The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 26, 1851, Image 3

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- Taw Tat.t : ew.rn
LINCS.—The hurricane of
Moaday, did a great deal of damage to both the
fylleilyand Morse lines of telegraph, prostrating'
their poles find breaking the wires in all dime:
Jima •
'The managers of the O'Reily line at once set
a large number of men to work, and the damage
to . the Eastern wires was repaired , yesterday,
lad they are now in working order. No less
than twenty-eight large trees were blown acroas
't,tuilviires at the duniatta crossings, anti Awelve
poles - prostrated between Pittsburgh' and Wil
kinsburgh, no that nor readers can conceive of
the amount of itiunage which the whole line
The Western line is working Ns far as Wheel-
Ink, beyond which point it has not been repaired.
Tea CANAL-1 3 0. Secret latent..—We learn
that the repairs on the viaduct above Freeport,
which gave way last week, will becompleted on
rriday. The water\ will then be let in though
veij slowly, in order to prevent accidents. it
reach Pittsburgh on Saturday, and the firer
lust of the season is expected to arrive is Pitts
lairgh on Monday morning neit. This is a
cheering prospect., especially when we recollect
that the New York Canals pill be closed by ice
fiir weeks yet, and our public improvements will
la the mean time enjoy a monopoly of the bust-
arched bridge over the canal on Penn
sizeetie now completed, and the supporters of
the arch will bo removed on Saturday. It is one
fnat and a half higher than the old bridge, and
is Sue etruptore. In a few days it will be
passible for vehicles.
F. 13.; Since the above was written, we learn
;that another small viaduct, two miles and a half
aboveYittsburgh, hats given way under the pres
•:*are of the heavy rains of Monday. This unfor- -
Annate accident will probably delay flitopening
of the; canal until Tuesday or Wednesday. A
large number ore at' work upon the breach, and
it will be repaired with all possibly rapidity.
Venire Honorable Hopewell Hepburn, Pre.
dent Judge.
' The jury in the ejectment case of Cooker et al
Ts. Allison, et ul returned with a . verdict for the
• The jury in the case of Lambert, Shipton k
Co., vs. IL A. Sampson fi Co, action on a pro
missory note, returned with a verdict of $2lOlO
:or the pt aintiffa."
Robert Donaldaon, and .1. 111.'Climtot.—
This was en action of ejectment, brought to re
cover a lime quarry, in Wilkins township, em
bracing about four acres of ground. The action
arose out of a dispute concerning boundaries.
M. T. Stewart, for plaiutiff—Thos. Mellon for de
fendant. No verdict. •
Elisabeth Dietrich. Martha Gain et al, vs.
Peter Parchment. This was an action to
try the validity of a will, and was just commen•
ced when the Court adjourned.
Beibro the Honorable Mcebire
A, trial of considerable interest M, the public
occupied the time of this Court yesterday, and
... will probably not he concluded for a day or two.
. .. It was the case' of the President and Managers ~
'N,..,'cif the Pitt',burgh and Greensburgh Turnpike
- Ncompany vs. Matthew and James 13reidenthaL
and arose on as appeal from the decision of Al
, de s rman Steele.
They,laintiffsi zillegellint the defendants, who
- • are proprietors of a line of Omnibuses which
rune between this City and L a wrenceburgh,
. ' Wisded . the payment of toll at their gate, by driv
ing along Purr to Taylor street, thence to Mal- '
' berry alley, and along a plank road to Boundary
Pit street, 'using in their passage from ' Pit bergh
about - one handfed feet of the turnpike. •
This ease, though trifling in itself, is ndered
important by the principle which it 111.0 ves, as
well .rus from the 'fact that. on ' its decisi n rests
• the fate of some two hundred and fifty tilts of
a similar character. The defendants allege that
they' time and again, tendered payment or that
part or the road which they used, but it ~i s not
accepted, plaintiffs dedanding toll for thh entire
distance between Pittsburgh and Lawre4ceville.
An injunction to restrain the defend ts' from
using their present route has alreptly tried
before his honor, Judge Lowrie, and decided
st- plaintiffa. As we gave his op nine ay/
- ........3 4 gth ' . ..tit - the time, es well es the avi, enee,..b
the ease, which wits, 'of comes, substrintitllythe
same as that which will he offered in th present
, ernitl, we will not sreal7 our readers by repeating
" the jestimony. but will give the verdic as soon
13 iil rendered. re .
ems: Shafer end graft appear for plaintiffs
• --Megan, Williams miff Rodgers for defendants.
!derma or cos Conscrts.—The fa owing is
. a lilt of the. Annual Appropriations Made at the
last 'meetirigef , the Councils
• AA 0111rtiANCE, • .
- •
. •
81A1C11:43 APP110P111.17101:2! 10)11 THE VE,511 1851.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained and caacte i 1 ty the. citi
zen of Pit:anti-A in Select and e v oinmOn Council.,
acambled, That the revenue for Hie year 1851, 1
arising from taxes, loans, and other lawful Boar- j
ces, and not otherwise appropriated, be, and the i
same is, hereby appropriated
-9 fur the purposes
No. I—lnterest on City Lonny '63,0(31.00
No. 6.--Salaries of City Officeno
Mayor, ' $7OO
Clerk to 3inyor, 300 '
Treasurer, . 700
Solicitor. 250
Wharf Master, Monongahela, '650 •
. do: do. Allegheny, 500
Street Commissioner, lot dist., 500 '
do. do 21 do., 500
Clerk of Markets, • 200
High Constable, 1 450
City Constables, (eight.) 2,400
Clerks of Councils, 500
Messengers of Tonneils, 200
~., Clerk to Committees, 218
Messenger to Committees. 150
Recording Regulator, 401 , 1 '
Superintendent Water W arks, 1.0131 r .
Assessor of Water Rents, 700 ' • .".,.,-
Asbessor of Tuxes, 195_!
—510,495 00 '
. .
No. 3—Public Printing. 1.000 00
No. 4—Engine and Hose Companies. 3,675 00
No. 5.--City Watchmen, 13,250 00
No. 6—City Water Works, . 28,000 00
' • No. 7—Cleaning Streets, let diet.,, 2,000 00
No. 8-- do do 211 do. 1;600112
' No. 6—Public lamps and lighting rte., 9.500 o¢..
No. 10—Sanitary purposes, 1,000 00
NO. 11—Gleaning awl other expenses of
Markets, SOD 00
No. 12—Monongahela Wharf, 500 00
No, 113—Allegheny Wharf, . ; 500 00
No. 14—Contingent Fund. 4,000 00—Scrip outstanding, 13,000 00
No. 16—City loans UOTK due and falling
due. . 111,646 00
No. 17—Outstanding. warrants, 17,060 00
$282,156 00
Ordained nnd enacted into a law in Councils,
this 2411 i day of [February, IESI. '
A remonstrance from the Firemen's Associa-
Aims against raising false atoms was presented,
recommending a special bell to be selected for
giving the alarm.
An ordinance recommending an alteratits in
the grade of the reveril streets was sent in by
Mr. It. F.. McGowan, and. was referred to the
Committee on Streets.
In tho Select Council, Mr. Bruccipresentodthe
memorial from the meeting held as favor of a
new malket house, which was refereed to the ail
propriate Committee.
committee met yesterday in conjunction with his
honor, the Mayor. for the purposerof 'appointing
the night watch • for the ensuing year. A largo
number of applicants, for situations crowdecrthe
• office throughout the day, and considerable in
terest wee manifested by all classes of our citizens
in the result.'
The. following is a correct list of the appoint
ments, from which it will be seen that a large
p.pumber of the old watchmen have been super-
Coptalri- , -W. Reed.,
• First.Lietitimont--Somuel Punimr.
SecondsLieuMuant — George Hilly.
Third Peutenant—J. Baldwin
Fourth Lieutenunt-lrGeorgo edam:.
JI. Pliilpot,l jos. McKelv ey,
- Thom. Hill, I 'S. 11. Ferguson,
P. Duffy. • Jim onion;
Jno. A. Poleby. Hug :Gorey,
Alex. McLaughlin, , Burns,
Wm. Steinberg, Thoki Gill ueyie,
. Heigh McGee, Hugh Rice,
Henry Coyle. Thos: Nolan,
Thomas McKee, 'James Mcliiiistry,:
Wm. Nelson - , • Gen. H. Boyd,
Thom. Tlaoropson, J. Hoeston, •
W. McKenna, P. Idbcpby;
S. Carkey, Ralph Frost,
S. Jon • Mict: slowrer.
Substitute., in case. of tihseice, sick* ess, !kr..
S. Ward. C. Glbron, John Hays, and And.
. ,
Fit PENMANRlTir.—nr.:WillaTro, teacher of
Penmanship in Duff 's Commereial College, has
presented us with asery. lltto Specimen of his
art, which mar be seen inaur Uffice.
.. .
. ..
.... . :. , „.
' 'Uaitlte,P, OP 11#41VINq:- SrLICX uoons..--At
ma n named ;I t insest'll'onetwas 'yesterday arees t
led b 3- the Mayor's potioo on a charge tit
receiving stolen goods. 'Ho kellm a -small store
on Smithfield street, and Sitys old iron , oci'Pr
and other articles: Several copper kettles, some
of :which have been recognized were found epee,
his promises,logetheriith large nuMbers of old,
erdw buts,` pick al6 and 'shovels. ' Ile gave bail
for his appraranee,at the next Court of Quarter
geseions, on4:IMO discharged. 1
1 ,
.. ~,
ColleeitT.—Mr. Kemmerer, well
known in our city, as a highly successfu l teach
er of voeal music, intends giving another juven
ile concert in the Protestant Methodist Church,
East Common, Allegheny city, on Friday eveU
ing neat Three hundred children will sing and
a fine brass band will be in attendance.
Penman' to'engagement, the Young Men's Tem
perance Association of Pittsburgh slid vicinity,
met arfhe Second Presbyterian Church on Mon- .
day evening, the President in the Chair. A con
siderable audience of both seers was assembled.
The ladies and gentlemen comprising the choir
of the church, sang an anthem, previous to the
organisation of the meeting, and the Rev. Wm.
M. Paxton, of the First Presbyterian Church,
opened the proceedings with a fervent, and ex
ceedingly appropriate prayer.
. The Chair then anon, need, that in the order
of proceedings agreed upon by the Committee of
Arrangement, the first business in order was the
report from the Committee appointed to draft a
constitution and by-laws, and he therefore, call
ed for Mr. Shinn, chairman of the committee to
report. Mr. Shinn was not present at the mo
ment, but Mr. Alexander W. Foster acting as
chairman, represented the committee and read
the draft of a comititution, which had been agreed
upup by them.
On motion of Mr. Marks, the report a the
Committee on the Constitution was accepted, nail
laid on the table to make way for the whirr,. of
the Rev. Wm. D. Howard. wlo, had been desig
nated speaker for the evening.
Mr. Howard was hereupon called upon for
his address, which wipi delivered in a rno,t ear
nest impassioned and impressive trimmer. and
was listened to with much attention and inter
est. . .
At the close of the addre, :tnothl anthem
was sung hr the choir.
On motion the constitution as reported by the
Committee was taken up and after n ttipht vre-•
but modification. accepted by the Committee.
was adopted unanimously.
Alexander W. Foster, Esq.. offered the fol
lowing resolutions which he supported by appro
priate remarks. William M. Shinn, Esq.. rose
to second the resolution, and advocated their
passage in glowing and impresSive terms.- 3
The question being pot, the resolutions were
passed without a dissenting voice.
Resolved, That the act of Assembly which sub
mitted to a vote of the people, the question of
permitting or prohibiting the• traffic in ardent
spirits, was one that received the approbation of
the people of Pimburgh, and Allegheny county:
that-we sincerely regret that the majority of the
Supreme Court pronounced that net unconstitit
tional, because it derived its vitality from an ap
proving vote ~f the people: and that we earnest
ly urge our Senator and Representatives to 11,
all honorable efforts to have that law enacted for
Allegheny county. word for word, letter for let
ter, comma, for comma. excepting that feature
on account of which the majority of the Su
preme Court pronounced the law unconstitu
Resolved. That two copies of the above reso
olution be mode out by the Recording Secretary.
and signed by him nod by the President, and
forwarded, one to our SCIVItOr, and the other to
one of bur Forprgematirrs in the State Legisla
ture, to be by them presented to their respect
ive houses.
• •_
When these resolutions had been adopted, the
President stated that he *mo.l have pleasure in
obeying the wishes of the Association as ex
pressed in these resolutions. but it might be
proper for him to say that he had always oppos
ed resort to Legislation as an adjunct to temper- !
once reform, having no faith in its efficacy. :is .
he was aware that lie woo inn meagre minority.
however, he had not urged his objections, and
would not hesitate to forego them-
Jacob 111Colliater, Esq., offered the following
resolution which R. discoesseil lc)! himself. Copt
'Naylor, Wm hI Shinn, Esq. Rev Dr. Riddle and
Robt iSellers. Esq. The last named gentleman
demanded some expression of the meeting to
show whether the prohibition of the resolution
was designed to extend to druggists and opoth
ecarim He surrendered his objections to the
phrnse of the resolution having the assorance
that 'neither that nor the purpose of the
mover and the association looked to the employ
ment of spirits or wines, sc, iu the arts or the
comr(ounding of medicines or otherwise than ns
The rosolution was then unanimously a dopted
follows . .
NI. YORK, Pet. _
cotton—The InaLket is nifsettled, with sales of
:AO bales at ilisquie
Floor--The market is more active, and prices
steady. Sales WOO bid. tirlearis at 1 7 .41.62t0.4.7 1,
oat of Indians and Nlichipio at 51.7:1. - 0111
Mil. Sale. of round loop Ohio nt , 3 1 4,57 1 n 4, 111
1 , Md.
groin—Wheat is nominal. Corn is :icily,
with 'Otte , in the la-t ttvo tlsys of ilL i tltto tomb
els at 041 foe tiewsVelhis. cad bZoi for white.
Priviistona—Pork is in 'better demand, and
prices are buoyant. Salmi id 7044 Mils at 517,-
50 for old mess, and $9,42 for prime: (test is
dull, with sales of 100 lib's at Sts,sol/110,71. for
mess, and $5046 for prime. Beef hams are
lower, with sales of 410 bhls a,t $14.78 I 11151
Cut meats are in active reitimsh siith, sales of
400 hbls and tierces•at SIN Oc for h. 46, met 1;
for shoulders. Prime Lard is better, with
:Ma o f 3011 MA, a t 1,0, (n Si 'l , lit.. Butte: is lov
er with soles of Ohio at 'Ng. I I
Witiakcii—Price+ are fin, with salt, of 154'
bias nt - ft pilot ,
liit,otal is in gall ilonnuti, wait
fall Etittll , ll nail Amami:nu at N. - . 5.1
eta la gallon. 1
Spirits ,Turpeutine—stille. IStit this nt
G eneee jeo_,,sale. 800 logs Rio at I 1 1.. Ills
- 14 lb. Sup, is quiet, withsate. nt :to blot
i (tritium. at • - I.te Ili. Nlnla—mt is active. wttl ,
Tar NV FILELING Bootsmr..—We learn by
„„lo„ of ht;•I 3.I _
a private telegraphic despatch, that the Salo., of lal tioroo„
ing Bridge case hna been continued at the in- owl.
stance of the defendants, who alleged, as n ma-
Tobacco is without change.
eon, their want of time to argae their objections
. • •
That we regard the vending of into:-
bitting '''xii.M7lTlSll,_tieversigte; no prejudicial to
the welfare and peace - of - the community, and a
traffic that should be deprecated by every friend
of humanity; audits order that we may the more
effectually attaip the great object we have in
view—the suppression of intemperance—we
pledge ourselves not toparticipote, either directly
or indirectly, in the sale of intoxicating drinks,
and that we will not hereafter let or lease our
propetty for such purposes.
On motion of Dr. Riddle, the President was
instructed to deliver an address at the next sta
ted meeting..
The Aedtociatinn thereupon adjourned to meet
on the second Moody r.f Marsh t Rith ihtv 1 at
o'clockp. m. it is understood that a me eting
will bniiield in the Thiel Presbyterian Church,
Dr. Riddle's.
In-the course of the evening, awl after adjnurn
meet, n very large number of names were added
to the hst of members.
to the report of Chancellor Walworth.
We understand that the Supreme Court of the
United States will adjourn on the tend] of next
Tux Brown. —We are ghld to learn that the
rumor which we noticed yesterday, of five men
hasung been drowned, during the hurricane,
near Shoustown, turned out to be unfounded.
ACKNOWLEOGNIENT.—The Treasurer of Pitts
burgh Infirmary, gratefully acknowledges the
teceipt of five doliam, per letter, from au un
known donor.
WAsnisyros, 'February 25.
SZNATE.—A number of reporni and petitions
were presented this morning.
A bill to found a military asylum for disabled
soldiers. was ordered to he engrossed.
The Senate then took up the bill directing the
ninnies collected for revenue in California, prior
to November, 1845, be paid into the United States
Treasury. • ,
Mr. Gwinn offered an amendment that the
same be paid to California. After a long debate
the amendment was rejected.
Mr. Gwian then offered an amendment appro
priating $31.81,000, to defray the expense of the
State Government of the State of californine
previous to her admiesion - as a State. A long de
bate ensued on the question, and the amendment
was finally-agreed to.
the bill was then turther debated, and order
ed too third reading.
. _
The postage bill wan posti.ned until to mor
row, and alter a short executive session, the Sen
ate adjourned.
Iforsr..— , -Mr. Staunton, of Tennessee, from
the Committee on Naval Affairs. reported. in
.effect,to authorize Messrs. Daitin. Gilbert, & Co.,
to proceed to the. constructing of a floating dock
at San Francisco.
Mr. Toomb7offerfil the report, and Mr. Staun
ton vindicated it. Without disposing of the ques
tion the House went into Committee of the
Whole, and took up the Civil and Diplomatic Ap
propriation bill.
Mr. Staunton made an ineffectual attempt to
amend the bill by appropriating *lOO,OOO to
'wards the construction of the wing to the l'a
tent Office.
A large number of amendments were acted
Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, offered an
amendment proposing to increase the duties
on certain imported articles, and that after the
16th of April next, the duties shall be levied
agreeably to the average value which similar ar
ticles bore in the prineirl cities on the seaboard,
on the first of December 1846, when the act of
'46 went into effect, which was decided to be out
of ender.
Mr. Grinnell proposed home valuation and ap
praisement at large, which was also decided out
of order.
Mr. Grinnell subsequently offered an amend
ment for the modification of the tariff. This,
I too, was deckled out of order.
The ComMittee then rose, and the amendments
reported were concurred in by the House, and
the bill posited.
The Senate's amendments to the Indian Ap
propriation bill were concurred irk
At half past 3 o'clock, the (l o use took n recess
until 6 r. a.
/0111144,01 i. Feb. '25
The difficulty . between Measrs. Stanley, of
7..larth Carolina, and Inge, of Alabama, whiell no
caned in the 'louse n few days since. led to a
hostile meeting to tiny. They, with' Mr. Ash,
the friend of Stanley, and Gov. Brown, the friend
of Inge, quietly absent.' themselves from the
city to tiny. They crossed the Maliland line,
and fought s duel with pistols. After ex
changing shots one round, and wither party
being.wounded, the affair was amicahly sealed,
and all returned quietly to the city this evening.
BORTON, Feb. 'ill.
The sloop of war Alhinraretvcd it Cape lls
tien on the 7,th inst., to look into the matter con-
Cerning the arrest 'and detention of the captain
of the American brig Leander, aims an unfound
ed charge of !snuggling.
David R. Diffendmier, of Pennsylvaniajo he
Counsul of the United States for Pnsso Del Norte,
in the Mexican Republic, in place of John S. Lu
cas, resigned.
Oliver Ellsworth, to be Counsul at Quito.—
Henry 1.. Parham, of Tentieswee..Coonsul of the
Port of Rio Grand, in Brazil, in place o f Robert
B. Davidson, resigned.
Edwinvl A. Hopkins, of Vermont, Consul at
Paragon, S. America.
Crofton Baker. of Nlb.souri, Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court of the United States, for the
territory of New
Ilturnionr.. Feb. 25. whole of this botholary line is of enures uncer-
During a storm. yesterday afternoon. about T, nt h,. II a h aor h eard fist,. one to three years
o'clock, the walls of a building on l'oneord conjectured, and regard the latter as nearer the
street. which was destroyed by fire on Thursday mark. The duty k one of severity and very
last. were blown down, falling on a two story I great exposure; and every one who labors in it
building on South street, occupied as a s oa p and must be prepared at all times to fight for the'
Candle factory, leaving it a Musa of ruins. preservation of his scalp. A pillow run on any
There Were four persons, two men and two I night be dispensell lxith by a weary and s leepy
boys. in the house nt the tinte. The men woo- laborer; but his knife, pistols mid rifle are al
ceerled in getting out before being 'overwhelmed ways essential to quiet slumbers. Vet the co
in the ruins. but the boys• were caught by the e i teett , „f tad, a life l . i ts „h arm , : . 1 ,1 i f
falling timbers. After three hour's . labor, sae „„,„, „,„„ ‘ h„, „1 enrorooj, olodl
c h oose t o
of them was e x tricated, with 165 thigh "'BY remain there after the completion of their duty,
broken. and the bone protruding through the
they will wily repeat what has often been wit
skin, his body also very much bruised. Ills re.. „ es ... e a „„der:itt„i„,ettstatters. Manyo these covery is thought doubtful. The other woo not men, and of the teamsters and other, employed
extricated until after nine *dock. His poitintt lin the Government nervier, as well us of ado en
was first ascertained by his cries. and a hole ; threes ,„, t h e i r -ewe responsibility, „ill grow
was knocked through the, wall. through which rich, be t h e r „i t , e ,, eteet
et . the value of the
the workmen sneceedeil in crawling. asirtaining ; l an d, to which t h e , „ p e rt , or the „e l k s;
hie position, Ft`iwtt hint water, and eltenut.Fing ry protection of the United States and. eiinse
him. lie was caught by a large ratter falling i„ er ,„„a t ,„ rt h„i„ e are brought
across his uncle, the rest of his only being, iree. I them ; but their wealth will be well earned.
: The. WWI.' was tractureil. Otherwise. though
greatly exhaust... 4, he Wfk. net injured. Ile sus
tained himself. during the holt, he wa, in his
awful positieu, with a degree of courage that
excited the admit-Jaien of nl!
4SIIINGTON. ID. (%) Feb.
The Supreme Court ...Hoorn on the loth of
March neat. The Wheeling Bridge Case ha.,
been continued. on .thpliontion of Defendant,
for x utt of time to argue their exception• to
Chancellor Walworth'r report.
Reuben 11. Dana elesefl the defence of Davis
by gently ridicofing the proclanottion of the
president. aml his submission to the law.
The District .Ittorney followed. otter which the
Court adjourned.
The opintun will he giro to-morrow.
l'arties are rallying here for :senator. :sum
nor's prospects are less favorable since tit, to
cent event, and he cannot he elected.
The river, with , nine null is half feet
‘vtiter on the call•. The mvather I- very plea.-
The Democratic State 1 . 0,111:114 , 11
we hare nominated Gen. Truioiale for Go,raor
of that State.
fi rOeries—At auction to 1111 . V, the cargo of the
brig Fnince, cons.intitig of I7S Wel, Pete Pico
Sugar. The first cargo of new bras rohl at
at: hint, Mlars,. i Porto
et per rat proi, aml
Orlcan, at :Ile
Flour—Sales :11/fl Mil. 11. S. at
(1. - i0 title :it Notting drat,. in City
GrllinSttle,. ml Wheat at
Sales of Corn fit hia_ht , e for yelyw. niiiisSfi tine
for white. Unto are dull.
Walivkey—Sules at .25e - r) 11!lon.
Clover Seetl—Sales .4 prime at ?
teem the w.nstnincten Iternit fic.
rl -
Samuel I'. Sanford. bearerar despatches
from ur Commissioner to run the boundary line
betw en the United States and Mexico, arrived
in this city on Sunday last.- - lie informs es the%
leaning El pang un the :Mid of December. he
overt irk a Government tntin on the night of tine
lot January. This train was smaller than it pis
ustm to send on that route. cons:stub; of fort}'-
six nuts wagons. !lacing conveyofistheir loads
of p ovisions to the military post at El Pane,
they lwere returning to San Alamos, ;They Were
Illeier the charge ofJohn I bima t master, n , a wagotter,
• own for his efficiency in the responsible
1 and angerous service of the prairies. The this
with a few persons whose route lay inn the
, stun direction, numbored about fifty men in oil.
1 Mr. Sanford continansi With the train for a dis
htannin of about one hundred milt, being then
! abou one hundred am/ fifty miles from El Paso.
and n tine midst of the prairie, at Alaverick's
1 cree . Ile here selected two men, and with
' theti left the train, mei proceeded to San Anto
nio, one hundred and filly miles, anti thence,
about the name distance. to Lavaca und India.-
In, on 'tine coast, whence he took passage lor
New Orleans, in the steamer Louisiana, snit pro
ceed:sl to Washington by the way of the southern
moil route. his whole journey occupied about
;' fort:, -eight days. s
Ile intorno as that the journey of Mr. liartlett.
I s.
I our onnuissioner. to his destined location nnt El
Pasi , on the Rio Grande, was precipitated, inn
ace, mt. of his fears that the Commissioner. not
the art of Mexico, would have no long preceded
him as to become weary of his delay: hut that,
arta sing there on the I.lth of November. he had
to a sit that Commissioner some ten or twelve
day .
'T e Commissioners on both sides at once en
! teretr upon the important preliminary of deter
j mining the initial point of their survey, which,
I was' finally, just before tine departure of Mr.
i l
So ord, tiled at the parallel of 32° 22' north
la ' nde, On line Hie Grande, in point to be ascer
tai eil by the astronomers, but conjectured to be
a t twenty miles northwinni from El Paso.—
Th line will run thence three degrees west, and
We cc north to the Rio' Gila. and thence west
,wa dly along line course of that river. Other
' tin's were contended for by General Conde, the
Co unissioner on the part pf Mosier, but, sifter
the most minute and laborious investigations and
din amnions, this line was fletermined upon. It
I wil no doubt be satisfitkoey to our Government
an people: for by reference to Fremont's map of
'Or gun anti Upper California, published by or
,de of the Smatte, in I KIK it will lie seen that 3
lin less favorable to us its there traced; and
win n the character of ,the 'country comprehend
ed s known, the advantages of the present line
wil no better understood. :
he health of Mr. Rartletes company has
be n very good since their arrival at 111 Paso: and
both there and on the way' thither an little dis
satisfaction or dissension bas been experienced.
an is probably over realired by a company en
like duty and similarly eirettmstilticed. We are
particular to state minis, betfause repots of a con
teary character have been in circulation amongst
no. Leaving hero in the Summer, and travelling
southward an far JO the thirty-second degree '',
. . . . ,
. .
latitude, it tens thought by the inexperieeed that , ~„..-,,,,;,-,:...,
the rigors of winter troll lie avoided; but the i lk, L. '"", , 1 ,, r,...; .
elevation of the country,.and its exposure to the 97 on., Feather,
winds of the toljneant mountain., subject the 21 .lo emote..
'd., 1 " ., API+,
inhabitant , DI tin., t7N.,. extremely cold tempt , i , .1.. .io evsAsv; _. _ _
: ::
‘, .. 1 , 1 4
n , ,, 1 , :1 1 14 .d . ,. 1. ,,,
G...... , i1r,t,A.1...7.7.11..ra:;tt10.f.,..t1.,11,,,T,1,1y,i.n.wgn0n.
!twee, none the less ....ere for the intense heal
.1 .1., lin.en
Ilea, by sudden transitions, they . often ex
,-. 5 ,,,t ~..Fir t. r h.t,i, ; igAi , ) , ow, ,y , , rt j for ...6• nn" ternixtbat will incur. arrafti..l.. in;rdenen.•
perience. . ' t o rae ltall.,. or enal mon Ilmtee onntach for it, Or 01
The region about. Ed Paso is a natural vine- •
41 /DA ASII—:ll eindie. for ;die l•V (mine , are alTealy en sire on 11-.- K rone., tie Ireohn,•
. P.., - tile .. 1 .- , ea.& , the 6... to le I..elet ..1
4 IV. e I'. a 11..atiN I wallow: Ile , tvai IF of the le.t anales and crully minel.
y a rd. The_grnie...., whether fresh or dried, are .. i,7, 0.140
- , -; • : uo.Ptt o non- In ,(.1(K1, .1.1 ....lir drained, and
1 .. ', % TPETPI "() 1 .1
delicio.a.rthe wines they Fo'cdocc , . ‘,..... -.. _ s .---e . bsgs, crude, for sale Lt' ' .u...... sal-lints , than ercont‘ -fi e l ne. of tle titer trier
ed with care, ace very fate. Peaches, ;" ~,,„.
managed - ... _ ... .t... nnmni.N.
ill" ii
.. . 'try: . 1.... 4th .1.
n e I,
ore of good quality; but the nece,saris . x .
pi..srs, and other fruits; grow ~bu.dbilyf . 1 , :r .1 4 , E „ m A N k . LA y : 12.5
I,x, ' , V
r :: ,,,, ' " l ' e n.r: N • l'''• "c.'''''''''' , • 1. -^l. l rr ",
i N.& F. WILSAJ. -
ure by no means plentiful. The soil, though 1 1,14... ',"..., .- Linen and House Fundidiing Goods.
BIAS I'OOPEIt'SMIII'fE GLUE--For ' i A. MASON h CO.. Ni. 62 and (A .
g v : r otl,
Tishirmrlyziprrrno,liefire,fiethirienngirxr,iig.yatebt.d fr g o n n ,, Lhe t 7,-, !
4.k b, bits ,
J. taut 0 CO. ik. . Market street:Awl* emotion,- on hand a
farce .
' 'VII l' . -01OMETIEll.'Si-A full assortment fur E.,..rth', e." of th e I . °"'"'')'''''''''' the hest mehhf.h.'
' when it is undergraol that much of what is cen
t sumed IS brought from', the renal at an expense r_ ~, ~,,, •, i J. KIDD a Ci). Tab:, Clothe, Tinma.k owl Maven'
6.1 CBI ;It'A L iN l'• r it,.'Si EN TS .1 every : do- - ' l,:‘,.tt i v.`"fl u vls " st-TD D° l4l ' . ' r ' satlb.tnask;
of from-thirteen to tifieen rents per pound. The !
trade or the town is with Fauto -Fe, Chihuahua, ,cy ' ,lntl., fir role 4 - ' f lIS - . J KIDD 0 CO. . bars.. Ilneia, Feoleh and tint Kee,
and the .I.:nited States Via San Antonio.' Linen Lawns and Linen Cambric,
LOCE.--90 hi& stiliertitie, ill store unit nit nee I Lii.l.n Datuack. all width,
, . .
' ir
The company of thweolutuissioner, including . mle 0, seta . KIIKt. vtarrimws aou ,
teatnenters., servants, he., numbers considerably
~ .F ..T 1 1 ., : ,, N , 5 , t , r , 1 01P0 1 - 71. 1 WA6il- F . , 04 Atlantic Elitell:ms 4,5 tart tilllnn. d de. Le.
'more than a hundred persons. lfhilo XtWititlit .1. b tint a CO. feliS • .
, -- -- --
1 1
di til y e id F o " ; litiL . "' e r ) o . f . th r 7 .. "4 , 7;: ath el '''' g th at e i l li p h sa .": °, lr : e t h h . i ri 'a 1 0.1... L
o .
t .15 14 15/TER-1 bbl fresh• for sato try j 'IVRY APPLES--200 bushels on hand and
;MET, 31./CITILEIVB J. CO. )13 for salt 17 fiblo DROWN . * IattErATRICR.
. 3
ens nt Soearro, twenty-four miles distant; and
others at Elazarro, thirty miles distant. •
The population of El Pass° is about six thou
sand. The mixture of Indian and white blood
ran- general, though there are not wanting
families of pure Cnstilian blood. These are a
refined and dignified people. The members of
the company have been well treated, and have
derived much pleasure from their intercourse
with the inhabitants.
1 Mr. Sanford will probably leave Washington,
on his return, on or before the lot of March.—
Cul. firahatti, it is known, is to join the corps.-
1 Until his arrival, Lieutenant. Whipple will not. as
chief ustronotner. The return of Mr. Sanford
nit enable the friends of persons there (a corn
, (mink.. to theta
i . lion long a time will be required to trace the
•1 1 11 E eubseriber. inteittlite - 4to remove a few
mllow tvto the mount,, offer. for .le the P.P. , / in
0010 he now rooldro, thirty Inentral upon dor ...rood lonnk
It. Allogbony ('it,. Th.. obrolling.ts douldo Math and built
or Intel, to lorroand counundion rod loao been rprontlY
to painuol and totewnol.
'rho lot f onto flay fort on the to
.l. running lAA two hot:oh-oda .1 right,. floe. and i 2.11111
1, With in.,. roontonotng choke. oruhlwry and W.I. The
wit-building, von.ioting of a Pit , ot. taiod bun,. hie
end morriage bonne. a, enure-role Ily howled. Tim oltun-
1/.111 1 plowing- and the Wino Su .d inn Ilrid, short!, no
to. plarcol oroor the Allot:lion, mill brim; Ito . proloA l l
o When a PAT minutro walk or ofri o. of the otty.
Puohnow, are n-ferrrol L. Alva 11. Moll,. No. 139 nth
II 4 1 01 i SALE O . IIItE i NT— H, A c h emforu d th i le t 5 . : ? ..
1 I . V.: ' ZZ, " Xr ," .. n 'L‘ r- ' ,..,; ' ,7,1; Su: ' : ', ; . , • r,;...,,•.-crl.
11... loodo-rhnototron. file poem', thr tut
Ir . f..rt fi l l -on Cho.. .
our trviA 1,. ono bloodroot to olototh.. Lvov
st N. It 11 Is ERSII AM.
tld , AA, r of 11.•.l'anol ulatlt 4..
- -.
Flit it ENT—l'hat hint° .IWelling house tr
, ,th.‘,.„.,.. ; ; H ooonol. tut gnul ,
.n. nnol obildr ~.
ottorlood. the to ALA,. uf 11-o- lotr Wm J. Toott.on, cto-Arnow.
LOOK JECERE lily FRIEND! hoot en 11,1 0tr0...t P0...A..1.m gismo rot Ito, bred of
.11, IL
IRE YOU A FATHER, lab4intt for the 1•A tndo. apple to 1..11
. 11..11., b0nnW f 0;00 i. 7 , 1 , 1 6 1 . .
lk .toto..r. n..,1, .. ...Iron. from ! gotooral ob.. T !'"""' ' "". '"" I ' " " " r" ' ' ! . k
r•da• ."' Pip e'" , ""."."'"."' '''''" l ".. ""'"'" ^ b.. 1 " .. TO LET—Two e11ie.....11 the loWer it nor Tz<..7
u..- ltr n It 1b..... Shoker StorosporMa
on . ~,,, o , %l o gi n , oo tt o p ono; f ro . 0 p. 0 .,...... n o w ho., f,- A.m. Mark. ntool Wau r ohne, jr.lllllg 1 1 11 . a !
001 , it, geurroll. .ii tor... mu Itr. Nall. Ilowoh Hhakol., 1 ntor otrert. rat lo lh fool !
nroarfflo-tt .111 out Vainly run. root. .• 1 too. too. rt.,. ...le rI, m• tl. who,. on tit and
fiour &oot or wii Plodor ono., nod gat • l go.r. ugh ooPorate ontrato , , m l Vater oll' 1 " , ..
let.pam gran.. win., , out will llost. On- Shaker So, , All of t 10...... nAgn. ottr ottani , Fa I to.uraio, Illyn .le .
' , Pat - lila. H. Pr011t , ..1 lor Pr. S It Howe, ha, born the and nr, Aboateol in the too.. Lo i nzlol , tircoi , f . 7 ll ,iolvilro. of to.montortoth ehring mono olbrasonlao o Lir h then o n llor o hoorf.
lonmart .hounly a, roontonually anturrt, than nny other' totol: olds, x
. sou .1111a!otur yet luau •Itt Irlore the '
''''""3'"' "I
" ' " • ll° it RENT , -The 1 Varehoase N... 2 , 3 7.,
.. ,-,
Tht. medicine 'ono rotololioliod Ito high reputntinu by Its , I W0..1 .L11..1. Holm lot April, Fort erm.. Ingot., n „..
numo and 1,11 ath MAI 111,1, •liter premow o . frlohlalbt ....,-..
It out oto to 0p.., I•A UHL owl Alb.. onto Sn parllls • • - -
cha art. on tho Liver. tildno.y.. and 111..1' nt r tro •••11. 1 I ' .11.1%1 BI.L-)1 I 1.1.5. F.\ it M 5..% N 1)1.( iTS
tltuo. olorh Potolrr. it altoom.ther too, onlooOdo. to evory l V toll sA LE-Two Lou, Flour Mill. nod a Sow Nllll.l
11. 11,....r cr...4. oulLtlor 010,....err vontur nrowor. Alon.
11,1, Mad 1.1.1, for hr. S. 11. II" rt. SIIAKEIt i „ ~, n0n ,,,.,.., l to n ., no 1,,,, or,. ou out, Pro... uhtood -
:A Its APAItII.I..I. and Into 1/..4411.. AI,. a Int too rt U• Arr.. en ter ittolo rot., 1i0n... mot , 1
Pri., SI loq. lAII.L-II IKAtIe. t., F , 4,
For •nlo IA
o PIA S. llt. IltlWE * t l t. o . Prtolgle. , . ' !,.... tI, her oe. ~. ,- ,e.e. ‘,..., tam. of ~ 1.........1 !A
1 ''''''' .lt3 " Th ' llll ' all- "'P I. o n-. 1. r T.... , lox ow, AI-, 11, no tw. her ttIL awl . 4i !
To torli l .m all ..rise mat In. odd nAor olit-
Illao 10. It W M. nn....1. 11 loom-rt.. J. 11A111..r. 11 .1.4.- . ! N It' 0•i 1.. II YETPk o ItIIA N. -
oon. Ihttoltrolo. It. A Elliott. Allorltont fit, W. 11. 110. a All.l 1,..1 Kota: A, , 1,
P10.11..d. Ihotoo ho-tor. P Cr...ko.r. trot. ...ill, Jo. PRAM ut,to, AttormA• . L.' N ,, to; sth to.. Plutohoorg h.
t Pro.. Whrrlie,. .I. II 1,4-rartn. and E. Ai Morgan. SL
Ploor.tilh-. 11,11.11 a lio.A. Coons. l! ''''' llk " !T 1, 1 1 ilt hi:NT—The store on Market st.. V. , ;` ;
min a , ., r. , t11 , 1...4 1., l'. Ar.or .. n Varlot, Stow otroln
! ''" frlo7 '...'" ''''
'''''l tit 11 A l k I r 'ill ' .7401`11. s on 0tt0" .... t.
- • -
'l l O LET—A Warehouse situated he- ~..rtt., ,
ji. totown Word ml Mari.. and rullning through 11 1 .1 a
from First , Suroud street. Huoarty non-uplAd- 10y......
b.ntfo a Atkinson. It to onitroble for manufneturiug onto
, o , ~ porton , . Enothlr. l ' i
hobo uI'AIFE. ATKIN3n/11 A 01{111.T.
r.)11 la:NT—The dwellin g house and V ,
onrromuollfog grounds. now octopi.] by
. Iny• sooty
, ....- f. nt thr bond .1 Priolo otrvrt. in the Eighth Ward. ..tor
lArwou.l4llllLlll4 to 1.11101,11/.11111 fns-from smoke amt Intn.
. Ho. and let n-11de In the oily. ran Hal here rush • plum..
It is +Pluto Grown min., walk of any Tonality. part at
thr city. frLitoltf JAIL W. BUCILAA AN.
. - ... _
oroonts il r ' 1 ...m.1 , 0-a ni th. LH. , AY'd , ..' o'..' Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
. '''''',:"!' . ',', 1 ','";',,;.," - , ',, r ,"'"', - ;'''' : rilillE Undersigned Administrators of the
";;:,*,, t , ...,',.,,:: -- - '''''--- 'I, ...tale of Tlonmairsirman. olerwased. otter fns oak the
onto, mat notate of the raid Thoto. /airman. twons . l.lny
WE ‘l , k mit wi , li to trifle with iiiii lives and !A on, .... , 1V . 1. , , , 1 ft-on i N . ,, lll . .; , rt r y . otz. , ;l i r k tz: o nv . Ma r
- lo slob o.t the ratirtago lout tor oinuerel, pholgo- our- ;,..1:17,1,‘ n ono „.. Y ;t o t o V o .„ oi co ,,,,,,i sonoonnon .w,
... tor. Po ILA.. A o ...croon a. to Woo virtueoog this toooll- k fronting ~11 Plum ulley. thirty throw fret loon Inrlorn
wino- mod , 100101 no, hope An .mintingbutnanlt, • which ,(ton, tbr, lono fronting on Chort7 oller• Snob sigh....
fort. moll nos warrant. ' feet [mot, and running book slaty Root parallel with Plum
. . ... . ~...,. „...._..
....., 0d1e7 . , nll
o f . ..totrh purport;' will 100 wad at pHs... safe by
rb^",• ;7i;;a1.4:.;
of the Lunge or 'March. Trill be °Mortal at auction to the blghret hidden,
ati,l Liver, which arc fearfully ft... Talent in all Nu f anwn Ain, the Tavern gaud un'enwl fr rint tm /ffly to
Prnm a enmlnuntlnn of ehenkleal extract., nrcr IL CAMPBELL.
DR. ITl,yr.ei 151 Merry rr
rural inn. into Moo and the.. Trove, ,
~ of Il Ittl 111 chef In chlrfl, torm;al
ff, - •lViotoara [taloa,. o r scud ch,, r , t; . ri n , ~,r , ,,n 0 REA L ESTAI'E FORS ALE—The • under
,.1,....1 offers for rah a 4,1'0 nrant.... of aahatt , le
III:PICOV, ratrni.noo,l ontralr 4 "-,,, eh... , "rk,.." l h ," ul . Intt ^ lota. and oonte rot, doolrahlo ALCM formannthe
..: nal.. Inland atm, I the latter Introortt , leFltrFt.irittr.' tont , . tit the ho , rough of 11)rntlaahaan. CM
nottr the
letrao.o.• the rare tralkhl olitues.,,f lahteh are ale , • ohm. new Ituthe Sol.ral noun , ntol Vlnaliol. Luthoran l'hurel..
lam, 1 , . A no. elle...oat hn0i , ..., , alth the r %111,0 l Of Tar— Tho r ratial grrtl. h uftln e lealtattA ! .. ; ,,, : , ! ... 1 ., : ,, n . n
th..- ' ''''''... '''' " 1 " ... " m r" ... "' . " ......n ..' F, ' l L : ' : , stito ' o. n .l ' d. gril ' r;noter ‘ thent a rare %It ' d P. , anak in
..01,...v0in rano,lt ever dtooni , eral Mr tho Yrotinent. Title lotrfeet Terme fnahrahlo,
co lac-I , llllra , .tl• TUE I.FN - 1,, Fur partteuttra And
enquire ..f the untionlanod. at
1 10. ulbro , of Goma.. I , tilltster, lAn., en iirant otrort M.-
11El: EVIT %la thlN,tl NI VFW!. t'ural I, Ni'l,tafo pato „ ugh. ~,,,,,,..,,,,,, ~,,,, ~,i, ,‘„,,,, „, „,,,,,,,
own n 1 .0.1 4 . 1... r., The 1.41 , 0 , ins, eta.. nf Jerennalt ha ~ ~., N p a ,,,,,,,.. E a ,,,,,, a t {hair etheoe. 1. Ihran.
Ath,...1 t ..... ....htlon. t Lao .4 Itlo Itrotheno And rateraitto , Ingham taa'S m.hogs a. FATttN.
yln di, of 0.ra...0hm., lo truly wonderful'
. ~,,,-, LET—one ii"... and 1.. d Ideated ....,
14.1.....0.1 lIIVO, [lainilhon e ,, .. Net , ::.• Zoe. . ~,
on Itodfunt Am, Sraratta tl ant, I,r torn, ~Llo ,
.1 to 'P.I , --la a, 'lr. I tat:• the lito•rit of ado vet, ran aopl) 0 , 10.81,41 N. 1.11 . 115, AIV .....,••
111 tilo !-'nolll I hay...loera, fn., the .soe of hr. St Ittare .1.,V, 2;4 I.tla , rtt ot
Bohan, or ;Vial c 'ha, I a 2.• procirsusi 1.1 that wriihis - '
.„,,,,,,.. r.„.,,,.,,,,,.,,, tri Ma, laat . . Th.. .stark cra. Intl, L'Olt SALE—Ti”. ..olnsritner offers for =17. ;
--, l' ,ntie s Ins, and ..11 twilt Leek Douse. with nee
horrif,ing lo me, flo ere of totr rarnils•A•sy broth. , wow • ~,,,-.. ~,, „f ~,,y,,,,,a.itta a l sanstoslinurth atreetss , •
.I.tar-. hal .1,1 of Cansonincirwic l'lrill afilletwl with '0 1i n ,7121,;f11..0A,. a mt, o f w ! adtyw_jcaosmakot ,001* on ,
.all, all We,; , , ,, feats, , of tho disco., 1 halt Sixteen , . the let of APPiI hew , .
In, ...nub. sn,l eapsworwhsi . gnat deal of Mescal, haelli :
Ac.n. Alto
with .
.7 d .r eld ri rab .. l: f l ,‘ ,f
i irscst ,..t ts. , k .. ser th,r, lng . .o . s; t r .. Fnu,r
Scssr. wren. (Sins In the side sett altrat- mid chill, altar. i .,,,, a ,,,,„,
',wtm. with insinsvi bcist . Ms, a tot of montul 10 fnet 11 Inaba" by 1M fiset, saint.
I oz. nuchk the -.ars al o shilfol physician. from the log the nsicle .. ..of • i„. . , %.Tom i te Ir ., t Ir. der
. I a1...,: t 1.!' n
thus. I was taltWn ...irk until ghoul ccit. weeks sdnee. twin[ '''.::.,,,,,41..."2,,,h,i.,,,r,.. nn r4l •
tbs. Alsoct heirless, and or friemte ern s or cam •-lt is nyw certain that the Plank Roast will he ,melee
!posies, pant least la: ..I any ph ylocian,
acivicsnl past the ahoy, miserly earl, 111 II? . "aut.. sYmtni"r• for
the cs - . 4 . octar , Bah.. of Wild Cherry 11•111 cont tn. T.T. 11 . 1 Wlfw-mstsm• apply Si DA% 1D BEELY.II, fourth et
rw.l. claw tin. first chwerthwl emir - w-siitf
I.lsw his,. co, tech, fast:n.l a , .trot romnoice..l achniw - - ••• • •
csa nn. II ;.• n1.....r.1 Ir Yk lit. tr. ,6, I miaktnrnf ...1 talk. .VOll ItENTOR SALE—TiIe ..utbatritner ttff.;
n.. it
I .
I...nina , an n ,..... ..a.t on tn... se. I.• 1,111 the will pallor rout his tor) cleslrahle Cwcnter , fly" i... 11
' ".""".'""'
" ""'
' Alrio ' • ' :. Al .tst i t ' iL " '" ii . :f ' T. t . ' i l. :,.. ' !:, ' . Jrl:::h,..V.ln
' Y 1. " 0 " .. ' . j" ' .5...r ..'".' I .tall "'"""".. ' ''"' I tarot cloale Icrio;4rilina. iv ranl ' :•te noler. Tlcere tr s
bac...ltem P or hott.-. of ths mash, sas. 1.4 !OM tOD•ii•ut ~,,..
shible. and tossl water on the groutala.
~ sell gssras th +all J Ell EMU. II IA: It lc it. which conitc=lee two awes- •ell lmcrol. f1 ,,,,, .. 1 .1.1 0 •••• , r
. a . description of fruit: shwa II .mini how.. And snick.. honer.
0 0 4 4 4 ' ' . 4 : 4 - P w ' 1 •h W•P .Irocinst .1,1111. IMIIIIAIIT.
e w a. 0 a 4. c ej • .. . , r.... e lan ~., ,
, . . .
, ,' ,' - • ~....r.l, ,t a
.. -
' s '
5 1 1 olt LEN T-A , two story Dwelliag 7.fft•
'''" o "• P '`' — ''' s'' ht Jul. 1 ''''''''' k ` 4 1 4 ,tuner „It Hay nt*et. Knquitr a
..ta . ,e...r..f I,cpbm I eharaner. vs ti
hlsh Is, no , ma ssrr mt. , ' JAMES DALZELIa to Water at, 5r5 . ...--
1 clebclitansl eat.. when.,. tic. folloising winter. 1 sow to,
i , " wci , • sc''' ,. '",•,• • hWb r`W"'w 4 "ll" 1 . 0.0" an ”.." yOll SALE Olt ON PERPETUAL LEASE
teat .n. I . n .,.... cos thc• spiswronm of • m o tW l Liw , ww , witiih - —1 will csall for rash. or on perpetual lossr, one tut nn
1 ~,,. I 1„1„,,,i 0 ”,,,,,,,,,,0, e o n,a......aisetoratcsi a wrrat 'sun .1001.'_1 hat fmnt by 100 faal to hiving allay. cal
: chal. sta. a.. trauhled comb mill het and night owes... 1 CT . 1 74 . 1'1;' .1 ir1 i h .,0 5r , wn 1 ,1:= ,. .. , tinzi. k. , , , , ,.. - . 0,,,... : , 1.. . , ,,,,,
.i_. ,--,,, sstsat 10..4 tom oaf Imma I ":".""wl ' isp ' etim Alley. helm/ 261 Gael on Liberty. by 7&0 0 .71stpcic.a
in tios •twh, misict.ily tinting under tho En. 114114. . until 011, Ala . , 1.500 fr•rt fr.nritm ou Fsrunson carom. inctu.-
. 4 a „ oa „ . ~,4•,.. when I 5 .,,,,,,,, i,,,,,,,i ~iyh /,..,.. m y destaly 1411wany• the Q.t..' Railroad taint. awil motainum
1.1 co..ret... IlMaischtf 3 JAIII- , VII t IIA.
i frismls isspoinsi of my life. Aral my ishy cartons thought 1
'h."' rm LET—A large 51ansiiin How.° with
I t? 4 f '"'' I At soles of Land attached..itmtnd at InAland
too 1 odor otrramoton,.. It :wry I. Wu', odd I na. HAM'
R. JONI-to J t.
Jotorodnod to quit taltino no- To LIT T 1 '• Three Story D'velling
dot. pr....rd.,' In plo and WI W l+tarn 141
onto of tt tol Cher,. tool (mot tho Loot wrod, that I eon-
Inoto'rll Into , tt Inn dot^. Jg.lngt , twr's<Flr- ..In - dant., no to ant ateheo..dt thr r
nod tO ois month... the end of which tint. I war ear. oon , on the •lot ,•f lt,tore of
11101 ecdo,ol .vol heart •o Anon. and tin...full) n- - -
na tho Ilaoant to on tit..• ofnlcnd wath r! i i LET—()ix , r. Story Poik•k Hon,. '
o,r 1013,, and otod du to ill.. onnmenong its no. not 4 r „.. t , n
/•• 4j. If two or din. Icath. do not rno t Innol Item Inn. tlodutre ..f 'II" .„..„
cre. tot I boo , . Jou, and I have no &Joh, rah, Joll , WATT A 1,1
""' '". 1." *" Ma"....ti I 4 NOlt lii: \•1•. The Store. lls Market 77'. -
lonith a- I hot.. lo.n. Re:n.010113 . your,
, otroet. the aorond door (nun the odner of Martel 111,
JtISEI II JA"' l.. `• and 1.11. rt, onooda. houtronion umen-the I. of AnollooLooo
neat Inquiry of
nottlllnt Penn ot.
ttmt v'try roorrotient
1 Ittt ELLIN° 111111S,S. cos Ain! :t a 1.... ;I:
roof neat,. Ontlthtleld. Poueseion olven•ln the trot
ot Aprn mot.
Aloo. for one nr noon. 1 . 1.1 . 11. AbilllT large Tara.
Loo ou and near the Allen:lone ither. In the Ninth Ward
Irourth at.. near wood.
r...t.0 nkislnbAnn klent.Y•
o. . I 4. •-•,.
TI S fork , — - I Luke this oppnrtunity 011 n.
foil:nun .1 azurnt rerunrl,l,le cure Peefoeuuei ule , ”
cue 1.. the uu. Dr. ES let..f • nalennt of II hi Cher,.
Ira the , ear ISIO. Iwv taken with an Intlntnktlon of Elan
Inv/el...he I, I Inlen,l utoler her Mx week, when I Ernie oknitf
uo6 n , o. end In the fall of tall I aft stunk,' with '
r ,
Ry,:s. : T.
ter• re eet.l. ...and noel! Mammy 100 gs. wad far the 4 Olt owmg proper- 4 „.
three room t .o.....otlftlit•i to ray loot I tried all Ilan am Rr not Ito
v " "Y " i Sit ME!' d' ti Market hmt
target. hrtvorn Thirti arid Fourth ott •
nt .ml thito.l weart.ol along until the ettnet o• o ' tuitable fur Dr) Conte
""" ".. "'" d t' ".6'n of told
Cher', MYrln la'n7L!'rle'r.l::ltn'll'erefitPA7t.loVVlTC:in=7tc... end
."" .tr‘d.11?..4,.' Lill A large atnlrrourroirot WALING ' l3Ol/SK In bud.
up all ltepeatd neaaery. And had Prrtiara , tnPna`f 1 ..."• - `' neon part of -the city.
elan, of atter r enrid. Through their aoliettathato I rolt rowation of the Inregoing can i.e given on the lot of
14 , 1t...1 to make non et rho genuine Wider). Dabain of AplLlnesb
a Fol ALL STOKE on Mini %tn.. neat door to tha
Watt . t bet r, • The 'lb*. truly Aft ' i Gazette oln,w. Pteetnoton given immollatelv.
three ,can 'of =Mellen slot outlerin .. and after harlot: I FOIL MALE—An unexpired Erato on the Waxhoutoe. nn
entail ban- or flee hutelnel dellart tr; no purr., amt the Tl li-,r rd wr o m trezt A . , ter , heretofore tor uplod by the lota Mr A. Keeled.
et atel neat oelentable Pn" ..l E. D. GAZZAM, IPA Farad Arent.
if,t. 1 toot: eo , m fettered to entire lie /4 by th e bleating of tool or to 11. M . C.014311CK. Thinl ntreeL
t'troiatel thy Dr. 05tar't Italtaatt of Wild Cheati
May the bletetutt red uto.althe Witt at L
4 1 0 I t RENT, a Two story Frame House
o medictur M batter liolonuard Wild Pharr, o , a l pod, j oo ttat ow, w i th two totvooo , on
ford ttntet. Ward t ondloinittg,L. m.
It It Kura. For term, apply to BORIS/N . , Ll LE d CO..
IDA Liberty greet.
.S•sil 1,. J Is /. 00. Vidal:dont A Park.) Fourth
LET, the Store Room No. Ina- t7l
Cinrionon,Ohin,Oeuend Agent her the '
South end Moot to alma° all enters mutt be atlan•onol ,
Kel.l It A Pit hte,u.ok Ct, J. A. Joneo, E. lof 5 , V ,,,,,,... ,111 „ ,.. ;_ :,:.: ,, uA1 ,3 nzi1. , 1 , 1t A ztw A 1t , 1 ,. 1J ,A. Mir , i , .
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 13v i• Al!'it'itbA7reorn".'4ll;.ty, :7'..dt
.."*."*"'" ""'n"..
h .? fi . N . :l. '" :ltrlYa n =gl, sift Iw put Iv its wwu
Sou II raltigdem Mr* Orr, Ilellidayoburg:filer.
MU, brood A Pe, . Indiana: J K. %% right. Kittannina(! Po...wooden given the Ertl Of February.
/aunt A Po, Ilrookrille: A tt tbon A Son, IVlonetiburip I Enouire of Of W. W if aunt...E—
MeFaralnd A Pe. N eolleteler. Mtadrille: Burton Co ja: Corner of Market and Fourth otreeto
liralAelst A Yorker, Mereet, James Kelly L. Co, Dub •
lon South. Beaten 3.0 Sumaterten. Warren: F. 1.. dC .
S. Jon,. I ooderstoe, I'. Creoker. Jr.. Brotontrille.
Partner Wanted,
PERSON having a thorough knowledge
of the Millinery . In all Its losorhot, and
Tootling to heroine • partner in an retabliolied Latina.,
ran boar * Wean.. 1•y applying at this ofttro.
N 11. Ne tatatul 011 l he revittrot. teld2tf .
141111 E t:AN A L COMPANY—The Stork-
I jr4 .f the Frie ratial Company are bomb, .notb
i Mot that the Auttual elertlett odDintrtorn for the entail.
ear. 101 l hail at (hair °Moe In Elie, nu the (dot Mow
dot in Morris next. nt o'nlnek, v. a.
Ily bl the Pnlndent.
WM. . lilt Fib SW?
Coral orn,r, Erie. Fel:
d M.PAlLTNF..itsiiii ,- vve have this day
uMlolth no In die COAL BUSINESS. Robert
It Them,. The ate le will be kinown loon..
teninalds ANDIttAr. Et:WIEJ, I, It',.
F :("PION WATS—Vie Taniteharisen
believe, ,t riot Celnuthitthingiti, Frieport
1 mrid Albert. at itittolatroh. will lot odd nu utddlration to
.10111 M Bat.. Pina rF ADEN k Cll.
I rebid Canal ta:rah.
._ _;.~:~.:.d. _: ~w.~..
For Sale.
TILE SUBSCRIBER aro" for nale the
following valuable uniprily to Allegheni
r ~ r Tb., three stun' Brick Hour, 5n.1.1.0t. by 110 lirL
(nailing South Lainano, our aocupbia
Lin. •
w IIL .
tru slory , flrieli Hour, and Lot.'-'7 I.y 110 fret. (roil ,
th Lonnn...n, nue oiruple.l by Frank Johnson.
r vacant Lot. runwrUth Comukon and 'Middle alley.
hy 110 fnet,
I'l,e vacant led, on Bank Lane. earl shout 21 by 04% IT
0, Towpath nf
Alan. an PitOburgh. a Lot with Frame Building...M
, Idly
er Lt etroo, riesrklarbury, IO by 110
4rt of led N... 34, ifell.l.,lotl
VOR RENT—A small frame cartage, with
. 4 rocuie on Bret them morn and kitrhen in
b.aertnetit. 2 mall nom in gam,. arab a large Jordon
and !oven! fruit trene,.l err, deeirable maiden°, fnr •
aural fatally. eitnatnd near Minererllle. given
Alen. Inr .mall Tn orient, for rent.
Al.. Innate II Into ' fnoting on Ilaurork etre., and
fronting on Term.. tae,
felf3l,lm ..r II P Cant. env. of Market and sth Its
Desirable Residence for Bale.
Bare Chance for Capitnliits and ffiannfac
111 undersigned beingrigent,for the 0wn
...1.4,110, for Pale • nmher or tmen luta 10 the. Poen
K u
i••lllion..Edark cmtnty, told., with out lot, and 'mall
parcel, of 1.01 ailm g luin and neat the town. Maecillon.
billng altuated DO the Ohio Canal.aml the Ohio anti Penn
gylvania Railroad, now nearly ccMl ,lll : l 'd. W . 1 .. th-urb
i,.. (h.- teal ratate allorde, pram, the brat opportuu ty
lately r in g
o . to person,. who may wilill to eugage in man.
ONO / Wring of alumat any
1 ,, g. 41.4.c1 - 44Ph. The abundance...l
cheapuerd of all Mr imam. of Ili u tbo mpply of vv. lor
fuel for 'deem power, the great quantity of wool brought
to this market, lin well a• the tiailltica for transport/Mon.!
to mur th in 01... of the
13/0/A clealrolde pranua for elabli•liing tumufartureo of iron.
Wool. Cotton. Indeed of all de•crlidilloc which 'P... ^ft''rd
ed to tho %,.I,ru count,
Several tuiproved farm.. in the enap of the Canal and
itailnad. an. al•oolrenal—a toot of 40 nest. of ...leut 1.01. Mug between the Canal and Railroad. and
alamt half a mile from the letter. 0 lot of 0.01 eeren
.rce..ipoluing the itailneul Pop, along 00 0 lode of which
the tract letc.ner. and on Iwo cute, Orr , . , 11 tlsrio.o. 11..
~.j k.,...rx mid merchant.. Will AL/ Well I. look Pt Ode 10-
1 I ,, re they purchseal ri•ewhen, .1
The pieollon of MK/dingo, in ter heart of NO agricultural
egio, not nurge•aed 11l
once, the count*, 1, 'lll woll
{mown that It Ig deenool nnnary to do more than Fader
to A to twill, all who, rich + t. look. goi.l in•retmento, to
I ea ll and, thla proto., . Title lialPpiliaide
an d
r long rmlit givon if ilennal. Wu. Androw W. Lgannia d
Jechito Henna. ,e,.. of Pitteldir,h. will give information
T . and any enoo/1.., Will 111 en•werel 1., a,
pheation to Thom,. McCullough. Kent Jerrie or the 1 111 l ler
atoned at Mic‘eillon. 11WICIIT Jail 1 111
Ma , .111.05. del. 1 , , 'Ol. febilowd.
- -
m lS.—The fast, run
ulna. new Ara, ASIA. Captain J. F.
d. will leave for the above and all Intl.
o ". P.
1 . 620
I di.lendid new tleamer GLACCUO. Cartj,El7 , 4
t.t.lwrt will leave for the shove sal all into,
mediate iort.. nn tha 1t0t... 11 10 &clerk, a. a. •
For f 0.1.10: 1 1.1. 1 3 .
light 43-aught .Steamer PARIS. Smith.
tniater. will leave for the clove apt all inte
toollate pawl. %I . ..dn.—day, the thAb Inv,. at 10 A. M.
F l frelllo ~
oon r
wage a4oly on I.oard or to
(I 11 .1111-TENBERGEL AO.
dcanter N. 4 r 14: ATOM CnP , W. Donn.
yr al I, , nve fr and nil Intennedintr
pnrtn 110, du, al Ino'rdt,ck. For freight nr Inin.a4T Xll'
, frldni
yoR NASHVILLE. The splen-,
.141 .tnnsnt, POET PITT. Millnr. utast,' -f
t I Innyn for 111..3N - ore internteiluite port,
. the. ill', At In nielprk. A.ll
For freight or e,...npv...re1• , • Ar 4 - re,h 2 i`
POlt ST. LOUIS—The splentli4lL ,
not 44Arger 5C11V1 . 1.14T1.1- 51rtrnhall.' ,j
illnlandr gill Jilt... tor Aleire ft.! Int,
nittfinte pnrto on Stounla, the 2. , 111 et 4,r.
For freight gr APO rn b^." l .
NA S . lIVILL E. The I,t, _
• riiimitiA i hi VA. Capt. Willow:
n 'll Inave Inr the Ante wed inn-run-00e tonts,
. •
thi..lny at I I. 11.
nrwl) ^n lnnnl. hi lL
14 1 0 It N N ATI & LOUIS
Tito ..nut, DAMS.
zmwtt r. 1,1;1 Intn. nt•w , nw.l intenwnlintnr
11.nda>. ,Ith nt lo s.
In tw,nuty. npols OIL lo.anl. 114
1 4 1 0 R. SAINT lOU IS The ;Iv .
k twx -tram, EI.ITOII.
awww.n..l will Inrt. r tut.r,
Innitate 1 I lii
tio , rowi4. 41 to •
Inkr frti,lit pw,..nwt. I I T.l to
I, El if 111 1.11:,
I‘ olll NEW llkt 1. M:.l \5---9'h:•
tttt in
° V, InlOot appll ..1.
11.4 . !(11: Da - ,
I 1.1 1.1.1 1.1, in .1
ro - ..411•11.• ,•••rT• cls /rid, the 111111
~ 1 • c : ct ,
t• 1.11
I ilolt ST, IP( Th.• ,1•1‘•11 , 11E1
• t • u • rAral••
;I— t ,
.a. 1.,•
I Ith
•nuA.r +llll 1-
Ikr31•• ,4r). m
] 4 ' 4 ot; CINCINVI.I,OIISVII,I.I . .,
g - Doi I ,
I, Al'
..,~ „~'i ~mtrru,..~,m. p:r . ,m gym. n.,
m 4 M.
idtd N'M'd 61.12
1;1.. 14V, 1.1 V ERPOOL ,
1t I. M ,11.1..d.-11...
... a r L. 1a..., rti, and
ti l'it
Fnr •
..r n 1 ,1 • 1) nu
tr(11; NASII V 11, LI: —11.•
R •ter.m 1.1.. MI,.
I. I. at.. th.
themint. nt 4r.•
For freo.iti '11.0,, apply on loan!
L , Olt ZAN ESN' I LLE —Tho tine ,
"...I' ttt2ti
tinw,retekot mull!a CIIN AI.. Cennetl. man- •
Nro non pm-oine Into rmininr tri-nontkli triltn betnnt , t
thin elm anti Whetina. Inset.; htttlturith lit o'clork
emtry NINA. W.-Int-day at
Yr... owl relenting.
Ittneett Wheeling mom Tunotlay. Thurnane anti antnnlny.
tu eat
week. For freight nr nn iota.. or to
mil 4 AIIMSTKONti 11167.1tht. Mat.,
CINCINN kTI. Cato.. JtAtn
Intilnehnin Tht• ....tend heat Imo built I
the to,,nern t.l 11. to. tuner Inane Newton.-ftel ttiloon.
the nod Itlttelturph rocket trade no
wit' teal ,
rrrY Wettheoley for Cincinnati. In plot , of the Ittent Eng
land No. ..L For tali:lst to tatentre. apply tm hoard. or to
mr.3, It. lillt.TENIIKII(tEll. A,ent
tonr, Tuna.. 4 .clort P. v.
For (might or apply on botthl. hr
I.C. DI , prenn.rml o, mM. rontrset. ndue ont nag.•
on urroinulAntin: n-nron an.l at very In , . rtnP. ..rnnut
)I!I l l !' ;.TY .1 fit.
Pittsburgh Transportition Line. I
7 . . , t , A I .. l.' i tt Ir. t1!...s 4 . . t 4..6 . I, . t tut,tl 1t...i.t, I'll,lml - wit
tattl lT'l . .)', t
tit '.-
1 I.ttl„t, jt . trl:;. ' l• l •= i r '' l l ark .ll.' T. ,ll! ; r..:
hut •, 111. itt.dt.thhtt. .
tethth h. at, 4 t'. t . 7.. ttlfirtlt , h.
II .‘ V , I NI; I tilly t..thittltti...t sour h.ritt1it
burgh, 1ia1t.111.911, l'ittlarlairltia. Na . xurh. P.. - .6..r.. tltn• ,
rlnnall. Loalrittllr. Elt. Louts and all rhakttvd awl We., at 4
tar ra. and .Ith mole ttliqta -h and rare than anr tAlt
4. Mar. AN W•./. RIIIPIa ., br , " Lia a a ' Nib ' ..0" "'
tir In.htranct...trithttut all char • tot t ,•ro. u pr. - A....1i0n I
not really alltonlytt hy any othrrr ....
All crruutaltirat thlklrrt.... ht our:trivet , or to.tetta.
Hall 6 1'.... Cit.-toroth: K. lVt.lttt. I.l,uhyllte. owl lame 6 1 ,
thavrr.o. r.t. 1.nut...111 meet .611 pr.ottitt attehtton
Ztirt , , It thtr Ita.. , th,t,lttlt.llltrthates, .116 the '
iShilaartaltht aatl Ihttrblirgh Tralt,t.ttlatlnv L., ..1 A.t. :
I.•ltito ,
S 5 .1 -
hltrchalits' TransportstiTri7Lne,
(iv s ITN ,Nj., •\N.!.
' l oli Pill LA N.:1.1'111A
~• oat . Canal Pron
.11' , 5 , 1:. L.,.trt!l 11r+4.1 etn mil. Phila.
pn-penq 11 0 .17, mumunt mrreltandln
of t.r •
Mcntur.• to PI
II 1!..• 1/...t.
eunl t .trtztl
t 1 .,,. ,-r-rt
To Canal Boat Owners and Transporters.
Np E , i.h lur the tran.r.o-laui,n
T tuv It.
... .
S 5
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &u.,
rms .1..
E . • • • r•Mk.
1)1111..11 , LPIII.\ .tN 10 N I
Joas ..lutr•s.•
It .$c ••,•31:z$ Prnars iveoln
Lttso a• 1... .... 6.11.14 i r
muctt $ an, 1.'"".
.1011, k
1, , J•4131 M . Flulen C. , 1
Cava! Bann, Prllll Ser., t.
Pennal Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
T HE subwribers hat lug L ee/ appuint.l
rhwrrt lnfo
r m a m . e u r ; he
n ath l w n that lenw,
um: C tar u e t d r
a t dic or produe tor ahipmtut mot
ov t e e ntug
of the rant&
lu. route .111
marled thmugho
nd nartgam.4l to u.. 111 he forward , ' fr.,mulatto
lon ur fr wirance.
• 11 ATI, or rarßar rrauo , 1.1111,1.2P13 ,to 1111111,..11
Dry Goo!, Bro. Drolio.Station, , . l,l . 4 y ,l % , n l r ,
, lousty. Fruit, Brother, Yuman,. cr.
Saddler,. Wool, ke 1.1.r0 39 too t
Harlan,. 12ur.trx•ri.. tirreree, I An,
Lostber.clo•or, Flo>, Timothy ou , l othor urn Nevlß.,
tK , r le
Boom, Bror. Bork. Butter, Lord, Lard Pork, riL Totacer LOat.
CAlnet. Lliox, Ortdu aml UR
Marble (rough, Tat, E T t.
jan,YO NA. ? 16 , 1
)I...BADEN C0V01.15
ISAIAII DICKEY & I'll., Awnts fir Mr.
„I, .I,siii., In. ~, , r 6.- bo , - In. I, .AI-. • f .11,11,
lola , loon - nen-4, woorantol Il :4,1101.1,, 11, %Imo. Mail
VrfAO_ flo. 0.10
U ATTING—IO halos superior, for sale by
".. I. W r , A
. --
( , OTTON—III hales for sale by - - ---
‘,, foblo ISAIAII DICKEY A 0,1
di , OTTON 11.165-,—.10 dor—twilled, for sale
1, I., SeiliLLs si il IE
Q , Ei i ARS-10, 0 10 Principe. for sale by
i - , 1.-5111 31f1:11.1, A our,
B UTTER -I hblo roll,
, , i ,1,, foclNl.
In loAn 11 ,, 1.1..41, I,
1,1.5 S. F Ill' B. 'S:, lIOIIST .4 Co
t)LAIN BLACK ti I L o.l—Mußrur
IltntrOliffo lutTo rorvirrol Nor, 1011 sOrl'lS of .t. , ,'
darntto, ono oil at low, Ot. tl.. to , an
cni , mlly *old at; .1,0, Marl, nod Ilroro.lo olg, of
n0w..., As Irot
1 RI P GINIII-1-ANlS—Mtirphy Burr;Uield
■ tm+, nn hand n inter Pr, Ir.:Ern,. ItRR
nn , yelho t]
p ,a von, n-Incr. 1
and unrtr
lila Y ll
nun ;on anti Muckhorrio ,
rot !o lo the, , ma Let, 'tr...., itht their ..rLttnnl
Ah... PL. rth Ph,n• but t the -tun , m. 0.... r
torn "r
ApPLI" 1 . 0
. 1 : 1 Jo, „.‘, Seeds
_ay nr ths lt,t nun!,
just retUled, pure
I-4 (6" a and
I , 11Illi
up ' for WVI. 111 LL A co.
L' nutrk an, tAchsu,
11 . 4Y1GS.lNIr RAISIN`-1411 btat'S
s I ralnl .on
A rt ,, , r 0110 R h KIRKPATRICK.
Llt OIL-15 bI,IN refined Winwr,
it . , for tnla LY I.nCtt , Ws MAKER A Pit,
frtn 21 Wt. tl etnvt.
EIAPER-11)(1 reums Wrappin ; :,
I n„ tht ll•rtts.., •
I,nale I, (.4. , J...P t I!•
~ILDEirscustitoNs_.ln, r.
6A tor r
r RI
111.1.1:BS, fr,t. lot
hand. and hr Fair
rplo nn a
.1 LIN,
LAZIER'S DIAMOND:'-1 doz. for sal•
11_1 1 ( by Ib.S J *
FACTUREA4I , N o. South E.ou:ind &not. .th e e
ot out Mo.) Philadelphia. (
99. 11.1 9 / 1 11.9f
RN. 9.
Y. WOODWARIrr eiZ2Vlhole
lade Omen, No.2.'n Markel en., PlilbAlell.lll.. oP4)
J.. J. arcznot WAWA. /I •
TA G. 11.C.01110• J. A. W.LENJW.
COmmlosion 3144chan14, No. 41 North Water greet.
.'n. 10 North Wharven, Philul4oooth soul
T0 E . 8 . 0 f i .
.8 .,.
h t .
t, A N . ,, T h
, E ho L , (;) , , Gc n i elf L , I n
d C o .t ri i v :Li f•- ,
old: an torodromentr of Prxther oeorrollr- tith o '.oe 4 n
W. POINDEXTER & CO., General
,• Comouintho. sod Fnroardlor Man
nrchtoand Flour
Berk Nn..211. Market Won. Itilladelobia. ir2.5
_ •
To Southern and Western Merchant&
The subscriber respectfully invitespublic attention
extensive .tre.k Perfumory.foam Shaving
. Crearna.
se.. to which Fever `ilver and two Goblet, Medals have.
the hot ma year*, been awarded by the In.titutes of
N.. York. Moron. and Philadelphia. the latter being the
out( Golden )ledals ever awarded for perfumery either. in
Ernie or in lid. country.
P.mstirs Uosirttun uatuen Clam.. (Almond. Rom
aaA AnAMSts.l.)l/111.1.1 . Fa11y aelatavrledra
nib :baring Cream in this country or (unto. •
,1,P11,e rrlt
r ¢—Vgsettifullr transparent. an
rs ' ;‘,;:!..n 'i , ' e's } .22l..Z ' ;;; " % " i;n7Utranr.o4. ,th sr `' iltfor
ry Sharinu.
ot , E;;Toil . rr 3ltlleOturs. Bou-
Tet, ntok. Patchothly. Ontribus.
t"Town, Olive itil.‘Vinthor. and Citranlau.
STRA,, vat Tilt Ju-noin, Dow
,Ole, brat, evd many
~i).er varielle, in mats diarrent. Portuute ,
TolUt W orer,--Flrdida Water. Eau de ToiLette t Oraoce
lw. r Water. awl • frmat variety of Colognra att. Ltt , eP"
der It at., • , . .
Pal PO.,TION re. tux. Benrr . OH.Antlgue
Pundolan, Eau I.onral, oirtue. Compound Ox.?, U ' p loo loond nod in powder. and l'hilonolue.l4el-
nme. nml Jenny daud Porkuoin,
Otnyt ttuor I.e.r.rpmAnous-11.1tanne Elixir. .liw Teoth
Pa. .. Chu:void Dnutrifice. Odounu, Tooth Pasfe.und Tooth
Co•vr.l, Vegetable Cosmetic Ainancline f.r
rtinppiel hand*. l'edd en.nm ~f I,,r.l7resim de Puree, Lip
Salve. I , , , errY Crram ye
I , epthitery I,portiere. for resunvins.; etsperdlifitle hair; Pearl
r. Viimigre ,h; Rom,. Arrinnite Vinegar. Viet.nria
Ileir e4;11, le,hlee a inertvariety •.1
.41e.r nruele.. nmneraue 1,, be ;mu./ in (hit who-tie...-
Tim• mibmrihrr botaa to maintain the reputation la hkh
t his
f. 4.4mhbohmtnt haa era utmd. ht - divoVng of nothing
timt and will .ba furtaah
artmtuar n.b palm:ll,lnm. anther
or retail.
.m ata... t talla mmia a. any establi,linmot In the l'onati
ZA% I Elt HAM:,
Macm.aar to and form, Dirartar of tin. 1,0.0 t-story a(
Mr Itamn*: for /.1.. I.y all the principal
Drug., In tht,lannetrY•
- -
A. • A. &G. A. A.RIiGISX,
y enrnur of Dunn , , tre..t.. atone the Irving Hon,.
%nrk. n.perttully mein. the ettrntion of trtrag and
It,. pub. tn their Jun.orttnent of tv. , r of
the ornint psttern, *duet, they are prepirnd utak, up.
In Ti,, la ma nn, and tun 4 fanhinnside ntylr, at their
u.ual nenlernte prim, Frond, Cloth, Ca_ndrnere. and Yea
nf 10/nt ug,ttationg elegant light+ilk. V•nt,
dark s. . do nen wittrra hull , Euil.roiderien
an. thw .ktllf 1114.1 , 1 , entglo,nd In till , ...tablifinent—
no, 111 CI. MAT,. OPP rut PANT: , , and cue to rut
WAJ,T1 . 15.11,. I.nch &it:111, in r0M5.1.... In
AI:M u.
Y n' ' , AN If made In nntor, with +wea
n, and de, path. and in the turnt approved:
Sunnzern who trait thin If 111 Ind at thin 4,1.11,-
1101 m. every thing to th., wad p Most perfect tit
WAISTI.YIATS.—Tber, clamatno.afAtroat...
that w. r.• w trket.•l, . Gunlett. hate. bw.rt
tin of the American [anal.e at
taw Fair. (AB:1m.
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
A • Stair, NEW tillEK. if , 121,W npening one .of
t nail rieheat inuortnaruta of SPIIINti AND
SUMMER SHAW I, ever lead.. reiMiud. Aim, LACE
NItbLIN and all kind. of SILK' MAZiTIIcLA.S. - tnanufaetu.
0.1 Duni the Istria Parta faihiona, neeteul by the Firm:lcm
awl particularly adapted to the trade.
Alan, a eery oplimdid pluck of PARA.:U.ILS AND CM
of fringed and plain edged cotton
and rtlk and Took tin • 501,101,, end Cotton and GM,
ham Umbrella... All of which will he primal at extremely
low prin., W. cupeclally inclla mir,AVeritern friends to ex.
airline our 'dock before purrharing.
Abu, Wlltlt SHOW tZTANII.4. Um exhibiting Shawls Ind
put up In ...afar traimmirtathin. lebilitf
- C. B. HATCH d: CO.,
!AVElnow in store, and are constantly re
be at.estnera, them.. extertflve.sortment of
esuen . . InittNISIIING GOODS eye,. before offert,l,
embraeinv the late.t and riehent Fllea CraraLs!Shirts.
tllorea, gooier, Suaperalers. Under Garment& Loudon
rte, Sleek, Oiled Silk, Ifreffiglng Omen, Hatullterrhief,
Slu.olarr Brace, Linen Collar.. with s reriety of other sr,
1 r
porulLar to their line
oof burin s., All of which will
I* ...hi at very Inw,,t prim, ur Western frlvotln at,
In, tte.l to •-az.ntine our /stock fel.scl3m.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
lONE'S EMPIRE INK, Ki Nassau street,
41111 - 2, TO 2112 2T.A1 , 17.
i.ll 1. 01. I.OT .102 SO 10
v o r• ice, 1.,.
NI lir:ll32lA. pot. rota,.
Ti,!.!. thl. artEle untoofartured I for«ly-
Cork IN INK—Rua trill not rnrrotto. untukl.
, M1,1,1.11' or .1.11, . all the qualztiox req
t.e. a Wrluot: Ink. kotnahle for the and al
telapted for the Steel Pon.
'I I, under,ned 1- prounrod to furnish to the trlvle
Ih.r for est...rl or home rnositroptton. at Ow ahottll lore
tolt ae ton. onion att.l done. rod la any part
tho el, fret ..f eller,. No ellen., for Itairela
or ke t aro rhart,l.oatra at nett
TilElltrOlLE LENT.
13 Nassau PL. New Sprk.
No. 19 Numril etrett, Neu. York
XI AM:FACTURE and have ,tor sale on
0 - .7ANT.Y'II:7!,T .Z r
mr.tod "
C. nott•
15 E10. ' 1.1., 1 . 41110 toll
-non. Ltvtalt.Carount.o. nrol
II •r•... tlotit, Suton.' Ind Tra,..lllt,
Mot. t .41 N44,4' Lt.ltt-n ttc om ,
artor, Ihnn, futon-, 1. It ler, Kurt.-
Pntent Prouot tw VIM.,
Tat.. LI!, ast t o
rt. Cnthtunt.
ditto-. Or,* W.. 4. n .n.l Bolt 1'1...
Ito- It, lelo.
I Ord, r 1.117,1'n.
Marphy's•Self-Sealing Advertiang Envel
V. 263 )1.\1651 rs ST.. NEW YORK—
i The 'mt...., al —.On,: ontmrano of all r
mat tht• to, (.4.1- Itnt
..1....1. 4 Imo • ... r the t.. 11.11... 11... tnr.o.•hto. thou ...ttt.orto.ritt
yowl nil ~,,, end ~..tilt tonitron.
and n. 1.11: .uorotontn i ., " 4
it , ' f .17..vrtro, nn(-In of the rc.n...ton. fot their Itnin
\Sl a :r
~ c etc:rdlD.
oou nl.l a ug.• r..l.lsriug
•11,pr wan talr tr. k. 00 . 1 thallt.
• Ith. I lal-carna, af ktter. Ittpurvalt•
4faila-tlial.: tt.rm to tPt watlcr. katr,
load:pt. Iho IS .01 1.01(4',..1,140, forra•Lptl at altntrt Niw.
port U.:O tra, the at..•a1t..n.1 all tk.iagh Laud. tt
t. rh.. lipt of WI,. for 11; v.. t-nptravt..l
krak...o hl,ll for 3 ran - . xtuptp. at
uPta.l tallirr • hitt. a: 14.1, af
....all, ',amp. ssfArt.....
~,,, .....
f l
L4I In 4.1 ,
apa', woo lo.aa
lo 110 .
12.00 oNs
h•-n It i•
7rder, w1:1 uw•l with my:
Jtroet. New York.
i:rders will be oltorobNl onwatol,. If 1e11. , 14,1 t 1=
of Hewn, Mott. 'JO It all remet. or sr
Jerollmon J. 4N... 1.14 11 . 1111.1
N. It —Bonin... Cool.. rm)cu..4l In tvinr> frt4,3„,:..
lot, at 1110.00 ;or lbouJond.
Professor A. Z. Barry's Tricopherous,.
. .
tlkir MEDICATE') COMPOUND, infallible
I,_, 0.,. renewing. inligorathcn. a>ol lwantifriwg lbw lon ,
evutovine the newt, lamlen. awl all affections of the scalp.
and eumtig eruption:nun the -chin. dieraces of the. gi.mal, t
imecle. and thtmctoment.. and relit-110g sting.. cuts brui- .
K..ermine...M. With this preparation - there Woo .0011
-1 1• I'4l' The tint journal , In America, medical men
of she btx.lteet eminence, prominent citleans of ail P. , .... -
Mon, and ladies who have used it for pro.. In their drew-
and ounweica. admit It with roe arrocd, that Pm
Imparting l lo oo , alp, Insults:me, and curl to the hair, I
c radh-ating war( and dandruff; Ittealbm wound., curing
.Praia 'dingy. to. and erlelein dims. , of
the akin. t he 0.04 x. and the lee-.,
It hasno equal
of compounds advertised in the pub•
lot print, or tmed In iwivato practice. In chearcuent m well
m ettichmer.ltarty'a l Tritophemna I. unrlealled. The im.'
men, ales of the arthlr, ham. enabled the ineentor
to 'tipple
It at 1:5 cent , per now, *not 1,3 flaw :ia to 103 ,
ri;:17,11 1 ,7- i tro!'.'' P',„,m,rt":.l,,V. '
and the .1:10 embracing the valuahle direction , (retie e Ili
-111, and prmcreation of nature . chnkmt 071:131..1:1-. in
In whieli earb tottk ittenelmech ie alone worth the mom,.
The aelnity hetwt.en tlie membrtnea which con...Mtute thc
skin and the hair, Which draw. it,. Fxtlallf* from thio
triple eteelogc. 1; 1 rr time. All di,neee or the hate ori
ginate in the etch, the beml. If the -t,mn of the malp
rt . e o ln ' Yel7 d it ‘ i . r l ot ". o t ' nn i l.s7N - X... 1," : „ rd: t"..Ft;''"i
„,,,,..,0wn..., , ht i pact life to the three, the maul, is
~,..f. dandruff.. s et!, n / , Of the hair. I.....ravenewt. elernem.
and harahneas of , the Mantents. and entire baldric, ...e..
ex .. .... „ 9.1 .
ja4 1, i1 ,... r0 . , ,, t . 1 . 011 , 11 ,, 1 , 7 ,. t . lt; , 1 00 1:1 1 g t0 ..... te1 .. th WI
, set km with
r •ring their
aromt,, will anntlila • tire ave. In all altenion, of the
ant of the enhe mof 010,,cley and integuniente, the •
prier: , and 111, effert die fame. If is won . th ,,,,,ti n .
the tunecular hbre. an the glands. that the Trimpheron ,
Lan its epeedir action, nd to all affections, and in/MT a
these oreine. It le a colmeign remedy'. .
,c,,,1,i in l a rge hottli, price :LS 0.111, at the princhpal of.
, Me, I ' t: Itruadwar: New York. sod hr the'pcinc/Pal Meech
. ante end druAgiate throcmhout thm,enited S..
Nam an 4 CA.
nth. Itnatt, of Witter GICIT,—.:I2I wemammc b.
A at the ntnre of
54 - ittrs. b1111:1)
so MI% 00.4 APO" ,
YI brie I'lauttio'n Hal. ronprraze;
1.0 Jr Coto vir 4 r 0.
n 01 et NO F
II EATING 11t111.1.1.NOS—Wo aro i,repar Instratu. Fir beating bilge
unl ,i tHa n lii it. ton r hot hat H
L. II William, in in urrinteM
11)E. INN eil ELY.
PTO LET—itioitnn POWer for
3. .1
t "."nw nCAII'I:. A [II]FUN G. °RELY.
L.:A I IU Front hL
111 . LUE S3IALTS--1 c.auaf. for cafi.,:ly
J. betitil'iNllAKClt
1.1 - EF'D ti rerii largo isal
Ifil brill small loaf:
170 rtnill,l‘fl:
, • claret-J. tb-i ant
• .I.t fit't-ts
TAR C:LNDLES—;iO tatt , Cincinnati . V- •,.n.
IJ:in/actor, on land and for mak hr 7 OAF-St GA I—:w
(.I.INGTOIII, 6 eft
4,01111.1.1 CURTAIN t ill\r/ r,f nth
A. tut and at lout,' t: ruin. r •• • it , •it .i"
.1,1 4111.1111' a lit 0.1 It 11 , '.
!I RAT. -)‘• 1
CV?.." 111'.1`111' I II? ;L . :
Sellers' Cough Syrup in filiuois.
I I:D4 E 1 , 11:1;c1.. 3V.lakror't. cicate.
o 9 j"'ory 1 7!!")'" A "'" 4 Ph 'l' P:"11(. \
41.,•1i wt.. 6 it h.. ••
341. t• Litu Iran rlata 01 'IT .•
.I. rurr ,:rrat 11 , hi.
In r 1 ttill Ithl, a •
~..t2Lwrittkett.6utl, pint , ' ' ."
pro. , 4td - Ina mid by
by dra,[l.l-1 tencrany in the . twacitfeal'44`crdnitr. fill' attic i - ft
tubl a NV. lias8at)11:
14 littal, snriltiling a nor ankle of Wool uul Silk. to
I,kad th. sump of
•It swot & IluAltrt4l3, lorp_tgri esmlerino aor-socnt
uiro I=6N .1.11r.'"'..1 Gown
PEELED. PE ACHES-3 small lot received
for rain by jaal iv - m. nc-tizio; t 1,1
`TIDE . SIIEEIT . NGS -- Ifousekeepers, arid
Vtn•Yyreyspnit fey totnekeeptna, will nnd Mun
rby'a liurehtield • Ann, nortlncaot corner nf hkartl, and
Mayket*tenet, an muortment i.beeting 31wisno, fn.
nue t n Mina yahla wide. blrarhyd and unblrarbnl.
1111.nnise Ilu•lins, linen tableclothi. table diaper , .
I:ng drapery and mash. and bonnekeeping generallY.
nAVE RE3IOVEI) fr,in South
Ovule. sUyet.aln the new wankatratt onthe NOII7II
when thew lute-nd rot:dueling E'ittllatv;)
mall Hr taraellea, haring made et td+ arta with
revered of the mat prominent manufacturer. tlk the :late
of,Llrti , 2la h f:e. s noolar adopt,. of the Clod.. brviole. Ito
or ';l‘. •"Itord.P.uf are nd 9n:
I:elenaon nowh lia•ornl poop:1,10011w. a " ral
veVe SIA.O .o,ry deerriidion: eNIOKINtI ULM:.
t and SN VEY:, f.f all Li °dn. an,alof
Ones. r'n FINE OPt N TOBACCO. Leaf Totorro,
novo - Ilrande. All of
the. of
arvele. will le. wdl arrotamolaline
N. 11,. nvenvine: /0,000 of fan 13114/IfrEll
Pl:rsct: Eaje and it,i e ,„
DONN. urt.t A Us.
tmier,ignetl llortimaturists and &Mi
meo. t -ms London. haeine eteahl , shol then:relays lu
I a tim... ..',l_.:taLe the lilert• to Inform the uenth me
ta )4 m
1./I,e h and virity. that they w 0 .1 ,1 nut ,
tar them w,h the letolir.eartel., of On kin ten ganleue.
,nelt an the ,slot, hind, if l'oftwee. ail Lower, Broroll.
Ormeeh. t 0.,. Eeetf., f.e. :1 roll
meta tarsi. t..: v. by our trig ode pear Ledolop. It le a
fort teoll Leen:, eser, gardener tf estwrienor. that Ent
rate Ente:ieh 1,0100 Seed.. ore4nee In quantity nod
torte:mar - old, I. tier rneet than ran lie obtaluethflom the
beet nerd. thin Innate. nix remark ta nottivu.
larly opplieahl. to , he km.. named ateove. and the frk... ad
our etll t. oho., tto ,eme an that paid hen- Elr the meet
rotumon e..uth.rarn n, the dill, nue..
In Otalay.iib thenorlees.. ve - bete
whtch the editors of 1111
ilafette will prnent to eneh of their !meal,. .onwtiral pod
atan thee louow awl will ,!o thy Redo twain. r.nd
at maturity 1 / 1 1 , 3sl7..runna rq mle.nes& sr.
orle nor and n It nee, 111 at al! times re
r. etel ~eut...u. Ile areal IT
Adam. Exproe-. turni:b them bx
the t.t ow t, er tout them OP to .
rod Wnter street,.
Baltimore. 51d.
W. .t
11 717E11. They bat, in, in ~Wry -
2.0 n gl)hlry and qt,! .
.... . • ..
... ,:... Donn+ll', Wbufi .
I , bl. ran 1 1,, A ~ $ . 11..1thlwre.311. .
1 I.' SCR ECEI VE I) per steamer' l'ocallinas,
0 :.:. 1,0,, ii•l'N iIoLL '101:MYO, igy ,a, by
WINN. Alai 4 C , .... ,yly Ag.•yib , ...
nt . 29,11m • • ItAhiay,r,
AVID (*. TUTTLE, Att"rney at Law.
_ .
..11 011. N 11. R .1N Atwriley nzart C6un
to 1,11.5 r ot lato. tbe strive o
V 0 r izte ill Ittr,
M:1!. Jol.o
Lod, ourrltly
r:II1E dornizmni havingetotirniV rn- 7e,
j_ Inntt and
n.rllntnirllllg in n.I .N.ut hnentr.lnnlfitty... o . ,
unnnd that It is
Inn n. nn.l trn,lnnt[3.
- ... _ .
....1.,1 nntlennf tin. nr,urrk.,-.lnnurr.nirnn. vie,.
lloune is 114n.inrd ..nin-rttunne. nn the nianruni+ inil•rnr ,-
whinli hare 1....1, nun:. I,. prole Or. , in
au i nnii. nivrrtinounut. Sufh , n it En ra,, nn ea 1 ,.... hnA Inn . .
,w 1 to render nu,' aim... , Pert... ,
Thr furniture unn mad.. ecrinnnly E,, wnier, r,arill.ani
nem. `;rills nnrtnin in.rti , u• al it. ...)...nuilly it, Drawing
rnotn,. - hn found In In. of tin. ionat. hPautifol inanuln,
tom. Thr Dining rn..inn Air, capneinus, and the hour. In,
innala *lll to. Po arrain,l n, to suit the coneauleuen tail,.
early and Int,.
I.:vrry .irpartrrinnt will • , tccl In nia.uorreeptioun..
We mann% andi ti , .r. ~ rindin , bhurelf that the
American Ilan, fholilie i, TrAvellni, , Rom,
14..5aawtlAtIo , tri7 ,.. : , LEWIS RCM
AsToR. O 1 L-9 libls lilow's.inako. for sale —
V.) by GAO 4 MATTIS I:WS t M.
QAFE LNVESTMENT- 7 •: 4 9,0ini in Allogiti- •
IJ ny taunt y C. 1.1.11 e...flt. by. •
U 1,14 r.l 'W.*. Lt. ntnAt• 411,
9. Leg , .1 , potr" , l, nu , l
fnrsuile by 1.1.7 31 , r4;1L1, a EIJI-
TOBACCO -D hoses 5 Lump. for sal., by
f,h7 Meill Ll— ,
• '
.1) , 0 0 ly SiS—,,,7llto
and for ta , by I: E. of 014. the ,nutrne an“, retuy akrep.
tide .abovr low ro..r ynni Tbry
on Itt.tA Nlnvtrin. , amt Plaid 11..41.124.1a
riannelt.<4' venom, pri,-
_ .
• - • • _ .
SDi A IL—Prinu. new and old Orleans Loaf.
0-o,hra mu' r vil. ml, P•r slile I. v
pk 23 - .1. D. Nv II:1.15319 t C.
CI 'MUT IS , ILLL—Ono Smut complote,
17 fi.r vale. Icor by I. 1, It. D.CLY.I,.LL
Alll---i0 barrels and 15 lito;s do, fur sale
b. It. k CO.
I, 4.• i,4l,rtr
HOLt BrfTEll-5 t. is primo 11. Batter,
_LW on bond aktl fin' •a:.l , 1., It. DALZI:I.L.I C”.
(0:5 I.lbert,
i000TIII . Nt: A 1.01:: . ,--75 11,-. pure :trti,•1,,,.•
1.71 •kr mi.. I'3 n_ t , k1.1..E1V.:
\ 1 - 1. Flill'rES--5 en.rhori,
yet f..
VOFFF,E--2io R.
e;,Tl,e, iust . reed
1,„ for nat. 1-.1 I. F. a NiUn4ll.l!l.
L 'llF>ll 1,',11
~~1.}:il 1! ..
1)1;11:y .:1.1•LE:--
i I__\fl.-
tiC Si:
TIN 5E1:,D71.;
T RT.%
lift EMU
Qi;:c-20 .;0 s -.. vt, I,
I: A . 1 ,,
. .
OLL BUTTER-2.5, nri,
3. IXOI. - 211 z CO
130 T ASil.-••• Duncitn'g pare
tor ri...ilr 1. 0 J./. FLOYD
tAK IMITATION—Pap, linnu,ing in int
,Lytt...lola of 1:11.,k; awl Trarthbrd.
,e2l W. P. ,1.11i.,11A t.. 5 Wont .4.
27 t•rls ltrut.lby pruur. oew cro,,
111,11 F., No I Lard:
, fib!, pr., N. O.
1.01,1. N. 0. Mvin,,,
54, Lrla t..tth. grourrl 3101wern
brio 1111,11 r. purerllne wx.l ex.ra brand,
and for Aale 1:1:1.)1VN l KILIZVATItI.CF
461 . _
4 (I(AsKs cLuiti DE I.IIIE. I%lusp”att... -
:. , %%.i1.C.6 , .r ,4 , .. r...w ~, , r,ltlow's- b erh - .'
2.,00 Ih. English nr.wrirs. 0w...n.1:
2..111, Blue Vitro 1, I,^ 1.,
I,bl .l Di Il lt k co.. co wcc4 et..
- 1)E LAINES—A large midcplenilid rts.rt
:swat crGnl.l Mrdsl. Iti ya.!‘..n. atrf !Tench I)..l4itts,
an Casluxtrr.,, Item 1 - . Le In . L.n• ,r ,sr)
Yrrnelt ell ...011), ',Lin, at,' C....1.r.,rr, a• ..;,,,,,,I,
luw prlni, 10.1 A A. M SSW , 4. W.
TrAiLORS"fI:I3II%I.IN(;S:—Ecccid nntl'
niwned thin day.
.nnras. l'a&lit.,:b. ,vlicia,Twint.Satin told Loth:,
snd Cnot Batman Dont, 1.15.1. mad Jarann.,l Punt And
:Amp. Donau.. linen and 1:1.1". rlctrc Vwsponetrr auto u,,
dr, lAA A. A. MASON' it , t.
110-PAII.TNERSIIIP—iIIO Blll)berilters lckve
IL lentervt foln Co-Partner,)ilc tinWerth. , 'fin of F..,:t..,.
Alliason & Okell•
M N,
ja.ll, . .1011 , ; M. Oli.}:LY. .
gds and oprt.l thi.4140,tiZht ,,,,, ..ns fnl , n ,--
Marl. Blur,. Drown matt Great pfr Sittn.J.rn
"3 .Tn ' tiTs ' n k o . rrinr Bilick Porrlites. ._
Wert 01 England and 111,1.11eres da.
Arkin'earand lientnete tin.
Black Sattn,Vaitcy:illk,Cagbluer3l 4 31srp...iit s
Vngs. A:A. MA OS 2 M.
. tent r. - 2 it I. Msrket .0.
a ~.
0 , 16
•r. ail::
.1 • —as
I r«i I