The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 25, 1851, Image 4

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This matter increases in interest as the peri
od approaches. A London paper says—
The palace of glass is nearly completed and
will certainly be ready for the opening of the
Eillibition on the let of.. May; indeed the El,:ec
'utive Committee announce positively that it will
open on that day. Mr. Paxton, the projector of
'the Vasa bowie, has written a letter to Lord
John Russel on the subject of admissions to the
eihibition. Ile proposes that for the first fort
night there should be charges for admission; af
ter that it should be free every day except Wed
nesday; which could be reserved for those who
can afford to pay well and who wish to avoid the
crowd. The plan does not meet with much fa
vor from the press.
The arrangements for the products of the no
riou.s countries in the great building have been
'determined to a great extent by the cotamissioo
ere. Upon entering at the central entrance of
the eastern end of the building, the productions
of the Llnited.States will be arranged upon the
north and south tide. Adjoining the United
Stales will be the productions of Russia, also
ranged upon both sides of the central pnooage.
,7sorwly and Sweden will Occupy the space next
to Iturisia, but upon the south side only. Bildt:. ,
itors from Northern Germany will lie placed on
qie north side nest to Russia, and upon the
, :Muth to Norway and Sweden. The productions
•01 the Zollverien will occupy a considerable space
upon Both sides, adjoining to those of Northern
Germany. Articles contributed by Austrian
exhibitors wilt' be placed neat, also occupying a
portion of each side of the central passage. The
cootrihutions from Holland join. on the north
side, the Austrian productions. Belgium next
occupies a fair amount of space on each side.—
France has 12 bays, or 2511 feet of frontage on
the north,' and about 200 feet upon the south
side. To Portugal and Spain are allotted a space
upon the north side, us well as to Italy. Swim
u erland exhillit.her pn?cuctions upon the
Loath' vide, nod h their side will be arranged
the articles to he sent from Brazil and Mexico.
Egypt mill occupy a space upon the north side,
tie Cr to the transept, and in immediate proximity
to some of the rich iproducions of Turkey.—
. China has a (rootage upon the south side, and a
portion of that of the transept. Greece is in
similar position upon the opposite side. and Per
els and Arabia adjoin to Greece and Turkey. '
Crossing the transept, the either will find
hint-elf amid the productions of British India
Ceylom . und the rest of our colonies , from which
he will pass to the productions of the United
King loan. The machinery in motion will occupy
the north-western part of the building! the
steam engine, which will "lie of not less than 11.111
ham power, will be outside the building. The
galleries will be allotted to the respective coun
tries in almost the lame proportions as the
space the ground fl o or. It is understood
that till the lighter and, more elegant articles
will he displayed in the galleries, the heavier
articles • being of course exhibit'ed upon the
gsound door. ! Sculpture and the tine arts will
...cropy a position as near as possible to the tran
ssl7l. articles of statuary and sculpture will be
dpon each side of the-central passaoe. small
fountains and other ornamental works Acing pla
ced in the centre. At the centre of the intersee
ticnt of the transept and the nave, or central
ge. will be a very beautiful glass fountain,
with a basin of thirty feet diameter. to be .up.
pH:id by Messrs. Chance, the eminent class man
EsIISIATESI Sonora or V IMITUC, I .—Mr. Thom
as Miller. of Edinburgh, in a short pamphlet on
on the probable effects of the exhibition on End
ways, put forward some calculatione, Which are
the first of the kind.
tiepys the visitors will! hr—foreign awl
louial 2.1100,000 Welsh. Highlanders and .In-h
6,1100,060.- The total 7.001,(Wat, mutt, he , ays.
be travellers twice, coming and going; but he
rayy they will Le rated as separate- passengers
for midi line over which they pas , . by winch the
aggreg'atc of the year will he still further nomi
natty increased. He takes the nominal total no
x)2.1.041,000. The average fore from the Board
of Trade return, he takes at-Os. per passenger
der hend..,nrai the gross receipt, At .C 4.100,000.
Mr. Miller takes the increfme of goals trathe nt
foh per cent, on that of the half year ending Dec.
11,1840, which gives £1,500,01.0 His total e , •
timnte for exhibition receipts is £4.700,000, and
this, he affirms, will have a great chest on 0.•
price of share*,
We iltre in a very awkard position_ and mum;
thrbw ourselves Upon the good nature of oar
friends and the piddle. We are very desire. , to. ,
ray something of the London fair, end of merry
England, which many of out connornen will
have the pleasure of seeing in the coarse of the
ensuing three month, We have .ren that noun
try--dark, foggy. and repulsive by nature--the
loveliest land un earthily art and cultivation. Ito 1
have had a peep at English Itoroes. English tiro- '
sides, English hospitality, and English comfort. 1
and we coulddilate on these tram now to Christ
um. And in order that they may see things to I
advantage, we are inclined to lay don. a. few ,
rules for our go-ahead countrymen; who prdpo-e
visiting London, the Crystal Palace, and oaeen
Victoria, during the epring or summer s
Cut what are 'We to do' When we say.stly
thing pleasant shout England, Itoweter just It ;
may be, some of the papers rharge a- with toa- I
dye. to Great Britain; if we war Jolut Voir
knuckles a tittle fur his his
Lion. and arrogance—even though we cite Burke
and Macaulay as witnesses to the truth of what
we :My. nay. if we follow in the very track of the
London Times. the eilver hairs or , oine of our
*nu., respected friends absolutely stand on end
What then are we to dot There io nothing I
left lad to compromise—to give a little on one ,
aide and • little on the other, rind if we disple.e
both parties, we shall be content with that posi
tion between extremes, which the ancient philos
ophers regarded no the vent of justice.
Now, to begin. We lay it down as a fixed prop
osition, that England is a place where you fad ;
. the loi,t and the worst manners in the world.—
John Bull abroad is a totally distinct being from
John Bull at home. Ile io, not of dooms, a Isnot- i
ling, dogmatical, imperious fellow, slicking his
elbows into every body's ribs, ps if it were n real ,
delight to him; and yet, this same John, if you
get inside of his house, with affair title to his
hospitality, is open hearted, generous, and dot,-
tett, to a degree almost unknown in our prudent.
Clltltloll-4 Yankeedom.
There it nometb of the same difference '
tweet,. John Bull in print. and John Bull in so f
ciety. On the 4th December, 18-lii, the Loudon
Times called Mr. Webster a "political huckster..
'and repeats . that die is an adept at the craft,'
&c. It Compares him to a •certain statesman 1
dead and dug up again,' and has certain tinsavo
ry allusions to the dog returned to his vomit,
The passages are a little too coarse for insertion,
and we therefore refer our readers to the origi
' nal. The same London Times, so late as Jana,
Ty 4, 1851, speaks of Mr. Secretary. Corwin nn
offering the 'grossest libel' upon' the tinanciati
affairs of the Union. It•even slurs the Presideut'
as guilty of 'shallow and presumptuous preten
ces,' On the other hand, any body has
.rend the speeches /if Sir Henry Bolivar, espc
cially that at the Pilgrim Dinner at New Vorl,
will agree that nothing eau be-more complinien4
Lary, genial, witty and welcome, than this same
John Bull when thus represented. It we add,
that we believe the latterrather than the former
0 affords a true index to the social character and.
life of England, we shall, probably, not be very
wide of the mark.
Nothing that words can paint, con equal the
beauty of the country in .England. during the
imontlis of April. Nny, and June. The traveller
sees only the exteriortnspect of things: he it un
conscious Af the misery that lark,' in the-arch
ways. 'alloss,f and ellt3P9 of the manufacturing
14'squalid dwelling, of the miners do
not obtrude upon the view. All that is seen is
marked_with the taste of the rich private land
lords, or the splendor of national itistitutions.—
tie friends not to weary themselves
with eight seeing take things °ail IVon.:
den and curiosities enough to weary the powers
of observation will came in-the sr.,. London
alone is wilderness, where one Mar Wander
telly rear., if he will, Let no man fear for his
dither if ne has cash. England i., the land
good eating; and, if you go into a hotel. you can
hardly go amiss. But' be particular--order fried
soles and, shrimpsnitee, do iti at Liverpoid '
Go to Dolby's chop house, in Paternoster. Row.
bandon, and ponder ;upon the day- when Sam
Johnson did the same. Go to Dick's rot's,. ,case,
- Temple Bar, for your dinner, for Addison ant
. Steele were there before you. Order a pint of
wine, even if yuu do Mit drink it, else the waifer
may he impertinent 2 If you wish to ,i•it the
Queen, get Lord John Russell ti introdus, you ,
Asp the rest, you must consult the guide book,
w hi c h will toll you how to see all London nsix
days. The seventh you will he glad to rest Cm
not generalize or philosophize till you get home .
The British not to be digested. has
• tily. It ii, in its history, its institution... and its
civilization, is study for u life time. 'Flo. world
has seen nothing equal to it, ON to Welllll. t•lice
gy, sagacity, power, and dominion.-
IPky . If, tie Eforbioner. —The celebrated
Comedian, John Reeve, was once acce,tied by ow
elderly female with no bottle of gin in her band:
• ••Yray, sir, I beg your pardon, is thin the way to
the workhouse?' John gave her it look of cleri
cal dignity, and, pointing to the bottle, %rarely
`• said, " No, madam, but thin !"
Dcath of Jesse Ilatclainon, m i t o bi„,
son, father of the Hutchinson family—not the
younger Jenne, no- ipeormily stated—died on
Sunday at bin residmice DrAt•Ml]fOid N •The
mother is also dangerously ill.
A New Vorkipaper says building lots are new
selling near the foot ef Twenty-third rtreet, .• at
• one huntlred to two hundred and fifty dollars per
fear • in 170, Jolla Adores relates in hi! diary
that he drive out or thecity three miles to break
fast with ALT...Scott, .litho,e farm
1 0. an where the
foot of Twenty otreet now is.
Chance of an AmorirO n l'opo.—it is propure.l l, y ' •
I ..
the Pope at Rome to appoint three Cardinals for - _ ----- - - - -
the United States. One of these will doubtle,s: . pr enn mutual Life e i nsuran — e 2 Co., m a d - ; 8.
he Archbishop Hughes, of this city, W i 1 .9 is "" iA . 1.
, : . E , N;r ioi l . N . l s ::r n r .. T o Slll:ll . G
, 11 , , ,,,, V 1 .2.L. ,,, D y A . Li t. 5.
in Some. The rise and progress of John Hughes t
it indeed singular. From being a poor cabbage ! ior ll :h.. 1.,...-e c.o4,lrlienro-or pk•rAMIA 1 , 041113. In lb..
grower at the age of twenty une, he rapidly arose lg,7, , r,? i'.': t i cilr'',;,? l :,:t:::',, rt„V"..V.V:',.4:, 1 ,4 61 , m iLi
until he 11":. appOinted ItiNhop of New York. then .^-, ect.o•elfieekW . 9 , .. ,. .xe ' , 4 IVµ.l gn ~,,,,, her,. oil ~,,
Archbishop, anti now the next ,new; will doubt- II , "Z,II ”I IIII.., 7 I I II p e I I I IZZI,I,W,.,, I i " „TriIIII,WIIII,=Xj
lees i.e that 0 Cardinal" Hughes has set out on 1 , m:h..1 . Lif , ll,orauee.xna - Wank form. furnhh.ll no
his retain to hie home in New York It is hot : .7;,....=;, i ,„,,
,11,11 . 0031 , 0 ,
.‘, 0
. 0.,
~. -
b ee step from Cardinal to Pope. and it would not 1',41 , 1.. olivi.l.l nunually nmono.l. 1.1:: ', •!1:1 1 .:In!I o•Ale
e the strungeiit thing in the world if u New L' I I II '`- "—I " .II .I• I _" I II ---- i" I I 4
Yorker ehould ' next occupy the Papal Chair.-- . Matte, Fire, and Inland Transportation
John would make the best Pope they hake had . Insarance.
for two ectituride. With his thorough, go-aheadl rill I E Insurance Compan yof Noel II America.
American Ppiritt he would put new life where 1 i Ll a li , txtri i x-,Uatvre.l,7tl4 l's,hll i.'...r. !om•It
now In lethargY, aml create an entirely new or- i.oltliaw. le., iiII I I., ' ,II4,tIlntij•I I , l it I I " IL I II t I ;:iffiI I I II I,III
'der of things out of 3 present chaps--IN. York "I• I.c.N . rt , 4 , ee”rl ....rit,0,,,,, a,,,,,,,,,, ~, ~,,,„ ,„,„
ntel utlicr ‘,,,. etth, I, m1..1 trat5, , r , .... ,,,, . th"
rASTEIt BUlLDERS—Proposals for
tini building attn. Frath Chun+. Hatt.
I Kin. will I. newivell by W. Pinerani at the idliee „f
llow an ilreiet. until Tlitniadwy. the Till,
ina., at 12 del., , • lie, plan* cud ,
lii and any luforinatinn cueg re
niny he quired
ly order vo.rst Tru ele,
JOIfY 1.)lltlt I.
I I Altittg, COUNTY A (LIMA 1)—5.31e,1
in.otosst. till to rr , eMol at the nal, cf t'Arrol
1,11r05..1 Conran, in Ca , rottouothi.. mild Tito r
en speritiratiow. of the work tun, I. eiamiu.,.l.
Infortnntt..n obtato...l Ott appli.latou
OM, of the Compan,. luring t.
prevlou• u , th...lay of lel
~ order of the. hoard of Wu, ton.
fe1.1.1-ttl 10111 T CM 07.1 Fit.
Notice to Contractors
IL" ROAD—Bedell proposau reeklred at 111. Olt. ,
n 1 the Ohio an.' llannxylvama ftallnkpd I,mpan, in I,t,
burgh, until thurpday. the . ..51Lb day of Nardi taxt. IPr
laying the bark (nail l'lttahnrch a ,
.107 mile,. tippeifiratiman and foruir ‘.l prnpu 4 al , 1..
nb.iuni at the attire in 11/tud.ttrgh. tpr ta.. o V yr.-s wum
to the letting. on application Solomon NV. hubelt. , thief
knaln,Per. The prulawalm mtut he In rarr.rdan.... with the
printed form, and addre...l.4slhp yrenklput the Om,
.1:0111S, , ON".
Eltuhurgh. Fee. fith. I
North Atneriran. N. York' Tl-114111, AttlfrillloVi , l , 77l
Jouruel. publigh four mu.. r.
VIROPOSA LS for Erecting W ire Sullen
tiotee th
n 11rid, over the Allewhimy River. gtpp,ih
chaOle gt
t. in e Fifth Wool of 11.• raY 1 - 1t1.14., h.
in race of the n-livetun- 1-, 1,-.
l'rnpoalg Hill I. n4 , 1 , ..1 at the,,:llr. of Joe..
Painter A Co.. 1.11.-rte atnwt. unit! the I,th .far 44 March
nett for th.• ert-etmn of th. thr
rtatrro tberonf tub. the M0n0n,71,.h , -1a
with sorb Rim:Amaxas
r"SP'to. lIS
iturnet i, n YMTITI
IJIROPOSA LS Will be rkweivi.,l at this
' , oriole. tan.' the Atti Jay of %lamb next. for fur - 1,10
alum, for the taeo of the not thlle, 11,..
Sta., ft, four year. first day of :tintslott
onion,' by the 11e1ms - town, of the fell,. ton ttrotent , too ,
11,111.• the otter awl State in etteulor Owitt. tut
from a 1 Mori of bartlettol ott.l made itt ott It
manor, 1.11,t an hu
ti ttno ttl htttate the
.... ro t a day. with te,
k.,-1, .ts, re
mt.! thsar, to Oa,Sod. stamp. tool the I. r- ....tote,
ha u the tan, te he of thenAM , 1111,- “..i• 01..1
tortured awl so tot, A turnot 11/nilotis. Ittottle or the
to ose. ra,urrly ...tvbrd mt:tl 414.11, Thr
moral, of the • tmr ablerestated rt. , toot:ant 1411 thr,
nrich. The ITI.r Mi.' %11,1 II• 1., out 1,111
aolol Mork. Ikpnlen-d noel Fromm- for the ot the
outh. trontl to 31,onclutITe. to he ru oho, Itar.l
in.3l. nod of theatre laet aforteott.l
A 1,.,. stamp+ with fl n..lenntlne nf
ant sunilar to thn.... rnist /A use.
All of Ihn whown mad ,
Thr ,rotnsnal• containn , rynna. ttn. thn sir
rulst with the m..ths ant thturnn
. Also. Is t rwch seperwts. thr month non
threr Inttnrs
Ca no• h pinfh. frt thr dar• ,roson,..nth
kn. nAr rAnugarte .rt• of tnonthQ nnA fntr•-...
refetrnte Ore , with the o - r.rd•" tat..
Alma. fur 1,4. ettaaratte erath the fazatr-a. alreratan•
the nate. ef preatace the calking aat the abalerent " , te teal
aa'et. houera r. Ora,. alttlerout enntnaartrare. but 111 te-31 tar tart
.1 11 hitt. al,tal.el cane)
the fretear , metat .111 tea. reen.t.,l Ti.. bet - max. , tat r
eer eve to It-elf the light te rojea.l.ll tamtearaah. ten.. lii 1.
tb , variety. U.+ nf thump+ rMalr.d ran
eeen the appointme.,(Kre nr (ht. Deryarthkeut
K RAU— Ikethis .r
Proposals for Chain Cable Iron
Jmnuary C
tor rizaln
11..11,1ny th.. 'nth
Sat, I,
Th-trier Colatub., a,: Ili, ,:euvo c.f.!
1 7 lot , -
••nt th
ar 11 " r• f l r
•••• • I tso•
All the e.t.a...rt.! ebam eabh, ton:t ho of the ye: Y
In., quality, of Ararnoen mar". lad.", ire tn.
tore of inM: t...lhe hammered Imut 1.1,...• tn
o. rough lam That le r 10010 must deen to rot.
014.1, nnd r.,11.4 to nu hole fn thirkuec. then nano.
rut, rilod. and to the requer..l nem. enol old .1, , the
renuord lennth.. ' That porlwm for the .h.t.14 , ..1101V01.1.
I,ROA, and pin...* all.ln .rmunht tb , . baron/et-10
slr, and thaw, whob I....fa:mid/ea to the,
The whole mend he 111 , 110 0 , 1 1 lb ,trni,lit free Imo,
all maned .S.. •n edge.. oe other de1...m..0,n , , t„
onclnPrwof. and m the Bum.. uft....netom. Fot:/M-
Ment, an4l,ltr totir ma. dint. and Ir. in all n•iont• b , the
entme mtvdarto. nna a or mouval the emnumeelant ol u o
hahart'Vll.ll.,,renald., it will tl,t t. rerrite.l. nne w
any part of the e halt .aftmet , .l to font and nett..(
Ire .fartory erideure I. pnaltn.4 to the ...nide...on.
am that It hv horn inanutwtur..l herembeforo
The quantity required to make mmtleird of the der
ferent xurd entde. mu deltvered on or before the
firnt dny 4.1 lobe next. fur r dun, .it
ble. 4n. lo I,eforr the It. of ...tor 111,1; 01,1
111, mumider to, or bef , re the thin, notln.ouelor
Pmnon. 4e-droun of offeri. to fur.. 1.110
tAhmild any forth, Information le. notetin.l to eon..
oaks their olf.m, Arereferred to the oronenandant
ending oftlrer ~f the Nam 1.1 at Wewlanmtun,
Ihrtrict m of Columbia-
To the permun whom offeremu, to raxpeal partieulat
4lntweno.. and model. dearripeore at dm ttat.
ant ttorhons of each kind of Iron nriettnnt will he Inno.h•
rd. le,. the contract is prepand for enrcation. and to
whtr'h the said Iron nosed ...forte,
ton,:t euttoare Um quantity requinsd. and tho
Wm. MAMA bp a, pound. and the
offer alma and entrimi colt
A m.nme.l rimed, eq..' to the eat... amount of the.
contract will to in thr men., pet 1 1 0111 1., that
inttrument, and It',. toromtum in addition will lo withheld
Trout the amount of each payment an rollatatral ....di fur
the faithful torformactre of the oontrart. N.netyu
tun or each alrlivery will l. Imld by St.', dint ut
%I.l4nntou within (hid, day. aft, the onwromttor. uf
1,41, en fruolint,, atet,rtmed by the .1; the .alt
Nary ant
Et., offer must to - tied by a atilt,. guaranty,
Idle pot/Ability of 11w ounrautur tozarantom to be
tertillw re... l to bra many age. or other oMonel 10 1 1 0 ..11. 0r by
•f known to the Bureau of Ar thnt
the Who to aecepted. the bithho or bidder. will, within
ton r after the annul of If,, contract at the V. ,
mwinunt.d., eat. to nnnie. a-Ith no+.l and ottabient
romth,.. furnmh the ../1 elen. rale Iron, atmerabl, to
the term, niawilanl In del. tedrertiwoneut. whech may he
elnlonli4.l la the oontrzet. Tbe law of the lOU/ 01 A tip.,
Irk., forbid. the moonier... of all pr0f. , .1. not arrow
panied by mete nuarrmt,.
Bidder,. are palrlieularly cautioned b. emits. t.r . ran
ahnve mwtrory.l, that they may 1.. dittinnui.l..l from
other busy..., leUrr., lu mler to patent door loin,
operonl before dee tint aPladtelwl
All ldfor. not made eit Ariel ...fortetilf with the.
111 every parlieular..ll coloider4.l n.
nyted, thy .mtion .4 the Dunne. of Cowden.. I , ittlfr
went and Roped, The tor.ti whow: offer Mat he ...el.:a
will he notanol ntl.l n c.tract forwarded willmutrte
ram - delay.
Pcrnoto offer]. are dirtrtwl to dmig.. the pot
barbtr they de ire to he nottimmwd and the :envy
aitrut whom the mntrart 'hall rent for evynt:on
And also required to make LIMO loid.w.nling 10 the form
hereto annexed .1.11 LATHROP, tiarY Anent
• - ,
if 04..PAR1'NERSII1P-We have ti,i,, ,t,,.
N /....tated with 4,. 11enattnIn 7 11..111... The 1•1. A.
tn., a - 111 la. re.n.....1 a. hen•tot.. MK: I' 41, firm n, .1.011, A 111"1 , 111SUN a CO
l'ltt*Tatrch..l.nonry 21.4. Isl.-,-,1 , 11n,
414,4,4,,.p,,,,,g),. Whin., 'dry nI•1 and the.. -
1. 1,1.1. Old Nlta„.• Whl•ke, inatm , and (hr
~,,,),. I T i ~,o. J4IIN l'AllhElt 1 111. !
g 1 601.) CA S'ION FLA N N EL.-A larth, I
li. 1 .4444, .41 a 1.:11 An.ri. art4 , ll. at 1/I‘, •••.ntx ,r
""Ji..;:;."`"'"` "'" " f all'ltl.ll7 A BI'hiIIFIELD,
ZEST - BLAcK TE.I-Sonn , kind n. in
I.:neland-amall Leaf. , •••••tia ar.•l ..., a1......ant 11..
1...1. ft. from all heel., c..a.--..•4 :'. e..nt- t, •r . tdoun.l.
far h.1..1 , 1 111,1thla A 11 1 , 1. till 11. In the 1..4.1. ara.
115 1r here cbe 15 441444.114 :it 4.44
FIiANSEED-.1 ...,111..t t.,, ..,i,. 4,-
,„1: .1 a 1.0.H . F:1.D
4 ,:iii:Er nurs- 1 ),:d... t;,, •,,i.• 1.1.
).:, .1.17 ./ It I „N/ 1 1ELI•
I rertiry,thal, In the heat of to kunal,-,a- 1 , , .. , nail 1 S A LE ( ll ,, tl '',.--'-' r. ... "' I S 'lo ' l l l . l 7 ll• l l ' l . l.7. inl l. lr . t ar i
'het , the 5tt......1 air 1:401 and rut .1. nt I , ba, or - t •,, , ja. . . •
. 6 '1."“ A'"". EA F L.llili' -I,i,Lc•ji..tri tit 1./ . l..k,ltlt•Vi..‘r ,
Le.... 1. ~ w ha rial,„.„l .. 1..h.,1- lar ~ h z.ln e a ..
ble •n" . , , ,
.114IIKII t 1,1.4E1.1. a a't•
,11.,11..1T ; A 111111 " 1 1. • • 1.. rt, Va,
1 ,11
r i ;A it ,
__ I, bbl i 1,,„,. N, 1 /hatl „ 5.11.741r4
I - 7 tn ...... 1 f ...I 1. 11•11111 T DAL/41h At II
r iA .4444111 II 'lei). al W,...1 -Er, t.. 1.4 - . .
ast. 4, ,1 • 1.... 451 .55-tulpl it ...4 mrnt
cf 1 1 .anas t.., htan and '' II 2ii i
I'LEN1111) un ,; .4 1 1 ,;;; 4 i . ,, " 1 r,,, 14.51:5-4.4 4 . ~ I. ri N...
r .t: 1.,.L. r ,„•
y 1 s 11- rirt,...,, dr.o. n' B. v,,..pi0, , .
7 -7 /- 0.1, 4 A 11 h..,,,„.., ~ . ~,, . , di. 1 •rl• 7••• I M,.. h• ~. I. o, ',1.. „eel t.. „ . 1. .1 hi , Ait
Calata.t ••1 M..1..en "art_ ' Zer. ' ......1r ' • '''
I ' ‘ _ ,•, int.„, IA tat . eritta, , ( thEESE - 19' I'. C'''"ll'l.
. " t
'''''..171,F47.:‘,.,1, ' '.
h 3
" l'''.
' ... 1 ..',. ; i „,, ~r - ; ,1,. 1., .1 - A - .1 A, t , t , a .,
1 1 , . L1 . A. ,.. 1... , L r 1•- ,..
Ltd,apal Prayer 11951, oerut II 1,411
Juvenile I..entall. 11 ,, h1 A " 11,0 ' 7. 0 1: . ,• i t , ,•
V il a ,. '''.
" "U:....;"1" a1aV .111' . V. ,K. r..• ' •f T r. l ,..u P ;tl, RII
--., I h?1;11..:11.!::j •V
~ ~,,, I I . , . 051 1 , 14 .5 ,. . 1 . , ,, , ,,. ,. ,
call, l.x• IN .In. I:9r. WO
1 ..Il l 1t..1,1 won 5 • Cabneen
1 . )11 . 1 , 1 , 1 , 11. ; ` 1 . 7 .d . 4 1 , 1 , 1 , 5 1 ttre , • t , 111. , 4 , 1 , ,,r .1•• by th,. yul, • f; '717, - 1, "1 ,,,, ..-... 4 4". ' ''''' ' '''''
r;cllphat mad ...tate ..I .I.•rahh. , 11.. 1e.5..... 1,...1 Ilaraexal , .• • .14,
41114 5h...11.
Era. Salta: .
Sauar of 1..11
11 nra Aral..
Cresat Tartan 1 ' t I a n cTIS . In
. ' ""
" n'
r !..'''' . " .10111 I' I Klan{ 41 tri
Roll ltrimanne • ' i RICK -'2.1. Iv- fur ,:%1.. , i2 , . , •, , ,
j,,,, . 1.1,1ad,i lg. Y. U I 7.1.1111 ait
Mar anlphon ,
aletwaln. aenna - , 1•I 1A it A :110 liA SSE.`;-- :',II Wills Su ir, tr :
clutn Cu. ,
'., 1 1 / 1 11111tallAM ' CI ~-,il•.trrelallnlaaay, h„.
1.,4,,, ~,,r., a.... 1 awl .IW,ntr • 1 •..11 1 1:1'-1:14141 to.:1.1 A IN4IIIIIII
1F YOU LSE: BLACK TEA, 510 ka.K. , t,,.. %yi.Nl}(ik% I; LA 5;..... _.,2t1111 1,,0 , uss'd ,17..., , .
I * Manta.. In the Itiamoud. hell the 1,1 1,& . .4 5 ri 1 , V 1, 45.m4 - 1 , 1451 5,r •..I. 1.,
httahargh: thla la . and. 1.7 frt. a, ~,,,,, a . ~. I 111 1i111111 , 411.1 4 IN II III I A 7I
ri 111 p1,..1'. n,:., 1 , _
. '" ltd atra w ag and ..1•1 1. .. 11111,17,1 . -. . 1 • 171- 1. , lb. ' ( ~. LUE- _T.14111 V 14:1,.•1- iti..l. .0.11 , 1. mid
Th. 1,,a 1....1 i.• tla II 2.11-........ hr ..1,• I la I. r -ale I. t., t 1..". leo, ..1 t -,.• .1,1 , K 71.1100
thee; Tea. mually Taal 117 11.1 1 / 11 rah .-. - . • .
~ 4, ..I 1V...A .4 41(111 et -
All T e a. at
(44 ail,
err rah.. fra.t. from 11, 1 a••, . ~
flrtrinal Che.h...l...tna far rap.. to 1 1 .1:apt Trl, . hid, 11 •7 . 7 1 I it',llS ~
~•-4-, 1 , r i„,... i„ r 4,4141,y.
' irl=tg, " hr,:f t al'l v aAt' briaaaa" "1477.1117k1714t' ' ' ''' ''' ' ' ' ll.".:;; 1 1.'4 i'lt lii. - r1...1.R.• ' .1t-'... l‘ ;l ' ;:l l' A o rYt ' t. ' n ' t,Tt ' e i a . :l . : be
a mall bumlle La In a al.lek2as tolainit that Tea !rlll keep
as .11 Iv a Imam: as In the 0401111 cheats. 1.1. 1 5 ja;.: WICK A 51c(1,1-141)1.111. 1 .4 .
Fhrm of on qyfvy
I hereby agree to furnish nod .lenver at the Nay,: Yard
at Wimhiugtnn. Dietriet of Columbia. in conformity alit,
the term of the wit tvtivement roan the Navy Avvut'v
thee at Waviiington. the 1Y.1.1 day of January. 1n.".1.
1..11.1=1 Ihe. of rhsiti cable ;tont the very hevt
of American Manufacture, at the rite - aeon. mar
I h., atoounZng S--.
If my off, be arreptel. I dealm In he mtdro-0.1 through
the hog. offer at.-. trot the contract It. Ix mtit
the y agent at - Inc execution.
bee, reohvetfnltY. ob-di , nt
A it
To LIT. ',MN), FAN.,
Nary AilentoWashingh.n. it
We the andel - maned, revalent. ni -, in the State
here', guaranty tha4 Io the forego,
Ltd - aln ten dmt
aft, the rervhd ivf the contievi
exerlll. th... 110. with
foralah Ito chain cable tool therein., It.. , l.m.onthrmity
rah the 00 e.l the ~,Ivertf no* ny unihr whirl, the
I ',int
11.1 nal ma I,
Arthur U. Cont. Thottuut It Ct,
Mmuel W. Jonet .to lot Nvff.
lUlunrd tuiilh. kothnot D Woo 4,
John 3. ttroun. tAtllutut
Salsounl Smith. ° Vratto•
Stottunl Itmokt , !WADI 41111....t5e,
Ilotrlto Tut 1„r, II to H. 1,. ,11.
t ; ~, Antountell.
natt , Mou,. .Intut , lto
Morro DA.. II 0 Stor,r.ol.
llto i- the .3.1,1 I ootruum Gunotout in t ruittn l , Mtm
nu,l (runt It- loch ntoutlinv.l“,. mo,rivom. mut& siwa/1- •
uuJ nunitlito, nit ro.ln ot nn mtrn 1.111011% ri/fIIIIO , K it
1111 , Iry Vial,ien-1.6.. 441,1, nutitl. ,rtn-urtt‘ Ow tolltlin
AA 11.3.1 A P J. Awnat..
Fr”. otrevt
American Life and Health Insurance Co
Ayr,ll,l, 1'; ,:latryh, 5.1311.. P. TO IDLE.
• 'Me, 1 .7 r.rth amitlol.l.l.
l'l.nll.l,l.l...attainina .11 Infarmnlamt 1.•
.14a33,1 al 11, .ain 1.17 MI
Delaware Mutual Safety, Insurance Co.,
O dr FRT. IN NI MTH ROOM 1.4 1" 111E
11A,Ii .11 111,1 . .1 . 1 1 1111,1.41”.
Tll I f.•I
t. •
1t01.1,111. , S 1b1'1,. ( 11111 . 1 1 ,1
Inl II!' 11,1:- 9..1.1121
I,rn...ll'mninin-.llllihr .4,11;17 I,
On %Inoue awl 1ni..11.1 sl , .:•r I
' • • •
neee. Etry-n, ..luryttc the -mot,
Metrine c ttel Inlnn.lNtrizatten *ll l5 n
. .1 , • •
n. 1.13
$1 " •
• fl '4% •'
Slm,t3t....ttals.r+ '
,11m rold
rl :„.4
T... 1,1,1 •
CE , T
, v..
I, J n.
.inh n i• lllnn,
IC Itortr.n.
I , or .11.1%
tt•rttt '
I, Ft, Art thc•rt , • t•t•• 3
rft.r . , rt. I".••rt•rn ttn , F.1•11.1..11‘..% •.,tb• rt•• , •t•
I), I totitut ,at •• it 11,0
mhoo, 1, ttrt t,ty
•••tt•• 0 .•
:•• - nr, I. amts.: nrk ttr•-•t t‘r .1%
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company
TIIE,ry ttr...tttLvt oitt.ol,l ti
j .tl,l t• Ista
~..1 yv~-~.. ~
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
A PITA. 8,300,000. i;
0111 .1% 3.-3.... , 311 3331• • 1 13, ri• - • 31.trin..
3”.1 Itl•••••St. S• ina!ntsl3l Ovaracio•
liticr.33 • 1141. r 1r .•
1:13.3. .1 0 I ll,J 4 er. S
Auto% 31..• T •••• 3 , 3•31
..n•...,.. i•ura.rrra. • 13.1.11,
Delaware. Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
d 11+1:10E. Ntkirrii insoi (IF"rtit: EN-
Pl'll.lNi , l. , ~,, 1 •tr , •••1. 1•1.11.t.1.•10/..
ak I , n --Ihnbluu••. •rrt ~ 11/../
pre/wri,. /It Rnd t.c/./ta-,
das/1.3, 1 , , hr.. rst.• ~,e//1/It/,
11/1•11' —The, NJ., on
ar,.l r •o• /*1
r , 41 , L -, 1/.11, n.Trssa ,
- 15, .1. , .r 1.1 ”,
~, 15,1 r , ./I , Lnal 1 ,, 2.1 , •1
'team 1./mt , . /as ri,• , :OH nn
11 •••••:,1. E.arrmia.l A ,•••ts.ler
IL.L. rt !,,rton. It. ,ntlint,•l
. 1,// , ' 1/ 1 , •,, -I
lie a 1 1 / 1 0,11. 1/ ellr II %I 11 /I*,/,.
Th,• , ./ohilu• Plitsl/11,/,. II 111 , ••k.. 11../tr, •
11/,/,1/ r./././. r•••rrill Si.
1..1,3r1.•,1:•.:1, • 1• in. /1., .
ITI/. IL-1r
1/11er,•••,, , Ar I'r/1,4 , I,ll T 311.1,,/a.
.1 , •11,1 L
1511411 I' 0111. VW.. Iro
,1,1,/, rt ,1
onytorvg• st,.. . 42 Al., nrr,..t.
biar,rll l• 111,14,111. A. Agrnt
_Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of PhiLad'a.
Cliarlel IV. 'Smirker. Geo.
/11 , 11.,”1, N101 , 1 ,, ti 1 , 1,1,1,.
111,..r. Ath.ll/1. ILrw. r•amtp•lor.a/41., Iran) 11,w n.
JAp./1/ It :• , /,/plll. ,11,r,• r , .,t1
1111.1 i, 1 11A 111.11.1.:11.
uors ll‘A,ro. -Own A•
Tt. 'ookoany oaalmoo InAlos I ttnosr.... permonont
oo .100 - nption Pooolt, In toon onA
rountr, at rotor orr 000dro-ot with ....aril,.
,ompao‘ bay , r..0.r.0.1 loro• rontAngrot
vrl.h door Coottal and l'rrnoono, rofrl,
at Tonolr ',rotor , nonOrlhe ootn.t
Thr oroAtr tto- Couts.on,JoooorY I.f tht , rol" -
lirhr4 Art of A orrr foi
T..:wt r , IA 1
ill. , their prrl..l Iliccetc.r.
hare pahl cip,arcin Tihecnesnl
I.llcnrs ytl ,nh, 4th
actrarclave,..f lairccr cher. n. ref, n. ntelitc
Inc Oral to to-•ct uctl. nII
J 1: Altl.N VI; I,YVIN.
...etc, 4 .te
ANCE 1N.31 VA N Y. Se. Nlnrket. Nerecerk.
N NO 1 i% N
f ~,,, hofnvr.rrlrrent ehh , t ,
7'`i• •...eritry rm, terrunicracive nco
Itc n0tee...4...1111 , 11,10,
Fr ~„ N. 111 Froecc
-, , -
IC-5(1 Lrl, N. C. Tar for tale Lc
11_YI^ BURRILID4I F. &-IS.1.1111:.151
Ca ar•sr. 4, be had .t the .torr.
t•-r-r sill:1;11V a LW
.lala S. anarth Jana Slarart ata
llßarri:l4.H hate, Lana an :4— ,, rltveht of ',hove ,a•al ,
a 4.4 sa‘..4l. ,{ .414 and, Qatue-lic at, .64. Wale !Ixoela
tut. Shr,hline
aaphy S Purehtea ativutiau ou the
ah•••• dayartawnt 41 thPa. eau] 41,14.4..raLata .
vennht, nn, tia..rtah.a. a.,„ thawtn•n, n r3ll
ERM I FUG E. 111 t. MeLAN
V ar”.. fAr KIDD
by pa, A; IA I
I.ILCIII{KS-- 15011 by
I 411/1 , S
S V ON( east , niol I halt 4.suut
Itls J. KIM Ili
E'StINI urs--i5 Lrul. 6,r pudo by •
E L I . I '. Itllol , AI,
N 1)111 ES —Fi harms Famity Flour:
I,'_ , lkrlt
lA, hurrlr
VIA,: I t•rl tl.;,:r; itsrl dml :red tor
/AI .1111 IN At All A I'll
for st . atjay r l i t , . :
Ant, pAr
I II rph, Amite tho nlr.nii,m "r
A Antal: w•AI,Ar Lot • ttAar. Ilt•••••
Ana ttt 1..,t gAtAlt OA.
Wt.'"h Lil•ArtY
I lill‘VN FLANNELS-4),w en..• juSt
AtanufaAture, ntLI fAr tAIA
In, • Ith1•115 A LEE
1F1..1 llamaand
)1.111 MU CPU A 1:11
LANK stea.ft
j )IA,II. ArLI•• and A. olut• I .IALLAt- lAr •.,
N1E,1 . 111 LEE
REDS —Tiirl:t• cast, tten•ArtAd TwA,ls
IrAA rA, :A lAA" InAnutarturAt•, 1.1 All.
n , lIII•111 .1 LEE.
I II At'--Tm.1.,11,4 SnnAte 1.. .sale by
• MCI:1111' a 1.11:
'F'` 4 .—Filiv-fisrl,rl- F•E•1
x I (11.A55.... l, per
ono. li !Mitt, reeeivi . ll
pAr ,t• littlhant, AA.I I , r MIA
lIALZEILL:A••• *lt ,
I p R.l IVINF:A'„(:I.NS„.vt'.
lint( lot, - CAJnotr •Aul park' .
a - PAL•• IltritALt
IA 11. .1.• And nAIAI•tAIAI ram,.
.• ILLIAA.I AILI - Fitt/ "
pAnc beta, 3 rt•l3 nod :•Att.•l tNr, tt LAI
.L. JAALAL a II•on
IL• AAALA Port M. Ale
•A • MA0..., lII+
),. :•I•Arrt II
Atilt!, VALE Ell A
Otl 1111.. rt, Alrn
I I.rl-
I 4
g All
. „ „ ~.
. . '''''
\ )IS
)( . I‘l I
O,t •E N ;1 • N 1;4
11 , N T31 1 F.N , T , --- 1 :2
I 4 A R L--4 for
Zt i fty I , •n i
fr. LO, e.
S I ES.-6 Irk fre,ll It, Butter
,o 1 10 , 1t1,4.N•LITTLK I I'll
\ 1,1,111% imd sa.l
"10% Eli A 11AliNV.
th.m.3,1.1 hos jo.t
1 - 1 ~,,, am, ..1.:h•
WA%• k
IV I:A l'.\
4:%1:=11 A lA..
Iw I TTON )sl•. now landing frlan th
1. , k1,111
/,71 .t•
1,1•11 Ht . t;ll
►Lo.vr LPHIS 4:ltr
ri.- .14 tl , rwrrrrd •tritut•lr. f r .r•r.
111 4 1:51 ,,, 1
u1r.1,1321.1,2%...,..,s 4 •
F. VIII Eft* 16 lan.ling tr.
Au il.l t. sILVEIt. NoTV:S. SI , ;11
1.11, tli.. s-t +kWl. S.
• n to--t
- ACen., it •
li o rj , l . E:ll t .: :lliar- print, rt.
D. )1. -Fitts 141 , ,
i t
1-111,1% it: Y.liA 11.11:%1.$
g 'urn, N FLA N ELS— , fartlwr ,up
~1 oh. rre-A
101 MI !WM A 1ti,10.11111.1.b
t i ll: EN l 1.E.11' Fifty 1.11.11
I.lltt 11....1.1 31,1 r.aft,
I: A 0.1
hrt. Ifaa,r Fmk: 1
1 .3 tra ,, J
F.lOll 1.1.11 chi n ,
..1 I ,tarry
relrr J
1.. OI .S- -Ivali /it I
2'.,e1. 1 1 11 1 rnn At 11
-1 1 , 611 1111 of 14nuanca. 1 1.
a... 1 1 4.1 4)11.11,-, Jnxt , ^^ , •.lf.r "1,1
I ill . SL':;•;SI A N 0 1 1 5 , L1 . E—_ , T . ,;,4 i i., „
,Poll)1.111... --Lard 1 Blain nor.
roumtnnll hand fi.r nnle I.y
,4do I: 1 11.111 1/IC11:1', IV,, Wafrr
OL ASSE S. —Twenty one
It,ar Alolntrvrto, pint rv,ent,,l
1.1(A:11o1I:II A ('0
lq;Alt• -.21 hints N. O. Stigar or Silk by
- lner (mow.. 4 KI Ilti I 111 I.ll.nnlt . 0
N •
FAY RAISINS on rnn4l,Vlnivni for Kole by
nnowsK rATK WK.
I 1, 1 / 1 41 ,-, 110 . 0.111,1111114.11/..r vim and 10r rah.
~..111 FAL A
11.1LASSES.—'25 Iprls :ingar !knee, St.
g asnl ttr 1.,
,an lo,illOlIT t,A 07,1.1. ~ LA!. 146 ri, rtrn.l.
I It E.'\SE LARD- -Twenty 1,1, ,
Intl for rlltt It,
S. A 11
)1 , 1 , 1 , E • , li p, p h EA!2llES—n2:lll r... 7 ,, - . 1:
S x W
I EA F LAPP—Prime I inonnni
oe fnr (molly intr. In.) n•
WS. A. )lr ,
R. Inrllno
_rumba..., 1.,
cnlvrtlimi ntntnrmonl nrlhrer Ply and
ns-ttr In•rnscht tr , nntrkrt. 141 i rhrninrr
entttprn Porn. Invn ell In nail mt.] Op
nt No. AA Fourth and 10 11000.1
. 2. 10 W. N
en., nr Ileoe vd.hinzinntnrrl.n, n
Ittat, Nrt. , Fottrill rtrttnl.
,I x/:.1.1 , II
1 /I .
The Old Printing Establis
ATE John , ton and Stovkton . .
j 1 t.., mot
W 11 1t.pmp5tr...14.....,..utr. eve
t . ttnnt. nntl 'lt ant
1111..littg. toml tatrttt , ll . .....rt ttrlit-lot trt t
Itlrtnk Bor. - mt.! ,tntttt..” . Warehrttp.r..
mu.1:44 . ..1.1rt . t . t•
Itrltittog I t 11... n.! Itttttlt N.
6.!Tit A W 1111(.1DS.-11. .d.
111,,n.trarturve , and Dont...
',II i...1..111c t.f t..
h.., v.lll ottyr intitte.ttin..nt. , in
Sarnttl... at rho, .rtet
ts,..tntrtt. rsr 1 t.rk
11,•,(1,..1, °VFW!: —N
.I...nwittod ntel
. 0 ... rt. Artwie reu
ni mArrar.l.4 tli.. pWrlenw
ewe., relitt..l..l Awe e n le w 04.11.
nt..l etrwel. I J A 11
IEA 15.'a RE— En t rli,ll mc
tun T.. 0 . 1.1,0/4 Pint..l 11.4,
...ti rr and 'Fr u ... trir
Awn. 1n1.1.. etivier, :Over intl.,
r nwl Siher For
Tat., Th u . fine Jl,,iiiiii hx
hlihlJ ornAutitei..4. l'lni..l twa
t. sn rt.w.ler (Sr e1...1010e Ati.l
mare. 1tr0 , 10.. rlenotow .....
111 , •tat. will :untie
o r . . ..; nn. fin 11, !1i
I () : ( :1 1: , Ii i
31t.!a,, , , prim, ~n pers,".
Lit.... OIL
vl Gran Lad:
lie ITT. Roll Bull,
bris Timythr etelt enhand
,e3l 144 Libert,
, inamsn'..lla.g.ine for Start. with 1.1-1
Ilurtlrulturiet- fur Fel.r..M:
Whig Review dee
Dierinlin: a .1.,
Ma.a.elue. No.
as nmeu of 'ram Auullar.
1nt1...1., .1, for and Ileutlstem
51.,ther'e ker.lnt , nee. 111-111, A gu.lar.
n.Pry r the the human
Ileart• 1, Mr.. 1.:111‘
ollra. a nurel.
Ha, Sae.ll.. 1, .1. 1 1 . Jam., Fig:
r.r .al, 11‘11, 1.
11IS 1.1,mm LJe,Y,t, ....Ate the PnAt Of
11. PIANOS--
1 1
_7 I. lilt ll I. l eaer ,
thet E taken
openaci al I.A. ,
A I A,A 161/A D,ll/6/4. Spur l'orL Inel.. V, 1111 Owe.
on Lau, lona 11,.' tn., eleenut. var.... Land ..I.Leu.l‘
eler thie city.
,1 , ...11.1 7 telay cane.' limn,
leut... XIV et e 1... uitla the Ituprurem,nt over
1at.,1 and intel h.
fart,'] unllon Nutt....t, larl.'• euverl.
Attaelmient ham,
ON. An es tetol‘e 100 or Nen 3111.4 e entlorni inv. Jenny
1 SION HARI'. lul Thin!,
iplA Paoktt, and
tia.rto hert lon.l 1..1. 1 51‘r. a 13,, , n1 , 1. 1 Y of >II n'n'
plam.,1 Mbar. for :ale 10.,31
1.11.1 W S. HAVES,
(ITES AN I) I) A ITS.—Engraved and
Nolo, and Draft, of mot loesullful d.
1r.... or bootol 1.. k• Van.... t
ft lIA KV.' Blank Hook Stotv.
J.... l'or Nfarkot.nilru.slool
and hot eop.
11101 NI: I N K IVriting
V 0.7,11.1,1.11 , 1 Ink.
Ilakhcrekclnknlcal link! awl 11...1 Ink.
A Paw ..10,ir41 thti , ottar/ tlreo.l: and Itamatt I , a.
: /I ratio . tn/ ly..,craphy, partly bawl /1/ 1 ./
I,l,nuar, .41 pa /p
t, al 11,,,rap
a hy na,l 11 /11,,
1o• ,
, II Illlato asaith 1.1. 1/ . Pattgar,,—
//al Ittana A pliyasza and pr eirttkaml Haman Vim, ratio
and AI/ aumenas• corraciptt. aes,l
vlJili. I•.l'harl.A Antlpts, 1.1, It, Pn,frawr af 111 , .
and Lein: Lan.aasr,. 1u latatalta Vallev,/
IAI. nod ...lit.'
...0.., Al A . 1
,`" . 1 " 004
lt. , 411...Q.1, II •nf mat Enc
..tin.aeat naini atirara,... 4 11,. 11rAtain. 1..
tinc./ titrirklay.l awl., 4 " Li,. 4 the tilcafia
rcl I
1 1 —rItne y, I,yert and It. Omar.. an 1.1.1 r...,
in 111.• rtrrattt.
I.lan I . l•.:1 1.. 1,1 N. NI arta,. 1/ 1/
I, No thtrkrt
1 1 1111 A NI Fl }RIES --.I 4, 111
La.. ca.. 14 and 1,11,
lc.. an. inraymYty c. 1.1 at it.... 1.41 yr...a , . a.
l ull ',fru
Old ham, intrn ity wart pn • 114,1 n ir aaltc .
Ji.IIN II t111.1.1.1t.
4111,1.4 mi 'a Icr Ica..
al., NI, m I
• I :t• • 4 On qt.... et , 1•1••1 atta datahl• 1'n..4 .". ~.! /I: Al 111 \' :SI llt 1:.11 'S
El 1 I n 31.,•,1,11 1
Ile .......tr1.11...i 1, , .
‘..e Ite 1.0. ~ 1 ‘,.,,.•....1."... ..1 it N.,t1,,., Edo, i I 1 - 7 1. •. tr.... 1., at
~ , . , r , 9• • •• ,„ .• , m✓edde r te •,.. a the indent , .
'..''" . ' in!.... ‘ st ‘ l . -• ',.. "".",•'•'.'..;‘,..‘ : • ' ,... ". . ' „;ht.,1. , 11..1:t ' at ' t r n..•nt . ha;t2r•T•Otm ' en7l ' .. 4 l tn all ~.• „f 1
It; on the ra,.1..., 14. la ad. • a 11,...,4,n • 5...• , hey. re neee , e • :ee ter• •'••• , e• .eeee , eeen , e.r"e•ri• ... ',..' i'" '
1101 taryart I a 1.. I. I. It, • ;11. - -nr. It-It. , • ......•• . e , : • :hen., farm In whtelt Ilatrin-an ma, and
J••••1 - ceetInt an Ire.ele ht 11...11::1KI , .. • 1.1...1 tie caw ist trl.elt It ought tre he reslttletteed. ten..
".• At.ellet Butleltn,..laart..l 1 --Ind ntl the ,r 9.01•••• ar the ll.tre nner IL ~ivrel
\ i ,„. Wlll o 111 I. in: hell. Ithe ta It, 1•• rm dans:emu. ,nern
NE , v ~,, ~,,_ 1,. ~. 111 tt. • 1.. t..... II tareetnailr rum, hest - aunt .111..tet j
~,,,,.,, ~ ~,,,n
~ n ~ ;, .n . , , , ,
,nn .,, ~..n n till'? islS . ' 4.;i , tan/mt.:lle onn. • 1 :In a•t•andatar ...arr. , . a/1.1 t t heet t r .
. 4 lee' ler . ee , .. - -htte'r er• t•treeer - t.....-.1 ' ;,Y . ,.. ' .;7,:. ' : " ..:;: " i ' e71 - = ' ;r ' te. " tra::;Tl:e•are ' ;;;e'Tlen . ;'eXt• ' ee " na
Mather tfinu n 1.111.1 aT. Ane w . ;I.: In .t t -it r , ,„, 0 t .,1, '4,1..1 ..tnah- ' ,-.- ' .....1
P..... 11- .1. •1••••,. an lltre t. at- r C. Inda. r , r Ihaturhr• • 1... ..i...1 hatcht is re;letienn for - rite...eel,
et eel, r I er • 111, ha. I ta nun. la a
n. n ...niletant .... a al, •tra arta •nite 111 ...AA ••1` intial and 1
Vra...l. 11,. nt t ••••tnt. nv.t.n.: thew ...inn:. 1, na•nte, . ,
U• , ua'. I. hat. , -` 'I • r , ' - ' ,11 ' 1, ... O u .: l ' . '" ' ll ' Thu ' . .y,.,. , .1., ....,,..,..1 ......,. , In .04,4% ...e1f.r., , ,..1
"--" '"'-'"' ''''" . r." .111 uu '' ... ' '''''''''' . • knan , I Inhn l'huarteta Hart.. rar., tat rionentl to the 1 ,
Tlt• n In, tee
the Note: 0, d I•tne: the • Allll% 111 I rehort -
Icon It a 1.,. dna t son renh-ant.r ... - I,t Alva. - IN nr str--11...r. felt! t. nr. , A111.1 that 1111.,nerla mils he I
‘ ram.... n a -.. It IA the h•nn of a coneentratill we 1
11,.. I, I rated Prlka hooter. \ • Ito r t• than n• • far Una and tansin • thea t re:volt,
l': ' 1 . 1 ."' 1 " ;, -" 7 1 ~. •,, ,•,,,,, OHO •Ithr: the I- Inia /ladnerin 1.1 t err :tn.-Nita,.
''''' '- u. ' ” ' ''''. ''' '''' ..r.-0 . - •y• ' l. P"'"•" n.trfitenn nee tett? ‘latrernt %An, 1 . 1111.11 e I
~t .et, l PT. , . - I
Nett , 1,1,1. ler It twill,. .on, tlno ralha r•r J. t'l.trl -et- 1 re. nrr. hr 1.1,1 t mad. 11ne.ln
In. fail, Itetehrh.r. thahn \ i: at Itrt• en 111erte et %tn. nt 1....1..u. elnat - It n-teutythata
la, trne.trht•-.- • ,n 1 MAI dn h‘r Ilu rent • et,..1 .11-.... A. lA•Mi, 11.1.14 ware .atirtmd
''..• qu , nAr• I ‘..nnun , 1 "." -0 1' .11,.. : 1 7 I ' I h . n . , 1/,•1.1..111 111 AA .1, -.ha ea lln fn I. the •Ltna•-r ath a , i.
A ..w natl., a ilunt.,C. I.l.lrnetiont h. hat.. with n• ., .„.,.,,,,....„, „.,.„, • .,, n ~ ~..„.„
, I- nr .alr 1.• the ttntetnr - r •ad prnertrtru''' an`uU`
eln.C. l'anerlit.n far tlrelhann . al .1 IA lIN trlltedi a fn
Donau. Phu. /,rte rnmor Iteer,r.l trkey I.- 1 , n , 101-.1,4 A Fre. eta.
joIIN II 1 1i:1.111..1 1,1 .1 ,
... B -.1 ve. Ilene •1..1. • 1 se. I \ en , 4 - 71-Avl.n. aral M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT.
''''''' ''''*--. -:- I ' fic(INT.% ISIN(; no NI oreurv, rwr ”ther
VENV 11(11)K! , .k T I li) 01 ES' 6 ., :i .
~..' 4 1r.., -, mi r .,,, it, ~ t v....t,..-tin,ntai ',...., .0....1 ,•• ti.-
1 1,,,,,,.. tentret. Third ertrr et. rentrterttn e' , ferr re r intone' Itte.ll•....err Ilrne li. tete tweet., nr eh. ttrennt tre ..11
ifs nre rem. nteen . re J., In. etarr nf the
:ette r t.eeenr, I Ftt,... le it .1 nit. r r-rt • ''•N iia•ll. 1....0 matte nequasnt..l ; with the inirn.llrtsts
11.. I. h. •• , • r ttnznars • rl, to ana 11 Innn , /Intn--a ,rthtell ~..... 1,1111,, • A ki.iirAilll2 I hn{narnt.tsil haw.
''‘nd rr...erit-•1 runt te.trel It in nrvrcal cal; ma rr+ ,- . ,
sq,.. en. na I,...atnn tn rsee
err erttf t in: that
•t 1.• a 1. eet h
+Mr Itetonl r t. rontautultr no v.:torsi ...I.taner
e• he,. r
all n. ner•hrn. r•rm1....d.... the, ere. and
tsna 'I, .lAm-ha 1., the ta, hr.... an. na,nllt lanrattler.,
b ut ••I r\ , ..• 4. 1 -en, a tn., th.a.ntltheltem.d...•f nrnnt
~..", to I new. reettelle 1A. , ..01111/.lVi 1L... A neMtround
at - •••• 1 r..., t •re tt et ~... 1 t..... n .ll I no never
ht.-ea.. ',h.,. • en
r th1.14••t.1.1. and thr sal,.
11. It LACIL D I:
—.. . .
• .1..
1 •• I, the ,I•ator A 1 0,1•••••
.121 u 1
rn,. a 31. to . . .. 410
moth., • ll,CItnp..••••• Om,
(A.1..•14ftr• •
Alm,Atur le.r
Sn /4111141,101 tIlunt,•1.1••11,.11 4 nll. tV 4, Or
New Books, just 'crceirod.
T ut Ow ,
by Gr,rg
••e - .rt “rxn.••••,..l••••:szn, •••-•-•• tud •.•
kr.,N~I • •••••-••••1.• I I
•• n•
hrr•• tuk.l ••••ro. r I'll.lll, .- N 1.,•• Itti••••1.
i,‘l.‘l[l.i!lir\ 1.4,
ll oer rn•W
Ti,.. %I-a.. • I.
1 . • • 1n.,. nt
NI.IIEI-* V sttl 1,1 I 'to A
, tr. i.ntr, Ih•
1tt141.1.4t •
elmn t 4 l'ultt,Tte Itt
T .4 It. t 4.4 rap., "q At
r;"- orr,Trt_s.t tt. Watt. Ittlitterx,
C. t.r,re ‘ 4 ,llar att4 t .4.1 ,
1,14 t • '1 , 41;1 , 0.. I: 11,14.1-t
Bikilksa ~ ., T ATI4 IN En'
a 0 Al owl ru1..1 >4.1 ,Into.
atatwrar. Enaa - 11 n.l Inanran. taw, atal
a Wt 4 ta;twr.
Market. •I..;raw;r• ,aattal
ik ;
14t1 haat! I.rattaa. at ;11 . 0 . rt • 0 ,
11A1 KN.
Prlntiii, .01% , Tiara . Imarttaal %la,. and
and Max 1,1 . Wr aalp :out taatt
n.-1 at 'la. •wept;la..* watt .a,
artwl,tt ti o. {lll. 41,11,1.111. ttlana. .tala
1h..1..1:1..n Ilnrn. nil Thin! ,t..
II k1.1.:11t.11 1. nowIS fr..). Int, 71
nf 3..n1e
att....33.3 ..{.1:13.11.1 urtn•...arv...l 1 1 33t0n
van.. It
In 113.. 11 131... Init... n.i.3n \ mud
h 1 1. env. ni3.l
and InArt .....
nuit3333.. And. v., 3 .. 3 .. 1 1 ..r . 31 . 1 ^ 11,3, .n . " 1 1 .1
f 3 %.
Cnan.. 1 . 13,• Un.
!Osti. (0
I f ha ..tfr,
No. I. 1
laK al: a (
111rtb , n Mccita awlDirlbo.ry. I,l+t
r ,,,
The.. T t bitjadl;:tr .
Yor emit• by
yelo Apollo Roil,
A Frm.l
brh prime
AN A • 1%.
• Iwl. , fresh
A it.Nou,'S. IIIliBEE.1"S, HOGAN AN I 1
and Hari-1.m,, Mark. Ittal,Scarlat
end I..rmlia.
Ilrvolminn 11.1 Lanathro , . anckm.,
ilk and 14.1 lwad
4.1 I llott' r. l'optleu . ., Prnt
IwrlPP. R-11, popo I p 11, tn. u tart tan, t
E M. Smltlig up,* pr up A 11. Kt, I, at,
"Id poll,l p.m I ot I r
Eimi.l4 Ihnnlug IMm.r— !I narian,
alaplinnt, oalogablar. aim, 'vial. taii al and al,
Omni: Itrhh.l Mural, amt. and
I . 4dfaratd tam, la.z mliad Plain liald and all. ,
alla. and lain, ...nal lam,. in. 1.1 and
rolidaal ^in, and and - tab.:3,oM far lam,
iit all ala: initial& Mr
aml Frviiall 1,. p.m,. nn itand, in+
atai mni
taa. Plain, gild. and. ,
rid mild aultahla mal.llll, and
lirdnah anaalida.. plain :Ind
iv,. drawn. Phil. and Mum laid and - Illaal ail
Mai. and an.
A, a i m ., v.:alai rum, rarinna pattaim.r. writinir ratted I,ania
no. and Turin, i., Ind pr....
I.trindi and L'Andi.h rimuna.
yam.r, priarr ar all relnr, natant
i .. "
•It h all ather attiring in tha Stationary Linet
bath lam, and to.miliar with n lanm ot
blank liank• And marnarandorn laaika id all "[ninon aim.
of in ',am at lanillmr. and nat.a.diall
and a. tor Kali• at mlueial rand an Ma tn... mina ',R
ad] , tarn,. al a. HAVEN'S
inmr.• Lard
1118k1. II
11.111 I IlUs
lo of I •kr.l
1;' kl I
LI Ile
I ns an. a II
.. . .. .
Blank nook and natl.., llnrutt..mst.
ni .
n.. 1 0, . l'nrucr ..I - N1.,1".1 rind ~....n..1 .1 a
I ,,,rANDisti. TIIE PURIT.IN. a Tat tit'
I. the Amrriran 11...r.Illition Ily F. 1.1,1 0 111...1. R
011.1 w llertort.ll.4l .4 Ow r.1.....1151. 1 , -ti,,.
r 1. 1.4 . 11 :.:-13;Chf ,l'Aulnunr•
..I i. N D I; '. l l ; " :..t. n n ' t " n 1 11:. 1 2 :g.T.:
~' „ „cr,„,...2 l'rnitnlnv..l ' ..y 11. It ha,. II A.. Trlnftr.e..l.
1..w.r. ~t'nmbrtdc•.
,Cl.l - NT.Ch
Sic( llntt k
!...ry ban atnn
h. tr•!•t on'
1 Blank
Itrnto..l,l. it. 111 , tory. Antiquitt.... Mr, lli€q.rnlllT II
hi...m..11;y fort, rnirraylmf... 111
Tlir I,l*.rr ,r..rkr ralr Ihr It. C
Jrrt.l N E PS--Pelton'n Out
liar \lap. amv ' , wing intralor.e.l MI the lending
.'', en
In S.. Kuriand anti Sew Y... Mr haw.. attain.
tla. name, for them n. htt. , orwli. and manr naather.
311./ e.antittrea In call and rsatutn”
rtTI i•f te•rni
Finnl tin. and
I .
tr. I rn
11 • & ,
en nt n f
n 4 I,Zrl
I. I 'ln
m nlls.l In 'L.-4,m, Maw , ,r 3.1
and Iho ent. of th... ,rtmpr, . ,rantincr
Ifteh th. 1 'we I S
-al- a 13.,nt wit! itlon nrrmleht
ch.tra• 1.1,1 .1 rbRAI. 114
1,n1 4 ) ~ru.r 31 sr k. t .11,1 Fourth .t.
I N. - MASHED exerr Saturday in New 1 . 4.r1:
• f timt,
;draw ,
of Ili. Ilia.. Ji.orittl.
lu Fulton lb
*lion II tirty itairrtti tit. mat irtlifi that J II
it Jul. ' art , tit Wit. ,
/wit mud Ilya 1.11 rurrilitr 1.. Into i n pup
r dub tiitrii
1,. lit
a/A II it rtprettli urri,l
all titir.rrtiolliti• it" Abi"
n "‘"
10'1 , ; 101i.1.15.
t ir
tl• n It It
Ln I t •
tz (..t
t a il
,161,121 •
• nth .r
• T 1101,MRS' LITERARY IT, 'l'
J -1..,. v... the P.e.t.
iay.i.e.A' Nla-traine f, Januar,.
olive. a neret, by the anal, at - The 0010.,
The Mother'. Br qtr.... Aro
The Lotterell:.:lAu toornage,--a novel
Ti. LacleYortiol or d—an Ent:ll.4. 'toe>.
aul to I, Love.l-11 tale.
t . Aroline of Itrituswlet.. II) 11 IV 11. Reynold.
lb+ Itatuhh Cour...Aloud.
LArture the Je"..114. 11. hr he.rn.
Hera. !kph. to ItiAllop (ludo, ~r 1 Wr De,li r,
now , Jounual. Na 1 oi'lleyr Tumme.
' , NYE LO PE S.—J.t rrceived, to I
quantity or 1.0 O. Mar, aid white Envekte,
urn, .r tale at tmwetallz at
tatioaarr Wareiton.
ayyy Cor. Market and tecond
'lea, r
....Is Irb n.
II • k bra
-1,1/g/ 1. • 11. tll , 11,11
11.0 . h11,
. .
and uhn e a
Cm-n,.,4 Marko anti 'Mtn' 4t*
• •
3..rth Auirrim, .1i
.1.. United 43.,
.14. America Aim, 4
Norris and Willis's Home 'Journal.
Drug and Prescription Stdre for Sale.
' furl tar- Par4rularr.
INCE tho introduction of this Coni-
Congl. and Cold, are mired in.. nory %hunt
dote. Ile • will warrant In.. Keyoteeni Port.ral Soo* lo
ur.. Fan..
of Cough,. Colds, Boa:whit, Law:main : 11
timo and nt a rlinapor rate than any aller modmiuo nnnr
IT 11.1 0 AN ENTIRELY NEW ACTION—The old Cough
Ilolirtn, ail ...Lk.. thanuman!, and prialurr ihniorn twit
I. mote thn dm cough nat. ~ obni
dot In it.o onature. h,it I. • tilearant noodling artlnle
and Will cum or tn, an.nni, min to . ! The est
dn.. favor of motion.. in our rill, from our own
itinnun •lootl omminv a, our a d 011 - MmO7. It f• tho
promripthm 1.13 rogidar ph
+Minn. sad ha.
mod 1,,
hin I.lllllitir for • numb, of ,norn. with Ilin
I3nl PTI.N -A lady from Steulonwllle irriteo, that
tc..r A 311,1114, had boon attlionl with piugliimul
11.1. Wahl .W. 3.14. 133 tiv fey,. and all du. dintren.lim
mon,. hi on..option. and that an Inking two hot.
th..t. nntiml. ournd. gonllonoin lin a:him - non
.out ; who had ' , ult.-rod ith A.l.lttna and Cliroino Ita
tor oloht qnr. rntirely ndlenod and tho rough
0.n.0.! te. me ot half domn th. Po
im .1 mottlom... from l'ori. 1111 man.
that tom •dm I,toral rim to be a inotal
te e m for
ho .untoot it 111 /11 , 111311 fa, and In tyre of tnemhern
1.1. Munl, the mot perhot
1•. GAL or lo Cur mrnr SILon - ram NOW CAIMS -11111
1' 3111 3 /1114311 001 Imilllis Si IAI omponaoh. or nilt Nude,
1,1 1 3,31 roarr would
in to loop a -1111,11' 01
lo• Land nil him, an it In one of tho moat
Port , . t nod nltioncloi. onor ,h.. red f..r all
.1, on, of dm lon,* anal incipient rtm.mmrtuni.
1 AI E \
II lain) tnrooln will tr, .1400 ten to
hu, mum om. ot the "aim. •nootrunia. hut
d o
It • ois mod to ,m 1 to, Da. hat.A.e. Pontaat
ni rt oil,. r. tho our.. you It In el
sivo volnahle plant. two! hoe.. of 11., toateria
mono., awl nor.. in thedinal...
1111: nrt Than 31111 he nt.d. , .1 , 110n in thinnnoilrinn. At ia
inn... In lour and the immriotor /ISO unto,
on. rortifioxio.. fool too°, in our own iii,. attontind It.
• ntooehlo In will h.. alio.n h. au) loom.
.1.1-nv. 11 1 0 11, 111nm:shout the rnllnd 01.111, 10 11 ‘ 01.
113 , 13 thmint••
alit la. mado I.• who .111
In niedlonse .01 pa, profit
1,. all a ill 1...d01....tering liattmnit,
'amn,: In their hand, 00-30.1 tuJiriw
ior 1 diam dm world han oror prolurod.
For aini r. tml. 1,. 7.El'nEtt ItrlhilV
LL. Drum..., to +tr., Ihttnburgh. Pa.. to a lom
all 1,1,- r.r 1,..911n I.
In 31 iNirri. P Itrwler.
bah-, anlonatoni John 11 11u, hanan,
oh, liit- Nod droggi.t. all,.
1 11.111 now in
If., I a. .3 4,1 4.1..1
%le P. I, S.eller- Pear Mu - . I volt r.. that It
1 • ail VIII t..rhar• the y rer . "; Ten Pill urox
Aultth. nit lAver 1,11. and I. 1, 1
Ault hien.. 1,11 it I. s' r, lug hi rr• n' In our rrn.ll
lillll/11, 911L1 I. 6.4 Aupplantlun all ether:
I tuiu •pnak r nun es' periner. 6111.1 !mm the
I . I inn perusithil ur :lune the iinalstal letter. but
r Pill. Ns. the 'hit True WO
l an.
e, ICI harei.luntaions.
hin hue r•. t that II E. Avner , /An, 'NH. and
the , nuihnl und on, true mei Pennine 11.1 , iA lin , and
net. I. hut A.r .•.11 ausl I/rout:hit? p^nt.
rulli enh , mei rirl
1.1 Elt PILLS mtitert.,ltt till
s•ettL 1 1
—l• Air I ,11. 1...-Inne ../ .1.111151h,e1.-11 In all l.
1115: re-
Lver .r Ant. t. 1,11
.IA Nll, 1.1:1V IS.
, thin It. Sullen.' LAS, 1,11: uri. the
• i, ma, .ittl . I rer..4.1 ,ennitie Liver 1,11. ntel tens I.
1. - el As Ne i trent. .11.1 Inninti:tr p...neralls iu
Ilirmuu— I t ta nne Atha 1n •t thinta in the worLI fer burr , .
flein•and• Gar early :Lima L thl. thew. nt
It n. i• r lA, zi• its;• * r. la I
d and s ali ind• it hat nip...tura
.1 tdy•l In
in .1 tm.: in euun Onto, it 1 a lln .ih a
arn etl;\ i•ile A
.n. 1...: 1.... r ' l.ri• Tidier. /
Paint, Qua,', Son.
of tli Tlingit. •
de:ll.n In.enr;
rn.. all I itulan... of the Slum Soru .
cif the laniAn. I•lnra.....lthrunta
•net darellnt tir Broken Itreaat.
t!' • .... fAailano fittge \
n ',bins- a iledtalit• nulit ladnrn ilia
di, Liu •nu.l.- nl it ;peak. uardrli
1110 limk I.r. It • ur.-1 dy it iir Its tun pvnlitl dotAtt..m.
h.rof Ili.; ; thinl nf tr;ethlnueann rain i lit
fietrtli id •••II did it; din If t d mit
Isiah,U N?
A.inintlnd nanleiuu• the wonderful Itr ; allnd
...and 11.., the fullowind n•aimte,, ,
r•••,...,:n ',dull tif InirnAhitt. In hit
1.• u; 4.. r. h..1A47.
...n i ldlvl•el11 ...Ver. 1.111 In 1 W. nf
Ile %Ilia,/ - lAne netviia...l (ruin
nit I •alernd Sul, it fie - Munn tin au, mad nt nta lit I
I. Purim: tin .1
'eate, • hula u:ru ted ri1...1 siii• In id,. ;an,
tedinn, rntuli ina uni n Int el 1 .1 1,1
1 itql I attl Inks enrin li„fr.. Cr,, tile WO 11.
.v lit a,1311 51 1 1 • %••••••1 Nl.• p 1 1..1. 11n.
.Inl ...111 :. , 1•• relDl other u atl; •duitAr
re-tilt• nor frienit r Juni , I lei ie
J Ail E. , 11. - A ad:
' Solo rireddwtur Man. ,
_ taryl. Eft '
I..rui; IN 1 . 1T7.1:11,k /I —ll, A I d.- A C... auirin, of
and lint 111. Jneari A• 1.i1 , 111, .4,144
1, , • , ir ...rind Marlee t asur
r alma zdid ludin os. it ;dud niad nil.l et lid
Lind •Inn. di third dixd tul ;
1,, criy I.y 11. ,hlgrarld 3n.1 .1 tun:dia., I
J li. drugA.•
1i ad. Ni.K....•tairt. .1 AI. kinuli.r Anzi. Nlien
na du inea nit, In. Itnnadinn we, J. I'
lin.unni inn: Ji.tln linAt:r. I . S,
EistaLwth ttnuldtulit .1 Erwin. 111nrliednr nil 1,11,
• II hr.,. 1. the umu rrho durs 11, , 11 1/ I .lr
,• , If me, tht.r. .1. th t til.l re
yr And.r..n141:1....., It
run]. of
• 1m Iv.. It.on t0.h.., nb ...”hao/t!
ulakith: tr..' .( 11.1. Ihr 11...1ir, to a pe f r
..tit. of ndmil
Err 2.1111 YIN.: ~1•1.I.A It
.u,yll4.tet, r../aertiht ll,.rtilt+.l 11. , .LE ufry 1.,.f.1
P.lllrlll, tin atlmlntble iathrr, 5z...1
n.L.I, i. nmtur.. sll,lllft Au• trritat,th .14 Wang
ntipleauul and .tatl .t 1 %Rol trhsrl. AO
esp,irtirol e.ll, .1".•1141.
Jtsle-oSlu.vinw , tratthrilny fate
th.. 'newt ph.rrhot Ihdp tutfor..lilth.l , aftcr 14
tho nkin I.reszulug d.vt lEI. And h..
11... It. U. ner
...lvallta4.--.13,e1. 1.... er
Ir.! ,4 h. *ear Irlaxkrrx—l. th.. L. th:it rt u
uhl..huhert r..t n u511.1.....1,11,‘ a ....Is
rephe,sht... 11.....1,nl It.;
[Lauer. ,Isavlht:
...u.,..n0t,1.4 thr uth, rcrlurt.m ut allmrtiel,
enleulah..l to .q..mtlyal .I.erlhr;nple:tesult.
nt.,l still h.. by All ,11.mli
Itr trlttl u
1.n.p.r..1 old)
J C I'vrfutn. anzl
1,11 . h.,nut
andFyr nwl t+l. 1,, j
11. II ,lhor.. 1,14.ur,h; an Jib; and
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
AT'rENTION r...pectruih, in
val..l In th,tultriwtn+ hvitth. ret f.reh In tolution to I
ntn. tlie mon imp rt.( noun-Lev nn molnt Dunn'
I.D . Thetl.IX II 1 , 11 h till: it I. 11.4 Mil, Ohm ono
dent n2l , •i..,.n.m...15 wn. I.notnlot Donde the
Doh, , lor the rohof nod .z. of /Itnnr. gnat toonern
11,.. n j, n•r. th.t..l. un ..Tme full/ appn. - mt../11 b. the
nountunlt,. and wt. n 11.... thnr (lir I ,, emer it I. tri..l the
nrhof fume Ann .1.1. Itlhe rem.
ol oa.. got nt, ta.r the *de nnno.Pe nf in:thing ii nn, •
ha, o n e , whirh e. will nmtmun I , 1/..,1 wln 01
611 on. r n.trum. hart. 1.,/ lordon. Tl,.' Vennledm
n Natural /he /1. piln of entlls
non, nn.l thnt I "hi/. to .../rn nil I on
ri.llllm 41111,11. I...tir It,' 41. 1 - 11, u ,
that the truth- thst no ..1. notlund .
Intot 1...1/ 12.. dna,. nt• trun our wont ..r pot Inn,
dem , . In or -tut. ul• lln nn 1, rt npt . and, .
Ant Iltlnd that promt.... mho( fn. ..lie A mom van
hewn • 1.. ton Frondht to an.wor th....1,-1.4 mud-
Ina or Iton/Inntzlun of them \ on, nn. net dr-dre •
to /1., uro nnx..... oit I, that the truth :a
on r em/ .hotil.l be onl/2 tor It t
141411 Dr en/...nttd nnr urn. In the cool.
.T a
Irn l'huit /Inv/arm-he/I In. Lind ton, rlnlned
n .
in our Ott and ned..1.1...r1a.na1. In-or ample IA -11111411, in In. •
Ithin naol Iwo umcnln. 4,1 411 41,11 ention/..
•In, won. totoll, hnud. haw. r .1 . /.1 nidbt 6/..
rnl enn in the 6tan. .1 oho, hat.
ennol Aml. nit. , the onn.of centl..nuto /r.
Then. are /ober, 14111.1..... e env ran.. untr hnu, o. nun
rofirred to IT nn) hnnon• nun have donhot nn. •/11.
p ... ever. con.l ruler they hnd he nt ,
1 I , - plnntelunn hopelto. The 16 trnletun will run..
when tA..lireotlorn—lliarrho Ityn.ndery,
hit.. It Ileum,. inn. /lon 1. eur6l6l. Entpllnn. on 011. hAtn.
Ihmrlon on the fun.. 1 hrnnle M. Vona. Ittngs-nnu,
Wald Dead. pnino the hone. and 1.4110., .1.1 nor, Clot,
II en.. hnour Counh*. i hitt, nnd All
Pulmonary nfLoltnn. of n hnune nature. tending to IT,
dun Franuruptinn
Bunn owl Feohl..lo.ennen of the Invldor nrul 1 1 / noon .,
F 1121.1-. I.....ruand enrn , 1.
ha In. I Is h.. “npriv nn un.t n,l l.n. In/ n :nod
In'ln,. -.ln. unilini thi n ,!.t the
toot t. Flee/ rtelent... that 2/111 nnonolt nre
/prod, whn Lan n1...2.un. In rho. - -
tln m to 11... nt11,1.-.1 fneml. other. runt alnut then. [11,411‘4111 4 , thr
Froate.t Item/A. /if ale ...nn ,
.4 lovls .taudlnd In the pn.reonou nre I...nnnltid un. It
their hi - nonce. Th....1..1 hint Inked nn With .loubt
owl own nao.. nro wiling to nunrd n yrld
titon nol..ther year rtdl.l all will ht.
comnoll.6l n0ku.n.1..12.. that the Pot rJe nut tho Fronl.
o.hnur ever t'nzida
F Ndool rtener. D Curry. I/ A. I
Jon nl. Allocheur Antr. A In/. hy the pre.
pnothr 6 AtCons! Feventh
borrh. and LI A uht.e. lock /2. . And Fnult n.
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
1 d pItAIN - s ciu•a l . Cavil 11.1 thing
Lib..rty ern-,
I ue prt,rlo..r, v....tatlh.brvent torlog tlevirotta
,Lmtv.vlng tol the titian, ad his win', •t t, to outke
ntall 4,r Wee, tel ..... .I.lnalta-v•vt.r ,ttrlng..b,.llr I. ar
nse, ha. ,Ivtk funned hp omler them st nrvati) rvvitined
All th...« tv• *ant c.n..1, fa,htandile and
l't.thing. will And it gmatly to their advantage
v,.e him with a ratt re
an gat targainv I.e nffertal.
New Books Just Received. -
A UFOS LUCK E, Tailor end Poet; an ants
-1.1e4ray1,,. 1 vol. Ehne, taus.
Vernier Lluc.tlu. fer the we or pentele uml teartlem
, e r ,Ml.llA teeli ee,tee. prepared am! puble
le ereen.leuee eritll of
the Senate emt
of LtrlerfleeenllVP-3 of the ntaN'or Mtelalga.e. B. ho Var.
he-. A. )1...1.e qulerinteeebeCof publiel.truetku. I vol
Abbott's .
New hook—lllitory of %dame Roland. by John
g. ti. Abbott, with engnsthwt unitunn with the Conner
volume* of this po_pular hntornal oerte ui rr pair by
pL9 R. /30191i11t 8,711 Apollo Fourth yt.
o ‘mdrol,ma rrtr yr, lar g e nurd 10,1 Hlaul...D.
r!".'n fr louud
lA. Dra. elau • lteu.'o.76,.. •
ho Jo Drat. do do -•
D. do Itlue do ,In .1.•
sleet Bhuttet ,
I 4. It. a..rr hr.., M.D.'. do
.1 do ... n or), Mark Fn-neh Btw4gloth
enontnru.s. black D hoe, color..
I do hattu...... black and 0.,- tuDol
.1.. II lute tw)ll.,ll.lann,l whin.
The mho', g pala ag u a n pp .... g yp,. hem unufaettuor,...w.t mud wre-t. aod an. for gale aue
hberal Drin, to the Dad, at manuta,turura. m .wou
11. LEE.
aud Ihnutol who ea tam Mu•thro. of vunou,
' nd
late It. Tors Fourth 6 Martrt m.
rIIITE LEANS-I'r barrels rcroive,l and
11. nal! r
I A Kll—'fwenty barrels and thirty- kegs No.
I lard tore)00,1 wail for 'Ale b,
0 .4) 3A111: in. P. 0111111 MIL
ILI World Wool hy ) 411 II LEE.
f a t IlIltTl\G NIUSI.INS S 1111$11 LINENS.
425rphy Iturehro.l.l eontalur to boot,. motruttr
MOP. hran..l. of then. bump..., pAul are earrfyl
Igor a app.-nor artude-611. barn...a/7.5,6d P. , . flat.
Jul loth at low pro's L.r 1 .61.1.1... _ lard
tri II I NESE A . EIi3IILLION-74 lbs for sale
) 1., 1 01 l .1. 01DV .6 14)
EMP SF:l:lL—Fifteen barrels (new crop)
RI tor tale b, 1011 .1 KIDD 4 IN/
11 I ISM OPIU M I I Ihs for sale by
ILI 31, P_
LE.III--1 cask for bale by
baliu a co
I L 1 EV W.iN TEO of every deserip
i-yubb. aO.l Dar Maio, t retntUtu rola r.. Ins x 53.0.
I "' " "'..l'.lr7l'2llA) , o,
0.1. 'onto and
4.., I Lard;
I 161 Tallow)
1 ragka It000rax)
Al Dig! hegutut.n
Mum h erded Peach,
Furze LI.,
Sr. 1,0451) g rpm) .313 3 6..t0r. and Cr male lu
rim 1311411 D1C1,10% Water Front rte
.11EARLS-15 casks superior, for sale by
13=7 Wren A 116CANDLES3.
I.p6Li. BUTTER—Twonty barrels prime
II ,n. rorolvoland fax rale _
11 4 1 / II NI bras gupertine:
in 161 i tine; fur male 16
n'2l M a 11. JOHNSTON. 11,26.r0nd it
)1 ceStmd
11; ES— .alr ht 1 2:ifty
. !. % 17 , b 0 1• E 1 t. .
I'. rilUly Eli.
I 1 01 i ha white& yellok, for sale by
Yi 1 007 WICK A 11.1.)AND1.E.P. , .
t ry TOLIKS FOR I:3A LE-IVestern'lns. Stock;
I 7 'Furth. Cr.-l. Iligul Rork:
i'lltabur g h.l'lncianala sod Loma-rine Telegraph:
Ilunue halloo" 6t0r1...) INtad at.llrklge Mork:
huhu. Mork I', ARNOLD & CO.
74 fourth at
rplUlte SATINS, of Ow ,nh,t desirable
(b I.• had at the .rtnre of
ger) 411:01.111 6.ftrIICIITIELD
t i ier , i;e4 new ern!, received
:n r SRIM,: ' ; r til , I:I:PATRICK. 144 I.lhert,
l i t I I-7 br .6 ls , N , I.r :1 ,. .11 , 1 , aeker
r liel.;
. en .l. & It. FI/)YD
4.; 1 ,; ) , 1 SI I J s t t, g
1:: :.(2. m j ts 7 l:Al for salel y ,
it. FWYD
1) ICE 1:1 *c:p.ks Carolina for sale by
jr, .1. k K. noyD
ifUST ItECF:IVEIr f;orn the Philliperille
101 Faros..
PI., Oil
.Irt. 41c.
1'24 %Ve g .-tn . :1(111 Curb;
. • , • •.
. •
ta, Au no....orted Aix, Table. 'errand and Bureau
nni.b. and Ir•aullful putterne•
whole..ale and ren,ll. , at the antral:ow. No.t. 7 and 9
ozre.n. Jan J. s 11.
WE ASS - URANCE—ln.urunee on per
el y1,11.1i ta the uuklenleal.
nn add . aluoul nuannt; nf eardanan. , T I o
Z ' En ' "r'ruW tun ntir
(li t' Hank.
Wt..nd Ft....r...1,1'14.1 . >Love Foorth.
ARO 01 L. liriv winter strained, for. talc
RILEY. MAI - rums a co
I INSEEI.) OIL. 5 brls pure New Castile
ou, just and Gm •Ale
(1 , 17 • ItOl3lON. LITTLE & co.
COFFEE. bap Rio for sale by
- F l,ll. I Di brls large N. 3 Mackarel;
le. Fri. , No. I ItalLimnrr•
WHEAT FLOUR. rec , i,,cl far fate 11 .
• , W. lIARBALGit
n or,s. 9 bales for sale by
W3I Join:Frmr
UNDK'IESThree hundred Nn.
Alnekenl: kolf 1;14;. 5 141"0.1 Salmon. In
.torn find for rale by
E 1213 S —Eldor Flowers, Sage and Boneset,
tr.Ab ita J u. nvvivettaud for ..11e by
gall J. KlLilf Na. G 0 Icon] it.
• --
'l,bl; received on consign
for emir by WALLINnrunD 0 CO.
..- -
V 0. MOLASSES... 36 Otis new crop, just
1.11 ni...lved and ba eel.. by It A. CUNNINGHAM - .
de . , aN Liberty 'it.
' \ 1 4 4 i , t}:SH ROI , ,L , BUTf Ell i. A 4 e tr , !:kAr A czid
`,hem). ter Tedetn. deLN IL A. CUN NI MIHAIL
IIV HITE FISIL 75 brlo and Of Eris for
V V *Me hy de:i ISAIAH DICKF.Y a Co.
it "2'-'''" NUTS ti
. i . ...... ....I boxes for sole by
' It o l 001 . 1 ` i, ' 1 N DLE`t "t
.a cot '',. ~ WALLINGFORD a Co.
ip OA P. 151.1 '. 1,1,xes•LuisvillE No. 1 Rosin;
, 1.1 5 14 ,, ,,,Cnet11e F..ear. for inlr by
E,:, ;', wAttiNaßam k. co.
IF ENT l . CK. Y MU STARD. d A constant'
! M.M. 00yrk ‘ , l Currove - i'Velehrated Kentucky Mustani.
beet lot the.worid. on hand nod Cr K entucky
i d lOTTON YARN. 2660 dozen Hope Yarn
; fi ,,,, ‘k b: pat 5 - W A ILINUFORD A CO.
, (111R4‘...X2. , ?::..5.
~ 1.
ut t:lj ; ,; ;,t . ,, il ; t i tt ,, received and
. la: 110 Water alreet
; .
14 1 LOUR. IGO, blds. 14 sale by .
! - Rti I'S AND MOLASSES. Extra Relin
~" : s' g ' ' trq ' , 1,:! ,1 :1;2;17:g '."'
i enhar Ilt - tme ' Mo.areei . i.,,r d. , : si, ,do
i Nr ..., 010'00 ;01-?. ' . M^C . I.UNK al
. .. '''. Liberty it
11 , ..
1 10LIA ASIL h . 5 casks Kurtz brand for sale
1,7 by. dg al , A W. lIARBALUJI.
Il )On BUTTE ii. :20 LIAS. 'prune., receiv
'L a, ed by ',telly I .1.00 4. AW. H.11(11.11'411
/TALLOW. 56 bids. prime for sale I , Y
s. & A. neatiAoln.
/IIia:ESE. 56 boxes W. R. Chee,c for sale
NI, ~ by a. , so s. A w . HAUB:MiII.
.- . . .
ING METAL. , 176 tons for rolling mill
IL n0n... , del. It II V.l:. MATTII P.W. a Itl.
DP:ACHES. 173 logo per Mayfickver, for
it sm., by 401 MI EY. MAll'il MS .a CO
. .. . - ..
p urr FAL 2.0 bbls roll, for Sale by
ill .I, JII I ',IN il ELL
- - .
-131 ROOMS. -16 tb,zen for vale IA
I ) ","9 c.,,,,,,,.
GERASE/ 9 bbis.n , ;W landing from the
.m.. ' ` Pk o' ' ". 7.j . AN11 DICKEY A CO..
Inns ' Water and Yu's;,
ALEBATUS. 100 boxem for Yak by •
7 J 0 CA N . Ol OEO
CIIOOI, EOOKS.—Edocational Works,
trl lar.,lo.o•olarntr..oollo , o,T.Clattre4 put.
i•J Muk Ft
/1 1 111:\ MEAL.
`20.11y br
Jou a. W. 11A IatAUGIL
I INSEED OH, 10 bl, received for eale
1../ by 1. , ,,J ' ::. S. W. IiAItIIAUGII.
It l l3Dll DABAR. 1500 Ih s j us t - Twe i ve d
y and fir ta , by BI.ACN A 1:EJT1.1:.
]al, Corner S.. Clair wed Liberty r....
ARNESS. 40 dozen pain+ Horse. and'
JUR, Ilolv llostow. (..r alp by
N I )lt io—s4. IL. Spanish ,Flunt.".l.l.llruo
Mathlik tor .+• J KIDD k (.()
gIAINTINi; and . . .! , ;.,4rl Painting
iNt ‘ : ' ..?4tt, ' ..,V5;2 . 1,... r 0 d 0 . .1 ' :..;•..1 ' t= 7 /.. of do
on.ll. , nrt, eny uth..r te.tters ha the
11/ •121; Dry i
I I. nt fnr 'al., by
• RoIO.IIT .Y CO..
LET 1 . 1 Lb:. I.‘IIPEIS the richest
~an t.• bed at the t...rpt
13 , ,0rTh ot 3trico ms low Uri rt
13.,.ny Pr Ihr WELINTOCK.o
LL REESE. 1000 boxes for sale by
I 1 I'EACIIES. 305 sacks and
,11, bhls
for &sir. by L S WATERMAN a SONS
OLL BLITTEIi. 15 Idds fresh roll;
bbLi slackest
lir d?. for tale
p _
LAIN OILI I'NTZ, received this day
< Etw Carpct. Warrhouw. t 3 Fourth at.
a.f 50 brls nevr crop for sale by
tirri by"r4`rbl" uI b"11 rta """lT2 "l V . 'V I,.:
AL Morris k Haworth, 1u t 4. Innutonj, hate thin . ter,r
L-ft tin
could tnucured lu the English markt- rnte GO ulk
urel7s mute pre lb.
The Ten Market In the Diamond. not vide. .I! 9 _
and !, but 51 11 l
I , lll,s—bmit atm;
Nrkle..--Waltun and Gerklu,
Ph'''. Orape.. and Straw beenen
J. Ik IFI LLl_Allb
AHD GREASE,-Ten brls No. I Lard;
A 4 brl. Um!, [um landing tram ardour, iradaNit.4
tor rale by DICKEY
pl 3 Wstea .1 hoot M.
"tarn are coca
Will: VI:CUES thi, rl aLto rear
Olt. to the prepri •
eno. bee unlaced him tel..* it ...It n bottle, with tn.
lets and •lirertintw. for the tenent,,
The PLTItoLEI,At ,„ ar t,
ty, at a &TM Oar handrwl , tour: unadeltes. '•
twi article, without sat ...own: . hot Salt tt
not. Natutw's Grrattabn.nol That it cootalsis
t N mrrethe l ye-Adana a counter of diet..., ir pa /gems •
things la the ar.
ran, tialette. whirl,. If Ind* whin: be of tut useful.
aoaf:erica', awl reetwing the likato at
health and toure to sway %so:retro Li nu Leib. the pm
lowad thouLla . nottine It au in /whew It had a errata
trio tor the row uf ore., and Aelly fortes
Aro ...It, Int it. 'eters! Mow kohl ewes it lio,"
fortno.l. ILIA' indhw pet
wtn ef Ito Altera parroladits and
w‘o oridicatuts In the care td
not wadi to wake altar rnrwir of tettlfkatee, a•
we ore wonwira. that the na.dtine tan vork In,
lat.• tut, of ItOwn who sulfer,and wtela to ha healed.
Whdit ar do not rialto for It 4 awn-tali anulinatlon la se.
00 , does... utitteeitaCattly /ay, thrt in • amber at
l'hoono nierurs It is noriralEnt. Ainunutl ' e ' le may to
etnonorat,l-Mil messes titian lancio....hoeue, such as
ell 1.0. It'
and • CohiitiMPTitti, tin its NIT
Sl y
bAll S ' ant all di.eao.:of ot ,
111;4,44.nd ii;drt.%)...h.ii,;l,:,
Entruln , o. Pula. Rhein:lane PthisiCenut. Errol,
Ina Teller. Rjuprurrnu, Ron, :,skit. Invites, Old lone,
be. he. In nitoint Jebilit T . rd e ußion' from a re. or
long iuki rtotrartril awes of dirsore , this wo e , will
beingrelief It will art to a pm:l,o TONIC and ALTER
ALTER t each raw, Iniyartlnu tone and!nen, to the
whole hum, winovinz aLitrurtion‘ operdno the elnewter •
fuootinas. which racer dOwnee and a 11 , 4eu rimitttittition.
and tieing luerrweed and renown! enemy tool/UM. 01 . 5.•
of life: The proptii•tor of,rotero/ cures af PILES.
that nutted ere, other i.reattnent ;an ender the at
of the PErItOLIiENI foe • stunt haw. Tbf'orctir nizi ha
Oven to any yeriew, ohci derirta It,
Non, Camas without the Omni are of thernprletor. • •
:old by theponprletos,
R. M. KIER, Canal Ruin, near Seventh sheet.
Alm. by 11..'R. SELLCItr, 5: Wood et.
ranter ITowl eine! awl irdia Alley, who aro
nor':oily his nialiri r ariolotwi Agent ,
- • ---
all tnen nine:ire sick and afflicted
with disease, of the Bluth" and Sidney's, with rheu
atic rains In bark or limb: 3 tiff welds, old wren, ntunindt
ulcers. Se— that ther ran he cored hy th e pKTRO.
LEUi. Ton may talk about its helms la antrum,. much
,ouplease. but this dtsis not make. It F. furwirproelanns
In the fan. of an hon sommunity, that It. Las vitt/Iry
which are not contained oaf other Femody. The mark
who Is nicked with loon: and suthrine limb nn ,
f or Up route, get relief Arl'at aud' of the ills enettm:ratal
Reder! It oxstm rery to make a trial. 'Mb Petro
lof eti is no vilatsre--onnlyound for th e Pods.
on the cesamututy; bulnae remadyelabora.
ted the mart, hand of natal". and hobbles apfrom the
bosom of our mother earth. in othritul 0,4 and
lets In suffering linotasil{*.• rend nartedy. etrialn and
, •
cheap run,
It h. eurod I ItoA. rtler other It:edition hat. Wird to
n . n ,h., Tmiler. It hag cured Itheumatkah.of lons
'Moth., and of the wrest and awed r01hand,„,...,,,,, r.
has rum! Cholera 31arbus, hy or two dorm. It has
ennat old emwn of [herb:milt which every canto „nn,,,,
has been of no 3.1'211. ;oral in ns and
scald.. it is bettor tharany medical commandeer ointment
that we know of. - 1t nil cure chilhimitel and hostwillw h
Ina roe apGlirntinvc trolontsed testimony can ef ot
rd of the truth rontrtiwd in the alswe rtatemenk DT eall
eieon SMICEL thstal Llnsln. &tenth Street or
thre of the lurente.. I •
Keyser k Slellrowei corner of • Wood 44,1 and Vinqi
alley; IL E. ilea. VVOOIf p0,,,,t 0 i1at,..1
COM..ttleglien, tilt atenta.
- •
ha: attentlid ue ti of WHITT 11):It'S
AS) 1114151/ IT II VIER. In effertua) yl
rutin the ec.erinit aid mot inn. Linde ear:. of INFLA3I-
31ATOItY AND (ffllONlniltll)X3lAriem.
, add mourn. tidal. to DM/ , all wbonre
VI ' V a '. : 4
17)1 Ibl. dnwlhl itleusa to try Ws virtu:,
Iltindr..L. of ewer, many if them eitlzeue of :IL Lottlai
and °there from 'brad. har been :steed trlthlti the tut
few month) In tie thr d Lnm.nlone, while lettere Crum
en. O
abroad atow w, in peiformi,„ we name
whiner:, tried. Many of the we r. ehrunie awn of long
niiil an 1, 'r
0. 5 u•erf bint been Orentip.—
It Idle other. wire .4 more inn .Law, af the ern. Wawa
nokri Pan,, v., we.... A. Inners., 5.41 to the won
derful virtue" eif tl.i. medirit and thornsitida who hare
but estrem ?hzed I. lament e
. and aze in the et - nap:mentor health
benefsemr .5 ottanleind.
It b w.ll kimati fanti the tairi. tiv. of the peat, that no
outward nnnlonnon ellect h permanent runt
.1 96, drewlMl.llemien. Id t aPtillratiou ofnllmulating.
livimr in, Partial relief In may be obtained
tore Wort time. nut all thl) Waneta• tannin:: i.
I ) ffstinuentls , in Itysteiti. am! runner or Inter
will onain in Dreadful form, aal of r
a few {Periodical returnu it Ile, into a brink f rum,
bleb. If reit noun arre:leff. r) the nadiridual for 11f..
Thia v: ...rifled by the hietory the pint toall nMetriaa.
ar , , no re se" tin ii.moinvlratelii the liiiitory funaleheil of
late to the proprinmr of this ;Awn by enteral
hundred. of the, who ha., pied under Die haroodiate
notice and treatumnt during 'Met tow rrinuthi- ,
iI:ND and l BLOOD
In an internal rely—rommene, Its °pen
non. where the di •e ritian and to purifying
Win Llood. per,. thr.ooli Woo.. nentrabsre dot
=purr or raustre,tdnuent. Ire" La. eltlnsi upon We
reeratitanew. muerte. and
it entirely fn.
the ny,tem. and rm-wree the sults:4 to perfect health.
I t :bore whri are aitlictifflt tic ~e thertnielnen and
put the uar of thin uodii toi long. until their
mam are iliplinwt , d or riintrf :Lich a deffree, that
they are cripple" tiir life. 'lliiperienee of hundmas of
thounanda dun,: the put. tall multitude at the
pr i ,erir den . nneare, 15:15 expwrlng perms
tiet relief twin eilternai al4wwinf
The nroprieterlnt , rat. aralleine knows frnina ex ,
periets. that no n(
.ntard pt., can t id entait
Permanent rut, thin we firmly
vlon. Ile can andel... pro nut] appl,
tion in To. :wt., give n-lieffn or:ebony.
but the= will rf•nry,,,awirut curl, The DA
UM. of i t Sr et...Mr...lent:yr titne. and
an internal smnedy. In prodhe effectiand Mor
n:more, Ith.nmatle tatnoWnl 511.0 d Purinee nb.
or that bas eiwien tharorerrd. either In
Am,lea or any oth.E.outthat will effectually cure
Thl• xnetltelne ("tribe ha:l:desalt nr retail. at No. 73
Mint etre , . next to the IV, l'lttatmrgh.
:11,..c for r•nle.ln.ritt,hur, H. Smveer. Wm. Thorn.
J. H. Slnrcan. 9. N. Wirker, and J. A. Jones.
Prim 55 per . bottle: for $.14 per dawn.
Pamphletr can la. ho! ~.-ratlh” a g ent.
verv9ml • . WiStlAtT. Agent-
r.o.r. o...verve ant site Plrrrietd,r
at thee... need Te.puter ine fielel tnedietnee. and she
the inventor of the c..leben.trument fr.r Intattlin the
rn[7:l I t n h r:j k t 7 m " l7l ' l.7} n .7Zegr '" l;;;;le. " :%,
gra.luate er the Univendtlenterylennia-mod for MIA]
;'eare tog teem eugen 'the itlTPALig.tfup o r
ewe. tart the eppltention eedhe thenrto.
Lt ., of hi, nu tube. in CO...Mien With
hi. Prophylactic Syrdp. etter.of hh. remedier. be haa
mduel unparalleled crte in throe dreadfuland NWotainah, Tutu- (.1 . , 19.11znption. (Nocers,
ilb•lnuallfm. .1. Fever and Ague. Pee," or
all kind, Meanie Flrycipout all thane obati t u r t a
ca. - , peculiar to rental... wed. every Jo na of disallow
atA:lica under the to which hutnaul
tl beir.--uot tbecompound only. for that
incommtibie with Phycal Law. but by the nee of
hts ..metier, talaptt , J•cr.bol for. each peculiar
form of dianme.
•• • • • • •
Ur. Ilrw•a Tonle Alrerillc when well, are InverLl-
M, seknnytledg...,l El. 10 all cairn, M a pun,.
rir 11,,, pill. In.. they leave the bowela per
c 4.1, five from 0f...0 enabio hie Golden - HiteLv art
inltuNl, by thelaculty, los Peculiar worertirp, adap.
le nri to Amide rat1 , 11..,1 that baretrlal
eintllcient to enahlieh tan been
.001.1.10 t it he raltulaut
h,. spool akentleal
Ttu ittlllrted are 11:mita] upon the twat. and PM
UrrAtiAl 000 Of the A 3.1130110....,),111.,
nemout of tort) n.mel applicsittaa.
Fur male the thllow an well as by mostaltug•
gbit , thrnualiodt the co
• J &I...maker. Coy,' xt:. Pittsburgh.
J. L. Tow.end. tonne 3:arket R.'`•
J.r.vplt ltarldor. Chrllls.arrr roma,. Pa.
Juba Elliott. Eamon
• • . .
T. Ad... Rear,
a tiz 1 2all y
r , OR THE AFTED will be found irt
vitt INF li • •
! Woid.
ork ' nce, and hn, hoyoubt. horn tho means of var.
ing tbr [mot of th
nueandividunlg. alniont every
and rharartor •.f f.,1 that we hazard no.
thing in raying that Monty norlicluo that ha" boon
otTerokl w thn nitfirnri , I. in orory xaw of the • nl
loth.. it if ' , old fur.
. •
brelrortd. and I. of curio.; mure mm r r,y alArr undiriur oflr.alr. .1e rare not by mhoo.
made or 'old. or I, I. Ir. -
A. rertopowt or tho, , L borr,
that it U. the oat,
holly ever Or rob., or ...el El evf of
Th w.
• e Hu. Mute., I lute H.e. The Hon. Robt.
Morrio. lato'Nle)oilehn A.
of U. N. Orme
tor. William 11. lort. tklitor 01 the Sofro. nr
11311, w hot of ellognielowl eitioene. of New
York. who Lary folly merit, have ;we:oil:eel the
proprietor to'reb.r . t
As It is well buowurnt Medicine+, Net not genet ,
ally this uraltby and circles,
we hare undoulitsdly ourarlves highly priv
ileged. This Wunder CouiPound has bre. nearlT
preen years before the Its t.p.t friviuls am now Its
stmusest and In:. I undoubtedly is sUtuni
coovioring proi.f of AI s.fulueiok sisal sanative
qualities. It Is arOerlf.l% tor all
opnilus, bruise, obi
SOl,. and all the paid., Obit flesh Is hojr ,
Over 1,0..000 hottl,..ii sold without romplalut,
and have yr.rfers4 rarer. idler all baler
reniedles have faileit,l no not
oflemb and In our ,trotigyet evi•
TWA medicine. or atta.l v. It ytvaarttl from Tea
etabl., for internal Revleraal It arts ellnn•t
-ly awn the de.,,ad ire health and ntrenatta—
I t it a rare rut, fee Llreeeta, Whoa. /:holly, and
all aftuanedle allev.teve, ..r the Kfitree t a,
eaktaae In male "vett, eau. , it may
have originated.
..For aide he httatat. Sellora. ?deem!. Kidd
oyden retail Itrttgttlate.
generally. It la puts . . fb u. atal one ehilling Lot
• jOl,Jatn
FFEIIVESC 0 311' Q. (7 N Thi m
ara.a.ral slpqr ra..ina hr. n l d.
e A k, /a, n 4,1,11 g in - th ox e
Pater at about 1Z per
Tn )Itat. Bacan—t.nio.l flan, .1,1 tarn ten
Naaattsh. of l
ii olannt4l.7 °P.M. adz'
thani thortatl, ta.Pc ~ mph t a
ist.rna Pour that pa...hug,' Ilk' itiaure.) then
aAal aolllll,lleal tuaan the dough tha ueua a t
thieknea, tuna it I. t
ta-fan. baklut—worn tt. aJI do n, hurt. Ilieruit
thou 1,1 Le mixed us, :oat halinl on but
will U.. up hurt to •ri luenly uatiuter. The
an datia, et avttial, at th,C..tapaur,,,, In ib
Ini.ud: it will gaol Sinai
wh.ip4-.1 lin rata,.
lop cap put the tpoun.l Intr. taw pud
di,,,.,,,,huus. aac, corn ml.l
ask, - aru brrad. Id. hattar cote.. budt•
L ayk,, apple, put pica. dial far all bakialt
Punwasw. Just. rack , : taw I,y
fat M. PELLERS. Yf Ward n.
') y
tve ra be pikito ona oho.
prcatorl a d or. dry, that kOLIVA he ra•
traotad with CLemleal mop. 1 havi the
Fat...faction of sayinenpl e of UM. place that'll:Wl
article. by my commit on It, nun stands enzh
wall.' in Vila mountain,: arcane. tar, pilth, oil.
p Mot. or any other ttana4c. from all kindsofirCM
tIOOCCI:61 or hal.',ryts, tahle /mad, menn n o
lc wthot Iniumna ink Litto
that pare inner tril. i
line, than cm. 0W...1
ITOW to ditferentot country hare told me they
would not be with.. {1 a cake: in trying Wm
atatipon mom than of hat MM. Latins. alpaca.
fd calicoes. 1 hand throe plea, of silk. two
elpoesa,amt foam ithichlt choncod the colon
Mention., tranceo light dresa try h mamba
of the deco Gne heestme 1 amth,croilont no
buremomitend it o• than 1 Imo. to he strictly
• Orded front natonta and pedlars panaaptly
attended to by Alm:
dnYt- _ %out at
.1 bail riot uw.l it. I. Lit Its ten,f.eial efrei-te."
• .
It . R.ll. E. S -- SireSu &rang from a
.ITI_ mkt wad oilich I tried 1.. y reri,.
without obtwitiloz ~ Prreou ,l wi th a -how, 4 •
••1L E. Seller"' Cou i think It • duty whieb I -
we to both you die In I..rweiat. to pthilleele
....rt.. that I had pioetheli.n. I felt its bruefi. . -
, ~,,,....w a (wine hleesinithiul no ray}®
to bath the twithei , ew to having withe w. ..4 ~
a. mw.....W. properiOn( enin nue to kartiettlsr,
o b,„ b., w rota u f lOUs, iti - ethilwated with a' ~
~,,,,,g cf„uuh.oaly true LAC waptua (where 1 .
Futtihr end toms p.m) her de - cendedagnuem .:
urge - H. L'Orlhotther." .
+.' tiERALD, 12i Wylie et. •
... ,
Pitt.burxh. Jan
sod ~,ELLEP.S. \n:7 Word at.,
and odd LS dratlui•jal4
, --- . .
ij Aillitintwil peo•froehre. -
a., August 30, /US.
Mr. It. IL .Follettheled fur rot.. time with a
lad rotifth. I wits
. .I.o._ars your hurnoial Cough
Voir4 ' i , ia ' r ' e• ' . 7 , T:lil:•=t7:.;irr•'"" -..
b... a • rdlim th..iteLt Niwer le.low r weil. 1(
it a r t aim. th..: it aa i n. city !ewto
~.... hot mired .1 / i9e. With par lov..
and ncoutuu - uil th Lw best suedi.!
Eh, Louth h Y r 1.P..t 5 ,,,M.. 1 */.....41 .( 7fiwit to few,
eau. that box setrwit fur the cure Lir a kWh lt
la Intended. JAIILUr .S.IIIT/I. .
Prepared and, erELLEHP. 4; Wood et -.
.VARBONAO.NIA, Liarteharn. • -...,
4.1 ex 44 44 i 84404 4 Imatim •