WI nrinUinnlnntlonx 14.11. /Ann In n, ~t I•I• et.,ht. AII 1.1.0...t5•-• Can), .n.lneeal In color, fn. mute i ed. Mad enclosed trowlLe.d4l-evrr +lhoe. and rbeerfbny re
-114.1 4,„. ; ~,,,,,,,, I. 1 ..., h. 1............ to. Lyn. / ' 1.0., At Shoo. ,r tltmool. folg-2/.1/Im . r ‘ adortoord the Italmot to . I the., aldond with disrmwe of
5.1..... st 1...• a! toort/nuh vy..ropt att...1.0.
C' 11 our Lme 1.,.. P cm. ``.... 1, 5... , `WO' 1, Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherorts, j he h'°"'''' `""""'"'"'""""th.,"•""..""
Plalwlrlolna and lattohurgh Tr t 0,.., , ,,, 1.m.• et t I
hlt NIEDICATED C O3 IPOUND, infallil.l, T t " b.. ''''''''''''' IT '" I •r r". " . " I" ' ;'' ' . " d" ner"""d *
. - Ito renew., tut to„rating , and loantlf, ing the hear . 1 "er'' b"
I h4er .-I"n '
'-e."-Lee" . e "e"
• hot duos! .-. odt - bled' wait be Ideson/ With cowmen/
1 ief.41...„ . b /Qr - i 47:4,-1...r0,, , ,, , --,_ , ... r, n 0... the orort. dtha nom. all ;Mogi., of the wall,l - •
...I 14, J i „„.,,,, and rurtoc ernpuen. on the Otn. dowv... of the glom], health al L bare lwrn. Meggertfull, sour,
moot, stet Integument, and ndlemng olngs, cute. love
Merchants' Transportation Line, 5....
.r.''' ...'
. W.I. th .. P rv P.ranon "U... IA ..... 11 1 •
, wont a. mel" The hr. Journals in Amen-, mth.. mon
(VI A PEA asiLl A NIA CIN i I -o AN 0 13 111.R.1 t to,. td thy holteo untoeur. anouttnent ga. of .1 prow- ;
woo , . col lad]. . al, h.,. wed t for ',no Lu weir am
pin pitiLt irEi,piliA Dm Eel . _ w Fru_ '..,,,,,,.....i .. ,, ..i.....arcat I t
. w cu r l
to 1,„ I fn. De. 11.1ar, 41ml:field, Washington County II .
. Y
.11 Tlt 1 , 1111•1•15.. hanortmg ch. .... „Iry gl.m tel - law sad curl to the hwr I
..I.ervaroth. Er.. May 14. On.
". ....,, tr, ; .., AlLlva ta . , c o o. 1. 00 . 0 , 4,... Perot 0n . t `;? ; 'd°7• l ; ; 7_ , -r . .our! •1.4 d.twil".2: l-al
mil lZ ; .. 1 .1 .- 1 - , " L ,u-..; i Ite.ess ,, In:mt./Ird s Park.-. 1 tilt,: ILldepoodomjty ..f.•
P T11 . V.2.S MA 1 Mat,. ntro! 11:0,0, Itn.a.l • -In.. 1•101, th ' ' ' ' • L l . " , S . " . .1.. ' 1. - ''.' ; '..l , 4 . ...r... rtlf,., no 0 .;:i . form..., you of a na.7l rem,arkahld ettre Petrel:ow .4.4
el• lI I', .ou the...mod e of ~ m omnd. mit ertiu.l an the en , rn,. t.,- the use nf Dr. whour`o CaNarn of ICII.I Cherry.
are to n 0.... d lar,a .....,..ta ....and.. • lee Prit. , .., .Y. l In pro. , 5r....11,1.. In C 11.111,4,1 . Mit i. ~,. ,
„.., i,... 1
.., ,_ * „ l, , n
~,.., .. ..,i ..,,, ,
ti ,.. ,,
„„,, „,,,,,„ ,„ ~,,,,,,,,,, „,„.„,,,, ~, ~,, ~„„,,,, ,_ ~,,,„ w ethweoey, liwr, r frlrwuhenn. w linlltal/.1. • Itte ii.•
5i ..,,t,,, „,,, ~,I ,„,„„ 4 ,
~, ~,„ „ „„ , ~,,,,
.„ I „, ,, ,,,,,,a-h ....h. cf the article. ha, e,whlnt the Intent, 67 . 0 .• w hi'h / hd ..
Wily L. ` ,.. ..L.. whn. I 1- ' 10 "
1.... 11114 r Man VI an, I,n ......• c..,.... . to a,O ~, ........ tar WU,: e I,lch IA fmm 50 tr, 100 , „WI) nocurerol. In the Wild 1411 1 war attacked wtth 4
~,:,,,,,..,,,,.,,,,,,!,;=.:4_,.., vi, ,, , , , ,„ . t. . , , , ,, ,,. 7t , kw: . ..rx .. 1 ;. ..1 , 1 , ..., , 1•; ,. 1 . ;• , .. , 0 ,,, t 1 , . , ..... , th , a , n ,,,... the irria,,cr„..:l
n a L n,L . e.,ther t orl, , ara r t , L - m io f. , ,r , . 0... .er 0 ,1 . e thob „, 50 , i,„, r 0, ,, e , ;„ 0 „.. e. „, ~.... th„
t „.„ . il e;; I „.„.., ; „ ..,;; „.., „„„ „„. ;,,,,,,,,,,, „ ,;,,,,, „. cod the,..liu rudaman., the veritable direction/. t'or the hai r 1 'I •4 • • II". Ihr ''`' l " •4 t. I I ' .4 ' . ' 0 . 4 I. 04, L:IL. I I tr'. l 'al
John....n. Ilnlela,churg I. tNlonthin. that •• von ;or- 1.1 tre , ....0te,. of
I I thol. yr, ornameat, w, . hire* ~r tne,tHw e , 4 ,,,,1 „e e ry varLd. bf MdoriLliout Lem-
I A . 1 1\ I 1.11 A 111, 1.1 1.. Intl. Ina. I ,lln 14 r1.. , ...1.. alone worth Ow Moll,. . 'CL ...n.l 0.,. 4
. ,I. 14 , Th.. n11114{4. 1,114,..14 Ilivi t t s •llllol,l4 e 4 .wtochrowit.itatethe ' - •••••" • wva , .. l al. 0 0.11 the wieder of 1345.
5115 _
~„ ~,,, I when 1 heard of Ur. %Velar. tilnlom Chhem. 31y
now enoletw. In ten thaw All Ma'am.. of the hair r o I Oho.. peornadod me la gith t a 0.. thouob I had gl.e.
I.OL-• -t----.4....... 1 1.,a...-.. ..... 1. '.
ate . the Obi
ll' the heml It tlo n,. LI lb 1 1
.t.eroror:l. 85 , ---,..-_-, -,,, ~ .„.., ..i ...., diatde .10.1 r '` , ' J ' lup e" I'S. ' " re"."-'1 •" r h'l Pge ' " en ' eelr f ‘ re
To Canal Boat Owners and Transporters 7 : ' ;,, ‘ ,.;,,.,„.1;, 1 ; ',", *c "4 v-, ,;; ‘ .l g i ? ',••;,-, „,,,,. T, •-4 I ; 1 = " 4 ' ; „' „,.,,, ',' ,7 ","; !, • , 1 2. --- ;.t.; h :;.,: ki . --- , B . i. ' ",
II , E Woof, ha contract fnr Ili , . trtt, 14,101 i.. ... , . , r 1 .d.r , 1 . , .T.;•) 1 71,..r f . ord... Inn, Irrao ;; ,.
,;• , ..e. L d1; ',,,, e '.. . ' 010.1 .therry ' ,' , . " ;VI,. astonishing. Alien
1 4 ,t, :,..1,,,;;;,Z i 1 , ' ,::, ' ,L t. ..1,,. ' , 1 ,4,1,',;;„•,,.t ' ,J,7 , , • ,,,',. ' „;„ • ;,! . ,', ''.',!'.°,,‘,,...1..: ;'‘,.::',l.,',,T t; ::T C l ;:fian t .lZZl 'd ctrn. " :l ' l7; ' hr*-.. '".." ' f °E;L ' InI '''' n;l ' ong '' .1.'4
et ""'7
1..71 no•phyr..... and the Icreal trawls, revorernag th. .peut Ihur or
hundred dr .ar• to •
no playa., awl the
Minna the naming ern..'.• Time In. Joh:mown to Patalwrgh ...,„„. a. :IA ilf .• •
111 ittllldalt.l,lin de....• In WI atfeettocheor
lb . , beet •tol roust yhj:`, Otans hal Droved amoral]
from hit. horol. ty J..h.Lotn .Lo • '4.0 . edal ot tto But...trots of niinclee and hilegutuenla lb. , 0 ~. t
on- ers and tlo eff•vuare tle• Am.e. II L• upon the On.. '''.' " " '''''''' '`.-"rerr " ' re "e l beekb
11A h la h A /01,1 1 11
or %la ilas a tat ' the rulay Mar ter, and tho glth.l4. that th a Tar,,,,,,,,,, Gc.l mot the u-7 of Or. 11':•ter Pal7no of rind Claw,
1. .1.20
1,..., ..ovine .01 ..... mot tra 01 elhn•to.un, aud not., ... ld, the I.4 , eutht • , r tied - useurth , rthrthrtma . m
thro• mood,.
, • .1,1- L mod.. Int , U Ltar il:dahort of 111 / 1 Chen., .
r„.!:"...,.7,7.7.4-"g/.: 185 I ~....4 , ...
~ ~.,1,1,1. 1 .,. Is lllrn prl, 2*, rents. nt the gritirlool • r ; ''''' y„,,,,,,.,,,,,,..
.... thr .. .
~, I ... 1 : , 44.41414/J...\ ...4 s , ..rk,audN The onntapsl turn h
, . 4 I RI, 414. •L1010,11..U. Ina 1./......1 ant and Lan I IV:, U./I.XL,
To Shippers of- Merchandise. Prodnee, ecs. I.", . . doc-. 4.:. /4-da tcy JLI P.g i•hr,../4,1 to ..latfard At rark.) fourth
ailna.. alhi. ne..n.. ella.-21.1..t. ritin.lineralAdreot for tho
to INT ILAN II tv•et 11.... ron t . nartgort •nt. •
RELIANCE PI TTS GUIIG Ii TRANsPOIt- '',. ',`,'-",, '''",
;„„„„ , "J , -",
;''', , - , ',
I, ',."' '-'• ''''''' '''
' ' """
b.' 'll" ' " ' L
~ , r ,.. unners,,e, 1, 4,714 , 4,ra:110N L. 1.1.. P J .ISP A. Co ./I 4 Fahuro I, A C.., 4. A. J oro ., 1..
' • • ,. .t.- ••rrl•••mt•• r•druoir, , offer - tor •alr il, ! INi:env .r latehurth: Leo 1 Dockh-ta• All hen Cit •
ATLI \S.At tt , Prot,. tor-. : :: tin... .e.. 1 1 .....tird teal doa to of th, .ald Thom. Fairmata. entuotlue IL T tin . ......;11. - II rolanvt-ag 1. 11. 11.0.-is - , Ile.7entrinn, It.
10 , rreat re. 1.11111.1. 10b...
ord. 0.. feet ha frtuanne on Lawn; Orvel Mina, 14.3..1. . -
HELL a 1.1.1h1T. Avon, Can 111,11. PaL.l,ll:, h ; d r , L. t o„}„., „. e „,„ iF.,,, ..,,, • • u e tt, unon.l.t.r, o Cour., truo - O•O Cr,rk Illlnanre.
JOS. TAO 1.11 A sON Av.. 1 1 .0....0 • .
d, armal a sott lluottnotl lel Nlrr , thr 1• • e
W. we nr, ~,,,,, „,, n„. hlent ,, ,, ~, Ihn f•••‘..-a l• nu. ; r l t. " ,, =Pt. , 7 1 ""; 1 1 '5; ;:.i . e. " :,,,t; ''' , ' ;;; l , ' ,, , I t ' ,4 ' ,. • it,, ' ' ' , ' , '„,, -1 , ' ..• - dle` ,4, , terr
Catml It' •''''n''' , ,•', tvelto at 1 .• Lo. mo , 1 0 -.., . I, a/ l eet V ho;,-. ~,,,,,1ii,' "f ‘k5. ...4., ,q p . . 2 I,:it:Ln Ole, with ' ""
7 -'" - ".: ----'s"
i -- '''''..'''• Kn ,"w•
d.4.1....4 lan. L doctot.L iltd 1•4.4 i•a. in, .411, 1.11, l l /. 4 14,4 , 1 41•1 n J. . 4-4,, e ... 44 1.. 4 . , 1.4111 K .... 11 II Loan. . C o, enoc.,llo A. tit out 4 Sap, Ivuiner.d,
~ ~...r i 1,..h..n. Mcioralrol re Co. N C•lionaer Navarra. nurto...t C.
.. - alo !lay. ha. irootto, on Cherry alley. ...oh . . Isthara, I Er.. ilrocam t Foe., Mere. , James fiallY C. Co. IL:.
,ons, o ear, a
.. 1 1 , 14.. , 4•1l l
,11...t,,dint..,au,,tru,,,,i,c,0t..rh,,•1.,„;,/,4;t1„1,.„'rVeL?„1.10.T.. /vv. - 4 . -smith, ileac, j. O.F•im • .I.t Wl.
Wrath.: L. L c
. ~J ., ,,,., If n. -.ld I.hor thr ',.•.e. dJunen, Coudersport: I'. Great: r. ire. lltynturilin
..ern to Jthu Moroi... G. : o' tlnertt. will te . tferd at ..1411,n...1 14, '1 et... P. /1 .to tot, ;;,, o ;r 0 ,
- - -
Ca. J) 8 , 1 4 1., Prn ran St, r, „tho calto•t 1. loo(,. . 1 1 1 1. 1, to ; 1 5 1 ,,,, A , 0
. lal Lao., rt.
Penna. Rail Road Co.--Central Rail Road, ~,,,,,.•,'...... . .. ,
Tilt: stil, haring hero niptriuted I 1! ) E110V.:1L.- -L.,1.1,11,k BEwstrr, Wllik,
,r 1 L.,..."P1Ping,.....,•‘ P. , th , L'o”” ~I , fhia ”rern:, , 1:41i ' tla ~rd..l:rtierr. And Oral,. In Produer. have remcc,tl
• 1 ...•-• 1. I, nn '... 1'U ., ' , .. t 1 , 4 W ,. C.. tl.'' V.'' , ',, , , I.• ~, ~ 1:- . : ~ ..4.1. :1.1 V,l Elrrt rls.,lrtween Wncd mud
i•l. our n.rryknn.tic.. or pr
l' , r ‘lnni.tivnt ‘,.L.; wnii,.. 1 :, I. 1,,..1..1,1i
1.a. ,
open', ..f Ili. rugod.
. - In Ml* mot. r 1111.• cart icd Ilitwt,h In 11“..1,... ; A DIES' FLEECY SILK IiLOVES, .:anti
Ixnn.,:nr•l 10. it. will 1w 10/ +:,rd...1 Ir., ../ ~. Lutal• 1 a ••ti.., Lom. •/II it 1 .1.,..—An nrsortment WI,
Ju .q. chltrge to r od . an...,
• •
....Mr or rulonr isrmr,r Puerto; rot "II rirt., I 11,0. •
... .
D r , 1,,,,,. 1,, ~t.,,,,,,. ~,,,.„,, g.„,j. ~ 1,11.•• I 11 I 1 WIN I hit HOSIERY, of various
Millar,. Fruit.. Vratherr. t °Mail, . 1.,,,... , 1•i1 , rn.... 4 e l ku.a.. In-:,yrn: • nen artirir of %Yr.! and Silk. to
Wl. kr .L...
linrthritrrl4ol. urn nro. tirrr.rri,... Paitar. i., ri.r..• i.''r ir ', ..i MURPHY t DIRCIITIy.I.D.
I.rni her ,I 'lt. rr. Fin,.. 'I itniiill, n 0 , 1,,, /kr , i ,, — - . 4 ' 1,
&won. 14.,T. Nrk. Mits.., !Ant. 1., I 4 01. T , i• r••• 1 ... , . : V A .n I. a lirLrokitur lir.p n Itrearttnent rg (dr
OIL, Tnlll, glrnin 11/I.i LA:. • „ .4. ASA, ,1:1.. Ullti thrust. Maori...lo, inznOlerino
Ar lL's Marl,lo iniugh, Tnr. Ht . , li, h... 10. iirri,,,, i A.. I
~.., ~,,,,,, W„, ~,,,,.,
Nirr• k I/1:N 1 1.011.Dt. ' 1iE1....1.E1i PI:AVIIEL , ---A sntnit lot received
w: JL - , k).• bY 31t31 , W3T. A. 3IrCLU.R6 d (rJ
Al! IDE SIIE ETINGS - 41ou5ekeepera d
r 7, ~ %';7i:;,','.`,!',;'V"t„%gr.' ‘ll„l6nd`"l„ru,
3, ~..•i ,rt,... nn nr.....rtment. of Zberrtin7 31akiira, firm
nlir.r,riy4r...._ yAr,it5,...11.1,14,,,1,1eadied and unbind:mt. Alw.
' ~.,.:„'..'f'.i ',lo.ll,!'antraceltr..P"' d'''''.."nal
plug wivailr xenerallrr.
Fr, 31eCOlil) co..
thrir I'l,ll. SI , I+ ~ f
131.1:e 1t4•• their 4=k4S
ern Ana the wilt},
HARRISON' SEIVELL, itt.m.v at Law,
CP Ohio Maze tAkunnir..k., r urkJr,r; Ark
novrlnt,rturran uturr•—•'%.urtir
tar! .lArra
DEALERS IN Ell 11.17..14 Cols, RINK NOTES, IA:,
A 7. 74 Awl+, 11,0 ,
Not, and par. ur 10.•LnW
SW./ and un VULIIIIII,OI3. SA7,gleiwT
' Partner Wanted. •
APERSON hovieg a thorough knowledge
t t„ 1 .nn0r,.. In all Ito branches, end
nartswr :n bluinttn.
at th
W;cKEIV,Sd FARINA --5 latzes frofh, of
00. artlel,zo mlel , nsteal n dirt 6.7 Inrallda er
(VIII 217;0a, e ' or S.U P .
rell ' l3 .ar3 , or
n4u.unr; co._
T ANN ER'S 01L-211 bids, for fade
1,611: J.SCIlik/Nll grn.
1116 LL BUTTEit-1 bhF fre4), for sale lay
tabli RIMY. NATllltaTki .t W.
4.I'IAR CAN DLES--.30 bxs Citunnati Ina
I.lnurnetnre, on hand and for- atile'br
1 CHINTZ, of differ-
ItlthA, and at lowest prierlty reed at the mere of
311:R1111 AcrBUIteIIFIELD,
AROIVN FLANNELS, a IN2nieFtic Article:
Al m White. llnrrcd, Green and .31nrartne Igoe. to
mid at th e .t arn
644 311.1tPilt s EL'ItCIIFICLD.
Sellers' Cough Syrup in Illinois
JUDGE PIERCE, of Aliddleport. , lratroise
t7hT.'r.4 ,
)•arn. tilr a h vex
three him to hi. bed. and rt.e nired
ton:leaf treatment for three mouths. Dam: thv rummer
Inv not le.tter. but still threon,rh nuitito.oal to diKtren4
I,y day taut nieht, whleh me ..tit relieved by the toe of
by run ,. which • gent Oman by the nem,
(Chapin brought with him (ecru the ob.:. of Ohio. Hr.
hod found the ttyrupof F eat we In lit•farel/r. nm j
whru morlng from Ohio. took tateea bottler with him.
I ,or t in n uf which Joh, Fierce obtained and weal with great
1.....neht.. when other Means fulled to atTord
, reeled-WI and eold by ItFELLEM,'
LT Wood Art
:Add bi droggiou goa crally In the two clties and Tkialtr
n 1,1471. LUSA.. OF In ant
- -
1 Closiu out the liZotkre Stock.
grIREAT . I . I ARGAINS—A further reduce
i tt-;!eat,thoP il: : i r
k ' ',7r''. 6 ,7stfa ' , LI'," g t o ':','"..7 O f;
ale I .t er Arra erne val et 4e,truir, ,':11% / .. ‘.:E.,:ciu.
or Lit old <lll4oe:era end thelpol.lie, u 1,.. are i" Immure 1 •
Paul at trtr pee reut...lelene (ureter priors — To .17
Pernm srieltin Ace 4 cnomertee bwinc, en Mazleteizeet.the . I- Agta°PP.:tunny, a, lie
e in t:irpl., of We tad
aure c.f . the snrk au Mien! tem,. Slip, la leaee of the wee,
tlait t " li b y ' tv-Z ‘ e. ' . l.l'd 1"r
"'r ' l i . ; : cri out altillllo '.
ia.M Neve I'm!: Flee, Merit 4 . sit. - I s nt.bure.
S EEDS---Ifi bblu Ginnr S , •rl:
to - Tie...f e .:, ' 'lle br•
Pb!.) , in:l ti'N a- klk/iPATIIWK.
DL:INKETS! Ill..%Nt r i.I.TS:I. 3111RIITIY
e. ueIICIIYIELD ..Stye , Land a ,C.Si arrorunentar
alank,.. or all the xll,llll nl. eeanda , - I ...PeniM , h ,
, u In'ez 5.....1.1u..r.,..1•: .I.I F /A ere oar ofternl r
al miner./ prices. fet.3
Ci OLD LOCK ETS.—.liist received a large'
‘3ll . .ueler ..z eleinait 110! , retelbre and Miniature Came;
natntile fur 1ft,:ui.r0t,)1e..,11..t. de.
.u ,i . IV. W. 1•11.str: .
.. _
ir oxDoN .irEits—so doz. for sale by '
. 4 fe1.2.-J T
.i. fittlD It 1, , /.
Cji EA!? WALL PAPEld—Fruut tid-I.e - idiis
1 ~,. 2, ~,,,,, Mll,O a. o rlrur , ilt. foe tale Dr
(Oil.. . jj li". 1....111111M1ALL -
tArRAI I PINI.; ..I.NL/ ' , it' yrixu P IPPII
. •
v T -1,,,. ...b. n, 1.4.10 q Iv. P. 3L4641.114.
W 111 TE FISII-92 1.1111. - , far auk fiy
... Inn• All DICKEY . .1. CO.
• •
u ____ 'Water and Fra...., t •
___, n
C A3IPIIOII-3 bbls for .Sale by
PBAYBERIIiiI,2 bbtsfer Talc ly.
COPPERAS -10 bble ft/ rale b
a.l'_ SYS.I.E2S.
VIAL CORKS-1000 ' , g74, for sale by
111.4,1, R. 0. 1 , 13,1412 R.
lkt OUSE DE LAlNES4Prin ' tect and solid
! b LEIPzn , 4 Ltlc fl - LT ; r ; 14 1 L, gw,d
tic= o;=:;p in '',lllT ' Tf.:: khAl L4,„."'t