patent inet • ht the 6 rn I riS• &M rding to the 'act provided mach cases ? I The fifth sid . .sixth charges; if they may be so called, &nett-that if the invention were Chaffee's, he waa not:entitled to a reissue, because he ex pended no more than idly dollars on the inven tion, and received eight thonaand donee's. An examination - 4 the testimony gives n very different idea of Chaffee'sprofds, Bat, Men ad- Milling the statement to be COrreCts no witness estimates the value of Chaffee's invention at less than one hundred thousand dollars, and some es timate it at three times that sum. Now, the law authorizes the party to obtain compensation for the ingenuity as well ns the time and expenses of making . the invention, and. eel part of thevaltte of the invention -which is n t covered by time and expenses is covered -by the ingenuity of the inventor. The law de sign:R.6st the party shill receive the full value of his invention and nething less would be jest. When tweinienter has made an improvement that sues & hundred thousand dollars a year, or even half that aunt, it is a poor - answer to his claim for an extension, to sahe has received eight thousand dollars; n noisier which few, except at the signers of thee charges, would ever think - of presenting. The seventh a 1., tenth charges allege that .Chaffee'stpatent was illegally . extended for the benefit of assignees, and not, as the law eon templet., foe the benept of the inventor. In reply, it is eulikient to mate that the facts of the caseesvere decided according to the evi dence, and hot according to the statements of ' Mr. bay and his coadjutors. But no such facts •as alledged herein were proved. If Mr: Chaffco had. made a contract for the sale of the extended patent, it lo to be hoped he will receive the val ue of his enntrect, which 'will be for his own ben " tilt It will be perceived by the rontaination of the arguments filed by the counsel of the op posers, that they did not pretend there was any • ground for the allegation in this charge, which, if sustained, would have defeated the eaten. lion. - In regard to this Oct of the Commissioner, it ' is due to him to state that this ease was univer sally regarded by the examiners and all 'others In the liffice, familiacwith the (del,. as a remark.' ably clear ease for extension. The eighth charge alleges that the Cemnds . idea. had not read the testimony, arguments, toe., in the ease prior .to granting the. exten sion: . If the facts were as charged it would imply no neglect of duty. The first section of the act of 1848 directs the Commissioner to procure a full report of the cue from the exaniner, and''' there 'Wpm" grant or refuse the extension, Ace Such &report was,furnished by the examiner,; and it -would have been perfectly legal and proper to , . grant the extension °ten-rupee," as the law au thorizes yOu to do. But I know the allegation to be utterly faille, SS I spent many days with you et the same table, reading with you, and foe you, and otherwiselaiding you, while you weremirking notes of the testimony In this case. I, latow, - therefore; that you did examine the easewith the utmost care. .. , The mime eharge'Oleges thnt the Commissioner •In the matter followed neither the laws, rules, ' nor the practice of the Patent Office . I • In relation to this charge I. eau state, having tad the case constantly under my own charge during Its pendency, that the whole pr eeedings on the part of the office were perfectly fair, and violated.nftither the law, the rules, nor the prac tice of the. office. Some new points: arose in the mutes which were disposed of, in the nffitence of ' • rule.; in the meet impartial manner; and 1 can safely remark that no honest man in the trade or acquainted with the subject denies that Chaffee IS the first inventor of the inventor of the im provement patented to him, or pretends that the compensation he received for it bore any reason able proportion to its value. ' In conclueion,.l will remark that the testimony in this case rendered it perfectly clear that Chaf fee was the first inventor of the improvement patented to him t - that the invention was vastly impertant'and useful to the pn laic: and that he had failed, in- consequence of circumstances be yond his control, to obtain a fair remuneration for his invention, anderas therefore clearly enti tled 'under .the statute, to an extension of his -patent; =id I may add'thrit the opposition to the ;extension' 'has come • almost exclusively from those who for Pears have been pirating the in vention. RMiecldully.submittml, I i L. D. GALE, Examiner. - lion. Tnos. Iweidee,. ' Commissioner of Patents. t . . P. S. It wil be perceived that the rules for ' taking testimony in litigated cases before this of fice require the party to give notice' to the opo sing party of ,the time and place of taking tho same; and in order that tho applicant for the extension may give this notice, it ia' necessary . . that be should know who the oposing party is.— As no onetime had previously weaned requiring a rule on this point, the subject hadheen over looked by your predecessors, ond no rule woe focOd. An order was therefore adapted to meet the exigency. That the opposing patty should within reasonable time, notify the office of his intention, to oppose, and of his grounds of op - position, and that the npplimitti should be inform ' ed of the same, Olathe might :now to whom no -• tire should be sent in ;taking testimony. For without inch notice the testimony, according to the pre-existing rut., would he ruled out. The course theta pursued is too obviously fair to juries tify comment. wo this el gle exception the ease was conducted so all rem ets inihe ordina ry way, and precisely in a orthitire with the rule in anologeons cases who no rules hod been provided. A clearer case the Chaffee's for ex testsloti, it has never beets my nt to ,examine.— The.palpable falsehoods and - .representations 'contained in the charges tare t numerous to be noticed here. But many of em are noticed in pencil, find subse queutly ink oil the margin of the printed copy, They are he sane as those Which went the rounds of tl e newSpapets, by the . • procurement of the said 1 Ay. when Chaffee's cue was under consideration; and which were ' at the same time pressed up ,n the , senate by every means which an interested, unscrupulous, ' - ' - end malignant spirit could in. ent. -..i . " . i L. p. ti., Ex. The Plank - Road enterprise, which is to con s neet Cumberland, the piece • t terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad • 'th West Newton, where there is steamboat . vigation to Pitts burgh,' is going forward wth real and ener gy. The following partie ars respecting it are furnished by the Crimbe land Civilian. Plat* Road to West Neu on.—We have had aeveral spells of pinching c .1d weather, which caused a brief suspension is the operations on this great work; but not 'a s ay that men. could work has been lost during he while winter.--s• The *iii object, and chief erpense. attending the constructions of a plank ad, lathe procure . meat of plank. Every plan is•heingdistributed ready to be laid as WWI as t e roadbed is freed from the front- . .. . The Company have t o Asowerful steam 1 engines; one ttn horse. tl e • oiher forty home power, driviogYage's Circ lei. Seers with great ell'W- ' Some delay line b gn ocearioned whilst teaching men to use them, nt•nuthing daunted, they are now in a conditio to drive them night t nod day. The quantit of Plank sawed daily by these mills is iscredible , and stir 'prise all who have secnthe a6sork. The com pany. will in a few ,lays have o third Steam Mill, and two Water Powe Circular Saw 31111. ' in operation, capable of cutting onelplankat each Mill per minute. The Nert Tuesday will be pay day. President, who neglects nothing he undertaked, and almost lives on this road, will be in Somerset on tha ' day• r ready to pay. in cash, all SIC Contractors for the plank delivered along the line of the road_ We are sure the Stpckhalders will not fail to pay up tiler instalments i regularly, so as to strengthen the bands of cur energetic President. Th< Centro/ American Gold.—The account of thedieccrsery of a gold placer, net , ' Chinendrga trunslated from the Cairo del lath o, was prors.l to be humbug. 'twos specu tion of enure enterprieing hotel owners in Chinithilega to ~tlaw ssrowd there and increase their profits. ?Pei pi:bound a small quantity of gold dust, and Pl . . -crtly scattered it here and therein the soil. Sentenced to be Ilang.—George 'Pharaoh, con- sicked at Westottester, Pa, of the murder ~f 1 MisslSharpless, the school ttascheC, was on IV ea y sentenced by Judge Chap - n. lie we- wo impressixo in his remarks previous to pm no Bing sentence of death, but the culprit lii - tenied to him with the Inmost 'composure. It i understood that he has DIDCOMmfte-sed the crime and that his object was to obtain l the watch el.,' had on her person. ----,,,' Stu-LOADING Gtm.—Mr. Porter, residing at i near 'Memphis, loss constructed a most nov el Fid curious firearm, called tile "self-loadine ga ,,, , ' in which the simple operatinn tif -mocking to hoot, by the assistance of valves or equiv, 1 tsoseparates from the magazine attached to th: , Iplu i e materials for each level, and look gun. It is capable of being blischatTzed for ty timep in a minute, and shoots a ball with tre m talons force., and with usual exactness. The itor of t he illemphis Etiquireti atter careful e _ tka that nothing which ea.n bear Comparison :Shit it in efficiency has been discovered,umd that no I‘rwrolTter" of any,kind approttelMs it in destrai tiveneei, or in "l'eOadaptation of the means 4' ty tigainst accident in their use. Gtiten'.B Insurance Compani,dPittsbtatt. ECOURAGE HOME INSTITUTION'. - , osm vo.o. Water Vaal. fa tbe i warchanse or c. It. - C. O. Moir, Prealdenk rkt. Comp..or is nor nrenanii o lnalsla all mollalscs. bf dae. and la traratto. Tett ~lisas.=S:' dexitlft the ' dada.. I=a, ' wbo are Alt tr a Duane greet. abneethe:lreing House. . ew Turk. rcapectfolly itolto the attention of friend. ami the public to their acuntment of taw IiPIUNO WOOS, of the hew. patterns. which the toe hrtletnal mnkn...P In the beat manner and moat fa thionabte attar. at tam otual modrrate prime. Fresh Clothe, Cuelmerea and Vest lags, of lat.b.l importationtr. elegant. haat Alta for Vrol dark do. .1, new pattern. of tharla Embroideries. There three 41111.11 Indian. employed In thin establiehtnent— one to cut (A/Al6. one to cut PANTS, Uld IMO to out WAISTCOATS. Each department is complete to limit— ARMY andOi ANY ESIFUIMIS made to order with area. racy deepateh, and to (ho moat apponeed}natmer.— stranger" who riritthle meteopolle, will find at fhb Nash lishment. "eery thing to their Into, and • Mott perfect at ill always !neural. -- PRESIIOI AISTCOATS..—Theso elephant waste:ad., that vet.. en moth adminat•at Cletle liandra, hays been awarded the ant premium of the Mani= hergtute at I their fate Fair. kblelat. j y M AGAZINESFOR AR.CII,aV. B. Holmes' Liter... 7 • DoLed. Third steee.4 - oDlDatte tie I. Godey'e body's Book for March; eire artadia tudne Mad• Aland Doe do do S ladiew' Nalloned 31.8 , dine. do Waeotada . . or the Ptedgwet. Du Indian talc I A Id Male, e rdwa. Di la ctiodarLof Iteehlaks, No. 2'R eaddSeld HAD: a Ilirtorkal M Ra . Ren 6. dnearen by R. Y. R Jame% ,b...odale:.bDwnre4 gy Ms P o ; u . tbwortb \ ebla ____ ItNCBANO.E. BANK STOCK--. 50 lb, &gr. Eaquire Ira. A. 111114 ba 9 .1 EAXtRA YOUNG lasos TEA—Just ( IR A VERSE 17, GOILMISSION—MER - 1 r 1 rs 255 very e.a TotWg CHANT , kr war pruittss:!tud com9= r , o. Tea, whirb era think Ire cul .W rim tad^aea I, Wowl axed Piie ~ .argued at tba orbs iu Iltlaburuh. Print $l. Orden. Elb.l at lama nodes 'brain t5mn , r , ..... Id•re: t ra., 75 'eruh i SU Ira Ntwhitten•' . •• Z ' aurtile . LalittUe7==. ll'°". "" • Tilt CO-PARTNERSHIP lIERETOPOIRE %lour Imixrud and of all ' orilincc tla undo/ the etyta 'of 1247 - ;I: r • iifr=r....g.7 rn.;:,17 - ;',; . ai.74,1,„ • ir,,.&r,ri. 1:Z;;;;:aTi mutual mend hemselst ' A literal discount mule to retell..., consent. ' :" . . illi llKllrdtlf... • aml to Weill. buying by the gnarl. , , `ANfIRM VLFMTNG, M SI. A. VCLIRO a co. IL . PLEMIN. [eh? - Tea Dealt.. and llrocers. ' t r . 'ler., or ft R. Vlentine la autho--1.1 to amw the —•—..--- - .. , name of the htte faro In the rettlement of their buainews. FOR SALE OR RENT—A comiortam? n , .._h•bl: th e TCtelen ." l roVr i ntlOratroTtecitr ‘ .. a. 1 0 PIIING bin - 64501)5-- FIRST SUPPLY house on:Ilona IlremOnnt the l ot 6 f"'"fr. on Chest. -71 A_ —Murphy A Intrebfkeld will this trtornlnz eitumenew nut gtreel,by one hundred In depth. Ernttnnrof I ~.„....i„,,,, ,h,,,,„ , r , ~,,,,,. a ~,,,,, , r ,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,i in .l. N. ‘,.._. ~ ,J l - ...'M ,” I rite the roll of their customer. and buyers a...relit% T hey . corner of Wm. we" ~....".".! invite attention to their extensive amortment of neer ..tyk. •- . print. at 12ts mats per >ars!, .4,1..1 with Particomr ml . ' erance to durability ...f colf•r. An esevltent article la oleo offeredat 'neon. per .nr.l. warron.l Get more. Also. choice Myhre' of Enalish Chintzes, from ll' ` to 1. 14 .vote per rani. many .f them entirely new desig Alen. 13,e -4 styles Dr,. Silks. ei raw Mon.. .I..".Laines..Morane de fait., Needle Work C...4lars. Culls. Chetniz.Am: Or Bon net.wal Rosner Ribbon. Nonni Caps. de, feLl; ORRENT--Thaila6e dwelling house with exLmnive ,fOllll.lll flbr mutton. am/ ttablo 'nom at rtYileum of am lam Wm. J. nat., Mt...". u atml sale arMI. 51,.. 00 ma ` ttRe or • For tgrra, apply to L d. M'Aboy, Unardian. or R. C. .Tutor. kr-Ihe Fort Put Work, filar:L.4l , ll_ 1 1 LOVER SEED-4 lib's in store, and 62. do. lJ 'ril, for sale frtati tt M. U. JOIINSTIM. CORE- 400 bush, for sale bV fableW3l . . IL JOHNSTON TOBACet) LEAF-4 hbds. for sals iv fells WM. It. JOIINAMS. 11 ICK,0111: NUTS-15 this for sale by mitt WM. 11. JOUNSIMN. TIOPS--5 bales for sale by &lAA M. 11. JOHNSTON. • - Via yl io L r N A FLG: . :I ,7, t rc rbls A. CULIIERTSO& A CO. A,LhA I s t) 01L-20 cask A s .c fmge .. b?:. T. ~ 03. DWI) PEACUES--100 bus for sale by rant A. CULBERTSON A W. ‘;', WARS-100.0%k Principe, Regalia, and Havana &was, of allsrados, for salp by- MAN i A. CU Kittsox t (7.). C E—All persons baring claims N m'D"m' tower ft.e r hod—i ; uAttten.;‘ill of eit•=elneitttrant totheueAteu. I It. MURPHY, 8. BONNET. Pittsburgh. Pkw3rt . Assigner. of Jta. Allsactu.ll. • (a TORE KEEPER WANTED—A man of sober.,holttstrions bans, and nonpotent to attend a Rota,, Ablated •Pa Tilts In the eounte7, of hear of a Ainslie. • • npately at this Mc, a mai. Aed The great rratodyfcr Cbusumplo , n of toe Luno,. Affirtion, of the Lip, Asthma, Bruntlats, Pains or Dinknew of Brrust and 'Warr ajTCums ,/ the PoolmonarN Ortem , IVVE do not wish to trifle with the lives and or the afflicted, but we sincerely plodge oum selves to make no assertion as to the virtues of this mod' , rive, and to bold no hope to marering humanity, which farts will sot warrant. Th.: Mc. of Ireland, and the Pine alai Wild Cherry, are molly celebrated for the cure of all diseases of the Lungs and Liver, which an, no fearfully prelalent in all Northern latitude.. From a ctombinallisix ofschootalcad extract. pen. 'sand from ThL. IfoWl and Lhooe Trees, D. 1410un'l sow or Won is ehielly formal. later's Bottom of Wild Mere!' in a One trtxett sermon;