The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 24, 1851, Image 3

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TzslutraLjtvAcelOrsr—Two Men Demme:a.—
T4ree :men . Who Were engaged in ‘ ,..vgnicais Troti
rPrll:k l .4edOwdstotrn, and seio resided in' . Alle-
Ow, atterapted to cross the rivii,on Saturday
"!moinleg, about G o'clock, in . a skiff. They pushed
dila' the riser above Where Shi upper . bridge
'stood;. 'sad bad, nearly succeeded in, creasi n g,.
• When.they 'were borne by thh rapidity of
current against the pier nearestheir destination,
sad thole fiail.bark - upset. T eir cries attracted
attention to their had condition bat the spectators
found at Impossible to Save thrill. ' Mr. William
Litao,..who : worked . iti COlemen's rolling mill,
stinek.out for a Hosting log, w ich he managed
tco . grasp, and was borne down kite river.
:The Captain of the Ste er 'Cmla Fisher,
width was coming
_up, heard his cries, and he
wiaa rescued by him and his crew, from certain
death, ""When broughton board, he was beumnbed
With. cold,
.and "could l'not, poisibly have clung
, I
to, the, In Ina longer. Il l s s companions int:as
tern:lle; sup e lorted themselves
e or a wlule, by the
skiff; bit supposed to ha beat drowned,
ti it.was
. aftennerds picked up near Saw Mill
Ban, and AD tidings hate beeni beard of them.—
Their nanies.were Laughlin and: Miller, anal they
worked in the Meese. Shoenbirgers' rolling mill.
Mr: Lem) was taken into the Perry House, where
the =nal restoratives were 4mlied, rad every
attention paid to him by the Ind:lord.
lit the wretch who fi red th upper bridge has
. not,,lost alt fgeliogs of humanity, he will feel
daily the effects of his crime' murderer as well
ai,incendiery that he is. These men' crossed
die :bridge 'drip, and when it was destOyed,
weriaahliged; 'to Save time, to' go over by:mearts'
of a skiff. Thee their death s clearly attribu
table.tnthe horning of the b dge, and two fain.
Met, have bd , en deprived of eir protectors, to
gratify the malice of- I a fiend! We brig he will
not go carwhipt of jurice.
• I
'DIXOCIIATIC PIIMAY ME 1 131:15.—The Demo-
data assembled in the varionit Wards and Bor
; °sighs on Saturday,, for the Rurpose of electing
'.delegates to; attend a Cpuntl Convention, and
select "delegates go on to a State Convention,
to be hold In ItTng, nez June, in order to
mnainite_konndidate for G vernor and Canal
Commissioner. 'rho 'persons elected are under.
Mood to be' favorable to the imitation of Col.
1314 - ,elc . ~ for Govern or.
Blume tiros Cassa..—Aslight break occurred
In the canal about four miles above Freeport, on
Friday mottling. Tho caa4 was half full of
water when ti„small viaduct re way. A large
nomberof liffinla were at on ce set to work, and
we learn that the repairs ' ill e fully fompleted
td -dry,, and that the water wri probably be let
Nair. Mianct'ergo number of ci
tizens friendly to the exectio of a new Central
Market Tonle, assembled in the Sixth Ward
Schootliouse on last Saturdai night
_ .
-Dr. Aleisader Black . took the Chair, and
Messrs. Jared M. Brush', add M. W. Lewis act
ed as SeMetaries. . •i .
The' Cammittee appointed at the previous
meeting, through their Chairman, John Harper,
offered air following report,lhich wan adopted :
The Committee appointed or the purpose of
inquiring if a site fora Central Market House,
mnbe obtained within the T rd Ward, and east
-of 7 Eraithfleld etrcht, so, situ ed as to afford a
ready, and easy access from t e nine Wards of
the city, beg learo to
That they bare performed e duties entrusted
to them solar as practicable, d submit the in
formation which they bare /' i latained, together
with their mew., for your con 'aeration.
The only property which your committee
deemed to, be within the scope of their instruc
tions, and suitable for the puepoee indicated, is,
lat. Thot strip of ground oh the east side of
the 'canal, ;bounded by Fount street, rind ex
tending between WaShingt, a street and the
junction of Fountain and Grant streets. It
moetly belengs to the Hon. Harmer Denny, and
in 'coveresb with buildings of hot little .raise,
• some of which are subject to wig leases; bat a
, few of the (lots in the rouge ate been sold to
permets from whom it Mi
might difficult to obtain'
a parchesetipon reasonable te s. Your Coin
, mittee had an interview with Mr. Denny, and
after some ' deliberation , that entleman decided
that, froM the condition of his property, he
mauld not offer it for sale. ,
- Second, Your Committee telt into considera
tion that pteeo of ground lyingi between Seventh
and Marty streets, along Grant 'street, and one
'lmesizeifeat deep northwardly i l'and which is the
FrePoS' 7. , of Cant. H. W. 11. Sc matey. Bywiden-
Ink Grantstreet so as to embrace this ground, a
, mast ezeelleat location for a Central Market
' TIMM could be secured, and of sufficient area to
answer thewants of the public A note was ad-.
diissed to apt. Schealey, asking the terms up
on which e would be-willing to dispose of this
. .
p ope,ty, for the purpose of a market house.—
That gentleman called upon the Chairman of the
CoMmittee, .and manifested, his willingness to
sell the property in question for public purposes,
eithetby a title in fee simple or by perpetual
• lease. Me consents to 'lease it In perpetuity for
the . annual rent of twenty fite hundred dollars.
The triangular , lot on Liberty street brings now
a clear rent of six' hundred &Mars per annum,
anff if that corner of the ground can be dispensed
with, Capt. Schenley will deduct the sum of ten
thou 4 dollars from the pringipal of the ground
rent, but your Committee recommend, if the lo
cation be apptoved and sweep ed, that; for rea
sons obvious to every one, the city should obtain
threntire :square, and open immediately ne-go
asthma for the purpose. ' . , •
411 of which is respectfully rubmGted.
John Shipton, John Harper,
o -. - M. 11, , , Lewis, - Sa uel MeKelvy,
Jtumi,M. Brush, Ale ander-Black.
John harper, Esq., then the following
memorial, intended to be se a , to the CityCoun
mix, when it receives the signatures of t hose of
our citizens who are fnvorabik to the erectitt:h of
• new' cent ral market house: '.,
•i To the ,Honorable the Select And Cotainon
Commis of the city of Pitteburgh r '
The . undersigned memorialists respectfully
That at a large public meeting of the citizens,
. recently held, the subject 01l the inadequacy of
the present Diamond mar et house to afford
comfort and convenience to Gm vast number of
people who are forced to it, as takee into con
eiderstion, and with an un mitt' of , sentiment
. It was agreed upon that snot er market house is
necessary;; and that the public prosperity wilt be
promoted by its establishment. Though not pre
ciselthe Paint which would have gratified every
Motored bias, yet by a comiromise of interests,
thit.Third Ward was select as the most suita
ble location 4kra central, Market place, and a
conataittee4m appointed by the meeting to ex
amine and report if a site , could be obtained
which would-afford a ready:tuad easy access from
the other trawls of the eity.l .
That ceMmittee performed the duty entrusted
to them, nil hare -indicated a piece of ground
belonging:to Capt: E. W.ll. Bchenleylas.cont
bitting in a high degree the advantages requisite
for thin purpose. This site is upon Grant street,
end extends for onehundred feet in depth,, be",
tweet' Setenth and Libdrty streets, crossing
Plaza alley and Eighth str e et, and it is consider
ed:Se neat Mthe centre of population SS - it .is
. practicable to approach, without subjecting the
pellets to hacenveniences welch it is always petit•
ieto• mad... .
' Anceta_ posing this memorial is a `port which
we Imbmitfor your consideration, aO it states the
*ltalia:llVA tho propr • - Ser with the price
- 106 its owner has. I It. While We pray
.. ,
forsach satin of Ce will secure to the
city so desirable a t market place, and
the speeddr erection suchtbuildings 63
. lA!lnv mammy to the great and grow
We alas: be g tY.
leave i
• mime . improvement
gwamoV and' in on,
thai.facilitiee whiql
bayeltandtsellers, at
siandablo public WI
ti o p . r! ; .
lend - the simalta•
Diamond market
ler as will afford
w denied to both
same time satisfy
lemands gratifies-
... ,
Oit motion, it was
~ .. ,
nesoiredj That the , be accepted and
approved, and pat itliL. i
,1 by the o ffi cers of
tkb meeting. as cmUodng its news, and aub
tattled to Councils nt their next meeting. ,
&salted, Thnt peintodi copies of memorial
be circulated !tithe different wards, under the
d tu
of the Committee by whom it was pre
- Ind that when the oignaturesof cithens
.eilleeMed, they shall be prescntetrihe Com-
Bliatired, That the members of Councils In
ths nine inirds of the city are_reguested to sup.
Itoitthe.pMject (or which the, meeting was call
iwistiid, That the proceedings of this meet
14' be Published In the city papers. ..
/tier: loin.. The il l egbety and Maiiches
ter ;Plat& Road will be ompleted through the
bowstigh limit's ills wee , andthe work on the
remshang pertions is p presskig rapidly. It
will be a great eensenieoce for the inlutioltawls
Idlitanchester, and use them many a muddy
, ,, Joseph for
:Dirty a member tho. City night watch; tallow
egivolras watehmtui lor the Old Auesnimy
• - ~. .
.. thii ,
FALSII".(I.III 2 . alarm of Sie at aa'carly'
... - , yeiterdny mornint r Pl 5 NEC
.K -', '''..: •• d • • ~
' , ..,^. .•
'.. ' !2 , :i-,.;+:' '' ' I • "' ' ...,: . ,77: . .
.4 .. 'i - ..i.... : '.. - . 4 :4-s:Lg - - -- • -- , -..i, -:- ~ -,:.:: ..".. .:Li..?, - - ',. '..,..', i4.'''':
We call attention to the, announcement of a
course of lectlmes on India, by the Bev. Mr.
.Jenkins—a Wesleyan Methodist minister from
Canada—contained In another colimm.
We understand that Mr. J. was, for a number
of years, Si missionary in that Interesting corm
try, and is therefore prepared to speak from per
sonal observation. He has lectured on this sub
ject, to large-audiences in England and in Cana
da. =4 - greatly to their satisfaction. We are
informed that be delivers these lectures by re
quest, and that the proceeds' will be devoted
strictly to the-promotion of a benevolent ob
By special request, Mr. Jenkins will deliver a
lecture in the South Common, M. E. Church,
this evenbag, on the religion of the Ilindoos,—
We hope that there will be a fell house.
figLISIMIBUILGH CONTESTION. — A delegate, just
returned - from an attempt to reach the-Reimers
burgh Convention, informs us that the Pittsburgh
delegation proceeded no farther than the Ague.
duct above Freeport—that they were there stop
pedby the Steamer's (Allegheny Belle's) inabiltiy
to pus under the Aqueduct, in consequence of
the rise in the river.
The delegation organised on board the boat, on
Saturday night, and passed, after discussion,
((and speeches from the Hon. Charles Naylor and
Gen. Latimer,) resolutions, reported by Mr. Wit.
?mirth, strongly is favor of instantaneous organ
ization for executing the proposed Railway.—
The resolutions and proceedings; enclosed in a
letter, signed by the whole delegation, (fifteen in
number) were dispatched, by Mr. Guthrie, on
horseback, to the Convention.
. Gen. Larimer, Messrs. Wilmarth and Bryant,
and Captain Naylor, returned on Saturday, in
en open skiff on the ricer—unable to, procure
any other means of getting back, without being
.to wait, probably, some days.' Our in
formant reports Captain Wilmarth, a pilot of
great skill, and is enthusiastic in his praises of
the bheerful and heaity oarsmanship of Gen.
Larimer—tor these two, one as pilot and the
other as oarsman, worked the craft down, safely,
amidst whirling eddies and a floating wilderness
of drift.
It Is time thatwe had provided better and.
safer and more expeditions means of communi-
Cation between our city and this most important
Allegheny region—for, as yet, we have little
more than poorly constructed roads over old In
dian trails, and a resort, at certain seasons, to
the river.
Before Honorable Walter H. Lowrie.
The ejectment case of Cooper, et al, ri. Alli
son, et al, mentioned in our edition of Saturday,.
haa not been concluded.
Arrriqurrics.—A large number of antiquities
were fond last week, by some workmen, em
ployed by Mr. S. M. Wickersham, to dig a saw
pit on his premises near the rioint.
They were found in a basin shaped cavity,
and the articles, most of which were of metal,
were much oxydised. Among them were a lot
of jackkniect, a spade, a shovel, some metal but
tons, a bayonet, o brass jewsharp, a boat hook,
a buckle, some English pennies, one of which
bore the date of 1737, together with some bones
of animals—the beak of a hawk, Sc.
Judging from the strange medley of articles,
of but little intrinsic value to a white man, and
the careful manner in which they were Concealed.
we would suppose that they bad been deposited
there by some Indian, the secret of whose treas
ure died with him.
Mrscutur.-,A young lad was arrested and
taken to the Mayor's office on Saturday, charged;
on information of the Superintendent of the Gas
Works, with annoying the neighbors by throwing
stones at their' houses. He was dismissed on
paying the costs, and we trust he has learned a
lesson which he will not soon forget
COMM:II7ED Yon ,Funrusz HEMLING.—Young
Armstrong, accused of committing an assault
and battery with intent to kill on the person of
ids. Culbertson,: at .a late hour of the night, was
committed to prison by the Mayor, on Saturday. •
We stated that he was accused of highway rob
bery, but find that Mr. Culbertson's information
does , not charge him with that offence. The.
defendant is said to hare acted in concert with
a number of other young men it making the at
tack,•which was wholly Unprovoked.
WASIMIGTON'I Btaru DAT.—The Jackson
Blues paraded on Saturday, in honor of the illus
trious Washington's birth day.
Reported for the Pittsburgh Gazette, and for
the Smithsonian Institute, Washington City.
Febuary 15th to February 21st.
Date. Suarkm, 9 a m, 3.p m. 9 p m D4ily maim
15. 56 .00 64 to - 55
16. 27 '2B 28 33 29
17. '25 27 88 .37 32
.48. f 38 40 • 52 .32 40
19. 30 35 56 48 40
20, 48 54 54 50
21. 48 55 60 57
Rent—The - quantity of rain which has fallen
during.the present mouth, has been as follows:
February 5,i - 1-10 In.
- - 2.10
" 14, - - 7-10
" 15, - 5-10 •
• " 21 - • - 4-10
/161.431PH0R-3 bbls.for sale by
feblo • , SF.LLERS
POND BAYBERRY-2 bbls for male by
feblo R. E. SELLERS.
COPPERAS—IU bbls for sale by
feta° R. E. SELLERS.
VIAL C0R1L3,4000 gross for sale hy ..,
feblo ' l'L. H. K. SEl.l:v
MOUSE Jill LAIISTES--Printed and solid
colors, in treat varlet, and at varinua
_prke• to 0.
on at stare of (AID MURPHY a BURCH/I/LLD.
field darn on hand an assenrunent of Black Bombs.
r.. Canton Cloth. Motu* de Laines. Partnettua. Burnts
chat antabed Alpaca., and 04, ... , "0" of M... 1" g o " 4 '
IZAF SUGAR—IOO Lbs. assorted num
10 X. 111 Water st.
ISAL , IIIMCKEY & Agents for Me
b.,;;.=z= i r ralh 2 o4.s n o=
ka Front ea. frblu
BATTING -15 bales superior, for sale by
COTTON-l 0 bales for sale by
L) 4blo . 18A IA 11 . DICK EY 11 CO
C0TT0!..." BAGS-40 dos twilled, for sale
by teal° hIoOILLS 2 . ROE
SEGARS-10,000 Pprincipe, for sale by
&MO ao:lntsa JWE
BUTTER -4 bblii roll,
6 do pa , keil,
pLAL.N . BLACK SI L KS—Muanr &
Byways.n have received a very WI aunty of above
unvida, rbieb they ean tell at lever priers Mao they alv
generally maikt also, Mack Figured and limeade do. of
newest 143 •
DRIP PINGIIAMS—Murphy & Burchfield
V have on bawl a largo lot of Drip • Glashasss, ' , aka
ar i lium at mostly reduced prima, aorta out cora. ith
arkst amt. fslOl
ERESII FRUlT—Peaches and Blackberries
gryt y" n 't:h niragetta d v=rwil i
Al go oft7 r eln d'l®, pat aln Om slaw ta:oner far
pin or tatts. On hand and for hp
febB 2.613 I.4bertr. erect
IRD SEEDS—Canary and Hemp Seeds
I_ll f the Dart quality far .21,• v i
mrtvßo 2
LINSEED OIL-5 bib! justreueived, pure
Country Oil, end for Web]_
11011150 N LITTLE t CO,
No :SG Liberty otreet.
IJ `"I• mu, t co.
kid Stock and Ealtang• Broken.
17100AN i D RAISINS-149 boxes !fp_
ffi rd „„ d b r DRoivrt Ki d lTKPATite g e n
fob Q
IUIOLASSES 34 tierces and 300 barrels,
INI. pilot. <coverage, 21 bAls FL IL, for tale by
LARD bble best, refined Winter,
roe tale by .1. OCIIOONbIAK ER A CO,
febll 111 Word street.
pApE . R__lOO reams Wrapping, assorted;
&ale b r fetA J.TffiIOONMAKERVCd.
(ii•P) Gbls Common, p
feb7 10 Jo J7k110461A1a!,,,C.
GILDER'S CUSHIONS—Just received and
fin. sale NT N a4o W J. KlDD ood•tre / OD,
ha MAKER'S ILERBS, all kinds, a fresh lot
r Wand, and for sato 1.7
J. KIDD it CO.
doi:fe"r sale
LX by 44* J. K 1 OT) & 00.
BETA W'S—A few low priced Long
att"4"."'" ull rlitl i tZfl RCM,
Y -111cal It at Ito. of
CASTOR 01 bd. Blow's Lest, ro
ur nis
jell , J KU I, a CI).
nUTTER-7 bbls fresh Roll;. ---
s so was;
fortis us ' rnl "td do
T OBACCO—L - 0 - boxes laiimiltfor sale b yfeb7 UbOILLS a Rot.
WINDOW GLASS-100 ban "Ilaughi's7'
-V V 8 Si IQ fads by GLI IIcf3ILLS &TAM
r nvt kTEliT SOAP POWDER—V) boxesfuit
otindi sad for brit. E. eIiLLERB, 67 ivmd
s whoa the mates sztlebs =l7 .1007. b. had.
lISPOI 11ORCILTIXLD alias • gad at
deka Oda iar gen emu pa Tad Tb.•=o
hmt - Gam ad MOS
Ylidadg of vidad pins . btd
LATEVIROM CA.l.llolll6lA—Miltll , 6l. OF
Now Ycox, Feb. 2211.1.
The homer Ohio arrived to day from Chagres,
via liarana. She brings the California mails.—
She also brings 126 pMsengers, and 201.000 in
gold on freigid, and $lOO,OOO in the hands of
The Ohio brings Havana dates to the 1111, but
no news of interest.
The steamers Prometheus and Cherokee, from
Cbagres and San Juan de Nicaragua, ere com
ing up.
WAsnisorott, Feb. 22
&NATE, —Mr. Rantoul, the newly elected Sen
ator from Massachusetts, appeared to day, was
duly qualified, and took his seat.
Several bills, on the President's table, were
appropriately 'referred.
The Military Academy, and the revolutionary
pension appropriation hills, were passed.
The Senate then resumed the debate on the
President's Message submitted yesterday.
Horer..---Mr. Bayley reported the Navy ap
propriation bill, which was referred.
the Post Office Appropriation bill was passed.
The House then went into Committee of the
Whole, and took up the fortification bill.
Mr. Bagley made a speech in favor of the bill,
and Mr. Giddings against it.
The eighth arrest for aiding in the lateoutrage
Was made this afternoon. The prisoner is one
Lotus Hayden, a second handclothes dealer, who
is ono of the leading spirits among the negroes in
the city. - Be said to a friend who remarked that
"he was a smart man," that "it took a smart
man to perform the rescue." Bail was given in
$3OOO, by 'S. Butran, of Lynn, a noted Abolition
ist. The prisoner had frequently said that he
Was a runaway slave, and that he would shoot
any mini who would attempt to arrest him.
The examination of Davis is not yet con
Mr. Stanley, of North Carolina, wan arrested
to day, upon n warrant Issued on the oath of
Walter Lenox, Mayor of the, City, and taken be
fore Justice Mosell--charged with challenging
Mr. Inge, of Alabama, for alleged offensi v e words
spoken a few days since in debate.
After a hearing, Mr. Stanley was dismissed for
want of evidence.
Mr. Inge, and hie friend Gov. Brown have not
yet been arrested, although the Police have been
searctdng for them all day. The general im
pression now is, that a challenge has been pass
ed, and a duel agreed upon.
IVAlinugarox. Feb. 2:.'nd
The Message of the President in reply to the
resolution of the Senate of the 18111 instant, was
published this morning.
The President quotes the laws of the Massa
chusetts Legislature, passed expressly to prevent
the execution of the laws of Congress with regard
to fugitive slaves. lie recommends the prompt
elocution of the 'awe, and repeats the assurance
that they shall be faithfully enforced; and nil
forcible opposition to them suppressed; and that,
to this end, he is prepared to exercise the power
vested in him to the fullest extent
The tone of Me message is firm and decided
and was well received.
yew Yoax, Feb. 22
No merchants were on !change to-day, owing
to the observance of honor to Washington's birth
day. The banks, stores, and public places, were
generally closed. A grand procession of milita
ry, and• other companies, was had, and sundry
illuminations are to take place to-night, in honor
of various victories.
Pun...neLenta, Feb. 22.
A forged check has been pawed upon the Penn
sylenala Bank in thia city for $llOO.
LOtISVILL6. Feb. 2.2..
Ifolbrook's tobacco factory, and Donaldson's
refrigerator establiahment, were burned to-day.
The loss is estimated at $12,000, which was cov
ered by insurance in the Protection, Franklin,
and Columbus Companies.
The river is rising. The weather is pleasant
The steamers Peyton and Oregon have ar
ThelVhig Convention of Kentucky hav'e,nimi
tuited Dixon and Thompson, for Governor and
Lent. Governor. This nomination was made
unanimously, and it Is a strong one.
February 2^.
Cotton—The market continues unsettled. A
few sales are Dialing, at irregular prices.
Flour—The export demand is limited, and only
COO bbls, good brawls, were disposed of to-day
at OU V barrel, at which price holders are
Grain—The demand for wheat is limited. A
lot of good red was sold at 103 u.? hush. Corn
continues to come in slowly. Stiles of Southern
yellow at Glic.
Provisions--More has Insert doing in provi
sions. .Sales of hams, in pickle, at tte, and of
shoulders at enic lb. A sale of new Western
lard, in bbls, at So V lb.
Whiskey—Prices are steady, with sales in bbls
at 2lle, and in Lillis at 22c 1) galL
Flout—Nothing ie doing in Sour to doy.
Brain-:—Wheal ie quoted at 96cr99e per hush
el. Sales White corn at 60063, and of Yellow
at 58 el6oc per fm. Oats are sellingat 40€.42C
per busheL
Whistey is witlont change.
Catton—The market is inactive, at 11 iliilfic
for middling upland. and 111®121 for middling
Mobile and Orleans.
Flour—The market is firm but quiet. Sales of
2000 bids at $4,6204.75 for Orleans, and $4,75
4,94 for Indiana and Michigan.
„Grain—Wheat is inactive. Corn is uuchang..
a, "with sales of 0000 bushels yellow at 6505.65}.
per bushel.
Provisions—Pork is - quiet, with sales of 200
bbls old, at $12,44®12,50 for Mess, and $9,60
for prime—including 100 bbls two years old
prime at $0,25 /1 bbL Beef hams aro better,
with sales of 50 bbls at $l5 11 bbl. Sales of
prime Lard at 8(518i 11 lb. Butter is quiet, with
sales of Ohio at 8(5 5 ;8} 11
1.1 lb.
Whiskey is better, with sales of 100 bids at
25 ®2sic ? gallon.
Hemp--The market is firm, with sales of 100
bales dew ratted American, at $ll2 per ;ton.
The offerings; at the yards this week comprised
1,500 head of beef cattle; 200 cows and calves,
000 hogs, and 1,500 sheep and lambs.
Beeves—There has been an animated-demand
for beef cattle, and although the supply was
large, prices have slightly advanced, with,sales
at $6 6006 75 liewt, and some prime-quality
at higher figures.
Cows and Calves—Dry cows sold at $BOl5.
springers $23 ®25,..u1d fresh cows from $ . ..3 to
$32 cash.
' Hogs—Prices have advanced, and the market
is nearly cleared at s 6€ 76 11 cwt.
Sbeepand Lambs—Prices range from $1 to to
$4 60 each, as in'gunlity.
81.7DOLX DZATII for A STIIA %OEM —We learn
from Mr. Henry .0. DIVAN, conductor on the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, that yesterday, a
few momenta before bin train reachdd Harper'.
perry, he observed ono of the passengers sitting
hack in his seat, andasked him for his ticke,.—
He remarked that lie wan going to Philadelphia,
and showed his tiaket. The cars at that moment
reached Harper's Ferry, when Mr. Davis panned
into the hotel to take his dinner, and bad not nit
down before he was told that there was a dead
roan in one of his envs. Ile immediately return
ed, and found the gentleman he had but a Mo
ment before spoken to, still sitting hack in bin
neat, perfectly insensible, and an calling a physi
cian he pronounced him dead. lie seemed to
have died instantaneously, without a struggle.—
Ho was immediately after recognised by a fellow
passenger, a. Mr. P. Delany, merchant tailor, of
P.)O Liberty street, Pittsburgh, and on examining
his person, cards and hills in that name were found
in his possession. A coroner's jury wan RUM -
maned, and the investigation was progressing
when the train left, Ile nypeored to lee a man
about 40 years of age, of medim stature. The
gentleman from Pittsburgh, who recognized the
body, consented to remain at Harper's Ferry un
til the arrival of his friends, who had been im
roetliately telegraphed for.—Bait. Sun.
Scrotum Pommel Sentorsir
Saturday morning last,
llhtdoo while the stetunboat
waslast on the rocks at Louisville, with
cable extended to shore to pull her off. the
Pennillvanin came up, MD siguiast thecatile with
great force, pulling the captain out of the boat,
breaking off seventeen stantheons, Seven
of the passengers, three of them being women,
were crushed up together with the splinters,
b..., and swept along the deck twenty
feet.. None of them were killed, but badly
mashed, reed one or two will probably not *veer
' es. A ills. Costerman, of Cindratati, was taken
an the mail boat to be *Heal back " to this city.
The captain of the seld. yas
Coquetted not to - go over the cable, but he per
eieted in dog Oar.
A RE lOU A FATIIEft, laboring
° for the
% L .l. J . i xrt o frolu . ge a nral
bo. S.D.lfowe'm Shaker Sarreparilla
Are You • Moth , •ufferiug Sl= 'damage, to which a
mil, ore oenerally platoon. tar Dr. S. IL.Lloweis Shaker
tioray.orillo—it cortaluly cure you.
WI at our depot, - rr no one of our agent, and Oct •
Taupblet. grata. • lam you will dal that the Shaker Sar
sparilla ea pular.) luring S. h. Bowe, has burn the
Means of orrmanently More Six..., to which the
human foully WV rotainuoll) aubJeet, than any other
paraxial.; of Sarsaparilla ever yet brought 't.efore the
Tlda medielne he.. eetablithed Ito blob reputation by Its
numeroto and well samba goon. •
It la put 11P In quart holden , and 4 the only Sarsaparilla
that setiton the Liver, Kidneys, and Blood at the eame
box, which tendert It altogether more viattable to Peery
ore. partleolmly to females. • '
De sum and eremite Pm Dr. S. D. HOWE'S
Stant PAILILIet. and tate norther
Price SI per battle -aWale. fur 14.
for rale by
DIL d. D. 110 WE A CO, Proprietors.
I Colleen 1411, Montoya, Obki.
.. To whom all omen may be addreseed.
Alto, fur rale by .1. A. Jun, .1. Seheonmaker d Co W.
IL.ll'. >lran. J. M. Townsend , J. Mohler, W. Jerk-
Pitmloash; D. A. Elliott. Allegheny city; IT IL. Mn
Mama. Manchester, P. Crocker, Drowneville, Jim Paull
Co., Wheelium J. H. Patience:l L E. O. Moman,
Cladresilln Mellen Knox. Cada. 2SatiwT
KJ, ETAIILE MUTER, for the cure of Facolll.2l, or
A ludo and most mccenvittl tvmed7 for`that excrucistini
and Intolemblo Oilcan* to . whichinothers, In the ears
month.. of nuMinir. Blau ,-L. It ationla the toot 9001010
and eumpletc relief. curing the worat cams Ina few dare
and this end ts usually cocuml by a single packaac. Lin
uta otbor rennedim for this painful 1. cannot)" harm.
loam as ruxeciets the child, as IL may he awallowed without
the least proaili. tisk of Intury.
Thlo nitu,ty h., been repeatedly risad. and moot hlchly
roccolmanded, by some of tho medical twculty of
111011 RENT - -Thatiareeciwellin house ~"‘"
„, g
r.tebrire IMutals or Kant., and .table
attuhed. On, reaklenew of the lon , m. J. Totton. nit
Wr,, l b " ^ OUR Posaession given on Si., fi rst of
For term. apply to L. Q. M`Abny, thisMllan, or IL C.
Tottetu o wl the Yost Pitt Works, fuldUlApll
T . LET—Two offices on the lower floor
to =XI.
mrnor Market and Mater etzta fronting on . El.
5.0 "Levet. rarb 18 feet.
t•o nano. aarno al. as the above, on the socoad
fluor. with ann.., palmate from water attrut
All of theao room e,.oath. for Insonontv Cr..
end are Iltnahal In tho Moat favorable plare for
on the wharf. POLLARD McLIMI3IICK.
4hll'al3w .
1 - 4 , 08 EENT.—One large three story fr,
brick house and elm, eltuatod on tha corner .f
' in and Grant etreeta. anlsbrd In modern at,
with hot sod cold Laths, and lighted with aws suimble for
S rivate family or durdlng hoop, Poweaoion on the firat
.6 April. Enquire of t;AMIIEL ROBINSON.
Manrhouter. or
44 Gram Pittsburgh.
(Journal eopy.l
k IO IIRENT--The Warehouse No. 26 Fre
a l 'Wood street, from lot April. For terms, Inqulrria
tb_prerulara febLtdBt
Ibe Urea: rrmn/pAr Mummy/inn e .A.Peosr rf • I T- ALI:111LE MILL, AIOL, D L6i'S
the torrr..44thmo, Dnwoulifir. Anna ur ! V FOR SALK—Two Large Flour 31111 a and a
31111 on
Br‘...t.d uth, nfroctiont of Mr lho Deaver Creak. with thr nomnary water nowrr. A 1,..
a well Improved Form in Lawrenraronuty. Pri A..—
Pulmonary (mgrs.
, %lowa 1 atm of 1 acre, ou the Ohio river, l la m a ! rollee
IVE chi not wish to trifle with the tires an d I ...low Deaver. for 14,230. Also, one of 140 setts,
hwalth of the atilletod, but we eluerrely Plow ottr
lu mak., no ase , rtion an•to the virtues of it,. rent
rem,. ire 111 for ond Dd
— rine, and to bold no hop. autf,rinit humanity. sla. I “rn.• for 1114 twr aure, tot:ether witroaany o th ers of rari.
farts will not warrant. . pefmx -
Prve—thle Dollar Package-,;;;.itt.Vl
. . . .
IDS Llhyriy ;Wet, Vittobunch.
For .ale by L. A. ittaYnksh .1,0. 31rtrom.h. Jot DO cum+.
and U. A. 121‘ort, Druviat.. AlleAbcoy. 11,1,1,2113
.. .. • .. •
N. P .1. L. It. FETTERMAN.
The Moes of De.litud. and (Ie Pine and Wild Chem. am a
Attorta, at Law soul Real e t. Agents,
meth- relobrated for the run. of all &Rona" of lb* I.uuga : { o hm .:
. No lu7 lth et. Pittsburgh.
sad Liver. which are so fearfully prevalent In all Northern ,
lothodoo. From o oLoo b too , uno or 0 „, rof r ol oorro ,„„ n „
r, poR ItENT—Tho storo on 31arket et., Tr : ,
rand from this Mt,. and lio,- Tn.., Da Wi.stsies RA, ,
~...., . .., , ,tp,t:t2l, C ,• 1 . ; . ...f r .' , ,r, , .;%,.1,. , i.)" §l;; , r , ; . t
BAY or Wu. Corral Is chiefly fDnuett. - o. M 11f4PCIANTOCE, 85 4th st.
'''''''''''''''''' hots'''' of
a '"
' T o LET—A Warelmuhe situated he- tl"
11/101fIN, oempo,dentlrely nf Wild chr•rry Bark and the i
...Uhl. le,, , mt NI., (the latter impertydr‘prravly forth's : ~, , ,,,,"ri r, ,. ", ' ,7 4 , nr. n...,"...i r tt",...,...d n nt ‘F r .L.. , : vied .l , jr=
NM...J the medical virtues of w blob are atm , Gem- , ralfe a Atkinson. It le anitable for manufacturingorsto
blool br it new chemiewl pns-css, with the extrort of Tyr— . ~,. t i, porno. ' fe ' lof ""bre t..(4lFE. ATKINSON a OK/ILY.
thus rendering the whole eompound the moot certain and ,
eflirarious many!, oter dineurered for the i I VOR RENt—The dwelling bons° and T.S.,
CONSUMPTI.IN OF TiIt:LUNG:S. i I surrounding gr o unda. now ne.pupled by my- Ward...
HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION Cured by Wirt... Bat- i ..... I, at the head of Pride .trcet, In I. Eighth Ward...we
Kant o(0011,1 Cherry.—Tho Ildlowing euw. of Jeremiah Is. i P L e „ rsanewlat tr tigg i r ., find .
I r .; l7 , atio , n free
rao ti.i fro h m .w orn . t b e and.
place. griga• of ConeutotAhm. (floe of hie brother, and moors ha- I, I li Is withrn OIL. minutes indk of any boldness part of
ring hoot of Consumption,) Is truly •ouhrful: i the dlr. felehltf JAS. W. IIIiCIIAN AN..
''''‘.T hoist", Ilamilt'""'44l.2"°.
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
J. I} Pons—Dear Sir: take the liberty of advising run ; --..
of for anent I I. , er ilerlst+l from the use of Dr. waist's! TIIE undersigned Administrators of the
Balsam of Wild (*berry. I es. prostrated by that terrible ; unripe ofThurcas Yairman. deceased. offer for sale the
scour,. Consumption, In May last. ne attack was truly ! rot re real estate of the Ladd Themes !airman, consisting
im " i
of one W feet lot fronting on Liberty erect. running back
r ' in ' ""*. for l'" act °.r WWI,. imr trolls' "a is s ten f Alpo, the tare. stand known as the
'deice., bed sl.l of Consumption . I wsus an elssi atlet , Mountion Moue, withthe grounds andstable onnnectal,
marl, alai... worst feature,. of the disco., I hada Illatrear fronting on Plum alley. thirty three fort four Inehea
hag rough, and expectorated 0 groat Mud of blood. lactic I Also, three tote fronting on Cherry alley, each eighteen
feet front, and ro ning back sixty feet parallel with Plum
fees, severe pail. In the side and chest, cold china. almt` alley. all of whleh ' properly will be .14 artisan. sale. by
satins. with noshes cf heat. application Co the subscriber.. or If not wild before the . 25th
1 ....„„„ under for c.,,,,. of . alma ~hy d ,..1. . .., ii.e., the act ltact i l . .ti r fia , offred u al . . suction
rod f te nr tbie....n bidders.
time I was taken sick until about six weeks since, being A 1,.., ":' u . m i rdA r 4 : ' 7• C'
then about helpless, and my friend. considered my ease lb CAMPBELL.
hoiwiees, or at lewd beyond our physidWa ak111; wished ja2Pidthar2.l 111 Marty .t
the um of Widat'a ItaLam of Wild Cherry. Without mr 4 . E AL ESTATE FOR SALE-The Under
knowlatite. Mr father idomirod almost., otfere for we a large number of valuable
1.4.111.-, it to toe, and from tin find day I commencial tali , al ding iota sod roma very devirable tit. for manor. ,
log it tar health Improved, and In two weeks from the . kitidee,La Borough of 1hn.1.51....
time l commensal ueing it, I wee able to be out and over
nee my Koine., stud labor, which I still continue to do. I manufacturing wealth, and the rea.vonable prfee• kt which
hare taken four bean. of the medicine, sod now madder lob will be obi, will render them a ref, and liftylltabletn
myself perfertly oral. I ...burnt. Title perfect. Tern e favorable.
For,partirulkm And terms, enquire of thrunderaignediet
A O O ia n 0 , O On O the lA, of George V. tlllmorr, Lag. lirant dr,et,
.1, IT LI al burgh. beta . Third and Yourill'atrada, or ur
Ceuta , / Pena. Lake Co., la. June 074 5 • . th'h . I ".*
Jon, D. P.tra Dear Sir; In I wa, attacked ," - - -
with of {4,4414
sere char Li:{c4l;l;.o -' 14 . ...1., very 0 LET—Ono. Henry and Lot situated %V...
i. r o u,in g ..n tulitodford street, Seventh Ward. For Perot, ;.••••
ken sidli • xe r‘Al. Itich reduced me 41 Such ales r
:ZS Liberty A
Gut WI 4) 111,1• the apisniranorof a rontirsiel en:trump
the- I labored tinder • revere enuab—rxreettl • Vest FOR SALE—The subscriber offero for ten
deal. and was troubled with mid fret and night sweats. 1 . sale a lars i r; and w
ithin ehm rit , J.naLit It i tio nr, it af . x . T o se , ;r 7,i , t!t th. 4= .
nlm frequently niece{blotil from my lungs. I ,nutmeg, or
of Wln Bill P.m...10n given on
on Ohio slat, gradually sinking under the 111611,101, until I nno April
Januar. 1547. when I sems[mrato attacked with favor. ho- Also. • eery detirable Int of ground:containing over Four
friends dsupairni of my lift, and toy physicians tiontaht 1;
u Arrea t.b V .. th bo a n.. spring of excellent waGr thers..n. situated
mold survive tot shoot eAremities. mlw 4 na" ; Also. a lot of ground feet II ineliev hy t.
ly my feet, won , coortantly cold, and almost lost their feel. lag the residence
l ' A. Tone:.
y, t
r ouble
log ruler these circumstancea it may to truly saldl was th;
. 2,r i ve n Zll;rl.. on I' nun,' A u Pntiss
• Ilving •14.sietoti. I Vaunt: diXemainrd to quit taking' mu' d n, no , , r ‘ a l n o a r the 55i.„,„,.. }Uwe will m ro pl e x,
Manes preseribed by physician., and try Dr. Wistara ,pe,y For
•ani of Cherry, and physician,
the nrst week that 1 none Iliter infrr . .rdir r. in d . , tygl d - to ggl i i i. ilt.ELLlL. , et
,snore{ taking IL luau dale a gradual recovery. I condo- oent
n od d uso Fll months. at the mid of which time I was eur.
LNOR RENT OR SALE--Tbe rubs fiber mitt
ourreu health e , " n.u r n- • win , rent his very desirable y
c ommend the Balsam to all times. Allirtrd with dire.. of deuce, In legion,'
l iro ' houve to •
0w...-mxt-wmobt-now.nt thnse & I = l,l errlZlLLfing.Yricorripleto ord., Them is •
to be dlsrouraged If Over Or three bottles do net effect onnno,o . o
Cll, I,llt periseeenx as A have &moats! hat eno doubt sent... crrinrise Yh '
-awo reels. std
jmnrovcd, containin aver on thr g
hut nine rime out a "...414,."crnrgvinTaret.norXiJirill:"."71
health mi I hare been. Itetipectfully yOUri, mg-.4.-11 f
poit '.IIE NT—A tiro stop y Dwelling 51
ru , rs arts OLLUZLII or sus is-ses
sip jiyalit3°'° ov
ns .TAWV-S L PA } Petr.l5 W r et. • 1•1 1114''
Flom Dr
W'hthgns'n County . Fr.
.:in,r‘ora-ta KT., ' 4 ' a lly all for esn,h nr on p.rp.turi lease, one lot on
Mesa, Stati4 , nll coke OlL:opportunity ono- . „,n fit , Geer ftnnl hi. in n
forming rots of a must rentrztrable. cure performed opoo t , n - S.l ntn xe nn , Eno, hd
me by the save of Ur.
0.. Balsam of Wild Cherry. 'hounded . I.y Wert, Carson.
,and stt 0
flitarty, Ly 1:A to lu tLe par 1540,.1 was ialen with an itiffamation of the iil; i lts_ffe .
Wort, which I labonal tauter for Al weeks. when I grad. , oi nn 4 nm „,,rl o
malty term foot In Melia] of 1 Iran attaelnt With, 115 acres. m ad YA3ILS
severe told, which gated itself upon my long. and for the !
spare of alter years' 1 woonmAintsi to my bed. I tried. all T o LET—A large Mansion House moth
kinds of Medicine, and every , ariety of aid. without bane- ! acres of Land attaeh u ed en ittn r ates jo i N aLOslk t. k o and .
rd. and towl wearied along until the winter of ;
worn I bead of tis.leisties Balsam of Wild Cherry. My
Wend. persuaded me to give It a trial, though I ha! given
up all Lop" a recovery, irtd had preps , ed =T.Ir Cu' nu'
ttutigeor.athvr vrarld. Through tbeir wlleltaLow j,•m
1nd..1 b make use of the avoolor MAW. Blum of
(Arm. Tbe eteet wao , trolvutwitiblog. After
vent Prior or bro hundred dollar. to no purport.. nod We
Wet and most respectable phyairlans had proved uneven- , 'T:ar .-- - . _
lug, I am anon restored CO entire health by ihr blessing of'
Ouland the cue of Dr:Wlstar'e Babe. of Wild Murry. r 4 OR RENT . The Store, 118 Market t. 170
May the bleming of Oat rest upon 'the pro - VDU:me of .
, Nr A tee 26.,4.. t. th . e second door from the corner of 3huhrt . a
valuable a mond.. Wistats atauon of illki Cluny. ..abtla•mf etre.. Om. the In of And'
i next %Inquire of DAVID GREER.
Toon respectfully,
DA Man pt.
VI N. IL Baty. I
&AA by J. D. Peas. (sumessur to Sanford a Park.) Fourth , VOR ,t 1... twat very conreneint ext,l'
and Walnut arm., I.lneinnall,Ohin, Clement Agent for the 1 •IL DWELLIND
on Alrd area, above All
South and Wed. to Ichnny all Won mart be midrenonl. I :F d Ayj n ,% ° 4, thf • ali • 1.. ..." lri'`.°.th. Mt
J. Kidd A Co- B. A. Fatmesinck A Co.. J. A. JOI:ICL L.. Alto, to Lem,. foriirtor more year., eon. large vaenhi
Wilon,jr., Pittsburgh: Lee A. Beckham, Allegheny LIM; Lot. on and near the Al i si e lr. dsy River, In the Ninth Ward.
L. T. Rumen , Wmhinston. L. IL 80., tniontnets. U A"'•''' WM 51. DARLINGTON,
Welty, OrmduLtam C. Kounts.Somersen Scott 4 Illinsore, I I,S4:dtf ' \ FourthaL, near Wcal.
liolfont lined A Son, iluntingdomMratOr,lballidayaburr. ,
Illidehrami a co, ]salon; J. it... Wright Kutanntron 1 VOR• RENT.—The folio ing proper- r
Evan. a Co. Itrooluilim A. Wilson A Son, Waynomburm , J 1 ' Um are far rent, c-4 1;4
McFaralthl r. Co, h. Callonder. Meadville. Durkin 4 Co. ~,,,,, , 1 iy ,,..... ja , ! . t . ri . a lOmPle =baud ...
11/..1.1 Th Fourth Ma.
Erie. Graham 4 Forlmr, lierern James Kelly 4 ha, /Joh yu i,,,,h, ;;,,y Dry y a,,,,Z' •
len S. Smith. Beaver. .1. o.Scntorrtno. Warren: F. L4C. , roe rooms In Port OM. BulbiliMe, In t second and
S. Jonm, Condemned; P. Crooke, yr.. ItrourlATl:lr. . third Modes, suitable for Artiste's Boma Ofem tr.
I.ldaylle(in)T d
of Or elly. N .
' Posemaion of the formadng can be [loon on the tatlui
April nem. ,
AL. • SMALL STORE on Third street, neat door to the,
Gmetts M., Proussuluo given innoullately.
FOR SALE—Anntexplred Lea. on the Warehouse. on
Thlni stnvd, heretofore occupied by the Iste4lr. A. Barden.
For terms, aPPIT to
E. D. GAZZAII, Ida Second street
or to 11. M'CORMICK, Ild Third Street
,yi.E.RKY}DE ikoerr SIRABLE
Listen. Count, Pa. un the wah 00tualed In
rsef Little itearer,cnn.
zl:l ‘.‘nin n:L a P . ) , erul ,,,,,, -;%T::: , :ll:s o l l s k r ‘ grit i d h. t,X= ' SU;
It le well known as the Marvin Farm. and has teen or.
11l a Nheep Fenn far the last thirty years The land
is now in find
onbr, and well calculated for elteep and
rattle. It is well watered by Little Ikater sev
eral never falling eprin,r, about 1.0 ecne. under fence, the
principal pert In meadow and paaturr, sod ainut (000100
in woodland in apple orchard of choice grafted fruit. I
with number dud. Math trees near the boner If
plied for soon.• valuable lot of On, , ebold and kitchen fur
:ant, also a end rate roeklud der and fanning nlahtibb
ve m =l.4lo , 7llha arc Le e can be Led with We farm at
ne bUlflirrto nn the form VT, one tdri, Ithuss. 40 Pvt
and two Arnim blab. a ll under the hoes,
with partition wall In the center The hottee le enisb.
ed and In goal style, the rams are very convenientlYvid:
crania, three lathe lower dnorl. with lid , . are II Ism., rte
with three Far •e 1 rankltn arms, eve rooms In the Ihlwr.
tt i llfT:ln th aZihrllo do Prit ' li ' o 400' N 1..,1 l. ' 4.1.1 0000000
hih, with large pantry, and Pond , sent 10 1 . 0 ert° o .
One fratne boos, attathed kitchen, 20 67r110 Pet , two
stories high. Ulcuiated for a work ahop or bed non.. 0 1 10
I neth In trout ten Pet wide One (none wood house , at.
tyvh•el torte/ gene house, 40 by foot. One sprioe
bons., near the brick berme,
a uy Pets atel tvlt ev‘
high, with lower story 7 feet high. d the walls wade ef
sham . •AMOLI god never failing s p ring nf I.lft water...l
through the lower eory—the upper room well calculan
for Ourage idled annexed La • owl, honer; a brick
smoke , hone, end. frame eartiage house. 21 hi 1 0 . bolt
he high with 001040 cellar undd yn.lit, one nendvl 1 0 a
house, shunt :r1) r 0 ,14 frran th by 10 f•ot, 0 1:;
l 'r br
10 feet one and II talcsslut,. Wait with I rid k ellilDUC)
end garners h a ),Tale
ho abed on ono Ode. uhe Was
frame bank hart, te 41. feet, le Pet high, (Meshing
Mew in upper siert. and entrance at one ind--stabits to
1 14 she"- our frame stable, etre/ hod to larde barn.. by
ttt 1 „„, twelve fie; high, with stalls for cattle: ens fr...
born. 4C by 21 fert. twelve (0. 1111,h, one frenie sheep house,
by 21 feet. lk ext high, divided inte
she pens, with
she In the even, or , 'ter) for her' env fum e oh-E
1104 Ittnlvird to the abort! boos, 114 1.) .11 Pet nod
lildh with nteke in the renter, 000 (rune Pune, fur
'multi.). Id by f.. t ,endi fed bleh
pm ruts, anal, P. John 11011. on the prentleel, who
0,. wi1l . bo w the farm midi give all nerePary
n,lllolnGrrnallon or
ou the
Hued, 4 1 trom the
mouth nf r Conk, cud I,utiles below Lo. aunt)
•-•- •
11 A ItlilSON Smy LI., Attorney at Law.
el Ohio Mo. Gommimloner An' taddnif b. poatious, Ark.
1.-kb, La. Otllov—kuuttll .heel. alone
Linen and House Furnishing Goods.
A. MASON & CO., No. 62 and 04
AL. AlartotMtnvt kr.p. ronrioull, on band a leOao
n,o•orunrul. of lb. , he tr1.1211f..
91,1 e Cloths. llamank and Manor'
Ovoria,n. noLlun, Le. an.
Tovoln, Diaper awl Datumk:
IrinN n, Ruo,no, Seoul, and nlrd K!.;
!Avon lawn. aml I.lnon Canalnien,
Vloor aml Damuk, an akin.;
!Anon Cambric. Ilanolkerthlorr,
1. Allendale Shootlnirro, ,14;
, honnna.; Olorh
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
TIIE recent unprecedented sale of Lots In
the abase •thrising Town having ly exhautted
c`• Prr•foofir kid 004 and the demand 01111 continuing,
the undeesheneel Mss been Induad to to out • 1• 33.3 " .33
pesdnrty in town iota as abed. and yams them fur sale
at prices and Maus that cannot fail to meet the view. of
Muse wtshiou pnrehase. Ufa Dunne. to stfT WO,
__. 13 . 2
of tin] of the Tweet and pronects (It having twee
sufficiently described In mead advertisements) 01br ,313 ...
that tner one healer.' lots have reeently changed 5 . 3 "
mul been
bin hone. purchased by those wishing to mecum • desira-
lot. mamma the tenet elltdbleanddedrable
In the place. 11.1.4 i mlndpally lumped In the' ceetre of
thaw recently .14.
For lansenadou apply to the prnprietor In Lleettnel•
htt James Meanly, Esq., Fourth
East Llecrpcol, Feb. Yrnt.lML febeetnett:.,
ii assorta risrejust received angdd Tor we Or
IL E. tLYLLE Who Wale Amt.
4s= • -47 Wood streeL
R RENT-1' email frame cottage, with
.4 nonk: large dildug room and kitchen in
ncelueot: rnall rat - main garret witha large gun. n
and werernl fruit tree+, a very drairable tweidenee for
small fatally, 'floated war 31inenrville. Ptweraltai ultra
A 1.,, ...end small Tenement, for rent.
rro tla r fin : ain II lots (trotting on Ilaneock street, and 3
Pent donor. Ten.,,,
Lfelikelm or 11. P. Cain. rot, of Market end Mil NIA
Desirable Residence for Sale.
TEE sullseribt4, intending to remove a few
MllOO loco the country, oiler, fur Pale the property in
t colt he nine rendes. finely Worsted pen I."
In Allegheny City. The dwelling. a double one, and built
of brick. la lora, and oarutoodieun and b. twen reeently
ter:kilned and papered. The lot Mudd filly feet on the C.
rottuitut back twoloundred and eighty live, and La
out with Grate, containing choice shrubbery and fruit. The
consiatlng of a prieate crheol boo, 'table
noel carrion. how, tap ronreoleutly located. The onus
tiou pleasant and the Wire duepenelon Bridge Mural to
1.• placed over • the Allegheny, will Lying tbe pnpertf
nithln a few minute, 'Walk or date of the city.
Porchuere an, refernel to Alec- 11. Miller Nn. 12p 4th
_teblildln, MOSES HAMPTON.
OENT—A comfortable
and pleasantly altuated dwelling hewn/ and lot
Clientiolt Wont, In the Eighth Ward, of thin
- The hour. , reotains dram:nu; the lot Is forty fret on Chest.
nut Allred by one hundred In depth. Enquire of
ra'as corner of Wont and Sixth eta.
TOTO LF . l . 7 lrhe Three Story IhrelHog V
HIM, NO 10 i NT yhe street, at present arupted ~...1
oho R. Lngston, and containing two petriora•swww.
dining rtaos, and kleben, on tee brat dm, 1 . 0.10.41/0112
iClem on the let of April. Ingalre of J. bR. FLOYD.
jab ' Round Church.
rI LET—One' Two Story Brick.ifottoe, rza
r i nzolog . 4 t an . na k z u l.' ,.. en . tr Avenue, Minen.L . :,
FOR RENT, a Two story F7io Llousoa
DarWN k
s tugitt ;d mr . Ith two lo mltuala on
For terram , apply to 71111M, L i.ITFLi.
deer/ 2St. Liberty Meet.
TO LET, the Store Room No. 65 Mar-2
ket street, adjoining the Watchand Jewelry I
. W. Wilson, and terently occupied by Meters.
N. Holm. San, • flanking and Exchange atm.
This Mtn I. kaited In the most central and b.t Lindner+
redo.. In the city, and well adapted for • Banking an En
chant. Moo and Into ranee Ortley. or • store. A eplendld
new (mut. " ho Enulleh lint. Glees, will be pat in as eau.
as IN...Abet remit , - -
giTcrt on the tint of February If wanted.—
Enquire of W. W. WII-PON.
Cornet of Market and Fourth Area..
Rare Chance for. Capitalists and Xanufac-
THE undersigned being t , tiat for the ott-n-
Agle,Vt:CLUtr, u ttf, ° .otb n no th o`.=
iVZ 4 ,lgli.4l' o : l l?;: i tigio"& n .rurth to- ot
rylvarda }Ultras]. now nearly
c o nod
thro.g o
It. this real estate Idtonis. pahaps, the bast ppnrtunll
11.1, offered, to perm.. who may wish boot , e In man
ufacturing of almost any dos. , rinti.. Meal. oda... and
cheapness of Pill the means of living, the nupply of coal for
furl for steam power,ll, mat quantity of wool hrtmght
to this market , as well . th e belittles for transportaon of
m oot ,
articles, all combine to Make lids on. oftlie
Woatdsirable, pr.ltiot for.tablishlng manufacheres of iron.
001, Cotton. Indeed of all deacriptions which In now afloed
tsl In the lVestern
lseveral ImProved fume, In the vicinity of the Canal and
Itallroad. an: al.n offered—a trart of or scres.of exmllent
timbered innd, fling between 11.0 . Canal end Italinent. and
ahmst half a nab. from the latter, •• lot ..f about seven
erre, adj..lning the lthilroad Depot...font oneehle of widen
the trart pas., nod on two tildes. etteets of the town. Ito
tel keepers and merchants will du well to look at this
fore they purchase elwa hen .
The pwitiou of Mwedlion, In lbo heart of an agdcultural
region, not our-mooed by sot In the eountrY. Is so well
known that It to eiremod untose.eary to do inure Ilan refer
to It to Induce all who wish to make rood lerrettnenta. to
call and a:Koh...this property. Title Indisputable and
to evodit riven If doon , t. Iron. Andrew W. Loptuls42ol
Joshua Hanna. of Pittsburgh, will give leflarniallon
..oueernlng It, and any enquiries will be answered by al-
Lo Thomas 11cCullough.liant Jantoor the under
signal It M.sillon. DWILIIIT JOllOl I+.
reb. a, 'II.
ha COTT. Meal: , •
Q.fdß, lb. Iluckobrat Ilnur; ttr AR t r .
T. it OUDY • [ON, ,
Produce Dealer. said CounateU. •• Mektbautt.
utn 61 Water are, •
HU LK PORK-200 pieces bog rqund, well
ip t f i 111 null, fur sale 6y WIL BAGAL a CO
- • --- ---- ---- '
F EATHERS -17 sacks prime for sale by
to:.1 . 116,11-
LARO-3 brls and 15 Iteffiir sr le by
At% J. .1,11:411CrIll CO
nitoolts-80 doz just received by -
11l - 1 . , J.S. Da t IVO ITU a CO.
rUIT-100 bu Dried Peaches;
150 bu Wird Apphn, fur *sir by
10yEICOLLION-1 ease genuine Chinese,
for We by J. K IDD &CO.
3 60 Weal a
11 - AMPBLACK-50 tals for elle by
.11,1 KID A CO
j) 1CE~36 s p C arolina ,
1 ERMa CL Y-58
RICE -40 to just ree , _ _ _
',la2i - • BURBILIDOI
I• 1011 SAINT . LOUI S—The
Beht draught Reamer l'AitlS. tqulth.
uter. will lea e for Ihe a 1.., and all inter.
o. dime porta, on Tuealay. the 230 Inwt., at 10 0. 11.
fl...lght or twunge apply on beard or to
fete!a ti la 111 LTENtt 110 RB. AFL
1 011 1%
t .Dlendlk ! r ne y w
fotemwer iLALn 7l a s l . l Inter'
4 E• .4 - 4
mhrvort.. the .21th at 10 o'elock. a. t.
fr.lil or le•weage apply onhoenl. fetal
FOR NASII L E. The fest
n.‘naloy. Ateeniwrl f*.N EN' A. Cart
11 leare for tie. nl of and internowliate porta
thlw day at .1 I'. L.
For freight or fatal .. apply on lwao.a
The One eleamer J. 4. AIiANIS. Lams,
lomter. will (ea," for above and
ports Orl NIMIPIOI, 2 , 1[11 1.14. at 10 1. Y.
F'or (night , {gum:m.l.mA, hoard. , feb2l
. . .
. .-
I 8 mpletwll4l,w p.tettrr!er El.ritilt, Ma4.1, , A71 . 11
et.inumutlvr, will leave tot eba,.. and Into,
~1,,,4. iwndlnge. thlx Enornln. 0.1., 6,1,14.
.. .. ..
For fr • silt or ;Axial ahplz nn hoard fir in
f0b?..2 ( I }:I_I I .MILTENRI:RGER Agt.
di4 steamer FORT }ITT, lIIIII.r. namiter,
• Irate I, th.abot . t• and interzw , llate porta
on For freig htt tst.M. at 10 o'olork, A. !I.
or P....V....PAT on hoard• fah2l
:i '.. 2 . •
&7: Tit, i n. ° 7,...n°lli r l l!',l. Pl i - ,, ll r E th7AT,i i . : .
and al lun.rny Siam points, nu Friday urat, :eat In.
AUMIG. t 4 o'clock. r. X.
For 11,110 or ,WAsall, arid" on boanl. 1.1410
• ..- "
VOR LOUISVILLE— the eplen. j Ap . rre.
a did tic, at..aut, LUELLA-Wm. J. hountz
command., will have for tl r 01x,r.. taut in.
trrmediato ports on Friday. the 14th Inst., at 4 o'clock, r.
.. For rroigh , or Pn',nhT 7. l Wigj::„F d ,igl...?,, AgmL
VAIOR ST. LOUIS. The 'splendid
new anwr TU.:F:7II'OOn, Wm. Carder,
noramarider,•lll loan.. for Oa, atax. and Int,
undietc port. on Ilsh day. tho 14111 lord.. at 4 I'. 11.
For freight or pnwair, aPPIT .., Isar , . °I . 1-. •
fahl4 I. 51.117 oN JON I:h, Ammt..
- • •• - - -•
- VOil La ISV 11.1 F.• -The gplen
-1 kaig
dill an arra, NAV MAD R. Cat. W. nran. ....
al 1 lean tot th. alai". , aud all Intertnedlato
. .
aq to a (h.t. day at 10tichark. For in•Lahana
f apt , lT
1. I.ol:l,—The 1'441 runnun,
E 1.7
A() N M4llO, Charl44 14rael. will
leave for the . above nod porta, no dd. day.
ht 4 I'. NI
• rfg alll run
ular Rm. luvlJru.
rlty and Al ellavlllt, le at
y1 . 5 , 17 . ! . Z . id; : i1V1 d ~.r) Monday. %Ppd.-Jay, and Fridr., at
Fon fralvlit or mime,. apply on tx.rd 1. 10
stpal r FnapPt.r.
will na
fnr theala.,ean 4.lCFL.ol dliel..nuoliat.port,
11.. ay, at I.
For frrptht ~r paaaage. apply on WW. febl2.
(FOR, ZAN ESN' LLE finn,
. Pam., F. , 11.11)::5,1 , x, ma., will leave -
or abor..and int..nawdla.ports thtaafterown,-
at 4 o'rl,k
For frrtght or Innate. apply on talon!.
. WIIRELLNG PACKET.—The sphiaild
packrt AlterlfT DIURN A L,
ter, Is no informing her regular tri-areekly trips between
Oda rite and Wheailltut. kart. Pittsburgh at 10 Wendt
rsrry Mauday, Wsitarsday and Friday, .1.1 ri.turtilets.
!raring Wheeling errry Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
la each For freight or parr., a_pplr on Wart or to
ale ARMSTRONG CltliZEß, Agents.
PrterCET, CINCUINATI. Captain John MMt
imloin.haro. This oplorolldboat won built by
t =frog t ot Va ' 11 ' 14i7714:7. =e 'n 19,1 wilt
Cinnininal. tilnix of Enn a Aniro i Ejg.
m or ,nr ply . nn . lrenl. or to
111X:KINliPOItT.-r-Thn line steamer
^ Capt. S. S. Cr.311..111 learn as ahose
at 4 ild'l
For (nigh l 4..t....rd• or to
t.. '4'153? JoIINSTON. Act
ic.—W,• art prtTmed N make contr.4 to bring out
from Philadelphia thil. rearm. I moo In to of loop frriqhh ,
smoromodatlng tumus A an? vcry low rate. without
"'M aga ' the
O. A. 310a1; LIR .1: CO. Canal Buhl.
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
n'oONNOlt $ tel Mash, Pittabur¢h.
J.I)IES and Cbcrry ntr,et.,
nd So. 3 Snuth Fourd;Plrvet, Morkl-t Chrat,
IN NOM! aVI iu snub .tTrtu. raltimnre.
full 's completed our arrange-
Meta, we will L; rrepar..l upon th e ora,rdor• or the
l i g, hauls Car3wl l
b , ewer, fre.,:ta vd rec. Pin,
lower norm and with more uiele•tal and ear., than , BL Levin avd all Iho Fit and
arty Mir
er Uwe. All pocie oblpree.l on, 1.1110 are full, roseerd
theuranee. will any char, 13 ow nem a protretiun
ant real!, atforleal L, APT .her Lire.
All rrall.m ul
, dr,...1 to rarlrro ~r
Intl a Or.. Cio emmuni elnnAti: WFbi.. no
. - .
unborn, et. Lao-. n wr.:l ugh prunapt rim.otion.
/IQ-N. 11 Out Lill& rvq-0nn0,11..n witb thn
l'hUndrlptde aud Pi.bargh Trums,rtailort Its.. of At.
Merchants' Transportation Line,
(t'l.l PENNSYLVANI(I CANAL,. ASP 11.‘11..1tOADS,)
F Olt
C. A- licAluvrx Arid,
RAYNOR. Ceptral lIIuL, Rood stn.., Phil.
yrwpart.l to rees.we 6 large amount 111 AI.
and preaes , to ship en IL.. ~p,10120 ll, , 'canals to Phil,
delphla. and 61t internn.dinte phr.e. nt lonnr n. 4,. and le
Trn„• 1,
the Canal C..ebstate....nnvt , tor en. fr 31 1 ,, o r I,uts . tan
mawltailruul. .111 00.0e01 an, a'delar at
febls Canal 11..u.te.
To Canal Boat Camera and Transporters.
AU' ;11v,
n e f ort e r , lt h e a t4, , r au ( r 4 Lat i ion
In the week h my, betw en Je sr
htutuo end I'llttt=
during the coming
Time (ruin Jahnetetru to Pittsbureh .............._1 hours.
trutu Itrlttburgh to John.. u
fehl:Lhhr for ADAMS 0 CO.
1851 *ll'
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
TO •VD MY Irmaracx, rums I.II.TIVOIT ...11 TO..
11. E. ATKINS .t CO . Propriators. No. 219 an d . .:51 Mar
kla street,Philadelphia
FELL & LRIOETT.. Agent. Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
. , .
JOE. TANI.OII A SON. Ayer., Ihdtlrnore.
nr, pn.uan.d, be upening nt du. rendliV.n , •
Calls L4lE...Ante!. for Frei:At at as low rate, mud rive
..h4, AL. tnituh durpatch and ,are n. nuy other Lim.
All ut.lolnrun..l (run ut rharuu. • frh1.2..-Um
[Euecem. to .1,4 m 31rFalru & Co.]
Canal ilasin, Pcnn Sired:
Paula. Rail Road Co.--gentral Rail Road.
MILE eubserihers having Leen appointed
ht a no loint. Cri the Pr:in:l,ll,l4e tir Limlnd nail
/to itifiirni pithilo that ari• non iirpparril In
mire unirehnoilite or vnamn• for allipruent east onthe
opiining ur the meal.
rig 004 route will he rarrivathrough In Ore days
ml sly oonwigne,l to no will be forwar ded fro. of comm
hin or charge fur ad •1121.,
..11.ATES , 10,11rSIN PIIII.I.IIIITELIA 1. rrYYSBCr.on•
Dry 0.4% Iles, Rios, Rook, Stationary, Cutlery, Conk,
tionary. Fruits, Feathers, Furnitars, Drag& Modir , ...
naZldlery, Woo , .te. Fs. , 51.00 F 1001:m.
Hardware, Quesnmary, Om-cries, Paint., Dys :4 , Z,, Gil.,
' Luther, Chan, 11..TImothy and other Gram Seisla,
•'`,- 90c p 100.
Elsc...h, ikef. Pork. linttcf i . 1 16 .a , 5.J.1-srd Oil, Tak.) „, 7 1 10.
A 5441c.V: r 09:, Grain ~y, ~,,
bl ( ronith) Tar, Pita, Rob, Gsrman Clay.
Ikm.. as; 6 , .!.., it 100
ja=o) .
ff's Comme
win. Steam Buns I
1 Houk Erepiem
J . ieeplrur,
11 .. 1.r.-c stwlT
M Wood $t
Ulauks faith; 11xlva;ror
for 2 0 by
Uit WitEELB-111100W
N_P from our on Friday. tin
m f the. name wm. w and
fAlleghenyh city.~ and taken in 1'....11.1htvE,
no Slonday the and paid. Th. , genii...,
rhaAed the.wheelbarrnw will plow, t.—,
and Oct his tanner .1.1101 . Ity Mnlg he
oblige 1a39 J. A It. nod
ECKEIt'S FARINA--3 eases for sufn ,
was taken away
all of anauury. be
' to hlt.lialtter,
,Auction Room,
tb o pnr:
81 25,81 50. and 81 75 per gallon.
VERN KEEPERS had butter try Morns
A Ilaurorth'e P im., Pax rarALA the Ore,
Dr tea, - puerl ~1
- AND RIME sronE.
Md. of the Plantond.
B RIM) FRUIT-30 brls Dried Apples; 16 do do l'escher • for
WM. 13.1W1.1.1:1" k CO,
11/NCH RAISINS-200 boxes Sreioler
brand, landlo in= etenmer Dorltt Clintu, for We
to mm.. old eroib Twin* Quality, In atom tal7rtrai
• llan9l . ' , 01IN PARKER & CO.
I. ' ilOitilS-95 do '
- •
eel flay Forks;
40 dt
nn , nnpignment and
• ntIN
H OES -130 d
5 dos
.. .
. ensi,mocrit avd fur omle br .. ...
lalg n I. S. WATEILM AN 1 SON
. . .
91111 E BEST OF IVIIcES - ANii
R—ffiree hundred lutrrels ju K t-r•sclC
na hr ..m IL, 101:1111:11 , 0E dllater.
110 'W AM AL
AagASUGAlt—Tv:ent) Dues White
11 liars. Su g ar for
J ul No. 116 to
`I PIPES. Cnt‘sin, Pimento. Pepper, MOO
ond Noononn tor male Ly ISAIAH DICKEY a CO.
der Wator t Front stn.
IS' IN lOW' GLASS—Five hundred boxes
V nnweted nlnn , m .ton zuni liirAvil&nbAtirat,
TIOTASII.---.5 casks Potash, just recuitred
and for rale by Jel RUBCRT DA LZELL &
j i lltESII ROLLBUTTEit—'_'Uhiejuncrecd
tor ray, by JAE' J. D. CANFIELD
11E0031S—EL din for Bale by
AI A. 2111. JotiNnoN
11 Walla NUTS-2 brls for sale by
j. , M Ws. 11. JOHN ETON
R Y APPLES-40 sacks for sale by
1 01 - IN-250 bu'unehellecb for Pale by
DOLL BUTTER-r-3brlifreAh for sato by
17 nl' 0 WxALJOUNFIVN.
iorroN BATTING-111(1bolon for rale by
COTTON-21 bales for saki by
1.23 /13Ala1 DICELLY a CO, Wat. a Fr=te
Su. 41 Smith S.rotitl .12•4 , 1- bore
but....ort febl4l
st. .. ~ : . .....
. - •
J,. (7,,,ra., ZEL .11arke4t...Plaal•4el ph 1,4 VS]
A. S. IiCCIA.M. •
-I. •. 4141,in,
ISEALD,' BiIOIINOR . .E CO., Tobacco
0 ,,,,„, 4 ,,,k,, Merthuts, In. 41 North Watt 4 , 14,1.
• .'. 16 North Minn:es, Plaulelphla sugl
& AN
P TLL?, bl 2e . n t lral
conliNm.b% 4 <t Proxl:jgenerally. [jmthl'26l'22'.'
Commission and Farwanll
y. No. 276 haricot /Cwt. Phil
To southern and Wes..., Narchanti
The anhaniber ml.pectfdly ihrltm public tat - taken
extensive sleek of Perrunseer.Shavlng Creams,
ar.. to • ideh Silver and ter Golden Males hank
Newthe last ele pram bens la Utile Inalitater of
New km*, Boston. and Philadelphia. - lb. latter being lb.
only Golden 3leiaLs emer amended Ire perfumery . either in
kderope or In this country.
Pommes nflrilarti Snafu CROP, (Almond,
and Ambrosial.) unlremeally bet tenalealgod tohumpularto
any !Shaving ermenln OM wants, ar ExMlle•
Oconrom - K ran Fosso
o— outifollr trumporent, and
PC...1.411 end manillent propmdm
~.v .P oond; Ambrodol awing YOUM MUM.
Bac.Llamas. now I.l°"thg.
Tat hostimmomes—Bsco, domain. Bor .
.6.l:l7a3,CAr=l.l.l,"=rtriej, atorl_.,l.l=ff'd'e'j4*k;
o .cr omelettes, all rimy different oed,mes
Tos, ionm—ilrds Write; run de Toilette, Omouro.
Flower Water, Mal • sent variety of Colosues ..r..-
Paercitatiorocrom Licre—OrunthelkmeMoll,,Luthne
Oil, Mordmitne, Lim Ltutrale, Olen*. Compound Os Mar
tri Halt Dice: liquid 4.1 I a powder, and Phlloasinmakil
m.v.dltriT.L... •
Hoar man
rineder. to ' , Moth rude, smiTnoth
ooetry-Vegetable Carmetio Cron, Amandine tbr
chapped heals, Cold Cream of Itoem Cream de Perm, Lip
Mire. Ilasplorry t.7ew, We.
Depilatory Powders. gm mooring sopertuons hair: Pearl
Powder. Vtrudure de Itouge. Annuli. Vinegar, Vittorio
lialr Compoottow, Preston MIL* beside. a great varlet, of
other article., tm numerous to be named In this advertise,
comb • •
The retweriber hop he to nudntaln the reputation which
this Maldwhment hoe amulmd, by dist - rem, of n e gni o .
Rot OM rote article, and will be happy to furnish them
ho mar wish to patronise him, either wholesalerrtdl
sreasonable tame as any elnahlishment In the Baited
Summar to and former Director of theh.
Datoratwy of
114 Chem=
Sly. Basin's Perfumery D for do oil the PitMAI
Drugukstiiin thecountry.
A. & G. A. .
D RAPERS & TAILORS., No: 3 03 Broad-
Inring /10.0.
Sort, ZOT. 74 .' 11 " lAto th t lttergr of friend. nod
the public to their athortenent of SPRING GOODS, of
the nave; pattern", which th ey the mowed to make OD
In Goatee* pat terns,
and mart Oahlonahle• styk, et th eir
mew W
l altham the ner
e. Frith Cloths, theathisems mod'' ' Test
ing; of Wen Importation; elegant light silk. lb, Teat;
dark do. do.; new patterne of Paris Essihroideries. There
era throe aklllful artlete employed In tide establidthent—
WtOcut COATS. the to cut PANTS, mad onw to cut
AISTCOATS: Each department i• complete In Itself.—
ARMY and NATY UNIPUKSIS made to order, with rhea
.racy mad dethateh. and In the moot ap_proved a luather.—
trangers who visit this metropolis, will And at tlds thab
lbhment every thing to their tart; and • moat perfect fit
la always levered.
PREMIUM WAISTCOATS.—Them elethed waistcoats.
that were so nin th admired at thistle Garden, have beau
warded the Prat premium of the Ammican /ththato at
their tate Far. • feblitthn.
Shawl and Brant:Uhl Warehouse.
13taIrsj NEW YORE, opening_ one Of
,e ar and tidiest assortment. of SYRINO AND
SUSISI At SHAWLS ever bedive reorlvol. Also LACE
MUSLIN and all kinds of PILE MANTILLAS, nianufsetm
red from the latest Paris Saddam, received by the Reamers
aid particularly adapted to the Spring trade.
n i titme , o o rL i e=d ‘ ig t th oc g t d f . LOLI ata:lLS.4.4yD.otar
and elk. and Tort fat. Dararols, and Cotton a=
ham Umbrella. All of which will be offered at
low prima We especially invite our Wastevn friend. to ex
amine oor steak beforafgirchadng.
Alan, WIRE SHOW STANDS. for eieldblLlnit Shawla and
Mantilla, put up in eases for LTlEtnatitklll. febiktr
C. B. HATCH & CO., •
E VE_ nowin store, and are constantly re
velling by +teas:ems thereat extendreassirtment of
cot exam's FURNISHING 00008 ever berme offered,
embrecing the Istria and richeet styles of Cravats:Shirty
tiloret, Hosiery, &spenders, Cutler Garment. London
The, Stocks, Oiled Silks. Irreadng (Mena. Handkerchief,
:boulder 5r.,.,. Linen Collars, sith • ...Mt)" of Ws , ttr
tic k+ eculiar to their line of bushes. . All of alder
In sol d at the rrry to
ren:prism Our Western Mende aro
Invited to extuninn our seek fabldrem.
Superior Black Writing and Copying
'ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 8,5 Nassau street,
isy Sew Turk-
$1 50 6oz. per 50
On draught. per auline ... "
Thin in the Inotankh. Matztartored. It Bows freely—
in • want riIPVING INK—az:hi .01 not correde, mould,
Panclposte or inks all the Qualitiet MVO ,-
..1 for • Wean.: , ruitulde for Ilia Quill, and ad
mtrably adapted for the 64,1 Pen.
The undt.rataned petrazanl to lambda to the trade eF
ther for export or home the above real
ion Pride., put up t per order, and dellrerlal lu purl
of Lile ear free of rhaepe. No charge for 011.4. Kumla
" d'"'d extra at
feldlP Nastau AL. New hook.
l l lturtb r dos
A fix.
Int, ••
No...l9_Nassau strert, New York,
MANUFACTURE and have for sale on
gitvg.erAtt77 A'unifortAVlllregLEV:
slUiltnatti, consistingof
manure ho,~~
Table 1,1,311. Crumb, Curing. air
}Rd.. Chats, Sailors' nod Trays ing
iold Diggers' Exploring loud
tbs - sis, Diving Orem,. Breast Dumps, tiring'.
and .rticiss t, , r druggists and surgeon. Engine .d
Factory licd,e, Dad Tubing, Horse Fenders, Horny's
Patent Ptrinium Cow 3111 her, Machine Drill I.
ridiro tw L'unhicnl.
Si I m.
Danl. Vire buckets, ae. Articles fur
the 'few& muds to Ordrr.
Murphy's Self-Seniing Advertising
V - 0..283 3IADISGN ST., NEW YORK.—
II The cube -Tiber. In soliciting the patronage of all who
May see this advertisement. feels none Of that hisitation
with which • new article Is brought before the pahlk. The
erperience of year. has tutablithed their superlority be.
,41141 all questa.. and he confidently refers to the
f tho tarn sales . e need these envelopes,
anto hi rapidlytxreasin as pm( of their excel
The following ere • few of the moons Air their popu
lax On the place crenpled by the seal, a persica may
have his name l ho rt L eteas, end address, conspieuomly and
I..citifolly cm colored or plat. thus per.
Get Berilrity agalturt ILL
31. The Envelope, cannot be opened without being do-
dd.Neither wax nor wafer+ are required to and them.
4th. iltena the mieorriane of • letter e the sr fassiresito
Immediatereturn to the sender, Instead of rein, burled
month. in the Dead Leth,r Mice.
Stb. Thu ' EntelOpee era furnished at ahricat the roma
price aa plain ours.
nth. Lech letter mailed lea moaterfeellreaTvertirement,
wore to attract the attention of all through whoa: hands it
m i t hrgilo ' kg la a list of prices far Inge, engraved on
hrtas, ami :filch w 11l ut for yeast and of Egvuorra of
the usual dee, either white or buff, of good gager, ant
mule to dews, with aline, titre.. te.:
. . •
•• •• • • • ••••• . •• • • -
Priers 41.! Dies. I'6m DtarLvis sad* al
2.0 letters or Ins-- $4.00 ave.
/0 Z.lll
_lO,OO 1000_
so — to ice
Mons It is wat convenient to forward amouatot mew
nneer mall or
g e spm. a zrozwe or r a r , e r riretaltlti d l i kw York
attl " tion, .17... r. L . "' WIT."SIUTLPIrr•
No. 2ros Madison street. New York. •
Orders will be attended terms:aptly, 11 left
at the slam
of Mows. albell hlott,:.D Wall stmt. Gr.( 31evirs. LI.
Jerolltawi C0..134 William et.
N. B.—Bultness Cards, Eiritrowedla tolara. from sum
Dies. at 810.11.1 Per thoussail. Jere-lona
Profetistir A. C. Barrre Tricopheront,
too Mewing, inftnating, sad beautifying the hair.
the scurf. dentand .11 affactheas of the=
and mring eruqns on th e akin, diseases of th e
muscles and to meats, and relieving stings, cute. brat,
wordsprains. go. W ith thbs preparation "them is no such
word to fail" The first.burnaL to America. =wised men
f the Mallen eminence. prombient Miami of a ll Na
m I
done. .ml ladies who hare used it for yam in their drew
ima room. end tummies, admit it with oneationd. that Ps !
mporting visor ems. luxuriance, and curl to the hair.
rradtpng surf .cad dandruff heeling Inn:Me. Mring
mntusions. sprains. stings, Sul anal rendving dims. or
the skin. the glands, and thermucles, it has no sisal
.20. thetatalltude of conga, advertised in the pub
lic prints, or end in p i rSe d In Mathews mini'
as efficiency, Barry's h us is unrivalled. The be
mem cash gales of th e e.. have enabled the invmtor
to supply it kt BA genie per bo a which la form 80 to 103
per cent loot then the price ,o my other preparation Ats
the hair Dolr 10 um. The Wilk Magee cc the hair
and the sidu, embracing the 111 viable directions for th e eel.
It ‘ i ' z ' o%l evrzi a :r.: f -' ~',..Lb.:—..-%-e—‘,,,1 0 .
,ml46llrifty between the me brutes which constitute the
o and the hair, vrldelt dra Um sustenance cam this
tel 'envelope, Is very close. All diseases of the hair orb
gluar n the skin of the heed. if the poen of lb. scalp
no cl . . .er it the 0100 and outer guide do not &cu.
late free hrough the .moil vessels which feed the root
with moir end impa rt life to the Mem, the remit la
tlrs il.
Norf. dandru shedding of th e hair. cramming. drys.. ,
and harsh:ten o the Ithamenth and mthetialsinese. isa the
ewe may be. t iota the skin to health fu l action with
the TMorherrins. Mg the toned velseis. moralists their
enmity, will annile=t , tibmise. In all allectime of the
skin. sod of the au of aunts and integument; the
process and the eant me e sum It la illalla the skin.
rho muscular films. and the glands, that th e Trlcopherous
has its specific anion. and in C.l airectlong and balm of
there orgas. It l• • eaverrin reaKtly.
s n id i n 1..,,, bottle, mice M cents, at the principal of
fro, 137 Broadway. New lark. wad tribe principal
ants and druggbu throughmt the Ualt.4. bales .
ada. ' : 0• "
other kinds assynter Gloyea—aty ....b... " b. b.
owl nt the store of
frb3 MURppel 11URCIIFIX
Lloa th ARIES' 'WINTER lI6SIERY; of sario..
Mt. tneltustore gng a mar article of Wool =I to
Mat e of
fella nensorlllt S IttrEteIIFTELD.
it . .. .211 8C.11711. ketip 11.321312010. Of th•
,tamp,. Alsq tilk and
dam Matzo sad Merit°
and Lamb • Wool Mrswerk. twb3
YE LED PEACILES--A smelllot received
r sate by jaal W3l. A. 'AIcCLUSU A U.)
1 VIDE SIIKETINGS--flowsekcepers, ata
7 V a letta:Art . 44 . ot hounkserus,v iscd at Muo
StsTaket Mere% six wig:A:tent of
attesting "I
on. to three_. plods ride. bleseised unbi=od: '
Klmer.. Simla., linen tablecloths, Una, dispels:Mr.. -
ling &sas sad hash:sad Innaseteeping gm& gem..r.
QTAR CANDLES-4G las Cincinnati /LW
nufacture, on band and fat fale by
SCARL W ET CURTAIN l i tll2RO ' f l ( 4 1fffer.
I.; ut
DITWrc U LANN 9i .S, a Domestic Article
—_fsTj ------ I.terit' Cough Sruyi . _ lllinois.'
1 GDGE ELERCI,, of id cport. iroquose
IP countf.iotitea tidier date of Jaotuo7 17th.1551,.hgt
frontal been troobted more or leo with a cough for larval
••hiclalbst yo r oefood him to his bol.anJ mitred
medical treactecut Or three months. Duran the
bbef 511,triA1114,1=:11"*Z.Va'by gra:ll3
?..:....; . bins faViT h =truck= !AT i la " Mr. '
Z,=',c An o u Tpd aa . .. h tfrupof %luso la hi baott,and
' h'
u nrlgjblial or i 1 Al 'Li ..4 I?...d' i gitl d ' h ima n
Mit 1.. all • o odor mesas 611;1 to Mot ar '
1 Orapool wad Pohl by ja.Valink
ST Wad al.
WO by drogado putridly id eat ttrOchka nal fiddly.
fabl . .
BORN , BRO. & CO.,
11FAVE REMO:VE D hum N o . : 1 2.el south
121 •rl e• .treot.tro t.
warthouo On the trOltlll
DS rOILNKR (11 , C)tARM, Alril tom usau smyry,
where they intend rotoluctine. , - the NyLittLEdalyeanßi s x, ,
In all its lunette hainut mole oubet. vitt
iy sn e es et peonnitrottuutursourere In she sh e :
of Virginia fu a ma. supply or the chotte.branno sir
Nlockin- Bird. ssa; , , srsis,..e. re. en d
the rllsbyt celebrated nut eared, P
Itobinecare_lt Assured owed ,Intepe. Imyeented end
Posondlr F EGA pese MX, of every dee nytioo: .O.)lollLitilfodAC•
PO and teed /dole. toe el. Zolfo Amin
...,,Srseriptios: Some Labein Brandt lip. Ad All of
the ehos . articlen will be said on accutilmodellise terms
air ji
l t roods:lug 100.000 of sr. , I:I3eaSSED
PHI setsu ECIAII, „Petit and Barite • Innralt a Nstra.
frblexilm - 14.1\'Y, RHO. t CO.
AULT'S ENGLlS Horfuifriakt2 . ,
rie undersigned Uordeulturists and Wed
from London , basing - established tintmselera id
lines., lido tate the liberty to inform the tenth:Men
of Illoldirth and elrittity.lhot,ther woultlttellithtte stn.-
ply with Ow lewlinn anklet of Orr Mottos
en 11., venom km. o f.rebtostetultdomeo word:" ..
lerture. eplench, Peet LeconArt. A full assorts
meat le relied for to baser friend, two leaded, •Itis a '
Part well Loco n ta sonar gardener.of experience. that dist
rate An
lummptileh I butlers Soda produce in quantity and Arran
lctter , -TUP6 than an br obtained ItteoP the retro] in thin elimsle Mee renseet yen. Cm..
rtg r e I ttli t dete i t trthlttl h:te i er 'e tr=
toommon 13110. h. Tecnanic gentlemen. to see the dieerecess
qttality, without expruer to thoneelore ere have etn`lial.
tyrinnyol kinds, whkhtla telltews of the,
Gazette will pownt to ;writ of their tritons(preen yaw
non) az they kn.: con and will do the etc. ponce. and •
et matonty drop n tine informing us of entrees. etc.
Orders ter our Seek, and mon ttanoe tines nt.
' sire our precept nal beet attentiod' We win *mar
kiavi (41 , ki ordrowl.) Ire wM t o themlq
tlse ounce, sound ur 00 put three Ms to tether.
f Call% : char CO. .
Calvert and Wstersinow
.4, CO um .,reneral
dl bf nth/mamma Flour
elphla. JrZ
W D.
strrxt.'grn.T.. jor:=' caE4sr "
2,000 bag Nor.l, 2 and 7. Mackerel: LEO lajr2 saltiq
ZOO) b. bemt y C11EZ.52.4 ar4
100 tubs DVITEII. For Jado nt lowest r‘10 , 6 Or
• 'lr. D. :MALTZ t CO,
'O. 3 tYDoo ners 'nt'
(net. Am.) 2'
un RECEIVE') per steamer Pocahutas,
u 73 be. SPUN' ROLL TORACCO, fur mile Er. •
BOSN. BRO. CO- Bola Soul;
39AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at - Law,
and iltoommtvlonerfotTeniwylvaltt, Et. La:Lb.:do.
TTour H. RANKIN, Atitmiey and Conn•
tailor at Law. and Conanisidonar ,r f the Alt* o,
ooryliaols. Ft. Louis, Mo., (late ItitUrards
Potonooma—Plaaboroto licno. .1 , c0 ,, aiamptm k
'areandleam k 51.celare,'Jobn IL Porta. Mad. k
&rook. McCord k Co. anr Liar
, •
paundersigned haring entirely re•
t atuleuluu,ud the abnee ex:melee
Mout. toutaltilnit ho all about three hundred sad tlitr
mow, would t Sally own hothu that Who now ready
for the recepUoto sad accommodation of the travelling
... .
An extendednoticeof the uneempa•rat Atorrenienres of thia
Florae ie deemed =Menem, a. Ultnumerate lenyerme•
menta which lure Leon ma= cannot be properly {thou lo
an adratrament, boffin h. to my, no copra, tra been
eparcel be rend= any apartment ported, •
The foratera was made exprraly to enter. Ma= di .
met. and certain praketa of it, cracially the Drawing
rams, will be farad to be of ameba.. bean Ural =antra
tore. The Dining ram= are =6 Me hours Am
meal. will he At arranged as to rat the ermnrammtvf the
early and late. •
Zrery department will be conduct= in an may'
Me reamer, Aral the_prottrietrm pledges Maxi! that Abe
American home eltalneyruly the TravelleVe ItAme.•
febte3strdtwitotT • .• • - LrarLS MCP.
FOR SALE—Good White LotiiirOle Lime,
by the barrel or retalh'lso m4Wia Mud and exult
wonlen boyar.. blank To Letc Ito tempernme mettle:Mem -
our late commerfettdctectore and all our daily amt meet of
our weekly.,atal.about 100 AlCerent late I:warm Waters.
Northern aril Southern manage.: and manall ratan MD.,
My Almanac. and a fax echool book; Ink, end
Must., quills, patent Porta for eel* cheap in any_omnts.'
ty for eustamers. •
Filth t.
febs Wor
aUGAR—Primo new and old Orleans Loaf,
Qllrosherlend Pe.dwo „t r we
QIMUT MILL—One Smut Mill, complete,
Tur sale Icnr by f,bs DALZBI.I. CO.
L ARD -30 barrels and 1.5 Ice ,, s do, for sale
R. D. a. CO,
&b. Labert7 strcet
ROLL BUTTER-5 bblPprime R; Butter,
on hand •rdi fur es!, b 7 DAUM!, t CO.
Liberty strrrt.
QOOOTRINE ALOES-75 lbe., par° article,
for Weby 11.1.5 U. BELLI:US.
,IQUA A3I3IONIA FOVES-5 carboy,,
4 by feb3 ' '9l.
— Y.. SELLM , .
TOFFEE—?OO haAßio Codes, just roe'd
V 66 6 for 661 e by In 7 4BRIDUE k INGIUIII3I,
. _ febs -.Nu. 116 Water stmt.
VRESII PECANS—Just received, 3 ais
JL frcsb Poem nuts: far Rio 1 , 1 .
mccura . A Co.
fcbs 256 Liberty strevt.
RESIT FIGS--50 drums .receired and for
Arie to. 11.135 W. A. iteCLURCI k
Thls ill the only lostruta.ut yet Invehtotl by whtell
coonterfelt coin ran ta eertminly deteeted exyattitlantl.
Ttiring but a maractent. Prices $1.50. WO. is
tale at the Watch and Jewelry ttore of
GM ranter or Market and 4th
13/1.1 - pupers - WC;Od,
ftlel Y WR. sqtril!,
it) RIE I) APPLES-3.1 ,acks for sale In
DALzEcta. ego.
1-11 .4,- -idt-LA.SII-30 cooks on hand' and for
male I, 6,4 It. 11.U2ELL d Cot.
V HEE6E--60 boxes on hand and for saleby
4.-. 1 (eV. DAUM'. a CU.
tZ — CASS—Of all sizes and qualities, on hand
v.a Ron for P.. DALZELL * CO.
4 t , f!. L
tser Word and That ,da.
BELLOWS—Fine pair of Bellows, nearly
(r m ho .
_ll9 drat - 1vy...4.
WANTING SOON-PLleriFfor npiiiherof
seem... book Ice (or, vehool mantera, ageita, va,r.
donors. coach men. waiter, evaders and laborer, and for
dude anemia, of boyc and young en of all we= rock,
chamber teak!, haute Stollen and dry mows aupplied.—
Money borrowed and lent. and all WWI. of aavneave neual
in an daancy and'lntelilverico ofd, attended to promptly
and for very naderate charia, Pleanc, p
Agency and Intelbytnro OLlor. Ltb d.
TiMoTnY SEED -15 - 2,61s 'Timothy seed
band alod tor tale by R. DALZELL Jr 00.. Si
fet.s Liberty rlyeet.
TARTARIC. ACID-40p tha, warranto!
e b r, fur sale I T xt. F. ST.LLEIIB,
51 Wood stave
ERRING--100 ktaLubec scaled, for,.
Jjbf ja24 LSAT &II DICKY 11_
ORN-20 bele and 30 sails just rue"
IJ I.z I. & DILWORTH & •
OLL BUTTER-25 brls in store .
IG IRON-200 tons on-hand
.1. S. 2,II•WIATEe___
VOTASII-8 casks Duncan's pure Ittis
far sale by ia23 J. & PLOY
itation of Oak. and esettiehod. Lr nle be
1135'W. P. MAltbllA 41
brie Timothy Seed, yams tisar
18 brie sad ad krirs No 1 Last Lard
'a bids Oar N.V. 80614- *
leo brah. O. idolaisaa i •
60 Ms batik tircsaid S. 11. Molmo
180 brio flour surerflor and ettsr" "L..
Loadan Sad for sae . BRAWN A eI'ATBIL.
10 CASKS CLORLDE Lt riusPratte;
Zings Castor (A new crop. 9 6 1.4 ;
2500 lbs InclLsh ao , rirs, sasol; ,
36 brls Glom , , -
ZOO lbs Blue Viesoli For sals .
febl _ j. KiDeS , Cb. r,O %Ford et
I E LAINES—A Inrge a nsplendid assort
mr.t .roai Ajdal.llarilltorard De
n Cashmer%tom F. to ^- mr ard.
French ell owl D Leh., aza Omen, at ,ate Iy .
febt %. A. MASON tt CO.
XAILORS' fßlMMlN;S—lteceiced and
ownsd this ay.
...' - deXedraZtertlZJlptled i 'lg
supp Butte.. amp and Blot Bono buspotottr Buttons.
L. ' fob' A. A. BARON a CO.
AtCARVERSIIIT—The subscribers hsre
entered Ito Cartatnennli. under the 'Arm of Beak.
A ociy. mm. IL FCAITC.
JAMEF AT611.50$
J.n AMU , i. °Eta.
% need.. LT Mewl Ild. dto yr;,,rWid.
~ .8.. 8., BA.. and Uh
"Ntl)! Wk. ....
tr i tsottrt thPectot BlAdad.,,, A d d ,
V. Ad Cland And A d c ,,
Atkin - oe3 } aut. Csehmetr,3lctino shtl SlArneillee
Black BAW. , ' A. A. 31AROI A CO,"" . - 62 0 GS Market R.
----- i)RIE1) , PEACHES;
". ifolt K=2'l2.. eel - rooyerver .
• 1001= Cosa Brooms. Jut rec'd 4br role by
161/1.4 Mot:ILLS a ROE:
DEAIiNG BUILDINGS—We are prepar—
ed o_forolah ...4 ...t .0p..... own... a mt . urp,
no.: 000 do n, 17 Wool or het watt, aryl bore ro-
Pied Di Wlllloros, from thr cwt. vs rupnloorolibt cps
riruetlo, .1“.31 O'C.4IFE, J/101 , 11:W. dc Ohlil. ,
MO EET—R/XIMS and SteammPower for •
N m ,t,..0.t0i purr?... C.r" '1- . 0 0 limy.
.\ raLITY., TKINtOI,
119 Emus rt
1.. t. for role b ' -
11131 lay 6 / 1 4 T-1 S a 2S ' ello :il Alii.k CO -
IDP.F'D SUCES.--`2O bxs d. refelarge loaf
PO ben enroll lord: - . . . .
jj . •110 lo rrcohei . •,
_. ,
• N 1 .4' do '' go ' realn wtbre sad
Ark Ft. Louie Sap. Napery.
-1"b7,1-FSVGAR-30 brLirtor sale*
\V3I. BAG. T! CO.
r7 w lcazder.ut i %Co S 's!ars; s plailia; •
F :,. fur rale
4 .movAL._ENcLisu & BEN:iiT7t:WhIAC .
Ornnan. mei Deal., In Invlnce,Lave rentornt
. oa. •12 . 2 Sanntal. nlll2l Firm dip., letneett
Anatnirah. .
• Cloning but the Entire Stock.
G .
REAT, BARGAIN S.—A • further reaue-,
two to prlors.. Tbr ottltrrrittrr wirttrp - to rtor.. , -ptrt
the balance of Gls hock Fnnry ant . :4:c int 7 Oaals b.'
tbr 3et of April ',lt Slfentl.
Of tax Id enrlchtera Th. 1.17.1 -- cc: Cr
ihrd goad, at thy per cr I.rutrr.rr , a.
IrUtunclos trrnwnceLLlJß"... r n.b..ttp.r.rtlrrtrtirt..."
would tr gwderyr:tun.ty, dp:r PC the 141.
btu. o f
tb.• an INT.! yr
wborb hot,' nrrtpled tr veer 11 r n 4 her Pp earel..
Ina tcnaty trtde. .
ku 2 .,
lau9D. Newlrorlcrtgrr..!hutrt I . .hclhirg j
T A IN:SI.EI) OIL--f.b brit reed fur
s.a W. uAueA.reu. • -
!SUGAR 310LASSES-- 50 htul;
, thribtlVrlrrijh r '
tr) byls rt.
James 4 _ta rnrinE k . istan " , •
• 11* an . st.