The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 15, 1851, Image 2

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    ~_ ~~~;.
• the capital "Otilek of any such - associatien, ahall
iritlie - more than fair hundred thousad dollars,
nor leci than fifty ihnusand dollars..
Section Ip. ;That every person, or association
tf_pereonis,lmitablitdting the Maui' ess of banking
under the "priittstions of this sieh shall make a
certifteate which' Shaft epecify.- . -.• .
, • . • .
}lnt.. The hainey rammed to distinguish mach
r.soiciation, and to - be used in transacting the
Pieper business of such bank.
Secand - Ihetilace where the operations of die
count and deposit .of such association are to be
carried on,ldesimiating the particular city, town,
cr borotigh. . - . , :
- - Third.l The amount of the capital stock of
• enchbankl and the number of shares into which
the come he divided: . - t
. Four th . The names and places of residence at
- theahme bol der!, and the numbers of shares'
held by cla of them respectively. - -
Fifth. he period at which • such association
• shall eminence mail terminate, which certificate
shell be Provided or acknowledged before any
°filen% authorised . , to take neknowledgments of
deeds, Roil the Same thall be filed in the office of
the Prothonotary of the county wherein such
hank is lumted,- and a certified copy of the same,
under the hand and sad of the said Prothonota
ry, shall be filed in the eines of the Secretory of "
• the Cointaanwealth, for filing and certifying
which the usual fees shall be paid.
Section -14. Tke
,certificate required by the
lust preceding section f, , ,:i - be filed in the ofiice of
the Prothonotary of the comity and, the Secrete
,ry of. the Commonwealth, as aforesaid, or copies
thereof, duly certified by either of the said °frt.
cent, shall be deemed and taken as sufficient ev
idence :In all courts of law and equity, for or
against hay such-person or association.
• Section 15.: That such individual banker or as
sociation: shall have - power to carry on the bug
' • nees of hanking, by discounting bills, notes, and
other evidences of debt, by receiving deposits,
brheytng and selling gold nail silver bullion,
tering:al:coin, and bills of exchange, in the man
' ner epccified in their articles of association, for
the purposes authorised by this act; and by ex-' ercislng such incidental - powers so shall be ne
cessary to carry on such business, to choose one
of their number as president of ;inch associntion,
and to l appoint a cashier, and such other officers
and agmts as their business may require, and ,
to seinen such president, cashier, officers and
agents, at pleasure, and appoint others in their 1
pince.l ' • " ,
- I Set= lhat the shar-.1. of the capital stock
of et established under the provisions of
• this net, shall be deemed personal property; and
shallt transferable Co ttle books of such bank,
in sue manner as may be agreelimpon in their
articles of association; and every person be
corn* a shareholder by such transfer, shall, in
propeetion to the number of shares held by him,
Imeeeed to all the rights and liabilities of other
share solders; and no change shall be made in
the ni tides of association, by which the rights,
remedies, or securities taf c Lus existing crediters
shalkne weakened or impaired; such. association
shall nor-be dissolved by the death or insanity
;of any of the stockholders therein. -
Seftion 11, It shall be lawful for any person
or of persons organized under this
net, iy their articles of association, to provide
for an increase, of their capital, and orthe num-,
her df associates, from time to time, as they mayl
think preper. -
Section 18. That all contracts made by any'
bunt, estitbliahod under the provisions of this act,
Min ell notes andhills by them issued and put in
• - cirlation la - money, shall be signed by the press
iden and cashier thereof; and all !nits, actions
I and-proceedings brought or prosecuted by. or od
/- of such individual, bank or association
' stud .be in. the pane of th e president thereof;
and 11 persons having demands against any such
' us`otiation" or individual banker, may maintain
actiOrla against- the president thereof, which suit
or apribna shall not abate by reason of the death,
resigordion or rewired from office of such presi
• denti,but may be dontinued and prosecuted to
judgment against his succesior,andelljudgmetats '
and decrees obtained or rendered against such
president for any debt ol." nobility of such nest.
elation. shall be enforced only againstthe joint
property of the association. or in case of an in
tlividunl banker, against the property invested
• in the honk, which property skull tie liable to be
taken: and sold by execution, under any sorb
judineent or decree. .
' . Section 19. That no suareholder of any sash
asmmietion, shall be liable in his individual ea-
- pacitY, beyond the circulating, notes issued by
such niSOtiatiOn, or for any contract, debt or en
gage:tient of Such aSsociation, unless the aiticles
of issiocititicin by hint signed, shall have declared
- thelstitireholeir shall be so liable. , ,
Fiecition 20.• That it shall be lan - Till for banks,
establisbal,under the provisions of this nog, to
• .pancliase, hold and convey real estate for the
ili follinting purposes: •
Erin. -Such as shall be necessary for its im
, Media& accommodatioit in the convenient trans
action of its business: or
'.Second.' Such as shall be mortgaged' or eon.
• re:recite it, in good faith, in Satisfaction of debts
previously Contracted in the coarse of its dm:d
ingo t or 1
Third. Such as it shall purchase at tales un
der judge:Tata decrees. or mortgages; held by
suila associations, that the raid. association thrill
• not purchase, bold, or convey real estate in' any
other ease, or fqr any other' purposes, arid all
conteyeaces of such real estate shill he made to
-the [president, or such other officer, ea shall he
indicated in the articles of association,[ and
whinli president, 'Or officer, lied his tucemsors
froM time to time, may sell, assign, and c o nvey
theirame, free from any claim thereon, a gainst
anyl of the sharehaldersr-or any portion claiming
under them.
Section 21. That each and every tank estab
lished tinder the provisions of this act, di all, on
the I first Monday January. April, July; and
' Octebei ; in every car, after hiving commenced
the ;badness of b king, make out and transmit
. to th e Auditor Ge end, in the form to s be pre-
Serthed by. hien, . full statement of the affairs,
at ,the bank, veri r d by the oath of the Presi-,
*near cashier, w rat statement shall contain:
-.First. The amt of capital actually paid in.
`deism: The v ane of all real estate owned by.
such bank, specifying what portion is occupied
by the hankg as necessary to the transaction of
its b.:nema. - I
Third: The ritunber of shares held by melt
batik. • I I
Fourth. The amount of debts due to the,bank,
• specifying' each ai ! are due from moneyed, or
other corporaticrni, or banks, abet specifying
the amount-'secured. by bond, and mortgage, or
, I
• Fifth. The anima of debts due by said: bank
specifying ;reek as am payable on demand, and
much as are due tel ether banks. ' i
Vieth: The amo tof notes and other evidences
Of !debt issued by 'd bank.
Seventh: The ount of profit and loss Of said
`bank since its las preceding Statement, and the
amount of divid ds declared and made' uring
the same period. I
!Eighth: The a mint of increase of the capitol
stock, if any, an the same 'of all persons who
shall have, becom parties to•the artielM of _as
sociation to the ~or may have withdrawn
therefrom eine@ t e last preceding report:
I Section 22.. I any such bank. shall fail to
maks ant and itlah e statement required
'in the last p rig 'meta), for thirty days be
'and the period hen the same is required to be
made, of shall 'V elate any of the • provinions of
this e'et, the An. tar General may proceed in the
same manner to close up and redeem the circu
lating notes of suck batik, as La provided in the
ninth section of this act, for refusing or failing I
to redeem ita circulating notes.
Section 23. at it any portion of thaoriginal
capital of any seen bank shalt 'he tvithdiaint for
any purpose, whatever, whilst any deliti of the
bank, - 113 circulating notes excepted, remain nn-
eatiafied; no dividends on the ehares - of thelmpl- 1
tgitoek shall thSreafter be made, until ' the . de.
• telt of capital ahall have been made good, either
by subscription! of the nhareholders, or out of
the -eubsegnent , morning Profits of the 'associa
tion. ,
Section 24. '[That every bank established' ®-
de; provisions of this act, shall be liable to
pay the bolderlor every bill or note, put in Mr
" enletion, as money, the payment of which shall
,„Ittese been demniadal and, refused; dim6ges for
non payment thereof, in hen of:internee, at' . sad
after the rate Of ten per cent per amen; from
the time of -Stich refusal un ti l the pa ent of
. , gush circula tin g notes, together with the damage I
Section 23. That no bank established ender
the provisions• of this act shall issue I or pat in
' circulation any bill or note of said hank, pay
,tit any amber place - than at sniff hank, Or I
otherwise than payable on demand, atid without
interest; and , every violation of this Section by
any officer or officers of said tank; sloth he
deemeera misdemeanor, punishable by, a tine het
lass than five hundred do ll ars, and luipri . ...nment
not less than ono year, or &dant the] discretion
' "of the court- •.
I° " -Section 29:" nut it shall be the dzity 'ot the
Auditor General, as soon as the return. are re
- eeivid by him from the several banks; n. 4 s pre
scribed in the twenty
to notify the State Treasurer and Secretory of the
Comuumwealth that such return! are received,
WhOSeanty it shall he, after receiving such no
tice, to meet. ith the Auditor General, nll, or a
' majority of zehoze shall form a board of exami
ners; whose duty it shall be to =amine the re
, theta cif all the several banks, and if, in the opin
ion Of said beard, or a majority of !than, any
bank.established under the provisions of this act
has barns°, managed, or if the pane debt .plac
ed in the hands of the Auditor General ms collat.
etal security: Litt Bo depredated in ve ' lue that the
bill:holder lain danger of losing, thee, mid in
such cane, - the Auditor General :hall give the
• president or cashier of such 'bank, notice of the
decision of the said boarder erauniners, and' re
quest inch bank to increase the security to an
amounts peaked try said board, or, al majority of
~, abet:Nor to return to the Auditor General a
amount of circulating noted ef
ank:;;: may hare withdrawn therefrom since
the last preceding. report, and it shall be the
duty of the Anditor General to "mile the state.
I .
t. 4
• 4-
meat:required to be Snide* this Seution;; N to -Vet,
published in alfisimpapergrinted,in the smunty ,
rte ende. plaen,nf busineril Ufauch bank is 'loca
tein the piper at Har ri sburg, whereie
the laws 9f the State arupublishe+2, the exPells e
of lniciVivnbliestion tabs , paid by the bank,
Section r. That whenever the board otexam
inert! Provided for by the twenty second section
of this act shall have reasonable ground to be-
BOTe that the quarterly' ,returns' made by any
bank under the previsions of the twentieth sec
tion of this'act are fraudulent, or do not set forth
the 'trite mmdition of each bank, they are hereby
'authorized to appoint three competent Orions,
whii, after being sworn or affirmed before' some
1 competent authority, to discharge their duty with
I fi delity, shall proceed to investigate the 'condi
\tion of such hank, and mate report thereof to
said board of examiners, (the expenses o such
investigation to be borne by the bank,)nd if
1 the report of ouch investigating committee he
suth as to make it apparent that the
o bill-holde n r
is in danger of losing, the said boardexami
'era may authorise, and the Auditor General ap-
I pli,' the remedies provided for by the twenty
I second section of this act.
,Section 28. The legislature reserves the right
to' amend, alter, or repeal this act in such man
' ner however as shall do no injustice to thacor-
plrators, nor destroy arty vested right acqu
by them, nor shall any such repeal take sway or
impair any remedy which has been given against
such company, its stockholders, or officers
any liability which shall have been incurred.
townsman, Sons D.' Davis, Esq., has been ap.
pointed on the State Committee, of this Comn
mbnwealth, to attend the great Fair at Landau,
dud has received his CoMmission under the'great
Seal of the State from Gov. JOIISTO:r. Mr.
Davis expects to leave this city about the middle
Of March, and to sail from New York about the'
Middle of April. Any business committed to
the bands of Mr. Davis, either in relation to the
Fair or other matters, will be efficiently attend
ed to, midi know who have had business Intel?.
Uourse with him in this city, during the long
'series of years he has filled the post of an active
and enterprising business man.
Sax, of Baltimore, have established in that city
a house for the impdrtation and sale of English
Garden Seeds, and have sent us a few samples
of the mast important varieties for distribution
to intelligent, practical gardeners, as will be seen
by their advertisement in another column. We
shall endeavor to carry out the views of the ad-'
vertisers in the distribution of the box of seeds
received, and trust that into those whose hands
they fall will take such care in their cultivation
as will test the question as to the superiority
over seeds of native growth.
Ports? METALLIC tUnIAL CASES—Why is it
that some enterprising person has not introduced
these beautiful -and appropriate cases for the
dead into Pittsburgh, where they could be manu
factured as easily And cheaply as in any part of
the country, ands we presume the patent right
could easily be puichased. We examined sever
al on exhibition of the Franklin Institute last
I Fall, and consider them much superior to the
coffins now in use. These easel are composed of
various kinds of iron. They are thoroughly
enameled inside and out,. and are'thus made im
pervious to air, and indestructible. They are
highly ornamental, and of a classic form—are
light and portable, while they combine the great
est strength of which metal is capable, in a given
quantity. When properly eecnred with cement,
they are perfectly sir-tight, and free from exha
lation of gases. Vicy coot no more than good rood
coffins, and are better than any other article in
use (of whatever cost,) fortransportation, vaults,
or ordinary interments, as has been proven by
actual experiments, and certified to by some. of
our most scientific' men. •
A AUGdF.STION.—,I friend, speaking the other
day or the accident which happened on the New
York akd Eric railroad, by one of the ears run . - I
tang off the track, and rolling down a bank, sug
gested that where roads run along the edge of
either natural or artificial banki, they ought to 3 / 4
be protected by stout wooden fenders tanking
outside of, • and parallel with, the mils. These
fenders might be cut out of round logs by saw
ing them thiough the centre twice, thus reducing
the log td quarters, which, being triangular,
'would he the best shape, awl very cheap. By
bolting suchtinibers firmly to the croa.s-ties, out
side the rail, they would be not only a real secu
rity StgaillEt such accidents, but they would be
valuable if they did • nothing more then give to
passengers a feeling of security.
THE Wactutoo BRIDGE CASE.—A telegraphic
despatch states that Chancellor Wu'worth bus
made his report to the Supreme Court against the
Wheeling. Bridge, declaring it to be an obstruc-r1
non to navigation as it now stands, and recum-1
mending that it be raised TWENTY KNOT EKES.
If this is done, it will give seventy jive feet epaee
on thirty three feet water—little 'eheugh room
for the purposes of navigation.
SUESS.EILL/NO " Doss.—The destruction of
sheep by dogs is an evil of no small magnitude,
and worth} , of the immediate interposition of the I
Legislattire. A taz of one dollar a head on dogs
would exterminate the half starved curs, (and it
is suentrat do the mischief;) for a mat who will
pot feed his dog sufficiently; will not pay a dollar
a yearfor
We are gratified to know that petitions are, or
soon will be, in circulation, praying that such a
law may be emoted to operate in Allegheny coun
ty. We believe that such a law is in operation
in Washington county, eo that nothing , is needed
but to extend it over Allegheny, and ifts on, until
it shall extend over the State. The moneys ari
sing from this tax is to be kept in the treasury
of the county as a special fund to pay for sheep
killed by dogs; and from what our farmers tell
us, we think it will require a pretty heavy fund
to do so. In fact, so great has been the deatrue
-1 don from this cause, that many of them hate
abandoned sheep husbandry altogether.
Systnar Law is New Youg.—Sloyor Kings
land, of New York, has ordered that groggeries
of every description, be closed on the Sabbath.—
This v an example worthy of imitation.
Mu. GOVG/L —Last evening Mr..Gough deliv
ered his lost lecture in Pittsburgh. His extra
ordlintrypowers are best attested by the crowds
who night after night attended his lectures. In
the style of his oratory, he belongs tb the Whit
field schooL • Many of his anCedoten are related
with thrilling, itartling effect. ills Mimicry is
inimitable, triLos'iho life - but never low. His
argismentasid appeals are solemn and-impres
sive, and curry irresistible conviction to almost
every mind.
Ills visit has certainly been a privilege and
blessing to this community ; lint it will be well
to take taro that we do not verify the old adage
that "when the holiday is
. orir, the saint is far
'gotten." Let us endeavor to preserve and
strengthen tho good ]impressions - which have
been made. None can do this more effectively
, limn the gentler sex. Their infivance, actively
' exerted, can. make and keep the cause of tem
perance popular, and their persuasion can save
many of their erring brethren firom degradation
and ruin.
Now that public sentiment has received a strong
impulse in the right direction, the time is auspi
cious 'for attending toeless moral pests, the dog
geries. A quiet, prudent, determined course, at
such a time as thiscema accomplish much tolspds
abating the
Tire Bauman—We have copied from lane of
the Pittsburgh papers the advertisement of the
railroad company, inviting 'proposals for laying
down the rain, upon their line of improvement
trom Pittsburgh so - ltlaisillon, a distance of lei '
miles, which point ;it ie,.'llesigned toil . reach the
coming season; giving to us the assurance that
the are will run to this place by mid-summer.
The winter has been favorable for the operation
of . contractors, who hove - pushed forward. the
work with commendable,Cnergy. Mr. Crowly
is pressing through his point eection; and the
stone work for the bridge at Brighton in about
completed. Mr. Martin, the contractor at Ithe
heavy Summit section, informed us last week
that he would complete his work by the let of
July.. Mr. Davidson, of Sharon, who had con•
tracted to furnish mudiills, Is now pinging the
timber upon the line to Pittsburgh; so that the
work of laying down tbo,tails may be commen
ced very shortly after the 'period indicated for
the letting.—Bearer Argue.
For .t. 4. Pituburgh Gazette.
As it is well ascertained theta paper is now in
circulation praying for pardon for incendiaries in
the Western 'Penitentiary, would it not be well
diet the public, should know the names of the
signers of such documents- If they are citizens
and property holders, it would be proper that
Insurance offices should be apprized of it, that .
they might be careful in their risks when demand
ed by such persons. For Myself, .3lr.'Editar, I
would withdraw a policy of insurance from any
office in which I found myself insured in such
! company.
At all events the publication of the names of
the signers to these petitions' for pardons,
should be known,. No good citizen would
be secure in trusting such persons about !
their premises at unseasonable hours of the
night. Our members of the Legislature would
confer a great public benefit by reporting an act
and having if passed, whereby on nppeal fur 11
pardon of the kind should he presented to the
Legislature in open erosion, and read in public
beforeithe Governor had any power to make a
final decision upon it. T hi, prurient state of at.
fairs demands come measure of the kind.
Lieutenant William D Porter of the • United
States navy, lots addressed the following letter
to the editors of the Southern Press in relation
to the missing stealthy:--
'• Messrs Genoa:—Thy steamer Atlantic Mix- I
Mg been unheard from fir near thirty nine days.
the friends of those on board feel no doubt very I.
uneasy lint I do not think there are as yet .auf-
Relent grounds for uneasiness. Should the At
lantic have, brlketi her shaft, walking beam,. or
It her cylinders, or even burnt out her boil- I
Chi, she would not be in a dangerous condition, as
as her hull was in good order, and likely to contend
with any sea which she would encounter. Should
any of her machinery be disabled, it is marethan
likely she would make for the Azores; her passen
gers could hero land and take the Lisbon steamer,
or proceed to Bermuda by an-English steamer.
From the time "she put her helm up Tor the
Azores until reaching, would be at leant twelve
days, and it is not likely the steamer could be
heard from in less than forty days. The Atten
d,' could then proceed to Gibraltar, and send
their engineer to Toulon or Marseilles-for any
thing she may want. her next course, instead of
Gibraltar, would be to rim south and take the
'trade winds;' she would then hare rim at leant
three thousand fire hundred miles under sails,
which distance she could nut Perform in less than
sixty days. Add this to twelve, and three days
for stopping at the Azores, makes seventy-five
days. It is, therefore, not likely the Atlantic can
reasonably he expected to be heard from for at
least twenty-fire days more, or that,there should
be any,good ground for great uneasiness. The
Southern passage from the coast of Africa or
Gibraltar is generally made in forty-eight days
in good sailing ships. W. D. PORTER, U. S. N.
Washington, Feb. 5, 1551."
Pcnuc Mecriso-A SOW MARKET HOUSE -
A large number of our citizens assembled yes
terday o vening in the public school house of the
Sixth Ward, to take into consideration the pro
priety of establishing a New Central Market
House, for the accommodation of the citizens of
Dr. Andrew Black was called to the Chair, and
Messrs. Jared M. Brash and M. W.l.,cwis appoint
ed Secretaries.
On motionr the following gentlemen were ap
pointed it Committee to prepare business for the
meeting-Messrs. John limper, Dr. Wray, J. D.
Kelly, Andrew Getty, and James C. Cummins.
While the Committee was absent, the meeting
was addressed by the Chairman, and Messrs.
Harper, Woodivell. Gribben, and it number of
other gentlemen. We regret that the late hour
at which the meeting adjourned, prevents. from
geeing even a synopsis of their remarks.
The Committee'returned, and made the follow
ing report, which, after considerable discussion,
was adopted:
Whereas, The prosperity of a city de
pends, in a great degree, on the abundance of
those public conveniences which administer to
the social comforts of its inhabitants, and as such
facilities are promoted, it Is shown by experience
that new impulses are given to the tide of popu
lation, and a rapid advance takes place in the
value of taxable property, thee affording certain
and ample remuneration to the public treasury
for every judicious outlay which wan prompted
by a liberal spirit, and sanctioned by an intelli
gent and salacious policy:
And Whereas, Nest to hydrant water, the
most valuable of public comforts, and which is
now happily afforded to our whole city, there are
no couvenierices' more desirable and necessary
than commodious market-houses, so situated es
to be easy of access, and central to the masses of
the population;
And Whereas, The old Diamond market laouse,
which, a quarter of a century ago, was in the
heart of the Dlxy. is now, in consequence of the
vast increase and spread of population, verging
on one of its extremities, and not only badly lo
cated, and miserably constructed, but approach
able in no oilier way than by a single narrow
street, and alley, so that it isconindered but little
better than a nuisance by the masses of our
ia - A , morn ''''''‘'.•'-"Tlll'''.. ,"ruff that • ... n people, and alit is a constant theme of dissatio
- .‘, 1... " . I. ' 1 " . f•l2 a 2 ' l9 ' 24 th ''''''''' n '''" faction, it hecoMes US, as mute., sensible to the
E 15.„... a, re 1.3. pouddiou. and was almost totall, hhod , '
take -t he
Ile bat ix.etto. widicrie the Ilr.tpla scro ice Ile w. nee I gTlynl.e, to
taLen to one of tie bed llorpitaln io London. cat hut the sideration, before public funds are squandered, ,
I,et treatment leaden mold •tifool lut cp....11 not he te. through a othetrt-eighteit policy, in perpetuating - -
.i, col 0. .fiche . ie..% ...ti0h...0. 1 a. tece...oh. i had the epi, and to inquire into the expediency of
heart es much ei.w.t the per. & u m I tbooyht I would to irome4Pitoly obtnining a 800 for a great Central ....i, I. fel 15 1 LIPP sCO ,
et non tie. in m 1 i.,. has . imail honk of the Market Place, v. here such braidings can be tree- frill:II MOMETERS - A tall noblOrtutent for 1
Nirolcunt tlt n Bien ...PI 1,1 e‘ re reit aod ...I. m the ted . will gratify a laudable pride, and coin- ~,,, 1,, Dbl.. J. 011 in oco
odore of one mouth
~,,,, „ 1. ., ~,,,,,,..., „ 0.. , t „„ t h o f t. h. u„,, i promise all sectional interest; or, if another SU ROICA INSTRUNIENTS of every de
ofotbe above statement at an - tune I may he called upon policy should be thought better, to consider as to onion., for rale by fcbls J KIDD FIX, 1
tom do, and some of my neig ' hbors rata notify to the M.. I the best way of establishing additional market c
iniHNIRT JuNDS 1 houses in such positions as will accommodate the !NU MIXTDRE he tale bv J KIDD aco ' .-.--
Cron't Bottom. Deaver Co. Pa, Pr , 4,1 55 n 1 densest districts of the city, and afford public -- . lfiligi - ti:l - 1,0R14, IN tML--„i f- all a , 1 IPOTTON-10 ha l er.' for sale by
F.... 1c bi . K ` . . ,. ' "”` E '"%., " ~.2 " ,._,,_4 ° "° " 2 ., ~'''''',„ '' 22 E- comfort and conveineitie Therefore N . ,,) fehlo ISAIAM DICKEY ICD
eortertent AI, Catmint, Laker 4 evert drenrlPtino , -- ,
k.lin‘ `4. Any
""" '''.
A .'""...".-". '''' tars
Resolved. That - a committee et nine be ap- amelmatichtsec sewn telnoOlars Coloos.orstlsiut e, F /COTTON BAGS-4 0 dor twilled, for ails
Wood and trim greens D. 3.1 Curry„D A. Mort, JO.DII ee. of every dercrlybloto far sale. be , 5 i )by feblo Idol/ILIA i ROD
D ,,,,,0,.... . m , m p 5 e 5.,„..„ mb.,,k,..,y, .1, 0 by tar i ,„.. pointed to inquire If a site fur a Central Market &bit _
_. IDD tOD ,
yrktor. P- 11 KIER, noose can be obtained in the Third ward, and -7k.-. Pprmape. for sale by
fsbUsssw XIXUTOR'S NOTICE-Letters testa- SEl ; r Ac hl ti eS-. 16-11613.
rasa , Ratan beventh et. Pittsburgh 1 east of Smithfield strict, 50 situated as to afford 1
m,othr ,, th, , ~,, ,„,,, „,,,,, ~,,,,,,,t h, o r 5„,.,,,, 1 , l ' , AIe , SILLS A ROD
1 a ready and easy sic from the title wards of , cares. thee.X. hatte granted to tbe under•igurd. all • Law Partnership.
the city. • e ereu. nolettod to the donde.. sr. here. notified le
. ton'aep.m. nt. and those h.. , • Lai.. n .... ,, , ,, iciiE utocrilo.l.9 have it.sociatetl Gaeta-
Resolved, That our memb e r of the City . ist,-, se co .n. itesa D r .111.nneut a Al.. r elm eel.. in tbe practice of Law, under the firm of Black
Councils lie requested to obtain a suspension of ~,,, ~,,,„„ , r "TII LH-
S `• L-.ff....„,`••'`., A anhingleu Our or the other of them. when v. en.
all proceedings in, regard to the Diamond Mar- . -11 - ..i. -- ..::, - r-ored to Court, ran be found at all tunes In the m aw, on
Let House until such time as the reports relative N LI% N. -. urp :, ur, le .
'-- BON FIS M h iII dif I I c ' '''h '"5. Vatsbur•b. now gr.awmbv2zer
hare open ta g morning several roe. of hew Encino ' READE WASIIINCITON
to a Central Market Place shall be submitted for
not., eennenng of EngliA Deghten Chip, 119ngarlm.
their consideration. V.V, .. 1 2 ,"1 aii?01., ' c:gnirit ' itt n XT. ' al,,, a ,riri_.= 7, .
On motiop the following committee wan al , cions Pe.rl. Esubruidered do Ameba... Preti. Vandyke.
pointed in pursuance of the above • °lntim , kg. l ;l l l7g . nt,a . t o a ch1p . ..,.1:412,1 1 :1 1.0
tat Ward William Algeo. Aiwa vv der snored Enilltillk Donnas...plain and raised
and •• It Bbert woods. istritX, P atu a rs "" ' ''' ' ' ,7 n"esr `4 , l' .. t tb
Roy •,and In.
, aileav-ipe I, ern. tr
Jobs Stopten, feld3 — ..p5,....,... - - - -
4th - Robert Mel.lutheon ,fr, 11L H ISTORY 01- --11..SPENNIts, No. 8,
f,th • • E• Melody), u, sr. tt Tu.ks...-vi . sat
_tit * Quarn;:erklalts, or
nth •• • John Harper, ~. 5..... t awry att. M . N.: ens blobtetith,br Al, limn., heee hetet ree'Qe.nd M ist nonut•s
7th - • K T Friend. Lterary Depot. Nu IS Thud rt. • .4, , tank
Pty • John Coyle. ---
Bth - John Laightner• VILTATEI CURE WOR Ihe Water
• w w ,s oe v Manual , by 3.0 !hen. M D.
Qll motion it wax resolved that the officers of waicr ce. in Anscrics.edited by a Water Patient
Heal Donk of lly amp.. tar Professional and Dowel..
the wetting he added-to this 00111 Millet. neb, benr Wet.
On motion it was resolved that the above com- Neue emelt. , of ilfdro... with . LlDeelt engraved
illonratlero of imprrta. auMerts to, Myriad Johnstco
=Mite prepare n report, to be presented to an m i ,
adjourned meeting, to be called in the Sixth , Tb.. , ..." unmanang,.l7,-a,rtggf,blrepalhy. by the late II
Ward public School House, on the 22nd day l trt - 1 1.1. " l. lul hates Rath ,
of Febroary, at 7 n'eloJk p. rn "1
Toe 111101 c wand 111r.eale by il C STOCKTON.
Bootnener and hlatamer, rarer Mtaket sad Third stA
On motion the mee ting adjourned • fe1.1.1
(1,0-PARTNERSUIP-We have this day
&sort/di ACCIDENT - A German residing in
) asiociatot watt us in the tVAL BUSINESEL Rolwit
Bnyardaknern, *as walking out the Fourth street . D
1 bosomy. Tbe style ninth A. , ,,,,a1 c biit . ,, r; ,_ .
road, when the wet weather, wbichittotiave had for jll
a few days past, commenced, and /then apposite 1 &
the Eighth Wahl school house, he slipped and a 1.,.,!. ., fir r i te,, ,, , , 47 , gz , r , z2 t;., • = is . s .fA x
fell In falling he extended his arms in order ' Merchants of V:lncirmatt ha Its l i e, ' ,nr
to cave himself, and 4Doth bones of opeczani, just th „ , th ,,, ,th,,,,,„„cri,.. las„fr:a.V.,Ml„nt.
above the wrist, were broken In two pitces. ••ur, save bevnerquaYnted with. land .14 for a Y.'. or two
e'en an ankle of banally Medicine known as Perry Davit•
.---...-- . N .1;1 Lle Pain Killer, and we wouklusure the publk that
o in:J o nre .. . ,
p en tu b as we knoe. it hat Oren the the
sum. M can rorommend It to the
PkTglt Lar.coiv.-A colored man named Isaac 1 Le„, c V;At, '
Johnston, was yesterday committed to prison by 1 esteems an art.e .Tgreat ...Land virtue, lad.d. we
his honor, Mayor Fleming, on Eolith of Mrs, I ,7,,,„"1PT, n ,,n0 • 44 4. 211,;',1.,' 1 .11",b ~V.;,, TT be ilLn7;t di o ' r
Maria Mehalfey, who charges Lim with stealing i Its extensive pale and tansy' incrtaseng demand.-
r ei671.4 b:r 15 a the leading °Tuggle.
several articles of trifling value.
I Far .... by It E. SELLERS. wholetalt, Agent. eVi3 ST
Mr. John U. Barr, also preferred a chitrge of ST ~I street.
the same nature against him.
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale
T. subscriber °LILTS for sale the Ileum and grounds
here be now render, situated on Pork street, helm Tre.
ant, In Allegheny. and alout 25 minute? walk from the
•• bet of this city. The lot to 140 toot fro. or Part at,
running beet 252 feet, to an alley--enntaining nearly 000
acre of ground, and hi bounded on every side by large open
lots, adorned with trees rod shrubbery. The house Is
newly new, large, and excemlingly woN aerangod, having
(emit of 50 feet, and a depth of 72, and contaltui fourteen
room, beside, hallo slue feet wide.. It Ls built to the beef
and most durable manner, and has • Gni-proof roof. and
contains ail the modern convenience , Two M.P., with
an unfailing supply of hard end ~oft water, are at the door.
On the premises , ere the neeenvery out buildings, stable,
carriage Lmue, Re. The grounds are laid oat umettly as a
lawn. revered with choice fruit trees, evergreens, flowering
e urrants, gulYhdtrriel, taApbeiries,lc. and a email
Mud. o. The fruit is Eddie lot 1,111,1, and the trees are In
their prime, and yield rlOOll4ll for the want of an ordintu,
fondly. The situation of.thic pnmerty as to salubrity end
suburban mmfira,•comloin , ..l with contiguity to the city.
is not surmuoad by any reithlenee In this vicinity. it hes
a view of the Ohio River for over n mil, of Tetnnemnee
rill, South Pittsburgh. the 000, the two rivers, and the
hills around. forming altatlier 0, lamorturtie sProepeet of
which the eye never wearies, Ever, boat which enter! or
departs from the port a Pittsburgh on the Ohio. Ow. In
full view. The residence awl grounds are alsotohapletely
removed from any an of dnat so destructive of
comfort and vegetation. and affords a retirement as quiet
iuld {vacant mai( hwated in some quiet not in the muntrY•
The reopen a will he Kohl at a her,„-ain. and poariestion given
on the first of April. Enquire at the Ossetia office.
ishedtf 2.: WHITE.
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
Water @lra , . In thew - an/bon.
C. O. lien.... Preeident A matt. See .,
This Caeca-Le II INJ. nrenucl to {Want Oil mare/wain!.
In core- and in traneina. vecele. •
An 1.00 .-turapty for do aLiliir and temoirr. , It..
Inantu Oe ton. .[Saul
of al, eliarct , t
td ha Dinaie,
to . die
G Ragalei. Wen. Latimer.
Walter brear.s. ling.h D King. Lcassl I.lcceltoo.
John Haworth. F. linriaaanh. S Ka, annuli
European Agency.
The retwentor =wok; elsitiog the trir,ital rtM cr
ore., Beta:, during the ittooth 4
Ayril. May. anal Jour neat. :Paving Patrhurgh am March
17 tb. slat will be pletuedattrad w way a,-enclos of • bir.
/Matra tharartrr which Guy I. 0.r.t.1.4 to WA ram
jara,d=rll JOU,: DAVIS.
Foreign and loneriean Hardware.
Ho. 129 Wood Street,
A full Ara coruyktertockof FOREIGN AND ANERICAN
Suitable far the rhylutytrAdu, vud vvhlelt Wry are yrtvpared
to oth, to purr_hasm at rum , Witt compare
favorably arab any of the. essown oda,.
Dongt.tic and Foreign EzrAangt; Bank :Voter,
Odd 4- Silrtr, Barsoht, Sold 4 Erchangrd
No:----44 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
di - !tamest Athoer. es 11111 i DEPO6MI4 AMA
CJOPARTNERSHIP—We have toenciated
with e.TIIOXITON lfru. Ida es.thl.r of O
teh a
ttot Farmer"
Deprolte Bank. r
te dew,. U. a h , the
titaness. The stile of the Um rental. mu hrettehoe.
13 ' A. WILKIN6 4 CO.
A. A . VILKINS , & CO.,
Corner of Third and Market sts„ Pittab'gh.
On'tha employmcbt of time not ocrupkal Latina..
M. DC'AMP, Unitarian minim., arill deliver Ina !Second
Inra to Young Mn',. nu Futalay rrening. ICUs inst., at
7 &dna.. at Colon Mil. corn , of Eralitairld and Flft.l4
&Vert.. t
HARDEN SEEDS—A full d:andgoo ort
" 7.:llZd'arr`dlVlV,Lvt4.Z.i.=v7i.l
The partnership heretofore exisGrtg _between the
xontiers under the Arlo of iiheeklett was die
:re rethl7 the datihaf=r;(ll Vii,ralyto's‘t'•Ullogroomp
the business. althortted taupe the name of Olt late
for that pitrpnW. No, 101 Wood Wert.
B lt eitheKl.rl`f.
14 bloomy TUGS ft 0 MTV
NEW FIRM—B. C. Shncklett and William
Perm. as general partners, and Iktiponlo Glide, at
rpoetel and ilrottol metticr will continue thi, 11011,19/e
My Grads business under Gm of II
t fl. Steeklet g CO.
Log,' by fiZ; V 114 19 ",
fettle WM PAIN&
math. 31USIC—arkWhere are tire friends of
by 0 Ber
Igo .W Bawl to tell You
T471/117;4 o'er the Dar,11.05.. 0ng
121Teallor N.Winst7lianir'. a new
d'n"" to
She I lure le far herby
Oh, mect me on the Shiver Shore .
Good htght.
My Ganes ma the Prairie Lea—it oodbarY
Lily libel, C Futter
g:147= 4, ° , Valuate. hy 0 Barker .
Wouldht. the filmk Shatters' Fong an !Folks
I we, with tbee—fOr Guitar
Les Adieux, by Gorr
Arteatenstro collection of new Polkas, Waltxm Variat
loons. fre
Alm w mPPIY of “New Ca ma 0.4C19,7 Cantina
Landis, a nd so excellent oew work, called Me ttWelottlet..
'U r
;le? terbbTitnirll 'l3l:ao"t=tfo ur
the host works ever pail:Med 5i.51.5111.1ifL
polden Hwy.:o 101 Third et.
RRiv 6[1.11.11,
C. SIIACKLETT & CO—Wholesale
jr)7o,Mstourrisgr, art Drusestic Dry Dad, pe•tilot
LOUR-9 0
siipriiin Y e, in fin
by fan RILE, p:! CO ..
V ItEEN kPPLES--311 blib.iiToi—snie by
Li fetal' DUEY: 3IATTIIEWS X 111)
bbl fresh, fo — r sale — by
fOr stile
hI4 co CO.
`AF}: INVESTMENT-4.1,000 in Allegbe-
us Cuutity Cuuhao INmlr, for atle hT
AWN A. a
64 Woral at, Mire 4th.
IA DOLLS Allyglionv City Loupen
L ;OIWiL/ intend twvable. In 'New win b.
.14 y fobl4 • \v 11. A. A HILO , CO•
I:3II b NI i STILA.TUIt'S NOTICE-4coliT is
AATArni7;;: l 4 ' „ L i b iLl'.'." l "iltr.4.;% l ;:r i A.l, ,V“.•
of Ohio townnhip. All,henr •
all persons Indoblrd are I , lntM "um'. Il l' inedata.pasoent, end the... L . -lug 1 . 1..1 , 1..5. 4 .. 1 .J' 1 " r
Ideate twitsswtcd to present the wont. duty entlnmtkatesl.
fur settlement. ALEXANDER MERRIMAN.
4b141gt•9 Achanthirstor
TEXPESANCr. Mornausr.—A meeting of the !
Young lies of the city of Pittsburgh, with the
leave of Divine Pro'widence„ will be held on Mon
evening next, in the Lecture room of the
Fink Presbyterian Church, (Bev. Mr. Paxton's)
to take into consideration the expediency and
importance of organising a Young Men's Tem
perance Association of this city and vicinity.—
Several addresses may be expected on the ocea
' sion. The young men who have recently and on
form - er occasions signed the pledge, and all others
who Wish to aid the cause by their personal in
, Science, until the plagues curse of iriteinparsnre
shall be banished from nur land and the world.
are cordially and earnestly invited to the meeting.
Signed by one hundred respectable young on..
FINE Daarrantorver. ENTAELI+II'3ENT.-WE
paid a visit yesterday afternoon, 'the new
daguerreotype establishment of N. sc Cu.,
un Fourtl street, entrance by lAti.l3 cite Hall,
and were delighted with the "evidences of Mr.
N's good taste and skill which every where met
our eyes. The rooms are beautifully fitted up,
and the sky lights superior to any in the city, so
that a picture can be taken in an exceedingly
short apace of time. This is of course, an im
portant requisite, when children, who can rarely
he kept In one position more than a few Inwood',
are to be taken. ,
We have seen many of the daguerreotypes
taken by the most celebrated' Eastern Artists,
and can truly say that this gentleman's produc
tions will compare favorably with the best of
them. Any of our readers who may wish to
possess the "counterfeit presentments" of their
relatives or friends should call on Mr. Nelson,
and we will warrant that they will be perfectly
satisfied with his handiwork.
CONCERT.—The lovers of musk are to be fa
vored with a concert on Monday .evening., by ar
tists of considerable celebrity, to wit: Madame
Buechelle, Franlan Stople, the former a distin
guished vocalist, and the latter a celebrated pi
anist. They will have a full house no doubt.
Two MOUE ALLT.OO. I, 11111111 TAT R9111:1W .
vee honor, Maor Guthrie, Is makin fresh de-
lopinents rela y tive to the highway r obbers who ,
have, of late, infested our city. Two young ,
VIM named John McKee and Tiromas N. Smith,
were yesterday committed to prison, charged
with participating in the recent robbery of Mr.
O'Neal. A numb rof other persons were like
wise examined, b t the evidence against them
R. not sufficient o warrant their committal.—
The defendants all committed for further
hearing,. and will reexamined on the 17th.
It may he that sode of the amused - ire inno
cent, but there i no doubt they were l'foued m
bad eueupszty, and if tkury' osostiNtbie time, we
trust thkt,lhajlidUilbelttiree tIM'AI with, whom
they associate in future.
Fats:son ! You all know the history of this
Church. Our last payment of the troublesome
floating debt is nt bond. Five of them • have i
been paid, this one is the last, according to the 1
agreement of those who hold the tile of the
property, and who burro bound themsel tee to re
convey tho building and premises to the congre
gation, when the claims they hare tendered are
On Sabbath, 16th, i. e. to-morrow, collections
will therefore be taken to assist in accomplishing
this object. Divine Service will combenet, at
half past ten A. -51., and at seven Pi M. ; the
, Rev. William 51. Parton, of the First Preabyte
clan Church, will preach the sermon in the morn
lug, the evening sermonwill devolve upon myself.
I have been advised to have something very
attractive for the evening! Why is dile s Just
to secure a good collection, as well as!to do you
, good! To hold out any other motive would not
he believed by any intelligent person.. Well, av
always, so %ben, 1 mean to be attractive! When
was it otherwise? Come then, all of you my
worthy friends who con, and help us across the
Rubicon! We want you to come at tide time
p i citiculaely ! Come, and I shall oldeavor to
i show you from Sand. iii, 5, that the Chwch of
thisist in this world, in an emblem—tumiracle—
a monitorand a magnet; and a magnet you
-know, is "very attractive." I affectionately
invite all,. especially the learned faculties of
medicine and of the law. NATAMIIT i t WM.,
icerzcatomenca TABLE.
Reported for the Pittsburgh Ciasetia, and for
the Smithsonian Institute, Washington City.
• migurp 01 Tilt T1161.1031IET;41, •
Frbm Febuary 7th to February 14th.
Dote. Souriee, 9 a rek. 3p m. 9 p m..J nil oleo,*
4G 42
U3p 38 64 .
it V., &a 6 8 6 0 50
10. 4.1 51) 08 63 A
II 82 84 53 81 33
12. 20 30 40 37
13. 20 '• 36 •54 41 .40
— l4. 42 48 52 ,48 I
Atsr mei Orrics—Prrrainmo m—Five drunk
arch mut isgmots were committed to prison yes
terdny, by his besot% Moyor flutbrie.
CCanarrf.D.—Aldennim Major of the Sixth
Ward, committed no less than ten vaigrants to
jrtil Yestenisy, for terms of imprisonment vary
ing from ten to thirty days.
AD-Tasmeav u F•vaa or Di. 11"Laza's Lana
it ...Id be e•sr m MI • volume with earth:Hate
made i s cf th
i e f
artaaticine.. Wbearver it tau ' hstl • hislt haa tse
prpular. We have tri7our p 0,191 3 ,11013 httalrotts of orders
lien the fallowl
..Canrsontton, N- Y. Dec. 10,'3:.
-Meson.. KU.I A Co—Your travelung agent left with
•+bort time since, • quantity of 11•Lane'0 Liver rills. The
whole lot sola very espial). sad risen the the. ct ssth' sct `
the. laded It to tbh best mrdlrine or the tied
ever offered for o New« send me another supply as
soo poegiblo. W. Cl. AINSWORTH."
Fo n r
Oslo at J. FULD & CU.
febltalAwls. No. Lb Wood et
i Dlal.e.
(Jo Friday indult.. Mil Itiet,,M.Mtv litut is, infauldaugh .
ter of Jellemod I/. ate! Anna Maria Sleazes, aged e montlis
nod 5 daYs. ' ,
The reJadvet and Dirndl , of the family ere riopectfulll
invited to attend him funeral, from her parent's residuum.
No. 03 Diamond erect tide (datunlay 1 morning. at 10
o'clock. to proceed to the Alleglfbay Cemetem.
jiR. lIOLLICE'S Select Private Leetures
0 Ph ymoloo. SI wide y, Tuesday. Wolneedac, Feb.
L., li. o lv.
For Oeutletneu exclusive'''. et Ili. 'Youttm not , o lmit.
For LMics ittelusively. at 3 o'clock
mngle Lectormoll. emits reseestalalrekiesw F. essta.
, . 5100pm:she's Homo. _
Magi 1 851
Merchants' .Transpikdation . .Line ,
A A. McANIILTY 0 CO., canal Bum, end Penn street,
Vl'raßL RAY NOR, Catitral Block. Broad stemt, PULL
We aro PrePared to reciiVe a large .mount merchandise
mid produce to ship on the Opening of the canals to Plitt' ,
delnlds, end all intermediate places at lower rates. and to
loss time thau In any previonS &mem.
YkieiN B. The lorreased number of
ou rrs provided Try
the Canal Comminslnners (of earrrlaa r Is.. ea the
had will prevent arty pmeibillty of delay at
Johnstoun, linlideyeliure G enital:labia. this sermon.
C. A. 51aAN C LTV a co,.
Canal Bag
- -f'?"..-. ' ---. —'
'10 (v
. A. McANCLTY & CO—Transporters ,
1j • Forwarding and CoMmlaslon !Imamate. INeoli
CroatMiniu, .105 Peon Area., Pittabutub. foble
earTourn, , No. 41 South Second titre., (.hots
tstui, met side.) PhiladelPhlk feblLly
t'4OAL — A tract of Coal Land lying on the
i3loncomikelaiut the tinter coil nf Llnietoem, le offer.
for vale on terms that rill more a preititaLle In vottut mt
to mpltalqc or real TIM. Ileums uneugh fur tee or ' al;
family, set alreade emeted on the premise. Me landing it
mfc. Om water nivel, pcmilltlng biota to he Loaded at ail
revving the cm! LA of the beet moan, and eaellY ollmvil
the Pit le nog 'ln gond order. drY nod Mod l 7 Omitted, and
towithin leas than Meentrillirc yards of the river. Plitt
t", "Y n"'st '''''. ':""ire 4 JAS. S. at ON.
ALP, at Law, Otto St-
Tlle undersigned horticulturists and.Seed
mu, from I.aUbn. haring estahlisitcd ilmmacires
titnorc; Md., take the liberty to inform the gentlemen
of rimburgh and vicinity, that they would delight to imp
ply them with the leading...idea of the kiteken Centel" ,
a.c,l";,t,s..trvillo,...aita. tir e i, miLe. tat igr A nsg• h il=
metal liming] for us by our friends near Lundenx 11. la a
hp a tp
e ss
tl m
fact well known to every ffardener of experience, that first
rata Enalieli Garden Sessls produce in Quantity and Moor.
=lt i ts%l o rti ` c% ° -
' 0,1 7 . tpiriTnt t kind :
:rt ' ,17= 1 e l:7:111
common trash. To enable gentlemen In see the difference
in quality, without expense to themselves. we have ender.
ed samples of the mincimil kinds, which the adhere of the
tissette sill present to !nut of their friends Int-vetted gard
fliers) th.•y know ear and will do the Seedsjustice. and
at maturity drop us a line informing us of sums., or
tirders for our geols, and remittanee, whilst all lima; te.
eels,. our prompt and beet attention. e will send try
Adems Express. (or es ordered.) We will furnish them hY
the ounce. pound or cwt., or platform up to order.
Calvert nodWir streets.
.. • Ila de ltimom, )Id.
Cou ' orVy Ti&ibi.trarty I t rlla a rni t lt7ti o , t rio! f ol b trl nun!
day, the 111th Jai kir Marett . laert,for the graduation, ...act
,. end bridging on the qui es ding from Carrolton to
the valley vI " - Big Sand, near the Oneida 11111,
Plane an,l slimily:Woos of the work may be examined,
end um-Ovary Information obtained nn application to the
Engineer. id the Oftleo of the Company, during the tan
lava prevlone to the day of letting ,
II order of the Ward of threes re.
fehlOrtil ootrr CROZIER, See.
SODA ASII-31 casks, for oak by
f1.h16 W c f WILeuN
(~ A LTPETItI.-5 0 bags, crude, for sale by
1. - 1 013 R tF. WILSON
L 1 lA\ CLAY-1.25 bar, for rale by
lJ w s F 1,11.20 N
SECTION 110 ATS—The Tanacharinn
.0 'Lein... Iring at Colombia. Sh"new at Freeport
Albert, at I•ltbbur.b.
Canal Brain. Pittaborgh.
shams Rs sale. Apply to BAIRD IRVIN,
fehl3 ll 4 Nsvon4
re.h Gell.reneronl Vernateelll. on Wend sod
bar eels br the oreetell." MI. A. MeCLUILL) CO
febEt 2 liberty et
ECKEII'S FARINA--5 NUrs fresh, of
en celebrated Ile a diet Lr Invallole
rrn, abet fur Illanemenge, l'uddinge, (inlet ttonv.
ror Nt'o. wery low by tbe bon. dosen. or retalL
0.1.13 W 1.1 . 41. NleCLUStfi t Cll.
Fox's S CAltCll='nl.lem for sale by
r•brr• • %rm. A. SVCI,IICO k CO.
- _„
0 7 bates Cott , .
91 yneky nattbarr.
..Z.4 do l'eanuts.
do Or) APP I ' . .
4 do do Nara..
. n d o do do pesled. •
i do
ch°..n. g
.rri ' .ca rummer thaaava: firr
. le by I 119 ' 13 W* 1 ' •• T &A.I.4II•DICKEY k CO :,
' LARDND HAMS-10 bblii:LEtrd;
I <ark Ilium. to sad.< 00
roamer Fart Pitt far lakle by
for sale by
Superfine Flour, for
500 BUS SHORTS, for Anle by
rasa EAA7. 1".R11. ER.
'IIO p Z ,I3 CORN BROOMS, for fialo b
SAM. P. stnitvra.
BBLS SENECA OLL, for sole by
I 0.13 g.t H. P. biIRIVER.
Partner Wanted
PERSON hating a thorough knoty
in .11 ~ledie.,
" for
to "" ma n 'e," ""t",
:o r tu f g,, f . M '6, 2tf
111 r,ts
.p d 3 bbl. Beef Tallow, for
10 . b ,a;To" -Je r t eaal 'i' • s.Ol. P EMITTER
:rHE foundry ‘ionnested with our works n : psrthllf ,b.strnlecl by. fire on the night
y e 500 10 . 0 onit, that sre. now lirolwf , d
to...treat< order' , kg usual, It, FEIIM4/TI work soul meth!
nor y
I open whirh have mentioned the entire destruction of
our works. will Ides. , enrrort (S.i4nedo
Fort Pitt %corks. F.. 11. 10. 'Ol fehl2-111ar
.. . . .
TEN SBA I( ES old Allegheny Bridge amok
anted. 01.117 'lO ItAIRD 1 IRWIN.
lehwM.7 l ll4 Semod 0,
.r All1)--"f he mubseriber. take thin mode of
/ tenricnon their parterre thants to•thoee Fireman sod
ter friend, who. by their extraordinary exertion. rased
their stork of Hoods from destruction br ere and Toler on
the night of 10th instant.
LARD 011.-12 blihi, , read per iitimini•r
Cincinnati, and for vtle hr 3.IR.'DALZELL.
f6bl2 No. CS Water at.
W i
IN l cam t aiAS-20 ,111, 710,f0r
. i 2 ; 1. : ,L
bbl., in fine order, for sale
I_l .b.i fcbl2 . O . OCIIODNMAILKIt * CO.
REFINED BORAX-1.0 cases, for mile by
4bi2 J. atiIOONNAKER t a).
T ' ER'S bbls, for sale by
frbl2 .7,scuooNmAram & co.
,1) cane, for sale by
.pAms GREEN -3
b 1 2 _
7MP BLACK—In bulk for Tanner'o, 26
AR for ms.l. bl J. SCHOONMAKER A CO._
ings with Gold alai Velvet matelard boot.. for Draw
rt._ F. Id. II W. P. 51ARSHALL.
frbln6.s Wad at
v l HEAP WALL PAPER—From 614 cents
Mf b AitSHALL.
I• • — for role A) febl2 W. P. MARSHALL.
WHITA; FISH-92 bblajor salceby
}AM 2.1 Front .u.
((s lIEESE-123 bas, in store and for sale by
1,_,, , febll 'SALMI DICKEY * CO._
9 , 11:110TILY SEED—In store and for sale by
TAR -150 bbls, in store and for sale 11V -
holders of the Erie Can Company are hereby notl
ed that the Annual election of Director. for the enmint
)enr, rill be hed at their Moe In •Erie, on the Drat Mon , '
de) is Ilareh next. at 2 o'cl.a,k,r. te.
Dy order of the Dreeident.
Canal 0010, Erie, Feb, f., 'ld fehll
11_1TIE LADIES all eay "If you *ant real
good Tea. vote Morrie t. Hayworth' , Tea Store Ia th e
rue:good for IL The Tee they Pell at PO rent. pee PP."'"
I, feelle ei r) ,Pegial. and the, at 7.5 mote and 51. are dell.
view. Low prirod, damaged, or teener Tem an uererhoPt
Aat thin cOlabllohogn i t.
l atid ,, theLti vi o: re ro tal r L i all th tb ., eir Te. T . er ii
i font
ahlch. ' 4 boldi ng up to the
light. eon will 'het 11. MR,. N a ladr . p rel ' l. fohll
100 barb Dry' reerbm
100 do do Aprlend
20 krgr Weehinirton CO. Boner,
60 Msextra Family Flour:
30 do Somerdne dd.
.500 down cram Corn Broome
1000 bore,. Window Ulu,seroried, rtort
Mad ror enie by .1011 N WATT L CO,
fobll Liberty st_
EVOLVERS—Just received, au addition-
F ,. f b rillll26 Colt's RevolTvel.. T. Wllo\
OLL BUTLER-25 bble prime, for sale by
• ' S t Xf 11ARBACUII.
Pbll Nolls lint AM 116 Fin i nnd
LINSEED OIL-10 lAIs. for Pals. by
I,bll 0. t W.lntnEtAcort.
TALLOW -10 bble, prime, for sale by
fobll S. & ir.niainAtort.
BROOMS -50 dozen, for sale br
febll 8. k 11ArtIIAL1111.
DRIED APPLES-150 bus prime, fo'r sale
by fetal S. 1161111/01011.
DRIEII BEEF-6 casks sugar cured, for
sale by lila P. AW. I.IAILBADJI!,
e, GLASS-1100 has,
r febll H. SW. lIARUAT.76II.
LARD-55 hide and 100 kegs No. 1, for
.als.hT G•bll S.l W. ITAIIIIAUGU.
ir i LOVER SEED-55 bbls prime Ohio, Tor
1 I_l .ale by Cali . SAW HAM:IAMBI.
_ .
DRIED :PEACILES-1511 bags for sale by
8.811 8. A W. n.sauliutin.
COTTON TWINEVO lbs superior qual-
AJ ki T , fur mle by .1. KIDD At CO,
V ASTILIE SOAP—'ff) cases for sale by
(610 J. KIDD t CO.
-SO kegs an bbis, for sale by
_ .
`BEDS --•10 bbls Clover Seed;
• o1L) do , for rule b
)0.b1.0 113
WY APPLES-200 busiaTollhand and
tar sale br 0010 anowN k. KIRKPATRICK.
Tri t Ra i do.: or I ,'
e 7, Trieste, Chenese, and
A. IiNICA FLOWERS—For sale by
A l '
u LACK LEAD—TOO lbs dl superior quali
„up tr, for sail. by R. E. SPLLYJI.S.
. feblo 67 Wcol slaw,
VAMPITOR-3 bbls for sale by
lJ feblo. R. E. SELLERS,
DOW'll BAYI3ERRY-2 bbls for sale by
fICIPPERAS-10 bbl 3 for gale by
hLlo lt IL Eturra.4.
VIAL CORKS--1000 grorA
V frblo
140 USE LAINES--Printecl and aolld
.L 1 color, In ,net.ratirty and . at VIIIiOIIICOI In be
lonn at store of Hole NURYrp a UInICUIFIELD.
- •
a 'arrailt. rermeties k ,
nombed Wltmr.s, sad dittrr qtyl, of Mourning studs-
OAF bbs, assorted num
b.,rs for-tale be BURDELIDGE t INGRAM%
10 • N.. 116 Water It .
SA.TAII DICKEY it CO.,Agent. for Me
thsale's Iron Work, have Iron for ale of euperlor
earl i gr. n =wrod, wwwalted. Wistelcuse 112 Wal./An.l
B ATTING -15 hales superior, for sale by
feta° ISMAII DICKE "" ! t GI)
UTTER-4 roll.
6 der ry
IL"' o -
K. g v... 0103 ta
61.. m " CO.
Bremer,. hare retired • rest full carpi) of abut . .
getyle, which they aux veil. at to rritte• th. thee are
renerally "old au Alga Black Figured aral Sava& do. of
revert Ark. LIZ
Linen and House nunishing Goods.
A. MASON CO„ No. 62 and 64
kw. lilattet atroot, keopo . to o.
CM hand • lame
Table Clotho. IhLatiaktaad Diaper.' •
1 1.:zit ' t ap i r:4h r aa i e b t ,- ;..
14000 L Norma, 1400 and
11 , rol Lye:
Floor aoul Litton DIIISMIE. trtior,
Ultra thuatbrie Ibtralketeltkloi. .
104 Allt udalo Sheetlato, 104 ELOKAIM_doc
0011011 e theotlngr. 40 hub it. te.
Large Auction Sale of Refined Sugar
Double heat. Crushed, PoPelered ssutll
lartdedorlll at,Auetion at !V'ew ur
leans. on the 148.5 day of Felvenarv, 1751,T0RP10,
t A &Pone,. at the Acne of 7110 S. 13A.ILLY,13LANCHARD
k Co. Agent-tor aid ItofOerr. No."Meartont lloiew street.
rezTervis literal St Dole.
ALSO, on the same day, at the tame Stove,
20,0 pa k kage. ith pried' pale and dark Pellevolson Brandy.
d o ked pale vintage 1&15 do do
75 do Tel " "11i,"5 do do
1.5 do 10 1816 do do'
Pipes Notlets Tramiel Eagle Oln.
all the abova an, under Cskdoen Nona Keys.
100 ttaskete tinlanolet,
159 eases Absinth;
7J assnyted Ceedlak
100 Brandy Cbeertive
50 frulP, In their ink, •
100 lasket• Oiler 014
300 rases 4sPilnesTe I rms lin 011,b eral wh
at ole sal, ha e. lt Ilharte7 s
feb,Blod 1111,1
bele*. gar -
DRIP OINGIIAIIIS--Kurphy & Burchfield
bare ou band • large lot of Drip libaghattus. which
am ...lilts at greatly reduced price, north east corner 4th
yRESH FRUlT—Peaches and Blackberries
put up In
i their own juke. and hermetically Pealed.
17.bAET=4`111glitirIr`t7etlf"°°"" at
Pie. or tart. On hand and ' for raw' hi
feta 25C Liberty street .
BIRD SEEDS—Canary . and Hemp Seeds
of the hod quality fui died
(AS . Al 31'CLIIRO & CO.
INSEED OIL-3 blds just received, pure
ur- mA fm lol3lsoki.rrrue co,
,Ito Laberiy
umnamen. all paid up, Er WI
PIA Stork and Exchange Broken,
FRiS AND RAISINS--149 boxes figs:
do rollmop , 0
dal •nd for Ws by BROWN a KIRKPATRICk.
OLAS SE S-3 4 tierces and 300 barrels,
AID - 011;115 — bble best refined Winter
for sale tor a KilOOtill pc ER S CO.
'ebb Wood Annet.
I APER-100 name Wrapping, assorted;
too do linedworo ' dO
GrijE-60 bblx Common,
fu a~ sore for
feta J kIIOONMAKJIE & cu
(11LDER'S CUSHIONS—Just received and
kfi for ate Vs J. KIDD 4 CO,
P 69 No. CO Wcoi qtre.t.
SHAKER'S HERBS, et kinds, a fresh lot.
n hand. and On gab by ,
UILAZIER'S DIAMONDS-1 dos. for sole
I_l by febB J FCIDD t CO.
I ONG SHAWLS—A few low priced Long
14Shaw1P--• manor argele-ntust neelre.l Ay
I ASTOR 01L-10 brie Blow's best, for sale
t.) J KIDD t CO.
11 . UTTER-7 bbL frosh Roll;
jup 9 o eoi
3) t e es do lid
funreneered sod
for de by feta MoiIILLS t ROE.
TOBACCO -49 boxes 5 Lump, for solo by
fcb7 llco I LLif t ROE
WIN DOW GLASS-100 bxe "Liaught's"
tl by ID, for de by feb7 SIeGILLS k ROE.
received end for sale by R. E. mums, 67 Wad
street, of .boon Um genuine article cozy aluaYslai bad.
Wl{l T E 11051 E-MADE F LANN EL
MURPHY a BUROILVIELD are wiling a wool U.
hele of above as low ran& per 'yard. The, have ally
Vlanc h ns t cPr ''' spll '", qUalrda mm'.ff.ha
/1100 D CANTON FLANNEL—A farther
wifi ,mpir
ind t ev ef a
tem .111:11121IT a BURCILMILD.
D .
RUGS—• Itt store and : fir gee by the 'sub
craw, all of the toe. qualltr .
Sult , hots and s.suas - of stseus:
, •
tium Ehellar,
El..uu &LIM
xtgar ot-Lad.,
(lola AriLln
estum Fortzr.
Noll Ilrl
S outoa,
Flour Iphspour.
Alexandrva 01.
Sellers' Cough Syrup in Illinois.
JUDGE PIERCE, of 3liddleport.
t lroquoise
tVgr l ' eo l Jgh . C l :4l4 l
yeltm hie
rwaramfined hia bed. and ned
medical trealinent three nicnth.. During the snrulner
be got better, but thecon.rh continued to diatreaghbn
br day and night. which ww only relieved by the we of
lien tough 5y113( , .. * which a gentleman byt the name
cof rhaufn brought with blot fr.= th e State of Ohio. Mr:
hains boot feeed the e ) yeeer.vreit le,r,eatiy„„sed
when from Ohio. loot fifteen betties with him,.
ygirtion of nt h .dg herr, obtalad and wet with great
beneha, when mean, fatted to ellcrl
Prepared and mold by II EL W
F.. SLEP.:?.
67 iaat
ea' by druggirta generally in the two ,itica and • leinltY •
1 67
T :1•
F.A . i"S FOOT OIL-2 brls_jted received
1:4 very eupetior article. for nde hr
S. N. incminsnAm.
(a . P.-I.lilSll WIllIEN,;(;-20 brio in store, for
17rik by N. WICKER:OWL
WtHITE BEANS-30 bu prime, for sale
ot: Wml pt.
_ . ..
200 ET.,_CORN . .
. bur. Shalt, fr `W O ODS
Prt.lure Dcalcsa and annudenion Mernbanta.
..10? GI Water Artist .
(.10H - N-20 brla and 30 sacksjustrei .' d by
~,,,,, J. S. DILWORTH 4 CO
ROLL BLiTTER - 15 bob Mature
'IG IRON-200 tuna unhand"
ll_. sa29 J. S. DILWORTH &CO
MOOTASH—S eaaks Duncan's pure Potash,
ii - for sale by ' ....2., J. & IL FIA)TD.
AK IMITATION—Paper flanging in im-
Oitation of Usk, and varnished. fru rate LT
( '''' W. P. MARSHAL. S 5 Woad rt.
~ ---
27 brls Thnothy Cond. prime nun erup•
• lb brlr and ' G bag. No I Leaf Lank
2.5 hbds prime N. O. Sun,.
• ~ 1.01 bes o. u. Hohmann
i •• 50 brk bank. around S. IL Molassrtn
nri.ltrr.''rlarrd! I
landlerlo,aby OJaIIIK PATH
10ZOOE O ng1.101 CASKS CLORIDE LIME, Muspiatts%
.10 brim utnr Oil. twl•
Emcees. smcmtcd: 11 low's best.
brim Ohun
' 2500 lbs Blue Vlbi01; mso.rwiltrA woo, at
TIE LA I NES—A large and splendid ansort-
er,aca el wool De Woos and CA. A ashm . erto at estnnnely
"tc:2Z,l..ll7N:'F4licl..Tlrtst.Satin and Lasting Vest
and Coat Buttons. B. 51rtal, and Japanned Pant. lutd
Strop Buttons. tinny and Blaer. Inone Suspender Buttons,
A. A. MASK.: CO.
eiC-PARIKERSiIii.-.Tbe subscrihera have
(t.v e ' l '''`''''' hlP A - Tl'. ln . rAin or
lleorltud and opened this day.clubt cum as , folk:tam
Lark:. Blue. Levan and Wren Ltruaticlotbn of elemonra
superior fabric.
Altman superior Black Doeskins. ~
Writ of England and Middiesoz do.
/tallest:mut Kentucky do.
. Black Beta Fancy bilk, Cutimete, MerinottnelMatwelliet
Vntloww. A. A. MASON k W.
febl c‘t A Al Market wt.
AO Pricd Apple's
tit bola Plantation Reuses, oak citoperaget
ILO dot Corn Broom, Just reed for sale bt
tobl Mel/ILLS k ROE.
a to furnish and met albmrsntrfur henbing par
linlinmi by steam or hot ..ter.
owl bore
mums D. D. H. Williams,W from the end. to superinkrui its con
truction. jail SCUFF, ATKL`antoN A OKELT.
O LET—Rooms and Steam Polr - erinr
T 4, or-b.:ail SC Enquire of
119 Front rt
11 - 1 - f,tlE gIALTS-1 case for sale by
I t EF'D SUGARS--20 bxe d. ref ....
• la brie anall loaf:
210 do crashed:
170 do ponderedt
for sale by SO do Clarified In store slid
1a25 ails-ISt Louie Sugar Refinery.
- OAF SUGAR-30 brie for sale by
1. wm. BAo.u.ks • Co.
for sale by
Renders.. it C. Stanyurillm
V. Yarmapsyrll2., Rs mile by - IL E EELLEII9
1 02 " 47 Wood a .
TOBACCO-5 Idyls Ohio Leaf & Maryland,
score mod for •Yrde by wm. d. TOEISSIWY.
jg LARD:
v/ 110 dm Emcma: ``'`*".° iGl9l. b louNstos
yROMINY-5 brls Cincinnati 110 Milly just
reed per rteerner Clipper, o'hieb sill be Fold my kror
e hrl. or bur. yoZI WM. A. hirCLUHO t CO.
•. . _
n UTCII ITERAING---12 kepi now. for sale
_Elbe 031 WM. .ICCLULO LCO
hMOVAL.—EN 01.11311 BEsarrr. WhO/L' -
Rrule assent sad Dealers le Produce, harm restored
. I. S.W. and PO Virtu su.betreen Wad and
. d. PasbuiLL.
Closinf; out the Entire Stock. ,•
REAT BARGAINS.—A further reduc-
LI on in prices. The subscriber wishing_ to dome oat
the balance of his melt of racer and Staple- Dry Geode 07
the let of Apnl soot, would res t ectfully call the attention
of his old customers and lbe public, who am 10 waat of
g oad t ools at fill) per ceut below former prices. To Zny
person u Phlox to rommenns hu,itoon Market Area t, thle
would tw . •
COC4l,pEßlllillt, he will dispowe of the twi-
Lure cf the stock on liberal terms, with • let. td the +tom
which he Iva oeeur,ibt for over 11 years, .41 has so excel
lent family trade. M. M. GARRARD,
) •nrto Tow York Stare, Market G.llltsbure
FILL BOXES-400 papery Wood,
11.5 -
__few: IL E. 5T.1.34 .
KIEL) APPLES-34 sack 9 for sale be
I F.ARLASII--30 casks on hand . and for
he fir.G R. DA LZELL & CO. -
lIIEESE-50-boxes on band and for sale b
1.1 f..bc n&Lz - ELL & co_
ga LASS—Of all SitOY and qualities, on hand
,t .. 4 tor naly 14. r. ful.4 - MIZELL& CO.
BBLS.• NO. I. ROSIN. just received
• and fin aie by B. A. FAILNESTOCK a CO.
ryq aarncy 'frod anl Finrt at.
HELLOWS—Fine pair of Bellows, nearly
LP In., tot. Pale by SCAIFE, ATKINnON OSZLT.
fan 119.11rst
M r - IN TING SOON—Places foranamberof
lefmen. boot !trews, echoolroastryvagant.
&nen, coach men, waltrraltoatler• sad laborer.. and. for
Ztart.p.ll74. sal rye all sal. maakz.
an borttnred and lent, a bony r t ' al all kinds :f it= mad
in an Agenry and Intrlllarner rfacc, attend to pronasur
and far very mrdrrile charge,. Cleave call at• '
and Inielllarnre 0111ce. Stb
I .I3IOTHY .SEED-15 bbis Timothy seed,
os band and for Ne by R. DALZELLiberty L
ribreet. OD.
IARTARIC ACID-400 warrant(
a r, fort.4!bl . n. r. num,
57 Wood strea.
H .
ERRING-400 bas Lubec scaletl;..for_sali
by ja24 DICKEY & CO.
IVOR SALE--Good White Louisville Lime,
I: by the hared or retail: IN/ middle as And
wooden bowl, lihmk To Letr, ISO temperance certificate.
our late counterfeit detectors and ell our dolly aid mad.
our weekly, end About lOU different late /Menu Wedern,
Northern aml Southern new. sr ae= retell Tx
rinAl7"fillr. a few ' IT tor
Fifth street
SUGAR—Prime new and old Orleans Loa;
CrnOxed awl Powdered. for sale
r ' $ rRn 1..1 .
b - • b 4
LARD -30 barrels and 15 kems do, for sal.
R. DA & CO,
Liberty. area.
ROLL RUTTER-5 bble prime R. Butter,
nn burl and fer 41 it. DALZELL co
bs Labertr stsret.
S _
OCOTRINE ALOES-75 lbs, pure article,
for galo lAy febs 1L T. YELLERS..
CVOFFEE-200 bugs Rio Coffee, just roc' ,
‘," and far sale or WALBRIDGE INGRAHAM,
, 1,4 No, 110 Warns Meet,
RESII PECANS—.JuI received, 3 bbls
. fresh Pecan nuts, ler 7: 0 V . me:ix,. s CO.
RESIT FIGS - -50 drum■ received and foi
Veto frb , W. A. IIeCLI3IIO *
irtho only tuscr , :tocut yet blour.U44 hioh
countorfolt Ou4sk o4u tor:may doletod 0:polatorf:,::7
quirts. but • =mace, 43.4u,0tUt or
oak:0 th Watch andJosolo, store of w. wiLo ,
fob 4 corner of Marko; slot 4th MI.
v OLD LOCKETS.—Just received a tar t ,
.V.vtNT.grX,ccv,git:irzlinalv,.l sal Illniature
feb.l it mucel.
OT ASH—S casks just rec'd for sato by
tJ highest premium will be paid b. •
WM.ti MILL & CO.
feta Broker, Cd Wool &recd. t &ore above ash.
MEAUTY.—It is universally eUneeded that
beauty La more runwann In WA Chnlittl thik ,
tryhile at the same Rate It le said that I. no other
osuu r It lort iw young en ego. Norrithle la true tg_i
'certain extent, Lut the loss is alien maseditir nellert We
, 41, de not neidect your Perinnal?plipelrelineallt
rend the following, and you mod not lack good Rio
These articles arer wientiftc preparations. and have all at.
tabled a high rimiest , ' • ,
Jules !mola Pena. or thine. Powder. for Imparting
to tba moat bllllous eatopiesom a radiant whitetail. In
mWIoN should a persom be more careful than the sate of •
powder for the akin, as many of theofimM tier n Minn
my Mouse Lowder ls compounded lualicieutlfie =n
ova, atul contains uo ingrollent which tan possibly Inflict
J .
an itry,
m a u..ra licyHillatgiy Powder. for minoring notcrtu
one halt. Whea la atom unsightly than hair upon fan.
lam.. of • laly. ra. article • ill lu • gage
Juice liauel. Uirellrilifel n. ltr j drlr ' . ye w t d' inetantin
ocously liquid to cols white. or gist half.
Mart. brow, or Kuban:train. It will odor We hair in a
shorter time, coot 034411 kelertYllity Wan any nth., dye, bP
ts,teltriro-r, gr,-kii=,, to
shave with jtila cravat There ts Met of .o:used:north:geese
Ration usnally , experienool in the use ef moot soar. Ou
the contrary, it /elms the akin smooth volt as an in
fant's, and not liable to become chapped.,
July Minute Rome Tooth Pasle.—fiert to the hair; we
think the Teeth were intended cm the protect
tbe human ham Ent when
I neitetcd, nothing Is % i r'.
rci tg:l.2Z"` teepTßl
the guniffirm and heaßhy.
JULES ILIUM, reit:war and Mender, ..PM Chemist at., Phila. • ' •
For gale whohniale and Rion, by R. Ai ighseelock &
cad It. IL. tellers, Pittehargh, and J. Mitchell.
air/. P.: parai
On Monday. Evening,. February 17, UAL
%Ku. BUSCIIELLE, Mister of W.
ort o the .lebrotol VlolluPs.) .rd
g t t they b.littrtitagat'iartgittill"' rtr" Of,
The aJllowing ao extraerof •• tette,. Mir R. balm.
{Voltam to Itr Johs It. Mellor, of thla do - I
?Was. Ilowhell, as a iodlrt ' after JIIIIErf Om. lit
z.tettualatu.tlathcerntry, and site Is well worthy of Fay ai
d/laq.a ...Wahl; her. lob SloJat, 00.0 d
the areatoss Pianists •o toe wor. ou naai r r . tv• INK
have h.e.rd every body In Europe...l the POW. ,
Whop. swam ham been Inv reuutaot Ytudl pews. bat
have • Pay as Ala do.
Po &arum'. tbst fallutraltmou the. ha. tlw Pao
he ,ou tooter a aver of mode l in Attabostb.
I•es lora, ao• DI.
Ad 11111.013. 5.3 ends, to be boa at tat "bode
twee, the'dionongabela mud at LW dam law
e.ruer wood and idlth st.
own) JUVENILE coFmr.
Lafayette Ha Corner Wood sad 4th sta.
under the direetkai of Mr, Keniserva. affi tat+ *ha
,uk neat Monday evening, Irabrnarg Mb. at retta mia.
of gored. and I% oad teutebtaga. I
Mr. Drerli s Brave Buid. avast • rapt 'Asian,
ate. aid be arrangt4 oe s phi43.l with i 1140, •
The Brave Band •111 everanenee
. plafinz at hilittga4i
°ad vagnatevair at °Wick.
AWantaltee zl• orate. Chlldrina OT UMW
parents half pri-e.
'Latta to be Lai the daor andat the meek Otani,
EONARD SCOTT •A• Olt. NA bd dmi. L
throe to blob Ore feu} nedlod•tiotrterl Fier
hate and Illacke P o w od' Mao. • In_ addition. tre r lakei
Iliey recently or:Leaned it: Dalkon. of
ble :e
Work. nOted the 'ling:ie.' tiai/j1
aml Frankel Asrkulture . .bt Henry
P.R. E.. of Rant:slept,. ant*Tof tine -Booker the ,ww• elrnla•
o*ol =tilt* N'w: tkrt "' _,
This highly of y
ealnable compel. tw i lrastr s taree_
ohravo shaiwirdag csrr IWO orher, with CCM ,
rplertal rtivi cograTiescr. awl room than 600 toilirseMlA
on wood. to the highest Writ. of art, Muhl:rah* . Irhabart
I retr y implement of husiandry . now „in ma by the beet Or
me.. the
. be method of pion . ' S,Plaritinrh hey Orr.
mums, de to., the various dogmata. animstiSill Mohr hrOw . •
, g t i wi L whirror hi abort, the o picter, I Datum of the b.*
and it fto eatable value t 0 tbe SOIP
The •ttg. { mite
to eentl-ntoothlr
lofA l w e ach telati f the steel oda. and la
paid erre.. the entlre 'w 9t W ln p bah.
which toe. will be at lean twenty two. "'
o The Britkh Pertalkan rkiMbllehed are
am, vine
toorehh the , t bll
bnrab Retie,
testonotmr Ittwiswr t the ~otth larrralx 10d name
oteis Edinburgh kntomlrm
w Although thme worm are Mammon... IT atm j ommom
Meeks above todicated, yet hot • nandl portion of Melt
tens. k devoted to polite. raided. It le OM: 11
etutrarter which Meea them thoctr ehkf mine. end IS
they stamicooltasedly far shove all other journals of
lms. Blackwood. pall under. the mete./ hodithErhe d
Cbrirt:rhor North, roalataloh Its ardent celebrity
yl , and
aloe, and Prat appearing . in Itarialumne both to Arent ore
tats and to the totted btales. Both waits as . ritre
tgll.l; t w eV l ' ': Vlre S' Ct= "
which numerous Aral MOM. am be by the
publishers to Ode pommy, have to be repented by Ocre
publishers from the pems of Diarkwocel, alter It Lae Men
lamed by Beam Mon k. Co.. so that sub....tore to On
Relent of that klagarloe may slam. malmelng.the
...But of them factontlog lake ".• - .
For any f the fon, Reviews tir annum $3 DI
For any 000 do ad aOd
Ear any time do do 00
'For all, our Beek.. . do'l a
For Blackwood's Phormin, do ,3 00
•Mr Blackwood end Meth.= Reekwa do I 00
Nor Blackwood and the four Beek. do :10.00.
For Farmers' CLAM (complete In ti b 00
Paymenttee be nude 11011 mset , to adrante.d
C EilliLttCr. • IL'. •
A dlecount of twenty rite per cent froh,the ilbOnirtirelf
will Mellowed to clubs ordering furor More copies Many
rna of the above wort. Show 4 amnia Meeks
o ,,nac w .3 or of one Review will be eons to, on smarm kr tat
4 maim , of the 0000 Reviews ami Illacks4cd AM, akin=
" iletina Crean Onto mixeDhe mot direct to the l icoldnl;olk.
hr ITO thwount from thong totem tan lat allowed to egallin
Money, Current to the States where netted, will me&
lietontances eml onornada d
kate should hi Akron act•
drezral. peat pald er fronted. to the PubliOner. •
• "a Pol snook New Tat,
CoFnnume 54 Odd ettwet.. •
QIX CENTS REWARD—Ran nifty frtiq
the eatecriber, M Iktt=h , yL.M .
lou C friersof eTs. I gre r V=rn se " penons fremi
aeurtg the mid atmemitiee . m
allebtl'liettgAn= cb"r"UirOiral
UTM. M. M'KNIGHT,' tenderi his sersiesur
. . to the ellisena of rtraburith and vlclohYtla IWO,
oral - Fludneta Collector and Conveyancer. Wlrtenj opts*
to the collecting and meowing of , chaos in tIl/A ssa maw
log nate+ and COLUItie; will= and renutor
o f
of deeds. hon,dt, ohnlpioa, and 4 . 1 . 1 u.
pf writing. All bnatansa to nis line
roniotnesa and care. ' 77, it. A. Weaver, Sdtenraaro24l.4 l 4i . t . Fl i a
ri. Y.Al i John Morro.. Esoi.,
001g, ' wilt Joacpb Weaver, EN-. Tooth
Major's Mee. .
7- d large loaf
. .. ,
Team hue there beta rart unscrupulous
Praonsed upon the. public shout Ponneasnsttg o Va
itio , .
=to Z ' orerV, tfartran 0 step
lo order to Waco the tomeont to believe thIOOTP= 4 , -•
=whip. . '. ' '
, Persons &nevus Of becoming mvad sad elsgunt r panwes, _
1 trill do • It to cull at ou rs :aII.RCAN7ILS °MUM&
4.4 .ndin. the hand urine.' of onus of the bog pansies
I. the dtb . who hate teen learanaeta to thls Inannutara. '
th.c.2.smT•. : • 4
Allegheny and Butler MA Itoa4;„
me , undersigned commissioners Assisay
e ..... to lbw ova'
of the AlleghenT llnt
. Plant Fad Cc.....r, that an election to ebeetons
ent. Gee Manager. ant • Seeman . On sekl
will be held at the hence at Mr. Bann. In Bekent=li
Allegheny Cotintmn Thosedni, the r. di ot Febntell lrfl.
the election lo_nonstonkne at clevat t oZak.. a rs,,, , ~
..aturliMitz,,llan. ti
Ism= caasp 4 ' Wen S. hord. • • '-.
Branch 02ce.
THE best evidec
Direators la ensealmr.
ax lscraame Cowman . n.
I. the onpralleled amount
dour: tuning Waned nearly
than 7 comathe ; and adding
Company. The Directors at
the property Insured la of
M alan. ta , e
A9101131t Or Inoßrt7 tame
Amount of cumantoe Pram
Amount of cash premium
Amount of guarantee doe
Amount of Mama
te deducted from
perms Of the Mhow.
Thar bucleted of the cot
andprinciple. cmuctit
and mditling ham to • tah
equitable method to the a
_lnmato Ihe lneeded. 1
into One distinct dawn.
part of theitutda of either
anent of km. meaning
denominated the FAB!.
bullmay be •madet npa
dledna - and permeml
basardous I. allowed to b
The Reeond Clam is
COILPAIiti. in which '
San' kinds °Wm:OLn) -
The premium notes
bw. rat
die_. aod tejappecuas
!ai l l=riZoLwithz.l
nem ard bbemlitY• It I
Mlortnit.dia=7: AI
Alonzo A. Carrier. Philo c
- I B. Parker.
e d A. J. Gr am
Actu ar y .S
A. A. Cams. ar.
VR the cure
een, iheeehttie.
tael Coneumptiou: •
Tbla truly valuable
That. has beeurie
ea It the meet math&
slairdWLld d le=4 , 4
al" In dludulabrd
•agrerabla Welly reedylea,
Read below the orir -
world end the world
if Z ... 71 lat =v i z ,
eoustltutleu that It la eh a.
oflaryoulal arid brottehlal.•
Its .rarlor eharleter env
,rt, se use It as YOu
• . SIDN
—Feeling under eldhid
N 0.4 9 L 1.131
rt v dr=ivont
. 01 1
greatfrana thihatst
of e'en Wag that
Urge mai Tarkd to
H Carna➢ao,
John Negley,
T. IL Lyan,
tbomne M131.14at,
And;;;;; ..
1,1 W. Saul,
1 at. Beaty,
vid Ws."
State Mutual
t to
I took • ma ult. 4lr*
undo use of runny rniCort.,
wan obliard to laur -15/014
.yr sleep at night. A Dun/ grent * lno •tottte
of your Cherry Pedant; the ow -of ulat%
rotorooneed according to diroOtiOni , /W. tuft Dt —'-- 1RM , 4 7- 1
We fifth bottle. lutd not nearly wormed. I Dow itoop.
nun, my cough bat cased, and ail by tbo tun of YOU Isl.
nage muateino. B. • /06, A.D., r.
Piindo4 Dltl low dranincr,
D From Dr .
. Bryant. DutiltUt and / , Chinion
r, n
Dr. J. C. Ayer-Der fir-EnelOred 1,1 los
Ibr the Cheri Trent.] but reatt / ostrZtirt.
mtv, Qat oardidn.+ toll gir sorb stUrtratiOn
to roar's - 10m oar have I err: torn • Brine whir. at
1N many urr+ cough and; L113,1 , R 00.113Philit, 'Oar
ph dent um using it ostrosirriy
with the happlert etTa , lff. I . 7 7
.cd. Iltrkrt areas 104 Jorryll //ND" Amok*,
city: " V ' I
allyther nneinr•
e • nen alio of
ore! Coati arellynlin
- 477;lige iialk
°c al C. Via=
WTtltt";:fg t
poet pod frksbiourble
troupe fa tut, and
ther - artiZini
Owls sal aat b* found
A lan. .4 'Ma"'
' V ob Ural. mad.
Dee. Frock wad 11
osomtr scalr. m
tlelesW_ elothi
but thi
vavre AU
200 100 brit
• • 15u bik
80 tat
75 be
300 ta
Praises Nolen ar;il,4ll73QattbrilliSiti
- 6 l 6l Witte Street. -
to 2 kw , Arkinftt
• 3 taw Noir. . 1
3)1.2..0r. - •
• '4od . c4przt xme
70.37) beielta tamed Sole
War sale
0 ,00 v 3.lscec