The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 26, 1851, Image 4

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Paged dining th¢ neorld amino etir Me' Thirty, , irst
Pram—No. 6.J
AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An Act to es
the territorial govennuent of Oregon,"
and ~ A n Act to establish the , territorial gov
ernmentof MlneePota."
Be it market by the &nate and Bowe 4
1t Hr:-
xatvi of the United Stnite of :l mica in (70n
gras msendded, That in addition. to the number
-of officer% already . authorized by tow to be No
, ployed by the Legmlative Assemblies of Oregon
and Minnesota Territories, the said Legislative
Assemblies are hirehy tiathorixed, during their
sessions to emptily One:clerk for each. branch
thereat, whose pay per diem shall he the came
&hie now provided by tow to be paid other
clerks ofenid Legislative Amemblies.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(Signed) 'WILLIAM It. KING,
Speaker of the Senate pro trmpore.
• APproved, February 19, 1151.
proLtc—No: 71
AN ACT to to authorize the Legislative, AFECRI
gblia alba Territories Alf Oregon nturalinne
. tota:totake eluirge of the school-lands . in said
Telitories, and for other purposes.
Re it' enacted Ly the Senate and Irma< elf Rep,-
*Mk/tires of 'the United States t•fAlntriea fn
press. nuenaded, That the Governors andlLegis
tire Assemblies of the Territories of firegbn and
Minnesota:be, and they are hereby authorised to
ineko such laws and needful regulations, its they
shall deem most expedient, to protect from in
juryiund waste sections numbered sixteen and
thirty air, in said Territories, reserved in each
township for the support of schools therein.
Sec. 2. Amite it further enadrd, That the Sec
retary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, au
thorized and directed to net apart and reserve
from sale oat of any of tho• public lands within
tho Territory of Minnesota, to which the Indian
title hosbeen, or may bo extinguished, and not
otherwhg appropriated,,,o quantity of land not
exceeding two • townships, for the use and sup
port of a nniverCityin said Territory, and for nn
use or purpose whatsoever, to be located by le
gal nuladiiisions of not fess than one entire e -
Approved, Feb. 15, 1851.
iiS ACT to prescribe the mode of obtaining ev
• idenee in cases of contested elections.
Be it snarled by the Senate and Mime of Repre
sentatives of the United States of America. in COI,
gm, assembled. That from and after the: passage
oftbie aid, whenever any person shall intend to
contest, nt election at any member of the 'louse
of Representatives of the United States, 'he shall
within thilly days after the result of such elec
tion shall have been determined by the eflicer,or
board of C4lll-11.811.1, authorized by law to deter-
Mine the' same, give notice in writin . :g to the
member whose seat he designs to cent*, of his
intention to contest the same; . and, in (such no- '
tire, shall specify, particularly, the groimds up
on which he relies in the contest: erori, a, That
in all elections for ther second magr,oss
heretofore held, any - pe t intending t contest
the. same may. gins node's..thereof within thirV
days after the - paisoge of this net
Sec. 2. And be it further mactid, That any 11141 t.
bee upon Whom the notice mentioned in the first
section'of this act may be served, 'AO, within,
thirty days aftenthe service thereof, answer such
notice, admitting or denying the fact 4 alleged
therein, and stating specifically any other
grounds upon which he rests the validity of tic
ele-sion,and shall serve a copy of his answer up
on the contestant.
Sec. 3, And l, it further enaeleel. That when
any such contestant or returned member shall be
desirous of obtaining testicanney suspecting such
election, it shall be lawful for hint to make appli
cation to any judge deny Conti of die United
Stites, Or to one chancellor, judge, or justice or
a court of record of any state', or to any mayor,
recorder, or intemlant of any town or city, which
• said officer shall reside within Ito Collgte,SiOnal
district in which 'midi contested election was
held, who shall thereupon ieooe Itis writ or eel,
menu. directed to ull such witnesses as shall be
named to him, requiring the ;Meatlna. , of such
witnesses before him at some that_ DWI place a ,-
mid in the subpoena, in order to be tinse and
there examined mpeeting the said ~,,,,ii . ,,,1 el
ection, in the manner hereinafter ['stunted.
See. 4. And be 01 further enortda, , Thst cerry
suet, WitoC°S shall de duly server ith lads -sib
p.m by a copy thereof being de 'sere, , to ban
'or tier, or lett at Lis or her usual dare d abode
al least live dap before the day on t hid, the
attendance of the, witness is requ red:' Promeled,
That no witness shall be requirri to MOW! an
culmination out' of the -county or mirish it, I-Lii , - i
- which he or rho may reside or
, I se 11 with a ! eyll E ILISTOIIY OF PEN DENNIS. No. s.
sager:ea. , I I 1,, wie g,_ Tharkare, ainit the Citin-ii, Neel. liter •tr
Sec. 5. And be it further erit. ,ti, bat tiny I !'"!'"'''' In. , '" '!'".":"Ilil r'l ! L-...i' .. ..'rri. 1 '',` '.:
l ive r DouLan, liar- Ina a la, C. mind ric :ale ta Ili i/...1). ,
person summoned in the manner berei . before di- I Literary la- i nc.,:ti. 14 Thin] -1. ELI:,
retied; and refusing or neglecting to itend and IW. 1. TER CI: Ili: WtIR li s--Th, Water
!testify unless prevented by sickness. o unavoid- • cum3tiemt, to•te,l 5i,,... 51 II •
able necessity, Anil. forfeit and .pay ie rum of .1.g';! i 1 i ,..,:, , Z . ,T i11 , ,,,7,...11,',:1 3 ",?1'11 : W,.,.`, N 4 ‘;',',;`,,:::',',!;;:?L,„,,,.„.
twenty dollars, to he recovered,' witl I costs of • u. , Eirr.l.E . lEel.l.
nut Li bY the art " who'. itl 3 t."" ti 0 !'" h i"": iit ' Tt r Zi '' Te ! rf r l r . i ' :l,: ' ,/ta n n't .' 7rgf. : . k7, ' ; . ..P.r.; 4,7,17 4 „.
na was issued, and for his me, by an felon of SI . 1... ',.-
. debt, in any court of the United :i ter.: and p .,. T „L'ZI . , ,;:,':, 4 „gr,,,," i g,,,, nr ,,,',.' r ,17;!, 1 11: 5 1. E,_,: } „!;1, 1 1',;,,1,.'.
ithalialo be liable to an indictnient r a win- : fl. u=
... ,
demeanor and punishment by fine and ht linens- 1 Th it . -...ti0...'-fi.: It! tit r aA a aci t. '-P!'ntwricr , Iliirtet GiVi TLIcl nti
mend 1 . I ; s ors
See. G. 4nd Sr it further,enucttil, Thllt the par:
ty siewhoscrinstance such snlitimna may he is- '
suedkhall, at least ten days before theiday up- i
poinisel for the exaMination of the Witnesses, I
give notice in writing to the opposite pity of his
intention to examine witnesses, wit di notice :
shall contain a datement of the time I nil place
of th e proposed examination, thenam Of the of-
fiter who shall conduct the ratite, Uie flames of !
1 3
witnesses to be examined, and th eir places of
residence, which notice ehalj be servei Iby tear, !
ingrt copy with the person to he !notif , or tit I .
his usual place of abode: Protided, Th t neither
party shall give notice of taking testim neat dif- I
ferent places at the same time, or wi In allow
an interval of at least five days be teen the
closeiof taking testimony at ono plat . and its .
commencement at another.
. Sac. 7.. And/A. it further Fouled, T- t all wits !
l in
. nesees who shell attend in obedience tr said sob-'
perm, or who shall attend volnntari at the l
time andplace appoined, of whose ex illation
notice has been given ns provided ii :the next !
preceeding section, shall then and then lie exam.
toed On oath or a ffi rmation, by the meliorate
who Tweed the subpcena aforesaid. or ,in case of :
his absence by any other such magistrate ns is '
aatharized by this act to issue Such subramit, I
- touching all such matters andithings respecting'
the election about to he contested ai :shall Ise ;
peoposeibby either of the parties at !resaid, or I
either of t,liem, ur by their or ;either 'their n-
gems; and the testimony of the witnes , togeth
er with the questions proposed by Ih parties or
their agents, the said magistrtite! is i e rehy nu
thorkzed and required to cause to he I ClllllCeti to
Writing; in his presence, and in Ipres nee of t h e
parties or agents, if attending, and to ie duly tit- 1
tested by the witnesses respectiv , ry; Iliter which
be shall intrdediately transmit A . mai the said
testimony, duly certified under , his Mud, and
sealed up, to the Clerk of the Douse Itepre
. sentatives for the time being, tirg : eth r with n
copy, of the subpceret, and of I tie no oe served
upon the 'party as provided in the [weeding.
seeklun. end of the proof Of the ,iervie r I of mielt
SEC. S.! Axd be it further. inaikti, Th it, the said
magistrate shall have power to regale I the Pro!.
diction of papers, and on the refusni! . e neglect
of any person to praline and deliver up any pa
per or papers in his possession pertaining to said
election, or produce and deliver. :op certified or
'sworn copies of the same in case they may be
officio/ papera, he shall he liable to all the pen
alties prescribed lathe sth section orthis act;
and oil papers thus produced, and all certified or
sworn copies of official papers, shall be kisinsrnit- 1
tea by said magistride with the testimony of
. witnesses to the Clerk of the. Mate of Repre
Sec. fl. And le it further canned, TIMt the tes
m.,„timony taken by the parties to the .clinte.t, or
;:itilevif them, shall be confined to the pr oo f or
disproof of the facts alleged or den: sl in the no
' . t i ne and iii9eiernientiontsl in the firsp awl sec
ond seeCtions af 'Mit act, and no testimiely shall
. !be taken niter the:expiration of sixty
.01154 front
'the day pri which iipe answer of the member re.
• turned rib:tithe served upon the contestont,aud a I
•. copy of the notice of contest, and of the answer'
. of the returned member Atoll he prefiXed to the
..depositions taken, and transmitted with them to
the Clerk of the House of Representative.: Pra
ri.-1,1, That the lrousilluay, at their lliscretioti,
allow supplementOry evidence to be Eaten after
the expiration of said Sixty days.
Ste. 11. And be it
_AIM, enacted, That when
no eueli magistrates asisly the thirdisectinu of
• this net outhorised to take depositions; shall re
side in the congressiOnal district froniovhich the
• •• election is premised io be contested, it shall be
. • • lawful for either party to make aPplieation to
enyiwojuStices of the pence resiiiiiipeilliiii the
' asid district, who are hereby authurited to re.
: . .ceii'e Such application, and jointly to proceed
! -tiOti it -_ in the Manner Lereinbefore directed.
_ . ..
SEC. 11. And &it furtAcr thaeted, That every
Witness attending by virtne_of such subj.-ens as
is herein diiected Ito be issued, shall be allowed
the now of - seventy-five clots, or cud, day's at
tendance, Ohl the farther turn of five cents for
every milunceessarily travelled in goipg an d re .
torningovhich allowance shall he nseertained
and certified by the mo4istrate takir4tho exam
. illation, end shall be paid by the party at whose
instance such witness was SIIIPMODeIIi and each
judge, justice, chancellor, mayor, recorder,-in
tendant and justice of the place, who shall be
neumarily employed pursuant to they provisions
of this acti and all sheriffs, constable, or older
officers, wbb may beemployed to serve may sub-
Peens, olSptice, herein provided for, shall be en
titled to receive from the party at eticiatiinstance
the seniee shall have been performed such for
or ferwasareror merbeatllovralfor mentor se r- t-... _
lice' in the States wherein such seniee may he i Penn - Haag Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
rendered prapietiveiy.' ~i/ e i ; ENT EN I'ITTSItU BC 11, W. lI.IDA V IS,
. ,
Approved. February I 11, 18:31. i : I Ore J. Finney..,- dererawald No.:Tit Liberty street.
sneweareconnetatwat ' - 'or the better cenleniettew of tem.. residing In the
~,,m , . i .,,„,,,, it, ,I,y. ,b, to,nt may aDo be nand daily,
i from II to 11. and ..., to 0 o'cleek, at the conntinc room of
Sehonnotaler & Co., No :I I Food etreeL. where all nee...-
~.. exr , It/ Pntrlaligill wilt I, Oren and communication. , anew
-t '-- I , att..nded 1.... Pamphlets esplainlnq the principles and
J. It AIIEB S E Y. COW' ISSION MER. 1;-....ft.,. -4 La- 1... um.... nod 14.Cdt fur.. raraaaa m,
Oil A.T. f,,e the Kale of Dumeatie. it tad... and l'unt it 'PV.'.7dtet.l.‘:tid.rl.. neer
s tag,o and (.0n...t011! inenmint: --
..ovals, Na. Ilt, s'eudl etrtet Pittpl.orgh. . ._' .. ~,, 1,1 , Ji•.1.3.01 annual!, n„,,, .-stmt thnae,sl rue late.
0.i..,.. oiled at ,Lort onti, for an, devriptton m o •-. .” Pitt•Loral , ..lan la. I.:A.—tont
lelt Marhiner- - , Plol7 .
Pr i E ifi i-I'AItTN P;11.SII Il' u
der Marino , sire. and Inland Transportation
extet n,en the ottl.erlter, under the style of Insurance.
i .„„..., 141.-a o un, a .., , 1., ti,te da, di•enirs,l ho tnnit.r , r r11F: Insurance Company of North America,
ma.. ae. • Ills •I'scs••' ~,,a , - •_ 1 Haslet dio—lltart,nml 1791 capital Veto on. Ao,tt
il! , ,V , t r i. „ l gT, ' • Jannary LI. 1n51.41.0e1,2:4 W l it
mate It . t.on:ttne on
„ „... t ,„. boaldros, and thole content. In HO. ‘.ll , end t whin, al -0
Ira tier-, or R b Ffrtning i. •u111ig h . ..',..,„..., or, podert, of every description. ..atu la nr
ttaa; i, ) the late am , in th e tetOctarn' ' - ' adtd other ~.....te. either by inland tratt.nalrtation Of on the
' .
D I SSii LITT lON OF , l'AßT . N , Elttllll'z 1 ,
Kuha-rilwrn. Under thoPt:;.'2%Zeritlett 3 .- Whid, ants di. , I
.o::l,7l):Ttl'br',P7g,';'lt:ftlTl:"lii l:i' . .1°.11;17;1 0 ,; :
• 2:.j.i.44 ,, ,' .nd arrautboris. l Muse the name td the late .
"'D"."' N'
Y ill. ' . l TtlC LETT, I ,
Februsr, F.I. ' 3) . . 111 , 40. 11. WHITE:
VEW FIRM—B. C. Shneklett and Villianl
i 1 Payne... general partner, and Benjamin qty.', a..
aerial and limltnl partner. will ntatinne the V bolo..ale
err Gorda business under the firm of 11.11,bne lett A l'o , i
the run+ lately °monied by Shacklett While. N 0.141
Wuxi etre,. It. C.. 114011E47T,
febli,, 117 , 1 PAYN I ,
.- ---
as Nerves. VOWEL US ---
(701 i POI'ls1) vEc,-
ET)1111.0 POWDER.. fur the cure of Exoltuaret, or I
lia Ntrrtcs.
A oaf , and most nireessfol rtmed, f, that exirtwilting
and Intolerable anllctien to which too th crs. i the tar,
month. of are autoret. It alfuni. therm t prompt
am , „ m ph.. relief, curing ma sane ewe: , In a few oho.,
ant Oda rod if mosally secnred bt a einclo lice l'n
it;e , this painful Pon'. II 1•01/I1 I, 'barna
-I,s as rettp•rets the child, .It may be swallow without
the bast pot.ible risk, of inutry.
Thie ,m,ly has been retwatedly nod, and most blchlY
recommended, by earn. nf lite medical farult) of Pitt.-
Price--One Dollar a Package. r.,r,ale only by'
'A. 11. NEVIN A CO
. 126 Liberty ihtlFbur,..b.
For ealiFty L. A. BUM., Jon. M1Ti11..1.. Jto 110...1.,•9,
and D. A".l:Lttorr.l,nom.. AllealtenT• fel,,:tut
TEIIEiLAIMES all sav "If vau want •ren I
Waal Ti.a, onto Morris A Ilaywortli a lea Store in the
ond for IL" The Tea the eall at 5o .o.ta per Irmo
clan..y very dam aged, !how In d 75 [-rota tool 11, are dole
Low pricsal. orrior Teas are newer kept
dithis ertabllahment, and On, now retail all their Teo..
rect from the orhtinal cheats. havinc proved that Tea will
not keep. in 3lctallic wrapper, whist.. I , Lolling Rpm lb..
light, you will find Is as Isamu, an a lalw's Trii. 1..1.11
Lead Pipe for 11 1: d1:.
• Ar 1.41.4-
• II rdraull , Ono.
illttertob Sc.
All 'dreg On band and to arrive. Cr, gale by
ALEXAMiF t It 1:1/11.1/0bi,
improved patent
Li—Murphy If Burchfield will thi. morningmmrore
tx.eiring the, food nupply of Spring Dry Erode, ro and in.
vile the call of their cuatonaere and inir - enl Ilencra/l.r. 1 hr.,'
Inviv attention to their extensire assortment of new oty le
printa. et 1254 rent. pc., ydhl, eolectx.l with particular ref.
creme, to durability of color. An excellent hrtlel4' IP RI.
olferea at 1V cents pwr yanl.warranhea fact color.. Also.
choice etylca of Enclish Chlntkee, from 12la cent.
per yard. many of them entirely new decime,
vet atylee Llncto mow.. H.., 4.
Needle Work Clhare. OMIT.. Chemitette. Or. 0, , 0. I
net. and.ltonnet Ribbon. Ikutnet loon. kr. 1
EW "I%ll:SlC—Where art , the frioniN of'
I'4 ray Youth: iq I; Parker
Pre ,cenethine Sweet n. tell You.
The Robin.
I'm thinking Ti.. bay. Mare
My New Et.-land dome, a new woe. to the
fdatica of New Eneinna,
She I Love I. far A•a, . •
Oh, meet Teo nu the :diver :1b.,.
Ily Ikane . o on the f 001.,. Lea—Moab.,
Tve 0
Thu ~pirit mere.
Po, hi. the Illact Sl,.k.r.' rloug and 1 , 4
Would I wet , a 11h - thee—Mr Guitar
Les Adlrut h, Ilorr
An eXtend.. collection of urn Polka, n xltr.v, boil,'
i Cons, Or.
nem .upply of ... New Cermini Saera. - Pedalo.
/Alllll, and an excellent moor work, called dn. - 311.fia1,t.”
• colltetion of tomular and social PfP121,.. barolonisca end
arraneed to O. %Vold, and W. lihuote—coo.oiend on. 01
It. bent workl t , •r pnhheh.d. 11. ELEI11 , 1:,
felad (Paden Harp. 0 •+ 101 Third
The lii,tor; l'enclennis.
th, fortune. and PtIliPf0111:121,.. histrinotio 00111,1
,;rem al By %Valiant m.hrp,,,,Thackerey. n id,
lihodration, ell wood 111 the endow. In two volume,.
No 0 of ih,. lll.tery of Pruden... It. W. The ter,
alallerille: A Franconia .try.
Eli the autlow of the
Volta Ihoke.
No, 11 ot_the Pictorial Pleld hook of 11u. Iteveltaltn. By
Venom S. Lunelnc.
1 W. aLovo brok..its.t reeeirol and o.r ode br
tlart.c.t et.
itr i i . '''.7:L ' i‘,:n " ,:i 'ii,',. ;;;:. 1 .:; . 7iut,'?,..` 1 :;,.; Yrfl e St ' r i rr i n ' t
NErcLantt. L f l'inonnati in 11. Lai,
1,. 01. (nt 2 , 11.. ' 1 , 19.
We. Lb. tioderign,l. Wm:J..3.11r nod 31- rrhants el thir
rit,. Imre Errn ar.tiEnNterl rOE bud mtl.l nr . 3 ,,, r Of t" . •
1.;1, An artte I, I..rtni. Nie.irrine known a- Ittrrr,'•
,r,eraltl. Pain hiller. nnl We uunlrlaronr. ntr Eubltr OA ,
nni....., fr., .:, vrt 4 1., 34 ill, ~•• . 11. 1.,
~.... two Er tart., prr.r. SEr ran rworucurnl it t.. Ow
',thin , ..ii .irt.,..1 ~ n -at utrrit awl rlrtor, indo. aro
attn., - an arErl. ilr.ingur I.4•rt. n , .1..,,.111
p.pul.rr in -, n.rt J. t4a... uhith if pn.,..1 I ;I, t
vl ~
101 ,i•.• i,, It E .I.l:lEstr , • L..... “... A." 11 . . .:
. .
rxv 80Nm....r5--)tor i .i, , n0,t,i,.•;.1
x ...,.. ......,,—,,, ,n,,11 ErntEnn t Inn II n5...1..r.
~ Errrl -4,1 I 11., Enttant, ..•nrs,
land. ....I !1E... t .1..4 nx. , h 1... AErrrin• ; ;Eta,
I lon. 1,..r1 Eml.rnElertri .lor . mrrn.n.l,,l. 1 .r, rn.
Prthli aro' . f , tot Eltnelirh L“tan. ill, 11.1 i1.".:‘61 , .\ I ,
Mir , • .31 , 1111 , 1r...t EL.un.t.. of * tart.. I it; 1...
nrr. runrrt.r ...n l .l Init.!. 11.1.E.1. ;Inn A.O tals.,l
' (ant , flat, 4Ehnrw. 11,63. 1b../ I,krl. Ir-rbo.rn. 4.
• 1: -
:•'' ..f,',,' ,;: ,„.,.,,;: ~ , ~'...1 : ', L 7t Nt i I. 01 I t , lAT Ell LI )1: IL'. 1 Evtrn
e..,: . 1;...., .. i ' .,... ' . ' ... ' .-: iiir,..i , ..:Sii. - ‘ - e - :: .‘. ...- ~ C
..n.ap • o. A head., nu....• In in, ^h. he - dit , I.". Ph • ---
- •
u,•• ha i 1... rt... and 111.111,1 ph•ri. it ie., oil, ,•-- r , 11 . 11 Er .• If, ~,.i.,.. of, !p.p. ,”..... fr,,,,
hate tit. theanei. erel unonnenrir.ri nt le•th no llhil, 4 ,
ntah. me lunr .1 t. e rthi, un...1,1 the licit , . . 1-41411 Nil. ET 1. PO.
ll // art r mud komi•te
Alen.° A Caren r, Phil,l - hen,. •A, 1t0r...1 lit., t
Jl' 1:1111KIII , i1:1 1 . 1,-.....nt li 1 I , I.D, Si nave ll, IL kNli NI iTF4 , . :FIGHT
II I n/L I 1 on , I the 1' , ., met II •rt.l Plot t• .1-e
A A 1 irlarn. Artuary
Pm.. h OM , . tr IV...tern Pena., Ivan.. Wa ixtrothfe Id p nr , u , ~, 1,,,,,,, li o , ,p
11,. I. Poi-In, P.,...tiudceirmc I isxurance will I. fur . ..1•1 nth E V ARNOLD A 0 1 ,
will howi.• of eh. (Itneuhi li, eaitin , et the 41e , ' i en No 71 /north •tr-et
n ., , •
- ' I 'V , II E :4t'itser.lllF.l: INVITES TICE
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. , ~,,.„„ „, , ~, „ „„„,, „,„„ , „,..., ~, ~,, i „...„ „„,,
( i A rrrm. $300,000. ii...., .r 1 •.... , oder hbr eat
lI.MI La Re: tl ' 1 •• . ;.• ..7.:'`;';,.`;::.!',..' ~,,,,... ~ ~.ii ii.,..,. ~,,,.- .. ,
. , .... • ~.,t, .....- not , es. • t. wruntly on hewn ..n.I fir
It ill ••••• 111.1 rdl I .n.l. • I roi., 11, an I Marine ~. r. „.. p. I II r AT•r4
All 4.n0- ...K a li' •••••ra II ed •untel eod ine.n•Pl• Paid . .
I home i i nouoi•-maria-uel a• Porch ex .4......, ..-11 4,4 EN EVA 1 1 1 I..—Five 1,1.. reeoired. tar -.ale
[how ii in i, n nononiti. end d o le..
he •••••••rinined In , , -111:111-'1: 4110,11 4
pemapthewr and lire-rolity . to munon the Hormone, u IPA • 1. /
''.."..•Y:7711.4.";'''''' C....'' '''''''r '-..." '.."'”'... I) I •T'r El: —Fi,e,,ltrit nod lon pirw prime roll
.hod.-•n ina,- , -a . m ' di: " ,.l,.. a ... ph, 4. .1 n lulu,. • ' I
P 1.... , ~ famile nii iic ' ll e l'' •
llohnew. Jr .llin It llntruci. 1 . . 11iiii....a....... II J. 1,,, , 1 , 2. , . ' , WAVER a 11.4.11NES a.
. , .„.,.„ , ~
,m M 1,,, ^0^m , i. ,,, """. ‘"'",' r.r . '" ..... q Ikl ( I )11)1...1.:,,,Y...... e,av ari, t. ,arri,e.
nl,. Alex. Nino... Th.. Nwt,
1111,, No 2 11 et., at,. I. •warchonee n..eimu /. (N.. 4 ',. 1. 1 i r .e. • 1., de, FIIIIII PE X. II IliNEr.
ux• warn, INJhurgli aidli
ifll4l . Fr'S IWO Ii Is. LEPIN G.-- , A .n (ply
Delaware Mutual Safetylnsurance Comp'
15 y • 'l t,n•• IL.,.E•e P 1..: .....4 ana.k a.•.. reed 1.•
rod , It i rTialiTriN
4 1 11 1.. , 1 1 . 1 1 :4 1 ; : k N TTne lt i .1 . : i i h i o..., 11 :::•2 1 ..1, ( 1 ) 1 1- : Tli
E EX - '''''
11 . )II 1 " PF:Al'llllS..—Tlt ' ree liu mired ihili
. .1,1
for te.
l in ee a..,! -hurtliticr. Werehundlee. end 4•11, r reertiod and tor vale In
peale•rtv. end cotton,. trottnil agaluxt Pe., or , 4,.....4 SIIIII lEE A 110p5 F.: ,
damain• hr lire. al the low•ot rite of Prrminta.
Wit,. 11-o r is , . -1 bey ulwi Inrum Veawel,, l'arecen, i 1 011 - 11 N FLANNELS , -.% fart 1i " ..4 , 1 4upply
and Frelehta. toreigu or ennxtor lie. under open -r rteclal 'l, •Jilo. 'lune gonli e rupenhr anon, tun rwekl 1,,
--------- - Hid,. 4, the ........1 Imo - ~,u, • l': , ti
1-.1 4WD TI.I.N.PIkI,TATION —Mr. aim lurntre Me-ha:ill. , ' . MI 1:1'114 a Ithli1 1 111 1 11".1.11
To corniamorts, i i-' - ' ll.l. 'm x ' I ' l 11 41,111 1 r4 T 1. 0 % -.1 ` A Z - ,•1:.9.,'„...%:1„1-1, arts 1 1 4 , RENI:11 LEA E—Filtv !ain.ll, l'eeneli,
p r i ARROL COI NT'S' EAll,llllAl l —Sezled . ' i ' 11..T.,:; , ...%L..3.:iri1. E .,..,,,,'. k ....1;;;,,,',CA.',...„,„ .„',',„", 1 A. 1 , ~ --. D.,-, , cold and : , (yer Lem'. ter ...t k.,
_ rtecal4wlll be received at the .J 5, id the Carrol Pei,. Ilident Burton. JOhn A Penne., raint,l Ma art, alt: J l . 11 ' r 'NW 41i 1. • Ii a iNt - It II ...I it
County hallroad i1renp.,,,,.. ••
eerrJhn i Ito, until 'I her, i Geor,ol'
)4e . r.M . 10a100. , ..... N.. , . " 3 ,‘ ,. " . 1- . ( I( 'LI III'—.) 1,1. , IL., hat::
dsy. the lability - I.f March net tree th• iraduatexi.
than Ihlw-11. .1c.1.n Newlin. hr 1. II Hon.., . Tlile. I •
i. and bridglny on the lire- eau ndlng frith r - arroltrot to I third. therldulu• Peul'lmit. ll - 1 . - 11,1 i 41 - , 1 !' hr. ' No 10 Ilrotuw. aieorted. ~.
the valley of -illg Sere!, ." near the lhp•ela %II- C1 , '... II i.. 01 Cm, . • .... J. mil. :fp rte. e genie... 4 to ,ce i - bn me letleu ard imp:
Platunnet rieonfoudioi, of the work ma, t.. ~.r.upiii,,,, l'huirl-• Nei', .1 •• .1..1.t...0n, s lim Ile,. Pr rTh nu,. , I•.r -.,-- In rel.._ J h., the..., i,,,,, pp •,, ~.n
and wary inform:won obtain•el to apt•titution h. the John reller, 11 - 0 I• - Jr
LII.T/lll`er. 111 the Whew of the Cceinpui,, dorm. 11, hor Pon,P:rin , roo -II T Tharan Ilurli 1 runt. ' l‘ .. E11)111.1.14IN -- Trio .tr. l'llino.o. Amera
da, previa', t he Mdl - ~r lett.. . John T I,auP '' ee h u nd Ini,arial I enalllem. for rale In •
hi or ler of t ithuhl of larechn-, 5 •' II n: i 1 il NIIRIIII 1.1-,Q1 , 1. 111 Tur, I" 11 o en. I .e. l'•-• -I .10 .t rt the, it 4EII. aCO
frh1•1•1 ItrillT 1 - 011 - 411:11. ree 1 dent .1..-rrit It .w i• -...-reter, ..• • ..., . i ,•• • .., •
. . , I N p .I.IIE at the le., ell, . ~, 12 II et; r •tne-t. INt, . 11.,'1e - 5r...4 I 1., tu xll 1,--1 Iran I 111 lif S•l 4 .l.lfritA:
Notice to Contractors, Irnruh (••- . ...:11 1' .lItPE I It A /yew , 14 , c o n. • 111 .4 - Lot-ochre, Inn ten •of Iheennary. I con
- . '• hl ...1 I•i h. I e a int or Bet nm. I box thl el Clove.
°T o ? , 4 ,. .. , : i 1 ,., 1
„0 1' , 1•1 , , ,, - i x .
~s i i i L b f . ,: : ‘ ,.. - T ,:i t .,, i i t ; t1 . 1 , , , - 1 Franklin .ifi,c
T. Fire p,;
. Ins c
1 ,117 Insurance Co,o i, of
. P k ntia , o: . a.. ,„.,,,,,,,::,„, ~, ,„'„,.., ,„., rtnr:m a r. „ 1 , ; (, .' ,, r , .<!14 a 1.6 . a
15, •
" thn 01."X'n"'"it'l""" C ""'"" , "' '"'"' 'JD I iii . .-benl; T - ii„..:l . l ' a r rt .. . ' llor t . ceritl: " l.• :t r ... T.:l,.e 'r' .• lirlit 1 til AN [ILI E- T,., 1„,x,„ N„ . I . f•„ r
burgh. aun t'ix..l . the' ith do? ••( Wend, nett. I,
the Traet
PilLiburph to Iln•Jillon. 11 drotanie 1 11-11 "- . 1 . 1 " .11. ' ' 11. ' 11- ' l. ' ll ' l.l ' ll ' l ' I. " ' I. '" . i .11 , 111
, I , m ,,....,. ~.c , ,,,,,,..„, ~,,„. , „„.,,,, ~,,,, , i Sloolr It „nine. More, Pinter.. 4 4 4 , MIP .1 74 - 11,. iN lIA KIM a Cl I
t I A El/ ill L. --Limit In of a quality,
oiAai, dat the "Mr, in Plttaburah. 11, two we -I:+ menu., 1 ~ , 4 , 44 , ~ 4.44. 1T r & 1 . : 1• 4 :',.!, n" ..61 -R• 11.1-11. "'
to the 1A.,: on application to Swiiituoi. II !wheat, Chief . ,1 1 • 1 ,,.., - „,,. ..„ 1 ...„ . ,,,„ . ..... •., u ., X... 1,,, a ,„„.., ~,„,„,,,.,4 , . 4 14 ~ ., a llth I. hand Pr Yale by
Engineer. The pruporiala Must io in arconlance with tae n , •.,
4 11. . 4 , 4 ,
~ , ,..., 4
4 , 44, , 4 44 , ~k
..„ „., „ 0 „ „.„, , rah , IrAlall I nd aCU . Wider A Front etc
printed form.. aral adiln.-orul teethe Pre.elexit of the I orn 4
4 . 4 . . 4 ' 1 4 1 4,' 1 ; 444 , g,,,. ?,,„ ~ , , , , ,„. „ ,.I,,ii , 44 4 •
pan, WM. IttIIfINPON.Jr . PP-NO.4d. 'x ~.. ' 1- %. iI 1 LASSES. - 2 ,r,..i.ty an, brik, print,
1 1 1.•Intrith. 1,1••••tb. letel. - w 4 ,,, p r ,,,,,,,,,,......,,,., „.„.„,....,. 4
...V g ,il, ur 11••••••.• !lola,. ••,..., rtwii.l and for Yule 1,,
oriel Ameican. New Turk Tribune. Amerreati I.a•lnnd 4 74 . 4 . ' 4 . 4 1 ,' - ,',:: i ' 44
4 ' 4 . 4 1 ; 44 .,1 4 , 4 ' 4 ' 4 444 4 , 44 . 4 ,..., 4 , 44 44
.„•,•, I. h W ATERMAN a Cl/Nr
Journal. publleb four liner,. ' l ' l '; ‘" -1 ! l'lte -,24, 2 ht 1i...• ',mina, 01, Jenne, Int..rlilu.r, 't.
- -. 1111 W , I tl. TT ER.— Thirty I:0 , s and rda brls Fresh
- pROPOSAI,S far Erecting . It II ire Stispen. i t"''''' "....' . ‘..
' ' ..r
''''.''' • ..
' ,„... ,„,„.„,,,,, .„ r : r , h,
._ elan Bridge 1, the Allegheny Mt,. .1,,, , ,t0 Ma.- J. F. DI I.LWORTII 1 On.
• nark atnct. in the Fifth Ward of the rd. of Inth•hurrh.
~... ''.'"
.. -. 411,114 1 4
111 7,::';!:,:iVc*:.n'il l ,.. L V . :-.";43. , -. ,, ' . .!*,!9l"''''. b .'''' .• - - r1:' , .' , 1 :.:: 1 ),,,!!..• Al .:R .2 .,• l ,, l N th Al l 'ii 1 \ 1:1-. 1 1 ' i • AT ' Irli r f• ltl ' l ' .i ' l ' •! . r . t?e r t.
Painter it CA), Lm .tort, aptly Ow Ibtli day of 4- la
' t rip+. A.:- . • ... •- - .... 11 •11 .
eat. for the erection of the aloe, deecrlieni bria, - the 1 ___. 1 4L NV It 5 ISI NS on eon , ipoinent f. r lisle
• •
Vattern thereof to he the name ac the llonormahela 1tr1d,,.. I 42.2,..1, 1 J 71
unit such alte,llmhs a. Made, Al eueient and the al- "'twee ',q r . ,neerporrituon a , rlod of :1.0t...a ,ex ni. the, ''
' . M"'"
lector" appmve. it, order of thei 14,4114. eir01u ,, h.". ema 100....1, or 0... uullou Four II undred Thouratel IiIA 'T IFIED 5% ILISKEI .
F. LOENZ. Frelet. IT,. w twofer. 1e...., h. I ire. thoreln idro - diur erldetie. . P ' ".. 11, 1,110.1. le., h.-lA.IW blikey In xthre and for Kale
--- -,alliont.tvee of lueorame. ay well n• their a bait, soul J'. - • In mall JOHN . PARKER a 1 1 11
• perotton h• noel w Ph prtnapta, , all Petah!, .
J •lalt Del llt 1401114 Acent
.. {,
..,‘ 1.... i. , , ~:, 1 , 5 4 1: 7 5 c i i,..,1 2 . 5 1 : ,:
1. 1 4 .,7 " 1„, „ 5 ,.. " ,,, e."1:7 1.i.,,. 11 " , r , ". 8, •
fifth, rI. corner of VI ood and •1•1 ete • , 4,44 ..„, •••
'3IASTEIt BUILIIERS—Proposals for
thr builtlintt of Ithe triath Itrrthy tart. Chtyrrh.
It art. hr rettettra I.) Cat. if. u.s on. at Mi. ult... ur
ithwan & Das ron. Gat Sr.,- until Thorttla7. ifs trtsh
inst., at o'cli/ck trtutre 0.1 tr•
I. and sot in:1411.0.n wirrn hid. us, tr. rOOO O 4 l
I l l' nrd, thr Board rt
ForAorgb. Fib.
foes Ulna
Jitunar, Id, 14:4.
- I_)I:OPOSALS will to; thi. to
a_ part tucra . until the 4th dr) of Mareh ni•AL for Gimlet,
fug nts.mps fur tbe nee of the Pord Ono,. of Ilia Cnind
tqater fed. four )errs from the lot di, of April next. when
ordered by the Departure... of Ow follon in.'
The name of the ofr., nod State In circular form, rut
(Ann a Mock of hardeted..teel. and made on eh
manner its to admit uf letters and figurer to deentowle the
Mouth rud dny, with a thumb sere,. to keep 011111 lett , r.
soil figura,. In plane. Sorb stamp, and romp.,
inn the same. to be of ' the mule sire P. 4 Cho, mow mato,
facturod.and In nee. A turnal rnsli,m.any handle of the
NaltlY like sire, lb , econ fiudeord .rl.l tamp. The
month.. of the yr alibreriand an no to contain but three
lettrrr each. of the ranterlre now in ore. nod to be rut from
Aid blocks of hardened eibad. Figur., fur the dr), 01 the
turAdli. room Ito 31. Inehuire. to be ovule, hanterual
metal. and of the sire loot aforertiPl.
Alwi. damp, with the words "f add" and - free" of tim
firm of tione now in tare.
Also. Manuel with figurrt denoting mteo of Lateen,
and •iirrillar to thiwu now In nee. '
All of the upon .; equal to be 1111341 . of hardened steel..
The prin.wal. =let rontrin rAparate bids for the th
eater otantp, with Set month. and foams.
fnr each to pieoo. containing the month
raiting urthren ttem.
Alru, fur each w•parate piece for the dots of 110 month.
Alen. for emoplete re, of innothr and Ilan 's•
Abr.. fir each irlArate pa rd
laver with the words "mid" and
fr ee
Alio, for each reparate Mere with tin. figurer ilemdimi
the tater ofpiontge. Tle• tusking of Ihr dittereht Art , 'Oh
lin, howeter, differ:tit rontineniro. brit the
Protr.el for the erbide Melt de.inud fitrurnble 1 ,,
N• IwPartinent will be accepted. Fre. ' lirlartment
wrwr. tto it,lf the right m mAo's 21.11 prov.,ll. If Ilya I,rlrn
••• eir,stori extrarmomr.
••Pee - mien. nf the, VIIIiOU4 kind, of Ftampr requirtal crab ,
et the appointment off. of Department.
• N. K. II A 1.1.. l'oattuarter
I \T STOrli. OF PIANOS. m iv
Johu it 11n14,r. 1 \{'r..l hat. •
t•••...i1. Ur VI
liannAVn atul
Cabinet of nafint•
Modnrn A Nlrtnnry.rtAlll.l3l... 11. ntn
rinn , ll.l4lp, (111nrine. Winter Ilitnan. I.lA____.-
t'unn - lrnnt, tnrlan fret., end 111.us1
rplen.lntly bnurnl.
Iltpi•nnpnll:nArnn npinnAnll, Inured. •
Juvenile Inn.,ntetion ttn ,, ks. All,n n. nu An.
L'or rate at I , I , I,CATION I. titan( n11 , 11.K.
tin'23 u.. IlavinA..t.. non nr
' •- -
mill for by Ik,.
Itytnritnr, ell of
nulphate and ,1,..te ot
Encsr of lead:
01ttu Arabic
Creatn Tartan
Stoll Bnitnatnne:
Flour Sulphur.
G L m 4, n n p b o ,. * . m* 9.. r. IA IeIiCILF.IIA3I.
frb6 onrty.r wool end With
F 1015 USE BLACK TEA, !ticitut Is r:' ,4 - ft
k Ilawaltrl4l4 the Idatriund, on•ll the lee! In
. 1;1, 7 n7
this la Ea puff, but a povitlve fact. ea :74.1n
mougarinou will ItTINi,, ',.,.e.,
tknol ntrona and ideautot flavored 'ole mr 11. The heat lmheertal late the ll.etatea 75c do
Omen Teao equally lona at 'Arne prier ,
All Tea. , Whin ovotahllohtnent am retailed (reel/ loon the
Orlkinal Cbeftn.' Mune One ouperior to Par Law T.'s. whirl,
dn Many Inotannen. have been pert tin two or thew. Tool ,
'aril Ton oulpht 10. well nom. I(ar would keep an. well In
• mall bundle no In • stalk. at to think that Tea will keep well In • Wkagr , .In the nohnnst rheets. , ne.t,
lIREEN APPLES-30 bblo for rode by IIiTA,LILY FL
XS fon awn', .11.11711 EM CO. :0.27
Arthur ,l4n. Frei, Tbnum. 1 1
.1 - o,
Samunl ti t .lnne, John 11 .41.
hla ant r-mo h. Ihnhard 0, Ir4+4,
.lobo A. Itrrern. Witham Al clah.
gnannel V. Sinai, Frannta llcklna.
ramorl I:rrcata, . S. A wain .kllll..nn.
Charlen Tal Inr. Wm. E. dannn.
Atrana,..- White. ,n. n r, A -41411,2n.
J....t. m. Thaw, . l annea N. Inch.ou.
.. Mania Wain. IL 41. : 1 11m-rant, 1 1 .cr'r.
TiliA i, the oldran Insurance (Imllllahr 1 11, - 111- 411 .. 1 ,01, 1 4
aryl fnah It. Innh ataardinv. bam narnricnnn. amt. ,- . 11-1-111. ^/
Arld aanatinn all rich. nt an an, I:sal-J.1a char-ante, It
''''''''''' tYLl.T.o '17..V:11:;:',.:'"'4,"'
No. F r•trrnot._
American Life and Health Insurance Co
Agent for Pophtirgh. - .IIL. 11. TO II
taut. 4. nl...e.Sznithn..l4.
N141011..1% I., , ntainittz ~u 'n.,,.. in*ortmqion N.
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co..
I n()011 OF. THE EX
tn. co. .. , 17.
Ie r41:1.1:;;;'‘'.‘,"":1'.r.:r.Tit7,„7:1„°,!:7,7,;:',1‘02,`,V;nib,,.:10,;:
On ft andlt:lm.llll4
On kireß
Earned l'reculmnAduring the year end:no untgAr:
INrleu , nn,l Inland it..t.•...........1•192.711.2.17
litirstic no. Ammo.
Alnnuo acvl Narigati.. i
. .
Profit and .... ..... .. . •
firnt. rolor
rx le,Pruw+,le,
Ti,e .f1,.1. of the Votumn, ftro folhfnm -
Rood*. U nit ,
foul Ground Rent,. ....... 4.7 f`..3
312,0410 e ff , tatto. Six eofff I .^^•• ••• 1 " . • 21 henn,lt sofa . • alX,Oho
rhii.b.rncit, his •• ..••
flordon fff‘ `• ...... 7..10
Iw :fhfftt, Peon, ItAnts Rail Rood efornhan, h.ofvf off
o htzlhlf Bank or 'homier+ , .... 4.1100.1
Nlerehtfuht nud Mahufarfun, Bank.
o Phil 1,1 and Ilttrm rum Metall
Tow theft Couthaffy.... ..... .• Oft
Philmhdphin Farbloote Comp., .....
eorip and ,Indi of • ..o.ffhl, Nllllllll 1.11,11 ,111,
rt.oelvattlo .....
; 'ash oft hhad. I
Ittfor.,t tine .
halsvero. in 111.. handp of Aeon, and Prottooffo. ,
huh-cm...ft . . • .
,14,1 . 111/L.ll 4th.
Th.. Board of Ihrrrtere have thin il, adiridend
et I,IX I'LLCeNT north... the laadal ,, hare, IN
Pee CF_NT. thr ecrin of thr t3aat , an , ahh , on and
neva eoarmber In. Poo. A 1..,... a .11,,,irnd Ye:, I'ER
CeNT in on the Cep.. end 1.1,1111-
umn.errteirate. Co. whirlt win t ll ahrtr
Ninrtin. rota-Alt. .1. ./..bnron.
C.lohn 1 1 . bral.n. estate! K. Stokr...
r. 'nob r 5. 31. lion,. Jana , . Trnaortr.
/ohne 11er... e. Hand. n Nllllllll.
It. Iturt..a. 'S. Paul:tun/. than Krlll.
JAI, It. 1 1 rnxer. II innen 11rookr. ./ 1 Inn. 11t1 , *e.
S 11 'hon. T lirmaln. •
4, I. , ltrr. tench , ram.
• It Lao,
M I III:, II MARTIN. Pornhlrnt.
TllOll.l, C. HAND. I tur
inerap,lV 111t1 . 11,
I, Ow Art ancra'reretina ttn•e ,,,,, rn , nr 11,111 •
Hui prp. - . lt1 , 11•111 vntelrd to e nhax of thr propt•
a( ruierr,uo Ir ,
1' tJlilr k.yntot thn a aoum pail.
1r Itetal atort, nd Stilrnnytion Non. err rhehlr.ll. ,
the Cher., lho ~1 11.• 131 of no.l thr t,tialt•
51.11 glllll thr
pror•nr. ,, ,l thr eor,..ranoth n for 11.. ot,. -.-
ura,. of the Imoost..l. rune %ill ropromado.l h.
1.-artrA x
a... 1 rt.:la.. on. rola. amooot
1,10111,111 1, 11 , 1141
M 11 , 131,
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
Harrisburg. Pa.
T HE t•tl . 141wrt,1 t'•
t tt.t, too . a.. 1...
. . _
4 .‘„.lsn e :Ci " Znj .n "
11, to e•ta l.r.ttt I"
r .111
S.l 11, V.. , .ore.r.ful I o+nr-m.1. ,, mv.,,
'"' V1Y.7:171T.t. ,, E1.A „ .... •
No lii
10.1 , ARTN hay, tlik day
,tali uv. la•ap.ralu Itat , •hLw.r. Tha
u 011. . ,, a, tltna
.1% , 11,, , A a l' , l
111,1, I4IIJSKEI".
_J/pal , It, a ,lery ~1•1 anal thalrr "
.4 , 1 , 1 , 1, old ‘1,•,,,,r,eat,r1... te, alai IA
I 1,0,1 Pills. l'Alt1:111 Co
g 00I) CANTON l'artlwr
.uppl ~ /t.•ridr nri trl.• At ..•nr•
"'rd. .0 of
M V A DU Vllll , l Ell.
ft EST [MACK TEA— Sun , • kind as in
.1U Encland 1 I (~•A r•nne nn.. 11.
fr.g• nom nn In•rto •
(Ar rale by ‘1.01230 2 A II A il,A1:111. In Ow Dm-ono!. And
n.s 1.11.1 .1•+! ty b. •
I. AXS E small lot for sale h,,n117
4 : 111IEEP PELTS-,1 lade 1., :411, I,
).7 11 • .1 It N 1 , 111.11
A I,EItTES—: Sitlibratus, in itris soul
1 - 1 •nl.• .net 1.:1/1 . A 1.7.t . .1.1. o.
B LAl:ft-I ,l r Lard in ibrls anti kegs'
a And 1111-SIT I.Z!1.1. A
l i
liti'Mt.--15 him prime N. Sugar.H
t la t 4., ;dal •alr It WWI Firr A. (
Itl S II Eifte..n (frum 0. H. l'ar.
4 N. htit No A Nturkrrrd . ....Y. belt N.. • 1 Lek.* Piet.; It/gr..
N.. INI AvAr..l. Ylorr And fgr . .11.• I.y .
I At ATT Al. ,
4 a II EF:SE --15$ in stn re
.11 I sr ., t
na I h.. GS li'n.r err., ~
d a itocEiti
half ad,. Sun no yd., gad link Ton, I
b 1•01... do. do.. tun n'l butt
11l boxer It te,ell A Itoblro.go Tohnn•n. •
do I'. Rgidtdda. 41 11, s'o awl bibb.
gr. A I•mg• and Ilarorr.xl • A t.ll dn. •
1, Thump.. tr. Golden Tx.f
!a.trlT' and
"I" by
./1)IIN PARK gn A co.'
ror mde to t , •
SU G AR & Ill& Sugar;
2go Inrr.b Af for
BUR Mil g L /A l Nti 1111. A SI
I,y IS; DOW NH/ Itss
Ktrrrheart • t.rand, on t.r
. 9 . 9 DO Y. A INt lIILA
I.l.l.E—Ttrenty Gnrnax )1,4 roA , 11•1;1, and tor 4:g lon th. 2 beggid. at : , . - 1 . ....1N•111{ 11A M•S
• td r)
A •=t T, rtx
'74.1.:A11.11,115—:: prim., '
ja.l7 me, or nn le by
it7K Al WA NI/LV.i,{'
0 brig extra, fur male 11
A R.---50 brls*. C. Tar flr .ale by.
11.1 LACK TA Bin VELVETS of a very mu
ll b7[I7;VI
IxIN N. E. mr. Prorth mol Starke( Ft,
1 4 Itanillit.l.l havvno brind an n..44,1ngm1l of alum
anol auntt.blie dm nll, %ride Flanno.l6
f-r ,al,
mo-rto s the
dyparlan.W.t pynams
fl,,ta rail 1.-forr
11:14tn, yalS
Eltmi rti,; I.:, DR. hid, tir's, CELEBRATED.
tor 1,1. , I, t 1111.111.1'0.
I I VEII PILLS, 118 Mr L., Nr.'s E,,RATED,
JI r.t.a-lr by alb .1 r rim A ftl
• I L K I 500 grey,: f.„ by
.o.' 1111,..k
I.:ASPS line. Bud I hale extra
Ins. J. 101,1, a. CO
• P.',OM SALTS—I.k teal. for by •
.1.14 J. KID!, t CO
• N ll lt I ES—Fifty nanny Flour;
brl• ..y.•.n.• Flom: - ..11by1.. Cop der. at Idtalwlr DR
A fq.!.., I bYTE,r, y tr.( and f
tan I Jolly WATT t en
Y. ROUS for tale by.K.
. SELLERS. W.oal a...1 , ml for rill,burgh.
nor ramt. per br.ttln. dets
Murphy 0 numbgeld Wait, the attention of those
•aTrting ..p;sls for boys' near. m thort assAdlenent oT the,se
and 0 her .crles pnr,se.
li [ OOL—Cash paid for Wool I,y
:MURPHY P. LEE. L., Liberty A
BROWN FLANNELS—One any just re.
tst bra sonnufneturers. and fie mle Lff
mLI• 11l iti•iiti A LEE.
Eb FLANNEL—Oar co,o on hand and
bY salio ' MIA:1'11V a LEE.
LANKETS—Singleand doliblebod,steam
L.lO bont, crib, and-coaling I.lankels for air
ntln MEI:1 . 1111a LEE..
fir I WEEDS —Three cased assorted Tweeds
I Just rreelsed font Inanufael.drrrs far sale by
jab: - ' MURPHY d LEE.
UMAC—Two tons Sumac for sale b y
, 7 pac. nu MI n LEE.
IVlOLASSl:S—Fiftydive brls new Crop, per
.11 sleuner Milton. and Psr sale be
rQ~OBACCO--R ILE:1 No one, C. twist, received
r Warns r Brilhatd. mud foie ale by
lnle JAMEM PALZELL. ]Toter Pt*,
I /
In do do. and wan relebransl brands.
5 pip,. (ho. - Rahlins Anchor and - Fish"
punehe..ns Irish stut Ses,l, Mort Whiskey.
2 do droludess num.
10 Id& N. E. do. do.
easks Eon ine.
, .It, Nlnsieira Wine.
Mslngs. Wine.
; do Dry do
lu do ,berrf Mao,
bus., Ranh-sus (land
•tnrs• and fm. Ade L., AWN PARK El: 0
431 IJI.rEt
A RD.- Twenty brie and tiltcetr keg.:+ 101.
.61. 1,. ~ 4 1141 v VII A ItARNE:I.
I OLD PENS. .WW bay.. 1101$ 1111 111111.1
I tar, .1,1: wr Or Poo tiwl.l Pew tole 11.1....11Pw
nienulart.,... PI New 1 ell.. :PA en,r....1 1 . to Ord.,
Met,. .1'm,,,! Pohl an IP. w . 11...1,1., ' , Wee
11'.,.. In ever. mole. Poretsplnr. pert If6lib l w Piltrl do.
MI f... I. Iwoteenle and rvtlol al New 1 , r , ..1 , p 1 ztm” ,.
ENISON HAMS. 2 boxes re,ived and
.61.• 1,, oe:lo W. A P 1111.811 N
DUI% 1. 1 1.:14 MA N. 1.; AN ESE.
L 01 1 4 for aale b. ' drili .1 KIDD t
I A III) 011,-4 Idd, for 1,1"
.1 11ILr1 A CO
TEA —Fifty ton. Brush l'r,k Furnace
1, Rum..../N. LITTLE 6 CO.
I UN MU F.S.-6 Indg fre.ll 'lntim
P., Nu. Ihiml
u . pried Pewehew .•.3.r.1 Pe
11.1111,14 N. 1.111!1.!. It
11, .1 LLOW In:1s r,,riv.410111114,1- pale
' 1,. 441 A I, ItNE-4
tiotrrs..-OnP PSI IN l cep.,l
- 1 1 .. r ....omer J.nn, lon.l. and for .61. by
,n 141% It %P r :, Pow .
!„V,,, Or o leo I " I ' o '
'MTh IN. 21 1,3 b ., 11.11
+ol.,ll at Pletll.l 1 , 1.
e. wu.l
A I Lard
;'..Tl r . 171. 1.1
I RD—Twenty brl4l.:reas•• Lard
I liltmina oad for rale 1.1 •
.11 s IT. nAtlnntsin.
'HAM/ I'EACIIES-- Thres hundred huA
' Prods., .pr.. andll.r.l.
1' .11 n t VA..91A1,11A1 1 1111.
I LA RD— Vritne Mint Loaf Lard
put tin Ito ki, for family ' , Pr. jurt meld fin.
1' i'.l" — f WM A. %A 1.1.11. A I •
mAlador.k Inrll. plarlnver, In 16. lard,. and
Id. treinrtment of 19vIntroit, Carta:.
dd. trtnrket. and eloinner than nnl .1 Int.
11.. In riteall 11, tall anal exanthi. oor
mirth atesi anal lt. ir itrerl
y s yr: MrCLINTIICI:.
lir IN DOW HANG iNGS.—W. 3111CillItOtIk
011.... hlng to purr har. a ery handootne
of Snlin. t ad th v e newt.. and
41 trill," toil Al 1.114. I'arp:l Wan,
hon., Fourth et
The Old Printing Establishment,
I ATE Johnstnn and Stockton' . , and Blank
IA Rona and irtalionery IVarehnnt.e.
I t II A 1 Ed, I. prepare:l to execute rty /F. of 1 , 4 9 . 1 .
Cranninrrinl. Tana). and 141x1 Jot, Print int and /..1‘
111.1111: and furnlrlt .very article fu Ilit. plank Mink,
tin., and Stat.:miry Inte... the thorn.. am( on
Ito. Inn. aldel.rm.
111.1. IY. t and Station., liarelton...orn. of Market
'" l i irl .' „7l: " .i ' 47eVnnil Vonk Bindery, No yA,Ty„,,y ,„ a „
. _
(.I . riIAAV liof/iIS.-11. M. Green,. INt.,
I! CI ilanythtethrrin nf Foniltn and Didnertl. Straw•
n T ' l7, '.l l l‘l4 : 'l l: 7 Z: lll : ! ". ::U r t./ 0 1 "nd' i r' t l' - '11 ;1 . 1? n ti
.t A.. It. tonitiltan, bur lip 7h . t.r . n. ' tetre-41.1.g'
C!A . .I2r
-11 F..5-I. 11.1.Y111A So.
Earl untie on all the Ituitern
and 11.....rn inn, for ..e. t. mad to all the
t " : 1 1"
N DI A Itr, It gins .
artlel. for latoly tier...dor them pnr
-11 iirtly 11, pn.d. and . a plnte of cloth. Ilia
ale ig a:wraith. it. an•ar.
it n.tundvd. For rule all.A.the and rrtad, at 7
I su et). V It - m. 4 total J. li. PHILLIPS..
ryrA. A RE--En g lish Atnerican liritan•
in Tra Plaird tins Plated Candle,diekl.
. puffer. atul Tnty, l'bgeti Urn, !mkt quallt) 'tory Dal.
aster Ilandir Table rutirry. Silyrr Fork. Nnoto. anti Uni
t, Kni‘.., Plated and tigninnt Niter . Forte and 14p01.n,..
!ebb- MM. T.." Try', of line Itirmincbagn manufacturr,
highly nem:numb.' Plated Tra, of limuillrol pattern.
wareA -very ruperior 1,...der toe eiraninv and ladiahing plated
lira..hen 1,4 cimning. Caanni. :kin% Folther
It.trr, ae,
crirhnstrd Slagle Kitchen,
ahnot Oar gisc ors ha. rhten maim erarr, enok beef.
gny Bong ela, in a tow minute,.
For tnig by W. W. M
(or. Market and Fourth sto
r ...Lt.... , in Prime order,.. yonnignment.
Albl , Sonar;
llohbAer t prim!.
Irlx Latietyd (rib
brls lied) Lotter,
too hau. halt
brb. Tonotby Mob no hand nod Mr .In b lVi y
144 1.104 , rty ntrobt
"S, MUSIC, &c
-jlllni,ul.• for Man.h. 14.1
lb.rtion uriA. for Fel•luan
Whig I..view Jrt
Lic..".• • tab,
••••• Mst,.ar.hke.Nn.
, 11•. m. .n .1 I 1,1 I;
1b... I •Ilnen, ta/••for u.•••th•:ro and dangh. , ":
11•.1h , r time, Aguilnr:
•ation: -r linman
11. •by Mr+. 1.:111.
Oil. a nm••i.
11..nry . I, I: I'. Jame, F.,:
L•r ••ale at II•11,k1 Lizt.ra, I , nl
1l lI. Tt - L L 1: /t
tlmt r.t M.mml a 1.4
Ouie. .. Ju .l.lmatml mak. 1 , 1
S&aaa & a &I/,, Neu Vbrl.. rh,rh, with threw
on hand. form tin unnt ele•rant. extetntiveetaxd.
r nflekl in t - nit
aloaa.dber..• •plendkl 7 emote double rurenl Piano.
Lout. NII 4% le. Ith the new. impenvement of the over
lat,t Saa& 10..1 Impnrinnt inn•rneement. to N.
fnandand , •n 3 N nro, S Clark hann.. tau superb
;Alan Ailarbm..l hardtb
LaN. of New Mind., embraninc Jenny
and the r t nara 0000 e, Polka,. 11 a 1..., Le.
I !MP, tr"PIIF: 0111.11eN 11 lII,'. Int Third Pl. S
di., Packet, Gaarnoreial and
Quarto Pnet nd Cap Pura, a larar ••npply of all qua.
luel. puha! and Had. Moe owl n tale. f.n.pale nn ,
ferment . HAVEN'S
VOTES AND MIA FTS.—Engraird and
;o,..lr7=. r o b st'irail'; Inr:';4 4 .rr . , ` ‘s h "'A u n!. l • l" ." l ;t
K. P. n r EN'S Blank nook
Jeto.l . • Cnr. Markel sod F.rennal •ne r
[ American. Jan ad and Puet nepy.;
ridi 4, Arnold's !Writing Flnid.
Cnpyin, .101 1:.01 I k.
!fibbed's Clteminal flu and lied
Columbian In —rod and -blank.
Thomp.onk C.nnmerend Ink-1.1., , k. evade!.
and n4l
Fr•nelt Carmine I . nk. Vol oaf.. by W. S II A V 1,27.
t y A nnw An.a, ni di‘tionary of drei,ik and roman
hetdldir• m> tholidry A Reinmaiihy. °r the
tioner, a liiwk ltdinan Binurddhy And NI id
by William oditiirof the
and Ildnidn Ant innitieg. and idle rAiit. alai hamar. Ifaid radii f
add by timid., fi•vid.d. with uuniiinad. corn . ..llion. awl
&billion, by Chdrlro Autbon. Prnfeddir iif
tiroi.t. nod Lein Lanifuni., In tidlotnina
1.41,and qirr.iionilout.i. of
iq hi. wn,, the Latta:v:l Siuthey, 51. A.. l'o.
ral k w , f , Vull obit), with
. o. j 1 of the Lifn and Corri , fion.lenor of Itnt.rt Sou.
. .
1;otoot of tho Iforenoof Soolland. and EuTII! , 11
...mato! malt the feral autrowinn of ;P.M thitaln. hT
Apnool A rielt laud. author °I tho• Lift, of th0 1.1144. 0f
Eimltoad. 44. 1
TLv Dooline of l!roo•ry and 14 Cana,: an .4.1.1ra doll, in the !Imola, Tala•ruarl....m edttoolar o mom,
Jan 11..11‘.1.1., Bet norm!. 11. 11.
Ilmalmvo• look., oat revoiood, and tor oolo:b{ •
Imola It. C. XI% iS, :so 47 Morkot at.
No. clYrra.l rhnt. by rve/.1
ntl now r.pen for rub', n and X 11
o•leet..l.tnvk ..f .1. tI/...a1f nn.l 7 ortnwn
nofortA, from Ow manufartorr of l'hirk,ln, flo..ton. to
If /rb he inv.,. att..ntion of Pm'
cmoan. anra• ..old at L1...1nn prl.4, oxy rzfro
hary. ',tram, r audit, all ca.,. warrnnt.A.
1•i: 0.. I,k,' U in earl payment at their full lalue.
11. 74113.1,1/.
Gle the ' , ale of ITirkrrin.. Piano.l'm..
Ni.. al Wood ntr.t.
k and ttnntan Ittnytray.h,. blythlm.y. and tiem
partl, hued upan the Litclantab of Itract und
no. llmprayh , an.l M, Owing, tn. Multi, I. 1_
ha C. Anthmt., ..1 th. Quern.of :A-all:m.1 And blindiat Itrinamce•
In flan.. Strickland Vol late
Thy 1.1:.• and t ..macpbudence of R. fAnttliry. Fahte.l In moan, Ilea. 11. C. Poutbe,. bl. A. I .01. bro.. mu,
The Decline of P0per,.....1 it, Caabra... An Addrma da
lisemd In the Itrcautua, Tabernacie, M Mogan!ar ere.'
inc. Januar, Ib, INAI. hr Ite. blnnar. I, D.
.hick received and far sale 1.. I. HOPKINS.
f+l.3 rI Apolln nodding, Fourth at.
IrA•ply Maiden. a dn. from V 1 2....1.E
Oat arc!". of Jeraonda. Spuhr
bh.thretbostirt faithful tome: a...rm. hY C
ohe ti m; new C
All fat, S. S. C. Crater.
I .I.alar the. thi. hand mint.
am. nmlan. emu..., ranca.l.ll.
mn. I. harp, ...t (min the !humid,. nr m blark
tt....en Banal. a Ins.cite mat truchinty hal
haat n•annled the apt, that I. aml
P..11.a. h.,. C. 1.....ter
...,ett mut t taanott—entoplate
Fair !Lyn:n[l,l4l., Mra Finhinn
. tblta
Bettaclmyy.a. Rummuller. Chit Chat POL._
in, italchelafb (Alloy
tall, and prctty • .
Moll., I:rah-nal Pnlka A Ilacany
A imc cliyinonf Huth., I.lctratetten. tar Plano. trlth
di addinanal parr, 1....e1ban...
Ch.M. pc. the
Pin n"
("r‘ rta t ti r l i" lT . MT.l7l'olli.i bmby hr
a 1 Nlnl .1
N A roar •mab of Nen. Plan.. •amain, and
still. pm, -A:e
i's( ItooKS AT 1161•ME5.(1,5r-S
• u. ram limn. Third .tp.b., aptatalta
il l ly+
.inc..1.16..1..r. of the
11. V dam',
men,- anan. Ilate—a
lc r l 11. Mr.
bl lecaa ao t, h pen.. It. .rar. ittolar
ma lme.,
A.. I .1 Am• ilinunsmnal doima af the lAbecriy
New Books, just received.
rrtir..B ,i,•. }...
Mmr. J
Ir• hat,. sla.,t.n.. au.) Ent.,unara' lir,
11 1
. 1•
rat- • nar• ..e , l.....Lanna and Er.,:tnnering. :••••
It' 11. I VI..
tan n .• 1,.11.. Itnll/I.ays. }' , anal, tt
N DI; ENVS' I.srn, EN, I qll
r 4:.rrnnti 1,. oral.
. .
• _
rat,. Ay, n nrit• .1 Ira. .1 ttimazt, tti. , stalst , 14 , liar,
.1t..1 W.A....13 , 10th, part., t , tit aria lit 1t..• Il.tart
T 11”4.%er. auth, ..I . it. , . ha1...n.1 Ili•Cepli., ' 1111 h
I'Elc.l.lkA Boot: ST.Vrli isEity
or p.ll .11•• qtauittar, p!ek;rs. Iblur
• . •
and Imerienn. fans and
ataalr. hr u 4 1., VE,..,tatirmar.
Ja • • Marl. •. r..rner , eaPtal
410 K AND Mott PIZINTING--E‘i•ry d0•er:1444
•er:1444 of Legal. I atamerelml. ,I,Ltalamat. Canal and
I,ral Print,nr ele , rl anri in the nka,,ns r, I I , 11th EN,
, .
1 1 riolln:1111, 711111 .1 1.. Urtwort, 16rkot tool , Frrn .
1:11 . •
6:I'.ItION Elt I'—W. S. II AvEN, oorner iit
.1 a. cowl .01 Marl. t 1.. be, 110 nal, a, :urn. awl rum.
law.. ti n noortno ot fun, ' , tan ~,, orr hat, tnt.r two,
oponot gm. norrkel. %fun-Ix/tat, n l O,
nrutt'lr thr wont int,rtalt/r terl)l4. Jain
11 hl.
Piano, mole 1,, Ni na, Cunaa,
loor Vork mown:, thum, a 1114 , 141.1 7 wAnve earned fano.
or the el,rl tle ,, ,, , ttois ritorior awl tour It i , moll
{ll the /tonna/ .teal
1.,140.• rvlno 41 Looin \ I% awl
X 2 1 ru rt 1.1 41 I.l ll la , % 111111,
rad all rItsq).)••1 st In , tronloutu V6llll,»), Nl*llll,llr. *lO r.)r) I arloty Inonlval roorrhau ,
‘' EIS" 1101IKS.--'s new IV,irk,
I%,•torn. Ir : 1 1,1c too , nr n vond demoirtino 1 thr
. , .
t. 1 1 ,1 DlrtlawarY.
,rwolin. Thn. arr v.• 11 •onh n•vlinu.
. 1110111,1/N S, stud Harrow., Black, lied. tianniet
au Carmine Ink.
Valwr Ttntookman km) Inturiltais,
111 , 1 A 1141 ,, Mark and lied lewd Pent il•
I ukdand% of es., deters/11nm hillott's. Cohen', Pratt'?,
Lot s %. Fro) 'a, le man's. 0.1 other utonttliseturs • of Meet
Pens. 11 k M Smith's otter,..tor to A Hay I ,
odebrated thild 50,1.1 and salver caw. a
I harm,. Enult.l, I, •i 4 P.lter — otithintoia, ^aeon
elepluint. atlw• nolumbler. wide royal,
Onto and eh-
111.1,0 Itriwol lk,anls. rap. 11•111, xrut mmtnurs
Perforated hoard. fames box patwr. plain Rohl and silver,
otibustwal gold. silo. and fon, colond toner. 5.01,1 and
eolored Orita and corners. 1.1141 11,111,0710/S for fano
prepared loinitonent of .11 altos. •intobh. for deeds. chart.
en, and dlploinsiw Vrenth cote paper, alas, 1111 11.4, the
nowt deitirahle awl pattern, plant, roll. awls..
red mud •Ilvend,sulusblr ha balls. pantie, width°, and
Pnatrti note envelope,
hhl,plain and letter • nvel•
epos. brown, addle sad blue: tali" and pl.o tufbrelle eu.
pr:lternst writing rand. brass
tin, roe. •ial Turkey lon woad sand bulls. eons tint
Inks. toned., Fnatell and Inititsb nnyhtt; hooks. and oil
pan. tisane vapor of nli twlors, rol and white pauird blot-
" Tt! * tgr; , . " W " ltt u nlC.ilt ' antieles In the :Matto:ow, Lino,
both nun. etlid k.wattier with n tango invortment of
Itlonk books and memorandum hooka id 11l roustoonlartna
of rutin, in e., filo of landing. and paper of all on.
and d onlatt... for sale at reduced rate% on the mr. reason- I 1
% hi% term. at . ILA VENIS
plank Book and [quinine:7 Wan-bonen
man Corner of Market and Second alnir , t.
TAN DISH, Till's PURITAN, n Tale, of
1 - 7 the American Revolution Eltlrod °oars. , R.I.
Motors of the Refonew of the Klatownth Centoryt
I. .1. II Merl« d'Aultione. M. D., Praddent of the Tboolre
t .1f the :4airlr
fgn' Vr7;:i;i4";!, ZV.V.
I..i.nruTY..p.ti,lllstory. Antiquities, ard loft - mob,
loot - mot to forty ent:ravlnus. Lead%
The Above works for by R. C. !STOCKTON,
• .
liunkA.ll, and ritntlonrr.
Corm, of Nlarkrt and Thinl
UTLINE MA PS—PfAton'f+ nplendid Out
.w Iwlnq Introdurcil .11 thr rutin/
/I n• ro
I. In 5..• .ntl Nrw 1 nrlt. Ihn hat. oblenn.
thr st.rne, fm. Own. In l'ittobar..:l, And Inlita Irtwhrr•
and (,mitt... h, call and ',amino then,
I—llan of the 11,trt.n ll..sonThmh
~1„ I,, , trrn . do
. di. Una..l St“,/, 7411 h 2
I.nropr. IS I 51
x 71.
. •
.in Arursira Africa. 7. x
Fr.of "tho alth ks.S. VI% trot two ir.wn
plwTinro `lt, krt•Elo. •
.*nts, on. unrli In arcurary, I.nottly and rhrov.
o aapttol to thn woo. of do. pritnor, antrum ,
and both nrh.•. of the Slat!..
For tole at Puldb.her'. trisa K. without addition of frrlght
,h, a rFast, at Ow LOOK s • roun.
• JAan , Cornor of Markrt nod Fourth or:
Morriskand Willis's Homo JonzmiL
piiisLisilEi) ovvry Saturday in New York
City, lit To. , o 1..0r. nts, obit. In nil cur,. 111
Conan.sint or Aarscr of thr Home Journal, to
107 Fulton rtrrrt. trtr 1 ork. tlnrrushrt. 01. In:A..— T., all
VIP. it utnY..T. m
Th , ' ot orrlify that A 11. llounra
1, , duly autlunized to art •0 1.,t0 rtr o,.r.uti a , o
Musa J,11.10 allroorlutx WlOOO ISII , DU
•ntf,.r noprr • 811 he dui) reekn0w1...1,..1 tn. ot
salt, of publhntion, owl It Ix ex pmatly agretal AINi nutter.
osax l, that all eu tnnliptlon. 1 - 11,
. yr. .i•
POit 1100111: , •
Minn, and Pronrirfons.
Aent. otux.ito POOL Warn:—
„i72772,!,111, ocin - nw -
The Ilottniest ILternnprne, s norrl. HS
linter AcUllar.
11:Itliv;112padt--o Tr= slur,
To Linn unr to be Laretl—it talc.
th.rtiline of lirontorick. Hy U. W. 31. Reynold..
The Rootich lbubecional.
A lorturr on the Jesuit.. Dr B , •
11r. Ilene* Reply to Bishop ilanbcti, on the Decline of
rrot , titotirm.
WIMP JrAlfrll4. Fn 1 of new ynlonme. Jap
VNYELOPE S.—Just received, a large
t sf . butt I l l i sl o rsi
. 7 las Envelop:a, of an
gaZO:ary l
jan3o nor. Marton and Beattl atirea.m..'ta
Drug and Prescription Store for Bak
fr-r.. 1 tor r n
( tor
_ .• _
INC F. the introduction tit this new Cow
-1 round. Cough. an 4 rold‘e rum! In a rerY dwrt
the 11111 warnost Kr,sersa Pectoral h, rot. In
run ene•• Cenene. Itnonohilm Lalcughle. in too
tune and at a rhennor rate than au, Other utedniue ever
moues... • Nlkru thy worm. I. and 1 ,40 . J .,
iv Mom .I..rurrovahir than the itovit Thin in Ok/Ti.
atm' the.. fluxion., for it in a plenvaui. noothinw artwly
Ir,li run- OW awn, trill I. rf.,l Tbv
in boor .4
-11.411.1 of
then mohrtne nen. My. from nur own
vinown nny o..theor i•
tor yr.utiro woular yhynivi nor nn. f
awl lt. ha.lwy.yn It
well the
rrt 6in In ho tornumn prortor (nr • number of years- with the
ho.roir —,
• tSsUsIPTit IN—A lady from Steubenville writes, that
her daughter Inul n afthetel with sgsgsgh and expertor
ation. night sweet, htene ferry, sod 01 the distnasslnn
1 1 . 1 . 0 . 11 . 1 .1,,n•umpunn. and that after Wang two tots
tles she •as eutitnly gentleman in Weehinglon
fororb. had suffered with Astlit. and Chnatite i t `rtugh
tor eight sears leas lasen rutin-1y trite...4l and the isuldb
p moved In . the e half • doren of bottles of tins ton
~t nn. la Henan front Its•rirt. writ er that - he knows the Pectoral Syrup M toad artiste. for
hr bas used It In his own case and In lassurs of monist, ,
of his family ulth thT nnAt iverfeet 700,07.
Nt. or tux Cuttsart MIMC - EV., NOW ENOWN—It
Fat or in half pint 1.411104 at :st rents each. or sig bottles
r.._ n.
1711 1 ,170 Sit/FEED:PT. would do well to keep n rOPPly.of
1.111.• 1:111.141,1A0 on hand all the time, no it i• one of the Wet
perfirt noel cilleachiti. mooning terer dlererreml fur all
them.o one hr .4km. nietrutn, but do not heed
It nitwit le pet teen but trio llcrpoile Yu-mast
mt P. al, tate tin otbie. thin will rime you. it hie in it
eine of Ow newt rulionlile plant, and herbs of the tunteria
inn Ito. and ivtiniounded lo perwin Wiled In the heal-
Inn not. Thor.. can le no deception In thl. [nedltine. IL IP
Pollncol in [our en/ fool the Prpprietne hap miner
nee [crtulleater ninn perin. in our torn tity. atteti,. It.
[On-bible priiirto mhlrb. ill le shown to an) perpen
deniniuslof p.icine them.
. Aut.:its I,t[l.l.llrouKhont the Culled Staten Lowell this
medicine. Lan, olkcoutfu. well le. tomfe to thou. who will
fed, on 11,1,1 n in the medium'. It will pay.ft Inn, profit
U. nil serif I,l.,lflee,thry beduing suffering hurnaulty
it ....ref, 1.1 plue:rof In their hands the greutect nedicinct
for bung dbeweer the world has ever (roduced.
Fbr ode. wholowdr and retail, by KEYrk:r. t M,inOW.
brugui.le. 1 4f) Wood street. Iltlebtargh, In, to whom
all letters for imrnriou count be n.hlronW. Abe. fur Mir hy
U. M. Corm .111.f:betty ea): P. Urea,, Jr.,
tiforfn• flair& Wadtinghfof John It. Borlutnan.
hrf Ner. Mrlierupor, J. U. Vowel!. Cauouthurg:
and Iff merrlomts end druguigt,guorroll, yfe27
ELL}; LIVE!: PILL—“The very test
1.7 till now in off.•'•
. ~te .
Or It e— Anllnt loner Sin 1 .111 one. to , that 0
• 111, 1,31 ~,,, 13 puff POI perliniu tbe wry l•est Pill no.
11 1113 31-33 31 ott. 1111, nnl le nuruanned by mon en nu
Ant,-I,lllous 1111 11 le lerT highly ...teemed in on,cuul.
11 ,, 1311, en (amity pill. ntni 131 rat 3 11 1, 3 0.31 3 . , . an- 1301 .. 4 3
:3 3 1 3 1 " :„Xit:f1 " ; n 3 ' 3ITI ' S (71:3111i:ZI= 3 11 ' gl ' e i r, r 3 'r" ".
MIN nn
1. n —1 nm le.ruutne.l to eleuer the nriztonllettpr,.but
nnt I, vublleb the writer',
Nil. a 111333 Orlyin.l, Onit True and
tilutune. All other. eve rounterfelte Gr bane itultatione.
. . •
Purvl n.-.lli.rt that R. E. S.+ller , Liver Plllr or.
the nn nal mad onl true and gro:nno Liver PtiL std
ha.' at \n.:.;' rol.l pin,. and or 1.1nt,11.1., grin.
rnli, in the tun stir. and rwinlty.
I.l\tlt PILLS muporeede all
e r n o. Vs.. *
lAJO.—Mr E. E.
. 1 17 1 . 11/. I.lrlVO 6,11111. 00 popular la nll tido re
`°"''td,„'i."l.."`°""" °
(Inin.rnin of al•qu.r I JAMES A.
Ptirrin , nridimq tint Entirrn . •r Pills .1, do.
nml it rind genuine Liver may I.
Innl al ul Druguinin iu
Ilm inn intl.. mml 1•10
lit .101I.N FLUID INIAGN. Erha
I Prtu.ared antler the Inanedlate rare of the Inveutor
and •untl.ll4lted for ui,nnl. ear,.
Ptutul - at , uo ID all rnueu of
i,ell,nettott. I:011{, and trearel. a. the panel
4at.e.1111-4V.A4•1 1.0,1.11X1 tor. In whit+ MetunemattlaY. and
ahltual orlt one In u Welt it ought to be exhibited. puu.
et.tolnt/ all the proia.rthn of the slanneuft. now In gerteral
utthotit henta Bahl. bkr a. to form dancerour etotere.
ta.n4 In the elfeetualle rune heartburn without
mama,: bent... .t 1 the .ttontaeh.a... pout, and their
arbchnt.. an known to the It nrerera• the fund of Infanta
torntnuu•un in 31, 0.,•, , It 051.4.14 a pleader. ntaulent.aud
t. prenhael,adapteul 11, Polak..
it Ilumj.hrer 1t..,. to4litled that 11,1. rotntion form. ant
uble entalanattew nett nix seat Dal. In 0110011 , of gnu t and
ua , el. them!, eounturartlna , tht!ir Inturion. tentlent,.
athen and eren Maatteritt Itoelf. had failed.
I nun
it. hbihn Crampton, hart. eurgeonlivneral to the
Sth—.There ran he no tlnnht that Munra - aia thaF fe
41.1.11,1 more ..filly In the Gal= of a tatneentmted ro
halm. titan in euted•ltee: ft. '1.14, and many other num.,.
1 act nf .141.'11111st the Flttid fa..thelda I+ Ter, valuahle
a/brawn 1, nur Mater. Medic. 111111.11 1 CRAMPItth. -
Mr Jan... Clark. hir .I..(t..per. its. (Nicht. and harm.
tl end liorhert flayn of le.ntlnn. 4trnnuly nvonmend
' , lure, 4 ',tad llagnr-qa,ol le.ant infinitely mono utfe and
1 then 111, stlitt. met fete• the danger attend.
arr the enn.taer It et soda or rota.,
for alle hy the inn... , 4 ,7re . „ l_ Pr t Vrl . ,:ll„;: i ll ., , ,r3ittri. o.
tall Coe. lateut h Front ...
IIoNTA I N I NO no 31ereury, other
„ T '
tv •t• taad- ar , d•add•al ith the Inaredlent•
hal• tvantvae heat Ilt-ter'n An -an nntment. nal har
. vrevertl-ti and ...1., tn rayvareata vin mt t•ntata.
ire. I hat. ire I..anntlen vaanna or rend - an.: that
1. aeLahh. Ih•tteviv. enntainina na mineral vulatata ,
vh.tha. • Inands. rutul•nt• .1 a• tin, are. and
•••f divret...l he the ratTrietirr. are net on!, harntlrva
••f env. ahthe. •• e. , ••ni v trnl! ,tentifie Ilennalt 1.-reut
vn.1.1 • rrnii • v.-ratans. av entniannal
he-i• ha. dere un.,),,reel. and v hlv mlaphat tn the
enre df a t t, Th..uph I bate never
tter nom dol. 1 L•r vnraa-d In the vah. of nerve t
t• da ed. •• , ....rantrata umal.v.
t• ,•1 Prl i lid. oratn.a.t. and the value
• Tr ‘ t... ' „
111 • 11. r .n. •.! 'b. 1.-t :hits, in tl.o norl.l for I.nrt..
Piro • .r.•oornr• moo our.. 1. thr•
tn.. in olorr,
.rr 'non nouirl ulna), arv!,
6 !u whin
0..1. - orllnno. it roluf In • for, for
.1r lb. trnx w .Ir.odour. for win, 0 10 kllintor . ..
N.:04 , 11,4. Nor. Oluoror. Tl/flu , -
.0orrou• 111... of the upitor.
Irion. Intrunr- rs• - 111104 of [Ur Laub* sron.. Itheruna
torn, inot. 1 . ..r01t0. or 11n....11 prowl.
'1.411 Arl.e. knur .0 aro Vt.... to
1.7111ra. a ... th "
"." " "" "" I "Y'
'meth. tttlett. e ..f . te sem, rful healtn= 1..
wee, tt, the eAlt• tte tittrettt the f alteettr ,
1.41. et 1....q.v.:a.- rl s liarry Jo( Maftlettereek tz rtiftexio.
.11 - 11) OIL. A ILls reciived on ommign-
I 3_4 men t, and for Sale 10 WALLINGFORD St CO.
Int oo Water atreYt.
I ll\ T el, MOLASSES. brie nely_crop, just
and for 'ale by V.. At Ct;N; , i 11 .. 1.:43 , 1 ...
f ESII ROLL BUTTEIC brls just reed
Wattlenettoeß, Ilert. en.. March M. 1,17. IN N X .I,TI MOU LII CAN DLES.
Itltter a C.-I Moser to. ens that I way - • •
entmely enrol of a nerem 141111 In 11.. I. 110 00. • brand. for late by drdb R. A. CPNNING,MA.M.
fr.."‘ • 11'111TE: FISII. 75 lags And 'hf iris for
Datong 11,01 tor. tarot. VV. Pale by • de'd: 16A1A11, DICKEY OD.
noloo. aloi, at, pc-elite! f • too to phs octal.. and
otter totomo .aim. roN tom,. oto mist. atol of
ill 1 'Kt IItY Nu r TS, ti bags for sale by
nook tool of t ht. ode. alth a r. ,•otaoo 0 es L. V. WATERMAN 2' SON&
pectanor. lam now unto, Inc 001110 u 10J...001
...A I 1., tee NIQ U Li) N I>LES. 10 boxes for sale by
ssiss both loch , and etle,omoluaom. .t t o estutar WALLINGFORD /. 00.
moult. h l our friend.
JAMES McAll.l.-TLR 1,40. k 1511 itoSOS Loniaville No: I Rosin;'
Fdr yenprietor of the ale... Inedwito.
Primlpal I,tin, No M North r/.1/A1 . q./.OA. • , 10.0 CA•Ill• era p. for ode by
rsa sn.l limn ym. m. It tart, stn.. j
W ,r Marhet a t at.l the loan:nod. ta. .4,4 Ilurynwe'e celebrated Kentuelte Mnottot,
SIN torn, of Fourth and omitho. oet Jit Emot. tht the .or,td. on hand not rate SY
ner 1111111. red 1,101 /11A. COO. \ 1 ard - nil mill at Go. ta7 ALLI NGFORD * CO.
oon• ut Moithttehl .treet thototy, tem Neeimd. 'retro v•Ty a- •intot Yr v
w Aetieln, e uy b ) . at ,4 J. ill). , • 1.7 N.,11 I :1.11,. 007.0/1 s
L) J ,MlllO drvecut. Wotan:11mo: Neule;. East lor rale by ja7 A I.I,INGFORD (Al.
Lterty. 11 liewlat..l.llelyeeeporMNl Aletateler A Mull. 1 .
1.11,110111 N W :tot J T. Rom ta., I g vtANGEs. bids. just received and
IlmancttllE Jobb 1tat1.1.... teat, ~/.0 olber. tr.. I for rate Itt•RIII1 11 , 0 E, k 19011R-IM,
Ellaateth. Itotthricht .t Ortin, lb. ill) 0.7 110 11'ater otreet.
CL ES AL EL'S SII A V IND CREAM.- LI LOUR, 11511,bis. for sale bV
•p II hero • lbe nom who dor, ot asp .e.t.ic the luxury ,s 1" out:mime INGUIRAM. •
OF 611 01A, oho,' 11 nee there he, a.. uot 001"
1011, 10 110111 RIO lit so nos., ~,ii web to . 1C It( AND MOLASSES. Extra Ilefln
esirt .haritto • Orator... pnrel.ce ale 2.dJu1... . , 1,1 ;p.n. York . ..MO, 00, •uperimr [whet...
Almond Potorloo or Amin - moot M...., Cream. It c ; Golden Syrup Dom the M. bone
teelt Impoottle to end reels to de,nly• the L. bog. ol a. oumr !tot,. Melar.ey .10du
ho. been toed to that innlth idd.oarO...‘ao- al Orleato do *mode by
upon m o
at mg trial of life tor the foot time y
.004 Noll. A. IIrCLI:Itti :15
111/11 1-11aMe rt.
pletoute. ... •
IA t 111 o k4OI I A - ASII. 75 casks Kurtz brand h.,r sale
etts..lll..ot. render - Ind the etilleyt nod imet le-+nl ot . l t y E NV. MARI:AC(111,
and pholde. molt:eine au admirable talc, mot 10 V, •••• . . - -
'remelt mild tottme a11a3105 then-Etat/ ~,, ant peo , .1 1„I LL BUTTER. ::0 bbIS. Uritfle s receiv
-11.5t onpletoraut and ettl7 feeling of Om olon rtbkh le ad• ed y.„ .nM LT , „.. fit
esperiemyyl after Illocing.
tient lime) 110115 Jul. IlatteiN,batin,t'reanb mar rie - e Fir L [AM. 541 bids. prime for sale by
noct mend,. wind, ttun...tat,lt it, et a IV. lIARRAp.I 11.
um. vothoot the .Ein becoming rhappol. And who dEO•„„, tilt syi,„
• "I"
" L."
.•71 • I • lIRESE. 50 hazel, W. It. Cheese for sale
lute cesa slyantaore-yrb I will ...vela It approeue •
nal by theer oho wear •Llokete-la the fact that it will not ' :I. IV. lIARIIALGII.
doeolor the heard, Met. moat nod.. will do, Mr Mg rand. . E .: • - yy ,
„ r „y r a „„ s „,,, . I JIM MIN I AL, tons for rolling mill
Jule. Hanel). alt " arint Creamenredellghtful pre, arallono, purpneee, .1.17 MATTIIEWF. & CO.
rvitn son. 10 Ow atter eartudtm olf all mtkl...
t! , 7ssaiy las nperattna oltarlsig !- 17:1 bags per Mayflower, for
and .111 be at :related bt all a Ito mole trial of them.
.1 ramie by dell ant:Y. NI kCO
" lIAUEI., Perfumet and Chocolat. nr -
PUTFEIt. 211 b 1,16 roll, for sale hv
1.2 u CllE.uut etrect. Phtlalelpllll. yan .1 DCLNFIRLD
Fur tal.. erale end to IL A. Fahneatotk'd •
au , R. E.';‘, Pittoburgh, ...I John More., and .1. HROOMS. 40 dozen for sale
Mitchell. Alio-Met, loft, . ./11C/NFTELD
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette, g 1 It}:A SE. 9 I,hls. now landing from the
'DMILIU ATTENTION is respectfully ins I J 4""'"""'". '
mr T l • sliturkia eel L ., /t at eg,
vnil v.ll. following Muth.. pet forth In relation tns
ul/. nf the rout unborn.) remollet of modern timer!
PETROLEUM t ROCK 01 Id It ly brought nt y. th ou one
year am. Owe 1111' great team!, wao telbre the
!Or the f 0141 eun. of it. great lower.
• to heal. love rime then. become fully appreelmed br th e
yl alletye IS.) the longer It 1.1 tried the
? ' re 'n t ' e r tq ' ..ll , will It , great fame opread. 1, ry not th e rein .
tylt of • day . got up for the tole purpole tlf plotting money-.
hot, . Mel, we noorive. 00111.11015 10
all other toctrurus hate Irate forgotten. The 1'
t,. lo
a Natoral Remedy. elaborated In the depth. a it,.h
• „ and agency that langh• to erairer all human
it b. th e r dui,. when we •nle about It MOM
eine. that we write h truth-that w• nothing calcu
late.) to ...Ire throe who may mot our wont or pot conf,
den, 'lt alatenoody. 7be Oct me very 11 . 10 to catch Si
any thine that perm:Ore relief from dlootee• .4 entry ean
hardty to. bight, 1,10101/11.t0 mum, the ad o of pull.
a b oro bo a nom; .0010 of them. No. we do not (Dairy.
In do 11,1, tee ate anxfoto only that the truth In relation tr.
our remedy ehould be told, in 'order to ovum for a tepu.
tali. for eanyolng any tingle totlrle In the roulette. no.l.
lea. Plain It II rennet.' facte-fnoto that 1111 1,. , ......rta1t1rd
In nut city and neighborhood, hoar ample .mime), in ra
ter of the Petroiettm.
11 Ithln•the post tyro mottoto, two of our an Hagent,
totallt blital. hate lee etonyl to IMMI. Ectr.
oral emeoi ol I•lsndoeta. In the Olin' of obiit har e b, o r,
enrol. A n.l. Moo the oroe of a gentleman in Reader count,
Thera are other. but there aro meet to imme, and ma)
he referred to by any r.tion. who hate doubt. on the auto.
pet Th..• eye tonal elder Itrol Inn,. abandon.
~i by .14 h01e.10.0. The IN-Ind.-um will cum.
too loot toyenling lilmertiont-Diarrima 1/, rentery,
Itheumatlon.tiout, Nr or-A. la. Eruptiono nu the. kin.
ott the fme. Chrome Sore Riugoronn..Tetter,
Scald Iliad. mina ire ht hot, and pinta. old one., Cl , rr.
Weer, .Igue. Amlnna. Itnutehltno oral all
Pulmonary allgtmn. ot vitro:tie tutu,. booting to Into
" 17r e ;trnT I ;leal. diem.a of the Bladder and Itidneya,
Chuptyyl Eseorbatot Corn.. and Duman,
in le, It I. , t ytemottt. tivrnl. and late hen to , l
"r moot of the Mote d0m.... within the poet y ear wath the
y , Certatlealco that will astotairli ar.
3,1Vr,,f ono will take pleasure in who.-
In tl ' l ' te . t " er!!;- ,e Sion! earylleinee. the
Petroleum I. the itreshot Romody of the age, Phrolebuto
' of Ingh annoling In the I•tofeemon are lemuntng to me it
in their practice. node who at nrot lookod on with
.and I to
un , •rtainty. ore willing to artarl It due strata. and
nonedentlion Before another Tear roll, nuna d, all will Is
1 „ a ,d,noandge that the Petroleum le the meaty
eit.nodlrine e'er tiOnleercit For rat
allot...rale and re
• lo MHO 111 ELL. 140 Wood et
Alt.erit. E. Eyler, 117 Wood ettectt D. M. Curry Ii A.
• dooeplo Donglao. Allegheny City. Abe, by the pro
printer. S. 11. K lEtt Canal P.m, Scycnth Ono, Pitt,
Loral,, ant 11. A Fahnestoct. kr Co. , Motel awl Entnt
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
I WM. lilt:131"S Cheap Caoh Clothing
LibnytT vtr,et
i Jivrt p.eing rorrle
of tbetcr of the
balao, al.
hia n ertaliardlvitermietit
stork. to make
being deeirov.
nami for ht. exteoltlen purrhar.a nit Sprlnc. 'Mort!! to ar•
1,,, deferrable.' to MT, them atgrea na tly mlutal
r., hanhiohle and
well mads for ra.h. All tb w
e lambi... grill tlnd it n want t
greatly to their ..inntAgt•
to favor him with • rall,•• {val bargain.. will be offend.
New Books Just Received.
A LTON LUCRE, Tailor and Poet; an nata
l-R. biography. 1 vol. likoemot . • •
rovolar Mutation. for the me of parrot. and tnchera,
young penitent of both cern, pillared and
and meordance wilita Insulation of tha haute and Houle
iteptecentatima of the State of Sikhism. By In Mar
beer Ai NI, late inperinteadent of public (attraction. 1 trol
_ .
Abbott'. am Pook—lastot7 °Madman ItahrtiL 7 , 4 John
S. Abbott, with ingnitings indium with t h e tomer
mimics of thht popular Untried mien. For ode by
ja9 /WILLA 78 41 8 :810 87888 , 18117, B.Mthat.
hu.lrrd thy Pr , barb, idadd
Llio pair. Crib Blankt, risyrrier ardebi.
:am, btrant illankrta, ribbon bound.
IL , i) do Ora, eaating Illankrla, bran
100 do Drab do '
to Blue di, do do
:trams Mae: Illankrt Cloth, Jo
I do Beaver llrey d „ , •
3 do nuoi•rior Dlarli..l`trorh nn
ilo all ...I aridibisl
3 do Jean?, aawort,l
I do Cualtrieh, likek nail Sauer Won.
do L'll VanClt.fl k ill '
Ilit:Vrei s t . l r
do erne , * barred do '
a re nmnt from
'talo" inanotarturir ebq end ar, and a for sale un
Ilhend terms Lo the trade. at rinanutirldurrid ro
• '
1.. L, Trilled. and Printed, nlm. l'artaio N 113.11814 of
004 eario.
jal6 • N. g. car. Fourth Marra, ata.
THITE BEANS---6 barrels received and
fnr rWr br 339 SASII.A. I'. 8 (NIVEA.
LA RD—Tiventy barrels and thirty kegs No.
I Lard ri.xiTtda,d 1 , 4 aisle hr
kJ of Washed Wool by lan - 11. LEE.
ij Murphy I IturchnAdcotinue In bev , t, particular
atlentlan to this branch the ir tnp./ness. and are careful
p...lect a superior art.ich•—the linens wan,nted pure Ila x .
aud both at low prin.% for
lIINESE VERMILLION-74 lbs for rale
V . J. KIDD 0 CO.
11 F. , !I . P I, S by EED-121 - i teen barsel i s u tn ) ala• i f o ro . p)
LI UM 01'1U31--ZOlbs for sale by
ir J KIDD 0. CO
UGAR LEAD—I cask for sale 1.. y
j ^ J KIDD .0 CO
• -
kg ILV ER CO - IN WANTED of every deserip
-1...3ti0n, and the highest premium Paid for Ma. .ma . ,
E,...ttern Ysrhnnur, Inv fund, or currency.
1.27 Cor. flint and Market ata.
b b: f; totlnin
"• • •
• - 1 brl Tellovr:
2 rusk% Bcrxwat;
3E, bagm PearlutP,
2•I I I:4I,I:TIVtrZ P
5 loprAphwric
L,ua Niter Fume
S, .; ImtdiuK (may Frr Inytlonrr.Allloortunnd pule by
ISALAII KEY l CV, Vister I Irma ntr
13EARLS--15 casks superior, for sale by
ROLL BUTTER—Twenty barrels - prime
. t s.t rereiv.laudlur sib. by
brio superfine;
50 be, tint: for rale by •
vl ws. IL JOIIMTUN. 112 Horond yr
11RY A - PYLES—Fifty buslielsreceiyed and
• for 6 . 10 SAIWEL RIIRIYER.
_ .
tORS-200 liu white it yellow, for sale by
It .1 is . .l wick 8 mil:ie.:DLL's.
FOR SALii—iVesieia Ins. Stock;
1, Teeth. k Plank Road Stork:
'al: burgh. Cincinnati and Louisville Telempti:
Marine Ilaillra) Stcrk: Hand et. Bridge Suck;
It nip. eoppar GEO. E. ARNOLD A Ltl.
pat 71 Votirth
TURA.: SATINS, of the most desirable
kade4.l, 1.... Lad at the store of
1.:!.1- 4. '1'w ., i , in r ty ... t i ler b t•es new crop, received
J en't BrOOVN k t IiIftRi•ATRICR. 144 Liberty mt
1 . 4 1 15n-75 brls No Y Mackerel;
6 ra.Ote C‘eilfilh. Or pale by
l i.r, J. a R. FLOYD
L , ODA ASH-25 cranks Sohnston's brand,'
k3for ed s by J. A IL FLOYD
1)111 /031 S--150 doe for sale by
1.? ICE-15 cook,:Carolina for sale - by
. J. A It. FLOYD
11 CST. RECEIVED from the Phillipsville
On Cloth Parton'.
feet yard. H Floor 011.Clotlx
Um yard. 4-4 do do
W. yard. 12-I Wax. OH Cloth:
ru dozer. seunued muse Talle. Stand 1.”41 Donau
Corr., of patent leather tioOl,. sod lorautifol sodteruLlor
I. •helaeolc and retaiL at the varehoupe Noe. 7 and 9
%tod etrret jag J. et 11. PHILLIPS.
IFE ASSURAN C E—lnsurance on per
/ wire ts•mson Ms axle of 15 and 00 mar ba uffectsd In
London National L....UF0:el Life Jump:ono Society. by
op t hration to the undereigtoel.
adaillnoal q uantity of explanatory Pamphixte juil.
rslei red xratuito. circulation. En q uire at tta Dank.
I.lom, of tell.A. HILL L
Wood 5t.....,4.1.1tur ot.ure Fourth.
1 A PiD OIL. 5 leis winter strained, for sale
IA by . .1.17 : 1:111:Y. NIAITIIMYS' A CO.
. 1 INSEED OIL. s li - lirls pure New Castile
ILA Oil. JuAt b,.:c:e.i.,1 nal' far mer br
,14:-'7 : 1:0111tiON.LITILE t CO.
_ . , ... _
. . .
'OFFER. 213 bni9i. Rio for gale by
dol7 I . IIIIE Y. 31ArritEtss co.
111 i brls tarp. No. 3 111arkarel;
y. I.: I Or Nn I uorrlkkl
4-1. 1M4"3-'
111„ 1 [ 1 K FLOUR. •
. tor omle
I_4 9 bali, f r bale by
UNLMIES—Tbre,O hundred 1,1,1.. :No: 3
31..trrv...2.5 half 61.1. do. , bbb•Nn.l Sthuon, In
fl, ..torg• and far mtle br
F!owerx, Sage and Boneset,
.11 .1. KIM; b
' S A , L o EItAT US.' 100 boxe , a for sale by
. .
.i n CIIOO . 1... BOOKS.—Educational Workm,
t 3 (Rob, Map., Itolmnpuls. StAtions.ry, CutePe. pub.
1.. '..11141,-f, twa:lr n... 0, for nal. by
a.. 311 S. t. W. lIARBAraIf.
LINSEED OIL. 10 tibia received for sale
br dr.i.) S.O W. 1111(.11AUGII.
11 - IMlf5/1 I)AIi.A.W. laK) lbs just reedited
end for Mar by 111:A1'N A: I:EVITIL,
j.l o,rm.rS- CLor :03111.11..tr1T .t,.
HARNESS. 40 'dozen pairs. liorbe and
Mule Hamm., for !tale by
Nint.lo-7 , 41 . . 1 Spanish Float, Madra&&
J_ Martins. Fa male by J. KIDD & CO.
I,IIAINTINII—IIouse and Sign Painting
(11 wtanzt. pnnu.ntiv und nratir exertztetl.
S. D. We w.. 1. it distinctly uuden.U.o.l that we it do
Painting and attl 011, r 1. 1 ..r. 111 1hr
city. I,lllli taw tn gin IL
into .1 0 11. I.IIILLJPB
II j IDES. .126 th-N:
4.19 1 bundle r landing fnesa
ELVEi' Pi "of the richest
amlantsr. nn low . chez
hod In at .4 lln• rnstnan can, 1171. tn 1.NTUCK.nen ,
!oxen for sale hj
4 " /
KY PEACHES. 3U5 sacks and II LUIS
for utr by mt. 1.3 WATERMAN k.
R li
OLL ur rE R. liblo roll;
5 bbl , puk , +th
In ke.a th, for male by
at the Cart t l'a
tilliNTZ, received this day
Vszchune, h 5 Fourth Bt. •
50 brig new crop for rale by
ind ,
,J,„„ experde, lionth 1r lot of ttelme unique
alto. hewn, the only sat, and perteet Tenor new.
Ittared. jelS W. W. WILd.IN
Morels /I. Haworth, to the Dlsmood, base tido any ass
csLyscl Dm racket oblp Delomblre, about MO l t w. ebb' ins
Htnrsig and &sub Ylarossa Mask Teu, the very boot that
'lb be mewed In th e English market. hid say cents
an vents pts lb.
The Ten Martel In Use Diamond. east side. jag
:UIT k
Asa M Ims M.
tAF .strs;
Pickier—Walnut arsl Geralse.
'n . ..served Pcschet. rhusAL Asa L'araatAs'ms.
Tor by '2. b. WILLIAMS a CO
ARO & GREASE—Ten rls hard;
{Ms Om% ong landing fn. Reamer liraddligban.
J►lZ•aln by
SW; sod trout rte.
pEntomula, OR R
: tTK on..
...There are tame dune. la lu , ar
" Than are chuatutt of In
MITE VIIITUES of' this . :e
dl , end the t•uuct;int
italuo.l his to hut.. It tuft u
bele and ttinetinn... for th e Leoncti",f t
The PKTEoLI:um nneluvt
r, at a d,pth of four bunonal
0 , 1 arlir!;; ; w . 4rut asiy ch.
1 1,° 1 - trper f t r' l.a rairOn7 ' aßt.z.
matter of um-ertainti. T hen, at, mat
cane of nature. which. if known. m.;
tn./... elieviativa: gulTertt.g, .1 rml
bralth ana viuur tn many a sut:erer.
prietor thought or Ivlthru it unit, tom.
nue 1, the turc ,tollu.arro 11,,urvus
.nr t o e uurrat eriumkrlh
euu l t rotttb
I,arlzable mate..
It. tow thes:TN
ita bottle... Flab/.
well to thlooott.
v.,. but PIA au It
Mat it tontalus
no lututet 1'
thutr. tbio ;
h• he of vevt urefuh
I..tiou the bloom of
Treece UN V. , ' •
1., 0, it, ha. 1.1 rrputa
and daily tune.'
burro it ISA
G•nn.4. Is a n
wxlc qata.l4"l.lanti.k. ot
rJ -13;,i,a*Ar;
;3 . " . . ° '1. ; "'',..., i !"..; gr,,Y;:i!':':;,' , lfl a. 7 :,':..i ~A 7 1 ,7, 1 1 k . a .1,
~, ' ,...,,.:'- ‘ ,,t...• 4:n a . ..: r.,1.1 jr it ;1;1 . ..L. r ... arf . tifation In mr.
.&.r r.., 1 n 1.7 , ni. ,i z.. uuh. e ..A . tatle: , 7;z: , ..„T th , . , ! , :e ... n . ml g:
_:rm•rvr,l2 . lll " f1.'..-1... ' : of V;t. r; .. ri,, tOrm mar
1 - 101.4 1,51ie..110011 SS
~ .o N ir BiI I .NCIIITI . S. oissl,lllra,N. lin It. tarir
.m.: , / A,TIII3IA. nonl ad! a 1.,,,, .4 it ~ air i.mos,,, LIA -
En Colin.% INT. IffirEl,lA. Pinr, ,I, Miartuma of the
Elmidcr and littlncyz. Palk. lu Cl..- 14.1.1.'avr tilde. Nervous
Di'mt`" , .. Nt:nralfrim Palo,. Ithomrstir {`,ln...Oort, EriOro
'''... T‘M. , Rirur.. - rmn..141r0.., Neoldsi , :t011.... Old MO..
dc. k, lu mmen at d,l,ility. hiss Irmo maroon', or •
lone and orranietr.l ram. In( di—v.v. 'I Mc riodirino till
b A ti i . It will no of a upat.ral TONIC Mai ALTER
h:•A'r'r ne ''' , l! : l Zr7r;,, ' ; ' ,:=lT....l ' ff nl o ,_ ° l . ..;:itt ' l n g ' Z:efr
tuartMom•nUit t . umu.411,4..... mut n tar Arm vonvtitm O.
'anflift!!"k". o 7 .Z . ; ',l4 :4e4 '. .ri. ' 72. f ' ;;: r ri r:on -' n7l ‘2 lM:
that rrain..l.....ry other treatoo , nt..o.t 001 l old.' th.".
1 :1tiftb",..‘!".;,..:7-rurro,o'\r.lL'A Ir '' ::::: Z f ri . non .or. _ . t. .
r. O• E . Cronl Amin, nmar &m.oth 'exert.
A 1, ,, by 11. !:. , FLLVII. , 1 . W..f AO
, . end KLY:fi.if i e;‘)f1.1 1, '
eorner Wrml on -et rod Virgin All , i'• . 0 .° 3
norltdly Ida norOarir .onotuo.f Ageolx.
I ( nOW all m a n .. r,: , l - ta , re:iVz sd and afflicted
maw ;du" kr bark ur ear ,aaa:a4irgnjat
VitiVet'2'l7'a). on to mrt.l~ .. PtT u u '
up you plenrw, tot this does no mar,rg
has <lrten
iu the ate of art hnner.t. erminnuity, tt,o,"yy •
whkis an not f 0111111.11.1 113a who ig nekert wall pain, nal Prorolug ftratiliserro, eau,
t or to mut., grrt rrlier frnm nay or thu.lllleaunuetatYrl
. .
fru. ae n Inlou ee
rn oyl ictmpoou mak r u n t
nod., Tht .
of hyrynin, tiltlrOMMtl/111In Wit it • remedy.tabor.
U.LI by the N ader hand of nature, and bubldee rm. tha
brwotis of our 13104/1•T earth. in It f , rlwinnl vutity, and
fen to sorrel...a humanity , a readr&wwedr• * trrtala and
cheap cure.
It has cowl! Pile, alter other nwdleitwe has, rwh,d
h... 1., any relief. It has cured Ithounuttiwn, or lon
anding. and of the worst awl &rad Painful ebary,,, le
h eared Cholera Mochas, by one or two dove , le ha.
old awe, of Diarrhd, which er e other .rmady
.has been of no sea. An a local rmedy Yearns. and .
rtedds. It In better than any audit alratupournts or olotatertt
that era know of. It will rare ebill,ladvw and 1.4w1
In a few appllrationx undoubted ony eau twfurulah.
Al of the truth routaltuet In the alo e , elatentent. by WI.
In r,n SA3WEL KILL:. Canal Dad.. Seventh street or '
either of the agents.
Key* , & 51cDowell. corner of Won& rime: nod Then
alley: It. E. Swllera. Id Word etreet: D. A. Elliott and DAL
Curry, Allezheny city. arc the azeuta.
hsa attended the mar of tiIORTI4FERtS . ItIIEUMAT.
(.1111POISItile AND ELOQD PURIFIER. in elnxtualle• ,
curing the eererest nod roost inveterate ..,rea of INFLAtI
gnarentee and recommendation to induce all who are attics
tool with thin dreadful disease to try its virtueo.
Ilundredv of case, many of them rttirrus Of St. Louis.
and others from abrnad. hare been cured within the Jan' month, In theette of St. Inuit alone. while letters from
ngetll4l abroad show oleo that it is tramming t slaw
wherever , tried. Nlany of them were chronic t.. 141 o f long
atanding. and woreol of recovery had been etre. m
hits others of of
meant the artne Inflam
matory form. very aerare. All. bower,. yield to the Won
derful virtues of this medtchm, and thonsanela who have
reedited 0/1 benefit', and are now in theut of health
can hot mfr." tho original dis•coaenn and proprietor. •
beefactor of mankind.
It la welt known from the expellent,. of the peat, that in
eastward application ca nissolibty eine. Pertitancnt mire ,
of this dreadful diwww fly the application of stimulating.:
liniments, partial relief. In some case.. may be oldniond
for a short time. But al,tl the while this diseaae fl ring Its, I
gra p s more pertrumentl In he system. and *neuter or later
will again dsvelene Itself Inn mom dreadful Rem. and ales"
a few periodical returns. It settle,. 1010 n hronic Rank
whirl- If not stn emend. retina the individual for life.—
ert.i. vcrificl by the !Moore of the
theft in all countries,. 0
and more fully detnumenstesi by history forrinhed of .
'late to the protorielor of this commun. as Oven by nevetal
,hundrtda of those who hare peered under blee imniedto
notice and treatment during the last few menthe.
PURIFIER la an Infrrnal remetly—conemenms its mom.'
dons when the disease first uriipantet. and In purif)ing
the Med. parses through the whole ',stage, neutridinst the
Impure or caustic actlineent. which has nettled upan 1-ba
membrane.% tunwirs and teendne.e.--rmuires it entlreir 11 , W,
the sestet% and natures thelmliv Metal to lerfret health.''
Lai those who am atlimed not &metre themselves. asdlt
limbooff the um of tits =sheltie no l ' ung., or until their.
are disks-04,1 or confracted to such a degree that
they arn crippler toe lite. The est erionee of hundreds of
thnnaanda durtrg a multitude at tha
present day. entmonstnites the fell. of expectlnt yam.'
ornt rtdief fro. external applications.
"Th• proprietor cf this valuable medicine knows froth en.
pertenec. that ayes:alit - aryl hyntintlon can pleatibly effeet'a '
permanen cure where Ohio dloase is trtnly Revd In the
aystene. Ile
e ran and dean prepare and apply m =bine.
den In rery acute cue,. whirls will give re - Dello one hony's
time. hu} this will m.t effect a Is-stun:lent care.- The na
ture of this disease io such that it remiirce longer time,:
_and '
amlnternal remedy. to produce the desired effect, antYllor
ure's Rheumatic Compound and.Lical Purifier la the
only remedy that ha. mer beet, disonvemd, ei th er la
Asiodma nr any ether ementry. that will effectually cure
Chia aurae.
cm, to bad. v. holtvale or retell, at :em n
mini street nest to the Post Once. Pitiesburgh.
Also for role Is Ibundt. by 11. Fdnirer, Thorn;
Tti l arflin &nem :
Pamphlets can be had groan of 01-10 agent.
mOOl ic. It. 11. ItlYlfAItT. Agent..
. .
newt ,aular and benencial
It arel shin
the invenridW
tor of .61 - . 'Mehl-and hilla =wilt for lodating the
I..unce. In eff,ting a cure td C a.arn.. •
toad of that eminect ohynichan. lkadwr 11.1, , ..c. and is •
....vaduste lb. Cuiveraty of Pounrylvatairk. and fur thirty
pauw ante ha. Inn) engaced in the inventigation of at
m, and rte. am:wilt:on of P•Mlllin. thereto.
Through the.nee of hie Interims
in rdoneetionwith
hit PlooltylactlC Serer.. and other of hie rrnandies, bola.
nimbi unparalieliw eminence In curing rinse dreadful
and fatal nialcliee, Trtherenlia. I).neuruptit... Cancer i s.
Srieduia. Aallann. Favor nod Ague..Feverx of
Chrruie hr,iiada, and ad three obatinate
rawer I...coliar . to female.. Indeed. every viral of drawse
ranida, scaler dad hie terms - Ilea. irliwichunannl
ty hetr—valt ley the 1...0 ad our comnaund 4 , 010. for that
fa incentpatible with l'h,eikAocient Isar, hod by the are of,
hit rel:ll , 4li, adapted to. and preecribed for.'carla peculiar
21rna dieurved
. • ..
Pr.'s Tonle Mterallat• Pala. when un.l, ara
y arirnowled aupetlor to all other, as a mho.
tire or hver inanntsel, as they lea. the boyebt yet
fertly t:oldr.n Pahl are
mlttpd. h, the 1.14.u1ty, to wk...., td.c.uilar propertie. adap
ted to fetilale hot being .toliett that a bare trial
la fltrieta to e.tahlish what ha,. been mid. In the I:nimble(
the meet Skeptical.
The etttiehal arc inaiterl to c.llupc'm the a,,ent, and pro
cur,, (gratia) one of the Doctor picanphleta,Ktrjmradetall
ed amount of earh rrme.l). and apidteritton.
U. pal.• h, - the ftdloaing mottdrOlt
aLsta thmuehout the ruantr,:
.1. Schoonmaker &Co.. 1:1 tVntal .t.. Plttrburah, f
.1. )1. Toernapn,l. Slarket rt.,
Lee A. Beckham, Prußri....t. near the iYnt 0111 f•. Allealtr
m- city.
.J ph Barkley, 1 , ./Rtlitvtork. Itrnvvr countS. Pt ,
T. 4darnk Br•TeT.
augl . 2 - .llr
K.tOR TIIE AFFLICTED will he found in
agie Flni.t, whirh h•,,tood the tut of thirty Setts ea.
We'n•el. to
enar!Tsgc..and enaraeernf 1.4 W t
thing In Raying that thls Is the Duly toed hine that h. been
50,1 11. ti,,- attileted, that sen., of the word,
• h. It is Kali fur.
haerored. and to raped-de of curing more di.s.aaes lbw
m o de,
other ntedneoffemi lur .10. sr .re not , bf glom
r weld, or by •he . t un
A, a s trong sod ennvaLrieg proot orthe albs, we Fay
thatlt is thrall!) &All. that er penrud in the li•rzu of
went Stzdielne that hag erer levn patronized and merit.
rd the peals. of the elite nznerally. az the toret agrerable
Family Medina,' ever altered fur .air. o. 11,W by any of
The lion. Moss 11. Grinnell, Inte M. C. Tho HOn. Ruht.
d. Alorria, late Ma, or. lion. John A. Liz, late C. 8. Sous
tor. Witham 11. i'mter, I:sq., Editor of lbw .spirit of the
Timm ands hurt v.( other dtrtlnavehat mtltcp. of New
York, who has,. tallv te-Ild Its merits. bate ,rtnitt,4l the
rotvtor to nqi-r W Gnaw.
Knit i well known that Patent 3fodleinc• an , not gl.m.r.
any patrol:llnd 1,, the ann.]. c.adthr cuvine.
we hare nralouhkdly n 0,1111 n. ftvl nanny , hani.l, - priv
ileged. Thin Wonder works - in , Compound bro boet, nearly
seven rear, isrf , rty the nublie. Its ta,t friends arc tam its
stmtureet nod beot. .11,1, most undonionsily Is strong and ,
convincing nnol of Its uencral and sannrie.,
nualinea. It is a soverian•ds 1.0,11 numous disease.,
them:lath, pat 0., wrotulous spranw. taviare, ohl
P01V14.1.1 SA the pains nud thAt ileoh Is heir to. •
Orer 1.,000,000 I.We, !lase add without. nomplaint.
and wrfechsl such mlonid,ing eon., after nil other
remedi. have faihd,
wou l d s
belief, had or not
offered, and in our strong,t te,,,,4bia . et I
Thb. riedielne, or mature'. rawly, ill pmparni from +be--
tabloe, for 11111,11 AI no well soostornol u.e. It wt. , . direct.
If upon the thora,4ll.—blviov It health mod et.nurth.—
It le a runecure for Nor - rhea. Ilibottm Chub, ad,
alleptuanodit ;W .:moult, 41Pcovo, a LIP libluers, audi
Weaktteee in nude or Petah, from abater., muse It Max
b 7.7,, ' ,l it ir .i git.phurb. by li. F. Mena, Ki.l4
00.. and • to
up nod by
geurrally. It it put up iu lour, too, .04 on. Planing Imp
Compound ta warranted to piraluee the within de
eets. when twat fo r tuatlng bread, kRy
buckwheat ealungrte.. by which a analog ls effected I. the,
flour of about 13 Rt -r
To !dam Baran—To each round of Cour a&l'nert telt
llNr2rUP ' hrt u' oun d tt a r Tklle " . A l r i r g . ° N.Va tT t i n t. 'A- 4
m othftirot eon art ...dr and lot dough um) then
rid ea l wager ea will make the tbe usnal
thkanees; knead It well. and lot It ntand fifteen minute.
before baking.--one or two boon will dn no hurt. Elseult
should he mite. moth thinner. rad Inked at worn. bat
within no bort to *taro: fifteen or teefity mluntert There
danger at gaikn a t Per murk of thla Compound in the
Mod; It will riot turn the bread yellow,. enleratrie dues
when vend to earn,
Von nth put the store Cre.temel.l Into tea mkt% Ml
- of tiger akee, men =ad
cakes. eon] breed, hree..l,lnNealt, batter cake. bulte
epple um Om F. pot Pit, Itud ka• *II Lakin,:
po , rpuess. Jun rreceinel 6.n420 . T . 1. by
it E a7 Mood et
Dollars reward cat bo raid to soy ono 'vb. will
ptolove a mot ott paint tereen or dry, that eattuot
traidol !.ith HMCo, Implored Chcoliml tkup. I pare the
satisfaction of olyiny to the people of thia plan. Pow thia
aril. te. by my man improvement on it. LW. stamis unrt.
rolled lo this oundry far extracting arm., tar, pitch. nil;
pith., or any other greasy stihrh.o., torn all /Sadao( gm.
tlemen's, or hullo' clothiug. Larraqs. table Ppreital. merino.
Indies' bonnets. kr-. wlthr,it Injuring .y think
that pure a - vier 0111 out Injure. More than One thoto
poem.* in different )carte of the country bore told me they
old nos ti. without it If it cost SI amt., In henna tbEa
. &op on more Lb. WO articles of liKht elks, s a tins. alp..
and calico.. I bare only found three Meru. °loll:L , too
of idioms, and four or caitoo, ...bah it changed the color;
therefore, beron. putting It oo a light dress. try a maple
of the dress trot. I :Iwo:this because lam Urtermlned
romnineeel it any stronger than I biros to be strictly
Orders frt.errantry merchant, and Whirs
attendol to by the.aubecnber. - 11. E. ril.l.LMfir l
deco 11 Wood st.
"I had LA toed it tvice befOre I felt It ben faisil effects."
Sleringfriiia a abate/Mei rink* prevented reWtcs uun ilmtLlM
"IC. to Sellers' &mt Alialstror , think ILE duty wlakh
ow. to both y. nod the public a.m. yodtwely
assert. that I had notatahl it tsvice heft. 1 felt da Lettere
fleet, and Dooler the Divine Morrow.) had no (=WOW
to Dui.b the bottle. I I...silty o ho. es 10 baring witoo..ed
lie tangle proprrtlee nn friend,. of mine. .me io youttlentar. ,
•ho Lad • trying attack au her lona., nooturt,d,
dLetreseing Louth. Verily the only - true Eau
rough. and colds affert the sultrier/ has. Em'em amongst
uti In "IL E. Rebore' Cough Mixture.'
. •
Pittebumb, J.. 14. lesl. •
. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS', No. LT Wool rt.,
nod sold by drugs:Ma itetorallY. • yala
Additional proof of it=ert;.eztre,
AP:;tri zviu.
Mr, R. E. Pellera.—Being attlkted for e thaw with
bad =Ugh.] wannectomesdell tour Mr Imperial Cough
Syrup. by my young fclatui MrelY.lumpleoin, Your agent
(or thk place. I didao. Itliadthedualrelletieet of Rilitlg
time 1 bee despaired of ever Ltoms
hal o suet almuYevery thing that it was to mypower tr.
vet, hot mired brunt until I tut with Your breath.
ble• onagh syrup. I feet fully ratlefed In 04 hart. to
i uut reenteunendimg It to the public u one of the ben Mad 4
thas ever been prepared 11l the en., for whiett It.
la intended JAML
Pupedatui by -R. E. SEILtitS , 17 S yn od at.,
;lARBONATE 4131110N1A, Harteltona.
04 the Praia [44.1 lattai SLIM