The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 17, 1851, Image 4

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TIM V 07211.
Ten Years ago,
Or so,
In old Connecticut, there lived,
' • And thrived,
A• loan apothecary, with a shop in which
lie'- and his father both got rich.
Thin:eatithlishmeni, besides the cases,
Contained a boy to deal out pills,
- l'iref a iciiPttieCue for all the ills
. That flesh is heir to:"
Oil from the bear, too,
To beautify the hair,. too;
And up from the centre of,the shop
In summer sultry days, the soda; ,
Which ceased to flow no day..
Attached to this extenaire druggery was a black
Man, a sort of back,
Whose duty 'twee to carry . presaiptions
Tothe sick, with verbal descriptions;
For Samba could not read,
Though he could bleed,
:Nor writejorsooth,
Though he could pull a tooth.
But &alb° was a voter; he had me.
Which mado him a Toter in that ttl of honey.
One 'lection day, a . r. el-
That some •
.on° o - ' and, for a safe place
To - • laid it in a big glass case,
Fo that, when the time came
To name '
His choice of officers to reign that year,
No fear! t •
And haul oppressing tyrant's o'er the coals
Now the boy,
• Whose right employ
Was to admhueter thopille
And spills,
Took from a . nort, a druggist's Babel
(No fable,
A written label, •
And placed it where
Samba had laid his into with so much care.
Torn Electing day arrived, (that day so noted
Through Yankee land,) and B.ambo early voted.
•. • r r
The inspectors made their count
To this amount,
lizid.thus they did declare
It there
'Tor the Whig candidate there cloth appear
A clear
Majonti of ten,
' ; And then
One eMittering vote for William Carter,
Aid one fel..Cream of Tartar.' "
The incident we are about to relate, occurred
some yeers eince, -in the Granite State, and BS we
abide. beyond striking distance of the parties and
their immediate friends, we shall be a littlemore
free . in our description of the circumstances than
we otherwise should be.
. Nathaniel Eln, or "Uncle Nat," as he was gen
erally called, was the , corpulent, rubicund and
jolly old landlord of the best hotel in the flourish
ing village of Dover, at the head of the Piscata
qua, rind was excessively fond of a bit of fon
withal. He was also the owner of a large farm
in New Durham, about twentymiles distant, the
overseer of which was one Caleb Ricker, or "Boss
Kale," as termed by the numerous hands ender
bin control, and sufficiently waggish for ally prac
tical purposes of fun and frolic. Caleb, like a
wise and prudent man, had a wife; and so bad
"Uncle Nat," who was accustomed to visit hie
farm every month or two, to see how matters
went on. On:the occasion of one of these
the following dialogue occurred between Uncle
Nat and Mistress Ricker.
"Mr. Ela," said the good lady, "why have you
never brought Mrs. Els, out to Bee the farm, and
pity us a visit—l dare sity, HIM would be pleased
to spend a day or two with us, end I would en
dearer to render her stay as pleasant and com
fortable ns powdble."
"Why. to tell yen the troth, Mrs. Bicker,"
said Uncle Nat, "I have been thinking about it,
for come time, but then ahe is ao very deaf as to
render" conversation with her extremely difficult
—in fact, irrequiren the greatest effort to make
her hear anything that is said to her; and she is
consequently very reluctant to mingle in the so
ciety of strangers."
"Never mind that," replied the importunate
.Iln. Bicker, "I have a good strong voice, aright
anybody can Make her hear, I can."
"If you think so, and will risk it," said Uncle
Nat, - !she shall accompany me on my:next visit
to the farm;" and this having been agreed on.
Uncle Nat left for the field, to acquaint Bess Kale
With what had passed,- and with the plan'of fu
ture operhtions, touching the
,promised visit of
iiis wife,
It was finally settled between the vicktd wags
that the fact that their wises could both bear as
lien is any body, should be kept a profound tie
p*E't, 'tintil disclosed by a personal intertiew of
the ladies thernselvea
The next "time Uncle Net was about to "visit
the farm," he suggested to his wife that a ride
into the country would benfservice toher: that
Men. Ricker, who had never seen her, was very
Anxiety' to receive a visit from her, and proposed
that eke should accompany him on that occasion.
She readily consente& and they were soon on
their journey. They had not, however, proceed
ed far, when Uncle Nat observe& to her that be
• Was terry to inform her that Mrs. Ricker was
• extremely deaf, and eho 7ould be under the ne
cessity of elevating her vomit° the highest pitch
in order to converse 'dallier. Mrs. lila regret
' ted' the misfortune, but thought, as she had a
pretty strong voice, she would be able to make
ter friend hear her. In 'a few hours after, Uncle
Natand hislady drove up to the door of his coun
try inansion,and Dom Flicker, who had been previ
ously informed of the time of Uncle Nat's intend
ed arrival, was already in waiting to kelp enjoy
the fun that was to come of a meeting of the
Deaf Wives! Mrs. Ricker ' not ekpecting them
at the time, happened to be engaged with her
domestic duties in the kitchen:but, obsersing
.her 'fishers through the window, she flew to
glass to adjust her cap and pat herself in the
best trim to Active them, thatthe moment would
.show. In the meantime, Boss Sale bad usher
ed Uncle Nat and his lady, into the parlor, by
way of the front door,.soon after which, Mrs. R.
appeared in the presence of her guests.
-Mrs. Ricker, I will make you acquainted with
Mrs. Bin," roared Uncle Nat, in a voice of thun
"How do you do, madam," screamed. Mrs.
Ricker to Mrs. Ela, with her Mouth close to the
ear of the latter.
"Very well, I thank you," replied Mrs. E., in
ti tone of corresponding eleVation.:
"How did you leave your family?" continued
Mrs: It., in a voice quite tip to the pitch of her
firsteffort .
"All very well, I thank you—how's your fam
ily?" returned Mrs. E. in a key which called into
requisition all the power of her lungs.
In the meantime, Uncle Nat and Boss Kale.
who were convulsed beyond, the power of. endu
rance, had quietly stolen out of the door, and re
maned under the windoW, listening to the bois
terous conversation of their deaf wives, which
was continued on the same 'elevated letter of the
shill' for.some time, when Mrs. It., in the same
_ ledger-line key she had obserred from the first,
thus addressed her lady guest;
•'What on earth are you hallooing to me for
—I a'nt deaf?"
"Xist you indeed?' said Mrs. E., “but pray
what are yen hallooing to mo for—l'm sure I'm
not dear'
Bach, then, came gradually down to her ordi
nary key, when a burst of laughter from, Uncle
Nat and Boas Kale, at the window, revealed the
whole trick, and even the ladies themselves were
compelled to join in the merriment they had af
liirded the outsiders, by the ludicrous character
of their interview.—Wash. Com
. The Senate of the United States yesterday
passed a bill which will stand an enduring mon
ument of wise and philanthropic legison.—lati
We refer to the bill appropriating tcollioros mi
of acres of the public lands (equal to twelve
millions five hundred thousand dollars) to be ap
propriated among the several States as In an
. equitable ratio, for the endowment of ilespitals
for the Indigent Insane. Most sincerely do we
congratulate the humane and estimable, lady
(Mink Dix) to whose unwenried eXCIiiOD9 in
conning up pbblic sympathy and Influence in aid
Of - her benevolent scheme, is the country Manly
1 indebted for the success which has thnk : for at
i tended this praiseworthy measure in the National
iLegislature. May '
the sanction of the other
, Meuse of Congress the act, and
reader her happiness complete.
We wish we could congratulate the country
on the; passage of a measure which has for some
days engaged the earned attention of the other
;branch of Congress; we, moan the bill of the
Senate instituting a CoMmission for the settle-
Intent of Claims against the Government, called
'a .Board of Accounts. This bill, we" regret to
Miy, was yesterday; after an arduous straggle,.
or d,red .to be laid on the table in the Reese
.' of Beinvmentafive,---eqnivalent to a rejeetion.—
: .Wi demi It unfortunate that this bill could not
'lnfo been so - shaped - as to command a majority
of the Howe. The unfitness [of Congrtas is a
' tribunal for the adjadication of ; clai ms h as been
long felt, and the expediency of such nn adjunct
as a. Board of Claims, often admitted. . Its re
lief to Congress, both in time and toil, as yell as
the benefit it would be to clainiants in a prompt
decision . of their cases, would tender it an insti
tution of great convenience born to the Govern
mint and the Public;. and ring advanced so
far as to hove re,riverF thea pproval of one
Bowie, Mir. much to be rug!, that t maid
tot moot the talus us the u —Nat. Ilia 1
Notice to Contractors.
tI-11.41=Vauyi,P72 wsn PLia2il4"
....h. until Monday, me "Jnl, day or marcrneat. for
l o yin u f e de p : arann .Pitgbzfl i i to 11 , non, a
. t . l .,, tan h 7 ,
obtained at the race in Pillsbury:Z. for tw i n works tooLua
th the Blattt.g. On anDlkation :ohm. W. Roberta. Chief
hruchmer. The prove...ln must to in amonlanee with' the
Drintod form; and eddmseell to thePrmident of the Com.
HOUINSON, [rmident •
Pittsburgh, Feb. Ctly,
North Ametinut, New York Tribune. American Railroad
Journal, publish blur times. . feld.tct
- PROPOSALS for Erecting a Wire Suspen ,
J/,_ sloe fieldge over the Allegheny him, op , lsente fir
turtle Street. in the VIM Ward or the est, of l f ittsburgh.
fre l erd ==l
A Liberty e until tho 15th dot of 3lareb.
tient. for the erection of-t h e oboe dorerilml loidge; the
Defter° thereof to be Um Mine on the Slononcohcla Bridge.
with melt alterations as bidder.may suggest and the di
tretam engrave. By order of the 1/0:11 . 4 of.Dlrecturs.
fehlattf E. LORENZ. Pres't. Pm.
PROPOSALS will be received by the under
rintiett.Lntil the IM.h day of Fehruery next for the
emutrocjahn of Moe lorks out Darns in Durk 111,41, or o.r
0 . ore of them.and delearina thenhonnel of Umber.
the hanks of trees leaning over Oho ohannel.
The Barns will avenge feat long. and will to 13 to
is feet Idol. with a base of 50 feet in width. Th.. W.I.
Chamber will be Wad feet long and 00 Met wide. will wells
Ld) feet thick and 10 fort shove the comb of the , moon, with
reco rd w Milt feet long. 10 feet thick...and albr mum.
height as the lock
The Locks and Dame to be built superably to the plan.
and of th m rhameler particularly spcmdmi end deseribot io
the report of Sylvan,. Lothrop. of Pennsylvania, a nap) of
which will ho found with the prepnetors of , ochenevra.
paw.. publish this maim. to which reference is made
forme full and accurate information.
TM entire work us lo eomplettel by let January.
tualdes lb. work should ho trended by unueually wet • end
then:faro unfavorable ...mons. Coutrecture will be re
male to contractor* as the work progrweera.
Thure:terse. the right of aotepting the pro.
poeala deemed Met for Its hateneaL and the earl, completion
tithe entire work. By °Mgr of the Dlmmora.
BecretarY of the Duck hirer black Water Navigation Co..
Coin... Tenn. yauttlatt'w
• Proposals for Bituminous Coal.
Ct ESLED PROPOSALS will be received at
/0 the Philadelphia Um.Weelo, until noon of FRIDAY,
thel4th of February. for an, part.the rind.. or TWENTI
US COAL. ruitoblo for
the mariationure of Gad, to be delimd at the Goal elar,i et
the Cum %Yorke, my
1000 tons by the 13th of April,
1000 do in the month of Mar.
MO do do June.
IStioo do
do Norembcr.
The Coale must ho fresh. clean. and dry. and of a oliality
to I:O p :green:l by the Engineer. The pretsnals must mate
the color variety of Coal it le lotendiel to furnish: and
If o • kind not befoie medal. these works, sampler for tnal
will be required!prerlous to the time of operdnu the propo
sals. The oros ton
the=l pounds trill he notteiderael w: the
'weight Intended In proposal:, unlesieothereiseespreanly
stated. and If It be preferred to deliver by Damson, the
struck bushel of mod cable Inches till be wasl. In ease of
failure to dellerr the coal acearding to agreement. the Trot.
tressof the Gas limke mien, the tight to Purchase *hep
atic, they may dorm best. and charge to the rent-reetore any
Ids or damage coneequent on int& Wan, The payments
will be made In too mail Iroda/nrents. at 1 and ti nth.
after the specified:winds of delivery, thelsth of eachonth
to be taken as the avenmeof the monthly delivery. e t Oh
ontlott of the Trusteee; ymymenta be eash, with lead
Interest &Omar&
Phroald the Contractor preto
to.deliTer the C.AI ratikr
And, but P.Pllrtit, will ho
foltillasent of the cvnktrnet
then'W;g;;;o ' .7 7 l;ilFl:4 - rtce ,
madletreat the time opt.
..•thtitetory recut - Hy - for the
.101 INT. CIIF, , SON. Eneinmr.
PRTIAOI.I.IIat GU Irons. .lan.ll.
Poor Orr. Dreurrar,.
January 1.1. 1041.
111ROPOSALS trill be received at this
mriment until the 4th der of March next. for forni,l,-
stamp' for the nee of the Poet oMree of the UtioNl
States for four yews from the urn do)" of April neat. ti - hen
ordenal by the Department, of the follortlu., dereripti,h,
The name of the clam and State In chrular forM. rot
foam a ;mild block of hertlenni eleet, and made eueh
manner tn admit of totter, and figure , tn de , Mnah` the
th and day. with • thumb nervy to kr,i, nor
theses Ilk place. hurl, rump. and the lettere now,
tooe same. 0, he of the eat.. else thoee'otee manu
factured and In oar. A turned umbogany handl., of the
Frame hke Ate. to he ereurely faeteunl 0. inid stamp. The
month, orate!. rear abbr.:Tinted no as to c.,ntem but three
letters each. of the Hood nos in toe. and to he rut (ran
hlreke of hardeunl lured Fkruree. for the dat oh.
month. from I to 31.
I ra ) inusive. to h. W. I.nnlened
metal, wad of the size aa afarreald. -
.. , • • -. . . .. ..
Also, 4.1301 , 11 with thu, .or — paid' and . 1,, , * of 01 ,
Wrm of thaee now In one.
AL, stamp. with Wtore., Ll,,nnting Mel,. otilt..ntlm.
and 'similar to thoon,now in u.e.
• .. .
All of the slime datio{p~ to he mode of hardened need.
The propcnale mud aleo enntnin e•eiarate Lid, for the dr.
der stamp, with the month,: raid thou,.
the end, separate Idee, nohtaitting the ...nth con
• g df.tliren letter".
AI, for cacti newt. pim for the day, of the mouth
Al, for complete ants of mouths etid !inure,.
Al, for each niparate phew with the nerd, and
AL;o. for each rwparate pl. , er with the figure. - derggitig
Um rate,. of po•tage. The miking of the dtfiergut
y pmt a]
onidr t..
the rte=erit will be Impt , ' The ' lN .' lLot 'T
ang, ~onset, the right to rt,ret progo,,l• if the
deemed extraragant.
epeelmen• of lb.. snot.. ktlitl^ of natnir. , rcqulred ran b..
tavb at tbe appobattneot affler of tht. Deparborat
N. E. h ALL.
Proposals for Chain Cable Iron.
NANT AnKirno
QEALED PROPOSALS, in Ilupli, - no. on
ij domed Pmp,alg fur ehrin tlhl• !..
neared at tbio otllm oath noon of Slond: , Y• 1 ,,, ru
not. f.r fil7n4.binV and dd. - Ening
at 7 ISa,bl., , ton. nt Columbi, .11 the doo r vat.,
Iran mentinntil fn tbn Pinning table.
No of tank
, „, u . mwr
, ,H.FELq: ma
k'a1gtr...... 1 1E
a _, -,:-- i Length
8 ,___... , ' a .
. g . " - 7,1c:;;;F Diameter .
—n. 4)
I . link.
V , l i r
.... ..nk' . ..l .
:' - 'B"_..
,Of Khakies, swir- , q'
clr, ie. I!!
?r - r~~i=_g l
all the aforeaald chain c:ti ii7h = ori iroot
beat qualitr of American manufacture. foo
tare of foreign Iron; t t lie hanitocrol re
to rough ban. Theta the 'snap must
plke. and. rolled to about an hint la thlekh
ent=d i g!dzollcit h lo .t tlie Tr
i l , i7l , l;w: b a
c." 3..„, and piniTiiinat all Le wrought under
The whole
tharins whkh will be (watched to.
The whole moat be delivered In etraight le t
all taw,. ragged ends of Mites. or other del i
oath Proofm and 'tato a+ the humane!' Cu
out,o and Repair may direct. and be In all
and approval of the cum i
Navy Tom( aforerald, or it will not he
any part of the Bald Iron lw aulnectod Ow ,
lents mitlafaatory been
b pncluml to the
ant that it him been manuboAtirod wl L end
The quantity smelted to to onotliii
ferent dud cables soon be delivered on
firth day of June next fur another third
.bles on or before the Eno day of octet
the remaider on or before the thirty-Ern
Persons desirous of offering to furnish
(should any further information I. rwini
them to make their offers) are referrot thy
mr commanding o ffi cer of the Navy Yard at
Dirtrtet of Columbia.'
To the persons whors offer mop be a.,
schedules, drawings, sod models descriptive
and portions of erieb kind of Mon minima w
ad when the contract Is prepared fur exec
which the mid iron roust conform.
the 1"..-2x=
miler gra price
nscot earrioi out.
Approved traneties equal to the ertlmand
contract will be required In the manner set
motrument, and mu per real= lo addition w
front the amount of 00th payment as collate
the faithful performance of the contract. lit
um of each delivery will to mild by the in
IYashingtunwithin thirty days after the p
Mat, in tripbcom. enemata by the coromotala
Every offer most be aecompanied by a writ
(the responsibility of the guarantor or go
certified k no w n anon event or other offload
Nome one to the Itoreau'of emu-true
if the offer be aracept.l, the bidder or ladder
ten days after thereceipt of the contract et
to the with ratK el
tu furnish the Laid ram,.
chlin cable loin
the t arm e ',netted in this ra,dvertleemenL or
embodied It the contract- The law of the lot
1E46, forbids the amskieration ut all proposal
partied by sorb attarantr.
Bidders are particularly cautioned to out,.
aboth regal-m. 4 that they may be dirdiU
other bonne.. Icor, in order 100 poste,
opened before the day appoisted
All offers not made In strict oranformily w
rershiement, in every 'jramticular, will L. co
pirated. at the option of the Roseau of Coustth
moot and Repair, The perron whose offer ma
will be ornifted and a contract forward.' wit
Perron, Offering are directed to thradrannte
through which they duelre to be addreowd
agent to whom the contract shall he rent for
And also required to make their bids acoordrar
hereto annexed. J.ll- LATHROP. N
/brag 4/ an ezie,
I hereby agree to furnish and delirer arth
at Wathington. Dhrtriet of Columbia. in eon
"the term, of the fuirertinement from the N
°ere et Wafhinoton, of the ff.ll day of J. •
1.04,1111 be. of chain cable iron of the very
of Ametimui manufacture. Cl the rote of
lb.. emountlug to
If my offer be accepted, I deolre to be afbirc,
the pod Oleoand the contfact
the to f u,. ag eo t a t - for execution.
nfspectfully, your obedient ...nen
Sol. IL lArnann. Eat-
Nary Agent. Washingtm.t.`D. C.
We the underaig.nrel, reeutent. of-,
411 of - iterehY trualwltr that. le, ton e
serrolnl. - will. wit
after the receipt of the contract at Alta pat „If; ad. execute the wane. with gond cal ..ulliziant
furnbth the chain cable Inut therein speifial.l
with the temp of the advertisement under wh
bid was made.
n th. State
in frn da,/ ,
nutrti..s. to
IrL thr nald
I.hereby enmity that to th.. best of aly . knn lodize and
al,"rn:unr.l guarantor" a. , tf.4 au .nntr"...‘•
Envelope to tt. endorrd .. Pronnoals far cliai able Inin
Penn /(nttial Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
AGENT IN PI'rTSBURCii. W. li. LAOIS, j. Outer, jr., time/wed.) No. N 3 Liberty Ftrmt
tbe better esauronleote of person/1 recall. In the
loteer_part eta.. city. Ma x u at way elm, br found dell;
from 11 tO 12 and 2 tO It. et the rooming of
J. BebOottlasker (a, No 24 . 4.1 414 . 4.0.,
141.17 411Z)rmaion win De fiver; mul emu r0 , 44.5n414.4•4
ly allanded to. Patoeb. ete ekPlalelatf the principle. end
beprdta o f um I.otance, and blank &nal 4a,p4141.4
teal stick V3Xl1)00 and ronatantly loareaeloa.,--
Pted divided azinuelly amongst time Insured for Hfr.
Pittsburgh. Jezi. SI. 16.51.—Isaisnir
John H. )Zeller. II Wood Area, too
at Manntr (ions ot eauty.
Cation at Modern Art. Amaranth.
raingetlre"thil=tl4 bst j4 l /Imo UooM,
rplandidly " i t it.. i...„r
lia=lPrormtation BO
&a .
for obit the • XDLOAVOZW• BOOK MBE.
4100 0.5 Xsztatid— con daYourth
Delaware Mutual Safety lumunee Co.
11111 E Scrip Dividend declared by the Board
ramicc., ou Nov. 4, ISZ4), um received at rldr
savory... 4 ready for dadributlon.
tbileadaa perverna ant entitled to twin Dlvlvietd,
&duvet Iv 1547 .4 1549. remaining In , tbe cam . , W
rvaly for deliverT, •bert called for. air—
andr..o. John
Atwood. Jarmo &Co 500 Krarnry 11. N... ... .....135 00
RairwrlL Prato 0 CO-.10 00 Klnary 7 _ . ...Y1 00
Bialvril J. C. AWL- ..... .15 00 Llnford Tito. ..... ....-....10 00
1'a...11J. IY. A Co 215 MI Laughlin Jug 10 CO
1.,411...11J0hn........ .......... teed.. 51 a 1..5, -10 00
Calaol..ll Thorn. .0.1 0., 11..110, L a J. $ _25 00
Oa-bran 11.1) ...... ..,..,„..10 CO Maclean o.l' .30 C 0
Dale. W. II ~- . .............a. OO 51,04, Nam. a Co.--- 5 OU
Dale. John , . 5 10 51r0ona1d D. a D. aCo.IC. 00
Drvi. Jan... IL-- ...... 0 00 MrOurtnlek J. L -AO CO
Fralick I. C. .. ........ 0 Ou 1 4 nnock..11Iilehel A Co-I0 00
(off John...—. .... ......:0 00 Pow.,Aoalo 10 00
Graham 5. W 00 Posting Alex 5 Ou
Oral! Ih.nry ' 10 00 Shoenb,cer (I. aJ. 11-10 00
OrrggThoa 75 00 Vpan,i &Co -15 00
Howard Jur a 1.!.. 1-10 00 ,Scott John aCo 500
Ilona , J. .5 MI Rohiwon Wtn, J 1010
H01m... 15..0.0 11r14-.10 00Robinnon H. 0 Co. ...9 00
11 u..ey C O 1 15 0011010',, John II . . 10 00
Ila, John T 1 , 1 00 Whin,nan li 5 00
Hemel) L. 'l' 1 "5 00.1Vsighl John 0 er,......1n 00
A Prooi, .lotie• er...........s en 11.,.. ) . c 11 P 1 00
Alesautlor A Day ' 10 00 11.101 .1. II 510
lllnek 1111 l Iv Then ' .5 00 Klinefeller NI 5 MI
n0 , .Y . . 14 1.1 I rou C0...15 . lilmbor J. V. A .1.1 . 10 PI
Huller .1 W. 4Un ' al 00 1.....1111. Gm, 10 OD
lOW, L. '3l. Il .. - .... ...2... 110 LJppinO , lt WoLt 50n.... to
11,k,...11. Peara A, (:,....101„O Luca. 51. F • 25 Ixl lllspll .1. Gg'i.
A...,.. . I,lrlnc,ools.lln.en ICoIII OU
5 I:
55 00
1:au...0,a. .0p 00 I.lols .1. Co ..... .............. I, 00, .lopor, , . . ~...,..5 ...Loc.. I. F 05 111
11:13113.111 Wm ...... ..,...30 NO...rb M. a Bunn 15 00
11,0 ant 11. A ... . ..1 51M1, Lippincott. 0 (10. ........ ...It:: 1 ;;I:
l l unuppLain It W...... 5 1031.1.p0r Samo
C. 5111, 50..1. 11..... ......,..70 40 )I..Cutcheon W.Oll II On
(Ilark 0 Th., 4 PI )Icli., S. k Co '5 00
1%0 , 1 , . Joup. .1.1.1....,...15 10 Nliller A Hlckt•Pen .55 00
C0p.:11..y Jobn A. ..... _l5 00 31111 fr A.O. 0 N. II 10 00
0 , 4,n Lewin 55 00 31uPsny 0 brink. 5 1
Cen.p1,,,,11 IL A. 015,..... 516 Nl'l'orrolek.hvbles 8 Co :53 00
CArturat, Ilailinan .1 0010 DO 11,10110.10 m • 45 PI
Cnllioust Maid IS v 0 31111.1 F. F .30 110
('l,lll. 11.0 Co 5 0.1 31nralta F 13.5.111
Cartcher.. Muller A C.,..15 , 00 51Ivon A. A. a Co. - 5 00
Collier L. II k 0. II 15 PiPloort , 110111 5 PI
11,.. W. IL Sal 51orrIpad.(5,pels0,10Co50 PI
(50110,41 Thomas 1.-25 111 )1 11 . - 1 , 1...1s 45 CO
11.1.1u.11. 1,,•./l. a 0....... :1 uo Pennock. slitebnl S Co.- 5 00
Dari..t Spill) 111 00 Palmer 11. II 500
11u1..11 IL A C. PI 00 Frier. 11 , 50 (kl
Pea, Ali a .10 ouirop.rd Slanclinh- 5 00
Darts Jar. II 5 00 Pl.lllips .1 A II 10 00
1511... John S ...............55 00 !Pisa. Ilerger PO 00
llnlzell ,l ' 111 14, Roblomn .1.0.0 Sons-.3(1 00
Enuilah 4 Ilennett ..... .. 5 00 RoberrAnn 8 Itepperl..-10 00
Eherhsat Wm - PI 00 ~..nally Ja...'o'll 10 00
Fltznionup A Son ' 10 00 Irootl John tOo 500
F 011405 10.11 50 011 Semple 0 5 0(1
ranu.-r.1.1.50 00
50 AIPI Smug 0 Co
FiAber 40.. F.......
.... ..I0 00 Smith TlOlOlO. l 5 00
Ilrernles P '4l 00 5m1th,..., , b ...... ~.
~...... 5 IV
OrerolVonicl.... ~....:5 00 TOOMpolOn 3n0 . )1..........15 Ou
Greal: I - .3.5 00 W . illi. 1terrip0n.1.....25 00
J 15 001WhItt Wm..
, Iraften4 10 00IWatArm Rohl
Ja4 5 001W...aver.!...c01.
, . .....
Sit, Jas./ . •
10 00t'W Arrl Wm
Ilaslsll 'Wm.. ... ........ ..S0 011VOSSI Jam, t Co.
Ilan IS m. K • a (KaWousl * Ilsagl;es
110sranl.13., A Ca.....:. 5i4 W 4 ialsrs.rds it M.
11.1.1 0 C (Al ,M , 0 . 1 Kolklit." :Y. M llas sIVII .* ODo Waterm L. an 0•10 00
Ilarhaugh S. st W........ 30 .1 Wright Jobo*Css. ..... ..10 111
Ilasusaou. Smith d Co, .10 OU YV11111.7 \l'm. I'
'1 00
.193/:11113' . P .5. MAPKRI A. *malt. PlSPOnsrish.
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
rp TIE I osurance Company of North Amerion,
l'Allatlelptfm—Charrenal 1194. Capital 1.500.01 b. Aaaelt
.I...nary 13. 1 , 3(. $1.1101.255 ao. Will make on
Menthe, od theirennl.l,l. (hi( ell( and vicinity; oleo
on property cf every .I...erlininn. ebloPed per
no d ,do o r either by Inland tranelortationar on (be
. ;
Arthur II l'..lllu..Prr'h Thome. P. Corr,
Ssmuel IV J..nrr, John li Nen.
EAPormr.l Smith. lirr bard D. Word,
John S. Brihrn. (Vilna. Wrhh.
J ohn
E. Smith, Ereuris Ilakina
santuel Brook., t , . Aurtin Allitmme,
Cheri... Tryr!or, Win. E. ltrurerh
Amhro, Whit, hr.,rite A.Tunwall.
J.r.nt, 11.. Thmuer, .h,mr.. N. 14A...f1u.
5. Morrir Wei. II p Sherrerth tkrey.
Thle. Is the ololo.t Insuranrel'hu3rhur in the United F.telrs ,
end fr , ,m Iho [ugh, lour ..51.rriro , umPi , , u ,. ..
f,41 ar ,, tiur ell ri.k...5 an extra h‘rtr.l4.ur rhernetrr. A
''' ''''''''''''''''''l P l , l.ll . .ol rlii! ' i ' E. " Acr ". I ' m Z'lfr.
1,21 No. 11l Vl4. Ktrr.t..
American Life and Health Insurance CO
Pirt.'nrryh, .111, h. mwLE,
Finn •l. ftclithOeld
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co.,
he fullowinit ,Intempot r.t Mlt Ti' L. ' of the C.c.topatty.
(hi Mari, tm.l luland 4.5r2".1.21
On firr
F.Jr..41 I,
/A dtn Me .Ist slO/.
.Aanw. n 4 Inxml 1tr n k..... 5 11...:u,1.
In P.p..n.te.t . durlng the
Mat-mode.' I tstrit.l Nto lotte.t. le. ....Sill. , 0 .
k:elurn Priquit
r per:, n. 1,111.
11... .zsr
1101.1 n. hml tin.uv I II••nt 4.714-31
ilatA , tut r••r , -.vt . r1.046:2L
.pnvsF 1-11
. .. . ..
:4) .. 31,chan. and Manufarttmr, D.A. • 2.130.00
, - rtoladelphla 2.1 flavr.....irerveteam
Toy Boat Copan, 2.50.00
2 - rhiltuSelphin Elrhant.• fognimny
il 7 &IP
:m um! Strwrit of sonar' llutztal It:Our..<
8111. ene&lsubl... 111.1431
Cu.) on hand 'XL .2.92 AS
'num....dna -1.71.242
11,4,nn. r..erntl,
Norman 4th. 1•50.
Th. 1.1,1 of Ditt.c tort I.'l. Ili. d&r deelarttil +dividend
SIX .Itnit CENT. iu ...h. on tit. Canatti Sttek, and NIX
CF-NT on the NTip of th. Company. pat - star on and
after I.r. I. Alm, • divoiend of TEN l'Fit
CENT. in :tall, on the Capital : ,, tnek +tat Earned ItnTnt.
urno, Celt:neat.. for which will Te &lure.
Wilhacti JohFgell
.• , .
JON,pI . I S. , ;nl. .4.1 - a .. y entourl 1 4 1.utg,
R. 0.r., Is • IC II
J .
oro, T. Paulding,
J. T
II ,Itg.ta. 11. T. 010r4.m.
1,10. r. UM. F.yrs., Jr.. II ugh end
louse It.
I'lloMAA C. HAND. Vice President.
lincen W. COWAN. eiirectery.
ft y air Art inuorporating thioComianY•Um Partin , insO - -
ring pro,rty therein am entlllod to ohs. of the profits
of the Inotitution, without onbjraing themtelves to any
liability loimal the premium paid.
The Capital StrArk and hubornptionNotrs are pledxrd by
the Charter for the payturot of loaner, and tho pmfits of
the Compan, arr dinclud to to. invr,rted and remain In the
toss or, of the Como:ration. it. a fund for the further or
runty of the ..utmd. nib fund rill be amounted by
Scrip. beantin an intemit of sit per mut. dirhied among
the Inoured And utrkholarto. pro rata upon the amount
.4 earned Premium,. and Capital Stork.
Pittoliurgh Ageney.Ls Water strert.
Jantttilm P. A. 3IADEIRA.
I•of the .err
m tionzum
t then tw
tbrn again
tie eut rn th e
IC h mm
utra te ct r .
th, free from
cllon. Ewalt
spocra to the
Indant of the
red. nor will
end proof on
tf ouromd
r mtui.
State Mutual Fire Insurance "Company,
Harrisburg, Pa.
.THE very liberal patronage extended to
• A. this comny, haetng ,anued policies to the amount
01 near One n od n Half of PollarsAuting the last
thkee montto, sufacient maniftutatlon of the estimation
and confidence of the nubile In the syntem of management
on uhleh tamtnefas Is condor..
of the flit'
r brf re th
f all ..I ra
r n-a ttn I
of Deo tot.,
. . .
' To city or rwuutry rnerchenta, and owners of
end leulat44 mud country property, It is believed this rout.
44.11.4141wIrentegne In point of clieeenna eafety and
wenrity. inferew to no Ineurance comw.r th 6 mu”trY.
Conducted on the equitable end urently improrwl erstrnt
of Chnedikedton MAI, ekeludinw oportal hoards. In amount in stir one Itrallt),thue
eluding the frenneney stet oWurieure of ler, hr., and
ado on both the Stock end 31unaul plow It not only poen.
i 144444 the rbespnees and oreonnutslutirin of Irak methods
l entitle+ the inrored n parlielpetion In the Prolir..
11 Ls the cootn4l of the follow'. lerectorw—Jado:
P. Rutherford. A J. Gillett. John H. Packer. P. T. donee,
Alonzo A Cnrrter. Philo C. 144.41rwick. Hobert Klotz.
.1 It.i .nxLlr
J. P. 1:12T1Ig P;;:itleAkt
A J of i.Ln - r. Mr:roAnry.
lirtnelt tur Wetlern l'ettn.y !vent, ftt Vrnithfleld
Vitt.thitr4ll tleAring Intwran, will be ft,
nhtl,l with of the l'.trutntly hy rttliintt at the °Met.
unt .I'll
urth ftt that
T tie
nt, 1 r
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
cl A PITA I , 8300,000. It. MILLER, Jn.,
.7 ilreooltlent —,Lok.cretary.
rill insure tottainnt all kinds of risk, Fire snot 3loteitor
All holontoot trill hr liberally adjuetwl and prompt y paid.
Ahone. InAttution—manatrrol toy Dime:ore Igloo are well
k 4011,1 in the rcnomunity. and who are oltookorminvol by
promptnert. and Illotontlitv U, maintain Moo eloararter sebuth
thor hare Ittlolltll.l. a. otlertna r.a.t ra,a.rtion to thole.
who, drys to be inrnroool.
Doitzerlau.—li. Miller. Jr., (00. Black, .1. W. Butler. N.
Ilnimeot. Jr., it,,, 11. tholnotroo. Ihno.on. tiro. 0. Jarkaon,
Wm. 51.14 on. Jame, Llyoninnottl. Ueurge barbs, Jam. 3C.
Autry, A 1..-. Nimlrk. Than. :troll.
No in , . Wnwi Orarelooltro of Sionnt
ut otairt.. tuhdly
nt, n
Lb.. enld
I ut
I, 11% At , tl, , to
1. of in 2u
le llwir 11%,
i ip1a,..1 I .au bring
Ili 6.• vl
ul •rd,r r.-
non. .v. 11;
1 b. srcvp 1
6 ut unn or.-
Delaware Mutual SafetylnsuraneeComp'y,
11(.H./31 OF EN
eli AMIE. nor.]
Ytnx I NNVANCT--Iluild ineft. Merehosoll,. rind other
',rummy, sam e .b.n eountry.•lwured q.alust. Ir,es or
danuure b eit the lowe.t r.te preuilunt.
IsereAsett.—The, alfo Insure Vegsel, Cargoe.,
Frtiuht..l4reign or orm.etorke, muter open or ppeentl
poneles. es the Oesir ,
INLAND TR 15,P011,1710,..—Th.y .1,0 Insure Merchandire
tnroported by Wagons. Hail rtoul rat, Canal boat, end
: , ..sto hosts, on nye!, and lake.. on the rnewt llbresl te r Ens.
tb ' It rill
,•3 •ut
. . . . . .
I/tr.ccTosh--Jonenh 11. nonl, lichnutiJ A. :tondo, Johu
Dant, Hobert Itnnon. John It. !turn+, eetnuel 11.1yrnnl..
lit,gn tilltard Darlington. Liar R. Davit.. ll'll
liun Volvoll, John Newlin, Pr R.ti llortan, Juno.
llnt 1. Thoophilu. Panlihng. 11. ion... Brook.. floor,.
Ilunh Ilooro.v Sortill. Shone, tlrlithant.
chnrl.... hon . , J. ni
Johno. tin Dr A Thou.,
John holler, 'Cm. Ityro. Jr. :
. . .
Inent - rom Ilmannwo-1. T. Mornnn. Hugh , rnin.
• •
• .
111u:1x ITAFT”.. Presi.tent C Prwri
Corm., deorrtory.
ITR-Ornci. of thr n mpan). Nn 12 Watrr ftro.t. Pitt.-
burgh. (ne='tfl P. A. MAIiEIIII.
Franklin Fire Insurance f rhilairo.
. Co.•
jr)ll:ECTolvi: CharlPi W. Banrker. Geo.
w Richard.. Thos.:llsrt. Norilkai 1), Tobias
• saner. Ad.,ltthe rranuel ParYl Brown.
Jnents K. icritil h. llonis Patters..
F. nAIiCKER. Pmeklent.
Cuter-. U. RANC.E. 2.e.ffetari.
This Orronany ecintinues to Mak? Ineursuem permanent
oc 'hor ri d. on every description of Property in limn and
nn try. at rates splay as are enneistent with security.
The enrop.sny bior reservist lam , ront.lnent fund.
whirl, with their l'apitsJ and rrerniums, rarely investast.
nilont uupie 'rrntestinn to she wisursul.
11 tMI The (I.lArtl4 the tionspiint.,t January 14.1E49.. Pub
menviihly to ite Act e A-setabli. yen. as Whin.
111.947.4.19 41
Tam ßeal l:snay 44,7:3 kY
.. ..........
134504 31
giser.their lorcefotim. perind of nineteen years. thi
la"e upward. nf One Million Four Hundred Thome:aid
bona. Loono by Vire. thereby affording evidence of the
advent.. of Inettranre, es their ability awl die
volition to meet with rognetne , " oil iiabilit.k.•
mat Office S. E corner of Wool and id ern.
ANCE COMPANY, Nm 1.51 %luta Street. Newark.
T.. m,l
N. II Wa.ll &mt. N. 1 . tanulated bent.
11,06.1.000. dividing from 30 to 40p, milt pro,itz=um.
The nolxvrilwr will rreeler epalfrationa toe
tbe shore suceeuful cosepenr.wriZ 3
prvhls L.k.iou divided amolx i t i nlyarr i 7 . l .ioNF43,
deS Na. 141Yront atreet.
40 bblx. pure /lye Wbiskry. ,ery old and theloe."
00 bbb. Old MOOoogabels Whine, In ston alMi Nt
010 by Lisa] JOHN PARKER k CO.
T AI:—SO brie N. C. Tor for Bal
jai/1 RURBRIDGE & 1.1(1111:A31
fpLACK TABBY VELVETS of a very ea-
P"i" '''''n" ,
bo glielii ,v' t rioballtrla,"'
N. E. cor..Fourth and Ityket .
. porrath.eLhatt.ontt94.n an•ytaient ofsbn,T a... 1.
] .n
%r ........ ......tto d.r. al.. tl '
kle 11,11111-1/
No ,
o,marear a ilumbrield beinow earavial. attention on the
atooto department of lb. businna, and twit. ',now
pattin g
cloths of any de.,niption to give thaw • tall before
.. .
N r iERMIFUGE, DR. NleLaNE's CR I.E118.411:D.
.110 qoa.4 for .ale by J. KIDD A CO.
r_ S . , 1,0 Wo'tat •
1.1 VER. PILLS, Da.MeLesa's . El EtIR.ViED.
:3 ,, 0 ama. for aale by Alg .1 1:11,1? • CO
VIAL CORKS-1500 gree,lr..i • -de try
W ' /KIR • . ~ 1, I 111) •CO
{a I'Ol , lOE-2 mom tine, and 1 hale extra
40mar.e. for gale by )alt 4111111, a en •
1, 4 "g:P.5i.i.N.1 SA LTS-15 brals 1 . 14 hale by
4:4 nos J. K IDD I,
I.IN I) ft I ES—Fifty. barrels Family Flour;
i..43tz br4.uf.rtinn Flour: brbt Iln,. do: 50 I,b,twlN Dry
Apple, 1 brl Eggs lUR rw.lT ed sad aa rulr b 2.
JOHN WAI r a co
TRICOPIIEROUS for sale by R.
:Rll.ll Wobd a., Srn :taunt (or l'iltabiirFh.
Ilurchtlnl4 Inv'', inn ottnntion of thorn
br boys' nnnr. In their sn.nrunent Of llinFn
of g . fnr thin [4111110.. j.lll
-Cash paid for Wool by
MUl{Plflf & LEE. 'Abort,. Ft
11111IIIVN FLANNELS--Oue vase just re-
Va`V''''' from "" '741117 . 1 . 1 LEr.
REDf FLANNEL—One case on bond and
or aide br laid MUMMY A LEE.
,BILANKETS-4ingle and double bed, steam
t..t_ cr a., and ~utips blankets for vale by
ißmuneur it LEE.
WEEDS —Three'eases assorted Tweeds
ud rorellied fn. otanufaoturent tot oak by
ja a iIUEI . III' a LEE.
4s l UMAC—Two ton; Sumac for sale by
lk ioLA,s r s e --, ‘.. l. :n if l y m - r fi w ve,l 4 r,ls new crop, per
lill JAMES lIALZELL, 69 Water . ao
rrOBACCO--8 bxs No one, 6 twist, received
nvcr stcsawr Brilliant. and for male lor
par ' JA3tEs nAizat.... Water ot
13 W
as Ealf,pin.COlinian Brandy... Palo and Dark..?
IS coke e. gr. oak. do do - Palo,. various vintio.
10 do do g toudsnort celobrated Imando
ti vita-a Iltilland lion. iilkihlino Anchor nod ..ri.h"
llntuarhotirili IrLoh and &in. Mull whisker
lit bbla do N. E. j'" d ' P ' Rh if ,!,
04 gr. cask. Curt Wine
i.ON do Madeira Wine.
00 do lino. Alelnira WWI.
.i . do mr„ w''L.. -
?..5 None. Maclean% Clan I.
ti o
mere arid formate by JUT PARE EE A CO.
t iiitt I.lhorly tart..l
llD.—Twenty brls and fifteen kegs lor
vale hr , dos ELITINER A BARNES
UiOLD PENS. We have non . On hand 11
large Mork of the lost hold l'ont,frutn oho lesdina
m foctorioa In Sirs York. and mails extdootoly to tinier
A , O, titlOna 11014 Petooll Ca.oiiit and lienlioldera :lily,
Car, tu every 'snot,. Pon-upon. Pen !Bildern Pearl do.
All or . lik orliolotali. and retail at Near York Prism .
l'i , t IS 0.0 ILSON
ir I .ENISON 11.A.1115.-2. Loxes revived and
T for ante Al ay:la %V eY E WlliiiiilN •
POWDEII. MANGANESE. Os sale 100 doN> .1 RIDE 4 co.
iI.VJI. for aide by i ilKki 3. KIDD A IS
ARD GI L.--I Idols for vale IW 7
RA tioiin J 1:114, a cvy
1310 I RON.—Fifty tons Brush Crook Furnace
L rin Iron. Air rA. . Elltilitilli. LITTLE 6. CI I.
r ...d
0 , 260 1.11k•rt1 .00.
6.1 iIINDRiES.--6 iris fresh Rol Butter:
k7' 21 too. nut.,
Fu. ErzeLc,reeelred
' rrd. LITTLE a ro .
rich LLUlV.—Fifty brim received and ['or sale
CaIIORTS.--One thousand b. just received
Li Tor rtooroor hour Lind. and for pair. Ly •
enILII En A IlriENEs.
brruo or roodlll • .
d ,orrox. hales 111 - landing (rum
LNn 1
Merin, oovr lantlina trwri o.tmuner
For Wr 63 I,II , KEV a Co.
2.0 Water and Front In•
i• r ;
0 „ ,
1 . 211 Wood ear..
1.4 - IVATIIERS. 16 sacks now lanrUng frour
' rlrgunrr,6,orrs,fnr +ale
. 13.7
biCkEY it ea.
.1 3 Weare and lama its
min.., Draft. len the klant. eraoJ Ararat. Stocks, de..
lst asel ea"
bingaral Marco. Padre breed on Um most favorable
terms. at the Banking HOUR of
ibt/HGE a ARNOLD t CO..
N0..14 Fourth *user
attention of merchant. and others to I;rigeand
wuort.xl .dork 51 , wirry. Uhyrrw. Under Shirts. and
Drawer, Tbe arlicl..• In Silk. Nts.rlnn. and
Odlon. of .11 111, and pm., v....Ur dm hand end
.ale Ina nan S. IL. EATIIN.
(.;,. EXECA OlL.Five brig received. for sale
1? UTTER.—Five brls and ten jars prime roll
1➢ butt., fve family UP, for Yale by
hrls V, arrive,
_LI for Nati by d . .!- S ScIRIV
r I hAt'n Bnok Keeping Itrld Blank Rook. reed 1m
nold R. C. STOCKTIN.
DRY PEACIIES.—Three Itundmrl bus just
0.61,..4 mad for W.. by
. .
VOTTON FLANNELS--A farther supply
FRENCII LEAF—Fifty bundles French,
j: Florence, Aril. Gold and Slicer toff fur role I,
Jalo J Ell • (0,25 Wood Pt
IOLORS-5 brls Rose Pink;
ti • c", ) , lb "..,, n irroi."`T:ir: and Grven;
For Mb j.lO J SellOON EM. L CO
I'Elt3ll - LLION —Trieste, Chinese, Ameri
y apd[l.perlal Verm , illlon . , far rad ! by
,nir, •
J q 7 .
1100.01AFFR a CO
SKENTI A L OILS-1 can Oil of Saesafraa;
Mlll4 Oil of LaTender,_le.” Oil of Itoorntarr,l run
In of Lctnon, , I ran Oil of Itcrmarnot; I box WI of Cit..,
MO I Ir,u Oil (,7 60., runt rperlYed•for Pale Iry
)RUSSIIAN BLUE—Ten boxes No. 1, for
pair by rain .1 8121100N5IAKER • CO.
AR.D - 6 - IL.—Lardbil of a superior quality,
AA constantly on hand foraale try
r aid 18)1011 PICK El & CO.. 'Water & front da.
M 0 I: , I r prime by
ran t '" k " . ` L e. WATERIIAN & SUM+.
BuTTER.--'filirty keg. and nix brim fr e sh
butter Net recelsrd and fdr rale by
Pau J. P. fiII.LWORTII & CO.
n U o t i" A
010)11N A
EIV RAISINS on consig nment for nide l.y
I - 1E1)11nm) IV Mk Ey.
hbla taut Itcrtltird Whigkey,ln !dote and for Auk
.MOLASSES.—^_S brls Sugar Rowe, St.
Wont. ItrOnery. J ug n:re s irpd, and fur rah. br
rag ROII PACT DALLI.LL CO, Liberty ortmet.
v It EASE: LARD—Twenty brl.?(ireame Lard
1.31 elred and for rah , hr
Jan' . 8. & IP. lIARBACOII.
DRIED PEACJI ES—Three hundred hue
Dried Prraltra. Med, and for NOP by
1 - EA Ei Prime Cdneinnaelei rtiLiird s
41 put up In bo g . for Gmilr ux, lull reed for ruht by
11'.11. A. MrCLERti A CO.
M'. airClititswk lnyltea primbrur, to lar g er( and
'adorn,' ranortutrut of Thu., Ply and Ingrain Car,.
a-ver bnai g ht to Oil, market, and rbraprr than an,
crater',rd.., We luritr all to tall and oxionlnc our rink
at No. ksl•surli strevl and 70 Word rtrn_
Jnln 11. )IcCI.INTOCK.
H hiCt b qitt i ttrek
hoof Patio, Debit., Ihunrak.n. of the now,ot and
10r..t ! Vila. at rnlural
le t . Call at the Corpn Nara
how, Fourth etrret.
1 410
The Old Printing Establiahment,
IdATE Johnston and Stockton's, and Blank
Bona and Ptatlonery Wan.houar.
.8. HAVEN preparrd to earrate otri 7 A T I, of legal.
Commercial.. Canal, and Steam Goat Job Piloti ng llnd 6.0 k
and fin 1,1, evrry artlrlr in the Blau& 11.11,
Paper and Stationery line, at the abort,rt notion, an on
the rewonable
11lent Hunk end elationery iVarchu.e. n,mrr of Nlarka
.nn Ferood rtn,tor.
printing Inner and Hook [tindery. No 0.0 Third ot. pot
1.4 . -- (.1 —' 1; - P21 --- C 60.,
Manufacturera of norei end Dotaratie Straw fwaix.
Ball the attention 14 buyer. 00 thrlr anode for hall, and
They will offer inclommenta in • great variety of
atylex, .tr., pareharwrx who boy hy the toanufartomr:
Pecknee. : 4 atopirat exhibited nt thrtr 'darn, No. EIS Pearl
(do ataint., New York. tlet..MalLhw,
IC—N. 11(01.11ES 4 SON: , No. 67
Il (M k, 0 0 0 ,0, pit.d.orgh. Exchange on .11 the'Eaatern
and Western cities for min. GallettlOne nude in all the
principal plaeco iv the Union. Nokia on all Kolvent Sank.
dlaronnted. Notes and Time hill, negotlatod..
.p. 14
4 gross of flint
gµrl, article for boolm and gho..,
llyywolnr proof. amt plla n kln aa • plane" cloth. This
rrielo In rvrantN to "irroe"'„tn=
(1•01 J. 11. ;.lIILLIPS.
aIEA 'WARE...English & Agiericno Briton.
ni Tea Mete: Plated dry. Plated
iratIVMA n i t; .17.1 ht"„*-k.Ti,...,47urr 71a1-
Plated and German Miter korai; and Fluent%
Table Matu Th. Trays of One I . ll rndo,imun Manufacture.
highly ornamented , • Plated Tray. bmullful murmur
A ten tuVtint (4, rletmlng and pollahlna plated
Brushra for cleimlng Chamois aklns, Feather
Dusters au
mrommte—Borree eelebratol Magic Kitchen,
about tie sire of a ba, which will mate <urine, t beef
03 .0 or any thing else in a few mina' s , ou
for tale by I{ W. 14 11.411 , 1.
Cor Market and Fourth ea
91 bay Lemon,. In prime order. on etmeignmenh
40 brim Cloter teed, primg
24 blots Sum,
$ .73 1) tn ' a
10 brim Roll Rotten
13a/ bro. Oats;
40 brio Timothy Seed, on hand and kr sm. by
+anal) . Erect
BOOKS, MUSC. &c. .
Graham's Magazine fur M.rh. with 11l page,
Ihwtirulturist. Err February;
Cultiratr, as Whig Review dm
Dinciplin: Wee:
ldechanles Mgaazine.
Womenalf Israel. by Grace Agullan
Home What.: tale fur mothers and daughters;
Muth...A Itecompence. by Grans Aguilar.
Ltelt.laweptiota ur the hintory the human
Heart by M.. Mlle
Olirtu a nOT./:
Henry ftnerden. by G. P. R. Bamea. Es,
r stale at IItILMEW Literary Isetut, uppoldte the Post Of
L 7 11. K L Eh k:lt takes pleasure in
uenocing that he h. just opened a lot o
hhrill, Nan.. .4 the criebratni make of
ears CIA. anal l/usuan. New York, which, with those
nu baud, form the too.teleganL varied• and extensive stork
ever offerni thiA city.
Among other, re splendid 7 'oltare double carved Piano.
LaeXIV style. with the new Improvement of the over
mines. the latest and tomt Important imprnvement to
,f 110 only on Nun. a , Al,,.Clark's llama. Al two el be
Attachment Pianos.
'LIN. IL—An extenilee I« of Near . I, embrarina 'hams
3,101 . m. and the urw Soup,lka, Meltzer ac.
' 4
NW! , UN TILE GOLDEN 11411.1% lot Third n.
DIA PER—Folio, Parket, Cunimercial and
11, (Nano nnn and L'asp Pap,. a large aupply of ell qua
burr. ruled and plain. blue and whin., for rake nn a ural
term* at . 1010 W. HAVEN'S
T OTES AND DRAFTS.—.Engraved and
Ntemn;mpb \,M nut
car, hr t,ookTi":g" Pt;
axle at " Iv. lc IF. nlanit Book Rote.
jetu . JJ Car. Jlarket nod &rood atr
'American. Journal. and Poet roily.'
l ir 111'f N(ilNK — !.i - nold's Writing Fluid,
Clirniltal Fluid and llrd Ink.
Ilarrhou'a Columbian Ink—red and Mark.
Ilocall 8 Tikompraufs Cominerrtal —blark,
and rot.
I%reneil Carlolnv. Ink. Fnr id. hT R. M.:HAVEN
1..7 A um. rlmoirltl dictionary of lob gal lioniat.
graPhY. InythologY and gryorraphy, loudly LAURA npon the
Dictionary of ltreek and Bomanßiography and My. tholody.
by WillianeSniitlit.L.lo.. editorof the DitliOnAlil,l of Orrek
Romanand Enan Antiqu tit, and offirrek and kntrian Biography
nod llltholoay. r 'kill. withnurneun eurreetionn nod
addition,. by C.harlei. Authoin, LL. ro
Prof.. ..f the
lireek And Latin Language, in Columbia College
Thy Life and Corriepondenro of linbert Smithey- oldest
by hi. wonythe Roo. Chortle. Cuthbert t , nnther. NI. A.. Co.
rate of Plumblanil; tuand cloth. with
No of tho Life and enrrestroolenor of Robert
IA or of tbr Queens of rlentland, and Enall , h
ronntored irlth the regal snore,oinn of Unlit Brillion, by
A n uneriMtriekitud. author of the !Arm of the Quren. of
E gland. vol I
m.• Deelln...f Popery. rind It. enure.: on Addl ., . driir
erod . thy Broadway Tabernacle. on 1V...due...1ay to ening,
Jan lb. 1 , ..71, by Rev 3lunyiy.
Theshore bn..EA 'net nicely...l. and for ....lolly
Jando YortICION. No. 17 Market d
roitTEs—..lo 11 ti I I
31E114. Nn Wood nil., h. morl -
va and nos open for Itale.• lattsr and writ nil 7
f . l 0, anti 7 octavo Iti- "
eursfortee. Imm the mantlfactort of t 1%14...rim, U.
which he Invite, Mr went Inn of .prrltant•rn. Mr., Pia
err inrarteltly pold at IloAnt. prirrt, v/41/totd ntitt tutna
fiwtrati,..foftt.n.., rta, ttlitl in ell caws wermttud.
Iti•noti tekett tn nett pert,. at their Pill reit..
' .11111 S 11 ME1.1.011.
I,nt tor 111 , aalH of Pin.. for lt
No hl orret
Ilin&sphy. Mytlmlo,r. and
Um4M , . pftrtl, upon lb:. I).tv , n,. Un , ...k Rtr
Ana ‘1, By Wm. nulth.
Lll4 and 11S11
utlan 1.11.4,4
1.., Win. 111,. ti. 1' frn.11...1. )1 A. 1 vol. onfr
TI,.'n.1 Csur.— Au
111 , 1 . ..11n 111 n. ..4 Wn.lunaluy
JAnu, N Murray.
JuO r
Inr ,4
*rd.. 11 111 II
I 1.. Afr.11....111/111In., Enorth
NT F:1 1 ,7 :tit' S '—
) a duet. from
4lthe./..11,...ri 1 1 114101 tom., ur...• +r: I i.l r
11l f, Inv Alsfr. fro, In C.
11... mitre.
Cum.. MAP fru- to Tra.unthlln . .
Ft. Steak
Tiu hitt stttottletl the tttlrg [hut. Ihted
Th-1 , 10,na.-1 Dann-.
.Lanettawl .1. anW I—mm W .
31r , . Ern., 11,11.
I "h“
1.111, end part!
FlzWiznol Polka /01,11..ttr 1.,t.1116 , n•.
A IP'w 4dtti. n(lluntotin Id+truetinn. for I'unt...llt
Hurn'tN. 11 . t art" INlener iteeeived feoele, hr
IN If Wontl
—N reel If ige .t lol ork t,l NIELI.OII,
Nan l'innoe arrlvc. entl
".) T. fnr e thte week.
}:11 - • 110liKS AT ii()L3iES .
flirt] ..1
net..l., 11, 11. P.
The ofW..triegn, :11,4 %%rann.l3l.
lir Sr.uth grant.
Mott., nrt - .1311,1.4. 11, Cram. A,'liar
11,nicrr,r Alacaxmo.f., Jxnuar,
.chftss,...6.r 1,1.
1 r4it. 4Juitlenn 111nmInnt,..1.4111on thr.
. .
. .
New Books, just received.
it•ls of ti . Bii h. i.v ie,Arp• OHO.
n 12.1 a . ,.
01, u.,,rf, twine elnsln
t; 41e,Igne,1 for 1.,,1„nr.r.r, In • Sr NA11111.1311..4 Anshel C.
lirminsk. I tau,
MI; . 11 • kll . llaunh Flagg ck.w. 1 , 110
C - tua b' rm Y l '.'h au s Ll t'nunt..l. harm. Maria J
le The mprumw: • ..410.110 ..1100.0
B' .ll U rThautefli " W•ll, and Env lervr, Journal. Flr•t
'".". and
It llol•KINS
Iris ibirM
r grutl l .
r. ' 1 L. :1;• '""" 51,7 "..r.
tn-rrn .6..ttal. or -Ism tn:per.olul
nett,. arni result.. oL travd through Ow SiLudvich or 1t..:
rngra , lngS, -
The terraces sterour.r•tar to Ileum e
Grano...Walla, Received and fur ante hy
ral3 IL C. STiolliTtiN. 47 Market at.
ebnakiele. Peat. and American so,
nualttle, ruled and plain, Id..
illank abo rt trery deacriptle.n. nn hand or made to
order at abort t.
Slatlgnen —En link, French rind American.' tau, ars .
a110t... for ale . W II kVEN. Shallot's,
raPi )larder at, eve, of Semml.
neriptIon of Legal. Commertial. Steamboat, Canal and
Road Printing, executtzl at nhn;l . 7 , ntia Av . in the
1...1rt manner. by .
hinting OM,. In Third at, bet nem, Market l
and Ferry
TATIONERY—W. S. 11.tenN, corner of
17 Seoond and Market !ale a larre and row.
plete an ...nrun.•rit fan, vtallonery at ha• ever hnen
one.ned In this market. 31,qhaints ouPPliwil with ' , et,
artkle In OLP. line on the tn.v.t favorable term, . b
_ .
j at the.1.1..1.1.n Harp. NO. 101 mini .L
. KI.I.IIIEP. n.v reevivtna irwth lot
fenlegant Piano.. made I, NUN,. CIA..
New lork, anon. lipqn. iipleatlld 7 ....late carved Plano
of the richest tlewrription Of exterior and tone. It Is made
In the lioouro hi. in .ORUC Intim n-Int of Lord. XIV oat
AP.o, a new lot of Whionneir and popular ?dn.',
and an ..xtertrive AriPtlioo Pt", Imitruments..Dallnt.
Rlrludonna. and every variety of mutual nitirrhan
.llse. . • '
NveEW, BOOKS.—Ilumllolt:a new Work,
l'emmo, or iiketehneof • Ph,!lad devertption of the
0 ,
Se.rtuore' Sketcher .of I.linnewota. the New England of
the West. 1 vol. I= mo.
Byrne, Merhanlea' and Engineers' Dictionary, 21.1 No.
Ilaernm'e St111:11:41, The a, well worth mann., ,
For fide .r R. HOPKINS.
Apollo Building
1111111ER1E, HOGAN ANI)
, A ' T R :IO3II, , O VA. and Ilarrleou'e Black. Red, Pearlet
situ (7armine Into.
Enher'o, Flremktnan wl 1..11Pgd00 . .. JOH.",
and Plark and 14,1
I ntetaild...of ever> deneriptlou; tiillott . , entire', Pratt',
L•rr'o. Leaman', mei other nennufartii,, of Pte..]
Pen , !d. 9milli a teurre.eww to A.O.d C.)
relebrated ()old Peal, with golel.and nil,. Pa....,
Whartmater linvlLeh .Drawlng Paper—aatiquarian. don.
hie elephant. all, Polumbler, super noral. 'tai tool el.-
Omni: llrirtel fleitht, rap. and modluna.
Perfor.d.e.l boani, fa.uei par.a.r, plalu gold and silver.
gold. oiPter and fan, pnlared paper. and
nrip. and encner,and lithograph, for rawer Nisi,
prepartelletrelitnent of all o,tre, Aultable fur dePJO. ehart
era and diph.rose, Pn.nedi Jude. paper, n)nn band. the
tined thldrahle et ter, !LSO,. 3.,1 pattern, plain, wilt, rail. ,
wit and ellverpd, to. node, mirth., wedding , and
}Trod. Pula alla ' , Pe} plain and enffleeeTd: letter envel
ope, brown. white sod blue, laid and plain adlieeiro
rek.paa, buff. blue rul wbite
of wafer ru , ration. !'attune writing +and: in,.
tin. rormind Tort boa wntal rand boon, evp, log ;meowo.
Ink,. brush., FIT ntldi 1a k,. nod all
famine par, of all rotor, sTd 4 whit , Went Not.
lay prr, pwl
UM' snore. well. 011.r•rdele• In the Stationer, - bin.',
both Inner .and eta tngether will; a large wanrtmeni 01
blank booke and ut nurrandlint lark of all.meanion forum
of ruling, in every rtylo of bindluer, and of all Aar.
and qualstba,for '
at redue..l Mire on Ilir tonal ryas..-
.able ferule, W. S. HAVEN'S
k Ilook and Statinneu Wan•bonee,
until Carver Market and Second Aerate.
l'UltItAN, a 'tale of
theAineriran Iff•veltitlnn 17Grayann, elaq.
lister' 'Ol the 1 rfonnatlon of (beeirtmull Century:
.1 11. it D.. Prneldent al the Meade.
uteri eelead b.,
...V. and lire Pn•aldent o f tbe Soden.
Etaneellqiie Ti 'elated by 11. White, U. A., Trinit, Cub
j'Znet'ulTrWirto rabd by f ll ¢ r i.
ittligultlea 4 andllingrephT. 1L
Tbe above work,,
• .
hooka,ller and 2Mt.loner.
Corner of H a rk and flint MI
IIU' , ILINE IA I'S- - l'elton's splendid
1ve4,1, Out
od for he
(14 It tr, In I ntsbunTlLand incite teachers
and •ohnol entrant s •di and remain/. them
No j —Map ..f the It.otorn mi.pben , sl !nab..
, 2 do ...tern do do
1 do I North ttn•rirs 70 084
4 .I‘.- 1.1011...1 Stator. 70 x 02
lump, 00 x 0.1
.1.. Aso.. 70 x
7 do Ametion A Atli,. :0 S
Prior of the aril '4
slth toy , 12 r or thr Brat a
two t
nit 1,610
t hoar map... rlrallod In noruntor.l.mntr and rhea,.
011140.1 011 Vita. 14 1410 primary. r
Intl Malt reined. n thr I nitod Rah.
aor,alr at Publl h. •r'. prier, without addition of hrlahl
ahfargr, at the 14/LCATIONAL 00100 [MOUS,
1.1/4 0 Cornor of llarket seal Fourth IL
Mors an. Viillia's Home Journal
pUBLISIIE / every Saturday in New York
Cu, at Tan Ilan a rear, partible In all cages In
adv. ,
Ao .00-0111 re of tho Ilmno Journal. No .
107 lulton stro. L. ow lur k. Doom:oh, 14. 11.00 To all
w h o . may..routo n May certify that .. ll.lfouscs
Is dui) anthro.. l 0 act as , agent for- Mumma a %Intl,.
11 . 01 d, .Inuanst, and t all roorlpts erre by him In Par
mn, for said paper 111 duly acknotrledtpal by ua at the
, of r.blinttion. and It Is oxprrody agreed and under.
stood. that all 1.1.1 Minna am payable one year In 01
ranee. The nolo rod mr nontturura on the Ist of Jaen.
tngt"" WRIIINTAII.47I etrreL
op rji te t
!...dltnr• Proptietrna
HEW Bt in! WEN BOO — ifir
rtrort. (Jetzt rho pmt 01111,
(.174r. a W n". l 4l, by a he "
The Moffitt Ben ranee a runol By Grano Aguilar .
The La two tuaniay.—• novel
T o e Ladder of ti. Eatallah story
T I,ro and to be Loved--. tab.
A1i.... .... . .
t:uro on the, enulta Di Dr. llorg.
Proteur.s ~,, Rcni, .3 Bishop Ilutatea, ton tan Deelino of
li11111! Journal. $ Int nett volume, Jan
. ...
BNVELOI' :::3.--Just received, IL large
..tuy or I. ... Moe. luttl white Entelopea, or all .itu. 13..... a arm
;&` ' a4° . 9 4'.llV i liF giii . wp.. ,... . t warrhotto, •
jab%) ',
Drag and Preacripfion Store for
Idodu id flourishing nod Itn/direlng
t e city. which la dol. a profitable Muth.,
fered tor rah. upon cur tense. For further n
ripply Chronicle afro.
INCH. the introduction of this new Com
t3rartind. Cough. and Colds are cured In 70 .hart
time. We wilt •struut Dr. Keys Deetand Syrup to
eure esoes of CoUghs. Oakley Dem./Ott, Lids - twit In lone
Dole and at • cheaper rate than our Other
Medici.* all *lettev the dot:lath and Idodoeu ntnn'eo.M.h
I. wore diatigneahle than the cough Wulf. Thlw 10 011V1-
0.1 In this 101 a... for,lt in •
_pleasant NoothlnE_artiele
and It will cone or the nosey .110. reiguard 11' ono
den. In favor of thin toodielne In our ally. frogi our own
eitirens should rouvinee any me of Its ettleiter. llt 1. Our
hum i lt " 01 : P r' =. l a h ra ir' ir . t a r b o`tr',.'"" tti,
hued hen& inictelli
iLIASUMPTION—A lady from Steubenville rules, that
her daughter bad been sffletni withaldillnntl nnynoloo
- nlslit nu.sts. beetle fev. a e dlstrenoing .
ou tgehanttle'ranri taking ton
mainly who nod 'utter tt
ed with Anthills and Chronic Cough
for eight years tern entirely
and an. ro u gh
0..100 , ..4 by the use of half a dozen of bottle* of ttibt Ps
that Syrup. A fn. Peoria. write ,
that 'qt.* known tie, Yeetond Syrup to be a fiord article. for
he hat tp.ed it in own mwr and in the races of members
of hit tant, with the most perfect un.,
on nr rot Clitterer Mao:ascii sow raown—ltja"
put up In half pint bottler at t.ti renta earl, ca via bottles
tor V 2
OWN would do well to keen a supply of
phi. andiron.. on Maul all the Unte. a. It In one of the nowt
terfect nod oh. ever dbororeritt for sit
OM 111111 &Anna, Of thvlupu. and 1.1. l knt INtni.wilion.
CAI - I'lON KVl'llA—platy 'worm. will try to met yini to
hity come one of the varioug but uof hoed
them. If inn w tint to get well buy Da. Kareat'el
SIR*, aml take no othwr. will cube you. IP bus in It
witne of the nue: val.ble plants and herto of (tin LIMMTIA
rwrilirm. and I..iupunded by a peniou skilled is tho heal
hut art. Ther can no deception in thin meditiine. It 4
i - r
phombi in 'our own . and lb.. pntprichir LW. nutter ,
out erribticutcatnnu perWiris our nun city, atlextlna its
'mineable propertiew, which will to shown to any penult
ot reel, them.
Anr,, IV throm:hout liar - U State:lonel!
large ill.conn4 will b made to tht who will
take an tau and In the medicine 141.111 pay a lime milt
lo all agents.lwio. they will be doing entbwing humanity
hpbb Placing In titelr hatol• the bercotel tecilleine
hp Lung dlncibew the world has ever ',milt:vial.
For bile. whole.olo And retail. be KEYSER 11,101 W•
F.I.L. 140 Wool ibrcet. I'll, whom
all !emir. mi‘encici twt aildrew , ed. Abu, finaleos by
D. 11. Curry. Allewheny. city: Ilrneker, Jr..
flenrge Baird. Waohington; John 11. thultnsuu, 111 , kory;
ilcorpe Keyser. Mefiwsport - Lb Clt
and hi M/lIIMTIM ur
dnzlibs venerably. J IaLS
iaELLERS' LIVER PI Ll.—.. The viiry•bvst
13riii 0.. In met - '
F•F mu, comb floret. Va. Jan.. 4, I.
Mr. H. E eellvr.-INar Sir: I will elate to Itu that It
iF my orkimen our Pill. IA r 0,11.. the 'eel" hFee, neer
in use as a Or, rlll, and Is .eurnas , ed ur nen. A . ea
Antehilion. Pill It I. err, highl% eeteetinet PAM'
inanity a,e a family and is hut supplanting Kil Fiu,k from my own eaterieme. and, the eN
p..mener. Id man, of nu' friend. and ruetomer.
isulaiitted to show the aliginal Ikter. but
led to Fuildhh the Forner , name
LlTer.rlll. ate the OriFrAnal.Onlv—Trne and
I mon, All other. am rounterfelt. isr Law imitation,
INimbitmert. treoll.4l that E. E. feller.' Liver Pills are
the oriental nod only true and genuine Ll 4 er PAL and
me, Ined at No 57 Wood otreeh and of Drueulate uene
rail, In the so MU., and vicinity. FaIN
LIVER PILLS supereede sill
a other.. Ili:Fri.—hen. Art.. Vent. PAL INAL—Mr. 2. E
ter.---Voor 1,11, have lavrane telpular In all this
'.•1• 1 1 111. 71r1,.• " 0e n .? " •
FEvtrart ol a lette.] JAMEN A. I,rIWIS. rueollret that 11. IL Ne 11.. ., Liver Pills an the
MO Irue and Aenunte Liver Pill, and may be
47 M0..1 Aperl. and of InvAgiue Irenerallf In
it, no ill.. and F Irsnitv fait
- 7 1,1kar...1 under the huntillintr care of dm Inlent,
and tor utntanli.
Th...leant prryarallon i. v.ontumrtado.l in all ma., of
I.lle. gout. and as thr suo4
ea.v. and rrirctual farm m whirls Miwnryin tnny. and
Lul th.. only one in whbli It onitlit to be ellaibitial. no.
all 11., yrritY,llr.. of the Alactirmln now Its iirtirral
110.1 r lit, it. he twin dan,2){lll canel
ll., in Or 1.1..1, it effectually rum. heartlairn without
imurin, the ~,at. of theYtonmeh...o.l3. 1.1... and their
ar.. known m.yrcut. lb.. 1..4 Ed infanta
in nll cm,. i e 4 ae a pilra.lnit nloncnt and
I. neritliash n.1aid...1 to feinalr,
alr Humidly, L/TI . tratified that thi. wdutinit form. aol
uh, atlf, nrirarid .alt.• in en of and! and
then 1., ..ountrrarintw their ...,
when othyr alkali... and rYcn Mazneria Ihyrll. had end,.
From Sir 1 . 1.11. i. Crampton. Bari.. Surgeon flaunt m the
Ann y irylrindl—
.au 1. no dould that 11n2nerla may 100
a.innat-ton•I In the 2rn, of n con,ntrated
Intim. than Iti ..iii.danco, for [hi, and many other
of opinion that the Fluid Maitti.2-in la a very rnlciat.l..
addition to oUr Almeria M Va. I' 111 T.ll' SIP TON
Sii (In.. Sir A C.•.ty.r. Tor 2,1014 rant
0011, az..111..rh., ~f attorml, rcenintn..rul
Marra, • i Mid a- 1...1ug inthdlely morn rot. and
rou...thent than the roll. and fr....from thr dsugrr
of niKia r - pram,
lot nth. fir 'h. lintany-fo sad yinnirirtoira acenti.
1111 1,2 Wiaal Yront
NTAINING nn Mercurv. nor other
The fulb.wing atimomal ia , given by tire
.brated Or M.noter Wad, the author of the gnat
gal work b.d -- th...lownran I . 3l,tiee and
. . .
twen made a!vingintal with the InZrodirtil.
.111,h ramie...lle An Ilealinginntinent,and hity•
inu prairril.ol awl 1.0,1 n in ftwerwl ran, it: nty privnti.
hxt..-er ' t
that it:lnuraltent. nombi nu neit es the aro. mut
a.., a.. duvrterl ay the proprietor. ere not noir hamar.,
Lot of wweat lan, nal! ,rientifke Riernkli oLout
taw, utul 1 eh...tinny recommend a . errtnrounit
which brut done much mad. and which Li adapted Cr the
rum of a uwout inrieli of ranee. Though I hare never
either n.connuolobd or enLwigal in the male of ow.ret
roiee.,gaal for the Mil) Lotowt. rotuwientiouu humane
ri.riarter of the ugopriktor of tin. ointment. awl the value
of bi..ll...ovory.ohllue me to rii) thou. nineh r.g.uninig It.
N... loft. Apal 1 , 14. IV. LIEACII.
Bras.-1( o nm nrth , . lwmt tltings In the world r, , ibornr.
arr Irarly cured by 11114 thotmt.nt.
It For In
,Utt r n. in .t lal l .thatle of It h. unequal
If sb.thel, and Ni'..o knew it, value 10ra..., of Swnllt.n
g . g.g.„ Dlwww. of the Spine.
t h e. ° `} b
ti~aPll7., Cold Fee or 13rolit, Croup. Swelled ell
Tooll,A he. Agve In On Pat, tr.
thr Readiny
Thrm wan no7er. rerhat, a Vediritm hroucht the
tr:.l"7 , :i".`.!!"llZ`,',:t"gl4";
another , of the a third of d umb, ra nn. her Mon rutty I.x It of tfr toot manful tr
in In the
nal.. (mirth of a swelhne in the limb, le. If It dok, not
butnedLue relic( In etery ea..t it can do on Itoury,
I , itur applied outwardly.
)1.. another eridente of the woralerful bean.
neo....ed by thin natl., autuoln the fullowiw, tertlftrate,
frnni a rrepectable citizen of 3falden , xek tdirnship. to thin
.. • • ••
Ritter k de.ire Int Inn von that I was
entirely eurud of a 'merle pain In the bayi. hy the UN. of
naive. whirh I Punebtraed fru:.
you. I auger...lndia it for stout [went, year, mud at night
vral unable to .h.ep. During that time I tried raring,
trundle, which weer prnreribed for me hr phyakiana and
other peraoup. without n..4ving
relif. and at tat
made trial of thia.alveorith • ram!t favorable beyond ex
pectatin. lam now entire . irnnetNm thy pain. and at night a peaceful and.orreet lrep. 16ore abo and the
naive piece for tooth ankle and othercosoplainta. with airAllar
happy reaulu. lour primal. Joint HOLM - MUCH
Pole proprietor of the above medicine.
Principal 011 ire. No . ..tS North Third /1. Philadelphia.
Atiem t." Ptrrsnra.ll.—/t. A. Fah n...tack k CO, earner of
Scro.l land Vint Mtn. Jackson. Yo. 2.10 Liberty otreet:
Wilre.x. rofner of Market otre,t and the Diamond,
earner of Fourth And :+tnithltrld ..44 J. 11.
n..r of Walnut cod Penn ...a. Fifth Want sal add at the
et..n. to Smahneld .treet. thin dun In.m ~.emti.
In Allese, city by 11. P. Schwartz and J.
gnat u,
otigaltela N Bowman Co-. mid J. T. angers,
Unrm, i 11... John ilarkle, Beaver. Pag John Walker. an..
Elizabeth; P...nbricill a Elwin. Ih . ..header. ya11..11,
Where I. the man who does not appreciate the Inv.,'
o an they shaver If any then. be. we do not address oun
orderto them. 'Rut to all other, vr ). If you with to
render sharing a pleasure. purchase • bun of Jules Basel',
Almond thvtarhio. or Antbnwial It le ut
tcrly imp.aelble to And wants In den-rib, the feelings a a
te.thon—wholka.. leen nand ehaving with ordinary
upon toaking . trial tiliA for the Arst time. It le a emuld.
nation of wonder, almiradon, and pleasure.
m i t tl.3ll. L. exceedingly
comillent, rendering the etithod tual t wiry heard soft
and pllable. toglueln,q an admirable lather, a
tm:o4y mild nature allaying the irriMtion. milamenting
that ample:maul and end feeling ..f the skin which le ar
often experienced suer allaying.
Itentl e men.neing Jules flattery. Shaving Cream, may fare
the evicted d nitert hlening wind, immvdiateir alter its
with 11, , skin ht.vaning chappni. And these who
on, ma. it. we can safely say. will never am thy ether.
Ong great .olvanbme—whlth will be especially at - Tricia-
Lel by thee+ who wear whiskere—l. the feat that it will not
diervior the beard. w hieh most 1.011,01 sill du. tilting • semi,
or sty appenranee to the edgy of the whiskers. •
Jul.. ru IlAuel , ettavingtheamsamdcllahlfulpreparatina,
ompounded with skill. to the otter exclusion of all article,.
calculated to render the operation of shaving utd.lcavant.
and will be appnvlated by all who make trial of them.
be uhiP h l
JI LES HAUEL. Perfumer met Chrmi.t.
. . - . .. .
l . ..l.lChrnot .I.rert. I , lllllrlptau..
For rale, wholf,de nod ,tell. by B. A. Fittam.vlt A. eo.
leaKl It. E. Mier, l`ittt.burgb: earl .1.4.1 i , ..V.t. .4A
SHWA!. All , ,tbrnl Car.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
VIIJBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully in
rum te the fathoming truths. not forth in relation to
ooe of the :mat important reninlien , of modern time.
PETROLEUM Olt ROCK OIL, it Is not more than one
year aro vine this greet remedy aree bronght her the
public. for the relief and core of disease. Ih great nir,w,"
to heal. hair. sin.- then. become
'fully apprecbant by the
community. and see allege that og It is nied the
more certain ant it, 1..1val faun: spread. It le not th e
edy of, day, tap for the code purpoie of making mom,
but. one. whirr we conceive. will continue tole. u.,1 when
all other nostrums hare heen frirgotten. The Petroleum Is
Natural Ectnedi . elaborated In th e depth, n y th e enr th
by • power and agency' that laughs to noon all human
Zompelitiow. It b. our duty. when are write alsoit • medi.
due, that we write the (nab—that we ray nothing
lated to deeeire tloor who may (runt our wont or put midi
& lu or sMterticias The elelt are Tory apt to enteh at
no , thing that pn.ania.r. ndief from dia..' A story no
hardly be too bight) wrowtht to an,,,e n e
ing or
neat,humbuggin rione of them. how, we do not dnire
to do Oa; we ere ons only that the truth In relation to
our re
medy.ehoold be told. in order to w
orld for it a repo.
tation far tlngle Imicin In the materia med-
Ica. Plaln onearmslusl o
fartr--fitets that may Lwavertalned
In non cit y not neighborboal, bear ample- 4.1.1m0ny fa.
the pant two months, two of oar own citizens,
who wan• totally blind. hare teen re.cored to eight for
end ran. of blaalnees, In the Kate of Ohio. hare been
euml. And. law, the case oft gentleman In Ihnirer colanty.
There are other,: but thaw are caws Dear home, end may
be cab. .1 to by any purloin. who hare doubts on the
LeR These rates were nire.l alter they hat been abandon.
.1 by physicians to hopelte.s. The Petroleum will cum
used .setvinling dlivrilons—Dierrtbra, DriecnterT.
itheurnallon.thint. Neuralgia. Eruptions on the Skin.
Pimple. on the fare, Chronic tern arealtlng.onn. Tette,
pains in th e burin. mad mint., old entre, Uleoz,
en, , , A., Chronic Coughs. Asthma. Fltonehltle„and all
Pulmotim7 lalßdione of a chronic nature, tending to pro.
darn Consumption.
Run. and nacts. diwases of the Mahler anal Kidney,
ChafrPed rearmed NIPPlea, Corns and Bunion,
In net, it inn nr.r.‘r eaterratt. Rancor, and has hen tried
In roost of the atnro diamoes within the mud year with the
trued ye.rfort soccer.. Certincadee that will astanieh ln
tLe baud, of the proprieloroalioaill take Plearnie in show
g there to the sttliend or their friend,
%rhea...ler other. may 1 , ..) Mvl their medicine., the
Petroleum it the greeted. Remedy ofthe age. Ploaleiens
irtandinu In the prof...don are I.ffinainff in use
their practice. Thome who at Getlooked on with doubt
andunerrtainte. a, willing to SWAP/ in dm. mine and '
consideration. 'Rerun. anotheryear roll. pined. all will be
rompelled to acknowledge that 11Te Petrokaun la the great- :
est mt.licinn ever dive red • For sale, wholesale and re
tail, by KEYttER k SichOWELL. I 40 Wood st.
67 Wood Arcot.; It. 11. Curry, I). A.
lUllott, Joseph liontrltu, Allegheny City. Also, by th e pro I
praetor, 7. 11. Canal Resin. Seventh enact, Pitt,
burgh. arid 11 • • Fahneetock Co, WteA and Front eta
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices, '
42, WM. DUiBY'S Cheap Cash Clothing
; , :lotr, No. 111 Liberty street.
proprietor of tho above evtablisbment bring destrOme
of dispewhag of the balance of his winter dock, to make
nonn lin his ostensive porthalet fbr Sprthg, - .herby) to a ,
rive, has determined to offer theta at greatly minted
Brie. , tor rash. All those who want good. fiwhionable and
ell made adthing. and it greatly to their advantage
to favor him with a rail, great tar/mins will be offend.
New Books Just Received.
LTON LOCKS, Tailor arnPoet; an auto
' Aytift h u Y il4l - :17,: , =:; , ,...... ,
wul for , young {wrnr.h . ..prbuth sou.. P.T.rist and
.4 to sternfliaote with • mraltatinsi of the :what., saul llouge
or lirzn-iw.ntative. of lb.. ! 4 t.ate of Allehiwatt. uy Ira dlaf
A If., tot, htgwrintttwletit of pubisr itatzaction. 1 hal
Alloa's Now finok—flbtory of Umlaute, L
Abtott. with entrrixittifti whawth with ltja. itmyy
7, , ,, , 7 - 111,6 - 17eisv.111Apalo w Bolki44 rjr, aL
.0 1 en, Pro large elard 14d IllanitD.
231.1 pairs Gilt, Blanket,t:pe article.
Steam Bost BLlntrt article.
libbon Dam&
I'll do fir, Onung Blanket, heavy.
1 . do Drab d„
Coo do blue do do do
3 moat Illark Blanket Moth, do
I In Bearer Grey Mired. do
3 do superior Black French Braulrlotb.
.1 do all wool Tem!, ....orted colon,
3 do Jeana,tearted color,
dcl Caanirorre, black and IS.ney DAL..
I do tatlnetta. black and grey lulled.
3 do Dbl. Twilled Flannel ,ml.l wide
4 do Cross tarreg
The described grtd. an. ell on connignment from
various manufacturer, ead and nae,t. and ere fit rale on
hit.' terms to tie trade, et manufacturers prier..de9 l. LE AL
and Printed; alt.. Curtain iiionio of earful.
to, les and unalitie, St Le ftnal6 , l , /ry thi n. Honer of
tots t N. E. cl.r. Fourth ilMarkrt eta
tILTIIITE BEANS-6 barrels received and
• for gt.llA, by jet/ SAMUEL P.
LARD—Twenty barrels and thirty kegs No.
"'" 4 "'""'" dkr "":l7it ly y l itet.r.sintlvEn.
If/ be Waabed wool bP jail U. LEO.
AJ Murphy t Burchtlald Dmnnne to bestow Particular
attention to this braorh of their ',wine., and are careful
to +elect a superior artirl-411 „ Ilueurwarranted pure Goa,
and both at low prime for quality. Jail
I'ERMILLION-74 - lbs fur sale
%_1 by All J. KIDD At CO.
'HEMP SEED--Fifteen barrels (new crop)
_IX fur tsle by J. KIDD a DO.
g UM OPIUM-50 Ib for rale by
UGAR LEAD-1 easli for sale by
JAY .J klUll
I L% ER COIN \WANTED of every cleserip-
I.Jtion. and the tilgbeA. 'IAIIIIIIO3 staid for the some, tu
A. 111 LOINS
rue. Thint end Market. ola.
4.IUNDRIES-11 balm CottAm:
IT 1n brk Nu. 1 l,arti;
I bri Tallow;
• 2 elm!. Berewas;
WI., P....
2 testa pralr4 t'eadle,
hag' leathr,
5 hag, Illanrac
liAlu happier Forge
Non laudinit !rum *warner Marflover, sad for gale bt
1.271 i AlAll plClila a Co, Water 6 Rout 'Ca
ARLS--15 eaeks superidr, for gale by
15 , 1 WICK. McCANI/LES-14.
11OLL BUTTER—Twenty barrebr prime
jti.t rre..11,1 and for sale br
ti LOU R-11.11) brla rupertine:
brie fine: tor mle br
3.21' Wu. 11. JOIMiTtIN. 112 Strand ,I.
'kill: APPLES--Fifty Isushels received and
I JI for 4.41 e Pr ..n..AI .9 AM ITEL P. SIMICEIL
I lORN- 4 -21Y) bu white & vellnw. for sale by
II ~ 1.47 Wlea a MeCANbLI4: 4 :3.
TOCIi.:% FOR SALE-Western Ins. Stock;
L Turtle envk Plank Read Stock:
1...m411.11m-inn.' 1.111 Lcti4vllle Televrap.).
Mann, Ilallo-ar . 4 -. - nand ,414 + 4,4 4e btee , 4
4 Ritlize Cosioar Mock- tito. G. AHNot,I4 t CO.
PT-, 74 Fourth 44
'IV RC SATINS, of the moat denirable
to L. hot ut tb. .lore of
411:F.—Twenty tierces new crop, received
this , lar. and
, 111t0l, KIRKPATRICK. 144
. _
1 4 1 1811-75 brin No .1 Mackerel;
5 rykt rztlfl..ll. for alc by -
/m 23 ' .1. & R. TL011)
SODA ASII-2.5 casks Johneton'a brand,
.1. 0. FLOYD
itt S--,ll for ,otle
ill lc E—ls caslie , Carolina air solo by'
J. k rLorri
UST RECEIVED-from tbO}'l illipscille
S Oil 01 , 41. Fnetars.
yard. Flaw Oil CI the
. . .. .
Ltal rant. 44 do ,In
' 5 . rand. 104 Wagon Oil firth:
foli down anant - led Klan! , Table. Stand and Barran
Conn!. ‘.l patnnt le.dher ankh. and beautiful patt,ins. to
*ale whole and rrtait. sa the bourn N.*. 7 and 9
%%nod 0de.... paa . J. a-at... a
11. PitiLLlft.
1 4 1 „ 1 , 1: ASSUllkiNCEt—lnsurance on 'per
inn. b etwe e n the awn. of 15 and .:0 MAT he effented In
t n .ndon National Lan Fund Life A.suraner Saints. by
.p dict ion In IL. nuk reigned. • „
An .I.llllonal lnantit) to/ eiplanatnry pamphlet/ jual Fr gratantou• tarrulation. EnqUin. at the 11.1.
ill; 1b..., of tV3I. A. 1111.1. k Co_
= Wond .t... an.a.nd dm, mono Fourth.'
OIL 5 brls ninter trained , for sale
.1.47 11114:Y. MATTII Y.WS lk 00.
I4INSEED OIL. 5 brl pure New Castile
Oil. l a,t remived and ra ..alr be
TOFFEE: ,213 bags Rio for oak by
F ISIE. 111 hrl large No. 3 Mackarel; -
In bd. No. 1 llbilltuore Hrwinc;
10 dm.. Coded. far rAle lrc
11w:tout EAT FLOUR.
H OPS. 9 bales for sale by I'
(.IeNDItIES--Three; hundred bide. Nu. 3
lllarkenel: half MA, ;On hl,l^, I halm.. In
iLy more and for Palo I,
UERBS—Elder Flower., Sage and Bonemet,
. fresh hst rust reerlyre are' for rile by
J. KII U W. Na GO Wald et
lb,. OIL. K. hhls received on concipt
ect, and le by IC ALLINUFOrin & CL.
Y& Water *trvet.
IkT 0. MOLASSES. 3il bobs new crop, just
11 r,Yrtvnt and for we by R. A. CUNNINGHAM,
‘1,14 32) I.llmrer 85.
ILMIESII ROLL BUTTER. 4 brls just reed
_ll2 by d.• 2 .,
brand, for oak by &L.'S R. A. CGANIAOII.S.II.
11TH brio FISH. 75 lo and hf brls for
rale by dr2 ISAIAH DICKEY # lAA
HICKORY NUTS. G bap for sale by
OULD CANDLES. 20 boxes tor sale by
SOAP. 1111 boxes Louisville No.l Rosin
5 ton.% Clutiie Saw far mile by
ij ENT o UCKY !MUSTARD. A constant
ifNA g l sti! n o`oroZi`s b tsV
aRATON TARN. 2000 dozen Hope Yarn
J for }n7 NV A ILINOFORD a CO.
0 received and
1113 {Veer ' , tree.
FL R. Ill° Ws. for sale by
Yltlll'S AND MOLASSES. Extra Befl
l., ed. Now fork err.. 3 'err
lloldeo Syrup from llto SC. In
teril. , r.
Sugne Home Molamer do do
New Orlearut do for Aldo , Ty
nO (FM. A. 51,•C1.DR0 A, CO., 25 1.41,r1y
`OI I A ASH. 75 casks Kurtz brand fcir aide
1..7by der.o S. A W. II I.IIDAOUII.
~,B , ,L e i b i ;TEK. bl prime,rereiv
-11.0 t ' W. fIARBOII
91A LLOIV. SO Wile. prime for rale by
1111:ESE. 51) boom W. H. Cheese for link
DIG METAL. 178 tons for rolling mill
porn""". dell RIIEY„MATTIIEWS A - CO._
1111EACIIES. 173 tows per Mayflower: for
Full.llr den HUEY. 11 ATIIIEWS dI2
It UTTER. 20 libls roll, for salt. by
1111100 MS. 40 dozen fur mile by
REASE. B bbls. now landing from She
ILA 61..amer irtlk fad sale
Water awl Frau t
ialA LER ATITS. ItWI bokeS for galr by •
k .1 J n CANITELIt
4,g eIIOOL BOOK S. ,, l—Edumtional Works,
k. a. 1., Map, hotriorwatii. Stationary, Carter. pub-
Urnt oar . EDUCATIONAL liEei
CA Mark rt
Ira for faintly um, for Palo by
do:14.1 11.4REAUGH.
INSE/411 OIL. 10 bids received tor - sale
_RA by ' do .30 $. k W. lIARBAUGH.
UMMI DABAR. 1500 Um just received
VgA ancl,fur pale by BRAUN k KLITER,
jai Corner 4- Clair uul Llb,rty
iIAIINESS. 40 dozen pairs Ilurse and'.
MuJr Ilaruer., for pale by
INDIGO-848 11n; Spanish rloat, Madras &
Manilla, fur min by , deal J. KIDD & CO.
rINTING—Honsa an d Sign p a i n ti ng
and Mating, pnntoptly and wetly earvuted. •
IL We w 1.13 it .11,tinctly undend...l that weran do
Painting and Glazing an cheap an any nab,, ledotern In We
city. rkrul un delPradnnl to do IL
Jain .1.4 11. PHILLIPS
H IDES. 16 Dry Hides;
Dry Calf dkins.
I Lundle Deer SLI,c landing forsaleby
VELVET PILE CARPETS of the richest,
colon!and lohNt ot) kr. ran Le bul at the Carpet ltiata.hoto.o, No. o 5 Fourth 4 of prinvon low so the, ut
be Lod iv any of the rwtt..,na W..4'CLINTOCK. n
C IIEESE. 1000 Loxes for sale by
DRY Pk:ACHES. 305 sacks and 11 bbla
for sale by jai. La WATERMAN lt SONS
ROLL BUTTER. 15 bbls fresh roll;
5 bbl. puked:
0 k.q 'Jo for nth by
LAIN OIL CHINTZ, receii•e4 this day
the Carpet. Warelow, $5 Voterth eiL
• 388 WS. 3 13eLLYTOCIE. •
bLAssEs. 50 brls new crop fkiesale by
Jun DT aaPtota, another lo' of Wale bublie
toth auluable Razor; tha tualY UtAt PaTftTert.or =taut
faeturnt. 'alb W: W. talletto.ta
bloryle t Haworth, ht the Ittautood, have day ta
pered per packet ahltt beyonabtru about MO lb.. of aloe
R't'lM'ir6l"e'itligiltkjirte.l7;l7, i''ntotc!ttl
a mot. Pt , lb.
The Teat Mutat In lb. Dtatoond. mat ond, olde. jay -FRUIT PRESERVES--
‘i am '1 by NI
rige—litte trot .
Pruues—flont . guy.t.
Piekins--Walnat and (Malan:
Preserved Peaubett. Plano, Um,. and SlutuleTriatt
br 144 J_IL WILLIAMS •& tU
ILARD44/4 . __"
& GREASE—Ten-brio. NO. I LAVA;
4 kb Greve, nom landlnx from 44.444.4 W.412144c0u,
Ala IV•terand Amat sta.
There are more things In beaten and earth.
..11,an are dresonyt of in phllo.Phl."
THE VIRTUES of this', remarkable reline
dy, and the constant application - for IL to the Protri . _
eh, has Induced him to a., t put oohs WWI.. It
bob and direction., for the ben e ht of tie
Tbr 11:TROLkt:11 In prorated from well PAM. MM.
ty at a depth of four hundred feet. la • parr.
b.I article. without any thesokal aortic, but loot " It
Bowe foot. Nature's Goat Lahratory:l That It contain ,
properties mulling a number .nr diorama. La tm Insurer •
matter of uneerhnty. Them Orr many thig. in the or'
clamor nature. w Web, if known, might be of emit mesh
aro in all., lath, a u,
and. restoring the tdo•• pf
health and elect m many sufferer. Lam brkwe the Pe.
mteLthg ,. ..:fht VildlitoK It ut;inlottlli, It bad • repots.
sum colt. fOrTatel wereral T re l ..tuZkablr sum doer[
forund. Is sure 'ruination of future YoM•ality - •••
wide spre•l applicatkm in the cure of &eve.
Ite do not etch to make a long. parad e oy eertlanateg, SS
wc aro conerioto that the Inedietue eau 1013i1 VIM* it4Zr
thinee (...? nf tboec wbo
Wien to b
W do sod elalm for It a universal applhatkaa War,
or, diener, unbeeltatinalr Hy. that in a
Chroulc Ineertece it is unrivalled. Antoop theme may be
enumerated—ell eke wee
the runecoa num, lath sim
ga t ed ASTIIMA. anAall dloases of theraityvammy. M
RK CoIIPLAINT: DISPY.PrtIA, Dianne. Llissomen'of
Idoliser and Kidnel• Paine in the Beek or Side h ereon
blerwes. Neuralaia. habd..ltbeatuatte Palm, Whit. keretp-
Twer. King aortae, num% !kakis. hods., Oki m.o.
ae. AV. In ease, of debility, neultink from e cp Of
low; and protracted twee of thee:, this med•thow 11l
Mina . ..elk!. It will act as a general TOMO sal AUL
ATIVW In suctirearea. Itatc.rans tone 00,2 mangy to the
al...h.:frame. manning abstractions, °mules the gages&
yomd....n a , which tau, dinuae and a Woken reatellention•
cod plelog lammed mid tettelnal energyto all to ark
of I1fe! nu proprietor knows of several tam of PIL/L%
that reeintoi con- other treatment. got well andr lbw .d the PICTROLEhid for • short tlate.• no proof ten be
afire to any peson who dealers IL
None groans sithout the tiroature of the proprietor.—
Sold br theprietor,
S. M. KIER, ra..184i0. near &tenth apart
AL, by it K. St.:LIARS...ST Wool n o
cd liki•Skilt 11'DOWIALL,
corner W , . 4atnet and Alley, who •111
nov2oll lets reKularly appointol Agents.
K sltb pain, iu track or bu., etitf joiuL, GU pores. rtiutittuc
Weer,. Or., that they ran Ly hekitut the Phrha•
I.El'll. 1 t. , 1 um) talk abnot ite tim: • tame.trum.m, much
• rou f , lea..e. but UMa umkr it Kr,
it fn the fond
of on innno.t rMMuully. that it hao , rirter•
whieli ensitaioal nu, ollwr manly. The. num
who L• rurtnl' with me) euLteritay fraud th can,
fur te) <eat, get rel.. , hum ohY Me enumerated
limier! it ro•ls very Milt t oak.. a irisl. This Petro
loom is no mix tun•—tho oompoural, pot up for the amp°.
of iinpuoink on do . MiassuisiST: tut It is rm./y.1.1.nm
tea ky the mender /and of nature. alai bubbles upfront the
I 'teem of nur mother earth, In IU mirival anti
t or ,t o ff
,u,r1ol: humanity a norly moray. s certain and .
cheap rurr. •
has cured Piles. allot other midlethes hoe &Ursa to\
nitpick any relict'. It has must Ittieumatbm., ma•
standing, and of the rorst wad palatal etarattor.
has curnt Cholora Mork, by which two do.. It has
enrol old ra,•.• DLarrlion. lu every other -.wetly
h. s Iron of. no anal. As loral runway In burns and
e:114.15. it In brtti.r thou any niodiral compoun6 or ointment
that wo know of. It nil!. eon. rhilblains and bend feet.
In a for appliirition, uncloublial to•dimony can t e
rd of tho truth conta the ntsive staining:R. by
on 8.1 M. Kt EH, Canal Booth, erten* stmek or
either of the aortas. • •
Kepvr 3 sfrDowell. corner of Wood ntrort Lod Virtin
lley: ft. E. Seller, 57 'Wood ntrret; D. A. YJIInt, arid D. L.
CormAlleglx.o., city. sr. t.b. +woo,
has attended the use of 3101ITIMEITS
curing the rwren.erafel Meet Inr treats e rams of INFLAM
guarantee and recommendation to Indere all whom, sake
led with (MA dreadful m a n y
in try ita virtue.
flontirtela of mem. many of them citizen,. 43f St. Lode,
nod ahem from atm - huh hare been cured within the bat
Lqr months, lo the ortr Oret. Louis elem.. while lettere then
kg pale elated rho. aim that is performine the same
when-re. tool. tinny of there were chronic awes of long
and all Pope of twovery had been giro, op.—
While others were of more recent date, of the mute inflam
matory form. eery mien.. AM however. yiekl to the woo
derful virtue; of this medi6ne, and tirom.ande who hare
Mallard Ito tenefda. and nee now In the matey - nicht of health
roe bet esteem the or etartor of mankind. ichnd dlworcn.r nod pmprieter , a
beu , ,
It teen lumen from the experienre f the past, that no
nurarani aingkati..n es non.rdhly etnlrt a permanent cure
of thi. drendful liy the applkation of etthattlatlnl
liniment.. partial relief. in cane raw., may be obtained
for a +bort time. Rot all °muddle this dhows. le firing its
allnom nermanentle in Om oretent and rrourwr or later
will arm.. derriere Itself In a room dreadful form. aral after
a few nturn.. it settler into a chronic form.
41rielr. If not ...In arrerted. ruin. the Individual for life.—
Thie I. verifird by the Wm, of the Md. in rdl
and mem fully demo mated by the histerT fttrtabhid ai
late to the proprietor of (hi. oomporind, us even by terml
hundreds of then who have parsed under his im.diat•
oKire and treatment dazing dr. hurt fee months.
Mot:11.19ln! RILE1.111•TH: ettLIPUUND and BLOOD
PURIFIER if. an internal errnedy—eutomenerw Its welt
tie here the disease fled cuisine.. and In notifying
th m e Mo w nt, pear. through the ulmle ...tent neutralises the
impure or canUie ardiment. uhick hms s..ttled .oVon the
mebranes. myrtles and tend o n—remora it entirely froM
the oyelcm. and rodoree the Ind.vidord to perfect health
let three oho are +Meted not deceive themselves. and
put off the nee.f this undbrine he long. or until their
limbo coo ril.le.mbrl or rontraehd to much a deuree that
they am cripples for life. Thee s - lenience of hundtvds of
tbonsends durirg the Mud. the ell as a multitude at the
preevirt day. demonstrates folly of expecting rem.
nent relief frun external appliestiooT
The proprietor of thin valuable medicine /am. from ex-
Peru.... that no "Mw..rd •PP lil4 , km can portdhly offset •
nreuranrnt rum where (hi. dike.. i n n firmly Erni in the
. to a7u n te . e"t Ll 7rEqrrre7lllvelri ' llrf traffre ' r=
um.. hut "411:or,11 vot effect • per¢ll.ol. run. no to-.
tore of this drums° I. sorb that 11 re.tuiresi longer Ulna, se
an internal remedy. to minduee (hr dinned ellech mid 31 I,
tialono . • Rheumatic Compound not Blood. PruMbm. La the
'only remedy that has ever been riturovered. either in
America or any other country. that will eft-Wally can
this Minnie.
.. • . .
Thir medicine enn be had. trlralerale or retalVat lin. 73
lid meat. next tn tbe Pon Pittaburarh.•
Alm for rale in Pitiable/x:1, by ll.Smper, W. Thar%
. It. !Unman. S. N. Wickereham. and J. A. foul.
• • • • .
Price fd per bttle. air bottic. f u r sdfi; or S4.S per daxma
Pamphlet. can be had grafts of the agent..
—Du 'lir. Rolm the din:nearer and eala . protirietor
met poonim beneficial modulo mut also
the inventor of the weleMsted interzone. Rs I the
Lona, in cßercing a core of Chronic dimmer, war a Cu.
dent of that eminent phy si cian. Doctor Physic,
Proinatenf the tthivernity of Pennsylvania. Allen
yeare AMY. ham been engaged in-the Investigation of die.
eme, and the application of remedies thereto.
Thrcugh the use of his inflating tut:shin conneOljounith
RrcPhylaotie Syrup :min e otluo of his remedior,Z d tz
garnet an unparalleled ncy. in curing thorn d
Stun and
fula fatal maladien Tubercular Constimptbm,
Rheumatism. Asthma, Fever and Ague. I=
WI Linda, chronic thystheiro. mei all those obstinate dlr.
cases pyrullar female, baled, every tom of Masao&
vthiebee under the me of hie remedies, to which tiummuth
ty Is heir—not be the los of our compound only for that
is incompatible lath Ithielologleal r or boo try the W of
his t o nod preen*. for, rack peculiar ,
form of di eethe .
• •
be. Be e's Tunic Alterative Pill, when toed. MO itmatia
bly acknowledged to be enpnior to all others, as a maw
tire or liver pill, insemoch &alley leave the tares Pm`
teeth' the (tom costlrenewit as almihir Golden Ms aro ad
mitted, iry the faculty to pine.. peculiar properties, adage
Mot to female &remelt but being eatigned that • bare trial
le, minden/ to mitablith what has been oak'. In the inhoisof
the meet akeptieal.
The *Minted are invited to call atom the agent, and pro..
cure (gentle) one of the Doctor am pamphlet., giving &detail •
td amount of each remedy. mid its application.
Fur rata by the following smote, ea well as by main dm/r
-eline throughout thevountryi
, Fehhonmaker Co., 24 Word et. Pithbunch.
Towneend, Brunei.. 40 Mtel in.,
leo A. Beckham, Drogght. t o u the Feat Mead Beebe-
Jrneeph Barkley.. Darlinotom Beaver county. Pi.
John Elliott. Lamm - o
T. Adman. Bearer. ••• •
OR THE AFFLICTED will be found in
Pe. Dewitt C. Kellinger's INFALLIBLE LINIMENT,
Flubtar Lich has rOwal the loot of thirty year...
rierl,e, and hat. beyond &doubt, Teen the mean, Nor
log the lives of thou.-ands or Individinda, In abated every
clam. 2.1 character of dhows., We feel that we Watard
bee the, in raying that ardleine that bat been
offered In the afflicted, that dm, in every senae of the word,
what it la od d for.
It has eared and It mpable of rooting more diseases then
any other ruedieineuffered for sal, we rare Mt by alma
mod or suld. or a
st by what mune.
AP ning and marine'. road'. of Um above.. we say
that e. the only artlelf that bas appeared In .the Ikon of
;Went Medicine that bar ever been 00 0 4,4
111, rndo. or the elite generallY. da the most.
Family Walk...Ter uttered for sal. or twat by ler of
them. viz:
The lion. MAW, 11. Grinnell., late 11. C. Tbo Hon. Bat
D. Borne. lab: Marne. Hun. John A. Ida, Late U.
tonn. Porter, Editor of the Spirit of the
me, • hoot °Gather dMingulthed eltinens of New
York, who hare folly tested itom,its,4 have Donahue the
nrorriat4to refer to them.
Al It ' cl I known that Patent thilleira. are not goner
ally Pato , ised by the learned, atalthy and Pulls eire.lea,
we have inalcuthbally right to feel oureelves highly priv
ileged. mi. Wonder working Compound hoe lawn marl,
ven years heron. the rota,. Its tint Iriands are now 1M
etrougeet and beat This mot undoubtedly Li aromg and
convincing print' of Be general uactulmos and toanatir•
qualitlea. Itts nearerel. remedy km oil nervoidlreamea
ebeJ castle puna acrobat°. rwellinga, errata', tau, old
acre, &MI all the ruing. and ache., that fleth is hot to.
Over LOtal,ooo bottl,,, hare b.o lobd enbeet eponint,
and have perfecto.' ouch .tordahlug cures„ after other
re..dies hove failed. as would /dagger had ,re
Offcrrd..:l in our the strong - eat polaribla fret.
Tbia mokine, or strawys remedy. is prepand front reg
rablu. Mr Internal &A sw external two. It direct
ly upon Mr did parr—siring lt health awl strongth.—
I t L. a .are min, for Diarrhea, Cramps. Milo. Chalk. and
11 rPermrdm arroctlons. llwaw d ter Kidneys, and
MeakwuaArt male or female, from whatoter rame It may
1 7,Trirt ' i%kteb t i rt.. by R.. K. Sellers , 31..mrs Sidd
Co.. awl Ooden Loh r nowdem and by the
tlllt I. put up in tour, two.
tho. lants2m
.Ifirnyound Ix enemata! to produce the withta
nal Marts. when men fir making bread. tea ekes,
buckwheat cakm, de, by whfilt • me lag to elleeted In the
done of about taper cent
To Blau Itaitn—To each pound of dour add two ten
rrttltn7tra tad ttl Trnr.i l 9 9 ,W Y n=t mio
Mord flour that you zet aoide mac b e al leLrare.)toen
add ao touch cold wall will make t h e dough the =nal
thiekteve; krimd It ter
, well and let It stand Laren miring..
before baklng--one or two bones and kenutt. Lnacult
ahoold be yaleed much thinner, ba mum. but,
will do aolmirt bei
ng d Oneen or twenty Ininuld. :bore
tilting 5. much y ell ow . fiamptrund ht the
bread; It will not turn the bread ae aaletatdm
abet. mod to exert,
%a u ear. pot the above Counxtund into Int cam, pot
dame, yohnny OLIO, to-Ilan taboo, tang.: cake/,Cory Mee}
mite, corn bread. brown breech biscuit • batter cakes bdek
wne.t alc m , apple dumpling, •
tot plte, and fir balftg
law rtnovr,l. JUAI rewired and tor itale tr.
R. E. SELLEII2. 57 Wood et.
five Dollar. :award wild be laid to any one wbo
I.r.lime a mot of paint. maven or dry; that :wont be ex
tracted with Mt'. improved Chemin.' Poap. 1 Mee the
rati.faetho of paying to the people of this plane that this
article. by my own improvement or it, now nand. wart.
mind la this mann - , SCT AlTlVtilag =MIA, tar, Nigh. a id.
, aay ather gee., mtuteam ferns all kindled' irerr
tarien'a or ladles' clothing, carpet.. table rpreads, merino
mauls, ladleri bonnet., an , without hunting any thing
that pure weer will not loran, More than one tfiounind
permit. In diflrmet parts of th e trontry bare me they
would uotherrlthint It Wit cost al arab.. In trying thui
on main than 300 artlelea of light pith.. wing, ,iinaraa
and calicoes. have only found three plena of ilia. two
op alpania,ami four of calico, on which It changed the Golan
Mentor% before putting It on a light draw, try a suirrhi
of the drew drat I state thin bccause I net dram:W.llm
to' recommend It any stronger than I know to be strictly
Orders hoax country ngnehauts andran =PUY
attended to by theDiubmiber: .11ELL
ST Wool Pt.
-1 bad not swed it twine Wars I fit its hetwlletal effects.*
MR. R. E. SELLERS--Sin Suffering front a
told and cough, for whkh I tried
nt obtaining mile& I was peen-tiled- witb u t y hottis of
It. It. gullets' Couglellittare." I think It d wida
amett '
that r T a7d oat if i w b o belArr . fitZ rlsTa
dal egeds. and meter the Divine binning) had miasma=
to Utah the boffin. I Windy alen, as Id having witnessed
lis Ingle yeopnike on friends of mine. one in parldeadars
who hail a to inn wank on her Inge, sennapanted with
diare.4{, COO,A. Verily the vnly troe Xxulapitd (WWII
eonghe wad colds affect the riffewer) has deseendett
ns in "It. E. Yellen' Connh •
ITIMEILWI: Wylia et.
PEN:ninth. Jut 14.
pr,ed and nAd bEll. ll El ei MO
and saki by dnsgEnts gener all y 4. 14 R.
$ ~ A4 d itso . APnvf " "Arrift7+=...t no. 1846.-
31r:it. Selkrs,--Delng ardtetrat for". 00. tinse Lt a l
Wad moth, I wee texcersetk=o. ronanm,
of siVrt wt.. it heti the 41 , 715 e e 1 elfeei
tete of o Sri st I had d eerearegl i of ever being welt 1
hot aunt
had s
, voest t 9yrrit. I feel halls Fa 'tisteelo saying to sons
end reconunenillg,lt to the publie es one of the beet until.
eines utst„..hss ever heen prepared for the curer ' , Welt It
Is Mended. , 4Asim
oat a.
Proem! And Wad.
by E. SELLEas. ra - Wood a. u.
iffAREONATE. AmMONLi, Hartshorn.
cootyr ate by Y 163) num a WM.