The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 15, 1851, Image 4

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:,• •,•1! . - THE LTBRART.I .
lerr aortnny.
days , sinolg v the dead are passed
Around me behold,
Whereer thes casual eyes are east,
The mighty ,minds of old
r '• • never-failing friends ore they,
With whom I Iconverse day by day.
• •
Stith ...,.....a.gii, in weal,
'And seek lief in woo
.And while I nderstsnd and feel
llow 731t1C11 to them I owe, ,
My cheeks hare often been bedewedl
With teats of C thoughtful gratitude. ',I
My. ,
thoughts aro with tho dead, witliithem
, I lira in long past years; $
- Tholr virtues love, their faults condemn,
Partake their hoped and fears;
And from thew teams seek and find
.instruction lith an humblemind.
ly hopitti are with the dead Anon
My piece; With theta will be,
: And ulta v it nn will tanvel on'
Through futtuity.-
Yet- leaving lore a datue, - 1. Mat,
That will. net perish in the dust.
.. • • ISLAND oz 1345m0.
N.Ltratsci.—A few dupe since,
'aye the Nein. 'lrtirk Commercial Advertiser, v.
nmetinr„, of ministers of the Reformed Dutch
,Clitich wad' held in the church, in Lafayette
‘l' . lacc, for the 'purpose of hearing the Be,. Mr.
- Steele, late a Missionary at Borneo. Thatell
tler.rian gavX a mast graphic account of that coun
try, in tuanddrces of considerablelength, which is
given in tini Cistiart lutelligencer of this Week
from whichwe select the
.11elind been miasiotairy at Comm The, is
land had received a wrong name. When it want
first. discovered, three and a half centuries ago,
.by the Portuguese, they landed on the North
part of - the island, and asked whatwas the name
_of the place. They mire told the name was
• :Brame; which, by the corruption of the term,
was called Borneo. We might se:Tose a for
eipier!to sail up as far as Washington, and then
ask the name of theetantry: He would be told
.it was the District of Columbia instelidef Amer- I
lea: the name'of a particular diStrict had been
taken for that of the whole island. The name I
won lialmnantin. The equator divided it equal- •
ly, though it tkas differently placed in most of
our maps which were not correct.
'The population was about three -
nearly t hirty time greater than that of the Sand
wich Ldatids. Nbietoen twentieths of the peo
ple were Dyaka. The isiand was large, and the
interior of it had never been explored 'by the
white man., The rest of the population consist
ed of Chinese,' Arabs, 'Malays, Be. Where the
missionaries were, the Dyaks were under a Ma
lay Prince. The Malays came to the island In
ter dMn the Dyaks. The Malaya came original
ly from Malacca, -The name Malay meant a
mantras. the are. The Dyaks had a dread of the
Malay*, they were superior in intelligence to the
'Malays, hit the Malay was above them. Only
ihe watchword was wanting to exterminate the
Malaya-ImM' the Wind. Near the missionary
field wan a villige of Malay Princes; but, like all
lather Malays, they - were .hateff_ by the Dyaks;
and if the_Dutch_ Govornment'did not interfere,
and take the proper steps, the day mud come
when a revolution would bo inevitable.
_ The ishihdwah, in general appearance, natural
• Magnificent. The climate was all they could
desire if they were not oppressed by labor. Ar
average temperature of 7.° they would, call
warm climate. 'lle had never seen the mercury
rise higher (that is, indoonsl than 88. whereas
here we have had it as Igh as 90 - , 100. and
teen morn sometimes. When the mercury there
fell to 72°, it felt chill, and a person rmuling
wee compelled to desist,ind walk for exercise.
The .oil in the lamps condensed at_ 70° to, the
consistency of lard.. It' ccoa-n tit oil Which
they burned. The divi ;line between comfort
and discomfort was 84. The climate was each
thithe could not stand out in the open sun be
fore hie own house for ten mindtes, uncovered ;
it !would be dangerous, and might prose fntal ;
but in doors it was.plosant.
!When heated, there was no need to go into a
cool place, or take any otger means to cool the
body ; they 110 d only tole still, and in two min
utes they would be -col and refreshed. It was
server. sultry in Borneo- the nights were cold
' They wore cooler in south Carolina than in NeW
• Torlq mad this ! .pitooliaiitY increased as we up
pCorthed rho equator. In Borneo it was always
• r cid in the evening. The, sun rose at six o'clock,
and set ate., all The year round. Inn hot day
they blew that/ at 5 o'clock it would bo cool,
=dot 7 too cool. Three fourths of the land
was covered with forest.: They could not walk
,the rays of the sun;'. , but the forests were
most Magnificent, and the trees interlocked above
Sothetthey could walktWelve or even
so sheltered thatihey cnt , ' hardly ever see the
sun. It was the last irland under the Duteb
The people were intelligent, quick-witted, hue
merells disposition, honest, and ho
neighbors as could be sound in this our Christi:.
• ' land. Their di .cult Paints related to money
=otters, and their natural indolent disposition.
' But there was no dangOr - in going about, and es
pecially in;the night. lessrs.. Lyman and MI.-
. son would not )61763 bee, murdered if the inhao
. itants had knotins who they were. They were
thought to he the head of to party, with whom
the people were at valiance; awl when the au
\ therities learned who they were, they greatly
lamented the case, anffresolved that the place
where it happened s'nottlit never be-inhabited;
1 edit mamas b a nTentideaoketo to the preseut
day,. Some of-the Dy • were called head hun
t-ere:and he had beard that in the interior of the
island some were cannibals.
With atraveller to Py3.k would share the milk
and theme:U. The Dyak would consider it a
dishonor to -his father if he did tier. When a
traveller entered the Benue, which is so coustruc
ted that there ere tffeaty rooms or apartments
Or different familkr, a stronger issued from
each, a female coming w him with a present, per-
Imps Rice. .
This was the way in which. every white man
• was treated. When they missed through a Dyak
village, they found siene things unpleasant. In
the front of the_Dyakle house, for instance, they
would see, hanging up, a cluster of human skulls;
• yet if they lived right there Was no danger. A
Dyak took home the Skull : of every one he had
killed in war. so as to show how many he had
killed, .As the Indian took home the scalp, the
Dyalt took home the head. • By this
'notified his prowess, jun '
s boys note their
cees in the games they play by making notches
en a stick. The Dyak was much like the North
American Iddirm in complexion, but in stature
rather less. In religion they were not in.
' Thislihad no forms of worship. After harvest,
and in time of sickness, they had religions etre
. • The physitians and priests were the
tame.- , There was a great dread of the preistly
office.. Both the DYalis and others supposed that
the Ministers of the Gospel knew things that had
I not come under their own obserration.
There was a great ditheulty with jhe Mahom
. mediate- The Malays were Itishommedims. —
The Dyaks thought the Malays had no religion,
and though the latter made great professtons,
the Dyako believed, it to be all hollow, and that
these who prayed most were the worst. The Ma
lay repeated his prayers in Arabic: It was este
. al, when a 313%y-ripen:mil his prayers, for tome
one to mock him and try tir put him out. Some
. times he would, by various curious thoughts, put
himself out; and laugh while repeating his pray
era. Hence, some, of the missionary attendants
were used to talk loud at first while they were in
prayer. Being aCcustomed to this, the Dynk
thought he might talk-while prayer was offered
• 1114 But they hod only to speak twice, and the
-thing seas dreppad, and all was serious. ,
-; It might be asked why more good hod not been
• done. The history of Christian missions showed,
the speaker said, that seventeen . years were ne
cessary, from the beginning of a motion before any
peteffical good could be expected. The Dyeks
thought, for come time, thetfthe missionaries
came , trete some interested motive--something
political, the wealth et the land—the gold end.
diamond mines being within thirty miles of the
• mission homey-sand that ythen they Itml succeed
ed, they would go away. Pagans had rid - higher
notion.. On this:acme= ho lamented that the
-mission buildings were not more ettliitential; they
. rather served to lead coantene , ece to the idea.—
The people mid i—lf meni feet n preference
to• the Christian system, s a send eitreeildren to
their alias, whet 1.1411 we do when these ge
Away, aid leave 113,0:the mercies of the Manna-
Gerguiretirent to the' outh side of the is-
The at' up Pertrunictitimildings. _The by
dr permanency, and urns better 66717-
William Brooke mime from England:7s
an Beglish mansofiwar in the barber
oh flag flying. la that tlag they .617
from -the Malays, and they offered him
ignl,y, which he accepted. Bile what
Stitch Church dote:
We had unrolled
(hell] and then taken it tnrity. There
;ebbed' there. The By:1k pencil the
tem meetitime used to be held ; he re
what once took place there. and was
but In vein. Why did the Dutch
rake the klospel avray from them!
sre,-not beep= Of ill befilth, as had
ought, and even said; for, if • such had
=to be could have recovered himself
, -as Well, as ho could here.
The beard of -the death of his brother
Jpeoti, ho expected an order to refute, and
leivirete the prudential Committee that if
each an orleetired gone forth, they must excuse
neglectivg it till an eftemet had been made
in tie seminary of. the Dutch ffeformed Church,
to.iedece some-of the young men to volunteer
their eervices,;And themeetrep, - to the Mimeo
minima.: lime passed sway; and , the answer
came itlaet that the attempt ; had been . made,
andno man was fotuid willing.
rooms Were now left vacant, and all was deeds- I,
tion; and things were returning, or had return
ed, to their original ehaiusel. Here followed a
powerful appeal to all present.
Notice to Contracton.
.," coAo—e., nill tir rtseirrd at the offlro
at OK Ohio and renno Yalta Itailr.iad Coninatif in Pd..
burgh. until Thurtday. the anh day Of ?damn [WI. fOl .
i ,
ta.Pnif lb , Traolt from Pituburgh In ty....,tat,. nyt.n,
or IV: m at.... .rirenficor.ions and front off . - ...l b '
obtminad at I), OS, in litthbornh it tag: trn. rt , ..r,
to the letting„ nn applitattou to tvilotront ‘t , 0iar.!....!,_ , .
Engineer. The Intnaralti wort be in ..., no , .tt._ ,, '
Pitt:dal kings. and addnotot to I. Pirrridrt of tit!. 4:00-
- ir NI. Itolits:,4lN.J .. Prondrn ,
PVtimburgb. rat. tth, Iril. '-
North flontrietura Nang York tnbunr. Ant+inna 1.: Li1r_ , ... 1
loatrtalirtnalieli fo. Unita . , dOiTt.
PROPOSALS for Erv,ting a .I , %:ire
14Vrritir F4thn'tt'VrWobrgril,titanF;ittrMal,.,
Sa plerotec stroetor ) r
PilVr a & P J . 3rl7, t ' oertT !treat, toLl yin 15.4 017.01M .!
a s •tha met. of the aardTXT.7.ttr,
Dattetaa thersof tot. the shoo . u a
`i th- c b *" -- ` 1 "" „ rd -
p ROPOS A LS sci.llhbdetree:;.e..i,vbeilr....bii._thlulartleth.r
-f i rswtnrarltOn of TiXt th
.:11i.telbrsiTZttprti !'nf.t.ll7l,llb%r,
= l „`ll:='!„.,—,f,tr. • I —fifi,V,`.l.` b ' 7.1 i, h. 78 fn
„ o, , ‘— bim he:vtiLh Vrw":e or La tort r th. The book
iilliroba4ll with nd W ioct We
k-r.,reged fa . 1 ‘ ...0t,111 - faa% thich, of the mop
hoc a• the look ash ,
1i Locks .tat bt oaa t: thT i zy{t „;
ab t'ptbfollisisatr im =nl?of eur.sylfrattlo! a MP, of
", ro ' 7Xictr r lfolle o l t s made
:ore fou noeurata l ' nforaio.
' Ttal natits. work to ba rornolabsi Is Januaar.
T ae
the work ahoo i kt resoled to on soon, os t.,,sd
tharefora rtntasol a u, saaaog itv eLo r z a:5 w 7 , 1 , 1
grdrtfrovent.Tt. 4 1;iam r r:On nal mat ymords war be
wade to contractors as the eerie progto
me reserves the rlcht of Wog the In,
masts doonaaal brat for 1411 - Moroni- oast early cortootetfoo
of the entire work. By order of KELLY.
notary of the Duck liner Shack Rate Naaigatiar!
COlsnabla Tear. rracliss
Proposals for Bitoominol
1,3 the Philadelphia Gan Works, 0001
NOVP.II, Y ANTo fr ir iili•grtl - ;::)Pse I
the ontrodnotore often, to be darn] at
the 10
Work., nay
iro "dt° hj the month of
1100 do do Jove.
15,0 do , do July. ,
-- WOO do do Almon ,
3000 do do Felder%
NM do do &Haber.
- 3000 do do Noseto •
The Cads must to fresh. clean. and a , nod of a quality
to bei2roned by tbo Enntnerr. The It 1.. 13 0 94 ?t's , '
the oh moiety of o moie Cold It in loteb Ent to furedso. sod
If o • kind not befdro wed at there 000 it, nnonden lot tOot
will be requited ITrevioue to the tizne a onoirtg the prop. -
man. The none ton of . ....240 pounds All corodderent an the
weight lotto:001R the youporals. unfree theorise exprc,nely
'4..1: ,rit, &lied. - hy measure, the
••e eelll ti. lased.
.10 . men of
.e received rt
t 3,
Aria a',1,:i07.5,,,,5'aii,1;"%i , a.,..;;iiii'.._ ,
(talon, to deliver the ccril tootling to Went, We • /11,
tare of the Unit Work. tiiwrve the richt n ourehioeitrhen
%%ex the . ," moo - deem tier,- end
. rhiirgy to he cotarticto . rreirt,
Zelgil'elitTro.eTa'sl ',;',' .T. h .Z," 14 IZ, tr?gg:
niter the rrieeithrilVt . node of delis,ry..tilnipth. or !ni . - ht month
4::;.''17,:gZZ.71,;:;!.`".`,T . : ,, i1T.'L'T, r tig •4 ..%
P1,V.,171:7a or prefer to doll -.
than required. a wai he received. tool
nit to dare horn the time F,Ciora.
Srsitifsetors we
Ihr the (1.116110
trill tri rtquirol
manz C. cal
raa.aaipaa , ilAs Woes, .1.0. 11. 19 l
it qm cool .artier
Ut rorm«me ..0
Int of lb• aoocncl
91. lti]tJla~'.t
lost °IT T.F.N.IiIIiENT.
• .I.unart' 16-1 , 3 1 .
PROPOSALS will be cocci cal at this De-
CE s=lo`s.'rite'tL
States for four yearn from the On[ day of April urxt- v n t4n .
or e
th‘, 1)t parttucut. of the fulloldog derrriptions,
~t t- .
The name of the office :113.1.E41N ill rirrolar form, rot
from a aolid block of hardened steel. and made lo soxh
manner no to admit of letter. and hot. , to dep.-ante the
month and dai. with a thumb 00000 to keep such letters
and figners In Plain. Sudo st.trip. and the letters tempo.
Mg. the Mtn, in be of the same aim as thaw now m.o.
Eirtnrol and in to.r. A tooled mahogany handle of the
same like Ors to be e n to said stamo The
montl. of
se ttee3 - ear abbreviated en m to oontain loott three
letter. of the sante site now M ow, mad to he rot from
solid blocks a hardened Keel. Figaro., for the days of the
tranth. frora I to Xl. inclusive, to he madeof like hardened
Met..l. anal of the ince the
Ms. stamps with the word. - paid' and 'lre. , of the,
form nf War 'war to pee.
.k/79, namoi with figures drnotlng the roe , of restage, ♦.
and Fizatlnt to thuar now In VW. I
All attic Wove p.n.s to be made of harlond steel.. i1 „ r „,..., premium, during' the rear trlir!a m_stAve
The P t. "''''' .l' .o ' l .h..° ...LT ' .. P .t.te hid. ihr l b. r‘ t. " On Marine and Inland lii.ka ..... .61,9 , 0 I, i : '-'7'n-Ig
tabu' stamp, with the month, and fiure ,
Ala. fn• each perorate plow. cent-Union the month Mre
six of three Inters. In.ere. earl Salvage 14.,....14/
Alm, for each peramte pie.P. foe the days of the month. •. -- 1
12 ,
Alm. for complet , sehroftnontbs arel datireo. . .
Ale* tbr mob separate pie. with the worir.. - Taid and I e ...__ --. Jon ,
..f Ails. for each perorate pie. with the figures denoting 1 3,l°.`,.,„7,':ntit,":‘,7l,Aa';',.,,,,tht'=„'ln' lama 0. 1 1 ARD AND STEItINE.
the mice a ~. -Thn makler of the different rem will rii.J.:„.,",;;,, """"
6.'" , IA 6.
• Ohl, Na I Larl.
.not. however. be given on different a... Meters. hut the , • '210.4-.6 .i IJ.I. ri-ono, n.ll/ lA„di.s from steamer Ger,.
nrototal for {thewt hole which is deemed tro. fil ,,, Mille 1.0 I p rn fty „,,, i,„,, ..
...... W4.'13 Tor sale by .01A. HICKII * CO.,
tlie Itepartment will be nee•Tded• The I .ft.r t m ent e "' Il e-tar th - ii Pomain;;; .- . ..: .......... - 1e..15 • oni . . • Veer ...nd To.nt et.
her e to / the righ Rusin , et all pre...ale if the rrio• n• ' - - .......... ' ..
_. ,
... .. "no 72. . - • '
Sr deemed rate-meg.. a . . a-r. " . ............... • ....r ril o :-.11.A.1.1 BOAT 111:ILDERS. Extra
spewitin•ns of the various kinds of stamp. moulrel -et+. E5 , r ,,,... ~,,,. ~,,,,e , ,,.. 5 ,, , ~,,.. ec.-...... ...I -I fl Ho., nod Itrorar I T... 11. suitable for pi.-im
''',Tln..llba;rlll"""n'nV:t4.7 11117.:g1V,T,Ti,,,.•,,i. , '.
asi - t - 7:ri ' ,. ' „ - i! ,',.":',',','' '' A'
'000: n''injax4h7nrinf.jrNt.ti it.'•°'
----- -------.------------- ---- • The A.m. of the erearany are .. follow= , , sec. 12... Wood stn...t.
' Proposals for Cliain Cable Iron. I Bond , Mortgage , and Gootirt Rents_ ........... -I 6 .14. •
! B o n d, o Stan. Six per ort La. .....- ... t 2 fih f- 'e' , FEATHERS. 16 eacks now landing friim
NAS, a.1.11,1 . S Oran.. XX.. Perms, leania " . ....-. ....... 'Sletli.r.,g: t .
ST \ KIIINOTON. J.inuses . .r. - ... IFSI. I.,:tida .. yln, - " . ....... ... 12..e.r..., steamer th.nev. for sde by
SEALED PROPOSALS. in duplicate, en- sixime,oftiia!illiewy ti x :: •.... . . .... ... 1 ....
.. ta1..2? . .1 ., , , at, 1,0,1 lIA PICKET a co..
. Is ater end Pr.out pls.
ok? d''''' t th....,1.-41,t1', r,ra,,,x`h'0,4"xt"hj:,•tq"07,!20',,,,.n.'. ttiirSnliX.i..7l:.•n"ryl7:liall Reml Conit;;;X:.... ',.,..aca od _. .. .
a ''''n
" t.• fa,•'irol ilellwriti ' w et ile - ... , :avv ' T5.0.1 , . ..n " nnon 1'. 6 .. of Tenne... re.. .. • pwc 4 • 4o" ' " ' ,f 1 OLP,. S 1 LV Ell, lIANK NOTES. SIGHT
Itabinatton. I.llatrat of Colombia. all the elm., e a u,. , 5 0 " M 0 .... .. •lanufartoo'. ... • ~..„„.„0 11,1 and Tim. Waft. nu the lEast. and Wert. 0t0e... Le
lie..e,rmentlanett in the following table. • is: '1 " `h,P".•,...Vinrelnaa-dil**Pr6 ....... ........ 7,. - nn l '
br'" l. l ,,r d 4 'n e , Ame , r0u . , ... ~..,,i ..., Os. e, , .. ris - :•ti ,
<• 1 :,,‘.. Boa‘ a...IPOnY .....
•2 " Philadelr him Ea.-hang. CompenY • - ....PP • 1
lI,KOMIrr r. ARNOLD L 6 C.l.
Scr t ip o f nd4tork
.. ad . . sundry
.. Mutual .
.losiarat7 ~,,,,,,, , j,l . . t _ N., ie Teurth . street._
Bill. 11,MV2b1.. ................ 31. -n7"-- Till, SLBSCItIIIEII.I.IO ITEc TILE
. 5.".. , ...... ,
is ' ............ . 1.7.1. 13 ' m 0.,. et tartehenta and others to Mr l'o•ge aad
Ralson .. in XI; hands . .,0 A -so., ,ad pros:dom. .. sawartol steek ..1 Ibmem, Oboe. Co ler •1.1 r..... oei
. ..tlarine Policia , reo.ntly Wool ... . .... rtt.,104.•,-1 Prawers. The ob." Pruel ., .. , dh. ' t "" Henn. .t.
1 Soit- , ..i.ta , m hen, . . ........ . ...... ..14 0 1.0. 1 no , 4 .„0 1 ,. a....a. of
o all sin,. and rrer. e0n.... .'. O f...........1.•,1, 6, r
- I
- ,,,_,„ ---- . -- , ,,• , ,T,, , -Ll
_ I 'cl:-.-4-----.-"•!.lr‘_±L'
• ENECA OIL-Fire brie received, or axle
- Narontrit tth. 16:. tCI he ..1,2, sit raTrit Ai TIARNES.
i. Ti,. Board a Directors have this day thedared adi•Pabool ' -•------, „,,.,--, -. , -„. , • • e
lof ..!.L.X. PERCENT. 00 mall.. the Capdxl Mork.. and el; •11 1..,. , l l C.11.-t tr.. lirlX an! ten Jam pewn rti
i . 1 . 1:11 CENT. on the ffer , is y.• tir een.11.01.,,X,tr,..6.,,,al t, b! . ;ttcr, for fatally no, for 5a1,;,,0,5.,„ ~,,,
CZ..`: . T. In I nn eri '.." .. 1. ..u n- tin! tta.l::tl'ant'oeit".‘el 3. ed I,enia. ' d!.------ L:_f---!--51-:-___
1 um. entl - flentea ‘ fer which .61 be issued ea steve. VO. :slciL A sst.:•.-Flft v bris. to aniVe.
1.,,...r., AN
Wi111.3 11IIrtIn. 'I/ Oliam Tolstoi!. .-o 351000n,± .1 . 1 '' -I ' bY______d.,=-• " " RN F-` ‘ . _
~p 4 ,.,.. Jahn b. 30 nm m u. e1 ,,,...r 1-
,51rk,...... lItI . f l'" . .` 11 00 KK.EE P I N 11.-A supply
. 1,,h,, C James C Ilond. S. tVilyam. i JILY of , Duff's coot K.eroc and Mal, 1?...,:, t ,',., r , ' , 4 , r ,,,, •
11. Dorton. T. Paulding. Chae. hell. , t
____± . - e
I I,Xin K. Penrone. 11. Java hook, J T. lo.nn. Mtn...
le. Edward.. 11. shoo. li. T )17 - gan.
.. 1, I) I: Y i
5 i' .. 1 , 1 .LC 1,,iri:1'...:i--,,:trhro... iitaiditA lint. just
0. 0 Leiner, Wm. 1.., re. Jr- Hugh tr.g•
• Imac R. Dm. 4.2.5 ItIIItITIER A PATC , TX
'ol,ll6lllge'itZTl,N. il`cZ=... , i 1--;-01"EON fla-N-NTL-.:A farther-imp-Ply
!, Joann ;V , °Tue. tseereary. ''.. of
' h.
''''''''.. *VI'11.111)01eNrIlfrall Pf D
sr die A. lneorporating thl*Cotoranr.the rarer In.. I j!"- I l..---- . . --.- .• . _...-2., ''___y___
ring poverty them in ere a share of the profits I 1, 1 i.i.,..5. CII LEA i
bundles rench,
of the Insittion. without en•ireting thortrelve• to sea I i.,,,,,,..,,, L , ,, , ,, ,.,,,,,,,
4 .,,, ~, (b ,
„ b. by
Itch ~,,,, th< pmanium pod- . . J 5C11.141.7 6 111. 16 ER k CO. 24 Wesel Ili
er...1 Mock wit b0n...7,14.k. Note. are pledged 1 . 1 1 I .l '
' the Charter fir the payment of 1...... e Lod the n arrate " f COLOIZS- 5 lords Riwe Pink':
the Company are ellro - te to le. Invested and ormolu In 11,e ,
t o rolu.C.AlOrt of the Corpora... as a fund 6rt the further se- • fi1t,,1uu1.,,,1ir,74,17,;:0tc,ri1i.,:t.
i cun the apemen. Thl. food will be
. reprownoel to I ~. ,
, Snip. tearing no internt of Ida per cent ddri,t , e4 gurr,.7,l For 0,,,,, hr 1.10 ft ,CIIOONMAK4. II tCO
,th,feelnr..",,,,"ll..,,ljg,,:h.n,h.tt74raor'AA: "" l . *0 I'EIENIILLION-TrieFte, Cliincee, Am
Plltmborzh Aaano.y. It:. liVater stroct _ V ran. arel learcrial Vermillion. far sale by
9111 m I. A MADEIRA. tall,
4 I lit ssEIY TIA L 011. S -1 can 9,11 of Simeafrati;
• State 'Mutual Piro Insurance Company, I
„X , ram MI of Lavender. 1 nn 0 11 of Remmers. 1 can
All the tlfun"...' d . " ''' ''''''''''''''""b' st 1 Harristrarg, Pa. 1 tol of Irma'. 1 can lof 130yatuol. I I.x Oil or Man..
I,,ztonaßty of A ott- , ^^. - . ...n mauacture: fere Imm admix. , i nut I Mr .n of Woo. 'oat recelsol tor sale bi
he b el fmon blooms lir : lIE very liberal natronage eltended to ; ~,,„ ECIIOONSIAIZEI a CO.
m ii,"""ierlr"Tlite'Vlbe nT7i,.., ,b... ~, : th „ ~,,,,. ra t,,,,,
L in ..l ,ild,.. to tor „ am„yot . - ,- ,
.I.4=roltea ..l.nt . 0 tit'lt ha addl .w-, th e n .e„ _i. .O. gad a Halt "Hiltons et C.,,u„„,d.,,,,,h.,.., itaitus!,lAN IILE F. -Ten boxes No. 1, for
a , smi rolled Le the required uses end cut .... ' t hrew t month. is suttnent manifostatton of the estimate,. I t, ilO J SCWWJ.NIIAKEIL xCO
'rnata..gtloi. That I.orthm Pr the •h.r.le , "'re e l' , ' and mondence a the public ly the .vatcm of managament 1
bows. and pinamnst all re wrought order the haminar to . e n w ht e h i t , b ux immt l e en,,,,,,,..4 I A thD 01 t.. Oil of a euperior quality,
Teel mad emu. a
v e nd e furnlthed to the cuntrartor. , To eity or country erchants. end Trierseef.illesl,,lings.. , i ~,,,, ~,, ~,,,,,,, , i., , , ti... w
.• a ,
The whole mu. le
In straight length, fere (nom ; and imland end enuntry,t..pwrttr, It _ belt
_•e!'l,, ,- !t t ..,;:, , ~,,, ~,,,11, 1 , CKE
all Oa.. mgg.d endear edges, or dbed: Art
nt rally affords mlvantages .1 ,,,, n‘ . , --r-, - ,, , „7,7, , ,,,..„,,,
.. b Pr-,,,,,,-,"'"''' th'"'''''%°,ll„°l7,=,.v,4- .-,-.y.inf,no, to no nauratieo,Jorr v u,,,, ,, , u, , ,, ,IL Ii i () LASS F. S.-T wenty one. rata prime
'"'T',...i:a.c.Z.::-1,-.,:in2f the ....L..... o lk: nic&V.:.,,,,..n.,%11rair..."'.."1.7...n,:. ~, itwelel Imeati. , ii■ onrar House 3lolaxra. iirVkil , vis i l m ard . ,, frie.,? , l,e, „„ by
IfnitY7 . Tana aforelaid. ur it mil . not ho reerlved, nor will i mei tudy a limited anamint in eny one broliti , the. ~ft"- 1
„, it. , 4 i „ , . . o
7 Part of the reel ‘.. h. ` nh '''' ' '''''''''"' r ' r ". ' dal. . the fre q net.-T .rel '''.""""" 4 '''''. fie.. '"±. I 1/1.3 11:11,--Thirty kers nod mi.% bets fre.ll.
,t-,.....0,1*L-t.r, ~ ,,t , . ..e k , DT. ,, tur..d to the ^ ~ .....4- .100 ~,, both the work and ttutual obi. It ... h ... ArA ...
ant tna it Ras been MAZIIIf..,tIAI,I es hereinbefore maul. ........ the end per.tene„,,e,,,n,eLia,..orsz
0.,:„.00 . ti . ,,:!: , ~.., trovitaal and fot Pale by
rid. • ral of the IT 0 hnn"'""''' t'''ooool,l'"fn'tr'fn II .0 Foractews--loh„ • . . J e IllCLWflitTli ACO
The ruantite required to make onothi .1 , It is under the ont. " eo n of, o y
~,,,,,, I 44 1 1 i ..011-2l laid' N. ti. Sugar tor only tiv
f,..000t 4,....d moles must ho delli en donor be Vat. lb. , .P. Rutherford. A.l ..111c. Jolt 114,1,..e1ter,_....,. .
lira day of June neat: fol . another third of all .thl ea- , alonn, A e x rri, . phil„ , C
it',11,feTif,1,0=.16,1„.,,,,,..,,,. I I . n.,....7 DROWN a KIM( t . ATItfVI6. 1131 AN," la
Ides on or before the hot day of ...tar coati .1
the n madder on. Of before th e thirry.f.m.t. or Dercinier A J 4111.1.KT1. f,retery N El , l'lt.\ ISINS on consiimm r ent . for midi: liy
e. A 4 altalt, ACtUaly Rll,looti 0 hlkhrATlllt h.
I r-r--,.. destroy. of dieting hi , urtribth air .old In , I - -
"h"w '''L..libi''''`rit:.°!`''''"m! " ire.7. l .in t` i ' n; ° l. b . '" I „,, n r ` T , ' ..7., ". ''' ‘.."0,.'0.1..,,1...;a7g.'1..V.1'1nne o . 1... is 1
.0 oanithgri" 1
c l b EcT Il' I Eli WIII SK EY.
ir o r•k are ref. rml t 4 it nth I era•n
'-'4' ln • ogiorr of the Navy l'ard at Widialt r i n gt.n t , , 1.,,,,, ' , v i t t, 1,,,,,X, ~, th e c,,,,eonan, t., , siting . the onto. , Vai Md. best itecuted W , l.Okey, in store and for 0.4.
ririgXtrenrColtroblo. - .. P; " ~self ~rata oIIN PARKEit af' .
To the person. whom offer may le accrp , d lartaral r y •
._ kiOI,ASSES:.--1'.5 brls Sugar 110ua,,, Sr.
pebodulee, arm..., aral meslets delCriptl , St
,!.I . rm ., : .....
mad portions , Of eieh MIDI of Hon T.:iv...lLT !ii . m - i... ,„ .: w estern Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. IT I IL-. Kgzarif,A,;:',;tl;.baad.!'sr 5a1e,,,,,,,,,
`4..l;i7..tiriro'Ziign'Tll7.o' ' ""`
' 1 ciAPITAL 8300;000. It. )11 Li:ER.. l s. , , ,;-:":', L ,, , , F r ~, „,,
~.*‘,.;,,,",;;:..:0 Lard
''' th..l""" ''''''. "'"b.
' ‘l ) ' ‘".."."' - ITT. - 711 ' . ' 7 ' ..,Z y l„,. aad 01.,,... 1 g I 's,::-.l.:sir.s.d s ro " r. ' "o7. I. ' , ' ' ' '
pe.a.ra,,i by the yotowf, ard e. aggregate amount
the , 1 111 lioure against In .
(4E, Oven and ...tot out . , All tomes will be liberallx .1.1... d ofd'
noes:. 00,•1
~,,, 1 tali 6a %V HARBAI.OII
Approved sur..o. equal to th...stimotol gm.. of the 1 A loupe lortituta.--trotanegol by , 1 , 001 , noes:.
0 1 ,
~,u,• ,, . •.0a .. t , I, 1.. , t tt it I.;S_ 1, _.... ..,‘ ~ . i ho i e
a i"
I'oo I.
" '0'0"
i'irini"'io."'liiiii;„'. ire . etr ` wier ...hie/. 1 'RI }:P
e , e. t ‘ :..:..;: „. .re. nod ' f ' „ r r .Xle ' l ,,' '""
n y r ,7hp. " eat '' ' Olt ' of •"!:..r.lci.l‘;'".::nt e i r=:r . ll " ..7.6 "' l ' f.r 1 11.7.Tra'....n:r7itul. '.....'l;eriii"arn,... , „ prApeton t„ „one • rata` OAOO HA Rllol'4lll
the'nf.-!ithfolilfronsun7 ot „ the oontrart Ninelvignma - i who des... , to h•• Insured .
hY the SaPp.. gent . ' D111,011,,M. Mlikt .IT , tiro Elec. .1 W
_lllit , ter. ,„ ?l , 1 lEA I EA 1 ' LA It Iv- l'rime o:inciiimiti I.,:if Lard
i'il`i;e:iPn Vibi l ile t .Ir4 l Mir the presnt... of , Holmes. Jr. . 01 oi It 11..iine-.. I . IIIM.;00, r
J . 13.. ... 4,, I „A o 1;01 00. in 1, eg• or famlt, Ir.
~ iT t L ., , , , ttn i , ,, ,..,,v , ! , :i
bdh'-'17,14-"'''''''''" th"----i'"'"h` ''''' ' w :.'' :',,t7":;4::' , 4;''. •It4h;?•:" - ' " 1 - • •
h 51 .......,1 , tits[ 1 _.„,,,,..,, o,,,C or dtet, ~,,t an t, 1 ,, A ti k t i,,,. , r.k, wx. nate, stn.,. twareliou.• of 00.000,,,,A,,,C,... Tri , i s l_t , f , ..,/ , • , .. „ 1: . 1 . , , 1 , :
, A N li 1 NO ; It 11N t' A It HE
in rile.. ru0.h....... to the largest alel
(We nopouribility of the rme5,x1t,„..,,,r,,,,,f1a,r,„at,i,1r...t.c., Ll . ' ', t i, , ... ~.. , pitudni..,h
. ~,,,, ~,, e t, ,t a...lmila ,4 'Mr. , . VI no.l I oolou “fl..
C.'"'"i L" ray • VI of 043 , ,,L0... k v:I (lis, 0 1.. tbi. now. , sod rho., r then en. of the
1T',7,.. " ,,jr,,,r ,c..t . ..1. the ' heltlcr or bidder , . will, within i Delaware Mutual Safety Disurance Comp'y :::',;,. ' „, ` ,: ' , 2 , ' ; ' ,..,
~ ,„,,,,,„ ~,,,,,,„,,,,,,.,„,, ~,,,,, , ,,,„.,,,o , .„,„
Un dare An ' " " "'"11,./n." '''"”.." ''
'''' ' n'' ' ' '' ' . I fIF FICE, Nonti 1:ool or TtiE EN - 1.." ' ''`' ~,,'," `'''''`''' "' ' ' '"', ",'„.,,,,,,,,,,,,,
d;',.'''‘.'".",.,,,.4.t0 ro'kli.?"‘"l,',...',.e....l"u'!'holX.",Mun'greinatZt, ', p p ~,,0',,,c.. r„,,J,,,....,..1w..1..ich0. 1 ._
"nen'te.lenia secinta,l'ontriottstrertmement. or which_nim be - Pm a Ilsontre. -Mi...., tier , ...11.e. end , „err, llllf INlnff lIANGINtiS 11" :114.1 . 1,,,t.,,P.
t emboolled in the ceintract. The In of tto loth of hugort.. rowty.n loan ral.nootoltr. ur.t.t...1.,,:ta1n,t ..... or 1
V ..11 - ..ta to 1b....0hm: b. ii•l.s . • •v. rt. - b•odoxao
att.,,k't"d„,o'"Vmmrat'""4:tr. '''''"l 'nil
P0040001"'"''''". I'
'''X'lnneiTabt)l;ZlPlt,re'r--'l7e7 'il ' : r iL 'are t . 1: : " .• t.. ..." 1 1 0 7::: n rTiV• "lfl-;:•:;:;,"; I tge', l''n e. ' .ll . ' at ' 11 ' .. h. 4 :. ' ;;Ylt * • 4,.!
• -- In„td: n r - a re,6.lenlarly canationol to endnere their rear 1 aml km.. foreign or n.. I+. under ore,. t a .1. , 1.• , ~,,,... ~,,' . ~', , „,,,,,, ~, . „
th ' ~,..‘ th .a th., thay may te• dlPtinguithed frau policies. m the a. , nral. rimy .I.4re
t o ' o.ty , T 6 -" I
lei ter. M order to prevent their bring I 1at.... Ta.....„.prigratr..-Thez
j et. , ho,_?.....iff,=nd.i,:e, ',l
1 The Old Printing Establishment
VTI: .11dttditoo ett s t c ,i Siocirton'4, and {Rank
nref'Aii.doiterFuoithined' d'i c
11114*.it'Arld' .ith tho d.
t77'''''''''''''''„,ll'„,._,F`'br'-„„,11?..1,"'Zi"i-I.‘slii::"aailsr'':o s4.,Yoi."'; ' u ' i " . "" a (7'
T.... '' en ' t.nt• in "' n. " ''.6 .I 'n". nnr { l l .b .et IT'on'eatirrarin4l.;fal; Par n is Itedert Bojo. jan 'lt 1 ,,, .... , anitiel } 4 .^ , ' ,. . I ' !,11 rt.1.VZ:,,m.,::.,Li Z.,7,!; ' ,. ' ,Z,„„ ~ ~., ~,,,.,„, i
X'`..,...,,tP%.,i'''r'1,,,U' ',.. nn' plii n elsn ' . f,.. - 4 i, %, - ,...-. 0 .1 ' .1... , C. bolstet Ed.664,P'61,1,..,,'...„1Te,R,,,D!,°„,"•,.r. ~q - ', Comtnerelnl.C..anal.'ona'roc.i Ito. Joh y rr r iiat r lng ' end It.e n .X
,Trgbe'eilti.... and a en-alien forwarded without unnerve , 1 , 1 , 1n , t ,, ) . 0 1 ,,11d 5 !; ,t , :l 1",,Z.,i1t,..,:'t,,....,,,t,,,,',:i1',,:,1,„-,, ' - '1,,;,i ' 100dia....1.114 1,14 0 k.5! . ..r. , artiele in the Inank la•*.
i " Ve=ii . ollc6ing are directed to dr,:ignatn the per rare I Floa:A. , Ift:nl Cent.: I.irerne.Srlrmill.,,..4.rniv,•,:r
„11;•11,valit.. r,a,,rZ,t,'„,',,tt,./..,L6t 111,.1,,,i,1„,,0e5... the thorhot noti., and on
"r""gh welch
A1,'.:1,.'7.1'.. Th,:iT b.n..,"rg"'.dl"ti:gf"-- I (ibot,.::lii,Xic.' .1:) -1, .1 : 37' " , ^,,,, Blank Ileot• end l'll.atieuery Warehouse. owner ~f thatket
lmfl I.l ‘ e ' o ' req ' weed to m"aartiseir bal. aonarding to the form , DIRICI , III4 pa Prt-pommin-h. T Morgan. 'limb Cod. `',4.,.',",,1rn".'1,Z1,,,,',.."., ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,, ~,,,, ~,,,, Th,„, u
a ern out
hereto atrinexp .1 Il• LATHROP. Navy Agent I John T. Loran. , ,
.. lb,. of on ft, ,-,.. , WILLIAM NISIMPI, PlT...dept. TllO , co. lama. N Ice p r ,o.
; 4ont. Jooloo No. orana. SetrehtrY_ ._
I herPb7 mowir to forniPh and ilehver at the 6 4 .rT T.rd • ffel4 reY' ,6,l4,ft?"antran,• i',....,„,2,,,.„,,.‘n,
. W.hingtan.• District of 'amnia, In COMfiltlltitY Ml4l , 1M11..-.-
Nn terns of the advertisement from thr Nary Agra% a
odic. . w..d.r,r, of the. :AI day Ice
Jann.T. I _l s • I
i Franklin 'Pm Insurance Co. of Philad ' a.
Int"',,,L...,'''''-6.."'`..a.,4" 7,•••b!`.,.'"'inb.`.4,..,"1,7„';`___.''''''''',..3",.",`,.."; ' I)IRSCTOILS: cliaric,, W. Bafirkry. Gen.
lb. airman.. to 1.---. Richards, Tbeo:llart, Mordood lb Lewis. Tobl.•
If my offer lw. acne... I desire to bo addrersed thruttaka. +a.m.. Adolph. Y.. Rorie,,oatnnel Gran. Devitt 0 Be oen,
"‘ "C'n' ' -----'' Ito
' j''''''
t'"'"h."°I.7IIbStI.47.BANCKER, l'resident.
' "Tersy.7o';•.-'5,717-07,r2Z;,T5:;,-..., • 1 C... O. tiaxcana. Sarretarr. _ .
. A. P. , Tido Company ernallon... to make frostownees. pt.. ,
To J.
Lancer. Em_ , en' limitd, ntry I,ll..Cripth. a 1 Inrrnln,ts.r,ll
1,1 Agent, It hinatan. H. 1. opnory, at ra h . a t low as are cot Osten
~,,t1,„,,,,,,,.,,,i, ,fund
We the underplayed, nmdents of the otam i .nuir have feerr e t' n . v. ' '" I I .
of --.--. hereby guaranty that. In ease tiie fors,,lng hitchw with their Capital and Proniuni , se6 .l , i.e.' , •
14.i_of --- le rteexpted. - will, within ten days ' affool ample protect'. lo the msneol 1,, , „ 1 , ~,,
tater thy reoriot of the contn - t at the testaff., de...gut. , Th,..tts of tb"C.".1';,",e."7.11 were e . .."6.110vis
44 - 1 . e.eatiteftl.6amei .ith 4‘ , .../ etn , l sufflocol sureties. ha i ushed averably to the Art o rt. . .
(tarnish the elm.. oble Iron thrrOnn ...Abed. to ow:fort:tar vie .-
with We tenr.g. of th.. advertise tarot alder otilch the said • Mortgagee .............. 1 .................. Sh9 etf•rt A
bid O. made. 'E 'l treat T.state. .......... ..- .............. --
t„. . ,,„ . „ ..,
~,, ,
Temja , raro 16 6 . , "••••• .. : ........ 61,d2.1 2:.
1 het errata' that, to 11e best nf my knowledge amd ' , hr.. -- ............. '' ................. - 3.164 lif
ly s lief, the ehemenntord guarsotore amatud and suilicient, Cosh, kr- ......... ....-....... .......... .
0 • II • N., Agent.
TnyelOrkto be endOrrd . reoperate for ehain,,ra,l4.,,,irr v ,, ,,,, ibri, ~,,,,,r.,nita . ir ,„ ~, ,,i 5 ift r.1. 4. 1 .17 .11 ,1,71
------------.'== , Inalteisi,2:Allql'AreTntle'rebraPonging aridence, of the
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.Co.,,Thilail'a. o. , !s;titages of Inseam:ire. im vr , ....11 it
11.,b,a,,e4611ty and dia.
i GENT IN PITTSBURG 11, W.II. DAVIS. ' 1 ' 0 ' 1 " "" 1 " 111 ' TTP.:t.i,'.:ir. , t ctIFYIN. tynt,
,tiwk. J. Flancy,jr., deccasol.) N - i. asa Ellen, Itim.L. 1
__________cnee S. 1.. owner 0fL1120.1..-
otter ~,,,Ath' hater ert,,,'"'enrid."l ag n'''' y ago LTl k. o ll o n' afil ' ray ' , ~ ITIIE MUTH AL BENKrrr LIFE INSUR
nto i n ' th and 2 ita f itn'e/ relt.. tho mooting roma of, ANC. I,IIIIPANY, 51 Market :40,0, Nooaoo.
J. tebOnom6:ker X CA, lin 2: wax! 'met. where all nem- N. _ Lai No. it Wy:11 6.1 . .. t. N• 1. Accumulated asseVa
eary furor:num abe farm and enniMitnimh,m l, PPM.; 1 51X . 1.... 10 , dividing from :xi to 40per mot profit per :mom.
IT artmujed to. pamplucta explaining the Pritg , lentata n . The solnerther will nerdy. , applierdiem for tarne,: ,i„
benefits of Lifa Itteuranee, and bisall forms far clue non
on ; liras la b s t. l7 , iid0 i :T .,, , , ,,,,,,,./ n oo.::%/. ,.. a ..ser...,”+
Draws] etoet over 11,) , 1, 000 iiod matwintlf 'cm...Amt.-I '0"1:110 t g ' l"'
111t,n1..1A.M P. JONES, Agent.
pr0w...m.1,1w ...11,,,,id,nangst.1.11tre Insured fur lif. , ' das _
_ , - N_ a
,:/..1_,_.1 Trfr_it..._tre.t._.
Pitt.bOnth 1 OhaatyE WIIISIIEY.
IL STOCK OE PIANOS. 44155WF-dare Ilya Whiskey, ••very old mad chtdoe.._
John II; 3lellOr. st Wood street. 1 011 GO hblt. Oki Heinen ashen , V i iit i ciii. aj Mrco . l lw
ost netived allow and •Plamlid egmartMent
Illf Zama. nOw apex sad ready for ssu. 031 Nur" t
=7S...attgc ,- 110 11 . to
"r 4 +iDiamcln.
- I
.faF::'7lo( uno
a -
isa kt 1.1
s 4 raF ' ,
Delaware Mutual 'Safety I.wsurance Co.
TAE Scrip Dividend declared by the Board
Directors. on Nov. 1. 1450, reoll•fd at this
~,,..c., god ready for distribution. ;
TN. following persons are entitied to deep Dividend.
Iledared In 1 6 17 and 1049. remaining in am , ode, sold
rOO4l for delivrry . , whrti rallgd for. vv.:-
m 4 r ,,, j o h„
........ .$.5 00 Jackson Qee
Arwoal. Jones nee 5 00 Krum., Pi N
iesrATJl..'kl I t ' (..ti ----.1 1 ' 0?) ' LIR .. . Ml - 2 , • • . ..1g r).
lUlterwell Des, . C0...10 00 Kinsey Z._ . .Kl
135ida,11.110101.. - 5 00 Legen'3o!kat.o 10 00.
Lyro li rtgli Thomas ...... _.O 000031gIlor L. g .1. 0 _a:, 00)
Cggrgn R. 10.........._._.110 0003Iarlcan 0. r. - . ..1140 00
1,,,,.., W. 0 .o.‘) 0111cliee Run. k Go__ .... 50,0
lltt J
ameso. a so 11gDonald 11.1 D. 401.15 00
flrr)s J 11 5 00410(4drtniek .1.1... 40 00
13. C 5 00.Potmork, Mitehrl g Co-10 on
ILA• .0000 Doe 0.1i0.11 10 00
11rahv1 , N. 1 1; .-.10 00 EN , Etley .klra-,,..r. .. 5 0 1
Omar I l enrs. 10 11...1 J. 11.10 00
OrrggTboa - 5 00 Slmno.o .4 eo 35 00
0 lloanni Jag .1.10,-- . ....100 00,0adtlokin dLO ....... -; O.
llomer Jar._ 5 00110obingon Wm. 5 10 03
1101.0 , NV10.11.11 Dro-15 0(0110h1nunt D. C 0...—.-5 50 ogo
0 Iltrucv I'. t: . . ....... _......15 0100.1.10 n John 11
Bays .10100 T "0 011 , Whilcman 11 ? 1 , 111 ,
• llgninu 1- T -35 00 , Wright Jghn 0 Co_.!.._ l lZ; 00
• .
Atwood. Jonex &To li 00 illmmer C.O 0111 M)
Alvsamler 0 thy 10 001.1151.1ett J.ll i .0
Illaolunory Thom 1 (KI
14044 , 14.01 Iron Co-I : I ', ( oT.l K: lill i rj.e fc r it S. r % ' ' ' . 0 J .T --II) oo
Roth.) J. W. a Oro- .. .:10 0011,111 e Geo , 10 o 0
Butler L. )1. II..:.- .-:5 5 OA Llpplurmt V. m.. :405-3 0 00
11a4e..11. Pram a C. - 0-A 0 0.11.,, , .... M.l:-,..- tf. on
ll4aell J. C. Az' , ........ 6 00 w•-i5,5,12,110ggr0CC010 00
lkan.b Ir. Pnecy..._ 5 00 Livh a Co 15 00
Ilarno•Clms _Jr 00 I.oelt A Ct i ....... .._.. 5 00
111akay Jam,t_ 0 00 Leech )1. 1:-,---- ..... .06 oo
himgham Wm -1,0 00 Leech )1.2 Pono-......... 35 00
Bayard Oro. A 0 OolLapplnorAt•k. Co -1;5 0)
Connlnglum R• W' 5 No; Munn, Sam • ^5 00
Calhoun Jim at
Clark et Tha. TO 0111)IcCutcheon W.O 11 1500 00
31 00,11clioe P. & Co
Cuddy J o ., ~c,,,,.. ... 15 1.,11111er a ..... 45 00
CauglCry John A. . . ... .:.:11. 00111111er A.G. a
11---10 00
Ccuou DI 11.11 ran, 0. Lrdlle. ....... :. 00
Campbell IL A. a C0..._ 5 00 )CCormlcli.Pneblew a CO3l 00
Cob-1050.114100m &Col° OU Mclnivm Wm 4.; 10
Callmun lacb'a..., ... . .. (0 , 11111.1 Y. V .50 00
Childs 11.. Co— . .... 5 00 )lamtta 1, 135 00
Carotberv, filler 0 . C0._15 00tWa..00 A. A. A Co 6 00
`Cop(. D.. Y. G...... 16 001)Inore llobt 6 00
• W 0 15 00,Momhend.Copolamll 0450 00 .
Campbell Th0m5.,.._...35 0001 m -rill 1.‘..r1. 44 00
Dalsell. 1.. c.. ., .4 Co ..... 5 11114mnork.Ititehel 0 Co-- t v ,
Davi. a ruit..- ....... .10 00 Palmer H. R
1151.41 H.. Co ..- ..... IV .1. Prim U ............... ........50 00
lleva Alex
1/0110 Jul II 'I I, Tllll"tiradt.i.tft.'"- .....
.10 :r.
Dal. John S ............. 55 00 Reis& n.crger .. . .. E0 n,.. ... 00
I.lllsell Jan .. .. ..... -.......1 0 oo lloblrumn J. 0... 30 00
Emxllett . Dmmetl....-. 5 0.1 Itobertmn . Repper4-10 1..
Eberlurt Wm- ..... ...--3I 00 4cully Jas. 011 .30 00
Cilaximnns 0 ~0n.... .... -10 00 ',,,,,,,, John 0 Co 5 00
001000 W. II 60 MI Sempla &131..1...... ..... . 5 00
Farmer J. 1, 0 00 ` o ,Oh Cr .. ...... -IN 10
Fisher Jaa 07.: . ~..-....10 00 Smith Tbrana• 5 00
Greenlee I' 3‘ (45 :imlthero D 0 00
l i neal/
.............. -35 00 Thommon Jo. )1... 15 00
(Iremt .1 .... .. .. .. oo(ll,:llliam.,llarrlmm J .- ,05 og
35 0011 1 51 1 a (1 m
(eirrs , 4l7e - j , i. j 0
Co. ...... -10 007..150n 1101,1 , 5 00
161 0
Gray ja., . . - 4 00,Weaver4nrob . , 5 00
1150kU1C0:1 11l 110, Ward IN rr,-.-. ..... -.... 5 0 0
P/ 00,Wood_Jamer A Co. .. ... 5 00
Ilulr_Lionn B. 0 .... ....... 46 00!Weoi JR:. W .. 5 0,1
(lir% W m. K._ . - .. . ... - 4 IXPACcooI t 110015 e ,.....„.. 6 110
/loward Jul. & Co 5 oo W 004,, 141 wards & )1 , - . , .
11u101.1 0.0 00 00, 10.30. ,
Ra. I, Lit .... .. .... .. h 061Waterzonn L. k....-. ..... .11) 00
llsrbaupti 8.0 . 10 .. - . .30 00!Wright John it Co ( 0 00
• Hampton. Smith k Ca.. 110 00• Young Aim. I' .5 Cl)
1,20,110 P A. MADERIA. Apent. 140.rborgla.
- ._. . .. _--
. .• _
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transporta
TIIE Insurance Company ' of North America,
l'blladelptna,—Chertervll:9l C . :total 5500,0 W. !luta
uary 13, 1t,.;2!,i bo. Will nmke 1121.1111. ,
builtllvr , end their rontrut, In (hi' eity end airivity: al.
• .krthur 0. engin. Fret, Thorns. P Cop,
Fam , , , .1 W. Join., John K. NOI,
ligw3ril smith, Richard 1. W .0.1.
John A. 11ruvn , Wllham 0,40,
Samuel V. Smith, Frau" , Ilnkm 3 ,
--- i1:111.1Yi 11,A, 7 .t 11.1.111 Alllhona,
Charlie Invlnr. . Wm. P. Bonen,
Aruhrree White. in,rgo A,1.tt0.3 1 1.
Jr.4.on 0. Ttn,m3%, ,i,, N Dicl.,gn,
111 Pherrced, tire r
Tt':`..nin'th'ir.lC.l4'l".ln,airauce Vompsny intbeUnitird.tot.,,
and.frnm it , high ,Dinilit., long rsrwrh. ,,,, e, tonn e nn,
nml ovni,ling 3 , 11 ri,ns of , xn I,looL•h...anlous eitrarn•r,,,
14 nvitrity ln th.• POW
m" ,. '. ''''''''' " 4 " " fl ' \ ' ‘Pfej,llNl p..WINT,S, Agent,
J 32-4 . No. 141 Front 4rort.
--- -
American Life and Health. Insurance Co. k
Agintf, SAJM. D. TOWLE,
Off, , 7 Fifth In. fts
Pamphlat• ntainftni all . R., , 1•31-linc ,, rtaatioatr!u ran la
5 1 '1' - tf_
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co.,
ftIIANGF. Third Philadelphia_
Int foilowinc •tatrnt•nt of th• Arlan". t,f th• Cminanr.
tlarintM a nd Inland ..........n.
FiFire . ...... -
T A lt---50 lola N. C. Tar for sale by
perior n ualitr, f, bay, want. to La n a j .a. t h, anrr ,
„ N. R. mt. Fourth and Markrt Fur
1 - . 4 l l.l . E hfi.i .t b U:4y .
1, 1: ,,, L „ A ,., 1N; E rt l m .S-3 f iu , ;ph ): ::. 2:
0 - ,..,...1. ‘ . 0 ,,,, Webb, and darocrtie do also. Wida7l:nnele
fiz Slarudlng. aalS
. 00lughy 0 Bu t rtVieX c nj i =onlal it trn ! lon on the ,
wanting Irta.V . Ol any de-a-rinti.n to ;43. ' 1 ' .. r &0 " , ' ,r. ' ;-.41 . 1 ..,
purhaaing. . owls
, f , ...) g m!. for rate 00 , J. KIDD a Co,
1,1:111(1gryro , for onie by ,slw
case% tine, mi'•r. fur ealu bY
PSOM SALTS-15 brals Gtr saIP by
0 . • KIDb kCO
N 1) li. 1 E S--Fiftv barrels Famtily . Flour
0 61.1. K opyrfloo noon brio Gok , .. drc f00, Ls Dry.
141.1 Egg.. Jun recclovil on . g i Vir s t iy• Al
1. - A
13 - , - A.l RY'S TRICOPIIEfia for . lTille
sELLF.R..), Wood 5t..10 acoott for l'lttsbiarb.
co 25 ocoo ,wr bottle. de:l
Itutithr tt Burchfield invite the tittentimn of thee.
one cuodit for to,/ sear, u, thrtroak - uncut of three
slut other style. of cot% adapt - II for thit none. , lull ,
V-AOOl,--Cltlat paid for Wool by
if Ale MURPHY R LBE. - 1 - 39 Libertr tit
• -..------...
_Lillerivrd from mantlfartlmert and ste nob S y
. -
tg..irFVANNEL—One ease on hand and
War m .1
lo by •111 MURPIEE t LEE.
11 . US EETS--Single and tittable bed, steam
I 3 tont. crib, and crating blanket. for Ka3llll le 1,
:1011 A LEE
I'WEEDS -Three c . ases a=toned Tweeds
plat tended from m artufartumrs.
mid Or kale by
MU Ill'llYqk LEE.
Sl LlitlAC•—•Taco tons Sumac for sale by
OLASSEFifty-6ve brie mow crop, per
AI steamer Milton. ane forgale Or
TOBACCO -8 bast No one, 6 twist:receivea
P er Fleas, ldrilllant. and for axle b
3 al. JAMES DALZE LI O to Water - ott.
1.311 36 half buy, Cotrnhe Brady,.Pale anti Dark
16 rak. tqr <aka do an ..l'ale,"-Yarioua
10 do .. do, and mewl ralebratett M u ndt.
Shirts Rolland Dirt...Bohlitot Anchor' and .-Eish."
2 pu nceon:l blytt sad i,, , S'h Mall Whitt.,
2 d o Jantakt Runt.
TO Shin. N. E. do. th, .
:t5 q r. ettm Port Wlym •.,
26 tin Mmlelm Wise. '"
',/ , _ •do St. Maim,. Wine
do Dry do do
ID do :Latta Wk.
2, htmee rinaleanX Plant
To .'seer cosi for :talt. 1 0 JI bliN PARKER
It, • A (Xi
taul 4.11 LI. trty t
. _ ...
I - Allik—Twenty brie and lateen kegs tor
LA ~ale by .14...!. :Imoai k BARNES.
1., OLD PENS. We have now on band a
It 3 My, absok of tbe ty-t 1141 Pend feat. the leading
m'annfaettYlo , In Nev. Yttrk and mate ex t ,n,ll. ty orer.
Mr, kiep1.13110.51 Pendil elver nod Peolletlarrn, :HIT,
C.," In otort arlyt t . Poly...piny Ira Ih.ltlert Pearl do.
All hd male whol tr otale and retail at bow Turk; rice. .
. W 15511d412.
. . .. . _
VUNISON it boxes revived anti
v . toe axle by ~u' W. & P WILSON.
I .-.., err rale 1, do:. J EIDE, ACO .
.I. r rate hr • 0,0 .1. KIDD A tel.
1 W
AED OIL--1 s for sale by
IA dt:M A 'KIDD a 1.,
- •
13IG IRON —Fifty only Brush l 'reek Furnace
Pi g lren. far nylo `, Itont , oN• 11111.1: CI o,
1., .2. - 4 I.lltrty Ytrret •
SUNDRIES. --f, bolo fre, h Roll Butter:
21 km: , Butt, •
'WO but briott AFpl ,
roi her Driod rt+ rito•o. roook - od br.
mt. , 1[0111. , 41N. LITTLF. 1 0).
rilALl,uw.—Fiftv brls received and for tali
.. ' d 02., SURIVER C 11.1.100.: , ..
CaITORTS.—One thousand bus just received
1.3,. Per .(Cameo Joan) . Unit, awl for end ;
V sale bElty •
..,.. de'
t.tutt r. or r. q P
' it 9
.Iknj . )IAILSIIAI.I..
i , OTTON. .2.1 bales nom landing from: the
‘ i '" rn°r " ° ' ..v..r°r . 11:1'AII DICKEY C CO..
W.tor on 4 Front ot.!.
17 Montanetow , . of Fonnivo and llntonnun f r. n .nw
, h ,. nuro u on buy"n to their a wnlm for lull, riot
Thny will niter imltowtnentn , In •p.m: vwtelT
t, ke.. porch/niers •I , In. lbr n vonufnrlunwn'
t y. non ln, .L , lamb nt their stor, S.
e nnot... lop Inning., ring Vnol,
. .
-.113111,NaL 01 , Flet.—S-411.1M.1LS ntiNn. 1.1
ket Plitahnrnh. Elnlwn F o on all the Kontrin
nnd Wnwern nit/no for col, rollmulno run& in Oil Ike
prlnnipal n lanw In lbe Unin. :5r...inn . ..31 wivent ttonlot
n , on o nn wrl now and Tilll4. 11111 a n n n otnnon . ..:
NIIIA RUBBER PASTE. .1 From of tbat
onpron arneln ha Nona and .Itvwderinn thou pc
u. not, port. and pit/Lido. 10 pie,' rl o t.h. tit
arllnlo I . warrant...l, thepurpron. rnpnnoted,
th• money rnftirrlni. Inv Pain whniraaln and n
Igrel w•wei gmrt 0. 4 1 k
lIIRAWTICE — EuRIisti $c American Britan-
f. Tra Set, Plated dn.; ihoduta, lindlrsrar ,
ErailT , r• and Treys: l'lntrA Urn, brat nualltY
aurr)landlo MAK CoOry. am! Itnt
T. r a, " lgy "i o
hhly ornnlnented Plaint Tm. nmutll,ll patlrtn,
Avery auya-ror road, for cleaolna end la,ll4lluu Plawd for cloaning. Cbaunas elan., Feather
homer. Ac
iltrannr-a—nyrra rrlehratrd !dente Kitt-Arn,
,„,„ t au of a ?Rat, which will malt? rona bra+
saak. o‘rtrra ,nany thing else In a'lrw onnotra
yor *Oct, W, IV. WILat)N.
CM, IRrlerl. and Fourth xte
ur bee Letnnnm, ..,prime prier, on ~1cu 0 ,04
Glpret teed. prime.
e.6,arsproe enoper.go:
ai t. lOW
'xlbriot Linseed I;
lUrlna 0.14 •
briL7th r t h , l 6"44 013 brad
103,011 f tMA for
I N Graham's Magazine for
eh.. with 1/4
ivab.r. letliturbd
fo; FebuarY•
• lt
It'hut Review dr,.
Life'• Ihertplitua talew
Merhardee Magazine. No.l.
Womerod Irrnel. by Grace Aguilar:
Home ulli.oew. tale for p.uthera and daughters
• '3lother• Ito,veaq.uee. by Grace Aguilar.
l'elf.Deceptio. or the history of the hum.
Wart: by Hre.
Oliva. a Imre':
Henry Smeaten. by G P. lam , . Egg
In eat e et HOLMES' Literary Mr... oPPutl. the Poet Of.
• - --
. 1
S 1: 1 1.F } .' , ..1 } 11 . 1) ..
, N ,, E , 11:X A . ---- N9 . E.--
... wni
1.611126,111 g that Ito ha. PLA en
opened lot of Plan. +1 the celebrated mane of
NUNN , : A Csaarl Man.. New York. • hieh, with thone '
on hand. form .., wet
le. t. varied. and extensive !dock
ever .41en. 1 In lug ett,.
~.2rTlV.g.t.":",,lrlath&T.'g, ' , ; :t. T .°!l ; 7 o 7 ,' ller le ';
ring. the 'atoll and ton . q. Imp.artant improvement , Lithe
found only on Nunn...a ( lark • Piano... AI, two superb
i l :l 4 .;. 'n r —A.Tnuf=n'e‘ivirTr o'f New Morle. et:Or...lag Jr.:o'
" A ' ”. and
, I 1 . i ' N
' rl ',lr: i ilk:',l.l7tlVE.. P.1,11r..1.11&14%.V.
, ~Dunce
I halo eStr
hIl (0
101APE14---Folto, I acket, Commercial and
I L 4 "ni V''' and (2 1 1 1 :Irt'o'rerVp ',Vl t it . •rrril
n I and alai li .• tIAVIOi ,
;'..'' --2.-:,-_-_
VOTES" -- AN - 11.) DRAFTS.—Engrayed and
.011 ..bivrvo •rarb• N.A., mad Drift, of tricot beautiful dr
.1 mr. in A 1.... or bound In hnolta Bl an ko in, For
sale at W. 6 HAVEN'S Book Rum •
(4n•. Market and beyond sta.
f . m eriran. Journal. and l'om eo r ry..l , .
T •
IT SG Ils.;K—Arnold'n Writing Fluid
Coming and Erd Ink.
Claimical Fluid and 1i.41 Ink.
Ilarion'ii Colombian Ink—rrd and blak.
'lna. Tbompii,m'a orarle,
ILI Caroline Ink. For ulo
AJ Ann. clammiest dir.tionary of tireek and Rms. b
01 1 ,.ri, 7 '.';',,Itti; EZT.vii?ol, I gITJ
by :‘mith LL tmlltorof Dirtionartm
and Boman Ant IrMitig, and of tirtßk and Boman Biography
and Slythol,ty. revimed. with numeroom correction!. and
allitiona, Charlro Antlon, LL D.. Vrafeamur the
Orem.k. and pain 'Angola.. in Columbia Colkaa.
The Life and Corrempondenor of Itolwrt Souther ; edited
'b ases of the Qu ens of 1,-Alarad, and Enallah Prirmrave I
connected with Olio regal auansaion of 'treat Britain, by
AFne4 dtricklatal. maim,. of the Live• of the tdurene of
:valint. Ind I
The Beeline Popery and lis Cau, an Jiddre.. deliv
ered In the linaidway T n. no fl ednealay ere
15. 1051, by Rev. S. Morn - T.D. I).
Thealove 1,010 , lust reeeive , l, Aral far PILIC:by
10010 11. C. No 17 Market it.
3101100. hn SI IVravi
rand ma open for rain a larire dud acid,
adv.,. Kock of 0, fl'a, td a , and 1 ,000
annfortea, trout the in:unifattur, Claciterina, Bratou, to
hieh he Incite. the attention of tthrelvoera The.. Pt*
rr iavariably add at Morton pras.a, ,tathtnif dal/ ern ,
for frow.-porfavi..n re . .., and in oil warrant..
Jolts II )IF'.l.lJtit.
Agvllt Inn rho qd , of Chiekenn,-'i 100.10.000.,Px.,
01 street
-.. _
tlreelt and Knmon IbYtholno , and Or ,
1" '` A.:11 • '"
' • '
Livto tho Vu.."d of 2.uotland and Cogli-h Princerner
BY wn , . ntricklond. nobler. •
Thu Life find tlurtvolKuvience El It ,nalthey Editryl
1 'Ain'tZl'dmro?.'
livered tn the Bruadwa, Tabernacle. on Wednesday 'even
inuMonnory by Kra urrar. D. D.
dolt reerbied and tor .lo I, H. 111/PRINS.
tel. 3 to Apollo Buddinuo. Foorth.d.
- • .
- -
. 1 - 141 .: 1 11 41 .! 3 :3
Sort:rn " ;lot. .1"'"
Nlothrt.thou'rt faithful to m.•: Ilk new C Freq. r
hrortlx elrorr tn, tell, tem,
ntler thee tbs. hual of thine.
Come trundent rumr, or 'franc - Mill°
%Cr mar Le happy ; from the Daughters of tit Istrlt.
neesu aurial. tavoritr RCM touching ballad.
Thou hart wounded the rlarrt that lorut
biro Bolt, or . dn't lon nuorn o w. `nnnt -ther
bum , Polka. hr S. C. V..,
The r..lobrsted ' , Aka Hann
lair, I.2lladrill,. 31”. Lrueg. Poles
Itato I,llla. Bun - nail , . Chit Chat Polka
• lei. ital.-hrlor • Nina.
Lilly ltilaArillr.--Very .nakt,r.o'•
Roar Inwieur2l Poi Allrchone,Curfiliono.
A now rElltion of Ilantms s idstrortinno fur Ilan, with
BAlrrsik , A elan° Carte Prirprr. Ilereired tn.d.r
JUILY MELLOR- Si Wood r at.
N. B.—A rrry hear atock of tirw Plana. arriving. and
will awn for wale thir weel, jar.l
"'""PPY 4
Itrnry etoratrot; • Jacobite otter of the '
1:6491 of Gra., I. nv O. lb FL Jorneo. Earn
The t4whe,u; nr Vornao . . Lo, and Unman'' , limo—.
".4 I.
ilhannonotal, nneel. fly Mr,loulliworth.
ilhr. a novel. By the author 44 — The
Hume Inlluenre , 'Vain frn. Wthrra avd lhaughtera.
t. Aguilar. '
m/.thres nr Gm". AZ , I.r.
hanker: lla ma s
nor Januar,. •
Now Books, just received. •
1111 E 11at . ..1v of the Bible; by aeorge Gilid
-1.. 1 ,
o.t2naLri. . 1,..,
.on,k living a proirroyuioo exhibition of
ii. 4.
i ti ~ i ileo neil fit ..ruinne i rs 10 . . the
lino .t . n
. Cl` r
tor lu cad.-tou r Ott o•losor.i of Mabel c.
koluiria . . I vol. li-lii. mum.
The YoulhoCaronal. ilyiliinnab Flrigit Gould. I roll Slno
Iltariaratul Counter Chem. By 3.ar15..1. Molititooh.
I tiiL Itano. vino.
The Mothor'ilKaoroinrienlio: e roquel Wilburn. Infitioner
kliaiTirriiretine root Faience:. Journal. Float
n bor i n roooieoil.
Dern, inotiosuirr of Morbanieastri llnginei‘iitui. 7fo fli'.
Join r00 . .1 tortniio br IL IIIeVKINe.
71 , Apollo fluiliiinue. Fourth rt.
Decant-It la ono of tbe Mt thinsaln the world Mr burn,
111.1,-Thousands are {early cured by this Ointmont.
It never fails In girl. relief.
For Tumo, !Meer, and ilk of Son, It has nnennaL
or '!''lgtni',.=2ll7 , .V.: l lgy'L -17, ==.
if — 0 .—rdi.g v,-....,,10n5. it uirot relief in a very few
hod''' . .
Aruund the boa are for wing fe-Alliater's
'ol,ar'l,l",`-'lll','l.Lrrg.e.i.°4',l'lPlF.g.,'';:,;,.. .grr; i
Brotrehltl, Nervous Min-no., Pains. &Z.. , of the ...One. I
'lead richt..Barn, Ciins. a o S
O reeter m a b zf 4ho .5.-1ta. ,,,, C0 m r . e ,
- IVIVIIIVS. 1331T"Fret . . Misr. io:relled or Broken Breast,
~ FEW BOOKS! 1 Tooth Ach, Aroo p in tkill'ar, an. ,
I - '""
' - mi,-,'"ironght before the
CNDREWS' L.kriN, ENGLISH I.7.SlenlC—A ‘ ,7,', :r1,7.7,1,7..,,,...,?,:n i,.b .r.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..
...row.. and cntier.l.4.atln. Enclish Lesloon, founded , 3,A„;,,„ A 1 1.,,,,,,,,,, Or m o m t w„ .
~,,,,,,, „„.„
lia , laeuer Lann.t , rnsan la m ent. f hr. It dile. Frrund. nem, that has male triol
of it speaks • Ifni,
with soblitbmr ..1 ...met.. from tbe Lcsoo. of (lean,. t n „ b. ,„,„.„ ,„,., Vs l i t , ~, r b„,.,,,,,,. ,
Faceirdat.. b.-holler. c.c. , be t'. , Amin... LL. 1 , . . other of the Ht.. a thirst of a Into in the
° • . It t al
1 dt. tsst w... , ... , ... 1' rtsrtchring thr,Ponors , Utat" I, .1, a worth of %%1..111. in the limb, le. I caw not.
rah', and reaultr Ot tesr" , thlrcrg. the =rand" or . 00 ' ,pp scamethate rehei in every case it ran do no Inturr.
ahan Salami, and other's.. of P01y.... Br Rev. Ilent7 I he,ng applied outwardly.
T t lucert. author oP-The %hale too 1111.1Cuptora." WI , . I ...her evidence of the wonderful healing power be.
ooEfe‘,... weer,' he thin mire, we cull , . the following certificate.
1 wr .%,, rt.r. ,,,,,, ...We , ~ 'NI , . leftee'ee - I fn.rn a respectable ettisn of Slalderterrek township. In this
' n'
i'''' ;i7 'C'Hltt(Hft;').YlT Market it. I".
n .. 1-
Chronicle. Pratr,lo.l Amerlean r.,..
Wedderterrek. Berk, ea.. 51nrely CO, 17/7.
Mtwara Ritter A Co -I desire on Inform you that I was
geTlllit;;'"Arl!lte:lll.7arlt I :111 h r1; rr,o; rt ' ilTi u gr:m l
, , Ktal[Srd with it far about twenty year, a mtt night
au rumba , to sleep. During that time I tried various
remota , which were torteerited for me by phfakirmarge
'ter til7:fih7s3thsal'aue.l a7l.:'''testool7o(a7=lesrocirtnutd'es!
n' p ' elatlues. I ant now entirely tree from the pain. an n d envy
:edve l lincr . firtZt ae ' Ve Teri It he " ; r enealt . l h ern%,.Vtla ell th e
result. Tour friend,. Jew. wanniatos
ipal 5
t4. ' !.4 . 7_..V. ° 401 ' 'gri ,.. k b . 7 ._, " i 4,7,111,',1d..
, w kartstre nt TtresnoVV—lti Aarbtf.,./tot=nerter of
TATON.}..itY—W. S. Ilsfres, corner of , I."4o ° X. l. 3r.f ` eers.. " 's sr f•t:s'ist oi,;:i .t o ft Lin's=
Seentel sod lark.ct sot. has for sale as hove
eam- 1 O. rnrrter of Fainth nod Smithfield staz J. Il..Castel. r0r
...0„, ae . ~,...,ete,,,, o f f,,,,cy ~,,,,,,,, .. Ak . ... s o o t 1,,,,,, ! nr, ~f W 61.11.13. cod Pe . . 015. Fifth Want and sold at the i
opened tu 01.10 mark... Merehaats supplied with every' book show. ill Smithfield strtet. third door front &mad.
article In this line on the moot favorable lean. jai. , b 13 . alleiben, sity trf IL r . Ztowarta•andl Douglar;
Vlil" .- TOCK. OF FIANOS,ea ' disert?-: 11Vel'rland7ifetellisport., 1 ..)....2,,,sit:!W
.i_l at the Golden 11... No MI Third rt~
II ELERER it now mmietne • fresh lot Brownsville; John Bultley, Mayer, Pt,: John Walker. jr, ,
oftegnt Plato. male by Nl,OO. CIAlf.. i Elimheth . lambehthte Erwin. Rochester. uslaallt
ew Teta. among theca. a splendid 7 °Mm carved Thum ---- - -- •
he riehiott devertption of
and lane. It le ) ULES lIA UELS SiAVING O.:REA:II.-
1n the Rumen style. in weave In the Mon of Loot' XIV and 1 . Wftere li the man who 4 0. 0 not appreciate the story
XV Abe., a new hot 1,1(
or and ovular Maw, ,oan t sharer If so' there he, ere do nal addrraw ca
21:14 an extervirr Pttetirtlf or Itraar Instrument. ruling, ~.1„, t o th e ., But to all oth,ya, we cal. If ~,,,,, .oh ,r,
11it...1 . .. : , 11.1..1 , 111% Sort ~,,, rart ,o l of ninsiell ntetvh•te I having a pleasure. purchase a tars of Jules IlancPs
/. 10 I. almond Tistaalio , or Anabnanal glaring Cream. It is oh.
telly imteraitio to end words to dreetibe the Feelings at a
I ( ~real—who has been used to 'harict with ordimary snap—
oprtillat,,eki:tri,sl.,,ofmtt Ihr t d finst l. , l4: 1, i.. nimbi
n'JVLES lIAIT.LS Sill r fiNit &LRAM la eseeodinglA
..•T‘ ..,.. h alttlr. "4 tf: l l= 7 1.1 t 0d bb'M's
tremely mild nature"Mlayina nitadloo..and Prirend.
that anylmeaut and ling fee of the Alit whirla it ao
l ' i ' e ' o t tVal ' l , uoinrat•bfiln, Sharing errata. may face
Ito,colt end moat meteing abuts imutediatelr alter Da
use. without the skin hemming chaPPed And th ose who!
00 , 0 .,, tt, ere can wady ray, will hetet . tae any other. , 0
One terra o.lvantaste--which will he camendly apprecia
ted by 0... Who cane •hi ter.--f p s the mehthat It will not
Meador the beard. *loch most
It 011 do. girt. a sandy
ye nee to the raz the whtaters. •
'Pg o ll ' llepe Shaving Creanosee delightfalprerytrathms ,
eompounded with skill. to the utter earths - km of all arlielea
~..0 1 a,i 1,, v ender the ateratlon a 4.01. 1109111.1 1 .,
kart .111 IA .Pie 'sod by all who make trial of them.
Prepared , eitY fl
j t i ''' Ple Perfumer
1., , rdiriVA... t.
Po NO, lr ah,d,aie and retail.ii• D. A. Vahnet/tnea l o t.
and It 1: , Sellers, Pittsburgh. • John Starailat, and J.
Mli.eltell. Abu:Lear thti
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
DEELiE ATTENTION is rnepectfully in
t ettol to the fullowina truths, wet forth in retail. to
dm one
l ' i lb t r. k. S l' . L T l : . .k : o. lll , r l .'3 n ll„l ; l t t i rl if l : 'l‘l;772:7ol'f i il y 7La'r' l li. h :l . rleeo'7;lrd7:::.l.:':fhtt,
con oottotty. and we all., that the lotager it Is C het the I
I ...dmalio4c..etz,,t4ll.,,to;sl.7o,th.lampoleesppuh,it.i.
~I g t . i .s. bn a, ,it tly . ., tz ,
b 00.., no , winch ors conceive. will mallow. to Ise used when
all other motrutuabeve been hardwo. Tlie petroleum Is .
• Natural Remelt'. rishonded I s the depths of Oh. earth
~.. 4 , 000 and, that leugha M. seona all human
enntretithas It Is tow duty , when we write ahead It moll
le. that we svelte the truththat we way mullion ealeta.
purl to demisetTluew we , hwia i TyAr. 01- vont or put writ. h nfo
',!;;'Titlina,.;/.11: "'rrii,sl:'dt.:::;;PT=4". :et'
i bor hitibl. • Wfought to the nhusrt of 'gull
'"Vn'g',leht!‘ge I,"„;',liTgli. ,iZ:TAN °:gll,tVrts:.
ilt.r swords phonier told. In order la mecum for it • MU
thus far eteredi any stark. article in the modems med
ico Plain nurse. cdfacte--Esetit that mar be•wertained
tu our rity and bear ample monotony In 1.-
.02 Or the Petroleum
, I,lll.lLbet4 ‘ t 1 .;12 ' l l , lg T. r.Th'i::,:, so = o 47 E .hing:
.;frVal..."Trl'f.:ll:l' tr . 1n0:V.,,Te..1: .) .t.;; -, a t a t 'd
Thew an , °them. I,ol..thene are
_mews near home. otral tr.irt
i ::;.r.fr4frmeno:-abs'esn.l!l: r= • =r b tt ' ei h th aTl te7tit h ;j:,,,. I
' 11.01• I T7 ti'vekli"''aeta'.'wdslnophoP'ol d k ine ". tio l n h it-- 6 bler ' ll7 ' eta R . P. t .., ' ' '"",,,,...
Pole, libruntatinn, Gout. Neuralcls, Eroptiorw el. the: 1„,..
hand , on the face, Chronic. So* Fyr., Binspro no . y,,n n ..'
g eo id 11,,,,t. pains In the hon. anti johat , dn Ire., Wee..
Wens. Age, Chronie Cong)l, AROMA.. 1307,biti..A .11
PllhrlOnlay ORKOOOP orl a chronic natatv, t, o dloo to ,
door CIMPUII3O/01. .
Mune and Scalds. disettera oclite IllaMl ler and Kidneys. ,
I Charmed Rands, Excortatol 1101,1 , .. Onms and Mani..., ,
• In fact. tt 1.. natal rater.. aattr.t gad t o . t„....,,, 1 ,..,,,,, .
in west of the ahem diseases within IVe row ear arith th
mod toed([ surer.. Certiteatea lb at will. `10.1.1 ar- i:
the hands of the' meletor, who aril I take pleasure in allow-
4%thetn t“ the ieted or their 16,..,,,
Does, others
wet, entot their medicine', the
Petroleum is the gmateitt Remedy r
ef the age. Physicians
f blab standing to the protrusion WV hi•giutdrt to UV , I It
ln thew heartier Thew who at first hinked on with doubt
" ~,,ty, am willlam la award It due praise and
nouldderallen. Deane another yrar mils mutat all will he
crenyelled to arlinewlei n lite that the Petroleum is the great
..„,,,,,,,,,,,,, mesa:meld. For sale, wholesale MIA ”,
WI, by gm SLR ft NIeDOWELL, 110 Wrulst
A1i .,..._a. e. Sellent, 57 Wend street; D. M. CurrY• U. A.
1,.1 V; l'ig"6 . 2;`ll7 9 glr''',L h 'Prti:
, norih. Mt B. k Fahnestock it Co., Wont and ' , rant eta
Paper of all iiZil. 617 d qualltie.. rated and plain—Nue
hite. , .
Blank Ilona. 4 avari demeltlinn. en had er made to
MA, abort now ,
matiery—Fmtitah. French and American. tarn , and
.inn'.,7 ..le by aV. 0. II Ate' EN, etatimner.
,. Market at. menet . of Spoon&
00 41,1\D .108 PRINTIKG—Every de
ti:Ai of L Cmx;ruetrial. Smanalmed. Cabil mad
g linad WMtnaso execumd at abort nutlet and In the
bent manncr. by ad N. lIAVY—N.
Priam. (Atm. 50 Mini at.. berarfela Market and ?erg.
' tat,.
EW 4.100N5-Ilumbolt'. new Work.
INCidv 'anew. or Sketcher of • Ptivvical dr...WO= of thy
mew'. likatutos of Mtntiaala. the Near Enalattol
th. ' l - art, e I lot 12 Ea.
0tt0.'.5-Isehanka- and Englneow' 21 . No.
11•7 ,or ls's , :r , n ,y oto. Thew- an well w i, t,ll , l o ml l ,ug .
Apollo Buildirun.
TUOMPSON . S. and Ilarrian , blark. 1,4, Scarlet
Varmint , Inks.
0.10.1 0 , Falser. firookrnatt
and 'lota , " 111105 anti 111 , 1 land Pruritic
Itikt.t.n.l. ol ...err deo-Option , tiilKO'n. Coll.-Wit, Pratt'
I, '0 Kell..a. Lonntn - a and alio' manufacturr. of Stool
aAS. ,1 tritlth'" ournuar to A. Nark, A t oo l
relebralad 601.1 Panu with gold and 1,11 . 1
-{Vbartnian'n Ensluti Drawing Salwi—Oattiloarlan.uott
slaphant, atlas, oolutulder, aurer royal, ro, al and elo
phant. Brotol Mord, esp. dem, and umlittra.
Perf..rated 'sant. Pine, Iva fespor, plait' gold and paver,
gold. PI,V tool !twee colon.' paw, gold and
oolorod utript.and littivvtr,tur two, blur,
4.11;rn,::,...7,::ta1l ,nrrn,
moo Itt-inible Arks. the. and intlerrodolalu,
al uot ...Wahl. for hall, part', wAak.......1
Knout - Vino A
,elof.o. bud. hl u. mot white
IS Kier.. •afor otos, outwi pattorne. writ rand; ban
tooTork. wood rand ing
Stotritl: tut Oil
ril . l.l‘l o :l7 " ,....inrot ' LZl a.4"lo,°°'
wttl. all ..tbar ttrlleletoln Stalloticry
loo.aveio'•toot togother ntlb a largo atuartnient of
and tormonaolton look. of all condom tonna
of rultint. to ever, of, of Krohn.. and paper of sit airy
and o ualittr., for isle at todure.l rah , on thetra..t retano.
I, S. 11011.0 ,
'flank 11.00 and Statiner, Warahlwr...
ndu ...... r ?larkot and Sworn' oracts,
A N utsn. THE I,tittrratN, 'Cale Qt .
the AtUrri.-An Revolution no Eldred Ornysa, F.M
llotoro of the 1.1.ra...t0n of the Sixteenth Caution
I.• J \Kris .1 Anhirtio, II . 1 . 1",i41. 1 3{ th. Theoln.
reheol of tieoeve. and Prioident FOriete
L. mu. 11..0n Tratidated lo II Whit., It A.. IririitY Q ,l '
1. Arnoluter. C hie n , 11-
In.trol hr forty ellittaftli, BY 1,0. Collin,
The work. foo lov - I' STOCKTON.
Rookallor and Stallone!.
1.10 ( - Pryer of ‘larket .0.1 Third tta.
• - -
irr LANE A kplentlid Out
PeEllna 0100.1 n. ton Mine Introinearl In at) tha laadlng
nolllo New Kngland tool New Torl.. .0 have obtain-
lashg, for them In Stltalutoth, and invlln teacher.
andul tornado , . trveall and...amino tlaso
No I— , hil, of ilia Wa.tarn 10o1n,
.1.1 Eartarn do
do North 70 x
a do United `meet',
10 tr.:
do Korot, lO Ir 2
a do PI, 7 79
; 0 Amailesh Afro, . iti St
NI , of the ttarit, with UN , : II„ first two natal.
phrrewith key, $lO.
Th.... nu, are unlit/Ml.lln acastrasy, tern' y md , b”.P .
n o,Cl7l l' ,; ' n '
I ",u
" • C.Uner Of harlot and. Fnutlb al-
Monis and Willis's home JoninaL
I.OI3LISIIED every Social - lay in New York
_IL en, at Tot Dollars 'ear. var ybln in all WS In
of the nl
hioe Journal. No.
itr; Volkou !Cra York, lkertub,r IRSO.—TO
11 may T orero: Thu , mar certify Iliat J. 11.
mmierd tz .1 It 11, , mmmrnm
Inne:e,Thtni atrevt,
the V hen
rnt Oftliv .011401(1t1 a 1.41.L1 , .
liltkma and Vroorletora.
il3'ilug.atUCallijprPßescriESer33llPTlSOrs; SfT"ORSaIE.e;..,Z
eou r isbin t.rmong
f tn ,r ati o yr , ti doing • protitaM uFt!. I r
apply. sl tbe C= r1=1:7".
SINCE the introduction of this new Com-.
CortZhe and Colds are cured in a eery nhert
time. We. wills arrant lir. Reywir's Nietroal ruP .
eon, CIL,. of•
Coughs-o,la Itroorhitio. Lalattgiti , in by
and at • elicaper rate than any other midicine veer
Medicines ell nt anitnarb wad reduce nauetia whieb
is neer.. dlnagreeelde then the mugh Thl.. in obri
ated In thin mirror... for It Ir a pleasant•
...ailing snick
and It ni t core or ta. eel/ ! The evi.
deare (nm of ttan medicine In our city. front our own
eitiyenn should convince any on uf elliraer. the
Wa d n ' tl:l " .e d e h ory ' rVs o . :in ' the
.!ti .r I. ?. .rIPTITiVIr. i . lady from Steubenville write, that
boo daughter had been afflicted with rough and expretor.
alio, night ...neat. hertl'e fryer. and all the diatrcennti
eymptome mom:ovum, and that after taking two bot
tle. nhe war .intirel , cured. A gentleman in ti cohington
county won had suffered with /intim^ owl Chronic Clingh
fur eight rearm has
an ti
relleired awl the rough
'e ra' br the use of half a dozen of bottle.: of this Pre.
era' Syrup. A get:Orman fnera Froria . Illinois. writes
that - he knows the Pectoral SYmiti to lie meal article. for
he has towdlt In hia own meo and 111 the ranee of members
ofta family with the moat perf...ct 011Cre..
01 001 or rue CUCAMT 3fenzentra 'now Kirov:l—lt la
nt op In half plot bottles at 50 CCM) each, or Ma bottles
ir PO.
Coub - rxr Brourrisces would do well to keep a snpply of
this nuillcinc on hood all the time,. it loom of the most
perilh and effiracious remedies 0000 iltrxiserod too all
coughs end areas. of the lungs and incipient Chnnampanis
BAUTION EXTRA—Many persons try 00 get Sow
buy warm sere of the var.. n.trums. but do not hood
them. If you want stet well lose BB ficisca's Pts - rusett.
Sinus. and take no ocher, this 0000 yeti. It has In I
...of the most valuable pl.ts aml herbs of the =aorta
media arid is be lledearritedur by a penon'skilled Lithe heal
ing, art. There can o deceptfon tn this medicine. met
preparid in your ow nd the proprietnr h. un
oUP frommimeo in attr own City. attesting it
•alumbleproper... which will be shown to any person .
desirous of th4M.
AOLNI, tbrblelatit the United °Bites to sell this
medicine. Large distounts will he made to these who will
take. an interest in the medicine. It eyill pay a large Profit
to sill fig...hi:Ado. they will be doing suffering humanity
0 Bee br hand! the greatest msdirine
fr' Bi l 'f ' Ze d . notesele a Bra (ho drretall ben o , , t r y IF S:7.VSEB 3IcIPOW.
ELL. DrUggists, lid Wood street Pittsburgh, Pa.. to whore
agencies must be Addis:x.l Also, for nil' by
Il U. .11 0 C 0 .1trn r“0.0 ....11r,rhvny city . P. Brooker. lirerwnsrilli:
Visor, Bard, Werhingtorr. , John IL Buchanan. Illokorpi
George Key., klclicesiorldVowel*. Canorisburip
and by Merchants mail druggists gencralli.
``TELLERS ' LIVER PlLL—.'ltne Tery bent
13 Pill now in um!"
KaNawna Carla lloevr. ca.. Jam 4. ItY5l.
Mr. R. F. litellcra—Dar Sir. I will Moto 10 y,ou M a tto
!:,TL•tr',.°°Licsre Pi l li, to arari ' : ', F: `';....71, 1 "01..T0
Anti.llilion. Pill. It 14 VC, highlr 4 , 11.411. 4, 141 1 , 11. r turn
runnyty ne •
aut o pill, end I. faxt. rupplantin o all other.
I now meek ttuto me morn expertnee. and from the e m .
perm nee at many of In,' frund. and ...rote..
Yount respmtfully ---
P S —1
permitted to 'hoer the original letter, but
not to publieh the writer's name
/Fa-Seller? Liver Pills are the Original. Only True and
Olnuine All other* am counterfelta or base itastationa
Purchmem, recollmt that Ii P.. Seller.' I.met Pills are
the original and only tme and getitdne I.llTi Pill, and
i n, he bail it tin. a 7 Wood meet. and of linigglyt.ya2l gene
rally In the ton cid... end sirinitt
SELLERS"LIVER PILLS superceile all
1.• • other.. Charh .ton. Va.. Sept. 20. 1,9.—)1r . TL E.
~. l e r..-I,,ur POL. have Mcame m 10puler In all this re.
gun of eountm, a 1 ler , touch to .riprtmate all °them im
Liver m Anta.llitlion. Pill Voue , 4 e
Z y ti ' m r' :r.. o n ' r"o= r tliat K .E. to e e A r ' a t t'r A.
A W • :; ' I the
t7,1".V.,.717"WL:1".•-';,''gl••.%°=`; il'a
la,. tv. MM. , amt 'wind,. Yalu
, --- ------
6; I ICJOIIN 11,1tliAl'S PLIILD IllacNtsu
0 Prepared under the Itunietilate rare of the Inventor
and mtabirlo.l nor onward. of dart/ tem ,
thin elegant pmparataaa la reectunamadad In all rams of
bile, mi , litio., isolia...loo. gout, and araael.
Ito the tomt
ii'l....r.t.liAonall: non...!Vsjit.i7eit In
l o ' o b .r i ci t : t ' et ' e ' Valtrz: °I.I.
t:4111114 i ' Llltlii proper., of the Magnenis now at ge.nti
tiy.:-i..lll"ilelteb.W.o Te%bi''nolir ht " rl i rgtr s; t 'r ot ' i ' i
inyoring the mom of tha Pod. pot.. and then'
...almost , am known to do. It preeenta the b. ay. of infanta
.our. in all cam. It ae t.,,, a
it. ay.mmut.,..tut
I. taeullerir adald. , M b motel'
sir Ilintiphmy . Davy imufird that thle mintier, forma Fol.
obi.. combination. with uric arid earn in r•,,,,, , a . gout and
gravid, hereby t count, ruling their inninon. hmh rie, .
alten ot her alkali... amt even Megrim. itself. had lalle.l.
loom Sir Philip Cramon , n, Bart. Surgeon lieneral to the
Army in Ireland—
lame `n—Them can be no doubt that Manumit may toe
adminaderml .F ...., in the him of a courentneed 1104
ill ion than in iwtance: I'm thl, and twiny other masons.
1 tom of °pinto that the Flu . ld Magnesia I. a ten...anal:o
addition to cur ylateria ,Imlten. PHILIP CRAMPTON
Sir lame. Clark, .10 A. Cm r. Dr. Bright. end Mmert.
Outline and II etla rt May. of London. ern , nitly nmornnund
Murray , . Flout Magnmia, n. Minn infininlY more Mfr and
thato th e ...AA. and (mere.= the danger attend.
inn t he eono.ailt , um of wain orrtnan.
' b'''''''''ltnA.TAlTlZ;otrc '.
I ' CO.
Cm. tt nod a Errmt eta.
the Poet
t'terpent. Niageline for January.
Ultra. a lintel, by the author er•Tbe
Motbee• Recomprne , , a novel. By there A4rni/ar.
The 1-otterella or tee Umrilagre.—a novel.
The Leader of ti..l.l—en atorr-
To Love and to I. tr.... 1-4 tale.
Tbe Caroline of lirta uetelt.. BY tialliOld.
A Lecture en the Jrvnito. Br Or. Oreg.
Or. Berg's itailly ut 01.1100 . flUghes, to thil Decline o
llama Journal. No lof neer Volume. . . jun
N E LOPE S.--Tust received . , a largo
glaraila b gl l =
)sial tor.
c e ON TA 1 NINO no Mercury. nor other
' rilneral. The fulloa - ing testimonial was niren by the
m hrated Dr. Wwerter iteachthe author of the great tnedi.
eel work entitled en.. Arneriran Praetim of Medicine and
Fatuity Pbreician."
7ah-gilr.:isreeerl'ntingMb.'ea:Are'eT'4l."'l't ii‘'rls-'IIV.LIf',I.IIh°,II,V,V,,,i'F.I. .
1ie , , , eti . e;..... , , ~.,r,,,,l,,Vg•icatimon In ailing nr e ,, e , rt , lfl u ina then
.hateer7rlud'lts 10%. " • i rL . Iirn ‘ iar ' eg ' it ' U ' lreras " the, : r,..,1
—,l directed be the preprietnr. are nnt stele nannies,
hourreat Talne:bring a truly ..?eiretifie PJI of wr , ...t
po sod I eheeefully twommetut It as a cote7ound
h: , :di o lta o s
~,1 , ; , l tren ,, ,e - e f t. and vrrb 11:vilatt.:4 tr ,., ll ‘.. te r
eith,rmenrnmendrAr ne'et7„:.,.., Its Ill h e e' a. of secret Inedi
,i9., reganlthe trull honest. conwientions. humane
eharaeh , r o f the yruprionrf this .oint.trlent.. and the eat ur
'l.:lP473..,ai,',lit!fl'a,r -, thusw7llZZin.V. Itr,
_ .. _
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T t'ol. 1)1013Y'S Cheap Cash Clothing;
More. N 0.136 Liberty *heel
o proprietor of the above tetellahrnent being dean..
of diet..., of the balance of la whiter alma, to Mike
romp for lite exteneivo purehaaes tar Opting. garar to or,
tire, haa determined to ogee theta at greatly raft:era
wrier, for nub. All th en alto want good. fashionable. anti
elmale UMW., till find It greatly to their adveate
to favor Um with a call.. great banana •111 be
New Books Just Received.
Tailor and Poet; an auto.
bioraphy. 1 vol. 10, mug
Apular Education. for the um of parent. and trhtben.,
and for 7. 0 1 K rems ahnitt erase. Praratred and piralletb
en In erarghtnew with • resolution 67 the Solute arra Mom
of gerarrenratlera of the Slate of I.llehigun. 117 lrn Mar
bge,.1.14., supraintradent of Dublin tristruralatu 1,01
I.hnwmttr Awe
Ab 6 u:s eilladeona Reliant. bt r i4 1:11., w i t h eh meinermanairei. nith ehe
Tolman or eldeneanter installed emir. /or eilebr
je*/WARM 21 tiseellh Balkan% rook A.
hundred and fifty at, large rind Bed Blanket ,
pain Crib Blanket, roperlor article.
WO do Steam Boat Iluiket, ribbon bound.
LIP da , Blankrts, heas'Y• •
• 100 do Dnh do do do
ho do Blue do do do
3cares Black Blanket Cloth. do '
1 do Bear,d drry Miami, du
3 du Ptlpreud block French Broadeloth.
4, all arod Tared, aradtted color,
‘lO Jean, agrort,il colon , •
2 do Corolmery , black and fancy colors.
1 do :radar., Nark and Cron
d o Wilde Carilla4 YLanarl. /ant
4 do Curet barrrd do to.
The above wools aro all on ,oriddroneni finis
anolacturrr , rart and wen, and Pry for le Ca
libe . ral ' te ' rnis to liar trade, at manaforturrer
dr4 I LEL
ani Punt.!; also, Vurrain , lurlina of Turrou
nntl qualities. to he inuM bry nnr 4s Ibutrn Or
N. E. tor. Fourth t)Sulret str.
W__-_—HIT E DEANS-6 barrels
l. r P e .s evd
It nd
fua.y 'Ao
11D—TNYTDIS' banal) and thirty kegs No.
1 um r, for sole
.i br
encEt P. SITRIVEIt •
I_, of %radial Wool by ysil 11. LEE.
• S liiiIRTINGD . -
sai particular
stu•ntioti i i nht. Lra T uch . o l' i l tf:rViTint. 4 r bc , srl Ira
to wirer a ouperior ralicit—trit Iluciarruirranied Pull
sad both at low prima fur quality. /a
i 1 11l NESE VERMILLION-7 . 1 lbs for sale
‘..r hy ;all J. KIDD R cil.
, -
. . ....
EMP SEED—Fifteen barrels (new c
for sale bT jell J. moo a. co.
-----P!OPIUM-50 lb. for sale by'
CaCIGAR LEAD—feast for sale byf
QILVER COIN WANTED of every desorip -
Qchm, sad the highest preattom for he
Esch.nge, ger fund, cr curreec) •
' Cor. Third and Market ets.
SUNDRIES -6 Idles Cotton;
In brly No. I Lard;
I brl Tallow;
• ca.lg,
b. 14,
hav pexled Peacb.n . .
bag. Yeatberr.
NayOkr Fors. Pbc.ozor.
frVAT.IIr j E ga'7"l2•o".`kh'i'L-1 6 F , L b t
13EA1tLS-1.5 casks superior, for rale by
pOLL BUTTER—Tmenty barrels prime
b trAmerL r.
V LOU It— its) hrls superfine;
Lk .1, enc. ter nt .
.r ty, ii , ,tod 0.
e 2.1
l'."1" :: - K . 4:l7i '-- ij l ;Vi
D 1.1 ,. .. , 11 . 1, P , LF.5 --. . , Fifty l e v i l j i,
r. ; l . ,RivEa.
t ,OR.N-21.11) hu whi - te - & 'yellow, for sale by,
‘) ,1•27 wick ucc.a.s. -
QTOCKS FOR SA LE—Westem lns. Stock;
~?"rue ,---- .i.""m'irizi, .
IttAuri. , ll.- Illaciptssti of . . ~ 0, . :
Mann.. Itaawax :tuel, Ilona rt. Orubie ‘,., k.
Ittaire Comwr r , tut . OW. C. A ItN.ILD 0 1.."0,
pa, 7.1 Fourth ,t
rrUne SATINS, of the most desirabh
ji. 'luta, to 1.,.. holet thigAlS of --
1,, this
tierces new crop; receird
1, „this day. atiltfor Ole. by ... _. , .
! / ligoy , A hIIIIJ.ATI.L.• J.,1+!vr,12.,.__,
V iSii-75 11ils No 3 Mackerel;
:. r,,,Codfeh, Mr cab' by
- .4:3
4, 1 01 M ASII--25 caFk, Johnston brapd,
1.71f0r snle hr . lazl' MITI,
oIt.P.IL-151, dOE . for s* I. k
r rhoYn
-- ----
BL ICE_---1.5 casks Carolina for.sllioib.Eo,o
• on Cloth
Fsa en4ne r,
.W'ni 44 Pi
n o
:". TArds 134 Wan. 00 Cloth: I
10 Soren onForted sires Toll.. Stand and Berens
Cover, of jntent Inather enJoh. end htiLullful pattvna. for
elle whplenale and retail. a ,the warehowe Non . sod 9
Wand vv.,. jnin 11. NULLFY\
t i ifil ASSURANCE—lnsurance. an ipnr-
ROM I,lvrers the 1000 or isloisi so mos ts . ..crmt.d 1 .
t , ;:m.inn Nationnl 14r.0 Fund pr.:A...sump, Soeleil,hs
'Rr"„,rdlt..Tqtntrt.'y'V;i:planalcrt7 patiphleti just
rendred for cratuitoun elreulatidn. Enquire at the B.A.
ini, Ilona.. of sym. A. lIILL A. CV.. .
I,S= 50.011 .. areond dyer oboes Fourth.
- WI
AK) 011 5 brie whiter stnunetl, fnr
.2y del: RUES.
1 iNsEED OIL. ----- '5 lirl --'-7--7— g pure New basilic
" il "' " n '''''" i '''' fur 'tilio%oN.l.rrThr. et CO.
'OFFER. 213 t, Ri
eto for sale by
CJ dell ' TOINY, mArrnEws it CO.
Fish. 116 briri largo No. 3 3 se
10 bet, Tiin.l Battle. , CoreioF
In ilrei iii Cuillb: Om 0010 be
4017RBEY.31.0111FACSlit CO.
HOPS. 9 L riles for sale I,y •
UNDRIES,—Three liundrui bl,ls. INo. 3
bblo do dr:. ,
O lqap!Ni ? ..
end u.r
A. gh Iv a tear god forsale by
ERBS—,Elder Flowers, Sage
11 a [mall I,.lualt ',rived Andfrsr mole
d. KJI.O n.
AHD GIL.• ri bbis received en , consign
tuent.'n..l An. WALLINGFOUD N CO.
yh ,Orr smet.
, ;ES 38 brls new cron.inst
N 2.2 P-1.-ft; y., - 1; by FL A. CLINNING III.S
:b.ll Liberty ' Ft
`ItESLi li OLL BUTTER. 4 bris just reed
bY de- , ' R. A. CUNNINGHAM.
CANDLES: 11.111's
byancl, • .1. =le by tle.'34
1 .. 111 ) ! ftF - ITM
LI 1C i.)144 . " . "" a1e by
L. s. WATEOMAN a soßs.
N1 0,n,, CAN P LES. 20 boxes for sole 14
50.2.. P. 150 boxes Louisville No. 1 Rosin;
I 6 bnzes c•Ftile s..virlfcr .
..,41.K.T MUSTARD. A constant
.olopil:Bor=?t7l,'''''''''do ,17.'",'T M'g'rd.
of re1.api14f.r.,....b.,.....
C0.—....2------..." """"1."2
1 : OTTON YARN. 2000 dozen hope Yarn
%—) for vile - by :iler NYAL.LINOTORD 1 CO.
.11 'RANGES, 35 'UAL , . just received and
N. y for rxle by; lIURBRIDOE, d INOIERAM.
t 37 116 Weer ltreq.
FLOUR.' 10 bbnonsatoot ,*. la. for sale byINOITILOI
.. uc
4 - e a r UPS ANO MOLKSSES. Extra Refin
TihiTit . Bl. ,"l` rnD io'ro,"U• Zio7,l:;t:gislo.
'a;.,:roNg,rt.)"";'' do C4 tit• t 2 do
As wle °A. NteCLUlta 2CO:. 25 Liberty .t...
CgODA ASIL 75 casks Kurtz bralTil Er ;all
1,7 by de3o. W. 11ABSLACOIL
OLL. BU 1. 21) We. prime, receiv-
AA. r•I for Wet y d 4 ,0 . S. tNT DII.IIAIIOII
',FALLOW. 50 bblo. pritue for sale
. i deco , it. & 1Lk58.60 1 .11 1 .
el DEES'a. 50 loxes W. R. Cheese for sale
i o . osxo s. a- A. ißanatamt
11311 C. 51 i.TAL. litl tons for rolling mill
IL v...p.: r ,,,_ del; RUE'S. 0.471116WS d CO. a
s o .3ECI a ES. •173 Imp per Mayiloxver, for
il. t. Jo: _ aux.T. narrnsays kCO
gull im. .... Idols rll, for sal ll CANe by '---
BR. , MS.. 40 losen for sale by
sus J 1.1 CANFIELD
G E ! ASE. n fia,a Dow
. 1103aitig from the
"""n' for
i.Zutitt DICKNY t CO..
Sao. 1 ...1211!tsa.1.24Irmtt.!tri._
QAI ,ER AT (JS. lOU boxes for sale 1 , 1
1.7 i Ai
,SC:ifori(t..lo .1 6 CANIT.I.3)
L 7 BOOK Works,.
a 1„,,,, "'
'''''' 'l:.iiitZCllAZell'a ATO. i'''''
, et.l 60 Mark et
/I , ORN , M EAL.
1 .. / .,.? " b "" u r I. "'" I ' 0 7
for in h vT; II Ann&t u e It.
j~ ! NTU 1
OIL. 10 6b13 received for sat , S. S.r W. ILkliBAl3O ll .
lbs just receive
11211 . rate byREISER,'
Corner !I— uel Literty eds.
ti AWN ESS. Nldozen pairs Horse an.
m Vs b . A ER 3LAN a SONP.
N niaa--4s Spanis,h Float, Ikladru4 k
Manill3. (or oak, br dt..7.0 J. KIDD
t)AlN'ClNG—ilnufe and: SiP, l Pamting
and 1a11211,M. pron.Lly .4 ..stly c arrot...S. I
.'. 0. D'v *lob It 4ipainctly understn , .l lbst we tan do
Painting and I:l.inF palatenln
eiti, and,. den.rnunrd In tin it.
3.10 J.)! I.IIILLEPB •
HIDES. 12b Dry Hides;
1 bunaleLr r+,kint Intrling! !IVY
VELVET PILE CAItI'ETS of the richeSt
yMnl _lar. y hod nt the Carpet
Ninn.lo taro we, ot, ett Cher sea
he total,. !me of the ...recipe , N.
' I I.IEESFJ. 1000 boxes for Ralc by
lARY PEACHES. 305 facks and 11 bbls
Xf. lb, 00. .$ WATERMAN Jr SONS
RoLL BurrEß.. 1
5 5 4, 1: b 1 : 1 7 h rolli
1. \;..ti , ,itgn ttS
11)LAIN received this d i a
t the
I °LASSES. , 50 lola nor crop for sole , b
Just reeelYnd D y
eyy..3Y2?ther lot u*
7 1 1''"" b. 7''!" W. ''112...,.• i;1 , JV.?VT
131{1ME . 8L.A.1.1.4; TEAS ntom-.ENGLAND.
1_ Mattis t Ila worth, in the thamotel. have this day re-.
novo , ' Pu r rtet ebbe Deomuddre. shout lOW of line
awn a Rough "(ay., el Black Teas, the eery bet that
could be procured its the E owlish muter. Prow SW coots
and 75 eras we
The Teh . whet to the 111 emend. east Ode. I laW
} U"." - V-.4'. and "4.1. n. it
110-IGeo to extra.: .
lieklee-W alma nod Ge.l.ltee
4 St ' n ' i ' i'4L.o
1" F , peeeed. - ..e.seece, Ham ` • .^
, ..'..
•ur .. . je,-.3 ' J_-_ b. GiLLI.I.II.I. &CD
W brla r
Ctimue, now LIMIT t,..Tra,,BY • CU,
e D
A- yritit 4.I.VMS !AL
=amt. OR itocs.olL
- Mum are more thinpl in barna and ea rt h .
Khan are derampt o in pythistoPhY-"
, plrE VIRTUES or this realarkable reale
dy, mid the mostint ap t ibr Mahe
hes indused him h t to e-in bath*
cur d of
!Te PEIROLEI.II Is procurQUorn • noir in else:raw
ry. at a depth of four hundred not, h rim, tniasthailerne
fad artiEl , without *or obenoiril or
flows from naures. hirest Labradors': That it m.,„
proper , m o 7 .
u =g n . OUT ,F IZT of ilueinnet u m'ou i .ktr.7„
mils of
sba s , If knovir nor& be irradt use nth
sintering. end rewiring a.m ./
health and rigor h ., many a slister. ng before %M.O.° .
reeler thought of mining nup in bo ttle, it had • reteaUi"
don fir the cure of ithense. enionant ant daily Mom
tnc Lo for It, and tuseral reruartuble hires It bud
a sure Indlentiou cf fut.,
Onde staled appliention m the Cure a . •
ao na 14, to mole a him rima leartilliates. as
w:Moos that
, he rosetome mn seen wort
Intothefreer of the who suffer. and wthil to be he
\g host eis do not clam fir it a unhanisl application to ans
netheenetturly , that tot number 01.
Chi , un- Istsesies eordlid. Aroma them zga .
E a
ki4,sl7l.llV,V , l=. ‘ g= o rz z- ..
o e fl a
Bladder and Kidney , Pains the Racier EEO, N u a orma/
T f
linedees. NogralMn. Pal.y h
E t , Rheumatic Pain.
a., Term, Rhinverms, norm :iced. Itrothek Out son*
to lu HOW of debility, molting nom rdµunias
long and protracted of of dismiss. thin mone en%
bring relief. It will - set as irencral TONLE and ALTER
ATIVE In Molt cum, imparting tone tali 10 the
whole frame, renotnirg olisrutothMs opening tint
nimetion. wiliellorium disown and Geckos enosttto
and gteing ingeradul and mowed otazgy ca all the pr.r_l
of lOU proprimor trams Of OeVerll C‘l2. of
that resisted ercrother treetorsent. gat well under Win.
of th e
PETROLEUM for a short tune. The noel On hit
iTeVi?ntnairdiirwittrinqehe alga - turn . of the nolerlaiia , ".
" t'y
TZ.I Canal Eulia near Eierenth atreet.
Also, an d R. E. LIELLERE.-67 Wood
an KEyean ef'DONCELI.,
corner Wool parrot ani Virgin who nrn
nortelly his =Warty anantiri Agoura
KNOW all men who are sick and famed
with dlwasc of the madder sal Elder... with
ow „ ea
ng or limbo ..,,us.alaes,ru g l
mn'V 10 .":1 a
I . boing=oll.
t: =An: [boa don sot make It nc forwe pt t ia4
which are na contedtVe ' d to Any oto r m reViy.The 000
who le racked with pant end suffering frost 5T.14 ,... =
for 50 cent, get wi th
from any of the ills en
Headed It mem ems ldtle to make • trial Thla Penns
le um ro Easton—no mm(
up for ding:myna.
of i mpos t, em she mitunun tr, but tt. ve • remodypiabar.
too hi the ouster hound of nature. and bubbles...tram n
booms of our soother earth, in In original gs t ri sm il
fors to •IlitalUS homeniti • toady ronedl. a co t rialn
clhap cum
It hm mired Pile, after other mcd.idnes have Wird two
render arm relief. 15 has carol Rhounialts, at law'
Mauled. and of the wont and inort painful character. tt
hae rimed Cholera Hoehn, by one or 100 dossa. It hat
M. red old rams of Dar.... In which elm other
bar .extel4.
of no avail. As e local manly in b ur.
scalds, It is Meter thananymedlodcompouudeor olutoint
Mist we know of It will cum chilbl•ina esti trsoss
to • few appleations undoubted tenth:mealy eon bet Menial
ed of tla• contain. In the atom statement, by Wk.
ing ti &MC El. 11 Canal Daein. *moth Omen or
ender Fr Neap..
hey McDowell. corner of irr etrect and mrift
alley, 11. T. Sellers, 17 'Cloud atreek A. 13104 and D. it
13.rry. Allegheny car, ore rho aVdan
r htro ' grAroT.Bol l V , Zilii ii t taMcifLU S
ailing the severest mid most inretetale oxen of Llt
MATORS AND CHRONIC is sottletra,
narig,elbsiz,t4oferkaatioooo.o f ., , , ta b in
tie ii ts o7 ,o ll7 . ho arc stk.
ittel of 0tr,,,,Laag,143,145iXta, .trtiSfAtg.:o
t and ow months in the nti of Sc. Loon alone. while 'etas front -
•Pents abroad Flom alto loot it we re yeronning the earner
ober... tried. Mane of them ehronm casos of long
Manley. end ali tiope of recovery had :been given name
11 bile others were of more meat date, of the mots inflam
matory form, very revere. All, howerer, yield to the won-
WiTer gog:',lltlll,:ia'aTrbd:g;Tlb'A°°"'" rrb!al'
oa. hot men. the orminal aleremenm'alid p o roprielor, •
benrfortor of mankind.
It b. well known front of the pest. thatim
ost.sot srpuoesso re nyowdbly effect a pen:rowed cam
foethis dreadful diming lly the application of sum . =
pertiel to Pomo ease, may be
f • ehostame. Dot all the while Ulla disease lathing
,r,P,,gl-e=ilirrtl '174744= =slag
• few perusimel returns. It wal. into a ' chronic Was
who. If nut ::>m rarest.. sm. the individual to Jiro--
Thin Is verified by the history of lhe past in all countrism,
e nd more fully dermonerndrol by the history fumis/ml fkoC
nonce sod tersteeent daring Ne loot fen
the ß b lear. t , t W .IV o S w . LrMouUg SCTC e
d m
010osF,re 1 t r eo a lTriTnrl iw 7
wh4d h m hhe : hole.., ne t,
Impore or ...le pediment, whet. has estilod nos tbe
Inembontee. Menet, and
ten It entirely ferns
n end redorn the unlondual to perfect beak.
L. those who are m ad not deeeme chermalo, smog
not off the nee of tho medicine too loop or unill their
limns aft , 4 11ated enntanneed to snci¢ • degree th
they . sre ' cripples ,go; life.
The e of I.l.lseds
thmmands doorg the pri, as well ea a. multitude el ale
present ay..gmaes!. the folly of envelop para.
nent relief Dan external pplication, •
'The proprietor or this valuable medicine knows holm ex.
the, ordword arollentaan eon hoodhly !Gent FM
permanent cunt where ttas ...ware Is trsur died th e
zystem Ile
and doe:anyl agly enibmeste
me effect jpermenetPlure''.'ltsr osa•
:r. " Oc r, o= =rlv,"tesughias" 7esia:trg.thalols
lacaseatie Cempound aml Wool 14,rifem le the
on v remedy
ham erer been direness, either en
Alen.. any cater country. that will ellcootaally mcre
din me.
TOlOl Monet medicinnext run be id. whetted. er
ordh. at3M. T 3
Ale „ for vale in Pa No lt, Poet Oher. Pittab ulurgh, 1., hroi err, 1 330. TOM.
J. 1. Mora's. F. 1 `A ieterhan. aud .1 A. Jon,
Tone 13 Per bogie: els Mahe for ladx or VA Per dfmn ,
Pamphlets can he boil 0.1.1 s cf age..
RL mIA Agee.
11n. JACO, Rosa. We dlscomrer and aide propiptc , •
o hese moa t . popular and beneficial medidnels and.alaca
e ineentar cf tbe mlebrand instniment for 1115•11 Mt Um
Lunn, in ofteung a rum of ChMile Mantealwita ,a, elm
'Mint of that eminent pbyncian. Doctor
Phys and la •
Wradorde of the Enna atty of ratioarrleani• , 1 ,, ibbti
Yearti_arlorThhaart enroir,, %llltytiveritintion Ofyinte
Tiff:he wae 4 lif Ms innalareibMbanneettanwit h
111 Zan noparairerl'eal'eminenee'rnolutirrn ti:"':'V•VtntM+.l i '
and ouiladleM Tubercular Cleamomptrat. '
Serefola, Rhetimatinm,dathm• Fen= and Are,
.11 •
all kinds.4.7brrode brinsinclaa. til . d .d. all three obatra dlr.
tart• asni O .) M lca trer t il ' m ure ;71 : IZlretege7t, r seta ro seta& hommais
tie I. :i a ..-ora by the tt., Of OM OUlf , oolld 00111 . , for a that
li Iniampatible with yatt:lamest Law. but hy the UM of ,
rmodies. ailapted to. and.Fmonibed for,• melt ran* .
tom of Mona,
Pr. 11(Sel , Tare Alteratire PElnatimi nand. aro innear .
My marrow to all others. al • pomp ,
ti or IleeM rnalm' mien
aTthey rare the btor•L per
feet) y
from eartiemen: am alto Ins Cfril i det , = . l are ad
mitted, by tba faculty, to posers Tenni. Adair
ted to , female ill-eletin but Wag instant that a Wm :trial
is sufficient to nitablith what boa been tag, In that:n*of
the most rkeptaAL , . ..
.The aill imed arplanted to Wall upon t h e anent. and Mt
eurolgratiiii one at tbe Doctor's pamphlet. Mains a detslP
• ed account of cob nmedy. mid its application.
For aide by the agents. la Fella, by mat drirl.
Mats throutthent the corntno
3. Yebommakerek Co': 24 Wood st.. Pittsburgh:
.I..M..Toorriendi neonatal. lb Market in... -
Yee d. EcAliami Enticed d mess
the Food Ofitemilleff)m.
. '3. .int Y h Ilatrilry.Dsrlington. Pram a " Fa..
John Elliott, Ennon velo". " " ' •
• - T. Adams. lkiarer.
• .
brl,and hf bie
• nc:lx•wit, C. Krlllngren INFALLIBLE LINIMENT,
ape fluid. ahlch has stood the tree of thirty Years sus'
ponence and has, baron doubt, been th e mcsamof
InEthe t iara of thousands of Individuals, In Almon cater
dais and cluirsetrl of anew. We-feel that we build bo , •
tan t i tle orgy norm
what it la obi for.
hasourred. and Is capable of l
e. more by r ob
auy other mo
or offered for sale, we care not by slibten
made or sold, or hy what name. -
is a fUnt. and ccireincing ptrof of.thia there, .fre BST
that it is the only ankle that has appeared to ths Alma et
&patent Merin!. that bat cur been parrot:lced and mod,
with prone of tha elite generally, • the, mon agreeable
Family Molina,: rev criers' for sal ' , or rand 6y - InTirl -
them, fin
The Um:. Move Q. Grinnell, late 51.0 The Bon. Rebt ,
51:m1:One Mayor. 800. John A. Dia, lota & Bens .
tor. Willlnn Mtn, En s Editor of the Spirit of yr..
Tious sail a host of other alltinglliSitfii eitlreus of * o w
l ur k, a so lone fully rested Its merits, bare yensatted, ths
propnitor to refer to Ursa.
As lets well known that PatenENledielne• arinackverien.
ale}' patronized by the hunrod, ' , WOW find Titalizonani,
have undoubtedly • right to feel ourselves bye y gais.
Urged. Thisn'under wortanr i Counnuna has b-sup wally
alma rears before the Robbie. Its trienda an um Its
Siro[l.ftt and best. This coon undoubtedlYni entrain and
t fof In general uiuftees and saturant
gallte It : =? nuses . rvottdT
,- •
leer Hold
and hare a rfee rii l„ a nrh astingshglg enrc ,. ropem
L7lTerndU":and.rn'our rAt, ibe i rrocinist !,2:44a.z.
dean, . •
lids medicine. or lauttret muddy, it prepared item rex
etublee, for luterual es well se external use. It mut direct
ly upon the dieeseed run—gilder it lasselh tad littesettlt— •
It is u nue cure tor utrrbee.; trumps, Batons Quail;
epuernottle affection', &sta., a the Kideleyt,", sal
Weskturs to mute or tetrad, Was selatterue.etass mar
h'7,urtrbrPiitsburyll. by R. E Aida • Yr ,
• it., end ' Ogden a huoudeir. tad by the tetall DrUggly
• u .rully. It to put up in hue. tun. and one MI hug kra.
• 1
42mpound Li warranted to rrodues the •Aht d i d 4 ,
ern egret, when owid for nuking bread.. i yd o oo ki o .
buckwheat canoe, tie-. br which • string ta in tens by aby•
MAW of about 13 rcr rent -
To Mast ithryoT nett p.m! enrir d Tien tea
einnvolUid I=l the panel eintr - afity enhc
don thoroughly . together while du - , %thy.
pared boor that run can set aside and r„.., dy, Irntw) then
add ea nineh ntlit water as witt conks o h o
thick.... knead It well, and tot It etsnd fifteena Anima
Wont baki4—we or two hours w..ri
abiglid . lc :yard much thinner, o „ a uk „,,, one
in do no hurt to ennui twat . , nil antes
is no dancer of Sethi.' frothte Orsuipoundist
beer!: it will not tarn the tiered yellow,.as salenttiot does
when arca to est,. • • • • •
Toy q. P.‘2lr._°nr
djt;;;;: Istitsti Ittsd
cake. corn WO. btottn hmul..blseuit.lseuter cskesAttek
,..t esker, apple ttampltimmt. pot pits. scat fey all be.
pnryetet.. Jun rtechrett far nip hy • '
110 tva.ut,%; 57 Wad St.
TAKE,- NOTICE. i • • "
flew hollows IV., d nal he raid to atmome Trapnell:
produce a rleght Pal groon or dry.. that masa bons
trootwl wltlxllloile morn Chonleeat noels I hseatha
nntirracticet of myth/ to tan pooh or tine Pl ats
rtiche bl ne , ‘ improvement on it. non stoats sou*
eaibed ht foie eoutf s.ry tor extracting grrassel..teriPtaxaraM
pens. , !3 , snawarsoci aulse d sle=
a;r • T
that X.Hat r will uutioore. afore mew MIL
porn.. In aren't parte of the omen/ b. , . "1 .. =
would not as :without It Tit coot SI aab , In
Roo on eon re Ulan WO wheel of tette esbie. Fatima Iwo&
.4 mlicrea. I base only thmv edk•
at ~ and four of cairn n ants st canning the eon*
User ber before reining it au a light drew. a WWI.
or di. drew Urea n thiii lescenio I assi detamnte
to mrunr.a it a n y .cooger ttws I kran
CrwAern fp= mart.) . twat/Las
r'M U4r'
Wonsan to by tito;eulooriber. . 51 Wcoda: '; •
=4.. Pad:
Elam , _ z.:- '
I hat nut aped it Wee before 1 felt iu tweeteitt etteeLL‘
'ILA. R. E. SELLERS --Sir: SuiteringEram a
.1x l. cold hed meth. for .t.Petu I telet .?•1.7.. money .
"b""'44."''" ". Il r'
1117 .D ra lir.ltr=1
;;;; ,,,, Ext ,.„ :fr g ttro. ,.
po , lio .
~t,it.ici;res,,,,rl fel: ftibm4 .rilla
dal erect, and kmder the tesipe blosiettt . m e
us truth the butte. I tuttlY ... *PP te S .
Pelto hot • to hrt . l7,?u, ,L... wt. (vleris
I aket tb N ue'etre) ~ d,..1 , ..30 . 4P1
dough. ar t co .
.i. -ii. It :learn' 0.441511, . 5...,..._
'.." """' P
nuidinFi bi11et.W.t.1.7...2ri- 5.11 IX" ''.""57. la•!t;
eeeeror its parer
6 purrelet. Va.. August 34 - 01".1
were um.rust3l. ittilims,eetgX ter w to w are l your impnialOoish
I met rat porMrar.'
ff t w gzx pimp. tree' frllre=r7 l ==
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