The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 22, 1851, Image 3

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-Tux' Wastarn.larra Revirsr, for January, has
been receded by W. C. Wall, Fourth etraet.
AcmDCWT.--A woman, named Alice
.Yohimion, vas ,found, horned to death: her
}Dom, in the Ilercy, Hospital on Thttradliy after
1 Thenitfortunate deceased way afflicted with a
.Clounie rheumatism, and was,,attimes,deranged.
Ile Sitter of Charity who w=aited on her, , left. her
iWato, Aieli . Containeil two ''bide, nt &boat four
O'clock, in order to prepare her supper. j A few
Outliers were at that time.burning ln: the grate,
hut the weatheraras so warm that but little:coal
ki4.been put in it..
• :short time afterwards the sister returned,
-but on opening the door, was nearly stifled by a
4e/iimi•4g •TtiPut: Which issued forth. She at
are alarmed the establiahment, and the bedding
. iihich was on flln extinguished. On entering the
''soon, the deceased was found lying in the middle
err the goer, with her body .bunied almOst .to n
ags?. yer cop and hair were burned, but her
fiord was teroptuatively uninjured. Her body,
dnie, and legs,,Were however, burned in the most
kotikd runner, and she Was perfectly ' ,deltd.
in aunposed that ins fit of temporary delir
lard eh had 10en from herbed, and set fire to
• ,
her ; clO es. eoroner Arthuis held an inquest on
the boil yeaterday, when a verdict in accordance
I witli the facts was,rendered.
1- viAUDoetor Sylvester Day, - of the United
-18 it a y, died at the Arsenal on Thursday.
JlitOussipeen connected with the army for Jolty
fors'yeao, and stood high in his prefestdon. His
1 end will take place ,at eleven o'Clock, this
• • Its' lastrixasen.--We understand that 51r, P.
IDelany, Plies° death was noticed the day before
lyetierdoy,lad his life insuredlor five thousand
do latik . A comfortable provision in thus 'eusur
esi An', • wife and children . . a s .
i , 1..
• • • ------- '''•
. 0 3121* A. vu—
ed. faC, his wife and chum,—
int.-÷The alarm of fire iesterday morning
the burning of some straw in thetel
, tif ,ffie General Taylor Hoime; on Water street.
AB ppears That the occupant of that house man
n t ' s his own gas, arutiii; ‘ % person unused to
'GI' °meter, going dinfa,tat the gas on fire,.
11111 th lames commimicatedto some straw. lie
a was doui. . 1
„ •
- ---wi--•- •
ca.--Edwar . d Barker; a son Of the late
' l
lillyor,was yesterday held to hail, by his honor
Crpt„Guthtrie, in the sum of hoe thousand dbl.
km. , .Ife is charged withlescuing a brother of
his from the officers of Justice, OD the previous
night. '
r ,i
~ Tan .22SD or FEBSR,LUT.—The Duquesne 1
Greys band Jackson Blues, will parade to day
In:honor of the illustrious Washington's Birth
~.. 1
Ada.D.El5l.—A. horse attached ton buggy, be
fore the Ileiseille Exchange in the Eighth Ward,
Ilan away yesterday morning, knocking down,
in Ins flight, twolyoung ladies who were eross
ing the risuL Nei tiler were muchinjuredhowerer,
then& the wheels of tilu empty buggy Pass
eeever them,
' Fri PARIS Cuocorsri.--We have tasted some
.of this splendid article, which has been received
Wit. A. 31cClurg &Co., on Liberty Street.—
' The to rent of good chocolate, and we are among
the number, can depend upon this being :a prime
article. .
- Before Honorable, Wollerl 11. Lowrie
The case of Scott A Co., 'es. William Lorimer,
Juit'r, woo taken up, on Tuesday. and Was not
Codeladed until Thureday, when the jury retired_
On Friday morning they, returned with a ver
dict of $771 71 for the plaintiffs. 1 .
This was an attachment execution against the
defendt, net garnishee of Skeen ' Swan & Co:,
for inn 'es alleged to belong to that firm, and in
hishi,? n
ds. The facts - of the case were that
Skeen, Swan & Co. contracted to erecedama nod
locksor.the Youghiogheny Slackseater Islaviga
tioit.Compaity, and after progressing with the
works for some time, and having received the stun
of 4,a7,000 on account from the' Company,' for
work done, (We contract Price being $66,000,)
they assigned their interes to William Lorimer,
jun'r, the defendant, in ionaideration, of the
ethical they bad received . from the Company,
and f ox{ the further' consideration of $14,000, to
beapplied by defendant on account of debts due
. byrtiteta on the works, This contract contained
a. clause of indetenity to defendant in the slum
of $4,000, to protect. him.lagoinst looms which '
he might sustain from going on with the:works.
A ahort time after the assignment, some large
freshets occurred, Which carried off a great pop.
don ,of , the works, and. UT defendant alleged
th 4 Ire bad lost some forty thousand dollars by I
these apcidents, and that he did not owe:Skeen,
Stria le, Co. anything. I :
10 Was:contended by the plaintiffs that the de,
foldout had not put a sufficient number of hands
upon the works, and bad! abandoned It for a
shaft period during the winter months.: .. They
contended that it way owing to his misffianage
metit that the .accidents tothe works occurred.
It *as further alleged that t he $4,000 was pres
ently due, and that ho caul ' noLretain it in his
hatids to cover 10496.9 that had not yet occurred.
The plaintiffs claimed the sum of $771 71 doe
theidby:Skeen, Swan & Co. After. Loving been his honor, Ju d e Lowrie, the jury
rettredotad,brought in a v ict of $771 71 for
plaintiffs: I
i . .
Williatits ~ %Ritchie, Magraw and John Mellon
for plain .. W--,Shaler and j'lltomai Mellon for
John' M. Cooper, William R. Douglass, MU
Jute, his - Wife—James. 11. Cooper, by his next
friend, Robert Morrow, ex : ThomasWtuttio. and
Jaines Allison. : 1
This is an action of ejectment, brought to le
cover one hundred and six 'pores of land in West
Deer Township. It bud , not gone to the jury
when - the Court adjourned.l • - • ' ,
Dunlop and Taylor for plaintiffs—Burke and
Woods for . tlefendants.
Select and Common Councils of the City of Alla
testy met in their , chambers on Thursday even
in the Select Council, Gen. , WilliaM Robtruson,
Jr„ took the Oinir.
A petition, signed' by large number of the
citizens of the Fourth Ward was presented, pray
ing that thelfard should tie divided, and that a
new ward, bounded as follons, shouldbe erected:
Be:ginning at the wire suspension sequeduet,
thence along the south side of the Pennsylvania
Canal, between the dw.ellings of Mr. Avery and
Mr. Tassey, thence along said line te thei centre
of North street, upon to-Ohio street; thence along
Ohio street, east to the city line; thente south
to the Allegheny river; thence down . the Alle
gheny river to place of beginning. : . I
The Common Council did not concur In the
motion which passed the'Select Council, to refer
• the petition to the Committee on Surreys: '
... The Committee on the Anderson Street Bridge
read a report, the substance of which we have
already mentioned, which woe adopted, 1
The Committee on the City Poor House and
Perm read a report which was adopted.
• The Select. Council adqpted a resolution, hi
dminifying Kramer St Rabin for 'h number of il
legible notes Of defaced scrip ; which wasConne ,
red in by the.Conution Council. 1 !
bi the Comthon Council a petition praying for
the toying of i ittiVater Pipe, in an alley running
front Robinson street to Bank' Lane, between
Gingrich and , Graittuun ets, waa.adopted,
and action concurred in b the Select douimiL
: After the passage of sev ral unimportant bille r
M 4- ' , ~
• - Bived, That the Cotainittoe on Markets are
hereby authorized to inquire into the Cost of
erecting a new Market House, on Federanstree‘
Mid ke'port to next meeting of Councils. • . • .
Tbos resolution was not concurred in by the
Stin g Council. ' r ,
I •
It star•
Beeolv&I, That the ComMittee on Markets en:.
quhvi into the expediency of procuring now melee
for weighing Bay, Cattle, he., and report to next
meeting of, Councils.
resolution was concurred in by the Select
CO= .
T Select Council concurred in a resolution
which wen passed, resolving. that a special cont..
Lake be appointed to inquire why Hemlock.
street, has not been opened according to a pro-,
Stone resolution of Council's. On that Committee
Wan. Boyd and Walker were appointed.
.' ;Itwasresolved, thatet coMmittee be appointed
• ta , Inqulie into the legalitY of, taxing betel:lent
_for selling meat within they city' limits.
' The Councils, after the transaction of acme
t*lneriellt businels, adjourned.
largAteelind respoctabiO meeting of the tax
able inhabitants of lialdwiti township, Allegheny
coot/. easel:Oiled fit the house of Jam Corm,
tor the purpoie.of electing a committee to draft
itzmonistraute against the passage of an act in
corporating a County Poor House, Robert Stew
art wee called to the Chair, and James Ogden
On motion,tl. Hamilton; {Vm. ?Scare, and
Joseph hid; ibbeiy, were appointed acid Commit;
Board,. That the procaedings of this meetinl
he'ptablished intim hlttebdrgh Quetta indtPosß
Wm. Moore, 7. S. Mamilton, and David Jones,
Ter, appointed Publishink Committee.
Signed. BOB'T. BTENVAIiT,, Clem.
Maar uss, Stravary:
ei c , r4;,)
Rev. Saml. Wiltiama deliveted.a very interesting
lecture before this societn OWthuretty evening,
Feb. 20th. Although the weather was wet and
un pl eas ant, still.there wa4:ii good audience, and
about thirty names were al _„ed to the cons...tit..
=The following common!
to. L. R. Livingertori, Esq.,
of School Directors, Sixth
Pirrasenou, F bruary 18th, 1851.
Dear Sir,—We, the sub . cribers, intend to or
ganize a Juvenile Total A stiuence Society, but
there is al great hindranc in our way—that of
obtaining a place of meet g. We have, there
fore, resolved to apply to you, as President of the
Board of School
.Director , to see if we cad,'
ohtairii permission to mee in the lower depart
ment of the School Sous ; for which favor we
would. be very thankful to you. We would ap
point a Committee to p serve order, and see
that all that was done sho Id be done with pro
priety. Whatever time u. think proper that
We should meet, you will p ease nutkinown to
us, either by note or interyieir.
Tours respectfully, i. ,
(Signed by eight boys.)
On Thursday evening the boys held a meeting
and appointed-a. Committee to prepare a consti
tattoo. This Committee is to report on Satur
day, at iii o'clock. The Directors of the Sloth
Ward School having kindly allowed them the
use of the - le t wer room fur that purpose.
ationrwas addressed'
resident of the Board
Sr.savr.—The postage bill was then taken up.
The amendment provididg a uniform rate of
three cents was rejected.
Theamendment abolishing the franking priv
ilege, was also rejected.
The Senate then adjourned.
MOUSE.—The House Trent into Committee of
the Whole on the Deficiency Bill, and the Indian
Pension Bill. ro
The Committee finally rose, wheu.the bills for
the Indian Department; and for ih4ayment of
Navy pensions, were passed. . -
Provision is made for the re-organization of
of the . Indian Department, in all its ramifica
tions, to, take place after the firseof-Jetly- next..
Mr.. Thompson. of Miss.. said that during the
preceding four hours, they had spent eight mil
lions ofolollurs,
The Route then-adjourned
IF.AsniNu•rpt, Feb. 21
Szsisrn—A communication urrorreceived from
the Indian Macau in reply ton resolution of the
Explanations were made by Hamm. Ewing.
Turney, Guinn: and Douglass, in regard to cor
taro charges made in the House last cession
against Mr. Ewing, while Secretory of the In
HOClii—Mr. Giddings asked leave to offer a
resolution inquiring 'of the President whether
Mr. 'Thompson had notbeen assaulted in Spring
field, Mass., and his perjonal liberty in danger,
contrary to our treaty stipulations with Great
Britain, which was objected to.
Mr. Johnston, of Tennessee; offered anamend
meld to the Constitution of the United States,
providing for the, election of president and Sena
tors by the people ; which was 'refused.
Fifteen private bills were passed.
The ROll5B then went into Committee of the
Whole, and took tip the bill for the support of the
Post Office department.
BALTI31011; Feb. 21.
, •
Commodore Jones, whose trial Imo been going
on at Washington for some time, has been found
guilty of speculating in gold dust with the pub.
lio funds, and is suspended from his command
for five years, half the time without pay. The
President has approved the sentence.
Pamtnr.LrinA, Feb. 21.18
At a meetieg of the City Councils, held last
evening, the subscription of 30,000 share~, or
$1,600,000 to the stock of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, by the city, was
February 21.
Cotton—The market is unsettled, with sales of
160. bales middling at 1c decline.
Flour-34arket quiet. Sales 1000 bbls at $4,-
62 for New Orleans, and $4,7065 for Michigan
and Indiana.
Grain—Wheat is unchanged. Ohio is held at
106, and Genesee at 11Se per bushel. Corn is
drooping, with sales of 2000 bn. yellow at 65e
per bushel.
Prorisions--Pork is ffrm, with sales of Mess
at $1:1,50 bbl. 4 Stiles of old prime at $8,50,
New mess is held at $18,50 per bbl. Lord is
improving, with sale, of 80 bbls new at 816 - I.BAc
per lb. Beef is quiet, with sales of 80 bbls at
$8,50e9, , 75 for mess, and *liCi)l3 for prime.
Whiskey is saleable at 25ic per gallon.
February 21
The weather is rainy and disagreeable, con
sequently there hare been •no transactions in
dour today.
Grain—Sales of prime red wheat at 9S 101 c,
And of fancy white do at 108a116& ? bosh.—
Corn is selling ut ak for yellow, and OrJe for
Provisions—No change in prices. Soles of
hogs at $6 70 cwt.
oroceriee—Sales of Rio Coffee at 10;(a; 11e ?
Whiskey—Prices are unchanged, day 2G and
25 in his& and bbls.
February 21.
Flour—The market is dull and buyers is not
offering over $8,90 bbL
Whiskey—prices have further declined. with
sales at 101.€1200 yI gal, in fair demand.
Provisions—The market is without change.—
Sales of 600 bbls pickled hams at tic. Sales of
2,800 bbls mess pork, deliverable at Portsmouth,
at $11,75 11 bbl; Sad of 900 bbls do, rump, at
'sB. Prime Lard Is selling et 'LIG& 70 lb
in bbls. Sales 300 bbl City Mess Pork at $l2
QT bbl."
Groceries—Sales of Sugar nt tiet:qc, and of
Molasses sena '1.3 gal.
Other articles usually quoted are without
Heti:4ll4ot to purchase a lot of grofr om`tilOstle for
ocation of tilts Institution, containing tioi to fifty .
=re, supplial With man, and situated upon OD! of
'the riven, plink roads or znilorsida. within flys miles of the
C oll rinclnee. toulsd,Propowels, stating description. prior
and tunas tall be received until Moonier, nu. 24th lnst„ by
the eurcirtilttee. JAM Eh ANDERSON.
WM. 12C110AU5I.
• CHAP. 111515 EN.
Pittsburgh, Tub 5, Efebruiltirt2lS]
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
lIE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
-the .bole thriving Town having nearly szhaosted
r tree previously laid out, and the demand still confirming,
the underalitned Aro been induord be lay out portkm of
propretylulown lots ur &lose, and olTers there for tale
t .t irvelabing t t rm. o
the Town
Irin f l i n i .Wile m esT4 b y e a v n l yrrilir o si
of the knoll= of the Town and proopecta fit haring been
ratfilokutly.deseribed in resent advertisements) other than
that over ona hundred lots hare recently <banged heed..
and been purchased by those wishing to procure a dealer
Me ham.
The above lobo alb emote! We most ellaible and desirkble
in the ruses. and are principally located in the centre of
those neeentlyeold.
/or inform orlonapply to the proprietor in Liverpool, or
to Jean. Blakely, Yourth street, Pittsburgh.
Ent Liverpool, Feb. Zit, 1951. fclAslawlf.3.
§OO an i Ttar S. sa jL
N t .ii N tlY sn S c lia t rec , e .. ived
1. (ktr. of Wad k Sixth xtk.
Ohmomm I mok &arm: not Iscullnc from steamer
Ttamarors;formlo AT •
• COO DICKEY k C0../Water A Front out
1 wenty )r 8 tank I
in goal ender, for corirtor den J. tIL FLOyl/.
MOLASSES. -48 brls new, in same, for
We by d.. 19 J. k R. MYR.
LA". -44 brls No. I, now landing, for
tale kV 18ATAII DICKY.Y.i CO.
UCKWREAT FLOOR—Twentv sacks in
a 1
~ for tale Lr jall 8.8 N. n RBA CGII
300 lbw for tale by [Pa' DRAW: rREITER
new. eitalltam et tirat ' o P lT artier ineTa r ia laarb
twilled. very flue. Ala°, French law.klna and Caul:nem.,
blackand fancy, and Mack Ifeidlng, Yrry
rade...ajar the quality. tols
ROLL BUTTER:T.Ten brie Rull Butter
raiilred and far We br
gall P. S R. lIARBAUGII.
CaGYTLEE sNEArths---mi duz beetputent
LI 5.01, t FONA
AILS &.. SPIKES -420 kegs'for sale by
.i..N AIR L. WATERMAN A solve.
PEARL ASII-12 casks prime for sale by
lalB L. S. U ATCRMAN A ..N...
ORANGES --20 brla sweet, to arrive. for
)alB 116 Nl'cterxt
XTEAT'S FOOT 01L--2 brie just received
.'le• tor :M
PANISIIIS:IIITING—`2O ben in non., fur
UTu - niTE BEANS-30 bu prime, for 8010
n..dy r,nnmplinn eft , t. Lung, directions. or
Arthotn. nr too n:rs
a or Lon,. nO,l .010, 34 3 , A,
tansnnn, brpdot.
, lot wish trifle with tl, lives and
/of the alllicted, Ent an Areeeely pf,,b,, nun
e no weeerld.n na In the virtnea of this mod',
01.1 no hope 4, FuffetiOw humanity, which
a earl,.
I nfl
leektrad. and the Pine and Wild Cherry. are
.41 for the our. 31 nll di, of the latuyni
h rh art eo fearfully prevalent In all Northern
m a romblnation of chernienl ortrart,,,.
LI la )her and Ihr. , TIT, Do. %VIM.,
i• alien% formrd.
DaD4l.ll of 110 d Cht.n.7 is n fine nrsalAL
0 , 0,1 entirely o,e
lltt Cln:rry Hark and fhe
, 310, , ,, , ,1av Litter Impor4,l expre.sly f, this
• rare toolirol virtu , . of which Are al., com.
hero:m.l ;more, with the extrnet of Tar--
ng - lhe whole rmonnond the me,-,t e. etas and
lnaly crer diarorered for tbo
I V 1: LI
Ives to RI
dn.•, anh t
fact n
The 31
tutly ref (
And • ,
enn 1 fenru
r WI
genuine I s
blurs' br •
thus render
rfaL sous r
AItY CONSUMPTION Curcd F.; ' Win... Bal.
cm.. of J,..nnah Ir
tignlntylan. lalmj,r,thono.nd
C0nn.,...) 1 . 4 truly: n;Llorful.:
Pttae.t‘f late:, Hamilton cu.. t.ept.....1.,).
.1. R I•ap —Dear Sir. 1 toke the liert, 07 advidar you
of the Lene t I hate derived tn.w tli.2 u•e of Dr. Whdar ,
Balsam of 11.1 l. • herrjjy. Iva. prontrutea 1, that terriLle
retattge. Gn ortata.ted.. May lot. The attact; WWI truly
herd', In.; t or, for five of our family. In.; brothery and
oLdero) had died of Coooumt•t,on. I wa• an:lintel with
hearly all t • wont features of the do+ra.e. I hada dlrtn•....
in, couch. olerpeetoreted a great deal of hint. iteetie
fever, !wren. 7010.1 n the ride and the=t cold chiltr., alter.
hating with booboo of heat.
. .
I wax under the mar of a thllful 1.14-ician, from the
time I wax taken ti-k until shout eht wee2a nine... led,,,
then about helphwt, and my friend. ronsidered my mat.
1mpe1..., or it lewd 1e,,n4 our phyrdclittea Alin, zeleitetl
the um of Wistaex haboun nf Wild Chem'. Without my
knowledge. et, hither procured It. end ftwumeneed admit,
= I ,
tarring It t nu, and town the firri day I 4N...wilco] Mk ,
Mg it my li .alth—ttoprored, and in tan tr. 4.1.4, Thin, the
Lime I min •need tirdim it. I wax able to be but and over
, wer my lmti 101, and lain,. with-it I null contlune to do. I
be taken ur brittle. of the medicine. and um. mridder
mywelf pat . y well. diatEMIAII•ISMIIitt.
'to dft Gs ft eA A ft la
't - "i' e i " I '' ''' ''' ": e i e
(hoax P0iNt.14.1,1,:0.. la . Jou. iii, 'I,
Jon, li. itg—lwwir Sin In .1 Lily:. 1..-Ith I aar attacked
with a Over - I' typhoid charm...1,1410.-h left me iu a rem
debilitated ate. when. in the folloa i 01, v. oder. I wax la.
ken with a - err told, which reduced nit it, 1 1 10 . 0 All es•
tent 111 00 . re me the antawmueenf a continue,' eenxitinte
tire. l MI under a ...rem mush—emwetorated arrest
deal. and w ... 1114.1 with mid fet.t and night aweate. I
also freq.. tl, mined blrod from in, lunge. I continued
In Ulla 'tat . gradually oinking under the diem..., until
January , I I% when I VILA again attaeked with feter AM
friends dem not of my 111.. and Mr phtaieMut thought I
eould eurri abut a Owlet time. tlt extremillex....,xmat.
ly my feet, ere adistentl, cold. And ahMet het their feel
ing. Untie, tlitwe cirrumstancex it may to trot, laid I wa.
• Living at, leton. I finally determined to 'pot taking me
dlefueo pre, rilwil by physician, and it, lir. 11'1,w'. Ital
tam of Wilt - Cherry', and from the iirNt week that I coon
teemed AAMitg it. I min date ugradual mworery. I rmatin
net] Its u\e tin Month, at the end of a blob Mite I rat em
eat. and e joyml wind health ever slue, and elieerfullt re
end the Ilalettru to all thow. Millet,' with diva,, of
the lungs, and would any to thaw. commencing It. me, not ;
tk, he illmouratred If two or tiro- &att.,. donot eflect a '
mite: but pet-wren , . as I hate done, and .1 bane no • dould
boa fine eaww out of ..n, silt he L1etr....1 altli xneued
•ttealitt as I hare been. Ilexpectfull, youm.
From D. Bak, SpringfAtl. NV o..hinclnn
Setteonato. K r.. Nlay 14. 'Pt
3lecerc.Staufnnl k Parke-el I.iiko tide epportunlty .din.
forming you of a mod remarkable cure perforund istani
me by the one of Dr. M War'. Itaknin of 1111.1 Cheer,
In the year 1 , 41, i wa. taker ith hillaination of the
boweb, which I lation , l under for eix week, when I grad.
unity recovered. In the fall of 11,41 1 was attacked with a ,
severe cold, which seat....l Itxlf ulggi city lung,, and for the
space of three year. I was confined to mi tad. I tried all
kind. of medicine. and every eatiety of aid. without Ivor- ;
M. and thus I weariol along until the winter 1,1 1041,
when I heard of Br. Wistar's Bal.= of trUil Cherry. Ily ,
frig:rle peratualed me 'to gine it a trial, though I had given
up nil hopes of recovery, and had prepaged myself for the
change of another world. Through their solleilatian. I a,.,
Inducedtn makenee 01 110 genuine Wietais Golwm of
r Wild Cherry. The effect w . ite truly agtonlehing. After
three year, of affliction and euffering, and after having
npent four or nee hundred dollar, to on purpose, and the
beat and picot rr,pectable phyrictana hod proved unavail
ing, I wee NjOo reetortsl to entire health lo the .
Goland the use of
, 101CIctaia Ilal,otit of Wibl Cherry.
May the I , lessing rect upon 'the proprietor. of so
valuable a m 011... Illatitea Bales. of 1112 Ct.., •
• Tome ,
t 1 .u. IL Dacca.
Soli by J. D. Pa= (sueeesebr th Satfonl k Park.) Fourth
and Walnutetreets, Cla au ,, C.Ohio. General Agent for the
South and West. to whom all order* aunt Le addregeed.
J. Kidd k Co-11. A. Fah:ix:Ace:li g Co., J. A. Jones. L.
Wpm.. jr., Pit4burgh., Lee A. Beckham. Alleabeny Cit).
L. T. Hugged'. Waihinution: L. 11. Punch. I. neut...., 11.
Welty, lirceigsbiartg S. gee,. k ..11mnre.
Bedfunh Reed 1 lon. Iliintlogllnmlttre.Orr,linllblayetoiriti
Ilildelarand Indiana: J.
Elam, k Co, 8r...31,111, A. Wilain A Son. Weytiodniric
Mcfaralnd .4 Co. S. Callend,. Meals - Ith, Minya R Ce.
_Erie: Grisham Z. rocker. Mercer. Jan., Kelly .t Co. But.
ler: S. Smith, Itcgoeri J. 0 . siamert , n. Warn,: F. L. k I
EL Jen., Coorierepcsti P. Crunker.iru
JVIIN .1111,61 i
lIIT LE Y & COLVIN, Coal 31ervitants,
p an of INainu n Dry aaL lt :
t• o n a iin In ur nawti itail,
J IIAIZRISON SEWELL, Attorney at Lan',
IN Wain Chile Coma-ai ..... i r an Galint irk
novr mein
ledicets of 1..1,,
Linen and Howse Furnishing Goods.
A A. MASON £ CO.. No. 62 and 64
thakrt .tree(, kne, 01 had! • !an,
aairtnieat of the toil' ...IL it ilia
tun -,
Table Chitba, P.a.,. nail Dian r'
Napkirta Urrrlar t.-.
Tarr!.. It, bitipit and Datituk,
Diapers. Ituatia. ±. eh and Lye;
Linea Lait and Lint. i 4
Ilocr l i t,
nien liatua.L. Ali width,
Lilian Cambric Illithilkerelnrt i c
104 Anemia. lb.:Wig, 104 BoALLII In
W Atlamtte itith 10,
T EAS -30 hf ehsts med. to extra tine Green;
by )a_J J 1 d CU
MALLOW. 2 bbls for sale by
n .O .(n CA NF lELD
PIG LIION,-.40 tons BruAt Cram - , for sale
by ).Z5 ; UOISD:ON. LIME nCO
111/LASSES—WO plantation. for sal..
by J 2,25 JAS. A. II L7CIIIYoN
EAU--2500 pign Galena, I,)r Fale by
L .12.15 JAS. A. CO
jr4 111 . RENT --The following proper- 7.,...
1 44
AND TIIE FARMERS' (iCIDE. , ii... i•ir i 11 .10n,. 01. and completely funilsbed +L.. ' '''
LErmAnty Vcopy A CO,' No Id Gold atm t, New :MBE. eo Market stn.! between Third and toorth P. ,
tura, motto. to nubliab the four I, ollina quarterly Its. auitable for Pm et
et e ,,,,..] inacawm a lse 31,! In addition to whieb Pep-ml room.. Post Offire Iluislltup, In the. mod eLl••1
the/ hare Mreotly outattnemed the publiesi.iss of a 0 1 . *me third /neriee, ,I:ltable for Arttets'e Rpm, Oftnes. Ae
bale Agricultural work. called the - Farmers (stole 4% A ler, awl runt. uleut 1/WIII,LINO flutSE, to a tar].
7.7 ' . 9., of Llfil i ,Z l L A siltffs i r L nh - . l l322; n o7tl."('lr'n'n "e 1 . 4 . ,L e ..,!i:',, f , :rt . l - .. tr
~,,,,,,,,,, rut ~. 0.,„, „fl th., ~, ~
Le. Ac, sodded by John P. Norton, \ I A., New 'toren. April next -
Profesenr of Sedenttflo
m o th In Yale Colleke. ac t 100 a 011.11.1. ,TORE on Third street, next door to the.
Ilde highly talunble will romorbo. two Larne rm.! 00ze... 'Kam Po...esti. alven imandiatelt.
octavo toluutee, rootainina ore? tha , Jolne. wan II ur 0 . Ft.< e a LE— In unexpind Lease oil the Warehnose. on
•Plendsl goad eolftwllok , ant t."' n ' ..... '''''' 1. . r. '" .10. 111101 street. heretohoe orenpled by the late Ifr A Beelen
on wrad-tu the hlghoot rolls ,f art. Illttsttathur al meet For ~...p.,. , 1 ,1 1 to
every implement of htplesodry now In uoe b., the „bent for . E f., /64 am.] street.
mere. the Lest method of plowtou, Elontloo. bkl 0,0 he , '" JR,/ I or to II 01.1.01/lIMICK. ]LA
Thn, street.
t•Ung. At. le., the various , domeetle annuals In th en logb. _ -
"t Petf.'" ' " ' I" eh'et. "be ' lee'thd "e"'
" /he
" lull PENT 1 Tis - atom' F in • Ili use .s?
unique, and will render tt of Inealenlable value to the eh/. i •.4 • • 0 ri it • ... ,
dent of anrkultore. , ■ and n. 4. 1,./11 , 11na. with in.,, lot. situate onlill
The work le being ptthlislod In rani tnouthly Num, rs. ' 1,...1 street. Mail... Lot. adjoin., I. khrtrm.
of 64 My twelhexeluolve of the steel m.o.:main., and Is For terms , apply t'. li'lllim.N. LITTLE A I'o.
ofat 2.'s cenLi each. or $4 fur 11, entire work 1,, onto/wt.. .1,12 . 11,5 Liberty sired.
of ich there will be at bait twenty two.
Tihe Btit4sh Periodicals mouth-leo] 11.1 . 1. 11, 01110.., '11:
Tlin lond. Quarterly Itettre tConermatimr. the Istm. 1:0' LET, th.• Store ROOlll NO. 111, Ale, Tree
bomb Barlow (Whia/, th e North Britian Review (kr, , k.' , . 5 , t , n , 72 . .. , ado : i4. .
, I . s .
‘, 11 , 7 T . r .. atr i t . k ,,,, lii i d , .1 , 1a ,, r , 1 , 7 .A..... .:*,1
Ch wonTa h kal' th
uZurar ' SlZtn e c ne l,Tt '‘ r e r " .. "'"'"'ij; and
13". r , ', l. Holm. A reel! :,/,‘ 1ta . : ,. ,1.7ne and " haehe n nf i. o . d:z .,,..,
Although these wurks an, dtontulsto4 br the pe,llllral ' 7ho n•ao I. 44• .0-71 to . f...n....i . :7 r tini i 7_
._,,, .
.hodw , /th. ,,, 1 . 41, w 1 •^ 1 . ~1 1, .. . ^111.11 . 1 ' 1. ' 1 .4 U '''‘ r t'" mils .e
opus l e' • 're"
"'71;;;,:.', ." .7. tl, . I , t lid
contents le devoted to polthrd xoloects /t . thel'llerary ' elms ee on , noel i , , . • • ii,. , • ,r• •,
character which sl‘set them their au, salute, and in thot nee '10nt..... , 1 1 . 1, _.r.t , .....,......, ........, -
tbey stand conferedly ler ,Lbove all nth' r 1^... , • q
sur e
o r . ,'!"' ‘ 7 ' .. n .
.7 .7' :.
lang. Blackwood. PUB owlet the ntast,rly Aubleure o t ~ m esemn ktorn ' t ‘ t e tlic ftrd of L'..brt.nryO .„,
fl.arl .
Christopher North, znalntalm Re moment celebrity. and ts. , '''''Tir" •.f . ..,„.„.., m,...,. ~. ~
~..., r .,„:„ . 1 , - ;,;,,, ,
at We Iltn, unusually attno five. tr.' the rola/ ' , wk. of a,
Bulwer milt other them:, bernble. wmu u ter that mom, . -- --
loe. and first outwoni j " ne "'""'"
• "Is 'es
• "re" De' I Rare Chance for Capitalists and Itranufac•
tido and to the holud Males. ou. It work. a. • - 1 be Cu,
tone' mud - Sly New NrLel." IhotlL le, 1101.,er.) e\ ty Penns hirers.
ruler Medal... eTbe Greeo B.A.' end other serial. of ..,
whlett mutton'. rival edition,' are Issued by the hodloo ; 1:11E tllltiorsiglimi being agora for the own
pot/Mien In this country, have to be reproded by those I ors. offer Pr sale a number of town lotilo the Worn
publnbr. Crum th e l'eaa, of Bloekereh eller it ho , /woo iot . 1 wroth... It ark munty, I , llln, Wi th out lots, and small
Issued by )lion. trott A to.- ;I 1 that outerrllers to the p „..,.„.., ~y ' au , ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, ni p , .1,.. ~,,,. ~,,,,,,..
Bentlot of that Mostokhn . ma/ olwa) a roll 00 harlOa the le I, situated PPI the Ire' 100 rannl. and the illllO and Peon
mallret of thew focluatosp toles I
, or keno. Eollreol s . now Dearly completed, na.eing theott [ l,
TEllOl,i ' , p„ thl• real e.tnte alionlr, Tw.rhapt. the belt ppportonity
For any no. of dm four Iles tew nMr annum $1 (Al ,' I,,,ei r 0tt.,,,,1. o. ,anus abo may ri o t, n„ n „....., I n ',,,,,,..
For any two MI lon ! ofr-tertno of elooet thy them-halo]. Ti, , abondnomand
I:or an, Ih me do ~'. 7 ts. ehr.Lonem of all the me m. of liking • the ru {• fop of real for
. Ito al, four Review', 'do I' MI , 1.1,1 Otr , •Pool power, the omat quantity a soni Irmo/hl
Fur Illackwool'a ilitastine. do “ lot ito chi. market, /a. well the trallltle e ihr transportation of
For Illekkeneal am 4 rho lid's. , Beriewedo o nO I manuroetuml articles, all romlithe 4, make ltb one of the
In, Blackwood and the your lie'dew •do 10 ,gal nowt desirable polnia for establiehlow reattufacturoo of Iron,
For Farmers' gulde loomplete in '..r..'. Noal $OO Iti tea. Cott , o, Indeed of all deaeriptiona which 14 now offont ,
Eaytocut Ps be made to all elowe In advance. I el to the Western stoics .
CLUBBINtS i rev.•ral Improerl farm. In the vklulty of the Canal and
.A direountof twenty nee Mr mut from the above prior , Itoilmed. are alsontlerrol.p. tract of 374 arms of excellent
will be allowsel th club,. tattering Volt or eon.. of our
oho ben .1 land. Pltto between th e Canal I.ld lildlnaul. and
one ur mons of the above work. flux 4 copies a Mark- „.,,,,, p e lt a , a ,„ /„„ ~,, hoer , a , a ~„
worst or of non Iletlalrlral I. P••• 01 1.1, ta, raitiree. fnr Oh; : a ,...,.., mbolnina OW Balite.] Depot, along one aide of which
4 moire of the four Iterlows and Black wood for VW, and ; li, trnrt Mt.., 00•1.4: 1.0 einlyil. rtr,ta of tho town. Ili-
~ order
ter keeper. and merebants will do well to look 01 this lee
Orden , from claw tun/Übe sent direct to the uulashort, ' ~,,,, th,„ „„..0„......,,,,.,....„ .
so no discount from thane prise. Con IND allowed to /wrote. P 11,,. ~,,„.f1„,,, 01 m,„,,,,,,,,, the ~,,,,,...
„ 0 „ , ,, i ,„„, 1
m o n e y, eurreut In t 1,6 Stales where 1..4, 0111 he noel . ' mohdt, noi .nrpe.wol bEnny In then ontry, Is stew ell
'lt VZ;....., and e ,, , ,,,0 e ueleatlons should he 5 1 . 0 1* 041 - ; IT ' i . t e l:. t l t l , s To ' , l, :. ' L:lj r arlT: d ol ' ...l " , 771117 kl:'.::;' i m o ' r " ;:t ' o h /rnt re s, f t e n e
domes]. 10,1 paid or fran ' kr.l to tlo. Publisher vi( mel ' lostene ild. brorwrtr. Title Indisputable end
I.Eos:Allt/ PO ru A co , h.., /err
elven If deeired. lfun Andmw IV Inoode and
711. Fulton street, New York, Jo-,lora Hanna. Fat., of l'lttehorolt, will Ore information
' " ol ' ir. '. ..t e tr?t ' i n if. T it h. ' ,Za l a h n " lic ' , ' u le g fe b . I= Il e arr '" l* . 77/1 u ir tr Y l ' , ' ,. ' ;:
li UTTER —Eight burrds parked for sole by • ~,,,„, „, N,,,,,,,,
ialt S. F CON lioNNIlOltuT A CU. 1 oi s meilloo, 1-b. 0, 'id. . ItIVIIIIIT 'e J. I aIIVI.
LAliD—Sixtybrls No. I in store awl for yule
by jall ISAIAH ItICKF:Y A.CO , %%M4 r A Frent gm.
GREASE—Furty fire lain in store, for rule
by ISAIAH DICKEY .t ett .- -0
jal3 Water and Front eta.
- •
BROOMS — fine hundred tioa/k0 for rule loy
jolt H. P TON MIN NatiltaT A CO.
IlliltiilS A lIAWOI,TIEO Tt o Ito'. cast ride of the
b""3: Itl flavored Teas at $0 relax twr Mo n d.
The Auer quolstim at 75 4 , .I,
Extra'auuertlue tit $1 00 _ do .
.ui Et t ld ,L C , ls ir o n i y i y pt:l . Ll
r e
L t i b i, at
. thr ., , ,, 1 , 11. , A , ( n .h . '1 ,. ..1 r ,
~a , 1 11. 1 1. t r. 1. 1 ,,.... ., ,::
dinal from Enland. and - thet Lamed be aught at •a,
MIR, Moro In Ilttrbortth.. ml 4
- -
the Moat Or arbOlrealc.l l, r gale by . .
1.:4 br --' • )101t1118 a liAlt Mall_
'iZREEN APPLES—Tweniy brls. Pipping
LA for rate by a; Y. YON I:UNNIICIEFT di CO.
r rant{ •
• •
{,;,ALMON.--5 brie Salmon, No. I, in store
I tI)IIISLACK--30 in - la tnr ;min liv '
8 ALERA , . r i5... 7 4 - .sii. Is:0.1 Suleratns; • -LA ''''''. __ _ J K114).9 Ci 9
,tom ,
bi L bblr. mol t p
jaz ta . ] 14 . 112E---jti tt, prime Carglinn. for. Pale by -
__ i
cLav _Z_Are b .k x . ,7 l
J lZe i l r ill e ll(: 4 ,4l: o _CO
rraell .. C. 9 Wafer atter,- i '''''''
HLOOMS—One hundred tons Tenneseo , '
.L. Ilkedas9 . 10 Woe l'ammea bl94,rreeleiblrfrobr rb. 99.
11 -- /6 E - 4 --- o — SCejust re ß c n 'il ki ro ' r l' enlObl l"
er 0n..., sad for rale by Jdllbri DALZY.LL,
Jab NO. Oa Water-mot. MI PA BUILDILIDVE t. 12i0J Mod.
f FOR RENT—A small frame cattage, with
ravta. gataa eowt !nine dining ram and Etcher In
neetnetn. intan P.M. to garret. anth 'a Jorge' garden nod ...lend (not Inn,. Ivry deeirahle rediletten for •
eonnull broil,. iet anted near Mineral - ill , . Pon,n.ion given
indialed, [
Al ... n•veral email Tenernenta fur rent.
010,. Ito. non II lan fronting no Ilemork atreet. and 3
(noun, on I•int etreet. Terme easy4l l 94T n tl nos
feiCtlnt or IL P Cain. tem. „.
of Market and fitit ot•
Desirable Residence :for Sale.
IIDE •tubAcrilter. intending to remove a few
unite Int, the country. nee for nate the property In
ielt he nen rennet , . finely Ineated net the record loot
All,hentittt.. The .Itrrlltto, a double no, nod Ludt
..f lovl. t• h r:e en:mundane, rod Lae been recently
n•painted a:. paltered. Ilse lot (Ann. flfi y feet no the Ca.
....... hart; two hoodred and eightt Ore. nod te laid
eel st Ith tntt ehnitto ehruhher, and fruit. The
tt-htniduno, torinttlon of private eehnol houte..lo.Stbie
nod earnatn• holTee. an. nnvenlentiv lonakel. The:saln
nen •nod the Wire Sustnneian Hedge ehrp• to
jinn .1 .der the Alle4hette. will brine the pro rty
If ttlort n feu 1. 11 / 1 111let t. nr drive..( the city.
Pureb.t...r , are referred to Alex. tall. r. No 139 Ith
etnt•t t•ble..llo. 311iSES ftANIPTON.
ei'Clit SALE Olt REST—A comfortable
cod Pl,l 4 4 .111 i, enlisted derellino bout. cot
. lotia
elont nut W... t, to the Eighth 11 ant. at Me env.
The Lnuntroft,one thee - a.m..: the lot le fart y lett ori Cheet.
tan et. t b)lnue hundntl iu depth nuip.o of
It lag earner of Wood rod Sixth et,
14 1 0 it N'f—That large tisvellingltowe L ar".
it • ,ota grootala rer canto, mod otaltlelia
atiaehnl. thereitietn• of the la, Wm. J. Totten. At
ted 241,4•1 Ponceeion given on In'' hr. a
" 7 l'vm , Pill , In liottrdlan, or R. C
Tottrn. at tb f..rt lull \‘ork.v. trblmt.‘
rr LF. -Twu offices on the lower fl oor 7r4 ,
crn, Torkrt and Illater Arc", :muting miki .
{ at, arra,. roe. la feet.
Boor.two r •MIP tin. above. oti rommal
Boor. with ,narate ristranct from 11 otcr elerrt.
All of the, mom. arr rnitablr for I a:wanner °Meer. Le..
and arn , Ituated In Um wort favoraldr plarr for burinces
ou the wharf, POLLARD MeCORMICIi.
p b i r ß
t 1 ,, t ‘ 12:1 . T ,, -(2 , ? . e ,it 1 , a:41: three ou
~,,,v ,, ? ; 7rl
froni and t rant rtrretc•S m.i....1 . malern style.lar•
with bca • rrad Lath- an.l Inritscral a-Ith ,r . a-r.scritable.4or
Urrcat , . !arm , ccr I.canling b.... 1 , 5.4.,cm0n on tic.. tint
vf A pril. • E ~ , irr uf NAMI; El. ROBINSON.
alohecarcr. or
44 Grant 0., l'ittshurgh
I,curnal copy., ~
. . _ •
1. 4 1 01: RENT—The Warehouse No. 2ti
114 April F., trrma Inquire
• V F.lll SA I U—Two larne Flour 11111, and a Caw 11111 on
tin Bonaer C ea. ant, the nor:Naar, water power. Alm,.
' a well Intim% ol i'llrm in Lawreneerounly. Mar 11.1041.
I Ail, It Fa of 110 non., on the Ohio Hy, Inn.% mile,, helow Ma,. for V.l.'llas A 1,.. one of 1411 urn, on th.
, olsn, river. 6 nulea Iwllor Beal-en:am El." laT nee, A 1.,;.
ra. for 5.1`, per acre. Abse. farina of ll,n, 1115, atal tol
nen.. for 1',., per %wry-. Ala, 11l aen. for at, and 'AI
nerea far 11l //,, nor, In-allser will, flinty other,. of tan.
u: all,. auJ ,riona. Elll.llll, nf
N • 1..1 11. 1..11. FEITEINAN,
/.%'r" .-''
at Law and I,eal Estate Agent-,
ft. 1.11, . ' Nolo: ill, et. Esttaburnh.
, VOlt RENT—The sure- on Market id., vr,:i
i' non oqrovled lo C Yvan, in , a Variety Ilturte L. 1.,%
' l'''' Z'V l'""" no
. I"l l . V.tgl ' .V; : tlt'll. viii, '''''b /t.
Flu LET—.I (Val-1.1101.1%w situated lot , l,
jt i5...1 rod Marl,. and 'runollon through y.,
Indst Vim to 1. 1 .....5l +oa. recently u.stpid by
.. ...a
.ull. a A tliton o
. ti la %tnal, for manurartuting or Flo
w n horhoma Enquire of
L./ 1 ( 1 R ItENT—'l'b„ dwelling h‘uise and. ..r .. e&
.reenlelia z ee,ond, how lo 111,• gj,..
. 11.. the 1,.....1 of Ende mtme, in th, 1...%ht llanlona..
11.n...1.• a oldn'e ta nod a ' , snout's...from smoke •udlata
11.. and ~.1 r ....,.1.. 111 the en,. eau find her. Bach a nhara.
It ia atthm 1,11.1, USltlllte• walk 1.1 ass) 1.11.7. in. c.l
11%. nit,. 0.1.J..111 JAn. li. BUCHANAN.
' Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
min.: undersigned Adminietrators of' tlie
i oat,. of The a. Valrusan..l...craard, Ur, for ale the
emir,. wed ....tate of the .a! , l Thomaa Valnuan. ronalatlng
el ern,' feet IN !motion cot. 1.11.111 atm,. running !nal. '
to a ten Gat alley. Ala,, the tavern %%taw! known at the
Alanoan Ilea., wit, the remand., 'awl etall,' on,nerled.
fronton: ots Plats, on, , . tho-ty throe feet four turbo%
A1....1ima lose [rennin: an Cherry alley. tad, ei,ihtorn
I. , ' no, and roams, hark alaty Awl parallel with Plum
aner. ail ..1 whirls 1.0 , 0rrt% will la aold at prlaate ale. II
~.1....1 Loa te : lie .ovvrawne, or I.flnet add I.lare thell.lth
..t na.... will l- tdlen•l al aorta.° E. the higher, laden,.
A 1,.,. it,.. Ta%erst %mud 1.: at1en..1! ; " . . , t, , t ,i3i, 1 % , , , ,, h1t r t.0
,2,111,1,,. I 111 Liberty at
. .1
Il 1.,‘ , 14 ES:r.tTE FpII . S4LE-1110_ uudt . ll.-
ttlin,/' I:ll.`:,7:recTu r e a, l'e;r a d:Zlitd=to`r't=tt!
len., n• the Ilurou:la of 111rminnham. lortatod near the
Ise. 4,1 , 11.- School flew. and Euhlills Lutheran Church.
The rarttl nnottlt of Ihrtnlnnb m In nopulonon and
manufarturin, wealth. and them , nahle ono,* at 'which
IoU will la , ..,1,1. will render llom a Pate and .prolltahla In.
a,ntent. Title nerfe, Term. fa unisle.
1,,, particulam and t Tmx. ettriulni of the %andel-ginned, at
the nUle.. tit tleorne V 011entre, 1,...i../ On %trout atrael,llH...
burn!, tat wenn Thiel and Fourth attar., ur of 111111ato
a % comea and N. l'atiervon, Lot's, allthelr tan,. Ir. Itlrto.
tun ham Itn., 310.4... , , V. EATON.
iii I.ET--One Iluuee and La situated Tr.......,
I en Walton] atrert. seventh Waal. For terra, r.1.,1
aholr to ROBISON: LITTLE, aCO ......
la— , 1 1.,. Lila, y at
_.. .
TpAI E.l LE—Tho sullserilher offer+ for
e ler¢e n well built Itrirk lieu', with hoe
he'reire /wive ef . moot:W. ' , award the Fiturtlt etreot
Hood. Whin three roil, of 111. city. Poitoitesltin ou
on. Ahrtl neat.
J...iralph. 1.4.4 ,rnuthl. mntnintnt; n..i Four
APr., .11 Apnvg of excellent ,stet tberrun. oituatell,
tent thr
Mnp. nld nf Larsnm,l 1s feet Il Inatta•l lOClfna.f.a.tdo ,
1,7 the rnaltland nf Mr. A. T.l 111 r. nearllly dtr..mnd.
th. taaannth Want. on Pananarlrianta Armin, rukenendula
't iii
thm tho Plank Ronal will la oomph:.
nwat ntrf an In-nr.arty early In rdning PIUIII/IK. For
forth? int...a...Dn.. nrlny DAVID BEELER, Fnorth at.
f i ll IR g SA LF,--Tflo stilowrilwr
rant Li. .1.-nrabla nun",
'tan.... in onitniml on 01.1. !Ana
Ilinnisen, Aran"... no." of 1t,.. INnoninn. Tian hm, in a s
Lan, brict. Inn 11 , n, In ...illaAVlJnit, That, I. a
ann.., 1nn..., OM, an•al unit, on Ow cnnarnia.
with+ ‘,ll
Innanannn ZUril %arr. IC/ :ea.. 4. JOHN 1:17.011 ART.
), , 11; It N T—A two
,1 sOry Dwdliog
1L.... tiv, twolir” nr
p..• • .I‘l, , DAL:ZELL 1, Water •I
I t.t•.n !rm. , •.111. •.rt
•tr.-•••. N•rulu. J• 11, .
4,rmA 1.• otg 21,4 1114 t - 1,. ••• 1.• ri.
ii,,••••••••n41-... Immo
-41"11. tho untra.l ItatlnelPev•t.•• mutv-rting
. _
I LET—A largo 3Lw.iorl Must, with
I'A; Are. hand attnehed ..11..ihnl thtkiAnd.
11.1 . R * co. .16.5.
PO I.El . —Tlic st..ry
At, Wylie •treet nt
ehnnxirtoprh - m. .•totattulug two per10r,....•
re , :n•nAl the ,itel tAnr
'alUGo the Int a April Inquire hi' J. A R
Khond Churth.
LF;T—Ono TM, Story Brick Iku e,
...autAntinA M1.,44. Cehtix. Alrentae, NltnetheZi
rt.. Rtnel lo . Eshrutre of
I --
14 1 0 R RENT. 'file Store7llB Market
the eer...n..1 d.ont frenn the MAritetZ
an.) I.ite.rt, el) given tilV Lt Apnl
next Inquiret,f Dt 0111 GRIER.
per Chn _
VOR MO very 'convenient 7.2
DwELLI 11 ,, VSES. n Tlird
anal 'nor Do Mnlthil•ld Demons...lon Overton the Ihn,
of Arll
to Lena 6n on. or more ono, rum, lAD,
Loo on And non. the Allngbnny Roer. In the Ninth War].
Antdi n• wm. M. DARLINGTON.
Fuurth near Wont
MI 11 . 0 N T ALLOW ;
tot Corti Wel:
Burk Irlirrit Fle, for N . by
I'ndnT. drS I , ON.
Drakrof .L.I C+nnmintiaJu Merrlteran,
Pao .0 Witt., xtmri
ü bv A r i nz . n ... d iy 7ll
IFCATIIERS-17 Kaska prime for rale by
11111TRItr el.
I "N111)--;', brla and 15 kegn for Kale by •
4 Ig, 3. S. Mt MTH kCO
JI i“ II )MS --.441 j USt. n'-mired red by
J. N. 1111.W(CiTil k CO.
vilurr-11$1 Dried Peaches:
Ira bu Dritrd Apples, fi.r In
1,1/3111. lON-1 cane genuine Glitneeu
for role by J. KIDD k CO)
0) ))00)*.br
1:4 1 OR SAINT LOWS The swift.
steamer EDITOR. Neon.l4
Inmandvr. will leave fry above andlutfr
immlLate landing. this morning, at 10 o'rholc.
Ynr freight or plumage, apply on bran! ..r •
' Ell.:B. 311LTEN BEIM ER A gt.
FOR NISIIVILLE. The splen- ,
dst 1111.11, 1 1 )11T PITT, 31111er. =Wet, -
4 . llllmve for then.... ind Intermediate lona
nn 4..tord.v nest. II In n'elnek A. 11.
lbr tnl.s
.fitfE apply - on bowl.
The fine ft J. tt4.ADAMS:
urv. - 1..r. rill Irate elllllOl. Tor e and intern...titer •
pert.A;lo Friday, 21.1 fort, at 11,
For Jrthcht nr pan,vo, apply on hoard.
.rt&nutt nen .r c la m 4 1 e
7 , 2ll"c,ll7}lr : r. gil ; fl l :l ' .:( n g '
11,10,1, no tourtl. l•b21
NAS II V 11., LE. Ti?' fitst
j II are
. .unerUENEVA.Cap,
Ira... for the *Lure and,..nlte port,.
0.1 l day at 4 P 31.
- •
t•nani • ,C 1,20
ro., NEW ORLEANS h e
etrm.r KMIIIIF.
t I.Coebran. r, %ill kat, for the ahoy,.
oNI ell loh•rmollatit points, en Friday nest, 2:4 in.
..I.lqt. at 4 r. Y.
y I
frehtht nejnotaar. nn hoard
'MOIL tiISVILLE —The spell
ju id id rt,.. Otmmer LUELLA. II tn. J hoiinta t l
T and Im
,lin.Jer‘t.7.rll., n i t 7 ;;lrt . .tn Pl . ° ll H ;cl runt. at 4 achot..7.
I', 1,14
FOR ST. LCUS. The 2: - pletelid
nrm. atoanarr I'W.TIVOOII. Wm. Conley, o.
oomiander, will Nary fur tt.”stove and W.,
thin day. OP 14th Itytt.. at .4 P. 51.
G 1 ,14
• •
1.4 1 4:112 LOUIS V I LI.E--The t.Oen-
I did .o.coer NAVIiiATOIL Capt. 11 Dean. ~.o2=,rt
nil lefty.. for the atoy. and all Itto•rturtllatt,
lota [WY day at 11/o'clock. For frelght or paean, SIT'S
ST u /LlS—The (mt running ett.atner 14 ,1
lA(' NEWTON. ett Plain Chi.'" I " Ti.4 . a in
for the oho,. and intoirmediale irs,rts. nn GU. day,
at 4 P. )1.
Far frriglit'or RPM,.
P 412
WYLLitrILLE—Tbr rm.. steamer
:VKILI.E. Wm. I , ll...l.l.mminter, will run
itt riiMtlar lailwern this city and Wellsville:
city iivery Mond].) Wetinasdar. and Frids)• at
oclock., 11.
Frlr frmilzht or passim, apply on hard. Ix2o
Ki=grih A .ktrgl r ZW=ii;=, 4 0.. 0,
Yar entight or pa/4a,, apply on board. ('ll2
MIZAN E 51 1 ,41.1; —the *tine
E'IIt:SS.IN, master. will [env..
shor..and int.irmi.dialti prt+ tbisall...rnon.
For fn.ight nr pae.age. nigdY on ieatrd• ja2i
new parket Jammer DIURNAL. Con wefi, n ' uaa-d r' ' ". 4
ter. IN nnw-perfrortning her rggnlar tri.weekly tripe Lgtagen
thigvite and Wheeling. leaving Pittsburgh at 1. e Hock
vgry !ilonday. ee ry and Fridnv, and retorning.
leaved illieeling every Turialay Thurman,. and Satisnlay,
in =
~ ~F I : ;
31311.. Alt WEIN 1
ESI)AI EY , CINCIN S .ITI. Captain J , n
theownZr" ed t T e'u o s / am l , I s aac • w u n t b an
d nthere. for
the l'inelnnall and Putgoirgli Peeket. Dude, and will leave
°eery IVedne-d., for Cincinnati. In plwr nr the New Eng.
laud Nn. 2. For freight or pge. ay , ply on board. or to
111V20 0. tuag \liEJlU Ii R,
110 C0INtirt)117The fine %teaser
int . Capt. S. 8. emtn, will leave above
every Tuday nt 4 r. w.
'llltNl.v on I,nani. nr to •
11. JWINtriON,
LC, —W. joepitt•i to make ountroet• to 'ring out
fn to grAmort. large hoary Imicht , ,
„ nnee ,, tittuodating terms. and at very !Mr rate, s - tthuut
—l ll'G'll',"thc M I :111,TY 1 CO, Canal Built.
Pittsburgh Transportation Line
=JAMES O'CONNOR A co). Canal BASIC, Pittsburgh.
OPTltit, JAMES a Co., Depots Broad and Cherry street,
and So. 3 South Fourth stn... bottrpon Market and Cheat
g strawts. Philadelphia. .
o II'CON NOBS a. Cu., 70 North street, Baltimon,
11'11):11 fully completed our arrange
will to prerased upon thu ntotaing of the
I , nr,lvanla Canal, In carry freight to and foal Pith.
burgh. Baltimore, PhIG/glelphus. hear Vork, Boaton,
houltellie. 111 Lout. and all the Eastand West. at
lower 1101/1. and with more dispatch and tare than any nth
, Line. All uttslt eltinptsJ hector... Li. arc full, croPred
by inturaunt, without ant charge too wner, • PrutegUnn
unt nail, :gloried by any other Lin,
All ecuatuunitatioto athirresed b, ourtoiscs or agent..
11.11 4 Cs. Cincinnati: E. Webb, lonitri.ll... and Lore
Orltrne. Igdtl. will inset with prompt attention.
>:.D - A. 11. Our Ling has no contra-Um a1...n0r with thy
PLUM...1144s and Pittsburgh Trangtortatlon Lino of A,
hins (that
18 5 1.
Merchants' Transportation Line,,
1, 1 011 PIIILADEL Plll A DIRECT—W I Tll-,
NeANCI-TY a CO., Canal Basta. 41.9 Penn street.
1' 1 1 1:1 ' 0. 1 .6 n.tY • on, Central Block, nr.o stntch
.I , lthia
arr.prr,-arnl reeeire a tar, amount ntereltanollse
and nrlte to slop nn the nnening if the cruml. to Phila.-
.1,1 pi.. and all interutolutte Place. at lower rate , and to
thut. that, in am peer bees saner.
- - • • .
b. The 1ntTen.....1 number
O r.f Truvlu. rn•rl.l,l by
b Canal Inanntlnsbnn.l4 for V.lrrng nor h.. non the
'atm .111 any of delay at
Ilulblayyburn nr , "101111,.. -.Yvon
C. A An.tAll,tl" Sln
ALIA Canal Mon.
. .
. 1S 5 1
To Canal Boat Owners and Transporters.
117 „ :
viat,bOwiAt2 it.ta.Anno and 1 . 9,1.1,,th
Donn: romot&
lime frnn, to ittrbnruh. ....
fnan Pittohnr•h tn.! hia ,, &n.
BAKEIt & I 4 A/0•1711.
.To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, dec.,
It. 434 MN runt_ DAM.. AND IC rot.
TiLcsspour,TioN LINE.
II ATKIN'S A. Oa, Propr•tort.':, 249 and . L".l Mar•
tat ntrael.
lIKLI. Klalt/ETT, Anson, , Canal INtiaburnb
J.S. TAYLOR k auK. Ayrul., Baltinnaa. .
It nk yrananal. on the o,lllng 4 tu
the Prttliranitt
C moth to ,tttmet form r+lght ILA km awl gir,.
shut 'n tlt orb 4 1,paWls tod ea, sr nor otbrr
frer of chants,
N Jou, 5.1.. c.
ISIMI,IIOI, toadEn atrFaa..o a Cud
Canal Basin, i'enn Strre..
Penna. Bail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
9111 E 'titt liserkbers having Vieth appointed
rhiptlsng ngent, flu. the Penney lernia or Central Rail
inticw thr public that we ere new prep to
any narrehnoclun or pinion. for•chipment t e at on the
or-one of (h. tonal. :
rug thle route - grill tw• rirrlo.l through to eve.glays
n.I .11 eonlotrar oixura
;WI-ape wI
..ll loforwarded frg-e of roma&
. - -
TI, 4) . rvie - Nny V15T.7.2.1 P11.1.1-.1....111A /OD PrrISCUIOII.
Dry, 11rii....the..... Bunke. trtatiolaarr.eutlerr.Couree
innry . Pruftr. 4eatherm. Lurulture. Drug*. Meltrio,
Nuldleer, Neu!. Le Sr. 81,.1 ?lute frg.
IlLrdeare, trueetverftre. Gromrter. Pain(. Dye Mtuffr,llll.,
LeLther.Clever. Vial. Timothy .6.1 orb, Ors. !Lyda.
Irreen. Derr Port. Butter, Lard. Lard OD, Terme,. Lent
(:.flee. TAW., I :ram. mid Itagr., COC 14 I 00
Arbet, 11Lrhie (rocub) Trr, Pitch. Dunk, ilernran Clay.
Dane. Le, Lroe jr - lou
ranau . S.I:FA DEN .It COVODE.
Don potomereiwi Bonk lierpintr.
afr'.. Stearn Roil Ikgok Neepinc
Blank. Fir the shot o workk lust ter...Pori, large .PPIT
for Nth. he
-lOUS MEl.l.Olt,
Al lirrext gt .
C'UR WHEELBARROW' was taken away
, fn. on. .tore rk, Friday, the Itith ofJanuary, by
man nf tho name ,d Williumknd .14 to Mr.lL.lfni.
of A Iledhenj city. I d
taken to P hi. !hart,' Room,
Hhoolar thr :nth, and mold , . The gentleman who pup
ehmol tht; mm.lwheelharrt.w will plea... return the acme.
"tot Rot hit nirmey gall Dv. .lolng he will grewkly
jk, J. kIL PI 11.1.1114. T.atol Wow.' at.
PARINA .. - ;,,n s
:lea .; r: H fArp to
ilo by
- 81 2,5, 81.50, and $175 per gallon
rir A N KEEPERS had bettnr try 'Morris
Prtnool'atz lt.vrw. a tho nlory
b , fory punimang elworhrrp.
- •
EA" aide .sth,. InAmond.
iItIED , FIt CIT--;30 brls Dried apples;
Ir 16
Is 4114 Prachts; for
141 R VlWoo.l
nt RAISI NS--.41K1 boxes Kreisler
brawl, landing fnAn .4“Arner NAM Clinton. for Wu
;NI to int.. old crop prime gundly, In siore and farm].
Intn9l JOHN 1...011(ER A CO.
FORKS -95 doz. bent cunt steel Hay Forki;
00 dos he.t Gernoan ...el do;
40 dos pronged cart steel ?Innate F0r1.4
On,,`,T,r l """` nod ""r4 Wang Y.Ol ATER.3IAN 0 SONS.
n oEs__,3o dos best Coot Steel HOCIV,
A ohm dii • Oardvn HOCK
on'runelgoioenl And for ^Ah , hr
bk 7 7 11 . 1_
I "
Grc ArrT leis on
FThree IntiOr , l bnrresjuht redd
dfor ale by 11. N RRIIXI. .IeiA
IIAVANA SUG A Twenty boxes White
n .
1111 Nut.
SIT , : ES. C;tssist
biLASS,--Tive hundred boxee
aroortod sun In for rale In
j.ll I J
- 1301ASii.--5 casks l'otn.ll, j ust received,
wol rnr rair it itnunirr t . t12.1.3.1. a co.
Rot,L nurrEit-2. I,xx jimt roe'rl
it Mr .In 10 17 J. B.t . AN
B doz for Polo
11 14.; . 1 .,, 01LY NUT.. , ...--2 brle m, l , l:r l ; . k . a i l o e ir i;4- ...N.
1) 1 i1 1 ,i % PI'LES--10 sacks (orL nal by
s it.foliNsT.N,
( IC,IIIN-7•l36,u—unZ ,
unshelled, for sale by
V,. , lik_Cl Irk. 11. JOIENSTON
1116 L EIS CT T i.: I{-2 brls fresh Ter sale by
11, J. 21 Ws:. 11. JOIINFroN.
it 1 OT'lllyilA TT! N 6-100 balts for sale by
, OTTON-2.1 halei for sale by:
J ,•.:: ISAIAH DICKEY a CO. Wit, .t Fropt 0
_L.e.E.Ouriv . ma a d m, lur
1 u 7 WOodotree..
YM,ITREII. No. 41 Muth Stmnd .s.treet. Indwe
rat;Aart ....
BAGA LI:Y. W0014:1111) A: Co., Whole
", Markrt 1,4'4]
, c0.. V.:.
rf Iti North nlids and
nn Prnlnno
.? MIN DE Xl' Elt a Co., G...neral
ri •C: ur
. To Southern and Western Merchants.
NI .,, PERFT NI ER11 ;
.. )71. ttenplv. .1.41. of
Nom York_ ik6•14.... Intt, th.
Itin. n 1 i4ountry .n. r nwnni.-1 for ....rfuroor Eumlw y , in
or in
rt , t•ntttNr: err v. I Alm"rul.
on)Aml.nwml.o arknowl,d,d
lug Cr.nt„ ill 0,1111, Or
ittl , rudtr rou Sutcno—n , antifull t trunFpnrotd. and
taiLthly ,uponart,nt end „rnt.ll,..nt.mpertm
,amreotis ,I„.t „t let;
let; Milt,
r) Fharintt
I'PETTINC Tull, So te,—.2l.ltontol, NlilloCour, lin,
gurt.. Pod:whir.. Pan bourn'. Omoibue.
Trateeparoue...l/1,../.1. atot
Exruerie roul. II 4.51 , [1-1 , 011/1 Jaemln,
.l de Camline. iieratteuro. !rune Lind, Mou,elmr.J.e.k.
Club. Magnolia, I tometa... t . ttronolle. Erma% and man,
nth, earietie, in all lint, dither,nt perfutni.e.
001,1 Ii Wan.r. Eau I, Tollette,.teranere
Flower W.,. awl a groat I arieti of Odra:nor. and L..'
der Watere
ion tilt It tit.-- 4, ..nuine , ltettrt . itil.Antiqu.•
Oil. h.tu Oletn, Compound
. 1.01 tisr
I WONT Rot, Tooth
PttAtt.. Chan-out Ihnttnfir, htu.h.,and Tooth
Porapncs—VokretalOr Ccronotir erenm. Anmadlne for
frhappod hand, tr. 1.1 ream of Lrram do Prrr,
Salvo. RaAphorr) • ,ara. k.
rpdat.T. Pardo, for rraarrinv , ol,rfluour bale P.raFl •
P Itnaldro Roupo. /krona, Itioaar. 1 Ictorin
!Lair Ctoot.o.itoo, Pna.ton boriolo4 a groat tarirtd
other mrarlo, I••• aumeraar Lazard thl. advrrth,
Tim atihrerilwr•hotr.n to maintain thr reputation •lA
this retahli.loneht tom arquiroi. .lopnoug tiottr
hut rase rAirirs. and will he Imply to furnkli t
who in atrtAh tothrnice if. ntsolomte or rend].
on ro ma...muter Arrur sr an, .otablAhmritt thr United
Murcerrnr to aml former Dirretor thr Lalexratary of
Il Chrr nut
Mr. Ilarin . c Prrfumrry A for lair by al i l
the principal
Drumthhr theme try.
A. & 0. A. ARNOUX,
111 RA!' PAS
O T.k! LOIN ; No.. ::103 B_r_oacl-
the pubhe h. their a.......rtment Ar nen SPRINtt I hattnt, ef
the tor.ce.t 'muerte, a Mr+ they are prrnared td, uuttte up
in the manner and uned hohidnahle at their
u.ual underate Fre.laCtutt, tnuitner... and e.t.
tut tednati...t.: ele.runt tidltt xiihm Gor Vest.:
dark de. new Dauer., of Part , Idultroiderle.. Then,
arn throe Ant,. tu tht..-rtablightnent—
..n, rut h.ATS. nue tt. rut PANTS. and One to rut
AInTIA lAT, Each departutent i.....tuplete ihtelf.—
ARAI V and NA VA I al Pah MS mule tno.nler, with ateu
racy and de.ustrit. and in the tn., approved :manner.
Stranunr. ate. lisit thi. tnetrupolt.. adl hod at fish weal.
' .. m ere
.holy t.. thetr and • molt twrieet tit
ulna, iture.l. •
PlthilTUNl IVAISTINAATS.—Thefe etc:runt artisttnatt,
that au Intuit admirml en. 1.1.• lanten. have
arnrd..l the tind to - minim ..dtle nteAtt In.t.ltufe at
their tate Fair. tel.lsthu.
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
(Cp •EW VOILE, In rum ouving on. of
Innsat and rt....ortolan. of SITING AND
MMEK SHAWL, evor lalura rarataad. Alm, LACE
111•51. IN and all kind. of SILK lANTILLAS. msnufartw
r rteamnrn
tt1i . :.%;175 , h t . r0 -d .I:Y ‘1":
'otton and
pr.... 10 a rap.alal I, worn our {Venom frituda to ex.
o oor ourelouing
Ala, WIRE IC Or STAND, for exhiblllna SLawla and
Mantilla, out no lo mu,. for traroprtation. OS!!
C. B. HATCH tti: CO.,
r_l AVE now in store, and are constantly re
rPtrtnv hr h ';':.: t r` T.4 . T4,`
embrarirui the and rirlo, of Coo
. Outp..uthr.. Undor I:ewnwoL., London
Th,.. Muck& 011,1 SiILA. Invx•log. Ilandkerthitfx,
r.houhl, Erurr.. Ltner, (Latn, with • ‘..rUly of ollu.r
lickipect:Dar thrir line of htuqn,u, AO of which vrill
be mold et th fon,. Uur friend, no,
lwrito.l to 1 ,101.1110 Our gunk
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
ONE'S E3II'.IRE INK, 5.5 Nassau street,
el Too Lurk.
TIIC rin.
1 1,1
Qua.-41. poi
Thi• 6 the I•et m•uuteeturel. I! :1 , 16s freely—
ig • gee' Orin INff--au.l ,131 n eerr,,le. mould.
pnelpttate or rte,. mud peee-•Lee all tLe quAlioee requir
el (Sr n g,eel Wrain, eui6.l.le tor the teuill..l ad
mimbl) &tante-IPu- the :1,1 1,11.
Tbe under,uni pn.pared fureo-h Is trlnl, ei
ther fcr expert Sr h•run'eoeumElenn. nt the
how price, put up re ter stut 66%eehl ta-et
hf the cit : fee. of Lure.. Nu hn.T.e f el-er, 14-rele
or kegs Lrc cLarged ertra Sr nett reet
II roitt .1:1: LENT.
No. 19 ered, Sivr York
. • •
I.cIANUFACTURE and have ~0 1 , o n
ravel - aLI, .rrn• ivs
r.NT 14 , 0, tv.•
, .
lllone Clod,• Sa.h ra
nth, Esl.l-ra ha ha• Nh.. l aar
han,ht l•renti.“. 1,, 11.11 r. r. hcltlha.lh.i
li/1:11,,et •, -1.1.14-41ut.Wal
1 1 ,c1......1/. lor
the Trade ma.. t.. )317 , 11tu
. _
Murphy's Self-Sea li ng Advertising Envel
opes. t ,
VO. 263 31..litSux ST.. NEIN
Th7l.-eiT.,; at.,
;Tat Zl - 1.!1: 1 ; ta ' !al ' ar ' tr:a " ? . .r=l
experhaw..-of )....rt ha. .-4ta1.h..h..1 tL. lr •awrhaity Ir
hal.2lar,h.n. and th the ‘,4llla
n, tho, hare 14,1 th , .....ae10p,..
aml to hie ravall, pr., a their exact-
bit On lb. plan. nov,plod br the nun mar
Eta , . On ftml
n , b , ,,lnr plum thu,
fret arrnrity frottul
Neither wax hot vote, sr. rrttlimrl to rid them.
4th LW. ate =rerun: ht. , nt • letter. tlte ....I thrum. it.
In the re bol te
Le t the r
render. Inmerttl tti being buried
. .
rah The I,,volopto. ere forolmbod at eltonrl the taro,
G pteto
RE: Fach letter Vialltot It a mool rtl..ct n.ltert,..rnont,
rum toatttoll the attootom of 01l thnrugh n hUx hat.,4, it
P:tinarinz tt •Il t of for In,
autt eLluch .111 tormnf nnd ofum.. of
the luttel nioe. tother Lao o. Nat of good pot• end
made 0 , 1103 e. • ith tratar. etitlreto, Av.•
/'nor tn<,, Prwts Ehr.l,,,
20 letter or ran,.
Viten .rix nt.t ettnyenieut litre-an' antimnt ontrr
attenti Lou
on. it atiklmw/ " :r. " \
So. 1 :111 Atntlixon stroo2, Nun Vork.
Onlerg nil: be ettentiett 10 p. 01,1410, if lilt at the itotreti
31entiri $11.41 31011 I,li II nil .not. or or 31exttre. 11..
Jtnollnian L 11 1 01 IVilllon, 0t...
N. It.—llusinrit. Csn - I‘. innixeetted rolttrtt. from wine
at 810.0 e per thownttil. 101,1.1,11,1
Professor A. C. Eany's Trieopherous,
~M.En..BICA.TEI)(:O3IPOUND„iinfaIIi the hble
nil ee spilt
end miring eruption. the don, of the
I [numb-. and illt,, and o hiding rare, rule.
aw, eprairle.... , Oho. preparation — there Ls un i aurh
Mon, and lion. 11 h., tswel it toe ear. tif their drew
h. end uu.erf., all. It a tilt iffien.minl. that for
inipertrlte vizor. gi,wv, lumina., nod curl to thn hair,
rnithentlog evurf mid dandruff. healing wounds. curing
dadneftia. erre., ding.. . .11.1 lid, is ohs ,11..witis of
the .Ric. the glands. tlie hav no equal
among the usultiltde of minteittude advertlwd In the pub
lic print, or omit In private practice I u eliemm.y as well
effirleum, harm . , Trietadieroun le unnielled. Inw
mener cavil val e of the ortiele, litter eimbled lm Inventor
auppli it at eon. per ladtle. which is from 1.1 to
tier rent hie than the pre. of any other preparatio for
the heir now in tow. 711 i. retentllle trratiee on the n
tnd the thin muld.'ing the lidualile din-atone for the rob
un end pm...notion of natio,. choicest ornament, ln
In which each bottle I. enclosed. I. alone worth the money.'
lb. atllnlty Iwtween the nom...a which constitute the
akin and the hair. which drawl front anh
triple envelope, arm clan.. All dliwaeoe of the hair ori
ginate In the akin the head. If tho por. of the reelp
are doggd, or If l b., blia.l nod outur do not
free], din.. the •m ell au air which toed the root
will tool.ture. /1.111/ impart life to the Mime, the rfcult
wart dandruff,
of the
and s hair. graven.. dryneee,
end hardiness of the ligament, oh. tatidur.. an
thity. will annihtlato thr in , effiwthine of the
akin, and of thr huhatra a of muerte, and Integnmen.. the
pnwiwa and the effort are the It le n the don.
the roueeoler fibre, and the gland. that the Tricopheroue
has Int spreige ertlon. nod in all affocilona and injury of
the. organa it m a a., rel. romody
wilt, .
Sold in huge bottle, pore 1.5 . et the principal of.
h,+•. 137 bawl., New look. and he lb...turf* nierch
ants and drug Main thniughont blialo 1014
1. 1 Y.1...51.11 1 has iud nrvw.ll tu inrinu Olll roVf
f e v ers . 1.61 Ow Inte.titomptatione, end ...dive a pert
o flung te new .1.1 handwirie, for Spring and
Slimmer wear I'm.• of Veetlng. I. univinally
large awl Issh in et. le moll . rennot
ex. 11.. II mitintled hi et,. r tioa
Alm.ther II .
* now etyir of 1 l'aminfer. for bust
nnef. efol Pam. bond., ot ever, ftf,wription,
sras 1 wewis. nahnim, tti. I 11r.,
de The entlre mwk 11l folorabli compere vottlf any
sheik of mad. 0i5.1.1 bender.. iff Pt. fir,.
)1 r. 4. C. %Intl well skill ~, ,, I nn • mitt.,
will pro. . ample goer.... to fo. toay !aloe Ode
hlieliment a ith 110, os ler.. that lime ea
good 01.1 tadfloneld. Work as d.ovhimil In any
m Ili.' 12 ..10ad et lif Ili I, pr... hare hewn I
acknow hy nand le, he, tridl botli. I would fur.
ther +nor, that
as toed ohd faihimhle
Good. ab eau he finial In ths hadtpo mertitt, mud at W.I.W
. . . .
A ;nrg.. nriti gcnerel goof giinetit a reedy geode flailing
tie. erfroor I - willow, comerlolsig
lime, Fro,. grid •-• lan-.t meth,
Of Ile like I loth, of ell Nelleiltal
Lin vela-, ,•., . ileorregesti.eof plain nlei
fain, l'eo ogle n.o , ilio leek( or, lf. soellinel end
l lo.ot am+ eta Silk, piglet
nuJ g m er ... L ik ee lab rolliurrf. end othcr
11,1,41310 j: Inn, linriutege wear et No. 4{4
an. wrrant...l t.. lo• gel oifl toed , n, good eieth u "dike
eti if. pied lo• ofki leg ter ,
. ,
.f °ram,' vmployr al , and full
wa,r; All tsartuvni., Lamle I" ord.. m, war
wirchwrr. arill and ,o , r^k at 49 atrol
d,tiable (MC W Wit, • e6ap and I.auCtul
fro.. maxl.l,rl.ll C . DELINE.Y.
lAMES' FLEECY SILK GLOVES, find , kind, of WILt., Olarre—an aatiallueot to be
A, lb:.lote of
VULPITy d nunclinEux
Mtnlt, ha - Indio; anew article of arm l arid o
• hod of the ettaat of
31CRPIIY ,tßrEcurnmn
?Truax t licloinfatt keep an •Alortakent of the
goals. Also, Sllk and tiamt, Ueda° do., 31srluo
sad Lamb's Wool Drawers. • GAS
• Bomr, R.O.A & co, ---- -
XECUTOR NOTICE-Lauters .teats.
Ia r AVE REMOVED from No. rs , s out h I_4l rueutary nu the 1.1.4 %ill and 1.`61 wit a
C flti h rLN l 7:l 4'. l OP L erlA th lt ' LL ' AVAl b' Y ' .ll "' ll Z n ito th .tAPi ß u T er " . '
where thee intend enviderting the It ItILE,‘ALE'toi ""'"" °"°'.•
tier rr
BUSINEIC. , .. in oil its varlet..., having rude
in with r"- '" " "` " '
the must
w ept manufacturer. in the Sta... . 1 11T1W110.
of Virginia. for regular aupply of the brand.. vs . \,. 33 Grant'
Mocking Bin', Vs and hi lb, Springer's s'. and s'e
of Virginia l'n and 1. c.lehraled coma', P
Itrohinson's GAIL flavored r.last Jump, fini.rwt..l ra..l
DnetiesAwSGAllS,of every dewription: SMOKING. OAc.
CO and SNUFFS. of all kinds. W are aim A gent. for
tireaner's FINE SPUN ItoLL TOBACCO. Leaf or
every deg:religion, Sea 2r IsibeN Brands, Pipe. Ar. All of
the above article. will le turd
on acemuntedattng_rertnn.
N. We are mat rece 100.0n0 of 'SPORTED
PRINCIPE SWABS. Po ol ing eand "lark. brands. Palm.
Baltimore. feblSoilm BONN. BRO. CO.
IHe undersigned Llorticultuaista and Soed
nica from "node.. having enablinbed themselves in
. 1 1/more. Md- take th e hberty Id inGenu We gentlemen
of Pitteborgh and vicinity, that they would delight to sup.
ply them with the leadingarticies of lb* kiteken only.
rb a. the varlott n kind. of Cobham:. Caulidower.
Le o ttuce. !MN& Spinach. Peas. Brent Sr, A full , wort.
Illrot 1, rai.ed for us by our Niro-Is near London. It Pi
(set "well known to every gardner of raper:epee. that lint
rate Engligh tined. toed, pr oduce in quantity and flavor,
Incomparably Wier rroj.e tit. can Ire 4..11110.1 from the
twat .wed. ratod in this climate. This remark it partial.
1 . 1 ) 1k1 , 000310 to the kind. named &Love, and the p 'tier
will be about the same a. that paid hen. Kr the anon
rommon Nub. To otable gentlemen b eve the. dilT.reure
In meant,. • nhout expense• to themselves, wedisve engin,
of the principal binds. whirl th e ettitors or the
01.0,010 will prriwnt to sorb of their friend. (prarthal gaol
rM a. the know can and will do thelSg.ts Illation. and
'CI maturity drop us a line informing us of vamp tto.
order. tor our Oen:N.ond remittance, wlil at all thaws re.
.mr prnmpt and best attention. We will send by
Adm. , lo t onlend.) We will fornith them by tLr
• Paned or 001, or put liana up to order.
Calvert end Water a.
Baltimore. ltd.
y 81111RTZ CO., keep constantl
a In awn—
unr3 Llwa and qt.:
2,03 bna beat quality CITEX‘E. and
lnu tuba BLTTLR. sale at 101r4,1 priecn by
W.!). B.IICRTZ A Co..
A m. ) 30 . 3 Q'Bonnelra Wharf,
Halthuorn. 51d.
JUST RECEYVED , per steamer Pocahontas,
75 boxes SPUN ROLL OBACCO, for rale by
BONN. BRO. Co.. Sole Anentn;
Jaadltn Baltßuure.
PAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
And CommLutionexfor Pro , ylranl4 r±t. Loul, )In
rommor.deprl..n.. promptl zo
y answen.d. ortZ.lly
I . OIIN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coun
senor at Law. and Commlarlon, ror thr On. o
I . ..norrlyarda 14. Lards. 310- (late of Pittnburgh.)
Iteremors...--Pitaabur t h: Ilon. W. Forward. Hampton u
31'ndle. & <Clot, John E. I'vke, libwrlle
r , rnsple. 31.12nrd t Co. atmlaly
THE 'undersigned hriving entirely
built and the above extensii e tnhl4h• '1
merit, Containing he all about three hundred and Ilftyme.
reeTeetinill sire notice that It. Iv now ready.
f m
ur the reception and rimoturritriktian of the travellitin
An extended notice of the
conveniences of Wds
Rome I. superfluoue. m the numerous 113],rvve.
mei. which have been made cannot be properly given In
au advertmement. tintbee it to my, Tin expense -has been
spend to render eny apartment perfect.
The furniture was made expressly to order, renardlem of
and mrtain te,rtione the erially the Dniwinl:
moms, will Le found to Its• of need beautiful .rtianufm
tem The Inning romim are meadow, and the•heurs for
will be ro arrampal m to suit the convenience of the
emly and late.
Every department will be condurbd In art nneareptiona.
ble manner. and the proprietor piniges himself that the
American noun shall'be.truly the Traveller . .. Ilome.
feb.i.awdAvrihriT LEWIS RICE.
FOIL SALE.—GoodWhite Louisville Lime,
Janata. bl an k rd all, 150 middle Mud and small
aroodar To Lex 150 - certificate:a
our la.ln ouuoterfeit detectors and all our dally an d a 5.0.
ro r rt . b ' e ' ro U liara d o:itgP ° zr d [ ' Pr ma " raka l =l're " tllllu r 'p
p y Almanac,. sods few ' nom uook:lua. writing and lat.
' ;' r e. '." ; ' . r .l=l '. „. D - 5 1 for 'aeill.ZlPc bAllrilr 6-
54,5 rifib atraet.
` S UGAR-Prime en and old Orleans Loaf,
t ~ Crar464 '
J". D.N ' &LLIAMS & CO
Qi 311.7 NULL—One Smut Mill, complete,
kJ for pale low by feL5 DALZELL a CO.
LARD -50 bores and 15 kegs do, for sale
kby b
Liberty stmt
OLL BUTTER-,sbbls prime R. Butter,
jt no Land and fur pale by IL. DALZELL a CO.
Liberty ere..
1000TRINE ALOES-75 lbs, pure article,
1.7 for sale be febs R.SELLERS.
4QUA AMMONIA FORTES-5 carbov . i..
.. by febs ~ R. E. SELLER:.
. ._
COFFEE-200 bap, Rio Coffee, just reed
and fur ule I.y . utanathou C i NtillAll.l3l,
10,3 \u116 {fete..
il RESII PECANS--Just received, 3 bLha
X foal, Pecan nuts: kr ba:e by
fit:, if. A. McCEURG I. CO.
Fit FS!' 1.195--4) drums received and for
u an! 401
hi f,.IS. W. A. MeCLEDG 6 Cu.
11.11. to Um only twitrnment yet invent...l by •iblett
rounterfoil rain eau be certainly tleMelmi expedittitutly. rr
guinug but a tumatenti Primo :11.0U. $3.30. h0d 54.90. Fm ...teat Um Watch &Wilmer,' 'tumor
w. witsoN,
fidt4 runt, of Market mad 41.1,
PILL BOXES-10u papers Wood,
3.,u • r,
' E
oinks fur sale 111 -
Itin hand and fur
bop, on hand and for rode by
tomi, 0. DALZELL
1 LASS—Of all tiizes and tplitiitiesom hand
A I oral fur bate by 1..161 IL DALZELL co.
BiILS. NO. I. ROSIN, jam* received
• and Mr ate h, It A. FADE/2,7011c A (10.
one. reinter 1 fond mot Viral ats.
F.LLl:)WS—F'iite pair - • '
v 11F1107,, nearly
D r
00 .. for rain by 1,6110. DKELI.
119 Drat trmet.
AVAN'f INO SOON—Place s fora ninuiwr of
rate•nien. ktu.pert.oeticul mak ft. et.:et
Minor, math wen. waiter,. leutlem C owl fur
^u 1.
a number nf tonne limn of di a
ohatukur maids, baum ket•tut• und art mirmt e 9 triira
Mauer turrmeut and butt and all Mud, nil4,..onrun
in an Ammet rod Intelligent.: ete, tittendoci tirunintly
and fur very moderate eltutimi. Ptrae . ecraD at
• • - iy.adiiAßßlS* •
f,.1.5 ,
Ananry and Int..lllnen,-...nare, nth at.
11310TIFY SEED-15 hills Timothy F,,1,
2 ,...; . r1 band and for gale by IL I).ta g l ..
~ n CO. t..
'A It TAIt I C AC11)-400 lbs, waxranted
1 „ T ., for ann. !,, IL li- , quAT,t.,-
ERRING-10U blip Lubec sealed, tier Pale
, .
Lr J. 21 lAA 1.411 DICKEY A CO.
brls and 30 sacks just ree'd by
11104 BUTTER-25
.t br a l . ' n i tigign a Co
PIG IRON-200 tons on band
poTAsir—s cook, Durican's pure Potash
_l_ Tor ei49.• hi mi 2.5 J.O It FLOYD,
UAK 151ITATION—Paper Ranging in hn
iintion of lbsk, and varnished. far by
Ja . 2:i W. li.ISIAMIIAL. Sli.Wiirel at.
....Q . ..1 . brie Tienohy Seed. prime new ern*
Is NI, sad 70 kegs No 1 Lard:
:a ['lids prime N. il. Sagan
Wm lid+ N. O. Mobutu, • .
00 bris battle ground R. ftMolasseu •
le.. bris Flour, superfine end . eitza brands.
Landing and fiir sale by DROWN a Iapib,PATRICR
brim (' Oil. new mop. Slor's burl; •
2..,0 Ib Y.nglish Emeries, assorted;
ruu -;151.r1, Glue:
lb. in ue Vitriol; For sale by
bbl =I. KIDD t CO.. CO Wond at.
aIE LA INES—A largo and nplendid assort
mot (foldslol .1, Hamilton, and French De Lain.
alealonerro, from Me to 25e per yard.
French all wool It dadnes and Caehmeres at extremely
leo wire, rehl A. A. MASON A CO.
opened this tisy... iid
Dwi q
an ' Ll go L hArtl r4 s. f 'Bone, ' ltal. 1 . .n . "11 " J11 .'d 4t A itl v
Strop Buttons. horn .nd Blast Bone Suirs.nd IL/1 Mom
Or. kbl A. A. 11.1SIVCO.
( 1. :0 - PARTNERSIIIP—The subscribeia have
/enteral Into Cal'ortnentblp'under the Hem of Salts.
Awon 0 Okely. 11'31. B. ECAIIT„
_ . . .
Iteceivr4 .sod opeortS thin day.rlwht
Blur. brown and Grcen Broadcloths of :brand's
u o.r
t•itraura wr
is superior Mark DoeAkins.
Wen of E.lshodaisd 11tddlex.y do.
Acklo's Grand Kentucky do.
}Muck S.ll3,Farany SUB, Csksimorre. Merino and Marseilles
1 , 4.1 tZt Martct
kir hti bum Dried
50 lags Natantlon ?dohums. oak ccopereion
WU do. Cum Drumm Justrred for rale by
febl MeIiILLS k ROE.
col to lorobth and erect apparatus for heating largr
all boildion• by atsoto or hot watcr, and bare
gam...l D. 11. Williams. from.tho east, Cu aurvrinteml coi natruclion. n 0.31 beAIFE- ATKIN:UN a OKELY.
ripO LET-11,,01in and Steam Power Tor
mechanical porynam Kuoutre if '
Ja::1 I It 3 Front at
It LUE smAr.ts--1 cano.'for talc by
.11.1 , 1."-U - J. SCIROON MAREP.A CO
1/1:T F SCOAltS—g
b b i s d.
al e d. loaf
.LIO de erewbot
s ' re .clo peettlered,
SO do elenbefl, I flare •and
' JAS, A. IlClCllleOlia,t'lS.l
";2'17- ! Agee V.L Laubilzu Reface -
lOAF SUGAR-3 0 brbi for Mlle by_.
i i..= 'W3I. RAGALtY .4 CO.
Henderson a Co'. Senemiaille;
.1 " , snetelelThk, lee sale by IL E. SELLERS,
1e1.%' Gi Wood -et
t' •'"'•
& BE r ;NETT„ Whole.
• tr Drama and Dealer' , In I'mluer. has. rr.tn0 , .,1
to . oes. 1= Feemte;l.•nthr 121 Fltyt .- beta/reap Went and
h d. Pittaburgh. JlOl3ll
t/OSlng out the Entire Stock
1R AT WARGAINS.—A further redue
. tihn in tnires. Thr mthrel-lhrr vt.hin: t. r 1....
th r Inl rice of hi,. et.rk ”1 - Van., sto =u , i.• orr 6, , ,0r 1.,
th, I.t. .1' April nest. would rt..p.,:ulli .:01 thr no•,nt - ..t.
4 hi, .1,1 etn‘hanera sod the public. who ern .n want ~ 1
1.,....1 .is at Clt, iwr r..nt bet.w 11•rwrr prit, To an,
persn F .,,,".,...mn5ene.• I,.ine., on Mark el rtz.-rt • !bra
woidd 1 . a µand 4 4 - T ortunit, . •• 1•• •:0 , thi••• ~r iu., i.a..
ttorr. of the flock VII lawns) termr., with a 1 , ..-. a the MI , .
will,llJ zok ha.....c.,4 pit..l far over 11 ~ , - 0 3 1 . . .., , , 1 1i d
, 1,A...17 .i ..,,,,i.
I" 3ltr Ar U'd. "..iew•Vorlt St.', Ntarket . Fl.lltirlw:r.?'
LENSEED 01L-20 brim icc'd for 'bale liy
-- - _ s _ d , rl . Al/ . k;6lf.
& MOLASSES —3O hi •
Supers;l zoo brier N.l. 31. 2 .
6c Jams kba7, by yule by•Gtuts S.U. - do
A 1NGL113434
1a24 me wale et
A I.)m.rsisTl:Arolt's \UTICE—\ ntitr is
ofiu lumnArnix.r .1 flu, Jalikq CPrabam -I a.
4[3, aru requlrkt mak.
/111 rLucc... uz• aid
tit nr.•
n.tLlenuult. ALLI_LN DEI: titatrallAN, •
• AillAitistZat
F4 l X EC 1 "f , •
t. YOBS' NOTlCE—Notice hereby
U, 11.• art. th,kgellymnattuara
01 it, le , tatmlit.., lane .l4Etul~~n.
t.i Terntot.2 A 11,1•1....
mgaly,t are , vEGlfird
prtet xm.l imirtkled ea a1m...1.
tc,kr im,metit to all., 1
J:I3IES CLY. 11.13.1:,
II': It. Duff.
INI°TICE is lierebv git en to nil persons v
i nn in, Fk,..lllllliliq 110 r 0, , t . t00 of Henry na~roq la,
rity, 0f .I:!ochear,
spafor o.lllo,ocnc euld all prracau knorloi;
to rail
dattl, to.m. lo ..parelent without
1101 th } . 1 4111.41,.
Iletitott Alio,. near Icebeifr
],i l Al:3l ,FOR SA LE.—A FARM, iitunte in
tr.u, hip 11 ' , imoe;
' L;.l
nuau arms .an • by luta, JA.
otinu,—ol/out 15Uacreaclutord.
balauue witbin run. ugh: of the Vol.;Gio
rho, tau mnlei Iran the Pennsylttulls lIzV
/toad. mid One mile inAuJuck3ourUlc. Ituprovenaeolscon
ab.t of a two ewer Lou Dwelling Ilv.vw, Ia Dirty 13.17,,f
frau, atul ra.,l..ary out huudlup. ApuleOnturd,
lol . tennu‘enAlulrron
the prunlA,, of
0.70300.01 • 0: maw,
C0.001,7030 . A0
W. (TN:a:4;IIAM .1: Ca. 3lanufxturers oftcnnovr
ig tut,. 25 ..11={.“ }int ktud
111.4burAt. Ih
l'artitidar attention Idd to 441 ritt,. AL.—Lk:Jen
Flint Chad. lwl., •
AM. P. ROSS; Attorney at law, Office
Fourth Area, o.,ar linsatin Lssuattine ,
Pittsbur,h. 81630:1078'
N publishing the uncalled for balances 'of
the flank of PlttAnt-gh. areord In:, to Law, to December
a deteditu belonging to Jcing llotrart, matte times..
Ler W., a Shin, net printtal
I , ougherty." The party intennted will tako,notien ltS
Inhi. balance hi ralktt for within Abe thne4tiontatl9
In the Act of. A.:lnlay. It will e.eHeat to tWCoonneia.
wealth. • JOIIN SNYDER, Caehlee.
COULTERS ILACKE, Wholesale and Ile-
Vv Nl Druddist, Corner of Wo'4 and Third streets..
de, tbs.dt. Charlen 11,0. Pitt>burgh. turtletrd-
ALES. 1 1 7.'1'06 - LER, Attorney end Conn-
Nilo, at Law, 104 lo.thwtrweL near Gmat
.ituburuh. worNallwrwlyS
Administrator's Notice. •
bETTERS of Administration to the , E -
it.e. of David lat.. of Wilklm township, Al.
g,. C.ount. chv - va..11. Darr, y - lanted to the
..criber. All I,r-orA DI &aid ...late are revmsted
awainet ”1.10.; nr.d
or thy, pot having dal=
townntOp. Allah:dm:valor.
. .
the r Administration n Lt .. l
ntte to the gohFcrlh,,. all Der.n.t hulebtml to mtl C
. Was ate mplostAtl cake ltatneothtta paymemt,tond Moo*
having' rhtlut, deta.u.A 4 tin dte.lenC, Slake
ktu:nru the mu.e Irttatqlt &toy to
.7 Marked rtrrott. •
!•i_trrinm want. •
99 South strnet,
Thiladelphni. Feb. 7,1 Adml2ll.Tedors ,
(71 , rner of Third and Motetnreetn. Muted A. 1),
6,1 The onir Litartered Inst.huln of the taut In Penh !
- • .
Proft,,or of Connemnship., Merem.
Comput.,Con. Ar. -
Aum.....r.¢ M. IVez.ox, Lerturr: on C.1m.:44
Bnlun or TaLerr.,.—lton. Wm. ITUldn, llon.
nuct,nan. J..h.11,1en, Um Churl, Naylor,}l.o.
ll , sse,t Hampton. NV. Irie. Dr.
Jahn ti..n. J. K. .)loombeatt, Jr.. Dun ttfal . Ll . 7 '' ' ' .. o —,.'lohn T. Cochran. Attorney LI
Law: Jaunt. Ta.rvy . . m?....44.0 IL A. kryor, AreountanL
&udent.n can ent..r in.ltion don tlut, tau!
taln lzunruetion L ol a ala, and eventu4.- when
vntllled. 0.11 receirt• a diploma. 04 - 1.1 Ly tOo Faculty and
Examining (I,rankal,”.
Thum: .112trottall.knOwlist,13 of look kccpia,
Peruaravoh:p. will bear Is culr
Char ..J tiaa Cotnr.tunici
li. will meet with rlcmpt
v rut serti', Ae!.l LIo fann. ~itunto , Itrightbu
tow - whip, Lear, munty. Equal,. oai!ca Cva
11,11. r.
the md. motalnipg /me. acts., of
whlch ran 00 1 undtr fen.., an.l in a
state of !I:,:ti cr.ltivacten. wrll .aattnAl with a natal.,of
n. fatlarc. a :in,: talinee xrell atubured.
, n l . l in, Mo. , h, lulu,e and titclam. 0101 a
0,43-,ulth ta.ver arat..r at the .1., a ::elr
wall a barn.
f atat F ad Peath
roodoo kite tart qual it y. rhe land , fur qualltrand ion
...Ir ,
.°. .-;ual nayin th. , neizhlnrticod. /at Nst.
of lin.? vlan of Ftmet. U. fa . ..!
root . to. au M 1.,. under (ewe.: 6a all of
tit 4...11 lotsiven. For terun..ap
fir to tao ots.the
St I ) .NIINISTRA'rOtt'S NOTECE---Letterro'
Atlnnontrinion on Lb. ccnitc or ikon- Foote,. Into et
fay uer cr. 0 , 11,111 r. criunt, deed. fan ny
old. dor lonu or...tad a , t Ile un - len.lcc.l.ll. notice is I.oroby
cn,co to air pcn.ono indob,.l to iniclqi.olito to tsliu in.
Innlinto touni.. root prroton rloi,nn against
cold on• ncno,cd to -20001dnly oulonc
Lientni for cr:ll.Aacti.. 611161:S
Ina., Nt . loin ,
The Eute to Body Must Perspire, • •
c,40 NATLRE, t o have a healthy ap
t I atul prewn. Ise qn uut tenpin. ate liatie
tl!,uxilng Nan, Jenne Italian
MOIRS Inn pcwirellw, end at tba cane Ine.. Do I; ...MIL. thy sLin. siring it the tenter,
Scurr,. 71: 1111eum. land Ent, am: tut only heeled, bat
culnl 1,. 1, u.. n 7, I.ll,7ciar, In ti. 1:ort Cmcw,
who:1, 1 i: u, .n , 71: 7777,7. I,d 7171 11 LAD, In
1n74.1t7:. nr:.:1) . 771.0r•Und1F77.4, I.
74,1,1 tlt7t tl.:• i. ra. :77 14 7., plant nextrum.7t7
viral .611 •••. 1 177: n 7. less: eight.-
x::, It --.11,1 t 1 7.1 - 77.1 , 1-1•711:,,,urz.1 I 'a...l:Who:ern ,
7117 :7 , 1111 77. :77 1• F.1::7.7 Jr
1,, 71717,1. 4 - r:ol. 71npntyl
117,1 ::.7 ••31, 1 , 7 preve7ti7, .:7/1 7 r.-:
nnx otar n. 1.1. that neva:, tltbc
:771i tin.: tnt• asl. ..“:71 mon: (0.117”.
rable. I:: I:* It,an I
, 11 ... er , ,, ! , ti1t1k hn!te.thko.
u(\t'll. '•
C r tV...„ It on:y or J ' ltt. /a, th, urn: . :I;:e3:it /Iv-,Dur
head of V. ond.
Pearly Witte T,,th, and Pure Breath,. u
Ft, had La am fnum - a.
ta r tL
th....t if OD, es - yr en hut. thcir
r,vl. r and ..iscru:.l.-1 wilt, tartar . .
that a ,nt. 1., of l'u4ll I . r.rt” wll,l make
ate th a, who.. as at until!. btralb othlrberourtr
only .r 2 LThorfy Lead of
A Svientifi , flair Tottie, Er,torer awl Beau
tiEer.—Trini kt:!..,ct3,. Lave tter , .l
Jovt. Cond 113, grAtur,r.
.tho i 14,1. It the f o ik n d,,,,
!: thr.1 , ..,:r. to g..-.At nit it. , part where
rtatury mt , thlol heir ot; eu.rovmeri
or datuirullr; re.). of gray ha!t• gee. att.
For the hair .in; v. anthing,...Y.,,l.
flout It tetly it ro . It 1; sn.
leml, thu pacot etoncaue-41—,t .u.perior—latiele fur tit.,
ul, At W3I. JSO
ACKNS SJA, Libert7
peas of Wont, 11.ozbur,h.
P-Ices--Z7K cunt, Su c....r05. And St.
JONES' Solution of Jut, a Liquid Human
Mir Dt... for the chthinn.?. of white, ni, or gthy bath to
twautitul brown. or cult.; iu u hut" Minutes.
Priee,—;.out, nal El.
Sal by W3l. JACli...Eli:i..i.iaLitertystrect,bradat Wool.
Pitta urgh.
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Lidiem are eau
•the prFrared ChaDc.
are ta, awe, ho, trljunnos it la to the sklu!
boa tzar*. low rough. lee atalunhaalth7
a:l,r 1,,ta,.m.rara.14.1,1.141 I*•eWea,lt to
t' o=el ' n!lea ' t ' a . ...frii;UTttlatt i =c3c.,which Ire
ealgoli.,' h Lilly I, ' litte.
I it pertretly tortreur.t. pur.C.N.I of elelets ricotta
at ill, azal !rural. to tt.e ok. a tlantral.btalthy.
,Laaterrc.r, hying white at the ttlllle lod 41,
MO* . v. the eltitt. making It .4,1 wad amg.h.
told be the A..7out. t 1 N . JACIL,!: , . 210 Marti &treat.
Jactul CVtul, rittotar,h. Prue. , 4:A oet.ta.
Admin.:ration ceteste vf Catlemine MeCut,
• emufed, Lim - el been granted to tle:lsciderrim:it'd. All per
*. indehted alld make muLndiaLi payment: Wan Listing
hams will prexut 4.l.s.ol..r.F:tlentunt.
DA_NLI.L Administrator;
Military Bounty Lund B:Pension Agency;
• Q M. iTOSEY s: M. ituraxos
. I„.j epeettul!,' Inform the.e interealed that, they have
onon ,,n z,nwnring Ilcunty Land, under the roust
By thus Lw, ail c I, bare art:tall, , creo n i n 00,. of the
w a rs more or *dr widow, or win,, children, are
titled :o non 1 , . Land. from 40 to Ito
tho tem, lee, ono a, 1.1.. hox pre....s/y provtles
aashast the Du lnt.,t ran accrue to the
path! his tend hwated. It Iv then.rort ov - utent tb. , t
indleh/tial clalmauca must ',lt,. thcir caber In
arty Agent,. The pi, roural too exponarge—tl,. ;
owe to le efEelent, renuires ri.ernt putrun,.., and our
compensation. Atn.mpts to /or aDy other trlth.l
anll prove In the and at 01100, au , ...tapllrh thLv., and to
lt ur.
the entire binun of the toldtor, in the economical
the locating of Yakrwarrant. tliereby sreurtu n c end v iew
toeing to the soldier a
.I.ertion. either In view 4f
peculation or ule. 01. To obtain. a Patent Ice .14 Lunt.
to,r , ther with a deletiptun of leaton, an, Lino
enot,inn; blue to fotno on crttcnto or Its value.
Tern., which will be. rannanable, milt known on
Addles. (foe paid) S. M. 110 SLY. IM. /IT:MGS.
Llanor.oconty, Ps.
N. IL—Write Ito utuno of your root and
State. very legitdr. 211.1eA1.31:11,i
Connty. Deenntwit..rnt A. P.
In the InaLter
Puttemn. Into of F.:4.11..,:th
Allegheny Count'', SS:
T v. rat:rt..
Sarni, Pattemn,
.. -s"' ' , v....5 h rt. '‘ i,..110 . .i Pc.'....V0n..1itm.3 /L. Vskt./E•
e i ' • : 11. n "nalnur, Tl, , cia: I:. ..'irCut.t2.nrelL•nrai.
,4 ~....;43r ... it, h, 1111!... ~. vitae, 11111 , w:I 1.. Patty....
5 3 '1 : n i t i . 7(7l' ' 7l' t '
b ; ' g. * ; ‘ . lr ::i ' t,r. ' ;, ' trAT, ' ,; ' .
-..j.ktri'*'* .I ' c '' // ° / .7 ./ . /1 1 . - Z
11;:f1.*;;;'0",VilZ-,. till.;
i k oe
i )
NOc, Ix ll ' ).' , ,,.11 to the ntrteetutr,n,..l rartice. ant
0y virtu, .fat. adore o. %Vt . !, Sr n ilL : r 4 r-sr.t.llvon._ant..n.
g ‘ .. '" ..., . 3 1 " .. b.. *:; ‘ ,! ". ;n.! " :.. ' rtL:l ' njL ' un i t!...j t l tl ‘ ti ‘"•;,' , u ,i 1 T.,1.1
, .-,,rfi-T,„ ' ;11/.41, VI t,i tillii.. In
manly. soclogrun,, .
L3 1 11 , 1: " . - .1...1 , :hn 1in..1ma..1. J. , ..1n I:tailOrt. John 31clielte,
I.twor , cr Ito 1. , n0n..>Fxh.a..1 ilarint. Jo,. 31Ctittlxill.`
ciAl the h”trx v.t . 1 , 0 Pattempn. m0t...Va1:37 +Os:Alt 1,1
. 4 ..,.,, ~,,t, 'O, m.purtellniu , -...: rho, tnut olbcr errtalil
it , ttttt . r . Awl Inv.) 4 ;and situp,: In 0.1..1 krtcrultip .4,- -
11.11zat,tn. 0..1,...,1 by lan d . •. 3 J:,nr.f, ) 1 1- ICtif'.:llt. it ,n•...
~,,.r . ,,,,, ~,..1 the h.. iv+ tT 1.,.‘...r Pntlernra, enritaltut”,
5i,,,,..,„ 3z ..,..,.. with 122, ..asputtermne...,,,, 1t...,„ Oth Jar ~.1
>limb, A. 1).1,1, at In n,it.r.k, t.l.c tormoon, Tur , tim '
Purl`m "f m ,,, , , Pnrt,. , ll ocs - nloni..ou mad upprabetneut
0r.,„1,...i ~1.... In the ~n 4 writ tlmitirC4. la. whirl.
tLuvalual plat, r.ti !aria,. ~.: ...t1 2 . 1,: .1t.t1.,ef ilAttkl.rt.tnr.
t "111 li.V. t:t.....' I 1,. ch.-rt.:,
I , ertlf , I ~6 . 7 . , i . ,... 1 . ll, ja11:132,111....11.-I.Wrwtt.",
"ILOI;;E1.15) PEA ( IIES—A:-.111,11110t reeeiN,.l
I 1., fr , 1..1. 11.! 11.1:.. 1. . 'e! I )
.. , r_l'ltti .r .
' ' •
l i V lDr. i si . lEE T , rx , ( . ..i l s -- , ,... 1r , ,"•:::1 . .. ,- .,4,,,:!nd
i, ~n th,..,.. s•nlit ••10.... '1 . 1 , ..t - r, .41.1 II r.L1,4 4.. ..q. Al-• .
Ptil , -,Clin. Vu 11.1.4 Lp.,” .. 11 ,i , . 1, ..... - .t.le , L,vr..1 , .....!
Lug &1t..., 0c...1 cr. 1,..ai1. 1.,...t.,,...:y.,.........L....,-.,:rd.:,
f.. 06
i zi
--, TA It CANDLE:,...-30 ia; iiii,:: u natl L.:-
t hand and N. -min hr .
.1.11 -WA LUNE - 131 lb CO.
1,.. rut 'oath, and st 1,, -. :dA...,•ed ! , 1 I, :n..•...:
fulnl' • d , 1.C , 11:"C a lILIMIULLG.
BROWN FLANNELS, a - Domestic Arti c l e .
Alex White, Berm], lim a s, mad Xeserlea 'Mao, be
oairl et Me stare or
Set 4 uticrin 111:1AMME6.