The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 26, 1851, Image 2

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    .ciplts on which that measnre was founded,
which, he contended, were violated by legislation
against religious distinctions granted by &bish
op called the Pope. Ho charged Lord John nu,-
- sell with dealing falsely with thi country.
so called territorial aggression was no new thing;
it bebiti yours ego, and dual been sanctioned by
the noble lord himself; golfer from being en al; -
RTeesima, it was it retrogression on the Part of the
Pope. Where was the aggression upon her Ile
-,:ji:sdy,s prerogative because Dr. Wiseman chose to
't `cull. himself a Cardinal, and put on a large bat
amazed stockings! This'aras au exercise of spir
tual authority, and the noble bird had hereto
s are declared that the Pope - e spiritual power
Lc ~eR untouched. The Roman Catholics had
be:en led tohelieve, by the acts of the
tareivad.or the Executive Government, that
. what Ltd been done could be dune legally, and
aliinstibeers plannetiand published years ago.•
After..they had been thus lured on, was' it wise
or+werthy of the noble lord. so long the advo
cate of rival and religious liberty, to rid a cry
which bad its source in some of pale vilest pas,
tionii, and lend the , sanction of Isi. , great name to
lie old puritanical bigotry of England.
it lt. Inglis replied to Air. Roebuck, insisting
Hoof no country in Europe would it are submitted
to such an net as that by which the Pope hail
ussit'pe.l the prerogative of the Sovereign, and
J tentell the people as a nation of heretics. Ile
itppealett to the extra nlinary smanisuity of the
nation, upon thin subject, mud trusted that the
Government would out be deterred lions acting
up to the spirit of botil John Russell's letter to
the Bishop of Durham.
..'. 'Mr. J. Otlonnell vindicated the net of the
I.'4e in rubstituting a regular hierarchy for vi
cars apostolic.
• Mr. Austey could find nothing in the address
to which be.didnot!heartily nod fully subscribe.
if , a (*ltalic - of the Church of Rome, he was
not ashamed to call the act of the Popo an ag-.
Iltesion; it was an- aggrmsion upon thO ICotheillloll
Catholic laity, who had struggled agariod r
'objection to the undue power of the prelates.
Lord John Russel entered into a general justi
fication of the measures of Government,•sind on
the Papal question reproached Mr. Roebuck for
the low motives he sometimes itnputed to public
tern, and strowml that he had written the letter to
the. Bishop of Durham, became Le - rutertainml
the iontimenta he then exprmed, and could not
Afrainfrons giving, publicity to them. Ile ms
mended the concessions made to Roman Catlin-
Ile, the liber.slity, and cress favor., with which
th , ,f had 'been treated by the present 9overts
meet. In this state of things, the human Cath
idles having no reason to couplain,ithe Court of
Items soddenly thought proper to diside the
whole country into dioceses, creating no AVII. I
bidsop of .ITvntninster, of all places, anti pro- I
claiming to the people that English counties 1
,IsOuld la- •,., patented - by Boman Cathol ie prelates.
It dhlaypeor to him that such an;act. which he'
believe:ol4llam= Catholics of , rugland etneri.
ally Ilia not de.ire, could not he nased over an
silence. With respect to the tot i•a save sovessary
to cheek this proceeding. hi, opiniim was that the
authority .of parliament would b • snflicient and
it was not-Isis intent ion togorheytinti the occasion
in the measure he should propo 2 g. which would
embrace the whole Of the UnitedlKings. lom. He
' did not attribute to the Coltrt 1 . Rome ,i spirit
, 1
of hostility toward, this COSI try; hut Lard
Shrewsbury had declared that tt ere was us party.
• ,at that Curt inimietslto Englan , and that party
was paraftiount , there, which would go for to ex
plain, the step it haul taken.
The Allman, will be brought round to Liver
pool as soon as the weather permits. The Pa
cific, Copt. Nye. arrived at i..iverponl on Monday
morning. the 3rd inst.. after one of Lis , 4eVertjt
111,Ing , ;+ which he has Minted ever encmustered.
The vessel was lucked up for :11.1 hours its
_float , .
ing ice, which tore away portionA of hi , Paddle
floats: and subsmmently, hL encountered very
severe weather ,
A dreadful nteamboat explosion °extort , ' at
tihiSoovr on Wednesday,by which -do mess lost
' their lives. (Mile same night; and in the. name
' river tor near its entrance) the -reamer Thistle
rm down the brig laurel frosts Ikenterstr.... in
Which fourteen men•rwrislsed; andilm. tlfe sable
" niebt and near the some place; the steinier Van
gukrct ran down a schooner, its which, o. four nun
- and 0 Woman were drowned. .
The experiments with M. Chotion'n prepared
' nes continues to yield the most eat factory re , .'
,uft.i.. A Ttrn Filet now, been spun consisting of.
..f titix_ and i cotton which has been •pecovhsarseml,
at - Manchester to be exseedingly good tool which.
• it iq raid, can be produced f0r,.2.1• (d emits) ".",:t lb :
• -:. " — nary eidton. The use of the nos withnistidobni
tore of come is also chid to lie attended by no
difficulties, aml the material in that ease is pro
portionably cheaper- DouldS having been rais
ed 'whether the mai - shined this all cotton would
be eapalde of receiving anniforto rotor in dying,
that point his likinVifrO been 'tested with equal ,
. IL Clausess is a thine, soul Woo re.i..
dentFllarF,Q ninny years in Brazil. lie is an agreeable,
energetic man, stoutly hisilt and of middle age. -,
• „ -
The only fie of importance from Ptance hz.
.94.ha.t the long talked of flotation Bill sia9, ti:lrti)..
4 10 to the National Assembly on Friditiy; by NI
de terming, the Minister of Finance. '. It, a 4...,
for an extraordinary credit on the budgetresi
1861, of 1,500.0 00
francs, to enable the P
dent to meet the incidental ernensea of his high
office. The supplementary grant, last vear,was
2.,1'60:000 francs. The Legitimist and - Republi-
Can parties both threaten to oppt,se the bill. The
committee appointed toconsith r the toll hire re
ported against it by a very large majority.
Carious reports are in eirculation with regard
to a conversation held at a dinner given by Gen
eral famoiiciere, at which M. tl. Theirs, Cala
ignac, Beilent, Sage, Jule. de basteyeie, Lelia,
and otheralvere present. M. Tillers is said to
*are expreeseil himself at this dinner infavor of
it revision of the Constitution. but hinted that
he and his friends would vote for the suppers
'ion lif the Presidency of the Republic, and its
replacement by a Directory of five members.
The formation of a Cabinet containing neither
' a Itorgrave nor a representative has lo
be a wonder, even before the z-xpir.itionof its
trailitimial term of nine ilay.: and the new min •
I.Sler , nee cotiducting the busincS.l of their re
q.ective departments with as much inter amt
regularity as if they had been Parilanient MVO
all. their lives. „The new Cabinet have' rain con
trived already to ea). some Parliamentary rep
utation; fi;r Ministers in France, though not re
pre-entatives, Imre a right ,i, sit in the Iltoe•e.
and .peak from the Tritium. though ant to vote
31 de Royer. the new Mitibder of .Itistice. lat.,
mode his debut in a speech, pot only of great
propriety and dignity itildefence of the Cabinet.
but cimreived in so conciliatory a spirit as to
gain the sympathies 'f an A ,, etablwith fa
y by no
meane predisposed to man! Min
vor; and M. de tinis.,e, the new Minister of the
Interior, defended the 'ovenunent against the
mr,repiesentations of I or Monter:Ante...and i
cialists with ability an success. The expor t. metal of an extra-par iamentary paldnet lias.
• therefore, eucceeded hitherto beyond-11P. ex
rations. ~
.. , , • , Z.
The !Marquis de bar otette Imo been appointed
ombineculor at Constantinople: in-the. place of
lien. Attpick, and it is suppoaed will leary Paris
Another specimen •of the sort of liappine,e ,
which prevails when t e absolutist , have b
ev A ery
thing their own way has beet,beet,furnisheiOn e
alleged discovery of new and estoti,..ire plot
ag:iiirA the An%trian Govenunent. It bond that
the 4th of March ftheionniversary .d tltii'mntsti
totion of 1101) woo bred for its derelettment,
not that a large part) if the garrison of Vienna
had he, won over toithe enterprise. The mode
in which the project *AM deteetell ita'.l`Enlt trans
piriohpint seVenty:lsts were immediately made
in Vienna, and three !Mations of the army were
forthwith removed (from die city as having
hecii ' 5 tainted. Mel awhile a bribe. equal. lir
.rhant Ma• hundred ollars, was chervil every
..,.eldier ivlio would designate any. Ole :tarn!. the
citizens who had atquipteil to • tamper fith the
Porther difficulty 'Lim also been experienced
- 11 , the Emperor and, his adviser-4 in conz,'euitetice
of mgt;; report'. reganling Italy. Maitini and
his eolleanges are represented as hemp Aeltiliy
preparing the nicano for a neW 01111 freak. and
• his head quarters are in Switzerland. where
has found refuge. since he left Ronne,
tb f
e Aus
?rinns are actually', putting forth hints o their
.00160111 0 invade actually',
republic' in IlleS rimpg,
for the purpose of Seining him or id driving illia
arol. Ulrlerordinary circumstancessuch a threat
. '
chit scent, outrageous tool prepoSlenav, lint
Ifiloy k . • that they might calculate lovely ori
ter.:nplicity of pc French GovernMent, and
they have moreover grown perfectly reckleva
Lew the way in which they hiss" ~occccacil Vern
U 11010111.4 111,0111011.31.2 right s in all parts of G
many, their occupation of the “fro,. • city of
Ilanduirgb against. the protest or doe Senate, be
' Mg the last and most glaring
in of their
# intent/t, Meanivhiledhey . are feuding rein
. rOCCOInC111:1 10 their Italiiin army. The rtlino; is
that Martini is reel' zitipplicil with.. Money and
' eurrouniksl by adherents. It is also added that
'to avoid a Colll4army'.
%Rh the French arm, the
movement is to commence on some part of the
Neapolitan 'coast, 'find that Garribalili is coming
- • once MOM to pay it shut to his old friend tang
Ferdinand, along with two; vessels from New•
-. . . Fork, filled with olunteers who have served in
,Mesdco. How fnr the lest part of, the story is
trite your readerslwill perhaps hnvy: good meal.
of judging, but Whitever plan iilatia tti ertitin the
.... • pretendedinforntition with regarX to - themiu
.groslY, perverted both hi Austria 'tied fiance, in
order M :afford a preteXt to the respective GOVerll
- to contliMerand extend the expensive eys
. tent in which they itre both agreed.
TUE tifltdi 1:1 , 11EST 1 ON.
. ,
The imotntionslof therentt exchanges
flaltilltiG ateady, andis at present imprint
• • pea of a renew: lof the recent drain of gold
- ' I from the bank, The Wee, hair' mail, which or
rived yettertilq, brought no less than $900,000
. .
' •
.34;eDtitch.Government hive just sold £6410 I
ouVOf £2,300,000 of gold. whirl. they Lad
to dispose of in consequence of their having put
gold out of circulation. It was bought by sev
eral houses, and will go trParis, whence silver
will be returned for it. The price given was
11 cont below the rate at which n previuul sale.
In October last had been effected.
Portugal, in the midst of /her wretchedness
and insolvency, has ohm been dabbling with a
little legislation to prevent California gold from
displacing all her silver, road a high esport duty
has consequently-been pincedn the latter metal.
The effect, of cow., will simply to to cause it
to leave by the hands of smugglers.
to g aPreviou
ly to the adoption of the measure, owing
tempontry scarcity of silver, there WWI a perfect
,panin among the ignorant population, nod gold
Was actually Sold ut 5 17 cent. discount.
men:siNo FYI'
To the Whigs of Potulsiivalu . a.
, ,rivENTI.,S will 1.. 1t..14Ctl
'' r A 81. " - -K
'ugSl,.ll. Juur :AO, Insl. fur th” 11 , ‘ , r
I''''..•'tVlKY'L:44-liall.''rWr. 651141%',:ifri,r.f!!i;.../.}111,c.i.."1.:1,rf:.'1:1',:c:r1ih.i..;,,11:n.:
Cu J I V .
c r o p . h ll ' F. 11o lt l l uei. Mat...l }lrMenaly,
üb6" t.F4¢o"mu,
( . M 1 i
r h 0 ,, T:3:.1 7.1'11.,:‘....
5... 4
IV,rlr ' I
q "g '
T T .ylor, Wo
rth .
Alrzwc F.. pt
1%. J. o
.ln.tou W n. ta rr.
Ti'd..A Y. .AA. 1
n' r K- I".,"''• Jnmr* ti.k.lletry-,a.^ ,loran„ It.
Earls II ll.dmau.
"...r. Orm.. 1:1. - iu C. II 0..1.,
I'. 'A. Vickney. Johu Alli-sdt.
C. O. Ixonlim, Dame' 11(4%101
lulu ILsoxmall. 11.orge Nlea,v.n.
'Wu, I.: xn,. Ales'r 11. 11.101.. •
Yrnnels lor,but
11. IIIiSI , LE $llllll, rxrP,AI
The President's Message in regard I. the late
outrage in Bunton, and the debate upon it in the
Senate, which will he found in our r:dittuns to.
day, possess much interest.', The President Lthrt
the position, which we have pert ionsly advanced,
that the people of Poston ore not in their aggre
gate-capacity to Islame in the matter—that the
act was a "surprise, not unattended by some de
gree of negligence"— “the, result 4,,r n sodden
violence, - which found the officers ' , lti a o touch
unprepared to resist it succesfolly --, that 7,
thenet violated the .‘genetel sentiment of the pee- a
ple of Boston. and of a va.t mnjortly of the
people of Nlm,suchusett.=, :is much :is it viol:a,
the laws. and defies the authorities..
, There woo.
then. no good ground for the esee4sive excite
ment, and ridiculous overflow of pretended
patriotism. cant and fustion which the occasion t.
has called out
ALLSOltrar STorrTS —We arc inforrool. by ..:.
the Street Commissioner of Allegheny, that urn- L
der the present law for grading and paving, the 7,
expense for a whole street is ascertained, and a s. I .
messed on the property holders pro ratio. The tl
only change necessary in the law will be, then. la
to give the Councils obsolnte outliiirity to go tar 1 - •
and improve all the streets which that body may ':,
decide need it. withrdit being obliged to await the ~
action of the lot owner?. t-
We are informed by the,same authority. that a
the grading and posing of Anderson Street. I.
which is tin feet wide, only coat nbont 7,t cents
per frd, or a little over $l4 on a twenty foot lot. i
A forty foot Street would Only cast stoma JO orals
per foot. or $lO to a twenty foot lot. Who
would oppose a to cosurek.attended with sorb" in,
metric benefits at So small'aner+en, It is sup ,
posed that the advanee in rents on Andersen
Street sill pay the whale in oar year. and this
rolvonee is borne by the tenants with phiasure
because of the enhanced comforts of lidos on a.
paved street.
We tru,t that the people - of Alit%!try will hew
no time petitioning the Connell , I to tale im
mediate ine,..lUrezi to ohti i n from this
the relnimite nutbority before the I vlionrnatent.
If this iq done Alleghenr may 1... 7.-o,riign"
lifted out,d the nov.t
NOTF, —l%i! great
ber of petstsons are presented to the Legislature
praying that testy to grant the thinks
W of Penn
sylvanisa power to issue small notes. e w
not what isrolialsility there is of this prayer of
the people being grauttsl. but we do, know that
no measure could be more generally popular
Every effort of the Legislature to hanisliv email
notes from the State lien hitherto proved abor
tive, and the p
law n fort urts,se, suiposiug
cern penalties. sstel tha t desist letter squat the
statute books. !lota ithstanding the severe law
which went tubs • tiect last August, the isinall
notes of the bank.. of other States pass yu-t as
freely throughout Western E.ennsylvisniss as be
fore. They are received awl paid out every
where, and by every lolly who can get them.
just 510 if no law imposing severe penalities
against their eireuhition wilted Indeed, they
command a eremium over liVt..loll.- notes, from
their utility in making change. Is it not, then,
utter folly, nay more, is it not eseeclisigl)
-genius, to pass laws itls tilt the solemn Lat.:lions
of Legislative nod Executive stuthority, IA Ise
made light of by the people. to Ise treated :Is
a mere nullity. stud their pisnalties laughed to
sconi! Tb... whole tendency of loch 0 AMe of
things is to weaken the for., of law. to siehlro)
respect for leglislative etiactinetits7 and to est-ib.
iisha dangerous precedent So sinsislet(d) Is:si
the people ignores! chi-, Ivor, thsit although It 1-
publicly violated every iiiontent in the ,1,5, not 'I
single instance i- Is record in this -eetion the
State. of its penalties being sailors - est No ,
sou will co nsent to Incur the odium of cishal . .ll3
it The Legislators( i- the (:ervarit of Ito-popl,
aand we hold it 10 Ise the duty of that body to re
peallinetantly tasfsry law whit is otivissinstosly tie •-
g i ec sed, di.obeyest slespised. No (Oconee<
evidence could be given t bat it i- contrary tsP,
the wishes of the people. who arc the source
all a uthority. and who are controlled. as' as thi .
ease. by 0 necessity which knows no law•
Since th e passage of the late ennetnieut ts,
banish small notes. there has an state Id : Maus!
I arisen whirls imperativelydernsuels their sarcola
Lion. The a dvancr in the value th e
silver. as
compared with 11, rendered it als , olotely
i mpossilde to silitain sullicient quantity for the I
purposes of change, without ,ustaining a loss
which would be immense in the course of a, year
While silver is two nod three per cent. Isremisitas
there must he something to supply it, place, as '4.-
for this purpose nothing answers so convenient
ly a, lank notes of the denomination o
thf ohs%
two :nut three dollars While ,
therefore. orns
ces.sity for this description of circulating median]
imperatively exists. and while all Istsr4 ludas
banishment are MO completely I noperative. What
good reason can he given why our Iranlss should
not have the privilege of supplying this, curren
cy! Let 0111 . r,r3Ve 501.114 miniver this question,
Or else vindicate the supre macy of Iftist liy re
pealing the alistird enactment of the lasi-Ltigislit
tore, mud' by giving Our own State 14-siithtions
the Power to furnish our people with the esirren
for they need.
I'dfler ifajtafartory South—The l'hai,tirtoil pit
per , mentrou that is Company has bect! formed
for the purpome of manufacturing paper on a
darge scale in South liaroliiiii. the company .
'Jaye purchased n' net favorable 1,11t11.11 _ urn
Horse Creek. a few miler below Granitevillee
The mill im to he of the largest elasv, and th
machinery of the most a pproved kind. They
will be able to manufacture paper as good ELIA
cheap av the beat Northern article . .
Washingtoncrussuagthe ! Mu 10.1. --We learn.
by the last 14tehiner that this fartioin picture, liyi
I Leutve, him tire. purchased by Nleiisree. (ionpil &
co., print-}sellers in New York, for wren limit:tarot
d o llars—probably the largest price ever paid to
an Amerious actor. The plr tII re' will 1,11 , i•
lierenert pit, be e,hinited, unit ann . I.graviog
John Allani 101, i ~ SIM of .%.e YorA en 1774 t
•• With all the opulence and eplendor id thin city. ,
IV very . little gotel breenling to he found.—
IV ellunn been trotted imith the inoelJnooltions
respeet; but 1 bate hot Seel/ our, real gentleman,
one WO bred man, since i came to tool]
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittaburi4.
lii NOJURAOR ili()M t: INsTriliTUINs.
r,e Onlce Np. 41 Water etreet,Or It.. warrhou , ...l C II
tritAriT. '
' C. 0. Mummy, Preelnerit. .... A. W. Mann, . ,
This Oninxii.ruay in . 7 „,.....ri.e input.. rill tn.-via...1v0 . .
A';:e:L.T.Le. gialonntrtr'the or nail Intotrill Ed 111.
Itoiuiorir. ellardt.l lu the chArartrr of LI. Ilara,lon.
whn are Pa drat... of i'illeburgb. wrll all.i 1e,0ra..1,
kr,rtrio to the commdirity fur then orodentor.,nteille.o,e,
soul intentit ..
InoininioniC. o'. Itueni, Win, Ilioniley, L .m,_ Lam , . r.
Jr., 'Waller Bryant, Munn lb hinC, 1,,,,, ‘.... f i... I
Jam Illovorth. e, liarbaugth 5. Ai hrr .
. -
'Foreign. and Arnericlo HardwarP•
. 1120 GAN, WIIX)N & CO.,
, 1:N0.129 Wood Street'
A 101 l ii,,)„,rumpletentock elf FORSUIIS AND AMERIC.A.V
i!,..-11A-111)WARE,.,* ;- •
Suitable let the ennon tne4e , mei .1 001 In . ": nee PreSeorb
°° 21::t10/ ' y ,nth 0013 Tilt, 4n:11e.. 9*"
WASHINGTON, FeH. 21, 1851
A message from the President in reply to Mr.
(gait. rttsolution, was received and read.
Washington. Feb. 11. litlil.
To Mr Snails of the Unit.' Statec—l hate re
ceived the resolution of the Senate of the 15th
itist.itit, requesting me to lay beftire that body, if
not incompatible with the public interest, any tn.
formation I may pomess in regard to an alleged
recent case of forcible resistance to thee:edition
of the laws of the United States. in the city of
Poston, and to communicate to the Senate, motor
the above condition, what means I have telopted
to meet the occurrence; and whether, in my opin
ion, any additional legislation is necessary to
meet the exigency of the case, and to more rigit
r4lnsly execute existing' laws. -
The !midi,* newspapeis contain an affidavit of
Patrick Riley, a deputy marshal for the District
of Massachusetts, setting forth die °imam:Zoo:es '
of the case—soupy of which ittlpliti it is herewith
manninnietilist Private and unofficial COMO* I
Mentions concur in establishing the main foss
of thin account--lint no satisfactory official in• I
formation has, an yet, been received, and, in
'due important respects, the accuracy of the it'd
cod lo ts I.enti denied by persons wit ttttt it impli
dieaten, Nothing could be More unexpected than
muds a gni, ...loth.. of law 7 ,11011 a high-hand
ed contempt of the authority of the United Staten,
nhould be perpetrated Ivy a hand of lawless eon.
fislerates. at toy, in the city of Itosten, and
in the :cry temple of justice. I mgard this flagi
titims proceeding as being a surprise, net unat
tended bynoun. degree of negligence—nor do I
'band trot if ony 01111 net Of vqt.tice hod been
apprehended. thetas is of the good .cititetis of
Roston wntild 1..1,0 pre toiled theniselrenvolonts
rile and promptly to prevent it; but the tlangto
doesnot ;cent to 11,1, been timely fore,itii, to
dilly appreciated by those woo viers concerned
in Ie execution of the prod,. in 3 n.mtlitinity i
tfistilignininsl for its brie of order awl respect for
the law, -tßintlig a people iillio, sentiment is
liberty 01111 law, and ant liberli nillail lam, not
aboie the tote. Such all OUtEl . ife'fOl i bl only be
the result of _sudden 'deltoid, unhappily too
much unprepared for to be t necessfiilly red:dea
lt ,11111 , 11,,. Inelaneholr. Indeed, if vie
I .
regard Ihi , outbreak ainined Ihe,contitotinnal
mil kelt :ninon ity of the ;1.-ernm..ld as pro
.ellinf from the general leeling of the people on
i opal which itt.provsrldilly called the cradle of
1 niertctin liberty . Stich. :unshod/1... 11 1x in.nof
lie.fot t It indite, without q uestion, the gen-
ra -tatitittietit of the people iit Boston, rind id al
Ist nalarily at the whole people of ilassielie.
ett an notch n. , it vol.'s--the rums, !lobe , the
al orities. and disgraces 'lie.. concerned in it.
Lei alders and abettors.
I is, nevertheless. my -duty to lay Leversthe l
-fend, in 311. V., to it- 1,4.111 nm, .aane anger,
An laeln and con ,ideration, 1,011,1 ,1 1 with the
odi ed. A r,ollition of Plingre , . of September
I7ali. declared ill .1 it be recommended to the F.
h e , i s k i t it ssin of the .4,e.! States to pass laws '
Ms 'nig' it expres 4 l3 . the duty of the keepers of l
the r jails to receive and safely keep therein all
pri ono, ctimmitted - andel; tlie aothority of the '
the United ~,ates until they shall be discharged,
by duet barb of the:laws thereof. tinder the like '
r , oties :odds the 1 . ,, ...f prisoners committed
an ter theouthority of such Staten respectively
lb United-fife, to pay far the use and liecpin; i
of 'nth jtilt.ltlat the ride id fifty vents per Indult
fu each fliantaler that shill. tinder their.ilithn: i
it . be committed thereto. hiring the time such .
~nor shill lie therein confined. 5in1..145.. to
, ,peat -itch b 7 said prisoner . . as shall be con,
of tted for offences A theater resoltitiou of l'an•
~ e ns, o f the 3.1 of :nada, 17,1.
Prue ill.- that-
Wlisrints Concrete , did h) a d otltitien of the
..f d di) atSeptember,l7-Sft. Li
t o the se ,.
et I States to piss law. Making it expre-ssly the
a.ty of the keepets of their jails to re. he and
.vents keep therein ,dlltaimitet t committed I.TI-
der the :tonally ..I Ile. Coned Sine, ill order.
!beret...le. to nods, like ailminiArnion of
nozes, nist pridmlsly atirertshr to the differ
. ebetween the militia and the regular army
the act of March lid. ltili7, authoriied the
stalest to tier the land and naval forces of the
outs! SLAM". for the same purpose for which he
o Le call forth the militia, mud subject In the
. Tii.- c reclatnationt tat the' power of the Presi•
rut under the constitution IV, command. , of the
. s ......5.4::/- i otitis and nave. is general. met his duty to see
sated, it, the 5.416.'311 1 1 lions, of Item-, • the I sits Midst:oily executed, is puslititet ; and the
...tits.: of the I tilted St tuts of Anemic, itt i s l ist of hilt sought not to be Coll4rllo I A, evincing
o f A"-entbitsl, That in rearl. fly Stare shall , thustt disposition its Congress to limit tsr ressirstin
not hatTo complied with the said r eessinmetakilissii. I constitutional authority. llowister, it nuts
the Marshstl in such Stsite. under the titre.' ' ist well that Congress should mistify or nit
of the Judge of the Itiktrict. Ise mittlitiri.e.l to 1 dii, set in !nerd to Ste 10,01i:4011N for the etn•
hire a conventettt lilce,hi serve n.l -a team, ary ; laymetti of the away 14101 navy of LIM 11. , Stateis.
; t it a nd to make Ike seas-scary iirucisloU for this ; well as flat in regatta lo reeling Leith lit
pro, mot ls Its In 1100 h• t.y Ito fa tliits pm s tells. 'theater e„ oiledtst the or not. may
~,,,, ;sot M a w t a l si t A ll h e a ll o tted h i s i Ise stutinemed is members of list possewsiniktitts.
n.„,,,1,1, Urn,,,,..„. i se tti re d her the f o i l' s ,. pot eioltet.),) ilos 11ot - dial ur a Coututiasionssr accord
pr. to Ise paid out it' the Trttasury of the Ill'- itto toilstw, earl., that it its their duty to obey
led States "nett MilnlilOte, hilt perhaps it may he doubt-
A . ,,,1 ..i re,tiliii . ad . Conerws, 1.1 Mars It td, isil whether the. Mardtal or n C o mptissitmer
1,2.1. that ahtsre any State ur State, hating ; cats -.lumen as the posase commitatus an t er
with the re continmalttlion of Cowries” S ganirrd tairdia tome acting under eta two ape
in the resolution ..r the .11t1,..layt sf September. ' }, r „ pant" odium aithant tte et.ll, , nt of such OW
17 , ts .4„,11 n av e a - s o t /It-awn , than titre:titer ' '''..
witipli-avt. either in 04101.• 01. in port. the tire 01 . 'rids plant May deserve the t topsider:ikon of
their mils tor prison.- ...omitted ouster the au i Cosgrrtt, I ltsst 11. °rel.-nil. 11l rell , n , tlll . 11 ,
Shanty 01 the Untied Stoic, the marshal in ..orli t ' oratice titai.ett_lar iin depend , iin iii , ,,, di , lawn
State e odltaten, nutlet tlwi ilimetilin of the Judge s rliall 1,.• faithitilly executed. and all fortlle 0p•
i t the D.,trii.t. 41.111 1.,.
', r el., i n, rinthori 1.0,110E110 the'fotstispressesi: and tss this mil I qui
01 ;0 , !re• i iie...V,l ty• hile I v.00..1:0011 phi, to 1 401,0 eil to 'eNervi..s. 0 livneVer it 1101 y 110•000.
..erVe 1. a tenri...rary yid end Pi. make the :se. twee- am. II -1
• W4lOOOOl, t0....01 ill
re , -017 provinion lee lie• •-ile id-eying i d iiri-w- tli , Id line fillienl le c.
'yr. committed ttrelci the t otthoistv of the Uni• 'I am fully pet-sanded that the grettentiosnly
test Stites.. until pennant tst provision •Itall Ise ; of the people of this imuntry are aortal . onsl
ma de hv 1 / , f e e Ord i i i iireni, wid the i e i i,l neie . i •• tronwly attached to the constitutin, the p eser
sled shall lie allowed Iti• reiowlintile eadiewien in- I ` 'ill , . of the Vs?", She 'skin t " if) the Us''ro
sainted for the altiOet• piirl.o.o., 10 10.1004 010 of M en. 011 the 000111.0.311, el the alithorty 01
the Tern-ors ,if the United Staten 4I to
h,. ~
prat o r h a . re ... t i t , agee pe.d. 1 I a nt persuaded that their eartie..t 'aisle, and
wl by theist. - of Nlassachosetts As that law stotol i the Ism' of sty their: '''''siti t t
int - Are the :test of the Legislator...if that Stale sof 1 t'sr• ttod I 'los" to° litst Itroffsst , Ittwil'aitts•
Ills tires Its Ist the contolsot Mils in this re- s sot' Issttl'''‘''''• ''"'"fills'"'"l ''tt'l tlttts"' lstli q lit"
retie„ counties were to In used for the sletem t Istetsvrt° opt.''''t ''l She people. will Itrts'et lhe
( i on „f „„y ~,,,,, d e t iiii ied sie ... m ingled II the
: riiititinti, or occurrences disturbing 1 litpulths•
authority' of the C o urt, of the United Fditei, at i T , '"''• lottl reltrolotted Its all glio•I men
well as
the Courts owl magistrates st the I Mi1.1.,110 Fll.l.Natir.
State Ilut these isr,itisaly tiori, atirogatesl and -
repetiltsl by the act sin the' Lerialature of %la.. 1, NIT . Clat said Inc had listened with gret pled.
...,,,,liielw ~r the psis of Nlstrch, 1,4 t Thal I - .re to the tos'ssst, I , rtssost Issue ad tirm
act dertate-, that no Judge of any Court of Its,.. : re...lotion to este, ute Cie lA, 4 sittll he stisfac
ors of this Commonwealth. awl ins Aosta...l the , ts'Y l - s r"rt Ott" lie wtgrelted Iltettot - tge slid
l'e ice -hall here:lll,er take •cortUratire , g rant ; sot ,t) the Mstrshal lent barn dwoils"olait he
epistle. c. 10 75,5,0. , 11111 1113 V ow.. noir thc I had f'a'st Is t''''''''' U..' °se Pr'''''• l "" l i `Sit
third section sit an as I ot C ou oress pwsed 4,4,l.lnottitto the c ombat of the tlardtal to satiny.
12. I itt.:, And clitstls.l -to .tot r e•perting furl ; htr , s'il '''''t t° 1°- ''''''"''''s! lit' " Ir.
. 1 ,,,, p eo ,„ ~,..t 55. ,.,,,„" t 0.,,,,,, e _,..,,,,,, ie „,,, ~r t et atitted to N ally- , 1111/ rOlll,ll ettatittnowt this'
',aims of the. itiwtet i. ; to suit t ies ...ow who eldinin \ In. I' Let bets e ''''''" le 'i . Ile" . illee Pe
Ativ idle, vet alt s+ i Writ', dion• within the 'pi rssitarlV I?litlitsttit saws...lanes- alms to bin
i;dis•tion of the l'oturnotwve otls. and it farther sle s Itt rvltsol.-1 u.-btu ° t's" ''''''''''' .l tOstsft
eta,. Mat no-her - ill depots - slissrill. coroner -3"lsts• of If'' '''`lsttl i • "..° IlltlssiellA - II
I+tattle. jailor, to other a rre st 01 Ow Cosnottos ; ws• ettastkesl also sts the great nottropokt Jr the
1 wealth. "will hereafter arrest ;sr detatti. ssr aid lts °, S'''' Y''''' It haul l'''''' ex ;nil 'vxr) ,
t a t: ;) 4lt
j % i t l i rrrtres.,t,iii,,r,sl;;:,eiitiitTi;:gn.w.,is,r..;i:iotigsntssatnhm,e,tittuion I ; w t
01t,..:t.f',.:",51i,,'1ntt., t's%)l.‘i'n'e'',',",",:fil',"Tts
no utwealth. or to any county. city. or town thereof.. lie to stash with a nxiety to the .next en/. 111 or.
arty set fssr the ressott tine lie is claimed S der Its t - xs if the Is . ' r t . " or "'skid to hr ex , -
f „,,f„,„ 0 .„.... „ n a l
~ f „,,,h, s i n „,l,,„ that rl,l/ 41. and was gr VII tic surprised to par that
any poker so the peace d i erill, de dr. , the. Inn lied hero rie,idi•ill-e• , i 1,,,i,,,,,,,,,i., ,d,,,
ciii,inet relidelilti, or )0110r. who shall offend eitterol the v im:1,1000w :Mil resents - son the
stetittsst the prow-ion.. os chi- hit
by, itt an 4 stflseew of .kottlits' st Iternst 4 '1 4 .4 in sell' the
was,. acting. duitetly or inilirei sly', tinder -line pod)'
Icoutettest'ilsy the thud ufctisto of Om act ; Woos Ise Is tst mask allusion. to 1'1;13,1,,
Iti l'eugi en. atoriiiiiiiiiiiiiii‘l, drill forfeit a ',MI !Mil iliele ositrigeotts tonshict its thislitter.the
mit eseeesling one thousand dollars for every liken meant to Include ins Li ds ;owciationk
offence, for Me 10. e of Ilse county while 1 the , e ider! f,f liiii,e, whether lit fir low
nee' ollence in cot:milled, or nloill tie subject In I platses also. Isy their spech and adri.m.ittred,
imprisonment not etc-seeding 11111. yertf in Me jail I 1101 on. :sod itistigattal those poor slicks' el CA
' Thl. 1.,. it 10 iiliVioll, 1001 11 , r0 01,1.41. -- 1 titre., 10 chi. open violation of the In Ile ex
s The first wits to make it a penal oiler., in all pineeied the hope that if there were defect in
officer , Will ninriite , id the
..... dtwealth to ; tbs.. existing law. prtaision would I mask by
exercise thit imams , conferred on them by the act ' wh those alto:instigate, induce, pitatle, an d
o f C eii greid, i d tl i e I2il i i d r e l i enney, I7led ell- bail on tee et
unsomlde creatures myth ;se t,
Stied ;t o ac t re specting fogitivea Isom justice, mf violation, will he brought to conn punish
owl persons escaping from the service of their meat. Ile gate to the s uggestions t he l'resit
nutste,, nod which powers they were fally eon, dent his e arnest supptsrt, and mol that the
intent to pm form up lit the lino. of this inlaid- 1 message be referred to the Couttnitton the Ju idol penal enactment. Second. lo refuse the slieistry.
use of the Mils ail' the State for the detention or Sir. Hale said he IVii.l plod that" message
ally per,/t1 claiml,l am 4 fugitive slave.
bad been sent in, if fur no other rem, 11ee.311,../
It i / . /1 1 /1.0 . , 1.4 w 1 :5 ...111441 lielt the purpose of it showed that the President tell hilministnt
the,te enactments is smite apparent It Ira.. to Sun hail made itself ridieulnut liyeuing the
pre,tent. .11 far , the Lerislattire of the State proclamation, end the document rend was
roof,' pres.'s! . the hiveo o r Vog - reSS pawned for I nothing more titan a labored e”ayprove that
the porno... of i • i ieryilrz, into idled 11191 :allele a!, ihc proclamation was necesSnry. %deo of the
s the Constitatlon adobe the linited State". which dc-1 great republic of the United Stateiling on its
elares- ••'llint' le, iwiriew,heirtp, service or lalo,r army and navy to assenthlc t and lichemselves
in ot.e Stole. under the hi , thereof. rat in readiness to put down a moll oozed of a
into :knottier ,leill, lit c O t n...yieliee id may her mere handful of negeoes, wee riollow in the
o r regulation therein. he disehargell If
such extreme Itoaton has II potation,. one luttni
„ or lahort Litt sittll he ktit tal up On ehaitil resi,and forty thousand. and within sound of
lof the party to whom such service or Miser may the
b illb It the nl,l State housetre re:tided
Ise date. --from tieing
t o iiito + t on.
t he llin of people. In all stott there
I lint these stets of State le
althouglt a - yre nut over one. 11 1 11111:111111adultgroes, owl
Ils'Y Otts) . ',so.' embarrassment,. mai creitte ex. 1 they were doubtless s kulking in 1,10 11.i0111
pewit., cannot derogate either from Ole duty. or meeting. the roust:l l M , It was •lesst to at
th authority of Cong. , : to carry sal freely ale) tempt to magnify this affair inhmething of
f a r irly the plain and imperativermistitutional pro- \ consequence. It was lots absurd. ' consider
visMott for Ilse delivery of pert., Immo' to lahtsr ; el the impel:tin:Ai tttt of the l'resi. improper,
in one 5101 e. illiii co-aping into another. to the nowise, impolitic, itnnermmary, atery weal:,
party 10 ate
t he be doe. awl with it he would hate nothindo.
It is quite clear that by the resolution 14 Com Mr. Clay 'remarked that the eiet of the
I s
of the ::,1 o g March, In2l, the \torah:di of • Seism, from New Ilatiiwnliire .10 surpri...,
the United SI/1t4,,, S i any State its wltitsh the f l lse loot It was in conformity with general
of the jails of the State Inns heeit withdrawn, in roars, The Senator 1111t1 pronod a delilker•
whole or ill part, front Ilse iiill'ilt o. of tlic detem itte act of the President as ridicul Now there
too, a persons conimistal ,ander the authority werwAwo 1.11111i011,11111 iblli SUltieef th ere Were
of the Unites” State 4, least only empowered, hilt' IWO 00161114 on subject, tly_ the or,
expremaly required, tinder the direction of the 1 toriral hinie 3101 l inouence of the ttor on this
-lodge of the Ilistrict. to hire a convenient phase i last question.
for the safe keeping of pri-toners committed un- I The opinion entertained by tltml,or was
sler the authority of the United States. one thing, while that entertainethia oraturi•
I I w in b e „. e „.1 . ,,,, 'm kt, accompanying skis ral powers alt.l the influence else .powe'
1,1111 1111 l l ie:Oil/11, fl/31. the attention of the Mar - I was quite a different 11111 . Theitor err
shot 1/i Mststaithuietts Iva" distinctly tailed to to make It a point always to Sher him, ,
1104 p ar t' 1 11111 l of the hiW hy A letter front the 1 if to dispute wills him fur the psi' elniittrnet.
Secretof State. id the date of t WWI', IlStli wel oratory Ile hail en rtnibitiwilinteid with
lati. There is 110 ollscial information tliat theSenatur—he relinquished tolebeerfully.
marshal has provided any such plate for throat-, s al the glory Inc could expect In t l a cuntetst,
lan ant a ht ., i „.i,,,,e.5. If Ise has not. it is to and he hoped that the Setaior 4receive 1
b ,. ~,.„.,,,,,,i 1 b,,, ,r, i , p ott er was not exercotal , relitnittbditnent with the tell c ceucy
b y i t, ro „,l,,arclilnier the ilireetton of 111 , Di , ' which he always tai,,e to - hddre. &mat '
tract .liolge, immediately uti the passage of the This mob win styled a mere hat f nee
act id the Lestiilatore of Massaclinsrtts, of the Did :my beside the Senator tin shut
note or Morel ' the tt, and especially that it was hut the negrues were coneerne. e Viol
not exercined on th pr
tic the.fugitite gar, o f 1,,,,,,.! 1 , ,, e pron , ; „„„ ti a, ww inn . l , in
1:,,, , of the last session, or when the attention of enforcement of the law, and t who
Ste MArshal an,
,taftenviirds particolarly draWn no active part iu the mob, yet t tged, e
to it. It is true that the escape from the Deputy ted and urged the nogroes on t outrage
'Marshals, in this case,'was not owing to the want the lawn of the country. It w, . however,
of a prison or place of , , confinement, — hat ntill it that., men other . than negroes ac engaged in
so--a while
in noteasy to see bow the prisoner could bane Pate mob. it was said; that on
been safely and courenientlytletainell, during an ' negro--etoud at the door, and ett them to
wiJouihment or the hearing of some days, with- c ,,,,,,,,, on. It wan tow inchpe . these who
. . _
out such place of emir) Dement. If...itsban alf- -
pear Diann each pls. bon-been obtained; di
rection to the Marshal will be given that he lose
,no time indhe discharge of his duty, 1. treats
! mit to the Senate the copy of to proclamation is
sued by me on the ISt), Mat, in enlafia.t,,, th o s
unexpeeted and deplorable occurrence in Bee-
We, together with copies of instructiorts from
ithe Departments of War rod Navy, relative to the
~..,,,,,,r gt n ul6ect; also. copies of telegraphic dea
-1 pntches transmitted from the , Department of
State to the District Attorney still Marshal of the
UtsitenhStates for the District of Slassachuselts,
null theirrt.nswers thereto.
In regoval to the law branch of Dar inquiry
mode by the resolution of the Senate, I have to
observe that the Constitution rlirehrres that the
President shrill talte'eare that the hie , Ire Eu4ll
- folly executed, and that he Shall be eirionnuoler
i in-chief of the army and navy of rho United
I Stoles, mist of the militia of the States when
cede) into the netoal service of the United
1 Stales, gild Dint Cong Tess shall liiivrt power to
provide : for callinP.forth the militia, to execute
1 the laws ist the Union, supprcss insurrection stud
repel insasiout --from which it appears that the
Army and Navy are, by the Constitution, passe'd
under the control of the'Flectstive, and probably
no legislation of Vonore.. n 001,1.11.1 to or diminish
the powlir thus given, but hy increasing or di
minishing, or aladishing altogether the Army and
Navy. But not no with the militia. The Presi
dent cannel call out the militia into rienice even
to execute the laws or repel invasion, but by the
arts of Congress passed for that , purpose. But
when the In ilium are called into service, is the
seamier prescribed by law, the Con.littitiou itself
given the command to the President.
Acting upon this principle, Congres4 by the
set of Fehrowty, '23, 17 :15 , authorised the Presi..
dent to' call forth the militia to repel invasion
and suppress insurrections against a State Coy
eminent; aml to suppress combinathots agstio.te
the lows,ol the United Sloths. atel.ollllSo the tow,
to be faithitill., e“ , ctited. hail the act proceeds to
declare, —thrit may Ire liecessar), in
the judgment of the Drer-irlent, to use the milita
ry throe thereby directed to he rolled forth, the
Presidunt than:forthwith. by proclamation, com
mis:o4:th in.rgents to thsperse owl retire pe.l,
folly ill their . rev, Doe abodes within a limited
nose '
Theme words lire broad ...trough to require It .
proclamittion in all eases where military are call.
ea out under that art. whether . repel ...ion
Or 4111,1,, ,, on insurreetilm , Ir to flia in everts
ling the hon. / Ili, section leaves consequently
some .lould whether the ukiliti4 eeelti be caller )
reeds' 111 executing the line without It ileeeleele
lion: en yet the proclamation seems to he as
ivoni ,hrecleil only agaito4 irootrgento, and to
requirte . .thirm tiolerpersis t beret, implying not only
nn in orrection, but an orgoiiiierl, or a, least ell
Plebe l',l force.
Sit 11 iv proclamation in aid of the civil author
ity wisulit °Deo defeat the whole objeet. by prim:
,Ill'll :s,lice 111 per, ~t, intetoleil 10 be eased.
' itry would be enablea to by or secret then,
selvars. The for, Boy to, wonte d , sometime., to
, mall the arrest_ nod also, nomrtiraeg, to protect
the t thee, after it to taa , l, and to prevent a res-
mild therefore maggest that this section he
by declaring that nothing therein cot'
al shall he ruminated to requireany previews
datnation, when the militia are called forth,
r to repel invaiion. to execute the laws. or
ress retrnhinntions againsts.them. and that
President may make such illlll. and lace
d i m ilitia wader the control of any cisil
rar of the United States to aid him in I' ac
ting the laws or ioppressinA each combitia
and while an employed. t h ey shall lie paid
and suhnited at the-expense of the United
- by their council and advice, their irmtigstions
I and solicitations, lectures, and speeches here,
and in the other Rouse, this proclamation was
I aimed. Not only are these poor negroes made
the claspaw of miserable and designing men,
to bring odium ou the laws, to violate justice
and its officers, but there has been introduced a
142.11 named Thompson, who was. said to be a
member of Parliament, to disturb° and agitate
the people, and that police which could find time
and the means to attend and protect this foreign
emissary in his disunion addresses, could not
give their aid to exeeute a htw of the Unite of
States. lie little suppohml that any member
Congress would be tolerated a moment in Eng
land, who would go to Birminghat
and Nisuches
ter, and there denounce the law. of primogeni
ture, the aristocracy, and the crown itself. Such
noun would justly Ito denounced by every loyal
British subject, and he would be put out of the
And here, this l' received with
,pen arm,, etteourtureil by men, professing to
is Americans; in preaching .sedition end dis..
mien; he had more anxiety in haring these melt
,rought to punishment/than the poor, deluded
Mr. Marion remarked the duty of surrenalei
ug fugitives front labor and neon' •e, was a duty
auposed by the constitution. I wan tt part of
Ille 4.01111,aCl rul,gerilool by ,all he States, on
forming the Union. lie took th issue with the
Senator from Kentucky, on the nestion whether
the law tins execoted or not. f e regarded the
law, no tar . its practical et lation 00.5 Con
cerned. a dead letter. lie haat full belief in the
declaration of the l'renialent, tli at he would eye
cure the law it Inc could Therresident, ham,
ever. bud begins wrong its the first case. whim
the Craft. escaped. 'else Aim., were lost to
their masters. because or the evo,ion+, prevari
ations, and delays ot those chain' duty it was
to enforce th - e haws awl administer Junta,. It
Was the ditty of the President then, immediate.
Iy, to have alleuaisse.l the Maralial The law. if
It wan to i.e *.liforced, toted lie exisaited with
alacrity, real,and cell:Only— it not,t Inc exec',
tent with a knave on the part of the people.
among wt.m it in exi. tea to have it carried
oat, because it is the law. and without any obl
a Lliole or obstruction. being thrown ils Ilse Way of
its eteamtion. In this caPe the party wan arrest
„i_inoa. was given to him purposelto Make
h i e defeure--there was no place prepared in
which to confine him—it being the intention
to keep him in the court room .froui Vicky to
Tuesday.prerented I
Now. could his restate bare been I'
The lawn 14 Massachusetts prohibit the impris- I
o nment of.air,. under this law, in the jail Id
that Commonwealth. He thought it wrong to I
denounce the population of Boston. when, by the
lairs of Masnachusetts, it is mantra penal otfewee 1
for any of that population to aid or abet in the i
arrent Or imprisonment of a fugitive. The Sen
ator from Kentucky was right in denouncing the
r ..... lin•t of floe, engaged in thin alien resintance.
toil he should have ;form one step further. end
denounced the State of Nla,achlNettA as fain I
to her federal oliligations. She was fol., to 1
those obligations, for making which nbe Lereired I
n nn..der.lim ' "The .creed i. thln ' n 'i met t ” I J. Ktio A Co.--- " \ V ‘ l ' o ' .n . ' ;, h oc m r " aro t :i% % at . r t . ) . 14 . ' 1 foal " J 7 u . 4
SIIMOder theSe IngitiVeN and ',MIRA a conotid- ..„,..,,,;,,,, ~ 1 ,..,,, ~,, . to , .to,uof Vr7ol Vellnlifil,
cowman, and her Legislature tilts met, since the , 0 „, ~,,,,, 0 ~,,,, on „,,. J „,,,,„„,i ~,„, a il a„,„,,,,s
parse uf this law: and yet these laws, prevent- en noml niti4artino. and tin. prs. , 0. 1.- J 1.104. Wt.( nine
lag the execution of the Constitution, still stand public want.. and a, have n ot it moons. and I don. v-nh
on the Mange twaalts. 10 aret out. . I hove but tow teen h•ft. 1, look >our ."at
The Senator from Massachusetts remarked the ; :: 5 . , , ,, , z. ,, ,.. t , ll . t , nk , t .. t d o , l: i i .
i rrt h. e og‘nr:;:rnal,ene,..O.n. Witsl.diitif„loophbo.n,b,l
other day than the people a the State were law I
the aa ssom ' sas ts onter for rat .It dozen mon. en tbe rnront
abiding, and would not reniaat the execution era .„. J.
l'iar Eta Flt Olt.
the In
it Ile would ask the Senator whether : For.ale hs J. KIDD 4 go.
those citixens, by not resisting forcibly the law, l feht.Xuatwiw Nn. to Wad xt
were .li.aelearging, their federal °allegations to 1 was•••••••• ---------
rend er 'IT fllgitiYes from labor or service. If
they were. it was keeping the word of promise'
to the 'United Staten, but a failure in complying
with its demand.. when the Senator from Ken
tucky said the law was generally executed.
If Innilimint it WAS executr.l without resist-
Mit,, he was vorrect . but if he intended to say
it was eve...astral with alacrity or in the spirit of
the federal compact. hr mistook. In t oneconcluson.
Mr, Mason detailed the e ircOnintaneel f
Ilarristiorg 1a:0,, where the expenses eliminated
to 'Si, Leta, ~1 lee negroo., Irtinn until, I.roughl
$1.f.011. thus, making
E a halm.. in I.lVor of the
ma Vit
nter of t •
Iti the Long case at New York. the e‘pese- 1 / 4 ,
AID..IIIIitA to nearly the ion, a the rho, be
tiidi-i the claimant V, 3A ,tilijesteil to ,eieral i PI '
1011.4 .It, I i e 'respectfully call e.l the t itles.
lieu of the uppomtithr power to the various de
. i--.--J :.•...1....- so.. roennsinentied that the
i emoval.
i,. h ,, ,. r,, 5 r •
i ... , k
r i - t d : : ,d re t, it L ir o l. ,, e g it th i a u t It h ie nt Se , : a. r . d .. or o n . :::
_were no 'out, brought againid the el:tint:nit - . in
that ea:, lie con...Wennd that the male VILA fairly
made up - and tried, between tho, who ,le-dred
that the law iilionlil be execiiteilt nod tho , e who I
intended peaceably to resist it. The latter had
• I.Vell defeated. The ca-e of Ling did much to '
p ro , that thi. law einthl be e‘erute4, with the
patient hearing now giveis to that 1 . 11...
Another ca, will not be likely to acne which
will produce difficulty. The low inn. to be tested
—its force tan, to be tried, and the queidien having
I bi,ll jll in joieny ,ittleil, will not he again idly
t igivitcil The 1.,,, si:,- .letiothice.l at that time
I, finenii-titutional. owl as wwpending the na
t.., I orpu , .. and thiv woo the cry of every dem
agogue and fanatic. The e n., of Long nhowed
how untrue and proundle, were tho, declaim.
Mr. Bale remarked. Mr Clay had charged
hint with always rising after him. in debate, with
view of contesting, the palm 'of oratory and
eloquence. (whichm at the Seator explain
ed a slander had ..... cir n culated about
him, which was. that lie (Mr lintel ever took
occao' too speak when the galleries 'were filled
with lafbeo. The observation of the Senator
explaimsl the slander.
ND. Clay —Do you mean to -ay that .1 hone'
mrculnied a slander almut you
Nlr (late—Not at all, sir..
Mr Clay—Well. what do you mean, oir •
Mr. litle—l will not answe any question put
to it.e that wny. either in or r
out of the Senate.
I :nn loot to he silenced or pm down hy any one,
whether a tall or i. duort man Ile denied that
he had tiny intention of contesting for the palm
of oratory with the Senator. With regard to
his "pint. of himself, nil the opinion of hint
In "them, he freely admitted there might Inc two
opinions: lout he 410 not think he stood alone,
Searnot think lie would have to go nut of the
e to find the twin who wild say of the
Senator from Kentucky that there woo more
than one opinion. What he meant by saying
thst the otander agminot 'tint was explained by
tho . , remark of the Senator, way that, together.
thity showed that the Senator selected such oc
casions himself.
Mr. !loss joined with Mr. Clay in hit tarnflem
nation of the recent proceedings. lie erne 11,1 0
defender of the administration, but • he had the
utmost co nfidence in believing that the President
would do his fluty. IC the laws were defective,
clothe hiti. with full power to execute the bows—
Ile iiirreelted the remarks of tine Senator from
Virginia, that this law would not, woo not, find
eafild not executed.
Ile conoidered that the Mnssnehnseta Isms
( Mott-acting t 4 execution of this Inca ought to
l uff ve been cleared off her statute leaks long oz.;
hat, whether they were relocated tie not, they
would not prevent tine execution of the low,—
The Senator was wrong in suppoffing that the
voluntary option .of the people of the free state.
was neceosary to the due execution of the law.
Ile considered that Longs case fns n grunt evi
dence that the low wonl.l Inc execiited. •
If time was given the law would work sinfoo thly.
The Plane excitement could not he eXpectmi to sub
foide at one, lie referred to the conduct of tine
miscreant, Thompson. and said that if n member of
Congress should .1.. in England what Thompson
141 done in this country, he would Inc sent to
Botany Bay.
Mr. Mason rejoined and said that of the thirty
Senator. from the free states, only three had
voted for the law. They were the Benny from
Pennsyli nail end the Senator, from lowa.
Mr. Dickinsoli said he woo present, and would
haw voted for the law. but that ilia colleague,
who wits opposed to it, cans called 110111 e, and
they had agreed to pair
Mr. Clay made a few him a Mr. Hale.
Mr. Butler considered the general sentiments
f the Northern people as lumtile w ihmtbern
istitutions,.and the law would never he carried
Mr. John Davis remarked that pooh a cane
cottlil occtir anywhere. Ile did net think it
called for the extcaorilittary proceedings now
rottlemplatist The Supreme Court had relieved
Massachusetts from all obligations to execute this
law by saying that it was the duty of the United
Stiles, tool Oa of the States, to execute it.
Mr. Badger replied. Ile said that the general
procevsjings in the tn.. for years. bad out come
to a crisis, mind the titiestlon now was whether
the lawn and the constitution, ur the fanaticism
of the people, bar and lecture-room, wets to pre
vail' The President might have done more, butt
could nut have done lees.
Mr. Downs belieival the law roubl not have
been executed.
At It late hour, there luring nu quorum present,
the Senate adjourned.
Der l'uus.te AeleArtue le meet reetwetf all, Invited to the
me ;" I f pinm, tittearni.bed etatetneut 11.11, ettred
efd ft,. by the nee od the l'ouotaLa :
VA, um, really that I have Len eured of en old
ehroute Couvh. h, the U-e or tour I,ttle- t Petroleum
Ito Mush 01.6.1 we . )ear St. iL i Deermbey. rota I h a l
teat all leve of gettine well, an I bad t4ken thrushes of
.° L i
,rut phyrlelaue. without an, beurfit I beoeftted
;4 1..ed heuantl, 1,, the Petroleum 7 youvAnd ,donna
St ,— 0e rot al the I Vlnd• pgio. a hard :rtlauu ,
grOese I make three Aram:setae without enUe . a.o o .
noue to do et. And solely Fa. the haetaee that Otter, .1a
lntlon ma) i. eafferiva may is bettelikal. lou are at liberty to
t h e , publintl tide certificate. law mfaladtlueu of l'ittabomkh, at
tk Loring reelded here shirty three yams. My retildeuee. t
tltlx Liu, L. ,w Vecoud stmet. JOHN 1077
' rtersuritax. February .2.4,1K01.'
°" Fur wale by 'Leper A 11) Word elyvt: IL F.
ryk., bY Woad strerk IL A. rehriestock. k Co, conk,
and Front f.Lrt•euc U. NI. Our, . A. EllF4r. Jowl*
Uk.uglsks. u.. 1 11. P. I....chearta, Allektschy. Biro by the prr.
AbpktivrT CakklDulk...6ekehth.L..lltbburah.
Forty-six hours
Forty-four hours W Baltimore. ,
•'RO miles Railroail-103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express packet Boats.
IN the opening of Caal Navigation, Two
r ['nay Near l' n
arkrt liootA Irate. P.
hatuNtuvu, Menne I, I,rtago Itallrtml
. ,
Thr, lab lag the
Time through roirritx
Faro to Philaelphia. SIU. , Fare to Math:Lan, CUL.
The ears onthis route are new, and tkr the moat anl.a.
..l vomit-ruction for comfort and
Parkelsl base every „ruing prsliiatir at Eight o'clock.and ever, evening at the news boor.,
Passengers for Baltimore,
OU arrival id rare at Ilarthdium.. l6 ; the VOO ,
herland Railroad. loots eniehesl) dirett ttithel city. t•nttiti
Fir Wilts Tin,... VOL R. hunts..
No charge for handling Baggage on this route
The Inerensed Stews] makes this the most stomfortatil ,
.Mt: WO desirable route;yow to the Extern OUP..
tor paistage or infomatin
ES, Agent.
llr 1 1 . LEECH k CO.
ono,' Penn street.
SI I. o 1.1 tt Jl,. Peon. ilsarkla
will I now n li..l to lwelt u ort. hitt. will ..horten the i rin
ilo ~ o SIT hour!
htt.hurnti. fehrtmit -
I tOP.I ItTN ERSI IP—V e have ivsociati ,l
ho \e
Cashier ol the Farmers
Dant. who will devote hot personal attention to the
bosiness The style the Milkheret 0 ofore.
,tald A. 1111.010
A. WI & CO.,
„Corner of Third and Market sta. Pittab'gh
Dome,tve end Fomyn Exchange, Bunkotra,
Gold ,V Boughi, Sold Exchanged
• No.' 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
az- !strand Ittontri 1111 T. t.L.TOrTTM. )4661
European Agency.
Tlry rinting the principal , inn , of
at 15rn,t.m. Aud nerniany. during tlr months of
April. no,. Arid nt•st. Iltt..burgh on March
11111. atol ‘..111.• plrv..l to attend n. an) agrociro of
MD' k1:111,f,I, win. , ma, In rouf..l. In 1 Inn mre.
,on7..nmrt. .1011 N 11.1V1F.
re . eli I' •n 41 14 M ocrro—Say MI who , orrr too4l
enranzo! Itrad the following lott , from an
A Liberal Reward Will Be Given
- F
og TIIF: the BODY of
LouiltianN..ho t ra, , rn ,ed
dw the A. 11 ,:
dark eso...utrs•l flanro.l Lirt .1.1 twos.. ho4uall
- ..rd
. .1 n 11...nbe1•
;'Ark ra rka 1,113111111 AN.
')RIT INi ;. KIT IN. notti,W RAPPING
11 1 11411( 7,0 ,x.nt• '44 I, 11, Print, ,,
I. 'l4. 114 1., 'II 1., 114.
.1 , 41. P. to, 1141
lu1) Ymetori
1.11, :11,1 , ... 1 na. .1 1 , 1 7 0. Pa t .,.
I'r..wn km,
..v Imml and fur onle
a“,-1,141 ite as. e noll rowral aonorlnsoot.
11u1 , .1. Cap. ~JTea Paper, Homnet
- 1 11- 1,1111 1 12 rlUTtrnnxl , ma , "
J . L. SUM
r.rgwr ..... arul Int tta
To the Afßieted.
`I It 'LF ItECI PE vox Tim LIVER
..!..- 41. .. 1 ; M u N . IT.
tr 1 0 a
distr,minsf lb and
cum Ir yrusran4 , l
r" uln
""MSTA7.4; ru.
Ladies' Dress Goods.
1:1.11‘ . A lIITCIIFIELD have flow
.0 ,1••• ••( tut,
I.oopliur, 11... r..• .
10anir.. a
.t. .1 d•., 110000 , ..Ir, tr.
1.1.0. lOTA 0.01...01e,n t•• lbelr e5t..0.1,< is...s•MVeut
i'r.rf. and 0 1.0,01. r... 1,10:00
tern I 0.1 0.•..1 re... 1 • .01 general. .04,-11 Kt
11ILACES WANTED :500N-L.For a man
wat qualified sn • ralremoi avid hook-keeper in
• sp. , table wron.r, Mono 0., for vire voting man
'from 11 anbusaton count , . who sleben • place ins WM, Of
Ite rel.-A.m.-ler. In , , fur no onsinerer or k... Lb.
'our. man sow Heins In Alleghon, mtv; si.on (or newn
nl induetrEoun ioung'. old, and middle acrd mea'and •
(lumber of hoe -, of all earn.
Chooln mod.. ookn. E.rsusetroo-e. Wet and bin Nur
on..l.e. pros Lid Kon for (smolt , . Mho , at
17nA AC
febl , 3 - Urn, sod tut , lll.roor , fut., iO.ll
IZOR SALE-1 1 / 11 ruts l'firvie :Lila Yellow
I l'art•A Omit.
11..1 111,14. louinlille 1 ~,,, . 1,, the 1 noel olnll
lose, of gont an , l 00101 Fowl, sh.hen..-
11$” email mud noddle r3.,1 ((sd. u honk
ho ilarrin five former edlhone •1 h. httelmreli ..nd
Aileghoui CIO iurnetee)
rh ' e v izryr u.t=7
nod w.f.. a ennet, of Into earhnoke new ehnpere. Int our
Imam and dune. kept lor nah , lehonP l
IeSAC IlAitt: 1., An.-ent sod
foleate CA lieroloud. Fifth nt
7 01 , 1i1 SEA L— rernon brat / lit y. jllB
,C11 , 0:11:1 1 iF.P. a CI)
A 1 LUE —I 1;h1. (line:
W 10 - fume. filr *ale hi
,('11 , 011. 1 hER n. CO
ACON PAPER - 1 5 1011.. Cincinnati Ilan
II ) Paper• for ea. I,
fete, .1 SC1111,O0Inlit:It A 111
- . .
I 7 A lamse Herb A , ioo up 111 the
I. ni mono , of 11,. Yhakern.luO t0..1 owl (.0
1,4.26 .., lio•11‘111,1:1: I
ED BORAX—I eases fee .ale
KillION ll AK Elt 1 Cu.
411 - .. 1 .1i1.-2 strings finest Mediterra a
7 for male lo .1 .1
I A RI) 011. ----Ig blil, receiving f rom ~, t ealu
I- A. " ""'". "" '''. n i ' I 'IA II Fs DA LIA.LI..
1.,,,,,, .Sn. oJi W.,..r....t
,NNERS' 01L-25 Mils. in store and for
~,,ir br .I.olos PAL7.Y.LIL.
frIC; $.4 W.. gin. ,
311; 111.00,:'--ili0 tom, for sale very low to
!7"---"'"'.''' J. $ DILWORTH 1 co.
BACQ:`,73(IIHI lbs. • :•3t1,7,1tr Cured Hams,
1,3:;,' ''' d " ''''''' ". ..1. S mi.wlitcrii .1. CO.
( ql)FrEE—s ll Isl;±s prime Rio, for sale by ,
. •
SUG i k
t ii , 72 5 Idols_ pri ., in . - , N ) ; 6 ( , ) , . ;,, f ,i 4if . :: ( i . 1 :: . by
i' 101,1 , EN SIRUP-- 10 1,111,. for sale by
`A 1,4 ,. .11 J. S. WI:WORTH I 17 , 6.
B ianim.s__lll„ ~,,,. ~x,„,.;
,ust receive,l by
1,1.2, .1 $. PILWoRTII A CO,
1 POW I*,
: -. 1 , 0 01.. u s 111moting.$. 1 .m.1 00),1 1
WS - Dv, Mee. - -
1,-,c,, 4.0 - E
L6l.+. just reed
Irr.rn rli. cuanufartory.llr which I 6311 thy 11111 1 , .." ,
.10 will warrant It .1,111,r loan., 11i1.,1t red In IRIA ronr.
rorner W..• 1 ntral Sltllt
MATSFOOT just ree'kund
1.1 Rr at ay. Rlll,story
N or
mots 1%..+1 and Sixth at...
- IRLI T--5 bags Pea Niuts . 0 0
: ,
3 Drittdl !twins. t
" " b' 151.3.13 II MCKEY t COt.
Wan. anti ' , mot tatt
11.4-IEATIIERS-10-Parks frog
..truan, and fit male
W•tor and ont .1..
VOTTON—I' hales now landing from str.
aral lor nle b,
and Wont da.
LA .z bbla
O I Lard, 0 bid, t!trari r ta,
"" tis ' 1711 ' .1111CIAFY d
Watar and Front 510
4‘F EET 1410TATOES—S bids. now landing
t 7 "'“ 'r . "‘ "o " y ,\ll DICKEY &
Water and Front
. .. _ . .
111 RI El/ PEAVIIES--5 00 hu. in store and
I ji for yole by RIIF.Y. NI AVIIIEWS A CJ..
71 and 79 w..ter rt.
11 ON EY---1 Mil. superior Strained Honey,
1 In 9tore. nu.l for Eat. by
elan _ ILIIKY. MAMIE:WM • (31.
I ,
ARD 01L ----s Mils. No. I, Win. Stritints
A ,uut reed arid fur nap by -
I !OLDEN SYRUP—In lilils. andlif. Mil
- - . .
Orphans' Court Sale.
PURSUANT to an order of the Orphan?
I Court of Allegheny County, I "ill Publiett..4
at the Court Mum, in the City rittAinrith• on tho
day of Moreli neat. nt 10 delirlt. A. SI., sll m the till,
tr " i eiril d iVaN%
off.% l
Wylie otreet :el feet.. euhjrtt to an •210 . uni groin:id radar
eighteen Ju, upon which are erected two dwelling
Ingoev - , dee einterret deeeneeil being elan undivided
one Waif
legttlkL 000:10. dither.
Not/ Ahura K, oast As Bear er Aftsforra.
Notes sad Drafts rollortedg=rts of the Calm.
Steaks bought .al
ItRY. iIuCIIES d. CO. are prepared to'
L do all Mod. of FLATS ROOFING.
ALIKX. LAVOIILIN. Agt- nor. Klan w k Oats'.
At Water Work.. Pittsburgh ,
aie - Slate Rants pnanptl.ahval
If You *ant kcal Good Ten,.
• STORK, Kaat Side of Ow Diamond. Dartsatn‘i or
fvrlor 'lists are never kept at that eatabli...hasent.
Green Tea, l'og,a7:, net. VW. •
The host Isupurte.l.l.lal
etrong and rough favored bOtieifc, se.
Firm , prld Cavored Black. 5041 V,
This is Me smay rtmv Ple.dwro , , that 1.. 1 4 for Fair pre.
• If th,ranae kind of Mark Teas that aretussi in ug
laud. Iretand. Le- ifetal
a Canal
1 iqfN,c.l,SYttAl'eMic AN._ll,will be
lire aulwnbr+
PhiisarrithiS Pltsinirith, at the following
' Dr, tlods. 11.10. c r .. si r . bonnets. Pi, r voc.
Llittr:jel.'3nkintlet.o fin 'wti
tsti!' McLain. Points.
• Rye etuff7Boolta, Stationery. Oil Cloth.
It riling. Printing A Wall Paper, Leath
er, V 100 e
Queen...ann. and Coffee ................. ....-... ..... We.
Itn.ll/11 Sugar, hi.... - . ... .. F•Le.
Whitings. Anvils. Alum, Crud.. Uritastnue.
It is hoped that them, opening rates, 0 -hr "or. .1...
ll.wer than st ato {merlon,.will ladder shippers
patrort Oa: greater ezterent,ltaAturs%rrilii,...
Ilcarnagra et, for Union •
KOILIT ;0W tine.
Ltros Boaxn. fur
. •
New Books! New Books!
T 110L31ES' LITERAILY I)Ki'OT, Third
it.„:in"t i rs i ttsl"; ,7l :nrrt :
of r 14ndeva , by Ttkrauekorey, eiduplele.
tunteld IlVtorleal Romance
Itc.dun N''
:±ou. LI! , And AM - el:dun , . of berdral MAX
s lur
br the author of 'Rocking .
:+t.el , hr. ,k 1 9onthern
thrtionset of Nl,tuante... S. W.
117uelielat (tel2s
I iENUINE l'OltT WlNE.—'fbe purejuice
It I of the Om, mantle Ihr medleirml p1.1.1..1 -1, , tor sale
the Ann) or Boob, at NION.IIIS IIAiIORTII% ., ml
am, side of m it t
DiArnond. tfh'2s
r)Ic7PIE PARTNERSHIP existing hettreep
i unde
tur n
en, Ervt Blrder the Mlle of ../Inrcues. aver
-01,4 nn lOth Nvember, 'KW, by mutual eon,nt.
'• • 111(711AILD tiE.l,lElt.
sLATEl — fiCOtilti
pARRY, ituntiEs & CO:. Troprietory of
the 1 ,, r!. 11,0.. Pennigh . .. Ma , Qua , T 0 . 1,, 0
o ,,,,,si...i.taiL__.
1.5. , to inform Build., Cot rsetors. and othorn. nt Pithe
burgh. Wheeline. Cincinnati: .. that they hare appoint
‘..l .. , 11.r.1 t..1,1111‘. of PlltAttry heir Agent. who in now
rewl, to und..rtate contreetA for .2,rj,11 their brat
0,11..re1i :+intel.-
I.ther. II ronr.* t Co.. ere in per , eneinn of tire 14,1 t and
e , el' , vr..rri.•4 MI the I , nitni rtnte..—the
. ((trio Sint... I. ,Ulli. if tiot ounerlor. to the lewd WelFh
Sint...L.—they .nn•oy none other tat experieneol awl prat.
I tat i; " ..„Zt ti t:,; '"- e2gr r t . ;;lT= l t ihigf.boo7nt.l7o
nntl h31.1w,net . , , rtlapleted, at n.. rennonnble • .price per
';'....rliBl°N...r.lvt->: re,emtniqui their States tr. he
r 11'n'ene!'.tit'rttr,'4,',11.117[:'ne'irom.!..f.'t,ht:illtg ''
r i . l"l.d'''''''
Ilefereorr. n.. to doe„ ntnlOating can beam—and
M.. Thou... Parr,. VII, of the con.pany. Otter sin. be nor,.
7,Vl ' l l n O n t a t i. "'—' (bolt
o'.olo:at*"..ll"l.3'"GlVlrlf.eCT'l. It.
L' !.h. I,er.. t4romPti) ret.trea•
f.d,!:.. , l::taw , nt.
I'll All-1:m hhcs. prime N. 0., just re - c'd
I'l ''''''''
N 0....., Wnter .t.
il kRANGES--1011 11.1.1%.1A
. 111,4 reed and, for
.al. b y B1:1111.1111 1611 a 110111AIIAM ,
0.'25 No. 111‘ Waulyt ,
d 101.1)EN SYRUP--5 hi. idle. just rec'
l.lf tut &or ..1.• Ily 111 . 11111111.111 Y,
N 4 INntAl.l.Ol..
\U. SUGAR—IO per.str.
r1.21. * "1"
IDER INEG A It—D) bills for sale by
5-la, S Y. VON
flll'lj)firl - NUTS- 6 balls for sale bY• '
g ,iik;EsE-150 boxes W. R. fur sale by
k . :. .._ Ml'_S
S.F. VON BONtiIiOROT 5. - C4).-
.-- _ —,..--,-----
V LOUR—'2o bills extra Family Flour, for
1 I..tata S. F. VON BONgIiORST4 CO.
ii.661%15--151) I,7rmfo by
WINDOW OLASS--1010 nad sizes
fetzN, !,F VON ON
—•-- ---- •
the 7th instant, a DRAFT, drawn by
i,•ll',wen that 1 ,5 1:
nl ur tl‘...naut. eoul Oa mlntturl
,uoJtiol tug
4•1,A,1,3.• •
. •
Ladies' Flee Dress Goods.
1 : 1ECEI VEP A NIIOI'EN Eirri us MORI!-
LND.-17-1,11...,..r1”1,1,14 Beni*, 1111i0e1/S )1004.
" -- `""'Ve...' •
PRlNTS—Choice and
"rl. h ltit t oti CO's.
-I[l. es.., ex!rs
111 tic mo.fl apprt , wrd mloaufarldrv—just at
1 , 142.1 A..1.MA , 0N a INCA. mud Cl Alnrkel rt.
OTIIEIL..-30k, Notili.lipikes. and Drub.
.I.Lumood 11,',11,e late nre, will be suldlu, opplk‘l ha.
turelatl,ll. JANIE 6 WOOD A CO.,
No. 113 Water rl
I.7TA RIJIi--1 00 hoses, Lent brands : in stone
and Gm sale to %M. BALI A I.EI ,t CO-,
N.., IS Allai Wool st
let. 4
m OU 1.0 12A NIIO4,ES--.sti boscs Proctor
N" 1. '''' vle V:11. RAOALET a CO..
Na,. Wood 4.
S ALEII.ITUS--12.0 Itoxe , No. 1:
r mac br
f..te.l 15 and IL Waal et.
i 111000LATK ROMA, ..te.—
.lxv.rcs Itlgal ß MlToTlan.
tj : . V t ''''''' •
' n. n" .;,17,:i0 l';xt LT
6.1...!.1 la sad la) Waal pt.
II . LL lit Tr P:11—lo lible; fresh Roll Butter
ILOl'it--50 lA,. superfine-40 bble. fine,
t . o . toro sukl for "Laic 1,,
. .
1.. P. 1010MS-10 11 don. Corn Bronto recd and
IN Fur yak 1,,, ,11,t4:41 S. AW. 11.1111.BAVOli.
1 1 iti I: i) BIiEF-10 casks S. C. 4 Dried Beef, ,
n-Y . ,1 and lor rnly by
e 02.1 s: a K. lIARTIAVOII.
V' ISV I LLE LIME--3d I l e s. rec'd and 1
I,:r valY hy 10.1,91: 1-. S. IV. HA RI:UFO 11. i
14! .x.r it A FlG`—Jutd ree'd at 256 Liberty at.
' LI '' I ' l ' l ' l'A ' ll ‘ lll 1 15 ' 7V r MrCLUItli a al.
fetal fir.,yrs am I T., 11.,,1rri. ,
n o: : :Tos BISCoIf IT—A sunply of Boston 1
_LIP lOrtyr 111,00 vt..l ry•-'d 1,0 Kips..., b.
1,4..3 0.1. A IlYCLCIO; a Cll. 25.4 11.0 , YrIT O.
(1 , 011 )A SI I F:LI.S--.1 fresh t oinnly just ret.'d
rY1,24 , II N. A.:ltch...VW 1, CO.
. , . . _ .....
FrEAS'. '11....kS :1-201 1 half chests Young
A 11,...n. lcupYnal. and Marl, Teas. II all g rade*. sAI
hand and tor 'alt. lo
FrOßACCO—till 1.11, .I.tunfactured. To-
I too.. o-luno , brandr.., on hand and fur Vol. by
feta.ZA A. or LBEIITSIIN a CO.
ACKEREL--1 1 10 blds. No. 3, on hand
11 and for enly h l
It i litESH RAISi ii,S--1 00 boxes on !landau,'
j,' lor .ale hy f ft,v,:ll A. CCLIIMITSON .1: CO.
A SUGAR—•land for pale 17
8.1i21 A. CULBERTSON ail,
BATTI.NIi —l9 hales No.
- FAtra IR.!), on comic's
meta and for ,110 I.y - lAAIAII DICKEYA ('O.,
6.1,24 11.1er aw,l Fr.) atm.
'NI...COItO . .S, CO., have received
.4, their Sprint iit, le of Unto. to which they tee 4
' ‘pectfulle Invite the.atteution of their custom.
ern and the nubile grocralir• (eh.=
11.-t:l'acle'l(-71einitErtilin;'neteol'ietldoldnanuttii ti'illiserbltlit.h.,arolf
. r,r, ...I yuanulacturr. sir: i.
the m l ., .. s t:' , Ve.q...ritbilunting mall and plaint
H. S. Tobias do do; i
heal . of hn do ~ der.
And °theca celebrated Ceti:keit wail tieneea lirande..—.
MCP? Teri loab and accuracy awl durability Murat/led.
Fine Wt.+ repairing continued a.• Onittal. Jewelry
manufacturKl til'onler and carefully repaired.
My-A very excellent 'lock of gni , 'PT,son in i . b.r.i.
11,. WSON.
feht2. coo of 4th and Market eta
.1 S.I.II.WORTII d 111.
1 1100 LATE of evert description for .sale
u hy NVM. A.. MICLUEO 0 1 . 0.. sr.. 1100 Liberty stmt.
Slano.h. Vrrnrlh hwr..i..Sjorod and Pilau: - 01" 80b,,',
No. 1 Chocolate. Cava and Broma. The lo.rt naeortruont
to be found In the oaf • PIC:
DEJEII PEACHES-300 bus for sale by
' R 005000., LITTE a CO,
Plot: 20) Wordy rt.
eILOVERSEED - 75 bus .for sale by
0..F00151,111 1 / 1 00. LITTLE A CO.
Li EA NS--10 bus IV,late; - .for.saln by •
fill- 11.5 . :1 ' II0111•10N LITCLE a co.
.. ..
L ARD ---4 kt•gg for ~oll• by
fhb= . 110E1000. LITTLE a VG.
. .
Funt____,..),,, , super. and extra Family.
f...r rote by frhyd 1111111:101 1 .. LITTLE a CO.
I I N:31.:E1) 01 L— fi . ht.l, for sale by
1 4 felcZl i:1•111N)N. LITTLE t CO.
. _.....___
°Li. isurrEit —2 bbl? for sale by
.11, felya2 ItoIdrION,.LITTLE A CO,
fl UNDE.I ES--
Vvalue br J. KIDD h(%/.
I UNISHELLAC,WOO lbes fur Mlle by
fetes: J. KIDD 2 CO.
VIIPER CORKS-2 lodes foi sole by
L frbtl J. KIDI>k
ANGANESE—L.' tons for o l l . e K t i t
IVI farm
BACON --5 hhds prime Hams;
. do • do Rhea!dem in
Wr sale by ' MrRILLS RO
NAIW BOOKS—Andrew's Lain English
Leaks,. By E. A. Andrews. LL. D. Royal b To—
Tht Island World of the Nelda. By Rev. Usury Cbrw•
1er.12 mu. mos. .
Thoßita;r of &reel, By Orate Aguilar; 3 satin aux
%Reale: a Pranced= gory. By the author a Rolla
'The V .
LI Is of Res.Jaates Qui= By Ras Jahr; T. Wrielit,
Just received and for We
Avp,a, A l li9Pla 4 N it h t.
AGIRL wanted to do holm work. Aural
at this am
ous s.b. ckets Dried Pcanhi r, far
i ts a klkby
bushels Dried Apßle< fc;r --- ;4ll — e
c.l. s ELLER'S FAMILY 51EDICItiFS--_-;„..
Luis Cocoa STaal•—The various re.delja 4
a ;..t,
Wc"l ,. ' llVC:grifrize taU r t , . ,' nL?ttt . t. t .
' orelkisw Tows Wail.. :t twliers' Li!!!
are ladebted miler t.,ea paha spa .I.f
Thew 'podia.... base salerwl their Iwthisti'd
- excel They Writ eret asslAvada
remedies bar the &ewes andia thew ay
utesttr a a d
Mr. •
Turh u tT i sTr i T . sPowl) ass. fds"
blevOnle THr
smuuts. •
p,n.minculpolur by
Wssi screTS,
Antr To BUSINESS )11iNA young,
active boliorp , rtuart. calico vlth sto
. atirodre ao,ualotatt , . •ho cart rvantastal a nob capital
of from lax to right thowatal dollar , a ,i•trthoor to stake
ao mg./neut. mad J. wok. hia tow to hteher.aa • parlocr
lith.Lorgh or 0,1.14. afire •1101 OM* ltoa,
NO. Sti. rettAlm.
, .
tiLOTHES' PINS-10 CaSeS Eastern, for.
v,) sale be fob)) J. la WILLIAM:I2M
jMOLASSES—•2 S bbls, 13 half &N
1.. a Battle salmi, Loa fi ng frapetA.a . j i ypO s sup cix ac
eby (AB) KHAN. Marl I
LEAD—tISO pigs soft tlalena. foi sale
1. br fetal 1:111KY. MATtll EIVS aW.
61 lift lbs prime Feathers:
t 3 :Sal 999 ass d Coro Brun.:
WO bn best brand W. iilroc
40 but Dry [[.minx
40 b. Drum+ serf -star.
9 ELL. Alum:l .9,9.10 d fje 9ale
is; •
-U(' hhde prime N. (Mem
S •Jlbbla wort.] Loa% for: . 1 °
IV .10 Crusbol nal yen_
ebrnre• or \i ad
111;1;Nee Orleans; .
12 do Stow hour.'
do Golden Sernp, for es/e by
SUNIALES--100 doa sup. Corn Broom
4 bblA
10 at. 1,000
bbin No.
q h r lf
2. . hnoo.:. C Amsilea
LLD o. •
rztteW en bmat
ler.rk ran be reelLd 's. elear oP•11 ApplT h3s=:
othdelt.. to SI, I.eturte. who t.en be found 10. the. fersaes
la s, chan.e..eo 14berty etnert, between the huure sod U
aral 2 excl le. lc
110112INTING MATERIALS--Pririter's cop
"der.r:23' 11,1"." "PUlMO,n;g:r3= felt
tret.le le n o u, 1,0r jen rules. dr...4 e. rr For
Printing 011lre. 3rd.broreen Iklarllel and YerrY
febal Amerirsn crily. • •
ii.rooDEN TYPES--From the mattufarte
y n or Wells & Webb. furrasiml ttlorts_l9ltel,'T
• • W.
FOR SALE LOW—A.euperior toned rose
mJ Plana Forte. For term, elaquire at
fe taktr.. 4 ! Nr, .leek.
poll goo. Robinrost area, Allrgllrny.
ri INC WASII BOAIII/S—=2o dor. for ,Role
_A Irr ftr2o J. D. WILLIAMS & CA).
N DR lES Lai d ;
40 App.,
.10 Frottcto l.olooColnm. 0 0 ,„
no liamet
IS.UAII DICI 1' giro.
Water OOOE I Frna
.\GES 1 1 thlxes, in prime order,
febt9 ..4.rannd, and 15l }Vat ata.
L 1.1 11l ON S-3 0 boxes for
sale 4 .
• frbill Ef & BENNVFT.
. . . ....
... elinteelitnMe. the attruthm of three
trottoll Plano Co
erv. at No. 8.5 Fourth street. , , !stall_
Of now prepiard toren the lamest arsortavent of three
r pl i C4rpete now offered in shit market, and of the Wept
nod roost approved style* awl patterns. whirl are diniet
term the Importersaod nowt approved factories in tho •
Unica. Call at the Carpet Warehoww. No. SS Fourth rt.
.1., of ruperior ityles and ecdowl,its ewe o.rwl PeS_W4tAte
feta ; W. MeLLINTI...
4 NORAIN CARPETS-A large assortment
• f the latest and newestwtyles ire store and for sale
viibilusit AND AMBRICwArtVTI.;xI:AItsI ;
~..4.zsa.larc.„.„, asscww....4.4toL.eNenit,,,sex,rm..ol.o:..l, wa
fly". 1.41 1 1 • 47 "•'••th••• of
""h'••••7• W. MeCLINTOCK. •
`ll li 00 31 S—f:oo dozen for ale eby • .
feta° N. t. b y
~,y9-Frultrivwsurrweirt m..tactutttr7:l3.
Holmes' else) Depot, flirt street, oppoitta the ..
thuler'e Lady's Souk fur March ; .
llotham's Magazine
Sartain 's Alawallue. do , •
leolice National Maxarthe, do'
Wacoustw or th e Propheer. an lodiro.lale 'tits Major
Dietiou on.
rry of Mechanics, No. 11l •
IltanGehl.liall; a Histories& Reananer; - ' •
/ tizirairArtNY s e r ...riUanlewl
hannonathe, a new novl, Ls Sire Southwortts.
.---- ---
A,o opened la 1:55 Mo rey Arent. • veer superior Voting
n Tea, which we think we eon' s+, with dle ma
7rg h ic.r.7`7:::.`* . Z`l i jr. ti!'"'btrar' Prim
al per IL whob we wanant any * e=, If not
whichen> to be had Ines rm. prim-
Also, w e. Imperial awl Gunpowder of all grade. r .
all we apt In .a tale Dint, and
will rear.
mend thcroselver. A liberal diteount made to retaileni
and to families boyietit be
th' InlVil'CLITR6 a co,
Tea Dealers itoul unteers.
CLOVER SEED-4 bbls in store, nno
to ordre. for otle bl
HICKORY NUTS-15 Mar for gale by '
feblg WM. II .1011NE3418.
L tirrestsprin. RI,
tun Pry Appl,
Oomtuou (IVY";
ea %111 rrflued
lbs superior Feathers.
...VJ reams ll'r•OUlux Parr
.or bzo suer. I lump Tops , roN
I cask lirimxtour,
I do Char:
I:.00 sou. Lealbesi
IdVJ Ihs Jo Listht.Adore wild to
10 bs_gYelertiur. •
MOO C.011. 0 112 4. g.i•
IMO It* PeterflMr.
Foio Natt - la . •
101..$ irnuct Petal &a'
lORS--400 bash. for sale by •
I &MP , WM: 11:j03Lk.STOr.
BACCO LEAF-4 hLda. for lisle by'.
fetag 11.-11211IGHTON.
tirOPS--5 bales for sale by
11 frbl it , lOU H. JOHNSTON.
QW ' t7 " l r ` r ' th " .4l 'fi.Vi i ,irglitiK tOO. L.
Q ALLAD 011,--2.0 casks for sale, by
, ,--
11RIED PEACHES-10 bus for sale by
,j, feblB A. CULBERTSON-a dil '
SEd 'AILS--10(1,1101.1 Principe, Regalia,. and
' Havana irvar, of 41 grade; for ale hr
I.kJ IiIECK. LOST—A ebeek drawn. by ug - in
fs... of Ilene. hi.. No. 1755, dated Frbru.T 4th.
I. on N. Holm. k Sou. of tide oily; for throe hundned
...nd lily dhllork has been 1.1 from the moll bltmesn.
l'it.burgh end Partmburgh. The public in, cautioned
against nvelehnt melt tiled:. on the payment h. been
stored.febl7 MILLER 0 LICKEThO. N.
PEACHES -Three hundred bushels recd
and for rode by LI.C.V3. 6A.llthl. P. SIIIIIT.F.R.
Ivo Lela extra do;
SO ha Coffer: • . .
SO brie Nu. 3 .11nekeeek
35 hr • Tam
"'''' b' ' '' '4llPenfii:'ll;.it.; by
T. •
- renture Dealer. end Commkelon Moth.nla, -
1.i., • II Water greet.
Id lANDLES-50 bxs mould, on consignment.
Niter ..le by ja2 o ALEX:OI74:h 60kIX)N.
S CYTILES—T )d rIoz o. b, he t 5 c t .. 1; ,, 7 ,, ,
t T , eythes;
IA dor Iwo
",,,, '- nrt enroll:Tt
aml for Pal. VT . L. S. WATERVAN 4 EOM.'
JalS FO I. ~ I Walxr awl C 2 Frrpt nL
SIIOT--50 icegs . assorte.l Non. foi oak by
JAIL A. livreinw: Lb°
(DLASSES--Piantatiou . Suguilluuse;:
11,1,1. n Srp. fr , r salr Fr. .". • .
jaZ . I. 1.. W.
a TONS SODA ASH, for sal, by -- 7
I fobli III:11CRIDGC & MGRRAir.
• -
A.-u4l. ~ul ,."*""r • -1 article of our own
—A - r le
` ""•• !nuihlku.ricn
LEACHING POIVIERS--21.0 eablis. - A
A rdor article,=annSTAWN filivaaTby
rale by febl7
maks on hand and for
cauLmiugic MURIATIC ACIDS, al;
Ij r.l:W BERET k
ta ACKETAL-100 1)1,1s tatr. No. 3, 'Alas
tr;d"'" PiTyrcnisox a CO.
y tres prime Carolina, for sale by
- frbt
jalloT-36 kegs assorted numbers, for sale
1...7 by MI; JAS. A. HUTCHISON k CO.
8-Pt!.ASSI 0 b
j lt . P A lta r g7 l %f . 9 . l sal . e
LEAD. --1800 Pigs Galena, for sale by
fan JAS. A. iItIVIIISON e Co.
7 0 BUSII. A Itl s lgl n il t r i gi for et by
LI no wium am . t. ,
I (pi DOZ. CORN BROOMS, for - eale by
FISH -100 bble No. 3 Marl:arab
7 Drum', Colfieb:
4 LLI. Yal o o kr mie
t.hl7 • W.t Y. %II L.‘o
110S11- 7 lOU bbls No. 1, tot . g . l . do r iansos.
T AR -100 bbls North Carolina. fur sale by '
, an t Y WILSON
VeiEAUTY.—It is turkirerimlly 'conceded that.
beauty Is more common. In this country than In any
at r. while at the Mine time it I. saki that Its no attire
a yoma on am. Nov MO Is true to a'
= r n i e ° ol.. t ri l t,7l:out le km is often mord by neglect. W..
My to all. do not neglect Inor Perromilittiniam=tilt
rad lb. owing. mid you orest rot hid, good —
Three Antrim an reheating meneratiosis4ot hare all at . '
throdle •
:I b illt h el P s n rralan 'UY or . Moro Pcarder.,for hatuatior
to the mod bilikno contakin a radiant whiteness. In,
oothlow abouhl a VereVa ladte careful than the am of a
point. (Or the skin. ita Many of thow ruhl aro vary injo* .
inardsoUto Ma
re., ar M l4lalM Ito
loot which ma possibly Inflict
niutr"oksoers DenitaiosT Fonda. , tar "Mapag auzei - .
00 °"; " i ' ll, '" . ' 4lA ,'"" gen4.l=.ll% .717 r.
c tfo.s. wittostt the um of anr sharp instrusatut.
Juirs itailer• TelloadOir Liquid tttir;Dis um bictuit. •
moody ha to rod. white, or gild YL t h e...WWI/
black. brown, or aubarn oolor. I color hair In a
stutter time. and more effectually tem. any other dye. tw
in' at the mote time indellible. .
Jules Morel's Stories Cream—lt is malty anteroom to -
&Lave with this room. Thera Is nom of the martian mese
yahoo usually esprriermed in the am if moo am. ,On ..
the contrail', it 11... the slum scoositla'and eon as sake
ikons, sad out liable to become dapped
Juke Hamra Noss Tooth Paste.—ltett to the hair. we
think IS. Teeth Wlen intended as the greatert ornament to
IS. human bor. but whenledol. nothlurls m direr.
rt . crt ro quickly seem Sly Tooth Some will itanort
to teeth • pearly whitenear r ut ths"ammt date keeplaS
Abe sums Ina and healthy. _ z .. ...L. ' ..
.JUILIIS maim, Ser . lunar and Chemist.
tar,, whOlerit . IL rud et."' mtailr t by d it P .l4.. bn kalumrtnek ' &CP,
ty and IL IL. Ulla% Pittentrthi and J. )I ‘t rn i =1"
. OW. LW.