The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 03, 1851, Image 4

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it t46u tia...vt crushed a flower,
The root may not he blighted,
If thmi bast quenched a lamp, •
Once more it may be lighted;
Bat Ant thy heart, or on thy late,
The string which then bast broken
Shalltiever in sweet sound again
dire to thy touch a token.
If thou host loosed.a. bird, 'I
WhOSE voice of song could cheer thee,
Still, still, he mny be won
From the sties to warble near thee.
But if upon our troubled tea,
Thou hunt thrown a gem unheeded.
Rope not that. the wind or wave shall being
The treasure Lack when. neided :
IC then Last braised ft Vine,
The summer's breath is it ealing,
Antt its clustei yet may grow
— Thro' the leaves their gloom les eating:
thou lest a cup u'erthrown,
- \Sith•a Might draught never
".•...oMlt.the earth give hack" tied luvis.heit u-eulth
To cool thy parched rip's fever
- The heart ;alike that cup,
waste the lure it 1,61.1% thee, •
"rialto that jewel gone, •
• Whieh the deep will not restore liar:
.And like that string of harp or lute
Whence the sweet gonrsl is sentterrl---
, Gently, oh gently touch the chords,
ec. soon !braver ehattemil
Brace and the Camel-Stealer.
The day broke; no Arabs appeared; all
was Rill. The danger which oceerred to
our-minds then was, lest, if they Were few,
by tarrying weshould lea •thimi to
send nil messengers to - bring assist: nee. I
then took: Ismael and. two Barbarins along
with Me, to see who these neighbors of ours
could be.. - - Vo - cooe trated in tlie..,fand the
footsteps of the man Who had beef' at our
camels`; and following. them behind the
point of w - rock, which seemed isnleulateil
for _concealing; thieves, welsaw two ragged
old dirty tents pitched with grass „ands.
• Tlt
he twoarberins entered one of them,
and foundn-naked' woman there. Ismael 1
and Iran into the largest, where . tare sew a
Man noir woman, perfectly
eniaciated'figures, not like the inhabit
ants:a. this wtrld. The man was partly
• sittia&ort his hams; a child, seemingly of
the age to suck, was ou a rag at thl, corner;
end 'the woman' lobked as if she Wished to
hide herself. I sprung forward neon the
min and, taking him by. the haw' of the
head, pulled Lim upon his' Lack ou the
- . lloeri.setting my foot upon his breast, and
pointing my knife: to Lis throat, 11. said to
• him-sternly, "If you moan to pray, pray
•4itiakly,' for you have but this moment to
live." The. fellow was- so frightened, he
scarce, could beg us to spare his 'life; but
the' woman ran to the corner of the tent,
where was an old lance with which, I doubt
noti-she Would have distinguished herself,
• but it happened to'-he entangled with the
cleHi of • the tent, and Ismael, telled her to
the • ground with the butt-end of, his blurt
' derhuss, and wrested the lance -from her.
A violent boil was set up by tire remaining
woman, like the cries of those in torment.
"Tie 4 thean,".said I,"lsmael ; keep them
naparate, and carry thew to the baggage
till I settle accounts with this camel-stealer,
and then you shall strike their three beads
• off, where they intended to leave us misera
bly to perish with leinger; but keep them
separate., While the •BarbatinS were ty
ing the veman, the one that was nurse of
• the child turned to her husband; and said
in n most Mournful, despairing tone of
veite;, tfDid not_ tell yeu,..yen
never thrive if you_ hurt that goon-man?
Bid' not I tell you this would happen for
Murdering the Aga?"
'All my people, declared, with one general
voice;that no time Was to be lost, but that
they should all be-put to deatleas soon as
the camels' were loaded before we set out on
our journey;_ and indeed, ut first view of
, tliething, self-preservation;, the first. law of
• nature, seemed strongly to require it. Magi
\ lamael was so determined on the execution
that lid already seeking a knife sharper
than his own. "We will stay, Magi Imna
teid I, "till we see if this thief is a
liar also. If be prevaricatee in the answers
he gives to my questions, you shall then
eat his head off." * _
-"You see," said - I, plating the man upon
his Item; "your time lit short; tho sword
• is now drawn which is to make an cud of
• you. Take time; answer 'distinctly and
(deliberately, for the first trip Or lie that
you make., is the last weld that you shall
utter in this world. Your Wife shall have
her fair armee likewise, Mel your child;
end . you shall all go together unless you
tell TUC the naked truth.", Here, lame! )
stand by him, and take my :mord ; it is,
believe, the sharpeit in the Company."
."Now, I ask you, at your peril, who was
the good mane your wife-reproached you
with having • murderol?" lie answered
trembling, and iedistinctly, through fear,
'"lt was a • black, an Aga:, from Chendi."
"Mehemet Towash?" says "The
same Says the Bisliarecn. He then re
- latedthe particulars of hisllleath. Where
is the Bishareen 7" contineed I; "where is
• Abell Bertran? how soon trill a light camel
Mad- messenger arrive where . be now is ?"
"In lets than two days; perhaps," says he,
"in a day and a half, if he is very diligent,
and the camel good." * •••• What did
you intend last night to do with my cam
els?" "I intended to have carried them,
with the woman and child, 'to join the party
at the Nile." "What mast have become
of us in that case? We iciest have died."
"Why, certainly," said he, "yon must
bare died; you could not live; yen could
- .miiaanywhere else." ":`ow, attend and
~ :naderstand.stne distinctly,' for upon these
• two 'questions hangs your life. ' De you
:know of any party of Bishareen who are
'Boon to pass here, or any wells to the north,
'rind in what number? and` have you sent
any intelligence since last night you UM ns
here?" He answered with more readiness
than 'usual, "We have sent nobody any
where; our camels are Jame ; we were to
follow as soon as they would be able to tra
vel, to join those at the Nile. • The parties
of the • Bishareen are always pawing here,
sometimes more, sometimes less; they will
not come till they hear from the Nile whe
ther the: grass is grown. * The wells to
the north , belong to the Aletbde. When
they pass by them with cattle, they are al- I
war I n great numbers, auditSheikh along I A Linen and House Furnishing Goods.
A. MASON 8; CO., No. 62 and '64
with t tb6lfl; 1;11t, these wells are now A . l'h"4
rean4 they have not water for any number, th" e l l.x.:i7r. s re . re the
and they must therefore all pass this way."
I, et up =a called on Ismael. T p?„,„:" 4 44 . 1,14:ec -b rl.ll , 'Xit
felknrrtliought he was to die. Life is P°Qr "'"' `""*'" -I • l °"c"'''''''.i 4 •
. sweet, Floor nod 14x6emllazilsak.
even to the most miserable, lie was still L .'"'
Allendale. EbetUogr. te-4 Itmton
urn his knees, holding Lis hands clasped \ , UmUuen I ,, , k ,
around the lxtek of his neck, and already, I -
' .. fitlppOpe, thought he felt the edge of Isma
el's knifej He swore that every wont he
, • had spoken was truth; and if his"uife was
..•brought she could not tell another story.
/..• Icleft him and went to .his wife, who,
•' when"she Saw Magi _lsmael with a drawn
VW* in his band, thought that all was
lace husband; and fell into a vie
, lint,fit of despair, crying out " thia,all the
men *ere' liars and murderers, but that she
would hain told the truth if I had asked
her first.: "Then go, Magi Ismael," said
"tell them not to put him to death till I
- Awe ? end now Yell have yeerxhance. ' *
then pnt .the question to:her that I had
done, to her huslrankand had prtuisely the
=me: rum tern; butr seeing sine rise to go
away, she-burst out into a flood of tears,
and tore her hair iu the most violent excess
of passion, shrieking eat to h ave. mercy up
:•.tat her, mad pressing the child to her breast
as if to take le* of il, then laying it down
before me in great agony and-bitterness of
tout, she agrun•shnekedUtit, jf you are
a Plitt, make it aelwee,'bUtde raitklil my
eldld,—and spare Inibusband." .
Though I understood4itialole
- '::?sot 4111 that day , knoliit*a*ach *miry
• •
- .
or that it contained expressions at once so'
7:rtß B y
i l E tu t u l utt E l l ix .,s ts o k t. 1. 1 :2:11 , 11 , A it
foreible.tmd so 'simple. I found myself so ..=-==,-----,-,---------; • --------- ---
much moved, land my tears came so fast, , Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company pln toroi l.
of I T ,t ri l .l -5,,, 0 loth Ns C. Tar for sale by
that it was in vain to endeavor to carry on I, TIIE follotT:nflicismi b?!
:t farce under suck' tragical appearances. I (t-mtC.Witlroo`el th:. Directors . .t 'Che itrcoil vAr lo z et v tg. , B LACK perior avast,. for boys' wear. to he 11,1 t 1.1 , •
" Woman, " saki I; "I am not a Turk, nor .. ru . '" T`,%,, room, Chariot A. Colton, 3110 0 .11Y t 1tU1iC141111.,.. ' , "'"
ado I make slaves or kill children. It is 1 j','„reti.',4,7,'„.ll, wad flrelorkan. ''''' ;
Wm- PUMP.. N. F- mr. Fourth and )10ket sto
IF 1 ,, 5 , ` , 1; . .. c. 1 . 1 ti A , U ., Z , E ,,,,, F ,,,,, L , A ,,,, N . N ... 1 . ,, , ,ni :L1 4 - ,.„,., :t. , 11 ,, ri ,v e ... , 11,L , , ,
It sus 1
~ ,t „ ,,,",,,,,a n t ,a!` . ,, 3 ho"r A s'fflrentt, th ' rr is. held at the oil-, or
your AraDx that force trio to this;
1 you that attacked etc last night ; it was you ; e A. Colton, on,the 2:14,..1.1; • . Saxoy, I Weird.. and 111.111• Ilk do: Kil.o, Witi• i Ifni..
I, that murdered Idahomet Towash, one •of il:.‘l7.Nilnil..7.‘ll=l.=l"u ~ fur Ehrou.llnE ' Jul,
Cat.. A. I.k/l.tow. Secretor)... QUI'Elt FRENCH ISLACKiCLOTIIS
! youc own religion, and busied in his duty, Joart.ll H. lat. Mt. Treasnrer. 1. JNlorphy * Iturchtle.kl bestow ....I...eini att ea uo, 00 ,
S.W. DE ,l ottat. M. D. EamnininE Physician. above &Tat - Uncut of the business, evil ',twat. t ' .-•,,,. '
, 1 am . stranger seekin. my own safety , **
o The stork maw-nation Rooks of the Comps., will la• wontin. cloth' , of any dram -1 04n. , .rlVe them n e a 111,,,7 ' ,.
I There was a considerab le majority for e ts ,, cft.r4r ood t.stv ,,, , cts•a ,,,,,
wt,htt,ntilttssss...wilrim,,.....sitius,b.....* 0 1 5r . ,7 .. .t5c. , , .
clearing thc woman and child, and not one lure, .o orporturdcy to do sx aILIII I LfiL, Da. I,,LVNE'S CELECRATErt.
ur order of the . Board: • ' ant a . m. f , ,r rale 1, J. ElPh A CO 3
but who willingly decreed the death of the s.t,..set. C. A COLTON. secretary. ' .1. 1,, , . ; I
IVEIt PILLS. Ibit 3/t.L. , ,NE',. . I.I.A.DR.ATED
! man. * * * *.* '''Since you arc differing state mutual Fire
insurance Company. l 1
!in your opinions and there is no time to i , , ! A:MI Kmat. Inr aala 1., tale ' n tint A 0 . 11 .
I• lose," said 1, " allow rue to give /Hine. It i t'n AN CII OFFICE-N -- o. 4-1 SMITIITIELP STREET, Il' I A l. t 'OIIK S-150 1 grt.....- hu -i• I -
r ' 1•14
•. J. lillll 2 l CO
has appeared to me that oftel since we be..., rriliE b eet evidence ~,f . the
of the I ~, ~,, -.
journey we have' been preserved ' A Director , . in emtrasoring to make the STATE MI Tr- ! iii ) . •-•-fir. -2 ea.'''. tine, and i I'M° extra
FIRE INIR:12 I VI , 1'031141'1" meet the want, of i oarse. for ..dr hy 11a J KIDD*.
i.oyf - o f - ta • o f God's protection the r rommunity, t; Ina 6, 00 0f 0 )",., 0 R , O „. 00 ,,:,, .
IHI 0 111 S OCCa , • which Imo b... 11 door, bast. laeuml mei% 111110 ° Polli , to j F l ' St -0 / SA LTS---15 1 dalst.d sale!, ,
; whCn we should have loot our lives if we s little more than eight month.c an.l
r'er .4.0. 1 . 0 . 4 int , J li.ll, 1 (11
eapital to the Company. The Dirortar , are pm' to no), ' , a . , ~ _. ~ ,•.
II • ' gone by the rules of our own jud,gment. I that nearly all the property Inaprsal is of the ...r.t kind , , is t, , 1 ,t ir. 0-.1` . 14l V I ntrrel. ran, f'l o t.. 1
s W s are it is true, of different religious, but I - 7,!! ! ! ri '!" 1., . Il ` r g' Pr . ' l •'' rth ''' I'l . ` . "' d ''''" .l, ".. ' 0 .. .e." , ' ,. ` 1111 P ,1,11 t e Flom , ''.,, hrl. 110.. b., z,O ' lO t. 71"..
1 ~, worsh i p t h e 1 Appe, 1 lirl E., rant ..1 red and I, rale I, .' '
I Wt. - • .6.0 '' ,nil .1011% MATT a (xi
i p -M case should be a trial, whether we I Amouht of property insured, - 55,139,496. 00 ; It Alt ItY'S Tit ICOPI I Eltot ti r..,,.,.1,. toy ii
I t t really in God's 'protection, or whether i d". g.arauter premiums , 1' , 1,9t 19 . 79 o lV;t2,,svPoct&l.ir4s;.;,,,odio-,,, ~...a, ..,-so r.., e.t.a-no'
% 0
we believe our safety owing to our own I Il i " - ''"' ll l'""""'"' -- -
Ifu , ight and courage. If the tuan's life be .. 0 d 0 , 0 . ,. t u „ , ,, ,r , t , intee stock, -.- .1 1 t 4 4 .1 : 11 9 ( 1 4 1 1 ...1:13 1 , I ,
iv -turps, A5ik,..1:,1,,NC.1!it:ir,i,,,!),1„,..,.t.ti,t),.1,,;;!.,,1,-.i.1-::„.''‘tit.
rib v taken away, tO-1:110ITOW ATC may meet ': T., h• 4,0m-1,1 in.. 0 - ,e7a1., ,, , 1.a1n0 , . We 'meal...dal a*ttn:g..:.':,;tr.l.:,.':::::.*-.7:,..,'....',T...r.;„=;;,...,,,., ~,,,,,:;:-::
tit Bisharep, anti then we shall all reflect '''"1Tti1';'.'',1.,17,:,'"4",,,,,,hant., and torm>ra or on s tuoss. , Ilk rOOI.- , Cosl , paid for ll'o. 4 h r
u n the folly of our precaution. Forsoot sdt cs ‘ cool OrnholT 1' tells. , 01 " to I T mit, 111 lIPIIT a Cr.r.. fr , ,
. , ley ~,, aff o rde o ,lrantat, lo point oi ' e ' heat.tu. , .. , -ststr• to _ . .1,0, '.l
; 0 t part, my constant creed is, that lam I nt 6 ,, , ,,T.,.ar , • , ,t• no IN,,,r.”,:‘,de•A.P•rg• th,,•7,,a1V lIROWN FL. \NN ELS- One ...en. its., - t
-in God's hands, whether in the house or in •0 , chns.tint,t+ll7t".-'tt7lL.'....:ll,l.7ll.4'''''ll;:=""'"'''l".t':" " 1 ....1. " n ' m '"'""ft"'" ` "‘'. :"
t 7l *"'" '''
th • desert ; and not in tloreof
n my
laWiess ' e1."1.1%.74.1).•'fr","'1ziu-'7lt.'y't;od'"l,.ie"n'r"r...Yr:r.:.'"l!rlairlrei"..nthresor"lfd . 11 1 " KI, FLAN ts EL c),,,, ~„.,, ,,, , , ::; :: , . .,.' , :l i t' , :: : , ,:i iti :: : : : , .., : a
n iler. * * * * * If ever we meet these ' ..13:;1k1.t..`„11,1,"..-11";;X,,`.1..'1i.'111,1•,11',.`,'A,";'.1"-'• It
~,,,,,,,, I Cr , nli. 0.3 0015
A bs, if the ground is such as hitS been h'll'o.7..:TVlonlo,`,,,et;',Pet'ortlo`iit'ttlo."ll i',',;?..q,,';'?.111,„ I LILA NK E'lr'S--5ii;01.. , ,r,, , 1 d..,11.10 1..,1
n cut all the wells we have come to, I will ~„,,,, , th ,, ri ,.,., rout c. 0 . 0 "„, R o b, , 0
,I r ,„ .
P. Itoth.rfold. A. J. thllett, John 11. l'en-itee. P..T .1“0,, ' i., ,, , , .. , ,, t, crib sod nntoorl.lnotkets 1., -ale I,) . ot'on
li• lieni boldly and cheerfully, without a J. P III,TIIFILFOItD. rt....a... •
A i uttade - rr. Seervtar) 1 rirw EEIIS -Three ranted a,nrted Tweed. ,
do übt of beating then,. Ido uut say my A. A. CaMnEr... Aetuary J.
r ...,,:i • 2 In., 0,,,iv, a fown manufacturer.. toned. ~,
..-.---.,.- .. —.— - . tale,
fe slings would be the same if my coriienee Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a. I ~... . N i . 1. - p _ Tw . o ten , , ht . . for :.:d1" '' l ''' E
cv , B 'Cadet' With 111111 , most heinous and hut- A tlEN'f IN PITTSI3IIROII, W. 11. DAVIS. ! i4 l-7 ;.,1 . ... !!!
! 0 "LH
\ .17 : 1i . l . '1 1 1 . \ ' ' i' : ). 1 F
ri crime, murder in cold blood; and there- •q
-c,(% JiL,o" i'n'l'l) N'
U' 7,ll '' "'" l ' h I kl OI.ASSE--Fifti-fiv t Lois . L ' .
fire my determination is, to spare the life inner r..t , 'tt ,, .. '4, r 4?rl ZP l 11171° ran t ed '2° . ; " I ••• lk ' ' ' '' '" r ' hi. ""' " . 3 „: 1 0 ::: ) ..:: : :): A i':1:.. ) :: . [ .... :,..:1,: .: ' , 1 : ,. .: : :: : : r
O en of this man."
' that it was all very well: what should 1-4'.
, r: : : arh i nn i
,nut;mll,,aikiom,:a.,:af;s:l2,-,a,,...,,:.rn1tir0.,,,,d,,,T,;,,0:1n i ia ., 1 ., ,
infonuation whl in', een an 1 cu romonlre,, , ,a , t ,o,mat. 9NOBACcu-- , loa., No on,•_C t "
They answered me, two or three at once, IIT attended to. I'stroottle ‘ ts ratrinining the principle. and I. 1., granter ltrithata. • - •,,1 for 'ale ' br " ". 1"l 1"l•
t ey tin? should they give themselves up I i4'ett,llitga„'„'„ll?"'",'Fir„l::l°"'„,•t`tornlto-',',' -
L i
- of N. . !
I'B RA.NDIES. 15 - INF.S, (iINS Xl'.
s,, It. 'ln •
.In, and mo, cel., ro , 'I 1.r., , 01•
2 puttehmo. lrinh and ntattalt ItAl t , !nal., '
2 it. i. 11111. 0, n itllni
In an
rat.. i li . i i vr , ran t er . .l . ..: , ainp , r 7 l . l),v .
„. tt. ., , r i. t ., 11 , A ... merie . 0. in ~tr . 1.., .,,i . u r... a . .‘,..
t fou t es h .3c e at ß i i nni slia ge? ree :h o :t tul lyow d uil be sl
tt r; ur u id) r . d od e no re , d:iiyil,,,,ioki;elSihnlaiiae.l I eito.soncto,J.s.ii.lstlrfroon ' I I i.::?-II I :f 1 .7,7:::1::".17.` "V''. 7 :::1 1 :::"; . ' I " "
I omet Towash ? was there any other wary Marine. Fire, and
lia Insurance .
Transportation I
I ~ topes Holland 0,•,...80h1te, ,lan.,. .011 ' 1,1 '
' fOIIOW the duty of self-defense and self- ! at,r,tll,,li,f,pt i ll;,n,=,„. l l',; , t lf,"Cm' l l„„lt t l y'l'g,ro';,`""Vl l ,l,', " I 10 of
' 'AI: ' Z 1 , 1.1 ,1 4 ' " ; " .1 ' .1".',
preservation, as far as you can do it with- ou rmseto or every deerripin, shlpyied per stratn.bnata .... do Pry ‘1 ,1,, ' "- ,l ' . ' , "'
and other Tenets either be Inland trait...pot - teflon nr on the ' In -h , sherry 1 \ me,
Ilt a criume . You shall " leave the women t ~.. ' e I -
~ boxer Bora+ aux natal
'0111.100P.1. In fro, and for .sic 1.) Jolt': ! L ila: lEA ..
1 lid the child where they are, arid with them I Arthor 0 Coltin. Prel, Thomas P Cope. I rani 0
h e camels, to give them and their child ! vz.11,Y.1),,,,,,,-.., Jh.""ff:
Itirhard Dl\ nnd. I L Aia).—Twero, bria ao,) ano.o, 1,,,, , ,, ‘•,,
~• k; you shall chain the husband's right ; , J ROO .h. OR A , ) "..7 0 ,.. * ,• . William W 641, I rata by de • 2s Elllll \ l''. t 11110,F ,
Francis lin.kina, • . . ~.
mad to the left of some of yours , and you! `-'..."1 Rink". S. Anon, Allil , or,
t , Charles Taykre, Wm E flower, if I OL1) PENS. we hare ~,,tv en Won! ~
I .hall each of yea take him by turns, till we i Amt..* 1% idle, J
ame. A• . llf lan., nark nt the, tr.', tiold 1 . ..,, , tr,.to 010;leo.11 ',
Jamb M. Thinnae Jame. N. Dteknon manuftu•torie‘ lo New York. and made ‘l.l - ....1) to ord, '
; ball carry him into Eg,ypt. * * "
AB he 1 s 3lorris Wain. .' II 11;Shermtd. e.,:e, At., doe... Gold Peneti Cen. , .. and ' Pen'llohlern 1...11 , ..-
-mows the stations of his people, and their I ~,,Tthg,t,lt.',leiteltoolt,,T,l7,',,^;oce':',V;Vo,V,,.b`,L,'l,7',ll;;;;;:', `. -. % 1 i - it'1,r u 10i,`.73,0,1,°. 6 ,,1,1 r 0000=r;r . .1.',- I V , IIIt " I '''''''"l
courses at particular seasons, that day that I "„1'.',1,1;,t0n„,1P'..„.VV,g,„.1,? extra
~I"`"''';',,o e l'," ,II I ," 1 ',I"to r ,io? ''-; • o wl'Z'ii.oo.or,
- N,lf i l i / 3 .11 , . ,. ,\ , 0 4 A.'5, ,,;;,; ) , , , ,0 , , , , 11 ,.. t. ; , ,;,.. : I lk; E,...!,;,, ale n 1" It .1 .,,, N ., 1 , 5.-2. 1 t ,, , ,x, ; 5 , ,.. , , , ri f 1 ., , , ,,n,1
we meet one Bishareen, the man that is '
; J en
1 1 chained with him and conducts him shall
lAmerican Life and Health Insurance Co. 'I low liE It !ttA Att.\ N EsE.
I instantly stab him to the heart, El) that he t or PIIII.ADELPIIIA. L •.I.f.r eal.. Is. dt.:oo .0 loon Aco
shall not see, much less triumph in, the I
I ..ty , to for Pataturyh, SA MI- I) T0117,E, IIN I 'C. , ALLISTEIt'N itlN•rm r:NT -!...! gross
success of his treachery., On the contrary, seroo, s: sons o. al., ..rulthbrid. 't - ..., hY 1...10 J 0 11 , 11 A 000
he is faithful, and informs Idris [the ~,,Pmt , r„,,,,rh t ,"u r ,',11 , ° . ," t'll 0 ' 1 " - "" Ir'''' - "'"` l ",l o r,','„t* , I AHD (II 1.,---t hhis for sole he - --
if -
A t.... A 'Kim, A. 1 . 11
guide] where the th e is, and where we , - -
eve to avo id it, on t h e day we arrive safe in
; Westoena Insurance Company of Pittsburr,h. i 1111:3r 11{0 N. Fifty ton• Brush trek Cu run,.
( 1 1 , APlTAL 8300,000. tt. miLLER. j, e
~.,, s. Ir .11, nalt,) I tr111.50N„ ..: 11 ... 1 ; ! .i. t; r 0, ,,
Egypt I will clothe him anew, as also the I
i rn-daset, --. Herr, nu, --
S UNDItIES. - -tt bris fresh 'toll Boit,
women, give him a camel for himself, and , id , 111 In•,orno.ett,tklzt..f.flt, ros. And Marine '. .
a load of Nora D. e. bread] for them all. 1 A l s%:: rastitotion-mlnag by Lo W er. T :r7rT ' e l foo P . well I I 21 1.00 flutter.
tn, ho. , Ibted Act,; ,, ,
As - for - the camels we leave here, they are) '''''''''' 00 thin rir - r . —. Th. '',',"' f"`""'"""% ,b t ' ~ Ist. Dined Panallt raerland 1,,
It•IHI,S. Lirrt. a
' . ' I.o'
" 0 ' ria LL
she ones, and necessary to give the women . p''' „,„T o ll o ;, " l„. 7l i''' '''. "„sf' d oo: -. . r" :„:1', l ' ? ' ''lT ' ' ' ' '' P 'l '' ' ' ' ' 7'7 ' ; ' ' '' ' ' '; 0 '
I 'I'I ‘I, Fits brk. reerited • I.ll'
food. They not km; it is said , but we I , 11,11:ti. , Leom.roullole,.`,.."ifitl!';';l.`‘..4lto-f.1.,Ne.1 1 ~), ° • ,1...,, • stmivErt " .x . ii -, :i7, r '11"
SIMIL lame them in earnest, ED that they ! V..; ..I-A"=.14,1,':,7,'„1: L ''''"' D' "'''''''''' " "' -
int IROOTS.• Cale th ,11.11101 inn i /sl . }'''''
shall 'not be able to carry a messenger to , Vot.-. ( No. a/ o slir ntrevt. (warchnu , .. of spans 8 C.. s.7l ..•,..ItJtJer Jean) LIIIii. ..,nd E.r•nt'ss.', r"""-1
2." ,_ , •t.. 2 ,. .. `URI% Ell *lt %ItNE ,
t ooth ßishareen before they die with thirst, ! "`!="1"!-211''!°_`.21'..___
b theyand their riders, if they. should I Delaware Mutual Safetylnsnrance Comp'y 1 117 1 , :.‘ PPf NI I .A N D l' It I N 'l' INU ['A IF.It
attempt it:" . ,1 9FFICE, NORTH BOLO! OF TILE EN- 1 ~,7,„ -",-- ,----- -. 1 1 , 71! , -;;:,;;&,,,,,,
• CIIANO E. Third Ana.. Pluladelphia
An universal applause followed this
~,,; I. s .r INarn.fter-.7,1100,1,11r,, 117 . .t i 0,14:01 , 11,.. , . ,1 „ 1, :r , 1 il ~ I IiTUN. '2.1 bolted tiow landing; from ti•
speech; Idris, above all y declared his warm. ,ti t ss-n r f,- t u sit . „. to tt o • a, i n t en‘fii , s,,, , ' e n.n.nte., ~ 1 ' st.''"'"'"''''"". f. ' 'it: 0 1 ; 1 0 „ 0 „., 01 . 0 0 , .
cot approbation. The loan and - the women I ..,.11,'"'.17ost'''.'ZtrtIA;o. ,:1twt:,,":::,',70,- .7.'',,,Vr. "..i.i , I'"" w..., 001 Front ,o,
were sent for, and had their sentence repeat- 1 Pl''''' "'lil b ` ''"'''''' ''"' I '4". 1 1 Mt ,E
al-Idet kanaidaladlnn.- hr., IL .. non , ,re tan lw. 1 A 0 0 ,,,, ~ , ,-
ed to them, They all SUbscribed to the I,r,"'' '''' ' ' b ' ""'""' aril " ^d '''' l' '' d ''''''' ' ....1 1 0. Idtia . :.''' e landine feta ~ me •
am tasate. on river , owl lake-, olt the nowt llta.ral lartn. ' y,„ ..,,, ~, '' "' ... ~,, , ,,,1 ~,',..,,,.!"...., ,c' ....
conditions, cheerfully, and the woman de- ! ~,,tt'ti.t.ttiV.;-..,11:•;1:!,.„!1:,,t'a1..'=".",,=;1titi.:1;t:;,1,. •no, .1J set 1...... i alt.
Faso! tsfEANI Ito :I'l' I'l.'l I I,Plis. F •
(dared she would as soon Elm) her child die,' .. , 000 - -I,t c- t r i.tert, r-In.rlisnitrostt., 1 ,,, tt It wx•tt.. wc
as be an instrument of harm befallin. tts, lIZIa,IIIN,',I4a.r. ol.,:o!IIII,:.I'rot.III3.1.-!uroIX,Ii..!'"I'll:...,:, ; 0,00, ~.k,,....0.„, 1i..,,,,.,,:i.00i , ...00 - ,0 , .. , t ,,,... 1 ,,`, T r,“,
and that if a thousand Bishareen sh ' uultl i9=1'....14.!ii,!, ci!!!l:J=rd.'VT.ill'is!!!..r.q;` st!II.V.:. ',17.`2,!.7.`.'.',"!!.""""!""!' r - g=:v.lN,l', zT.'„'.' - '
,-, s, nt sir, .
pass, she knew how to mislead theTir - rull. j.".l.,"=,'ssrviiZo`riolTs---1, T 51,,,,... Thoth I:ram, .... 0.-. . • - ''' ''' ''''
To..' c
„,„,, 114 1 E , ..kT11 F . :IIS. 16 savka now' latilling Cron,
[The Arab was taken to Egypt. Bruce 1 j 'll,l'oUl'aiore.. 00-,. , . y . -...r irttar 3. 4., Flil• Ity
gave him a good muiel, clothed him anew, .I.* , i.,Z",lro, c ult', ; • ; :i,;'*'„,.nt - ty., ,„.. ,„„„ is o. 1 111 111 , 1010 i 0 101,
and gave him dresses for his two rives, , burnt,. _ _ ior22-If - Pet Itablirll.l.. A ' Atant ' , ''.'... ,at..r end in, 000
with a load of dera."l The poor fellow, ' Franklin Fire Insurance' Co. of Philad'a. , ( ;OLD. SI I , \ Elt. 11 .‘ N li. N O T ES. sit.; lIV
with tears in his eyes, declared, if I would , tAittEcTults.• ehori- ‘v, Ihinelter, Geo. I...nsto'.:Litil''''''''” ""' ''''-' '"'' "*- ' "--'-' '" •
permit him, he would only go back to his !, 41_4„:, , • IttitZti„Tilzi;tlrl
0 5!,.= 1 ,. 1,.,1,1,7,!,..,T!,,,,:t• ,„','J,:*.*:,";'„,,1'it,.,1,1,...',..,,', 0- ,7,‘''' - °- u,-, ~.•.1"..h:.
N a ,
deliver what I had given hint, and 1 Jaen), le MARL, Mont. 1• e'l" r . • 1.,1,7it0 P. F. A1t...11.1, A 1 . 11.
CD tiILES I. RANCHER. Preodoot : ,1" N. , 71 I .turslt.treet
return to me at Syene and foiloir foe as my CaantEl .o, ' , tar... secretnr, ,11 F. . i • .
rto.. Company mmtioner to ntl... 10•00 , , , ...- perm.. ot ' 11 1 .... 1 .1 :• , 1 11 1111,11 I \ % ITr . T ill.
servant wherever I ' should go.--Bro ,-, 's nr re t ry . .a ever, denrylpt...t , .4 I.n.pert, l'n tow t. ....,,,1 ' nt.. . . '
~otry. at rates , I,w nr a, , t. ot enth w eon, ne 1 ‘....rtt..1 , 0• f !h.,. t 1 0.1.... 1 lAA t ..It.t t. awl
.loyrhey ihrovh the De4eel 01.1Vithitr. The cs.ooso.s; Gni. re.wrt...l a has', lootoment 1.•01.1. Pena., Ihe at.... , . art... , ~,, 0-oIR. ~.d. 51.1 tit . nst.l
whteh. ast! their l'ao Ind m i ta' ',ant., .40.1) c..tunt. nt 01l ttlat.... pant ptl.,-. ma, 01.13 on l••••.I nu I f. ,,
--- tbcfiNtifrAt i i - O - R - .-- -- 1 .ff‘4"'L'2.4'P'7'6';:."j'7"'":.....Zr:;"'r 1'
• sale 1,,w to un.J.l F 11 1...1its
1 6„ , ILdted anirreably to the Aet ' :.t 1....rub1. •,:re sr:follow , ' . I EN EA . .% ult. - ti,.• I •rt. , ..r.•,...i s 4 -11. 6.r .ale
' ' 1 - 1 lo vooolo_,o a 1111Nt... ,
TO CONTRACTORS. n.',ll=7; ..... -- -..-- -- "''''.',',.. 2 'sr. ,l ,', l - 1, 1 .• i t •
0 1
.1 11l
,L. . ,
~.,F , 1 , , e u llry allti tvltio re t .ruos r ,,1
irI.MIROL COUNTY RAILROAD-Scaled ! T.:ot.C .'"l "".
. ''''''
'.. : " :•1:,.t . ..... , 4,. ., , I,,,„1 0 , „ R 0 ROR, S_ 0,
1_,./ pronoials will Co reoriva , l at the offle: of the Carrot , Cash. dr ..,..
fk•untj Malin. CiarfritEM, I 111 ill, until Than.
o), the 111., odn, la March. ett,Es . the Emanation, P.A.- $..22A.4 ,1 2 7 1 'V U. :111)1,,ASSES. - !tit Ira' ,10 orri‘v.
try, a , t r al j . ,rishanc i ontlin line extending' (tom Ctrrolton tn Hiner tto.or Itwori,rab , ,n, pert. , .4 year, they ~1 04 - .1, lo .1...,. .001 0 I.E aII A 11,:t,
,b1',,,,,..7.1f,itf',11.•":, th e tb ;, ° ,, r. 1. 11,12 5,,,, ia1i`j:1..r.gY:t4,,'11,'4'i''',,t0:1,,11.":.4,,V;P:.",711! I l' F F'S 1100 K K El'. PI \I: -:A ..ap ,Ir
and Imartaary InfOrtaltinn OISSIOad On orplicatl. to lb.: adiantaare of lunar:a:re, as well 10 their a1,t1.01 0,,1 .1, yI .4 11,011'• I' I, E.....0.,.., ,, ,..1 1110 0 0 1 . .....a.n....a t.! ' ,
Enuitteer, at the Moe of the Company, du the ten . valtion tom , . with Pr..tol'ln. , 110, "hint." 1...10, ll 1 -its hT, , \
d0a=0itev.1.,,;‘,11;Cf..,,,, , .., J 0.%111./Ididt CoiFIN. A•ent _ _ _ ,
I WI, ,In P , ., tier ~,. 0, ...I 5,...., it st , , I It) ph AC II ES. - 'I'M, 1,..•,..1r..11,tic.ft;.q.
klatch/ -etorr.Cßl/'). , y 0...-.0...1 un.11./0. •ale At
nlll,l 1 a lIAIINES
_ ,
ItitTON FLA NNE LS A farther .... ply
• • Notice to Contractors.
ROAD—Retied propostiawill be recipient et the
ohtbe Ohio and Pennsylvanit Omni., in Pitt ,
bbomb, until Thursday. lb. 20th day of Dlaxh nest. for .
hying the Tract from Pittsburgh to /istailion, • dittante '
of ha miles. Specifications and fors. of Pwitateithi
obtained at the AR. In Edisto:lran, for two wects previous
Lt the lotting. on application to Solomon W. Robert% Chief
Engineer. The prarpottala must lei in accordance with the
ptintol rum% mad iuldretwil to the Prekdent of the Cob.
ICM. ItiAllEttllq, Ja., rreddent.
Ritabuntli;Feb. bib.
North American Now Took Tribune, American Bailmeul
Journal. ' , Oath Lair times. fel/7111U'
- 131tOPOSAIS for .I . recting., W ire Suxpen
sion Bridge arrs the Ilegheny Mrs, opposite 31,-
e - haute W ro th; tha Fifth lull of the city uf Pitudiurgh,
In place of the structure recentli &attain , ' br
healed YITIAAPAIN will be icniired at the wheat of Jamb
Palmer Co., Lthirty man 110 Eat .1.1 of Alsarch
neat. fur iho erection of tilt
as deralbed bridge the
plattern [!Mani id Le the tame as the Mortinitalaela Bet*,
with cash nlterations AP bidden. may nuitt , id and the sti.
tartest approve. lip order of the Board of lAIVCVAIL
feblialf F. LORENZ Pm. t. Pro.
Pot, °MCC
Ja [l n l , llllV l l,
ROMS:US will be received at thb, De
partment until the 4 th day of March cc M. for turista.-
ott stamps for the u. of theMgt Ottlive of the United •
hipster for tom Trots
from [llea art dsy of Apra mgt. when
ordered by the Department, of the fullowitm drimiPilfiov. •
.Ibe tome of the offintriand Dude to circular form, rut •
from a solid block of honlenel reel end mode in ouch
mann . m to admit of letter, and thrums to designate the
mouth and day. with a , thumb meow to keep such letters
and figums in lace. t 7
the amp, and Die letter coMt.e - ,
hie the ram., to be of the alse aa them now mum- •
ftcluml and lu use. A turned mahogany
,batolle of the
mime like vim, to be securely fastened to mid stunt, 'The
months of the year abbreviated so as to
, mutton but throe
letters each. of name sire now in use, and to be rot from
bona Weeks of hardened steel. Figures. fur the days of the
month, from LW al. inclusive, to be made of like hardened
metal, Amid of the elm bet IMAILId.
Mlo,_ giOne with the words ispaid" mid lime' th e
form of throe now to one.
Alvo, Marone with fIZIPIS derioUng the rates of protege:
'`litflret:bl,.nflOVVC"....l of Larkin,' steel
The pomosais must also rfottaln ;to
MM. Dar we'd,
miler stump, with the months and ligorm.
Alert; for each venerate piece, coutaiuing the meth con•
filming of three letter,
t.Ch separate piece foe the days or tbr , mouth.
Alto, for complete sets of mouths and figuem •
Also, for each separate Mice with Clio words "paid' and
Also, for each separate pieoe with the figures denoting
the rates of pottage. Tbe analog of the differeot sets will
not, hpwever, :tookn to different contractor, hut the
removal foe th which Is decreed num favorable to
the Department will be accepted. The Department Dri
rver. Cr ttself tbe right lb fernNl prolmsgs if Cho price
L ur e deemed extravagant.
Porch:ems of the 1111 . 10 . ne kinds of stamps moulted can be
ipIIE I.AI)IES all OfIV "If *c.t.' want real
I. zatel Tea. Foto Mortis it Ilayworth it Tea Shaw In the
Busonal Melt, ' The Tea they aril at 50 centlt per R'un't
r , •111 , ..7 R.a.. and 'those at :5 rents and SI, are dell.
ca , ,, ,, b s i. .s4= e tlatort 4 .a . lateriorTeas are never Irt I L . l pRIN
fi'd` " CI NI rvhi & iturrhflehl will this soothing ...mole.
;Brett atn the origigal *heats, Laringanded that Tea will a a - • tl e lof , 4prinw Pry Wood. and 1 0 .
lnot keep la Melanie *earner, whirl, by Lohliug uta the t," t 01 W 'IT ~ ,,,,;,,,,i) „ ,,,,„r . A) The,
ight, yam Will had la as coma, ~,, , frev- , .....u. 11.1,11 ,iL1, , i , „,.•=0 t .j, , , , , , thif,A; .:Tt,„,, r! ,,•0rt. L . ,,, "
r .o.
v, EIV . ' AIDSIC - -Yifiere. :in! the frienthl ~f i r .: " ... --12,4' " ""01 ' ''''''' '''
"".17:1 " dr: ` 1":
1 . 1 tai %with: by O. Barker, ''''''''
w d""1:"'"
4 "'"`.
An :tl ' r.!:: 71r.... Ala,
I's o bermething Sweet to tell You , offered et 10 cents per jal?.l. wart. b
...,,, .....„ ~.....
The Rollin. . tholes. styles of Engitth Ly.llntar ,, , fr0_ , !..... t i1f . ,... ,
..... t .
I'm thinking o'er the fAy,ll.l, '''' lard
'"""" 0 8 1 011' , 010""`" % 17 " 7•l ' s 'l=a. Itr;ge de
Syring .loale t •
Aly New England Mane,. Of, 51.535. dedleated to the 0 ,..., , 1 . , 1 r . ,, , ,,"'""„".„-1, 1 r 1 ',: . ,...,,,.., c u ff,. ch,.,,,i,,d,,,, a, ibm-
Lsdle. of blew Laglaal, 1,1117
Ph, I Lore Is far Away. nets and Bonnet Itiblwan, Bonnet Cana, I.r.
fit, meet me nn the en... Share • - •
God :ital. ,
My /lame'. on Btu Prairie Lea-ltoadbny r 1' ETAIILI: KIWI/Bit, for the rune of Lid
Idly Illtry,lar. S. C. Yoder . ti:1i. ,, . ,, ...1.. , . VOW ELL'S C1.011'0U.N,ILN:::1:71,l,x;
ire Lan d } Notion
by it Barker. . ' ' A Pare surd mtat surerenfal remedy far that excess
The BPhBII , and Intolerable affliction to which andhere . In th
Ibt, hi, hi: the Black filukers' Peng and Polka. , months of minting , are nubjert It allonl. the mooprom . t ,,,..
Lesl teen. with'tber- , for Guitar. and rpmplete mind', cueing the wond ewe* In a f ee d . c .
Les A.dietut. Id* 11 . , nod dd. end 1...na1!) NK1L.1154. ihr 5 511.1.001 ,15, R 5 1 1. . 1.
t1,,, 1: . 1 .. e . „. c te11 . site nulteellon of uew Polka, Ilbaltn, Varia- (. l i t zt . he m r „ re ... 47 , 11 , e. , fAr 1 11 1 i:1 .L a1 1 t1 .. .0 . 1 . 3 1 . 7; ,, ",:; i 1°." ..... ...," 1 ,, Y
~ ',L,° , 7„i
Al. a lie. etipply of *New Carmlnai . BsCTl," (Intake 1 the lea. poedble reek of tnyoll
f...oaht, teal an excellent new stork. rallw the . 11eloct I Thl a rented) ha, leen refeddedly ored, and r a ped
_litgll , y ,.
a ealleettan 41 repaint nolt.t ede,al womb min.'s.' and ^am...elated. Li am.. et the oe'da'4 l W! 011 ) 0 .
emooe.l by O. X. Webb and Al ]fawn: -- n . one of bab4b.
011.0 1,1100 work. ever iptitrahed. u. KLIMK, 1 . 1.4.---ono Lollar a Penba..... For ,ale .ady by
PM 4 . Walden Hart, Thleo R. - 7. 11. SISCIN A (0)..
._ _ ....
1.1• Liberty atreet. l'ittahurgh.
rHEZISTORY OF PENPENNIS ! Nu. I . !, For eel. by L. A 8.1511.,,10. N117.11(.1.1.. Jt5,A1ti.L.55.3.
f t , ty.. 31.71..keeer .i.oci the Quf.eli. Necklace, ar I .. t .I .!L A . E.... , ih twirls. AlleghenT• febablui
111. 1 135--In ettoe, utld for .11L14 , by the nub. the :Wert ittetor7 of the Ckairt of Louie filetoeuth, by Al. , ll
ex4r.oler DuMaa. bass, bxn recWowul fur vale al iIOLNIVS i .
Literary peva, No. 74 Third R..
...___- S ulphate and he'd.. of Morph...
Bunt ghella,
Etaxen Salto:
:lager of lead:
!am &table. •
II isimw
John . Mellor. Wood Wert. ha"
att. renented • new and splendid unerunent
of Plenas.nOw open and wear tor selo. de 3 /
7•Va ite l4" tilestOrVl" P ' 6 ' . .nia"
COMPANY, No. IA Mar 4.4 Neesol,
~ mud No.ll Won 1 Annz.nisotO
SIAAKISAJO,AOI , IInA from. to 10 por rvol prof. nonnn.
‘The Subierilo, ig,unnro on
lives in the eluverurrrwful Itunn a oro I 'Gallo., Ow who'.
Pr'6'.""'" at
No 131 Front on, •
PARRY, Ilhh]lF. S . Proprietors of
the rnr• ,lat.
lAA, illt4/11 Builders. lootrertori, and others, at Pito
ready to undertake a,ntroeti , fin th,ting, rich their h , r-t
Wauged elates
Co . are . .. don or the be , tel
' tt r ,gl , ll‘«e '
1i1114 , -01.1" employ none :dim, " lad expert , reed and pm,
Wad Oaten. to do their wors, ntle do ob
hesitation in insuring a perfertl3 aater twid non. neatly
a nd h eontpleted. at ag reto unable pne..
ann., an any in the trade.
P elf S partleularly rert,romend their Slates to 1.”
pat on lode.] of ehe..tiog, which .111 beef advantage
to We noutraeturs and onnersof
Refereuir , ea to Weir els.. and Plating can heren—and
Me Thum. Parry, one of th.. romiazoi. may al , o ka• eon.
rolled age corner of Eton Bt.
and ClatkAi. PARRY. A CO
air-:late Rooa promptly repate,,,l
JAM E, A. &
Pittsburgh. January 210.
CiIANT. for the ral
eet e of fa,fmrde. W .... .n, and Cotton
Onirn filled rtTl!ort notr,!!7!'r'artyl"dencelption of Wool.
I let Merbinerl. fe1,17
cabling ledeeen the subarribera, under the style of
ory, Fleming & thin day .111,01,41 mutuel
ronsent. IRA REHSKY,
lea florae! or 11. H. Fleming is authorized to use the
name of the late firm in the settlement of their business .
The partnership heretofore existing betweeia the
ttribors. under tlie style of Shacklett A White. wan do,-
volved ma the gent day of January, lasl, by mutual moo
nlit. tither of the will attend to nettling up
the hnsineen, and err authorised tuner the name of the Ittle
firm for that porno,. No. 14.11 Wood ',levet.
February 19,'+1. TIIOO
IVEW FIRM—B. C. Slmiiklett ' and William
Lr Payne, ag general partner, end Limos:lnn as
pedal an.1 , 1 , 1m1.1 , pajln i et t lagl rt.tithotr 4 , /e
I ;:t . '
IVoodstrvet C SHACKLE:TT,
fetal W PA YN
i 1 PAR'P\EItSIII P--The subscrilpers have
<ntermi Into CoTartnt.r.hip.nJer thIlr)11
At inn. OkAly. W P M . B. r une.
.1.31 JOIN ) KELY.
EAU PIPE--CQrnell's ini roved potent
Load Pity fur Illt:pnt,
14.11 11rItu.nte:
Your Enlphur.
ak Critarbor.
CO MA. 1.(4 Wild With 1111‘.
"""kirrvii)• a IA
I I RENCII L}:. , l ' — Fr t• tt at .
. 11.1 , 31 r.. Lat. it "obi Ad rd . '', Loaf. •si.‘
!!,0 .1 ,1.1100 n,
Ell • , II ,100
i 01.6 115—..• I.rla Rose.
wI 11 - 4. IHrvta., to , crtol.
1'..: •••• I , ,t 41• K l . h.t I
ERM I 1.41.10 N 411111 , •••, Ineri
1 and I u1r4,1 , 1 erniultflt.
J 110 0,4 10:I:It t
.' SSENTI can 011 of 'a..nfntA.
A '" I
a " i ' alt ' : r - n1 ; 7 4r41;;;;;;i r r lt,lm?l. 1;T
' olta 11.3.041 nf 3.54
,alO 11t/lINi
-5I AI( All A
(e* No. 1, f,j.
I t 1 4 14/111 J .5,11.0 , 11101:0 a
AHI I 111 L.—LordOil •of a .urri. , r quality
..0 , 1•:•n•1ff.f991.4
j 4410 TSAI, M 0 DII A 0_ IV/kter in,nt 441
S. on•• brim print.•
111 : 4 ‘ka, 11t,0rp14.4 n•-•I 4 te 4all•
Tr ia ,, il , : d t . v .n k d e r v . ;i . z . ) , six tomb. fro.) ,
an,11,111 A r'4l
_ .
hhas N. O. Sugar for :Mae hr
1111 , -'7 IllutiCS 144 Lawn, a.
VLW 11.-I.IEINS uo consignrueut for •• ale hr
ott•lr N •TII WK.
P,EJ.•llan"l:',*"l 4t.T.„nd rale.
par/I1 JOHN I'm:Kr:RA c••.
OLASSES.-23 brim Sugar
Rouge,b St.
11,1 va.lfwr 1,41 h•
410 111. 1 1tEkT DALZEI.I. A ((I, 1,11.04 4trol.
1 ItFASE LARD—Twenty brit , G rease Lar
maiv“l ntbl for Fab. by
j RAF LARD—Primr Cincinnati L.
bald by
WM. A Mvi•Lllti A CU.
01.. ASSES- 4 tierces and 3110 barrel..
21 bhle 11. for PAIV t , l
MOWN n IS11 , 1:PATIII 1' Ii
3tctlintcck fittrolnoera to lhr lanetot mud
lee railer ted of Three Plf and fru:rano cAre..n
over brought hi tide market, and cheater thou an. id Ito
ea l ord cities. We Invite all to nil and examine our 'tot
at No /55 Fourth street and 79 Wool etree,
pan W
II DO~lh il~W)b i ns D . 31 , c tf h l . i , n , t ,. o .
ai.eurturtent of `.tin. uf the liou•:t and
Neat rtyle, at route.) uric,. Cull at Ili.' C1,11. 1 " . '
'No ti:.l Fourth lalwl lel"
The Old Printing Establishment.
ktATE Johnston and Stock/08 ., . and think
i nod, and Stationer,' Warehoure.
. tl. If AVNN le propane] to exeritte ere, ctrl. beg"'
Ortnmerrial, Canal. mud Swam Joh Pnutini, and Wok
Intirlinc and furnish every article In the Plank tfied,
Pap.? Ind Stationery line , at the eliortout notice, awl
Ws must rearonahle term ,
Ftlant hook and Otationeri• Witrehnitre rumor of Merkel
and Seound .treat ,
erlntlng Office and Boat Bindery. No SO Third et.
. 4TKAW GOODS.—II. N. Greene
I. Ntanufacturert of Fineiwit and rtitui,tir Streier (bed ,
est I the attention of buyers to their aof•le for Lull.. mod
nilemet They will ;;Rer Indr . :Tae y nle a n r r . , :nt r. s=7:
021J4171 at Mei? . Moo, so, r Karl
, (up etalr,l Now York.
I.t ANN ('ol.l.El"l'lNti AND EN
, ItiIANE OFFllitt --N. 111111.111:.+:a Nt.
artet otree G t, Pittehurgh. Exchange an LL Frietent
and IN eatern Mint fur tale. Callectlette intale In all the
pendia:l A/Linn:ln the t;nion. Nein, nn ell ntlient Itank•
&avow/teal. Nut, r. anti Tune bile. netratlated 1. 14
DIA III) lIBEIt PAsTF:. -I gross it that
awiertrartiele Gir 'not , end ohms. renarringt throb
rally water pro 4 and plialtlea piece f T
artlele la warranted t•.at.twer the tut
et ......... rnpl , eteilt
the money ntfurnital. Far nate abut...tale end retallt
and V Wtral alreet. Jaol 4. A 11.
T EA W A It &AinericiLn
Plaited Is. ttlatall Itaaketa,
ii, is and Mita; 'Plated lnur. beat. tiwtritv In' Hal
Ilatalle Taltre (tittle r, F er rk,
ter ll
Knirt, rim"! and lien:inn 'tr otrrk:
Tattle Mw. a Tea Tr.' , a fine Itlrtnlniihaut inentasetere.
ere. Itrtethett fur cleaning. Chantutts ' , rather
Duler, I.c.
Ittettr..eatn—linyer , rniebritnl 3lactc Kitchen.
alinet the ttlte as hat. which slit make eoffne. beef
prat, umt ier& ta an, elm. le • les minute..
For rate II W. W.lVlLitttN.
• )a.l Cur. /larket nod Fanelli rte
'll_, be hoe lAnnant. le prime order, au eur t rtgliment.
hoe Clever Seed. prime,
25 lilt& Fif.:
s?!' /11olutte, prim. repteerase;
10 ttrioldruleed 011;
M°l -
a l t er
V t •
, tat Lea plinatT erntl; on haul and this rale by
8.110W:i li/RKPATRIC6.
.1.11 1.44 LiNasustryet
I_l Graham). M. line fin. March, •11.11 134 pm,. Drug and prescription Stare for Sale.
Ilarthullturist. ' lhr Fhruarr. 1 4 DituG .t. PRESCRIP-TION STORE.....
euliator. 3 , 4
• Whig Enriew .Ira , teetti. • hieh I. ,Ining • ....HAIM. Invine.., 1. cif -m
136. 1 . Diwirtim nail. , . ' .3 1 4.1 fn. ..b. up. ......! term. For forrher larthulam ,
Mechaulea Magazin N 0 . 12. I &yid, al the Chniniele fffnee. .....
Wmarnof lernel f by Grace ARM...-. -
it Intlnen, tale
.. for moth." and doughtora. 1 COUGHS & COLDS CURED IN 48 HOURS.
. Nlather • hennutane. In Graw Aguilar.
ralf.l.m.ptioni or the Mahn t en the human • 3_ l ! I NCE tilt' 1111,with . tiott of thi, new cant
' Ilthrt. by 31m. EIJI, . 33 5 ,
, I _ limn-. Cough , mud Cold. arc mired In 11 , , 3 a. ,
0114.1. a tune': 1 Inue. 31 e ll for arr.. 1 1 r Emar. Pectoral 1 1 1 ,1 1 , h'
Hen , atmmtan. 1.116. P. IL "in l l 7 . C i i.ll. 4 . , r O . , cure caw, .(Cough, Cold. Itronchttia lanathati. in le ,
LT •ale at !IMAMS Liarary 1.1.3. ont•mite 3 • 17 1 ,...,..i 4 - - , yule and at a claaper fate . 11...11 cat ntbm medietne ever
lice• _ , _ , d
IT 11...., .3N ENTIRELY NVIW ACTION-The nld Cough
S I n t '. 1 , N ,.. 1 , 1 ... i n i , ' ..n N , } a1 1 .! open e d ilAN q: S- ara ' 7 .•••• ' 1 f ' 4 ,,,V,! ‘• ;r, - 2. ' giA - N. ~ r, : l-..h.-...,, , P^",",r~ q2r"" , ""til'
Imunetna that 11.. ju.t opened a lot of, i i rU i atml In trilfn * at.: • r.r. it.l.ltleat t aTti .....tltin.Y . .. ' t:l.
f -holm. IN., .3 the twlehrataal make of . „.,, 0 curt ., m, „,„„, ~,,,t ,„, , ~,,,,, ~ , , ~ ~ I.
Nt ••• • . !Nina nd la aIIANI. hew York- which. with thine t a ,.„,,. tr , ~,,,,,,. 0 ,. ~,,,,, 00 , 0 „„„ 0 , ~.r . , , ,,,,. 00 ,...,,
0 ..
„. ban.i, Rant:
ft. ..,..... elegant, wari.Eaud ...moat.. 4.11 j retk. abouhlonsrthim. ani nee of IL. efllmar, It la the
ever .1....1 in MI. , ,ty. i maamitalon of a regular phi...14.1...nd han tarn aw.l he
Ant' lll . " 111117 `. " 11e 3 1 1111 . 1 th i 7 311 '. 7nd " 11b1i ' .31 ” 131 ‘ 13311 ‘ l him in hl. oar. yractlee fm- a immlar a year. with th e
Igno. XIV p.m I. wh the ne.. haprutemeot of the over ~,,,,,,, , 00 .,,,, „. 0 .,.,,,,
•Imita. the lon., a nd now, l I, l.riati l itnr f 1 ' 1 .' 3, n" br . ' I.N.N.RIN'IrrioN-A lad rw.. m sh.wlwwrin.. writ..., that
1.... 1 .. 1 , no N...•.. 3. ' 301 ' 3 113113, i' 3 . 3* " 7 . 11 ' 7. her Morgbler bad 1.....41111.1.1•10 a ...ugh .1.1 caper l .-
ka... Attachment Plant.. i min, nigh! ...rut.. beetle fever, awl all the fli3rewina
LiS 11.--An extenclre loan( New 31pale, etnbraeing Jean) . ~,„ni . ,..,....ainta.n. and that after taking tan /..I.
.1 , 3 . and Om cloaca. , new Smut. Phlka. 11 alt.., tr. ' ,f,...k.. a ......1,,...1.....n.1. A gentleman in 31 athiagton
4 SIGN of THE GOLDEN H (111) l ot Thinl ...t. i, !dm Lod calor.. with A•thuta amt Chronic Cough
11 . )1. 1 1 PEE-Etillo, P:‘,lteL Commercial and 1 l' .:;;; I ::,'",1 t; •-r, 7 2 7 ,1,):,-,:.,.,„-,7T,V,,, , „.",,t,,• . ;:!„.,, , ,,,L„‘, , ,,..,, , ..,..,.!
Quarto pmt a. Cap Paper. a large •upply .3.11 otta I total S., min A gentletuan frt. 1 1 .3... - . 111,nola. antes
Inn, 11.1.1 aid p 1.... him , and • hit. I , r hale ..n plata , i
- Ite know. the P.moral Simi!, h. la a gt... 1 article. for
,ant W S. HAVEN'S ibe La....-1 n ea. and In the mmea of mentherr.
- • .
V 01 . 1 .' ,S AND IiRAFTS. --Eng.,,,1 ,nI '''''"'"'"' "" hth "."" - ` , "`'`'`'''''' -
‘ . , urn ....., rit• two .3.1..1 Wham., son 4.....,4-11 In
,1 Stere..42•l3 , Soo , and Drafk....l mo.t. lasuliful M. put Op al ball pint thille• at 1.....i.t.. a , 1,, r r a , Lill.:.
..... to the.... n r hateud in 4.... k. 13 Tarim. , air.. For . h.r
t i an
..fle .: 11 .It A YEN'S Illatat 11,..k a...... 1 1 1 ... am 1 rtnnttatartm In Id an melt !nit.... a aunty of
fawat Cor. Market and ...m.1,3 •14 tilt. nieftscimmai .1,1 .11 t. hose a- It of nit-.
:Allirrtrca. Journal aml cwt.! f i perhat at hl etwack.o. n tn... fnr all
m41....1.11....-.. the Inn:, anfl 11,11.1ral 1 1 .1.1111 , 1/ , .. 1 .•
Alir RI TING INK-Anna,r,. Writing Fluid, ',
~.. , . 11141kINEX'fR
, Ila.ti. ant,. i.J.inew„ip , tri , 4 , .. , %1 ., mita .0,
V Y Ce., inn and 11.1 Ink
MM.., .I . ltemit-al E1..14 .3111.1 Ink them I i ...1% a.... . rel a. t: Imi . 11.3.3 M. Pt.-tmitt
II arm.. • Cohnulmos Ink . re 3 aud 1.1... k • ta , r n.l take on other thof will enr....nt It ha. In it
llfcgan A Thmorw.t. • t .....usen•fal lua 1.1. k, wart, ww,e ~ t i ne lan. ~lushly !Mtn. and 15er1,.... the ...rim
ut.lica. and t- c0mp....1.1 it a perwm.klll.l tr. th. Mal Cartink. Ink. I'm rata br WoII .A TEN iii art l tare eat. I. no dr.wflion in tlnkm.Hrine. It I.
, • ~,,,,,-..1 in rt,hr non r i ft . mut the I , r l, l 3 tchir ha , M IM, r
NEW BOORS. :1 ..... cartiticatm !rim tarot.. In our with .115. niterglng Ha
MITII•S CI. ASS ICA L lilCflONAßrii r i ,,,"'",„' n f".,."' - ',7,'";;; " ' " ' lll 4.• '''''''' ''' ''"'' '''''''
CI A hew , laethal dietionari of tirm.L aml Unman hire i ' ' 4......11,, ' , ' ..1. ' thrTua1f....t the United Statt 4 to ..11 I.lth
i i , r.: , : i . h .1. L, p*,, ,. " 1 .': . .?.:::ja'..'::„r , ..: - L' . ,, , ::...,1:,:, , ,, ,:,7 1 ' , ,1 , '; ‘ ,.; . ,:,..71 . 1,.1 . a . ,,,aL5 i : 1 i',..."; ; ?;:' : ' ,. ' ... 1. ,:; • . ",,.....1ii . ",:r 7 : , ",i.;.1 . 1 1 1,,,1L i :ii' n ' , .:i i . r , jr i. !. " ; :::i:iir , t, : ' ? "i",'
-, ..,...,....,,0i..,•n.1 of Urea\ mull:maul 111tegrat.11, . ...wire 1,, ',lama,: ill mem bawls the 111 . 1.1.... • limo. lll. 31.11,..10gr. c.v.., , - ith unmerno. erwrerti.. and (.... C.a., 3....... a.,. wh.1.1 eve in , 1.a...1. - '''''
' '
a Litho.. 1., 'Char.. , k Whoa 1.1- IL, Protenur of the I Fit Fair. whoa
awl retail. hy r HEISER .3 MrDOW.
-t ..k .3 taut, Language , ... cnlumhine..o. I ELI- Itrurgi•ta. Ith 11....1 ctn., INttaburgh. I, L.. tt, wham
11., Lite awi Come-m..lcm. of Ih.lart South., ; .11b.1 . ell letter. 113 ..“..nele. zattat 1..1.1.,...1. .31.... fir rale 1,
I ht• acn.the Rev charle. INghlata Swath., 31 A.. en- I it 31 (7,arr, All,lperly rim. I' Itr...ker. ia. 11...knifv111..
1.... 1.1 Ploahlaah Cum , Hand. Full lanmA [loth, with 1 11 ... r/... nniwi• Wathmai•m• A." it tk.•r.
1n 3111 ` 11 . 11 . ii"'T •
r."' ' ' ' '': '• ''' 1113 i'i" 3 . 1 . 1 edirrert.mleti.• .11 Rotate amt. I ‘a'rcir?......;‘....?.Vt„n..k..1...;i:'4.‘4'1•.1.'ee".1,1‘r.;'1T...."' C''''Tat"'
(.I.: ? I,LERS'i..IVER PILL- - Thn Very best
t Ilan now in ma. -
11.3 fan. Cot ri 1it....'a... 1 th. 4. Hal
Mr r. E Faller.- hear Str 1 ...II atatt. t. , !nu that 11
ontrunn 1111 1.. her., the mm, la, 1.111 nt k
su mt. .... a 1 f,.. 1,1 ..1 i• thia--.1 , lma- , .
1.-1111 mo. PHI. It ier. 1110111 eatrennal H. our emu
M. ne, a family !..11, .13 le , I.t aupplautang all other. ,
I EC cpeak tn., my owr
_.. capwnner. ....1 from dig .a
peri. nee .3 umuy of aif tm....71 1 3 and cogh....
I. '-1 ...a tan.:. -1 h. allow Um let te r. 31 . 11
not O. irthltch the a ram', name. ,
CO - oaller , Inver 1,11. am Um Original. Only True and
All other* 11, ....uteri.. m Now 111111.111.1...
Pun lumnr. ...H. et that
E.:ff.:ller , laver 1)11.1 a ,
the nrimnal awl ...It true anfl gentone 1.1., 1111. and
mai !a h. al 3.....,11 , ...1 nor,. and td bruggists m en.
rail! t, tin !,',. r 1 ..11114 elm.; ..... 1 . 1
SELLERS' LIVER PILLS vaverce.le all
,--,1 , -i: -1..- 1',1•1,..0. a.
L , .. : Pao• R. ~ 1 •01. In all th.. re
fr!':.;!.;:Ctr,rlll.ll',:n't:'l:l:l'n"'' ''''''' TV. * .. a . ul .t f. ' , i'" ' ''
Eltrael .ft a ie., 1 J.k5131.4• A. 1.3.1W1S et that 1 E eller , ' L t rer Pill. an. t 1...
....1.1.,n1 and . Me true tont gennlne 1.1 ill. mid mar I.
..1 at Ne k: W... 1 .3... i, and of Drugglata gruera 13 lly it
!h.. tubl I.luGll.h Princrsor.
witll tla. euvere.tion of lireat Itritam. by
,trb.lo/11,1...311., 11:« — Live, t I
bP Quvr.
Et,b.n.l mol 1
I. Lb..llne t.l 1 1 ,.rr and : 1 .1.1r...*
tn 111 , ..1wm, talwrtzacle.,. ‘l,llleml, rmrl2l.,
,Int, '.. 1,1. bv 1, N. Mutt., ,P.
•. • . .
The nttove . be•oks. tt:s nst-etvtrel, MIA for tale.let
t.n IS. STCH - TON. Net /7 Sl3ket as.
No ^1 A , ...I ntr , ..l. rrstv.
•.1 mnel non tshrn h•r stnlts. tar., and ...sit,
en.h.rt•-. Intns she. sttantstat - tnn - Chn , nra..•
invlsts , the attention set hisnth....tro. Th.... ha
s , . Ns, Itt,nrialtne Neltl nt INtettnn 1r5,,,11 any t.erc
o s , t , trunitettletes. I/ mttrtsrt. cunt in all t ratutt Nerrnults.l.
Old hinnen hsktto sh ran nl
jttnN 11 , 11.1.01 t.
Pent fstr ant :tel.. Chnskttrina Plans* (..r
Nee AS tN.I
v n . n mud Ittannu Itittgraithy. thob, • torl 07. e
.raolo . trout, butral ottou the Ittebounr/ tare-1, and Ittr
ott rout NI/ tholott. 11) m. 'mill, L. L.l/
I.i.ea tte Queour //t So/tltorl nutEuttitrb 10 - Oter••••••
A.ttre Storalstbl Tr' Irt
.. ife nti iorretponcleu of It. Southey. Palatal be
1.1.. •ou, L tho fit.-, it. t' a...tithe rr S
, I. A. 1 vol. aro.. mto.
The Por•har of Potr•rt. nut ii. INturer.Atidreas
Brentln the Ittmultret Tahrtuttelr. Wealth...lay /Tett.
t u at ..lartuart 15.1,1. by Iter 0. Mum./. D.
totait ol tool tor wale 1/y it HOPKINS,
TA Atoll° Ilull.ltaur. Fourth at
Le,. ly 'Malden. relrl.rattat &tett fro:LIV I A- 4 -' IS A
the tit/rot ° Near/A.ln. be Apar
thouTt hultahl lo met a rot, f. ht I' Fte/ter
Ote rlerear no Alice fair. ne w
S 1, Furter
1 .1 t ALT the Ihla hood /.1 tutu,
Coute utuatilene Trattemllll./
e mat 1.. hettuty . from Oar Ihaturhb•re of °I Murk
• kr,ao flottal. n fat true mad touclutut
1 Ita, wounded the -alert thut lortal
holb dn't At l '''•
The rob-brat...l Polka lhatena
Joanott ntol Jothott—oomplete •
It ' e . t r t 1 1 1 :tr ' il l U ' „Zo . ;11 ' .:r r" Tislt
Polkti llottelletor'e
tot. otuotrill. a._ ..... •ntt of rt.! .
1t.... ow/Ant lea Raw wool Poi lot A Ileultent
A lieu ...alto, of Hurlbut). Ittrtructloto for Ittstoo. loth
.I' 'l. •,I.lttiortal par:, of rat, learoua
Atabatittem for the Plum.
II Photo F..rte Primer. lb-reit...l.okt by
'I. 1.-ry large etnek Pinlve• arri•lng. ana
nor la/ ovn .r rale Out /rook ja.ll
11 tuo. I ottoesst , ha hot h-r: rt..l Ibtuabtere Br
Mother Itoroutt-ster• ISt oraee Artular
ttm,aarr . N1a,.14e .14.33uArl
h tut; AlMulme 1,1 , 1
TIN. Mother, Ittra.n.te.bee. • ~ ~ 11, bra.-/t Agutlar.
The Lottentlle, or 1••0 marn•urr----a to/rel.
The larublor of Oat --as Fottllth oh,
•1- la/re atul to be Lurot ••• tale
Ctoaditte et Ilrutbatt , It, 1i O Kr/ aold•
The lbgnials Conteertoual.
A Leettota ov llti Jr-ttIO Br Pr her,
12 Ih,• heal, to Ittrhop thr
ut .. a /b .1 frt. ow the 31, o -The O lo a n llv a t t o t r
t O/..1 .oil ll. o Auttrral. 0h..110t rtht h
e Waver',
New Books, just received.
I , 'IIE ItArd...l . the I.y 4..orize
1..0 .•1 12ut , .
r " tTL ' t: ' ,:r l' ll l ; " qs """ na T
atLI .1,11,1%1 I Ira,
t "t`t
It Ili
N t.t - r ENOI.IOIII I.ES I , ON—A.
.1 er11.41 Engls. I.ensrssn. founded
1,1. Or 0 tllssm I mood,
it Ir.. Ilse of 1ie..11.;
0 A. M. 0... L
Tits n•se..••• rsesy ms ,
asyl,ens..l4 resill•.T Irsss..l hrotessh Ilse rausllsslsis
puto..ll , sly nevi,. By Brr 11.1,7'
T mutts.. — The Mod , ntal " "
' 4 : 11 ‘ 14:n " 111V .. 11. , •LY1, 11 " • 1,1,114 . 1 lo non.. innnpn.—
it er ‘ cen rep,.n •4.
nn,l Arn
I. ~„, ~1 .0 urel qull.lam. ruled and plain, I.lne
11,ok Reek., e'er, dmetiMl ,, n. mr Assul nr ramie to
~, rr , r1 , 12 ntt
W , A V mer N ie . n 6 n l , t f i io , t n .
MArket R .E A rem, orrnal
. .
IVAult ITINTINO—Every d.-
•. rumor' , 4 I ennl . I'muturrrini, Slenntlx , at. Cann' and
tmi nen.' e'neuted nt ehort untie, nnrl In the
W 11.1VEN.
r • ,s,t :,, iblet 1.. I,etween Market and Fem.
S. IlArr.s. corner of
Mrl, t for mile. a.. large and rein..
rlei.• .tt tam, idatirnery evs, Lava
rt—l ll..• tlierrhanta etipplk. with every
Arlie', in On. lint. tin the inc..l flianralde tem.
at the titildon Ilan.. So. 101 Tliinl rt.. ygg
II I.t:HER 14 ig.a rec. tring tut
Piano, nude I, N1..333 S. Cur..
attegig thrisi. 3 ildrn.ll.l 7 taring.. carted Plant.
I tlie ra.nnr and tun. It made
i t.' . , In 01tur In U. retain Lonit• XIV and
a e t ..1 ra,littnglile and I.o.llliir
an et nat.". ri of Bra, Itirtruni I Inlina.
• tlrl...lrou. and ...Ty tausit al mereltan
• .
EW BOOKS.—llannholt'r new Work,
4 N or Skrtahro of a Ph y atral dr,,ription c at the
Sketeleo of : , 11ftnege , .. the New Elf,latol of
• c,rm..n , . 11,e, ere well Worth regOlog.
R 11111'KINA,
Apollo bullanas.
TII., , II`NrVe., Itamson's Black. 144, Scarlet
,rnunt , . . . . .
Inhersh. 11,oktnanand banadon's, Jackaams.
111a4 and 14.1
1 oketan.b. of care' ale , rit.tion.l llll o , Ca. Cohen ., l'eatt,
Id-son and other manuftudnr.a. of
b., K. 11. 1-mItIC• fautavasor r il es 0. Bat I.* ACo 1
lebrand !bd.! Pena. with aold Rod r car, •
hertmatin hubll-11 Drawing Paper—antlquarhtn, don.
elrldani_ all.. rolosobler...super royal. r. yal and ala
ki''(„lta'rnial.i'‘ti:C7b..''z'nt.4.;a t r ,te7i l o h' aTill and Oyer,
tutad.. ,l ebl.l, and tanr,roor+l nap, aold and
addrvd gripe and corn. ra..and Ilthograt.ha for Ihney hz,:
,-,..archtornt of all dud. anhable for deed,. chart.
.r. afbi dltddillar. Vernal note pate,. slams on hand, the
and patterns plain. gill.
ate! .111 rod..mitalde tor boll, part', wedding. add
En.nrit tode rnedlola , plaln and erolgemed; letter <oval
brown, wild.. RIM blur; 414 and plain adttedve en.!, but, blur and white.
11 atm, rrafdr nip., 'orlon, ytattertdr. writing ma,od. brass
tin.ebron and Turkey I.x wodd Rand 1 01 5.5. 0 pr0g
brodn.a. Idruch and EughJi conylng hooka, and oil of %Meador v. nd and uldite patent blot
t Log pat. r. vrts kulva.a. Re.
all other arhrlen In the Stationery Line.
and, towellter attlt lar,,,r weadtdoent ot
Mani, hdold Rod okrutortoelutu laoka of all COIIIMO , I/ for.
of rolloy. to londlny. and pat., .1 all Mar
nod u 0“1,1.1,.. tatr.ou the ruost mum
Able term, nt S HAVEN'S
Blank Hook and Stationery II ar
~1 1 10
~a i d Odle., of Market and
DISH, E PURITAN, a Talv t.
t - 7 the Aborrießo Revolution. Br Iddrkal livapam,
of the . Reformation of ill. Sitteouth Ceutur,
Id .1. 11 Ildrled h D.. l'ndident of the Theo',
1 (" IV lE'll.i..!di.lni of the Weter
Kruturky. St. lildnr, Antiquities. and Illography 11
Indtted 11.11, rtorraelnio.
Tbe aledd for ..d.• try 11 C tiToCKlioN,
.flookrller awl Station.,
Como? of Marl.. atrol Third MA.
- •
g kuT N E I'S —Pelton's oplendid Ou
it lin, Maul artcat lo.lng Intr.lured In all the !mint
In Nat. Englund and New- l: urk. e hate eatal.
ett the •tteae, rut them a l'lttrlturtat. and It al. nmche
and "uteol Mutant,. tu call and examine them.
Nu Nei, id the alert] Ileutbaleen. 12 a IP2 lurL
,1•. North Amrrit,
dt. • L
.Ip, .1 ,w A A hien, 72 x
2.rwa r.:7, or lb; nrat too
Xt.,. a al, kr,
tiorlaalled Ina mnrary, lwaut) nrul
a nd 3 ,1,1..1 to 11.. antata.ol pronar7. gratnwer
en 1 II r Di. „t tir L .2122'Stat.+.
2.1.. at I . 2l , llabarr'• altbont addition of frright
alnovra. xt lb, Kill C.ATI4I`. AI. 110.0( STOII.N.
Isn't. o.rnar Ilarltrt awl Fuurtli at.
Morris and Willie's Home Jennial:
ISI I ED every Saturday in Sew York I
Ill). or r LaMar.. a arm, forgynble in all ra.e. in
C:Tl4l2a or AOrtlef —4,111 N. of the ILI2or Jourlanl4 N 4.
to; E 2112. almrt. tor,.York. taerroth, 107.12. —To all
Onty 22nrrrn This may ru.rtify that J H. , 1142.1ma .
;7.11,, - ,,tr,T.. 6 ,1,''t, , r,r
went for rail par, grillla artnomphylavel Len. the
pal.l2itapn. awl It 10 .• ain.a2al nd nod.,
•1221. that all rtabactiOlona are payable 0 00 nt a ,a
og r ,riaita an. 5101111 IS ‘vn.Lir.
de's Editors awl 142.122etnra,
N ELOPE S.—Just received, a large
A „.„y of bull. blua, and whit, En•rlope, of all
fur ,,thr
sale p....rt at
u2" &lfitLi=f=trrtg:fir
‘l' EW IiONNETS--3lurphy & Burchfield
1 I hale opt ak tbla piviralog antral we , . of Nry Spring
L . ZI; ir . rt
End. rand r itlbont r f 114 . 11. L.
T 3 / 4 :X i ttt.
ttllrt t i FtTiZO:lltatlYh irtt/11:1. A fthi= intrt' Alto
.111ist, and
of rarialf of sty Ira.—
ouptriar colnred 11.41. th Bouteu, p.m and mqd
d0,..11.. am 37,1 i amt.. 11.4....1•1.
UAL' 001.111, JLLDom. Cb..P . ..1./Ag.7.224 to
lit .101 IN MURRAY'S ILt to
,t,ft ' w h e ' rl ' lT7ll l l " gy7e r ..:r . a k , ' ""'""
Thu. el a n( nratlration rer: , mturnotal In all mare te
tel.. ....lit in.lbte.tutn. euto, ttol el. tut the utt'l
'are, ruee, and ettertual fin In al elt MeirtieelantuP•
11.1..RilfIR Od) olLe. 11, 14 lio . ll it nught to exhitataal. Vee
...cum, ell the ,operiu ef the Magnes
g ia nun la vtleral
ut, a Intent being bable Ilke fora danerunt
lu the leutele: It effertually rune heartburn withnut
inturing the mean! the onto. pnt, and their
arl.matea are I...neutt .1., II un,enta the 11..1 tlf Infante
tun.,ln all ettee. neta,at lea-11. peen. and
laq...cull:telt Adapted te
11 timphre, Pat te.tithelllutt thlt ~ . Itlttan b.rut•
ulde rentblnatuma n. ith ur and auks 01 eau- , of Wun and
thembs . etnintersetlruz their noun... tendency
teleu uther all ',the, and et en SluKtiesla it elf. had failed.
in. rir troth. n. Ebat °cuter./ n/ the
An In Ireland
near :Ur -There ' , an he nu douht that Matinaala Untr
lt In the fornt of • reneentrattal yr
ulalll i llo.ll ter lb, and man, tatter retuunta.
I ant uf °onion that the Fluid Mug
cbilitl hu.m. Muter,. Med.. 1
1111.1 P
a 1 v A ry l v th" hlt
ttlr Juan.. Milt. air A Ceuper. In... Bright. and tlexera
li.thrle Fuel Ilerttert Nts•o. of Landau. rtnetuly metenturial
Mum" , Plio.l Ma.tneaiu.. te. innnttel, mere •Ife and
eta...meta than th e aelul. nod tn (rum Mr dau b r nth e.l'my.the euttotunt ..f med. or pan.a. •
.I 1 cur 110.1 I Flynt etr.
- -
,ONTAINING u.. Sl••r'orv. 11,,r other
allueral;•.. 00.01 thr
04-60 010.11
rtivl• with thr ingrnilent•
0.0.0••- ‘l.• •11,..1.0 • all 11.00iii,i ittarmint. beir•
te•ted .1..r . m.1 r•••••• 1.1 no [ O . ,
I liar.. thAt
it in ri . rirititatuitt . g I. mineral •rit.-o.snovi
liat•voir dint
it• ttif r.•11•00......mtiurd min 00.1
t.iii irr.-at .0, n trop 01,0,31
KIM I 41.10..0(011, r••• 00000.0 AA o.oonutid
whirl. It., tuivili n.l 1.....134.1...1 thr
el n grript cur., I 1•• 100.0
roi,ro 11, t.ll..err. liutnitne
.I.•rni r 041.10. niiil vulg...
'' . 7 .. 1 )17.r171 t.k.111!.f: It "
ma..,-It a•/axe old.. 1.4 thmx•lio tho %orl.l h.r to•rn•
11Lt.•.-Thou•nhl• x_ro eurs•lhrlhol ./Leztuaoot
It ho•or fulls In Ovine. nhof
Lleer , mod all 1.11h1•of rot:, Riot. nooqoal
If erhl Norm- I•oryf value h,••••./I of "vf Oen
oro 11roa•t, tloo vrol.ll nhole‘•ropplj IL In •noll omoos
If to . •llnoth•to., It roller In • li . rl
.... r•
Arooh.l the I•A lat. .14,11.41+ her h•lng
lor Ll•orluuif.lnt. t.
11,0. I . r i th•ro Thnvh:
Itroholott, S•rtou• her, Nth.. li.•••oo. of the
Ilona !who. Rata., I ,4 the
bp, Pltupiroh At.. S%ollstig.4 tho Y.0r0.. [thrum.
II•m. NI. a. 041 CNOSI. thorollo.l or 11rq1.0.1 Ileomh
Ua Re..fir.g Patob
Th. n .twilannn Nhartan; . oala s.
I, I..ra tb
para.. that mato trial f ..l it •twalt• wars:, proira•
Inwli flirwil hl /I of Ow. ttaat tannful reatuattain.
mahrr a thud ta pain tar Itti
iala, a fourth ate th , aw It It .Inea not
tt . 7 ., tizt4tlr cirri raw a ran 4, an Intur.t.
A• annthar tialataa ..f the waiahrful bran.. I^' , r ,
....ea 1., 111, eAlre. tutawm thr n.rntwate.
Slahlritrrnal tirl, hip. In tint
"'""11 alni.lnucrark , (lan I. It. 1 , 17
airman. Kith r -I tbaire In 1141'4111 mOll I), 1 war
tau. Salt.. .1.3.1, I Iron.
tau. 1 auffart.l with It fnr ala.ut tAL '• Al'. Maw', 11,11 -
11113 1 .il to llurinF tal lnra
n unalartaalia.h tiara t.n.a.rtlaa I• aiat
nth, narrow. aka .. nawl.ll, .10 I.'h •.. 31,1 :il
ILM.ile trial af thia with a n•int
. untht a twangu awl mwnet .1.- I 1..0.aa. 11,
!Sir.' .10, 0 et AI.
harpl ritltt lour Ina.ll2,lit, ant
lII nI
..1 . 1..
Aarata I• Plrf•1111,11)-11. 1. l'antn tat , . .. rnriwr
alri.nnruer t,f 1 I Inrunlawhl ,• .' II at., w a.••I at 11.
by .1. 11. .• Naa,
angabola ell, N 11.w.nian aI ..
BMW' ',will.. 1t... w t.
Eltral•••h. 14.0.1...1.1 1 Lrartn.
UI,ES 11.11j:l."5 SIIAVIN4; I.
• nr It an. Mc r.
;Alcr nhAvhig h.c.
Alui•ond Atuhr.v.i.l ;. • •
tcrlc nu.l word. tA 1
F ..
twt, mak', Arial cl tilt, th• 11.1 1,1.
nAtlcti ..t eder. n,l,,,trAt ton. atAl
JILL:A MAI Eh" :•11.01AtI chi tNI
1.41 , 1er , 111.; At111 , ..t AtAl
Ircn,el, tunic, All. , itig
thnt AzAt thr
,•1 thc
cxmrce,c..l - Arcr .1.4 m, •
ricutlerhon tAin... Jule. Mauch. ; noM
Ihr n•ltle.l Ant tl,t1 . ).11,111, • itit•.”slll.,llnto l` kn• r It.
15... without chArt..l 0,••.. A I,•
oucc unc can
A...A, which ell: c.A
tint by hilt , ...A, A Iti.LerA-- I. 111.; 14.1,1 , n; it AI::II.
.I”..mlnr the beard...lll,h A *24, •
or rtz,A, eht.carAth.. l,, the 1.1 . A.• Ahr
Jule. Iletocl'o:01..11,,, crchAcAti..l”;
compounJc4 Alith .1•111. tho uticr
calculAlr , l rvtutcr
,11.11 tich of 0..11, I,,nh., , Aut
p a IAI,o
Prciatn.l IA
h.rt -r mut It ,ch°
1M hcoultt
Fcr sal, IA litArnlo And A YhhttcAt...l.
It. E. I.llt•l•tirgh; And Ja•ht,
Allruhvn, (MA. . •
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
"OUSEL(. ATTENTION is re4poetitilly
1b to M the fol*lotw mn nl i" ;
T i :t i sthl7 Vn
4rr 7 i l A ln t'ion
"114.1-IISI. Ir r li g 1
l.mvaht Info.
I~uG , al wine. 1N.1.11115. 'WM . '. "7".
cummun. and n, allege that the m trimi the
e lf
I.f IM great fatue !lima& It Si not the rent.
ml/ - of a liar, gut ith fur the Polo Min... of tanking mime,.
but. otie.,_which we .tee
nmthim. ho amend wif
all other no-Arun , litthe lawn forgotten Tho-Petegleuni
a Natural Retard, ...Ishoratod In the depth!. uf the earth
b, • power and mien, that laugh. to morn all human
1.1.111,.1 , 11. It I. our dug,. when we write about a meili
rue , th a t ae oath. the truth— that we nothing rah,
lama to denethe thofie who mar trim , .our word .n not ...tin
demo In or f.tatetneol.. The stek are set, .14,g eateli at
any thing that anningerrelhl front illneme:, rtory ran
handl, he too high', •rought to mores Ilm olbeet of gull
Mg or humbugging Ad .0 of them. Now. we AA not deeds
u. do (MI, are are,.. n. nulr that the truth In relation to
our remnl, aboold told. order to n on, fur Rif nfnu.
tattoo Mr rareeging au) In Fir article In the materis
I n. Plain unthrtgolted that In.. hen...ermined
In ous and hear amide tertimon, ft
row tlw Ifitmleum,
tithit the miff tiff. mun-10. tat. of ii.ur inn ritiren,
who were Mogi, What. bare het ti rethlthil to !fight ce,
oral racer of hinnlifma. In the State of Olio, hare le. n
„1 And, a n.o, the eageof • g‘mtlenign In Rearm m. 0.,
Therr ore other, hut. thew are race , forth home, and no..
he roferrnt to 1,, au, neriona ho hare dr.ohm on the us,
1". I Three ean, were mired the, bad been aixanflouf
tat, of 11..t.../01.1 • The netroleuus .111 cum.
when r ani an-unit:in to .11mettoinf—lharrlin. If,. filer,.
1416. Itheumatimi.iiont. Neuralgia- Erustionflora the gall,
Plumb A on the fare.Chmule Sun , bran. Ringworm. Totter.
!Maid Heath palun ht the, trines and mint, old win, 1 Wm.
Wets, Ague. Chthole Cough.. Aetlaria. Ur...MU , and nil
Ilulinonary af1.,t1.41 , of a chronic mann, tending 10 tuff
duce , Comounthtlon
Barna and Seal.le. dlmaar , of the Bladder and Woe,
Charmed Hand, I.leortatnl Ninnlea. mo l Rm...
In fuel. tt ir n oat., 11111VCIESAL REAL., scut 1.,. t0...1, ;11 , 1
It, nuot of the sig,..ll..anfe within the mod 'ear with tb.
twirl peril!. Certificate!. that will tudintich aro It
the Min.. of the f.roprielos, abound lilfe Ifleaenre in ^bow
nig them to the &Ringed or their friend..
haneter othem may ari, almut their moillumer. tin
set the gnfatoet Reined, of the ago. %Imam
of high %tainting 111 11,. profeffaini. are beginning to nee I
In their maottee Th.... who at are! hmkna on with dun).
andutiffertanit. . are v. siting to avian' It doe anti.• m
eonslderation - 14 another year mil. round. all will a if
frinmelled 1na...if...1nt, that the retnilenur hr the great
rat nothetue e'er .11, , 01f rnl. Tor .ale, wholvaate and re
tall, hy h RYSER A Air la .t 1 KLL. 1M ft
Elliott.—R M.llem, Wool airreet 1.1
Alaiu, ft
Jmenli Month., Allegheny CR I. the Ifs
prim,. S LIES. entual Raton. uth /doff,. 1.11.
hunih, and 1,1 A ithuertoct & Co. - ITol.l and Smut et.
_. . .
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T ‘V)I. Illf ;131 - S Chev Ca,h Clothing
, st.oo. N .1.1:0,10...rty str...t.,_
of di:Lt7i:k:frthl..Ll',..j*l.4"..-Vi:°.'th,r,,r 't.:;:r.;',.7l':
r—, for . tile vatct...... isturbar ., for eitriiik:. ehettly to e,
el., ham thiteruhuiel to idler them at hireally emitter'
prices eon coif, All thiwe who • wit irieel. iheblerothle hoil
well trivle ek,o,c.. will null it grestiv to their adrautage
to favor hi,. .in • nal. se great berg - aloe will les tittered.
New Booka Joat Received.
LTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; an auto
biography. 1 rot. Moo. mop.
rovolor ktatwation. of
the r.• of parent , ' matt bete.,
as f or g oowg prount of both nom pleponul mat welt
ett to seroolonew Nibs .
of of the liettate atul Bowe
t at of State of con. Br lra t ‘isy:
A r ea:, A. It !latlTufweintentkont of publicaa .
Pas..lllalan. oat
IV.tto. caw.
•Gbotro New Rock—llistory of Madame Roland. by J
If oh;
C. A bb o tt, pith cps:not/Us mama with the former
tome of thisbeenter world Perk. Yot sele by
IiOIEINIS, TIAYotb Hulidtage, roartA
hundrad and fitly On tar, atsatl 1,1 bake.
310 pair. a'rtt. .opnor artar. I.
t.too do Flea.. Bret 11Lanluda. ritthon latund.
13t do Urn, Costing Blanket, heat y.
1. al. Drab do do do
Lti do Blue do do do
3 car.. Blurt Blanket Cloth, do,
1 do Beaver limy do
do atuwrior Black French BrsalcladtE
,‘„ all at., Freud., atootted color,
a... rtatl rm.
do Casalotena, I,lack and Laney colatia.
1 do t , ntimett., black and wry mixed. I
a ht. Twllled Flannel, tan] aldr. .
4 d. Iternal do do
The above drarrihul good , au. all P.
rerun.. manufacturur , etittl stud ittad, and Fe 5.4. We tat
Ir 'tend Irma to the trade, at manufacturers wive,
It. LEE.
and Prtttal; Cur.. Flu•lnta of veno f
ls E. cot" Fourth Market WI.
V V IIITE BEANS- 6 barrels received and
, (tor SAMI El. P. PURI VEIL
I 111 1 —Twenty barrels and thirty kegs NO.
1.-ni by
la ys iz , A3IEEL P. SIMIE ELL_
.-1,11. LEE-
Morph, a iturchft.l,l continua to hunt cr particular
attention branch of thor an 4 art, careful
.el..ct ru,rior nctu.l.--tlie wernotc , l Ilea.
and ja,it, at tow pr . Ln- quality • ' jail
- -
lIIINESE VERMILLION-7411. for sale
I_, le J KIDD
11 SEED—Fifteen barrels (new crop)
j f r Aele 101 l J. KIDD c CO.
OPIUM-S' ) CAI lbs for sale I,v
1%21 J FOLID .1: CO
U 6 Alt LEND-1 euk for Fale by
fjk:., .1 6u , D & Co
1 - ILVEIt COIN WANTED of .veryb -
thi) hitib..t 1M , M41.1 PM , 1, ' lle MMe M
Laatorra I.lrbaoao. par lona, ur ourrenv.
S a CO-
Cur. Third and 31nrkvt,tx.
s it E
, 11112 , s
I Ml hens
Za. I..we Nam.:
'waled Ptaelleo
, ,lat-ola.
Napr:er. ~ ker
!rem •Leemer r. Itlnl
a,r sale be
11.1 a Watai - K fr.nt ate
1)1..1.1i1 . , ,, --15 casks sri
upeor, for sale by
ioLL Burr Elt—'rwentv barrels prime
llt ts,vd and L.r rale r b
I oult-1"'
1 ik It 'I .11' PLE: . .i.-F ift r 1.,1/ el. feeeit ed tint
1.5 Itt . ..It iO .1442 , 4 ' SAMUEL. P. rIIII.IVEIt.
i It/E L:0
N-0 iru 1,1,110 & yellow, 11., an'', by
Nt 11:17 0 NI. CAN DLErtr. .Fr INE UNEQUA_LLED SUCCESS whieli
.! :
, tt: . ../h4 the in... of molerntr.irs RniX5l4.T,
TIJCKS....IOII SALE-Wetitertt Ins. Stock; I X
I It: 7r0 . 1 ' ..0 ." ....1. AND BLOOD 1111tIFILlt, In effortmdly
1 - 7 1 tittle Cr el. Plank 1,44.1 :444: . earinz the ........reet end ti04..1 inveterate sawn of INILAM•
Illt,burgh. thneinnalt and 1.....41, the Tolourath , , NI AT. - 11tV AND CIIb)NIC ill , Is a sufficient
tlartue limlway etsrlt. Ilan , .04 Bridge etoek: guarantee and reowancodotten to lrelinw 11/10 , ho are ,Elie-
' , K.. 1 .0 . MIN . .LD • CO. .1 with tit. dreadful d4notor to try its virtue. .
,4 Fourth at H0nd0...14E0.f eat., many of them citleens of ft. Larthr.
4 and other , from ,bard. have hero cured within the last
rir I.
RC StVr IN s, .......f . the utoet desirable „ „ ,,,...,,,,,h,,04,6, ~,,,, 1„,„ 4 ,1„....,, u ,. a ....i.n.,,,,,..r.fr0.
- 'Lt..l., to 10. bad at the to , or . _ • I road thow al.e. that It is perforruitm tha sante
a= 311 4 11P111 A IILECIIFIELD lw ;0,4 10 .v..;tri...1. Many of - theee were chretde ease* af long
•- ---,- -, standin and all hofw of emtreery hid Nen Oren pp.-.
it . E-Tw.: tav til'rCeS new crop, ,en sued white nth., were of more er-vnt date. of the mt.
ii:-..i.,..- ,, ,.. , ..i. . . td"..V.,•l`r7T,:...7frlh'l';','Zike,','.'.. `.:ll:l"ll',',.;,=l W lrr: li a v
11110 W N a Kllth .ATRlCh.l4ll.lhert, at 4 r
realized Da Moon.. and ate tow In the emoyment of health
' • 1 1S11-75 In No 3 :%ittek.erel; MU LW. riArtlll th e original discoverer and inurrhitor, •
ji benefartor of mankind.
:. '''''''''' h • '' '''' ' '' . .t.i, ~. F . L ., D n. t.... 11 known from the elpert ener of the past, that no
a 2.1 outward epplicankm ea uposibly effect • Perotatartit stet
Sl?i/A ASII -2.., casks Johnston's' loratol, 1nt t.t : t....... , 1r q, i1tr i, „... 11 , 1 . y . t , h rn e , p .tm plit-ati .. on . of b lat .bui tlat , h , 3
j... J. 4 .!'' ri," ‘ " -- , for a short tune. But all the while this harm,. laltahnt Da
1./ ittl(ll‘l:', , . .1... , I 4ioz fttr. sale by treaty. more twrinanoutly in the at :stem. and gunner or later
llanion tievelope IL.elf in a more dreadful form, axed alter
II ya0:1 Ja It 1 , 141)Ili it few periralleal return, it gettba - into a chronic firm.
which. If Ind anon ern' .ated, ruing the Individual for nr..-
1111 C I'. 15 ettAs Clurolina for sale he . - This h. verified by the bLatory of the pa. In all cocintriea.
4 .444 ,,,, _ .... J. .t A. F 14,13, ..,..„•• fully demonstrated by tin. hi dory furnished of
I 1... ST -- iiECE ivto from the Phillipsville li,'''„„,r,.,,, th
,",,cr'i-,n,r„,..i'''''j4,4.hth„,,..,.7.,re,,,;^,12,,,,F,0 ,br
o p oil Cloth Factr.ry. "1{741.714511.171iT.1.11119.1.T10A514C0&V1V1TCT'1nt1' BLAOD
b., .ands ad k lia , r nil 11.11.,
o Y ards 44 do do , PURIFIER. la an internal ntunly-teruntriencee Ha opera.
"PO ,rl,ll. l' 1 1V,,,,,a, Oii (.1...: Ilona where the diem. Una originatee. sad la Inatifling
rotorted .444.44 Tahle. Staud; mill human the 4414, tune., through tlx trlnde aystern, neutralises the
Cotera, t. ( ..trot lentint finish. and la.sotsful pattern, for impure or caustic ...I . l , tnent. wlorh Ites eetthal ttp7 the
..I. • 14.414..014 and retail, at the sandlot. , Met 7 rod 9 impure
rauseloo nd teal° r t,
i t - 4 , es t , enUml
_LT . .
A 11. PIIILLIPS. thr 5.)1 , 10., and restan... the al v tot opv feet heal
` l "" ) '.. • '''' __ ' OO 4.
- - i het Ilinae •ho re !aimed not olecolie thermehrea, and
IFE A SSC RA 5 CF: -I.oranoe on pltr- ,an WI the
. 1.0. 4 , 11t , in mnlielun i tot 141:ut, or
.11,0111 ta em tt el t r
II A ‘... b0w..., the 11..11 a It. and eit ono he ettect•titu , limb , ntr
are =1.1.7„U.,,,rLnutriab..10..,111,,e,1,;;.11 A . g ..
, ~.i.,..1... N.....,,,i 1,...1 VIOS,I tire A•FLIZIOICe Suelety, I i U
' 1 thousauda.rurta tbo land, at weirs" a runlUtudeat ..ttai
0,0,,04n..14 to the tin.l.4.4stnol.
to 4.41.1444,4 m quantity of etPhOtatort•Panildtle. Jo. Pret..nt...l . lty. de . ..A r ran.. t.1 , .e ., t44 , 1 , 1 . y . ...1 expecting pernta
”'.."."""r ' '''LuU.'"'''"l li i i '. A. C ati.r ''.."- i'°"k - '1!1.o ,',':,,fr.L.....,‘.'"‘ht"7,r„„1: , ..'.. , ... k-.„ from ta
ll, 11.04.... ~f . et ien,... lost no outwaol ap dieatlou eau toesitly effect •
''..4 ' "" .."Ll : '" L r - ! . ' l.". ''-'..' ..
! 14ertn0n.:4410010.4.10cre ibis Jig... to henar Brad In the
lIÀ MI I OIL. 3 lirls winter strained:For sale 1 5? . .... , .r. Or folll , :indzl4.4o;gga . z.arecl .,, agilL, An em b„„ brer .. ;
A t„ """V• "ATTU."'" ''''' linte.l.:l ' ;;l4in ' 's 1117%.t;ITeet a
. permanetd ewe. Tha rub.
1 INSEED Olt.. 5 Mile pure New CtuAtile ture . of Lb. dlacate It garb that it requirealrgerthutkend
I A oil. J om ren....1 ,out her ink II .' „':, r ,: r itt=l,. kt'f,..lVuurSTL'ilil= 1?-=‘;‘,.,..i,r;
,Inv_, " " fll ' llilc •l -rrri•n• I Cr)- ` 4 7° I,i t 1.4 • been di
ill ithe.r ID
4 . t 0 , i' . ..i , ...i. E. 111 3 Ittni;x l, l l i 4 t . t y l . l , tr iA st rr ilt i o u: lt i y , .
other countrv. that will effectually Mae
' This medirine ran be bad, wisiderale or retail,. ice- " 3
Third atreet. next to the Pont Office.
• .
liliSil. I If. loin large No. 3 :Slack:lre!: 1
A l. o r g an . In Pllt.4.l.urgli. to 11. Styser, Wm. Thorn,
1 , 4 late No. I Itahloore liertinir. , J.L. Mo. S. N. M Pt:erten, and J. A- Jour.
.1.17 - Pei So Der bottle. six botUrs Dm Vr.e. ur US twedmait•
' '"""
''''U'Ak EIIi.?. I )4 b A I PTIIEWS aea 1 Plungletv ~. ~• had' grau or ui, ..-rut.
_tin v:4 . IL 11. WISMAR?, Award.
Ilt 1 ' I''% fah A T Fl,Olll.
p p .., 1., reeeiv.ol for rale I, IMPORTANT iID THE AFFLICTED.
- . - - - -
H 01? , ). '..r hales for sale by . .., _tie. JAM., R., the dl,overer and role proprietor
• 1 o the, moat popular anti lancflend mmtkloca and sho
-• 1- the iurentor of the relelaated instrument for indalAth U.
I . Niont:s- -Thr.,.. htt to Ired Mils. No. 3 1 h..,.., ill • mire t!rehrnnle diermwe• .... nu
- 3
Maeken.l. ',74 half 14,1, do dot 3 141.1 e No. ltialmon, in dent of that ranittent OA Auden. Doctt. Ilayele. and It a
Idol, 0,011.. r 5:.1.• 1., y. 4.11 ' JAMES DALZELL. amt.. of the Lulvenoty ofen.
Penusylvanta.and for thirty
year. sine. hav been sty-anal in the Invertimillon of die.
2() 'ASKS MU. SPlt,Vrf ..1 . :. SON
"S Soda , ow.. and the eppliratiou of remedies thereto.
Tlionta , h the use of hi. Inflating tule4 4 lnoanneetionvilth
ie I A'h
. 0d
11 .1AMPU DALZELI. I his ProPhYlartir tllrwP. and °the , of hie ....Nile; 1 ..4 1 !
' C'l"' f l ai;: '" Ta r te7: l' l;tre?re n Tl ' ar i' llVe ' lmfpr. =,
I 1 i:. , ..1 . 1 , 12 . 7i_ , - ,.7, 1 , ....i . tir „.. } . : . 1. , :tt;t:r n, ,, , ,
~S , : trlt. .
; ' ' ' ' ' ' ''l B"ne6ee'
I Friel7.l.ll.?l:"Tlrir%*t'alahT, .Llama. Fete,
g' d A iViirZ"Z
-■,5-, , , J KIK, 0 tor.- N. 003 Wood ..t. - ' i ea.ea peculiar to female,. Indeed, every limn of disease
1 A 111 , OIL. S Ibis received on consign- T yr t 6l::t fttit:,, ,6 ," th a. r . l• o lt i lr o trttl ,trt • wn X i tr on:Li b l h for tutt th li
.1.4 went, and her ate by IV ALLING FORD I CO. • Is Ineoro ' patrble 4.ithWtyriom ' 74l.4tw. lint al" !la a_.._. of
131, IC \ter ,tree. fa, ,u 4 ,,t,,,,, adapted to. and presetibhtfor. etten peculiar
V It. It)LASSE:S. 36 logs hew crop, bust 1 7 t
r' or.ilcit Toni , Atternurr Phlr. when used, are Inearla•
r. , 4 4.....1 met %4r rale hy ,P.. A. CUNNINGHAM. bly arknowletlinl M be rolwrior to all °theta •r• %MT. -
1 t 7.7.1 Liberty rt. i tire or Itver pill. imontueh as they leave the lame per.
1 ---- ,ItESI.II - tiiLl. lil2."fFEl{. 4brls justre - e'd I L''' ' ',,,,4, , F frlle b y r'',,,,'" '"l r . ' ll 'r. ,,,,,,,, " l " l ., ° ,l 6 :lL k' r ld'° ,r PM 27,. ` l,:
i '''
,d ''''' - - -11. A.
-CU , j , . -SNI""A?L ' '' rsta 'n t'th nt i o d =nit ' vr ‘ qui b t ' . l lr,!tl t' n ' lV.Ttbe t tfr=
iAI 5 C I N.N.vr 1 310 u Li) CANDI...S.. Bill's t.t. most ..k.Pth 4l . l
0 . ,
0., ,,
... t
a_. trend, for wile hy .....7.0 It. A, CUNNINGHAM.
IV 111 TE FIS ), H O . 7,5 brie mid lif brl. for <4A.,, , ut..f . eprh ~., . , , ,.! :. ,, ,t .,.. Ana its applirwth.D.,____,
IS AI AII DICEI:1 - a CO. • for':. ''l.,‘ -• ",. r'' ''F'.'''''''''" "'"ur''''..u F
' °' ..l " ,..?lft ' an: ' l:l4 ‘ .cr I. " C.T ' VIi . .I ... pi,...b.h.
1i " ,.. 1 7 ‘')"1: N U.I
S i.. ..6wlATl.'„.tt‘r_trN".tleßlg•e. ' i . ... ' • I A T . Mal '''. . Dr' th ` i " •a r r 'r tt ' e t i' o velt l.fller.Allegbe.
i t , i ,it.j.i., A NI.LI.S. tit , hoxe, for role he ` . . i _ _.
00 Jnr-Vph Barkley. Darlingttn..B. , er mint'. re.
%V III .1:4 4 .lORD .1. 1)0. -.t0,„ i.,,, t , f.,,, a „ 4 „ v . ,n,,,.. 4 ..
T Aden,. It titer. - - ' .. .
illAi'. Vto !.caes Louisville NO. 1 . ' ~,,,,,,, ,
I'l tr ,cle hp
' ' '''
i t; ' 4 . 6111.44 I OKI , a CO. I CONTORT AND RELIEF
1; ENTI t•KA 3105TAI:D. A constr. - Inc ! 1 . 0012 TIIE AFFLICTED will Iro-found in
`l,. ',pH ; , I hatrcs , o-Ists , tt ,, l listt 6 trar ilttttttnt• • I: Pr: neaut I . ii,'ll,llt.'re INYALLIELE Lrytain-r.
~ , .:. ~. ~,,...,• ...t L...i ~,,,,_!.....-_ - : ..i....1.,z.. ~, 4,0 , Lagte 1141 A. anu I, 14:4 1 ‘ 4.t....1 the , tert ..1 thirty Sean ea
t t I 1.1N ,, r ~I 4 . 7 . 2 ... _,_ _ i 1...444,...1:00,i‘,t...,104.,._!:z,i,j1Q,,111-. Well thc tne.....1.1,1 ,
41 t t Ousts to 4... Ducat owerr
l , "q' ,10., ..'n 'lore Yarn : ' ....7:',.......1eh•n; , ‘ , . , ht . d. 0 . 4 ,44... I, 6.1 that ..., hazard no.
It 0 LLINU H.IIID a It' , , 4104,, in .0. Mg that tine t, the only niediente that btu been
• --- ---- - . ~ I e .., : d 10 tfic tune 04. that dm, in et cry arnee of the word.
1.1.10. jug receited and • ~,,,, L.. ~, ..r. .
Itri,h4:ll , E. 0 1\,:1310.1)1,
. „, lt ta. , 44 , eur:. , 1...and
~: ..t,..1.T1.1...„ . „ 1 .. 7. : . t . r f, . .r. m . ,0 . „r ed0 r .t. a .4 . 41 . 1 an
''' : 'l. - .ir.4 ' ..i . ,: ' ; '. .r o tt r id. ' orT ' ; %tax ' name. •'
lAllll. Bo Lid.. Ic . ~tte I.v .i...l.trt oa atst omedunag ' , ad ef tbe above, we tar
A 4
..,, hl 1.1,11e.P.0 t•oltit4 _ th, 4. 4. the .1 . 41, article that haa attwarrol in the form of
patett 01...teate that 14, at., 100.1, patn.14.401 mail nevi,-
~.4 VII I I'S
,N,N 11 Mt - ILA:a . .. 7 ;ES. V.Oll - o, 4 lftelitt. • 4.1 the pra4..... t tht: I. .I. ~..w.rttll r. at the no..t agreeable
. Patna , oltd!.-44,.. ever cZenal for elle, or us.ol by anytof
th.m.4 ,
.::4, 4 1......• tt :4•.- d . ae . The Ihm 01....... 11. Grinnell. 1,4 lI.C. The Ilon. hold.
, 11. Nhrr,.., Int if., , Rm. Jahn A. Dix. bile U. S. Sena
'.,'' 04 , '', 01,.. ' 4 ' .., - 1 ' , 1 ,.: I'4 ,i.,......1, 4 1.., 0 0, ... ' nr. Wlllanni 11. lt.rter, Ego... Editor of the. Stout of
. '. ...,. ' , imp,. au,i a 1,4, . 1 other 414.4nnonbed e4nseng of New
kilo/ k ‘47-114 7.. .: ..- to. K tit brand for sale ' ':"41.1.A,16;,1t0ttr5...-.L.:;12,1=-1. td merits. have permitted the
~ • W• ii • I.) 11. Al. it Is well l;nown that Ps' .nt 314.411 eines are ntt genre-
II I ILI. Ili . rr E it. ..:11 ldds. Thos. reeiy- ' l '.''' P '''''''' l '" l by the ' '''' ..t.dt‘.. " jth, " I .• ' • 6 . 7 k,
voliate tirtituhtolir e right to feel ourFelvea highly pike.
II ii ,1 ..r ,:. , 0 .. ''' ' ' W. ' IIA 1L8AC ,,,, ! ilea-.d. Thi4.‘l7zaltr working (7oropound Lae lawn newly
, - 1 ;oven year+ 1.4 n, the riddle. I. ant friends are now Its
I . 1.1 14V rd. I t Ir. Id - itue R.' r.dr O ,V ,
strongest ,ranch., Th. unot una,...htedly I. Mitakg and
.r., a tr. lIABDAUtiIL I ennvind.R 1' •f cf . Fr. nal ...fut... and ...Ur.
annlitle, It le a aoteret.... non's ter all rwrrour inseam,
'II Eit .. .. 1 :di I..rxer IV. R. Cheese for tale rhetunatte Paina. scrtfolour spreju..., b eu i. e .i. o ld
1 , end ell the tvina slut:leiter that tern 10 heir to.
F. ' W.
""'" L . , ' 0 ' 4 . 01.0000W bottles have teen gold withal) eamplalnt,
• toad have perfected .iteh e.ttnulnhinn cum. after all other
, t end
have failed. at. would osatter belief, load we not
I offered. and its cur pcatametten, M.. strange.% .poaelble mrl4
Thig medicine. er natures remedy, la OrePanad from ,rg
nthlea for internal aas well.. external use. It sets direct
ly inwm the .14,4.4.01 part-ant lug i 7 health and - streugll.-
It. • sure cure far Diarrhea. Cramps.lßllious Cholle, and
ear, "r" ru li MinTo7Male, i = agalejer K et '7 ll mar
'' gr=t i flitsburatl. hr r, E. Seller, Me m.. Lffidd *
Co.. and Ogden t Snowden: arid by the retail Drupe..
awnerally. 101 put up ht.tour. two, and one glinting Dat
il., Janina=
)1 : k \1.,1.`,
tit; 13.
.17 31K1'11 - 17
11.11EY. MA6 tons he. TTHEWS - A Co rolling mill
L I.urnne• 0.
j I ES. 17:3 1111 , 4 per Martlower, for
1 - 1 - ITII I,bis roll, for sale
40 dozen for sale by
"" 9 _. • Jl3 VAN FIELD
i I itEASE. 11 WAS. nom landing from the
""'""'"" " '"VAN11 DICKEY CO.,
'""9 and Front 'dr..:
AIX RAT US. 100 bones for sale by
ql - .71.1LK11 , BOOK S.—EdlicatiOnal Works,
37. nias , s, Slarvinrtrvmvnin, nati , maiy.eatteen pub ,
.1 . • IlArk
U., 4,. fumily 613.1. , I,
a,U s limiest:au.
. _ . .
I I NSF:EI ) 011 J. Pi Idds revelled for ale
I 4 by • d.... e r W HAFIIIA 111 IL
fil.; II DA IS A It. 1504) Ms -just received
Lln • , .ale by BRAUN 1 RKITLII.
J.l (Awn, 5... CUR StslLihrfty r a ta
H . I.tN ESS. 40 dozen pairs florae and
Nlttll. B .0
arn., I, 1.• by
H ,
N llit.o-- 54s Ihs Spanish Float: 3ladras &
. Nlsnillo f, *!Jr b, ,1,, i KIDD:1'0 1
IDIA IN TI N(:.. Hato , and Sign Painting
I N iluly:!':-,1V:=1,",71,V:Zlii.i;:t't "os d„
es ' nosk.,, , snd °win o .- ....n.r.4. a. as) ob. r R. 1... ., In lIIr
cg.). det•ltnillr4 1,14 , • It.
.12111 J. 2 II PIII LLIPS.
- __ .
. - -- - •
II 111!:5. 124 14ry II Mo.:
. • ,721”, 1 . 31( ,Liu,
I Lughli. IN+, ~,it, Inaulini, Ort mate loy
den 10 , 11KliT DA LZELL l et).
EL v I.ILE 'AIin:TS of the richest
sod hal at• the Canal
\I ..... No. t ourth Ft, at i.rtor. awthey . eau
In the eamern e 1...., U L
IIEF:51;. 1104) )10366 for sale I.y
' lns .1 II CANFIELD
I), a nd 'Ol Mack%ll 1,11
ROLL fresh roll;
hl keg. do Rd . Pale br
.11,9 1.6 WATERMAN A t4.13.11t•
ti,LAIN lit L 12111NT ; L, received this dap
Lc W. Waxebou., NZ. Fourth od.
11 oLA SSES. 50 I;rls new crop for sale Its.
4.V1 o;•::; BILOWN k
nrnelved by ...rm.., another . lot of thaw unique
2.lTt= al.' P'"""TrITIY
111111.31 E BLACK TEAS nom ENGLAND.
Harris t Haworth. to the Diatnetel, hoes thle day re.
reirect pmpacket ettp Deeenehlre. about 1:ea1 ot hoe
Strout and }Wools nate:rod blob Tea, the eery pca
could be procured In the Lotliph market. Prue nu cents
ati 75 mato per lb
The Tel Martel h. the pommel. eftet eta.. jag
_pourr E PRESER ES
-1 It 1a Sbr
lAg:—Flas, to artm.
Pirlicr—Wabssit and °erbium
Prstserred PeacheN Mom Grapes. mat Rm. - barb*
n•lbb/ Asa J. Lo. 11I1.LIAM4 a co
LARD A: GREASE—Ten brie No. I Lard;
aU I Gm "' in ' un i•Tartalearrr (XL.
s Inter WI hostiell.
-There are more thing!. In heart, nod ...oath,
'Than are dreamt t of In sthileaophy."
Yr HE VIRTUES of this reurarkable rime ,
x t il . i. .v=vggan k l.s . rr t Ua u tio u n for ILI* the pto b pr . '
' belw ' and dlrertmeott. for the bene4 nf ttltble '.'i '
The rerKULEUM le orocured from tt. well au lid. ettinif
, ~ a depth of four huntirwl feet. Iv a pun, unaloltera_
,:.,,...tu ns ., ,ty
chanar. but just as tt
nea• fn., "%Manr Croat 10.1 twat'. Tlrat it wantalna,
proortir. mocking a nunater of dietrostwa la no longer
matter of unrefialtdo. Them nee nut,. thintot fin the ape
a ne .c o re.labich. If known , veni re be of 'met tuatfol. ,
newt in alleviating aufleolna. and notneina the bloom of
health and vigor to moor •
u p 1 0 Long be, the i ,e.,,.
, ~,,to thought of rutting it up 10 Intr.r... It tout &Mild.
. li. for the cure of diorawe. The ronitant and dallz therm
tatty calla for It. 2.,..1 pevor.4 mm 311.14, come It tuAs tece
I,lll o +l. I. a run. Indwation of It, futuni rt,a.‘rif, ...4 ..
0,. ~,,f .orllcation in the tqem of thatoare.
tie ao too a tdt to male lone loratle a It o certifice*
wcave...o,oolllot the otedltone eau mon work lra ..,
• lot wig,. end o 1.11 tr. be •
• Wet ' il ' 2rat l : Jn lit ' o ' Lt ` t ' !ll7,ll ate tt n 'lnternal anttlirrat. in '
, r ,
~,,,.,,,,, „0,,,,,,,in,1, ,n, , that in a uninber .
1-Chntnie Itiocatee st le
Among. there Mg lA .
enumerated-61 dawn., ol the mum. town... awn M.
non.l AST 113 IA. :1.1 oil d inar. of the stirytaavaitea. UV,
, CO 0,3111..11NT. D10N011 . 141.1. lliarhaw. Mae...a of the
1 it:adder alit Maori.. Paine to the hart:or Sit* Nemec
N ee ...* Neuralgia.
Pain. Rheumatic Kitt, Gout , Eryslar ,
Amt. Tette, Illturwortne. puma. Salad, Erillen4 ()MURK'
Sr. ho_ In caws of ilettlitty,nocultlua from commie. or,
Inns and tracted ewe, of dive., this medleihe will"
briint relief. pro It will oct ar to arneral TONIC atad.ALTYR ,
ASHY. la worn eters. hortarung lona , and entaffr to tbrt
whole frame. remorlua olotrurtaotat ott .WS the alttlitZ i
, futirtkrtte, •I'llle b eau. disease and a b - roken ranaltto .
: '' or lif..Ml=4:r n ltrr ` tre 'n ol i re ''' re r AT I rtr il t c l l7l 7 l=
that noir - n.4 ever. other treatment. Oct wall atur
c a n
of the PETROUI7SI too a ..core fever . The proCf can Id
- -
Sl Zl to ♦ toy Orr:rth 'r e h ut it 'L l H i
a lb. Niaa -
......t h cr..
tr.,. o NV. UM pro . , .
, I sal".' ; t 1 . 40 flat. (:anal Raton mots &wrath oftset. •
Alon, by IL K. tiELLOIRS, 07 iVontUrt...
and KEY:011 toII'ItOWELL.
corner Wool otnot and Virgin Alloy, who ore
tex2 , ll. Ha regolarif . Avid* : • :
KNow all men who are sick and afflicted,
irith diorgee or the Mal:ler arid lildneyr. - trith rititro'
Wall,: lota , iu bark or Limbo. rift tomb,
be uldeOrril.fillil
ulcr•re. Le., that they can cut,' by tuldug the PETE
LEI:3I. lou mot talk about its Witt.; a uortriazu.aata 7 '
a... you ple.av u. : but th does not wake it F.; for or Proclaim, ~,.
11l 00 face of au honest or=uratity. that it. has Thltllme.
which are not contain...l is any nthrt r..baaly. The Walt_
Lo In rptketl, with - T.lm, and au/Teri freer therm,
etuaf .
fho ,tits, set [..1.1_1 . 1.1 inn' of LUC 114 1ah1.1114..
&My, " .
itendt . e. it Itc...ta eery little to make a trial. Shia nitro -
15003 Ls na taixturo—ne vt.mpoural. pot op hlrtkie purpOsi ,
a 11111,y1.,” tip: e.unnunity. built Li a vaned). elabe....
t,rl by stir ....ter b,6.1,1 uaturtyamlbubblca up from the
1.......ul of rime cloth, earth. at iLr ..rig Leal ry.tit.r, au.:Lof,
for, t.. , ,ufteriu4 humattit, u wady rrmadr. a cert., an 4
ch. op ur.
it I.ra cued ever oth..r tateaklues hone failed to
rtualrr our r..;14. It Ls eur...l ritwurttat.nam. of lons
1:. '1 , , g.iT1:r 1 ., ' 14 ' 3171; ' ,1 1 :: ' 11 ' ,..t; ',1 rr It' c h aracter.
roma 0.•41. 0.. - •1 ~,rh.ra. to whirl every ttlscr -.omit
L., , t , ...rn ..t r.., .......I. A.e. n brat roueLlY lu'hUrita and
1,.1.1.P. tt Ix t. It., tint.aliy um . ticnlumtKuruir , Olottarta
1 that ..: kur.. .0 It alit cur, chliblllinlf and frosted feet,
in a too 1.0.0., ~-. oLloott , lo-4.intonv tma be fortil.,ll
- thr Ir.IL , wa11..1 Ili tlar shore ftitemeot, by <AIR
ino on rA MI :-.i. , 1 KIER. loyal Baru, c , e, toll ,troeu or
it, ot tio• ~.. , :r. •
. Kr , . r 0 1,•Roorli. ern,. ...f Woo] stroot sad Vireo
I all , . R F:. 1,11,-. F 711,0.1 .tredr. 1 , . A. Elliot, aunt D.ll,
a i m the
Corapound is warranted 4, stroduco the within de
re, effects, whet: used for tnakmg hre.l. In cakes,
tneltwheat rates. de.. by which a ratinz it effrctod In the
flour or shtut LY ter rect.
To Matz llarxo -To e.. 11 wand of flour tool two tea
tpOnafula of Cnelmnaul gud the usual quatnitY nf nit. mix
hem thoroughly together while .lry, (this makes • pre
pared flour that you can l and use at kusurr4 thCo
much odd water as w ill s make tho tinuch the natal
thletnee, Annul It veil. and let It shmd Itneen minutes
lorfonn tsstlne--nor or two hones will do no hurt. Biscuit
should be MOW Sancti thlum r, end halnst at one but
oriffdio no hurt to stand
or twenty :minutes. There
It en danger o f it,tting 4. much of this Compound to the
tgral; It will not turn the nod tus paler:dug dm w
whs./ u,s,l we,. • •
cyn put the isbore
Irur r l ., rw a n k .
Componod into be eskes.
diao, Johool rake, logien rakes. ginger ester, emu wid
p e r
cakes. i
milt breast. brown bread. blsei batter cakes, bulk.
and , -for all
H. E. LT Irma re.
n. Dollars reward will be raid to any 0.-rho wfl I
prieluse egoeof paint, green or dry, that,canobt I. ex •
irxend with H
Hotta improved' Chenileel Stay. I brae the
ratixfuction of raying to the people of Ibis place that tbi•
article, by my own Imyrotemrnt on a, now steeds wort.
yelled In this reentry for extracting rrneee, pith: Oat.
Van , - O th er greedy thbetance, from ail kinds age. -
Uremia's or ladies' .thlug, carpet, table rprradaomerhiti
hea', ladles . onnes, Sr.. without tiniOthir ex=
that pure ironer will not Inture. More than one
ormolu. in without prte rod. hare told rho they
would not beit if it 31,•rabo It.tYUF
town on more than oOu light in maw, moans
and calicoes, I have only found three yiecra of 412, two
rah.. on which it rheum] the MOM
fore,telit: '‘ j;lling It on • light dm, try ...Male
of the dn., Iteit. .1 stoic Mix ter.. I sin &Lambed no
to recommend It any xlrory,r tha t Minx to W strictly
Orders from eouotry terra:ants arid troMptly
Wended Wthelrulernber. 1 1 ..-ll ‘ lt o ttie. •
M UP, •
el had net us,' it loin. 1..00 , 4 felt its ,ffee,„^
MR. E. SELLERS -- hk r i : Sufferifig . frO L M:
ettbouroaaloilis and k,f. was yre•etiel tributtli of
Y_ s e ller,. cough .11ixtux uta lii:hgtIt d t tty wh t kl4l
o Lit it 'ego before r l }ell r..a Lea,
71.1 ma (whirr the Ditionlileadu gl /owl no mash.
to Otal.h okaL , 1 [...try 111..
IL magic rUea
on friends a mine; nor ,n
attara ben fungi. uccinpaniftl with •
,E Verily tb• on/Irene Exmlayttla Others
en d Trixe l rio 'g d ' eolek. god ti g ie b ni m fgre ton. rf deart innommit
-IL.U " Bene". rust:I:RAM. Wylie st.
Pittibrulth.Ao. U. WI. • ,
p pdrx'd ton aold by It. EY÷LIKI, Wood A.
en - d7sild by linage. general/T• )alt
Ad41,1..0 proof of it zuZfto , Te.
Mr. E.,l,—Being claimed for j=i. l alt 6Q
had moat', oar WoilEilatattet , !lair . your Imperial Coufiti
*rm., ,Ty • TooPloima root meta
fur .
. 1. seam.h ir.a.lll3u
o f non
infO of curing .
' L e r u:e7M ' cat every thu g hat LL
=recTe 4- r. ra t eu 1
.4r...0..12.g it wth.rail...o l x! r 4Tilma„ t ° Yet
t i LW has aver teem prepared fur Me mire forArhirh it
le intended. _
Prepared and oaf bpjt. gkayy,itiA AME'4B. " .rrli •
67 Wood et: otO
ARBONATE A\l.llolHartahorn
xi foe ps trowel U&l3 =IL