The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 13, 1851, Image 3

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Honsr.:—Mr. MeWillie propos.) tolmake a re
port from the Committee on Public Printing, fur
the relief of Thou! Ritchie, relstive t..,; the pubic:
Mr. Burt raised a Tednt -that the report could
not be made., not bring a privileged question .
The Choir decided that the report) was in or
Mr. Burt appealed (rum the deelaiou of the
Mr. McLean tuoved that. the appeal be laid ou
the table, which wat., agreed to. • ,
' The j t te,oloie proposes to release Mr.
Bell from his contract, thereby, releasing Mr.
Ritchie and all owing him, of hair the price al
lowed by the joint r,...010ti0n of 1819.'for the Con
gress printing. The resolution was reed twice.
Mr. McWillie said it was the unanimous re
port of the Printing Committee.
• .
1.. Mr. Orr warmly opposed the resolutions, eon
lending that it did not appear that Mr. Ritchie
had lost any tiling, but on the coptiary, hod
wade looney by departing:front the thrine of the
After a 16nigthy Jcbnte for and agamst the
claim of Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Crowell moved to a
mend Mr. , llurt., instrortions to relieve the for
.ther printers—NlC,bth. Wendell and Van Bent
thuysee, on the same (cronies thosif proposed by
the resolution.• .
Mn. Mar-hull oppn,ed the re...ndiltion of the
Committee onl Printing; t concluding
gave 'Wayi 10 Mr. Orowell,ou whoa elution the
..HPUSO adjourned.
&RAU—V . II6OIM petitions and 'reports were
then preeented.
Mr..thelger'n resolution. providing that here
after the Senate shall meet at 11 o'clockoramner
, : 'some debate, rejected.
The. WI granting had for the • seppart of the
Indigent and titanic neat, passed. !.
Mr. Shields called op the joint 4. solution, nu.
thoriting the President to confer an additional
'title of Lieut.:General, In the Army', for eminent
1111TICCS, by brevet only.
Mr: Alehl,ort moved to lay the resolution on
the table,- Which motion was lost.'
A long debate then took place, after which res
elation wax ordered to Ito engrossed,. awl rend a
third time,
The Senate then ajourned.
Cincinnati. Felt., 11
Ulf; drst fugitive fluve caße was tried here
Yelit.Pl4.llly, and caused censidcrulde excitement;
bat fatally ended by the woman expressing a de
airetto return home with hernentil. The point
raised by the Attorney for th slave, wag,
that ahn was brought here by her master, and
under our laws was: entitled .to heti freedom.
CoiclNN.tri, Feb 12.
• The Indiana Constitutional Convention has ed
journed, aide di.. The woman's rights" clause
-was finally defeated.
The 'Wabash river is in 'gvod mee gable order.
thitnavigation nn that river hod bern suspended
neat , eight months previous to the late rise.
. A1.n.t.7, Feb. 12
A bill was introdocea'inthe Legislatnio p
tiding for a joint 11 - meting:of that ron th.
fourth Tuor,Lc of Fehrnory, to elect a 11. S.
Senator, on joint ballot. -
• Lorisvux
There are' eight feet miter in. th
evening, and rolling. ;
.The steamers Indiana and Dr. F
up to-d.y.
gr. Lori'
The weatlair is clear andOnild.
on a stand, with 61 to 7 feet water
no floating lee.
Groceries—At auction tn-elav, tle ,jr's were
216 hhds Orleans Sugar, at 1550G. , 36.95 per
Flour—Nothing is doing in the r/iarket.
Grain,-Whest is unebanged. Ilse is selling
at 70c.:, Yellow Corn at ;.6 j. 61e ;;rhite at tir,rn
- Ole per' bosh. Soles of Oats ak 426 - 040 per
'Whiskey is ceiling at 2.6 e in hbls,
,Glarer Seed—isles of ptime ai t55,12/E6 6,25
New York, Ft braory L.
vioos 111X.1 . 0¢T.
Cottou.-41:e market is doll, with rates of 200
' tales at 12i€513i for middling fair upland,.
, 13/®lsc for middling to fair, Mobile awl
Orleans. Prefleut - trucks amount t 4160,000 bales.
Flour-The market is wore active, with, sales
"of 2600 labia' at $.l 81Eioi 00 fort Indiana and
Mchigsn, and *1131(.4 for roUnd hoop Ohio.
Groin—Wheat is dull. with sales, to-day of
1000 bushels Long Island af9sQlsoc bushel.
Cora is ecorce nod firm. A caro of new yel
low, to arrive, sold at 67e V bosh 1.
'Provisions—Old mess pork is be ter—primo is
. 'steady. Fates of 100 bbls at $l2 125 for mins,
and $9 1869 21 for prime. C iesgo beef is
better, other descriptions are nneh inged. Sales
' .I'lso bble mess at $s 50 V bbl.
Whiskey-1x inactive, with sal
V gallon,
Tobacco—The market is buoys.
of 250 lands Kentucky at 12c V 111
Groceries-4 The market isquiet,
in prices.
• Linseed Oil—is Rearen and ,ndr4.—
.of 'lOOO gallousmt 90/R,9le ? gat ori.
- tallow—The market iv active. Sales of 100,
000 the at 71m •ct:i'sh. . . I
tvn .. xlNo tt;.l.oltT. fj
Cotton—The maiket is more naive, with f)t
thee sees or 1:1001oilee nt 12102.13 i for mi.fdling
to fair upland, mot 14(415c for middling to
fair htobile and Orlentot.
flour—There is an notice demand, particularly
for: Ohio, with further sales of 15oou bbl. at
$4 , 87615. 04J'fof Ohio; $5 18(4 . .,5 37 for fancy,
%mad $5 - 50645 75 for extra Ohio.
Grain—Wheat is lower, with ,sides of 4000
ti ihels Genesee aft $1 -IS i bushel. Corn is
sleazier, with sales of 0000 - buihelsi yellow al 00}
as 07e
Provisions—New Pork is advancing, with sal.
at 900 bbls at $l3 25 for new Ohio mew, and
$12 . 25(12 31, and $9 2.5(5i0 31, for old mess
sad prime. • - Beef iv firm, with sales of 200 blots
sr „ em for: p rime, Yo - 1(.. , .111 75 for mese.
iteetlisms. are firm, with sales - of 50 bbls at
fe,f.4 Bogs are dull at cOO 7uce6 07,
• le cwt. - New lard s o plentier, Shd prices arc
drooping; old larvl tfunchanged.
Oroceries--Sagarx are in good demand, sod
irm, - Witla sales of 300 Mob Orleans at Sipi;ille.
Molasses toe in fair request, witb soles of 101301
Orlends at 300 iJa. Bolfeels-buoy-'
With „sales of 2000 b3v on private terias
..intal - fitoo do. at 111 for comon. Prime is held
al 111 17,1 lb. Rice has dOnlined. 12c? met.—
Vales of 10 tierces at . :10.14 cwt.
'Linseed Oil—is firm no 90691 c re gallon.
' Tobneco--The market i. active, with sales of
'lOO Midst Kentucky leaf atrinr.: - 41} lb.
• • .
• •.
.New I"Prk, February 12.
This offering s were 1600 Reeves, r,OO of which
mouthern, 90 Cows and Calves, and 720 Sheep
Itkones—There war a fait!, demand for Breyer
dving the week, wed privet§ hare advanced.—
Oood rebating qualitier Were wild at 56C6 5 25
ort bet. About 700 h ead Were left over,
C . CIFNATI, Feb. 12.
otrf—Tbere 15 11. pod 'ernso!4 with "I-51e , of
21300 bbls nt *43 40; and hf 'lO this st $3 55
Whiskey—Prices hare a. camel, with sales at
2a€23c 7 tl gal.'•
• qoser seed-11as elec - ned, !;with sales of
good 045,2.5. awl of rime ,et S.tft,so per
babel. ' ' !
Prorianon.—The market in quiet, and without
thatige Bolen were cooll Lea to'f.i !Aida bacon
slate atE4q,(ie /lb par roil
Croccrien.—Clabia of 21 , 1 u bbl. at
30081 c Sugar (coffee areAull and
The river has fallen eikel t luclicas The wrath.
/cis pleasant.
EME 4ieve.vo, Feb, 11
'The jury in (Jed. lien creamy ellit , C could not
proceetie or .fenny
iras over $20.01 .
second concert
the stenrcer Autocrat
ry coining in collision
;. i j f , lirnot, 0. Fer
•eirr. the third engineer
e losri
is reported Lem, thn
"as souk nt INyou Nero
Isdllithe steamer 'Aluerdi
ignisontrol child, 31r:I;ood
atid mak or two oilers we
0u14:.q., Feb. 9.
lArrebi Ohio 'itt i 10
ale., a Jou 4 .
- 9"—.Sdes at G2c(il l
u tiOrentely •scarce.
the lAL with tmlw3lat
btill lard at
tad b 10'u:iced uu
Ssh•s of I,
Whisky—Salk, at ::14
Cciffee--Salev of Rio a,
re , gal
IQ 14 lb.
Urtiriii Sr,Tcs MrtairtE iiortriTAL.—We paid
a shot yesteribiy, b. thelltsited: States Marine
Hospital, in Itererre towitrhip, a abort distance
Welt the borough of Manehester, and were Po
litely "own through the various warsls and
apartments by John It, Robinson, Esq., osuder
whose able superintendence the building was
erected. It is situated in a tell acre lot, purchati
ed by the United Staten, from the Rev Luther
The loeatiun of the building. which fronts on
the Ohio River and the (tenter n,a d, is a good
one, hat the entrance ots the ground aroundsis
rather swampy, res t oring a very ronsideruble mat
ing for improvements The building it self ne
nearly completed, but will not Ise ready fur sasm
potion for some time, us steam engine
will hare to Ise constructed fur the purpose of
cupplying the rumms with water.
The building is 11r en' •nlerlnn. high, with alms,
ment under the whole. It is semstoseted of the
hest materials soul in the m,,.t suledatitial and
workmanlike manner. The length of iLe main
building and wings, is one !unlaced and six feet
ten inches- with a depth of eighty-six feet nine
inches. The foundations were laid stud all the
abuse pillars, lintels On: , used in the
were tarnished by Mr. Robert Swan, who Issuz
been well kus•wn to our eithenen fur many years,
as an extensive and skillful eontmetor.
The earls.nts apartments uts the second and
third.sroories, into intetelest to he used for wards
and assrapable of furnishing retlnfortuttle
commutation, to talc hundred and forty patients.
The lower story will bf .K 7.10.1 by the steward,
matruts, null attend:oos of the lrpital. One
large room, is fitted. up with all the necessary
c,onvensunceszof a kitchen: end assullsor is design
, ell for In wash roue], :and supplied with the ne
cereury boilers. and fixtures.
Other rooms will be used for stumge melodic.°
',urines:. • The reilistp of all the smons uu 'the
lower floor unr ten feet high.
The staircases leading to the second story are
constructed in in manner admirably adapted to
ventilation. lln this story, we find, in :tdditises
to the wards, rooms for the ill'eloomotlatikott of in
surgeun—a dins:m.4oy, and a store- mono for
medicines.. There are likewise two rooms, pro
vided with the neeezeary furnitum, for baths. --
The ceilings of this story me thirteen feet
The third story is wholly intended fur the
ceptissn of patients, with the exception of two
'r,,„, . far hatlen, Ulla the size of the tootle, cor
m:Twills with below.
tirkeirturt phirrart :ire all:When] Inn both stories,
where !satirists, who ore convalescing, can walk
The roof is slated, and surrounded by a strong
but neat balustrade. The copper gutters mod
spouting are of the best description.
Tanks to coolant water, intended to he of the
capacity of twenty-four I 11,1 gallons, will he
placed in the attic story, and the water. will be
distributed through the various apartments py
suitable pipes, mad ample provizions are made to
guard against fire.
In order to drain the grounds, a main newer
has been constructed, and the building is con
nected with it by email viewers, which will carry
off all the waste water.
Mr. Alexander Moore, the architect of this
building, is favorably known to our citizens as a
man of experience in his profession. 'Take it
altogether, the United States Marine Hospital is
well calculated in every respect for the purposes
for which it is dosipaottand will he of the great
est advantage to our riser men,for whoa benefit
it in intended.
TION.—The Board of Managers of the Allegheny
County Agricultural Asnociation, met on the sth
nit-, and the meeting was organized by calling
Mr. J. B. McCabe to the chair. Mr. Joseph
Miller was appointed Sevretary •
The object of the meeting was to audit the
Treasurer's accounts, but as the committee was
not ready to report, the huniness was postponed
until the next meeting. It was then.
Resolved, That when we adjourn, we adjourn
to meet nt the Court Ilonse, on the last Saturday
of this month. at in o'clock. A. when punc
tual attendanCe i. reyiented by all the members
of the lloa`rd.
beunro I , The meeting then adjourned,
F . Feb. 12
e canal, this
nklin puled
•, Feb. 1'
The river is
to Cairo, and
Dmonnrut.r llorsc.—The itttriates of ekuntlier
notorious linime of were ymderilay ar
rested by order of Mayor Gutty - ie. and committed.
to Tide is the wood disorderly house
which luts been broker, up within tLe past low
days, and Ills }lnner scone detest/lani to proat.i-.
cute all connected with them.
Coravrarr.inuo.—A man waned John Wheel
er Was yesterday committed to prison, by virtue
of an i - viler or 4 issued by the Boa. G . o.
Llmrl'en il7i th posgit•
kaileres Jtei.
E.,THATN —Two Isorssev, a black , and a bay,
saddled stud bridled, were taken dp at .s late boor
OD "Ctleeslay night., by a wetel,man sn the Fifth
Word}}" They were lett at McAllister, livery sda
vtbere the or vier rnts obtain slim
Miseiiitvors Pinto —.Gsve Garrard to I nil,
anu townviiit, hail_ eight valtrililii riontli thorn
anil LeirestershirtOtheephilicii Maieek iiy dog,
t i t
ortath.l.. tiarroil, of Indium. a. ii hat three,
We betirgeneral ,:o.kuplaint, aiming nui Eamon",
on this .Siobjoot,,,aii4 titany el - them tIEVE•4t,ed
keepirat'nheep altogether, owing to the/ravages
of the Apr, ~
4-7/ . .
ENGthrEil TO TIIE j 011..-4 ,hew Alitehell lb
now tinting lls engineer CI , / z E to jail, having been
recently appointiml liyroiaril ~1 i•ou,,ty loin
ith oo ehunge
Leuresr noglll3D. IMMO] iiiiorge
Peni, was jr.oterilay iioruniitteil to prison by
AlderruniyMigginit, charged, toi oath of Chris
tiana thif,lialt., with ,tealini a gold seal and
hey . fi<roi tier, oatmeal at tiiirii.Tire. 1011aro.
Honor, Mayor Fleming of All,
%briny, fined three torero ke, pen, of that city,
on Tuenday, fur , oelling liquor on the Sal,
inctag. Sal
Ncw MAng ET nabs]: —A public meeting a
citizens will be held in the Sixth Wiird public
house, on Friday evening. Feb. 14th iust , t.. Let
into conaiderstion the subject of it New Centrs
Market Ileum,
Pgrertotts.—l'clitions have been drawn up for
mignatuee, praying the Loginlatore to imp:se a
tax of one dollar on every dog which in kept in
Allegheny county. The framers allege, an a rea
son, that in impossible, to keep sheetenovv, owing
to the rant 1111 l shoe-, worthl,s, half ntorved
curs which kill them.
Etrerion Oflictrs.--the in.nlieni. of the Board
of ntiorilinns of the Poor, het i it meeting yes
terday for :he toirpote of electing' onkel, for
We ensuingyear, and oppointing the tootal eon,
Ibu-mar 'Jenny, Esq , took the chair, awl Jo
red M. Brush, Eq., acted eh Secretary. Both
these gentlemen hod been duly elected at a for
mer meeting, to hold their offieen during the
current year.
The Reverend Mr. Wilkeson, of 'McKeesport,
was elected Chaplain to the City Poor House.—
Robert Snyder, M. D., was elected physician to
attend the City poor. Doctor James D. Coch
ran, of Mifflin Township, received the highest
number of votes as physician to the inmates of
the City Poor House, and was duly elected.
Captain Rerrint was appointed Superintendent.
The following committees were then annhuriced
by the chairman. •
On Finance—Me!‘srs. Frit], .Pennock, and
Howard. . .
On Am! Estste--Mensra. 114 y, Ligtinicr, ant
On the City Farm—Messy. Albree, Hartley,
and -Jonea.
Building Committee—Mem , Denny, Rattan,
McKelvey, Alliver, rind Hartley.
The fallowing gentlemen were ntipointed tax
Firot Ward, --Caleb litu , ell.
Second " John Me Kee
Thin! " Joseph McCollogh
Fourth " Itichurd Hope.
Fifth " John Loren,
Sixth ." S. Timmpanu
Seventh". Henry Lytle. '
Eighth " John .t. S.eriteaut.
‘, George 1/obhs
Dent.“: ATTEMPT AT NIG{MAI TiotiltElt,:.--
A gentleman (rim Wheeling. named' Nolan,•wes
ktir.ked down by one of n gang of ruffians, with
a'colt. almost opposite the Nanette office. on
Tuesday e'vening, at eland eight u'elork. For
tunately-the blow.wasnot heavy enough to ren
der him insensible. and he grappled with his as
sailant as he stooped over his body, pulling a
handful of hair out of the fellows head, in the
Kale. The cowardly ruffians then run away,
leaving a hot behind, which has ! {Cori handed
over to the police, and cony lead t the detec
tion of the scoundrels.
thatric., Roam:al.—Mr. Joseph Itillespiii i tf
lo.ick No. 2, on the Munoligabele loineke , l
down at the earner of Wood and W:Aer streskt,
on Tuesday evening, at holfiptist eight o'clock.
He was ' , truck 11,1 the hock port of the hot with
1:01l, arid fell insensible to tbs. gr , onil nillll.
in . condition, a ',Over watch, and o moan
rum of looney via; Luken from his pockets. lit
ie dory severely Injured.
V ArI'INIR P111111,4,--CliryrlC9 Vidlinnts,
M. U., and litm,tum. McDonald, Oallagher, and
beeti appointed. by the Banitar,t Com
mittee, city •oxian physiciaum
Hatinstilln Pateeir. The letter which we give
below will extrfain7itsel
a. E. Siiktatli
l'resitlrni Young J 1 n'n
take the liberty of o ering, for the 6:eeftaiaeil
of the itetittttinn over Lich you preqide, a por
trait of a distitjgnieLed owasinan, the late lion.
I lent) , Baldwin—punt in ISIO. Trusting that
it may not Le deemed aretereptabfe gift from
one tabu lakes a deep it tere,tt in the present ef
fort untie fur the Intel! etas! improvement of hie
with,- city. .
Very respeetfi Ily,
Vows J It. I.munoul
Pittsburgh, Feb. 5, 1 'T.O
N. U. —I deposit :it t
rettirn to die • city, a
.1 aative Alarvhall—a col
•woe time, until my
mrtrait of the late Chief
y from the original.
oiwport ol
YAW, aml m. Ilia
I Elt.' lalmoring for thr.
I ./M...a frau; .aaral 01.-
life Awl.' ',tn. burdeu,
Are 5. a 11.1a.r. eurt..rn
l'ait al oar arpol, au
Maphlrt. hvr.. tat
g.n.ptaal lov ILO
att." al pa-aliment', rnri.
Imams Pam!, aro
..... Sarraparilla
u. l7 Tir. d4 rl " l„tV: h :ri! ; nll: . ;
I' ut.. you:
nn our ay..., wl , •
Ow:hake, S.+-
S. Lk Ilkore,l.vs. llu
• More ,11.wa-*.n. to whirl. th ,
subiret, than alter
etm yut I.roAlght 1... ns
fr. Ne
. medicine 113, eeloblie nIIU high repittellow by a,
nosoru• evil att.,..ted um,
It m rut up in quart 1.t1.1 stul h. the only Seresperillw
that the Liver. liht r. and 111.44 at the eau.•
tituo, wlnelt mule,. It altogether twig+ •alueble to every
tmeritolhely to felnAleg
Se ' , ore etwl Poquire frg. Dr. lt 111.1{{ . .511AKEK
SAIISAPAKILI.A. atel .1.• other.
6,10,-0 bottles for I.).
For eale by
Ikll. e. 11. owt: & IYI., I . l'ornietnte.
• I College hell'. tlucluusti,
To win., nllorder. triny
. .
. .
AI., for .31133 I.y J J
A ooto., J. s3.lla3orartAker A 11., W.
Ittn..k. I: W. M,..134. .3 M..1 , 3A33,..33,1., J. Slohkr. W. J.A.
o. llitt.gorgli: H. A. 1:1113 , 1t. A11.1:111.11,H, W It Mr-
C 1 ,111.1, Malarlre/.43: P. Crtx.l33.r. Onmrn,ill3.; Jan.1 . 33.u1l
A I. W1.4.1133g; J. H. 1,113,3-33 , 34 All.i N. 31 1..,3111. St.
Clawnville: Wham A liana. Cadiz i 113,,1...1.trer
Ix Lop, A ICI , Willi' .1 OE, NS. 41 Gold
V..,.. goottion. lo the four It,
and Illmokrootr. N1ng..5.5.5t,.. in n.1.1111..ii I 5515.515
tits, La.. rs,,,itli ....iiiingurs,l the .5I a s ulus.
1,1,. Agriesilturssl stork. em 11,51 tn. - Vitt
mud I.r/is-Oral Agtigniturg. - 1,1 11,ttri
V Ills.. Piellishuntli. nittlinr i.l loon."
le Las: st-tittgsl .1..1.n P. Nort..u. M. A i
Itri.fe,...r Seigittifir A artgultur. In Yalr (dle,. A g
Ths, In t slils will ill 4 , 5511,115. , lc., lame rot al
nett". contaiiiiover I 41.0 tisiggss, wills I, or
,1,11.15.1 gni:raving, :ilia nog,. .5 •.1.
ikl. 111, •Lti ..f tut. Musts:ding militant
etrri thit.leingnt tuos sis , by Mo.
suor, 1-.54 tue.1155,1 of pluseints. Omitting, lido,.
ton •strinu• ; 11.11-5 t 0,15,
gs.t isettgetign. Itn. t , rn..l mlitrg ..f I lie Ls& s,
uiug. mi..l It ingsslesslntalg t.. slip
The h.htt ill ...thl.ttunithlt Numb,.
earl, ..11/....tre of the tthel ..tzt,ravint, I.
ehtl .1.1 1 . ..elk. enelk. the rutin. hurl,
.1 hlorh therm nlll toe et 1,1,411.10, hat.
• . •
hrtlivl, vettublollot aro tot f01i0... v.r•
t'uo 4 taa tate lleytnumtley tt.lberalY ' atol
road' y Ildis.l,mul,•llmantitm t Tory t
Althotioh there amyl., ant diallimuuhtal r.ditlood
"bd aleoe ). Ina et Antal portum ol
m at e r
is deroted to , ultreete• It thesyllse
ebtuueler pun, them their chief value, and In lb.
they vtanl ronfon,ll) far above all other tournalr 01 their
ciao, Illaramood. "1111 Mob, the maMorly ,ana1.,,,. of
Chri,ovhrr North, comintaiu. anrionst
ae ria l , and. in
at thn tour. ituuntally alltsrlive. Nam the aerial work" ot
thlliter :ma other Mesa, taltable, written far that maw,
rine. and Ihnt appall - mit in ha nslumto bath Whet lln
osnd to the "uch works m -The ..av
ton., and "lip hew Novel.” by Itoluera .1 11' I l eum
mlay" . The Gruen !laud." and ~that vertala. nf
which numemu.• rival editions Itre bomol by the Inallrut
pahlitMen. alift muntry, haw to reprintod i.e thow•
pablkhor, frnm the ham. after It ham are
lowed 11mort. a , tott Co.. m that mho-vibe, to the
Item - Int of that 31avanne ma) . aluara rel, hawtog the
carnet,. nf the, far/mating tale,
sonny ono of the four I,:e;ie•rot per atumm P.ll
. . . . ..
. .
For any tyro , do dd 5 .
For an] three , In
s .
For sll ftalr Review, , 1 , ,
For 1 , 1.-kwo.D.Mayr.astn... , J., .
Jrr Elurkw...l rod the. thr. 'i .1
FAT' IIILek;on:1;n:1 thr !nor Iterlew•• lo 1,1
For Vars.,'Oneb Crompleo. In oo
Payternt m 1. made mu,. in miTmr,..
A div.ount of twenty . hve wt. vent ftnm the above prima
ill be allowv.l to chat. ordering Flu, or mare r,in ref anT
ne or m m of thy sbn ,, . work.. 'Elm*: 4 ennlr. of Mar k.
1 or m of ono Review Will Ive went to one suldmv. iv
0,001 of the font 11,vriowa and Illarkerond tor 5..19. and
Or.lety from club 4 snot he ..11/ .I,reet to the Tathliahera.
divrount from lilol. o prkvs eau I. allowed saavnts.
Inney. current In the I...tate. when. Ivatard, till be over:
. .
Resuttatice, and ,mmuricatinn• ohnuld M alwar•
dreased. rra mid cr 'ranked. to the. l'ohli.her.
79 Fulum an. 4 !V o• Torß.
Entranne .:1 . 1".114 .trvet
DOWDER-17,0 kegs blasilnz. for salby
Inr , H Paqtrd 1:111.13
- - -
POT reed for onla b
, .
• -
. q11•1t
ttrtt.ttt 10 InM.,
i.nit• Ln tt.,
1,1t1.1,11 .1. BEN% rrr
KEGs TwiFt Tobac,:•
Ur Z. , Lhl4. Taxiner, Oil:
F,F Fah,
rATtin 7 - -
- r •
mysiLfFeluga awl 1,-5.1.
"' l . l .
,u 1 F
• 3 i'A: , 1;•••
RPM. Lg.
I )ft 'ln P 1 it IN BOX EN, luined 'Or "od,
tor le J 1100 , 11 1 11,H1
441'1VE (i 1
1 I,t•T RECEIN El) —A nettr ,Art
•r • lanir it.... di an inidnl,4ing ii‘44mtlari el
14.blegi Mi.. harm, }Aunt.. ••11 anti 4 timiin rum
tini for trigniiiil rkinguom and i•.• r the
• n,Sum in pint-num °liver Byrn, forms Os
of Al•ithimatirr, ...11444 .4
Th." work of oim containing next,
( I 4111 hog tom wmairn. 11 will
m.o. sit in tin drowins., anti Jen riptiona of Um zoo. t
Ininottant r mai ' ) ~,,, In the Pulled `1.4 lualtairmleot
lb. von.. Ann rim. Luc-rung,.at mumble
trimliiit , nu Stirrhiaiim 41.Mniiity ine work
anJ rucf n.. Tint, with .11 that 11 Ilion SI.,
north oil folio ....10111, mimaanuilt ollior book, Tlie
iict of thb publiciabon la I we tutu, prrtilial
tigiir and rtuJent. midi au amount of thinnitiral .iral am
rub. knout ...1,, In rk collar nm.l loan or +h all itiablo
ni4L thi. t in”ants,4 and touting !liaise
ablate, win. It minima
ra luir di ...giant. , Of mot to
make Om mirk a ionaliMM am. it butaig er
oni iron , It olit au the rk. rorai, It u
ol in nouilo rri. 111.4.4toniira,i lig *interim..
Mailialiton In 40 numb., , ,atants Irr numb. r i In M
innipli 641 Lb. par
Taunt, number" r.nxrr l ,r aisnet
emu, Thir.l an,l 31nrkut Chart..l A D.
1 The only Chartered tioritine of lb. kind in Penw
FLTAIN , I, Principal Inrtractnr In the
: I .orneeof Arroutdo.
Profer,r of Pennmaiplaito Merest,.
lite Computation, kr
Arm, on Counnembd
Itnann or Taverms.—llon. Wm Wilkion. 11.. n. Jamen
Theban., Hn. John lirrden. Ilan Charier Nark, llnn.
1110.,.a Hampton, Hon. .II In Or. DT Illrelititork.
John ben., lien .1. K. Huorrhead, Jaen,. Doo.
lop. llrree,. E.,. •
Etranspire ilmatirtrb—John T Coehran. Aflame, id
lairr: Jaime Ta....rer, Mrrelnmt, 11. A Pmor, Aroonntatil.
Plu.lent! ran eke, thin I u. , lllllllmi at any time. and o.
tam Inetroelion it.,llll.lurli,. loth day inal erenina, I,n
tilled weeire dipinma, ,igned the ramtitt
Ih:rambling Ponimitter.
Tlinv deftiring a thorough knowledge of honk
he.. mill Oar ,n min.] ilmt nhi, i.the mil'
1'011.....4 the k,n.l in httd.urgh. Cninnsunica.
bona nitdrerawil toll. K. Chamberlin, will wwwt with pirmipt
nu...filo, rill .dl 1,1. fano. , ituato to flriatliton
town Alp. 114-3 for oaninty Four nototro, an! Po In.
Ilea Tor. Kontoolv roa,rontoinlon 1 . 0 aoron.
tob:oh 70 stela,. nro and undo, rood Pao, on! In
kale tatllloation. wolf irstrnn with nuulltor of
foilho; aprinar. the Pah., oil thnbortal. TlO.
building. are s ninaro 1.. g Novo ona latoboti. and a scan
dl, a c 0.., atiling ion irolor at door • pan
grandam, vills ohlnalo roof. • Joan , Darn. rhinalo
ran , f and olinlott. Aloo 100 Apple and Pearh tort, ra! ,
td anal the bed nnallt 110. hod. for qualitrand to.
otniai anp in int, volgliburbooal Alm, lot No.
of 11, , lann of Br7.lnonnter, Prictwo otrart, 60 foot
front tu Oat hank to an alloy. undor Fan, far ill of
atbloh nn Indinonablo title trill be men. For torn., op
ply to tbo .nboefibor, 011 lb. pranain.a.
1,1170,P27F:11.a. An.
_ .
Admitilatrytk , n on the Mate of Rota Porter, late of
t 07, ra I t ' afirr=.7iettf. *d i; 1;?;..11
given to all pereent nolehttil to reel octet. to mein lea
nillatviatment, and all petvotee bongo 0311...gur.
mid meal
'"'"'""0 the 37llTP'S ig h .
tleutod for tottlerernt.
Loner St. CLair, Jan.= ltgil.--int2,0,61..9
• _
itilinlniairation on the nctate of Catbittino 3teCntto.
nvil. hare tortrgranhil 0, the ureter - lewd. ill sor
e Indebted will Janke iturnedlate plivtornt; those haring
claire• gill nrevent the Panic for rettlertivnt.
DASIEL Ailnlinistrater,
Alltgbens en)",
Blilitsuy Bounty Land Agency,
3IATIIEW 110SEY, would respectfully
t_s Inform thnee InterrYted that he ham entrntttA In re ,
rtm:tut Bounty lAntly oozier the rrennt nf
By that Law. all who herr aelitally wrved In any of the
ITtat or emir wlrinw , or min, AlLhen. Ka co- titled to Bounty hand, hnno brl in leal snit, soennllng to
the term ofYerriYet IMO an the law eXPren.IY Prnshlea
a ,‘lnat the trangfera, no I,netit eats aurae to the robber
u ntil hi, land 1. Inestrd. It iheranr, evident that
IrelirtinA rlabnante mart ,elect them land either Innamenn
or t,y Ao-nta. The one will N. found too Ystentai , n — the
other to by elllelent. rennin.. tiberal Patronage ntailair
nompeneabon. Attempt. to Innate l.y any other rnet
.ill mare m the end Orme., nee,tuplinh tht and to
ellar 11”. , ntire the .ohtler. 10 the ceonnnalcal
rpltit ronteutpinud L. Cong.-Qt.' au.l recommend...l by the
.I,artruent. m.loam 14in, .1 orrroone. thenloro. at a
~,,tat,yry,mety [ditto, et prom , to pronure..-I,t Land
rrnof ;end'
I eem el 1.1. To, anperintond pereonal I y
th, ”( a.mraot. therrhy aerunng anal Pnarntn
terinn in the w‘l,tlnt n 'Whinny irlertlne, tither In ries of
ny-ropaton. or mkt, .1. 'I,. ehtntn a Patent mold Inn 4,
n bwatinthacn thin.
rnehlinv Iran to limn an rvitttnarb it. value.
Tem, wheoh wall revonatle. made kunwn on appll
tront r3/11) .`,IATIIEW HOSEA%
Cimino yonoty.
N. 8.-e-Wrile the nape of your Pont Odle, Gunny, and
I!tate, *Tr , loathly .taubny:tnr:t
V„ 71 7/7,1 •tr Palth.trO.
Not , mud Draft+ mllerini a the Ullloll.
.411 , 11.0 rnmtnirmou 1.47
51 , 1%,141111.4 RNA. , "
Patot.orFh, Vanua., `td, 1411.
Au .k.-llou ha Pii , Lhot. 11,1 ll ~. sok 11fho•r4,,f Ilu
oel.:.1.1 AL tho Tali 11411•• on M0.4.1.1q0 :Ird f shorrb
oast ot 3 o'rlmir KV . JoiiN TII 4%V.
trod...yr moulog
— Civil 'Engineers and Land Surveyors.
11 E AS'rIN( I B - 's: PREISEII, having susineci
e,d ensereseirre tor that Rune., win ' , send ts.
s e , seyinse nut snel dividing land inn, li
maknigmu! I.f
iIIIV rind viiiigniultuding e ToniSninin id" l. f',lnvik ,
5 - 1•/1.1xc Arapther th rt
1.41 Inforable
I off, No. 1.1 it....trtal, nevi! of Fifth .torn. IF.,
Unorl Ilm.r.;Pittfhf.l,ll. ran
I !I A Rl{ I SO N SEW ELL. A tummty at Lase,
J CUL111112.100•7 lor tultlAF Da.,./floor,
r o :1= 1 1 ruls of LA.., Ac. ‘1.111“---/OlArth•treeti:Xe
. , NEVir BOOKS. -R
1 , 3 A or. rlanneal dbdianarr el ()reek andZ cam bala
ernar.luiwlllulae.r and aeocranbi. aarllr urn
llerei , ma , wau
1., it dliaa tlmilb li.i eddurol iL.. lieuarPea ao leek
wad Itomsir A utiqulllea. am) btlir.a.k mei Homan Ilmatranhy
11111 NI, thel,,, rersred. allh litt..T nem-tame nud'
a.blitbuar. In Charles% Author, LL 1., . MIA
Prot...Pr of (kw
aireel xuJ Iv!.. Lunruag, In Colnanhla (3.lka.r. •
l'he Life and Curnadmoadrnee 11.010rI tblialey ;
1., hi, ren.lba Rev Ch..floo Cuthbert A...a:0 -ra1...1
ral...I Ilumblamt. Cumberland. Full . ..domed elullb all i t •
Nu 0 errho 1.11.• and Corterrendrrda. 4 'of Nolen lieu
• .
. . . ,
litter. of the lineetia of Bentland. and Enaleh - Prlnerree ,
eteeted with the moil sueteesic,i3 Of lineal Militia,. 1.,
Aanel kland. milli, of the '• Lit. of the Quer. , of
Etialawit twl. I .
The lloehlo. of rs Cam,. ; . .11,0 .tohl
to the 11r...w IN ay , Tube/marl, on otu A teday
'Jou 14. INNI, h. NA,. N. 31orrey. U U.
rhr rwrolt.ol, lor
It. C TON. No. 37 . Slorket
1ch0r0n..1... Pool. no/ Au...sir:to onio
1)1 A NO II N
nlf.t.i,n. No bl 11 txxlitn-rt. 6v n•cri
and m.,a 3 , t. , 11 fnr naLlr.o lark, an•l 1
,1 I
6...4..0. 1.2 0. - 4 , u
10.1a1 thr nosuofxtury Clnickettng. 11,1018, to
L'BB-11 h.. 1111110 n the attention of rtzfrhwern. 'No., hap
nn, nn imnrB.l,l) nol.l 111 m 111, untAimt omit , rtr.
(A w.o..rizeri.m,r 31.4, no.l 8.1/ 080- mo, lol -
01.1 Pintx.• tniXoo vart w nat. thrir nlun.
AaB.ltl P•r of Cl4l.lwriunen Marlon for Weet
No. n 1 Wannl 3,18n4
tin k. nn,l RkurrujA.
umpbl. nag?, I.ll.rei 11,11 the Ine y tionar3 Cu+ , ll^
num I/10013 and NI, Owing,. fly Ilnt. !quill), I. 1.. I,
a In/Omni A,ni Frnulnlt
By Aurae. St rieltnnd.
Th. nimt Correnlui.tonm nl It. Snutltel. ra.4
~ . t. Ilse Iles. ti. C notabe, . NI. A. I rid. 5t.... noun
The 1h.1it,, , l'oper, . ma it. Cam* , Adttny....le
hvnred tho humlne, Tmlouumeln .tn nlem'
mw..lnnunr, 15. 1111. 1., It., N. Sturtn ii lt i 4..., ,,
Jant. Im.vond mud for mnin .
5.141 Awn.. Itothllnmy. Fourth g.
,Isu due. fnno
11 m ,-,llr. •
tbou'rl. . new 1...uv. 1 , 1 A('14.1 ,
sh.• .1,4 oil /11,...• bus . C.
I'4 thee 1eut..1..t 111131.
nnile inahl..o.
• .
Wt. 11/3r ham., yet I n;in lb. haughter• ,k 1 St Mark
11.mnl. a La. aril.. aml t.m..bilag
• -.. .
Tll.. woolnle.l the .1.1r,t llint
IL.° ‘on Nuret AIM.
quadrill, e Mr.. Rm.-4.
11,11) Volta, h, Bur, ninth, Chit Chat
n Polka
hut Polkanl
unix edition of 1,114 nm-thou,. Gin.IYAwAI
nit hate , wo, lnnnimin.
InrnrM, Piano
tort.. ftlinarr 1..1.11.3
II ME1.1.4111, +I 1V...1 .4
—A ter
Pinney arriving. mini
will he nµv firr Kiln
PANiKS AT 1101.mEsa#
1•.,r , t, Tian' rtrrrl.opm• ,
Item, t'no,,,er:• to
:ry or
1 4.1. T It"
Tlor Puelirnr: or Woma's I..‘f tt•uorgi'•
Sham:Lambda; ntnal. Iq J 7 r... , urovar :.
ohm a aural. IV Ow author at -Th..
thaw. I ulltaair, a Tab. tar umArr. ~:a UT
ra, /La aiLar.
. .,r'.l:oesuurteer. It, 1ir.... Amtl
Nt hoe AiMAII. fur I.Sul
N.. 1 a lim• AlTer - 1,111 Mosul...eel edituut of the 11asurly
I.ltrtrF 1.4 Tlyrd root, . w
ch.'," Lad), 0,.110 f.; •<bray',
ernbizo'n-e. do
i351.11/13 . ;1 Mog.dr , r do •
barlordldnl., a pea novel. lir Mr: Snnel"rorth
Motor InlOpa, • !ale for mothero and distudmen Mr
O detular.
• . • .
Muth,• Ilvrornps, s ocquel [lrmo Intlantice
nnvel. thn suthor — 111,1411 w,
Tl. Whig Almanac I,ISYS.
No Ini Arunlesn Inuorimir4 nIIP girth.
thr eheftrsmt robli•hrd.
New Books, jest reeeiveg.
IE Bartle of the Ibble: by Ger;:^,e
owk 011endlrf; plncrrosive i.xlolt.lern of th.
tirananro. dnicn•-•I far breinn”r. In lirr.t. an.: n.
hvd nt oir, , ,es for arrolelnlf% and ft , ll..grr. Rt Analr.l C.
K.mflrk:k. I vol.
Th.. Youth),(Taronsl. hyllannah Tiar,lnnW. rn;cm
Charrno kn..l Channo. , Taria J. N1 , 1 , 0. ,, h.
1 vol. ltnn.
rhr Mothre. flee , .Pon.: a ...qua to"""
By irate Apallar.
Nl ( rebanlea . Magazine and Engimers* Journal. Flno
ntimher rervired.
Urrne. Ibethmary of Meelanle. and rngineerlng. No 21:.
Jo. roe'df,
a2l 4 . • 7‘. Apollo rull , img.. Fourth a
eplanu. rritß.l Latin. Femll.b Lexicon. Inunded
Inrwer Latin. tiorman Leai,m of Dr. William t'retind,
1111.1 rnrrweinna fn. the Leak... of Cinnwr.
n,r•lnti. In E. A L L L.
Tel roan anntn or tim I , kali, king the permatal nar
rative and result. rrf travel Ihrmigh the Sandwich or 11.-
;Man lodand. and ..iher part...l Poly ...1. xrltn. Hen,
T Llsrvrer. altitn,r of ',ha 11h,.11 and latCantur... With
uvritr, TT r a Won.. inflnenc.,—
.Iguilar 1.e.,...) ...Id In- .ale ha ' •
114`K . ION, 47 Market .t
Amer,. eon.
IA l'F. It, ft LA N K 1100 K S & STATIONERY
New, or .ti ...:, Lro ,unci.,..,0411 ...I OW. , blur
atol what.
Plant !tool. of rTot A tle.oninUon, onn.l of awn: u. ol, ot•lon't non. n i
ttto.sorr-1..1n1t. Frnnohtout 1 ,1 17443, (ant , nal
t•olo. cot. .a 61.,
J.I. Motto.% ~ ,. ....t 4, ___
-Ptidli-,1141 4PihilkW X., 4 ,2'..L`
~„,„,..„,..r. nO Thin] rt.. Inrtnnn , ~4. 7 ,,nry
- - nt L. ' 7 ".. --- •-'-
SI;AIN I' Y—WK if -, I
L 0i it........... S ;:::...l r Z r .
t.teto ttn a...n0...tut oi fun" nattoit , - n-bo evrn hoon
onen..l tn litn Imo Lot 7,1,-rohnn. A 1 i.e., HID • wry
nrtnle it, thy Int. nu dot two( taroran.7 ',nu., t ot,
n,.. nol.ltot Jinn.. An" lot Think !T. .
11 1i.1.1711r.11 to non no,tts:it a (no' .
ofi-loontit Onnot. artol• ht 7i7,0t 1 Inn.,
Nor York. ante., pent. n ottlontiol 7 . lan. rart....l Pinto
of tht. ',toot doott , olson or otlfrior :{hl tono. lt At mot.
in Ow 1t.n.0..1,1.`, In V. 4,1.1. In 11, Iviru of I.totit AII tat.l
A V Al-, a non Int nt" N.,lttoual.r nal t0.t0tt. , , ,7 ?,' , ..
1 7t i lt" " . ' 4• 7 lt " ..ln . ntZtre n ve ' ; ' , - t i ;;;l " ,V=lVATitt: . ;4^ . .; .-
1 ~,,,... /RAU
140 - EIV BOOKS:—ltumbult's new W,,rlr.
(Amnon. dr Strte b.. of • Phy•ial 1.11••iCI4`o . of the
th.Ne,nwr',Nigetrh.• Nlitun,..ta. N.. Esda•nd of
W., I
Ill,or. •EL4 taugio,rn . Dieio.n. It , No.
r• , 141, 1 1.
lia•norn'n Sermonet The. • - •11 .111111
I 4,1 . 111.4. hr k IIOI%IN,
lalu ApAto
TIIONIPioiiN, and liarrirotio Inset, Sewriot
Larmlor Ink:.
itootald, falior Rwookisown And Lancitmew.
sod %mu.. Mark nod itiol load Powila
Ink...mots of rorry CAM's. Pratt',
1,..,end otlin towntiforturn of Sin !
Vomo. 01. a V. ft entitle. to A ti liaileT
oolobrat.l iiold•loon, with i 0.1.1 wind Morrow....
U,lnortinsoin Eloolloto Prlviing Vaper--aattqw.rinn• do,-
tgo ri,oloata.. ;Ala, noliindolor, so ring. nord and el,-
.ofmat: itriotni Won.. rap, dem, nod no,oliono.
1..40n0100l board. rux, Wok ,
awl rm.,. onion', MP" , 001,1
otro. and roc. m.. and lithogropho for from brow.:
pn.panol bun ,l of all six., onitaloi , for drool, chart
mod diploma. Vrto.ll toot , on , + 3 ".
moot gootimloi, Ai lee, oiv + nod p.ittortio. Plain, W ill. ron** --
...1 old. ilernol. ooilwido or ball*, porn'., wocillingo Alot
Vroont rooo,noolopeo. plain and nolo:wool: lettn imool
uut tan, bold wool plain wito,ive oa
blue mod orbitt.
11 airy, wafer ours. vonoto• ivaLlOrno: writing oval: bra-.
titi.noion and 'fork. boownol sand
Isl., , moor ),brook. nod Knvll.l. no. On, hok!, nod
Poilw 0 ". lowlg . r Of .11 ivior, and pod White patrol Mot
t, og oanor. own kni, to.
Th. 0b.., will. all other. Itrtkl, in the stattonoory Li.,
booth tams nl.l rtaple. togothor wIIL. itorsr wraortuornt
blank toioko wool innooraioduin lonlio of all Milattlnn fora.
of ruling. ois own otyk. of I...tits, iwno , .
stool mtalitow, for mal. at rialtiogol nitro utmt
term , o. at 11. S. I , IAVEN'S
a IlLink Unit sod Stationery Wonslanioo,
wolf. Corn, of Marlin mat ',Mod ktrerto
110.1, at 1101,31 S' Lit,norf Tiara arra.,
wit , the Pont
Bonin,'.. pro poor 00
1111211'n Morilanta . Nioged.. d o to 00
Ruirkorloo:lor 3 ingwoi.. .... Ao
tso k .' Whig Itn irw. .
iklntilltio,onto.• ..... o
Mho' Morning Call . to I, 00
• . .
• !harper,' 31aquine.._ .
110 3.
003..r . 11 n Book .....
2nrt•in'n 3ln4e.elne do 1 :0.
11"1‘::-V*6'19..44infat4'. 11.1
Hortteldturta ''''''
do 3 00
lattell's Melon. ..... 0,
The Jnousry number II the, 51ag.2.1 Ise. grill bribe Geer
namber of the ildwne, and trill b. the best peer
ler,-The above mutating. .113 he dellerml free otsoet
.:Al.±...tmir ofilee. beim; Quite • .vetng to that. outpwr ll . l o.l
A large end well eelected ,look of m•srnlflerot AN7FT.I-
A1..,5,„ n
o'er BOONZ, se., suitable for Chrhdome gal New
%rei Presreat.
Aleo—A carteruire 00.000000 of Novel. end Cheap
lk•Nno, Stationcre. V.tnalts, eurdr, tr. All order,. Attend
ed to panetnelle• .1. 11. 110L011;$.
100 No, 4 Tiara etreet.
• •-
the Ameriian Revolutin. R Eldred BM/ann. Bag.
liiitorr the Reformation oftOlotmalth
lite 31erin d'AuliMmo, D. 8.. President of the Theof ,
I llehnol Bemoan. rind Vim Prminent Of the Sago
anneliquia Tranalotod by 11. White, B. A.. 'Veldt,. Cot
lone. Camloridge.
entucky, Rs Ilistory, Antiquities, and Binarsphy. II
Migrated lir forty engraeltunt Lents
The atore works for mle lie C. STUCKTOI l.
Bookseller ami.Statlouer.
JlO Cingirr of Marked ital Thad sta.
42113TLINE MAPS—Peltou's splendid (hity
line Mar. am tow bring Int.rnlared In all thelmahn.
re rola in New Loaland and New York. We have °ldaio
ad the 4,0'4 , 7 hr t r i . : , l In and invite teachc
and reboot nounni to rail and candor Itoox.
No. I—,dat, of the Wrattns lattlianhem, N 0 002 Intim
2 do lia..rn do • do
7 Jo S. Arr.oriea A Afrlr. 10 3, S 4
Niro of rho r. with key. t2Zo or rho Otet twe Homir
plorte Mope, with Icor. (40.
now , mp+ aro unilrallro to W. - 11,11C, •fol fhear. -
per, owl ,oloptiol to the woo. of the rnmary. grimmer
l hie) ,hooo .0 rho United Mateo.
For l'ulritr.heee prior, ofllloort odilitinn of freiohf
elsargeo, at the EDUCATIONAL 11001 i KTORE.
mwalif . corn, of Markel sod I , !nr:th rL
• - Norris and Willis's Rome Journ
- 13UBLISIIED every Saturday in Net.. York
Cal. at 1m !Innen a your. nariblo In all raw. , ts .
Ws son, f,
00.11,1nrr or 11r,syrr-41flInn nf to, Jeurrinl. No.
IV: Fulton Nor lok, I.Annntuto 'rt. I+ , o —To all
ernfrn it may mores.: Ible may err ill 7 tint J. 11.
It duly antlinriwil to artn
. enfant for Norma t
110.0 J.1110,1L/111 that nil illa Wynn by Girl 01 ITT
iwnl. for ettist paper will he tiss rnce iricloostreb,l by w at tlie
°tarn nabliratlon. and It 4 ro e roeAle ano.'d and under.
Awed. that all atibwrintiona ar payable one year in ibl
esunx the new voiles - ma Will (017111ketlort. on the lat
oarpyn F l t t h n Ptot o n
u a tuce. h
b e i J
li a I
L L L , w ,
th ?
u, n
y ot ,
Eitor.. and Proprietors.
EiM7dIES' LITEKAItY 1.41P01', Third
4 1L, n0wt.151,.. the 1,1 "Mu.
tartwra . .ll.llldoP tor Janwst. , •
dire, a
I navel by the author of . I . IP. Oittle ,
1 Alothrtbs teet.potaw, a novol. hf tha, sc
Imfberelle., or two snarring.a—i.
ruls. • of Itrunewirk 01. aertsbl , /a.
Ito . onfe—lonal
A beet, the Fle Dr Mere.
hr lie
It.ply to tWbon flastbro, the Prlin.. 01
Pioleolai to so
.llonfe burrial. No 1 of roar volume. eal)_
ASTOR 011,--10 brit
s t Ju.l mi. by IL LT :MLLERS.
SUUAR-100 bum's ast'd numbers •
/II() LET—A desirable rftidenee in Ai - 1 :4.1
1 silatated, at the corm, of ti gp,
maim ft.rmt nod lit Coolua,u.
i n ' tra ' :a " Let::l ' A
ha[rur "
at the dos. of Alex...ter. 1.1
littilt lit:NT-11ot store 1111 l'arttet txttt
mrLINTA.H . E.r:r. Att,
Ilt It ENT --Eleven am, =t;'..
1.1 nrwihl. Alta... J.. the turntoil.e. one ghtle
vtalt.t tit Mitternellk. tn. vt Lid. are emelt.] n ochry
tittelltntt lottel etattlint. Ate The vrtattel 111 War'
It level. and Iteitatt Ittmettlett 11.11. 14 the ttetenth Aro,
etel ettlenthanr Imek 5. the Pettue. Molt-N.l. II it
e 01 the hetet itetirahl. Inettltthe U.. 11,t4lig• li..
C nt a, ie now ley Le tunrLol holutre ol
11 11. It /I•Phi d CO
lul Itiletrt t et
ILo Warehoow sitttat , ..l
1....." teel end Alto let nod rttetotrue llart•th.ll
trout , Ftrtt to Itee,tutt Are. tet , lttlt ,n. punt itt
tt. Atte A
ale rott.thle r ortoofneturitiA ett.
tler purteeete Ittetuitt• of
:WA I PE. ATKIN:4 , N A "Ft VIA.
Nut,,itwr nllert etde the tutu,. and lot tt
Ate te tnteA ytle.n ent part nr the letrt.uttlt y.,.
v.,. Reno, tto the tAt.tontl 13ttt,L ttotl on AlArket ttn—t
,Ithl feel. The hotter ie writ cnelrue:tel !dr thtnt..rt And
'ennyettiettee, With •tt Altunttrutee , ol teal, Al tht , thew The
Ittt etell Atttett teals amine (milt And ettrulthert -
The sletre ttnltertt iv very derivable tr. le ttletcettot etel
Ate ree , lettee. A,, part Of hit. No. 1.17, fte t 'mot
..n.l ft, Itnelt, and ...lotted.
31111 1 s A N 1 `l.ll 1 HAN. l'ailninl.ury
Vor Eirthor ilia rya
- 114 N EL It 1,1 NC Eli.
1 lei. 2, 1
I 4
RE\ .1 briek stable on • ' " •
r,.•u i '1 11. nn ..1
noul.l r 4.. iilo4, It. al O 41 , ln"
.14.44 Ennui, nl 15. 11.1N1.41 . 1'11,
f01.."..12. • N... I :11.1101.41. or No 27 : , 1.11
1111114 Vl', SA e A lar , nnnther of
I 1114,1 inn Ea, in ii,, Ino4 41nation... in..
1..:11 of 11 rue nen In, Ile in, inwfinni nsid
/n1141 4... 4,11. 411..r..1 for .41.. ion
1 1 17i:711 1 4 '
11.1111 A 1 oner n 1.40 for ,41.. hill, 1.44
Prilt., am. A 144 1.4.1.. and inti bee llnvnlan
RENT.- -A \van.lionse sttuated 1,11
Ir•tsrren ilnrket nzol Err,. .itilabir for
klo,uire• of JAS. ' , AI-ZELL
1. No Os MarYel rtreet
r i)., RENT —The dwelling house an.f !re!
. 471
rgrroumling ground, luox b,
f. lot the hrs.! t.l PrOle rtrrvt. 11 11u EtOktis
• •
hl h Whim; to hod a lota.. rota Hnokr• 1.11,-
th.. a 'ol rcritle In the rais brlra-rurh a hl.wr.
11 iw ottu h11.,4 Tomah, 'salk or any hawito , 1.011
tlw wey 0.1-101t1 JAS . BUCHAN AN.
/4i. 4•14 year's le.we, with A.vk
P/P/ //r) 1 40441 0 More. N.. ,01 1.11.. rt,
forth, eartwol.4, rwpore Jr.
e aluable City Property for Sale.
THE •rO/1:1114,4 All ttiNtrators of the
11..44.. Farm., h.. 1. f..r
..h 4,11. 1.1 Ow whl Dram, 311/111/111,011/P/AIIP
/// 01/// IW.. lot Imo., on Lawny An,
Boa ten 0.44a11er A 1.4.. 11w tart,. 4tawl Anowti , thr
Haw... thaw, 44,41411,. ~ . , awl 41:J.1r...w0w, .1.
aut:. M. 1/111111 dB, thirty tin., 11,1 four haliw
thwr 1..1. (contra,: WI /'Lorry ~..11 hew,
04.1 front, awl Hama.; 1.4441. elal4 fert garallel BB Blow
atha. all 01 - whirla prooPrty, will he 4.4.1 d at priasth• ••alo 1.1
ofno , lir4ttoit t.. wilanrilAir, or if 1.4.14..1.1
31arrb.w111 441.4,1 ahaurtlau 14.4 II..• highert
thr Ta•wrn 4100•1 14 e•lferval fht rrut. APO,' 14,
11. CA311'1110.4
ianAltnetta 101 lahrrtr
. _ . •_.
yoR REST—A beautifully located Loot,
rontaivir.K I erre, usnie. cr /PA% 4ltuate nv thi.Tßrth
k Blank Bowl, 1.1,. vnvt.r ptxt nrer buttatu.AJahrahly
4ultett 0,0 smarter. Aardry, withs vim/thy of Baal branth ,
, irs helm, from the Coo.
IT,ftns. ,47.11%°" . . i h vZ lApnl a1ky,11451.
. .
la enquire a
""'" Attorto,
Loarrio'n (1,1 story Fourth aboor
TO lET—The Store lloom, No. 65 tV4
Markrt Ftrirt. I.r I.‘ot to the r.:ro for
ir s . rney or dry gro.l frr in•utatn, otlo
brnkreo oflire. Apply to rnr..a/ IV. W. W
itENT—AII that portion of rov
bottom is In: lo , roen l'lttolotrah nod
old Plank Iter.l so 4 lb. rivor...oyinwod ....tam :about
fifty :+'R.. to whioh .111 Attnolont n two num., (non .
Loon. with an exc.-141A nurbocollar urolornrittknnorrhnnt.
ntahlt and barn. It la 'All In hlgh.rtato I oultlratibn.
•nd wonkl 1.. ..11 raleulnt,l for dairy or iroPionlna ur
r...l.- No n"^l nnadY toakao. ho ran make wolf ,
romp:lon:hal for honomo. -nnhrlote, and Indnotr ) . Tbo
fneibtio• for trotkink h. market o.Nat to any In 11,
rountr, an Si. orvitonnt bar. hi• ohm, ut the noon
pinnk iood. nr rnll moot for Isl. noonnano..lation.
tallkalrlt WM 1.1 ItAtrKLNS
, wl;nod rife, fur ..non a larao number nl vatnnblo
lot.. and ot, ka.ry 5. , . f o r menu(
torie.. thr Poronoh of 11.rndn'ohnto. loom, Del! 11,.
new latblie rrbool Mon. , And buthoron Churrh
TL.r..pi I .-0r....11 .4 llolniootkant 1.,..t1nt10n r o of
ukanulartutaw woollb. nod Ile. toso , natd.. peke. at bob.
Int. V. +u9. rill trod.!, whom • n th. nn I profit-al, in.
t, gm. ot. torfoot S•tnta fa•ornble
ler Intrtir War. and t.-rlda.. n nice al thr r , 1,1.4. a
allire of titan, Y. 11,114ara. 143Skt
• trlwa‘rn w MA.
.I,t.rata uzal N Pat., raan..l,...ja.
Anvt.ana. tip
t. IV A ItElit/U,4: TO' LET—TI..
an ar, 4.4. '4,1 Wart. ,IrrAl. Inne
Cr 1,11 a. I 4ny.rt...lit
Irt I•lArrli del .Amo.
MI )1 n
i.ET-01, 41n41 4th:it,' aza,,,,
A o •i4,4lforj "an,. S a rrnth Want r, I,tlt.
+1.1.1a 1.4r11./. a 1M
L4I. r. 41 •
1 4 41 0 R aulawniaT nffer , lay mr,: ,
aalr • Ina, 44,441 Well twill /Inck llnnar. vrith
Also, a Rpda.
a An, d a .rahlr Inlnt 4.nliannosAir.7l
arnA-...4114 "-a ant, %banal, ‘11.44,14
1b..n0.. lo i.)
• A Irn, la let .. f ' .1 . 11 Ind.,
„ „,„ eArlam Ord In.• Plank Itnal 1.11 mtnia. A
4 I, Ow. proamA4 rarly In el4r enniine • alnm • r
lllAls4r 11...11...11...04A. to 11% VW 1,..14 A
:Ind mart!, not donr.,l nn,r.t 1,44,1k1
'.II 4 I eIR It EOR SA auhavritaT
444 rant In. 4,14 .1.-4..141.• annnlr. 11,4 gra,
m... 114 All. et. 44. 4.114 .1‘1134,1 Ohm. 1,44.. an.
.unn. .A I, 1na...11 {be I.
larAA lAn ImiAlant. In ram.," .0 , Th.°. • -
.4441., 4 .4.4 w.a. 4414
lArlt ...Ann..- Ann arr., 4.411 144 m m.l.r.larn ~,, A mr4
.loormpittm 44 rem,: 31...,a•nnu. Innt.r. Ana •444.,44, 14nar.
a/vAn nbrln.rer 41,4,1 .1.11:, 'Alai HT
,(JR kE N T-41 two ,try. Dwelling
_ .
errh. or rot peeper...l
P.. 1111.144 24 1.,1 front by Itt, 1.1 to Volnir sllvr • h
'i1}tg,71,: : ::',',:!`.;. 1 ,:',";,1,•V-7 ! :
r.riukr I. luo Get on ur C4ll to Sprit
Alley Ahu 1,1 frontithr uu it.hrtu ,, h •trevi. hiou
.11.1.4 i .4, eertlrrtl Itailrhud th.phi 0 , 013.10 it
4.5 aen.. (hr.:l4lf I .11111 , 2 1 41 . 11.111
whirl. it rtrruslr. will 1.1 ord.] either mimr.l , ll ur
purrl.w..r... ~.I 1).1
:cod 1.11 (xi Di1um....1
An) infoilnsan......i..l will 1. ,
Fal,. 104.211...n...1.1.a.....
• " •
JitllN AI WANK .
Itca4.ll (anat., J N. 47 Add tt," Markat atraal
win Int
/110 LET •-A ItMgt. M 1111.1,111 111.111rit 3.461 ttZte,
arrta laud atta.l33l. attnatt..l d 0344ata1.
lINItItt,..IIINI, A Ott A..
rl l O LET.—Thai. • lesi ruble resit!, tro• :It
Ort...valturalt INA, iv lb« 14attaagb p,f lar t r.o .0
i.n.« ,
rill , Ma latts-+ 11.4, autt .3tuvata-tst. Ita3 It' n-atta. "
Ix,. and Iratt Ira., otatala• alaltan I. a slant .11
tan, and ta3,tua ran tat Itt 11111 Irma. Pot pa.
ant.. hp, owe Itt Wart '1 . 11(IN115.01,
jai I4lrtt Na Illt NlmArt t 31.3.1
1,1011 It -A SA :,t ISinnin
b,Au• aitttattal for 3 kt
lara bat.totrast It ran .34
Ronl Um ralltr Ita.tat.a tla. °matt, Coal Itall It.a3
II atilt.. 01.3.333111 y rapatrett, neat lanta3-3,an.1 lea, I
134 3 Nu: u 1 taaat
A 1,..
1.11 , 1 . 11.ay5.. I 1.: 1 . 1111.1,11.?. IlunilnabAul
'ro LET The Three Store Dwelling
17 lotre..l. pn....r.rat wuj.l.l
John 11 I.lring,ton. nml mnlmulny mrl , .ts.
r...nlwon 111.4 lIIRit.I
pit 1-1 Aprll. of .1. A It-Mali
1.10 Hound ehtirt,
.. . - .
rLET --One . Two Story Brick honer,ll
ramining 4 noutmt,n '' o (Vote. Avrnue. Miner. '!". 1
" "d. i". " " " r r '''''' '''
1.10 wrr .101 IN A 4 t.c. I
FOR RENT. !The store- ! liPt Market ....
rtave4 thr rimnd door from th er of )tarter . 1
ALM Inert, Merl.. l'o44r,tion Ori Abe Itt 44' April
next Intmire a
Auxi2m . , in ~,,t419 Peno n.
FOR RENT,, two veritrconvanient ..1
DWELLING HOUSES, on 2blrd otrret... Om,. ":
and near ter Smithfield. Preocolon Zee... the fir. ' I
or A mit next. . 1
Ala, to 4.m. for ono or mon year, POMO 1•3 F..
Lote on •uC near the All . rghiN iV i rcTAttg a ipAit •
Fourth pt., near Woo.,
Volt lIENT.—The following PrnP''
I n. rent, vls
oultahl.• Cr Dry iktdA.
tryeral ln Peet OA. to the
thlm storimanjtahiele.r.Arth•taa noon, Ofliro, 00
&hire owlet:on-Wm. OWELLINt; 1101.1,.. It, a la
novo putt r city,
Poortfskal of tha (ore.gning eau be given on the I.
Aped next
Also a SMALL STORE on Third street, next door to
Gazelle Onfoi, ra , .....0d0n given innovollatAr.
V. 11: t , •ALY.—An unexpired Ll.X.e.t. 00 ire Womanly... •
Tided alreet.lsen.tokro occupied by the Int. Mr. A. Oa,
Err tern.. apply to
E. 11, GAZEAM, 164 &Tont' arre.t.
10111 or to If. )ECORSIICK, 9 , Third Ft 11.1.1.
. - • . • _
) 4 1 0R RENT, n Two gtory Frame tione
hnd Reak bullitinc,anth t;o pitunte on
tedford qv-et, Ward. hid Fin 1 .
per apply to ROLIII•OIN, LITTLE Aen
LET, tie zior" N 0.115 Mar
rt tnnl , arl,,mito.: Ow %%etch and eh,
Wllann, and ,re nob °vied
R. M0....A50/on.: awl Est hamte otn,
Thi• 110 w r. lon.ltal loth. wort central 11.1 loot 1.4
met on the ea, and aril adapt4.l for a hauktoni ay! •
rL and toottane.• time:., ~ r A old ,
ne. 'nom, Engto.h l'hae tax, 7111 k rot on a.
t• ttoo
Ihregai•no Kli.n on Ito, 11,1 of I,hroarc, want ,
EmknotT . W.
Horner of Mar, t I north An,
AF Yriti USF::III,ACK TF:2I, Mon - f
A 11,5ur.1.1. th.. , ell 11,e turf
tuhlir,h; this ru, pull. hut sporltt,. re. ~II
..troull auJ s.lta•ant.t.assull
El,. twitluirs,r{.4 Into the U .1..
li nuts T., equally run.. priru.
All Tu.., 11.1. ~.0,11.1p brnunt mar rt Crush trsr.
Irins far supsriur In Parks,
in u put up tos
awl yoa :Maid \Uri! fim."... 11, soul.'
a ours', buisllr in rt.'s, think 11,, Tu. 0111
....MI In • Isr , us or . 1n . t1.• orisissi rtiu-to, 1 ,
PI,F , N I / 1 1 , NEW PI.I.IcCFS-- -
I - 7 II h L F.ll plus-orr in O • ;N•
nuus,,sng that 1..1., 'nut nio.uosl tut of I
1'i51314 , tits. rulrlusted ut
Nr‘,s 2 1 1.151554 i 1.111.11.
ouha J.lnrw tn. , 4 , 5-5..1.1105nt. 'art. ar,llas,,' •
tYf ...acted ill
I , h u i+ .r nl . Y
tuti , l7 r•1ar , ..10. 1 . 1 « uurs ,
Lan. XIV art, wlth nue , rut - quart,. t 77
mn.v. ~fitt inti.lltant
l u
louts/ only nu Nun, A Alar , t."
Atturhtuuns Plano,
lAN. IL—An ',Lewis , . hu 4.1 Nu , . Altl-i ,. .^0tt . ,111?”4 - ';
Winte, Will thu rholvout nun t5,..m.r.,
AyAN'lPHllTtiviii - L:Note ,,, , , c tli ;
8.F., nal tilaN•li Of file Ptivturia
& lb " "6ror
waior.nor Front.
pOlt lAI,UISVILLE—The splen
.l,ll nv oranter LUELLA. f 1 m.l Isnunt..t
bore forth, '..pirt....jTu.alay.tub intt. nt I o'rirk. v
1 4 ., Pit 'ST. [AWLS. 'rile,
%I ' m Couloy,
•-• , uomand ill Go. Ow a 1..., and inter
..0 Et,tant, at 4 P. if
1 ,, r 6,1411,.n. to
Jodi 1 Sint TtY JONF:N. bout
1 4 1 1111 MP. lAM IS
limn:- 71,
1.1.1 will 1.. n••• 1, Ile.. and xll 1214,
. .
Ft Fit I,IH. ISV I 1.1. E- -. Th.. ,plen- k - ! ,
.11 templet hA 1 vpo:
I, the Abt, ittpl tll intertn w
T. tn , l, -Tin - Pet tttt
I t an e !ranter -ere
%.ll. N TON...Apt:4m elett .- lent lot ill -I
Ger 11. Abet. 41-i mtertnedinle port, on line tht •
Al 4 I'
..r fn.1,11“ "n 1,612
14N( llt (; 1,..% V Ell PQM.
AND 11 ELI, II.1.1:-
1.r.1 1 , 31.1. E. Dm 513,41.1..1.,nn,
. • ..
n•4.41:1,.• L.l Nr." , 11 1-11. nn but
11,,,,,1rr It ..,Pry 11t.ntl, . rte,•l InJnl, nl
, nitt , ll . I.ntil
NA S VII, I. 3 17,
O. ono Si A V Yllll{
n 111 1,n••• f•r 11.• above and 1111. n...di:lle •
10. Fla • . IP. n •
fre.v.l,l e•r
f••a 2, •AO Intel zetratel• l•rt
for APO, . 0 1...1'', jaT.I
► l'; 1 1 I , LA IL aYaarn.
It. %% iiKKLING PACKET -Ilselro.ll4l, C lt,-.
rO - 1.01 onalovr DIU liri A I. 100..11, ts, • n.oolar traman.Ar belt'.-00
il.. , tnlN and .104.100, 1010ina 110.-.l.orgas nt 10 tirlncl
Train, awl mturnloo.
1.0.-11 • ••••-ry Tuo-.oln, Tl.ooAnr and Paltento.
•-•..1. 11... r nr o.oraao..appin . on or to
,All 31K•101I.I eitliZEIL
" •
I .1 . :1:1 1 LA It AND
g wEi., 11.1.1, KT.—The •b•anwr
II 10.1, ina-Aer. 11.1 or.
0.10 lalryl..n•n Trl,, ...•atunLay. r.turn
..0,0.0n4r0r, W•nlnt ,l •l' and Fri
10. 0r tn
A{ a II 11 1.k.1.t.R. Ah - ent.
10 I . I-111 %V ESDA
g CINCINNATI. Captam Aaloll
I•mainalnan Tbi• •pirsoll.l l..rt an+built Ly
110. van,. 01 in• •teatntr 1-vv Neaten. and 0110-r, fa
Ifial'lguntsran Inltaborah Panknt
llolnenll, 'dn., Lhe Fala
lanol an . 4. ForN.ool. •.r0
11, I! LA It PA I: ET Folt z= - , ,.
Inn to. 0,40.1 0 erair.. will 1,00. - •-•-•
Tn• • .1, al In , 1...1,0 w.
, 1 ~ .i,~..~, 1,...,.1. ~, o,
~1 \i. /1. JUIL~:!SVY, Act
I szi 1
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
I •
II Ft o ',proton. N.j wou m,.
Iret •troot.
BMA. et Liti.iKrr
i„arr.t,t, 'ON. Apottt, Baltimore.
wre "on rho op,ninte of tho Pentmlonotia
Canal. to mot,. for Freight at low ran. nud olve
rhir,ro at wotrh .1. -pareb owl r,o at any nth, Lill,
fp.. of fohlt:tfon
n•AOLL/111.1—Br hare :wolf. at - rat...moot* for run.
ton.. th. Auntylhr win., by ota2l,
to 11..1143,1.nr011. and from then., by Itonn..ylvantw Rail w titiloarlyhia. in 7.6 hntirt.pork.
ozo. Poly ran t.r tokw ' L. 1.k . .1.(11 .
Tian. rJx ilourA co rhiladolrhla.—.2.tit
: , +.llnt , nt Comlana.
1 , 2 r
tlfn.m 1”... 1 , 1 the Nem 1.111,1. n. 1..7.1 to
. .
thn tnntr.tnsixtra eanttl Natantinta. f•ixIIT
Lin.. wilt La.n tnr IMII larc.l h h, um! Imo
nv tit , . New Per.n.rivantn halt nnul 11,13 stdlent to
l'llmntelpht Tan,. tittnuttlt nt . !mum.
.nit tn ~ . $ll t%)
Inn^ It . It. Ti)
C..alhett will 'env.. eyrr, ruortnnz. Ti Y Wanek, pref.-1,1 T..
X I' at an, huh., alvrs,a TLS
mie[ ,swlttpah..•rhitt,
I a,. a,. t , 1 , 11ttn, ,, r. , thv N,w,11.111 rr..l at liar
till.. nrri•ni t I ill- nwr. at that pia, Fur
, 31. PI
ht N l,lll. ,t
~.I 11' Ilohnhgahmfut
rritANspulclATlON LINMI) , OF: SALE.
1 1 ' 1 ,04.1
. 111 A/1 1
t•lbu tiny i•rolvfttl , mv formokiog
srr wrfil ••
rr rfring it am,rtant emrly
oIIN 514 ADEN.
~arTirtnq pan., )I,F.len A Co..
l'Amd Penn
...• 11, •-z
I \ . •
•••• t 1 . 1 11 1.1,
900 I:I:1.S F.V.IIILY FLA ,tht;
4. Wl+ N.. :I
1.1 t0.c:. , 01,tr••• Ln
T Ism, A
rn..` , .3."
. „
1000 hits srrr.c.p."
.I,e] Coral :4 , 01:
.11 , 1 ,, inlitt: ion Nlcrrlauut,.
In UOl, utr.ot
171.1 i nlllli -.20H1 bog
bilmio-41.1.1 .Ale Li w '1101:0LIA0
F E.,, , ,,ERs__l7 prime for sale liv
Ili. 01.trr •1
I Alai— 3 lid, awl 15-burr for -Fah. li
1.11.1,11:111 . 0 l'ol
v . ) I:, s 1 , ilt.: veYeived by
I J 0111
l i n' , l'--1 141 kir
• I 0 1.1: 1.1n•+1 Awl
.1 1N1.W.11.T11 (II
_ _ •
1: mot it.LioN ellimesell
I', rmlr J. KIM: Cll.
.01%404 ,
4AM -- !irk for ,Llti by
13_i J Fit Vila OP
VI! )OKS ON 11(11/1i KEEPING
- 1419, Fleysi.
Elanlo 6,r Ow Ahoy.. n n byrc.• 4.111,11.
f r Cdr I.y Jl II IN 11. ,1E1,1,011,
niy et umn,..l Win 111 -.114t 1.. SIT lioltn.l.
.4 Alin: hem 300 ink , . e, r. N naddt,,.n „ nnootn,
rm.% •.,1.1 The 1.,1.11,mat. iy h..
II m.. 1 co urn 11... yzmik,
, •1.1 c I 111. ,
o y .n y
I y
uhlit J. 111.111 LI.11• nod f t
I.IE , ta F.IIINA--tt sole by
....I , 3 :4`110.1N MAHER k 0).
$1 25, $l5O, and 81 75 per gallon.
'PAS - ERN 1 . 1 , :1'.1'1.:125, tool hotter try NiorriN .
,nitae. r. `n Pr.v.,11 Ilyyy Nny
torn inlythfiyinv. •hero.
TIT E TEA A NI. %% I N E 1104 E,
idl• the I..iainlyud.
to, J aime Carolina, for sale
y .IAS. A. 111.7(.1n60N
lit )T--51 1 krgs grrortedNor. for ro l e by
I.J 1, .1
,11 L A Sti ES—Plantation S Sitgar Ioulo;
e , ‘ rue. tor ...Ile by
...I' • o Wlll .1 4 2, 01.
diet, med. to extra tine t:reen:
Ey. .I , i *
10 hi chrsty l'hyalait rota,canna or
1, 0 11.1.IAMS ,t 4 1
hhlr for nab , by
I_ 1". J * 11 (7E: FIELD
-p 111 1110N—.:,11 tons Brush creek, for rale
-11011110 N. LITTLE .S co
119 LASSEg--4 . 011 brie plantation. for sale
..1.40. A 111311111104 a 1111
EA IL—TWO pigx Galena, for .ale by
I INSEED 011,--20 EITEs rve'4l . for role by
A 1,21 MAUI , % 1 , 011
Alt •b MOLASSES----:.0 blobs Sklar
I. .IE4 101, N
,r 1 II .10
JAme, fnr
I t 1.r1.11,t,
Al 1,1 111
llrl lost
1.:1 .t
t.. ;and
1 4 1 1 .. ..V1 ' EI::` 1..1..1. . I.v
I. \lr.' Ignu,:
F. , 11,01 - 1: 1.
I EAI. PIPE Latent
4 L., ~•.• •
,111:1; t.ottlW,, 11 4 1, rt.
I. y. 1,1 ll•m_l.lsbrls Itamsay'a extra
YnAt', • 4,> . .
• t • r t•!
1ttr1.11,9.N. LITTLE 1 . i
)111 t 4 01S . doz muperior; fur
t 11.., Iry lu It(iTILSON. LITTLE ICO
. _
FME It I . = 15 k.0;4,‘ surto!, fur se b
aly -
1 9UOILICE , I% cases small stick,_
-4.-0 vitt; tf brls Ilulden Syrup;
hrlrg Cluiferq An CA. NAL. I.!
.tAL , JAe. A. Ill'ArCinst,,, A l A,
WLLOW —29 brls reed p, summer Armia
!kod for tale by J. IR. FIJOYD,
J. 35 Rourta Clarxh. /Nadas.
~mt prio r , No. 2Z.1 Masketsl-. ap.ll
.... ..... noiLlo
o orctwwww.. .. ...... rugsto.
111. BALD, BDC - ii . goß & CO., Tobaeco
I O.:maim:10o 111erthant,,, .110 41 Kurth Wa4r mtmet,
n.,10 North W ham, mug 1
.Genero,l COMM 6,
IV I liol2 Merchant., Pluludelplus. LiborsO ethan,
um& nh cvn.4latunculs of Produee amenity.
wont." w ywnwncroca A. 13191. L1T04,114%.
-• •
W. I'OINDEMEh S CO. Oenetal
,* Ibinmin•imatid Fpm. Nberclial Fh.ur
No. 2;tl Alairlt aril... Philadelphia. Jr,"
To Southern and Western Merchants.
11 . 01 T LStl:L'S , izsikkr i lJ , 3 i t n„ . , P , Ellt i r)l . ll!R t it:
b. otlnryr Ftorke l'prfnunry,S.w4..,Nbariirt..44 l •4r.
New I . oa, otki Lahlptals. I.l..latcer ' n.nen;U,.,
t ild ., . , l! . ..V r elll t ic i l .. ,l i gy r, ...pranled for i.rnin.,l vilber
Rov.r.V,4 I.lninctuzn :+n,tvlSO (Alrtnud, Burr.
Ambr.s4x.i.) unlver.l - ly,nrknorlitir,rd Nihesuperi.r to
• rut CT.= in tbj4 g•ount.rt '
kroricutt roc ~, I livvir.—Beautifully transparent ant
highly S.six.suireout+ 1.1 emAlliiht propolie,
n", tonsProti, (....muirt. utbra6ll Stavring Ts! .1 &1411 t
n Amp.
.M.rrtrixr. Tumer E., hillletl,wr.
Tp.t, 1 0 6tachio. shirt. Paltbou
Wno” , pia-131., Oliv. Oil. Wiud,ar. and Curs,mi.m.
1.4+,,,-r. roe T. 11.cinammttri, , a, Jannin,
Litut, Mou..neline,Jork.
e, clesaatil•!, L'illonelle, .attd met.
vartrlter, in ell eixty Wnereot prrhrm
rt... 1$ jti.t.--Vinritia Water. Eau de Toilette, Orang,
1 , 10,...r 1. 2d,r, sEel KM. v•riety of Cologoe. 3 . ,1
PftrqukgrioNb ma VHS It &Lit—Genuine Elear...oll.Autiquq
tut. Candoline. Nan-L.1..1, Oleiu., Cogurnuod Ox
rqw. Dp.n.
.. Rua Jroy Li Puttiachm.
iquqn,l'iasmal lhntriUri, Odoutine..Tout6 1..1..1cAnd Tooth
tNe.rrio..—VegNbl, Lltcetle Crefm. Amdsdine for
riml , Pvd Cream or HAtwm.Cteam de Per r,
flasphorr, 4e.
TM thi.dator, Vortdrrr. for recoovieke Furerfluous hall 7 Pearl
'nature Jr Bongo. ro
AnuLte V itkegy.r. trt,r.L.
It it Comp... Woo. Pre,dol gatcc twides.sgmat
arts , t,. nuturroun to he unsm..d In thin Ild•erl,.'
The euhlredier hope. to mandato the reputation whieli
lit ei•lntiliihoiiint hn. Itr.l ufal. I illamidna of inithlor
'hot tint rate ...heti, Mid will be happy to fumh this.
ate, niai .1.11 to putrimir, him. either wholealle or tetail.
oil reikaituble tvruci a. mf eantilightneut in the United
or to hod Conner Direr/or of the triturator,' of
• 11l ILintnOt: st
/Is7in theoo in's 14runtr7. fumery Is for rmle bi dl the plinciPS!
C. B. HATCH & CO.,
AV now in store, and are ennedantly re
avirlug Iu the rtlatnurft, the rnwt exhuudre 11,1,41-
trwid of llentlenien'a
llorabever before , offetvd,
outdo-x.lm, the latext aud I '
heat fitylef of•hirts
Su.twoder, Rai, liarnieuto. Lakl , ioll
.41.6 . 14,, Oiled 5111,. Dre,,llle Sown, Handkerchief,.
Shoulder Manes, louern Cullum with n varlet, of other ar
tided peculiar hotheir finest huninem All of which will
tae ,01.1 the very lowext priced., (tar We: ern friesu4 ere
losit,.l le exauulue eur ,t/ek fel.l3ln.
I I G. 310011 E & 122 BROARWAY ST.,
• E ) W Y O RE. !Inv, in :tore and tar receiving one
et el,taunrted ,1 ,k. of •
bkh theyoffer to buyer, ot extrotorly prior.t, rroilhort
srulit. or Illwral .11-couut for CASII: con,l•ling in NM fwf
10.0.0 pp Nn. 7 to La Ladies.' and }Weep' lionntt and Sanh
Rithann; 10.000 n, \o. Ito plain Nana dot 10,000 do
"IrWar n d n o:
hunk and colored crane, orapc•lispe, Wintane,
illunion And 11Prixelts Wt. tiowera, nap Pan..
nitopnl nthnn., to.
Fanhroidered, vorra and tantbound in lace an monlint 8-4
to 114 stawdulln nett-curtain (ring, ntrdlawntk and tarn-
Ihalr<l.l co I. cambric. Foil, mull and daannet manila,:
do da. l4,B uP lawn. nann'n plain ralkPrarato 74; L. C.
'War, glavep.auxpendnra. to. • ,
, .
Pktrescrit. Patin. and India ritktktllk button,
'Pa ;mat earicty, bre.d, pimps, deem trimming,
ringett, amity linen cambric, large SlMOTtlSterle kid
lat, e kik. Owes and mkt, ttlokrix do• do. Usk'
tad. alik'do to Let[l.lrie limey silk eraysts, brie Pea% tibtek
keel risen: Damp, and Bristge pm,. brisk embroid.
esedtarial plain listen bort eml cambric- I,lkt, complete
accoritternt of hook, Aries end cambric itricritape nod edg
an de do deem
me,at, capes, coke., ruff, rit,ttrir.6 in 3lac•
drips d masa
Thread. cotton:Can/leaned. o.brdnov. flouncirtmAand
In•ertinar. all widths plain and embd eaten and gilt lams,
white and mitt b , r droaxv.emar, ordeal.
mom Inc.: rod,. black :ilk and 3lobarr tramulad
A anyrmttcaut the, above pools 'aro ended, now,
and vdne of toe rieborl In tbe market... 4 ore would to
nverfully Inrlla you to e . ...111•4ne Llitln. •
frb-bddrr 11110hDWANTap,rotz
Superior Black Writing and Copying,:lnk.
loNE'S EMPIRE INK. t.. 5 !street,
GJI sort.
In draught, g..a• antral . ..1) rant, -
~,,, nlter - fulteLla Per. U.. gain, ae..i W
., for ihr ktaat rev.
abrahlsaz7.alan.d tr MIAMI W furoJsh lo the trader...
_or r ',art or Isom , omtlakYtkoa. It the 'obore
lok tatter. put up s. pat orttra, sal tlelirerarl
at tharkr tr., rharcr. No rharva pa- ewes . rryi,
or rat, orr atatraal r arra at pea erart. •
fa hair Nartzu Net, lark..
jv fII ILtZ.N.I.IIOI44'
C , liec'e-sa,r3 co Li..v i HAttorti)
252, ..:51, 256, and 238, liar! St
Itrt Vultou et-4dl4l.llsuc
.17 Al 11.1., TEE 41141r+T
.„ th.- lioi4d Stater,Pted Markets. lathe
erhoee of SWIMS atkl DRAWERS, we keep 'AO eadleet
Ah, the'lonat.extektive znannteetuters of OIL
CIA rthING 3101 tATVEREDIIATS, In the preehl.
se.l t uhipmbb Clothing et all kinds. Cstelteptee
hr ma Order% Iwomptly attended to.
S. 11. lIANKIILD k CIA,-
Steve... to Levied: Llanford,__
.1. trek Peert tt-74. York.
ANLIFACI'URE and bard for Hale on
fnlorntole terins the !argent ninck 4.4 (1001/V/Lift'S
r:wr I:TA I.LIC ItUNNEH litgit<lu Amerlra; war•
raubni U, eland nli riltualen, causirtitut of •
I.lnatt, Cloak, ParieLon,
Leggin.. Pantn, Cats, ern .
NTeniers, Illanket., hand and • '
Table Corer:l,o=mb, Carriage, and
• linr, Cloth", Sailor,' and Tr:tangling •
Na.m 1101,1 liignmre Eaploriint 3.1 NtilitarT -
Gonl,, Lining Urn.,.'.. Errant Panne, nrninn ,
nanl art .lf , thr Aro ngi-ls and nurgcnna, Engine :and
Ga 4 Tubing, IL , nne Ena4 , l..a
11...tnnt Premium Cos.3lFll,er, n.vidwneinog.nan,
Prenervnrn Cushions, Pillow, hair,
Whine. Wagto am! 14.1 Final,
ti.nit.4.linairack,,Conteete.Wnier Tank , .
• Pail, Fire 4rticlea fur •
the Trade ninde 00.,
rI3 ti, TU BES, TUBE.S2—The uudcraigned
pvrtnion from sod R. - in ll
tort ration with On, Eirrulturban 'PATENT LAP
IVELPEI) IRON TUBE COMPANY. for Ile rule of their
'pry etudlrnt endruprrior EOILI:B. uud OAS TUBES ha
turge ,until quantitu, The,
:Ire wed Very ex
tr.u.ively tur. in huaLand an d lb. continent of Europe.
and ,01.1 ex.:1w0...1r by
wir.LlA3t Effin A CO, ^
. •
Iron Tin Plate Menlo
44 Wall Ftrecs, Nei.' York. •
5 Martin', lae. (St) 1.00101,..
and 110 Buchan. idroct.Plo2oo.4l
Murphy's•Self-Sealing Advertizing ravel
eohneritot. rnlicitint; the patnnotca Of all wt.*
adverthatneut. fewl.4 nonn of that healtation
wnlz whhh a tnnr aritele I.toimht Mb , the Puhth , The
~..rfeo, 'ear. ha. eatahll,bett ruperivritr
mni all nuert ton. adt mnthlently refer. toll.. teatimo
n, thoen• bowitwas men who have meta the.e onaVeltanr,
and to hp. rat. tIT intrea,ll4rFalev, as promo! of their excel.
14t. tln thr all, hr the la•al. a zwmon mar
has , id, num, lapint,n. and addrafa cvafple-notaly and
rzul.wr.d.rlop.d or plait, th. affonlatergkr
fri .vantr =alma fraud.
.• - • . .
2.1. Ituvelopem cum.. b. cretin] without totitig de.
.1 ,11.11. r so-, nor we er. ar. nnuireJ In ...I the..
4111 the mi..arrtag. of letter..thentalirt.tinevita
tutt...tlat. Mum In Or 1-ettltr. Inetrad ar hying butted
ill Elm Dead letter (nee.
St L. TL. Et.;,lopi., are e almcet
. . .
prine;a. plan l. o t uns:
Gth 1 a h a , b , n most eff,liveadrretirecoent,
un , to attrart the,atiPlltiOn of all through *to,* halal It
11G, follohiur i 0 a Ihn nf price. for Das. <nrramt pu
hr., awl whicli la.ot fir yeann and of rare r, of
[II, usual sire, either nbitn or buff, of, good rarer, awl
madn.a , ahnne..aith tumar.
zh m Pric.s ErtmleTer nude al
yt lotioht or 1.4.... .... 1./.no ahrn,
.a) •
Ft to
' ''
15; asnou .e n_t e , o :
rt.f, , r , ,atc. U, a
am-- -ill N - o ft 31,nv.
Nr 010010
of Nir••••••. - m lo
,r 111,11,241 d.
Profess - or A. C. Barry's Tricapherons,
O R MEDICATED(.I_ OI POUND, infallible
err r mr .loe . men-moll.. and honutlfyinx the hair,
m.0.-log the eruct dandrof. Ind all alicolionli of the main,
ni.l ,,,i" s . ~z n„ ,° ' . .i r r a '''e 7an t e.° U . n /.k r a t tetntr" Z glegteili n r it
,„ 1 ,..,,i, d ,a e '' 11 tin thiagriViLit , ;:h .. ere le ‘i nnell
'..".:2:l!rntol'ut-nt citizens 4:11 All
h—t Fas fears their drmi.
' a itl ' uoro admit it with one aroord.thad tor
t.t p u
We.' *,
luxuriance: and earl to the atr,
711 ‘ .;.ii ii , o aial healing wonnds, entlidg
. r i z , ei;fiilf disown of
daol pnva t of
te pronto Inehoopnem mis the
„, few, rri,Throns Iss +Amis . /41M. The
i•I the artfelo. have enabled the irrreuter
ie -apple it at ni mint. per bottle. whieh ie from:Z.o to DM
mr piddlem th an the prire of linT other x.relaralion for.
thi. hair maw in hea. fhe raehtific treatise on the hole
min ionhrmiziat the valuable direr:nom fur slit cid
., and eemirentati ot nalanica thriven orMamosit,
whicti r tattle md, tit alone worth the money.
flu. admit, between the hietutiranes which coniditute the
et, and Me ham. whirl, drawn Ito ennennistai from thia
triple ea.:lupe. Is verr clime. All dimwit., of the lair on .
ciale the
of the Mod. If thc primii of the ecalp
riTiciTod. if the kilaal and outer folds do eel circa
lat,trad, through the mall wren+. which end the mot
with moat:tie. audimpitt life lathe film", therimilt Is
srurf. dandruff, ibedding of the lair. craccimor ilrynem.
and. haralitte, of the Ilimmetils,dual retire bewa res,
moo may hr. Stimulate the skin be healthrtil .other with
the Trimpherma. soil the Muddsomelr, renivering (hair
actisltr, mmiluiste the derive. I aff.ctions of the
skli, end the subatrata of manages and Intedituninui,ttie
doorom arid the cleat are the room It a nlaio Uv tO.
thalniumittlar ilbrif and the glands, that the Triomhotami
hmila snoring` mill ' On and in all aflictima, and 10/nrf
theoe organs, it ig eon:talc. Comely.
all In larm battle,, mice ill mat., at the Vil."Mit
10.137 Iltmllway, hew fort, and by the prirlitoil
anta anal drucediLathiongtiout the (wind eta MI 11 . 1141
W SilUitTZ . 7t cO.kcer_c.i=tp i r ,
-1-000 141. NoB Yl4
r. 1. tt mut 350.) , 11!•,. m.l qt.,
lW tuba ItUTTEIt. I, tl ,ll cr. b 9
No. 3 i/10nt..11 Wharf, M 4.) Cal tirtme. 114.
(70141:F.-10 4 ) bags prime and fancy Rio,
salr J. D. WILLIAMS 03,
jaZi On , Lai r Wood a.
PVII) C..'rUTTLE. 'Attorney at Lliv.
aW Cmuli.l!aer Lmaia
I 011 N .11. RANKIN, •Attortioy- and Coun
.,..z.d v . '
V,„:i ll ' e g, •4 4 1.., TY4‘ll-"'"'W.. fiNtt.;!;l‘to""" 44
1„ .„,4;1i',1;:-11,.. W. C ory -1 . 3 . 7 t
MIII, SZ/Nmaltr, A M,Clure. K. l'lalte,ll..wril, ./.
.".mini, Meilonl .t . 0, . • stuvit,ir
' •" •
rrlr. unilersigive.l !raving . , entin•ly
built and rolaraa.lthe :dyne tanaira,tahlialt.
tuynt.ttattnining its dl al.nit lhow hundred am! hilt
roma, would rentayttully von! notiee that it ta bow n-adr
for thn nvention neanninaslntiou the Inis,lltn,y
A.cs n teminl Wait-an( t nuaurnan-nd cousenletter-of Una
Hanna I. Jneturdannyelluoity, an the UTIIIIMIV.I
meaty. which !mt.. beets mad.. unuot PmlnetlY yst.n h
au ,ndvertiYement. ' vets
tn No aspen,. boo 'wen
.rend to tender fill,' apartment byritn.t. •
Tin. furniture no. male at intler...nraardirs.ti
runt, and rartain. wallow It. ctwiallt ttfy trrawttnt
mum, will IM found t. le of the :mat .Iwantiflll mutant.-
lute. Thert... one . - nlnnint, wad ItYn Low, nr
ntmain to. ol visored u. W snit the. routentruor thn
Crary ailment:l,ld watt, cY.lattatnd an an tit:invent/MM. .
LI. manner. and 11, pnitrietnr plrtheet hit that
Amerind 40u.. ahnlig.n.t rub the Traralirr'n Home.
fal.4.l.tadliwtruT . LSIWItt
lIACKE, Wholesal and Re
l.) mtl DiWeri.t. Cotner of Won!' sizia Tbinlantft4n, tu t
kb, Us. et. Char kA Pattmhornh- nkrOrty
Ijl ICE---2(.1 tot f rsoia ity
Ale tit; di lame al:manual!.
LTG AR S: !tiOL A ASSES--.,11 I:11.1A Sugar; •
.T.Ablrrrlgllll..,,L.,e r
, by • Jll9 IN(.I{RAI4
.1471[INDOWLASS--2114)0 big
y lA. rlvsre,. Wood. for rnlo -
I.I9BVIZLitIIka: t'SGlittAll.
Lt+Ltl},-Taentylmitre!, just received, - an&
itmr Palo ill* by illot•arn.l, at S. N. WICREISRAMN
.415 ' • ot SVotkilE.L.tb
. •
no LBS. C
ana ft•rsalt . t . . L ." , _ N. WICE.XIIMI.U.
eels Yr Cor.of Wood t
11 . 01132.11 g; 1 cvk Be .1 no landiug tArk, Atakoar
Tumenbra, for nit by
delo ISAIAH DICKEY k ea. Waitk
rr ANNEItS' OlL—Twenty kris lia.nk Oil,
1. In Foul t•rtler. for tAle by 414.14 .1. 14. FLOYD-
ItIOLASSES.-3.`t bris new, in :dare, for
bob, by Jeri 1:f B,
Alti.).-4-1 brie No. I„ now landing fur
ALAI /4,41.14 ilyl9 11 , MAF! DICE,tI' ' Cit.
D . UCKItIiEAT FLOtilt—TiyentyJeftek in
_l3 .clorY nod for rain. L.). ..411 0. it W. IIFIIttYI7I/11
3.0 11 , ..rnr 07 hall 1111A1, , D1 /t
lItE Nell &
ll lioreioield - oprne.) fink ropily 4:1 IL.
ym.1411, 190111.1e4 , 44( the ab0t, , ,...1.tr10. Web:mint:, 110,.11 ~
10411 0 41, 7009 five. .41/o. Vrencla 1t0r..1,1n/
black.u& Wiry.. and Black gala Ve:Llng, 4 To, Int
price/ Or Ilte , , . 1
. _
ROLL B TTEIL—Tc6 brIRl• Itol totter
- .;
IGARS—Fifty thousand Cigars-received
and for taltrby jail .Y, k 11.11kRBAVCal
CV' ATE A I'fbirtv bags Oil McaLliectived
and for eale ..-- .
&FT:- 1111611AUGIL
VLOUR—thie hundred brls Extra Family
° 6 ° 0 . o. .iuxt nreln.l...rftwetr
J.l/ t d. itamAca IL
• •
at reduced mkt, remitting of the fa/low - 03X Drab,
and Gray hbutbrL; Blur ..t tiny D.tler
atelL'rib lhariket, whkh we aro autrarrish to door at
reduced piece, and will boval on favorable army by ,
gOLASSES—Fiftv Arta now coo for sailo
'by dr27 - 11110117 a SIR . ATRIM.
QALERTITS.--5 tons S:tlerat wad
bss, On sale ja9 I:OIIEriDAI27IL
EAFlaird).—Lenf Lard in hrls nndiii3
Ind fur side by . ACIII.F.IIT DA.LZEL.I4 &CO.,
Jag 1.10:47:17.14,:.
CUGAR.—.IS hhds prime N. Orlenan Sngar.
i•J i. Mn... 4 tar kslo 1 , 7 r,or.r.wr no.r_r+nk ts).
i.,9 - - 'wn:. nn,t.
I S H.— Fifteen dram; I r • ;
fiOLrL ter N..J tab. rbtb , / 3, 1 r.
Na. 1 fisher:). to oiorY rued by. rah'. by r
t , Jun:: item s et) .
VT:LEESE-198 bss Cmaul Cheese in innrn
‘.../ j +n•inbr JA ME, DALZELI.,
Wm.! strrot.
CA half cheap You=l7yonond 111,
.. .:11tfo lr b lt r fn:4ll
• 10 do P. ItOloonon el• Co ..,o nod do. •
-•-• Cothmen.Y.Tobscro.•
ern...l'nec and liarvoo.r.s r.l
iS utty 1n0,...JA11104 hoonnom Jr. (Inkin.
tomp,lo ' , tam nod n‘r
ITILUE—ITIven - iv fire barrel! foTeale
3+ll J. KIDD in row. 4
. I SS P.3.PER—Five hundred renine of
S, "" roa'at. tn. «Or In
JJECTI) a C0...g1.t.0 Ward
fleld Lave revel_ ._
eminent. for Barr: Irrar.
fLiziTg". Fo
un~h O end
AISILS—Orte hundnd and
AA No ball boxn ivrelye:l end tr4r . br
54ALERATIJS--4 . casks No.l Salerattft;
15 tbis., ' de. -
"amore nod far !acts JAMES TALZE II,
'tC 'Orator rtmt
-LOO.'slg--41ie , luindred tons Tenuesee
KJ, Moor , . 26 . toe Teeme.e . Slob, rceOrin
er ekorra, arid for tolet tri JASITS • QA L 71.11.4
jolt u 3 Waxer stmt
IVINDOW GLA.SS--Five it utidmi boxes
33.11.41 elms In 33333 3331 for Ls •
J3ll . J.J.mr3J 11X1.ZELL.
110110TASH.-4 casks Potash. just mxiveti,
JIL and Ins rata to- nardilLT LLT.LIL k CO.
I'RESII ROLL BUTTER-20 bxe just reed
for jali J. I« CANFIELD
"ILA XSEEII—i. small lot for sale by
cigiEEP PELTS-4 Irak' for Hale by
Stiliit---TweTtYTAIdS new Sugar on
im , l for rale by ioI5 illtrAVY E EIP-NTAITICK
T OBACCO.-2Neenty lila W. 11. Glanee„.
15 but:net 3 Nil •
• 15 bzsit"..l.l aahfr: •
bullarrour. half Icaa/11
2i Imo tfl boat 4.1
fi.f hf 3.15 fllulll.s filimesTfue.K.
LARV—One liundr,llrugg prime runic LET!
161 U Nl* I.ESLrIn bis M.TohualisCocoa;
• 51,33 Pr-.Vicie Prow_
lo lag t3t,le l;13 iR '
31u. do Corw. loud
isl 3 13110S11C_k ICIRKPATINCE.
euitabla f ul , diawd inrrport, tdcrav on hitd son-.
fr , r by isl 4. MO ALL'S r ICAWORTU. •
FlZirit—lhret laundrsdii)a rrgli just reed
raul Ihe rale bp taintrtztm a: a Jsintrtkm,
14 - tia.ll6Vatet:s . t,..
I.IAVKICV SINIAE--1 . 44.mty Iw:cc's t
10 l.r .
All No. 110 Water
S P ICES. Pimento, Pepper, CIOTO,
and Nu mull; Car nile by
Carrels packed for - vale by
Jan s_ F, VON M.NNIII , IIST, I. Of.
y undfor,Fede
lJ I, .13 1.9 n 1,311111 , K ev 1t31.. Wt., 0 tmfll
(1 REA SE—Fory firlppLrL iu ntnre, fir rule
"nter . l4o,lVrout
• _
14 ilOO MS—On I. hundred (Ira% far sale by
j oy 4 y. NON RONN110112•T tr.
rir -r-- 11E BEST --
P.I.CE — T - 0 - IWY TEA.
ih mor.Riz a lIAITOOTITS Ten iitcr, to hdr.of
tir4d hoyor.d.Trae at sOctot.,p, poaod.
The ham gvh.Litks at 75 do
lava anpetfirie zi .
Old Country people thht nse BUCK .77. A, hill find o,
Nit their pole , elertlyi [hula of Teas we rooms*
diftet. Ohm Enalitha. and they contihr. hip Fought at th:
other Mon , in , — , jail
try tbe QUAIL or hp-lrysle,for role lir
EREEN APPLES—Twenty brig. Pi n.
1.) fn sale FT E. F. CO:.
Lrle Salmon, No. in tore
andfor +ale by
COTTON —2l bales for Pale by •
k CO, Vi,tor k nrr,s,t,tn.
1. ....Aid 42es, Mot nceiTed an 4 ER tale by - •
- It. E. t.4:11.t.E.5.. Whokre./Pni.
JI , Z • .1, -- Wepa Amt-
DRIED FRUIT-410 bris I:fried:Apples; is
ml. r ' r
UN ell
bread: Inlidina frellCl tram ,
• W‘l
;. I'/1 , 3 V
WORKS-95 dom icaFt Nteel Huge,
ii: dos !Ica G 199949 tsrel d ,
. . 4Q tits 4 proni..l. 9: I PI.Vi 31.21111 TC Fort:
otk ai etwisrtaneat and for oak 1.5. • , .
Jl. i.. S. WATERMAN At E.. 0201.,,
110ES—.F.11.1‘;:i;tft Cast Stept I foe,..
-1..144 - . 40 .10 4lardro 11 . 9444
99 con•lsuaottit 91.1 na :19, , 4,.
3 .„ _ 4-'9. ATATritSUN -alai,:
• •
hundr. , 4l busttelo
-mnftrr.x , Le n. I ,0m13, FM:MEC
(.leffilESt7i doz I,n,Grasx ' •
do CTsclie ttrthes;
10 d•ot hurt Card dol oC mmivn t
'll.l Rel Water =I Treat >I.
alai for nek Ly
, CYTFIE SNEATELSS'4Icra bee: patfmt•,en coutronmnfand fx,,a)..16y
jln • Lk. {T_ reEMAN O!
IV AILS SPIKES,42O kett for rale M
il pas
I.IIEARL ASH-12 casks prima , for sale fro
isl 4 4Y. .VIERAt..44 SONF".:.
UitANUES--20 brlx swoot, to orrice, ftr
.le by C.IIIIHR11 , 31: A 774 , 4 MAU,
BUTTER -10 brls prime roll, for pAle by
JIJP" 1a27 ' IVICSA 3.11.CANDLY.,.1.
sk.hg . without Onto!'
Mt. R. IC Fluirns--Ynur. saw Av. only Ville that
Poll horn. I toold. not got alongultinuo. thfun;ohs stray
OW that makes um them Foltku In the hintualt,nno sR
cum/natal:au Touts mow:Sony, .J..-ORkr.S. •
iHrPrevarect and hold by E. E..trr 47 WWI 11.;
told mkt or &inlets suataar.