URGH GAZETTE ru) DAILY AND.. WEEKLY. BT WmTE 'a: CO. tux= .alner. IMEE2II WICK. of 111110 6 . 111.11. %ZIT .011 10 TIM 1071 0111 CL DAILY—Pelee dollars twr ecnom, {'mile half pearly. Pli palatal if Vaal in advance. ,_ s R ace WEDITLY—Two dollar: ecr mit... ” , i e.'er (ce • 11l be Pupplied on the following conslitiann— Three park per annum_ ...... ...... _. ...... Bf 4 ? „3 0 . • Ms copne via -- Ten mph. . do ...,...... 13 OU Dl 00 gtrwaV.PrteD ‘ 7lict u tlels tr , be add.dwed ht One IPCMC(.,:s and to tee mid lorivistili in advance. .NoCI ab Papers win be met after OP year tapirs, can, the money la sent for al• • • r 01 3 ,0 0, • ,_ . RATES OF ADVERTISING. - One &pure 00 line. or Nonpareil or lei) . (.. one insertion- ....... . . -...-$ 050 Ito ... t each addltkeial insertnin.. 0 2.5 liol one week I7s t ti I three week; 500. D( ono month ..... ... ....... _.... 000 • la : two month,- 700 • Ono months- 0 00 M.-.. foot monthe 10 CO isa , to monthe.. ........... -.... 12 00 ' Da. twelve month, 19 00 Standing Cards. (5 lines m. leer.per annwm...l4s tal One Dollar for 031 . 11 additional ine. One 187hangrahle si pleasure ( p er an . num.) exclusive of the taper 25 00 • Par ear_b ma Donal equare. ineertol over one month, and . Ibr geh add) I square ineertial under the yearly' mt., half mice. tin Advertierm t o exceeding a equire, and not over fifteen 'lwo, to be els wed as a wean and a lulLe Publisher" emanntable for legal advent: meets he' VW] the estill nt charged for their publication. :Announcing madidates Tor oftlee, to be charged the wane ea Advertlee vite not Other adv=ta. • marked on the copy for a Dredged number of .will be mutt:nevi tillforbid.and plop ment exaltedkreprdloglY. • The privilege of annual ad vertlerrs Iv Orktly limited to 'their own immediate buvineps: and all advertisemente for the benellt of other perwiro.aa wall :all advertisements not intondiaesly connectedwith their own busker.; and all Mama of adivrmet eincots. In lam:lb or otherwise. beyond the Make en • •Pd; will be charnel et the al rater. lot ell mach to cot iolverthiina. Milli will be aeParatelY ram r ed. 'All,'lnir;Ttei'ergo4ldtillTili,..., f i r e. and latch{ ward trianship, sue other public meetinge. and ouch like, to se charaut halt 76c , MO able *WO' in W. 19990. 319r110410 9 Itl3oo 93 to charged 00 cont.. . Death noti-ce inservel without charge, nukes arcompap Wed by rent al invitations or :datum) . notions, and when as aecomparinvi to to paid for. Regular a.,. -- tartlecre. and all other , pending coramonica. Itiri=.:4:lrti,a: :gives ., t t e disst , a c cl:lLl:ttentLon ,.. :: r vettenc c are vandiifor oeimrttL u tce-ll notices of le . . vale np—every nottoe do:darted to call attention to . private enterprhoe. Pr:kW:sled or Intended to promote Indi- Vidnal Interest, can only to itverlel with the understand ing ththe tam, oil to ba ho far. If Intended to to the to the local urno, thp m i c e trto be charged st the rate of not lose tlmn to cent, lair Hoe. FilehotioA Got None. to to cherned triple mice. Tavern tan:. Venda. 52 each. Iteell4sWe Mute' end Auctioneers' edvertisementa not to be elmeod end, party rate, but to be allowed a die count of thirty lima nail one third per n o t from the mama Of Sil l. • ea vra-keratv 19 MILT P 3713.9. 090 84are, three heertious 11 10 Do. 433 . 1,ral.litional I swed. .77 ADV931.1131C,1N LS •..6.1...1 VA3..,. Ono Square, (10 lite,: owe hoer:lon 40 cents. Do, tech Nadi:km.l heertion ...... .25 mots. All transient edvietteteent. 10.10 paid in advamo. BUSINESS CARDS • • A.LDERELAA. • ._ • JOIIN A. PARKINSON. Ahlermiin, Fifti 01. Ponn nrmc. botweeo O'Hara and Weluta,. AS buoluvo promptly otten.lott t(,. ATT6BNEYS .------ 1V P. ; S: tl. L. IL ' FETTERMAN, Attn.- .1.1 •.wwi, at Lau . and Itual Vaulty Aguas.. No. 4th stmt. ritinburuh. fehln 4-AISIES J. KIRIN, Attorney :it Law. office. In 'nights.° natl. comer of °mut ;cruet and Diamond ey. Ihttnburgh. jalsally --k. IL COLLIER, Attorney at Law, office ..in Lowrie% Finildiny, Fourth nt. ILLOOI, Smithfield. snit= torcol a sonnet .. .ion with 'Wm. Nourne. cay.. of Creahington City. trunnerly of the Land O0t00.) be in pre -7=st.'lVn!'it;in‘.r.t:.','atlln tiltethp'l.l,L.7alft'or,a= :baron , Connyunn, or 0000 of th.! department , , 10017 J AMES F. RERII, Attornet . at Law— Office 0 on 4thint. latucen Smithen:J. mid Grant. Pittaburgh. IRAN,as C. FLA NEG IN, Attorney at Law, N...ltlFeartb street• l'icu.bur,th. ALES. A. WATSON. TOW S norm n. WATSON, Attorneys at. Law, N 0.11.0 Fourth noon. knOhurnl. Lacrtamon—Almaner bar. Jobn_npyttr._. non, vorrtmon k CO4 m. I 13,, JO= }106=. :1.. L anuntnan 11.0. W. Jackron(Vlttsburnit. DIVARD I'. JONES. Attorney - at Law: °mot Fotrth .trtv, between Wool nd timlth JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney a No. 69 ntth nroet..l , lsodon'ON. Po. BARBERS ,uri) auovms VEAL 11. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers and Embalms- Ennkere, North F.aet parer of Wald and Ird Amen, litleboull. - All Iran-me/ion. ramie no liberal terms. and rolleetloom promptly 'attended P.. , pOST #D. • EING, Banker and Exchange Broker, • ro•rth stnet, Dealer In Umk Notes, Bills of Ex oge, Gold and Diner. ntneko bought and told. The 61 O, market prim paid In pronilum Pm Amon CALI Ralf mews, era Meskan and. bPnniot , DWI." , in r r Pia. int.. WM. LIIIIMER,:JIL, Banker and Broker, 4ta nrect. !in fel. adjoining the Bank of Pittsburgh. i WilalisiS .T. CO, Exchange Brokers, ll • • south.e.o Corner of Two andllantet Moven . All rommetione at mod liberol mica HOLMES a SON. Dealers in Foreign • • Domeedle Bills of Exchange, Certificate. of r , raVizgwr.z.tavr,,,ze; Zirkg4.' P M ' t lea ttamtatuout the United Statea. CIEORGE• E. ARNOLD ik CO., Bankers: Dealer in Exchange, Colo. Bank Notes, de., N 0.74 Fourth street, next door do the Bank of Pittsburgh. to lectlOna careful) Md y attended to. and the proceeds remitted • ear tof the Union. MI. ;MAIM 191 , 1. MOM. itRAMER & RALFM, Bankers and Ex ,. chasm .11rokene Deriera f in Foreign and Dinadtle OnSee!loc%_ntrilFlZVKal D et= i t, k. dPery n op ot p:ire the Bt. Marko gmA. ; CAROTHERS to CO..' Banking House, ciao or the Ma Rates. e. M 811116 [Mx. AI , Commission Merehants sad Bill Braker , Nti. Sonnal greet- Fernand and 'Estee securities Won 51505 In $lO.OOO edvrarT an dtand ATZILY•II e.itnca .... 11.01.3.• aut. gALMER, IfiNti A &CO Successors to Mime , Minna 1101121.. E 1001100 BBAW.M. rab., In ForNignt.ao.l Dinicetie Y.nr_hanire North . Certificate , pod.' Sight Cheer. P.r and rolbrtition num on near. ly all the principal point} .if the linind Stab. 'Me blzbe.f preruluin paid fur Fortino and AMclicala AdV6ll,ll, made on tonebrnmente of Produce, shipped east. on liberal terror , G W.. TAYLOR,. Commissioner and Bill . Broker, Ewnn4 etnvt. Strict attention will be Ifieen to all 1,011000 rotraeled to ble mire. Pittsburnd ManuLsetriana on hand or procured at !short notice. Non. Bnd. nortc..... to.. Innunated on fee. , the term. Adrancex nand. If requind. um.^.2 ELLERS BOORS AND STATIONERS. 1 Tti C. STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stock ix. -ton. Bookseller. Stationer: renter. usul Binder, cor ner of Marta and Thirl Am... I'M shoruh. _ ;11f.kg.t.- ROL:III3.S' Cheap Literary Depot, OM boo Wooluo re. fr. • elbiliLittn b "J.!l"44:4''tiliht':erirrp Bo n s ";;eel red to any of the lkingeasseitor New...L.:Ter, puolish...l at the publisher's /owed price. 11IlOPKIENS, 'Bookseller and Stationer, , Ito. 75 Fourth street. Apollo Buildinus. ' INERS AND CONFECTIONERS. Wholam& and Retail tVdf.Varrelt l ;"'j; , e=n: " Z:' ni.e.ndol o. ' • CARPET D EALER. Manufaciurerand tr , r‘rr of Carfro , . Cloth, Stems ruat Trim, Wto,Mar Worthotam,:io.tM` Fourth at., )Voml aittetAtruh. CO ~1 6, 1 SSION :AM FORWARDING. . fi A...M e ANII.TY & CO--Fraisportsrs , NJ liwssssirrs swi Granni.tost Merchant. Wive.. .C... 1 It. 446 Perin tr...,,, Pimburah. 50,15 -.--- WOODS ..... . .:i .... .. horralr-o,Trot. WOODS tk : . SON. PRODUCE DEALERS and c...s.isS 31...hwa. Itio. a We.. e...t. T 1 .,.., . 11.1.. a orsh. 4 ILNC. BIDWELL Commission and For. 10 wswist s sirsawsi.im Water stre, Yitt.bs.rgh-t 'W.q. IL JORNSTON, Forwarding and . , cosiiia...ws Al.sawat. :~ o.• 112 Yreand str.4 PiAkburgh. r yvER & JOOS, Forwarding and Corn iniwion 31vrehmets. Dealers en Pandora and Pitts. ugh Stanufarturodimtielvs. Canal Basin, mar Seventh alart._ritteburah. i A. 3FANULTY 3: CO., Forwarding and U.I. Commission Slarchaide. Canal Da.Pill. Pittsburgh. • .k . R„Y. JONES & CO., Succemsurs to At . ood, Jones eCO.. ClarflißSlol, awl Yorsanllng Mess dealers In l'Attaborsh Manutactureal Good. Pitts tswegh,„l'w 12$Y °pops imenAmrs. • C.•SEAnrY-Str. tryyrf -3 c. SILACKLUT 071—Wholesale rrymr . Damertir Dry Grb, No.lol street. Pitt.burult. • &bit A. AX•10.., * co. pirrcs.ll arrunmr m- Tau. ..,A.A..m..A50:‘.&.c0., Wholesale and Retail , Dsti:s o ii l . F . lirwy and • Ptsyle Dry O. fig ?latket Dt. NtURPIIV-1 BbIICIIFIF,LD, 'WHOLESALE 1 Israil Retail pr,- liniala Merchants. coiner of rourth i v . whet stiocitAl Pittsburgh. 1. --- -`" 'l a go macros ....s N. mantra p... - ; EltSeli t 1.101 NG k ~ ommuston Merchan; For th. at& nf Domestic. Woolim. awl Goodie. iiiii4 . diallers In all kinds of Tolima' Trimue tag& 0., 1.. 11-ill.itireeta fourtly door from Fifth. rits. jj DRIJOGIFITS. DL b,u. ,EYSER. 711cDONVE,..LL, (Successors to lo Ken: a piece.) TWbVelrlyb leA ,FeN r lr o u ajp4Plglre'b g unied nighta A. FAIINES' and Beall Progat, ,J. {MD ..... .....I. .. —.— ................. a . * IA . j KIDD /t„Co.,Vtioresale Drtiggist*.peal• i •en In Paint, Oils, Dye lltntla. andlirtratmed-- ; Victor. ofll7.lll.ane . e celebrated Rem Ilpedne, Let , er.Pdls. sad Lent Strap: No. Ga teener or Wo= .rrla ypdrib deters, Pittenergh. Orders fill to eirefon7 ler-V I IP& MI firresrde il l with &oat+ . . . - • THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. 11 E. SELLERS. Wholetale Dealer in NISCIKLLANEOUS. 10.. Drug, Paints Ile Slug. Oils, Varnihes. 4, ae.: --- 10 . . 57 Wood street' Pittaburgh. I'. Goods warnarited. Pittsburgh Gas .r. , be works. .. -=---.----= -- Pipe and I.IL SJI;AMqi.S, 51AI_LS, &, 2 Filer's lOst. - their TWIN D. MORGAN, Wholesal — e iir — uggist, :team,' _ ,, ,c , ~. ._,..--4- „.. 11.07,!MT,,EENT S ,;.,... . : . 0.4... eir mid Dealer In Dye Stull. Paint. Oil. Elirnithes, Lc.- IRON TUBE WORKS, 53 W... 1 Arr, on. Muir iiouth ad Llikaolo.l Alley, Pittoburiak iikil art' now manufaiturin, all size. of 1:A8 PIET I. Th" sillit , lio lsd tlr Ohs" "l.'s' , al's Trsaintod to an as - -- - eumotive am! tidier Flu,. slid nil nix. , of t• ' folious. CN:WFCR.illttiliAM, Wholesale lfruggist WROUGHT IRON TUBES, Clunardl Line- ilirk/3/ -Trio. room Lir wtOOOL Fon Ttir. t,;,[l , reAriii. • tTi! /.:723,4trMtrrTronl'•rt! A o:, 1 jr,lltrsin,il Imploonnit, r ,Irliirh the, offer for gab. at I. low, t. prin.. Th.y are Colt.is--. ....... - I. os Do.. tn. -- ' 5 " .1.1 j "''' ' ' " - . '. -•-- lime prepared to exec.n ordon. to mir l.stent, wittiout ,1,.- rl's. New I.k. No. VI and S 4At ' l 4 ite " li . ( :t . ri ' ..-t.' '''"''' . .aturday. Iseliy 15. SCIIOGNM.4:KiII NCO., Wholesale Drug- I.q. t.' . V,• , , i'ork --,sturd lir. Mardi 1. Ts 01000. N. 24 Woobet., Pittsburgh. . fsl.l lfra PITTSIG:10111, PM , C,,,At it.lton aturday, Marchls. . — , s.ls lts ..s.-•AV IDIARTLI & NollLE—Girl Flouring I '!"..."' . N.,. tort saturdal• Marsh 2 3. ILMOLICII. ligktrtßutton Fratuna APrIl S. RAUN & REITER, IVholosale and Retail , v Milt. No. oa Liberty roe of .toarsv .1. PRP-burgh .'''''' . New York .ebatunlaY, &out la rna trrritrool - ~...`420,.. corner of Liberty .4 Si, Clair ,10.. ,q.. it .' 'CHOLAS VIVIAN. Civil kutzineer. 1 il;:!. , New York.-- ..... Wednewisf.hio. ' 29. 1 Maim Wednesday, Feb. 12- --- --- - --- a l in. 0 eI:L':Y 'IL,74:' iiT 3, e".t LV , k.M..:1 , 0 , 5;.,, , „ At.;;;.' ifr';,-",.' .:,.„ York, idnesday, Feb. lab fiery for Mint, WARM Werke, Rolling Bl iss.-F,. ' tiny 1. ',,,11.1". .11ewton Wednexilsr, Mar. 12. —-- found t,tistat 10 A. M. and tl I'. Me at rt , ,d-ktuw. Nn. .21 i.;', Zatol,:ork Wtaingsday, Mar. ..M. Wednewlay. April I'. •,, s . larbory 07 , 0. Pittsturyb. /anitdiy • Ar n e ,.. n- Now York.— .... ..Woluesday, April 7...1. TV A. ..MADEIRA, Aknt for Delaware 3111- ^ a^": - ' I ,' ; ',..r'Zi,a rAI4: Y r: Z il '..: ..R. tu n a :tarots loruranre Cr natty. 42 Wntor Etrool.,_ . I,nonoio to lislifikS4 Makin. or Oro York. iik.s: xx".." - I - EIAI:DINER COFFIN. Agentfor Franklin '''''''' L.". _ Of Fir Inwumnre Cronirany , north rent corner or Worn! 4 l'. S. .11.1 gy m - , O r ilins' Lan , mai Third stn.... r6 NI NZ% inell.., :TAT lit. GLENN, Boot BINDER, Wood turret. thiri t le tk . for I de e •T P'a rpoole I S Y 'a rt-i n oe ' sstal: j?./..225.• , , oorond door (mat the corner of Third. where he is ra"aula'At'. " a. g iriv:v; - „"—ofi," ~dt.',1,2.11h,t,,'..'""n u.,P.lfts- from 1T...rg17 ..... ... .................. Jan. II 1 Ivergool ..... ..... ....... Saturdat , Feb. • h. nound eule , autlalit . Boom. iu nuantrrs, or old aks --"-` Mond earefolly, tx repairtd. Names putou iu Flit letters. Tb 6., alto baTe binding are Inritgd to call. Prices ow. .10010 _ . 81 'COlt) Ni CO., Wholesale and Retail *Farr : 1 17. fi ftalliitU d itl k iZti r itZnr ' ig .r irev d rs 0 t= °MT a full end complete stork of Hats, Cary Fur. Are of ••11..'1111:iaitml,n:Vill;irh'll.i.h.,;I:gt4Tugl'u.'1,11"1,1n.': ' ‘ , .n.o•Tinatbern ttut toe will to.li nn tbn wort [Aran. GROCERS L. SHEE, Ultolesale Grocer, Commisf.... n '"'"'" of SAMUEL P. SHIM ER, Wholeeale Gro. r. Produce .n.l Comrut.c.ion Merchant+ , awl Deal. I In rittabuthh Nlanutartund Artch, 130 mad h.r. • •Anitlif... ht. l'ith.l.rgh. ir;;CLI ON P. 1,11.W0.11 011,0ETII. 7OIE S ; S. 1/11.15 ORTII & CO., Wholesale " • Paul:mm.li- W. aranctogr...l Wrr' URBRIDUE , to esale I 1 oro&n CommlsAis6 Merebants. N. 116 Wnte sn.t, and 11) E ntrevt. l'lttghurgh. HEY, AIATTHEWS S CO., Wholesale linwrr.Commie.inn whi For% xpling It, for Brighton 0.1.114 1 orne, :4 Water st...Pitutpurgh, 41-OTIN WATT & CO. Wholesale Grocers, CTCOIIIOIOO I...rehantat and Dealer,. In Produce arld ttahurgh Slanufw.turn. No. 2C4 I.lbertr 'ma. Nato- 4 ' ... ! 1 ±1± I B. CANFILLD, late of Warren. Ohio. ell• Commission had Fornanlina I'7m-chant, and Wlsol , aals Deal , in IV,tern itex.rva Nv,. Butter. Pot Mid Pearl Ash, and Wert,. Produ.7 at... rally. Weer street. hetscen Smithfield and ICod, ritt.horgh. a 5 N...1.10. 5: b. WA'rEIt3IAN SONS, Whole•sants.ale • nrom,r,C.mml.inn and Forarardi na llereh ern In all aindo of Pralucc and Pitsburah Manufactu red Article". and A7enta for the 0 .Ie of Richmond ahsrand Lynchburgh Mannlxtuml Tollana, No.. main 1 W street. Pittaburata . . . 1 F. VON BONNIIOBST & CO., Whole- A 7• sale Omar , Forwardlmt and I,lllllllimAnp hole- Dealers In Pith=burgh Mnnufacture ,, and D e,tetai Produee, No. Zdt, ourn, of l'ront erect and Chana , t 0 laattn , Pittaburgh.. , AS, DALZELL, Wholesale Groeer, Cam eo) misilon Merchant, an Dealer it, 1.7.1 u, l'it , Rod Donal folanufacturep—Nn Ti , Wat, sr.. littsburnh. A ............. I)ICIiF.Y A . CO., WlT:re:l W Al lW .n.Ctc:r.ri.Vit.erreltant.a. mad Tvalers iv 1,....hke I r.” . .. . • W. D. .11 la t e VOILIT. AZNGLISII & BEN NEVI', English, A Gall:whet .R en.. AP holo.oli. G no.ore. Comnai....i... and . o napOling Monlom.an. d 1= .octro. li4P rood. ,PA aPoi rsNU. hunch Slnnufatuno borwow•ct Wool etaoltokit.l4..{.l. -. . en_ ..... . pirhun. LLEIt &nikn.llC K 111 .UN, r %;l - .ar-•ii S.O Conn. an band. 'GILLS & ROE. Wholosalo.(;rocen. mud C.mmim.lon rritati,.. bberty ,treet. Plan urir.h. • OBEIIT MOORE. Wholonale ; rocer. Ilect2fylna in I, `ln n, very large at.el: Thanon,:abela Whbtey. ertueli will be *old lon tut ranb. - I_lll OBERT DA LZELL NY Ipi!egulg IAL Gruevrl.Crtnrui,d,n Merchant , . dmlorin and Pittsburgh Niattufuturua. No. Li 111 strss, Passbuggh. iVLOBEItT A. CUNNI NG ILA )1.. ‘Vholesmle a;roa.:. itadna, in...a...raw. and )1 , - at. and Dealer In l'ittbbumb .11atzufaurturt. No. Liberty street.. l'ittabur,ll AVSI. BAGA.LEY CO., Wholvs:ile V mr, and end Ftrwet.. PlOotharg.h. yGri .I . OIIN D. WIC,. su r ce7st „ w lr and Coalmb,uou dcairrr in • In.. Cotton Yarn, mud Pls,burch ccu,nal cOrner AVakr greet, 111.telittrAb. . CVLDLILTY.Ct. ................... . .... •. CULBEItTSON & CLOUSE, Wlauletiale ConrnlAsic.n ItrchanG.l,enlrri. In an, nn.l Pitt , rurgh Ninnufartu,d Arnel.". 0t....5,..1.34bur.411. Fa. •I. ROI I D. W I LI.IA3IS & CO., Whole,ale and • it •vd2 sna I.stle.,ln ' t . uantr• n.ria.r . or Wood an . .I Yin EL, Pitt...1.10g4 lIDLINI.OV LIT TLE • 110EINNON OBINSON, LITTLE & CO., No. t1:7 , 5 nLiberty 1.tr,t.1.111..1.nrch. Whnle,sl.. Omrrrn. and entinnliwinn M,balitAlLlO In Pili,bur,,th Ifenafrrtur ., 'num Mail , 1 tt I{. FLOYD, IVllolesale In ` riotvrs, Cum ttl;etitti"d'i 7.7:d"..7.71! .treeta Pitt.hurgh..m. JOHN P..LS • 1111 I[OIIN & CO.. Wholesale Grocer. Denlerg in PrvAlum.l,,,igniVine.,,l.in r. nn,111.1 31nn. onothelsk and 11.11:01,1 Whi.F.,.—Nn. L. ezmm..errlal Liherty Pituburgh. bIUSICAL nasTaAhlExTs. - - - 4, 11 . OILS ,i . 11. 111 eml , t1LLO!1. Dealer in Piano Forte,.. ronwn.. ii , rhord Itmlia , lio,l ttationer.t. iiolo agent torui:birtering'• Piano F.rtrv , . fur Wiwtern Poringyli,nvi—Zio 41 Wr,od ..t ... __ . ' ' ' - ... I_ l ll ENRY Klt131:11, Dealer in Susie., Mu sical lii..tramotan. end Imtorter of Italian firings ent. for hunt mr , k Cllio grand mid nueire Plan,. ag with loleinvarim Aiaran Attachment. Alt. lire Ilonhazo'r , PL•ncw. , . . , ji—'—'--------EINNEDY, CIIIL - I --- )S IL ClF.,slanufactu ry.r. of Tory roperior 4-1 &heeling, fitryet I.3adn, awn T o and Baiting. Tenn 51111, &Ittaloirirli. . . 1111. ROW—, JOIE% I. q1:1011. lONES & QUIGG, Irlanufacturers of Spring and Iflislor &Wei. Plough iitool, Reel Plough Siang., 15 wall /Agile Springs, Hammered i n Axle& and &en" In Malleable Guth.", Tiro Toni.' Lionto. and Coach Trimmings generally, corner i 4 000 and front so, Pliisburgh. l'a. - ----i &GfIITTSBIIRII ALKALI WORKS.—Beni 111. t. Berry Co. Mano,farturors of &Ma AA. Mead, ing Poirdrrs. Muriatir and nuipliorie Add, Barrionw, No. C 3 5 Vidor st- beitm Ferry. PAPER HANGINGS. WALTEVI/ALTER I'. 'MARSHALL, Successor to R C. ilill—ltporrer furl 1.61, Freneh 61NI Amerimrs I . 6per liazurirtgr suul Borden, Withi..r 811.1, Fin. Borrni rrintN 6. Alno--Writlru:. Printing, and Wrap I N Wocal betN.ro Fourth Nal DiarrLfigell.".rriNiWim;gt, VIORRIS EL HAWORTH Tea and Vine .1.11 moreta.au,Eu n. t:i. or the Di.nond.,,otubania. A. Wall. WM. A. IWCLURG & CO., W Croeern and Tea Dealers, Liberty street, heer ood bare alweys I hand a lame assortment "Pf Cho s ice Om. , sad Clue Tens. Alee—Foreign Fruits sod NutWhole ask and retail. lemien• supplied on the lowest. terms. 'TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. v - 101IN A. CAUGHEY, Agent for the Lake gjo`rtg a "I l'o h ri'r.V.7;2l l =faX !' A A FFE & O'COIs:NER, ProprietArn_of the a l'ittsbuf,ah f'f.rtable Bnat nom comer of not 1_ nte strt.o._ til LEECH & CO. TraniTortim , LP Cann} the and Fomenting 31. reboot., earner of Penna the CartaL VESITIA-15f BLINDS. . WEiTERVEL.,T fr. SON, w‘ , ll known n n Mind )15kerv. rf•nntAntly nn hand c.r ieuY:to'.o.d.erth'tbe trtlelr in thrlr their r•ld rte.& Ll telair Are, ee. Market. etre.. wemind vtury. entran , ln the Diarn , ..nd. Venition !butter* road. wont , . and 414 Mnd. nevair rrywir,d. Ltd° jA. BROWN wriul4 mmitronvmtfully inform the. pubbe that he Ise , rwr.o La od sth Ie .a.nnd on the woot :Ogi7nTr=l,...^,'t!fni.t'l'arn'.3.lrnr=r.el=T;lne; In thu beet rtyle. warmnt..l equ. tn on; In Ih 'ln aidn Unlt..f • 1 E 1. ., Hie Bllnda ran be wlthnot e eiert. driver. 11.10,, ,nr,.-hseed nod vr , rl of thr cablirte.bliehlr.ent Neway h Slenelland. I ern to tarnish their 'Ad , ensu.lnerr.. ts do pub- Ik;yenevn,g'wo.ll7;2loolre.ie'•—'l'nitttUrgil..' J. A. BROWN. melvai _ ADAm Vere yr• rinar Surgeon, lut tn , m Edinburgh. Be/Alan'. would cect , cmfollT ne gnt the that ha. ommarticol proetl re In the above won:onion: end, earcful attention to wlonecec entrufted to him. w ith m.o. MI, tlnfwetlon. In connection Joan.. Mono 9ho-4bn and /Mitch:matt:dna In grocml will be m ogfol ‘ t the eum •r of Tunnel morel son P.m./7.lmM Moor 113 RP II Y & LEE, Wl.l. DEALERS and Comm) l~u r.4rrift",..t:rpttti,:th"! January I,t. & W. lIARBAUGIL Wool Merchants, /..J Dealers in flour and Prod,m, vrwrallr, .112.1 For Iranling owl Cmaualmion 31.chauts, Us Sint strn•L and Ine nonundldneat. ESIGRAVING AND LITH.OGRAIIII I CG. 'SF:VILLE JOIINSON; Engraver on Wno d Philo Ilan. ((hint story.) Pittsburgh. Pa.—cl.rs Mugs. Marbiorry. of Nsrmaykra.Front.t.ph , ra Il.roim.Pea. Drug lnMlr, rolnrs; Seahi fur 01,11.11.11 , ciellea,SJNlAstsvialloul, Colt+. Stain pat c.,ln the first Stl) of art, and the lowest per., VILLIAM Lithogr.ph le Itotaldlthrnent. Thtrd atm.4 the la Ittuabunth. Mat.. Inudrent.t., Portman ht,on NIL Whew!, Wenn Architectural stud Machth Drawbage, lt end Indu .'anla. drawn nu Pram.. and printed In enlora, (told. Braun. , In the matt approved Idyl, and at the moat raw , able wawa. Silver V Mar. 31ihtart re,rn,r of 3r;rk. , t nnd fourth streets fUtabor.L. P. N. R.—Watch, sod Clocks earefulif Zndur,4l• HARDWARE MERCHANTS. 1" &GAN: WILSON & CO.. Importertt and AWLOrders ill Ilant.lart , and 1, utlery . No. 11:9 farr.t. PittAurch. . . DENTISTS. Dentist, Corner of Fourth . sad Dead= It.. between 2dartet and +Ferri strects, DIGBY, ?Merchant Tailor. limper. V v and Dealer in Heady klAFTlnthinv.l 3 7 Lit.ert, Ft. EMOVA has reinlived to Lil+erly rinrt. lk.inw Pak No. 103. Ottior and dwell. nil: in the lame buttlimi. New Coach Factory—Allegheny. M. A. WHITE S. CO. would ro apectfull. inform the matte that On,. roctttl nhop Literal, bctwecti Fettural and tiandu,kr atrttita. They are now taking and gni ',reran] receive , Tr.,P,z.7,T,J.r:.11r, 1. ::.:,... 1 .z:: 1 ' 1- IzA.'iyl7i— , `"rti': , ! , ' , I Wog ,expolt.n , v to the snanufactutt of the above and lb.. larilitlna they have, they feel confident they aro liled work on 11, moat rend tenni. with Una.. wanting artirltt. In their Ilue. 100101% particular attention to I.ll...eirition of material.. rind hattna nenv but competent workmen. the, have v. h....Raton In he their wiirk. Wt. therefor.. ivia Iln. ' te the public to (hi. matter. tt. " licionirinn done tu the laot manner, and nii the sm. Eli rt kcruta • fa,att - -11,11 A At ; I,E WORKs, (eBtablished isaa)) b y Komuso WILK I SO. at Liberty sk. e.i of %Vend otrttd.,Monument,. Burial Ilea.lttontti. gnittel Nett , . Centre and 14, ant hand. avid madc to orde, N. 11. A chnica aeltttlon ot lira, nig. on hnd. nit° Important to Stage Coach and Wagon lianufacturers.• IESSIZS. SINGEII, 11.111TMAN v.B ha,. [gonglit rink! td an ot,. .1 I, r. h.,ttifigt.r, - ,hgtnthl taint "It hat [wen tratirt our i.at mach l,wr,lwa and ,nhttnigt.l to la , the hest in An uhing, thtteth :di a,t Ante , anal, vridencvo sg.• hart! ta ' atlti v at caw gnat antlittlnin d of frictmi. and n grnat titian of itgti, it a ill inalti. [onruh[initg U, rang gft [gr ni on their Attg.l. aw L l it...L— I Al[n. it anti gin. 14 rt.at vg.tlett I. [he nut ,rt.l, fug with tht. [tbrel.itild it, baring wall the tch. entityly I . l M 1,.. -...i . .? lA.:aria Ferry. ArrITPI.O . II Frida>, at 5 r. w .I•parw. on SWtuslay, at C. A.. 1.1, ,e.t., il. 'et I', Pvilit, Weatortl. I7wwaknews. 4 7 41 e. pr„.,,. wh,7,o‘.n. 5, tneluallua Warty. and X uangv wuntnw. Arriter .141'7 at 7 a. u-. and &parte wI w , . A X. I...ttw, f..r thw .ia • :, mail. ...tr. , In the sttar cut Pour 15 505 tn., awk arta, leitvt. tor thti-a , ,ly. erna. a.. LI, ~,,a. c." . 1..i, 111.4145. lOLlat A. HI Al,l. on,hoi. LiAll _ ___ 'I. r. r. Cr'aw font . and Jeffellon Vol k nod upper Canaan. dalb • pa., tit 'J M. • (iron, hi r:irir•Nr..laut! wont, u.'1•.11, ro•.it 1•••ri: awl Men, livatuql.,.. I ihro•i, r,r1.11, ArLatoaa, North Carr" te kl..riola, and 'pan, dally. t larlsro 6r. Y.. • . • • • ~.. • •.. haver. Va., ii.l Clevelax,J.Olgo. — , Inua, 1 rookbilll, Portage. Grawra. ~,M t ltl.tlu l .rte,' S :.o.lo...l o' . Vo*d. ' gli , le. riounnit \ Lake. tr 11.. extrog.. northern °outgo , to and 111100', Includin g . , all !II:ctl u, dull, Amter at 11 .t. u.: Jr RATES OF DISCOUNT. oAtta . :ll.r. r a aas rrrrtmall.iFt at. N.IIOLNIES & SONS, Bankers. .V 6.1.2 Varl et It. loin.. Third and FliarrOA ed. iVtainirph: PEN NSTLY ASIA.' Iltranch at ' , lsmailia,. ...... An 1 Ilan} A Pittsburgh-- -. par ItranAi at Wiaaday ......-do Ea. 11110, link ot do tar Branch at bools.-....- .11. 51 yr. and elm.. of d0.......par Branch at Younnanwn....-ylo Bank of Commerc.. ....... ...par Co Bank. enionna d 'lank of North Ainvirak.f.par Cca y ntoryclal 111..t:ineltinati ti d o o Bank tdeoirtli'n Libortirspar.Franklin Bank .....-... ...... do Hank of Pronrylvama......par;Laleyette 1iank......-.- ..... do Tank of Penn B er' nhip...oar Ohio Life Ina. ,t Truet 0n....d0 Bank A the Uoi7rdetelet 12 Wean". Heiwrre lisiak-.--ita. Commun . ...l !tank of ea....par Bonk of 510.111 , .....-. ....... do BarrorrA'N idol.unic.' Bk i.nt onlall N•dra..... .... ........-...d0 giloarl Bank par ~Nli'll - IND. tiounnatoollank..... . . ... tar', Alirolvent Banka...e. Slant., It elicit Ilatik....par; NEW YO/LK. Orenanico' Bank iariNew York City... .... ----par M.ioanynyius . 'tank . par,Conolrr_ • . .. Ilalladelpins Bank.. ton! 5161111.A:eft. eouthasok 8ank.........._pay Baltinioro r. , 1 Trialeanian'e (lank ........par;Country ... .. .. .. .... ........ ... in' Wroorn took part N. 2 KINKY tDELAW AIII.. 11 , 111. of Cluoulleni•orwl , .. ea , Ail aolreiA htokm.- * i I'IPIONI t I. I 11;,',:t:111',;;;Ii,.'"" -. 1::;ii , ank of b . , ,, .1 aile) . .,: ' '.4 Rank of 151 Co . Cheator-parlllk of Virlonh , Bloolnond •. I /tank of Ilornundown......par Ea. Flank VI,. Norfolk- - ?• 1 Id ' aa a t. "''''''''"' '' tr ' aTitl !" .esl ' Lli ir a ', . ' !: 1. n..,„ - :1 4 . 7.7.1i.".1:7:,.. -- ..... , s:;:Tit W•Aorn Bank. I: I "n ßatii ' ;' '''. . " tl l i . ;i `l"Li, l , - r., NBclV. . iyA . iii.ivx: • . tank °reap, Year 2 l ' :olo " u ' i k id i a ' l r t ‘ k k . 6 Bridge tiripar ‘ Bk. al eL,Carolina,.. 2 Ika I. 'down Bank tar Connnercial Ilk. Wilaninn'n 2 Ko.don lank .. .. ..... ..... Aar elerchsou.' Bank. Nyarte.ro 2 Elia Bank ....... .. iy Si WTI! CABOLIN A, yarnione Ilk of Burka C...parildk of the Sk of S. Carolina 2 Farmer"' Ith of Latimater.tar Bank of south CaMina..... 2 Farman Bank oflleullat Par Ilan , of Chatioeloo.--........ 2 Farm. Ilk of Schuylkill Co.par Planter.' a Marianna' . u . it ~ F ra n Elroy. Waynemburit.. 'a OP.OHJLIIA. Franklin Ilk. It aihitaton tar A.M.'. Ine k Batik , . Ca 2 Ifarrirbord flank__ ..... q. Bank of - Annan. ...... -.... 2 Bonen - tale 8ank....,... .... ~ , B k of Ilronewick. ..... 2 Lane:odor Bank. ..... . ..y....ri TENS Enet:E. tanimter C..unty llank--.ldurliroiverat bank. ..... ..... .... :I , IiENTUCKY. LAanon Bank. tar Nlinara' Bank of !Natal-111e I. nor Kentucky. Inuit - villa !‘ elononnahrls Bank patink or Louisviii, Timrst.m3 N, 'Neat Branch Bank iiiNortboth Ilk id Kenturky 5. W 'omit.: 80, ilkeabarreper Southern Ilk of Beatnik) . 'a York Bank '.4. eIISSOUIII. 808efN0tem.........-.... I, Bk of Stat. of elhaeouri 'a VII lil. of (Iran elate Bank ti nate Bank .W 1 branchea-- 50 Branch at Akron-- ........ ilo Bank of filinot, ............._:2 Brawn at Atl.ona... ...... ...do IV IeCONSIN. Branch at Itri.l,l..rt- .... do elarittekiElni In Co. alike 6 Brawl, al Chilli...he- do ICI 11l AN. Ile..nch at i'levyland du Farmer.' elechanirm . Bank 3 Branch at T..laylo.do.liverrna..nt Mock (lank-- 3 Branch at ()nylon do Penni:4ller Bank 3 1 Brandi at liclawaro do Insurance (Unnteany Branch at leihollbum do Stan] Bank 3 Branch at !odd...Lola do CASABA. Branch et Salem , do Bk of B. N. Amoriot.Torotito..' Brandi at elated:l..ld do (lank of thy People. Toronlos ural.h at ter m to Bank of elontrial ... . ..... -....5 • Branch at Cincinnati dn Bank fll.Canivia. Tozeintos • Branch atColunthne.-.......d0 EASTERN FLXCIIANtIE. ' liranYli at Viaddrotiou dOn New lork (prom)- ..... i. , • Branch at Colts o tin PhiladelPha do k a Branch al lanceeter..- dol [ lln Baltimore do .Brand, , .Brani at Stoul.enrilly......do IC Ei..TEltii F.XCIIANIIM. I na Itio-h at 111. Vernon-....-ilo Clitchtinai I /trench at Newark do luniarilly n n i lr '. .Ti :..t eTrrith'ufa:lF....llll.lll..d.lluilka.Nl/ SPF.CIE VALUE Brooch at 5 arictth- do Doubloon., Spaulmh 16.00 Branch at Troy ......... .....An do l'strioL 15.:•0 Branch at SIL Plvivriut.......l. }:‘,41....1e....... ............ ..00 limnik at Tama , i11e....,...d0 Pante. new...a^ 10 Ilnineli at Norwalk.. ..... ....do En.dericors. ... 7.e0 Brand. at Pious do Ten Thaler, .00 Branch at Portamouth.....Ao tinincaa ' On 3/11111.11 al Eaton do SovercisTO , ... Braticli ut Ravenna- .......do I.l.lllluthivrs..... .......... - 3 ..% Branch at ChIllloolld : .110 NaPolooln , Branch at IN, tdaora.-......d0 burn. 2.16 - ' 11 T 1.11.110....... ....... 111.1 . PRICES LAD SALES OF STOCKS. ._, 11I.POITEJ IST A. WICKINS A 10.. EXCHANGE III:OriEli: Inier'ld Thirl ant/Marie( Nrret.s. PITTSIICI4III. FO.ruary 'l4. P. Vol..kek,,d , '4100,0U 1 . 11,0x41 , .loo.uol 041P0 . 100,00 1.41,00 .....,. WAN , AlleuhOnS y h Bank of I'lttolJur6o. ...... ;.-.. ..... nrth.NlAs Muouf honk- F.y. , lovn4e Fnrun.rx 11.4 Ilank of Ilri..vnrllll. • ,ivlng, !lank AT , 4I Mon,,ogmloila linage •I Clow :9.: Bridge nand St 11.141) Nortilisrts I,ln•rurot "•I".lTilr:rit:4;;C. ... ... 111.rnun . Cilatet.' Iti.ninsure A.A.inted Pretuau l oi ck s. Plttsbur‘qlO n. .I.4.ern ‘AVIATWA ATMS, Voughiouheny elackwater... l't•on's.C.cral ... CA"" flweelnn.l x i'llt.l , ur.h hnllto .. Al air.. ItAiloaf 11'"" d0...,4.1 , 1 1 , 0.1 l d 'lnuk Rood. ... I lanal !'o :t. - nano( Co t o Alto [A. Plt.horgli(('tilt MI:10 . ugh Anwrlren.. North WE. !tont. \1 rotas . Iron 411t.1.ur4h . . I.lventnn • 00.104. o o•mghut Ilsaahton ... 14.r . 5.0ua .. • . OF STOCK U G Penn. It. It '7 11., IV A N'l ED TO Buy—Notes of the \\' extern T V 11.u1.a. end Yuri plaid Pitleburgh Ilo.nke, bT ..... ' I 11. KINt). At - ..1i, N WETS'. IthANKETSI! Ml.lll-111Y „, . •, , 11 . 1. , Ittlll VI ELII Imre ..ct hand • V° 4 . 1 •'.. v....n tl 6 _ ”I• IL 4...1 cal 11.. Ltillerent ,t1...111.....4te1ua1itu. r ._ i.--- - ..tr3 .... and qualar, 4.11 a wtocla .m.......... /. MI ..? 4004,1 pri....a. t. 41 i (OLD LOCKETS.—Just received a large N.,lllmiiiply a elegant Gal IVatelhature bowes. euktabl• to, D•guerotypen, Hai. t . fot.l - . WILSON. aefi . ~..~-.. ING, FEBRUARY 25, 1 *C 031 M ERC 1. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE • Pittalrargh Board of Trio COSIMITTEE'FOR FEBRUARY --------,-==-- - I '---- --415001INGTON, Feb. 20. PITTSBURGH ItAREIT. Tomorrow it in expected that the President's 0 .' 1 ; Ptrt..... 0 ...” c t message in answer to the Simate's resolution of I sllyht Intermianion throughout the dap Yetl.fd. , . bl ' l. I enquiry " to February .1:1. • 1351. ) the late disturbance in Boston will Owing torte *ever • storm.. whkb eoutluml with but be sent to the Senate.. There was a long cabinet oess waipotis e i r at a suss', sod Tar few -sal. ..... meeting this was the subject of the prolonged delibern-ng to day, and it is naturally supposed that risi. ' FLOUR ass tillats--The arrival , be fins were eonflu• I n 1 to a few ®all tom, and LP ennanquenos of the Mclean... , lions. , It is whispered outside that Mr. Corwin " lIIIIhe "'l'''. we h.rd . l 4 .° odesatth'lr''''' Venm differed from the remainder of the cabinet, as flrat band. we may quote F.:=43.40. and from stare in ! Mall lot, $342 Z. about the ruling throe, for good s. f. . to the terms of the document to he communica bnizals. ho change of rite Millib. Of grain sales have teed to the Senate. But there is no other anther keen' light. with no eh., in ortee.-150 botabela were sold on the wharf at 4, 'elm. GROCERIES A. 1010VISIONS—Orocerks are sae::i. j.tre. affair will the meteor e w " i ' tl i :o .. u ' t causing any last quotation, N. 0. inane in netting in mall lout at 6.-4(d ' l ity T f h o o r this g`i for fait ma i peso. ~a OAu„ .. ~,,,, of m01a „,.......,84,4 , protracted sensation. I doubt whether it will 350 In small his to My and counts , trade ido roars I. I even last oat the nine days allotted to ouch l''''' pretty arm " l'''''''''.34' I's. th"M..'"'WU" arm , wonders.lt is reported about the town to day with rale, of 'mall lota at tloref,a for nhomuenn •K7‘.. on' .4.1`, and F3.iildo. fur Plain hams. Sales dried beef att., , that eight or ten companies of troops have been pot'.' Is ts. Lard I. .011ing at 7647. X on Sot In Oh , ' i ordered to Boston to aid in quelling any further a nd ilio00.: for du in keg. DIU: .VID SORS—e.I, of 5, b an „ a the as 1 disturbance which may arise. Ido not believe 12 1 .11. r bran, nod is for short.. 1 a word of the story, and regard `it as one of REAIN9-Pate IIr3I)". 111 1 d ' II ' h. "' '"" IIIII)k* " 6. those which are put in eirenhaion by persons el,at Sl.:0 ? Int. Couto. amd prime qualities would being $1.12a1.2S It Int. I who take this mode of keeping up agitation, or DRIED .FRUIT—Sales et 30 boa apples on the wharf at I of eioreising their minds in the accomplishment 700 tiba. hales from More at Mk it bu. Feachee are sell- . Mg &tat:M.OX from store. for anal halve. ! of lying at random. I am glad that you Lave noticed the eland- 7 crow charges, with which Mr. Ewbank has been assailed by dissappointed patent agents, and', their allies, the depredators upon the rights of inventors. Mr. Ewbani has orcourre.found it iropersible to please both or either of these classes of his detractors. Ile has endeavomd to discharge the duties of his station, honestly, and, as was unavoidable, has refused a vast num ber of applications and petitions which-have been preform' to hint and thereby has made enemies. - ---oa4 desroon of le. — the mu , Olt ~•n lloNa—lcoparta of ape= nil ad whalebone kilo the liniard Hisleg. for the rah eadhan February 17t1. l8.51: • New Bniford Ebb , qt. bblit wh. A. bone •sliito Fabius lai 3.5.00 t) 2 Ship Ja, M .0 'L SOU ISOU .0110 Num:wart. Ship Srolland 3,CAP) ...... ..•...... New I,ndua. mils New Etnrlnuti cult Wnt C 1.0 PORT OF PITTSBURGH !fleet.—There vvery 14 fet, 0 lathe., In enenneL weal nurk, but evening. and Michigan, Role, liwoow. Dearer. Dorian. Beaver. Dolt, bonnett, Parlowoo. 8r...t 00 - 1110. J. McKee, Hendrick...on. NlCK...wool , Ited.ione. N,..lwurt. Drowlonille. • F.. Elisabeth. Thowag olinver. Railet. Writ Newton .1. J. Cll./olden. Newt ,n Cox, VAu.o.ville. (locumsD. Ihrunnwhassa. Cincinnati. Nel.on, M00r...1111 , 1m0. lio,lklll. Mh.lwhall. New Drlean.. )nrill Doerr. D.rluner, New Mit.... DEPARTED. Mlchlinah IkJra, Darer. !leaver, bunion, Renter. Nat, Ihunak,, Ilrown+vlllo. Parkowoo. J. McKee, Houtleckson. NleKromiwrli Thcu illirDow, LLaller, Wosi Newton. 1%, alouu Eta W. Munn ln , urnal.Couwell. Wheeling. kwohlon No From the miserably vascillating cuiuseof the Senate Committee on the poet office, in reference to cheap postage, I am under some apprehension that the bill on that subject will fail, from a dis agreement between the two houses. An entire ., ly new series of amendments were proposed yes - day which nearly destroys the House bilL Fan llocraNdrotrt—Tbe .I.r Pilot No. 2, CaLpt.t,Yazie.wili The Shanghnie and California steamship line, Lowe e+ abut., tl.. du, at 4 o'clock. P. H. with branches pl two ships each, from Philadel- BOATS LEAVI9 Tftl3 DAY 110. - KINGPoBT, 1 . 11. , rt No. 2 P. v. Qlmmo. EGEPORTS BY BIVEB. ...• • I pia \ 111.1 Norfolk to Liverpool, IVIP3 to dy re- CINCINNATI—P. IFtlktokk Srtii—M.s bble amt.."... I ( e rred to committee of the whole, which I con. a salted a 0.1 17 Out. It IltoOry; 4.7 T ins I. uther. Lt., 1 t" 1,1 0 . ^ t100 1 ,1" ,4 h,...• 0 1, .',,, L ,ht '-%^ 1 :1,11;1 . 1 ,V; 1 . ,....„,,,;: . , rider equal to rejection, by the vote of 15h to 91. 4f- .. eg.c .- .l ' ,. ° c%;e ' c .-. 1 4 i . . trkt mdse, Illnutotto,t I hopd this great advent majority will he taken Cu 7k N. Ist.. 4 tan ook. 24 tek lima. II in& t Cot ol • • 1,1,14 whi.key, W I... Liner t l'tk :,0 hints bacon J Uri,: 24 as decisive of all the,e schemes to riddle the ~, ~,..tr, from:., u t ., ~ . u,.. •, r, ... , . 7 ,,, . treasury, under pretence of carrying the mail.— 1 ,b . , , , r i . 1::: . 1i . id : d, c ! r i'r i a :t2 oil n i t c.:.rtr I ; i ' , l , ti.tiln k :fl:a a t c k ..".;:r . ~.,,, his i,,,,,. ','"i i mi., A Br 6, 2 t u,,,, ,„.,,, coli t u ,. ! but there 10 one very noticeable thing about this k.'"°' '''''' ''''' " IL V' liar['. 2 " k c '''''' ' Norfolk and l'hiladelphia line, they have opera . 1,b14 nutusen, e i/ 11,,rue. 110CEINGI•oliT—Vtll Pll, No 2.-31 bbl. Oct. 1 rata I ted the sudden and titnnullgh conversion of the .' s . i '..,. LL ' ? . ..,`,l'; ‘ ' r ll - 4,t ,' ntst. c r7o,7i l a P.td't.it b ,;titi A','l., I Virginia etrict constructionists from tire I...tuntet k . t.nthe r r h t. - It ' vart..n aut dos brtsann, 11l Vitt corn. 4 1 • nt 10.• of strict I., opke constrUelipn of the COO - II Je%blutont I L. II Grnfl 1. Co, 2 LIU., 14,... , 4. 1 1., 0 1 1 .4a1t, 4 . o °' ~ I J. , "0", 1161 eF. ,,, °'''''.' 4 iP. .titution. The too tdt.ps touching at Norf.tlk ,t.k. Intent, 1 1., 34 bbin n.,,r, J n lubsorth 1 t!,s 0 a-. Isle nut, 3 1.1.1. Annie. ~1,, vtur k ar, S F Von Bunk,. : hut, tonent. , l the he. rt. an .l _molt,: indings of '1.1,',,,,,:1,tjt butler. 3, 't . ',,T t 'i d u . ' . l .1 1.51?:1, h ,.71,, t. t't't!tu“ " tr .r 1L ',. !: ; even Bayley,.7.leade and, their entOpue fa Oh ' No 1,-, , 4, lord. 3 do tattler. tt Ihlteil a Cot 3 Ills..in u,t... 11 torch .1,0,. .14 +al drtetl ant,l,., 3 .1,, reacher..... 1.1.1 1 . won,lrou+ edicacy et local Interest: 11k4111, 1 .1T,1.:,1'Aq.::, 1 7:,' i'"k',.,l7ll°,:r ;b;.t . ,1:.".;... 1.0 Watkr.r.an t n.oron 1 la Loss awn:. I , ' httetta 1.: nt , Ur,. a p u ka, I. T [Livens t Cc, a, 1,014 .10. r? .: 7 11 ,t 7,.1t..1.. T.t.. ' ''n'tt'ff..: 4 1 ._ .. t . ,':.1‘ . . e : . 11 1. g, ,h 1;11 ' . 1 :' , tN: n ' h h ett, !Ht.:. .stns '' . I ow., al tut taunt, 1 an. 3 boracs ...ours kn. 44.. L ' .... ' - i CINCINNATI-I'ra ll:taunt No —woes2 01l cloth, F. IV Lo tult ::. . lire I,nnonk, Ilurbrnine 0 ing loll .j 0 1 hlnit la a. .ales. Kier lion,. It; 111,dnJo. 30 au shoulder...ellen. a Sleols, 5 do shoulder. linker 6 Furs, th, 47 ta1....1.1.... 50 .lo thould..rx. J Grier. 34 nks gun', W Bart.,. :M 1,1,1. trlasket IL hell; 34 nhis tooltsre. 4 blunt sugar. Itubintou Little a Co: as Idle. mn..l Severa 21,1,....1 kk, 14 oets hnens. Arun' t Lune. 14 ! apn , lut,.. lta , ,rnt. ,,, l , orst 11,. 14 ,1 1,1111 n tta;'. li '' TfL, ' , I lar - 'n' I ' l ' th 'c' 'A'. oRLEAN, , —.I , a Nna 11,1-15 hMl..n,ar. W I lolrnro 411 , 1,1% el:.,.te..;tliv,,;77bl,:ildb.t.;:rec:,:r.t 114; 4 hhd..l ALI gitudn. I mil WIIIIELIN6—Pra 10r1L.i.--1 3 Male wham,. 11 Lechl 1,, 13 •. dird In Caron k 51.1aurdIll.10/ burr 01 , 10aa 1 art. 1-Itriver i I.lll d, vA. 1 n 41.. i L 6arranc, 7 do rapt,. 1.1 Id 1.0.10ra. 1 ham 1: Mud , ler. 7.l,lFd•yll.l.ll—Paa 11arcar..0--17 word, 16 Irbl• dr. , fru, lAn !dater. 0 61010 tmbanda 1.00-ch k .lade. 100 rota. paper : J It Floyd: 14 6101. tirld•rer.: Illadhasta 0 lilolo 410.11 II Johnrdnat I.x, dried Iran- 7 Llrld Id. 10 do peach., ak, do' W Bar , aley l'aa oanr, Vaniirl, Tblrklelrd. 1;661. Inn i'ira 6 ll 6 , 4 Z:sr den:i.o3rt 32bertha 1 h Ce hulk mast,. 11 I/slid:6lor dour 1•1rIn. em hula name. pty. Wllruarth A Aut.l., Am. 10.0 ket, .. , 160 , 0•101.... 1 / 31.0rgazi:12, 600 1100101.1ra. Hall. hater WurtLa lard burt corn: 4.511 Las bran:valuer • aboa.r. SKW ORLEANS —l'm Suirv-ratt—ZCl I.hhal,ls molar", Nrerl, loln {rar. 14S gugar, I.bls In b gnam C. 41 lauld gypir. s W Dave. l ef lavla•upa. 11 lorrre,nollll.l4 bentna Iter Ym-Pyll!. 5 ram" Whaffn. 24 In bean.. W Bingham.. LirPr 19 lt Kr wit ‘7 13 WCITUI--$1.31111 ronl ll'Lnor'n Vrrmlfoge! Itewllha following letter hum otn .ent: Sudwais., Chem.. Co. Ns Y., Feb. X, '47.7 J. likhl t Co—When your agent se. here I !gut mat o,enwt. and he kb but a I , w doteo of 11 . 1.une's Verldfude and bud It Is going net eery fart....l thus far 11.1“,gtr. 00 wool satisfy...that. and had prov. 4 tee just what . the public waut, mad we hose gut It ..mioa.und I donut wieh to tot out. I bore but one drawn left. When your azent was ludo, I thluk he told me same pluredo scold If I should stout more. but If he did. I have forgotten. ICIII you hare tbe gualoes's to ..rder for me .It dorm ;tlore on the tweelld of thin - T'}2llll F}ISF:II. hurrah. by J. KIDDu). tob....l.ldadw No. CU Wood et HOUSE OF REFUGE. ThIlE MANAGERS OF TIE ROUSE OF Rohn, want to hurchase a lot 01 :hound enEable fer oratteu aline Inetitutiun. containim, from ten th hftY aerm., well eutophml with water. and Mutated ntema one of the nem, plank made or railroad, within Gve mile. of the Court lloune. plank hroiewale. Mating price antl term, will he remindituul Mnrelay. - the 2 4 th imhe the Commltteo. JAMES Asuzr,soN, , 11108. lIA KEW LW., J AS. C11.13111E11 , i, EICIIIIAUM. CHAS. 1113ISEN. Pitteburglh Felt 5. 'AI. I feIM:MtwEIAS) S - .[lt MITLEY & COLVIN, Coal ,Ilereintnte, au! Denlerm In Dry Gods. firm-ellen. iron Ind Neill , conic. of Walnut street utal Wndhlngton Turnpike lUut4 Tr.peranuoville uclUul kir I yeS . • ___ _ . VE TO II CK Y FA V 11,51, ALUABLF, A ittlND DESIRABLE . S situated In Le Rehver Town.hlP. Law min., County. Prk.. on the waterauf Little Beaver. emu tam - ing alend ',AI acres„ I)), wiles from the Ohio and Penn. •.i• bares Railroad—the Pn.burgli and Cleveland Stage aired 11.)..1 ya ,, t1 . 4 .b , .. 1 / P it i • V 4...1 a:.111 :IS t. 11 .• 31arvItt Forty, and has been oc cupied a,.. , n :-!,... o farm bor the last thirty 'ram. The land 10/0.00 In now to urt lid: older, and a ell calculated for allot and ...c.b....0 ,atti , .. It t. 0..00 watered by Little Peal er Creek. and 000 X) 1110 never.lnilln: 'etwinnw about 2.:gt acme under fence. the prinedial part hi meadow so l d ;mature, and about Wi acres 92,),0 In woodland. An apple en-hard of (tom. grafted I f 0,00 with • number elm), µweb trees near the hone, If an "FP,Olt pinta for soon, a valuable hot of hotmehohl and knehen fur 00,01) nltue, allt , a Ittst rate cooking !love and with utensils, F. 5,50 wauona. ploughs. dc. Ste,, eau Lc hail with the farm at '' ', , , n '.. u ..-- &.,7,0 0 m ono on the form am. one be.. I house, 40 feet fgblat anuare and two ertnrie• high: cellar under the whole hou,c, , 51,1 u with r uelltiou wall lot the ecoler. The Lwow Is kohlwn'Xloo,oo etl and In COW 14:•111 lb.' ruoroPtre very conveny ea.l - thre, in the lower story, with three tire pl.", act 1;,3,00 wlth three large Franl.lia stove., flea rooms in lion UPPur •tury, three of which ha.. 1;1,0,4 fur owl. Una frame 21.00 kWh. attached to brick bourn, 24 front 16 feet , two .mrlcs S 5 high. with large pantry, and porch In front 10 fuel aid..- 44.00 One frame hmee, act lied to kitchen, 21 by lb fret, two :11,00 snub., Web. calculated fora work shop or bed room. with porch In front ten feet wide. One fronts wood boney at tached to tbe above house. 40 1,0 W hoot. One frame aping 01.71 bun, 'war the brick bailee, 10 by 101 ha,. and ten feet o' l ' . ', 1 blob. .1) 1th I" ,m o, d a n ' e r r Y fJfilitn , VvAltg '',! f so U T lw w al ar ' st " . 4 : l 4 i frgra h il l w. n.' ir:r„trrin—.ll,'.llr.: 7L'h 1',: 1 0 ) .,:'.`",t1', 4..0 . smoke house; oneframo.rartiage house, .I4 , by In feet, tan feet high. with potatotmlLer underneath , our hewed log home, about 40 nal. rum brick how , . In by 10; Wet. ono ''''''' 'tlTcll7Z,ln'o'n'enrli)":whtko'gr.TtkOle'. u n e . T,: r th r : l l l, r! in cit Vo ri'g . •A ‘. Cy r 4 , ).00 lb feet, one and r 6 boll etorlva him,, with prick chlinne, a and ganter• for grain—wary rhed on ase side, 0000 large frarno bank barn. 00 by 45 feet, 1.4 feel high. llareshmg 43.00 floor In upper story, til t s entrance at one en,l—dables In :MOO lower story: one frame etble. attache) u, lame barn. 00 by . 24 feet, twelee feet high.. with galls for , cattle, one , frame n 00 4 ,10 barn..l , by 24 feet, twel . ) . eteet lU e rt.; one nune 0 , 1).wp io w nte, .1 1 . ,..i.:1 ' I:'clkboyb;thf7,..llotefortull':ttehe'2l'",:r!'" .' ' r t 0 r... h A, 1 . - . P g.; ',1 . ,,,th i , '0 I house annexed to tbn ale,v..'oonse,..M. b r .... 1,0. ...i ~ 00 feet h t tgh. with racks In 0100 f veu t t , , , , r h one trot,,' home, for • I . P"lL.,':.rr.'...rul':n.b'apS rryLtit.llol'inTloll', , - .0 the reembses. who I will do.. the Fa r nri, and g a, ive all twee/anti' Information. or to Atiltali Hull. on the I.lbung m h Rued. 4 iles froto the uonsh vf . I!ua,er Creek, U main , below Leunomy. 'A. 00. .1.00 51“1txxxl 1, .1.00 1-0 oil . 1410,0 OW 00 1 1,....,2 11:50 1".0.1 .1,00 L'JAuI 4.. 1 h 0 2' 1 2 14 uu,uui ,r 4 :11.1 to, '°:;;~ ~. - • -- 1 HARRISON SEWELL, Attorney at Law, gailhin sud, Cumml.sloner for takual loepoAtiona, ck. ..11.1grm.a. of Deeds, in g. " —} " r° "'"V b"." Sznithfirld. mritel \ Lori' ADDITIONAL SALE Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0. ritlO E recent unmeedentell sale of Lots in the erase thriving Town hewing. "%IV Pi';gt u t".". I tt ' s ' er s on ' e7slV4l . bell eat, and t n s ' out, ' .. ' PorHo h fiR nit lt r ig: c r' , l3', ll . toten loses 0111, and oire , rs , ll&Pin ,, rh'ot of iT,T,:tt.:.'nlTi, h . d -11.. , "" „ to tar utrthlva '4lh,Trgezz':,,,T;,T" - =.;,llf,T=g4l , la:Vr i V , that hsv r lT; hat, rrerstlY choog.d ena Arco Purchased by tin., wishing to P.c..' " ° " l ' . LIP home. The a 1..: 104 are emong tap tenet PiigltJP•od , "h• bk In the pis, end ere prinelpelly hcaLAI In the centre of U' rt r r "' FPPIT. 4 , the proprietor In Llrerpool, or nee., I. mutt, street. Pittsburgh, JOHN 5.. 111.. ELY. East LlverWol. Feb fad. 1501. tebSdawleL (cotTeepoodence or the Dolly tittbeLigh Gnsette.] I can point persons desrous of learning . riven for these continued attacks upon Mr. Ew. bank, to specific threats in the Washington cor respondence of a well known New York paper, that unless the commissioner should on a certain day decide a care involving very great interests, in favor of a certain set of his opponents, he would be d6nottnced,to Senators nod through the press, 0114 a concerted effort would be made to procure the rejection of his nomination. He decides against these persons, and has been vir ulently assailed by thorn ever since. Ido not • believe that any exertion which there people can make, will either force Mr. Embank to retire, or procure any alteration of the patent laws to fa cilitate their operations. In my statement of population furnished n few days since, I estimated Geor,iia at Returns from the whole state, official or estima ted by the Marshal. make the population 900,- 000. Connecticut hue bui 970,000, n tailing off of 16,000 from the current e:titat.te, 11..11.1SIIVRG, Feb. U. 1561. In the _Senate yeoterday. Dr. Carothers pre sented a-petition for the construction of a plant rood, in Washington and Alie,theny counties. The bill to repeal the secorel proviso, of the second section of the not incorporating the Bed ford Water Company; and the supplement to the act relating to the School Fund of Lehman tp., Luzon. county : mud for confirming the sale of to tract of land in - said township. eel- ative to the U. S. Insurance, Anonity and Trust Company, and toe Conimon Schools of Greene county, were tallest ep and passed finally. The first named bill was called tip by Mr. alcalurtrie, the last by Mr. Itobertson. In the House, Mr. Whey, from the Committee From Me Philadelphia Ledger. on Ways and Means, reported with amendment, the bill authorizing the Arblitor General to trans- Flax cl yrrcarL' TEE pito= ,i, nvnume , bar the stock of the Corinnonwertith, in the Pitts- Messrs. Editolm—l notice that quite an excite burgh and Butler Turnpike Road Company, to the Allegheny and. Butler Plank Road Compa- meat has originati in various •quarters with regard to "Flax Co ton;" and that many differ- Of. The bill to legitimate Wm. Taylor was re- °M I' lls ` m° claim the merit of its-discovery.— The rind investor was SandsOlcott, Esq. of New ported with a negatire recommentlatoon. Hope, Bucks county, Pa. Ilia process, and which Mr. )I'Cluskey, from the Committee on Roods Undoubtedly is the same as these new claimants and Bridges. reported with IL negol, recommen follow, was brought to perfection nod patented dation, the bill to declare an alley in, the city of Pittsburgh, a Public alley. by him in 1839. It consists in taking the eon or kiln dried flax in the stem, spreading it out upon Mr. Van Horne rend in place n bill to author a wide feeding cloth, from whence 'it posses ize the AuilitneGenetal to examine the claimer through Flemins.ii. . ngh a series of Iting,_finted wooden rollers, say, thirty sets, that is, duty altogether, Tie.: Mr. Bigelow, a hill to enlarge the New Stanton election district, in Ilempfield tp., Westmoreland crush upper andthirty lower rollers, which so ! d break the stalks, that most of the i cillaltj' wood drops from the fibre and renders the pro- The bill to extend the power of the Orphans' coos of cleansing it-Racy. • . Courts to dedreeing sales of real estate of minors all cases where it shall be trorts. nd malign,. in The flax, when separated from the wood, is a to the interest of the parties, was considered and twisted into a' repel the rope should be rose' postponed for the.present. about the thickness of is stout man's arm, This . At present, much of the time of the Legisa- rope is then passed through another series of fluted rollers about six inches wide, and made tore is consumed in the, consideration of bills, authorizieg sales of real estate. which should either of wood or metal, the ends are twisted never enter a Legislatire Hall, hut should be en. together, and an endless rope thus made: the trusted to the Courts, whose judgment is calmer, rollers, (rt series of 20 or 30 sets) are then put and whose means of arriving at the truth are so , iu operation, end a stream of watar set flowing far superior. Ii over them: The rope passing through in emend- The bill to nothorize defendants, co certain 1 less round, the remaining particles of weird, or caes, to tender payment and save cost., wa s 1 shives no theyare technically termed, arerapidly i separated from the fibre, the gluten and coloring passed to third reading• matter washed out; and the fibre itself reduced Mr. Bighrun read in place a bill to open and I extend nn alley in Allegheny city, and a bill to ! and divided into smaller and finer fibres. After authorize the devisees of 'fhounts Recies, to sell I the process has been continued a few hours, the and convey certain real estate, 1 rope is withdrawn much diminished in size, and After this came up on a final passage, the bill I quite white. On untwisting' it when dried; the re-annexing the county of :Montour to the county 1 i product is "flax - cotton." of Columbia, which was agreed to by the follow, , This article is much more beautiful than the , log vote: 1 finest cotton, it is almost as soft as silk, and ex- YEAS—Messrs. Benedict, Bigelow, Blair, Bon- I ceedingly glossy, but when closely,examined it ham, Brindle, J. Brown, Cassiday. Demers. Dor- I presents many imperfections: The fibres vary lan, Donner, Ely. Evans, (Berko) Feather. Fee, i from half an inch to three inches in length, while ly, Frets, Gabe, Gibbs, Goodwin, Griffin, Gaffey, 1 the polished glossy surface of each fibre prevents lingue, Ilahleman. Hemphill, Henry,- Iluplet, i their adhesion. The lust difficultyi - Mr. Oleett Jackson, Leery. Leech, Leet, Lilly, 31.'CurdY; I ot,iateil, by a machine be ievented, that tore or NP,Kenn, al'Reynolds, Mowry, (Wyoming) Pat-'. separated the rove into equal parts, but the last ten, Penniman, Wickhow, Weirsnyder, Rimy.: difficulty he never successfully overcame. , - Ross, Scantier, Shull, Skinner, Seeder, Steward, : alr. Mood, after several ueisuccessful efforts Thomas, Trope, Cessna, Speaker-48. • to introduce his juvenilia into, this part of the Mars—Armstrong, Baldwin, Bent, Ilighooli country. went to Cincinnati,. and applied it to the Blaine, Bowen, BroomaL.Brower, Cooper, Cow- breaking and preparing of hemp, for the making den. Dungan, Dunn, Evans, (India.) litre, • 0 4..agging.and rope, at the factory at Newport. Freeman, Gossler, Hamilton, Bart, Hamsecker, Ile died there of consumption in. 1841 Or '42. Laughlin, Linton, alnelay, :11.Cluskey. M'Cuue... . 3l'Lean, lil'Sherry, Norm's. Mowry, (Souteriet I Scofield, Shaeffer, . sourn Cauousa Itastsrascr..—vac. °twine, O'Neill,, Pucker. Reid. Smith. Van Horne. Wellacr-37. l'rem, edited by that pink of honesty and patii- The "Democracy" walked up to the trough. ! otism,EllwoodFiaher (1) says,—that'all DI right in although it was leaderless, at the cull South 11 of their ! ~0 ui....t. Carolina;-the resistance party base Car lendere, like well drilled sol i th diers. But erten— • lied the elections! Well what of it': .We have when( I have italicised—refused to obey. beet trying to imagine what they are going to This act is a most outrageous orm,liitt rouses ' resist. Neither Califon:o, nor New Mexico, nor , the Districeof Columbia, nor even fugitivealavea no surprise among those Rise Lave watched the gr'llu'l for , are within their:reach. 117o:tare they going to ivngaries of that party. The alleged the repeal. is thet the county was erected tbrougo , strike! It ammars to us, that' when the gallant fraud. Whereas the fact is; that the Locorecos a chivalry, under the command of - Quattlebume the Senate and House had bar-pined last session i .. are ordered to resist, they will he Much in the 1 conditioner a boy on board a Yankee isloop ilit with Mr. Best. to erect Montour. - if he wou 0,4 them t h e Ap ra wtionnienr Dill they desi re d . „. thd war of 1812. The sloop was loaded with po- . and were only prevented from either brell ''"' ll ...,g I lathes, and manned by an old man and lots two their pledge stelae dojo; went 67 now 't ie ” boys. A British frigate hove in sight, antl l eo4l pr. l .: , Ce ^f `Sl' .. " . ' t I the first lieutenant. tramp 111 was a. (mud, by theet n and sung tint to who bad reason to fear that they were trencher- ' the Yankee boy, who was lolling on the sloop 'oils, and who therefore. declined adhering to the deck,—"Strike,—you Yankee Doodle" The boy bargain. 1 • „ mom , thera l _ looked . ro . upd;— . 'who shall !strike? There's n . ci- The fact is. th l e "DemmiracY” body here but feyther, and if I strikelum he will selves to the Justin order to be taken in as . part- at.„,a Lark • ~, We that ~. . . eslam. e fancy, Quatueuum tiers in this_fraard, and now denounce as criminal and,the Chivalry will not strikewhile "feyther" what they were trnxious to attain last winter.— gta .. ai )is herd to strikeback.—'-an. Coo. ' Their failure to secure tbe opt, obje is no moon why they should now do ciffor which I there is no precedent in our history, and which will produce nothing but ndditional discontent In the erotica of country immediately interest- FOR SALE. FROM WASHINGTON FROM RA.P-RISBURGE ed. • To day, Dr. arothers presented the Senate a petition from Birmingham, asking for the revival of an act relative to the erection et a 'bridge over the Monongahela river, at that borough. Mr. Walker, of Erie, read in place a bill for the relief of the heirs'- of Wm. Ramsey, late of Cumberland county. Mx. Robertson, a bill providing for the crec- Lion of n House of Employment of the run Beaver county. The bill limiting the time, within which a scc- I and action of ejectment may be bitrught, after: final judgment in. an action of ejectment, was taken up, amended, and panned finally.. In the Douse to day, no business of any im portance was done. Mr. Bigham presented a potion for thel revival of the act to authorise the erection. of a Bridge over the Monooptiela at Birmingham, and Col: Robertson and Mr. Walker, petition! on the name imbject. Colonel Robertson also presented a, petition for Free Banking, and the Meat of small. . notes. , Walker received a telegraphic jlapatch to day, announcing the death of orwof ;his chil dren. lie has obtained leave of absence for a few days, and by thin time ban started tiome.— Bin numerous friends in Ilarrinburh, will follow him with their warm Mid heartfelt sympathy. The Governor has appointed Camuel,Hazard, I Eng., of Philadelphia, to prepare the revolution ary documents, and colonial records flarlpublica- Dr Qtresse. Ilnarusanko, Dec. 21 1651. In the Dense, Mr. Fiffe read in place . , a.bill in: (operating the Millers' Run and Cron Creek Valley Plank Road Co. Mr. Broomall read in place a bill to risitloriso tne Court of Common Pleas, to change the 15.202C3 or persons. A bill of this nature is needed, as the appli cations for is change of names are numerous, ant occupy a good deal of time in the Legislature-- This bill presides that the Courts may change the names of persons, at anyltime three months after they are petitioned to do so, notice of the aipplication, and the decree when made, to be published in one or more newspapers. The fee iS the decree shall be $10; $2 to go to the Prothon otary, and $8 to the State. Mr. Bighorn read in place a bill relatiretothe claim of John MTadert, of Pittsburgh. Mr. Blaine, a bill to incorporate the Watts burg and State Line Plank Road Co. Ste. Reed, .a bill tonuthorize the School Direc tors of Concordtp., Erie county, to leyy an flti ditional School Tax, itisub-idistrict No. 5, for fie purpose of building a School House. Mr. McKee, 'a bill to authorize the Commis ssioners of Jefferson county, to lease a portion of the public ground, in Brookeville, Jefferson county. Mr. Bigelow, to incorporate the Mt. Pleasant College, ‘Veitmoreland county. In the Senate, Mr. Robertson presented a pe- • .• .. • • , . tition from the members of the bar of Lancustm county, for the extension to Lancaster county of the Equity Laws of all Courts of Comma Pleas. The bill to tax the York and Cumberland rai run] company, has been tinder discussion. in the Senate. A bill was reported from the Finance Committee, which fixes a tax of 25c per ton, for freight, and 15e per passenger, carried from a point on the Susquehamm ricer, opposite Har risburg to York. Au amendment has been offered by Mr. Car son, fixing t'he rate of taxation, at three mills per ton per mile, for freight, and 10c for each passeuger. The distance travelled is about- till miles, fsom whiclf, you will see how great a dif ference there is, between the charges in the bill, and in the amendment. Atpresent,theprospects indicate the passage of the amendment, .. A proposition is before the Legislature to al low the York and Cumberland Railroad to' con nett with the Central Railroad, in Perry county, a few miles above Harrisburg, and of course, on the other side of the river. Should this privi- lege be granted, it will give the. west a coutiuu -1 ous line of railroad communication with Hala -1 more, shorter and safer than she now has, for ; this road would obviate the necessity of twice crossing the Susquehanna. The hill will be stoutly resisted, as it would affect Philadelphia very prejudicially, nod would doubtless diminish , the revenue of the State works.. • To-morrow, being the 22nd of February, the Farewell Address of the Father of his Country will be read in the House, in the presence of the Senators, Governor, and Heads of Department,. The House this morning, determined to adjourn lonumliately after the reading of - this document, Which is at once, powerful, patriotic, and price less in value. • Gem Houston will be here to day, 1 suppose, and will deliver a speech to morrow evening, in the 'Court House. Sam is "good looking," and he may ••gb in" for a nomination for President, deepite the efforts of some of the Loetrfoco lead ers. Below, I send you a rerbotior copy of a petition presented here the other day:, Whearas we the Supseribeia have taken in Coositeration that we have been Presset with I paying State Tax for a number of years and Cannot See no Ent to it and therefore we would wish the Legislature to find means and weal if any the hare to pay the State Dept without pressing the Labouring People and if .the Can not find - such wens, we will agree together and will keep Township meetings and County meet ing and Bind ourselfs not to pay one cent of State Tax we are alwayeivilling to Support our government that is to say to pay County Poor nod Road Tax but by Paying theia state tux from the firtft beginning we have keept up a Certain glass of Idel People and Therefore we wish the Legislatuie to Take their our few lines into eta sideration, for if the Carrot find no whale Relieve us we will be obligeu to stop paying State Tax all at once !" • `Du Qcuar. . . JL)IAICA.—The cholera still lingers inthein tenor of the island, but has ceased 'bo nVoduce any muicty - in Kingston. The journals aro dis cussing the propriety of inviting the immigration to the island oftrce blacks from the United States, to repair the scarcity of Jabor which ex ists there- A work is now in press in Kingston, which is designed to present the advantages of JAlSUBleelttl an asyloin for the free negro of o f Unltal States. It is intimated that gorcniment may offer soma inducements to the colored im migrant. , , , Fro. pa:wood's Mose:tine, MINGABIAN MILITARY TI=L rut rIEND . S It was dark night in the town of St. Thomas. Sot a star was visible. Well was it that the - heavens saw not what then occurred upon 1 • earth. Men who had grown gray together in love and ! ' friendship, dwelling in the some street,ausder the; very so= roof, who were bound to each other by ties of blood and kindred. of 'gratitude arid duty, who were wont to share each other's exterminatine, and to :11 their sods with .. • blood hatred agairlst.these wholead 'sever wrong, • ed them. It was St. Eastaco' da`y. The Baitzen* ass enabled in the church, to worship Ood, as they • said. But no words of Gott were there, nor eel emu" organ notes: wild voices comotineed up preaching horrors, and the sainted roof resound ed with strains milieus of strife. The town's-riople were [magi:a Those r,,/ amongst them who notice that their, neighbors' windows were lighted up, and who saw gloomy faces hurrying to the church, said to themselves, ..To day the Raitsen hold high feativah"iaad thought do more of it, but went - their ways to bed. Towards midnight the alarm-bell sounded. the doors of tho temple opened and the nectar-, nal revel began. Withwild howel the excitedmodiburst into the' houses of their sleeping neigbors. It was as though they had some ancient and inveterate :•• grudge to avenge, so Servo and bitter was trio s fury with which they murdered all whose Win- - down showed no lights—the token the Saitseit .hati adopted, lest by error they should assail each other's dwellings.' In two hours the Magyar population of the town was exterminated, wititthe exception of a ! scanty few who escaped in carts carriages. These, however, 'were , pursued: and when the !I . uproar in the town, the sounds of w strife and la mentation, and the clang of hells, were hushed, •I i cries of agony and despair were still heard, ie..- ing at intervals from the adjacenteountry, hides, stack fast in the treacherous awnnips, were overtaken, and the lii6klessslfugitives lessly butchered. At last these: heart-rending • ' sounds alslllceased. Voices of complaint were ! no long r audible, but iu their stead, ia ma I re than one quarter of the illuminated town were !I heard music, and dancing and nicrimene. 1 s It was long pastiddhight when a cart drove through the streets of St. Thomas. In it sat ;1, ',- mats wrapped mills cloak, =moiling greatly at the lights in the houses,, anti the sounds of fes tivity awl joy. At Ids oion house door he stop- - . ped his horse. So Lis giest surprise, his dwell ing also was lighted up, anal within wire sounds of music, a hum of vo;ces, and noise of dancing , feet. Astounded and anxious, lie :stepped id- ' lenity to a window, and through it he beheld a I crowd of well known faces. The company, Bash- ell with wino and excitement, bang and shouted, and drank out of his glasses, and danced,madly '!;. • roans the coons. They were all ohlacquaintaus ces, and inhabitants or the town. • -• • Ignorant of the cystitis of the night, the man thought lie was dreaming. . . Presently his attention was attracted by the licentious garb and demeanor of a woman, who circulated amongst the guests with loud laugh and libertine gestures, sharing in andstimnlatieg • the orgies. At first,:ho ceuld.not discern who -1 this woman was. Then he recognized her. It was his own wife.' "Hold!" he shouted, and strode into the room, where these saturnalia were in progress.lle knew not what to de or say; it were hard to find a word which should -express the rage that lStr_ . sensed him. "Buhl!" he thundered out; every fibre quiver lag with fury, -what do you herd" • _ The guests stood agaat nt that apparition of wrath. The boldest started at sight of the man, as he stood amongst them terrible and deadly pale. Ile went up to his wife, a dark hairefl, black eyed, red checked wanton, who stood n4:rif turned to atone. Ile fixed his eyes upon Bela with a deadly gate. 1' • ' , On your knees!' • The woman stirred not. . . -On your knees, wretch!" vocitrated the has. band, and struck berin the face, so that the fell to the ground. "Hold, dog." was shouted on all sides. The Raitzen rushed forward, end the man *as seized by twenty hands. Ile struggled against them, grasped the throat of doe, and relaxed not hid dutch, even when thrown douns Q.l hralnplea ', under foot, until he had choked his adrersaty to death. They bound' his hands and thrust him into a corner. The ltaitren formed '-a circle around Sim. . "What would ye of me?" be asked, theblood flowing from.his mouth. . —What would we' Look .teround you.' Sec. you not all here are Rdtzent" replied a tall dark brewed Serb, scowling stornfally and cruelly at' the sufferer. . , "And 1 a Magyar. What then?" "Ask thy neighbor., !last' thud not beard that tosilay is our festival? The festiial of the t a;-' termination of the Magyars. ' You ore ores' the lost in the town. All the others are deed. As the last you shall choose the manner of your death." "So you are the executioner, Basil?", "I? I am the chosen of my people." With indixribable loathing, the Maus" suit in his face. ;.•Scoundrel!" yelled the insulted man, floc this you shall weep tears of blood." • i.Weep.. It—who ever saw me weep? Ton may slay me, you may torture mc, or tear mu limb from limb. There are enough of you to dpi it. But weep you e ska:l not see me, though you burst for impotent rage." , . ..Weep thou shalt, and 'tis I will make Steel Know that it is 1 who seduced your wife; one fur whom she betrayed you." "That is thy shame, nor. fi mine." siAll thy kinsmen are slain." "Better that they should lie in the street than breathe the same air with thee." ,ifThy property is annaildlated." • •,if.lday God destroy those whodid it." "Truly, thou art a cool fellow. - But-4you had a diinghter,—ti fair and innocent dila"! - , George looked upon his tormentor and shads detest I think, was her name," confined the, Serb, drawling, out his words with a refinement' ' of cruelty. "What mean yet:" asked the Bumbling fa ther. : • . "A comely maiden, by my word. Fair to 100 l, upon; is she not!' "The devil: seize thee! What next'!" "So young and delicate, and yet—eis husbands:, Bard' to choose. Your Trite could not decide, to which she should belong. I stepped in and settled the matter. I married her—to all sir." 'He burst into a fiendish laughter. • Mute-apdgiddy with horror, the father raised , himselrfrom the ground. • "I am . :sorry,". continued the Serb, "that you ars not here for the wedding." "May God's justice fall upon you!" shrieked • the wretched father, eliding his tears. But tke , T ermite' heart overpowerod . the pride of the mgt. :He fell with his face upon the ground, and went tears of blood. "Lift him up," said Paeil, "that we mary see him weep for the firstotime in his life.— Weep a little.• George, and yon, sot, tune pp • your pipes, that he may have accompaniment to his tears And thereupon the drunken band begart,to . :dance round their with shouts of tanghler . and scoffing gestures, striking and kicking him, , as they passed. Now, however, he weptno 'prig- • er lie closed his eyes and- kept silence; coin ring the ill treatment without sign or sound s of complaint. "Away with him!" cried "Throw t into the Garret, and put a sentry oder him. o • day we have celebrated his daughters weddi to,morrow we will drink at his funeral: night; friend George." He was dragged up to the garret, and Inc ed -- in. Where they throw him,!therts he Icy, nus, tionleas upon the tluor, us though . all sensagon bad departed.frous both body and soul, apinn; the hour of dr.;dll, • thatit Was near at hand.. For a while the daLing amazing , ing continued; then the Serbs departed . tu sleet, nod all was .still. Ilis eyes were unvisited by slumber. Yet a little while, he thought to him self and eternal repose will be He lay with his senses that benumbed, think ing' neitherof the past nos of the future,:when he heard annale at the garret window. Through, the darkness be saw a while figure pass through the mall, opening, and grope its way towards him. Was it a dreandror are:Illy? The figures a The assne of Mainea is mtemyrnosis fort, , "A genius Crerrinewte, under Losrelst 1., tramplankel a las., number of Selo from the arkrent Rosa. An Lil:llAl7. Ileiree tho name Lanz, r`e - eo Mina - - 7IIn nrb knit Miami Me pound m their Gertraill Monier neiaLtrors.. Isolated Punt. of murder, for. peratod In the kerb s . atainst the Madan not ( true who inhabit that district, sCne kanska. or mown of wiri , - tetsreon the Danube and diens end led thiiiiear l 0 tem , ' of sonamue nett as our age bat tartest never sce repeated. Thu commons's:and of honititin m t , • ' ....s.lavodtiallisetthus ranr, siiihkais4 restrained hatadriMbili" Southan lance thinkfor mark,l the risien inf Cs: Srlarniskin rens from tlie lint as ono of the tiloais. • est charmer, In which at tinier was both meow and sin,— lio nrolutsw of mint= torno—the Lsnat knack Berth, Um cannot—is harkened with Ands horrible arerst.e. ea nate the deb ituar . to &oral in the rorlicats and Ins caejoinrtmlic ind CO. would - fain hate Mind thwi moon on both eisleiiag eet 1, eist ramp:el y. tads a hope is ()Inkier were nor can the efis luctcrian indulke ti Vitlintit falsifying the - troth. A.N. bonbons perpetrated which ".• call to mind the ;Immo ant liatisof the eltivericniA fume.. Like them; tin AVIA. Wert, watt , re :fit!, an of torture sot : monies-, like them they =min their tiiihnlipy Viet:m.la , einsoly onderrotil th o itrwalfel nolo of moment, Orolook - Mg the trweThett foam kb to death with a re,,,,ement. df , 9 9,919 r,. hi , . them. thely littitititti the deeds of boon, anis honored their exisconanns rateneie. • Each. utthcard as:L..loo inevitably =llea Ferth ntalliation. Maned. • 0.04 beano teemed asntrx ,e,:euees!'—tairlth. • . ar 111,10 *Mt., 1 - • .•