The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 28, 1851, Image 3

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    Sozetrrovii FOI , ND.--TRO very large skeletons
were found yeliter - doY by the workmen on Mr.
.Leiriae'ti contract on the Ohio and, Pennsylvania
railroad, nepr the Mni ine Hospital.
They were both in food preservatinn and seem
ed to be the rem?'li:r of ihtlian+. The teeth, in
'particular, were very 10-;re and lootid. The be
diet - seemed to have been buried, by ;having been
put into a cleft of the rock, which was then fill
ed up. . •
GUANO 17 VENIMI: CONCT.E.T.-Our _readers, will
recollect (hot Cie Grand Juvenile Chncert to be
given by three tailwind children, under the di
rection of ble. Kemmerer, Aill takb place this
evening, in the Vast Common Protestant Metho
dist Church. We have no doubt that so popular
a concert cannot fall to attract a crowded au
}Loss or a Sec 4,ItIOAT.—We regret to learn
that the steamer Irene, Cap. G. L. McClintock,
iatrack a snag about o'clock, on Motu lay morn
ling, near. Moscow, and immediately sunk to her
:cabin door. She left Cincinnati on Saturday,
and was Itravily.freighted. Tlie pamtengers and
crew escaped to the shore, and were brought up
the city by the brilliant, which •passed up
n idler. When that boat left, the water was
isaag tepidly, and no hopes of saving the Irene
cie entertained.
• : The Irene wa. , worth about ten thousand dol
lars, and was insured in the Citizens' Insurance
Company for the sum of Six thousand dollam
She helonged to the Captain; * and his brother,
t i fr. Washington McClintock. • i
Tit AQT:EDITT.—TI. following important or
tdinance, regulating the amount of tolls to be
aken on the Aqueduct, was passed on Tuesday
night in tho COlOl.ll Council, and concurred in
by the Select:
- •
That each and every cared boat, whetliggem
played in carrying•ps..mengers, freight antYpa.4-,
- Rangers. or freight only, for mob passage, loaded
or empty, alail pay the stun .of seventy cents.
t On each and every regular packet running to
w tind from Freepurt, for yacht pre‘sage, loaded or
emPty, sixty cent,
I On each country flat and other boats, 'engaged
in the saute trade, forty cedtir .
On all other country flats - with hay, straw,
Wood, bark, coal, groin, and other market pro
ducts, with country produce and passengers, for
each passage, loaded or emptl,, thirty cents.
Other rates of toll to manila unchanged.
jlßefore the.llonorable Win. B. McClure.
!The Court was occupied yesterday, in the trial
Of the case of MOM. VS. Jane„Gardner. The
pttitloner sited for n divorce, a ancido
frpm his wife, olleging that site bad been guilty
of adultery. The case was not condoned when
the Court adjourmial.
Botli the parties reside in Allegheny city.
jl , peture the Hon. Hopewell Hepburn, l Hepbn, President
..tb e. crt Donaldson! G. and J. l‘PCombs.—
. Tttis was an action of ejectment--the nature of
which we bare mentioned before. A verdict was
Yen:trued fur the. defendants.
;Elizabeth Dietrich. Martha Rain et al, vs.
Peter Perchment. This was an action to try
the validity of a will, and the jury returned a ver
dict sustaining it.
:Thos. slolion. Ts. John Quinn.
,The plaintiff held a judgment for fifteen hun
dred dollars aganutt defendant, and issued a
ad fa.
Defendant hail erected the buildings'
foi plaintiff, and pleaded a set off. No vet
• Tns Conart Pnrsox.—There are now only one
hundred and eight prisoners in the county prison.
.Last week, there were upwards of one hundred
and fifty. This is a decided improvement..
TOXIMITMENS.—Not one prisoner had been
committed to jail up till the hoar of - five o'-
cloCk, yesterday. This is certainly a cheering
mark of improvement.
watch will begin their. duty on the fir.qt of nett
Goon APPOrsr3rEN . r.—The appointment of Mr.
. William Reed, as Captain of the Night Watch,
.gives universal satiefaction. Ile has long been
known as an active and ef f icient officer.
ilitracnaters—A jewelery store in the Fifth
Ward, a little above O'Hara -street, was entered
by burglars on Wednesday night, and robbed of
abort two hundred dollars worth of jewelery.
; .
DISOODEOLY CoSnrcr.—A •Illan named Kane,
wan arrested yesterday, nedr the theatre, on a
charge of disorderly conduct. Ile woe somewhat
intoxicated, and resisted most desperately. Sev
eral, policemen tool: Lim in custody, but the uni
ted atreagth ,of all was ocurcely, eutaient to drag
him to the watch house. A very large crowd
followed him down, to whom he repeatedly ap
pealed for assistance, but no attempt at name
was 'made.
say importance was transacted by hie honor, yes
terday, nor Wag a single vagrant or drunkard
committed to, prison by him.
'Faulk was accused of stealing a hog,
James Sterling, and gave security (or his
appeArance to answer thecharge preferred against
Retilear.—A mon, whose name we did not
learti., , stole a number of articles from the steam
er Asia,
,yesterday ereninz. The police were
called in, and pursuit was at once made, where
the robber findine himself hotly pressed, threw
away the goods which he had stolen.' The po
llee stillpursaed, however, and he finally took
lode water, at the foot of Market street, when
he wen arrested, half frozen to death, and com-'
milted kith° watch house.
TUX I 4 ZA - 4111=:—The weather yesterday was
Tery Omni) and disagreeable.
;An .
YOU A FATHER, laboiing for the
Support of it family. alp
. su airing Data general de-
A low
er. 11. L. Iloary:hokrr,'arexrewllla.
etre you • Motle.r, ruCfcriug Moo diware to whirl fe-
Maier are generally sutoect, fultr. S. It ilowe's Shaker
liarsapardb.—/t will own:duly ea
Call at our depot, rr au 0110 o our 'agerlo, gad ger a
P t.
alaphlet. where you will dal that
aaparilla, as prepared by Dr. S. 10 Iferre, bus been the
spawns wrotaneufly curled more diswafte. to which the
human famil liy navel, flaw lutr other
Drelstratlon of Sarsaparilla ever f a t brought Wks, the
iTh/A Medic:so hag eltaoll.lhcrl ila. , hleh reputation by Its
attrooroos and well atterwed wow.
' ilthlput up in quart broth., and Is the only &wrap:WU& I
that, seta on the Liver. Kidneys. and Blood et the sanr
tizna, which wale, it alle...^ettir Lowe roluatle to every
ma. pattlatUrty w fausles.
bra and enwiire for Dr. S. 0. itciwrs 811.11/Ell
ISSAPARILLA: end take word,.
gl per boric--e bottles Cur $5.
UiL ,ak•
s. 110 WE Proprietors.
To 'Whom ally rders tla C ; A i l altLY,.:. 11l
Also, for rale by J. A. donee. J. Schwan:Laker A Co.. W.
Mack. IL W.. Mewls. .1. M. Tnahaehd. .1. Mohler. W. Jack.
aen,llltaburgle A. A. Elliott: Allegheny city; W. R. Me.
Cand._3lanalosten P. Crocker. Drown/rills law Paull
f Pro, %%Irwin'," .1. If. Praleryou and C. Morgan St.
Mel:a . a 0
i ' .] NOTICE
jr...S LIEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned
nstatowt6lua w opetinoolu for the atthicriptor of
lock to the Ilinninoham and lheornevillo Maned..
and Plank head Company. In purcastme of an Act of As
aaiti bo
Ok pums Lb. hi - Month day of February.. 1 , 351. amt that
day ' c Wit let opyl:Cti on Thurrchry. FM/I:Am/it hate,
the Mini; I , rth. an,/ Filth days of APRIL. Milil, at
theirateesrmu. ° L'Altl3llilt. Jr.. to the City of Pittsbacgh;
Doren h of Birmlng.
.Iv:it r. t t 'Z'''.., ) .1.`,1;1i T. ,IP. ,' , in 11a15win townallis
and at the Mateo cf Lis. FINIAT. iti Finleyrille, Waiting
ton county; at which darean d plamis attendance trill ho
ltiven ht. il o'clock. A. IL, till 4 o'clock, I'. M. Leal Fin
,Y. Klatt will finloysille, on behalf of pie un
decniamcd. '
iT al. LAILIMER, Jr.
• (I. 11. 00315111,
dOIIN )felin.,
Ital. CIiMAX,
• .• JAMES 1111 A WDY,
. , : . WM. NWILL'.
'' Lrete7a73tiertAp.l:B
We Honorable, the Judges of the Court
of **Surat Quarter stuns of the Perm In arid for
Oamaty of Alb o rhegy.
Lo The peon of Benjamin Sansbury, nf Lower BL Clair
waahlp. in the - ruOnty humbly sheweth,—
. tbag Tone petitioner bath provided
ooh hJlf with materials
• fur tb•aaanamodation nf traveler* a others, al his dem!-
hansei Inane To. eformard. and prat • that your honer%
• be p1e...1 to grant him a Ikon, to
public Itoom
CtentertalomenL And loon P , tilimw. , lo duly tonna
We. thiantsserlbent,tltl rens of the Township
~ I tTllll that the above petitioner le of Mee
co pute fur boo.
.lenifteranec, and Is omolded with house
lame sad sionverdenrea for the emutimadation and helot.,
• ... r aneangara al traveller, and that said Myer. Is nema.
14 . 34 EnrrifeCn Jr.. Smitley, 3ltems Chen, IL Rob
I. Gllm a r, Nord. Jar. tarter. B. Hall, Woe. Item.
Jehq Ifenlmlllelt., J. Carte, Jr.. A.
l ILlTl°"gi ,I,nii
IteßUTT 7 l—lal fregh, for stle by
febst IMES. 3(ATTIIEW:t it CO.
- EGS AR1).11.4151N5-149 boxes figs:
. do rsitlnt.
aml roc al* br tiltOW.t. ISILISPATRICFC.
• Stb
. .
A.IID Mil: best refined Winter,
1.4 11:m
febB - J. :CLIUONJIA En C O,,
"4 Wm! niet.
1 / I ,lllii - All des. for sale
r, J. KTDD CO.
, ARD-40 and 2.1 lib
" L •
. ..
CIASTOR 01L—t — itMI;111:1M I 's make, for pale
•it_i 0. . febl4 ItIIII"AMIEW8 AA).
ity.County COup. Milds,ktr Deli. by
laili . Ml 4 WorAl 0. abovo o.b.
- tpurriat-7 bhis, &elh
JJ 8 Jo IN,
17 al ui Ml*
•, t .
. __________ ____._______________
PHILADELPHIA MARKET. After a, short delay however, annther rocket HOUSES, EARIMS, &C.
February, 27. I cras repared, which Capt. Davies ...min himself
- ,
=mar. ov ii?ls mast napa l m ! Cotton The market is excessively . - . _ _
. discharged. and [hie time the coni tell. the roek .
dull, :aid
close be the man, to the 3.,,eat me and delight of For Sale.
. EUllOl 3 i. i a°2'.'nrg-712:eei:pgOrt demand for floar is limited ! El ''' "" . '"'l'h'd munithae ' . " 'I I IIE SUBSCRIBER offers 1 . ., ' , ale the' ...e‘elsil PACKET-Tbe t..t ruonlocK.-
mt ., : I .11, karst - mtg. Copt n 1
a fo.ll. an,. , stoat, proper., in Allegheny City. ao m„' i to, an a notal - ar k 1 betwee n * Pita 7. 3 . 11 . h Wheeling
. with soles KDO INS standard and good brands, At this critical minnent, the sun shone forth 61 ,,
•ww•cw - 11 n./..... and Sunfah r leann t r Pittnburg m h ...•.- Monday'
ONE WEER .EATER FROM Et - ROPE. f or .• . o -
, lupment. at $.1.00. with hellhole,. Tlw man on the mock us- .I.eff
, The thr y , • : . .r ; • nm A Ilesee„no.l lot 2.•,, lo 110 feet, afferom so for Welinvllle.'Stoubenrille. and 11161In t wo . n. and
C.f.i.? Ger Mink-row, I C . C I f P II • "0 - b '
~,j_Dr 6 ,,,,„ ~„ , ,1111-..-11 ra 0 efirin, 30 fa , e e 11. 1 OrD to fasteu the line round the w ni..t of I.i. wie.,th,l ',....;''''' '.! ' !,...... ...u. ~ .-uaesw to Jam , . iatwe.. .wer, rharubo . ...... for Strabe.rilln, W herPhit.
Itndgepert. Carlota and Sunenht returnin g , lease. Illndge
thy. a n opyr i ,
, r5,7 ,.,,,,,,,._ .c , , , ,,,, L
~ „.,„ , , ,,,,t_ . l ii in limited request. vrith thles of 2,000 bushels to encoura ge her to take the fearful Innis, while
.. ' , 1 . b . t .. ..; ..% %. , t . 1 . 1" , ; 1 1.. ,,, i , 1,rt .: ..... ;
~D.01u1i,...,(„.,.-;:,,to;110,,l'osAto:“t: f:0 . r1 , e1,..1 ,,, ..1 . . , 1nt55h every Tueatay afternoon. oral
t r afternoon ter height or penotopo /Indy on
: yellow in stOre, at 5961, elk. ~ she lingered to jump . Imo the foarnitm waters.- ir,.
fel •-o• D. WILKIN, Agent
COrlfferstOn 10 Ro.nrrnqm -Re f ; neon of the 1 ' ' After some little time, however. hi, ,persp,ierm
! ,, , ;!! ‘ e i , , , , . ! . , . , .. , 1n.,....r0.r :owl. Conur.m. Atnt 51.d.n0.11,.,-. .
).- ' Groceries-Coffee, s'ugar, and Molasses are •
tation Bill in the PPrizeh Atrem l 4-Dre c reh Le- quiet, and prices are steady. prevailed. They took an ntleehog le 3 r, of eurli i .... t...-:::‘ Lot• •I, Dunk 1....., .xu 1, otrout gl by . .., ft 1 F tf)l Sr • r • ouls- Th" r '''' 4 "am - -tt'
:Irma A'ap o /, ‘ ,„ ~d bt,
..t.,,,,,u,_ Tr, p,,,,,,_ Whiskey-Prices are rather Letter. with sales i other. an.L amid the hrentlilesi city/Mg:Own a .
, . ~ ..,.0..., ...,,,, , , l'iilTT/...1.1•EN. alerting, man., . '
.114. 111 1 , 1,1 , 0,1 1 . n 101 with Fr e Ilull•ho ff . on lals : "'II Ma ' ''''l' ' 'r .". "me' ww'l ••'' P t•rtnedinle .---'
- i .,, ! all, sh e mude the awful plunge for life or death. rt . or.. L mar ilerlsor, 000, I, Ito ter. to brew,. ell., $ /16 , 0 11 ',Meta,. Ilos le i Ranh. to lo A. 31.
d r ,y,r 4 4.,,,i, 0 „,,„,,,...„ 1ya _ r0a11, „ y y„, / ,„ yo 0, 0 ,, l in barrels at 24c, and in hogsheads at 22c
, ! from a heigla of about twelve feet. At the! m e . ' u! , •! , 1.. n ~.. 1.4 t, S,Y. lin ' _ c 1 1.,. E iinet.o I F '=" o ' "r '""."'"';','4l•AiSsi.;,""fhP.V.°Sesost
-Advanc e in Penn:wen,- Fl..ur on , / Gr.,. de- ea.
The City a Glasgow hau not yet thrived 1 nient. three immeuse saves Woke in rapid sue- 1..7 ,NT .1. small Irani. . rittn3,t, w ith li !s u i t s.p . Lou is!_,The fast r
I perillink the safety Id ull. ror ti time, n„ ; - 1 ,,, 7 , - , ;ms ; , , , t,rw 11,e, large dinin g tn.., nts.l Lathe r . I t . .1
~.,. -......
~,,: , 1 , ,
~ pi:-
indeed, the boats core entirely hidden from the ' ..l ' ; 1 -1..4.: ;n L ll'i r ;:: ' . ' ...n o :..frl7,..l . ir n ' rl: 7. - ....%:1 , 17:7r ' ' ' l , } "‘•I• "di ''"''' fir "C . " 7'1 . ; - . 1 ." i." , '-
view ..1 th e slusctotors, mid the loud cry broke
,1:::.j , i,1, , :, , 41:.,.,,,,,,,,,,1 ie. Msteistzlle P..........., on en , , a.01: , , , wi5 . .... , .. b id.,. , , :loam. at 4P 31
r tr. $ fit or N s--. : -. noel. on thanl a Qfoo
-forth frota thousands of takes, 'They are gone.' ' m.o. 4.,..,:d rttal, T/ .. met.. for t. ra Sal ILF Th ; -1 , --
Bat soon agaiii, the boats Were ...en shot.. the
.. , :1 i t 7 r;a ' ..1 2 .../! 1 •4, 1 :,. ' In T " " ' '' "''."' '"-'• "'"' ' : k . ‘,- , T.:Ct-li• olicr'err:i. min:- l' .:" . ' '
swelling we'ves, and the h3fly cliffs OnCe Wore, ' - ' " .."' ..." . ,40 . % :.;,,,..,,,. 1 a , i 0 „„..'',7,. , i ,_, ,„. an . i i r , i ,.,,,,,, i 1;1'21. n t;r; -.. '''
rang with approving cheers. The cord Ras '''''' ~s or 11 r . ntn. cor .1 Marlet soa Oth .1. 1• 1. the dal.. 100 Flo All
I {or trei g to or e a- •... /.,,,I, 0., i.,e 0 .0
drown with great judgment, nod after alieut Desirable Residence for Sale.
three thin Wee the poor woman wise taken nit° non I. 1 • 1 • i . ~I IFOR sT IA LA s-TI”. , Tioodid .
~,, ~,,, .er. intent tug to• a tew , test, al'lll 1 LKII.I- 31nrOsell. ".
one or the Inntlet , but the Mow. froln Ihe WWI,. N
Lob. the ....oar,. •ffer. tor .nle the ,n.,,,rt lin ..,......1“...r • ill Rate Se nth, And Inber ".
Were 0 10 i, then her eabatisted fmme "'add t'''''. ‘,,t'i a l 'i ', . ' .'l:' ,- .'' ' ''''fi', ! ,! ! !;',:. l t'il . o''..;'',. ''t ! ..,r. i i,1,%.,7.7,:',V. i'.7.?ti i " '" d r , !; : l , ' ,• i ' cl'.'': , :Tur2.'!..r S t l, '...ii i i.t.'l; •t t ! !".s.les
No nttention that could be nhotrti Iler WIIS Spar. •C hrirk. a. kr, ntel ...u5t5,..1.....,•• end lien been rns.tol. I ,
ed. The men madc eitT their own clothes to never
, ' ,,, 'i!" , !:::;', 1 ,.7,'.i i i.'.:',..r :::.'. I. ' ' !");:i.,'.` ! ! eTfl.';'‘'.' et: ' 1 . ."..171‘,..:i r.". k WA , I ,r " . S u l ! I"
V .
E ' l l -T 'n l l .. - I
her. fuel used every eff or t to re.tore her. S.t , .•ol alit, 140, I.3l,lolllZonOter ruro'hi'ei, sou '1;.. 1 0. 11.- I ..l. 4. l 'e n O t ' l l e :... ft.:•',,,,V..;',•‘,;, - .. 1 ; i ' „,.:,•`,
I.,„„theli. hot by the time the hula reached the '',:!,',=!:::„ . !!“,t . :! . ..c,, , ,. , r , ... , 15!!. , ..,!“ ,, - ! ,./....:1 , 1e.1.,..,17 , ;i: , “ . med.,. port. vo t be,g: th Itmt .nt lo er1...1, aat
core lith hal lied. Aftt, the Inne n, h a d p er . !,,,, .. ut,..........„1tt e ulr. 5T.." 1 .?.....„14„i„. d'...41. to I } .,.."` l ",''''' ''' ',''''''''''',''' :'" y k :' o - - "..::
stindell hin wife to lent e hint, ite fastened the ::', u;;:7:','„"n:"t., " l a ',""1,.* "' l , l :jr Th !' '''' Pr "'" r " I V II S '‘' ' N T ' l • ) ' . ' '• - ' .l " . i 4" -"
i•ord round his own waist. did wow draw n, great- estr• h.. eS ..:;T.f. 4 . ...; to' r ile's'..ll' 11' . 511.1.' \el 1,1 40. .''''' '''''''''' S '' . "7" P ;'"l''' 'Yn ith '*-....t.Y..- `-.-J.
0 .„,.., I , ~,,,,,,., manor. s. 111 I, ot,e I. or tho a 1.,. ond all utter-a.---,
ly ex1.....5t...1, into 1, 0 otr . the other bout, -Et, '''''''' ''''''''"' Ito •1...5. port, 011 Thor..., the g. th lug .at W A NI. ,
~,,,„, r„„„ . .
fill ii: 5..11,E Olt REA T-A .ainifortabli• •:-.•,,, r "T„,'", • ::'' h "'•"` - ""`:" . •'•,'",'„7,11•1"AU?„ 4: „ . ~,
c 101 I 1 6. g00...1 anoint. bonne nod lotIC!.
w' it'll. , ' , P. , to Om hmitth " ma... , tlon eltt , •••.. 1 4 ".1./IJ lAA ISV i L LE-The Olden- fr-„.. ,
SLATE VASE Ft:r..-At. net hit , . passed both ,!,',;',
,:',:',';',1,';'!”...',1:12,7 ! ..,'!'''.!!!'" '"' .'. l'.l . 'y fl't ''w t b"•'•• A did •tooallooor \ Allllll - 1)11. Copt W Isan.k , l,ll
...I. pti, i n o m, of
houses of the Pennsylvania Legislatine and berm s! o „ ii K i „ . „,,,, 11 . edi ..s.,
i t, r th, 0 , 1.,,, t o ol nff intermediate "- ,
eigued by thr Govt•rrior, appr uproo t ling 6:1 Ono , ald o. , ors, 0 Dos• 1 nisi so sth o, ' .:':;:, ' L I ' ''' " l ' '' ' I " 0 l '''' I n 'o h ' '''' l''''''''' / A EI,' 1
_ _ I . nro
Thomas C. Humbly. Esq . lig a fee for his rer- VOI: REN T-T hot large .1 welling home me : , .
vie, in the argument in the great skive ease or
,!,,., , :,•:,,1 . , ,; , v , ,... ,, :,; , •, , , , ,r3 , , , i . , : . , , , :• , , .. k , , ,, , , , ,, , ,,. y.,;:, ,, .. -0 „• , i,-,.L,-,%; E . ‘
The ' . .m.. oenu n g J Q ADAMS Luca,..,
the Comtnotwealth vs. Prigg. et al. a loch finally used .... .11 ore, 1.,.. wpm gorn on the font or I ;',:-;`,f,';':',!,,w,',',',„;ZZ.W'X,!:,:`,"",l„'!:..'„,..`di!"'
went for decimion to the Supreme Court of the 1i i.r,",,!'i„.,„„ ~,,, ~, I. ~ „.,,,,,,,, ~..,,,,,,,.0 !„ „,. i , ,!, ' t.... fnuht •.. rte , lo.. KW, on tenni L 1•24
United States. 1 ...“,.. ..._ t0. ° 1'.,.. 1.... n:..1,... '! i .A, ell _ 1 1 4 11 /It SA IN l' LOU IS The swift ..
T .,LET- 'l'm . i ..lii.•••• ..ii the lower 11. u, er.,..:. I
, t ,, : , ,.. , t . 7.1. , . , ij ; .. 1 ...C.. !u i rr yolTile. , lta.... .7; !.
0A Sot Titit I, , ,ERN ()VTR ILO/ .- Spenee, RllO ',.." 'ss' • t s , I ii au r ^on's, truso:otoi: ~,,, iii:,l J ,`,...!",„;,•• ~ „ . i, ,,. .., ,' , 11 „ „ ..-L:,7,7,,',T,,,',:t'
~,,, Thumn. Puryear. on !shield 70, , antie week. I •,','',!' . . , ::• ! '' , !, ! ..z , ' „ . 15 ,,, , ,, , , ,,,...„
~...,.,,--,, r..r0. , ..„ pursei e ni...i..... i. not or ~, -..--
tE..I. 11. IfiIeTENEERt•ER Asti
ago: WAX arreste,F and brought 11 F .....r...;.u. ne t .onr. entra'n..• nom 11'm. n' ' b. "" - '
Greet'. Esq., for trial. F. A. Hulbert, a friend „ , , n r ,;; , .. , , , L•;,,r,•, - ;r ,7, r ,..,•,,•";:, - ;:•;;, , ,•,:.;,, , , , , , , - ,",,,",„ri„ , ,."1--•,. , .% , 1;14 tit NEW I iIIEEANS-T h e i r_-=.. ~, ,
~C Spence, called E. 4 Green aside and thrted- ...h. ‘illnrt. . 1.,,,,,in i ",,,,', 1i 3jW' i : . ' 1 E ~. n 41.1 no 4 .1., no r EMPIRE STATIC.-1* t
I. It 11. loon. Mager, stiller.... tor thr 11. ox. --‘ 1
ened him if he did not acquit Spence. he would !''''-!''''''
- i 00. i su ...o...“linte i“.....,...,a t rainy next, gist no
kill him, ancl iminediately drew a pistol and lii, 1; 1 01CH ENT -'l'll...Wareloon.o No. :111"tyys •me•• . 4 '•• 'se, 1. w
char t ied it at him, but some bystander knocked 2 , t ,. ,..,,1 .tn•lt trunt In A t .rtt It•r tem...l: N u:, `:f.' I ' ' '''''}!' ' " ,''''''' r ' '''''''"" '''''''' • - --- r -'-'''' -
the pistol up, and the Nal pussed over Greens ''!' ''''!'"'-' • - '''',"''' ! 1. 4 1 01 t Lill 'IS VIL LE-The spiel, ~...
-4 ".
head, without Milieu hirti, Green then retreated 1 - ; 1 LI 3111,1,N. FA 1:3IS, AN') Id O'S i
..!„,.=.i...7-..,,,•,,,ete,..!-,.l.,tlr:tAis,;.l.w.,,,bneiav 1..._ - -,,Q, , ,
tow.r,k his house, and Iluthert following Olin up. ~, 0. ', : ',!,' ; ','„' ..',7 !' 2 , 7,',,t'... 1! ,,!'.5 . ::,..,.Y 1 ;,:;,! 1 .1.; - ,;,',',"'' . 1 .',..".',! teriewle.... 1 .,,. on t lot. 11.. lath lath_ at 4 o'clock, r. i
he turned awl shot hin t , the bail taking ell.' - ... ••• 1. an, r . dV. rt.., 1....... •,. count. Pm, 5...1- j w t .. ;:•, r 11 .1 ,1 ", l'aewl.le arl.,!;147;r1,.; , : ::; .: : . :,.
A,,,,, ,.. 1
Hulbert still pursued lon., 1. hen he turned and t . 1' .C.''.',',.'"..' ' .:. ,•', Z..... 4, :• -• '; •, !. ' ". „ ` , :!'!,';•;',7 , ',',, , ,":::',,,',"'..;':;• . 1.01 , , •;1•. Loi• et.' Ti , -pi •l' 1 rtes. !
again fired, tbe hall pansing through his heart, u u!t . '!'•!! ' e!!! , - Is kw l •,., i! r .S: , re; am , M.P. II „ a .;,„,„,.., ~,,,,,,iT i .0 , ,,,', m " . . '.'",!( *-4.1. ,
and be fell dead without spueking a wen" - ;.;";,"" r t . ~, T r _. ',',., "•:,7''' s • .',',",•:`,;''',",'..',' ~,.'O7 - ci,'•• , `„"',l' '',,!: cut:mold,. nig husse in mr show. ,O,,Yi n ei'..'C'. ---"--J . eli
Spence wag comnift Led, end sem to Nue, deon, ~... • r t•I , • r n,q,
, t....r. rtr win; man, ..thern of Ira, , to....pap v o .n t• on lb. .11. 3 . tl e
. 1 Ith nog., at 4 P. 31.
;• . i,• y r" a ot or I , .... , nlrlytlps.t t ertl. or to ..
where he made him esenpe fr.. the officer having '''''' '''''''''""' ''''''''''' s '"S"'" '''' .. ... .
,1a .. 1.11 ite•TTLItIIAN. , 1N h. TON JON 1,.5..10.11.
! /Dna itt cuatody.-.lfemp4, Eng.
f. 1.10 Agora. et et 1.....• amiltenl Ent,. 1,.....m.
• . 10, 4.1, to. I itmhur o h 11 • - •' ' . .
1 _
AaT 1,, la-Tlla o morning ouzo., ~ Z-4 , ;_;j: ,
- In tAt• S t wr,o, ~,. o. Churl.- I. I all "' I
' TDE eiti xis!. I' thlOE.-Solne of the •neientilie VOlrt RENT-Tic , stdre PR Market st., Ter . .. „L.,. , r c i „,
0 , ! , i . , ! , -„,„,.. „1„ ne • t
t. nuns. on tlal. J..,
Cotton-Prices ilave decline. In under the men ~,r L on d on , ,mirm the security of the ;4 3 .- ~F...,',7, ,',',4',;',',„''?„:
~?,','!`;',,'',',V;'''''D muo - ..E..„ st"... e u !
'il it 'tils.l'n N'E..,l, ths so. i 1' .. .. ''''''' l " ''r Pn - `"nt... 11 on l 'nni• febth
Europa's advice'', with sales of middling uplaml ! tal Palace. and expect to see aWI sonte duy or - "
- - - -!
at Ilhie -et!lli. , other. I n hers, however. ext., es. the most decid• /pit LET -1 VI - a roll, Us , - .11, Ont ed 1.,- 7,74 I 1 t . %) It , ( . ; . I n ,k S ., 1;:ll. '.. LIVERPOOL , „.....,,,,
Flo - kir-v. market h. dull at *4 02( 1 4 7.7, fur ell Confidence in it, strength. A rcry severe t l , a " Vl'et " tr'• ••4 •?.."O l nl M :!t r e" . . 'T' l :"':. g' 1 ..j'.14 1 .'f., f1 1'f,.'.E. ; ;;:. i ifi., ~.,!,.._'.‘ V•;. - , '....., 1 :1 1 .;;; 1 °,,;,.....,:1'ir,,,!,.':,,` - .2. - .. - f
Ohiowestern In irCed and straight brands, end a m. 0.! gale an.l hail atom, at the connuenee1111•Ill i.l Jan. -`,:, t • n .tikln.:,, ' 11 0 0711.133 b.r . ulaOut a eL mnal rote . '1" ac • "1 - l' ,l, t l'elt '4•ll . tht" nit` ell. w ell' , l.n. ivn ,
at Si Si. uary passed the 'Ti .tal Po :we e ithout !" ,t• 'm! e" ' "u''''' '-' 1 ii, Vott.Loor.oh , ‘t.r., Mi 341 3/ . 11ednerday, and Enda,. at
. • t. re. srsii 1:. ATKINS.IO a oliEh Y. • , '•'..b.l• ' 11 '
Grain-W heat is quiet, and choice Oldo is even breuhigg 3 rin e of glass. The to'ressure ..1 . • ! /.,,r fro, fit or 1,,...x.ea. nigdy on tssud mao
quoted at 10-le V bushel. Coen is heav 3 -, with the gale was nbout 20 11, to th e r q u are fm.t.- 1., 1 111j RENT-The dwelling house mid •;77.,•-•
,!, 1, , (11: ZA N ESA IL LE -The tine , ---
sales of 12.000 bushels souther n yellow at 64,1 c , The length a the p.ilace is ISIS feet. fuel die
„. a .,,. ! :,' , J ! ",!','::',!]p:'„,! - ',`,='',!!„..T.,,,V=1:,„ . .9 1 -_,E .,„ ' I ', X , I en Eas.Cot. man,. will Ina, ,, l ,_ ,• ••'-',_.7_L.,C,..
V bushel. , breadth 40S feet. Whim Ho, Miele% are arming- is , L.....h...... mant7sisin:o thereon, gooke a n tol bu. ; C ,;j r :,'"," ; ',„l" . •`' ''''''''''''`. nr ''''''° 3 " . '"'n' --.
- • s " - ' -
PrOvitlinlie-Pork has advanced, with sales at ,ed the oisiter 11/1,4 walk twenty tight tuths. in ;;!,, t:',!,!,.fL",;',',!..!;; :,%!-', ! '11' , ,,!„:,'..,",p., , , 1 .7; 0 `, , , , , ,, ,. e I."'•,', I Vol: . /4016 4 211, 4 1 6 o n Marl Ing ,
$l2 75141' ~d *9 by, for old mess and prime. order to inspect all the articles en eshibitiot. !!... a, i. .i du • Jes.V '14,1 V ,1.7. t . ; ! : ! 11E6 ULA R PITTSBURGH -AND „
New is quoted at *IS S 7, fur mese. and $ll for - The nplentlid :-.. ,
prime. Lard is firmer, with sales a 40) bbls -
II 1'• • • .;."..1.1 L .7t.5 . :;., • ,.. od:. a It... n e ~:thsher cf "dux, ' ' " '"'"..' '''''''."". '" 1- C n n "'"* n''''''' - ' *"7 '
ti.l(at Sic 14 lb. Cut meats are inquired for, at GEORGE E. ARNOLD & co., - , ••• 1 •- •, •-•-•1 --- ,-,, •,,",.."..• j'r Mthwn.- il. r .:",lYl.l.7l' , '•'[=il,, b . c.tlltiWifi:e n 'i'i r t 'sl'it i .. " ;.`:7,`,T
,:fic for hams, aud tllG.tli for shoulders. I ' BANKERS. he. .. to tle 11 , r, ...tli 0 Ihruonchaw. I eon,' lona 0..• • ‘.,••• il• 1.,1,,, 11.-Inen to mat I mho 'woe s,tormlost
.., ~ 10l to 0,1,4 Ilosiro sold r 00.11.1, Lutherun I ion ). t 1..,,,,.. 5 t ... 4 „.. ,„, . , a 0„,,,,,, Ti.„,,h;, n ,„ t e ntor o n ,.
liemp--tAmerican den rotted is sellitig at
th. •newl wrow.l. ~ 1 Ihrmihimm m 151.... nu. smt tu ...eq. w, I For thlght or poen, uppl. on Leath or tt;
$110611,5'14 ton. Denier, IN LXCIIANGE, I. °IN. I.AN 0 Nterha, aro matos,turput ne.:11 g , ..,.1 the reanortable pre, nt n In, h ~,,j, AIIMPTRONCO 6 CROZEIC. awl.,
i t. u .11 G ...ct ••,t1 rimier Os, rt. n .ot. awl prefilable itoo .
Iron-The market k steady at *2l 60 for '. s":' l'!"''''' ''-' "'"'ri '"".'" 't'''''.'''''.'" ' IT.. v.... *feria- tarot-nth
Not, tool ilreito rothcbd nn all tau. of the l man
~, • 11F.1n . 1 . LAR WEDNESDAY, ir -,,. .
scotch pi g . on time. steel, 1x,11,111 and noky en fe1Y. 1 .1.1"; the ..... el 01 . 31--0 S .1,1,,,... /L., .on Gran..lnxt, P t l ta . 1' ACK EI. tI N CIVN ATI. Carta, dnlinp,.7 - ff-h- - .4;
Lead-Tbe market is dull at 1.4.4 80 `'gl cwt, for ,„,„,,,; ,„„,„,,, r „, aj . 4 1 .••„, h y o „, ~, • , t c oh ,„ ..toon. ham Thin.pleudid boat w. Wilt h,
Spanish. ! . '1 , - . . w....,..) . . ~ .........1.- ,-; emi“. sod N Pate ',D. Es o s. at (boa, o no,. on lio ,y. I Itos ern., ..r tbs ocamer I,e_nr N. wten, and others. for
VA( ITF HOME z. , 'I F t'l x ' , ' , l'
MURPHY a BLECIthIt.L.D agt nclos a in ....1 n r. In g ham t n. thlsEa V r.sroa j ths Cotio tonsil awl Vitalur a h Neket tool, and will have
, e.• m Wed..., for Cl a r nonot . in pl., of the New Ea..
Grocerne,--Sugar is firm at cie,6. for Nos fich. of stweu s. toe .... 31 tenon ge r ,erd Tto., h.... el.. .„„ , ,
n ntal Kahl h.y.,..roe d e T0,,,0,LT-011e House and Lot situat e d Teel : lent ~, 2 tor fr.lght irztr iet n .o. s . ln ar d. o r to
Orleans. Molasses ham slightly advanced, and V,'„„ b ,?,1„,,;.2t:: gu.',:„T;,,,,jui,.. LI,
a , -t - Redford nth., a....nth 11 ant Y.,. ruse. j"Y . : ..... hiothlt, Agent.
Still tends upward, with sales at SI (0.32 c - r, ; , ~i. ,i t _p rime ---, . i ii ~ 1 - - L I - .. , I , * . 1i " ,,,,-. ‘. ,,,, 1t , .. 0, • 4- " - DEOI . LA R. PACK ET FOR , ns---
gallon. Coffee is ntendy at 101€,..11.1 'lit lb, for ! SZ, - ;„: 0 3 . ,' „ ,.. ,! , ~,,,,,,,,4 " . . 7, ; '"; '.:,' ' - 'l' 44 e "' • •.‘ii _ -2,, I.ltert, .t
-• • - • r. ~ fin.. ~,,,, er 1 • -W"': t '''
1 1 1 I "' Is i '""" : 1 • . ......=
Rio. _
. .....!,1 r dnI".II‘ILLIAMS &CO
11, 1 012 SALE-Tile subscril•er ..flere thr tee'. i "' ' ". ' '''D ' s ! D' !'!‘ 3l, --' , ekuu
Whiskey-Prices are less firm, with sales of ! s
, , 3it'T MILL=Lore; Smut - Mill: ionti,lt.,te, U ..11.- n kr, , I ~.. II r 'hit Drirk 1h.u..... ,th es '''.", ! ''''''' c ''''''"" ''' 4 ''''''r ''. '•
c ... , ter ...Ltd, or t raes..., eel, on hoard, or to .
drudge at 24, and a prison at 25,1 c - r? gall. ' I t0....a1e la. fi r . t.:.. it Ita.J.ZELL a C.• i,l - ,fi: r .1,1i7 . ,`; . ,•if u .: , ..7'n...;,.. , ,t. , :1 . -...y-bi, , , ...L ., ,,, 22 , ,,, : ,
“7:, ,,, --7 , -; I ~... JOHN li..sch, Afft 1
rst 1 1 ARD-30 barrels and IS kel 1. fr' I.
~ ii... 1...!! At•rll rent
4", .. l'- . Al, Ael r, dentist,. hoof tr-cond.rentelosng deer Four ! . _ _ . _____ - 1
re„.l ho DAL ELL a CO. ,
tawny ore. tunr th. at. ye
'''...• ''lth ° •ern''' . °I . ".'''''' "..". 'her'''. ''`'" ' TRANSPORTA'PION
NEW OIII.EANS, Feb. ....
: IkOLL ISCrrEil--..:, - 1 , 64. 'rim 11. Butter, A '''''' "''''' ' '"'"''''''''' '''''''''''''''" b r I '••"" f ''''`''''''!'" ! °' ; - - ' - -i - ----- - -.-- i I
Cotton-The market is depressed, and prices ' ~,, hand ard for nate Ly cl DAtZEL.I. A CO. I t'`'•;... 'XI.'.. ",,r ;;t l ‘lTZt.ll ' et ' s tr l•t; ' .l7.ll'l" - .:Cu'n."Lr th n'en'"g o r a = 1 Opening of the Pennsylvania Canal. ' 'Err MOTS. TIM TRADE.
• Q. ,, rts. Is, doe.- ..... SI 50 doa per dos-.
are declining. .
- -1- '! ' ""' ' a.- '• ""Ti'l:"=ts`Z>'ii thsi. 0.- I. not, Co e d will se ,rr e t.... 1 THE PE NN SI'LV A NI A CANAL s, ill be ' ''''''' --
Flbur-Ohio has declined, with sales of '4,000 isoevrit 1 xi , ILI lES- - lb / ' !
.. r . 1.. e, atm arme.e. ...tar shove re,ert..wri, 1. ch...., non, •tuumer. r 1, ,,, ~,,n1 tor the ...... of Pol. on the :nth lost- and ' 7 ' . On don - gilt e:g . 'Jnill, 7 . ea - o - tn .
bbls at $3,70€1,*4. :I Co ,ude by fel,. II : SEI,EIt• further Introlahoth n t •cl, to IAI 11 , DEELEK tooefflo st ,o os roOorsio o, so , r: thrl , losooloarsol , oar, I.rossls [nom Slth 11 the 1,4"ert.C.1.• -, --- A te i.Y . , -- 1 -2 ' gly., - ;,-,.....,
r0......nar the 11,t .I...cnied ' , n em, ....LW Plubot. t a li, .. Pod or. I. o the follow. : ial, sin- •• a ...••1 COPVINI, P,K-, ed witl j ,, , , t l er,',:eie, - ,,,,,74 1 7.
Grain -Sal. 12,000 bushels Corn at .7,5(07e . Li ERRING-100 I, e s Ltlbre led. li.r sale -- - '•- • -- i ni- ~-....• nsi• .....- sic., !wan,. V- . .
TO bu.
/1.1 hi tem tax i tit nCKEY A Co 1 4 10 It ll I•;,NT Olt $ A 1,4,1-Thi. se bs,ri ber :74: I ; ', , ,,,.....i.... , ..,..•...1.1........!, •. • ' ot., -,.. to, 7_, :..."1-r,:r,:l;:l=:.:"Prlar,', ~ ; 3'1:;:i.l' s ' I tal.41111": Alt:
nurahly orlapt..l Pe the bt,..1 Pen.
Proviions-New mess pork him declined to A sORN-.20 hi:IS ..,1 - :', - ii -aeks 114.1 rec•,l I.y , f! ,, Z.` ', V • i i ii."rdf... • S'.:,'-';;,:.: - .1,:-.',=,',„';;;;';.,""L'',„ . „',:e.. ! n n;,:`...::.C:. f..:1,..,,,,,,,... ,-, a ci.o. 13. optennt....l lo p.m.. to fund, to the trade ei.
sua.sta .11 bbL Sales a Too kegs prime lard j 1 . „., ,:or I. S. 911.1% . 4_CART11 Are ' 5t:11..a.,
, A l en, , nowt ..1 the C.onmen. Tle hot., Is a I We'MP.. ' , mt. , A " .1 11 Pt.. , l' . .t.' ...„. - y 0,,,,.., . 1, 1 7,f;;T a. ...w CV ''r 4 .0. , rosurulS.; , n• Dt t-h* tdoess we.'
at Etle ''et lb.
. i i oda; • 10 041/ 1 31-61, onl. r flu ,1. u "..• w"
1 P OLL BUTTKII.,-25 hrls in ct.lrq,, !.' , '.''' , .. ! . ' “'"r..:,.... 7 ....5:t.......: - .1 ...est en... ~, the aredsol., ; ~ j"''''....r-' .-n•l (...'ff,.." .. •-• ..... ‘..•..e: 7 .
.: IrC the • cit',. I lree , q .1 . .a .r 4 7 ,;.' rd .V.; Mitig e rt e l i" Itai;Vl.:
Whiskey is lower, with sales at :ffi/e.
J lith. tglTil aco .fio i, .. ~, ~.,.. o 34 14-16.. 1041 tropr. ted....ntalning et. m • V•cal , • ttoaL to ......., , ..• • ...• , °ea., .... th os „,, .., n , ~y oat , ~,..4 y .
• xt t nl,
- de-e-tpthe. or fru, els, I g oin g One. ars.l on,. home hon.,. Auell, Alen, Crude bra:soot, , .
Gmiceriee-Sales Rio Coffee at 11(u'llic. - - . -
1:110TAS11-is mtekr. Dunean's pure Poti,h vscs,/e....assiismaissys aseivd. Jells oi:1111.11if • I'l*,, ~' • . '''''' • - ! _ . 644 1 T SS N..n ..., New York.
_ll, Am ...le by ,ags
j • J 1, 11. FL.II D. • 9 , - -,,,, - I 1 UV-1111MT OATS.
It t. h0 m ..1 th a t 11.1.... , ran g rah.. which nr. much • ------ - -- - ---- -
AFFEcruro TALE OF A fiIMWEEC& N p. .h. ,• ••••'"': , 111: ll nN - A two sm. Liwelliti ....we
lAh AK 131 IT A TIO. - ..p. r wm,ing 1. im- p . ...
0 ..,..-, , --- ---, .---"-- - ,, ..--... 1 i UNION INDIA RUBBER COMP %Ni
ne.- . n ILI, •nrs.t. s sore of . , „noon,. th • ewe h. • cre....1 . esteut than f enter j , ,
I I_,V t tottno uf Oak. annl ...Is., t r eal, 1,,
Early on Saturday morning. January 11, the . _ r age WI 0 411511A1...C.0. 0 .t M''' JA MI, DAL/1.1.1.. PS %I atee nt ..i.-- I ~,,,.,.. 1.t.. ti I,r Leer, A t o, Line .
..Vo. 19 Nassau street, Yew. York,
Ln it co 11. a 000lah 1 i 6 Co. 10 1 total Line
brig New Commercial, of Whitby, 230 - tons bur- ! A eill BARRELS Cl.' ITER NEED: It 42 SA LE • •li IINPE ft PETE AI, LEASE I '"'"'''' ''' ''''' t.s. nmoom, . Lino VIANUFAUTURE and have for sale on
Po Penna C tdoto hitso , T
den., Sandemon, Master, bound from Liverpool i e11.,4, ..!: two rim.m, 5....... i. prim.. nee erom
i i r -I n .1! ...II Cc cad, ~r , 0 ....tont I. nao. one Ito en 1 c t i rf;' . 4‘,,' th TL". - 06 .A . lni . dA r lre l'i l t r Af 7/ OtTn'l i'n f 2l'2 ( le 'k ' YEAß7-
1, t rh. 1..1 ..., ke g * K.. 1 Leal letru:
russ, wse.
.., .. on,- cl 1, t , ot h, I, ~. t o• apro n , alb ‘, a l ,
tO the Spmlish 3lain, in•a thick fog, and a trorlg I ,1,1,d0 pecan \ .1 augur
” w'''• M• •mb" '. s n-•°' 'b... ''''•"••wc• 'W''''m ffr ) NIER , 'II. 1 VI'S. NIANLEAcrtIIERS. r '"'" ' ' '' ' "d" ..Cf! , ',lc..."''''''''' 4.
gale from the 8. S. W., struck upon a ledge or , 1.,. 1., . 11 D0ta.....
uths, Poach,
co hrl. 1, I. ~.....ot a 11 M. 1... c
, • • 0 !wog... Pont.. Ca,. ...0
Yorks between thie Great .d Little Brisson-two : no, Id, t 1..0. -.Lyn... atol ems. leant.. m 111,1,1, Istme and
high rocks Msing betwe. sixty and seventy feet ! / amnling sea for 10 Into% KA 0 Ilth PATRICK .11 ger, • ~...1. j i. c. 0. -0 t o ,. a , t , „ t „ oat „, ~,,,,„4 ' or, nen. 1414 .1,-, ro ono, sna .0 tel, 1311 .10., Win., Toth. t 10.1, ,•ruoul, Corr.,. and
above higl, water mark, about one mile otr the I '''' -.
sr i.“., .
.....!2 , 1 tt Jim). ....DAL A , ee-11 i co- . oth• 0. thall tn ller, Cloth, Sailor, and T.rellln g
, o 1,1 to i• . 4 Mr.,' I.TY AOh C. 0.) Eno n D e ., . told Dictrene ha t lovin g and Militarr
bluff licadhuid of Cape Cornwall, and four miles eAI CASKS ("IA ./1111/E 1.131 E . ;,.. e. pratts':
.1r...0.. an-mn 0u5e1vi.....„. 1 -nc.----- .
rt.() I.l:•r_A i• it • if . th w^t. Gotalx I/0 14 6 1.11,410. Ilnard Puml-e. Sl ring.
, a , , 4 ~,...,....
„=,,. I ,t ol , rie.e..fer . alru ao i n m aud surgeone, Engine and .
northwaids from the Land's End. The sea run- 11_2 "-. in'i , c.... , ' .m. , trt. et't , iliow'r - bet•tt x '2 , acr, of thad attached ettunred .11al o ntal •wg,,-.
a" ' •g .7 - "4 - ' - '--,- --. . ,_" 1 Z''s 0 I ''''-
~.,,,, a,„ I:nail-Is Emerle.......ned,
I.:.r e .` 4 _. _"'..ff' - ‘ -a 1 I ig.'P• r tit grntjuti"Co l w"AM,",ah' il,'l4lril, .hali
ning very high the vessel immediately went to :1.5 br. Mu, t at 1 II AKI.I. JON t a . a e.,1 -"`"'"""'", "
1 Pittsburch Transnortation Line c, ...
Tot e, Life Pr.merrern. Ettshionn, Paint., Ded.
piece,. and the crew, nine men, with one woman, 2, -... l' , !' .'IP. ‘.-1 1 " , ! .. ,.. , ,r, 1 ,7, ,, z,..,, ~,,,,,,,,,, iiii - 6 - LE I' -Tle. The, Story !Mullin , CT •'_, o , . --:, • Whi t e. Ilridhs. Ire s ,a l and Ikat Floats,'
I Kid
the wife of the master, got on the ledge. They I ti......., N, 171 ti., oreat.o. m jeent recrspie. - 1 '11 , ,'• • ••••!.,Vl . ;?' y.,;;?: • .%",•-•'• (-,:'• V n i,"'„ l : - „`, -1°, 5 1 1V - - h 0nv . , :r, ,, zr..-kr..(lant,..s,W likr Intake,
were discovered from the shore na Soon OA d, jII E LAIN ES-A large and .riend;d assort- !,; ./!4... It houee-t , aue!l iw“ esciors. 4 -- i ~,',i s „ ii.,„„'," •- •,...„,,1',.;„":".., ~,„',1,"„,„,11.,.'i„.";",'„'d IT, ~.,''i: ; t s Duck... Se. Aruclen for •
tl, Trude mode P. Order. laliallto
, y ja ,
, a , 1,1,,_ r.. 10 nn,i i.,1 , 11,1. •II 111 r nr , ‘ 1 , I. ..... ...on I • , ~,,,: .e i , o t .i,,,, . •
broke, tuft no assi s t ence eou ld p o , ta iol y h e ren- „, ,, ,, ,,T,51,: . rr,.. 6 .1,..,',.,;',.P22-.',1!F.,:',t-;,7;;; '-.--, - ---- ~...„ ,„. ~,, Int of Apro 1 / m um td .1 S. It Fle.l 1.. ' ° ' - ..1,...3.'..., 1, ' '".' : .."... ' ..
a A i .), .0 eorth no, t, Ral thn.,re. . Murphy's Self-Sea - ling Advertising &mol
dered them. Freneh all wool De. Lao, and e.t.a.,. et eatn., ly m." It .... „I Chung.
I_l.l N'l NI I fully completed our arrange- I .
In, HIM peribms condition the poor creattireg I " "''''',:' • I ' A ' ''''''''' .= ''' FllO LET-One Two Story Brick House, .zp• I a ........ gr,ll be pr. eared upon the 11 0 01111 6 id .the , \
- 0. 263 MADIS . sT., NEW YORK.-
remained mufti about Mne o'clock when they 1
awl ll -,,,,,,i„,,,,,„„ „„ ~,„„ ,„„..„ xj ,,,,., •••••• I, un-. is an. t nnaln. to rarer Ing a ht to and togs 1.11, ,
' ' r• .• tl• 1I• • I 1 f ' - 'XL.. I too I. D a lt mon Phil dels bin Sew 1 ork Deetnn CI t a The 'whet-114e, In nolicitlng the Wayne.. td all who
were idl . ed off together by one tremendous . ..Peeed OP de, ' , ''' ' "n ' ° -.Wm'. ' 1 .. 110 . lu . 4 , „
~., ~,.„.,....,„. ~,,..„,,•,,,.; ~ ,;:,„,, ~,,,i.,-.. „„ ,„.,,,,,, ~,:,,!„., mar as, this mhertheetraL avb. ace s or that henttation
. . Lout.. Ppldlnen. eels... Twin Sat, anal 1,th,,...t ta•'' _ •
I or. co.. nod v•tts m,.....0. e nri, so.' rare deo... tob .•lat width a new anicle In brnuffht thrum, the publl. The
wave, and hurled 'into the boiling deep. See- j met ow Reno... mew. snd Jaesa...,. Pahl stat ~.1 . ,. „„, .„ ~ ‘‘. „ v
. i. iim...
i „,,, ,, , , , i,
j.i ,_ Li __
___ .„ ii ,
~,,,,,,, tape:ten, of yea. 11. entablphed their .superiarity be
en Out of the ten eank at once into a watery !
, str, melons ii ,::, .. , , , , sod Itiong . . lo.t . ,x ,, un ii . ,;,, , , ,W1 , 1 1 , :, .. 1 4 11 . me i , t. , 1.1. . Pam, II , . lark., ,:, 1,
,„,,,,„„„„ „,„..„„,;.4.-',.,,,, ! „...',„ . !! !‘,,,,7-,!4 * : . •: ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , r„os 01 , iueloon, and he nanfklerstly refers to the teen,.
grave. j ''',„, .' ,„ , ~.. ntn•t th, ~....o 1 .1.. r from the nxrner of 1 1 / a ket a , , p , ti. e a, t or., t , ~1 L •
I Lib. rt. et,. tn 1.,,,,,,,u g 0.41 the Igo' A 'MM..... ." .° - ' '°" ' r "” ,ny of the., bums-wrath who bate noel tb,e envelope.
. ( .1 .,•-•• .1•••' a r.5.51111.-.1'11.. subseribers hate '''''. , - , •• 1
.. td '1 mulun,ratl..n. addren•nal tn °towel., or a.,onts, I I. n ti,. 01 " rwffialr 11 1wYwallIng ntdee, . P.Of Of their con+
LIY the remaining three-one, a muMtto, con- , •,: , , _ , '
~ , I e-s• , e ia•rs.•• DA 11 , .. thhil• DOI A C. elmennoti h ...1., 1....1..111.. and Lowe k , '-' ••
[rived to get on a portion of the floating wreck. I At i l"net n = - 44. I tt 'l' l l . r. tr. 1117. " '''''
' ''''''-'
- _ nal C•tto `t I ..1, , .,....t 401 net i 111th prompt attention I The folloiring are a fen of the trawl. for their popu
~. lantyt
andafter having been beaten about for some ' , Jllll, AIThINP.. 1, ( 1 011 RENT, two tem: cot. enient •,--is ~,`"•?- s, n " ur FV,'''.'" "."'"".".""'''''..``' ''' '`' I ht. On Ulf. mad. occurtsc Sr tile seal. a person mer
e .„, , ~1..., 1 ., plum um tr.sbur.b 1 poeportatlth Cue ~f AP ty , 4 „,,
.1111 IN 11. OK 1.1,Y. 1 D. PI LIS. Itol l-Ec..... Tionl ntecet. a • '
raj ,,,, a , i a e Dates. b..lnewo and ruble., eonsplettounly mud
hOlllll in imminent peril of being every instant 1 'n
..,1,,., w • month, 1.,..... ,r.,,, c o e t ,. t h e '%,.. l ,„" t .rj.l.. I '.'".. "
- twantkrullv ern1......1. eolonnl or Cloth. thus affording ocr
swallowed up by the breakers, managed. with lITINTiOW Il LA SS--100 less “11augh12 . .." ',',, ~,„, „„ „;
, real remniy azmn.t fraud
bbyW. Mr nale by hpy Mei ll lA, a Ittet. Ak e , fi , Le na , be , , ~, ,„,,, , ,„,„ .„,„ ~,,, ,„„,,, 1•4,1.---,..1.., - 18 r 1 7 7 , ,-,-...... , .2,1 Ihe En, clop, eaunnt be Opened withoat bein g de.
remarkable coolness and presence of mind, by 1 v V
Lc. ell mei near the Alleghea, Inver . .. the Sloth It a. ' 1.••••
mean, of a plank which he used an apaddle, mad ! 13ATENT SOAP POWDER-20 boxes in. And, to "" M- 0 " , "-"'"T••`• 1 Merchants' Transportation Line, i 3, . Neither wax nor waft. ore regains! to mai them.
or lIENJ DA1.1.1...iT0N
1 4th. I, pun the mine:ono, of a letter. theneal thetas, its
a pieee a ..,.., which nerved him for a tsaiL ' A.,„n!,,Y,,,,,,`', 1 h r ,',T r g , 2:,.. , , , ,,,t,, E ;z4 , 1,",, ,, , , „t: 4 1- 4 ot s „
. F,sissi, .1., re.....11,..1 ! Itgt o f. , s . rh y t • l .c t x tt . t s, t , it. , y e ,,,,, • immoßatt. ,torn to the ,nder, Itelteenl of lega ff ba Nell
with the assistance of the.strong tides, to keep fcl,7
'' , mootho ;n the Dead L oh , . 1..,
~sciß RENT . „ T„„ „,„„ 1.,„„,, ii„,,,,,,........ I 14 , 1 , 11 1111 L A DEL I' II IA DI It ECT-W IT H- I
~ .....„ t ii v i t i :.n. ,: i . e is s. srs (amid,' at alum. the nano
clear of the broken waters.
1 I: 4 I O.X'S ST ARCII-20 hoSes for mile he
1 I . nct
atr tm C.:. : 2 ut T ity,011•1.1 st.
While this poor fellow was thus ntruggling for ! A retdi ww. A 31eCLI Ito Co ji,, y ..1,t, r t,' , , ,, 1 ,T4 . .1i1 za t:•; , t. ya • 1 " . P.4:1 ,. :1
..:.:..... , e t xi , AK rt. rY a .1. ()noel 1/0111. 40. Ve nn . t ...,, h .
~..„1 . :t0 .b ,•,=‘, t r, c , , , , n 1g, .1 .: r ,
i r. , at ‘ efferiveadvertiontment
01l ho ugh whwe h..i n. ya
life, amid the anxious expeetdtions a the people ' il
,t RD AND 11A'.IS-10 bbls Lard: dpe n rap, uppl, to I• l tijilt I Cll , l Il 'I, ' l'"wri' . '
i ell 1 h ha' a AIN. on. Central Rhea. Dowd olnot. Phila. i n ",r °... ' '
who witnessed hie attempt frogthe ehore, whose ,
_.4 I cask Ilan, to am, on ' 1. ' 1. "
I g er 11.11rorio n M a list of prim. for Dtha. enffravliba
lofty eliffs were DOW Crowded by . .upwards of two oteumer Fort PUP Mr .le by , de14',11 . ...,.
~ i....„ m .
.. , . , , brne.,. and which wlll I.t for pang end of ervenort rid
- • . Nlito ISAIAH DICKEY aco rlOO LET, tho SL 're Rcom Mar- Txc.,• . and ...Dee m On o ett the ..,
, f1 „..111...11=1„ . 7 . 1 . 1tirw,. l the 111/1131 .124. eithe r white or buff, of ,rlui Inner, end
thuuthnd spectators, five fishernfeb,Thelonging to _
on ts“ wst.i. sh. 1..... tr - ...-', a..... 1.... sl, Iso miere.rh e l. 1,,,:.„., ~...• 't- a I u "' l ""'''''''' "'""'""•": "'Tv"' 4 °-' .
Sennen, a mall fi.shing cove close to the Land's , .100 13.8 Ls Superfine Flour,- for sale Ilv ' „tww 'V ''‘‘ , 7, ‘ ,";,:' ; ';',',:',; „.';.„,,',,, ~, , ' ~ , ,,x,,. l i „, „„,,,,,„„ ,„ „„, „„.„,„...„,„„ rr"•"" b' 1 Psw... , ts t 0..,.
.) Pr ow qf I.Orfloyeo woof. of
h. o „He,.
SA3I. P stilt! 1 Ityl " N nolo,. a a,. on a IttoOth e nenl I....bang...Ant .. * 1 her •. He meth... 'mods, ~ .r Tong, 1e ,, ”.1ed Le I g ~,,,.-. ........
.. 5t,,,1„..., -- a t p o
End, determined, with that bold and resolute '
Thir rem l• beend in then/000 utral anti I. et 1...11..., ILe I at o ll t .n.mi..,,..,..r. ler corn, Inc enr boom en th. .y. 10 4jl ... • -
.- .. ~...,,, ~.,, ...... ••" - ..... - ....... ••-•.
spirit for which these men ere distinguished, to TO LET-Roome and Power for swit it. the en.......t ...II 5d5.....t 10 a Hankie. wool Tr I `,. 1...10wa, ...I en i“nt, su, ......,..i.da s or .bis, st „„„,,, ... ~,,,,1,,,,,,,
eimu....M... and Itronrome .4hee. or a ntore A splend.,l M.IIII teeth !ltd.], nburg ort-ollowhm tlll, "e 1... ., . Nilo /41 10610 6100 ratio
lonneh their boat through the breaker% M which 1 mectLantust ourierwr. enuntre or
' H'4ll , E. ATKINF , N .1: OKELY, i 2:1 , , , 1:vt , z . tt r 1 1 ! . .= II l'l4o line, 4 lii 10 0 10 ill 10 14,11
„..,,,., t • A 'l,O I 1... , 111.
, i ,, , ,, , 1., , „, oa ,
... j .„„,.„,„
1 l'l
they happily iucceeded, and eventually, after , a .O
. 111/ !cunt rd.
_ . __ . ' II I.e. it . not retivenlent to lorward amount of order
• 11.xneedol, glt. U ell the thst sof Pettrunr,. If reu,l
- mall or . sore,. t. nferenn• to et r........1.T...
,New loth
encountering great risk, they reecued th/ poor .ft LEE SMA LTS-1 ease for I I
SU o.v lingo,. vi Wll 1111,M. 1.4, 4....:-7,..,,1, 185 1 ..h.- 4 „ 1 ,I„,- .ti, , ...dent. All nob. will Meet rah prompt
Ita Coro, of onrhet and Fourth ntrocm'rv-.
. M. 311'411.11Y.
mulatto from his periloun situation.
........... a _ a _ a „ - - L .,..,..:,, a _ a... .
..... otogatott. If addreeel.
No. 2,1 31adlann otowt. New In.
The other two, the master and Lig wife, when -1 ..-
lIN SEED OIL-20 brls ree'd for sale b v
1 iare Chance for Ca 'tails
_ . _ _
... To Canal Boat Owners and Transporters. ..,,1..r...i0 1.,,,,,d.5ite meeivily. ir ten si its.ster,
pl ts ana saanufao.
~ .t.r.t.•• 14 the transportation I . "" , e. ". 11 .3, 9....... Wad strivi s or of shuses H.
they were carried off the ledges were washed 4
• VW!: "i"h t" e • ' ' I Jerolliono aI,LC II Miens a t.
U 1,013 the Little Bristhn Rock, which rises in a - .
f 1.. tn., 11,...f 3len hamli ... a, . per da,. ,c . das. I ~ n._it n ,..i., A , Cant-. raohn..e.t in' tolor, (mat same
peaked head, and ie the re aar t o f p oworm. ,,, y , e , pApER__lOO re „,„, wrappin g , a,orted; ; rfii E un.lersign.d being ago l a f o r the own- '" `'''' "*"•'• • " a " "" ''''''''' " I ''''"''''''"" "'''' "'""'":"'' ' bi-. st mode l s, 11,..u.and 11.1.2ffdllro
100 do Unnlwn,
durn.,,, the 00111116 0.4311 ,
111 e i 1 mt. off, r. for eale n nun,. rof too n lom in Ile town • T I
fowl. The'mister first gained a footing uponsh
, eor rale be rubs J. SCIII/ON MAKER k CO. . ~,
..1,,,, t i t „,,, ~,,,,, a ,„„„ . ~,,,,,. ao „ • T. ...:ln •,''llll`t.,,n .'. ''''‘''' . :7llb • • .;,',"nr. i Professor A. C. Barry's Tricoplierous,
-.1....4 ....o o.n. im.b.r..i. I. John o wn . .
rock, and upon lodking.tiritund:lim thw his wife -- --- -
.----- - „ . purneln of t en d t..l„tion g tool mar the town. 11..11.
,1,A1,11 a roisl 111. if IR MEDIC.ITED CO3IPOUND, infallible
struggling in the waves,:-A . sttfticiently near to , G LI Elli "" t • r 'aim
I I __•____ _ .22..,,,,.„N5.--j us r rm.eimui anu •I. so, ...LSI 133 ilos Ohio l'anal, and the Ohlo and Nun- I seoad, te , u 9 :3" .'' '''' .11. / se...ea...m e , inv.uoratim i . aeo ;swum ) tu n the hair.
.y . yy y r ,
.., co. 1 Q M,. Kama, non ra, arl, completed. Penning tlin , o , h I -
n 00, ,n, th• .•:trf.l“l,.truf..od all [Mortices of the ..ato
enable him to stretch otil‘hisliand, and pun. ', r„lY"'"''''" ha‘ 11l p•,,,,,, i ~,,..,_ ia. tol. e 611.1 ...1.• anent.. ',rho, the lent omx•rt toot, a , s , a -
a.,14,... f irm., asoi cur. : , croption, on the nktn db.., of the chow:
in While the Sennett fisherme were occu ie -- -
' '?- p d SII I' ''' ' ' ' I " . ,"1,gr,..." 1 ,, ~' t'''r....." ma/ wl•li,w'''llom , lw wow t Xi 'Ztenli,iii,s,. I z.. 5 ..,) 1 r"-^n^t, -'' I nut -It-. tut.t titt,untult... and relievin g 5eue5......... hroi.
in rescuing the mulatto, Her 31tijesty's revenue . A 3 Lit 6 KERBS, iill kinds, a fresh lot ".'„".",',,,„,..",.„`i „1'17";:",,;`,!..2„,''',7":1"'""ti '."""'r''''"'"r""' ' - , e , 'Mo.` , .1 , " ith thin rsersrsitmi -ilea. is se .eri.
cutter Sylvia, commended by 31,r,„ Forward, was 1 l' l e. bath, ant for est. by Ind Cc .6,1 moter. Un. ganat gtott't . rTil.S.',.l 4 l,7.l%' . g :To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, & C „ , ..,,,,i a• fat! ' Th. ft.tioarnaln la America. medical Men
J. KIDD 0 CO. 14 110, mark. t . well 4. the fooslfitOto s Mt transportation 0 , . 5a o , aio . io , as . e ro st roo t , •, aa ''. th' h."' . " 'uth."'" , Pr , Ds , Ds..l , lsstos or Dll ol.ras
seen gallantly working round the Land's Eiol, - - 7 b '
CQUA A N I3I ONIA F ' ol TF •'• ' lx- '"""'".`"""'' '"''''''' ""'''"''''"" "'"‘"" "1". "''' ' 1 "" 1 'T.InI '".
' '''
rI . ' '. r . . : : non, sell ladles who ba.o nerd It for years in their dre,
t ..:1-4 car We, al tetel...lrahle polio, lOr tm nth llt- n ' f . 1. f I , n ... l LADELPIIIA AND I•lnsfußidi siii, mon. end ournerlre.. shalt It with one :sewn!. that for
Laving been ordered to the spot by Capt. Davies, i A ~, ~,,,
It. I:. SELLERA. 1,,,i. I,nm. indeed, all :text: 4 .l;4ll:n Wlehl" r n . ": Ilf:t'l: A TI: ANa Is 'ET IT l. IN LINE. hapart d ., Igor. ohm.. luxuriance. and curl to the hair.
R. N., the late and still acting inspecting com- . ~,.., ; -- . - -wi in the %I ..:o.rn (+mat', '''' ' . . • ~, . ~. A . 'r'''""" ''''''' " d nnarn.' h•nitnW nnnnd.• c•min•L•
FFEL-200 hami Rio Coffet• iii. reed e“rund itoen.v.d moms. in the strum, or C.. ~,„ ~,,",. Al b.'', ' ',',.' ' ' ''''''-‘"'"' . `'• "" " -.4 'L l ' "'"'"I'" "r r4° ‘ ""n.'"' '''`'. 4 " ' b .'''. '".°'.." ''''
mender of the coast guard of„this district. Capt. 1 (1!' r su i he "nunn l in a • E a egjy tt ( Ty sof Itatirodd. urenlenellen.l-, Ins t iof rs 'owof e .11. 1 1 '''' ••''' t • '''!''''''ll'"• thn AM. the ghost.. 61111 the nll6lllOO. It h. or. n t ual
Denies himself, and several lif the officers tnok . et' '''' - e ' No „
~,,,,, , , , e . . ... A,
~ : u . 11, hi. A 1 toot 11. A g ent.. canal Dago. Pittsbur g h. • among the multitude of compound.. advertised In the pois
„'i 'i,,7 1 , , , , ''''',', - t.,0!•..!...1''. 0 ,. , ; ,,,, 5d• 010 1 1 ..., .1 kl Not .0 r•sk 11,1.1, Halltmon. Is• print., or ured lu private ortwthe. thelloyncon ax well
up their stations upon the lotty promonotory ef , IDRESII PECANS-Just received, 3 'AM i";;';:•":.....i,..-..ti7t.,:n...Lil'els'd i..'!.:'Z'sil.iiVe::es",d7':.'r:i;.:T. ~,"L "” ",•,,-,- '"•"..• "i• - • - ' , " , ' , "• '''"•,,"",^ a• tglicator g . Porr. , 'nTrleoplterou e la untivell.l. The hu-
MgoolllWitil, OTerlooking the Bmssons. On reach- 1 ju 1 1,, k , 1 ,..,,, 0. ., for ..,. , U. ir." i'' . ' '`'...n '." . 4 1 .'..""i'...” ii. ''b I" e ' in . U . l l' ::::'7lTlo•ll'l . ..l=6 '6.6' 7 / 1 1"061'7= Vit , '"" 'L'i'k'n"lll/Zl'n'illtl '41 ! '17, ire n'i l l(it a llig: il itt th . e JTZt, r ,
the point, Mr. Forward' launched hia boat, I 1,1 , ~r. , ,,, 1i0n . 1. ,,,,,, I ~.„). tel km t ., ...r1 to, e•haettm wilt do ..,11 tu lath. ut thh, le. ~,, o ,„,„ „...,,,,,, „,. „ j ah,„,,,.. :chill-Eta per rent loa than tue Epee of any other PreflOretina for
' Liberty etoret.
and attempted, with a crew a four men, to get ,•- - '''' --- -- __ . -___'''''" _ _ _ lb, 1-4•••.. • i 11....11,.. n Use heart a.. ..,d,.iturw ~,..,- ,i.;,,;..; - .. .-.-
... -.•.-
.1 . 1 - - .. - . 17,7;"; ~,,,,L 1t7, 5 ;t: ~r,',i',7 ~„,i °, ,,T,',;,.,',t°, ,"';=vt d r .,,, , ,- ,,,, ,, p 0 ,..1 , ,T,t,-2.,.:
near the rock ; but the attempt's'. fruitless, nod FRESII FIGS-30 drums received and for r i . if i i:',' , i ii 2, irl'''..`" , .., In thw mww" . ‘• ''' '''l w''.
. de. tenni untaren t a rr to do more than ret, 1 McFABED - & CO . t ODE,' tun, and preservation cf nature's theinat ornament, In
i n whlth each bottle iseneloexl.. alone worth the-money.
tale be NZ W. A• MoCI.U.' A C.• top to Made/. all .11,,, we, 1/1 make ....,,1 ifirestment, tr, I
it With mils with great difficulty that. be regained ; -
[auceetworn to John 11cFulou a Co., Thy 411Intty Lot recta ats mon/bran. wboiteutuditute the
.--.-- c a th ...I es..salue tl m .. wet Title 1 11. ut 1,, t
the cutter, to the great relief of Captain Davies, , VOUNTERFEIT VOIN DETECTOIsS.- ~,r , „ ,„.„,„„ ~ I, .P r j ' . it,,, ~,,,,,:r"ty.'4 , " O,: o n : j
Canal Bastn, l'enn Street. nth, Lad the hair. which thaw., Ito auslenanne from this
Mr. dlrlape. Is very Ices. All dinnnexer the hoir oth
and the numerous spectaton• on the cliffs, who i • - ,,,,V.T.,, b ,td",„"1=1",,,, , c „,..,,, , ,T i e1,r,,,i . ,771 0 . 1„ , ,, T u, ,Thi•b_ Job.. pie... list • ••• ettteburch h nill kite itsffnuntem 4
~,....`a. ll,e, Ain of th r e heed. If the puree of tha ! reap
rejoiced to perceive, that though success did not l ouiries bat a Moment. Prirefil.f.O, $3,51,. end 8-4.b0. ) VI. .;:jr.lj,'O n 't 7 1 ,.,Z,...';W 0 "jj:,,..',1 - ,". 1 Z,„ 1 1 1 .7,,%!„“.t:,";:1`, 1 , ~b i l.a• i P enna . Rail Road Co.--Central Rail Road. An• dn.:ed. at If the blood and outer !Wide do not arta.
• late freely thrungh the mall raw. whieh cs. the rult
attend his daring exploit, etill he himself and his j '''''"tt.'w.lck nnti lewnholl.w . w wr ni g nol st llessolloon. 1 ""T 'MT ,S• I rilllS subscribers I,gi ving been appointed' sith„,,,lst , s . ass us t .. l hi s wi ti„, ah, u s ., ' , ru n b
W. W. WILSON. Maraillon. 7.. b. h • '.ll.
r w b ''''‘.. I storm: ores , 1,, ft r ling, tn. -1...: C ntral Roll *curt dand'eult, elt.thltn g of the Lair gra, 0
gallant crew at least were safe. I febt ' comer of 31.ket and 4lb the : _ __ • __ _ _
I '.l. infer. the I. n uldle' that we n ....' now'f?re r p:red to tx. amt harsh.. of the 11.uncnte. and . en tiretudneol, Lett°
It was now growing late, and nothing, more l 131 LL BOXES-mu - papers At".rd, FOR SALE. ,vlvt. on, manhood.. or molute h•r nloptuelal ent en the ...may he. Stimulate the Ain to bealthall angina with
could be attempted in the way of rescue for the I J_ soo - Po,r l ....riot t•I 0... anal t he T.... Theron, and the torpid ectonel a nowntrm ff their
Iff, s wnbc's. d.sds vhs ties mut.. will be earned through to nee dayo annthity. Wthantdhlhate the dia... loan affection, of the
day, so 3lr. Forward hoisted hM colors and hove !
MIA R. E. SELLERS. ad all minds:n.l to u. alit le mewerd...l thx, ld MCIIIO4 al e , soul of the .übtorata of menthes and Integuments, the I
to his craft, to encourage the poor sufferers, who '
ion or eharge fur advautroo pears.. arid the effect me the eame. It la upon the okin.
were DOW tO be left to spend the wretched night i
i jiltIED ATPLES-3-1 sacks fin- side 1, -
Y ___ • . the museutsr mew. and the glands. that the Trlenapherotto
'RAU, Or rarDolli Coris,Cto. rult.thatalgo Vo.oo rire.rraolloi. W u Ita npretllle action, and In all affections, and tomer of '
febe It. DA A CO.
...Ob. o ...cod a . remedy.
without food or Shelter, exposed to the wind and i --- ----- - -- --- -!--L -- -
On locabs, Urfa Sil.x. &AM. S tatiusary . rut!. v. Confeo• thr,,,t , -,-,-,,. ~,,,„„,,, ~,,,,,, 2 , ,
. 4 o„
rain upon this desolateljack, amid the wl emu a
d , r 13EARLASII--,,
9 0 ca..41i9 on hand and foe
.?.;,',i'Xa',,'V,',',l; l',',",t;'"' "r'""'''' `ll',`.' s ',*-.., i?,,!,72',''' ere. 1.17 tirotetwev. se.: York. istZ2 by the princti..i to reh - -
or waters, hnd to assure them that they had still - 2 - '''''' by 4.b ' -
Ilsoleare.lKocn o s a, Gross:los, PoeutA, 1/, Muff.. Oil, an. nJr• w
LI dz.'s/ate throughout the Lanai States andCao.
a friend who would stand by and not fomake ' ( .3
"lIEESE--50 boxes on hand and fur sali• by , Leather. Clover. FL.. Thnoth, and other to-ko• Seel,. oda
„. ___ delltlnn
~,a . ,,,, ...... _ --..-- -,-„,- --________------_--=
them. . felel. • lh DALZELL a CO.
_ _ • . Deo., ite. f. Po r k. Dotter. lard. Lard olh Tobute, Leaf. I ADIES FLE.E.CI SILK GLOVES, `and
On Sunday morning the wind happily drove a ; ll
' 't ISS-Of i i es
L.., . ~ tillti zi and qualities, on,hand Coll., Tallow. Ora, and En
Ashes, Murble trough; Tar. ettch, nogn. Germ, 11.-. ,!,,,,,, yio . don , ,„.
.fia, - 0, D. A other kende of Winter Glorm-ea sweetmeat to be
R. I,AI ZELL k (Y)
B ow ., ~., 5 , , 1. yo frby
little to. the bouth-east, which caused the Ilea tO 31 ''''''''''' bY • ''''' 6
WEIDE , : a Collll.l.
___ ... _ _
abate; all hands were immediately on the alert. 1 lIIILS. NO. I. ROSIN, just rceeived /au.
A DIES' WINTER IIOSIEK:f, of various
At one o'clock our boats were Been approachieg ! 4 0, , ,,,tad fur .1., by 11. .SI 4. IXI ( Z , P ; CILYCJIi i I4 , •(,.. ,„.
- - -
kind.. inelunhn e a new article of Wool and Silk, to
ISAI A 11 I.lcE Eli .3, I 'O., .Igents for Me- I 1 . 4! st . c„..,,,,,,,,,
from the Seune Covo-three manned by fisher. I nELLOWS---Fin •t ii f • BelloVv. , Ir's el}
Jl_ sham.- s :non 11. rkr. hale I l mn for oaT i ,•l , cr.ric. : - , l__ . , 3 ._ .
men and one by the coast guard; at the mune , JD ... for wale by EC L AITE r , /I ' TKINPON;OIi r Eh ' I', -.
/,‘,'' 1 r,?,,,, 1 t".",r er " .1.. "'" - " b ' d "" -rb "" .... - '1,71 r ,1r ILI ERINO k COTTON UNDERSIIIRTS:
time Captain Davis arrived, having embarked in febn •
Dr. ern Street
_ a l : 4_ 11 ,,, r1.:111. LB.:LOME. keep m wornamt el the
a preventive bout at a small cove named Pen- I ri*Dlo74ly SEED-15 bbls Timuthr seed,
.0 .,
4 L - 0 . . w00 s 1
1,; N•1k scat Galax lletino do, and Merino
(leen, about three miles north-must of the spot; ' 2,_ on hand and for sale hi -
- ----_ feb3
with four preveutive men and one miner, tak- ' , n''''' 1.114,0 rare,
ing rockets with him. The cutter's boat also rri ARTAitic Acit)-400 'ha warrant al
was menu. by Mr. Forward-s o that Fix boats' I_A T . ., for tole ht IL E. htEl.thlta.
it; 11,ed e tn rt.
were quickly on the spot. Ity this time the scene I " '
had beconly ono a the most exciting description, i 111,ARDEN SEEDS=A full and good assort
and the cenwdit of people upon the Oafs could ! i llfi s n i i ,: i i :,tr. 6 ;ll.Ftgr i '''Vri P'.. Ti t:-",.:..,r,rg;.` r i";",}
not hare aumbered less than 5,000 or 51,000 ; j ii . 07.1 me mats Arm," '.' "" ''''' '
'S. S. WICKER:4IA ‘1:
and as each boat arrived at the spot, the cheers I I f oll
of this vast! multitude awakening all the echoen '
. Q(111(1 DOELS. , , Allegheny City Coypen
of this cavernous coast, added not a little to thel
,7,4\-:"1"1,11 L's, interent pa,able Its New York. will he
Y 64.14 1111 A./I'LL A..
excitement.. .
•" ' • •
'ELLERS LI% ER PI LLN's--"Could not get
The sea so high that lio boat could venture S
within 100 yards of the rock. The rockets`vrhich I.
'4 ' ng
'"'" th "' - weonnenwrine. O. J,. 9, 1041.
Capt. Davies had taken with him in the preven-
~,,1 1, , , . .11. g i stuffs.- t rours , ss. th w at,.J.u,saits .. le ;l a r
tarn, bunt bad never been tried here before, even me, 111:.T . mak'en:',e':f tW0N . 1 %).... all l ell'l . 2rinat. tern. rd
from the More, and we believe never elthwhere ruT.L. , .. , 7 , , i , ,, :17 . ? „ , 1 , , ,,,, , , :z7rt,r ,, p,,,, , , , ,,,,, , J ia , %Mtf ; ,...
from a boat.
sad Wd br , trttekt.t. ererreist- fete _
After meking bin arrangements, he With hie L
Owls hood discharged the rocket. He Was, en- I ' nha n n for wale. Apply to It MU, A titeta.e._
veloped for an instant M a sheet of flame I _ r.""" _
ils 5e....i .t.,.:
from the back tire. Happily, however, be eus- 1 %,' ERNI ICELLI AN D NIACCA RON I -
lathed no injary. bat unfortunetely the line which ' , T „ ! ,,,P.1, 1 ,' Irpt",=;.' -- 4,.; . 17,;! .. *,:nizzi, , ,Td ' --
reached the rock fell upou a xharp ledge, which ! . m " . I.:SIO . '. ' -,i 1.11-rt t .1
cut the rope so that the end of it 'lipped off Into '
preliElt'S FARINA--3 boron fresh, of 4.1
the sea
taus article. no celehnstad . A dirt tor Cavell In or Seth
It la intipOSSlble to describe the disappointment , ssonts. e., fur i :ltiant•or g e a Podding., 11. d or ceoe. Iw- -
experienced by the people upon the cliffs, and In }:': rt,-- '-- ' ‘ b " "" r . .;;; .. .l.'",i'A'tin,. a I.r).
the boats at this wafavvrahlercsalt of such adar- rillsiNNEß'S 011.-0.) bbls, for male b
ing experinissic
A ' * l 2 . s.scauxum • -
Wednesday, Feb. 2d, P. 11.1 RA,LTI.MORE MARKET.
The British Steamer Europa,. arrived ut eight Ratrotonc, Feb. 27.
o'clock this evening, with 111 passengers. She Flour--The Europa's news has unsettled the
left Liverpool on the Iltit instant, at II o'clock, market. Sales 600 bbls li. street brands at 54
A. M. On the 16th, at 7 o'clock, A. M., they 'r; l i bbbl._
passed the steamer Aretle. The• Asia arrived at • Greiles of red wheat at A 5 n; cents.
Liverpool at 10 o'clock t . M., onthe oth. . and of Litel at 1026,112 crass 14 bush torts
The ••City of Glasgo sailed from Live r p oo l • dull. h les of white and yellow at
on the 12th for Philade phis, 570..7)8.
foil of f re i g h t, „ tn i„! Saks 01 oats sa at 410. of rye at 68, 42 c, and
with a fair complement t•f' passengers. I bush.
The steamer Atlantic las been towed to Liver-, Cloverl Seed—Sold at .",f(.. if cents per bar
pool to undergo repairs.; eel.
Cheese—The market is firm with salesof corn-
The Chancellor of Exifficquer expected to
l b.oWeitern at 7e, d shipping qualities at Itic
deliver his brulgot on the 17th. s-
Lard it firm, with sales SOO hbls at 01 (opt.,
The trade and revertee, it is Said. ore eves ; and of 100 t) kegs at 06,91 e - t lb.
more satisfactory than !heretofore, [lief it is es.
Baron--Sipes of shoulders at 7c, of sides at
peeled that many obrolziou- 'ries 0111 be re- B.t e, an d of h ann , a , t o e
V,IL, at which about
I 100,000 lbs sold.
Semi-official wish,. ftum Dresden, 'tate that fork Pulesof old mess at $1:1, and of prime
with the sanction of Rassia. Austria and Pens- at 59 75 - ebb!.
sia hare agreed to reconstitute the Central Ger- Groceries,—Coffee is active:' sales 6,000 bags 1
man Power--each nation taking the Presidency Rio at 1016 i Ile la tb. Sales 200 birds New Or
by turns.
I leans sugar at 55 100113 - ectrt. Sales of N. 0.
The attention of the E i nglish public is chiefly molasses at 81c
occupied by the exciting debate now going Qui Whiskey—Sales at 26e - r) gall. ,
in Parliament, relative to the Papal Aggression.
Four days continuous ddbate, resulted in, gain
ing for Lord John Russell the permission
trainee his bill of l'ains Unit Penalties, by a ma
! jority of 222.
It is confidently stated that t 4 Duchess of
Kent, the Queen's mother, and the Duchess of
Sutherland, the Queen's in Waiting, and
the richest, heiress in England, Ore on the eve of
becoming Members of the Catholic Church.
On a 'motion of D' Israeli, inviting discussion on
the principles of free trade, the Goefenment only
carried their point by a , majority of 14 in a full
House. Most of the iritih tnembers who hereto-
fore sustained the MittiStry, deserted them and
voted fur D' Israeli.
The l'rotectionists aregreatly elated With their
The Rotation Bill has (been lost in the French
Assembly, by a majority of 102 votes.
The breach between Louis Napoleon and the
Assembly appeurito beJevery day becoming wi
der. It is now' proposed to organize a Nationall
subscription to relieve the President from his
embarrassments: The President of the Repub
lic is deeply touched tr the efforts thus made
to organize this subscription, and in the rejec
tion of the bill, which firs just taken place; and ,
he thanks all those who have entertained that
thought—which is an imp,osing manifestation of I
sympathy and approbatihu of his conduct. But !
be deems it his duty tokacrifice a personal sat
isfaction to the repose of the country, Ile knows '
that the people have rendered him justice. and
that is sufficient for 11-e therefore declines
all subscription, Iron - ever spontaneous and na
tional its character maybe.
The Muniteur pultlisles a decree that a census
shall be taken of the rumination of France. It
further announces that a British force has block
aded the port of L'Union, in San Salvador.
• • , L1TT.111,01.., Feb. 14.
Cotton,—The sales of the week sum up 24,700
bales at a decline of j to 3 from last report. For
middling quality, we quote of for upland, 7j for
Mobile, and 7,1 for Orlearii. The sales of Friday
were 4000 bales, and the market closed with less
pressure to sell. The Ilarre cotton market was
extremely dull, and prides were lower titan at
Liverpool. The sales for the week amounted to
0,256 bales.
Provisions.—The market has been more active,
and old and new pork has advanced from one to
two shillings. Lard had advanced lid per eat,
and higher rates are asked for the small quan
tity now in market. Canadian Batter has ad
vanced from 2to 4s tiericwt. Ordinary Ameri
can sells for 40669 s er curt Business at
Manchester was much depressed, owing lintirely
to the depressslon of the, cotton market. •
Flour and Grain.--The corn market is unusu
ally depressed, and prices are from 1 to 20 lower
for Wheat, and lid lower for flour and corn.
Money Market. —The London Money Market
continues easy. Consul. 4on Wednesday, closed
at 962, and at the same price on Friday, both
for money and account, American securities
have been steady during the week, nod If. S.
sixes of 18C8, are quoted at I . oBy r , 109; U. S.
sires, 1862. at 1021x0110:11 : Boston City fire,.
1858 and 1802, pt 9116 081 : Pennsylvania fives.
84?•,a85; and Ohio sixes P 472, a t 1056,100.
Mr. Cooper, of Penn a, pretented a petition for
the modification of the tariff.
The Senate then took Op and peoced the bill
for the better protection df patentee.,
The Nasal Pension bill was taken up and
The patent bill providei remedies against per
sons importing from Canada articles manufar,.
tared by patentees in the ;United States.
The appropriation for Iprivateersmen in the
Naval Appropriation bill was stricken out.
The bill granting lands ito Louisiana, was de
bated, and finally laid on t he table.
The bill providing forte
California was taken up, and after a protracted
debate, laid on the table.
The Senate then, afer Ekecutive Session, ad
journed. •
Ifonse—After the usual routine of morning
business, the House went into Committee of the
Whole, and resumed the consideration of the
Navy and Army hill.
Mr. Howard, of .Terns, spoke in favor of
mounted troops for the protection of the Togas
Mr Toonibs condemned the expenses as too
large, and was for striking them down.
Mr. Burt defended the estimates of the War
Department, saying that oboe could safely be cut
The debate was continued on the amendments
.41 the hoar of recem,
House—An unsuccessful attempt was Wide to
take up the Senate's resolution to employ a Na
tional vessel to bring Kossuth to this coup-
The Rouse then went into Committee of oh
Whole on the Army Appropriation bill.
BOSTON, Feb. 7.
The ballotting for U. S. Senator in the Mas
ehusette Legislature, has-been postponed anti
the 12th of March next.
BOSTON, Feb. 27.
It is stated that a wait has been issued, at the
suite of Benton, the Salem barber, who was ar
rested by mistake as a fugitive slave, against
District Attorney Lunt, for false and malicious
prosecution, the damages being laid at $lO,OOO.
It is also stated that writs have been issued in
behalf of Shadrach Simms against Patrick Riley,
Deputy D. S. Marshal, Commissioner Curtis,
and several city Constables, for assault and bat•
tory, and, in the cases of the constables, for
false imprisonment, in having assisted, contrary
to the form of the Statute in such cases made
and provided, in detaining him while held under
arrest as a fugitive shave.
The Governor and -Legislature at Pennsylva
nia have aceeptednMinviMtion to visit this City,
in a body, to participate is a grand dinner to•be
given them at the Entnu House.
The latest market quotations received from
Liverpool; by the Europe, areas follows : Wheat,
5e Bd6tis 4d. Flour , -185T,245. Meal-14s tid
eqlss. Limieed Oil-33E045.
CINCINNA7I., Feb. 2 7.
. ,
Information from Council Grore State that the
Pawnee attacked the government' station there,
awl kill 1 several rersons. 41 company of Dra
goons h i re
re been despatched from Fort Leaven
worth t assist them.
.4 terrible to CINCINNATI, Feb. 1.'7.
rnado nearly ilestroyed the tow.
of Fayetteville, Tenn. on tfie :Milt inst. Sever
al Lees were lost, end loony seriously injur
The Petnocratic Convention, which met at
Nashville, on the 25th, resolved that they would
abide the Compromise act of the lost session of
Congset, provided the North will do the same
but aho d the North evode the Compromise, or
repeal the same, or abolish slavery in the District
of Colombia, or rehise to admit new States be
cause they were slave States, they would adopt
such measures of defence and redress, as the
honor and usrety,of thuSouth would require.
for gala by
Sr. Lome, Feb. 26.
The ferry boat horst a boiler on Sunday last,
wrecking the forepart of the cabin. Fifteen per
was Were killed, and as many wounded. •
- - • •• - -
Cotton—The arrival of the Europa has unset
tled the market, and no sales are reported this
Flour—The market is less active, at forrnei
Grain—Vern is firm at 63e for southern yel
low. Supplies are diminishing.
Provisions—pork shows nu increased firmness,
with ;k.k., of old mess at $l2 112, and of prime at
$1) 75 per bbl. New mess in quoted nt $:l3 37,
and now-prime at $ll per bbl. Lard in firm at
Tobacco is more notice, at 967,110 for Ken
tucky leaf.
- HALIFAX, Feb. 27.
mu m .
NEW Sons, Feb. 27.
Tit VERY VALEARtE AND DESIRA BLE All3l, situ:Wei In !gill., Ilwaser Township,
dswrenee r.. myth, water/kat' Little Deaver. cow
taming About ZOO mgr., Ili. miles from the Ohio and Penn.
rylvanny Ilittaburwh And Cleveland PLAge
lbws' passing through It.
It is well known na the )Innis Farm, and hna hewn or_
optedn Obeetst.Wrut fur the not thirty Darn. Tits land
Is now In trot rareorder, And In
tor sheep and
eAttle. It is welt wan gssl by Litt!, Beater Creek. and een.
ayal nes., .111. sprlngw about gdl/ acres under fen, the
nyineipal part in snendew awl pasture, And about trU acres
fn weellAnd An mints. egghard cholne grullnd fruit.
with n nunsder sled, resell tPsw near the house. ap.
PIP.] tbr wady. a snlin.bia 1.4 of household anol kitehrn fur
-1 nit..., aloe n first rate cooking were And farming utensil,
wagons. 0.4[11,, no. can he bad with the farm At
Tke iwiblings on the form an, one brio, hones, 40 feat
*quay, awl taro stories high. Mbar under the whole bon,
It iwri.loiik kJ thy eynter. The house Is volt finish.
e a and in style; the roonw Aro very conveniently cab
rolitted. throe in thestory, with time
ern thorn, set
with three large Franklin Mess, nye rcasuis Yu the tints ,
story. three at *bleb bare grates for coal. One (nuns
iyarlien et:whet . brielc hr In hot. two she,.
Ingh with tAr, pantry. . and bends in frhnt feet
ene (rainy In. attnelted le sg2 by Is feet, two
steries Ingh,releulatel fora work er last mein, with
poreh kilt,:t ten wely I or.. liww, wiwit
inched id., 11.11, Top,. rorleg
bolt., ;war the brink house, It. by 12 fest. end tet, t
high. witty her, T hest lualt. and ilie walls me,
stens, a --sal and twrt, lolling spring. , seft water ..... d
thrbligh the leers story —ti.t upper nwill ralcuiatel
for stems:, .1 sled nunetel tor a nosh bons, a ten k •
one frame .:Man, bons.. g 1 by to bet, ten
hetnab Ilebsbe un.bernadit. rike tarweil
0.1 ulwist.:.o nth undo brisk bens. IN by In 1.14. en,
awl a lea oillwkw kWh.
b itten new, failing 4 1. ring tn.'
ntnn hnnel log osr. near the brisk house. 2, by
p, nu
ksif skirl,. high, with betel • Ilium, s
nod gartb es for .Ivime
rkiawn Unrk. hr 4..., I. IS Its, high, t' T ` n "nI T T ninrY, And entrant , . at oak+ out•--Kia1.1...
lower 'ten ..lne from.. staid...ll4s lest te large twrni,
24 1. ' 4 '1 "" I `'`' MP!, with snot!. kin osw kanw
.11. W. by It feet, its - elven, high. bn. frame sheep h......
Isd by 24 Pad, In feet high, Lin and tn. sins, pen, witl,
n p.4,, in thw e enton — UPlaw slord for b 4 i. 4. 4 T "17
hens°. Annexed to.the a 1.., hens, LP 1., -4 ler,
het high, with telyw It, the bee, mr
Is I,4 4 r Ti n . r L 4 b . 4 , , Wniri„ jjo ' t . o. nolnho., who
will r ho the gela Ow. All nerwsAggl
Aldjah Doll. en the Ile•burgh Hy ad. 4 milio from the
saeuth or nearer Owen, and miles below l'awn.end.
II A RR I SON SEW ELL. .tttarne v at Law,
Obp,t•bp entautb,ll , nor for takin g 1.41 , 411 , ... Ack..
0....1g.:me,. of Pu l e, A . 0011.0.—kuurbb greet. abo're
Ohtb.l‘l. , mrarbltlnT
I) ---- hY APPLES--2.00 lambda on 1111041211{1'
Lu i -,-----,—________ /1 1 0BACCO--49 boxes u aak s sale by
.......waIitACZIL L . 09. i ibbl Ak ZOIL_,_
.1T;1' , 1 , 1; —l5 i.etlessuperior, fur soleLp
s op . % ASII--;i1 sale by
i()TTON 11.165-10 Ilor twilled. For sale
D; fts_111,1)1.0 Ploribeipe. sa.le by
tb-CILI.B 11.0 E
ado parted,
la leer do -for fait. by
S. Y. lob Mb NIIOILST & CO._
S I KS-3lunrnr.
1.1 , 11,[1.1 , hate rveler:l a seri fail anpily of above
alneh they can aell at lower prima tbey an
nnerolly ran an alto. itiontal and Elnantde do. of
neue.t otybea. jam
GiNtiliAMS.-= m EtT e rd
gateau band a tar,. lot of •hfeti
arn sellinit at Itreatly retfueed prima, meth east canner dtb
‘farkrt ner.,
`7li2. EN"
11.FS11 £llolT—Pea,4thewand Blackberries
put op la thOr iurn.Jaler... and huoncticully • ea! ecl .
tp.p.i,,o,r.ling their original 111. or and IPethouvt. .
Al,o Chrrno , atul Plums put up ln the cattle manner Sbu.
pku pa tuns. Op kth.tul and In nab, by
AV31...?1 , 31`CL1M0 k CO
. 25G Lltunly rt.,...
unary and lic
tlf the beet quettt, W P • L"
BUILDINGS—W e arc rrepar-
Mig d ali To bli= rydz.vj'Pt=.lV,
116142"111r. vaerilivraratkv-
FACTUR-ER, No. 41 5vut1k....,,,q.1 I.lNote
• ut. nag. SW P.'. Ildladelpgi.i.- 4.1.1:4Y
9.2d.9 - 112D
11D AG ALEY, WOODWA111)_ Shop,
11 Orcevr, No. 221 Market
21. P . lol .
. AN)
9 4maan
/00 2 LI 0 ,• 13UCKNQR kdlco. 2A
tkoninianiun 31crehanisnio. II North Water ,tret,
•uaa Ill.'n. 1G NorthillFharvew,lllll.lelphia. ausil
ERcEit General Comm is
tome w. irflnTCß 9.MM e, IXI - 1, - 0 , 2012.
tW. POINI)EXTER & CO., General
• Comanhullon and rorwanilur Merehanteand Flour
, Marko street Philadelphia. Jr-. 5
To Southern and Western Merchants.
I !. The sutwerilwr n4 r reet folly Invitee potille attention
to to extensive sleek of j rrunarry...tiramaying Creams ,
te— to ...Lade morn 0012../ end two 124 . 111eu Medals have,
withinwin the last six yngr, bftla awarded by thelostitutao of
ork. lloatou. and Philadelphia, the latter being the
'Europ e
Medal. ever awarded fur perinatal either in
'Europ e or in Ihigavinatr.t.
Caramel. Mitmesttan Flummi Cat.. (Almond, lime.
any wad Authrihdal.
Veenil acknowged to beenpetiorto
htisalhu n, tine country or o
1.1121.1.112112 fult 6 . 2 o l 9—Batifoly transparent, and
highly cial.namorie nnd emollient ' , overlie.
t`mo , an. compound, Ambroshil Shaving Tenet; =U.
r) Shariuu
St czarist Tooke iiotra , —Almenol. nor, 3 filletletim. too-
n. von Tni llt 3 n ll2 2Turrn..—dre..., Aounin, Bon.
nu,. de r c ar01i0 ,1 1 , 2229 , 91 9 . Jenny Lind,
lid, Minmolia, Clemente, Citronelle. Racal, and 012.97
otb TnriNi.,., to all 21.21 2 . di11:12.321 perfumes.
Toot, 070112-41..rid0 water, Eau do Toilette, t h an
Flower Wah.r , and a wrrot variety of Culognes and Lan.-
PRX1 . 21.1 . 210‘2112.9 TOE 11.1.—C .. 9 .119.629n' Oil. Atit
Itandoline, Eau Luottale, Weir, Compaiund Ox M ary
row, flair Dyes, liquid an d in powder, arid Phllomme,
nine, end Jena)) Load 1 . 01222.1....,
01213TALGIC ITLZPAEA.IIII2,-- Elixir, R.e Tooth
Charmed Dentrifice, Odontine, To.othPaate.and Tooth
coake-ncs--Veaxtabe Cacco-tc Cram, ° Aummline for
ritartaal hand, told Cream of lbase,Cn-am do Per., LIP
itasphert7 Crcam..,r.
Depilatory Powders, for rerun, ing s uperfluous/lair, Pearl
Powder. Virove-ra de Don,
t . Amman.: Vinegar, Victoria
11 .rCompoaltit.n. Pteston :tits. I...aides a mes. varlet of
mt., article, gay nun:emus to la, mooed in this adredb . :2-.
The stihecriber hopes to maintain the reputation which
This enahlulunent has aenuirrd, by di•Prei Of.nochluc•
but. tiro. no- artid, and will la. happy ta itmob
r ho may wish to patronise him, either wholtan or retail,„,,,oable terms m any eatabliahment In the Uninsi
Eurce.or to and Conn, DirerAgrt.peatoaty of
14 Chesnut st
Mr. Basin's Perfumery l . for sale by all thoprldielpal
Druggizta in tbecountry.
~. ..... ARIIOITX,
! I 1 RAPERS a TAILORS, No. 303 Broad
ir wy. er rner of Duane etre t„ above the Irving Howe.
II:-.",.'.ak, t,y,r,f.".."2,',lVrt!,,gr,.7lTiVrer,ziLls°,°ol
the title, at putt.
rna. which Ult. 7 on. p r .` .21.11 to make
it; the Nat manner and most Plehionable style, 0 their
tayudi to, d; rat. laic , . Sr.-.), Ch‘the, ra.aimerne and tar
05,..a of latc,t. impunatheer, eh gent light ea.. fur Lem-,
dark do do- n , a pdinrnauf Pane Embroider.. There
ere three aktilful ann. employed In MP; t.etaidnutnnent—
(.. ut CU tTe on,• to mit / . 1:1•Ln, and one W i rt.
‘, llNll 7 . '" dTl 4 I ' V\ 1 1 ;TM '• :; ' ,VI,. ' t ' o ' ,lt. ' , I :4 ' d i th t : ee r , 7
are and deg....h, dad in Ito 0100 appnnett :Innuner—
Nren.,.. enter
thingd 1114, will and 0 tide aetah.
indant nt every thig to their Las.. and a most perfect St
6 1 1 117.1111,71 “rrd
It . 11 , TMATS —Thew. elt.nt .roincnat,
1 at ' n7..iltb7 74 u :t h rntu n g O r t he '1;
their Go- For
feblS lin
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse: ,
'FA . (Up Claim.) ", /AY YORE, i11 ,,, n0 , w ,e ;ling cato , of
‘`,.l7)Ntrrciiil,a r... :2” e ' v t er ' l7:t r irtep jell. _ ietlet
m ( -LIN end all kind, of CII Is 5 1 INTILLA., nignofactu
n.,1 for the teee. Pdria band., received by the etealutra
''Adin''''S'l'ryrlYai4P:llll"ll,c,Cll b orl P fltA r tLd A\ Li IM.
ISl , KLy..ll3, ' ;noltannt ot fring.l and pia. edged mit.
tind 'lll,ll T rel,T , f' Alro 7 vv i h ' l=l . lll,VoPVdt '' ,3t eTt i tc 6 Z(l
low ; need lt e ea,-1.11; met. our triatulst, ex
'' . ' 1 1.,,," # . 111111 1 11r h."l'.•7\tthZr exhibiting sh.. - 1,..d
Mantilla, put op in MN, for trawl...l-talon f hit tf
C. B. lIATCII 5, CO., -
\o li7 a 1LL1.1.11 STREET, NEW YORK,
RAVE now in store, and are constantly re
,lrmg bset, amen; the moat „ .xual , iveseanetment of
eOOO n OA \ 1,111%11 1.11.111. e htfore offered,
en,Len eme the MP, and ni heat et, let of ver Gra; ate:tell....
'love., llocier. eu•pentlent. Lnd, r barmen., Loudon
nee. S.eke 01101 bilk, Dreacing t.,wrt, 1101,1kerehirfn
••ht old, r Braces. I in, n Collan, with a variety of other or.
di, le. I.stiller to their nue or hudne..,. All of which will
la mid at the term love,. price. Our it astern friend,. an.
invittil to examine. our :dock f,hadatn.
Superior Black Writing an& Copying Ink.
1 ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 85 Nahnatt titiCet,
"JP Nto York
I.IIIELED P.E4CliEnninot reTeiva
rate by ja.9l WM. A. McCLUB.2 . .
%VIDE S IIEETINGS--Ifousekeepen, and
V • lbw preparing for hourekrepinn. find Mun
Starker Burchfield'. mom north-kW, eurner n.urth and
Market street., an areartmeng nf Shred.; Marlins, rem
Poe to Breen_ yand..ride. hie:wired and unblrarbed.
Ilugrllownrare Bunn aedoth.ble J x h i t::l . l.Z .
b rn mud emb. an/I Infureirepin. gne
QTAR CANDLES-30 lam Cincinnati um
AJ.lneture, on hand and for mli•
:121 I
1" ;11.VIR netlatiltED7r
RROIVN FLANNELS, a Domestic Art Cal.
Alm: Dare.GP . ott. and Itaxasine Blue, to
out at the store u!
Sellers! Cough Syrup in Illinois.
Ju - DGE NERCL, of 3liddleporL Iroquoise
eo uoty, writ, under date of January lith, MI, that
he hap teen troubled more or Ices with • rough for nitm ee t
~e tr a which hat year unglued hint to his bed. and runtdred
mcdual treatment Pa tha n moral. During the aunanur
14 , 0 better, but gill thccoonb continued to dlotrres biro
he day and night, - which nu only relieved by tha nee - of
. tabors Cough stymy,. n bleb gtotkolso Isa the name
brought with hint bran the State of Ohio, Mr.
Chapin had tirour4 theOldp, 67rupof greatef.. axe In Idefaintlpoid
vein. dlovin, Iron trick hOtgett.mclih • a
V 1 ... cared and void br
pokl by drunalarevalcraOrlo auk too c1if..=4,17.
110.1511 '''
_-.. •
'IA ,
I 'V i ..E 1Z EM OV E
i D
,„,.;iOr,ltAh 'urna rm
1 l /l(al.Nus.ue
Cll l / 1 173
0t,„,,,,,,,,,1ueth, the It Ilol.l.N.AllETtiltlet.N3
lICINK,.. in all Ito tari-to.o. haring made cr obracts will.
00, o f oh.. ma,: prminont roarintortureM I . _
. 0 the Elea
of Virgiu ,m . In. a rpeular , 011,PM,1 . of Um elaakweeranola wiar
of'PiT,'.l.:l'ir3Vanid.;:o7l,*.lil;P:Lnz,*.tl,,,,e- ..
llohuss.m o ,I,l,.P.areartl koutall Jump.- bupowted sud
11''r;r1litViVn'ir'gjlr r°2•Afm.V.
Ir . rool o r'o 'IN: a Pl. N LOLL TOIIACIAI4', Lel lSlo. or
eoero rteo - rlption: .S. o'sr Lobel. Itranis.l'ipeo. ace_ All of
th e „/..,. nrtieles will bo uld os scom utroaltallulf WM ,
r} ,N i . , ,z, ,, t 4 . i5 5 ix . ,, j .i0, t , r.a ,.; . 1 r i . :.%.... i 1i e. , ./.Ce ri kl ..., c. h o r. fr t n ,r l.l xt lP o,../ITED
11•11.teere. febllalltu4 BONN, ca
! AULT'S .E.NOILISI iiA.RD -- El ------- ' s --'-sI:EZD -,
Qv. —
T!!.:: ,, u , n ro ter l sjra id„.. eil .
1, ! , ,1 , A if t-i cultla i ritits, :tad
i Se r, :t
.9iqg'.7:',211';,,,i'41t;,',";;;;rt,g,..,z,,,T,th, ah.-I',Z,:.
ply them ..,11 the lealing amcies el:the kihkeit m ' a s ‘leri•to
ourb no lb.. %aria.. kind, if Clabtem,cauluono,nr-b,,,,a
Kellum, koabol/. apinueb. I\ as. Beet, tr. A full Moloort:
mont in rai.ool to , r on by our :rand, near London It lo •
Met ....II Lrown In or,,ry gatdeurr LS' experience, that Etat
W IlnirtLeil (lank. ravoL• Mince In quantity
~,,,,,a mb i, I, fir, C 7 , 1171 One can to: ebtame w o rm!.
boot oreol• 11•1•ert at thio ce. a remark is parties,-
barly applirtarho toll. Lim limat bo nanlool This
and Ikeprice et
aueo will ba atom! the oar, no :bat paid boom for tbe must
'common trash. Turnable gorattemen to ere the duterarson
In quably, without ear. n.n to , them +oleo , . ore have curlew.
...I eamploo of the i•lleriralkinln . sobie.h al, eelltun of /be
tlarl.tterwill pre.. n! to Korb,.( the; r fri. lads (pr ko u,a ~, , ,,e 1
mem. as th...y thitc can /a:ol aal it the Soods ju.oko. and
at,Maturity drop no n lin: :nlolmit, us of sunoron./a..
(into ro for our er.ola .n.i, till:Mule, w ill tlt .11 thee. m
erino our prompt and 1,..t %;te,ation. %Se will wood by
Adams Ex preps. 1.. a. , morn,: ) It o will rumba:them by
the own", pound or r,: t.. or, pis: nal.] up to,redor.
a.toli'L AULT lt CO. ,
Callen and ll'iter street..
!Latimer, OIL
Y YI).SIIL'ETZ -CO, keep coitstantly
lnt pni «n i l
-Piga AND
"Wu DrIA No, I._ 0x.17111:V;i.7 vs and pl.;
iZ=llll.r prk. Dr
D; 21luitrz tX).;
(flea.feblxllm Am.l N°.
It2tl aw mum, 3 1 1.
1 CST Italtil E 1.) per steamer Poeukutitab,
7.5 . 1.0xes FP FY DuLl. TOBACCO. Dr nag , by
.D4 - 1:0.. BRO. A. Co, F. O
)AVID C. Ttil'TLE, Attorney at 1 ...... tr,
rtud Communcnrr rump
li . tatslrrdn, ;1.14azi,..110
romunic.low prumptly actsel , re.J. ocLal y
.4011 N 11. ItiNICIN, Att, , :nrit and Conn
-llor at Low, mul•C \ AnzttLk.i,lner for the &ate e
1,, M.... (lab. of l'lttsktrgh.)
rrtrx , ..-I . it..llllr,in !fun. lc. Fonmn). thumpt.l k
Nh ih.,... 11..r. NlVeladh,.A a: SicElurc, Jan E. Peek, lt.a.el!, ...
&agile. 31eCurd k Co. ,
nu - 414:1)
. -
yrcßkv_Eit STREET, unsTON.
TILE undersigned Inlting- entirely rte y.l-
huilt and enlac cd.the at, exteu,ic.
t,,lnw n Inv! ;51.11,1 thy, hundmi nod lifts
rocuce. could luilr It Ix no, made
ro r tb, receptibn and 3 .:c0u1.u.1.,ric. et tise trateliltur
, attuunit.
' Ats extend..l make f th..urc arpa,c_t convenience, of tithe
dscmcd tt... uutscroto.
menus relsiels hare- been Ini.lo M 1.., prnperly but tot
sus aarerti,tment. cull,. it to , a) •no ripen... hut ,ly,u
Epari..l to render any apartment perct..
The furniture. Irma made rapt - m. 471.0 o Nrr, rvgardiro.
.rt. and ...Vain ccriLos cf it. pciallythe. [rearing
Mil3lo. 11l he found v. 1.. .1 1.1”, root beautiful manufac
tlure. Ibe Dining ram. ar, MratirUl. and the bout , fcr
oed, trill to n. arrt.u.4.l a, to suit the convenient., of the
early end Into
Elan- department Will ho rlndneted in an itnezr.ptiedsa.
Isle manner. and :he ja•upnec. hltieoclf that the
American trnl, Oh,
• -
- 4
, rte Z,t rti s .
4'11&!. smOV
4 4'6' 5 "
24-7 - -
I grrafrevlerfp.O.r ( .' , ./asumldi , a ,1 C.c Lls.o. .410e.....1.;.: of
f.'te Lim., .1.12:-.....,... Er.,....,:!, / •11:10 ~r 12. , ,,,5rl
tle 8rr..3.1 vr.Lune,t..m.: a • ''r ..,7,..t-t , :m.., SI 11 ..
• Ptillawlary Or, ..r.
iirE do not lil,h to tr 11:, with the lives and
v v b.,.‘nb a ti...unkt,4,1.., we • p10.h., our.
r.elvem to make no tr..,..ertinn ea la llo• virtue+ uf. this tm...11i
Oleic andto hold no L., to suffer:iv: humanity, which
facts will not WOl,-111.
Th. M.. of I,laual. and :to PI and and Wild ante', aro
lady celebrand for th , • on, of ail tilr , ,luea of We Liam:
and Lit , whir , sty `n f , ... - fullY Pro , -.1,01 in all N, , rthern
latitude.. From a ambinatico of dormleal cane// pro- .
cured from this limg and eon , T 1 , ,,,, Do. Wim,t's 111,
,y‘a or Wan CoUtta I. t Wet,. 4 .
':AU - WL.tar'n Plai,ol of Wild CI ,'try Lv a fine roma.
0[3:01.1a. eek:cod entirely of WlO. Cherry nark *ad tar
g..nuMe Ice!aud ) 1 ...,. , .0. la., arprmuly for fhb,
purpoaa.) tho rare ru-lical virtuca of which are aleo on bra new chemimi Max', with the cacao/ of Tar n,
thus rendering, th , . wbole ~m t, o ura4thnmolt nert.tht and
..ffiracioint remedy v . r.til , cov,..nat .f.,;• the
IIEIZEINTAItY CONSU3IPT! fig . ea,„.l b e ivistar6 nal
wa of Wibl Cherry.—The f. , :imari'n4 me of JermniaL la
gligg. of Cmtanimpti , n..,t!o. , of Eli Limiters and date, ha- •
ring died of Cansmantiort.) Ls truly 'wonderful: '
PI.Z4BANT Iltr.E. RAMS,. tn., 5ep1,27,'00.
J. 1). , Pigs—Deu Sir. I Into the liberty of ad‘isint lon
of the benefit I hart derir,4.l fr..ii the use of
llabtarn of Wild Cherry. 1 wa, proetrated by that-lartthi,
1 Frourg , Corwumptiou. In Nay Irt:f. The attack war End,.
horrifying to ma to to., of our family. (nay brothen add
~ ,, 1 :.r..) had Mod of ConAumntion. I wax afflicted with
learly :11l the wor.-.1 fratur, of the ,'eerie,l hada dietret,
n; cough.. and eapectorated aa. t deil of blond:hectic
fever, ..,,rere palm: In th. silo and met, end chills, alter
nating 10111, tiuohyt. of 1e,..t. .
I U 34 under the cam of a rail al phyrician, from the
dull Ivan tai...o rink until about ilx wc,n.o knor., be;ng
thrn about heiple, , A, and my 0,11:. da nun - h.:teed 120 or
Impale., or et len..a beyond our I. yalcian's ,kill: advtow.d .
the um of Wbrar'. of Wilt ('hem'. IlitEout 1:13: 1 . , - -;- -
ktmwiedga MY father peolured it. • d'eusiumuced admin. '-',"
herring it to me, and from (ho hr_ day / cortiummial Ink
fag it my health improved, and i two wmka from 10,
a... I communal! tuing 4..1 was 11: to be cut and or , . r ~..:.-.
ron my burbles, and lab,. which 1 .11I1motfittne to 11 , . I
bare 'taken four Coal, of the mod tie, end nay: enn,Ml , • r
myself purfmtly well. ' i II lIEULtII lt , Gillt.o.
.. .
0 0 0 :0 r . l . ..: :, e 4 4.7 ...,
* l' ''‘' S . s i • '--; '‘. 'i '7 'i
CLOW'S P,......,,, nhe,Co.. la.. June 1.:, .4n.
Jun, IL Pter.-‘1,,,r iir.: in Jui,}.ol-19, I lia. attarl,l •
with a fe,rof typhoid 1.1 m , rt ,, r.1.14-1, left tm• In • ter.,
deldliMtod nate. alien. la the fo!h• in; wiater. I woo ta.
1,0 with a ~.vem 10, 0 1. wli.rh mchn ..0 an, in ruch an ...-
tent aa to 00 , me the appearana , a entalirmed eammni,,-
tire. 1 labomi untleraNurem count— a - Per:mated am,.
drat. nod way troubled with m:.l 1.0 - and night awe.. I
01.0 frwmently rain,! Lb.: Item ie y itm,,. I contluto.l
M Ono xtaitc, gradually -intro, tit the dh•raw,, until January, 1517,-00 , .” I a a.r , i , et r. d o.L. alt, fr.r..r. M,.. •
ad...a, d.,, , peinil of my Ilk en ~iin d
my ph, rim., thought I
could .mmlool,lll a diort hue. M: .o{ll 00101, expi,:r..l-
1 , .3f ful. uure .. ,, u311, - ..icilut. :J10 , 011,0 Lheir f,...1.
ing. Under tbe..e cirrum , titurr;lth....ty_tw troll mid I ult..,
A Ming okeirtoti. I tams/ d.tdrod'rl to quit takin, no
dielm,i pre,dril.,l by 1,1 , ,,,e1an. at;,l tr , Dr.",, 1,,,1-
-ant pf Wild Cherry. 0,..1 fl-ono ti, bi 0. 0. , ..0 that I .-ont.
. menotd taking it. I ran deb. a urado-d r,cov.ry. I mutt...
in 4
it. tr... Os month.. et th , oval o: v. h:, , h time I wt. vor
,d, and en!cred goad 0,.,!,h ..-,, aml, lu..rfuli,,*t..-
~.onnieml Um, co ..Il th,- ,Uutt+l vltll, 'of
'lt, lung., and would m‘ 1., th,... , e , mtm.nelug In , tow. nt , t .
u, h.. diwnurai,,4 if t‘, ..,r :In. I,ION d, not ra,t r.
rum but p,..,...,n , ...., I 1,,,,,. 1 1 , .0 , ...0.1 I ha, on doubt
hot Dino caw-, nut ' , I • , .n: will 1. , 1 , 1 , --1 with mucaud
h, alth 0 , 1 has. been. 11,,,eiluil, our,,
40100. 0 11 JACI:SON.
taroar 107 to 0,1001. - t1,!.0110 gun or Tor 14,1.1
rival Dr. MA,. 5pr;04f...1.1. IVo-Lirtotori county. K 3.
mita, t zos, Kr., Nay - 11, 'I /.
- 31tser., a I 'u: .--l opportutOty of
brutn., you nt,t n•utorkai,L, curt. pLrformirl opoll
too 1., the 1.1. of hr. wirtor.. 17111 Cheriy.
to etto par 1340. 7 ow: too-c • tto
Loroli • bioh 1 latnre.l or-rt. r fort,rkl..l.-ulien
undy reooverrd. of7l r W
stlorkert with a.
over., rohl. wiirh reaDo upon ray 10ur.., and
f Lire
of tirro loon. I woo,' onn,d 7 , (1.ny Lori I trird
[took of nied!on.e. nod 77or3'rn:LAy without torn.
fit. and Ulu+ I •roarO7.l cloay ant's! It...winter of 1•45,
b. I Loan! of Dr. 111 , tar%i Lnlito .1r iiiol l'lrrry. My
P0n00+177.1 too to 310, tria1.......;1 1 1 to 4 OtTou
, all hope. of rotoverr. ar,•l La.! or7ors, Llyaolf DT filo
'ohaatoo of moth, wor:d: tLoir .o.ritstious / woo
4 . 4 . 4 to 7 u0 , " .7o at LL,:. goloiLne L'aLoua of
Cbornr• The rlT , Ltroly O.:0111,1,km dnor
0h . ..a roars of ardicOon and rof:77lno. 0..1 after bavlnn
.yoncfnar or Coo laa,Lorod 47.11arn n, uo pogo., and ob.
Or . .. Land man. reopectoblo D:O.,l7Lotn Lad pooor,l uita7tal
lig,l,osisrazo yonoroil to ortnre h7a!!!, Ly th blesnoo
tho Inn of Dr. Wllar'e. ndoo= .4171:1 Ch 0073.
• .3.14.7 the blessing of thd ret,t hIM 'the proprietors of
raluablp a manikin° a. IV irOd's hair. , :. Wild
Your. roaL,a-tSolly.
• w 0. IL
snap 7 J. D. (su,r,s, to E4ctbrd G Park.) rouitl3
and Watont Oat.%Clo
South and Wee- to wham all Lia,re C.
J. Kidd it Co.. B. A:,i 4 , Co., J. A. Jutit...
l illoax,jr..,Pltt...burgia a/Icahn:Pr Ott;
1.. T. Rusaell., Wanhlnglon: 1.. 11. Bowl, Cnionn.lan. /I.
Wclty, GreeraLur, S. /Count:- iLt0..1"..4 Soot k GUi."*.*
Dedforl; need 4 Son:
IWdvhraud ..t Co. In.laulx .1 N. 11 - rf,ht.
Evans a Co. 13tztaatiN, A. WarocatAira,
McFarland & Co. N.Burton G Co.
Erie; (imam. a Fork., :Keay dc Co. Bol
ler; S. Smith, 11,vrer, .1. 1,, cull:urn... F. L. a C.
S. Joon., Coodnro,..l, 1 . . r, r, I.rwru 'tar. t
LOTII6, (.7A SzSIM E I:ES e,
, am I
❑Blue. =Ai (In .•n IlnulauLLl ujtiniOLYS
IA I. .1 t
No 4
(rid" - 712 .
to, t.n. Dry.,l
Irk Inantaln.n onk noonerntrtn
Inn dna enru LivAxn, Ju.t tic% for
_ nle Le
REF'D reed large loaf •
lea brl.r, lenS 1
Tn 110 rrn.l,ni.
dn . In An, ana
A. 1111 T( 111,0 N t
A 7. th Lou) nun/a 111..
LOAF SUG.AIt--;',o ibisfar nale by -,A
)w.Z V)l'. /I.lnAl.nY
• Ilrn,non 4 ce,,
r trlrs Sarzwydrila, ft't
A.E 2 tIOV.AL.—ENGT.rwI 13t`' Err, Van],
Gronnn.nnd IsneCre:LaTeretrw..e.l
- ne. Ig-: ri; r l. and Ifri Inlntcn I n.. 4
EntireEntireusing ou t the Stock
GItEAT furthr redue
'non In Thn of hing tO elm.nut'
Iha Wallop it he. Etnek 4.1 i wry nn+Letenk• Orr t y .
Ine of A/nil es-e t ee atlll7.e . 4 the littenllen
elf° Isla r. 1.1
and non= ni
awn 10..../..t en) . Tee root In•low knot, wk.. ,
ro prrern, el.hiesr cum...nen tlntneenpnlnnetaltAgent.lde'
w o u ld nond ot.r.mmAltYo. di+te , eo rt the 41-
on, ef /Gretna( an !Rooted Lem nntll u les. of the Axe..
1.1,16 bet. ceewded et over leyearx. tas ud , .
lent fienAT lenl , • • " IL nit Pt nlrn w'
PP.?, N AL,,t•