The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 28, 1851, Image 1

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P1:11,1111;ED bAILY AND WT.EKLY.
I.V - 111TE & CO. •
fm. STICT,
l w - DAILY —f....... r!...1.1.. p, snnum. CArablP half 3 - .43 . .
' I D05.1.4.e... n 3 ,1 m .r...,..
wa:ERL1'_.1„,..,,,3.,, ~.., annum. In &franca, etor,
11l 1111 111MP11 , %1 on the 1,11 , .. , 11,. , 0ndtt10mr.
. Thrre r‘.pi, ',II ...num. 5 4 04
9 MI
• Twenty r. •.i. , ; ..,,,
~. z ,,,....,. ........... .._..... 00
.7'17,',1.,t 3 . - r.: - ,';'2, L.: ZtraV&l. '. N....; l to
'''' i
Club larrrawil
oe'ornt aft, U... , . - xrart-, the mon., la nrot fur ,
Op, fguy, :int.,. Of Nortparril or Ion)
........... -.....$ 0 50
Dn. emch.lcilfir.34l Ittwatinn.
o. Itl .1...
D o.
Dn. • two. month, .....
thtve month,—
TA, • , mcnthi
1.1. pis onth.
. -....—
lot.. tutlve months I; OU
rhandin4 Cools. {u lint.. or tete. err annum _.14 .
One Voila: for each additional line..
One Seta., chetoge..ehle al ploesure (Per on-
i ex lueire a the 0per.........—......Za 00
r .
For each tel.littourd Inserted aver one , useell.and
, each ruldltional etplara Inserted under the 3 rerlY rates,
k.. . .
Advertlaments arcsal:nu a plume. and not over hrteen
• • to la
charg.l As a square and a haJS, •
Po. labera tot aricanotalde for legal advertisements be
• • the aguonot chargnl for their publkaglon.
Announcing iandidates for ileum, to he shamed the same
other advertiumeme.
Adrerttermenta not marred on, We copy for a 'speclEed
number of ,mortise., WU be continued till forbid,aud vel
ment exacted moardingly.
The privilege of annual wdvertlsers Is strictly limited to
their boil Iran:whale loasineet, mul ell advertisement. for
the benefit of other per.ouwas well ow n itaen not
qmnsolhately wanented 0101. their business; and all
classes of relvertlei - ments. In Length or otherwise. bernmi
the limits *tenant. trill be charged et the usual rat,. Poe
all such transient Ladvertirlu, hills will be separately
'ndered, wail prompt t
o pament Is desired.
All alvertfacments to haritable institutions. 'fire eon.-
rani.. weld. township, d. other public meeting, owl
mith-like, henhangtel h alf seriat, payable staletly in ed.
Ntarrisga notims to he ehartied 50 earls.
Death notices Inserted witbont charge. unless nvompa.
W.l by funeral ITITIIatiMIS or obituary llLLifell. and when
wantunanled to tr tell for. •
Regular advertiser, and ail others rending communnar
[lons, or requiring' notlero lickl.lllA to sMention to
Males, Soiree., Conran, or no? public entertainment,
where charges are mate for ralmntattee-all mations of pri.
vaV aserwantione-every notice deebrued to roll attention to
rind.. enter:n - Is. calculat or intended pmmote Ind]
"Muni interest. to o calculated or
col he inserted with theimam:tend
lug-that the Fame ta to he mild for. If Intended to be W.
perky' the Weal column, We same be charged at the
rate nf not s o than 10 cents per line.
Bishop or ItZe . Notice to tw charged triple price.
Tavern Wens, l'etitons each.
Real Ihrtate dawns' nnd Auetionem-s* wirerthemeets not
•to be chewer under yearly 00000, but 1. be Wowed di. -
, aorta uf thirtr three nod one WWI cent. from the
a orta of tall, '
; wren, on reseertrur IN MILT MM..
One Square, Wow Woollens -111 50
each additional
' MY=
010 Sainte, (Lu lino.) one ineertion- ...... .50 rent,
eneb additional inowlien.---25 cent..
All transient advertisement. to be Veld In adrneer.
CHN A. I'AILKiNSON, Alderman, Fifth
tiWard. Nun rtrret, lottrosn W• 11211- All
mamas promptly allrml.rl
N. P. ,I; G. L. IL FETTEMAN, Attor
ne .nwy ! az I and 1,3.1 E.M. Asmat, N 0.107 4th
screetritt•baneb. feblO
•4 A3111,S J. KUIIN; Attorney at Law, office,
• in Taubman' llall. conn, a Grant - and Diamd
iey, satto:ocea. . yetssn on
rt.IL COLLIER, Attorney at Lase, office
• . In I.owriee 11Lai7.10.,. l'.2.urth ot. above Smitheeld.
lino form , d a er.nntrclon vr7th Wm. Naar.. 1.m., or
WnsDingt.,n ,Ity, for.ratrly of lb., Land In/ la l pre.
pp \l' " . ‘ ,ll, o iziv,s s r .,, fz r x tg. 1 't b tle th
p=t r lO ' n% rag.
- befitra Coustrt,, or Eny cr Int department
JA3IES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office
nu 4kli 0.. 11mmma : , mithEvid arid Ornnt_ Pittabarnb.
FRA - '
Ti.s. C. FLAN EG IN. Attorney at La'
No 142 YOUral Pitv-but‘h.
TOSS .F. fi IVATtiON, Attorneys at Law, Fourth amt. Yitatgagh.
lan John Sonia. Emig lie
ton...Morrinin Co 4 M. Filial John Flaming. A
• aruntant; GM. W. Juk.gmoltitig.nagh. j. 1417
BDIVARD P. JONE ', Attorney at Law:
o®m on rourtli strui, titwetit Wocd and 2m17.11
- FASPER BR BRADY. Attorney at Law
.0 ra,rinhartet. rjr.licurgh. Pa.
Iral., H. IVALIA.MS CO.; Brulkers
nni Incb , re Awn, North LA enrner of Wood
Oral rtmets, Pituburrh.
All tnuunctions zande. on liberal terms, And collretkad
promptly anendrd tn. iw 1T
D. KING, Danker and Dxchange Broker,
Fourth gerEA Dealer In Benk•Notta. mu of Er.-
„.Gold. nnd ill era Ill:eke bought and Mid.
- , -The MI sheet market recce paid In premium for American
BALI Dollars:nevi ge.e.enn .4 Spanish: .Dollars, In rnr
hinds. .
,L. . ieL24
it LABI)IER, JR., Banker and Broker,
V.. lth stmt. hp. sut , etrang the Beak arlYttaburah.
CO, Exchange Brokers,
E. South E-Kramer of Thtrean.l3laiket street. An
t at swat/ Mani Tate&
•HokmEs sr. SON, Deniers in Forei
-I_ , ‘ • wad Den:veleUs of Exchange. Canines:tee of
Dadts, Denk.Notes end :pm', No. GSP Market le.reet, riFe
bergh=lo....Colleenons made on all. the principal cities
threahont , the United elate,
ROE E. ARNOLD & ,CO.,•*ere:
, 1,111 Dealers In Tre Coln. Bank Notes. to-, No. 74
'Fourth street. ne—t., door to litenk of Plctaltrorgh. Col.
lath= carefullLattentled to, ortdtlio Ora:sods remitted to
say Part of Jim
01311YillitE— =..1. ILLBII.
KIL93IEIt.& RAMI, Bankers and Ex
clie Brokaw Doilers la Forego lad Domodio
ca'alace, Cortiecotor of Derpodte. Beak Noto..—
0121eo.00rster of Third'and Rood rtroots, directly ' oppoolto
the Et-Charles Hotel.
CAROTHERS & CO, Banking House,
. ismoot Pavel, PULP:rah. Current Money va.
ved ces Deposit Collections cmale on all the PinclP l
dike tst tba valtott state.
DALE& Es IRVIN, Commission Merchants
- Doi nmicers. Na 711 Second Area: Parsonal sad
N+Ule seeurillee hum inn to ammoosis-srs 013 Send
vr,ILLICLN Matra.. —AMU/ 11.15.1,... -WM. L. ILLLT.
NAL., CO., .guccesson to
Masse, (Imam L. Co.. B Mamma Besoms.
&gem rorri" and
It Es. CertllSestm
of Dermit. Baok and Y , P , 4r1 , --N , rth N5 . ..p.c.. , " of
Woad and flirt streets Current Monef remised an De-
DOM. ROM aceirs far sale, sod rallectiam made no nor
4b' . 1 itZfrOrgiP;o:l=Vsld AmeMem
• Adraneemmule mrolgoamate P.A.. , akdinad mg,
ent Lama terms.
W. TAYLOR, - 0 .- ornmissionar and BHP
Wags,' 112 ilerond itmet. Shirt atteatkol will be
vart , to all bualnew entrusted to hie rare. Pitteburah
mannfacturol aril/dee slware on hand or procured at short
MO.. Note:, bowl, hbutaaurs. be.. negotlatod on (arc/r
-abbi tonne. Adreatero made. 11 repytred. :Or=
-6.STOCkTON, tato Johnston Lt'Stoeic-
' • ton, Bookseller, Stationer, Printer. and Ehader, eor.
of Matte and Third etre., Fittabaralt.
TAS. B..IIOLMES' Cheap Literary Depot,
4 ,11 Thin! greet. artnalte the Poet Offlca Nor Books no
reirtnt erprem. Saber/fairy. reecirad to .07 of
t the filagaZnes or heartapers. Publlihrtl at the publtetter's
loarrat Prko•
RHOPKINS. Ikwltreller and Stationer,
, No. TS Fourth shoot. Apollo Building".
PAVIVIIOWN, 15'holegale and Retail
Lsbrana stmrt, rittAttntk.
aid punt' ...At Yaw, - C..ufmrtimetgri, .1..7. on h....
manally attrywted to.
M'CLlN'fOla,.!itanitfactorenuirl Im
tia.itgrZgrcbt.72:', V. ci r, MZTsMriir.i..
Wad 79 Wad Pt. l'itt.nrgh.. -
.Nlo A II LTA! CO—Trannporters,
C Forvr:inlio7 sod (imrniolon ) f,vhan U. D4JILL
Corm' Ea4e, 'peon Pito.homb. rebl.s
1 2
P. • Aro Controloion 116,112t0,,, Av.tq.
101-INC. FdDSVELI.. Commission and 'For
1. • er wirding I:l4 . 7ater rano, Pittolortrh.
WM. 11. iNSToN. Forwarding and
gonin, r...
..,.nerrriftor, No. 11 . 2 Somn4 stmt
• mt, -
— lEft & JONES, forwarding and Corn
saloilotrWrehnot.. nrnirr. In Priem SSA
; 6 nrnit Manuartarol C•mln, net, &Troth
• ttrot. Piltaborclis
. . _
A. 'WAN CO., Forwardin g and
. l k j• Ca m mintoo 31MbontP, Canal Posit, ittiAburgh.
—7:77:7: ....... ... .;;;7 7
CO: ~ .a . r . .; :ar4o. r a. to At-
Joon , 1 ii 4.4 Comtnlt.lan r ortrarding_s_fer
&tiler. in /A.1,41k Matoitartiirod Gouts, Pitt.
DC.. SHACK' LETT & CO—Wholesale
• Mader. In !'.mien nod Dry Gordo, No. 101
al•••••4 ritteiurgb. 1.414.
A. MASON & CO, Wholesale and Retail
Alders in PAncy rsd 81.14.1 1 , 17 Gocds. 62 'Market
ITRPIII7 Wnottssis.
'• Ins Tutali Mercteette, miner of Fourth
satet etrcete, eittsboneh. -
lmehante—Eer the Fele oriDoeues;e. Woolen. sod
Meek atteleri ell Weds of Were Semen.
_a,lZ Weed rtmet, fuerth dem:n=olh, Pitt*
g i
o.D.rorsigai - --- 7 -- --- v. C. m'nowria.
1 . ESSER .01cDOWELL,.(Succesoors to
- to Km it Wholeioila CO Retail Drug nod
Piton Korey corner of Weed atrial uol Wirgto anat.
&Das . prft- ~ y laceur. carefully c.f.:Mad.' night and
.11 A. FAINESTOCK. & CO., IVholesitle
and R.t.fl runl4ts; antler Wood Ard vmq sn
KIDD & CO:, Wholesale Drug,,ste: Deal
en Irt Paints. °Ur. Dye Stull, and lmtmarmram—
of Dr. WLerver mlebratal Worm Dievi- o t LW
erlis.o...ts,arri 1n Snap: Na 60.. ul romm k r .f.n .of W r
p.a nd .
wailtict hawaresa with h. D+dtia
. . . .
. .
F. SELL 1:5 linal,r in
n!, Phintql!,-.. Stung, Oil.. 1 dr..
nn-,„ dionurgn. wwrr.t.
I . D. 51O r ltli Wholesale Druggist,
CI mud Deal, In try. PAlnt,
S.suAh of Di:urm.nol All,
N.WICKERSRA NT, W 110100111; Druggist
1 seIIOONNIA KER CO.. NV tAesn.le Drug
gltli No 2t hrtAlalrgh.
r 10.0.11,1 ........ ..... OTL..
piItAUN A: REITER, and Retail
nt .nd vao
anti, P..
I L. SirEE,lesale Grower.
O . Mrrelowt,tind d,aler 1,3 Prk,r Kul ILI,. „urn,
Peno nrul Irwin xlmt... PatoAtir.:ll.
- i In
10 00
CI AM EL P. till ItIVE,P.. Wholesale 'Clr ,
rnr. 3 , 1.1 Ncre.hant, aadi 0 1'..! -
erx Pil.burgh , Iratufnctun.l
.t.ret,heterten end !Y.!. ,11.
1N .
iiN S. DI LWORTH k CO. Wholi,24le
oGrocrrt...Prndom Coatno"inn Mvrobant.l. s!rd
A.,. fur Ifaxard ho.rd,r Co„
.1 W.x.l P 1110.11,11.
J. . o. r. t.
£ INGItAILIM, IVholesale
j_.ll firmer,. and Cotnnti...lnu Nlcrcitanta, Na. 110 Wate
ot.r,et. and 150 VI. stmt. I.n.lyurgh.
IiIIEY, MATTHEWS & CO., Wholesale
Orneer,Coottni..don and Forrranllng Ilerrhant, and
te for BHA.. Cod , . Yarn.. 67 W Ater Pitteb rirh.
TOIIN WATT &." CO., Wholesale lirocers;
Mer `o h srs, t '''' ' ... 211"tr,r17 P r7 e l "' M a tt
burr..h. P..
B. CANFIELD. late of Warren. Ohio,
IP/ • C(1119150111inCI and Forwarding Merchant- and Wholf
re:rlD'ltr. a;t h d l' i n7dTlT ; r e e h n7s, I,"ra . „• ' ;t '
between Swki.`riebtarol 00,001, 1921.nrcb...
L. 8. WITLILVAN .... N. II %TOM, O. V
/ 4 S. W ATMINIA.N k. SONS, Wholesale
Grnarrs. Calandaslan and Forwanllng Mothant,
l nTgn ' l r a ' r lt f&•Int:a '" 1
Lsnrhh a fattur the.l;:trandNltrn,
unzh Manu d loba,r. No. SO
Farrel, Picanburgh.
1.7• aala Ilnaaqa. Eargranli l'Anntniamon 31en-I)-
ant% Dealers MI n
`l g
anufarturra and We.tern
Prndure, Ku. MI, c•kru,r nt Vern,. .neat mid Glum.,
Ititlaburalt. _
JAS. DALZELL, Wholesale Gro . ver. Com
lgrion MrTrhauh end Deal, In Pr,Tarr Awl Mt,
burgh ga Martufarturer —No. To Irzorr
sers.oolnuosgsm 11,e1001.....11..a1e, Pmluev--
.a. We., not 101 Prof Pitt...huryth.
...-- •
WM. IL VC,111,11 -,..F.21 J. ILlL,tit.
NOLISII .(-. BEN.); El"c. late English.
(lalla,:hl , al
steer A CO,.Cn..Whrlinvvra.Co mms,nonrind
bearding ,lerrhaal....l 11eal , .ra in 1 1 1,413, and 1,,
burgh !dmEntraclun P. N,.. 12,1, ,, 0nd 4. and 121 rir‘r st.—
tr.tve,n AV ,- .1 and ,mithliel.l.
1111,1, .... Frrrgurium.
MIL LE It & ETS(IN, Wh.le.klE-
Gme,rs. awl Impnrwr , Brae.lie, and
gar, tsf 1.11..rty and Irf
burgh. Pe. lrnu. nu Yam.. Ri., ae con.attly
nt hand.
JOU" )(GM. 111 . 411.1.. ..... r.
t'GILLS 4 RUE, Wholes Groceri and
commi , mn 31erchaut.4, Nn. 3 , 7 1.11,t,
ItOBER.T 11100ItE, Wholesale - Grocer.
Rectifying Ui,till,e deabr in Prrslut, l'itz,burgh
ufaeturr, nudmil kind, t•f Igu mud
IrVinc. and Liquur., it
315 lato.rlr ,trnet. On hand
verJ lame old 11cnougmhelA
+broil will he $.1,11:.. f.r ra.h
ROBERT DALZELL , 8 CO., Wholesale
ll fironm.entranL ,, ion 31c:chant , d..iler. In Pmfuno
d Pittsburgh Manufxr•turr, 13bertj , tenet.
---- • •
Grnenr.lunn. l'orwnnlinn. and Comm:nsinn Men.
c ant Insler PAlnlain.",ll Mauutarturen.
Liberty 'lmo. Ptluburnli.
C. .yuY ri
VkTM• BAGALEY 320.. Wholesale Gru
enrn. Nan. In and 20 ntn.l. Innthzarnh.
.101t1 D. 16. 1 .... .WM ),1 • 11,.."111.a. ,
WICK V .6.:. McCANI4I.ESS. sucee.ers to
L. R. 3. L. Whra. IVholtn‘ale Vorwarding
aud Coromb , lon Mon.hant~ in Iron. Natl.., ti1a.....
Cotton Yarn.. s.n.l VnT.l.orgh tlanufactur. prmr.l.lly.
cornrr of P.nod and 11et,, Pit4l.orwh.
.Ik. 0.71-173 CUL 7 .4,
. , .t ,
BERTSON & CLOUSE. Wholtsale,
Grano ao.l Comm - 11+ , 600 Merchan,lo...ler. In Pro..
A. a.l•l9tulAir.:ll slanut..cturr.l Articles, 195 Liberty
street. Ihtt.burgh. Is
1,111.1 , 101
WILLIA3IS & CO.. N'lluleFrale and
• Retail Family I. nwora. Forward and ommt.:.ion
N etritantA. and Ittster nt tatry Proltuv awl l'at...burch
?Latmfarturt, event, or Wwri mad fifth et,. I•lttnl•urgb.
Lthertr ertm, Pituburgh..WholNale 074,7%.
and Conimietion Merchant...and dialers In l'ltixbumb
sae. rurr. 1.1131.1 D rum ,
Si R. FLOYD, Wholesnle Oro. ers, Com
. salnfion lierr.hant. tairl I...tere lo Proillice—Roirbd
Buildiurr. fronting 00 Liberty, NI cod, wril Eirtb
streets, Plibiburgh. P.
01IN P , ARKER Co.,WholesaleGrocers:
011Y11. lELLOR,DeaIer in Piano Fortes,
Mn,.ie and 3112sies.1 Inntrumenta. 6cla , ul and
,Antionery.age. for Chieterin.,es Nano Fen., fur
Western l'ennorlynal%—No. SI - Wool
jAENRY KLEREII, - Dcnler in Music, Mu-
Motal Instrarneuta and Imparter of Italian String,.
..iasegtV2f:':st GAV=gta
ms of very 4uperior 44 Sheeting. curet CioOn.
a Twine cad Boning. Penn 31111. Ihtt4bargh.
1...107.4ra 40. F. ERN..
ONES & QUIGG, Manufncturern of Spring
and Blister Steel. Plough Steel. Steel Plough Wino,
mid tilistle Suring., linsomered Iron Asleg ,
deier. In hiell.mble Canting, Fin Engine ZAMA .rd
Coach Trimmings gener.ll". enruer of Boas sod 1. ..0.... - .
Pittsburgh. Pa. - -
net Berri .I. Co, .11.utacturers of kSala Itleach
Poleders. Yuriatic and Sulphuric Acals. Warehouse
No. GI Water st. Wove Fern'.
WALTE.I3. P. 3LI.RSIIALL, Successor to
Elonnel C. 11311—Irrentersell Dealer in Preneh
and Amerkan l'aper llanetigre erel Danierr ,
am!, Flee Board Prints, le.. Printing,
N o , etzsirt, between Fourth
and Illattunul altar. Plmburgh. Co.
MORRIS & lIAWORTII, Tea and Wine
blercheuts. East Tkl. of the theannoti. Pittsburgh.
WM. A. M'CLURG & CO., Grocer. and
Tea Dealer. No. 2.16 LldiertY etreet. above Weed
have eider.), on hand a large aenortment of Chola. Grocer
lu and Tose. Aleo—Foreldn Irolta and Nuts.Wholee
sale and nttall. Dealers supplied on the lowest terms.
grOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent for the Lake
Erie and Michigan I.lna to Beaver and the LA..—
im on the comer of Water and Scaltholeld
TAAFFE & O'CONNER, Proprietoro of the
Plttchorgli Portable Mat Store, corner of Pen. and
rne greet..
LEECH ,k CO., Tramporters by Canal
.1) and Porwanline .troderchant., norner of PM .trod
Irr-111l.Atl.T. &.
WESTI;ItVEI.:I' A SON, well known
• Verdi.lan Blind Makers. keep e•srttintly on hand or
to miler the best tittle's in their C line at their
'iamb No. 13 St. Clair street aim. at No. Ml t ark. , street.
...and Miry. entrartre in the Diamond. Venltian Shutter' ,
made to order. nod old blind. neatly repaired. ntslo
A. BROWN wroil,Sl mOhtregpnetfully inform
e the public th at he keep. no hand at Rigid:mil nn the woes
tilde of the Dionimoi. knecbrnr oil] , • rilimniiite nasorMattlit
nf Venitian %leo o,nition rhott ors are made onl,
In MUNI to nor In the Vnltsil
Stater. 111.• porn be rens/keit without the aid
ourehn,f the iittek. Molt. and n0 ,, 1
of the eablniet maahliiilantivit of itamitat k I ion
f Inge ;i l r l l4l•l: o thel:i h i i i , l:l_ , e i nit: . l;7,.:i t o ps the pub.
Attend,. !•o. no7gresi.
inehi26 , J. A. BROWN.
. .
ADAM BARI/Ik% Veterinary Surgeon. late
Irvin ralln.irch..aefitioinil. reataardidlT
rinaint the raid. that he la, a.m....v.11 pearlier. in
.LP,. neut.-anion, mei. 1, rare.' attention I,
eotruated Ili, 1.91a.a wive sall•fnetion.
In mania... nith llorre Shoeing an/
Mark-n.1_ 1 1 1 .: In real will aarraal irt. .t the corner
of Tnn..l Vanneilasnia
, 1 ,, V
Ittofin tient!, No. 1:0 I.lhurty rt.. l'itt+hurgh.
January 1%1, lisl.—jan
lIARBAUGII. Vold !llerehnot.
1.3 Dealer, In Flour .1i Prtrlvre. a-••nornll... .41 ro
warding and Conordolon Slevartnia, Nn. Yield rtroe
and 116 Second Oared. Pittaburab.
NEVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver on Wood,
Philp ,thoo ..torTJ Plnalanla.• f
ninlinws, Machinery. Headset Norepapers, Flontnpfeorn
lemilseapes. Drug Latch, .41 adore, Seals nr Inetsiona to
eletles.andAtaeriaUtdm Coney Stange, Le., In the fret strie
pf art, and .t the lovent prime
'Clltiell3lAA Litho g
lA lllli h nent.. ittrwrt• °T7r,;:ACntow.l4V.
Dine, Pitniburab. Letniteatett, mum .
13111 head.. Drafts. Ikintl, Label, Arentacetuna
in. %I'M.; Cann, •Le.. ougraviel or
Drawing. °
drawn on'Ftone. and prlnuel In roam, itinld. llrotae. or
In the linnet ontanew..l7 l, and ti the ...1 rrati.
able mobil
Nykili 7 . WILSON, Watk:.lieli,,lewelrv, Silver
y SCsrr.sod Milltart ... ll..9,,_nnt. of . If arkal and
Fourth An... Ilttab.Hll. Vatche and Ckockg
- - -
• • •
& CO., Importers and
wholew ,, Ikeden In 41s.rderurs and Cutler", No. M
4.1 street. Pittsburgh.
MR. D. HUNT, Dentist, Corner of Fourth
sad Desstar M., basses Motet sad Peal Irtreets,
. ___..
Pittsbargh Gas 'Pipe and Tube 'Works. 1 - . IdiArEgENTS -r.
'FREundersigned have just completed their i •-: ; ~,. ~,: r .
I_ aloud.. ... , -:--
IRON: V. BE WORKS. • -.4047.1 31 STEAM snies.
and run now mantifacturinn all %Moo of GA.S PIPE, Lo- 1 r ,.:Z: t " t ' t,tt... l t " nth , fm , oto om . •Ploantod to a. , k"
coma'. and othet Flue, end all oima of Cunard Gm,- Inellp Tom,.
WRONIIIT IRON TUBES. I rh,FII ttorttroot run rut I SIII. or tr 0 , ,,,
which uo.r offer for oale M. the loarrot primal. They ar4. 4. ,,a;r,!" . • idf tt . ctot,! ,.. .. r` ,. .turd,ar , .. 1 ,....t,.. , t; .
too , Pr.." to ... k..... ''''''' on i;V A T - L ';',l . .!'' ' d ' ' .f.l7 ' r4a . . itrodom . . Ztrtne ' rr: ita ,I ,
joy • No. al mitt 92 Aran, Ntroot. '''. ken a ork . .monolat. Natoli I
f. hi km prr - rsm: tam. 1. , t , - 1 ~. ..I ‘ , . 1,,.... , t, .. ~,,,,,, , I , N.,:.1,1 .,
...,... 1 ork inturla , . Mort h ,‘
AV v IL3I,RTIIf NOBLE—City tl:rin : l .
Sll„&, .L1,.,,,,n,A,,,,.i.i,r. l
,:e , : , • ; : =1: - . , 1 :', , , ,: r 0 1', ,::,':
- . 1
‘V ICIIOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer, ~ ,• oi. . Soo 1 wit.- I S. eromodi .. don
ill Ltranchmmanoand tmictit kthaltrd Anent. Makta I t ,T,.‘," " ' '' ' ' " 1 ,1"::,.1.,,,,,, , ," , "''"' t .'' ' -'
drumhts of Mmlrlo for the Panrot Mfg,. ahlh,llll of Maolto I il - '''' t„ r. , lO...lntadtr t . I I , " I '
wry for Mine, Water NV orb. lit.llnat Mill, Ac.. Mny 1 0. t ,n.`...
.kra I .trt.. tO...lttoodar, Mor ..t
found betwixt Ifi A. M. and AP. M.. at lila reoltleneo . N 0.21 i s .. _ ,
Marldim otrettt. httrhom.M. jaral4tdl,* A= ' .. .: ..
;::: ' k ' ort... ..
%1:17:::.; ,Vi;: 4: ..:.
11l A. MA DEI RA, Agent for Delaware Mu. lA",rv:v . {twain c,..t.i . , I ra t . ''.
_l_ Mal ..r.rderr imam...C0...11v. 42 Water arm, I 1' i 0 , .., , 0n , m; Itt Italinta. 11.4111. n. cm Nen T. M..
1 GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin i '''
. :-:'
cy Vim Inourance Comp., north toot corner or Wood
end Third Amore.
i il rm. GLENN, WM6 BIIiDER, WOrttl ittrOef, 1 Parma
ororond doom from de norm, ➢
of Third, where he to 1
pmponol to do every dtmertptlon of Binding with nootttoort tt- -, .
Crisn ' t "r eVoTalltioT. "ll, IT h nttl:.' .rTani.:,t !
Iround camfull, ot . reparrod. Nototo: put. In Fitt letter,
TM... who lair Mr.. ore trarltod to rll. t'rtrno low
CO., Whule . male rend Icetail
- -
Manuht , turer, and Drniero in lint, (Ixrn , and'Eurn,
curtter of Wt.nd and Fifth ntn,n, l'ittAborgh. Whnn. thry
stfm . a full and nanplete 'Mrk of Ilau, I'm., Pura. An.. of
quality and etyle, by Whnle,‘l.• and ttttall. and
nth. At,, attrutinn of their roninnwn and purrhrs a.e
ally, an‘uring them that .n On , nn x , I,
• InMad.
lENIOVAL.—DR. SI Ehla has removed to
4, Liberty' ntrret. t..1 0w Mt, No. )03. Oem and dlrell.
g in the same Wilding. angalahim .
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
M. WHITE & CO. would re-
Oilenl"aant the) Lace
ntmets. They nn now, making Mai la , P.P." remire
order. fur ever, of ,ehielen, C..achen. Chariot',
flamingo,. nagge, Phmtnna, u... lc.- fnm their
lona experience in the nmnatacturr of the niw.yr work.,
anti the famlitle , they Imm, they fin-I confident they a n,
enabled, to Jo work on the I:4OFt
able term, with I
thonr wantin, artieb, in their ti,.-.
Ittring p d
h ring
non, rtamlar attention to the *election of material.,
an hut competent workmen. th e. I nn no
he.itatinn in warranti
public t ng the thi* ma rker. it,. thereto . , ark the
ntlention .1 the o
N. It. Itepaimng done In the Inrwt manner. and on the
moat rea..onable term,.
114 LiLert u y - 41 .:i
4'aultn. Torah, /"I n e.te"..Zra . L . gtn"and
Pmr Tope. Ml.:kr. on hand. and made tonrderk •
N A eholm nrlection of Drawirmw an han& 1 .00
_ .
Important to Stage Coach and Wagon
v have bought. the right Man AXLE, lucent..l by
dr. cam tiel -cholllel.l Intent.. II ha.
been te,ted In our beet emelt builder, net t - nonnum . ...l io
Iv the den In nAr. ...Haar; enact.. with n got of
running daily, will cocoinic. • half hint Ed ..11 In 'it
math, The email quantity of ml need in one of the le,t
evidence, we have of (ha great reductlinn of friction. and
enuneguently . treat raving of power. It will make the men).
pr...rictor, to navy IA pet mut on their attok and fend .-
Ale. it will giro great safety to treieelecrc the not tocole
ing with the w bred-And not the
an, connect.. with the
axle. will entire', provent the .11,1 from coming
14 proper care. tbr patentee, will ...anent timer Axles to
WI from Ed to IS ) earn. daily rnnttlng •
Warelioum—Na. 10A Water, nal 1411 Fouls atter, 1.4 . te.
burgh. F
A CAILD-1851.
rt ß , U m ß(' ‘, ll .. F k lE , L , 1)... t N0 e. p t: , t ‘ h b Erts h t.
etilsrgest a loot. the
nd imprirresl their ts.srn ther are enahl. to
on hand Tery extensore /111 , { rltarnt nt(lereols— an lout en
have the astynntstre of I lent, of li s ,ht to
triz4,l,4.4taztk,erth..eir.ref!s,rsetionnerr j:teshicl,esirn,T;liTc.
Frour., wk.,. 4-T, article in the
for the vs sets of funiltes. ean pnrurset—lnd in M.'s
cesntinned elf Ile In, the 14-st ronsiss tss of
rriees the r Ise la nvske it the interest uf tansalire and in
atieidustle. to furor 'Atm with theft metals]
1444-The 11 MILK:ALE El 4 IN 4.r. rill Ae enntinsisd ‘es
the roms. nn ,strara—s.ntreace from 4th street, ~r thr , u,h essotn ,slr4
L Corn, td Third and Market rtrretn. The ..alt hap
ttutot Inttitutinn th.. kind in Pittebnl7l,
FtPCLIT —Jnhn Vienna:, Prtnripal late-r m. in the
S.nenro. Acccunt. ,
11. K. ChttxubcrlPL Protesenr of PenruttaniddP.Ntrtt , tnth ,.
Computation. Pr
Ala. 31, Wateon. Ean.. Letturrr on Coinmerelsi
Th th•qrint, knoaltdge 1L.,. ii
ant U. app:YelL. , ll rtert tranrh el, .1-•
fj .. tt , 1,72tl
T una ere tnttted tp,4l and exam
Lertuip ,t7tZmerriel eTrry •,•••. - .nc
Itercrrtne t.i any Pt P,Jeut by uterrhant. ft.=
WILKINS, No. *.NCLiborty et..
head a iromt axe, httsburEh, I'..
3.lrelutueule. &vial I aulta, Temlononea.
I F ''''''LlalT-Adc..n.T.t",',„l'.`3"A
-b1ag,""m,,,,.. ~ . „ F „ r;,...4
. , prkr...• .L.dexa ;em ' tom W . Pnnnacli ws
&V hand
A l
F 7.1',7:+11n .. - ----- - -- i
: Pnvv,. .l ---•_-1_ I
„, •_•,- —, • —,i ...
• .—:„-.17- . . 11, 1.
Ilartriar Denny Clark Tiernan EM
lion. Judge Wilkins John harper, Eed• Ova W, J‘ter,
J. lb. Sbee,iliaer. , k Cnrry, do.
Wileon Mt.est les.. Leg., linen A. eargent.
helmet Ev, • Irut a Co
Jo.. >leKniald.. Eni. Bminq D. T lorgisn a Ce.
tram. Jo•bus Rhodes 0 Co Frug'rs
S. Ullman. AlleOwns:
E. W. feels iiraLeful tor -the very libend parronii, - e re
mierei during nluteen ye... in 11,1 e ell, baying hut the
largest and test jobs entrusted to be , eare,ctio to the prevent
time. and will endeavor li,,resalvr tailstaietkai bete-atter.
is 2-1
Ware-mom. 07 99 Third etmet.
J. V. W. remora - Alp intern,' his friends and
andthat be bra noweempleted the berm.
and finest etoek of household furniture erer before seen In
this city. La 1,0 le determined touphold the finality wi th
wellseasoned water:ate, bat workamndli p. and newest de
nuns nd from the aslant of his °Mery and facility In
manufcturing. be In matted to prednue warranted furni
ture. S t the lowest prices. •
De he. adopted the principle of idehtlfAng the custom
interesters with his own , in quality awl pr.-. and keen.
alwaye on hand the greatest canary of every description of
furniture. from ,thathea" and plainest, to the mm . ehe.
and costly, • hone, or any tart of ort./
furnished from his stork. or tuannfacturrd es.pmseir to
enter. Ile therrNre 'elicits an inspeetion. that the advent.
tageo of his establishment may he known The following
articles motet. In part. of hi"stock, which for of
style and finish cannot he aurpossed in an) of the Emmert.
Parlor, drawing. dining. sort etart of seer)"
Tariety, rens:Latins of roemenW, Mahowany and walnut.
Ellaabethen. Con"ereatoire and Easy Chair, of every de.
American Couches do Tet.e.a.trte sod Divans of the latest
Wrench and pellormc Tuber, Whet.hon., end
bailee' parks Writing Deets of various kinds, Work Tables
and fancy Inlaid nand* music stand.. and holden, marble
top, mahogany, ropwan tat end walnut moire and wila ta
ble, extension dining table. all sin." of the moot Improved.
mid decidedly the hest kinds:nada: cant, Pembroke hall and
lop tablec wardrobes: bedsteads and washstands of each a
large assortment gothic ball and parlor reception chairs.
ottoman, and stools.averetary and book cams, side beanie.
towel reek. hat stands. end music mt., mils.
and cots for children: paper macho. table and t oo poy,
mahogany, masc.!, and inlaid pearl Tables, ha. L .
A large araortment of Common Furniture and Windmr
Chairs. Calduel makers supplied with 511 articles In their
Steamboats and Dotal, furnhhed st the thorn , . notice.
All unit,. promptly attended W.
Attorney at Law. No. 1011 Mini sl.. corner of Cherry
haring made arrangements for the purpose, will
Procure Bounty Lands for officers and soldier, their
widows end elithlmn. nod will attend to any other buri
n,oected with the government or arty of Ito Depart
ments. the Pension office, or the Courts at the City of
Weehington. la'. edit
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in OIL
it tr;., l „ )j i t ; tLAVX , r , e , gtl „. l . e . t , i
-fr delightful art. nt room, In 31eaxex.
Atkintent`e nen building. Find Fine lettret r Wend nnd
Market xtreete. Hour+ of inetruetion. 2NI and
fie. o'. In F. M. Charge. null other rertrularx can
known hy Infternant the room" ,
lit ler to Dr. Cantani nr Dr. Addle...
17 of DAY 11001 M, at tbe prim atom of
A. A. AIASON A CM., hr snit Nlatket %treed
CiAntnewerd ion Monday, Denenther 1414, to continue
throuult the month of Januar,. Their w bolo cendolleh
went hu Imm thrown open for Itetali Tmile, end their es•
Irbelt. stnrk. %mount!. to Ikea Ilmulrml and TIM , '
Thourand bedlam: will Iw oflnred at Retail, at full, one
fourth lei% dia. °mid mitre.
The notion of their So... Annual Side to any nor of the
thoueamie who the mole of lest year. will dr Mini•
dent imaretdoe ton rall thin onoin. The,- will. him, id,
mention a few of the nreade dual prier, for the Misent
these who have rioNerl Fe
dlehri their mire. tie
litrli Caehnierren mots, u•iint prier $l.
Aoti Memo, motion *rat Wool tAistimere. .2", rent, timml
prin.. r•qttn.
Iwo o.on end Word beleilnee, IA and 19 rent,
umad, ire Ai and PIA ront•
. it hint eolored do.. 40 rent,. mond ptire
end Banal PIA., Bn nenlx. tOotal
S atio .I.llnn. s; rent., o,ood
$o lllark Pilke, re.lorod por eont.
Vr.tol. llorfoo.. SI o.nal orb,
.) tn.
Paratta. and 1.pnw.... Clotio...rod
'2O to-rd
L.r.o ps,.. Alpacas , ell rolorro,darod :10 T., 0.01.
• ZOO Lona musk.. Fllawln.!.l.lrh .111 to eold roan $1 to
than to.oal
2000 yard. Bonnet I. al and 10 nen.. usual .
pH, I$ to v. rent..
Feet rolorrd o. • .ora, 0 •0 ,,i 01 ,, 0 0.
lOU Fnatl.b and Anorjean Callroo. at and 1U •
11..toont1' pile+ 10. and 125• rets.
rroo. 1114..11.1 'tltodln..'roduov.l . 2 route p.r yard.
bal.. 01,110 Muelln..ll
Ala, Lao,. Engbroldrrinat Trmadna., Iladerrand
Gloves. (11rel.. u Canadrto.ros. CIONIIIPLO and
drawn toarther with au lumen.. varletrof o th er Wl.llk.
ell of whirh 0311 to. ',larked Moro to Lowerl . rice.than.y
of their proloun PAICA.
The: Invite narly rail. .of their rholrett
g.,111 1611 moon la. odd. Lowe.manyl prin. natord at Bre. ;
A. A. 7.1A5A)14 A 1 , 0,
62 and 64
60 dozen Corn Broom, In store and f••r ralo by
ligiiißLES--3 brim fresh Bull Butter;
3 hr. Endn,
66 ozone elltedCorn Most: ,
no.. Forth...
212.. nye Flour.
• . .
- • .
bnod Apple" mot Pe bat on nrdo
•ata,,,n,,,nt, and for =do bY J. n. WILLIAMS t Of)
OIL, and SPE ILM OlL.lbr lode blyp
BUCKW HEAT CAKES—If you vrant good
Buckwheat Cakes, ntkat'cwing C.
pound, for sale br IL E. BELLEBB.
ILEVOLVEFLS—CoIVg and Allen's, fur sale
at a Market st, rossor of Fourth .
If. rr, , irlisoN.
iIfZ.REEN APPLES-10 brie prime, reed in
• .",:rr -d -rd•-•tod Cr —i. b ke4IIIJEL P, 611RITE11.
----EMp_i to boles Missouri doterotted, in
Sore rnd for ale br Al 45' ANDER 0011111.,N.
134 frost st
... .nurat _xj~t"~.
• .
"'R Nl.' vCI
.... I , k• •
I,\ 1, I . : .rwl Bar, Lin•—.4/41.thly
111,r+. . .
..... . ~tunny. M.,
fmul 111”, . . ~Inr, l l, Mkr I:
.1 1 1 11 . j ..;
t .. . 11“Int-.1.3
rut rwdai.
from rt
Sntim:M . I, K ..,
‘errorr. Antonin, . Al l-1 ;
. .. N., 1,1. rnturin•
r•OM 111:1111,
Wowlllnglow fur New Yet,. ..Fri:ey. Ntrar
Weetwnwtee . ... ...New 'I . rid:,
Ilennemn.. ...... 1.•,L . hide, Jew , I,
V S. merit deamers Sr.. I"ar. the 111 h tad 15th
•atchtimtrati. for Chuttr,.
t.t 11,41,NA Wlll
Stvam..ll, 1,1 , 1 leave, Chnrl.—.ton 1,
land I , lhof
h.' , ...h.
Cltata 11,11allphie,
New 1,4.4, Faatera, ....111, mai N. rtle.ra parte of
Paley an. Nru MIA the N... /...latel
The Itnt..ll Itsvaln. t.,...tte, tat
Ne. atalt Arrtre, et Iv. u '' Y • 'n l
et I r u
11.1 ' 1 '. 1 ' 11:c E 1 ‘ 11 .'r n . : 11 4
aut l . .41111.1.1.1, t
sralltn. Mehean, It tter. Perrle
Twat, I ta..n. and j.rt 11‘...tatorataiel. ate taloa.
NI arr., rattle. Nal. tate Itteedr. Ne. lesendrla. sad
attn.-Png Arrttee that, exrept 11..retat at t
parte deity at It. a a.
Ecit.-11) Slemrr. l'rnefil+l. nu,l
m , f.Mr.trrr , ‘vve I. sA Al;.1 up ,r am.msto
Fl., ,-oraf.r-t. ~rt • f ; • I tr-iwe , _
N 111. 2, t. .c
part , 4 01....4 tn,fing,,
i• krnv •
I et . al.•1 ,le, , nrm .111
• •
:LI et EALAIIL L Alm; ;IL Mt, ratriLLIO.LLLL.
'Lon, 3r,11.
!Amy. , at II a ..1.-LALLrt, LAL 7 A Lit
• Anbt..3.33..3,0..11 n• .3 a1.,-
c•,I 1.111... g 4
d 331...1..111..1
;..1 Art.l. n 1
11 I
par.. r.v. .
i"... -Itarpi..nry Ha..., Spring Tan p
rKntinotinz. r1L1..13 , 14.. :11,
lss—lt, .Isst .1
%I .... Hr.,-
at .
nnol ni t. it
1131,. tr.i %Pp:
in . % A --11, At.l.t 11. ,t n.
c.c. I`, Ari, re Pnipin,r .. • it
part" Li.siulnir and IL .
Pri - n ANT k —ll, r'• un. tarn,.
I It.,:li.ny. Snuo., •.0 rh umb., ist 1,5 t
. d..rapt• 11. v.,, pl. thur.l.••. at r r , V. •••uuvu•au
I Fruval. r. ul5 ri.v. et. f•
btviva• - r• —ll• A,.- a .l.&Nvrub. I,ILu
ou 5. at 1'• k/..,.•r 511,11.11,
h , E.rr: Arritr•/flay. al
--It t- • - .11
er nr,l
rnrin tf , rrl G.
I.,ter• 1,11 - :mil , In,. um. V.. In 1.1. r
.-,01..51.1 "re,. tiluot V In tl..
<Nall,. I'M rrms,..n ST
No. ST Narim it. l.frifrarin Thant and Poled, Cr. f tittalsn.h.
PENNSYI. I ASIA Branch at 31a•wiliary .... .il.
Bank. ~r Blmrbur:L. ,-.-8.:Er.8.L . w.. , r,.•• ----A.
Exeraufa• Bank ,d .I...._.,aatlltanah to Xenia .. _ ii.
Maraud Thin_ of 0...........r1it8raritiL at Yognaiatown.....,
Bank of Cannarrof. . ..... CRT Hank. eirnanoaki, . ..h.
Bank of North Auferica-..par Conitnenital ha.Clatntisitid.
Dank of Nortl.,'n 1.11-wrhini.far Franklin Hank -. ' - tt.
Bank of hermarltranta....har Latalatt, Mann. .... -- • th -
Vank of Peon T..anentlt. tartan.. la , Ina a tan. , Ot .4
Batik .4 h.- I rta.l anon. la it aatrrn Itos..ran ha, ......
Coicuroan - ..1 Bard. nt la ^. yaril,.na rat Ma......::..rn . . .1.
{watt,. a intntAtilrAtllayto.arnatl hot.- . . ....
Staid flask ... - tar N LIV 1.:.ti1..t:•:•
rinn.trrnat hat.t. . _ L... Inc .011noltent hank. • --- La
31.ttfa... Mink iist.L -tor . \oh 1...1.1i
%Klaxon.. &att. .. taal , nw 1.1-i. thy . . kn.,.
31oratnenstriK Kann . . ar Coantr...3 ...
Bhiladrirhia Batik . at Ma I,YI-15 li
Southaark Bank__ . In, itaitnnata ' ' ta l r
Wratarn Bank .- ....yar, N JEtt.,y a DLL,. kill
Bank of (1..a.c.t..r.1.ut0.h. L....U.1.0mM kink, . . • 1 *
Bank of I..hartor lfiuntl -Po'. 1 1 ihiflNia
Bank of Dannlle . par Bank of ran 5.... . ti
D an a of 10t5..., Ilfoater ,ar El: of Virgin'. ha Ihria,u3l N,
Bank of par. Ex. flank. Cs, Nfof..ik. ..• 34
Bank of tett3rlihrath ... .. 3 amen' Bank of 1 ir,
Bank of
L e w : 4
. iMititniiitiliAt A Mafili hank fi a
Bank of llaldletown .-.„ 4 ,lNorth Militinitil Hank. ... . 1,
Montgomery Ca Rank.... part It heiL s , -• . • .. 't
K an t, nt Nurthuga,rl..l.,r. NollTll C A in si..l:. A
Carta, hank . ants . ty rank 9. lo ~. • • .
Columbia Ilk 5 Itraltan Loran 15 ot ht. or .5.. Cantann :
horn...lra hank partetonotenial It:, It 111.11,51.
Favat. hank .... .. ......pattllerchantr Bank. Neut. no ..
Erie Haut .. _ .. t,', SOUTH I:Allot-INA
Farmer.' Ilk of Bunt. en. Par' Ilk of the St. of h Carolina 2 1
Partnefri 111 of Lauf-after parlßank of Sunth Carallw, :lira,
Farrnera Bank of haaillna par'llank of fluarlorton. ...... 2 . . l''- ', .
Ear - m.llk of Silfifylklllo , pr,flßlankr l, k 5 1i Y i..... .k ' I 1;4 NIIT LEI - ,i, toLVIN. ( on.l Merelinnts,
Yar raDnrr.lra,linsktire Ai O.IIIIIIIA r n Dri, t: _,ln.fn.-in-flan. Iran and Nail.
Prank'. Ilk. 1/ saltlngtnn par, Auffuata In. A Banking fo ! I- o n 3 i' Y''''',",!,, .1 ~,, i, , n nra,,,,,,, Sail.
Ilarnatfurz (tank. . ti. Bank nf anannta . ....... 1 ''ll°. rt 3 ..°.!' I+f'. alit,(,, io T.„ •
Wow-Adak Bank ...... ..,.... li :111 ..f Brun.... A Ottlitin'r.t....rit..-'.. or ,•tt
faucast( r Bank . . ...rar Tr. \LhOEL 1
On . par!All onlwant hank ... ....... 3 , A9DITIONAL SALE
Miner , Bank of Pntrawlllo 3 .t114 n 1 lioutufikr, Iriuti , lll. , f, Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool. 0.
klnnfoumhala Rank .... . rat-ilia of Loulsalllw, Thornton 3.
Kent Ur... ' h 9 " k .... - - ' ll, '" rthrr° '''' " f Kt. "'' , '• 1 TILE recent unl,,, snln - pf Lon, in
hark Wyom ll ing Bk.Wilkratiarrarian Southern 114 •.f Kenna, ky 3., ,
111,,001t1. . thr ahrve 111111111 n, To. ti lon in, wall, e.t.a...1
It n ik,f N o t nn
.....,_ , , I I ny o f fi n , o r m,,,..,„,.... L , ,1..-:.. ~,,,..,iy 1.31 off, .1 th.. I.•nntil frill tanitl.lf,.
UMW. .1 ILLINtoIr. I tlfri ntalorfnnoal lia• lawn if i Iti,-,i to la, out • porta, ial
Ohio .95t0 Bank 1„ Ow.• h a nk and f innir n ai a_fri , la. pron.., t in tna It into in ninAn. Alia offer. thew Sr aolo
Branch at Akrnn do,Hana of mi n ., ....
..... 7.5 at priory and terra. that noir... fail to ft...! thew
vlrw• of
Unfurl, al .011.... ...... .. An, Wl,34.ioNniN, I tliff, whildnif to ouniltaar. It If madlaan to ray ad)ttonr
Branch at Ilrtflartafrt- . ihilklarlna .k Fin. Ina eh chini 1. 1 I ff We hifatlho a fh, inn foal f'n l3 l 3 ''''''f l kfw•to , l' 111 .'”
Branch at Chtlionthe dui - . 311CIllfiNN.` , ndriiiently ileftrilall In nairtit an, tittawnirtity other than
'n a nd, a , 0.„,1 . i t i o.farn,,, , ,• 3.1.,„„th an n...• H an k 3 1 that kirk one hundred. Inta hat,
altancad hat...
Ittanch at Tiand..._ . do tint arnincut Aura Bank__ 3 I an , latan IntratataLl 5 .1 thoto •talotta In lot - antra .4... tn..
Brandt at Darton ...... . . .51..1,11.au1ar hank ..., ... :1 1 1.1..h0nt..
itronah at Data..., . do Ivan.. Comp., •,.. , ''''' at ''' . M . ' Lr.. ' L a .I.L. ‘ L ''' L '' lL:l ''''''"'"" .. '' .
' lWl: a a t t ' .;: l lnTl L, Tl ' .... .....
.1:: '"
Ban' t'A h .tft„t ' " i th.... gtattil....:4;
- - . to the 'ban. ...t.l tr.. prow:pally In Me ....c.tra ..1
Branch at Salem . . .... An Bk of It S. ant . enna. Toronto:, . tor tuttotatanno apply to the fonatatnn,Lt In 1.. ,,,- pur.n ,
Branch at 31anahrld.. .. do Bank of the Hanale. Toronto 3 , to Jatner Ihnkol3 • I..iir.• f owth 3 1 . .n..A 1 1.117.41,, ,
Ilr.. at ltifilwy , . do Bank of Mot/triad J 1
Branch at Clnrintiall do 11.4 of l'. Canada. Toon., 1 Eroft I.laertinal. Fob 2nd, 1,1 foliadaw tfr l
Unwed, at Cohinitina...l ....31., 045501111 EXCIIANOK.
Branch at MAtitinzton do f l t, NnW 7.55 (rat?, :4 - 1 Partner Wruited.
Mandl at Valle ' tln On Plilladelplda do
Branch at Laneaater. ..... ..damn Itallltnoro ilei `.l
,\ PERSON having B thorough knowleage
Itraneh at 1 1 1.1.31,111.. do. WESTERN ENTWANE. , o f ti t ,. MIMI, 1,11, Ili nit Ii• brands., coal
Brandi at .311. 1 arm. 2......dfilelheinnall. .......„. .. .... ..1 1 111. dna to Noon. , a partner In an analitishod 10n...,
Branch et Newark dolLouloolllo i .. : 1....._1 aa n 1,,, a r o f a ...n i non 3,r atiplzlinf at thk offtm
Branch at Elyria _ dodit. Louie. - .... 1 ... . . .... ....- I 1, 11 No eatiltal w ill fa. raiiinod lol , llllf _
Branch at Sfninaheld daIGOLD AND SPECIE 0.11.50 I
n r a w h at Marion._ . ... doillouldrafan,Sunnish.......lo.oo , I 1 Iti I.; CkN;,‘ I, CI Ol l' A N l-Tlin Stovli
nranrn at Troy do do Patti, 1 1 1,t41 1 1 `
Branch at Mt. 37.10. old' slim A 1,1 , 1. , , of tin' Cni . fal Condaffty an. henilfr nal-
Brandt at Zallitil rine- .... do Ettola, on ..„,10.(1.1 I 11,1 that a,., Amp,,,i thflion of 1ar,,,,,,,, f ff r ti t .. no . oto ,
Branch at Norwalk_ . . .11, 1.r..1ar1..1.....t0ra ....../ , 5 7..0 roar. will la. 11,.1 at co, r nOtro In Erni, nn the Iltat 11 , 3,.
inunr-ii at flffut... .... .... do Ten Tha1eta........ '.. ..: 4 4.1a, flay In 11.11,11 to., at r chalk, r u
Ilnairh at Ifort,tunntlf..... def 0u1new..... ....... ... .... ... 11.01 1 11, onlor id 11,- 1 1 ,-.3 , 31 , in.
Itraneh at Eaton- .... ..1. Soneralonc .......... f.,1 11 M. W 111:511, Son . v
Branch at Ravenna..., ......dn Tannullflen , 3 rai Vanal I 0ni.... Eno. V,. 3, 'A
, 131,1 I .
Branol. at Cllka,thn- do Napul..o '
Brand: at etonhoira_ dulDunik. ..... ...n. ......... .... 11..1a , , I.EI IS-44) Id& (' I', ~ , 5,,,1;
Unmet. rat Tn1n1.... ..... ........1.1 ' WI - 'I IT, ill t .10. to' sub. br
1 111 iiA NK FiTS . . ISLA N li: El'S: ! MURPHY
' p k 11l 1:1 1 111'11:1.13 Into on halal ft affind ivoortmant of
.. 31 111 a. or all the dtitarvitt .0...”11..... month. a how
tans .•lan
li.l ra An. d titsolin i all of a Iflrli ate ti. , rllerail
0.., 21, 1,1. '`‘ 131,111. ` if lin , '
. , ,
el.: AA..., tillar'.l 4 11 11,11 I/ . K rrs._lo, t r ... ~ t Ve(l 11 large
1 .1 ' 1 F • •;• l• ; • -••,;;...t 11elebrn atl.l 31,niaturt• Cam,
::1 "" i D'"' .0.. WW. WII.SoN
- .
''. "' (I
1 NIoN TA PERS-. , 0 1 11.. for sale II
...Y' 1
-.11 aAI ;,,,, .; KIDD kill.
• ''' ' f 'III': .kl . IV .%1.1 .P . \ I'EN - Prom fi I --I cents
--I `.... g rr -". i""'"'"' ' 0 "' ""'"'"'"""' Sr . 1 1n . i C12111 , 11A1.1..
"'•""1 . '7, - .''.: f
I.l , ollrito .
A- 11 111.1 i INS A Cll,. EXcIIAMIE
(Vrnn rtf TFlrd awl iforlel
>t7.11. rripi
Pranrrlrunta r,
I . l..burgh
....I, .. ps., it. S.l
Alin:Len/ cor•
W.tio. 4n> in Phil..
ll.nk of .... . ....
3lrrr nn.l3lunsif, hank
• I!lsrtk
Forunt.n.' husk
Itnak . .
Al',ben,. mom.,
... ,
Slsnrniv‘hela .......
Ilatsl St. Brit!, .. . .
N. , rtitsrn .....
IVlllianisistrt Rst.las
Wrgern 1n.uranre......... • ...
Ittovrewer I
Ass.riatesl Flrs.nmn . •
rLD.AP/I 0.1 , 4 - 14
Allsntls 11111 F. I PI, Ito P1.11',.
..S1 EV 1,111 "1,011., 41i....
Pane's. CY•tttral Etwl
Ohio & Ile.l
Cleroland a 141.t.burgio 1,01 E.. 1
Ilnrfne Ka..ilwny
Erie (alai Elostei,,,,ltiJ
Fayette ,level ttn.
Pittsburgh k Harken 3.11ne)
North American ..... .........
North Sktett.
North %Seaters
Iron fit,
Pittaburpth it isle Royal. ....
!treat Western ,
IMualeas ....
ilhtYrauritttelt .• • •
bi ...olat f eather,
tinny ..i12.11,1 adt, l'eabute.
I.' b do Dry .s,bl,
4 .1., .1 , . I'carl,A.
ll do .lo .10 yealml.
—Notre n. 4 dollitlf.ens.
I du Wut.l: nue/ landing trbm 4:: . girleg Deco
l'Utpdfurgh : 1 n:Sold La le by fain I.S.k I All Dll IsEY ACO
Ami , 81 , i7K— n, },,,,
~---f or- --T an, ,,,,,,,, 7 20
, sAL f I' h : ,S .ETRE--50 I.g, W ,, crude, A
F. WILSON L . fur tilde by
, ht , l. f. , .a. ,,, .>" J. WI lOON , I A K Int .S. l'O. •
4 BB LS COOPER'S W 1111 E G LUE---ior
I pApER If ANG I N 68-3 ,, b1 P.per Ilan g - at ,al, bit . . fu1.14
lb , ' .°U. bold "{ '
else lx."b"'"''`' rj ""' ..-1 ' 1.. ".1 TuYAKOmETERS—A full asnortment for
sae 4144 , 05. /or sale b./ W. I'. 31A1lelIALL.
fabl2 bb Mod et. sale hi' feblb J. KIDD *CO.
• .
12 elleten IVert.rrn lo•uretn. ,
hop Vire 5t...1
.T A 'cTl , l) 111 Y—Notes nf the Western
Banks, Ulu Pit.tiurglV . , Tk i l,AT
Y ~,,
. ,
Pittsburgh Board of Trade.
F.,1: F'EtIIttAILY
rryVe. wn 1111.1
I . lTTagtll.llll
Th..mar.... hurin, wah. .Imeh and
Ath.: Th.. s,:alho, val.Nrk an I
I:—?ii-mart .if .an. indulifir than at the
awl furtlifir (11.1
I,', and mil, a (*Tr small lab
,•rt fif ,
:in llu wharf in , aii••
hi-. Mbil• li I.
i rt. r•relp..
lwrn 111 , ,rnt, .0... I.* rurn at Ow nrl.r.
••7 ,1,1111 vdtli
; it , II:ERI nntr frt, rd . 30,ar at
1,. and of 4,43,3 at lIbt• ttrtuto.
~.tlt.3 It 1.1t13 ',II. in at 1164,1:L.3e*. tb
LAltlt—ttalt, toi Itld•at 7 1 ,31.7 t,. at la qtaaltlt • ,13 !" ,
-f TI 7 ,br r3t311
T L1,011—.31.3,413 tarnt• ttt 31 1, ,
YEATll2:lol—Furth, a 1 3,1,0,11 lb
PI II 11l Vltt IT•—.
51.P1..• P In
Are fnnu alorr el ran ,
cat,: In. $l. 11.1.. rvimplcat 1,11
..11.1.1 411, Ntl. tl5 —The Sliming
tr.apir Ilie 14ard en raturinl
the :: 15,5 A1 , ,het , C.. ..% 4 uu.l 51,itjo
TRADE OF THE WABASH VALLEY. • the President's rati•foctory amd patriotic met
her trn.le..lie:ll favl tothe „ rpr , pr i a t e r nmn ,i t t e r, oiler
tn the 411.1 u in we revret , • ,
men ~. °lFrintnoer commensurate with it, importance
Th• olonda, ,d ,r•mitl•••• • S. - MO by lb. and tile genera! interest belonging to it, without
l,"w..totte •,•1,1•1111: 3•••Il • I 1,:o. from D..1,11k11..
any lengthen , ..l Dot, certain tlenator ,
preferred making load and angry , peeclie.. and
in so far to weaken the hand, of the Erne:Wire, in
ti.t. moo, his praise worthy efforts to calm the public
'rid and rovide for the more rigid fulfilment
T •walo r corn ..2., • p
alna.,. .pna. 11 a.
",•, of the lava, under the circumstances of trial .and
"trni. difficulty. which hare so Fluid en ly arisen.
We have now reached the end of the penulti
mate week of the session. Seven working day.
remain, and 'luring that tame the Senate has to
tottml II tlf I•'rl ~ I tr 1 I nit. trwra Pt.! Idttrott. •h il•I+. 1
n, r h in tt I•- rr•.rlll+. thrt r I ihntr.
. .
Ihr trtilt 14,4.4 1., the I . a.lTromt In thr n examine. aligost, motnre, dehote, and poor all
" 1 ' 41 " " 10.01 " ff I the iiivrepriiitions for the ensiling year, not less.
•lot.torn!. I, rot,. am w..-o fo.n, Ito. lath., and the
rt•t th•• h> ricirree . llo 041111 fifty million, or.
...him,.no , . dr. N. time of those hills has been lonelier! in the
Sedate. They have before them, or demanding
isre is, I their earttert,attention, besides the cast mass of
~ ! , tolottiro” heloninng the oislinary legirlation of
" ' "7" e wear , -objects ito the reduction of pootoge,
—nmunbtin Nit, weighing them tktnin, the Sea
,tv.. wilt i ov. I t s „ m o m , „r t h, ate will begin the tart week of the seitsion. with
. •nrdebate on the slavery question! Well there is
taterrapfiug the inexorable itntgrettil of the
ha.; tite to, .4' 'AAA. thAi AIArAA A days. The fourth of March tuu,V crane; that is
owes.. att.; thAr. I‘. A-Lll.lunerritil, L.I tnAwantil. 1,11.1tP,k.
metal I.nrk. 1.. t r•• tlll/..
15 , 1i.....,11..n4rtrk.0n.
IS...hoar:l. n•stl..
r • i'l.h..r.
•••• Mn, be , 111 , 7.•
Oz.. S., Sattlll
. 1111171. VINZI TRIF DAT
}I 1...1 •
•• I LL t. I
Al I.l.itrt ir LI 11.1. it , .
la Iva Kin J aft
etf.lllo I la
r4k, t.i•,• Y. h.. 1.1,n 4\
~ 14 hew, J A n0e1"...
.1 o. 4 b 4. •r 4.1. I' 1....4-11 lc. I 1,11 ehe, J
I , v • J. 4 tr.. 1.1" 11. , r,L4
14 ArA, 114.:.1, 11....
0 00, brats•. II No
uw. J . la
lon. I .1. 1.000 I.
I„ 41"I' MAR,IIAI.I.
„..r An,l Froos,A,
d for nale
It. E. SI:1.12410,
P"" .1, BAYBERRY-2. hbls for side by
t()PPE HAS-10 bldg for 2 ;110 hy
It. I,
VIAL gro, for sale by
% 111 ,, E DE N ES—('rimed rimed:old solid
o RN IN6 GOMIS— Bur,h
-.0.1 I 43,0
tml•brd Alpacas, soul .412, it, I, of Mouritingi,A ' Are.
.01 tRI,
:2/ Jl.. I i ()ASUGAR-100 assort assur num
fi.r INuIIAIIA 11.
No 11 , 1 tl
I •
EESE-12.3 bxm, in store anti fur sub. by
r 11 h klAIII , ICKI;Y Aco
ru-I AIITNERSHIP—IIa bare thin day
, u 7 Rul.ert
0 301 o.o° ASPI , E II V LE/411.Ti . .
“Th BOATS— I aniteliarison
~0 01
. .
ril l
Y..rYI Jr
iCorrespOravUel ear the uwr Pittsburgh tissiitix•)
Renewed and rontint,d exci!emen I on me Bastnn
,cl a n. Ranand R and Harlot.
Taraficat —11,4r . a Tac;.• and Baying.
painful state of feeling prevails here. The
agitation of the slavery question is fairly renew
ed. There seen. to lie elements bearing upon
this unhappy controversy, which cannot he qui
eted. The national mind is chi-eased upon it, and
l much fear that evert, Are tending towards the
terrible arguments of force and bloodshed. I
mut perceive nn hope fur permanent settlement.
The delmte upon the Promideuis IlleetAlge and
proclamation on the Boston Fugitive Slave cane,
Whirl. commenced yesterday morning, with
many ryniptonin of reawakened eteitcluent and
acrimony. Las continued through the whole of
this dap. to the neglect of much important busi
ness, mild leas adjourned at the clone of the sit
ting. to Monday. I think upon the whole, the
bine of the diseunnion was more conciliatory to.
day than yesterday. But. I think there can be
little doubt of thin, to wit, that the intention
and the effect of the debate. is to excite , the pub
lie mind, and to rekindle the fires of sectional
hatred. the obviously true course. was to refer
.f ,tre 1.4,
comfort. which no perver.ity chn'tsko. ntray
Yesterday. Mr. noniron. Democratic Senator
from Ma.,nt.husett, l'or the remainder of thio
term.. took his seat. .1n ohsolete organ of
ilefouit party organization. turn, ep it, exclu
sivenose at Mr. R. atol informs the world that
the slice of the Senate received him very cidly.
IMire,,ing that Ina .toil
I have inn doubt, of the NUM., of the river and
harbor appropriation bills in the Senate: in fact,
I think from what I hare seen during the last
two or three that it will he lost. The
northern iota north western Democrats will be
.qucezed into nTery tight place. It will be re
membered. that this *as the identical ttnestion:
on which lien. Cars am, prevented from declar
ing his sentiments, on account of the 'Moise and
contusion. - at Cleveland, in June, IN-Ir. But .
now. he mulct fight or run away. It is supposTA ;
that he will take water. The Southern wire I
puller, have entered the game. shown their
hand,-ied on: trumps, and warned their North
ern confederate, to follow emit, or to throw up
the earl,. In plainer words; they have applied
the SCrelk, of party discipline, and they will..
most, ly enforce obedience. A great snort
hus hcen made at this ;motion, to restore the old
party line, hit eniy on the slavery question,
',but us uf the tariff. interned improvements, and
every thing else, on :which the Democracy cf
spumy Lit, heretofore taken a stand. If vote,
:or the river and hatter. the ts.nithern faction.
at. I
that h .
north weoterti lueotbery wolch [Lt.
Inc lost.. lhhude, advocate; of
the north - will be . opt to opporvi the pavtagar of
the hill in :Leiveultte, until a decisive vote t.ll:lii
have been taken in the Ileuve, the
,motion. I ¢mane to tttil4l:: tutu n., such vote
The House fir ta,, days lea,t, ha, lieu] engag
ed i” avery aniudthe r ei witheat, aver the Liii
making iii•prvpriatiarrxl,Vtliv fbrtitleatb,
tent, of the United State:. I hove tad minutely
evaninwl the queatiou, but I believe that the
oppuneht% or the sy,trth are quite right in rd.
nig to couhteminee any longer, the ituntense an
mod cinCay required. upon the numerous
rently work, of this
comat. The for ihi• year, ,mail.
unmoral:lg Ligninat . LI-4'50,000 last
At near the whose or di!, afteroon's :0,-
inon, Mr. Tuck. of N. , moved on substitute for
thx. hilt, I.y placing rislOthinfo at the Llisposid of
the Secretary of Woe, for the presertalion of the
various works. It was earrieitin Committee -
ayes 90, noes 15, and then the whole bill woo laid
upon the 'Pending n motion to, rec ons id er
this vote, the 11011,0 adj./in-Lied.
It was quite in keeping with the cline:icier nod
temper 9r Speaker Coblee chnirman of Ways and
Means, that, exasperated at the probable 100... of
the bill, he should turn upon Mr. buck, as the
author of its defeat. and beratelnui in terms in
dicative of Gad taste and Mariner., for free soil
or abolition leanitags. Instantly, Ar. Tuck, trim
La one of "the most - I nlet and gentlemanly Men in
the Rouse. turned upon Bayley, and with in calm
dignity, though with great severity, repelled the
assault in the must effectual style. 1 lies, snit
a assn come out of it personal encounter, which
he had himself provoked, with L a
comb more
completely shaven Bum Bayley. Junli
Wheeling Bridge Oise—President Fillmore on.l Lie
nigninen”--Cenione e( the United Stairs. net<lisf
P,nrilnania—drriod o f Central Atneriiwn
...I,yent—Thentricair in IrMituton--Sate 4 Sire.
Madison's cdecto--Soesssri's Actor, and .Ih&
Bust of Wadi nt.oton:
A decision Rill probably he given, or at least
determined upon, in reference to the motion for
taking up and disposing of the Wheeling Bridge
case at this term of the Court. The defendants
hare filed exceptions to the report, which it is
thought only respectful to hear; others ice there
would be no reason for longer delay in issuing
the decree for taking the bridge down or raisfpg
it up.
.ko F. of course to be supposed, the alum pro
slavery men are beginning to pick flaws in Mr.
Fillmore's conduct in reference to the fugitive
slave disturbance in Boston. It is said that he
ought to have dismissed the Mandial, tie. Deven::,
before, and that it would be bat a tardy corrFe
tion of misplaced 63 do it now. The Pres,
ident will do whatever the facto wet w:trratit.
An official estimate of the total populat,on o f
the United State, i, - 2.. - ,,1 , 3k0Ari, wioch ;:,;
000 are 'Lin,. The ratio of repre,entallitt is I
placed at The total number of
tante in l'enn , ylsania, according to mein, nett,
13,0topiete, aLsolute increase
is g i ro . at iiii;ol4/11 since lh-lta the relative in
crease is per cent. renn , ylranil will gnin
one member of longrer,, and will have a coo...mi
cro/Ide fraction for another.
Sir lareolletLi, who line been residing fur
seine tint° in London as a DlTlonlalle Agent for
some of the Central Autericiut States, has arrived,
here. lle will art at, Charge forgAie State of Si
c:al.:Lgta for the present, and it is hoped that
through him an arrangement truly be effected
which will change the existing unsatisfactory
condition of affairs between that countiy und the
United States.
Theatrical amusements, as well, indeed, as ail
other gayeties, were never more successful than
at this time in Washington. The new National
Theatre, the spacious hall which was rebuilt on
the occasion of Jenny find's coming here, is
nightly filled by an brilliant, distinguished, and
.rry of
WAslimrroN, Feb. 2:1 18.11
fashionable audiences as can be collected at any the Slave States as to these luOtives, I tawny
other point in the United States. The bright predicted precisely the cotmeOtenees . from such
particular star of the company at this establish-' a one 15 this which bare taken place.. Clemens,
matt in Miss Davenport, one of the most impres- of Alabama, said yesterday, that tapn an average
rise and pleasing performers in tragedy and the not one negro escaped from tliatatinte into a free
higher range of representation in comedy, now one in fire years, tmd yet he and Ids constitu
upon our stage. Her engagements hare •been • ern, rode the full compliance with the law on
several times extended. because the bones, large the p••., of the aorta an imlispensi i ble condition
as it is, liasheen found incapable of admitting all thi rtimainiug it, the Union. *tow, that I
desirous of attending on her benefit nights. She r,sert - rt Len derl“.ratian N most melancholy
is well susmitted by Mr. Davenp o rt, her father, 1 sigulav .11abama ha, absolutely no inter-
Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Fel2lo, and other, est in al, lea at till. Yet because she Secs its
At the smaller theatre, the Adelphi, the cccen- operation •ii-ere..e, and disturbs tae citizens of
tric English baronet,
Sir Wm. Don, bui poorly the north she tip. its continued infliction.
,apftprtttl, is performing. I hare not seen him, ias the pric.• , Ler rotanituna iu the Union. ti
but hear that he possesses a fund of versatile hu- I can only it .• a proof that she values the
moor. Union but or hate, 11:e 11,rtkintensely.
in the first of March, the personal effects of
the late Mrs. Madison will be sold at auction.—
Among: uton in an original portrait 'of Washing-
too,. by Stuart, the our I believe, which has no
long adorned the Senate Chamber, for I observe
that it is taken down, and has been exposed for
sonic time in the rotunda, with the ominous
words "for sale" marked upon it, There will
also be sold several other pictures of interest and
value es mementoes of the earlier history of
the Union. While referring to these specimens
of art. I am reminded to speak of a remarkably
faithful copy of Ilondon's head and foist of Wash
ington, from a coat taken from theliving face,
which is now temporarily deposited 'in the libra
ry of the capitol. The copy in in bronze, and
was taken by Clark Mills, Esq.. of New York, an
artist whose genius is destined to place him on
the list of American sculptors and statunries.—
The bust must froMnecessitY he correct if the ori
ginal was, which, being a cast from the living
face, could not be otherwise. unless by the inten
tion of the artist. but it hears the impress of
fidelity in every line, and in the( whole contour,
and in looking upon it, every intelligent person
nt once feels that he has before him the exact
itooge of the father of his country. Mr. Mills is
better known to the country as the artist who ie
engaged open the great work of the the equestrian
bronze statue of Jackson. lle • has completed
the planter model of that most responsible and
haturdous undertaking, and it is one of the
things which no visitor nt Washington should
leave without seeing. He is now employed in
preparing the materials for the canting, which it
the moat delicate and doubtful part of the work.
If he oucceellm in bin design, it will secure to him
a name as coloring aa the greatest of his prede
ceesors is title art in any age or clime of the
The Dad bfficren loge and Stanleg—Slarcry dis
rosso:n in the Smote--Old Federalism deft-rled and
Denuocratis humbug exposed—Rh:l! and Chat., it:
conjonshon—Gloonry reflection:,
The quarrel so gratuitously and wantonly pro
voked by Inge of Alabama, with 31r.,Stariley of
North Carolina, has resulted in a duel. It took
place somewhere in this vicinity to day, but
where exactly I Lave not learned. The weapons
were pistols, the distance twelve paces. One
shot was fired by each without effect, and then
the challenger Inge, expressed himself 'satified.
It wasp foolish and miserable affair.' from the
beginning, and Mr. Stanley would have retained
a higher position, it seems to me, in refusing to
go out iu answer to the demand of such an ad
versary. The friends of Mr. Stanley were lion.
Wm.Tost Johnson, of Md., and Mr. .k.she of N.
C. Jefferson Davi,' of the Senate and one or t.D", ,
others acted as seconds for Inge.
It is truly fortunate that the affair had not n
more gloomy termination.
The Senate continued the debate on the fugi
tive slave law today, and I believe failea
to concluded the discussion. Mr. llhon of South
Carolina, made his debut in a formal speech, in
hich asregards constitutional questium , . lie tok
nearly the identical views of Me. Chase, the Fore
Soil Senator. Mr. Rhett concluded as the re
sult of all hie reflections - on the subject that Con
gress transcended its powers when it passed the
fugitive slave law act: find that the law would
not Le executed. li e considered that when oat
State tiolutrd the engagement it bait made to
the other, is, respect. their federal rights, it gave
Congress no power to interfere, but woo only b.•
he taken us an indication that that state did nor
wish to remain any longer in the Union. Thus
Le appeared to admit that Soittla Carolina viola.
ted the ConstitutiLm every. las by the imprison
ment. without charge of crime of free eitizene
et . other States, hut it was nut for the general
government to assume the protection of those
mew And thus it was with NI aisachwitt,, Penn
sylv 0015, awl Nor i orkt if they repudiated their
ol.iigations to restore fugitivet: front slavery, it
mutt he taken as an intimatam that they were
tire.' of the Union. and particularly of the con=
'lemon auk the Slave Stunte. It was not for
, the auuth 011 , 2 tamed for the means of compel
tho.e Szatt, to do their auty. Ile west on
to ,Lei elope his doctrine of State right, so cleat
as, to -linty beyond any question at all that I
he considered the federal constitution a mere
tomporary agreement which might be broken up I
to-morrow with out, ally broach of faith by any i
of the-parties to the arrangement. If the slaves
,eoultilnly be restored by military coercion, he
Ilia not want them restored. Disunion the only
alternative was far preferable. Now extraordi
nary :to it May there were substantially the
sonic views presented by. Mr. Chase, who main
tains that the State Governments are all and ev
ery thing, the Federal Government nothing. In
fact Rhett recognized the full effects of his no-
Gotta, and said that he expected to see hiniself
posted in half the papers as an nbOlitiOnif
- Nun here we see illustrated that pernicious her
esey which the Democrats of Jefferson's day, Jef
ferson himself as their chief, inculcated against
the sounder but , `less alluring political philosophy
of John Adonis, John Jay, Alexandre Hamil
ton and Balm King., The Democrats, who first
' began to make head ...early as Washington's
second administration, and by the way, were
then arrayed in the bitterest opposition to that
great man,,the Deinocrats preached the doctrine
of State•sovereignty, and warned their follower*
of the dangers of consolidation as the only one
to dread. They probably would not have pre
vailed but for the aid of Aaron Burr. These loose
democratic theories prevailed until the first trial
came between the strength of the Union. and the
rebellion of a State, and then Gen. Jackson and
hie democratic supporters immediately fell back
upon the old federal doctrine, and Jackson'A pro-
clemation'ogainat the treason of South Carolina,
31 . 0;3 as orthodox a federal document as was ev- I
Cr written.- 10 is well known to have been from
the brilliant' Will eloquent pen of Edward Living
start, a great delnocrat in peaceable times, but a
blue light Federalist when the storm came. And
I thus was the Butumery of State rights put4own
twenty yeasta r , ,, o, by the federal speech of Dau
, iel Webstei,Mad the Federal Measures and pro
chtmation of Andrew Jackson and Edward Liv
But the whole thing is a mistake. There is
but one iiuvreiguty in the United States; it in that
of the American nation, represented by the con
stitution nod government of the Union. In that !
resides the right to pass fugitive slave laws and
coercion bills Is applicable at the North as the
South. lint the question of right and power
one, and that of justice and expediency is owdh
er. • The fugitive shire law is one.of those winch ,
Congress bad an undoubted right to totro; but
which, being diametrically opposed to the moral
sentiment nod the prejudices of the great hotly ;
of the people of that part of the country whcreio
i evens intended to operate, it ass impolitic and
unwise to pare. Honest John Porte was quite t
l i right this afternoon when, with a sincere ferver,
he besought the advocates of rough measures not
to resort to means which would stamp this us
severe military government. Lot us try the peo
ple awhile longer and if public opinion does not
-mite round to the present levee let us repeal or
amend it. I should he doubtful of the result of
1, an appeal to arms to confine slivery within any
given limits. I should have none st nil of the
attempt to-enforce by the like means ile claims
among freemen.
Your readers will bear me witness, that while
I called for a law that - would fulfil our duty to
Six just hail in the Sen
to (:.e I•,,i•ert the futirre sadly. I
try (ruin ••1' ott!the southern
side can Its ...tutted i t the potty i tumults of n
score of blacks in ni- a t could be.expect-1 .
ed from the Orrlirrttl, of :,me oil the warst,re
sults of coliisiong between •011thrril slave hunters
and the people who protect ,fugitive slaves, net
in the commercial cities, but in the western re
serve of Ohio. in western New in the ru
ral district. of NCI . ; F.nt7hltidr . To put the gar.
tion is enough: I need Ortt ' ZllliKer ti.. But . I may
soy that n collision, attended with bloodshed and
the loss of life is what the southern disunionists
are'praying and waiting for.
The House to ,flay fully confirmed the defeat
of the fugitive hill, refusing to receive the sole
lasing it om the table, by nn immense Msinrity .
Thus results that question. The day -has been
employed in debating and acting upon the gener
al appropriation hill: It tans necessary found to
off all debate, even that under the fire minute
rule. The bill will be disposed of by to morrow.
Jr .irs.
. This city ha rarely witnessed a more - ordeal
celebration than that of ye-terday,. which was
briefly alluded to in my last_ After the conclu
sion of the parade mail oration, the •.Union Safe
ty Committee: together 'il-i - th some five or nix
hundred citizens, eat down to a sumptuous din
ner at Nitdo's ~..pa6nll.l caisson. Mayor Kings
land presided, and Robert C. Wetmore, -,E,.p.
officiated as Vice Pre-ideal. Among the invited
guests were Senator Foote, of Mississippi, the
lion. Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, Chan
cell4 Walworth, Brigadier General Whiting,
.Major Morgan, of the British Army. Rev ' Dm.
Spring .sad Cox, and_a good many othe not
known to me, 'including
several of fi cers the
United States Army and Navy. Speeche were
delivered on the occasion by Hiram Ketchum and
and G. W. Gerard, 1',10., of this city, Senator
Foote, Hon. Mr. Everett, Rev. Dr. Cox, and
Mr. Laydon, Mayor of Mobil's. Mr. Everett*,
speech elicited o great deal of praise from all
Parties,' from its ebajoent and patriotic tone; He
dress a picture ot the past history and p gm,
of the L ailed Suites. and COntraged die position
which the doluary would occupy, in ease of dis
solution-of the manfederaey: but added this there
woo no danger of sub a calamity whP, the
country possesses 01.11 Men as Clay. We inter,
Foote, Cane, and others, t, Ito threw them elves
into the breach, and conjointly fcmglit a: ainm
disunion until it was crashed. the United. mer-
Mans were entertain,' with a 'highly pa riotic
oration by 12• Laid C Whit., Esq., a mew er of
the order, nud out applause 'ea;bal forth w a se
rf The stage was appropt'ately
arrayed* with nags. wreath, banners, kt . nut
by the side of the :Teal:, was a Tem le • of
Liberty. in which a as a young girl of 1G yt ita of
age, attired as the Gotidesa 4 ut Liberty. " lu the evening, the City Ilan was- brilinntly
illuminated. 0,, the esphanade in front, was a
magnificent transparency, representing th "Fa
ther of his couutxy. — Transparencies exit biting
the name, anal planns .it,wint, the princip c bat
tles were four", luring be ilevolutionnr . a.• War,
were talso'displar., .1 ',en tai l tnao of the bu Wing,
and n magnitiet rat di-pins erne, aortas toe', Once
about 'sk...,rl t: :her was most pro
. patioua for the al,rie, anal, and everpthing
passed off with era :it r•.;:f.
The steamer i:her, chi% ea here Intl erea
in; from (hagre, with
$54:41,000 ‘l,l. ced "ne berAre
fifteen i.a..ger, The ;hie,. which arliveti
berricat iU, a t gold. The tiewil
Arum the lee e.aticipated by the
rival of the
A tunn nattiol ;atone: Shearer. a passenger
by Lite Telettrur.o team ilt.,fres. wan taken into
cueuely,ri,boi a fellow
lm want nantekl I i • tr•i,htto in California
Th.. t hut. haind courted
t;•l in u t.ttrit so t•••,,,,r, which vn ,
o,ll,ldt:red vs 11;., gulfs, anti
. .
Lc was aceorttegly ememeed “amiaatien.
Yesterday Laer,Meg .1.1 farmer named Mc-
Cormack. from the •• 1 beet. Memdain :State," vas
-taken and done ;nr - count of fp:v . lll,Z
dollar,, by a Ivona: .;: . -bad repute.
An old man, uflivar.i4 uf -eventy years of
calling himself Dr. lnolle, - Arnold, ray taken
enstOdy b,t111;11.1. 0, ot attempting
to abduct a little lrl . ohlyo4
trtoon years of ago
her residence, In street, lon tho
purpo, of ronvevint; 1: , ,e of ill Inc...
The ald hm . l. U.: up for examination.
Although this aluter has lest one of the mild
est experienced in this latitude tar many yea,.
our ice companies hate managed to secure
good crop for L.'S season.. The crop of Cronin
ice now housed lit stated to he 140,000 tons.—
The parties concerned in ens enterprise . intend
transporting it to this city by the Harlem
and the it'irplus. if any, will toe sent to
Philadelphia and Baltimore. Syr.grsror.
TI/E GOLD REGION or New C. ite,ati.a.—ln the
adjoining provinces, in the Nthious of Panama,
and Republic of Now Grenada, the attention of
Americans has been k.te!y called to the richness
of the gold .3 plation mat. On the 15th of
this month, Orson Anterieln, namely. Messr,
Andrew F. J. Phelan. S. it. F,:iirooa, Chas. ill
con, Peter Johnson, A_ J. Johnson, Louis &lade!
and John Grives, etabark,l Imr: to go to
Charambria, then to up the river San. joint
some miles to Novint. the chief town of the, pro
vince. They went well. recommended to the
Governor by Senor Florentine Gonzales, a gen
tlemen well and favorably known by all the
.Imerican residents here.
The sand.: of all the livers of Choc°, we are
informed, are auriferous. and gulches hate been
been found equally rich with those in. California.
The piegines mach the gold sand from all the
bunks of rivers L'Atrato and San Juan, and di,
very hove • brought from the beds of the rivers
large piece; of gold of many pounds weight.—
They commonly wash from half an ounce to on
ounc9 in bull a day; they occasionally find pie
ces or grains of gold or•s poimil weight, and
sometimes more.
The provinces of AntiOquis and Choco hove
population together of &thud '.:2%1100, and their
mines, although badly and urskilftilly worked.
produce annually $4,000.t.00 ,to
All the Grenadian doubloons that we see in oir
culation here are made from the products of the-e
mines. The negroes ate, like .their race. a
little lazy, the most industrious not working
morn than two or three day, per week. Were
the work properly conducted, there is - no doubt
but they would produce front • 515,000,000 to
*2 0 .000,000 per annum.'
The Grenadian Legh,lature boo been moat !:L
-eval on the subject or tomes. They _grant to the
discoverer of a mine, whether on Government
land or on the land ,of individual,. the perfe;:t
property of it. Ther. ore Ind eltilva .
gold or platium and bu.t;gnerT ,, , n4md in 1.1. n
country me nNeinfit Ml:anr7 .Inty, and all
tones or eontribut.ons for two-..ty years: there is
beside in Sew Granada; a prrfnct liberty to w,s
ship not--in any Ray the parties
Up the Atlantic 0,0 may et;:i.ter Choco
nod . ra , nllc. •a•lt. 1,3 the ;ignition
!t side
131 , tALt , I.b.t.;e 0 5 mt
I.on I>:r a\ et - s[l,l , an 51,,A, ~ostk,r,
t amt
r. , f,.7:0N.--11. in; sttrtle meta amid "It; Actt.t.ttpc thc
remirt the age ttt• t,tt
prorcutertt. lb.; Sitracter .
atts met with tittetittrtt sttee;lttra C: 3 .1
„r t.t•rwrinnte httitlft,t, 11,, y. 4
- fiechtims to he rtt - rner: trt
morLally, we tsar. grieto,tl itttlet•.a. t r
his prorcAter of Free,tl Ilic 1. /ital.;
Ito •. Dr. nyentoU.:lnti
. . - . .
••Edol:atrti, , . their edi]
cre:.,e drunkue,, a'adl , :; , 10P. 1. ,
about and Mily we ~11!
you pay for 141121 rioter
(11•01.1 t,.. M 1 pru, . p . , • it.
Peter to in.v poalindurdee and iw Built
upon a candy to.uplunou It etnnot and if .
It be permitted to I.:, go ou and it contra to a
foal great will be the idal of , lle cpncludes
a aorneodukt long communication . bj , ,..egnetting
the Editor "to insert it in - a:zonspieriousf.lioe
his wide serQtdated paper." '
1 1161. :, -