The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 17, 1851, Image 3

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Too CONCIEIIT ram Byrum' 0.-FThe concert
•'','' Ill_ is "'tall/. yat Will4n's Ilall,, by 'Madame Wal
-4';'..,' Leo Inschelle and , naulein ;Stop,, will doubt
. les; attract n large and fashionable audience.—
.We 'are informed Silt since 51,4m0 Carsulori
'la' , ' Allen WAR here, We 'have liotAmd nisinger equal
-e 'te Madame Buichelte, and that Musical critics
in dm east say sheluis but one ilnperior in the
conatryL d. lenny I. il The perfonxianices of
l '
".".. ":„Fraulein Simple, on I the piano are', pronounced
'-:remarkable. end no lover of that instrument
' ".'..should fail of heariim the wonders. 'she can pro
duce upon it. 1
. -....--- I
D n
TO Lar.—Those wishing
to rent desirable rot, for Insurante . offices, or
:.,' othenbusiness o6ice on the wharf, are refered
:..•:40 the advertiscinen of Mr. McConmick in the
...,',.,' "_:Appropriate cobium. I
Tier CANAL.--Wo understood Butt the Board
5... of (lanai" Conniiissi tiers hove reminded their
order,.fixing the 15 -of February at the day
when the Water is t be let into tho,Canal. The
125th or. the present month has.been appointed
as the day on which this will take !lac*
Tocoo Mtn's TrArmianne SOmurr.—The
Young Men's Temperance Society, 9f Allegheny
. City, wilt meet this evening, at seven o'clock, in
Quincy Brill, for the ,purpose of electing officers,
and adopting neenstitution and bydaws.
Punctual attendance is requested. '
. Dr. Ilocuen' e s Lectures seem tol excite more
internstnow thou ever they did befere. --' The in
.:: -.;; ttednetory Lecture on Friday, wall attended by
perfect crowd, lust 'several hundreds went
away unable to get in... The regular aeries com
. mtnces this evening for Gentlemen, and those
who wish not to be disappointed lthould be en
• h 4 114 early, The. Ladini are invited firoe again
Ylamrcxxs..-IVe hear that 0ver,6,000 Viten
-v., tines' passed through th e Post Office' on St. Val
, indite's day, and en the two preceding days.—
Multitudes yet remain, the majoritynf which will
probably be seat to the dead lettel,office.
111P1104731ENT TRY COrNTY,AIT.--91.11 . pres
ent efficient j ailer, Mr. Fox, is supe rintending
the construction . of an improvementi in the jail,
Which will he of grist utility. It iti no less thin
a Chinmee Wall, on a small stale, designed to keep
the male and female departments of the prison'
totally distinct.
acr.ataur.—The louse of Mrs. B. Anderaan,
on Smithfield Street, was entered on Friday eve
aaing;lietween the hours of Six and seven, and a
sum of money, amounting to $2.00, 1 principally
io gold; stolen therefrom. I
Arrtuorrun Dam cA nr.—.ln attempt was made
at *into hour on Friday night, to'break•into the
residence, or John Coyle, Esq , in I the ',Eighth
WiLta: Mr. C. raj pitting up, engaged In writ
fog, and the . sePfdEl?..rel who was making the at
tempt, onnseertuntag this, fled. I
• Warm Szanixci—James M'Eee! and James
Nolen, two of Barker's old night watch, were
arrested in the! DiaMond Market, on Saturday,
Charged with aitem wing to sell obi galvanized
German silver rust hes to the country people,
alleging them to be uro silver. They were tak
en to tho Maior's Gihew, and admitted to bail.
The arrest was In dby those excellent police
Aficitrs, 3imes: Do hierty and liatiellus.
ROBESIIT.—A nu her oftrunks Were broken
open and their co tents stolen yesteWay morn
login the Mango a
.llouee, while the board
ers were at.breakft t. A man was arrested and
'taken to th i Mayo s , thee, charged with being
caugenied in the t elt but was diAcharged, no
evidence appearing against him.
`We understand tl at l ' the missing property was
afterwards reedve .d. . 1
Eirrttt.' Slttrinal,—The fare
ting of Mr. John B. Gough,
eirening, at the Revered Mr.
on Sixth street, which was
• 4rtry part. The, eloquent
nit of, his most masterly ed
tthin of which,: large ram
',wird the pledge.
limCntary of Mr.' Gough, and
td he had done is Pitta
i., unanimonsly adopted.
In lies and gectlemen who
.hei kindnmis to him, and
fur ity next indium.
' • - 11 - w Goron'f;FAt
wen temperanco The
took place on Fridn
' 7.kfeClaren's ehltreh,
•, densely crowdol i.
leefurer delire 'ed ..
Averse. nt the one
tern of eiti en.
netiolutions, o I
thanking him for tb .
Ugh, were au} re
141 r. G. thinked tb
i -,' 'were present, for
.:::;irmast'tPte.4Fit •
Forrssalrr Nora
yoring . German I is
.Pthstni who is is an
'good kfamerired, firnl
no friends or relati
nominally', on A. ci I
apparently, mewedl
contrary to what is
ties, admits' rein:lll3
'with his mind, :nay
asrigns the cause fo 1
' nAntxu- x -Lvessfrrr.—A
confined in mur County
Ic is quite talkative and
fectly harmless, but has
here, and is imprisoned,
of vagrancy. He has,
!excellent education, and
rally the easb With Luna
!at something is wrong
even goes further, and
Ile 'says- that of
ticked by an inimtia
and that, day rind r
mintier!. lie has
man romances
'hinged, and bailrer
potion in th e coin
'lt in t'o be hoed t
deprived of all Injui
Lie mind will. rCeov4'
from prison, a 10.5 e
years he has been at
desire for novel reading,
t it has beet his sole on
j.ded over mystical Ger
is has (become
, apntitatetl for a partici
n7l7, when he t?s o f
totally life.
ia t its intellocton I stimulu s,
and he will depart
titer MAIL
Six= Wain
This Society was orb
Feb. 7, and a Catninl
meeting, to draft a O
the government ti
4nnzetl on Friday craning,
ttoo was appointed at that
on.4itution and ; by-Isere, for
ie Spelety.
Committen r
by-laara, et a meetin!
-of the Sixth Ward, ol
Me report was nor.
and by-laws adopted
Thii - Society bete.,
the great - exeiteinen
under way.
The follbwing pa.]
• •
ported a constitution and
held in, the School Iloune,
Friday evening, 14th inst.
pted, and the Corittitution
the first organized, since
commenced, is now tally
ions were chosen officers:—
G. Arettlidless.
President—L. R.
ti'ViCe President
filminess Votoonitt.
larnbonrne; sud 701,,
The Society will h
next. 20th inst„ . -whe
by the tier. Sataucl . li
meeting—Sixth We.
e—M. S. Thom p son, George
l iltin meeting on Thursday
a lecture trill be delivered
Vl!son. All the friends of
ed to he present. Place of
School r00m.,.
apjtalista and Nannfac
Bare Chance for
rE undr.rsjgne
~.... fur ialt it
sad Ilan, Starkortis
lartien of 1.11 adjolnin
n o-tana situated on nit oh
irarda Ratio-ad. nnw
It, thlii and mix. afford
lan ly °fitted, to miff.
ti&etaitnirof ahnort any
thearrien of all the moot
nail lowirttam my.; tlo
SO tO4 Marlon, ea well im
Mo- &a tl
paorte l A e ,fo at
Wool, Cotton. itl
of al
*I in the Wtetrrn moon-
Event imprortd forms In the titiniti of the Csaal and
.Rainced, a. al vr nli,m4l a true. of 314 'Kr/Nor excelleof
thriliend hod, blot bet , pm, the Canal and Rallroad, and
about half • mile nom/li u t i hirer. a lot of about ame
Lis.% n
adrointinithe Hall. Depot. along of will.
1M Wan Mott: and on l o shirr. Areas of that.... lio.
lel keto-na sod ...ant will do well to loot et this be
' tore they vim., tit. ft,'
The Irwin. of Show Illi 4.10- dm Maui of ini adrivultiffli!
retina, not eurneumd b ',any . in Om woo-WI. it .. w.ii
known that it la attn. l nhotettrary to do-More than refer
to It Oslo-Mon allmlio wl , di to maim word Intertmenta. to
all arid wood. Mr ;n o- init. elite IntllApu table and
R matt Knew if decry!. Ihm. A n drew Ir. Loaals amt J... 11 , .... rri .or 1 do-Vitro-Is. will Ate information
woo -mild. it. awl .T trF t will imanswiertd br ap-
Pliratimi Wilma. 41n: I 3h, Kent Jartit. under
,al iistil at Anglin.: . DWR/Ifi JARVIS.
Una, V.. a, 7,1. , 4thlddied.
Laing agent for the own
of awn Into to tbe i ti .
o lut
ut ice and l
antthe kern. Morel
Can.losnd the Ohio and Priuk
arly ruinpiriselt pawing tbrongh
the bete opportunity
lot roe, sash lo !opine In Pure
drectiptlont Tbesboadanserind
• of firma. th etaPPl
gust quaintly of wool brought
of motor
lb. fernlike fur truer/gelation of
',nubile, to mako this carat the
tabllrhing insoulineture• of Iron.
grerrlptlons which Is now afford-
P 0)
y Va.,
. ; Lidnirttr ate ( ili. '2 l 4 ./ance..)
=ar i da u , ruird—the
it la treo fa o ;7676 b 4) ' 67Jarlin Farm, and bee ben
Caplet' or • blicap /arm f Ow lot thirty yea.. Tbland r.
tale. in it
rate oreor. old well cairnlabid fur r and
it le aoll wittood by Little honor .loans C ace
• .; , ,..".••••.hibing nein about Itil score under b., tbe
- sideetval part in mode and mirth, and about 60 erre. I
.:. .100 woodland. Au Opole nolo." of olsOfoe grafted froit.
' with • number chtere pr it trine neer the
,b 00.... It .„.
plied for won,. ralUitble PA of beurebeld eat kit chen fir.
' Mlttrei elm a 'ln , ' rate C 431 king prove. and fanning 1141.06
• •= 06 .1 3 ' . 9 6 :h. ' 0 - Af.i tan be bed eith the Ten..(
•1. rate Tem.
... The bolldinca nn the ft On are, one brick hotoe. 40 rot
rid two 'Onkel'', hoollar under the whole hour,
fi=lt kin wal lln tto moor. The botoe la eon Ilulth
' ed and In mml it, Ii- rho oinr are very notnealrully cab
•, • =hated. three Int bollix'. /or, vrilb throe fire Memo. vet
with three Ozer Conklin . ova, Co.. mom in Oat upper
athry • tbrv. if. vrhig li ba , b, "grate. for coal. One frame
;:..lidlrebon attach.' to lirkk bins, Si be lb Oct, two 'tortes
' Obli bi4bh o hu ltin n tbu irY luTtrk " Nk nr , ' VA U l7 4 feel d .7lC o
. ' Marla blgb.roloulatotl 1111 . 1/4 1 , work II hop or I roraa, a uj,
...;`rg,7l' In
' t ' l ' i 7.. l l ,. ' L ' rr:o ' ar t enibysF4r . z=l. - m - r it - ,
it, 'some. near thr, Mirk lanoo, lb lie It fret, and tot fret
.' bOorith bower wry T het,
higb; and the waile mad, of
: Anne • pout air' oiler falling Picitig fined' welt ., minldoe ,
-.• t_hrenith the Wirer ploroi-tle tiro , mon cull mleniebod
... '- - .Tn.." A rhrd aViroal fir Ir a q), b n ., . ' o w,
' Moire hour.; ono frame rertacc ill 11, V by le bad„ um
MA. with Web. ndlar . undo beta; Ono bowed log
ebont fin role from trek hn cr. IS by 10 feet, one
~. . mod • half *tort. "doh, rid. a ne rr falling tibring mar
. .theibouraornifliewial berholliwi Ma ilibliTia hone,
24 h l
.... ... lb fat. arid • half orrice filch with beak ehimial •
, toe frattu-r6 for 'graln—aa,lon /la 111 one aldro ono lame
' frail. bank barn. PO by 4. Get, 1 fret
.bdirlt, threribins
1 1 2arin bidee rife'', mal critranco ono efid--eiablo• in
\ ...worrier,: one fritter 'tett+. attar' eil to Moto bomb° by
!, -Liget i‘ tw t ite fort hick alts rttill Mc cattier' one frame
' -' /lin 1;7 til 14 trriilCitlitait'liille Ttrto fr rhor "th lic ." t h' ' math
- . l', ....eke!. Om oritor-utirer . imry r hay' coo frame a nd
4.. bousc, annex." mtlo abro, bb. 12:0 Or ta, fart, and tl
SI , ' foet litch i with' meta In LIM out, nue frame limo, for
ll ' ',,P0r,F=.b . r . 11....3 Pet bit • .
9 ' ,:- trill show the " P IZ . 11,m, Ei.„",
7, ...,,Abijah 'lnn. en tbc I'dolin piti '
Month of Ikarroi „,,,, ,1,., i i
' .. &bled/or:or Creek ,---
sn/. then the
Ottu hio aLI . vete.
Eo.l4lrdli and Cleveland Stage
on the penialsos,
nun. Iniontet.lot,or
cowl, .1 antes Ilona the
beloM r.oonomy.
1120,L1} LNKEI'S- . ]us !
y~7T o f grirobt. o 4 Wracb I
table for Doznerotypor, Mir, .1
firb4 I
:EY TEL 0;1=
The steamer Africa, fr. Liverpool, has just
arrived, bringing the into ligence"of the safety of
ityi Atlantic.
The Atlantic, it appea , experienced severe
weather. She broke the hafts of both her en
gines during a violent ha 'cane, when nine days
out; and her paddle boxe bein'g carried away,
she was totally disabled. After beating westward
for six dais',..she finally p a back at 8, P. M., on
the 22d of hudtary, an arrived in safety at
Cork. .
The vessel received n, damage beyond that
above stated. The crew 'nil passengers were all
A card was published . Cork, by the passen
gers of the Atlantic, ben ng high testimony of .
the great strength and po • er of the ship, in con
tending, for nine days, a:: inst an almost unin
terrupted-westerly gale o great severity, end of
her admirable perfornm. ce, in returning 1800
miles. They award the hi hest praise to Captain
West for his great exertio s—more particularly
as his first officer, J. W. N. ofelt. was sick at the
time; also to Mr. Rogers, chief engineer. The
engineers also united in a and of thanks to Capt.
West, for his kindness an attention.
The. Cambria left Liverpool for Cork on the
29th ult., and was to lenv• there on the 4th inst.
with nothing but than of the Atlantic.
It is feared that It will t ke months to repair
the damages received by t e Atlantic's machin
ery. Her Mails came by e Africa, and 'also
her passengers.
[The Atlicitic left Live
cember. She rem nine kis
abled, which would be b
January. it is then stat
ward six days, which wool
leasing nine days tut:mea l
but on the 22.d,•ns above a
date ought to be the 12th
Cotton—Sales of 60,000
.to 1. from previous quotati:
depressed. Middling is q •
at ; Mobile 7101, "til lb.
more firmness at the sailin
Grain is dull.
Flour is Gd lower, and C
Provisions are steady.
42 a ? cwt.
Tobacco is dull, but pri
Coffee is dull and decUn'
Naval Stores—The mark !
\lBOO bbls Turpentine at
2®.3d 'l4 lb.
. 1 910319.1" 1.11/011EET.-032190 9 are steady at 961
(J 961. American secn..ties continue very
steady, but sales are-not Mtge. U. S. Ws, 1811 L,
areoB quoted at 102 h_e,. 103 do, 1868, 1081 Cs'
The propeller "City of G 1
from Philadelphia on the 8t
The weather on the Briti
stormy ; in consequence of
were obliged to put back.
A second batch of transiti
appointed. The Executive'
and strength. Rents are u
is improving.
The political affairs of G
ing favorably. Money to e
There are no further chi, ges in the rates of
bank discounts, which are • t three per cent ex
change on the continent, mo in favor of Eng
At 7itanchester, trade is good, but somewhat
checked by the anomalous, state of the , cotton
market at Liverpool. 'Stocks of cotton are small
in Ydanchester,and many refrain from active bus
iness until the meeting of Parliament on the 4th
of February.
The chief nations of Europe are preparing to
send their products to the World's Fair.
'The report is relived that the Pope of Rome is
about to abdicate, and retire to a Monastery.
. ,
Horse—The !louse held! a night session lust
evening, to enable membersito make speeches an
the Biter and Harbor Bill.
The House. resolved itself Into Committee of
of the Whole. on the State of the Union, and took
up the River and Harbor Bill.
Mr. Meatherston spoke in opposition to the
Mr. Clingman gave his views in regard to the
policy of the Booth. and the ability of that peo
ple to tape care of thernselvm. He said that the
system of international improvement was liable
to gross abuse. .
N Tour, Feb. 15.
. The packet ship Columbult, Copt- McCewen,
has arrived from Liverpool, via Fayal, having,
when thirty days out from Liverpool, suffered so
much from a severe gale, that she was obliged
to put into Faynl, to refit her rigging and replen
ish her stores. She left Faye on the 22d of Jan
uary, at which time nothing had been heard of
the Atlantic.
This was twenty-five days after the Atlantic
had sailed from Liverpool, and, in the opinion of
many, would have afforded her sufficient time to
to have made that port, after any damage to her
machinery that may have occurred. This fact
makes ua look more anxiously than ever for the
Africa, which is now due, in hopes that she may
bring tidings of the Atlantic's return to aßritish
port. The Africa has not yet been signalled.
Capt. Mcflewenreporta the occurrence of sev
eral accidents. The ship Antaredic, from Liver
pool, bound for California, had also put in at
Fayalin a leaky condition. He reports the res
cuing, in lost. 40, of six men from the British
brig Isabella, of Dundee, bound to New Haven.
The captain and eight men of the Isabella, were
swept overboard by the sea, on the night of the
Gth of January. The brig Maria, from Liver
pool for Boston, bad also put into loyal for re
pairs, when 45 days out
A fugitive slave named Frederick Wilkins, was
arrested this morning, and taken before U. 8.
Commissioner Curtis. The exemination was
postponed till Tuesday next.
A mob of 300 negroes stormed thecoort house,
and, despite of the officers, carried off the fugi
tive in triumph. The negroes were armed, but
no one Was hurt. The mob used the Marshal's
own sword, which was hanging in the court room,
teleep off the officers.
Great. excitement prevailed throughout the
w•ww. "
February 15,
Cotton—The market is inactive, with sales of
3,200 baler at.l2i€fil3/ for middling to fair Hp
landn, and 13/,{n;l 5e for middling to fair Orleans
and Mobile. ;
Flour—ThOnnrket 1c steady and active, with
further, eaten or 5,000 bids at $4,68®54,94 for
Indiana ,and $4,7553:54,94 for com
mon Ohio, MI $5,500,55,62 for antra.
Grain—Wheat is dull, and bat little doing.—
Corn bas declined, with oaks of 11,000 bun Sou
thern yellow at 65c afloat, and Gl4c, delivered,
Provisions—Pork is firm, with sales of 300 bhls
old, et $12,37€1:512,44 for mesa, and $9,31(5:
$9,44 for prime, bbl. New Ohio niesils held
at $12,50. Beech; steady, with sales of 150 bbls
nt $8,5012510,75 4fl tom for mew., and ssoss
for prime. I'rime Lard in firm, with sale, of 400
bbls new and old at fl/inp . ,Sic, apfil of 500 kegs to
arrive on private terms.
Whiskey—The market is quiet, with sales of
100 bhln; on the spot, at 25c 11 gall : and 200
bbls, to arrive, on private terms:
Hemp is more active, with eaten of 500 bales
dew rotted American on private terms.
Oil Cake—Sales of 25 tons country thin cake
at $26.:
Linseed Oil—The market int firm; with sales of
3,000 galls at 90e, and of 6,000 pHs English, in
one lot at 830ntire.
arocerien—Salen of 1,000 tierces rice during
the week, at $3,60 1-R cwt. Sugars are quiet.
Molasses In firm, with sales of 500 tails Orleans
at 30e, - gh gall. Coffee is unchanged, with sales
of 3.500 bags Rio, to arrive, on private terms.
February 15.
Bales Of 100 bids 11 S brands at $1,50, and of
400 do at i1,43i.
No change in Grain, and nothing doing in the
general market in consequonee of the rain.
131. W. orxtzn. ax
ba3s 1.37,
brl.• No. 3 5133ke331:
TS hrto
103 ear. Saltp.3l3: 033 .13 hr
Prodab3 Dap.ers and C0mm13.13.3.3f3331.3.,
jaZ CI Water street
,received a large
NEW I ,as, February IL, 1
10 .'clock, P. M.
.00l on the 28th De
before ehe was dis
.t later than the 7th
that she beat west
bring us - to the 13th,
.ted for, if she put
ted. Probably that
elcerooe, Feb. 1
!to at a decline of I
Qtr.. The roarket is
oted ; Upland
There was rather
of the steamer.
F rn Gd higher.
ine Lard is quoted
t is quiet, withiaalee
' Roeiri is selling at
. _
;largow " arrirOd out
') of January.
!II coast has been very
wbicb many vessels
.0 Midst...beta been
gaining popularity
to 91-40, and trade
nanny are progress
sier nod rattier more
-- •
in the Pitt.thuVl Post Office,
Irmo the aof February. to the lab of lel/ruse,-
L E ae callus for lett.., rill Vleaan uy they e,
gum, Agent Eliza Anthony Relances
Atlanta Pusan Adam + Sarah llogrAbln•mm Mra
Agar Margaret Allen Mary Austin Jane
Allen Elec. Alwanl Elba
Brennan Cathie Bella Fmtna Maker Mn Fanny
Itrug , ke Eli. liendell :neap A Baker Emily
Brown Eliza Bell Elizth Barber Luba '
Itnwn Baker Martha
Durimka .r,=`
itudefreld Iletla Bingham Mn. A W Elia D
Mirk Julia A Doles Lucretia jAil 1.101
Barr C, nth.
Caldwell Sumo ClinrY Mar •t CrarrMbl Mary
Calhoun Cahn CWIIII.I Eliza A Creighton Cahn
Cadmallsder Lydia Collin. Anne timely Fanny
Caehey Sarah fl Cotamr Sarah Carley All,
(lath Anvelina V Coyle Catlin Cunningham Mary
Campbell Sarah Core Mary A E Curtain 31.
Campbell Jou. Conway Mary Curry B .1'
Camthera Jane tia.uper Ell. Crille, Eyeing.
ChrOdlith Mary Croy/ley 6th Corry ...Isiah A
Clarkultelinda Conan A Cutlibeamon Eli=
Dailey Dr
tau J u
Bubb. 1/V119301. M
be argaretDough l ertT Harr
lammey Bar lknahlaart Purim%
Dunlap Car'ne Dough,. Mary E Durnen Masan
Dryer Nancy II lanigherly Jane
Even, Jane
Eret Jane IV fic.11:'.17.1 P
Nanry J Fitch Lydia Fairfield Mary J
Funk Margaret Fuliard Elizth Falkendar laabella
Frazier JullaM Fergumn Janu
Griffith Margaret Milani] Ann Ganiner Mat,' A
Gracey Ilargaret Jane Gallaher Mra
in,.., All., J ileitis :iamb.
Griffiths M. E E Camel Romany')
Graham Amtuall liilleFide Mary
Hallman Ellen Ilaclatt J Harris Rachel
Hall Hannah Balaban Mary A Ilactinip! Clara
Hall Marie II Harkin Bridget Henri 11.ry
Hamilton Elias B IlmnalliNalthe Puaannah
Mort Al.. Anna Haalett 11111 Mary E
Ha. Miry Harper Mn E A 11111 Martha
Hartman. Mia 6711a110 ell Amy Ilunell Ellen
Boykin. Elikth Home Elitth Bushey Sarah
Hough Bari* Hughes Alm Ilopkin. Marl
11.ter Mrs.,
loder nary A Irwin Irwin nye b
kiln 31ary Irwin MB
Jonningo Jon. Luellen Johnson Mo' Kole
Joe Ellen C Jones Alll3 Johnron Mary W
Joroe Ann Jove. J Jobonon Sorall
Jon. Mro Adaline Johnon J
Kelly Ilannah Kirk Andre/ Vise Kloonl.l noelslt
Kerr L. Kirk*Jon Morro' Ktint.le Roulette
ean. Kotber Kimple Mary
Lambert Rebeas L Lea Mary L aw m an art'
Lan... Mary Sarah E A
Lea, Jane Luken Mirth Lot,/ Mannall
Leary Bride.lit Loather Mary Lynn. Elite J
Maly [Patel Mills Isaac Mrs NiameMary
Maloney Mary Mltrbael Mary Monis £
Maxwell Jane II MIAs Eliza Moorman Mary 13
Malaland Sari. E Mitchell Marla!, lilortbion Julian
Mama Mary Millery ?Imre Mar'
Matters Elizth lanai:winery MaryMulhalland Sarah
Metter Martha A Morgan JillP Murphi Hester
311/11bril Satan Monis 31m Matilda Nlyen Lydia
. -
Ca .
ltnne . .11'Clcgkey Ellen
p=r - sbr",°,,l°
&earthy 1V t ne..JlCallough C A WKeltey Ann
Al td !U'llnakey Knn I‘l'lidnnev Hannah'
al'Cor M'Clellatal 'Aare& M'Lcan Ellen
Ann WE/ walbn Ann all.can Nn J
51'Carron Lobelia ACOulre Anna M'Savahten Inul‘a
ArCartney Mr J
'Nebo ri Martha Neely Emir Nieholson Ellu
Keeley Kate Naylor Sllslh P Nmns Marta J
Ne.4wo Sandi NINA, Fiirth J
139otie,e1 Bri4el O'Neal Jute OliTer Mary
011ortnell Ann 'Plume Kan lire Marl' J
O'Neal They °Thin Calhaflno threw garramlb
Park 1.1.7,xrel S Phillips, - Mire Pcsnrtnen Eh.% -
Pewee Elisabeth Philipp ERA h AnuPre,lon Send.
Pearce Martha P..rry )Tarr Prtee Arm
Itallrs.rty Mary A Ilbn.J. Mrn M • Itorx.y Ana
ittkl liebn-ea A Ili lola • Robb 11r, .In,t,t)
ft.a Mar, J kvewell Man Ann
Iteclilkk 31 A Itltrr llaubah Bute,t Elf aatetb
ReszdooCatb Itutberfard Jane
. ,
9 S q
SawrPrf , tilatnssts p`+n3lth Sarah J elrartaell A E
&MIMI, Mar, , arefenuth Lucy StaplPfonl A E
Shaw Mary kohl Mary J e.tyrrret Mr. Jan,
/troupe A A fqworo.r Anne E`,tout Elleal.tb
It tkair Sarah AnoStuvrart Mar, Alan
r.,, c .
i.y.1,,,,ri, Davl4 Tna-n.crbl It Vaal.. E
Tbantakrtarah Tnanor Catiorrior Ty Irr Ann
Thonatiral e.r....h E
Wall Jnhanrai Waarts Minis Williams Salina
Wslateo Martha Weller Isabella Miry Martha
Warrick Sarah Weat Amasian WIIII, Fanny C
tillatibeth White Mrr Wiliam Lather. ,
Walker Mary: Wig. F. Wright Mary U II
Ward Farah Wlllliims-Mra 1) Ii Wolf Julia
William, Martha \Void kmllr F
Gentlemen's List.
Metal Ilobt Alliron 12.0 Lt Aunin J )1
Aotkin Andervon Iluch Ault Jas
Adams IloraT Antlenon Ail ArlMornrr Adam
Adams Mathlr Atulemon J Li Anna/mpg li.obt
AdAma...l. J.; . .APpiewtte J. P Anartenam John
Allicott Sutmel Atrn dean Asvoxtrotv %Cm
Allaop FrAncl. Aterllllo Artlll , l7o.lgGeo.N
Amirh Alhort Attln.on Thor Arthur. J 0
Amich Philip II F Arbuthnot tiro
Allen Cnoch Aahtn,th 11r
0 F &nal.. I A Both Jam ,
Pairon 11,41 . 6 . 4.41
hale,J J llrown John
Bailer II Ma. or-tail] Brown Arl,*
Bail,' John liarvry . Brown 11 , 44
Bailor boriti BlArly 110 Brown 10.
o , .
Banei 5 Blight Mr .
ro .
wn W .
Barlow Y Billings A 31 Brown Jobb F
Barker Larid Hitch Cant lArtorn Mark
11 Jas C Buchanan Wth /Irnsh Jame*
Batnhird Levi Buelsanan J. Brown iihrer
Barnes Eli Bulticreti John 11 Brag Jot.
Barnes Ja. Bumlaugh Isaac Brackenridge II 11
Bards,' Jar. Black Henry Prackenrklge 11 II
Earl, Dash]. Black Wrn Drennan JOIT.
Barry' St A 11 Mark Win 35' llnggs John
Barnett Bohr Black Samuel Brig, Cot.< T
Barbor llugh Ilaek Dal id I' Bruner Jamb
Banat Jn-eidt lkoer Jana, 11r5 an It It
BannCleo W • Buyer Jaw,. Burke E
IlaraToOT haul Boy, !hutch Burke Matthew
11.11 Chart... Du) d In. F Burke John
Bennett Calvin NT Boyle Chas II Burke Jon C
Beek Theodore Bogs, C 5 rnsltOrt Edwin F 11
lio:k Charles A Bull Michael Berke , 15orr
dicner Wm /kden Be:rani! Buck jobn 11
Ilm Adam Boynton C 51 Burdick Banill
Berlin./ 5i Boyd J. Burns Sin, in
Bedanortls lihepardllorber Janica Burns Tim.
.bal, lkdotal JOnn. Butler Thiniere
Berkshire 11 31 Bowman:li IV Byer. 8010 •
Derry Fart •
tall Charles Chester Th. Coon Ansel ft
CadwalaJer Rcv D ChirelSchl Wm Corral Ch.
Callahan Neal Christy Th. 0 Corcoran Jas.
Calhoun Jno Camel Steven • Coyle Neal
Calms.. Joe C s .pbell J. Crala TM.
tamp Eyhm Caldwell J. Craig a Skinner
Caskin 1 tass Clarke .1 F Cra, Hugh
Cane .Suillean Clarke Francis H Creator,' Ilea;
Cravan Nalli Clarke hoLt Crawford Jamb
C. Wm II Clarke Perrence Cr...font John C
Cann I. II Clarke talreanl lireightenJun
Cann. A Clarke j II Cromley Jno
Can 11.41.1 Patrick Clarke Wm ennui.. Tlios
Carroll Th. Clokey Rev J Cro. Th.
Cariltl J. A Coats Dant Croxer J.
Car. John Cole J. Croller Alex F
Carr. Edward Cole Juo Cummings Win
Caskintiantl CoI Da. Cumming* Mathew
Cam. Richard lieklns %lucent Cunt, Peter LI
Cal, Dymond Collins Mlch.l Cunningham Jno
Carney llr.o Collier F II Cunningham J,
Carpenter nos Coakley Th. Cunninehaut Th.
Cam. Rey Wl' Oxon.. Th. Cartel. Ti.,..
Carter Rednet °Lambs J 0 Cur.. In.
Carter a it,... Connell Wm Curren Mr
Carnahan It ft C unnolly Wm 0 Cusehron Putt
Carnahan Jas Contronl Fulruk Cassell .1.
Carnahan IS Cantle Henry Curren Jno
c...r T Conway John Curran' Munavara
Chaso 'Wm Conway Thso C, n•• Freak
DoilyWm Dickson Th. C Dugan Itlebd
Dont )1 Dlckann Th. Ikasm Jbon
Davidaon Wm U Dickson Jno Doyle Wm II
Dahill Ueu Dlekvon Th. D Ch. C
Dailey Palk twllivanU W loud Jhou
Dales Wm Dickey Fink) Dolan Philip
V.ll. Ilotwan Donnell t Phalli. Drip.. John v
Darla W 0 Lbnahor Palk Dull) . Bernard
Davie ET. Al 1.30111d/OnJ Duffy Ilugh
Darla Evan Doughel. Jo, Dully Robins
Decker UT Dobbs Uro Duff, Dennis
Darker P 0.. Dokhy Jun A Duxnan Palrle lie
Delay Jna Doran Wm Plasma N.
Dahl. J Dowum Jpiin Duturnitt (hwp ST
Devine,. John Downey Hugh Donn Took
Dwir D tk,e. Franck Duncan Tho r
Degan Ihwuard Doneghy Joveph 4lnnean John
Dermoth Henry Donglam T. Dunlap 011
Dn..; J. . Duu deo
Clarke II Chatfants W F Cher. {yen
Cawmbers Jon
E,1111.1 a WM... Em , ry Daniel Early Th.
EVAIWI WIT Cldril Wm Effie 0
Ewing Jao.LI, Evans .Im, Egan V
Eyster C e. Evans Jun J Emery ?kph.
Fain:nap F II Ferrll Jar Fast., J.
FaillllA ID, E Fish Wm Foster Wm
Wall. J. Fish., Juu Amin. Jno
Yernll Th. Pitch Cyrus Fowler D J
Ilumlrk Sam! Fitly David Y. Alva
Fitt, Cero Fine SlathLa Frank - Theodore
Folder Jacob leDalmons HeynY Fran. , All
Fells() Vlanegin F C Frantz Fasnit
Yee Owen , Volts tatnl Frampton David
Felder Om L - Yolawl Th. Vra Wm
Fergus.. Wm Foam' TI.. Foy 3W
Errgusou Robt It F.Yer JII Fry.. Sam!
Fprauson IL IL Water Henry C Frtssell JnoS
Yallmer Jr,,, LI - FrtAl Geo II
Gallagher Ti Gamut Arlun• Omen Jno
Gallagher Il biltaion 11 W (Inman Ilugh
Ga`aglier Neal Gilmore Jnn iltrer Ali
Gab:when Jon Gllehrlnt Jun G rrrrr IV
Gallngb,r Sir A Colilrty Jun (Imp Jno
Galway Amul Gilmer Noah 1' Gregg Henry
Geiger . D F illilarnun JlOl Gerrin Iletirl
Gr. Thu , T 111. n Davld Griffin J.
il..nom Thu. 11.4 Andy Grim,. Al Irent,r
Ii 11,00 "
11.111 Wl' 00044(0 IV Grubb Gen
lluldthorp A II Graham W II
Gardiner ltichd Gordon Jan Graham Ortflon II
Garnell 51n15e4 Goahnau Nicholas ilrahato Ilcnj
thane. Edird tiumly Chao Graham Bola
Gaynor Jon Grabill Geary Gm,' Wm
ilarstan JOl 1 . Grano,. IVro Omen:in Than
H •
no lamb • Ilayburn Jai Holtman Jim C
Gall Wm IlesllpJ Ir Mogan. S C-
Iliane.l Jun Hand:inn Allbel 110 / OLaJa.?
Ilarran Wm Gaya W !loam J 1 Jermh Lleidebrand L Ilellmul Warrun
Galley lalli I tenth Jno . 110Imen 1.
Garnet J Ileal, Illehl Holmes Ilkchard
Hammer Jno Ilell.rou Aleph Golan.. IVtu
Rummell Jo.. Ilath•VlAl blurry llon , Wm II
/lamniond II A 11. mat tplari Ilnugh Jon T '
Gann. Jun Ileum Clement (lolla Wm •
.hannaJ I, Gerais:min Jon llolsaple Ono
lianey Jun Ilmahrium And• 1101 , 1'er W C
Ilmily Tlass lieuabry Stiehl Hoover J.
Ihunly Ilea) Herron 110,01 linen Thompaon
Ilausun Lewis Eat Ileltbi; Augustan Sl'y'ly.. And
Hurlbut Muni Iles itt Ednd Howard Ilan
Garret Walker Hill hula. Iluaard Ilenry
Garrison II , Monett CS.. Howard Aaml
llarrinon Jim Iliugarly Win Garner &mil
Ilarrin Jan P 111,, Man J. 11z41e., Jacob 31
Ilarrtann Chu .5 thud. P 116 y J.
11.0 Mar) Magi. W II RaglanL'llisd
.G.}ei E 4,1,1 Ilintun.TlionJ Hughes !bad
Li., 1. • Illlunds Ales Ilughrs Jan I
Hartman Amon 11111 J Hughes 40.
ii. .„h,,, 50201 11110.. Wield Gun Amor '
Garlaoll .1 11.ralge. A V Ilumbard Geo
Mule. Wm Hoban; Jon II 110000 1 , 4.01
lla..inger Win I(oITJun Iluns, 1.... me
Ilanter GOOnd lloffrtott F 5 Ilneet..o 1..i5r,1
11)011 Mash
Irwin J Anche 141rmlthir
In/1u J;:r o. A I ruiu Awl Imam W
JaroMun Wm A Jmumufture ITm Jrnmo Tinton II
Jurkaran {I CJur. Wm J.nut, Thump+
JurYourt lainJuraast J. Jn,. Jul,
Zorthrr IL Jul.. Wm R Jum , Iltebarrl
JasuleourkJeremiabJelmoUm Sarni Jun,. Ben
Jlum , "l" W Juluulon
J carrr,JorJumr Johurtuu Abram TJones Jul. 1)
, Jolley Andrews Joonla John A & Colour. liobt
• Juba W. Joong lb,. C Johns Jon
. Jobm.lsm Wm Jun. Ikon Joh:onto Alsortiebl
Keaton, 1.:,1n Krim.., Jon Kelley Hugh
Ken James Kat. Aral J Kelley ArelMl
htsohn Ja. • Kay lialtelel Anne, 11 Iltagertan
Kenombenben Kay A Whigs Kllltlutf RM..
KIMI. Pat Farr Jmol 01k1 Thos.
/inn& Jon Kerr J W Kllinto Jana.
K..& Mohan' K,—r Mr Kimeboner Ur
Keel, Jong. Kelly MALI A ling 10. id
It:1 ' 1:74T; • toVl r y ttrl ' Atv, i' Lvg;
Kenrosl Mot ' Kelley Jon or lot /Ongslny Al ti ...
Kmough Th. Kelley J an Allots, Jartob '. 4
Keough J., ' Kelley Jan C Shotter ll no
Kyistied, Ja. . 'llt.llo Si nu. n Kotottle pv,,..1
Ayoundy Mtn A:rlley Thus It Kin/taming U A
Aynotody Jno Kelley Pot Ronnie. Lernrett
Amine, Loaned KtlleY(l...ilm.
L . L
Latnlord Wm Low!. Amu. L., Ihni
Lananter nen 1.0. M.
I..okrin Chan
Lanaxlaln MattlihmoLevil J,elain L. k %rod J 1.1
Lorimer Jahn I. Leech J W Lombard Wm
Larkin Ja. Lnel 1., A . Login. Itmld.
Lark. 1 1 / 4 /1111 Lenthan Minh( Londrigan Jo.
I.44shate Jan II I.ller Fred . k Lung 0 Al
Loom. Janotor I Liddy 1 , 11 ' Lore J.
Lan loam.' IL L ,. Thus . Lott. David D
1-ttoltor Daniel Littlnjto lgoin lit
Len E It Llitle„last Lnughrltlyto rand 11
Ign It to M Litt In'Jamolo Lyntob tiMld
Lne non J Lightner Mann , : I,noli Jat
Lowl. 11 to Linton Jot, 1., nob Nalohl
1.•.,. los W Linda, Stool lone Jar
Login CL.. Lowy Pa, Lunde, AI,
Losideoli 'rho-. L, nun Illehl
Mahan Peter Mill. 1n,,,.. Munroe lkett P
Al %lane .1 no Alin, Jag Mn., 11 it
Ileutton Palk (1111,Iten Mlrbael Mom. Jul.
Alalm Pstk Y 1,1,11 Michael Alsrtre Julio 11
Million.. thst 01,11. Jos Mnore Job
stlatotto Jno Alin, Ulm Morimo Wnt
Maths.. inn Alltehrll John F Mornison Byratn
Mart. (leo Allnolooll Jet II 11‘111en Ileliry
.11nr.lutll Jas Allier II Moira, Jo.
!A.M. Jen Minn. Andrea, AlolltolLmal Chas
Martin Jou Mottimoun r, Wm ' Alulberrln lkontanl
Marshall Hugh Alontgronterr Inane Abloday grattris
AlartinoPer, Iltatt g otomery J., Ahmtlngh Patk
Alanthall l i on MorebeaJ Thu. Muastor thonm
Alarnell la. llornheml Henry 31 ohlout Baron)
11siu..11 .1. W Moreheta Chas TIIIIIng Urn
Mamma J F • Montt. Gen W Myer. Sarni C
Slant. A Buono AlturlsWor Sly nog Sand
Marple Edmond .1 lln,'ur (quell Al, nno III! .
Ma, roan, 1 1 / 4 .1 Al ylerty Anthony Miller Ju.
Mantes W Marell Irene Miller laenrY
Wench W li , `'Stanton Cho. Meloalf Jon
Alaynena 1/111111 Melody Palk Monk Saud • !
Ilan J I' Atonal broth Manley Jhto
310/1111 1/1.4 Moans 1' Mondloghall Jog ;
11111 tonger JonMonne, Woman! Mahon Peter
Mllllnger II to .olt.ono osatul ti Alattem Chu
blorgno Dar 101 blatoonny- ran,
31 . ?..11a Ibinl .11'enno John 11 . 1CMly Semi
M'llaneFransui SteilHough Carta 31 Henry Lions
111•11ato. Ilugh Je.• , St' A Inn S Patrick
31'Culloulai Hugh I' .11'Kenzle Juo
Art:l..llunit II M . Donald J. :11 . Neourn Juo
31 , Agu Wu. AlLionnl.l Jon 31 3.l•Nriut Alex
NYClina Juo II 31'F - widen Thu. L 311.evedgrun IluruJ
311.:Louro Wm. T Jon 111..onsu1V
All'atullisw Martin Wlhrun S 3l'Leer Jos
.11'171arInJu M'Etri.rx Hugh 31'horke MOO A
1NL7 ' 3.1.7 n
M'Carthy OPErny Mich hrrisoultr
ll'eagror Wln 3l'Llthorren u
Jon Win
Jou.N'lulmh Al 11'13offy
31 , 1'affray lno Whim,' Jos Jut.
M 4 Clusikso Mold 31"Kniuhr .1 Nrilifin
Wellukor Hugh 31 . 14niulot Win 01/010. J S
111.:lowki, Nlllitslan glow
Wirunuelley Jas Alm }Oh-nth Illeitar
Moroni., bilw II MK night 1101
M'Cluary Wen, WK.' Aln 31'Malton Owen
Ml:hishoon Chiu AhNeeJat Welinny. JAI
.1112ov tlaralm MA
'er • Owen .3 , 11 - 11n.11.a.1 Al
M'Conel K .1 3l'lles 3Cm
M'eurkli• Jag 31'/ill.lasi Jos H. MOUndon 'Moo
311.'onaughey WKlnly J 0 Mullin Iloilo.
Al . Cune 31 M /ten:. Anna Set:tithing!. Thor
Nubs., John Nub Pat or JamesNlzon Jo.
Neriti John 11. r Noeley Win Nolan gaola i'o Noble W Nunbk !'rook 11
Nuley Noble Win II Nlchalwni
Swung. M Noble II Nbri.nn John
iTNonJ o.'lll O.lum All. rt O Ormond Oro K
O'Neal John O'Leary Ja• Orr ,T
O'Neal Aler aillsion Hugh John
O'Neal O'llrienJas o . lllien J II Dr 11,. Jr °Trion loennis O'lleah, John
Oltipoma.l I) A ORsiso Daniel ci . t.,,nnor Jai
Olsomual Oniu Pat Ol'unatir Charloy
*Ohl, Jaw
PA, Julia Parker Judd Pitalab Wm It
Pa., Paull 1•41 - rj 11'ar. Pbetaan Ca",
I•slruer Mattbea Perry Juba Platt Mm
1..,, a ... ANA I,rry Jahn 10, Platt Jolla
ha.1,ann.1.... I%rry J, J Porter Ja1i...0.
C. K4147;1141
Patter. 4 .” J.. I , att 1141,
ella La .: I'mr•Jboials .1
Paha, Thr..1..r.• Peppitla) Jam. PorrtlaaaJal. • Pettlarew
PA:m. It m Prterom.. P..ter A Wllvy
Patten./ Jas Plumer Artgoklkb]
Patterwm PhtUilw Jahn Poviutli Jahu Pot. 'now
1.1111110 I we're Jr....
ni Wi11...kgb.11 , -,n 11m
rattcrwo 1.1.
Vark• Phifer. Ch* Pugh Wrn
R. Ifin C ItelAnAnu
14.11-110 .1 hum. II lricfmnbt. Ala I:0.m. Aoho
Radrlllt /* LI 11.1rhan1mn J. • 1:a1.,. II a
Rm1.13:1 Th.,. Richmond J L Rn 1.11.41 Sand
Ja• 1114.11 r LI h
Rena. J. harrnrl Ih• LII II
Jarnh Itrdlunal JsnJ. It hio.nn aanil.
14.1•11. J lildt•now II Robinma Ala
n Jiru
h.lnc e D o I I.h Ro . h lrt• .n
eaA h A •
111•1_1, J,hu Ihn. twee Ihrlgrh. Sell
IL. 1 1 I' /1”..11
J.... hob!, Imdlry hurwl
Ilehe J hur.ll Jew I.
I.l•Arnhe AS. 11.14, Ih 11" hulhlr, John Jl4dtl huthlrro Sir
h ark John R , vlaep trui II R.N. Ci.,.
41.., 1.1.1.• Jam. Iturhcn John
11.1 Si m 1.1,17 Cu.' Lumluntli 11
xml John horergmu All 113 an .1 II
Rennal• Ja. Rhhrrir.m A Rumhon.h Srui
Saloon 11'rn 11
PTA,. 11.1 rt.. 4) IC
...hi...A II A Shaffer Arrh'Ll
aosune L ShAffer Emanurl
1rr.../enl .Inn A abnlfer C
ahaunotl J. h. Sloth, 11'm
MI.. 1.1.11r1 aL.nnenhen C
.nith Jo , apreb 1 1 .114
hmlth J'l' • ••••otlcr J,•11111 . L
rmilb Apar Snyder 111.1 r/
t . =.l 4 ir trt?rrt:VT" C
Euith 19t nndrn a Dunlap
Shaw Wort J. J
Sratth Viroorl al.n Dal Id
ruoth hr
:141 , 11 11 tH Ina.
,1011.0.11 Lalein 11..rtIn
asuall Jho aid) 1..1
r JO,ll rlrrhyr•Jvhn
et~hur p.n.. The D
ul•r J
Amholar arrohri..
Nth, It.M.
ht•hhca.ll Ilsh
-11. 1, II
hhirron .Irho Y
moon, jirhh
..rt I , Arr rorlr,
hull, .1.-nmlal,
n Plaint
4rntt Jtu , 11
Fall! Int. I
tullt vtal J
Sent* "tn.,
k It
4nett. Inn \
ttb• rt I.
bort Jna
tusker W
.6 wt. +up 11
•12,a. ‘t .11
intro l• t. la
li ,‘ en
`en Ite J .....
•no si Hu I. X
..lee, J lis
Mill Mr
ur. k
...r.b) F I
F. 41
••,u 11 11 F
) J.
Turner Allsn Trimlds i:on Th o m,. dog
Tn-n,.., until Th.., John 3 how. Jame.
Too.te, Alen Tsolar J t . Thsuia..ll.l
Tung-?. toted Taylor. Wm It Th.irstou Jag 11
TdeJahn Tal lot 11111-11.41 Tinker W3l
Tund,tl la, for 1 hot T., for Joh. It
Ter.wler 'r a 1 , Thouilmni Amin . T...1c1 Itolor a i'..
Trial., 'I hp+ Thom,. 11 N • 'loot hauled
Turner .1 eulltrao I.lionipeon Nll 1..1,1 J. .. I
Tru.Ler P 111
Peter 1a.1,0.11 It ‘it- . Topper Tito. ~
I.!l•Mti Alfred Vmsek.n Wm
Vemol Jul.,. V..., Franey lee. Joalah IT
Touleek II l'oraer 0.. t - ail Jag
Va., Doniet Ventm, JII , VouglmollorritonA
Wohnua Datil H Will , Alex
Irhttexid, Wilkinp Wm II
Whitney LP II W Mani A
111111,. John Wills Dion
White in,. IVltenk A •
tt aloha, 111.ert .1 W he. P•aml
• 11 titian.. Ilent, IT ill.•r ,
Williams I, 111111o:0J
Williams NYC Winter filer
W ilhorra• A e .1: P., Wider o,
11, 111am..lohu II 'lt ingot.. o• •
II itl.dzio. duo W tag...11.r,
W it,. J It 11 illert Joon,.
Wit.. W co t• 3111.1• Chas , ,
W. 1.. lA., it ,hell Jug, .1
W /1-oli J,,h.,...t. tt Innis 1',,., Uotts... No 171 IV, lie street. et pr;sent oseupled ....,-;
11 luting boul II . I,) ohn U. Living•ton. awl monolith,: two parlorg.••••••••
Y , ining: ea., and lichen, gal the hr. 11,..r. 111,pg.... , pi0n
gi.en on the Irt of April. [twit, of • 3. a R. Haiti'.
to ming John s ` I onus pawl ' Into . Round Chun+.
, r LET—Ont. Two'hitiiry Briek Ilium •, 7,.?.
Initials. ....tong a rom, on I.3ttiCee Avenue. flinero.kl
Reemler Pittsburgh Encampment ,vi • Ito,l Rent low Fliqtlif. of
l'aptain or tier., ,treater Columbian. I . mln . JOHN. WATT A ca.
Items of Lieut. John ilremitint Ili, Idne
It Lodge. i r it e RENT. The Shirr, lIS Market izn
.1-ntrai Itspr,antativa Waohlturton Mea.l of I' , I st. the t.tteoud door from tits miner of Market
,Farthounke. i 1.80 I.ll.ettsMreeis. I . o..etstlon given the Ist nrAptil......
•tkillaturpl, Division 41, Soo• of Temporaries •no at Inquire., DATID 1111 iall.
0,111 liar, Division - - . J 7107 1 .201 lint Penn at.
Port IllidltsSrle . . ..
Tenn:mil •• •I -
ttirohlto .. •• VOil RENT.L mai vnry tainveninat WS.
L . '
.11: lid 1101tRE... Third otri,l. abr. , . .1.: .
6,01'1 DOE Entlin• P-i. owl near to t•mlthneld. Itorils..tlon given. the lint Att.-
Pon OM,. Pats', st rah, Frio - nary. 1.5. 1 , 1. I 61 brit next.
A 1..... to 1.....• for on+ OT more mart, some Iv, TRCAIIt
p r Wo,nrel—This it lt , certify that a man • Led. on and near the I Iletamny River. In the Ninth When.
rear hi my house in the full of IAISI. 1,1 tilt. name of Usury ! AUDI,' to - WM. H. DARLINGTON.
Pin. In a very hod ...dia., and wog almost totallt ldind , ni i. iffi .
Fourth M. ntsar Wtsvl
Ile hod I•ton, toldier in the Brilkh ar e. ID Ira, then —
token loons of the Lem Iforphils lu lAtinini, and hod the i 1,10 It •
1147.—Tlin fi Mowing proper- - 78 -
beot trratsneAt Lomhdi eanl,l afoul, hut could not he IP- i 1 11„ ar , r,4 , „,. i ,
~,,,,, , i to , sight. and trot di...harped ag Ineurabla. I had , A 1.,. at.ll7•llMmliml, end somnl,Aelr furnished
Lea, „,,, ~.„,.h .6„ ii , i i ii ,,,,,,, iiknini I iiiiinoii i
.. . hi ir , i STORE: on MAO., sizIAA. hetwe. Thlrn and Fourth *i
sultaide for Dr, Ge...d..
some of IL on thin ma,,. I got hint a 'mall bottle of the n e ,,,, iiini iii i , n ., iitin , ii „ iiiiinn , in the...i.iiiia a„ Petroleum till, whielreiired Int eye.. well Ana nouna, In the I third . none, ,aninhie for ArlL•te's ROAD, Ofdtwn. On
11 J •
11 1 • Jot
LLIT 11 11
11 all c Ilettr
%Sall r
11.11 n, 11't1 11
1% sr.!
Hall 11ut
11artl .1
anl 1.
J cr.
11 1 hl,l/.
Ile t.r 11 tr .
11'e.[ TI•
11 hit. 11.1
11Lite 11. r,
11 Wt. L
I"uunu J.. li
I tunalt u.
. A lam, mat rontrutrut IaVIII.LIFIII 110CFR. to a 1t0..1
mm. of WO' Minail. . I neto purt of that tits .
lam wilting to In tonlifottl to thr troth t4' th•• ..”••• I Ittat.....ion of Or' formroina ran lat aiarn cu the 1 , 1 of
of Um atm.. ...anent at nn) tin, I may he ralltal nroh AF MI 'mat
Al-t , a SIALI.. FTIRIE on Thinl Atm,. next Attar to the
F. to Lin. and Amur of Mr neighbor,. ran otruit to tha 'tam.,
• 111,31 D1U 1 VJ" Kt' I n VT . oil t';', - ;;;.:',Lt?,M.; . .71.'",'"ntA.,..1„.... 0
Crow , Bottom:ll,nm, Co, Pa. 11m.t4,101,0 . 1 TDIDI tlnal. latratoforr mattpl..l It) tam lAte Mr.
.A. Ihal, "
For rate by liryarr A 31cl/towel', Iht {{',.al thatet: R 11. tor trrthr. hrII , I"
V.. . fIAZZANI, lryl aratond Aare.
Srllrra 37 31
S. %1n...1/ II A Fah Diathirlt. dS, 13, tatornot I • or to 11. 311.13R311CK. bil 'Mini tttrarl.
Wood mai Front Anat.: It. 31 turn. It. A. Elliott.
Dough's, and II It. St hwarta. Alleghttn,, aDo W . Dot Imo
Canal 114.4 n, Serpntlt 4 Pittxlvorali.
i'irTxrolusr t• FA-nn ; ' ,l. Or.. 311. port, LTV. 1.11.1,..-
It t"' th' i y iii nu . t h iuthi' with ' th " .. "" r thi.i ! TO LET, the Store Room No. 65 Mar- ..-t.
inntlelrut. Whet...ter It bag lia.l a trial It ha. ramb. 1t....1( ,,,, nr ., ,. ,. 43, , ,, , an. , be ~, . .h
.0 j,..0r., ~,I
. la,pular. 10, beige liCnar ~........:i., n hisndr.d.`at ord. , i a, V. W. and rrt•••tatly oorui•letl by Mr. ry...r..t ,
!lir, Ili.. flk•ali, ' N. Mira... t 1. , .10. as a 11.1da. opal Larliango, oilli " ,.
• , IMk :Tama lo tratt..l la the vir.rt motral /mat.. biolo
. .. .. .. ... ~ . . .. .
tneutort eoraraantbort Ladner. 'NA. , twf.t. 10. ?' tool far Banking nod Ox.
••31,.... Kidd t Ct. , --Your tratellntt went tt , to In' I
end Inturanco tottl,. or anion.. A nplenolitl
• .hort time miner. a quantity of ‘l'l-snt , I.lror PIII.• The oeu b trott . t u w , ttl. ftttli . l .. h Plate Glam, will be put in
teltole t , tl r^ritilf • gr”.. " i '. :Zrlrin ' ;4 l :;tl the t.r.t. Prbmary. If teantod.—
tit.. hotrod It It ron,idenNl the Ite.t tuedleioe the Ai el En,tre of W. it. WILSON.
ever ollert.4 for rale. tue another .uppls n• tn. Corner of Market and Fourth rtrrotr.
anon. 3, - {w - wfible W. 11. AlNSW,lll'flt"
F YOU USE BLACK TEA, - Inarttsr:ir -, 4-,"
.4 lllR.ill. In the Diamond. .11 the teat In 4, , , A
I l'ittalinrid, this la no pug. but a t it...ilia,. fait, mi. •Th.
romparirin rill noire.
X ECCTOIUS NOTlCE—Letter, te, , ta- itiari ettim it a nd i de a .. ant f t.,„, 4 .........,,,, r ii ;77
nientary on the loot rill nod bietamonl of :iamb The hart initintied into the I%Si:de, .. ... .75c do
earn*. Itecbavd. lentla donated to the unit, n i g niel. all G il Tr. ii i dall i g ood at 'stun prior,
r ,
Pero.. Imirbtbd to the deride.. an. he r eby n etirtirl to All Ten- nt Mk eitatillihment an. retailed (rent from the
Mak^ Mot"... and Deo, booth: it a l.,. ibi ain,t per ee- Orli:dial (init.. hidi n g to nupethir In Darkaat Tea, whirl,.
tote, to preeent them for ridden!, it vithoutdrlai. . in mai, in,tanesi.: have laid, put up trii or tlin+i ie..,
ir• E. AITIII IDt, baiwior. I and ion inlaid . •ell +413,1,,, 11p, would keep an well in
No. ll itrant rt.: a small Linelle x.l, a italic.. Di think that Tea will keep . 7 ol in a parkin, Ili in the orlmnal rime..
' ADDITIONAL SALE . 0. ! IV A N.' TEO TO BUY—Niitna liftili t WOn(Crn
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool. lv v thok,. , and lit.ock Of the Pittabur g b Dank.. by
. •ya,:ti
1 . 84 - A - C -- KERFIL--.48 ir beds ex i t ' : .\u. 1, ,„
cr i j ,....:
. 1- b e: , ,..e. n 1
r umi v re r c o e . l , l:2 tLt e v
i t , l2 a n I e ‘
r , , , , 1
r i , ,t ,
p alt , n ,
t ex, preriunali laid mit. idol ill, demand atilt mintitiluir, I an:re and ter au , ii , ii ,,, An , ick . m . 4 ix ,
Lim underoilipi,l h. lei .0 wilt., ,I bi lai mit a ! rd.. of 1 Jul it ater mid Fro n t obi •
hi. pri d ierti in born bite . %lei., oral otters them tor aide -----____. - - ___ __ _.,..-
. ~,,,....., too .. , 1 ,,, i r .,,„,,, i tad I n mectilli , • i l , of, ,
,Ifin MILS. N. 0. MOLASSES -
0p....4,10g to m inim.. It I: iierillivi to raY mit t.intii 1
‘ tli:::r:i . .i . ... r i :: , 111:11.: “ n r'1 ,, 1r , ' i 1 ,.. ...1 . 1 , 1're:
h : . t" , .l . d: , •":ellriirdn , i. c . i ti ,, i t' . .. l : 3 :i n e' i e n :FL,', I lE.?"'
Late lute i i. t l:'-a ... l n i 1 . ::7 , --,--,
Lain lin, Dried .teni...:
.ea deem inlaid/need by than • wielittia to nrotdo , o .77tor. I
tat bids extra Validly Flour. For ride by
a b. it umaur.m.
.11. , . :, ) , .. ,. ,,.. t. ” %ar. ;.. an :r o , n . te r„ th , r ,
, m ,:. .l... d .lial , l n ilii , at h, ud , cleii . i tn raid . e, ; J'.:',....4 . _
~.„ i
~,.r . 1 . 6) BBLS LINSEED OIL ; --- _____ ,_ -
I„_,. abr ua n .1. in the An, in Llion.•il.ur .4.1 al :1.1 Milo Tallow;
7 77 j .:71 ' . i •, " :2;:ii r d ..
i ' ',i ' l i ' ' .:n . .1 “ . '. l
t l b.:. 1 'r .
71'.. " 1 i"N 7.11 ' b ce ." .i t i ti. K. b td .' - VD It . . 1 . 100 di/ Broom. •
IS bble rearla.:h•,
72 Irixii. t nini anlivridiu;
No. CO Worri nt
Yur ial at
fel lad Aviv,
J•..• mxt•ti,
Q 4 M ITLE 17 A: COLVIN, Cool MerchZlltß,
wol in Dr" lir”rvrim Irvn mad
I,unl Tarnvike-Hond,
T.w.Prr.o.'s In. orIWILIcIM
gS EWELITAttibiTtey Lior,
I ( 1101 SW. ComorWsioner for 41t1(.4 Wrp:ll.low.
wlraf.rructgla of IhN. . Ac ualca•—tourth etrert,atcme
0 re tory eaa
Jr; b
, e. rit jar4 l en th thi °- roiner eg:T4l
Graaf rbwetw..flobbrd mulern aryle..www.
ithiln4 and 1.44 bah, ea lighted with www. raltahle for
G . wwi r, ly;or[lwardilari bwww.. m tpartflAt s Lbiztirrt
E uirr4f - 4
Manche - 44 , r. or
• 44 tinint 111.14hurgh.
(Journal nvy.)
1,4461{ ENT—TheWarellous;g,-;726.
Irvet.irout Int April. For terms. InquireZi
on H... proirde., feldilidst
. .
Th. d... 1114 bons,. fonzierly oointded by Wr .iii'6-
I....npnear Mauch...4ler. dtuale. on the Bin. of lhn Allegheny
end illunebeetrr Plank lload:with earriage hob, tuilde
and out hoar... and shoat an sere of around. P 011.1,4101,1,00
. 1,4101,1,00 mr Bid April nat. Al
fe1.11:d1 Office an Ursa Pittel.orsili
Art i.tTieuniff.i.s. iTAit3l::::. AND
niI:PALE—Two lanii flour Mllle and a Paw Mill on
11, ...rl!nyk.Arith the.' npre.eari Aida. rinr. Abp,.
a Well luipnaral Vbrni In auraireer.onty. .rlPe PLOW,-
M.O. a Ina of I,ls arrepi th.. Ohio river, three
Har, fur 14,a. A., one of life aeree. on the
(Hilo milt' below Beaver. for Siti. pc.i. acre. 21/...
uvra for Oh pet ant. Alen, farm. of las. and
M, for VI, per aim. Alma 17.•• ter, Mr :12. and
;yr rem for Ili per icre L tolarther witlrmatiy aban. of viol
P= e And 3.Hr/if. Enquire of
Mlorna st Law and Heal Estate Agent,
10,10 No 101 4th st- Pittrbuna.
rr() LET—A detlrable residence in Al- r:n .,
Irchear 151 Tirglat i ql7r: ° V r At-E •
tia`rt r a ke° 4l i n ' th r. 4%, att 't ViaTa, " tral. '
ta.lnn atter the tat Ale ' tander ' Ettattztre of
7•• . ,
poliitcv,The store on Market t., vzt,
I i.o..oeropihi 11 Ml+C. Vrovor . a Variety Stott la,givoo op Ist dey of Arra nest.
(eV . WM. N1 . C1.1NT1,C1(.6:..1th AL
14 11 OR SA It..E Ant RENT—Eleven aeren
of grnnutt.,lttiatetl on tit. turnpike. on , mile of
d..llllntr itntrttl e ile l ; u ntn
atltt l n e ..
d Mtt.l
und lnane.=
L all nen] ,
It kite). and btlotriboontlrtl In front by the Seventh xtrott
and extvnyllng I,xtrlt to the Porttot. /Ulla. It
rof the mrxLL d.Mratil.• Itt-ntiont In • the %inlay of
rirt nut Ix now in the rnevket. Elnitiln. of
1111. 11/UNtt A vo •
TO LET-4 'Warehouse - situated he- v:vi
be col Ittilt anal Market. and rit anima through n lFl
tr? Seekal itreet. ntnrntly sesupled
Life It Alkllliann. II In rultala for manufarturlug ors. ,
7..11FE. AikINIYIN A ()KELT.
()USE; A,NI/ LOT FOR SA LE—The ze.
rul , rerlbernlfers for sale the house and lot situ. ..,1
jtqu the tonal pleasant pat of the boromiti of •
rer. fronting on thy I.lori,tl,b fert,andori Markel street
2-to fret The too
44-14 well rotAtruck4,E,l,o4,loll mud
eons nleunr , wlthnlrahundame of water at thedonr. The
lot L, e well Mond vtty chotrt 'fruit tires 'mad thrubher)
Th.- above pmwrrty le very deArable as a pleasant and &wi
.", 'widen,. Al part of Inlet No.lll, to rel, front,
slot .0/ Per bark, and InAmd.
If SI . S.iN . OOI . IIRAN, Carinte.hurg
'fur furthnt pan sales, in i
Auent •
yOR RENT - A good brick stable on Tt . .
strata/n-4 Alt,. between Liberty oral V:A
terrturd for ltinv liarees i rarl7
hunk., rt. thatiata n nn",`,7:27,l7,7 th
e.l, would tw. trry a storage Cr mer
chants. Enqulre of- )IONItIf
No. 177 Frnillifbld cu. No . .r1 Path et
UOSITIVE SALE---A large number of
d i rm " 11; ta i gniZ S
in the
Pk:Shur/a. 14 trlen.l Ow woe 1.,. and on a/wenn:Mafia,:
Ur'g'h" any le•
Plitt I h. rtYg. ITT `l:4.ond .1.
Baird t Irvin reta, for rale lot? on
Ponta, Irani. Avant.. Onr tenor and further
apply Al Ont.. .1•14 -
IVOR RENT.—.\ warehouse situated on
M atm. street, between Market and Fry', •ontable for
tualuor Ennui, of JAS. DAUM.'"
• No. tO Marko( ate.rt.
eR RENT—The dwelling house and
stterntrOding ,renunde, now :wear:ten by nty.ka
f. thrlWwil of Prld.: rtreet, In the Eirhth Want.
P,ersteharriehlu. IludirtUratlon free front awoke sal hur
tle, nerd Tat eetride to the edge. ran find heir much a Om-,
It Is wlthlts Onn minute. walk of any taralnel•
the tit,. fetursltt JAS. W. III:TU.0,0: •
SALE—Set en year's lease. ith saodA
mnittitukla Dry tionag burr, hio. 2 , 1 Lll.erty t.
or further itartleolre. d.tumlen a. al .
Very *iilThia.ble City Property for Sale.
undersigned Adrainistratorg of the
tualt, rtoinaA Valet:ann. dews:red. offer hi. Fah, the
Ten mar tatate uf the tall Thoutau Vernan. :summing
ton 'AI foerist fronting Chet.lrty etre, ennulne !melt
ten feet Adler. Also. tavern
.known tl:e
;;; "' llrt n?;:Fo n' tges ! . h t;tlg ” := a f:4
A1...,' lb 4nta fronting I:i's Cherry alley. each cut:teen
feet frnot, and running lark sixty flat tatiallel with Nun:
all:, all tutwet, will he ra:ht at private
spehratlna to the uttlureribern or If taut mold - before ft. 2,th
of nlntelt, ugt la• offered at aurtiott to the highest 1:::Ider.
AL.. the Tavern :land lu:11.-rud for fill. A` nil n.
1:. iAIRMA4.
• R. CA mtqw.i.
n‘gi,tmtrgi • 141 1.16urt3 if
rlgtea often for rale, Isrre number of rnloahle
gene, 1011, and rum. vs!, duritulde cite. foe mnnuhre.
Lotto, st: Itet llonotUkt of thentlnshant. hewed near the
ne . r . r..hor:llhutuf huthertioeltneett.
. .
raped g rowth of Birmin g ham In Impolatmn
F,Tnalt . r4,7Vitzrltgrz,V.TlT,;:,!,7,:t
Title so rfAct 'Term. 6,6,0,T,..
For 'Articular* mcl term.. en q uin.of tlto or:dent:med..,
bur°Mew tof Or.ew. V iliinocr. on Brant .SINAI, Nth
gh. hemcdon Third and ' , north otrt.m. eof NVIIIMm
E ' fn. "lta n rP W rm. ArSr.AUN
!.% NIL I% ARi:I:6I'SE TO LET—The
N_lromuu4lloata Was.hoo .1 , No. 3LI Lihertr Aroct, now
farunied be LIM Llggrtt- 1.111 rentrd, with the
prirlicgA.BA. the lot of Mani. next. Apple to
.12 11.1Ik Ally lilt Count t
alo I.PM—Ono HOU.. and Lot vitnated
Birns.l otrcel. Seventh ly'srd. For t.r0,471
FH.ILE—The nulweriber offerili.rtie:l
jr Axle a farce and well I gil; 1 4 6, 0
.0 arnAagroulnl.nituni.ol ~,the f o urth Areal
unlnh throo t,f thlocty. 0 on
ell. ; lot of ltim/I llc‘t
a I' 4...1rah10 1.4 n" 4 n.on I. rhotaniln.oror Four
Arr.,. BB A rn e or csrell wan t llucAcu, .itoc4.l
near thc
.41, a 14.4 of ground 4 , net II Inches by 19, , et.
Ina tbo r• 14 Mr .\ Ton, ero
. near the ell, omte
the eerenth Wont
isnreerdlol. I
II I. .
that tho Ilant ...111 ....aninn,
pad early •In Ihr nnninq.ummfr. Err
Mob.- r. , .[•11 I REALER, th.t
oad. n•nr
FOR F: NT OIF SA I,K—The .ul.rriber
.iit vvry de.lrnlde Country Itnsi
den... In .411,41... t.
I.llncln Avon... 4e. of Iln.Comou.n. Thn how...
larger don H.. I.y. 4 In oomplnn. onin , Ttrt
mt.., 1nn.... •da1.11. , .. and maul vat, on 1.1.
enmnrne taro wrllltnpro...l.nnotalnlnq
, I...rintlnn of (min a fr..: hon.. und nnokn
gmrn JOIIN
FOR REST—.I two story 8 w0 11i n 0.....
moo, on Hay ...rt. Monti, ttf
111 JAM'', ItALZELL. t+. %Voter at. X...t•
o roll for malt, or on rwrittrtahate.s. our lot on
Int is
strota. het (mot by It. (.4 r , prlna att.
tolulott op Moth Ward Ent:lnr Hour, Altatattsore.
hontalt.l 10, Law., Canton. Alirvhent ttrrol-. Ind
Spring Allot . 254 (wt on I.llwrit. by lilt u..•tttrtt t
All,. Al, 1;:40 ferr frond.: on I, , r.rwant rtrort. Innt.
Mote.- ttprrrtito th'o Crattral Railroad Itet.t. am] ronttuntnr
4% lova. JAMB O'HARA
Y. • The Thu. Ward Public Fclootlllourr.antl nte on
arttich It mood,, will Ito rota either tcyaratelt or rat....
irthor. La aulttporrharorr. The Lot t.III ft. nn
thrrrr allot. anti 1%) , feel drop nu Diamond all,.
A. athlllional Inforuttation ttentritl atilt he ninon. end
trrutror . rtale frown.. n uttitllnttlttn 1.. ,
lIN : , 11-VASELY.
14 , 41. Iloard Dinv4.,r4. at N.. 47 owl 1.1 :11.k4.4 44,4,
'PO LET— A largt. Mansion House ‘vith Tx!
IJf Lund .Larliell. Onkisad.
11A1:1111. JONES Co.
F • OR RENT It Two story Frame Rorie ,srs
tt.o t building, with 'two 00,1 Allde. nn
. a .
V441%.'-'• ailVaLeihm
derl2'Llberty ntre.:L
. . ,
'21 , 1
.14 .r. .11. :oil
• u. 4
401.1,444 Cr..d.r.
.1.. r.d.itnot.
1.06,114. Dar) do;
41 4
2 , 41.441/
61411. E. 4,1•.
.1 small of Mu,. Nita. Tnr saln 1.4
The f.t
.t.Witkku 1-1 ,1 e7:4A'
riuntim,tessnerliEN EV A,Ca
. ut 7 taln - - n4 M.
For fteluht or pun., apply nu Ittanal. feltl s A I atutlnt -. .. - - uarryt t p„,.,.
e. AirAlnorr ........ - -- . „....-1 A.
NEW ORLEANS—T h e ,•• a, I I EALD, BECKNOR ' CO.. Tobacco
Irl:',7n 4" ;1";., I '"' :a r t a ' !. Pi re ltr ih s e T ail: ' ; ' j i 11, , a... , .d.i. 51 .•rrb. N.- 4, Nurth Welter atraa,
And nil Inter.. .Ala. I:an.. un Turada next. the lAth In. ' . 6 ' . • " l '' ''''' l-4 Whsrr ."'llthdthlbl- Attu'
atant. at .I , rlta-k. r. Y. ~ •1 NI ER('Ell & ANTEI.O, General Conanis-
F, (might or tatoaue.anldl nn Loud. fr 1.1.1 . i
,I . atoll tterelt.tx, Phlhtlelphla. Marla 1111Xanotat
1 4 1 1 I it. OUTSL V I 1.1. E -The spiel, 17: : I ....•"" " , ''.•• , .."'nn‘ of Fred .n....11r._ (.I,9?letn
~,,,,,,...,),„.,.) - 1,1.1..1.1.,. 4, ~ J k „not,. .. • ~ .....g L i nor, rx a ronrirrll.r. WatTrit C. UTMOST...
....a.runtoirr. mill kat. , Orr thr I -A... Av.! .... W. POLNI)EXTER 4. CO., General
)..rnif 7 l,lt r,. ..
~ zy , g t, 1 , , ,, , ,, ,,1 fLau. .y , . ; .) , 1 , , , . ,
. 1 , ;u1 , , , , , u , :1... , ,, ,r )
~. I. Welt. k . . r 1
. 4 . 54. ...,.. n. ...„ ~, , ,,4 ., ....1 , c 3 ,,,.. h ...... dyi....
I %F., TY, JirSE, Agent. ' 1 " "r". :".- - .l ' ''' r " l " - tx`d. , .. h"P'nllnl.
1./ 1 01{ sT. Louis. 'rt.,. .. 1 .1, , ,,,iia , fr•r
~.... ,i To Southern and -Western Merchants.
a nen mounter F1.1.4 - I'WooD ,ot tottlet ‘l.-r,-R- - , I• • , • •
~,,,,,,,,„ ..,11 1...„ f o rm. a f att ...„, ma.,.5.r.--..2.--..-.11 •kill 01. SELL S PI t}.311U31 PER FUIR EBY.
suodiate port• on no, dar. nit I.Dlt not •atXP. il !it The attlaoratter nopertfully Intik,. public AttenthAn
Frtr Dewitt or prteeavv. 14.0, 4 1,...,1, ~ I. Nl' b. to esteunte matelot' Perfnuter,.SuatrAnbaringernitnA.
I NEW (to. .I.l\ 1,. Arent. ae.. to which /ter. I , iller and tan Goldro Aledula hare.
t a Ithin the latt -Ix 'rant. he. ananled by the Irtattnniar of
_ frt .. , I Ntotr York. Bunton. anal Philadelphia., the latter beltnr thn
la X - 111:--The (tn. eteamer tt Int, l'ai. , r_.... --
.'.... l lrilT ' , nide,. Mrtnill exrx•Anunhd fu ,- TlAt . nnart7 *ld.. in
l. rt. .111 1.. n.... tor the alhott an I ..I mt. r '--. -- , r .r , .1••• ... 1. , )1 , ....) ,, F.
uodtate purl, on the loth not.. at la oelort... • u lU.r. , ty.i. rsmn,y.tyl, Stuns.) Cur.',
For treicht or paw., antis ott le.ard 1 , 1.1, .v. 4 Nrchorrial.lnnivertall, arknotrltalued ( lOb l t,tZ
li'Oit I.OUISYiLLE . n... ,plea- ir . r ._ ... ! ''''',„'",;:,;',",',"7,:-',:,,'7,,",:!_•—.....T r 0 , E..];*, . --
ill, dal antatner NA V DIA Tt lit. ( - ap It Iltxu pe ' ...aunt . I:In GI, ...Aapottaux . a ' u ' ll ' a il langt7 "‘ I
will leare for the
and all intern:edit., - P rtottare.x l't =pound. ArobrooLal Sharing ... rat, tt Allllta.
port. nth. day at itio'clork For (nor ht or pnectuy r. ahar t o u st a ., '
t hoard
... !••'•.-I • to rtitrun. TAt.ur 1•../t krt . -Almond. Roar. Ililleflears Lon
pliltClN('lNN'l, L(u•isy I 1.61: , ! 4p1.1.. PiOirlot, )11...k.
.Patchouvly. ihnuitis. Iluatiog,
, Ly,,,_.ri, f„,., ,„„uly, ~1.,,,,,..r - .-
r I ' T!;l' , ",'';."2,';'.'"li`l;''tr'"!' "",!!_ : ir',,s, '1" .
,A.llt` NEW', tN, Captaln l'harl. •It net. nil' -- ttaextle Cunha.. lieratat ' unl. J 'n''' Lind . 3i antlln h' e,J a'' or
kart. (hr the shore and Interundlate Pllttl", nn lhl . dut • ' e - nut, tlaunolla. (lemon, IRtntnelle:lt.n.%, and tnan k ;
at 4 P. IL
lei_ Ito /tor runette.. In all Maly zurrhunee.
For freight or ta,nue• APO, nn !luau/ I t . fon ko % ,. .11.1. , -Florolo % % airr. Eon de T 011... Ontegy•
A,loit li LASOI/W, LIVERPOOL fr,r, I d i ..'';'l'',.`i. r r.."''''''''"' l ""'"'"'iv'Y '''' "'""."'-'-‘- and ",,..._
. AND IVEI.LSWILLE-The flue n, m. r V:: . .....: • T ' 1 ,- I • I 'tor ,orryONS !OR Tor. Itam-Ilenulne Iltturs - ttil.Antlque
tlt 1,11.1.1:. I% nt. lAhollen, tn.ter. •in run. --, xl--ll . l hi. liant r ll4., EOM Lu . .tralr, °lda,. Conrttound Ur Ala,
r ^7"3 l "^-' . .".!: - Vil: l ";,`,t.-::;;;,‘.%:2,r i i -1,, 1 ;',:i 1 , 7::;-'.";:i j:-Z;ilinlit=r..-1- and ,%,,-...,,,,,
„ I itt_ ulna, , • y ou , ).
• ,' ,..1..1...y. u. , _ tu....7u...u. y ~ , .. .), ) yr..)), , t1,,1...uu1t, Flint, Rano Tontlll
. . .
frol.l. or p roe n. olgdly on tvadol
- -
yuD. .N VILLE—The fine
-woitior MAITLAIVEH. rimmed,
1.11 lekre for Ildo elodre and tnlorndrdiradtporlod. , ---- - '
di , Jot ul 4 r.w.
low (n.doldi tor m',. nprtly tdn bond
114 1 111{ ZANWVILLE —The tine ,
ntettmor mewl,. will hate
ulkookod loteruPttlinte pudrtg tpratendourt.
et J o'rlorl..
For fregall or en-urn. ripply idn board.
up It.f.:l!LO. PlTTSlitiliCill AND
mow rock..l mourner 111 A 1.. Coo troll.
tor. now performing Itrr rtgolor
rilk awl Wlowling. leaving Pito.l.urgid 0. 10 tirld.rl
esdtry (longer. Wolurwlar toddl I , ridlt, anti rotortsing.
l , ardo howling err,. Tod-w/o, , Thirmdlur and ~ a tterlor.
Iu earth weal. For frolght or pa.rog,./dp_ply on hoard, or d]
uolg ARMSTI:tiNd; k 1.1101.111 t. Agrole..
A,VL 9 ,. ( LaTIT T I I .q" r "r",".,',V, c „. / ;
L . 'MLLE, D. IL DUI.,
Ilt.litugh ervry TI I 111 , 1,11 .1 , 1•101 A., • 1 , 17.-
1114. letiV, Weliotine eT^r3 Mo.l, • I%nlusln. nail
t 3 'F.(3 LI I. A IL. 11' F: I) N SI) Al'
IL PACKET, CD:I.:INN 111. Cumain John
ram:hem. Thie ttpletelttl Nutt wee Ittell
thetae ter. ttl Ilse Mesmer :sem I ..... otlarre. for
tattl l'lttelturuls itteltet trutle. etttl letive
titer, W.lnetteln fete Cincinnati. In Nee/. of Ilse Nee l:ttgt
1.1611 •2. Ler frvight ,etrrtly nn kl. n n tts
melt.)i IL LTEN llgilt;rlLortA.tetnt.
.. _ .
w utocKINI:PcIIIT —The lin, rtram,
(.1.1 • • Crum, 1.11
. . .
..ri et 4 tielr.rk Y.
rl . /1 " i1 1 11 ' .11.'!/ ,
. 1851
Merchants' Transportation
lIA PENN,YIXASI 41-" , .i•li 111.1t0
-01.1. 11E-..111 .I . INII.
i• 4. 41,1 S I'LTY ee l'noul BA 1 . ,11n +(rm..
Itnad 0tr....t.
am tmetturrd lu mreir , a amount ommtolmtitte
and mt4um. Itt uta the ttmut Int: of the mtuuti.
Jettlia.lll.l inmrmdiatt , Marta. at btu., at:, `nd
tear bum than in any pm% itut• 2,44
41,44- . 11. TM. tut . mat•al number t , f Truk. ttrovitbal by
tbr canal Cumnalmituasm far mmrt our lutta• mt
muto 112111,144. tm, tad al. pu•tfltility the., at
. 3 , 41114114211. 111.114,..1,1ry or Colunibia. otatunt
I' A. It Nl' I.TI .
I 8 5 1
To Canal Boat Owners and Transporters.
E ivi.l) t.. polar:let for th trarll.,tation
of 10.0 n 114 of 51,0..101n, dr.. t.ertot.”. ISIS ant n
11, the ttool., oft, t, on,, Jolan•tun n and S t itt‘t•urnl,
an th: rovone.
foln to Itttn , l , nruh.. ho,
Ihtt•tou,b to Jobtoton n..
WO: Ell e htitttl-111. w.
tor ADAM , a ill
17# 14 . ' :.Y -'2 5 1 851
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &e.,
7 tim.11,1:1,1111. .t.xli prrr , twi:6ll
,1,, , 1 . 01:1 111i.N /A \I:
11. F. ATIIIN • Propm.tor, ..11u so I 11m:
1.1 Pint,
14.1.1. A' 1.11;.; 1./ T. As:vnis, Canal 11,,ses. I . )to.unth
.11.1, TAI . A
..r0500..1 n,. I,llroc,
ntr.od I tor Froo:lst al g.vo
touch d.0r0a0 , t..1111 I ony other lan,
All 10..it0.1 (1,, of .1131,.
to Juba MaFpn4u a Coy , !
Canal flu,ln, Prhn .tart.
Penna. Rail . Rop.d. Co.--Central Rail Road.
11 , r+Txrirrtr.1
the oiltal Hail
1...uL imam thy ui• ou.ui 4. n •
.• an, onen• IT 'multi,. for ..n
nu" ratuul.
• •b i.. f
%IR, or r, rt.rpo I' ret PIIIA rmr.rt - Mit
ri Good, 1111.1 11,1•11{4 J..r,
rm., I unlit...,
4tru•.t Pam,.
l'nrk. nil. T. 1.4...
Alarl , l. .
nu.) M.F.IIOI:N k 1,4 olot:
EEC' n. CO'S ENPRI:sS TO I'llll,-
[A A 11i.L1.111 A 44m.
11.111x.131, , ,hun41,..aud 11an...
I. I•toln.l.•'Oak. Thr ,, ,,:lstnskr.3ll
LLIAII .4 0..
.1.1,1,111 normi
Tblrt, fil
Milt's 6..1'1..1 7 , °lam,
tutent Tel.wraph and Est , ,-(l..inv s•Dore t l cropat,,.
Sit Doh 1411, .4 Neu for 11(.1..L11 , ),V,(1111,,,11.
iitlrl/p, the 0tt.,,,, , 1ne .4 1 Canal Navi,atton. Six Daily
Lou,. of Coarloo I,ar.• tor itollLia(4orats, and loon
then.- thr Now 1,(10-,11aosa r,,ul 1,4,1 Lo
I . llllr throul,ll.,. hour—
Dom In $ll vi
} are' o• Ilahltaltre .... 1.. 0 , 1
Coaehe. leay. over, tnamin, at a a Iti4 It. iqvcinly.
atal it night nt the .4,n0. hour,
!,‘TII:l1 , 1 , , I..are at no, tints. On,. In ,nos, Mir
Ia the um... dltwt. ronat , rtable. amid ....<4.c•lttlou. mut". to
the gouttero nth,
T atra. Sr Italtimary 1..1)o, the Ne. Dail nail at (IND
ri , latra. Mo.-Lon the orrital niche ea, at flat ',tar I.',•r
'n' rt."l; ll Vl i ffrAll. St. (liit.. 11.1 , 1.
nr to J D. 111)LIIID.S, Sionato,nhols 11.ata,
Pittot sta. Dee 4, 1,1,0
Ly .. MUT , T(.. , )S T.% 1.1.0 W
I ou IlurAwheat Plum, r race t
T. II I xID , A , 11,
Produrl• Haler % and 1 Lamm...too Sheehan.
11Zr n 1 I% at. rot t
1)L I R PORK— • 'I4 I 1110 t, •• bog runlet well
Intnm RI 1. , - It at Ii au *l,l A I el
14 4 1, R , -17 ,peke prune fur ode 1,2,
11l 1 LI 101.1 t 1511111 %%I
11! 1l rater •t
brk and li , kegs
fur sale
1.1" , - „
U RI 10315--.~U doe net
ll „
FRI IT—I no In, I 1 , 0 i„
u ti ploo f', ,ale to
1 • t.t TH a ro
name Chinese,
y too •al. 1 hll/11 t 11,
It r.I
I A VTR L Wl\ _ bri, %.,
J 1,11,1/
Doff 1 !al th. Lpour.
Iu fr•>te nm Beat Hoot% Iso. %.,1%
f r al. %t works Itt.l roc, 11,1 a lanceruphlf
for oalo 1,5 41111 \ 11. ‘11,1.1011%
ja2\ .1 It ot
dIU \% RUM wax taken attar '
le.m.our ot on 111. lath of 4ao , lsr. lo
ro Let the name of Vim %11111 not• nod nob! to ti 54.1.1 fro%
tiloalon% ell% and token to I'.\l•.Pavan durtlon II 10.
4.1, Monday tho ?Rh nn.l odd. The genii% m‘o who par
rl'an , l 11%. AIM/ 101, Mann. will plea.,-rot urn the pool
'and hi. no not nuall ft...lnc knatl.
.„ J II 7 and ..
FA; E IC ' S FARINA —3 fur salt ha
eol .1 % %CHM M 0%1.11.1111,
81 25 8150 , and 81 75 per gallon.
AVERS KEEFE:RS(ImI better ITN Morris
8 Hawn 1 Prnv. PALI FAIL,. lIRA A . ni lio gh , .•
r pr rth g, ball re pun Immitc.
TIII T . / \
. (the
ten Intim . I 41 . 0linti. for sale 1 .,
liOT-511 keys tv. , ortell NI. lur x tie ha
IVI t OLASSLS-11.110.1t10n 3. Sugar f
.r I
.f G. II 111 11,1. , tett
TEA b I el•tm turd, nt eTtra tun . Ii teen:
Al raft b., .1.. I .I„
Iv lif „ 1...t0. hnl„„ an t Ma. I. (or
F.‘l. , J lan , a 111
TA ',LOW..
I'll' for 110 be
j,P ' Lii r Tti I
\liin—lirt”.l) et k. fi , r
1 „ , C .11 Lim 1 . eti
}...AR - 2. - . oo pion 16dt • un, fur rk.ilt • IV
1.111.1 J 1111.
I ISSFFII 4111,-21J brla r'e'd fur sale by
is2l x. a It 1101111(I
VICIA MOLASSES - dl l llhdnSny,nr.
'HI W . 1.. II du
•. . •
SL .Jahn Retlnrry. h•r rah. hr
Ill'Ill11111h;E A INGIIRANL
;ate ‘ratri
if I ERNIAN CLAY 54 his just reed Lv
11171111h1IX;I: A INWIttAq.
RICE -40 tes just reed for sal" bV
HEST BLACK TEA—Same kind ati in
Ensaantl—enntll 1.4 etrena pl...annt en.
fr., all berl:y ,r, ~,,
foe *Witt, 11.01'01:111. In th, 1.1anr..1. eh.]
F E ; t3."F:"6---1 lr 6 nt
Make. 111.
:et AL. Pilla:lPlPhls. •MI
Cuewinea—Veanlable Vuetnotir Crean, amarallne far
elietqw,l hetnle. 'reltm errata de Per,. Lip
adlte. ac.
Depilatnry Warder, d.r rnranvina typertluodshair. Pearl
t'nwnler Vltaia, Ward..
Itnua, hrtelLatle Vint-rer, Victoria
Myr le-ti.les a areal aarlety tif
/alter artieh, t...notanruii4 In be Lamed In this astrertha
The ante/ rile, linpee to Etaiotatn reindallop which
hie endaltlieletneut hat ant tad Li
. , ditioanatt Of Ladhlow.
In hr.:. rale acted,. "M al les hapyr.Stafurtltt4l that.
w lin may wiell ;utt.n.44144. I•holarale or
elt am reasonable tend. a. nut ettablkhment Lhe
eurreator to alai tamer binrtnr of the Laltoratou of
114 lnut
11r. Iladn'e Perfumery it for rale Isp alt t the he n principal
Urn.:diele in adrenal:Vt..
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
fr i l S. MILLS, No. 6 CORTLANDT ST..
A • (Cr Stainkt NEW VOIIK, it now apatlnK one of
laraewt and rid.... aawattnen. of PPILINti AND
.6 ere, befwye. nweriveel. Ake. E
M1',..1.1N and all Wl Lind. of SILK'XiNTILLAS. mane ',A fart C u
nd from the laVaLPaliee fa..lanna, nawnved by the Mesmer.
and I articular', adaplrsl to lts• Spring tnad,
.11wee. a I e.r,pleweellel dark of PAII.A.,)LS AND UM
-11.11.i.t.1111: and plain Petered tw'atan
hnd .ill: . and Turk ~t he Paraol, and Cotton and Gimp
am Umbrella, All of Which will br at extrrnawly
low prin.e. We ewperially invite our ,Teeter frienele tie ex
amine. ewer .elrek befren. tennhawiner.
A I,: WI PE 011 e INO PTA S Gar szhibiting Shawls and
Mantilla, put up lie an, for tranwportation. felelolo
c. B. HATCH CO..
• NO 79 it I lAA all .STREET, NEW YORK,
in store, and are constantly in
neni offered:
15t...1 end rtrheat atylet• Craveta,•Shir.,
Gi..v.., Ender Garment. Landau
:Mak Dreasinx Cows% Ilandkrrahiers,
aulder Bram, Litten . Collira. with a variety of nth, Or
"ale. aultar ta their limo!' lat•itteaa All of which mill
them.,! w• odd
at tha v , ryprim.. Oar Wefttern friatul• am ha , raatnina for ev,ak RobsaVto.
I 11. )MORE .t CO.. 122 BROADWAY sr..
4. NEW VORIE. flare In story or are ras•riving sow
it tin, ta4 a,oet,d A•a•Ao of .
• rill', to "urns nt extri•nic.i.r pier, on •hort
i.r tir CASH.: coniiininq in pan nil,
folio,. •
No : to is Ladle , and )li-.ea' llonntd and tholi
Ittdol h. No. I to 22 plain atin dcr. 10.000 do Twf-
Icht de, chaugcnble, chine. watered and corded non.
oht rthlctoct full B.oll2llStit ceiret
ht,t told 1 - td.dcd crAtte hose, tarlarand...tephrtr,
Illtt-tt.n anti ltruxellA artihrial flowerc, cal.• tab.,
crirdiwtl rithouc.
Embrol.lert.L wove. mrd lamlnurorl in lase.
to 11-1 1‘ , ,1it.• nrtt...-urtairs francr, uenllnvrtmk sat tarn
tr,un.,l Ir 1. eat:ILI-iv...hi, mull nod boat 11.411., crayst% 7-.8 L. C.
St' 51305 GOODS.
II or-mill., Flor..nrr, Satin. and India nilka,rilk button,
dront okra.. Icerin” braids titan, droks trimminvs
frintb.s. .131 sib, linen ralnbric, hot, abanrDn.,ut kid
rcain,.. sill. glair,. and milt,. Mohair do do. 11,1 e
and .11k .in dO: fancy %Ilk rrairat, lore ecll.. Mack
Damp.. and Daz,:a %AD. ruror natal.
bd . d ,dnin dn. n. lawn and ranibrir omtplete
a , ...rinnds or bo..k. pa - ,. and caloric Inwronto and ed.,
.ds. lb. do - 01me.. , E.. collar, cull,. rap, /..1 30 In Ma
.l ras and ....
, :trn - and Vnl.mivron.4, 11 , oneirwearn1
nil vrdlhr thin and eml.l.cttpn and .111 lad..
wtino r nnrl I,lormf drive, raw. &n splendid nsAort.
nt 'nee sell, 1.1n.,k tximmin7.
.1 Inn,. .if c. ...A1a am entiri-1, new.
of the I,l*-
11 In the market, and wik wptll.l
examine them.
121 111:4 - 4DWAY. up Oaf,
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
(..)N EZ1111.: INK, 85 NnSan. Street,
oy Verk. •
rulers To TIM TrAtt,
quarts, ter ilcu nos r kin/
i 11 4 GI. ......
I, us.
intArniteht. tre:fulliin "-
bintis urtil.araa.natastusul. freely—
i• a I r‘irSra/e. t•tnuildi
au! yireusursel 1101,1hs ustalitisu retsils.
—l4, a .0:4t1 ritinu Ink. •nitalilr tot the Quill. Emit ad.
nlll lutistited fur Mr :0..1 ern.
uurlerkirnnd i 4 tur rural tn furttlah to thr trade el•
the? nr tudur n.n , umntlat, at OW a 1 . ,”
In, .nd per aud denrnnal in an I art
nt On. r.% nf etsamr. cltri, for ca., li ,
nr char..l ttra at nntl cnnt.
Nnn,au 1, Nra York.
bo I.llg Ihs.rn,)
.V .s. 2:12.'254. Toi, .Ind 258;
Iturig.,. Fulton ol.:01,11:urli. Slit
11‘,. lot ~,, I STVE, Or
In the I o,lteol male, rulnr.h.lN i, larketa. In the
rill lar mei 111. kIVE:II..e .
.tet AI-, the ealtqleire !far " ;
ar.l I ,
2 , 11 ,
n. G, ',rim k Ilanford e _
2... C.,: oral Pearl st— N. Vnrk.
19 Seurwou , trrri, Nov York,
AI. , \NITACTURE and have for Bale un
1' , 111:Nv 7,4`.i17.7r g.t . Z,r'lT . Awnn;
rant..l ttal.4 vlitum., en. r. , :ntng."
C.a., Cl,.kl'ourin.,
I Talk f c,;;;;;;,..!..ri;:(1;41:7,,;radn
, rip.] Tnrollinu
143-r, bold 111gaern• Exploring ana Militarp •
inc Ileencl Pittnie. ',ripper
tint article.; Mr .IroirNiet. , and rue:Teen., EPaine Aral
Parior; flap Titian, llor, Tetalen. Knitilt.s.l
p Too, itnaniantp.
Life Preeeerers. etirition, Mona.
it 1111.11.... Wain, PP.! Beat
. a ..lnnteena.ltater•fanl:e.
Article. for
tho Tradr made to clrdre. }ali all in
ft ES. T }:S. TL'IIES--The undersigned
reeeir...l im.rnalaaion Iron awl are in 41-
1 ent, M4,111[6.11 ;mitt; the ihrininahain PATENT 1.51"
15 [Pa*: 11:111. for the rale of tbair
tee. eneellent and superior 11 , 111.1:1: awl IiAS TEIIEA In
nn:. illi., Tina. Tutu, AN aped very en
and-llf lath Its tinglatal and the continent of EIIrOPMI
eold earlueirelv
1% 11.1.1 AM 100 n .t 00..
Ins. X Tin Mate Mershants, •
Kali Nsse Turk. *
a Martin's Lane. fit, London.
and an Buchanan street.cilaservr..
Murphy's Self - -Sealing Advertising Ravel
• •
VO. 263 I..tDIS(.IN ST., NEW YORK..
Th , .•11 ,,, ri1a.r. In mlirithig tbo Patennit.r whn
thl• adrerti.ernent. ft , els nf that hedtatirm
with which rt trw article 1r brnught hefore the pablie. the
,rienr, of yearP ban extaloll,hrd their ontwriority ta ,
yptid all .011,11 on. and he mnfniently reGers
thereh leirtlmn•
tiy #.l tly.« , 1i11.1[1,1 torn whn Lae.. uped CLITei.DCF,
and in hi. rani•lly Incrtasingnalec, as pruaf of their exod
let. On the 0 , 1 • 11P{141 by the tent, a retwan mar
here h. onme. buelneke, and mldrewe. congpleornwily and
bentatiftilly troboneett. minted 0; platy, thukstfordlogyer.
feet seeurity nzninet (mod.
!!,1. The Envelope. ranunt be opentelmithont being de
roy Neither ant nor onforw me modeml to meal them.
il4lll the mienrringe 010 letter. the Peal inenre,itg
Immediateretort, In the printer. in,tena e 1 being buried
nwottlel in the bend Lee ter le,.
111, The Entelopre are f0r:11,0 , 4 at almost the mm.
twi , n. Wain oner.
G n th. /n,h I,tter moiled lea mart effective advertisement.
mire to attend. the attention of through Who. bend. It
The fe o ilowing b of prinns f4r DIVI. engraved on
brn.e. nod whleb tel for 'cam o f of F.treltArr. of
the it..uni tite. either white or boff, of woN nnwr, nn d
mode nipv,.. with 1,1111, zuldne.,
Prw, Prim V Eurrionet made, as
:20 letter" or ..... !, , t.tX) obere.
. . WOO
..... .
4 110 WOO 00
l on
111. it I* riol orolvenient to for.s.l &moat' of ceder
rar etpre, a trairire to a rivp,table New York
Hai, will la. vorielplit. All ..N1.1.3 will meet with mailript
if WM. 31ftlIlY.
Vin. 3laitlfati street, N.,. Nook.,
tinli.ra 1.• If lift at the nom,
or faboll'a• 'lots. Ito Wall aims,. or or 3lessna
JorOnsan a C.... 131 At
Carla. etnho:red In color,. f 1 ,119 /41:00
hir at ft .114.23,1131:0
Professor A. C. Barry's • Trieopherotu!,
%rm, ; 7l;'." tlt
and rung eruption:, on, the akin. of the Ono+,
end ino,nnento, and relieving Pflug . ..cute. ['rah
oprafn,. tr. It tth 3111, preparation - there I, ouch
bit" rho firwt In AinfTiM tneelltal men
of Ow In:rht. t mune., tdotninent entre., of all prole.
•and ladietruln. lease it f.r year. In their r.ea•
tang rea.tna and , put - aees. admit aith
c ur t oncconi: that for
Imparting glee,, lolurbine, and uto the hale,
eradirtnen; Kurt and dandruff: bran. sound, ruling
conttpon,,, nano, kr., and relefring devanes of
the .010. tho gland., rind the rut-rel.,. it ha, no ,nal
among the runltitude emnpounda advertised In the put.
lie prou o'r twed 1, private petwth.e. Inch...nem aa•ell
elltrieney Trirophenott, unri.nlied The Int
raft+ 01, articles. hare et:shied thainrcnnor
nupply It at .Ina per lath., winch Pt frr.
.to nal
per rent lee. than 111, price of at, e.ther yn - Parnta'n. f•r•
the hair now in ti.e. the reUntille onrtne.roatr
and [hr enotnuring the taluable_dfreet:prnort.r.fuln
tun' atni pn,rvation of martin'',
00th I .
in a hlrh earh tadtle tancloo.od.t. vlrmr
Th" 't"i" in
.kin and my hair. walen .traa1 11 ....... 4
"qr'' ' '''. l ..' i ,i o '" f " th ' r .in re;a l . If thy Pon",
, e - nedP,
Onat,c w,, a t opter MA' do not (inv.
th e rm, feed the nalt.
" life to the therm, the regult it
"do , f the halt, graver/eta. dalnreae
Oeorf. dn.," •• ;IT,: nt,. and entire tathhteaa, a, the
eat . .. to Malt
her roll Nth
okay n,epul reroverhnt their
the Tri'"'Ph . ' . ' , Cl the dtpeare InallafFeetkon, of the
ett. it • . win ' o t Inteortnnonla the
add the .atne It I. trpri )t1
l.r thv hada:that tho Trimh Zs'
03, "•
Irt all affeetion, lelttryr". of
ta rovendgn rentedr. • • 1
toule , . price eenta, at the principal of.
u. Nevr . l g 'o b r ,, lt it a t n t. d
ntlnv.,ilty.tat co, um ee dr c 'Altl t !
2 r .(m) 1 , r11.:!i0. 1, 2 t ;n:ll ' ptFacke - and et,e
%No hx+ ty
14.4 tall BUTTER. 4ea.l%arlonrk; t
Am: ( rlrDa Wlvrf
1 Dahlman., Mg.
`UST RECEIVED per steamer Peeabentas,l
OW. SPUN COLL Volum', fir
BONN, 111:11:A.M., SA. Asmat,
Ilalluoora •
1 k AVIA C..TUTTLE, Attornq (It Law,.
. •.
.11.ANKIN, Attornes: nail COUIt
tt.llor al Li, attl et n, tbe tate a
I...mrayinuatt, dab: nr Pitubwit3
betatment— .• flan. lr. Fortna.l. mat*. &
IrCandletts a teCtur, John a. Itate. Ebselle t
Maple, *Cora &(L. . . - attiailf
HOTTeM, . •
9 1 111.: undem... haying entirely re-*L.
built and mbar- Itlitheocy;eatenrlrntrttalErb."..
turnt• "mirth:deg' In nll about th ''• udred and the.... •
nuld YmYYtiltny t in nay reealT
the rec.yllon and acrntrannation of WW. ,
enntunity. eo( theunJurprow,ll....-,.44if dd.
Pon.. In dreamt superthin.. an the mammas IsetTime ..
meta. hlrb Late herrn made must. le .IxnagnrlT - elt, 14.,
an advertimnmt. L. Sake It to ray, vrt e..larnar naa
,toa d ton any. upon - Mont perfect. "
The furniture v. wade exPre.lT nrdfl,egtirlhvanf
met. and re Loin portion, nt s It;' exTehy - the Drawing
no.n., 141 fond tole of the Inert beautiful tuarialhe.
3 u .l m k Will
e en enoi nagmste e .
o ca n ar h a u nd e nk bon
h fro ecarly and Into. nft'
Every deparlinent 0.111 he rcralUrted In an mirs.ptiona
le manner. art thenmprietnr ple.lave hlmaelf that lb.
A narrksi. non.. bitairlwArtlly the TrareEt , rs Mane. •
fehY,andlveanT LETT'S RIM .
-20 les for sale iie
IL'UAR &1110LASSES--30 fiugiir;
by .I.lbU RD ;tile: iLlYelra.3lbr
IVriNno)c GLASS-2000 b xs us yd s i zes ,
Ebetheares brand. VT br
13.11 1L
'SLUE—Twenty barrels just .receired. ated
V...1f0r rale low by tbi: turret. at S. N. WICKNICSII6.IO
Jan Weed & Shah rt.
500 - ..
LBS. 3irgEttuVved
Cur. of W0r,14 ilistb
is ra,;‘,- ; 1 out, Doors= now landing trot eon.,
Turenront. for role by
_l , lO DICKEY k CO, Water k Front
'TANNERS' OLL.—Twenty brls Bank OH,
In aim - 44111er. Dor KAP I, dela .1. aM. F WTD.
XI OLASSES.--38 brk new, in store, fur Ix" tale by • _ irt = J. tIL FLOY.D.
. .
ARI).-44 brls No. I. noir landini, for
ALA Ital.. 11,. der) ISAIMI DICKEY CO
UCK WIMAT FLOUR—Twenty sacks in
if. , end for role by •
All & k if. leallltalitlll
sup Izo lb+ fir rale bf (fell BRAUN k 31E7TER.
11 . ,, brAd'hive 1.4 aPcaul a frialictruptiry or the
various ',oolitic% of Me above artiela. Ineltaling black
twilled. very Ear. Alia. Freech Docckion C-Isimento,
block n.I fancy, and Illaek 'cjacitt I - citing 00 aarf
priocc for.the quality - • uor
, TUME . l: ; — iti Ten bell ; Roll. Butter
1 8. F W.. lIAUZ4COI7.
CIGARS—Fifty thousand Cigars MOAT Oa
and for min by rail S. R3).../lANDAIIIIIII
- -
'flirty lab roceired
jolt - 6. Flii.]ll.l.llßAllGil.
LOUR—Line hundred bath Extra-Family
Jnit ""174.'r11".41M;r116011.
OLASSES—Fifty bele new erop:Tfor ear°
b e de= :BROWN
ALERTUS.--5 tons fialeratini, Luis and
1 r 9 r ,91 e hy Js:. 110111ET:TDALZEr.t. CV.
L"'LAl:D.—Leaf Lai-d l,rls hind ke,r
sent fbr 'alb by 4 ROBERT lIILZELL
ye) ,14borfs
UGAR.-15 hildS prime, N. Orleaufi Supr,
kJ Iv 'Wye and far rale by ItoßffltT DAL7-ELL
bibrrty lareel. •
I SJI a:Fifteen drums G. B. CodfinlT:
Z.O brim No. n 1 Lao Tun: WV.
r 5 No. 1 34.kert4 Ie .ton end n,r,rnle b 1
ep EESE---498 bxs Crcvn Cheese in a 671;
Aral for sale Siy JAW:
/SI I NIX. IS %Tater .21 . 1.1 e..
LA GA half ctat.ia Inuar Hymn and Mark !rm.,
8 ratty boar, .10. du, Imp. and Guninag.or.
...11 loans Ilasaoll 8 P.nbinaon Tobarcn.
19 do P. P.nninArat nod A's A 3.1, '
10 do Cnl.lnna.ur Tobarm
16 an bona Prirantalllararres n'a
13 ratty bnaea Jam., Tbarnpaon jr. Galan Lmf'34
In Lump. In atom and Err ralf IT
iaa9 • PARRY.It CI).
pa •
tivs barrels for sale by
T. KIDD a co..sis. coweje.
r!LASS PAI'EII-Fire hundred reania of
Pmith's Ititclll, fur Fr
inll :J. KIIIII C0.:N0.441V OL
field have revaltral • lot athandaorae rani?. 311va.4
ue.. 4u parr' "'rah al.n. Plaid slut Plain o..heta.r. , .
top a .., , aviv4T.ll/C211.10 Gtaioarrve. fitalvteki Math
Tabhy &v., at Korth eia , t tatruer vdpatuth , maul
- 3_l A ISINS—On e hunfilvdand fifty turiql anll
ba2boxts emir"! alvi for
S.ALERATUS-4 'casks No.l Saleratus;
1 st 1.1 for mre by ." ""
37101VF - I>AE7PI - :,
porn'OJ woe, garret.
LE LOOMS- Onn hundred tons Tenheseu
%lota,: 'St lona Trata,tae Slblat.rectiiing from steam.
r lientaa, emir sale by JAN 11-. ,
_fallNo. tti Water stmt.,
- WINDOW' GLASS—Five hundred boxes
7 7 nasaxied edulla sipru and fm. oi.• by
casks Potash, just received,
Ind trine 1:01tIMT DA LZELL L
VRESIF ROLL BUTTER-20 bas just recd
_R: 1117 J. 11. CANFIELD
LAXSZED—A sns.illiot fur snle by
.11: Jan ' • .J. , CANFIELD
lIEEP bale for /min by •
i. 1 7 a . n. CAN PItLD
-1 Alt—T4entv Idols new Sugnr on hand
6 and fur utle be jafs L KIRKPATRICK .
TOBACCO--Twonsi- bn. W. G. Grant's;
r 1.x.. Grant f. WURune; ' •
3.. 1.X.11%.t. Ronaline
91ba.. Dzrroar'• half pound: ,
•:.,". ha, 4 t.l.nrno.'.. do band and
/21 5 BROWN .1. KIIIKPA on
llAltl—One hundred kega prime new Lard
Gn baba bud for isle by
SUNDRIES—Ten Ims S. Tolman; Cocoa;
Prrnkrtia aroma;
lo LZA 4111 I.lloe
0 In. COCOS IS.N, nn hand'
and fGrsala by Job 'CROWN A:KIRKPATRICK
for nynichnn purpon.r. ninny! Rend ..n.l
rale LT 31010t1f1 R. HAWORTH.
4 1 LAJUR--Three hundred harreht just reed
raid far race by IN(/IIIA)I,
-)41.1 No. nn a Met AL
' II AVA NA SUGAR—TmInty linzeA Wbite
11 Havana Furor, for rah. ' •
uuratraDra : : k.
• .1•11 No. {Vat. , rt.
S • Clore'
IVater S Front rt.
BUTTER -Eight barrels puked for sale by
jsl4 "S. F. VON NON WAFT
I A llll—Sixtr tirls No. lin store and for sale
uji br jal3 kirAlll•lrliVYACD,Water k vnmtru
1 - 1 REASE--Forty tale in store, for sale
.Pl 3 Watt... Dud Font xtb '
uROOMS—Ons hundrr.l dozen for solo Ifr
moaais 0 LIMOS:TICS Ten Stmt. a.= tide of the
- .
:uod llATOrf'd Trot at A rents pe'DnolDl.
The Mier eguilltkei
Eat. mperrioe at-81 CO In
Old Country Teinplo that no, BLACK TE.I. will fled our.
mit their polo. exoetir. Tier., kind. nr Teat or Tool.
JlRci from kinflasel, and. they cured. he bought at W.
other Korn to
• ...
I" the
l're : ','""'' ' " Vigl .. .lll ittwearrn .
{{EEN APPLES—Twenty I.rhe. Pippinq,
for eale by !O. F. TON
AI.SION.-5 . twin Salmon, No. m. store
1, 3* mlr tft j. 9 nonyurc ntra.t.m. t
OTT — O .- N-21 baleA fit ealehy
JAM IFAIAn MERV CO,Vabnr 2trmat w.
end ft.:. .1.10 by
• IL E. SLLI.kIi.S. W11 , .. 1A-rala Ageca..
111011:—.30 brie" 11riTfl:Appreq;
10 Jr. 4.IWIn*I Sr
WM. „I) WALLY it CO,
• '
.1 CO sti.ext a
sale, by
UNCHRAISLNS— -•1.0 boxes .
. _
Kreia , le . r .
b--d. ••-,"
to Met , old , T 4, prlmnrtnalitr, In rtnn• sod Ibmte
.10 1 110 1,11I10:11. t. W.
F OR ans. best es.St steel liar Fe .;
glm 1...11.rman rOOl
.4.4 4 pmn.d..tletenl•Manuto •
roArnrorntn.l .4 1 .! b>"
H0E5H31 , 1 4 0 , 1 . 3a
ilennymt and ice._, toy •
W/11136W: iONS
huntircit bushelicre , %l
"ws• br :1i JJ SA6ittl. r. surarrr__
best Nevttimk;
• 0(1 dm lost Crania Sevthri . :
10 Joy tc:t Cern 'be 0.0 , 00.66•0 1
. 6 d,lbr Y 6lO by L. S. NVATY.ROI.I.3; EON ,
J .. ' •
60 t a.. and 0?..10c02 r".
• _
QCYTIIE SNEATILS 7 -425 41,1 best paicia
1,) Suratln, on me anti tnr mt I.F
.L. F. %%iII:4IE2IN FON F
- • -
NAILS & SPIKES-420 kegs foi- sale by
915 L. IVATEr.I4.IIC t SON!,
IJEARL ASII-12 cooks`primo for Bale by
itkr3 IV ..i7131.1110: SONS:
g giIANG street, to arrive, 101 .
I_,lrrnb, by itrunotriat: a INMIRAM,
3315• 11511)wrrt
- - •
B UTTER -10 brls plmr:l3ll,,,gf,;:ale,,sb?
I OFFEE-401) Imp prime and lonev Rio,
%....)for sale by J. D. IVLIAMN
. EL /UM sad Wad Os.