I , :l - i'.' , - -- YIQ , -4 'n'TSBURGii. GAZETTE - , ~'4-• " 1 ...:-,"-TRE "Pi, 14 ",.:, The folloviog aretHe from the Orleiins \ 4 l-. 4 • 4icaynne -vi be rend vrithintereit by all who - feel any interest in the progress of steam :wigs ' THURSDAY MORNING, FEB'S' 13 11851. ' roncisnED EY t COJ, PITTSBIIB.G# Fissr Peas—Conamercial—Alale of. Ship trlenk—Faecution at Canton—Thel.lonkey sad the Watch—;tiarieties. Tana. PAGE—Telegraphic, and Local News. FOMITH rArre—Poetri—Anthon)i Morrill, Reminiscence of, the Revointicin . . The Jrrncit, of yesterday, has an article head ed the "Carcurabendihni,"• the thief portion of Irhich is devoted to the support of a proposition that Railroads, except a important and main _i lines, are not as well ado led to the wants of the rouutry as plank roads. With the truth or fat.. oily of thisproposition, e have nothing et pre-] tiltt to do, OS we are. ante VOIIIMODdOIg or urging. , the construction of any r idea of Railroad which , ar . c not. inteculed as main trunk line:. Short. , lateral linen of •Bailroud, whir' can DOW}, by their p 0,41011, her:OTOO main lin, of 'travel, we 'Wink are, in roam', of doubtful expediency, !llt every single...we eau be best kelps( 0n,i1.4 ls.yit particular merit,. 1 • tuaccrdance with hie proposition ; the 4.dit.r tilthe .fournol in exceedingly eloubtfli whether it t. tillroad ta,Unecting oar city ; to Whet4ing, would, lie:a good investment; ne he is "rl',t•fia- than tile ~cireumbenilibus,"' recommended by the' gazette, .• would Id! not July futile lis to •public I -advantages, but vrouhl - he a low to the F 100.010 1 ,11- ere. - ' lle tilotittylt that the Gazette has "made the wonderful discovery" that the farthest way road in the 'memo way Inane. This .• wonder rut discovery" was made long ago, and has been verified in the experience of every, person who lieu had oceasion.to . test its truth, and will be . further verified in the ease in Land., Oar neigh bor leas not undertakeiiio answer !ft , iiinglt pot-i -lion we leave taken, showing, that the riverroute in a better and cheaper, and that f it tan be run itt a shortertitunt, than his favorite route of via ducts and. tunnela, ton wit, the IleMpfield. Why does lie not attempt to show that the reverent of llio olil adage is'tilie,, it) this instance, instead of '.porting to =septa at the •• circeinbendibe 4 :l We Must; however, do the editor the justice to nay, that he very magnanimously 'declares he will not object to the construction of . the "eircuru. bendibus." May we not hoiie that' we shall soon Lave the aid of his vlbualle labiirs in ittn sup part. . The :karma does us gross injistice in its Its isertinnj that we charge it with opposing the inter !dem or Pittsburgh. because it icennimends the - !construction 'of plank roads!. t c i This is a More ".wonderful discovery" than e one he attrib ; rates tone. We have been atirocating the 'con ,trutti on of Plank Roads fort yes" - nod of a Plank Road to Washington, t;oo!--Sand we arc very glad to have our neighbor for a co-laborer I its this good wo* Ile must examine our lan- Stt `-", aft... to 'fittd out, the pith of our objcatton io ' lais,nrguMents irrrelation !to the interests of Xlae "second platen" in his “affections." _ 'AMERICAN PATENTS TOR MAT, WITH Tre.X.1.8.R. , "So. C. For an improvement in propelling boats by nochin•ry, by what in denominated the "Spiral Propeller ;" Josiah Copley, ' I e Pennsylvania." [Brno a brief description of the invention is given, and then come the follow ing ..remarks.") • • - ' "Wehavelmil many opportunities of noticing PARDONING minas. . . this mode of propelling under various medifica 'oldstaith,in his fine Porcrait oft village par- dons, and have nothing now to offer upon it sub . a.,, „ea that. , . ~: •, i • ject upon Which all experience is at variance . '' . ._." ' i*ith the deductions of the present patentee. The Ern hitt tailings 1.1.'1 [e'en-eta'. rib ." .. / ~ specification before us is written with consider .* reverse the picrete--wo would .r.:ii it our- able talent, it enters with' much minuteness into ' ins if we could dosewitiloiti tricilifig the pc,. the' reacons upon which the conclusions oft the yes reversC it, and you have a true charac- patentee are founded, and, *me the thing ew. retie of that morbid sympathy which. Weld we should 5.3. that upon th t fa " of the "Pt' 'meatit merited a trial; it, however. has . been irfke the'fetters off a- . feldibi and turn hiinVione t',,fx‘a pith „thews of nearly ell pa ~, h ie ~.„.„,. ion community to'irreak his vengeance ape'. Lis : tte „ t _ eit heca.l f t.i i e ehoLee, e.dttett ' - with tether. emits, by the use of the knife, the eking shot;' , l dismpiideitixerits that it wili be again trial by the torch - • i 1' the present patentee, with all the prevent by ~ifor unt h.i,„. „,,,g,,..c.e anti e ff.,, r t, „ . ,,'Tij..,,,,' whietihedias indicated, we have no doubt. as he •, - is convinced in hit Oirli mba that he hos disco , i ho has committed soma great wrong to society', Bredthe 'canoe of previous failure,, and the .irtrrt , ittied. • After much trouble nod e11 . ".. e to modes , of ebNiating them: still we.are confirmed ItOsest men, hole convicted I F.nd receives the just sceptics." I . 7 teiico of the law. People congratulate each Coming into conflict with such high theoretical thee that the majesty of the, law has been !in- „nthorityipoor, and a stranger, the inventor 1.115. t i.eated, rind society rid of slyest, and an Eerie:TY'. constrained to abandon it, after a few unavailing ~, o far all is well. But otter he has been kflat i„giorttowl„.„„4„.. indi,..*,l„,..eetreteal,?2 iereatiglittoboid.feWWe4.s,SOMOVel7 Cheri ' 4ilk - o,lloll..kield give n thorwagh tent; 'l%rdon e PcratalebeffiutePitYtheFeet sirs 4if tetiti r.„. fiffeuee in : its . nitwit:l' te suaiess,,however„Temain.'. ~r ,- I i• piraitiliftilowi, marlin? ilbnie of Vert -` 0,15 9 , c 4 unaba'ted; and often, in coversatien with a...y; thon„..Adless geodinstereern t gie IL .:-I_,"°l‘ can friends; he predicted all that is stated in the they refuse to small a favora4'tbe simaing'of . a foregoing article from the Picayune. i' ' ' ' '' ' '7 l, ' ii"d Ol'''"" i' ' Pe4ti° th n "r 7t ' 7-9 don"-GRAM;gaI.-A-i.s e ti, speciii.tion yrs "_lessed nee the mercifl" they thinly am, 'Tent .. ' „ ,_. ii . if_ they had done some mere *ions „ a Model. A notice wa. givfn to . patentees to •i r'l-----'--..,.i„ 4.,_ rtiMlir the'evideneci of di ir inventions but he. '...i.' , lNiCi.t the' petition it : .13.1 - et r- tictie.... ''''rrers.. ;rated ,a nil. discouraged by preri. oat failure, and, nor: lie : casts his eye over it. It .pleitilt let-rd. feelitt alrepugnance, aimhet amounting to iliri aettl sets fortheriudrYlee'itae.• AV PelPieet do gust, at the Thought' of ag'iainl,encountering the • thie.. Ile ;text looks Over the names.: i '..itilay," prt i”dl,44..f . those Who pi ec I, we to the roientic• ...1 , lie, "the - w; ore good litte., l liPovi" ‘ wq . ` ,, r ic World, declined to avail hinesilf of the privi . them:. Surely this - fellow' must be. ih4er ring M. urge.: . . \ • . . - i imidone.r:rthese loots IMISId'IIOt ask , ilie t: .. I'll 4 5 ,..,„, 4en 5e„,,,L„,„!..,,... c a o r d n E,i,„.. t ., n , ilii it." l : The pardon idseld on, sod SheconviVt a , Slettle; arrival in this eistinit'y, itn.l entire the walkmforiti a frec:;dreetril,iiiengefill„iiann. 'ar bet- p „i,..„„ a b, ~,. Wealthy an d r oe,. ~o-in..l men, ter " ' ;;rid i ili a t ' lii . ' l.L ' i. 'vettP6e..:•: e 0 . 1, ' sticeeedid in getting hit re {ell er Introduced -- .._ . . 111,tt . t' lieellitiitifil. 11 -ti e.t‘.eMil"hil relf,,:iti In prini,iple it Wail the *enc. hut in ettiettene inhired Male, o.liiii,hilitiewi, i‘ e,,g,,,,,, i,pififit ton it ;Offered widely froin the one of whirl, we • ' 14/I . ' ' J ri . those:who nip .ltn,. i moral puiv rof the have befit Tenting._ It kens more complicated, tistv:ki broken, ills* good ciliten is il ut e uragod, bat len j etheient ; yet it sacceeded pretty well.— ned"the haul :;rind are,,s rt nib kleirell Many ressele, both on the oce:nt sod the lakes, "i'i''.,'Ll"!'sdie''eriulik-6., now. because el''''''i were Iniiit and propelled on this plan. But etnne ' treeit Credibly hifortned that pelitionsa " now in', time afterwards, Capt. Loper, of Philadelphia, - ciriallatitin, .-for:itke' pardon .by thenn .r.ndiaty brow ht eut-his propeller, which has in a grwtt Sirains, , Wial, n.l`ei, Months ago,' Wag ehti toted of , TELVASur, nu perceJNl the Erricoson. The lniper pt.- ar,oo is the Court of thin county, on i, t tree in p ol er j„ near approach to ( . : 0 0,, , , ; not in the dirtmentei and sett . teneW l to some third yearn peculla ity before spoken at, it Colin short at it ~ ..11.6..a in th4Western Penitenti. y; dint :Those used on the Great Britain steam 'hip, were ssMitiof those petitions have-bets- fu ~ anted : to also einiilar; but still, in their action upon the the Governor, and tat lie has corresPo. 'led Wlth water, rune blade interfered with snot her eon'' , fie , ;'-r here ea It' eattieet• '. . • ,illl fact, the great difficulty to applying the .lo illadvistal a tnovement, at a time fite,thisi screW I principle to the propelling of vearelo, will a.N-tindistrund alarm most of enr riders.-- is in Pk...venting the water from taking ow rotary Nee hare no fears that Gov. delinstoti ilf grist m oil...jot' the propeller. The•commen arcliime tl;e padidon..insked for i I but we ferret tly hope. dian ',Crew will not do at all, because all the no [het .all turibethibitions of a misplace l syrup.- ter embraced within the “thread” revolves with thy wilb:mett such ti riAtuke from an outraged it, preventing all propelling effect. Timis ditii conitunnity, as will pill an end to Ole n fu- nutty won fully in the mind of Copley, the beet inventor. and Was probably more nnecessfully .overcame by hiiu than by :guy of his :itiCCßii,or9. t y % Wh i atiever this inventimi is Worth, it iv now s „ , ...i.: - .. free, Ihe exclusive right of the inventor having r the long here expired. Ile watches with considen, ntry. tile iiderett lira triumph If his theory, and the i ' . it realltlatitill Of his predictions, and is content to tons take iris place in that long list of men who have Mee struck out great principles, without reaping any and except disappointment nod vexation of Tor FAF.N.,fI PR'4II,ENT n PRIAIIAg port that the French Prosideut intend d to England, on the mmesidn of the forth. mine libition 10 erroneous. I a special low of coustitulion I e.io foibidden to leave t co. In 3 conversation with an Euglisli.ge time is said be thus tipokr4--lily portion. is cm —ihreo years age,-1 Fos not allow '.to France; now '1 tun not permitted tod - e.it.' IYe have no such foolish law, and ur dent can go if he pleas elms ,he live 4• iv sides'his elpremed determination, : an go, presence there, no an,Fabodirtient'of .e re liennisarof this catty, wonld hove hopir. foci upon both he phone. As a man • fibre to take rank with I the best of th. Enrol riders; andms a plainiepublican, be odd them eomothing they over 13.117 befo • The /tap& Commit:la4nd:doh is jthdert to speak As much.by authority- ;IS y popeo the country, in regard to the riewsuf the Na• Clonal Administntiob says, that," z ero cannot be any doubt of the isountineas of t e !rims. of Ger. Fish, (the defeated Whig condi to for Sun • titer in For York,) lit regard to the great ques tions 4.tatlug, the country, and be st that bill . fiking, the day l of another el tion vil , ease be introduced into the Letisle a an' ta. into alas." Wel trust so, too, tl fen hope thar our Whig fe ll owcitilens, • New Will etriee to come to some nmiesbi s ettler before . they . becomq totally eliennt d fear other. \fobeg leave to direct the attend n of pi visiting to. make investments in yid able n tate, to the adv+einent of, taut J 1 onother column. The pr perty is.situ3ted in )lass lion, Ohio, on .e Ohio which b Soon to be brought wi fnor ho Pittsburgh by the completion o the Ohl. Ponitsylvanin Railroad. `. All bat is said advertisement in relation to the 1 Mtn property offend, 4o have every re son to t to be correct. . . Tor STINIER 4 TLASTIC.-01. ' e day the Atlantic4Maed from New Yor thelar Capt. West Lad. ele. 'whole of th Sc app thoroughlY,',uaorliMiled and pot i. p c It lathe maStatardso to try , this : parnnu day, scr thatit ma always be in • ood con This raiders tbd destructionpf r e :lip, almost imp:ran:ie. The ship( Ic en she from Liverpool, wAS prvvisioned for ninetj 'which removes all fear of a lack of peso • At the Mores,' it: which island many , !y e Atlantic to have gone, h alt 'ough th abundance of coal therp,y!t the oda of —by . means of i esters -1s so :how, would require tennr incise ikty for reel astir: Atlantic to take on board- r ply to brinkber'ly Nev York,-- ' . ,~~a y . ;~;. ~. ;. SCREW PROGILESS.—The London press takes tlid opportunity of the starting of the steam screw ship Bosphorus, with a mail,jo the Cape 'of C,Ood Trope, to comment upon flltr rapid pro gress which the ecrew propeller has made of late years in superseding the paddle wheel. It woo Crolnmetteed only in 1837, and has so rapidly el- Atuaded itself, and carries goods and passengers from Lirerpool to New ce c York, Alerandria and Constantinople, so much cheaper, and with so much punctuality and speed, that the mail it v racts, are erneam ! era which are subsidized by large ont goment, ' grants bathe shape of post offi laying down screw propellers auxiliary to their paddle boats. Ono of the must scientific and practical men ill England testitipl that it is cheaper to sail a screw steamer than writing ship: in a given voyage—keeping up, in ell weather, the average speed ore paddle stemn er, and again, that the screw mikes the com poundsprpl steam and wind, owl makes a fair wind out ur twenty f o ur points of the compass. The Bosphorus is bound for Itulia—her first stretch will he to the. tape of 94,1 Ilmw, he-' yond there will he the first trial of the trade winds, and it is anticipated that she still make the shortest tool most profitable voye ever known. It testified, before a committee of the House if Lords, that it is cheaper to 'ail a screw steamer than a contmOtt sailing ship, 00 the same voyage. The London holes anticipates that screw pro pellers will Stale supersede paddle wheel boats iu the ntail omtraefs. and that tilt entirely new era of cheap Strain navigation is alma to Inc opened. Seems years before the date above mentioned. the screw propeller wan invented and put in successful oiwration in Pittsburgh bytti young man who then resided in a neighborinecounty Ills boat was of same thirty tons, built in the form of a canal bout. Iris engine was small—La' inen cylinder by IS inch stroke, Ile hod two propel lers—one under each quarter. The blades in the propellers were so arranged as to cause each to impinge upon the water in a new 'place, thus preventing the interference of one blade with an other, all advantage which bal. lint been so-fully ..secured by any subsequent inventor. . Notwithstanding the power was so dispropor tionate, be made four miles ad hour, ascending the Allegheny easily, opposite this city. Alto gether its performance quite equalled his own ,pectatiou, and exceeded that of every body else. • 'Chinking every Irani satisfactorily establish ed 1m tothe efficiency of the 1100, and being se cured by letters patent, he went to , Fhiludephia. When there,. he was immediately referred to the Franklin Institute but that institution had al ready disposed of it, in the notice of the speci fication in the patent office published in its Jour nal. We copy a part of the notice. From the Journal of d✓ Franklin Instifta, Jor September, 18.30, p. 149. Ms ~ - 01111 BOWL TABLE. ilia- - ..,-- . "AnTairresres in Attires, doting a tour h of e i s two years through that country.' fly Major W. 44 ,. COPLIRAZLIS lIAIISLI9, of the HOD. East Italia show Coxojiany's Engineers, author of ..Tfild Sports in SMitheni Africa." From the tenth London mil • tiost„) revised:and corrected." Philadelphia; T. stood B. Peterson. in ',This is an entertaining and instructive book, '- full Uf hackle:its andlifortantion. It includes tra;rels . from' the shores of India to Cape Aden; ii4ovigh."Abyssinia; Ascent of ithe Abyssinian Allisi 4 the Gulf of Arabia;' march along the great Salt iahinithe Source of the Reys of the Nile: the Eingdorc; , of. Shod; Various Excursions in by Ethiopia; , Abyssinian : vita and practices, and :1 4. Social and Moral Condition, se., Sc.— formin g surly altogether one of the most readable and York, instreetlvo books Hof modern times. For sale ..t, bhomes,',l i es, at h.i„.l_Literary Dept, Third street, each opposite the Posta:flee. --..-----..-- an Ctssitssz's Ms.u.sitoc, for March. is 311- e 3d ° eraoah our sable. It is without plates, bet .embelish-' .e t a ed with' several wood cuts, illustrutite ''of the A iwa, subjects trusted of. There are no less than fifty Offered eltriginal articles+ in the number before us, from Canal; the pew of gifted American authors, for which ours of Was paid $1,500. It contains 144 - pages, the io and same number ea Ilarpees Magazine; but the i n t h e difference between the two is, .that the metier of t h e for the Harpers' is selected, mostly from foreign toile, peziodicals, while Graham's Magazine is filled with original matter from the pens of American authors, and shop' therefore reteive the. eti before, ccnragement due to the rewarder and patron of t lime, American literature and genius. For our p 9 1 .... lito this number of Grahain'e Magazine bottei t order. than those with less matter and more ezirensive s every .ditios embellishments, said we hope the uuterpririait by fire publisher Will give us frequent surprises of the wiled kind., p Bath.—The scbooner Union Capt. Noilb I arrived 'at'New Orleans on the 2Gth uIL, from St- 'Lucia, one of the wesiwOrd West India Is lanib.! The keel of tbellnion wan laid a moti .moie: 117 ilari ago, rduct which time sbe Lay Anion built, rigged, and taken , n full cargo to St. .bacia and' returned to Neer Orleans, baying sailed distance of 4000 miles. Winne • uppo.a ere, et gut it flE=l ~... ._ - _ , IWTIRESTISfi CIiSIS In TUE Se,PWT,INE COMM o n i tete Marren Srarea.—The Tlarisbirgh ; ' Mniki l" - gives the followik'es the decision of the Su preme Court in a late ease heard before it : On the Ist ufsFebrunu, 1843, Messrs: Butler, Overfield, and Reynolds were appointed Vann' Commissioners of Pennsylvania, for the term of one year, at a salary of four dollars a dig. At 1 that time the power of appointment, in pursu ance of the act of the 28th January, 18-35. Was \ -vested in the Executive, and the term of nervier and pay were fixed as before . mentioned. • 1 On the 18th April, 1E43, consequently within the peabEl for which those gentlemen wen' cam mis,inned, an act was passed by the, Legislature providing, foi the election of Canal Commi..i.m er, reducing the salary to three dollars a day, and nominating the second Tuesday of January next following, as the time when the official het, of the then Board 4toubl terminate Nlessrs. Butler, t Iverfielil and itrynelda, 3 0 01 went then in office, iienieVtlie eonatitutionafity of th e act of 18-13 and alleged, that as they had been appointed for, a gear, at 3 fixe.l critaiwnwttion, and at a great ancritice hail- aliainlone I heir private. Ini,ine, to serve the public. their "LalAry could nut he ri,liire.l within the time fot aloe!, they were ••oninte-ioned. with..ot 3 . tliSllnttil of the cohtract. .k, ..- tin the part of the Commonwealth. It wav con nllOll that the office•ofCnual Cummiavionet was he creature of Dor Legodatore, deleaatble awl nbordinate to their will. That the,civices endeital by three utficrr, did MA partake of the utture of coutract.. and that all commie:don❑ except those'relating to the .I;idiciary contain v ll the implied constitutional revery:oton, that the people could at any time-•through their Represent:dlr.—reduce or grtduate the tees of the officer, or reform or abolish %betake. he The case was argued by the Honorable dam, 111. Porter-for the late ltoard of Canal Commis sioneN, and by Hamilton Itrick,, Esq., fur the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The opinion of the Supreme Court of the Uni ted %Mates was delivered by the . llon. Mr_ .Iktiee Daniels, affirming the Judguient of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; aml Ana: ti tt lug the coo t stitutionality of the act of Intl% April, 1b43. Now Untinsa --A Ik ushington correspondent of thu New York 'Tribune w rite, •• It appeal, by letters from New Orleans., from Loth private and 1111141 e tIIV four jurymen who stood Out against the conviction of Gen. Henderson of tlir.fact of itttrchasittg the Creole and totting part in the Expedition against Cllll3, did so under imput,e of •higher convictions It will he remembered that the purchase of the emote, the pytoeut of 0114 1 in cash, and the Intoner in his own 1101 , .. V. Mb distinctly and titiarniably proved against Gen. Henderson. The jurors hail sworn to find a ver dict according to the facto. Tight of 'them now no escape from a verdict of convictio—tbe other four refused to agree 'flier , ' four n gentlemen now say that they had 110 doubt of the partici pation of the Roswell, hint they would not coin Tint, ferny, tioai oppror4 of the o bject e f th e En ,ttbject twitter upon which they were not of course called upon to give nn opinion This if. rather 'Higher Law' than Gov. Seward was accused of incfileating, It 'no moped that on the second trial nnw pending sigainst the able jury tim he composed of wiser and more honest men than those who.have thus disgraced the jury hes_" , -- - - Tht .-I t ft.tilingtem correspondent of the Phila delphia Public Ledger sac% than Mr. "(loch:man, Mr. Dallas. and Mr Walker, are in this city ac tively engaged in endeavoring to defeat any set• tlement of thetarilf question. If this bo so. it is singular that tho wor.t enemies of tho great in • Wrests of Pennsylvania should so uniformly hr found among-her own sous. The writer of the celebrated Ratio letter. by which the people of Pennsylvania wore to he taught that Mr. Polk WU, a better taritl man - than dlr, Clay,'wus a Philadelphian. Mr. Walker. the author of the present revenue e ptem, untie 'which no large it portion of tie mines and-fu laces of the State have been rioted. and to moo of her poople ruined, is .a .Penneylvaniat . ..iir Doll., who ave his dieting vote to I, of this bill, lAA OILS took upon himself the to pon.ibiaty for the passage of the ,lute. 1. a Ptnusylvaniao. Mr. Bnehannn, who it rrpre.ented to be now ac tively engage , ' in preventing tiny alter.itiou of the .y s t c m, i. a nother. We could mention immetous other cases. hat these will probably suffice for the present. What, however, rippeitrs to mi. more remarka ble, is this. The•ohleet of Arose Pennselvattions ' in Ow pursuing a coarse of policy tending to weaken their own Statesntlile_strey its inhuenco, is the cormiliation.gf_the most ultra periasr." .'Ettitith, .an yet t'Siiiith is directlrisAherri ted ill strengthening-that State, idwaya the fast frienii. at the Upien anti of themselves. Thtre2'n't ' Policy trod. to strengthen their. C.C2RiCA-41..W.1. weaken their friends, and yet mossy of thrZ w. seen ._ry.wai.nr .Figs- cllttrftb Fail.iisit;"r:..llntain 'We ttuot that MM., el our P .... theta W hig pill allow themselves' to be found lending id .townrils the prostration Of their best 'evlnt olthough Petto.ylvania lots In often t lending hot .upport to the 0101iltil,t. .her anon brat interests.—E. - 11T, agreed upon and pursued by the ftamooratic mid Free Soil parties of nmetts, in relation to Unite tat d Ses Sen• /. - rod/teed reliOnLolde /rote of (Mug , p es Ave , not only Om. for faile.l entirely to Senator for the to/st eon:fres, but looda 4/1 0, to mot, :k V3Vattl chair in the I one. Ifs cat,ing the election of Mr. , to 10/ tiontitdl I', the Senate, Mr. Si in duty to retire Maltose apparent. blootte OA that, after receiiing, from the llownr the Stoic Mr. Pototours credentials, Mr. , Immid to present them. That act of tlin dor vas, of itself, evidence to Mr. W. that bad either accepted, '.r hod ,salt befo,r oreTt. At all evento. Mr. W . mthrup bail sz to do with Mr. Ituntotir a ncceptant.,— nient that the Senate was ufheially non l otn the El/mobilo of Out State, that the Ogre fool filled the yamtocy, Mr. W. could Ith propriety. it crews to Ely, do otherwiee naliro If :V nite:tlit 41311 : tr , left, the res +ffility of I/toting the State unrepresenital, st /eat 1110/11 the coalition Ilownior, who by ndit g Mr. It.'s credentials I. the flenote, gave mam-ince of his Acceptance. Thil extraordinary cilln1111+1:111r , attending the dectibn of Mr. Ftautoul• and the act of ,vuding, bin crndentials to Mr. Winthrop instead of to Mr It galre rise to much dismission in the/Senate.- Therd tom n difference of opinion os to dm con amponpres which should now from this act of the Ilovernorz but thd best judgment seemed' to be, as ddelarcal by the President of the Senate in giving Ilia yiewa, that ''Ay the Presiding; Officer, be could not recognize the right of the honorable Senator from M a ssoclin-etty to bold his vent longitr Nal. Int . Th m' tied f I p I 11... 04 RA11".0. -- No r How to Ilarr,7lnorg —We perceive by the adver tisement of Ito. General Superintendent, that the - York and Cumberland :Railroad forming a new and expeditious route. to Harrisburg, is tftkw in sttec4ssful operation, and we learn that quite a fine business has been transacted on it during the past week, giving promise of becoming a most popillar route for travel and freight. The freight tag business is quite large, and we learn that its effects has already been...felt on the Baltimore and SusSmehanna Road, on which, in addition to the three passenger trains, five long and heavy bur then trains passeach-way daily. gr. Jas. Wilson agent of the Bingham' Rne, received on Friday . laat 3 ftoo bushels of corn, being the first shipment of 12,000 bushels for one house in the Cumber hand valley. Thefirst regular freight train on that day came through from Chambersbnrg to Baltimore in 13 hours.—Bolt. Son. ICDHISMON OF SCHLESWIG 110LSTET21.—This act, so long looked Tor is at last consuroma- ted. • The Federal Commimioners delivered, on the fith alt. the .ummoes•of the German Diet to the Chitinber of Itepretentativen sitting at Kiel.— The debate Iris stormy. It commenced on the evening of the-10th ultimo at hall pant eight, find continuml until half past fire neat FOity-9eVen members against twenty-eight re- Pol,ved toAubmit to the conditions imposed by the The principal of thee,' are the immediate ie oldtion of the Chamber of Representative , the abhndonment by the :51:hit:swig-Holstein army of aE its positions on the Eider, and thr disband ing of two thirds of thnt army. On the point of the occupntion of the for , ir4,tsses of Bendsbourgh and Frtnierishort , by the ortny of the tine hies, .correspondents dn. not agree. 'PESBrs ReTemes.—The Washington Repub lia statre that complete returns have been reeeiv eclat the Census Officafrom eight of the State a s, to! wit: Maine, New Hampshire, ermont, S ate s, sakhusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and from the Territory of Minneso te, and that partial returns have been received frbm all the rest of the States and Territories, en ! c..t. California and Oregon. -..-----...---',-- ' TIII6 SLAVE TilADt.-A correspondent of the New York express, writing from. Havana., Mateo tot during o recent period of four week, 1,400 slaves had been import ed into Cuba from Africa. This is in violation aith:the existing treaty with igland, and the United States, in respect to the .• aye trade, and the writer adds that it is done 'frith OA knowledge and connivance of Ike Capt. cieneral. . Whrn I,irt4t 0' Bri,s Vll5 blown up in the mul thrown on bo,rd the Admiinl, nil Chich. and Wet, Ir enid m the rom u t onolor, with !pfrnatlarlSy, ^ 1 hope, rir , you will curie my dirty nPPenruneo, far I letl We t o prrat i hurry that 1 had not time t etinugo my frees." reCrutlipasaail dal aim a laW. Will to - Th e f u lkririwi bill, whit% Legirluture of Illiaoi and - read with mtervit just wuw A an Art to:PruFeln liettultog of Iwo, e P.-ople of the State . Getzeirtl all, by himself or age any wine, rum. .er vinous, epiritous, quantity than one. I ell. or exchringe the by any quantity, and any house. tavern, e:1 or other building cm. shall. on enovic e twenty-tire 1911 a . ibe aforesaid liquors .t s e , 1, Br tt ettarted of Minors +lr./lewd id th That every person who a. agent. bErter, cell, or each hrundy, gin, whit , key, or ot: or mined liquor+ by a I quart, or who Shall barter. raid liquors. or any of Omni ender them to be drank ;tore. uroseq. out house, e j tterutoetLEY lon, her. or .! tom. he hoedforevery Beul The giritut n try ~f t 11w purvonv as' onaliit: .1.11 eau:A.ll,l . „r ad •• ,ec L Every petrol ,11 giv in the tir4 sernon r tln n .tr righter m dar nel, be tin. a ny of the Ityl", 004 art to tin) . prr-.m -11111. 1111 os . m tiot lew r Ilytot one Itillidred ior ,Ilanri,r) ttin thirty .1"Ilar, no 41.11 a, r.mixim.4l in art. of Ikeretnfoire. I.ern 11.111.1 rt,..1.1., per ,,, n , to liceb grlkuivti n proviled fur tnny men, in any court Ina Thr hr recovet 4,1 I..ithrr 11 int] flenee. or Icy nctioott people of the State of Ilse pen, of the p tug juristlicioto of suo debt to the mono 4 , 1 Illinois before any justi per See 4. The provisit tend to druggists or it pi,- away any tii the for purely inedwinal, purpses. S e : The cirt4 1111i1VS in 1111.1 Shute 0,41 ill charge lb to the grand jury at court. Fee ti. All laws atid4atist of laws authorizing lioeuse to Ito grunted to i keep groceries or of Tit, spirititus, or mixed liquors, are horohy re peeled. and the prisions to! . this net shell ettond to all incorporated ov cilits or towns in this State, anything their chat - hers to the c ontrary not u.ithstanliug Sec. i All fines colliited motor the provisions 01 this not shall ton poi into the proper coon ty treasury mud sot apart as a fond for the sup . port of pampers - in thcicouttly in which the saute shall lie collectod. of ilxim net Anti not t. siciato ,vho :Adi roll • • id !knot, in gokni Gait cionkicni or vacrament. cnurtn or the i,everu. nll gi.e or curt. to lo I ; ro n vi . s g t: i tz . ' t o ein c r r li thin nc Furc TRAM.: IN 4117:r itrrrotts —A cur lesponclent Intellig,oucur ob 'cc, es . -- .lecoriling to the hides l erompati)ittg tie re port of the Secretary of the Tiezedary, the ex ports of tobacco for the year eliding July I, 1850, amounted t o 10t.501 hogiiheade, valued at *5,604.207. Of theee 21,017 hogshead. were exported to Great Britain they value, of of which is put down at _tit.771,0 0 0. 'The duty in Great Britain _l.Wng three shillings gerlingker lb, or 3b . ellr ..c . Fie) per lionstleitiOhnt country collected and will collect, when the whole is takenout of bond for consumption. 6S - 7,000, which Pure in about the annual reve nue the kingdom derives from the duty levitsl on a portion of the products of come hull doom of tho States in this Union. This is free trod.' in Great Britaird And we reciprocate it he pert mitting her to food the eountre with her girds at the e xpense of our own induetriel Toe suits. Inunro'wff umecxen STEAMER• . ._ The wreck of e (teenier was seen nn the 30th ult., nff Care , Ilarteres. by Cert. Rhoades. of tine .eheoner IVorcester, arrived at Save:man • The hull W. 1., .tnk to the minter's edge ElMgant furs litlllre was fleeting abnitt, and he ,listingui.hed, anion; other things, a board painted white, with e Lane pion: painted on it, ,mrrounded by n line nt gilded (tars. It has been thought that this al, the steamer .Vinerie.e. liwni Philadelphia for ' , labile, before, reported lost. It will be (eon by our Illiladelnln. , letter, bewover, thee the Cep- min a l ine Autcreta, wit.. lied arrived there r id ~0,. „,- the er..r. says he hanfno such time pice on board.. and t. acinnen esnress.qi by th e 11 11- wielphie Peilletie, th-tt the wreck Sir. pr.lbably I that of the Cherol,c, which ran between Serie.. ..a t : „.„1 ...‘,7„,„„. hark. .it i. known. .I.e left N'ellr I orl.. with 17tUt.w.wa..C.20,.... ,for eheget,. on Terre I tiny. the . 2.it tut.. *Test) would have made p.sr 1 ,i,„ „ff If,, ran nn iVedneadnyilight.. Strang. l'romet.htet. ad FeleTt, nlso, wile," 'fork Trir ebe,sszse pet nu kinnay,,,,.. 15 % think, hewer°, the probabilfa,. ore r tretikrnt deg the week • seen ems data , the Amerielye thalgpinion e r xteram - wri i e'eontrery noteltbsidseling ex' • • Par:roarer Frtttiont —ltso rantSer—Tpx 1 POI,LARrf or Ills AII,O,II4IIIArION }L— T ".• Itlplgxticalb mlint tv'e raid tits ntlaT thnt o f the frowned Adminiztrttion etre wore encounter denunciation thort.th eof any other ndminhttra ' lion Unit lam teriotedi in this .rnurdry within the tart twenty-air year" ! Even the Detunt - rnt:z or gnna genernly. and. Mum, unitettaity. speak of the Aillitini-trat , iott with treat re•pnet Washitmnot Pomo. the ventral di ' ' • says: 'ill!. mon!, Preddeut F'dlntore km, ro far been getter -Illy commended. - Indeed, t,o for go we know., the Lemorille Domnerat to ahretat the only paper that lee,,pAken of the Aoltuisll-I,t -lion with tli,re-ipeet on rietuperati , m —Fran, I,,,tvrille‘ Ky.) Journal. • The New In-Irani t ltulletin, in speaking of the recent rtraintamt iltent•tere at the South and on Western rivera, say. that a large majority of the liven that loot been Ina might Iw fe been raced had every laely fin board the 6 wrected bolt 10,n provided with a proper Explo, ri.n, and conflagrations are woolly the immedi ate caw, of death to no few individuals, but in the alann or the moment, numbera reeklevidy jiimp userfamril rind are droweed, ur perish in attempting to eacape from the burning or sink ing wreck . With n prop, life-preserver drown ing in thin way wuttld lie effectually prevented The Iticlitnond Emplirer descrihea an intand ono ~,, owitig nmeliitie. which is operaticin at Itnatilfa mill. to is the invention of Mr. D. Sounder, of Virginia. The Enquirer sage II to very :pimple, and effective cleaning the. both,' wheat A VILL3LLILLI proplumal by a ro tary fotpoort by mere auction'Of die wont may . bethe imperfect grains ant canted up a tido• and down a reservoir, moll the good graitio fall to the ground. Mr. liaaull says that its op eration is worth 15 per CELLI. ILL alo lualtel—nod be recommends that all farniers eh/mid obtain them. en,set. , of Maryland --There having Leen a slight tleerepanoy W the returns, as publishol, of he eectsus.of ?tlarylatl, the Washinitou (Union, has oentined from the t'ensus of an official report shoniug the following t0t,114:--Wbße pop ulation, -12.911:59 free colored, .1'3,622 ; slave t 10,353; total 503,0C1. The nhotematlation iu 1040 vlns 467,567, Wowing the inerefieo Wiring We past 10 ywrs as 1111,4,19. nf is, bil-reeding Carr', of Scott county, Indiana,' died on the 12th ult., in him 90th year. lie 'creed an anntician an der Benedict Arnold ; 9.1, him terwardm in ihe ship Vulture; witneroed the execution of Andre, the spy, and the surrender of Cornwallis, the British General. The steamer Virginia, tbiptain Teal, the pion eer of the new line between Richmond; 'Baltimore andtbiladelphia, reached the wharf at Richmond 11 on Friday morning, with a large freight for Rich—l mobil. Thirty-five passenger; have already en— gaged teethe for Philadelphia—fete 88--and bozo of manufactured tobacco were rapidly low ered in the hold for Philadelphia. She mill %T -rani to Philadelphia to-day. The ',Warner mode trip down the river on Friday, with n large party of the citizens of Richmond, w h o p a ced ret.olutions welcoming het an the pioneet or a profitable commercial interceurthotith the State I of l'ebarylrenitt: • Death of a Vrneratir Clergyman. .Dr. 'Wm. MeWhir, a Presbyterian Clergymen, aged 92. died in Liberty County, Geo., lately, lin wt.. an Irishman by dumb, about 1783 Fettled at Alnzan dria, Va.. where he taught scam& lle was often the inmate of Gen. Washington'a house, at Mount Vernon, and was also the instructor of two of the General's nephew.. bile name has leng . been at.sociated with public instruction in Ouargla:, A dodge of /e•.—During the inetny told of lavt night, the river between Governor's JsLind and the city was completely frozen over. The ice woo so thick that several of the sloopo were unable to reachthe llll,,, and were compelled to land their paymengers on the ice. who made their way in perfect safet3 , to tirra lama. This we believe, Is the first time the rivet , has been frozen over for several years—Sac Y o rk Prod fob. T. Citizen's Insurance Company of littsbargb. "IyiNCOURAG E HOME INSTITUTION'. Oft,. No. 41 Water .trret. In the +archon. , of C. It ti 'T li. lIVVIII . , Pte,lllent ...... A. IV, Matte, Feel. ' Tbl. Comparil le no. neetemel tn Mem* ill ninerhandl. Iv eke, and In trannitu. en...el, ctn. i An amulc guaranty foe the atelity ard lokeeks of t 14 tOtilltlll./. te taunted In the ehuruccor 44 OW Incrctors, 'rho are ill di11.... of Pburgla. •ell and tamable known to the community for their prude:no:, intelligence , "" d =U. Ihreser, Wm. B.gbley. Rm. t..4-I=4, s Wilke Lieeant, M uch U. King, Edward Ilraielton. -.kin Illwortb..i. 11. batten. !e Nt. Klee. 01 , .Y 1 . r, • European Agency. •• Thu pullePriber lanais !Pit. tha principal Mira of, triaat Britain, Franaa, and Germany. during tb. ~,,,,,thpos Al , &. gar; Ina ~.. nat. I.•rini: rririliargh . Maarefi : 1; lb. goal Pill fa. pleriall l“ Wend tom. a,,,,,,,, „f . ~„,., rintaa rturacia7 Irlllolk 1.4.11 be wadded to W. care janl,ltriall JtALN D. DAVI& Desirable Suburban itesidenee. for Sale/ Trth'eubserithr Dien. foe lliht the hair and .gronints where he now resides, entrain! on Park street, bell. Tre. moot. bit kilegbetth. and about mireates . .walk (two the tosrlist ofthls city. The lorls 110101 - tenth oo Park ot4 rimming back feet, to in alley—courant/Su: nearly nue arth . fantod. thd & lwersted 0 artery eide hylarre open Jot, adorned with ernes and ehrttthrnT . The home is nthril Was, Wu", and exteadltlel rdl arratst•dt Caring • (mat of SO feet, thd a deptkof tool contains fourteen ems.. besides tulle rave Rot etide. It 14 halt In the beet and most durable tawnier, and has • gm -proof roof. ail contain* ell the modern couverdenees. Two pumps. with unfailing thtyyly of heel and seawater, ism at the door. en the premises are the necessary Ott Wilding., noble, Writhe Ironic, Or. The groan& an laid but mostly as n covered with choice holt troes.everithents. flowering s hrub., e t trrauta, gmberrie, ran.berries• te., and • .mall gsrden. The fruit it of the beet kind, and the trees ate to their mires. and yield .I:Knuth fisr the v•titt of an errata., (stagily. The situation of this property. as to salubrity .tab rumble...l with contninitY to the int, ie surfisesed to any residence to this WititatV. It has dew of the Ohio River fur over .• mile, of Teteperanee. ,ok, F o ot', Pintburgh, the city, the two rivers. and the wood. forumug albs:abet a panoramic 40. ere et of • bieb the .5. never wearies kren boat which enter, or departs fnum the Pittibunsh on the Ohio, mew, ill foil 0504. rtttittetto . Aultntuutt. ent •Ito courfiletei3 rerouted from .10 nut tau, of duet, destructive o e,.1 , ,r0 sod tegetation. end alionle a. retirement so tttlbt. Itte , t rittn • ttli 2..• It ItA,lmi ItittoliVe.ittit t t rook 114 the mutat') property will be ;old at bargain. rani tames-11Am give, 01,4 first of April. Matinee at oinee. .11fitatD. N. IVIIITE. _ _ that u LII4II fall oil by the liituse of Ileury ,ery I,a eoudillu, eitta athee4 le bad roklier ha the Hnti.h oen/lle. Ile ws , llv.n one .4 the 1.0 l lloridUilo la L.cilles, mut had the could ailonl. I,ot could 11.0 Le n saul vea, di:charged ue /..rur.b l .. I trl le anl unich ramill the Vetiuleitui. I lli‘mght ...Lila .. of it Oa. wen. I gut 1001 a khan bottle of Ih • whirh cured We," well sod maw". ,or, of oli. 1111 l Alb to 1.• goal:Sell to 111,1 IrSI.II of lho Abu a Ile abovo numb.alwul ttl. Any m.. I AIAY r.,to do, nod my unidltlorr eau D•ralf, 1111311 . 1111 Y JO:Yr-S. f'rcat, Denver ht, Oct. A. 1.A.4 h , r ‘Alv by Kor...r 144 W,AI 5•11..r0. :,Y 11. A. Valloi.nork, CA. flat ‘l,ul and Elt.la D Curry. D. A. BILtI 11, P. Sellwarts_ )1114ebiql,, Alpo by the ik 1. r. M. KIEK, &Modal. Usual Merin. Moroolli at. l'ilhborAb tamale , ant loymidabh• character of db.ea....e otionntftm lu n dinemwd elate of We. laver, Lisa Inn elks& bag...l theattention of m.-Healmeti7 dome of the"... die ea,e, v1x...1 muter the4;enral terftbuf amount ptiuu, hare I.lueurable, sod the traharm lannutt aro , al. low , l h, U. oaf tmediral eeleure beim, enabled to otter him. a hope of met.ver, 114tolly Illri.o run h.,' be o + o A retard> ha. levo fouud which will cure all llavw nomfabant, to whatever character. arb.hmn from dere. , meat of , th liver. The dbrmeetvd by lA, act.sze. c.f birgtaia *Ol threctly ott the boar. mu] by carreelml Its ovemtioua 'melt) lug it . frum duel Ye. railand eallr. patea thonuruplalut. that have their ortalu In the dives , . .1 MI. bruao Remedios hillivito for then. dines have Win! to ota.rah utam the ,•-al ol the dine 1.116 make theumelsea'fat 011011 a, 111,11. 1 0 the herr, ittal by aramiag the fountain tins ate the ital. Ammo of dianVe which therm. derive tlivit . raistanna tab. Id J. KIDD CO. • Nu. 111 **wit et Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, ~WILSON & CO., N0.:129 Wood Street, lIATE novr A MI and mmpleteetoetof FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, Suitable for the eprinitratte. autt abieh are Mims , to offer to reha reat se the tha N t let/I eelloPare taeonuutettles. IlantrAte and Foreign Exchange, Bank Noma, Gotd Banght,'So!d t Exchanged • . nis EXCHANGE AND - HANKING HOUSE WM: A. HILL & CO, No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. trlrt - 11OPARTNERSUIP-=No have associakA wto rllonllo , ROL, tole effeblco of dm Iforsocrff Bank. who • ill olee.Ar kerloll3l Oktikun to the Outfit... , The ttf - le or the Crto mashy. ar , beretamo. falff ► t • EXCHANGE AND BANKING . EDUSE (Iv A. WILKINS & CO., Corner of Third and Market ata, Pittatigh. • DIED. tru ,rntrrelie. Fedruar. Ltat. at two o'rlort In the If tore.oon. wdi, of Mr. Iterce C. Flerson. in the 371 h wnal . M hor 0220. duo fl.n-:01.111 tato ,dwoo lIIW allernonn at ono frdn too lata mantoiwo In Mond:own,. and will prooord to lb. !Mech.," Coni•terr. 1 .4 1 ,.. fri , RE- - The Rev'. Sproul will d liver. . ..tno. {l3, Wr.llflifiM, Union Unwary AlkYh So. tiw L '! ) ° q• " 1 "11.tir" • 42-'....eLme. 185'': ligal , Boat . Nnters sad Trturißaters. , ,6 g i rdi g N6wriAD.:* , - pe L ltiT i gtz., hrlion ',cal eel: wty ,,. .tr , :rocriJ ohnstown , I ll ' iit t i l' : 'oralilttoorst to r4tabornh - 11 hoar. ' '''' ...., 'OlOO ' 3"ErAeaR a rottsrtn z ii..." 5 ") g„ !K for Captalista and "lands°- turots. " : :',i, andern rued being agent fur tho oern ril ‘lttra la do a nunt . ir ,,,,, r vi , x1 ,0, 1 ., .. nerd .m.r.B ~... ...r•trz.,,„,7:::.tia1:.1 Ida tin tori h,„, kirria. I..l.lY,'."ll.47liT,l.TaTittiriiii4le,,l,oxiiilat thrat,b ...!...-4,-....-;..7.—exr , — , lad, oil iii, 0-'ri•ona ii of s ,„ , of kettiti ror oldct any idarnida. ani d0d0... , id .frts..l,"a2. ' ,ln ." ! I;yl„l"zr7fiTeot;ft r;?ltti'thjy"'olPtil'ity=l:lll ova di% ..... I d o wril so Ino lar t io tor tradpirtancin of ' '''r o'kh'St'atiltr' ' i:=l Oh t '' ' 4 '. 4,1°.; oi ..d. 1.. Inpolup d ittor at nt o , 11..41 .40 1., idoeilrf 4.-eriptstidwhah 1., now aff,,a) i-I to Ow St a. torl. r0...1, ..„ ...cr.l on idoretl dd. ink vicinity of the add Ititilid, uo abaoldioi.ii t of .714 &erre( esornrot nos La :n 4 laial.lfttut betatton tn., Canal and Rallood, ad ali to bait a Ind trinv the LAU, a lot of shoat dna aerrk ntaiinftta Id Natlninil Dopot.aliad one ide of did. ttoi pare pads adore tern kiitia, stmetn of the town Flo -41 ii.opri air 4 drrbdt. wilt do .en to look at this L.r "" th " . r"r a '''''l l l'iu .1 b.,r, a ....,rit , ..l ~.T, Z, ' ' '„,':"',...:17 breny :id rwrintr). iii ai wril t,....•0N . u. t it le .1......1 au u.,y-rady to do lorry tad 'n.6 r to It to {dam all ad with UP Tilt .watd investments. to all ad radio. Ode poop,. lniltionatatda and Idii oral.. nitro it droienl ifon Andrew Cl. Lords iin4 Jokinta 11.nid. 14./ a r.t.i.rull. .1110 r. t.i....4 1 .0 P LINIItiIIT JAM lii ;broil.. Ee..,Lli.vik,,,,.,T.:zid''',„, . aT o ‘ t !,-.fx,,,g.',1'4d . ,i1 , ~...,, A'7.-iii,„,.,,,,..., '6l 4NOlt. ItENT--One htrge three xtury 2 ill• 1411 k We.. mod gar.. -110 ,14 . 1 "0 the nand. or orti av 4 Want y to-of'. Unbind In nosh rn otilo, aid, la 1 furl cold Id., ad likliid with goo, rioter Art !i"Alit'„l'''ltytotrlr!'ird".' I'o 7All '. litr }MIT , ~;,''''' 11. M ARAtte r 1,11:411 41 fat rt- aittabonai t.liiurnal root ) ..- • 14' 1 4 IK RENT- -The Wan.houee No 26 . 2 I 000 . 1 errs. i. from 111 April. For brook Inquire .^ on the porold 6bl l - 411t F rut; insToal ON' I'EIN DENNIS, No. t;, 1,, tld I.3loitaray ad th e iftvonli herk.bacw, or tit° fiord. aliktod of thr Canal of duo Sisto at rntli, by Al tad, Indus, t'. ba n r. , .I. and for do 1101.Stn4 Litarar, !mut. No 1 .... 4 'Mint .1. febl3 KW BONN BTS--Slurithy it Burchfield INlda op•n tilioalnirilina ecTerat num ul Now'atidnit ni 1., coo did of !mad la lithdaton Chin. flundan. Thos hail and Vara, titnlanalned lutlainir..Jotny Loi. au I Alla. Coliora ind Milan. Aliiinine Lottago t I, ita Hark to r . 1 10 0 1 01 . do Anicridi lioirl, Farlykr. rei ' lal .ml aintrl. Y dlbit, Lutd, rblp atal Drinatalat Alno 11irrini nod tailli , lan4 Vostr , li 41 , 1ratietzoraly. 1 7, - ,7, !Itiajlth'irLti I,i ' iaii ru., :34. ~.... ta4 .0. 1. 1 10 rant. Ile, tkiritira. Mix., l hien Pearl. Loglitatk sr bid i 11V ATI 00 T Stills,,ll,.olt4l—The IVattr calkWAin , iir a e 4gc.,...a..1 b r . wo., raumt 'lad Book of Hydroid/kr lot i rofrwidat otnt lafittrati r uo by tkr. %%dm ~ nP.aa ell 'we illuxtr:i!ifiTtruierizit nrctfti trAthord Johturt.t. Frlig? t.rTLlPZirognaOhl:tienithtibUbe;tlll:ol, k 1 Di Tile *bora wort! , airr , wale by It C. STipCKTO s i, Bookaeld ad fitatlqurr, corner 'Marta and Third r fi till I CO-PARTNERSHIP—We hare this ; day AL BREISLAS. Robt:tv, ."' l iwo n n.' 4 %li b el ' V tgeb,- 1 1,...-, . _i...t.a... D . rtal., - T Y e leldtPOV L.L..)" , '!' l. C ° :_.. tCEAtAIN CURE FOR ALL PAIN !any ho found he the um of Nora Datia's Ve g etable Nut on. °platen of the otost ra t: mot Drogglete and Merchant. of elheinostl lo lteof=4„, Oct. tau, ,s.. ' We the underalgtod.riettlata rod Bold d miT . 1 . ...z.,tf r 0 0 04 `'LL Y. 6 4'4n' rltztt;iNredielg known . Wm Danifo I n Lain` Wile, erei we would Mate tbe public that In eraw . trensonh en far es we know. It hes kiea the beet .. act, oto the putehaer. We an recomtand it to the 7 1 w hil e rn wheal of g reat m erit awl elates. Mired. we . 'eroonTlalieiennell:lViige,)lWiggete= blirdrtilOf ve r e u xtenelve, ral e and ,l ol•tisey .i lVwttlag AtvolltAt•— • To ot r all'e l lh"li th . il. 71.2tEltltalsoleValt , Ageltb r m, o T IW.v2.l2!r.VK_'''..—j.-2-----------_ SEIST itiN TiVrtni4 attc:r4ttah,'"'"lttrirn, ° JOHN McPASTS 4 Co. Csual sari Pitubtirgh. Exc., tIANTIE 11.A.Nrs: STOCK--A. finvt .hare t, 11.. .I}stly to SALIM d IRVIN. 100 1.:1N11CF.1.1 1 AN 1) MAA,CARON I — Raton Matrancl and Trrtui.ltl. on 11,nd and ~,,,; ..Ao, y 01,1.. or r.a.a. .3,vm. A. 31e111.f , 1t,„2_,C2 . ,. ' -- ----------2—''" -"2-2—,. EL3IKER'S FARINA —5 boxes fresh, of . 111.thI. ankle.. relebratrd .110 t lisr Invalitim or 1. virrn. alto for 11100 , m , auke. Pu.1411M. , i G . rU O or S , T.P. For car 0001 low by 11 q 100. dote. or rstu .013 W)1. A. NIeeLURG 2 CO FOX 4 bTSRCii l IWOe, f M r rC a lU by CO. 011 8.'3N 6 1H.,1,0 E.. ‘,„. 97 ,ogrk. leathers: 24 .10 1;;;°;;v`i, 4 , do tiLl KWh. , l k g OtNirl:,r P"d'a. . odn W0..1, to snivel on Ammer Oormrs: 2ir ~ratir by i 413 LARD Ati ISAIAH WILEY A c 4). 1) lIA3IS--1 0 bide Lard; t. ....ler Fort 6[2 for ralr by 1 '..-4 ii"". tr. A2.'"' 00 W . lea10111?!..91a 1 00 . 100____ 143" SuPerb" "oX:r.f7UAlailati7 --.P.r 3 .. K ari ip.is swirl's, for sale by IWIUL ;yml L y ;1-.4,13 V.. FtßU•spE..”_7itEs7for sale by 1p ~§,ta SASE. P. SfilLlVlEß taiu- L01n,10,13 eAM!P. fae sum MC salb l BBLKSENECA Oli, for Aale etutivra. for NJ.) 10 bb Shei awl 3 bbla Beer Tallow, ivr 10 sale by fahl3 S AM. • iOP. BALE. rEIIT VALUABLE ANT' DESIRABLE STOCK FARM, satanic,' Little Bearer Tnlk-trni, h ln ;loiat " llitng through it It la well known as the Maryut Farm. and has taw.° ~ rupicil ma &Sheep Farm for the Wit tlurty )tare. The land A TOM in trod rate order, and well calculated forsheep ..1 cattle. It wi well watered be (Fate ISnorer Creek. and are neaentailing smug, about tfit same under fent, tl. principal part in mead. and twture, and about tei nen trocalland Art apple orelvrd of choice grafted fruit. with a ntunber choice poach trees near thr bon , It at- Ord for ation.• tralnable lot of houitehold and kitchen It,- niture.Alv • ern rate nankin.: etoer and farming tit rin:tlFinAntint. are tr., ran IA had with the farm al The buildings on the fprm aro. nun brick t , 71 u ttr " too nV111 " 1 " f t T ' re i. Jo 'b' tad and In good stylw a tlw, nom. are strrr roncerdently rat sedated, throe in the . lower rote , with three art alas+ , with three large Franklin 'water., hoe moms in the uppe, gory, threw of which Lase grates tor twel tine na.' katehrn attached to bntrk by I,fret. two atort high, with large pantry, and k i t /Tung if feet wide One frame 1nt1.., situ htwi to kit. bun. 28 hi In feet, Lt. J.,rtiot high. walculabal For • •ork •bup or bed reacts. unit pe..n.h In front ten feet wide tine two. ...I boo., at twelted tut, e ahoy. house, al he :XI fret. One Prins bonws, oar the brink Lwow, 16 b, 11: feet. and leo fn t high, with ltrwer story 7 fart high, ani the walls ovule et nun,: a meal and never falling carinit wit runn kn i thwanth the low, r stor, —the tima.r num sail calculatt.i for vitirage A shod annened for • •aeli houwa a bre.l. I. e.t.a° hour, one frame csniage hones. IF to 10 feet, ten feet high, with. wotalwe ostler under.nelli: one hewed tog house, about lit rods tr. hilt house, le by In feet. two. and • bait stories high, will • nes., filth. earittu near the Isousr, one belted low. home. near the briel hew, ',SI, to feet. one and half shalt,. high. wrtth brisk and tarn., for gram—am:on thel tot otttl. 11th. r fn.. bank 1, ... ,0 / 1./ 4 2 ftwt. II feet high. I/sr...lth , door uate.t story, and entrance at nue etel--stables to lowershey, tee (rune stable. attached It. large bn, h, 114 fen., tacit.. feet high. with stalla l or cattle; one frame barn, JO lq :a fe et rs,e feet 141. h; tato Inane alstea been.. , Intl by ret.t. lk Pat high, divided Into ..licep p.m, atilt Lonein the w ate, tau+ , rh F , ba,`; nne lionwe, ...nese/ to the house. feet. met feet with reeks In the renter one frame how, h 1 , by to net. and ts feet high. For ham', itaal, to John Ifni!, on the meals, nho 111 show the lam, and all Informant. , radish 'lull. on the Pargh Una', 4 from the nth of Fearer Creek. nod .5 ad!, hettw hmattany letilYtlkem Free Lecture on Physiology 11R. 11OLLICK will deliver a Free Lecture Fetetalcu. a :, tirlork, Ytc ta.l., at 3 drlorle burl. hi. nta.3. Dr. IL will (14. i , the Nl....sgahrit Iloee.when. hr pr01....1./. , ..11,.r .Ipl , lleallou. for . 1.1.2 Partner Wanted PERSON hating a thorough knowletig of the buoituwa. i nil it braorh.n. nn. lAilug lannwau a sualuer au e4abla.loni bum" , hear of n ailuatioulw aria) two at liWa . N. 11. too rapilal will be toquirad tel.l-1( NOTICE. • E Foundry couneotett with. our wrk. having been pa - rtlallt drt , troynl hrr the - owl. thr sth we tot , tattietr that Are art. 0.. mod' ttzerttle onlent st. tutus*. Ivr routtary t.t.trlt watt La.+ •Itkit bar, mention , o the r .t i re t f ou i r work+. will pleam. rommt. 41 Iro . rl !11l 81 orkr. Pb. .51 lw Yr EN SI I A Hi'i Ohl Allegheny Bridge eitock Any! y BAIRD II A Iti)--'l'he mulakcribers take [him num rit,Liteir ,ino•tv thank, to tli4a FLITIIIKO x Ll. l th , niaht of loth llama frbl2 • - ISAIAH DIChEV aC o I Alit) OIL-12 tads, reed per steather L. Cinc innati , and.for tale IT No. Gti Watkr PI --ttr INDO W (;LAS S —`2O O bx, 11x110, for V rah. h 7 frht2 JAS. DA g-IOPPERAS-25 bblo, in tine order, for t , a 1r N_J by" 0312 J. SCUOONM AK Mt b. CO IittINED BORAX-10 Caere, for sale 'by obl2 J. SCI100:01AK Ell tt CO. TANNER'S OIL--120 bblefor sole by obl2 J. SCLIOONMAK ER Jr CO. - PARIS GREEN-410 cane, for Halo by AMP BLACK—In bulk [or 'fanner'', 11 ...Ant. fur ...leby J. SCIIOUNnAKEIL 2 CO. _ . YAPER'IIANGINGS--Gold Paperill. fvuF .IthGold and Velvet tuc Itz a 7, Frrr.ln hr AVJ.AI C WALL PA omPER—Fr 6 L PITRAPPECO AND Pitn . T --y r MATL.IIALL Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. t O 7 4L S. MILLS, No. ii ( . 0111'LAN 1)T ST.. a f l'u iiour , i 7,1.. W Till:K• i.”0e:0., •,... i arto , awl 'nebert aaa.+Muieuta of ' Itilht.l AND , Sli)111E1l 611AWI.ii ..v. r 1...t0m r,...eteed. Ala° LAI-. I.' )leSI.I.N and all kiwi. ~ f SILK 51.1NTILLA, o.E.uhr-tu. 1, r.l frt. the lal,et Patin fa..hato,tw..tired by am team. r. ~,,, Cart ~t a aaly adaPo7-Itn Ilto ' Pri t t ity t iVla .o: t 1' it liltMAtro7inYTtli.ol.7V t;ll;k.,tofaiiA4 plata ..1•1,•;1 ii•••„0o and •••i atm Yuri. mitt. Parari.l... awl .0 MA .111.• hart Urnbmilan. AU of vatio.h .01 be offered at eNt - teith.l.:i /•••• t•rter.. .1.,..,0 , . - talti ,i,..0. our irt. , • l4•ru frh.ti•l. to :A.,' aloha. nor rhat 1.,, , ,.0 o tehe.lute• A 1.... Wllll. i.ittiNl ii.T.t,i I, for eatahltina t , bacla aniV Mautillsta. put 0010 we , . hit trasaphrtathnt. 1..1•1,V.tf.-, NEW BOOKS Aliti-Mat:AztelES-- ". P: firthela'a Magazitto for March. with 141 tinii.ri; IturticulturiFt. fir Tebralry; . • ' . 2- 1 Cultivator, 0•O Whig Review du. . f' I Life's Diariplitti a L1154,e , , -•-••• - ... , . '•• }iflililit.ll4•oX-Ti..,‘. ' , A ....-. .- , ' t o ol T.‘ „‘t, a-a....1.1...,......-....1d,,br,f., 1a,..... by flyttro litullatt - elf.Deeeption: ea che bietory of the it...v..0 !kart by firs. Ellin • Mita. a novel: Ilamti _re me..., blll. P. IL J.., 1i . ..t. li for use at 1101.116' Liter/0 - r Depot, oppwita the Poet t it, re . . P - . "%V ILITE FISH-9bi foral b, ve hy 12711 C. 1,4,11 fiIEESE-12i 1 )xs, in store awl or so. e ) (I rsl, ) .11 1... , M Mt` AII IMF A CO TIMOTHY SEtib--In store and for sale 1,% fetal 15A.1.111 DICK FX a t+l. stli in store and for --ale by /(BAR -151) b ' 1..I.1•11 DICKKY a 6, LI liii: CANAL CONICANY—The Sto,l• alist i r ; 4 noti n r :':n. !'. 7tr e r4V:i. V; th ' e r' e!L.: ' :ll: year. wilt be 1130,1 at 'Nig: . e:illee 10 ern, cal the Or .0 NI".. der In Starch next. at 1 o enek. r... By unler of the l'n.,.lent.. tl .it II ti . RIM, Ve , ,. tehtt Ouna Mace. L}l., NA, rritE LADIES all say'"lf you want roe good Tea, gob. Morri., d Ils,arottli l Tea Aunt An ylio . D 001.0.1 for It: The Twin they roll .1101 ceal• pes ae,,lno I/ r.d. 11 1 ,orY alloal. uol .1.110. al 'Li eras and $l.. are aoll. de.. boe pnord. du:1A.1,4.1.r tolerior Tem are (over k op) At 1131.5 e•tablvhmeat. and thy,' ix.. 0.1•31 all I.hrir Tea,- .1.r... t froze lie ongioal as-As, billingyl L L. ,l ILAI ms.lll not ke, to 41.1•11 K array,o, erbk.ll. LLY WAWWW yew us' 11abl„ you .111 Mal Is ow verve,. • laden roll. 6.:411 C o l U Npiti ES-- CI ILO Ludt us) Peach, 1111 do do Aepl, t t . 11: e l,Vtto ' ll ' y l cio li e s l ' r, "'' 7.0 .lo Supertne do:. Almon extra Porn 11rooal., , 1001/ Luxe , Wle 131.9. a.e.orle.l. 10 I,re 1.1 for rode by JOIIN WATT a 1 , 1. febll I.lberl, .1 1 tii V,.0.,i...;:k;11:111.5-,..-J.,,,,,u5,t,ir,7t.,:t4.,,,,,,,,n.ra. :tf13.,di,1ii,,,T.: treeolvora. (ebb 'W. W. W11:013N g lOU N'f KY 11.F.S E Wlt lIIENC itt:NT-- . L I The deal lie, botteon ILLUILP.Iy ocrovital by the sulerri. ber,lwar Iliarbe.ler..ittlalo orl the Lae of the Alle,hemY add Manrbegter Plank Itt•al. with earrbre how, Amble .6.1 other out 130111L0..11.1 LIAM% 1.13111K.1311114. Ile. ''''''''' '''''''' '''' '' ADApril' ''''. ANesl.Son. 14KEWV.I.L. febllalle 1111ke no limut et- IlUrbaNb DOLL Burreit-251.1)1 8 prime, fur sale 11 lAN t W 11211111AUtill. tolAl . So 145 rind. mod 116 berolal rt - - '- - I INSHEII) OIL--10 bbls, fur sale by ' it A fe4ll I.a W. 11ARGAL1111 1 . TALLOW -10 bbly, prime, fur sale by Irbil S. A W. lIAIIBANII I . IlitoollS--50 iluzen, for sale by febll , S. AW. 11AltliAbli 11. ftRIEL ) APPLES--150 111111 prime, for sale by 1.4115.& W. 11AltbA1 ,1 1 11 . It RIND_ BEEF- 1 ; Make sugar salmi. fur 1, ae by fbl .. t. AW lAlltAlnll. 171NCX0 L_SS-110' blB, MSSOlier Ms.. for sale by febll S. dW. 11ARBAt 1 111. Altll-55 bbls, awl 100 kegs No. I, fo 1 we by f,bll S. AW. ILARIIALIGIL G------}MIC—ID-SLOVE 5 bbls prime Ohio, Ns pale by febll 6 6 WIMAYBACtiII. PEACIIES--1 50 brmik for eale by COTTON TWINE-250 the suptiTior qual. Of, for %Or Co, • J. KTDD t CO, feta° No. CO Word orrvt ()ASTILE 60A- J. de D Onlo M c CO. ARD kegs sn —BO it 25 bbls. for sale feblo BROWN RIRRPATRIL SEEDS -10 bbls Crover. Seed: fAlopn TViaNVEVAIVAIRICK. DHY APPLES-,--200 bushels on hand and jUr for wale by frble BROWN A KIRKPATRICK VERMILLION N—Trieste, Chenese, and V American: Cr? ale he 3, 'inauffig 0,10 - • - • • . SUGAR-100 bbs, assortea nut 'ors, for ule IIIiRNIUDEIE iIaNU ILAILL)I No 116 Walor -4,- WY ISAIAH DICKEY s. CO., Agent clvate!t s Iron Work., aw Ironfar ma le of .1310 0 1^' 1071guitlr'. N. warrant.a. v,archowellG ,, 111,1 BATTING —35 4.13 es imperior, for role kblo NAIA I,trKEY a or) - • . COTTON—Io bales fur sale by Wile ISAIAH DILS.KI a Ca i'IOTTON BAGS-40 doz twilled, for fi Jtr fehlo SleelLlA a 11.0 .. SEA; A RS—IU,OOO Pprincipe, for sale by lONIA -.• MMUS* DJ Law Partnership. irvitE eulrscribers have associated tb. carol In the prartke of Law, tort. Elul moat 0 artainito a . line or Lb. other af away; w ho •• • 0404 01Lart..rt;5an ba found at al taws In nu oCa. ovarth rtract, rtztabscrab, I 0 owT i ttc.4,ol 3, Mr. eta& . NIL iirAMTO - - . - - ' --- ...w. c.o. V A 1,15AIII;E NII L.T.S. FiRIdS,AANDipTs i ........v4.11._....., -- ,:' \--IdcrADZ.im . Sc COVODE, v I.i •A I.l.—toottr, Flow Ma. , attel a ,517,.11.1t1LZ. , 7 ~ ,,....,.,,r , t 0., ,,,,,...,,,,,,,,, tiro 1,....- ono, with rho ....,-5 . 10 .. 1 ... r _., , . i „,„..:__. l _ .. ..."...,.,....„ f....iu ~..„.......q.. ~....,, .. c...,, Gain. l'e,h. Strut. Al., ra ,arm of lIR rt. - fr.... 0 the Obi. r.v. , 1 . 1 .—. —t„. r 01.... P0......r I, ,lo• one of 1.10 .o 7 0. 9.4_, ..r ., fr . . r...r r: 01......500. IL aN.e. f..... 51. , -; fa' s , :::::,,,;, • —,--- ,‘ s -, - , 5.-r ....n. Teo.. thor 4,114 alon . A 4 PT --"' 4 '''''" °Auk AsA..• lAA Ant"... En. - olt, nt • 1.. A II I A. FETTERMAN. . Mt . .. t•• ,•• at 1..• rand 1,41 •tat , F.. /I VO , . • ~,,,' N., In: att. ot--ittebur ,l3. Linen and House Furnishing g 0045.. • A A. M A .,', - . N A - . (AI.. No- 1;:: and - (1-1 ~ x . •larvet ~ in t k0r.0.. r.onoanfly on Itstad a 15t . .., r...rf0n0t... of 11. r• follootto . or. A.. of the 1.1 martuftw- • Told,pltot 11o1h, overl Den.kna:, and ia{oo-.. • ; N D • to.AIA. 11A-rtoto , loop, also Dozolaik: • I...:'AXO'CLTA.A.T•Oca'..in„V.--!:'• • El , or Co Low.. IroAnA•k all *AMA, o Coanto-• I.'A I,At ot •lo ,brollnvA. - - Large Auction Sale of Refined Sugar OF (;n4 , l'Nt , ' SI - (1A1: REFINERY • AT NEW ORLEANS. tla BBL , : uF REFINED ~aun t ,', µ.n1.4.1 l'enreleernl. nuall Lacy, an, lannenl. I.„ ...Id al AltaMM st N ' l& ~ d e n teneart el, In Tt 141.1 eltl•I•, „, at 8, .4 44 1,0 TIN , .- 1,111.4 , a II) ka.,,, , 1,41,1 „ a Nee iieee'lralneel reurt all prael inl,...eat 1 4 1dar elleaeee .1.• 'ad ret.ea., -se lei,. N..ele Imeeeenal 6,1. • all tlla ee .44 111htl. r euteo , Ilona K 4 , 1ea_41,14 1,10 111-01 Vto.rrar, lew-k e,O 111,1, ie. e o Ilan an a . ne „been. eneerter anet . bw-Tee I,laeral . e felaelar • _ Morphy , S , BurchtiOtl i r el unal ea tea, eoerlb rm.r. corne . V , th _ 1,441:F.5.11 IT and libaberries t., am) hrtr,,) artlrSiliy• t le, 14IN-vr , ll" their oinal Mu, Al4,ll.4err,,,eauel Pion, tad up en `Mu.' manner fa handau.l idr ente , LI WIS. A Ntlet.llltee ~ .1,4 e Iplaerly Anat. ) Mit .ranar!, and !loop Stpils RIP nt-iin• tAt adle . .-• KM A. 31•1.1:11 , i 1 c • I NsEP:II ()I IA& . 14,4 revt.i‘l4.l, pure 1 2?:"" 's ' rn" " " 1 .11 urr :.;,oN. i.te .t co. N., if , 1411.4., n 1,44 .\\a o l'A 1:.111.1COAD STOVI:— . A • for -al. ley • , A HILL. 3 rein , FAclasz, Itralleve A N I. It A —149 boxes . raLFIlv. . 1:1:.1,VN a KIIIKPATMCh —• VIC/LASSES and 30) hariet IT I t.tik4.• , It, fir 0ut..11.‘ Ilil l 1 1 11, - 15 1.1,1. , I;et.t rnlined Winter. J relltOttNll.liall .t •IWoOd ning. a,sorted; LA, ,nl , sre I:IIOON3LkKER dCO. /'I LL F:-01 Lich I do Wirv. •,7. hv J FeIInONNIAKIIR4 I 11,1)E S CU SHION u,t reeelTed ,und zal.• h,J EIDD NI, 611 Wog' otrmt. QIIAKEIt'S lIERBS, all kiada, n freE , b. lot! on 0:104, ani .+lr. ns 1,1 .7—MD x CO: I (+LAZIER'S DIAMONDS—I dm.. for .Fnlai J. KW t'O. [ I i; S oNH A W few lew iwieed Lon., '?' 177•11 bv jfri! 7r.call XiISS ES. Wt /OLEN SH AW LS—Of a p tr.!'" s nuncarrEtn. A - sTov. I)! 1— brls bek, for sa 14,-s .Y tato k CO. 11 fref,h II s 2..72 Plat rerrivrti Ad 1 tor:ale by t.... 31r1111.1.3 .k Itt)l4tl , 1 1OBACCf-4i hos.ey. 5 Lump, for sale try. MeI:ILLS 0 Ref , 1k1ri:',„,",'n':,,,",!7".55 --- I,,.: l( ' ° :' .„ ';.' , '" , zit'gl' ',.tII : "TENT StIA l' l'OW ItEtt—_'ll , hoxer,iptlt . .A...,:::,":,.‘t!0t01'h' , : nr ,.;;;,; , !rr i i 1 0r;0 ' r . . ' ; ' ... 111 % ,,L,- ; t o '.l or .wl ii i . 111t1.7;5.--tri .. , 10.1, and for :role try the Itlo• 1..• la•r• all ..I tho la , . ~uv., ,, '‘'''hti'V ''..."'t " " rrh'' • . . , • .1 1. , m1: • , . . . ; .51 ' gtzt;aia: - ' , •' floor. l!aly,l2or. . ' aletatelna .7..nna. -, tlam Lymph., t-t: felol • S. :i'.. WICK.I:TIS.n.I3I. ...rt. , a , '" , ul and of - -IT I . Witt . 1' E 1101%1F,-:ICAIY/PFLANNEV , :' • r .nvill'ltY kor rellFlll.l, arr ran.. a warle,..al F .....4- b . .t . 1rid . .1„- n r , ;-ri.,...r...r0ta1. .b. Pl ' ara,lit ot Tatiool ler; in,,r-‘-` . - eriii - iiTt - iN; 1701%. FLAIiNEL-7A.-farthtl lull rouor or a ,ry att,aror article et 1214r01/ 1'a. ,. • "-ant. r,ca.rta.l at ..In . 44-0 r i2leELY' a. ila USCIty jFA._ Sellers' Cough Syron in Illinois. TuDGE i'LERCE, of Itlichileport , Iriainir s U OP r.111,11Y. ant , . alai., Yote of January 1:tli,IF•al, tat b.. I.a. 1..., trs.ulkal more or 1., ,, wilt. o renal, for rol, ~ r , . =lira trod , r•tr roolintal Lim tO hit ...I.aralse.oim , UJI:11 trent-awni for tar, u.tmtlan. bonito 11l ,uaito In • gad bat., hut , till thrrou•At contir.uol 01 . 01 , trerar to , I• 13 aml ta,la..ella Ii aa-• 001, r,! ....c. , 1 hy the al. ..i4•11,r? C..,g1. :it op.' a hsel. a Fm+lktoatl C.) l Ikty•'l' II ar tlastio lo”acat atilt Aim I , aa ilr. >Oll et Mi., . Ilitleal V1,V1.•111,4i the :',.ra,t •,..I.,st na• >O l l et IvalilY :,:','..W.L.';':.1.A.T.',..i12::,''i:.:`;.....k..r.':_•;:;!.,t ',..it::- . :;."ol' n• a;..4at .4...7 wt., a, , a.... 1..,1.d to oda , lal,a Sr .1 S ' .74+1 1., A ri.tat,.. a,•maall., - din in, to otitia.,md 1,„It hIJ. EA T , !.. Frwyr 011,-21.d:1 jrurt rue i• 111 r 0rr . .., , 0 , ..rti•l... 'ix 3, .....1.. I, • Q PANISII 1V lIITING-2.01,11, in el.oll I=l,elt. 1.0 Ja,l, 4. N. MLIGKI: SIM VW i ll 1.11: "EANS—" J ",l e lll l 4 . " Lg i Alt ' : 2 L r Zt s.s.s J 1 Wool sh___ . ..) I 1 , ,, r.a. :41.5r1, for 5..14. by T. M 0004 s 40:i. ['snit. , s Inssirr... eta Couriroissin Mort ra , . t.l Mal, ntrool. - 7oitN--"2() 1 , 14 S .1,1.311 5.14±14 ill: , fee' V , ),-, " 0 .1. 1....01LW0e11l h 1 )01.1. 1111"11:11--2 5 brls in snot' ~ It. 5...1 J. S. 141,11.111 l IiIII/ IRON. -200 lulls on handi - II ,52.1 J. V.,IMAVOI'TII A IrtOTASI I S ensks Pululuesp. r, P . On' Mb. In, lI, .J. d. it. t . 15 . .1_11 . i kA W. IMITATION —Pape* . llanglug u x•_ I itnii , 4l ~1 - Oak. anal rnrni-1.1. far ruls In' - rsj, M. I% MAILSIIAL.. , M 11A RI: ELS P LON' Elt,;4lN. : 71 lal. , Tonotbr SerJ, ,nlr nes or or. 4.2 . I h Irlg wad '4- Lent No Ils•e ri f 1.9o1; G. bbd* rime N. 11. 4uosr. lIM Isl. N. IS N1015.....5: . ht.!. 1.1.1 i. •rrulsoa 4. 11. Nhanrro.r.,. 'if Igall,rlr-El.r.soprofino awl ottra lotsmlr! .. 1./oIII.v nod tor stk. I. 111111 M ;! A lilltliPATlllkli fel.l , ..4 . IIM P 'ltt - .. -- pr - a e l j, t ' I( ) ( : 3 9; k r 5 1 1 .t• i .„ ' t.... i r A o l i i i. t o l 1, 4 :,„ . „: . 0..; •' 1 u.•;, - •:,...t., lb.: Faarllgli rsnivolts, intiorteili 1: •,itille , lin s n• Vitriol: lir -ale I, frll • • i • J. !SIDI , A I.:. 11l I SW rt. II E I.A 1 NES--A 1.iig,.. - mia siilon.li..l.aeniort - I 1,.,...ta. or tir.l,l 11.al, Ilaostll.., road Fronehflell.ah.r 1,1111...1.4.114. u..2...,..r yard. I. ronoll all ~...1 it I.allit, alai etv , ll ..... I-... , at xttninely , Inn nri , ei. . 1.111 A. A, MA4O4 to Var T A,Luits"rilimm I Nligilteceiveel and 01.0IIINI Mir dal ~, ..„ . I ing V eat iiilTZqu ' Vi l gr ' liot i n i : ', i l . l' .. l- 111 Mop suttnin, Horn and Elintli Untie Su, Amite,. mr, tn. felil A. A. m.:±) , L* c:4?. _ n-T.lave of S-ails, 0-PAltt NE - ItSliie-±T he mlblenb' i ircktorni into Co- Partnnt3/4Vez vd.R At it 01,1 F. ' JAME. , ATEINSI n:11. .1011$ M. MiEL cILOTIIS, CASSINIEIIES & NIESTLINGS-- llerelml and opened thia dat• eiteht me., at PtilOtroc-- v', Dino. Orman and ttrocit' Broadlotba .1' ttimonra rmica . LaPrie. fo SintonPf ouportnr Black Matti... %heat of Encland and Sliddleacs dn. ! Atkin: ti rand lientnr[tr ' do: , Black :tat In. a Inca . 911 k, eathmere. Platino and Nam-Mei Ventinc, AA. MA.-0! it CO, febl fll dt 0.3 far tot i ft. '''t lIRIF PFACIIEC 210 "" 1 ' .....' _ 5,, Mr , 1.r..,1 Ap tr, 5. lA. Plantation Moloolea. oak rope a.— Pal des corn tinum,'Joatreo , t 1 0, Wt . ) 0 fehl • MeI:ILLS 0.60 L -e - - 11EATING BUILDINGS--We fln ilrt.rldX , eel to torniah toad curt appatatua Sorb 'atm% tat‘T ark mall ton:donee he ateam or hot watt, and barn on. pomKl It 11. Willttnne. from the out. to tatperinterel sta eon aln,tien ,1,1 r•eAlt K. .Vflitt.:PON l ttKIiLY.• To LE. T—ltoom , and Ste:irn nwer for 1 'r'''''''''' P".7C"iIori"....IRIISON .t ORELT, ja ll LIP 0,001.0 10 LTE S3IALTS--1 ~.o for :ale dwr 111 ~,, ~ telltaNt3t.t.ti.C.rt 4Ew R EP() Sl'.i I .1.1.15—'211 1 .x.i , d. rerddarge loaf lf.nbrla mall Vet .214 d•r ..rrodat .'' ' ,. 0 . .;!?, t r,, - ;1 7 4: .-.. for pal. hy la,-..‘, 1t... M. Lotat• Pit 1 i 1e , ,,,..i .1.1,..... mt-renrd , .. a co,. ...d 1 OAF Sri:Aß—la I.rls for odic q - 11.....L.r,d1' , wm. BAIIII I . 1.. , co . TOWNSEND ' S ESS. GINGER; tlonderatot S. 1,... Sortanarillet oll'a Sarml.r: ll, ler tale or IV E. FELLER?. is 57: Wuod tt IrrOBACC ( J --1 10 ,1- °hilt 1.,..t1f & Mal - Pittla, . in i,inii.,. „, o , .A,. o e AV'el 11. JORSS22II:4. isttl • 1 . 9 , , K i p:s ',AWL) ; RetiTed for rale 1, ,ta'T wm. m..tuirst-ros. ffIO3IINY---5 hrls Cincinnati Hominy just r vrbidt still be ftld vraT low hrl...r Ms.. 31,1 AVM. A. 3ItCLUM.I l ire 11 IfiNtING7-I..lic.efs,rnceil,4n;'2gl, ,IitEMOVAL.—ENGLuit 4: BENNETT, Wholr. . rale tl rore and..benter, hodoci... hare 11,.: eff , 134.•./I.i FM,. NVoi‘f •e, • s t,Pitteburpal. .Is.a7A • Closing out the Entire Stock. g - IREAT BAIIGAIN.S.—A further reduc: don In prietw.' The enlewrilier 'elation t o e 1.... out thehahnice of bin Hoek of /imy out Rai& Der Voolls by the let id April nett, ennild cer,pectfilly call the anent:wit eet hie oblendow...nod the while, Irbil sr* in wool c i p npt :Wilk lo per rent. below filmset prinn. To owl ereon rootowlDeebinelneweou Ilneltelalrert,Utn mire e, u. he will Wiesner of the La! t ype of Ow Mock on libersl lertne. with It I.,,,ieptu w ,p,, p . bleb he hoe onnwiliet Ils oyerllowl bon on expel lent family Wile. _ • ITS. ears. MOO NW., York Ellowe I TS. tt. 19 bare is Penna. nail Road Co Central Rail Raid. I:HE .11.eriber, haviug ben appointpi ,te r inc ,g nenne71:.. 0,,...........11.1 ttire of tnerchaaphu or prpiu , P ST shihr=it oath opreduz of the mash , , • °owl , Ina thtx rout P will be curial thiwugh la are day. , of all wrodgual t 0 to will be Prwarled free of commie inn or etuuwe for alvann-a. ' . 1....3 41 rillstunr iscnkr.is rruLiettr . IMAM , IT ,r1,1.1L01. Bel' 6,1,1 e, Urfa. Slew, Beek, ntkessre. Cutler, C. 0.. ti , A , A+7, Beni., !rather.. Buruitue, !Nue, liedirinee. .Peeldlery, 00.1,.. • $1.9011 1 11:0 Da Ilrdwere, Deems -eery. 0 rooyyky, Faint. Dye OIL 011.1 A Loather, CD - res. FDA Tiotethr and &Alcamo Seeds, - Ae- I DAD 7 1 4 193 , Baron, Beet, . rat. Butter, Laid, Lar.L'Oß., Taw,. WI, Cottee. Mellow. °mixt - mei 11.40, tOe 10 31:0 " I .w :JA W° le-Auyb) T.B. !Itch, Dyeia. Oerayan QAT, Ilete.-.11, suet NO ' NeFADEN A COMODIA • HR. J. D. VOWEL:IIS 4_,XOIPOUND'VEGI- Jv rstnhe I`olllitElli for.ll. ohm 01,1Wtht!tych or !arm , • A Fritelsttil whet rthrticifitt n'tiatAi" for that . theihttitaithl An.l . 1 . 12 , 11r•b1e attarthhi toothich• • wham., in 1.1=4 h..taht aiirtittF, int It silo& the thcat xx.l • pie. curing the VStrt elm. In gm daph upit thiA lathasEy recltt , 4 h 4h/tih Wt.+ , Mr hrr for tho initt tut sum iheollßly taro the ehd.l as.il may be twallhwhi without it.h4 rt.enble of tan*t " t1,1%."r Nu 1,11. a a Parks. , It% Litirtt , Apia, Pitt,burhb. lev L A itrectisi, Jiith A litmus, iths. Dinh. uJ " U. At Kwort, PrvAmts Allehheni teiStats F r th A AW VV.Z..":,`,74=!tit„1:72:101. La u b ' . thh , osul cr.ll. mut lihii-eitryinti'lha!is. whierahl• HA ITYi A NI)C . OLOItia) hod Alm White. farnltiath tinvity h Width, lIVISi NS-•--IV ., 1.1M1,112,1.A:8U1tu1t,,,,,, . b th ' .. - ...A yetalh . 5E1.6 NV.* IIeCLA ;Rd Alan . I CB- -15 latreft , , in.Aoro and fur tulle by IltAlAll DIVA RY 2 1)U• • 1 lee • nary and Irma sta. - -- _ .li l rit It. AND WATEIt 111001 , ` MjNF,RAI. . i• PAINT. foi idle hi .. . ' InAl All iIICIIIAY,t CA) . ' fel, - , . Waters:al "'rout AAA. .1 IRS: Pi:ACHES-179 Hocks, just yriadved 1 p and for rale lty '. a'l„'•_ J. R. CARVIZI.O... I ii:ItIONS—I4 hazes, ust received ands for. . LA'al.. br 41n, . . J. U.CANFICLU.: . , • ~ _.. gi iII FIESE-2.50 I mxt.a . for sale by ', - 1,...,1 fele, t.l. F. VoItiLIONNIIOR.ST a Cu. 1 11 11,01111---30 WAS extra rimily Flour, fur 4 N• b, • fete, 51. V. TON IWN!•:11011•Sf a Cu. • ,I A RD-A lAAe prime leaf for imlt• by 'I - alet S i0 1; 1 ..107 MN li 110119 t am - B II'I'TER-4 bbls a ,t., pel,eo, . la Leg, du fey ludo ter . • 1 sifilet., lte V. YON lIONNIIORST t CU. I LAIN 'SLACK SIL K. S--Maarns d, .1 mamma. have relit rd a very full pupal) . utatora geode. winch they cart poll at huger priers them 'they ant generally putt an alma. Mark Fig ar ured arta Brontta eln, of [wen :Ark, • ' ILL BOXES , 100 pairrs_ p l‘_ood . B'A , _ Pot It. ELLEFL,. DRIED APPLES -34 Packs fur sale_by B. DALZELL t co, EARRASEI-30 calks'on hrind and for ram A. DA LZELL it CO. . _ r ..EL 50 boxes on hand and for saleby IL zuzETA•co. LASS--OP all sizes and qualities. on band And for rale by feb6 F.. DALZELL *CO. BBLS. NO. 1. ROSIN. jd4 M. and for .1.5 by 11. A. YAW:I:STOCK mrner Wpm! &marina. ob. ELLOWS—Fini pair of Bellow ;t, 'n rip rw. for fait. bp SCA ;FE., ATKINTA),I & ORZLY. 119.firrt Wort. To Gas Consumers. •.- :. , 'pAU.TION TO THE PLTBLIC , OP .PITTp. , N i ., 4,7r. a :47:='"fir"ZZ , birr , l:l".? 4 = nu iri . yr ith • glom- mug, neeiTxtee . bele. end tug 1 . 14 1 t _Urn _ thew elm +eve IS or 4il ree - trnt....l "Ming Yee= ID. end ilau". Now we, the Inrontore. lux to data that kttir hull new II: b rletlIA :V.Lillgral=clitt Of: {=1;1741.1 1 .171.67 ' :. We ti.,....r... m.tion lb. PSIs. ii.,-.On.t. eueh Smarmier, +nil purgettl l4l / .016* .7..... e. , man elema 5 tint li inches high- hom i ng Itillti9t nyen. =rig i tgiir nog 1,1111 nhirkero umier the chin only._ 110 It el jeerivelyirelite hebi i . Inellecea,Ael Ownafealtiet.toord- Til7inerhi:i. 7 lirt.itl tli v io time!, noun'. th 1 4 .1 1. ,trr tFi,Lero ,111 1. 01 um. Koury: l i srior6ll4 , lga m4 .- it... 114 Lion. , surer. hen York. .. • I:7i • Tbo young mull ¢llollxl to hue never been eolenceteet otth the dim. ' - - --- • --- WANTING SOON-4PLICCS for a bx.k keeport, nebcol mastim4 drnrrek. eumit men: maker%.l.l.r• anal laborers; and BT !AV,'s n¢m h i¢ t roFr. l yott &en_ of B omraur.. mob. 31.1 y . ttrrreVecl ' 47 leV, Tal sll. of mtc= s"l lsal I. o Agoner Rad thtg...15.!..tt.. 1 . 4 W:POORPOI actI tery - milerate cb.V. , ,„, glyEakt thiaqtr,c- Tplortor ISEED--15 btlaTimqby9eod, on laid and pr "de by R. Min= feto.s labLT ......., itiessimie limo It Li rail that ha sm other. ' ....-"" ary I, Kinn at lb . an sae. :Mu this iii true to. - maul ...smut.. but the tem to often caused liO" nosiest..W: us to WI. do not neglect you , rrr.... 4 . 14. .....Z1 —• n'. l ilir• fnikminr.. and Jou nerd not irk veil I u-- Them smirks an. OFitlltlie rfOrtalttiOlLt. AM hose allure tainr.l a high rtr alritt. Jules Ilaneta bemoan or MM.. tow:arr. Mr Iteparlling to she mat billions enosplemno • nduint. ii Intenosas In islithina should a Tames. .e more easervil than the ) ems of prne.l.-0 for I ili. 419.6.• rMI97 of thorZt ....,,,KuAn ter,.,,,Na= f ..... 1 = r4 , ,b. .. p0,,, ,,..._ .___ iiir ittiFt's '' =Su i teslaiisers Derilaters Posner, Jili l"..”b' i ll .. , ',.& fi. ous hair. What is mere nneichslr Mims ti-Ms' ills. twee Simsmum of a hols. This Article •DI mmove is Ist a short lime, without the use a ~o, sharp lusisimanu , •• e Jules mush's Vritetsble Liquid. ILair_l will iretogkie • J oel Wapiti to soli whim, or oray h air. 0 beautlinfir bI.S , MO., ot milinni color. 11 swamies the huh to u sDomes thtisvatuilord . ...eketumir if.= oxf Drier ore., a im ,o the rams lime' luielUtile. J • ules Ilausl's noels; exam IS nsny s Plossima to spars with this orMsti. These is nom of the miastina tam theumiak') estoMmieed in the use at mot ripe. 09 the etattfry, it bares the skit Plato& sal soft as asbs fant'N nal not liable to Letups chsPlcid. l• ' , , Jules Hawn) Km, Tooth lin...—. e '—'too to Iho WAND* think UPI Teeth wore intended sa the mutest cenanient•to the human brat but setam m tu , sit . s i si u diaitau. 11l ro ' rt: e o freih i . rtilr whitstisus, at Um 21 Pasle 499 SIM I= the even; and bestihr. •Slitall. 111111 EL, Perromei sad Chiitils4 '- ' • ' • la, tliesnut et, Itilla }'or sale uholmale alai retail, by B. A- rianeatnet4 It lOi R K.. Salters, Pittsburgh. ad J. 114ebell i JO wits. Fa pApEß—Foli.,' packet, Con mennal' and it=Poet art ll'in raper. a lams* amply of all gam.• and philn; Moe mat whit, tie .to wt liberal Oyu. It • , : Sate ' .• • W.S. lIAVkSII xrurrs MU) DRAFTS.,-Enkr awed *IA lA. Etenswiraph Holm and Drafts. sit wa heasstllnl dm ~,,,, I. st ar s% or bmnd in limits of various shies. -Tab rubs 'at : , :11 . ::::11ANYZeg Wank book Mona -0 1 ...•.+ . , i ' lot. Market amt Second Ms. • 1 Marricla, Joiarmil-asal Pont swiss.' PEE LED 11.1ACHESA aluall. lot recedYed tor vale br MEM -r