The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 13, 1851, Image 4

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    VLeu we Dot4in ILllrerrlty I , ..teth."
, .
The silent glen, the-tqlles,l Atrynrn,
To, lbnYh dear,
And 'tie:a:inn"! still in many a dream,
. -They.neeno lotiger here: "
A tinge red mound of 'earth I,
- Acrossiht i glen so willand lane,
; t. : filie etream FO cold 'and clear
Mad lightning spend, and thundering taunt', •
Pam hourly o'er the Unsightly mound.
:lint . this alime--ftir many a Mile,
:Along that iron War, . .
No verdani Wanks or hedgerow! , smile
In batalikeff glory 'gay;
Thride tintthis that yaws as though the earth
Were rent in some strange uumutain birth,
Whose depth excludes the day,
Were boric away at headlong pace, •
1 . 4 win from time the wearying race!
The waysideinn, the homelike air,
No longer bempts st guest.
To mite itaimpretending fare, •
Or seek its welcome rest.
The prancing tcams.themerry ho
• The cool fresh roadit eaflY morn
The coseltmaree ready jest;
All, all to distant dresm•land gone,
While thriekin trains ire hurrying on.
Jot:greet we them With thankful hearts.,
And eyes that own no tear,
'Tin nothing ilea . , the imams which. parts
The-distant from' the dear '
' The wing thaktaher cherished nest
'Eine home the 'bird's exulting breast,
tins found its rival here.
With epeedlike here we too can haste,
Thellies'of meeting hearts to taste.
For me, I. gaze along the line,
• . To watch the approaching train.
sktel dion it still, 'twixt me and mine,'
- --A:rude, bat Welcome chain
Tobind us' in a wield, whose tics
Each pasting hoar to serer trice,
But hero may try in vain:
To bring us near home many an art
Btorn fate employs to keep spit
A Rerliiii.,ternP ifte Revataion.
.Ve? •
Sometime after the Battb - i' Brandywine, in
1:77,- when the,Dritisl held possession of ;Phila
delphia, and Washington Iran preparing-his win
.ter Tartars ut the Valley Forge, a' Quaker gen
X lcan oboes forty five,if ago, was slowly
riding Moog the Derby road: lie seas • suddenly soldier British uniform to stop.
"'Sir," said be, '-y'ou cannot ptiss here." •
"Dut 1 must peas," he replied; have par
.... timidity business in the city."
"It.nannot be; the orders this morning are eh-
Solite, to 'permit no one to . go in or out of the
es 1
• While he was remonstrating with the Sentinel,
.tainiid. of .officers tains wp, and he addressed
himself to -theta. He said he was Jonathan llor-
Thyisicien and S111'1;0011' of Chester county,
that he was ant of medicines and wished to re,-
r.plcniatt' kis begs, A consultation ;Was held a
au: mans them . -
- won't tlo"'‘too much risk"--“may mar
our plana,7. was nil the Doctor could hear.
..‘ However; one came to him with a peas. •
can go in," said be, l'hut stay no longer
thin.twO hours.. Attend only to your business.
If you are found in the city beyond ,that time,
•, you' wal be detained longer than may be ageees
As tie - Doctor. pondering over the singularity
of his - situation, was riding up Market Street
:Lail; 'a gentlemen stepped out from the side walk
- an though be would converse with him, but an
suddenly stepped back again. On his return,
however, within the time spediled, the came gen
after looking cautiously • around, spoke
in. a half whisper, a few Wonla: .
letive town," he enid,
'-Very well," replied the Doetor,' ...I will see
. ' it :mended 10.'6,
Tbe dispositiou of the Doctor was to speed a
. long, tat be deemed it more minlent, until to
• had passed the Perry; and was beyend .the eye
uf the lost sentry, to keep his usual gait. ; lie
- ',then spurred on with a rapidity fearfully maim
gering the admixtures uf sundry vials, and the
. , natursl compoundibg of - raviolis small Packages
i of medicines, until at lost. he pulled up at the
'cannon of .his hospitable friend, Anthony
- C . . MG - min. •
The Doctor had an extensive practice; -tams
cite; a circuit of some twenty miles around, end
was often away from borne a week ar. - time;
yet' such *es bin mepalrthat; - In - vuo v
rimy, be could be easily found.
come abater, end neiefv - ere about tatting
to deep Th,,„ . '"ebe was kindly invited to as
down.toille. ol " 7-an unusual expreesion_Of care
a; name y upon lib - countenance. lie politely
tdeclined the invitation,
• _
moment.' .
• r private eunversationwasheld between them,
The Doc . terytent on his way, while Anthony
walk& hastily to theharn, saddled a horse, and
woen the Doctor ricippedion a:neighboring
-be :Mar his friend on fall truCia a northern
• rection. ,Twiee did the; Doctor stop at - other
plates with the like remit, and then, cm
lied with himself, roalmslowly kerne... •
fact is, the'enemy had determined: on air
piising General Witt hing;toia- at hits eimunapturit
t in the alley. Although this was known rn the
city, yet the interdict prevented its being. made
known. It :was fortunate, therefore, that Doc
ter Morris was admitted, howewir, reluctantly.
as tewas made the bearer of , the .communica
tion. Bytertain movements of - Washington, the
enemy found he wag aware of the design, and the
enterprise was abandoned. •
few days this occurrence, n scouting party
or British cavalry made a deadest upon the
"farm of Anthony,Alorria. They. were-probably
reeking Doctor Morris, but Le was too far op
the cotmtry, and they Might be cot off. Had
Anthony been at borne, the result of this "visit
%melt have been different. lie nos away, and
his family could not account for his absence.
They suspected him of being at tamp. iTo ems
pert Wes to condemns.
, In a wanton sprit, they pillaged whatever of
valnercinald be carried off. The furniture was
broken or otherwise destroyed. The beds were
r I cut, and the' feathers scattered to else wind.
. Tablealch with three legs. and chairs with only
. .11eti of rich China lay in a sad broken
i mass on • thotipar. There was indeed a lllliVer
sal destruction of every thing in the Lease.
- The enemy had not left the premises more
than half an hour, when Anthony hiorris return
ed. And What a house did he find? , Ile was
stopified fora moment, gated sadly, with folded
arms tipsni this mighty, wantan wreck of Ins
' property. The spirit of desperation seized upon
kiln. Flo raonnted his horse and rode to a neigh
bor's fora mm. On the edge of a cornfield in
the - tit:laity of Knowle.,' woods, he overtook the
enemy and fired upon them, ecrionsly , wounding
ime. •••
Anthony seems now •to have recovered Ids
mind. as he saw at once the fatal consequence.
monied for life.. What email one man with his
unloaded gun, and a jaded .borse, do against fif
ty cavalry atmed•with sword and pistell It was
Twat, desperate, suicidal act. Ile. scoots
doned his horse and ran for the woods, but the
mutiny was upon him. lie threw sap, his arms
•in supplication. No quarter was. 'plantmi He
wag slashed, sabred in a ahockinganatiner. The
Ifita7blow es belayupon the ground, was made
- at „us neck, intending tonere:ate the Lead from
the body. Fortunately, the stack buckle caught
the edge of the sword. It east partially :cut
through, bat no farther damage was done.. They
Supposed him dead. and so left bite, in this state
- he pas brought home by his neigianors, and Doc
tor Morris sent for with all hate. '
JolOtthrill Norris was an able curseon. Ile
had studied the- practice of medicine'. in Fliilii
pelphin„ but gmatiatesl ass migeonin It. Fork.
• • lie hnithari nuich experience in Lin prides" shin,
find perfonried many wonder feats •of surgery.
'Here,-/toweror, was a sad spectacle, enough to
discourage the most &magentas. There wt. not
a sound finger ; the hands and mute terribly man
gled: , The cheeks lay bare with horrid gash's,
and Wounds in all parts. Nothing, however,
could daunt the Doctor. Ile had a firm hand,
'Wendy eye, strong nerve, and determinol sNsriL
Many months, devotedly, tenderly., he watched
• aver hie friend. At last his wounds, wen- healed
and he mom, week, emaciated from Lis led.
Tillie, however, gave Lim strength. .11e lived
many years after, an highly respeeted man.
.:Eaostiltar,for the Watch Ik9.—Previt!Pnt
firms, in his loot out door exercise, 'ma
leo the, gardner in adjusting come grape ,
. •• ."Bilgardener remarked that there would he but
little we in trailing the vines, so fs . ,r as nay fruit
Wll5. Concerned, for the boys would come-' SIM
? day; while the family were at church, :tad steal
dill the grapes; and suggested to the General, as
:IS gnarl Sgaitist mich a loss, that he should pur
. chase an active water dog. "Better esopley nn
actite Sabbath school teacher '
^ replied the Gen
eral, dog may take care of Um grapes, Lot a
pod Sabbath school teacher will take care of the
gropes and tho boys too_."
.l'ore6rl,-Beterity-sve thougnad bushelA of pa
tatoe4 lizie been bent to morkel from the Mont
(Vt.) depot during the Ins: three months.
One thouoned butheln n dey art, mill rent. A
Atoptpelier paper thinkil the thrinern
send for some of them beck again for need. •
- —_ •
Tte lliznizbury Arne-Hum of Tom.4ay
The St iqueiiaans opposite this place Inri clored
-1 with icelyeaterday morning tram cho re totehore
—the firat. time toe many yam. It op ened - spin
duting.the da)i, and - the ice is Int dim; appearing.
~` y 1 :
Notice to Contractora.
ROAD — Bmiled mamma , oil 1< rewired attn. oetoo
or the Ohio and Prinnaylyania Maltreat Comm. in Pate
torrgh.•untanunday4 the 110th day • of March neat for
La r iptie , Trae e. k4ru Pitteborgh to
end Toms of propionate may be
obtaiOnl at the office in Pateburgh, fur two weeks Wet..
the an ITh appleation Polon:mu W. hob... Chief
Engineer. The prop - Ade mum be acmrdioare with die
printed forma end addrewed to the President of the Com-
Rteldsigh, Pots i'r"2"t
North American. New Turk rtibane. Alaterioan lhalrowl
journal. publish four Uwe. feldalL4
• ri.o POSALS for Erecting a Wire SUSpell -
Mon Bridge orer the Allegheny lave. eremite Ole:
e tbe Fif th Ward of the city of l'ittelatrab ,
to plate of the etrortrire renettly a t
node' lipapmala will by reerbred at thel office of Jewel;
Painter it Co.. tethers) . lama, until the let de , of 11. 1 " ft.
next for the erection of the alai , . ilePeribed,b rid ei
patent thereof to he Ile , ammo . the Miemmatrele
with such A 114,211.10 Milder. h oard pug nee.. arid the ill
nicMrs approve. II y order of th e of larretera.
. r 1.41166:N7.. l'lvidd
110111110POSALS Will 110 rtivoived tlte.uniler
utalt the loth de/ Mbroary neat, for tbi . _
nnon - m.1..4.M blue leek. end Dam In Puce kir., or for
ono tw
three, and chetah, the ehatorel of Umber,
{l,,r badAr Urea terming ver the channel. 4.
The Dams •111 Rea, et long. asol will An 13 to
1 4 feet Mob, eats to of 10 feet to width. The Look
Chituter .11 le 0 feel wiel tomb wide. with
Mot Wait. ant Is' Manliest the fMr dartra with
t iiest , 10 het awl. sod of ti./
. vo row:o roe L) tti:sw-e, pupil *gambit - to chi pleu
md of the rhatecloi Mytleoleri),eteelfied awl deamMd to
/ho c reteirt ot rriraO,l , I Alm, a mPT
whih will le semi 0 511. le'ipaeton, oft mit bowl
papers ZS poNleti nonce. whleh reference le made
Pm More full and enmesh. tonnuoilloo.
th e work to eornoirtril by Ist January, 10.54,
01000 tbe work should hi Mooted by ramMallY wet- mod
therefore unfaronthlo thmtrartm , will be ro.
Amaral to give ratiefactort reenrity Mr the oanstrurtion of
the improvement. d.•
the mob payments will be
plopsto contramire as the work progrmars.
rh. murmur nom , . the nght of tempting the on,
ponds deemed best fr , r it• inten•t, mil the early completion
p. /bp
entire ,work. By order of the Directors.
1110.1.. J. K.Y.LLT,
Eceretery of the Dark Airier Slack Witter Navigation Co..
ColuMbia , Tenn. i5n2.1.112m
PrOlmsals for Bituminous Coate
Q,EALED PROPOSALS will be. received at
rauodeiveta 6. Work, until norio of 111311A1,
CIATAVVv - Vtalr,llf,l:°;'B,li:Lßliir
lbe.roannfarturr of Om. lobe delived at the Coal Mores at
the D Works, ray
1• WO tons by the 10th of /
Inoo m the mouth of J o u r.
1000 do
1000 do do July.
300) do Oa Augmt_
woo do do Feorrrolet,
4000 do do rarieber.
WA do do November. .
The Coale must be fresh. clean. and dre, end of e quality
I t ' o gl s l o tieirreiti , Vrcur m itr
Mom land t befitie ' toed at thes , rmotilee for trt.l
will be requi;edltirrvieua tri Monroe c ote.
Mil. -
tat- 11.a:ow ton et =4O roupd3 twit no munch:Ted tbc
elttht minded So itiermPomi , ,... , or , o'ith i r 4 " . ' ,..l. ” - g ,
failure I track 0 dhelrif
denver thr mat somrdlos mnimmmoti the'rp ,
tees of the GM Works rmerve tin pinta purchase enerr
eemithey may de em b
end charge to the rotary. , toT
Anwar damage mmll6oool en nub failure. The r.ywonw
will be made in tot, npml iostalmente. at 4 mouths
after am eperilleil periods of delivery. the lOW of d ah month
to be taken the averageof tbe monthly delivery,re at the
eliaint of tbe Triamer ; woute will he mob. with legal
'intomot deducted.
'lm to do annuli the CoMrsotor p m lly, ihe Coal earlier
thin rrquiried.j6 will be received. Aut /amanita' will bo
male to date, from tho time
Sati t io fulfillment of the contract
ante E sfactory wordy raj
JOHN. C. CRESS..OS. Engiwier.
rmavortral. do Foam. Jena 11,
pros Orncr DtetteMW,
.rttiotet iry IFfl.
IaROPOSALS will be received at Oat: De-
A. until thrith dny Montt next. for 'Ambit
ion ttompo ter the ute of We Poet 11111,4
114 United
Stoves foe (One yo•re from the find day of Atrd nett, 'eke,'
'ordered tor for Department. of the following description,
The name, of the caller Lod ante in eiroular form. nit
from a rout Mock of Centered steel, end made In nab
ner as to admit of letter, ead Agar e' theele
mouth aml dor. with a thumb tor. to Coil ...Intern - a
mid Crum, Captor , -Surd. stator, and the ..rierit romp..
tog the MK,. to be of the roma AV. as their.. pil-Iflot
featured aril to um. A tunied rablik - arif handle Of the
name like dm. to Parurey fattened to mid Chimp. The
months of the rear atibreriated Po es to contelo but three
lettere earh. tbe lame retoolso in um. 001 to be cot f
Polid blots of rordawalroturce. fur arida,. the
o ntth. fro Ito rt. Maha to Le n, made oflike bard. uni
mat. and or Ilie !in. hat aforesaid.
otano truth the wools -paid^ and - Inv" of 11,0
finn of thaa it raw ree.
Also, rime.. with Carr. denotior the rate of Mar. ,
amt similar to now row in use.
All oldie above numr to be mode of hardened meal.
The prOpiride rauraaba ammin CPO for the
caber 9/.1.11, With the menthe cod thrum.
AL, for each pep..e pbsa. corminlng the mouth eve
•aitic titre , lat.,
hhn, foe cacti perorate 1.. , e far tbedarnaf the month.
Alpo, for aimplete Peri , / mouth.. and Crimea _
A. nu% petatrate Piece with the Cr)
.paid" and
Abr. each perorate piece wiLli the 'limner deriding
the rat, (~0100. he meklurr or the ihtieMot rete
not. hoe ear. beinf. to Maenad contract.... but ti,,
PnCreol for the whole le blob It dorfoof mart laromble to
tbe Dena diem it be areeptiat. The Department re
nerves tri ttoelf the right to mina. ell proposal:. if the poke
Li deemed extravernut. 1.
Sr.-lire. of the nuke. kind , of atom., reariad ear
:wen et the appointment afar. of ltd.. De
Leah' Davit N. K. 1141.1...Posi part...L. nunter liermrad.
Proiiosals for Chain Cable Iron.
AOLNT . S Owlet ,
. Janntwr
kLS, In dupliate, au
k" dc,rsod "Pnn4rnly for ,bnin trtna." will
relied: , htykoble. alma noon Yloodny. the,g4th
nry next. ty, furnLYhiny; arirt d,liYerino nt the. hnrY nrd
rVnV:eattrnat...l.DiArtri. ColunAl,. th . vahle
I the folios - In. tahle.
1:- t.-
g . i. • .- - 1-- . 1 . •
t ;
ettts-g 1
--* L,U
, - .4.7g1-.t .•lN. g 1
~~?L~ tzn~s`
Dwnetrr, .
' I
7 , .
ily the Art inrarp0rati..414,..,C,;;; the rlrte , inert
ring property .therein en. riddled tu......turr of the protts
I- ;, of th , la,litutiou, with.* •tt...fftn,, ttolgady. , ro eaY
liability len otel the prentldet pa..l
'flat ..atotal btork and Solea.rirnon Nap, are aiedae. l OT
ITlri — a , a, t0m... 1,1,1 .in e"dtde itun mu. he 11, '.
11:13!it r' r r df"rr:14701ft:r0.:1.';;.1...:.,1tt, tr.11n,1,',;fi11,',.!
.n q.d. c o , --- —_,..‘,..—_,,• fr , ,_.,, , n, , -.4 , - , ~.„..,,,,r,. ,1,...r.,..—.„..., „, .. „ .. , further ...-
tro of fere .rn front it m , . oe annue........-. -•""n" u ,,c.f tkse Lunn.. Tbler fiend be e..sewed ter
. tt'"ffb t"Lr'' T h ""' tt " b . "' "1""' Len t"' .. i- [ SlTip Ll,lll , MI 0.1. ml: au t tor t' u.ot dPid , t.nunie
, and rolled to ebant an Inch in thirkneen then imam th e ti,..,,,,,ej ,- ,q 0 eh1,,.1..u., . pro rda...i....t. thr asn. 'ant
c ued u.d and rolled to the roquirul al".
rut tl the , of earned Premium, :;u1 (Nodal : , teet..
required lengths- That portkm. far U reah hauhlre. awrreht. , p, ~,,,h, ~,,,,,,,.., ,ff,1,4 e ,,,, , reet
Mae', ani nine man all . urought "od the . h^tom`e . I Juan:L.llm • . . pA tl Autar. A
a1....3 and shapes wlt:eh vill be famdt.he. l to tbe enntrertor, —,
The shut! ust , be delivered to stmoglit leuelhe. fn. . Irma
ait..., ragged ends or ear:, or other dufeeta. enbeet to . State Mutual Fire Insurance e
sada /loofa mal Lvt.s. tbc-itareau o fdonrtruction . .Equiff . Harrisburg, Pa.
r4i7k 'gt.tSig 'n' ,'rr...l"' ,l r `',l',,;: u '1" "' liber:d patronage extended to qtr m
l . THE very
Navy Yard afeme`avt. or Ito will not he rereired... nor will . ~ ~,,,,,,, bee , oe . 1 010 , ~,,,„ eh , e ,„,,,,,,„
twy nart of the raid front be rubit,ed to test anti pro,' nn- ' . 0„.,,„ „„, t e -14,,,, 0 1,t1,,,,,, e .i. 1,,,,, e ,.,„ ~,,,,„.. t h e .;„,
'leer "^"feeerT "'Mo. , " l',"'" ^ " d . 0 ' '^t' t r^ " ^ " ...t. I the. at n . ih; - le a %dent 'manic...wpm 4 the ~,lb.. a. - ..
aut that it lum been Innoutv:turv. l ma herelobefore rc , pti. .. 4 ',.,, •„, s • t , , p 0,,, , r , th „ . „„ 0 , 0 , „,. ,e , • ,,,,„ .
red. on what itaTwinou t! , .on.loete.i.
The quandtv requimi to make one-third of the dlr. 1 To rity or o.ourr, n t errl.atte. and ortner. of dwelling..
Pleat 1..1, 1 cable. mart be delivered nu or before tl.t
first day or June
to for another third of all mud i Cl. 1.4., 1 . 4 r^`"^d , r l'".' " . '"'ofd I M . ff .'
id e , on o r f..-000& the noel der of 0,.,,,.., 0 ,.... e0 e ,,,a , 0.7 aff,F.ll.lvas.t.stefi, b. , win: ~, Lt . ...c hrm a 1, T . , . ., : i ii .,...., f 1 1
ate relnaider on .or berm, the tinctpttn a 14.erneber 1 1,..,.,'"0,7,020nerrtjr.,nequitib1e.51,37,3, ffiranued eyrie.
nexL ,
l'eralna des. of offering to furnish the 'ofd Irrn . . • ",„.,",, 1 7 0 ' 0 g "; -. '",, $ r."1,?.,..1',•••,"•."0.00t,",•500,1,"„,„"Ur0,-,.%ita ~,,..---1.rt.i...1„,..
r.hottig any further inforsontir. be required to .x.M. I 0 1, 11 1;.0 tt.. 00.60 . 0nry tot ..-eurrene..d large P. ,
(hem to motto their often; are referred to the commandant eie ,, 00 0 „,,,,, •_,„.,,,. , • '.. t ~,,,,e , eie „ I , 0 „, 0 ,, ,
Or rornmandtnn ~truer of the No, Yard "t W "`htog.... ~....,.. th it, '''' r and ri t. f teat tied
DiAlitl of Colunabia. ,_ , but entitle" the Insured to sortiettettit.t. in the,profttr
To the yummy whoew offer may h. oreentuf P^"^r lt I. under the a rol .f the t...1100ir;
tnffa •L dn r•i le , dear= gl
~...,,,,, ~,.,,',e--,,...,i1z„,,,,t,„7„,.vg: IP. Itatherfori. A Jibtlett. J , II. ae.r. eT , .... t.
t.g.-P7te°l7:: enntrart :A r?..r'ncd-f,reareutiort. auut to : Al."."'". Curter . Phil" C ``' ,, ,g"."'" , rh:". ° ,e! lcym.
widen the raid iron mu.u. conform. .. t .,. 1 .t l' llli. l llll. "l `; !'.. err o r; '4."'4
I Often mu,t. brans the quantity rv..tulred. and the 1 e ~, -,••.„•,..
~,,,..•,. ••• I , • .
,d,•,, ,d,ded. tret the
of and the ton:reran . amwout of the .-
offer givea and camcd out. Sr r.,ert. Pen.vlrania. f.I Sunthfiel.l
[ Apl ,, ~-7,v,...:,..,,.1, to the "•,,,,.....-1,,,„,.."" furtL % 100th Of '''', 1 ..,,n,...."..,"..V.:Z",",,h'.' 1,...:,,,. d, n..sen
rt."°:, "c. ".11 :.; ', !I r,';'Vr.., ;..; ' , - : ' ,,, " : ' ,:aZ , i , -
brartibbrid I "t"t".... "'tth 1 ""'"'" , th' r' ool.ol ", r.t.h. "",
tratu the amount a ...wt. tral.ment an rolUderal Pertirltv for I '""IT .
the faithful te.rfortuatu,
the eontrart. Ninety nee reat. I -- -
hie,dy ~,,J &dive, will be paid by d. Nevy g.nt. esterti Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
ti ,, u wittnn thirty de,. after the a 1 . ee ...,, ee e ...., •• ~ e•• •,, 0, .
i ls,„lllltnyferna.. appruved by therointoruniant of d0..2.1 , 1 Ili A PITA I. t6t5Ul-I,Uutt. 1, ..1 I 1.,.r. . 11..
1 , Pmident. ---. eta",
1 e l . :*., offer must be .. , .."... 4.. " bY ^ `flitt".." ^- ""V• I Will wore againet all ind. of an t ire end Marto ,
1!..'",,,,":21:',1'441 " r ' h " ",.." ^ ,..', • r," ^ e ; ',lkr.r""_'``.." r All ieeune will be literally idindad and ' , mainly roid
' t .r u t 1..%00 l'o.'ort"f 1: ' 1 - 51 ' ,r.7 i . to C....,.,.•,,t1r,- • ,.f'fbr, t „,A,,,b?",17 !r4""',.m0.,,„.071,,t,!..,'1l te:,,t0're*;..7,rrb,",,;',7',.'011
if t h e ‘ , 1 0.i. h, pt,..1, rhe Later or bidders •ill. within 0 , - .„, , ,,,, , ; t e,;„e : o .riit e .ralit; lo'teell4el,l 0 7 ch ' Sr,lol . lA
Wu &yr. after the u.e.lfd of the rtostrarZat the . yoetqtte , • . , 1 . ,,,,,, L. ,„ ~„m , . ~„ a,,,,,,,,-,„,"..,,,L,,,„ ,„ ~,,,,,.,
.:g1re;t:;',.'"1:',1,''.4,.ie"%;‘47.12br4,...`V,,—"u,T1,`, 1 '11;,;!: - 1 17„ItV 1.4^,r,7°J ,;„. „,,, L. 0 „. ",„,,,,. ,
tt. t,==. , 1 .-it-i 1 " ad^ "lverlm" .- Pr h tC , so. B. 'fettle:. r. Ihtamn. Geo. W. Jark , on.
Itefl'ATlVlV=re,nktehl'„lt':..l;;,l r'..h4Tl'+'l'..r.taar''efut: 1 ‘,ZI j ,'. M ' ~t, , , ,. ~, ,, :r4.- kr ~; !:i , l'-- - i.... , -. , ” m •
vsitia ,t3 ' , ' , V:nrt''Y' 7l '‘''i , * .r. "" fi "" " 1 ' ''''''' ih6 ' '' T ''' I .;aZ:Aefll'lt(it, , '. i4f,r '' l r i '''
''r'''''''. ''''' rultl l 7 '
leaabove rcontred. that they may Ix clutiogoletted 'titan 1 r
other boAnt, lettellt, to 00., u, pr.reut their lanint
oyuned before the day epptinte.t.
O&M not made a. etrict runformity OILS' lb"! of
~,t,mera,,, . opt." uili t.... rormittered or re
1...t0e, at tlat t pt ton a the Bureau of Catunroett.u.. Equip,
w i sod =l"...,Ther'=r - : „ ! , lF , t t . -. 1 ,0 r00 —, t - :
"-di heno a a eau. .r. .
ary delay. , Aro dirretod de+lgnmle ttx
through Lich t dr+lrn to be. aoldrr..l.+ll.l unry
irbosa the nAttract ball *WI Om
mobb i th .it /, ' 14717;3 :1 , 1 % . 7 t A b o;ti ' r n
(" 7 ' ""'
.. bmrettn agree uraet and 4 c "re 6 ce ay, a
t Waahluglaa. 1./traria ef . ecalwa lan. its mama." clqt
the term, a the acleertitercen,„,. Wen 11,q ,
_Navy , Agw,6
oif.m at limbliaFtalc. ttm qr l•
1,04.1= Ibn. at chalet .11.4.1rot1ef the very Drat gm.
AM.ricral acarcafeeltim, tle. rate cif -- real+ ter
to f•----•
If tor eller be nreeptecl. I cletlm to be ildre.dthroinch
lba ntflce at ---•11ae mu net to be mat ot.atT nt --- ',mallow
Vet, renmetfully, your elemllent mcvset.
To J. IL LATIOto, EM • •
• , Nary Agent.. N‘axhlngtn.
'Pro the nuderai.ned,
h.rvby otnntetY
the rvitv;v4 lid tIo • • • ••••oirort
.41. extent. the eame. rill , pfir.
furitlith the Alain eable Irou 1"
•Ith the Unns of 11. oultert
Id was ramie.
. 11,e !State
3 ten dar ,
tle. , lttnah
hurtle , to
, rgo , rir .. “l , l
I.hrtab, ratury that, to the 10.1. a M, 600 . 1 . 4, I.l ''
'' .1114 . 1-1.. a l r , rvnntnal guarani.... at , .....N.71 , a a n . J. , 0t.: .. 1 7n
..t.:n,0 ,, ,. to , ...h.,,,..1 - vv,,....1•11,r ehalne!lt
w it l 4 ll. -
Penn Iffutual Life Inzarancel Co-. Philatra•
4 (ENT IN 1.11" r SID', ID; II IV. 11. DAVIS,
~,t., J. 1 ,- ,nta,, ir...ha.aar..l., N. S:1 Lsbattr ' , lre. 1 -
ar the hattt r anneanlortet.. arr. , ~ r• tthint In the
lower part 01 thr , Itr. the sae. tot Ito ha (,nel dad,.
frau. 11 in 111.4 2 to: tietalc, at tit caann., • row 1.1 V.L.1. 1 1.4.r. II
J. tvhnonntaka r L (1,, Na 24 Wi,trl Kr, L oh, re all nee.. . eh, , ear..lhor
i'ltt•tdsrial:.' rt i a. " 47ht.t.lV.V.trt n''''''''n ''''''' I 4'."r"
l'". 1 " 7:1 " . ° V ,1111 •" 11.1t1"4.1Ti." ; ""d
J. aa a,,, ar pa. Inatuan, an
„.;,‘,.,',,:mr,1:',' - .9:'; - :,r iZTi..,'-'n!:2:7l`,"p'4. - . e...b). .e ,, i1.1,", , , , , , ,'„"';„;::, Ir
'Ptr;ilV - ...-k ..../ ~,,, .u.i, ~ , r,.. -- T r '''''''''''' 1 """"°”' nr,".") 1 .i11 7 :.e0. - ,.
,n ,
rtnu , ditidoal annually ~,pt tiara nova.? !r h t .. . ' -
TIN it ',NO( C./14 4 th , .
1111,,bnrah, J.. :1/, Thal.-- .IJ'_. • r.l 11 orl and NI tta _
1 n 0
cr'''"'"''' 1 - Tit
9citi: stu'rt, 1, 111.,N1.,1. II 1,111., 1...
Jae if. Melt.. al Maki ttrraL ham .
a , ,aralerd a naw and spiatalai a .,..,,,,,,,,,, Li • 1
s z ,
.A4t,;1,;;!,,,riti',1.11c...ti,0.t.1NA1., ‘1rtrAk.,.1....T.14,‘.t.,,,,....rtt;
a Ilan. .........4.1.-.. 1 r.. 1, L'."" k • 4 "" - ' t.l.34on o itvi.itnv tr.... tor r rent prom, r , r. ..,:::T r l
S PLENDID DID 1 , 13 / 7 BOOKS , ;# i T:::.7,l' ',-,.'. IT : ,,r,„": l rl i',l . ::',!;ar ,„ ;;','..4l l bowboJ
"cl74l.l.llrglf>rlirt'l."27:!". . 1 .'7 i "" '''''' '' '.l ' (.4 ''`' i ll l ,7,:l K ,,SiT, l :l,)NrJr r
, Arr ot.
Otte " ng. Winter Warw. .tat, No. 111 !runt steal.
• ge:V= - Pelbyterinn I , enin, .11 limn hooka. I
aplendidll Can.&
EplaropalP.)".. l!, B rian dl l!Y trnt ls . l .
4 avenue Penentstmn Ltrlta. 4ihruna, ae.
WO GB Mute rt. !Jr: ofjonith
I Dalai6re-Idutual Safety Incur trace Cir. .
trvrat' *Ali Dividend d6merea LY the Bteall
I I. of Direetor:litNAtikir, Ls,non rnelessi et this
"Ir e r 'Zeitur reran. ere rattled to Min Dividenel.
inhelsred in lel7 :sod 1040. reaseing lu .the othre. eud
ready fur delivery. 'stir calle roe.nd—
' 1847
• • ._'. .
y lohn
A t .,....,,,, .i. C, , . 0 eto kezetel.:ll.l`e- .... ..... -1:' ,. . ;„ 0 g
Iletreell. Pears A 1 ..... 10 CO Matey 7
Bidwell J. C. AK t.....^_ . IX , Linford Thrn to 110
Clerell J. W. • Co. :IS 00 UsughllaJgo...-.. ........ IO Y 0
thddwell John , 500 Loerh NI. A tb....,._.—..te oe
1?“7,Pg..Nt'""..--'lO 20 " llllrre:,t ?' .12 4 ; . ... 6 2 L
D.,,.. W. ~... ....... :.. ....1h) 00 MeliesetsLi,pines • 5 lA.
Deles Jnltn VI. • • 5 OU IleDorudd 0.-11 D. 0 135.15 0 0
Ikeris James II . 5 00,51eConniet .1. L 00 00
Freliek P. C... ..... ...... J. c 001Pinultrk, Mitchel A CO-10 ou
00dJuhn ' .51, 00 K.. Adele ... : .._........,10 CO
'Orahnte N. W ...... ........50 00 Nettles Mee k • SCo
8,01 Ilsury IQ .0 Shoenherp.r e 4 J.ll_lll lit,
°reed Thee 75 U 0
it ken „..-..?.... ...... ,%,=. 10
'lnward Jai A Co. ...... _lO liti emit John A C 0...:........ 5 on
Howes Jen 5 OUdinbitunn Wni.J..d...•..10 *0
linkers Win, h. A 1tr0...15 011110bInsou It 1.3. t. ',...1..At ito
Ilussey C. 0 , ' IS 10 itelstnu 40i10 11 '....
in 111)
IlayS John T .3a 00 Whitens:to It.. :..--....:.. 510
Item= L. T .:Y.5 00,Wright John * deo Iu teo
..... ‘
''. 1843. •
Atwood. Jon, VON 5 00 11010ry Cill
Aletauder k Da 1 .1.. ..... 10 tmi 11.1,11 .). II i . 5W '
Illackmora Timm 5 00 Klinefoltrrlll..... .. . .... . .alai
Brady'', Libil IMO C 0... n ml lamb, J. V. a J. 2.......10 19
Butler 3. IV. a. Etni.. ... _al 0) Ludlir ilro. ....... • ......-10 01
Itutior I- 11. II . 00 Lippismitt Wm. a 5...n...ii0 00
Rakuvull, Cyan , ar.C.....10 no Luna 11. F
Iliduelll J. C. Aul.. .... ... 5 00 LivlntnitouittattTu k 1(010 RI
lloolb it rum.) • ou
ll Litrh a C 0 55 01
Run. Char.
ratAr Jam,. ....... ..... 5 OG Luica.t 31. Ti tji 00
Itingliam Wm 50 00 Leech IL a Son, Si ti)
Bayard 1303 .1.... r... ...... 5 (1011.ipplo.1 1 aCo .....,, 00
Cnnninglaarn 11,11. ..... 5 001 Ilutwr Sam 3.5 111
Calhoun Jail 11- ... ...... 70 (9 MrCuteltoon W. k It .... -15 01
Clark I Thar -- ...... .-.1.11 00 NleKre•s. a CO 5 01
Cuddy, Joni-. i1in.......35 00 31111er a Ricketron.....- 5 :. lal
Caoghry John A.... _l5 00.31111,r A. il. 5 IN. It In 00
Cntarin Toad, , 00 Mulvany .t Le 41 1 ,. . . .. . 0 041
l'auipbell R. A. A Co .... 500 MINRIIIIC.k.PtrbI...,ZOW-V 00
Clidetnan. Mailman et 0 .110 00 Nlelutrre 1010 . 40 01
Calhoun Richsl... ..... 00 00 Ntilla ii. P...._.._.........R0 00
Childs U. h (b. ... .. .. .... 5 On Maratta V 123 00 •
Cainthern. (tiller a.Co.. 15 00 'Axton J A. a Co. ...... .. 5 Ou
Collier Y- U. a F. t.l ...... 15 00 /loon R0bt...... ... . - . .. 00
Cope W. 11 15 0) :Runt radAittprlnnia c 0.50 00
Campbell Thornat .2.5 00 Morita I...aria 44 00
Italt..-11, Lewin a Cn...... I tat Pennock. Illtehul a C., 5 00
Davia k Smith ...... --AO 110 Paton` IL II 5 00
Daly IL R. A Ca-- . . -.01 (01 Prieu ll .. ...
lt( .---__so 0
Deav 0
Pavia Jaa. 11-.-....- ...... 5 0.1 Phi nut J. a IL.i. ......
, 10 ,
‘ 0 ,. .
Dalus John a ,-, 00 Raba Burger
Engel) la. 10 0.1 Rohirturin J. V. A Sons.. .n 0 CO
English a l'Unrietl SPO ti04.4,11.,00 a Ilepwrt..-10 00
literhart Wm-..- ....... 20 DO ScullY .1.. 01L :. 9 ( 9
Fitzsimons &Ron- .. ...-10 001 4 cott John 0 Cp 5 (9
Fulton IV. 11 ........ ----lON 00 ..•tantrile a Ri,rl ...... .-.. ,. 5 nu
'il "ll'r'''' '` .... “ .- .... I t r .. t i ' '' , ' lj git%til.. Cr........
..........71 ( * K ' t
slttt Jat.1...... ..1 9 ml
Ureonlee P.- ..... .--.....11.1 00 ..?mltberu 11 5 00
GrurnDanial 15 01 Thoultum 3nn 11. ...... ....l, r,
1 0 1 17 ''' Thru. 3 t ',Z ; 11:1!1 1 401'.'f...7. 3 :: .- .1 ;I
Grail J ut. kco ..... ...10 Ittlt .troti Rol ,
I t - IS 00
Gray Jut. .
Gray JauJ.... . .10 Octi Ward 11 m........ .. ...... si
Ilwlett Wm 10 001111.•01. Jantc.• a..(.55 501
IRiUditran IL V. . .55 00 11 nal Jaa IC,. 1 ..3 19
llart Wm g 5 V) Way,l 0 ilught,.. ..... ... +l9.
!Inward .1.1. t. k C 0...-- 5 00,1 Tro d, Edwanit a W
-11011,11 ti.o ' 00 NI
, linight.- A......_:20
Rays IV. &11 ..... ... -.... a (o,lta,,,man 1 •t• 1 10
narhaurilt F. k 41 . .... .._:al 00: right Jcihn kCo 10 01
Itamolus. Smith A- ( '0...10 00' V oun; Wm. P. ..... ... ......... 00
Ja.lailtr I'. A 31.1PER1A. Apred. Pltbburstlt.
Marine, Fire, and Inland Tranaportation
i Insurance.
rj7TIE Insurance Company of North America,
:PhasaAphia--charterrectl7l‘ Capita 14349.0013. Ar,ett
tnuart 1.1. 1151. f1.011.:155 Nu.. (VIII make 10t0110re nu
I:ulltUnka and thrir contrnt... •
nt this city
p r y airnltyi lalu•
rut pri.pertN of every description. thippml rt. am lost.
aud othor 1.....:10..1thrr by inland tratult , rlocan or olt thr
istrt,.... ,
hur 0 Collin. Pre't. T 13.1. P. P`l.. .-
John It. Sea.
YAIW.I.Snann. . Itichnnt P. W.I.
John A. Mtn.
:713auel F. math, Pallinm Wel,ll. L.
tr.Tu 'i :i'n „ ZlV ‘"7
' Z'illiVA tZ. n pl. r: ' Dowep.
Ambrore Whit.. , , i.nrge A..p.wall.
b n.
J. .I, M. Thc...
t+. )(only , Wall, J.lnn S
li. D. inserr.t, S-e'r.
Thil IP the oldvot InnoraureCnmr.y in th+laninnl Sarl.
an d fn. , Itnlngb !dn.., long ...erinure. flit menus,
n. nvoldinw all mks of . era. bn.rdom. rhutne - Iny: It
''''''"a 7 d " " Is r`l i M.tii l
)1 rati:T. ‘.;',gr,'"' -
nellNo , . 111 , 1r.t ,tart..
Amerlean Life and Health Iniorance Co.
Agent tier Piltsblrryh, SANT D. 7 7 ) WI, E.
(kit,. b, rfriS t1. 4i... 1 54.1.0. , 14.
Pninntllef , rnnuanin, all n., , Anry foformanon , nl , n•
obtaine.l. tbn onn,r. . ,1•1";',1II
. . . . . .
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co.,
?FFICE, IN Nolan ROOM OF tire, EN
cii.oqu.c. on Thinl :A . Philadelphia.
hr Tollowitsp Statrupro,s the Adam. or liar Ccrtutatur.
tr , n.L44t .1 in moivrwity. with a WO% irion ut itt Charter.
...grin*. rucpiyed during Ile ..talin.r Ortolrer :11.1.
On Marine sral 1n411.1 N 43
Eitrurd lin.nlitinln :luring Ow Srwc ending
O. Marine and Inland Kok. 1.19174.1.•
Om Fire. ISSAIss. .....
. durnq tbrt.
Varf r 1...T."..1 4 , 1 1.: • .:!
It&-isvutx.NT , ..... • .• • ••• ••
Sry , h&r . g , • ...... •• • -
FarenT, :&Inn,T, Pt&l , Furr,. &T.
Th. A. 'L. or the C.l.dopaoy srA followa• •
Murtga4F, and around LT I:I 11
512101 United Stoup six per n.ot
aderweity .......
11141 /toed Company .... .s.taa)
• Laip uptiaMt.. ask ..9Wfoa4e . i . "n k :
PlallealAptias .
Tow Boat tx.ratly
Philadelrhla i.V4t; .
dur . . .... .
13•1. e.— in thelmnd , of /Went., nn4 14rmintn.
NM.. „ 110,0.1,0
Tu. 11,..r.1..1 I.u.rnanhay., 1111....11“ I.clashl NAlvxtrn.l
t1f„..1 eI:NT th, tI7(
17.1,142 , f. th , ot the t payal.h.,ou $ , Ln.l
lA. AL,. .4 3 1..5. I 1-. Ft
CENT in Srrlp. on the 1144,1
um, whtell Irtll le 1,:n1.r
‘larlin. J
John A. 1 4 +Tout4 F. $4 , 7...f.
F. A. t,onutrr. Ft Jame , TrA,auir.
John C. Jvan, C. Hand.
IA Ilralu•
H. Burton. T ronhllng. COO.
John Icrrnkr, J Lccntn.
II Ina. T
Fore. Jr.. Ilith
4 '"
tPr , i , 1•11‘.
r• • , TIIOMAS C ILA SET. Prr•idrlll.
Jlrloo tf
Delaware Mutual Safety - Insurance Comp'y
.)IF,IC.E.,,,NI!IFnn FII ..t 1100 . )1 .i TIIF.
flat .1,111 l tlrrrtts:;:ll.., •re.l othrr
Pr r. it; UP , . and. lt , lllltry. Irma; awaits. , In. or
darn... by 11,, at lb. Ipur..t fair of prruntnn
pap" rcr.-- 1 11,1 a al. ;lnatite C rgnet
and V, , ipbt.t. format; od ittblrt ..1.1 or .p.. ,
Hirt/. . t ndttand naar
trputvddrd 1,, %Igen., 1:311 brnol ran. 0.31 ;rod, and
Ittata, on 'lrv, mu; 1nx..7. on I lir nu.; Ill.ral j r
tborter C. briprr. Lap.blnittilinttpu; Idnar It hat, It d I
Ilbitobrell. Jbe; Nowlin. IP ld ;10.1 ,, n. Jan.. , C.
!land. V1...1rbi1.: Paulding. 11. ....a .; hr •A,
; &drab ettutd, 31; 111,0 , .
.1.11 dolman, Win. !1a.,. Or illegout.
, John Ptllorp Wtn. Eyr, Jr
InaYttrtntd ST T ;Nab edaig. 1
Jnlin Lopau
ICtudttl M TII , I- I . ti,lll, 1,.0 Pr,.
dent. W. (:nil AN, blnrrrtary.
l ' tnraltrA l g.. l : l"
; br.11,1, 11.P—dd 1 .
I Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of rhilad'a. I
itlcTuitS: w
Born...tbutpudiriuv.)” .l.l
Jamb It. Itiulth, lan. au
%lonia NM/V.IM
TI,!. Cputpany rhythm , . to innbr I orurntr prrtpa,nt
;;. hnotpd, t.., dererildlnn nt Proptrtv lu town and
ap oar an a, onsaltirs, ;rah arrtudt•
Ilraem'lpr:L.; ha ' vr rErrrvr , l n larpr rnulinarut rood.
111111 , 13. With Owl,. Capital and Prolnintsdr, rarely
arbtrd ample 01-01...thi1l la the ...ustrtl.
The wort t.; of lln.lbutomny.nta JPollatt 1.1. pub.
; livhnl movrably In thr Art nf Atprusbly, nem at fidlow•
'llb•—tdortgapvt ...... .......... ,••,
Real /lale
Tripporar7 ;spun.....
4 " Ltd , v. ll,oWlaakey, -very old and etoorrf tw '
bbla. Old la !lira., in More and
calm Dr L.1•01q 30112 i PARKER. • C.
- T AR-411 brb. T•l•r li furegale
- - tuR RID6II t 1211/11A.AM
LACK A..A.PasY mvias. of a very et
_ham„N cm. v0urth....115341.
nurrldlobt 10100 rothalvi as sooortnoeut of allo, 01.001,
00. toaooy, AVebth, sod domertle do; atm, %Vide Ilaonels
— ‘ l BYER Ft:I:INCH BLACK CL0TH5*A1.1,1,11..1,3
*A1.1,1,11..1,3 bolls. otsvelal sUrutiuu . IM:
7ttt= " o7l4 ./ I =P=S:Vatratinre „
Iri.innyuGE. DR. MeLnur's reLtativerEa.
t g ,TIAN fur vats by J.if IU !
- 4
jsi S % 4
I A }%l erne. for ordo by .11.1 b J. KIDD atv
IT I AL GORES-1500 gros;)Fo>• sato p r .4. KID a/
PONGE— 2 eases title, -. a
r xtr;
.41,* by "IS J. AO/
. -
1 ) S0:11 SALT - S--10 [pia forrale
.~J4DId CO .
\QUNDEI S--Fifty bazreli Islay Flour; •
brlr, blobtlßD7
ll el)E.l,t,rcs. ; , ,),,1,7, , at for littauipa
hnoo Ys Ont. leilculr. new
Hamby A Burchteld Write tin nt•centar, oil than'.
.61 - dating C.od. lft , r rrear. to *bear amortmrtnt of tE!no
and °Mot ark% artar.t.Alfur Llat , ,•. lain
paid n fot . Wool . by
TT 4.1E4. IS,
"an ROW N FLAS,'NELS---Ono cone jult re .
2_111c01 , 01l from rontaritakomMltrld br role 1.
\ • .311: RPM a LEE .
P El) FLANNEL 'ea:).3,,)ri hand isnA
for role 1121 . ...\;,,t,0U11,P8Y
BLANK ETS--Single an 4 double bed, steam
lowa. nin. and rontivwl.lankre , for al. br
JAN 0111:P111' A LTA:
part rorvirod from roanufurtarerw Mat by
- SUNIAC—Two tons Sumac for Bale by
,all 3 stunpny
IiOLcSSES-=-FiftV-fIN 1:11C , V clap, per
rt./Later Milton, and 'for by
" JAMES DALZELL.,q , W.trr
r icAcco__, has No one, A.; twist, Teem rid)
rt.. , Print.. and Air , ed. br.
33.1“ JAMES DA 1.% ELL. CA
("If Cron" ‘r Bran:AY...Palo rad PAO," ,
I In .3, 1: qr. solo dr, do "Polo: mina,'tipt r.
10 do du, and a.,' eanta.nal band!s
pipe:4lo , ll.lM. - Roblin, An ia,,,r and
puncer , . Int, mud Scot.oh Whardtry.
do h Jat l ualra Rpm.
10 bbl.. 3. I:. dn. do.
dr. os.k , Port Mop,.
14 , do do.
30 n0% 4 ,:11 , 1,h r rr . 1711M.
In acre and
,41.. I.y 4011 N PAR Rlberty M 4k.
331 Li neat
AltD.—Taventv brh awl Eileen kegs tor
4 rel. by . d.a: • SIIIIIVXR k IIA}LNM.
f i OLD PENS. We have now on hand n
CI large runt olio. b..‘ oat N., from the le nit
tnanntArnni , LEI New Votl, and tnnh.• ex pr,..1 ,- toe t
Al.o.rlr,ant tiltl Pencil 1,,5, and Pen'lliphler , Hy,
en., in ...vs, variel, Purrupine l,n Itnldere, l't 1.1".
All 0 , 0 msl... vrl/olrab• ..1 nand at Nvyr Yuttirrlce ,
ENISUN box , ex tottived and
y •Itle 1., .1.4. 11. t Y it l l_V)\.
130 WLlF t it 31-ANGANESE..
rdr 14 tle:lo KlilD CO . for n
M'e f, ,aI ALL , IS+EIt:S OINT11117?-2 gruttp
Jr,,to J KIDDt CCI.
I AltO OIL-1 bblx for sal , I. y
ILA .fr .1 'KIDD
- -
Zs; —Fifty toits /irttliereitiFurtittee
iolittsoN.l.lTra t CO.
344 t.ttrty %tn.,
k i't II Is: LIR I F:S. trls o 11.,11 Butter;
1.0.4 i•Ple,
0 01111 ,, N, Lirri.t. It Co.
VIII A ['LOW .—fiftc lists received and for sale
b 1 •I , r, 'MCIVER do..LAILNEA ,
1101itS.• -.One ill. Jusand bus just: received
t 7 pr Ataul.r.louny Liu& .4 fur gal, by
4,2,5 /4111101.11 U. .•
WRA III - 1 " ., A);1) 1 1 111NTING I
"' . Jw:l ff:".t.t
ioiroN. 21 bale:. an‘r landing, fri
tor ,Pir -
I Vzla ' l l l1 1 ;1 Fn tw
111,110 s, Inak TO
Olehr.s CO.,
.19 n •. , •
t, .4 )1 OAT - •
4 owl Tr 1.11.,,u11,1*. for •t4-.-...i—icLtc7VAtiViiti •
• •" Wuml gres
IZEA'rIIEKS. 1(1 Lacks now I.todir.i fn.
'''''''''''''''''' '''''" t.l7All 11 . Itlifra . .
NVl•t.r .....1.1 - uol :.1.....,
(1 1 H.U. SILVER, BANK NOTF.S. si(itr:
u.. 1 Tim Draftiku W. V. , 1.0.1 W.,. rt/k.... •,-
.V:.;.... ‘ .at1 ' 111tr l in. 1,141/.141111,11 :10 160 raw , LA,0111,1,
tfr,P. al 11...1 0 ....b....15. 0 .. 1 ,-,_,6 • TVfiik'orth ylk.cL. ,
M u ,!1.5t r . 1 ,7 " 7t .fl ..ditsrrtf.a ' r u r j f&P: VI
74, ..':'!' ,i,,. .1.,;.: ~,,. In kill. 0 0c/r.Z - N1411..., *LI
12,t4.n. 0.1 .1 -1.-. awl N.., t....4tealts. PP
ll boo o4 t Oly
iro tior"
f 01.... 1, -.
1. - . EN ECA OIL.- , Fir.. trio' reeeis ed., for sale
n sultIVE)/2DAle.f.i
I'TTEIL - -Els :? ).rls and ten jars prime roll
1 I P a. t .g '"' ''''
o : ' ' (or
'o ,fiti r tn • Le. n BARNS'S N.
X .
O. .7110l...11.1sSE::). - -lifts trio, to arrive,
....1 fa-es-4:i , -a.., ,1111 1 VEI: &TUTS or
11 i. 1 1,.: . .4 13 ()OK K EEP I.N. G.-A 0,0
1 y t :1 :00. - ,... tb.-1. 1,..,14 übl 111kr.i..i.f01r.r ,.. .1 1, -
ukl l l . 0 . 1 1 , kIiTON
---- I' - - - -
i 1' , L5.5 1 1, 1 E5 , ,... - ,,, T 'lnv) hurelnal bus just
1 1 - 1110 N FLA:NSF:LS-A farther supply
00-'...."'"44.' -" kTlTJl.7rlg r i trs irli( 7ll.ll N.. I
1 1.411).ENC11. LEA F -Fifty lairulles Fleneh,
1,,,:, , -7 : -"4" j=?: l ol . o l 'r .i . :: , ;:``d ," lt.. b .lo l
1 di , L•i.uitS f. 141 s 'tee, I ) ink;
A, s• ~:.. ss,o - l.
10 ~,,L,-.1,1,,,,,,,a 751; , ... , i or-a:
1 r•-J. 1 , , 10 lo .1 ho 1 1...1N11AGE.1....1 .)_
4 E. RNIII,LION --Trieste. Chinese. Ameri-
I ''' ''' Im ' r' ' '' V.
''''''' S " :ll . l lergl&KF.lo 1 4..)
ab ,
II:4 ' . SSE NTIAL OILS-1 can Oil of Sassafras;
A - ..u• .ht ..11.,..ndi, 1 rkn .../ !.1 Ersorcorp,_ 1 c-300
.1 - tf I•xlck , . 1 ran .11 of llorckak 1 Ika 0.1 of Cloy , 1
*bild" ". ' I ''''''''. 40" 1.-" 1 " : 11 117101111.iktlt 100
I , IORISSI.k.N .131,1:E-- ENtlO4 O l No. 1.. i ' .' l.
.1 .sl.• by Isl.l 4 Vr111.Y.../7.1.1KL1t ~ iki.
i -4t ft 1) OIL.- Lard Oil ef a t.stperi or quality,
X/ .s,,Lial, t.n hx.l rikb. 1.0-
”.1k 0.01011 1, 120 0.1 < L. l- 0 . Watt r I Front 14. ,
X 1 .-
01. A ••••)SES.-Twooty one Orly prime
I.A. :...s.‘ 11.,,.. bl.-Ina... 1.0.. ',krt.., 1.1.1 1.. r mt.. b.
...... L ; 1 WATF:IIMAN A SON,
- .
110tUrjEli.--Thlrly lt i t t ge Lin b d , air Uri , fresh
-" );, " ''''''` v""'
' • • * ALIA ) t
1 • I f 101 1 1 1 00.
E. All Wets N 0 Sogor for wale by
0 - 0 ,, , :: MO 11,7: I KIP.II 1.1 1 0 II ICII.. )4 1 or,t_. 1.
X.., Fit' PSI F;1 . ..; S on eon siouneut for rale 1
Illt o W '4 k KIR!: VATSICK.
. - -
powt)Ettr.l) ris:Nuuji.A.E.c.
400 11, fur .10 1, 11.1 1 JR Ilk 11 1i 1.1.111:Fl
111 F:I' ,, TIFIEI)
0 1V 111 S,
t1.'1,1..,.10,,t....., 0,.'
. 0.
I,: i /lull 1011.1 1 . 1.11.14)31 • W.
1% i ()P.Assr.s.-2;, Trio Sugar ll t onse, St.
!ol'.". "111',71)...-3,4'r'5r..A.,..u. :.,,,1.-L.1:::134.....,
~_ . •
1 g I E.F.A . .4.. LARD - faventy brlsiirenne Lard
10'"I .0.
4 I ` '`
s 1 0. 11 111 BA 01 11.
II )RI ED- , ...1 . , E,A 1 :1 I ES- . . , : , l:l:ree i. f , uludred lam
IP- Iy7 . 1. on 1 1 1 1111 AUI.I 1 1
I KAI' LA EL)--Prime int
Leaf Lard
iA 2'' ""
1 ''
;; ' ) .l' l I `., rl4.lg.ri l i l t ! ; , {
IrliiiEg pi.Y Ahrt) iNoitAIN cAititors.
W nrch.,“4:lolOlon porrba7.r.. 4. 1.10 lOW
1.. ...b....A ....0.11.1.tit a 'I br, 1 4 and Iturkm ‘krikin
..0. , bnolibt 0. 1 1,4 su,l,b. owl eb....ibtr 0.1. OP! 4 W.
.I. r . ‘' o::l ' ...:lrtil " .;4rn ' tor tl' \ l7.l.lJ.:l';'. .4 tr.'"''''''''''
Jai. IO; Nlc-C . 1.1 WAXY:.
. ._
liki INIX/W II A NlIl 0(1S.-W. Alt:Cillibbek
V V otl-.4. to 0.11.......k.b.beng 1/411 , 0-11. • ~,/ bk. 11 ,. .,
I ,bn-r1 ur emu, to:sie, L. .of ako power! 1.04
1,0 .4 000. .1 4. / 1.,..,1 prl,. all al 1(... Coolrt IVOO.
Iwo. , N• .... F0unt...0,0 jab/
The Old Printing. ent,
lATP..IOI,OIon mat Stocktou'R, and Blank
A W o rebuto,
W irA Art.l. peeper...l I..ellevh• eters et, 1e..( 1 ,0 0 1 .
.3111, .4.1.1 . m.1itut mei llohlt
ttitlH4 e•.. 4 eva
catele tit Ihr i‘inellt
Iter, etvl et the .11,71. M ntice, att.l
n.. .....J "
.In 1 , 14tia1,..) 4rl , ttte ,, l .
1•n JUN atel Seentri ttreet..
Inner. stehtto..k Iltsulery. M.r r.l Thit4 J. JO
Now Books Just Received.
LION and ; aut0....N.J.,
....N.J., 1 vet Mltnto mut ,
oititier Minn.°, rot then ee of iteretile end IttaTtherto
eini ietroente of n Kevin.' owl oililitth
•1 in en-imitate , . ri tot ul Inn t,f the ittrinntr.l Miner
Iterretti re of Or 7lnie tif Mlebl.attit ti, f‘n Maid
it 71 linetrintentloni of putilie lintunetltin.
finnit —Hp, or, ttf Mullin/et Ihtlnnd. 1,7 John
itt 1' Able.. with w the torn. ,
IP I /141 1 V1 '. :., ‘ A/.Vit4ii i i ' iltlje.7,F2i , l,4l. el:
0,0.1 inoek $4,4- v.
1101,1.1. • Itretriereti
The tintiermuiteal hue aitietlithA agtnt root 11,11 n
MI nneeniiise eennintartio ennotni Mt Vs).l. , Brow*.
Isil r• ma, 1" 1,14 , point... in the tit , ntl,l ntorine depot
-we , 1,7 feivitt able ler.. ye an. other negenuil,le
to it, litle en, 1101 A
* Jill" 71 rintrth .4.11,1 lot. In flank of PllteirulMb
b• & co.
inthtu lioinettMe An.. lintels.
rt.!' the altsintion Moe" In limit. intotUit tom
r o ll= Ititlunnerlit In L177%71;043!
ittn, V.C3KIZsti
greltte: Nr•••• Vork .1e,1'42‘31
sl Or 4 4
sl .1
1 JllMa
i'llANtE 014 - I..E. — N HOLMES A el.eqs, N. 57
. ult. ntryvt, Patabunat. E5 , ..1112.0. on uil Ing•Flon.n.
nd Weat , rn ellien An7 , n4.. I.lhtionvnad. in el I .. init
Nli= 4 77 " Z th in L I T/ti n IA 11 . n ' n:ant l e!1 ' . " " . :11?
IN.DIA RUBBER PASTE. 4 grope of that
able Inc bcote end remlorluk them por
b, Tine. s. • p utt lero *th. T6ll.
InITTSLttal tbo pu
r Lease I
wa hi. INrie'woCenitimedititt Melt &anti
Marshall e0W11%Y....".n..1.4
b `"Nit
st the pront at Awn we Baltimace sud °MO Hdrc.“!
rt 311.11 tbe ohk. 8teee.1...4 me.. tttmtht
mate of eahl Thercti .6th ""..;
iieient 'Wain& yell. ee
awl the tett. um& eau.
Apra. &flee., poet 11.4 . WOODBURN.
• (In.. Derek. ,
()NWT. Ti Jati:LW, tkveS•
AND litON MOUES. we /103.0 I3IA Cameo, lor
—Purnunt to • death of tbeCitrult Soperthe Cont.
We and Cheithery of said county. rendrod in the wow
wherein John Tomo and taw lb*
-44 romml. t.looporwr.i. , ibr US'
to oil at Dlorgantown, said county. on Mrs Eon Alan-
Jar In FelthorY, 1651. (being emelt logy all Oath 7'
fu Moneogalle rolVirginia, lying shod -
Cheat Miter •georral WOODY the 3 load
Worth. t • 04 ' T"'"
S *Mot to
on T. Oho& talth
Ivq stout 1 - WO or, of land, her nth aWM dYri4l,C
Vte, reitqlry, WWI Factory, aist nal Saw Mill, al
ih tialtireArt,tzwrhrt , t 2 = ---41 .
Timber au Lime Wow , There la also a oluabLi Ferry
othelng Slyer, irtherging to the property.
Tide obit, le nth allotted az mthoth . teriog .pstritherr,
not only of Iron, but of Wool and Cobb. Wog Abated
to Mao tworl. of o good 601nteug awl wool growing country,
about 55 IllodeP moth of Pittabowiti, bating one of the beet
. water powers do the weth. sod water OlailanitakalOn to
Piliwburgh and otheathete.
bomb., there hate Oen erpendel within the
lost tai or twelve year, sorra fifty thousand dollar, the
areethaa tae end
other - butblilia ,,
The wart/. coo now In tolerably good order. -
If lmmediate connected mill the mild a» wane Ono or eve hundred
^ll3 of anperior farmith land; oath Go or 4o molter
tlit6iatellth or eighty dwelling hewn, tOlit-
o• Fair oln 010 credit of one, two. and three year,
purchater giving loot etth roeutity for Me payment
rho yardarm money.
Those who may be dirpoon . to - mob. inv.:o=l.ll , th lin
exiarCt greet barwith in th e purchase of this nable
3yb0ra:‘,.0.,,,1711,11, 4 o , :zu: prod...el.
ar doer- 1 4 6
or o informlon whir!: may to " treit y 4l fo b r l :
persoa ribbing th porthole.
tr. P. kvt.l.7lt7N• Camasladoturp.
Saggnicow et, bre. 16, 1850.—dethild
cENTs REWARDL.-Rcin .away ;f
U. rat
hying lh ILIA Doer towo.bir, huleuh.,l Apprentice, whaled JorernOltwAY.
hM 19 I ear* of /we. I hereby Intent .11 hem. rim
Larl.O uµ.
• 011 vovrentirm
NIAm p tlrurtgh t
Tmhhore rfeblrd l4T oo-cbaro, will
ROUT. 11 f 11 o ER.hi
811 m. ,)I.IWKNIGIST, tenders . his se e lkes
to the citizens of Filiation:lc and ttotT.• rnoi
end Butrmi collector and tooVeynocer. Ile wit attaod
to the cect
olling and accusing of elation in thin sot ndloin•
ine the Counter. redline and reothnit rienPann ,
drawing of detts, hood. inortgastra i and other button:irate
o f writing. All Maine, to ht. fine ntLended to with
pronietocee and care.
Ilea . u. Ft. A nearer. Edward m
W pC,U. Jr., P. t Flan
trtToii; with
fn,. J "cc W • . Fourth Wert, [worth.
t 3EN NIIANSHIP. AT No Tire roll nest yea e.
ling there lame, - stub unerrupoloina trinberl
prActised urn the
_public & tout Peusoistithip, itat the
prerenti, iter• of greemnlog ore circulated through the •
loon go g n mued, with the rourneeea onto , aunt! .ron . edi
In enter to tout the tioeinot to lateen theta to no pert.
Yeraeos ilOtinnua of brood log mold and elegateretunro,
vlll do
colonn call at purrs mencAnriun VOLLYOE.
and reathe hood writing of wane of the nett penmen
16011 city. who boor twee Itotroct..d W dila Institution.
Allegheny and Butler Plank Road.
lliE nudnrmsgnod Cuturninionern hereby
gite notl . the Sieekbeldere of the AllfythenT end
er flank Howl enovanr. 00*0 an einuoo to okon ono
Itrethient. live Manager- gotta Treafforer ter raldrr.topeny,
iii Le held al the hotme of Ntr gown, llekeratown,
Alletheny County. ou'l'bur.lar, the itb of Yettrnar, uegt,
the election to oanunenre at keen othek, a n
John Wean,. ems C
Jseol, , leehlsne., tiro. W. bmlllt,
Witham Lthatthell tr . {Vitt buvd.
.rt. -
:h i L /71 tC i ' f ir t t: ' -'87%,111w, Andrew
n T ,Wdi 4 :1 " wg " d t
t :
1..1.1. Neuter,
(homes PdAlleftylthu John Morriffog•
Tigunat II ttlerrart f.
Jthoary :st.lnStr—utfigletAnldt
Illeheny County ? as:
. o Court, held at Pittaburgh,
A 1 t.Prphatue
In and 6v sl/4 counlS n the lath day of JannerY•
ffe , before the Honorable What, A. vow, Pr, Aid. ut
Wi le ' tlroPtran ' a. i l to " .;0 ' ,, A Ttu 1 11 1 11 . trate, of all .04
Plum oho gtoodg of latite A rino Ittelhann, dr.-owed,
gam oh...tented, of forth tied the ..01.1d.u4satal ,1 In
tre j d ' 7.:VeP o th i g . fre r Th. l ni..T.ArT c' elsefl 'i ln . r h' er
Pt Ito
oa dly e - mw •eland In a reftaUct liir/nlara or lot et ground Alma.
I the :that Ward tf the My of I .
en front
on Ai Aftuffuten AUtArt thirty Cat. end ratefulltur Leek ~ l
...ptt elf th "tin" rurallrl It y lie thee.* 611, ftt,
open wife+ art angled tyre deelling hotuAre, thOlert M the
00 nu thlfugl ground retft tiuhtieu a. on.
ittl,T;the r farne torot krt.tuul ehlelt fa me.fld, and nomesed
to mad t ett-rner thlrin. dettereettl. end Ilerrtud )1 Cuou.
oftto•ldly de,' delta Itfth darer adobe , 1 . 41
not tuns.. 1.0111, lb, tiladlytile4 no halt
et. Awl there being no gerfnual 01 pay
t Alberta, prating ft.. VuOrt to
of raid real kot A tt, flg the payment of t
the Cfmrt oeder tilteet that the ed.
tew Ow mil gremisen to publte Aele, et the
th e eity littabur,th. ou granule, Ow
Tel.rusrt A. I. 1,1, and eell the same
1111: ' efft.. 1. oft t1t.,TZ4. 1 ,25
and the role
this Wort, sal that the
r mete e return of OM pitoottakrum tO
ntouur coun fly the Coup.
ItYI4II , L SfrelfttlY l Lint I
Firo Insurance C.ompan
At, ItttiebntgO
.l autotrf leg Ifel,
Oen, o of the ggeooBo 01
othla ""?Ite
A amoun etmon.. M to M a
tut t A
newly OM I olitlet in a little mote
42 " :71t1 7;t " ;o l Tf l ff Ze W I, L ( Ze i ne ta a:rtlrt
L. of etbe of 111* In anal) rot,.
inaurut for only voe year
• .StA43.=fel llll
arrulnom Mint
• -• 14.C.0.11
loclf $70,1-'4 ttl
,i mpur runduetri frtrlrtlu
W 1 by y on the I
frame v , '
rte 4rf!th. 111 ,0 'dk l 4
the t•MIS tvH- r end itrrordthillY dlt
thv "s'"
1 7=1 4 P? t e
>it asuntmt ttant. ' ls%
MoPertY. end nothing tOrne
sotheted am immanent! .
'eatifte may be Med. oltaft the
Ina met riling.
about on 01100 ser eggapanwo. and Abe rsteo
~r.. 1 4, be inaund to mot Re
r s o.foi the privilege of Mat,
f. IfebtlitY antgeofgafg
he ',larva kW trglaol*-
• under the Mattel 01.
, Oflirt Mgr r Jog.,
1 571tINtrOrp, p r Lti. j r
462 T
Fsoft the cure of Coughs, Colds, llosrse-
Dmakfittio. Croup. Asthma. WitooPtnn Cmnh ,
itl:oll , Unkrtlun.
Thin truir valuate nemedifor ell direattee of the Longa
anal hem; has bottom the ,thief reliantwiet the aftliMeni.
a. it I. the mud. retrain cure ADM/II for. the FIT:
Vt ' n. a r ' ito ' s b it. 4 l 4 :alst t*go'firwr
w,..gua'at=:ls.l=lildeot7,‘ n
men ' t h u . o . o Gough and ,
and et rras
We bl..
10...1.k10w tin drink. OK tam who wee known le the
wort, emi tha world Imp... their minims.
Flittll I.lo.4l:Setlit - , /eMe• C. Ayet
te-1 halo mod Yet:Wt./war Portent, In my awn tem of
deep rented Drouchttla. and am atitisficd fro:kite chemical
itnut it is an witnirable ansopttneat Melba relief
rf larycatal o.lYll.lolntl
m a k eces. Hem ophidon m
ite snood. a any .1 - rice, rpn Intl lite
" L
Dresident of Moberg Crulage.
Dlftf:C i ) grrrr..TCE-Dr. J. C. Are.. Doeell-Doc fie
under obLuatton. tn_ you kr the menratlan
• I r.U.I. nowml.ll/.- . he • Itatere Onuo- ,
made mo of tuany walnut, without ohtainl=liet
"° &ru i jr .' n o o 'r eg p at h night. A ght.a n T i nVilaint me s bgetli>.
of yam llierm ',Mon the mie of which 1 kumedigkir
nunirtarne.l wronlinu to daurtiung. I Marian marekasod
the (Ph hod, aatt marl mrie b r7l. I
i nner darn
ot" ek.
roar iW
T o .ipa Atone Mentinml•
From Dr. Derma. Dengaist and Pradniader, Champ,
Fall.. St V. 0"..
br J C. Aiwe-oDearthr-Khelomil PIM. end remittance
fog all the Cherry that .al nee. 1 cmtutheatta t
unary sae. that ta. b inediripe wo mil milthtelke
no Seto t Lunt
nmeteien. at-tteltec It titueta!iit In lhele P prectlne. and
illt . the' h. , 1 ),1
hy J C A VDU, Cherukt...l4welk'Nllke
lo 711.4.iterh. Minima/. oni Mimi, by I. M. Took .
rat. Dirket etteet, Ilnuglinu, Alleviate) ,
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette. ATTENTION hi respectfully in - '
Io the AM..., Drell.. sat main In relation to
ono . I the nom imientaut remedke of modem thrice
OM It s. loot more then 'ono
111. moat minoly wILP brought helm. dot
j,..thite, tor tit. • relief and eme 4.1 r .lioemee. Ito great potters
u. bed, too e. O then, reason fully appreeiededhy the
amW.* that tha tow. It le triad the
nom certain oil !l omit hmat. en.emiii . It hi smith. tom
oli • Jet. cep tho solo ouryok of making moo*,
toil. one. whkh we nnealm, will noniron. tn ter weed when
W ollke main/ens Moe hewn form.D.M. Itroleunt
a hatittal tie the depths i f Ito. meth
parr and m. 0., laugh 4 to truth all human
.....poktion. It Mr ditty, when ea writ.. *hoot a undo
moo. that the tenth- that we my [editing slate.
toted to darns. thow •Ito may trutt word r.r put note.
41;1.n. u 3 or 1,11t•tneIIII. lick am eery apt to rate. at
141111:: r , -,111,... relief Ikon J r A AGO, cAu
L. 0 0 tre.l.loor s.oo if ,do
I mikeer tha utunt of gu
to and 11.
I. o ,tifftN.,.. b e " if4 l ll4 iti;EZ fn tN:lluu pr
iu it •
ti nt
rem, e. elmuld In tolg,lhi Orl
our ell, nlulruired. Inter ample tertlutMl n Ito
Tor of tlo. Petroleum
Willa.. the toid two nte.n.lot, tiro of our own Magee...
umlly has.. lam. matomet Weight. tkv•
, cm,. blitrlnwle. In the Plato of Ohio, hare lawn
t le tam oft gentlmush hi Clearer Muggy
(lime neer loam, and mat
,fr,ripj 11l lir any porinn. who Mee doubt,. on the mt.
pot Theo. rake were ettml on, they had been shandom
1.; tan, tit hopel..m. nit it.troleitm willeun..
when nodwwwedlna ritm ma
elln-Dlaretma. Ityranberr.
Khoo otatient.ll..t. hettes , latit„ kruptlonit Otl it/L. it . it , n r ,
.n plea an f,r Iwo, Chinook Vats.
Amur. Chnatie l'A.uuto.. lirometitts. and all
alleetiona ol ch.* , baton., tending to
limn , eke ` .a. d ewe, of the Madder and Kidney..
eil o Akd I
011; hippie., Coeur and Bullion,
In n0.1.V1 I. .011 tatirtebit. pump , . awl he Imo
In noot'of the %hove .11ismem within tho tata4 . 7ll
liil rPt'Orlf..l.l;rl7pi...",prtet"'w
Lout to the amktod Mews.
Whatever Ahem miry ea, ate.t their ntedlelner. i iho
l'etrolemn PAM reeelmt Itemody of the mm. 1'
.4 Walt .4arvistm In ilia penfeash.o art beginning to p...
to their praeti.... nom. who at amt hadte4 ma told. ututtiet
awl u..' terry, arc Willing to award It d u n mho mil
omaiderallon. Doha. ...alter year tolls mouth alDerl . ll be
c to arin ooee owleiir that
File the Petroleum ls
or le, „the
C. Seller., 51 Wood +toot; lk ?if Curry, ik A.
:11'd.145l albe
11 ' .1 'and 1 u i..
FllknuMoCK %Tool A
torl . trout .1.
fit' A WARE -English it A .... qican Britan
on T.o iris. Maud riu„ RaelietruCandiestlrkn .
du oft, r•
Ogre , ;cen:. , ; ... ir y . =
eon "aims. hiller
51st., 't Tanta ono Dortultutham tualintletum,
highly otoinueuted i. 1.0,101 Tra!'m of beautiful pattorns.
e o ey atolls' Powder hie ..I..atitne and polishing plowa
ware. itekito. tor rimming Clitonok Mans, Feather
¢,a-rno miebralsal Magid Kluelinel.
shout the else ot a hot,. which w ill make 1 4 , 1 , 7 . rook ,ref
tdmk. oit.ter. , l4 attr•ttonkel .e In n l rr t rn
Nlarka4 end north 04,
't() CASKS MALAGA IViiial; •
.ffnment .
MI. tc=%!%!, " : , ;4 •"1 •"' -^"
hb.i. eogmr:
: Lot:
i itirra.. „, dr ; roirrin.
2: ~-:
WO 1)119 Onbc
barras on tiaod wad fir I.
,fat • /if Marty grid
toutaaravoyms mnIED' ni
QINCE the introduction of this • hew •C..m.
7poenri. comb. sod CAI. are game in• well - Abort
- time. We wlll warrant ler. Entree Pectoral Sf roll to
cum macs offYougloi,o3l.l..
Litignaltia. In le.
time and at •• ehcaper nth. than. este other ...Uri.. eeet
eiw..L •
tr 11A.4 AN ENTIIIELT NEW ACTION—The old Comets
Alodtdor. ail sicken the inornach smerrtoluee onuses whirl..
le Mom dioagnmalete than Os. cough Iteelf. Thla 13 obvi
ated In (hie mixture. for it i• • pinto.nt frothing. uteri.
'amt It will cure or t/it money wiII bt refpratti The .e 1
don e e to faro, of thu. nnaliein• In diskette, from our oleo
dawn. AK•nel cod. lure any one of la rel.-are. It
prnactiptlon of • re.,lthir t.hrfician. and ttne 6-Jl,l wed tr,
hint lu Mx own prectwe for • number of ye... with h o
mat heroic swam,
CoNNUMPTItri h01y... term Faibenrille writec that
her daughter bail been leMieted with a sough and rpecCr
ation, night sweat, herrn- fever. and all the t ei hstre e anng
oPtr.a...-..,,rxa In
.shu bat nine Aiau ' ma and Chronic Court)
far eight 'ear. has Men runnel, relieved lital the rough
trinneint the nee nf half a dioesteof O'r bold!. of this Pe,
* o4l: r lttwil A tlfretli=P f r ' rop ITrt=flae r .re
he Inks weal tt In his own ease and thr caws of tumors , '
Olds frailly with the mat perfait snereart
1, to Do; or rim Could-Iv Magmas sorAwarst—lt
up In half prat bottles at ocot, cab. or nikileatbe
tkinarar Proaticrerra would - dn wail to kap a nu .ply of
this medfithie onliand all the tbne. it triune of hoc omit
yeerfAl anti elk:arisen rest/Albs ;o'er illscusetrill for all
enacts and above+ aftii becipient (latrampllan.
CAUTION N.T.TEA—ustiy persons will try to get you to
troy sane bar of Us satiate tantrums. but do not hood
them. If oil watt to get well buy filtilLlCi
and take'. other, mar you. It has to It
moo of the meet valuable plantain.' herbs materia
toodini. and 14 aintioundnl by a pertain stilled In the, heal-
Inv arc There coo no &anthill lo tide medne." Ito
prereded In your own city, soil the proprietor Las num,
Ona ...Hawks from remote In our own city. attesting it
wahttable propel - Inn, which will be flown to any person
du11... of awing thew.
' AOOlll WANTs thenochont the Unit.) Staten fusel! Ole
meillintia Large discounts will be made Ga l' them-se who will
tab. an funniest to Ito medicine. It will la a large pallt
to all agents,be.ldecthey will he doing suffering humanity
oterrier by planing in their bands the greatat anterior
for Lung &season the world ban ewer prod tient
' Format orhotenele and n t.n, by K11:613t L MeDOW.
ELL, Druggints. lin street, Pitteburglo Pain, whorl
all kitten fair agenriei must be aildnerard. AI-wager solo hy
U. IL Corry, Allegheny city; P. Brodie, Jr.
Gana Baird, Wroldnatott: John ii. Bahr t=ll
.4='&re r r r iaittratlM t gitt 0011: y • ;
QELLERS' LIVER PILL--"Tlie treiitTe r.
Pill now in ore P.
)(Pitons Cl/LT, looms. Vs. Jan. 1.
In air. R. E. e_ellerc—larar bin 1 will state to Pilloh
soy opinion your Pill I. pert:odd tit. emit not
In toe a.. a Liver rill, and sorra...xi icy pm.. an
Antidlilition Pall. It iv very highly tortsvmdd 00. ctltr , cod ,
Inanity se a family hill. snit Is fast Allyplsattng c bery
I now rts•-ak from lop own experluee. snd trots CI, a.
;wrist:ice of ninny <dint Mesas and
Your* rc,ipeetttilly.
I.—l mm wrtultted to lion.. tiln original litter. but
not t.Minh the writer', nuns.
Irt) - Sellm' UV, Villa an, tlic Original, thilS Trui nod
iyintone. All others are counterfeit , or Ilse
Ptirrhaacrii, recollect Rut IL E.+:vilcrid Idris. Pill , sr.
the original and only true aud gennino Liver NIL mud
Tl.: hod al No. 57 Wool vtrveti and of progadts tootr
natty in the.two ruin , mud vicinity.
- • - -
LIVER PILLS supereede all
Ylother , CharWawa, Va., :lel.
rm—Bour Pill+ hart , become mo popular In all tho ry
qion of ro,untrr,,,a. r . , , u3 .. rourn to rui.vdr all othrr. ar a
u-N=4"ra.:l' JA?fyri!tkml,
riirrhaarra o rettllest that 11.. E. Llrer 1111 , arr thr
nripunl and only true and grnulneLli , l :ill, and be
ha/.1 Ai No. 47 Wcod Amt.. and al Druerl ,, renerally in
the tan cities and tithrlitT. Jaln
1.3 Prepared tinder the Immediate care of the Inventra
iu, ratabbehoi fo
preparationr upward, of T thin,- re•r*-
h elegant It recommend. , l in ell 00.' , of
bile, ariditiee, imligenion. gout, and grac i le a* the to.ed.
van, emv, oi l effectual forth In which ltlognerdo umo, and
indeed the ouly verb iv which it ought to la. ethibind 1... all the propartn of th e Slartivela %ow In general
.ter. without twing lath. Liao tt, to form danyerote , cal:Yaa
abut le llte bowfin It eff,tually clears heartburn without
tutoring the oath , of tho F10m... an 10.15. (elan, and their .
,arb.atn mew .known to do: it preterit , the food of Infant:
%undo . .. , 0urn.:Liv..4,,,,„:zzxz.,.. 'dewily element. arid
" .ri . ;litilihrey ussy toweled that this .ohition form* ml.
.11, maga uationa with uric add eallY In mere of rout aod
we 1.
threader conuteracUtig 111.40 hourlong borate.,
when other alkali," and even NI. garonla loci!, bad Wed.
Erma ~iir I•hilip Cratopitm, Bart. Surge u tieuend to tin ,
Army In Ireland:-
..I), , ar thr-There can le .donbt thaLltlagtiegla thty As unarr Patel' , In,lbr p.m a a ront'entratrd tare
lull. thou ia autataan; for Mix arid umny , taker oth , otta.
I rte of cask.° that the Flind Movueria ha a very t aluxhie
addition throne Mater% Medics P . 11111,1P CIIANIP9'OI.."
Sa• Jalyel Clara.g A eloper, ler. thigh!, and Mr.,.
titabtie aralltlvrbert LI ayr, Of Lawton, 01,1,1y1Womotend
llurra, a Fluid 1.1.13..... aa being Infante', too , aafe and
,ouvetnwet than the anal, Cal too from lb. door , ott•nd
,llta. the can.. man a1....1a or po gin . ..
‘, For ale 1,, the importer'slmat .r.. dolor. ..-rut:
It A. I YA INlllrfliCK a CO
•Jall Co . Wood k groat ate ,
. ..
cON,T A INING no biercury, nor idler
, misicist rno following tartinionial •
thwt given If the
t e headed In IVooeter Beach.thr sallow of tie ,itall 211,11.
.01.01 a rtailhal - The Lowerk. Prattles of Medicine mid
Vomit, Ph, rkiau "
- flaring Leah made atatuangte.l with the logrettleta ,
..ltieli coupon , 51cAl hetet It All-1 . 171t0g Onamera.arall
l ' ,: ' ,fai ' l 7,7. i 173 ..t r r fe. ~,m l . ...."4..!'r;ZtAT:i';' ,l l7l l
a taw f emuthic lithinly. amtalnitur tom ineral ,mietanct
t e a that if.
couthitud 1,.. they ore, ...tal
teed a.
by theproptinthr s are not cola Intrude , .
hut 01 great value. twin, Iktrult I'M.
Reined, of at, at
tower: sus 1 chordal.) , tremnmend II a* ft enthind
w Inch Inv
g r a m 1/013 good:alai which Is aded Ro the ,
cure of • ret varie , lo of colvg. Thugh l A A.. e never
eaber recratemerided anwogaged , a , thr o w ,alo of •a•-rri latall.
cam, mewl for the tnill homa , - co ,- unon , hinuaor
rhaaoter of rho pthyrietor of 'big Tonraterit. and the ,anie
" !ta d , ; 1 1L 0 . 0 1 . ;TrIPZ... ,;:z th'';, — ,lo,M4inti.r . "
II t. I,
I ltgavg-lt Layne of the le. , tbdigia , to
1 10 , wnr • _ a
u r
Prtha--Thotaand* an 1 eorly naval of , thm tho •n
"I'ggir!3,f,,V.l l ll ki..u.,r,..., , .. n ? ,..1.
If Slott/era awl Nun* ton.. value tam, 0f , 1,.. , 4,
, y ;tote lreiwtn, thee anvil alwaraarpli it 1 ,, t,v0 ti re ,
si tont according to the... Ma- it gives ithef in Leer, 1,.•
, g.,,,,,.. 13'1.0111MT Fl,ltUlt.
Arwood the Ina are direction. for ueinr Welt ill:se - CI
. 11, , i,„,„..„..„
f„, •
~,,, ,
litirjra'l S7Zl"ii'l'a.,_`.',l,7:.'it'sl.''Zti.,... i', S',' , ,Tatz ._.,?' _. `,. A w. „, r. ,,,,„, -
itrononu , s, issrsoos uretion Pain, lhaloaraf ltiv :i•loa.
Head Arbe, Bum , Corn, all Doreen 44 the :kin. f,,lr 11,1 UPS. '1 . . ) 1 , 10,,,,, illy. ',tie by '-
Id,. itspiss, F ret, g of the Limb, nu,a , , 1111....1a , , ~..1 - ' IVI II .1011S4-:707 , 1
lam Pilo, Cold Croup. Whetted far Broken farad., ., . ,
'torah Ache, Ague In te Ir., ~ , ••• tirs. - DitiLJ-- I hoe hundred Lib's. No. 3
From th e ftemfinn E.t.a: , • .11a, keret: 2.. , half 1.1.1 a. do do.: 5 1,114}...1 rla irnon. In
There ww , never, perhaprt, a Linthdoe boattla b. t. f s ere lb . ; ' en, s s
3 1 for asie hs tali IaILY.2.LL.
public-ond heta iu at abort • tithe wowench a rrial k ll.-i4 O
r ,,, ,,t ~, _— _...„....nan...crva,,xk. ~,,,,,,,
51,k - tinder • A11111a1i,n4.4.4,,,a0rt1 t-a1, ,,, t,
~..a , o „...., , b
~,,,0,, , ,,,
..,„,,... ......,-, ,_____
, idrtf4tritte pan, a third or trou=,;• vain to t r ttl , e'. \ '.lAmer,,-1.,11.1:ELL.
I rlde, a fourth of a awaiting to ti,... c0a1... A.-. It a doe , art i I EItYS-- Elder Flowers Sail,' a nd P.Ottesel,
I c mpoiri= i =o ever, cam it 1 m do nu tont", 1 iii s 11 .,‘ , 1,1,
\,:‘,., ~,..„.„...1 „ ~,,y,„„. , , ... ~
La =bar
villa. wonderful Id NM. Pa. , V"' .." J 21141 A I-"! NA "' ' W " "'- '
mated by thi s*We, we aulyolu the H t owing canines.. - 1 . i,.. ,—.-
fawn a rerpectalle rids. of /latieramet. town hi. in Mt* ~ I. t. •a/Li \ S ihi* received nil ClirP,Pg,ll
- - A weal. nod 4 rah I: IV A1,1.11. ,, F , RD .t 01
Maidenrreek. Bette en, Mae 11 , 4 Dal , - fah W oter ,treet.
t lean, !titter • Cr.-1 drain. to litho - th .on that I , r,.. - - - - - - -- -
,k,..!, ~,,,,,!.., ~,,.,,,..„,,. "i n ~,,t,.. bar k. hr a „. ~, ~, , 7ic (~,.. Ivo_oLAzi,i,:s :.iti brig 11W crop, just
s'i's ". 6 ro r tiorl:ll 6 llV l iiisrV:Zt il l fst s I , sli",',!,`S's 6 il:rd r:Nt l i d:, '"" ' ' 'ln' t 6 ' '''''. ''' R A.
• •,, httert r •d-
Wag {Mlle to alerw Dolan( that time 1 tried Oat. , • r - •'' - •
{fantail, which weer prearrib. , l for the 1 1 Phiqviarie f 01l I;eliESit:li,l.4:l. Ild)171EIL 4 brls just reed
now 1 ..0n, grillthut rentri. any relict arid at t art
. 1 „ h r ~,,. 4,.... R. A. cla,,,NlNfaimd.
made trial of this aniv, with a trawl/ famrahle leyenal ex- .. -,--..-
pectritima. I tad ma entirely (la frnmiale pakta alai .a./.0 d , lI.Ce I. , :Alioftsl;Lt • CANDLES. 11111's
at night a peaceful thd garret rlaerr... 1, / ,,,,. ab........ 1 the 41„, ' br ag gi- nlc ;f ,", t A C11 1 0.1%1311A31.
Ire Mom fbr tenth embrand other complaint, with mudlar . • • - 'A.- - - .
happy renal. Slow hie& JOILN Ilatlaaa/111 - IkrIME. Fllll. 75 brlt nn - d hf brls for
Foie p o ol'riew , of the al.ree codicil:le. - 'i . l.r - asis IA.!! all DICKIIIi I CO.
Criminal Oftire, •- i, North swot st. Philadeltd.-
Piller. Ilgt.l.a.Tll-} ivEctviTs PIM Dolt
Actarte rat Prrnsum.n-1 1 . A. }ohm:ate...l; 1 (:...toner of
.Nrival aral Filar au; Pm: Jackwm, 1. , 2/ti Lat,rtv 'tow,
Co. War.. yr...corner or .I.l,ari t army and 11.evi....,,d.
spookatV;4TPjt al 'L PI
. f filiZi, d no t ro l i 7i.r.,
book More nalutithlichi
°urn &ea from S. nod.
In Alleghene city br . 11. P. r , T art ! ci zr il s! ITormlfrat
Ilb j vit l e l ; •I'nlbag'ilaarfirSKl•teceptorh'l. Atiitodel.ll.4l.3.lon.
tio, ' rrbesi.viir.!l.ioliNts.litil?l:"litrave ..rC..T1,;:.%:,'L1.f.,-.,„'
Ilinahrth:bkmbright 1 F.l4rha. Itneb. P er jar '
... • - , - .
lip 11 hem I* the man who don not alltuvelate.thcluLtal
ot an vaa, that" If at, there be, we do old alarm. our
role., to them nun to ill other, we no. if pLui wielt. to
render ahartog a pleagoare. porch... , a rot of Join }loner,"
Almond Patarldo. or Ambrceial !Manor Cream, It hs ut
nth an,Nair to pod words to anent.- the feeling. of a
prate-.AI ha* lawn u-wd to-ahoy - log*lth ordinary root--
pon malting tem' fat thi , for the brat tithe It te a riata 4.
" .1 1 t7t; .itatkiat'reAVial eitair•A. ,rersilnply
etholthmt, mann., the atithad and Aver wiry heard -oft
and pilthle. produ.-mg airdejlither , and by It. ex
trema!, Mild neon. suss, trvitstiou spa prevent,.
that emplauant and aid log of th e akin which ia Wi
ellen arparieceed after . ha lag
Gentle...el using Jules Marl . . Shaving (....., may two
the c01.14-rt and trust ',termini' wind* inatirdiateic an , It.
um, without the bonlitillig d.rvil .4.4 4.5...1.
ap, al. it. we eon otfil, al, trill never oar all ether
Ono spat ..ilvautage-wli h will br veg....141r aniulo
ted hv them who arm • hit era-i- the fact that it •til not
dleonlor the la ant which meet faapa will du. wahig.a.nat
or rutty appraraiire to the edgy of the ',higher, .
.1 ale, Ilaueregbaving Creator are delightfullectaratmo ,
compou I‘l wall attn. to thy utter eaclogion of aLlarhal ,
raloda 'ted.,“th pomaded the olwration of ehavaitt o f them .
ithd will ha 'po li, all who male ins' of them
Prep. , ' only by
J 1.1.1 9 lIAIIEL, Perfumer and Chemlat,
10) Chnout otewet. Philadelphia.
For gale, whulande and mthil, by R. L. rattlawtork 0 Co.
gol It h. Niter*, Piltaburian and .dotio tsawout. aral .1
111tchell Allealmor city.
Drag and Prescription Store for Sale.
1,,rat..1 Ina Ili,nriihltid Paid lintini , hr l'nrt of "W
p.., which Is &Wag • profitably hulitiffn, iii oi inr•te.•
kred ft:r ,ale upon ewe. tom,. Fin. further partirtiliir,
wilily .1 the 'linguae otr... . ..22
it 10- PA ItTNERSII I P—Wo Inn, this atm-
IlLiiit , sl with Vt. Dennunin I flub:lth. , Tigiiiiii.
'''..l" 7 l*- "."4""'
ui .67l; tr i . \ : rl ' eizil i g , TI O & ,
rittsburith. Jan.., 2lnt,llssl.,.asltzu ..
ROLL gurrEtt-'25 Lew fresh. in good
order, In Mute, tor ',air , hr WU. lilAtiktiEV A - 0.1,
ism Itt a ..11 Wind a
111 A lots No flomitOrd; '
l it: •
HIES-10 rusks Pure l'ota.rh:
Jl, to rani , tlskratu, ,alo 11,
. n.
J. k. IL I. IJIII Ilou C.l
na 8
( I gEtiAlt:"..k- 1011,001) eotomon for salt. by
L j 7. .1. aK. V b y It
ill urrEit—l6 brio prime roll for role I.v
. P rat.l a R rung
• . • .. _ • •
p , Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
l ii 'l' WM. 1)111R1"S Cheap l'.l, Clothiv.
S Mot, N,,. lati !Ahem •ta.t. .
1,.. 3 ,,rwtOr rif 111., It , Otr ,r•l , ll.hmeot Irving .lemeo , t 3
of ,11,iug of The belauer of la• wild. r .4. 1.. 1 1..
r „o. •,e h....... 0 ptirehloon 0,1 :twit. whor l , h. "r
rive.. h. girtersoloed In otter them at ...el, red..l
orl. for ...h. All Or.. Rho went go..l,l.hiortithle .4
well no,le CreJliing. will find It lavallr to their Nil jailn .
to (writ hog. with • .11. sr - gr.l b•realne ullt h. r'efert..l.
for rule by
I 1,1 II..1011N:i.1'ILY
If.' N
It Y A Pl' LES --10 snekr for sale by
Jur 0,2 i iv NI 11. JOIIIiMIN
Ott N -'250 Lu uurhe:lleil, for rale lie
1.421 Wa 11. JOICNSTON
OLL lIiITTEII—.2.I ) r I9 freed, for sale by
t, era au. JOIINSTON
d 1 01 ION BATTING-1N buten for pale by
s rAit mI
43 dos, I.nbiu'a Extracts Inr the handkerchief:
44 dux all taecorted.)
14 Jim .tettpt .. l.lnd Rrechele, tante ratio:
t 1 doe. I • 111111d1 ratio.
t.'s &a. dolum.b Fachets.
fu Toncthcr with a full and comploten,ortment .1 lime Pc,
nrived and literate at Philadelpida
W turner .1 lEtant and ninth ttrccts.
'Mal • Zt. N wteuratmom
. .
TALLOW —lbirty barrels Sheep and two.-
A -r """"
T131611 . 1Y SEED -- 4 b.urelo rrevivril bud
lot wit 01 lsdl SAkIEES P. ttIIKINER.
I . IIESNUTS—Sixty bushelx received and
be oda by ta.Z./ SAMIIEL ell/LIVEN.
DRIED A Pl'LES—'2oo bushel just rev'tl.
_as4 fla cola 0l 110.11 w VMIL:)'.
Imbrels of new crop.
r ''' ''°'"d .04 for
N0511 , 111...P.
JaW boo 130 and Itl.l,..naldrtrot
IPLOUlt—Seventy tire barrels Family-Flour
Irbedioitao4 tor sble by
btrigria angt fAr larta.3ilOrd neti 1,1
.531,31'30'1b ba 433,?• 13-1 , ,, fr 0u 4f.;
. 131 1: . 117 d=l,( " Wat ' lt-igg ,r' = „! .
gl.. 14.33 ,glO 'l3 do
41 •
ttlrk Llg. gin do
1 .1., Ll.3vor 111%..1.
Mark Fr-uel• Ilirtemlel..3l3
.1., 311 3,341'3,3313. :313.^3.
glgg J. - 111A.
31.• 4:3.4=4ng.3.4. 1434, 3131 (33 , , nglor4 yr
• 4
do rrt3gs In Tr.l ogg gg`
• Th 3 abov.• glgrit.l 3..31, 3, 311”3 .343‘igatmentf Ihnn
arinn3 inlgt.(3.•tan 1.3.•,t4 3131 ."-t. 3,31 ary 113 3:31e. 313
1113•r31trt33 , , ,, Jthr ra.l.-. at 3.333,4 igri3 3 * ,
dry . U. UM.
47rti alio.sod Prmt...l: ab... Cu Oath '.lu ;Lot of s.4thio,
. 14 ' -' '''d 'tt'a"'". to
M 111 rI L I . ` r ? .I ' . ' illlttaigVlll.
;06 i N.l, our Fourth .It,
IV I , I , I r TIL
, E ,.. 1 . : ` IN$---d „0, l l ia k re i , i rr4i i ml y a u nd
If A RD—Twe ty liarrols and thirty kegs No.
IILA i 1- '”' " ' ''' ''l "." r"`". ..; '. .4 1 1( '
;..).1 Ultl. P SIIRIVKIL
, of Wswhed Will by 101 11. LEE. '
c - ,, I , illltTitsfil 7.IIUSLINS A IRISII LINENS.
Ail:mill:1T .2 Itarehtl.l.l montlnuo to 1. Atoa partkular
ott , utinu to this lohneh of their I,usine.... and an, ...NI
71'.;1'.;t1:71.1".X.tViottr=t01-t.'".'''n't'''t p;7l'''
a i n IIIIItiIiSE VERMILLION - 7 4 kit for sale
I.) ht v ai , J. Km* ix.
MEAIP SEED—Fifteen barrel*lnert crop)
. ',lel, .1311 . J. F tpu A 011
i I P3.l.OPlliM—lit lloi for sale by
1 J. : A J KIDD .2 CO
LitIAR LEAD—I east. for slide by
ALI .1 'h11,1.1.2 CO
ILVERCOIN %V AN TIM i of every &seri le
Mo. sod the hivlu , t ,4,111111121) oil lc.r the. 'mine. to
' eterts Ey...liauve for f0.0d,...0 euneu, ..,
A WILKINS • c . a..
t .' 2 . 27 Cut Thinl atm] Matrlcrt et,
lil N Dill Es- -Ci bali., (7.iimii;
I 1,1 'LA LH.I. I Lar.l.
- , -
..: 47,14,
;444 1 Pram....
4 ha,14,114.41 1 4 4-3.. hr.
T.: Liu! 144.014,44 F. 1
:41....-- .lic..hhau.
1 . 44. Irhm
. ....7. , ktit r zhtn l 4 ' ..; !4:4ri ' 2;;
r..- 'n
b ' 1,3 AIA II 441.'444,n' a 1'4.. IT:-ore P I •ln, ~
I - '
PEA 111,1-2, _II C, kg miperi,a . ,•for sale by 1
~,7 l% Illi b. 51441`41til4LFZS
tIOL I. BUTTER --'ll , rerity barrels prime
...,1:1 t rm " .. "" l "" a ' ur -'''' .r' , ., MUM. P SIIRIVER.
4 - 1 - 4 1 1.0 --
1' it , lig) lirl. superfine:
1 r 1 A 11 fr i 1 I' . "i r: . P . TI l ' N i S i.: f ' al.l. I P.! rf4-01/ii 4:
- ' RV A I'I'LES--Filty buslielsreeeived and
i ll
1.. 1 e i'.7 P.A. • SAMUEL P. SKRIVER.
( 1 0/{N-3 1 KI NI %chin , oi Tenon - , for sale by
N 1141:: A. %TANI/LE:FY ,
f,,,TOCKS 1 , 01: SA Lli- —WeFtern Ins. Sloe ;
h Turtle Cr.vt Plank 144111 Stork:
'itt.:444m4.14.Ct4.44:44.34 , 3t 1 awl Loam ille Trlegr+.l4h:
lanr...ll4.n.tav , 4 1.444 k .. 11:44141 4. 11th1,.. 4 ... 4 t.4.4h:
1 NJ, A.'44,4,rd14 . 4 , 14. 14h, 1.... A 0411.1.. I CU,
4',. 4.2,4 • hi Fott r 1.14 ..I.
. -
tUitC SATIN ' S. of the most denimble
15.1.1 to to. had it the Aare of -
. -
151'E- 2 1'U:only linen crop, received
:i.''''''.l;lli,m.V.irirn'ill'a:ATßlCK.. I.lladdy nt
1. 0 r .... coarou,
ASI I—'2s ,•aldis .loltitFlon's brand "
Of. male J. A It. FLOYD
HOOMS.__ 1511 doZ for :::de.
tae' 3.a R. nun,
_ 15 val:ks Carolina for sale by
•, 3.1 11. 1/.01.D
V IST ILECEIVEI , from the
la (NI Clod. Fnolor
d, hi 44 Floor Oil Club:
yar lir. do
!-1/1. y aid" 12.4 Wa d .o. 0.1 Cloth;
Tabro.,Flnnil foul Bar-all
C.ortr. of pal. ut leather tool, and 1,..111.11 pattedus. for
rale whale. alr and totall. a 1 Do- alt.r..Lutioe Si.u 7 oval V I
tt las J. fl 11. Pill LLCM,.
r IFt: ASS! , I:.1 N lasorance 'ter
, t atutow......teulati...... fr....quire at the Danl...
lad lion, t d Ul.l. A. HILL t
looralsove kourlb.
AHD 01 i.. S brio wu;ter xtrained,forie
l IN St;ELP 011.. brie pare New. Castile
hrrrt.g a at.
• ( '213
1 - 4 1 ISII:' I le , lab , 1ar, ,1 0 , Ni., Mackerel;
- )r. :et I,tino.r-p
y 1 1111;K011.1" NUTS. G bags foZ. sale br.
vja: L , , 6
:OS 5..
CANDLES. "..-9 bales`fur sale by
la: t. CO.
. .
°Ay_ 150 boxes Louisville Nu. 1 sin;
, 5 I.rx ert LL.tile :rea l ese •.s.D
OTI'ON YARN, 21100 dozen Litipe, Yarn
Ills' for ,Al.. 131' WALLINGFORD C.C.O.
()RANGES. bids. just receire7l and
fof vl.l ti SL LPRI IYI
V LOUR. 16,) bb WI. for rale by
st, ae7 I,,rt. Syrup. a 1., fll,fiet are-le
1;..1.1,3 :brut , fn. G.......A. bolt reftet.r.
FAuhr Mae., .t.F..h.... , , do do
ar ~
lo ikle..o. du , : i n . flit U. , n
.19 W 1.1. A. ,
lc( o 1.1...._. .:1 lA, rty 0.
i;;:/oRA ASH. 7 ,. .. ca4a llintir twin - idler Sale
CP 1. 7 .3.7.4 0. 2 m - . 1 I.4IUIAUGH.
'[DOLL BurtEß. :a. bills. prime. receiv
.c "1 int niiii ii, ..'O S. it W. [I.4I:BAUGH
rrALLOW. 50 lilds. prime for sale by
ti. .tot' s t W.
. _
e ItEESE. Dl !sixes W. R. Cheese for tale
del..) S a W .. _ . {1.1 VI 13 A V OIL
- 1 IVO METAL. 176 tons for rolling mill
IL gtre ,ree.. d 1.17 RH EV, HATTHEIFSk CO.
I JE.ACHES. 17:: Lap, per Maitlower, for
11 oak by .1..1: IHIEN. MATTHEWS 01.1
iiinTER. t.... libls roll, ,for sale TN
.1 11CINFIELD ..
11 . PAX/NIS. 41' dozen for sale by
1 t ; ii lI , P,ASE, G I a•IS.. 11 , 01 F landing front the
1 "7' n ' r "."'''' '' Milit [PICKET a co..
Ft aler zed Flout Great,.
Q A LERATIIS. 100 boxes for silo by
t 7 14.4 J 11CANVIELD
, .
QCIIOOI, BllOli S. -Editeatioual 'Works,
ct .11.1. flee, thereauvel,StalleoleF,Gartrer rub
1.4 ..... 115 Mad: .ot
, . -..
it 1 .2-4 h ag n for family are, he raleby
ill Ai Iti a w. nAmmoop.
lINSEEI. I kill, Ilihtb reeeived for sal,
.4 I', dist? 8. 0 W. IiAIKILMIU
dII.W NI I DA ILA R. 151 k) Ills , Jtist received 1
N., seall,4 sal., by BRAUN .4 REITER,
DO 1 (0r01 8.. elrer a ed_l4l,243:l44._
I I a V ,, 1
I N , '
1 i , ....' , ..S . . , I r k . ) jo i f.,..n imilm I ii •lti and
.bn 1.. s '0 4TERNIA,"Ii X SONE.
i I N , ' , D , l i t ,, t
~ , . .., „ 5t. .1 , 1
, 11. 5) 00 0 1. 4:41 F 4 l . ;Mv , ,
i . 5 . 1 0 :01 , 1 0 ria it.
, '' , `e. , ~ ..-
1 1 .11,1 . 1:1' ,..,,, 1 Nt . l:-: 1, 1 ,,, 1r::: i 5 , e . J in . i1 ,,,, 5:411 ,..„.. .1 4 atnting
we wish a iiiiiiesib m 0,44.470.1 Ile, ealt do
Nod., and Gla.onf a....1 4 , 1e, I, me, other yamtera to-the
'''''.l.N.l i ''..
''"."" ''''' ' 4° IL J. 4 11 PHILLIP:4
11 11415.1 t! . ..F . / .
i 1 , 1 r r . 1, , - , 1 , 1 , i 0 t1 0 *:: .
I lo uldh , Sklue. tandem lorpal. by
A. 1 • , . 1101:FET DAUM:Lb a 111.
li . L 1.% ET I'l LE I'AIIPET."I of the richest
v eel., Col 1:, t eits, ,to 1... 14.1 at IL) Carrad
n ., 1',. 1 .1 .. :17 . ;;; L 1 , 1't 4 . ;.'1. 7 1 ' .!;0V.; , a-r ' ... %1‘1171.r4W1 1. .. 'n
la, ii F,EsE . 1 otai Woes for sale b'y .
%. .I . t.>
n h i l: , l'E.k CII ES.' :1 1 05 . ~ , i i, ,, i t .., : i.H .4 1, t i5 l
„. 9 , 2 ,1 ii . :1,,
1/01.:1:tiu ..r.rF. l li. 13 .. h. Ms ' fre ' .s . 1;roll; ' '..
1 . 1 b k 1..1 „, - pi .
~ , 11
JO L n W.111.R NI All., fc 411N5
..._ ,
''ILA IN OIL 010 N TZ. revel\ ed this day
of the COelul W. w h..0.... ~,:. Fourth It.
1 1 4 1 I) 4 I ',.A S"S ' 5"
b ill t :l7,k c krllrli f l' ' A r gt . l. 'y
1 )I.ANT m; AN rr tir.kiir, ttAzoits
t,„,, reerGed by ', e n,. anoth, lot or Gnaw nob l y.
ao.I raloalde Ila w r..• the oltll ~ .0. 44‘.1 P. 1 ., r 4.4 4,44e
faetur,l.'Gl W, 11.11'11401N
IIItIME 111..14.1: TEAS FEIGI t:\t:LA\Li.
1,1 t ... 11aw...,8. in th. Dirouvawl, Itl,' thu d a y re ,
....oed e r ~.,1 4 ,t elop ii,ol/init, about - 1501 1L... r Feu
.I. e 0”,.. aed I 1. 1 hoood 14... k [....., 1.10. N,r., IA-1. that
reold 1... pro..erol le Ow Ne 4 hatt mere, Frev CO route
had.:. yenta ~..t lb.
-- -- .- _ 109
IZR1: IT ii. ['RESER VES- - ,
lx ittien,- ti, and l a lA, 11. IS
Flea-t 1,,, to to extra:
bold,, Waltolt awl GrrLln..-.
Freoverel lleaellee, Flew-Gnat, and Ftralrb,rieg
‘"''''l br__ . 1 " J. 11, wild:um...ix)
IAItD & GREiSi . ,--Ten bolt Ntt, fiTaXi;
a 4 bib Greve, nal 444.11bq how atqamor wartiturtaa ,
r ale by M IMI DICKEY & CU
0411 • WWI Lal AVM S,U.
--; •
•: I : . ..There ins More thingsit. leiaan sal earth. I
are Mr tort of In ThiliMerhYr' I '
THE yin CES of this I-Kasai-table rime
i dl. aml the cotenant applinition for It. to the 11,1tItt •
Ime. limniodund him to have It put or hi fettles; Vim m
ris azel direction, for the beetent of the pvidio
The mmioL3l,3l tunas we l l .•-
%at a dePth for hmetnsi re. to pure. uoradvehdt
I %OPP. without env rheni -)
um/ clonge. hot 11 . 1 • I"
• Pons fmn Natne'S (Imo Lahrehwv!! That It metitaite •
Eli:cm:Ps melon: • wrested ..0 diseiams.•t• no Image , •
tte u uhrtertathtv. Them am tome Ildreta
= 0 =,which. [born. might he of vaat l emt74
bg,itn vi4t. V fr !,, th .,",•,r° r,,,,,°!bar!r. h tirl. ,
prirtm thought of puttinwit n;10, hottlm, ' it had • re 1 • 0••
Poo ler the tore of die-so., The plant ami daily MOM
slog calls for It. and several el . ovirkable eh,. it ht.,.
1: pure Indk-atiou of its future mmolmilY
pr par
e I April:steel to the rum of ,11•Mee. ' I
30:e do to wok to mate • loor parade of rectißettOt
so are copschms that the medicine ran see. wort Re=
into dm boor of time also voter. and wish to b •
%Child we do net :him for it • nuivereal srplietitiondis em
I cry dirs. , . we notimmingly ray. that , to' ttlathltr et
(Rome' [Mem. It tot unrhaind.
m. be
entmented—all diseases of the morous marom. at
ciniosol BROCHITIS. ONSEIIPTION, (.t h e e
s an
tme.) ASTMA, seal all dimmed id Iheasepaseage.
ER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Inattm Disomeitlof the
Biaddre and Kidney.. Pains In Ho bark or Shir. !lemma
libeasev. Neenah:in,
Palo.s. too t. tors,-
'elem. Team. Iflngw.dnis, Burns. Sealdr. law 1.314 non..
Re. le lot eases of &Mar. molting .froos enerem.
long and motmeted mem of disci., medieine ottl
Mine relief. , It will act m a geuerel TONIC and ALTEB. -
ATIYE such ram, ImPartior
and enemy; to the
who, cr.., to m
obetructeons, oTeMILT singe
fusictionn. shirt Mum direase oil a broken conolltu no.
and gleam increased sod moment merge man it* eee
It The proprielor knows of
tmisted every other treatinent. g ot mdi under hbetto•
the PLTROLEU3I fora short tam The whet ' sari h.
Flees apt deem It •. '
Hoar gnome,. oitliout the slantittre th• rrdpiatetr.—
SnIS b'
Lb ; 11a
. td R. : qv, • iiauf.ts..t.
Also, hi It ' h. SEnneltir,..ti 0t LL.
• tad KEYSER. At lid/VITELIn„
ronor Wall =let and Ylridll dilef.•1110 an
me:4ly hit mgolarly appointed Agent*
it NOW all men who are sick and afflicted ••
iv. 'rim a.m., or ta r tlnlder mat Kidneys, With thew
'rm.' ar , takloS tic r rev he aced
LEII3I. too
etaut Ile Mind n InotrucheataMh.
as yourpleme. lot this don not mated enforwerecelllan,
L'•oh4h of .0
T4u, l ilr•ri •“'" l , ,,i•L',.=.2);. b r24ll=
who m ratty larsodering i lk cite
for no hots,
ver relief from my of the, ilk , Kiertserat..3
it mks wry little to make • trial. Thie retro
bum t.
is no
.ou tt* Notated, put up forth. hereon
munon the
s ntalyelaberie
ire Ls the master hand of Oath?, nod n
it blop Irom tbr.
Nem, of
memo earth, iv originsl pury and of
fer, to .uttering humanity a ready Pamir. • c114..1.0 11.1
...tee, ar, -
It hm cured Piles. after other molldnea bare Wind to
ren der any relief It b. cured libemetoso, f local '
riandiug. and of the mart mid Mot painful rlarspr.
has eared Cholera Morbso, b 3 me or twO dow,i It has
cumi old ease, of
At men-other et
h. Men of no mad. Ats , m
ot Me rem..lo . in tecnke
scald, It re bettor tvedieal rompOtiode or Konrwor. l
1.1,4 hum of It wdl cure Milldam. and tmar.l AK.
fru applicaliot• uptoubto.l o...demur motes
"i ttf . thrt tro th tvattaldta in the elan statement. by Oal
lot OD EAsl EEL 31. KIER. Canal East:hired:nab Iron'.
either of the mom. -
g e y se r • Sietamell, nu:mm.l Weed Ferret end Viro
alley, R. E. Milers. 37 Wool Area,' D. A. Elliot. and D. M.
Curry, Allerheny city. are the ascot.
has sttrialed the use of 3IORTIMEIVB RECRUNIAT-
F11:31)11.0111311) AND BLOOD PEILIFIER, to'edetually
curing the teeermt .04 meet Imeterste HOW , of INVI.A3I
- AND CHRONIC ItiIEUNIATIS)I, tam andlelmt
nuutee one reeonatieralation Indoor all who amadde-
Ml ara cam thholreadful , dieesne to MT 1M . 10 thha.
• IlDruhltd, or 0.0 a the. , rah..., ofol. l' oub •
and other. fry n almod, bare Imo rod witliha•Use last
few months in the city Of 3. 1 t. teas alone, while letters from
events abroad show tarn that at is performing the mane
wherever Med. R ally 'of there were of ittnif
dandiest. and all hope Of recent. had Mat gisKa
3V °them wore of morate, of the amte taOSID
dotalfarm. eery revere. All, however, yield to TM nom .
dotal virtues of this medicine, sod thonrabile. who have
matins.' Its benefit, and arena w lo the Mi./Mentor health
.rati lot mneevithe oriditud cliwo:fer, and propriK3r. •
'benefactor of maokirel; •
It is. well Immo from the earn - Poo-of the pot: OW Ea
Otithird application mormubly efhet permanent. curse
of this dreadful alivame. By Ito &policed= of Mira lath.
licalue•nts. partial celief. In rook eJ.J.,I, may be
a Ovid thrie. BM all the while this disease Wining Ito
gram more tvdmarentip lu the erne.. and mon. or
wit later
teats declivlty. itself too mmdenalllti form and after
• tor perimMal return., eettlee lulu • .erode form.
which. If not Mats arreytol, nlO3O the individual toe Dfr
'rlitnUC /o.d ' ,1 1 e • 0!. h,, 71 I °r.,
provietor b io this pompom, aa fl i rr= a r
e al
hundryde oft hom • e ham
eti . rorti ststen.ocs;'
ir so In
cra..•dy-- , aaa.acc.
Ham where. the dinvase Met. origiuMid, sod lo Autdtriell
the Mad, imers through the ',lade ereton„oentrallsos the
impure or earmtie whirl, MS nettled up= the
membrans. YAW'.
.mature.thltittlidttnn— It .11hrelyti'Vel
the .mi me 0 41 Mlone the to perfivd. health.
• L.eo time sato iddleted led devolve themmime. mot
wi ne off the cm of this
too - ham. or WWI their
lisul are dislhesinst or routrotol to men • derree that
01101 are critplys tor life. The es.MUM . of handmis of
timumods donyn the ma, an I l
l ywes a muldttade at the -
000110 th.: tal
,0 of expecting perom
ti.:•. ‘ teiettr of [Mg knovrit .
1...nrn0, that tio cutward motivation ran peetniblr rerK
permanent eon. where this direme Iv Trudy toed in Um
0.3 Mu,. Ile ova and does premre end apply roe ettsbnam
um In very aeon. meet. which will sive mini in Otualmar•
time. but this will cot Ohm a permanent Mt?. TIM E.
toe of dot disease ltt ouch [hot it moires kotteetbelh m and
an Internal npevly. to merino. Ite desired Mien seri
tiroore's Rheumatic Cempouodund Blood Purifier is the
reedy numb . that has eV et NM. 11.11...Velall,i_filb•V
Anxieties or any r,lber country, that will ettremaly cu.
This medicine mn Mel, wholeftle or retail, 4,4.73
Tttit.l vireo, mat to Plittsburgh...l •
ht. t 1.4,1 e in rihburah. he Sturscr,
J. L. ' Mumma. N. Wiekoshon. and J .
A. Jocien.
Irmo 1.3 pd holds . bottles EA UV: or 146 , por
,00M. ray be Lad of th- iieent. I ,
. ,
Joot Ross the distorts., and nib hroplietar
- Dime most reviler andLeyief.eial es. atm
the Inventor of the eidebtratad holtument fasuOrtots the'
Lungs, iu «flirting a mite of Chronic illewees.iseewa
dent of that exithient -o.Yrirlea• tense t 1
V.,s"rcganiitat?;=iilea theretu F _H u
the use
his intatio.e. tube, to nintierusullth
pu t itihylette Fyrofs, am{ other of Ms remuliett, he heat
,tioust uti7oralleted erelumee le eating the
amactful ,
2.1:1d fatal maladies: Tutessular Cemsumytiras
Eheminstbre. Asthma, Fever nod Acne.
all tttuls. Chrenit Itryripeler. mat all
err thox hot , °l
o at of itu d de 4hU
heirui,ot. l
r• teenliar to (s n o o f
tool r,
to IMm of thereat
0 hum hat'
—ti ' i by it, tue of roe usimpotiodoalty etr that
lituninestildst with Phi tiohatiral lust 'by tha we of
ermistles.irleitnit. and arsucdtbedi for, telt paeltilar
form of dies. •
Dr. hues Tonle altekittre Pills, when used ' '., laratia
lily acknnwlmlgml to be superior to all others, as a Ponta
pee or User yin. luarmuch. to thee fears the hovels 0000
fully fret Tram mellrenees 01 , IMM3 fib , tioldut,Pilla are ads
to uted. by obs fruity. to ia , diela peculiar yropertleo adttlis
tot to female Deese. but 'bring setistedthat a bus fetal
Ia safteient to establish what hue beer sm. - WIN Modules(
the most skeptical. , I
The afSietod are Invited to call noon the atfeett, 001 pros
'tt a ire (stadn f our the
each rz ,i 's mitnihetA , ,Stril . datalb
For Ws by the Tailor etris ace.m. as well as hYlestal -
GI:to th roucbout the eciantryt I
1. Sehomemater Co; 24 IFeed str ritt r .sbatlfh• •
I. 01. TowrisaDrmlaUL dist'ket 44 r
Fee S. Be the Drussist, new the Poet Iddiee,Alkilte•
D r rtes, Bea P. .•
Totat ' Ellott. Bring faller: • f ". 'F A T . .. •
T. Adm.. BC3.[,
au a I =all • •
COIIFORT AHD RRltigr : ....L'j...7,
alk:OR TILE AFFLICTED win te fouitid in
hr. fameitt C. Kellingefe INFALLIBIVE LLYII4INr. . ', t
agie 1. hatl.hemp:mat the tett of /AIM Yomo. -
‘Fat:nee.aml hire tottwel a doubt, boo/ Jl4 moat. °fain- - -
•• the litre of thotwatsda of iudlrldualt, id altdoist entry
tlit•Rwalettaranerwf diWzne. Ile Lot that re hazard no
thi to saying that this L• the only medicine that Lambe. •
o tter, 1 1, Uctbe at ielml , that dor, to every eon. 0rtb....4.
whet i • rold for.. t I IL
It tom. red. and isranable of coring MOD dinettes lima
any other cool/mod for nit, we rapt net by whom
wish. or so ,or by what name. .
.111 , a mon end ratttiritiOg pyre of theist:mt. ;* ..T.
that it is the IT article that h. abno.val , ttCtbe *Wm of
:,lite u tl;ll l . 7 ..! l tq U ilg tb • t ' ill t eTt=tll ' 7, n arl= l l "4
Fatally Sloditine 7 offered for milt' Or Wed, lit r eseal. lay of
them, eiv: _
She lion. llote• chi hot% la t e NI. C. Inla Ilcsi. Ital.
11. Morel, late Maror.\ lion. John A.
of O. B. ena
tor. William 11. Cortn,. livq, hiller of the eittltrtf the . .
Timex nod • loan of otha<tninullhol
p e r m of See
Vert- who hare fully to. SW tactile. bar permitted: tbo
propriator to ref,r tii them.
AA it is well hence that Patent Medi/ art net rwr
081 mitnaal by thu
r ig ht and polite artier,
w hate nndoubtmtly a right to'brl o n
uen highly idly
ilocrod. Thl• Wonder working Cutpiieundwb. [ too user
erten rem, tot we the yrublle. lit Urn friott• maw low Do
ma-iingivt and ben. MCI nowt tandont•tedlS it strOlig and
•eywminvan proof of tm wenoral witYalneva and 'lathy*
.plalitiw, l on . a 3w . ..reign reinnly tor 11114 .f tierrotw
rheumatic pns. ocrofillow Dwelling', v 'to, btu=
awev. and all the pains
h a ve ahet amt. iteeb PI belt Uf. .
Oter I,oixo.ooJ bottles been vow without .tahlalnt,
multi. , tot-Pete-I inch, avtoniehing ea rn - oiler ell other
remedite have failed. . wou/d nagger lict \bad WO not -
°Cord. and in owe rover/clew - U. ittmemiat twriblvi elt•
thervt ,
Ws trlcina or nature's rettiody. IA .11144. ft= es .
t o I' later - UM . well . estornsl 0. 0 . it actrillrect-
A o t ,', p r,,,, b ....Tr.,y , Viciy ' rri --, ,.. 6 :ft ( g o lgiiWzrorie. ,6-7,
~, tparciU altectiono, diveAwli of the Kidot,r, am/
Woatweva li e malt or female. Ml= . trbatever canoe •It Mar '
hero originated.
For mit in 11U/burgh. by IL /A Sonora. , Moors . Enid 4 .
Co, and o,len & Snowden; and by the Iretall Drule •••
eratiy. Ilin put up I. Oftr:tyru...l.6lptroe Deu s
tot- '.. \
Compou I. to .
warrantrd prod, the
ocri Mlecia. When corm tiu makitia brand: ties calm, tr: tit which alarm, la effected - lit 1M
hour of alma 11 poToeut • -.
Tn Maint Baroo—To each Poona of tWur odd t o to.
vfnb of Compoun I and the urns! quantity of Ma, tuts
tared fli n ru ' r w aaide kil* W o :2l7ir. 'th m '' lr '.k' hotto.
add as much cold wataT ma •11: nista th. dough the)am
Moan., km-s.l it well, and it natal Mtg.* titlllzt:
tutor lialainit--com or two hours will IL. sui hurt .
rhoull tw aimed notch Maximo, and baton at mak but
ill do no hurt In alond or twenty minute, Them.
danger g.,tuo, too moth of thliakinumund thor
broad . it will sot turn the boot rMliiai toi ralretsitta doe a
whim wool to xcem.
Tou nu Putt
the above Compound Into tam ealractied
di nut 'wham , mik.c. Indian cat., giuget caluto.cata m”1
Ga t conkbread. brown
biwait- cages, bunk
wbcat mt.., apple ~gam. ,gam put owl riar all baltlo
J 11 .. I.
pu twain. ust rrnm a m ty. •
, - • E. SELLREW, Woafit
lJ live Dollars reveal wilt be rood to ney one who wilt
nr,.tum.pot wink Vern or 40,.th0t cannot be re
tracted with Iltat'a lotatUrra Cheete . al hat , I bee. the
o f aqtrar to the people of the. plan that that
ht au own naproveteettt nu it. 4...11 , onrh
vellml la Ihm country let cart.tha lad, at.
i w n t, any other arce.J . ettletenn.. (tom tat larelsaif freso
lathe( clothttur, Mrpete, table , rpmadaimetitr
; barb., taloro' Wankel, a, atatout talanott Puf
that owe water will not Mnty. Mons than one
per...... 010 dater,. at pare of the iountrphsTo tola lattlray„ - ,: r
a n aga 001. vitbout If Ittad $1 )9 l.plas Oft
lama on more thee aaa artkle. of Bert ell4a.anUro...etralta
and stn e, I bare may - hued pecrei tint ,ltta
of elperat, earl fourof tahr0,.9.1 nal:6o4h rh.s.oloo tta color
before It au a hOtt 404.4 ttf a aampho
.4 th e dr*, fist . dab' in, tleWlattinl noo
to r.*.mtorud it Cor ePtt.S^r tk , P , f keno. to be sasletix
.10 , from, country merchants an.l pedlars yrenaptly
Wad 14:
-i had ma need it tyke Odom I- f•lt , it, beneloia effect-0
Ni . g. R.
4sELLERS--Siri Sufferingfrom a
cal sad rough,
I'fo, whiffle I tr.od
••tbout obtaining. relo.f. owl terereotsl with • bottle of
OIL E. Soljete Cough d ent .
.• duel, it • duty hi ve I
olio to loth you atual the fulfil.; tu newt AL to onoltively
0.,,rt., that I Out uot land it
have k wt. 4+ it..-te
o ‘ iefll,te, and tundrr the Ifirme taavein Elottl nOvevaelna
to dui,h the boat,. 1 teenty 4-4, +,. 4..1..10s .itz...4
it, Y.,* pror f •rttes on Oitnas .r nun. One • Pariatulalt •
&het luneg, ....yank,/ With •
tliftrefolug rough. heel, the foly moo Earolvoitut(oOvvo
coughs oat .4a. ate t putorer) luedereo•looropg
a. 10 - It. FL &Mtn , Cough Mi...," • . . - ^,
31. FITLIFEKALD, /ZS Wylie 4,2;
l'llflutrab, Jan. 14. ISSI.
Prenntod and wt hy It. E. sztlEts, Teo ST Wad cf.
mud Fokfaa druggirte generally. 2 , . , . jai! g .
Additional prouf of It, vne' to earn. , , '" • '
. l'"=d• Vt•.• AtIO - Ina =1:1611ta.
Mr. It, K. Iletlrre,—Zetng for None Mr. 'IMO o
b s.l cough, 1 was reeoeutnerolod to WI. you - I:along epozh
Syrup. by my young (*mai Mr. W. Telutieten • ran ..ace.
fur this Owe. 1 did ND. Iv hot the chatted effect of among
tue of a entlgh that I had tionoirra'af ever being well.
had wed oltunet every thinit it., . 4 .... in .111 SIMIr UV -
f.V.*&`4lnrygp's. tallyi'gti 'VAd"t h err; % Id '
sal tvassosnevollog It to the grufbe as une Of the 4 4 rd geT
eine , thnt hag *ter /von Ignored Onr thoCtlt• fat trhitle II .
Iv Intendol. • l . JASIIM B/CSI/IL
, pe of o r od oorofld by .R. Y.: MUSKS. 141 Wm/ FL IA -
ioo it. to tale try LW] BUZZ t
.........-. .1C
F'~. ~.: .._ _...