.. 7- CON . GRESS,IONALI. , ". ..- " WASDINGTON, Feb. 19. ....,41 Sw—Stiveril petitions werepresented, and , 1-I. "' tjtiterecnt:ini"dankrer°dwleaththe to Pa i ttn ntr t ed °ifi uce e a . new bill t i, . Miasmal two-fifths of the five per cent ' 'to be paid by the United States to the i f 90tutee, on sales of land lying in the semis, &L. - e purpose of lipilding roads to end from amid States. 11. T .! .ti . :Foote objected to any speech on the hill 1:91i1 lit . was introduced. After a long discussion of the pciint of order, IlitAlYtiton was allc7wed to proceed to show cause ' irbyh. should have le,i,Lve to introduce the bill. a l ien addressed die ,Senate in favor of the Me: Clay male some remarks in reply. ....I/in - Motion to grant leave to intr..* uce th e bilniess then rejected—yeas 13, naysil4. nie Senate, arterexecutinion, adjourn . ... - 1 R traz—?Jr. D th ' .I";hooviede on t he th p eA ri l T on te se go Into c ommit t ee C a cal 'de wlalo was rejected. Th9„,ll6Ose adopted a resolution to clue the to. ' on the River and Harbor bill at 4 o'clock The, House Mau went into Committee of the Waal on th e State of the and thok up the ~Bilter and Harbor' bill. .. Mr. McLane concluded his remarks, commenc ed:yesterday. . s bli)Blorawopposed the bill; and was follotied brilitisare. Fitch and Spaulding, who spoke in brig Ur the hill: e 2 At 4 o'clock, the House took; recess until .- . TILE STEAMER ATLANTIC. --- - -, . PLISLADELPIM, Feb. 14. .. -The packet ship Seine, Capt. Williams, from revre arrived this morning, having sailed from tbii rt on the 20th ult. She reports having seen e Athuitic when she was four days out from Liverpool, under a full head of steam, in ilditl . t!2 , west The Seine had just experienceda r i ! , ..Cripi - Wil liams did not see anything remarka , bathe - Movement of the Atlantic. Ho' think, , .Vtlst if she had been diSabled a ft er he saw her. Ma amid not have reached the Western labinds, In tantegnence of the WM blowing a contrary lliiireetien. - , 4 , The Atlantic, if this be correct; had nceoni plished• only one-fourth .of her passage during these four diys; and this is much less than the lingual speed._ If accident had happened her after "IWO. it would have required, perhaps, several !weeks( to return; under sail, either to en English lot Irish port, or to the Azores. The fact that the Atlantic has been seen by a Stlailt packet, would seem to indicate that Capt 'West had taken a southern coarse in his voyage. As tbellarre ships never get so far north as the visual northern route. ectzweis still at its full height, and every Une is hoping that the Africa, which is now due, pay bring further tidings of her. We have some liars, however, that the steamer seen wishot the !Atlantic, but the Franklin from Havre, which ' dined gunnery Ist, two days after the Atlantic, 'arid left Cowes on the 2d. The Franklin, it will rin lenary bet 3 adhered, arrived at NewTork on the lute l o . I Km Tom, Feb. 19. Cap Williams, of the packet ship Seine, who sailed from Havre, on the 20th Dec.,passed the 4 lag ' s fair days oat from Liverpool, apparent. ly all - Well. The general supposition here, is that her cool gave out. Considerable excitement - predalis in Wall st., to-day, on the subject. • • FIRE AT PROVIDENCE, Li. CIICLRNAT3, Feb. 14. 11. datrnetire.fire occurred at Providence, La., • - the Get instant. Fire or six of the principal • •• - houses in the place, - were deetraYed- have no further partictdars. NEIV.YORK MARKET. NOON! UZPOBT. ! Maur—The market is without change, with Sala , of 2,000 this at $4,7454,87. for New Or/sans; $4,75® $u for Indiana and Michigan ; and $.5 for round hoop Ohio. drain--Corn is steady, with Bales of 2,500 bus ,new .yellow at .07c 'l,) bushel. 'Wheat is nom. Prnrisions--Pork is in fair demand, with sales 9f-100 Ms at $12,37 for mess, and $10,37 for pride. Bed is selling at $8,50@510,75 for Wm mess, and $.5@.50 for prime. dales of 100 timing auger-cured shoulders, to arrive, at 0c 'l6 lb. Lard is firm, with sales of 100 bbla newOhlo Nis Wa 25}c.. skey—Prices are lower, with 'sales of 60 .I,llsalp-48kles of dew rotted at slos@tsllo tvimvo REPORT. • Febrsary 141 Cotton iv declining, with sales of Orloam mid at 130. Flour Is 6o gl bbl lower. The steamer Attica is expected to-night, with two weeks later pews. ' BALTIMORE MARKET. February 14. Flonr—Sales of 600 bbls 118 brands at,54,60 1 bbl, =4400 bbl at s4,43l—the market elo. ing rather unsettled. :Grain—bales of ordinary. to .prime red wheat at 9501020, and of white at 100 ®loso ^ip bush. Sales of white at 66 ®67e be, and of yellow 1 4 , at 60( 17. e. Rye is selling at 70e, and Oats at rislons--Bacctn sides are selling at Slu shoulders at 7®714., and llama at B®9e. New *Sas pint is selling at $14,76"®516, and old do 'at, bbl. • . _ I Groceries—Coffee is dull, with sales of Moja 10111 a.. Sager is quiet. . , lUse 00—Sales at 70;775c la Whiskey—Sales at 26i®26c bbls, and 2S 'l . . CFNCFNITATI BIARBET. CINCTSIPATI, Feb. 13. Tb. river Dna risen ono foot since last report. -' :The'itather is wet. IFlour—The market is firm, with a fair demand at $ 3,60 . - .Iwhiskv—.Bales at 22iriu22/c. illerriaions arc quiet, with no change. - Ontavm—Salcs 1 500 boxes Sicily at s24g, • CISCMATI, Feb. 14. riven js' rising slowly. The weather is • yet: jilt:cp s -There is a good deniand, and priest Salea4it 800 bbls at 3,60 t 0 bbl. • ° ,;Patekey-;Sales at 225tg.121e 11 gallon. '-'lcheeseales at Gi 67e lb. • -. PrositionaThe market is firm, with fair de. • Saint: Sides . of two bbls Mess Pork at $11,50 bbr. : "; Sales'of 130 bbls No. 1 Lard at lie s gonad.' mum !dant-bales of Shoulders at 41e, and of Sidei at 6le V re. iffmnaies-,3ogar is active, with 'sales of 200 : at.4s@,sic, Wee is selling at ll} 120 151 b. - . 'Bares of Maisses at 30@31 held 4112 e Vgallon. , . ' • .:i..; . ' ' The Italia Body Mitt perspire,, . i, 1E SAYSNATITRE, to have's healthyak . , peanmora=r;orohol=ol.=7:4ln= ..iii • Sown manta a free Itzreptratkm, sad at the tams N. tre l = s o 01 tonna tho sun. dries it the tertian Kea e 7 Salt Minna, and itirrinti ans tot only healed. Wit , es , it tme. as at kot 7 nhyokians to S.. York. know. se Ha lt s lot nob ea., aw iCt unfailing—. sho, ha Btoteben TnesJes. ert 0r Oh., ti,,,,k4.a.."1.1'.. • • • 6 sonnorthst this is 0 Be 4, 9--' ---- — .0i1. - - 1. 40 tdal will mom I 00014 enow ow at. 104 waLIT ,—.Wmod of 40 head le. aad ow beard. in—and the nodes Is ms lgen 00.41 I mould not ern ,' ..idltl IX. thot th ir . s t ..; oot i . IL kn e w it to be all I state. eh xi ; rowin n t or eharDed flesh, , t am good thla arawlr a care. bet a wee% than Lod I. : _aut ' . : ...grad& that sore. 41.4. with 0 f 4 ` 4, i '''''" . ! we aboilor . diseases. will and this all 01 ern L MOW Wail- i &As to Vot geoPordeet that 1 state: , -. 4 , Bu t, 000. the sews am 5:410 wig , hal 00.7•0 ask for Joan' itidisoChnatral SooW .. • only of WII. JACKOONyeaIr Age. in IN tr. a, I of Wood.. Pearly White Teeth, atiC-Pare Breath, to ,-• : hi Yalta 25 auto.—Persons ate Use ether, booms : • 'hi ,f•strontd that if their breath is rear so farm n`wlr • wailiazwil„ dark or fallow. Lout ranorted with tan art , that •g Lte. box of Jona' Amber Tooth Pasts volt mac • ! tit tooth as white as new, Cud the brea th oderitemastr • , . . - I . : " MI nob at JAIIIktiON'S Stern '240 liberty at, listal at ' • i . ll' •- ' *Scientifie Hair Tonic, 'Rester* and Beau-'1 • 11 ' 4 IM . itZ l lgir,lree ic=ige't here teed .. • I Saha Jun out. a. wore It to water!, lb. follo:in . g — • I 7t tatft form tbe tear ta grey. ott any tort : Woo od hair to grant ata) A anlitli a= 0400 4 , 1 dage t goil mak* Ilea. reda irT 1,... eat.r.• [ . MMUS the halt .1614 , C aro. it IL in . 1:040 woocatleal—yet impatior--artlele Or th• . - ..• ellf it: WW. JACKSON'S Span , 211 L iberty street, / 4 / 4 1 t[ ,W Pirttbargb. irlissi-d7)freents, 10 nuts, 0421. • . . 1 * 4 S'. Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human - ler the V Carle Canto Cunningham Mon ~ {Anil Farah Core Mar, A 0 Conan. Ilra Catothell Jane Conway Ma, en. , I , J arothera Jane Cooper Ell. Criller Even, Chrfnlan Mars 'Tura., Coat i 'um, Sr.!. A Clarke Belinda . Conan A I'.ob , ..rtron Olin Da:Dry'ley Dxr.Allat 1.1,..c0ure Nl.argarellPmeltrty gt e sTlOT=el i tt ' alt.t%tr i y F tttLY:r .b Nauey 111 Douglolly Jan.. sh.ry Elder Sarah l l . .Ere[ in.. Si Ellis J Cull ,, n Sne) J V.I. VAirtirla liars J Vunk *l ulia PI ora. I' VolLird o,lth f'slll.l2aer Ipabell Pr=kr J U . P. Griffith Alargant FAilizal Ann.. .min., 31aryA &hare. SlArgar r el 11.11....pir an giallahr . . l , lrs . Ann.! Utah, `,.‘rnh lirlffiths 31r..31 lion..l.llr.onnah Graham Amend* Mar, Mailman Ellon ilaslvrt J 11 Itarre Rachel Hall Hannah I lamana Mary A Heating. Clara Hall Marie E Harkin Midßm Henry' , larr 11=1114,121 Shia B Manua CaMoe iiiq^ u Banana Hart Mr, Anna Harden Mk. Illy. Mari . . Harper-Mr, E A Hill Martha Hartman .Ifra Elivallowell Amy Ilona] Ellyn flopklro Mirth Jinn.. Eiirth Hughey Sarah lintigh Barth Mr, Hopkins. Mary Hunter. Mrs lader Harp w Irwin Alsina A livin Dinh lain Mu> Irwin llntr 'Jennings Ewan - ones Lo Joe Kne. 5 Joha•oa 31.7 Au , Joao Ann Johnson:l'3lll,y W Joyce Ann Johnson Johnson Sarah Jones 31es Adeline 1 • Kelly llannala Kirk Andrar Mita KfnralA Marith Kern /ODOM glary!A jilroble Ilaratzki Kearns Etther Elamle Mary L lambert Rehm L Lea Mary Krick Mary Lane Mary D • Llghthill 'jamb Lawman E leave Jane • Lockett Elizth Loyd Ilnunah teary Bridget Loather Mary Lyons Ellra J ffi Maly Isabel Mllis Itane Mrs Morse,. Mary Maloney Mary Mitchael Mary blorria E Maxwell Jute DMills Ell:. kforaman Mary B 51eilalimil Sara E Mitchell Starkill Mon - bran Jai. Manzi Mary Miller Billy Moore M Matters Elizth 'scrap:men , Z Marridulholland Sarah Sterner Martha A Morknn JACO MurphHeater Midgard Swan Morris Mrt Matilda Myers LydiaL MEMINM • .. . • .•• • wurkk.Calbrine Welt:ka,. Elko Ma.r,r itrtbenell f..)Mitna M'Creary Charity M margatt: M'Catiterty.lann 3Yearuilanti Margthiillialrey Marta IliCarihy Mtn neal`Cullough C A M . Kelvey Ann font iirtilaikey Hata 31nntar Hannah M'Cay Farah ItYClelland Sarah 31" Lean /Ulan M'Cally Sarah M'Elnalbe Ann M`Leau Mn J M'Carron laabella ItrOuire Aura )I•Nantrhsati Louisa M'Cartney Mn Nab= Martha Neely Emit . Nichateau it erf Fal• !si.aYlU ElLtth Jar Ehath P 2tarylt Maria J I T• 0 O'Donnal Bridget O'Neal J. Me, Mari F O'Donnell °Mane Kuhl Orr Mary J CYNral Mary Cathaziat Otreor Mahrarrth P Put Margaret e Ader Peer... Mi. Pearce Elizabeth PhIIIPPa Engh Pearce Martha Pan, Ma, Price arm • SWUM' Mary A Abbate Mrs NI Rama: Am Held Bahama A Holley Lenin EMI, Mr, &mph Held Ell. Jana Bailee Mui Em.ii A itaddiek M A Riber'llartMh Rupert Elizabeth .. Reardon Calb Rutherionl JfiAl S SamEere Hannah Sabath - Sarah .1 Strartrell AS. RAU - 11 .31micaretSmith Ent . ] stablefant A E Shay Mary Smith Mart - .1 Sterrart Ere Jane Monroe A A Sometr A.lll. E Stoat Elltahrth St Clair Sarah AmStanart Mary Aran T Taylor Mnt Darid Tometml II T yler E Thomas Sarah Tremor Cathy mire Tylet Amm Th omas Sarah E Wall Jnbanna Means Mode • Min.." aelma Warden Martha Welltr laabella Wiley Martha Warrick Sarah Wert' Ague., Willi, Fanny C Warkln Elisabeth ilrblEn Mrs Wideon Carherius Walker Mary White ElLeabeth Wright Mary Ward Farab Witham* )Ira G 14 WoLf junk •Willlatay Martha Wood Emily F NCR YORK, Feb. 14 Yawls Mr+ Fcilltah - Gentlemen's List. A Adams Bolt Bobt A .uxttn Aettln Auderson Hugh A ult Adams Raw T Anderson A A shburner Adam Adams MAO. Amlerson J Si Astrustrimg Robs Adan. Jits Applegate J. turtning John Allirort Samuel Alan Henry Al ammo; Wro Allsop Francis Atwell ito As soOrcuse N Amlch Albert AskJeson Thm Ar• Mors .1 0 Amich Philip U AuchlnckasJa. Arisottidot Coo Altat Broth Anton{3lr , Baker B Y Ikmi FA ,Booth Jam. Bamm Charles Berger Geo Momyer Georg* Bailey J J Biers Fran.: mown John Bailey 0 Maks Gruibll Brown Andrew Dailey Jobs. Blakely Hance Kowa Bole Baksr lhold Blakuly IV own Bane] I. tie sea Win !lark. V re! 'I A M Br. •wn John V Barker David Birch Japt Ura a s Mart BUT Jess C Buchauan Wm lino to Junes Bandar:l Levl Buchanan J. Bros II Oliver Banos Ell Bullnch John B B. Job 84.141, Jas Bumbeugh Isaac Brack multi. II 11 Barclay J. Black timer Unocks 'arid.B 31 Barber Daviil.l Black It o, - Bream a Jobs Barry W ' Black Wm II killloo. John Barnett Bola Black 9ainuel Briggs 'apt T • Bartor Utah Black lorsd Bruner iarob Barett Joseph Boyer Jamb Bryan P. It - Bann Geo W Boyer James Burks If Barges*.Dant Boyer Reuben Burke MI [thew. BelfCharks Boyd Jar F Burke Job is Ben.tt Calvin IV Boyle Chas II Burke C Beek Theodore Bog. Cyrus • Burt Edwin F ft" Beek Charles A 801 l Mlch.l Berkey Pets r Bence Wra Bolen Broom J Buck John I I Be. Adam Boynton C Burdick Dwain Berlin Boyd JO4 Burns Deo W Bedrworth Sher...Maher James Burns Th. Beaver John Boluol John Butler Throb re Berkshire H 31 Bowman 0 W Byers Itoh Berry Palk Call Charles Chester Th. Coast Aural 13 Cadwalader 11, D Clairybeld Corral. Chas Callahari Neal Christy Th. 0 Comsat Calhoun Joe. Camel Steven Cork Ncal • (Rhos Jos Campbell Jas Craig lb. Camp Ephm Caldwell Jos Craig it Sklmer Caskin Clarke J Cray Ilmsh Case Psalm. Chute Francis G Crawford Ben, Cravat NUM Clarke Rate. Crawford Jo bs Caruns Wm U Clarke Pawnee Crawford Jo C Cum Li 11 Clarks Edward tireighteu J. CannonA Clarks] H Cromley Jto C 1126614 Patrick Clarke Wm Cnmiley Th. I Cbsrroll Th. Clokey Rev 3 Cr o. Theo I Carlin Jas Coats Da Loser • Cane. Jahn Cole Jac Crash, Ales Core Elwanl Cole Juo Cummings Wm Cashinfituni Coles leaae Cummings Mathew • Carew Richard Cocki. %Incent acme Prterß Ca rney EdMoso Collins Michael C u nn i ngham Jut Ca Henry Collier V II Cunningham Jests F arpenter Th Emadn artes if b ...ni Thos Cora Reda ons Bea ct Oman P Common Thos Cara Jr. pour * Bee, Cmsnell Wm Curren Ili Carnahan ."Castreillf Wmfi Coach.. Carnahan Mu Comfort. Patrick Canova Juo B • Giallo Henry Carom Jno att Cary T ; Conway John Cdrran Maumee Chasm IFM ' Conway 71.0 Cyr. Frielk D • Dar Wm Dirksois Thce C' Dugan Richi • Daily Rota 91 Dicks., no. .1 Dooga thou Davidson Wm G Dickson Jno Doyls Wm It Dalsell Geo Dickson nos ' bola Chas C Dairy Palk : DeJlivwst; W Doutt Mson Dales Wm Dickey Finley Dolan Philip D 1 0 .14 Morgan . Donnell a Phillips Drip. John Davis WU' • Dcmaluse Palk Duffy Bernard Davis Zr... 11 Dotocildson 7 Dully 1 I Ogh Davis Evan Dough... Jo. Duffy Ratan. Decker GI Dobbs Um Dully DUI Wit MS Ilk u gh n i i l v iri n A In i =u r ttsic kr Dalt. J Blown John Dutomitt i t Seo Devaney John Downey Hugh Dunn ol! Devir D Done Pram. Duncan Jo Decal Barnard • shy Joeph Duncan Jo ha D e smothllemy Dostgl., met Utuslopli Durstou Jos ' Dun MX/ Clarke) Chalfant, W Chess Wto am:abets Jno £.4.n. It Waiter. r...cry D. O ll. P•00/17 The.. Erma Wm Melte Wm F4l. 0 Elting /tent, Evans Jno Ereter C 9 Evans Jim J ' C ' ej .5 terbev F Fairmen FII F it Jae Fairchild Ihn E Fah Wen Foster Jee Finer Wm Fallem Jr.Daher Jun Fouler Jae. Farrell Tha. Fla* Cyrun loreler D J Dulwich FaIIII Firdr lIIIJ Fos Ales Titter Geo Fine Hard. Frank Throdere redder Jamb retalmone Hera 7 Inure A 0 Fellxo Flanegln r c /nada Heal Fee Owen Volts Land Frampton Delhi Feign Go o L Mohoul floe emote hen kerramou 'A m /owed non Fni J W Ferguson Hobe II Fmter JII Ire.. Bead Re i =ne ... r . 2 , m ., 0 1 0. 1 4 , 1 i p C 90.741 Jana J 0 Gallagher T .1 litheon Adam., Green Jno (lallasher H t/Stenn 0 V. I!rennan Hue; Gal lagher L l lle ' rrelt j .Ka A ' raa r 41e Wallaghot Me J. CoRiMY Joio Gray ' Jno Oalwar Swat gnaw, 10.04/4 F , I erj, IhArr Gammon Jr: oath Hem/ Geiger lirrnen Thew Ceoan Ander lirintag. titlvottr . illanit IV lioalwln IV °rub!, 1..0 thrt“ W F teoldtharel 9. U UraLmo iT a Gallon . Rletud Minton J. Graham Mrstoon 11 (Maul! MAD.. lionhoen Nichols. Orahane Woo Uneven Firma (Maar Chen graham llnhi Cino,. Joo Orthill Ileum um)" 11. Daman Jos IRA Dragon Mm lirmoinsabos H Ilan &mil Ilaytmrn Lee Hannan Jo. i 11411 Wsn 11m111•J D Wigan J ki C 11=01 Juv IlnirLin. Alford Ilonoo Jliiii Ilagno Wm PI . O r L i t k filta `, l , II:1r J;"" - " 010',.... J.,'" - it....k . J'" iiLlg! ?lrbl Mimes Hletomi Ilaminer - 7sm Ileffmon LIR 1101rom Um limn:Loll Jim IlaSeron Morro r lloye Um 11 Hammond .i ll ti l i trrort Von% llor i Nno T %mum J ' ri Ilio:Iglo n ...11 ' da pper TM° Ilan, Joo Ilmidermst Any, flapper V C Hanly,Thoe Drawn, Mictil Homer Jae U.od 9.0.1 H 0,., David 11.4 V.UP , O 113.11.1 it% . Esal Ilalick Ariguyum Hopkins Anil oxford Mimi Hewitt I , Awil licilmiul CM. Darrel. WAIL. 11111 ILA/ llowoul IlenM Ilaniton 11 IllAnell Chu Rom./ Muni 1 Ilmollion Joo IllAiramy lc oi Hume , 6.0 1 IlarM Jim li lh,lo, j a . 11,1, Juoli II Hannan Clue J • Made r Ilu, Jm Hare Ildwry Il i w D llughee L 41,1 fluter !Art' Ili flArlJao it,=, / ,tf:.' 1 11`0'.tir.1 V- Hartman Mous Hill J Hes.% LlanbeF 9000110 tags Hi MAT AM.,' Hartwell J G o , A G Ilundwad ti, Hulett Wen /101.32, Joil 11 Hunter Maki Ilastlngtr 1 Pto 1101 Jo. Iluntkr 1.. 0 ./4 Hurter Daniel 1101/040 r 1 0 Im^tio 1 , 1• J Hyatt NOLL Irvin Ju! _l7.!m Jw AW Irwin Mills!, Jamb,. Wm A Jotelinnue , Wru ..rteo fl .I.kaaft W J.wr Jor. Thom. i=b;ll . 1 4 '2:;14 I= ;M. /avaievn Jercuilablottruft. taml i leueor .1= Po— 'a= .t "2:3 DAM to Jolley Atulnerrn nureek ' ho At Co Jou,. Itnt e _ John Wzu . efe. Br.. C john, y„ JohnotoulCoz onn 8.. JIAII.III SillOPlSeid ../. IC Krnenrrl:4ll , - mon Jun - Kelley il ur b Arr. , 81.4 -4 - e4ter And .1 Kelley Aref,d lire.. J. ny Gabriel Kell. R If Keen. Bente, K. 141 White Allldu ' lT 84,4% ."'n" Kenn'. Pat 'err Joel Kilo) Thor 1' . .0r . .1 1 , ,, ,,L ,,, i c : ,,, T. I , , r v K . ltur Jnenh A Doefeller Dr KneferJoune "ell, Slirtel Klutz D.stkl NroornJno . 4-14 Jame* 4, Kinn, Frerwir Keenp Wen elly Daniel Klnenf, Innori Kennut Wen Kw. 414 Um. - -:11,1: 1 1. " 0 °' '". '' . .'''''S Mi' hinrur neol Kenu ' ;.l4 Jen, Bellei Jo. E Kirt,„, ,y.' KenueJr J. Feller Shaun Ku ttle IV - . Kennedy Wm telley Then B Als c hnilen W A Xenti.4l, Jew 'elle, P. Knowlen I.44verntt Kenn., Duuell Belle, Cnruellii. 3 Lamlanl IV 10 per IN AU,. 1. N .,, Ihp Lrah-Larr Ch., I,rrA Wn. LoArie Chu IanZ.J.I. Alallhisalowbr J 041112 lackvond J I) larhu , r John h I •cch J 11 Loolan.l lint Larkin Ja. I ...I ,:.o N • la,u. Padd, Larkin ) licto,l I alhan 116.51 Lundriman JUN .• - Lat.her J, II I 1,1,y 1,..11... lung SII 4i , Lawman .In.per 1 L ,hly y 11 L.,, j, lan David I. 111 , Thy. - la,e Davi.] II pawl., Daniel L thr Jok Lo‘e llr Lr I. h I the Jan . Louglahlge Sand LI Lon 11En 11 I. 111.. Jacob Lynch DaTld L., Mho J Lglaner howl N Lynch Ja, 1,1414 110 IN Mon Jno Lynch Nethl L.r1,10. W L Enlhga So,nl 1411. JUN LLewinf, Max I, nrj Pat Lorder, Alex enty Thw 1. .1 - tann Mehl. Mellon Pete, 5 ill+ Ira. ale,re tl.n p Ilialone Jno '5llll, Jaa More WlWant Mannou Path 1111egaen 51.11.1 bane John Maley Palk M .1,11 Nllrliael Moore John 11 Mllhonae 11... . N Ilia JOA Moore J. Markin !no I iller lien • Mn....,ri Tim Mathew. Urn M 1.1,11 John P Morrison 11pr. Ilartu Geo • I itehell J. II Itullen Ilenm Mazatlan J. IEI, lllray Joo Martin .1. Miller Andrew Illalhonand lima Martin 31p ,, tgunteryWhn Ilulhenin'llernard Marphall flogb: Montoomory Iraar Monday PI-aorta Martin reer alonhroniam Jo. Moottogh Palk floral:ill Alto. Morelamad Thum Nltnaer Urary 31.1.11 .1. Morel/cal IteorY Mold.. Ka.oY Maxwell Jan W ]forehead Clll.l Milling Wm Idurarn f 110 (leo TV Sera I.!aml C Illoon a Iluntin Atorr rr in is Myrna boil 31arule Edmond at Ilacur Pram.. Nlynen II NI Maynard Eaml 3lylerty Anthony Miller Jos . Haat, W Itarell Irene atiller Henry Mend, W Iliattro CO.. , Metcalf 3i4jMODII Pawl 3 lam) . Path leek Band Mara J olat Noah Joo Moran lalrt 3 on. 1 1 Mendiughall 31111enger Jon !looney Bernard Mahon Peter Mllllvaer Wnt Iloom :Anti 11. Matte. CO.. Morgan Davi.' Mahoney 111dra, • e Wa.ffa Dan) . 3 'Cone N John M'A'lnly pool M'EarteFraneu 31' ullouzh Casts Iljtetry hoer M'Earai l.XlIly JeOOk 31'Kenta Patnek IrCullough Hush 'Donald P SCArnrie Jou 31'Clelland II Ifllonald Jo" It'Keown Jur. . •?q,°,:ll?,'"f" SY : ty ' g M'CLina Jl2O I.lermott Itagh 31'Larren Win E 111:11no Jno IP/Fadden Shia. L 3l'Levrdgeonßaamd 31'Clauue Wm Iltiodden J. 31'L m It'Caralleas Marlin 31thwain IPLoor J. M'Clarinjos 31 Etruy'llugh APEurke ILott A MClung Jaa 31 lidowny Jo. IL Joo 3.l'(W,e Weal, 3111,1r0y Onru 3PCiatln [Co NrCarthy 311Emy Mich APthinlty 3 f CaAna Wm 311Kilhrrevu Jno 51X1111 Mot Ml:Utley Juo Iltstoals Alex 311inify ICCalfray an.. M unacy Jou It'Cluekey MOO 31' 'night J • • 31 . 4hrt0 J. .1:1i,; 1 0i." .- ?1 , 1 ‘ 1::e i' llf Syo l ;y7 . odl e y y. arKrught Wm APOruth Richer ' Morena-OE 4 it If Knight a IlrothrlPEerry NlX:loary limey IPKee ATi 3111abon U.I. M'Cuebean Ch. Ac A, boon,, an. U.som 31" A, uwen It'Cottel It A 3111.1.- IV to. M'Neil Hugh ICCorkle :las • 3l'Xibben J. 11. 31Quis.” nog 31'Cousugbey J M'Ainlyd Mullin Krory 31 - Cune M ITKuuna Anna 11PCollough Thus N Nulry John Naah Pat or JameaNlaon Jae Nevin John ROO . NOOIOy Wm Nolan Prod Nell Wm a Co Noble Nl:m Nlmirk Prank 111 Nulry Jaa 51 Noble NV. P. Nicholson J. Noonan M Noble J ii Norman John 0 4 01;c-cl Mkl.l Dolma Altana U annandAl, K O'Neal John O'Leary Jo. ~i Orr J:. O'Neal Alex D'lltieu Iln,ll Bleu Jahn O'NtAl F O'Brien JZA O'Brien J II Dr O'Neal Deo Jr O'Brien Druull Ollcalcy Jahn Ohnatead D A OTncat Lanirl O'Connor J. Olpastml W Owio I,t • Otonctor Charier °bier Jca 1 , ,,g, Jahn Parker litchi PAPS. Wart D Perrr Thai Pherson 011•er Palmer Tt i atthery Perry John Platt Wm Palmer Robt Derr; John ICo Platt Jobe Pachand Chg. Perry Jan J :otter Jae Leon Paull Joe Peters Cho. , Purser R H Pa:tenon Jai Featte ?hot Pour ilanilia 1 Palmer Theo.lore Peppidar Wm Norman Jobe Patton (leo • Pett4rew JlO Parke J Paine Wm Peterson Peter A Puller Deem Pater - non Jan ['lamer Arnold Pollard Richt Platt,. Phillip John PowneD John Palter-tan 0 Son Phillips Josiah Putts The, PattenemiaeU Phillips David her.. ie., Patterecw Win Phillipst Willi.“eh , Preston Win Patterson I..eatiirr by Pres.. Chi. Parks tiro Philip Chao Pugh Wm Pattkrsou Aaron rhiplee John Rea Wm C Itlehar,Lson Hugh Rotaorm Jos Radcliff Thomas II Rirluallson Ala Robin:Po John Radcliff F •b Riehardson Jas llobum. R I A b Radcliff Thus Richmond J L Robing. daml Rams, Jas Riddle Wm Robinson D E Rmu l l..has Rleharis Edasrd Rainssu LK K ReLeum Jacob Itschunal Jamb No}Arm. Sarni Redding J Illdenow 31 Robinson All Redmond J , Iturar) Hush Itublavu SALO A Rat•sith. Johu Red.. Pat ' Rubins. 1...t.1. Itsrsels Johu Ron. Isaac Holger,. Nil K.l.elssn , Rao S. P Kuala Ja. Realm. Jo. Robb FEW, Russel Oso Melse JIB Root J Russell Jos I. Ited•trals A N Ron', 11... W Itulbl , l, Join Relgbunuu,Jin..tmllonch Micbl Rulldege Mr Reork John Rage., 11 to It 111slen Koh Reed Geo Rodgers hum, R nelkol Juhu Reol 11 Au Rodgers C U Rotalootb Wur Ra... 1 John Rubes,. A S Bran J II Ranual• 4Ai 11.41A,1.-.1 A Z , Nii611.1.0 41 11l :Warm Philip adman Philp ins," War 11 &o( J.. 1l vu it J ells,. D W Scully Dais terbrunt II .A r:hltner Atth Li Nylly nand ./ L Vltafler Errant.' Srrratracy irt.r.trrentrent Jon A AI ME, C. - • . Alkaatouts .s.gfrr IVLA ` mi l k 11.1r1 Attro...eu C Anuth Jub .U. 64 'Louth J /' :to de: JO. I. Aualth A., Dzutel AteithAwd.ri AlukA. Jsoili Snowden I? I. , .hhotion• itt .;9t h 'harp ht. qtrate j rnlj C Sheosw 4 . • . - -. • • Skint. 3120 N euatth Pat showJeiz lbw:dap Slaxt Da.al Shaw Llauty J. J Symwdmi }llityy Short Jo.. .Smith t , aniuri Mat. DarYl Shoemaker W maith 0,e4 I , pagford Dr • SliwlCSam I II slyar Com Stewart Ihm Seho,er .., Smarty !WU Statalu ialaual Vl=eli. lo'd gi ' lnT,::s r ) . .. ' il ' :iv ItY?pota b r ' =tin Shyppam W . II Mann Jim I: Mill Paula! Slutb Roby Sir. yer J.. II Sten•as Joho :414a. in., St Clair Can par Stephan,. llum LI SLlnuer Jam syaugler 0 ht Staphatva. J E hmith K Y..yuyger Nich.ly, Mayhew,. r Smith Wm &wiry Thom. , SVphrwmay Kat Smith JeriStmar Ala. Stapheumn Ira, Smith Hugh S .t•paneer Jao Mama il II . . .. .. . . . . SlautltpuJohu .11.0-011Jobv Vuds J V' :WI Mr ;bleu( TobiasS.n otl) Julm .. , tnr,"es kick &okea H. Y. SvraeLs Richard Stiardirant Mein Slow,' ....i.h ,ullirxo Johu Stub!» Edvx.nl uprars Peter :fin - les Pr... 1 Strukla J Alex .i Sulli.an Jeremiah h ,:weeur & bell Sweeny an... Turner Allen Trimble den rhoronsun Jar Tiernan Laval Teem., John Thomas Jame. Tura, Ado larlor J C Thome, J Tunalr demi Taylor Wm II Thcanpron Jae eJ TreJohn Taylor ilarrMam Itnker It NI Tundel Glloon Taylor Than 'Lawlor John R Treader Frad Thompson And. Todd Ed. tCo Trimble Thos Thompson W N Taal Daniel Turner J bulge. Illouninon N U Tula Jan Treater Peter Thormenun It W Topper Thoo II Urban Allml Cmerton Oven Temol John Trams . Frain, Text Joust IV raided. PI • Varner Thon Tall Jo. Teener Daniel Vela. JH Vaughanllarri.onA Walt= Jo,. Truloyupg David II Wills Alec Walmer J im Wbute.ble... Wahine D Wadley Jim Whitnei D Willard A 4tista u l ,e 7 i ll: II Whlto j tan Dahlileok A Walher Peter William. Albert .1 Whs.. Eaml Walla., Win II Williams Henry Willer b. WardJos F. • ITlllania L .WilliardJ Watt Win Williams Lame Winter leiter Ward Jos Williams J o h n Co Wlaler Jas Ward Rand F William 11 Wtginins Jon Wills Lora wi:hyp s . „inn IViamma Henri Welsh Palk Wilson .1 P Wil l Jacob Weaver Warr Wilson C Wilds Chas Wmd That n e w 'Wolcott Jon J White AndSe Wilson Hew Wright Trion W White-Hants' Wilson Johnsen Wlnnie Peter White Mn L Whiting liter II Y Tonne Ju D lowan John Young Paull Yong Wm Initials. Recorder Pittsburgh Enessopm'ent Captain or Clerk. Steanar Heirs of Lieut. John Cranford. In I.lris • Iron City Latta Legal Iletsawntstisu Walklukton Stood of C . Eerthquaks. Pittsburh /M 16141142, Son. of Temperance " Oscan g in Ittclzion Drlqueme 'fentonla SAWL ROSEDUIR r Part Mee . Pittsburgh, February, 15,1E41. • - SPLENDID GIFT BOOKS, nit 1...) Leaflet. of Memory Dew of I.l.nutr. Y . Cabloot of n. ent Art. Amuanth. Friend.hl Offering. Win , Bloom. nt Snow Fl e. l'nebbyterlan Paalm sod Itllon Hrokft nkuukny bound. Este:opal Prayea Book., Splendidly. Wand. Julonlla Pmnentallon Hooks. Albums. an Pot role of the EDUCATIONAL BOOK STORE, MOO 4 Hulot rt_ con of Fourth_ FARM FOR SALE —A FARM, situate in Muth !Pantlnglan townahip. Wertmormand county. =Mining 244 Amer of ooad bead. berandwi by lands of Jar cob naan, Paint...2d otben—abort 160 acren cleared. balance in heavy Limbs,: within one mile of the Youghio. bony Sleek Water, two mil. from the Pennsylvania Rail Pm.d. and one mile fromJarloonville. Impmremenbeon- Mat of •• two story Laul/welling flame, bank BUT. I frame Stable and networary outbuilding,. •A pale Orch Cider Prow, ie. Title Indisputable. For term, enquire • th7,,f.iof ROBERT 0. UTERLF.Y. (k. WORKS.- W. el, NNINCIIIAM t ~)I.ufacturvr. or WM., Uartet rtrrut. Lortimeo ilrn .01 Second, Pin ri tt i r h ..eatr s ll i t ... l.lll . ldLO t re.LO , old _ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. XTOTICk: is hereby given to all persons tiny th-1,11. :era . t.w.srttormeut .' sud ' aprmohe. ho t :Floe: throwteivot jrgi e btql. axe de•irato cushy irsilmot. without THOMAS HORNk.H.E.e. Wm' fet.7wLt*e. 11.:tou Allot. tam. Wetnor ex. Alley'ny. EEEREAS, of Administration to gtanted to 4r i futow ' rlterAlll're l.t eLj . inglegoki h t o ::lllt4T arr molue,lard to make itktonliee poyment, haying rlsEtn, or demand, agwan.t - de.c . alrot, will MOO known It...mu without thin , : to • •• MARGARUT IL DRIER, 3 , 17 Market rtria:t. MATTIIEW VI South gloat. kialadeh.hia; Vela 'l.l (0,3,3 CA Admlol.tnlan TIIE ORPHANS' COURT of Allegheny IF C.voty. of December l•nri A. In the matter of 1.1,e parettom of the mai estate of tVm. Patterroo ELIA.th fowa4alp, elllegieny Ucvnty, - ..0 y.,,,,, MID, Patterean u. :torah Patterson. ~.. aldose. in or . Potter., Jane, 11. Plate, 1"IfX .....• MID, a minor. Thomas 11..11reons:.and Uaratt ::. I '" llea ' aVa ' i:r ' rt ' ritilTl i n ' Ta i t ' ir ' t " .7lt ~..i y ~.,. , '. VI. C Palleuoti. land Unroll Lail Points, McKnight, by their guardian ed ta., James .1•J McKnight, heirs at lan of William E. Pat 67"otl'e'''is NIA, ahem to the algae of partite. that by rialto of the nlowe rueunGued rot. of to RD D, guest min toe taken and held own th ntsayisau 11,,,,a .le.erPsol. PI wit: ono curtain uneesuage and tract of hod Musa, in Ellaahetti township. in mid ocelot,. seindolutt linat. of John Hindman, John nankin. John MKeit , , ElJene set. Ilrodenam. Michael Harlan. June. MeKnighl. and the heir" of Peter Pattemn. enotanung shot u Ito arna. with Ine appurtenance*: alma out other cattalo aneunagen.and tiara of long oltuate In mid toorn•hin ot !Mut etch Wooded hr lan& of Jame. McKnight. 'itioniaa Pattar.a.n, and the b.lll of Peter Patterson. containing about tWi acne anis the evourtenanee, ou the tab day tat limb. A.l/. laa. at 10 oehet. of the' flornoon, fur the tatrfaat of making partition ur valuation and aPPrahartlunt of said al slum, .in the anal writ 11411111 ,, ,i, at which alma and place add partiu can attend. If thsfintoa PM , * CAItTKIL CURTIN, Sham fthetilra Ober, Plttaborgb, January 14. leiLL—yatalratn E=!EM HOUSES, FARMS, &c FIOR ItENT—One large three story.E heal( hour mod atom situated on the tomer of nt and Grantt.. linkbed , In =Warn rOth lot and mid Inaba. and lighted with gasi, suitable for nel,el.• fano], or Larding lulu.. • ,Preweralon on the limn of April. Enquire of aA_MVEL ROBINSON, • )lanehrster. or " . ARTIIIIRS. feht,laltf Y 44 (leant id. Pittsburgh. tlnurual rano., 14 1 Oft RENT—The Warehouse No. Weal ‘treet, from 1.1 April. For tern., Inoulr. ou the preniawa. lOUNTRY ItESIDENCE FOR REgt:- NILIII. furtnerle wupini by the fubscri -I,;r, near Manebeeter.aituate on the line 6f the Allegheny and Matwheater Plank Road. with carriage house. stable and other out loom-, and abant an erre of ground. Po , . "'"1"0 o 1,44 Olt 1.1 A oil oat, apply to AKEWF.LL. fehltallw 0111 e. no tren lt t et l'ltteLurgh r A LI , ABI.E .Nll L LS, FARMS, A ND LOTS F Volt A LE.—Two 0r,,,. Hour VIII. and Saw Mill on Iles•er Creek. with the uerrenari eater power. Al.u. well itrutroved Forth In Laorreneeriontity. Pelee e Varna of 111 err, nn the Ohio river, three toile,. !who* [haver. for A 1,,,. one of 140 mere., on the Ohio river, miles brio. Heave, for STA I.er arm. Alen. tar 11l per sere. Also, faro. of ISO, 100, sod WI same. for $25 I°c nett. Also, sena for 312. and ta) ^ere. Ire $l5 pre err e. together with matt, others or sari. oils rile/ sod price.. F:oquir. of N. I'. &O. 1.. H. FETTERMAN, • Attornet sat Law and heal Estate Agent., - (elan No ISO nth l'lttaburaih. r (t LET--A desirable residence in Al. J. leghen, Cite. situated et the corner of %Valli- "3 Ingtott strut and toot Common. The house Is cape.- rectal.: with modern Improarmenta. wind, bona, bob e wen. arrow,. how, and st•bleattarhaj. itro. the 'tore of Alexander & hey, Enicalre of JOIIS ALEXANDER. at the 'toren( Alexander A 'Day 1 4 1 011 RENT---The store ou Market st.; 11 nor terupivil L O. Trager an a Variety /o, tv , eealn given on let tiny of April nest. feb7 M'CLINTOCK.Ii.S tth n. • _FOR SALE OR RENT—Eleven aerei ttv* rt - ,e rt IrL ens .welhug ' TV:ground is all nom ly levl. and being bounded In tent by the Seventh street mad. and extooding back to the Penna. Railroad. It to 0P of the mcet desirable Invationa in the liana, of the city that bow the market Engnire of II M. TOONO a CO f,b7.dilir 141 Idhertr et r LET—A Warehouse situated he- V.'. tworn Wool and Marki, and running through . d . from Vim to Seeond stmt. nrently orcupled .inalfe k Atkimion. It Ix auitabli for manufacturing or eto. En'd V/IFE. ATKINSON a ()RELY. H OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE---The the offers for vie the Ism. , and k‘t tittt to to te meet pleasant pan ofthe botonah of Ilea- 21, fronting tm the Dialneuut la/ feet. and on Market street 0 feet. The hook, i. well ronxtrtiebeti furcomfort and convenience. with en abundance of water at the duo, • The lot it atoll Meucci with rhoire fruit tree], and shrutdrry The above P.Prrtv in eery desirable lonpleasant ant rata resldunee. Alen. pert of Inlot Nw.l4T, ft tier front, and:a:ofeet 1)11,1,a/A torioeril. : . . . Ate. t...I.;SAN COCIIRAN. Canowborg For further fart Irolars. in ire of DAISI qu EL RIANGER. Accor llntyrr, J a :t. 11.: , 0 . ra. tr..642.7..9 OR RENT—A good brick stable on Cetz Strawberry All., Liberty and Smi th -112f E , be s:melt at pm...ent arranged for tbne hum, car-ww. riage.art could I. rally Mode in ammo:v.la. ma or right bora.. The building being Imre and conveniently vit., nd, would be verysuitaLte ua p:twv• of etn..4, fez mei.. chant, Enquire of JAE. Mi INMOST'. frt.:mit:a* .Nn. 17 imithfirld. or Na. 1.7 Fiath n. IJOSITIVE SALE—A large number of tOtll.. In the mod desirable aituations. ba the ugh liirttnghano. llos Biralfrutham and South Pittsburgh, 1, aimed for lair los , and on amoramotlatbag Grog lko In: may be had by application to BAIRD .1: IRTIN. 114 £I. Rain! k Irvin offer also for xale thirty-r SertllTl ight lots on Penneylranla Ave.. 111.1 For terms and further particulars apply a.‘ shore: 0, 5 0 FOR RENT.—A warehouse situated on Water Ptreel. between Market .111 Fen, notable for proinre bustle,. Enquire of JAS.' raIALLI. No. CA Market ,treat. L'OR RENT—The dwelling house and tzt ..rounding grounds. now oecapial PC f. al the head of Pride a t in the Eighth %Vont rm. , . Pent:ens wititing to End a location free from emote and bur tie, and et mid. In the at Ond herr such • plate It is within fifteen minutes walk of any!engineer part of city ty febt,ltf JAS. it BUCHANAN. L l Oll SALE—Seven year's lease, with stock ..Ifixtur,t4 Dry OanJrMore. NO 221 Liberty rtreet limber onstieuLim enquire a. aLore kid It.. Very Valuable City Property for Sale. imdersigned Administrator, of the .itan ,t.Tbrsmie Fairmsn. den...red. r.ffer fr.r - ale the enttre real pekoe of the amid Mt... Valrrn...onmettng alone 20 0,1 Int fronttne on Liberty OM,. running bark tn • ten feet alley. Alen. the tavern eland know", the 31•1Ilion Howe. with the ground.and rtable connected. fronting on Plum olley. thirty three feet four Inriae. Al, three loty flouting on Chet*, arirt er - h riichtn.n feet (tont, not running bark ...try hot funnel with Phym alley, all of whichprac i rty will te yoLl ursvate "de. by Rnon out I,°: ‘!t rnt n 1 .nrtmn fn the . Al rbi,tl Allta oderPri for 1 , 131. array to It PALM! 4 , i or I • c a,dtme:.) lAI Liberty ct I? EA L ESTATE FOR. SALE—The undi,r In s turie• at the Onnugh by Fanning haine located oval. the ti r t..llLr matin w not fnturiha wealth. nod the reachnable wtot.-. oll.at which lion will le w. 1.1. will render them a aab• old hrofitablc In re•thient Title pert,: Tenn, favorable. the F TW:tl. l :!..l- . c o,u P klrah, betweenand eaertrs nneetc. t.r Witham , /tathea S n aki N. Pan Shit el-eo E n, a, at their tAhoe. to BArn. iughtah. nLMi 1109 E a, l• EATON. ANAL W.AREIIOUSt: TO LET—The Wartlotsca Nn Liens' Oren, how reeat•lvd h 5 Bell Llicartt. will be rentad. anti the bacin " 11 . ' at °,fa.'fici.7l,2lths>.",:,‘,,„ ft', LET- One ibottac clod Lot mitunted on tban.r.l ctreet. Iceventh Ward Foe tern., nil AIt)UInOLWI.IITLX .IV :Joie ulg.rtv at I SALE—The subsc riber offerß for Era if s t ' aV. l rit 'd„ a l leA n o ' n i tit i t! ' Mt;lZt i aTtrt . e . t. I Rua, win. three railer a thia cif) Kcaa.aeion anan On' • thelnn of April next. ; .51. n. near the a vcry denntle Itct .4 t arcane!. nrcutainlng over 1..0r with , ahoy arcatitac 'al' excellen crater thernai. • •• • . Alnh. n lot of gthtini 41 f vt II :nntion byt.o log thn rnnldeurs• 1•1 Mr. A_ Than, near the citr. t.pr0..41.• tho .••••veuth Wahl. op l'esaust Atnut.n. P••••••«nniva 4 - Itra it:m.411,1.1s w orrialn that the Plank Howl will b. curunlete 4 the int al.re prortrly ewrly in the rum etnota.o, eppl)) n. DAVID Rummer For 14 her „FOR RELATOR SALE—The subscriber 1 will nr mot bi• ve ti ry derimble Country ttra AT7th i e n ny Al /\ . •t ' n b ; " ' : t".L; of the Cotton. t b.. hnus u hurl dnut , lr brick huilding eornplete miter. There Is • ris, boo, •tabin, and pawl wattr nn the grounds.wich comprise two ter, well improved enntaintr. every v deription alma al, • tenon howv Ind .mote hone. Yorww4inn given wtn never dertred JOHN (.I,llILAltr. 11..t!titt FOR RENT—A two story Dwelling now,pooffio. otreet En,ui Iv of a J. 16 JAME:, DALZELL Weil. 0. err OWON etnan, 24 feet Dent by 100 hat to bpting sllry, ad palatine tqe Ninth Want Engtne /lenge. Also, one equate. bounded be Liberia. Carnoll, and Allegheny Street,, and Ipting Alley. being 204 fiat on Warty, by 131 to Spring Also. 1,60:1 feet frontingon Pergueon etre.. tonna Alertlr opprel to the Central Itallroall Depot and enntrining Li acre, ttanZaDtf JAMES OMAHA. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. , :ra , V TlleTblnt Ward rublie &Ina] Down. and alte as :Tr: *rrtzDrptfilirri Trir4"; ..utt h ttly altrt ! '. ui nu /IX van drop tto Diamond alley : a•rmAuy addltioLl intortnatlon &tired be grren, — end '1 "10 mod. "000. '" '"i ffitr.trECASKE. Inert Beard Dtrertn, at No. 47 and 55 Market rntert. ratull lm • MO LET—A' large P , lnsionWie with' t:4l LT) arms of Land attarheiL situated nt Oakland. gfk jald lIANLY. JONES d CO. TO LET—The Three Story Dwelling 774.1 Rouge. \0 171 It'ylia rtrent.. et or^•ent maniple.] bv ohn B. Livingston. and containing two maim-a:n. 4 . dining ronm and Mahan. ® the first time. l'unwaxion Teen on the 1.5 of April. Inquire of J. at II: FLOYD. Round Chnreh. 0 LET—One Two Story Brick House, p:„V nn. mon Cent-, Aronua, Miner, Ko u . I.nt lo mVnani. nr maln JOHN WATT & CO. FOR RENT. The Store, 118 Market Fa Liberty the Armnd door (mu flip eoroar or Market wd Liberty SirFtl. P0......00 air. en la of April nrat Inquire of DAVID 1/11/MR, faaxl2m 106 Pew At 'OR RENT, two very convenient 2 DIVELLI74O IfOUSEY. on , Yhlrti street. above 4 " arld near to Stalthfield. l'oemeaalon Overton the 11,t of Aril nest. Lots on and orar thr evr Ire , —"- —" - RtrlllllZiVit VitZits *POT. , W. M. DARLIMiTON. DARLINOTON,_ Ja4 dtf Fourth st, ucar Wool. FOlt RENT.—The following. proper- Inr FR' W ILI , tor rrut h , g.r..r.11 finomt. S r i complttely furnlrhed /1 •=e ST01:, on M uket br4n Thud anti knutth n, altablo for Dry limb. Several Mane In Poet MR,. Flnlhllno. In thr sod third .wrier. atitsbla for Arti,...n Itormas.olllrm Cc . . . . . . •.. • A lute end tntirrnltnt DIVELLLMIi flOl .I , E. In • broil. ne.. part of the city Kinn of On foregoing ran be nitcn nn tho IM of April next AI.. •,MALL ETORE nn Third .trect. next door to th• Gas.rtte Offle. Ponae.non isnnnwliatelr }Mk SALE—An un. , xpirwd Lean. on the Marrhooft, on Third Ftmet. heretofore ereopk..l by the late Mr A ()erten /'or term, appl) to • E. Lt I.IAZZ . A.M. ICA SlTcral .tint 'ant nr to 11. NIVOII311(2,g, - hu Thkd..lnrL - •- L'OR RENT, a Tivo tor Frame House pn "a Far 101111, L. LITTLE h . LII-wrt,strart T 0 LET. the Store ({Mint NO, 65 Mar-2 kr.t etrevt. iollothing IIIP Watell nod ,_Luleflr, I: y. W. Wil.n. nod reeently wenhird iv :th,..T... 11011110. A ron. no a Denlitng and Exchange O r r. Thle nano I. h. ate.l In the lll4rt central and 1a..1 wine.. pralot tn the Mr. owl well adapted for a !tanking tvl Ex. rhance (Mee, and Inn:ranee Oihre, or • wore A 0..1,1 no• (rout. .oth Eualinh Nate Wow. will Ire hut in mann M the weather ryprroit• ~ Pnoseerion Oren IN the turn of February. II win.] F.nq s ulre of ' W. 0. WILS(IN. ra, corner of .Nlarket and Fourth mime, - -- .u.k.l and Fourth e re - - - - - iIF YOU USE. BLACK TEA, Mole')4sl a 11,,INsta, In the Diamond. 9.x11 the it.hurgh, this is to putt hat • t•re:ltlve coinpatl,nn will pro , .. 01,04 streug mut plrarant kwe p,r, The I,ft ituputta4 into the ll.knatee.... 1:".. 40 tireen Teu equally rekl at name Twirl,. All.Teo. at LW e•tablmholnt are nitulwd from the Original Che.ta, being far ,apprlot u. Panksko t 0... which. to o 1it,!;77 .0 .1 , h . 1e: tn n t e pziLstp . l , l , 6T . thp: oil II • eutall u bTX - 11 , • a + it s .t u itit, es totilinY that . "l?. ' wiTl ...well in • • pee the .xlititul rie , te 11 P ANTED ANTED To BUY— Noter emtern Danko,mkt Stork hl the 1011.burgh u he .r ipt: , ....) - li, .14.9 • A.41...KE11EL,---IS yr 1.114 extra No. I, i n lti' , tor.. •od 6. •10. I, I: Al ALI DICK In . .t CO .... V.'s., and Ytool et, • . - 62)O B LILS. N.O. MOLASSES; 0) bbl, frvrli linll Moth r • 1.. kep, NO 1, Lard: , N.) bo. roma Pre , ll. , 'Po INII. 1,r1.,l Apple.. - ~...2 5 iiizi,,,, ,, 5, , , ,, , , , , :i , hi . :::„. . ;: ii ii , , i -, T , For ~ 0 ,./4 1. 0 •,.. , . yr II A 111... I . all - n dna Bnorto : In taan Pearkol, iynn. a.in.e n tu.• •ao 8011 !NMI bolts an dr, ao dn. 400 bate. Cr. ntu Chas", co VqIITL.I ° ;. • 4 bl.l.llician Nat. ' Jo. ::01) (orb Pned Apples' • (Ms Eiraa; A j ai as. into Iron A lnt abesp Pelts rot tale .1•1134 J B CAN FOIL NASHVILLE. The fart rannins rtelttorrn 1.1.1 r &Capt. WIl w I Mare for Ibr above and Intrruardiate paklma ou Trr.day . lhth Inst.. at 4 P. M. For fmitht or.paotraae, apply on board. trbl6 jr Ult NEW ORLEANS—T h e Ditt' le l l " fa a r r lhet T L laira and all Internardhotr palm, ou Turalay twat, the 18th In stmt. at 4 o'cloct. r. u. Fur (might or p4P.O.G.P, apply on board. putt LajISVILLE—The Tien' . I: did hr. aleatory LC ELL A. W J hounta. rommandrr, Ira,. for the ante and In b.rmulliste mot. on Friday. the Uth loot.. at 4 arlcch., P. n. For (might 02 P'.""Agrut. fehl4 FOR ST. LOUIS. The eplendid steamer FLEhrTWOOIh Wm. ConleY,l-M2 ruommader. will loam, thr above sod Inter kurdlatr pee on thle day. Ihr 14Ih lush. at 4 P. M. For 'P YYNNT. ^ .4 . Jg'Fq. (Ala • , *l Oll ST. LOUIS AND IVABASD one steamer tllaurtie.CapLZl. Alrwl.viii Mawr for Itor pawn, mad all Inter - m edial. twat* ou the troth 10.4- at IN &Owl/. a. Lt. For freight or pmerasa apply on Noon. fobto 1114%011 LOUISVILLE--The I did otraturr NA VIiIATOR. Capt. W. Dean. will kat, tor thr shut and all intorsardlatr porta nig day at Ido'rinek. For (might or *mousse apply .lard. - 4 NOR CINCINN'L LOUISVILLE a lawia--Tb.. r uoulug rirmurr AAC N TO IN, Captain CO..kr 10r..1. for the ahoy.. and Intrrourdiau• ports. ou thl' day. 4 P. M. Ynr'Grfyht nr pawße, aPLIT On boon'. --- • 1;442 . . E'OR GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL Ati D WELLSVILLE—Th. .t.:arn , rjOinit E11.1.F.. W. hmhlen, ma•lA•r, v run an a n•oalar pack.-t Ixtv.v tide rile and Wellsville; Ira, Ins I'lln.borgh ',pry :llot.day. IV edonNlar. end YOU.), at r v. . . For fmlyht or pz,Age, apply on lottJ. FOR NA S lII' IL L E—The fine •tesmr MATFIAIW Eli. MLA.. ms.ter. will !rove r.r tbe at. an.l intrrun,tiole port, tilh day. al 4 I, ir. • For frrittht or Pa..., apply on board. 41,12 L:1OR ZANESVILLE —The fine 1 qrstn , E ) lAY.SS.Cox.nkytrt.l,llll..ati•AME rrtuil int,tneilletepurtm thin attrrnoon. at 4 o'Murk. For frviahr or ;wage. apply on board. 11 Eli ULAR PITTSBURGH AND t. WHEELING PACKM —The rplendididal CO N AL. LlvOi, 613.1. 7.lll:‘r'ak.:;l r DlUR rflrpaing her tranlar tri . unneklytriPLlNZ.! , " thin oil y and if hvlina.,learinnt gonra Thvyklar and Satnnia i' ;:a w".k."4" REGULAR PITTSBURGH AND WELLSVILLE PAKT—The Hemmer ULE, D. H. We. nawqrr. will leave iltdhorpli eters Tadwalay,Tborwlay and :inland/if wdurn- Inn:einem, or awry Moodny. Wed wlay ard Fri day 'Fcr freight or fwan.e. apply on larau ' lll or to 1V WHEELER, Anent ' IrEGy LA R, WEDNESDAY L x- 4.2 , PACKE,_CMCINNATI Captain John nulnanam. Thk apinndhl lain we. built tht• own., of the. 4 ateadu r Dear Newton. lurl other, for tln• Vinefunnti turldlttaburgb Daring. trade, atnl will laza . . prat, Wndsinadaf for Eltninnutl, in plane of the New Eng. Ural ho. 2. For frplpht or bwN. or to mr-al ir..73'ffiSrlia; AEIJULAIt PACKET FOP. IiOCKILNOPORT.—The fine steamer . 0. t. Cant ago sloe esrnTur.uy *I 4 o'clort r. r. For 'll'l' Joihi"sro'' s. AZ TRANSPORTATION 1851 Maiiit To Canal Boat Owners and Transporters 11 7 4: wish to contract for the tran,prfation v 11100 lb. alerehanilla, . per da In the rook) each Phy, between Jahr/gown and Pittsburgh during the manlyg erupt, lone (P. Jehnetovn to Pitt•ltrah ... hoar. •• from Itltatugb 0, .1"1....1/lii ...M ....... feb1:ed2e ter ADAS 0 CO 1851 To Shippers of Merehmli ,, , Produce, ,tc., ar:, I ton andaaricat, llntillllo. ANT, S , pIiILADELPIIIA ANL, PLTTSBIII{OII VIUNEPORTATION LINE II L dal EINE CO . 'dl9 and Mar a.< atm, l'hiladalrhia HELL LIOOETI. tent. Canal Ruin, Pittalautrb l YLORd4 SON. Agmt../Isllda.aa raw ft lat P e:! "' aZ i l v VX viper* tourh dopatah aod mra as any wiler Line II von& to - urad ha+ a allarga tabC.,..ko IfeFADEN & COVODE, to John SIOE - bd.-Et .1 Co] Canal BeA•or, Penn .tint.(. Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road. THE Nuhaeri hen. having been appointed 41tingAgfuto for the I , l3toylmis or Cetatzst thi• potak that ••••• are tu. turtit..l 1 Tyr.any tbereh.lliire 6;1- ps.kluee 4hltatirtit not oath. 41,....1AZ/1/ 01' the mama. i , 111,ESE--1 , ., 1,..; aryl for •ah- by ! - ,all _.,.. .. - 1..0Cf. ....dor. i'l Rt./CII . :RIES. Ttorrad ro tidl,:oord . 1 alytroeuoy. 1 .1 , 0110 t.., d‘dow our-... 1 ell 4 . balf , rtora . .Tiatalw llywort and Illowk y.a...... ,,,,, ..:ti;ty.,:todl ' . ' .ro :o " .. " ... ' y ' .... ' ' t to ' : . 1 '''" or '' .l:l 4' 2 ...- 7 " Y ..I'll / " :• - • '1'4: : * * ' . 11 rtioloi;ifott.''l°T affi obanYt ' " ' Isle. Is L O. ,r 11, 1,,i...,it. ~..1 31.ohur to ...Mud lanw . IP .I. Y. Itainku a Co- b• n Ddb. do .".• “ t ibl-b •I' l t ll '. I" t. 1 1 .1 . .- 1 .111 ...‘b r" ,• rt'.. B A laron- lrrd.torio 4 rho at-in.. ayol. az, rut.. ly wy.r. t, o al do. Cultioratsg.Toharay. Or. tio,l, Het, Iro.. Booty. i.4tuc.mr% Cutler:l, CortlxV nal ao ow.. ot tle rorbryt on th. tdarket. loud a. Id rr. ,‘, -"' W. Or I . l awr Prira and IlartwrY l, b". do law.ar,, Fruits, Frallirra, Foram..., bruvo. tleallelurY, . +Iwo:gull, twit- yOOO 1,. ,31111.• Ihrlll. In boat. Jam,. Thontp,on jr Ilyldan leaf , . Saddlry, Wonl. Jl,- dr 11.00 it. WO Ity. : • 1121 11/111dfAVA.1, op rtatry. ,Itt.bornO. In .to and kr ardY Er Hardwae. Ow-etym.., tiron-rlys Paints. Dye Stull, IAI/. o Irld .12w ' ' lsEll AORli l' 'Yard. , JOHN' PARKER A CO: Leatlyer, Clow.. Fla, Stoud, sod other Jr.,. 1....1.. -- AI, tro 100 e • Blac k . W r i ting an d C op y in g./..,,, ICI LUE---.Twentv rive larrets fur see by CA/Ate Tall,. Orson and Rap. dor 11 1.1 i j - u,NRS EmplitE INK, riS No.aka Arret , flowri w - d... 1 Port, Itultyr, 1-.1. Lard .11 T0b...-ny 1...1, , aupenor - I_A yall J. WILD ot. CO, No. NJ Wail pt. Mb... llat Ma , ronorbi Tar. Flirt. Ikoain,ttanau., .ot a y, - fort. 41 1 LASS PAPlik--Fi‘e hundred reams of " so,- - 0 rou , NY.. 1 hadttra trownt, Foe *al* km anal • IIrFADEN A COTODE 1,.,,,, • ,,,,,. ~, jal I .7. KIM/ 1 C 11,21.211 Waal at. ~_ ____ Elicit Sr CO'S EXPRESS 'CO PIIILH.I".' 111 4 ADELI.IIIA —Wr hare made arratialniwors for run ia - a0 1, 1L:, ° ° ,, 4 , 1.1r., - ,i7,1°,01:11,1,":.:',°,;1,!.....',1;.:r.11; Mad to Pinlauropuin Tlin,ugh I. 36.-bour... Etwyll park -0,4 only mu by tai. 1 1 LEECH 0 Co., dyll .I,lu. Canal 11w-in „, PENNSYLVANIA 'R AILROAD. =—..,.....:---. -......4 Iv 1 STE It A ItRANG Etat ENT. -U., - twwWW...l= l . Thirty Os Hour. to Phltadelylas —2 El .Iy. nal/mad-1d itulra Maginot . 1110.1 Intent Trlyorratohual Ettorywo Ling. Slop. Ciant.any i . daily Um* of NeW Coach.... ImIIOLLIDAYSBIL'ItfiII. and fn., brow td the New I4una. Iv.la Wade - aid b, I'IIILEI.I I IIIA. NEW %MIK. and dIALTIMILIIE During the ru.p.orlion of Canal Nat Igatton, 1,11 WM, Idoer of Coax-bra will kart tor . Hdayationr b. and fn. thew.. by alio. NTW Pennay !taut Rail road 1213 tallrYl tio Philul:lidollr .. Titny . l.l..wituto 36 hour, • tftud• HU; rOt.• I. - .• rarrnol [Pr,. 14 I for. dev flu .11 rnanynnt to rat of n ....a wn r.t , °et+ fax ...if., . .... • • • • ... • • rare to 1'1n1ade1ph1a.......... 01 00 Fan. to Ilaltlinore 10 00 Coach, mill lea, every m,rning, at 8 o'clock. preeiaely, and riflery night at the same hour 100. 1 EXTRA: to leave at any time, always in rvadlueas. TM. la the 1 direct, comfortable, and expeditious route to Lb.e eastern till« . . Pacratotrera 6. Baltimore tat, the N. Bail road at liar ti.ntrar. direct, on The arrival of the ease at That plan.. For wry, or InfortosUon, apply to W. It. )100IIIII:AD. Et Charm now. or to J F. !lenonaThela Pitt,burgh. Ikr. 4. la,-.o.—dte. 1 000 LBS MUTTON TALLOW; be Com Meal: 1,500 lb. Buckwheat noun for Fate by T. WOODS • SON. Prcvlere Dral•rn Contetlankat Merchant, la Mater often. BULK PORK-209 pieeee ho^• round, well _UP m,d, far tale by %VII. BAGALEV !CO -4 EATIIERS-1i Pack, prime for Pale by lICRIIRIDGE ,k . Ja2 , LIG Water LARD -43 kb. and 15 kept for sole by • TOLWORTO . * CO B ROOMS -M.) doz just received by J. A. MU - Or:III 6: CO. F RUIT -100 bu Dried Peaches: 1(O An Drinl Apple, an tale vv J DILWORTH kCO VERMILLION-1 case genuine Chinese. for gale In - . 5 KIDD• CO. J.- o " • to wow et I A.3IPI3LACK-50 brls for sale by AA Y•2O Jamb ACO V Vrr RKS OV KEEPING- Bonk Fee I • Imre Steam Boat Book Reepina? Inertia fur the ahnee rutrk, tu.t re,lved, • largetutddr fur .tile by JOHN it. MELLOR, ta.t , j tit Wood rt WIIEELBARITOW was taken. away ama o i rtrte o emtn 'e Tr( ti O m n I., th a ' n ' ll ot eo h h ni l In j.' M u'r r.tie. r. lf b re p r s , or AlleXhene eq. end taken to I' tt. Davis . Auction Itteun. ..,attmtln, the Ixoth. And gold. The gentleman rho to.' rhared the kal.l ulleellarme ill pleane return the FAA, nd got ht. money lit. &gag he Will grest/I dH, tll, Jr II PHILLIPS. . and a Wrnl ct FA 10000 for sale by . J. ECHOONMAKER k CO. 81 25, 81 50. and 81 75 per gallon. TAVERN KEEPERS had better try .Morrie 0 Ile worth Prime Pox/seem n ite.ornt, el the ghee. Page., b, p.n , furrheeing elkeither. TIIE TY-A AND WINE STORE, iaah Elva side of the Illsonund ten prime Carolina, for sale by JAS A HUTCHDION S OI i n ilivr---st) keg; assorted Nor. for tale by Jos. A HUTCHISON A IV_ 0 1..1`;SES—I Imitation A Sot House; Oulden Srrup, for vie oLS J 11 WILLIAIIt. A 1.0. FrEAS -31.) dlarl tiled. to extra fine rlreen; rattr beg do do do to hf chr,t, Chelan sod Oolour Bleck, for I. by 1•24 .1 It WILLIAMS S CO lIIALLOIti. 25 bids for sale by I 'wlß CANFIEI,D PIG ißos_ 4 o tons.Brugh Creek, for rale b 3 taa , ROBISON. LITTLE A CO . OLAStiES- ;Jo) brit phudatiGn. for sale ✓JAS. A. HUTCHISON A Co foal--'5l/0 pip tinlellll, for sale by 1 .3:, JAS. A. HUTCHISON A t 0_ I I .SEE I) Ulf,— 251 fa++ reed for ...ale by . 14 , 21 > A w ii.ratunto s n UA It & MOLASSES- 50 M s id . : ,A 1 Lri. :t 11 .1.. Ilefi•rr. L.r •nl. tot Itt . iilll,lllME a ING/1110131 118 Witter PI Ar I.:RMA . N CLAY--its Putt reed by lf Jat,l 1111(11BINIA ICE —4O tem _MA reed Mr mato by otzr • 111.1(11klIalF. A INCI)IllANI It EST BLACK TEA Santo kind as in 11 Enalarbi tl Icat. sol , fina, 0/Ay. flo. ruml, tare(ma herby nlll.--pli,e ern. per puunil, I. rr hen. ll le by AluliPitlot N burgb.HAW rn in the niaund, auJ no w /al. saXs prim«, ror male Itv WICK / . 1 1 , CANI/LPY!.. VALILY }LOUR-4U loin extra, for male by I ye!: WICK MeCANDLES:r EAU PlPE—Cornell's improved patent i A 1... a Pipe for 11r=, .C/AUTTIS, All •ito. au howl nod to orrlye, for rolo_bY A LENANDNN llt/HDON. IY elrt •I F AM I L Y PLOU R-145 brie Ramsay's extra . M 3 W. Cron', la. r.,, , ,1 y e, l'ln.lfr J. Nekrni, fra.ralr . b j c , um .CO li.; 4 i — (oo - 31S --- - 1 1.50 dux l' l C7 B or i e b( s ' i's . ssuper,r r , ior, for Bale by ja . .:f. ROBIPON. LITTLE I CO . Ei m i 7 . gp —1.5 kegs ar :31ex;NforN.1113.11 IQUOItICE BAIL-5 cans arca!l nick, far ooletty jan J. aCHOONMAXER •¢. ,ter.. -mum . ,111. IC LEY. 11-P/1 90 LC, 11 AG WCHMW Itl) c„.. wi„,i,, Kwe norraora. No. 2 - 21 31erkrt PhllatlrlobleL. •y 4) MD D. . bet. 4919,1% J. 1. 1 , 418,9131- R EAI.I). 1.11:CKN011 & CO., TutacCo No. 41 North Water streot. IC North Whaorr,l'hlladelphie. . anal ERcEit INTF:LO, Gl.neral Commis iv I ..0, 0 Nlerrlhanta. Philadelphia World athanora oatde on ratodantarota Nadu,. or... Tally. I lenUal,an 14.. N.“, • PoINI.F.FTILR 1.1 ..11.11.11 CO, LIWINI,IIOI. 1 W. DEXTER CO., (ieneral •• - • To Southern and Western Merchants, 110USELL'S PERFOIERY. erf wi en Miler And two Itn i iier , lndiale have. within the larl yrkr.. ani.A tho ui Sew York. ineton. mad l i blinleinlitkeihe Inner being IL. rinly Aleelair eke,. akranl...l nerniu.eri rah, In Euro, Itairkkti'A I.7Antr u.t.rn ertirtlnitw, ~,,,, .1. and Anibrrotal.) tc.reeruyerior 4. soy Skewing t s rewrit iu IlAr nr Europe. 01..PTIViR1111`5yAvya-,-14.,.,a5f011y trituriarent, awl ry &An Scrtutxc TTian•Knee. Millalleurg. Ban quet, Maxilla. 51ue4, lhanitme. Floating. Trautparent. Olive MI, Wind., and tireaadau. rug Tilt S.— R.., JaAnsin. ltrur Qin. , de Caroline, Ileraneurn, Jenny lenal. linueeeline Jtek ey Club. Magnalia Xlematite, eitranelle, atellanny other iraritlie, in .11 diflerYni pertain., Tun.gr ISaxts,-41,01,1a IVater, Eau de Toilette. Orange Flower Water. and a CI,. varied, - ~ 1 I,l4e:te• and leaven. der lt mem . Pittt,4ILATIEINN foUt 'NZ I ieo tun. E.nt' hi. Antique 011. Ihmadoline, }5lll I.untrale, 01,1 t, Cutpf+.ll.l lit Niar. or, Hair Dye/1.11 , 4E1W lo no.l nine. awl Alma, Lind Potuntle.. Ono,tAtow, Pitxrmurhovm—ltelralnie Elixir. Ras. Tooth Pude. Clannvel thq/11111.,. Odontin,lonth Twth 1:2,..11. Mao.line ebew,l band!. of l'onto d. Pen , . Lip 1.1.1,11.ta11 I',, 1n,,, for o.moTing ..uporduoun blur Petal Powder. 11114101..1v Roup... Al - nov.lw Vim. Ker. Virtorls Ilwir Como - Kitson. Pro,lou /wolf, e - rwat vwnety of other erarleA. W. notorroto to I.- ram..d Iti tho advvrthw merit - ' : The sub:enter Imp • to maintain the niputatirn •Ineh this establishment lea acquired. I. din...a .4 quailne but Gan te ble t and will le happy to furulat tbone ho may pith patruiiize !MM. rubor wholesale br on a• asannaerna n•au { ...WAWA:tura in the United ZANIER RAZIN, Surreaer to anJ forma Innwhit 14 the Letaratrary of ECtiENE ROI:SELL. Chanut a. Mr Raab . , Perfumer, a Ins inle /IT t oll the , priteipal Drilawl:ts in lb, llama, NEW YORK Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. s. MILLS, N. G COIITLANDT FA. 4.1:p tliur.,o:SENVlft-K. J. now opetung uttenf LACt ueLn and all kind , of SILK 11ANTILLAP. tuanufactu rvd from awl:Aral Pu.ris rrolve.ll), the 1 ...41.1 , 51 and partirahtri7 nalartral to the Spring mile. Al,. .trer, splendid stock of PARASOL,' !IND Lai. IIitELLAS, rnmirting nf fringed and pLain cr cotton Oh eij 7 In pricy, We Invite our Ireetern I - fins:faro ex. umin., our stnek Alan. WIRE 'MOW ,f.11:1•S, fur exhihitin; Elusels and %Will., put up in floes fur trun,porhstinn. fehll-rt ' SPRING IId:PORTATION6. ---- . C. B. IfATCII & CO.. NO 79 rrli.L.Ltm srnrrT. srn - Tsar, II ATE nar: in atom, and arc eori.tantly re velrfax by the vtvarrer , .. the ronrt exteta4Ye 000.1 , ravnt of thmtleithtiv Furnivhint Gnal,orer before otlerevl, elithravinv lat.. and richevt vty ha of erv.rat...,fhlru. Vil4rev, th4v,vender, Una, tihrmvutv, London TieA, Sttwket. Oiled Ihl.. , hur 0, 1 101. /I ,, tvlkerrtherv. .Iboulder Bram, Novo Cohan. yak r. varlet, of otherar t/ch." p..(0140 to rhea hoe of buvine.• .. A l l o which 14 . 111 L.: Pohl at th, very lawevt O. ITevttno frtetvl. are 11,1144 to chahalrte.our %took m. - P:JKCLUSPTELY FANCY DRY GOODS. If. MOORE & CO. 1•22 into.DwAr 5T., :11 1 1 ..71. : 1 V . 11 . 1 , ,, 1 . :1 , ..1 . I , lf ,, Aa . Y r r: , ha lore sad ary FANCY LRT Croat,. • whit they aim 31 • r,trt•lnel, tra ,LLri credit_ htm.ral haunt for r , rovuu.. , .11 halt follmr• 10,D(.0 la : , 1,41 and Mi..... Econ. t and S., No. I ylairaratan II 1.u.d00 do lay frt. do MA. rhangraale. waterrd and 4,rded tar Mut Mart ,i(0.11 , brit 1141.c.0r toll aa.urtaorni atlart dcr ark and .I.ltrd crawl. cm, tarlatan,. septivr, Wanon and 1a.., f 101.41,. 'ear. tab. rtiort..4 ribta.na r LAINE A , -.OIIIIIF - NT r.f DRAPERIE.. Ev tmi,t .l r r..lan nal-lar. 11.4 lac.lum, n.ll,,uruin u..t.,ll.•nrur mod ta. -4 t40re..1 tuubnr. 41,.1 Wain lwrn. m. , tx 0.11 l ersrat., TA 1: UL U.. •it.v.ad..1.4 • ••I'NtoltV t. (elle Nle.reelliue• ),..reneee. bt•J helm hu11.... grtnt lltr..rine t0r5•J•,...1 a ... deem- tel•Amatc.. 1111,••• lrve taria end eilS •Ir• le ee feney 414 rem, h... veil*. Mu. sal elven and Ku. veil*. purl.. tere, embrold• rt..< awl 41. lin 131.1. seiJ eetel•ne hate renaplete eteir.aul.ried ede• .Ran tie .1.• alter , . • • Ate-. oolier• eurt. •ap ,31.•• TlYr ft.lr . per Jut I 4.. tu t .IrattaLt rot, •allou .r "silts This is artarle mmottalortal It doz., treel • 40r.1 lall'VlNtt INK octerr.d.. mould. pt. tivltitto doom: 11.1 all 11, ..unittto, plat, od for a •mtal.l.. Ito 110 uud •.1 u.lrel.l, a.r Stool Pori 1 p.uialororet..l i• mvpart I t torn. It r.. tn., • r .nl.l. oat doott tt..l at l t l t Lat or 1....ga•.17artg0l 11/ aAt toot cv,l TIIEON 'RE LENT. .4 Tslrk. SITED ,TATT'S WHOLESALE cLuTiiixi; WAREHOUSE S. H. HANFORD & CO la• L[WIA k ILO mra, .VOl '252. tts4 . 25 , 1. ktnd 248, Pr.! St , N. For{ Fulton an! nsyr 0. 11,11, 11.01.1LNi in in. Ututed ad.rk1...1 Al! 1.rk..t0 11,41, CLOTHINti arucle. c.l nu.l e. ker.,' nu "( OIL S F''d rer 4:1lA tallguep rT 1d If llNFtillll .17 - ..jeor• NUT L ' t. 254:c . :4 1 i!II " I ' ll r' 5 1 f . 1 1 r i L;1 . ; Z i' S. York RUBBER GOODS UMW.; INDIA RUBBER COMPANY srrrrt, Nor York • 11,1 . ..N , C;!; ; ACTI:I tmn•t t.E , and have for Bale or! ., A r METALLIC Tunted tr , 4.1 J all elimet, mrytlfting at Le inn.P Cloa nt ak , Cap.., Ppncbon. gu Re...1,r, =ante, Hann and Table Corer, Crumb, Carriage, and Clothth alai Trarelling Bay, tioldg ap!orin• unl Prr.e.ra. Wrath. and nrthelr• fur druggisbi and aurcron, Evrine and Ft, nr, lInM 14J, , Tubing. /fork. Tender, Knapp , Vntent Prrtniurn Co. Milker. Machine Beluna. Loll ~ Csthblorth. Pillow, Bo th B Obogon and Ikvl. 'Hum Brota,,linan.arlo.Latapeua.lraterinnk, 11 , i1., Vile 1 . ...W.1,1.4r the Trate mole it Order, IIUBES, TUBES. TUEES--TheunderFigned Lan. reerli,l Derrrti,lnn from and are - In dl [ 'with th. liirtnloxlmm PATENT LAI' WELDED IRON Vila: Co3II•ANY. for th. %Mo.( th.i. rrf rxrellent and mporinr BOILER end 1)A, TUBES in lan, or outall ounntiti., , Tot*. uo,l st•ry ex tonud.irelv I.oth in Evigland 3.! the ot.ntin..nt 4.0 F.llTriw. m WILLI.OI BIRD 1 CO . Inn 1 Tin Mate • 14 Mall ore, New Co, n. 1141.. Ilurhansn Orect. (1 • Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertishig Engel. . O. 263 MA D.n I:•:? \T . r.. NEW yonli— i In foe.hciting floporonage r. 4.11 who . 4it l t h, ;,V ,7 :, ", ti: ' ; ' :i:.V.i„ " l:l, ' •;:- 1 experioun. dl ‘..ao e 0,100,1 their vto,tono oral all qutotion. nod n 1....ru0. or ni $$ von wll.. c01..0.A. and to madly. mero , oo.v prol 01 thoo ro,- len The dallnyaing ara a h.. th.. l .,ana a lar On° on. . 14 On the Oa, A. 14.4 1.1 lb.. na4l. p , 1,10 hava anA ~ /Antruu.l) and hasulitalla tntwNJ. ndotAal m atnn, It°. Allard°. rm. feet ...oil,Auat 41,1 :11 The adavolon 11:1= •tro,,t Nritbrr Irsx wr wrr rr , uirra ...sllLeba. Alb I.4rru thr nttutr - ta,r rf a Ictier, tbr inrume auotrainte rrturn thr *end,. in.t..a.l briu, buried rothr iu tbr Lett, OM, nth The Eneelt.te, are turntehwl at &tau. the ',raw twice ar plain onra. letter tn.hal it me.tt ttlertive aavert,tetueut, turn to a.m. Ow attention of all through ho.e hatelstt o le.t . r ^ sad.wha a I 1..r').f..2r. the usual bite. either white or hum tiredand made as above. with vane, addrow, le Privl , e/ Pw. rrt. ,, 4 Eetwlepr mod , of :Xi letter. or lets. ahrue to ~ . tj . :?,!!^!!? • • • teCti• iU in W. • 0.101 - 300,1 1u.,, ) 111 to NU. 10A) VA. SU to lUto I•2o6l:unti 1.e.00 oClieu It w• ill. tu frlf,tl alliColll tor onl, mlts;:grp'2l;g..74 -I. zirxrtr -- =';J,',;7.,04 ir addrreed I 1111 IILUI•11 I ° . • No I:C3 1100..0 ~ Ir el. New 1 ork. will be 1.1..11,11 0 pn.totAll l.l et the ,. cn. of ferccr. f•itell A Mot •..0 11 Ell •1.,. t. I,t 11.0 II Jertillinale N R —i110411,/ entleu ,, ed in hum rand. Dlr.. $l,O , (er teedd..l:cui Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous, I kit 31E1)1CATED CO3IPOl'NI). infallible ILP f.r renewlue. invigorating. and I. xolll.log the removing the eurt. daulrof and all nth rtlour the re alp, and Fining eruption, co the Oda, the uoh. and ititegumente,and retie, toe rot,. hrut ordain. dr Willi thi• preporitieo - there I. u.ueh word a. fail • The tir.l ,p,strual. lo corneal nu, of the lay beet emit. nre pridtlloolll llitOn• ef all prof., siorm .01 lath.. a lei ha,. u+..l it for 'ear- In their drer• raul nurwries, uuntt tth. one .11 that for imparting •Ignr. toxin nod .•tul to the hair, erailieating wort and danarun• hentuur uounde, curing routunion, ,unun• mt.,. a.. . and relelrints dlwaeer of the .kin. Onset.. nod the mo.eke.. It hail no equal Itie multitude of .oiriitnotid. advertt.ed In the pole air prism, or puic.l in private pmetiee I u eheminord 01 well etllclenr, Itnrr, . 1 rierlilien,io 1. unrivalled. The lul u:en. rarh miler entil,led the Inepotor to annul) It dp evitt. per LOCI, i• fIX113! JO (0 /00 per tura le•u, limn the The any Other preparatinn for the hair owe In The wlentine treatiaa on the hair std the .11111 et:din - 10111g the valuable iitreetion.• fur the nal. torend pre•wreatiun of tum . • ehoireld ornament, In to .hick vac!, bottle I. enelir ua ed, 0 alive worth the, money. The aaff itnhte f h e r m, hl rhd . w amn. whtrt constitute the trulttenalnev then tide ,ery 0100, All dlareare of the heir nit. Omit' In tile 1111. of the head._ If the weft of the are clogged. or If the h 103.1 ant Outer MAI, do not erne late freely through the Small reas.l6 which IPod the root irlth moirtura, ant illipSft the Litres, the retitle tr wt. dandruff. roemling of , the Ludt, sea d nets. and ar re of the ileautente, mai entlre ' ortartaa the s ny g lJ (,err with kin, will anmhtlate the dtreate! an ' ati lorw .n taimirif the akin, and of the riabetrida of tenacity and Integuttlenta,9iie and the elleet are the alum !t trortmeular 040, mot the glandr , ithu'irten""hrlil has its spectre action, caul in all aßeetimin:and f thetentgank la a amnia:a remedy, ° T . ° sad ra krwe bottler, prior RS emits, at the pritutioal of. Is,ix greoltwar, Niro York. and ty the principal ..*,-b -..t,arei drugesta throughout the United Et.tea and Cate ad. de4tilni . • BA L. • - --- .!:1"2"----- _ v-117- 117 - - D. sHußrh ..t, CO.. keep conatantle Rare Chance for Capirraiol and Xanalle.--V . i, . T V T o , ou_Da , tl4. . ,rb*lale. tilriSE, FlBll aNt. tirerS. ~,,,,, have now Da Jct.,- .00u brie l'ioa 1, 2.4 3 Mbekorel; Wu kin i.l cap, it nott6a - ignetl being area (or the old" .L.S., bx• bli. quality CIIEMH. aud la, Dom DUTTER. For pal, wt I..men ~,,,..,.., ,„. xtil.-1-frrr far. 1..., a. nwasb!..r 4:.1 3 , 7 ,: r . , , 10 b t , 1tar.t . = . W. D. Mit:ATT. a Co .. -' _yak ,onutT, , nw• .' ' 'OW /Oa arn,r Me tow. ' . 1 1mattlloo, (14,1_1. Am.) N" Vali ' lmore '.l" . IP, r - t :1 1:;, - , 77,,.., 'I ta bu''' :,:..;‘ '''' T g.. um,. 1+ 7 . 1 . 4 . 1 . 4. 0b 1 ,‘ . ..4. P.m' TIMORE, UST RECElVEDpernteimer Poenh - °tam, 0 75 No.. SPUN ROLL TOBAOPO Soa-4a. BONN. }IRO:* CO. Rile Aunt., • ItAltlanore. icii:,,V;P l .,=: T,474.,,'`:.Tri.T.°2`4Q - ':pgp th aatTil v i i : 1.1 7 tinned. to person with ma); le. to...iv WA.. °L`novlnA of almost .7 Jeseriftiole. The shOndlunktual theapners of all the me... of living. the SOpPIY Of Ithel for fuel In -team than. the great. qtliatthiT of "v‘vil S Kr to this market. ca well as tho fseifithst for transportation of 1 manuranon.d articles. all cow.. to make this toss of the Wool. ninthle points fereitablithink Inanufactunnt Of Irton, =________==__,_ ______., , Dorton. indeniof ail de...catnap...lda Lit now afford. ,- led In the Wedern - end, . ' AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law, , ~.'rivid. initothisrae rtus..ite the vicinity or the Canal a4l P and Commbiteotter km Pennsyleanth . .'St. lout Mo. • mT r . oir . ee , a•rea--e. tree ef Z. 75 errs of eicallent ennonneleations P.MI•il arnwered. ..erthdy Is ~ ';` , .. i tivi_d, 171thi Leta , . the Cana/sod Railroad s And - . a'''" .ram the tatter , • lot of atone war. 01.12 C 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Coon- i It ; ` ,. ". ,,-,,' ' '',,,,,,,.. 1° . 1 '^",,, 4 " 1 " , ., i ltto t t,,.ktnt,,..._.l•° ( ..,th ..llor at Law, and Conitnithniter . for the State of I trl terry.li s ~i',,,,- --, .,.'',,,,„`7,,'„,r, 1''..,,„ ..- ""., 4 . , n:.,,,V1 7 .. - 7 ,,,,,•- - - Athylvania, St Louis, 31, flats of-Pittsturgh.) ' ton. the, 7nreth - a.,; -- ;.. - ..'“ -•-• -v. ' '"!-.- . - Et fneneet--PlDthorght lion. 15, Poniard. Hamptith &.: The nattion of Mandlion. t -- '-. Ellin, Nrenndlom .0 31celon, John E. Parke. Soros a . region. rod mr,••• • 1 by ~",1,,h ', 1,8 1 ."A, ,: 0u0 L ry . . a 0 . 5.1 Sy mole; MeConi a to,. ~,,,a7,17 ' know!. 10010 la deemed unuernahry tia do...nth= ' en. ' to it to Induce all who wish is. ithke pint frees,.. BOSTON. • [1,114±11.,Z1P'41.J,%!—L.—1V,,,.,11P.,=:,,,1' • r Joshua panda, Eery. of r Entshurgh. will fl intrynation _ - -- --- - --- --- - --.---- -,--- ' I ‘t7igt';tll"tt'i Ti=.,7ll.6ll ;;;4 s ,r:ZZ l t ' i o =fig ta, AId:ERICARr ROUSE, ttt.,l at Thowiliort. - DWIGHT JARVIS. . . . Maarilloo.Pti.... Id, HANOVER NTREM'T, BO ITO st . ; - - -A_ :. fiehiarftwit • FOR SA.LB. , riliiii undersigmt4l haring entirely re -.„t • • I hum ~ ,t .ant,,,,t ti,- above extensile ntalitiolie ;.....11 ' A VER Y VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE inotd...•••l•lni ng in all ithott three hithinsi and fifty.... , STOOK FARM. eitthead In Ildlicßess - aseashia ' ,O, •nni. ••••••....T..T• notthe that it Is tan nods i•,..,,,..c.,.at r , ht.„,., tin. A.; of Little " ll4, . ne• tler riskyllon and am...lilr e ofthe travelling I t.i.i."4,,,,w,.,....., lee ath.,rgi. lb. o h , Z 1 4 . 0:: nonunion,. !iAn...wed netirwor the unnthanostentreolitheethrthi, i 1i 0 ,"r,,,,, - ,R,VVZ-7:1,h 6 -i.iT7h .. lt Ci r ...4 ttikEtoire - 11... dnivoil viDertiOn.. . the nn.••••. in..., 1 11 I. well known kt - the Moryllt Farm - . and IlpaLt:Nai • nem whath have /••• uml•ranterA is gaup.," Kin.. in , rurie,ln• a trap .arm Kir the la thirq MLR - "lb•E , 4T. B•lr•gli•rm•ut /thank It to say, no Aspen. has teen i a 1,,,e. in Oat rate nnin. cr.d wil)Dalcultthed for sheep . ',and to rends mil endteient pethei ' , I eattle. It ir wyll wth-red he Little Renee 1.- tuni are. The rot - nit.. ins made •• primly to roan, regardien. of I ~,,i. i,er.fsdin e . sent's, es)esor ..... - ,0 - wil era.. wad ...alp (*alio.. e 4 IR, •01•••Ialif Mr. Drawinn 1 izr••11. pen in - toratEde and dame. andr spoilt bO . 3" vonr, 291 . 1 Ire , forind to Le of the wet trantifoll tosnohin 4, ~,,thi si An aloe onlyine of choke gyalbAd te pp eth, n ”„,",'„ ~y,, , • , ..”, : inv;; ; •, . ., ...• , ••;.-fr., , .. sod t),. few. ED with A month., ...., r ,.. 1,, , ....,1t. boom. If Jag. ke , . io nit tre• int tedoeDee of the . plied for err ,I, a 5.09 je lot of LeuwEed..l and Whiten un rorly Ind late '* 7 ,,,..., .______. .ill 1. . ~ e .„„ ..... ~, ...„.. . i .. once, ane. a 6,4 nit. re...lth.: store wed fatthitht carman ~,,,,,,, , ,;:rz nv... 4 . 4 . : ;, z ,. , 41.. . i.,.... : 1 7 ye vi- , re,,,,,r,... 1.4...,,i,s A. -1.-., 'ln ee had *l/13 Lb! fin. al • . Rely ~.' : ar veg., . Am r... e b ri, , ra„ . n . ! t izz . t r halele i Loll the Tnnolit:er , lieline , ', Ty D„,,T.1 in s . on the fprio are. r.., Wi. born, 40 had . LW..I , LE , c 4 I ; repoter ant no thrtee Indir railer tiader It. whole hefts I aryl. AssEGryi nth in te. ** Tg ter., Ti.. f.,,. • w i t.' g 7 . 7.7.. ' —--- I eel sne in u'reel 4, De iDe rOVOTT se. TOO, Of.TlTTOlkOiiir Mi. . MISCELI,ANEOI;S. 1 1...5e...et. terse. in in, If. swot. with thisw ent "Jaen, met .- . I with tn.. tar,. frAnt.ff. ..s.m. f ~. n•Go•-• Is Ur app. ' - i .te r. Weer, eV ekien fr.. Drain for ent. Oro then , 11 ICE- -20 tea far sale bv . , k,, , .t..,,t.,:t....a., 1,, ..,...,‘ Dee:us e -JO by 16 fen, taw earful B B. loth ut,,k m , i i - 5 ,,,, ,, ,,,, ; .r,,rit, ken It , x- noir; sad n.rele lo froth lir Int wide,- t- --•--- __ f .., _ . tookeleirne . inese- •te,11.4,1 ..,4.0.<2,..5..7•4 lit km taro S Uli Alt it MOL.ISSE-S-31/ tt }AK Sugar; . ' .r to .....''''''' l-- T. • *".* d "' l "' b. 4 '''....`.." Ithlwfrla }this... ~, . in:r. ten Ire. ...... 7 _ •rra , f.. 7, • witane.. OD ire Iry 1.19 ntatimugeg . a thilltka in , ''''''''''''''. ?” -v. " .. ,'" ... • .4' - 1, s - t. , .”.., *nat. +arta ~, _____-__ __ _ wee. .8A 4.7 ~,,. r . ,,,,... in Pet El feel-,al Dia area ~.. ~. 1V14,,,., D E.21 V - 5 6 , 7 17,1 5 ,, 5— ..,,. „l i t. ",. hie y., . I"t'd '''''. : t ` ;:r .' ....1 . 41,:. , ..T..:1=e ' r,7 . . - a-, ' :•;,.'Z '. j7=:. 1 1r4 4 . tsar ...sten ened -foe o-noe en... 0 calrod iiii9 . KVRDEMIdKA ISIMEAK Se 0 ".51 . ••••,•11'..." . ... . IVA" i.r . .are . , a Teak if . 4 LUE—Twenty barrels just raceiYed, :.rd 1 '.. J . ,. ^ . ,..,,..7 7... .„t . r . , , ,,, ::,, -.T= .,...l,.'""'''''' ~,,,h y 1,,,,,‘""' r. 11,,41 for tale low by the tsnel, at S. N WICKERSHAM n i ' tho.k . - ia.....th'..7.n - , - r - eii . fe4e. - -. 4 V .' _ - ..- - .. ".3 ' - tali, - - r - ith t b.. .-z e;11-14 aitiar • ' o i t-- eno. ther des,. ein liense, nese telei Deka Imo.. De vi I 5 0(_) a L ro ß ri . ( ii. A .t lC ' e t . R x. r wi s elf47.= `"d I :1 1.- =-7:!'.:;•-:z..". - ;r:4.:,.`:= 'l't*,ll pa, car. at watotretazta eta. ~ ,a ... .. ' , en.. .-.: D. Dee. ..D Lod Down. thrAnend. • IaINSENG .A,ND BEESWAX .-2.1 bags I r- , C-.., f ,. .;;:; 77 42:; , , ,,7 4 , Z7.:, , Lif•:.ii:,..1..,7,1:17;,. -41 • kfi Ginseng: 1 cask Beeswax. now landing ftsno,lttewater ...4 ..-,' .-, i." mei , vth --is ..1. , •theieD Dore Parka tr., . in es Ds, eeerlo..rtke,le ;tr ono Mien shanythwer, Tuaearnra, for sots by - drib ISAIAH DICKler k CO- mart. k Pthat na " . .. 0 " ''''''''''' , - ,,, T 1,- ,;',, ..., sh o e f Pin. WIE6 • vima , in tne Aber woe, e - oe; sato (none disk? Lon.. SJ.• - •-•1t1.7•.. tow. !lett, .lst. Ivy - 14 Asir. mad. a , net hi.. ;ien's nese .n rl - w, ,nteir .raw ata,a,, mat.. sts' i tr.t , nry • 17. 08 t 0 ., T..; . 11 , , thy . * atIOLASSES.-38 brls new, in store, for 1 ,i7r:,',., r. 4 - ,,,.1 2 7;", - ,d , e . , ,e , ir.N- , 1! . ,- Ir.Chli'vE Et:. A. 1. 1 sole by &Id J. rk n. FLOYD. V min Ann Ore LARD. ---1•} brie No. I,pnoW landing, for '" ftga l .r:r!. -, 7 c."''''''''''' ' 'l"'" ' ''''''' " ....}:. tl, - delD InXIAIITICKEY ECO.„ . 111 lICKIVIIE.7IT FLOUR—Twenty saeis in A.DDFIIONAL RAIZ • JLP Flom 3 for ml , 1. 1 Din S. kW. 11 . ARBAL'Gil iOf Forty Town LC - 18. lioseliimtvu4. (A - . f 'RANGE BERRIES. I r ic ?went tinprev,teaund. ,gle,oll tnt2...hr I,_, .... lb. far pair by Doll BRABN a main:. 1 the bore. MMiT“......E.T....•-3. ntllC - :,..tr ~t0.u.t...t .._ 'pH ENCII BROADCLOTRE.—MuriohY & ' the . 11I;si rrv en ' irpr } onl i tras fent ' 1. ' ..eri..... 1 4:1 4"t-Z...7= . • A.. Bovliiik•id lion rust epelted • fresh eufply cif the kir Monty . in town lets et-, ots,n. Ano. , einc ehiskase sale. e! varioti• qualities of the above article. Including biack It price" and it that cr....4.7: .Ik.: ;n: nthor therelerke et Drilled. very fine Also. French Doeskins and thrainteres, those wishing In inerrlren. Itta menthes trt inty thydthsty, black sot Laney, and Birk Satin Vesting, at yen low of the location pf the id. and grenene,lC - .reetty anew Drive. fot the Quality. 7 ,,,,8, sant/led ere:Bard in Tt•Xx.s.2Yerthenanntiyry ether Ewa that oar one hundred bia hate rsi_sidd• MM.% 4=l awl Is. furehathi DT theo atthe.. -- . In `,,,C1• - ••• a fial.b. Um hoine The above Ict”re=tc.D.,e_ the nevi DE.B.l.instat JAthla t .' o 'the Pi. , and in , lintinthilY lir•- . ...1 to tiee odds* tt - • te renntly sold. ~ . , „ r infortnatiotl aro, to .141. , •% ,, r in - LI•• , •••••.. lame. BlakelyoKed., burl 7trer.,lthtet..sb. • • JOHN S lil-tkrts. 'L , . Itherpeol. Feh.f.r.d. Ithl. fthillawili. . ST. LOUIS. • rr ANNERS' OlL.—Twenty brlsi Bank Oil 11 n m.l ander. for inlc by an , / J. IL FLOYD. OLL BUTTER—Ten brie Roll Butter itcrd far ealo by Jall • Hi ARS--Fifty thousand Cigars receivod it._) ;a - A Li rsaa h r a.tt 5 4 - tl lIARHAVOR OIL-3IEA L--Thirty bags Oil Meal. receired J/ azul 1,1 All 13 it W. HARBALMI, I.j I LOUR—One hundred brls Extra Fkmily 5 ." ""-7,4.:95c.=7:en. GLASSES—Fifty brh new erop for safe n.•: 'BROWSa K/HSPATRICH. S I , LE , It U tons Saleratus, in Mix and Lap. (or sal. hy J. 9 P.OBERT DALZELL a CO. I FAY LARD. —Leaf Lard, io brls and keg* ,arel far .ale by' ROBERT DALZELL k Re , liberty !IVY, kg UGAR.- L 5 hhdr prime N. Orleans Sugar, I in 'tore .lad for owJ bJ ROBERT DALZELL a ca. Liberty p' Fifteen drums G. B. Coltish; ; tis b.f. No. Marker...l: brbt No. I Lake Fub: 11/ • No- At..a.. and lor uYb all ' JulIN WATT a Cs) Cream Cheese in store J.1)1}....4 DAL:ELL 11.5 Water Om, Buys' SA'ITSETTS.-31119.thv & Burch field have rocelreda la of haminmile'lrahry Mixed t bpi...". for Boys' arm, al, Plaid and Plain CaaPltuedef. l l `gnat varirt).)leripo 'footman, fientorky J•an, Mack LOA, n-th ea. earner a Pousth and Mar 4..1 utr,,P. re. gl+ .11S I FZ- -line otuoirod and fifty Loos and i I ~.1( 1..1... n... 1 3ml for fa.. laiw I.‘ • al:. BROIVN S. -1i11.1.41:11:1K S i L A LERA TUS-- i t esa , . k 4 No :i l Saler. ,: to ; 1n.,. not fea• ma. by , JA3IEB DAI.ZEL ' I. sull' ! .Ica, strawt -1,00315--One lb-- ' liundred wns TenneAee B nW.mtiO lon.gr• i op nveiring frnm • and far •ale t. JAMES DALZELL, /all No. C 8 Wlder •trnt . IVINDOW liLASS—Fire hundred hexes • • s.nirtnl Ares in Von. awl kr sale be . JAMES nsizaid. JOTASII.-5 eitiks Potash, just received, and for .1.• by ~s ROBERT nALEELL Jr CO. VRESid ROLL BUTTER—f2O bxr just rec'd i J, .le by ' .11 , 17 J 13 C..l_•: FIELD A. - 14 1 LAXSEEDi--A small lot for sale by Pll7 J B. CAN FIELD BEEP PELTS—I bale for sale by .p 4.17 J. D. CANARLD CURB—Trverlti hhds new Sugar on hand - land for bl' artos.Y. KIRKPATRICK F -1 013ACCO--Tweistv has W. IL Grant's: I - boo a Ilarro.'l , half amonna: 23 bal OaGorne• do on bind and for rale r 3 jals BROWN a: RIRKPATIJCh LARD-012 e hundred kegs.prime new Lard an Ra n d aryl for Ale L J _ ala , BROWN A KIRKPATRICK S UN DRIES—Teti bag S. Toll:flans Cocoa; Przitan's [lrma: Ewen Chotalate; ba.. do Cann Inno, ICon hand BROWN d' KIRKPATRK lentl for nloby ja.l4 rinlE BEST OF WINES AND Ba i rz7, 4 for mle VL01711.- - Three hundred barrels just reed 1. 1 for W.. ty BITRBRIDGI: u INdITILAM, )114 Na 11V W. 1,4 HAVANA SUGAR—Twenty boxee White uzr,a. stir. for rglp BURRILIDGE LNG/LRAM, 1.1.1 N 0.116 Water gt. ' Q PICES. Cassia, Pimento, Pepper, etches U no! Nutmeg, f.,r Kale ny C 5), ,14.17; Water d Front tin -- Eight barrel:, parked for sale by $. F. VON BoNNIIORST t CO. A RD—Sixty brls No.l in store and for sale hY 1.13 ISAI:1111DICKET &CO_ Water A Front Ft: _ _ orty fire lirir in store, for sale ISAIAH DICKEY I CO, uu..l FnAlt . _ BROOMS. --One, hundred dozen for sale by Jail • 4. F. VON lkoNNlloaaT aCo HE4IEST PIIACE TO BUY TEA. MORRIS Te- et., aaat af a. Pannotal. . Otoxlt flavored Teo cent., per pound Th. (nor quslith. a:5 to ria 't i. win - Gn tit El 00 Old C. nuttry work that BLACK 'KA. sill tind °Ur" It their P.l+d csaetlt. use Tell Iwo arr. dl rev frt. Eni,iland. tad thi.; cannot ba Foughtar any other font in Plttplionitt. /ml 4 Ntuusit GIN:, OLD JAMAICA RUM, 174 gnarl oir niholesal, fer rale br ~ M ,' ORPP , ILCRODTII. . dI REES AI'PLIES-I . wenty brLs. ■tin- Flit P. CON ItONNIIURST Pippins, 1 4u. nmn 1 SAL% lON. —5 Iris Salmon, No. I.Ti? — s — tOre i .0.. rbit by ,au ROBERT DA LUELLA CO. i'OTTU\-91 I , s for sale by p'en ICKEY &CO, %tater A Front ?In Mil' . I , A IT?' —76 doz. un.rrmilrd asul br a; E sELLEE,s, 000 l sltert 1 RT}:I) Fllll IT;--::0 bris Dried Apides: — I le do 'do l'egeter: Gs i WM. IiAIiALLY CO.& 18 & 'X Wood 1.1 , , • Ilk' NCB ItAISIINS--1200 lutes Kreisler tVr l, r ...i, 1...1ing fro. Amour DadraClinton, a . sole Clinton, P ~.2.1 W:11, BAGALEY 1 . CO EW ORLEANS SUGAR'', • 1 , si hbd.. old crop prime quallby t in nab abbl far sale • 11.°91 JOILS PARKER A (XL FOItES-95 doz bent east steel Ilay Forks; .110 dog beo Roman stesd Aa 40 dos 4 probgbi mitelbel Manure Pork, ••:• cuddituarnt nod faebale by . • balb L R. WATERMAN A SONB. H UES -130 doz best Cast Steel !loon; 6 doe do do Omit° lbw; L 'i 2 r ig°° """ .o L'yo.lllTEßAlAN 505.6. PEACHES--Three hundred bushels reed . 4, to* wk by rie.9l sOmords r. stuto:r.n gerFIIES--75 doz hest Grass Scythe., CO do. 6•14 ch-4.16 tailor best (Olen dsr .9;1" add ebb 24de by LS. WATF:RMAN t AIN PO Pl•W4b,r nail b•:T‘bb 2, SCY'f lIE SHEATHS-425 doz Gear potent sosz NAILSS,;i4NEST-Zt) krp,for sak by rot L.B. WATERMAN A . 80N . :1,_ [)EARL ASit— cad. prime Tor rale by jAIR L. 8 WATERMAN L SON', - RANGk.-S-20 brls street, to arrive, for tu NI NNITAUVILILIM.. UUTTER-lObile prime roll, for sale by .I.fli W/Clrt bIeCILNDLas, OFFEE—IOO 41.79 prime .D. and fancyßio, or. .0. bY ; Mb am Rot its. ■ Ea=gM dowt .... 4 4 .311TLEY 6. - COLVIN, , Coal 31erchantl, 1.3 on 4 Drers In Dr)'ttactlt. tlronri..y. Iron anal Na/dt, r.uut.r s.l Walnut scree and Wadtingunt Tur_.pd. Bans, • • ttrlttdkulrd 11.111RISON SElVELL,Attonny.at Law, • Ohio 6.4¢.5,53.:, fur Win:: betkays, dek• Innelrdcemmtv of t , — , I ttreet,..bosa Fmithro.A. uartdt.r.T A.M. P. ROSS, Attorney 'at Law, Office so II:, Fnorti:in Lawn:dine Mai- I a:, Pins Wirz nti3ol*lS3 Correction. the uncalled for balances of the ftnnt n 1 tattenh. nntreatttg!nlnwr, In porbar Ituttgberty She {or loterreted s 11) Crab nutiew UM, ante , * hi, Intlato, Itt need Ex within the 'nine ttipatatel • in the let of _Vann/M . , it will eo,ht.st to the tbentann- wenitb. .1011:‘ ANYl.ll.lt:Canhier. fettntltJt4ta.tt. QIOULTER & llACKE,'WhOlesale and Re- I Dravgln, C.4n , r , ;( Wtod .4 Third surer, usa d. the Se C.ri. Hotel. L'irtOrnrcb. mritlrs 4 Lli . : 7o , i , .. t il ;,, F , ? ,, Sl; c kiß i , , . , :lAtor m el ant Con; raDe.gh. .ovia.taw-mb,g A.chninistretor's Notice, ETTERS of trqtamt—to-tbe . t I.vil in V„ril=frltr.tUt. *raw, ...u[wincass• 114.1.,...1 10 cCato ant roglWATeci akx t 133.11^, mlsneaat an 4 'thot. baying dal., to Low tar rettlement to 3.aitrt .••'' CIISLYdJT. loa - rut4. I..l.lAirrotT HOUSE OF REFUGE • IVIIE MANAGERS OF 'CITE 11011S£ OF i . :4;nttl'<,l;tlll7 o ..' d " 4ubk ‘upp , lled with *Mx, arid ait u nemoi hlrtt e n o. g of or zr within Ilya miles ol atzez . szi . l .. lberlee?r ' ...l .I , lont r a.lls JAME:, ANDER • 7110 , 1. BARRK b EiI: • W . W3l. EICHEAV3I. • Pe 111A.'111NIS ,F•i• t '5l. kITTSBITC=II Cl/31.51111C1AV Cousat; Wetter of Third and BarLot.atreets.. Charted D, K• 0. The only - Chastens' Institute of the Lind In Puna , Bylaw:dn. • " FACCUT—.IO. 11.1,0 V; 11 . 111 , ;i1113:162/IIIROr 1.12 11.7.C=i n g'. 8eni:a...1..' of L'onnaattnhin, Aiwa. tile Compntation. Ac. ; . • AIIILIMEN M. W.A., Esa liectorcrinn.Commerrial Law. '• ; ' • - Boman or Innsydrs • —lin. We. triTklns, No. , Janta Buchan.. lino. Jahn 14,1,n, IBM Cbarka Nay kir, Lion. Moses Hampton. 11043'. 11. 'Lowrie. Th.. J. 11. incaintnek, John ADD.... KJ.a., tied J. , K. Boorehsad. Jana. Du 4. Ira Remy. }n4. EL . 4.1.7,,,0 Cannarnr.—Jetua C 4 cerrali:Atsonwr tit. Law; James Tamer, Derebant; IL A. Pryor, Abeountant. Students can odor thls•lnitienlion at any time, amt 4- lain bolt, die and tromp((:: wilaso eutithaL will reorire witid.k.n4,.dgniat by the larultr a 4: • Exandning CommittAn.' ' • , Those desiring a thermarb blow:el. of hook Ireeplm, Penunissosbin. ac.., oar mind that thLs Ls the. MD Boone el the kind in 1144.n:h. Comnoruicas bons osidreescl to U.K. moot will prompt attention. noSnen VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—Tho aubceriber Bill fan.. aituate • -in Bright township, Pears". oauntr. Foot ]filet Scusre,4}i safes rohn Bearen cm the Kennedy read; nmtatens, to whey of whach 70 acree are eleared,nd ender Ford Man tuul 1. a atate of big cultiestlcausecll erstered nth a ountlaor of oeeer. ftelhtft "Idlltdnottlet teat:tee well timhavel. The bnildinna are a square leg haute ar.4 hatchets, aod a goad arith a sumer ' , ell of - .ate, at Use deor, a nen . grain house, with r. atanitle 1 , 4 f, a double two. &ink mot artd shaded.. Also Inn Ando and :0 ?each tray, grate nal and of the • Te,, qua and 10. canon. la equal to may 14 the neighborhood. Al" let ha 4 of Baca' plan of Bridtescatcr. cm Bridge etreer. 50eat front 13:1feet bash t au alley. under fenoto for all of which an Indlenotable trr atif Ibe gismos For tclenatstlto . pir 1 00 pebble ou the pot.stres.. • felaToc2tn:ltev.•Arn. SOIL": ntrurr.: 41).MLNISTRATOIt'S NOTlCE—Letters of Administration on the- estate of Rom Totter, NU of tit- Clair tow waft, Allegheny - count,. deed, haring this day been clanted tolthe um/emit-vol. entire berebr meets to oil tierrona inttelasil to sold estate to nuke Ito mediate paynoott. and all peroms Miring claims agaimt mid moose am el-aunt/Mao yresmat thf-Pitratl, dolt autiten tleated for mitesement. - • 2ittait-SCIIE.- 4 4.. Lover St Clair. Jan. ` . l.l.lSiil.—i4tiviCatit • I)3IINISTBATOIt'S NOTICE-Lottery of ..'"VAilsoinirtrition n n lib,. score Of Catharine McCann. ,Teeensed. heseAwn erentrA . tlw ontlessionol- .All near oint indebted will make tonnedlate pep:riot : those trarinx claims led! pron s nt the more Lneentlement IttNIEL YOUNG. Administrator, Anti:limy ray. ninr- • Military Bolin y,Lcnd Agency, ray 31ATIlEw ss'ould rrnectfully 1.3 icf.rto tboo• intert , ital that he Ito ensitood Ia Drt, • cunng Bounty Load.. unity. the renal. low AT Cortignea Hy that Laor. all b, anrollv eerrod . ln any or o n wen eiue, thc.lr obthlrea, on o ntl,t to Bounty Lind. frtla, to 1,0 acres warding to th , term ct Bounty aria se the low exprenlY Maid. otrolnst—the trounero, to 'Anent coo name to tho sokskr until tat land it Iceoted, ilt i• therefor. Alm elitintt that • Individual claimant. ate , •el , n•tht•lr loud either la morn o r Agent:, the nue win bo Iconot- exyca•lretba nb o r to h , toqiiint hbenal tent) osaso and tor rtnapen:at:ou 1 L ,.0n0,, to LoL , O: 00l - other ettothAt 11l prole tu the end nherenee! To aeraroplieb thlto and - clot, the Putt -, bunions At the ',kat, in toe Peorscattral tying AtateropLlted by, Conan,. not rercuanatuded toy ILO , l+partment, my mato alotn. I amp... therafore, at et eotottaratleely tnaing• .sss,oso procuts,--114. A Lona Worrant for thoo.eatjlnl. 'AI. To nmeritdead pentAiallY, Cho Iceannx of raid startori, heretl {1,11=1,1114.i autiran• tecino to the auttiler ono! einus oelvellon. either la new et occupation or sale. N 4, obtola Ihton tor told lan4t together d+ N 4• liencolity.lo.abota te.; ohm euahlitio him to 15,nn. on eat finite A•hte. Tenn, tel trill be 3 - n-0n . ..D1r, made komen on Vali' Add.. ()Arai:Ad) S. ISIATILKW tIOSEY, Pink:rigid; c I VV7V'T n Af Tour Pint °fan.. COunte t ,atti me v ery legibly. : ' langtat" - GEORGE E. ILLRNOLD & BANKERS. ' • DINILEILI IN EXCIIANPE, COIN. C.tsa :Ant. 1 1 4. 4V , - 74 .1 , 14,..h t 4 Patearrilr.• • Ncstea and Wart. palle4-14,1 on -all parts pf the Catieut* St4ekt txmAt und told o febt. t0.r.1.<4 u, Ban., r, unnrw. rtl.ruarr , t, P , St- • At:.4llx, coy—Frtsidmt. lb. Compass for er.ctinc a 1; id, cr., the MononvArla 4 In Yitt. , ,urgh. In f k.ety beheld. at Emt.4 005 31ondaY th+ 7 •*. of Ma.ll - It twat at 3 o'clock JOAN feht,r3,l' Civil Engineers and Lard Surveyor HEASTINGS EREISEII, haying smOci-, RIM I hetwehmplltti jUr i i.r:g!lrtV ro Ci that. ptsgo Ltd LospWaylPont. Vlali:;rrilZVZC',l4l7,Zrp.r.T... 411,10%1'1a. UCn \n scrvn. +nth Ftrett. cresr Court llonr, acalrai To Gas Consumer • giA UTION TO Tilt; PETILIC OF PITTS. MM.—Whereas. prdlses washout. introduelag the , rsrrabliag egsgi with a shoo soder and I r on tot, sod top with tap hooka. se log M 'a re ro o mar oe 40 ;re Toe. sad willed{ Ithao at s sl. OC.IiI-2.1. Now sr, the how Mai*, to toast...that mnall priee 11 L.O MM..I wt th a Wawa dl mot Mlles ien, rumpling them to them is storm sod dwellinost our altretiad yews. 11 . 9 therefore esution tha•Pahlk thalost turh imposter, mud rattleularly athloot • lath:, time/thou tret ledhes Iddh. hselok hlath era. 0004 time era red iela 4rtaler th e el. Le es. rewierly polite In his laudlleel. and .01 1 M 1 e .13 . 10,1411 '' mite. lia frequently Vas to goln toußdreemlbtotth. Oa, FellOw,bip. 110 ring t/lUi °Mire Ad' Ude UM of teithery will be of too, Vosio re.dectfolly. .1. II HART. (lastther. 11 Ludlow Week New York. erinThoyentag man alluded 19 has newt .4...rot:nutted with th e km . feta: Otath PILLS—,--Could not get. SELLERS' LIVE den: without them." .11,Connenss'ille. 0. i 513.9,1861. - Ma. A. E Szu.ru..—Yndel aro the only Uses 11l tux Pell here, I mat mitin t akeid at - Oboist dim, and deist am that makes w of tlseFk. ttie Eldbeest.,,temile a commeodstkin. Tours me Mir, airPrimeind and mld I% kELLER . 4 j iN 74, et, and solII b y dribs{, cerxr.ll7- . • 1615. k.,, ~,x..~. ~-