The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 24, 1851, Image 2

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    fined to 'a stop of coast nearly two miles long:
although for about seven miles or more the sand
is more ior less abounding.trillgold. We have
been shwa one sample,
.which we are 'assured
has yielded upon analysis at the rate of lax dol
len' to the pound; which we presume of . coarse
to LC a very favorable specimen. The more son
-guine members of the Pacific Mining Company
are cOnfidettt that the ;pmereit sand willyieldfrom
fifty-five cents to one dollar and twenty Ave cents:
a poend, for all which estimates we wish to be
its no way responsible, although the company is
giving the best evidence of its filithin them by its
exixdslitures in the enterprise . .-the.puiclitme of
the stesmer Chesapeak, he. That the' gold ex
ists all along the coast at the foot f the blutfe,
audits great abundance, seems to be indisputable.
Hors to get at it in any available shape Is.
another affair entirely. The ordinary methods
(by washing, winnowing, &c.) of Separating the
gold from the sand in which It is found, fail in
this case; the black sand being nearly or quite es
Heavy no the scales of gold width it contains.—
. Wtrpresume that there Is within the resources of
modern science a mode of obtaining the gold by
suilntion or otherwise; and we 'learn' that Prof.
Snicker of this city, ban the secret, and has had
it in successful operation. We believe it is now
in the exclusive possession of the Pacific Mining'
Whether this or any other possible mode of
separating the gold is not going to cost a good
deal more. than it comes to is, of course, the
point on which every thing depends. If the gold
can bc•obtained at such a cost as will leave a fair
margin for profit, then the deposits at the gold
_bluffs Is immensely rich. If not, it is worthless.
The point is to be decided at the expense of those
who make the triaL
The explanation of the whole matter may prob.
ably he found to tho following extract from the
California Courier. If the original company re
alize $lOO,OOO, cash in hand, as the result of
their enterprise, to our opinion they will have
brought their, golden stores to a rather profitable
market: • 1.
A company, - consisting of some thirty persons,
was immediately formed, books opened, and a
few sham only. all the stockholders would con
sent to dispose of, were put in - 0e ket, and
up they went, like a mammothUlloon, inflated
With gas. The condescension of the 'shareholders
in permitting a few ethers to pay !leis hundred
dollars each, for an interest in the treasures,
which were to make them all Rothchild and
Barings—on papert—was highly commendable.
The stock was divided into 12,000 shares of
$lOO inch, and 1000 shares were thrown into the
-market, for which the original holders expect to
realize $lOO,OOO--tv very small compensation for
a division of their prospective Wealth. The
sand was displayed throughout yesterday in all
its richness, and numberless were the American
eagles that changed hands at liendig & Wain
wright's. The entire store load the appearance
of a mass meeting. The result will be, of course,
unless the whole thing turns out to be a stupen
dous humbug, as is not unlikely, the original
stockholders, about thirty in number, will take
the .proceed; of eleven thousand elu:res, - - - While
those who make ap the aggregate of $lOO,OOO in
essh, against the fictitious capital of the others,
will receive a dividend upon 1000 shares. The
prciportion is about as a hat full of sand for the
latter, to a ship load for the former.
. .
The message of Governor -Burnett was trans
mitted to the Legislature on the 7th of Jsuanaiy.
It, is very long, filling eight closely printed col
umtis et the Alta Califon:um
The San Francisco Shield publishes the 'follow
ing summary of the documents
The message opens frith a review of the gene
ral history of the State time the adjournment of
the last Legislature,and thence proceeds to recom
. mend certain measures for the action of the pre
' sent Senate and Assembly.
. After speaking of the difficulties we bad to en
counter before our adatissiim into the Union, the
Governor details the Indian troubles on our fron
tier. Ilis Excellency thinks that the Indian dif
ficulties have been brought about by the failure
of the general government to make treaties with
the tribes for their lands. -
Gar relations to the negro race come in after
the Indians have Been considered. The message
recommends the passage of a law excluding no
- grees.from the State.
'Following out the idea of unity of race in the
Governor then recommends an amendment to the li
constitutional article requiring the laws to be
published in Spanish. Ile urges this on the
score of economy; as well as for the the policy of
having only one official language.
An amendment of the criminal laws of the
State is suggested. For temporary purposes it
it is proposed to extend-capital punishment. It
is particularly recommended to punish grand lar
ceny with death.
The interestlaw of the State is disapproved of,
and a change E 0 as to have a law against Vinery
The election of notaries public by the people
of the respective townships in which they reside,
is proposed. It is also suggested to pass a law
in regard to the duties of commissioners of deeds
residing in the several States of the Union. '
Thelagricaltaral interests of the State are dilly
considered. Ttke Surveyor General ought, ac
. cording to the message, to continue hie attention
to the statistics of agrictilture.
The passage of a homestead exemption bill is
urgently recommended. s
A general redaction of the salaries of State
office, is suggested, and also a reduction of the
fees of clerks, recorders, and other officers. The
necessity of cheap and speedy justice is insisted
Tile necessity' of pacing an act prescribingthe
duties of superintendents of pnbht Instruction is
pointed out; and in this connection, the grant
by Congress of all swamp and overflowed public
binds to the several States in which they may be
situated is mentioned. Even without the passage
of this last act, the Governor considers that the
State is, in virtue of the right of eminent do
main, entitled to all the 10lii in the city of San
Francitho, covered ty ordinary high tide. Ile,
however, recommends the cession these lots to
the city.
The message recommends an entire repeal of
the quarantine law, and a thorough revision of
the act creating a marine hospital and board of
health at San Francisco. It also suggests the
abolishment of the Supremethnirt of this city.
The anancial condition of the State is consid
ered at length, and the Govisnor expresses a
decided repugnance to loans... In order to pay
present debts, and meet fothie liabilities, the
, message says the State "must make more, ex
peed-liar, and borrow none." ITo increase the
. revenue, it is congested to keep up the present
sate of taxation on real and personal estate, and
to reduce the capitation tax. I
The present Legislature is [cautioned against
wholesale repeals of the sate of the last; and in
conclusion the Governor strengly recommends
* repeal of the fourth section of the first chapter
of the "Act to regulate Proceedings in civil
cases." The Eection reads, "No action shall
be maintained for criminal connection or for 11P
. -
• - -
Sion.. T. Butler ring entered upon his duties
as collector of the customs atSan Francisco, on
the 14th.of January. Col. Collier, the late col
lector, would not, as was at first supposed, return
immediately to the Atlahtic States. Fifteen hun-
dred dollars had been subscribed by the inspec
tors of the customs to procure a imitable testi ,
menial for presentation to him.
The steamer Constitution has been placed cm
the route between San Francisco, Monterey, San
Luis Obispo, Santa Darby's, San Pedro. and San.
Diego, affording a weeklyeommurdcatioti between
those Places.
the choler has been somewhat prevalent at
Sancelito, but was on the abatement at the latest
Mrs..P.ambleton, on actress well known in this
city, committed suicide at San Francisco, on the
14th of January, by taking a solution, of cyanur
et of potassium. The canoe which led to the
act was difficulty with her husband, relative
to an attar of the company to which she be
The llsn Francisco papers publish later intelli
pence from Oregon,
but do not mention the
The fast - steamer ever ever builtin Oregon via
launched on Christmes day. It was to .be call
ed the Lot Whitcomb. Daring the festivities
Captain F. Morse, of the schooner blediternm
eon, wag instantly killed by the bursting of a
The. - brig Emma Preston .was to rail from
- Portland .for - Canton on'the 21st of Decem
ber, being the first clearance from Oregon to
The report of the discovery of an extensive
heti of coat in the vicinity of Paget's Sound,
isomaftraled. it is said to be an =catkin arti-
. •
An immense bridge has been completedacross
the North Fork of - Tam Rill neer It measures
406 feet in length, and 60 feet above low water
The steamer Gold Hunter is hereafter. to two
bets cell Portland and San Francisco, making two
trips a month.
The Legislature of Oregon was still in session
on the 2d January. Amonk the business trans-..
acted was the passage of the daaation or grant
bill, and the adoption of a report on the Caynse
War 'clalms—for the purport of which we shall
hare to await the reception of our own files.
The weather in Oregon, generally, is repre
sented to be very fine, though snow bad fallen in
tome loc.slities. • ,
Ce/tlDay.—The - aud SIM of December *ere
the coldestdays *Ter felt at SOAta PO id the re
collection of the oldest inlusbitant. FiTe teeth
'eters in the employ of Waldo. - null & Co., per
ished trona the. effects of cold within eir miles of
the town. 'All cattle, bogs,.aral poultry-exposed
to tho weather were frozen to &nth. — Snow lay
en the ground two feet deep. '•
• -11 '-.:.,"`"` '
ALIAGACNY Crer.—What are the Councils of
'Allegheny going to do to improve their streets?
is a question almbsehourly asked, both by citi
zens and visitors. That fair city, to speak me
taphorically, may be said to be floating on a sea
of black mud. Only one or two streets, in a city
of 22,000 inhabitants, are paved. 'All the rest
arc composed of beds of alma impassable mud.
Is there no remedy for this state of things, which
is at present injuring the prosperity and rapid
increase of that city'more than all other causes
combined? Can the intelligentConnciladevise no
remedy to lift it out of the mire? If they can
not devise a better, 'we would suggest to them
the•propriety of procuring the power from the
Legislature to pare all the streets which they in
their wisdom think need it, and assess the ex._
pease an the property holders fronting on such
improved streets. This seems to us to be the best
and most equitable way in which it ennise done,
In a city . wholly unpaved as Allegheny. Eve
ry property holder would be amply compensated in
the advance of rents, the inereae of comforts,
and the enhanced value of real estate. A general
poring of the streets would add 20 per cent. to
the value of property, while the expense would
be but trifling in comparison. Unless some such
plan is adopted, we despair of seeing any im
provement for. years tb .me, which will be
greatly to the present and permanent injury of
the city. We hope the Councils will take the
conditioner the streets into serious considcratiun,•
and adopt some plan to - improve them during the'
approaching summer.
The Watling Times publishes Mr- HAMPTON ' S
able Tariff speech at length. Some of our own
papers hare not yet permitted their renders to
see in their columns, the speech of their Repre
sentative on this vitally interesting subject.
CLAIMS ON Nir.xico.—The Commissioners sit
ting at Washington under the Treaty with Mexi
co, have given public notice "that claimants who
have not yet filed the proofs necessary to sus-,
lain their claims, are required to do so on or be
fore the Meath day of March next, after which
time no new evidence will be received; and all ' •
parties intending to submit arguments in sup
port of their claims are required to file them on
or before the first day of April next; after which
an argument will bo received."
We think there has been a good deal of unne
scessary breath spent in denouncing the people
of Boston, because of the rescue of the alleged
bagitive slave; and more importance given to it
than it deserves. One cannot asoid the conclu
sion, in reading the furious denunciations and
out-bursts of patriotism, and professed love of the
Union. which this matter has called forth, that
there is another motive than that which appears
upon the surface of this 'extraordinary excite
ment. If there was no strife of factions nod
party—no political ends to be accomplished—
there would be' less ink and fustian wasted on
the subject.
There was an outrage committed, no one doubts,
and no good citizen will object to the severe pun
ishment of thegttilty. Outrages are committed
every day, almost, in various parts of the coun
try, and some of them of the most fearful char
acter, and are passed over with very slight no
tice- It is seldom that an attempt is made to
implicate a whole people, and to find cause for
doubting their loyalty and patriotism, on such an
account We have no doubt that a vast majority
of the people of Boston condemn that outrage
in the strongest manner, and deeply regret its
occurrence, but they are no more accountable for
it than the quiet people of Philadelphia, Pitts
burgh and Cincinnati are for the riots which bare
taken place in their midst. Nearly all the papers
of Boston condemn the outrage in the severest
terms,'und thiS is good evidence that the people 1
think with them. The act was one of those sud
den, unexpected events which may take place
any community, and was successful from its very
boldnem. There does not appear to have been
any encouraging or abetting on the part of the
white inhabitants of Boston, with the exception
of two or three individuals, and such persons can
be found in every community. If it is said, that
the people, by their eversion to the fugitive law.
and to delivering up fugitive slaves, give tacit
encouragement to ouch outrageo, the reply is
that they are no more accountable fur this effect
of their opinions, than are those who bold to the
opposite, and demand this surrender of feeling
at their bands. The people of Welton we pre
same wish to have nothing to do with the Matter,
and leave the officers of the law to the unmolested
discharge of their disagreeable official duties,
and we think if they Lad taken proper precau.
Lions, the event so much deprecated would not
have happened. It is one which may occur in
any community, through the neglect or careless
ness of public officers, and is inseparable from
the nature of the case.
Tut FLAX Corms EXPERIanST.—The London
Morning Chronicle speaks of the experiment at
Rochdale in the adaptation of flax to cotton ma
chitiery as progressing favorably. Claussen, it
says, accomplishes o complete division of the fi
bers of.the flax from the resinous matter which
adheres to them in woody substances, either by
operating directly upon the flax stem as it comes
from the field, arupon the fiber, after it has been
cleared from the woody portion of the plant by
mechanical means. This division he accomplish
es by chemical agency, in less than three hours,
and' without deteriorating or injuring the mate
rial. Complete, however, as may be the disinte
gration obtained by thisprocess, the cylindrical
flax fibres still possess that harshness and elas.
'deity which it is necessary to remove before they
can be adapted as a substitute for cotton. In
order to effect this removal the, inventor splits
the fires into a number of small ribbon-like strips,
possessing flat sides and ragged edges, of a grav
ity somewhat less than cotton. The fires having
been split, arid their cylindrical character there
by completely 'destroyed, they are intant state
for the ordinary treatment required in placing
cotton upon the machinery. The Chronicle adds:
"In addition; however, to this change of stric
ture in the material, and its consequent adapta
tion to cotton purposes, another very important
obstacle is at the same time removed. Owing to
the great difference in the relative gravities of
the two materials, and the 'advantage in the
length of fibre which could be obtained from a
given weight of cotton, as compared with flax, it
would be obvious that, in an economical point of
view, the:latter could never be substituted for
the fa rmer, ' Unless a considerable diminution in
the cost of the one, or increase in the price of
the others were to take place. Thus 1 lb. of "fair
bowed Georgian" cotton, costing any Sd per lb.
spun Into 30's, wculd yield 23,200 yards; 1 lb: of
flax, however, costing the same price, 8.1 per lb.
spun into 70's, that number in "linen" 'being
about equivalent to 30's in cotton, would produce
but 21,000 yards, being a difference in length of
yarn, in favor of cotton over flax, Of upwards of.
4000 yards, or about 20 per cent; but the cotton
yarn could be prepared at a cost which would
admit of. its being sold at Ild wings: the "linen"
yarn would not be sold for leas than 18d., being
.a difference of 7d in the pound in favor of cotton.
By the process above described, however, the
produce in yarn of a pound of flax, is increased
from 60 to 100 per cent. over the old mode of
treatment; and by regulating the proportions and
strength of do agents employed, it can be in
creased to a far greater extent. It is not requi
site, however, that the finer and higher priced
flax should be used for this purpose; on the con
trary, by the mode of treatment, the full ripe
and coarser kind of tlax is that which .can be
used with the greatest advantage. This is a cir
cumstance highly favorable to an extension of
flax, as the grower will not be under Go neces
sity of pulling his flax before the seed is fully
and completely ripened."
One of the principal firms in Bradford, Wil
mer's Liverpool Times says, bus obtained a li
cense to go targelyinto the manufacture of fat
ties formed of flax and wooL
Rev. J. J. Doherty, tho Catholic clergyman in
this town, was examined before Tri Justice
Crooks last Friday,und Saturday, on a c al
harge of
ATAPIITING FOB NeW York cones- I as sault with intent tOOO7IIIII
it s
pondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, says
onsms who lived in his r fami ly p e spant
e 11 7 11 0 th ag s
since. The result was that he was bound over
"There is great deal of excitementin Harlem, in the sum of $4OO for trial in the Common
in consequence of two gentlemen and two ladies, Pleas Court next May. No evidence was heard
being married without their knowing ead it 'fhe
o h l ers tb e e l f7Vc u e a u ti n ° s ' e l but ur t t h h e a defence n the
producing e yung d ri Y o
ceremony was performed in sport, when in-
formed the next day, that the marriage was le- i witnesses at this preliminary nate of the case.
gal according to law, there was a great coaster- Some weeks since the young woman gave birht to
maim ' a child, and Mr. Doherty has been held to bail,
The brides, I learn, are willing to abide by the also, under the bastardy act, in the sum of $3O O .
marefago, .but the bridegrooms ere not , and re- We further leans that the father of the woman
emeipgee the ceremony at all. lino of has instituted a civil snit for damages against
them isteir talk greet deal of property. The the same party, for the seduction of his daughter.
*Meet will be brought before our courts, or be -
_ spri. The d= ( gu ve..l.a.i)d
R in g, th ,,6 e 4, ll ,, ri: . a t high figure.
fore thelegtelature." .
For the Gazdte
Ma Warre—Please notice carefully whether
the Wheeling papers say as much about the "air
line', since the Parkersburg Railroad was char
tered. I presume the words "air line" have
Hosted down the river. They are used now in
the papers at Parkersburg and Cincinnati, and
will probably soon become obsolete at Wheeling. I
Onr correspondent is right in hiesuppositions.
The" Wheeling Times is laboring to prove that
the round-about way from Cincinnati to , Balti
more. through Wheeling, is shortOr than this "air
line" through Parkersbnrg. The Wheeling pa
per sees insurmountable difficulties in the way
of making a railroad from Three Forks to Par
kersburg, but makes no objection to the "Alpine
grades" of the Wheeling route.
On the other luit', the Cincinnati papers are
loud in their congratulations on haring secured
the "air line" at last. The Coitirtte, of that
place, says that the Parkersburg route is fifty
miles shorter than the Wheeling, and the Chron
icle congratulates its renders in tho following
Our Railroada-The Sky clearing up.—We are
informed that the Legislature of Illinois has
granted a free right of way to the Ohio and Mis
sissippi. Railroad Company from Vincennes to
St. Louis. This comes by telegraph. At the
same time comes news from the Virginia Legis
lature, that a charter has been granted for a
railroad from Parkersburg, on the Ohio river, to
, connect with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,
at the mouth of Three Fork Creek; thus ;tiring
no the brat and shoreet route to Baltimore. These,
with the facilities granted by our own Legisla
i tare, to projects aiming to promote the growth
( and prosperity of Cincinnati, furnish us with
abundant reasons for , congratulating our citizens
on the bright prospects thus opened for the fa
• eorree.poodence of the Gazette.,
Saturday morning, Feb. 22. I
The Pittsburgh delegation to the Iteimershurgh
Convention having taken passage on this boat,
on Friday evening, reached the Kiskiminitas
Aqueduct, at 11 P. M.: but the water was too
high to let us pass under. So here we are at
The delegates called a meeting in the cabin,
and despatched a lettea, with a few resolutions.
to our friends at Iteimersburgh, which will reach
them this evening.
I, would suggest that a correspondence be
opened with some of the eitiaens of the counties
immediately interested, which is after all the
best method of colleCting statistical information
on this important subject, and that the delegates
on board this boat be a committee of correspon
dence for Pittsburgh, to act in conjunction with
the Board of Trade. Yeurs, C.
- -
Ttts BRITISH CONStL AND Goe...M.t.MiS.—th
iihition to the correspondence which, took place
some. time since between the British Consul at
Charleston and Gov. Means, of South Carolina,
contenting certain police laws of that State,
the Charleston" Mercury makes the following
When Lord Palmerston. during the last win
ter, was interrogated in Parliament as to what
the British Government had done to procure
change in the laws of S'outh Carolina, relating
to colored seamen, he replied in substance, that
the matter hod been pressed upon the attention
of the government at Washington; that the Sec
retary uf,State, Mr. Clayton, admitted that these
laser were a good subject of complaint, and their
provisions not in harmony with the reciprocity
treaty; but he said it was a State matter. and
not properly within the sphere of the federal
posers, nosh State being, within the limits fixed
by the Constitution, sovereign over her own ter
ritoty. Nloresover, it was' replied. that if the
British government pres...el the complaint, the
United States would make it their option to give
the required notice for the abrogation of the
treaty—that iu fact the administration had been
strongly urged tb that step by the manufacturers.
with a view to the settlement of our commercail
relations with England on a basis more protective
of their interests than the present.
Thus our government admitted the justice of
the complaint, and refused to interfere, on the
express ground that South Carolina. had sover
eign power over the matter in question. There
upon. the British governmenj instructed their
consul fur this State, Mr. Matthew, to invite the
attention of the Legislature to tht grievance,
and, if possible procure its redress from that au
thority which was admitted to have power over
the subject .4 correspondence ensued between
Mr. Matthew and Gov. Means, soon after the in
auguration of the latter, which he immediately
transmitted to the Legislature. It was late in
the -session, and so many important questions
engrossed attention, that DO attempt was made
to dispOse finally of the subject, but 'it was re
ferred toe joint committee to consider of it during
the recess, and report at. the next session.
for the Southern Rights' . roneention in Green
vil!e District, S. C., has retulte , l in favor of the
Union ticket by a vote of eleven hundred to hue
hundred. A letter to the Washington Republic,
"The candidates on the Disunion ticket had to '
declare against neession by venerate State no
tion, and avow themselves to be in favor of a
Southern Congress.
The vote throughout the State will be very
small one, and shows that the people take very
little interest in the question now before them.
In several districts the secession ticket will be
' defeated.
If the election hail been postponed till October
there would have been a great change in puhlic
sentiment. Indeed, a strong re-action bus al
ready commenced."
Frumiza noon LlBLElA.—British Ifrprerrnia
tire.—Slare Trod', .j.c.—On the 10th of Novem
ber, 11. It. 31.'s steamer Firefly, arrived at Mon
rovia, having on lward A. W. Ranson, Esquire,
Consul to the Republic. Ile was received and
accredited in a formal manner by President
Such was the vigilance of the Lruizers that
bthere were 800 slaves in the barracoons at
rit, which which they would not run the risk of ship
The prim captured by the Cyclops, steam frig
ate, on the Ilith November, had been waiting 4
She had 05)) slaves, and was so crowded that
the Cyclops, for humanity's sake, took out 300
of the poor wretches and conveyed them to St.
An American merchant vessel, name not stat
ed, had been made u prize of by the Rattler, on
the African coast, as although she had no slaves
on board, there was a large quantity of very sus
picious articles. She was nearlA full of-mer
A letter from Stephen li. Sermon at Basin
Cove, announces (hat the emigrants by the Ed
gar arrived there, December 18th, 1850, and
says: --
"I am mach gratified to learn that New Jer
sey intends to form a settlement In the inte
The Liberia Herald, Oct. 16, soya that a beau
tiful Craft, the Expeditions, Intended for the
coasting trade, was launched from the yard of lb
B. Warner, Esq.
Mr. David Moore had received from Grand
Cape Mount several hundred pounds •mf native
cotton.—The staple is said to be equal to the
best sea Island.
PLANK ROAD MEETlNO.—Pursuant to notice, ft
large number of citizens convened at the TOwn
Hell in Zelienople, on the 12th inst., and organi
tell the meeting by appointing A. Pearce, Presi.
dent; P. L. Passavant, A, Zeigler, J. 11. Zeig
ler, J. Burry, S. Swain: A. Shoot:, It. White.,
Win. Stewart, Vice Presidents: John Levis, D.
IL (Datm, Ferris Armor, Secretaries.
The object of the meeting was stated, When
Dr. L. Lusk was called upon to address the me
ting, who delivered a practical and interest
ing address, containing important statistics, Sze.
Resolved, That the stockholders of the Perrys
ville and Zelienople Plank Road Co. be requested
to extend sold Plank Road to the junction of the
Mercer and. Franklin road, and to Prospect: and
that a delegation from Prospect be invited to at
tend an adjourned meeting, to be held at the
Hall, in Zeilenople on Monday, the ltith a t
nett. -
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting
be published in the Butler papers.
Signed by the ofEcers.—awls Dem.
TUE Puma's Exyzorrion.H ; We find in the.
London 3fereandle Gazette copinx of despatehes
that bad been rceeiveil from Capt. CoMinson, C.
It. of IL 31. 8. Enterprise, and Commander Mc-
Clure, of IL 81. 8. Investigator, the first dated
on board Her 'Majesty's ship Enterprise, Port
Clarence, Sept. 18, 1850. These dispateheseen
lain a eircamstantix4 narrative of events donnec
ted with the expedition since it left Oahu,
(Sandwich Lvlands,) on the 30th June. Captain
Collinson says:'
I have come to the conclusion that I shall
better perform the important duty confided in
me by returning to the south, and replenishing
my provisions, instead of wintering on the Asiatic
shore, where there Is not a prospect of our
being of the slightest use to the Inn
-log expedi
The. Plover has heen stored and provisioned,.
and such of her crew as are not in a tit state to
contend with the rigor of a further stay in
these latitudes have been removed, and replaced
by Captain Kellett, and the paragraphs re
ferring to her in my instructions fulfilled."
The despatch from Capt.:McClure, is dated on
board the Investigator, at sea, lat. 61 261 , 7„ lon.
172 35 W., July 30. Capt. McClure state's :
'" In the ensuing spring, as soon as it is prac
iicable for travelling parties to start, I shall den
patch 69 many as the state of the crew will admit
of in different directions, each being provided
with forty days' provisions, with directions to
examine minutely all hays, " inlets, awl islands
towards the N. 1f,., ascending occasionally some
of the highest polpts of land, so as ho be enabled
tt6tht.liti extended views.
" Supposing the parties to hate returned with
out obtaining any clue of the absent ships, and
the teasel liberated about the first of August, my
object would then be to push an towards Wel
lington Inlet, assuming that that channel corn
municateitwith the polar sea, and search both its
sh - ores, unless' in so doing some indication should
be met with to show that parties from any of
Captain Austin's vessels had previously done so, '
when I should return, and endeavor to penetrate
in the direction of Jones' Sound, carefully exam
ining every place that was practicable. Should
our efforts to reach this point be oucoessful, and
in the route no traces are discernible of the long
missing expedition, I should not then be enabled
longer to divest myself of the feelings, painful as
it must be, to arrive at ouch a conclusion, that
all human aid would then be perfectly tasselling ;
and, therefore. underauch a conviction, I would
think it my duty, if possible, to return to Eng
land, or at ell ciente endeavor to reach some
port that would insure that object upon the fol
lowing year."
- -
JSSNT Llxn.—The New Orleans Picayune, in
speaking of the first concert of Jenny Lind in
that city, says :
We are not connoisseurs of music, and are not
competent to pronounce judgment on the degrees
of tier excellence, in the various branches of the
science, upon which the critics discourse, but to
our. untutored ears, the ravishing sweetness and
inconceivable compass of her voice, brought a
sense of more exquisite enjoyment than any
thing we had ever heard before. In the rapt
enthusiasm they produced, it almost seemed to
cc that we had heard true music for. the first
time. Certainty we never had on idea of what
the human voice to capable, in its fullest duvet
opement. under the guidance of delicate taste
and unaffected feeling, and disciplmed by sci
ence, until we listened to her waive `•wood notes
Tcuresrxrre ROLft.—The treaty between
Niesico and the United States, troriding for all
desirable matters touching the opening of the
Tehuantepec route from the Atlantic to the Pn
eine, has been received at Washington. A tor
-re•pondeut of the N. T. Journal of Commerce
All difficulty as to the right of way across the
Isthmus of Tehuantepec is now removed, and
Mexico agrees to all the guaranties Which we
hare asked fur. The surress of the Tibuante.
pee rate are going on very well, and will soon
be sonipleted. The - route will be practicable at
an early day, and will be the preferred route not
only between the Atlantic and PacifiC but be
tween Europe and Asia.
_ 7 r-%
_ -
GEORGIA CEN>,.—Returns Irons Georgia have
hero reeeive4 at the Census Office: except those
from Roles Floyd. Troup. and Richmond coun
The returbo, eo far as received. make the fret
population of all+ State • 601,4:il
Add the estimates population of the
cutllltiv , not heard from 0,200
Ana we hnye a total of
Which, it is believes!, will be found to vary but
latte from the otlicial result,
A letter to the rditora of the N. V. Commer
cial .I.lverti , er. .y, •
Esc,..”.n, Jan.
llindness generally, all over the Kingdom. nev
er was so steady and flourishing as at present.—
Every man wanting work can find it. Pauper
ism is diminishing rapidly. In the London Union
on I:hristma, day, 1e.50, there were thirty thou-
sand less and out-door poor than Christ
mas day ISt.: and in the manufacturing districts
there has been a scarcely less wonderful ditninn
tion—a charge that has gradually been .brought
about by the absence of political agitation and
the work of our free trade systein. There loon !
b oon no rapid increase of wages or anything else '
indicat've of a feverish. speculative excitement.
The improvement Peeves' likely to be perma-
I neut.
In Ireland a similar condition of things Is tak
ing platt. The famine caused many to emigrate,
and the population is more in proportion to the
demand for labor. The operation of the encum
bered estate hill has drawn from England to
Ireland witnefarmers.of capital and skill. and an
areal title is conferred by the ult of sale, canny
Irishmen of email ur moderato capital are taking
possession of the land. Thisyill gradually but
surely create n pretty. extensive middle class
there, which is just what Ireland has long need
ed. Throughout the whole North of Ireland.
manufactures are rapidly .increasing. I was
through that part of country about two months
ago, and assuredly the grope are advancing with
rapid strides. Linen, and linen and cotton
mixed in weaving, are theirstaple trades. Very
considerable improvemenni in machinery have
been made, and there is 'a very great demand
from. yonr side for the goods. A numbtr of tither i
trades have sprung up there in consequence of
the improvement in the linen branch, oath as
mill wrights, metal founders, &c.
for a man having a good capital, ljelfast pre
-sents a tine field. The wages given in the mills
i• gradually increasing, but they are still very
low. children receiving only G/d. per day, and
men ltd. sterling. They ate empioyed ten hours
per day. With respect to ourselves, some of the
leading manufacturing houses in Lancashire aro
a month in arrears with their American orders.
There are no stocks un bald and no weavers M
be obtained.
Frog the N. 0. Crescent, Feb. 10.
The splendid steamer Autocrat, Capt. Goslee,
which left this port on Saturday evicting, with
500 tons of freight and a large number of pas
sengers, for Memphis, came in collision with the
steamer Magnolia, Captain Thomasson, from
Vicksburgh, about 6 o'clock yesterday morning,
a short distance above Bayou Goula, and wait
sunk. The Magnolia was rounding out from a
wood yard. and struck the Autocrat amidships,
sinking her to the hurricane roof in less than
ten minutes. Among the lost-we have ofily as
certained the names of Capt. Grant, of Tennes
see, Mr..l. Ferguson and ono child. Mrs. Fer
guson and one child were saved and brought
down on the Magnolia.
Of those belonging to the boat, Mr. A. Good
year, third engineer, five colored firemen, be
longing to Memphis, and the porter, a colored
man, belonging to St. Louis, are the only per
sons ascertained to be lost. The Clerk of the
Autocrat caine down on the Magnolia, who
states that he had not learned the names of the
passengers on the boat, when the accident took
place. The 'Magnolia immediately rounded to
and rendered all the assistance they possibly
could by picking up those who had Jumped over
of whom they saved a great numy from
a watery grave.
Since the above was in type, we have received.,
this accofint from the officers of the Magnolia:—
The steamer Magnolia, on her downward trip, I
bad been wooding 100 miles abode New Orleans,
and had rounded oat from the wood yard nbout
5 o'clock Suaday morning; was working the
starboard wheel, and was heading down stream;
the larboard engine not working; when the
steamer Autocrat, coming up the river under
full headway, crossed the bow of the Magnolia,
striking •the Autocrat at the after end of the
boilers, raking her side to the shaft, and cutting'
through her hull, and causing her to sink in a
few minutes. The Vagnulie lay by the wreck
for several hours: rendering all assistance possi
ble. It is supposed that d few cabin paseengere
from the Autocrat were drowned whom jumping
overboard in their fright. •
:s:1-1 , CaTiizenni IY Loenee.--A magnitcent
cathedral, to be styled St. Patrick's is abort to
be erected by the Roman Oath°lies in a new
street to be opened in Westminster, between the
House of Parliament and Pimlico. The t ime s
on the new s treet, which will be called Victoria
street, are to be palatial in.characler. The cath
edral is to be the Metropolitan Church- of the
CamHuai, and is expected to angel in dimensions
and architect:mai beauty any banal:lg of the kind
in England.
. . .
Me. Waawrim's Limits i Pacezta.-±,-A
ter from the Berlin correspondent, to the Phila
delphia Bulletin, dated Jan. 16, contains the fol- .
The ateemor has just brought UN that spiry
c orrespondence between Webster and the Aus
trian Minister. It has been received with a shout
of laughter, almost, from half Euope. The Daily
' News, of London, has all the best parts of it, and
thinks it introduces a new era in diplomatic cor
respondence—hinta than the 'decorous convey
tionalities'eif Vienna, will be slightly disturbed
thereby, The great organ of the Democratic
party in' Prussia, the National Zeitung, publishes
the great part of it with infinite zest, especially
where the contrast is drown so subtly and dex
terously, between the war of Hungary and that
of the ROPOIUUOII--and the general opinion seems
to be, that the Austrian Minister has slightly
"I,terwirt rich'—made a fool of himself.
BISHOP Bemuses—We regret to learn that
the health of the Rev. Bishop tramline, of the
Nlethodist Episcopal Church, is still very preca
rious. In a letter dated Peo ri a, 111., January
:7th, the Bishop says— My health is very poor
and still‘declining. I intended to start this week
for Cincinnati, but pact shall not get off. How
ever, the first opportunity, when I am able, if
ever, I shall leave this place." His friends at
Cincinnati have received subsequent accounts
which say that there was no improvement. —N.
f. Courier.
The Marquis of Bunn, an Italian nobleman,
recently &teased, has left a colossal fortune to
the eon of the late Mrs. Bridgewater, a young
English gentleman, whom he haTadopted.
Foripeiz hours to Philadelphia.
Forty-cour hours to Baltimore.
280 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet poste.
!MEigi nki42l
JON the opening of Canal Navigation, Two
n. theme by ly LiDi. Naar
Portage Hallo:ad Koper. Parket Boats .111 bravo tor
rletow to
two Iltmdred.and Forty-eve mU. ditect
• 1. ,
Time throug h FORTY-51X 11OUTa.
Tu. to Pillladelphia. 110. Tare to Baltnnore.
Tbe Cars on Oda rout* me nen, and of tbe omet anlnne•
rilUatruction for comfort and safety.
...Packets leave every morning precisely ar o'cloele.
and every ovenbint .1 the mine boor.
Passengers for Baltiniore,
On arrival of Cam M ll.M,nurs take the York and Cum.
berland Wilted. (no. direct to that cur. leinittY
Om males.) Tina*. YOUR boors.
No 'charge for handling Baggage on this route.
The i11erd...4 Speed mime teal. Übe moot comfortable.
tany sad desirable route:non to the biartern Mies.
.'"sor Inform j anon • P
Mononanhela lloome
Canal Basin, limn meet
1. IL On the let of July. lb. PonnaTinenin Ilullmnd
el De finisbrid to Loonlimd. nhinn 081 ,Dorton the al..
thrmah SIX honors
/21u...burgh, lebrnary 19. '5l.
oith um Tumoral. liam. late Cashier of . liartnere
I4posite Bann. who will donde Ids personal to tba
htoodanrs. 'I • nolo of the Woo mcmins hamdidoro.
inl3 WILK.I2iS * CO.
Corner of Third and Market sta. Pitlsb'gh
Domestic and Foreign Eichanyr, Bank Notes,
.11014 4 Savor, Bought, Sold 4 Exckanged
ar TIM
No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
t Imam, 071 1912 exientrs. ialetd
Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
ere a , .
0 7. licsnee, Provia A. W. MOIII,
This Ourapsny Ls no. premired to Insure all inerelienabe
.In stare. and in irlatiritn, muck, Sr.
An unpin susrant y Pte the aNlity And int.:PUT of W.
Ineeltutlon. 111.4 did In the etwarter the Ihrmtnrs,
ho are .11 shi n I..msbureh. .05 Mt L....M1
known to the ,movansl ear their prudence, natation,
mad lotegmli
Inm'amme—C.Li. Iltimey, Wm. Ilagel!ty. Wm. Lamm.,
Jr., Walter Bryant. KU.,
Jahn Ilsererth. S. ltsatenub. 5. M. , E } ^.
Foreign end American Hardware.
, - -
No. 129 *food Street,
A full and enopirtaatnelt of FOREIGN AND 4rsair...3'
ro , Übe awing Wade, and which the, pnrpand
to ear to yardman" at nom that will aninpara
fatorahly with Iwo' of thwaawanin widen
European Agcmcy.
The ouloctiled Intondr virillrtif du principal cities of
Omit Uriccin. Pruner. and Ciretrai.4, during the months id .
April ,
. May. Lief Juno nett. hoeing Pitiaburgh on llorch
17th owl eill be pleaool to offend to 6.0 agencies of • bu.
time. character which ploy to iicadded. to his mew
citrart7 JOHN D. DANIA.
SaTATtorina oarat—Thio is to comfy that • man
woe to my hon. to the full of Itil9. by the name a Ilenry
Eta In • Tory bad condition. and sui almost totslly bliud.
Ile had bores soldier In the British seretee. Ile to.. then
Wien to oce. of the hoot Ilorplule to Land.. net hod the
b e st Lenaoo could afford. but 000ld not bra
40,1 to, eight. and Tem disehuhred u Liam:troll.. I had'
beset. , much stout the Petroleum, I thought I sould tn .
mule of It on thls man. I got him • grroll bottle of the
Petroleum Oil, which oared his eyes sell and sound. In the
course of one - Month.
I am waling to Is qualified to J. Leith of the above
of t shove statement lit any One I mar be milled upon
m to do, .ad snore of my neighbors can testify ta the wise.
111.731P11RY JONES.
Crmr). Bottom. Ilesn ' iCo. Ps. Oct. a Mary
Fur sala by Keyser a McDowell, 140 Wood streey B. E.
Sellers. 11 Wool street It. A. liohneoWet. a Oa earner
Wool trot Front Streets, h. 11. Cum. D. A. Ctltolt Joseph
D0ugh...L..4 11. P. sdaruta..4ll , th.q.. l . br the Pm
!prieos. P. M. 61010,
febll4kAr thinsl Buda. Eleventh .1. Pittsburgh.
Yerterday rooming. alter welter pad prttraeted Mama,
Mr. W. I. in the egth yet" of age.
The Mends pod aequalotsanamare rcenteetfullY lltylel!!
great he funeral, thla morning. the l'elth tart. front hie
late realdenee. Penn, Fifth Marl. to proceed to the
Monongahela Ni turf. Menge by instatotrat W Peottstille.
Beater county. Pa. (fetal.' it
/lAN the 7th inetant;' DIIA-FT, drawn by
.:a. i lne tn T ., o L t f.4 .917 'illr,L',7ll7.°')L' hl t,.;,',°.
ter. !laving been Wit. neck* I. herelorgiveo,thit Per
ot of the tame la "topped. and the public aneesulloped
sinlapalp the woo. 3. GARDNER,
Ladies' Fine Dress hoods:
Cret.uEr. E r f r A 2
u O . ll , T
wasl l 1 S. M
otrabley:ltern. A. m.
A. tt if- CO..
NO, 112 lout& Market mt.
breatlful tottsrus reed ads srsornids
. o
fetal A. aduoN t coif.
is..+ sayer surr extra 11.<99 ms mem trlamr.
Of the approved maufacture—just opened at
teb.l 11. A. MAMMY CV& 452 rad 6.1 Market .4:
trtlIER9.--40) tans rtaamteditalls,Splkert aua Mrsdx
9. t aket b . y the law 9re, trill be j a r. l In.ljaprt, , l37 lm
retelitller Mx 119 Water et.
iateiteu-100 buzole o bost brands, iri sire
god'or Lale or WM. DAUALNY
No.. 15 am/ 15)1Vou1
VI OULU CANDLES---50 boxes Proctor
INA Oosobles N. I, for nl• nAGALEy
N. IS and 9.1
SiALERATIIS -120 boxes No. 1;
•"1 R3l. !L° A;11,1
lei sad •.%) ood 11.
cuocoLATE, BROMA. &lc.—
mo nor. Nord , * lA , enranlata.
I.) - Baku's' No. I
&U . . I.lnlrmn In dare and for ras by
. Id and 20 %Vaal R.
RdBUTTER -410 ba. fresh Roll Butter
and fur ule by
lihls.superfine-70 bbls fine,'
r r. stare awl fur tele by
wr i o tNt . t-100 i tl il Corn ,„ 1171 1 1 , M ra t tit i n . d
IRIED BEEF - 10 casks S. C:Dried Beef,
jj fur tale by
8. W. 11AltBAMII.
o naer : and Tea
11:1OSTON 111SCUIT—A supply of Boston
yap % P s i t! ntrgru b ill E MV Übe di rt.
COCOA SIIELLSLAiresh supply just rec
b [GA24,I WM. A. g4L - LIAG A CO.
—TTrIN—IABfI—aIO half chests Young
nywo. Imola, sal Blaek Tow, or ill grades, on
f red To
-1 , (choke
boxes !mu o
'yape brand.) on band and for nalo by
MACKEREL -1W bble. ho. 3, on hand
sad amr mato by
ItAISINS-100 bozea on hand and
m ar sal• br ifkh2tl A. CIILDERTSON 00.
suta4""es'"°"4,llolri Ctk.
BATTII.4O- 19 bales No.
mos ant. easel 12111D 1 I*,
db 2.11 ow sod how at.
• /
ANNEXE .1/ [Of lIINDGOS, will bp delivered lu
KILNS MALL. on the Evvoia.. of Trtimix,
and Tan.. next, (25Lb. 26th, and 2 7th hut,/ by the
Hee. JUIN JENKINS. Soperlntendaut Kett:collet Mlnister
of Montreal, Canada. formerio a Kirxecauraca /Ivetax
isivlereturta to commence at TX o'clock.
Eardsladesion to each Lecture, 3eents. inctaket
THE Rev. Mr. Jesus, by'special request,
111 deliver • Lecture on the Rthoia, gni< Thlkieos, In the
South Cotateon ki. E.Chereh, Alleeherry, oe title, IWNDAY
NNltiti, the 21111 Lemaul, to rammenb et TX
Tickets, 25 eente.
Yong Men's Temperance Association of
Pittsburgh and Vicinity.
Tue Comurrrros appointe4 for the purpose
of amnion • &cunt Menial of this AssociatiOrm Dave se
lected the Linton , P.surrstusar CUM., Pure Enure, and
secured the seniors of the Iter. wm. D. EDWARD, as
Speatorefor the occanott. The encetlng_nlll therefore be
held, at the place indleatcd, Tilley EVE..laNC,ccanntertelna
at 7 detect.
The Constitution att' By•Laers trllt ha reported to MD
meeting and immediately alien, the Addeo:. mill be deliv
ered. AU friends of the catue,;male and female,ar•lnvited
to ottAIIIISZ ani. HOBERT AL DIDDLE, PresidenL
W. llama Secretary. (frbEhlt
IS lIEREBY GIVEN that the following
pan.o hare filed, in the Register's Office, of Alleghe
ny county. Accounts of Acton... Administrators, item
tura and Otirdians, anal that sald accounts will be crux:
ted to the Orphans' Court, of the coun
ermation, au Monday, the Alden y W m `ch next, elat
JL. Kaye and IL Maya of . Mays, deed.
ohn McCrea and Ju. Crawford, Admha of Wm. Crelgte
unt, deed.
Catharine Russell, Adger% of Ezekiel Andsnion, deetL
ILL Sampson, Rag., and Mu Thomittion, Mien of
Stewart nano.. deed.
Dann Whiteside. Adot'r of Dunes Merron.deed.
Samuel Eau. and W. Cowan, AdoPrit of Samuel Cow
.. deed.
Dr. M. Mantua sullying Adler of Mama Psirman,
Jan. BUT, Adler of gamut flatr,deed—hcal amount.
Tbamutilbant, Eng, KIX of Alex. McDonald, doe&
Joint Christy. Ulm', of John Weeliska.a.ea.
James Pollack. raj.. Ailierof Junes Glendenning. wed.
John P. Pears, Adler of Wm. C. Pear, deed.
John McKee, the q., and Numb Rants, Adm'rs of B. P.
Hurls. deed.
Wan Mulls and R. Trorillo, Eq. Adm'rs or Joseph flan
Us. deed.
islet. Patterion, Ex'r of Peter Patterson. deed—Cod
Joseph nth, darer of Smoot KILIon, deed.
Samuel 101ninn000. Adm . ,. of John Phillpo, deed.
W. IL Blythe and IL Moilinnow4hinero of John Wits°.
. . _
Isabella and Wm. Parker. Admen ot Wm. Parker. deed.
B. Donny. Eger of Roused Kano. deed.
Samuel 14.111Ar1. ter of Jam. (111 more. deed.
John Wmols. Ado* of Jacob Fender. deed.
Hubert Statement Adm's of Jamb Frye. deed.W. and J. McCoy. Adair. of Rolm 11cOoy, deed.
Thomas and Joseph Darlington, Pie'rs of Wolter Ulm..
John Gray. EVr of Wm. Dougherty. deed.
11. D. King. Eer of Joseph MeWseterl. dee . d.
W. P. Parree. Hoer of ADoe Horne, deed.
Thomas Eel., Miter of Mlehael flonbottgom
John J. B. simwr, Admen of J. K. IMDW ,
John Than, Ken., E'er of Dr. Peter Dowry, doe
• •unt.
Geo. R. Riddle, F.N., Ca', of Jane Ow tuyiee'
Wm. BOW 131•11. Xdocir of Lewis WIG, deo G. J.
&roue' Grove. !Auer of Jamb F.dovu.,
' Jo ' h. !Jerson, thseedlan of minor Mired Robert Leekey.
dt 7lleptt Rickman, theardien of minor heirs of James 011-
"`" Melain.... Jr. Ret. thlantlennf the annnor heirs of
Robert. Mee:lame, deed.
Josondi Robb, thumbso of solson hone of Rmn llkke
man, deed.
thary• Woman. RoardMa of minor bens of &mtel
Peebles, deed.
Robert ltnitath, Ouemtlan of =Mar heir of Robert WU-
C ,
d e L IZCIe
eardian of mlacahelr of &beetle. El
W. Welk., Guardian of minor helm of N .
)I , :,FiIL Esq.. Ousnlion of minor heirs of Joshua
Da a llolLGtierdien of minor heirs of Semi. Peebles.
Seed. JOUR ELVTT, IteVster.
ltednerree Orner. Febroem Vol. Mil. 11-e V-twit:
McCORD & CO„ have received
their boring Etyle of Hata, to lebteh the, re
epeetfully Invite the attention of their custom
er. sod the public generally. fa=
AVATCHES—Reoeived and on hand an
excellent sascatmeat of Gold and Silver Wald. of
the mod approved nnnafcture. etc
T. Y. Cooper's Llunthig mewl and plane.
M. J. Tobl o u ddo
Real Jobroon do do
And othen of celebrated Digital, and Genera Brands.—
Prices very low, and arrureey and durability nuarantol.
Vine Watert repeal. continued ila poual. Jewelry
manufactured to order and carefully repaired.
,r,r A very exce ll ent stock of avid seine eawc In afore.
fad?. ow of 4th and Hertel sta.
fiIIOCOLATE of every ileseriptiA for sale
Wm. A. Nkccurto a Z..%). No. l%a Weeny Meek
boil ..I Plaits. Also. Baker's \o.
No. I Cbocolatt, Caeca sod Brunk The best asseatereost
to bp roan! lit lb< cal, fatal
DRIED PEACHES-300 bus for sale by
fetal Llbertr ;
CLOVERSEED-7 WS for gale by
BEANS -10 bug White for gale by
feb2% BOBISON, urfix a co.
LARD -4 kegs for sale by
D 0 SON. 'LITTLE a co.
VLOUIt-300 Ws super. and extra Family
fur d « by 41+1.2 ROBISON, LITTDE aCu
INSEFD OIL-10 bble fur wale by
DOLL BUTTER-2 bble fog tale by
1.1, fro= ROBISON, urria e co.
tierces iertrod Rim
IPOO t=ltgrl;
501) lb. refined halts:e.t . a,
NO sapetior Weather.
:Nu reams HrspylLg Pllu
Lo yupyr. 1 IL 10INP
1 out Roll britoetome
I do Chalk:
1600 Red tele Lestheq
100 l do Light der. In oreand Su
Lee Ly &LT: JOHN WATT d (X,
COPAL VARNISH— J. 2S rl la j or
v frtMGID
g CM SHELLAC-20W Ib& for gale by
APER CORKS-2. huleA tor te ale
ONDON TAPERS---f.ko it ror hv .
11.1e-'2 KI Du
m Ar , .; f 4 . ...q.NE51.11- - 2 tons for A
BACON --5 hhds prime llama;
Mo. by "
ATIOS.—A'of Ihr You. Travis,
A• 11.401111.111 be held m Me [leer.] Prv.rhylv , rLa
Church. on Monday evening neat (Fehruavi 24) al *even
;dock. Au addreve will hr deliver dlo the Rel. Wm. IL
Glut. 11. KEVSE.II,
.NEW BOOKS—Andrew's Latin English
Lexicon. "Dy E. A. Andre., L. L. D. Royal .To—
ni:. Island World tho Perine. Rr Rev. Ilenty (Awe.
R t. 12 tun. roux.
Tbe Women of larsel, Dr Gram A,Rulltel 2 Tub 12 Mo.
m 3talletille: • Franooni•n. glory. Isy the .other of Rolla
The Life of Rev. Jaine•Quinti. Di Rev John T. IVright.
J.( nexlerd and for de by K. IIIiPSINN.
fecalAppollo Xth
PANY —The bohke Mr the Pub..lptloo Wocl of the
humb Life Ihmtrartnettt..lll he open.. Wads,.
February 24th, .
from 10 to 12 t. K.. at the ogre id C. A C.d.
ood aml Fourth 1
' ultra= till W
the that It taken. ''''''
" ''''''' to
r ' .
.'. JAS. S. 1104./1.
0h21:3t OrmattOelota...
A GIRL wanted to do house work. Apply
Th. at thlo oak..
450 buege Dried . le: l au b b i r i.o fg li st a tl i e v b . Y
500 bushels Dried dplea for sale by
at= J. B. DI ' LWORTII s CZ).
t9l gzw. Cocoa Syscr—The serious medicines of Mr.
Ee en, on Wall street, see becominrl nxiinhir thrunsh.
mu the country. Ills Vermiform" I f been Lund to be so
Inenluable incilleioe laevery . family. To Sellers' Lime
MIR thousands are inilebted for. seller from pan and dl.-
es.. These undleinse Imre maned their popuimit7 bY
experience. They Moe been tried and Ruud to be
east alceßent remedies for the Recants for will& they are
nrectomended. We have frequently .used 3lr. Seikr's
C oos synip. and know It cure Mr Woo
bleseme cough.—ring
pretend and mkt by R. E. SELLERS,
..1.7 Wood street.
buslnet run.
h u o litre 'of Pittsburgh. *Rh an
if rum ran ' t% alibi thouTuld dtlllrrnVinAoug h to .' utt
Inlnnestrnent, nod duets hi. time enbusturuas a urines
In Initalnugh or Plsue withal Poet Ontre 101.,
N. 355. frbZ:blist.
ILOTIIES' FINS-10 eases Eastern, for
v 'fatal feb,a) J. D. - WILLIAMS ac.
Q., 11. MOLASSES-25 bbls, 13- half do,
t,""ta —d • h'""'K,7O,7IIT'AITs.6Mr.a.
bIUNDRIES-700 lbs prime Feathers;
. ..,00 dos ess'd emu lws=
(4.0 bo best 10191 W. Ws"
40 Las Dry 11..109 ,
DO las prima Esskra4o.%
9 bbl. Almaz lo sm. tad Gls Ws by
fsb2o Rata. lIATIIIKWS &CO.
SITG9R-1.0 hhde prime N. Orleans;
31. Mao aosortrd Loot
10 do embed and Pulverize& fo
O r
. do
romer of Wood and Filth Ril.
MOLASSES -75 bbls New Orleans;
1? , tiar .. llpro,
feb7.l) J. D. W tir..lVltirs"
SUNDRIES -100 t i t. sup.-Cora Brooms;
10 casks l'otanlo 5.,t4
Sli—lo hlf bbla No. 3 Mackerel;
kit or
ts do Ido o 1 docss
15 t
2 Ws 11% 1 134t001g tor Ws bs
eta) S. D. WILLIAMS to
to competent preen with a cull caplaal of about
weekengagerespectable badness at which 1110 per
re can le mated clear of all expenses. Apply lona«
aloud,' to K. lewd° , who ran be 00.04 M. lestmele
Esehmase on Liberty street, between the hours of V and 12
n., and 2 and dr. an. MCA=
13RLNTING MATERlALS—Printer's cop-
Ml i enrttigeti `4ten a la',l — .l2.
trebk wodn mks, as, in for solo at
feb2l3 Amerso
mks asS bask. Market lid Nary AA
'WOODEN TYPES—From the mandac* .
.r of Wello a Webb. tainl.6edat it .. l gra
OR SALK LOW—A superior toned rose:.
ZING WASH BOARDS—HI dot furale ta ihto 7. DAMMAM hIA
SUNDRIES --2 bbls No:1 Lee: .
8 do 2
sbatta Geottaduat4
2 do Dry Peartarte
10 le PertiteU "'.
13 bales Canon. to arrive oh atewtmer
Water sad trout its
Asia,t, bt3 far We by
_11177 -
Art RANGES 1(00 boxes, in prime order, for
fe.bls 122 Second. and 151 Wirst ay.
}LIONS--30 boxes for pale by _
cuutock Invitee the attention of slope lelehlob to fer
ia to his ...naive aescoliaeat of Table sad haw> Cat
er; at No. &I Yowl!, Meet. Obit/
OW Prnered to mil the laraka matathatte than
eta :war Mind la ad. market, and at the lent
mast_appraved styles and patteraa which ma direct
:hear the lamorters ad mat aphrartei Maori...s in Um
thtlott Call at the Carpet Wareham lia.,Cs Fourth et
emsgior styles and calm, in Vremandlv
NGRAM CARPETS—A Istrg6 assortment
of the !sten Heim 'tyke In Ptore endlor eels by
• fabl• W. IdeChINTOCK.
• large awortment of well pew wood On Cloo-1, thY
t the Carpet Waehoos•No.f4Ferarthelt. to wrath we
Loylte the attention of patthaeara wc i .irrocg.
KOOKS-200 dozen for eale by • •
feblsl S.p . MILLAB
Minute Meru" . DePet. Third Aftet, orpasita the
Oodey'e Lidfx Book for - X•t•
Grahams Magazin. do
Watteau'. Alwarltte dr• •
Wt.' National blusal..
ecortsta: or the Mobil...T. !Abe. By
MO ,
Rithshhoo. •
lig s, oetrilS techads. No.
i ••
by His o. tor P ical Romance;
litmanoodalp . ha. novtd• Mrs flouth•orth. •
oyeuril at 24.5 Liberty street. • very laupertor Young
on Tea, whkla we think we ean pay with cranfolnace
Le mazy ..t lb* prim in Pittsburgh. hi. SI.
For the lower grade.. 75 ern., fa% az. aut., and
TIN per lb. which Wd warrant fully e . ,1011. V uot avgerlor
to any to be had at the um* tolk.
Absa, Oolong, I.lYwrial amt tirt=k will 7 of all Iffmtm. IDr
whic all wsk • Par they rector
mend h
thmatar e a lyn. A lateral discount made to retaken
" bLY°U"Puying by t hWrlfrii'CLC7lo A al, •
(chip • Tea Dealer. mat tirocen..:
( LOVER SEED-4 bbls in store, and 62 do
•,_) to arriT, tar sale Or
VORN-400 bush. for sale by
0,018 _W M. IL JOKSHION.
rroßAcco LEAF-4 hhde.
j fableWM. It. J.
HICKORY" NUTS-15 bbls for ao by
H OPS -5 bales for sale
_ably bz i.n.
P " . "'bls "'fi.Vi d aregs% a co.
ALLAD OIL-21:1 casks for sale by
I)RLED PEACHES--100 bag for sale - bv
feblS A. CULBERTSON t cro.
1P . 'P. + -~1 11'1
_" . , , ~
CHECK LOST—A check drawn by us in
favor of Henry Frits, No. 1755, dateei rehrnameth
Ina, on N. Holmes* Poem of this dry, for dam hundred
and fifty dams, h. teem Ica from the mall blterpen
Plembeergh sad Parkersburgh. The peddle are mute:mad
mrainst reeeleind mete diode. es the paymemt bee been
EACIIES—Thiee hundred bushels rofd
and for de by LisZl.l SAMUEL C- 81111311101.
I...7altets without them..
10Connelleville, 0. Jan. 0,
Ma. 6. S Enntree--Torm are the only Liver Pills that
sell beer. I could not gat alontteritboat them, and every
one that makes um of them bpeaks In lb. biTte“ ieva.tri
commeadatiota Yours ntspodrally. J. 061.EX.N.
SerPerparoti and mkt by E. SZLLILLS, 57 Wool at..
and Inlet Arneniste geoenllY. Wool
100 bela eit=f
50 bags Coif .
SO bets No. ridaetcret.
75 brls Tar,
100 Inv S....Detzelfor .1. bly
Prod.. Dealer. art Cermlatraiou Merebanta,
ja:Se 51 Water meet.
V ANDLES-50 Ins mould, on consignment
SC YTHES-75 doz best;Gruse Seythels;
- to em be.t. cral.s.arth.c
' II 3 A . TEILII ' L. 4 11t , w , t l
SO it 61 Vo tab tr. .t.
and fat do by
(.11I0T-50 kegs assorted Noe. for sale .T
11.2.6 JAS. A. lISTCHISON b 0
OLASSES—Plantation & Sugar House;
Gold= jv co= A
CLUNT, fot the *la of Domed!. Wool*, and Cotto n Hats, ha la/ Wood newt Pittaboonh.
C.lers 61Ird la short not* for any firmly*. ocArifri
len Machinery. - _
. _
existing between the sultslilsot. mass as styl• of
roy. Flettlios t On, Is this day dissolved hy mrtwl
scrosent- IRA 111111.15E5
H. K. YLEMDIti. •
fly or B.
K. ulborti to on eat
au. of the lats Atm to tIMVALLnut toantaes.-
1,771:1Me a s Boyetbeld atilt lA. morning comilz a netwe
tai or taclaaleggd grg7=7.
Made attention to their extensive nowormoent of new etyla
ar_e Wi r . ew trillt24 vat,
-otter. at nt r i:enta 700 DIM Warranted twit nolore.,_
cliwkw wtylesi of It¢ limb Chintzes, facet 123 to htX mint.
per Yard, many of them waittmly ai
de dee*. Aiwa new
wit itylm War Silks, 81,11 w /tons Lamm de
Ntwire Walt Callint Chandscite. Wr. Boni
nem and Boman Whim., Bonnet Cana de. &IX
I►TEW 13 , 00$S.—The History of Pendennis.
_LI Me fortunrn and tokbrtuntn, hin trim& sad Ms
pire u ntent enemy. By William Makepotto ilmokrray. With
I I ...., strr , t o rLan u i . trAby thr author. In tau volumes.
3 of Pendemats. By tit .NL.Thsclunly.
Nlalterille: A For
Rory. By the attjhor of the'
books. •
No. 11 of the Pictorial Field Book of the Knob:Okla. By
&nano & Istotoo.
_ID+ &bor. brats part mem! sod for sale by •
trtlY Nail !ST Mallon It
Cloottiol, AssterScou 100 l Post ropy.
50TONS SODA ASH, for kale by
(lOLA ASH—A ruperior pigticle of oui-own
cuata°ractun. evuotanfizo N haad sr tra y talgt
fe1.17 • Waber stmt.
Liairritrt article. asaulfrard sE t r l , lattyart
1 .11: SODA-10C1 casks' on hand and for
• ad. by GAIT BENNETT. 1183111 Y aW.
-1,7 p oohuml uml Lir de by
(OA. . y co.
I.IIICE-30 trcs prime Carolina, for wile by
AA, fel67 7.4.8. A. HUTCOMW • CO.
162110 T-36 krgs assorted numbers, for sale
1,.7 by, kW: JAS. A. IIUTCIIISON CO.
iOLti3F.S -0O
b J blz . l' A la i g r igo i r io f , o z r
w ade .
LEAI?-4800 Pigs Galena, for sale IT
febri JAS. IJIICTCIII.9Ie4 1 Ca.
r.jir t ilo BUSH. DRIED APPLIES, for sale by
Ho West Mart.
for sale e by
FISII-101r- li
bblso. 3 Mackeral;
_.4.. Dram. corm: •
4 Obis B .l okozo for m.
' W. a I. NITLSOS.
111.11051N 2 100 bbls N0. , 1, for sale by
. W. a V. ~ /1
IA tali 1.90 N.
7 b 4... cat.:
24d0 PM - -
2 3: Da7 g.:4.% • •
2 do do do pealed.
4, do „lowns:
I do sib cob tworyust gamer Gan.
ya, sad Lamb, by febli DICIOLY CO
acoAls—A tract of Coal Land lying on the
Monongahela, at the upper end of thatawn, Is ode.
Or Mil emu terms that will insure agreeable Invesignent
to capitalists ar coal men. ' Masa aweigh kr the or ale
ball,. ate alreadr esceted on the
the LadaS
ate. the water and, permitting boas to be loaded at all
- mama the coal la at ilia beat audit,' and sully caned;
fa Pit is now in goal ceder.'dry and easily drained, and
opera withtn
r anth twentrtive yard s or the river. Price
low, manna EntpLitG of
J. B. 310IIRUON,
Atry at Law, 411 st_
CODA ASH-31 cash, fcir sale by
Lbls AV, V. WILSON::
soft Galen% for sale
I KRMAN CLAY-12Z bxs, for aale
febls . 01 Wood st..
sale by • fsblf. ' J.ddIDD d. CO.
THER3IO3IETERS-A full assortment fa
We by fel.ll J. KIDD d cp.
k....3 aniOloa for sale by f..b15 J. EaDD A CC.
The partnership heretofore ealathottrukt
be* under the
of of Runlet A in,, ...
on the Int day of Yuman, 1151. by thelliß eons
nat. Ether an
ale nsberther• Clll anent to PettlinC en
tbe Onions, a are authorind to the nanea ab,a,,,,,
finm tor that panne No. 101 Wood West.
February 12, Id. TIIOII. K. Willi& '
TEW FIRM—B. C. Shacklett and William
p.,.... general pertness, and Boonton Olyde. ea
e:1 and Boated partner, 1,111 continue the Wlsoblegi
Onals Banns under the arm of B.C. Bhu t an
a tbaay templed by Elnektett a Whin. o. 10
Wood street. B. .131L1C
feblt ITIL PAM& •
VEW MUSlC—Wiere tire the friends or
.1. 1 - 1 my Tooth:Darkery•
'n Knettlion Nowt to tell Too.
The Rath.
I'm thinking ceer the Day, Um.
1 21:4 0 1. 5. Mt Zb.s.b site. =4, Oribbstel to:th•
fibs I Lot, is Tar away..
Ob, meet me al Ur &Ivo Sham. .
re eta.' e .
drlZTLec.=. L " —w°,l°7 ' .i • •
. I , ..idcau .. sillare. 1 , / 0 ;144....
R \
~.: im Mack Sham' Bongas4lll3/4. ..
a bblare with tan—lizr (Wt.. ,• ..
41. Rom
• An lynnty• by
coUectloi? of brw haw Waitaki, VW* 1
likodla..Tr erA T.Y.o. " rb i lblut T
ra °l n at
i=roltiout . i.' Absa.'"_"
_, .17" * " . d atarbtor!' e
MPS mato lam 11.101 311kbrist. ' •
G9,001:1 009171.13 . Se.
Yo bx. Fox's Staxelx,•
to Wade Pearl do
run sric : lace
ACKERAL—IOO Ws large 1:1Fo. 3, Mea
s.-born. In..psoUm, fur .1.1.3.
IT JAL , . A. 1036:1L01.0( t 00.
Fr l y4l-90 hia bbla superfinf rom i gm and for
a cp
iv 1240 MIXTURE. fox finly by KIDD 00.
ilsfrigt COLORS, IN OIL—A hill as
sort.. Aln ikm e.r., Lama civil :rt.=
C.L.Ps of eiYy 4.4crittay.Vr .44. by "
.i. sum a cc.
ijARDEN SEEDS—A fulranclgood wort,
tat. of $.1., yuYt recyl.l Yu. tb.1:4.-an
far sale vb..* .4 Mall. .4 we &.4
ard 611. ItTeeL
OLL BOTTEII bbl fresh, prof Bah' by
1L ebu - ltuar. mammas a co.
CASTOR OIL-4 bib Blown make, for salo
by febli CREY. IIATIIICW3 2 CO.
uT Countr Coupe% Donde. Weak. be
Al 31. A_ MLA CO.
febli eiWooq it, ft...sit!".
DOLLS Allegheny City Coup=
AP ° ar m ' d 14"14`,
GREEN APPLES-30 bbls for sale by
frbl4 'SUM ICATTIDX23 a CO.
IqEW - BONNETS-Murphy. , 13nrelifield
ban Rea this morning wend nps of Year Spring
11 ' l L 'ez " rittd
_av_ 4 l E.4l lll b p stn i tatn b AL. U4 :o4
Ll ' od ." and Alban. ,o4.r .r k . and Wan: Alpabs. CAN.
China Pearl. I.lnbrddatad do. Await= Yeast. Vandtda.
Pedal and Pear_ ,LKoallsb Luto ,, . eltiti itad 'rotatable. Also
Misses and
cal me d Bonne% of a satiety of atr
Also, superior calmed
s a t Bonnets. olsle. cal mixed
colored My do. as low hi 11.3:11.1. Also. Boys
fan Bats, Coburg. liana Pearl, Lamborn. •
• •• - - -
by Wm. IL 'Mecham. and the Queen ., Necklet*, or
Ferret. illstory of the U.Arl of Loots h ixteruth, by Al
exander DontaAbare been reed. end se sale at uoLars
Literals Depot. No. :Mind L feblA
Curs Manual, by Joel Sheik 31. D.
ier Cone in Amer.i.editod br • Raba Atka: •
Rand Beek or ilyarmathy kir hoherial awl Dointel•
cow,. Weiss I
Do by mes Dr tic Dractioe at IlydroliabY, with WWI engrard
illowsstknis of important rallects, by Ealsrani.Johnstink
M Th
eory awl Practice of Ilydropuby, by lb. data U.
Franck", from Um German by Robut Calkiii.
AL D. ,
..- The ;bore works tor wile by R. C .
Sookkeiler and Stationer. corner Market and Third sta .
. tebli
e in C:AIITINEHSHIP—We have this 441
Amex:Load with as the COAL BCALNESA , EAUAL
Oh 11" .
. 4'. tglltralrerAr. C CO.
be found In the the of Perry Dar W. Yew/table Pa
6 r, th '
r. %Won of the mart prominent . Druggist. ma
theelthisca of Cincinnati In Ito favor:
CUCLIIan, Oct. X 41849.
We. itte underalgard. 0.0701080 and !le th al. of tbla_
rill. have WI rAnthOled 'et and whi for a year or thee.
kre r .a=
In ethry instance., eo far a, we know, it bas girth the
matlefaction to the panther, We can reethemend it to
public as an arUde of crest merit and eirthec Indeed. ere
never Itner an ouwaida. became Po desothetly
ocoulai lo .b out.ime, whicli proved by the fact of
It. We =ld coact.* turthathig deinand&—'
EVep7lB of the lodine Drosits.. "
safe by it. n. Be.LinEs, Aganf. C
Wool street
SECTION BOATS—The Tanseharisoiic.
and Re/s=oring a:Columbia,
Albert, at Pittsburgh, will be sold on
Canal /Win Pittsburgh:"
oar. far sale. Apply to BAIII4 RD
Breond IRMA,
1 Freah Italian Iterearoul and Tenakelli,_oo hand •
For sale by the boo or retail, 1431. A. IIoCLURO Ch)
febl3 1.56 Lawes
yECKER'S FARINA-5 boxes fresh, • '
thi. so celebrated as dlYt Ibr Irralas •
.bi Blynembire, PLutdlbgb,,Gml Se.ol
Irby byte very Icnr by thy bob. bob. , os _
A 1,13 WM. A- bIeULIIRIi COO.
F o x's STARCII-20 boxes for ludo by
febla S4'3l. A. McCLIJED & CO: "
1 auk Mom to drrifd
sum... Fort Pitt for do irr
1013 Meiji PICKER d WA.
100 Bi titig SuPedwe 519
500 BUS SHORTS, for
OBUS PEACHES, for sale
febla SAM. P.
Partner Wanted.
iii!ERsON having a thorough itheirledge?
of the ililliacry butt .to all its tedistriswar. ma •
wb become partner in an established lossitoshar
can bray of situation by applying at this ales: "
N. It. No capital will b requires. .
101 bbls Sheep and 3 has Beef Tallow, fpr
sale b febl3 SAIL P. P /MIMI C.,
f)0 D43gI3CORN BROTLS:Pf.o.rua'l4
6 SENECA OIL, fur s sale r. l •
1. ARO OIL-12 bbls, recd per 14 •
I.9llciaaarl, and far wale by .1 ASSIIALZELL4
. 65 Wales
COPPERAS -25 bblo, in fine order, fin •.?
by febl2 3-BC/100:011 , 4C111 -;
P _
AM GREEN-30 cans; JOY sale by •
.Lebr2 J. Solar:lw= IL
LAMP BLACK—In bulk for Tanzer's,,2ol
bbls ar salebr J. SCllDovvrAsrwit
rAPER HANOINGS—GoId rape* Jiang,
Mgt with Gold sad Velvet matched borders. la Drawl
Rooms For sew br • W. P. mAnst4ALL:
- •
REAP WALL PAPER--From 6 14 cents
to cent. a lug. sonrcankt. toe b 7
11412 W. P. ALL -
-.-foe sale be kbl2 W. P. DIARIMALas
WHITE FISH-92 bbla, for Bale by
ABLIAtt DICK= 100.
Senn • Water owl Front •
VILEESE-IZ3 big, in store and for sal
‘..) :eta ISA LAII DICK=
TIMOTHY SEED—In store-and for a . by : _;
ktal 12A1All DICKSY k CO.
IT eat r. — t pu bbls, in etor; A vill fasslels .,
'gRIE CANAL COMPANY—The Stedts; — ”,,
hoiden of the &le Canal Company are bevel:4lon* '
lut the Annual election of Innictuni for the emeetne
rear. `.ill be held at then: aline In Hie, on thee Silt Moo. t
slat In Muth ciestoit n 0 eloek, r. a.
Sy osier of the President. Si ' !'?1
WM. W. B
-- MA r . ...
Canal Corn,
Hie. Feb. A '6l IfeC
G) CASES Cassinette .
C 7 Y con Plabl blartueLt: Tor rrkle by ,
jataa /WHY= LIRn
LADLES all say "If yo want resl.
gond Theeorris 11 Thy - north's Ten Store in M..
Ss it Tot they eel nt 00 rent.. Pat po.n4
umnvery good. and thaw at TO cents end V. are Wi
cite. Lo w rood. damaged.or inlinior Teas are never
al this establishment, and they non retail all their TOCIF
direct from the original chests. Devintiproved that TNI
p to me g ui. t ett L ppet, which, by bathos VP to tho
Tight, you nllllll4 ix ee porous ma • lady's veil. febil
LEAD PlPE—Cornell's improved
LW ripe Ara II
'VP% •
Lute to
All Ault on band and to ifTivr,Anr saFA
025:1111 A NDER GORDON. Wa •
EFINED BORAX-10 emelt, for Ole by
ANNER'p bbls, for sale by
100 boob DYT '
PM do do AppboO
20 top Waal:ol4lm Ca Button
60 4W extra Funny flow; .
30- do Oopeoloo do! Y
300 - ikossi extrt Coro liroomb
100/ bozos 11Wdoa Ulw. wonted, to otavgb
and for a ll do by _ JUII
lIEVOLVERS--Juet recoiled, an addition
amply of eraaliaa Cdr. It.iolyenc L so Allesi'e
deem fAll
ROLL BUTTER-25 bbla prime, for
. -
scbll 1i0145 nest wOllO
LiNSEED OIL-10 bble, for =le b
PALLOW-10 bbh, prime, for sale
febll WAG
04 .1 1 5-50 . duzo,
v for ale bi- 14,11 & naux6lo .
ARD-55 bbls, and 100 kegsfur .
we br kbll ; 4 . W. . Et .
f LOVER SEED-55 bUs prime Ohio, for
alq hl 011311 '
TIRIED PEACHES-156 bags for sale
414 . 1 d IV. I.l.t.szatali. -
Como' TWINE-250 lin-, sugrkli c ral•
itx for salt by
felith . NA. CO Wasel strait:P.4
_ _
CASTILE SOAP—al eases for sale by'
fablO J. Ii t EDD A CO
ARD-80 kegs euid 25 bbbs, fur We by . ‘1
EEDS-40 bbla Clover. Seed;
15510 , 50 Tbso4lo, 45, for 1..15 b
I la: tP b l;l,/1-91 , bushels on hand aad ,
Chenese, and .#
y Amoricazb, for side by
J. ffriIOONMARER a co.
RNICA FLOWERS—For sale by •
f.blo• a. sena:roman c.
BLACK LEAD-700 lbs of supesior_gtuttl N
Zes t ' " i° b .
4EAUTY.—It is universally conceded thai
beauty blame sow.= fit Mb aututry than M onty
. whits M the mm• thew It is saki that In Do other -
country Is It ban at seyoung sn age. Dim trots cern. min extent , but tb• Inn b often coned by weed. -
My to all. d..ot Tour Pemmma nimmimabtdll
lead the. followiug, and you Mad not tact. gtml
Mune wieutlho Pmpsrattletst tmd ei
tabled • high popularity. • • . • ..
Jules Usual • Persian or Chinese Powder. Impartht
hiss amid • tat '4l‘'=•=tl;:thihe tun
pander kw tlae ahin, as many of thine total re Intair , •
nos. g i t=e Verthalzkt
.ompu:n4lll , ; . l
i utrif...Psn erautorrPolnur.irnmminir
mu hair. What is mem =MAW, than hair um=
or Lem. Of a lady. Mb Leticia will remove It in •stsyst_
neow, Impart to rod,
or gray Lair. • beautifully
.4 , 1
bltek,mtn, suborn color. 11.1411 cobs. the Itltlr 1‘
gratin Cm% and Mon etketnarly Lb= any other at the maw time loellible.
Jul., ugg,pe hturing Croim—lt la feeble pleMltiltr..;
sham achla W. cream. Them b non* of the sona-thig Nur .5 •
• nation oattelly experlennal In th. not of Mast Papa
tg.•••=m 7 , tt lesees the MlLek
and not liable to become c lmOoth eat g ashhapped. •
I Jules Handl gam Paits.—Nert. tbs /MN's. 2'
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