The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 04, 1851, Image 3

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. • .
Meier Ifosiurst..—The Sisters Of Mercy in
charge of the Mercy llospitnl• in this city, desi
that the public should be fully informed of
e objects, the sidventagts, the condition and
" peels of the Institution. were pleased to
onor us with an appointment to act as a Board
- of; once
,Visitors for the present , ear. Ole' have
cheerfully responded to thei request, in the
hope that, as to medium of e trununication be
tween them and the public, an by a propel ails
charge of the duties assigned us, we may, 11l
some measure, promote the eat work of- be
nersilenee in which they are en aged.
.Iti pursuance of the appoi tment conferred
upon tish we visited the lustauti ri, and inspected
it In all its departments. Ato re formal visite
titin'was not what the Sisters C. Managete de
sired. They invited a full nod hormigh exami
nation. Their wishes in this r spoct were fully
complied with, and ii , effords us nfeigned pleas
tire to state as the result, that e found the I.
sfdtution under admirable management in every
. particular.
It will be -borne in mind th tit was the first
hospital establLshed in this ci or in Westom
Pennsylvania, and was for so e time tho only
One. Although it has been i ' ethstence but a
comparatively short period of time, much Ma
been accomplishes'. The large number of 1584
patients have been admitted up to this time,
. and the institution ha attune a marked degree
of usefulness. But still it has of met with that
full end adequate support, to hich it is emi
--lsently entitled; and thq support which it does
smaire, is not of that permanent and fined char
acter., which such an Institution requires. The
banding ; is capable of ecrommodating a larger •
:number af patients, than the Managers with I I
• their present means are able to provide for.
• The books and financial affairs of - the In-
saltation were throws, open to our inspectionei--
Isom the Treasurer's Report, it will be seen,
that fromithe 14th of November, 1818, till Feb-
Teary 196,1851, the total amount of receipts froM
all sources is $8,699 50. The disbursements fr
the same period amount to a like sum. A clo e
atamituotion satisfied usrhat the funds, revels d
for the benefit of the Institution, - have been
lialthfally, frugally', and judiciously expended.-I--
The tiall Indebtedness of the Institution, arisig
mainly from the purchase of the lot on whi h
the banding staudo, and from leans, i 5183,4111 74.
We'would respectfully suggest that extraordinary
efforts should be made to pay off this debt; mid
that then, for the ordinary and permanent sup
port of the Institution, there should be procured
• list , of permanent subscriber.,; paying each a
certain slim annually, besides such dokajions
end contributions- as may be obtained' MC - other
forms. i,
. . The number of paying patients is usually very
• wmith and the completion of the Marine Hasp
' tai VII cause even this number to betly cli , -
gres ,
mitdehee. Mist•of the patients are wholl de -
titute, and are mainthined from the fonds f the
Institution. The tiecklyl'allowance, reee,iv.t
g patients, payi patients, is exteedingly moder to ,
less- than a person. in. full health pays per ' week
.for boarding at pliblic or private boarding
. ,
houses. , :
. The number or patients received, the numb
ilischarged; the number cured, and other itio
lees of •tike import, oil appear from the Xepo
of -the•phyaidian in attendance, and from the
books; which are accurately kept by the Sister..
We would recommend the Managers to Ica
. reports eiabracia; th ese subjects to be herrft
j r
'.published every mouth for the benefit f e
public,artf for the satisfaction orthose wile. o
a lively interest in the welfare of the I titii
tine. • . •
While, is a general rule, and as a matt r dais
to the many other
patients under trea
meat, and to the , populous meighborh od it
which the building iti located, patients la ring
under malignant contagious diseases are xclu ,
dud, the ruleltur by'no means Leen rigid y
bored to in poetics, and it may be said t
Applicants without respect to creed, or co r , o
tact, or conntry.are admitted,except those hos
infamy is attested by the very. nature o thei
• diamet. In the rammer of IMO, saloon th choi =
era was ipproaching or prevailing, the . ,gets
offered to place the whole building, to ther
with•the services of the Sisters of -Mere free
of charge, at the disposal of the City CoMmila
during the prevalence of the epidemic, and to
make some separate provision elsewhere far the
' patients; already there. ' The epidemic not hav
ing prevailed to the extent apprehended and
other arrangements having been made for the re
ception of cholera p.itients, the offer was nit CIII
The manual work to be done, and the various
offices to be fulfilled in connection with arthnsti,
totion'suat air the Mercy Hospital, aro rird ous;
Minatent,•labilrious, - trying,- and,
,often es,'
manful, in the extreme. We were • to
learn that altiost all the work and tiredof
every description, and every tank and d ill y in
and about the Lostitatien, are performed b • the
.Slatent themselves. The only Resistance they
bait is that of two persons whom th ey e plo y .
ea Messengers ancrtnale - nurses, and of th em
beat Physicians, who relieve each other very
three Months, and gratuitously bestow on e In-
stinnbin the benefit of their invaluable Ber
This building, which is large, comm Acts,
Wall Tentillated, well situated, and with ple
ibminds around it, we found in the most p rfeet
order, presenting a rare combination of nen ess,
stem and frugality. The various ap ems,
axe occupied by the sick, and those used for
other purposes, all exhibited a striking op car
ioca of cleanliness end comfort.
Every possible arrangement, within. the eons
of Alm Institution, seemi to have been ma e for
Hui Comfort and accenmiedation of the pa nts,
of whom we found a large number, em ing
nearly every degree and variety of human suf
fering and affliction. In one apartment w no
ticed a group of persona, just recovering from
severe. diseases, and rejoicing under the kindly
treatment that had. under Providence, brought
them, poor and friendless beings, safely through
their trials. In Others were treated those hose
malady seemed:at its height,' and whose fate was
may known to hint In whose hand art "the is
sae of life and death." In others we fermi pa
tients in the incurable aginies of death, an d
without:li known friend in the world. The r,
the needy, the widow, the orphan, the friendless,
the arranger--thronged the apartments in )that
'household :of mercy.' All the patients, those)
,•Ur . lto were rejoicing in the prospect of to speedy
rthavery 7 -those . whose fate was orersbadawed
with painful =certainty, and those irho hati no
prospect to look forward to but a spthdy and in
avitahle death—all seemed to cherish an intense
feeling - of gratitude for the benevolence that bad
sought. them out, had placed theM undessr underits
'Mardian= care, and administered la I
all their
' Burl results, in whatever name Or institution
they are brought about, may be placed amongst
the highest triumphs of human sympathy and
devotion. The Soldier who risks his life—the
statesman who wastes his physical constitution
to:serve his country—does much. Bat ' h
has .his rich reward in the fame and glory o h is
schittements, and in the admiration and all- i
tee of his countrymen. The phiudits o the
world cheer him on at every step in his p ess.
Bat fat different is the fate of those who,iith
*Val tannage and higher motives, devote err
energies and their. lives to ' the relief of human
searing. The "reward beyond the grave" May
be said robe the only one that awaits their Aa
mimic( self sacrifice., An appro ri ng conscience
II the only earthly commendation they seek:—
They deny themselves the pleasant of intercourse
with'society at large, and confine themselves to
the society- of the poor, the wretcheal; the sick,
sad data The voice of the world's applau d
seldom penetrates the seclusion in winch they live
and labor. The sincerity of tbiir devotion Is, aloe,
too often 'denoted with the milli( untimely death.
They are bit too often victims thernielves to the
diseases which they strive M conquer in lathers.
While the great P 12149 of mankind do not stop
to reflect upon services like these—services
which exalt and dignify human nature—there
are many who do appreciate them... Those who
attach a proper value to them—the intelligent,
the virtuous, and the industrious, will probably
. never stand In need of them in their persons.—
While a very different class, who never bestow
a contribution er a thought on an institution of
benevolence are the very persons who are moat
likely to furnish it with inmates.
No higher or nobler duty exists than that "Of
pr ividing for the poor; the needy, and the stran
ger, on whom the hand of 'affliction Inca fallen.—
The community that faithfully' and folly dis
charges this' great and paramount obligation,
clothes itself with an irresistable attraction in the
,tight of man, and cannot fail to merit the richest
bliniing of Heaven. The individuals who embark
in this pions and holy work, and contribute to its
promotion, lay up in their own hearts a store of
happy thoughts- 7 a mine of pleasing reflections
—ocher and far more valuable' than all the ma.
terlal wealth they can possibly acquife:
• Whittle/a few remarks, it only remains • for
eta to express the hope that our fellow-citizens
will 'Ate lea proper light the claim, of our local
institutions of benevolence, and that those wit;
have teen blessed with success in their-pun:sits,
end with ample means, will pause a moment to
reflect .on 'the condition of .their unfortunste,
wretched, destitute fellow, befogs, who have been
stricken down by. the hand of atiliction, and who,
to tones of angullth and almost in the bitterness
"of despair, are crying for relief. Let us reflect
.for one moment on these things. That one mo
ment will point oat to us our ditty and prompt
am to its performance.
G. /11118 EN.
117eaM:14 1 0E EXTRAOIII , INALLY. —Twelve dip igo,
Miss Catharine Youngblood, made her appear
ance before "Squire" Major, and told her sad tale
in a tone plaintive enough to melt a heart far
more itiony thin that which is situated in the
bosom of ttl i t worthy Alderman. She was in love;
and was betrothed, but her affianced unfortu
nately had not the means requisite for furnish
ing a house if they should enter Upon the happy
state of matrimony. lie was willing to labor,
however, for-the sake of his fair bride, and her
love for hie-was so strong as to lead her that
day to his honor's office, to entreat him to make
her out a commitment for ten days to the county
prison, SO she had no other roof to cover her
head. .Mr. Charles Bates, her intended, was
Immediately to ship cn board a steamboat, and
at the end of that time proposed returning with
his pockets as full of silver as his heart was of
love. Then he weuld lend his fair bride in
triumph from the elite of the prison to the hy
meneal altar.
The Alderman expressed hia willingness to
provide her with a temporary home at the public
expense, but asked how it was that she, being a
white woman, wished to marry Mr. Bates, whose
complexion was of a decidedly Sable hue. C . a.
tharine, however, would not admit the soft im
peachment,: but strenuously maintained, despite
her white skin, that the had black blood in her
veins," though this must have beifi a discovery
of recent lite, as she has always been consider
ed a white Woman.
The commitment was made out in doe form.
and our heroine, gallanted by a policeman, was
lodged fn jail. Ten days passed Over—ten
de.p, it is to be presumed, of immeasurable
length to the lov en, one of whom, living on
bread and water in her dreary cell. was waiting
with anxious impatience the happy day, while
the thoughts of her dusky lover, as ho shovelled
the coals into the steamboat furnace, could not
but revert to his devoted "dearie.-
Punctual to the hour, at the expiration of the
ten days, Charley Bates appeared at the prison
;door, to claim his bride, and on Sunday after
noun, they waited on his honor, to be married.
Doctor Andrew Black and Mr. Jtimes Snodgrass
acted as witneasea and the nuptial kuoi.wsa tied
in the Alderman'. olhce, when the happy couple
went on their way rejoicing.
THE Gnaw( FAXILT.—This is a bind of vocalists
'which webetieve have not before. , visited this
city. They come, however, highly recommend
;eil, as the following, which we cut from a late
number of the Cincinnati Gazette, will show
The Gibton Family.—The first concert of this
talented family of vocalists was attended by a
fair audience at the Melodeon Hull, on. Tuesday
sight. Their songs arc full of natural melody,
`heightened, by good taste, and n rare degree of
attainment in the art, in all its perfections. They
range with the Hutchinson, and Allegheniahr,'
and when better known:to the pdblic , will rival
them in popular favor.
- Wedr- - '
.Ise,reword is offZp,,,i - .
..1 . ..34.; n... _ ....,. n tro L. n-TT.141.5 Aron. roe-stair or;lnionl r., sta
anfring ....Inesday and Thueday the _troupe - - -- One hnedre `
very kindly' visited the various public schools of i ft.. the ree°"r y °f the ree°eY' • ‘.7.lii. .01 ..... -po, .no that Inte snot
mono a hunlen •" .s th' , l 33 eA /.IncOns" Of
toe In- r In Iltore , Phaker tlareaiorill/ n 3,1 IPE. ATKINSON / °KELE.
the city, for the amusement and instruction of i moms. . _ _
male ' . Xr - , ' . ' , ' en ‘ ,! ' ; ' .!; ' . ..... " : ', ... ,'- i ' . ' nte i e r' r;r. u , - .r , .....„:, - , , ... ' 41,11:; . ; fit li:ill RENT- • Tbi ' d'ellthg /.none and 7, ' ,. . '
the pupila, and, in addition to this, remained • RIOT IN CINCINNATI.
si:-....i.r....-:1 W.!: r`..l-1, pie our/. en - on is norm...lung geourala, hoe poupinel to..
peer two or three days td lead their attractions .
CINCINNATI, March :i. ...II at o urn-pot. or .., 0 hn ..., ono agun 13, mod -et a 3-. f. en the load ,d Pride ore, In the Engl./. A ani sae.
- a -. 1 ennhuo a 1./11,1 VT End a lunation fro. from nook.. and haw
to the Concert for the benefit of the Orphans.- i A street preacher by ""''''''
'r"'-br" '-"." '""""
"" • '''' • • ' - . fi I n h
A manifestation of generosity and magnanimity! • wh i le peeli,ri..iig rho nAme of Kirtland, 'ova , a. 33 !0h0... 1., To o In It.ore, he. Lon One cn. an. n 4 i n.: do nnt .43 nein. ran . erne none a Plan.
!., 1. .• Wldlitl nth.. rnuothes walk -of an loolnexe fort on
in the market place yesterday. r . "'• 4 , '-`,!•,"`""•°' `;',"" mi i,'" i ",', l, 7 - T . '...,-,. 1, 1 ~,,„, i,,,,..3,,
..y . ag, xi'. Ectoti f ,A . ,,, ,
which, we trust, will not be forgotten by our tit-.' w ,_, ~ i . • , ~.• • ".... • iin ' " i '' "' i •ii u. " ". • •• t i • i ...i ; "•" • • - -
as Wt./nu nOl 3 numg sa id somet hing against preparaln. of Nirooar....l en., yet oringlnt 13..nre the ..i .
liens when they return to the city, aa th e EA L ESTATE FOR SALE-The under
- -e y p ro. i the Catholic religion . He escaped taw the Den- rii .P b `
pose to do after a short tour through Kentucky • ~ , toiinuelionne Lae • ...1.:131hel Ili high reputahua no; Ili 4, ~,,,,-.1 •
,-Jere for sale a large 1111p31,r of walual,le
I nlson House, where he was, atth dtffinulty, pre- nonterhus anno uel. atteet.3l uunn I ....Jung ,nce, and monnen Tern dentrahle ones ft, ruanufag.
and Tennesseai I. it e.t.a,. up In quart testinn, and le the enly San...aro:llla hnn c e. tn the Illorough of Itiontncham. loate3l , nea the
served from the mob.
We take pleasure in remarking in tiiii sonnet- i ti,.. not. on the later. hone,.. 1.11.1 Inn, n 1 Th.. raCie. Tr. - .1 1 1/135.a 5.11/.....5 ii... 11... 2.1 Fait dr!. Lutheran/bum!,
tion, that the Gil3/0113 are free from all the isms ! .!.. Annee whielennaleo ti alto, the, more uolnal,le ...eery The ratnl.l growth or Bowing toro tin isnpulation and
no , . rerttennarl, ty female,. ano-Oxen using wealth. and the reaatnnable prices at *etch
15.,,,,,,,,,..., M,, r d, 3 . , lhoure and enquire tor are s ft IbilVE - S SIIAKiat , , aull to 3,14. will render them .. ate end pry/hate .
of the day. They traverse the country for the
inAILPAPAIL.LA. and lal.n. no ether ' ' , TT , . Till/ lalrfo Terry. awarsto.,
purpose of a legitimate profession. and to miltii ' The splendid siclp Tonawanda, belonging to 11. ' row. at ice I.lle-i. ts.gthe for aln. For
re term!, enqulreof the underala.3l. at
vale a taste fora pure and elevating art inc it A. Cope 6: Co., cleared for Liverpool to day, inc 3a.. 3, ,h- othre •.f tonsto V Oilman,. 1.3., ~ Grant Oren, that.
015 . ,th lb , . k: , to.. Frufonetor ' e.-,h. let wren Thanl and Fount Pine!.. or of 45 Ilhata
endorse them to our brethren of the ''Quill''‘donc . , with the following voluble cargo: the largest ever 1 ciii,-.. ii.,:i. Cinetunati, nn,,,,. L. run, and N Patters.. Ent,. at th rlf q °Moen. to ltlrm
their projected' route. ' j taken out a this port 9Otid obis Flour. 10,000 . T° "h".C , . r .., 1 . " .. 10,,, ... ,1 . : .h.n oily
Ann,. her ento be J A Jour:. J. , k...v.ucr. t Co. M. .3111 S).. P. PetTON.
.____,,,,.__ 1 bushels Corn; 2.6.5.hhds quercitron bark: lift MAAS Dlark. It 55 5 1,1.3. J 31. 14nnotol. J iblnter. 55" Jaw!, Pro ~„_O.O Ilouse and 1,.„ .itunied tr's„
~ ..t. L •irti, t i ii
i iii , ,, . n ii v i.. , :ii n t . it i f ,,, hc . ty ,.. c . l , lf ,, , %1 ., . N E, Al u ec i
i .ni sect rani strwt. S i e , :nr i ng 3 OH"' Pot: term,.'
Huna Kate at-. exiled Ilangurian patriot, : ntheec° ' 5°
tie . '" Cl°`"'eed."
9.:, bales cotton.
)73.1.17LE .1. la)
1 C..., 1.51..01:ng: J r ll..auennort. amt E. li flurgari. rt. "L.l,' 13 . 5 !Alert/ at
and a distinguished vocalist, is now in the city, i "d .21 casks o°.
C 1.1,33111, Melt. a Knox. Csdlr re-, 41. T . ....
and we are happy to be able to announce that
New YORK, Nlarch 3 -
Fl l O Go- II oniirahle the Ju d e . es of the Chilli . 11. ; on.Jenu ' no l' ff.f . r d ena * c•V i alit t alr l' ,l '.' nan k th thsP e ' l7.Cet w ertree r' l3.......... "''
will ".
he give one a his recherche concerti before
There art rumors of several failures in .the It ..0“ , ....010•iii-wr ......,.. r. ties 1+a.3.1 , I on. 1 nub n three mtle• of Ono Oty Innoreelon gOen on.
he leaves for his. destination in the West. He cotton trade in this city. .
will, no doubt, have an overflowing house in - ii,, i..i.n t. ,i ....a.. Rm.,:. ef flul•:. h.,anylilg. A1e..... eau; tlextrable boot ',runnel. euntalnlng over lour
xnanan In Ito ...TO, af,roahl. Inttahlt elteuetl.. that :our iv,- !en... elan a aprlng ut expellent nater thereon , ettnaltel
appreciation as much of his suffering iu the SUICIDE IS l'lllSitN.- ti. nrr loth epol-ted htnneelf with rhaternal. Ent it:,. ans. , re. the *Noe.
tunlat... yr in...entre an.l o th er. , at ho daelltax h.,. un .flenn. • lot or nrnitlnl 4,3 hot II :notes by IN fret. adjoin.
cause of liberty, as of his fine vocal powers. The New York, l'arch the on n•tor afurrnalni. an I prat, that r ode .3,Y. lo Ing the reuthoce of Mr A Toper. ntor the ray, our..
3. rtri... , v. ;riot tow 0, Moan. to /cepa phhtlr looter of Po- one tnounth 35 . 5 1. on Ertnol l ".. /fox , . l neetonuou
National Intelligencer nays of him: A man named Thompson, who was arrested on Lertatunaent- and n oar 1. 1 1111./1,11......11 out, linutahl, will i 5 iiiir.www•ti•tr.
tilt toe renalri t/3.1 the Plank Incol roll len centuple.
'There is no doubt thatithis generous Runge- j Saturday for passing counterfeit money, commit- r' i ii' '
--- . laa ths above pretnnoxi earl, In 1171.1 n ., .111U1111eT For
ring, who has passed with honor through the tad suicide last night. Thompson was cone ice- tv... iti. •nalenerlherx ellohna xi • the tun cold, afote n nael norther nnfornotnon. ',pun, . 11001 1 51L) i. 5 .4?f, n,, n ,
do eert.f• that Ma 813.3 e peutlono• 13.0 ~,I , LI la lyi r .1, nteas the first drourtle.l hrovert3
fiery ordeal a European mid American eriticiean, i oqs in the,celebrated Torpedo affair. it i;.1.:1 .7 I n
seat possess talents of the highest order. - Since i ~ =,,,,i ' . ',. , ' .., ` .71, 7 =1;:it t , l7.,,. ' ii L .litie ao.ft ' wts ' it ' s. ' - 14 .4, )/t liEterf-111 S e LY-- - Th... 1 .. ,, i 1 . , r
of Orange, anartro.ollen. ... thht opt t-onenn in nnen nr„ . 4 wit, ~I; , rent ht. eery doirahle n'unntrer Keen- Alin,
Ids arrival in•this city be has been most kindly ; ARRIVAL OF TILE CITY OF GL.ISGOW.. tar , . • ti...,.. m .iii,..i.... on, . ht..'
on nO. 1.. n• ateln...3
received by Senators, by the President of the i ~i,.! a hens eL.na3l t' ~ , ,,,,t. Peter ono lie, V; .t1t.i.1.., A nen:, t: nent ,fi n e tn. The Ithoo. 13 a
• Philadelphia. March 6 , ti , K. ,, . ti• it rasp -rohnn 3,1 n,, En.O. re-1. Jeht. Chou., 1.1 1 , .1 Md.. hoer Loud..., ,tar t
er vxler. }lsere o a
United States, (to whom he was.presented by the The steitiner City of Glasgow arrived at her .Pon,. 1...-, w , • - , •itm - i ii a.iart.- . . i i •5• , ..0... win: ~ ., I* . 0 .... , west , - hhuol , etable. alai 3,31 untOr on the noon./
1, 13... . nno n.i-il 5 e linen run t s en. tayoune.. greli unpryvoi.ontalnult ••••• , 1
Austrian Nbni `tero and by foreign Mied.tera ,• - 1 binding ea P o'clock, in 19 day: from Liverpool. - - -- -- ---- - ...erl,.. 3.n yf fruit: alre.. a 3hronc to m
and ittuelon teeter.
Herr Kffi" sings most megnifieentlY to thirt y I She brought fib passengos, Siintons if merchan NOTICE . . t ....snot eon. trhenener U. sired. 00115 h LIIIIART. ,
different languages, and we are quite confident i,.....,A1f .
disc, .d a h enry mail. - .
that a large audience will listen' to his extraor- '. . 1 4 1 (1 I: It ENT- A 10 0 , nary lilt - citing t...,s
i or,
dietary strains. fie given but one concert .in ' eim .
si 1 tiro.< ... us) ..t tap. enn. en
Washingtor4: end, to his great credit, he gives ; Loglit'llt E, March ' i.ii. Is 51/..- Drill"! Lt.. ne 55 ate! O 3 4 :3:3
Xll.ll/ to the use of philanthropy instead of his VOR SA LI: OR ON PE El'El I Al. LEASE
1 van v.! fur tuon. hr on , txletu,l leave.... nut 1.11
11. en •nreet rgt !u foot n n 144, I, to Sprung alley. oh
i . : l.' n 14 i . n! ‘ T. 7: e ‘ n ‘ r j ia " rrn ' . ' in j r wl " .Z e litinVe7FLTr ' .7o3.7:Zxj
' f pot, All,. hen. I:gtryet ohl,thert 1. 5, I. s' , 5 .1 ,,, 1,
ON 1 .14....1. , 11,11,1:11, nn 5 . 1 T1T ,1,,, .. 11, 1 1 . 5 . ,1 . , ...
:.ail 1 ,4 . .. 0, the Central 1 :311r...3.1 IX i•u.s3o.! punt annlng
bonn.33-d :0 JA NI ES 0 . 11/ In A .
1 51 4 LET -- rot Nlantoon House with •.it s „„ .
i to /erne ol 1 and at *Outten! to Onlaand ~,..- 4
tall IIARIO"..1133. ES A IN) ...Pen
yr( ) L 1.7U-I' l w Three Story Dwelling Tri7!
11...1,, ,
17 , 11 ,1 r Omen_ et present tosnunned nil',/ , '
e, 0 1,i...h. and eontauung tanxnarlor3../oe.
.n, an 4 11.... en th e Pot nor roeve.O.
, .... onn oen let of .5,1 Innantre ef JtR. I- LOVIn.
Round Chun-In
. rrO LET- -One Two Stor y Brick 116 use, „ a .0.m./ 1 promo. ~ 9 Cent, 0 Tenth, 14.5111 Ti-Z 1;
T 1 .. urn , / Rent !on trxsttre of
/ 3 l JOON IV ATT in Co.
. 11, 1 01: RENT. .The Store, lls 31arket tif.Pi.„
Ore, Oh. 'manned Snor front the corner of Nfarkel gl'3,'
3nAl,toot, onete. Inconnennlen tire,, the Int rf A prn1.33.3
oest. !hunt, yf I,IA Atli 1311E.E11.
. Its Penn t.
14NOlt ItENT, . two very convenient ' ertfi„ .
11 Ns VI.I.ING lIOESKS. run /lint erns, &Noe 5 3
end nese to Pontnneld. .l'orne.v.en tri 3 eneo the flat
• I -thril next.
AY, to Lease finr one yr more rears. vunx lance • ...ant
:ale en awl near the Allegheny Inner. in the Ninth Ward.
Apply In 55 5 1 31 In A ELI NOT. IN.
pnl;ltf ' Foutrth I
3t. near Went
114'01i li EN T: a 'rono :tory Frame 'louse tttif;
I antuddins. with iwo lit, •iiiisw oti 11l ,
11.311nnl SOO. sEornl. antunintna I. Xltynn 3./. 3 .•
• I' er 1.005. an.ply-to holll , oN. t.irti.t. a cu..
; .1.-ti enrol,
rklu I,ET, the Store Bonin No: Ali Mar. zri.,
ket Ore, aduanlng the %ranch and Jewelry ;:lt,l
jot V W. WO.. and .reeetul, ronenninnot 1 , , 31nor• 3/3 33 33
• N Huh.. A N.ll. amp Banking 3..1 /.3ninanne ofSeen.
I Into r00tn . 131,3t.31 In the mneteentral and hem inothrea
mint In theslty. and well adapted
a Banking end Ex
einem:en/Ph, 3.1 [neuron., tittle, or a our, in n u
t..... front. nettli Englols Plate nila33, *lll Is put a+ won
no the another tor...
Penhunent given an
the tint of Fehrtorr• lf ...On.- -
/lulu, of .11 . %A 1T11.3115.
na: , limner of 3 1arket and Fourth 3treetx
ltlizart Hospirst.-54% wish every reader to
remember that the supper for the benefit of the
Mercy Hospital will be given this evening at
Wilkins HalL It is scarcely necessary, at this
time, to allude to the merits of the Institution,
as its popularity is unbounded. Welearn that
the treasury is empty, and unless a substmtial
benefit is realized to night, the effoltp, of the Sin
ters will be paralyzed. Let every friend of hu
manity who feels able to give, be present this
evening at the festival in Wilkins Hall.
WASTZ or WATEIi--We !NMI that the Mayor
is determined to enforce the rigid observance of
the following ordinances L~
BEc. 6. 'nutt if any person ur persons nhal'
occasion any wilfal waste of water, or shall Buffer
it to flow imnecessarily from his, her or their
dwellings oi - premises, he, she. ur they, so of
fending, shall forfeit and pay for every ouch of
fence, the corn of not less than five, and not ex
ceeding fifty dollars.
, 'Ste. 7. That if any person shall open a Fire
'Flog, except in eases of fire. or hy written per
!mit from a member of the Water Committee, or
:from the Superintendentuf the Water Works, he,
she, or they, shall forfeit and paylbe sum of fire
!dollars for each offence.
Sac. 13. And it shall be (hi epeeist, duty of
the city constables diligently to inquire after and
prosecute nil offences against this Ordinance.
Befiire the Honorable Hopewell Hepburn,
President Judge.
In the case of Eli B. Semple vs. the owners
of the steamer Thomas Scott, the jury returned
-a verdict of three hundred dollars for the plain
Wilson Wall vs. Benjamin Wilson—Action of
ejectment for a house and lot in Elizabeth
Woods, and Flaunegin for pliff—Frew, and
Brady for deft.
The entire day was occupied by this trial,
which only went to the jury at the adjournment
of the Court. .
ASSAVT ON A WOXAN.—Francis Fairman was
committed to prison, on Sunday, by the Mayor,
charged with an assault and battery, on oath of
Matilda BurreL
Batmen.: or Orriezas.—The Stockholders of
the St. Clair street Allegheny Bridge, assembled
yesterday in the toll house for the purpose of
electing officers for the ensuing year. The fol
lowing gentlemen were duly elected:
President—John Irwin.
Managers—dame, Anderson, John Snyder, Jo
seph P. Gaszam, Thom. Bakewell, Lewis Hutch
ison, William Holmes, Sylvan. Lathrop, Solo
mon Stoner, Henry Palmer, John Graham.
Treasurer and Clerk—John Honer.
Too lacritss Law.—We unttand that a
large number of petitions, prayin for the total
abolition of the license law in Allegheny county,
, havi.been forwarded to our representatives in .
tha Legislature.
ANOTREIt CUABGE.—His honor, Mayor Flem
ing, yesterday sent up fresh commitments for
Robinson And Sidles committed to prison on
Saturday,• on char ge of burglary. They are
accused, on oath qf Mr. John Parker, with being
concerned in tukihg boots, shoes, and leather,
from his story, ink winter.
Fr:cap.—Four men, laborers on the railroad,
were brought before AldermariMajor, yesterday,
charged with disorderly conduct, committed in
the Sixth Ward. They were fined two dollar's
each, and the costs, which they paid, and were
Crr.—Patrick Duffey, one of the city
watchmen, had his head cut, and woo otherwise
injured in attempting to arrest. a crowd of
drunken rowditti who were disturbing the
peace on Sunday night. Ono of them any at.-
..rested that night, and threp others in the morn
ing, bat they doubtless gate him a plaster for
his broken head as they were all .ditharged on
paying a trifling fine.
Tsrtux Kstrkas Fusko.—His honor, the
Mayor of Allegheny, hod no less than Sfteo.n
tavern keepers before him yesterday, charged, an
oath of varione person, with selling Liquor cm
the Sabbath. They were each fined two dolls' •
and 'tons.
Ten WZATHEIL—The Weatherjrestuday an&
tlui day before, was very. cold, a lure anythlag
but spring. As we write, the Teeple( the houses
as touted with •hpglit spzisiklibg of now.
Fink.-A. fire broke out on Sunday night.' The New York Journal of Commerce sites that • 110 USES, FARMS, &c.
at nlamt half. past eleven o'clock, in a Ninon the ocean <earner. 'Martin liotTmen and Fr•en, - -..._ -_ _
building, occupied as a carpenter's shop, in the , man rolling "w ' l ''''' r"-"-r , "oilt " r itt'burgh for a.'
rft. RE-XT.-Two nouns in the Post ir,.T
Fifth Ward, but it wits fortunately extinguished IzenCieman of New Yoe", are to feint a rciinrar i•5..,..`,Tf- ' -ih: i. • , ..h=b ,, f , 04 ' 4 '. 14 ..••1ii`j,.
before imuch dathage had been done. Tlje fin in line between that city nod Baltimore and Nor- ;
,i .i. :.1 ii,,, , .4iAti. SToliP. on Third 'all -eel. next .t... TI. de
said to have been the work of on incendiary, rup....., th, coal trade-ithiu for th e mir,veytince I 1ai,,,i,.:. ii-it,ia.‘°'iurn'3:,•!iiti,,;l•;gs..=.2-it.
i.. ii. U.I.ZZ-131, 1,1 reNund eveet.
and it WWI doubtless kindled, in order that Um , f • ~,,o , ~,,, an d f ee i g h,„
dameolmight communicate to th e mill. This'is ~_ ' . • The Nl. H. i , noorly i I -b.:: .
ryo LET-The Three Store EG. :•.^..,
the lenond time within the past few weeks that I`" re '''''"•`' I Nii at Sewed dimes. betvien it:doom Dw ane,ait ”"'•
this establishment has been in imminent danger 1 . errv..are-t. LINUir, of .A1:1;..'
The Nievr Orlean, Delta of the 10th instant' fib±„.il It. TtIWN ;END A C•I la :•Saylet •t
.of being burnt.
----..--- has the following notice d o visit paid to Jenny For Sale.
p il
_Stwont,p, Ann esT l-A man named Jackson,; Lind by the Governor of dem/Aunt and the Nlo- ' 11E SUBSCRIBER offers fir sale the 7; - ,1
follow,: r lo
~, • • g a ebb en.earti in oilochenr ilti.aiL` 4 l
Who has spent some months in jail, was neater- I roe of the city of - New Orleans:
day discharged, the term of hi s imprisonment j Yesterday. Oar. Walker and Mayor troirm., I h.,Vriti'",„!%.u-tii‘Zrerta!laTe'f.ri.'.O,i.'nii,T•tin'azobetiTibrwi;'.
Loring exMred. Shortly nfter he got out, he I accompanied by a few friends, by Nle Barnum, • h'il,. , ,
was found by Mr. Sewell, a mernher of the bar, ! \ lr. Bateman, and the two talented children a i „.I, ten;',.,,„,16',-,:;,2:,k0„"..;7,,,,;f.,,;;;;;(1,";,Lr,"„°L'iZZ„`:
in his office, appropriating sindry volumes of i-the latter, paid a visit to Nhidemoiselle Lind, at ! titi .
Ina books with which Mr. ti, did not like to port, her residence in the Pontulbit Rine The party Iso l' r r ''ri'''` l '''''''''''` 000th c '''''""'''''' d " Uld '' ' ''''''''
„r nn fee t
so he very deliberately locked him in, and went for I wan reeeive•l with great cordiality by the fair' t ii:- . .• ~swot I,att bn Bank L.,..• earl) .[.out .41 by *IS ft
au officer. Jackson , however, leaped out a the Swell
e The Governer made n . eery handsome '' ' Ziv7i, ' M 'h e'r . i.A'aZi t .. not with }Tama Itial:”„ we
second story window rind escaped. off-hand speech to
in Prelmh, in hi, usual ~.77, ' ' f r^' ' , ".`.. Ma ,, nri •In T• Ile f.. 1 to lin.trory ell,.
I'm N... 13.1 Marburg'• lOt ‘' WIWI , IlltFl.l,
Sometime afterwards, )I r. Sewell happened to plain and frank style. to which she responded
~ ' ° •
meet him in the Diamond. and at once arrested with it characteristic modesty and gentleness.- 1,, , 012 RENT--A small frame cottage. with
him. Police officer Reed then took possession of ' lie then introduced the little Batmen children. , I
, h , tt,.. .l::.ois , ,n , r ti oer . lax., duillot et,cuand ke..hen In
him, and after enjoying his liberty but for a few 'an fair specimen, of the ti '
na -VI, meets Of
,our , sio se.: :,,T "h. 4 ,1',=:',;-.., ,f,::,,`,,M. ' ni l Met•l l pr 's
brief hours, Jackson ix again in durance vile. country. Mine Lind saluted the little girls with ! ,I.':' ll t i .V I T' ''""'" "" e Mie e'''''''' l'' ' ' ' ''' ' " " 7 "
am . groat warmth, and seemed struck with their in- ! 51 , .. ,Terul aag,,l Trnetneht i OT rent.
telligenee and beauty. She warned then, bow- ' c.„`„ij;;P:0,1•.!,'"01t1"`,:,.'"11,....„' , nor, - • - ' 1 e"'''''. ' ooo '
------' --
•.1 kg . Te.
ever. not to he :el away by the plaudits. of the ~
, JtollN el 110011.00.
- ' -'
t WOrld, to i:utat g e their pride so it ehntlrd get the - '''''''' " It P •""''''''''' . """'"'"' '''' -
' better tit their judgment, bill urged them to pre- . Desiralle Residence for Bale. .
WASIHNOTON, March ii. serve the native titiole , tv end simplicity of their. , THEth
toserilwr, intending. to remove a few
SENNTE.-After therpresentation of sundry pe- characters, as Mere voluble Lima OSI.LI Tactile ' .
•ii eni: hi• now nod,. One', I.N•and linen the ...earn! lank
et in, the ' , Ail,. neer. far -ale the v•iivorte in
titions and reports, the Senate resumed the con-' and genius. • v o•
io 5 Ileoten r CU,. .11. e do. Ilin, a douTlr nue , and bull[
aideration of the River and Harbor Bill. ' In answer to on intilliTS how she was pleased • 0i , , , ; , , , , , i;,! ,, ,,ii , hip , . aril common,. and has been nenntli
The RiVer and Harbor Bill is still under con- , with New orient,. 'Miss Ijnil eased herself !;',•,,,,,,,i'„"c"Zri,e;„4,„•n3-17,.!;',L„frin,!,.f'I?Cr%ndn'tt."12r4.
.sideration, but no amendment Lon pet been delighted with everything: her residence was ri , ;:ii,.r ,, l , N , ........v o otinitm t viti:sccotroble . rr ii ,,t froit
~,T fi c
adopted, though several were °llene], debated, : charming. being" so quiet, nod among a people , aa i ~,,,i,,,,,ii b,„„l' ,11.4,,,„,,,;',',`A`,",;',„'.'„7,..:i The ','e
and rejected. who in many respects reminded her et her home. '• 'n '' ..haven end the w lo'ouvecii.oii
.dr• to
: 6 e1x...1 tn., the Allesio•ny. will loing die tooter.
u oi ,„ b „ -A vne i nts , of petitions ~,,,d reports Her audience, too , were so kind laid cousider‘ltc.
....clop ~.../ ,s,oot.s sods rs. dr, of Ilt• elly.
were presented and appropriately referred. : Altogether. she declared there were. few places "!,",-`, l -...*•,`„N,e•;,O•tervid to ,net. ii,, , , , ,1, 1 '.4 . • Nn 2.4 4, h
I I. Olut n HANiteruN
The House then took lip the l'ost Office.Ap- which would occupy warmer titers in her heart • e -
' 1 01: SA Lll. IJI:nEsT--A vomfortable mei.
propriation bill, as intended by the Senate, Mid and winineeY, rhea New Orleonl. Here Nlv, ts
slat eh itoihor OtuflOO divell.nir hott, and lut r i g:
retuned to concur in the Senile'.amendments. Barnum remarked, that the vales of the tickets „, Ine,lnt me e t io the Eteloh t 1 nnl , or the, ciY.....%.
The bill directing two regiments of Infantry to ' on that day hid showed a ennsideratile adenine ' '.!!!',!,'.;',';;;",! - ,:',.7',.„;','„;'", i j u rn! iin g . ,;','`',4 l ', o , l '''' ch "'"
b e concre t e d lute mount e d Rifl e m en , was taken , on_pri,iviet. rati•- }Las Li nit reinar,keii, ••Ithere ' ' . ' ' ''s. 4;
up, slightly amended and passed. i ..,, 'do the people come front -the site of the city 0 1 . 10 • eerier if Wond and Stath en,
The Patent Office Report was received, and would not seem to justity such audiences!' Ni tI: HEN T - That large dwelling house 4,7,T.4
140,000 copies ordered to be printed. The Governor explained to her the immense ll ' i.ivli i a.m... ovine!. l'i;t• earden. and 'table ;LI
. • . • .etarb.n. the nettle'', of the ion i n J. Tattou ninentn ,
The bill making approptiations for Light reseurce, and population of tliti great Valley of „,,., ,„ ,::,, ,i n .„ p„ ~,, ,„„ ~„„„ ,•,,•,. e ,,,, „,
Houses, was taken up and passed, the Nlissionippi, and rioted tied the hod laid this v•ii•iii•
I,- tern...erlet In I. 11l %POI, T. Gunn: Ilan. or IT C.
The bill from the Senate, relative to liabilities whole country under tribute: and would Julie the • T Tten , tit t•• rt.. Poi Wtake, felllNtAoll
of ship owners, war taken up and passed. whole population of it at her feet. Nli,. Lind '- ' . .•,
Ps - soli. f- -1 WO office., ..0 the lower floor 77',...
The bill from the Senate against the construe. , then refired to the .delight which iilic hmk et pe- ~,., w „,,,,,, „„,, „.,,,.,. ~,.., ~, ~,c , „,,, . , ot.,
Ron of mileage of members, was passed. danced, itnil th e teurn of joy she hail .lied over o sior or, cl tnen I; net ' ' ' ' ' '•ige4
The Senate bill to ascertain and settle the pri- the news of the safety of the Atlantic. Thia ~
.!,":";,.,','2:;!,;%;,77,:: ;..,7, ~ , lA:;:',:r,; g , a- ---.^.1
rate Mad clnims in California. was taken up end,' gallant steamer was endeared to her hy the love( i I •., Owe teen, i•n• •uttalde 1., I ninranee ofteei. A,.
passed. -. Pleasing ~,,,,,- mtion,- - it win die ve.. l wnia !'::'.` .. ,:r.:',';."' '" `"' `"'-` "icTilt:Vq.,J:Tft=z"
The joint resolution, which has already passed - brought lier to this great m , untry, and on that :OLT:O,n s',
the Senate, requesting the President to direct it account, iis well an from a deep 'mere , ' in lie'' Nt, -A LI .1 II I, E ill ILLS FA 10IS..1NDLOTS
National vessel to bring Ko.nuth and his coin- fate of the persons on board, .lit• hod been iiii. ••• tom 5.11.!. , •Tn•. tame Plot. NlOlg mn.l it Saw Mill on
portions to this COUntry, was passed. tensely excited by the rumors Or it, apprehended il , : ii,ecri'veiii sea it. tiecovicim ...v power, ale,
en ~,,,, v ,•.1 terra In Lew reeneentniti vet, ,eel,-
Ineffectual attempts were made to take up loss. . . i -.a 1.., ..f 11 , aer,.. it Oh. elan river. tan DOI,
the Senate bills for the relief of the indigent , , During this interesting interview. May '!;7,tyie-
~, , ', 1 •• •• , 5 1 .fi.,', • • • ~A, - , • • 1'4,4 40 4 , 7. e n , Ji . • , :.
and insane, and to create the o ffi ce of Lieut. Grossman tuvii, n• .ten to present Nliss Lind ~..., ocoo fni sir leo •• • •.m. AI., lar'tie. ei ) M , re a t i,,i et:
General. ' i a hren ,- -s ~f 111 - ' '
. . .—...,. ,„., .—..--
a bronze eapy ~ Jo; Ita..l.:l•,,enteal to Genatial ': "''.' b'r '''''' -""' I C.. '''''''' f" , 'II." '
—,...=• e-- t r 1.:.• t.. r nrrt. tnnrther with man% attn.:A...l Ind-
Taylor. wleclt reveta,al 'wall rreat sntaalne- •....,1,-, nn.l hrt..,.. F.n.,100...f .
• „, lien Atter spending ntmut a halt an hour in a 1• a b LI, FETTERMAN.
, • IV ASIIISIITON, March R. ~,,,,,,,,,, end
„.,,,., ltt..rne, r 0 La..hdlt,al E.t.a. 0,111.0.
dot... am .t Pitt.i.arol.
Mr. Ignatius Mud, Commi..ioner of Public ht, „,,,d, p1 e ,;„,.„1 w i l l, C h in . t r ,”„ „„” ~,,,ii;
Buildings, died this , morniiig.mcrycart I: I: N T h.T— . ,t,re on Market sp. Mt`
Senator Benton, 'who has been very ill for Ik e 7,14 .: -
, ~..., g1,11 1 ,11 lot an ...f .11,1orst X...i...
past few days, is rapidly recovering. k‘e'M CLINTOCIL IA it h 0
_ _ ... . '_.
Wry. L. Jones, printer or tbiA city, n . i. robbed ' LOOK HERE ALT FRIEND! r lin LET—.I Ware h, aim , situated be-fi
of $1,500. which he hurl saved and put away in 11 t0....n Wrarl and Market. and runnlo, tlin.uati ..'
a box. One hundred dollr^. reward ' ' RE YOU A FATHER. lulAiring - for th e Cnan /Ir..t tr. - ~,a pr.... 1 ---..•'- ------ , i., '
• The ricer has falleu about one toot in the last
24 hours,. The weather is pleasant. The market
is gement* dull.
The steamer lonian passed up this morning
Cotton—There is a limited request in the
market, and prices are unsettled.
Flour—The market is without change, with
funher sales for shipment at .5.1.50, which is the
uniform asking plice. The demand is limited.
Grain—Wheat is without sales. Corn contin
ues in limited request at otinid - bic Micah lists
arc dull, with email sales of Pennsylvania at 4dc
,et bushel.
Groceries and Provisions—No material change
to notice. Whiskey is steady at 24c in bt,ils and
2146=c in hhils.
Bulk Mental—Sales :;0,000 pi eves nt -lie for
Shoulders, Ge for Clear Sides, mud tie for 11.11%
All the western riven are open, and the re
eeipts,of provisions at Sew Orleans will he large.
Half a million Ike bulk meat arrived here to
dal , from the Wabash river.
'fhe river ut this point is very high, but fall
freights to New Orleans hare declined to 45c
for flour, We for pork, and B,c for whi-key.
• Nlarch 3.
Cotton—The market is easy, with sales 2800
bales at the recent decline.
Flour—Flour is lower, with Isles of 300 this
at $4,60&4,50 fot common to straight State and
Western brands:- 4 "
brains--Corn is firmer, with sales of 18,000
bus at 656 G6c V-hu for prime Yellow.
Provisions--Pork is drooping with sales of
1300 Obis et $l3 for new Ohio mess. Lard
is dull, but unchanged.
' "
Groceries—)lo ciaier, with finks 200
bbleleans at 31c.
Whiskey is declining.
/ATM coon CENTRAL, ..16:81C11.—The New'
York Tribune learns from Mr. David L. White,
of New York, who arrived on Saturday from
Central America, that on the 20th of January.
when he left the city of Grenada, the engineers
on We Nicaragua route to California had almost
finiehed the sucvey of the rood from Rio Lagos,
on the west shore of the Lake, to the port of
San Juan del Sur, on the Pacific—the distance
of little more than 12 miles, in which the high
est elevation to he overcome was only forty feet.
The distance from San Juan del Nicaragua to
San Juan del Sur is about 1311 miles, being a •
much shorter way from ocean to occan.than that
first proposed via Lake Leon and Realejo. The
steamer Director was doing a - prosperous bug-
.nese on Lake Nicaragua, having corned in Jan
uary $32,000. She runs between the city of
Granada and the rapids of Castillo Viejo, in the
Ban Juan river. a distance of 180 miles. Three .
more iron steamboats were, in a few weeks, to
be added to the line, eo as to form a continuous
steam communication from the Lake to the Al
lantic. Only twelve miles of canal are required
to render the river navigable. It is expected
that when the regular steam lines are fairly in
operation on both sides, in connexion with the'
vessels on the river and lake, the paeauge from
sea to sea will be made In twenty-four hours. ,
The survey of San Juan river was to be com
menced immediately after that of the road to
San Juan did Sur wan completed.
So election of Director of Nicaragua had been
=ode. Although chosen, the Electoral College
had not met, and a choice was regarded as uncer
tain. S.C. Panetta, a citizen of Grenada, and
Senor Bailing°, Secretary of War, were the prom
candidates. ..Quiet prevailed in Nicaragua
and Costaßica, and nothing further of Mr. Chat
field's course in Guatemala and San Salvador
had transpired.
POPULATION or Now JULIIIT.—Ire have re
ceived a printed pamphlet copy of the detailed
census of the State of New Jersey, as communi
cated to the Legislature by the Secretary of
State, by whom they .were complied from the of
ficial reformat the U. S. Marshall's Office, at the
request of the Legislature. As there rimy be
some difference in the addition from the table we
have formerly given, we subjoin the totals: popu
lation of the State in 1840, 372,859; population
of the State in 1850, 490,703; increase in tea
years, 117,844_ —North American.
Robbery by Chloroform.—A wonien wne seized
by two men in Bnld street, Liverpool, Enghunk
who placed a handkerchief filled with chloroform
to-bar face, thus rendering her insensible. She
Vim tba robbed of all her jewelry.
tl ue.n •11,,, 11r.
T HE Sit IC r f tin. •1:1,-..1,,,p1
0.. 1411) , 1 woo:,
take tnto th. O.
• 1,1 rolito..r.ln: rr.atru.-
7 11. 4 1 XTR 1 YOl. - \G If l'sON TE.I Jua
lAtr rtt tartttt. 1,1 fut. rt•.r
t , k Vrtr Il• • 41. t• t,rsati AM; ro,cut. r,A
tl.r ',lt,
1.., ett.l, 111, t•C‘II ',Tatars. (.4
It nit fry *At: I• A fair yru, ntf I tl., rrrna
A ft Cl.Ott. • I/.
t• 11
LOI El: und 62. do.
arryte. Irtr I.
let•lf ft AI. 11. JOHN:II'ON
YI ICKORY I,hlt , for sal,. I,
IA Prat% It it 11. JoIINSTI/S,
HUPS-- .-, 1.1,, for .ale I.r •
...rirli I i 'ft 1 ' 31S S3llll N A yi4;,s-.1..., r,• i v,, k y ~..,, per r.r rAlllAr. Ar. , l for ..nir I,
1.4.1 n A VI 1.)1r1ITN IN 1 CO
16 . . -AL LA 1 014.-211 cake r„ r "i t . b y
Irhlll A r I co,
- Eli: I f r : E A (11 E -
_ -
4..! Ell I I / Prineir, Regalia, and
11..vam, of ell -/ml/..
A co
. _
II ImsT—A clwek tira,i+. Ia
k_, r.. .I /MI. No. M. , . datorl lb.
1.31. /./. A au, ut.h,r. , l
Awalno A) the ~ , tyl/ rut St. I/rn
stnpvvl ra, I; ii 11.1.1,1: a II CKETSON.
I. SI )1 an band and fur
171 1.1d7 NETT. 111011:1i A Co,.
1:L1'11 - URIC A3lllti A T 1 C 1111,
nn lmacl and Err NO. to
N.II.IUKE RAL--10)1,1>lh large 31a.• tnap..coon, PT male hr
o z
RlCE:—ail tr, prime Carotin:l; for sale hy
__ • J. A. 111 7 1C1116.)N A CO.
I.(GLASSES- 40 bbl, Plantation. for %air
..I,YI. by 4617 JAS. A 1111/1:111S., 0l1).
I EAD—Ir.OO Pigs Galena. for sale by
j . J
. 04)17 JAS. A. 1111VIIISON 1 rn,
nil BUSII. DlLlg u .g . 'laii.S ,:,, fi , ir it s t a i e by
4 /AY 114 %,111.. r -inr,
nn Z. DO CORN B s
ROOMS. for ule by
n" .. 0,17 IN01111(AM
ISII-100 ilbh, No. 3 Mackeral:
110S1 N-100 111.1 s N0..1, for ml, by
it (AC: Wil 1I
_„,u blds North Carolina. for sale hr
fcl,l7W I
“ POWDERS-0 c00k,,, a
EATING III:ILIJINGS-- - We arc printr
ull ...I to furuKh and en-et ,tpat t io for Orating lArnc
I.y mtrarn or ho t *Mc, , n i t bay, en-
R e g r,l U. 11. Willis... from 11.- i-act. /uporintrnd Ica cvn
lr oction. IC/111'0. ATK ELY.
iNu ItE. for Yale by J. K Dn A Or
MUT MILL—One Smut Mill, complete,
I - 3 fur rule lon br 1014 It. I/AU-ELL d CO.
L A RD—.:lO barrels and 15 Imam do, for rale
folZ - Liberty ..trect-
A 1 (AL mlrEit,-, „,,,s prime R. Butter,
nn band and fi, ~ • 1 0 br . IL DAL7.EI.I. a Cll.
.1.1.. 1.0.. rt I str....t.
4g 04 'ol'l{l NE A LOES--73 i ns, pure :irtiel . p,
It Y. tq:LnLics.
. 7 _
110TASII--:, casks W.l.; I >uncau's pure Putuall
j_ for sale lo J. ot 11. FLOYD.
1. - 4 ., xc II A Mil.: BAN ksTocN--.1 few
.hoe*.hoe*brr •alt. Apply to BAIRD h IRVIN.
6,1, 111 ~...,.I•t. ..'
51111 A ASH. for by
7 !WM: AM.
.ISII—A our Own
t.n and ,
BENNY:I ft 1.11E1(11y d(
T ,
OBACCO LEAF—I lill.k. fur %ob. by
(AMR W M. 11. ions,fos.
1 1, CERTAIN I.:1'11E Fl )1: ALL PAIN ~,av
~.'" i,.. lottn.l i.. t... , ..L Pn, r Parlig V hlo ,
rgeta Pain
Ki er Mpini n th tm t Wm. thry.t pr0u1.0...... Itrug..6. and
M..rdtamil.. , ol .t . M..inhati 111 It.. In ...t.
1 . 1,1 , 1171, • , 1 1 h
Re W.”. •-b• r Pi• i . ‘ l, I. n.RA I-In and Mernlmuto id tido
ftl• lon* nonluelntnl onth. nut .If ton n don , or V..'
Ina, nu artlnle c,! Frans', ilnheiton kilo% n Pro
egntal.ln Pnly hill,. nod von uould ensure Abe publln that
Inotanno. tar no we I. OM, It by .I.NI t. al
”11.f1e..11 thn pun loon, I,..nntnerarl It to the
Iniai no nu gni,. of ynonat mem :aid Irluerahleed. 'Orn
tooter knono nritelr Itlediciono Innnorun thoonrtrolly
lonyular In oo nloort .1 tom, orlorh pronot thn fact at
BlgD.'t.6r 16 .1.. nod n rr onlet, int . 1 ,14.011.
7A • • ••
Wend ' atr:nt.y K.
• " " "‘"
.ECTIUST I:WATS—AIm 'l' num•hurimun
lurd Refl.., lyto, at C...stobsw. Eh1r.m1,.., at Free,rt I
an d .Jb. '‘' 4 PU"''r". '" jCWl;l4:l ' 4ll74l '
(.013 Caunl lium Pitt...t..,,t0
, . .. .
jeCA I' St:l3 Alt—AU 9 bbi, .rortud . 1111111. :
Imrs. fur ..I. tor 1,1:4111111,01, a INolk.f.11."1,
Ili A11,..11 , .. %Valor at I
LLT—Looms awl Steam Power for
IV Frc.nt
Rare Chance for Capitalists and llianufac
HE undersigned a
being atit fur the oWns
err otters for oda number of ion. lots In the man
F o - Allas.u . llor, Stark eonnty. Ohio, .G.h oat lots. and small
too.. of land a/AIL/tor and sear the town. Mar,lllnn.
Is In: otuoted the Ohio 1..1na1. and the Ohio and Pron.
,1% .aria Itmin cot, now nearly completed.Posaltnt thtnoUb
It,eels real estate atfonta" Perhal, the neet oPtrortunGY
late!) oderacl. to Petrone who may sigh to engage to tutm•
I:factoring or elltrwt out dearrlptloh. The obandanneand
ebeispo , , .0 aft the weans or Wring. the supply Of ant tor
toe , for -0,..m posher, the great onatttltr of wool ht.ught
0 o...meth., rs. .II the fceilltlea for traneyortatlnn of
p, ao ,cetc,l crueler, ell combine (a mare this one of the
torestabllelllng manufactures of Iron.
rl deerripUons whit b Is now afford.
sn tbe putt - ) .
:mprored fano, In the elelully or the Canal and
tract of 375 scree of. excellent
diaper cl land, Bier; bet.eun tho Canal and Galin:nit and
about half a nftn the latter. a lot of about seven
the hal/rout Depot. along ...Ott. whleh
ft.. tract p.c..... ..and tair palm atrests of thgtown. (Jr .
tcl rc nod uterehnuts do well 14 look at this bee the)" P or '" , e , '`''.`"...
The po. stlon of )leaslllen, In the heart of en aarlcultural
kegb.n, not surpavw.l by any In the country,.!. Po erwll
nown that it Is deputed uttnene.aary dome. than refer
alit to Induce all who wish to make ,00d Itreestmouta to
and examine this property. Title Indisputable and
long credit given If dessred. Ifon. Andrew W. Loomis and
!cohost Genoa. . of Plttaburab t Or. Information
inn it. end any es:Noble. he a/Amax/ by ap.
pll ' e t ntl r e.l to Thomas IreCullonwh.Gent Jantear the under
at Mass/Hon. • DWIGHT JARVIS.
It STOCK lAB3I, altuated In Little Beaver Township,
I.ew roe, Camay. Pa., on the waters of Little Bearer . , oan.
tattling about' tAt ;tore.. tulles front the Ohl, owl Peon
s, Prattle Indlroad—the Pittsburgh and Cleveland Maga
Point insaing thrnu.h
it lv well known ea the Marvln Farm, and ha, been oc.
copied all a Shni , Farm for the laat thirty year*. The land
•• onw tret rate oldera and w ell ..lea ve for sheep and
eaule It w Mend be Latle Beaver Creek. and wee.
end neeerdsliing nr.riugen about g',J acre. under fence, the
oratelral pert meadow and {mature, and about MI urea
in ....Ilan& An •pale orchard
choice grafted fruit.
usaLer chvice peach trees near the tango. If ay.
Piled lor •aluable houeeltold and kitchen fur.
tuture, al, not rate cnoklug steer and farming uten.ll.,
plough, U. At_ mu he had villa the farm at
:under... pen ,
Toe huildlnde On the trete are. env Infra hone , . 404.1
1,1111 toll engine high: cellar under tn. whole beuso,
. al. getrtildon wall In the center. The house i. well finish.
and la gond +Lyle, the raotne are eery tem.enientle
alated. three lathe lower story, with three fin• plant:, pet
wal, three larfir Frudf lin eloven: nye mane In the utunvr
.e„ three et whir . ). have grate, Pr met. One (nun,
eOnehnl bunk houe, di by In Pct. two Mork.
b.:hnot , inrve pante', Sad mrch in front 10 feet .de
oar fool, attached to kitehen.= hr It fwet, two
ht.rh. mleulated Pr a work re • or,.r) man swab
pen I; m tehht ton feet Wide (doe frame wood low.. at
tached mothe shoe, hovel, laby di feet. One Irate. spring
P.o.e, near the trick hone, In by lit fent- and ten feet
!ugh, with lower glory 7 feot Igtop and the wail• n f
roor•I ronljetver faillud.ortho eatt water ru MIL on
throogh tht. hwer dory—the upper nava. calculated
611 .carat...hed annexed I, a teanli hen, a rick
,110t.0 hon., nee frame carrlagd bntoe, 14 by PI I. ten
.313, denweth, ben.' Lag
rod, Ingo inicL tin to by 14 feet. one
thd . half oboes.. high. with a ne falling end.. neae how, nee h.... hat hour. neer ver
the brick hen.... h, e
h.ey, one an , l a half vtorlm lag h. with bra,
end garner 4 gredn—waktun .11..1 on ntaCrldr....... large
frame Lank hart., an by 4.. Pet. It feet high. thn..1.0,e
her In I,n vngi. and entranee an ear ettd—vtalden
i„.„ 0 0 ,
oar elahle, attached to tar,* barn... *
gy fret, taelf Pet high, witb stall. for cattle. one (twin . ,
barn. P. by Pl fret, twelve feet high; one reeve , sheer , hmhe.•
1,4 by . .Z4 1... 1 ,, fret high. divided Itlto Plie,V P . ”.•
rack. ln Mr center—upper nun, Crh hN; eye ../ , , ,eet
not ow annexed to the shoes bro.,
”i bi try ah T h s7:4" r iu.. ln d9:%.7=ll° '".
P' ror ter r •pply aohn dull, an the yrentleca. .ha
.BI abovelPe karma. and
n• Ae,liah hull . I,n the C; all rivalry,
4"21,4... barn. k~mumr.
- ..•
TUISLCO . --lTtosms 5 Lu%lE in f . Z;
T. poI'ICILER. No. 41 tooth ....e.mtpl Mrs t. tato,
-It 10,E1t 5 . Bomb, ' estnut, east Ale. , Philadelphia fe1,11,1 ' .
.er And intern:malls
1 , .. ...... . . .J..• b 1014,.....,._
vt IV t. If
1.1•0001... t; -turn co...tes.
le on b ,, ani
-- HAGALEY. IVOODIVAItII & C.,. Wh o l e -
Foil NA SII VILLE.—TIie. they ten- ...
_kJ_ 1 a No. 221 31seket at, 11 .4.0.dp/u.... apt,
~ ~,.,,,, loilT PT. 111er. mutter,
voll leave ter the alsve.d
' A c. 1ef.4.01 : •
~ ~ C o
Qt. I h 1.4 du. et 0. ',Pee. A. M.
kor freight ..r pan..., no board mrh4 I I) , EALD, BUCKNOIf, :C tjo.. Tdd!,....,0
FoR & . . t S vIL I. E.- -The fitm Arr.. ~.. I ~,, . -,, Te'.o i ;itlrt r -rt.'gn: ', l *. rl 4 r 2 bl h ...' th w" '": , `-`,:r'
noootog ateaco•rlik.NEYA.Capt.Wilkinc e :t-1-1. •, -. S.
• • '
wi.l I,,AP tur the above and Int , umbatepory - -"-"s•w^ , I ltlielst ER .d. A.:\ `l.}.LO, GeneralsCmis
this da) Hid P 31. ,
„, • V stun 3lerclutotb Plitladelphla. Mora ndranota
l'ot ' , deal , or P l s , - , s• atl l l . ball! meh l I m e. an consignments of Produce generall'. [jactilsl..=
_____ ._._
ST. LOUIS A: A L'EON'—'ll.o aosPar c. f.,1,1.11 . 1% 1,111,111. C. 1rrt. , 1,.0".
IJ. ChllTENVEN.:teritng,mo,ter. I w. poiNDExTEI, 3: CO., General
.r. 111,,,,, far the ma,' . And all I terenediate I • cmml•don and Forwarding 1 1,ch... - ntsand flour
Furl:.. this ear. the 1 , March. at Vt. M. ' .rs. No..!TEt Market Ittryvt., ittillal.,Phi. .IT , .
1..: freight ..r y .n.,.. , alq.l. An hoard. or to ,
ulOll4 J A 1:11 p 1 . ,: J.. 1 LS. Agerl . _
' - - To Southern and Western Merchants.
von Lousy 1 L LE—'rhe s t ile.. ..
i did steamer NAIII • A roll. Capt W• Leau. :.l• l . Tlis sober rib, reveetfully ins public attention
di le..- forlth,.. 0a,., end ail tntertuediate .
, . .. Ina extensive ',o PerfafnerT.ri-024•A Shaving en...,
rk , t. , ter d., ~ 1.. 0,, r , 1 ., ~` ", e ht ', ....-'''.. •, ' l, ' 2... tn ableh seven Silver. .1 two Gobien AledaJa have.
m Lon N. 10e1,1
I actin the lent me years, Gen awardnl by the Institutes of
FOR ST. LOE IS,--The splendid . . i welli s „' . rl - . n b ,V. , 1 % . ,,,',... 1 „,1,„ h 1 i V4,11 h i1,.. a A,, b `,„, u 47.,.. b :1,3, 1 ',,.%,'
nes .t..anler sT A TESAI A N. J s. emend., , ,
~,,,,.„.,„ „.. ~,
I 1,)I chi U.,.
c..mmander, alll bale tor the al..and toter
n,sital. pben. 4.0 11...111,51My. the. lab wet_ at 10 A. 31. , and Aosta . ..W.) universally ackilowleigosl tobosuperiorto
F..r freight pt pa..eage. apply ..0 board. wet_
1..1 1 .3 ,hisv mg (21,L111 In this country ot F.nropr.
”,.i.3 t; Lo. 1.., 111L - 1 - 1111bill/ER Agt.
. , otte.rnalre ion Swarms.--Br.ritinally Iran/parent. and
. 1 - , 1 011 T. 1,01 I S.--Th , • `q.b . 11.1i.1 ... : g.'"',..1.',:tf..;*. 1). 'lrl.MlTet'Sl:=e;g3fg ~ z ii.f..
i last et..sin., p.lll, 1.1,11... ar,liell. .L. , , , ' , het ing Solo. ' "
ebinmander, mit, len... 1,,r a,... and :me , Amstar:sr 'DMA., Soar's—All:non& Bose, Mille:lours. Bon
-111,11:sre p.m,. -.0 Sstoolay. Marell 1.1. at 4 r.O. ' opet. Pastnehlb, Musk, Potehotaly, Omnibu, Floating.
For repro
I. t , paw., aria, e 0 tenni. meh I 1 Trauerstrent. Ober Oil. WlndAor. and arc Ann. -
, rata.," i. 2. 11..i..L.n.”.—ft/Z, J.,:min, non
e4lolt ST. 1.01 IS.--The fall run- . i tort de Caroline, bersortro, Jenny Und, Motusadlor,Jork-
I!, d " ...T;ll7l:e. ' f.7ire A el .' ‘; ' ‘'e C el:ll i .rl t 'i nte r r-
mediate re, Ihr .I.y. the Itt In.natit..l .1 P. M. I roost 01 Al,' . -11. rlj;. II'e-tu
Tollett... e arvzge
~,,. e „,„,,, , ~,,,,,,,, „,,,,, ~,, ,„,,,,,,, me m D r ne 5 . , ..r ., 12g.,...r. and n great variety of COlognes and Lliere
FoiIIWABASH El VF: E—T h du' . PLlndr_Ardid r o c.. Tll2. liate-scaeulna eas'll.Antpe
~, , , nd, , , , ,,,
~....,,,,, ~,,..,..,.,, , (hi. Ihuelorme. lan Lout
to Otehoe, Compound Ox MAT
t.J.bert.s. 111 lea ,e far the tine uod ell mter. 1 ".' " ..r '"''''. 11. 1. k. tut , to
nod Philo.tmbnid
nine. and Jena; Lod l'omade
up Otate ta.rt, .•n the ,th ,i, , .1 . et Id o'clAck. awe
For (retail: c.r g....d.e....1.0., 'VI/ 41.0ftni .C.. 14.7 , "...y,=... n . , no.—Ea •lIIIIIC Ellin', Lone Tooth
De trill.. Ckinctlne, Tooth Pvt.:band Tooth,
1. 4 1 0 It SAI :c T L 01- I 5..-- TI,
... ,
~, ; PL7.I. r r
1 light drangld Pteaumr P 01,1,5. Small, ;-"" , . ..... 3 1'1' ..- 1 .. ....'‘ t re ''''' ... 9 0.11 ‘.. Am.. ,, . c f , ...
a.rer. trill lease ter the a., and AP Inter ' 1 ;;;;;;^„.41.k,..1;;•;„1 , c, "T. of 1 `‘.... Cr... ~P , : .• L. , '
mritlate p.rto.. Tliorslus the 2:th tort.. ti 10 A. m. ~,,.•,,.„,,,. ~,,,;,..,..,... p . ,,.',.,.„,,,„. , t„, h air p t
Yor tret,ht ar pa•spe 14,11 o 0 I...nid or I" h.. .f, vi., r- dr 1.,,,, , A g u "' N . 1.7,..i. let "r
fe1....'1 0.1 1 SHLTENIU , M , Ln. 4 d'• lieJr Co . eopo•itttP . , Prerlon ". alte7.2ftht ' re a ' grSat , ra'.r ri 'of
tIOR G I.AsGOW. I.lVilltPool. .. 1 ',,,'%1'."'k1.
b.: r.v..a It this . 4, e,ri . t... -
.0 NEI WI:1.1,111 LI.: -The fine steamer -4,- , the euhan - lber hopes to tualtitaln the reputation which
• V111.1.E. Wm. "11,1. 0. martes. will no '. this ertabttehmmt ha• aaq9ll-ed , he dlet.Jog of nothing
4.r. 111 rtattlar pa.-ket iwtw. en U.:. .its and 1VellaellIc: leas- ' but Arst into vtieles, and Will be hams,. to furnish thus,
me . 1 , ,,,,h„ r 0, ,v,.,,. m, n4,-, m . ...tdd......1. and Fridny. at : oho ma te y with to patroniso him. either - veboleftle or retail.
2 ~n 1,1... r, 0. • no m r...niable terms aa mq eatalliFhment in the United
1.., frehAt or seen... apply on leftrd _ 1010 , 0,,,,,.. , , . ~,,,,, BOOTH,
00e,seor t, and former Ihreomr of the Laboratory of
1,,N011 ZA NESVI I, LE —Md. fine . .„„ 111:ti ENE ItUUNELL.
,Il •Patner Ellpßk . ...:s.ros.nuoter. oil) I. aee -...../ 1 • 114 Chesnut it.
Mere and interunNliste one, thuNlerree,u. „ 3lr. Ilosirtl• Perfumery Is for sale by all the principal
i Druggist. In therboutry.
For frelght ~ r pasu.g.., apple an board la2S
lIEGI'LAII WEIEELING AN/ , R . 7-,,.., , NENB 1 . l iiORK
5C7 . ..F1e1l 1..11'K ET--The L.., runntn. L1.. - . - rtter;
emo, IV ri.ISI 1 i.r cro n v.. i . ~,,n.,..r", . .
Liar atktuner k nutria, • ,
et.a.trr. ,Il Iday.ra.. fur, iate
and raa t allaw
an •itta kat. at 10 t
-rar inneht paSeam. an b'at."l
gm ar It tyirular la-tworn lint.litiritb. It'lailinc. ! A. 6.: G. A. ARNOITX.
DruLiwirt. mod•l, harm,: Pitt-bong, oven Honda,
t ingn,,,,t, fi., ti ~11-titl,... runtiainrdp. and itralgri nry and . II iltA PERS & TAI I,ORS, No. 31)3 8r,,at1•,,,-,
•,,,-, Tlninlas, al:an:non pr Ntrulottellio. It'briging. : I„I irner If Duane iitrort. al., th, Inane Houati.
bridlp.,,,,tiatitinit.noti ritlifig, returning. Inas r, Drub, N.. Yo r k ,. rretpialfully int ire tbr attention nf friend, and
tr rit and runti•l, -i.irt Turela oftrtinin. attil : thr initilir to tbrir of Ur- SPRI NH GOODS, of
eri Fr 1.1.,, all. rti,•..,, iinr lib,
nr pa...aue• •DIklY .0 . the' nerre,t pattern.. bidets thee are preporod to make up
t. .r. 1., t, ryii It . It. Wilk:ELl:lt. Agent lih the lain manner and smut faahinnabr 'Yr., at their
i li EGULAR ilTT: , , , BuitGii AND u•nal met:rate priors- Fresh tllnthe, esmainarrea and INig
_., Ing, id latost iropurtationic oleaant It.tht allks fur eg.,
In Plf KYLINI, PACK 1.7 --The iiplendide, dark do. do.: now patt e rns of Perla Embruidoriest Thom
„.. a . i .„..,,, ap.„ o „. i . bit us
.11., iin n ..,.1,. Ili a.- _ ' .It, thn-rekillful artier emote,' In till, or.bllsltanent--
r. . n.,. iNirtlirunt.: her rreultir tr, trip. 1,1,.....t: on. to ent CHATS, one toeut HANTS. /awl tine to rut
.1,1- ii, i and H lirellii, Ira. ini: Pittiburgh at lo o 6., tr A IeTtN.IATS. Fitch department I, enmplr. 112 itarlf.—
.errii tlntiiito. I , lnralay aial Imlay. and rigurtiniu, ARMY and NAVY UNIFORM, to orrirr, with.errie
g ,n..- P i.....1it, rirrt Ttlealay. Thur. , . and eat unlit, . rant , and deens.h. and in the moat all thin eaelt an. k. For Pright i:Cliamagr.ay.ply on laard. or Di . :grangers who sialLthia metnnailie. will find at thiit estate.
1101571,0 Ni. a I Ili , ZER, Agent, I lithment avers thing ni their liPtr. and a most twirler,. fit
alwara iniinrod. -
1) EI;UL A it IV EDNE S DA y . ; l'itE3lll.:Nl WAISTCOATS.—Theo vial:ant
P at'll IT. iiINCINN ITI, Captatti .Initit L -; " ,.'..r..^ ...' , •th. , - , . c. ,,, 0 .N. , b l . ' l ' b.. ..
~ , ,,,no.,Lm Tb .,.
„ r „, , ,, a ,
..„.,,, ~,,,,,,,,,6= , ,,, , a , a ardrd H. drat premium of the .kturnean lrwelluto et
ilte , ant,• tit th.i granter leanr• Nea ton and ntloira. for ‘` sr i r..... . fr i trblinisp.
/in. Ctn.lnn:in and ',Lobar:l ln,. (in. au,l lee, shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
~, ‘,,,,-t., L.,..,,. ~ Maio a thr Nra Eu,. .
an, S. '-, irg fren ,,, c 'l l V.l'''''' •Pt i h' l'" ' . ..1i i ir liil 1 1 S MILLS, Nn. 6 CORTLANDT ST.,
: \lf LTEN II Filtri hit. ~t t 4 " '
' '. ' '. 4 • ( I; p Stair., NEIN YORK. la now iipenlng 01.- or
I)E11I: L A I: PAC li ET Fult ti. largest and 110.2. assortments of ,SPRING AND
,i, .i.i...--I c. I l:'Q! . Mti.ii SHAW ever, before received. Al. LAIL
~E lo!r i ?C l! li.U t +l ..) .R i T t a- 7 ,1 1. . :il? ` l ' e . •: '-'n e, as ;7.'4. "-- '' I EN ‘ i .fr3Lin;‘ la. d d. t i'i d '.°`fL l h l (o K im."ANTl!LlV . titro ''m'' .
go eamen
re yue,day at .1 n'elock ii a. , arid partkultmly adapted to tbo Spring trade.
Fur fernait or Paws. apylt an boartli Ile . 1 Al a sery splendid stork. of PAII.AbOLS AND UM
ytal JOHN FLACK, AZ. , BItELLAS. corodating of fringed and plain Need cotton
Tit Vell! ' if k L " .l.ll; , 7l , llt d .k 'n"— ., :=Y;
1 11%r:re. IV; racially lasi " . our Western hien& to ex-
A roe.,TIKE 8110M r' SV.VbS th . (tlr exhibiting Shawls and
iantillaa • put DP_ can for transportation. febllitf
17. F
LI.VE. to my brother.
the bunny., . at gh ham- C. B. BATCH &CO
hy transacted under thy no Ir Illnchanz d..
! non - in store, and are constantly re
'Bingham!' Traiuiport.ation Line. calling by etrament. the Moat extenatee am/lonatent of
. 41 YURNISIIING GOODS ever before Mend.
s 5 1. embraclngate Wale and rirheat stria of Craaatalabirta,
I.lterea. lidery. !S. den, ender 'Garment.. Lund.
CETWEEN . Ties. Stock.. Olkd Silt.. Dreasina (hymn Handlrerrhief,
PITTSBURG II TIIE EASTERN CITIES. Ll.•.C. ,l •rs•with • y•ii.t.l" of other •r,
rivi lE. CANA I. being now Open. We are rea- iitAhe
clew h".t!'"rPgr.trp*rieeh;."h=WeAlte'l .bleb
na friends are
dy n m..iar and forwent piompll,. Praha. and at. Hoek ' 6•bad3m.
ner.hantere. eut and w.-O.
me d. alma" at low., rates cbsrptyl by rropowildr
Prolttc• and at): berm-elm:land forwarded
yao and welt. without any ebarate for forwanting Or ad.
rahcing frygbh omontodon.oratorade. NETT
...- sitar TO THE TRDE.
11,11. of Ladtng forward, , l. end all directions faithfully R i starta.per d 05.....--11 r dot
attendol to hddreo , or slid} toln
0)- Carol Maaln.
Corr, and Warne eta.. floybet On alnotxtat, per ... eenia. .t . "',-
`11•011AM t la ,) tCR. 1,1 I:mkt:lA
This k the t,et snick a:mann...mei. 11. Bova
4t. a.v Year S and 01 , 0 i• a goad COPYING INKrat:al .111 not corrode. moufd.
JA . precipitate or decoy, and rearoaraes all the nuallnra royaFrei
Neill) Ilea 'tea'. ~rest. Baltimore. e for • mood Writin g Ink. ttltable for the Quill. and cd.
N.. 10 lqtrubly saLtp44l for Matthaei Men.
mob) S.ur y,k The noderesplaed prepared to furl:dab to the train el
- - for export or home. consomPtlom, dhe ‘bm•e'S'r'rr
Opening of the Pennsylvania CanaL • 1:7,1;:li,
riviiF. T I EN Nril 1.V.1N1 A 'A .k L be 0, r'r
ft. .1 ta..l. •... inet.. an.l
\a. au New York
•,ll.l, th•ak l•, geol. fndn
Itoadetyl.l. Pook.oral.. at the wilea Ina rate, Flt:
Innl O•ted.. ro, Du... I,
anon. 1../rino , 3e. 11 100 Iba
I lard. ho....l;teyor, lia!e.. .1 N:ttaltn.l,llto.
.t.ttlf!.. Chtt h.
dVettllpt. routine aM.I I .pee.
en- Ar
Brown .snaa.n 41.. t• . - . e •
01 hotes,, Anl tO. to., t rod , . Mnindleae.
Tim.-- F:it.iir 1 , ‘,. •
11.0.t1 ..14 ..
11 , 10,1[11r aCa •r n
1." r 11;noca.m , Lino-
Lona rC711,-.
a a , —V... an , ~ran•l mak.. rcrltt,le bralav nut
! tht• larg of 11,1,1 Ir,Olta
tr,,n, 1,...,1, In, al vrr, lanw ratc,, Irak...tat
1.. 45;: ii.ry d 01. Call ki 113. in .
Pittsburgh Tme!iportntion Line.
JAMES Oil O.N.JIt A CO. Canal. Dann. laAlabursh -
al rEit. J AMC: , C.,, Der,. Pr eal nn I the, ttreele.
pa I I.Saulti rent . ..ter,. I*a...en Market and (Ahem.
"Tr i1.1nm.,.,
lIAV I NG lolly enutlett.4l our arrange
ji alenl..prepare:l urea ltlr *real.. of the
n.l:rsnYa e t anal., le earl, rnaaht , *ad feral
larreta Plaladelrhaa New 1 ell:, 'Leann. On.
natl. Learinvale. [Azar *pi all the Lard eaof Went. at
raze, n! wall mar. .11., I atel/ and ran. than all, alb
Lino 111 -loppd a, ear ,nn are lull, earraal
I wAhnat an, 41 , 4.. prutpcnon
d real, adarara sa, raker
All eflasnuanattaals add: ..ell la aurnelver ar teroaa•
11,1 AC. l'aeannat. K. nab. leat,llle. And 14. e A
1. 61 - S . 1.,.110 14111 rarra n pretwo
earN II wr t.. n • eonturaint. urhatenal u:th the
I . lalaradatan and fata.aurrl, Trannparlatlno Una oI
Merchants' Transportation Line.
viA AN At • AND E ‘II.TD,D,)
• .err USS11101 , 1)0.
U. A. AIe.ANL LTI" 5i , 1.0..1 Unnip, jON n
C II Alt sl CNtill, Central Plcork. Ilroool otroel. Philo.
uro torrourrol to rorrior horgr amount :womb:tool:,
onol prrrturn Oo ohlp on the nrooning tbr cana, to Phila.
olrholtio. on/ oil tntorruirelotto plorro at lower rota, and in
lo—s Moo Nn in not l'u,ton"",r'sst•
A,. N Thy, troorrowoot nther rf Troieko rn'nid& hy
the i'orial Conaluirooionaoroo 1. , r carrying our hunts (he
',oho Itoolruaolo. .111 orryrot any toosibilltv &ley at
.'olonYtoown. Holiday ylouro tor Col inolooh 1110 sonson.
C ‘1,05 LTY Cih '
Coital Rain.
To Canal Boat- Owners and Transporters.
I,~YE Iv - kb to contract for the transportation
01 10.000 lb. rot 510...hand1, Ar., her day. Ng do,
In the trerlr , ....It tray .loolorgo.o Johnytunny mud Pittoburgh
oluritur the ['Mining Ph, n.
TIM, (nom Johnotourn to Itittolourgh . 4 hour,
lean Pittsburgh m Johnytrurn
‘ 11010 Ert FORSYTH,
frtilnolthr for ARA.litt a (11,
nr ,
180#& , --•
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
ry iNV timarstai. u,T1.110111 ANI , N. VOC.C.
ATKINS A CO.. Proprietom No. 2.7 Warktet. end NI
ComoJerre 11.1,1, Philadelphia.
BELL & um; Err,
Oval Pittahurgh.
JOS. TATI.OII SUN. Agent,. liltmore.
We are prepared . on the opening of the Nonnyleania
Canal, ..ntrart for Frrlghl at as lowram nod one
'tippers aa nand: deepateh and care as
. guaj other la..
All ,walainaoro.l free of charge. fehLtAna
. •
itluccetwors to John .11craden a Co.
Canal Bnain , 'Penn .!reef.
Penna. Rail Road Co.--Central Bail Road.,
li E subscribers having bcon appointed
icia..t h at r gi.hrp n attf. e ti!,:i'::: ° :r7'Ll'Wet+erdVa'-'
ve an, merhandl. or pasture fur shipment Cult on the
opening eS the ennal.
titsda yin this route will be carried thrrugh In ter days
tad all ronnlaned to us will tse forwarded fres of ce , tutuls
lon or elmr,o for sdranosa
- lICTEI CY rll.lOll, MILLLADCLICIA ANC 112211CirrIt.
bry tionds, ileca, Sham Book, Slatlonarr. CutlerT.
tionnry. Fruit, Feathers. Furniture, thlw,
kr- dc. , _ 11,1)0
Leatter,Clover . I.l..x.Tisaoth and y other Grua Sent,.
talr Bar.
Baron. lloof. Pork. Butter. Lard. Lanl 011. l'oh.vvr Leaf.
entree. Tu Bnw. Orain Ln.l toc
Ashen. Marble ,rvugl.) Tar. 11:eb. Roam. German
H..nen. se, 100
.1.12:40 .M , FADEN S COVULE
3IeCORD k -reteived
r. the publie ••13c NI) r.
I HARRISON SEWELL. itturney tit Law,
ow:.. State. Comtraz.tvner
..owirill4.rnert. of Dents, dc. Ofllkt.—Fourth atx,re
u3r4 d*v-T
.V 9 AuitP nu! fn /kW. Aurr.rg4.
rl,l Prat'lr rollectral cat MI pails of
' , 1...., 1;;;u:,6t end aold on otannusal'am. 4.ln7dayri ...7,,,,i - ,:j'a aW . ;i0;,.:77 --
Partner WaAted. 1 3irm•isT a LILIZCIISILI.I I
PEIfP,oN• h n , v i n ,, 1 Seller& Coup Sr•up in is
, a thorou g h -nowluti g m
..k, tl, Nlillturr, humnera. In all I. branca,a and ; j LIRE - CI"
i. lalll die . , " 1 / 4 . 1.1 ' - "t
:::V ' ' ' ' . 7 j. 7,7,7 . 4 " r .r." ' l '' '''.' ' '' ' i!!' '' ' ' ' ' b '''' ' ''''' . I, a. " 1" ` ; =2,':intrm''cri,?,..4 a mull for .•,,,,.:
II N :fao,o, ..11 i.• 7 1 4;.!::- . .1 . ' '',.. "L
.; ~, , ,T:i . 1 1..1. . h . .1,7,:'„1V:r6 m'd ra 7 : ° . l alr: L .g . ‘ ll . ` • 7'h i
jj i. ; ' arf i, C , K ,1 . , ( .Z,, , ...... i.. .".. 1,' ''
,". ''
~t , '' , N ; :' i fr.". , l' , 4 : 1 ' t n:': ''s'y tni';i'l'L.tnllVlz'ra!44lll3=tid'br:ltifrlet
For •>fe ' vv,r ' y ' lv ' : 1 t . a . .: " .: ',. 5 ' ; ' ,. ';,':'''':•',:•, "["' i - —"', ....;'l'7.l,.i . ,:rl",i i .',tirVlih :,!:I,,L.'an.'uf, .14.1131 Z
~,. „ Ir - .l',lr.'"Li 111 i i '4,. Chapin bed found tan e>mpof treat nee to biz fatolty,artu
iIANSEIiTOTC- 7 711 7,;.,:.:1;;
A 1. 1•1:: .1 ~,,00, ~ ~ 0 Ibenk l. . hen nth, ,nu
tallod to atronrielb.f. ' ---
l'reparod and 'Old by It. L. Nlll ritß,
ItOLL - , ISCrrER-1 bhi freel, fo - r ialle 1.1 ' 7 40 , 14 4
babl4 . yulEy. ,y,ryiy B w t , 8 co. Yi f ~.. &p a r &wilds Irmenay la Che two data .4 tr
, Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
I I ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 8. Nassau street,
Idu.rphis Self-Sea l ing Advertising 'Ravel.
_LI rat,..rib.r. .11eiting the yhtronsph'of ell who
.Aheee . thih .teertivemesit. feels not. of Lb. huutatit n
ver3l toch net arbele if byought before the public. the
<ever..., of rear. Lee eetahlWeel thetr enperfority /be.
nnA end he ehutdently TeL re to thie
ny thnoc I.emee men hale ha, ward thee. envelop,
leewel to fill , ranbll, there:, inn nfh.. es prvof of their excel.
ar, It fry r.l th• ryYnr..9 ror tb.,le ropy
Ito Ms pls. , O, seal.
L giss o rson may
ass lus num.. Ini.iiscc.s. and aillms, conspicuusly and
yeuil•osassi. cultimsl or plt aml.a o r-li.. ar
fist n•curiti v n .l train!.
I:v. - elope, cutout le, cpcm.,l without being de..
Nelther W - tit nf.r 'enters. ttre require 4 to seal them.
:th Upon the m:.-arrisse of a I.l.ter. the gond Itunnesit.
reten to the e,n,ler. Ineten.l of loting hulled
tn,411, Vend Lett, t).11,.
. .
tat Tim Earrlopes are furulahetl at altoret the came
pric,rat plain .nee.
1.111 Exult letter mallt.l 1. 4% Inertt raced,. ealy , rll.etnent.
attract LI, atteat-rJrt of all thrttualt whtoq Ilan& ft
ml lltrMlo . .in,t le l4t of prk me for llms. elyrrared
wllta .111 •
Lat.t ho t ram watt of Ervuorm. of
the utual Ste. atilt. O tuff. of Cultd
mute aa prate. addl. r ,
. dr
Pars. Pno, marte a:
N. to 40 O. 00121).
When It be not convement to forward amount of order
per mail or exprean. referen t.o respectable New Work
House will he sufficient: All c rib-r e will meet with prompt
attention. 11 ioldrennel. W3I.
No :MI nedieon street. New York.
Circle, will ie. , attend,' to on..toldly.-if left at the store.
.f Mee.rn. role.ll 3lott. Wall stns or of Nleenre. 11.
Jerollnien A Co st.
11.—Busines. Cards. embossed lo colors. fnun same
•t 2.
par thousand. f01.1.119m
- -
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherous,
dR M EI)IC:VTE C0311'OlTS1), infallible
VT renewing. Inoigorating. and lesutifriegthe hell..
hint the s,urf. dandralf.sod •
all affeetlebs of the
and curing eruptions on the skin, diwases of the glands.
tisuseles and nitegtimentn. and relieving stings. Out.. Levi.
on., sprains. L. With thin prep.-anon "there is no ouch
w.,,-.114 fail." The 111,I,uutual• In America. medical men
of tile hichent eminence. I.rontinent citizens of all profea and ladles who have used It far . yearn In their
nom n...nis and norwries. admit it wit one =cont. that for
impartlnt.,i4vr, Insulin:us. and curl to the hair.
eradicating scurf and dandruff; heeling wounds. enting
eoutueions. ninnies, sting, ge., end nletving dtwase. cif
elin. the glands, nal the an..cte... It has no equal
anion, the multitude of you
vi s e. in the pub
lic. prints. or used In private practise. Inehcapness sewed'
an efficiency, liarry's frlcnplmrone is muivalled. The im•
mace crull .oleo of the article. linen enabled the inventor
to supply it at 'YOU. per ton.
which I. from .50 LA, /00
pee rent les. then the erire of any other preparation for
the bear no vin use. The nienc treatise en the hair
and the skin embracing the valuable direetimar for the mil.
tore and onsertation of nature'. cholorat ornament , in
to which nary inttle I.lelltitmt.d. b. alone worth the money.
The affinity between the.membmoce which constitute the
skin and the hair. which drew. stutenanes from this
triple envelope, Ls very claw. All diseases of the halo ori
ginate In the skin of the brad. If the pares of the wale
tri . t:tt ' eth o ni r IclTZh b e 6 slallln c'u se ' l7:lVl Ir o ed n t: '".
with mamas. and o
dic life to the fibres. the result I.
K. 111.1. dandruff. shedding of the hair. graveness. drynese.
and baratinew.of the ligament., and entire baldness, sante
one ',nay be: Stimulate the skin to healthful satkaa.with
the Trimplierous, and the torpid vessels: remvering their
attivity. will h e the disease. 'nail effectionsof the
skin, and of the sulstrata of muscles and IntsgurnenU, the
pion.. and the street am the same. It Le upon the Ala.
the muscular thee , and the glands. that the Triennium=
tins eporldo article, and all affections., an d' injury of
In it la a roverei sir remedy.
sold In large bottle, pries 25 cent, at the Prineigal or
five. lir Broadway... Now York. and trythe principal march
aunt arid druggists throughout the United States and Can
ada. dee:Ulm
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
IrIIE undersigned Administrators of the
pawn of Thomas Falrman, deceased. offer for ealo the
e real relate of the said Thom. Fatroawa, conalsthap
ta our al !set lot fronting on Ltberty street, stunting bacit
feet a Inch, to a ten feet alloy.
A 1.., tile tavern Maud known 11.1 the Mansion Howe,
fronting ou Liberty Greet al fret d Inches, and on Chem
alley 4 . 2 feet 0 inch,. running Neck 93 fest tows alley, with
n th
feet les s gros and
stable .nnected, fronting on I'ltt m alley
Also. tisrre lou fronting on Cherry allep. each eighteen
reek. trout. and running back fistY feet parallel vats Pluto
41. t,., al of s , Property 711 . 1 , 1 - 1,
t c h tsl i, tg
:pPm . ..kt:r7ll be o " o ' ffered atiocktalL at 2 o'clock. I'. 31.. to
(i.e highest bidders. Apply to
R. FAlR>l'Afi. or
ta..ghltrorg.l 111 Liberty at
11E3 i 1 . 9 G VAL..7 4 1i j2LISLI in st
ca. 122 e.soand. ar.d 1(1 Dint sta. bet;reen Wood atnl
3 hare rcd
0 I. Pntshorgh. . jange
clatothe inds
more of of Winter Moves—an solorttnent bo
i eret
. .
ADIE S: INTEIt IiOSIERY, of various
otoluilina a orir article of Wool and
et the store of
Mirtrlrr Brbrurrrto beef, aesortedent of i nn erwd.. bill. nod Gauen 31elino do.. and Men i nx
and lamb. Wed Drawer.. feb3
PE ACHES--A email tat received
I.r .air by la3l IC3I A. IIeCLLIKI
! IDESIIELTLNGS—IIoasekere, and
Vti t ,„ L'"l , ` h 4l7:t u = m "
,e il ;17.°.t:,.aseZi o r and
"7 te"
in ' w.e. thr re . l/uel•7ltni u tablecloths, talne ' errera, towel-
U Wl
ng ampere and errteh. and gaede generally.
QTAR CA3.:DLES-30 Lis Cincinnati I/;
ajnuranture, OP hand and tufeale by
CURTAIN NTZ,'of differ
rnt nLltl , and M lows , lprin. teed at the el., of
ItOWN FLANNELS. a Domestic Article
Afro. Fail., tlarml. Omen. and Ilaurive
REMOVED 11,1. i o 112 Smth
on the NO1:711
Nyry, °rut , 11,1 ,I,A,L!
• 61.: Llo..r:Al L'rtittptiN)
b ln I. wust . .tructe a . Ltkl
• lin,. - ko.ln, re!,
I's and t. I nate,l •Inn e 11.4
:rnpnted at:4
1."1 51- ALO9L4
!NE I t• , -I
, torn.
. / 1 0:1S. E 110.8111:
florzandiarisi.; and Seed
. 5,01 ',laden, e..shr..*hetl thacaelte•
I the , gclaUeta,
and vicinity. tb, t :her to
he lead.taqurtr,. .•!' the titclen
• L .-I ° ,
•,• ..,151 ia
q , • r r.t ev,l- •nrt. that trot
h pvraum• q.nt,ty and dal or.
rP MII the
thts r.tnark is mrtw,
-able LI, mire cd
a. th.t1 , 411, , , , fzr the RJt
Is enalde,entletnlt , tl , ,tltetyn,
ithout tt.ctr , el,: beve
pre,. tz if rt zr,17:14
r,k .
•rcmp , : 1--, 1.- , 11 sow: 1,
51; wtht , urm.! them Loy
11t7 , 7\
•rJ of
I.e le.
of 1.
flu I rn
I) C. TU'rTLF., Attornej at lar.. ;
'olomi-tioner fer Pcno•3 1. mi. I. Isuis. Mu.
eT.c.. strt.royt:y An,•,,,,.. ....:.,./:.
I. lUNKIN, Att...,rni.7 and Collz
t Low, Ind C.....m.;eter 1, 111 N. 1.... o
; f4 - ,,:=1,r1 - 1,,'.;' , °',:-:',..',," , , r.i1i2m,,, n *
• odic', . M. C 1.... ~ La I ' . ruhr, Curator..
lord.leo. augl4-17
Lly" 1: !" EI: , 110 I' OS.
; ico n .01 -0•4.1 ma, itti4t.liitt
t . it4 tn - iitt it r.svrJr
IttF n
• .
At:text...Wet o mr•rrrtrar-•-I,...nvenit•nert-.411a
Bon, la arrow.' tf.t• rtnrr.., . . rt... numerous turf r.u•
nartrta trltrrh lurrert ••••ri tru, tr•trrprt , parrly iu
trrlrrtrlketttent, ihtt••••• tt t•r . elver-to ha- levat
ttrarrerl to remit, ant apartment r • furniture aa- tfrtrle ert.r....el• r.t.rer. rt•gatellre ,
rrr•f•trteart eerfain portion. rre tt. dor Dna mg.
neut...., trill be found to Ire of ito. trrert Urnittllttl manular
turp. Itso ror•nur ore M] , ..i.111.. :•?1,1 the boor. tier
tneoi. Mill he -.1 atranartl rr• ud,:lse cr.u.r.tururn uf the
• nrlp and law.
Evvy departm~•ut will 1.. 311 1a1 ,, 1=P1,0141.
LLBrwAnner. and Ph. prwurwtp. Thu
Auieneut if: , Travel:. r'.
it. Mal rrmalybr Omsuingoon ,/ Ikr Lw.. ,
Zirtr. Asthma. Brw.clari, Puix. .a lik: nr.syf
Vs Eireval or Longs. aryl
Polv.n.ary Uraai,r.
NN r i: . J ur, o
o n f o , t b l e r
, i2 , 1.....12( . : , t . 1 .C ,,. :ri ., t n 11 .0 : 1 1 ., ..:
i 1 , y: . :, ,,, a....i
relic t:to mite no Insertion an to ti 1, iirtun of this midi
eine. and to hold oo hope to sutivring humanity. obi , /
fact. will not warrant. '
The Moss of loolsnit. and JIM Pine and Wild Ch...T. are
tustly celebrated for the cure of ail iii,tuirii of the Lon,
nod IsNer. which are sn fscrfuilY Pres alert in all Northern
, latitudes., From a comhinstlen 01 sherries! extract. Pro
cured from this Hine nod tbs.., l'ism.e., In, Ictsma's Pot.
btu or Wow entrai Is cIiLM) f0rm...1.
=q-Wlstais Balsam of Wilt' t br-ry , a tins hies
ai it.
vtmat, msmiswird cotirc:y of ll'Uil floors,} Hart ost fi:.
genuine loe!aud 3lces.ithe Mow: iint.orted expriwaly tartish.
P.R.'5...) the ran...sliced sin:, of di .-hi are also cm,
; biped by a new chemical incres, cSth the extract of Tor—
, thus modering the whole clamour:l Ohs inc.! mrtain sod '
ellilosa-lous remedy Corr difititircrt-i1.... :hit
• coNsrtiiiTtio, OF TH.!: ;... - Nc, .i .
112:111311TA1tY CON.1:11:TION I iircf 1 ,, 'Witt:tr ., 11.1-
wof Wild fio•rry.--'h h. t..i...nins. is/se iif Joretztiall to.
orliC. of e 4 .13h1191601, I Cr, of ~rivii.r. cud ,i , tar• hi..
ring 41.4 of ConAtimptivit.i to trill , •ottiti.tr7rtilt
rizeitAtit Have, /I•.itcla it,..ttert....7. - :...
J. I , Vine—Drat fir. I take the lilwrir of .hlessins - - .4
of the laniett I have& rind I'mo,, tic,. us of In.
631 km of Wild liscreT. I ca. pr,itrat..e. f,.- thin ti,iiii,
'scourge, I:amasser - low in sta. lad.s atM-:.the,
war ...1.11, -
'h. - Miring to rm. Mr lisc of .-or,. W., I.rnthe,
sitters) had tilci 44 1. ,, ,,unt.,:i.,.. I 'us, siSMit,.l' .:h
nearly all the worst ,Matures..: tine sin.lopw. i hula din.. se.
log couch. and hapectorr.lnd it ,tiiiitt .1, 1 ,1 ...1 Liii,t: 1.. , ...
iiiTitt. Pyre. Intr. In timzlili..t.ii-1 ii:e.):—......t1 riiiil, it' t't
eating with thisitgri of hnit. •
I not tinder tho cl.ns ol a c;:;:r...: ..,,,...... r., - . - t. ,1,
time Inn tat,,, riot unnl 1LL,..1, . s ~ ..,..L. mcie, I
then about, helpless. aml mc rr:ends
• hopeless. or at Scut kzeontil or mh,ii
_the tan of Wlstar'S Raman of %C IA Ch
:know 'oda, mr father ;rennin,' ,t nod
tiering It to ow, and limn th- tit! •lit,
001 tii llti impror
ed. andln
2;11),T I (r :rid astor it. I wai ahh.
see-my bcdoess. ten :atnr. wls_hi .
bane Mkcia four hottics of the n,...1h:
myself perfectly 0.11. I .liii,
tO tii in
i to
i t
4411%1 'kilt ailri...l
ITry. Ti .. thoot in:
cnim.a-ci .I.ic-
I emmencrd tc...-
1 c wvea trza tim
atd OT,
crucrone ado. 1
1 r. c , ll:css. rc.v.irr
!Lill 1,41:10‘.:.
with fevcrol charaet..r.
.I.l..iltatrd gate. when.
lien with a %IV!, 2111,
t.rut as to give me thr
tire. I labargtl clad, a rrver...nug'..—
dcal. and vas troublrd :
al. 1'm112110.1, - ruing 1d , ...) C,.. 1.1
thll'atate, gradually
.lanuary. 1557. wbrn I was can dgmalred at my Ur , . ard r
could sun Ive but a ' , bort lg., 71,.
ly ray fe., svn,.
UuJrrth,.m rtretungam-, a ma
a living skelet.m. I
ea rit,...ribfg
'a.. or 1, Ch,r) au -I
mew1...1.1A,- it. 1 r;n dm,
l its um. fix ran:JUL...a er
gg.,•l goof Inalth
emend. the tn all
'lir Pang, and would re)'
r. I II
n.,!, !
thc ttl
w it:l frsir.
• ...-t!o.t. ti,iir E.B.
w.. celt,
,Is I *
tin, a. ,
• ati ,e•
rE4nAert 4
it+ it•e,
to /.1 discouraged If too A.r throe
• ore: but pertovere., I too,. LUtll... a
lon uhte moos uut ton.
health WI I bare boom No.peotrully
11 1 31. •
I bii• ci& doubt
with scuevird
of 121-
, ,rt.rm6)
,vita 11tetly.
Me,rs. SUtzford
Son ovoKt
tor by the u.o of Wigtar . , lloiforo
' In the year le-tO. I wan taken whl,
towel., which I latfurnt under f..r sis
atally raroreetal. le the fall ..1 101 l I
severe cold. which Feat...ll,lf ohmn hl
spec,. of three tsars I .1111n..1 to
Lands of medic:ale. and eaer,
ht and thus I wearied along unh: :
when I beard of Dr. tVistar*s Dal..ato •
friethla penurated toe to sire rt ttem.l.
up all bore. of rheasery. aud fast i•ret
charge of another world. Thavneh the
laguord to make mac nt the gram:,
1114.1 Cherry. The effect wa troli
tithe years of afßietiou and aultenna
spent four or Dot buotred dollars to z
beet nod mast easpectsble rbyshiahs
log. I leas restored to enure P. alt
thsland th row of Dr. Wtstor's Babe.
May the blesihag of (lot rest upon '
ralusble a turgid. as Wistar's Lalsan
Pours regyeet
natlamatioe of 111,
• n
1,,•,-. and (no ti.
1 , -1. 1 C - i+.l
' a lt iid Ch,ry.
hoooll I 11.11 glYelf
lOwar's Lfamos
o purp.e, iimt the
en hroveal
Cat. cf
lof 1 , 111 ebnlT.
be ,m , prietiss of to
I of Htia Ckli•rry.
x. L. gam.
rd x Ptak:)Youilb
lzeral Aden; for yr
tiddrittt , td.
a., a. 1.. 4drc6. L.
vie. Unitattota.t.. 11.
tar. ildtl.ddyratt.,:
'hittasata tt;
Fold by J. D. P.Uta, (ruoceraor to alto
nod 'Walnut ntmetn. Cludonati.Oblo. C
&bib and We at to vr born all ordetr
J. lUdd .t Co.. D. A. l'alubttook t,
I/11Mo, jr- Pitt+bona" A. b I
L. T. Darrell. Wasbloctroo L 11. CO
Wsltr.Greartabbritt S. liouniad,obtOr.
Bedford:amt.& bon. Iluc ti trod., Mra
MlLlebrand Indium J. E. V
Evart* t. Co, Brookville: A. IVAron
Mc/bra/ad t Co. N. Callender, Me '
Erie: Grab.= t Forlity, Morcott Jam
Baal, Best er.U. 0. Suadoerto
S. Jotter, CoodersPrt: I'. Crooke, Jr.,
Kelly a Cr, Bate
Wiirren: / C.
• Closing out the. En
vi on. In prle,. The motto:id.:
the halat...z. of Ida !Flock of that
t he In of Apttl.aelt, would trey. f Ala old cuttomers and rho pal:.
Loot oods at C RTs Cwr rent.
wi.vhbta er.rarr .1t
ould be a gotal opportund, , ho •i
anew of the stork VT Ilhoral
'Whlett'beldo. oerupied for ...or H
• at family trade. •
iao.lo N.. Sink 5i,,.; if
furthPr rechl,
pry cr.rvir
r.. 11 r..
!to r- ;-:
1.,, ,,, (911 - stet-
.NIL aexr.
QEEDS-L4O tails Clover *A..
i BURCIIYI ELI? t, r... 1
na Blanket., of all the dt, yi.:
ralr'of ~xtra and qua.!..tty. ail of
at reattgal prim,
;. ~,-
9NDON 'IAPF:iiS-31111i31
.1 . 4Dtil-1 cry
• V —rnr.l. nr 1.617
TING p:uin
W lIITE FISIf-92 1 7 ;11147:
blAb ityrh
, r `
& feblo
- Ah l for hale by
,( 1 0PI'EttAS— . -10 bbl, 6.; ea
L r,,,, C m ORK g;u:7F:.
OUSE DE LAlNES—Print . ed and :
I 111 T E 110,%1E-31 ADE k'LANNEL__ .
iv MURPHY 411UL4'/1f1i.41 ,
tact of abrow so low mot+. tur)srtl, Su EaroaL .
am band mrlo• •ft.h. .04.1
for val.. b 2,.