The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 22, 1851, Image 2

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I . Ell' BS Wlll7ll & CO
6,0013 NEITS—AVASpt IN TIM Cssisb,-+-We are
Inf Missed that the water to coming down the Ca
nal. nod that the whole line will be in niningable
order by the beginning of next week. 'I Leech
Co's•fiue express passenger Packets to Johns 7
town, Irmo:peeked to commence their regular
tripsnn next Tuesday, and will denairt. escry .
Morning and evening. From Johnstown the
'ltailrond is in complete order to Phili4lphin.—
This is unprecedentsnlly early -for the opening
of Canal navigation,' nud will afoul arefit
ties for the transportntion of sprng purchases to
the west, and for , rending forward the produce
whichlas accumulated on the western Waters.—
Our risen are all in fine navigable onlcr • fares
cheap, and freights low, so that ;here is every
inducement to take this route.
. WC etingratulateourbuciness men on the fine
p7m.pects before them for a lung And active
epring campaign.
Speaking, a few dap ago, of Petitions being in
circulation for the pardon of Simnis, the incendi
ary, We stated on authority which we deemed
good, that the Governor had corresponded with
fifriends here on the 5 übject. in this INe were in
error. No correspondence of the hind has been
had. The father of Sin, furnishes the follow-
log curd:
4 14 the Morning feet and- other papers of this
city,' it has been stated that petitions have been
circulated and extensively!' signed, requesting
-the Governor to pardon Andrew Sims: Now 1
beg }ewers throngh your paper, to state that no
such petitions have been either signed or eireu
kutcd by the friends of Sims; I,am the father of
that unfortenato boy, and, of course know what
his friends would be doing. I 1 do not bolieve that
...Alegi° petition has been piped here or eLve
where in his behalf. Can you refer to any man
that has seen such petition. I consider it due
to the pithlie and to myself that this 'Statement
should be made: WlLLittw Stos.
'.Jramx Lta - D COMINC.—Our reaarsi will be
gratified to learn, by the fallowing it4te, that
Jenny Lind will probably visit Pittabutgh next
month: . 1 '
Bow OILLEANS, Fdbruary liltb, 1851.
Jon:ski, Mrrson, Pittsbuthh,
Dear Bir,=lf there is a room iii . .your cit
sufficiently large to give encouragement for u
to giro a Concert, Ire shall be there:about th
last of March. Yours truly,
The Proclamation Celoie, was issued un Tues.
day last, and published fit on catm, ty tho Re
public. The course of the President is perfectly
COrreet t for all organised resistance tp the laws,
tibonloi he and repelled by the noble force of
the,Goverturient, if necessary, and the President
is under the highest official obligation to see
that this is done. • •
By the President V the rnitre( State
- Wuxi - mai information has been received, that
i ittralry lawless persons,l pfincipallY T.ersoas of
cator, combined and confederated together, for
tlie purpose of oPposing , by force, the execution
of the laws of the United States, dill at Boston.
in 3lissachusetts, cin the fifteenth orthis month,
Make a violent assault on the Marshal or Deputy
/Marshals of dm United States, for the district
of Massaelmsetts, in • the court hoivie, nod did i
overcome the said officers, and did, by force, I
rescue from their custody, a per-ottlarrested na
a fugitive save, - tad - then and theij,e a prisoner,
lawfully !widen by the slid Marshal or o Deputv
Marshals of the United 'States. anl other scand
alous outrages did commit in violation of law.
Now; therefore, to the end that the authority
of the laws may be maintained, nod , those roe
cerneddu violating them brought to
and condign punilment, I have iis i ned this my
prOclamation, calling on, all well disposed eitixeris
to rally to the support of the Lows of their coon
, try, and requiring and commatiding'all officers,
civil or Military, and all other persotis, civil or
military, who snail be found w:thin the vicinity
of this outrage, to be aiding and assisting, by
the moans in their power, io yelling this
and other such combinations, sod assisting the
Marshal and his Deputies in recapturing thee'
abovemtentionixt prisoner; and I do especially
direct, that prosecutions be commeoced sKrainst
all persons who shall have made theni , .elves aid
era or abetters in or to this flagitious ottenee:
mail I do further command that tin: District At
' torney of Om United States, and all %bur periaini
concerned in the admidistratiou arid execution of
the Laws of toe United States, came the fore
going offenders, and all such as aided, abetted, or
assisted them, or AMU be found to bare Imrbetr
erl or concealed such fugitive, contrary to law. to
be Immediately arrestell and proceeded with-ac
cording to Law. -
Given under my hapd, and the seal of the
Uoited States, this 18th day of February. a'S:SI.
D.uct WEnsrrn
Secretary of IState.
Puss S o.w TO Ii6INESTILLI),' OFtloc--OIIT
readers will perceive, by the proceidings of a
meeting held in Gustavus, Ohio, that a plank
road Iran been projected fro Painesville, en
Lake t rie, to Pittsburgh, b % t
Ay of West Green
ville, Mercer and Butler. The road between
bern_ned Butler is alread ypresided fur, and if
the friends of the enterptis in Ohio construct it
to West Greenville, there 'IC be only the imp
between the latter place and , Butler to provide
for. Let 'Mercer wake and fill up: this gap.
From the Pointer:lle Telegroph, Kara
—IVO take pleanure in directing the attention of
our citizens to the report of the proceeding, of
the Plank Road meeting, held is tiuntavus
the Gth inst.
We are informed by one of the Painesville del
egation, S. B. Butler, Esq., that great carnest
nesa and enthusiasm prorated the meeting, and
ozone doubted the complete hurceye of the un
No public improvement has yet been prop,ed
more ealcubited to benefit Lobe county, 'lti
mately and perhaps, immediately.) than the con
templated Plank Road from Bloomfield to IVeAt
.Greenville, Pa. From Paine4ville to Bloomfield
the Plank Road will be completed 000 t =simmer.
Should it be extended to Went - Greenville there
.... _
will then he only forty addttional miles of road
required to complete the connection between i
Painesville and Pittsburgh. A company will
soon be formed for the purpose or making the
forty miles of road alluded to. 1
We may be' over sanguine, butte think that I
here is an opportunity . offered to the citizens of
Painesville, by which they may build. up their
town and, make it an important point on the Lake.
As ac have 'frequendy asserted,' the Railroad
from east to west, , will he an injury—unless
Plank Roads are ma& to the southward. A 1
connectied with Pittsbur,rh, and intermediate •
pla,ecs, by dinute no peel and practicable, will :
be nil th a t will be necessary to render the Rail- '
iota ani zans of enriching, this section of Country. '
-: PLANK ROAD 3iLLTIN.K—In pursuance of pre. ,
lions uttiee, the cititens of Bloomfield, Green,
Ou_stivu Kinsman and West Greenville, Pa.,
met 'at •ICte Academy, at the Gusmvus centre, op
rehrua y G, to consider the project of a l'lnnk
Roadf An Bloomfield to West Greenville.
(1n otion of George Ilevlep, Gs/ 4 ., the meet
ing RA4 organimhby electing the following cal :
eersi noel Barnes, of Gtistums, President; John
Kinsman and Major Churchill, Vice Presidents:
and E. A. Brown, C. A. bitter.hanner and John
A. Wough, Secretaries.
After the full ormnitation, Mr Butt-r, of Lake
county, was ealleApon to !state the object of the
meeting, which he did in a very rstisfactory
manner, when, on motion, the following resolu
tions were unanimously adopted;
Resolved, That the construction of a Plank
Road front Bloomfield, Ohio, cast to West Green
vilte; Pa., would benaf great public utility, and
ougliito be constructed.
Resolved, That the commissioners appo . infect
under the cheaters pii said road in Ohio and Penn-
syivania,'be requested, after due notice, to cause
' books to be opened for subscription to stock for
the building of saitFroad without delay. ,
Resolved, That a ' committee of three in each
township, be appointed to call township meet
ings at such times as they may thin!: proper, to
further the lailding!of said road.•
The following committee of vigilance, whose
duty it shall be to Obtain subscription to stock,
B:nonvield--Georp W. Howe, Wm. F. Judd, J.
S. kikag•
Grua—L. S. EaS, . George P. Coeds, Noah
Vus,innsti—J. T.. Horner, 11. Stephenson, C.
P. 173.
.K" n—B. Bidwell, D. Allen, Joint Christy.
Ire Sakm, 'McNealy, Win, O.
Mossiitui, M. J. Loittscalmiscr.
lreet Gremville-8. Goodwin, Ina A. Waugh,
Eutton. •
be eignl
eer,,W, l
. .
ved, Ant ttip proceedinds of the meeting
by the of and forwarded to Mer
... and Painesville for pnblicatiorL
• •td. (Siancd by the Officcrs-)
. . •
LOUIS NAPOLEON AND TEE JUDOTITEMV. ! a six barrel revolver, and fired twice. Abner
The Paris correspondent of the National In- advanced upon his adversary and
with the Itneration of frenzy he hu
telligencer gives a history of the late difficulty deep Use knife his nhdomen, lacerating
.between Louis Napoleon end the National its- the riseera and infikting a frighful and fatal
seini - dy. It will be remembered that the nil wo u n d. The assa.sin, when he had done the
Cabinet resigned en the occasion of the dismis- deed. hounded off Into the darkness, and it was
supposed he 11 . 11.1 escaped unhurt . Ile was
sal of Gem . Changornier from the mainland of ' morn in g, however, in ari adjacent field
the army of Paris. Anew Cabinet being form
ed, it was instantly met by a vote of censure The writer has dust seta rlteal from the scene of
from the Assembly, and thereby driven from of- bliod. The spectacle beggars description. In
five, At this point, we take up the narrative or an open field. distant 541 yards from the place of
,onthat, void in death, lay the giant form of oue
the Intelligencer's correspondent:
of combumuts, clotted with , gore, the three
The vote of censure took place en the
. ISth in halls having taken deadly effect — the
stmt. The Ministry in a b o dy immedistelY r" - • stood" pouring down upon him in torrents', his
.signed, and the crisis, as it was called, did not ,dcatli-.le:fling knife by iris
nod his ey,,s,
come till Friday, the 24th, when a short and se- strained to their utmost tention, still glassy with
ry moderately expressed message was received
rage. 11. B. Estes is dying at the time of ',a
rrow the President, stating to the Assembly ! icy.
A tragedy so sudden, so bloody and fatal,
I has appalled the whole community. They Inive
• that, after repeated vain attempts to reform his
Cabinet from the parliamentary materials at his !
both left Rises and children to mourn their loss.
disposal, he had been compelled to abandon the Abner Estes was a man of abandoned habits. If.
idea, and to form a "Mmistry of transition, coin
11. Ester was a quiet, unobtrusive tnan,.and a
posed of special men, not belonging to any frac- 1 good
lion of the Assembly, nmfdetermined to 'address t
themselves to business withoutremtrd to party."
lei fact it is perceived that the new Cabinet does
not contain a single individual of the !slightest
political note or pretension: not a single member I I
belongs to the Assembly. -It is much morl:.truly ,
than the Cabinet of October 51. 17549,.a . e0110c-
Lion of Clerks.' This the mijoritydn the As.;.em
bly, whose vote of • thc Ifoh had provoked the ,
crisis, took in high dudgeon. It was declared to
h e ~,a nt her gross outrage upon the Assembly, !
another step in the independent personal policy
of the President, leading directly to the empire;
a palpable violation of the principles of the con
stitutional and parliamentary governmorit, as
hitherto understood and practised in this coun
try; yetnothing con be clearer than that. in thus
forming his Ministry, the President had remain
ed in the Strict letter and spirit of the constitu
tion. But the coalition Royalists and Itepubli
mus were in great wrath. On Saturday, the
25th, in accordance with resolutions taken in
caucus, M. lioryn de Tranehere gave notice .1•1
interpellationS, which he asked leave to address
to the new Ministers to provoke explanations j
from them. The new Ministers, who were pres- •
ent, said they were ready to answer at the .lap
meat. but it was determined to postpone the ha
terpeLlation.s to Monday, the 276. In the mean j
time, the whole press of the Coalition raised a
deal:cuing hue and cry against the President:he
hadnol, they said, been in earnest in his attempt
to form a parliamentary Cabinet; he declares and
means to establish his complete independenco,of
the Assembly. The Empire is upon us 5%
war to the knife! The Assembly must sli4".
France from the Empire. without the Emperor
and without glory: The Assembly moot viudi- I
cate, by energetic action. its dignity and rights I
as the sovereign power!
Well, Monday came. and M. llovyn do Tran
chore, in a very smart, pertinent, incisive little
speech, which he read from the tribune. struck
the first blow, as bad been agreed upon. The
whole Left was unable to contain its joy at the
melee which seemed approaching, and was ready
to vote with the Legitimists again against the
Government, confident that in the end it would
be themselves and none of the reactionist parties
that would reap the victory. slut oh, shame
and horror! the Legitimist - division refused to
combat. niers, I3erryer, Lastyrie, Itemu.m.t
remained silent en their benches. The fact is,
they refused a victory that could only be won by
the aid, and that would ultimately redound to
the profit, of the Democrats. lam now half in
tlined to say with Thiers--L'etaptre cot
PROTECTIVE IN'Or STET -1 EON.—The argument i
below is well put, and forcible, and commend+ j
itself to every man of plain common-sane. Iris
from the New 1 - nrk Tribune, and is the reply
of the editor to some strictnres'of a correspom
dent :
The quantity of Iron required for the -Consump
tion of our country iu 1E5 . 31 is probably not !
than one million tons, of which we will soy half . ;
is pig, coating $2O to import, and half bar. aver
aging $4O : the whole cost, if it were all imported,
being therefore $30,000,000. Now let us admit
that it would lost to produce nine-tenths of this
Iron in our own Collotry, under efficient prince. :
tfai, an average of $:311 for the pig, :Uel !!!.Al for ,
the bar, for the tiret year. Among the olvan
tuges of such production over reliance on novo,
Cation would be these:
1. Inatead of this Iron being produced by b.-
Lor in Europe, receiving from twenty-tit - -
to one dollar per day, averaging not over f,rty
cent—it would be produced by labor in .tmeri
m!, receiving from seventy-five cents to three
dollars per day, averaging at least one dotiar and
twenty-nve cents. We do not boo , tl",t ••1:.
M." considers thin of any consequence. hot we'
do. If the men now making Iron in Itussin,
Wales, and Scotland would come here and work
as cheap us they do there, we ton might empea to
make cheap Iron; but they enect and command 1
a grout deal more here than there and we think
well paid labor of more consequence than cheap
Iron, and rejoice that Iron makers cannot be
duced to work so cheap here as iu Europe. We
prefer to pay a quarter more for Iron fur wt.:el
the makers receive in America $1,25 per dIY
rather than have it made by those :Arne men in
Europe for an average of 40 cents per day
2. Itvery year of active and prosperous Iron
I making in this country, tends inevitably to
cheapen Iron in the right way—that is, by
means not inconsistent with a fair recompense
to the Labor employed in producing it. In such
years, new, beds of Ore and Coal are opened
and proved, the means of bringing the Ore and
Fuel together are improved, more 4,u:wive and
perfect works erected, tend the progress of In
vention and Improvement in the processes or
Iron making is greatly accelerated. Give or ten
years of steady, assured, efficient Frotectioti to
I Iron making, and if this country does not then
produce Iron in the average; cheaper than Great
Britain has ever yet done, then the result in this
case will be the reverse of what it has been with
regard to Newspapers, Cut Nails, Pin;, Screws,
and nearly every article in regard to which
-American Industry bus had a bet& unembarn,..s
ed by Foreign competition.
3. The money cost does not determine the real
cost of foreign as compared with home-made
iron. One million tons imported will Lave cost.
we have supposed, thirty millions.; if mode ut
home, forty millions.millions. But we have not the leant
doubt that the real coot of the former would i,e
much greater than that of the latter. The iron
made at home will hove hem paid for in char-
.coal, wood, 'mineral coal, vegetn4les, fruits, milk,
sc., hoe., supplied to iron makers by the farm
er. livingaround them—which products w o uld
Love hadcomparatively no value in the 'absence I
of the convenient market for them which iron ,
making creatc. The products which the iron
makers hare receive:l in exchange fur their iron,
and coiled worth forty millions. "ml , l not be
rent out of the country and sold for twenty-five !
A fernier C....t111111,4 ray a ton of Iron. which
casts him riff being Made nt home, when lie
might, in the absmce of any Tariff, bare obtain- !
ed it from Europe for ;340, or if you please ;;;s3f.i.
flee-, says a Free Tinder, he ban by I
the Tariff. or paid *ls bounty to tile Iron miler. I
But we toy No—he has bought We Iron cheaper I
than he could have done in the absence of Pro. ,
tection. Instead of growing Corn at 50c, or
Wheat at *4l per bushel to pay for his iron, he
has been enabled to pay for it with Potatoes, Ap
ples, Wood, Any, Gorden Vegetables, tool I
other products which, with 'our work,hopa in
Europe,' Le could not have cold at all. True, lie I
may not hove sold his particular product, t o mu
I Iron maker;.he may even hare grown Wheat or
Com for export but other farmers were induced
.to grew the bulky, perishable. con exportable I
~products, and thereby withdrawn from competi
lion in the growing of Corn and Wheat.
What advances the general prosperity conduces
r to the well being of each, though the conneetion
may not nlways be palpable. We never made a
pound of Iron, and never expert to mike one,
while we have consumed and paid for many tons
of it ; and we perfectly understood that it is our
interest to have it w.ade4n America, by men paid
such wages that they can afford to take newspa
pers and buy books, rather than in Europe, by
men who can scarcely read, and must live ou
forty cents a day, where provisitoc and taxes ore
higher than here. And this is as true for the
American farmer not only; tut the American
schoolmaster, lawyer,,mereltant, and doctor, as
for us.
To sum up the nrgument in a few word : Ulm
the inbuest of all labor and all usefully etuphiyol
capital everywhere that producers anti 4 . 011Y011/ -
ers should be brought as near each other as pos
sible; for thus the essential rKallikeng -of labor
is increased, and the dead weight cst of unpro
ductive transportation and ne«llle,4 truffle .11-
minisheal. Can this he hard of comprehen
FATAL RESCONTLTI--The following letter,
which we find in the Frankfurt, Ky., ("alumna
-wealth, gives the particulars of. o most horrible
tinged) ,
Owizerox, Feb. bi
The vicinity of Owentou was last night the
Scene of a most bloody and fatal tragedy. Abner
Estes, and his brother-in-law 11. E. Este,. living
near'neighbors, had 'quarreled, and List night
about dark the former walked over to the resi
dence of the latter and announced that he bud
come to effect an amicable settlement of their
difficulty. H. It. Estes expressed his entire will
ingness, and invited Abner into the yard. So
scion ns he entered, however, be mode hostile de
aionstrutinus, and advanced - rapidly upon If.
Estes lintndizhing a large knife, who, stepping
into the door, seized Lis rifle. The gun wanting
a cap . failed to Ere. A brief struggle ensued
between the parties over the grin, but H. 11. Es
tes succeeded inkeeping it, and ejected his no- ,
sedUant from the house. Abner approached the
house from uu opposite door, and was fired et .
by his antagonist, but did not retard the rapid
advance of Abner, he then drew from his pocket
Common.“lll,rf kusachuseeN, ,Stip.f.t County.
Februliry 17, IS6I.
Then personally appeared thus-ta.") named
Patrick Riley, and duly swore that the hamgo
ing depostion by hint subserltietoi true, 01 1.0
TEE SLAVE =CITE3MIT IN BOSTON facts stated to he within Ida per4nal knowledge
—and that he believes that the qltements theta-
Arithe rescue of the alleged fugitive slave in
Boston has -caused intense excitement • there i n given as made to him b y ut h care true,
and' ut Wabltington. aml.crrtated much interest I Justiee t .tif the Peace.
in other parts of the country, our readers may
be pleased to road the following affidavit of Mr.
Riley, the Assistant Marshal:
Surtax COUNTY.
I, Patriel. Riley, of Boston, in the said coun
ty, Counselliir at Law, having been duly sworn,
depose and say, tlr t. I am, and have I,en, for
foarteen years past, the principal deputy of the
United States Marshal for the District of Massa
That on Saturday morning, February nth,
1F , 31. about twenty Ifillittle4 before eigbt o'clock,
A. M., I no; called upon at my residence by,
Frederick Warren, one of the U. S. Deputy Mar-
shalc, who informed me that there was a negro '
men, an alleged fugitive sines, to be arrested nt
S o'clock, who was aupposed to be at Taft'sCorts
bill Coffee !Louse, near the Court House, and de
sired-to know where the negro should be put to •
ease he should be arre,ted before I -reached the
°trice—that I told him to place him in be i
ted Staten Court Itoorri—atal that I Weald come
to the office immediately.—that I came down al
most immediately to the office, where 1 arrived
shortly after eight o'clock, nail there found Mr.
Warren: who irifarmed roe that the negro wan
unknown to Mr Ciairle,Sawiu, Deputy Marshal,
to whom the warrant was hooded on the night
previous. as I have been informed, though no no- /
rice of it ism! Area given to any occupant of I
the Nlarahal's othce—sad that the negro was un- I
known to any one t•f the Marshal's Deputies or .'
assistants—that M r Warren had informed
' Me that Mr. Sawin hail gime to find the man.
who, its previous ammiterneut.'was to point out
the negro, alai wire had not shown himself as
agreed; that I remained it the court bowie giv
ing directions. and making preparations to se
cure the negro when arrested, and a w a iti n g th e
return of Mr. Sawin—that 1 ~.4ng Lim atter ten
o'cloek. unit he informed one that be had won the
parties Dr interest, and that it haadreen arranged
not to attempt the arre-t mail 1 brlaock—tliat I
told him that it sliord u••' he il ' efaite•l One MO
moot, and dinned him to notify the man wino
was to point lam out to crone Dist:ay—that he
left for that purpo-e, arid at ten minutes before
11 mourned, and said that the parties were
i shout Tuft's Coffee llo.e. und tlmi the men en
awed were .also in readiness about that neigh'
• borhoral; timt I went immediately with Mr. War.
j eon and Mr. Jolla 11. Riley. anti other deputies,
; and there founilon our
utei, nine it nulaber.
• statiomsl in met about th e piece—that there
were several negro, in and about the house, and
' 1 In-paired for the mail who Ira. tin 1.)111, 'nut the
alleged fugitive. and was Informed that he bit/
nut . - arrived—that Mr. Warren_ alef myself went
; immediately into the Liming loal at the coifs,
' 'Drove, rtml to avoid sm.picr r ai, ordered ream cof-
I fee, and were tertittal ritual t•n a negro who •th
/ staluently proved to lo• the alleged turitive, that.
; tier, hearing env thing from ion- assist... Amok
• our coffee, rose to g. ma and learn why we had
not heard from them—that the negro went before
11. to the tar room war; tiro 111011. - y 10 pay for
the coffee. and in the paa.age lartwiarn the bur
-1 room and hall. Mr. S twin amt Mr. Byrne 4,1.0
up, and each two. the uteri Inc the anon, nod
w a lked hint out of the 1.16, pairage w to tirroir,rh
a barlditiA hetam ir the i orb- , I: ',nee VIA of 1.i . 1.
/.la-al I•• Si. /, The l ' t..i't 1 . ..A1A . to 1.1., I oort
Loom. e
••• lipme aireted:
That I immediately, while he woo enteringthe
Court Noun. went to the adore of the City Mar
. ,11.1,1, in the I its Hall, is the a:11110 square with
• the Court Ilou-e, Ana there .mw Mr. Urancra fit
' hey, the city Marshal,
.t. 1.1. him what bad been
done, ;roil ,e.l that a- pro" ible tam, worth' , a
• ere it cr., 41.
41 las pr oncewith the polo e erieii.i he
ueii•leiltil pTe-erse .asi•rr, and keep the peke in
. :1,1•1 ft, t- ..r. !Lair, I. Liteliis owned by
the city. mot in wlacii all the Courts of toe Com
• aorniv,/ti, ler butt
elk comfy are hid-I.—that Mr.
Tinker srat•l'l that it shmahl lie atten list D..,
and I toi.lthm 1 ,mortal r.itif. the Mayor Insta n t-
Ice and prideraltd up -rams to the 113,)or i. <dice.
where 1 fo 'ail 110a..i.10r P. Bigelow - , Mayor of
the city, at .1 made the satire communication and
amplest to en which I 111.1 tnade to Mr. Tokey,
• to which th "%tapir Kild —••Mr. Riley, 1 ant sor
ry for it," • hat I then ,left the or at which
I time it on just half-past 11 0'c1a....
That I int immediately to the Court House,
and found e negro in the United States Court
room, with the onacers, a n d found all the doors
• closed, an , ' was rdmitted liy the usual insole en
trance,—tl I George T. Curt.. Esq., the United
States Cuu uirsioner, was called and came, and
the cleaner 's counsel was scut for,—that the
Comurissio or Informed the fugitive, Olio w:e..i .
named -SI thatch" in the warrant, of the char
acter of the busine,S. and asked him if Ile want
ed cr.ns.Tl to which he said that he did, nod that
his friends tad gone for conned —that while
waiting fa the counsel to come, the room began
to he fillet with negroes and whiten,—that the
caramel f•• the pri-rmer appeared, and claim,' a
delay. to ITV /Lela fin nprnrtunity to consult
With their lient, pending which, I desired Mr.
Warren, LI • deputy marshal, to go to the Navy
Yard at Cl hrie,ton, about two toilet distant, nail
oink Comm ;dor/ DOWDY whether, should a delay
or adjournt eat, the Navy Yon! might
be mind. place of - detention, the United States
not being enraged hy the In, of the State to
use the jai , awl having none of,tlieir own. That
dm exe.mtration proceeded, thil after the reading
- of certain locumento preseated-hy the claimant's
attorney, I -Isom, .li,nserou, the Commissioner
decided to ••-tat the delay until Tuesday foliow_
ing, the 1 in inst. That the counsel of the pris
oner esker of the C•antiri,ioner if they might
nut remain ml hold consultation with their client.
and earimi 4, with Lilo the papers .praorented, to
which Slit Comn•is.dener iresented,—that the
court nee. was ordered tole. cleared of all save
throe fifth ' tamers, heing all the reliable mon
Whom we a.l hem. nine to collect, the counsel,
and Stoma: rowspaper reporters,—that Mr. War
ren, at th' time, which wan about half past 12,
rsturne•l I to the Navy Yard, and informed me
that he It, seen I 'otrinsadirre Downs, who said he
could not rant my request, --that [ despotelred
what °lac a I COlll.l Fpure, to ask ' , orb of their
friends to ' emain as would assist, and to procure
ell the a• 11 itional force pearible, intending to use
the mien ouse tor n place of detention; thakalr.
turtle ars left, that crowds of negrocs and oth
er began r gather about the mutt room and In
the prune 2 ways leading to the court house.—
that I went to v. of the messengers who hail
charge of the huildiag. and desired hint to have
alt the cooed him, doors closed as •Ol asll , passi
ble, wliel4 were 1101. neccsoary for Ilse.
That, atS,r before rare ir clack. Mr,. Elrenover
Noyes, the messenger of the United States I 'our(
was .li•epirt-herl toile, City .Marshal, whom he in
former' th 't the United Statue aluralad wanted
every mar he Torrid •snil to keep the Treace in
and oboe the Court Ili,t, to which the City
alarshol eplied that In" hid no men in, but would
sent the: ••ver as they came in. That at about
two o'clir; - all the marriael had left, except Mr.
I. (*hark, a Davis raid a reporter, who I learned
• was lair' r Wright. Olie of the editors of the
I/roomier ealth newspaper that as the door w.
opened f o r) th em to leave, which opened outaard
' , .
• ly, the negr ors althorn, Ohm lard titled the pas
age way for theta:teak. took hold of the edge of
the door as itarpened, and then a struggle ensued
! betweert the holders of tine dour within and
I those without. That Mr. Warren, the •feputy,
inanettiothly ran to the City 31arahal's °filets hut
I not litilli4 him Dr went to the Mayoe. care. and
wan inform,' Hint the Mhyor hart gone tertian,.
• That he hen elated to those iu the flake that
• there woe a mob in trial atom the Court House,
i :mid caller upon them to mend ern to help to di,-
1 pare its That he then retained to the City
Mar - thrill office, foetal him - in his private room,
informed hint of We trouble in the. Court Houl,e.
and astir him to send him all the men ho coithl
furnish, 'rril whether he (Mr. Warren) could arid
I lain ill •thing his men, to which be 'laid that
Mr. We en coold not toilet him in the matter.
I That, eanwhile, the struggle atthe door con
untied f r sane minutes, awl the crowd of ne
• grass fin Ily succeeded in forcing the door wide
open, rue lied in in great members, overpowered
all the ll curs, eurrounded the negro and he was
• foreerl liY/ them throogh the door, down the etnin
and out f the side door of the Court House, and
; thence through the streets to the aectlon where
• must of ie negroes of the city reside—that oth-
Cern wero dispatched in pursuit, but have not
euceceded'in fin ling his present abode.
That from th time of the first notice to the
Mayor and - city 'Marshal, immediately after the
. arrest, as he to ore staled, to the giving of his
deposition, rteither the Mayor nor City Marbol
has uppeared; nor has a tingle ofbeer, under
their direction appeared, or aided in attempting
to disperse the mob, or in keeping the peace,itol
that, in my opinion, it tan the pre-deterniineil
purpose of both not to do their duty in keeping
the peace in and about the Court House; for the
City Marshal, when requested by Henry S Hal
lett, Esq., to disperse a similar mob, which had
collected about the office hlu filther, a Culled
States Commissioner, dining 'the; excitement of
the "Crafts" ewe, said that he 'had °Hers not
to meddle in the matter, Elo I am informed by the
said liallet.,—and that the City 4‘tarshol gavels
eimiler answer to Watson Freerpan, Effq., who
asked him at about the same, tithe, why he did
not disperse the mob, WI I am informed by the
said Freeman.
That Charles Devens, Jr., ; Eng., the United
-.States Marshal for this district was tit the time
of the arreilJt, returning front Washington, whern
he had gone on imperative ottirini busittes,—that
it ig state hero that tieither the Mart
Find nor his deputy is ;art to eon. -
ploy 9 pennwient force sutficient.toro9i,t n !not
and that he tins 110 anthorily all to his d
the troop! of the State or of the 1 . rt.!' Staten.
Limit,/ States Deputy Nlutalnl:tl , in,qacturettn
A CARL). "Jr
I I feel it n 4 duty to notice II ition of the
acting U. S. Auratud. which 'si:oppeartol lu ty p o
morning papers.
On Saturday loot. bet woeu the hour. of II niol
I. 12 o'clock, Mr. 'Riley canto to iny• onion In the
City Hall and said to me, ''Wit have got
nod I thought I would roll took lot you I.lturr.“
I received the information mil t Mildly Mut to
look out fur street tlinturtatocoi Mu made I t o
request whatever for astnriance, hot 111 Ito Intl
mate Marty tray that he witotel any, t r that lie
hid any tzpprehenttion of o rcMaetu AEI. - t low
unimportant rework:kite
(or 11./ 01111,11.1114101 'lir. t
ed kiln to ttreserte order aroond the t ',art I
to prevent °lnlet...Moor to, proper .11011111
°tuition Howell - Ith, of 000r5.1 ootholl.g . /o. .11
such order, do f the protection nt °Meer. in elm Illy
of prisonti , t, okite getting to . nr 1 . 1,111 It, holltl.
ing. I remained in toy office. 10(tai 10.0 . 1001
half alter giving these re,.. e lved
nu further contuottocatiett ots the •Ohjovl (1.111
any one.
'rho police, within my lanstilmlgit Mit, naiad
Leon called upon to attend the COW to of the vial'
or Coifed State., and, as I law lkiit
rntl) Oat ad.
no repteLt wee [ande, toe for moth amietaneo in
the present. ,Fizowaig that ihr , hturoluJ 111 llm
I United Sites line his own otheera, amt that he
la antharited io appoint in Italic depothat or
call to his amistauce as many holivillualL at the
LLeeasion mayrrequire—knoyinit atAo that the
sheriff, with deputies arid conetables, I, ststioth
La/ in the court house. I tort nut the shad ow. of
suapicion that' Mr. Riley wanting itk ample
Imeans to retain Ids prisoner against unarmed
Mr. Riley mate,. on ungenerouo nee of a ea. , .
uul remark whirl) I intended for kitlneos. Ile
Vette agitated—appeared to peek etch groat etc
convenience to hie lungs—oral remarked that ha
had great .tittieulty in catching Ida breath. I
onvwervol that I ma+ -curry for Idot
I tome: tt srltuuent of the City NI 4r..11..1
31.11 N IticLur.
City Pall. INLI
Later frilin evy Ma . rll,/ .I.lLoyur.
Sir: In arrtwer to the letter of P. Riley,
In to' to ,tats thiit on the lat!, at II
o'clock, - A. M.. Le color into toy AIR, and tail, ,
-We have naught it nigger. I inercly notify you,
so that it they 'make troublelyiiii may be :dead.'
There were his moot words, and all he said. I .
immediately consulted with pat and you direct.
...I me to prevent any breach of the peace inffehle
of 11th court boos', and I took meavurea liccord•
hotly I -end out OffiCer - 6 from time to time W
roe that all 0100 quiet.
At !Wont 1; o'clock, I' , Mr. Nap' , tame to
my office, salitig that the C. S. marshal wanted
all the trial* officer, 1 had I had none. 1 .
wanted all I bad to execute your orders. At
about lii minutes to 2 o'claek I tent an officer
to the Court- room, and found the dour taken
care of; uwi the officer I Cent This denied ad.
rnitinati—tho Fieraoti having charge saying the
C. marrhal, toll him to admit no One. Ile
returmd.. lii a for nednentis afterwards anoth
cam!. nod -aid (hot he a ,•1114A the
toigrio . mould break open the Cowit room. I
hamediately dartml, but before I bail got out
the City !101l I learned thaCtlie fugitive had loren
', retuned.
I learn, and believe it to be true that Mr. Pa-
Icy sail lie del not dull any others than these
be had employed td.remain in the to man.
and added that -We can take ever of the Ina,"
atel at We time the raid, woe he
te walking backward and forward, aerie..
the at
court room, and untie no rethittlice what
ever at the door, or as the negroeii pitted, Ly
In rcnclusi.m. ..:4• tue re , pPecinlly to guy
that in the ordiname creating the otro.i• of city
rnirrshal, I ,la a .1 htel that he it lo cl 4,
of the United Shit., iota-Ala!, and it is the
of the city government to hate hie du it, Llie
have only hi pat, the oiler, and I gill urreat the
fugitive, and keep theta, of I waresign.
T CELT, City Marshal.
To AI. John P. Bigkiw, Maior ot Bunton
Feb. :17011651.
Oto. Qrimtx CoLrit.—The N. 0. Picay
une of the Fib inst.. desuites the following epi
sode in the trial of Gen. nendenon, on the day
"Mr. J. P. Benjamin Commenced the open
ing orpiment on the part of the Government.
• , At eleven o'clock General John A. Quinn..
late Governo'r of the SMte of Mississippi, ap
peared in Court. accompanied by Mr. Field
ing Darr, the .United Shales Marshal for the
Southern District of Sli.oiooippi, end the Bon.
.1. NlcMurran, u distingumhcd Inwyer from
who., -t a d a former partner of General Quit-
—The Court here interrupted Mr Bonjamin
in hi. urgnmeut.. in order to mice
gutmor., aud permit him To plead to the indict
"The United Stater Marshal, Fielding Usni
having returned the writ of arrest to the
General quitman con, and stated, that waving
the reading of the indieitient., he delired to en
ter the plea of not guiio'. and he should de
inan.l In speedy trial, to We had resigned lvtv
Aire lIS Governor for the purpose of obeying
the gammon, eft he Conti. lle desired to he
...ailed. and wo• prepared to enter into a re
cognizance to appear from day to day until his
"The Conti orderdered the clerk, Mr. J. W.
Gurley, to take recognizance of General Quit
man in the sum of one thousand dollar, The
General then entered into bond with Mr. Henry
IV Ilill us surety.
The Court stated to Gen. Quitman that it
rldatld give him as npeedfa trial on was in its
Mr. Benjamin then returned his arginnente:'
Orrit ie JO, WU.ll:on--..iar all whu rvrr used
Vumifuge: 16.1 ihr liter tmm ,tll
,Idonnt. Ch. initng Cu. N. Y., Yob. n,
J. Kidd it e—.lVbeti ion,. agent wan horn I had ince
liosiod. nod Ito loft 1,, o tin ilov.nuf
tool f ntld it i. aWua .Ii Tory but, and than fia. It Le.,10.
on ooul eaddifeellon, and has proud to Go just what
nubile want., mud vro Iwo guilt !twilit., mid Ida nut yid?'
to net uut. I hnvo but ono down irn. your .wen t tin, bon, I think be told ino num. $1:14,0 to bend If I ilionl.l
want mon.. but if bo,dd, tuft, foroo,ttrit. Wilt ion tiain,
tbr intuition. to. oiler fur nun xi. donna own. on lb.. nontpt
of ail ,
European Agency.
Th.. !ntxadx 'rteitintr thy principal dII of
Urent Britain. Franc, and thqmtuti, during tee moult. of
AO,ll. May, and Jun. u,:tt, Bsavlns Pittnburgb on Womb
17th. nod a 4terat to any aa, 00 1„ 0 , a L a ,•
rbameter which- may tot mulaled to hiacnre.
lan:Atutrl 7 JOB:: D. DATIS.
gy-AN.III. V 4,..1-1111s i. to ...nary that a Lunn
e n me n. ray bonne in the tall of Dila. by them.. of Item,'
El,, ins eery bad condition. and woo almost Wally
laal been, rola, in the hrithlt torricc. IP: was then
taken to ono of the teat Ilornitah In London. 001 had the
London could drool, but could not be n
and to aight. and wan alwbarl",d se incurald... I bud
heanl await about the retioleum, t thought 1 wool) try
mom, of It cot this matt. I tot taw n small lonia of the
Vetroleuni Oil. which rand his eYe , well and wood, of .e month.
ta L., qualified to the trStti id the more
fl the Mono statement at any IIL/a I" may tx p 011. .. ulnas
and mone Of If neighinm ran testify to the
Cow'. Itottom. Denver Co Oct. 4,
Vor est.. & It); It. I:
A. Fall¢sttek. 0,, nr
ti'c9l and Front uttvot.: eurrr. 11. A. Elliott. Jek,plk
IN,hulass. awl 11.1. tichwuri., pr ,„
1.11 , 41. r. E. )I. KIF.II,
1,1,141. w i Crulsllla.aln. Fuo ulb
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
, E 4 0119 , No. II 'Water Mri,1,19 tlau Inutbouse of C. 11.
it. Ilrgert, T. Mans, t'gcy.
o.,mpotir 13 now pmpgrod Ingure ruerthandL , c
In ,tore, end In tnandtti. reedgle, de.
An ample gunrunti the nbilidY gnd IntegritT of Nr
!net...tine. tr efferdell In .the character ~f the Directed.,
who ore rittunt. of Pittrhurgh. well and toveraLly
I.neern to rho nomedunlty for their prudence, Intelligence,
end miegritr.
,oce-410. IlnederV Wm. Dudley, Wm. I.tarlmer,
Jr., %Vail, Ilmetnt, Ilugh It. King. Edward thoneciton,
John Ilagorth. Ilarbangh. It. 31. Etter. npdtelf
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A fall utAatayletectock of FOREJCS AND AmmucAN
!tunable ter the mica trade, and whiat they ere prepezed
to otter to purchaters at man that will compare
tuarably vita ear of the culazi ciths.
Forty-sis hours to Philadelphia.
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
D. , 0 miles Railroad-1103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Ea-press Packet Boats.
SIV P)r: PAS3EN ,, EIL4., -
0 \ tlro Droning of Camel Lvta . ti n o ,
.Z.tor A , It.oce
li Raltnal V.
'Tlit•ce Vat. Ito ,
Ttso 1111.11,1 and For I; .Gre
Time through non e•-six
now to Ptimora... sto. F.t Bailin - inn, fI.M.
Thn Ciao oo thir mutr srrro mrsa of the molt
I omrtrortion for ersufort t '
• • •
E. er.• molo EISM
PIO 01,0 e 11.1131 ut thena g
mune 11,,
Passetmers for Baltimore,
rri t M ty Cant et IlttryLt•ortt, take the lork mn,l Cam
..rlmentx/1rr..1. Ow* tllrrct to tlat dry. (eighty
2 it,. YOUR hotrc
. . .
No riittrye for handling linggsge on this route.
iii‘srioios hoot uoll, this Use most onmfort.ttsle
wk. sod le.lrnhle touts.:tissr to the Eastern CStit,.
tfr puol,, Ittf ,, rrn.ak..,pply to
P. HOLMES, Agilit
‘lneno..bela Wale
• D. LEECH S.,
~ ;41 . 1 ,1 . 1 n 1 i : i2, the 1. of Ju , Y. I ( h : Vl l ,! ' ; ' ,l: l. ni ""tn't.
' hkh
fill , 1,r 1.1.ri.,ar, 19, A.
If/PARTNERSHIP—We have immeiated
pua..o.t h
ok.. , duto i. C .Lbr
of he Farm
Ilu pb. t l , u l 01
lb. v m h re p mrnAol to the
1 b,rtoruv.
A. .‘III,Ii.INS & CO.,
Corner of Third and Market sta.. Pittab'gh
i‘ ILE YOU A FATIIEIL, latboring, for the
rower, of n Inutily. and Aufferiug from gmwral dr
r ut frrrj. °LUNrn
At., you u Muth,. xullerirt, from which re
-11... rat,. tw-raily um. Cr. 0. 11. Iltore'r ,haler
&0. and .
..parilln.... pur,l ttr Lno inn tho
rwrruaneritty ruriug mote dLwarwr. to which thr
hurouu mutt:mail,. ruturwt, thuu au, other
ref rwzrarwrifin Irt I.rwrgbt lo..frau
Ittle ruwllrlue bar wrial.tiohed Its blgh re.Dututton 00 it.
•.• • - •
It Put .1 , eralrt bottle, u4l ix the out, - "ta,aaparilla
that so-t• Lb. IJ%, liitlup,s. and 111...1 at Itte maw.
Wile. rrudora it all4ap.thrr wore •alltalde- to ovary
ta. partutthal t female}.
Ite• • , Ar• and rwpory 6,r Dr. P. D. HOWE'S 1311AKEIL
dm asul take top other
, • • .
Vie.. SI ryr hottl,•-6 bottle. for
lilt. n. D. Ili/W e
: L
whoml Cll
br• eg }LI D . titielnuatl, ()Lk
huwhomall order. , tuir
Al., for cele t, .2 A. ./1/11f... J. Febt.nmeker d Kix.. W.
K. W. Mr.,. J. ill Tcetweed. J Mohler, Jesk-
Pitt , burelini A. Allecheuy k l dl y; W.
(rock,. 11r,roilvillic. .1,. Paull
Wheeling. J II Iletterocitt, and K. O. Mor.ivin, Kt.
1 - lee...rill, Millen 1 tiic.k. Ceulle
Doe;ackete• and Fore...) n Exchange, Bank Nutex,
(Add Sitrfr, ii,il4l/4:. , 5,t14. Exchanged •
Wi%l. A. HILL &
No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
A, Isicta. cu,wLl rn fIU LLMI.ITA
i 1,14. a Ila“. wltlrt
rr.nut . lqe " l:u " l ' 4llT., " Zr ' rt "f
AVATCHES--liec,ived and on hand an
V v....11.mi ii o:.1 mcd'iilvvr Watcher of
11,v 11 , n , t'dppc
T Hun nrl.l
And ntbor. 1..3.11 4...n0ra I:rarArp
T.'l, A.
w.f.., an 4 “unbtlity gluinisted.
mpairlor 9, Itsaunl ,Ivwelry
era-I:taw:lure. tui..nirr
. . . .
lartl attrit.tteliiiiiik 4 44.11-3,
t.n r ..f 4th and Mari, tat
d' — 'IIA , COLATE of every description for sale
A llet . 1.1:1, A lAA. N.. !Abort, qtr.,.
!,141.1:. I rr ur ti 14 4 ,1 .04.1 I . l.utt. Baki4.4.N,
/.1,1 , 44.1... ... at1...1 Itrout.4.
A. tre 10 04' F..
D R. ,:t, l'E 1 4 . 11 . 1: 1 ' ,41 too for ,)t0 by '
.1..... 1.1...., ~
_. • •
• 4 ilti% I.I:SEED-7.5 bus for lode 10,
r.. 1 = , ii.tar..o. Lifiti..; x CO
' - --.- -
13 EANS,--tu be.. IVllito tor-e.alt• I, - -
I) t.. 1,,,, C. , LII,IIII. I.lll ° Lr. I CO.
--- ~
11113-1 kegsfor.balo hr. •
4 I. I.: , .ii ll' ~r,, ,,. LITTLII Int
' I .
1 4 1 !..:) ,, L: , !; 1 7 - 1...i , ) ..1 1 . ... , , 1; , ... - 1 . 11, ,, , . , , ,.. 14 - 0 i,, }:: ,, ,„ .., ;!) . ,
! a - IN:IF:ED OIL--Iti bbi., for e , ltlo by .
14 - t...= 1,0111.../5. LITTLE d. CO.
111 boLL111:;11:Elt--'1 7 1 , bls for kale by
t I. 1..z0 w ,111s/15. LITTLE 0. 4V..
.4;I'N;I , II.IES--
6 tter,..,.rirolo• ILlcr.
.--' 1.0 chums C0...111,11.
I. lot,. Dry A)1.1..x
I • /.•
:AO 11. prf.x....l,..ltpetr,
. 11,....c.0.r0ur 1 , .0thyr... 1
• '-,J r../n.. , m14. , 1U
' , ~, I/ 1,1 I 11., lump Totare/
I c.....k 101 l Orton-turooo,
' I au Chan,
11., lb. 1 1 1 E ~10. la•vtli,
kw lb. du LszL,l .1.., in Wm. and! for
frt.= , .10115 , Art's co.
V V , me by la= J. MODS LO.
UM SAIELLAC—:!Wu lbs fur sale by
VW c+,.: J. KIM, k CO.
pAPER CC/HK$-2 bales fur sale Ly
ILONIOS TAPERS-30 dor: for Rile by
f• J. KIDD 5 1,43.
N I AM.:A:CEA-2 onts fur sale by -
BACON - 7 -5 !lila.. prismMune;
11.. eboulderl sad
for rale by & RON.
E xEct ,
: • moAt.., on the of Ann SIII. !ate or
Alle;thesty Count', den.a....1.1.1ve gr.l to
reftdit, m ton ueltly. All re,
not, hnelot. a tt l:a000 Fold el,. are 2221 2 20. , .1t0
tarp. t" ItOYKht.AII U. IiAMBLF—
' fel,t2-6tIFS Estee.,
eiro the tionorabk, the Judge 3 ‘..1 the 1.:(7:14
6; of flonrral q u.rice .1,,,t0u. of tbr hate, .m{ for
e. Count , of ../111r4ben,.
twiitiou (tf Anthony 31r2rrot, a the harotorh of
:.Jute 1,./ the tount, afore,tl,l, humbly rhevreth
test petitlutur bath provided ItinuogfraterialA
thr twe.nanodollun of tray..ll,trs and othern. et Olt
duellinglu thr lwruugh aford, mud pray, that
2 mr I t, hr plea•rd to grata blot • limo.. to tee pa
pui,lto how. a entertainment. Mut your petitioner. sul In
dot) peal.
Wk.. the mil.i.rrilarrt. cit.laatu of thoLurnitals eforvanld, de
Jot the ettann ptditiounr la of ntant rrld.. for bor..
eety and I..utiwranco. and II well providrd with bona.
rout. and entivt.niencrO fur thvancinnutudialrth and hahrthir
rdranntd , and traveller, and that •neh tawnro Is arms.
Yoh L. John Bro.!. 31. built. G . Dirtri-11, F.n.cer
I...wn•tn, Yr= NG;End, Thu, Greiner,
Thug. 1..t11.01., John A. Joeubi. Peter' Annum. IVenddle4
ICthe llonor4ble, the Judges of the Court
of iicneral quarter Stfliolls of the Peace, and fur
the Count, of Allegey.
The isditiun of titunitel Lam, a horrinch E
1,111, at the ,wunty abirccoid, humbly skiewctl. that your
petitioner haat pri , vulftl ItiMaelf with matcriids the ac.
commadatluis of trotclhrn and other, al hla• dwelling
Lt.. , In the borcuitla afareaaal, and I , rto a that Your don.
ors In ploaacil L, groat hint a liccure to loops public
hid. , of eutertalument. And tour Petitlonar. tw bi duty
bound, rtitt Pra)•
thoistilwesit.ira, either, of the_burough alidosaid,
do ~..rtify, that the Door iNetitioner I. annul rcpt.. fur
000y1 1 rind 4uiperutta.. rod La arcll pro, ktml with Louie
ecnycuirmica for the arcumunalatirm and /Otiging
of y.,lllgelli and tnwellerc. and that will Laren I,tectd•
'' lL r itali D. Darla. Jas. If. kikln. Specr,
Walker. Jr.. John Orphan, Coal McCune, Carol Waiter,
Ellaba tioc,. Cunoin‘iltaut, Henri' Wriiittli ,
Duke. J..... dlllehunt. letc,s,itawo
.tt.llng of-the Yonne Men's Temper-
Aywyet}llon will be held In the 2...yyda.1 Pnnbytertan
Chun.b. of, Motylue yyeuil., next (14.hrnnry ;;.1, }t.
An cnittn-.4 will I delher...l by the it,. WM, D.
ttlIV BOOKS--Androw's Latin English
Andrew, L. L. D. 11,311
The Island World of the Dr Iter...llenry—M,
r. 1:: MO. 11.11.. . .
Ursee Amtllar: G Vole 1. mo.
Ltory. BY file llofflof of Roll.
. .
M quinn. By
•";!brii - ivtsi - Annuli° Buildings Ith fl
pANY-th, hoot, for the otihrrlPtlon . took 01. thv
burgh LIA Itiournwe vlll he owned on Mondor.
FOkruarr '2-11.11 In. 10 to ]'2 A. u., at the ultimo( C A Col.
enru,,f ‘Votal onJ Fourth etrevta, 01 etAlrA to n-
main OP• till the .AucAl. Laken. •
Jo 6. e. 0010;11,
GIRL It anted to do house work. Ap ply
AL at thht alliee fe,l
350 bushels Dried Peaches, fur sale by
fall •-• J. C. DILWORTH t Cut.
500 beetle's Dried Apples, for sale by
f:2, :I J.... DILWORTH & co.
k . tru's t'..t...d t"tair —Th.. rano. medic nod id Mr.
Cu ler, on W... 1 are., ant...v.:tans set, toPutar tbrdt.h . the cnuntrd• 11.14:mita. Ilan Levu Conn.! U. la. an
luvaluablu in,li. Inc la I,cry Wad, Tn ..Sdltde Ideer
1111+ thnuban.l. are Indebtml
at dint frntn Data and ch.-
a..... These latedbitad have gamed their popularity by ea.
U esperienee. They bare been tried awl band tor.
~. n,.rellent remethro tor the di...noes fur will& they are
reeentutend.l. 'l% e harp frequently wed Mr. beller's
I.;tat‘th St rut. and Lung , It to be a rpeetly cure fur a la udt coch:.arntha reIt . OMIA.
prey:An . .land Kahl 1,, ~ It. E. ,9:LLERS,
(AO ...-. t•TtWond stmt.
' -- -
NVEICE is hereby given that the under
eassa cieroaloslopers will have tticfr hooks ufwtied
i.he wewcription
Cool stiWk to the Pecrysie wad Zelle
.loo Road iwnl. 3tomlay the rf lll th March, at
the houwiiif Jet. Phisiketton, Iv Alleglicoytowity, Awl
on the 101 l at the bow< or Puler 'him, awl on the 14th
nod SOIL at the house of Jaws 51clilleacit PreMwTlll,
wale minty' awl oci the ZFt awl =dot Ihe town of Mow
•Jwcw.ciry, In Allegheny city, at which flays awl
teuiliatco will be given trent 9 o'clock., W. WI 4 - P. 16-10-
cpcctinly. CCLI.
0. D, 011. H.
IL) artlro taring. mao, wh o
of Illttaburgh. with an
ainuaintacieti. who can entllrrl•lld a gull .001
of 0033 tin to eight thoutanit dollar.. I. anatou• to make
au jugritment. mod dente hi+ Ualit to bunin.u, a.. a wogmr
in rjuabuyiti or vidalty. no. addreLS Itot 00oe Dan,
NO. 05i fetOngli
SUNDRIES -100 do: sup. Corn Brooms
4 UN lISUIT Nuts
'ID 4k, "'MANN:
la ho Oedema.. ..,
-. WM, Common Fee,,, mon
2.000 Ito Deer flair. :e7.
Od Ider Fox's Standee
la las Wood's l'esel-da:
oa Ars
CO , --.‘n: Villie3ll, 0 o.
- -
FISH -10 lII{ bbls No. 3 Mack erel;
l 5 or
kilts t IJo d
A o 1 der
5 . ,
falai bhl, No.
Sa"' l irl7ll,
the Honorable the Jude 7 es of the Con
of Ileneral quarter Seseams of tgo Porn, In .nd
te Count, of Minh hr.
Tito petition of erntrcht 11.caL of the township of Find
In the moot, emerald, humbly etteweth,lhat ycalr
tioner halls provided himself with ooncriaCe for the
tordatian of travellers and other, al hie dwelling hones,
the township afon.snM. and prai that pour honors will.
t rinlomongrant him a Hornet Weeps public house of
And your petitioner, to In doll Wm. ,, lr
IVe. the subsolibers. Harms of the towp aftwelai •
to certify that the above petitioner is of repots r
honed, and temperson, and fa well pro, tal with boa
ofand movertienees Or the aertatanolaUon angiOdgi
td almoners sal tr”ellera and that add .rorn
Chas. Aton, Sam. N. Meaner. John Pollock, Mathew A
demon, Perry liuham. John Pwearinno. 51eA. Armt . T., •
A..Anh•raort. Al to. Eaton, Bono. Anderson, JOhn Perwl.
mu, 1% nals. McCann,. fain:Leath
•tatre' tt ' a n g n ;re t' s o nt r :ta 'n ,o irg
ran no realised deer of .11 expels*. ADO, ht..'
dlutrly to M. lotorts. who'esu to found the &emcee
Exchange on Liberty street, between the howl Of 9 and 2
A 0., end_ end ie...
r, 'tr. , mvvdrb Nallotsoillee gulleye. furnitst7, rtit:
AA, oat wood awl inekorY_Unntb,o , , a.... and
Wells sr oodrn a:11,4k. le. F o r de at
Pentium Odlos. Std, to•Mreen Market and Ferry ate
PIO) American copy.
lITOODEN TYPES—From the manufacto
ry of Wells A Webb, furnished at short none b
1.-b1!) IV. S. HAVEN.
pOIt:SALE LOW—A superior toned rose
s' ws,l Mano Fem., Fnr term; eagulre at N. 9 Jack
eon Row. nobituaan street. Allegheny. felSlDalbr
lIINC WASII BOARDS-20„dos. for sale
za hr fIO J. D. WILLIAMS C CO.
ILOTIIES' PINS-10 cases Eastern, for
a& by feb2u J. D. WILLIAMS A CO.
11. 310LASgiS--125 bble, 13 half do,
. Mad , tiroutml. lamhog from innar Em_ W
phv far
by MC./ 101E1% MATTHES A CO.
Ylt: LEAD-450 pigs so ft Galena, for sale
i o MO , RU EY. ItArrnEws a co.
lbs primerealli6r9;
do& mid Corn lirnotox
- - DY, bar Imst brand W. taw
' .• • 40 bys Dry Ilerrfor.
f.. 0 Lys prints enalsratuly
• 9 LLD Mum; to stnrs and Ibr We by
tihds prime N. Orleans;
t 7 - 20 bids ..sorted Loaf.
..or 10 do Crushed and Pulverised. for mla
by J. D. WILLIA.IId !'CO.
feb,t) rinTler of Ward and I , 2fth rte.
OLASSES-7 1.. 5 bdbols
•+••!. 5 do Gorr,, Syron for ale by
0.1,20 J . D. wituAte a W.
SUN DitlES libls No. 1 .Lord; •
• 0 o ' o ' Sweet Potittas
2 do Dry Peach,.
1 to do AppleK
10 do. Feathem
14 bales Cotton, to arrive as steamer
%Ala, for rale 1.1 1001.111 DICKEY I: CO.
- Water and Front dot
To the Vionoraltle, the Judges of the Court
thr C o n liro,lld
All eshen quarter `Yuba.`Yuba. of tin Prrere, hs asul for
01 y •
The 1...ta10n of ALrahem &An, of the Serval Ward, city
of Pittehurult. in the county aforesaid, humbly sherreth.
that your pddloner bath providrd himself with materials
the orrmotordation of travelers and others, at his dtrel-
Una Iwo., to the My sforeadd. and pay that your hoof.a
10. plrao,d ,rant him
publir o
of envrtaloment. And your DeDslomr. no duty b ound
1V... the subset-Own,. sill.oa of the Ward aforesaid. do
raft that abyss petitioner Is of rod repute fbr boo.
...ty and temperance. ag ibe arroustoodation and lodging
• f strangers sod travellers, sod that aid tavern Is never
Iltsmsbesal. dna. 11. McClurg, Joo. Jerk-son, John
Kells.J.dan Matbsws, Ed. 1 1 1 l h, Sltusou Armstrong, Relit
.I..kson. hots_ Patterson, so. &mum. Thos. Wsllace
O. Elliott.. fre:usui•
cb , lll<k. ~. O P Y and charge this °Ono.
TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court
of °corral Quarter Stl.i01:1• of the Peace, to and for
Count. of Allegheny.
The tictition of James Gilchrist,of the Third Ward,
In gounty of Allegheny. respeelfalir
...houetb: That yourpetitioner is deslroto of lumping pub
he hon.. or rarer, in bow, situated In the Third
tad—that Le ha. !avoided himself with necessaries for
the catv.tueoc. and ..votamodallots of travellers:awl straw
He therefore prn)• your honors to grant hint • IF
rev., to keep a house of public entertalt.eut and he will
or, s pray, tr. •
the wabscrihera, do artily. that Jam. Gilehrh.t. the
" :IraTil I :,ggre:l l •73lfat ' e roam honed/ and
rtga r.
we the I.l,Ling and accommtatatlon of atranarn and
mo n ,mth. Wm. Oilmore t J. It. MeMa , tera•
tunston. !41,1...Nh0 311quentm. John
1,44, Wm. Kemp, L. W. t , mith. T. J. Isn...n.
I ill
, loo.s r tzi , , in
~3,,,N rin
~ute , s7 ll.r. fur
r.•brl• 112 and 141 FirT,
- E3IO.NS—LZ'aI f..7xes for sale by
f.. 119 EmoLisiratisswetr.
Ctin ,, l Invite* the attention of thaw wiehintr to fun
ne:h. likt et tenet,. v.v.:tient of Table and Plano Cio
era, at No. to F.Furth Revel. feblh
- • -
PLY CARPETS--W. McClintock
. n ., pettcra end f the direct
s which are direct
, the 1100010 re sod umet etTrontni IN.ntnn in lb.
nom t the Ciopet•Warchoune. No. K.. Fourth R.
;, Vrru, mut ado, In 1 . 7 .. .nr_ !Ain!,
NURA IN CARPETS—A large assertii'lent
of the hite3t and netrast ark, in More sod far sale by
b•lab • W. bIbeLINTOCK.
A lame a.n.e.tro.ut of well peasoveal ciollt•, Re th. 1V srrhaos, No. S 5 Fourth st, to whlch Ire
Invite the altvotion of porch/urn.
BROOMS -^_00 dozen f4d sale by ,
raoy s. A W. lIMIDACUIL
AG AZINE S FOR MA 'tell. at J. B.
1 4 ,,,etm li m olm.• Literary Depot. third ,:trtsL opp.aqte the
Codry's Loire Bolt for Mar: h.
Orabera'• 11agnalue
Wanton. %valor
Wk..' Mattoo htn.,,,nitte, do
Itcrot.ta, or the Prophecy, a= laluo h a Ilajor
Dirtiouary Machuaks. No. h 3
MarlSeld Hall: • Illstortml Roman,
b P. FL
ETa t oboblisbn ' • boYbi. by Mr.
opened sr Liberty' atom. a ‘ery loperior Wong
)oon Tea, •htrh we think werim -a, with ermedenre
Frannot surnamwl at the brie*. In bitt.burgh. l'rire
Far - the loiter aratex, :5 cent,n2l.: recta. .4 rents, and
17% per lb. whirl we warrant full) equal. If not
to any to be had at the pan. pet,
Oolong, Imperial mad Ounpander of 41 rasa.. for
which all we Ink • 141 r trial, and ther will recom
mend therutelret. Ilkend dhanunt made to rbtallvre
and to f"rdhe. b""' br th rln in n. l t. i -CLl:lttl I ek),
YAW Tea Dralera and ))tale-,
• - -
1 LOVER SEED-4 bbl- in store, and t;•2 do.
1._.;t0 mire. for tale by
feblb Wll. lt. JOUNSTON.
_ .
COl - LN—klXl bush. /or sale by '
• fetal tt 3f. 11. JUIINSTON.
TOBACCO LEAF-4 blo, for lode IJor
&Mb WM. 11. JOlibbfON.
ICKORY NUTS—IS bbl for male by
fel,lo WM. u. JOILN.WIIiN.
111 0PS--,, m,, bales fur sale 1;1 ..5i.
,street pee qt. Editor. and Gm solo by
QALLAD OIL -20 casks fo'r-tale by
C0.t.3 • fell A. Cl:Litany:ea a O
DRIED PEACHES-100 bus for sale by
• a•nll A. CELBERTSO: N Co,
SEG ARS.--100,000 Prineipe, Regalia, and
Havana re,,nma of all grad., for Sale by
CHECK LOST—A check drawn by us in
faro, of Henry Feta, Nu. 1754, dated February 4th,
laal, on N. Holmes l So.. of Ibis etty. fur three butalrnd
and fifty dollar, Lao been lon from the mail bltneen
l'llleburgh and learLereburgh. The public are cautioned
~ulna etmeirlutt curb cheek. as the payment has been
clopped. l'ebl7 MILLER A RICKETSON.
EACIIES—Three hundred bushels ree'd
end Gm tale by WM) enmum P. sitiovnt.
ljalong without them..
51'C000ellrtilie, O. Jan- 9, ISM.
Ida. R. E.
could no t
are the only Liver Ma that
wil l he,. I not get along without them, and every
onr that makes nee of them epee. , In the highest hems 01
commendation. Your ree .I
pretfully, J. GREEN,
rha-preoand and lit by R. E. RELLEILI, 57 Rood
sod will be draggle , . genendlY. jet&
%V 11:
0 EU. 11. IiEYSEit.
u NO Uri% rztm do;
..50 bags Coffey
SO brls No. 3 31.k.er0l .
;6 brls Tar.
100 bags Faltprtm for mho by
T. WWI'S a Eo\,_:
Pmdure Deal.rrs and Commlasloti3lerchar.t.
jrk.2g - Ol Wat..r..treo... ',
I I ANDLES-50 brs would, on consignment
LiOn. de by yals ALEX.ANDY:II. GliltDoN.
1 ( , y'r ICES-75 doz best Grass Scythes;
rod bc,t Cradle a.lbbrir. ,
b t
MATERMAN ' = " .'4 ' , t
60 A 01 Watei and 02 **mut st.
aul f r ale by
4.:•tivr--5O kegs assorted Nos. for sale --
°LASSES—Plantation & Sugarpouse;
I Golden Syrup. for atli by
0 :2-1 J. D. WILLIAMS a CO.
" CHANT, Kr the sale of Dunestle. Woolen. and cotton
Itbs Wood stand Ihtuburgh.
Outer,. tilled at start noace for any description of Wool.,
Ira blaehtnery. febll
°lmo.. between the subwerlhers, under the stylesof
I enw,, klqulng A Co., Ls tau day dissolved by mutual'
Ira Hersey or R. K. Fleming Is nuthokiaed to use tM
name of the Ono la the *aliment of,dhelr lker
IJ—Nlurphy d Burchfield mill this morxdrin CO:110 <two
recelineu Mem ars, eupply of aprlns boy Gmat t dad
ITIVe h b" T rt h yl r e
Print, at Per pull. selected with taUtientar reF
omi. to durability of color. An excellent article Is also
utfcrod St y lesmutts per yard, warranted fast . eolore Atas
choice of English Chintsco, from 14 to PX aeu
es P 7li p tie l ; rl f lllt h7 . 7pr e lg Ur" lY_ tilL7l d etetin, Pl:re .a tr . ede
n..,.Neodle Work .. .dare, vale, Cbemlsetts. a.. Bora
note and Bonnet Ribbon. Ltotanet Cara fetal
:10\TEW BOOKS—The History of Pendennie.
fortunes ant! misfortune.
p. , N
slwn ts rb friesdemni v hia
ru , lViftr o) ,...srss Z li ry_ M t i r.
Nu. 3 OfWar sugary of PoWen:la. h
NtaUesvillr: Fronosulo not 7. of the author et the
Rolla Woks.
No. II of the Vidarial Yield Doak of the Embalm 117
.Benson a. Lout's,.
Tie above Loolssluat rendrect sad for sap i q . •
Mal N 0.47 let et
Cbronielr, Amerfeth and Post my.
50 TONS SODA ASH, for sale
kbl7 SVAZATIXIL /1111.11;
ODA ASII—A eut, riqr article of our Own S
tebr Water stmt.
martufliaigala y bi
AL. SODA-100 casks on hand and for
mil., by obl7 BENNETT. ➢EERY • CO4
fAlr w 3 h4 ' l" r " . "I rtANETT, BERRY Jr CO.
ttiCKERAL-100 bble large No. 3, bias
lir usectA Lospectioalast
ICE-30 tree prime Carolina, for sale by
621,17 JAS. .6. IiVICILISON a co.
QIIOT-36 kegs assorted numbers, for sale
br 14617 . JAS. A. lIETCHBON & 00.
OLASSES-40 bbla P tation, for sale
ny kbl7 JAS. A.l If =MELON' 200.
1. ; ,, s Gal for sole by
BON Ito.
EAD-18(1 Pigs (inlet.
JIA febl7 I JAB. 1-
Inn BUSH. 4R1F.,1) -IP S. Mr %Ile by
i(K) D°4l7CO"NnAittOOgis'sigro sale ilby
bbl. 3 No. 3 Mockers];
7 Drams Codfish;
4 bbl. Salmon; far sab by_
kbl7, W. t Y.VITLSCeit.
7110SIN-1.00 bblo No. 1, for sale by febl7 W. aP. iensoN
AR-100 bbl North Carolh:La, for !ale by
-7 bales Cottow
27 socks retther;
24 du Peanuts.
1 do
. du do do pealed. .
4 do 01um1727
I do 12,4 now landing' from .tamer Gone
and for age by f. 1311 ISAIAH DICILY.Y ACO
Ch&L—A tract of Coal Land lying on the
Ilooospahels, at the upper end of le
fro sale on term, that •1111roure alootitable threat...a
to rapitalirts or oral men. Howes .rough for Ars or six
families are already erected on the premleon the loadiort i.
We the enter scot, permitting boat. to be lablal at all
reasons, the coal is of the beet OdalitY =ear
Lb* Pit lenow is good order, dry sod easily drained,_ and
°pew within len th an tererdy-fire yards of the 11M. Prire
boa. 007ibbelba , easy. Etairdre of
J 4. blebtlillktypi,
Ati'i 4th
(aODA ASH-31 cooks, for sale by
1.77 &b 1. 5 W.& F. NILSON.:
(.2 ALTYL C IRE-50 bap, crude, for sale by
17 obls Is. aF. WILSON.
G ER3IAN CLAY-15 bxx,fOr sale b h p
20 Wordst.
We by (ANIS J. KIDD 2 CO.
TILED3IO7.IETERS—A full assortment for
We by &LIS J. KIDD 2 CO.
Perlption. far We by &CIS J. - KLDD k . OO.
oottmerkt Ales Carmine, Lima every description
' lum.Lisbtand Deep Yellow-Yu, Colossi. of all Wades,
Canztote every description, for sale by
J. EIDD a Co.
gIADIJEN SEEDS—A full and assort.:l I_Ement of feeds, Yost r.elved foam Wet
far rain wholesale andretail, at ths Pent tore cornel l 7ll
Wood and tooth stmt.
Ttke partnerrbip herstektro ealating_between the
au Isere, under the style of Shackled i Ite, was elln
solve* on the Prat day of January, P4l, by Mutual con
sent Ether of th e aulocribers will attend to settling, up
the twines, aol are authorised too.. the =as of the isle
Orin for that purples.. No. lul Wood treet.
February 12,'11. THUS. B. WHITE.
EW FIRM—B. C. Stuicklett and William'
• Payne, as general partners, and Benjamin Clyde, as
and limited partner, will sontinue do Wholesale
Goode business uncle, the Arm of a. C. Phacklett a Co.
at SUM e lately occluded by thaetlett t White.
Wool street B. C. SILACKLETT,
febl4 WM. PAINg.
EW MUSlC—Where are the friends-of
Toath;br G. Barker.
- I've rooiethlng sweet to tell You. •
rm thinking e'er the D.r, Mors-
Sly Neer England Home, a new Song, dAlicated to th e
Ladles of Nen England,
She I Love le Ear An
Oh, meet me on the Silver Shot,
lived Night. 1
Hy Home . . on the , Prairie Les—Woodbury.
Lily 'they. by S. C. Foster.
I've left my Native Village. by 13. Bather.
The Spirit Dove.
Po, hi, hi; the Black Shakers' Song amid Nth.
Would.' were alth thee—far Guitar.
AnAdieux v , by if err.
emeasie colLectlem of new P01k... Wets.% VP , .
lions, 2a -
Also • new supply of 'New Cartotha Sanes,f . _ Cantina
Landia, and an excellent nen work, rolled the “Itekdist,.
a ndleetlen of pepulay and Portal MUM, ha:Mouthed albl
theby O. A. Webb and W. Slaeoni—eansideYed me, of
the best works mer published. H. KLEBEIL
febl4 - ()olden Harr, \ Third at.
FLOUR -90 Ibis superfine, in store and for
(I KEEN APPLES-30 bbls for sale bi
131 fcbli narruaws
ROLL BUTTER-1 bbl fresh, for sale by
fIASTOR 01L-9 bbls Blow's make, for sale
5 AFT INVESTMENT--sp,oao in Alleghe-
C'''" Con, u
to' 4,ZHILL CO.
64 Wrcd 0, Alamo Oh.
,QCK)DOLLS Allegheny City Coupon
feblJ -bu. fn Neer Cork, mill be
yEw BONNETS—Murphy Burchfield
hare open thla morning orveral ear...dor Bra, . Spring
mita, entuisting of English Brighton Chip.
M ungartart.
!Aiwa Pearl Lod Napier, Brobrtldered
Ltod, and Allan. Coburg and MIL., Algerian
China marl. Embroldered do. 111.21611 Pearl, Vandike,
Pedal and Prarl, English Lotan, chip and Drinkable. A lso
NMI. and Cbildrea's Bonnet., of • variety of styles.—
ALao, imperktr colored Kull& Boom% plain and mlxed
color.' Chip do, as low as 073 a cent. Also. Bora and
Baa' Bala, Coburg, Albosh Mina Pesti. Leghorn, Br•
W. M. Thecksbey esd the Queen's Necklace, or
e Secret [Mary of the , COW% ,f Louie litstrenit by4l.
Idtetsey I=l7b;h' ao4 for n 4
" of s INT4IV n
Va'Ctil:t i rs u ink ° J.:, k :111Tr m. 4 ' it. Salient.
11Ltd Borm Llaroyabhf Mr ril:Waal and Domestic
i s ; ,=, Mrdropathy, atilt lifteett'emsrarad
illudratione of trapaltant name% LT Edward Johnston,
M. Lt.
Theory amt Prude< of UstimitteM;Y. bk o thtt hie U.
Maack, mandated from the thrman br Itarl Battle,
The above work , for rale by bb STOCKr...Nt
BoOmeller and Stationer, mrner Market cad
MUM eta.
(1 1 ( , )-PARTNERSIIIP—We have this day
./ woe:WM with us In the COAL BUSTIiDB. 4 ., Robert
D. rao pwet. The style sill be knows.. before.
febtAarts A ADDIIIC LEI:C/1, 7t, t 00.
to fotnal ha the me of Perry Daylie Vegetable Pa.W
rr. trploloo of the matt prominent Drogglna end
Ilerehante of tanclunall In, Its favor
• 11.3.,..1 . /1, Uct 241b•Tg4D.
Ire,Ahe underchtned, Drosbte am' Merchant* of thlt
dt y.'ham been sent:Muted et and wald fora year or two
pact, artkle of Flllajif 31 Iv known se Pee, y Dalle's
Tractable Pain Killen and we would amum the puddle that
In ever, Immo., no farm we know, It her given the beet
mtlefectlon-to the pun:tweet. We can recommend it to the
public e e ea artlde of gent merit mut Met, indeed. w t
nem, knew an b ar . licle u b i. ;e o e , M , s
h e, : ertetil o y f
h r
tirstent ' otai m enctently lemming demendt—
flred.ll.4.yoritthi; x “ .
Wu% Mrtot. febld
end Heilsocr. Ping ateolusolds. Fipples, al Freeport
Albert, at yttuburgh. oitzred m 4,..alleri c o : o o, to
fet33 Caned Pittaharkta
Ames for sato ADULT to-UA.IIID4
bI3 ll4 Emond
y ?mil It Mao:wont and Vertakelli. oo head and
for oh. by the box rr retail, WM. A. AteCLURO ACO
febla 25f1 Liberty et
MECKEIt'S VARINA--5 boxes fresh, of
thei article, ao oelrbrated ea diet te Ineslide or
ev ale. 31artormaret Peddle" tined rd Sot*.
Co. rale vony low by the boredom; or retalL
5.513 W It. et. rCLIIRO t CO.
FOX'S STARCH-20 boxes for sato by
tam wm. A. AIc.C.LCRO A W.
LARD AND 11A.315-10 bbls Lard;
I task gams to antra on
nrslarr Fart PIM for sale by • .
100BBLS apart:ll:l,e Flour. fol. Bak by
500 HOS SHORTS, for sale bY
201) JILPEACLIES, fur sal: . g'uTra.
Partner Wanted.
iPERSON - having a thorough knowledge
of th e Millinery bnidieesa, In all a. branches, and
n to Ismorae a partner In an established ba.nonas.
can hear of u situation by applying at this Oleo.
N. B. No capital .111 be reqedrod. *Ma
bbln Sheep mid 3 bbla Beef Tallow, for
W.. by fj.j3 YAM. r.stinvEß.
DOZ CORN BROOMS, for rale' by
1113 LS SENECA OIL, foi. sale by
fcbla P. tIIINPEE. '
BBI,S PRIME ROLL -BUftfli.ll;T sale
k b ill) OIL-12 1,1,15, reird per nteouter
Cluvivaatl. by JAS:DALZELL.
e 1:: 10. bS Water rt.
wiNDOW GLASS-200 Las,
we by (Al: .
lOPPERAS-25 Ws, in fine order, for sale
br tebl2 J. WITOONSIAKM. t CO.
41A:bilya CO.
I AMP BLACK—In bulk for Tanner's 20
j bill far tale bi J. SUMO:MIK= I (X).
loa. with Gold wad Velvet lastebed batten., for Draw
s Pwains. Yee Bah: by W. P.M.O.II.BIIALL.
feblY. Ed Wood R.
ro m eras. • taro onostmeat., for de
&bl 2 W. P. MARSILUL.
—tor utle Ly tebl2 M. P. KIMBALL.
W HITE FISII-92 bble, Sot sale by
Water anti Froat rta.
CJIEESE-123 bsa, in dame and for sale by
abli IShcdli DICEICY t CO.
FrIXOTIIY SE.E;D—In store` and for sale by
febll' DICKY a CO.
TAR -150 bbls, in store and for safe by
4.1,11 ILUAU DICKEY i W.
l:wide:l 4Mo Me Canal Compeay an herebr nod.
that the Annual electko of Director. the the awning
1 . 7 6 •111 be beau.s.neij ae.
eloeke p . ,..wa. c.tb..F. , Fie.
By order of the Pre:hint
Canal Moe. Erie, Feb, 5.'11 i
CASE' Cassinetts
Plaktilizassli; Par Ws b
fini""" ximPur
LADIES all. a air -If you want real
r jrlima Tea. so ta Yards a dayworth's 14.Stoaa.titba
unload Ilts It'. ilia Tat th ey atili t5O ft.. t....... 1
. 14 . 1 trarT and taft.« at ,3 vats aftl 81. aro daU.
clout. . or Infrr or Teas ara
_nnt.tkr . D 4
at this II • aftt that. trittli . 1 U.. 2 , ...
dlr.. from On ortlattar one . halt aprarrd that Tea vUI
lightep tri Matallte 4 1 . tl.4ll L 4l ;ltrru th.
vas will nut I, aa ram. ma *lady's re
I: FAD PlP}:—eornell'a Improved', pititof
AA deal psi. tor Uldrasstß.
'' .lr=se gams.
C1...a, •
AU sites an band and to .rivv. lar,ra. b
is.s>lsf ALMA NDY.R. poitOW.V. Water ist.
•v+nses, or imle by
TANNER'S OIL-20 bbls, for sale by'
qbL .1 _
, 100 Doak Der Peeria: , .
100 do do Aryl.; •
SI kegs Washington Cl Dutton
00 bble extra rasally not.;
Ul do *opera. the
OM damn extra Coro Encaox
Ites) box. Window Glass, twartsal, tti slare
matt. ask JOLLY WATT k.
• &bit Uteri, st
4EVOLVERS—Jaist iceeired, m a/Ultim
a' supply. of genuine cow. 14ToIvor= also Anne*
lien 1611 W.W. IVILdO3
ROLL ILUTTL —2sbblscsite, for sdle by
.111 N 0145 Itst sad 11.1&oIL.1
LINSEED 01L-1.0 bbla, for Bala by
unu a. & W. 1142.8.0011.
ALLOW-10 Ws, prime, for sale by
Gbli , 5.2 W. lIAREAUGIL
n ROOMS-50 dam, fur bale ben
S. t W.BAUMI..,
RLED APPLES-150 bus prime, for Sale
Dr fe 611 •S. W. ILLSBAUOIL
RIED BEEF—. 4 casks sugar cured, for
see bT trial S. t w. was.trou.
WINDOW GLASS-1100 bas, assorted
V T SUNS, fax al* tor ami S. W. 11.1.1111.411"0.
411., febll S. ie-i 7t
LOVER SEEI" Lble prime, Ohio, for
Yale by 6bll S W 11.111.8ACOIL
DRIED PEACHES-156 bap for sale by
pO t TTON TWINE-250 U,
, surtr i i , f c lell
L,14 , 1 6 for snle br
No. 40 Woad stmt.
CASTILE SOAP-20 casei for 831 e by
robin) • J. KIDD t CO.
1 - AHD-80 kegs and 25 bbis, for sale by
SEEDS -40 hbls Clocer Seed;
••• Timothy da for vale br •
RY APPLESO bushels on hind and
ear sale be 4blo , BROWN k lURKPATIUCIC.
yERMILLION—Trieste, Chenese, , . and .
Am " " '' l4 `" kb ' :7:l7sc . nooNmAxErr a' co:
MlVER .s7s F elTo!,; l l,,,
n LAC& LEAD-700 lbs of superior quasi
asle , by SFLI
51 Wood street
lAMPIIOR-3 bbla fur sale by
feblo IL E. stung.
W t, 'D bl6 , BAYBERRY-2 bblo for sale by
COPPERAS -1U bbls Tor gale bi
RA.IO R. E. 5177.. LERS.
VIAL CORKS—IOOO gross for sale by
fetal) ft. E. 8
M OUSE DE LAJNES—Printed find - solid
n - lis'es= -1,74-4uvigzincora:
an hand ~ri wormeot of
717,1=.1130th. Ifc oarLX:a.Prari=4.l.ll.o.4lt
j feblo
LOAF SVGAII-100 bbs. assorted MUD
Mr, tor sale be 111712.11111 DUE INGILS.IIIIII
10 \nllo Water d.
I DIC W Ia 4 I I .S! CO., Agents for Ale
-111,t.r. kn t ,...l..srraztaY I Waretwou 112`1•Vrter
BATTING -15 bales superior, foi easily
AOTTON-10 bales for' sale by -
13A1/111 DICKEY a co
COTTON BAGS-40 doz twilled, for sale
by abla lIRGILLS a 8010
Q , EGARS-10,000 Pprincipc, for enla by ,
feblii we, Ral f
B UTTER -4 bbls roll,
, 6 do pseked,
10 kegs do for ale by '
Busrarnan have mewed • very fall topply of Am
natia, nhith they tan oat at lower .rlee• than they ato
DRIP GINGIIAMS—Nfrinihy & Burchfield
bare on Linda laminae of hue OingLamti ulth_
at gitsitly reduced rine% north nag norlr bs tf.
Market Menet.
RESII FRUlT—Peaches and Blackberries
put up in tbrir cora juirs,ouil bortuetiraily sealed.
Ka/di .. .egret u:ttirgr
&ILI mfr
pica or tura. On baud aritc.;.2.
• WIC. A 3rcuma aco
frM2.141 Liberty Moor.
BIRD SEEDS—Canary and Hemp Sea
of tau bait quality fur tale
falai WA I. At AUCLURO a CO.
LINSEED OIL-5 bbls just received, pure
Camber OIL foroale bv
feb9 Ito USA Ll rn bertr etetet.
,ur Itatabasorts all Todd too, Ibr cab by ' •
kI,S ' Stork sod Ittebause
FIGS AND RAISINS-149 boses , 6
tbr =deb; BROlai 3 t SZILIIPAT n ee
kb e.
MOLASSES---34tierces tiees and 300 barrels,
ysime COOPErne, 2t bbls S. IT for sal. br
BROWN': Kaamtnics.-
1 4. ARD 01L-15 bbls best refined Winter,
n. elle by 7. ECFLOON MAN it CO. CO.
%Wood street.
IPER-100 reams Wrapping, assorted;
• . • mo do Ilardwan da
ral ,
e by febg J. SCHOU:MAK= 6'
GLUE -60 bbls Carman,
10 du Bare, for rale bT
feb7 J. batoontexist a co
• Vor solo by •J. KIDD k CO,
No. Od Wood street.
all kinds, a fresh lot
on hand, and for sale by
febB J. ICIDD k at. •
GLAZIER'S DIAMONDS-1 doz.-foi sale
LS 4b9 .l. KIDD t CO.
T ONO SHAWLS—A few low priced Long
bbarL—a 99.9 999919911,9
rior quality, at. stare of
CASTOR 01L--10 brie Blow's best, for sale
• I ' J ICIDD a CO. '
B UTTER -7 bile fresh Roll;
5 du polid:
byd• net rodzlrad and
tor sslo by beta - ' 3 dJILLS a-Rox..;
ITOBACCO-49 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by
fad MaiILLS k ROL
11 b(10. fur We by Lela YeOILL9
_Unsved and fcs mle by E. E. SELLERS. 67 Waal
atrem. of whom the gembirm article may always be Wei
feta •
I Tk; 11011 E-MADE _ FLANNEL-.
Unit 1 BURCHFIELD are aelllng • goal an
of aboia as ale as 25 mote ) d. tura aLes
on hand Stuart. Bleu, ilresa and Kuld Incenelnaoa
Flannels el wads= prim arel 4 1 CIDea hl*:
STABLE POWDER, in the cure of litthentmo or
WU Menu. ' -
A ask sad lung nueesofol remedy for that cm:enuing
ind intolerable &Slake to which mother. , to t he
months of nursing. are sateen. It adonis the most prompt
and complete relleL mend the aunt noes In a h dept.
and thl. etul is nth.die WU red by a link inee. tar
like other nenedlee for this nfut rore.itir entic4F ban
less as respects the Mild, as It may be anathered lament
the least possible risk of 10.i017-
Ills owdy ha. Lean u.d. awl tent highly
recommenial. by tome Of the to.lical faculty ed . Pgm.
't Ae Della* l'aeknge. Ti al f e x 'tr i -
LW Liberty street, Pant/ugh.
• Fee aal. by L A. Datum. Jon. hinauth, jos.Docamin.
and D. A. Etttorr. Dna/Ida. Ationtithr. feta:lW
Sellers' Cough Syrup is
- • •
JUDGE PIERCE, of Middlepoit. lioquoito
aniety, writeslander date of January I:th, :M. that
hes been troubled more or lewo with a rough laweverat
;ars. whiett but rear =alined him to hie bed, and reeddrid
medkil Westmont for three moral. Ddrinw lbw =mum
be romnit.dairzgi,-;°;,ia:zibligtrurthla
-I , e/kne (tuft Syrup.. which a gentleman by the MZO
of chszlin brought with him from the Etat, of Ohio. - O e.
cb.pi a bad bud the Emilio( peat use in Ids famUy e and
when ermine from OWN took alleen bottles with Dam, a
=of whirl, Judso obtained and oiled with =est
when other means fidied to wand relief. l;
Prepared and sold by a il 111:11.1128,
• oi no
foti hy &masts genera ll y ha the tiro elites and ood
DEAUTL—It is universally conceded that .
smut'''. mars on thls country. th an la any r. while tbs tamecomm time ln
It is aeid that in no other
umntr7 h hot et worming often ape. Etre tnte
certain extent, but the Ices Is caused by y 010,4. Ye.
m isr to all, de not neglect your penemal appearance w e4
tflcreing, and you neat. not Met gaol
These witch. am eelentllle prepansione, and bate MIS , .
Weed a high popnlarity.
Jules liaueno Persian or Chinese Polder. for laperthig'
to Me moat complexion • rolhoot ohltenees. ,
a pawn be more careful than the use of a
powder for the Odra as many of Mom eold uro very
Goa. Chtnem powder timaripoonded acientlde num.
am, a medians no Inunalkot which tali lotaibly Wart
'' JVXfrausys .
ems hair. b nat i rs i lore unda . li d atto=oo=
or arc. of a lady. 'nth article will moose ft tp, • shout
without the use of moy shay histrunieut.
JWcw Ihmere Vegetable , ' "toss Llslr Ulu witlautanta;.
6200a17 Impart to red. white, , or grayhalr. • oceuttruU7
black, brown, or auburn <ohm. It .111 color the bats In a
time, and more effechlany then any other dr., b..
Log at the same time hodelbble.
Juke llaueEs Phasing Cosum—lt Morally a pleamMa s o ,
sham with this cream. 'There M suns or the courting mo.
mho. usually
In the um of meat m On'
the contrary, It lomes atm smooth 6114 eon. gala
hnt'e, and not liable to become chapped.
Jules Ilaners hose Tooth. Num.—Nett in the bah. we
think Um Teeth were intended a. the umatretornimmot to
the titanan hem but wbenuenlecnot. 00 1 0 . 0
stns. or .. ssiorrir men. fly Itow Tooth Pante will=
th., troth • pearly whlterma, aL the tame. Wu lumning .
the awns firm nod healthy.
JULYS HAVEL, Perfluner and Chemist. '
131 Clamant M..
Tor safe wholemle mid sr 13. Pahnectock. d0..1
end R. E.. Sellers, PlUshurub. acid J. lUteltell. Allegheny
city. Piz • sallai
. .
TANNERS' OIL-25 brig for sale by
/12FLEr..-- 1 100 bags pzinand
Y. 24 - Car. 111.111 t alsl Weal st.
'I Tobacco
° 3OO boxes Yen. Ow.; b 1 17
jaa 20 JAZ. DALZEL, GS st.
BUTTER -10 bils prime roll, for eale by
• _ 14/clr. i IIicaNDUM.