The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 27, 1851, Image 4

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    Oulakarl A ors .
F. ad Pittstaggi Gazette.
y• .1:1, G um
name - zhould be
tt, be set:
n 'a the star we See
e =tee yet;
r can tarn from V
t .sorts forget.
alps o'er her
a• Bowleg'
airs tt
1 nip'
a le
• ti
cv rj
Clierinhq in,
..e :thould be
kr etar we Flee
e yet:
turn from thee
. forget.
Thy datultleas
Tlte patriot De
Though t •
o'er her former fame,
5 that smite—.
adage wed in shame. ,
rs that blight— .'
ight a &trac t
Though CI
Awl licks th
. utig h time
-24 W-breathe
A cloud by' da
~ , 11q lite 1-
*Jae is s
Thy pray
tOtc 40;
&ere we tarn,
test Youth can learn,
MS we pray,
where sojourn .
:till obey.
0, first iw wt same In peace!
Ile'wed of ieart, .
Fame's halcre . thy name increase,
. How dear 1.... .4 thou art! . . :
With.desth our.praise shall only cea4e,
With- that oin love depart
()Pint aggregate of nations.
Glorious 1 hole of glorious parts,
Unto endl generations
Live Ifni hands and hearts!
Be it storm, or summer weather,
Peaceful to, or battle jar,
Stand in beantxous strength together,
Sister States, as Nov ye are:
Every petty class-dissension ,
Heal it up, as quick as thought ;
Every paltry place pretension,
Crush it, as a thing of nought;
Let no narrow private treason
Tovir great onward progress bar,
But remain, in right and reason,
'Sister States, as now ye are ! '
Fling away absurd ambition L .
People, leave that toy to kings'
Eavy,:jealousy, suspicion,
Be above such grovelling things
In each other's joys delighted,
AU your bate be—joys of war,
And by all means keep Baited
• Sister States, as Now ye are
Were 1 but some scornful stranger.
Still my counsel would be just,
Break the band, and all is danger,
Idlitual fear and dark distrust:'
But, :lon know me form brother
Arid a friend who speaks from far
Be at one then with each other„ .
. Sister States, as Now ye are!
If iteseems n thing unholy
Fieedom's soli by slaves to till,
jristl and sagely, slowly,
Nobly, cure that ancient ill:
.i.-40w19,—baste is fatal ever ;
./Coltly,—lest good faith ye mar;
Sgely,--not in a wrath to sever
' Sister States, as Now ye are!
C'harm'd with your commingled bettl
England Beads the signal round,
" Every man must do his duty".
To redeem from bond the bound
Then indeed year banner's brightn . s
ebbing clear from every star, ,
Shall proclaim your joint uprightnss,
. Sister - States, as Now ye are! i
So, a peerless constellation
slay those stars forever blase !
Three•and-teO-times•three-(old nation
ao-ahead in power and praise!
Like the many-breasted goddess
—Throned on-her Ephesian car,
Be'--one heart in many bodies !
Sister States, as Now ye are !
ALOOSY, January. 1851.,
According to Boerhaave, the healthiest childret
are horn in January, February and March.
Serpents_ annually eked their skins, which,
remarkable as it may at first nppe'r, extend
over their eyes.•
The naturalismalkpox•usually carries off eight
in every-hundred attacked with it; bit of
bundled inoculated Only one dies.
• I
The flea, loe.ust and grasshopper jump
hundred times their own length; equal
quarter of a Mile for a man.
Of one thousand infants fed by 'the mot
milk, not aboile three hundred diet but o
same number ' reared by wet nurses, five
Bred die. , .1
China, properly so called, contains about
hundred and fifty millions .nod, nd ex
over 20 degrees ot titleade 20 f longi
or 41. square degrees.
Thero' are'in man five hundred and twenty
seven muscle's,- two hundred and fly-seven -of
whicliare in pairs. Of these, no ess than one
' hundred are constantly smell in the simple set
of breathing. ' , ,
There are 37,000 seeds in the capsule of in !
tohaccoplant; and Ray, the celeb ted botanist„
counted, in the head of a poppy 32000 seeds.—
It has been calculated by- many 'naturalists that
the elm tree produces yearly .630,000 reeds.
The average depth of the Atiaktic ocean is
set down at 14.400 feet, and that if. the Pacific
at 18,000.- 4 On the western side Of St. Helenit
soundings hue been made, it isl i nid, to the
depth of 27,600 feet=-fire miles an a quarter—
without touching bottom. -•
. , The first code of written, lairs possessed by
the Athenians was prepared by brace, a - matt
of stern and rigid character. `These laws 'pun
ished all crimes with death; and, lon account of
their sanguinary character, are said to have been
written in blood.
. .
• If the feathered gills of a small perch could be
unfolded and spread out, they would nearly cover
a square yard. This will not appear so extraor
dinary when it is recollected that the nerve in a
. dog's nose is spread in so thin a web, that it is
computed to be equal to four squire feet. ,
lu the human skeleton there are two hundred
and fifty-two separate bones. Hard working
- ' people sometimes bare an extra number, which
are formed near the joints of the thumb, fore
• finger and toes. They are useful in increasing
:,:-;she power of the muscles wherever they grow.
The aorta, or principal ‘ ,M•te4 of the whale,
r_ measures about a foot in diameter, and the quan
tity of blood threwn into it at each pnlsatien,
s; has
been estimated it from ten to fill= gallon
rush •of this fluid is quite audi le to the har
pooners when about to etrke thenimat
A watch consists of 992‘piths
ande in making
' . • it 33 trades and about 200 perso are employed.
• A remarkable` Instance of the effect of n
augmenting the's:due of raw nuteirial ill affor labor i de d
by the balbuserepring of this instrument :One
farthings worth of iron will inake 7650 ballanee.
springs, the market' value of which is about
2034; nearly $4,400. . . .
• t
. el Great Noyor.—Theclipperi ship Ilowqua.
Captain Isla Kenzie Jr. arrived t New York on,
Wednesday, from Shanghai, has . s zt:usde the quick
est out and home voyage ever before accomplish
ed. She left New York March 14, 1830, and
arrived at . Shan'gbal, via , San rancisco, which
place she left again on the 23 N vember, passiWg
Angier when 16 days oat, anc arrived in New
York in 89 days. She was absent in all, eleven
'months and five days; at se. 279 liars, and sailed
43,52.3 miles. • '
Patents grattted.—Among the , patents issued
last week were one to - ThoMaS Champion, of '
nu.. 13
l'hiladelphis, Pa. For, improved annular steam
boiler. Dated February 1 1821. —Philip
Rhodesof Pittsburgh, Pa- For improved
1 1
snatch block. Dated Feb 18, 1831. Ed
ward J. Delany, of Philtidelp is, Pa., A
to-George D. Heins, Jahn L. dsinson az
• ben Haas of Philadelphia; Pa. For des
Umbrella stands. Dated Feb aiy 18, ji
Another Qttick Passcige.— e bark . I
Capt. Thomas , Al, Johnston, from San Francisco,
'l2th September, arrived atSlianglial on
October, afteru passage of 43 days, which, is the
shortest yet made between th . two ports.
Lard for India.—Some pod - packer
• Louis are filling up an order fur a New
house,' of 21,000 . lbs. of lard to be sill
`-''; CalcUtta, in tin cans of 2311 as each. 'T
,o k,e delivered packed, at S g en ts per poo
of Feb.
• i Death of Rev. di. Ogittry. Onlignani,
• i - 4th, announces the death of the Rev, John D.
Ogilby, D. D., Professor in the General Theolog
ical Seminary of the Episco c al. Church in this
country. He had been ill u F ong time.
Dr. Linch, a famous bo st,of illertztany, and
Professoi of the University of Berlin, is dead.
He was 82 years old. Charles 'Atathew Sander,
a .distinguishtsl surgeon of Gerimmy, is also
'--The Dutch papersrepoi r t
dam, aged 72,, of a marine
71, Rockbrit, father of the
wage painteeof itie_same
A'billhaipaesed the le.'-
emptiag Or:meted to th •
texecation.,:. •
The_tegishattre of •
• 17th, after visaing the • •
Gatereefs veto. • . •
V, 1- •
- •
.. .
Cal. Wut.. hfoore,of_fiouth Carolina, has been
wery sucmeescnkiti his eipitiment of hybridising
seweral vitiethocirof Upland with Sea Island
cotton. Zr' ~,- ' `' l
Anber, thecarulliser, was born in 1784, and is ;
now therefae, siaty-seven years of age. lie has I
just began a now: opera for Alboni.
.. .
The Goirernmeikt of Austria is taking min,
saws for 'granting4h' e author?, artists, musicians.
inventors; &c. of all countries, a copyright in
their - works. ~.- , ,
The only English papers admitted into Rome,
are the nom and the Morning Chronic'', which
are perinitted only to the English Club.
Thalberg, the celebrated pianist, has justcon
'eluded a new ot;ern, which will be brought out
in London in the approhching season of her Ma
jesty's theatre. :
The apprehensions entertained recently in Eu
rope about the .scarcity of silver seem” entirely
to have subside 51.
A peifect minis for dancing isaid to prevail
ate ienna. classes engage in the. waltz, old
and young,. and -high - and low.
Bulwer's new , play, intended for the-benefit of
the new Literary Fund, is already completed.
The subject of it is not yet announced.
The first trial by jury took place in Vienna a
few weeks since, and a large crowd was present
to see how it worked.
The free colored population in the northern
counties of Ohio numbers while in the
southern counties of the same State, it numbers
iCHANT. for the ralwof 11.0riestle. Wooten. and Cottou
seal.. ha 129 Wood ntrert Pittaburgh.
Orden , lilted at abort notlee for any dimeeirdien of f Wool
l'.."‘ ''''''l'.?!.!.tt.__..__. ebl7
existing bersretm the subscribere, muter the .tole of
arse% Fleming A Co l . in till, day disautred by tuutusi
IRA Iflllt*El',.
it l NitlitlZ E ili. i 3 i l lN
Ira Hersey or IL K. IFleming is authorised to ore the
name of the Into Arm i* th e settlement of their buglnewa
febl7 a ,
he partner...bin
be.etoflr' xigtingh.twer 9 th.'t..
.001, F thhoiieoS4all.r.zlt7r.;
thcrhxd to the yaw of tireinte
gm for that puma. , No. 101 iF i n , tar
February 12.1 d. . THOS. It. k iFll.l
IVEW FIRM B. C. Sbacklett and William..
I_l - Payne,. gene partners, and.f4cuamin Olple. aa
norcial 4.12.1 limited nill continue the Nabolegale
Dry Gooda Moines.* d e firm of II C. IshaelrJerta lei,
at the etore.lately mympi hr Ehacklett A White. No. 11l
Wood atreet. B. P. till ACKLETT,
fehl4 - ' {VSI. PANE.
ETABLE POIFDF.R , for the cure of F.Y.Coeury or litenr.a.
A safe and rant Metes:idol remedy f . or tha ,... t .2xernel e a r ting
and intolerable Trot;,;_ebgh.,,,,,farillthemlf,„,tb;,,,,,*
tligat'gpflele ;Elle eurlue r : „ ro . i be i. nm .m . t i o7s lee k I '7 d . g.
tiVe l'. lite end r
e t i lt n ed il. , tyt ? thls mil rigilaanre!it re e ' ttialy 'harm.
tem as regrow*. the hild, an It may hr retalloyeed wi th out
the lean poesible kof trklutl. . .
~,,,,,,, b .
" Tea ' t r
=o'c. rt7tte'lnir.rol.di Vol„ . of i l l iM
7 . 47 . reci . •
.P'"V.. P 47 i7.llar:Pya co..
1W Liberty street. Pittsburgh-
For vale by 1.. tel licemmat..lan. Alirmini, Joy. Dort...
add. D. A. Kuuon, nagliri. Alif2syrOi. -
HE Lib' S all say "If yon want real
.1. good T.A. rto !tanks a Ilayworthe Tea %a:We in the
Diamond for it. The Tea they sell at 00 eenta pet vomit
I. lawn, reel rt.• and tlitee at 75 cents and $l. are a *Bano..t priced. daemon:U.or InfCriOr Te l are twvekept
tibia establish:Tr mod they n
its redid all their Tem,
dirt. from the atrial cheat, haeproved WM Teo will
not keep In Metal ir wrapper , . which. by,boldina on b. the
1141 at. you will hall is agyerousmgjaladlareal. 1..0
EAD PIPE--Cornell's improved p
L Lead ripe f# Flydrants, • .
F. F ,
. A r d dy ' ra c rliiiletn ,
Cisterns. ac.
ham' n'll.lelga.Flloogligli. Water. 1L
It3i;illalgraaßr._i"ahn_Pry cl ' f i gpl h o l' a Try J r' o g oaTA: " jr.. I
vim the Moot heir gmtomem and buyers generally. They
bonito attention to their extetteive tterortmeett of m e style
print, at 12Ii mull per yard, selected with parilculm ref..
creme to durability of color. An excelet saheb. is Alt
°tiered at 0
per y ora l e arreuted lea colore r. Alt
choice atyle. of Enallall eh races. from 120. to Ibt.. ceo
Liload. malty 'of them entirely new dean.. A 1.., ne , 7•
y ).l:Cagl re IVolrki:c=f. L ' 'ttr. ut..k.2 , 71 1 :. 5.. ' 11.: -. .
note and Bonnet Ribbon. Bone. Cap, •0. febl:
NItAV MUSlC—Where an. tho friends of
Er.r.r VaTtigbli....'tirokt'arli To,.
The Robin.
k i''' ' ' '. ''' r "itomPop*m r ;
~., .64;,.....i k 1.::
.i.N.'ors .."1...711.1. ' ' ' -
'am.' Mm e Is far Agony.
OIL meet me on the Silver
0.0.1 Night. .
3.14 Genie' , on the Prairie 1. 1 ..-a—Wigalhury
Lily Kb,. h‘h. C. Futter.
I've left my ',lathe Village. by U. Barker
.11'0,',-.-'.r, flte"ilsek Shaker , tong and Poll ,
W.. 1.1 I care crib thee--1..r iiiiitm.
two . it.oon"ttel,otoo7:ebtocle!oll'a r
~, .ra nted 0 S b and it —eon rod
' - e bee bee C heti
t 1 7 : 1: .:, ef t
i :a t t: ..:I: e rfe l,, l tT e l t 1:f . .. - .. , .. " .: . rr , , , , , :: ::
.:.. 7 1 : . 11 .4 . ‘ 11: 7
u. &: . f.:
Ghia _ tiolden Harp. Third M.
they', NEWiiOOKS--The History of Pendonnia.
a end misfmioo. . tit friemit and hos
'I. th e wi L
reamteenllu:ll.,,:tnr:uy.,,,",,B.,t.l.l;,,Viulli:ll3,,,,,ll,alteprualcey.The re . x . : b ra , : . " 1::::
bun- ina.ation, on by , tg r rgo , l. In 7 , ,, , r . 01tra ;.,.
Balla Books.
three No. 11 of the Pictorial Field lbot of the Resolution fly
[Lenia I, The store n. lawainx_ .
WadeThestore b''" ' P”' r'''''''”
re Ii&E.TON.
No 17 Ilarket at.
y be feu. In the me of Perry Da vi. Teiretable Perm
E • Opinion of the mmt prominent Druguists end
Merchants of Cincinnati in Its figron
Cr.... Oct. 21)0. leae.
IT, theundersigned, Drnima .d 31erel.nt• of this
City, have been orotnainted with, .3 sold far . a year_tv Men
kfuWbr LeVinlitr.:gdme;T,;il+.72;:il<Taavrlf..l
I,l7",taglrr,.:;„lttl-::.1 ts , Tl',..`l l X.rgi N1,,111-
publle a+ an artlee of great me. and Menne lade.. we
peter tome an article nf s.l,ete.beem,n,e, fo il b etemllr i .
fire=v'e,.;;;;„n,i° • inrr ''v easing 'r det e
'Wel leyjlh;:.fralilYElDrhntiThsal, ageot, Eo. 67
{l'oollMeet. febl3
NEW BONN E'IS-filurphy it Burchfield
Imo °pot this mottling eftinekLemte of lt . so ,, Ellrbilit
.traslu'l;',7M'a I'ValpiFerol)!2%.7v7iVie: Viten ', "7=l:
Tino ' ii. Ali ' Con . and Milan Al enue Cotta
' . "'
E n''' d 'r ff 1 tic; . Yes rl, T ..1 E'
Chins-Peart mbrol ere o. Mae 0 r , a y ,
Pedal sod Pearl. Englith Lama. thip and Ininttable. Also
Miami and Chlldren's Bonne°. of • variety nf dries. --
.AllO. superlrt oiled. ETirliql P.1.C.. plain and end
milorilLaiip die. us low. se dii,,e ; lloys and In.
•fentsaitts, Coburg. Alb., 1-111 . 03 Pearl. ?bum. se.
L'';.‘"!.`"lfi',Ll)Tb- e'iktir.:&r,l„lflairgx.o=l%;.lS
1 .
L . .ltler 'Dom. kelvin. , reed. and for sale at 110LSI kill
Literary Pep. lin 74 Third et. (.13
~_ .
- 117
c j k . T 1 l . . .
. 1;:- WORKS--The Se- ,.. -The! \Vat.
Water Cute . AmetleMadlted b 4. Water Patient.
liand Illooltrof llydroyathy bar leselanal and Ike..
' s l . Zgr,.. ' gra 'i e - 71 . e. of Ilydropathy. tvi;la MU. eO, to
illustrations of important subytett. by. Miiraot Jobnetot
i tb hi 11,Vk. D. 7')liriTl:„l 0:k
proOakr. Ix.ololollltdl.ltteierat, .
The above works for sale by • R. C. hTOCETON.
Pookseller .d Med.., earner Market stel Third ste
0 3,iASTER BUILDERS --Proposals for
ako bollalw.f the Sixth Prtriat+riam Ch b.
Trd, Mrmlf.Ni br Capt. 1%. D..... a 9 , ed , , fr ,, ,,%1
oet, at 1L o' lock, nb=t+ flout and Wcl ratlu
eee. and nal Informstionpven orh
U1'"" Bc'"
1.1E11116, s•er
Pittsburgh. Feb.:P:6W
- --- ----,.
c7,-10 jrarr=iltotr.paro:7lr,!.Vr.olV,Zl,°.r.aill:rg
nayenute. V.lthilaylUl,arbeeth nest l fg the gift:st&u.roillal,;( to
IL'AlLitr'!fllYstahrAirn;:r tllTh g reiTla Mdiv
Fbnya . i r licalkum of the work may be examined.
and.neceerwey ittrortoottou obtained on applimtlonim the
Engineer. at the Office of the Company. dun. t m teu
dell proviout to the IMF of ettimr.
rfe'dton'Adrof the
ThrliaT. CROZIER. `Yee,
Notice to Contractors.
aoao—s... l . . 1 Pm'', i i:r i l,t";:2,7,:; X . 11..
0. the Ohlo ano
,ixt, 4.1
rorgnoh*tbug?lt"Thnetun'itttrhulph to bborbillomn dinar,
of 107 odiroTloKiihrttioos ono forme of Pru .: 7mb. nosy be :
ttbt.4'd 00
th . E: ofit'
ill'ertitor tahl'ormr;7l.tgaitri
..thz_botti. ,„°° o *PY, matt ye to wanton... .1010,too
i ' ri;‘4 .. 6"'":" ' mr " .4 . tatINWST okt:zd,,tr
ntiko.bargli Feb. tith.lFsl. !.. . .. ~
North ?Mei - Wan. New York 'MI.. , A.o'n c.u fr rar
Journal. publbh four times.
_______ _
TIROPOSALS for Erecting„ a Wire Sui, , r9-
„'71,020 O P ' ai pin' t'firofEl'ig..:WhVrelK":l:et:.Tatt'"%::.l%":ritb°;il;l2l7%ea'''.ll4;llto'f'orlcr!tYt ..;f';:infe'"r3-i:
b.........- newt. floe the erection of the ob.. o,,,trant, bnage;daw
'' i g n for ritt=troVrit be tt Wrenn W y rit h' stl ß t r h i e V,ll
"o'o' Ern v. ibriVr P..
Gallego, _
. st.
ewes for Poor years from the ern del of Pr
nest. when
rfOrletitiA ordered e a f Ptin.f.
' Win F . 17; receiv ed°r"'r""Tr thin 'l"° i : ull:
~' e
pertinent until the eth day ea tarch next. for foridel ,
„ i ,_OP eti to ripe name of the albs and net. in elteul - r form, cut
, neY • ore . fram..arme.kt.
o block .. o of f
itirenl,,,neued..iol,4,sel, ant m ' e L id d,4, s to
rn ju l ep ..
-"d' m a th end def . with • dilimb ivnt• hi ' , ell !Orli burrs
Ara thfUrell“ plus , goat stamp. end the lettere emote,
log the mune, to be of the same /fee toi thtee now menu.
&enrol and in too. A turned mehogeof h a egis o f l b,
name Übe elm to be reel/rely be to raid .nuop. 'II,
reenthsof the f eas abbrevimrd 00 II to cootsin
the ,
lettere rub. of the gamed.... in we, end to ho sot (wen
MoMnalrfrilTele.Vcitstri 4, =Tiro:tra d e rant/
metal, and of the sire lAst eforetakt.
Also. ftailtp, with the words - vale and -free . a the
(DM attune ow In use.
A i, , with tapir! denoting the revel 01 poeteee,
and +Miler to thane lump ore.
All of the above stamps to be mode of herdened eteel.
The ploplawls with goo contain isiparate bide toy the cir
cular stamp. with the muathe and Ageism
Also, for tea reparate p4e7e, containing the month row`
eisting of three lottery.
Abe, for each letvirebe pier . Ihr the days of the month.
Also, for nomplete sets of months end Ilgurea
Alm, for igeh plece With the uordes2seld tl
Also, for cleat emirate piece wi' izy=arrili
the ratesof yeeheige, Tbv..tte n ,,, o l d u t,. but the
ruviii=r t
wi l l .witietTii-denned meet favorable to
She DepertMent will he wepted. Th. Department -re
serves to Melt' the tight wettest all propeeals If the peke
le deemed extravagant. •
' Specimens of the various kin& deform molted can be
ma at the appointment *nee of' this DepattPv?!....,
742:taserit • N. IL'll.aLle,Po4lolo. m••••
140 death, at Amster
winter of eminent
idistingtdebed Mast
tore of IllinoLs,ez
value of $lOOO from
aeljce3ined on the .
Peak b over the
.k enn sumo, Life Insurance Co. Philad'at I k.ll-- - . 1 / brls N. IC. Tar f,,r tl.. by
GENT' Ili PITTSBURGH, W.H. DAVIS, 1 1 JO, tvituluptii:.r. ',Zinn: AM
4(1,,,,;Ji..F,r7•3;;;!1=11. d';',,,,„,"1, 1 4,11‘; . 1ni., ' 'l 111 . LACK TA BB 'l ,, VELV E , TS (4 . ;,. ~, ry sta
rEirf'r, '4 2:1644",;,jr„.r.,,-;',! Irli, °L ,. 7,ll'TiroL,'ll,i I, P '- .r '"'‘.•`!-!' . !‘,, l•.,,,ii,;,.%:u'a l iNilii , '.'"
rttchonatnakrr A Co. No '24 Wood Intr., why, all neve.- 1 . Al , • N. L. n.r. loorth at „, t t ,.., . i .
Aalf inforscostinn will he given .drommunleatinn. prompt- , i,,1N}.., tt.,,,uzE
,FLANN i . , Ls_ mu,..,h,.
1,. ~stendeil to. unphlet. explabalna the principle .1 1 i 1 I . ~,• ~ , 1 •
4-nefite o. Lift. Ineurano , and blank forma furnillnsl on tureone ~..a..te on eta , an 0... eturent of alane .....1...
`,. ``sout. „ el.. „tr... . -. do •i1....111.1. na„,.,.1,
"Tiallittork over Via),ooo ..le.stantly Iratren.ina -5. r nilnantuttt.
Pruett, dirid••l •
annual 4 tilarintot thrt..eln.ned In: lift. 15.
Plsbarstb. J.. Z 1.1851.-1.11 6,11.1'E1l ERENC BLACK CLO T II S__
---- - 0 murvli , A •thierha....l 1...t0w • sten mi MU HL.. EA: the
karine, Fire, and Inland Transportation , ~,,,,, a..,.;,,t,,..0n ... ((,..,, (, ~
(,- . •. imil flt ite
Insurance. • ; ensurnit el..tha of ant .1.-cripten. In ti we th., a ~,,I ~,,,,,,.
• . ! nun m. t. 1,,
WIRE Insurance Company 4 Stirth Amertea. 1 .. El ,m I p,,, ; E. 1 ,,, m,i •
2`,lt'ittiii'ai.,r.".slr,lj."-ir.'llt,::'ir,L',..",:i; ' 1 u., „...., ,„, —, t., ... . .A•ti. nji O.I.F.IIOATEIt•
.1 blitn a 1 . 11.
littllrbrupt and their atm.. , in thi. eity awl sionittt al n, I. l ` ,
rtl9o7rjestl.:,"el"Neir"r,ydi="P:itri'Ll," i ll ' • ' • , 1 IV En PI I•I•s. IN NI , L. ,, (. ' t ( 1., (.I(s‘rt:o,
~...... ""
' .4 ..x. :v.. tor -.0,1,, pit. .. 1.1111. A (AA . '
Arthur li Coffin. Prel. Thos. , P. Coto, ,
1 1V1 A E CORES-.-351111 g,r...... r.,, ' • I,y
0 IW. Jones John It. Nerf.
i 6 . 1 ON li 1.,---- t .15i • n I n . .11,14 1 ',. t i l l • l : ‘ ,.s. e t " ra
Falnt .' d Smith. . hirliani 9 Mood.
=A-Ill.rkCiti.. William Wel..
Francis Itoilt, ins.' I 1.-..arn•Sfor ....1. hr 1+1 ,, , J. hllilt A. co
Instant' Bersilt, , e. At.... min.,. •
Charles Taylor. Mu, E. Bowen. 1, 4 I . :10M 5.6 ur s— I 5 lirttln lor ...0.. by
Arni...n4. tiroorr A•putwoll. 1 . . A nil' J. RI lili A tll
Jamb hl• Thom., Jame , N. Ihrk was,
S. AlUrriA WA'. IL IE Short - en', Seei in.. I. NI) LI 1 . ., '- --I . lII'. harrolc Family El ~,, r:
ThLs la the tad,•4 waren, COUIA.II,I, la the l' 0i1...1 Mate. 1 in.),,. ~,,,, •,,,,,..,..„,,,, ,•,,,,„.. t . ,,, ~r , , ~,.., J.,, a, ~i .' .
hi. standin. lustrest...m,. atpl.. onnto.. a „,.;:, 1,1 Egg , . lu. , tereittnltool tar-ale 1., .1 Lin
and avoiding all risk, aan u harartloti. chant. ter, It , ,
ano be mutate:n..l a...dent,. smote ...milt, to tbe lililille• JollN M All' A CO
Jo e,,,..nt., ' li: 'IRV'S TRICOPIIEROI S for •olt• by R.,,
jal3 N... 1 11 'nail ttret. I
• - - 1.111.1,b1t, r.: M,...1 -t -oh. nr• lit for Piltot.urt. ,
American Life and Health Insurance Co. I r'' ',"'"' " ' '''"'" . (1(.2..
tI, Murano,,.A. Ilan-Ina-1d invit. the att. nt..,,, il ' rli.nel
Agent for 'Pritrburglo. SA.III, 11. TO ITLE, i.• oiline t..• 1., t.., -, .. ar
, t. , lb., ....0rtn,..., a t...,
Orli,. a't rilth tt. al.. rmithheld ami , tn , ilt .- ot ,nee - Ono ..1 tor . 1u- 1.09......
Pamphleht contalnine. all ner., inforniatuTztni.• Is t 111 1 . _ ~,h paid . t . ,, ,, „. „..1 1.,
&awned at the ottbn. 1 1.1., MI 111.111 , 1 ht. f . ...1,,, •t
Delaware. Mutual Safety Insurance Co.. ROM N FLAN NE LS ono ~,,,, i,t ~,,,t
~,,,,,, It
QFFicE, Is N(AtTIT ROoM OF T111FF..... , . - p,.... ...nil fn. manor. tor. l a".. ~,,,,,,,.,,.
eak.xu E.,. Th,rai',, , i.t.b.4.,0hi, -,,.! ~1.• n , LEE I
h.. y,,tiorjng st a t e ment., the /Prim, 4.1 -
. t . ll..?taliltr.
1. intbUrbed In etnstrutiq with a prnel..o , n ~ , ;. 11 ED FLANNEL-On, ~,,• .r, hit,, ,tt,
„ mi .., ~,,,,,,,, In ~„,•,.,„ ir, I ~,:lti, .. 11, a 1.,,.,1,. 1., 1 .0.. MCI :PUT .‘ LEI:. 1
Ott Marine and I ulan4 Plilt. ytarj.nooll 13 , LAN kET s—sin 0,..i ,!,,,,i101., , ,i, ,t,.:, 4 i
On kin. Mil, irt.3 . 11 u 1
' ---- ttl ' l '' '''
tllll ' 4ll X I.IE.
10091, l't
il.rwit Premium. dtirir4 the It at . •1 l• •'r VW ELI (s -T1,,,, , ~,, ~ ~,,,0rt,,,1 ,r,5.,,,::,1„,
On !Urine andlnl.d Ki.k..... . 51,5-: , .1: 1 rail n . el, df. t„ in.itf.. tur r-, 5,r .ale lor
On Fire Ili.ks , - MI lIPII V s LEE., _
it , ut',.i.\.e-T,,.. toll , S. um., f,.r , ale
- 1 iii., MI itPIIC s'l EP
X I 01..kSSES--Eirty-tivn 1,1- Dire crop. pct
i '7F. - . '''
'. .l l tVE: '" i; l..
P,',,'! ` „ 4 ,, f 110 P,Aeltl ) -'k I,x, NI 1 our'. It tm i•t, vel•rivt4l
'‘ . .....4. 1'. ( 1 i ''' '''''' "'"'".11;7':..1,7i.;/.i'il.. 1.,11-
‘,J.:I , . '(' rl
,11 . 2.1 , I.II2ANDIES, WINES. GINS.
-.-.- 1 ~ half j.r.n. Crarmar ltranl. ...Pale and Dark 1'
151 0: . I. L.- a ~r - nil: dr. do -Pale." satiou• suit r
Tlic. Awn. of the tnmpanY an` a' foiln'a. ..., .. , •••, , In ~ .lo and ninil crl , hraie.l brand.
Bond, Mortiraste,....loroand Bent . . • • e • •I''' ••V 5 tit.. 11.41..1 ,ti1t...8..1.110. AtltAir.r and ..I.ill
812.0 04 ) Coiled ttlaten ttla Per..l,l!l_l.nan--- - V•?',..:., - ,',•1 1 - t0t..1..-no I rnh anil :re...tett 11111 t Mhieke,
..: oin Jarnatea Bm.
tn . .= r °a. ".T h ' rthL pt.,, - - • . .. 12.1 , 7 , 1 11, W.I. sF. .1.. .1,
.. , .2..•1250.1 ..
Ar IT..ka Port•Ott...
l'air,SPpl4 if= N:
.:: - .. ' 1.1:vo fn • .1.• 11.1.1...ra Wine . '
t ono 4.11 :, • • 11 1• NV '
I ro 'b.'!" P -1J
t. 8.111. r'...ti.....comr"'" i-,(,(,,, 1 , . ..i. i,77 • ),'-' ~.""
:0. - 51.:.b.,,k.°. ;,.......,,,,,,, Iwo.. ' 0 I • -t ~.m. lt me .
Piltsburyth ....
.. ... . . 2 I,ri 00 , , ~,r „ p . .„,,..„„
5 - PlulaJelplilaand Ilavn .I.'o,l,r:team , la il•.ro to ~I h r .51. I. .r. ol t. I' kithEß A I
Tow list Comp., ... ...- . '=..,....i , , ~,it . J . . 1 I .lert, '
ti " Philadelphia Exchrtaire Conililuo .t.
Scrip .d itock ut sunder Mutual In.rnn....
~ .1127n 1 1 , Alti'
Bill: rt:ele ' al: l ; ' .- . . .11:„u75 .21 ! , A "''' '..
Cash =hand. -....7 - - ,';'''.; '
( I °LI , PEN s. Wr hilt.' nil , 4 ill land It
1.d.. .,j. r 1.,. th , 0 r 1 h ',....,.., " c.„',„..„ 1 A '‘',. ' :,..;,,,7..j ' 117.t.t4 51 to•niltau t1A.....1A1 5. v \ ...t. ....I mail. r.Pet . tnl• r
....,,„iijii,',., -,,%,,,... •••• t" ' ' Ivo OM t., ,I- .. .1...1111....1 1.11. 01 •••• +1.1,1 In 01l il., s.lter
1 \
.1-1,2.:1., Ail 1,,, ~ .I. whot..-il, 1 1 1, N..• 1 1 •ri, ,, ,.67 ..,,.%
' Novranon 4th 1.•:.4.
The Bon? °fr6,ton 11.1, th, 4.a, I.l,lniest•ditt.l.:uti , 1 Es ist IN 11 11\I, Nis ~... i,,,,,., y „,.,,,,,i ~,,,, 1
In ca.. Olt the Inottol .0.01. 1.11.1. IN ~, „... 1., j, ..., • 11.6 1 1111_.• , ]
TIE'R'F•PN;I' to ll of the Cram an., , 1 , , 11.1.• •,.. ni..t
after Decrmher ltt, OA Alw, a alitarDNl.•t TEN 11.1; 1311\ \ it - j 1 m
~ :5.,,,,. EsE ,
CitNT in Serlp. on the Caliltai , tt'''A •mi E s4l .'''' '''' l ` l ' • ~,,.. t ., ..0„ i., j..., j hit,
... .0,
UM, Certifwat , for whieb will be 1.•.1. 1 a. ateile -
' t‘ II 't' .8 LLIST EI: S Ili N I'lr.vr It gr, ..,.,
William Martin. Willis!? tolwell. • . 1 . I. Jl l i l nnz,,,
, t , 1 ~ ,;_,„
' tr th -'',l l ' 'i;;! .° e v ir.!‘..,: - . :,.:: Tr . ,..,.,... , . ~..... .. ~.„,, ~ ~,
Jobtir ‘lla..yr. Jame. C Illn.l. ' ..-• %I Oran., I 1 .11.0 1)11. .1 1,1,1- I„; ..„,1,. 1,,
l It. Burton. t...
T. Paula:Lux. Ilia , hell,. . . II A a, ." J . 'n 11.1. ill",:tl,lT.'"' PI . ;t: . t'."'"' il T T
l' l ' , ' .rr.' „l" '- 1 lilt lEt IN /. :it t t.,‘,.. i t, „..k„ •,-, ~i , F „,„,,.,
J II li 1....,,,, I,lli A..M. ir . 11... h t ....- t l'n I. q• 1 , •IJ. , . C,.111-4 , til : . - , 1 . 1. r y 4 . 1 ,.„,
l`aar it 10,1.
j 0„...
~,. :1 , 1•LI ,, 0 0 1 1 11. TIN lad. ift. I
T W M." C S . '''''' "'''' ' 6:UN Old ES.- ~ . 1,1 , 1r,..1i 11,11 TAIDer.
• By tt,.. Art ,nenry/ting 011,0 mm., the 1. 1 tit , , , t I '--9
orPgritiitti,=X.V..rll:.l...: i,`%,) , I . I . . ..:1 1... • 11,11t..r
3tx, 1.,,.. i,.-: ‘o4• s '.
1t..1t1!...N. Li 1 1 i.t. Ain.
liability 1w,.... 1 the prtntuu. pant . /MIA I,ljll‘ . Fill. lark Innn•lt int tili. l C. , ..ttL
She, apital :lock ea 51.1ntetpte,N, tet en. In , n
C4rpa"nyl'rre"Ttnw-P'" m' r oh l " I
i":.1-0.1o*V1 1r1t.rt..!:::',:'..4.... r . ,(.:. :All:Ill It a 11011541-
1 t at b e....... C !.... on of the 1.11rt. ' i1.a ." .. 7 1 , w n•: Intel r.... the (a
nted r . .... 1 k.:, lit 111 . 1 S. I tin. 1.11....,11.1 1,41 Jon( ..
runty . ' d thr aeund. I ht. foud will , he repnne tn ' 1, -1 ~ r ~•• it, r 1...... Lott ....,A.;;,-,..,t.;..1.,,t,
rttr.itirtg"rtrer;l:N.T.L.let'L 'ti,;.';...11•L.'.'‘'''24:,..:.7,,rtil -
of earunllPrentlerne and Capital nue 1.,
P"''''''''' A""'"''' "'".."'''t P A MAU/IBA
tan'. fin. it All.l \li ANI, PRINTING I'Al'E
- • MA1,1101.1.
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. d '111'1,r;\,..,,.....1
1 1,,1.- , ..... , , :, ,, 1 ~,,i,...,
(1[1:A PITA L $300,000. IL MI LLE 11..1K ‘,... -,Lo u -;
, ~I,,,Tirlt,L;,
.' I,attlent- -- -- - . :nee...tart
%II .n.nre avaltot
r an knal ,, f rt.,. File , mud 1 , 1 , trine ' .
~ ~ , 1
~ ~ , . •••„ ,„ N 1:
" A
r ' ,., 'IV-lot:it-I.7'j : . t .' i . . ‘ : 'i:',-,.!'i::".,.'J ...11 4 ‘,' i 1 ' .,, ~'. : 1;11 ' ''"
Jaabatti the. et...lunit, mr..l who ni• •leterisou.. l , 4 , , ;1,. t• ..u. 1, w t 1 nt.t... , ,r , 1,,,,,11.0.1%.i1nr.,1...1.••• a
1 pe...toliluen.a.n.l liberant. to manila,. O.; % ht.., t. r •
~.. I. ~ , ..j. .
i Ilin
,12?.,,:.:..,....t?..t.d..a. iler,. .04 on, .., . . M., , e,..1 t rent -1.
I r a m...noun-It \ l ' ill ' e r ;. ' Jr . tn. , law , . J M Dot be, . rt,4 I tilt \\l it, ).61 . LI 11,1(Ehs. Ex tr.,
1101.., Jr ,Wm lt Hon. , . I Mtn-. uto.. M .1, -• .. 1i...; 1.11..1. t . 111, • .nI t • ill. • oilai.l. - t.,r -team
Au ; 11. , t `tlut.ea.lllor 5, ti .• , ' ;'• • .• ~...,..,. , I
. ‘,.
,up etalr...l l'inat.nettl. tot 01, ' .--
I Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp ' y , r:;‘,.1:;.1:1•41,."..;
; I: ,
.• . ' , : . ' , 1 , ' now 1,:,.,1h,g' I.r.t.
0 Ft:lZNl.tie Ni)lFirtiri-ttattaF...
,'. , ,„ ~,, 1, 0 1 .,,
nI f o -t- •
' rr...„.1;. ',,,,'n",,;11.1",':,,‘;..;' '„':„ . ,,,,,"1:: - „,„'"," 1 ,„ . : 1 ' 7 '. A 1 (1 1,11 SI I. \ I.:II. RANK NOTES. SIOIE6 11
r,...;--iJ','Car..lo. the loror ' e t -t rat; of Prenoilta
m ,,,,,,,, i,.„..,5, _ ~,,, ~,,, ~,„.•,,,.. ~.,...,.. ~,,
~_. •,,-1,:i....,11,....,.rfl .., ~. 1. , st-1 M.. r..t.-. t, a.
.."W 4.b ''' . ''" il. ' ''''''''''''''• ...'''` ''‘''''' ''' ''''' '''' Ir. 'no., sl..rn. •0i.0•, -n I . ~ 0.. motil 1.. r. „hie
'' ' ' ''''
" "‘
1 ''L
' '•71.1....t r 01: 501 . 1,
,11tr, Ai, 111,111, ,1.. r. Ilan . ,
tt'rtili ''oMrt.'"'...";-..'"na. il " 1 a 'l r'"' ... " I . la ' . : ' .. " t V„ettl2-..1r1V ;.. . ' ..• :, I • milt .tr..t
Onia''''""-:'":" " ''''''-'''''`""r't. ''''' j ' '"' i' fru F. s I I. • RIDER (NVITEs TR EI
Dario. Brawn Burton. John It..itetinn.,.. Sacuttel Edwaril. ,
lior .1., C.•r , I,lward Darlititrlnn I• 11 ,, I. DY.IS .11. . , ...,1.,111:,...i,11.*:,1 1 , 11: r , , ,, ..
...... . ~..7.y,...,,,,. e•. , t . n ., 1 , .... ,, 1... , ,, n... -
.. ...? .. 1 .
ham Volwell. Jnhn Nerlin. lit II 11 111.-i. n. .5.7. t ,t , .. , 1 .,.. , .
.. ,r, , . , ,
Hand. Throphilua Paultint,..l.l i:‘,......1r.,.4
b. 1..1 , , , r , ; . ,
...„..,. ,
,„,, •
~,,,1 1 .,....., ..
nititesiliathy.rif..l:rit2t, 'l • A n tr! ll . rt ' t . i., r rn...,... ~,. 1..,. l,
Jnhn 5..11er, Wm. Ey no. Jr
nterm.a. •I PrrravOacit-ll T Montan. Ilts,b Crn.r. 4,4 EN Er A 011 , -E,.• 1.r..1:11r:;,e.-I.;..iirl:li.,,(;;Sr;:tßf
Jahn T Low..
WuJJ. Ilsart, Pr.... Went Tip , . C iltort.. Vler PA.", —.,
~ .. , . , , --..,, r . ,
dent_4l,.rtrrn r.hCnct•taa. :; 17 ,,,! .t , ,
4. ,
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. _ 1) lI I EL.-1-1., hrl , .tn.l i nn J rlm
~,,- j) Inat , r. (atoll, an f.r ',.... iil .. ,
bril , h. rn'i° 1 ; . 1' I 'm' ''P a. itrilt/.lltA. Arr-ent. ~,,, _
_,,,y , ,, }.„ ~ yjk ,, , ,,- . .pr i
gm:lloin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'ai lc II ~ m( (1... \ t:, - ric.(iyidst..
~,,,,,,,,-5,-},..vti i
pIRECTORS: Charles NV liam•ker. G bo. , , f l _ l
. 1 ;_ ..-
.. : . Y . ' i l
W. flichabia,Thosiir. "il i o , etlo/ it , .
,L,,,,...,,,T,a,..,,,,,... rI , }F :. 1, 1111 is . K. t, F, I 1), I , __,‘..„Tl,
Adolphe E. Dory, ._amn. .ran. . • • • y.l t.ti ~ 15e.t. h.. r.... •n I 1,11, 11....1 tln
Jamb It ftoltit. Mot. Pattarton ”1 „1., It t 'rot:bin': t
CIIARLYJ , F 11.titC11EIL Pr...dent , •
Co 0 riatta.ra. recretari. 11,121 PE AC I 11-: -11,....1131,1,1r.,<11,11,i,0t
Thi.CompanY enntni"s."'P."n°o".' LIP n...., , xml I, •,!. Ik ,
~, , ,
or 1.R.A.. of
d..,rii ll . nf ',pert -, to t lien atli ‘,....,,
country, at rates a. Inw ax are AVIA11.1•111. U lib ....turn, .-I''
whTichc,,U'airethr?irhe'Zlta"l"a7l"ll`rr'rctsZurjtanftetrllV.Tol; (11.1.E,1.1,,N,,E,E..‘„),...N.,,1',,,..1-..';,.,......1t. ‘ . 1 . . 1 ,. ) ,. " ,.,. . r V,11 3 1 .
affordample protection to the ......Uml. 'AI P.:ill, A Itl'ltl 111'11,1 ft
Thteseettr. of the Ctmpant no January I.t. I.PJ• s• Mil - I I ''' _
'liana aJTecably to the Mn ..f Ae.emblY. wer'' ''' I4 ' n'
I,jIIENCII I, E.A r _ Fif:: hurvll... Erondi
0 , ..17,4 2 . 11 1' I I .I Itnit • 1••••t ,
rte •>tort nn
11...1 Est.. . . '4.7,1 t.. 1 6 ""''' b"".."',":00:11‘.‘1.ttl.: I II: JI - M ‘ .. -I -t.
Tam L''''' .• .....
' l ' r,i' , , , ' , . :: . .
d ,(11.0tc.___.1,,(.. R.,-e l'inl
? 4 . .. ," 1 .. ...
ft...ltomrsuc,, ......... ......... ...
Expel:x.l , heat. taleri,...vrr, -
Expenses . daring the ramv t
tarineanfl Inland Navigation !1;11.7..
i . . - :T .-, - : , - . T ;171
~ 1. ~:. L; -::: 17, 7, ' ;,:,,7:,,vi1.,,ui: ~,-,
hrftv'f.,T.4,ls:-,=,;:nt,ra0%irv:::,2,;:v7A.....2.,..?-i . ,- Ey Nil Li j 111\ ..J1Jj.„..,.. 0hj„,..,.. Ar„„r
1:511.ft.1J:..7.,i tT,llgae`!"..r:t'..l;''' ';l",iit';',4 2: 1„,;.. ~.11.-,-,,,, ‘.,-.,-.7..;,,.';,4.7:,11zir.,1,,t,
~ Cl,
p...a, ,, ,, ~,,,,,, with pprM•alij,'Nr.,:. ,„„
i, iv ~,,,,,-, TI. 1 L i lII' , I n
t anJ t id of Sa,afra ,
_vd 0113,.. , P . e a rner Ll It od and '.al L. _ . 1 4 '-',;7..77.....7
. 7 .
7. 7
,777 7 7 7771.7..„,,.., I
.. i
THEMUTU AL BENEFIT LIFE INSCIL ' j.71.,,11:7:7:, , j‘,.7,2:..”,,J;j1,
t,j.7.,,7,'1,, ( . J- . 1 . . j. .a . 4 , JJP ,
ANC!: COMP ANY. No 151 Market Stn., New.t,.; ~,, , J a r.CIII.O. I I,AL". Ell tCO
g' *^3 "' "' N " " "‘" ' Y r.'" ' A'."".t"''' r" n;„ L 141'1 ' 4.1 Il\ltl I t: Too bee,.. r
.I,IOAL ding from ar to 49.wr ern , irrl . 1 ,rAn . , . . , .
~„.. . , ,
The SIAPYRIber will twelve gol.ratlon!l for irouro.e. Lea ~,,, 7. . . 7:7 .
e mum,. au. a 1..., • ,
1 1 1 v ro 7 i ta * bl ' A L l ' l : rt ' rd ' errlii: 7l ; 1 " I r ' '. '''' ''
' i AItII( )I I, . Lar , l ( ILI of o J‘uperior iimal
• ~,I,LIANI P NNE , . Ag,nt. I.
des - • ‘ `. •Nol 4 1 Frmt Wort. A n-.“r.''' ." h .nd 'l' ' Ll '' n r
. . 0 0, ir. A 1 Alt 110 hr. 1, ea 11, . 11..... r A lra,. at ,
EIYSTOCK. OF PIANOS. -- - ‘1 1 :„ . 1 ' A .!".5,,E5;;...r..`,..";:,,Y, '..,....'',
7 1 77 . 7 r . : .1 , P ,., 6 7 ::::,
John IL Nlelior al W gtort. har A , ! Li rot' , ". ' ' ' 7 , . 7 ,- ~T.,17,.77,7,A,. ,
,7 , 7
.. - Piro,adroi a et. and olplendul ronrtment, 41 1 . .
of Pi... Aglow open aud'read I for aalr 1 1,31 i i Ii1;1 - , f Elt..;- , :I liirt ,
. 1.: i 7 r . ,, a i re , 1 , 114 Ifrk In ,I 1
lajlg.alleta of Menaorr. Clew. of iburtaT ••
Cabinet of Modern Art AritAMlrill . 4. 1 11 l; Alt --I! I LIM,. N LL Sugar for sale I,
vriendoop',Offertn, Mgt. , [noun. I -In,: illhill sA h I Ith PATIO , 1,1 1.11 , ..rta as
~..• 14 ... Pr'''''''"" ''''''' . "1 "s'" '"'". . AILL pIN p %I` . :l\` , `,nu •eon , ignment for •Jale 11l
anlendldly pound
•YPirign ..e"lPP''r,"tattflor',V;rllitTo=',"&..l. 111 . 0.... ''. . - 'MOWS' A KIP.ILP 'TRW .
For ' narn as ten EirUCATION AL ilinni. 'TORT.. , 11/ . .e'l li . I LI , N 1 I i INK E `ll .
.t.:ju , js m.a... 4 .J .j0r, a F^ l,7th 1 .1 o• Is ~ , i'l 1,•10••••1WI•i•A• •In men...a c.,...0
' I. ~,, Joill.' P OK F.ll S Co
-.PULS—kr ntore and for sato by the 'Jule j N ,)LAq,si.,%, .25 Iris
....zugar mute, st
11/ inlhe all of the twat qoall” a
linlubale and 19.etate of Mururoa . , I 1 • 1 . , fno . pot ....,oed, and lor -..1... b.
• Iti ' ll:1.1..1 liAl./.ELL , ir . Libert, rtr , L
Oulu :Old la,
Lievuu tall-% . g - i ItEASE LA It It Twenty brI,II ream. I 41.1,
2 1 ugar of Lead.
rlurn Arabic. All n . : , : .I ..I fur 'ale 1,.
~ . ,
ren. Tart. all AIN 11AILIMLI 11
Roll Itrinoo, I )1:1Elr PEACHES—Three Jlitnnii„ed 11 11,
Flour :Wilding.
AlVlll/Jrin £.011113.
OWL C.1211,11(.1.. Ik N WICKEI,IIA,I. , 3.01 ... a IV. 11 kit.r.k I , AI.
reho e.t.a ., a0..1 and oral .1... ,
I I EA V' LARD - Prime i'illeinnati Leaf ,ard
gI 0-PA ItTNEILSIII W e lime till, day i 1 i ),,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, ~...,,,,,, 7..,... „ . 7.,
11.JaAvograted with to. Uerqunno 14 1101.1,104. The rasa .Po 11 .A 1 4 MeCLUIhr. &Co
nrr , will I,g continued a.. herets.fore. uudor t hr Min of .
~,,, A. iftwilhoo, a ,:" riliiitEE NA AN.I) INGRAIN CARP :I'S.
Pil.burgb, JnouAry 21, 1141.-nr.,lln, I 11 ‘l,tlltt.. -1 . aorrt , !a10ha... , to On. large , and
A ILI) RYE W lIISK I, N . J.- I ~i.etet .goortulenr • of 3 bro. Pli and Ingran ,, •
• r.. , t•r.J.gto t. tho t0.,, , L , r i . , And . . , 11..... Mao an. ,f the
" .4.1 I.:tlia'irMlTor4ll(q.blifele'll/2:h.11:17.1°."into11.:«1:'17-1„r 1 '.l-':,7,...1.',7,-,r1t,".:74;*.L.01'"..,:'0'17 1t 1 ... ' ; "" ''' ...."
' " '
sale bf a 1 JOHN .911110.11 ;Co I "11l
g i OOD TONCANT FLANNEL—A farther 1 II ' I N I)(_:NV HANGINGS. - ( 1V. MeClinteek
CI ~,,ly of a Arr., orperiar article at Iq l , o ot. ....r i V V ..der. 147:11,.., ~,, rnorha.A. a very hand , tu.
"'A te . 17r7 1"1"'111". I.'
410111.1 ff A !WM qI WI Ei.i , ' '4' " ; r T ". r. '. .. " Il • ,41,411:1.44.:,..,",..1::..., -;!:,-,...,,...,..:1,...?
1 ,7-L..:........„ I..orth ...Y.. • a t
11.1 '""L.,‘,o„".
TIES" BLACK TEA—tiante kind a , it) 1
L Englandrallill I+•a', orong an,111n...01,-,ant VA . The Old Printing Establishment,
loTdvalrfrray fl'irill'illgh.V'lslA"lll'a-criT,"..JV.,.11...r,Lrr'.:','...% 1 k jj
J ATE J 111111 44 ~' 11 . ..1 SfOl.Kttar9. Mid' IllUtllk.
, ... e rn..., o i. C.o.d. and ..0...rn Ito.t u Jobl.ll(l{/1., 3111 nod.
MI when. el.. In l'ltt.bnrgn '" , , l '',' L i r,":.t ' ?l '' ,7:, ' :177 2:::: - ,......,, orb. of Legal.
"IhiLA:s:SEED—A onall lot. for ,:de IN ‘
I' JV; ./ It t'SNFII•II, ' 1 ',mho , . e1.,1 torni h ....., . 0 4,..„ ~ 0 .. 7 . 7,, ,, 7 , 77 , , , ,,..
~,...,,, g q„...,,,..., 1, ....,at the . horn .1 oozier nn .1 nu
`BEEP I. E LT:i I I ' l' I ',' r : "' „, 1 : 1 • ' ;,.1„ . ei:.a.[:..7.-J7".,',',il;:i.'„7:,r;r) 41..r../J,J„,,rm.rmt
aSALy.B.Tus• -,. 110.1 ) Prn.r...a. , u.. 0. ~0.1 i' , ..4 . Linder?, No ;,,. 'Mod .t 'An
Lt.. nu ode by ran itotsl:llTU 1.1.7.rd.i. J. (1. i L t . l . , ji.,\ w 1;1 1( 11 15,.--11. I. 4 ; 4 . 1 ,,,,,, & C 4,..
1 EAF LABB.—Leaf Lard in brk Junl kee:. j
.7itt, 0.:,,J,ij.w.: J. , ... , ,;(2 , :v.J.J Ird norm =t,,. , 41,4 111.11 ;
IA and filr eltlr'lq Il..itEirr I'LZKLL . C.' i . 51....: 'T . l , :. ' ) will ....,..,,,,,,,,.:„.,,,%ira......,t,!„'t . ,:,n
1,, ..,,,,,, ~,---, , ''„,.... ~.. ,„ ~,,,,,....,...11,11, 1 lb ..•
4 11.;1 1 .1 ' ! "q t. "“ r. " l P2 O l
(gucAtt.•:-A5 Illphr prime N.Orleato Stiktar. r;•;:t•;,.,‘:-.=,;(je:c
j i . :iiJJv 0 j ~r,..,,
10 W dor.. tria Wr rale lo no&F.lrr DALZEI.I. A( ti ,
12e , , • ~.• 1.11,c1•11 .•Ir• . •I lI,A NK INt;, COLLECTING AND EX
-114,1 S
1 11 j--. Fifteen
4..dru,rju!,.G....,1.1...(...,711,1,,,1.:,. , 1.11,/,.,,i(j,;1.....,..,1.k.i.1gg,,..,,,,c,,...1.!1i,,!;,,,j1.!„,..%mjj....,..1;,,,j1...
,!,,,..11,N.4,21!ir.V.1,!, i s j , 1 :,.tz,. - „,,..c . ;;'.. '',..vir.'%.:.:::.;,!..:',;;;,...„ v,i.i7...',.,-,..,,`,""1".'". ':,'„,`,t'.
„IL - - .." ,,,-,,0t tet Nt01.....0 Ile.. b• 11, t.•••,,,t5....1 ". 1 .114
g iIIEESE-49:; 1.x.-(2-re.,,, C11..e... irr store .I :\ 11l 1 111. 1:11E11 pAsTE
I L , o,t for .ale 1., JAME: l•V•1• 7 • 1 • 1, •• -"pot , Ariel. 1../ ho.ute and 1,.•: -,,. i
4 pro- , of that
fall No ,-. W."' `'"''''' ' 1. , . aO. r gm, mint 1.101.1,. a ' r.."'"
''''' 'l 'r
'on e ... a dr .,..„. o , ..,..,. & Id. 9, r r WO. Lo
GROCEItI Lb. , . , r rho romp,. a 1,1.1 , 1 VIA. nr
, fro ar0... , ref.,..1.4 ltr od. whol.r and retail. al ' . l
~,,,,,,ir,.hoo. Young llcaw and 111,0 ' T . '" . ' nude 11 , ..1 erre. , i 11. 9 1 J. a 11. P1111.1.11t 1
do do,. Ini‘.. alia l/1111 1.,,,1V1" ,
......4T:!.12r3.(1C11 • 1101/111. 1 IV, r..b.,,...
rrEA N AIL E --En.;ll , Jlt A. Annnienn Brit are
19 do P. Rains,. &Co V. and a •ob, . , a , -..
-..., .1. Cnblne , ;ix Tnir,ro , no ret ..., 1 I.aor do; Plated Motet,. Cadled:La
15 qr. box a Price and IlarWoor. 1 , 0 du . . 1,:a'.1.V,..',f7',!,F,27,7:7,771r,"1,1...7'n' . 1 ..... , v1..1*.t, 1.,.., - ; NI
is rmty 1:.. , J.. , :rh, °. P . '" " "°'"" '''
* I ; ‘ . n r N„rv.. , . Ploed and r4r . ilinsi " JaV.: r r ' l'o ' rr. '". ...l ' ; ' ,. ,, e °,' :• l
..„ L . 7„..... 4 . -men end far •11.... • , 1
...... ...,,,,, , , War , 1112, ro. fn J„, me. 1 . R.11111,111,1111 G1Z1 .. .. 11,11 . 11 V
ilL.'t__.— ---------- -2 ""
- i ' ' '' .!l ' ) ;T: " =!,1"!1: i ?iVrIT "'" l' ""U' ""*."
... t , , , , , h , 1.. r rleaning.. " N ' am".il. ' 4.;!•!! 'r EL ' lt :
1/Lotrr.. gr.
cz-Fcc Ilararronts-Sorrr 4 relebrmol Matztr , TOrr her
abouLthe •.v. ,n a hat. whlrh writ wale , n go 1 )w+
„,i,,,,,,,..., IT .nil thing el, in e ft, minute..
• Irr -.11.: bf Ar. W. WIC:AIN,
A-• C4. T. 410 rkel gni Fonrth 11
"'ASKS „ .I - , M:A i Li A W 0134 -
I :Ar bd. Cl:=4lF.Ver%;:ra'P ''''''''''"'''”
......• hi& nliran
240 1,04 Slolv•ex, pride, cox,r,Prtm
:1.1.rig1,1n......1 00. .
tal k,A, Lard. ”
IA Las Roll Butter.
190 Lila Oat,
I .;.0 Llill Timothy llertl: on bawl and La . 3,,1ft GT
141 Ilbrrir Furey .
ICE- -26tcs for sale iIV
IN11111:0 1
sUGAR ti:MOLASSES-30 hholoi Sugar:
s•Vto tor
817 - 1 E llit-NT GLASS-2(M.l(x. (. s 'd '"";(
1.19 r"'".
br"d.lnrat latrx;E
11,LITE-=7--Twenty barrels juiot received, and
Ifif,(*(.l.(lo. N'thcbvrel.nt S.IIICKERTIAWS
, Wood rixth
WEATHERS -4 sacks prime, for rale b
FA FLOUR.--al brls extra, for sale by
BOOKS. 1111iSIC. 'Sze. .
..1 .rattmais 11,—Italtie Yar narah, sith 14i page
Ihmticultatial, tt.c Yvbyttaryt
. Patna., ' dt
Whiz 1t.,1.y. • .by,
[Mr I , 14...:1p1int a tale., . •.
.atrchatar a Magnaloy,tio....:
W...1...n0f I.rael. laY tin, Ayult,
Marne tuatara... , lat. fur u.otla.r.. awl d ., atlallten.:
1..11....t , Itottnaolter. 1.1 lir. , AgUit
S..lttlw.yeaticov: or 11a. zbdar, of the human S.
heart by Mr.. Itlli- ,
hre- a nvel:
Fr tab. nt 1111.1r3trr.r1:7,4t1t7 ‘,......;1:-.,i.Lep-p-,,.:;',....!,.'t .- of.
1,... fetal
I.' I'll:NMI) iS;FAV i.I ANOS__
I , 11. K I. Ell Elt take , pbov.iire In an
teitinen.t., that he list- ./.., oPedEt a . 4 : .! .
,1 11 M.
.o,loo...ltT47.7ta"aln!llTii•Zn°.l7.\Vow Tort:. which. with lbw
...; 0 1 0 -ie..l Mimi the moeirle,ratihiarled.ual ..tteird....atoct
•io i r . ..tlf...nwl in 11. esti . I
' Among ',then, ~. .1.1..n.1id 7 °Aar, il..Uble carrot POOOO.
le.oo. 4. 10 at, le, with the now Improvement of t e over
-trio.. the late.t and nowt unpurtant'ernent- to h"
1.0101 "Olt 011 Ntllllle . ClltiWrl 1101100 Al.!, to.. superb
i.'..b.Y'2,‘r,...b:14.2,,...,1,..1:::.4 New ', embracing ThtnY
1 ' 1
gr.\ 'n"7:111.71./.ll'n-s:.;'.&r:: ,v,tl.l",;dl;i.
, Packet, ,Ctlmindereial laud
g „,,„ ~,„, „,,,, ...,, Pniwr. a larve eupply of oil 400
i. 0.... toted mid ulna.. 1 . 1 .... and "Mb , Mt. vic - A;..„zrg .
,n, at inill
XTOTES AND DB A I'"FS.-En gray.' and - rapli Saes and Dralle, a moat beautiful dr
......n.. iu .lieet. , .. or hound in louts (I run , . ritea lor
lE ...,. lIA AEN h' 1(1.00 0.000 More,
Cor. Mort , and ?Woodall
" ...Y jimethloo, Journal...l Pon ropy I
ill it ITINti INK-,--ArnoltEs Writing Fluid,
T T Coy, lug arid Rod Int.
%Elden'. Cl,. lineal Fluid end ited Ink
Marro... Columbian Ink-red and Nark. .
Ilea on A Thoutteion . Commercial luk-black, aenrlct,
and htl
I puck Carmine 'lnk For nth. hi
.. ff. MAVEN
k,'lllll-1.13 CLASSICAt DIVTIONARY :
I - 7 ‘ A n. ••dr•l it 1,00001 .4 Ithaek nod Won. 1 / 1 01
f 71 ' 0 " 1 ' 11 . 1.e n 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 '!1 ;; ,' •• ' 11;11 ttO ''''' llo ' rlk ' 1; 1 0 . „1T11 11‘ ;" ll ' al Y u rll l l , 4 o .
I. U'llltllltl•4init 1.0 II ~,,finrof.the tiktionati...afifreek
.. el Ent... A nimult,ic,,e.„it.rewl .tfhltr.r.l.ka,.7.odoi,...oan ll,l,Vpohn;yi
UTRllnti'ch.°l7..."(Vert'rlo. Anthnn. hie It. Proter.ur of the
ter..ek and Latin Lammagio , in Columbia College .
Ti. lei , 0/1„ Corn,poutlin, of Robert houthey ;
1,1 In. ~..n. the Ree Ifitarles Cothbert Soothe,. AI A. Au
rno of Pthmhindil - Cumberland. r Full bound cloth, with
N., . of the Life and Corre,pondence of Robert Sun
lev , of the Moreno of Peolloolll
'..;',.1....r1 nd Eng*hPleinres *
147 1(0' f ‘ tV .8 : "InIf r T_r '" n7,
ii:ld.alte.F:l.., ~.tere:sOf
I neluirl vol I
Tlie Merlin.. . 4 FoPrr, and It. t•a1.p.”..: no .1,4,11010 dell,
reed in the Ittlh.lent 101.ernacin. on li Plncalny erening.
J... t,d.1,, tc.-, N. titirmTl II 11
': .., 1. , : , : , 5 ; 1.41. 1.... k. i lint. rrezl . l, , l , ` z4 1104
'i °.r;','l".il.i'3llirkft lt.
1 1 11 AN 0 FOIITES.-Jil It !: 11.
. or - No AI Wood RM.' . lAA meld.
.... an.i
obonowtt no f el, for wile. a large and w l ell. . •
... 1 o A. nh• Os and
0004.11,. front the aismitortory of Chirkering, 1300000, to
v Ineh lie invite- the attentionf potent...rt. There Pia.
000 on invariably ...,Id,at lied,, prim , . KIM./ any extra
, ..., no 1 4 11 , 11 , 7"1 . 1,01„ .n 0004, twain Al ease. warranted.
I,kllllo Pan "" 1 1 .it.iii " . ;i " il f .l.Vil l , "'
1„,..T, ~. t hp.,,(0 of Chlek,lne• 1421 fg gA Pt., z: y o, A .
•I ' -
AL or,-. , . ~,,,i Pumars
t P ic l ,o.:m Iply
d . ythillnifty,,initV:?
,f' 010 fi rL
Il.etNl." .rlif ~ .e. w.hL, •m,mf,t,F•
. ...P el l e t. v . ,-hVI
: h 'A r e.Alt.:n .100 e
: t L
:± l o 4e o t*. t l; i .
n r
d .'
an d
rF nl.sL
a llmhK n i e i i leS
..w'W .-,
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'F .r _
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ia-r'_!LL"p i_ck. n I_anL_,
d,B._r cr2q A,r-S-tF-n- L._eU.tlhD
a A G o N
Th. Lif 3 1.0,1,01..1..u, 11 11 Walthr
a_.EII e
Revo II 00010e1 M A 10l , mu . ..,', ya r ' f, unwpt, of thlrtY /.w
The oclinea Popry out IL, Ca , An Addren dr f;lie el.son , l0.1010(1' ,1, . „ 000 „,, in
I''40""0"1011d." I"lNmur°l".9' ' sfr. 0'..0i 'ls einwhirh 51.A:e.i. 000 ..
.0411"lt 1 mlfor al , 11 01 KINh .de 4 ‘hi 01, nur In•l„ciitou httota shiluti.. y , o
:`. A 1h Iluildiugs. 1.110111, sto.wom, a i ti. (0 ~,,, 011 ,, 34 00 .,0 , i „.ii geu r n
,T a
a. without being nal , . , o , lm , mr.fmnrm w. e°lT_
I , ,“,....',--,, Idolll fwv -
. 11
u"• 1
'7, 0' ' 1 t. ' 01,,7eZ ,_7 .
. r a
..11.-... , It art- es. a ydead. tiorrieut, mud
'"r" f
'P I
• d t I i f ale , '
,„. r. ~ „„„ ~ ~..ulai,o iiy.. a oew wing, bi A • „ ;;,,, , a , , ei o ern
.h.. -leer, oii Ailed falr. I.p f 1 C. tua;:el ,r Iluint.lins, (Nei tenth:led that this rulution furrn.w.l.
I'd on, thi... thi. buid of Otte,
mud... nom, f 4 rm....1in0 able coilibeitation- • KA unr aryl .alt , lo mew , ' g , 0u t t , ..1
". '"•
• I limb
OtA i 1 1414, al kAI le , and 0000 (Immo- a (Pull. a ,
t.....,n 1tn...1_• . 1 . ,v0nt. mai tonehing balled in. ea Philip Crampton, ilArt . t. 11.1. ., ....... .
1101111.11 „ the .olt, that loved thee lp
It il holt.. r don t
o'"° im1..1. , -welt Alm- • 1 ° ,.. '" Ver °, : :--1 1 lore win l , no doubt that S/0011,110 may Le
t. C Pletef -artnimi.tered tnoro rat.dy in the term of 0 romientrated n.
I lir t. 4.l:i.ited 14 aka Duiwr lotion ...lane , ya thi._ and oio o l other r ,, .... ,
team. sod .1. alett-coini..l;ol_,
P.-. b ' 1 '''''
I . I ' l % •1 4 0 I ' r l '" 11 ' 1 !' t h llf 11 ' b ,..Nti l lttli ''
' t
i Till Pi k7RiVr r
vv;, ,,,7o bir .ha Cb. , PnikA .I,llrllhimea'Cliii.k. ' For a. tani.o, tir. Bright. and Ale...r.
Ir. Polka. It deholor tiuttme and Ilerbert Mayo.. 4.ll,ml.o,.•tnnattl!. recotnnu.nd
' 1 I . 1.4 n • inlinind, .af.. and
l'i'lL ' l:
1,"-7.11r7!.ilt17,f Ilin''''7l;)'l";‘,"l.ll°Punrt''',o:.!L'.'l,':rT",.'.h.:7,, ?!u1.,,ri,?..:,. L.i.:1:1i:%1 L . :" t. f , r4 ,,t. t r..7 th'
A new ilt i
-11 0/0111101 1 SI 1.0,0 of new le,on. i
~.tut e catechnui for the Piano , ;e0 00
'''''''l:''l'lL'A' irArl,;V:i'tijk"Tim
Riser.. • hen.. 1.. rie Prinier Iteerleed ...lay 1., , tall Cor. 1%! a t rout .40
It NlELleilt. a I -
511 • A yen lorge .4,...1. id New Plume. arrisina. and ,
‘oN'fAININi; ~,, Sleriqtry,.,:tmr other
lc , NI mrnd The 1011 , . ing te.tlmmiial owe. riven by the
• I ted lir M. 4.4. r Pearl.. th , author of the gnat med.
I. - 11.. 010,,, „ . re.. 6- of 01,01000' 0101
~ .,IM r b,M. ~,,...,,, ~,,,,,,,, ~,,i Q.,,0 th e i n gp-diente
. . ; ° W..... . - ",....:14,,,,,,,.., ~• A ll t ' 1,31111„ °lulu/rut. and haw
th. 100 h”-• (111
. .no 4- and Oetimu • iint•-a ; 1,,,,0hA15,ree.....11,1a1., ~,,,
,„...,,,,,,,, m
o."1".1!•00110111. 'I 11,. Ds oS.l,ittliworth 11, I lisle a. he-otat 4 . ll 10 5.1 tn. or ...Mr, um that
'Th. ii,11.0 , ' i ti r T: . ~.„,,,,,,. ...,„.„,„,„,„, 0„.10,,,, ,).10.00
',V;.',... ~',;,,','„,..".."111,7...1,':i.;;,`...„..ei..R.,..., 11, 1 .11.t..01:, that it. , iti,tr;.,l,i;iite„.ronsloned as tb,l , :i r -; ;Ii ii ; !_o . 1
....,e. Aguilar I 11.1. are not only
,tother , 10.0u1p.4,- E. iinee Aguilar .
1 1 ,,,,,,,... wag.... O.r Jan. .., i ..i-lorietrr.atldite.‘..tusi s ii t ' r:ily relentltn. Kernedt ot
' pm,. 0.1 I cheertuil, re,mititeml it a• s Pout.olo ,l
n hi, Ilueneie for 1,1 I , a hleh ha. d0...0rb good. and whrich„.. adapt...l;l.4lr
A I ..t lb. too. , an dlinouist,P,l4l,. it the M aeetly ' tollri Tweltt, a 1.1..... h.. kh .
r ‘ ,
...,. h ;,., t:4
~ e.l. I ,a, - , ...the: . I,ootomeml..l or e.g.: , m the :Al.
.New Books. just received. rhatart , ot th.• pr,pa ...tor ol,...r.1u0ui,. a ..,0,,
rrii E Bard- , 1,1 tlt lii MP; I.y lit.torgt 1 - New os t... on ...4.... .._
.G . MI 1 4'iih'r r.:V" ' h";,".:.',:.,, ,,,
..„. he..t thine.. lb.. world for I.nrt,
1.0 , 1. 011egld 01. 11 , 111 e II pr 001 4 ,00 t Ililllllllo. o 01 the L Thrhll.--It I. c . ne
, a 1 t i ..... .
~ ..11
...., "r,•uniute .1,......1 tor negintier. in In..k. and •• • 1 1.113,35
0 „ , , ,,,,,
r, 1!" ,
'''''ar,'4aa- (ad
" ".h"
" r:Vlllt'llir**l.TlN^4 11„„”:11R/11.1. Iron , ' „ ha• no erthal
I . 1 ! 'n 1 . 1 . 0 1 , ! . ...i ' I
I Y . ' 1. 1 o, l o l ° . ' t. 0 0 . 1 ' LI I t " l ' ilt 010 t h Flagg: ‘4,11.1 , 1 ; • . .f, I 1 , ...m i n 1
;.,.1,1 )01.ethr‘er..01a;n.d.N1010....,..k,m;.,w0.1,1,.....a1‘Ai...,11;10r,,,_f1f‘11,7,.,0..1.1.1....n
I harm , and ...unter charm , Ili Murat .1 • in . , ;
‘0, ... 00,
~,,wg , ,,,,. ., ~.
„, ,,, ,,1 : „, .
~r, 1,.,,,
• / ...... 10,
I • 7‘",,. 01. I,.r_ ite<lnd• - .0......_• -..d0..i to 01rane Infinenee I I• 0 . = _,, ~.. , .. r ., ~,,,,your for toting IleAllleter ,
p , ht.., Ai. mt, . . ud `-o
' ournal First ' Ointment 1.4 ,erofula. - Lin r Complautt. Ifrinpele.. letter.
0.i...1r71.17";...'...i relL'i'e'dL°' 1"' l'"'''''''' _
.., Chilblam. ifeald 011.1. ~,, kit....,0...1111,r. •;.'71.7,,,Tr,at.0.,
Itrourhins. Narrow. Allrello.. .. i.,
Head •ehe NUM , Corn, all E1wa... 1 thy 001 n.
. ...-nre
'P' (P .-
' '''' '''.' ' 7 y, I 1 t i n, " ' 1 0 .....E0uyth 01 hip, Pluipi.e....te, Ewelling oy the Lim. herr, Itheurna
' ' ll°
' IL 'O-- - - - -
in;arn.nd,lii,liboa..Ca.4ltellereo t-.oo;Cro}.:ooyr..:ewell,/ or Broken Urea 4,
NDREIrS• 1-ifflN, ENOLISIt I Ltxicus - A ChIlT. 00, p•ra . p... • MeTltAroucht before the
tir7117.317 ht• In re .o abort a time von such a reputation me
......i;:..n. ,I 'ntq1.,,,,10...,,t 1t. 1. ;.= r=„11, 1t../t11i,t.,,f0.A11...111.1/n..0.f_1C...,111:1..10iri,1 1
;: e.
~ A l. m no. l i ;e r ov e, ,
rn5.:',:!1";;•;"..f.d.;6`.. . 000 0.01 m ' " P.m. ' I rrnr.7l,L:T..!•r;lsre,Sll,s'7l ' ofrsiTi. ' t twin% rhe ' il - matia;:.
_Ar. P iandwieli or flaw . . .?..,. ? mm e.ita, ° relief In" . ..very eaw.lit ran de no injury.
II .n I-I .11.1... at. I orieerfpart. of Polene,a. By Ilea. lien, , t ~,,...,,,,,, ~....,,,,..
.l .' l anfl.. 4 .. r -I'M...Th.l.°ml M . CAE MP. 0 Wa k f I ' Aratifuher evidence Of the wandedul healing 100011 Po.-
following certtro , b ,
m ' PP - I ''''"4
" "d'
0‘;1.14':,1,t9"'h,•k 1000' , hi iu this
I.i. voiiire. erreoir ,r AC n wine' to Rome Intl ri . 1 1.0.....„.......,,,...,,, . 0 .
fl , .41.7.r . `" A.rvilar. Ilecrieril and P 7 wile he _ 0,,,./..._
.lel, , IL C hTta KToN .1. 0111001 .t. slaidencreek. flo•Tk4rn.. March 'OO.lOll '
Chrmlrle. P.rt. and Amer,an ropy. . Mtwara Ritter A I.l,_iileslre to Inform too that I wrie
I_D :
- 1 enti le eon, of a teem , . pain in the hart. bi the ow. of
APEIt.III,ANIK BOOKS& STATION ERY ~,,,„,,, A „ .r ,,,, h ..,
R . Paper foil .10 , rarl quable . r. nurd ... 1 Pla-MA blow , you. I suffered with It Am "bust ne..nt, ,,
.0000. 10 1 , ...t 0 n. 144
we, aa.hi,- o, 'deep. 100 . 1 „ C tht IMM' f IT.`'. rm d i
- El . 00 11 ".. ,, 'ff ci'A i. , dr`rriPti n tl. 't , bond m' Mod" M 1 returthrs. which were prewrib ,l for nie to p w..inan+l ll .
t nhr .1 .h. , rt note.e. . madvt, .0, r o l.. f. a... 1 at hot
14 nd 1 Per.'" "I Z ''' h P . It . fazorable
trench aml 0. 010 hm • . made trial of tin. r•A wit an ii
,"" 1. , ,I P.S.
.A V .M. 111 0 .4,. , peetation. lam +, no enurely fr.. Moe the I al , . end • .i:. ,
~, l O ll . .
.mu , °. , ^". d- I . night • pesrefrd and sweet rhei., I have 010. We. : Ile
1) I " I KAN ci '..
31 1 11 PrtisTi SA;-E V 0 Ty d0' TA ., .. 1 13.
i " ,..„ ' lm r m 7 ,i.. 1 .;1 1 in " 5:1 .. 1 1 7 . 1 n 'h pe ' rTe u ri l °'
I ) -trillion of Lean), Comtncreil. etrwroboat.
001 (It
R o td .
Eole proprietor of Mr sheer toed.rme.
"II I" ' I'l°,!'''''''''''" . o 'lo 4' O,Ol7lVEri Principal Office, No . ..ti North Third .t., ilai•Arlphia.
'l!rrn"ru'lririlltl••• .. ,3 Thinl st- 110111100 'Mar' ket ...I . Ferry . I'IIICE TWEWTY.FIEL CENT . - PER MIX.
Anna. 1.1 Prrrstit'aart-11. A. Fahne-unak Oh' ~: vont,. 01
, tr---- Wood and !fir. sia; Win. Jarkeon..No. 2.10 I.llerty. atm,.
4 . TA. flostity-w. o. ...YES, Mallet . Or . I. Wilma. ir . reon.r of 31arkrt atreet end the
Of e......n.1 h1).1 01,0104 ~... box for rale a. large and iwto- ' al.oo,rnor of Fourth and ,mlthaeld .., J II
, 10 10 ~,,0 . . ,„ a 1,0,, iio hal ewer lawn ner of
"-" ..•' • nt : on
, d l rU r g ir g n ish n t E . ir k r l o ll u l, g M hasnrt.l.; .r 1 old '.l
°'nu'°'''''''S6')"s"''''"''."B'''rlEm,,b?;d... ~!0;1;,`,_,0.
-1 ' 0 " " """b"0"110""1"'' ' "10 h ;: :t';,„ 1., al. i P,,10....., , . „ 01 ,,
h. Neale,. Ea..l
. - - - I ;..1 ' ' . ° E
wand Mr . irewyort• .1 Alcann.l.4 l : 4 on. 3l on
DV ' sTocii OF PIANOS, 1 bre,, 1 . 1 a 1 i i . &,
...., , o
.., , T; ~,,,...„;
11 , the iloldrn Harp. No 101 Thad*, ''''''''°.l°l°llr.l'diN.lia kl 00 Itenect Pl. .bilin WalLir,yr.
II ELEIII.II I. now rerviving a trelth lot 1 tr,r,..01.;1ii.t..1ei;00‘...0;;.r.. er4,..11,..1....110. („0,011
„(.1,..., Itan. made by NoNas a OA.,
Nov York, ahem.: them.* splendid 7 octave rea , ol Plano ... ~.. rr ,rr. r
er the siebeet dr. - rinlen , of eaterinr and tone. It i• made 11 tli,P.., tarsi. , h.... ,
' " SIIAV Nt_t 1 hEA3.1..-
I Louie XII end
'''‘Yh'l‘l'7:: I:.!Nit 'n7;:',1,11-.ll::Xtrzuf popular 1100 e, t i r..,,, " ,tr m . ' t , e I re. n
~,h , .. , 111 , 5 f 11 . 7 „, h0, d o ner ,
„.. not ii . y . yre n cog:e o; th ; „.. l ...O ;
'..l'hot. of I M. , imMuM .T.M. VM ll.m ` rely , to them. nut on ill other,. or any, if tun with .
-.. ‘P1,a,.... , nal every 001.011 a muvirai =cerim. u 1 , m ,,,.
~,..6m , . pOOOOOO. purchaor .In a ofJuli. ilaucl'
. • . 1 010 i Almond itahubin, or Ambriwial 101,10101 Crean.. It is in
1 terhy-lrono,ible to bud won's tr. de , rthe the li,tingi. of
I°. '" nn-'h°b°"".o 4. ol : l :r o,,Vg.::lo:lo;a,i,
qii2kl;nlar:il.4urtavie =a,.
emoilientere&nit"'74' Ol'n=orl'e'llel'a.oelvl
" ttr th'l' ' iir .40reulnity_ing the Irritation 'ai
I o th " ' ll ll pi m ea l all'o"'anil 01,11 reeling a obe aki..
I on.;!....."‘ abgilEi, 0.); ;
1 th.o'..ol,ol%.ol.:o;llo4l'neitll,rettlU niod:lnini'Wedintr.:l rSier .
. owe, without the alibi hemming appol. ANA 11,0,0 •hi
Gmee 1111. it, WO ceo safely ray, will never 1311 e an, other.
~• .. y .,..0 u feuitage-whiela will lw crpeeiallY ; all. l 7
te , llby lb.. who wear sehlaker-,,,the..f;sct tha,tot;:i.l
dt.Wolor 101 100101 which ni. rot wilt in, mr ,
a ranee to the ...lee of the whi-ten.
1 4 " ".yk111,.0110uPT. 'allaying Crrainaaredellghtml prey.
cumoumred'irith ekIII, to thq utter earlurion or r
'a 014r1"7°!7,106;,:nr 1 0 '
1.„1.:: .I.two
i'00 1 " - ' °". J I L F I.F.fiI IlAii hi, Perfumer no.
. 1 - 3 , Chennit .treet,. Pt,
Foe nal¢, whole.ale and ratan. by B. A. Ilahro
;111 R. 0.00(1.00, Pittsburgh, awl .1100 hargent.
lebell. All, tawny ent .
the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
.IjUBLIC ATTENTION is rrapectfully lII
'. vir..l mu the following tn ,, a1be ., ,1 . t fol,thr,l:o,r=ion to
ml'Allhagar 1/M. " lAl:it ' ll. nut lime than our
t tiley „ re
Al gat woody wan brought before Ile
i l . ' cif;lic. for the relic( nut rare of diwea.e. Ile Emit power ,
In hint. hare, slurp 11,, .1. fully
Itipppeca...dri!, th,
' ' ' ,,Tol:t. L .ilii Virlil 1: ' aotl..ria'nlsl,,ll.l.Vgitl: °01'i0l!nLotIlli:Inlb„:
tidy of a day, got op b.r the wite inflame of mating money
buA one, whieh we eon...ciao. trill continue to h. mad Wlie,t
all other metro. , have lawn forgotten. The 14lnlenut I.
.0,00101 itetnedy. elaborated In the dept. of t l he ear . th
0 0'0" °lld t
7.5,:"1i11V a h lro " :re ' w ' it ' . oo al l tit l e 'o.
er'''r.,"°.ollsn';L.:.... a l rit: th r e tniii-that we wty nod,'
ar, to deealve threl who um, Mo. mar Worn.,
dente in or,tinetornr... 'the rick are 01100 nia t
any thing that promo, relief hour di....,.. A no.,
hardly be 1. , 1,4111, •rouvlit to ucwer the told., of go
lug or hniuhugaing roe. of them. Now. we do nut deli,
I" 'b r ' c " . . " d, " 'brt: 1 r1 0 • 11." .i.1; " 41 , ` . l' L ' rt ~,. troll,.
'f."1,00",.., -........e., Malt elnstie Zrilele In the roaterin now
. Plain on•arnielool Lute-far ol * llint ma, he au:ltal.
I i oar city nod neighbarhoml. 1.1,1 &Lurie to. 1100 , 01 in h
°Withinr of the Petroleum.
the past lOO toon.b.. tiro a our OWO eit4ll.o
ho were totally blind. have Leen 1+ , 114 , 1 to .Ight l-er
u, tie :tate .11 Ono. bare beet
A ,0011. min in hearir noun,
'There... other, hilt thew. are raw , roar harm., and 1101
liw refenvil to by auy perm no who o,t' almil.hi on the wit.
irct. The , ~,.., Were enred 00(01 000, bed Lek 0 alAndon
ed by phy .iman. a. bowie.. The Potroleum 0,110.00'
wheu u.... 1 we/trains ha thret.loo.l--!,„011405, 11,
10.... 'diminish., Wont. Neural ...a,. I.rtiption.on the y y u ,
Pimpl, on the face. Cbbrrr 1.
ar E.• Cyr. Ringworm. Ten,
ftcald Wail, *lOl 10 Mot 00.005 and .Knnt., old ranee, 1..10,,
01.n°. Ague. Chnour Cough, A.tlaga. ilrotichiti , sod all
Pulmonary atiertitti. of s. chrude altar,. halal.. In Pc.
' "liPti.ilolo'o'Tl=....loeoren 01 11,1 Illalder and Kidney-,
) C . hateped Ilan. haeoriated ‘ .:6l.plea, Loll,' out lin n thinie.
' 1 r'.°.o. " I-
T- " ‘ .1 . {4. ' 1::: 01`01t,"i1;:",;.'01".:1,'" d .r:i' - ,:.
m,, , :,,?...,:7 0 0 „. 1 , 10 .,' o 'n.. - 1: i - ..”-un , -,,n. 1 1 ,51 01,1 aita,d--7, or
~,..1„;,... a Ow proprietor. who will mk.f. pleu.un. In show.
Ing them 1, 0110 adluted or their Mend..
II 0.10000 other. May 001 stout their medicines the
Petroleum P. the m0....t linurdr a( the age. Phlriclan.
of 1001! ...hug In the umreee.on are t•Ttnultux. to 01., a
In Pt...Wpm...her Ili* 000 at 111 looked on with dont.%
dtl:u‘l'w ig to awad it due pro o and
rorol7trrgrre pneler
'rear mite round, all will be
~,,nrell,A In art:nowt...l. that ihe l..trolcunt If the rem.-
07. ine,loon. ~ ./...-oren-1 /we ..Iwiarluderole 000 100
ClOl. 11, KIiVEED. k M<DOW . I,I.I- 110 %V.,,r1 to
Alw..--E. I: Yellen.. 1.7 Wooihetn. 0. il NI Cirri, II A
F.Lilott, .1 , ...el li Enoul... Allerhen? City Ake., by the pre.
aOOlOO. A ll 1111.11. Canal, Seventh etrert. Pau.
`Yurgh. nod it A Faint...rock a Co , Wiaid. and I runt ft.
-Twi•lity and, lift n keo
}t I:I: a ItkRNE
1 V l',.W 800R.5.-11upbolt's new Work,
1, 7
i ~,::F on, or ht, ',hr. of rical Jr.eription of. thn
ti v,,...,,...,1,;,,0f Mincolohh the Nem Enaladl of
1,7, s h , 4rne, awl EllgillPCl".. Pirtkvlllll7, '-1 , 41 Yo.
r... ,, ,13'. F4TAMII, These are well v i e t orp i lg i a,l l , l g .
i , ,a. 'ale I.)
C .1.10 Apollo Buildings : _ - _ -
HNOLD'S-,—Al--1138---E1171;b, 11611ANAND
h 2-1. TIII131•SON4. and'. Black, lied, Fearlet
ant Carnina . 104, '
...1.. F1.1.4.1'1., Brookman and Langan..., Jaeltaon.,
and Sl.,nroe .. Inset: and lied Laza Penettn.
in:din-4edencriptiotr.lillbACY, Cohen's. Pratra,
!,., .. lien c', I... Fir. and other manufactures of Steel
t.,.„...... 1 t IL ,4,1111'. l•uhwronr . lo A. U. 11.,141 S I: 0 A
'Y '''ir"idrtidir'liadi'llWid l ' ' ' 'ilr'Lraril....„ a .
~, .4;;;:;.'i:'athanP.rol'utubler,'%),:rroyal, Ala ad X
,ariart.. Brig.' Ilard.. rap. army and mediu.
ti , cinZ•j‘,.,ll7il.lirltt f' n e lld h' f ' :n r e7 P n a littry.tVe d r. wa,! ll l' a tr,i
c0 1.,,,d Ana. oral earner., and ithogral , h. fur fancy tan.,
„,,,,,i ,-,areinneut of all !lA, writable Cru deed, <bar ,
4. :.r., and diploma., Fnmah mar paper. airway, on Waal. thr
mond desirable AG, clrea and pattern', plain, gdt, eraba,
4.1 and siliercd, .mitnble for halls, parties, weddings and
, aent.g.
-01 ur {,mach note enrelop , .., plain and embowd: letter envel
ope.. bnirrn. white and blurt laid and plain adhenite en
i.,lope.. bog, Mut foul white.
Mater, a ni ,, cups. Tarim. pattern, writing wad:brass
IS tin,
cora ati,l.l.:l;unt;• f , b4 , r d w , , , ,,... , ,d mr: ‘ ,1 ,.. taze,.. ,, c 0 12 , !.g . Q. , .11
: 1 ,,t, ' ...,...7,7.1. paper of all and ;bite patent blot.
ring paper. p.ti knirer , .. l .r.
1 Th , atove, •illi all other article.. In thr Stallonerr Lin.,
172 nr.n:",adsLiPn.rll.":=
~f riding. in eiery et) le of binding. wad paper m nf all Mae,
4 and q lt u r al t tie.r. fur .ale at redured rah.. on the ma.. ream.
~1 Illank Brad and Stationery NV arshoure.
noir, Corner of harken and S•rond Bradt.'
~ Q'l . l N 1/1 till TILE I'UItITAN, a •ale of
1-I the A tueiwan, Itrvoltillam Ili Eldred tiracnn, E. 0..
, I,,'l.rilr'3l.:(rl.thtl..tirlra?.tr. 11°.1I14..nirl'arIthe`"411%".20:
' a ieal S.-1....d .1 llenrra.. and Vier Preciffent of the sorkt,
, ~,,,il,ll, Trawleted hy 11. White, IL A., Trinity 0 , 1-
1 i,... Cambridge.
1...uti010. Itt lll..iory, Antiquitle., and Biography. lb
iii.drandlii'lurt) etigravittar. By - Zemin Coiling , . .
The a1e.,.. at.rke. for oat.. tey no,,, lt. IL SINJCIJON.
"101 , mull Stationer.
iLI T lAN E . NI AI'S--Pelton's splendid Out
• krhoe hate nor being Introdured in all the leruling
.... cad.. in Ness . . ate and New Ve,rt. Me hate obtain.
rd 11.• ug..t...) tor th. IL 111 l'lttAbUtal, watt Invilc teacher , .
and ..,h , ... 1 ~toniate... to tall and eNaraMe them.
Nr. I —My, of it, troll
Ileinnpben , bi xSI 'oche ,
.., do La.teni do 4..
Ntaill Artawlirn. :0 x N 4 ,
lade.% `lain,. 70 x hi
70 x 112
glir ' a America & Africa, 70 a h.I _ .
.t,.... of th0.e..1., with ke y . VA ur tin. tart W. Item ,
0,,, Map, w Ith kr). Sill.
~....""7” in.".rpn 7,`,'1n:",..t.i."77:74ru'rg,'"61-..'""trr
- ,„, : ' ,..rtu.01• of the Cultad 'litre
" tor aale at Publi-In . .r . e pri.,,, 7ritlmut addition td . frelght
''' ''C' l " '''
1 "Lgu'r'rUtliA:l'arßlr'atrlT/90% at.
mn 0 .---
Morris end Willis's Home Journal.
Vill fiLti 4 ll ED every Saturday ih Nett . York
T 1 , 11 ... • ~..e pliable In nil raw , in
lf, at
t,'Ta..ll..tOn or AOLNCT-4,111, or th'e Home Journal. No
lU7hillall rtreet. New 1 t.rk. Dereilliw r it. 15Y1 —To all
. r bo t a it mar ...yarn Tin , ma) tattle That J. It llointa
1. dill) nuthome.l to act at Went far ware a AIM..
11.,Mx Jorgaal.. and that all reeclyt i : glan d 1 . 1 , 1 ,1 h , 1 , t . r.1 ,, 1 . 11 .. pl y ;
nrra! f`r 1 , ;^, 1 :11',.:t:,;1.1T) ' ; ' ,. ' :. " ,!,7,;;;°1, .4t......1 by
' '' ' r . d. 'thl ;'' 1,1 1 ,„ . . " ,..17.0 41 tAl erir;!tu. "b i k ynTh ' e gt"nf fn ad.
4.';‘,";:n'th,er'cli,tio'n• ‘ reerit , . , l 11))'..1_(i_lloltnin Third arr“L
4 e t" '''''
"‘'lllio'rt."n.l'lt'ill iiereMl.
--- /lltVi r BOOKS! HEW BOOKS!
i 1
,_ T .. , 11.01.31E5' LITERARY DEPOT. Thirt
etrert. uppogitr the ra=t 01.5ce
I ar,' la.-',llrie fur January
Olive. a norvl, by ter author of -The flgibrina"
The 3lother'a Rocompe.rinr,e, a•narel.,,lly tyar . e /myna,
Ie i..a7.71.1;Z1.11`-%zt t ' llit.h omy. Harr
T. I." ...d ' bL,T.dil; I.:! ' t NI. Itrrood.
Caroline of Brun, 1 _
The ItotaLah COQ Cll. anal. 2
t e L jf,N:T; We ' ,7; tr TIT LwEv, oil Om Deane
' 0 ' ; ' 4.. ,''''... ' ,..1, No 1 of new volume. 1.9
VIC V ELOPE S.—Just received, O lur,
1~ gyntu7 of Yv i. blue and übtie En•ckver, of n
" if". 8. tadwa, wooodie,
co, Sulu% LA *Komi's=
Ting and. Prescription Store for Sale.
homted In a boat-WM:lg and improving Part of
ale city. which is doing • profitable biudnevs, of.okwew•
&red for pale upon envy termv. For farther part/evils , .
a pply at the Chronicle rtface.
COUGHS & COLDS C1j13.1311 IN 48 HOURS.
6; INCE the introduction of this Bete Ono
town'. thought. and Collo ate tut ed Ina very short
tune. Ate will wan - aut Keysor's INeloral rot , to
°reolt:ll,l\4 , h , Itromehitis. Laignitltie. to ice'
time and nt a thoomer rate than any other nirdleine ever
Ninth-n.O. ell rickey the atntnach and,preduce names whWto
tutow &moveable than the ...ugh Iteelf. thing ohs,
aml In this mixture, for It 14 •plemeant so article
nod it will cure or themoney leaf he misoid , f.' The evi
dence in furor of tins tuedwine in our eft). fium mit mt.
rintenn vhould erdivlnee any One of its edlovoty. It Is the
t on.w.ription of a monist ph, sielati.. and lin, been meal to
bun in his own practise fur a number of ears. with the
nu.+l hemie etweent.
CONSUNIPTION.-A lady from SWulawarllie write, that
her daughter hod been w ined with ot,.ough and eato . vto ,
night errata. hectic fever. and all the distrev.eing
.. i mpfinus of consumption. and that after taking two tot
I Ce'ro‘
' for year, bas tornontt who had
entire', relieved and the cough
removed the me of half down of bottles of , this Per
aL ri t ao of article, for
be has used it in h t that "br know. the
own en, and In the mar, of imembeno
l Ms family with the Perfect 'mem.
ts UNZ 111 100 ClMAlT.NlAlantiants now notoven—lt is
ETTikg, half Pint tenth'. at td) cent , each. or eta bottles
Coo Stortgarralt , would In well to beep a supply of
One medicine on hand all tn... time... it I. one of the went
perfect and effiesciwie sentedi , ever discovered for all
cough' , and diem...of the ilkiWn and incipient ibnwrnogri.m.
CAUTION EXTHA—Many i.ersom will try tn get you to
bun acme one of the various noltrums, but do not herd
them. If )on want. to r.. 1 Lay De. livrlmis Pacramt
ST.?. awl take nn otlr. this will eure you. It has in it
wane of the mead 'minable plants and heriet of the mates
met Lea and is rums...idol by a t.erson +killed In the heal.
nog an. There ran be no deception in thin medicine. It IA
p re igurd In Jour own city. and the promietor has numer
otos certificates runt pereons In our own city. atteatiro; its
properties, which wdl i thrown to any per.on
&Wool , . of veving them.
Angara WaNtan tlirouchout the United States to all this
medicine. 11.arge divountawill he mole in thole who will
take an Intent In the medicine. It will pay %large profit
t o a ll agents. tm.sities, the will bedding niffering humanit)
a service ht placing their hand. the greatest a...thine
'retOroojled.7.lro:,tr 'nonrlHrohtai"l74 kto
shoo .
ELI.. Britgcbde.l.lti Wool od:reet, Pittsburgh. Pa. to whom
all for agenelee must be whlrewed. Alp. f.vr sale h.,'
D. Si Curry. Alloglieny ellYt I'. Bragger. ir.. Broomall) ,
Ilalrd. NV:whim:lnm John IL Buchanan. 'licked , :
tleorgr Nleitee,port Canonmburg.-
nnd by rourchrinta and drngatis genernilY.
I ELLERS" LIVER PILL--"The very best
t pill now In liar:"
}0,11.110 Carer lbws, Ca. Jan. 1 , 41. j
No. R. E. Sollerm—Dear I will mint.. yon !not.!
in my opinion your Pill is perhaps the "erg toed Pill now
In me in
Liver Pill. end It aurvia,med hi none a, an .
Anti-Bilious Pill. It la very highly . In on" maw
tounity so a family $ll. and Is fast soPPlanfin. all other'
I now swat from ”iy own rf
perluce. and from the es:
irrienor of ninny am,. friends and customers.
Ytmrm msr,nulls•
s-1 am permitted tn 'how the original leth.r, but
not to publish the wi-Itees owe.
Liver Pall, are the Origimal Only True and
1./Undue. All others are counterfaitsnutatinns.
Purehaters. rerollect E. :tellers' Liver Pill" are
the original and only true sad genuine Liver
rosy d
be hni rot Nn St Wood stew,- and of Bruggisteue
rally in the two ritha and vichaltr• altw
1 1 ,E1.1.EliS' LIVER PILLS supereede nil
other" Charievion. Va., Wort. —)lr. ft. y.
tere—Your Pills hoe la.come w popu 100 adl n-
VlT'er'tldn'Aunirliiri.ounoo,rlfilr''h ".u'r.r,ldi dorm "
[E.t.a of letter JAME.S A hEWIe.
Purchtuocra recollect that R. F. eviler , ' Llvvr Pills are the
oritrinal and ant, true and genuine Liver PilLand nifty Le
hod or No. LI 0,4 stsr...r, of WWII , . gvtwrallt I
the two rill, and vicinit.,.
Wird& Clothing at iteduced Prices.
T 11":11. DIGBY'S Cheap Caoh Clothing
Nn VA Liberty Ytreet.
ice premetcr of lb? Above onAhllshment Wog c.lrnog
.4.1.4ing of the balsam of bix Irintre stork, to woke
roam Ali Ll,.Avaltre rumba. , for t+ l ninz..bortlY to so
rlO5. Au drterogned to otter them Armtly reduorof
priers fur e. 411. All theme who leant got Al. trAbiotml.b. nod
maklc. Clothing. will god ft crostly to tbrlr
to [Arne him with ea% to great ban:Alt. "all be offered.
New Books Just. Received.
A LTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; en ante-
Llbiaansby. 1 TEL t_tnn, mos.
bloestkoh for the ore of rarest. sod teachers,
end tor you= persons of both PCSC9, stewed and publimb.
of iu otroordocee with reoolutiou of the hettoteotot !Those
of Eapseoeotatieto of the State of Medium. lly Ira Mat
bevr...t. M., lath ouperinteodent, of yobbo lostroetioth , I. sot
Itactell s iCenr Bmk-131dary Rasa& by John
B. . Abbott. with wursTings unite= with th s Om=
volt:gory of tido nrowlsr tilstotica mi.. /or sal. Dr
Pa HDPlLKo.ll,BlaoNnalWronta it.
'A . IERICAN IVOOLLEis: 0001).S.—One
- 111.14,,
./4/ Stk..unll . l:a:r!:rVul k •u mt.
I'll I.,ktltt.• 1., 4 4 •
Dr.k• •
kmm Is
ry I.lnr,
tt, Mark km' 1:11‘,1
kiatttml. krll
all taviaannet, (ram
av,l mad fw rale oti
, u,..untta.tur,r,,,,,Th
Q iliitLET (TIT AIN II I N 'l' 7., 113 in
‘714 curtmin 1,1Iu• tr,hu
t t
tll is
I. r Emu. a Murk.,
l ir n ITE BEANS-6 barrel received and
T T fur's. by ,o SA Mb 111. li.rillltlVElt.
i AR D—Ta enty barrels sled thirty kegs No.
j__An 1....1 nin-iiint aiind for rS
by sale
i.,1 .iti LI. mfaagr..
ii *Asti FOR 'nu: Din.. I
of Witne. , l Wont by jail .IL LES -
I, J Murphy . a Iturtlintilit continuo to bedo.f parting.
azuintinto tin. Inianeh of thi. tat,innis., and am ran
nilvirt u iinp..rbir iirti , l,---thii linen. warranted pun. 11.,
nod I,IA nt lii.r prin.. , for dual.," jail
if , HIN ESE VERMILLION-74 Ilis for sale
4,../ bp pl J. KIDD 0 CO.
LI EMP SEED—Fifteen barrels
K O IDD 0 CO. en. erri py
LC for int , . by an J.
I UM OPIUM-230 lbs for sale by
'LII iias. 4 qon it CO
COAL LEAD-1 cask for sale by
ii fittii J Kulp &co
61ILVER COIN ANTED of every ilescr
t.itsia. and a,. hidlint W *l,lll/Mll paid air. ;Zane i I p n
Linideirn kllnhancri rill" fnndii-nf flift . '”lif i l•
A. WILK-INS 6. (XL ~.
31.1.7 Cor nom nod Nltirtet ot.i.
ha UNDRIES-6 tales Cotton:
1,3 16 brla !so. 1 Lard;
/-hrl Tatinar;
ea•ka 114ra.ras:
ap tarn l'..anuta,
..... bag. walrd 1,616,
2 - 2 bags Feutherr;
laps iiinarn.,
17,60 Nap pier Fora Monin,
Naar latnlina . Crrtn rtrnmer 31ail!tnrrr. Wate rrair bY
~..'7 ',MAIL VICKLY 6 Co, .6 Front ati,
- -
13EARLS--15 rusks superior. for sille_by -
.. i .
jar tr ICI: 6 IIeCANDLE , Ie.
• .
DOLL RUTTER—Twenty barreirifirime
Ina me. ivr . I and far refl. be
.46N1111:1.. 1. sufirrEn.
VIA' li—Uhl t.rls superfine;
CO Grid Caw: (or hr
el Wr. II .IfiIINFRiN, 11 4 2.reand st
I) Y A PPLES--Fifty Itsl.l,received and
for r.le by u 0 Y.1.11CY.1. P. yIIRITER.
TORS-2.C 10 1,11 Whitt, ..r yellow, for .ntle by
1 ' .L. 7 11 liii 0 51.-CANDLEIt.t
-. .... . .
i..'TUCKS 14..)it SALE—Western Ins. Stock;
1. Turtle Cvk l'lut lion.] Str.O.
. ro
itt.hunth. Cincinnati and .lal , llln Ttle,-raph:
Karim , ItrilvaF Oto,k: 11.4 At Brid4e ttrok . .
Rid, Coprr 5t....k. ti W.. K. NlOl./1.1, tr. CO,
74 'Dural .t. , ,
4kTINS, nC the most deßirable
it Lxl +t ‘ b° a BUILCIIITELD._
tieree..ll.•W crop. receiv;d
011613.t.cract:. 144 A
NII .; 51ackerel;
SoiliNt.l.‘S brand.
. ,
0u315-- 11,. fur
J. It. UAL)
casks Carolina for .1. by
.1 a t. FI.OI-p
. .
usT RECEIVED from the Phi!liras - Me
nil cloth Frwton
Ja i
ant. ~.I 1 , 1r14., 011
y.r4l 4-1 1, •lo
r!-4 W,tguo .1 (l,)tlt a
MI doves iv.lvirt..l Table. Shaul and MM . .
. tinh•nt fiteiih. and beautifill patttio ,
toul rviall. at the iiimsvlium. 7 nail V
is , .1. A PHILLIPS._
SS: —.lnsuranee tin per
• ImAm.en the •,I'lll3Y 6.14,,,ki in
iciriety. by'
1•• the dr, ritviid•
nal quidititi ..1 eMdavvii . r ,
ettentaVe. 1{1.1.•
It ••••••1 seei•Lid Ivor 'Wit.. Viotritt.
5 1,1- st rained, for sale
rather, MATTHEWS p CID.
_ . .
I 1. , 11 1,. I
rJ ris New 4...%ettile
r 0...
t OFFEE. Lag-.snip br
I isle large NO. 3 Maekarel;
IMaim:rev , lii Tn., •
It1.0.);1.I2711L-WS 1. CO.
kILD OH , i
p uctovii EAT FLOUR. ,
lIPS. 9 bolos for sale b f IN - 31 11 JoirssroN .1
(I,UNIRIES--Tlirec hundred Mils. No. 3.
L .Mnr..rrt: ..L.l half ILA,. An. dui: 5 1.11 . ..:50.1 sAlmn, in ft..f.... , f - or -Al.. h. ,all JAML, 1,11.f.f..1.._
...oh In store awl fnr F,7 0.,, D ._ l
,All ~.'-,--j..-.4 —.2-.C.'1'11.--
11 EllltS—Klder Florserq. Sop. and 'Bone
. et,
11 a fr....h 1, , T. Itt.A mr.flyril,an.l for,sAlf hy
h• 11 J4-ruhhh 4., N.. 9, on.
W, 4_
1.: 0 . 11 ) Oil.. h 61,1 A ree.Ovr.l on cim,.. gn
_BA null, Awl P T Pair b, hi A.1.1.1N1a3111 1 k co ,
Wraer ..,tr.,..
. .-.,
1: ''f, I,rk nor afop, 11:4
N 0. 1,4-v. s.I..?I'LanAtISfS,r4F;. 1. 3 ° 11. A. VUS-NIN,IIIAS .
r....,' 1A1wr1.... at
7-- -----e-.-----------.---
tESII ItOLI. UTTER. 4 hrls just reed
1., th.,. It. '1 CL3NIiINOTIAM. .
hra.r..l ~,T ~I.• I, (1..24 I:. A CC,NINGTIANt.
'BITE Ii 11. 7$ 1,0, :ILA Id brls for
..1.. by .14.1.1 IS tIA II DICKCY 1 CO.
KORY NreS. li bap for sale lei
L. s. WATEILILLS ,t sale,
o [ i.O cA
6,1 0:1P. LOIIISVinf. No. 1 11Tin;
, 1.1 Crolileberap; Pale . by
• , \ .11.1,1b1W0hDA 91_
I‘ r P.N'El:i.'lii MIS:4ARD. A
1 54p,,1, .4. 1 ,1:nrruw.. , relubrated krntutky
11..10.21,4 llu.,ulorld, tut band W
t for.alulov
A ,orruN YARN. '2OOO dozen ILI]
kJ' f.,r ,u1,.2 , 1 ..: NI A I.LINGFOILD
A "RANGS. ":15 bbis. jury
NJ f, rub! b y 1.11.11111.111K 1)1 . k 0 001 1
s: 11.1W01/1..1.
IPLOU R. 160 bids. (or sale by .
L' J.: evnintioGE LN
A G!'
1.11 . REPS ANL , MOLASSES. Ext.,'
I ti.i..;."t , g3 b ,rt n- gii:;ii.g i'...V..rfl
Sugur 11nuo.. Ifull.c.n. do do
C'''''''‘V‘id‘Z Nlclq r t ' le l‘ l . !jC l . l .. 21.1.
Q 01 1 A ASH. 75 casks Kurtz brand (4'
0 by do.lto 9. 0 W. 11A1111A1.4
1.101.1. BUTTER. '2O bbls, prirne..r ceiv.
~.I fur .10 b, .1,1 .9 OW. 11. 1 01111 1,0 1
"TALLOW. 50 131;1:3. Twine? for rule 1)!
1 deno 0a W. lIARBAUIIII.-i
C HUSE. 513 LOX. , W. R. Cheese for sal.
4. s. a W. 11AltItAl.1111.
PIG )1}:I';\ 1,. 171', 11 1 0. rolling mil
pur,........ drl7 RlllO. NIATTIIEW o +
~,,,1,7.1 bazme.:rm.,•l4iLfino,.7l7, lor,
' 4 to ,
I I U I T O TER. '2O F. 131, roll, f o rigl li o e tky Nyl , „..D
. I) ItOOMS. 40 dozen for sale hv
. LA LEASE. ti OA, Sow landing (min the
" ''.."'".".."'"' far 'it A l llll DICK E Y & - 1 .10 1 “
' ,in 9 W 01... r pn.l Flout 2110010.
',' S ALERATUS. 1011 boxes f0r.}71,?A4
1 lag , -
ka o l o
l:11L 130065.—Educational1 forks.
.. 1. 3 0t0t,,. Slap,• In,trument.... Stullonary,Ltarlx !II pub
, • 4‘011,,a, . 1.11/ITATII_OI.II. 11t 1 .14.;- 1 1T.)1( .
61. Murk rl_ . _ _
i . ..1...r, .kr family ....1".51 - 5 ,1 5 .1 5,"
n.. 1. W. I ( AlinAlise.l.
1 rNsF:ED OIL 10 15his reveived fni• sale
I A b) dv.7:... S. a W. 11,01.11AUtill.
g 1 IJ.MMI DABAR. 1500 Dis just received
.r) for ralr 65 iI.AUS A REITER.
3.1 l'orm.rS-. C 1... and Litiorr- , t . ...
~ ____.
HARNESS. 40 dozen pairs liaise and
Muir num., Cr,
INDIGO—S-1s [lei Float. Mfulnis &
Slnuills. for .11.. br .1..:51 . 1 J. KIDD a co.
IAI NTI NG--11.1.te :Iliti Sign Painting
a. .rni "I , lng. Pmmptly and 11.-ttl, recutrd:
it W.. ut.h It di4uniti, 11tri,...4 that .e , 33 do
...11.1,1ar.?,z,,11,:ri.r. a. nor Oh, palntrr% In the
". ,:r..... - II cin1.1.1151,7
di•l‘o iALLF.Y.L t
k. 1.% ET PI LE CAISPET: , of the , richest
tolor• ,n-,.t, tio• CarTrt
•.. i•sort... • L MI'LINTOL.K.thy can
I, he I In ~ny roie.
ink:ESE. 1000'lloses for vale by
,•9 J V vtaIFIVLD
lill :105 sacks and 11 bblO
7 for .1r ta 1.1 L S WATERMAN t VONR
ROLL BUTTER. 15 blds.fresh roll;
"A. 5 tddS
10 dn for rile by
L trtl o
jkLAIS ult. CHINTZ, received, this day
the Carpet sl.,vhoette..l.s,fzet ) .l l lkt i.tvrom
n' ,
VI GLASSES. 50 brla new crop for rale by
Just rurtired by exposo.iinter lot of tboaa
an, valuable Ilators,tlus. only tale and p ortal rauno man
footstool. jalt 'W. W. WILSON
1.1111131 E ISLACK TEAS rum( ENGLANI
Mon . :. it 'Haworth. thn tattraowl, hero tido ;br
reined per partet ohin Denntobtre, ^Watt Itint lba of 11.
farrahr and Haag% Vl”ord black T 04•1, the rerf
aCI% be frocorod ho the Ertailsh truutot. Petro wono
wl 75 Mat, Ter Ih.
• The Tea 3latter le the N.M.& rxcsGlw,aft
14 , 1 , 1nr-3'.1:0‘.1
, Pronel.--NorleauJ; ' •
Metter—Watttt and C.ortiver,
&term.' 1 , -Jele , .. Num. a ,
to ma. by 1."1 , J. D. WILL
V.l b 7 1.1) 01-IE..'SSE—Ten tole No. I Lard;
4 [xis Orme, nor Isolloa from steamer
W.... Mutes
.1•13 Wait sal heat NW
?IBM C All
mu mull, a OA% M.
"Thorn are nem. e/...eoce. • s
••Than ore A/ , • /.
Fria: vtivrutp: te,n.-µcal •FeW ,
1.1 , •
t•-. at a dertb 0., Itona,./
w1tt, , , ,, t sot
frrtm N ature'.
V,.. - I:ty
whloh, 11 • trig/l. g 44%. 1 . 411L41 -
gt n rt;li
alt *non a
ht I
th ' e etnenchorae . The I, gg4
tine .g.g
all. for I, amtveveral recoaral.te eve
formed. iv ato In - do-anon of It. amp/nave, er.4 . ,
w ino anfllcattn, in the rote ol cow
n'e ,ant wet, 43 make a Irmo emnd- oernhcatve,
ro shot tho r, woo not am ea/
Into the favor of thtee •Ee. ender. •t.. 1 et, to by
tchilvt aro do nut clam for n • noirerod arplicaon
cry lo
aovitaLogl) am, OM in • number
Clannlo LlL•emv 11 to:Moaned. Anvenf those Mar be
ottatmeCllAt l nded--all dlovaere of the moeon. teenc,,anch
CONSI.IIrTION, On 14 carly
lease.) ASTIEMA, and •11 Mt...arts f the air jeniamm, LII-
ER tII.ThIVLAINT, 1/VIirEPCIA. Mat risme. of the
Molder and Kidoc).- rano. ha the Dark or ntde, :forams
1,1.-.A.f.1,u114.41in, Palm, Ithintaitic lado., Gout.
elm Tetter,llLogaroconOttartut. noldim. Promo, Old Bann
se. kr_ In mete of debty . , menltlng from rornanra.«.
rrotracted Of deote.. tint rortitto 1•111.
Lens rid lons e/. It artll art tot a remold TONIC and AUT.%
ATIVE In each came, inlpartms and coeval - to the
,ebolo frame, removing obstruction, onvolng
fnocdontvehich oute dnease and a tlTtfll Cl36l.titil
and Intl...toed awl renewed coral, to all the ornane ,
of tire. Ito. reoprietre
r knono of Avierl) r i r Of r k l . l , , fe : ;,
11'&rel;ITI'Vrat4hfo'r Verorr
limn ° ;g7f ba
givNTotoog7nyor=b'ohuct'rel7l=nrc of the rami.t. ,
Sold Canal Ague. near
D Seventh oneet
Alto, by 11- 11.. n V.I.LI:IIE. .17 )3nott
aud ICIASE.P. •
corner Wood idrect and %irgln Alley, nbo are
n -ern. ly e•golarly appointed .kgenta
- h - NOW. all men mho are sick and attlittii
• with &ton , of the Bladder dial Kidneys, with throe' .
mart' *no in lock at licit, drift ieltdo. old ware*rrnring
' tn. ' o f
tt.talntat)'-i7ell[l:btUil';•lteiftrt:ts3 XtraTt.LlXebt
to 're please.
re f bur
gO h n . . d . ' : " Ztn t ' tti;. " l; ‘ tg ' i r t . PTZirtVoi
a liich arc not contnin e ed In any ot e The mas
7.1! hrZ c. erocked
e ' e r t ls' relief e in ,L o I MT of r'
andirl a .n di lt ' r . a=
atom, •
Header: it credo very little to mak; a trial. , Thl. Petty
Mom is en mizinre—no compound. put My kg the
of Imprwing . on the eutarountß - ; but It le a rentedyelaborae
tea by the master hand of ware. and babbler ant.. the
1..... of our mother earth. In original parity aml of.
frotomfferlng humanity a rear remedy. a ceriturt imid
7 r Are.l
. Bilre. after other medlcinen hare (aped to
rendre any It ha. cured 'thrum:db.. of long
...ling. and of the Coot, and moot painful character.. It .
o cured Cholera Morin.. by roe or two doaeo. It has
e red old MM. CA Iharrhma. in which arm,' other I t ha
no teen of an stall. Asa local remedy In
or u
oint brrs um
wldo. it Le better than any medlost coMpoundo u m
that tow ga ll of. It will cure chilblain. and front
htrnied fall
rd.:17...1.=1V1 n i ub tt tirtVir.ftm'otial'ento by calb
m,:..I4ALIJEL D. 11.11:11.. s Cantl Barn. boventh MM., or
klecaer * 41=e11. rorner of Wood street and Tire:.
I all •r: IL E. Seller, 1.7 Wscal et.... D. A. Mot, and D. D.
fitt ' liy. Allegheny 'Mtn are the man. ,
Ito) o,olttem,nded,,,t.hennwoet• a i l 31 , 0N in IM. } 1 , 11'h i. 1 111 Eff ewm till AT
.11.P.1 t V
/Tr tqlndß t..',',13...i.. •
E:;.;:t 'tird=ir.rz.ef.,.q,t4,-Plv_ rt .l ur ‘r. 'CM'
Ilut rode of raw. many of them t c * itisena of St. Lon%
and of ers from abroad• have 10.0 cured within the last
PIIIr to th e In the citf offs. Louis alone. while Itt7 fie=
lA% :berged:h°37at i'dhttt " w t :es P e r'l" a of l ' at%
swat' ii. and all hope of recovery had been given p--
W Idle others awe of more recent date, of the acute Inflam
matory ham. very severe. AU. however. IhAdda the were
derful wirßne. of this medicine. and tlioneunta Flu , 11. e
realized Its
th e. sal are mar in theemoyment of hunk
ran but esteem the original discovena and proprietor, e
beignonar of mankind
It is well known from the exps.rieuce a the peal. that no
ounganl application ra upossll.l y effect a permanent curs
of this dresdlul diseam. Dr the a pplication of stinualatlnff
li n iment, partial relief. lu some eases, may be el:dal..
fore shart , thne. Ilonall the while this dusenne la trine Its
~,, more permaneny in the system. and to
tw letcr
will again develo, it,lf to a more dreadful form, and after
Xl . :l‘ll '' UtTtut " a " rrTatd i . t rVn i s i T hetinl7'
This is verified hy the history of the past in all c ountries, ,
MI 'tnri"ie‘r4;ifrerar'nOlTL'icob% th ;Ll 'a , a r " pyou r'' l;:y " .47v d t 4l
non ce of tnose who have p= under nts Immediate
nonce and treatment dun' Is thebud few month.- '• '
, Py kit - f i t ER Is en
. interual temeciy-tumencet ltaral`
itfeoblorl.eiglveced:cirrcteetrae'zvzylttert4nrlntiallzeg lb •
Wnn, or .width eulituenb which h. setthal upon:llEls.
membranes, Museles. and tendon...greater. it entirely . frcon
the system. and restart: 4 the in to parted. health.
let thaw 000 eon aillicted not deceive tiler:metres, and
Nayt r , ..a .„ ,h747 . zr ._, 11 , 0 ;.; ;.:.,adi6t,t,, izt
. or a usitil theta
tl:;=l7lpt!;,,t'ffteli:Erst,Tabsewlrarks, rrn o ti f ltituTe r rtg ..'
present di, demonstrates the fully of experting penne-• -
nun external uptions.
'''ll.7lVolf-lehd. a this v uable meheine knows from ei
,rtetane. lb. 120 outward st‘plirattrat ean possibly effect IL
permanent eu, where this disease I. tautly fixed In th•
,Itmn. He can end does prepare and apply an ruhrrea
non in very acute eases. which will give relief in al:whales
time, but this toll not Ole , a permanent 'cure. The OF
tore of this disease IF such that it m t uirealonger lame. ~..a
an Intermit nniedy, to➢fondue. the desired *Met, and hlov
timn,a Rheumatic Compound and Ukgat Plter b. the
only remedy that has ever tom dixr.aered, efface In
America or any °then [Doan". that will effeet' tally min
i s
This medicine can , had- Wholesale or retell. at 1g0.,71
Thud street. next to tile Port Otter, Pitteburub. '
AL fur sale in Pittsburgh. brillEyacr, Wm. Tbarn.
J. 11. Morgan. S. S. Wickersham. md J. A. Jones.
Prin. .f.' 5 per hettle. • MI I.tles tn. SAS or 114 `per &NV,
‘ an Le had Frans of the nt.
P o!‘ - ' 11. 11, 4 ;ISIXART Agent.
—Pr.. JAC. Ran.
, 2 , discov , ercr and este
. fany a rto . e.
the 'r e :nrrtrtr i et r lebratm b lrrln titWligfelatinfntlie
Lung, ha effecting • cure of Chronic diem-gee,
and yes • atm.
dent of that eminent rits.tehm. Dcctor' PhTale. isi •
' ,earn.. o f the p t drereity of Penneylvaniaotral for thirty .
3 ,. ...0 'in:. , ^ , haa been enraged in the ineestlgation of - air
~....... and the application of remedies thereto
Through the use of him Wieling tmheloredritit'
hie Prophylactic Pyrup. and other of Ms remedies. ho has
name! an unparalleled eminence in curing those. dreadful.
and fatal Maladiere Tubercular Consuroptlon, tluatere,'
Screfula. P.heernattan. Asthma. Fever and dritte.Feeadsof
all kinds. Chortle Erysipelas. and all those obstinate db.
«pees portiliar to fernah.e. Indeed. gere.. fano of diomo
, vanl.hrt under thew. ..f hie rr medies. to whirl hogussile
! t,
Orbi t by the u... of net, compeusod oily, the that
I it
of with Phyainloro.Mll LSW. bat loy the ere of
I hi. remeellee. &darnel to. and rmeribnl for. each pecullar
.... .
rm of di..., •
Dr. Ito-4s Tonle Alterative Phi. when nred,are Instate
-1.1, askpowled,red to he anterior to all others ex Ararat.
live or hver vill. Inatinuch they:leore the bowel!, her.
reedy fro. frern euetiveumg as all. Li
r 444Iden Ma are ad
t t he
faculty. t t,o ut rgttrd P=L,',111 . 2
Ldr.ablksh xhat Ile
been raid, tagmtemuor
the trgodgeolleal.
The articled are invited to <,ll over the .sent. and Fr
cum g.ndie) eat uf the ixe.ce. hantrdaleta. giving a detail
ed meant of cacti nonedy. and Jae applicatioia
Fgr tole by the
the nfollwing %MUM vixen as hynteßartdt - •
gi n throughout country: •
3. tklonnmaker 2 Ce.. 13 Wee! at., Pittabn.r:Fh., •
.1. M. Sew nvend. Pro niriet. 45 Market
Lee A 4 Beckham. DruggieL near the Peat qdre.Alletthte
sly city.
Joecdth Barkley. Darlington. Deaver runhty; Pa. •
John 1111fott. Lunen Valley,
Adam , Deaver, , , •
augl . ..olly • _
.•U boxes ?Jr sWle by
wALLisi:ont , k CO.
EOR TILE AFFLICTED will be found in '
Dr. Dewitt C. liellinger's 111,01.L1111.0 LIP:MYST,
thic Fluid...bleb has stool the test of thirty Teeth ex-
Petiellt ,, , il, beyond doubt. be Diemen= of 001.
Inc the Inns of thouthudg Individual. In 'at GSM
thus and character ef disease. We feel that we laniard no'
thing in saying thatthia (atheist:lly medicine th at Ilea been
offend to the afflicted, that doer, in ether roues of thisergni.
what hie cold for.
It has cured. and Ls capable of curing more diseases Ilan'
any other medicine offed for rale. we tithe not by-arboas
audo or add. err by .b at 411.0 e.
Al n Wong . and couritinng proof of the alarm tire
them fair
th yt! ! 0 'OO `hl
of that ttitta'abetlA'.:li= Brad ieal
, tio.7ptalui Al the elite generally.
or met
runny Medicine erer offered for sale; or used by any of •
them. sic
The Hon. Math U. Grinnell, late M. C. The Ma. Ythbf...
11. Morris. late Mayor. Mon. John A. Dix. lath 11. 8. Sense
tur. William IL Porter, Km., Editor of the Spirit of the
Time, awl a bast of other altadogultheal , ettlzens of New
York, who hare fully tested its merits, haye remitted the
proprietor to refer to therm
As It is well known that. Dana 31edirinon mute ire tl cter
chats umlonbadle
I iorod. TM Wonder 'sprains Compouou basi Lawn hexer
seven years before
the 1,14111 , It. lard friends the now Its
strongest and beet. Thls mud undoubtedly Is strOng and
i omgn
_iku ° Osdirie g Irief of
~Ptkrlo%.s,7lAulucv, sweosogs, Walt., gds., oth
c orersor ni 011. the Palos thhes that deal Is heir to.
Over I,o9o.tath bottics berets.. sold without complaint,
awl have perfected nab adthieth mires, after
remedith bare tailed. AA would stagger belief, had we not
°Ethel. and In our hossenslon, th e thengeth Dowithif eft
This medicine. or nem:sea refolds'. la prepared froth VW ,
eta kb, for Internal th well ILA rst,rnal me. It seta =rift ,-
mein thedisethed part—gi , log it health and anerigth—
It irr a sure rare for Diarrhea, Cranips, (Amin,
11 end
apthaialle affection, &thaws of the Kidneys; and
ifs thtnew male or fetnair. from whatever mon It may,
lithe originated.
For ale In Pittsburgh. by ElSe ll ers. 'Stearn...Kidd It
and Ogden a Snowden: awl by the retail
e -Co th erany. ja put up In four. ico, =id one rilti=4 .
jarthffro •
ITEitVESCING co3ipou ND. Thin
xij...l4:unzundts,.it..o•Txt/d..,.T.l•azir 1 43 , aittilg k t,
dou r rates, Sr- by yr hlcti sasii/g elleetal in the
dour of
lax cent
To 00000 ihmsn—To each towel of flour add tiro ten
rgrg - Tgr Itlr girtir :21 ' 4%1-
mired flour tbat you can set thide ant the at leisure.) tnen
add as much wild water th will make the dough the usual
thiebeeek linen' It smell. and let It stand liftthen minutes
liefoni baking—one or two hours will do 00 hurt Windt
shoukl fumed tough thinner, and baked at 0006 bat
will do do hurt to Wand fifteen or twenty minutes. There
.I th ipor of getting tio ' much of this Componnd in the
browl; It etil Out turn the tinsel mite., fis calenitu does
when used to era,. •
You mis tad. tlu• abate Ctraradhd into tea enter, pods'
o ,caltes. I ntlan cakes. ginger mkt, corn mold
ealtie, corn bent Ithwe bread, biscuit, batter cakes, bum
w heat auk.. 5Pi1L....,....e.".e.p1e5,and tor all bathid
port, arx. Jun - E"riVl.Zyll. fj - Wood "
to Wien reward will be paid to aim one who will
r tri stash toil,Ptri.fVelfZ;;A t!.!:.! p c ' VP: It;
•atefaction of raying to the people of tbtsee .tha n t Ode
article IM my own linprormitent on it. Dolt .1.4. tart
-1.11.4 In this country for extracting meow, ta. path. Mle
point, or SOT other Viler submarine, front ail kind,. of grin
Mi st
or lapel' cleaner. Caprts, tett. e t
,hawLe, hair tonnets, Cr., witho u t tem.. any thlsh .
Mist rum. Oster will not inpme More how oee thaw
prIVINDS In different part et the enmity bare .1d me Owe
would net tie without it if It net SI sate.
t o on liners than WO articir aof light Wks. ea
and =limes. I hate only Mine Pit. , a ..... k _,•• "LT
of .Ip...hand font of &ten, on whirls it changed ioe"Mtl
o f
t h e ball. 110111120 It on a light drew. MT • M.P.;
of the tel first •I Mete this because lam d.4oll:lllPed..
It any strOnges than / •-•••' to b. .t rk-U r
° • Yd. , from eormitry northimits sq. r,,,,Wr ir
attend to by thejnittearther• • . 11 - /.111ii• oc . : 6,
de33 -----------'--- t--------
tost not tossi 4t trio. Ikons I telt its to r rr.eff f. tetn"
Ar;llll.2l.eSEunktrestaii luactosunl "-
nahont obtalnlon rslnf.d sr....rang ir;10.41=o1
..1.;-d't.7, ;riot IbreSlE In Escn„to
MIMI. that I .! not snod
tt trim
ciartffect. 0t , d4r1=7:104 .s to l asing witnessed
lAnagor.4,- a gyp. •ne An
~,ti nslnclsr;
vb. WI try IoF attns!e tt bf. 1 . ;11 . 4:=11.1 . 7ns (1111 b ert
dist-n.. 100 t 'T„' wd s -ser) hasdr.s. asnonEst .
anzAhs sod colds sqrst s
E..s.ndss. CrlitrajW, Idd Wylie
prma.4 w=ot
I Essposnd nod s. T•
.4•1 LSdn.dnisUnd‘ennY.- Sad
SO Additional PV:Mt oriVate,,cwv..
W. fi.
E. Pollen as ofilletoN-41,4"0.4 lert;
bad oath, I woe ree=lo4 lo
w oee your foy,m3
"Ti!" " )r0,.. lt haTi tbi =rm. Y MM W M,
11, 01=, that 1 bbl deopabodg ereetfOriarl
4 . 4 .,, r , r =4-17,....IvV.AltrZrZ• at:
Ele bYeeep- I feel fully ostboted to raflox se
mai reeeenteeodios It to tbe yobbo so owe of ibe
deouoA,Lbs?,efel , loesored Sql J eff e for,MIS
L. ,14.7ar0ni mad odd by IL Z. MIME. ad %Parse
iirkftICONATE AMMONIA, Rartitiorn:
V 000ualtitieleby Ltau -"
If kb' 4491,SN_A