The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 20, 1851, Image 1

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    ESI ABLIS&P IN 178
1.1 aI.FI •
(D t ~,.
DAILY—Have. 4 ,
EIS Dee.L.ibe
fil lMgilel7u "
-76i pm
be rent sf4 '' t ' l l irTt s
• rene•al.
, • one 11inary (10 lin sof Sioaspardi • ar• U.) •
on inaertien. ... . .... -.--.. s 0 811
„ • ' y.
In willitiouslitlMStio- 0 26 1
• • D 0.7 three. wear— -... 4-00
• 1.
Us. •als
re out. 2 00
Llo. • tre reemtlm 18 00
E bind ice.; Cade. (ill. or lend, per aturum...S2 eq
O. QOM, Dr emir noel line.
Ono Beinsi... ebansitsb e at Siensttre (Do' as..
tool e. teatime of the super-...—. .... ....Z CO
_s'ar cm% additienal som mooned MT OM month, and 1 tinder the yearlF rates.
• 44 rototemer10 eimidin a solar. and not over enema
lieuv, to to charmed .0 ayare and a halts ••
• . lublishers not emdroteb ••kw legal•advertisemeaU Tor
- DOW the amount char/mit r Ode publication.-
• , firmembing =dictum offie, to be charged the tame
Le came advertirmerds. . •
Adverterements cot mark d on the cosy for n,apeNemd
number of, Weenies:la, will be continnwl torldd,and par.
bract exacted armnlingly .
Tho Privtlege anuitil rtliarez limited to
their own immediate beware:so. end all advertisements Or
the ben,lit of, other I' nova, well es all advertisement. not
inortedlabily mfteieetol with their own bosh.; end SO
eta.. of edvertisuimeita le iensill or otherwbut beyond
the limits extgagsd , ton ho charmed at the emigrates. For
all troth tran,.ent talv4ing. tale yid bo separately
rendered, end Det.Dt D Met dcalred. • . Atl • • •
advertiarmento .eitable instititUons , tam
" moles; we'd, Manallis, met other public meetings. and
odtit like, to be chost-1 bait sr., payable Strictly in ail
- Ilarriagirnott. to b., charged za .per. •
• Death note, turret withmit dutr,e, Union seems.
need br funomi Orrati•ors o c r r obituary Denim, and when
' Nrg ' ll ' ir! ' . ' :•rt•i t .l ' a f e ' raritt l al f iall others rending mles
tiorm. or routillati4 timers, designed to eat tomato,
Fairs. Soire-s, Conmg,. or -any pubik• . 7 .131.11i1111616L14,
where charger am trader for edimNsece--ell notices of piti
rem arstmalion.miverD notice dengoyd Sr tail attention to
Mints enterprise,. al =local or intended to mum,. Ind!.
vidual interest, eon tole be inserted with the understand
ing that the wen IL to be Dud for. If Intended to be In.
sorted in the Mal column; the tome will be 0111/otd at the
rats of not Ora Oran 10 00,10 per lint:
' •Itishop ive Zet! ,,, of. charged MlBe prkt ,
• Tavern Limn. Petition, 91 each.
Steal Estate Agents' and ..toMonewrie adeertisments trot
to be classed end., ymeirtaMer beit,to by allowed a dip
Yount of thirty thew end one third per mat frorn the
Lents:let of bill. .
*mar rf !LILT rams.
• e EilISSe. three ....
Do. cash cslditlonal itimoijos._ or
ADVX:elnntrlita ry WrzilT PMTS. •
• e tonsil; (w ti
ass incortion—..—.so ears.
Do. esch issertlon recta
hualrat advert rrtnent. to i,•• ram osorsoc.
• • - -
TOEN A. PARKESTSON, Alderman, Fifth)
Ward: Nan hataraen WHars and Wabaat. Alts
laapiaaats rrorq prly attaaaded to. ,
N. P. 1 - 0. L. B. E'TTEII3I.IIN, Attor
er=gli.rr Ageots, No. laitth
.A.INIES J. KUHN, Attorney at Law; office,
In TlJulunan Mslll, curn-r nf Grant not and Dismond
r. laitta.urnn, inls,lly
II: COLLIER. Attorney at Law, office
. to 7 ...71e. Bonding , Foorth . st, dame ataithgeld.
• Kenn: formal a eouneotion with 1 Nottree, Esq., of
IVaatanaton etty, ttorozerly of the iand Ogger.,) he in pro
pored tu give Donor attention to the procunng of Land
Warroote, PerenonS, ge... and to th e protesotion of elalms
'before Caugreet or any °Nile, &tart:gents. jali.
.A.2kIES F. KERR, Attoiney at Law—Office
. liL Ft., Ind.lieeri Smithfield awl Omit. tithdrcirsb.
IRAN CIS Q. FLAN EG IN, Attornei'Zi.prw,
No. 72 Vourth Duvet, Plitaburoh.
1122. Y. VMS..
,S , TOWE t. WATSON. Attorneys at Law.
No:ll , lFowth ntret. IltDburgb.
rnrce.rr, Ale< an ilex Dar Jam Ellayd,, sw• art
eon, Morrim.c, B. Joln, Fleadaw, Ac
countant,' Ow. W. 710 r-val; ritt,burgh.
- LI WARD P. JONES, - Attorney at Law
con,. on Fonnn tnn , t, benwrn, Wad and SotlL§
JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Lila .
No. 89 flab Ntr, , T t, ;.Itliburyb. P.
;•, - .:BANDMIS AND Bacorna---
trle. It. Ir. ... . -Y. R. feVAT...,...-t. a. cart,:• Vitl.`.ll. WILLIAMS ft CO., Bankeie
lisehapp ePs. North Seat memos of Wool
sadgreet, Pitabargh.
All thapactioas - Peadp pa lacral sad miled/Pail
InotaPtir sitoalud
G,Bank:er and Exclutgeßrokr,
roorth elnxt, /haler lit lank - Not. MOs of Bi
c cif...C.114ml ri ilex. Streks bought, and mkt.
The hlrben cutrk4trire raid hi Nrsainch for Martino
Half Degiart, and lexhah and hhrhish Dalters, a_ par
AV31.. - LARIME,R;JR., Banker and Broker,
VV•• Ad, amt. 50. fAzijoining the Bank of Pittibungh.
IVILKINS CO, Exchange Broken,.
nurrtSemi, tut Omer of Third add Meeker Meet. A 4
iloar 21 - mum literal rates.
la HOLMES SON. Dealers in. Foreign
ill • sat Doiaesctle anu Ekeltaage Certlttettes at Ds
tttte. Donk Xstraatiti Speck, Na $a Market street, Pitts
bartsh.:_,M.Oelleetioas tests ea all the priecipal cities
th u g
its Vatted State.
iIIEORGE -E. ARNOLD & CO., .Batikers:.
D Coiri. Bank otoh, ko—
Voarth /*vet. tmtt do, to the Batt of•Pit N tsburgh.
Irttlons.earetally Attended to, 1.1 the proeeetlotazottbsl
ono part of the Loluo.' '
JKLICA.3IR - iiani
r cera and Exj.
change- Brokerm Iscalers In Foreign sad Doroodle!
of Exchszigo. ddificnics a Deposits, Book, Note.—
Office. minter of - Third ond Wood stprete. directly opposite
the Et. Chorlet Howl.
cAßomeits -Banlcin g House,
•i/• Y 0 .16 Was! girr:ot. rinsbofgh., Crotrht Mete= rs. verb! no Deposit. Witched!, -mnoe all the othoolpel
doe of the /Jolted h:stes. .
Mltb biniunission . .lierchants
.nd 11111140 k tn. 2.76.114 Smnpl rtrPet. Perectal
.LttateranturniPs tram 6100 t, al wars on blind
emstr I.IVI Z. !Liu.
ATZIER. CO., Successors
Hamm k Co.. Iltarehe. Creatacc Stoat:Mt
at i detlem lira - Men aad Domertic Exehmisii,
of Deposih_firtnkNetm. amt :reek—No-MA West rarner~ or
liked anal Third 'trot, Currant Money received on Dm
trait. toll.' :Ji ght Chreka for tale. raid eollartions made on tu lr all tist,_
Tbo thcir, ver
trelpal ptinirgdhe o picitec.Stat n e/ t
• Atleahket
rlot.enatle im
liberal fermi.'_ . k , a....tcmcntx of Produce. ehippetl;
TLC:Vre ; TA L 0 Commissioner, and Bill
'JR •itrOker. fttectut ttrert. Strict attention .111 be
given tr. all huttirea or:teamed to his ram Pittsburgh
manufacture:l artteler garner no bond Orprommed at rhort
make. ;Naha., Bomb, almicacrs, te.. negotiated pa Oman
ahte terms. &Daher, mule. If remind. aC2 , ;
t,l y ;~~ M ~ :~:~:
C:. STOCKTON. late Johnston Stock
• tap, Book.-Iler. ENtinuer. Printer. and Binder, ear ,
of Xartzt and Tl,ffil rtred.r. Pstrsharntt
JAS.. B. HOL3LES' Chenp Liternry Depot,
U hit - 1 rtaet. apt. 1t p ,
the P. Office. Nem' Book. re
br expo •.. 5ub...410.v rorei.ed to .7 of
tho Ilagortoce yubli.boa at the Dufal.b.ea
knred. prim'
110PKINS, 13fAueller and Statkinor,
11, No- 7S Fourth ptrvi. Apollo nondiogo.
AVID BOWN:J.rt.', Wholesale and Retail
Eats ace Conatatlescr. ratulh saw; Pllttabnntb. r
' Wind Cake, atattVaney ennandlonary, alwara on band.
Alt in
Incertnallr attended ta.
. .
3l'CLlNTOCK..linnufacturerand Im-
WLYTior'qr Cnrwl,, Oil Clothe, Str.s.m Etna Trim.
7._ X!: :Vsrley 511.44e4, 4r. Warebnosr,:i.t.s Yout h PL.
.uo ~, no. m,"411:4171,gb.
, . .
• .
A. M ANULTY 4 CO-.—Trannporters, nth
VM , OoNno 'ont.Catomboion Merchant. D•Noot,
Canal Booto, Penn Moo, rittibures. • kbls
jzg i t , Cooia.O.e.o n Mmolooto, No. GI Rater greet,
10/ 13 . r, 0. Commission and For
...I.lltsr Morctant, Water . Pittsburet.
IL JbIINSTON,F,Srmwding and
p u ris c i ffu . :4 7 4. Morel:mot, No. 112 Second stmt.
Forwarchng and Com
miaion 31 , rehlra.o. Dealt, la Pure anti Pitt.
Lur Mnottfaclurol ankle?, Canal Baal.. nit , Santellitt
CA.I(I%INULTY CO.Aorwarditie
6 Couti,iy4un4u n tn, C•nd s a 4, ptuituirg
A. il.
i liAllOl ---.-----.--..------------''';•.llvt:
ARM% JONES dr- CO.; Suecessorito At
,. := l . , fitTL: A %`?',r, laraltma ' " AT.
burr!, Pa.
- r
C. :SIiA.,,CKLETT Ca—Wholesalti
• Aisles:gin Foretce .I.l.ll)ocueetle Dry Goods. Nn. 101
wart. tamont7.ll. .fetai
. .
a.txxsas I n‘...n.r.ot• - ..a. :::::n. I..Asiinner it co .a.rna.
i. MASON ..t. CO., Whole.alb and Retail In Fancy .41 :lark, Dry' Goats, C23larket
Ind Ntinl Dre Oonla Nfcrehants, coiner of roar* ,
and kit itient i , riti•lirgh.
ftnthm. c mum:"
FLEMING 61 CO:; . Commisaioti
`'l7, u 4
falpet, fuutth ttofrr from fffib, Pals
. .
..,,,... .".., it.„. ~.,..
rc..Y61.1: k.3lcDtlitELL. (Successors to
a r . "to ICr ,,, k fttraer.) Vrhnlettale .at Real Drelg .UNI
Physilei m
Pti r ft Star. mracr et Wpm stmt nod YirgiqsUrY,
rsceirtaots carerully. comixranded ritchtsatt
FAH NESTOCK & CO, Wholesale
sod Retiul Pruraitt., me..., w oo d . 3 41 boat th '
- Vanto. StrifTo..eod.lrotrunomer,--
or Viol:We celbrated WO= STociEe. Ltr
;riiirsrazui Syrnrc . N0..40; comer of Wool awl
loori.h.otogOto; Plusburgiv n o'Cto.lll be
wl Ihnruth4 divara • *!'"ftilT.
SE P4 L o L t, E . RS . , st Wholesale Dealer in
areet, Pittsbu'athg: De
-415 - I{N AMMAN, NLoleHalq Dr — uTgTsi,
Ai N'oW 7,"0:11P= ) T? Y
SN. WICKERSHAM, Wholesale Druggirrt
. mat Deader tn &oda and Anitenltnnd Implement;
114 and 144 Wood sWavd. oorner ore/alb.
TSCHOONMARER &CO., Wholesale Drug.
OP ed.. No. 24 Wool W.% Pittaburah.
. 999
. 19 a)
24 09 ..
eTtl neat for
7.1.1i2C1 .... .171121.
ItAUY itiffitiClVAdeliale and Retail
tuuligiiiing. corner of Warty and Ataxic gti. Pate.
urgh. Pa.
4-L. SECEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commis.
Merchant, and dealer In Paper and Itage, co •
00 and Irwin ,test , , Pitdobucch..
AMUEL SIIRIVER, 'Wholesale Gro
kj eer, Produee end Comtnierinn blerch•u
ere PUtaburnh 3heturNl Nen 1 ,
&mod street. betw lennf een Wind erel etnltldela. AM .
)01.11. miroarn. ... . ...... ........ r.rorn
• Grocer& Procla , Carasnlsxl C
on °" lr " rc
p l iMAL l fi r i l iZ i r • z der at
J. w. gragraisor. ,
JUP Orreen utgl Cniguthrion Mrataii , No. 1 1Ei WO+ ,
Wow!. sad 1:4 ring rim., Pittsburgh.
HEY, MATTIIEWS & CO., Wholesale
Orme.. Comudraion and Forwarding Merchant., and
gents Ihr Brighton eta Inn Yarn,. :t7 Water .L.llttsburgh.
roar WAIT -WWI awns.
?JOHN WATT & CO.; Wholesale Grocers,
Camadaton Merchant., and Iteatere In Produce and
ttaburgh Manufactures, No. VII Libectr anent, AIM.
burgh. Pa
T, 8. - CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
n'Ot?Stnn i lTer d V 11?-= ' 5Le " w r' i l Atter. d P/ b at
Pearl Ash
a , and Western Predune ginseralw. Water nitwit.
between mithfledd and Wool, Pittsburgh.
T 4. I. 1 .733 X..
LS. WATER 1.4-I.N & SONS, Wholesale
Omura. Commission md Forgardlog terehanu.
.In all klruls at Prulure and Pitsburgh Mai:sancta
rod gilts's. and Ag.erits lON tbe eats of Richmond and
hyllehbrawriNgstubsctursd Tolgists, Sot. 80 and 81 xr.t.a.
!meet, Pittsburgh.
QF. VON IiONNHORSI' & C 0... Whole
. D eaden'tecrs. Far...ding and Omni:Wen= fercla.
an ln Pittsburgh Maranfacturre and Western
Peoluce i No. 36, earner of Front drrct and Chancery Lane,
..... .
SAIAII DICKEY S CO., Wholesale lim.
41 C013213111P10111 Derebants, mat Dealers In Produce--
SGWater, and 107 Frost ems, l'lttabstrah.
ma coluen •
& BENNETT, htte
Oalls g hts Co, Wholesale Groners,Conualeslon and
Reding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and l'ltts
targh MWanoo are , No- 1•M hsenna d at. and IJI last rt.,
between }Sa te d and nredthbeld.
Omens, mod Laorte. of Broodles, Whios km!
N 0.221 comor of - Liberty on, Irwin otreem Pitts
buret, P.. Iron, Nall., Cotton Porno, to-, •c • colootootly
.11 haul.
:own yeant....-am D. Won.. c.
M'GILLLS & ROE, Whole sale Gi-ocers and
lannOmbn Xs:elm:km N. 27 Mee, nme,
ROBERT MCK)RE, Wholesale Grocer,
Rectifying DlaWee, deal, in Produre, DinSbarsh
bctures and all kinds cf /'amigo and Dorcsrtio
Wines and Ilium, No, .315 Lawny street. On *A
=Vd e l tqtletor i g P'ell
iv t 3 racers, elsljajnimion Merchant,. dealers in I',
Psuit Pittsburgh Manufactures.. 253 Liberti .trne
~ g OBERT A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale
c enciiMo P T l e
Liberty meet, l'ittebbegb.
1,11. Ji tl. C1.1.1.4t.
AUK •BAGALEY st CO., Wholesale Ciro-
Y eel", Noa. 18 anal XlNtol Are., Pittalmrgh.
.0010 O. WIT LAM 1.1 . 0.0.5".
IVICK & McCANDLESS. successor:, t,
a. J. D. Wick. Whnlmsle arcarra Foram - dill
and Cianmiaokal Marehanta, daalera In Maas
Conon Yarns. and Pittaborall 31anufactuna gmarrally
corner of Maul and Willer stream Plltsaurata.
ettLECILTION 1 n. cirocu
. iiroirrn SAW Commlvhn Nirrehants. Deniers in ile
and Pittkranth Manutirturral Articles. lie Leroy
LWILL;IAIqS &• CO., Wholemale and.
• Retail Family Ons-era. Forwarding and C0L111111.10013
uta. and Lanier , in Country Protinsa and Pitt•httrgh
.11anuMeturea, corner of Wood ant nth ita.. Pittsburgh-
Libert7. street, Pittsburgh, Wbble•ale Grocer, Pm
urn and COmulltrbut 3.lurcharsts, and &sir,. is Pittsburgh
Menurretunut . •
& R. Itiil9s, Wholesale brocers, Com
. mlc !f
don erehaut. and Dealers in Prodno—Romrl
4 - nreh &Malmo, frontlog oD LlN•rty. Woad, and 131.11.
sta..t.Pitt.burgh. P.
_ .
JOIN PARKER & CO., Wholesale Grocers
Dealers In Produne. Foreign Wines. I.lsuara, Old M.
t asa;l: L nl i geg r l . Wltistur—lio. 5. Carattnernal Dols
1011 N IL MELLOR, Dealer in Pidddo Fortes..
n~nSluk, end Marina Iruments. Eehcol Book, and
en/attn.:. &dr ron
agent for adeiterinea Piano Foe., for
Western Ty Pennfylvanht—No. 81 Wm' fn
11ENRY KLEI3ER, Dealer in Music, Mu
sicol Inttramttita, anil . lnitiotter of Italian titian..
for , :imir
, C=raLt . d sad v~ Hants,
" 1., an dau
b, nerg of very supegicr 44 Electing. Cgrprt ettalg.
omen Tlrine End Pr. Mill gittabargb.
ISAAC lEFLI .. -IOU" F nerna •
LONES tk- QUIGG, 111unnfacturemof Syiring
and hhder ENO.. rimd. Steel. 11tml Plounte
and Elferfr eprinp. hammered Iron Anlen
desire, In MallenlAe hartnio. HI , Engine Lamp. and
Coach Trimmlnne generally . . comer ,( Ikea and I.'ront
hittoburgh, Pa.
ttyL. Derry a Co., ntautarfame, of Sat Diesel
ag Prallrs. Muriatir :!alplturtc Ara, .rehouse
:ie.. 41 Water barmy lens.
PAPER, neibitis.
. . _ , ... .
. .
&dme! C. lllll—lmportes and Dealer in Preach
..1 Amerind. P.M' lion ¢e arid Barden, Window Shades, Ere Board Pants, de_ dim—lprid.., prima...
and .Wrappict. Paper. No. 65 Wood street, batireen Fourth
and Diamond OPT, idetebeinb. Pa.
ORRIS & HAWORTH, Tea and Wine
Merr.htuatr, two side of the Disertowt.Pittebargh.
•ta. a. tecrato. .. _ . . ...... .ozo. a. roue.
W3I. A. Sititifid."(eii, Grocer. and
To. Dealer, No. Zi/ Liberty stmt. above Wool
blot SP.,. on hand a /sage wreartmeat of Choice draper
ies Ind floe Teas.. Also—Foreldn Fruits and :font Whole
sale and rota. Draken rivalled on the lowest term.
14:11:1;f4:11):44104):.M7A.31 11:1
JOHN A. CAUGIIEY, Agent for the Lake
Ere end Michigan tAne. to Deaver end the Lam—
on the corner of Water 'and Wald:Met:l inn'
AAFFE & O'CONSER, Proprietors of the
Pittsburgh rortable Peat Store, corner of Penn oo
• arils street. •
LEECH t CO., Transporten by Cana?
Ca u forirszlitg nesehasts, corner of Penn street
Pthe l
. Venitiari Blind Makers, korp arrutzutly on Wad or
ma e. ter mil the beet article to their lit, at their .old
Maad.lect. 13 M. ante drive also, at No. MI Market etrret i .
ream) stem entrance to the Diatoms& Vanities, Shatters
made toter, and oil blinds neatly repaired. aplo
A.BROWN would rsosi respectfully inform
*hemline tint he keeps on hand aCtilestatut on the treat
ale of the Lilemond t Allegheny ens. • complete msortmeut
of 'remittal:l lin Ind; alto Venni. Shutters are mole to order
to the be,st be
wpm! to nor in the Culled
Stem Ins Blinde am be removed without the bj a or
*row driver. Unstop porehmed the Meek. Mule, and wood
bribe cabinet witabliehment of niousar A McClelland, I am
Peeparcd toltirolah their old ematomera, an well an the pub.
, 114 at Large,. ti with vim thing in their lloe.
Aorta l
.. etteet, Pittsburgh,
.1. A. IntOWN:
A DAM HARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon. late
nom. Egaborgb, }.c Lea would rmcctfttUy er
4otian= that
' erre72 = l n folrat r th*
illackssaltbleig gtontej be. =ter " "d*ld
of Tunnel Oval imotr Pennsylvania Avenue. " th'
OOt Enl.Eint an.
139 Libert bl y
errbanla for Pftta thebauu male
January lat. 1851.--jalb
. _
, &....W. ILARBAUGII, Wool Merchants.
fk:..7 Deitans In lin= nod Plodne• generally and For.
ranlinst and Cmuolnalon Itexchanta, No. 115 ~Fird. atr.l,
and 116 Soon.) atroec ransbulth. •
MLLE JOHNSON, iti3graver oit ltrood,
o Ra il . (third steu7;l Pliteburgh. ra—Vim• of
. Machluerv. ILLII4I , Of Newly:Lore. FrontOP
Latelereers, Drug jibele, iu Morn Seale fur Ditinottson?.
eleUxe,autla..eueclata Calton elatepate—in the that etT.
art-awl at the lowest prima.
VILLIAM Lithoraph.
le Eatable/mut, 'Third Erect/
Mlle burgh. Mum, Landecapee.
.1411headn, Bead TAW, Architectural and Machine
Drawing", 8ud,....1 VlaltieuyeeuU4
dream on Mont, and Tainted In eater,. c.o.d. Ilenlav, or
'Black. le the moot approYed style; mid at the mail muds,
able prices. • /Wkly.
W W. WILSON, Watches, Jewelrr. Silver
• • wsse. and , 111111.7 . _ Gonde.,_ecrtner IfArket and
Totirth erects,Phtsbutat. Va. di. o.—Watehe• and Clocks
aaretnlly revered; .
11 -7 07 - 37 AN , WILSON & CO., Importers and
Wholesale Dealers In Dardwara and Cu
cad street. Dlttel.un;D.
R. D. 11UNT, Dentist, Corner of Fourth
aad Decatur at, beta= Market sad Parrt,Oncat
Kc:see,..wx- , ~tr~{?~o-siaaa~T"w.~cc>;.::::e=. -..~rzx
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube wark.
r" onderaigned.have just completed their
and are notrmantirartnrlng all sicei of GAS PIPE, Lo.
tooootlre arid other Flues. azd all dare of
which they edict fee sale at the lowest prime. They are
cum petered to execute oulors, to any extrul. without LI--
lay. SPANIe & 011..
No. 91 and fr.: Water street.
PIT19111:8011. PAt
VILM ARTII . NOBLE--City Flouring
311/.. So. 644 Llterty mr of Adinnect.. PitUburstt.
4.1 Dreoghtneen. mad l'rartkal 31ining A qt. — tlatn
lra eer,
ughto, of Model, for tile. /Went 001.. drAioo
ror V iet & TAUT Work., POP Mil he Mel 1.
~,tv r ,,;' l. o p l i t.vl ; oa r : b l . 6 , P. 3! hi. rosatib'
VI A. 31ADEIP.A Agent for Delaware Mu•
Safety Insurance Company, 42 Rater simet.
JGARDINER COFFIN. Agent for Friinklin
rim Insurance Company, oarW ram money o wor,a
and Third 'ones.
WTM. GLENN , Boot: BIRDER, Wood street,
second door &fun thw Third whene be
Pr• Pared to do every descriptio co n nßinding with .
nowtncw L.
and &mobility. .slant
&wk., ruled In any pattura atul
twund &was in numbers, Or old bordo
lw,und carefully, or repaired. Nampo put (snip gilt letters.
Thos who hare binding are Invited In rail. Prw,e
•c()ItD a: CO., Wholesale and Retail
ivy Manufaetnrc, and Dealer. In Ilat..Caponnd Fah,
comer of Woolland Fifth Pitirburgh- II hero they
offer a foil and complete ark of Hats, Caps. Pura..lte.. of
finality and mtl le. by Whol,‘alr and and In . rho the attention brtho•ir customer. and pUrehasten ,Ml2O,
ally. assuring ttrui (bat they will .ell on the wet adrao
ta.wenua terms.
DJGBY, 31erchant Tailor, Dra
and Dealer In Ready Made. ClOtting. Mc
.T.PEER has removed to
Lawny street, below Pitt, No_ 103. Office and dwell.
L PL the name . sr.3lalarn
New Coach Vaetory—Allegheny.
IC. A. WHITE & CO. would re
try and kgd !;11;
strew's. They ate am making and am premixed la rendre
orders ern, description of sehkleit titisches
ISO .autriota
Barrineheit nuggiri. Pheton.. L. a, which, from r
wnd r petWitim titt the_ manufacture of the abase wort,
shwa to do cork en the mo tvaeon.ble [arms with
thaw wanting articles In their One.
l'avinu particular attention to the arlectlion of materials,
and haring nano but compotent workmen, they hare la
heattatinn In warranting their work. We therefore oak the
attention of 01, public to Ohl. matter.
N 11. Repalruig done it, the b., manner, sad an Out
moat reasonable term. Jaaktf,
AGLE MARBLE WORKS, (established
b,r EIDIIVND WILKINS, No. 115.1 LlbstO4 au r al of WCO6I P i tt bu nch. Ilrovosownis. Burial
Vaults, Tomta, firlofftones. Ar 4 siataid rim% Centre and
Dirr repo, olways on hand, and made to order.
N. D. A ebnisewelettion of Drawings 021 hood. jalo
11141:10Ltant to Stage Coach and Aragon
vrEssßs. SLNGER, 11.112T31AN & CO.,
e r .t.LT, . b 37.n' ho the nlfori . r blo.l•Z - ' Y - r'`A . " l l, by
been tested by oar boat bu ilders, and 1;ITIO(ollrie \V to
be the I.t In sae. An ordinal., onwah. with wort of three
Ask., running daily, will consume . half pint of oil In ely
months The mall quantity of oil ward LIO. of the heel
Bride.h we have of the great reduction of Motion. and
acaxquentl) great Baying of power; It will make the nwerti
proprietors to save 2 per rent ou their neck and fent
Alto, it will glee great no t
y to travelenc the nut revolt.-
log with the wholl.n.l not having an) ornmegion with the
axle, will entirely prevent the whorl Iron, evening off
Fly proper rare, the patentee. will warrant thoweAnle• to
lagt Porn 12 to 15 year , dilly running
Warebtwuk—No leg bier. and lid I'M. 11111 . rt• PPP
burgh .0. a
& BURCHFIELD, North East
corner of Fourth and Market street. ritt,burgh.
A the roolllo.olll<tit of the New Year. to re
turn then- Nepas to their ruolumere and the nubile nem l•
ally. for the lant< there te
custom extended to (Mtn. and
Waite the continuant", of their hears. flawing nautly
enlarged and their room. they are etubleall. to keep
on hand a any extenFitn oatortment of th.l,--and buyer.:
VI have, the savanna:re of plenty of light to examine
1.0041. and ale. their select.... liter dealok malting
,hear ertabli.liment, a% far a praelkible. a FAMILY
hr011}:. whery arbele in the her tiooda
it the want of
proonnal—and In their
continued eflorte east the tat good, arid to ...dial lon
fora, they hope to mane it the int,reet of families - and In.
Insor them a Ith their cash..
the o r. -211 s e
u lV p l e l n OL‘ - A e L u E B ne U e h t l u N nEaSt ht threw e ra:dith nn ioedn In
Mon h
weer-mum- 1
I_ Lamar Third and Market dna.. The 1.1, - char
tornl In.titutlon of the kind In Pithebutyk.
Fart:dn.—John Fleming. principal Itotrurlar la the
Mem" of Amount&
O. K. Chunbertha, Profemw of Pentunanehtp,'Sler-antile
tomputatlon, Er
0! Ur,bonn, Leeiftser Cfmnmer."l
Tin.: complet.• knowledge of Kook Koentog.
can end ILI application to l..wtg-t. of landnens, atm 11121 etc
0tnan....1. Ott Inrit.e.l to call and exam-
I.ertnlw on gganterclal Inn erery ?dondar err.olog.
Iteferro, to any of the revldeut elty merrilunt.. idol
1 .
. Epreamsn - ED 1832, by EIISIU.N'D
.••••• 'WILKINS, No. 245 Liberty et.,
heal of Wow! a.m. Plttalmtrats, Pi
. • Monument, Curial Vault, Tom baton.,
tc.. 3lantle Picea. Centre end Mr Tot,
alwaya on hand and made tn order, of the
holo-st Marble', end at veil order,
prioz. 4 dea, srlnhan o f Pnnaino on
'..". len
m t... rt ea
7 ...—. 0
- MI
Ron. Warmer Denny Clark Tiernitai. F.M. .
Moo. Judge Wilkie, 'oho IlarP`rera.
Wm. Robinson., r., Fool 4.,.M... Kerr. Ka, Arebitect
John En3der, Eso, Coale _. .4 ? enc. hrokere.
4. Pttlahurgh Hank. ....ler t Rehm, Jo.
1111 0 Con,
WI I I I " r4 ' ' ' pria ' re r e , . 1' 0;1. II ono kFa 4 , :n t. .lo. '
Robert McKnight , Wm. Dummy i. Co.
Joa. aleKnight.Kle, Ilnalna-.W F Ilr'e),wet A Co.
ham. Jortina Rhodes A Co Freers
E. Lothm. Kol., Allegheny.
E. W. r.w. gratefol for then
ere liberal patronage re.
relent during nintersa years In this city. henna had the
largeot next loot aabeentrusted to his rare op to the °erten!
time. awl will endeneor to render sal/Affection hereafter.
v, Is tumr. Ware-mega, 97 k m Third street.
J. - W. W.reep,allolir of hls friends and
customers that he has - war nanplenat the larmt
ind finut Stock of household furniture's.... blot', men fn
bla es. be IA dl lieeddlael to uphold the tmlaty odth
trellaeasoned materials, beet vooltinatolop, and rsetsert de.
Agog nod from the extent
orders soul lardite In
manufacturing. Le le slobber to produce warranted tun s
tom .0 the lowest mitre.
He Lao adopted the principle of identifying Ws ere 'lnternet with his own, in anent, - god pro, and keeto
shear* on haul die groatest annete of every description of
furniture. firm the cheapest and itintneer, to the Most ele
gant and costly, that a house, or arir part or one. May be
hunk - bed from his stock, or inannLvaured east - emir to
order. Ile thereinto agnate an ins. Wry that the area..
=1 to m :l=V= To:t r ete:7Tel, r i urriellti' l 'o'f
:11 , 1 , 1tunti4gdah cannot be surparned In any of du kaolin...
Parlor. drairing. dining. and bol.rbenn chairs. of every
variety. emularthis of rosewood, mahogany and induct
Elimbetilen marvel/her end ram Chaim of every dm.
miptlarg. Courbez,licfmTetc...tete and Insane crib* llama
French and American paticmc Taelltece. Wbanhots, and
ladkin' whir Wilting Desks of •11.11011/ kind, Work Faldes
and fancy loWd elands. nibeic etandr, and holders. nimble
tap, mahogany. rosewood and anion, centre end Isla,
blee, extension dining tables all Weer of the moot irnpromd.
and Ileenkolly lbe beet kind VLSI* rani; Fe broke hall and
kr tables: wardropabedsteede and iirmindande of.esek a
it escetromdi le ball and tenor reception
and rico secretory and bock mum, aide Ward',
emeriti., towel mail, bat Made, and musk stools, alb,
and cute for children: Mier mocha table and tea poye,
mahogany, roimmod, and inlaid wad Table.. to. Ae- ke.
A large usortment of Common Furniture and Wind.,
Chaim Callan motors rapplkd 0116 all lunch., In their
Steamboat., awl 11Melo, forobbed at the ebortest motbm
All orders promptly eumoded to. . lag
Attorney at Lew, No.lo Thtrd rd.., earner nf Cherry
e t t bring made ge:pnent. for the purr" will
procure Bounty Lands offirers and soldiers , their
widows and 'children, will attend to any other biotic
nets, corn:meted with the government or any s Depart
nientl, the Pension aloe, or the Courts at th e City of
Washlogton. , Is27altl
Irawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
S3IITIIis now prepared to give
Instruction to • fewpils la the dßierent braachet
o t delightful art, at his mons, Ip Hears.Seaiht
Atklueou's new building, Wet meet, between Wool sal
Market streets. litmus of Instmetion, from Pti to U. and
from el• Bi• P. te. Charges and other patentor. catt be
knout:lhr calling lafterhoon) at the room,.
Refer to Dr. float., or Dr. Addll
well 'known
of DRY COODY. at Ow One price stow of
A. A. klAtiON it CO, CY and 04 Mark. sown
Comweneed on Monday, Decesuber 50. 1850, to eunthwe
through the mouth of January. Their whoa., establish
ment has been thrown open fur Retail Trade. awl their ew
twisty.,stock, amounting to One Hundred d Thirty
Thousand Dollars, will te ofernl at Retail, at fullyow ,
fourth kw, than usual prices.
The notice of their. Semi-Annual Cale to any owl of the
thousand., who attended the sale of last year. will he runt
dent guarantee for Aeon W 4 seam Mier will, however,
Mentlom a few of the awls and prim., for the Loehr of
those who bare turepattendel their sales, yin
kith Carkaneere and ote. Stool
price 11.
-GOO piece. Cotton Stool Cashmeres Wi cents, usual
poke 27)0 rents.
_ noo phew, Cotton end Wool Delabses. 10 and 18 twat,
oell/11 price 5.11 and 25 rent,.
GO pier.; Mots colored plaid do.. 40 rent, usual prin.
Csh i
plece ri . str2reil
, nod figured Silks, 50 on., usual
hl p 4% , k ;*.
al :halt7l, &Line coil Satin, 87S, rents, VASS'
r 55-
• - .
plows Mark Silks, redone] 85 usualnt
too pleves Co
Couch 31erinev, 21 on; id•tee 21.27)).
90 hirer. l'arametta• I.yosiese Cloth redueed
710 Pvr rent.
plea. Alpacas. all colors order] 50 per rent.
1100 Lon, Imunr. ehewin. which to , sold from al to
2. leas than [Loud prim,.
MOO yards Bonnet hiLhous at 8 and 10 0001 4 , Wittal
pri, 18 to '::, 00010.
Fut rolored Calle... at 0.4 rent, wood Prior 0'
100 enen English I
A A Amen,. Cahn,. at 8 and 10
emu. d 1 and
PO 0n,., Meisel:le woo l 31.11nr. 0
redund mut,ante per )ant. 2ro hales Ilrown Muslin, all grades.
A 1,.,. lxe.. Embroideries. Trimmings, Meier, and
Moves. Linens. Clothe, Carnimenv. Caselnets and I
Jean legether with an Immense variety or other pont&
all of arbirh will be Marked Down to Lower Prices than
of their prey kn. galea.
They Invite an early call. as many of their choke. i
grads will won be odd. The loam. pore named at firrt.
82 mad f 4 Market at
Jos ,
dna.% Corn Brooms In stata and Int tale br
'SUNDRIE brim fresh Roll Butter;
bris Eeu,
sucks rifted Codr Meal:
teprekr feathem
- 2 Inds RT.. Fiddri
slifnairat. and fur axle
°[L, add 81PKR31for pale by
R. Y. ItikiLLEIM 67 Wow sr.
BUCKWHEAT CAKES-If you want good
auckwheal .Cakes, nme Rabbet', I:Renewing Co®.
pound, for 'ale 4 IL E. SELLERS.
EVOLVERS 7 -Solt'figuid Allen's, (r sale
at OT Market ch comer of Fourth
. W. MON.
fIREEN APPLES-40 brim prOe, , ten'd in
%Ira bI A3IUEL T. 311:1121rEir
J ILEMP— , IIO bales Missouri dew rotted, in
Korb and fat We by ALEXAN I34 EnDER GORDON, '
sue. ,
Meagre —Br I'r rrieelllo. 11 rag.rd. Z..benunlr. Porter,.
rill, liaritn.lntrg an.l Noir lAilgr. Tar.rdaya,
Ihuntila rg.lit..and Fnd.
and gaturda. at r : drnart•
t...) ya
at 7 A. a.
Baud...mgr.—Br Sturerrn.., 115 AI, Finley eglr. and Mot.
onattbrls City. Airretst Tucaday a, 1, 4.15. at 5• )4.; de
part.. IV•doridat mud Saturdat A
UNIIISIOWN —lt. Barham... Rug 31cfirviarort i
Coal Tall,. lilitaladhtuati. lhadeaver.
ns ar r
u, C....Lit...1n 15,1,5,455. Fait,
tun, 000.15,.. Thnredgy a, at o 5 5;
par. Murata, mid Thursday,. at. , . 5 , n,
I li, Otto,. r, —lty I Va/ker'e mill. Noblesterts,
• Hurgrust.oen, t:n5.L 1111agr, Patterson'a tnlll.
Bethany, Va. Ar - ri...• Sunday.. and Thuriday.. at 10 5.
tom, Frankfort tqa - Ingi, .r
lailrer. Va. Antyra3l „,
Pridll,ut r , dregge on SatuNar. at It t. It
1{13.1.1.,--By Autnm. North, Was7singtun. and grotto.
arrir, ano IV.-duradna. al 6r. drtaittr Megabit
Lerenagin —lip t Lugedio Ferry. Arrives no Friday, at 1.
Ilrratuerk, Ogle.
l`marprrt, 11 thetrituan...1e.. inrludlng Waren, and Vnitngo
lutter. dad, at :'t. a.. and &nen.. at o. l a 5- at
rttrri o.t thr dolly 100L.titurt L. la the 001.0 our Ignat
he n , their drnarturert lettere far the panne
werkly.audivrekly inalli.rut..l brit, 11,. CM, hail an 4011 r
belide o...rtdreartun..
crm.rritu 00117 mia rat rirratccon natant. at
N. 1101.310 S 11 SONS, Iliakers.
Ar", AZ Land rt. .mein Trairdond itardAtit-Pirlsfv3th.
PENNSTI.RANIA. !Branch at Mimalllrm ........ LB.
Enna .4 ilttrborah-----diar'Brameh at {Vacate. ..
Barham:. Bank aril°. _par Dratleti at Xenia, -.... -.di.
51.. r and Mau. of du...--par, Branch at Youngstown-. do
Bank i 4 Conon:erne par City Hank. Ciodenati . -.dr ,
Bank of North Atordim-por Commercial 1 1 1..Cinettaratirti
Bank eSNortleu I.o.edieapar Frankhn B an k ..... ._._ .... dr.
Bank of Pennailvania...-parjLnloyette Bank tin
yank of Pt.. Tcorn•TßP--tariolim Lite Itm. a True Crr_slo
Bank of the otted date. 1.. R emern hear.., Dank_ -do
linornarod Bank a v... par Bank of Marrlllon__.......
Hamer.' a Ni..elianie:ltk or Small Not,. ... ..._ . ..
oic ar d Bank:.._.. .. par, NEIT ENOLANI).
licardnotonlian - par All advent lianks-._....-.%
Nlarinfac. it Nice!, Bunk.... Par • NEW TURK .
MirenanteeDtinit parlied In, City...... par
.l a ' lrln ' T. ' ia ' lltte. ‘ . ... ....grr '"'" )(Alti'l.ANl77 .- ''
Southwark !Wit.-- ..... pariValttmor. ...... ....... par
Trade.mon . Burk. nar i Countrl .. ........ ... %
Wermrn fang:... ..... ...par N.JEL SET a DELAARE.
Bank of Chartlier•turgh.. .t., Ali rolreut tsuke_ ........ 31
(la n k of Chr•itiT Coto., -.par t Iti/INIK.
rank or Itativille..._ yarifiatik a/the Valle. N
Bank of 11.1.80., C8...rt.-I,lml Ilk of Virginia. Richmond .ti
Prank of iterjßahn,teßn-.....8F:k,, 1,0 ,4 , .. , .... , N,41 "- - - 'a
Bank ''' n o i ltlieto:g b .
, 1 1.,4 ' t 0 ,,!:. 4 . i. f .„.1 i . r . E1 - 2,::, , .
Bank cif Middleman Na Nadi+ Weds. 8ank_...... 4
0"[I , C.11017 Co. Bank--..par Braneher
Bank of Narthomberiand.tor' StlitTlf CA BOLff.r .
, 0 ,... r IN.K.:, .... -- ii'llank of Cape Fear • 2
" 1' ' tna Ilk • firldneCo.parillk or St- of N. Candla.... ..:
rt,','FlTot'nk Mo•iCononcrelnl r ßk. Wiymmen ;
nartMerchante flank, Nevibern II
Hobo r... 1 - ..,.._-:-.....-• , SOUTILCAHOLIN A.
Farmer' Il k or iluck• Co -lour - Mc of the tit. of S. Carolina I'.
Fanner' Ilk of Latvarter Bari Bank of !null Lkumllna.... ....
Fanner , Bank iiflimullnk Bari Bank nf e h ßeßden-.-iiimi U
Farm. 111. cif scharrielliCridar•Plantrr r e 0 .31.chantd . tot . 2
' l 'i . Btn'i W tc....dur4.- 5, " GLVIIOIA.
Frankhn Bk. Baalumoon rev .4 tiziuda In.. it Baal:inn t a
Ilarrirbura Bank_.. !.•Ilatit vf .1 umnira
im.laic Bank ... .. li.illk ..1 limniirctet,. i d a .2
lanraider lank....
Lammter Cm., Bank- tariAll ovirent tank. . ... ..- 3
Lebamin Bard.- .. ... peel K.LNTECKT. •
Miner.' rank I/ Pottr..iile Si litk a/ Kentucky. Loularllle 4
Monongahela Bank- ..., pa Bk • if Lunisrlll,Thuralrm is
It ert licaneh Bank R. !-. Northern uk a Lento. ky b.
W, ornlng ElorWilkettiarrepar Routhdrn Mt of Kentucky .1",
York hank ..- - ..... -..... !it MIZSOC/11.
Belle! N01ea_......... ,t.. Bk of State of NlBoouri I.
0/110. ILLINOIS.
Ohio State Bank - ...... N•!Nane Bonk .04 brand...l.-1d
Brand" at Aktun.-.- ...... Bank of Marna To
Branch at /Olen, do ' IV/INI.X)NBEN.
Branch at Bridger.... do Niacin. & Fire Ina. Co. ebb I
Branch at Chtlivotbe.- do MICHIGAN.
Branch at Cleveland , do Partnere Mechanice Bank a
Branch at Tole.lo. ..... __do Gorocument Rtnek Dant-- 3
Blanch at Dayton. do Pralliaular 8ank......- ... ... tE
Branch at Delarrare do Ina.tranceCtimpany..-..... 3
Branch at Colmnbuy- An Slam Bank ---..-.--- It
Brandt at Aabtabula--.....d0 CANADA-.
Branch at Madam-- do B ank f B. N. Atudiest.Tcarriatdi
Branch rd Manrfield do Bof thereon!, Toronto&
Brandt M. /41 , 7......-.....d0 }lank of 3Tontrralr...-.-........5
Blanch at Bank of E. Canada Toronto&
Branch at Colutabite.-. ...... du EASTERN EXCHANGE.
Beam+ taltaiibington.-...d0 On New 7nrk h iprem) it
Blanch at Branch at :Anemia; .do Ballimorn do ' 5,
Brand. at dtenimuyilla .do WEesTKILN.SXOIANUE.
Bhukch at Mt. Vdmon.-......d0 Cincinnati - ...................I
Branch at Nerirm•k- dolLonisolile
Ranch at Elyria.-----do BL bania..---.,-...-.. 1
Branch at Spririgiacid....., GOLD A M , SPECIE VALUE
Branch atifadelta.....-.-..d0 Eloohlumm. Spani•h......-1 ROO
Branch at Tr0c.........1.-4.-do do Patatot ..... -.1140
Brooch at NIL Pleasant-An ERtie,01d.......... .......... -MOO
Branch at Zaumidllo..-.......10 Eanle, neta NM
Branrh at Norwalk do Frnleriekrilor........ - - I.ko
Brooch at Piqua do Ten Thaler*
Broach at Gura0........ 7.;.W1n
Branch at Eaton do Strem:rel..-
Brooch at 1taminna...........d0 Too (el ans.
Branch at Chrillcothe-.......d0 Napoleons.
Branch at Cuyahogs-.::...d0 Ducat+.
ETOCK FARM, situated In Little hearer Township,
Conner, Pa. on the waters of Little Beaver, M lntuitßß about :krs acres. O.
rem the Ohio and Peon-
l atit par% Pn Wi t, Tral - Vla lb
It h. well known es the Marvin Farm, and has been.,
copied as a Bbeet, Farm for liar last thirty The laud
is new In fret rote order, and well mandated for sheep and
rattle. It la well watered by Little Bearer Creek, and sev
eral navenfaillog apringe alsmt Ind saw nuoln fence, the
nr final tart in uww,lo• and inatun., saw
about Warms
In h t:tylland. An apple orehard of choler , grafted Intik
with a numtearealoce teach of
new the Inman. If ap
nlied for root, uable lot of household nod kitchen fur.
nituro, oleo a brat rate cooking stove and farming utensil,.
.I;acnn.a 6 ple , neba. Or. gr., ran be bad with We farm at
gr ' huittif,r leo ,;nr le i the
igh. fprm are. one bet. k lamse, 40 feet
with 47,17,:."..,:t°1114:171!
. 4
and in ',toad style; the none. an eery onsteniently
and there in the lower story, with three are pieces, art
with threw pan ur Franklin knees: room. In the Upper
defy, three or. • Ida have neat. , formai. One frame
i t i tg h gn etn,i te d Cu brick W.., 24 by 10 feet: two stories
yantry, and latch In bunt It) fret wide.—
One frame bou, atterin,l to kitchen, 22 by 18 fret, tee ,
etortrs bleb, ealculated fora ma* tthr,p or bed menu, with I
tewch lo front ten feet One frame be d
house, '
inched lathe above hour, 4o by In feet, One frame ruling
house, near the breek hour, 10 by 12 fet, and ten
ht w i,, with lower every feet high, and the walla toade of
etone. greet and never falling storing of soft water running
through the lower Burr
uprwr men esieulated
foe storage A shed annexed for • wash house; ••
smoke hosi, one frame rattle.. honer, 24 brill fret,
i gn
p ot hi g h. with potato, cellar underneath; one hewed
Lour. shout TA nal. front brick house, 18 by In fast, one
'lel re half storlea high. with • nerer•falling spring near
the hour, one hen,' log how, near the , house, 2.5 by
In mod • half storlne,;lllgb.,,,with Inick chimneys
sh our idle; one )anm
„„,,, nower mory. and entnume at nor end—et L lad,
abler In
lower Ito,.
frnme stable. attached to large
f 0 by
21.fert, ter hr feet high. with stalls for tittle: en...frame
torn, 4.. I. 24 feet, la rve het high:
in t o our e sheep house,
too 24 tort blob. divided
reeks in the renter—upper shay for htit,• •ne frame Nitre!,
boo, me lt to the taster hox. Vid by 21 fget. sal
high, nab ranks in the cent, one trame hen, for
ign Sad stry It 3 by 8 foot, and hod. high.
Fee 41111, 11,14 11 411. On the premise., who ,
will show the Vann. end giro allneorsrary Information. or
t o Aland, Kull. on the Pittsburgh R.I. 4 miles Item the
MuUtof Itrh av•r Creek. and 6 mars below kkortoMr•
- irrAuLt: POWDER, for the 'm ee or itg,pung, oe
oar Nrrrva.
A safe and mnat sue,eful rernedy for that exeruelatind
sod i tdolerable althetiou to ',yid, ~,,,,,,... it U .
tountha of ourring. are sehject. It Zonis the nko.d prompt
and mn,rdate relief. ruling the we noes in a kos daTr,
ni "to.".4tl,..ViZlnorralrAlMl i lliPl i tsM k ly ' l I' :
I.: I ' , resin...Ls the that as ItntatT he ' strahuaregl without.
the lonrt rreible;LD!.:lltuttry.
t Ti glo r e e nTel y hr tame mr,z„..-.1. argiUlthifitii:
Pried*One Dollar &Pucka., Tor side only by '
For ga.T. by L. A. 87cr.., 2.. ID3 Llhert y
3L eet, Pittsburnh.
and D. A. balm,. tbroopteb. Allegheny, feb.dhto LL.A.... na,L.4
9 CASES Cnsainotts ;
.7. mu Fax caleAl[ntrinr
,an •
GOLD Just received a large
yauggortraodir jo v .
s ia MOVEMENTS st i rs
ra Lt r, ‘! . ..lrrAt!ttoi or other roads aro appoloted to sail as
Cunard Lav--treekly Trip.
MON LITZEPOOL /Olt 1,11111.T.0 ...... .
Africa ........ . ........_ Now York .atunloy, F e b . / 1 .
hon.m.p oo d o o_. .....- ..... .liotortioy, reliy 11
A.. 1... New Yorit....-.....-eotordsr, 31orrh L
l'ooodA Bogen.- . . ....... ..-_l•Sotortloy',•.3larehl.S.
Africa Netr Y0rk......----.2alunlay. MorehM.
Am..ri, &ohm Oaturtlay. April N.
-Saturday. April 12.
loa cirearooL.
Canada. L Ada ie ,um w Nora.. ....... .-41 * . t.d intne nr ala .b. ); : iir b: TT
Africa........_.. ...New Vnrk Wednesday. I.'ol. i-7i.
Ennilia- ......... .......11,to Wodrairdan Mari 1 4.
Alli-0 New York.. ...... ..,.Wednelday,lfar. t. 1...
Canada. Motion. wmt.n., 4.'1 '
Arni•tica.....- ll.ton ' Wtidneaday.
TT gli .
Purse. tiTllallfax, Doron. or Nett York, iiil, nisaml
cabin. if... 5.
U. S. Stall Sleankr.r.—ailike ße.
!ICU TOli.
for Liverpool, tredomdav, Jan.
I Irrrpor.l r.b. 6.
....... Faturtlor. Irb.
Nr-to Fork and !lags rn:Px
rlom SEW TUIM.
.Inr Ilarm .atunisy, FeG P.
...... Mar. N.
.sturaar, Aprils.
- Falordny. !i - ay 9.
roa zrcyr 0 r.[.
.from Ilavro ..... mu ; 11
Harm. ..... A'MI V.
11,r. L.,. 1.
Ocfc „Worn Kari,dei-ta (I.—Afinthity Trim
. .
Wastinct. , 4l flout :ea York - Saturday, Vet ,
}lermann. ....... York ~..:., a turday.
IVarsu.gtun New York ..... -.Saturday, April
Ilerma.uu Nov 'York— ..... i‘atunlaY, Mal
Ireshlnqton rar r :l7:
Ilertonon Nrvr
IV•Abirt4-ton. ....... -,New
lurk Friday. Mutt 21.
York nidey. April lb.
York—. ........ Frith. NIL, lf ,
.York .. . ..... Elias . , Juo• 12.
/olt C.111.t/02,1
US mall otearaerm leave New York ' ea lbe Ilth awl 15th
of . moll , far hao..
10E. n ♦tD itr
Stesmehlp 'umbel lewresltrheFtem CAI thu let and 151 ho
elteh month.
Aztaiiifs AND DElAilitißiEl OF MAILS.
Raennta.—By Grernetmrg, Chembertburg. PhilaJelphift,
New Vora, Lantern, Centre and Northern raffle of N. I orlt.
Lawarr. New Jersey, and the eta New Enaland
The /Irltieh Proriners of Ldwer Caned. Nora 0414 e, and
New Bruoawlek, dolly. Arrive. at 4 P. a.; Ibpa y rts a at 1 r.O
Nnatn Ellaimille add HoUlda
including the namtles of Bradford. Camtoia,l.Nentre,bortr,
ten. Jontata„ Lyrontlng, 3111111 n, McKean, Potter. ferry,
HVann. end 1411. nf 11. LlyeiSeinne.
ana r
.rille, M.llO. it Road.. New Meas.:Orin. and frail
count.. Arrire• a, •Kref.t Monda, d A.M.: de
parts doll; at 130 P. M.
4utlcr, Crawf , ,nl. and Jefler.on
rountie., N eetrtn Part ex I t 11, etel apt. r Canada. daily
Arrive, et P P. a.•,12111 depart, at a A Y.
gotTlltes•n..4l,.ll,--n3.1..--Ify n.dinenll. 04.0,
Fayette, Souterct, part of 11 eattnore,afol ~m tal. Valeta*.
Marylami, Baltimore. IVaehington Lit and Vent.
ern part• of Ohio and Indium. Beranek.. 11140 d., Trnnee
nom .31.1a.ourt, 314..Letspri, Art:atom% North 0111-0-
; lienrens. Loofas., klundo, and Too., daily. Arrives
and departs et
i 0/110 Fayette, Barton, ...ra
Fllt ,
, orrne, Pa., Brands,. Cove, Cc, de:trans, I ani.
, (a.noll, 1101 n... end Toamrawra• %until.. Ohio. daily.
Arrirrr •t 11 r u ; depart. et 7 A 11,
Noltru Wort. , —By Bearer, P., and Orerland.
ba A rer Co . . Columbiana. Trumboll, POrtrefe, lkaufa.
end LIICAII (41.111[1, 1.,111.1 lb. "(trestle northern rountiee
the :tat, of aml Mande including all i l l
de .
I,IIIL end dad, Artiv... et I 1 A It.; de.
pan. 31.
~ h urebury Houston, Spy - MO.ld, Turn.
tam, I. 1.1,1,11. kat/wait.. Armatook, Clar
lon. and Clesrteld mantle.. dolly, eon,. on Sunda,. Ar
rive. et r. n. and depart. et g r u.
PittsbUrgh Baird of Trade.
From the nee/in.. at iteputeir.
The recent movement in the Sende on the
Joint resolution to create the gentle of lieutenant
general, to be filled by brevet only, universally
known to bare been proposed to enable the Pres
ident to acknowledge by a brevet commission the
"eminent services" of Genend Scott in the war
with Mexico, called out some debate, tinctured
with n shade of unwillingness to pay this tribute
to the extroordinnry genies of the General. That
Such a proposal should hove met with
position was, perhaps, not unexpected, even to
the Generul himself, if from no other 6.itler-
Minn than there were other great teen with the
American nrmy, engaged in the Mexican weir.
whose fame it might be imagined would be in
!some way brought into competition with that of
Gen. Scott, in the vote upon the resolution lint
it should be recollected that ;Lie true question in
this chse, aseuming (for there is need of conceal
ing it) that the co . mpliment wow intended he
General Scott, let .as to the claims of the Gener
al himself—his own individual claim.;—rand not
his claim, as compared with those of others.
Let this be borne in mind, and then let any
dispaisionnte man, setting aside all comparisons
and nil political Viell-+, simply .k himself a few
plain questions; first, as to what constitutes true
greatness, and then,em to whether Gen. Scott has
fulfilled the conditions entitling him to be clam,-
edtamong truly great men.
• The great modern German poet, perhaps the
greatest nod since Shakspeere, has set it down
nn among the marks de great man that he must
have the genius to conceive clearly a distinct Ob
ject, with the knowledge and ability to bring the
!means into action lime:eery to sect', the ae
, compliehment of the object. Let ne take one
point at a time, and, in view of thin mark of n
great nian, let us see how Gen. Scott has
the condition; and, if lie line fulfilled the con-
! dition, let us see, at the some time, whether he
has employed hre ability in the service of his
country z
It may be seen, by the documente printed by
'order of Congress, dint Gen. Scott, before leav
ing the capital of his country for the seem of war.
proposed a plan for ending the war with Mexico,
with honor to his country. Without hoeing had
the smallest agency himself in bringing on the!
war, and being of the pony, so far rise( any par
ty, eupposed to be opposed to the war, yet, find
ing the country engaged in the woe, he came
foreMni like a patriot, with, a clear and distinct
plan for ending it with honor, and not only made
the conception of thin plan in the city of Wnsh--
ington. but perfectly matured it. even to its min
utest details, before leaving this city. Let any
one examine the memorials nddressed by the Gen
eral to the Wiir Department, exhibiting his plan
and then look at the hietoly of the campt*tr it
self, nod he willbe amazed at the directness and
•cletrnies in which the object is conceived, and
the completeness nod minuteness of the means
indicated for securing the success of the plan,
with the patience with which the ectunl result
wan foreseen.
This greatnees, en strikingly exhibited on a
grand scale beforethe campaign way commenced
was no less shown in every operation and field
of battle, from Vern strut to the Mexican capital.
A most remarkable instance of it wits exhibited
at the battle of Cerro Gordo. So complexly was
the med., op.irimili of the battle, and its mete
diote consequences, set forth in the urderfer the
battle, directing the manner of aceteuplishing
the object, that the London Times could not re
frain tram expressing, its admiration end aston
iehment, pointing not the order as ill 'ante sort a
history of the events and con.etinencee of the
battle. The same prescience marked the more
nient to Puebla, and then ;trim the advance in
to the valle(• of Mexico, rel.finally, the entreat, ,
into the ci itself.
All the Innterial strnieg,etie operations in the
valley--sect m threatening the Pinot. in front
of the city en the main route. while the rear of
the American army was coming up, to turn off by
the Chalcon route—were distinctly planoed at !
Pueble and the city ma. finally neulted mud
entered preeisely a s it was intrude d to cattle it.
unit clear ati I well diecettel plan, before the Gen
eel set 1'4.1 , n the Slirrej. cat Pueblo. And So
perfeetl' tae, watt lie , •f his plat, end of /ll`
ability to execute thene dint, by e petite: .pre,
clarrixtion iesued free Jalepts, before advanoing
even to Puebla, he distinctly forewarned the Men
leans that he would enter their, capitol, wars,
they agreed to terts of peace. Indeed, the whole
campaign seems mere liken dream—like a bril
liant romanee—than a nattily.
But withouttheclling nn peractitare. it i.
nough that the campaign of Gen. Scott damn an
end te the war, with honer to his country; that
this object wits clearly and distinctly conceived.
ns hie memorials es the Woo Depertment will
prole; rind. that, id Inc. the ,tent itself
ed, eccording to ins plan, amt under his own im
mediate direction. That hr Lad lie,: and erallant
troop• no one to more remly teed:tee-ledge than
the Genernl himself: hat he 1,1111111. , 1 their ent
nitre ment in his plan of entripeign. knowing, trio
one knew better) how far he could rely on them.
No general carries en w ‘ ai with o ut troops.
Another indication octet, greatness must be 2
i regard to the claims of eivilmtinn and Iminaoity;
for it is nn solecism to speak of a civilized war.
A large humanity, without genius, is nnivereally
honored simply as goodness, but. united to gen
ius, it is a sure sign of true greatness. - And here
again, It will he fon.' that every act of General
j Scott, in the conduct of the war, was most sig
nally marked, compelling the most universal l
Iltimonies of admiration from all panics, and we
en from the enemy he * conritiersel--deubly con- :
t I:unfired-11,A by arr., then by justice and ha
i• A Angle event in the cite Mesita will suf ,
_ . . .
,fits to give s . ore highestevidence eis.—
MI-L.—Tay-, ....Ty 10 4+l. lal2l, 111 rianntio. e r
After the .‘ineticn army had been, during so n.
mark, aroma, and tallier
eral months, in poeseseion of the capitel of Men
, ice, the municipal nuthoritice of the city, in their
"official capacity, paid General Scott the extreme
• dinary compliment of inviting him to a public
- entertainment, provided at great expense, in the
I most magnificent etyle, at a remarkable old ruin,
(a de se rted Capuchin monastery called la
ta,) Milt:Oct! in 11 romantic spot in the mountains,
some 15 or IT, Miles from the city, where the
sentiment' of -tie MeriCIIIIR, as delivered in their
toasts and speech., were -filled with the most
touching teed:tient:lls of respect and homage
a public enemy, whom they -delighted to honor
as ft man. •
Where, in the annals of war, can such an in
stance be found—such a testimony to the jus
tice, generosity, and humanity- of an enemy at
the very capital of the conquered . country, and
the witnesses the very functionaries of the civil
government of that capital! Anil where is there
an American whose heart does not throb with
pride at deo knowledge of this evidence-of great
ness and goodness muted in his representative
in command of Lie army in a foreign country,
furnishing an example for ndmiration and emu
lation to all .
• One of the instruments of this humanity ought
to be especially mentioned, for it entered into
theplan of the campaign: I refer to the order
lemwn as the martial-law order. The proja of,
that order was eubmitted by the General fur the
approval of the Wee Department in Washington
city, and urged ns n menns necessary for dirain
imhing the "horrors of war" hut the Mnr De- ,
portment, from some caese or. other, would not
msnme the responsibility of nuthorieing it. Gen.
Scott, however, laid no !OW], fairly entered up
on the emnagaign then hr publiehed the order up
on his own reeponeibility; and by Grit net, nod
by his judicious ores:mien of its provision, he
did more towitals conquering the hearts of Ids
enemies than was possible, perhaps. by any oth.
cr course whatever; while the order for ride of
laws rather) was at the same time, n powerful
iaatrumentin preserving the discipline and effici
ency attic American army.
A .Ikricati historian of the war, in a late work
-publiehell In the City of Mexico, has nut& the
fullest concessions on this point, saying of
Scott that "his humanity on all ocensions Ins
kindness, ne evinced to every individual, sail his
sympathy null attention to the sick mid wound
ed, endeared him to the whole army—otheers
and saddlers. In faet, the eery generosity and
excellence of him henrt led him sometimes toe
far, and be has since reaped in ingratitude the
good seed 1101111/11 tine folloesnotf bin nettle senvi•
Orrice Pirrmanc. Qum . ,
lebruAry 3); 1841..
. ,
Business beginning AI./ comeimprovement. bid sa
orinterest bag transpired In the markk.
far as quotations arem,t. vvvry thmK continue.
stead; with no marked vhange from nor last report:,
Our rivers. though slowly rsq...ling, are In splendid navi.
gable enbo. Business on the wharf during the Paist few
days Imo been lively. The revelpte aim's:woks and prurbe
Inns have been quite NIL and will no doubt Increase. in
view arbor nearly oppmasiting spring trade.
FI.OtR Aso BRAIN—The a mir . Ar k e t mntinore
lanwakl, bat pee, are unehatiged. 5100.15114 mane Gr.
ward spuingly. and we ran report no Niles of consenitenen
from- firir hands. The rates on, the wharf and from wagon
are $3,4043,45 bbl. and Irma store at 111,62 for novel .f.
brands, end 11.1.710!..17 for wiry family brands. In Small
lots. Grain in withont change. :quail sides transpire from
first bands, at. for wheat. in(ii.7s, ry..o, barley do fifth;
eons NGD 4.1 and nide SS (al MeV b,.
. . .
UIIOIIEItIES exn PROTISIqNS—The market for gip
eerie. la generally firm at robber ountatlont say for su
gar In lata Of tee to ten blats 63,4P,i: =alums ,17434 c
Manatee 124@13. The aupnliesof provisions are comp..
lively light, and prices coutinue firm. Elides of n.OOO Ro
western eared heron at ft 7 and Pi for shoulders, elites
and blunt Lard Is stereo sod Erns at 7.% 7hiliblie. In
Ws and kegs, scantling to quality. Sales of weaterweur
ed drl' , beef at F4Pie eI.
At - I'tia CANAL TOIL, roe 1834.—At Vista hail on
Thursday Lae*, the Canal literal .Wlrtithago.t.lonof °IL*
and lamp IVmterneand Southern adltim of that 11/er
puhltl "able, showing the redurtiffn—hot trona ' an
oTe. ht 4 1.1.1 not appear In our thy edition of ropier
day.r The following are the ehmare that hare been melt
.ao4 tha rot.. unread Oron•—i N. F. Paper.
• From. To,
tfeVitVga . rbilefe . whoeleat tnefrtum . 4 4 e r aVt ls .1 3 :; 1 ;!.
.Cheee , .—........ .......... . ......... 4 PAUL Mum
Drat lit., Wm
hide. taw, dam._..
Rollremi troo
Oysters In shell. nolng 11.101 IMle ent0r.....1•
In can Or ter Inearelma/ .... . . 4
;:61.1,4, 31 fele. !oaten.] or m
Tlo to
Sots•rod sod round timber. treneporten
In refl./mm.l4 dark Mick.. troorport
ed Letw.• 11/th June and 15t h Aug..
When tranetaaemt prior or euhrequent or
dale above .14,ted. the 1 , 41 IA
Flour ..... -
Sur Mom Maarrt.-11nnte Mercianla' Mazatlan.. In
an article on .Money Manna: tin the February number.
arguel that the effect ptoduced In the money market by
the rtrulartkm of forte million. Calintmlat gold donne
the past year. hae tern lueurraiderable. and that the cheap
On, of money has tern canoed. in no =all cleicree. by the
alurculanee a the prulocit of Indwury. In proof of , ti. ,
Pettitton• the, stater that the amount of debta ditcher
ard order the General Bankrupt of 1041, au 1410,
9445. an amount uttich, hatred. make, tho buty or Me
=Minna from California look rem, =all. and admanlebra
as to take rata that Butte alkali not sudn be a retemlng
nemolty forearti • irbolecale nuuldiation. '
DALTI3III3 own Omo Razumao —The fallowing are mem.
mould of the buolnem wpm tye Baltimore aml Ohlo
coca, for the rtmollt of Jormory. Trammortatk,o
cutworm, - In. Baltimore
Bark, t ton. . Gil Lather. tons 63
coat, coot. -- 1. , ,n ,, :u.:43 bog. km, 1045
Fire BrSrk. tons. 00 180 erbtep. tone. t 4
firewood, torts. 1791Z15 hors e " A mole. tons li
Floor. bh1t,f. , ...70 p.l horned cattle. ton. 4.1.3
limn. lona ~11.!fral and &tur lig
a, tons,
Urea., tons, 3‘.3.1 , nr1. and Baton. ton, ,I
1:4 , :C . .... j
..0, 1 , 14111;_ nlacro. labda.. 1.1.4
II Ilia, . t.t.1., 01
L.o,,isr:L.wtar, 490illierrIlsneoua. tons, teil;
nu 11., , ton. 1,21 •
Tbr revenue m: the month hue hen ~ fdloir.-5r to,
vnarr5. MI; for freight 1i0.0.37 al.
Slaking cat aggregate of 1110.:40 70 on the main plao,
end 111.7,4: 31. on the Wa.ili.oool/1 branch-Ihr tidal bring 1
ittle.tiki M.
The &Nil'', ectnyared with the etwrerp3teding month of i
11..1 year, rho,r• nu turn-ear af t 27,2(11 17. laleng f. 3.1.01 log i
no thr matn *Ur, and $_ 4.7 10 thr Wathinantee
liran,h. '
.a Pan:nes arant Mnotunari arn Nta Voat
hopy fro.m !hint, llerrbautr Markin.. mr
FrirratatT. IL trloningzentopanatire labia of Ur aarn.
ran. f time not thrra yrar.—lnca,l,lo, cod Inf.—manna
at Neu driven% 41 .n.nb Setrefutar Iv farh prat; and
tido vat, at lbw brad of ft,. Madan, narij
taw of an Camila
Nem Orient., All,.nr sn.l trUr.
Ltd. 2312.171
1.i:0.41T 711.011.
11 : 71..5.7i01
06;; 111.14t1
..... 1 . 43.1132 A...
......... . r 1.215../ 111...0Z.1.4
........ Z.1.14,15
1.1441.1u0ne Sun. rown..uliug uprma otsllll.-1.
111thertn, mute chown f,,r the traurportatieu or
pork. has loen l b . 111./.lwiptA tu New terlOane: but are
lutbat '
think'ly but quietly ha peoglrrs.. mad the New
lather/ that the cumulation alb. Er tailr..l
neat whiter. w il l
nearly a total C ut
to that New '
Valk Itself will berruna la tune great ;what foe parking
The elm, 4 tatteli, in referent, to the, hueinem
COlngOn between the great i'Ve,t and Yorthwert awl \rn
Yrk. teah hs .., a Neer Orlrani.. •M through the
nal. anah. via Chicago and the lake* ent.tect worthz
the attention of the ; eu , kh,.1.1.r. In tha'great Centel Bad
mai, by which and llttehurrh eell) ultt
niately In. Oared to Ireanettlale ennnotalon with that
of three...4l'mm which million* 'earth of pnaluen are }ear
ly thrown Into the eanern inarkete wltilnut touching
area. Ohio. or Prons,lianla, The remartenf lb. Iloleimme
~, u ct are eorr,t, as thine. .tared at preAdd. But lire• final
...ompl^llon of tho Nun, lewd. and Vino railroad .ill tell
a different hie. A lane portion of the bits.* bow .if.ll ,
on the Illinois canal most and will he titrnorl all Ulla dirre
don, thereby maklrid rittaburgh and Philadelphia the
prlnelra) narking polota for the brae, Cow of peudnoe from ;
U. treat and Northieert.
%rw Cr.r.entruT —Ale of thn Dew blur beet $5 roan.
rf•fte O. the Merrhant, and fortnatelt . Rant nt Wheel
. W. 13 ~estercla7 we *ravine br Mr. .1 G by,..
rest.etwble Eassklag house he cl 6. where it LA ttu.
pun4l4. found lit way. The plate Attqwere to
roar exe.,thngly extrnted. and the note was mark, 1
A , INstable Slar,rantoorn. it l.
...e•cral t.l thep. note, are Itt eirculatiral.—Xlneinust I
tiehlitr.n. Dries, Mau,.
llermer,liordon. Bearer.
.113111,1/1/.3lnnt, rowundlle.
At!..lle, Pultlnmn.
J. McKee, llinktriebon. MeKeen.,
in ii=•=l , l llrest Ne.too.
$13 . 1111.1, Ornereltninnatl.
Jas. Nel.fs, Moste. Whoall.e.
leblyan. RH., E Bearer.
IleAer,GcNott, ,flenver.
Atlantic. l'uttemoo.'llttrwmrille,
.1. M , Ree, Ilendrlct.on. Meliervort.
Dlttrzul, Ocreorell,
3111va. lnul3rllle.
elmitmatl. Flam.lo.hata,
111'W ORLEANS—E•opir• Stit•,lo • it
NASHVILLE--11euera 70..
CINNATI-4/1•nr••• IS , Ir.
Fox Ern Dateanx—ibe large and onguillecol pocky,
stud Empire Starr. Capt. R D Cochran. will leave as ahoy<
MI. flay al i o'clock, [Dorton t needy and vlinednit tdl
all alto may by going fa that direction.
Yttf2oBll; BY 1411/12,.
IVIIKELIN4—prk. Drukka-18 Iron,
16 Mils
11 6 K' , 'S`l'vlit ,7 72:/9' . '"bbt ,bl, lo. A °ll l . U . :k J & Go; idd4
do, Hell .41.43mtt V/.113 , 4311portotrg,T 4413: 6614 tor
hey .114 eke 13 hoof, 1111marth t hoblel 4 41. anthers,
11114. M.3ll3eir. Col tam °oodles, S P Shrive°, 150
ak.he. Jll :Irweil: a, bids butter, AroutroOg Cm°3l_l
pte oa.ney. Kromer Maim: 10 ' , kg prlkebc.. 4 bhle looter.
41.11%1 a/CAlli.
• "Ylt RCM"SI-t —25 OWN dour. II Oraff
, Cc; 1 by Ilak seal, 2 bhls .odt:ea 2 by :le, powers: ti bhl,
:north Noble:
5 h at ii '' .4 ) 41 1 .e . 1.5 '4" 5114 wteli l oorrter
111 liniii... paper. 1. Inntolo; 10 bag, plro and tat, ok.
llour. Dauer oboaol.
C/NDIND/112-112 Ittxmlsar-23 ugna owner
board; 2 oak. halm, 1 Id hemp. I expantak, ora 1 pkg. Ekker
4 . y.,115:1122 Ws lord. 23 hhdo tame., 2 oks 01paeng,
do beenwax, Clark Thaw: /0 lam blathers, D Lerch Ma
IN kg, butler, J D Car Meld: 0 (um W H.1121. 2 Co:
0) h o d leaf tolmoco, lb Ilinahom: 42 Idols whiskey, It Dotptc:
tap raison; tonyth C¢74 do do, King. Peacock 21.1 n
:51 -ko wasl, W Harken 57 do Immo, Kier Junco: 15 bblo
loaf moor, 8 P ehrivm d roll. rope, 9 chola. D Dudtoell• ii
Am dried peach., 42 do dried aPpleo. Dilworth: 76 do
rod., 4 kko lard. llobittmo 2 Little.
oyo L° 0. 1 W.1 1 11 1' 04t1. 1: 121T — U
Vlgratt bbl
%VilaC4 1J hxa A t
' : s6 g!
Cotcheon, . Ithdo P tmenn, 21ftst. do 90 ' Id. sans. Kier k.
Joneec 11 1:11.1, tobacco, D Leech It Cu 15 do do, Clark t
Thaw: 31 laid, hams, (]'Fadden k (bond,: 28 A. feather..
Carlow 2 sl'liolght: 4. boo derrekluo, (V 11 Ibdmca I Pro:
110 hbds Immo elan:Mem lers Nicola 2 blab old copper,
ltonit old: I Lb] lord, 11 11 MilleulaTkrem I bo. Superior
of (Mahone.
are Chance for Capitalists and bland=
UndUreigiled being Agent fur the wien
er., offers for role a norther of town loto In the town
Y o • K WWII , . Stark
ni county. Ohl, edit out lots; and small
%:g. " :l7l. l ,l e th 'n e Ohio
Pylvanta Itatirrad.nowVi'4l nearly completed, peeduo through
14 llde real estate odor', puha,. the hen ofportunl
lately uttered. to persons who may with 'nettling , . in ma n .
ufacturodul alniost any descriptioh. The ahundonou.nno
cheapness of 01l the Mtn. of living. IliempPly p r rout fur
furl thr gam. po.rr, the mat quantity of wool brought
to thi. market. .a well as th e Melina. for traromortatlon of
manufactured articles, all entublne to =al,. nun one of the
too-4.1..100de jednia for extahlishing mantifortun, of Iron,
Wrol. eottotx. Indere/of all deacriptiona which it now afford.
Id in the Western country.
Egan's] improved fermi, to the vielnite or tb. an— . 0 -
Railroad. am altooffenal--a tract of 371 aernt of excellent
Umborod Won betvreantho Canal and Railroad...ll
.lout half wattle trout the latter; • lot of about seven
" Li*thi 'g tb.R.B ftwlT . otrot. along one side of which
thr tram namely and an two Ades, streets of thotown.
tel keeper. end merchant. will do welLto look at We to.
fore they lurrelgowelsetehere,
Tha maition of M.e,llloo,tu Me Wart of an agricultural
Melon, not rpauwd by any in 11. 0 morass., is PO well
Mimes that It i. donned winene. ear r to do more than refer
to It to Induce all who with to la akst aced inveattuente. to
null and examine thls. rrofouty. irallepotable and
l ca
cledit given If dealrwL Iron. .ndrow W. Lomita and
Joetna Hanna. Eagiait Pittsburgh ' . will glee iulurn , ""
eorteenllnli It, mod any enoulrim will be answered by eO
- Thomas ftleCuLtungh.ltent Jaryie OT the under
dxned t 7 l.tvalllon.
Itierillon.Pett It 11.. OW/ORTf JAbIR3:VIS.
TU-NNERS! 01L-25 brie for Bale by
1 ,
i tNa 4 ll y- 7 Nuten of theWeeiern
"th"l"'"in.lltVG. •
111111C11yEZLD 'hay. on hamd is gad uscatmontof
111auteas, et 111 the 11111. mat
` 4 11.11 1 / 4 '. or 'which ard a. otdettl
at pxl.l.l.lpkices. lOa
The sign! sort-en, of the Gen . eral in arms—his
glory as a soldier--has in same degree prevented
the no lessdistingoished bitinanity and justice of
1 the General from being known—the immediate
age of a greai man bring gum:lol4 le.e struck
with noble pacific trait, at eh:inlet, than with
those more visible to the common eve. But time
will not fail to norms] its due owed of praise ;
neither, it is believed, will even the present age •
be slow to make all suitable neknowledgments: $
for men . honor themselves in tnitioriug the truly
great and noble. ' 4
fa and After ar Roney —When lion.
Truman Smith, Senator from Connecticut, re
turned to Washington with kin youthful, accom
plished, and handsome Alahama wife, somebody
naked hint bow many slaves he had. "Only one,"
I said Truman, bowing low, and placing his hand
upoO his heart--"only one, who 53 proud to he
her elsro." This was very good. A correspon
dent of the Zit* York - Herald givei a suplemen
tary anecdote a month later. On he night the
platform gava way at the IYashington Circus,
Ati.'Smith was present with his young wife, and
it is said that when the elvish count, he, run for
the door, leaving the lady to ehift for herself—
Another lady, observing it F remarted, pointing
at the honorable Senator from Vionnecticut—
"Look! lock! Oruro goes a fugitivo nlavel" .
A large and enthusinstie meeting of the Whig
members of the Indiana Legislature : end Consti
tutional Convention, with others from ,snriows
portions of the, State, friendly to the noinina
tion of
for the Presidency, 1111 n held at the Hall of the
House of Representatives, on Satanlay eyenine,
Ftbrunry lot IS.II.
Ou motion of J. Defrees, Esq.. !fon. Jo
seph P. Alai-shall, of Jefferson, was elected Pre-'
Ranted Friable of Perry Ist Cong'l Dist.
B Phillips of Jennings j2nd " "
Johnson Wafts of Dearborn 13id •• "
. ; 11, F. Drool:brink of Union 4th " "
Wm. Herod •of , Barthlomewfith " "
' It. A. Clenients of Latices oth " " •
A. C. Stevenson of Putnam ' 7th "
G. S. firth of Tippecanoe Bth
T. S. Stanfield of St. Joseph 9th " "
Lo. Kilgore , of Delaware 10th
srenETAni - Es.
1 sehoyler Colfax. of St l2 41, ,.., ttn ty,
Albert•lVest, of Tippemailie
W. •
Thus. W. Fry, of Montgomery
11, Butler of Vanderbaugh
i The President on taking the Chair, was greet
! pi] with warm applause, and . hriefly addressed
the meeting stating its olVeet. . • •
Or Motion, a committee of one from each eon
gremional Dintriet wan appointed to draft reso
lution+ fur the action of the Meeting, as follows:
W. If. Porter of Ilarrimon Ist Cong'l Dint.
Milton Gregg of Jefferson, 2nd •• -
J. Robinson of. - Decatur, and
J B. Newman of B l ayne, 4th . - ••
J. If,' Defreen. of Marion, sth • ••
T. °
A. Ellin, of Noon, 4th .. ~
.1. P. Usher, of Vigo, 7th
11. S. Lane, of Montgomery, Bth ••• -
P. D Pratt of Cans, 9th
N. B. Hawkins of Jay, 10th 14 •t.
During the retiring of the Committee; Milton
Gregg, of Jefferson, was loudly called for • and
eloquently addressed the meeting.
Mr. Defrees, from the committee on resolutions
reported the following which were heartily ap
plauded :
I Resolved.'' Thnt the Whigs here assembled are
of the opinion that, as a means of uniting the
Whig party of the nation on proper 'persona :tl/1
Candidates for the Presidency and-Vice Presiden
cy in 1652. it is necessary that n National Con
vention he held early in the next year for the
-, purpose of selecting such candidates.
Resolved, That in view of the geographical
position of Cincinnatti, and of the great facili
ties of reaching that point, we recommend the
holding of the Whig National Convention in that
City, sometime in the spring of 1852. .s .
I Resolved, That having the utmost confidence
in the honesty, capacity, and patriotism of GEN.
WINFIELD SCOTT, and, in Consideration ocehie
long and valuable set-rice, to his country, we
earnestly recommend sew
his nomination by each
National Convention, es a candidate for the first
office within the gift of the people
Resolved, That the present National Whig ad
ministration is entitled to the confidence of the
entire people, devoted ns it is to the promotion of
the best interests of the country. • '
Resolved, That in the spprottching Presiden
tiol election we are determined to merge all mi
nor differences of opinion in the great, desire to
.ccure the triumph of the Whig party, and the °
consequent advancement of the 'National pros- I,
perity. i'
Resolved. That the whole history of the Whig
party is n suthcient guarantee of fidelity to the
•'Union now and forever."
Ileury-S. Lane of lliontgomery county, G. 8.
Orth. of Tippecanoe, and George 0. Dunn, of
'Lawrence, were called nut, and responded in
old,' and animating addresses, . which were en
thusiastically received and applauded. After
which, the Resolutions were unanimously adopt
Kilgore, of Delaware, Joseph Robinson of
Deentur. S. volt.. of 84 Jc..eph, N. E.
of Jay. W. NT. Dunn of Jefftrson, A. T. Ellis of
Ktiox. and L. 31orrry of Elkhart, were in turn
ea110..1 out, and addressed the meeting iu inapir
icing speeches.
Capt. Henry 1M.T . ,.0f the Senate, from
nAko county, nt the request of the meeting, rel -
te.l many interesting incidents of the war of
1812, iza which he had tiened under General
M r . orth presented the following resolution
which waa unanimously adopted.'
Resolved that the Whig papers in this State
and at Washington city, be requested to publish
the proceedings of this meeting: and that we
desire all the Whig editors of Indiana, to hoist
the name of netters' Winfield Scott at the head
of their columns, subject to the decision of the
Whitt National Convention.
The Prerident. in adjourning the meeting, sta
' ted that never in his recollection had there been
rrehrainery convention of the whigs of 'fedia.
nal in regard to the Presidency, in which such
elltire unanimity and enthusiastic feeling had
been exhibited: and the Meeting then adjourned
with three hearty cheers for the next President
Gen. Winfield Scott.
A. Wrs.r, I •
T. W. FRY, r -"Taa
W. 13. Brant,
TEE PE sylvartu am:6=D.
We published, yesterday morning, the sub
stance of a long and elaborate report by. Robert
Fa ries, Esq., Civil Engineer, describing a route
to' avoid the inclined planes on the Allegheny
Portage Railroad; acontly improvement, which
lie recommends to be culdertaken by; the State,
on the double ground- of the necessity (which is
obvious enough) of remedying the impediments
of the planes, and the presumption (which
not so well founded) that it in . ..the policy of
the Central Railroad Company to non the Port
age Railroad, either in the present attar,' or in
an improved capacity, until the business of their
own road will tvarrnut an. independent line."—
We-print- tii=day,a lotted from, J. Edgar Thom
. son, Req., the distinguished Engineer of the
Pemmilvauirt Railroad,. who makes this passage'
the soljeet of tome practical remarks, and ex
poses theifatility and danger of the idea of leav
ing the g reat work in which every Philadelphian
has so deep an interest, dependent in nay man
ner, for a day longer than is absolutely neces
sary, upon the Portage rend, whether "in its
present state, or in an:improved capacity." We
ask the careful attention of all our readers to
Mr. Thornson's letter.
The troth is, and ''' intelligent Philadelphians,
we trust, can doubt it, that the mountain divi
sion of the - Peensylvanin Railroad is a link as
essential to its completeness and. full success as
any othkr portion of the undertaking. The Port
age Railroad has never been regarded in any
other light thnn as an insufficient and temporary
makeshift, intended only to be used until the
mountain section could be completed; s -not, as
Mr. Fairies has it, until the business of the road
would , "warrant" an independent line. If we
wait for bnsiness, under such circumetances, we
shnll never get it. We mast invite it—prepare
for it—open the way for it—open a better way
than our neighbors; and thus we shall command
it. Our New York and Baltimore tivals.wouldlnngh ;
nt the flind policy which induced Phila.
delphinns—should it ever induce them—to sit
down content with on unfinished and dislocated
road—a rnute complete at both ends but Inter
rupted in the middle by a half-and-half expedis•
eat of mountain planes which deter buainess—
trusting to the Legislature to make a proper
connexion, or waiting weakly until increase of
trade should warrauttheir making it. The thing
most he dmm—done now—done without delay;
and, fortunately, our people are in the mood and
resolution. and they have the ability, to do it.—
A community of merchants has a better under
standinv' of the mode of securing custom than
they who rapect it will force its way to them
over obstrdctions and in the face of indifference
and supineness. So far as we havetigone en, Or
have provided the means for going on„witlithe
Pronsylrania Railroad, we have opined, or are
opening, n path for the great West to our city.
It remains to open the door; and the ,i door to
Philadelphia is in tier mountain 'division. •
our renders cannot but be struck by the dec
laration, made by Mr. Thomson in the last para
graph of his letter—a declaration which he, an
eminent engineer, has "ruiliesitstion" in mak
ing—that the difference In - the profits of the
Company, with the mountain section of their
rood completed, as compared Witlithe 'profits of
the rood without it, would he amply sufficient to
pay the whole cost et constructing.the
Now the sum needed taamild this link is two
millioge and a half of dollars, rind the time re
quired' two years; In which period the entire
route May—and, we are attire, wol—be in full
and successfhl operation. With the &entrance
of repayment, in five years, of the whole cost,
from mere difference of profits, it is manifest the
real sum expended will be only the interest`
the money required: daring the two years of con
struction. Then never was a stronger indent..
meat held out to any community to. make an
effort of enterprise, which is equallysmested
by gain and prompted by necessity. •It is not at
all Probable that the Leghtlatare. w ill ' take gay
immediate steps for the radical. ItaprOTeMent: Of
the Portage Railroad. The interest of tl*Stst4o
will ; ultimately require it, and. then it: all. be,
done; but, in the meanwhile, the. State expectil
and common een.m demands thayhe . Pezineyhy.•
nia Railroad should, for itTalrfljk
otile profit, be completed4/fOrat..deteria
Stn. 3. And Le it furdier matted, That the col
lectors of the districts Umpqua, Oregon, and
Paget's Sound, shall .he allowed one thousand
dollars each, per annum, with. additional maxi
mum compensation of Mr . o thousand thillorS
each, per onnumy should their respective ofllcial
emoluments and fees provided by existing laws
amount to that sum, and the surveyors at Nei
qually and Portland shall be allowed, in addi
tion to the fees authorized by existing laws, a
eoropensatiot of one thousand dollars each per.,,
SEC. 3. And is it Artier ',tried. That Pacific
City, on Baker's bay, and Milwaukie, on the
Willamette river, in the collection district of Or
egon established by this act, are, hereby consti ,
toted ports of delivery., and surveyors of the
customs shall be appointed, to conformity to law,
to reside thereat, whose compensations, in addi-.
Lion to the fees authorized by existing laws,
shall not exceed one thoussul dollars each per
Approved,.February 14 , 1E51..
3lrstrutors Kseemacs."—,A branch ofl,the
mystesions knocking family have recently arrived ,
this city, (Lowell, .laiss.) - and, wo believe;
occasionally give lessons. At least, we recently
heard an numsing case of spiritual terelation
front them since their arrival. It seems that a
party of Demo rats and Free Boilers called upon ~,
them to ascertain whether Sumner would be
elected Senator. • I.favipg seated thomielves, with
long faces, eround,the table, a coMmunicatiou
was immediate opened with the spirit'of old An
drew Jackson: The answers were some time •
extremely equivocal and unentisfactery; but the
moment the question was put- whether Sumner
would be elected, and whether the Spirit foretell
it, there was loch a succession of tappings as to
almost shake the building. The solemn-looking,
and :mations inquirers atoned the table could
hardly keep their places, mid supposing of course
that the spirit of Old Hickory would be delighted . ,
with the idea of electing a Free Boiler, they im
mediately. called for the elphabet, tad, breath
lessly wasting for the response, spelt outthe
4`.11y the ljterarti r if you elect hint Pll
coon be atoong!,ou rtotto.'n (be jbeb."' . This un
expected answer, together with another series of
rumbling knockings in every direction, so fright.-
fined the visiters `that they rushed out of tLe
house in great eenfusion—as though Old
ory was in truth nt their heels..—Lelaya don- •
•• •
Wl:AL.—That women nro only born to, be their
That dinner it to be readyitor tbemjle . very
minute they come into the hoc.
That t lady's bonnet con Le put on aaltackly
as a gentleman's hat.
That we can dress inn mintith; and that ring.
ing the bell violently, has the effect, of making
ua dream one bit quicker.
That they eon do everything re much bettor
than we can—Prom nursing the baby down tort-'
king the fire..
That tbeyare "tho . lorda or creation"—(pretty
lords,indeed!) ,
That-nothing can be too good for them; for I
atn . sure if you were to put a hot. joint before
them everyday, that still they would'be diasat-
Lend, and would be grumbling that you never
gave theatcold meat.
. . .
That they know our age so -much, better than
.We do oereelves. (It's PO vary
That they may invite whom, and as many on
they please ; ' but if we only invite our mamma to
come and stop with es, for a month, that there's
to be no peace for (In en long as they remain in
the house.
That music can be learned without practising,
and that it is necessary for. them. to rush out,
and slam the door rinlently, the Teri tilomeni ?re'
begin to open our roicca, or to run over the iallt
new Polite.
. .
'Thst sleeping after dinner prniutes canine.
Thak they 1..-now what dress and bonnet le
comes us no much better than we do.
That it is necessary to make a pour womanery •
bemuse a stupid shirt buttowhoppens to be 'oft.
I declare that some men most belie to that their
wires cut off their shirt buttons purposely, from
the sange pleasure they take in abasing. tlieio
for it. .
That WC are not allowed to faint, or have the
smallest fit of hysterics without being told'"nu:
to make a fool of ourselies.' ,
That houskeephag does not require any money.,
and it we venture to ask for any, not it Ic plea, •
ant to be met with all, sorts of black looks 'Arid
insinuatitms as to "what wenn do with it -.all;`'.
or eery agreeable to be told that we will be "the.
rain of hinisome day"—(l should Like totes the;
• That the house never requireS - eleartshig;
the tables rubbing, or the enpets beating, !or
the farnitare renewing, or etageres fresh covers,' ' %-
tor, in fact, that anything kJ:insight to wearoett..
or to be spoil% or beeket4 short, thst;.enve,
thing ought to lasefmtvert
Na ti during tke sseond session of Mr Thdidp,#rst
• [Penxic—No.a.j.,
AN ACT to authorise the exchange of a lot on
... the military site of Fort Hamilton. for no equal
quantity of ground adjoining said kite. -
!k enacted by the Senate and. Haile of gpre•
sodality., tti the.Vaired &Wes of Aditelica in Con
arm asaddled:That Die Secretary of War. be:
and be io hereby authorized, under ibidlrection
of the President of the United States, to cause
to be exchanged'a lot of ground, being part of
the. Rite of Fort Hamilton, New York, for"an
equal quantity of ground tying nearer to said
fort. and being more valuable for military par
poses. (Signqdl ROWELL CORR
Speaker of the Rouse of Represeatitivea;
(Signed) WILLIAM R. XING,.
Speaker ; of the Senate pro tempore.
APProted. Fcbrurny 14. 1551. •
[Poetic—No. 4.]
AN, ACT to settle awl adjast the expenses of the
people of Oregon in defending, thetiselres frotri
the attacks and hostilities of Cayuse Indians
in the years. eighteen hundred and forty-seven
and eighteen hundred and forty-eight
. Be it enorted by the Senate anti 'Howe' of Rtpre
sintatioewjf the trnitel ti t dee of America Is Con
giro assembled, That tbo Secretary of the Treas
ury be, and he is hereby, authorised and directed
to settle the actual and necessary expenses in
curred by the provisional government of Oregon
in defending the people of said Territory from
the attacks and hostilities of the eayrise.lnillans,
in the years eighteen
and eighteen bemired and forty-eight, op.!, the
presentation by the Governor of Mid Territory
to the said Becretary of the Treasury a full; se
curate, and detailed statement of the actual and
necessary expenses of said defence and hostilities; proper vouchers 'and Satisfacto-•
ry proof of the correctness thereof, autigatient-
ed in conformity with the usages_of the .Departs
mem ; and the sum of one hundred thousand
dollars be, and is hereby, appropriaied cut of
any money in the treasury not otherwisrapprr
priated, to carry the provisions of this. act into
Approved, February 14 ; IS3I.
[Per,,Ltc—No. 6.]
AV ACT to create additional Concetlon Jistricts
in the Territory of Oregon, 'owl for other pur
Bea enacted hy the &hate end .11huee
eentativerof the Coiled States of 2lntrics in Vs,
gra, azermbled; rttet'in the Territory el Oregon
there shall he three collettion aißtict3, with a
port of entry to each district, to wit: timpatin,
Oregon, and Pnget'e Sound. • The district of
tiMpTrut shalt include all the had, hamitar:
bore, riversrand shores embraced in that portion
of the Territory aforesaid lying between the
forty-second and forty-fourth degrees of north
latitude, and a collector shall be appointed in
pursuance of existing laws for said district, and
Scortivill shall be, and is hereby, made a port
of entry and delivery for said district, at which
the collector shall reside. The district of On,-
gon shall include all the - land,, hays/ rivers, har
bors. and. shores embraced within that portion
of the Territory of Oregon lying between the
forty-fourth and fortiTsiith and a half degrees
of north"-latitude, embracing the - coast of the
Pacific west of the coast range of inomstained
up to the forty-eighth degree of north: latitude,
and Astoria shall be the port of entry for the
district, at which the collector shall reside: The
:district of Puget's Sound shall include all tha
land, bays, harbor, rivers. and shora in the
Territory pot embraced in either of the before
mentioned districts, to wit: All that portion of ,
the coast lying between the fiiity.eighth 'degree
of north latitude and the northern boundary of
said Territory, and embracing all the land and
waters lying north of the furty-sikth - and a ball
degree of latitude, and cast of the coast- range
of mountains, and a collector shall' be appointed .
in pursuance of existing laws fur said dittriet;
and Olympia shill be the port of entry and deliv
ery for said district, at which place the collector
shall reside._ Nnocptally and Portland constituted
porte of delivery, with surveyors to reside there- .
at, in pursurance of the act of Congress, ap
proved fourteenth August, eighteen hundred and
forty-eight, shall be continued us ports of. deliv
ery for each districts created by this act, within
the limits of which they may respeetitely he
Frval the W Wpm Pnch.