The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 21, 1851, Image 2

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    Yonder ts the foe: follow me" he shouted in
a voice of thunder. A. tremendous hurrah V"
Ms' anny's reply, as they followed their leader,
with the speed • and impenmsity of a tor ,
,to the faMiliar encounter of .the Austrian
• "Why is it," said Damjanies,us le reaped tip
to the gallows, after seeing Fermi' of "his brave
'comrades executed before his eyem.en the morn
' inn' of the fatal ;Lath of October, 1842—" why is
it Ist f, • who have been foremost in the Eight,
must here be the last•." , That 'was no dying
boast in the dying man's mouth. "To darojan
. ies," says Schlesinger, "after Gorgeflelangs
the glory of all the battles from liatva t a to Ko
mOra. From the commencement of the move ;
meat, he was the boldest champion of the the
national cause." And whateier his staff and his
Auslaian executioner; may .. hood- nrgued from
his oraticalincaPactly and l• - dS ignomirdoatsdeath,
-neither, assuredly, will prevent his name's pre
_serration on posterity's list of patriot-heroes,
even though he-should never obtain the Monu
ment which Las been prodietedtlat Ilangtig will
one day erect to him, npon the spot where he
mounted the scaffold.
Before proceeding toiho longest and most re
markable sketch in th 4 volume, we will extract
Lao beginning and end of a -humorous paper.
written in tbetrue soldiers etjle, entitled From
lie Ilemoiri4 of a..C.huutermaster..
"I •nerer saw ouch a Man as my lieutenant.—
it not because be waslmy lieutenant that Imy
so; but a merrier fellow wa not to be found iu
the 'may. ;Were I a pot. or a scholar 1 would
snake a fine romance out f his adventures; but
as .1 unfortunately lark t e learning, 1
Content to Bet down a, felt odd ineidefils of OUT
_ .
. •
joyous camp-life., just as they occur tomy mon
my_ jt gives me pleasure to recall these anec
dotes Of my late master, who was lieutenant in
the volunteers. . Those who knew him will not
bare forgotten how gay a wooer he was with wo
men, antlhow brave a soldier in war.
"They transferred us to a battali.s,u that lay
In Siebenbtirgen, and which was not yet gem-
Ipietely equipped. • Our principal wants sere
,uuaSTts and •cartouch hoses. 'Nobody had a
„s3rtattoref.; and, in another respect, the battalion
Was quits uniform, for every one went barefect
lieuarauat often complained to the captain.
who hid been a Bohemian forester, and after
wares'ai coffee-roaster. in, resth, but who, when
lit his tfalighter'n busteuad was promoted to be
major of our battallo.o;was by Was appointed
captain—to him, I the lieutenant repeatedly
. complained ghat the toor soldiers were frogrn,
aid - elsoaltdat bmst be supplied with greatcoats.
llnt all in vain; the superior officers gambled the
Miner , rent them by the Government; for the
Armipment of the troops; and' all my lieutenant
Awed obtain was a bon-mat which Napoleon, he
.dald; hat tiddressed to Lis soldiers when they
-,comflititied in„Bmt, of had Clothing !Avec du
,pain et do fer on Bast eller IrChinc.
"The lieutenant made mc mite flies words on
one, hundivsl end fry smalltripa of paper,
pinned these upon Ids men's sheaf - delis and said
—.Therta mydeds, are your greatcoats.' 'Boas
were that was now wanting. Ontstice moms
":,;:g we received a hundred and fifty bran new—
iffaekini; boxes! ,
••:• "sifivras ace said the lieutenant "cis good:
dnikeed of hoots they send us blacking.' And
nest day, When the little gray general passed a
t trade*, our corgpatayr marched past with their
!• • bare feet blacked and pelished, and with spurs
'•drawn in chalk uponitheir heels. The general
laughed at first, and then reprimanded ;he ma
. lir The major laughed too; and scolded the
Shptain. Finally, the captain abused mi.
enant, who abused Liras in return: but as the one
ituslerstood nallpngarian, and the ether no Ger
uaan,,t,„Ve dispute led to nothing.
"At last ire got ourselves sl•mf, by gloriously
alumiclang *s l'fallachian village, and thrusting
.onasfect into the red boots the women hdd deft
;Imbilad them. Theneforward par company was
• _known every were' as 'the regiment of Red
• "In our first engagement we had cot much to
do. The quemy fired. at us from a. distance,
sidlst we stood still and looklal at them.. Some
..taf • the recruits •bobli - ed their heads ashlewhen
they uare..the-sirtnevoming, through the air.—
, Jllon't shake your head, my man,' the lieutenaut
z.vould say; 'you might eh:lnc:Pio - knock ft against
carmen-ball. blithe secouil4ction we took a
gun from the en 'r. It came op very near us
and unlimbered; hut, before t had tus:to fire a
aLot, my lienterdint made the soldiers believe it
was one of o uro:rrn guns; title thnonenly were about
to capture it; and could we see this? lie could
not suffer it, and relied on: a, Lye shore met us:
but before we well blame ,that see did, the Fan
was in bur power. The wind ewe= over in less
lame than I can tell it.
'frdiuthat day forward nobody nll; ton of
%he Bed Boots, and soon we were suuplitsl with
rimskeis. Buoy of these were hardly fit to fire
with; but bayonet and trot were always there.
uherewith to thrust and strike
is . .s • 3 , •
I.t7nne last eight thousand Chistian. lit lmire
. tan, being assemble , l . together rum ovenilfg in dif-
rerent , Plves., engaged in religions 4ervises,
were all arrested and condemned to dearkl Elitri.- .
teen of'them had already Veen execu.l , d. • fO-it '
all the rest found means of es..c ,pe Ili d_to the
pals' ef theprince, and implored hi , protection.%he prince tool: them under his care. The fact
having come to the knowledge of the Qu een.
teen. She
'ordered her grand marshal and . dr.. minister,
Raintare, to convey her orders to thb prince,
ter. am, to' surrender'-all these Chri4tians fur •
' DECTII.IOI3. The grand marshal ?reef:o.A to in=
...timate thin order to the prince, ail:, refused to„ declaring that the Christian; sere under
-his protection, and that if any bee had the hard
''thoodl to force his palace with a cirri to their
~ , eeirure, lc would pot him instantly to death. ~
High words then took place between the prince I
n.M.I the grand nuirslMh the latter intimating to
• the former that he star acting is open rebellion
to the', Queen, his mother. The prince Lecoming
impatient, and harlot strong motives for resent
ment against the grand marshal. drew hie sword
and aimed a blow at his head. It struck Lint on
-:me side of thnhead, anal cut off one of his ears.
The generate present enter to the , res:.ue of the
~f : grand' marshal, as the prince as,.. II iMjUt to pat i
•' an end to hint. When the Queen heard of what
bad taken place, slic quasdlod the whOle affair,
fearing a revolution at Imirena, for she know•
that all the Ankova youth are petrtisans of the - ,
.prince, and that he in beloved hy,ll the people
and the army. The Christian. are 'mai, in safety,
-:aciduksepthic themselves V.gotiter .. in the ecenlng,
• the government Shutting its eyes upon every
.thing. Rainharo tremble , before the prince.—
This young prince, who Las completed Lis Net
year,intitl who has been brought op by General
,Randhambe,.ltis governor, promises to ontniliinD
'hio throne as it was under tie late king Radama,
'Lis father. Ile ban been several time; at the
„prayer meetings ,of the Christiang, and makes
every effort to comfort them. It has become very
•liffictilCto get access to the port• of the Queen
riinco' in 1815, she drank away all the foreign
mere ants, anal put an end to all the trade with
the.lountry_ We can only hope, therefore, the
. gay will bit, opened as soon no the prince. her
it., 41=11 second the thripq after his mother's
• sleath. --.” . L -, .
t The proceeds of the two first unicerts or Jenny
Lind at New Orleans amounted to over $40,000.
, l'Ak Workinca of 1 1;nry.—At Dubuque, on the
ilth, Artadiritriihz, aidin. , clerk, threw oil of
. • vitiielia - the 1., of .- hi4 — ein;loyer, Mr. Thedings
and a fellow clerk, Strno'e. Both were shock
-InglY burned. Next morning Ilarlin'F dead body
was ound in &field, lie having conimitted sui
cide Ly taking prussic acid. ilarlin was jealous
j of h 3 victim—hence the tr.42.1y '
The business of copying the pie ores of 'the
.Louvre, for sale in America, former y carried on
at Paris, on a large acme, by men employing
wretched daubers, has Leonine poi.a. This is a
..sign'that public taste in this country is improv
Cited/ea.—ln Russia, the candles used in the
mines are made of tallow mixed Ali charcoal
j dust, (or powdered charcoal,) whilli is faradtu
increase the intensity of the light. Let some of
our chandlers try the mixture. , ,
The friends of General Winfieli Scott met at
tho Court House, in Hatnilton,Bud r county, (i.,
' 'aluoll..J.t.h.of January, and• notate:it , d him fur the
Fatal mistake of an Apotheca&. 4A child died
inlialtimore, on Friday morning - , }rpm th e effects
of laudanum, furnished by an nputiMcray,
stead of paregoric
. pat, old- Lady.--11. l'artington asks,
very indignantly, if the bills before Congress are
not counterfeit' achy should there be such a
• cnity in passing them
.9rchigan papers urge the necet,ity of resto
ring the death penalty to their statute:, alleging
that since the penalty was in 1317
more mutilere_luive been comwittuil dm: in the
twelve yews preview-.
If girls would only spend as mild] time with
encyclopedias es they do with redliosre, they
would soon find their heads as r:lttetetive as
their hats.
i'he citizens of Baltimore have, resolved to
purchase grounds, and erect pormancitz
lag tnr a great =mai AgricuiturAl
4-he Gam Palace erected at London Tor the
World's Fair, costs less in proper ion tine sue
than a common barn. •
Domestic and Foreign Exchange., Bank Sorer,
acid i f Bought, Said e t Exchanged
es um
- -
WET. A. ifILL - 0,
- No. 64 Wood Site, littokirgh.
lilir•lxrcima alum= Us= DQ4C2I. ielibl
11rw Mara Anttattqxursr.--Our city readers
will be pleased to learn that by a new mail ar
rangement of the Post nester General, they will
hereafter receive tbeirletters from Baltimore some
houra earlier thanprevionsly. The great South-
Eastern. mail has heretofore come by the National
road, and arrived htrre at ball past nine, PI SI.,
on the evening the day succeeding i n leaving
.Baltimore. By the {tow arrangeeent, the letter
men ,comeg byway, of the turnpike from Cam-
Wand to Week , I;trarton, and from thence by
itiamboat to this city, arriving at 1 o'clock, P.
SI., of the day after leaving Baltimore, or about
30 hours Ahrougli. This will give our citizens
tinty to . receive their letters and answer them by
renirn mail, When the Cumberland and West
sevrton Plank row' iE cnielted , the time 1,111 . ko
still sly:trier.
. 5 1 1,001 . •.
Laois Sap°loon" has ariumphedtortr.Oettlat
Change:seder and the Assembly; amid fitetiteima
to bp slvagthettlng ; hitaseyiy.every . fixti.
French _people titfirdie 'a mon .Whe - pia strike
4ltily; evert if be should strike down their own
liberties. They are truly a most singular peo
ple The President bat now a Cabinet perfectly
'subservient to 4js own will, or rather it is a mere
matter of form, made up s mey of no weight of
,character whatever.'
The President had no character for talents of
any kind before his election ; and it therefore
seems astonishing that he should act with such
e,onsurmixt'e coolness, skill, and success in first
getting his feet upop P e e necks of the people, and
nest in virtually hunitdiating Lie power of the
Legislature One word, however, will explain tho
mystery—Mc Amity are is high faror.
The approaching motion, of the British Portia
mentle looked forward to with great interest,. on
account of the e cal, olio gnestion. The probability
now is that the ministry will not he sustained in
:Ito strong position taken by Sir John Hassell in
his celebrated lettdr. The sober second thought i
of the nation seems to have come to .the conehr- I
eon that as Great l ,l3titain is a Protestant nation,
and recognises the most perfect toleration of re
ligious opinions artdmodes of worship, the Cittli.
olies have a right m establish a hierarchy if they
I choose. The :4,lyO,cates of this view point to
the example of the Hnited States ns ono worthy
of imitation, where every form of religion is
protected in the enjoyment of its peculiarities,
without detriment to the public peace or safety.
It is very probable that Cardinal Wiseman will
remain in undisturbed,possession of his honors
1 ...
and responsibilities.
I is said that the Pope—in order to throw the
English government in fault byway of contrast—
is about. to create art . : Cardioals in thr Untied
Slater, where Ito knows ale RostinS4eot will not
interfere; for indeed it cannot. This is all right.
We go in for the largest religions liberty; nod as
a pia pro quo, we must insist that a branch of
the American Bible Society shall be allowed and
protedted in Rome, fur the accommodation of
Italy and Southern Europe. Liberty in the pro
, feeaion and propagation of religion is a good
'rule, and will of course work both ways, as du
all good mita. ---_... _ _
The uproar in England, shoot, tim_ulablish
, meet of a Hierarchy was any thing but Wise: -
and we arc glad to see that American principles
are after all likely to prevail. Since the over
throw of dcmocratib principles in Europe, the
Catholic church has greatly increased in strength
and audacity, and is driving its conquest s in all
directions: and 05 110 weapons but those ~1 peace,
and light, and troth can check its progres, we
are glad tEct the English government is al-pos
ed 1., recede. from 4 Fal , ion incomptil.l: with
I the principles of Protestantmm •4,44 ;Fe...,,,..
A FITIMAN'S Storms.—Among the thousand. t
of affecting incidents connected with the glad
tidings of the safety of the Atlantic, we have met
with none more touching than the following. The
Africa was just approaching her dock in Jersey
" The people seemed literally wild with excite
ment. but there was one who seeme,4 supremely
happy. A young wonian wad among the lest
upon the dock, who seemed. More than all mit
, era, anxious for . the fate of the Atlantic. She
had a besitber on board, who ie engaged as Eire
-111/11: and so great has been her anxiety, that for
several days she has almost entirely abstained
from food. As soon as the news was proclaim
ed, a. shriek of joy went up from that female.
who at once ran for her home,- to convey the
• glad tidings of joy to her aged mother, whose
anxiety had not been less than her own
Tat Armoue.—The deep and universal anx
iety -.bleb filled the mind of the American peo
ple respecting the fate of the Atlantic, .d the
htart.felt joy which the news of bar safety spread
abroad, literally with lightning, speed, exhibit a
pli.4;ing view of national character. 'The New
York Courier and Enquirer thus graphically de
eeribee the arrival of the Africa with the news.
nNothwiths:andiug all that had 1....:!en Said in
probability of the safety of the Atlantic, the pub
lic mind had been for _days giving way to di,-
courigement. do trans-Atlantic steamer hail
-ever before been so long unheard of; and the
_very novelty of so protracted an at-elite excited
'an alarm which no argument cOuld put to rest.
Though • there were many ardent, hopeful be
lievers in the safety of the missing veavel whose
'reasoning had led them to look forward not only
to the ` : Africa but the subsequent strainer, for
the intelligence that should confirm their rupee- .
tations, yet the great moss of our population I
had e ns ea their last hopes upwr the tidings
brought by this arrival. During all the latter
part of last week, when the Africa was consid
ered due. her coining woe looked fur with the
utmost anxiety. The guns announcing a teatn
or, approach to.our o hartior were no sooner heard
on Saturday evening. fhati thousands of our peo
ple hurried to the water to catch the momentous
intelligence. It was still uncertain that the ap
proaching vessel was not the Atlantic herself,
and no the reports of her cannon were beard in
constant succession, many au eye was expecting
to descry in the distance the red and blue light,
peculiar to the American line. Report after re
port cute nearer and nearer, and still all was
uncertainty. At length the steamer ploughing
her way up from the quarantine hove in eight,
and her signals showed her to he a Cimarder,
and then the greatameston was, dues she bring
news of the Atlantic! On she sped, tund gun rob
twice& gun. Hope gained strength, for why
should the Africa herald her approach in a man
ner like this, unless she was the bearer of glad
tidings. : Vet the impatience increased until
finally the chip reached hearing distance, and
the word came trumpet-sped from the steamer,
"The Atlantic it safe."' Hope was now made
certainty, and a wild shout of joy went up from
the multitude. „The news instantly spread
through the pity, and gladness was bn every lip
and in , every eye. At many places of public
amusement the entertainments were suspended,
that the announcement of the might
ban made; and the audience, with ono spontaneous
impulse, rose, and vented their feelings in cheer
after cheer. After midnight did the cries of the
newsboys continue to resound through the streets,
and it was long before our city resumed its
wonted' natural calm. The telegraph at once
diffused the intelligence of the Atlantic's safety
all over the laud, exciting everywhere, we doubt
not, ov er
value joyfulvmotions.
Rion or WAY.—The lirashington Reporter
sepresses the opinion that there is some mistake
shout the Ilempfield road being incdrporated in
the Parkersburg bill; and odds the following
LATER—We learn from the Wellsburg Herald
that the views we have giimn above, are correct.
The hill to grant the right of way to the Hemp
field Railroad Co. was not incorporated in the
Parkersburg bill, nor has it yet pawed as n
separate bilL At the latest dates it wue ander
discussion in the Hotise of - Delegates.
We learenrnrin the Herald, also; that the pa.l.-;
sage of the Parkersburg•bill woe the result 0(1'
compromise between the rival intermL4 of Par
,kersburg, Wheeling, and Wellsburg. The Herald
The Compromise, E 0 far as h eel to the
Wellsburg interests, provides that the Ilempfield
Company shall have the tight of way to Wheel.
ingTiFith certain restrictlots. These restrictions,
we understand, ere, that that Company shall
ha've the alternative of reaching Whee'ling h y
way of Wellsburg, or, of going direct to Wheel
ing twt obligating thetn_•elves to mate an addi
tional rood or branch to Wellsburg.
•• The Wellsburg bill was to have come to its
second reading ea Tuesday last; little doubt
seems to be felt so to its final passage."
The venerable father of Preshfent FiLlatOar,
arrived in Washington a few days SW.Ce, on a
visit to his distinguished son.
I r eceived,. through .the
. luinds of Hon.; Mom
1 Ilawrros, the annual supply - of seeds sentby the
Patent Office to each Congressional District, for ;
distribution. We shall,-be . pleased to distribute'
them to such of ow practical farmers and gar,. i
; .
donors, as may give us m*eall. The seeds .this' .
year art...lie:trig all garden seeds, and the most of
them imported. .. ;
lle.tcn.—This is a great improvement over the j
Elliptic. Springs, now in general use. We' had 1
the pleasure of riding in a buggy fitted up with
these springs yesterday, andobimd the motion
over our roughest pavements delightful, and per
fectly free, even when driving rapidly over deep
getters, from those sudden jerks and jolts, of an
ordinary buggy. The Whole oembined improve
ment of springs, brace, and reach, is simplicity
itself, and appears to us, tolrossl:s9 all the requi
site strength, without much liability to get out
of repair. The patentee claims for it, 14. chat
it requires less Iron, wood, and labor to con
struct a carriage which will he neaterjn appear
ance, and far more durable; '2d. That; - the
t 4
requiree lees - steel W. carry;
;intame - loadi-than is required in tho• Elliptic
SpringS=4; and et the same time,does away
With the old reach and ironing, braces to the
hind asletroe, spring heavers, rind about 20
screw bolts, which are so liable to rope lapse:
That the springs possess double the strength
for the same quantity of steel; 4th. That it
prevents the carriage from racking, while pass
ing over rough roads: 6th. That the carriage
can be constructed cheaper and lighter: 13th.
That it is loon liable to get cut qt . ' ogler: 7th.
That it performs all the operations of a brace to
the whole carriage. The. are Imposlugolaims,
but.we believe they eon be sustained, and that
the improvement will go into general use. Mr.
John 11. Bell, corner of Liberty and Ferry streets,'
is the owner of the potent for this region, and
will soon be able to supply the demand for the
article. It can he applied to any carriage or
The Wheding Time doeanot like the late Leg
islation in Virginia. It says:
4 , While we admit that the charter of the North
Western road. and the defeat alba Central road,
has rung the death knell of Virginia, has been
accomplished through the blindness or depravity
of Virginia legislators., we do not believe that the
results anticipated will be experienced from it."
age to: this vessel from Philadelphia to Liverpool,
in 13 days and 14 hours, gees far towards estab
lishing the ultimate triumph of the Screw Pro
peller 97cr the P addle wheel. This is quite
equal to the time,made 'by the best of the Cunard
and Collins' steamers, when the difference is kli3-
twice to jokes into view.
The Pittsburgh papers of Saturdaytontain the
statement that Chancellor Walworth has submit
ted his report to the Supreme Court, declaring
the Wheeling Bridge nn obstruction to the =ri
g:Won, and recommending that it be raised
twenty eight feet. Thie, we believe, is the nth
runlet., nature, from the Pittsburgh
press, all intended tiimpye:s the public that this
city is to suffer injury - . — Wh'fearthe presses
there will ultimately end themselves in the situa
tion of the hoe who cried "%Volt"— Whediny
Very well, Mr. Timer, whistle hard to keep
your courage up, if you do have to make wry
Our matters all recollect that the Free Sollers
and Locofecos of the Ilna,n‘cirusetts Legi.dature,
being ti majority of. the whoM number, entered
into a coalition to defeat the regular Whigs.
and effected a baryoio and sale, by which they
divided the offices between them,—the Locofocm:
to Lave the Governor cud the Senator for the
short term. nod the Free Sollees the Senator for
the long teint. zr.•. '1 lie Free Soilero were faith
ful to their agreement. but the Lorofocos refused
to ratify their part oh the agreement, after they
had tr csedr,l 11e accomplishing this object. This
evidently ddstreactdul s.4nir is treated in the fol
lowing spicy manner, by the -Vela Vera Courier :
'lt seem,: 'now quite plainly settled, that Mr.
Sumner cannot be elected by the Massachusetts
Legislature to the United States Senate. On the
last trial, he had tive votes less than on the pre
ceding balloting of Feb. :th, Mr. Minthrop one
more. and six more scattering votes were given.
NI. Sumner. on Iris firer trial lacked hve votes of
an eleodo,.; Inc pow is about twice on far from
success in when he
election has
been postponed fur two weeks, rut these is very
little cause for apprehension that the recusant
portion of the Democratic 'party will, in the
meantime, be induced to clmuge their prveut
I stand. Every apphance L. already been brdught
, to bear upon them without the slightest effect.—
The en:sea:tut:tat denunciation with which they
Lave been, and still are assailed, by the Free
. Soil organs, will rather compel them to main
, lain their ground more firmly than ever. No at
tempt will be Tirade to compromise, by a change
of theSetratrial candidate. The Commonwealth
solemnly proclaims that the Free Seiler, Lave
nailed their flag to the masbandwill adhere to Mr.
Sumner under all circumstances, and to every ex
tremity. There is, then, very little chance for
effectual reconciliation. The State of Massa
chusetts will dins be saved from the injury of
bring represented in the higlifest Council of the
nation, by a Man who is nor the choice of more
than one-fold:tit of her people, tut,' from the ig
nominy of being the victim of one of the most
abandoned act. of politTal profligacy our coun
try has ever witnessed.
Thin-anticipated result is indeed a matter for
general congratulation among all who have any
respect for political principle. The oealitiou
formed between'the Free Soilers and the mass
of the Democratic party was purely mercenary. It
was a selfish. shameles= barter of principle for
office throughont,iend wastsianmed all over with
the impress of venality. . The language of the
CotornonWealtli lent the most appropriatmmffsi
ble. when it stigmatized the Democratic party as
/undo!, r.erierd on:1 used the goods, and reins-mg to
pay price. Mr. Fulfre4., whose Free Soil sen
timents are as widely know as his high personal
honor, nobly' asserted his manhood, when at the
very outset he denounced the scheme, as an un
principled traintactien. The act coat him his
nomination to Congress, but it gained him more
respect than a hundred victories. The buying
of a vote with money, the law makes penal, and
society consider. infamous. Why is the pur
chase of u vote with a salaried office any the
less culpable 7 The moiive is the scare, the act
the :Mole, the olticet the sumo—the shape of the
bribe only is different; and yet the chief party
to this corrupt bargain was mostly made up of
those same pelf-righteous men who originally
plumed themselves with the title of "conscience
Whigs," and finally abandoned the Whig cause,
because it fell short of the iinaginary standard
of truth, and right, and )ustico.;.' These same
men, with ail the Nerlolll Or apostates, exhausted
their vocabulary of abuse in denouncing the sel
fishness of a party which, whatever else may be
said of it• ha, always been diating,nished far fi
delity to its principles. And now, to compass
their party and perAnial ends, they deliberately
concoct and move heaven and earth to carry out
scheme Whiell, for total want of principle, has
fe* parallels in the long history of party chica
nery and corruption. more melancholy illus
tration of the deceitfulness mid frailty of the
h4mnn heart in ~e1.1.,tu
The Democratic party bag gained its ends in
the election of certain officers, but it bat covered
itself with disgrace, and inflicted upon itself an
injury which it will take years to Leal. The
language of the Free Soi(COLIMUEINP.II.II, though
uttered with a view to intimidate, is still perfectly
juit and true, "either the Democrats must elect
SUZlrier. or disgrace lloutwell, and ruin his par
ty in the State."' Either alternative is full of
dishonor and calamity. The party has. proved
false to on implied engagement-of the most sol
emn character. It is net in fault for not having
•eonstrained its remnant members into submission
to itaitietates. tar that of course it had no power
MA° : but it is in fault, and has subjected itself
to universal scorn for having gained the support
of the Free Sella . , fur Boutwell by false pre
tences. The Dernoctnts who now refuse to rote
for Sumner declared their opposition to the coa—
lition in the secret Democratic caucus, at the
nommencement of thekerision and yet, on tine
Jliisillvoppiiiecidinglheratificatinn of the bargain,
'td-fiftolinintwerml in ate negative: The Demo
cratic committee of conference reported' to their
new allies, that 'their whole party, with ales
trifling exceptions, were ready to sustain the
programme. The recusants. although they must
have been conscious of their strength, and of
their holding the balance of power, by their si
lence connived at the deception. The Governor
their ends gained, they proclaim their
j pe6tion to the world and make a boast of their
tullpendence and patriotism. The faithlessness
tmt it is none the testi
has spayed the nation the curse of such anitgita.
r p
I e7I liti k tr e nit '' a g' s c ‘li v n e ' r ?F ; t7C ; h a ta Y ll'is" ;r f o T r ih eti eegiuns a l:i n Ptirin :c- :
brieiT'emildesUalu'elerls3'7bryitt°th;e2Pet7rti.hl):d7''''"o'fcerth:tosetied° to it
°y. Iserafili
it. The whole history 01 - die attempt should
serve as a lasting warning against all similar
ttaxtraius ratare.
. . ~.......
aoaars ''
Totke Fdlior , CT lic__Cl-V. 14 zt*rinur . 4' tit+:.
, . k LONDON JitlL 2tst, 1
The long ern pninful minimise which you.
endured on account of the non -arrival- e
steatner ANLASTIC will make the present v et
of neWo oil the more important arid inte ' g.
The'mails from the Allanitc hare been trot:infer
erd to the Africa.
The return of the
.4tlentie will, it is fenied.
cause mony difficulties and embarrassmentalm
twecn English and American houses; on account
of the delay in the non-receipt of letters, orders
and remittances, till the arrival of the Afri4 nt
New York.
It Ras g neTal' y elrctetl,ll4 the London mer-
Chants that the fine 'teapot: B a i t ', ~,Quid bate
left Liverpool last Eaturdity, especially mi ,bior
rived on Sunday last. Considerai...., ,i-iyi int
meat was manifested in the puhi.:- room - t
Friday when it was discoverml C ; ,;; no I
could he despMched from Livcriu.....l foa the. ..-
ted States until to day. however, you majao
assured that I have fully appreciated and hay
ed the interval, which has proved to me ititite
a refreshing holiday. nail I em now able to seal
you two letters in consequence.
The Atlantic oesantutut have been mcept det r
ing the last two ur titreu weeks by Very powerful
we teply pies, as quite a number of mkosels
which . lefr the afferent English nad Irish - Inkrm
duriiig the piwsent month have returned .
tress. The "De Wilt Clinton," Captain
battn4 from tlyerpbol to 'New York, after beteg
out fourteen dons, put hits Cork. The "gam
nab Thornton,' from Glasgow to Sew York, was
at sea thirty days, and on ilunday week she Put
into baliyeottore hay, in a damaged state. The
"Riga," out fifteen. days, sulfei.ed Mud, damage,
and put into Queenstown. The —Helen," from
Galloway for. New Turk, put bark to lielast,
after being out seventy days. The shipping in
telligence ,tf the week is crowded with accounts
of disasters to numerous NC.0114, and loss qe.
The politis.'aiilol4.B of tuu pass two weeks Iste
markahly barren of any interesting or Important
' feature. The politicians of England are anxious
ly looking forward to the Parliamentary cam
pnigri, and it is expected that it will be o *Ty
stormy session.
Gorsrument will meet with considerable enpo--
taloa plieW 140 threats-nod measure agafristrthe
Cntholto Hierarchy is brought before Parliament.
The Lancashire members, and the dissenting
members generally, will oppose any bill that will
Etna religious toleration. The Wilsons, Cob
dons, 13rights, and Gibsons, are powerful in the
House of Commons, and they have recently de-
elarttcl that they will let the Catholic Hierarchy
alone, for they cannot und. , ..ritar.ll r.l t ;,i ~,,uutry
which ptete.t*toi to Iwo ngolitga'Oie priticirle 0f,.1
religh,us liberty, can shut out the 03tholic:,; and
they declare that they will ,appert reliir.otts
equallty, iTen at fit! rub of 61,0kt/iv or the
At a resent great meeting held in Manchester,
Ads question was ably dist:wed. Mr. Cobden
made one of his must brilliant speeches, in the
course of which he asked if there was any reason
why religious questions should not be removed
out of the domain of politics, the same as they
were in America? - Ile quoted Lord Carlisle, who
said at a recent lecture; "I confess f th) chivy the
complete toleration which exists in the United
States." . Mr. Cobden then observed that the
Pope may appoint Bishops in the United States
wherever he pleases—he may send Cardinals--
and no matter by what pompous phraseolog all
that be accomplished, the Coo Bros at Washing
ton, and the polticians .of the United States
would slot interfere A any manner. Nlr. Colt
den asked why Engiisimen in England,uspoliti• .
Clans, Cannel. with theNaine security to private
and individual judgment, leave the settlement of
this question as it is left in the United States.—
Ile had teen told that in England the State
Church was made the obstaolo to every- approach
to the promotion of the same liberality that ex
ists in America—and it was too true; for she is,
said Mr. Cobden. the obstacle against obtaining
any particle of liberty, whether it be civil, rtii•
gious, or commercial.
The declaration of the Cobden clique, that they
will not support the government in its attempt-to
fetter the Catholics of-England, has had a wide
spread effect. mid alarmed else Premier and most
of the members of Lis Cabinet. Earl Grey is
strongly opp , sed to any harsh measure, and it is
rumored that he will resign allies ratite; than
coincide with the Premier's proposition to break
up the Catholic Hierarchy.
A number of Cabinet Councils have been held
lately, at which all the members have been pre
sent, and unusually warm discussions base taken
place. The 1,1.4:i0ta topic was the phraseology
o f the queen s speech with regard to the papal
aggression. There was muchdiffeXence of :pin
ion expressed, and two or threemembers threat
ened to resign race if the Premier insisted on
severeterms. This' point is not yet finally set
tled ; but it is generally known that Lord Jahn
Russel intends to propose a measure to Partia
ment, which will render it penal f ' any Boman
Catholic ecclesiastic to assume the itle of t.ivhop
or arch-bishop of any town or placlecf.lingiand,
but he floes not propose to meddle with Ire
This scheme sill meet with the most deter
mined opposition from many of the Premier's
most-influential supporters. and lead. it is ex
pected; to the reconsti action of the Cabinet. Loral
John's•famous letter to the Bishop -of Durham is
a plAge to the nation that the proposed measure
will not be modified, and that it will he ably and
eloquently supported by a strong party in the
liouse of Commons, and a very large majority in
the House of Lords. The vote in the Commons
will be a close one.
The Dresden Conferences, from which the moss
important results were anticipated by the Euro
pean States. have been able to keep all their
,debates and measures from the hands of the
numerous foreign correspondeuts at Dresden, who
represent the London press. It is sold, however,
that the Germanic Confederation will he re-con
stituted on a new basis—the Presidency will
devolve alternately on Russia and Prussia—there
will be eleven voices and nine votes, and the Diet
will keep up an array of one hundred awl thirty
thousand men_ The smaller States are dissatis
fied with the proposition Of the-Conferences, and
are preparing protests against it.. 'The most re
liable accounts state that it to difficult to foresee
what the result of the Conferences,will be—that
in every sitting of the two commissions fresh
difficulties arise before the old ones have been set
aside: and a° the Union between , Austria end
Prussia is in reality but superficial, Altese diffi
culties will in the end prove insuperable. It is
plain that Prussia is subserviclut to Austria. and
that Austria in determined to net very much as
a s she plea.... But the lesser States will agree
to unite and oppose the schemes of Austria, and
Prutsia may join theta. especially , if she finds
that they are likely to he successful in their op
- - • - • • •
The, position of affairs in France is touch the
same at this time as it was in fortnight since.--
When the great debate in the National Assembly
on M. Remount's motion of want of confidence
in the Ministry was -brought to a close, n large
vote was given spired the government: The
number of enters was GM. For the motion 111
—again , t it27K— majority against Ministers Piti, I
The new Ministers went t,, the Elysee and tend
ered their resignations, which, after sonic delay,
were accepted. The President of the Republic then
consulted the most influential leaders of the differ-
ent political parties, imdumdesevernlillinuesessful
attempts to form a new and strong Cabinet; it leas
not till last Friday that he tins able to form what
is termed ^a temporary and extra-parliamentary
Minirtry," consisting of men who are quite un
known to the world—they .ti're, in fact. all "rr;l - -
pkyres in the different government offices, and
not one in o representative Jim pet - 2*.. Al
though the President !lobed to pla r ee Odillon
Itarrot, or Leon Faucher n't the head of the
Cabinet, yet their terms worn ton severe. Tho
bold course put-sued by Louis Napoleon, even
since Gen. Changarnier was deposed from Isis
dictatorial .command of the army of pari, has
won for him the confidence of the people of every
class, with the single exception of a majority of
the members of the National Assembly. Po hat
the nest move will be, time alone can show.
At an adjourned meeting held at the house of
Robert Tobin, at Hickory, Washington county,
on the 6th instant. in relation to the eontempla.
ted Plank road through the northern part of tide'
county, a large number of the citizens of Mt.
Pleasant, Cecil, Chartiers, Hopewell and Cross
Creek townships being present, Oen. Jas. Lee,
of 311. Pleasant, was chosen President; Col..
Borland of Cecil, and Thomas Miller of Mt
Plmisarit Vice Presidents; and Wm. /Munoz, of
Mt Pleasant, and Lysander Patterson, of Cross.'
Creek, Secretaries. The pinnies of the last
meeting being . read, the exploring 'Committee 1
report • the route accessible at easy grades.'—
The charter committee report 'no action,' and re
commend that the adoption' of the route com
mencing at the Monongahela bridge. On motion
the name of Capt. Wm. Caldwell of Mt. Pleasant
was added to the committee, and said committee
instructed to ask a charter from the south end of '
the Monongahela bridge, opposite Pittsburgh, in
Allegheny county, by way of Saw Mill run,
phartiets Creek, 'Miller's run, Verde and Hicko
ry, thence, lo the Virginia State Line, in the
direction of the wafers of Cross Creek. Also
a branch diverging from die main road at the
upper end of Col. Borland's farm in Cecil town
ship to Canonsburgh.
lIESOIXED—That when this meeting adjourns
itahallbo convened, in this place, at such time
maim Presidentmay see proper.
'Rssotvto-That these proceedings, signed by
published all the papers of
Washington e rind' Allegheny counties, friendly to
Dublin improvement.
On motion ad unwed :
' JAMES LEE, President
Coe-Valles } BOILL ISP., Vice licesident
. T110)110 1 Mittrn.
Wm. Simeon, }Secretaries.
Lysander Patterson, im
I /6.17.2111191 01 . r tll
till FAVOI. Dr- ri.,,, , .. um e,...
' It. would bea.a., to a I.luoia vitli ..rti ..... of tb,
medicine- Vh.r.rer it ha. a trim , it too tondo it.. ! -------=--- =_. -_-, - --- ---.-- --
I.llflolar AT. hay. so our ~....i•'n hutotr.d. of order..
i Ilk. lbe follow ink, • .
',A AtEr.rcrt, N. v. D, 10. 'l7. • AT Lil'AYrl rt. HALL,.
1 .A.lff•srs. 11idd a Co-1 . 150r tra.clim ae. , 0 1 1,111 . 1 th to ,
. ,bor, ... .1......,..thr a MlLotie. Liror fill,. Tb. ! On Friday Evening, February 21, 1851.
~,,,,,,,,t , o ld ~,, . ro sty..d piro th. h.lie.t .atirr.. X/ ADAME AV AL LACE BUSCIIELLE and
Mo. Indeed It Li (....idtri.l the n-a ILIMIICme of W. tual , .jll 111AC1-ELN 0701.01„, bare tiro vt „ o . to 00 ,
e,,r 0„,..11. ,
.. io ri ,.,.....„,„,... „,,,,- 4 ,,,, .upo r ~,,,! ~.,,,,,, i.. the iohahrt out. of 1 1 ittataurli. atli fuvvri;
3.13 11. IL ALNaWs.llll:ll' . '
Coats! " n th ' I L 4.ll 'e eTenim,
• I Cott ~...toco.nee at % o ricr.k.
Far sal. at J KIDD* CO. I 1111...341...
feblsd.ur In 1
Wall tt
a , 11..t,rh.lie.
2 Durrt fmin "'Linda dl Chamottotx, e 311.1ame IT.J.
lure liwehelle and fir ii1.1..r
2. nolo Po.ttoforte: . Lucrwlit Bo Itia'' arr.O. , d L.
Thalberg—Frauei 1...1.
Spar, ITAnistr, toluto: . from Ludy di - Latimer.
touir • Alaimo. 1 Tall.. plo.c.hella.
-._ Pant SIZO.Vir. - -- -
European Agency.
Thu .ulueriber Intend: tidal:: Ow tdineildd Ode:: 01
I - Do not Mingre;"
/weal, Kw, awl June out, 1ua,10.1.1 rittrbural on Nilan'il :
Madame Walla., Bwa helle. • •''
joHN L . Lam. 1 2. Selo Pianoforte: Andante (rum - Luere thL" anettalied
'11;7th ,,,,,, 17.: T u' ; '% 0 r'- : r. : -: 1 ,, i'L: :, Ph ,, i': ::: : _ .; :: : : ., :' , 4'2 : ' ::I n l., '1 : : :: 17 :::; q : :— : 3 : - ,, u n - ~ C. 1 3 11 a1 11 . 1 .. ... -"i : l' Se w TiLl. ' l7 " t ‘ ... ar i l . t o ' r:i l :h i teo.... - -W. V. Wallace.
came tu MY hone... the fall . lb , ='. L, the name a[h i 4. Engll.2l woug from Balllnt s Opera or Sumnatribula-
Ea. In a ler, Lad, ail •ou , almoot t,talir Wind. Mr II Klelvr.
Ile 100 l lAeora eoldiertu ILI I.lNoeb ,rwtee. Ile was theta I 6. '''",,,, i r1 .1 :',”" 0r :,,;" . u . , ‘ -r , b ° ,- 4 ; m 4 .. , i,i1 r !,, , C ih..,,,, ,,,... itdiaP." omtno
xiltot, co one of the heat Ilartatal. m 1..0d0n. tmd heel the mi, ujit,‘,,t ri ....,,,,,,L,,, . 4 , i - -,.. L. , ,
kn. c , tor rd . un
beat treatment London could ationl, but touli not be to ' &Try.
.... „1.
a. ,
t ', to . 0 i,...,.,,.. I ' O , : , vt.ketx op colt. to be had at 1. II Mello 11. Metier'.
beard . much about the I. to.hoon, I thought l would try C. ."..". 3 ‘ . ...... , .. 10 Jinn.. and . the door. fatrll
. . - _
mom of it on 'llia man. I uot Ulm w small 'hottle 44 the - - ` •''_, - __
- = ,-.--,- '-- .-- _.__=.,
Petrolenm QII. w hieb . coro.l hiie,,, well nna wound. in the i IC AII E L CIIANCII IS NOW OFFEItEII ,
AL to a Potatte.tent ,r.nt. with a rash capital of about
'''''''' l
antolw'''''''nz- month.` 4, -- 'Wed to the troth of the alole , 5:. .,..." ^ ..." 'n , " t''' , 7tahl , huainea• 01 which :Pao too
a th e aho i T U 4Ltaeln7ut u al%., ti , ua 1 nm) h , ,-,,,,, wt. , . .liate . l ' ; ' :!A r.l ;t i e . .. l l:U2! l l,:: ‘ l:=l ' at ili ' e P l l4'm e ,
~,,,,,, d „ . .,,,, a , m ,.„f ea, ~,,t,Wry g.. ,tll, L. the ..ame . Kzehatn, no Idlw..rt,dre,t 10w...a, the tours a v and 4.,
.... _ _ _
' * ' .I*SIX ' 21*. I nd N 4 J; ' IATERIALS—Printi•r's cop-
CroVALLetton , Itenver Cu Ps. Clel. 4., 1N1..'•..
F•.r sale 1., Kern, A MeKkom..ll. 141 W.e.J•.•t-. It. E. per and wtemlen Kmllern. kin, grdlern. furniture, re ,-
F4.llere, Z..: W.K.l.treel; 11. A.-lahoea4,t..s Co. comer 111. :, I.‘ •, . 0 . 1 lIIIJ yuolKl, tingle, double and
Wool mot Front etn.•L< D. M. Cum. U. A. Elli., Jr•vyh 1 "'""" .. - " I " mi. , ar. ‘O. Fur .I. .
W. A. lIAV EN'.
Ikeuglas, and ii. 11. :.'hwertt, Alle.t.e,, ~,... 1., ii,•• ~,. , Prinli. L 1111 . ,. 351. betwre. Mute! and !ern ',l.
Prletur• 11. NI 0 IF.O. reIItI - Auwrimn mp,
feblittaw Canal Itadn. , orrttli... 1 ' , W , ..1%1t. 1 11 7 04.i.DEN TYPES—•From the immufaeto
. .. _ .
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsbrulh. v Lp. o r,r %%AL..,, (anat.:l..4st . i t,.. ~2 . wil i k , c v
t i l NCOUItACIF: 110311 INSTITUTIO.N s.u ,
oit. RENT4-.l.small frame euttaer with
3... Water wake 41 War 4.14, la the a areltotto , of C. It. r 4 „..„.,,,,, ti , , , ,n ., ,,, ~,, ~,,,,,,.,
~ ,,,, TA L ,, ,,,,,, , ,
ba.rulent; d .ncall ,nooon. 1/2 us 1. witl " • lora. .anlon
C. tl. Woad, Prti ddont•.•...A. W• Nan. ,,l `er' . l'• sod ar,ora fruit tree., a very desirable nod:deur: . to. a
' TLla L'O.,bs.ok it how prrnart‘i to seance all tuerrnandbe arualt rani,, dtuatoth tow Minerrt ill, ttimed.
In stun.. and In trattoitu, re...... 1“... intutediateli. .
An ample guaranty for tbo abllar. and Integrity t.l the ...„,,,
h ei r L,
te n r ,, 14 ,, th , .. tir ,, ... ,„ Nd . . , d i 0 r , , : = , , ,, , ,,,,r. :4 0 .7 ,: ,, ,?: , ,,,z, LT ,. . , „_taini_... ,,, ;nt0 n,.., f ,,, 0r iy re r. .. nt Ar „ ,,
a k ;ii:litt t fgrt: ._., i t ' ;. " :7 o 7 " ::::: ' , thei . rp : l 7 .. : ". ;. , , U4' ., '" , : . kle..‘aln. 1,1 1 ILI., ruln.eor.l: .- flN l l..R 6 et 'U all ' ,l ° s N tit 11F
j r 11 otter Bryant, llooh D. Kin. E.(s.avl " 11 ... 0 en0w. FOR SALE LOW—A superkr toned ro,e-
John !Lamont, S. Ilarlounrit ~. N;• ikre. `F 3.I wood Piano Fort.. Fur torn, taaratre at Nu. 9 J el ,
ddt Row. Ruhtn..on street. Allewbood. iA,3.i.,2, -
miskinvou RA TT.ROAD. .
r/INC WASH BOARES-- , 20 doz. for sale
. riii......
.........-.‘,... ff. 4 by 1.401 J. 1.. WILLIAMS A Co.
lif 11.:01 . 11ES HNS--1.0 eases/Eastern, for
~, .„ 1 ,.., „.,,._,,
1. D. WILLIAMS a co.
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. "lii H. MOLASSES--115 blue, 13 half d u ,
Forty-four tour to Baltimore. i. , Ilattlr t!notud, landing fro,ln attar Entddr,...e.tate , ,,for
sa r br tobdi Itltt.l. mArruzi% 6 a CU.
2..` ,1 14 miles liailroarl-- . 10.5in.te4 thinat
• 111 G LEAII--630 pip soft Galena, for sale
• by f0t,20 s/It.Y NIA11111:WS A Co.
'lvo Daily Lines - Express Packet Boats. a
U 12 Nbill ES-7(K) lw,s prime Feathers.;
r/ - = - ; 4 3 11 - ...4er - 7.l._ E P_ l i IJ ,k, d :to rt Corn Itrontror ..
:.90 In brand W. Wavy
40 Ors Ihr ihn - mx.
:Ai lots brinto'dit...statui
9 bblaJtloWO Lorton. and Ihr ale Id'
Fun 1.. , v5EN.Eit.,.1
171 L I:GAR-10 bias prime N. Orleans;
N the opening of Canal Navigation, Tire
Dail, LtneaNrir Ex.prea. Purtet 16,a1d nil] lean hit'
:Xi bide assorted Look
15 du erutilied taut I'o4-i-rite!, fur salt
J. nttuit-o, then, tit FartitZellallrsad to bE I. lid %VIM-1.461S k (01.
HoLLIDAYsBIT7,GIi, ~.,,,, .
~,,;..., et Wire and Fifth
Mier., takitall tit,' , m 0 L A SSES--7 5 hhla New Orleans;
• 14 do Su g ar We.;
Nllyl PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD, ' d " 21,f;t-riT'q' . '
E bli IA S a co.L
Tvo Ifundred and Fort:edit-a tittles direct to
1131LADBLPH.Lit. ' i.l. UNDIIIES--2 lads No. 1 Lard;
I.J 2 do etertum
de :tweet Potato.
Time through FiIRTT-six IlourAe r, liaOatuailoate t
Ftra to Philiulelphia, 610. Fare to Baltimore, td 7a, 2 0 ,, Dry l'ilarh, -
I dn do Apples.
Elie Cara utt tbis twat ant nu, and 01 lb, mat arprur4 1,1 J 4, Feather;
-ral eenstriletam ter eomfurt and .6.4'.
skit' 1 k 1 la bales Cotton, to artire MI Stmt.
7 4. 1. .4 1 " .1ra5 '' s'"rl 10 00 01 . S luss'ssit. at sr " ' Au. tee Lue II liiteltl ICKEY a. cu.
atid ever t iteinhad at the aittur hoar, ' Etua) l
ee and Front i•lti
Passengers for Baltimore,
on arrival of Cart at llarrltltura. take the liit a 4..4.1 COM- gr o 3IASTEn Br. i LI I , E-'--11 ,5; — . , 1 "T . "X?: : ' h ",,,, f ,„':
~,,,,,,, ~,„„,,; „ ,..1 , ,,,, din ..., ~,,,,t 0. ,,.,2 1 ,,
_ ooi thel,edlinaer thy Slam 1 r44:44 jet' al] . i mll.
I - Jur mil,4) Tone. FOUR Imam W . don, reetoved le r Capt. It. Datesoit. at the whet. i
No charge fur handling Baggage nn t h is mote. 1 ,, 1',7 , 7 , L., 2 0 :.... i .::, 7,....1..,....1 1 r . , ,, %..: 1t,il
..n, ,, ,1,,,r`1 b .....AA;:i i .
The Initeated epeet make. thiti them est
. eintikirtalde- avett , end ant- infurtsintion ,Ivan t's\tleli tzar be ,Itairet-E
tape and deerulde ratite:now to the Vattern 1:1144444. Hy a-ilia et tlii Beard al Trustees,
Far paiimage or infarmation Au l d. to ..1t111:e r. PERRY. Seer.
J. I'. 110LNIES. Arent. , pi...Lee:h. vet. Latii,l.l -
I(dznalk-In Roux ,
D. LVECII 5: CO. ,TO the Honor:1111e, the Judges of the Court
• -- . ~.n at ~,,,,,. ~...n n
, rt ,...„,. I of idit.rat Quart, &widow of the Pram in and for
n ,h, th.. 1.,. of Jul, the Penn, liansa Itakin.d . .. (3- ' , .. , /• , dliwalnd,
w‘ i i ~,,,,,,, ,„ L.,,„,,, ,,,,,.Li.Lien,,, ~,,,,,, ,„. Ti. ii.t.idn ,-,f Ain-al:en Doi,. of the Fwcond Word. ...It).
of l'iltild.dt.. in tho r•atutd afon-wid. humbly iniweth,
throtrah A X h ~,, ri ; !Ind ~.or,dnir bath druild...l niniwif ,t 1; inatarink
Pittiburah fehroary Id. '.,1 . twe tio• arrinuinorlatw, of trairleri ...I oil , re, at hli dwel
_. - _ . , ~ , ,
I i OPART N}l Sll I IP—We have associated ',!,'lrj 1 r p `;;::....;, V1;', ; ';,-;:l,`;;Tfg', ; 74; - i",jr . rT.TA=::
x_i wit), a• ToiArin, Bad. lata Caabler of the Farthhti, van ainnwnt And corer yetit..W. a...l;Tuty limn I
Delawite bank, who will de•rdta ti, I.+l.hltai at 4,0,11 t... th e • PT, -
bruin , . Th , it) la LI tha firm rruatra 1. Indmiofri. -,.--
/aid A. WILKINa .t CO. , W.., tin. iubscailit.... cilizatio of tha tram afr.aiaaid. do
rartifi that th..t.,..e 1,01-11:611a I. ~:. ~ v .4i r,val... I,
E x cH i t ir' ai AlnyilmaNG HOUSE ....., ..1 taind,in.... nu., if wert•tanitlej
n and consvniann e t.d tilt aerrinmiatati:m and lodaind
.... nr vi - , r, and t”delli.:., and that - mid ta,au n. n,,-
- -
A. II`II,I%.'INS Sz. CO., 11 IL Iloopbrad..loo. II NtsClurz, Jno. Ja..k.on. lnlon
Ke1b , ...11,hu Mt:thou...l9l Id.. SltuasnArnotrons.l:9lph
Corner of Third and 'Market sta., Pittsb'gh ~.,..; -on- most Vathr...., I Tut Srauor, Mt... Wallace. IL
. ./. Elliott, fel,AsZtd•
Foreign and American Hardware. 1 Via/nosh. ropy and sharTA. 'JO. ullles.
LOGAN, WILSON ,51. CO., . rtmo tho lloner.ahle the Judges of the Court
a . of il..usral quarter &Assorts ot tLe co-:,P. in nn.l I,
IL.. Cato, of All I, so
No. 129 .Wood Street, . ~ line potition ..f J•nse. tlll.hrist. of Ole Thll.l o.'.
HAW. NOW 1N STOLL 1.11, 1 / 1 1LIIII. 111 ttj• I, tent, of Allralleu). rostaTtfully
.th, That rot, 'statiner la Ils•Irou. of krrpt to a ots
A foll au.1•1 9 .1P1c 9 . ,01 4 ,1 i ‘-' 1,, ' ,,,,V -, X , ' - , MITE , C.IN , . 10 , . , •.11., That
us In 6 . 14 livultl, SII11,•,1 In ti/17 , Ttlr.l
1-1A11.1)1 %r AR E, 1-thal ha has prorated hitoulf with nscrsaine• tor
the enurement , : and accomusAallou of tract•llcra:an.l•tran.
0r, „. ,,, , , i 7r ... „ '
~ .%, r a, :,
w 11 i 511 ,, ..../.. , fo o r u ell , T i t . sat , rt r. .l ., no r rs tr . . s .. ra n t
~,I tt a u
i l i t i
holtahls Vol.e sticiug truls. and It Idris they
to .der ro purchaser at 1,111,1, that • ill rotuporr . ,„, jr ,,,,..„ .
favorably .11th nor of 110. .antra tatl.... -
- ! W. , . the otbsoribrr. As. astar. th at Jam, G.T.tri.t. Ow
LOOK H:ERE NY FRIEND! . stove applicant uct A.AJ rkpufo r Lout." atul setups, .
a ns., II urn rrosloed with Lou,:bo r 0,41 and woraulon
ARE YOLI A FATIIEIt, lal,oring for the ,e. t er the iod a irty aro/ arsuosnauslation set ..trauvrs aud '
ral , ' 1t 1, ..1 ., ". ....
At% i i lei . lail ' ee ll' il2 d tillt:ll‘e ' l L'''Z.gnaeja. . J....5 1 . 1 th•1111. . 1 u1. ,, 111ttnr... J. 11 . th.-7, T. 51 , -11ust , ra,
tt, Ur, w
31• ,7e's I.:hams g.
boo, Gen. futotott, John 111/.1, John llNuawart, John 11.... A.
Ars oot a Ilothrr, suderlng o dlssaara Ls which II- ' l'bI• ' l ‘ l^ . l :` . . W.. hA .1 ' I .' ii'. ''''''''''' Ij ' 1 ' 4... I
mak. ass p.eustall, uas Or. 1. 9. u 0.,... eq,„l„, . fri..11.,13t•
, I
~11 I 1 • tll ...stalely cuts ~.t.
t.,.11 at µtr .s.PoL or on our ot ..... ausnta arsl Fret • Desirable Residence for Sale. / i
.. ,, 014.- , 3 , -s , n. ~ ..i" nw"" . ` '''' '''''''' ''..." rilliE eulenti I,r. unending I, renloee 0 few
„,,,,il l . ... yrepwr•A lo lo 9 D. 11...... Ivo. Isesu the
E • unl... tut011......50u1tr,. ~ 11..1.1 It i ~ ,.10 tbs rooport, 111 .
i, 1 1rIlIT.. " :14 ‘" ( ' IIT"Ilttll';':.:1.:11t1.717=.131'." 01V. t. O ' ' h 1,. ' .'.... rt , lJis , ho.I. 1.-ab .1 ors,. Ida oe,,ea te.,.
pn.paratuta a Earsal ' ausllst ewer let bruught 1.....?0re the In ll'elarl, l CIO . 1:1- 4 , .n‘e, a nOtt'd , one. ..5. , 1 built
pbb._ . ot ak, Is tart, Ind acanootoos. and hu • lassn rocautlt ,
Thou:saltine has eaLstAlthol Its 111.0. IVIIIIIali•IIII by 111 I , •1 int o 9 tul ca r, Co I. free , pin I: , a, Oil OW Co- I
uutr.rsu. Bud wall a1t0...110n, tut rutostnr car, tvo hudarstiaTul rtuttl fa, mud h IaTI
It 1. pto up In, uart bottlL, sod L. Co o ,o 1) Asol4l-111a ~at ill, tasl.• s'AlT.ll.itti ..botsv Ft/rubber, aud *Wt. The
that acts to a. , Illsri •lislue.s. sod Ilimal nt ll e sarne out .Ineele . 11-1,, w , '4 . 1 ' ...1. 10 '''" 11. " .. • " t 4 l "
"...' ' bkh ''''''''' h ' 4' "' " ''''. ''''''''' W L'"y , ' t4 ' 9fil.t . n l ' udt: ' l ‘ o7 :l tS . l3.: l' aloTr at va g rat t
'"'f i ;„= l ` . .ti d r4tl7.,.'".t. ' "D ; ._ F ±, it0 . 1 ,-i- s . suAlurt ter...i.e,ei rte. Jineet.:,:, ‘ll nruar tle, peerne
9A11.4 1 A PAP-ILIA, inul Laka 1....5ti... 1 . • 1 at lu • rrs , Minutes walk or drlse ..1 the ult...
Pries II prr boitle-st. bottle! l'or 9:. , l ea rrha.srs arc roterisd to Alex 11. 11111.. r. So. 139 iTL
Fur sale by . I treat. fehl9 4l m 1 109E.S 11.011'10'S.
MI. i D. ISOIVE k CO. Propna44,..
if IRANGES--1 6 0 iluxee, in prime order, fur
1 Ca 11.,. Ilan, ancluatalL Oluts
in .9.. aTI orders Loay Ise luldreseed. 11. I , oat. 1., ANULISII l BEAN:aI'.
Al t. f ash. lit 5. A. Jun.,. .1, lkhnonmater A Co., IT. 4 191,19 12s: .9.....0ta1. said ISI Flr .3 .t.
III•et. IL W. Ntrans, J. V. Townsend, J. 31ohlrr. W list.- , I L ....,,,. , , „ . .
KM. Pltteloargiv, Ls A. I.llot, Alloshrdi Olt. W. It. 31 , 1 T.- 11 VA S -.AI 1x1111:. for sate to,
Clellaud. Manahrrter. C. Crocarr. Ilrownavtll, Jan Paull , 400 INOLISIC a' BENNET - V.
A co., IVlna.lins.atterson. &rot IL O. Morgan. AL , ' .-- _,...---...- -_ - ~
~,. . .. ~ ...
Clalr.s 111, Ed..ltan a Koos. Culla. ' oe29.daxT I KIIA2su AALP I. 1 . 1
CIJI - R•:- ii".•
. ., , „c••
lotat.a, talina lla att. nitou er the... ..•, 1511A1I
m. :to his ..struaOr a.... 1 meta .st Tatar utio PlotoCos
err, at No SS Fourth stre.r . .. ' ~ 44,19
fiREE PLY CARPETS-IV. 31eClintock
it on, ro
pprusl too.ll 11... asnortutrut af thr....
r prearpso uou oderol In thl• 00.101.101, lostot the Ittln.l.
.100,‘“ .pw.ved .1,1.. an I 9.ll,lollllvrhlch lire 110,1
Isom Loa Itoporter. and Env. nOPrucol' l,l,l e.' Id the
Talon. C`all It thr l'arpet Warehouse In HI lkotrth >t.
fel.lo ,
FIi . AP.E.S Nil AN D !till , SSELS - C A ItI'ETS
cf . .up 1001. Stt - las and R/11/7.4, lusdoro and for sale bi
4.1019 IF. 11..CLINTOCK
\T; It AI N C .1 It PETS-- a. m
-A large s.rte,nt
fi r b ‘ P.... I'o'
' t.Cu too, .W for ...1.- b/
k; NO Lltill A - Mr A311....1t1CAS Oil Clotho.
• tat,. Jou•Drovent of well ....Gard 11l Clo:L., Cr .
aa eat ilo. Carps Warrhuu.e. N.. 90 1 ourth It-to whish re
lot'. tlo• attrohou of pluck...ors.
toi.i.. It. MrI:LINToCIi
RROOMS-100 dozea f•,-, • 4 1 0 t.,•
1..b11l • la. .t. W. ItAXBAUGII.
Vil A G AZIN ES FOR )lAR CII, at J. li.
,Li (Nue g' lJtsra.ry 1)..p0 Third WWI opprAte the
Pod. 011ie- .--- '
tioisy'• 1.....1)". Book for March:
tontlisty, , IlAiratlll*.
11...11 I. 'h... LI
. O
Idiliwi . Nation at Mealtaln, 3,,
NV,,tota. or the 1';',....,t4, a* halals tale 111 1(0..,
111 , Itah.00
11.0. Ass,' of Slichanlss,
• 'Hall, 11.14.0rkal Ittosatar,
Illeury Smoston. by 11. P R. Jun,
101 l DeaVIIIIIIII, 1., Mrs 1:111, •
shatuunglall: a urar ousel, bt 1111 9.0.0..0.•
Thursbay m.rnin a. the. 2Uth lost. uuly eon of
I. W and Anna E. Spencer. ag.. l one )ear 0 0 d%. , v , oteen
The funeral will prtevot to Allegheny Crlalelerr, on
Satords) morning et 10 o'clock, from the of
C No. lOU Fourth stn..). The friend. of the fa.
Lodi are invibti to attend
r - .
ac.—. ere prepke.l to duke contracts to bring out
Doan PhiladelPhia. , hato 1 , .• of twat, fr..isht , •
on aranumodsiting u•rms, and at tor ) low rates. without
'''hitTill.rtn the 7.. ) .4. ;Ir.-V:II I 7.TV a Cll. Canal Resin.
j ELATION —A meeting of the 1 ounv Men'. Te.c. ,
A.WL.IIOII will be held •ha the Zw,iiltd Pregh,tvelll
C.bur..b. on Monday eveoluc nort ta,brustry 200 et 10.00
oePw, An addre..t will be denser d by the Rev. Wus.
How tad. lt M. 11. SHINN.
W 31. NI 1111.11111 T, .
ti KU. 11. HISSER,
Fittaborels Peri 21,
EW 1300KS'--Andretc's Latin English
k1.41.i.Y. 111, E A. Aminw L L. D. Royal n to -
ir; Island Wurl,l of the Pa,iiie Ili her. Hear, Lbw.-
tr. 12 um tall•
Tho Worm , . of 1.r..:1, 111 Oran. Aguller. 2 sots 12 in...
' lleilestll.; • Fram.vuien moo 11) the culler of Rolla
The Life ot Rev. Jen.. oie It•rt Juilui• Wright.
uat and fur solo R. HOPKINS,
feb•2l 73 Annuli° }Wilding., tth ex
PAN 1 The took.. for the subserintion ,took of the
1 11 ,.burgh Lite from
Co.. will be opened on Monday,
Februert 24.1 i. from lu to 12 0...1. tbe C Cot
nal. comer •.f Mud and !until, +wale, Up iairr. to re
main open till the stork 11akett.
30)01 LEECH,
J Nu 0. 1/1 1.11 °tall,
4GIRL wanted to do house work.. Apply
ni this othoe
350 bushels Dried Yeaches. for sale by
k1;21 . J A. DI 1.%1'011111 0 Cu. '
bushels Dried Apples,
ü b.
- •
& tar's Cutna SeThe various medicines of Mr
&• lore. on Wood ,Arevt., ore becoming Teri popular through.
out the county). lb. \ertutfuite Ise. mond to be en
valuable to.liclne In ern Lama, To kellers .
lilt Liter
thousands are indebt te ed for relief from pain and du
ce.... medicines have gained their te.pulerit) by
temive esPerirnee. They have been tried soil hood to be
o.d excellent remedies for IL, thu aces fur which 'Ley ore
recommend...l. Ito have frequently uti Mr. Seller's
Cough Syrup. and know it lu be • slant) eUri for a trot,.
blesonte enugh.—.3:mod 211
op ,grAph.
prepar , l and sold Ly It. E. SEI.I.F.ES,
1,1,21 ..7 stre..t.
Cll 111111 the 'uuder
itFnal will hove their looksoptimal
f l e - r the subscription of e lock to the Perrysville and /elle
mule Plink Mood Cam: m 1 on Monday the 17th 31tach, at
the house of Jesse Plankertun, 11l Allegheny COunty, and
on the Ibtli .l the Louse of Peter 31nsmr and on the Pali
and :kith at the hotote of Jame. Pen.ystille,
same county' . ll)ll cm the 21st mid 22,1 lit the house of Mr..
Sweeney. In Alle,hens city, at which days sudplaors at
tend.. will be given from 1) o'clock, I. .1/.. till 4 r. it-rt
teeeUvelt. OM. !lUAEL L.
Jllalo HEED,
feb2l :ItS U. D. PALMER.
rao the Honorable the Judges of the Court
of (lettere' quarter Sessions of the Peace, to and fur
ie County o( Alk.nhelly
The petition of Preac. Ilpv pf t4n. to•nsPiip o f GinJlny,
In the county eforesishl, humbly theweth, Unit your U.
n.. bath provided himself with materials for the accom
modation of tratellers and others, al his dwelling linnee.
the township aforesaid. and prays that your honors will be
pleased UU-giant him . Home 10 keep,. public 'muse of en
tertainsuelX. And your petitioner, OA 1.12 duly bound, will
We, the autrambers, cam. or the township aforesaid,
do as rlity that the mhos* petitioner la ad gond repute bar
honesty and temperanna and is well prnslded
mon and rolaveldrocsa for the acumnamaintlon Mal lialadnif
or otrypctra?“ta Maleness and that ialJ tavern IJ Rms.
Chu Atenicanto. S. Ileanor, John Pollock, Mathew An
der...lh Pura' Bonham, Juba hweartniren, AMA. Anmer, T.
A. Ando., Wm. Eaton. lienniu Anderson, John Aram.
coo, etartney. fah-TM.:
I.) *lir , hMlln" , Pi 410.1419
sttenslis Islutulatallos, Won Man notnnaand
+to nth on
of from At to eight thousand dollars,anxious to make
in ingestmsnt, anddevote his hum to business,. a partner
n Plltsbarat or vicinity. Please aldrese Pest Mike Dom
No. :SY3
SUNDRIES -10U doz sup. Corn Brooms;
5 bbl. llklaury Nul4
10 casks Pawl:
10 Lae EalerAtum
55.(0 (505nuott 0400mc
2.OUU lb. Deer 114,
d) 027 1b2 . 2 dudyb,
lu blv Wooers Yearl do
by WC)" 3 eve, mr... Itice Man for. nal,
14 1 1.0.—.10 Illf table No. 3 Alaskerel;
75 dr do do 1 d...,
15 7.1122 do 1 df.u.
2 bbls 720. /, Eamon; for mde by
412:0 J. D. VO , T ~,,,9 k COT
ity• - •ox TEA
vdeq,.:+6 ' . Young
puoul At tinertr Itnou.. m A
,MnT•ok. will& go Ugluk r N
~u h l u ur4h.
"4 . 6 ,..0 .'n 00.0. "'" iL ' . ' 7 ' .1 .' Jn0, vont.,
:3 P : ' , t 4 . 1 .1 11..:14U1/ To us , Tout full) , l'bo“ttot *uturlo
fib t, All
m no n .i a t'n'zl , T ,7,:, tin , nhnh!ohvir.,n. cl . l ! tu &co.
CLOVEIt SEE bl? 14 i n 4tore, and tY2 du
~r tT o . toy into OF
W 31.11. JOUNSTON.
CORN -74W burls. for sale by
t O — BAC ' . O I.EAF-1 hiuls. far sale by 1
v 11 J •11 'ttfs;
_, II :.,.. vys-15 bbls for sale be
I kW_ WM. 11. JUIINufoN.
1 . 1 0P:,;75 s b . les for sak Iff m
rylift, DRUMS Suiri..A, Flos—ium, re
d vx. ~f i''' ' 'tnrar 1:44° 1i tei l l}:;itt ' , ' ;,.t ~.
_.._ .
Li ALLAD OIL2O casks fur sale be
1.3 (rloll A. CULLIEWTSIA a C.)
I)iti ED PEACIIES--10v bus for sale I, -
whi 3 A. CLLBEHISON a 01
5 „.... .
EGAKS—lutt,ooo Priv•cip;.. I.egraia, and
u.,.0.., ti-Cs,. if s ult traues Mr sale by
61 TOliE KEEPER WANTED—A mall of
ko ants,. Indualrion.. Imb.. mud comtatent tu attend a
mon, situatud n fsw tulles lu the counter.may bear ..1 a
rltuauou lurapidoiou Inunedlately at tlas °Rue. A :mar
ded num would lw luefereed -.1-11:di
ft ItECK L05,1',-,4 druWn
lJ ZN. ItikNsons. t 141 r
ittly has Mon lost fnms , the mall ultvrern
Pittebure. and harkurAnt,th. The public ate thutiutu.
audio.rocielting. rob thmk. uthe payment ha. t..en
auvp 2 l.l.._ felli - MILLEIL d itiourrtioN.
13EACILE4' , --Three hundre4 bnehels rec'd
and for ante by I..hejf SAMUEL
QELLERS' LIVIf nut get
it.dhattt.ettcht . . 6
MTA,nnellatille, 0. JAM 9,1851.
Mn. It. E. Er.U.t.s—louro are' thenly Liver Phls that
sell here. I maid not get along witho o ut-them, and every
ne toot them !peak! In the hl Jest h.rms nt
commendation. Yount rexpeettully t J OlthEN
airrl•repar..l and ruin by It. bELLEIIh, tt
and mid by Ann:ands artuteabe.
Ofin BRLS FA3!it.i
...14111 la; hir . cak .
:'u 1 1 .rl l r a Tar p it .t.enol;
has , Lait '
htT • M o O o al S
a SON,
- Pralua Dealer, and Commlaehm Merehanta,
ta:l9 01 Wntetorr.rt.
Al DLES-50 las rnuuld. uri mnsignment
d beEt lrruss Seythr,
fal dux Ant•• ,04 , •
' W1 ; 1 YI Dstr.r tS2 F rout
110 - -U kegs Jit , .ortasi Nun, for sale by
I‘IGLASSES--l o ladi n, rilrL * . i for Suga t. r . House;
- I 1Z .k II RIZ §E't, -77
.trotu. aftllo-1.F.l
tor., t ,r T.
t .r derkrirli , a q e nr
n NLv
F riFe , ;-I' l rkirrNlA:Sllll' IifISETOFORE
Ira r R rIA riO.
.4 tn. I:, run. Ir. th... , 11.1..n/rut 4 On it bniartem.,
SNExclis , •--12.3 .1.,7 best pm.ent,
,7 ,neathr,
,u 1.3 ~ WATI:RIf O N 0 cogs
.7./\7 . AI LS SPIKEI for I, v
L ATI:I:MAN s S-ON . S..
LEAItL ASII--13 cast, prime for sala by •
s. .1.17.1010 X 1 , 41 N,.
eiRANGI;S--'2ll bib to write, f o r
De 111:1:11+; r n 7,.11RAN.
lull _ 11,,L‘1 at. .t
111 eTTER-10 lag prime roll 1 r n& o b y
11 is^ Wtcli CAtirt.ti.:E.
FEE--100 UM; prime and faxwy Rio
Cnal, II) J. D. 1r ti.LIA3I, A co,
.al2l C..r. lab ural Oa
.1()Olt ;
31, Prim. Vz.r..le by
)an J U.\Lyk.46l W.tor
I.J-11urptir t flarchtleld all; thi. inurnintr rut:fancy. ,
R. , 1•11.µ (etr hvw .upply Spring pry 1,1.1, ma In
vite Al. ut thou. cu.lottier, and buyef,teuffrallr, 71.7
Invite attentaau to their extesuite awyortufent of now pl.) le
print, V 12f., eon. per ,ftral,
ex with partiefilar mf
erouve fhirabt hi, ful , r. Au excellent artfelo alitu
offered lit l e eop, to, yard. warranhal tit,t ruler, Al.
ebuire tty lec Eif,lish Chihli,. From IU.Si to 194 e.wit.
rwr 'ant. man, a thew . eutirel‘ uevr Abu, new
e.t ~niur ar twice, Itotrafte
Loin.... Noodle ork ullw Chernizetta, Or. Bon
net, snit llffunet Ilil.hon.llJunet Cap, Le.
TRW BOOKS--Tl 6. Ilistary of Pflidennitl.
11 Ili. fortune. mud no•fortuno, Li. friend. faal him
. . , . . .. .
a4+l • 1n.., Ily II 1111 ut II '
41...,,,,,,b„,.„ . .',... 1., ,17, „i",V - ''' Ti '"'''' . With
:,.... , uftlae ' lliAcory or l'a-ti ' Ar t n . Il y n \ '''''''hu".".
31,04,111P'. A Yra.gactltus Sup ' r . :. ". ll, t.lael . xlitrtril. F . •
lial:a 11.,001
11 Li Ell, 1 . 1,1,131 Ft..ld Huck (rf the I Uy
1.4.w0rt S. vilA,
Tho l.c..k.ittgl P.r
No 31,ark..1.
CLrou:lAe, Aulwri,...
401.i.:1 A :ill—A superior article of our own
ItLEACIIING POWDERS— , 2OO --etvik,., a
f.,;:r 6 " t r utlMi Co. --
V, A L SODA--100 casks on hand and for
1.3 nay 'by f;b1: EENNNYT. - BEERY a Co.
:41: LP 111: It IC & 311: RI ATIC ACDS, - . id
vri ou hanJ .03 Ca 11i1X fa;s ,, Nurr.
XIACKERAL--100 bbh large No. 3, ALE-•
...rbunou iwpertlon, ..1.• '
7 4 17 J.l, A
D tres prime Carolina, for solo by
LIU C. 1,17 J.t.i A. 111.1TC1111 A ea
-1101--31.• kegs assorted numbers, for stile
It r. 17 .1 TCIIISON A rd.
OLASSEU bbls Plaiitution, for sale
(An .15, .1.111.1 , 111REN C CO.
lEA ki Pigs 17aluna, for sail: by
A 1.117 J.ts. A.ifurcinsoN't
19 BUSH. IoIIIED APPLES, for sale by
0 11, Water trmt.
wONS SODA ASII. for 641 e by
OM 1.1 , 17 a Rum bOE a: INt ITRAM. •
1 00
1511-100 1,1113 No. 3 31aekeral;
r hi;
iv. ;*?';
II ()SI N —l9O Lbls No. sale Le
TA 11-1.10 bbls North Carolina, for ~dc
F LS by
. tr. a
SN - int I •
7 Laing ,`,,1tr.0:
.wrks Fr.t hero.
da bry
I do do l`caolte4,
d.. do pL.asiod.
4 lid tlrmddnr
I do W001,.v0 landing from eloarnor Ctn.,
rd. and to ral. lo OW: 1: , .1l All DICKEY dCO
1 01 L---41. trot t of Cuml .and • lying on the
Mot:4l,hoLn. upp, ond 11l aft,.
efor •ilo torn,. tbed Ln4nro uprottablelnTottmwdt
odnitali,.. or 4,11 men. Hon..* ~noudh for the
44444% rd , - No Landing In
Iho .ated •/I. I,nnlttiug Nutty 44, Isr Iduldl at all
ol , lt .ruto nm.Piens rinnlo, tlqUlf,dtd T 4. 14 Ir the nc
feb12,41, Ater at Law. it.
QUDA ASH-3l t.:24 , 1:5, f , r rale by
L" 1.61:i W. LF. WILSON:
1,7 ALT bug, crude, fur *Me by
W. A F..W11,05.
ULAT-12:3 tor of by
' F.
riNIIEIOIOMriEIIS--.1. full ti.. , tiortrurtit for
•314. by 1,b1:. J. Nll/13 LCO.
lltiiiCAL IN STBIS3IENTS of every de
-17.,riP1icn,f.a.,1,.b c.ia, J. KIPPI Or.
IN.. NI I VII 111, for.alrl.r J. KIDD S CO
_ -
CoLoltS, IN 01L 7 -A full as
k.ron. Lslo, ..IcKairt.tou
C t
Yelltsr.3.lgo, Color, dal, :Lade",
f de..1 . 11 , 1101, Kr sale G./ imp
.5 co.
A I:1)EN SE I:l4'r—A full ,lul good ti..iuri
-101 fiz.o
i• WV! , ele - .1.1 Y-1.111, :A We "R, sI.P
-m t.s.l ar.l
n... wioilkatilLlll.
p _
The 1, - . u atues...klr beretercra exiglar berireeu the
uder lbe earl,. of eletctlert 4 11/hit:, nrr4ia
.,,lt.nlrµrliu: 1211, LI mutual
Llther of ILe eul,eeribeao will &ILYA to to:1111E41ln
the buque.o suJ anautlatri.,..l to aim the uaroo of the late
firm far that purr.... Sc. 101 It r.ol et. 5t i rfa. ,,,..7,
February 12,'41. T 11,5., R. WHITC.
IVEAV FIRM—B. C. Sitaeklett and
IN.)itc• partneri. aserßolr t nilrtylryle,..
j os .
1:11 - ML:SIC—IVIIere are tb. ;4 . 0 . 05 c.f .
.J 1 . 7 Youth; by: G. Larter.
The Roth,
Ilyc Pay, 11,Fy.
e 4,:fA144.1. oo2a - /013, ii oran-i n the
Ladlylef Neve Englart.t,
sq.. nor Avlli
oh. meet ite..ku ?here.
11l 41.1`aght. •
Iralett my Nut., Vllluge.
Fr. hi, hi: the Mark FLaireri &ulir trot Prat.
W,,01,1 I e'er.. al.
6.4 .I.llelli. by h.rr.
An Polloar, Fralrrr., Varhy
Al. , th.v. purply of - New Carruina Suer,„."" rsantleu
Laud', nod au . po l ar tele vrerli., Ylei irt.' u
cellret),. of p,..yolar an.l .••ri hartnani,..,l
ureauu. 1./ "
the b. ..t r•.; Vat, a,. U. 1.1.141Y.R.,
liarp. Tblrkl
.‘pertine, in pitore and lc
.ale t. fi, 414 It IIIEY? , IATT 11.1 , VZS a to
g ILEEN APPLES-30 1 ,1 0 - ipr sale by
I_ll L. 1.1 4 • i Alertur.Ws 4 co.
()LI, l!' — iTER-1 bbl 1;:.!. sale 1.77
kids • Min, .co
, At•IOR 014--11 - 1,1,t4 11.1 , ,r'/I.lak• for sale
fetal , a Co
4.2 AFE IS V E'......;:*1.1:NT—59,001) in Al le , zhe ,
t. 7 Nr .
WM A. 1111,1. CO.
(Alt mlore
i% NI, A. 111 Ll. GC_
w BONN lETS--lurphy ?oarthti e ld
this woritin4 tw.c.:l - 31,14,..0f New npnoH
of Chlo. II aria - Artim.
Stn.. 1.,:erl find Euoiv.4len..l
LIDA. and ILotn. 44,1 Al floe
China I , :arl. W. 44: roder.:a ImrAca,ttl'varl, Van:lyk,
1',141 4.1 I'es7.l. 1:th01,11 Maar. 414 and Dututabby. Also
xal 44.1 ellarlh:i: • I!,:ilueLt. 44,r4,:ty• ut
14:rior cnh:r.:4 thrust;. plain and stud
calob C 44 hli: dn. oo: 144 44 4.7; Iloya and In
fant,: MN, l%burg, Albou. China Pearl : Leghorn,
, . •
• 1:14:1 •
1., Wm. 31. Tlmrkarry and the Qu.nm . .. Nerklace, or
S.;•rrt the Court of Loull. :litre:llh. hr At.
r.nder I , nutru, and for laic at'llill.3lE'S
litrrnry 11r1;A:Nu. -
Cure NluuouL but Juul ebeu. k.
cot r Cum in .4 int-ruut. e‘llteltv • Mater PutArnt
Ilona ",df-ceistlo- Prok.sio..l..a Dumegir
by Dr. W 44`. 4
blbTa Tyraverl
Wy r.ll4. lakimrbull iubjects, by Li,* huzlou,
31. D.
Tbe abort um - a, for tole by R, p.,
aral atatitmer, corbel. Alt.& acia Ttard
-- 0-P.7l.ll7AFC:slllP—Wejlave thi dav
Cdil nil In the L , 31,
4).. , ‘ .11 ,14 . Them, le ill I,l:warn nil lienirr. 11
ANDREI , ' 1.F.Y.1.7111, .1,, .1 CO.
ho found In the wet of Perry. Purim's Velrratirre , ln
OpWind ef the na.t. prraninerl, •Wad
NlerrhantA 4.1 Cincinnati t o
001. t'fith.
"'ter, 14.1117. 1- I',"
her two
• 01;r17; grTo
etanie ' ralt; ‘ ttlher, ' and as would room the puulic tort
ht very Instanre. err far en we know. It he. r.Oven the hest
.ttlefaction Loth.. ',orator, e can reenmtnend it LUe
public , SA an article of gryst torahl and virtue. bolmi. no
nerrt tutu an artiele 31..11rirn• >a iltwartedl.7
yerpulat its ra dun, which le Mat: m ad .-
I 71;a end rourt u :le. dV
he I. S .l3tf.•
Bi i n o '; L t d'. ;ET,relarb, orioneasle, Agent, No. 67
Wont • ' febl3
BOATS—The Tanacharispn
Lad I ; llll ;4 . ll .:ttlbWilafth,t / . 1/trreepott
• li""4 " " J 011!( 311AVP.N . Va W
(41.13 Canal 1.1.3. Itittobumb.
YCIIANOk RANK foini —A Ie;
6...aate. Apply- to BAIRI• IVIN.
febl3 114 t2crund
1 ., 4 3 1 1 Ca1a - AN 1) 'MACCAROX I
Mnirariml And Vern:LIM:L. on hold 'and
fartalc no the on or reinll, M3l. in. .1.0)
Ltlierti 0 1 CKER'S FARINA-5 boxes fresh, of
thin article.. Cel.bestni-tra diet for Invalid. or
t F en. abio far kinnenianre. Pudding, Gruel or Coup.
Permit vcry lon th e don on retell.
FOX' ST_ ILCII-21) y7 I 107E71 , de13 :-
11 f.:1,13 Me•ct,tlto r CO._
bbls Lard;
Pon Pitt far ph. br ILrI "
fi n BBLS Superfine lour. fur sale by
a . tsbia „ r..stitarm.
f sale
or v - •
51 2 BUSoo)l.l..iarrtirrErt.
200 I:II.ILPEAC . JJX.S . , for eute garrn.
TILE Foundry cow:looted with our works
having Usti t, ou thr night
ot :Ith ton., tr, tliat vio xtv oar juopared
tO faces. mkt, umal, for Foundry w...rk and ti.
Papers which biro .ta100,4 the rutin! deltructite of .
Woes.: .ertat. tt•liunk)
/iNAP 1 CO.
Ton Pat Work.. Fob-10. lebl - Z4LIV
'artner Wanted.
APERSON having, n thomugh knowledge
of the Ifillinery Engl.., In nil it. branches, ad
w ,.. : ,j u g ht.euaw. a rattan in .nl,,blished
Im.r of • mutat., by St I ht.
N.ll. No tapI4II.III be rcltilrot. •
1.0 bbls She .!p atld 3 bbls Beef Tallow, for
tate by i1e14.3 1 , 4.‘L F. c:111111E11.
nil DOZ CORN BPOONk for halo 11
9 1L/I r 043 ' . ...
'. - . , 5
CAM, P. :1111111AL
131ILS SMFC OIL, for sole by
eltfll VEIL
-4 ROLL BUTTER, for solo
LI MID 011-12 IMls, p,e'd per steamer
c1ud.zati.i..A11.......h by JA5."1,11.r.11.1.,
(b 1.2 No. OS lister st.
b 3
13IP BL ACK-11 for Tamer's,L
1,249 for galeibr J. ANlOON)l.llititt
IuFA With
lynr!p- rot
ASS—,2Q4) Bxlo, for
1,1.1 a, in fine order, fin' &An
SC/100331.4.6F1t a Co..
Tium, lbr hale by
a! sctioosNalirr. t N.
I NG INGS--Gold Paper listtg
and VrlTet &Wand 1...ALT:4.14 Draw
I I. bf, W. 1•. WARS lIALL.
• S 6 Wood st •
to= cenl.k.,
117 RAPPIr
—fur Aale y U. 411!
V T...
ater kW Enna MA.
—From C., 14 cents '
Lano.nortuient. C r rale by
123 Las, in store and for sale by
SEED--In store and for sale by
M,II - 1.1..411 DILKNI - 1 CO.
TAA-151.1 We, in :note and for sale. by
tehll 1:011A111.ICKEICI to
C • NAL CWIRINI--The Stock
hpLient of e Etie Ca 6.1.1 t 0111113113. Wt
bere.r MAI
.. that the AnnualsiNtivn Din.etot; ur the ensulug
'ear. rill Le held tineir ein Erie. On the fit. Lau.
Eo . I? 112TCLI 1.1tiC1,11,... Ii
Canal O ffi ce,) rie, Feb. S, til
fe See.tal r.
11111 E LA .LES all "If you want reel'
liobl Tea. •o to Morris ihr.orth's Tea Stun, in the
tecae.] 11..! The I'm tLer 0. to outs per pound
LA really very' ~ . And thee, At cents awl 1,1. Are deli
deo, Lo . duruige,l, er Inferior Tess are rum:incept
,noneestAbllal, "out, tool thee our ret Ni h auTem
from the , rigitud ehest, 6elogp will
uof keep in 31.,1 lie . wil.ppen, which, by holding up to the
. t, son A ill •Ad 11 , As porous At a lady's tell. febll_
. .
L EAD P PE--CornelEo improved_patea
L..... /
.1 pipe ur ilgTlr.
Il yitrardie Emmy
eislernr, te.
All errs an and to Arrirr, for wle br " ' _ •
JW.l%ltr ALMA:M:6 001tDON. Weer rt.
I.I , EFINJA BORA.X. ,. l , lZ i fa w sg iA T4 R an k l2 ,o l7
TANNEI'S OIL-20 bbls, for sale , by-
SUNDA' . S--
10 bosh Dry reach,
I . DO do 4. Apple,
kaga iTsahlnston Co. Butter,
iv bbl a extra Family Donn,
do zupertlrso do;
uW ,loaert extra Coro !in..,
IOLN boxes Window t/laa, V01,a.,,0r tom
and Tnt - gale Ly JUILX 11 All'
T e
as c t resound, an additloa
-1 fk.. r afil 'i" WlLytls
. .
It OLL BUTTEII-23 bbls prime, for it* by
1t 11
N.. 1.125 rim 1.11.1 116 Feound rt •
LINSEED OIL-10 bills. for solo by.
febl I ' 0. t W. IftIikAIIGIL
TALLOW -10 ' pr aae,
for sale by
mai • s..k w.iimiszAtaiL
BROOMS -i 0 dozen. for sale by Y
10tai 0.4 g W. IiARD.WW./.
TIMED APPLE ..c 2 :450 bus prime, for ;ide-
DRIED BEEF—ti casks sugar mud, for
JI fate by fcbll 0. tW. ninsApoli.
AP,D—.SS 1)1,19, and 11.10 ke No. 1, for
by y f. 1.0 S. k IV?ipainscoir.
iILOVEIt SEEO--35 bbls prime Ohio, far
ACHESt-150 ba
s. %,
,* ' •
IOTTON lbs superior lust
u._/ It...lurid, by 3. KIDD ir 1:X
Nu. Go Vitxxl ans..
1 20:3T1LE SOAY-20 cases for bide by
ALILI=-Se kegs and 2 bbls, far sale be
1.:110 bitoWN a KIRKPATRICk
ESI.LS--40, LbLs Cloaer Seed;
Itt Co) isreeth dfx, for oak by
I.,ushela on hand and
AJF6r We bl teblt) mows a KIRKPATRICK.
TMIFSSUN—Trieste, Chynese, and
manima. ku nip try
fetati J. FeIIO6I,3IMCED.
,i HNICA FLUNCERS I -For .by . ,
,Lik. fvblo J. SCHOON3ISSZFA,top .
11 LACE: LEAD.,II:4 lbs offrap s u,ipt: quai
-IJI tr. for sale by
fet..lo R.
' .) . 1 Vi ' N3CLIBLS''.t.
bbls for by
I 10,10 . R. IL mulls,
•BAYURRY-2 bbls for sale by
feta° IL kL. SELLIW.
AS-10 MA: , for sale bv •
LPL CORKSz-liakk dr0.,4 fur bale by
_114.1i1 It. P.. SYLLEBS.
01:4 E LALN:ES—Priutott and 671171
evx., Pvc.L T.irtv a. 1.4 at vatic. priers tp t,,,
IL nor. frblu Mat(llFl',4,ll),
j,AjL tlald have en deed an ...repent GOODS—Murphy
ituck Bomte.
mom, Canna Cloth. Nieuwe de Lai., Parretttcre Ikaate.
nee toishect Alpacas, az.d. deer Ryl,•a of ]t om•
i.SUGAR-100 L
ISAIAII DICKEY 4., CO, Agents for 310-
1_ donne. Iron Works, bare Inn. b. .41.. of saberlor
Wrantnl. n arobrnoll2Writeratil
. brunt et..
BATTING -15 bales superior, foe sale by
fa.l4 liAlAll DICKEY .I. IX , '
if ICIri ' ON-L l lO bales fer sale by ,
s k .,e feblO 1.3.0-1111 - MeraY k co
- ___ ___
"tOTTOS• doz Willed. to; Salo
VV br :oau , :thaw . w r & ROE
6,1 EGaliS-Ii),000 rpriutilwr, by
-, fi.ta.
Law Partaad a ip,
irt t. t.: J e • r nwcat i ben ,o4 " le - . 7 . ...onrrhe ia fi W rat 4
of tl g rn ar;
..tor ! t ater of them. rhea mt ca.
-1E4 1;
TTER--tbbls •roll,
tdu oackod,
lu Lrgs do for tale t.r
1'025_ S. F. TON BON NI101:311 CO.
F,ave rwei , .-1 • v."7' Tud guppiy *
GC sa,“
•bkh thr, ran Fell at 14 . .wer Ile,. Wan thev :TW
rrallT r-old at; r. 1., Black Figured an 4 bron344. do. of
nrr<r r t ntrle,
RI I' GI NG fiAMS--31urphy lc Burchfield!
my hare atlkazala-)sn,e Int a Dnp Gingham.. arldpla
nr, aelling at oratly redzil north taa.t cornet ith
end Mark et ....I,
FRESH FRlAT—Peachei and Blaekbenlis
nut un In thrlr own infeerlakl bernoetkallr telattl,
tber.hy prrmervhobt tbrir crofts! Cover ozoi trrghne.. Chrrrirs .....1 Pluto• put ,u in the Name Innriller Stir giro or tort, tln bend tad for n le by 1 .
W11....4.1 , 11 . CLUR6 a (V.
MA , 236 Witty stmt., .
.... ~...—.....
la MD SEEDS--Canary and Hemp Seeds.
UP or the hrtot quality for utile. - .•
Wq . . SMARM k
LINS111:1.) OIL- —;i M , pare
Ms just received
i./ Cowan - Oil. uul for )fir u.
lco&IS•nN. LLTTLE & CD;
Merry and/.
‘lllllO - AND PA. HAIL 110.11)
NJ/ lortatatentr mi ritd up, for sxlr lyr
WNI. •
A. MU. LLO, -
Mack and EuS3ARA B
FIGS AND RAISINS:IW bo - zes fig
end for gee by. • 10014111 RiViKPATILIar 2
ILIOLASSVS-L34 tierces and 300 barrels,
1 prig pune, 21 S. IL, tor Nobs '
B "" IcKLIIJC annex.-
Ant) bbls beef rAned Winter,
APER--100 Teams Wrapping, usaried;
r.AI do Einedwato 41%
fdrEl J. SCLlOONlidffla • CO.
r sa a br
i i i r LUE.--60 Mils Common, ' •
nab; it ' ' l3 I rr!nnornuk co:
1/JUDEA'S CCSIIIONS—Jusi relvired szut
xfi k, far ialc by No te %Yent KIDD &
QIIAKER'S lIEKTIS, ull kinds,. A fresh /0t
ou band, an.] fur sale by
- &S J. NM k
tlLAL'ikivs uNDS-1 doz. for sate ,
%fi by fplo J. KIDD &CO-
LUNG SHAWLS--A few low'priemil:Lone.
8112..1.—. mauve artielnywrt rinp.o4), n i mai
ItYlll zync
teta • •
%I I SSES 11' , 00 . LI;N; , *AVIS— , Of a ,
i.r- M.: ' l , lllY k EtTeMIELD.
C ASTOR OI Ir 3U . 7 15 Blow'n but, for ogle
bbls fresh Itol4.
BU TA' do Kau. . .
LIT "' , liCl:ll2.rgOta'
:1..630-49 boxes 5 Ltunp; for sale by
ota NI 11.1.5 LSO E.
ATENT SOAP POWDER--03 - boxiijust
ore by A. E. SELLERS, a croodi.
of • heal st.ovalgua arikla mai al•iiya I. bad.
tide of at...ts as lov as 25 ants put pant. They hare alto
ola Land Maud. 14. Ono and nail Lam einatt
Tutdas saga asulgsuliCos. t. 43
,s Gar sale tar