MISCELLANEOUS BY lIESUSIKS GILBOINE LYON:, L. L dtong the smooth and slender wi es ' " . The sleepless heralds ran, ,Post as the clear &ad living rays - Go streaming from the sun. 4 'No peals or flashes, heard or seen, . Their wondrous flight betray; And'yet their words are strongirfelt In cities far away. Nor simmer's heat, nor winter's • Can check their rapid course ; They meetruunored the fierce wiwirs - The rough wind's sweeping force: In thh long night of rain and wrath, Asia the blaze of day, They rash with news of Weal or fro, . To thousands far stay. But fatter still than tidings borne - Oit that electric cord, ...Else the pure thoughts of him who loves The Christian's life and Lord—l. Of him who, taught, in smiles mid tears, • With fervent lips to pray, • .Maintain high, converse here on lartb . With bright worlds far away. - • . ...*. - 2yl thought mor outward wish i breathed, Nor outward answer given, The 'sighing of that humble bear!. ••• Is known and felt in heaven: ' • Those long frail wires may bend and break, Those viewless heralds stray, Bat faith's least word shall reach the throne Of nod, . tho ugh far away. .IW=BY OF TEE DINING Thst eccentric 'triter, Thomas Do Quincy, the anther of the Confrtsions it • the English Opium Eater, ,gives thefolloring interesting history of Dining Hoar . “In Henry Vl's time, the 'court dined at elev en lathe forenoon.. But even that hour was con sidered So.shockingly late in the French court, . . that Louis XII am:Lally had his' gray hairs brought down with sorrow to the ye; by chan ging hiiregalar hour of half-nast ' e for elev en,gt, in gallantry to his young lingli h bride. Ile fell'a sietim to latO hours in the orenoon. In Cromwell's time, they dined at one P. M. One century onda half had carried th on by two hdqrs. . Doubtless , old cooks and s .ullions voa- dered what wottld come next. Our }"reach neigh bore were in the same. predicament But they far wmpassed ins i¢ veneration for 1 the meal.— j r They actually dated from IL Dirin r constituted 1:' the grult era of the day. L'apres dinher is al- Inapt the sole date which you will ml in Cardi- Mir De L'eg's memoirs of the Fde. Dinner saw Their Elyira—liutter was the" line of too ' wersla,g the ocean of day; they erased the equa tor when they dined. thir English revolution ... come ue.r.t; it made Z:01110 little difference, we have heard people say, in Church and State; bat its great effects were perceived in dinner. Peo ple now dined at 2. So tibia Addison for his last 30 years; so dined Pope, who" was coeval 'with the revolution through his entire life. Pre cisely as thij rebellion of 1745 arose, did ,people (but observe, very great people) advance to 4. • I'. 31. PailesopheEl who wateh the " ,, mth , - Turn," and the first symptoms of change, had pereeired this alteratiod sliking in tho upper air like a coming storm, same little'timo About the year 1.74`); Pope complains to a friend of Lady Suffolk's dining so late as four. j Young people MAY beal , ..those things, be observes, but as to myself, new turned of 50, if such things Welton, if Lady Suffolk would adopt such Strange "boats, be must really absent himself train Mar bits Mi. Lady Suffolk had a right to please • herself; be hineielf loved her. But icelse would persist, all which remained for a decayed poet was respectfully ; to 'out his stick and retire.'— Whether Pope ever pat up with four o'clock din ners again, we have vainly sought to fathom.— Boma things advanneeentifdian.r.ly, like alflomior a fire, which always makenn.clal of A; eat and • digest. it heforelhey go on toll. Other things advancepersailera--they do not silently cancer their way•onWards ; but lie as still ns a•snahe af ter they bass inidelinnie notable congursL then, when anobservid they wake themselves ; up 'for trdacklef,' and take a flying boinid onweiMls.— Thu& advanced dinner, and by these ills bt Into the territory ot evening. .And` ever Si it made &Motion onwards, it found the nation more ci vilized, (else the 'change would not bar.; been ef fected,) and raised them to a mill higher civili zation. Thenezt relay on that line of road, the next repeating frigate, is Cowper in his poem on Co nrer 4ation. He speaks of .4 o'clock Bastin the elegant hour for dinner; the hour for the lalaceia and the IfildiAoMinLd. Now this was written about 1780, or a little earlier; perhaps, therdfore, just one generation after Pope's Lady Seirolk. But then Cowper ins living amongst the rural gentry, not in idgh life; yet, again, Cowper Was nearly connected by blood with the eminent whiginanse ;of Covrper, and aelasowledged as a kinsman.— About; twenty-five years after this, we may take Oxford as s good exponent of the tuitional ad ,vance:. As a magnificent body. of "foundations." endowed by kings and resorted to by . , 11e flower of tho national youth, Oxford is alwa elegant and even splenstid.in . her habits. Irt, on the other hand, as a gratoomat of learning, and.feel ing the weight of ter position in thel common wealth, mho is slow to move—chli La 'stance as she vi should be, hang the functions of re ns signedo her against the popular instinct of met- Inca. ;Now, in Oxford, about 1804-5, there was a general more in the dinner hour. Those col leges who dined at three,_of which t ere were • et ill several, now.. dined at lour; those who had dined it four, now translited their hour to fire. -Tbesi.icontinties - 1 good general hours, but still emuugtha more intellectial orders, till the bat of. Waterloo..: After that era, six, labial had 'been somewhat or a gala lour, Was piomoted to the fixed station of dinnA , time in ordinary; and .* there perhaps it will rest through centuries. For a festal dinner, seven, eight, nine, tent Aare nil been! in requisition since them but {tee has not yet heard of any man's dining later than 10 I'. dd. except in that single clasical thcident (so remembered from our father , Yoe) of an Liam as who must have dined much . [ later than _ten, herniae his servant protested, w en others worn enforcing the dimity of their masters by - the lititormicif their dinner hours, that his tet,dined “to-morrow. 7 Dtscovsgan it? LAlL—Riding down town, re. a cently;Sre had for a fellowi passeggeri a dapper, handsome young man, .dressed in the extreme of fashion, with a ponderous watch-chain crossed over rt Mao-velvet rest, the chain lookibg na pure ?,, 'Wit it - had just come from the dry digging. - in - California.. The natty little fellow been lighted Cigar in bigmouth, and he puffed sway, although severaladies were in-tLe 0111111 b.. 'tic nodded to:blmlfamiliarly,as be took a sett ilppcsiiitc.— - .Daitiii - nn iimninhg lookat us, he said: .. :"Sir,i you have the advantage of . - -"Yeas sir, and intend to. keep it," • •.'lmt we know you, sir." You do?' And who ant I? i r . Yon are the gentleman who smok e in an em. .l, 'Vexed at the rebulte, he apologized acefully, .. :acidthrew demi the regalia with viola ce, which, settineflre to the straw at the bet m, nearly burnt the under garments of the Indic., who were Mon agony of fright, in the midst o which We _gentleman dashed out of the door an rammed. H ... avingldentilled the knight of the' incipe, we take it for granted that he will looktuseo if there are Indies within an timnibus before he uses; his Lucifer-match again, and we shall.nat leave the advantage of him betteifter.—Najor Nootit Son dog' Ti,ue. • The Popular Tribune is the - name of an odd i looking newspaper, published at Sou 00, Illinois the seat of Monsieur Cabet'e Icarian community of which it is the organ. It in publ died week jy, pad is devoted to the advancement of 'social lat'principlow. We learn from this (paper that - thelcarions hare a clothing and shoe ,store in St. Louis, Mo., for which they mauuructhre goods. They have at biauvoo a steam mill ti.ir grief, a now mill, a whlnkey distillery, &c. The roman '. nity consists of 340 perfonn,"bf whom 150 are S4ult males, 11 young men between I 4 or 20 years of age, 86 adult females, 3 young fimalm, 0 .18 first boys at the fi school, 4 at the era nil, 1 deaf and dumb, 84 girls at school, IS r hi dren from 2to 6 years rld, and 14 infant, ii ., Ylien they first arrived at Nauvoo they number .1 2..50 per muss of both sexes, and several chill en. From a history of the colony, written by C het, which appears in this paper, it appears at he bun started fib Tribune to bring the col ny into no- ,cif Pia &MMUS not regained to copenlixe hit ...i41,01,...the1f, 8. District court lit Philadel phis, on ruosd4., the case of ThelVis'Vflara T 3. thatch?. fracas was decided. This,case was At libel for wages- The-libellant sbiliped at Bon i ton as he smdc.estood for Philadelphia. The ahip ping articles, however, were for Say' nuah. The -libellant is a colored man, and Ito desiring to raiders° the surveillance and i ipriconment which a free black has to undergo at a southern port, rsihtted to go to Savannah, and l ed a libel for.the roses thus far. The court o ld that the posopliin . ant could not be hold to a, ontrnal en tered intirin ignorance, and which ight jecip .lin:flit his liberty. Decree for amo t. . ,* Itanqaettiring in New York and The manufacturing interests of NI Pillialkaphii; nn#town by the Unite attclatery taken; compare, as folloin capital teeeeted *34,23 2,022. I nearly *33,000,00 0 . The' valueoll products of manufacture in Philadeli 000,000; New York .$)03,21 0,800.1 Niehigan United Stator Sencrior.'—p from 3fichigan.coteriu, the report tv that the lion. Lettis Cass' has been the United.Stabm Senite'leMn that els yearaccanmemtinguntho 4th or TO CONTRACTORS TO CONTRACTORS CIARROL COITNTY• RAILROAD—StaIed VIII Le reeelval at the aftice Canal Cam i i=lettataiany.in (*recital:4 Ohio. un til Thu, day. 12,th daylof Maeott nott•for the aca110ati"......" at ..,=„ on . the line catcalling plan Cuaoltan to . 1:111a atty." near the °wets Milt. Plane awl cpeeill ' ea a tlons of the work clay la ....ht . '''. and nmeatat7 laformation obtalued w applicatkin to the Enaltieccr. at the Moo of the Coatiatta, Oaring the 0 . " 14 - rge i r ''‘ oltht! h an o ollv ilo &...l, fcblsthl IWIIT. CROZlEr,acee. Notice to Contractors. 1110 AND PENNSYLVANIA RAlL propcaals will be remited at the office Plee Ono and Penn/limn:Lis Railreml Com Peel in &la . burgh, until Tboreday the fOttli day of Barth laying-the Track from Flttshomth bLeesillon, • do=re. or 1017 mile.. Specitleatioui and fame of Itroleltais maJ h." obteined at the oft.. PittsburFh. for tteetreels• pn•rto the lettlttg n application to bolomoo W. Roberts. Chief us m. &Mie r oe Proposals must be In aerooloore with the Ptittt.l lonaa and addreased to the Preeldent of the e Corn- WEL‘BOLINIFON, J., Freted Pitteborgit. Feb. 6th. 1051. r • North &merit.. Nees Yor.nibtam Anserierut lieiinwl Journal. publish four time. feblttltd 101i — ROPOSALS for Erecting ii:Wiro Suspen -41-.I" . „ r ß r w r ttreelutr Allegheny Ricer, in ' plg t ot istructure rrnr at In ore. • heeled Proposals b een merited at the once of Jamb Fainter & Co.. Liberty sheet, until , the 15th do 9 of Beech next, foe the erection of the above described !wider ,• the pattern thon.of be the same as the blottowthela Bridge, vltti tech alterations as bidders mtty stptEett and tilt, di 'rectare approre. By order to( the Board of Director, febltdtf LIMIEN7.. Ibntsl. Pro. Proposals for Bituminous Coal SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Philadelphia tins Wp.s, until 1113011.0 r FRIDAY, thel4th of Febroarylid. our or the ehole of TIVE.NTY THOCSAND "TOMS OF BIT t 31 1 ,01115 COAL suitable for the tettoufseturo of lira, pr., to Qesenl at the Ocal hteres at the Ow Works, .LY 1070 how by the nth of A Hi. MO lo the roonth of!,la oo Yt that do do 10. IIMI do . do' iJuly. &100 do du lAumist. POOP do do ISeptember. '4OOO do do 'October. Punt/ du do iNovernher. The Coo. must be fresh. elem. nod Airy. and of n donlilY to tie approval by the F i ne iunta. u . r u he prizousle 11111, :date getTrliTdtit ' v.. i .... a of Cool 11._ :.....L. to ' X.; 1 f0r . 4 3 M1 will be rondo...rt.:origins to the time of %elan:: the prop, man. The tuned tun of ",lit/ minds will be considered a , the welat intended In the p enal t. 0101011. amt if It be p übic to deliver by meninin, tlse .truck bushel of VAS cubic We will be %lied. to raNe of failure to deliver the . emd accenting . to surrennent. the Trus tees of the Om Work re the right to oumlinse whene ever tile) , may deem bet. and &arse to re. emlnetere soy losa or dattingesonmquent on such Indu The el l e will to made In two equal iostilimetits, at and il [mottle after the led petiole of deliv. , monthly of each month to betaken its the evemneof theeliyery.or oat the option of the Trude.; payments soll lie•moh. with legal Internet deducted. Should the Contractor prefer' to deliver the Cod will .than ropaind:ll wilthe ma ved, but poyments will be made to date from the time speated. . Ontisfsetnry necurity for the fulfillment of the control EIJI. requiml, JIM C. CILESSt)N. Engineer. PRILIDELPIrta GA) {Coma J 11.1951. issrailawot PROPOSALS F R STAMPS.' • Po &Mot Ors Lafarge, January if r 1061. n.gROPOSALS will Lel received at this De rArimetxt until the ltb darf 31ireh nest for fundsh tampip fur the u. of tb. Peet Others of the Cutted States fort r years from the nit der Of April newt when ordered by the Dclattmeats of the feliewieg rhi— no name, of the Mara mull State In eirouine form. cut from a solid bloch. hardsn4stool. arid made in sued manner as to admit of letters hiturra ke ep sbms. the mouth arid day, with a thunarrew to such lettere and hitt" la to Such p, thd the etter. commie hag this same, to to of the t •me thein now ammo facture. and In use. 1 turroil mahogany handl. of the ane the to to securely es to said etemP. Tbe Moab) a year abbreviated.. es to attain bat three Letters etatla of twine rise 0000 hi um. .0.1 to be cat front .mild Kock* of Imrdened steeLit'lguross tor Ste days th e month from I to 91. inclusive. go he cue& et Like horde:aid mctol. mid of the site Last alone - aid. Aha stumps with the words epad , asel - free . cr Mom of those now in am. ty Also, With 11,19.0. de b osio Z the rat. of poitaie s arid si milar to those now In U.. All of the above 000103,p1 0 brlcladr of bargetoxl steel. The proposal* meat also maltlll..paixr. 0133 for the eir. eularptamp. with the months rel figures. Also. for each Peptuxtte pi sontainimi the mouth mm algting Of three lettere. Aloo. for emit. separate Piero the dace tot‘ Alm. for complete sets of at the mil Spin , . Also. for each *emirate 'piece with the words •ipaid" oat Also, for tech separate M.o. with the figures Pe ts the to of poptitan The making of the dine... Pets will not. borer,. be given to different fellltraClAln. but die t he for the whole irliieh Woken... swot far to the Department will be ance.ted. The Department re. grets to Itself the right. to m.i.t ton..l> if the Pr. , Ls doetood extruvw.t. Sp...gime. of Um various kinds of stamps reguirol ran be seen at the appointment °Mar of this Department. is2thllaw7t N. E. ILlLL.Poshimster tiencral. Proposals for Chain Cable Iron. Navr Aotts Ortira. Wamiiyrr.u.. Januar, SEALED PROPOSALS, in dilplieitte, en dorarid Pronofala n wired it Ibis oOhv untd noon 01 Motility. the '- , 411i Febru. arr neat, for furraahlua of ilelireign,f at the Ns. Washinirtnn. Dirtriet of Golumin, all the cbalti iron mentioned in tba folloarin,‘ table. no: . s 7 G Fc."7 MEM [l=2 l - 4"zi7.22.:7. I E. MEI s4zs~ 3- ~ . C~~~~3~a _ ' 8%-r•i-Ygt All the sformULl dui. cable Imo mast he of the eery taut qua.nry Of AVlArin37l emen,firchou, five foen admit bare of foreign from It most be hammered fn. Idioms ire to mush bars. That for the lints man then herat pa.a. al nal a leil „, b i l3b o mt , t h an 101 l In d thi . rtsv , m t I lv: I 0 t . z . 1, 1 r ren ol ivrte l d 100404*. Tha o st 047011.0 f for ' ;... - 114ack1..0. ingii . vel., boxes, ant ',merciful all be wrought under the hammer to sites and ahapes which will Ca. fundtbrd to the andraunr. , The whole must, be delivered in strunlbt.lengtb, fa.. from ; all fans. ragged reds°. edge, or other defect, reflect to suet/ Proofs and tsetse/ dm Itureau of Constr.., Rem' , Py tta. Art ineta-nonitaan thntliannatte.ltat partion inssa ment. and Repair mar Ilan-Land be In all reelects to the rum on.re.et. tberein are muffled re • ober. of the i.nAlts entire eatialaction sod atourtual of the nonmanhant .4 the • o f tine 10„11,,1„ , 0, ~.10,„0 1 a „,,,,,,,,, ,h r 0,,,,,,,,..,, u, ear Navy Yard aforesaid. or it sill red l• reauch te.r ell! . n a t,,,, r e .,,,„, the ~,,,,.0 0 pall any part of the meld Iron be soLireted to i.P.71 mid W"•! no , Tl. ~,,,,,a , ~,,,, a „, ,„,,,W,,,, a , 5„,,.. a „ o ra i r m , r traa saattsartoey eriarfaa is prodneed h, the Auld cement .t- ll... Tarter I a the I atatt nt ..1 loceeel and the lattn... , n Chat', has been unhar&etund 01 hem/dunce coon. th. I,,lntratt are darrt/t1 to to envosaral tat ermnat In the md. tar**. rf II:. Orirdslart, a, a fond foe the farther „- Th. .mantity terminal to .Yoke mu-third •of the hi. emu, cot the on. Thu fund .$ll he taranntra ..by burnt elved maitre moat be delivered on or frt., thr rta. twartaa ea ad.,. of all are mute dia.l.4 21,0,1, Mattis,- of June next her another thin! of al) ea ci es. , 1 40 j0e 0 r..., and ra.„ll. Wert. pm rat , te. the *moon , ',",,, 00 o r buy., the tirct day of newt., rout Ito-I t et . ..eruct Premiums and Capital rocs nthe remthlerm or before the shit's-fiat of lauctaher . 1.,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,„...,...,,, •,,,,, ~,.., next. ti el i reed 10, I' A MADEIRA Persons dudrons of carting' m furnith the mad Iron . . ('b'ild " 1 l'''''th" i''''''''''.." 6. r*r."'""' ''''''.).' State Mut u al Fire Insurance Company, them to ma e their ffrea) sae erfrenti la the ummandent . or rommandiatt entree of the nary Yard at IV srhiortnn. I Ilarrisburg, Pa. District otColcitabla. . To tbe )venous whore offer nos oe ettrritni vartieular 1 r i llfiE very liberal r.xtren age extended tO schedule, drawing& and therm de...IOUs. - If the par. thlteranoany, having 1.14.11 traktra trt the aanarnt tttai1.... ,, .... , tad, kind of U . ... l'.l.ift'd . 111 ~.. t.r.e.tn- . n n n.,,1 r and r. Italy 411110,ne of bolters. daring thetas( 01, when the root. , is Metared fet . roretitalft.. o l l . .mast eloo n tlts. t. sof-mien! manifestation of the estimation ehleh the mid ben mast nmfdrm. al ntatairn„ of 11, tati.ll.. lo t h e flan fa 14 otatatar.t . ot Uffcrs nand embrace the ,o brae and the nr , ~,,,.,, to b„.,.. d. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oche .t..1 0 d N, Ur pound, and 1210 sgaregate arootirt v,f the Tr •ity or r.•, der enrerhanta 3.0.1 mrnent of dwollions, offer given and carried not ' i and 10.1.,.1 nod ...tntry Pr'.l.'r ,, . II i". 0 .' 11 " , '" , Ott , 0 7-m - Approved /maths equal to the estimated emu. , of tit . ' 'any affords roleentaar, la teems of cheapness. /tarty. and contract will be required in the ...to , ' 's , f e". In lh I ucuuty. fahnnr,te no Inearance Company In this country. Instrunismt, and irstprerrotuto in ad/110ft mall be traldtrld pr dt .inrnat on tit, equitable audit/Teti v 11 .1 1 a 1 tr. 1, 1 1 . 4 . 1 from th,, amount of each payment au collateral servritt fur -. ..`0f tit:walla-mar, I , f ine1t....a..1 whoa 111 tra.rl.l haranla. lo th° I.... ' thlni P .rr.......... . ... 1 ri.........1. ""f ,te , '" - ni . surhiu nu ly t iolo/ en opt le an, min ',alit, • thus or,- um of 0.11 00/110n . Wila 00 P. 1 .01 I' 0.10 N a.;.. •? . , ' . ..,. t _ ~', -rapid,- ar. reran. ta . 7 ar/1 „aura nat. af tar, Cr'' , and e v ail.T . f,!?,, n u.,.. ,"' • ' ..% ° „ " g ' a ' ttiL:= `, :; ' ; ',.. ? `,"7 - 1 ' - `''' ;;,,: " .1:, ' ; ' ,7.... ' . ' , 0 ,1 , 7 " .. 1 '',g,',;7, 1 ,L1:•,',1,i1,7.' y .11:CI:. Navy lard. ' hut elitithu the met , a partscipation la the pro-J. Every Offer Mast be accommuabnl by a eritten gurounty. Ili. tinder the eouttot or u.. f.,11.”.irw birector.---John (the responsibility of the ghatutttue or A...... 4 . '' P Eutherfunl, 0 J filllett. ...null Packer C. T. Jou.. o f Mbf a uuvy Mfr.. or °Om , of s Cad s lcre. , , m' h . , ' Alonzo A. Curter. Plate C r«ty.,. a, Enturt Alerts. some one Itrumvi to um Bureau r.f Construe., ger, that . I 1if.711 Eilludllt, President If the offer te assented, the hiller or bidders will, eithm A J lIILLETT. Ye:retest ten /ley,. after the rumot. of the contrati at the poet °face ~,.., c„, r. ,,,,, ~,o ov. v . ; dodituatal, execute tbe mine, ant A-x. 4 1110/ /11MCIent. i ' rarefies. to furnish the said them caste tar,. agmahly to tho term. specified In this advertiumeutf er ,thelt to, fe enatualted In the cmaract. The law of the 10th of Northd. 1414, by the oonalvieratlurt of all prolseals Ind 0,,C1- 7,1111101 by ouch ha.rentc. , fielders ate partieubuly rat:mud to cud..rse dui, uff ere I grabove reualred. tio, u..y.x.y 00 distinguish...l from , outer busircus lettur.., to order to prevent their icing I ' Altlfl'4not sv h tl ' ad " ?, rlttteV'enctforovlty .It.b 1111. ad , rerusemcnt, in ever? Larval:afar, win li. considencl 6r r•-• arena!, at the option of the 11070.11 of Conetrct:on. Equip. mcnt. arid Repair. .Tbe perano album offer may be erupted will be notified and a undreet for without ann.,. easy delaf. Persons offering ere diretted to deeignate the post offlnse tluough ehich they desire to be aldressad and the navy agent to whom the contract shall be sent for ...cation.— And &no required to make their bids according to the form hereananneted. .1.11. LATIIIIOI'. Navy Agent. , T of a a uff,. I hereby agree to furnish and deliver at the Navy Yard M. Washington. District of Columble. 11, conformity with the terms of the advertisement from the Navy Agent's otßee et Washington. of the 114 day of Jammer. 10.51, 1.(04.122 lbs. of chain cable Icon of the very best ,Instill of American nuttioGicture, at the rate of -- eilit• pre lb. amounting to I—. , y offer 1.., isteepted,l ree l, ta abirecaul through If m the poet dine LL--. and the ...tract to le eono to ltin navy agent at tor execution. Vera respectfully, fear obedient retum,, To .1. IL lettottot, Ficn, Nary A,reet, Waalaingt.q. D. C. We the undernigned, residents of , to the State ---. beeebY ¢uunntf that, In ease the fon.gotog idd of - - b. - will, within ten e After the receipt of the tnotroet at the 1.101, theieust. ed. eseeute chain same, with gent and sufficient euretiee. tit font+ the cattle iron therein eperiftod,ln euntortnitY *Rh the term, of ti,adtertisement seder wldeb the said Ed was made. I hereby eertify that, to the beet of psi knowlelieand belief. the shovel:mooed guarantor. tier good and sufficient. IL IL. Navy Agrrg- Eneelope to he endoreed cc Noviciate for chain cable iron." 11214111ra. Penn Mutual LiEs Insurance Co., Plaul'a• AGENT IN PITTSBURGII, W. 11. DAVIS, (yk. J. Ylnory, jr.. tlecrsaml4 Nu. nal I.IIS,SY street. ir the better mares:deuce of person. residing In the lower part of the cdtai the au•ent Inny also.tio found daily, Irons 11 12 and it to 3 o'clock, at the °oolitic, nom of JinchootOnater Cm, no 11l Wood greet, where all opera nt,. leformationerill lex given and Colo.llunlrallow prumpt , dy attended to. Pamplitets anal:gluing the sod 'benefits of Life Insurance, and blank - fonns ftiromheit on application Capital stork over Snin.ooo and minstantly incmasing.— Psolita divkled .nnally RIDOI/beit jp., 1 ,1 for Pittsburgh. Jan. Al. ePNW STOCK OF PIANOS , tr , - Jobn 11. 3leNor, Al 11'4.1 dram. b. sirealred a new nail ipin.lkl sreortznerrt of Plare.nol• open and ready fur sale. drat SPLENDID GIFT BOOKS, • L e wlete of llrmory. Gone of Beauty -dap (.Iblzet of llodrzle Art. Amaranth. Prlrodeldp's Offerlog. Winter 1110‘... S no w Flay. Prosbytrelim kale. .u 4 limn lt.,ltr, rpLendldly bound. . .f. , =, ir - r - Bllatrdill'itM. ..jamFor saki At. th. ... . EBB (4 WOK STORE., - , 65. Market A. cur: of Vow*, , ork and States cen !; New York 'hiladelphio the annual dua is :461, SILVER COIN WANTED—For whirl' the high"' ID bc P6d li7l: . A. HILL. l CO, f•bi Bran., G 4 Waal Aret Y ctoors above 41. b. A.SII--8 casks just reed for sale a lg „ BI RONON. urr " -The papers telegraph re-elected to State for tho March nut. 200112 ,„ CORN; .; Plod= Maim 421gul%litrebAnts %l a = 'Arita Aryl. Delaware Naftali S. Scrip Dividend ap•nry. and mad, - for diltribu The followitur a n d 1M dmlarral 1547 and IM, for thdis , ry, when talk , 181 Adr.tm .4.11 n 4.5 (Pi, ty,,c4l, Jong.% . IP 1.14(r. L C4 , -.10 Itid4rll J. C. Caldwell John- 5 00 Co.Thunuo 40 w Cochran IL D -.10 (P Dales W. 14 In 00 Dales John ......... 5 00 Drvis Jarurs 11 4 00 fralick C 5 IP John 50 00 Graham S. 'lt* CO Ural( ......... 10 00 ..... 00 Iloward lea Sr. Co . 11.1 00 linnt-A (4), MamaJahnT y W . In-11.Ak 13.0.-15 W Ihp a Ilueme C ......... 00 [lnman L. ........ 00, === iii;:;;;d:4;1).Ty lii ii 6 ii.lriti ). II 6.110 Blarlamyro rhos 5 00 Kllneklter3l... ,- '' . ...... 5 00 Bu tler ,."WWl Itun (b... 1501 Klmber J. 1% 311. T 10 00 Bu J IV. 6 Iko .. .0 00 Led'', Geo 100 0 Sutler L. 31. IL. 95 0.0 Llppitoott Irtmst R0v...20.0 8363 , 11101. Pears A C0....10 00 Larva 91. E 26 03 Eidw,.ll.l. C. At% ...... -. 5 00 LlvlogoMmultogrn A 1.1016 IN) Rauh 1 1.01.2 y,..... ....... 5 00 Lftch * CO -... ..... 55 00 11Arn , 4C100 al 00 Litc/3 &Co .... ..... 501 Blakely .1.0 n...... ...... - 6 00 L eec h SI. E 1.000 Bingham Won -50 00 Lh SI. 6 Co .35 00 Bayard co. 0 1 00 Llpplneott a Co 95 00 Cumileham 11.11%. 01,1 Mumer b 1101..... . : ...... -.35 00 Calhoun J.. NI- ....... _7O 011 3011, eCotchey W.Jk 11---15 00 Clark & Than ... C ......_1 5 00 li. a Co . ' .fr. '''' Cuddy, Jones .30.-....1 1.0 31111.0.0 Rieke...gm. 00 Caow.her Jollu A.......- ... 15 00 31111, 0.0. it N. 11 10 00 Cop.on Lew), .55 01 31olvan, t Ledlk- 5 431 Campbell IL A. 3 Co..- 5 01 3.1.120,00,1•Y0eb,"aC°2° 00 Colemao. Hallman 0 0310 00 Slelntrev Wm 45 00 Calhoun 1tk1id..... -0.5 00 Mlllo Y.. I , ... -30 00- 0,.n, 4.4 11.. Co. 5 00 Slarnlta r 135 00 lltom.9lllkr 3 C0...15 00 Simon A. A. 6 C 0...-.... 5 00 0015er I:. D. A F. tl 15 00 :110, - ,m 11001 5 00 Cope IV. 11 15 01 Mor,lo.m.LCopelaml2 Coso lal Cmapbell Thom., ..95 00 Ilorik.Levlk..-. ...... -45 00 11312.11. Leu 0 , 3 C., 5 00 Pectuttk.Slllebel 3 C 0... 5 00 0551.1 0 lquith 10 00 Palmer 11.11 5 00 11 oalicll. di a, ..... .... at 00 Prke II . .. .l 00 -... .. .. . ..... .... .. . Doan Alss ....... ..,. , ..:Al 1,0 1 eplatel zlandish- ..... .. 0 is.) 1/svis Jas. II 5 to 110111 rot J. 6 11..... .... 111 00 Date. John :.,, '53 iSt nein k Berger 20 00 Dalull jos 10 00 liolAmon J. V.. 1 50....30 00 English a Itennolt 5 Cm Itol.srlson d Repport.....lo 00 Elorilart Wra....... ..... 2.11 osi SsullY ins. Oil -. 30 00 Fitzsimons A oon - 10 00 ~olt Johp a C 0...-...... Aon Fulton W.ll :Ai 0. , Seco*. Ltioel fi 0) FortoseJos.. ' 10 LYI Soong. • Co !A) 00 Folo•rJs...F 10 00 Smith Tbsonsit 3 00 ...Irreales. I . 01 110 SlOlllOll. D..............«..5 00 tin... 01.01,10- '5 00 Tbologoon aco 31 11 00 tits4,..J 25 00 I1"il1lonot Ilarrison ./..,-2.1 09 Gregg Thos. J- .............1 0 10,WhIts Wm .. . ........ ...... 5 11) (Aral( Deny; a Co. o o .Watson 11010. 11 00 ._ . Orar . 0 .. 51x0 Wearcriamb 5 00 00 Orar J. 1 10 00'Wartl W -.. at --.... .. -. 5 Hazlet: %Yin DO 00,W00LI Jronr.r . l Co 5 00 1100.1.1.nn ll: F 5.1 00:Woud Jan. 0 - 500 Hart Wm. K........ ...... - A 001V00d S llaßbea..- r .,- 5 Uo Howard .1.1.5.. C0...... ..5 00 Wm.d. — M FA anle 1., 00 1,100:1-. .......... ...... 111 IV .. W. ''' To oU Itarbaugh g. I V .... .rI 00 IVright Jolla sCo 10 01 11.sogotoct. ~wi•L ....... 00 Young IVto. ....00 is:gkdlo • I, Apoil.. Pittsburgh. Marine, Fire; and Inland transportation ilnsurance. rIIE Insurance:Company of North America, l'hiLadolphia---Chmterett.l7: , l. capital TZeld,uoo. Malt o anuary 'I, 6 . 1%51. fil.nol,!. budding, and their contait.s m W.. my and eioitilly; shoo ott property of every , dearlptlon. abipped Der nes. low and ether ocarel... either by Wand trapoperlation or us the Arthur G. Cofon. Pre t, Thom.. P. Cope. Samuel W Jana, John It. Neff. }Award Snain. RieLniel I, Wad, John A. Lean. 'Witham it'eleh. Yana. Ilealta . . .. .. . . And , ,,-.± It't,t, E i.,r, A a ji irmall. • dnrd. M. Thotn.t,.; ' .llrnd. N. Dicke., .•:••:'. Meer,. Wain. 11. 11. gherxrd. Svc'''. lb, l• Ib.• oldefft Insurante Company in the United Slates and fmtlitt hl •h ...rib.. halt; exp.rleadu. amide metat, Itud Ky.:ding all nok. dr nn p.m bat-tallow ellartster, It may I.: oduldeml se cairn - ft, am,lle vt•eurits• t o the public. WILLIAM P 'JONES, Agwtt. ~aIII N0...141 Front stmt. -- iIFATMMIIIIITiIrS7MirtMI Ayrrif for 1";11.4.tir0, &ANL. D. TO in r, • 0111,-o. ti. VIDI3 t. Jaw.. sl7llllltieLl. Pnmphleta mntaininix all nerv•vary Information nn obutit..l ac uticr Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co, QFFICE. IN NORTH ROOM OF THE EX CLS-Nia± `tathird sr, Philadelphia. he hdlinring ment a the Admire of the Company. Ispoldlthed to mid - omit,' with • west...ion of its Charter Premiums r , riiiire.l during the , oar ending °ember abg. Ini Marine and Inland Met, san.fou4 on on, hitt. tee,.T2l.ti F l 9 1"...rn+4 ablar: flvsl.k.rir." and !bland I:lAkm 51:C.79117 Exp.nxr. Le, .iuriur tba , run. t , Inriti.44,l Upland Savi.atim 5111.7 t, i•• 11,s-, lieu(. tains ire. ,tei...twrY • 4, EEC= U 13.35107 of L1...C.a.-quay are foHowc • Hot, 11.,rt.A.g.... am? 1;...0ts &at,. :21 pet vat Loan ... 7. - r.....0110.1,11¢F) leant. ... 2D31.4.114 ta1.0..1 Na au sun thmtne liardou : 100 v,rawsylvanla Lto.l - 4.411.41 l ot. t ........ 4.410.03 'and Na . Haut. - ... . ... 2.1400 12bilad M,.,t riphlaU3.1ifavn.:letirseviir.r. I T lk 2 4 Phil.w.lelislan Extbanip. C;znpvar... 74 . 03 Se-rip and kia.k of ourolky Icoguruar. 11.112.70 13,11, oto lu4r. •t du. 1.7,2.42 MEM 14..Innns m th. Ganda of .1•1 hvalitaue cst Mario. Polsr•-•, L•ax.l 477.014:al )000,100 ~..vextta 411.1330. .4 bireflor• sdoit.n.l of SI. PEI:CENT In the MIX 1.f . n. P 1 " 14EN ° 17 .1 . ..rENT on . th• sod tam,' ['moil. Etu"....,111'...a1.-e 4.4 • a.. atm., ..... KIP' dr. MEM Man. ro J.ll. /Arum, Jmph esral. J..hn S. ..S•Aolin. Aulmr.4 Y et,..to.A. E. A_ ' , LlA ta .,. In. IL'M Jam. 9 J , .bn C Ras, Junrs AA 11.1, S. M'llveia, IL T. Paul-Ima, IILAA J.A.n C. ',Aron, II J0a0... J T $ AP.An, Ir T. Morgan. M. II lily, %t ti n. II ugh eralr. • It I LLSASI MARTIN. TIIIMIAA MANI/. l'rrrial.r.t. Y,..retAr fc.t. Ntc,tem I , oniry4imie, LI Penlthteltl Plurkurgh. I..prwito lurnrston In fur. the 0.1 4 n1 lq ("Olio. at the .411... • Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. C APIT AI. $300,000. R. JR., ~eret.ary. Wdl In.on s.admirart all komln of Fin, and Karim. All [Lome will Fe IhNarallY ad/oated end Prompt,. paid A home loahtutlon—manved Itirectore who are veil korywn In the ormulti/dry, and who aro determined by onanprnera Ilharality to nudntean the character le blab they bare seem:rod.. offering t:te twat protection In One who dadire to he inured. prrtycrov—it. Maio, Jr. OM. filmic. J. W. flutter, N. !Tonne, Jr.. %Vol. 11. Mottos., C. linneen. tiro. W. Jackson. IV.. Al. Lynn. Jarnea Lippincott, o,orao Darla, Jame. Al.' N 2 f;r , ndrk.lhom. N7olt. UT:M4n, S ll'l l llsinrrr(fl. 4'"'. ""P.731441(;.'" Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp) , OFFICE. NORTH ROOM OF , TIIE EX -11.11.1 mined. Phllsalo:phin Frs. Sterrhandise, and ether property, In town and eculat.T. instuw , tuNtna' dams, by lir, at the lowest rato of premium. /Istuer. leoPtuata —They al. Insure Vesarla, Ve.rtmeo, Vrelahta, foreign or ...dui., Under open as opreial Ibpolicies.. the sasurtd may .11.1 re., ore. TAlSrpArbenosi.—Thry ntsr imam trtinstrrrt.l br Wauuto. /tall road hsra. Canal benne, and ntram lea., on rivet. and lakes. on ter Illwralterntr. 11. S.ral, Edw..' A. tw.mler, John C. Darl.4.ltotort Burton. Jobs It. Perner. Samuel P.d.sants, tioor, C. [Alper, illerani isszlington Isan , It. Davin Itarn 1.01.411. .10110 It. It. Huston. James C. Hand, Ihnnnhilti• Paulding. 11. Jut.'" IknrY Shan. Huai, Cralit. Sorrell. etpentor •Mellsain. Charleo Ks.lly. J. 1,. Johnson. 11 to. Ilay, Dr. B. Thom., John Soil., Wut.tyrr, Jr. Dinst,aa AI frrnwonli—lt. T Morgan. Ilnith John T. Idovatt. lVltLw )laarre, President. Inns. I.' 115 NO. Prat. dent. Joorrn C , Ar.”l. V..rretery itrrOrrlcs of tile Company, No .P.! Wan.r stns.. Pitts burgh. 10.e.1 . !:tt I I' a. MADMIkA. Agent. Fianklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a. IIItECTORS: Charles I W. BancLeker,, To IV. Richest., Thom:Hrt a, In wishlaa Jagno, Adolphe Rorie, hanotel tiraut, Darld if. Drown. Jacob It. Smith, 311,TT1. Pattersn. ell ARLES P. LlANCligli, Preaidont. CALALYA (1.11/.ofltn, SPell.tart. • Ti do teem Pant' continuos to matte insurance., permanent or limited, on-er , ry desrrildlon of POrry b i n WMu sod cOntitry, at rate. as areeonolston wi Areurlty. The, Company hair reeerred a tante .rettutent nind, whirl:V.lth their Capital and Prima1...1...D.1Y afford ample pnrtoetion to the anaurol.- The woettaof l b of 1A1.1640.. IlAaal agrentbly to the Art of Assembly, Were no Milos. vin:—Beal l • Beal Nstato $1,947.43 5 Al 14.724 Temp...rarY Lnn. 96.101 53 Stneka ke .• 6.1.T.V3,49 1 : 71 i . '"" I hOr lomrT.ration, pPrio.l of olnetwen 6. se pahl uoWartill of Ito.. Nltilloo Four 1111.1,101 Thousand 0-e• by Firs, ther..by eforllng 0000 of the 00ot0es of Inournneo. well 0 their eolllty sholdie. romitiota to turet with promt , to".. 4l IlshflVllK .1. COVFI . I , I. Avol. mot• OM. P. rorner WOW and 24 mt. riir: muTtrAt. BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE WMPANY..N.. 151 Market Wort. Noo.k, ~ nod No. 11 Woll otroot, N. Y. Aronsmulat.4l osolollo 111,003,000,40414100 from 30 10434.er ...t , P.l P.... ....... Um auhmerilnr will re.a.lve applies/4mo for ammo. On Ilwoo lu the alone ouromfol lontraoreCosoPo.lll.ll. whole. 1,0111. Loin. divided 11.1110,31 r tisf• 001121111. 41.5 IC I 1.1,1 A M P. . 141 JONPZ Yrou A t o pra. No.. OLD KYR WHISKEY. 40 Ulm.pore IL)e Inkaker, - TM' at 0.0 reeeee. 00 ahr. Old Meeenzahele %Vblsker, le dere 41 am ale by -, LiYabl jOl.O rABLER , R (bio. INSURANCE_ iafety Insurance Co. 1 declared by the Board , 1,44. hi noir received at tide Aaiun. ve entitled td Scrip Dividend. 1;211:1 7 ; in the ale, lad 1 A7 , 1 1817. Kinzer Linfool Thos..— 10 00 00 Laughlin Jas 10 00 Locel M. Co. ....... ix) Mellor L. J. 8 ._25"40 McKean B.l' 30 00 McKee dam. a. Co 5 00 McDonald D. . 1. D. /I C 0.15 00 Prnoock, Mitchel d Co- I 0 00 100 Adam 10 CA Footle Alen 51x1 Shona 0.0 J. 11-10 00 Sontt oho dOa 500 ItohWno Wz0..1 1000 pltohinson Co .13/ 00 alalon John 1t......... _.to 00 Whiteman K. 5 0.0 ,Wright John 49. c.• .......... c": 1 I=l . 14,537_•bil MISCELLANEOUS. TARO brla N. C. Tar for - little by auazathaa a INCI WWI _ . BLACK TABBY VELVETSof a very im p .------bogagfilhb?utscd„-06—. Jo, E. oar. Fount sod Marget ds - . - LGNE GAUZE FLANNELS. MTirphy 11 =V;: l ei= ', M 2 ttV n al2.1vid b :71:ZI: for Shrouding. join S UPER FRENCHBLACK CLOTHS-- ambr k Burchfield Drslon ropodol slintalot ou the store department of their Ludt... arid Itoito perfoos ting duths of oar deperiptiou to give thnms rail belbn, gunhaning, jan: ATER.3IIFUGE, Da. hlcLAxes tv.analrea. coo arm for palo b,, J . l.iiozCO, AIR I ;Mt PILLS, Ds SlcLesi y e I:LEBRITED. Kn/ are. for PALL, b" fait J 1:1111) • CO VI AL CORKS- 1500 grove to baleby js.IN J. KIDD l CO SPONGE execsfine, uod 1 bale extra ono., ddr hr lON KIDD CO Fpsom SALTS—Ib brals for Bale by jolt J. 'KIDD a CO 4.1 U N DRlES—Fifty barreln FaLtily A.y.11 I rl...}}++eerat , . 110.1 , 1'53 brl. th. lu ra b.d.l. l el APO , ' J bt , Egg , : Jwitrovaved and br =art, 3101 JOICI WATT a CO AERY'S TitICOPIIEROUS for sale by It. F:. SELLERS, .5T WeereL, enle agent fur Pittobumb. . cent. per bottle. • de2.5 VANCY SATINETS FOR BOYS' WEAR. I v n:Ltn fo t r li th e w pod fur bora ear, to their araortment, of thew. ,_ gtoott BR OWN reired from pLIG Wool by LEE, l Liberty et 'S--O ne care just re sod turnip by MURPIIN C I.F.E. YEP FLAI Wt Pale by LANK ET 1.111x.t, crib. al 3a16 le case on Land and MURPHY & LEE_ knd double bed, steam Acts for onlo by MURPHY & LEE. . ktiLs —ea aanorted Tweedy Tjun meet.. &diners. Mr Into nr • : mid MURPHY - 6 LEE. • .. sU.INLAC—', imae for anle,by Tale MURIIII.4LEE.. NI OLAF , --rf d tz t fi ,... ve i. t , wlB new crop, per rleamAt: Milt on. ann:s Lialzta.l., to Water rt rpoBACC4-4 b No one, , &twist, b reecired +S t 4"'" Ddill 7,A * s7anti.r.i.i.. CA Water 0. BRANDIES, WOTES, GNS, &C. half Dior, Cogrdso Brandy, .Pale and Wyk 15 itdra! qr. c..to co do 'Tale." nylon, 'intr. 10 do do and man nelebrftted brand.. 5 pipe.. Rolland tl u. ••Bohliny Anchor" god - VW/ Rnneliroor blotand kola ?dull Whlakt.f. do Joint/ea gun, 16 M.D. N. E. do. do. 35 3r. mats Port trit. n. Sweet 2.1 do MHO Wine. 20 do Swt lahrgo ttu, r . 2 do Dry do. du. 50 do Sherry Wine. • 25 hoary Donleson lane, In non and fix rile y JOTIN PANKER .t lanl 531 Liberty meet. LARD.—Twentzibrls nod fifteen keg. tor IA sale be SARIN - ERR BARNES. / - 1 OLD PENS. hare now on hand a shlck erthr t.Gold Pens from the 1...1.1ing laanurarWriee in Nrw Yu: •. and made estpt....ejr ark, eirkant Bold Owe and Petillohkre. Silver 4,7; W9OY. VENISON HAMS.-2 boxen recited and V ihr =le by tip* - F. UMW,: POWDER MAN ANESE: maa Lu eat^ bY 4.30 . J. KIDD 4 CO ItI'CALLISTER'S OINTMENT-2 cr /Tx ; tluZo .. ' J. KIDD CJ.°9'4 LARD bbls for sale by gar:b J. IiIDD & Y . . . - Iti IRON.—Fift . r tow lirilelk Creek Furnace Pia Iwo. 4.n. We by 1 auuteoN, LITTLE L CO. • ja6 , 2:41 Liberty etntel SUNDRIES. -6 brim fresh Roll Butter, 1,5,1 6p: lirLvl Apply. D6 ANiro h NTLIVV:EO 3.8 rrALLow.—Fiet } ` hrls received and for IlMie LI s.a, snaivEn . . lIORTS. —One thousand bus just received ' 73 Uh "'""sti r etiei.:lrt 11,411!.T9. ~ _ _ t it A PPI NG AND PRINT! NG PA Pgit V VTg " "; rg° .man" nA t. . 21 bait,* flow landing from the "'"" 6' M I. 6t A co., trawl- •rof Pmut .1.• • 1 MU/ AND S'II.ItINE. A f. !in. 1 L•ni. I yAtAt pfrom . ste•sorr .u.DICAKI • Ott., Warr ••,1 Fr out orSTEAM 11011 T BUILDERS. Eitra Henry OW .4 and 11..1141111.sallalaia 1 c ea.. Wait 14.11.10 r, to. Awning, t,... lard . onarthrnagarat. aral Aar aalr:l.. La lIERS EY, FLEW Nti4% CO. 121 Waal i.e., li 4 EATHERS. 16 einekn now landiag from new., (Inners., gar rid. , t, , , lISAI/111 DICKEY 11 CO.. 1.9 Water and Fruat arr. g OLIi,SILITER,, BANK NOTES, 81011 T • arwrisio oo lb• kant and Stotq bbr..ka, bou,abt wad mat 11'Ir'and Vein. Policita Inaland nn the mood twoarable ""' th. linking 1 . 1 .1r5073: E. ARNOLD a co. Nn. 71 IFtnotb alma 7 11 E S4'IISI'III . IIER INVITES THE laulluoi, 01 rurrthasts land other. 1...; Ma lam and 01 Dowry. Olorwt. Under Mtn. wad Mar., Pio ater. arDtlys In bilk. WOO l . kkrinn. anal C•Atun. of all Aus sal p a ns. constantly' cn band sad for ale km by Y. Itrlii reveiryil, for gale i•Jden MILRIVER DARS'ItS. it TTEIL—Fist 1;yllacl ten jars prime roll I_lll MM., (or family ma. h br drS• /I DARNFJP. 1% ' T . 0. MOLASSES.—Fittv brie, to arrive, • for ral.r. or doll. beIRITKR A BARNES. IU F F'S 1100 KNEE 1.1 roipply 01 Dad . . Bonk Keening nal Blank Den.k. era , / by unlit R. C. STOCRIN.N. I'EAC II ES. ,--Thnie hundred bus just ll nm - a1v..1 and 44 pab. by FITRIVERA. ROINS.a. 4OTT(k: FLI O NTLS—A farther . supply • lb. .to rccala • owirryrr an kle. in.l re.-dty ‘IIIIPIIS A DI. itcuriam vRENCII LEA F---Fifty bundle, french, Flut..twa, Ibildland L....af,t, Juan r, ”1" 1 bCll.4Ob MAKER k sO6 - c..1 at. Rice Pink: 10 marl/Chrome Volk,* and nr..ner • onla Fr lalu J PCIIOONSIAKER / ur 1 , rie, Tte, Chinese, Ameri nu, and Impenal Vernnlllon. ktlk .I• 10 J :tiIIoONkIAKER A CO •. .11 • § : SENT' AL 01.11 S--I can Oil of Sassafras; : 1 4 4 2 raw nf isynOnn I tan 1.111 .of }lntl.,: I eta (. 1 .4 10011 . 1 ma 01l of }krt..; I Mt 101 At Clore', and 1 b. Oa cf JEW rtn.nr.l 1.111 J K . :1(00:SM AREL t CO . ' )RUSSIAN hoxoo I, for eV/ J ICINMIiMAIOEII d CO. 1 : Alai OlL—Lord Oil of a superior quality. for rale. 1 " L it7 "4" ;AITIVUICK t (71., Waterl hoot 01 OL A SSE li. - I'wenty one hrls prime 1.10 r-n RA'TEIIIIAV 10000. oirercit.—Thirty Ice s and kris fresh Color Ad nre.t..l tat ms I* I J DILLWORTII t CO t."0:11:- - --21 hhd., N. 0. Sugar fur sale by 1:7n,, BROW% AI KIRKPATRICK. 144 Liberty 4. T KW }al SINS ob eonsigtunent fur Tale by dr27 , BROWN 4 KIRKPATRICK •AlEff!rlsi WHISKEY. num 1d 7 .I9,IIN T .IARKER a 00. I\,i3OLASSES.--,15 brin Sugar Ifourr, St.. 17 !r 7,1 t,L1.,1•,11 yby g RE ASE LA.Rlh+Twenty Ltd/10mm° Lard NJ - rrceivni end for ylr ty R. A W. HARRAIIOII. IE D PEACHES—Threo hundred' bun j_JF Dried Peacbcr..lia dory, sad lee bale by II jail H. A IC, ARRAVIII. 1 RAF LA RU—Prime Citteinnati ' Le — af Lard 1,11?'"' In ter. for faintly If Itr,K PLY AND INGRAIN GAdfiIKTS. ► tr. SteChutork purcharera thn largrft and be. Penned assortment of Thms amt ingrain ( a aa e ta ever brous.ht to than market, and ehesper than say of the ossr , rn Alien. We Invite to call and ..amino our atork at Nn K, Pounds atemt andila Mewl drawl. palo W. SIKILINTOCH. V I I NDOW yua.n w Wrwv wiehinakl Pnrehase a very handsome esmultn.mt of astir. Delala. mulsalta. of the utmost awl lost mkt Ns. at rednrsal prime. tall at the Cap.{ Ware. hot, No SS Fourth strret. Jalo The Old Prizting Establishment, I , ATE Johnston arid Suatan r a, and Blank and Ma/Inner/ . Warehousa. It I. protsireal to alattlte every aryls of tsdnd. cams.ndl. can and Stsqun IlsatJa.h.hiallng and Iramk Binding;d furnish ery tleln In the Blank Book. Pa, an r ant Stationery Ilne. ve at the ahorteat ender, and au the mod rea•unsble tortna.l and /dank Monk and SnationeSi Warehouse. corner of Market g4,ooti Arca. . • Printing Whew and Bonk ilindery„ No. 50 Tsinl et. J. , ItAW GOODSJ-G. ilie - 000 A. Co., Ilenufseturera nr Fore ... ign and lams.. Vrnor Ovate, nil the sttendon of buyer, to their ataxia rot ladles Si'd m i au . e . it, will oder Indunetuente In great rouiety of grin, Li.. tn purebseara all , buy by the • otanuferturers' Samples exhibited et their non, No. 13 , 1 Pearl mt_lop antral New deea.adtt iANKINO, COLLECTING AND EX )$ 0114101 X OYFICE.-.-N. HOLMES SONS, No 67 rked rtnwt. Vitieburgb. Etahangn on all the VA...turn and tVedern eitlee fur sale. Colleetinne made in all the prlnripel gdarea to the Union. hon./ion all Sol Banks , liwounted. Note, and Tani. Mlle negotiated. _tali I NDIA ItU6I3EH PASTE. 4 gross of that article warranted to gum. or the pm.= ' ,a:m..4d, or the money refunded. isle whobwal• amt rend! at 7 sod Wond Jai J. a Jl, 1.1111.1.1 rjrEA w ARE--tinow, ,t American Britan- Ma Toe bet, Pluttel du;; Mated Itaeltete, Cendleetkke. nuttereend TrAye• Linty Urns; beat quelitY I , l' "'" none liendic Tabbcßuttery.lllllrer Perks, 00,,,,ne, ete But ter KnirM Bletc.l end Berman Bayer Yorks and Ste/m.5 Table Mak Tea Treys. of nue Ihnelnittenn menufsctunt. Mahe, ottuunented ; Mated Troy. of beautiful patterns. y outwit's. Yonder for Attesting mai polishing PIA" Fere. IlrueLre for elcaning. tituun t ,te man, yeetber Bolden. Ac, • Ate-Yet UMMIII.O.-80re'es celebrated Kettle Kitchen, eboot the elm of e hat, while!, •111 nuke bulb*, conk beef - Kruk., °yam, tic bur thing else In atm Went,. • For de by W. W. WILSON. 4,11 10 CASKS MALAGA VINE; 50 hen Lona% In nib. Oder, on wafture...ll • GO Pile Vlorer 8ee.1.014K 24 tituts Bum; f ' • WO brie blames, print. coupersitet e ii 9 We Linseed Oih . • bUlteepe Lent- • ' .. • • • lb brie Hail Better: I et . , lOU hum Mb, ~ ,••bU MY Tnoth7 lihtlila,gbr pele•by 5. 1 Amex .1411 ano ili /DIM nrcia , BOOKS. MUSIC, &:c NEW BOOKS ..LND MAGAZINES- Graham's %gash. for March. with 144 pave; Men=!twist s fur February; tinitinator, do: Whig Review Distiplint a Law Mechanic's 3lejnanitto, 50.. , Women of laud,.y lime /WWI= !tome Inttneaw; tale for soothe. arotdautthbirn Mothers ineompence. by Ulmer Aguilar; nelf4teceptienn or thy history of the human Heart by Mrs. Ellin • Oliva. a emelt it e s t rn grn ea to n , hs 0. P. li. Janina. Emit tot I. ft mum; It. mt . ): if . pfu °mud!. the Poet Of fur. febl 1 I.O PLENIND NEW PIANOS- 11. K L EDFt ft takes pleasure In an nouneitut that he has just opened • lot , I , I choirs cf the celebrated make of • :Watts A CLARK and Dui..., New honk. w bleb. with thole o hapil. form the most elegant, varied.and tabu:Wye stock o r Wend in this city. Among others, one opiendld 7 octane double (111 STA Plena Louis XIV style, with the new lusprunetneut of the Weft strings. the Wean and roost important Itunnurenicut. to le found only on Nunn, .1t Clark's Manua. Aleo, two ettlerb Attaehmmt . . . . . LIN. exit...lre lot of New Nevi, embreelwg,lewwY wzrure; and thechnleent www Popp, Polka, Waltweie Er. 1 MN OP TIIE thILDLN HARP. 111 Thini rL rAPER—FoIio, Packet, Commercial end Quarto Prot nod Cap Paper, a Largo supply of all qua , ruled and plalu., blue andwhile, for sale nu Ilbrral term. at AD W. 8. lIAVEN'S . . VOTES AND RAFTS.—Engraved' and Stereograpti Notes d Draft; of moot beautiful da rat " l'l?S.lll4tEllfbn," jaual con Markets.' beyond eta 'American, Jonrual. and Poet copy.) LNKArnuld's Writing Fluid, v -- topying and Bed Ink. Mibbyrt's Clabsieal Mkt and Red Ink. Ink—nsl nut Mask. Hogan s Tboussusses I..nosernial Ink—black. scarlet, amt red. Vrenrk Carmine Ink. Enr sale by W. O. RAVEN. NEW BOOKS CLASSICAL DICTIONARY ; 17 A nen , clagrieslllsetinuary of Gant and 11..unan hhn trogi . 'Y o t tlVgi '" lll:7 Vr rat,i .. t ' arl;l " tirlog " y7 br w IMAM fisnlth LL. lob o(d pletLonatht i oftimea and Roman Antioultb, and rrek and Bottum BlograrLY and Mytholoin , reveled. .11.1. nutnerou• enrthilons and addlthrns, by Cherie. Antbon, 1.1.. LL. l•roltasor of the Life Latin Language. In Colunsl.n Th. Life and srorranondenno of Robert ✓ ' edsted 100 hl. am. Iho Rev. Charlte Cuthbert ...whey, 31. A., Cu. rsD. of ylutubland:Ctursherland. 101 l hound cloth, with No. 6 of thn Lift and Correnondenco of Robert Smi they. Care's of lbe tynorno of Scotland. and Enall. Narrates onmeeted with lb., rogal lairer.on of Great. Britain. by Ayroel ntrickland,author of the •"Llano of tho Qnoroo of Logland. 1,1. 1 The Incline Pop•ry and lb on Addrtna reed In the Broadway latwroaele. W e d nesday. ornaln, Jnn In, 1,1, hr Rev. N. Murray. D. D. Throb°. took+ just .•cowed, and fns rale:by R. C. hTta....D.V.i..No. 47 Market at - -- 31ANO FORTES—.IonsI _ • Nn. SI Woodrt.reet, and onwwn for lode. tarp nd 11, eereeted .toek o of and. oc a tavo w onofarce. fn.cti the man:nor:or, of Chirlerlng. Boston. to 'whirl& he invites the attention of numb...ix. The,e `char.. luvnrinhly rold at ll.ston prices. 1'.0..c01y etra or !or tromp.rtzeti,n ri.l2.,and olloueslrarram Old Pianos token In Dart rosgl i V their full valor. 1 lot for the Chickxrata's rum. hot Weel. P. 1.. No. 61 WON/I tlrrel. KEW BOONS. A NEW CLASSICAL DICTIONARY of Groek and Moues, Ilivrantly. Mythohntlo,und (Ito graph., portly has.] nyml the Uletioneef And tus man Biography and slythotogy. By Wm. Smith, L. L. U. Revised by C. Anthnn. Lire, of the QUINO.II of Sentland and .Roslipli trinstorep. By Amu. Strickland. Vol.!. The Lifo and tkvrearamdents of R. Southey. Frilled by hip .an. the Ites.ll. C. SoutLey. 51. A. 1 vol. Son, mos., The Dochne of Popery, and its Causes. At Andreas do. l og, ro in the Broadway Taberrusrle, on Wednesday fern. l Janus, 15. 1451. by Rev. N. Mortar, U.U. Just recriT.4l and for Pule hy R. HOPKINS, 6A174 Apollo Building, Ftoarth pL • EW MUSIE.7 Lurt!i 31kiden. -- • egrlobrated duet! frnm 4;0 1 =.7 f hL`rjah i gt= know/mpg b; Fader. t , reetly folmr.s my Allen fair, hy N. C..Fcster. I'd offer thon lund of mirw, o?me mulros room, or Ttanemalln. . , .. • IV. mar ha happy )et: from the Daughter* of St. Mark. lean Ituri•l. • favorite and tunchlng 1 , 41.1 Thou Ilan trouudiLd tbn rpirst that lorod Bon Bolt, or , Iro't you Prtnetuber pleret • • • • Fotret. b) 5. C. The rolcbrated Ibt,eva „ . Jrstletl and Jr121.1--.o.topletr. Ib[te Vo " r l l l l7ll h e2r=ll.rt I ldi 6Nrr:rka. P''k. Irir loIU JJ.kohkrf• folk.. . T =/=ll .-" Zo=l;:lll "l ,Vieekern, A how edltli. Ifunt.lf. lastructione For ILog I .ilL pop, of nr• leftotts. Clart'r eateehlem fur the Pismo. • . . ..... D'""." i'''''' l ' Prim r PPPPreel to. Jay by • Yore ;1: FI mut:wt. 81 Wood ft - N. 13.—A very large 81.4 or N.. Plauna ae,rlrlm.r. apel a 1111* open fur gala 1.116.. peek. jall .. _ EIS' BOOKS AT 110L3IES ‘4,lp Llterari Popa, TLinl .I,...a.upplaitc ,' N l / 4 ,4 tUrk, of t llr 14."7 s ''''''' ' j ''' b i'V L lZ,.. "E. "11T. 1"'"` g ", 1,, 4 4 ,,,1;., 1 ;: 1 . ...,. ..4 j 9 L, N ,.... iw.--.. "" tleJennont - iale. a treel. By llra ToUtitWrirltr.' •. Illi,s. a nnvel. Py the •utbur t./ .. T1p.0ga........ Hemp Isluen, a Tido f, Mothers awl LP.u.l.aer• HY " rti=l::ernie.r..e. 11y Ilrea, Availar Ban ere navar.in. Mr Januar,• 1411te=ie No I of lho Outs,lmo MumWolof otltlon tl W. IVaI•orly lidvolr. • I Newitooks,itst - received. - FaarrA. of the 11ilik; by George ORM lan. 1101. ra 01leadarf: belnit a anus - reader .bll.llit;* at the tlreek Oramefer. deeietled tar beglphen In ilr•R..•nAl •• • le•ok of *lto..a Art rad/quire and rollegno, Asabel Ktteleiell. val. taus. Tbe Youth'ol'anmal. by limn:lab Fleigllnukl. 1 eal Mann. end eotstater ehatene Meru J. DlelluuaL. • 1 vol. limo. taco. . - Tb. )11.1hrew Il.rnaare.tw: •1,1.1 1.5 . ; -11olun I pCorum. O. linkre Aft . eilrr. ' utksll.szlen .nd Engineers' Jourowl. ilnr butoluet pot rpo.ln.d. !Ono , Didtoosry of Msrbsuits pod Konen...Obit. No Jost reed for lisle by IL HOPKINS. p:,l 7! Apollo BuiL.Mls* : Spool? pt. NEW BOOKS! ,NpitEW S . LATIN, [NU IASI! LEIlet.N —A TL' i r'74 . .:ittitr u golo " li.in r ;:tVi4 with add Mow and corr , rtimil from du Lwx.imbi of Geoix.r, belw•llwr. t-k-c.rar.. dr L A. Abiltews, L. L. L. Tilt bitAbto vb.. CO rut yawl, toga, the ber. o o. l bwr• traTml thr,agb Fabdwtch or Haw.. .Lan I.lwdt.tut aber )I MT. Henri' T author of - 3 ho Whale. And Cabburs.” With ittn , snr.sitn: w.quctio Ibwrib j iff‘° ;,l7 A . "IL'. R"'i li . l . ,:. ' 3(l7K . TtlN U , p ll 11. k t •1. list. mad Anus-wain rob, )APER,BLANK BOOK S&STATIONERY INtprr 14 all miap• *rd qualltirs. rub.' .at plate, N. an. übs to. blault of *very a. - 5r ,1 11 ,0 , ua h+.l or erier I,l.lAort . " iatlnurr,--F.nait. Froneh and American, faart Ml. Ir. ik LY.N. nationvr. Markel a. onern.r uf no ,, K AN D JOB PRINTING—Every de• hen manner. hy 10. h. lIATEN. Praitinst (dam fo . , Third rt- botween Market tad. Ferry. • Ala TATIONF:IIT--FS'. S. lIeTEs , corner of &Yren.t.s.ral Market an- bee htr de an large Arai n‘to- Ode an an...rnnerd fat," atatinocry has em leen weed In thin marl, ,Insvhen. euppll.l With eeerl arted.t MI. 1:to.14.11111. rust laeorelde term, ,pali sEW STOCK OP et the 4:olden 11•,. Nn. 101 Thlni I :/i1.1.1tr.11 now rereielnat & frodt n Ne I,anon.tnwtoi ew bora. mong them. oplondtd 7 fwta•on carved Hann of the riehret deerrirtkrn rent 1r and tone. It In made la the Were., to renter In the man of Louie XI% and X%. Alen. a new lot of fanblonahle and ,popular Mn.w. •nd an eatynntr, relredlnn of Oraninetrutnente. Ittntara. Melodeon.. and every varlet, of tnunk-al marehatte. dire. 3aln E\V BOOKS.—llumbolt's new Work, t L l Croirn,p, or SLeulwa Of • l'hyrks.l dreerlkilon-of the .ecypore'r Sketcher nf /flonernta. the New England of the Siert, 1 vol. 12 ann. lll r g l '• ml knatavre Dictkom. :In ho. rer•l itaieonen Fertnowr. 'new. ate well worthrending. Onr sale by It. 1101 . 1(10!,' 1010 , Apallo lIIBBERT'S, 110 GAN AND .1110311',ON'S. end Harriann'a Mack. lied. Scarlet MN Carte. 114101:. Otte r , flnadananand Langdmin, Jackaona and Worm's Black auzl nett Lead . . . Inimtande of every desesipt/ory6llkAtO, Coheir., Pratt . e, Bell 'v Leman's. And other manufacturve of Steel p e na k P.. )1. Malkin (.1200..tt to A. O. Bayley k re , ) mlehrated hohl lOns, with Amid and silver mem. Vibartruan's 0.46 - Drlming Paper—entlemarbus, dem tar llrirnd r ilumblez. togs yell toyed. rms.' and els , ' b rir ' itratiol Mehl, P.:‘,P . boo o = o , p1a1n7 , 14 and siker, pr e p ared cold. silver and rant Lored paw , told and ti and corner.am' lithographo for fancy book: pr yakelintent of all skes , imitable for deeds. Mart e cis and dipleinnia Yretieb note Immo, always on hoed, the next diokahle vtyko. Wee and pattern; plaln.Zt. emboo sea and silvered, sollabk for Wk. parties. 11 , Inim and ourning, • rproch note tnirel . cr plidriand embiarl .w i letter nivel. 7Yrones. ''" irkw.r.d.nt o .i. -- .0. 0 -th-q-..- W aprgoirer,