The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 25, 1851, Image 3

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RALPH WALDO 'Extnsou.—We .understand
that this distinguished orator, will arrive In
Pittsburgh on the nineteenth, of next month
for the purpose of delivering a aeries of lectures
to the Young )lea's Mercantile Library Associa
tion, who have been. for some time past, in cor
terpondenee with him. 'Large numbers of our
eitixens have long felt a desire to hear hint, and
TO have nu doubt that his lectures will be itten
&xi by crowded homes. We learn that though
the irabjecta of his lectures have not been defi
nitely arranged, he will probably deliver A Berrien
cos the conduct of life.
AN Inenovatterr..—Not a single drunkard or
vagrant, was brought before his honor, Mayor
Guthrie, yesterday morning. This is a cheering
Indication of improvement in the tone of public
morality, the mor.i i especially when taken in
connection with the fact that the direbarges from
the county prison within the past few days have
far exceaded the c.namittnaents. Oar police
- offteers generally, during last week, have fur
nished no criminal news. and the policemen have
_idle. Not a single instance of highway
robbery has occur,' foie - many days, and the of
'fiesta:assure us that large uumlfers of thieves
and burglars have recently left Pittsburgh.
This state of affairs is mainly attributable to
the indefatigable exertions of Mayor Guthrie,
and of Mayor Fleming, of our sister city. They
have labored strenuously to put ,down the glar
ing rnfliauism which previously walked abroad,
almost at noon-day, and we think that they have
Isrcuminso Lacrrnr.—The Reverend Mr.
Jenkins will detter the first of a series of three
lectures on the t tory, literature, religion, and
manners of the I aloes. in Wilkins Hall, this
evening, comm.ent ug, nt 71 o'clock. M. J. gives
a vivid and life- die description of the various
provinces of Hindustan, which he visited 69 mis
sionary to the Ilindoos, nuil his lectures are
therefore exceedingly interesting, and have been
attended by crowded' audiences in London, and
other large towns of {front Brimin,as well its in
various cities in the United States 'and Canada.
It is indeed seldom that our readers have an op
portunity of enjoying such AD intellectual treat,
and no trust that all mke till advantage of it.
noun or' P.crcors—fh'e Managers of the
Howe of Refuge 61. Set bled hi the rooms of the
Board of Trade, yestrilay afternoon, for the
purpose of receiving priposals to furnish a site on
which to erect a llousi of Refuge. Over forty
.rites were proposed, Amami in various parts of
county arourid rittstingh, and containing from
three to forty ones cut. We learn that ten out
of the forty were selectil, as being worthy a vis
it from a ciindnittee apointed for that purpose,
and that ono of them w it probably be selected.
Isettn.r. (~< 31u,tetta.—Chas, F. Williams.
m.U., n t t he iteque.t of the society for mutual
improvement,• of he Si:th Ward, delivered an
exceedingly able cod intere.ttiog lecture on med
ical acience, in en Sinh Ward Public School
Iloase,'on Friday vening Doctor. W. is a young
gentlethan of moo talent
PASOILAU , .—M Cogswell, an artist who re
sided for many ye, in Pittsburgh, is now in our
city, and expeettu uric° his magnificent pal:turn
ip of enlifornia.t the Athenieuni buildings, in
a few dap , . Mr:.'s sketches were taken upon
:the spot, and weave the tulthority of many who
were there, or solig that they are correct to the
minutest portico(. San Francisco, impartien.
kr, is correct to i fatf,,t dat,,, that iv, the build
ings in the burnt itricts are foe similies of those
erected since thlast great fire. We have no
"doubt that' this tuor.aun will be very popu
Mir.ll3o or TICOUNCILS—The. Councils met
last night, and tuacted a considerable amount
of business, but' e of which mould be4of inter
est to the genera-leder.
An ordinance s passed in the Select Council,
authorizing the *r to borrowsl3:l,ote) for the
purpose of payinpans, also as ordins!nce ma
king the usual iropriations for the. presiast
In the Comm-Council, an ordinance was
passed, reducing. tote ou boats which come
across the ampler; fitly per aellt. The vote
stood nineteen tor. It will doublsayass the
Select Council on nest night of m eung.
Tactsse IN • ,EGUENV Cliy.—lTe were
somewhat ostonil to find, yesterday, that
there are no letsa fi,rry-cv,it Urea -acid (aPerita
in Allegheny city,ish are distribute as fel
lows among the twards: •
First Vali, . S
Third .‘ JO •
Fourth •• 23
it must be npFt to every one,
number of taverssweater than thol necessi
tio M
of the [IT ,community req . arid
we ttillsenturo text, that not half those H
ooded, hare the nrnodations net t nary for
the reception of lure. The spirit garden of
Allegheny is tort in great want of weed
Before lionerutopewell Hepburn, Presi
dent Judge. •
The case of Kcy, Childs & Cq , vs. the
owners of the strut Shenandoah, was tried.
Thin watinn actioraght to recover damages
for injuries allegmkive been sustainvi by a
number of bales ono shipped on that boat.
Honorable Chorister for .plaintiffs, Willi
and Coyle for defer.
The defendants 4 to prove that the cotton
which was shippelaaaral the steamer Saint
Cloud at Memphis. ended on the wharf at
remairsre, exposed to a heavy
rain for some tim received injury, after
which, it was shim; board the Shenandoah,
theaffert of which y three bills of lading,
one stating that thsn was shipped in good
order, the other tw! it was not in good or
der. The former ls sent to the consignees
and on it the actioeirought.
This evidence wotdmitted, and the point
was reserved by the. Verdict for plaint
iffs, $752,60, subjehe point reserved.
Lambert, Shiny)), vs. B. A. Sampson.
Action'on a promisote. The case had not
gone to the jury whCourt adjourned.
Before Honorable! fll - Lowrie.
The trial of the sot case of Cooper, et
al, vs. Allison et all, was : continued from
last leek, occupied Sre day yesterday, and
went to the jury imily before the adjourn
ment of the Court. •
_ Fn AM' 22, 1831.
At a inentirsJoo I
lo inhabitants of.
OHIO township, AS colinty,;Pennsylin-
• . . •
nia, held at the hotiohn Hay, Esq., this
day, for the purpos , c'erence and discussion,
on the subject ot oed I'por House and
Farm. as suggested e of the boroughs and'
townsbips ut their meeting en that sub-
Jett ,
On motion, Dr. Lode was Called to the
Chair, and David Sias appointed Secreta
ry, 'and after a fultes , discussion of this
subject, the followieutions were unani
mously adopted:
let. 'That this unions always been both
able and willing to r:ta own poosiin way
and manner in accowitti •anCient usages,
and which is mumble' than-that of is
Poor Hours to Meade members of am.
cenununity, who, froressnrelof untoward
events, bare to cladid and support
2. That a Poor trries epith its name
something sa, humilil degrading, that the
poor have preferred , - in their destitution
rather than resat the to Obnoxious to
their feelings; it is am a foCced associa
tion of !hos.+ who liataught* respect the
decencies of life , 1 tett:some victims of
rice and :emu:slit,. -
3d. That to Poor stablishruent, in the
purchase of land, er building, furniture
and fixture, salsinkc., wpuld 'render a
largo inerMse of t indispensible, and
add to the already el county debt, which
affects dm estates via a bond sad mort
gage, in dispute. c ilmise establish
ment ortho county ngtont has been re
ferred to IsN,its ad as ealdeace'of the
economy of that systat a Precedent and
pattern for Illeghen; The county of
Washington owns onnost Saleable farms
in Pennsylvania, entire appropriate
buildings; yet from al reports of Audi
tors, it will be seen the year 1850, the
atab li,l emee t, Lap tsar thousand dollars
• derived from taxstNow are in debt ug
ly," wards of one thAusal mast be, provided
for by tulutiou• j
4tl). That we viercheme intended to
• enforce a coinetnerebrithe farming and
mannfacturing distr: toady, to the in
jury of the agricultu ,
J6th. Me, therefotalflof Ohio town
. ship, protest againetue i from which we
. claim exemp tiop, stte the other town
ships and districis Ilea and interests in•
• mitntrip with us, to. delegates, each to
meet at the new Cos at II o'clock, A.
- • M. on Weilnesday,Ly, Of March, A. I).
185 J; to adopt such 83 may be 83333-
asu-ou this oceasior j
guy That Wm. IThomas Neel are
hereby chosen as owe to , represent ua
and our township at newppointed to be
• held on the I litti of Vittidiergh
lth. That the pro this meeting be
paidislied in such Bergh papers as
convenient, and a co , me be sent to our
representatives at Is,Mvith a request
that -Legislative - Legislative rile relation to a
• . Poor Moose be foreb ped until the pro
wed 'general meettreferred to shall
baie been held, a ions reported to
' . them., • vOODS, Clem.
-Jr • Dann 8gE31333, 2 ' . .
i..... , ..i . i:.', T ,;?1•4 - : . r: : ; 7 1.. - :
Gsur...—A terrific gale occurred yes
terday, between the hoursotone and two &Clock,
which fortunately only basted.a few minutea,'but
which, notwithstanding, did a great deal of dam
age, more espeCially to the steamboats at our
wharf. The. wind for the past few days, Las
been blowing from the South East, but it sud
denly veered round to the North West, and its
violence for a 'short time, excelled alohiug that
has been known in this region of the country for
a longtime.i. The large ride-wheel steamer pio
neer, Captain Forsyth, which has been laid up
near the point for some weeks past, broke loose
from her fastenings, and was blown, with great
rapidity up the Monongahela river. She struck
against a pier of the bridge, near the Sligo
shore, and swinging round. was partially furred
tinder it. One chimney was carried away, as
was the pilot house, Texas and. seep° pipes.—
The hurricane deck and cabin sustained consid
erable injury, and one wheel-house was destroyed.
The boat is n in considerable 'longer, being
wedged light'} - ow
antler the Gering of the bridge.
The sk.ra-wheel steamer, Geneva, Captain
Wilkins, which was lying at the foot of 111,rket
street, taking in a load of freight for Nashville,
was hloivn from hertmnerings. As she passed
up the river, rho struck the stern of the steamer
John Quincy A , 13111,, tearing off three of the
state rooms in the ladies' cabin. The bout then
struck the bridge wills great violence! oar of her
himaeys tree left buttered and dangliag spun
the railings--the other fell hat, the river, the
pilot house mud scape pipes were knocked off,
and the hurricane deck injured—the guards and
cabin were much shattered, 'anti the boat was
only stopped by being bloWn with her bow info
the mud on the shore of the Monongahela, at
The stern wheel steamer Cape Slay, Captain
Marshall, which true lying neatithe (tenors, was
blown out itit.o,,thi river, and passing under the
bridge sustained much injury. Iler chimneys,
pilot house, and scope pipes were forced off. Her
hurricane deck was considerably torn and her
cabin ahattered. This boat and the Genera,
sustained about an equal amount of (+nage, and
she did not stop until blown against the shore
ear the Geneva."
The Steamer Empreee. Captain Ctix, ley be
low the Geneva, =Awlnn likewise blown loos.—
She woo thrown brongbide Nnthiht the . bridge,
and was much shattered. one chimney wue
knocked down. The upper uud louver guards
and hurricane deck were,torn by the moue work
of the pier, and the cabin sustained considerable
injury. As soon as the norm abated a little, she
was towed down to her old berth.
The unfinished steamer Governor gs, whirl
is being built by Captain Shunt,. and lay below
the Empress; Rla .blown up against one of the
piers of the bridge, but swung round and pa.,
ad under. The force of the wind carried het
against the Birmingham she - re, where she was
.ecured. and no the hid no eilllllllO5S op. and
was in an unfinished state, ~he did not sustain
much damage, except that her cabin was started
from its fastenings.
The ',Warner Hibernia No. 2 was probably the
means of saving many boats from cowidirable
damage, tot she was .strungly fastened broadside
tq the shore, both by the beer und.stern, and
when the bouts which were moored below swung
round against her stern. she stoPpeil their pro
gress. Fier rudder was broken by the steamer
Schuylkill, but it will be repsired in time for r
to leave for Cincinnati, as usual, at 10 o'clock
The steamer Beaver was lauding at the time
the storm came up, 31111 was saved from going
under the bridge by mintingker boar hard on the
shore, the stern swung around, however, and the
escape pipes striking the bridge, were forced oft.
We have not 'heard the loss susieined by the
steamboats estimated, but it must be very con
siderable. The owners of the Geneva aril Cape
May, are the heaviest losers—the Pioneer is, we
understand, an old boat, and her engine was
about being transferred to a new one. :3mireely
a single boat escaped without injury of some
kind, in thy way of breaking ropes and fenders,
It was report'fd around toNan that a lady. also
was on hoard the Empress, bad been blown over
board and drowbcd, but the rumor .wcs fortu
nately false; nor was a single person on any of
the boats injured.
We learn from the clerk of the steamer Johnl.
Crittenden, which arrived after the storm, that
the gale name np to her near Shotmetovro, and
that the boat was for.somo time in considerable
danger, hut she was loaded down nearly to the
guards, and the freight serving no ballast, she
escaped. We fear, however, that all boats Lase
not been so fortunate, and if the violence of the
gale below that point rivalled its force here, we
fear that some accidentt have occurred.
P. S.—Since the above was written, the Pion
eer has been taken filim her perilous position.
and towed down by ii ferry boat. We hear a
painful rumor, about r pair of coal boats, said
to have been sunk, with the loss of tire lives,
below Shousetown, but trust there is no truth
in it.
MUDGE BLOWN Awns.—About one hundred
feet of a temporary Bridge over a gully in the
Eighth Ward, were blown. away; during the
redden gust, yesterday. afternoon.
FINED.—His honor, the Mayorof All egheny,
yesterday fined three tavern keepers of the first,
second and fourth wards, for selling liquor on
the Sabbath; contrary to law.
THE 5T08.31.--0011Hitierlible damage was done
to unfinished buildings in exposed situations by
the storm yesterday.
Tau WEATHER. —Yesterday W 11.4 a most dis
mal, cheerless day.. 'The rain fell constantly
frontmorning to night, and walking woo render
ed very unpleasant„ owing to the mud.
WC acknowledge the receipt of a note yester
day from Mrs. Armstrong. If that lady will
refer to the local column of Nlonday, she will
find the intelligence which she seeks.
DESTItreTION or Two Tovrxs tiv• Ten CoAet or
AFRICA DT lien MAJTSF.T . .O Slur II oral.. —Letters .
from Sierra Leone to the 27th of December. from ,
Her Majesty's ship Hound. inform us..--••the have ;
just returned from an expedition under Captain
Patten up the river Galines, where we burnt '
down to the ground two large towns, belong-'1
' ing to the two great chiefs there, fur not deliver- I
ing up the murderer of Mr. Packer, the 1 , -rigli-li
authority et titdMas. The boats of the Hound
and Prometheus proceeded six miles up n Hier i
and burnt Prince Manna's town to the ground,
giving the women end children time to lie off.—
' The following day they proceeded nine miles up
another river and burnt Prince !Loser's town--
five barricaded towns!. Copt. Patten advanced
in his gig. demanding that the murderer should
be instantly give up, and as they would neither
' parley nor fight.he n
burnt their towns. The only ac
cident which occurred happened to a midshipman
on shore—it bull ran his horn into his thigh: fever of
THE LADIES all sal "If you 'want
, - course followed. Indeed. all in the expedition
flrl P Thri ri cx . tte i r Trat :A ..' eTt:".nta''ner"r hr the have been seriously ill, hut, at the date of our
4 '''. ll C.rr .... , ..": 0 Pose st 74 'Tfi..Fid fl. arc ''" ii " i letters. were feat recovering and going for change."
dom. ae,d, or Inferior Tear ore tiever kept
at th d. alit...blithe:lent. Dad they Top. retell all their Too i — Lt rtrpool Timm
direct From the oriiilnal eheida, haalmarnenl that Tea will ,
not keen In Metallic wrapper., which. hy holding onto the 1,,„d L.,,,m 0 ,..--A hill has been introduced
tight. ion will find la a• laTena a. a lady's Tell. fetid into the Wisconsin Legislature to limit the amount
T EAD PIPE--CornelPs improved patent of land which any one individual may hereafter
_a_A Lad Nal far II idranta. ' acquire, tiiy,2oaurea. The Wiactinain paper says
Pamp. ' the bill will probably become a law.
A ii,n.. " ,l . i, Rams. ' . The Atlantic', Acvdent.—The New York En
t:Were, Ac. All elan an hand and In tinier. V.* sale br - i press is informed that the steamer Columbia,
ltaSanl ALEXANDEI: GORDO, Wat, bt
iof . the Cunard line, met with precisely a
REFINED BORAX-lb eases, fur mile by . similar accident in 1542, fourteen days opt and
fetil.2 J. 'C IN " NMAKEIi .. CO_ near Halifax, and was Velaled eight dys in
fIIANNER'S 011.,•20 bbls,for sale Ire , reaching Halifax in consequenie. Abe t two
a.m..: .7. i , CLICRINSIAK Eliiit co. i years since, the 'Shapira [net with a simile break
down, but was enabled. notwithstanding. Ito use
one of her engines. These accidents to shafts
are the result of defects in the iron,, which no
skill or cure can guard agninst-
CHEESE -123 bxe, in stare and for sale by
PARIS tiltERN—;3O cans, for sale by
TISIOTIIY SEED—In store and for sale by
TAR -150 bbl~, in store and for sale by
111111 ISAIAH LOCKET 0 Cp. '
aginlde CANAL COMPANY—The Stock
holders of th e Erie Canal Compeor are hereby ot.ti
that the Annual election of Director' , for the emosina
y , will be he'.,l at their ollioe In Trio , w the fleet Mote
Aar in March neat, at :: o'clock. r. at
Brassier of the Preeklent.
WM. M'. REED. Fo , v.
Canal Mee, Erie, Feb. li. 'ail
CASES Casßinetts •
tP 2
• Plaid Flirrorls: For mile by
51.211.1 . 11 V Q LEE
100 Loblt Dr,' ',arta,
100 do ,lo
t .Appb r.
iTo lf: eTtn! laltlr,: e l 9 l . o ß u ton
30 ,to brupertne do: . -.
tOO dour. extra C 4171 Drootoo:1.-.............---
. . _
and f„„aler l "" W "' 1 " "YaINNTPI"I 4 kt .. , ' " I
, ONDON TAPERS--50410z. for sale 1,1 ,
frbll U,...rty Ft I 4 . 14,2 J. KIDD ' 1 t_ . (1.,.
pEVOLVERS--JuA received, an addition- 1 I A)l . l' BLA'Cli—in bulk b . ,r 'rannei.'s.2o
~ al rupplr of gewalut COlt . IteVolvrrK al.o Allrtis I i_j bbl" for sale by J. ECIKKIN3IAK Kit 3. CO.
iv•olron. febll, %V. W. WILSON i frl.ll
ROLL 1107E11-2.5 lilAk prilne, for sale by 1 13Al'Elt LLANO Nold Paper linne
t, a ;V lIARDAt3;II. ,J._ Ini, with oohl and l'ebort matchol homier*. for LT..,
rebl I No lit }' trot and IR, brrood .0 my DOOOO. fur "air 10' W. I'. NIAIO , IIALL.
1 b. 1,12 st %r o od eV
LINSEED OIL-10 Wilt!, for sale IJC .. . ...
frbll ,;., iv. nai fi A uH. 1 el . ‘II EAP WALL l'Al'Elt—Frent ti 1-4 cents
TALLow_i 0 blls, !mime, f„r sale Lv 1- 'r..Tl . 2'''''''''''' t; !r . i''';1 1 )Z1:311ALI.
frbl 1 '
___:,._'._____ W ITAg"__l'lL Alf IL.VpiNt r i .k:c1) PitINIIN(I IAI'ER
-for ~ab. by tebt..: IV I MAR :MALL.
1 1 1 lIITE FISII-02 I , o , rir i. ib i„ts ai
an}l. q.bay„...te.
rebil . tesr d Froot r
14,11.00M5--,soThozen, for - sale ity
frbll S.l W. FL\ P.BAUG
RIFT APPLE?-150 bus prime, for safe
br 4L71 r.O
sugar lu re
7 - Ileii.
cured, fur
VINDOW GLASS-11W bx,, ussorte
r'rr , 6a.1, 1p fetal 'S. t SS. HA
bbis, and 100 kegsN';:l,Tdr
eal. by febll N. aW.
CLOVER SEED-55 1,b14 primo Ohin, rur I VIAL CUILL‘,
tinle by febu 5 W HAVBAUGII. V feblt ,
RIED,,i'EACifOS=I7;6 sale by :DE LAI NES— nun- and ,0
Dfebtl "'""'U"" ' 11-1 'l"". "• Yar "' ll7l l lll'7t
COTTON Ilis superi.,r u unl: ' •
Ity,lor We by
fcblo .1 , 10) 0 4 ,
ame, daptm:s:!lotb, Moo de Linn , . Parmett, 114.mbs.
014105 Sur Mate I,v I .alup Ani:11.4.1 Alpve..., and othrr grby of
J. KIDD i cu. feblo
VER3IILLION Chenese, ana
• Antrzlw, f.n. I,
. . . -
.4 , -- - -..
.R.NICA l a lkiWEßS — n'T .. 11 u 1- , l' ' • 1 Alill-- , l) kegs and '25 bbls, far solo loi
WU .1. ECIIOONNSAftERI C O. „,..f 1
.c,f &HO . BROWN .k. KIItIiPATRICIi.
B LACK LI:Al.)--700 ILs of superior qual.i.l - L' EELS--4 hbls diUier Seed;
k tiftre isle bi 11. E. SELLEIte, .. kJ aP - Month/ dq r or tale by
67 Waal rtrett. feblo 1111015 - .5 a /1.111124111uCK.
~,~~- .:=
- --- -= - iRE YOU- A FATITER, laboring for the 1 • • ,
PHILADELDDIA, Feb. 24.Stith i
~,,, rer.j.,rt of n family. and ruffering Grua general lc' i OR RENT-A small frame qrittflge, •
There have been three arrivals from Cliagres : Tl ' . ' l4... n it. 1 17711eVvre!ibrIal h '..;fa i rtytaai' d 'It. ''''':"
* hur ts '
, ..... " 'e nt m ; "r'lnt r l * l t AT.% 1 i"..5.,2j.' 1.74;', .7. d e.',.,- h 'n n i:•n n
the Ohio, with SIN/0.000, the Cherokee. with A ' r n ." M . '. .' in2 f ” . ' d i'''' . '" . .wh' 4 ' . n- Kral rawernl fruit treer. a very derirable residence for a
n , l wfw , wnrwit , . ..V'. ' ll .. pr. '• D. Ull.n': 'hn k " mall f.tily. Rituatral near Nliorrwvillr. 1t.......i0n given
504.000, in gold, and the Prometheus. earacyarll.- tt rall certainly cum Ido.
~ , . lintue'llatel,.
• These vessels bring no later dotes from Son ii" "i'ffir•f•ls , ''' `'" "m"."'""" "."....". ,`", . N 'rnd raudl Tenement, for Into.
ru,,, t .t.t.,ratu. where ,uu will and ra nt the what., .sr 'Alen t for eale 11 ton: fronting nn llnto,ok .cot, an d :',
Francisco. caictreow, rdr iradandl hy Dr. S. li. [b.,... hr. Ic.n the frxtitilig on Pent arrat. Terme, trey. Ady'll to
The Ohio bring, dates from pavane to the 17th. nierole df kerniatantly curing scut...lra-we, to w lack the ~,,,,,, 1 ,,,,,,
hl•nns. (ollil!" arc lnln'inwwl'Y I ' l ' l,l - "not ow/ 11 'llnr feb.-Nnlm nr Fl. P. Coin. coy. of Market and !th .
The captain of a vessel which arrived at lint atm Iraarati. or Nirraparilla 'oter ,rt brought (.are the _ . •
on the 11111, reports an American steamer with Desirablei Residence for Bale.
TI ) Lea ratabliAhrl ital.:lA nu:teal:At by Its ,
three masts , ashore on the Bahama banks, [trout tome mow and well :Carded curra.
~,,,,,,. I7IIE subseribe . r, intending to remove a few
fifteen miles South or Gurrkee reef, she hod her ~,,s i i i i: , , , • . :1- .n 0i;01 . 1 , : . , ..1 .. 1 111 1 , 17 . ;..z.i.t i v n . , p - :,..,Tr", , .0“,.. the en n utre, o ff er , for rare the prt:ncrto in
eh henna. mold., anAr healed tirlon the ramnd lank
signor flying, but could nut be made out The trolo. whd h mad., it alb:a:eater more walualile to et ell' :7n Mirk.\ihi.tlieh, tiity. The awe/ling.-a double one, and built
wreckers were seen along side. trend try- '"ji•,,P,1 fi r , i .`,,", 1 ,;`, f 1. , ,„,',,'•,1;17 - p,.. s.d os Issfn recent],
0 . 110 W El' 'HAK EII 1 're f i : Znt- '' s " :l " glg.l77l::lt i VAn% As frat . the IS
ing to get her off. SARSAPARILLA! aral Wu- bo oth,
I ha.. ritntiZ . Nutt two huntitraland club d• floe. and k Insti
The Ohio's turn:reward passaeo eflls eleeeding- '''''`e '' l': 1 A! anal
fie S 5. 1, at walt tarac. containing eiraina•linildw"y and fruit. The . :
/ 1 cal ty _ ciunhuthlinda.runsMig of ` „ ern n. relp.:l honct.. 1 I
ly hoisterous---sbe experience .. .l a succession Of frit. o IL plint: k 10.. Croy:ricrac:,
~,,,, r . ra l ag e 1 .e. an. ranratly I'r
It The ritua-
easterly gales, from leaning Banana until shel I ono, Ilan, Cincinnati. Ohio. I ~,r , , ~...„:„...., u ., wi .„ . .„ . ..,....,,,,,,,,„, ~,
Tr: .Lein In alt .:niers nor do ad:tr....n."4. ra . 1 Ide junli over the Alle.fient , will brind the propert,}
nrrireti oft Baritegat. Which greatly retarded her Al-, for ..1. by JA. done, J. lweboonmaker tc,... ...
, 111 ,, e,...k ,. . , : t,,, 1. , N , N , 1 , ... :n;; • . . A .,.. 0 1 , T t 0j-1 117,, ,1 6 .1 n . , 31 , : i ti .. er it W it .tot I ant. • few minute. walk or &dm of the citY•
The PrOluethett, anived on .t.:atureiss night ht , I.lhni.l. Mitecht-irr. r. Cree., Itrownwrille. Jaw Pen.ll ' " r " P. ' " ' " " '""'"l ' lL ' 7; '' rll4'"4 . ' A .
Hil ' l ' llg l i ' '...iLS"°6l4.' "
Nen . 1 - ark, eft, a illihit eitroordinary passage. ,•.".,,1i i r,,,,%•••"4,fii, " 4 - .n - 1 .. 11,, ,, , If . t'LrT i t• . 1111 L. ',-.,.....„,M10,-1,11 N n : 1 4 .1 1_ ,, /i d t
p 5 i . ,. ... F.. 9.1 , 4 ,, E . , , !_! i 1 , !2. ,,, 11.1 . ;1 . :-- ii, d n 1,:•;:: 1 , 11 ,,, f0 . r .1 ta1 , 1 1 ,, ,, ,,,1 7 , ....1 1
with Commodore Vanderholf on lomrd. Com- ,
Intidore V. lots I men a h s e n t r„r two toottths ow - - ,- , -
„-- --- -- - - ,- 1 The Lot.. rontnin• Gtr rootira: the lot ix ft ray feet on Old." :
the Nrcaragua rota, The pr,,,,,,,,,,,,n, :cod e '
_ISA tA It ',let, El* & CO., Agents for Mt - i nut Aram by one hundred in therm. yzu F lAa i,„,, ,,.
the run frunt 11 e ii line, a distnnei. of 1,1,00 ~,,: ` ,t'L ‘ 1,.'..1 ' ;',...;',,,r'.7.": ,t,1 1 , 1 :," 1 1,11n. r ,V..,, 1 i1,.1 1 1,1 , ;;1.',1 . 1 11.1.14 rarnertf-• %Ira 11111.1 'll%th %to _
miles, in five days nit./ tiventy-one hours, rind I ", ins' , .."- '''''''" ' 1_• • iOR ICENT-Tha Lrgtldwell gig house Tg . t7:
from New 1./rlenns in six data rind five hours.- j 1.1 ATTLX(3-15 bales superior, for sale hi ' I: with .•xtrn.t‘w g mu ar, for citric, 110d1 R. hl ,1 .1'44. '
She brought orients papers rd Sunday the Itith .1.1/ n tdo
-three days ahead of the mail. Site nintle• the g 1 011'0N-10 bale', for I :: t t l i c .i i i , i v iii CKE
I ' 'C'':
'' ' '' ' '' ''' ''''"l::::.l". ‘Ch.1.H7"7:"...";;.:
run from Chagrero to the lutr, nt New Orleans, a V. rem° - MAIM! . DICKEY kCO l -T r ';;7, l '.Y t nt l .t . LV l k t ilt I . 7tt L :, n 'iltZ r At'''. "t-in,,ricAirtiiC I
a distance of 1,400 miles . , in four dap and 'di ; g ,i rm. o s B 1 .1 ;,,i...
_4q ,1,,,,, wilfi.d . fi, reels
boll,. 11, 1 i rm., •- • wor•11.1.1 , 0 nor. To LET-Two t tln the ldwer floor .5.'r . ,..f . , ,
famwarmsonsosoraarearoroarrnoraa _ . _. , corner Market an M ater Aran.. granting ....-: 1
61 1...,‘ ; A Hs_ _ 1 ti,i toll Pprineipe, for sale Iry
1 " I t r,..n r ly n n;" ‘ tno n i roa s C V;r.-
. 0 . .• the nap., oo tha ...lot I
'NE I'IIIToN CITA MAlistlA I. EMPOWERED To 1 7 J.". "14'11.1".' kma t t : : tli.m, :Mtn cepa'ratc'entrance from I:l':ter ran-el.
AID 10 ARR.:IIN il AND linufrati Ft nITICI's - I 114"1"1 . Eli--I 4 bbla roll , All of them. motor am ruitable for InAuranee 0111raA, Ar.. 1
I D :: do nwekni. I mai are At:l.W in the n:nu fat tumble place for busmen':
Marshal Till:try boning stated that, if so author- ; i fat tlwcrwharf. PDLLAED )IcCORMICK.
lo keg. du nu cal, lo i 1:511", , d3w
ire& by the Mai - or, liO would arrest and keep , __itd_. s r ritn• IltlNSltifitsT f. tf r i
fugitive :1111%1,, or resign his dice, the Mayor ' stIItAIN - - .BLACK -SI L K L`S- 31mte . til 4: 14 1 n!` . ,! . ,,,,...7,7.,,:,.,9',,
~1‘,,,9 „ r ei i . ,',7t 5 , .,,,,,,e „ N i ' n '„ .l „ 6 '''''........! i
_i_ Itracdtrimn hate rcraira.l ave r, full ual of
air :we . ~,,, , r .„.,.,.
and Aldermen met op. Tuer.dne morning and , ~ , .,...I...inr-it the' can mil at lower Dr:raw thnn flisf nr , '.. . febliaint XL."'
: low:en:11y 'old ac air, Elm l. I. igurnl and Itnautde au of
tweed the following preamble and order: 'VALUABLE 311 LS, FARMS, AND LOPS
- . 4 , . y . son sAI.F.-Two la e Flour Milk and a New Mill .
City of Barton. In 'hoard of Mayor and Al- ! I DRIP); I NI; lIA MS-3lurphy & Burchfield tit, heater Ilrek, with tb •, water power.. Also.
riernitor, Tuesday, February In, Itinl , . I I too, 1,11 hatal • tan, lot of Duo 11111014ln, f• hit . .1,.. ,0 ''':, '''," ,. .'` ,,. '' . .1. 1 ',','7: ,, ‘ ,. . ,. %, ,, ": „ '',11 . 7''' , ,Z 1 ., . , , , , , ,..:r.".. r t . ..V i i - ,,
M hereas, This board has lenreg,l with deep 1 ::::, - ,'L' i . " "‘ """' `'''''''''' i''''''' n " r ' l '''''' ,t \.n.
delow ' lhnder. Tor 1•4.:0ra. ' .thew one of 11D ne, ..ii the
.ii ' Oh.. nwer. li toilec Ic•low Ilemer, for NU pt. %CT, Ala,
regret that the integrity of the laws and the , - • I d,or turou for $l5 icr acre. At., fartn• of tau. 101,. and Awl
yiii:Sii FRU IT• -Peuelles and Bladkherritra J 0 05... for ng,, pr r n e r .. A 1.,. 1;5 are. for 3C.L. watt . 1
dignity nrf the VOllllllliiiithillth Mid city haVe been
, h ht no le, their ounune,..lttel here: mom,' weabd. arr, tdr St.: d er rand to,dtber with A mato other": of tart- I
greatly impnired by the forcibly rescuing anu I ramt., an, their ....owl ea., t.a4 tro•turo,. ', u s •in•• and arra-, Etenum of
abducting of a prisoner from the lianas tof an Al..' Cirrrie• met 'ln.,. Pot 0r ,.. .1 1 , the...* nlw-diwer (11e N. P. AI.I. II FFITER)IAN.
rtie, A at Law and heal hetet, Agent', ,
°littler of the United States who had hint in close Pi "' " r " " °".."" '" k ' r t'll..4‘ wci.tito oco 1 6.1,10 ''' • No DC am •t. Ilittraurdb '
Custody-Therefore it is goo Liro•rtr 4,..1 i ...,, , . _ . _
FOlt It ENT-the tore on 3larkeA at., •,..:.,,,,
Ordered; That the City Marshal, under the in- 11 IRD SEEIRS . -Cattaryttnd Hemp Seeds'
, unw.mapnst t, t . T eeter .4 • Attract, ,rare. r . :1 . , 1
StruCtiOna Of the Mayor, fie directed, whenever 1 ''' U "' "" ''" l ' ' ' fi ' r ''' ' ir'il. A' wetrao &co , P - 7 0-, ~,,,,,- 1 . , a. , nr Ar f' n'''`'
. )\ M. ICLINT.ICK. ga ton .:
he shall be properly Informed by any puhlic ooh- - - - --- - - • --- ,--'- ' - - • -- • -
I INSEED OI bids just receivert. Pure Fr() LET -A Warehouse situated be- res . ,,,
ter of this State, or the United States, that there
1 IA Coutur Oil. en d for sale 1.1
is dang,er flint he shrill be unlawfully obstructed ; Ittritsci, LITTLE A Co. i ~,.-!-.,";;;',",:"t° , .?1,i m „ ",`„!;..,..1•a , ° , d , .,,",ri ° ,,,,„‘,,1 , 'Tf,} ; •11,i..t '
in the performance of his ofli!.:inl duties by a mob, '''' No 2,0 ttl•srir tit's. , .o.afro a All.::::::n I: la ruit;l:le tor manufacturing or ,t,
and that. he needs assistritwe, immediately to re- f i klllll .‘S 1.1 PA. 11.11 LROA D STOCK - '' lb.. ' ' ' F.CAIVE. ATKINOD, k t :KELT.
pair to the place where it is a ppreh emll,l said • .. r I ...0w... , all I ,, at to, for ;V., il ~, i , ~,,.
riot veil he Ind, and there ftithfully and truly, ~,,,, ~.,,,,,..., ~.„..,,,,,,... i, ,, ,.. r.,
.4 , 011 IZENTa-lli.• .b.ullill g Itom..e and 57
.orrno, gmontk. now .w - ul'led 1 ., tor
with tae whole police force under his coutrul. Fh , s AN D lIAI sIN s
_ l4 , 1 ,,, , „„ fi ,,, , , -.lf. nt the 1,...1 ot Pride gm, Ser i. .. En t yth Mani ••••••••
the same in the mutt energetic manner pus- I ~,„
~,, r ,, ,- „," n „, !jsr•on•s,donc , to and %location !'t.e... , frin . "an: u ke . antl ,, wi
silile. in support of the laws rind tire maintenance : Loud and fdr .1, 1., 11/DIU N • 01110 PAT It 1141 i 1a . , 11 . 1 .,: b 1X,1 1 . , 1 4:, .. 1 , 1 i ,t,. , 1 . 1 :',... 1 4 , 1 , ;I n fnr,',..,, , , %1;4-:,
of the public peace. • me car toniairr JAnl? . LICCII.O 00.
-.......--.. :iN i I :L r ASSF:S- :14 tierce. and :;Ist Imrrels, Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
I'M: Loot: Reek I r..--The outrage recently per- ' ' ''" Illritt ait /MIK hATIIICit rr 11E undersigned Administrators of One
patented in this cite by a negro mob, La., Do ARD 111 L- I:, Ida best rctioed IV in ter, , -1. , '''' . ''''. ll "'" . '"''' .. `.. d. ',` , `"` l. ”rt'''' rnt .." 1 " w'',
t r. u .r. t u he experte;l, been made the snlOttet of
. 1 j it ., ~1,. 1., e.tre reel ....iv ..f t 1... ...a 11.1. x. iman. comi•tit.
J wllllia./1, lt :lEEE A 111, „r„,,,. , f.., I let fronting on Lik•rt, , 0.1%%f1.. ruantu,.. 1..4.
newspaper remark in various part": :,..f th e ~,,,, ' n ra,. 1 dt U.Awl -tra c t. a , . t i n h.., .11, Al, met avern and Aunt.' naw the
. . _
:7 Mancran lino-, with the :anni,l. and .1.1.. rant,rate.t.
try. We cannot. of c.urtre, be indrtfer tort to emit- o t 1
I x.:. Pb/'t •tt -,1 1 11 reatiln Wrnpring aw.:nrgett: emann. no Ilan, .11 , . • mut , tho... tr. , tour Dlniew
mettle upon this ottettmettee from soiree... rot Pied 1,•• 4,, Horns:no '
An. Alt.. Ylb.r rat• frnt.: rah Chen,' nth,. em 1: ridl,ten
fca• J !WWII, ‘I.IE KR a cal. fcrt train. and cunning sue = ill kwd.orallel with I.lzoo
to diotiCe, awl it is the l- efore with notch r,gret. (.., ..,.. ~, . __ ..n, T .,1 n t .1..1t ant. n+
wat ~.." tst ttttt`•tt . ''''',.'7
Ili 'Well W. t.lttnibblllol t, that we have perused g I UT-Cal ilblw ci•llifiulll. ' • . wetdieuticv to the .rarartler, or if not .1d hen., the 2...t.1
id 'lntel, will to. olfmral at auction to the hitraraf haliierr
the editorials or some of our New York eonwni. 1111 to .1., Urn. for ..I.• by
.1 ttittlikts. NI tKERA ta t Alma the Tale.: `lntl 0 ulTerral f , r . Nit i,..,, A A yU ,.. a.
porarig Upon the wult . net. The Courier & En
quirer !pt . ye,terday. it so a Column of ccinlianitw 1 11 I LI tI . :II'S CUSH II)N S---.ltiNt reached ;ttol pc, dttar:r. It C1111.11E1.1..
' lit! Likut) .
upon this outrage, so lute:tiled for and unjust. as ' 1.11, t.r...11.1., . j K "'" I' ‘.". IA I. EST l'rE Full SALE-Th, ototor
_ No.. Doc.l rtrect.
not trall'y to .since that the writer was ignormit of !I - I " gnl offs, tar "ale n large manitcr of t aluadle
-• • •
the eirtuntetattee, oldie can, but to Icnst• the 62 II A K ER'S II ERRS, tdl kinds. a fresh lot h.' :talon. °'''' a' m ' 'l' , : 1-l '''''''' .I ''' . r ''' 'l n l mlS '
ram, Is, the faraugh c:f Ifinosnuluo. dcwant :oar
impression Oust he seat Militated Its prejudice !OA 171 nr. nand. and far rale 1., -r an d lino, awl
Ltitherno Chitral,
btinded by impetuosity to such . extent •„,... to d KIDD .t fu. c. '7,,, 1 : a :„:" . -1 ' t 1 I
.1 rt tiriningoato n ac g cd ate,: no,
ma tna-Darld wealth. and the rearannhic arteer m w dui.
prevent a tutr rise ot fact, even though they , g I I,..k . ZIER'S DI A3IOSDS-1 adz, for sale 1..,.. at 6,...,,i,i,w,n ~,,,der th em w ,ar, and vr ottat.4.-to.
were in his la.... Lem-ion. Act:or:ling to it. , erd . : 11l il I..rad. J 011 , D k Cil v.-Ist:TM Title tw:rfcrt Tern. fararable
. . tor nava-okra Mel is rm.. ertuulmof the under:much at
i.. awnerti'd.. our eit V haw beep aliandot.e.l t . • ' , elm ono, rue E titintom. 1,u...a Drattrareet, lattw-
' ttr,ll.l.twc.i . ,:rl4:ni ntul Fourth lend. r t 1 William
a ndli. itnti our citizens have ,et themselves d,,a n I) '- ' • •
folded unite 1., ,
0 1 , 7 , . , ,e . i.f. von DER. for Om run. .1 1.2[1/RI ATM, or ws now, bud Nntilatrarron. klaa'w. at their de n ted:
rule. Ira this crew of he matter. it I. valorously ,
m 1 ,
, 1 ;. ~,, , ,, , , 1 , ,T.. ...., 1 , ,,1ffc : .741 1, 1 , 1 . 11. ,. .% i7 .2. 11. ,, :•41: .. t. ,.. 1;:rt , d i a . t . in r ii . -"."*.'
1 . ,rads
ilt il loa trai that th e „ 0 ,,,,, ‘s • ~. ere ~,ug . ,14 • •th a t atm CI. af rltlr-trtz. me 'oh:. et it aiTnni• the too. 1.c.0 4 :1"'t rir°,. LET Ou t
(4 .t ' r,K l . T' s. " .::a . t ' i ' l u t ' L Ls i. K: ; ,-li r tU' L 'Ai n t. l ' L ' :. lS77.. ... • •" . .. r.
fiery is a , higher lqw and a stronger oral, and 5 . :• ,. 1,,1'ff . ft;:; , ;•; . ";:;2:::, ; ',0n5.,....!;",.`,"T - ' , .,ir - '"" in " r "" 1; '• areli to ItOlnerra, LITTLE ACo •Dw-rww
gir put a.t.' - nelli 104 Libert, ri
a Wort potential authnriry than any Aviucli 11 12/ f) 11, 'lOl, 1. W.' ~,.... n s no. n cintul our, aI. entral, horn' - _ „.- . _
: 1.-..t...r. , ,- . .. ,;.i t1: . i ,. - ,.. , tu . , i t i. u ;, ll , tan, t. 'wolicand • :Oa.. I t IOR.S.‘ LE -The hubweriher oiler , for 17: 1 7"
Or Slate Can organize, tire better 11. viii be toe
the whoic country fir 1 d the 1141..1. Of Nil and re- • I'l. . e1,',:.,,, n .,, f...,.. o o,o,„11, 0 00,r, ~,,,„I ea .., t,t,bly. i ..I.• . lar.a. , and a ti l , l ,, buill , l .. l , ri o r . k t l: r ur ,,, Vl4l e tz , k ..
111iutra liberty throng out the world' The wri. Trc:; . !,.'”'''''• L ' "'.. a ' l. .''''''' '"", a Pl "' W . Z . , r ..,17i,j r ".414 . .":,),...T1.,,ty. p 0 ..... ra 0 rt o ran on.
.. .
ter prueeetie In an autho.ruitve tone, to ,li.en,re I r ,,,.--o u ,. uutt, ',L.,. w 0 ,..,,t,,,,,,, t ,,.. tae lu nf Aartild.M.
T fi NE IN 11. ro. . Alro.a dery :hwdrwhl.• Int of enatect. containing or,
a n ted
that the :Ow - not-t he etitoree loud that. although . Ix. Likray rtmo, Pltklurach. Allll%. rob a senor( of excellent water thereon. ntuated
the shed:bug ,if human hitaci liw to be dept., it 1 t t- Ytttr tr LA Mt %It tv. Jwc Mtn tit Lt. Ja. lb , bt .. Lh't '',`'''' tithe I .
f..,, f 1 1,, f IM.. a lot 1 dmund , feet 1 I Inch,. i et... rain
ed 111/111IT 111, circulthdance, -yet it i., better. .r'd l: s'l E l . l - 1 nr• ,'.nit,.,, 11'wh.,,, _ rth.- rewdleara ot lir A. 'doer. near city . oara.:Nic
far hotter. that o,l' li fe ill iluwton should 1.0 the Screw, 11.1. on Penn/u lwanta Avenue. r,0,,,,..i.a
:Do itmoniratel; ,
aacrinced, and the cit • itself wiped front the fee it f• noo ....lain D.:a M.... Plank Inud will be coraPiete
or the 1..4. than - thflt any loW ..f the l•etteral ea., cro at•uo e roeset, earl, in it rounnw •atomer . For
fu rt der .I...DJ:Mu, trat.ll to DAVID DEELEI:. I oura ..
trovermilent dloold 6e terletitii. - Tire aet.ele sa.::.,ltt
close. Witt :t woletan al•peai to limo ett: /e an cl
It ill It EST OR SA LE-I'he -üb,criber 1 77.`":*
Boston, t,• Dunne an': 1.11.0. shit itek Whist is ....
mill ..I . . , tirxient hei I..ri .. : i..r.11. ,, teui , 1 2.. ....1- 5 ....
.kh, 1.1 I k • • ' 1 k.
their duty under tne , tr..kunstancer.
We doubt net that till, V.1:I be
kindly reerlyetl 4.," Citi.:ll,, !int/
with such iLltignay ll+ our forvbitherm idb•red
the prochinuttdom which the rt,loubtable Wit
hdraws Kieft wan n - ont to issue from the island • nciiistit
of Manhattan. But at the same time Wenre con- 1 •-•-, tvtott'svevie-Av ., "tv . ...v.ete , nsi t , ' Oditit, ..t.t4dt-sns ..f F OPt. R r,N'r--A 1,,,, , t ..,,y I )v. ell iug Tn.
that the 1 t • it , fl • •them- , t.t 1, , ,r. tglan.; itrnra hilit. /hint nr 10.4,....,/ Mau,, „„ IN, ~,,,,, y,„,,,,,.. „y
intent - t .;t ,
Me L.,..t) ... L.t,s.nr4 .4. r .1,9.4 at.= tf 4. lial , JAM KS 1,1.2 EL L ...t It ater .t. .......
selves abundontly attlly to decide on the proper - • - • -- - • • -
P0i,,, , 4.,,,0vvem.
course for them to Pursue under the diem, ' ai rl ., , f , . , . , i VOR SALE OR ON PERPETUAL LEASE
r. ft.. Doi lel.ll D. :ride WWI the lives an, ii .
stance,. The doctrine, that th e whole commun. -4 all +u to en.h. or °TA perpetual Lase. one tat on
1 f ....h..f the ete..-61. fn. we ...w.rel, pied, f.fir Penn our.,
.fit feet front If. 10u toff{ to Soma, nth, ad.
Ity in to be held responsible for the conduct of -Ise. n nis i t e ~,, 5 0... e el so, st to na s l e n., of n o . mall. towing we. Nadi Ward Efifilne Ilou.e. 41.0. cow roman..
a fele of its lawless ml' chore, is as absurd ay it; ctn. k5,..1 1., lik. , I no 1., - tk• .111,711.: /illUk.“kill. tkl,l/ /k
, ',1T . 1 : L . n,14 . 11,,t r , P.2,.,.:E . :;' , rc ., 1 ;11 1. . eri&: ' T,7lf . 41
ill lIRILISI. fa.t• .:1 1 e.t ...rant .1.1„ Alfa:. 1.5...) 6, frolfin, .... eerzu.r. atrn t. mom,
The deth is that the citizen' , of Ito-toil, null rt" . ".' - ' ' ) I.. ''''' n" . ' '. 1 .. - '‘"" ". I "'i . ! "'rm.' 'll''''t'r '''''' .th " ',. • ;,3; . ,p . ;;' ,—.. T . .; , , - ,7 , .....,.i . A . A . . -
:,, ..I...rnti,lfor Off run of all tlfarafe...f the Lute. -...''..
earful, ion. comparatively iraigniriennt is Mild-
.::, L r. r
.i , ~.,., ern
r ~, , , ,
h gr. ,„ Hound i n o pi n i on , tin i rig ht h i pry ;',,,,,,,,,„; Er : ,,,, .
m „ . „,,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
r. „ , ,. ,, ,
.„„,,,,,,,.. in°. .r.., ...._..urge Mans i on How, With 70
on this allbjeet, The doctrine of forcible resis• , ,-oissi nal, wt. na• s sai tn.., Tr...s. De. W wefr.'s ID, j n i . f ,' "." "r 4 '4IIII,7,T.°Y,V N V.VVIa.
Lune.), area Ik; , 1110 F ugitive Slat,. I. lin.ia 1... I„aor lt n,. effefiar If chi , n, trutot
advocates tli,i - ; beyond the minks of is few fun), !: - .11, - Wlst.r . • /1.1,.an, of IV nn Own,. I. a fine 11.0010 rtlo LET—The Three Story Dwellin r'r. t
tie., who for year, and years have agitated Neu ' nroovvr; teen...A ...heel, .ff Wild olnery Bark and 11. ~ .
tn :17;:i ' n ' , " ;:n ii :at2:.17:.;;.11ZTZZ227:::.. ' i:i
England with sentiment, which they have amt'- .'".." t '' ! "" m i" . .." . " l. '''' t.,r. " l ' .. r tv " l, '"''''• Ling nein sal kwhen. on the Oral Hair PtakkorlkAlt3l2
pi11,...0 Ow ram tnedlral Timm.. of .Wee. nee elf. , ..anf given oik the tot of A prn. Inquire of 4. k It. FLOYD ,
en lillnust in vain to spread, becat.e they have , ~,,,, ~ ~ „„„, „,..,,,,,„„..,.,„ „,,,,, „ t „„ t ~, ,-„,..._ i sm Round l'hunfh.
been nu palpably treasonable and destructive to , ti ,,, ~„,nr ing i n, 0 t u0 n.,.,,,,,,,,0 the n . 0.1 f .„-aaj,, any T„ LET-lone
TO 1 Wok Story Dile.. lifinse, !=ll.
aulttni morals and every social bon,L—Bottiiii I ..m...... inn al, ere , diffefivrrod for the • containing I nen., nn l'entn. Aaenue..lllner.
Trar4kr. ! orsststeThr: tit THE LUNOS. el e Road.. gent Ito. Lifffulle of
II Elt EDIT lll's' fONSUNI PTII IN afloat to 11 ittar'• Ralf nth: JOIIN WATT t efa
nn, nt WiLl l'herry -The folloaln, ease ~f Jerenunb Ir.
1 1 01 . I.WN.T Ti s II •••,
firtf.,. of Consumption. 'ewe of hi. brothers and 4,6 , 0 ha- 4 s •t • ” Stare, l" Market-.e.
etnet. the ...fond door from the eon., of tlert.t ;:•31
vow not of Courousetion., I. truly wonderful. and 1.11,tr 0.21 , 1.6 l l kkAkkrkkluti O,U the 1.1 of Aprilf.... ,
Ilea far Itn.m, Ihnullton co.. eert. 2T. , o• a d, In.juir. of DAVID GREER.
J. Itr ratt -11 , ,ar eir. I Nto.Lhe Alert) of ad, honx ton ./...12nf Ins Donn ft.
", ear h" . ."" I hA`r . l e rl'"I tr.'m ear lee ' 4 Dr. ".''''. rOlt RENI, MO Vere eonVerlient 7,74 ,
u.i... or Vila Chen', I wn. proetrated 1., that tertll.l. 4 . , . , , .
11,101.1.1.. r. 110ISI.S. on Tlfinl Iklrect. shore „
...our,. Itonftimptlun. in (1.1 haat. The attack wa. um)) and near tn Smithfield. Ponessaion given on the not ........
horriff Ifni to we. for hie of our L‘ndly...nir Moth... - . nod of Afirll 11.5t
..41,. latinf ...cant
"" . " . '" 4 ''‘ .. ' I "." mthr ' .4 .'''' ... ' s '.. on n " 6 1 1 .4 .:7rt " A '' 11:;1?... ' 4 " ,- cr:,71,„.., N„,,,, Ne,„,
ear.) ••Il the tor. feature. ef the doff ..... I had a . ~,,,,. ,„ tt M. I NI IiARI:INnTIIN,
Ng cough. and et pertoratedva great deaf of bk..). Istett. or 11004. DARLINGTON,
6,, twin. 11$ Ilk. tvilr ikti.l dit.., cold AM, nit., /akar Fourth PL. near Wood.
natio,: ant. 1fie1 , ... of twat. - ,
FOR It ENT T.—The following pry per- =V
.n. undor the care ..f II manful 00, Awl.. from the
tine I an" Dfken r l rl , unLit "l"'ut "1......" "'"'". '''.' A I.% " ..e. '" a r.. .rtrf .' f ' s ' ilf.. r t l' and ~,,,,,,i, ri r
,rnt.i,d Li
(Ilea .lond lodate., and toy tesenslo voneldered toy ma. STORE. I.n Merkel street. Leterf.ot Third and Fourth row,
t h e or rat
W.,: te,..nd one
olfill) eutel...l imitable for Dry tfiffids.
the 0 ... of Wl.lnr, Ilabfan, of Wll.l Cherry. W ithout fat ~,6.,nr,=,.„‘7,,,,,,14Lit,r°61,r7n.'',.t.„....,„4",,t..5ZYd ."
knoaledee. In f lath,
It. and cotumenred Fannin- •A Inn, and eonverdent DIV ELLINU 1100 SE, In • bus).
inerfno It to me... 11-1 roan the 61.1 Jay I .rzklinisklrl.ltak f ....In. , fd the eit,
:no 0 in , 1....101,l. nod In two week. Rom the
\D aaariou 61 the foregoinfi ran he given on dm let of
now / ..ntfiefo'f'd using ilf tau "i' l . 6 `' .. "" ....r . ' l, P la h . ; ' S ' .!flA LI. STORE on Third otreet. nest dcor to tha
.... In, 1..1... and later. whefla I .611enntInne to do. I G,.....,,,, on., Demean" ~,,,, „,,,,,,,,,
tanfr taken flow I.fttlee of the tn...lldne. and non re:odder rill: SALE--An uneffitinal I,en, on the II nrehon.e. on
to, Pelf terfietlf Meal. .10RhallAll ISOIIIOO Thlnl fonfel. heretofore occupied toy the Into Mr. A. Rivlvti.
For terms• apply to
~ r, G 0 0 0 ta 0 .0 ft 4 0. D OAZZAM, Irel :second t.rffel..
4 : 4 ' 4 : 4 ; 4. ' l' 4 : 4 . 4 : t , .1.)11 or n, It Irnuituttix. .6 Third a '
DEPARTFILL tuft LIBERIA.—The New Orleans
Crescent City gives an account of the departure
from that port, un the 13th inst., of the brig
Abidon, chartered by the Lousiann Colonization
Societies, for the purpose of rarrying out
number of emigrants to Liberia. The Crescent
City says:
The exercises were rendered more deeply
teresting by the presence of Mr. Rice, of the
pariah of St. Mary, who has generously
crated some thirty-three slaves, belonging to the
expedition, and paid all their expenses of outtit,
passage and support fur six mouths, at a sacri
fice and expense of about $20,000. Such in
stances of noble hearted liberality. in connection
with such a cause, deserve to be held upCor the
imitation of others.
IsAMPIIOR-3 bbls for sale by
sl sEl.t.fits,
J' BAYBERRY-2 bbls fur side by
4010 O . 0. SELLERS.
/OYl'Elt. S.-10 bbi. o by :
L Lln R.t..? S.
sroAß—loo bbs, msorted num
e, / 4 1 , Tre. for rale by V.I2III3ILIDGEI I I%(IRA 11131,
\o. 110 Writ, 41.
Coo' Moir. I.ko Co., la.. June I. '445. . - -•--
Joey D P tar.--Dear 'tee in July. Jot. 1 wax attacked . "Olt R EST. to Two story Frame ilumw7:l'
Mil Back building. with ,two lot. o .=
with • tem, of t;iphoid rhareeter, whleli loft me in fn .. et, r,,,,i at
on, Flash weni. odioinin L. Shrtim. •,.
~..,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,.., w h en , ie the rlls. lug winter. I *as UV ~,. berm., aptily to 11011180.". tante. ~
lion st eh a w.sere cold. aloof] nidund nii, to omit an ex. i drel. .M 5 Liberty street
as lii els.. no thr appearance of I, ;smarmed nonsunip. •
Or.. I tiuder a severe rough—expectorated a great l.O LET, the Store Ilium, N o . 65 Ma, w,....
deal. and war troubl,rl with mild feet mid night e We/IL, ] 0
„ k o c o t ., S o l o rl .l .e o l :o ml2 o ni .i ni n e o u
.o ll . ir , l . l:zteli th r , i , l ). JZLl ri re .4..o.o. .,:.4 •
i ` ! "" ( " I ' m ''' . " ... " 1 ' A. "' ...t. "" 1. " . ' t """ ... " d , I N. Holt.. 4, Nei.. • Banking sold 0 1.xchansto other.
In this •uito. gr.liml 4 . 10 . 4 undo , 00. i 11.... wall ' ThLs room 1.1,014.1 ni the niostrentral and host Inislogas
Jansmrs , 1011. when I war again iittookird with fever. My point in 1i . .... 0,, , ..., , 1 well tidap_tisl P . i .o r a 11 . 1m oo k . itm .
0 a p re . 1 0 1: . .:...
rri "" i '' d '".. " " A .1 mY "'" and.. " . rhY ' ld. ",_ ° "".''',.' , I ! 0 ,;4 1 :EV.T. ' 7i,r ,, L,1: ', 71M ,', 1.17.Z: , L. , .n ,", ... pots,. L ~01,l
out.' .eri it r lest a short limo. My estrernitse. i.ili.r . ' : as the weather ermt,. .
I; or foot. wet , rwurtantly rokl, and aloe. lust their feel-'. V..ion given en the Out of February, If wanb.l.
lug Crater theor rim
it may be truly raid I Co. , Llnitslni nr ' W. W. NVI I,BIIN.
i Jul Corner of Ittrket and Fourth sires,.
a bring skeleton. 4 bossily doternilool to null taking na. i —
dioinos preserilrsi by physician. nod try Dr. Whiter's Bal. I
... a u, of Wild Cher,. and from the bra week that I emu- 1 Rare Chance for Capitalists and ittanufac
ml,...l takes, it:l eau date it ,rrialuel twovery. 1,0011,0 I torero
ovn in, nn- "in uno. , nlv.Lnnlv -.1• ( ' , . , ' , un— , "." nu' 1 91‘116 ondersigned being agent for the own
ed. Slid onyoyel good health erre sine, end
,b ullyr ro. ~,.,. „cr„,s, r e r sale a oumbor of town lots in the bawls
ivoitei the lk,l•am to all Bum , fill ed with earre or id )li...thou. Slntrk wanly, Ohlo, without lots, and mall
. wa ffl e .,
U.' 1 .. 84 . ' id ....1 ' '''''''''''''')''' i" "'. "" . 1:i r ;: . .: 6 0; • . ' 0 1 ,T.1 .1 7, 4 07. ` . d gi:V.,171 . 2%, ' :711.11 Beta -
to tio dlrriumurod If two or three howler 'donnt effort a
.‘,....,„ ~..„..,.,.
..thin d,
..... 1...,
throus h
cure, hut pr.. .sore. as I have dour and 1 bare uu doubt g, tlit. r.,` ,-tat, alinnis, perhaps. the beet optairtunity
but to no ease. not of tott. will Ire bloseel with renewed I lan'', otli iii. to torso. who may wish tneugaue In man.
i °teeter:l, of ~Iniust my demnptiela. Thu abualaure and
hoitlth ioi I hose bort , Iter,etrully your,• 1 lteertteet• el Mt the means of Ilring. the supply of welter
.10.4Ee10 JACK,IN. I feel for steam poser, the .neat quantity at wool -I,rumlit
! . this market. es well .0 the facilities for translairtation of
11. , .1 , 11 , T , T 110,.., A" Lill:LP .Tlll. MSC.. 0 0 T.. 1401,1 . ....,,,,‘.,,,,d,.
00,0 ,
A.,[.. SALA,. nteet deslrablopoinie for retetillaLl]. manufactures of trim.
I. mu Ur . Baker. Spriugteld. Irseldnoton County, Ky. 1 rrL i i . e tne,4,l o v - o v r . dortlllillono which hi rm. *Deed-
::/ . 01,11G/10.11 , . Ii 1.. Nay 14. 'CI ,eel gesural improved Gum?. in the vicinity tif We C. 440, o nd
Itlesars. Stoofont • Parke-1 mkt, tide oppurtuulty of to. I lialtrtatil i ,itte,alrrTFral—a.trart of iV anyle . aclllest , l
' forming you of 0 most remarkable cure perfumed upou . Itti d ll ' ttra Mrli; ' irom t re ' l t t i div e rift li , t ' of .liOef " si....trt
ea „ by the tow of Br. Wistgr's Balsam of 'tVdd Cherry. , acres. miyoinlng the
on LopoL almu one side of selSeb
h, ths. sear I.IW 1 was taken with an innemanun of the . the tract pats, Sad on two alik streets of the tow Ile
l.wols, whirl. I labored smiler fur rda wmks. when 1 grad. i ti_ 4 _k7 . l , ..M , .._” , ,i_ noire , bauta ro will do well m look at this b o .
golly Merrell. In the fell of 1841 I wan attached with a . 1.i ii.`,.,,L..` t i t y o 7.l, th : ooth te .. c o. tho heart
sc.,re mid, which sealed itself upon MY loom. and for the, ; reutm, nut
. 1.1rie00.4 ;by my lac the country, Is au t0r .,7 11
e p u ,..:.'• of three yeas. I W., confined to my bed. 1 trawl ell I ', o ur: , thou 10 t i p . e t n , i , otaatce . .....• k ry . to doltri o rzgat , rs o .fsj;
kind, of .letactll3.. and sesorY riiirio'f rif oldi . 1,10 . 1 bot'" to
and emmine this property. Title hallsptita . bl ' e ;.nd
I f r i eo d. s persineded we to sitre ., :; ,, a . i u rsal ui.,: .t.b .w o toi : ,: gl ,. . ;: l i t: i..... lP A ;; ,o t_____ L dlea ' o tlnu s
' 5r 11, 1,,,r1 4 0t411 00 ' of * Jr. t ' r d latar .2o.'. //14. 1' s ' ari Ul t . i t i b f '147 IIT t' Cla r c o rr f y. it4' )l; •!.I , l o " ns ' : . b g r u c o n "d . l o l l an: ' i l i a v :F „ ir . d , Le' ii ' f '4. 4 . lt u
i nil oi L i o. ' ;:i . o. L. A'i li vr i 1 1 72 . ;L o rr o io ,, ru m , t , ti . :u;u o l
4 up all 1,40 e of reamer], and had prepared myeelf for the I e i,.... 0 ,1 „ 1 m a .„11,,,,,,. 0
I d.. 1., ot auntie, world. Through their ariliiitatious 1 010 ; - Nr,aillun,Yeb. h, .1. fiAitgewil.
G ' T S:1 "1 A " . %:::—. u:I T h.K' " 1
Co " :1 : 1 ' rth
" "' 1 '0
' t .1% 1 'y
' e r. : :1 ;
:' . 1' .. 1: 1,1 " t ok attl '? :0 0 0 10 0 1."1 . 111 a 'interim, and aller liam , o , ;: : .
0,,.,0„0.0„..,,,,,,i ...._ fete ,
Bud red hr.
. ,
1 ota , it tot.. 0 ? n r " h. " r ,.. d ," .. " . “i ",. ~."."*" 0 , 2 , fob , ' 311:irYllY elm a tin ELD.
boot and most resPerteloe liu/ •temus had prose] 000 -- i --
~ ,E , . . . . ,
i. g i .... f • 5-II IVe.rOti to 0 istire h e alth by the Meaning Of ' .l. : IN.,_. S li, OOLItN 511,11'51...---Of to su
oui.e4 eu. tow 01 Dr. Widtaet, Basam of Wild Chan'.
~.....Berter quality, at store of
. Ilaf UM blessing of 1i...1 rrst untie 'the linePrleterw of re ! - IUItPUT 0 13C0011FIELD.
i valuable a tussle:me a• Wiatar's 1w...0r Wild Cherry. , i lAS'l'utt OIL-1u brit Blow's hest, for tale
r''''''f"n,T,' .. IL U"W . ' 1- 7 -- / . 1 4), - . 101- Q ' LltS NiurruN TA jL
laneL UWO rue
I •
i :... , ,,10 by J. D. Kung, isuccessor In Bmforil Al .
100 Fourth i
1 . 1 ,iii La Corn Meal,
I W aluutstn.e.. Cinehmti.Uhie, General Ago. , for 1 4 0 .:80.1 lbs Buckwheat Flour. for sale by
"'" T. WOC/Itg h. SON,
.4..,,,d, a nd West to whom all orders mot be addreae..l. 1
J. Kuhl I Co.. It. Fahnesteick • Co. J. A. Jorteth L. ~_, Brmluee Donlon., nod Colunilasion Merchants.
61 Water sus.,
Wilcox, jr., Pittsburgh, Lee A. Beckham, Allegheny cur.
1.. T. Russell, NVa.shington, L. 11. 'kiwi., Culontown, 11.
Welty. Greyed.. S. Koontz, .9oluerbe& Scutt & Calm., .
!Wt.& Reed aeon, liontingdot&M , - c, nont" ,-. ' ur g' . 0 '
-47 naeka prime for sale by
1111detra&d & Co., ludLaus: J. li. 1011,111., nomaalrun i
Etrao 0. Co. BrwavtlloA. Wl6on & Son. IVaTu.bura , I 3..21, . 116 laten t.
Maw - shad a Co, N. Callender, .M.eadvillr: Burton t Ctn. I,_
Erie; lirahatc. & Yorker, Memo: Jean. Kelly & Co. Dub
1 Sio.r..,yo'',..:,:a,,:fli.,ll:„.ll",eire,,,;;.irur"l".°Croo.SuLLl:rr"'., D ' ro U w ..r" nari nt lle ' .. L.
1 C.
F RIAT__IO. bu Dried Peaches;
Linen and House Funiuthine, Goods.
i7E l t 3ll L l . 7l o b iN u — D 7e: r e7enui "l i " lo bl Cldueso.
..,nalictO of the f.plloatug itooda o , the for .ale by J. KIDD a CO.
A , .
34,‘...,,,nZ),...1;‘,..&,. (2x.miti0.0.6t...;2,....t t?.,,,,ttrbr.,1
tom oexi t. W.a.11 ot
Table Cloth, Ihmank and Map,' .
Napkin...lh erla)a. 1.0)1u , &e• Ar:
.. 1 A3IPBLACK-40 brie for solo by
Yowto. tiTeloibe, Nev. - sod Deios.k. 1J ye.. J Kiia , A CO
I , l,L•rn. Ittt.le.,owl. and Hint 1.,:
LIIlll 1..a0. , end Lutvn VarnLnrw. 1110 E—a tee prima Carulinn , for sale by
Flour seJ Lsrs..ct hax.nnok. all .
le .1.-'t . - JAR. A. IIUTtIiISON ACO
t.tnrn l'alabne Ilawilo rrisiefi 3,
0-1 AtJanac seosioe , s to io.oi ,o.
011 ow. „in.
1 """ . " .. '' '''''''''' " 1 - di IEIt3IAN CLAY:LSB bee just reo'd by
. a 5..,• 1, - ee •
b.le ,
______ ifi 14' 4 BORBRIDGIE & INUIMA II .
11111 Y APPLES--200 bushels on hand and ICE--40 tea just ree'd for sufeby
Tenet , Lo ot ette. enunte.l on ohm „a,lint-
Alle t theto Avenue. root Or the Coutruoto The hoot, to
,hotl, s o• he'd. hoihloot. lot eetopleto enter. Ti, i•
e •tnt nod ore•I 00, th• oTottnalt.
•torh r•••• n.
iherrnotton nhn, n hoot, nod • beater
' • J. /It u "1,1111.11:T
BULK PORK-200 pieces hog round, Aral
niunnad, fur rale ,y W3l. BAGALKY n W
LARD --3 brls'and 15 kegs fur sale by
*LS J. S. DILW oIMI - 0 CO
ROOMS-80 dor just received by
' J. s,-terAvourti s
fj.o IL SA IN T Lot-IS—The
I hold draught :Weenier PARIS. South.
torwter will leave for the idol , . nod all
en , the 2,th Met.. at IU A M.
F.e in uld appl, on hatol or tr.
.1 rilvnil LA
ro•Luto .on 11. .0111 alf a
14 , 011NAslIVI 1.1, E. The Sint
will i sower: L• ES A. CA,I.
ave e and Mu rmohate porta
.la. at 3 P it.
F e en.t.dit pa...rge. appi, on heard fehtl.l
I The tto denim e J An, vt,
now,. will leer, 1... r al.,re and iiite-meduit, , k--::
purl. on Witola, tu , i at
r rippli on hood t. 1•21
• To Southern and Western Merchants.
T 'lli,: -_
cumnintoter • Th e ' entraerilx.; renpertfully-lorltes puhlie attention
meat, knoll th I , morning, at 1 k tit extenvive Wet l'erfum Swim, Shaving errant..
taro. at pi, un .4. to r lam Golden pedals hare.
2'2 • ./. I.TP.N REI:11 ri: tr '"- at ' n T h fa h 'Uv . ' tweta awarded by the - Indltukr of
- koc ' yo t ek e 11. 4 . i rtoli. ' and Philadelphia. the latter being the
10011 N AZ , II VI LL The , _ %dela ever awardwl fur wfulun' e ,1 1. 1 '
t.l Ft. lttler C. I• 117 ina.ter,Lt*.:÷tf? Lowirre or In thivwimoßT. •
11 "."" vine horodie I:Nr.w Wt. Sturm CR... (Almond. Repee ove.
n or .. st. tmti r ruo thx ud er,„ ,) unini th rral th, li th ac o kno . 4r or led , ..Fed . : , be virPetddr
p' -
'OR NEW OR LEA N S—T h ron 5,,41"1.1-13.4.t11.111)T trtmepu,at and
,pleinl.l w(kh' , 6.1 Androsta o l d riii " a7iL l' Tit ' trAllitt.
bran. Ala., will are for 00 - ,
and ell interim iliate tuinto. „dui nos, 21 , 1
Toner Foarre-Almond. Raw. 11111d1ears. Roo
o„ 1,2 0 3ner. MUM. Perilously. Omnihni, Flosting.
j L , ' _ _ _ Iracietwront, Orr
. OI IVittilurr, Cireauelan.
1 1 1 1:33 I L staen. Lyn: v . , rim To If kinttrionr.”.-lice.., Jaamln. Bon
i „‘„ „ yd. ,. w _ 1.1. • d o t tandine, liemneum. Jenny Lind, slatuwelm....loek
whit ' a'3 Alaimult.tlematite,Cltrtmelle. Ilasat, and ovanY
:„ 11 1 , 00 , r ue the AT.,ti. 111 h trot .eriplar, in all platy different perfume,
termodiate port' on Fulda,. the IDli ,alt.. at o'cloek. r. Tottir Ar di. - roi-Flediela {Pater. Eau_ de Tolletta,
v. For frelvlo or prow., ''Cl,,Flower t
~,t er, and a must variety Cl Cologn e atiia Ll,rti
feld 1 ;At 1 'N .11I•1.-k Adent 11 4 • r ft a
Unit ST. DIMS. The Ppiendill fr —
I . new ...moor vi.rxrwour, Conley, j-.g tr 2 I rw, !lair lioukland In . C' d
ooininatolr will lea.. io r
tier ahoy. and itor- I nme. and Jenny LIM l'enradX . .
t..„. on da,. 11th in.t.. at ll' 31 Onevrttute likertarn rs-Ildraaale R., Too ßfia
' Paste. Charcoal Dennitl. 2 &odontine, Tooth Parte,and Tooth
' r•T‘{'WN t. .lU;i FS, Agent. I.ard„
1. hit
tWlan !or
4 1 0 I{ LOU SI • LLE—Th.. ~, LAP,' Alre
r • A 1 it • ATI lit. C, Ik Hai`litr"T etwarn, de
aunt all 1 0 , 4 Pa. n.moving auperffuoue halt; Pearl
porw at In., rlork I. or 1. - ..tght or paerture i Aronutic Vinegar.
on !ewe. lai rdti. rr.en.r, bol e
a great mistyof
other article. too numerous to he named In this adrerie
ill;l6R CINCINN'I,
The ruhecriber hone. m maintain the re tat{
A .4T 1,P1,-The not „mom,: eti.anter
-Tty, d ua Po rt rLieb
,0 AC V. 1 , 1 ‘. Captain Ilia+ , brae , hut I t
„dr entries, rwil to Wapiw u' tur t ai '
ror the shoes and ,no port. thi, m a r wink to patrinke eitlierarlolerale retail,
at 1 A 1 1 ,12 lon no re.winahle term, as any ertahllahment In the Lolled
1.. r freurld tiawage. apple twain ! Slaws 'LAIIIIII II
A:l , oft 1.; 3i(
he , . EUGESE
A • , ILL/ -1 he hoe dentner er.L.L.”; I. 114 Cheannt,rt
.;A ILL/. ti n. ma-ter , will rein. 3lr. Ilatio's Perfumery In fur vale by all the prineiired
ar re, oho w ,.t Iv tar en Ist• rut, nod NI !ear. Druticinti. In three...n . 3 •
In, PHA./ II VIAL • I Moteini, and at
Poware. apply In
..ant, MA P
ine.. IVI.P. Iladett. made,. A . & G . A . ARNomc .
o h..; we the a and in nindisteport....--
thw , In.. at u • 1) RAPEILS rY TAILORS. , Nn. 303 Broad
way, owner of Duane elm., atore the Irving How,
ow York, rerincelfully Invite Cho attention of friend. and
11 4 3 1 /It %,1 N ENV I 1.1. E —The fine ... the poldic , to their
attrrn, a.:irtment , of now
n,arOPILINy pn .II
I 7,2`th,!tor
for al+ .. and 1111. 11/1,1115 Lt. ~.rte till' , Arru.x..
' nvord moderate ' , nee.. lima') Cloth. (iarsimrrea and Ye,.
inhot onuortatume elegant light vilk, fur Yell,
" 1 " r •"" ''""" 1 d! . .. do. no. pattern. of Pori+ Embroiderlex. Th.;
I ) DirLAR three •kilild ..,1.,b11,11rn cve ca
-111 ‘,' ri , MtVe
• n r t e , and NAVY " ( IFI I ,RMS mode to order. with arr..
ter. 0 tow p. rti ,14 In rle, and tie-patch rsl the nowt mom-rood
bo m tro IL. will find at thi , t I.
COT' aunt r. "" . "' I ' ciTilt r P ' e ‘ v . r. t h eir ' ll t and* moat perfirt ' llt
len.. • At le. . Th0r...1 and 'Mord,. , m. rd -• ' •
.cv k I I PR V. 31 1 . 1 , 1 VA T
‘. TCVATS.- iihigant raidcos 4 ta.
thl ,
that von • .o I,IUf ka. Garden.
_oure 04,13
LAR 1V EONESDAy award...l the find promium a i m.. American in.ntute
' di,R their tide fair.
Proli LT. ..:,cIA 111, Captain John
.I j l.rootuduin rid+ `
❑”.• ^-,
io ,r ::1..n.. 311,5. No. COIITLANI/T ST.,
)•. Wet .lit •.r ..p pi on Leant. ••.r . to . .1 NOW l'olllo. t, wive inwninw one of
, Nit, i. VP 1 ,r 4.1 rwheirt tw.ortinent. of SPP.INd AND
" • " " ,11 erir 1..f0r r. •eivrit LAce
E 1..1 P.l C ET F 4) -Li, ...a .;i I- n.t.N 4 11 manufacin
ine s,ii. -T L ,. nn . ... a n., p i . rt.l tom, thi lab Pori. f..lisonv. a
nd by the etearaera
and part...ulerl) adapted to the Nonnd trade.
k ° ,.‘;.2.;`;;;;V.'i f
hint -di, and Turk p.dln Paraw,le. and Cotton and .
him L inkrel la. rill of a inch vrill offend at extremely
invite our IVlni,ru friend, to ex._
''''' ,l ' ...l. " 3l'l . lll . V.:.l l llll3' ' lliT3 h it.Z.Yir. exhibiting Shawl! and
%unlink, put up in CA.1 , ,,1 for truneportation.
C. 11. lIATCII 5: CO., _
11.1.1 All. STREET, OE,4'
Jal or "VW, "" """
.1 r I. kCIZ.
Tii mAsi.r.wrritEits.
•, , ~ u. II I AVE n,,,.. in More. and are constantly re
' "....:.:2?:,.., thr .'', ,i, .1 ITS 1 l'''. :,,, Ro , :o E i
~,,,,,,,,,, ~, . 4.n ~, . 0 , „ , ,,,, , ,.......ort„, „ ,
72 '.. ..:7. I ss 1 leo. n'.. FIZILN 4 le:1111: (i401:14 e'er 'before offered,
1' '' 4 , .—.. 71. ' e ' O7l. t rorato the 'latest and richret at, lee of eraral.,`Sliirts.
:e•-...—• - -.. —.--,,,' ' t:1.,,.. llo,err. Stt,:ender, trader Gannenta. London
Pittsburgh Transportation Line. T0e...d00k.. oilod Stll:.. D1 . ..0i. 0016 . 1, llandkoroldef,
7ltouldor Brat+, Lineu Collar, with a varlet: of firer ....
Lamy,: :oleIN N. d: :',. :::::"L' i ' ^ ' .. • i ''''''''' ' tiole....roiar to their line of buelne.ea.
• All of which will
' .. 0l f ,It. J IMP, a I n.. 10,...0. P.n.:41 nod ,'hem .: rpt .. b.. ~,,) „ 1 i i ,....„. i„„.,,,,,.. Our ~,.,,,,,,, fr ,.. m „..,
3, N 0..: :,,to I. I oort b ..1n ot.stedm:on ),Coke) and l'het- ' 1.,,,,, , ~.,,„,„,,,. ~,,,. ~,, felAl3m.
nut .troo, 1,1,....t01ef0n. .
I I A\
~ 5.,,, ~ , , , . :. %,1, ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,„.. Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
II I );, ;. fa ll : . ,, ur , to:' , l
.. , , , , .ut ,,, r . r . a . ,':;.,..': ION k'..'S L _ EMPIRE INK. $5 ...assau Street,
1.,,= ' ,',..,!. t',. on- . e in idol the
o. and Iron: Ili, C. ]ell ‘..'"
I nrel ' flaltolom. l'hiladolidua. New If orx. lin,, I 111-
!. Avi ~.- ,I v.... 1. no r• d , a: , h awl rare f ur on, ro:k
r Loy' Ali oo.:- -O, , d I our I.:no ll 0,1 ~1
lon• I .
Merchants' Transportation Line,
.t rE• N..ILA C. 0.5.1 .,
(II f
C. A NI:A.:s I. LTI A CU.. lAusal
CHAU/ALI:AY Ntlfi. 12, C. Broad
. 1 —At, • • t 1 •••
„,. „ , I n... .0
Ilu `.l..euer• ,arr •,k:r I. .• en the
Mote 1411ne...e. u:;1 ; n•e. eutali et t 1.11.,
Juhu,iwu. I - hurg
185 1
To Canal &at Owners Transporters.
of 111,
the seek eurl. Letweva J , .buqauu • taut I at•burgh
rtua the oma.:
Time frota J011a... to lll”burult.. hnun..
!rum PUtaburgb u
1,1,1,.11er fur tl
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
the Trade made On 1, 1: roll:dim
ffituphy's Self• Sealing AdvertiSing Ravel-
VO. 263 31ADI.M s §T., SEW YORK.—
1 be
1 The subscrir. In soilcitins thel.W... sU oho
ma. see this ad vertnietneut Loin none of that hesitation
with hilt n new article Is brought before the public The
rape:len, of year, has established superiority ta..
oint all ouesnon. and he confidentlyrefers to the testinio
nr of those alone h men wh6 have mast thewn envelope,
an/ to to. raplill! locrcesing.tialos. as proof of their excel- I
The following ate a 5,0 of the masons for their. pope- t
On the plans neenpied by the real. • Person Our
have hename. bil-inren. mid sildrem, maiden...rely and
beautifully costsvwd, colored or plain, thus affonling mr.
fit .cavity against fraud.
11 The Envelope,. canon[ he opened 'without being di
'T.ll,elthor wax nnr wafers Am requircd ' to veal them.
40, 1 tem.the miscarriage of a letter, the veal Insumstt.
Immediate return to the render, instead of being burinl
mouths in the Pratt Letter mhos.
tilt. The ED,10,411 an: furni,he.l at mast the rame
price es plain 0rt....
sth lath letter moiled IRR mitt effeetive adreraement.
su7,ve atwart the'atteonou of all through whose
' 1 . 11%. " 1 . 7110wing I. n lint of priMi. for Ince, cograved on
bra,, and which will last for )earn and of Earwthirr,. of •
the tonal dm. either white or huff, of good paper, and
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road. " k "r°,-,„;,!';;,;%.,.un 0 n" . argil, .
looving been appvillti•t] letters °rim* 44.00 1 atca
^J to s.uolloun
•Itipoing neat , the P. no, Imo,. or Central Rail '
:910 Ai Ml,Oll 20P0
hoot. rT:a ,111.111 Rt. :a, nom ime.-.1 to evs. • 4 „
strist I
e n,
..r prolue.. foe csot on the ,„ , 10.00
the seal 50 to P 4.115000 15,g ‘ t!
0 " . r r "." .°1 fro ' hen It in not cotmenient to forwent amount of onler ,
Tail roaigial to a ill be fora anal leec of commis .
pe malt or warren, a reference to a respectable New boot I
Icy or eti,,r, for 141,111,1: I loose will FIIiIII4VIII. 'All orders wlllmret with r irompt
"'no,. or 10010111' Rl.oWlral I ,caeca Oro ritttinton. eark
Dr, Gia•ia. Maras. Stational, . Cutlers orders will he attended M promptlY• if left at ....the
tn.., I rods. Feathers. Furniture. Prince ; Mess, 511,11 41 Mott.. Walt street, or or mast's. tt.
coddler,. Or le 11.50 e Its) : Jerolituato ,t Co.. 124 William t.
11,isia t or . sr. itins-crite,
a nd e clulis. N. B.—Business cards, e mL s ed to color, from F ay.,
CI., sr, Flux, 1 y and ether' $10,11.1 tar thou.and. .feb=d2m
Rayon. Beef. Pork. Dotter. Lard. 1.... rd op, T.,ymy
Leaf.' Professor A. C. litarry's Tricopherous,
C. Ashen. tlarlde trough, Ta omd
r. 1 .tch. mown 3IEI)ICATEI) COMI'OUND,
hone.. hat 1 11 for renewing, lalgorating, and beautlfrinathe - hatr.
1.000. II:4'11:EN 1 rtiVODE. ,rimoving the Kurt dandrof.and .g,•<1.1.. of the scalp.
curing eruption. on the skin. diseases of the
muscles and 1,11.:,111111.111.R. arid mitering stings ,
no u hrol
se. sprain, Sc. With this preparation .. there Is curt
n t h a full." Thertat Journals in America. niedieal meu
of the loche.t mit" n.v. pnaninent glutei. of all prof....
mons. amp ladies w oe
used it for years In their dre.-
!Qin ronintannd numerics. admit It with ;met...4.055t for
impartlincrigur. gloss. luxurtaniv, and curl to the hair.
eradicating ...tut and dandruff; healing wounds. curing
among the multitude of compounds aurertised in the mils.
prints. or used in private ',mu.. Ive
rffickne, of
Tneopherous is unrivalled. The itu
' men. rash sales of the actinic. have enabled Olin
to supply It at '25 cents per botlle. RLICII is from 50 to 110
psi sent less than the price of any other Prelearats.. 100
the lour now m rho cnientific treallso on the heir
and the skin embracing, the valuable directions for the cut
tur" 's
, nnivi rrh
amu'ith battle
between the. onal. In
.nenibran ‘l a,/ whims; COLlsritUlC one north We Tne
skill and the ' belr. which draws Its susterade tom thin
triple envelope. is very close. Ail di.ease, of the
ginate the skin of We head. If the home of the ar. l l ,
thermal. or if the 1,10,1 and nun, folds do not eirem
late (mei, through the small wes,l6 ...Idyll feed the root
sun moisture, add impart lilt to the Olin's, tba moult
1 scurf. dandruff. shedding of the hair , grareo , dr/ow. ,
1•1101 harelmean of the ligame, oral entire tldnees, as Um
I arc may he. tatimulate s kbo to healthful seam wit4i
act. U". Mr . L'h l . l7i ' n ". lgll 4 ata%le ' L k l ‘ ell ' all s gt:l ' L rio',l;
• their
skirsu r cic ' eutetrata sonecles and integamet. the
th e the effect are the same. It is upon the skin,
the touseulne - nbie, sal the alande, that the Trteopherons
its sp....the *ellen. and In all affections, and Onion of
add to butt uiri.dirsd
137 he
York. Slnt er we pinup.. Mit.l,l.
and tkroughout the United State...el
do Can,
Mt. 4.5 na
11 F. A.TRI NS A 1,1. N., .21, and 2,1 Mar.
lIKLL k 1.14:411,11% A 4..ntr. 0.4,1 1,14,14ura
.14 ir TAYLOR A
llr are propared.ll4 , I,llil. .1 Or I'run.)lrnnir.
Canal. t......ncnwt 1 , 4 r Fr 14444111 nt , r.11..A. era girt.
.4 1 / 4 4? -4.44 murk •.14,410. nn.l n
to Jobn
Canal &mitt, Penn Street.
u `{ W ORKS . ON 11( , )1.,K . K EEPI
Dff , I'•••1 /0...1.
Ithir , /, for they 40. r.•••troi. • Inr,nr
, II'I
for •ole
I. JOIE': II 311.13.011.
01: Il
ram O tEE
411101 11.. rn.ll'll2tam,•ll.l te. llodfrry.
0:10. and tul..n V) P Dario Auetion hem,.
Morn,- 0r..1 The m.istlon...• who pur.
clle..d the 14.1.1 w11,...11.arr..•• vial p1..m.• rt.turn by 0,300,
mad 'ut mon, g Pki 44614 2 he %111 . umatly
J AII gl).1 11.•xl
II Et :
81 25, 81 50, and 81 75 per gallon. A
CAVERN K.EEPERS had I.etter tri . Morris 1
11 11e..“..rth , IYlme P %tr. hlr.Nci, the nl,ove
Lit'r" All) WISE , Tbitr.,
,1 me of thatn..nd.
fIIUED FRUIT—:',O brit Dried Apples:
1.1 do do l' og re: for
hp It It, LAOOI.OI a Co.
igAl 1,0 10 l\r.d et
reis , l t
for r
LAti 11.1IY 010
b !, h an b' l ,.. l
_ .
11 4 -1 (11' t be4t t . u.t Hay lurks;
,1,./ .1. 11, ruian .1.•
46 dn.:. 4 1 ,11 l -t.
I .IOES-1..1.; dog boot Coet
• t"neel
0,000 Ho.,
Tril I; BEST OF WIN E^ AND 11•0.1/11...,
:,t• toett.:.sto t nte,—...alvuT,.u)
r ‘1,111130 a 11.•,..u.T1.
14 .1 1 , 01.. It—Three hundred barrel.
.tted. reed
I and fur ft A 1,6111,0.
HA \TANA SIT,A R—T,enty 1,,,5e, White
nay.. rlu•...r. for
I.IIIIII•• I. 1 ,, e1thA.1..
PLUS. Peppor. Cloves,
nd Nul•ue• I.y I Allot KEY co.
4`,„. • ^ ' Wan, a Front
GLASS--Five hundred boxes
V V eizoneti ,i.e;, Aere oral for tote by
Jan JAME, 11,41.21...L1.
ipOTASIL-5 Potash, ju,4 received,
and for ,ml. by 10 ROBERT OA WILL k
L~HESIJ ROLL 11171rk:R-2.0 pint rec'd
: fur otle by jal: J. B. C.I1:411:LII
14 - ffooSig-rc for sal by
If pi.,l . tur.
infICKC/R Y - .N UT' t S-2 brb for sale by
BBL inn W. LN
J)RY APPLES-40 awoke for sale by
i 1 01IN-250 Lu unshelled, for sale by
l.) 1 .21 vat_ It JQINSTON
ROLL BUTTER-2. brie fresh for sale by
lan Ir.. H. Jap SION.
kl OTTON BATTING-100 bales for sale ITY
X j:jec2l , - • WALLINGFORD k co.
COTTON -21 Wen for sale by
.ILa IFFanII DICKEY CO, tires: it Front sor
TiromAs witrrE. uossET
FACTUREIS. No. 41South S,-,NI t.
. nut. taxl 11 We.) Plzilnile!ph ix. fetqfh- •
w 11...441.61
.`rale Grorern. No. 221 51uket 1,1!
A. J. ncer-rnn tonAtt. .u..
&a- EJLD, yu llGl'li\Oli 1
\ CO., w
neNn. Nor;ViVhCeeentil ' ac o lel , phia.
F. GencrnlCo .t lant „...‘,,: i
made on mambo:menu of Prtaluoe generally. ()stall..
W. POINDEXTER & CO., General
• Coromioion and Forwarding Nlenrhante and Flour
llent. No. 1770 Market atnr.t.
la:: PL. Ea TO THE Tr. OF.
• $1 411 pl . LILLE
I NI 4 oz. •.
Thi• t• hro at:way-n:lam It flow..
k lhol'lllot INK—and attl
. and trtct.,... all the et unllth,t
ptr tt -1,1 Dinh:, nutt.thht f.,r the thud!, ah.
talnith-11 r Ste,' n.
11.4. tithltorAktnetl , holtured ttk furzakh (to th•trat.le rl
r ex ,trt ar Ihrur ,111,.1.111.. hr. Oniolr
put up n• nutt tleltrtetl.l In any tan
the ott ttt nr,.. Sr. th.t.r.nt i•T GUN, Ilarrt..
nr cltaxtrrtl entry at nett rtt.
' 1111:0DOM:
:.tilt ti ha t L•ku !rev York.
No. 19 . Na"stru wed, New York,—
Al A i NUFAt'TUIIE and have for sale on
ZANY°Nrit ,2 l'.,rinflP G'"PY " "
...Ad to stars! ail elnrans, mtssistin4 Amer i ca
Ccrsts. Clunk, Ameba.,
I.,;:glus. Pants. Caps. Sof
ter, Blanket . Bunn and
Cruni; Carnage. and
IBdse Bahr. Sa l o:, and Trav,llin,-
Ilngs..;.da Vxplotlng and 3818.4 , '
so s i., 10 , 0:4 Bresscs..lSmast Pumps. S 3 rink.,
and astir's% for druggists and surgeons. Engine and
Vartnr Ili.e. this Tubing, lions, Fenders. Enaplia
I'at.,ot. Premium Cow Milker. 3inch:re Belting.
L:fe Pr.serrers. Cr.pad, , ns. Plllow,. Ueda,
Bridles. Wagon nod &at Fir...
10. 0 i 1F,44, Cnmt.AWrt.toerer.fu.rk,
ow, of Winter tilovai—an saiartarent
uuzu w
lei th.• store of •
WINTER HOSIERY, of various
LA Loll , lurh,ding a uerr article GI Wad ana Elk. 10
had atnlie t
llip rnrs litacurtatr:
P !merry aanorttnent of the
and terutperino do, arti3lerino
• fehr.
hlNNon! rawrr,
PEACIIIS—A small lot receivcd
11 for role I, p3l W. A. McCLIMG
7 IDE SHEETINGC-,-41ousekeeperT,'d
V thre".rri , ..g ho , ....kmning. win "dud et 311 1 u ' ,
=i= h clnalil7 ° .3lnrcrn "d
ort. .lMltow thr,, ,, V. and
L.l.ll . lc= i t dlapeg=l..,
Q TAR CANDLE :30 bzs Cincinnati ma
. CUIN . TZ . , of differ
" "AIM the etom of
rtROWN FLANNELS, a Domestic Article:
ALue Wyse, Barred, Gram mad llazariue Blue, to
rul at tbe store of
. &ellen ' Cough Syrapiu
_TUNA PIERCE, of :SI iddieport.roquoise
tre. county, write, under dote of Anne', 111.11. flint
be her boen troubled more or leo , with a rough Ow rot-era
yet., *bleb lad y eat .buillard blotto hie bad. and required
totuliewt,trtattent for three montlis. During the Fluzatter
he got totter, but .00 thou:it:l,th continued to dletreos him
4,..du'LftLrghs`' P.l rt. 11 , 7=2; 91am
et Camila brouulti trim him frtm the ntute Oil.. 31r.
Cberin had. found the ttyrop of trivet irt (=Ay, end
when DIOVID4 from Ohio. took rte. D in
hm. •
.=°:}7bl,,•d.r.r.V.Vod ..sord relief.. "th gr'd
Preparcel ' l ' d ny R. Y. nELLEIIy,
67 Weed er,
you by dynggisu generally In the tern UMW and vicinity.
LAVE RENIOVEI' trntte No, 2.2 S out h -
Y Charles sire,.... the Pi.* warehto., on the NOWIII
lwiAsn l
beK N
o Eulnl oe oNlnet nv
ItUNINL. , :,, in all It. tart..., t,itrot made rc utracts with
n.a.t prOttineut no.nometurers to lee state
ofnla, for a ew.utar oppl; , the ohatoe !nand. •txt
,locking 11.1. I's and '. Il.t sr. rtugerf ris and pet.
er Virginia. IN OM! c, Iha CHO.) , CtiPt.ribli Pan Cll.ll.
Itohlunotis peach llnvored you d , inmpa. Impoltad and
1.... tie SF, A NS, nF oceM cser.r.tiout MOKI NO TOllAt ,
IN/ and SNUFFS. of all kind.. II eon also:tole Agents to
6... r , N 104.1, TOBACN.%). Leaf of
`scar Label,: Brands. /Le. All of '
the at., article. will I.- .oldon a..,:mmolation terms.
VI e nee lust , re.,:tvlnl.: itxt.U.Nrct /IPOIIT.ED
Illutte awl Bari , . hrandly leAtt.
hattwwee. fehltallm ili/N N. 1140. CO.
1, untiortignitil 11 orticulturists and Seed
from Loudon. haviug enahlithed themsehmta
Tu.wee. It,, take the hterty to Inform the gentlemen
and vicinity, that they would delight to sup
ple lloqa ~ .th the leadtng articles the thcken cardeut.
T a. the •arlous kilein of (lahlext.eattlilower. Itarocvli.
rpin:wh. Wet, ,te. A full uoenrt' •
men, 1. rah...l for us by our to-nit. near London It ti
foci veil Lito,l u , eery pan..., of expeneuue, that Drat
path t,nglirh t,artett prott,e th quAntlfy and Caw,
ittohunstruhlY Liverll titan can it, obtalnt.ltrout the
Lest 113 thi. ehtnate TM. remark is par...
laxly applinbl , to the knal. ualtiett at,ve. and thhttnee of
our s sill tw nhoot the saute a. that Paid here for the most
runautou.rash. to enablegent.... to ttre the difference
in quality. without rysto. to thenvelten, we have macho.
.41 samples of the yrinetpal khrt., which the .dltors of the
darette will pre,. to L their friends tprn.t.loalptAi
mere) u, they klone tau mud will do the 6.111.15114 n, mai
at maturity drop tr. a Pm. iptormitia us of somerst. tr.
Orden. for cur &edt, nod retalttonte.Nelll at all tint, rt
rely, our p rompt and anent... We will sent by
Adams xor ets.r.kod.l. furttioh thin ly
ennnn hood no
°. tar i•rt then r A . Pl. n T n t
Air slluitTz „ C 0... constantly
TTEV*TIT'taI, n " ot . t . nt,• '"L'sl" F"a
N. 1, 2 And 3 Markel...l: kV bars sad citg
,WO Lys Ist , t cu r talitY
wa.11(.71 ER. inr lo nt br
W. D.: 4 1103M CO.,
tio..lo . DonnelN ITharr.
(IBdt. Am.) Mahan, !kW.
1 UST UECEI VED per stcontor Pocahontas,
ell 75 foils SPUN 1161.1. ToIDAVOI. fiir rate by
• BONN, lIRO. a ott..-sote anent,
AAVID C. 1.111. E. Attorney of Law.
and Coniral..ln, ior P...r.,,lsards, Lit. Louit,
mman:ration , r.mpuy .... ,,, d. ter.f.irly
JOHN 11. ItANKIN, AttOrney and Court
, iellor ekt..1,1, and m eanuni.,..!up. , r ,t 6.r the
) Etate n
li " er l. ntt ' Plie L rir ' ;l;: 1i.,1. 'g c77 ' } .1 ;,... k
naitr.'xi.,. 0 MeClere. John F.. Parke. nL•..ell l Z.,
.rente. NlK . ord I l'n. an/4:11
TIII: undersigned having entirely Te- . Z1..."
b.ilt and enlarged the %bore eltotteive . oeta . hllslo
moot. rontalnlna In all - nt.out the. t.tmln.d end finr'`'."
rcztna, would no.nectfully :nye not:oo that It ntnr rood) .
fur th.• rereptoon and arcommulatfon of the trart/Itog
An • , thR uuNurtm.nnl ennyenieneco of this
oleetard the autarrom
mn lute t. eu taw.ll, man. 1,. ' , rot,' rly wlrrnln
an advvrnm.mcnt. Suttim• it n. catu.n..
ry.ndrr any n,rtnn.nt
Tl 3, (unfit ur, an, mad.. ~ r•ly nnl , .r. rxganll.,
not. and .I.rtaln romitnts c.f Dra,
rounn, will Iv found 'Ow anwt t,autiful na
tun, The Inningman,. an , t arnclon, and 11,e bon, r
meal; w [II so ariang,l r.nig thc mavectiena. :In.
rarty and lan..
• •
Every dep.irtlnt.nt Ida Le roothirtn7 In unA•xrert:/..ns.
hie mnnw and tbc. r bitur-elf that the
nhaln.v.truly the
BUTTER -7 bhis fresh Roll
S du rdltd:
fd/ kr, do
;'i .~ .
TOBACCO -19 - boxds 5 Lump. -for sale by
feb7 mamas a r.or.:
TVINDOW I ; LASS-100 bas
V V 4by lb, fur 441.. by feb7 Mo:IL.L. lb),
I_,ATENT SOAP 1'OWD1:11-20 boxes lust
ofer.l am( fo: sal.. by 0. 0. .43ELI.ERS, 57 iVccel
412.4... of whom the genclue nytiele mar ulways be bal.
MURPHY e. LITCHFIELD ere selling a g. 41
nf pur ;en!. 11.., be,
e.r, !noel ! , leuelim niel Dom:m.le
Flare:m..o verinee prier e and ,•••b.
. • •
I.:OAR—Prim , . new aryl o:teans Loaf,
Crttel.eil a.ta1'0ed.....1. for ....of ,
p. 2.1 . 1.. I. 11.1.LeMS .5 CO
Cp NUT MILL—Ow. Smut hill, run lute,
1 J (..r est.. :ow 1,, PI,. R. DALT.ELL CO,
L ARD.--3 .
barrels and kegs do, for ~ ale
Et.'. •
gg OLL BUll LE-5 bbis prime It. Butter, •
10 on Land end 10- E. DA LZELL A Or.
INE .:1101.L...-75•Ibs. pure article,
y for 1:.11.
A(1 •
UA AI3IONLA. FORTES-s(•arbo'o,
I OFFEr.. 2III) bogs Coffee, just - ivcjd
end for :41.. Lr 1.1:11111111eiE HA
11, wane
- -
14 1 RESII PECANS-7u,t received, 3 IV.. — I
_B_ Drell Ercnn nut,
IV. A. Mci'Ll:ll6 A. CP,
ft.b.s IDertr
RESII FIGS—SO drums received and for •
fola, W.O. M..CLURG k CO.
'Cbiq In the only instrument yet luroited by wbkh
ers:t.erin ran 0. certainly let. 1, Igdltiau'lY...
113r1r.; but a moment. Prln* 5Z.50 0. , and 5.41.0. For
bale at the-II etch and Jveth'Y stun of
s•wc,rner of Market end 4th eoo.
PILL Boles -400 pagrovuoa,
• V.:, "
1) 111k: f p, APPLE. ;F
73EA1ILASH—,f10 casks on hand and .for
..ale by
I lIEESE-50 boxes on hand and for sale by
li•b6 4 DALZELL XL:O.
LASS--Of sizes and finalities, on.lumd
or end tor by tel,3 • P.. DALZELL t CO:!
lIBLS. NO. 1. ROSIN, just received
fur alb: by It. A. FALINE,TOCK
- Wood and Shot rte.
ELLOWS--line pair Of Bellous, nearly
„u/w, fur sale by SCSIFE. ATKINSON t (WKLY. •
feb ne ll 115, tint strvet.
FPISIOTIIIi SEED-15 bbls Timothy need,
on hood and for sale by 11. DA L7.K1.0
(bid Liberty rtrt<...
FrRTARIC ACID-10D lbs, warranted
Pare. for sale by It. E. SF.LLEEV,
77 Weal etreel.
ERRJN 1,5* , LR bee scaled, for 14110
ORN-20 brl. and Zo) sacks ju.t reed by
OLL BUTTER-2 brls in ~torell
PIG IKON-200 tolls on lunol
30TAS11.-8 lssls buneares pure Poturh
tcr •alo by it J..t FrOYD
tiAK lON- 7 1%4, r in
"'' un " ° '"'"v7;l:."!:iitiT:iiiil'ts wood
42. BA 11 . 11 4. 1::
J 6 Lrb and N motDy ... I Lehi L.a.
141 brbe N. . 310h0w.,
.93 lAt battle gy:aind i. tl
100 brly Ybr.r.rlble and . ertx, by 4.1
I.arbllcg 'Lad [by gale by Dnoll hIIUiPATRICh
.2..0 4,, , rted;
2:AO lbs Fcr ral:o by
.1. KII/P a CC_'
VE LAIN ES--A large and splendid assprt
tnent of lio;t1 Mee...,1, Ha:oil., um( French Do Wm!,
here... h , c, 1, to '-':, tar Turd.
;tich all vroul De Lai). =1 ~...bovr, at extr. emer,r
low' prim, :'r-1,1" A. A. MAEON *CO.
1 - 11.011S' 'ilil3f3IINGS--Iteeeired and
orottsti t ht. eat _ .
ar, 1.,,1,11,,,. F..!:,,,Twid.Fstia and L.astlngl",.lt
em.lCat uta,. KA, M,al. apd Jape-m.l Pi.: atill
..trop lluttou... Is,v. and 1i1i,),. Done 1. , 4,44:e.1er Matto.,
A. A. isAsoitst cuti
liS-PAIITNEIISIIII 3 - 2 r he subzerittersiiswge
.&i,= - 24‘,.:1,'''.--°. -- b`v;t 2 if. t., h z.,;PP o' '''''-
, ~A),1,,, AnuNs. ).N. • , : JOJIN M. OKELY.%
illectivrd and orencd 11,14 dzy, ,
f o lkr,,
lark, 111., K r ona awl @era .13..adek.11.1 of m at'.
supolor Caber.
SLIZOLIVI , .upPrior M.:: D0...4 Ins
- W of Encl.,' and :44.11c,,,x do-
A,l,ln'Arlnr.od lict.V.ocky do. j {
Illark Each, Fancy:s,lk, Caslomm-re, Morion and Marmila.
v 7V,l"' • A.A. MASON* CO. ~ ~
' t...'t GL Market e,
. ..
50 brl+ Pltn,aton '
RN do: COM broomr. Ja,rl ;A for elle by !l
, MeGILL.i. COIL •!
HEATING BUILIJINGS--Wo are prti.i.r,.
fttintrit and apismtu. 1n: teatlnv,A.7:4r
mad 1,17131.0 bui!diogs Ivy rtetzt iteta.r. 11.tve
D. IL Willlama r.vt.
jaZ, ATliiNstlN 0 WILLI e
LET—lloone• and Steam Power I , r
mectutthul put-1C,,• • OKI:LY
• C.11....t. I 1 Nz•- , : ,
itg,l ituThazt rt
' -
LUE SMALTS-1 case for saie by I
j,...) J. : eIIiTYOX MAKER i Ca
EF'D SUGARS-75 ) N , d. ec ra hu ., e It
od _ 1,11. e.. /4.1.4:11.t
,ot a:
•JlO t. en:o
.- . . .
:At t,
:4 1 - irrriii!. rtfire tat ' d
AL.: i t !nu,
!n e u lp , Sugari/N CO
- - .
T OAF SUGAII-4W 1,1, for ,al,, by .;
.14 .i,-,. , W5l. 11.4 , ilLkY A Csi,
r - .S;SENIES F. S. tiNfii:lirl ''-
Emden.= A Cn', tz.,-uparin. .
, • 01. 4 e.,....,..,1111A., ha rail , i E. E. SELLEIti, ,
.1 ,
s, EmovAL.—Em:i.l:ll BLNtir.i7. U . /itileo
est^ Orocorn ozol Dol:er. In Pl.lnoo , hare resc.;vod
h ' J.
. oe- ..Oecnocl. , 11:1 Am:. betrern Wool Lod
rubo ,11.
Closing . out the Entire Stock.
GREAT BAHGAINS.—A 'further reclu
tlina ll:lurk:en. The ottleoriler wioldup to clooetmt
bottom. of Ids oPsok of Penes 00.1 ?taut, {try GetAl
the lot of April hest, wontd re.r.rtr9liy rad the sttentust
. 4 .
of Id* old e user, and I to nubile. who see In Waut of
good V.I. St o Y Per cent. twlwor pees,. To :,. : .y;
perwon wlobltor contingence th...111(50, , r. ttlorsactotroort,td , e
would be to t. orportuntty. se Le will diope,e of the trot.
f the rt. ou liberal ternao,witlt to ie.. Of the store.
which hot.. pied for ores 11 yertro, L otrull has sol_eitel
lent family trade. . A% )). I toAtt HALAL
son Art New Stork Store. 3latket et. Plttal f. sp_
-----'-''—' 7l.) 01L-20 brim recd for Bale'. by
S.O W. mittn r it•T:. •
SUGAR & MOLASSES--50 hluis S;;i,: —
: tyro Ern x.O. Noiturtn
Et. Jams Return tr tal• / I* da,
14,:k ne.witr.2ll26ll,
.4sap , -0.