The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 27, 1851, Image 2

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,uithisHED C
. To the Whigs of Pennsylvania.
V - ii - A STATE CONVENTIOS .111 be held In th,
In City
mel h.aaterrekt TUESDAY, June Uth. I.!A. 1, tha
1. ,, or okutog roarlkla G
ra Gm the aloe. of .vernor .oul
421 Guamlaelnuer. and abr. GI. the AllrtyLlan
e.`"..1. r Ili:kill M. KURR. eltalnuan.
Jou.pla It. Flan.,lo, Minuet - 31rMenatoy.
I. KIMJI Morton. ( . .11.0ta...1n .15000.
' 10m. IL Sljnalutt. Samuel It. num.,
• : • ‘.lllel Bell. • John S. 'lnnen,
Nati:ante' Ellmaker; T. Tar krr Worth.
Wm. J. !Whim... Alexander R.,ltemen.
Wortbm Y...Prerton, I Wm. Raker.
'Mom. u. Cochran. -Wm. .>I• Waktk.
Ilene?. Jnhnaork Jam. Clark., ..
: • Char .ILBOntO2.III. Sherman D. Phelt , r,
' 11.0 g. Cerra. Patin IL Wilk.,
i John Allison,
t , I,a nnl y a , Daniel McVunlr. 1.4201121111. I:eortre Meamm,
Wm. keno.. Abs. r !I. )101"lure..
J•4ITI e.:iflrlij, r Frartel. Jnnlan.
11. ItI:NDLI.: S.IITII. Sern.tam
~ v.ornett l't4tat: itnam—ln another column
,will•lie.(otuad an advertisement fur subscriptions
or Hock to the Birmingham awl Brownsville
Plank Road CoMpany. By the . route of this road
the steep ascent of Coal Hill i• avoided. The
proposed road starts from East Binningliatii,.and
to to puss ttp the Ravine to Mount (liver, and
front thence to Finleyville. following as near as
praeticable the route of the old Brownsville road.
The grade from East Birmingham to Mount Oli
ver will'not : exceed 'two and one half degrees.
and iyia Atonishing that a and should ever
hove been located on any other route' than up
tho r.vlne from Fast Birmingham.
Th•t. coantry through Which this road ;is to F 11,..
is densely populated:. and the farmer., io that
section hare sufferedreuch from the want of geed
414 road, as the Old Brownsville Road is consider
. ed to be one of the very worst leading to the
. city, ' •
. The people of Birmingham ore larvely inter
ested in this road, and we doubt not they will
Cal, a lively interest in bringing about Its ~-peetly
completion.. Independent of the fact that plank
roads have paid most liberal dividends, the real
estate through-which they pass is always large
ly increased in value, so that there is every in
: duceinent for the construction of the Fond.
MAIIGET Horse nap Pratte 130.PINVIS.
Our correspondent, an •.Old Citixim,'! broaches
St most stupendous and ma,gnificent project for
improving the city, which is worth at least some
consideration. We are not sufficiently acquaint
ed with the value of the property, and the diffi
culties-in the way; to say whether it itt remade or
not, hut it is certainly a very desirably plan.
Ile proposes to lay out a Central Avenue from
Liberty-street to Grant, along Diamond Alley,
IWO feet wide, using the lots on the north side of
the alley for the street, and remunerating the
owners by an assessment on the property on ei
thq,side of this magnificent Avenue, which will
be vastly enhanced in value. On thislArenue he
proposes to erect amarket, iii-the centre, leaving
a fine street on each side. The project is 6 hold
ore, and worthy of attention, and we refer our
ratters to the communication itself for particu
'Alto Convention at Reimersburg, we under
.nta9, w,as a very fine and encouraging affair.
There were about five hundred delegates present,
not Che number would have been increased to
six hundred if the boats could have got under
the Freeport Aqueduct.
The following letter ° trom a gentleman present,
a member of the Pittsburgh Delegation, gives
the substance of the proceedings, and shows
that a spirit is aroused which mast result in improvement of great importance to this
city and to the whole Allegheny
. ,
Mar ern sorry,that the high water
prevented the Pittsburgh Delegation from attend
tug the Beimershurg Convention.
Mr. Guthrie brought the proceeding:4 of your
meeting to our Convention before we adjourned
The proceedings were read, and ordered to he
printed with the proceedings of the Convention.
One of the resolution - a passed at your meeting,
cevommentled an adjourned meeting to he held
at liatrisluirg before the udjournment of the
Legislature and to give Baltimore. Philadelphia,
and New York hotter of that meeting. &c.; and
in punitance of that re§olution our Convention
.appointed 3lessrs. Mayers, 'Laughlin, McKee.
and Riley, members of the Legislature, to attend
that Convention. also; Judge Nlctlay, who is in
Harrisburg, front Clarion county.
No flay was fined on for that Convention
meet in Harrisburg—that matter was left for
the Pittsburgh Delegation to fta on whatever
dav they thought would . he most suitable. a.
well no to give the requisite notice to L'altimore.
Philadelphia toad New York to rend delegates
if they thought proper, no expressed in your re,-
elution „ on that isubject. . . _
The proceedings of our Convention will b.
published in the Clarion gape,, but it will be
some days before the papers math your place. and
.1.4 you may.not have othenrist heard, I thought
I would drop you a line of the most important
part4of the meeting of the Convention at,flar ,
risburg--thiat no day was 11.116911.41._ $(4_1,41.11
3 . 011 could attend to - hare theday filed on 'ma
published, and notice given IR contemptured
your resolution, all in due time.
At our Convention here were two &mrkier...,
appointed ; one on the aubjeet of o Plank
and reported in favor of w Plank Wed from the
town of Clarion to the Allegheny river at onc
of tiaeepoints—mouth of ftelbank, Philapehergh,
or CARLA, the point to be Axed on try the
pony that will make the road, Ac.
The other Cominittee &midget] of tl, appoin tet
on the cubleet of a • Railroad, which Committee
iv• to meet at Cuidsville, on the 2.d Tueeday of
March neat, and report their ptveeedinen to the
Ilarrichurg Convention.
. .
The time Ste t for the Harrisburg Conven
tion should be a few days after the 2d Tuesday
of March, ss as. to give time for this Committee
of SI so make out their report, to he for.
worsted on to the 'Harrisburg Convention.
I write in haste, having just got in here after
u real wade through the mud.
I am, very respectfully, Ours, &e.,
• The ilempfteld. Railroad project seems to he
atpresent somewhat in the fog. The It elteturst
Ilcrahl, of the 21st., speaking of •information on
the subject. says:
If any one is in possession of the commodity,
tee have only to acknowledge him richer than
we are. We have waited till the latest moment,
have ransacked our exchanges; hut camMt find a
Single item,. The Richmond mail due to day,
failed entirely; and the Daily Wheeling •Times,
id which we are wont to look for Richmond news
has been for the last four days silent as the grave
—frost which we infer news unfavorable to Whee
The Parkersbnrgh Bill, passed the Seate on
the nth, by a vote of 21 to 7; and is now a law.
The Cincinnutians are chuckling ov t er it; and the
Wheelingites are down, but they have their own
infallible wild, 'workers to blame fully as much
1/3 any body else. The tfempfield news of last
week Woo correct, except that the Company
are bound to make a branch to the Virginia line,
instead 'of to Wellsburg. The impression is, that
.thc till has passed; there is no reliable news.—
There in a report that ; immediately on the pas
, 14.1;e of the Parkersburg Rill, President Swan of
the Ball.• and Ohio B. „goad, and others in that
interest posted off to Richmond; and with their
presence there, seems 'to he connected in some
way the fate of the Ilempfield in the Senate.
For the Ptelzhuruh Ga:rlf
Mn. Etoroa—lnasmuch as many have under-
Lakin to give their opinion, an to the beet place
for a Market House, and as . some thing must
soon . be donee as the wants of the eutire city,
present and future, seem not to have beau eon
i venture to propose the following, which
t think, on examination, will he found to be a
susteinnii. plan.
its action, it produces capital to carry it
through. Every individual coming within its
Feuge will be benefitted,•as all those lot holders
on the south side, that could nut pay for the im
provenieot opposite, could sell to- better advan
tage, and there would doubtless be more layers
than sellers for such property.
First. As there is not at present any property
it the c entre of the city, of less value to its own
-7t4 thanAltat'of Diamond Alley, the City bay
m ,
g twat obtaine d authority 'mon the State to
purclthst: the entire range of lots on the north ,
side of Diamond 'Alley, from Grant to Liberty
streLds; those lots extend half a square through
frets? Diamond Alley toward Fifth street, 120 it.
.Dianflnd Alley to be called Centre Avenue, With
a vigil of 140 feet. It Is believed that a milli=
tient fund can he raised as folli4, s :
Each lot, say of 30 feet, ori the south side of
Di2CLIDICKI Alley, would, by tbti opening, by raised
UP three times its present value; earl. holster of
such lots would not fail to give 1.9 much as would
pay, the piesent value for the lot opposite to hint,
except the corner lots. A kited sufficient for the
paribase of thaw, could be ruined as follows:—.
First. Each corner on the south side would
he raised hat/bine, at least $l,OOO, and each lot
on the north corner equally raised. Again, each
lot now fronting on Fifth street, running back'
120 feet. The back - ends of those lots would then
front on the best etroet in the city, and In depth consist..., he asserts. the danger of the late pro--t
towards. Fifth street,T4 (cit.-dieing the depth of needing. Christianity, of:cording to the Church
most of the lotatronttog ou W I street: the back of Kurile, Is not merely n doctrip... Freiluetive of
end; or what is now the buck of each :to feet lot, an institution, ii..; .h i.. the per
would be worth to its owner. at least sllono - p e t t ed sounai nt of doctrine. Itet.l.itain, it holds,
They. I think. would he willing to gtie. at lowst 11,,t it trittory visit of heaven to earth, hog'.
$4,000 toward the fond, to pay for the cornea". and entopeted in the mortal life of the Savior.
We will now suppose we have Centre A vent., bat Deal Presence of the talon to
dear. from Liberty to limit streets, 110 wide. in cerium .eltieled persion. and efitooierated objects
the centre of which tl& city will build it lizarkee The won' of , iiispiration, the deed nl ud n,rlo ilic
house from Market Street to Wod. and front authority to•tionilentil rind I'olole. Laic. aes, ci i .l
Wood to Smithfield. thirty trot wide. two stories .1, it priontly ordination. Is Its, '
high, with a ten feetporch, tom story high, the and remain us etlcetilely as what bilot bieltl
eaves soppart.ed on cast iron coition.; a wide in the temple, walked on t h e era, 110.
stairway ot each end, to the nvand Stem . The awl 4,er0p10,1 Ile prntlanl ,
other part, between Liberty mid Market streets, ; errs of Sloe t'llittell of In t o „
a s th e words of the city demand; bunt ; dogma, ..ire the sole Dell Poole oil eat tlt
field to 'toss, and from Ito,to the city limits in ottlivine•gra, , , o r pardon, ',1 e0 ., d,.. , b00ki,
I needed. ! they , pen oe shut tin is re g istered
Again, Mr. jEditnr, we nee , ' illlP.Vehttfti. far lin Lease!). and In without apponi It i , thi =
city purposes. Mayor's 011icc, fooms, .acerdotal "Ii ,reeler. ,Ii n ,„„
and rUritilltl other city offices, and,obovii, them a power,e,..,e(mo, ~,,, Ural
Town dint would be an honor m
to fite,a..- t u
utoe r , 'ruokttatinottl.beo tlto boo nob.., t o Ito,
.After Centre Avenue is opened no iilt;itee. there Popti. St 1111114 uphdun , fnau. 11,,,
will he seeee . a t ea t ua m e l o t., on the 441 . 1, side of tarot of lit.hoits by the
the Diamond. belonging t o the city, tit,,lN Ont. Thin elant In eleliiiiiso siniciattiol p o lo ileec.•
then the city hoe IS or Nor the hest lotipt,nlii. ion the part of the or Roots, o. roe,. ilea
; frOlithlg, 118 they would, on Centre ,oetned awl '; by the ri .un l;,,
' Market street, and what might to. called : trtopt.tit establish o
mond street. Witli the proceed. , of the tale of i storer Oft believes io the pito °native.:
those lots, let the city pureliase the !dock on the
_thin the avt , oloto, t b. too 11,0
n o rth side of the Diamond to Filth street, and 1 11iii•ter,1111,41pincilealli be the tool of the ',rood
! from Market to the street on Ihn Wert side of the hood, owl &Al erhatrvrt {hots.. or jorrrisl/14,1
Diamond, on which erect Town Mayor's of. It lot iii usy,4, hest .1
fire, he., and a site is wanted lye Post elonp, ',Lido Iteliese.; .1-or.
CUSIOM 11.1,14 r. the Ultitra St.str, would cession, to wall the cotton; 01 the Molt !Intl,
doubtless purchase toe other block. ou lfie east will pay no t ch lord to tholtaton attic ciloatitile
of Market , street, fronting as it would on lito of All hosiery proles, l ie list Ilto rot it
the finest streets. tlto city -namely.6intre At- power has ever, been regarded n tsktstr,liiralt• tic
enue and Fifth ,treet stiitatile hien- the church if Rome •• It hero the theis-cittic
tiou for a Post Dtlicc, as stage, could run all ' pietensioti 0 ... his own wools, ...b.
round it. If the United Stales would nut pureleiso idle to ntippose I lmr mother supreme jari.iliction.
the dosired lot, one is greatly wattled then her. resting o rely 111111111111‘2,niK, eon peaceably
chant's Etchonge--nouc could he bolter for con. eis.etist.'w4li it. Ile repudiates the Idea, so
teal position, light, air. ie. trc g aeutly fiilv6uced , that theoeratic rinimt are
This, Mr. Editor, I hat - cal:melted outn goryharniltso lie
c i cati s e th e y refer only to spiritnal
real plan for the real wants of the city. I hope niatterS.; and contends that all 'wet.. which !ditt
o suitable Committee may be appointed It% prop- tuaile theocratic elnimx, feoni Calvin and the
er authority to enquire into its practieabnity. Portions ,town, base treloosied on rail rights.
AN OLD CITIZEN The l'6o.estont diuretic., he add,, hove long
since aliandunedt the idea of theocratic claims,
except Church of England, which
. •
LAM TWENTY-FOUR YEARS SINCE. mill clings, in theory nt least. to the dogma ul n
, succedoinf
Rome. ministry, in like manner as dues the
Yesterday the last rail upon the Cleveland, !Church o
Columbus, rind Cincinnati Railroad was laid. mud !
This doctrine of a priesthood, using that term
for the first time passengers mute through front as distinct from a ministry. as implying , hieratic
Columbus to Cleveland ,by n continuous line of powers, as denoting a elms , claiming to be the
Railroad. This is the beginning of the second indispensable medium of communieutom between
bra in the history of,Clevelnml. God and man, the Westminster holds to tie a
On the first of December, 182 f, the Cleveland remnant of the past. out of Place in nn milight.
Herald estimated • the value Id Meru:hemline :cued civilization. rh o overt ., ho s b uitgo b,,, uccoo d.
landed at the -vilage," at between ••seven and ingly on the nigh Church party, for maintaining
eight hundred thousand dollars:" and complain- this doctrine, and accuQes them or being thereat,
ed that “during the latter part of the summer. though remote cause ~f 0,14 1 , „ggr e .,sion. The
'or early in the fall, the mouth of the river is present „ t „ ~,,,I, h e adds, i+ 'between them and
usually obstructed by ~ b ar of sand, which Cavlinal Wiseman: between two rival episcopates
:sometimes amounts to a total non-intercourse assuming to 1.0 both heaven•uppointed: - ..1 not
between the lake find the river—at other times., between the British nation and the Roman Ca
boats or lighters of ten or fifteen tons can en-
. o hot i o body, Ile declares that for seventeen
ter. The spring floods remove the liar, and „ors. what vise utted the ~ A„otg,„•, move
! the lake craft can then enter the river and come ! meat wont on, „ nopp „, od by the 1ti,h„1,,, every
I along side the wharves. When this is nor thecave, ! year, showing how for Protestants by name might
VegleiS are compelled to lie at anchor in the lake, become in doctrine Roman Catholic; yet now,
and discharge and receive their cargoes by means the moment the Pope insists on - introducing his
of lighters." polity, the instant a rival hierarchy . sprity.s. up,
' On the same any at -a meeting of . which .lo ! those who had svmpathized 01 most mtense
: Satnuet Cowles, Esquire, was President. and ,ly with the Rom. Catholic., became imme
, John W. Allen. Esq., Secretary. it was re- . dintely-their most hitter foe. - The anger of
' solved to memorialize Congress for the "build- 1 the clergy," we employ hi., _ ow n ~,,r d .,, ~• onset
ing -of n harbor and the erection of a light from their holding the very same doctrine with
house." their opponents, viz that on the same spot there
Such tens the "tillage" of Cleveland a little cannot he more than one 1.i..1mp, that if two
more than twenty four years ago, and such with appear, one or the other must be a I,reteml.
but little advancement, it would have been, to- 0r..•
day, hut for those internal improvement,i which
have developed the resouses of the Reserve, and
provided means of entrance for its imports and
of exit for its production. The F-oii of the Re
serve in no richer now than it was then, nor is it
tilled by more industrious or enterprising men.
but the increased facilities of communication, and
of making the Union, instead of a petty village.
a market for the product: , of labor. has increased
the bulkiness, wealth and social advantages of
Northern Ohio an hundred foil.
Then. the citizens of Cleveland. after a lapse. I cats c Island. Surrounded lee a detoehitien• ••!'
of twelve or fourteendays, might tenni from Co- the police, and by 47 .1 4, I%Olie', .0. 1,
lumbuys the nets of their representatites—now •
of drageoto• and felir'ired C" ° ' •
Colithibus papers. yet wet . frnin the prevs , inform course of citizen, he left th e ehtecar,••••l
Gevelanders of doings at the State Capitol hut by Father Pans: his spiritual ail'oser. hall
three hours before. A little more than twenty- , past twelve liespite the icoi]chlit...., 4,1 111••
Ain years have elapsed since the completion thee add the wretched eottilittoti ol the .irei•i.
the Ohio Canal, but owing to the tribute the salt crowd , err. 's• - • 00 led ' O, "t'l
whole State fin. poured through . it into the lap of island lone before the • had o r , " ed It'
Cleveland, the "cables ,- has become a city, its tire 'tunnies alter one le na- niost it• •ut
trade has increased from s6oo.4tnt a year , the gallon-. all the pri•••••er. tiolni,ll, Bev
neittly sixteen millions', and New York itself ran • Yothoe Vine 0 . 1 item. 'el h . l•
doast little of eimifort, retinemeut, or luxury, lima Some t. fti•ett minioes ias
which is not found within the limits of the bail, ineditolem owl 1 0 )e , .1.0, ; Marshal \ le t •,, t I
which latelybegged the c o oper a ti o n of ••suf, lough rend the death ai coo old
tido, Black Rock and Detroit,' in securing such convict that if lie hid ellitentent to tont, h. ,
intprovements would nt all times allow ••light- mold n'himes , the PeePle " 0 .
ern of ten or fifteen tons - 10 voter it. hartier Sy this time the 101,1 k•IL the ,good I •• •
Looking to such a past, from such a preseui, the vicinity numbered, a •heliese. loin, tea n 0.,,
citizens of Cleveland may well indulge the - hope sand person, of whom about two
that the completion of the first great railneol women and ehildree nu twins ad•tri-se•l iiy.
coninsunication between Cleveland and the Ohio . the Nl:lethal, Thomas advatieed to the isle, of
river may ht, the commencement of twenty-three the platform with a 111111 stay. ,tol in i 011,111.1.
• years as rapid of prowess and prosperity, as that clear tone, spoke ••tientlettom nod
which has blessed their city iu those that have Fellow-citizen, I bid you all adieu. I give 1111
passed. Self up to the will of the low and to the Lord's
It is a strange coincidence that though the merry Afterwards turning to the Marshal. he
credit of carrying through the canal and Railroad said in en under tone if I had tol•i there 11re
19 doe in part to many, yet to oneman more par- they would not have believed Inc.; Those 01,0
ticularly is Cltreitni indebted for the beneficial were nearest the wretched imirc;et during flu e
results the one hoc, and the other must. produce. preparltinro for his ex,Xotioc, suite [lna he
When each of thesegreat improvements hthgvainh- wan, with rare intervals. cool and composed
and for the want of proper mperintendence and throughout. The Marshal adjusted awhile linen
corn, the indomitable energy and clearness of rporer his head and lace. and at or - ent r y-our
calculation and inflexibility otpurpr,ve of Alfred mu, pant one the trigger wan ,pl.llllg.
Kelly were enlisted in their aid. and the restart to mane improper arrangement of the news, the
Want, speedy and successful contpleticrr. —Cler.o fail failed to break his neck. The sufferer hung
land 11.1,41 s.-tea and a half minute, before going the last
Pr ; K ' 'sod the toi•ly at the end of that tittle ,vs
t.orantafatre Richard F atiecktrox wan ye.lteraly, eel iota a g‘ , /hu. ''utter
Puri It
tai l r". tine rm.. 4 Statensoo n train Nxstt wan immediately conveyed from the ground, go
sisfrie7i for six year fro the.4tho f March neat Tr Interred inn cemetery.
j Tao vote on the Enal.ballot etricid—
John Thomas. we may state, is a name that
IR. F. Stockton, Opprrnition, •fi'l iTa3 assumed only within the past year or two
'Wm L.. Dayton, Whig,
by the wretched man, whose life has been paid
Ford, ()pp., . • ri forfeit to the laws lie acknowledged tithe
I , Randolph, W , jailer. and several others, that his name was not
I .Secretary to /throws 24. and the Commodore fun owe ti e wn± b roug h t t ip in S i ,
haul t h em S o nothing was wasted, . and is supposed to baie been a entire a that
Minnow Williams and Malic.., chosen nn State, Rey
I.Whip from Strong Whig Counties, voted for
the Commodore. Mr. William Whitehead, elec.-
tol as n Whig, and Mr. Thomas D. Howley, n
Whig, but elected on a split ticket, were ohs
rep:: ! ! We should like the privilege of guess
ing what considerations induced their absence—
hot never mihd —N Y Tranme.
From the Philadrlphia Bulfehrt
The lost number of the Westminster Review
contains an article on the Roman Catholic en
citementin England, in which, while severe blows
are dealt at the papal hull, the established church
itself is not spared. The article is headed The
Battle of the Churches," and is well worth
review in our columns.
We : would premise, however, for such of our
readers as are not 'familiar with the Review in
question, that the Westminster is a quarterly of
a peculiar kind. It is the organ neither of the
Low Church nor of the High, neither of Presby
terians nor of Methodists, neither of Free Trade '
nor of Protection, neither of Monarchy nor of ,
Republicanism, neither of Whig norof Conserva
tive. 'ft professes to be liberal beyond all other
quarterlies; and, nsa proof. allows its-contribu
tors to advocate pretty much what they please..
,tccordingly the most contradictory principles
are frequently maintained in its pages. In gen- ,
ern!, flowerer, it lends its influence against what
is called Orthodoxy, and carries this so far, at
times, as even to impugn Christianity iLself. In '
this very number there is an article ou Mack
ay's Progress of the' Intellect," which, if written
a century ago would have been pronounced deis
tical. Nothing worse, indeed, can be ,found . in
either Bolingbroke or flume. 'However, as each
writer in this Review fights. like Harry of the
Wynd. for his own hand," the author of the :
.• Battle of the Churches" cannot fairly be held
responsible for the sentiments of the article on
Mackay. He is, however, evidently no friend to
forms of any kind in religion.
The writer in the Westminster opens his arti
cle with a bruldsorne compliment to the Roman
Catholic dogma. which he pronounces wonder
fully adapted to the wants of the humus heart,
nod full of logical coherence. It is not among
the ignorant and vulgar, he thinks, that the most
converts to Catholicism are apt to be made; but
among the intellectual and speculative, who find
iu the Roman theology a superiority - pver Pro
: testantism in philosophy and antiquity alike.—
The close of tweak. dependant characters, who
can not stand alone in the straggle of life, he
considers are also especially liable to go ovor to
the Roman Catholic Church, because there they
find a faith which lakes oil the lomieu of self
investigation from them. But, while thus point-
Mg out the reasons why Roman Catholicism is
I likely to increase in England, the writer, in the
Westminster explicitly declares that Le laments,
rather than rejoices over, the fact. He adds,
however, that, as the queStion iv generally
gueL Cardinal Wiseman loss the better of antag
onists in the No-Popery agitation. Even if
Catholicism could be proved 11 supentition, slays
the writer, that would be no excuse for interfer
ing with it by law, Whether its solutions of
questions in thvinitp be wiser than those of the
Protestant Churches, or not, is no business of the
State. If Mormonism, says the reviewer. is to
lerated, if Atheism even is left unassuiled by the
lows, with what propriety can the free exercise
of the Roman Catholic religion he interfered with
by the English parliament.
On the religious ground, therefore, there can
he, this writer maintains, no excuse for the pre
sent excitement in Great Britain. Yet .the agi
tation, even in his opinion, is not without a jus
tifiable reason. Roman Catholicism, he declares,
differs from all Protestant sects, in being. not a
religion, only, but a polity ; andinthill peculiarity
Theayrriter an the 11 eaattoity-ter by
calling a. the Englayla clergy to alaynalaatiata , later
attic preteusiotaa,' and on the State to rtaftyae re
cognizing the I 'laurel: 'teacart, ne n aaniaernytural
corporation The altetntion. He contend, would
materiallYanationalltre the Churel).
EXECrTION 01 .301111 TlllOl.ll, -At iv. stay •ont .
minutes pact one o'clock, c ti . esterdny..lolui
Titomn., convicted of monler. tin , hung on Don-
In a report lately addressed by the Chief of
the Engineering Department in Corsica some
curious facts are detailed relative to the state of
society in that part of the French Republic A
bout: three league. , to the north owl of Calvi.ond
on the sea coast, is the fortified town culled`
Rons=e, with 11 population of about I,ouu
itants The district for about :IV mile., round is
marshy, or covered In part with jungle, and dif.
fieult of access. . .
• -
k•or the last 1h months thi.+ district tor+ been
ruled desFoticrilly by II bandit. named Nlsztont,
and whote away ie aubmitted to by the native , .
The vindictive character of the Coreicune, cad
•their transmitting from (other to song for many
gcnerat;onamhe memory of past wrong, and
hatreds—the uendettr—of , ere well
Driven to the career of an outlaw hr some act
of savage vengeance, Mnnoni set up his flag in
'the corner of the district; and even in
of Ile Rousse no one dreams of disobeying or
eluding his decrees. Ile is nt the head of a baud
of 25 devoted follower, all outlaws like himself.
Ile has organized a regular government, nod ,
levies a sort of black mail on the surrounding
districts, which no one refuses, and the regular
paymeot.of which panties him tillide in much
state, and gives him the nicans'of protecting the
lives and properties of hi• subject• from the en
cronchment. of rival brigands. So actively ha•
Nlnzoni exerci,eil hi• authority that he is now at
Jens 'Lich murder None of the inhabitant, will
dare to accept employment front [het toverninetit
agents without Id, written perrni , sion, tmJ coy
one who dues so is sure to sutler the 'natality tiit
his disobedience.
The Inet murder tin. committed with hot own
band. though he w, alone and hie victim wnnie
eompanied by live or six pervonr. In hie con:•
munienlimot with the ingrate of the Government
be ttlrecte a etyle 4,1 perfect equality: dry
patelte, bre drown up In due form. in revolor dt
plottuttie rtyhe, and he tawny, 'ti t ,. '•lhv.nmt•
Bandit.' . .
- .
One of Ills latest communications to the prin
cipal engineer has liven transmitted to the trot
ernment with his usual signature This dispatch
gives borne information cuocerniug n person
employment of the engineers or ho had entered
his erej,Wrigemetil without Iris license Ile informs
thirruthoritics that the person in lotion is
min of bad character, who hail attempted to
honor n family under his protertion, and Ile ad
vises his instant dismissal spur removal from the
district, ••to spare him." he o hio, ••the rii
wore of punishing him with Ili'. OM Ilona
As Mazzoni appears to be eNtmiding the etc
roil hr detachment of troops
has been ordered front the town to bunt him Prime
his retreat, and at, well tire the measures taken
to destiny the nuisance that ive rosy. probably,
soon hear of his capture. The details given
the dispatch just received by the Government are
veiy; Carlon,
A very curious l'a, lately came before the
Court of ,faire- Ito,, the trail of fourteen
men and women, who are itetitoeil of —holding il
legal meeting.. not of it political diameter •
The fact ic, the peiteile- in questiona ore men,
hens of a new era or religion, which has exlstial
for some years in Fruari. under the name of it,.
gotta, nod who were in the habit at' holding pe
riodical tneetinga in the - Rue da Wilton, in Park,
till come months ago. when these meetings were
brought under the notice of the police ne being
both illegal and excessively immoral. The ac
cused mere almost all natives of the tillage of
Bt. Jean, Bounefotuls, in the department of the
Loige. wttere thgleci!tteermt to hive had its art- I
gin,and Most of them declared thut.tiey Lad been
Regains since their hirth.• Fora long time the
Depths had had the reputation of being inoffen
sive people, both as resperfs morality and gener
al c o nduct: but tLere appears to has been some ;
sad backsliding com since they played themsel)
the thrmlion or their present chief, is
Iterson or Cl,,' name of !Jimmie% for whom they'
hit. ,ariely of uppellatßais, winch, acconling
to them, rasa be ashlresstst to' him indifferently. '
enll him -Le too Mort: the good friend: i
'1,1,0, -John the Baptist.. , and -the lloly
Phis mull is a beggar by profession, who, be
mitt) hovuig undergone stnen year!: confinement
it, Ito, I the ile , , , ent momenta
el 1,. Ihe gu,l of Atarillac on a charge of
..".1 •s 'lolling . The vices of the , host '
~ammo. n, Ito to en11,,,1, and the e , •••lttlity and
loot', of 1.11,1,4' follower+. ore l••
The he). hew sixty -even ye • • • e 1.
rnwe, 1.
term. of the ,triete.t nub's •••• hith nil
the 10111004 Id 104 oeet. flattering 14, II that
r. to I . hone tho itmther of the
II nppeatb from th e endears produced in the
I eta , . that the titles of In:sonnet to the both of
Ito , llectoo• were this they espe, , ted 0
profhel .smutty, that they recomitcd this
t o 1,1,111.1 In be. person of Ifigonnet, and by the
00,00,1one:it of the double prediction made,
I,pLi,n of the tiro.,' among the potatoes, and
' the adomd of 1110 Itetall,th. These ore the only
! of hi- thine mission. or rather of his
tar the fiactarians declare that they be
-110,. 111 il.l 111,iflIty frost the bottom of their
I , y et nntori,,us acts o f the greatest infamy are
y alleged against this God of the lieguins. it ap
e peoF , certain I though the legar proof failed in
,bringing home Itn. criminal portion of the charge
v. to the accused) that be lias introduced new
pructices into the form of the religion, in gins
' tomtit,. in his Om character and conduct, It
was alleged on dented, trial. and nut densl, that,
m, the inglnly. inceting.), of the sect, on :5 given
areal, the lights were distinguished, and that
all cried with a loud VOllO, , fflown with the
light: Down with modesty' b 4. la Jarman , —
Oin, or the doctrines ~f the rest is abstinence
frtnn marriage: but by the side of.):this precept
Hs placed, it I, said, the most unbridled host,-
' lateness, which is, in fact, the charge which
brought them before the Assizes. It in also
-aid that they were in the hahit of going into
the woods at night, and tnnrching iu proces_sion
, tote of complete nudity, 3 practice which
hhs been hronght home to 3 vast number of sects
of the samokind.
The evidence produCed before the Jury an
ter . ) . defeittive. ond feint in proving the Nr rst
part of llw psi,: Intl enough was proved to stowt
[;th ,;t 11l
•e trouble, the .I,ore of the cha rges
iniLtht 43, het . % made the gri=p.-
; ees. Ingennet himself no• not pot on trial, 'pe
, ing.Wremly in pri•on a more •criout charge,
and not 'laving' been pre rot at the meeting where
Lis fourteen dieiples were seized.
The -co- nas brought to light by one of .he
i notion belonging to the sect. who had been
privol of her two children girls, he
her eo-reli
ionist-, for the ru,rprose of being initintea in
: the mysteries the initiated in the ruysteriet of
their Mith. This ianlnen bring witness to the a
. bandonol practices or the other letuules of the
vect. hdcatne alarrneA for the rate of her children..
She to never Ilion, hint failedl and
finding no other tilintos of doing so. he denviuk
ed the ,ect ruthoritiv, and gave Ftleb
fOrMalol - 1 3, led to their arthi.t and trial
'v e
It wir , proved 011 the troll that rreently lair
1 111113:11.1 ilaVill: , intri ,i 1te1 , ....4 o, he in lie
ian.ili. aay t. ~ ila. t ...1 11l Innonnot i the idol.. ietit
~ .iatc.l in 11.....tzia.rtati......f tla• ...iviasl of
the N1—. ,. ....11. /alt. noth , ...fill iiiiin pp... amen! d i
all.atoll.. tho ii ,!: .d tioi nod hint
o lf, tn.. oxpectr.l
. ..1..,11.1. turn...l ..ul to it A
01 . 1. 4 , Jlllt, 1. , Irt; lit.. ovidenc.• the only Lin:
that • ...11l
I. i r.0..1 .t ,•I th011egin 4 .,...1 4 lit
.4 . ..,ing h. - 1.1 01,10 ati.l annotharil...l trotol
11. • . ainl i 'hai.tin 'lawn , utt.l ,milty of th t- ni ti.
nat..' , aleltr , •. 111., per. C , .ll.ictlllimi t , , “. MI of
tl ~.1 u 1 ..1 L+ 01
114 V 1.1%v FLTI
11:11, ••1 ta11... Ago!
11.1111‘ • ..1 .•,111.• 11, v..
11., I. 1/4
10;14 ,. 111rta 31,1
pL.•- - 4, .1 Ili , lt 2" 1...111111 to
v•I . 111.,11 , 1 1. • -4 ,ire.l if"
ti.e Iry •,•
!9 •Le It
"I, 1. 1 1., r . I lak.iny• p..t
rt 1.14. J,,y 101,
red tn.i tiny Jit)er
; tl ollTrd
I the f
tarkol inhat.oNtit, of C3l
tant,, t 0,.. thin 01 ,
,hr mid., of thr,
(myL.. vrept ntettc nli t
litroyt , l!y kwoc,
Lwl .1 1,111 , 101 mp telttPr r.
dem., tlittt tit it
por ttt Etygiratti
[hi - • liv,itian Tim, 5:17R
nompl - VOl
Rom, licr , mily
l'eter — ail •
"r t h, krNlie 01070,1 01
tortrar , h. att that ot, Lady F,
ervrtut tollll v r.leri
trrt.te for the .n 'ant t•tata
Itrmhina, it, :LP ljh of A
that thereto an hot :any he
imp., of I i. uui,le
The Tablet annnz ace , that
IIOW 11 , )1.1n1.1 ~ f
man iht , n'etot
ton. of eftlf.,rl. olltl Dr Tat
the tan dew vaeant
proviv,';.; R ill he pel.
The lentil F,h.roary vcn
ser , elry of Que. Victoria,
Flre hawked thouFanJ po.•
of corn wq.,,loppod from Nop
The city -rd Sydney, in •.
contain. 1.204 Louie, which
and upward per annual
'Elie population of the /sung
toginint , ol nt vt,o 1 •
1.7 , ,O,S0011•Innlo,, 11tiltin 11
crt•ared pn•Yeeut
Nltity-ctie umbrella., silty
riett, were left ill
til 111011th,
The Rev. itr.Seliillerritinessy one been initall
ed as Minister of the Hebrew congregation of
Manchester. becloud. Ile look an active part
in the late Il ungarmit nor, and reeeircil several
The Commir•auner, of the 1.:x.1,41[bn have ex
cluded front exhilotion, ill malt Hoc,. winev,
, che,e and Lotter, me! ull exph,•ive mate
The Rev Mr 711rEirtut. mini-ter the Levers,
Church. in the parish wii4 convicted
li..rotrP, 1.11 the 111.11:011 Of the
Lurl c.l rut
A new ship .4 nen PM, or tie. Li,
erpeol and t'ie:.rlPatou..:PAN INIIIIOI
the have recently reteiveil a lock ca s lady.
hnir tientle 'reader diinot smile too
Formerly it was 111 , 1111 black: it IA 110 W snow
whits. lilerched Ire one lonelred and
winters. Mary Benton. from whose tresses it
short, li.te 11.11 at heseriton. near Ilaby ' s
castle. in the roomy of liiirloint on the 12th of
Pehrn:try~T2l. andrat the .1 , 1 of Deeenther
sire sera her old friend, Mr John the
respect's! parish clerk of rocklield, where she
,m„tiej,tioied, it halt of her Idly hair,. illtender
acknowledgement of her continued remeintwance
*tel remied
\lre Il mrhtltt,•. on presenting it portion of the
keepsake ton friend, rnioed himself up to hi,
fullest height and suid Lt in as fresh is I am
'his own age ni neveniyitivoi—walks right on
end—reeds her hen,
seer thfle,-4,11 heal' helping ut
.looking ne Is•I, • Ile !night hurt• 0t1.101.1.
uuel Vientillig i 1 the amnion of the following
your Whitt 1011.30.5, we derive front the infor
mation of n holy who lately visited NlAry
ton, midi fund her engitge•l m wnshing her own
chile II or hither', wino. loss Itslph Lodge
w Ito hied io the venernhh• xge of lie:, suet per
mother died nu 01.1
Mary began life as a -ltepanless.• tending her
father &sq. She Ilfterirxrdm became 'the
maid of the ititi kept I•y her grandmother at
riersbndee, where she well remembers soldiers
I,eing (pattered in the rebellion of 'l5. She
Ewat is sem lee at various places, among
the rest Ito)' I to which the liable owner,
• the Duke o f eleuieland. invited her—an honor
she prteletttly declined. The Duke of Nortltum
berlatl has also been to see her. When young
she had •lovers plenty,' and 'took the worst at
lost said she to our informant, 'sometimes
Ou.being asked if the enjoyed unto.-
, tying health. she replied, 'I never had a doctor
but once, and I WO, so frightened that I swooned
away when he came into me room.'
Ateusing.ettough, to hear of the penes that
had stood the rebeln giving way before the doctor'
In the course of last year, Mr Bewiek-'painted
a striking likene9s of the venerable matriarch
—if we may use such a word—who at present
resides with her grandson at Elton. Should she
Eie to be included in the approaching' eentris,
and be entered as 120 years of age. she will '
doubtless he the oldestperson in that reeord, if
she be not. no we have supposed. the oldest wo- '
nuts in the worts—GatrAnuf Mserrer
loos LP:111'1101'n roe vim Aar:muss Gover,
NIENT.—We have been favored by gr. John Wel- I
ker, of Gracechurch street, with a view of a cor-
tweeted iron lighthonse, which he is at present I
c onstructing for the American Government. It
is, we believe, to be fixed on one of the keys off
the:chest of Florida. • lie has only contracted
foOlte iron part of it. and the lantern is to be
fu4dslitsl by the Americans. who are to erect it.
It to now being put together at the Shepherd
nod Shepherdess fields, New North road. tionton.
The foundation is to consist of 11l solid wrought
ir o n Fels's. Idles, which will be lasted in the sol
id rack. and are to rise 15 feet above it: 12 of I
these pillars will be disposed to form n square .45
feet each Tiny. The remaining four will make a !
smaller interior square, and will lie the founds
tion for the tower. tin tips iron girders ore to ,
Lr placed, :111.1 above them a thick flooring of
ink plank forming a platform. from which the
lighthouse will -pring. We now come to the
port which it to be seen erected at Holton. It
may be divided into two parts—the house of the
keeper of the light, anti the lantern tower. The
house 6 38 feet square and 11 feet in height, I
and is mode ofn double casingof corrugated iron
three eighths of an inch hi thickness, and pla
ced 5 inches apart.
It is divided into nine room by partitions of
singular construction: the doors, windows, cor
of the house, pla`cea where the partitions
join the sides, and top And bottom -of the sides,
Awl all cased with angle iron. In a wooden
mouse the angle iron is represent.] by the tim
bers, and the corrugated plates by the boarding.
It is stirtnounted by n curved roof, which is of
single iron plates, Inside of which wilt be pla
ced n timber roof, without this the heat would be
ittolerable. The whole of the house is bolted
together in pieces two feet six inches in width.—
, The tower •is raised through the roof and from
the centre of the platform. It is also made of
a double easing of iron, in cylindrical, and se,
en feet Inside in diameter. It is divided into
I rings six feet in height bolted together, and each
ring-is lifted to its place in two pieces. .The
height from the platform to the commencement
of the lantern is TO feet. • I
The tower derives much strength from a spi
ral cast imp stair case which ascends to the lun
tern floor. and is supported by a solid iron newel.
Each step. as it is bolted to the side, and also to
the newel, forms a stay in itself. To secure ad
ditional stitfness. pieces of gaspipe are to be
placed between the castings every .11 inches,
and to be bolted through. In addition, from the
pile 12 stays of east iron pipe, II inches in di
ameter, will rise andthe inclined to meet the
tower at the top, just beneath the lantern, and
e:so four stays from the inner piling. This
again will all be stiffened with vertical, horizon
tal, and diagonal bracing, so that when erected
it will have the appearance of a 'pyramid of iron
net wdrk, surmounted by a lantern, and enclo
sing a house and monster chimney.
The double castings spoken of will not 'only he
a great advantage with regard to strength, but
Mao for the purpose of ventilation. Openings
are made at the bottom of the building in the
partitions nud the tower, no that a free current of
air wilbpasi every Where. The form of corn,
gated iron, which may be described as a effaces
of 'RIM'S in and out, of curves of contrary
flexure, gives peat strength in itself. What
with the braying, and the way in which both
hail.' and tower are tied together, it is supposed
that it will completely resist a hurricane. The
building will shortly Le completed and ship,
pad in its destination. —London Shipping Ga-
*Tll,lll.‘ ITFTIt.i t.;
oetruk.-1.1 Ji,hn Wati,L.venf ru,l
.t ui, .41 C.,y4 1.1 th• t,« ut tb•
•• I to , ma, , ortit, thot I hove looni coralof an old
%1...i1k. u, lour Nacho of
,tork.ol tor s ,00r fur.lal.r.r. and 1 Lod
. f gettirur a. I had Colon the wirier uf
...rat ph oesaut withnnt any laturtil. I . •an
.Imp o loOttutli Ihr Itrtrohont. I rAdgAed uP, dart,
),(r.l• vas, a &tint totorontw twroanbetnir heart
-1 rwthe, tiahtut nt. without any aohniallott trout any
ot t. uth nn,: not, , 101 l ut Worry to
.1.1110 II An
I. ...I, ,•• r Ico (1" vanr.ot II
(Ir•.1(1 •13, Morel I , A 1.11.0 t
It I P.R.
I.r_ .1, . I St. , nth .t. I,l•l.urvh
European Agency.
It , tultu,.: Int.fJ. vittfutt, the petuttlyst < WI o
•truut Brautt. !tutu... tUrmunt . ttuntut tauth•
t.rtl attut Jut. neta. lettruut uu XSUM
It 't L. 4tt .11 rttuatutt to sty etiptuelto of • Itu
E U .l t t urtut !twit nub tutfouttlutl lu 1,.. ttant
tut, ttuur ..I,IIIS II DA Vitt.
, I t .n..%rate--eer au .ho •••er
Mien- • Iterl the follutt ler letter (rem
airtd, Cl..rounf Co N 111, 1:
J tour af , nl Yen* h+ra I bud Jun
fd.euad. and h.. Iva tat 1 to dasenof ArtandyNermifauu
a.../ I a a [Pm., ,Al frt . , hut. and (ht.. fla It hug f1y
..., a. and h., prov.-.I /ma chat the
t „SIC a n 4, and Ya. ha, art it utralnu. and I do rad nl.a.
La: , I.ut cnc a/m.l lilt When -your anent
u If an I thlnt he told me Slam to U-nd If I should
, went man.. but a [m.113, ha, 61aotton. bate
you hu ,
tnr cj o b n nus , H. ' the g leeine, to old, fly me damn mum on the rervlpt
i.Nutile.i uns tell, I itttt. J 511,0 a CO.
.allguaut feverl tti
.lr Vert, 11.1m1,1 ,
I ..f .1 'mil inhat.i•
ar awnta• . Ir.
a burr-lc:v, la
c-crop'. ao.i de-
Foreign and American Hardware.
• No. 129 Wood Street,
A toll ILIA (.061,11..4.01,0 of FOREIG.N AND AMERICAN
yodiable !Or the army. trade. and %which they MSC prepared
to offer to porthmer• at rum, that atll compare
r a eoranly with any of the eastern eta..
Citizen ' s Insurance Company of PittsburglL
jk, 4 l
No 41 11.4 r .teat, In' the •ambonae of C 11.
Presalent.... A. W. Stouts, Pee}
1111% Colot.anv la now prepared fol.:l4UP= all merchandise
In -ow, and veseela,ll,.
AL. ample guarantytor the abillty mei Integrity of the
Instltutom. ationLel to the rharseter 1,1 the
eitmeur of Pambumh. ¢Oll and favorably
the v.ortnounity for their prudence, in4lllatur,
and Integht ,
Iluseey, W.. Hai:elev. Wm. Latimer.
Jr.. .10, Hugh 11. Mug. Edward Ileaseltan,
John IlavortlL F. llarhattalt v Kier. ataLtl
at Lord Firhim;
the Chhrch ~f
reque,t thei.haito.
hie neck_ and al
hhng. and of the
• a entitle to
iiStilled the Santo
in the hope
.tenoted to perpet
4 Ir. Cox 14 lo he the
_ham: Dr. Erring
ml Dr. Grant of
and that a ggneral
during the
It he eleventh anni
ids sterling venrth
,es to Eng'until:l.4
~ w South Wales,
km. rent e,l a{ S'2o
Fortyrsix hours to Philadelphia.
Forty-four how,. to Baltimore.
mßeslroad-103 miles Canal.
2 . 2. , 1011mi11,, and
cars it Lae in
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
441 2 1
xi •
ree Teirasol3, and
11..ontion and
ending December
QN the opening of Canal Navigation, Two
Ily I.lnvo Nvw Expm. Pagtxt,Nnat• IraTe fyr
thonne by P..rUarltrovlt..
Theo. taking Ow
Tin Hundred and mil', direct to
Through runty-hit
l a , t.. Philndnlphrn. 4 , 10 For. to Baltimore. 59,13.
I Ent , ..o Mil mute am nen. end a the nmat 14,yroc
..1...n..truchno for rota.. end
rackets !env. .tor
mornink at }lna t o'cinck•
oVe) I t thn name hour
Passengers for Baltimore,
arc" al A' Can. at Ilarrialtrn. take the York and Cut,.
loctalni Hann.. Mil•holl.tirtot to that en). night,
nair Fo 01:It hem,
So charge for handling Doi - gage on this tonic.
Stool make% thin the moat romthirtahle.
.31.. and dentabh nnlnCtin. to.the Eastnrn
ini.:anc 1111..11.1.1. •ppl,
J P Agent,
At CO.
...nal /twin. Pen new,
II In Ate IA Jot.. thr PAAool..nlei Ilwllnml
tw in
Lt..01.-..10 I. will phorteti the UM,
!Arm ula X
1 . ..1.NrY
lITN klitil I IP— W.• !my,. ng,...iated
ItAr of tlO.
prr.wair.l attention to the
Gu+inner The At In .0 'thr lI.N retunitto ✓ hAttAntintw.
A. 1111,KINS & CO.,
Corner of Third and Market eta.. Pittsb'gh
1).•11,014 . . Joid Fn.,yn EreAdiogr, Bawl' Norte,
Gold y , Stlyrr, Ilutgyht, Sold 4 Enzehaiwt.l4
No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
SrPratxt , •uovan Mir. DCPOII.. 110e..4
fah year of td ,, . ,
Th.. (deo& of the (audit are lovidol to attend , bls Nue,
a l. du (thin) Thurdia,, the 2:lb 111,1... at 3 o'clock_
),Wolof, at 3 otlock, P )1, Nuirrl. It NleCctl.Oooll
fuuvral dill Inke oho,. this moral., at 1U o'clock. s.
31. (Van ho late rokleuce, No. 2 Dunlop'e Court, Wood
etre., between Wood and Market sts The friend.+ of the
f,duily no. Ineltol to atnosd.
take place THIS ETESIVG. The gentlemen
;riaolan. and subwrlbern are moments' to procure tickets of
A B. for this evening. to. no. will be admitted without.
etairrn. ss usual. will be admitted except scholar.
ye., are resbertfully lilelted. Ireb . .Cas
C. LIAMS--Evans t Snifta, and 'Prom--
kJ. bridge a Beatty's calbiztazl Mothball Sufic Curd
Groorra ce &reatealais.;
/.,,,for able by
OR RENT —Tiro Retitle in the Been .
odltable far ArtJAWS , Emu*
Al. ee3u.Li. STOItE an Tbird seat der to w tha i,,
ilssetts outer...,. av thlisit , ••• , •• •• . . , 71., , ,„„ t ,
wilalar; fursisb..4 without
kW!: E. D. 'OAZ.ZA_II.
LET—The Three Story DweLrmt,...s.7,
e. 15.ta...u1t...10u6t all, as, 4111 . 4.
• F t . . " I 9 JAY ' ;:SEN to, A Vt.., Nls,to ..t.
14 1 01 i SALE—A goeki SoRREI.
Tn.... 11 is Lam... , scut,. the fos.;
%1..' 4 141.. Lae,
rner sad
IL A. r AWN ESTOI. h 10..
II J. V. CO.
Varlet Mr.-. Ir hory,
LARD., ( . 11./..'1 , ,E. I I'd , ::: 011 1
Western Insurance.
50 Z . 1 , 1, Altl , ;S this St ,, i!‘ Gm pole IC;
GAS STOCK-15 ~.httres f o r oak , by
HILL Lk , .
BANK STOCK—to shares Bank of Pitts'g;
3 Exchange Wk.;
rnr rmi, br A. (SILL_[
G REEN APPLES-25 bbls for sale by •
RUM wernrewe Co.
'ARIEL/ BEEF—Evans d: Swift's Cineinna ,
ti Nuwar fur vile by
nit A. McCLL , R6 t CO,
(AT 2.3 , 9 Liberty it
(OD FlSH—Superior Inrge Grand Bank
L/ Cod Fib, NI. sale b)
• tAntWM. A. 3.IcCLCRO t CO.
BOLL BUTTER—A few bble. on hand and
11E 4 sfmod. and 151 Pint A.
State Mutual. Fire Insurance Company.
TICE best evidence of the success of the
Itirector• endeavoring to make the 81.. A TE MUTE-
I'IRE NSUR ANCE COMP.1:11" mar{ the*tents of
the community. In the unparalleled moonlit of hum..
which In. teen dvne, having mouths
over 6,000 Policies In
••Inds more than eight mouthr. and adding. over $90,000
chit anearlyl to th all thee COUIPIIIIr. Ti,. Irlrecturs are proud to say.
property Into-nal of the safest 1110/11L1
onnalllelsks. and • large Proportion insured for 0017 one
.`umber of Policies issued, - 5,065
Amount of property insured, - 65,139,490.00
do. guarantee premiums, 57,909.79
do. cash premiums, -•- 32,191:24
do. guarantee stock, - 90,104.03
- do. lssnA, 4,100.00 1
To L. deducted from the Adam: balance, the Incidental .
sawn., Of the one..
Tu city or country merchanbt and omen of dwellings,
and Poland and country property, It Is believed this cum.
patsy affords advantage% in pond of cheap... =deer, and
security, inferior to no Insurance CompanZ in Gds.., untrY..
Conducted tll3 the equitable and greatly timproveq.7.ce
of Cleullhation of Illsks, ereluding all special ha...1A.1,
goring only • limited amount Is soy one locality, thus W
elton.; the freque and oreurrence of large face. and
elno bob the hockand Mutual plan, It not only Moose
4,0[11 the cheapness end nonommodation of both mellods,
but entitle" the Justin,' to a participation in the profits.
It is under the control of the following Directona—John
P. itutherfonl, A.. 1. Gillett John It. Purger, T. Junes.
Alonzo A. Carrier, Philo C. Sedgw Hobert Eick, Hobelul:.
J. P. RUTHERFORD. President
A. J. GILLETT, Cu.-Priam
A. A. Gammon Actuarr• 64,r
TS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned
Connnietionen will own Book. for the sittierrtlttion of
awck to the I.llrinittabant and litownrcille Mandartitsed
and Plank. ItosileCornhany. In pursuance of au Act of Ate
eetubly pasted the flfteclath tiny of Vebrutry, ItAl.and that
said tetolts will be 01.001 on faurtdup. Fraley. and . C.Wfur
day, the Thirst, Foorth, and Fifth days of APRIL, ISal, at
the °Moe of WM. LAItI)IER, Jr.., In the City of Pittsburgh:
at the oda, of Joint 3lclier, in the through of
barn: at the house of Jesus Linawns. In Baldwin townehip;
and at the holt, of Loot risirr, In Washita,
ton county: at which In and places attendance will I,
given from B o'clock. A. M., till 4 o'clock, P. M. Loot Fiti.•
lc,. req.. will attend at nuleyellle, on behalf of the un
CUM t •
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
MBE undersigned Administrators - of the
I, erlafte of Tom." /airman. deceafteal. offer for the
euttre mat ehlatt the !mkt Thuacta cotuiktfulf
of our 13.1 test h.t fronting on When, Arret, running hack
94 (ea Inches 1.0 a ten 4.4 alley.
Attention !
. .
A. the Invern .mond kno the Ilatigion Ron:,
fronting on 1.1144, glove( 31 feet wn 6
inch., and on Cherry
.11..1 feet a inch., running back 03 feet Ulan all,. wilo
the groundg end connected, fronting .41 Num dial
33 feet I Incl,e9,
three lam frouUng uo Chair/ alley, eget. eighteen
f. 44 front. .ml running Igcl 401 feet parallel attli glum
v " lc - r, e.,t
' mtrrh. ' w% to offered gt auction " . at o Si.. to
the Isotheq 14.1-Igrg Spill u,
the linuoruide, the Judges IX the Curt
leytieuen uuler t.r Pearr, in und tux
ttt 14,trunin , antloal. L... r C..
tuarto•lsta. so the town, atorranui. hulsitar ahrtroth. -
that tour,uor bath- protkl od lutroolf tooth material ,
tn. bottouneatatton of trarelora and °then, at hit duo!.
Isto bout., th. Sp al,rt-ul.l and prat sate tour hottort
.01 pb...41. p taut him a Ilotrootultvott, public Prto.
t vuttotatnaueni your pottlsoner at ut ttuty bound
out plat
We. the eulArribere.cltl:ena of the Tortubio a/or - raw:J.4o
rertity that the atwet pew:loner of 4-4 , 1 rrptate to hon.
eA, ea 4 ter.aperuuw, ft 1. well pro-nded with boo,-
re.. awl enorenienewe tho scromnewisti,al arwl lod,wc
of .tnetw, eI.,J ttweellers. atwi that ra4J tatru
J.hti MrEle/erten. Jr- 3 Smltio Nicewe Ch..., 11. Role
. . .. . _ ....
.. .
n., A J. Lillmer. J R. , .1..N.5. l'aile.r. B 11.11 %Cm 11.,
dal, J,.1.3 11,.r , 1 , 41 ,, he11, J. Carter. J. A. Wiley
A Liberal Reward Will Be Given
./tIIIN 1.4.11:6111tAN. whowa3 druwnad the
shell,- Wm., Satunlay. the 2.1 lust. ti hen drown.d
un a black Sack Ont. with cr.tvel mil.' and A.m.:
dart cancan. PAM., nwl Owun.l ~tart; and war hOtrnail
nl cbue..
tn,flndi. Ott abler Malyll plea., tend wunl to
llr. II AKT, at the Monotwiabela
PA1131.-- - A1 plumr't al Printh.
fp.litit. and SAnal.. RuL,
Thr nnileridgond krepa camar.ant.t. lum.l opt fpr vl
or exellankra for Rag, a large and ,nernl •Low.rltn. nt of
Cap. Lpf.P., lixt‘lware, Tes Pape,. C...puel
Alp—Frl.g of Lll sa.. for raprr, tngelifarturrr
ltintaug l'aprr ma. u, ottler ghort togirr.
To the Afflicted. -
COMPLAINT. which ben nevvr hoen kunun to (AIL.
1111r4trZl ' I M , ‘" lL ' lo v( al t ul h :e " d b laTtstlOu ' ret t ;,l ' „ t1,',"„17=
lwr. A errtaln van In guar...v.l.
Ilevivtencnv—Pven.v• I.v:in A venue, near urray'vTurnru.
MI.. M
L LD Tune' now
- hativable Popline•l I.l.ent
Damask t W•tornd do: Frvhell tlntrn. do An.
Th., invlto aftentinn to tlinir nsum.lin annortmnut
of barnloom. ntylmr Enyfish Prrnts and chintzrx: l`nt
trro 101 Cblotzer. and
svunrnl.ntien,l nt , n•ra.h
a asl..annn and tx.k•Levi., In
grt,rery 4nrri also. for younw MAO
from IVuldro,ton counly, who ohe. a.ylerr in a tort. or
Jo • wltnoll-muler. RIK , . for 1111 voulne, or n Id•rk,noth,
no a un .n rou o.r
na, 11,14,1 d, n
and ALlenz midd lm nile illy:
ed aim. for
rove. e
Lan. d
number of tor • of snag.. airme an
Chamt..rmald,Cook..:r abvsmem, iTtA and In, 3; n”..
providrd of.un for lilt.. Plea. call .3
ltict:01:11 & CU., hate reeeived
their Suring Style ,4 ItAt, b , whi..l, the, rr
~,,,,m tlp u !, i gi ,n t. t .;. l t, a s t tetabt..a of tb,-tr c,kntur i i ,,,,,,
11 r .. i ...‘ Tl it i! , !} . :S-- ...... l.le t ed.,.i 4 vr ti d ... at: ,, l ,, , , i i r , i ..r it . n k rl br, tti o l ,
tto ue,st abt , n.,1.1 tuatiutsebtm.,ts:
T. F. ~ ., . , , r's II unttng ra-Krd and vial,,;
- dud. 4
Itml J.1t.....¢ do • dll .tn.l Mitt., t , r e.b.brah, - 4.:,..-1141 snd 11..11,s Brands.
1 . 8-te, ,ery b., and artura, and durability unmated.
to.- It'stch mbalring ronttnuml a, :natal. Jer dry I
tr,,bulbrturvd I, urdcr and rAmfull.r rcpaind. , ,
g , OCHINEAL,--1 eeroon best quality. just . 4 " ''''_' '''''"' d ''''' ''''' V lV ' . an. ° I ' TL.:IIT.N " .
1.._,' trod and fur vale by ; feloZ2 cur of 411 and Market sta
J 6
-- L.O i
I i 4 110CULATE or every deseriptirni — f — or sale
(I LU E-1. bbl. White Glue; ' ; N_,..' by NI,I. A NlvCl.l2l',ll S. ;it.. Ni: L.,..i . Liirt.,. itmeL
13 In - . Bon,. .• for sale b, .: : ,banish, I , rvneh, 5ur,.1,,,,1r,1 and I lain Also, Baler's
(AY. • .1 SCHOONMABER aCO ,Nn 1 Chn,..dst, r...... 1 mud it”MIR Th. trot aw,rtment
Am., and 1134114:en, 000.. Fifth Ft.
SALE-1W euts Purple :Ind Yellow
Carpet Chain.
ri White Louloville Limo, by thelarval or rtlail
F bole. of good and useful Fatuity 31,tilcinta.
11.4 t snail sud utithiltt algal Woolen Bowl,
100 at Harris' fly< runner Pdliiptut of his Pitt.burgb and
all,theny Lit! Dirrr , otl•
Toroprranett Certilteatea aud a large, du. Mart.
ht. lattlY illt.thurgh Iturtty.. sod stairs of our datiir..,
Rya hulk • variety of late rxebsaatt nettsana.ra (Ran cur
fr14:11:2.t. Contrulastou 1111 h tt_
B ACO.!‘; PAPER-4'5 bill, Cincinnati Haul
fr ' r 4 " . J SOIIoONMAKER A to
SOAK EICS .11 . 1.:103 , S ,„ :1, - X.
MA inrgt.lo,..i./.1..15...1111pr1.... A.... 1. 11, 11 1. In ris . "s'''' ln ' ~... , . I 0 ~.i , fu.. ~.
4 th"•* , "".'• .; "' s ' ji r rA; t ilttit:firit . i . ?). . .' '•.'•--
- • ' "'''•
• • r .'•,- . •
f..b . ,1
• .--- 1.1 1 1 FAN t 4 .10 1,11, Whit.. for sale by
ill I:FINED BORAX —l5 cat's for vile hy ! p p 11111s1: 1 11S. t.irry , a t
11l lA. , J SCIMONIAIiCII A CO . - - •
11_ ARD -I kt`.... 1 f. - , stile Lc
%,,I'ONGE '2 Arings finest Me.literrunetin. : 4 i,r,‘..:, t0.r,1, .,, I.iniE S. 1 '. .7(
'-' l.T. '. ... ''' ''
VLOFII-300 bbis :over. nMI ext•rn F:tinily
11i1. tli I. 1...
U LA , J , .. , , ~,,- 111.111, .1l
0, I.lia. A co
" '''''" . ~. .' ' i lAA, revelling fr..niSnlll/1
R ...i, la I INSLEIt OIL- 10 1.11, Jr Nate I.r .
I sME.. 11.t1.2C1.1... I A 1 . ..1,1 l.lll .11,S...1.1111.1: 1 CO.
,•. rA tVxt..r 4,...,
111 1 1 i RON- • 11111 torts for ..I.le Ivry 1.,, i. , ,
Iti Ll. !,... IHI.TER. .... Ithi. I*.r s'i.. Lc rl , ... ........lucg../.1 lor
i:,14i,.. , ., 1.11 . 11:c A Cll,
I ...
.1 S 1 1 11.%1 . 011711 A 1.,1 ~l.N1,1:11.>:.
BACON - 3.00 its. Sum, Curt - 4 Ilan,. 1 73 . •
tr,t.:!`".•I''''"•••"•• ,
7 i :. I.IIAVOICTII A 111
` COFFEE --111 tint, prime Rio, for sale hy
41,21 J S bILXOP.TII A ..t.
SI Ft; Alt '_'Shli.l,. prime S. U.. fir ,ale I.v
.1 5 141.11.11111 A Ct. •
1 11,1.11 EN Si !UT. 10 111,1, fi.r .1.. by
II I Al._.. ,J l, iliLWOni li 101
Il ltut , ? , lS- 1041 di a. t: i xt q rl d j . t . a , .. ;. t .,i t L i;;Ti L tl Lr
Ipow DER
U. I 1.11111) OIL A few 1.412. just recd
II from tLr vrtnrit 1 14.14 IL. only t.
•nd will warraol tl maperwr t any Oil ofkred In 1111. mar.
MORA )1.
eeerror if taJ anti }Math OA
VEATSFOOT OIL-2 bbls. just ret•'d and
111 for ale Id the Drum Sot* of
tanner Wetel watt Math
UIT--3 bags Pea Nuts
Drill Yeaclum noir latotirm from
atruner Ali. and far al. by
febMi Water and Front Mr.
VEATIIEI S-10 sacks now landing from
1 newer d~L+ end Nn tliAll DICKE'S a CO..
Watar and Front no.
ibbai _
VOTTON-18 bales now landing from str.
NJ Aria, and fur rale br
retail Water and Trout
. .
2 Dbl.. No.l Lard: 2 bblo. toorine;
landing from M.. Ado, and for solo Ds
Is/den DICKEY a co,
fob= {Safer and hunt An
R. iAItPIAN, at
1. 1.7.011 , 11 ELL,
1.1,r1y .1.
24 by afi
:NU - P. by 21. by l 2 14 by 7.4.
400 RIR Pat:1'':„I"11:.,-.,
tii:x . 1, 7 171, - ;;;i't Pap:
J. 1.. SIIKE,
mrerr of and Ir•la
Ladies' Dress Goods.
rrAN NE I:S*
X atd..
weirs DALZEI.L. .
S 1 , 1; EET 11 ii,An.ii;
6L{+. no'v~lnndim,+,
r r i
, PEA El i
HONEY - 1 biri. Qti
Str:Linett Honey
• •
1111 . .1
Alt 1) N
diM.I;EN SVItt:P--11
xi' 110 F.
. Strained
bbls. nml hf. I,IIIF.
do all or SLAV.:
Al;,tl LAI:6111.1N. A,..;
I, - ,
i.. am propared to
Etan f .... a" Canal.
Good Tea,
!mond. Damagni or itt ,
.2.4 VD.
If . VOTIV7a.nt 8.-
10 To MORRIS &
F. Side or the 1
t nor Tea. sre sw,r 14-0 nt , hi.
Steven, "ree n Tee,
The very heet au.rl , l• $ l . l
en.l V.4ehne.l 1.
1 1 ‘ , Iti;stiVe . ves fee sale pr,
that are k'l io Log.
11,v0r..1 Black. fAi
Thy. IS the J' LL
Ilto. .smu t kind of 11:16; T
!MI/Md./V. • e 1
New Books! New-Books!
n T 110L3IES' LlTEltilli DEPOT, Third
ov r .ci. the 1 , ,,, 0ttik..
otion Art Journal. 6.1. lehruar,..
I iiPlOrr Thaqtarry, complete.
Stenfl..l,l Hall. A Itimoriral Korman,
llogton tlu4.lw . No. ‘t.
Sobuly'• : , on. or Lifo and Attrmturt, of Percival Mag .
bwrry, written by hlnurlf.
Into uull Ambition, a Sorel lr the author of ..ItoeltfrtZ.
Mir,lnrippl Semler. nr Skrtehrr of Euutherm
birttonary Of Mechanic, No. 03.
Dr. Ifollielen IS urk.r. outopirte. [tobo.:s
• "
4 ENUINY PORT WINE.—The pure juice
...11 of the Grape. rill:able fornr , d)cinalpO.]4.on,P r.le
t, the
or Bottle. at •NIOMP.IS IVU ILANTII,4 7h3
rod Wm , Stpr, end Ore of the I lonsontl. (Oa',
L I eziFting between
IA undri , luned. undur thr ~t lh• of ** M. - U.-5.4
.. Glass stnnufurtrrr . ' t Itinolußhnot, am 011+
eulvrd on the 10th of Drrcrn ' ber. S.ill hy ruutnal w eonttnt.
EliWAiti , ...i KAU ER.
IltitillES & Proprietors of
the ProOt Hair= ft-harytratu Quorrie.t. beg
L•nv, u, Inform Builder, l'oniractort., and others, at Pitt,
burgh. Wherllng. Vinclonati. ar...that they have. appnlnt-
At.t..., PittAntrwh,their Agrnt,
is now
malty to undrrtake contract.. for itooling with their
ilaugrd (Into.
P.unr. Winn" E Cn..wr in loww,wiwn the and
larwrrt 'into itithr IWat.-5-11n. quality c.f .
their Shire, is Lqual. It ha *uerior. to the best Welsh
)1.-s—they employ none alter tint Uhrrletwrd, nod Prat'
Ural Ante., their work, thrY hare no
hnitatton In imuring a prrtrrtly walow-tight rrwa, uratlY
and Int.n.limuollynunpleted, at 0A removable a•ptire tar
' , gnaw... , any in the trade.
P.. 11. partirularly rerommrwl their Slate, to be
put ou lath In•tral of t.hrrtlug. •
loch will two( adrauta,
in the contraro , n and nitawrsof 'wattling,
Iteferrnnw. a• to thor Aut... and olattug hewn—arid
Mr Thom. , Parr, ow. of the rompaity. may alto be con
aultrd ani day—at their agrtit'r Ware. corner of Etna st.
and (salmi PARR Y. 111.:GILES Co.
itirtilato Ittwtb promptly rennin..l.
6,ICGAII-150 prime N. 0., just reed
rcr atramer Schuy gale by
S.bS.5 No. 'Water St..
kRANUES--100 1 - ixes just reed and Air
46.3 %n lit \Tat, fit.
(OLDEN SIRUP-5 hf. bblig.just recd
luis for 'ale IieIHIIIDOE A: I St: IWIA.II.
No. Ile %Via, ft.
N O. SUGAR-1 0 hhd:. landing per str.
rA2S" . 01 VNII% ?CU 1 ~ON Oct
( IDE it I NE6 A IL-211 hills. for sale lot
t icK fr O , ll.l. N
i s tu a , l: 4 l % .l „o,
dui HEESE--150 b. 44 W. R. for sale by
I. VON SON 11011..t , T 0 - CO.
IPLOrII.---25 WA's' extra FamiEr Flour. for
\ i g t:, ‘ N ie ri 1 1 17. HST co:
8V IN DOW GLASS- 1 11,01.1.x5.'d sizes.
. .
Ladies' Fine Dress Beads.
Ts..o doLalnt-i, Mow. 4,
Jo., 11.1orto. 471., and I±ry ar
PHIN6 :51 . 1 LE PRlNTl 4 —Cliok.', and
47 1.-autoal vntirrn- M.+ moron.. ut
of th.. molt approvr..l taannfartnr---,not
10,3 A A. 11 I'o olu and 6.1 Mark., It.
- .
rip° ItI'ENTER: , , PLASTERERS, and
if., ~nrt;4 l :, ;Ind Bradn.
t. lat.. La.. ell Wu 11 ap D olk..l fur int-
So. 114 Watrr
Q. 111:C11-100 hNTee, best brands, in store
1..=7 anelvr .al.. WM. ISAGALEY a Co..
5 , .a. 15 and at Wood Rt.
L b ll i
.. C \ AN I b ro L , I: 1 `50 boxes Proethr
O ' ll AI.E /. r CO..
..v. .111G Jo LO 2t, Worm/ of
UALERATUS-1•21. , No. 1;
f..r CO. bY
15 and :SI Wend 4.
, 11000 LATE,
NJ 200 t.T.p. Nor 1141: (70 .10,I•PInte,
bro crta: .Inr , nod 1 . 0,01 e b y
WM. 11101ALEY CU..
04,2-1 IP and Wood Pt.
oLL BUTTER-10 bbls. tre:ol. Roll Rutter
14 r nfi'd and fur eule by
14 1 LOCR-80 bids. superfine-70 fine,,
stsl for ealo Lr
ft•LN S. di NV. 11.1111.ltiall.
Room S-100 din.. Corn Brooms ree'dmid
1.11/ fir hy ;54,21) W:• lARBAUCIIL
I lit IF: I) BEEF-10 casks S. C. Dried Beef,
15 , Au nals lir
I UUISVILLE L17%1E-5U bbls. reed and
\TII.I FRI.S--Just st.
!.b24 Grocrr, ,and T Dralrr.
R OSTON BISCUIT—A supply of Boston
JP Burt., Marta fn. rued Go EIGII,N by
1..W.1 WM. A. MeCl.Ullfl A CO., Zn Lawny 0.
a OCIJA Sil EL LS--A fresh sqfply just reed
I_./ by [1.1,31 ti Ul A. MCI.) 111/ k CO.
FrEAS TEAS! hall chests Young
and Mart, Tea s of all unules. ou
Land and for gala by
rltAccu--u boxed Manulltotured To
ballanh lubulre brands.) on hnud and for sale by
jTi..‘F*K.EREL-101. , bbls. u.. 3 on hand
l and for
_ .
hones on hand and
har .ale by A. CULUCIIISON aa.
UL‘ .k..1.0W1)1:11EL/
40111,1:1, ,111 Ann, an, for tale Ly
A .TI.IIEIiT,,C. k .O.
11 1 .1311 M.; --I9 bale, N'o. I:
FILM caanalun . .
Dont and fur Nab, I.y ISAIAH I.ICICEY a CO.,
Water and Front Oa
tii M (maid in the cit, faiZZ
)It IELI PEAC II ES-- , :: :, iN i,, ) ,t tt \ !s Soj r sMoby
11.0 V ERSF: I.: I I.lis I;.r .01.. by
but. Itrt Attplt,
tqutt,ltt sytt• - •
• I
ill/n,.1. , 1.ttre0.
I Ittutttlt,n-
• •nl.l , In -K.n. 1•12.1 for
tvitrrE COPAL V. RN ISII gals for
V • nabs I.I ' J. KIDD L I.XI.
s EL LA • lIINI ILe t . .jrc z r i o t, l l, e by
It! ..
11L) A l'Elt 4:0 lik fer role by
• .1_ KIDD 60.
AN6 A N ESE - ten* for eale
rehee J. KIDD a CO.
shoukters. in rare sad
N.feftlLLS ROK—
EW BOOKS—Antirew'4 Latin English
Is, E. A. Audrow., I. L. I Royal b so-.
Tho ftlantt World of the Potter. By iter. Ilemi7 Chen
50r..12 . m0. mug.
.11allerille a Frill.Orlilll2 story. Fly the author of Lolls
The Li!. of Rey. Jun,.Quin. By Lae John T.Wrlßbt.
Justrvelred and fur wile Lt' • ' It. IMPKIN!....
fellß r 75 Appollo HußAto
4th s t.
A GIRL wanted to do house work. .Ap ly
IX at this Alm
LINSEED 01E-5 bbls ju . ct received, pure
mS • g".
feL4 Nn Tpt, Liberty
Instalments all paid tip. for wl. G cui co,
febB ! Ptock and Esr.tuaze Draken.
350 bueth •In Dried Pewilie , . for ;ale by ,
sae. J. I.WORTII 4,1 CO.
500 bu
fr a b bF , ls . Dried .1, pi
ELLEIt'S F.A.31.11,1C
I - 1 LICI Covors Ovaer , —The lArdirinel of Mr
on Wnol atxxl, goy leauniau ter. m.trlar the via. <
rlll-11 1 :17. u . V d . Llet
1,14 thoueand. are 1ra.1.t.,1 tor relief Ir.= pain and 41.-
are. Theme. utedleine. lure •'' trrcz
,usier exp.:Hem*. They h. and IlYand to to
eamiltnt eel:m.4i. for r • rblde airy are
reW'ornenetale.t. lyr bar,
iS.7:1,; , ;;;;;. ,
Intelitne tong b.—Morning Te.
r pni inlit
tiARD TO BUSINI -A yputtg,
bunion, moo. ns arty wit h . so
limunintannt,iiho F-no coah'intpttni
nit riiißox inght &Oast, nriziotU to taste
noiiii,trrient. di...At:Lt. Mu. • tanner
in l'oniburgh or Tinnily. IlFto , >dare. Mot 0411 n. Box.
f LOTILES' PINS—Io E a m on i, f or
febtl) J. It t :WILLIAMS AM'
IL 310LASSES-25 btu, 13 half do,
..muk.Ground, landang from r r Ktttp;ft. Etat., tz•
eby fA.b RIMY, MASUD:WS • Ca.
IG LEAD-650 pigs soft
febT RAFT,
Galena. foi mile
UNDRIES-700 lbs prim Feathers;
- an dos yes osrit rn 4 m • •
(99, ttext brawl K. 61.w.9.
M. by Dry 1 / 9 99 , 9c
LA, but pr.* itAtleutag
9 bbls Mort; 1,k99 ,,,, . 9.1e , 9 9 919 bT
b 3", Ann", MATI'II9:9II 2 CO.
SUGAR—Ib hhds prime NI Orleans;
bbl. smoked! Look
10 do embed add To I misdl. for Bela
J. I'. WILLIAMS k W. •
eoroer of ) 1f .1 add Yillb .3.••
101...ASSES-75 finis New Orlqrns;
12 do r , der f
*4,31 3.°D.ZiliTZ'sal
SUNDIIIES-100 dor. snp. 'porn Brooms;
4 ion 11likorr Nu*
110 .m.k.
D but Bal r
rrzto t ; ,
604300 Cutp.os Stgar. • ,
2.000 164 Mei 114.4,
bs4 F 9 2 .4 Sta .
rch: •
10 tam 44 curb , 04.4 444
tMSII-10 hlf bbls No. 3 Mackerel;
1 11 " k
fetal J. D. WILLI fan & CO.
• • _• •_
to. competent perm. wilt • .eneh melba anent
Al. to
In s reetwetable buslnees at which 820 wee
week can be manned dear of .11 exponent. Annti Mane-
Stately to 11. Lewd, how csn b. lonian at the r imer.
l'adlannwen Llbertystreet, between the bouts of le .at 12
A. se, end and and 4r. tetanal:lt
& g r atg , nuo
..g:,nyrtMya :174
tteblo Zorn% nth, he, to For sue ot
Printing Mot ard, lotoorn Market am Ferri do
/Interim MDT.
WOODEN TYPES-Front the manufa4io
„a or Wcll. tr.,Nrebb, furalthed at Opif f. m
u t, ea
11: 4 1 OR SALE LOW—A superior toned
onl Piano Forte. For terms. sanitise at NA 9 Jack-
F. no w .. Robinson street. Allegheny: fobtnnl2sr
i E II.Se WASH 130ARDS-20 doz. for sole
A be total J. D. WILLIAMS t CO.
S TNDRIES-2 bbls No. 1 !Liird;
2 de Sterine
S do Suer{ hist=
5 Ibsog OroutB
PlO,Ol rh 4 • S do Dry re elO •
10 do
1 do
Doal do
ters Amplex
IN L'olOo Cotton. to anima rto stoanitli
Water and Front oto
Am. for ftl b
f b?,)
d IRANGES-100 boxes, ini prime order, for
ity ~de by ENOLI9IIt BVMETT,
122. Seco-ad, sack L5l Past aka
1 1131ONS-30 Nixes far sale hg
Clhatka Inviteethe artetttlon of those wishing to fur. V. to his ertnIANO 11.0.0itlnent. of Table nod Pismo Cut
rO. No Bu Fourth street. kblil
poor stews,' to ssli the largsst stisartatest of dine
c`arpet, saw missed is this market, snit a the latest.
. - . . .
and heat approved styles and pateros. which are dint
.arum the ho ripriers suil gook apprvrod factories fa the
Union. , Call it the Outset WarPhou,e. No. h, Fourth SL—
Roperlor ;qt. and colors. 'torn and for sale by
feol9 W. McCLINTOCK.-
INGRAIN CARPETS—A large assortment
the Isle6t and mewed Ryles In dorennd for sal. E 7
rad:o W. 3IrCLINTOCK.
tar we aworhoeut of well seamed. 01T Cloths, kr
. the Cert. Warttltkousw, No. sa Fourth rt,to ottlfoll
I nrit, the attention of ;Radom...
feblA tf . MoCLINTOCE.
BROOMS -200 dozen for sale by
__ tw i t. ,
fa,l9 - 0. %ram,.
Ilohnee Utast, Depot. Third [treat orpaelte the
sett otaro—
iluttsy's Lady'r Look for )facet; -
Sartori. Magaritie do
Ladle,' National:teacart., • do
"btttos.; ots' r-bo PtoPhorT, imliala tale. HT !NM
Pleb:mare of Merhables.
Studied lira . Illstoriea.l roman=
floozy ton. by G. P. It Janaen
Self Deception, by lira. Utile '
rbsonotedalet a new tweet, by Itts SOOt.ll , Mtrab •
opened at 255 Liberty street, a very impeder PaUVIS
in Tea, which we think we can say with coulidenew
coning he surpassed at the price In Pittsburgh. Mon $l.
For the lower grade., 75 pests, 823 i mita, 50 cent. and
to ni per
lb. which we warray equal, If uut ma
ay ibe had at the rune pric e .
AL... 00100 Z. Imperial and llenaposeder of a/I ma for
which al/ we ask be • fair that, and they aill rem.
TAV n'a
"%l "
1 1 . 1 IPCLIIR a (*X
Tea Deem arel ei
ri LOVER SEED-4 liblean store, and 62 do. ill .
to arrive. for vale by
WM. Joircirroi
feblB .
CORN -430 brush. for sale by
10,18 WM: n. zouivacer.
TOBACCO LEA'-4 Ude. for side by
I • ' I •
febn 11. 1. J01121 ' SZN:
bales for sale by •
W3l. Q. JouNtriov.
711 f , DRUMS SMYRNA FIGS-Just re
,„st., °erred per error Eittbr. amt for de by
S ' ALLAD OIL-4.0 casks for sole by
A i ' us or ety
QEGARS-100,000 Principe, Regalia, axid.
a,..7 !loran& Sagan, of all grades, far tole br
t 1 HECK LOST—A check drawn by na.
71,31,Luritz. - ,lgti!ti?'"'h•=
than, boo been loot from the m ull blivreen
. ioclotorgb noel Parkerebtonvh. The pub/le are centieilisd
. -allot receiving such ebeck.Aut_the Pe anent hae been
topped. febi; KIL LE R 11ICKETISON.
!bre° hundred bushels ree'd
evA far ule bt C)Lnl 8.1311. TEL P. SIIIUTZR.
100 Inds extra gig
rrlio. ratankerel;
brie Ti..
' 100 baas SaltpelrG for sale by
Produce Dealer+ and Conn:Mara= MeTehandra
aft) 01 Waxer greet
ANDLES-40 lixs mould, on consignment
fnr vle hT PC , ALEXANDft GORDON.
CYTIIES-75 doz best Grass Scythes; .
GO dem [cat enalle Scrthrs,
lU dor. tit
ML ,- Alf t
W .„wat„, a
V2ilrout sg.
d fur rale by
jai 9
HOT—.SO kegs assorted Nos. for sale b
AI OLASSES--Piantation Sugar house; 7l;. r. &co.
5() TONS .I SODA ASH, for sale by
• DA ASH—A superior article or our owri
manuracturv, coadiatlyan hand and f w. h
t•td: • Waite rtriet.
LEACHING POWIERS--200 casks, a
xuFedor snide, maottfartuml and air sab• by
febl, • BENNETT. BLURT a CO.
I AL SODA-100 casks on hand and for
gale tpr 11-bl7 ' ttfI.NNE.7T, MOW & CO.
' j shic"" " %ANEW, BERRY d CO.
NIACKERA L-100 bbls large No. 3, Xla — s - -
„,,ys uwinv+4l,. nape...than. for Pale by
ICE-30 tres prime Carolina, for sale by
it ebn JAL.. A HUTVELL. 4, O2i A 0).
4.2 IiUT-34.; kegs assorted numbers., for safe
il th ' Phil J. A. /11-1C111.201.11 k CO.
1 I 6LASSES-40 bids PlaritatiOn, for sale
~,i ~ b 1.17 JAS. A. litTeltitoN tXV...
I EA--
iil2o) Pigs Galena. fur rule by
1 A febl: JAS: A'. lII.TTCIIISO . N ACa
71)0 BUSH- DRIED APPLES, for sale by
41.# 116 Writer street.
_ _
11)0 D°417C0RN4{.1,19,gg',1,7,;1it/ZPT
LEI 11.-1 W bbls No. 3 Mackeral;
bbh m Lmor' for ntle b
liOSIN-100 bblb NO. 1, for sat : by
tell: W . k T. WILSON.
TAR-_ Kbbids North Caroline, for stile by
_ .
REALITY.—It is universally conceded that
bunny Is more
t i me I s
Poultry than In arty
.r, while at the uroc, If is and that t it no Other
country Is It ken at so young an age. Now this Is true to"
certain mtont, but the log is often tamed by %eke:-
say to all, de not necked your personalappearance bat
and the following, and you need rtot lack goon
Thew articles are scientific% preparations,sit% bare all ate •
Wont a high popularity.
Jules Ilaciel s Perdan or Mune Pcreder, for Luntartjog
to the neat bilikus complegion a natant ishituaan.
nothing should &person ho more easeful than the um of a
pock, for the aka,u. o. many of tibiae wild are very knurl.
ow. My Chimer powders. emnpoosekel meleuttke norm
nee, and contains no Ingredient whkli can %heady innkt
"'n gTfliners Depilatory Powder.'for Petraning auperlin.
one hair. What II moreanuclghtly than her utern umbra
or arm, of a lady. Thlt ankle will remove it in "short.
time without the use of any &harp instromout
Jtiles Ushers Vtketable Liquid Oak' Dye will &Marna•
impmy a ubu r nhits, or gray bur, a In t lbean
black, known, ocolor. It will color the ha
time. atal more affeetiaally than any other dye, bap
hag at the rata, time indellible.
Jul," kharlng Creank—lt really a plan% kr
bane with this cream. There is now, of Out smarting mem
edit,. usually experkiated in the use of mow imam On
the contrary, It leaves the akin smooth and sort se satu
rant's, and not Unde to locum ehapTl,
Joh", Usuelk Rom Tooth Panto-. ext to the hair, to
think the Teeth were Intended %Ow groatcat ornament to
the human fix but when neanenad, aiding k m
r ia a . or M gl/kkir ann. My Non Tooth Pune wilt
. lurpart
to th e teeth If pearly wbltenaaa, at pia a
We goons arm and healthy. tatipt
JULYS HAM, Perfumer and CheM/sk ,
1.21 Chem% a., Phila. •
Poe Wit wbolsteala and rail, by 'R. L. Pahnegkek &Oa,
aM.) ut E. Fellers, littsbossb, J, A=. 3 ,
{Vmd •tn.t: