The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 24, 1851, Image 4

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rroarbqtotOuratxtol,Ma4 d r 4.l '
A Leaf Prim a SchooimadM4 Diary.
" Please sir," said she;' "let me keep
this pl ' for .my sister."'" The dark days
of to r - had set in • the chill blasts of
Nevem Or were tearing ruthlessly from the
boughs of the forest the last vestige of de
parted summer. The stga of bards were
no longer heard to echo , aghr the grove,
save a plaintive note hese and there, utter
ed by smile. lone wanderer, who:seemed
rather'pleised to stay'and sing hisreqUiem
over the graves of the faded flowers,- than
seek the comforts of a more.congenial sky;
like somo poor broken heart, that weeps at
• the grave of a departed friend.
I was, engaged in teaching a school in
the town of —. Looking around, one
morning, for a seat for one who for the first
time had made her appes . ranee in the sehool
room, I' saw a little girl sitting at a desk
alone; and :on going up to her, I said,
a Well Maria, I see , the girls have all
partners but 'you; we shall have to [ give
you one." " Please sir," said she, ::" let
me keep this Place for my 'els' ter ; shelf/ill
• lie liere next Monday, and she told Me' to
ask you . if I might not keep it for her."'
; • There was', so much sweetness in Maria's
'.. voice, and no much kindness in her looks,
that it was impossible for me to deny her
her re4nest. . . i .
The week passed, Monday morning came,
and Maria was still alone at her I desk.
" Dear Maria," said I, "where is your sis
ter you spoke of last week?" "Oh; sir,'
' she replied, "she is sick, and could not
come today, but she will come as. soon .as
alio gets well." . Seeing, the., tars start in
her eyes, I turned anay, saying, "I hope
she will soon get well." . -. But,. ah! how
scan was:kind and- affectionate Mina to
'Loco her hopes blasted. Death—criel, .re
lentless death—like the.teintry blast which.
'then chilled the bosom of nature, Was en:.
' veloping her in his icy arms; and instead
of enjoying;; the seat which her sister had
prepared for her r sha was loin& to find a
resting place .in the bosom of the cold
earth. .'
A few days passed, and a messenger,
came for Maria; her sister was dying, and
wished to' see her once more. She went,' l
and on her pale, cold lip, imprinted . her
last fond kiss, ere death had completed bia
- work.
A Coffin was made—the windingsheet
' was-prepared—the bell tolled—and we all
left tluischoolanom to follow in the moarri=
• fal•Foca4on. The coffin was brought into 1
' . the open air and uneovered t ho that all the
little lieo.ple might see what a change death ,'
had made upon one of their number. The 1
procession:then moved Slowly and solemnly
along to the silent 'resting pike of the'llead.
We too mingled our sighs with those who I
• wept that -"rile was,to the, grave so soon'
gone down." '- ' , ~ • ;
Who is it that lainot wept at the grave'
of a kparted friend? As we passed silent
ly along among the habitations of the d'ead,
we thought of, the solemn scenes .which
have here transpired. May not this be.
, said to be the great line which separates
"'' , the-two ' worlds. Thus far may we follow
' those. who have taken their departure, but
I . no ftither. Hdre we may look upon them
for the' last time, but must torn; again to
conflict with thit ills of life.
What .heart-rending scenes may we not
suppose_have - here transpired; and is it not
to be feared that friends have parted here,
who have no good hope of ever meeting
-where hopes immortal are fully realised in
the fruition of eternal glory. But here
t also friends ;Live parted who hese found
consolation in the Christian hope - of meet
"Where the - spoiler Ends no my,
Ahern is *top and met
- . Pats not a7ray."
3laria wept that her sister was' not per
mined to occupy the seat 'she had' so kindly
provided for her in the school-room; yet
may she not rejoice that she is occupying a
placo provided for her in a Utter world.
"I go,' , said the bleased Saviour, " to pre-
pare a' place for you." "Where I am,
there shall my servant be also." Well
may the Apostle say, "For me to
gain, 2 .- •
I often think of Maria, and hope she
will live 'so that when death may come, the 1 ,
may.join her sister in that 9 •
Warld $o tar,
Sorrow and death may not enter there ;
Time dab riot breathe on its fadeless bloom,:
Beyond the'elond, beyond the tarab,"
There may we all meet,lo enjoy a blessed
. . .
Simplidty of Faith.
The simplicity of faith was once Mintz
ed to, me in another and a very different
' , inner. .
' I. was preaching my ordinary. weekly lee
tZin the evening, when I was sent for in.
g"2e haste, to visit a woman who was said
to 4 4 4ying, and who very much desired to
see:::. I closed the service;as soon, as . I
coul4raid,went immediately to her halite.
She v a member of my church, whom I
had lair,' a veLy well for years; with whom
I luid s vn . acquainted ever since her first
seriousaquessions, before she became a
- couirinkant. As I entered - the , 'ream
where :se lay, I found it filled with her
friendiori bad gathered around her. to
see her ' Making my way through .the,!
midst 'ten, I reached the - side of her
and "Ind her _apparently in the last
2 ales of ith. She Inza,boUMred up in
'her bed: fattigfor breath 4 al m ost eruffixa
ted . by the )theta; and thevrhold bed
shook, -by aIS pitation of ker)feart.,Whicli
seemed te be Wng her to . pieces. 144-
Pearedle•lne Ai she could not live a clear
• ter of= hinv.lsi l ia to her
'.'hlrill., ye. Seem to tigvet l y'Laick ?':•.
.. Yes, " mid 4,,0 I am' dju j g.
" And'are fou; A dy to dier - • - '
Sher lifted her e n upon trie s with i' 1 1 1 -
'an and 6x.ed.P2eand4wldulwith g
. t
difieriltyishe replhai :L , 2' .. : 2 .
. ."Sir, : God knornssal ItiVntsisti hiM - 7
at his. word—and--tam uot f,
.. ..ratil--., •to
6Q'''.l - .. i '..,-... ... ,
It' is ,new - definhiMs of 'f.4h. "I
have taken - hi s Pl T
. at Ward" at stuck-me
in an instant as •
plies faith.,''.'" God
knows-I have - taken . 1 - 11 his
lam not afraid to die. - t was ; r.:% the'
thing for her to say. I s oftt the,
'to flunk what else could she 0 ~„t . t , _
would lieu, - expressed_ eh mue ....r.
I prayed some-four minutes, by il , ik.l.
.side, recited to her some passages of God's
Word, and was about to leave liar foti l ao.,
ment to her friends, whom she se ed.
anxious; 6 'address. She held me kthe
liandi iini , uttering a word at a time as
she gasped for breath, she said to sue:
"I'vrant to tell, you-'•--ti]dt I can—frut
-inGod—:rwldle—l am! dying... You lure
• — o ften , told me::.••=be Would not--forn4
me. And now—l find- it it true. I! am-c
• at p . I peace._ ',. die--willingly—and happy!.
-IDA few minutes I,left her, uttering tv
her such, promises of the deviate.' as I,
deemed most appmpriate. However, Ebel
du not ai.e. i
She still lives: Butthat expression oil
her faith h glei,
as been of t benefit to me:
It has aided me in preaching and in con
versation with inquirnglainners very often:
It gave me a more simpl si L idea of faith than
I ever had before. It put aside all the
mist of metaphysics,' 'claire:id phi , ,
lOsophising. -: It snide the whole nature of
f a ith plain. Everybody could - understand
it 1. , "God knows, I have taken him at hie
Word.°4—Pastor's ad*: . • , -
• 1 ,
. .
. ,• - .
There is a carious em in - India, which.
shows the action of fear upon the salivary,
glands. it a wrong P Carlin:U*4: ibd-surK
peele l
dpersons tire_ got tog*.her, and each is'
rikinired tolceep a grandly of rice in his
e a
month for a certain time, d , then put it ;
put agaill',..and, with the ea test '
certainty, !
the man wiiii had done the deed put it out i
almOst drj', in consequence of the fear of
his *rid keeping hack the saliva.—English
paper.- I
. . 3
Htironrsaqs.—We but few histori-
MA, of all ages, who • re been diligent
enough in their search for truth; it is their
coMmon media to takMon trust what they
distribute to the rabbi, by which means
a falsehood once reeei ed from a famed
writer becomes traditio al to posterity.—
• the building tbr Sixth Pre , Chorcb. Rich
nvi.o by, o w , cv, coo oat? of
o ant D.....:fish gcreet. natl. ThortdOr, the 27
tn et 12 o'clock other. Itichr
tem old any Ingonallon given • bleb may be tevitcd.
By order of. the Beard Of Tench..
.i 01132 Y. MOM Seer.
PlitsbAnb. Vett. 9A6td
a lambs remixed et atm.:Moe of the Cemol
c u en=r i nmet C'oexny;ln (Naroltern, °hie, until Thurw
do. the Illthde*f Mar. next.tox the =Oust.. miume
en end bridging.= the line extending M. Canon. to
the *OK of "IllleMledb" neer tin (Melds 11:11.o.
Plana and rpeedientiome of the work may to examined.
and .netsar information obtained on appliadlon to the
Meneer, at the Office of the Compen3 dedelle the too
cOff I.ol l o.tehlidd ' .1)
.ItOnr. CROZTEIL,See 'y.
Notice to contractor.
ed proposal...will be rewired at the afire
o Qitio and Penneybranialtailmed Ounraur In Pitte.
burgh. until Thunder. the khlt der of )lamb lent. for
l o ya = ,.. lTrae s k I:A=ttabtlwri., of
wbteined at the oak. gillaintrgh. Wu weeks prnrous
m the lettmg, to
in W. Raker.. Chief
Engineer. The emends roust be in acroulance with the
'untied fontukand eddrened to the Preaident ot the Com-
WIL DAMN:SON. J Prendent
P' Prtta . hurahjeli. CO, WWI.
North American. New York Tribune. American Railroad
JoUrnalitmhilah tour thine telg=ltd
rOPOSALS for _Erecting u. ire s
aca 'Bridge over the Allenbong Rine, appti b te ur W h
ju e
the FM Ward of e city o
place of I.lllitrorture recently dastroyel by fit ,
ca Proposals win be remised a ao
. 17 , 4t4=
fol PaiWeri t6 C* ; e U rectl b lu r irtbt deeeribed the
pattern thereof to b. the vi , to as thellanon%he.ta Sae.
with such alterstkele as bidden .rtme:,_
_IA_ the
rooters approv. p f . order ofle to bori ) ,R-4,;7,t r ..
Dior Orncr. Ds:rummy.
January 14 1851.
rR.OPOSALS eiffill be received at this De
=att:4.l s IV , the 4th nee gra Ilare
Pat d .„.. nedt ,f . ti&t , li ti tlib i li.
titatiorfor *or mei
Dep frmthe endda fO p l l o o f w Ainpgti mkt. when
acsat sr the taiment,of he
I The natter of the office and BOde in elenalar him. cot
nom •
Work hardentsl Steel. end design ate uch
manner se to admit of letters .ft 0 sues to the
month and day. with a thumb screw to keep such letters
and figures In plane Ruck stamp, and the letters comp:w
ins the same, le Os 'of the mine idle as those now =VW
tutored and it , ow. A turned male
lemd rna t bmulle of the
months thilear abbrer I d/2 ' SO WI to contafn but Jut:
rtrlfitek h l . l of 11 13J e
en.; steel. F h' iffnms,tiltred e a c y ' s ' of the
meth, from 1 to 31, inclusive. to be mashed like 10;0001
meta, and alb. dm Is=
Mao. Mono vith Au words - pile end `free" of the
.fonn of does now in due.
Also, stamps with figures dews:bag the rani of postaffa,
mid daillar pas with
tem in nse.
• All of tine mustpe to d i m of hardened steel.
Tbo bropmala lso cn separate bids for the tin
colas amp, with the manilas and dam.
Alm, for each separate piece, esintainbus the mouth mu
slsting ce>thtee letters ,
Also, for each 'emirate piece far the dors of the month.
Sisk fa eumpleursola of meattne and formes.
Also. he cook esparate piece widt the word.s 'Veld' and
.. freer r• • • . '
Also;_lor each separate piece with the eandes denoting
the ram of postage. The making at the different MU VIII
Mg, .12.11rIrt , be circa to different contractorr, but the
pnwal for the whole which to dreamt and farorablo to
the Department will be ;mended. The Department
'erred tottseif the rhea to meet all proprmils 11 the price
Ls decreed ea - Marshauk f
E mimesis of the various kinds of stanilW required ein be
Men id. tho appointment Oise of this - Department
Japilawit N. lii. LULL. Postmaster General.
Proposals for Chain Cable Iron.
• ISAR Acrertt Orrice.
irtznylattet. Jonuory r ^Z.
Zo ß ?as PCi to g r A thol " : e i ate d i n roft t Pb..t .
aimed *office untiletootk of 31mulay, the Ilith Febro
,W,lttrer=4 W,olgeVe ' , 'S si t t
[Vet Yn r LV.
irou .. , 11bItel to tho tellowtosr [able. 010
a IL'
of Whoa.
T . 12.1f .
• Mill
---s-e - e '
z •
E.-i z triptl - 1
l : V!
4:kr giskles, nth
ealjts. .14*'"
.2;rr A - --
I F --
fTotal. I
. 4:
Lit. eforat whet tab le ~,a m eet be
of the veto
beet ratan! of Aetna. emonficten, free from ho
tura of inept tram it must to hammered from
to rough tom fur the links men then be ea.
piled, mad lolled to emit on inch in thickneen then wen
cut, I,and rolled to the required sew and m i ni,e
Mun o . zeefttba That pantos for the ohecklea
pram end Igoe mast all be wrought under the hemmer to
Fixes and shape. wtdob will be foradthrd to rho contractor.
The whole nine be &rend In randokt lengths, fret from
WI gave, ragged end[ u tr
Wor 001, other defects, saint to
suth Proofs nod teen es dire ct I"..otTonda.AlP.
nientand Boer may end to In all &epee& to the
Nairoatisfartfon and aptmoval of the commandant of the
Nan Yazd aforesaid or It will not be received. nor will
any Pon of the s ant iron be subantsd to test and proof Inc
lean statishotery evidence le prodund to the said commend
ant that ft baS been numufictwed as bestehen& rood
i Zt 3regal7= tI'd'AT:.;.V2I. ° I.A. e, It
e.t.d., of Ju. next for another , third of O slo mid no
the ga.trtabegreeethbee are first
of netel
.' &drone of offering to Welsh the sald Ina
Peron thould st e la further lon.artello. be neolnd to enthie
then to 6 then °lke are nfertred torne emomendtht
or wonfakoNng Wirer o fthe Navy Yard at Washington
District of Columbia
To the tom& whose offer nay to eneepled partkolaz
etheltrawings, and modele deseiptire of the parts
amf pa of nett knot of trim required will be furnish
ed, +ben the contract to pretend for excentten, sad to
which mid its must confizte
Offen t embreee the quantity required, end tbe
:otter 011,4 bit Ow peowd. and
ampee& amount of the
Sid and carded oat
Approved maven equal to the estiniated amount of the i
centrum will be required In them ner tot forth in tint
Instrollonat. end tengszreentunt In a s will towitlahrld
&gnat& otha t of effeh pomp& as collahrfel owarity QM
the of reenitmwswo of the manse- Ninety per cent.
um of each &leery will be paid by the Navy Agent at
W athing=thin thirty dare after
. p
. reeen . telon of
CM , wormed br the ,Sla.oent cz the auld
teary mug to anomputizel by a written inammatis
~ , i ta bi ffilVithe tour=
twegizantanws no
se one known to aseVtlet of ' m e ta/ '
he Wf to emowtsd, the bidder or bidders will. within
~ ,t " 0 ..„= " ehr a the , :rit t r ;Pe " It In=
novae', farnith the odd gain cable inna %we& to
the speltild ha the advertisement , or sth may be
enabadlod bathe organza The taw of the 10th of Auntie,
1646, &Wide the easel:Wel= of ell prowengs cotoasts
I= 'el.e.,:i cautioned to coder. Ofeir gfrr.
0 alto, , that cher they be iii... 5... ft.
other b=it uA ;Yr. , Utz to ono ant cmir bents
" Inter. coy mat y soda omfortnity with this Wl
lendwarn.t. in ent•rj , par tk.l.r. mitt. beconedered or re
&nod , . 0
the Wain e Bureau of thinicit...em klullo
eeetlgepair. Thep:noon whom offer may be accepted
wall he tined fuel a contrect moor .d lenient snare
"7 efferin see directed to do d os*. the pen dace
sow whose the manta shell went for menthes , -
And reptirod to make their bide seeconiniz to the form
hereto aid. - J. 11 . ULTIMA'. NOT Una t
ah l
byTirree h 13 : r ifort: al be e .d llver d' a t
t:Na g* ry 'L Yezd vi
W W 4 thanes of Colombia to conformity with
the ed the ancertiamentwithen IV hoo f Aerti:
a13.41= Ate kw iniat of% ve j ry IX:Nullity
4** MeziffeCtlna no the nth of --- cents Tor
re agfa u a r tht-7edildeetre to be Wrath. ththciSh
it. ;nn. ' dun .1.-...—, ant the marmot to be wit to
the Tlngtollt M. ----o- nx erscatzon.
Very crectitar, }oar obedient arrant, AA.
To .il. Ltthaoraien. ,
• . wgir i=met,'"h=ll.l..---,. In the Bute
Sct-a beretin enenntr that:ln nee the foregoing
a y,,,1 -o-1.1 manted ......--. tell, within M. dert
ez;senslyt of the eoniract at the prat odes dengue° .
It tz , a u smliez With goal ad enticicht lorretica to
aim eau Leon therein spedged,lo eonfermity
ind pee "Vthe edvertizement under width the Bald
C. D. .
, thereby 41L, i 2,,.. E. P.
TR ff, pes 0.,, .„:" It the tort of my knowlesite ,at . l
.. ON.V.lfkas an psaidaml n....
' Essedene ep 1,, ;&,,,..., O. 114.0 Agent.
"Projesels for thain cable InVir
_ E • KW' STOCK OF PlAii.%. •
A A. Jaw 11.114110 r 51 Wool otroet, tiro
twOoootivell an. wok splendid soortosont
C5 . :_n5005.n0w owp sod tooly for Ns. doll
Loopotocxobrs otot nmvn im eeto of Iltopll, . 2 . ...._
frioodsksVs Ofieslog. Am, uk76'. • •• •• .
,t, 6.,0, nolo. Yroary poolon aa naa book',
lekratar 1150 1 ./......4, ~.' .
iif= l . l;44.
.t-STFto. grom.-11.
, r a f,,,,1 tho 1 ~ 11.511 6 AWAL . E:0011 . yr.
RUGS—In stare alai for Bale by the sub
weber. all or ten t.
ihdphilni sad !Metal. of Norphia..
lioze Sbellam
Epoota &Mc
Dun Azablr..
• •
• Otua Ceraraser. B. N. RICKITILAIIAII,
-IbCl „ . corner erse4 er4 sixth cu.
tsk nem TEA;lmams
•■• &Awns.; In tbe. Maroon& nil the Out in - 44
hues tbin Is no we, but op:wilier foes,.
°", .= * ohninir i. i . lwarSelit [teemed per lb. .
TN hart Into the do
flnienTiserson ll =Zno
rettikel fresh
Two &Mile
neirioaro...mybliwit Ihrsopenior to Pletnielsr.
Ia rosserntencores. tomb= pee ow two wr -three yeas%
end rei Wein to won wiewpow:Wella trip te well in
istellimMhe sa In el 010 , 014-lis to UM Ise will keep
VOil 9113111 iiiitthe
Penn Maud Life Insurance . Co., Philad'a.
(Me J. 04 , ...1 , 1,) 3CI Liberty Meet.
06 better ernavereenne of worm sostilna Ili the
lower part tithe My. the egret may alao be (mod .hur,
twroi to 12 sad la 3 tielach. at the emoting roue of
Pcboormakert Ca, Ito ocel street, where all newt
th to =fell eg d a=rgr ' lrtitp=
bear to of I.llolumesace;weet bleak forms furelwheil ou
" Cap shwa - ofrc 53.10,000 and earottantly Irierearlair
pvslel m rhe=l . llr i nfl i thore lamed] fur'
td Inland Transportation
Marine, Fire, an
TeFEE Insurance Company of North America;
Phlkulelphia--Chartereclll94. Ceptialssoo.oo o . & meta
ary Lk 1551. $1,001.554 50. Will make lactirince 00
tatiLitimk ead that cmitekta in tole city Mal eleinity: aLei
Arthur o:Cofftn, Pre'l, Thos. P. Cope,
Samuel W. Jones, John R. Neff.
Edward Smith, Diehard D. Wood,
John A. Drown. William Welsh,
Samuel V. Smith, Francis HosUm'.
Samuel Monks, S. Austin MMus.,
Charire Tel/v., Wm. E. Bowen. ..
Ambrose. IMte. George Aspinwall.
Jamb SI. nom., James S. Dickson,
S. 31orrtsWaln, 11. D. Shernink, ter T.
nista the oldest Donnas.° Comltanri.thb.ltme Dita
and from its high standing, long ex - fieeliin , eiersiili* .... i f/
and Rankling all risks of DO extra hasantents ebanole.r Lc s .
" 000"1.'"i
" 0 ff'r lVLl,Trs ' i 7.701,2, the g. gr"
Au ~ .o. tot Froadelreet._
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
Agent for Pittsburgh, SAME. D. TOWLE,
Office, et, fagot. Emltheeld.
Pamphlete containing all necegeary Information emu be
obutlinel at the care. jalittia
Delaware Mutual - Safety Isusurance Co.,
CHANGE, on Thin! eh., Philadelphia.
llowlua Statement or the Affairs of the Company.
?I';`'L l a%°: (L".2="11`.1:
On Marine
xrd Inland Rink,.
Earned Crean alum during O.
On Maine and Inland ..... 3319 . 4,112.14
On Fir. kinks • -
Lnoses, Expenses, tr., during the Sarno t
tbssine and Inland INlSTlgstion Issess..SI S ILT
Fire Losses
Profit sod .....
Rao. Prradofirr
Agency a.m.
The ARnea of the Company Kee as follows: •
Rood, Mortaxgro, und Uroutut 1,.14.3.1
$1.2.000 United state. Na io.o cent Loan cdtiott.2s
20.55d. 0 0
SIAOOO Prrirutibranis ..... ."" "
6,06 u
1.0.000 Philodellielty Six ° 0 .....
$5.000 Spring liaritro Six ° 4,50.10
100 Shur. hentoy Irani. Rid! Road Compton . - - 6. 00,00
Union Dank of ..... .-....... 1.110/X1
C. 3 Merchant. end ,11.enufacturre. Bud, o
6 " Phll.delyl,.no4lbarndetlrxe Strom
Exeloinre Utdopour IVO
&rip end Stock of Rimier Untold Lori...nee
. ....
................. ..... ..._....... a•i.:ll` , Z
101noet due
hexane. lu the lamb
ino ocf Autvleysaul Prluxr
on Mpdtot Vares, rr ........-.
OWA O -O . M
Euletri :Not. 1 d.
• -••••—•
tinkLuni l kt 4th. 1650.
The Dowd of Direolnor hank this daT deelared•al T le teua
of aix. PEA CENT. In rash. on the Capitol Stook. and SIX
PElt LRAM on the Eiti, of the Cqoanank, pals ble on and
after December Ist, Iggd. Also, diTiatint of TES PEN
CELT: to fain.on the Capital Stock end Darts.l Poeta.
mm, Cent-la - ate, fur toblob gOl i.e Vrnied no state.
1,16K1 4 34 ,
WWI= Martin, William Folgrell, J. O. Johnsn.
Jt.^Plll fool. John S. Xealin, Samna i. Stotts.
li. A. ...tondo, M. IL M. Huston, Jeutulg Indust,
John C. Davis, Jgrua C. Hand, S. 0111000.
it Dutton, T. Pouldlng, Chas. Kelly,
John It- Penrookx 11. Jones Brooke, J. T. Logan. ritteg.
S. Divan!, It. tlkan. M T. 51•0000.
0.1,1100. Won. E)re, ' flash 0000.
Dome It. Daeis.
. . WILLIAM „MARTIN. r”mont,
THOM? C.IIAVD. Thuile - getout.
.Tostra W. Covet, Soctonntt•
!lithe Art theorportdinnthin Cotritatiy , the partien !nea
ring property thOgin are entitled to ehar e 01 the proton
of the thntitationo wi t hout eintinectinn them-nth. to suiy
liability beyond the premium pead.
no Capital :to-A and Subvention :Nolen are by
the Charter for the tartment of laden lad the pnitlita of
the Company are diniet:d to be ov a arded and rirtnam lit the
pr....40v of the Coryo.ration. fund for the further
entity of the anieurod. Thin fund sill he reprevinted g
Serita-bearing en intereet of nix per cont. divided amon
the intend end Stockholder, pro rata. upon the amount
of earned Penniman nut Capital Stock
' Pltleburith Aganey. tin Water strict .
State Mutual Fire. Ituairafice
Harrisburg, Pa.
THE rery liberal patronage estonded
tht....VAAT,llo.ving blond ohdes to the umlaut
ar One and • Uhl( Millions of Dollars. during the loot
three months. 511,mM:fent manifestation alto cremation
andernatlelence of the public to the Piston of 13,11:AW . MeA ,
on tileh Ina business, is cianducto.l. •
To city or eausitry merchants. and menet, of dwelling,
and isolated and country property. it it beli•Ted this 0.-
n.o . afford adrantsures In want chearares,sandp. Kai
s, orityl nfrlor to lA, ItrrAtlnet Company to this country.
Cordoned sm the
0144. arci grossly improsni ea ,teln
of Molt:v.-Oka e l 1.11.14, excluslin; oil enmial hazards. in
:I'll l'artt •• limited
add afoul IT;
at. on both the cords and Mutual Plan, it toot only recer
rit,s the Cheep:R. and accommodation of both metholh
bet entitles the in until to • participation in the profits.
It I, ender the control of the [uprising 1/11venne—John
P. 'Rutherford. A. J. Gillett. Jain B. Pack,. S. J` no,
A. J. utuarrr, Evcikluy.
A. A. C.taam. ArtuarT.
granoblon fox STrotorotPosTolosalo... s4 .l .m n i t t l r u t Pmar'''''"gh•P'"'"."4"1,':ati.
p vitt. b001..0 of tOo T g
a" .1 7— -
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
AFITAL $300,000. R. MILLER. JR..
rill C e p. re Mahal all bile'. of rLite, Fire arta Monne.
All (cm. , will be liberally mambo' promply
A lux. in.itit.t.4.—mitasgra ki n who
1r.110712 In thoecommunitY, mot Mo.. ere determined by
MoMptmens 5.11 J liberality to melutam the ehatictrr whtch
they Caro wanted.. rarriug, toe ten to
who ddire bo Ruth&
ragorom-11- Ilider. Jr., Gan. Mock, J. W. Butler, N.
Holmes, Jr, Wm. lb llolnuot. C. thrown, tleo. W. Jackson.,
Wm. M. Lion ‘ Jamoo Lidpicrott, (boom. Nude. emu.. )1
"44..AV.'aitft'.7-I.l.4t,l%,trellourtt ers..s
Up MAIM) PittatiFxl;. _
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
CIIANOE, Mr., Philadelpha.
par. jorcamerc.—Building, rerrhontliz sured a andh:haer
t=gor&jtortlt the to and = rat'l of Immlntn.
Maims limmoct —They nismure Vetoed, Carr.,
and a t tbreign comtwire, under op. Mectel
college, at the,
may belie.
Inhale TZASSriIICATION.—Thc, also msulr ',tombstone.
tranmorted by Wagon. Itail road car, Canal boat, and
Ittnrn boom, on riveraand Wu, on thommt HATA tent..
DtlLlVlOliz—Josepti Sral, faimual A. !Moder, John C
Mott, Robert Burton, Jolla IL. Penn., tbonuel
tieurVe C. beiper. Edward Derlington".loottc Dmie. C.
sk,.. laugh C raig , demote Serrill. tipe mer 51e11osin.
Charles. J. ti. Johnson, Wert. Han Pr. B. Thom.,
John &Ilea, Wm. Fare. Jr. •
PITTeCtIU3O—D. T. Morgan, ilugh Craig.
John tr. Logan.
.11mMs. Preeideul. 11104. CALVIN. Vice Pred.
dent. Jualut W. Comm, meretorr.
ild - Omlnt of the Company. lbo. 42 Water street. Phutburgh. loce:ltt /'. /4AIIEIRA. Agont.
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a..
PIREOTORS: Charles W. Baneker, GC°.
W. Meal*, Thattllort, Mordecai I). Lew), Tabu
rom, Adolphe E. Bono, Cuomo , Mont. David O. Drown,
Jacob It. timith, Morrie Pettareon.
11110 Company continuer. tom ai., lummox . . permanent
or limited. on eery drActitltiOr. rea.rLY
counter; at nttos as beat ma courietent with security.
The (Amway hail 1..0710 a WM , manumit Mud.
Mach. MCI their Capitsl emit Patolum, rarely loseeted,
'afford ample protection to the macre&
The amen. of the CoMi.rouy, 00 January 1..1,114411,....p01•-
Halted agrAmtlf to the Act of Ametubly, 'terra. follow@
.$14117.4.18 41
IL=t .........
60h. sr—.
• 'V..W1.491 71
hirin'thar s.llK,'lULNl=drilMan
021.'1= by'rire,'Lherebe*offoMulg erideoeo of the
deardefme of losurenee, 5ky..1.1 ap4 dbe
paltiou to=at
IN, Agent
°faro fl Z. darner of WOO and Ed' f tn.
r. COMPANY, Wh a r f
131 Market Stork Newark.
. and No. IL ittart, N. Y. Amami:o4/ot &vette
I SLOCUM dividing from 30 to 40 per,cent profit per annum.
' The sabot:Ober will toralle appliestiona fm Ineuranee
lien lo the oboe* sum:tent Ineurance Com wart the whole
beiotrdit filed smon4 wand
1% I th LLIA3I V. ONEP, Area,
t_ No. 111 Food street._
CO-PARTNERSITIP—We have this day
=rest,' vitli ue. Ihmjsmln I.llutchlgna Tubag-
Das will to continued ns Imetohue, under OP M
Pith,h,rah. Jmnsry Tha;ll3Gl.—je=.llla
Ur 40 Wm. pore Itfe Whleatf- " 4, 01 014 .0 0 41) 0104 "
CO able-Old )lononettlaela illiskey, stare and tbr
sale IsT I laool -4011:: PARK 00 , St CO.
G 001) CANTON FLANNEL—A farther
supply of • Teri sopertor article at , Ittls tents for
rata! rervired at store of
IIEST BLACK TEA—Same kind Co in
.Enstan—etnall Loaf strong and fine, plestant fls
'liVar V7t'lihnblOVlVll3.lZSlurnAtati
uv 1 in\lttsburau • fals
Ir ta
44LAX—R-F-DZA.small Int far solo bp
PELTS-11?ftlefor an -10 FIELD
ALE dela" bri'RTUS.—.• tans and
bsr, for ale br DAIZEL_L“X).
EA—k--1-aD I7 -Letif Lard in brie and kegs
1.4 indlbr nen Mien DALZELL a CO,
• ph.rty greet..
rune and Sze sal. by ROBERT DnL CO.
1J Fifteen drumer 4. „B. COdfigh;
50 No. 3 theterel: 931310 o. 1 LePs nth; 10 qr.
r .50:11/selurrel. i 3 01.0
VIIEESE-49 8 bre Cream Cheese In store
and far Web, JAMES DALZELL,
No. GS Water ma,/
LA E 4 baUcbrobt TOSIIIff Byron &ad MD& Tr. ,
bb (nor boxes do. do hop, and O. Powder.
3) tom Burwell •roblbrol re's Tobacco.
ID do P. Robin Don Co.. Pr MI lib do.
3., do Cobllnno Cs Totscon
lb qr. bones Price arul II orwood'e Pm do. .
lb &WY Lou. Jan. Mamma jr. ()olden IRILI ti.
• Ima, In Imre rad lir /od bY
IC} —2o tes fur stile by
MOLASSES-30 hit&
ioWra Sugar;l,
" ”a 9
9poow GLAsia—woo iowd sizes,
nerlacart'• bred, for
iLtlAJE—Twenty burets just received, and
Vi la ago lov by tbe lama. at Adir:olv.,onolinta
5--3 tacks prime, fur aide •
mow' & meCANDIalee
FALILY FLOUR baleextra, for note by
T- Nll,--50 brie N. G. Tar for sale by.
yele ISCRIBUDGE a immint
11LACK TABBY VELVETS alf a very su
perms. quality, for boy_s*near, to be bad at the don
ja.l4 N. I.: en, Fourth and Market Oa
___ a__ .
Burchfield have on band an wsortment of above goads
a 4°. hasuoy, Welsh, and domertie dre. also, Wide Flannels
fur tihroudieg.. o . l3
• '
17 Murphy . & Borehfield b.." , especial attention on the I
above department of their borinoes, and 'svelte
.ono& clothe of any driesriPtion to Oven:feta a mil before •
numbering. jabi
- • -
ATERNIIFUGE, DB- MoLANY.'s annalartn.
y COO &row for sale bl J. KIDD kCO to Waal at
ER PILLS, Da MeLAsm's exist/lure°,
,„,,,,,,f . „ „,,1., b.,. , jell J KIDD &00
VIAL CORKS--1500 grosa fla sale by )
y Cala— J. ISIDD . & Of) '
i i , PUNGE-2 eases fuse, and 1 hale extra
•tyeosrs, for sale by ).1 0 i • J. KWh & CO
IfIiSOSiSALTS-15 bras for sale by
" salt J. KIDD 2CO
Q t; N I/ R I E S—Fißy barrels Family Flour;
I.J 5 bele Inspector. Flu= stdts One doe 50 bitslifels 'Dn.,
Appler, I bet ease) ust eeland for rale by i
call .10110 WATT & 00
.. • - - -- •
E. SELI.F.R. 4 . 07 Wool e 4, m 4 1..% for Ottabagb.;.
2., mute per truffle.
Murphy & Burchfield Invite the astentifns of thaw
- mauling
hoer boy? wear, to their susurtment of thew
an.l other Oyler of good, aod for Offs Poore*. halo
... , _
11/00L—Cash paid for Wool by
1/1 Cale moartn7a um, f 39 Liberty or. -
BROWN FLANNELS- , -One case just re
raillrfivea frni, meaufsetar.m. and for sale by -
11.1Efoli:,,,F.LfrfANNEIT---.ooue ea s s t e u ' i o u n ii i , tau . r i ! rind
- • -•-
11 LAN KEYS—Sin le and double bed, sienna
ji_p boat, elk, and coallsiehlaislota for sale by i
i -
T WEEDS —Three cases assorted Tweeds
O excised (nun noinufacturera k fa i ,
eby . i .. t..
QUMAC—'rwo tons Sumac IlAr r sale y b_yi
t.:y _
Al . . . . ' ''', !! . _F
ItiI,OLASSES--Fifty-Fire brig new. crop, per
.I.V steamer Hilton. asd fur ale S
.I. , JAM)' L ea rfs AT in
. . L, . .. ..__ _.
TOBACCO—S has No one, 6 twist. received
Per rtramer Brilliant. awl for vale he
salt', JAMES DAL2k.libi Ed Racer et.
115 half plias. Cognize Unman - Pale and Balk.'
ants C or. el, do do `Tele,`!varionn vinf..l.
10 do du. and most celebrated brand,
6 pipes Holland lilt.'Flolilltio Motor" wall -Plah."
•i punsheuns o
i risk./ :re m h 31011 Whlrkry. .
D " ) Ws: N. P.. '''' ilo. ' flu'
Z. , .5 pr. ants Port Wine. • ,
25 do Madeira Wine.
30 do tisivet 1/elasa Wine.
99 do Du do. do.
10 do 1'1,107
berry Clare.
25 boyse Bonleaus Claret.. .
In rove and fur sale by .1011 N PARKRR 2 , Ca.
sant 331 lilbertslatrest.
-- f - -
I ARD.—Twenty brie and fifteen kerrs ler
1 .. 4 sale by . de3 BIIRITER. & BJCIONY.N.
f I OLD PENS. We hone DOR on hand a
ICI Da...• rlock of the tmet bold Pens from the Indio&
tuannfeetortfoi in Ore Fork. and made espwasly sh order.
A 1.... ,heat Gold Pencil lam , and Petellolders. Weer
Coos in every variety. Porcuphse Pen Ifold , plPeati do.
All for rale wholerale awl n4all at Nen York res. ,
fle2l Wi .WILSON.
MS2 boxes revived and
Y En. sale by - de3o W. •F. WILSON.
- SSW-606 2 N
. 9 '2l
for sale br de.% J. MID A CO.
ITIL for eale br deal J. KIDD !A DJ. 7
ILLARD 0-4 bbl
- 010 IRON.—Fifty tons Brush CreeklFurnstee
I_ Pic Iron. for 'slob, I[OUI O .LITI Li t CO.
LlLeity 'nevi
- -
S UNDRIES. -6 bris fresh Roll , Butter,
ke.. Boner.
100 b. Dr.l ApriY.
Cu bra Itykrl Prather ',wry.) by
• ,s 6 IWELSON.I.triIta: a to.
'ALLOW.—Fifty bris rec.rived and for ea
sumvxr. t/LEINE.n.
Gr HORTS.---One thnurand bus juEl reeelve
r eleamorJr9l2, Ural. aud A ga/ v r , pr.
far 11:11/ lar-r or =WI nu.,. '
• w. r. MAY.BIIALL.
IOTTON. LI hale , now landing fillip the
W DKE d P ratt
hbLs ND. 1 Ler& ,
4th rm.
For sale 14 Water ella inalt etc
I I ran th.klmrul =A I ionrsani 7.111.5, guitablirix Mara
11. V in : llEl% 9 a ' : III!'
EATIIERS. 1G &wits now landing from
far niVa to Diary
. Watr a.l3.lYrmt ea_
N. U awl Time Drafts on thy Egut snd Won, Bilck.B, #c.)
1,))).:Lt and Nat
Fire•sal Ilmioe Policies isegml ms the most favorable
u; , , MU. ILthicio, Llonae of.
'JO . 1in,2,74.fz.•• 8 4 8) .
/I t ! , Ilii-111;'51:1trirrk IN Vyj TES T HE
....on. or trirrclagmls sm.] Mho, "to hi, lute smi
.... aeemrt.l slue: of w.4.,y, tllure , tinier ROMs, d Dreorrm. Ihe alto.. articim in eat.
Wool. )tprin, sod
1:Mto. 1 all ,1...... eml min, mm‘imetlyou liazici and kr
mMlolor I.) no.S.: F. 11. EATi.M.
Q ENECA:OIL.—Five twin:received, for ,ale
: tt UTTER.—Fire tots and tun jun , prime roll
-a-" "'''' " " UT °".
' ltltll.lvr.rt . a . n.uurEEH l L
11C 0. MOLASSES.—Fifty brie, to tally
11 to pule by &ZS ARBITER k MAUNA!".
IfU i'F'g BOOR KEEPLNO.—A trupPly
of Dall's Book Keeping and Wasik &Me fool b
nob) It C. STOCKTIiNi
1 li BY PEAEHES.—Three hundred . bus just
ity received and for Me by
. _ _ .. -
' supply
1 l 'iit rth. ""..
g'" : ' VtlfPgiNtlt r lMAD._
nod !l r y b i t ,. ll . 7ll7 . pz. , ineh,
1 tsl i""`"' '"."`.Pludititoste-airjr; a lit 24 V7rrelst.
1. YOLORS,-,5 brh‘ Rose Pink;
J ' it ! nee . 5r rh 'ruin' .'" TAt nod Omen,
Ford. by . job J BeIIOONMAKIdt 0 OLI
ATERMILIION —Trieste, Chinese, Ameri•
I ''' ' '''`'d d
T`'m o r 7.V.ATAKER . 0)
:"010 .tlr
V SS ENTIAL OILS—I can Oil of Sassafras;
Nfr .'l.:tire,oo 04
illiftiurtilgWal; I I=citul:,
iood.l bor. 011 of Haim just mo LULL for sole by
:ifiUSSIk BLUE—Ten boxes No. 1, for
de by ja.lo J ACLIOONNIAKFJI 2 00.
LAND OlL.—Lard Oil of a - supe ri or quality,
, _;:l'o'"iVif'2llT,idcfmltz.. w... 0 2 /Mt OA.
. . .
:lIVI OL ASS E S.—Twenty one brit; ' prime
-- ‘ •-. l, ' , '' ' '`ll.3'4" 3 "- - Vr w,azrawa and riIONEI!.!
BUTTER.—Thirty ker and six brie fresh
i ggi "°4 '''''''' " i. BT. ' tioI b ILWORTIt • CO.
(~s i l .i ilfilli-21 Lb& N. 0. for sale by
rdy .
NEV; RAISINS on consignment for stde by
Xi' l
4LO bids best ReetitiediThiskeydo Amour:id for Oslo
' 1.11 Jon.`) ratutme a co.
Al OLASSES.-25bob Sugar 11080u,.. - St.
1 llll6L'ol.R,Vallauti."4ina for ode by
CO., Liberty street.
fiREASE LARD—Twenty brls Grans . ° Lard
rtnelmt end ;or ale b 7
e. s w. lissssoau.
lIIEDITEACHES—Three hundred bus
N " h " .i " "' a 17 riT'.IWAIIIIAUOII.
1 E - A - 7 — F LARD—PriTne Cincinnati Leaf Lard
p.t pp In to, fanll7 n.... 1.20 reed Ibt was
.1n 0 WM. R. MdCLURti 41 CO.
Sc. MK , lb - antic Inritcp.paichwirn to the largest and
he iteteeted teenchnent of Thmt l'lr awl levels Carple
reef tretehhhttithit market, ilia eh...ever than any of the
:tettirel,l:4oetrn toetetV:li;eA
. 1d examine our Ana .
.410 . . W. WM:STOCK.
INDOW ribIiGINGS.—W. McClintock
rtrts...o those arlaling lopurcims . very handsome
amortmmt of Satin. Delwin, Pszok , k. of the 1.. e. WA
Irri •tYI.4 Mi0. , 1 rim... of the Comet Wan,
• Nn. 66tFourth street. 3110
PTinthq Mtrtblialmient,
LATE4ohnstLn and StOCIL - 63100, and Blank
Boos so. Elatioafery Ntnneheuve.
b. 11AT Ebilm prepared toraarot• every 'flyleaf Tergh
Catnnyerrial, i`vnbi, and titer. Boat JO Venting and Bade
Binding: end furnish every brtleit in the Blank Boot.
paper and Etationery line, at the' thortert 001105, niba
morbeyeannalyin terra. ,
Blank Book and Ratio-am ihniantee, enTrier at Market
.4 Beyond street..
Penn. Office and Book Bindery - , Na b 0 Third it Jab
i TRAIV GOODS.—H. M. Greene o CO,
Niutottninntre of Prelini and IkrmeAtk Stone Bonds
ra ,
the attention of borne to their gunge for Wise and
mince. They will offer Indooettienta in areal varlet)* of
gripe, an., to nurebuere who hey by the taaunfacturere y
wawa aamplor exhibited at their Mom No LIS Pearl
ane,-. (no gal..) le. T,ffk•
dee.Authn •
- -
att atreet,,Pittabargh. Exchange on all lb. Futon,.
au 1 Iteatera ettlea toe tale. Coltrane. tondo In on the
prinripni pine, In the Coll. hotepon all nitwit Banks
dimounterl. Notm and Theetllia neonthatag. jal4
INDIA RUBBER PASTE. 4 grnvi nf that:
corcrb article for Gorda and iihorttrretictirlog them per
, pkk E !.. i n t r yli•
.Ne Ne n lk Owe f cloth. Thia
ZIT° lattoodod for sale e vt =a"orrefttr . t.l
mot wad mmt. [.i.k) J. k I'IIILLWV.4
TEA WARE—English ‘r. American Behan.
. 1 ,, v. Bete Plated moo, Plated itaelkita. Geneleetleks.
augers =I "rivet Plated Fat uo 1/est quality hog Bal.
sum Ilarelle Table Cutlery, bilver iorte, Swoons, and Bute ,
for Kedrer, Plated and Mamas. Plher Sorts and Spoong
Table Mane MA Trays of Aur IllsAldoetla. =sunbelt...
nighty ornatnented ; Plated Trays of beautiful patterns..
A vere superior Powder for el ArntareitioCi=
ram Brushes for cleuntog,
Duelare. le
SA - Fol badttAnmSoyer's, erlsbraterAidyrk Mew.,
about Mu Flee of a Ind: taint Irlll m ate roa. .opt beef
o r . 7 tllincelse ln ew einutre.
or. Ala r". W ick W aL l eful . rtAseA IW r
U ti t.° I T= P a i lli , . '4" '
bnctlo w cill
V ' 6 r rl o s
ker La
tt ls V urrw thri mn ,.. / A li ja
kirfalllDGE a MO
Graham's Thom:We for lloreb, 01th14 4 POEM
Hoek%Rutin. for Fotattery:
trultiestor, Oct
VPhlolleeteer dc, ' c
LW* DbeOhlito • Wee:
ideoharc'e l lanate..No..2 . ••
rtome I s ee; la r ist= doUbtrt' , .
. ' Mother's RetZmpesur, Dr tirsoe Agother;
,•• thelf•Doeptor or the history a 11.. human
Ilesst by hlrs. Mho
RetrySmoot.,m by O. P. R. Juno. Poth
for aide at HOLSIPS . LitaTIUT DePht. oPloodt. tbo Podbll 01.
• : . fe
10 H. KLRHE6 take. pleamme In gm
e "Ln l r la% t o; bo o
th inbrated'4'24zask. lot 0
N vs:* ISlSsms and Dims., Sew 'York, blob with those
on hand, form the mod elegant, varied sod eststudre studs
ever offered-la Chi, My.
Ammer ethers, am eplendict ode. double =led PlOOO
Louie XIV tale, with the nee lusprovement of the tree
etriuss.',the Ist.% awl smut Insportant improvement, to be
you,W emir as units Clark . . Plum. Alm, two euperb
llolien,sittacluneut Pismo.
est..lee los of !ie., Music, embracing Jenny
~,,,,y,geyer the eboient neerriouss, Waltus, de.
4 FIUN OP TUC 11OLDLN Mita% 101 Third at.
olin, Packet, Commercial and
quarto Peat .nd C.p
ruled .Wblne and via, 44 tab. as terms at .1.1 2 • 15. S. HAVE .3
AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and
'TOTES Pte plk Notes .no/ hafts. of moat beautiful de.:
%Tit 'he." or
W. IrIaVEYSIII•ti " k Book•littimi 00. hn.
Cot Market and Second sts.
idaserhista domino/. mg Post ropy.]
KITING INK—Arnold'a Writing Fluid,
Copying NA Rod Ink.
II bert's Chemical Cold and and Ink.
liarelsotestMlombian Ink—atal and Mark.
Comm t Thompson's Cammerelal mule.
and rid.
trench Prodnii lok. For sae by
k new elasairal dictionary of Greek and Roman Mc
rgrtlirl'Ofhlltegi M r i P s It= a= MT:
by Willi
Smith D. editorof tha Metlwarim of ti tvei
itommtAntkrillieth and of theek and Raman BlogmfMl
mai DytholOgy. poked. with ratamelona correction" and
bwd u y a e l arh .. =V/ G A.L...1.1g . =Dame of the
no Life and llorywrpondlam of Lbert Bottity (.1111
by his 'MOM, Bee. Marlon COthbart Southy. St A., Co
mte of 0i 10°1: tllialwriana. Poll Wand dolly pine
portrait ,
ho. 0 of the 1..41s and Coryesposultnam of Bawd Boy.
'h arm of the Qmralla of ScolJamt. mod lengllah repave..
unetwed with the luta mrtemelno of Oreat Britain, b
Aitytel Strickland. anther of Um "Ling of Gm tllmetta of
The Decline of Poperyand Ito I.N.tram; an Addy.% deli,
red in the Broadway Talematte, nn it edneeday
Jan (Malt by Flee N. Tborray. D D.
Theater. imultwyort nweirett ma for mile:by
parD3 R.C.8111.3`0N, hu Barker at .
Mauna, No.ol Wood street hat 0. : G =.`:l
and tuckpen fur ard ,e • large arel I I
weleent tt f4e. 61. an 4 Pl
antalltrlet from the manumetory of (lackeying. &Mon, to
labia Ire inviter the attention of purchatert. Three PDr
ware Joe mmbly wad at &mon peke. emanations , extra
dtr h i wt=ttgrularaws er no?, .vi Iv all ease, •arranted.
Ulm impart payment at their fall mane
Agent. for the rate of Clackering'•rintl64 for Dort. Pa..
PIA No. ra Good street.
omEklarod Ramat. Illogranht. Mythology. and O.
graphy, portly and
pon Um D , 11,101./y of Oressk and Ike
nun Biography and M y tholocy. By Wm. Smith. L. L. D.
Radon. by C. Antilop.
Lives of Ohs sql , Lus ol Scotland and thigllah Crinarrie..
° T Agm n., Ll'arldkCorev;rpolarnit of IL &whey Edited b
him .on. the Iles. C.Nouthay. M. A. I vol. fro, must
in Dcline of ftety, and Ito Cause.
of Address. des
Beemd the }]ro a d Tabemadv on Woltnodad oven
-I"..lll=l,oed'af'OgUssie""bNy. M4Yr.II.O;I4KINS.
fc.b3 7R Apollo Fourth d.
Itt , 1 !r.C.1
lUrrrly , l)lsidro, • celebrated duett TrOin ll,
1%1 2 , TO U Yooda, by .
106 h e: ' •new long by BC Fader
Sweetly the deeps my Allot Ws. by 0. Li:Fader. "
I'd offer thee ibis hand of mine.
Come maidens vol.. or Tranddillo.
We mml Deurns yet; nomthe Daughters at St. Mark.
aat Burial. •
th e and touching
Thos. h wounded the rd tbat oved th
Den Dolt. or &Mt ye . ..rem thi ember sweet l A1i.. . :
Soiree Polka. by S.C. Fortier.
The celebrated Polka Durres
Jearidt and Jed"....-waanpleta.
Fairy quadrille.. by Mar. Errand Taabion Polka.
Dette Polka. by Dommuller. Chit Chat Poll..
Enika. 14.tawor,
Lilly quadrilley.-veryeasy and 'mitt.
Cow Qnsdrillea Bodge 010113. Ailegheriv
A new edition of Iluntenb. Iddructions fm Mono, with
rr addlikmal page. anew lemons.
Camehism'for the Plano.
Burrow'. Piano Forte Pruner. Poserived today br
JOIN 11. MELLOR, bl Wad
N. 11.-• Oooy lame dock of New Piro. arriving, and
will tesoyen "ale Om "mt.
Liwr i,,... Doot, Third street. optgolte
llenvy U.
I'. atary the
Reign a Oswego. I. By U. P. B. James, Elq.
Tins Dueled; or 'Woman's tare sad Woman'. Ilate.-•
By Mrs Sinitbstarth.
Mrs; s novel. By the sistbor or ...the _
Moose frillusneci ToJA Ith Mothers and IlallZhtrit. 15y
Mother's 1it<664.1161 , DT Grua Aguilar.
Banters' llsavalue for Jai:aura.
labia AIMILYIK fur 1151.
Nu 1 of du...4.W= lithesinathl editless of the Warerir
New Books, just received.
THE the Bible; by George
lao. I 1,1- 124 n
tawk 011out•ff T. Wog. • orcorrocuivi exhibition of Me
Orooklirammo. doigood for b. 11211071.10 Onvk. azol.fif • ,
hooka! otfroloca for sculemir *fa ily Lobel
1 vol. 12004 nom
Cheete, V"ViVOrlfBlleam"V V,TG-11..4.71.tae
1 vol. tee o. too.
!lathes kteeampenfet • •Kio.l "Qom.
BT .ll G eoloozdos' 11 " 4otlee and F.oglooe Joaroal. Sint
oungbor fun wo.rd.
Nfoleo fOotionsor of Idecbtoicants. No D.
"d"" a - e=l , . ' Vourth al
.• cocain* Lod ennui Latin lit nulich Li.liroll. found ed
oci e lacer Latin, tnnosn Lui Imo of In. 'William Frrotat
with sialitans ant tomtit°. from the Lesinuto of tionnt'
Vocciontl. tathelirr, Os-circa., by V- 4. L. Atalnuni. L L. lb
Toe maxi true. or ros ractral belog the p•rsiteui onr
rani e sod mobs oflcove' throogb the Platolvich or kiss
ahoy yWands, nod other Into of Iblyands.. By Her. Beaty
T. Cbtever, author of “Th•Whalsi .ml tint:Wore IC..
" I ' t nonin'a tarmac." , annul to home toilinutor
Ply Urn* Attollat. kincited La fur gbb, b, ..--
a ,. 9, ,k,
m =l . l'gc; , k:;TUN:l7 ILIUM irc '
hpe.'. .of all silos .ml qualities. road and plalu, Llt.
.O ' .
Histsk 110.1. of uteri . iturtintkitc op haul or mane ' to
ordrr at .boat notion. . • I
Unlit:raft, —English. Camat and ACSOlitlitb fancy .od
staple. fot. rola by IP. s. HAVEN, Stationer.
yalli Market st. corner of aeons&
seTioilun of loyal, Camovercial, latamkat, C.a. Ara
goad Printing, executed at abort noticesod In Ma
best mower. by W. IL Iticr.s.
• Printing Offionliti Thlyn a.. lataaro Market and Prrry.
f i ATIONEI4I-IV. E. (levee, corner of
to l'
Second and Market to.. hac for calf ai lop cod cam-
Otte en comrtmeot of fancy statioca7 as has aver bon
opeped In Chic motet- Ilsoluml. cupparl .1* every
exude In this line nothe mot towable term. jolt
Xet tbe Golden Harp. No. WI Mint rt..
LEllfat I. pco. ',MM.. a foreh lot
olectt4.Pienzsatalz N } Lzs i t.ettt . 7 r ph.
rlehe.t deactiptioa Dr . :Unite:AA tow. It Int/.4
.lu the Rm.. style, iv vo•oe bathe rolgn of Lout. XI:LI'
XV. Abao, • tom lot of famblotuble lota popular Mu r.
and so extetulto ealoctlon of ltram to•tratoetits, V
Oahu". Itelodscrom, lad oTet7 Tuley of totmlnd tam
NEW BOOKS.—llumbolt'a new Work,
(hawse, et sketch.. o/ Ati yokel deurtiption of the
Vie " n7ute'e nettles or MLuteseta. the Nee Ettstel'el of.
the Wrot. I vol. 12 tun
Byrne'. Mechanic.' and kostwerr Dirt Snowy. 211
liweem t . Penman These we worth r
litir Kale toy B. Ilf
loilo Apollo
4 RNOLD'S, 111BLIERT'S, 11(
G l ninne lobe.lo3lPWrol 0
, and Ilarriaon t o Black. -
uoutair, Pater., Totookinia and' lAncdoV. . JILLkiOI3II,
and Itiwrock Mack and /led /wad Peuella.
Inkstands of et,' elunriptirm; Ilion% Crimea, Prank,
Levy' Kelly t .„Lrman t * and other manufacture. of Reel
Penn U. aK. Smith / . leweetwor to A. U. Ilayley a (3a)
celebrated Gold Plib.vith gold and silver caws.
Viltartman t e tinglioth Drawing Pop—mintioariall. do.
Ma alepbaut , Miss, colnmtoler, mow week roy.l and OP'
Pb lVagrTailr, i ollidWid O l lT,
cabmen/ gold, silver and hincy colored trance. gold;no
colored eUrut end cornersjand lithonreplu for fICIU/ UMW,
prepared parehment of MI dew, imitable for WWI.. chart.
. op p 4
dtPlotomc ITruell hone Parr, always on butd; tha
inlet Mineable ninon Mew elid patterns, patio, gilt. embow
..d mimed, tunable /or tootle, own., rreddittlf , ltAd
/Moen nuts envelope*, tolairt mad enthowed; Maw meet
opeearrown, white and blue; 11.1 and plain edited/iv ere
es.tbut blue and white.
Werwir, wafer trope, varlottatterriv. *and:brawl
ttn, cocoa and Turkey bdmrrd sand botteescopring foremen
bake. torwee, Fewch and kamileh copying banks, and WI
Leper; time pall;of alicokur, red white patriot blot.
.roman m the Etatlnuerr Line,
both Pram and staple, together with a Mum amortmeut o f
tarok tort. end memorandum basks of all common terms
of rnlitog. la every Kyle of Mudicogynad paper of all new
aiod rinks; for sale It reodoeut W ntwot rum.
° ""1 / " Blrek Bonk and Stationd A VUM V lN S ouse,
holn Cower of Market :Sewed pueete.
the American IlevoluSon. .PY 3:Wed aredson. Med .
h .I.V l derc 1 cTgedruM 07g:s troft o%l=
f eat School of tleneen, end Vice ?resdent of the Societe
107,,ace l Vidge.
Trend by 11. White, B. A., 'redly ClS
nentooty, Its I:llrtary, Antkultlex 11314 Bliegroyhy. 111.
NM= =re:lN: era l i ttN,
teciter sled &uet.,
Oarner of Market wad Ttdrd oto.
. .
OUTLINE SLAPS -Pelton's splendid Out
Una Meta are cow being Introduced In al the leedhig .
rc In New England end - New took. We to obtain
ed the agency for them In Plnaburgh. and 112,114 teachers
gal Wend corrindtlees to cell end examine them..
he. 1— du Esp or the.
Fautern Wcandal Ilenalan d hara, ti n 8 2 Eacb... -
Y do
3 du North Arcata. 70364 r ,
.1 Ala United b 1.100• 70 it El
'D ' d i e .• Europe, Then
I . ', ',
ti. Macke n TO 034
Price of the aeries, with toy. /Me Ent two Weenie
PITL ..b n Vi Z 9 ei Im ln !Kenyan btsatr mi . 4 ..9'
ni al ."4 aohaVo t iq h :u= I?: v''''''' ' "","
ro, age at Vublleher l e priers, without eddition of freight
1.. ? lo athe , rail/&ATlQZlfrloli..l3XiaotEA
larris and Willies Horne Journal
PUBLISHED every Saturday in New York
City, at Two balm" a >no. Dayiblv In all axes la
• asago , or Aol2NCl—Ottlee at the Warm Janntal, No.
I.OT Calton auvet, beark, louvarabar :la, InG4l--To all
olvant it lasT Moor.: T h in any venlig that J. IL llcadtra
la duly lonbcalud to al l In, agent toy MDR= WaLtall
goal no.ol Jammu; and th "acolyte given by him in Int
gc pad portant tvt duly acknowledged by to. at the
Z7,l_ Vl rb :=LIT7 4 .r a
Tow. • Tbs ass volume will actanodoo on the t Juan.
%at L.:dm:ratat ad
a n y..,. Ea the Muss sad ranee..
ocztarlly.e. 011110c—
by the author ol . .11.0211 6 11."
lt11.1:Els• r''
'""11. 11 7 Ar'il"'
Pe /akin of
A Leann on tkur emit& •Si ur.u.s..
Dr. Reel kW/ to Bunco uno., p.a.:
Jmn.i. Not an.w .1•11
V ELOPE B.—,lnst received, a large
treerAtf=ner4 " 1 7, ‘ 4
. •
Drug and limeription Stare far Side.
.ud in ttouridttoti and Improriii
whirl) Is donor profitable Wt..,
frnd , or - aalo opott mar term. For ford. P.M...".
apply al tbelltrontele ottree. .1.22
SINCE the inlioduetion of this new Coto.
pound, Cough. Cod Colds are cued in • very short
tiro.. W. will warrant Dr fareces Pectoral Syrup . ).
MareOf 15mghs,Colds. hroodutte.
time andat a cheaper ram than at. other ovo-v."...'"
Methetries esell
. sicken the stomach and PorIMI. foimvo.h ..
hi more illuarrtesble than the cough• itself. Yhto I. Oh..
ated ha this rolzturyt for it is pl.oext article
audit wilt eure or CV cone,/ alit be rOtouthe evi
dence in favor of. thin in our city, from o= o . o
cit.lteroi should convince any mos of It. eh.) It la the
prescription of • regular tilil Aldan, awl has been wed by
biro In Ida own practice fur a number of yesto, with the
mart br* cameos.
cos sustrrioti —A soy from Steubenville writes, Mat
her daughter hod barn afflicted .Ith •piugb and espret.r-
Idiom anglat keestx heals fever, and all the distressing
NeVo r t= f " te ' lf i cro t orl thrt=v l ;‘ , ..vr;.=
minty who real eußend with Mina and
for eight . he. been entirely nomad and the dough
recnoved artier we of half. admen of heldea of this P.r
toral byrup thentlem from Peoria. m
ar writ.
that "Le kneesheraciral eyrup to be tkley for
he h. wed It in hie moo rase and In the <awl Of 111.01.11
if Lis family with the meet perfecteuressa.
Is Ls net or rut Cour.. .o.= now cyoirg—!t is
put op In half pint bottles at 50 onto each, or du bottles
for SI CO
CurNiat Stlitgaginlut would do well to keep • oupply of
Ohio medicioe On Laud all the time, as it Is one of the turort
perfect and ,fileachrov resmatie•
loot looter
for .1
eouglie middle...of the lows mad loapient antontyckna
CAUI Y,, , (TRA—Simy perm= edit try to get you to
buy rot. Ottoof th. warmus utietrumay hut do not heed
them. If )00 0.1 to get well Loy. Da. KSTSCaI Perldgm.
gorier. and take oo other. thlo will euro you. It boo to It
sione of the uevet valuable i ntent. sod her. of the mated.
med.. and is compounded by ayen Loth. heal-
In. art. There mu Lc no deception to thlemeduine It is
preparul In your own city, sad the proprietor has comer
our rertifleates tnim Oersoru. In our own city. attestlog Its
'Mumble poiperthro. which 100 .hewn to may. persou
&aimua of mooing them.
Acre. It en. throughout the United Shite town this
icinee, ed Large dlticoUnte Will be made to More who will
take stYo,terectiti the inedlcuye It will pay a large profit
aeute.b.hikthear f l tedoinziodering humittaitY
tr7)l ' 4l/.... h" .110:M01d hg t titr mitTot ""'
E'er a., whoinalgeskri--.1.1 li g I I.IER A AftDONV.
t r dit i'r riVoilt=== ' N= olhfr y 'e
R;o 3 l;„.CoWltlNU.T.L.tif."ll . 4 , .katlitVZl
Range hey., !kg noturt , J. I) bovrelk Canemsburg.
and by merchant. and drum.. tOrwarallY JttlJ
4,1 ELLERS' LIVER PILL--"The very best
10P111 'toe In Wel ^
KOOOl.Ol Curt', 110000. Va. Jan 4.1051.
Mr. R. X Pellero—hear Sir. I will slaw to you that 11
bi my opinion out
Pill. a nd
wilco the ter y fed Pill now
in are as a Liver Pill. and IA nurpaseed by tome us en
Ami.Rillour Pill. It I. eery highly enteeined in our com
munity as (mud) tall. arid In tact oupplantlng all others.
1 now speak from my 0w...pe1t., and from the es
of many
my friends md eustmeera
I nu. restoretioll).
P. D.-1 ton permittryi to otmor the original letter, Lot
nix to publioh the writer gnat.
locos ley..' Liver P re an. the Original. Moll and
dinning All others are cominurfelto or iraigholtabo.
Purehaeera, moult.. that It C. genera' U
ml Bennine ..101, l er
Ors 71
tmhseylltutitr?.."..Wl.l Mel. avd Of
in the two cal. and vtcloit/ Ja93
ELLERS' LIVER PILLS surreeile all
on. Charlotte. 1.. Sept. 10, I I.l.—Mr. It. X.
ke le. —1 ruir Pill. he. become . pdmtot I. alt Mt.;
Eigrlrelliii;inuTi l, ll""'""""'
M. A
ilortrart of • letter. JAlr'g
Pure..n neon.. that R B. Sells. 1.1.0 PAU axe.
1 -Iml and only true ".111"1.7'DY07',V,V..411 lu
he two citiee and Tieing, 010
pared MURRAY'S YLUID 3lAaNrste
kj Pre °ruler hannediste orb
and extablished for up the
on. of tided Tessa
of the Ictrenua
11J elegant vapors.. V mended In an rare of
bile. oddities, indb.rolon. want oul [rare'. . the Matt
'Late. c.f . .~ and ellbetnal Perm in gehleh 'Magnesia may, and
nuked the only nor to olisieh it sunlit to b . c.a./not Pro
Nosing all the protein. of the Magi:oda non in general
nee. without being lietilo llke It. to form Winnow ftoor.
...In the bone. It vilestnally cam Iseediliona without
injuring the coela of the etameals,.sode.,,poutes, tut their
melonso are known to dtv. It preterits Ow faid of infante
"truingsoon la an CAWS it ittirAl a pleating aperient end
is oder.' ta fiestsles.
gravel. there. conntersOting their Nation. tendency.
when cdher even 113...nesda Lt.!. had faded.
From dtr Philip Crenpion. Dart. SUMO. rienerel to the
Arkin. In Ireland
Dear bir—There nut be so doubt Out Inagroola may Le
lidentioured more safely In the Ran or • souvenirs.' so.
?Lo a th. I.v4.ottieruzillic.r,ll,=.l
i. mariy other ream.
earftionrour 31.1-.. a Mona PIIILIP ' CIraPTOV ''
OuSgrinnFl!erlt:rtlris%.C:MiZtellist6gbatly''' Mse."".
itturray'• Fluid Slaanedu as lnutouly snore no so 4
realent Wan the solid. and forte. the dossor Womb
thic°ll.l7=ioul=for"..rirp et . le arests.
D. ratil.ZTOM CO.
CO. It cod I foot eta_
ciON TAI N INC; no Mercury. tier othei
Mineral. The folldwins testimonial ;no given hr thS,
betel hr. %A water Inarh.the au th or of the areal new. -
cal work entithel `The American Practice of Medicine and
Fahrtly Ph, sinan
-11drhig.leco mute asinted with the indrnlienta
which arum. McAllister d l -Ilealing trititutnt. and bar.
Ivy breacribul and tested It in anent ears In my brivate
onelles. I hav• au hesitation to tritug at serilytn• that
It to a Veustalle Itessnly. nintallting au mineral substance
whatever: that Its toirreitents cutublunt as neer are. nod
land am dinetel by the vropeaVs. snr. sten ontilarmiest,
hut of great salve, hems a truly Essicattne InstedS'ot alvat
mem, and I cheerfully mad:unwed it as • emaganimb
whlektpas dune .writ melt. and la u t le h tslatt to I , b•
r elit7der retsuntg7"prtgur'a:misTila the of, Mel'
71V4e= l u. k :edt*Z.te=d=i= ti::ttn.;
frt. irtfil3tring.
brio—lt Is one Mate tat tangs lethal anti Par Mum.
mt.—Thurmond* are yl, curedtam:pent.
It near tale la await
Fa Tumor. 1 01 l Maloof Sala. It hosanna ,
If Mottuni sad Nunes limn Pe Talus In. ese• of Sinai.
te 0.4.0 Mama they wooti always apply it Imb aers.
Ii inesi eccsaing to aratima It given relied in a •
very H
Aran] the box are anctlons for -°°o
Ohament fin Sendai., Liar tatilaled. Er) Maui. Telft,,e.
Chiliads. - old Had ate Ii .0. (thlay. Saw Thma.
Stachlta. Nervous Allection. Palm. Pam. of Om kipai,
" in. '" Hr.. "'
Pam At Ramttoft Ea*.
may •.. Pahap. • Medals bnuight helm the
public, th at ham ln tart time Won such • reputation ae
Alcallhar's .tallesling or Wahl Salm. Mast 'seal
area tlat LAM of It swat • mate to Ita
sow has Teen mud by ft of the Punt pliant Itainatlem.
another of th e pia. • third of • ttablemose pia in the
id a Worth of a /Palling to the lata a. If it a
Inj rs ing.
idve immedlate relsef in rase nn do on
Wog applied ad...idly.
As another evidence of the • onderthl heeding facer Ps.
I.llnsi by tha are we
the *flawing rain...
trim • restatalo dila? Nlaidearert townstdP.lts Ott ,
tvottsr -
Sieldencrak. Baleen. Morrli So; VA:.
Iltttn,_ Um,. a Co—l desire to informyulk that 10u
tirely rural a seen pin to the both . In th e neat*
McAllister's All.Plealing Salve. which I pa - ma !rote
Yon- malfiend with it Au stout theory pear. said night'
erm unable to deep. bluing thud time trial whine
remalles. wtdth not, rescribed for br ployeleians word
other persons,: witteaut receiving sup relief. sod at last
tadetrlal of Ulla false, with a fariable beau' a
pectation. lam new erdirrly ha from tbeiam. mid via`l
at night • painful and 'meet I haa used the
salve sane Mr lath mho end fillaram yr xi
o o.llh Mau
happy result. bar hiera_ Jou l %
taii proprietor of the atme medicine.
Principid Mee. ha M North Third .1, Philadelphia.
AGMS 1,11 Ptersisraoll—ll. A. lahocetal it Co., corner of I
Wood and lira as; Wm. hula., No. TM Liberty .tart :
1.. Wafers. or.. scour of Market street and lb. Diatual,
dm artier of Earth sal Multhfteld eta, .1. ILI:awl, for
Of Reknit rod Pao elk 111 th IVAN: anithuld at th e
nook Nora In Smithfield street, 11.1a,1 door fn. 11100.01.
Alleghas city by 11. P. aliearts sad. Douglas;
l a ydruggist. Ellrinloki Negley. raid
Lbatri 11 anima lick...tat J. Alexander & an. More
agabela city: N. B. lama A ad .1. T. Roars,
Urania Ills. John Barkley, 1t..,... Paz John if allier.a.
Elisabeth Ilabright t Erwin. Rocha.. al Pilly
Rhea 4 tbe man wtro dia not appreciate the Wary
sn easy &Laver .If ay th em let •o du uot atlas • our. I
alma to them: Ina to all Othello, we aY• If fay Oh to
7thran'OndVjgclitor rA u lo r Tigh7l h irati l i7 l4',K t h s. 4 Vt ' fe t lt!
Orly Impoisdble to or
anti to dearth. , 11, tale .fa iif •
peron—who ha Meowed combating •Ith Mina • y
upon mall. trial Of title Air the tint thus. It r • earth
notion of wonder, Wand o . ad pleaue.
emollient, rendering the atitkol at.l rood •11 beard soft
try tly ` ml
thst popleasantlnd shit all. r
the ' egru ' lMP ' en ' ls ' ee
teen experkinad ear sharing.
(sadism.. nag Jules [Liners Sharing Cream, Mar fime
the coldest awl amt plealog lauds e d. OP'
una, without the skin incoming claimed. And 'hap w ho
once um It. we Col safely nay, will aver um any e th er.
pm pt m ea ntime—which will be sinpabill , &torah ,
ted by thaw who wear whiskers—Li the La that Until at.
discolor thubral. which most maps will do. air at • Sall.
or rusty apParance to the nig* of the whither,. '
dualisms] , Saving Ortmareredeligna.4 , , ,,,, aa.. ,
compounded with skill. to the utter exclusion of all article,
calculated m raider the operstion of thawingolasimi.,
adw W be appreciated hl' .11 who mobs trial o f them,--,1
Prepared y JL bs
HAVEL, Perfumer intelChmarlde : '
• EV Chesnut ermet. PhUsdelphia. .
Fur sale, wholesale and mall. by O. A. Fithonstock A Co.
mid C. Pltaburgh;
Mitchell, Allegheny . tSty.
To the /leaders of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
PUBLIC ATTENTION is. respectfully ta
ped to the following tenth.. vet forth In relal.
me o f
v the mart lotherttht remedies of modern tined
PETROLEUM Olt ROUX OIL: It la not Mere than one
re.r .go alms this Fret monsly . wes brought Wore the
,Vto7 ro=tge d' ffropl=l Mgt
---,zta;,:w, .„.11..r.grige.P. 4,tgrat
all but we ,
other ocetruem lame teen forgotten. In
The ramlenen
o Neruml Remedy. elabonded lo the dad. or it,.. Moth
power and toteney . thet laughs to neom mama!,
I,t; our Vattg!rn't.w.rttt.tinthintrell'elt
wed m degee threw who may trust our mod ur Pot moll;
deem IDIOT vottemente. The slat amvery apt to catch at
any thlaO that pronalem relief Down threw A story mu . Tel= nTo. ?g slitatVa
up g we prt• anxious only that the teat/ In relation to
' b o om he told. In enter to mace 00 it MDT
soy 4111.1100 ILAtiCie to the materm meo
tra. Plain fecto—forts that mey be amertaina
t o one etty an i geighbarboud,.bear ample tatimeny In 10-
f lbe
ia , ; . oroths, two nf oar oath cithths,
to-thtrAr4ruidtg:mg:e% trn
oared. And. alto, the dm 610 gentlemen In Beaver Moth].
Them ...Oast bat thole ars mime near be. sod moy
be referred to by any-redoes who have doubts on lb. va t .
yea Th e n mars emu rural alter they bed hem atsmi
d by Orleans as un
bowie. The Petroleum will mos.
whea wool aoroollia to d/rectionv—plarebren. Dymntery.
Pilaesllbeuntaltm, Neuralgia, &motions on Went..
Pamela an the tam toe
Sao Y7et, lthawdrea, Tatter.
seal Road, mama the bans and Ptak Oil !YAMS UMVEII,
Ague, Chronic Caught, Atthma, lirowohltlA amt all
patonsesry aketions a • chrothe nature. tendingPro yjC
duce onwthalmt.
thous atlas, dinars of the Mulder and Kidney/.
Mats. Ethartated sad
In 11 IA a Ow: mama ammot, km Men tried.'
In m of the &bow ditcasm within the ma ye.r with the
Aterperfect moo- thrtiftrates that .nil notonish are lo
Atm hthdo of the
~,,Pthalctort.,oorOM Octants In show
fn th®m % . 11.7"e ta frlend tir medielthe. the
Petroleum Is the greatest Remedy Of the age. Phis/done
or blob emng In the tordeosion an teginnidir Sae 01
w . . .manna. Thom who at hort looked cal with doolet
„rd ...minty. are waling to &wad It doe pro/te and
co:udders/lon. Defuse anaber
th en tells mural. all .in
compelled to sammelestim that e Petroleum to th e meat
tnedicia era dlmosered. Poe sale wbothode god re
tail, by KEYSER b ItcDOWLLL,LIO Wad et.
Alect—FL Pellets, M Wood street; D. 31,Corts. D.
Anal, Josee ratos t ,./IletiMay City. A 1.,. by the two-
rolt a7a Wthumtak Wcal t tad Pet:er eto
_ .
Winter Clothing at 'Reduced Prices,
I'AVM. DIGBY'S Cheap Cash ' Clothing .
Om, No. lne Liberty Meet.
proprietor of. the above establialonent bang dentintra
go ol the
giont behove ohble winter elovni
foe late astentive paretuuts r for OVUM, ennrUY
era, has deternittual to offer them at greatly reattivl
grime tbv milt Ali Qom who want W. ilaeliiintA , tile nnd
lett . vaaggtAntin . twei=l4,:t% trabronegta
New Books Just Received.
ALTON - LOCKE, Tailor andr*t; an tip*
' biography. I.vol. Moo, met.
..„ Ciary.Aolaolitour.lhr of
t.h tba. moo .of pond* awl fender%
Jr * "
el In arcordnace with a reaoluttn=o
Itepresaatatires of the Stab of Ilielegm , By km Cr.
he.. A.M. 44.m.ft r .b.drkt anab4Wtastzeatkl.4; 1:04
1- IWhln.liozk—itlizrrotltruistigt
gi. 4.1 abbell,
.witti gogri "ith
Tohogsa ce lisla oda, /wag
AIR -,- 141401 5 6' &PRO iiillig2M - 11‘ ,
... .
bdialnid end MI naiad* dad Bel Moored&
oidra Crib bilaattea ribbon.
F Zirb do Mead Deed mantas, ound.
1.2) do Way Dada; blankebb bean.
lOU do Drab do do do
50 do 4314 tr do do 20
144444 Bleak Blanket Cloth, ddoo
I do
Bearer Ural Waal, do '
3 do lizarrior Moak Wends Bradelotla
rit Jean; =kra """. •
do Oandbaerea' Nadi sod Ilearr. colon.
d a° tare Thar /lastir r y=.
4 d ° Crow barred - do do. •
Th ..b, ° , 444114 are all at ortlettsdant hoot
~,,,,,.....e f ietorranist and eat. and vs far sale en
llbrrid tame to tbis aat manutarturent pr
Willed, sad Pr Wed: slot, Curtain Magna of rufous
4. "" . W b.- 41 " 116111= 17.111 %.'
K. our. Fourth Market sta.
VV"EffE BEAN 3 -6 bvnle receivA and
LA RD.—:Twenty barrels and thirty kegs No. I
Lard leached and fointl i e& r .
Vor crashed Wool by i!al •• U. LEX
Iturpby Berehfuld continue to bestor . particulsr
swank. to thls branch of Own bossines, sad ars' easeful
to select • superior srticle—hs llosus•arrsonnt sem 142,
and both at Ifrs prices ihr q uality. ii,ll
hT Jill • J. HOD k
WF SEED—Fifteen barrele_fnew env)
or de by jail — /MD.* CO.
CI UM OPIUM-40 lba far sale by_ ...
‘,3 care _
SUGAR LEAD-1 cask for sale by
• leal .4 KiliD.S Mt .
etionVEß COIN IV ANTED of every descrip
. nal am blir.bert, pronto= psa forte nu. le
E'bn'l l . W f"4.‘ " ;.71LINS & CO4
he.: . lbe. Third and ItArkst ist...
- - - -
61 I/NI/RI ES-6 bales Cotton;
16 brit tio. Lard:
1 bri
butt lianntg
.t c. ll . .raed •
5 3•=7 ""44 frraitllir Tax llr v/Wr'7 -- igx:Ft.
P .
EARL§ I =I4 caski fiupErior , for sale by .
- VICK Steel:MEM
rareived and for...alebzuipm, P.
A zar
F LOUR -100 brls. superfine;
AIWA. 1111 Sem nd
tilt Y AP PLES—Fifty _bushels received tyld
LP fur tele by .1.23 • SAMUEL P. SIIMITIL
bu white 1,73 , e sale 15 ,
TOCKS FOR SALE—Westem Ins. Stock;
Turtle Creek Plunk Read Stuek
u76 c
jURC SATINS, of the most desirable
d ' d b° d " ) 4 in ri it it 111IRCIMUM.
.I.klCE,—Twenty tierces new crop, recto •
thL d.r, u 4 for pal* by
r •. 111111W1i KIIMPATRICK. 144 Liberty rt.
FISI -7 sari
C N or o3 , MaO a keiel;
J. a fLoyD
4.10 DA ASIL
isms=ke .1 *Eaton's brand,
c - .3** .toe Fr J.AR. norD
n ROOMS-150 ilaz fur sale by •
3. & L novv
10E-15 cab 011.6142 a for sale
J. ft. MTV
11 UST RECEIVED from tho. Phillipsvillp
77,11 011 Clo th factor ,
00 7 zeds 14 floor 011 Cl
00 L 4, 72.4 Wave lo OU C do k4lB
gloom smortol. Ores 701,18 6000 roodl .11ortso
l'ar'd L, .4 went loolor 0ath...11..3.14bl patoror, for
oalo orbollsal.. and rotall, 0 Lk. oszeloorio no. 7 sod 9L
%I ad suart __d;s J. 8 IL. PIIILLIPS.
K.wrEE ASSULLNCE—Insunmeo on per
i_broooos lh. am of IS awl CO ...T to mg...b. , to
• mt. Notoolal Iron Food LlS•Aartrapos &eery. by
oroltrolion to 0.8 undersiroord. • .170
Jo 8 88L .1110. usoLlty of .001.9. 1 .•7.001.9. 1 .•7 1 817,01 . 0 j
...rived for droolotkreL bolero. 0 fa. 10.48-
109 110001 'NW .1. 1111.1. 4 . ..
' 04: Wool .t. wood icor abort loon.
1 ,ARD OIL 5 brio winter s
XAT7ll l trained, for e
.1.1 14 .017 llltEi. .1717 A 03.
15;SEED (AL. 5 brls pure Near Castile
OU • )...t " . "" d IVEAOV. Infix a' co.
.1,17 _ _
OFFEE. L'l3 bags Itio.for vale bir
a k .v. ;-. .• _ _ ansisoaarrxretrs a co.
_. .....________—
Vitt' • 13.6, tali large7tio. 3 Slackarel;
.--' 'I.-brim NO.,lZOtrnre.llmilur:
4,- . An draw 1 - 9 , 40.. &rt map by _
4,17".. , ~ • ''. AUIVXATTIE&W3 &CO
taf.r.'ed?? sY d
bake f q e b yind a JIAMSTON
UNDl3l4l*—Tfiree hundred bbla.•No. S
balTbbli. 431 C. 04 6 LbloTK fx. Sal • = In
arta fall jun ors DALZKI m .L.
10 CAWS ' 31USPRA - 1 -4 Ft SON'S Soda
At_ nll Witidesfiiiirers, Sage and Sonesek
oL" sperifed .4 PT elk bT
CO, .4%) Wood A.
-.iced on contdr
WilL. 8 lads received on contiign7
nuttpind de LI ' WALLINOVOILD
rtr t
94 Wales et. •
GLASSES. .3t brie; new
,een ab iwd
, •
br A. cuNgabatrn.
it •
I by
) em,
14 NATI :110UtRANDLES. Hill's
! :for 4.e..1_ R. A. CCNNINCILLIM.
75 brls and ilfbrls for
NUTS. 6 hav for nib by
e. WATERMAN . & 80ti&
ATI 6 ' I •Du A- -PW 4 vitVpliff,Vgr.'
0 xv. 150 hoss Louilivillejio. 1 ltosiirk
- 5
L' l . V.ltattatraPk CO. .
UCKY MUSTARD. A oristwat
_ .- -•- ,
0 . NI26S. '5 11141 ) 11 1 142:4 1 tk r're=",,, 11 '
ie .acr ' . 116 Water Meet ' '
Via-M. 1(A) 'btau. for tole 14 - , , 7
...• i f t , - aintxtupof ,x,y.xeljx.x____
l i aYil'S AND MOL.A,§,t. - Ex tni Refß
L. 7 :evr lurk Syrup, A Wry
_P.P.nitsc Wkly. -
tin n Syrup *rum.h. Et. cool, rrthamy- •,
Soo 'Maur Muluv•cs dd do
N. 7 .°r44"" -cp‘lti- Wr( ' ‘ ' .fu ' it l 4.l l co,..zutwei ,4 - ' ' -
z, - ..:
s, Asii. .75 easka Kurtz biazd for Bale'
IL by d••3o S. IW. ItAItDAWIT: '
130 i, BUTTER. :A) "'bid. , prsme; reeetv-
Lit, id nal., tri , do 3) S. dW. prime;
. .. _ _
i lr: LOW. 50 hblzt prime'for sale' bi , ..'
i , .1 : W. WARBALIIII: •
ill ' E 1V... 50 boaee W. IL Cheese for kale
I.i 1 hr - du)3 S. a W. WARBAtiOIL
,1131 METAL. 176 tone -for rolling' mill
mesee,_ deli , JYJINY. MATTIIKIVEFt 03.
IEACEIES: 1731 hags per Diarflowen for
nip by der; I IrnEt. MATIIIX.WB kCO
fAi'rrElt. b
IMS. 40 dozen for solo bp • - ,
JD Winn :1D
•. ."
siesmqCleatirri,fo de by • .
• Voter and Went stmts.
1 ALERAT US. .(10 boxes for sale1:111:4.
E I CHOOL BOOKS,—Eduntional Works,
a 0 Id, ?ups, hzViEO44ItVIMP.t
-is4 ark II ,
sORN IttEA4 ~..
ig n "' ra ` A44(1 we,
1 . 1 : b i. ILASHAIMIL r:
INSEED 01 10 bbla received for
br 1140 61 W. 11AILBAUGIL
Ultlsll. DOA& 1500 lbs . jnatTectiv.
sad RI .. t e n i 5.. BRAUN A BRUM •
Cover Clair Rlxt ILibertr .
ARNESS. 40 daten pain :Rom'
11°4 U.'''. It
t i l. '7 l/ATERIILAN & SON&
!NI/Ilia- 7 W Um Spanish Float, Malvin &
lltidlls., for tale br de3o J. KIDD &ea •
ik3AINTING:--House and Sign Painting'
•übtainr.rremptly =I unkilr 1c....d. • "
. : Is. We "nett It dlstiwtly undsrstood that Ire out do
Painting and tilLalng aer cheap...rimy ottme paluters la lb ,
.04, and bee Jet...atm! to do It
11l J. a n. tinuars
HIDES.. 12S Dry Ilides;
32 Dry Calf 2333 K •
I imall.DearlDdo; 1. 0 .;
dsl9 'NOIIbHT nauxt. L
Vii,'INET PILE CARPETS of-the richest
ratan Rad Wag style* aut be bad at the Carpet
For i ! . .. ,° .:4 } ; °m ' 4 4." r*" ir 01.1"aatr a
eltk. W.
he 6;1 of the
CRSE.IOOO boxes for od D e
n by
DII.Y PEACHES. 3115 sacks aud , ll - bblii
bs jog L e WATT-MIA:I4 80N3 4 .
ROl.l. BUTTER. 15 bbls fresh roll; = 5
LEI 9 . 00
19t do do tbr b_ r
- ()LADI OIL CHINTZ, received thil t d4
_Let the Carpet Wan:ooo,ls Fourth •
MOLASSES. 50 brie now crop or Bale h p
I lat. roorawsL¢T that .®I44L
Tablatab AlKits• May Allife ..1113.12•124.
- 1311.111 E-BLACK TEAti-ntor ENOWIP.
Marria a Ilawceth, tit, Num:A 14 , y , galtdj , L11.
rtroec "" Z=Nrso i Xe= ga t tlr .Ir.bAttit
.OW4 we Magnet la lb• Mullah mutat. Rim 150 mato
sad .6 cestrper lb. '
The TeaMarbt,thlb•Dimead..;66t eV. ' - 'WV
• :4)k
bT •'.'i x .rriptia
4.IIFASE,:rci,- . 14014.1.1.014
PETIanxumBOO , noel on.
`There are more thin In heaven and earth.
T" '111:11UES of this remarkable Tema.
e t &Windiest Rai tin meats
...btfiructed h him to hare itnut rth in It.
Owns dimetionyfor the Foust v oth eatdk.
'The Pitt SOLER at to prothrel from a yell in this rose.
tit at detth of four buceind Vv. Team mthlultarae.
1.4 gruel, without any chemical clams. but fat as it
Slays tram , tornre's rims inbralorali That it cantatas.
properties= • Wombat
matter of it. Tbs. are many Mass le the ar
s.y of nature , ahkb. H tow, might be of met meat.
std 1n alleviating sultemng. avl mooring the Warm ae t
heulN std sisor mans s ender,. Inas bane the Var.
for tnocight ilf sunray It unto tottlos. it hula mad*
the the con of avow The curintht autesur lacer ••
stos r er a n fi r aml revered recuartable 'then It Dm iss - • Mrs Lathan/Al Of lte brims nomthow .4 3
able mead SPOSIOSuIIIo the nuts or disease.
If • So Dot Ring to mate • Inns nitisdnot
we are conscious that the nivithrm tau veva
0. 1
tub the favor of Wow who
_am l with tat bibuss.-
Vldlat we do not Owns for s univereal set:Stealth% Is ST.,
vp dlossolwe stittogly ear.' that in S lIIIISISeIt of
latronio- Dionsses it to unnrallel. Anams the+ sus bag
enumeratel—all diva , . of the roam. tthoes. truth VI
CHRONIC BRIACIIITIn, ‘11171910. 11 . .0V
tletanawetbvi . J . mba' r.r= 4 .tg.
Muller ant Einneba m thr i s or bide.
Diseases. Neuralgia. Peal, Rheumatic Rata; Govt Rae* ,
.15g. Tette, Itlareorme, Roma, Smi /Vulvae Rid ansee
le. Se. in eves of detatitg,
do o r from •
vavei. es •
longernd grothuled meet of Starve, Lbs. thetss__.l3l.,
Anltitc.. l l! r . j.,"= . ""n g "L EL T° V.g:Aa AI t , I.T.,
(1.40: 6
11 4 111 1'Un . ./g , !Tolrisir fit use
r :XVlt r a r,glt ma;
that Tram. eye I. other U.r.t.tpept., get writ undorr tbs.*
PRTROLLLU t theart.Utove intsf =ebb
. • - - . •
Oy.b la any ber.on* It
X.,be imado• wi th out Um. etimin» of U. 1.0144.0. 1
Bold by . theproprietor,
. -
• IS. 11. KIICR4 Cimal E4tsba belt Simmrth stmt.
W .
Ws regillarly Ilypututt.4llgll.
. - .
KNOW all - men who sire sick and aided
with Slow of the Illsildrs sad &Mime. •
onion in bask or Mobs. iniff Piste. oidgusen, so •
Weary an y thstSbeg sen he num , K Lskia ru lhe.kiiT
LEtiss- lon rosy talk 'stomas s
rpw:t. 0, 4 g Mst orenninityi t ti c == '
which seis not oosinsioesl io other Mod)" insa.l
Con nokar with pan, end suffering feval &Ilia ,
for b amts. aat relbet frrat imr th.l lyif
Rade It mgt. Very little hi teethe a trial: This Ivor, l''• •
Le r uLtb i go solx ,, t,tgrtio — ,A nt t lite hl le the purtuar,
;al by the 'g maeter band of hatule, and buthkeet d : f aun
burin of our mother earth. to Ira oriscleel Purity; ant edi"
re to aufferhaftbuntanity 0 ready remedy, • mita* mg 4 0 .,
Ulm cured l'ilee..eftru other mond:nes hare Alm k , '
yr my reliyL wont
morona. of tong
ng. and of the. 1.1 painful character. lt
enrol Cholera Moan, by one or two dor. tt bate i
eared old eases of Diarrhea, In which every o th er .ctuedy
boa horn of AO avail. All . kcal rowdy ititainve atedi .
maldia it la latter than
=thud mailman& or chritamt • ,
that•w* know of. It sill ear chilblain. and Doted Intr. •
Ortrnifinirt="yel'iblVie s'7•=="3=',
ing ma NAIWEL IL lila thin:toilful% lleveuth atrrith or '
either of the agent..
Rama a McDowell. coiner 'nf Wood greet ant Tbeit
eller B. E. Sallera.Sl Wood ahvek it. A. Elliot, exid.D. IL . '
Curry, Allegheny city, ere the agent. , , . ,
BlikliMATIBIl CURED.: • : • ,•:•.. •
hot attended the use of 310OVITIIER'S 1111EDICAT -
I • lIPOUND d,-VD 111.00 D YORIFIAIt, in efiRM
UP'SII.V.VD CURONIC RrEttri'lls3l p i l ei l ladliriati • :
ftat:tisd,iscAul=n,,ualioinoto indoor am atkir
Ilandreda of caeca :tour of them einem , * of St. ,
and other. Onto abroad, have been cured within th i tra
few months In
Groin ge vitt nt t Letutaleate. while lette b r funk
sr L =a tried.•.Stty of rims wyre r Armsle get of
. loot .
'thn, and. all, bopo at reocrirry had bra stema— ,
While others wer of more reent date. of Ur acute Wasp,
tuna very AU. bowel er. yield tei thaw , .
derfnl virtu. of this mediclna and thenrande who ham
realised its heroin. and are now in the enjoymentof health
can but
the erigmal dimunuer toot tworwirthzt •
benefactor of m th kind. • , ,-.
It O well known from the experience of the pad, that.
eistwthl appikation es nmattbly effect a permanent WA •
of this dreadful discos. By the application of Miusirialla4,-.
11211M1V1110. yortlai relief, 1p arm. till.. ...7 in ,m
foe ••short tam. But. ell the e th I n La 1101211, Us
"rasp more pernesenti yin thtend miner or Odtm
will ermingevelopat tutelf to a more dreadful fonn, and after '
of perk:dial return., it rotes into a abrade •.&11713 , 7
width, if not roe amend. rolnalte indlviduai for lifer
. This la veribed by the hlstm• of the past It all fountriee,
end =ore Dilly demonsunt by the history farnialled o["
We to the muprietec of tide oucumnd. m 6r . hi' WOO,
09320.1110 i MON wile have peered under hit Penn ,
notice and treatment during th e lariat.' mendho. I •
PITRIITER Iran tetanal remedy—aartut it. crier '
riato wberatbs dhow foot origiariaat .a ctin puri , '
the blood, mow through the whole eyrie.. neintralhaatio , .•
impure or caulk lient whichthes settled 'UV= 'thw --
membrane& anucles wad's/adorn—remove% itentOely emu t
the e t emigateree the individual to perfect lutillla . e
Let thew who ye afflicted not deceive! herimalvegoinur - ,
gut off the use of JR. Mtditllllo tun keg, or until their
limb. are 41eiccansi or cemtrarted to vetch • &Toe that
they era <Auriga : Pre lifer .The experience of hundreds et' •
tholoandsduriag the past, tos well as a multitude at the
torment day, demonstrates. the: olly of expecting Mawr 1
sent mild froe external apolleatams.'
Tbe oropeietnr of tide valuable medicine baton ft= lie ''
perks. - , that no outward OPPUoation ma PutathiT.ort 0..
permanent ewe where this - di/4MM Ls firmly fixed In the
arida. Ile arm and does ipremre thd aPpIY L. ... ~..... .'
tarn inn ry scut. era which will give relief to mu lavaria .
rime; but this will t effect a tot cure. The no- .
tom of this &mar tn moth that r =me langerlinse a tod •'
en Onernal rentrily, hi produce the *Merl Oteet t and Moe
Rheumatic Ounirouvri .red Blaod.. Pnr7 to lbw
onty • manly that has aver lawn dboovared, „ei th er Oa
America or any, o th er country, that will effect- mut! Cana 1
this disear.
This manikin* can belcal, wholesale or retsil, at N0:73 , i.
Third Mori,
neat to the Part. 01110, Pittabeingh. -
Abu Sir aide in rittaburgh. by U. Bmyear, CCM. , ...
J. D. Idormin, B. N. Wickeribam, and J. A. loom. . •• , , -.
Prirels per bottle: rilhottlos for S'., or gall ,pthdowns,
Pampldris we ho had gratis of the agent- •
Wild- . R. IL.WISITAILT, Amnia. v i
o facoa= sale. prcg d ri=,
tba torrutorortg celabrated instmotest OK:
Lungs, tlf ettectiag • eure of Monk dierimoraussa
dent.of that- etohunt physician, Doctor Mlle: and hi a"
graduate of Ups Unfmalty of Pennsylvartiaand Our thtitf
in. since Ina been engaged ltaals luvestlgatioa of dhe
...scrod tbe *valuation - of nu:nadirs therato. '
Through the oar of. his blasting tube,. consectiostriffr ,
tda raopylattie Syrup. arii other of his remedlea 4 L if. fe hat
gatewl aramtpleallerid curio-rise in tearing sham'
,Tabercular ,COnsccruPtiona:
Scrotum, ithetuitatliz, Asthma, Pert and dgue; o
air dada , Chronic Styripelam. and all those , oblrinafter "
awes peculiar to females. lathed. arar7 form ordlaesPe.i%
ravishes wader tae use Of tdi renfriLes, to which bumr
till tralp—not icy the weal sue ancopound only, Orr Mud.
ipromparible with Plrildolrgtral Law, but brats. paa of
td.rentrilirs, adapted to, awl prescribed fur. each peculiar •
Dr. hoe's Toile alterative Fills, when used. are Inrariat
' blf
or to be superior to all others, as • pun.:
the or Urn pill,
tre es a• they_ Uwe.
sadly. be frren costreeneac as also Ms ilolden Prifarean..4l.f.
mined, by thelacult7, toy arrior peculiar - Protartariala
lad to female drinsew bat being satialad that bare OW
to e, cia to eriablialt tut hart been mid, rig.
tb marieyeotral.: •
Thee.!Meted are basited to all not the Aisne, mei ;pee... ,
ease (palls) one of the Doctor'e tiszepb=elttledkiati:l
el cement of each remedy, sad ggp
Pasabk by the Illowitlsote, ea well es EY &V .' '
molt ,
gists ttagegbout .the wen
J. gebeanotaker it Co.. 24 end st.. litbalgeett.
J, lL Torruend. Denicedel,Ls Market et.; •
Lee A. ileeitklam, Ltruggbt, new . Use Post
fer eleY.
jolitfit%t p,, N2r . BY" '9=7.
, sugl=jg ,
g.ot:* ' THE' AFFLICTD' will be faima in,; ;
. .Dr, Devitt C. Er/MINOT*. ThITALLIBLG uNntrd.. .
or solo Fluid, which has start tbo arta, thirtr yearter..•
Me*oat laid lux beyond a doubt, been the memo of wt.
the Meet of thou...dr of individuals, 111 oft evert
elm and chamfer of dims.. We feel that ore harortrtio.
thins in rayintthrt this Le the°air tadiclne that, haabeen
offered to the ffileted, that does, in every wince of the tad. •
what It la orld la. • ,
It has cured, and Oat:4llmof mild; more disease Shot
any other thedletartMend fOr Oda arena not by thorn 1
wade or amid, or by 'what names •
Jka n Amor .d arteristelos proof of We
( I t , ea ;Oa
r. ? le the only article tut b.. 0pc....d in the Mimi of ''
-p a t litliela that ham ern both patronised anditorrit, •
heyt of the elite generally, as the mat ortmeable .
lly Medicine ever offered Mr tale. or oral Icy. any tit '''
that, rth - - ' ••
The Ilno. Mao IL (1 rinnell, Lite 31. C.. The Ildit. ROW
M. Mortia late Magog.. Hoe. John And. late U. Ewan.
tor. William IL Twtri Led,
_Edible of the lipirit of the
Timer, aed a bat of ot.bee artnntshdied space. of Saw
York, who have folly trap. IVO merit, Dave tertalend Amp-,
rtoprietor to refer to awn.
An it lateen known that talent Medicines ire not pe•••
tillfaattrdsal by t i ne harmed. neldtir ar i l po w litit a arelrti I
grid. " 11,01tiondWAT:c.nronra . a 4.1, =li.
nett teen before lbe nubile, It and tricots art now ate ,
rtnaandandbeet. .Themon uultolbtenT W.W.11 end'
conrincing roof of Its emeriti. utefainess.andoeatiore a
Quentin. 1 le a ineereigu remote tor all term.
flettantle fans, ennfulooe nrellings. errant; 1. Itc=' ..- ;
gormand all the gains and was thirt Pah is twirl*, • ...• J.
011‘. 1,0110,000 bottles lure been and withal:a eothAsilth.... \
arid haw yerfectot mirth artoni•hinn eares,rtatoll•ottrer .
anodic. hare failed, as *Mid Mart, belief. had Co ort. i
oderedadd In the to-session, the ethogert pon.ible Lea
• :This therEmlna or mare'. remedy, le properei frartlOrr.e
,etablet, for Intrtnal It toll.. ntantal ittej seta direct. ._
iiiilltg:==Mik, /5 t r,e4 . , ,,
, .P.M IIO latoctiall.. War. el the ayti, ' std, 7
Weateetyletantseerfe frau 'Waterer eame -s,
- •
have =Uriated. • . , _, ••
Patinae tet tittabeersh; by 11.. E. Selleryllearra Eldd k." -
. 0,,Q 0.. f1 e u. Benignm ant iv the mail lillookishr '
• c .. T . lll. put. op foe., tool, tort ta i iggt ar...1
roll, for,
Ikeisfecaind Is Intruded to produce thy yettidn a10..i
wen vat% wham nuk Tar making Wad, tea ekes,. ,
mokwiagat num An., bywrldett • suing as
ego-SW la Oak , '
poor of emit 11 yet oust ' • . . . , „,.,
To klutz lstoTo nub pound or tleadi add . WO tei
•=4:4C C irblrt= Irtdregg=. l4 . '''' now.. ''',
'pawl Boa that you no eat ante on at ..,,) Chii, ' '
ago .mnek uld sour as val m ate Um dunk Ito geWs'i
t t4. 0 ,,,,-g g .gis, wall, amt let It-stand Mop lILIMIttir ~
,:fate bktar...24 or two boors vIU Mims bun - , nre•
4....,kt b. redzed mo th thlnsor , sod baked at. ' but, I.
, will do no bun to eland Mods or tweaty minute.. -Thor
La g gogoger author. too ouch of this Osoloorrod In tto .:
imuds it wlll not turn the broad yelkaw. abladdescdoor - 4
When mad to nee.
... • r ma
You Wu gut the atom Cordwood hsto Ma 'iskeitig
Idi n ,,,,,kmq eau, lat. man sifter estai.cono •
oak.. runs laud, bruz r dbread,ldamast we t ,...3,
Ent goge, was duns ugh rtykvousel for •111wItsti : '
. nLreg&T,Pi:
-t) Am Dollars lewd mitl 1e pall to any avo w
11174. 1 11== '4,4„,'"Ali, I .* 4, , ;_;
...WZ. of solute peep!. of this blare ta . tht.
"mkt, by my own salmi - cm it, now stands mart.
saliva to tbl
OJ s oonn
thou try eamaguo,
=te * Te
dumb.: bennetao mitlmatt Injunet m/y WM
that Duro Inner mill not Injure. Ibm/ than trme
Plorlens 1n aUfferent forts of the oroutry two Mad ma they
volaid OM bs without lt If It owl ego.. ha Int* .1)111
Si2en mom than 0:0 ankles ef 14bI Wks. loMmlse/Da.k .1
adleme, 1 hare only found three Metes of mix..tml
alpacas, and burst calico, on winch It Omar themlert
therelbrs, before pot= It on bght d ry a sample
of th e dress gint. 1 this brew., rastertainelsol
to rseoromend It may stronger thin ;. know to be intietl7
OM= from country otettimmis cud yeQ4n r-=
attended to by the-,:subtertdrr.
SELLERS' COUGH fri r ittrPo =
- itae not used it tyke Wm. I , fat lu be.,4•Lc4l Whoa.",
)1!t. R.E. SELLERS—Sin Sufferinifromp,
roht sad mutth e . fa rbieh I tried otay re:lpm
abe t tebog"ti um. uneututed ,ertth ee •
"FL &Ilan' Cough Mature.. I think tt duty which L..,
went both you nal tha bubble la urterhtmett w rzl
wen% that 1 6.41 hot tted Aile* same
eeebt, endow:4er the Diehte bleselogtiout no u ce . a
YI Utah the bade. I uvtlfy also. all to bto lug 101
he rum properties ott Weeds" ataitur, oue In. I
,„,,, .
gl sionfevuek
gbm, ~" g et tb aUt""Wgr l. l yr 't d r a l obn g
elab v. lleelgrlhee tt
rireinanD, LI wymi it:
. 51 y=tgitlrb;nt l . - E. St LIX/11, wow ot„„
sea sold DT Ittos.dito Brozollt:. . j ai,4
Q L ELLERS' IMPERIAL covoa 8 Vitrti.,
hutith.l prat of Us town.q to caw
Yobtald,Sc. AaCNt Alta
Mr. lipttert,—Belug agll4ett Zee got., tectottetth et -.-
tett tun rat rooommeneted to use yourimpettal Cough
v Lett . 7 . Yr& &kV W. 1 nuns
vas at co=rn
_Lb.& duelogrea 71 - eit..e . 414 I: u elP a t
Dad west =nos eeery thiag that It eras la toy bower t
1% . te :12 * II ;A am =At. I T ga t 0 1 0 . n "
stei rectutatertiluglt to Oa bubble aeon of
re tr l tat,
.tge ever Wen proved for the cure tor er 7AYI2S 1L tuelt lb .
sad old by 7.. SELLSIuI. 5t Wood at
VARBONATE Eartehoni.
, ??? 11? kr ikk kr
. Ltai4 . suing ' ruam6
i •