The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 18, 1851, Image 4

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ovvit miff
0,685. 0P WIG
... I
11 , . rem one of th7crlizat of Ervin
',And is ere core in heave ° And is th
1 In hinivealy spirits to th c cri,turf4 I
That easy compesidon of their mils tem
t t Mavis, else much 111131• C tChC , I Wetr
Of men than beasts i but if: th' omeedir
_Of. highest God that lov e ~, his creitov
And aft his works with ercy Both rut
' Tlustblessed iiimorit lo,acllds to and fr .
To wive to , wicked men, ti. serve lii, w,d
1 How 9ft do they their hilvr bolters lee, t
To conic to succor us tlitt sumps' weld
How oft do they with olden pinion
The flitting skies hke II lag pursuivi t
. . Against foul fiends to a d us militant!
They trOT US fight, they etch and ila
And their bright slue round a hem'
t And all for love and not ini for fewer
iO!'WhY should heavenly Gal to men he
. .
~. 1 pli
VP. Libki?.. !Al,. at ,
PatOPATION orrEE irrEraort, o
One of the minicaprie to,Lit,er , t I
an exploring tour of 2,5! mile, on io
Ile pureed ti uul44 -thirty
the G9ulas, Des Que. , Con.lo
repo4 he say
4 , Snelt n country
tah....,i6Ditry tear, 1. Lave out coo
ei9ier of the L:tee.i Wet
' bare visited, from Tri 1141 to Toni
i Virgin island. It ia iii
ag...i ele,ated, 11l
I . country. Ilrnigcs or Mont , re i
generally parail,l_ with the line of e
! , Northwest to &ache:at-1 T rise iii. lief
'I lighted eye of the traeiiler, v.v.,.
he is no longer in the Itikol of lmrtilm
- , I deleterious swamps, sac I as are Mlle.
proximity with the shoes. Lot in oa
• 1 region. And such arcs ie gradita I nod,
1 ~ its surface a, would t..eretttl3l facilitate t
I of agriculture. There ire rew, if any
acclivities—nothing like the held.
... il. mountains of our.llaistern :notes. Ils
' extensbre volleys lie at the tee, of t
Mina, - Which gentlbidorie down to the
try. lying between then
, i .ii.,,.qtis a well 'water
, ; might hours' travel al
- 'i- ithliscid to perform in
more titan two boon
time, without filming
of cool and very pure
of Sk.Piturs or some i
. . - t . rivers which interscett
here it may be proper
• , was directed to an cm,
'1 of these streams to ti
• sites for mills, Sc., ar,
' that within the Gal
number of the most
• :
found, where, at an ti
~ • water power may be oh
]._•poses which-a,. enter, 1
- trtristi and mechanic:
-.xtuy was. perfornied in t
.. . sintooti, and yet we
‘, the thtfereut stream:,
',. , "Itis a iii+ll • tindidrtul land, •Thro
• •,• i tensive forest of acre) of tulles w hiA t sy in our
• ‘,. return route, I. was I , n smock with tl r iiigantic
LI. trees of immense height, which rearet their lee
. ering beails and unitiol their to .ithinn foliage in
forming dove Us one dense and rich that
I called the attentiu of the motored ntith,teri of
`the Liberia Annual Methodist ilioirdriniec who
. accompanied me, to iis evidence of tie. rirliness
of the Country which (101 l lot, given ti. the Sfri.
cans, mid to which (their exiled Molten, Wl'' ,
Invited by nu many powerful taitiaiileratiele I
. measured several trees, and my joornal. 1•14 111
the time with icruptiltius ex:lett:ix,, revolvio ll.:i.
24, 2) feet no The eitunreeence ,if many ~f i heal
within six feet of th . grotto& LA% me rentark.
that the variety andisuperior iiwalit3 of Ile 5...1
found in these furest •....ind indeed along the her •
• 2" .. • -dere and around the imttlentent of Liberia, froin
• ••,••," -Gnd Cape Memel ti Cape T.iliniss. or Mar) hind,
..: ' cannot be excelled imy where within the Torrid
Zone: Prom a spec es of poplar. mill awl Tile
purpo tad to all the es for which the white ping
, ,
In _
.5 use Ame rica,ri q, to the teek.• a variety of
Mahogany, species of hick,'' very
abundant at Cape ('ulrou,, the iron wood. 'he
1:1 ,
• 'v '. brbnstone, suscepti le id a polish re
for furnitu
of sargnssing_beaut3 rind many others, an almost
endless supply may found.
'tftisan exceedingly fertile soil. Tie immense
undergrowth orshredotal vine inters:ClA 011.1,11,0
• `. :the giants of the for t, so thick. -o, imuenco, -
• lge, without much effort, and throutih which a
footpath only cnniluetsithe trovelliT. 1' due hest
. , . proof of this But te grains, roots, fruits, vines.
„ •'of the trodics,•all ectueentr.i.te her, arol,Tony he
\, . '•raised with a degree of coinpurrtivo came.-
; 'Pidityof crowth andlun ationdAlloo :deo,",
\ ble.• I hove slog) erect under the branches of a i
1 \ cotton tree in a thiulah village as they spread
Mouth from the maid tune, laden with Lolls, and
supported by forked. itici, to prevent their being i
.brolien down by their own weight. and round, on ,
•lacimuir.g, that the tree covered . space of ten ..
• feet in\ diumeter. On examing the maple, m, the '
ripened kills burstinto maturity. it was (duel .I.`
good and equal in he heelless °fits fihre to the
cotton of shyrountry.; AF to dingo, I will only i
bottom the wor ds 41 the•import as a voiliiiii.ot en
t.h '
einsolves t - Cur of a , rmlity - rip id to thii I
best -Java Mocha i raised in Liberm. ni. , l,can bo
cultivated with grekt,,eme to any ~teat.' It ,
11 Collatry where i.olrueeo, that girat artode of
commerce, may lie tailuvalud ill aoy . t u.ditit. '
.. .
with great Stl.let.F.,' ~
' ... ' "But the regiou the l /Ili
lill v_c_ty ot ).'hurls IS
. ' . "one of great mineral wealth. iii. , i t..ii.... l.:1
. Science to fully d. elope, hot we it,, confidently
strive at this conclusion from what Lao been 1
di,. ,
• covered. Of the old coast your Committee
• • right, when they user( that 'Englund 1.,. re
ceived altogether • 'soo,ooo.ootrof gold front Af-.
• rice. Liberia lis djaceim to the rold ~oast
' But I would speal'ef what ii hitter than Vllil -
iron. Arid inch it the rarity:4 the i, ~, on. 'eli
. Mined by the natives at :‘ll - ricit iurne.iLitot. ai .
. • the vicinity of Liti lA. 1111'011:till, de , l-lIIIC as
being abundant. ,t id they lIII.VIJ no . fuenade, they
. ..
. • need none. AllLtrir rude agrleultuiXii and war
like instruments a c made by then, of ore ~ o:pare
that when beatedat hecatae of 1./Ilre collicil.W v
malleable to admit of being wrought into - dui ,
shape or form. They make kiiise., 1011-hook,.
VW cutlasses, ispl , rs, a. les. imes. Sc.. oat of
this ore, wi th out t e process of stile Iting.7
1 1 day, we uOO. r
r Iro :1,111 a .1
o some beautiful :AI cam
water, either aii tributary
titer of the - indler
' And
to add, that in, I.Ctention
-.dilation of tire olapiai•
0 !burp°, of I tiollinery.
',.; I Iterilzt, Is,
i ii ootantrT r 1..,
I ligible • situ:al o
isme during! 1 In.
'dained, fur :Joy
! tomy requiro.
the. very middle
ruund plenty t
- We mean to aneul the World's Fait' at lanoloo
with very little interest in the khow gener.illy or
the people whom It a-ill collect, lint with
reference to a sub:met which seen, to it, or great
. sail generalimportance--nafdet4, lit, improve
! meats recently made, or non tieing made, in the
Modes Of dressing Ilaz oat laimp and prepat Mg
theta to be spun and woven ht steam or water
power. , We are eonfideut tiro . the means ba vo
Already been inv ented or diricafrered whereby
~ fabrics of flax or temp, equal if not miller', in
every desirable quality, may Ilproduce.l at price,
:. Ws low as those oft the cheap 2 a 21.21121011 fist/MCA
' . ' Of cotton. fiumelinoiliftcatio , tome adaptation
. , ..may be still requisite; hut i 'is ' a deplorable
, blander, a flagrant absurdity, et cotton s lontl,l
, j b
ma,( be twice os dine as Oat. a ile fabriet of Ilan
~ are,twice as dtgul an those anufactured from
cotton. It it not natural orkit.tional that the
'ludo , ' ad busl4ess of the civilise d world nti mild
, ,
he UX/Sikenty 211212221211 421 t he presence
0/ of OA 1221,222,22ti1ri1) fro:t on the tote-
- tpi. 'c his depentlynee of latair, skill
in the Pihnnilanco lof tile rotten 21 . 01.
:21t. in the world's ingre,a which our
rill have ootgkiwn and ilii, ,, alit, or
fonder sl. :
a Lond 111 (22 !ix He. or,; other= more
)to pn)litome attenti to to Its, prodoeic
=chin, though c have no- belief
most vs cable inset, Imo for flax dres s.
hem, ade in Le pis U n doubtedly
n ry
proven nts in lion eieltinery !rive re
m mad in lielgium aryl Gnat liritain
ieve th
r, of our o n countrymen will
If ego. t if not
,of auperior value , btu
nil ent impmvententQ on the clout
gfectiv'p itrot:essea hitherto employed
Jesalyfe exhibited ll i.onlitys, where
thet 'may all hit compared liitil eatitonted at a
great saving ofd time and cost, Mot with fteili-
lities for determining their cOmpar,tive :and ro,s_
ittie value which cannot, 4e. enjoyed e! , ewhere. '
We trust one iikmediate revolt of the ot,ers i ti '
lion made therd by Americium will be ii.. i,,,,,.„,.
diate conetruetiou or nihiptation in chi: country
of some millioris' worth of tilltinery lii tile t--
perotion and Manufacture oItBSIN. 'f o tio, en d,
it is not enongh that the proc.,—, :olopud
'shall be obvious and vital t inprovement , on theye
hitherto einpl4cd. Those who :invest their means
IA 6 extent rnemireel for wivantageott- working
In t
be Sum that every improvement of cow... _
qt, nce is era t Zced in their selteditle„ to. that,
' should they able to manufacture linens at h o if
..the presentcolt, they may Jot benermshele, un
darrala by rivals,, Who, havi n g ninelquery still;
=Ore comprehensive and perfect, at, enabled tiC.
*ell ..`ll per cent lower still. .
• • The progiv4s of improvement nod' itivention l '
in Flax maehinery is now rapid on both ehles o f , ,
. the Atlantic. !As We write, we have lwfore us
a epeeimen of flax prepared for tainting and iipin
iting at a single operation by Nlessrs. 11. iieltogg
: & Co., New Ilartford, Con, by a Freer, discos ,
..-,red by thein, ; The fibre is short moon, with
a soft, silky On woolly texture and the feeling,. of
•- wiminth.which Box, as usually fecpared, Ins cot.
We are not expressly informed that th,sllax in
sA: piepared; from the . Moll: at one upere,,,,,,7.
dozing& avelafer that it'll!. 'f.he'womly portirin
•-•.:: to tio•entkely,iretnoveti that . we connei tell whethr
any iotting Or steaming process was first c
- -
sated td; but **advise those interests,' in dal
f,. 'tailture'.or.tistanufachuro te, write
. . to . 1i1e,331 . 4.
~• Kellogg It, d: for informa t ion in detail, and tint
: - taus, (as is too common.) ' , ..The public at-Minion'
tienittot be 'Lob - geneially. , ..fleawn , te:thlssubjikt;
;• apt_ only adOpaticimoveledge ig . :niode-4. to give
• - •
a nevr and moat profitable direction to free la- I
bor, -- both" manufactniing and egriculturid. - We
bespeak ,fur it the .careful regard of inventors,
especbilly. The field of improvement in flax
machinery, though corwidernbly occupied, in by
oneans exhnuited. V. Tribtrn
TO cormeroas
propcaoala illl ieal al the ofno. e,
Wt. lbrnl orooany . Corn.ltoo, Ohio. Tlyor—
da, , thegradoatwo.
Inc I.,..htafilloO r ln
lOrov tool F..r11. - Alltll7o l the ork ma, In osonon..l,
glereyoary iyaffirloatiou irkblano d appikaMoo
En:y.l , Yr. fit Mo. kotire of Mo. efifiO 4 fir • .‘" ,, fig
Io do. ola, of Ictfing
it, ofiler of 111. Ifiard of
r fil ItiolYT. atta.IMIL, Nor y
Notice to Contractors.
.ro'pocl , 111 ho t5....titt...1 at thr
1111r"adlAttitatt , in Pitt,
I r fm.
ttr.,ll, Thltro.ll, thr . .11111. at o ,
tho Ttark from I . ll.lthurcts 31,7111_ .
of It,: I nt l .-0. t , ,,ilirationa and forte, .1 - t0 , 0tt....• tua, Ix
tbr offlt, to Iltlehumls, for ta••0.7.4 prrs tow ,
alt.ltrallott to Sol,:tnitu (ilk(
. 11“- m . tts , l. ,. l , l; ; ll . l o l , :z i rtt ,
t of the lbm.
North A:nem:to. mg; Trltattle. American r—lilmad
Journal. publtrl. four tiny,. 0.117,1041
- DIIOI'OSALS far Erecting a Wirt, Suspeti
j_ iien e the Allegheny orinceite
(lilllllC in the Finn Ward of the nf
jilnce the itrartare rerently linitnive4l fir e .
netted Pruttentil will 10 1141-I,VIII at the ant,
&on, di Liten.ti iitreet. until the 14111 'lnv of
`n. N.L 1 , , the en:ellen of the attire iletrrileil heel,. the
prittnil there.' 10 the rata« R. the slnuangaliels Itridne.
rush allicratiout as (Aldo, nnt3 tanin* , atut the di.
order of the Itannl of
felilAtt F. Preii't
Proposals for Eitursinous•CoaL
I p t EA LED PROPOS.II,S vill the feeleived at
7 thy Pleihteleelptela Oar Wrkt, ...toe eel t Itlbet Y.
theletth .4 Foterezecr, . tor t intl. d,t the sit., .4 . 'rwENTV
TII.I:I+ANIt ett 1.. mutable tot
tho netoofiteller. of Go L.. d0nt...1 of Ite. be :a al
the W.Frkrg,
WOO toot by the. ISIII of
Ita•t do In (Le inutith of !i6r,
llrmi .1.,
IL .li.
!ARA) die
The Coals moil (melt. clen. nod ilrr, • r‘tr ll 0, 3 1 1u•Lt ,
In I, the E1161.1.4.f. Ti,, of
Le , irrit.t) of 00:11 it furnb l,- t arel
Ifn i a not 11...^11ti
irequlri.l . prvrltin• the Ow of iiiieuirig the Vol. ,
.111, 11n. gr.* ton of '4210 m 14. moth ,
i 1 . 14.1. an.' a t.. Im
ol of'
Whir- 1,, the voal airereinent.
tr... ervu the crialt i,, numbs., when
thry toiirt. rola Aunt to therNintrartorrinny
ihisaa,... uir tick., 'lli , . 1..1... 1 .
.111 b. tint,iiiiil4lllAllll-4:11111,t1.. It 1 alid I .... 1;.
oft, 111.1. 4 la. rr. the I , lli iit i . . ,ll rmootti
to the n • of 1.1”.
.iarvii f lb, lriyrtm,; pariniiirlA will b.. e:,11
Coot riiirtor prefer to .lelir, Ow 1,1.1 r r
ri.iistro-it. it mill 1 . .- ntr. ill
date Iniu. the lint ,
tor)the fnitillinri.t
1 , 611 I', re-iittiri.t.
.1011%1' r
I.lori_kror rill krlnn Jaar 11.19,1.
Posen Oren e Ito. iveteev.
Jarman I.i. 0.51
lIIIIIIPOSALS Will he revolved a r 'ld, 11, t - - “1,,,, , , , I
i Inrttnnot until Oat 111 &ay of /larrlt toot. V a Woo, ; Arrlair 0 Con., I've.. .I . llntnn. I' co.
John li Nell
autos ran row i vise. froni ON Orr di.. A tad lots, o ban ; Vdoorti ....I t,. • it.. haul I. 0 otst,
..dear.] 1., tb. Dattantanan. ot the (Into. int, .I..,riptittn, I .1,4,t, v ta.......• AI Ile Si,l-1..
vie VA... I V. Slunk. rinnoi. litr.kino
Tin• nat. ot Ilia oft.a and Soto. ,J vityttlmr tit... out t tr a ou t , llt ,L. -. At t s ~, . Allilione.
In.. is aant 1.1..1 or Inent.nrod 0t...1. nod on, to l'li 00 - Ts. tor. 't
I ... I; ........, •
m. 0 . ,. ro. in atlinit nt letuan ~Pt 1it.......• .1....suo, rho
anti &it . o ill. a Iltunilt wren, it 1,-...... - 11 tato., I Junttl. 11 Thom,. v ' EL.: S h., aan
tool hoer, In vines. :tool. slanit.. rovt 0... !attar,. arantno. u Mount. ti ,j... II 0. Vlo neon!, iits . 1
tb. "...intr. 1... On of titor .n..... as, an tint s. iv. man. 1 Tio. ts Inn .44... /irstsrano: V0u.1........ 0 ". 0.1 't.i. r
fo. tuns] and in nor. A rum, roaloosna, Itniatla . Oat t tool 0.....• 1001..0.n.t...... tons .. t ...nioatv, rant.). mann-.
sone hide 01, 111 In. ra-tronit Oodenol to ond -taut!. Ii in : Ant -. ra lattr 01l ri.. st et. to tot Itusitrato- . tvotalar. O
month- .4 ic ablaaviatol :4. :La tr, oultatzt Trutt! n., ~. .la , 0.. "o• ...1.1 , , .r , r• r , . ~,,. 1‘. 4,
I. ttar. votical,. snnotne..• no* no too.. tool , 1.. ront , . ft ILIA At l', J0N1... Atroatt,
otivi ittorks .4 111/11011011 : ts , .l. Vintsno. tor Ma az, snt the .iiil No 111 Front et,.
noadli. front I to 31. int:lunit, to la. toad ~ Itla. 10......5. I a
u.. 141.111.1 of Utr. riot ILO ataranlid
• A m erican Life and Health Insurance Co.
AL.. Ow, oith thn wanio -paid' ant - fro." . the
Ivi in of 11..-..10.01111 0 1W PIM. \ 1,i1i.P4111%
Ala, !ann., a Ith rutn. denoting: tin: rah. of v 0...... I
"rod tattol..., Ifni, now It. no. Iv o,' tv• rat.ltarair. .`.. IV/. 11 Tl , ll'/..E. ~
ill ,a' lb. a1t.....1111110 1.1 be mule 01 1t,r.1.......1 .1. I r . W... it . VIVO. -I. Ana t• auto I. Italtt
11.....5t.01• nurse ni.....osteetri alorst. bid. ~, ~, ...r I itittiold. V. ;onion.. Ai 1100,1,0 1 111 1 ,110111 . 1 " r° ll 1 1.'
ealtnt -Loom ...It Ito month, mud frotrvo Inl7 .111 tliena Ivtlara. Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co.,
it—, for
rash separate pa-ar ra 0... darn pr Ilat nvtietti .
Al,. for 0tatt.1ar5.......1 mouth- tool nun*, , t A kFili!E. IN NoRT . II Rig - 01 oF 'VIM EX-
A' '
..''''''''. "!! ' y ..d. ''...."'“. ''.""
! % P cit AN.. K...., T1,1.,1 .1 , .....I..lontlit.
Al.. ior narb sotortle pi., will, the Vicuna dem ilux I ths i..riu . i. , i' 00. ...' ..r 'I. Irii`ir - .. i 'h .. "1 0 .°: .-
tIo. La. of p.tAve • in. ..akin. ut 110. ilitlonnt -..t. ir
t h e ." 1 . .. 1 ' M. "' in ...."......."” "'"' I. '."."-"." "' '‘.. ' ''''V .r
ii.a. h0w0r.... tn. Oren tr. .tilfernnt contrive., tart the 1 , ; ,!; . ,t .iii.... ' ' ..i.i ”''' ''' ... ' i ' i.i i.... i.m..n. .:- " 4 ' r " 4 :'
ll ' O ' . P rev. i. rfu ' r! ". tll . lll . 172. "" I ' .... i i ' vt . .11 *.m. FI ' t.. "‘ Iirt ' un " r • t r ;r. ' : . .T .. r ' : - ' t
.. ,"" rri ,`,.., 51.5 i'd' h " l l i i ..
saes,. to itorlf u llat ntibt I...erevat all reoprool- 0 1110 once ! r 'n '''......
.... attuned extravanunt
trttoct... d ilta Ann..- kohl.. oat,- vottrimod oir. it
tavt. at lb- Appotntrnaut ...for. of It. tairtn....a.
tu i ttlln.e7l. N IV II %IL I...rooster "ono,.
Propos."Js for Chain Cable Iron.
. . .
asH„Grk, 1,1
. I.oin• mm. ,1„1.1nr.
.t r lVo , l~invlrJ
,z 4 0.. C. 11.1.1- ta1.1,.
t t V . 5 : 2 ' 6 i 1 ,4 , ;,- • rim ii.k..
. -- - - - -.
las."l"s!Lta.-Itt.';'sT.tan."l;;;An ' l,l 3 n ' t• l' st ' fis ", - ,'" ri ,"" l:st. ' n".,? '" : - I:r! a s, : !, ,t- , ! ' . ' n " , 'l7l: ', . ' : ' , ' sila . ' ! '". , .‘,l ." , • ' , ' , - : , !:: 1 , 1 t , it:: , 1' , 1 :,,. , ! 1 :;:: "t , '! ,. , ,, : ,: !. .1F, 1, 7 . : 1 " .1 1 7 , , , , ,, "
urr nf Innngh n... It mu. I.! ha ints,l Inntn. n. s, :
~ ~...
1" 1 " " • b'r... Il.'
"". in".! " " . " • I. ' . 'r.
"41:..`r 1.,1.4::,..,... Out... 01 1 '.1,..., ..,,,,..,„ r i-,—, t.,
r , ,1+11. nun tol lost to It hit. on torl! in t Inrktn- , i inn! arias ..„ .....•
„, . „ ..,,.
~., .....
and ..,,.
c"' r''''. '''' "'h.'
s ' ''''
t, "" o ' "'l a! ' '...'
',L. ' S! tr "' %v . th r .. IL. I . r ‘ rl„7•3ll, ' nr•• ' rli rtrr,f .. ' I.. ITl%tsrler/ IlDr; IT " 1114111 II: tin!
17t?..r.'".1!r:14,:,1rr:,%mr.r."..71 rrer .r u ' r-pro ' r ' l r r, r . rn .. ,l; r rr Or, halms..• ~... r p5 ,, a!!!...
~ .-::_ne t .. ...f 1 ,5 1,: 5, • 1 „... ,, , tian'2 . 1 . 5: , , , ! . „ u m,. a f:!,..71.1:art..11:•,1,,uri,1.7.! 7;
ainto anst 0.11 pe. as
s l e l vii" la. turni.l...l to th• ontstrtn., or : r ., ".,‘.. ~'•
~,! ~, , . ...
o n , .
~._ ,_-__,.,,,,
Tint militia tntn , t los slellynnal sn !straight Inetgllns. lin, fnsin .. ,,, , 1 ,,,,,,, ,..
~ ., .. .., r , ' , V . „.! .
,„. 1 ,..,
,s. ‘4 ,,,,, ..X ,..
~• , .. ..;, ,,,,a ,
ill !law, ranats.l !An nava, ssr rnth!rl.•nrt.-,
r !IA!. 1.-, s 0 I as, to L , ! . ..
~. ,i .
w t ,., , , , m, a u t „ , , , , ,,,.. .
:twit Pruitt,. alai t. or h. the Unman ol I sst,l rut dots r., , ,r • ~,,,i7;,,: ~.r „„...,.j, ~,t ; .,.,r. : ,:,
inn.. and I tnrala mat dianet, and th. In ell nalt , n , h! t to , ,
~ ;,; - • ,
~,,,, ,thth o nton ond a hnnst al of t lin tann:nasalsttst nt 1.1 . 1 r I ''' I' A MADEIRA
or r ill .
'ln" T ''''
"'n'"d l "'
" .1 1 '''
1 . ' f , State Mutnat Fire Insurance Compaay,
I, y t rt nf the . aid n.n la. +ll na•rlnt Ls! u A ars run on ,
h. " ; a l,lartort on Tarns , • la prat or., to tha Pahl [mammal
an that IL It, Inrs! inatmlactun , d as tnnnintacturst innlul. Harrisburg, Pa
Th . nui , ~,,i r, i I n ~,,,,h5,,,,,-third of th,. ~,,r r 1 1 11 F, ler,y,:il•l,:vraul:Lmlt.,,rt,tni..,•gre...exote!..s.d..e:l..toss
' re. '" ' t r ' d ' l ''' "'"' to ' 1 '"" . " °1 "" ' ''''' °'" ' t is . s it. h ir 'std.—. ~:A.;,-..,'..g,'„, u.- 1..1
~,l Jut it Sun, next: for months r third of all aasd ra . . ~ , ,a,, Si,! a , . ~... . ,
~..., _
... 4 „ ,r,,,, , , , ,, , ,
Islet nil or I.:h•n: tln• In, as, ssf t tenni ... r swan alai 1 , i!nt. ~,,,,... ~. , JO''''''''''' ''.... ' ''''
Lint nnuaidnr on or talon. the thlrtt brat. of lanra!ut la,
, a , , , ,, v, 0 h n , 5 , e , ,, a , ,, 7 ,,, ! ,, , , ,, , , t ,, , a p ., n , 1 ., 0 , 1,1 0 n ct„ th ., ;• !Wt.. a -, . i
I'nr,n , skarn? of !Aiello... ,to farstiAs the !and inn! I
„ :1 . '5a L, c4. , 1,
.nr t5ta d n . t ,, , ,, t ,, n ,. ‘ 5 . ,!n;:nn , ,5 , 1,t .. ..
, o s in i l , • , :5r ., ..rt h,. . , . , 1 J1 , 7; ,, 111 ,„, n , a ., ..
no I. --quits-4 Its ennltin ,: :, 1 . sf? a. sns./ sss . -s. reafet y. and
b-hould any forth , Infornmtion nno
tlodu to Nuke non - rol are ndcrn .1 tn oamonolont
n .mannoling officer or 0, Navy rant at IVlL.lmmln.
IMllirt of CAUSIIIa,
T.. Ow n...rontn on,ow, aroopted particular
achmlulco. drawing.. and Inotclo purl ,
and portion , of omit kind of in., rcquirod alit Lc furnish.
ant. n llm routract is brewed for to
11111[111.11t: r.. 1 iron Mud. :manned
nrten must mulna.... nuontit, nnalrokl. and the
pans otanol by Lb. pound, and lb , aggrrnan , 1141.111 of the
ulT,r gneo and careell nut
Attormed rurelin , equal lo nctinsab..l tunoutit of Um
rdntrart rill too rolluirrad lo lbw manner net Garth tu that
lo,trunonn, and ten porcrutum In addition will to-withheld
Inun ammtnt or rub payment a , collatcrat flr
the faithfulperfonnance the.cntraeL Nth., por wnt.
of oariml , llrcr, wll be Todd by the Nat, tor 1.1
H'aMinelon within thirtt after thaa lan-a...a...a ad
!ALI, m rigliodr. appron..l by (Acct.:nand:lnt c:
Nay: leant.
Etery offer unnt accnminanir.l a nuaranlt•
L• l rtifk..Vlrl ' l " a "' t „ : i ry " .:; 7 ..; l7: r
~.m...dre known t he the Iturmui of Ay.) that
$t Om odor 1... TV... the IMldor or NMI,m will. gratin•
ton dat • after llwrerelpt .1 the nattnrct al the r.o.d office
eve to the ram, with 'oral and -u' trot
mmLno to farad. the raid •Main cable Iron agrm-ablY to
Inc tnnma ..,...111m1 tbi. , adrcrliwnnend or wholty, b.
cattralm.i In tin nodrarl The the loth ad Au¢.:Ft.
minrblerution of nrolmmdo nn d arrnot
:dulled lay such guaranty.
11/Mloro aro particularly eautimo .1 to crolorn flow
I. ta ahoy , nomirod, that they tam IP , .linsumnoh. , l (rmn
Item buclomrs in order . la proton. then
..roued Imforo th , dory agnmonted
All olYdro Ind made)n newt nonfornoit, 1r Oh ilia nt
e c imment. In eyery particular. *lll be tommlmed .kl 11 -
jOlt.l. 01 the nption oral. bureau of tkm , troctlon. rn
real al Ilm
14 mir. The todlot: wlccomMer um;
Donned and amtract Ada mph, alll t
Veo.. oflertun directrol drodnuan• tho trot
which deorr to IN nab the tar,
mm. to WllOl l l !11, nolltreLrt er , r t. l li
P. 01171.11 csoke tb d c 1.1. according to be lorm
bent,. anncted • .1 11. LATIIIICIP. bao: Agent
Flo. of on offer
1 yerohy opt,' to forniah and klellter al the Navy ram
t salainathur lOrtrukt or Chklutbia , In ernkfortolly .111
04 t 1 advertlrelneht (man 11. Akroknt . •
!ft " kral . 'm at " \Vykalrlualane. of the 1...1.1 of 1• Itirl.
1...11.1,1 11. or chain rISI•ir Inn or the 1 . ..ry
Americo. matkorartuok, al ra
11k.. katoyuyting
If my-oder lak eer. , del.. f, he whir...l throncb
pot hlliry at nrYl the :only.. 14k try -cut Y.
thy nary nay., at for earkrultoto.
rrapertfolly,„ your ob.lteot Yarvant. ••
No” . Agent. w•hhurton, D. C.
Ate to. onderni,notl, t0n.100t....(--- in tho ,Into
id -- withtp ton
aft. r wnwipt .1 do. ..tract
ha, iont4ll
etoroin 0nt0... with An.l rtonoWnt nrotwn.
tu a roWt/ tho down enblo tnen tbr'retutinoinw , l..nronfnmitt
rh tho town, of tn. wftertinotoont loot wbiol. total
tA.I was mwb. C
hereby ....rotf that. to the Not of my knowledeo aWI
thr thtternaratal Tarrant. , at, eII.. rtwl and
at tAelrnttrit.nt
Yott 1., N. he voattrarti ti
Int rhintrable inn,
rttuatll aryl
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Mad ' s.
, is.
tor the bettor .4.11 . 1111.111, tatonsto
l"w'r l'art thr ell.r• ...tot may alto la. FlOl3llll .lally.
(ram II b, 12 awl 2 lo 3 tt'elte.k. at the eta
tat.. of
J. Soltttontuakor Co- No 21 Wood etrret. teltrre all nen,..
Mr/ InJetrmatloo 1111 w eeler,. awl rommuntontinn,kr two ,
17 nthareat Nott.blo, ...rill:tenon the fu rs Ira awl
benefit* of Life It/rerun, awl blank forma furnholnal tot
'' lia U t r a L n ' lT.lttre neer $...3 - o.oflo and renttatitlt Canal
Prdliat annually stonetzat flier. 'tetanal tor la.,
Pitellntroh. Jan. 31. lahl.—ra.3lA2vt
( 1.11 Jam 11. Mellr. SI Ifwal tenet.
net remittal • orw ittol eelowthl tewortatrat
of riattolhOrm open sod randy for mar. do,ll
Loattets of Mentorr- Goror of Poortr. A Fr
eabluot of Modern Art. Amaranth.
Prirotlahirea Offering. IV int, 111. m.
amTor flake .onAbytorian ,Palm and Hymn H.kP ,
aPUrrially totoa . d.
Eploropal Prayer Boot, Sracalidly boodl. •
Juvenile! Prrocrdation Kok, Albano, .te_
Par sale At the Y.LItICATIONAL 1330 K &COM,
do3o - fdarkot ear of Fourth
P ' l3 ll l l
. mu.
rays Dieter, 64 Wood etavet, 2 doors:L:4l6
'Delaware Hatual Safety Insurance
Scrip Dividend ~11.4.,1ate1l by the Board
N.Y. 4, In:41, is nom at this
font emir for diirributinn.
prria . rirark. rintitinl in Serif; liiridred.
44r1ar41 In 1 , 17 and Inin. rirmrilning the otlice, and
r r n3 ) fur arliirrr, uhvn rniiii4 foe, viz:—
1 .
Aryan... , .b.ho.. 55 traJAn.llon GI, .. ----MOO
51,...,1, ant., Ali. 5 On h.. 11.1114, U.N.... ........ 11 . 4 on
1134 , 00 1 . IS an. 5 en... 10 011 Kinsey Z. A, 00
II:au,11 J. I' 5..1 15 (HI lanfonl. non-- ----au tOI
( . 3.,.....11.1. (5 A Co .....1.5 00 I...anialodtv... ....... - . ..1 0 41,
•I:uso•la.11 - riun.1.4 .. . 4) 00 M.. 1101 I. A .1 .n.... .. :IL llei
I.7rlLran /I 11, .
.In on Al.lcan n. P. , .... —.20 " 1
Dal, \ V.ll ..
~ Al_ no %trite.. entn. a - ris , . . ~. s on
I ho-, P.... .... s Ix I \lrlhAnsl.l D. A I. 5 1,.11.'1A1
41,1../.21. , it s I. Mreortnirl. .1 I. ...A0 00
1 , 1,10, I, l• . 5 1.10 rennunk. Slilehel .1. 01..10 lou
- .
•• • ..
411.11 Jut.. .... T.OOO P. Adana , 10
N 11. -1,411.,
. _lO 1....i1a1.1a1..rurr 11. aJ.
7S 111 1 Srylnu. keo r•r
(;0 ..10 0)1414t)010. ......-
Mai., 15 ,n Pi k ii,.,:1 . in is~i ~,,', n It ..... t
110 , TT C 0 ..ot.,blon John II I" 0 "
tiny John T . . Iwo Whorotan It. . • •
111.111.‘11.. T m . Wrinht Jnbn X Co ..
Atwv.ol. Jana; el,. , o. 11....ey 1' 0 a 6a.
Alevat,l, 6 Dav . 10 00 116.0ett .1 11 WI
1116•kra.r.• lima ... ..... 5 01 K 1111 4 4511 4 ,11 1, .. . 5 I.
Bnuls ',. 11,0 Iron 1,.. 15 00 Kwahar .1. V. 6.1. T 10 00
Iluclar .1 W. s 111, . 00 1.,1114.14. .. . . , .. ill 041
1,1114 4 1 . L. At. 11 . 5". . larvinra6ll,lo6 Sou.. 50 00
11.0.0•0•11. liar A 1 . 0. 10 111160 . .1 Al r
11::1..61.1 41 14:'1 5 1•,14.11.44, 4.44 A 110144 IV
15.. th 11012,
Ilaxo. o .lrl. 61. 0 , 1111.1) a ~... . . . ..a.
1.10 . 11 Jana,. . . ... 5 0011.u.'av 51 1a..,
thuat...6o Wu,. ..... . 0011aaa•li %I. .14,010 , ..Z . i
Cavaol 60. A . f. .If Ligi,.....41 CO - ..,,S .•iv. l sluKver 6.... :, ta. av 11 . .W: 'OO 310064•10 , ..
1 . 140 5 6 T 1.10.. . 6, iv• N 1.160, S .• 454. ,
1'06.1‘..1.0. 610 .. ..15 .11111.• r I Izlalala.... . AS 00
~,1„.., .44,1,4, A , 15 00 Willer A .1 t :i 1: .. 10 00
11,,,...0 161.0 , 6, 1. 111111,11 V .11 1.41114 . .. 5 4.
I .00,.1..11 16 A a IA. 5 0. ArC0rmiak.1,11, 1 .
1 0..1aat.01 Walla. 01 6 0.,10 00 Wrllityra Wili , . . 15 04
f 4.44114.4441414ir,..1 on 1 Will. E F. . .. ..... .... 41 r.t.
. . 01 51nralta E.. . .1.6 00
•,•••41...r., 1 1. 11 . , A • A. IA 00 Ala...a A A a 1:0 5 00
• :.Ili.. 6. I. 6 6 I. 15 0.01.6ra 10.1.1 .. .. .... a 41.4
II l5 00,11.r.•11.661.1.0.4:0,161,00 00
1.0 , 11. 1-... 0 6 i, , ,,, 5 ,v• 1,01,1: • Ilitc10 - 11 45, .
1.70 .• A ,1i1.114 , 1,, 111111,41144, I: II . ........ .. 5 4.
1.,. Il r A 1 . 0 , .. 2411 , 0 rrirn II do no
, 0.•:, • . .. 00iro•ppvcd 1 , 606616 . 1. In
1 1 1 .1.. J. , 11 . , 5 440 Ph I IIIM J. 1 11 , , 10 .
W.I.- .10101 i , . . . aa im. 1106,d 14•ra0:a . 61 00
, Wa1. , .. 1, .1 ; ,, , . ... AO I. 1101 . 0.6.0 J A ..% Sao . .. 00
i 0..1,1, 6 11.0•00,. A Ir. ,06616 , , /1. Rapper: AO 110
I I:l.arbart , in .....3. 00 avolll Jaa. 111 • • , YlO
• F 16,01060 A 5... . 114 00 Stl4l/ J 1414 A Co d •
Fullou 11.11 - . .... Wi 001,...111011110 ,• 1..
Varme l , ... ..... 61 .. , ;:panx Cav a 1 00
. 01•ar .66. V 10 00 Sinitb Tlanna.• . ...... A .
I 11,001' r, .. . . . .. :. 00 ivaitbara t • ..... .. OO
11,0.1.0 0
1.4 , ..., 00 T1.000... 1 0 0 I 1 IS . a ,
; 11rtaw: J.. .. , .... .36. 00 11111,ln. Ilarriaol.l . .5. 00
11r0at; 'rt., J.... . 1:4 4141,111111.. NVua % 4.
tivulf Brun A et, . 1411441,1,V1‘414,1,4141.... , 1,41::
4 ...
• ..
1; 1: ' , 4 11 . 4:1.7 . 1 . 171 .".
. . .
1 11; ' fi l 4 . 11i. ,‘ , I II " 1 1 , ... .„,':: 1.14 " 1 1 1 ' ;:::11;:! ' 71 .1 . "..-. . ' f. 1:1
I 'la., 11. il .. : a 00 WOO.ll 110000 . a 00
11444111 4 41.1.. A' IN. , Iv ‘lO.l, btu ant, 1 ,la
' IlaaloW 1 1 • ... co 0/ 1601alil. , , . 6 1 .
I Ila.s lV A 14 5 4. 'll 36rtunn l a a
Wai1...0,1s ~, 6 W 6.1.6 i ,igh, v. 60, 6 iA. , 1.. ,AI
i, ,115111 A 1 . 0 .114 OKI 14.0111 IC.III. r.... , 011
i 144.1.411 s I . 1 .1 / A I/ 41:1 A. A aval 1111 1 .1.0 r.,1•
: ' Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
Frill F. h0.ran00( ; :.,i:: ,,, y of N,tl, A Itirritll.,
1 . 1”..t..r..1
:AI 11111 malr
cll. antl
flan .1.6w1 11.1 /.
: Pro and 1.1.4
t:.l, I •
t ryt , • at
11r2.1. ¶lt.zu,... 11.1 fr
n. 4 stalo, 1. , . •• •
s., ; It .11111 • .
110/.0 41 1.1 . 76.. /1,1% .
i•ro nr . Spr. ••
'At U 1
1.0 ...•olt-111.11a It. t 1
t• Mutot"ol at,. •
,10.001thirtrth.111.11,11,. 11 r.ll. :'.(o•un
Tun ...Mt! , • •
Sfo , k •4 nosolr, )1 uttml I o•tiranv•
.ttt." • •
tn ith4 bra. 24 Cr. t-. PRIM um
Emtnnt 4th. 1 , 0
11. , Itttnnl ot In tvrtn-• hxr.illo , Any tkrlrtml fttllntlmul
I 'MN 14k.51. 1111,..11...1 OW t ..,10 , 1 Lant.A. O,OII I IX
' 1." ..' '' '', Nr „ : 4,: n r ' I A ..' " jr , ..o ‘ . ' l A l ltt e' :l7:ll , tl a :t . 1 ) ' 1 11 ‘ ll n Iv
~,..ri',.- -, ..;,„,...,:,...: ~ , sp, *ll4 1, r ,,,,,1 PI T .'
MN, 1,,U4r...n Icor • hlrh vt t I 14.4,0•31 tto , al•ortt.
'IV dhamt Marhn, Willtant 1 , 0 ~..11. .1 i: itthrvton.
itt-rttlt N.Ol, ./01,0 n N., 10t. .010•1 K. 1 , 4011...0,
I K A ...Wert 10. R. )1 1110.10 n, .10.trtnt 110.0 00 / ,
.1..11,11' 1,11, lean , .:. Ilelli.l. l , 51'11,0/0.
tO. 100,01. . T 1,014010. 1 10 0, hilt.t
t : 1...1n 001, II :Mtovg. II 1 Morgo.o.
I, 1; I. 1t.., 111 rt... 1,. 11110 h erwn. ~
1... , .. It Ilsll,
‘.II.LIAII MARTIN Prmt.lent.
TtiostAs i• MANI, VI, ',nil , .
.Iro pit W 1,0,, t..... n,n,
i n
yarn. al . l7;allvatataa•Olto X. ....1;11;aornam. o•—• o , y. ao.
natrit.. Inaolor to. no luny ant t'noupasn In tld..a.untx)
l'onofoortod ono ttor tontoltal • and anAlly latmr -, ...d "ToMmo
of l'lax../tiontano of Inako. o. eluding all naanal haxanla.lw
o•urine onl‘ a Ihnitod ant.oalot In any one I t pno
oludina lloe froatueney and occurronove oof large An, and
wino no both 11, A 1,.), on 1 Alotoal plan. ot not onlY M.. -
....ea Ow otoeann.,.. and avyntooloodatoon ot I n myth...,
tout outitlo , Ulf. Innonal t o r yrartleoyation no not.. prollta •
It i.o under I . yoontrol of 1100 .10 log Inrortooroc—Jotbn
P Inotloorfonl. A. J. I:I la I. Joilon II Parloor, A. 5 Jon,.
Mona° A Carrion, Plolln ti. *Wank. M.N.?! Klotz.
A P. rill.l.Lll'. Yerretary
A. A. Car.AlYa. AYtuArl•
Brawl. 015.a' for n'. . n Ponronlvanla. n 4 tonnithAold
a1.r.4.1. Piltaloory I, Pero ot doneta limuratota• rill lie for
n0.1..11.01 W0k...4 the l duranlo IoY (anon( at tloomonlo ,
Western Insurance ompany of Pittsburgh.
( a, A l'f
i f . A l, $300,000. IL MI Luiit, .1 n.,
1 '‘lriii .....".;;:.:Cji. ;71 . ...71ir10.7 In, and Mann«
All Iwo., will No lil.-ruln 0v1r0e.t...1 aool prompt, yard.
A 'loom? 'I
or non --; lao,-( In loin olio, on too ron.. won
,noran no nor ... rE ttttt Ity WO 'vb.. Si' del...maned I,
F pnoooptnaroo and toloralln o maintain tloo . to:nails, aloirio
llo.:, lowa ao.tortior. ma ..o.oron, t:Ao 10. ot lono , onom no num'
o. who J., ro to to 0t000n..1
• taayory,oas— It, Millor..ln. no. Ill.aok. J W (toll,. N
[Holton , : Jr. Won It lloolaskto. ll'
Ibusa.n. Nom W Jark.on,
"m 51 loYom. -1. ,, .. ,, 1..1.112104 , q erg.. l'aral....lamoo.'n
/nil,. Alva. Neinerlo. lion F.-...t
Otto, Noo. m 3 %Vat., nr... I. tairoloon, of A‘0..0 , g ,„ ..! ji t , "00 .
ono ..Lairm..l l'ondour.lo
Delaware Mutual Safety ImaraneeComp'7
‘ lhilICE, Nolan itiONI OF THE EX-
N r el; A NOR, Ther.l step«, lelolple.ltehla
Vint Issel.sset, —lttlelepet 11erehanehss. •n.I other
tenueert/ . to horn easel ...est,. ...tins! WWII, In.. or
&mp, ley lin.. al the lowest mt.., remium.
Site,. Isser.s,ea —.Tip,' eds. in slue V5...01., Carvers,
stal to richt, Snot.. ler eseLll,rl.... "mt., pp.... sr ~..1.11
puler. . tue ilipluetenel Inge .le4n ,
1.... T. T111NV11.,1,11,00,-11., else inrierr. m c rrh....h.•
Imuererlest lu VI spun., It all um! ram, Catial Isulr. aml
51,-tm hoar, nn revs re. aml 1a1..,...en the Illord 11 6 7. 1 . 1 w
ihRT,MILI—.I.... ph k . . , ...,1. /Lantana .1 Astute, John I'
', sr '. ',pl., harpers .helm II reeeruer. Parquet r.elweerelt.
tieurcs (I Leipsr. Edward' harlittuuss , Irasel. Date s . el I
leses Fuhrell, Jeelue Nstrlin. Ili It SI Ibuteu. Jas. V ,
Heusi. Theuphelei• Paul line. II .herter huselts. Ilrurt
Pluses. Irtele Cruet,. 4kr.r.,... Sen-111. Slermsr Mel/Itelre.
Isestler Kelly. J ie Jeehnpeet.,lll re. Ile. V. Itr S Thomas
Jelin Seller.. If en, rrre..l.
hervereets IT kln•i.. r.. 10 -1.. T sleorann. Ileuth name.
.Iltre T Loran.
Wu,. 11 tt 'ls ler....Sletit Tees, II II rots %in I'll 4.
tier, .Isorrie W rem •ve Sssn-heel -. .
1 ~..-kr rp c ( rk....nrurn, . ~... Ir. W., 5tr.....1- Tit,
e,,,,i, 1 i...t.; , 1f 1 .r A Slllerllt.t, Sues ,
Franklin Fire Ixi4ararice Co, of Philatl'a.
i i )
. • I RECTOltti: rilarlk W. Bitneker, (',,i.
1 iv 11,0.0... Th.. :11,0. Sle,lerat It. Is.vrts Te.hins
j,. .le 1:,
:.,11.1.:te.1uhte1,r,1,Le,..,,..vturl 1. no.. Una 1.1, , Itne. IP
. . ellil s hrus . 1. 9. II 011!Filill. I.P.U.Irot
ele.Pl.l 11, IlAal Ix. issen•tary
likClogresily reeptinn es to mak.. I imeratises, [l..rrilancla
kr luktcd...l. crt r, .1....
rite" 01 Pkkc ,, T k. ...k. .k. l
ckok.r, at rstrs as hew Sr arNe I.ol.iketil with ...corky.
Tlk. 1,..0. irk, leave. re ermeetl a large ...ureter... fund.
w Welt, with Iheur espit.l auel Pretutuitir. eafeely invite...O.
stteuel :merle. le Ile.. SPrierest.
The ar.sth. ea Ile. I,es etu, efl./se...l' 111. IsS • I , st lenle
;;:head setre,llely tee Ile.. 10, el .1.....ete11e1y , worr ic. tones ,
1.. e
P ,%11.',14.• •
I • n mlll4 nf 114 .rfir, they
" • i iiumirThhtmluod
"'""d. ""-"
I! evloleftee Ole
Flu, bprebv i c
habilifino. •
" 6' ""blr a TA111 , 4 Eli 1.111• VIN. Alibfft.
11111• r bf tV 1 3ll OA.
• _
ANC,: COII'ANY I:4 Nark.. elreed.
nod Nu. II WWI N V Arrcloulaled iddetta
Ilino.oo..llvllind (nn.rl I, 10
li oromo f f or Insont Pelllllm
urszort my
ire o
liv. ill the al.ore ,Locrr , 'foil ;t orr our:our eampady; the thole
Prob. Law; dtv idr4 mu o: rho orroml.
lr I LLIA hi I. JONES, A vitt,
141Srpot rtrort.
g r I LD RYE WiIt...KEY.
40 bbl,. Fire RT. WhOkeyik."T.7 old ao.l &Wm"
Wa t. C . 4 I,IIIJ. Old lito j no . f Web,
jo h ulopAuzzi „ „tnortet.
C. tat , for .alc by
I[ l :1
.1 5
.1: BMW RIDGF. -
I LACK TAlitlY VELVETS of a V . i2'ry U
JI perk, q uallt., for bay,' wear. to had at al, etnr:.
31UILPIIV t 1:1711(7111 , 11:LP.
raly N- P.m. Fourth and Nlarkrt
Burchfield haeehand an nwrtruent ,dede
s.a.aony. Beleh mod th. , nneetir hien,lr
fer Shrewhoe. jet/
, . •
l'f:11 CI I CL iTIIS
k 7 ImoCow 1.,..nral ult... inn
ile,artutrett Jf thrir aoLI lathe prnam ,
r 1.41. of nu, 1.1r++.11 ,, .w
v.. rap,.
1 7 E1011111(M. Urz. 111I . L.1.,E ' ,TELEBRATED
.1 NUM L
• et
VIAL CORI 0111 gro, he - he Icy
, inl3, .' KlllO 3CO
I'PrONll:l` . .--5.. , . tine. and 'I hale extra
'''.-... ~.,,,' lil In.l , J Killtoa e.,
L' P:•44IM S.UI7:S—IA liniln for Pale by
A 131 3 .1 I, Slat 303
, I
: lj N I) R I E
O n f l barrels Family Flour:
13.2- , Arta our erttpt nwin .1. bd. 11... d o; si) bude.h. Dry
App1,,..-. 1 tot Egg,. Itu.3 rei•iv..31.31,0 I, 3,131,
1 311 _ , , 1
.. ;_.. 3.110 It Apr tCO
. .
A ItILY'S FAtilllS for gale by it.
K ,t ..a. * for I.ll,l,barcb.
.41 cent! 10111.. de!,
1 1 .1N1:1* SATINETS FOR B(.ll'S' WEAR.
Nlorplo S Ittip - Llirit the 4i1.11,1111 Mu.'
n,11,i3v. v.... 1 , 1 1. 1. if tMeAr. lira Ur
nod rt •t, le- .4
for Wool hy
MUI(1111 . 0 LEP.. (001.,0.11) of
11 ("),-
n ia)ws FLAN NUS , - eau., just 11
tr..s.u.ssturaour n.I
Inla NII , .I.ll‘ LEE
FLAN N titu
ID LA .S ETS • • Singh- and dnnbly I. d, xdeiu
, 2 , 1.•
I N.II; n V a
T\vEE„s_ .Threw,.. w.,.....5rted Tweed.
w. 1111.11,
Inl • ,111,1i.1•111.
-Two.t4m, Sumac for sole I,y
,16 MURPHY C-1.1:r.
iIOI.ASSPIS---,Filly-five Leis new crop, p.
X ,LnAuler 111ou. asul 1, nab.
.14 11A1 7EII CE,WEIEE
Illt)ItAel'11--.4 Lza Ko °tit% li twist, ret;eivell
la.r Brilliant. need fiir
'alit M I , a LZEI.I., to, li n1.r.l
13 ltA NWINES, 01 NS, &('
f!,,!!'L's`.l' l 47.`,l'. 9 .ff
I dn... I tiltit Iwo I anti," 4111 "
I riils atal
2 it. Jan ~
11,1, i di,.
In , 1., :al. tr. Zr,,,.'
iai— P.A , S Aux 11m, -
to ',sae :maim ...Ale Jul l'A SK KS A CO .
~L s ‘ 2,1 rt
Altll --Twenty I.rls ,Ltul fifteen kryrs Cur
A / 1 11111 V KRA 11A11Nt.S.
d ()LI) PENS. W. hove pow - on liana a
11., I b
to 1 1 0, 1r..1.1 y 10...1.r0r
In u , yawl- ox,n-olt
..1. ~.aF.11:..1.1 Ponca utll.ll,olL.Lloro
11114 nod 1-.1..11 ai N. A (1 rl ll l WI LAS/f ... ..'!
1' ENISON r••••i,,,1
11 A Y. II I 1.411,,
t 1 ' •1 i.L.lBlliii.:B 01 VOIENT- gron ,
IN for sal.. 1., J 11.1111 1 k 114.
11. A RI, 011.—C1,1.1e for salelly
.1.4 do.. J. Nll/1 1 A 1,1
• ..
1,1 G I 00 . -- Fifty umA ErusliCr,..k Furnace
1 . L.; In At. for 1.1 11:1111:41N. I.ITTLI, At CO.
. .
6,1 11 fr.,.11 Roll Butler.'
10. ii . i.7l;;;T:ti , id,
la° nee Prattle, reoriv°l
1-..111151‘. I.IIIIX A
hrle am! for ,nli•
.1,4 :All/IVY-A A IIAIINF.-.:
I ILTS.-- tho.aml tug just rec. ivoll
a 7 1., ntensUrr hat. o.4 hr
.I. 2.. B 011111. Lit A !URN
tar ,3° ar aaaatit h-L.1.. ,.„, I% I` SIA 11:=11 A LI..
COTTON 21 1,...11.8 now 1311 , 144; from the
t r :r.kit toricr.Y
p.ut Fmnt
t-taririr, near °AIM-. frail rtratia- ,
10AI 011 mcgin' .L co
it lataki 111.. LI To illr.stiltal.le
FEATIIERS. IG Klas novF landing rtk.ll/
• °IL .
Ara/ Wafer AN Vnatt rla.
rake! Tin. lirait- ...a dm Karl iiral 11. 4 1.
l o Palwira wart far.ral.l.
Ii Alriai l' E. A kril/1:1. .
...rt.,' Jo non-hoot. awl other,. to 110 10, .00l
.... ~,...o t ed y o y.i. t.t 11,-lyry, tlloy, I.nder t•tort, awl
lonnYrt TLY aloi.. art. i... 4 it :Ilk, tc....1, NI. Joy.. ao.I
C..tton. of all ' , lye, And pro... cottotartlly on Imod ...I tor
ode lon Isy tY..1.1 ' YII EAIOJN
. .
:, EN ECA Cllr—Fire I,rlo r(-crivo.l. for sale
1,73 by den SIIIII‘NR. a 114115Y.r.
-)UTTER.—Five Jols und too jars tonne ro I
A) tsr. for bantly aye. for rale bY,
.1 ; O. Mi r ii.VSSF.S.—Fifiv lids.; to enter.
IN for taly by .lit-J... ~ f lf VIII A ItAltNr...j
' • -I) U i li , .l - 01 S .
t l k ltt k O K li i. K 1: 11 la ( L 1.. 7 2 5 ., 1 , 11 : Idy
loos li. C Ftecorolt
I ) RN
, l'E A CIJ E S. , - ;; Threo hundred bus juSt
tn...;:. . ' tot at rke &BA lIN ES
g 10'i' 1 1 ) N 1.• LA lc rci;i.s--A, farillor ottpply.
,a ; ll MURPHYaIt o alsos r o yal, a ottonior article. toot n-e il by
.. , . . . . -.
IuII:EN:CH LEAF—Fifty ',Mnt, Frottob,
1 4 yes..., owe. cod awl Saver beet. for -ol- tot
ialn J WHIN. MAKER a CO, .11 lt otl A
I iOI,ORS-5 brim Ito, Pink;
A , r .0 11.. Ilmoyi, a..otti o t,
I " ‘ ,t....1.1Jn0t.. Yellow ntyl lirao n.
For ntl. by . t nIJI , '
O! ERMILLION —Trieste, Chinese, Ameri
,„,,,est I ton yytal Vermillion, lot Frio 11
I.P - ssENTi AL OILS—I oan ()lifer Ha.. ssoints:
A 2 mu. Oil of Lovetule., I ran oq,of Roortnory, I ran
t o I ot ly.n J 1 can (11l of Ilery.-amot„, 1 Ina Old of Cbote,
runt I Ins Oil of IR., t ort rrvlto.l Ito role lq,
1:00 J ;4.11009 A REI: A CO.
JIRUSSI AN ISLE E--Tott boxes. No. I, for
solo by t y.lo - J SUIRIONMAKER A 01
I A RI) OtL.—LardOil of aouporior quality,
i A ronstnattli on loonl for rot. by I
lnlo IS IA II DICKEY A If)., Water A Front 1.4,
• l
it l o lASSE S.-1' wenty lone Itrls prime
/VI ''''' u. '''' m " ' "ns f r . l , 7.ol‘tieSl a Zi for " d. " by
1) . L'll'Elt.--Thirty ke g s and six brie fresh
JI butter t ort receiyol and for to by
4a . UGAIL--21 hhils N. O. Su' r for sale by
A J 0.,07 t BROWN A KIRK PATR K• 141 Larry rt.
'MEW tli.A I SINS on conmi ment for sale by
11 , 1. , ' . BRIM. •,tt KIRK PATRICK.
1 111 VI ED WHISKEY. --
I L E( .l .7 ;oltblelyoß ReetlfletAlllmlYkt ,In ytorna r 1 for
by j fault JIIIIOI'PAIIKER 1 1 In oak
M 0 LtS O SE . S .; - ; -... , 5 ., brl i t: ., S . Sugar
. 11o i t ,y se, St.
f oil .1 ittowto 11l a CO, I.lhert t 4root.
( - iltlq - SE I.A RD---Twenty brls tlrotote Lard
R retlyol oil Ibr FILIPIy
t all U.S w . 11/1/lllAljtill
D 111. ,,, 1! . 1 , 1./ ,,, i'EAc:tie.spLT , I:ree h n
Sale undred has
101 l tt.e tc. l i tAIZISAII(111.
I EA LARD—Prone Cincinnati Leaf Lard
lArr"' '''„O" , `" l-11, 7e;5",77;;1,t,'4,:1 1 ,!;:
11 s relintork 10•11.1.1, purrtuoy, to the 100,4 nYA
Not! ...lee,' am-intent of Tbrot• PIT and Ineryin I ...1 , .
orer boot ht. to thly nowt., to o l e be,,,,, n o ,. , o , of the
''''::" . u.'ttb " t'rtN i "Vlt'l.ritM"‘" " ''''''''''''''' ''''''
VI . T 1 , 1 , 4110 W II AN9 INGS.—W. ItleClin toe k
7., t it i r- l st: 7.!',1".'14,'","J,"i• - " . .:" fl %trl
`471:, .' ...dn. , ' ono, rea nt otilt l.tar'ljtl ' AT-
The (Rd Printing Establishment,
1,--. :4.11 N.* VOllllll LL21414. 110 "'On
. .
ATE John:4ton atul Stuakum's, anti Blank
tI e.a ...datationery Wers.housw.
IIAIBb to pretered 4.esernte mery style of brow , .
Ponduerroil, Canal. and Boat Job Printing and 11..0t
Mintier: and furrinti every article in the Blank Bonk.
Paper awl line, at the shmteet notice, and on
the wet noowinshle trtsno.
Plank 11 , e,k end Stationery ITandnter, ...veer of Market
and keens! etrvete.
Printing ”rd.....11 1 nri, Bindery: Nn to Third rt. lav
TILIW GI/OE/S.—IL 11. Greene
I - 7 Slnnufarturers of foreign and non ae on.. Straw coed,
rail the attntk,n of buyers in their goods for tidies and
Thry will •ilter lndommente in Lanark of
pundmoore who buy by the a
,Sanoples exhlbitod at Link Om., No. 134 Pearl
i up eturso New loft. dee.34llM.
- •
I) (limn!): OFFICB.--11. 1111L11Ed x FON,. No.:'
• nr '' ''" t • Rarbange ins all the Ea.n.rn
and Western rine,. Or We. tkillerllnrt. made Init the
prin. - nod plan.. In the nylon. Nodes on all orsivent Bank.
dioeunrinol. None and Tin.n Mlle negtiated. fold
NDIA ItUBISER PASTE. 4 groan of Ih 3l
tl anperls artirir for pliable elm... rendering them er
• tit pnolf, end ao a pier f eloth. Thlo
ortiole low...anted In rime, the perm,. repnoennd. "1
.11.. .411.1 refunded. For rote wlndrsale and retail, ot
" J 11.
'tiv *Lit
rip F; A • ng IN 1 Amertaan rt •1-
ide Tin Set, Plated 4. Plat.,) Oaken. Candi...irk,
. node, and Trayo; Plated Brun layt. quality hoer It.
ALM Table Cutlery, :Byer Yorks. ""'
ter Knives. Plated ...Idioms. Oilier Pork. end Ow
T3blo MstT TON Truss of tine Birmingham nianufaelm ,
hichly omminentoal.. Plated Trave of beautiful PnUer..
A tery superior Nader for ;Irani., and Intiohleu
o'r". Renstbes for cleaning. Clumule .15.1n0, Peather
Isindero, aro
to - d .roa Ilamirtnta—buyer's selehratosl listrben,
about the Aye of • ha, whk,h will make
steak. oplere, or any thing else In • ler minute.
For Kale by
Oar. Market. and Fourth sla
4 4 . 1
No ban lennons,in prime order.= coosignmes.
Oa) Inds Malone., peke. caopengr
15 brie Roll Butter;
I 00 bus. flab,
GU brie Tintuthy Reeii - Un hand wad (Dr male
ja2l 140 LlbeitY Watt
31,.17./::f 11
.4 i. 4
wi s
.WI .7
Grata... Ilturaztne for March, with 141 ;awe,
. llorupulturbt. fur Fobraa.r) ,
Cultivator: d.;
Whig Retbor de%
bilo'p law-10a.
Mobeale'r Magathabfio.2. -
Wotan. 4%' Gram Aguilar.
[bane luthronor. baler. mothers mai ,Laurhbor.
Motbrea Itcorataroo.
Pair Dereptinto the blatory of !be human
Maul: Mrp. ?Mac
Moor, ont..aton. to I I P. h. Jan., Dar.
4.r pair at HOLMES' Litorarl thP I ‘aa
I 11. 1)1 D NEW PIANOS- 1 01,
h I. LB NI: tat, plt.s.tun3 in an.
unnit...ig that ts. /inn vio . awai a int of
Ciuntw lb. seisLcattAl mak, 44
Sw. al A Man., Cork. whieh. with those
ant hand, forni and ca.l.enri3O mtnrk
°Serval hi (lint t , tf.
A nit'ast: tolliera. our snleudiA 7 otlate &whit. rarted Kano.
I,+'t'.\7a , 'stub.. with itse no, ititsn.v..inent 4th. to
stela I.l..latrA. anal nisa inm.irtant )ninsrtsnwist. It to.
finiva tni Nunn , Purr.. Also. two atzrent.
iolinn Mtaelanut Plano ,
11.-• An out
of Sew
Packet, Commercial mill
■-qm.rup Pt. arml Co. Paper.n tar, mimilr of all 'an..
rukd and plain. Mtn. alma, white. lor .41.. on
tsrnisnt IV S. 11AV MS'S
N 4 YTE-S AND DltAFlS.—Etigrae.l and
Sterrovialsit Note: , and Draft; its toiw v t
beautiful Jr.
in 40,14. or Wont! in I.sit. of SlV+t. FUt
sal , . at Si. N. HAYES'S !Sank It.k Store.
lama) taw. 31orkA.noti.,stind sta,
A ren..isiernal. anal tmtl.l
_ .
1.1,1:13t TED
It ITIN4; INK—Arnold',4lVriiiug
11,blore.Cloonscal rluid and Col Ink
Ilarnnuu). Columbian ink and blna
Tholmonol's Commore/al
and rol.
Frouell Carmine 111. Von nak bi n ILO EN.
1 7 7 A new rla,i.nitliellonuy of i;rwk.s..l 14nann
Punt, nun
6,l"me.k laul Rowan lio•cmphy and NI
1,, William ,-,with Ll.. D . ' , Mora 1m Dolt... Hen
tan' Il.uvan Aulhitsifi, owl of limrla :LIM Roman Biography
Tl:. l l=l7 ' , ' Zl.V.:,:g tb „.. " , " .ll " lZl;:rr-- 7s rn :.).
,„ he, 011111,..rt South,. 11. A.. Go
nte,of Plumbhuml,thunlwrlnnil. Volt hound cloth, with
Nr, 6 "f the Ll 6. owl florreepundencr of Robert Sou-
1.4.- of tlw Que,:un of :U.utlettul. ni43 14:.‘11 , 1$ P 1t irra4444,44
4,71.4-.4 wait tbr n,al MIVIV.A.III of Grmit
Aqez4 tAricklitul.muthor ol - I.hus thr lltirrll9l of
The Ikvlanr , of Yu,ry tout 64. eutt;,... nu /u 1.11,. delis •
In 1 111 rruninv
J n a;l ' i 1`.51 4 . ' 1, N 51urnty, 11. 11.
Tbeal., , o• Us...k, just rereUrud, awl r.rqo,,
It O. E.:DX-TON, No. 47
131 A NO HAVENS -10 II ti
‘i IA I Ns. SI II street,
s.als. s lurks sod cr
..1* .1. IN. lA, sod 7 •r W.-.. 1.1
olialoo. Ir..m the maroalutory of CUloitering. rovann. I,
..loot 10. deo Pb,
aro r - 1414y Lott al It.lou ettithm" any ext.,
../..toe. Inte
Inouprlufonu ay . nal mall .a,o, warranted
.4.1 Home , tatou in pot. ~., moot at [lar full value.
.14.11 a. II LI CILIA PI:,
far elnekennot. roue.. for IVent R.
au al Waal strorl
ja olreek and Roman }Dumpily. Metholoal • atol
,raoh s , tort', upon the Itlelkutury ot tlro-k tool Do
;halt Itiournsl,, .1.1 11,111,1.0 . It. Wal Satith. L. to ll
Itertred hr I' Antholt. of the gtosl.. of rothautt.tuel Eliglinh Prp5,......
PT 3513- Stll.7l,lmnal Vol I.t. •
Ti , ,. 1.11. amt Core..pontletin , .nt 11.. :Mother Edited it,
1,t.... 11, la, ti I . Soothe, M. A I rol , lvt) . inti.
Ti,,. Dodos.. of Purer,. anti IR 0111 , 3., An Addle ....It ,
~..I ot the Itroltra. Titters...lo. oh % bi.. 45% ort.n.
u t a ...wrt .1. 1,1, 1.3 R.t N Murntr. It It.
.ht. reeetted and for Nth. 1,, It ic,,piu Nek,
N ....,„ ~,....,_ .. .
r , g,,,,,.
~... It Maiden, a relehrated Rural From r,,, 7 , A ,
I ~ etwra ofJo-rottlo. toe:Rohe •
• Mother. Liszt faithful tom, .313.15 3.331,1.1 . , 0 Fleter
Su ...I, qt. deep , toy Alice foto. to , c. Ftoo ,
I'd olio : ether DID bonito( name.
Poute mutton, route; or Tram...dint.
We mat le• Itappy„tot . from the Daughter. a 1 4 1 Duet,
tuoto, (lariat. 5 {.3s , frito mat tooehintr lotth,
113.3 WWI. routulollthe Viva that
thee 1
1,,,, D.IL ~ d.. 1 ,O. recoember useet Alin.
I..tne Polka. be $ la Venter
the ...I.lnth.l Pelka Ittsure.. 1
leattett 33.1 Jennott—o,att,lete
Fat,loath-ale , to Mr, Fr0...1 Feehltat Polt•
I.lit ht1),..1,1 Dor> ~,,, Ile, clot Chat INII,
Irk 1'..11, Ilateltober Polk, ,
Lille quo.trllleo- very t-ser .nd ' , tette
Poo , trutartlltst. I:testrotA Pollk 011rOtesty Cotallua,
A aer: ttllttott or Dante° , !Fem.-tom. I, Potato, mitts
sit aralttionol tow...anew 1er..4..
Clash'. CAtmeht.ut Pa the halo,
Iturn , %, , Plano herts Print, Rorvired by
• !MIN 11. MELIAIII,SI Woo. -I
$ It —0 very tare.. otoel or Near Platnn la/minv, nod
• $lll to open for +al.. thty week. ja , ll
I.ltortr. Depot. Thlnl .reat. otorytatite , '` er
l r Po. Wane'
Ilessrl trtuut,n . n Jambi. rtore of• the
P.eiooof Goor,t• 1 ID it R. lane, Esl
The Duette., or WAT13.3n . .. 11,,.. utet Woman , Hates-,
$ hualtondalos 3 .eel. Tly 11n. anothstorth.
011 ea: a rime!. Ry the author of erThe itßer -
thane Ihßueuer, a Title AT Mother, and Raoul...ea PO
flow.. Aeollee
11.111er , Ilerotrty•etter Ile Gnu, Aanallar.
Batik., llnzmatoe for Januar,.
Whiz Votary, tor 1,11. i
No I of the Arco Aran IllurrahanP.l ollaien of (hr. - avert,
J 3.........
New Books, just reCeiva
ho. I t. Intht
Othittlarf. holte procrevelve exttilithat r 4 the
ti fl otv tievzint tr. tlovlrned Inc lei:toners ItillereA, mud lie •
hittk of eser nr... thr stittlenthi. arv, ivtlleres. 11, olmthef
liehtleleit I eta ITrhtt nth.,
The Tuuttieltasovhd. livoTt•lt nagß(hth/d•
I.lli Ctrunter Chartal. BY M.i. Menhvf.h.
7"' t l Mlt.trit
The S ettrhiteh , " • tvittarl loth:eller
b.lirtt , 'milt.,
Maxitrlne atvl Ertritterev . !num,. Ftret
number lust received
It, rho , I/term - nazi of 31,1..1.1., void ErtgllO'erina TV
ithrt toed fit tear he 110PKINS.
teat flullthor, hnurth et.
AN f)ItEWS' an , l ethical Latin. lextru...
latvar 1A11,44,1:f1an 114,64.1, of In. William Yrtqltat.
ith whnhate Aral ,metiato from al< let rt a Getter.
Yen alati, Snitcher. heur,o. La It A. Andhra.
Tat ttaeatt roma .a rat Pula, Itnin, ternatal uar.
talatratal rrettlt tratnl Sandra-Is te Intr
anet. I.,ataln. Aral lAhnr Darla of Poll lll+.l. 11.nry
Iltantm. putt., of - 71teArttale bletteptara '' With
Satarattralta, withal ta llama manna.
It, Gram Aurtlar Rennlyett end TT MO, AN
.IoI3aTtICKTON. 47 Ntarkat nt
l'Anahnlet. Steal- tad American cup,.
Prtwr of all rod •pirlitir., rulrd awl pith, 1,111.•
brml or made to
~tJer Oral.
Frrurl. rod Amenrati. fax, rod
.tat , lo, Ity W 111, V kti,
J. 1 1 ,1 Mart. 4, narst, ,n r.
n (m..K AND .1013 PILINTINII-13 b yery
it! i rrL:Acnt!.. a ‘'
• It
14 IATP..K
6 1411715 1 ,Tida, N. Third .1.. I...twren Markel ar.d . V.rrl
ig ATIOIs:EItY—W . S. Ilaggya, cor:ler of
7 ,Clitka and Market da.. ha. for sa/e large nod nano
s•a/rttnrnt of. fate , platform, so haa ever 1.,11
iyelted lo thin market kretvhanta /minified with evert
article in hew ou the mod faiorable term, .1161 , 4
11' at the Ifoliten Hart/. No 101 nu , ' 4 •
11. Kl.EltElt now •i Itµ (mob lot
of elegant Plano, 111340 Ay NUNN, d
%urk, tozmq theta o nylrndkl 7 octave elo-tisl
of the deb/A deerriptionf exterior and tone. It in made
In the Itowert style, In vane In the reign of Louie XIV and
XV. Alen. a ne•r•lot of fashionable and PoPul. Mnaida
And nu et tenedre eel/Kinn of Ilraaa
linitare. Sleloamtv, and every pariety of Putuacal naareban
FAY BOOKS.—llumbolt'a new Work,
k1 .,,,,, Y 1 Tn0n.. or Sketches //f a Phyrierd deneription of
Ira, , Pketrlir..
the Nd_ I rid 12 nui
e • kfeebetnu• amt Engineers' Dietiordgf. Vet Vol
i red.
roo /d
1.16.111113'0 I.rmatte TU./ are well worth
l'or arm b, It./1 . 1.1P/n.
Jain ' Atollo Bud/lima
TIIOIII PSWird., and Ilarrimaa's Mark. Rid. Yersrlet
(Inivtlite Ink,
tabeen, lin - adman and Lang/ton', Jacket...lnk
anJ Monne/ Wadi and Rod feral bmlln.
Inkstando of ever. desurtrillon: 11111/4ga Cohen'. Pratt',
Levy'', lornian'a. mat other rakkaufactums of Bteel
Peng. h. aI- Koilth, (•rtera.mor to A. 11 Bayley di en.)
relehrahal Ifold 1,11., with gold and diver cap.:,
%lutetium's /twit/tit I/Pawing Paper—antlituariat, do
le,. aleph:Yak atlaa. rolutribler, imp, royal. royal and ell"
phant: Itrigad liosnla ran deftly and utodiunt.
Perforated 15.001. fan, 1... Rotor plain gold Lod eilver,
rtnloieaed kuld.•llyer lulored rotor, odd and
rolonal rtrllo And norta.r.. - Itnd lithograph. for fancy Pox,
pretairsalparchment of all rare, andante for deetla. //hurt
or/ and di French nolo paper, alwai• on hand. the
Inuit derinthle Aso/ and pattern, plain. at, entho...
art and eilrenal. euttntde tier 1.11//, wedding, atai
French note envelopes. plain and entharaed: letter envek
open, krona, WWl.' and Nue: 11,1 eral plain aillieslre en
ve l o nea, WO. blue and whin.
Wafer], war, rut, Parioto. patterns writing 10 . 1 1 hnsa-r
1/lumps/a fort Turkey btotwiad sand
Ink.. brurto, krench and Euglirb ropying hooka. and nil
paper. .spore f all color, red and white palktit blot.
' 4l=r.;:llTl!ritter artlele• ie Stationery Line,
both fatrey 011 d together wt
a large areeirknoint
blank 100
fool nientonosium lisake of all etwanon fornt•
id ruling, to eier, le oh Wallow, and paper Irf allco
and /mantic , . for eel, at redunal ratee on the moot num.
ahle term, at . S. IIAYEN't•
hlank 11104. and Stationery Warehowe.
non; gran, of Market and ionaiel•treola
, PrAls:Disit. THE PURITAN, it Tule of
I ?BABM of Inn
d. IfMerle d'Aulwne. U. ft- Proaident of the Thera....
4/1.1 otol of ilenetaa, and l'ire Prrlident of the Societe'
Erangs lune. Tranfilatrit ley 11. White, U. A., Trinity Ord.
lege. t ntgalc
Kent k. ttr. I Ildorr• Antidnith'e. and Biography li
hograt Iby forty ...graviton/. By Lewis Gollinn
The a re *Priv. for sale hy 11. 87'1%.111T0N,
ltookeelk/r and Stationer.
Garner of Market and Third da.
N theA
v.' ~.4,
• •
/1 . ~,,,,,,,.....ii. w. Pod I Mk,— '
r t,re' Magsvor 6o Jmnuar,.
oliv .. s novel, by the sethor'ntrTbe Nilriev."
The Mother's Iteratill. , .. , . • nova. MY Ors. Airnibit
the Lotter:lll,r two mrriages—a ovel.
The Ladder of liold—an English sun,
To Love apt to tw lanni—a tals.
eutllne of Brun,widt. MY U. ML M. nelooldv.
Tbe , lionklab enufelndonaL _
ty. 1 47, ',LA.' tr'111;,../i:;&. 13 `...'% e.; Decline of
11, o Journal. No lot new volume : Lon
IE Y E LOPE B.—Just roteived, a large
ru:tlTy - of UWE blue, an 4 whin" Envelope, of all
st, rWe at unnwalli low rkes at
W. 8.11AY48,_ atweary bo.,
. Auld siii H sew damts. •
'I,INE MAN;:-Pelton's splendid Out
the Map. am Introduced In all the leading
! , ti Near liMeland and - New York. W« lu,ve obtain.
agency R , r them In Pittsburgh. sad Invite trar_hera
~ olrogintitter, to call and eaamine them.
Map of the Weetrrn Ileml.phrre, 82 do n inches.
do kastern do
do North Morel, 70 a .4
In LI hited Pude., TO x A . .:
do Eur , ,, TO z WI
; 1 • :Ilinellea A Al.**, WI X l s4l '
'.4 ti0....r0, with kr,. 1.2..% or the find two Remit
ate. with key, Flo.
7.:= ' ,-; t7:0",:1,',7_.W,.'„ i;rt''''',"' d 'l.l;
I, reboot. of the U11{44 Rah,
i ' d . rilil l t. U6 TlllTalllZ llll4lll;l2l ! '4'h'
Corn, of Market sad Fourth at.
orris and Willis's Home Journal.
11.1.911E1l every Saturday in New York
at Two Dollars a rear. payable In all nor,. In
Yl or Ant:try—n(ller of the Home Journal. No.
btu revt. New York. lb,stubsr 11Z0.—To
t may ...mem: Thla may certif., - that J.
autboriYed ~it hit3loatua a WILL,'
wax, and that rerripti given by him lunartr mid paper will le duly ark DOW 1.15..1 by as at tht
publicahon. and it IF etmsoly agnYsl 1 undr,
hat a/I autwerlptions are Parable on. , Yet. in ad
The new Tolosa.. wtll tymmenee the Ist of Jauu
übslintion. r,elaryl by J. B. Holm., Third meet
the moiuun k
Editor, and Proprielunt._
Drag and prescription Store for Sale.
ri l gVnirt
6-rt , l Orme. For further—partir.lan
a .ppl, at the rhn nick. qftler.
Q INCE the introauction of this new CMIII-
I — lpintrrd. rough. Ma am. al , A.M..] toe vary ahtor:
time. He ill v.... Dr. KrTe”r" , Pff , " ml
rum ..sunt cA in
avat rh
nab' Lalgualti..
.. •
IT lIA, AN KATI /tELI' NNW AVTION--Thr old t'evyl.
%% brit,. dl Air L.a tbe A.A.:mat And
is e, dtencrre.l.l.• Wan the totuth Hera. Mi. I,Asv I
444 to !lie Ali Iturr. (..r Itltirnwsta noOthinV RrtxL
nod it 16111 nr, A.m, A-17/ Ir .rittrufrl I Tb, r.l
1.1.00 a. In terror 0( ilex undulm Innur rit,.l3 - 0111 , 0sr owu
.110uhl ...ay.., au ..Ow
, o.° ot .., It di
ah, atul Irsa 0.3 0,
Man I. ocu prartao for a uuinher of Iran% will: lb.
from ovine writs, th.-it
her heeriedilieteil with ',enrich rail esp.. the
%teeth horrie alll
!hid iefts.p lut
rh. • 4„. cured .1 genii...etas. infl
eir. vale. 'kind
hir ei r thr 'care been itiel the .
hius..,id I, the uie 1,41 iir lerttlei.
•.• • .
tritnl ft) ?tits. c•tuttetnuin In.tu Itt.ttriu.
Mut k tutu, 1.1. Itte4tt-a.l rut. It. Ira Kt... 1 urtiti,.
lie It, u..l it tu t•utt eat. , mut to the. crt-wl• tutttulutr.t.
a hit Ituntlt .11 It lb.. nut.l tuort•-m.
. ottr TIM Cut:Aron NtkuituNits UVIRN—it it
. .
V in li.ll out al 50 or. ma I.A.tlp
1.,,,,1 . er0ny.5.r.r.m.r. , would .In In imp m o
medicine eis ull 14- l
one of P
µrfr - tut PM
elle - aa:tea! ever ili•einerml
. .11
- one of the nuetrion, but .in berd
thei. II iviint r.i 1 . 4M/1111.
SIM, PIP) Lae tlif, al ran. ion It 1.• in it
eism , of Lin it.. valuable wet herb+ of Ili.. tiff/Aerie
111.10 .1 1 1111,11. - explupouudrd fier.l ekilien in Ile .
00 Thee/ . 1 , 0 I/P.1, 1. 1 1 0o) in tide It 1-
pre.reil eon rilr. afel the
eite.rtitinile• In. pinion. in dour own iatietiiinll,
• be 11100 n nit, fieriion
A*, fat, INTrAIIIII,II,II/0111 :000. 110 W.lllllO
Plll - 11W N1.111,e111.1 1 1 1 1 1 4 11111 111 . 111 e 0, 111,We 4110 oill
. . . ••• .
VA !II 116..1te11m. It %111 KIJ lar,
to Al ..111,1m,dre.lta, betlttitollontbtotn..tot,
..`t's It , by Itlmr.lnv -Moir halitba the croolott
for 10p0 t t.11.., ,, 1 11,, 5turbl bast-v., pr4tit,l
I,r Itoltoalr,.albl tt, MrllOM
1-1 , 1 ‘Vo.otbNrrt,f,l . lll, t,, .1
lel.bor to...oitt ettoutt tu1dt,...1. A 1.,, for -rtlo by
W M Com . All. ttbon, ril, ; IbllrbtArt,
lloorxr 11,114. M ;Wont:bon Joba, 11 Durban:tn. 111,1 tort
1r0r,.;.• nor. Moliot , ..port; J. 11. V1.M,11. 123.11 0 11 4 . UM
11, Ito-ratan. nul tlrtlettbl, metolttllt .
SELLERS' LIVER PI LL—"The vi,ry lieFt
K440.11' Cord, [for, Ja.. 1. 1,1.
Alr. K nolier.L-lirmr nir. rinlo 'Lou 11..1 it
ir ounirdr prrha.o on" riitt Inn non
in no. n I.lsor nn.l ii..rnarin..l Id tog., an
Anti Itiliour POI. It I, very lughly ooloorioal Vaal
nutp Na 1,01111 aha Mt.i'lan". all . I k..n .
II min inonk lwn, m, own ect.rinee, Ina. Oro or
',riot., 0t loth' of w, trim...Nand roido niorn
—I am nornill.ol In .lion the original lott.d. but
not I. nublirli the winter'.
Idior Oridiood.l.lo" TM.' alai
0,,, ,• All olio, aro oionlrrfolle lin, in...1...r
l'unlitioorn. toroth , . that K. K. Firllorri` Id'er Inns Ore
thoorigiunl and 001' fro, mud gini Kill. and
inni lind at No FA Wt....trod, tuno ve,
rail, lu tho (no cf., nod vlolodd
y; L LEIN' LI VF:II PI LLS emiwrre,ll. all
ollittaa CtortAalsAt.ta— Sttl , '• 1 . 1,41 —M. It IL
tt,ltaa. I tttA 1,11. hart. laa+tute tat pottalaz at Ihia r
ita'4;'fttf:A.:t2t.llVa:;rllll'l!"rh -""" l 7 ;:t i rra 'i . "
I,ltaAl ••(a 1,11,1 JAMES A LitIVIS.
Purttita.atra rtaatll,l Iltitt It E Follt•ra' Liver Pillr arr 11A.
tAtt..ittAl And tAtly taut. tt.! at 1.1,11;. LiAttr 1,11. Atal pant to
Istal at N. ...I ,AtaaA. awl 01 1,041.3,1 , a at.tterAlly In
lit .11111:\ MITI RAY'S FLUID . NI.ItiNESIA
lit the lintneiii ite f the Itioanteir
.L : 7l . P .L ' il=elTii . iitionni. thir„ care
The. .I.i.ntit retannmenaled In all new. of
We. anat.,. initigottlon, gout, andgrar. I. o. the 'tool
a-. and itteetuaLforen whichMonne:am stoat. snit
the ow, iine_th bieh it onght la ealidlnied tee
aeo.lug all the priavertirs of diet llegneala 'bow to general
in, 'villain being liable like it: to farm :Inngeratto enncre
tom. in lb. Nrvik. it earetualle gut, heartburn withant
iintitiinaithr cowl. of the .thrnarlt.aa *ado Vital , and their
earl...unit- are known la die It pretenta ti do cant of "dant%
tundra.; :tour, in all roaeiett not., non pieneing Man - hind an 4
I. twicullorit adapted to female,.
Itav r tfatitled mot thb eolittlon fern,. oil
utile ith one and glib. eaai. of gent rind
rovel. (Level,. rounterarline their inthrion , tondenv i li
when ollair nit alito and even Marna;, idol,. had
/rem libilit,taratnlinini Bark. lint'aelin i a' I" the
Ann! Initandi
-loear +.r-littaire eon lainailoubt that `ilagneals Mae he
iohnikuitered noire watch in the Corm of cioneantrated on
Dillon than in .ulatani. hir end mint other reaoitia,
ani of otanrin that the Fluid klacneria la a ter y tot noble
adding. te
la our Maria Medic.. I'lll LI
lanai. I lark, Dr. Bright, and
itithrts. I nd Ilertaiet Modnod Landon. attoaltili reirienmend
Final klegiaitimfiga being Infinitely node .ate and
vnts••• tt ment the the mslid. and free Imnt.tlia dung,
ttitat rl andpnrrielvir aitente.
B at.ld Ynint
_ . . . _
N T LN INO nd 91ervurc, other
,tinrr,a fellotrinn toetimootsl ;MA 41t,t3 In- the
I .tZte t a h t:
-11 seine been made new:tainted with the lorre•lemte
nhh h mcnyeee MeAle.ter , All llealint,hMnseat.amt hat
au pren-ntrrtl and .4.1 It to revert! In m 1 Pnv-tn
rnet... 1 hare to he.tatten in ut Ina or sertif, me I het
t• 4 Vete-TAW.- Itetnelr. runt:di:hoz t mlnentldah-tanre
han err. that it. Inerediente ernuldned to that am. and
.ed :yr directed I. the prernetor. am tun emit - harret-te.
hot of mat ,dne. bele, a trot, eeleutlfe- of great
pence. and I cheerfully rentenduend It a. a rempottral
•Inch to.te mnehand mbleh mnµnett tl
of emet varlet, of on-
Tltough I have newer
etther renummentied nr ant:taunt to tint pale of medi
cine, rennet her the [rub Inatent. tnn..mentiour. humane
enamel,' of the proprietne of thl• ointment and the rani.
,•I 1e..11-n-erery.ehher me to +ay thug much menng it.
hen Sink. April . .02.,10.1. IV BEACH. I,
Items— It I. one °III. thirigninthe world for bums.
latr.—Thonsatids are yearly cured .by thin Ointment.
It weer falls In 0.11.4 .
orTanicirs Ulcer, md all Linde of S..t. liMno.lawl.
If Mother.. and harm knew Its value tae.A.
m.. of Swalleu
or Soo. 111.4,4 m, alworsaPpPe it lu ;work ram-.
if areordniu to directions It con relief ht s very f-rr
Amund lbe my .11rvelk , n+ for mho, licAllidee.
Bronchi lhi tis Aermus Affections. 00, LA...* of tbe .pios
Head Acb., Burn; Corr. .11 Di_olow. of the Skin, so,
Phoidr, . Swelling of the Lionte.kon. Rheum.
Omni. Pile's Cold Prot, Pion, rowelled or limkon
I.` " "'
Them Ir., never. own... a M,.lfiine laimetil before the
üblic. no sh
g has in ea ort a tinio won ollch a reputation an
IleAllimterS Annealing or World Fah. Almost every
, pereon that has Mode trial of it speols warm], 141 it, 1d . .. ,
lino ha. beet, eon n of the Met painful' rheum:dons
another of We vile... third of .•trootble-ome win in the
Ade. a fourth of a ;welling
the hail.. no. If it does not
give inmeritate reboot lo evt ra. it nn do no hoar,.
being applealmtwanily
A. thisstl of We wonderful haling Pews , W.—
reessl by t mire. we sidarrin Adlowing riatkate.
trim ....reelable citizen .0 Nlaalencreet township. iu th.
• thildenemek, Berton, !larch ISJI.
Ninon. flitter A 12.—1 Morita. to Inform you that I erne
eutirely emeil of never, tam in the hark. by the Or ol
NleAllister's Ali ifealnug Salm. whielo 11,urohmed from
you I offend with it for almod trend yea, midst night
w to,
woad. ineep. Miring that time I tried rations
reutrelin, • loch vivo, puss-ribs! for me b ph,i ions and
,other peogins without ow/riving any nut a la ,
teal ofhlita valor. with a remit favorable Norma ex
pectation lum now ...Ind, In. !matte. plin.and eatul
at night it P'an'ful and ewer! .I..ep I hem flip, mai tlio
' r door for ...1.013 , 1 other nmpLaints. with
l de prujwietor of Basta;. rassliclue.
Pronemal No 'AS North Third st, Philadelphia
!tors, Pirtsuranot—it A. Pahutodoek en., eerm.r
ty,,,,d a nd Fir, no,. IVot, J0e1..., N. 20U Lawny mer-t:
1.. jr, miner of Marrot street-mid the liialatual.
oho corner of Fourth and Pluiilleld et,: J.
oilVolnot rtol FIR!. Al ant, aud roll at the
Look.dorto ernitlitield etr , ol. third door Mini
In Allegheni city by 11. V. Schwartz amt
~ 0
tiILIL:7 5.
mgabela city Vt. I an k Co_ and J. 7'. roam.
Browner lido. Earl. ‘. nearer, 1., John Itonl.rbad. .11 Azin. Itocheeter Jai y
• Wbere Is the man who de trot atipmebst. the (usury
a m ravy :Ware? If my darn, e. we do not ..!drew our
wives to then. But to all if lon wish h.
render shaving a pleasure. purelonsr Imo. ofd On timers
Almond Platarldo. or Ambnwial Sharing Crean. It is ut
teri, Impenible h. Mel word. to 'describe tho feeling. tif a
person—who hm been torsi to shay lug with °NMI., awn , —
upon making trial of th. for the BM time. It Is a emnbi.
nation of notnler. and plemans
JPI.BS IMPEL'S • SHAN INtl CREAN! in es tingle
emollient, nrtalroing the stiffest and most wit" hoard .E
and pliable. producing an mintivable lather. awl by ex mild piton• allwelng the Imitation. end ptererinott
that umlerimit.und FIAT &olio. of the akin, which ten
of4a rsordien,d oft, thaviag.
ilentternen oda, Jul.., Heuer. Stating Cram, 1000
is,ldest an.l most piercing winds lonmedlatel, oder Its
the elan lwroMlll. chapped. Aral tines.wino
ma. it. we ran my, will never nee tiny other.
One great klvartioge---whkh !Oil be especially antiertia
. ted by Ohm who wear ishlskenk—ls the fort thatit
a rilae!
disenfor the beard. which toned mom will do, on ving sand y
or rusty appearance to the edge of the whiskers,
Jules I lamer. Shooing Creamemodelig lo htfulpretuoations.
compoontle,l with FMB.. In the utter rarluen of allmnries
cakulatol to tender the oprentlou of sharing Minim...,
and will be iippmeinted by ell 111110 make trial cif theta.
prepansl onlr ,
lIA UFA.. I.crfularr and Chemist.-
P.M Chesnut ;beet Philadelphia.
For yole, ,, ai i trietz.l . s ., .tel ; tl B. A. t Coo
• • ,•-• and J.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
.UIUIILIC ATTENTION i, reopectiniiir in
rood to the nollOwing truth-% art forth in telatlon to
f lire' area fan ;.;earl n•n,nlle+of
not I nU .'" Von . one
to heal. hate. rime their. !moron fully appreciated Va . the
commun. . and we allege that Ole tomer It is tri the ,
, more eertaln will it. great fame /Tread. !Lis not the rem.
. der, np for the .flee promote a making money:
but. one. whirl we o! forgotte. manor. In be when
J t other ntrum. herr trie Proleum
• Natural a hestiody.elaimeitl In the . depth. t of the earth
tea power and mem, Onat laughs to prom all h ttttt an
prittim• It is oar duty. when we mite about a mesh
eine, Wa. on write the troll-sthat ir nay nothing mien
10.1e to a...ire thew who may trust our wood or put Nadi.
deuce fn or statements eiek are very apt to retch at
my Italia that twertms relief from dnenne A atury ran
brolly I n t oo, toltdily wrought to answer the ataect 010011.
'Mg or bamboo:am rune of them. Now, dre do not desire
In do our, swore sallow onE that the truth in relation to
o or remedy Mould be told, in order to man. for It a rep.
Moon far exprediug winaie gruel. In the materia med.
M. Plain unvarnished farts —Carp that may tworeartained 1
In our city and neighborhood. lwar ample ...MM./ In fa- I, tern of our own mtimna
who were traally blind. barn been trolorol In rlntd. Set -
eralof binning., to the Stato of Ohio. hare boo
eon,' Anot.M.., the ...of a gentleman in Eearer.
There are others but near hems and near
he referred to by any perkals who have doubt. on the 5u
j..... The. elown were eared after !hry had been obandoo
ed by rhyme:an. as bowie... The Petrolearn will cure.
when need arruntonn dlmetinna—Diarrlina. %watery,
1'11.'.. ith r omo,o,m , t,.wt. Neuralide. Erupt inu. on the Skin,
!Mud. , ou We fart, Chum. son. Eyes, Rioa.rwen, Teller,
Stahl llesJ, win. In the bon. and Joint, old KT, Blooms
Well., Am, Chronic. Coughs. Asthma, Berne/dd. mid all
Palmetto" affection. of a chronic natio.. tending to pro'
duo. Caumniptkin.
Burns and Scalds of the Blulter. and liiilaeys.
Chatmed floods. Esmrfat.l Nipples, Orrow and Haulms
In art. it la to Gni. roserma noottm. 6.• -been tried
In men of the above dlwanws within the past ear Pith the
ma. perfect lemma Certificates that roll ...Midi are In
the hand. rot - the Protwieh , who will lake Sammie In show.
I. s.taTe ' rv% . . th otV i rs 'l' lly or eal ' il ' ho ft a i r ' et:nle medicine, the
Petroleum 1l 0,a . ..A Remedy of the nor. PhYslvians
of high ...ling in the In
ho ornstieninunig In we IL
on their practice. Thew who at lint looked na with donbt
and uncertairity. new willing In award It due praise and
etwaskterations. Before mother re. roll. rund, 1111 0111 la
roLopollrd arkauwltrine that the Petmleum thr womb
nt medicine ever olimeremi. For rale. wholenale
re .
WI. hr KEN SEW k 31eLlOWELL. Ito Wood ort.
Sellers All
.01.1.; D. 51. Curt y. D. A.
Klllott, Joseph Donut., ao.laAvin, seventh street Hl4.
Allegheny City. Al.o. by the pro
_ _
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T WM. MOM'S Cheap Chithing
Flom No. 130 Libertf
b. trvprietur'of the abov,i establiatnnent being ilMilOtta
of dispwing of the balance of him whin, nook, to make
man fur hia ottendre purrhame , for Sprit., elontlr to ar-•
gre. hag deternnowl to offer then at goavtly reduced
rin. kw eroh. thrum who want gunl, Inabinnable and
aril made Clothing, will God it grvally to their advantage
to (swot hint will, a tall,. great harindaa all/ la . offend.
New Books Just Received.
A TON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; anauto
th,entphy'. I rod. Moo, ono.
ropular ltdooatlno. fur oh- am of panmhe and teatime",
aod toe.soung Newels or n.rlit neap& prepared and aataleh.
od soconlanre milli a rroulaUon of the ermate
of Represoofatly ra of the Ude of modem. Br los May
bow, A. It. late soperlaSoodent of public instenetlon. I rot .
Abbott'. If en Back—filstory of Mazzo Inclond,by John
.eith euirrawtoaa ordP4osa wlta• do
rob of ticli i m itate blinorical min. Yon do by
IiMAJ.NO. 78 Atoll* Balithyph gt.
ERE pr. large Aso( Elankula.
1001 ram, LYrh I l l.l...KanwrinKartiele. Iluat riblawatfEEKL
' Et 111: t r rlf, " V!! ' do do
I. du do do do
r.../41. ( 1 1.41 L du
• 1 E...., lin, M 1..: do
• K. Emn..ll
.1.• all twd 41,4.41'1,
Jena*, et4-.41,-.1,445.
do C...4nr.r.._ 1.1.1. .0,0 11,...,04.,
1 .I.rtta. imelr. and sm.; vitx..l.
3 do
1 1
n. 4...1* all on from
ix tu, awl •I, 474.1* utt
et, km and nuAliorts, to In li.ur.l . Pry 110...1* 0'
Iltlol l ll% A 11E1 El..
N K n,r. Fourth a 01.1..••1
117111'n; IIEANS reveiled and
or b, I EL V. 0.11111 V Ell
Loti{ll —T. 1 4.111 y Istrrols Jolt thirty keg, No.
I Lanl r. , *;,11a.1 mt. Kr ral. to,
,A3II I KI. 1 .
• _
, ASII ' , oft Tut.; DIFFERENT li.R. AI E S
,1 ol lT and 1,01 by 101 l II LEE
7lt urpb, a lturelll...l/14 , 11110. Es 1.-4 W .+ ..molar
mod cnr,ul
rupmor linenrwnrrnuled 1.0-1100.
4nd4t.414 nt tom 64,n.‘111.,
t 41INESE ni
N.Eltt,ON LI —7 4 lbs for Rai°
1111 J. 61110 s W.
111 harr
Pit w 4 Lf Jall jel.sll:ll,e.l4voelral,)
°NIIM.-511lb, for sale by •
1.11 a KIDD
utrA It LEAD-1 cook fbr sale by
I 1 000 J d 441
IN It l'( )I N %V ANTED of ryr rv.desurjr
m id lb.. 1.10,1 yrrnalint Ca. is, kLus..i.,
NS ea,
1,11,1 ka.,
S N 1 . 44 1 1
5 (:/ ,
I byl
4 has, real.4l Ih•aoht,
lyty.i . rallo.r4,
1.44, lkg.ovy Eor,
AOO.l 01.1 E, (n. 1,1 Alea.ll. •r My, er, 4. fur 4.410 by
J. 12 7. 1,,1 All 1•1, 7 1,EV A 111. 1V.,.r 0 Eyont •Is
I )IEA It LS— I 5 .Iperior, for sole by
W 11•1440 RoCANDLESR
- _
111 (ILI, 1 - 11 , TTKII - Twetay lambs prime
.n I '.‘
./.41 , 441 5445141471. SIIILIVER
.14.14 Enr. PA - <ale by
a4l II
I 'k
1" A I'l'l N.--Fifty
I j i f t ., S.l\lll LI. I'. 511E11 Y.R.. .
MK N-2.00 bii d. yElboW, for s•ilo by
SI ids t. 151 , 1.E.55
I Tun'. Egy k Plank
'Eat h. lit•lnnr•ti coy!l..ui.rill. Tch.4rapb:
hh..L4ll , vay EtorlE llmyl nL IS k 1.•• SEA
A. b. 1117•011.1 , S ro.
74 4•44 rib yt
sATI NS. of the most. desirable
40,4 1.1.0 Eh. l
turves new crop, received
; 111 1 .".'I l;i0M ' V;;;t ' i 47: 1114 , 111 ft, .
FISH —75 brie :Ilackerel
0,1,1, Or ,Jra
SOHA , ASH-2.../casks Johnston ' brand,
ta, J. U. FIAIPn
f. 4 nolc 1 13: 11,
I 5 ea.kt. Carolina fn
j r . :l:l H e s
. 11 CST RECEIVED from the Phillips,ville
cr on CinZit Faecurv.
Mn, y Art I, II ,rt/i1 r1t411;
yttrtl4 4-1 an do.
. . . I
.21yr j.rd, 144 Wagon? OH Ilo , I1o: Thrt ,,, , ,
SO olooreto —• 1..1/0r.... Talolr. :Ann u l andl , l .„.
o,orooroo. oot loatrot 10-olbrr rool.h..rott lorroutoro I roa . I lt 9
lotols,tlr mod r00t0011 , ..1. Ihr o end j ay - rolocor i „olioio d. . ii , , ,.
II or•ol Alro.•-o
WE ASSURANCE —lnsurance c0 , r , ,, ,,t 1 ... T r-
A ~n . t.i.,,, th... , - , .11 7, ~,v i ' l ' " 11 " . 7 . . 7 ;:ektr I , :s'
ti- inoLooPou Nettrovsl Yuan Fnnot MR Ao/ouraror. .. •
'r Yo l o . o ' n ' otro i tlC ' 4l ‘ ,. ' r , ;:::l ' g r 7 1 ,..,,..., ,-. 1 0g , , ,, „ ai t .
roooololrrool tit orratu . moto cirroollro i tiqy.
a. t.tAin i ise . : ,,,,,...
Inf lima...( II .7131, u' B+,.ll Itooor Oros, Frovirlb.
i SRI) OIL: 5 l;r1s Sinn, F.; rsvii;.l, c,r sale
obolf FYI Fl. NlarrllF.ll6/ , to
lINSEED all: 5 brIA pure New Candle
-4 y !!_k l- ''' " . " 1- d t° . ' lot ;-100 by
.1 :..[:1...4),;, trru.r. a on.
' 1 , . I.}(
ba l l „ t i ' r:). mA for RorritEtv:,„ro.
, del;
i iii.§ll. I l i ?
, il r r i i , N N l „ ar i . r. i 72; „s O n;,r, 3 ,, l rr oF . kuzel;
I , Lime ('..10ut.: I' to
'1 . ..0r '''' r'....."'d
h il. a S. lIARBAUGII.
HOPS. 9 hales for sale by •
UNI)It I hundred ta.111.. N.
CASKS Mtispitxr•r A: SON'S Soda
A 1. ., U. re 4.4 fOr sale 1, •
. •
] ERICS- - --Elder Flowerx, Sage.l
-L i !, 7u " `'":1. 4 `721 r 17 1.1 Wor4 rt.
1 AM) OIL. s 14,1 s rereivol on mnsig,a
-i4 mnit, far by W A I.IANHO
I .WHrt *Arrel
J O. MOLLS: -4 h:S. U, brim crop, jut=t
n• - rned au,l IF to H. A. itIiNININGII A
ItAk lAI. rtT .
- 11 4 ` 1 11ESH ItOl.cisvrrEit. 4 brio just req
.J brawl. for I.Hr Ay J. N 11„4. CUNNINGHAM.
IiTIIITE.FISTI. •75 hrla and hi ' hria for
V wale by .1,27 ISAIAH rackEY A CO.
HICKORY NUTS. G hav for sa,le L e y
IL 337 J.. 0. WATF;IEMAN t
OULU CA N IfLES. '2O box.", for sale by
0A P. 150 I,o‘eB Ipuitaille No. I Rosin:
c- t - ZaifVll 7 ls ~ co.
tn....7174..?U;T:r . 17:i " htfr.r i
21110dozett (lope Yarn
~ fur rile by
1,5 I,,regLlr by
5 1.01.6. ju,t received and
ill,lVater I tnad. l•
1 1 1 OUR. IGO bbls. for rule by
I. Y 7 AN I / MOLASSES. Extra Refin
ftl,i`tratAl.rk Syrup. It Tr, ist . ry•rfor attirlo
hoktht ST.rup from the St. Inuts n irtery.
SaLlir Mohuree do do
Neir'Orteorts do fof Aale by
• pet WM. A. MATHEII a (TO- 2A Liberty it.
QaPA ASII. 75 casks Kurtz brand for sale
I by deNt d NV. HAEHAUGH.
I II OLI, 120 buds. prime, reveiv
• ,41 Cot tAte Icy dt:ti 2t. &W. HAUBAITHE
91A LLOW. 50 bids. prime for sale 11
lIEESE. 50 losses NV. IL Close for aalle,
by UT, S. d W. HAW:IMAM.
DIG METAL. 17G tons for rolliMeniill
• ttsrrh..4., , HUEY. MATTHEWS A (11.
.I)EACIIES. 173 bags per Mavllower, fur
IL RM.. by del7 RIO - . AIATTif EIVS a M
l U , T . ,, IfER. '2O IMIs roll. Mr sale by -
I~Room 40 daxemfor sale hy •
11 .1 LEASE. 'I bile. now landing from the
• ,tramet IkTit•TA. Arral. by
Woh, attl-Etont stints.
WO Imes - for ,ale by
4.11,11001.1 Boolo. 4 .—Educutional -Workn,
Olobes. Mart, Im.trumonta. Rations,. Carter's pub
jai Mnrk it
dtmlN NIEAL.
.?,..rllau t A 114 um'', ."..
41.:41 a W. mititArin.
.1 INSEED OIL. 10 Man received for sale
hr arm F. R W. !IA =AVIA!.
. _
Uhl3ll U.IRAR. -- 1500 HU: just received
‘...11 mut tin IlitAtn .4. 'REITER.
turner S- Clair mut LAcrty pt. ,
4RNh;SS. 40 efi pairs Ilorig ultd
to L. S wiercnaux SONS.
IA InliO—S l Ibv Spanish Float, Madras
Slumlle. tor r 314. 1, do3ll J..KIDD d CO.
pA INTIN(1--Ifiike and sign
N. ir...4.';l:Zi.ilirL=9.l4'nl;lll4:7lZ,gr=l; nu; do
Pnlut Ins and III:ulnar !Imp a , nay 111 . 111, 1). 1 " T. fn thy
My. st 24 tietrnnyled tri do it.
.1 t U. ViiILLMS
lIIDES. 124 i l)ryl!iaes;
•1 LuuSlelN+, SCinr landbig far mlf. by
d.•]'./ . HOBERT . DAL2KLI: t CO.
VELVET PILE CARPETS of the richest
euirls Ln( et)le, rue' be butt 4 th.• C 4 Te ,
{Cart hot.. Fi:l Fourth et, at uthau tu , r thurY
%us u,of the B,uttern cuth, W. 3ITLINTOCK..
1 11F:ESE. 1000 hoses for sale by;
W , ILE., b ‘CIII:. •3enck.!wdll bb
ROLL BUTTER. I , fi b l t ;pLi roll;
P.:7;,...1611`1 , 1* 1 Zt41NS
- Liam on. cuiNri: received this day
nu the Carpvt IVan.ltottaw,-) !mirth a
I %IO,I4SSES. 50 h i lt 1 . 7r ... car . fl p , A r4l , i i .le
Junfiewlyed by esprrv , , wiother lot of tboor,;uojuo
aluable uuly rale undyy..yr,t razor maul,
1..""". 3315 W. W. W
~R, Harris* Haworth. in the Mamma, have this day t
mir par packet ship lad•onstdre, about L. Ilw. of •
Ptrung and Rough Flaroreal Iliac* Tunt, th e very bast that
could be praeunni in th e Ethalth market. Piiee ho cants!
.Ul5 cents per lb.
MO Tea Market In,the lAaraend. east Ade. .: , Jan
'--- ' --
,x• filiglitlA—!j • ,i . . end Sb. SI. II;
" . Pige---Flne to attra;
/Rump—Unrdeadau .
. - - lieglaw—Ualnut and lierklnn ,
. ' Preaerrad et..h... !law. , ;ealw." s. , ''''...`"`Wr•
ale by aa24 • J. lc VT11.14 , 01 .4!1 .. .„ _
t i JUID tt GREASELTeII loi•ls I u. I Lalli;
4 Lyle new landirnfuatraurrllbtag
u d vicleya‘
1..13bl w... ti.aar.
"Thom are mom ihingetln hearer. and mirth,
...Than are dreampt of to pinkroplty... ,
TIIE VIRTUES of this remarkable come
dr, of the ontolsast siTlicaliurs fur It, to the motai
etoe.ll.tothiont him to have it tOt up In tottlok with Ito
lots and direction, for rho b o o s tt of lb , public- • s
Th e perlathEUM poottonl fotan a weld In thiami.
fr„ nd a depth or Icor hurchmt Rot. is a zinc, cinindnltorti."
14 ankh.. without ant rlternioal change. hatjust„its It
r.osa from Nalure'a Orval Labratory/ }'hat it contra=
propertirs marling a number of dbraos, I. an longer •
loaner uneortaintr. Them are mane things to the sr
nom of rattan, vi hich.. If two, might be of vast metal.
xa i n. .Beetatiny sod:tering. and rndotitnt the Mom of
health and t Icor to man, a otlinrer. fool, hefts. the Pro
prietor thought of plittinh- it ay in tollt.m. it bad a .nat.
Lon P , r the sumo( thseaso. 'Mint...octant awl dant. Melva
tor th and nevem/ remartotto puma It tots tor
formed, is a 10,00 of it, Wino perpoLarity atat I.
marnatirmitt Its eon. of dins.,
" t i tre ' r V.tcrisli to male a Imp pannts of rortifkatt, aa
we am loon-mos that the modiritie
si n non omit Its taT
tido the .1.1 . or Limo oho FILM, nt wish to he luskd
It Mid or do not .laim lid it .1 001..7011 atrolkation
';;r!l'l.l7ltiss.. e unln~laain.gla pap, thAlt.Z.:lll"" nan r4".tatot
oninterstol- 01 the tattoo.. Wont, men a.
1 . 111;01 , 11, th (71 I ITltt. Vi 11PTIOS. tin its earl
Madder and /thine', Tams in lbetark Nth, Nem..
Nottiolgin. l'aict.l:hrilluat,e goat Rustle
On, 'fetter. Porn, Scalds. Bruises. tAlsenta.
50 le Ta
rot s of dehitity, omitting front extern., or
10up era pa..l ta.spo of disease:llll medirtnn alit
beim; rolt..f. It trlll art mt a general TttNIU and ALTlttt
ATI% It in nut ems... imistrtint tom sod etmcits to the r
whole (rams. tomes Um ohstruellotm. opening tito
ftmettnn. whon muo &memo nod • broken rani - MD - don.
•114 ittrotnnd anti 1V1L:41.4 ent.r,cy to all the mama •
or 1110. lite omorktor itnotot of cetera! mina of PIM , .
that tori-:.d one rr livalntrot. ha 1 041
a tits pEntiiLltf.Nl for a ehort tine. Site woof ma In
Styr. 10 -ant crrvn alroonln•n it
50 i71..; ait t ivout the ogmnstro of {1:10 peosol.,tor.
• I' 7.l ‘B i r •Teq., Canal tarot,. too,enth
LA. AT ' lttot -a,
1.1,1'140 . 1t We,
rnn•r ii rtn . t 1m! Virmin Alto-y.loo rus
lc VIA) y b. rgiihrly appoictid Agents
.KNOW.4II incn who are sick and afflicted
witt l ai...... of the Ili:Oder and kidneys, with then'.
Matte paiMthat theor
limie„,tirt I. , inte, 0311,, running y can he eurr,) by baiter the PKTI)11
n slant IM in,' a much
re , you phew, but (hie does hot tm.ho An prorttnitu.
in the farm id 311. hood ragunturdly. that It ha. virtues
which are net contaitmd. in any other ectont, . Tim man
who I. enelod with tole. arid %uttering front dieeme.
tor NI ern., act mini than nay of the Ifir enumerate.)
Meader! It costa
eery to make ~Trial. TILL! Pete.
hum no mixthre--no rumpound. put up Mr the N.M.*
of Intend. gon the nun i t Ind it is nmedy ,
hy the moths ra int o .nre and bubbles up rem the
larom .I.lloearth, nrighml purity, and
tem to guttering humanity a drat, nmetit. mttain anal
hoop ram,
It La , ructst Pile, an, other medicine, bane to to
melee any ndief. It inn mind - Ithetunatm. of long
domino:. and of the woret and newt painted tharacter. It.
has enerd Cholera' Moth*, I IMO or two dare. hole
cured Iht ea., Inarrfero in a bleit ore, other ...moll
haa beMof no avail. AP a 1.14-3! remedy It, 'burn. and
better thannny tnethud.,/astputn,l. or ointment
that .4 Itima.-oft It cum chilblains and ft...died. "
in a fen opphentirate nteloublir) I,nony ean filmtlete
id of th, truth eontailcart it, the above Ante/m.14 be' nail
ing on SAMUEL aI7 . K Ell, Canal Ita..cin. Se,entit at:met:or
either of the agent,
Mel/Emelt, corner of ]lend atn, „tn.! Vin,in
alley, It K {tend itreet, IL .1. Elliot. and 1/
Ogre, Alin:bet, ear. are the own , .
Mtn attended the nee 'Ed 511 dal al Elt'ti EUMAT- --
tt Ale t :l AVU Itl4/01 , PUIIIMINR, in elreeturilly
runng arrer , t and 13,3 itivnornte coo. of INFLAM.
NIATOKY ./Nl/ (!tiIItYSIC titlbU 51ATISal. is a entileient
Manama and mantonendatton to Induce all who are aftltr
led wlna thi: dreadful di...1-re to try iii etrtm.E.
Hundreds of c.,:ce. moue of them eitirene of rd. 1.411,
and others fmm ohm/0.11331. lavn enrol within the Una
hr tutmthr In the eat)) of bouisalono, while letterafrom
am.stn ahrond 'Mow alro that It IE perfothalnst the . mom
teiremeer tri , d. Many of them wen chronic mew of long
...hug. and all lion, of recovery had dawn given nP
{little others nem it more nrentttate, of :he acute indatn-
motor: torn. pert; reser,. all, Lon elec. yield. to the 00.
.1. rful ...1" thil mot:cm, atal thonsands who have
n - alind It, l ' a.neftn,, and aro now In the enjoyment of health
con hut... Wont the: origima di3f3 , 1 , 31 - 1 . "pa proprieur;.
of mankind.
It n aril know ti foam the experienee of 030 put.. th at no
outward application campwribly egret a permanent con,
of ltd. dreadful diem., fly the application of atlmulating
hnlmenu. pareal relief. In comecams. Mae la , nidnint‘l
for a +bort time. tut all th e wldh this dheme le fixing Me
ra, more permanently La the 11)74M, and .wart or later
till again dereinp.itaelflu a tamer dreadful fn - al. and after
[eve pertobral return,. it petite. into a chronic: form,
which, tf not no in
on ermritd. ruins the truhridual her life.—
Thi, I. t', , rifed by the historyof the part to all countries,
nd more folly demonstrated hy the hietory.furniabed of
late to the proprietor of air compound. fir glom by emend
hundred' , of tinwelrho base 'woolumier hi, immediate
rawly, and treatment Ellnin,Ttbr,last feu . months.
RHEUMATIC "COMPOUND and fFACIi ' lElt Is an Internal mood, ---orunmmerea Ito mwra.
tions where the dtwou• first orieinates.j and In purifyitut
the Lion!. prows through the whole eyrtem. noutrallow the
impure or caustic a-dlntent, whlch hos wdlled thou the
membrane, et:ment/at terate,—narwrea it entirely from
the ay-tent, and mstorer the Individual to perfect Imalth.
Let threw who are nfilietsd nod decrier then/wires and
pot off the me of this enedichni too tonne or unlit their
Ilmlei are di, or runt/meted to retch,..nwe that
they are clippies-for fife. The experience of hundrola of
thonewols dune,: the part„mr Well as a multitude at the
prosat day. d.ntonstratm the Golly of expecting perma
nent relief frost external arid; lions
Tim timprielor of thin 333t1.1.1r, medicine tenant then
ry outward orpluattion can nom.. day eau.; •
permanent eum when this thorn. te firmly fixed tho
system. :le can and doe, prt'Patu aPPIT an'nnab.c.
tem In yen antic caeca. witieh In onationes
time, hut this 1111 3103 effort • n 1 Mut, . Thy no
tore of this dPause it snob that t moires itagre time, not
an Internal remedy, to retainer the &aired effect. and Mar
thnores Itheurnaws Compound had Bided Purifier LI the
only reme.ty that Ima ewer doworene& either la
America or any o th er eountry.l that will effeChndlY cute
this diseare.
Min 33r11311-'
hod. clvrlrral. nr retail), at tin. 73
.T1; - 1; mrdlrinnrzn Ir hod. V11.011,it• um
Tb Int tltre, neat to am Yost Odle, -
Al, for mte Sp en mom,
J. D. Morn:nen: 4 . N. wkkerebeni. not J. A. Jmisct.,
Ptire S 5 rot Lotthr. boUl. 9'.'J4 or 1.01 per dozen.
Pamphlets mu br. had IMltti tht nevnt. ,
ennle.l • IL H. WISILIWt. Agent.
—Va..latot =Ai auk proprietor
el there mod. popular nod hearth- MI undkdoes, and am.
Uw intrutdr 01 the eglebrated for batting the
offeetit., a core of Chrodo dismal, woo a gin
th-ht lit tted entiocut physician. Doctor Physle. and lit
graduate of the Golvemity of Peon,ylamdatruar for thirty
aim, hal lasat engaged In tho iovestigMion of Abe
enaa and the application ',peaks thereto.
Tlannigh th e USN. hts inflating - tOhca In ommertion with
his Proplirbwoe tlyrop, amt other of his ressedlteo,"6, Iw
iyaincd an unparalleled plainer. In euring thom drr.trot
mat, fatal malarlleig Tolo.reolar (Imsomption, Convent
Svufula. tibcomalian. Aettima. Pryer and Ague, Vey...tor
all land, (health. Evytipebt.. mid all thaw °halloo!, dire
emore peculiar , to Gamlen, 61,11, every form of Warm,.
vant , he, pod, r the oaeof hi, reinedies. to which homard.
tr Is tear —ll. by Use or of one compound only,. for that
ig heumpattbl. with Ployslol,;ieal Law. hut by lhe me of
het retn..hts,..loptod to, and preartabod Goa emdt-PProGar
P.m of Guam , .
Its. goer i Ton,. Alterative Pil4 when used, are {uvula
bl. arknowledgtriroperlor to all colliery, ass p largs-
Uvr vrt liver mil, inannuch as they Icamthe bowels or
free from coetivencate also his Golden 1111 s are ad
mitted. by tea Vow"! Pornliar propertlm. adaPL
ltd female G lot toting satishnl uia bare trial
L. solltriont to catablirb what. Wm been sabl In the minds of
the ogedgkepticat • •
The oftliend are invited to call noon the 33,-. M
4 and D
ewe. (gratis) roe of the langtor'n mtemblele., giving &detail
ed armour of snub moody, and Its applieation.
For Fate be the Congaing agents, as well as by toirddrog
ri, thontgliont the ecountrr.
J. ZLghounmater L Go., 24 Wool st., Piltaloargh.
.1 .1. Ton - wend. Proggirt, 45 Market Ft-.
Go A Beckham. Invgaid, neer 010 pmt Ottire,Alleghe•
nr citY•
Juarph Barkley, Darlington, 11,evor mangy. Pa. 6
John P.lliott. Enron L . " -
T. Adorn. Dewier,
tmoltldly ,
OR TILE AFFLICTED will be . found in •
Ur Dewitt Kollingor . o LVIIIIENT,
...Mac4 ableh o has....l tlio toot of thirty Imre es:
frIV;r1lv " : 1, tlit i .jadi * oi h lV;i.t;ln . Tro ' retl•T;
demand eTi .. ‘ lor;icter of dintater. Ire had t at we hazard no.
l tall i' Jt i lirti t , 6 o'f'd'irwtT.
whet AL. il4l for. .
It ion cured, and {A cppable of curing more divan. lb.
medicine aerial frir nalb.'we con hot by whom
tondo or Pad. or by what name, ; •
A. iv 'thing end convincing proof of the abaci,we say
that it b tbr only article Meth. appeared the .fiirto of
idrdirpigh . rtt . linvev , e r ;lren per . idued end rival.
7onillyl thr troar
Mobilo ever ;Reny' for r earr!. Or' iit:l" , by why ol
than, via:
The lion. Mora. it. lirinooll. Into /LC.. The lion. Rola.
If. Idorrig We:Mayor. lion. John A. late th-S. Scow
tor. William U. Porter. Lei.. Editor of the Spirit of Um
Timm oval It bent of other ilgtinguished eitliticno of New •
York, who horn folly tested Ito merit, have perniitted the
prop riche to refer to them.
An It b. wellitteren that Petrel Ig.girio, err oiit gener
ally patchnized by the learned. wealthy -and mate drckg,
ore haw nialoubtolly %richt bri tel ourAivre hWiIY
'Mi. Wonder working llimpound his teen nearly
term yearn litter., the public. ito friend' , ...ono. Ile
otnin gest and brat. This must =idol/Myatt vie xtrtiou and
mortaring 1.1,4 of ILI wencral uvefulmacv und_retudive
v on,
it twee - Premien remedy for oil wort:Ain iliaVlNt,
rbeuntatlc 'oho, nachdem soellithui.prititto, inutiare, oki
von, end ell the ain, anti when Net ficah heir to.
Oyer LOAM, tattle,. bare boon void wlthont. compliant.
00,1 hale 'picketed ouch onionlehing enr..., after all othec
renoodieo have failed, on would the
beief. hat we not
offer al, nod In our bombe, the stroncent poterible evi•
Thinmedicine. or nature's remedy. In In-oared (von, o< .
etathvi. for Internet to well to etternot tiro. It orb. dine',
I y nom the dieroned tort —icivittu IL health and otrenetb.—
It in a cure cure for Diarrhra,Cronim. Ultimo (loth, end
JI thiserandir sneaker, of the end '
Weaker:v. In male or female. fn. whatever can. 11 loan
-. . .. . . .
liar. origiuml....l. .
For fair in PlUmbumb. by R. lk. 14.11 err Mesnry. KLIJ
Ca n ....l.E rau ld r l . .4o, , Pri ,
p it 0 t , ... p .r.r k t. , 12 0. ,
, a . tu1. t. 1 0 1..U . ..... ,
~,,,,I.Thilm,e,Lat,o. et-
tier._ _ IThOZd, 46-
FFERVESCING coAtrau ). It&
(74Impand warr..ll prvxhim Ibr 'within 11,
ft.. rflert, ..zetl 11+1. inaklm, 14,0. ten era.,
•..••• - • • . ,
buckwheat cake, le.. by whllh a raring Li caerted In the ,
ilnur of iitout In percent
. To MAUI Rm.—To each potindi of flour add two ma
fol,ood aml the win; quantity of ralt. is
while 4rn (Mk m.k.u.pu
porni Cour that you can at einta and new at. tam...) then
add marh cold lean.t. na will. make the &with thy natial
thickly*, knead It well. and het ltritual Efteen
before lakina--one or two hours will do tin hurt. 110.011
gboula Io mixed much thinner, wad baked at one, hut
111.1.. no hurt •to aural fifteen or twenty minute, Meta
dan,r of gelling bm morn col' this Compound in the
bread; It will not tum tbu brim]. yel: 3!..1 salerattip. draw
when mW to tmol t e. . •
lno mn put IbF Ontivoural inha to cart, Old
dinam.fohnny mite, Indian rake, gin,r calm, torn meal
cake, ..orn brewl. brain brewl. hiwuit, batter Ina., 'writ.
wheat cakeeasionle dutordmaa, Pot Vic, coal,®[ an but 111
purl urn. Juot reeei,ll and I. '••
eau - - R E. SIMIXES; ST Word et.
• • TAKE - NOTICE. .
el II A LLENG E TO TItE WORLD., ; .Twenty
IL , Are holhirs reward' wll4 to pail to =7 •••
W. 1 .,. • rPot cf. Point, green or ciry, th•trannot - he
with MICA homing of
sothis ap. I vlle
cd-b , fmilm rellog to' e. 0' VW. OM Lae ''' .
article. by my Tr. Improvement on it now st•nds anti
-1.1.1e mantra for extracting inento.tat. pad:ace's
point, or any other groloy attbstorree. /INCE wli nostril gen
tlemen's or .ladtes' clothing, .carpeht.table +prod, rn•da•
shawls, :ochre' bccoeta, sic. without ininnoir any that pore wine, will not irdunt lbw. than non tboomo
`rams in different parts of tho country intre tat roe the/
ldnnte without it frit man' ntlr... Mina gib ,
tha t 'sm an more than 1.00 ursine.* p d I tabs 1011(4,411M10, id peas
and mitoses, 1, have only found three preens of 'llk. Lyn
of altinena,and four of ealina no risk* dehaennif Most
thennore, baton putting It on n light doom try • itsonalso
of the dirt., Bret. (Mate this bre...el= itntenoined on
to recommend It asp rtrooger tbao I Anco bt k otrictlY
Orden from warder notcboot , r dM ZUMP e4
ottended to by tbe.„antecribrr- or IT,
1 dead
.1 had WA twice Wars I felt its besettial sliest."
1111.. L
SELERS--Sin Suffering fr o m
fi.• w6l 1 A trod
ut obtaining mikr. I Itas vm0.0344 .111, bathe of
"IL V- Fnlters' COLl,lll)thstars.”.• tint* itat duty whin!, I
li`Td aal
tn dw nt I.
avrtt. [bar
opt, tEle Disios blershatiibad Do moan=
to Mtld
ush the &stk. I 4 a.... to basin, wig
Ds mule erneertint on CritnaLo of snipe;
who tuti tt,t.g e.t her hntan; a... Med with a
dirtnrswas wash. Verily the anti teas lE , su na (where
c011gil• and tokbe attest the mtlfacr) Dakhla asnoasat
""' "E. E. 6''''"? Gr
ar 1412170:1 '
41, While 01.
..1% 4 41 1. E. SKLI.P.}IA, Nn. 67 Wood
1 x .,74x . ..L. dby &v0.0.. 11 r. , 4
. Additional pew( of Ite weir to emem..:
Fluthekl. Aumbet 30 - .
Me ft E. &Deer —Mee ablicted for memos with
Lod oott eb,l Ira Meummunedol to yome hmt Cough
smq b y. my you friend ble. %V. TeMplemo.
fur Wu Oxon. / did mk It hod Iludeeleml ekes of eurieg
of ueb thut I had despaired of ante helm, L
11:1 tere.7lllmeet erect Mug that it Wee Itt 1... ,10
m(.. hat reerlnel cm teem= until I met myth tear mega.
Eo tt yl. fyrop.- I feel fully estlelleel In Imylem t ye,
of remeutuesetlum IL to the publ ic . one of the best teml 4
dem that ILO ere Leen ',remand Ihr the mite At. *Melt It
ke . - JANC.IIII.
Prepared MA geld by E.: E, byt WV, - N o dt.
411.A.KBONA.TE AMMONIA. Ilartahorn
<oolloiietimiikr Usti =AUX UIUL