BY TELEGRAPH,. , , • CONGRESSTNAL. , • . . ' *AIBRIiGTON Feb. 11. SCNATE—liamerotas petitions and reports were presented. Mr. Seward offered a resolution' to enquire into the espediency of reducing the , weight of silrer coin. . The deficiency bill which wan ordered to be . engrossed yesterday, was taken up and The Senate, then toole up the bill graiting ten millions of acres of public lands to the several States of the Union, La' the benfit of the indigent ;and insane. . After some debate. ,the bill was ordered to be engrossed fore thlrd' reading, The Senatelhen adjourned: . Ifonsk—Tho;bill to establish 'a board of ;te nements was take'n up.' The ques lion 111. on agree ing to the substitute to the report from the Com mittee of the Whole an the,state of the Union, -permitting aggrieved claimants to sue the United States, by n bill of equity in the 11. 8. Court, with the right of appeal to -the Supreme Goon. The eubetitute was lost---yeae 85, nays 109. After several ineffectual attempts to defeatthe bill, a motion was mole to lay it no the table. which AM rejected—yeas 99, nays .107. The bill was then rejected—yeas 99, nays 107. ' A motion was mode to reconsider, but din greed to. Subsequently, the vote by which the bill was rejected was reconsidered—Tees 102 unye.,ll4. 31i. Doer moved to reconsider the rote by which the bill was engrossed for a third reading, and,.on motion of Mr. Inge, the motion vas laid on the table. The question the recurred on the gassnge of the bill, when, on motion of Mr. Inge, It was loot an the table—yens 100, nays 98. The house then adjourned. • .Leunscir4r, Feb. 11. • The river has risen four inches in the'last 24 houra, • and there are now•8' 1 feet in the mud. The weather is cool and disagreeable. The Gladiator and Peru hare passed up. There are fife feet,.two inches water on the folio, in the 'lfidlana chute. The Wabash A reported rising; find a rise is expected in the Cumberland. • BALTIMORE MARKET. Feb. 11. 1851. Flour—Sales of 650 bids Bosons:1 Street at it $4,50 - 0 bbl. Omin—Limited sales of wheat at 1000102 c for prime Red, 100e105c for white. Sa les of. •whitecorn at 13061'87c, and of yellow at 59030 c la bushel. Salenof oats nt 42.( 45c 1. 1 Whiskey—The mookBS - 14 without change. NEW TORE MARKET. Febradry 11 .00:i REPO T Cotton—:Pricei have declined I with soles of 100 bales. Flou4—There is a fair demand, with sales of 1500 bbls at. $4 816,5 for Indiana and Mich igan. sad $4 816:4 87 for common Ohio. Grain—Wheat is quiet. Corn is scarce, and hellat CBc for new yellow. Prorinions--I'ork is firm with sales of 100bbls at sl2i for. mess, ands 9,25 for prime. Beef is qedef, andanchantreil, prime mess is herd at $l5 60 la lll—lard is scarce. and held at 80®9e. -Tallow—L;Sales of list' bbls at 81c'}"!lb. Whiskiy--The Market is firm, with sales of 50 Ibis at 2.5e.251 -e gal. Closer seed--Sitles of awl.s new crop atBoc 71? Pound- ' Linseed oil is firm, with sales of 1500 galls at 90€,e01c gall. CIT.XI:I lIKPaRT. •S New tione, Feb. 11. ..CottLrk--Farther miles of 7130 bales at the re cent decline of ie. • • Flour—The market h quiet and firm. with fur- tber et of la - Haidlbls, at $4.816;4.87 for com- India Ohio; :$4,81(4:*',1 for Indians and Michi gan; and $5.2505,73 for fancy and extra Ohio. Grain—Wheat if, more in demand, with sales 'of 'GOOO bus Southern:at 103 e - 6 , bug. Corn is scarce, aud new to Lela eyt 67,6 i GBe bu. ro Pclaims—Old prime pork - is better—dew do is nnFdtanged : gales 4110 bbls at $12,121 for mess, sditliii - 9,Lnifi2,0,31 for prime. Beef is in active de ., trikrul t ..with sales of f:00 bbls at :88,60a.510,:i0 11w mean and 755(0.? for prime. Lapel bag ad , auactd;with sales of 100 bids at 846118 i for old, and new. 'flogs are al able , at i . 40 76. Beef Haturrare at old prices. Butter is dull at 9®l2c. ' Ohio Cheese is finu, at tifih7o ? * Whiskey is unchanged, with sales of 150 bat, at 251@2.9e la gall. Groceries—Sales 100 Idols Orleans. Sugar, at 131 We. 31olasses is in fair • demand,lwith sales ' of Mffabbls, at last quotations. Coffee is droop ing, with sales op 400 bags Rio, at 11} 4a lb. ~Tobaceo--Tbe market is unchanged; witbastm orpo. o bbds Kentucky, at 9€.,C111e; 10 cases Pa. seed leaf, at 151 e ""e lb, • Linsersleil—Furtber sales of ^_soo Wills at 90 €9la I? gall- ' Lead--Galena Is quiet and scarce! • and none setting under S 3 It cwt. CINCISNATI Cbx,r3Al7., , Feb. 11 The, market is quiet, excepting Lard whipt . has adiuneed with a sale of old western at 5c 11. ! Stocks—The market is unsettled. Soles of $7OOO Cincinnati sixes st 971 e. "AlipTen number. and formidable chandler ofblimetri e originating In • daymed FlZte of the liner, limiting chid ironed the attention of medical men. Nome of - three mum, clamed under the 100001 term of candunddloa , bare boon auppmal dimmable, and the rothappy taffeta nu al lonal to dle, w ithout medic-al erienre been enabled to offer Idm • hopi of deanery. tlappilfiidu rav tto idllTnnbn the mac. A remedy bee tern found width MU cure all there earoplthits, of 'ridden, charterer, erloleg from derange ment of the llrer. The Pills ditemered by tee. Prime, of l'irginia, net directly on the liver, and by amrecting 14 operations and p ithfring it from theme. oafs off and erne gates the anntleints that hare their engin in the &dime of this omen. Pernedien hitherto praindal for these diem ma ham la6nl to•ope rare mon the sent of the them.; but 3FLattie MLA mid ileo.orelres felt uldit (by action of the liner, and by thrombi: , the Pontain dry up the Impure ratreame of theme nhich theme dear.' thrir'existrom For Sale at J. KIDD d CO. • frligdakolur ' Wood 00 42,BARRELS CLOVER SEED; Ir no, Timothy .Serd. Pr/not nes mia la bat Boa kegt. No 1 Loaf Lank • -. t. 2.5 Mat, - psi ate 'N. p. F. agar. 140 loin N. O. tilobrataa • • i . - ' fal het. MOO- trrottoJ O. I n Moto-meta .. ~' . 110 hrl. Victor. eutl.rtlne told extra brand.. lamtlias and for tile by BROWN a 11111KVATRICK feta 10 CASKS CLOLIDE LIME, 3lngpratts'; N 1•0,1 011, pro crop. Dimes; .Z. 50111”. Enrlolllorwrk , , v.- - 4 1161.r1+ 11111, 2:r110 Thu 111. Yitrio!: Fnr ale by Ufa E 1 OD &CO-MITI:0d rt. E LAINI:S—A large and splendid assort =Mt of o°ll .1 , 1(.111. Ilamllto.. 5.1 PrenoL Dc Lain trnro 11. l• pl., yard. irrurly all wool lain,. and C.blllfitt rximaely /01/ ' A.. A. MASON- TAT.AILORS' THIMAING.9.--Received tad optnel thb!d ay. vas, lh, &dial, Twist,Zzlin ,nd Lartiag Test 'cot ( Cult". Dor" *O3, And .146 , 6 , .. 1 Y...t ...i Mew Batons. born end kilark'lluncEasprairr. l . l attnns , k_fela , A. A. MASON A CO. To Coal Nen and Boat Builders. 00 000 " IN IliEttT. COAL BOAT SIDING; 'l iIcKNI 1. _ , , AI ~ /0 0D arkOLIT. Milk. eyseyeey, tam& by. ,_' s aga • - . Fourth atrvet. • O - PA BTNElthllP—tThe subscribers have ttet4 int. C.l.artrevi,mdzZpqa, aloge. !ODA °boy. . A JA.Uk.`, ATN.INRIti, . jal JOHN 11 (AMY." ' • -____.....--- 111 .1. (SLOTHS, CA — SSIMERES & 4]1.11.111. , dq/•0t , 0 , lark. Clue, krorrn and trrwri Drotolclabm of thrianl anprrior tbriabl'* moflu ' Clark Tkorklnr. • Wrrt of Ell.l3l4.larmt 11144114 ex dw •. Arblzia Errand Konto , lrY Clark FALIA, Vanryrilk,a.'whint rr. Aire. and Mar:wilier ..'Perttnyt. ,A:A. DIAPON a CO. • Alt kGi marra,t, • 1 _P•it MIS. Dutra) PEActiEs; .• :,ipur LAI Lua r brb...l 'Le brl.Vlatirldr.ri 31 . olorrer, rAk enoberairr. 109 dos Corn ilrotruK Jurtybr'd for rale by .11mill:it , a ROI , - ' ' 7 • • FA' ING EU LIMNOS—We. aru prepar turoub and mt ri.yarbtur for besting Abra 11 buildborm Iq rtratu or ha •arrb and Parr to. surd U. Wllltart (row lbr rut in ell I...linked Ur awn- Ff.!' YE, ATKIN:3ON & UKEIA •• LET--- ILionni and Stoant Neter 'fur poryter, EtuAlre or • YVAIFE, ATI: I NAON t OXELY, • Ytall llv YU.ul.l rViouAcco--5 hinly OhiuLeafdoMaryland, 11. In more Aral for ..i. Li W3I. IL JOH Nry7l.A. • 14KEGS LARD: 110 dos 11ruttar.r..r.1,...1 for We II WM. /I. OIINFTON. !. , 1,1 reed 01111NY-511rIs Cincinuuti Ilonainy . just 1 per wiretoer etly,r, a tsirti .111 1.1.14 very low '. I U . Grl. or bao, j.l) IVM. A- .11rVIAIRO t IX, nUTeli 111-.lltlttlsai —l2 keel+ new, for sale -."1/nr vzt tc.u..r., ArCLIMO I(X) RESIOVAL.—ENcuiIt ..1, BENNETT. Wi(Ole mle (lever* ro4 Ilesler, It/ Prniore: biker rearov.l a . at. 121 11er1.1. in,114 Fire( elt, bevir,ll Wart Bud • /1 4. Pittiloarg4. )a034 •Closing out the.Entireltock. f4.REAT TIARGAIN.S.—A 'Curt`her redue ,,rvp a...kyr. The •nivribo r volohing ciDee nut . .4.• I...rck. Vaioeyso.l Stapte Dry by ;the lot ft( Ator Zie.ll. I.ollid `U 4:4 bit old cor omero awl the public, who. otro in 'nal of coo. tar r cent. Dobow !brow. .Der. Teo any Vol.. no 24.11.. D. l UOM ooloportunity, will dlopoo. of Ow bal .., at the xll4l lit al lent, vitt , • ,Whiclo Low C. 0.. Dr fivrr 11 v... 21.1 tmo. brml ktol hmll7 Trade. licaTcrk;tqcov. Pit.looDr .—E giTES 41.1 ct fillAilSngraved and ' apL Notes and Dra M t., song beauttful de. fa so4ne •or Mord to &sees et stem For at W. a. LIAVNNN Plank Wok Wm. Con. Liaiset and &mut sta. • and Post topTA • EELER I'EACHES---A small lot receiv @e'4. by ;4l w M. A. St,cunul • /. ED , TO BUY—Notes of theWeetern and stock of en Pittabornb i rAar a. ' WANT Banks. HOME MATTERS Isersinsmsst.—slre regret to state, that our readers will tot below an account of no less than three attempts la incendiarism. one of which won but too sucemsful. We earnestly trust that the infamous scoundrel or sconndrels,\ guilty of so many atrocities, may soon be discovered. and meet with that punishment which their crimes no well deserse. Another attempt at ineendiariam of the moot :daring kind,likewine came to ourears yesterdiy, but we have been requested not to give any of the details, and accordingly suppress Item., Wrrntatsww.—The Chronicle, of yesterday. states that the Hartford Insurance Company have withdrawn their agency.from this city, ow ing to the late incendiary fires. INCENDIAttI,Y. —The watchman at Marshall leGeary's foundry in the Fifth Ward, observed a suspicious looking personage lurking about the premise. , on last Sunday evening. He asked him what his business was, but t asseled an impudent answer. While they were engaged In an altrication, n thirst party , approached„ and knocked the watchmen down with a cord!, mitt ting his face, severely. As soon no he recover ed from the effects of the blow, he leaped up and heed a pistol at his adversaries. tie of them fell, and the other carried him away before the watchman wholly recovered his cease. It is supposed that the rascals went there for the purpose or bring the prentises.about which two men bad been'observed lurking on the previous evening. Search has been made for the wmut ed MUD, but nothing. has since been heard of him THE tIDF. or NS:lit —The fire men tioned in our edition of Tuesday, which etansum-. 1 ed.dhe warehouse of James Wood to Co., wax fortunately clang - dished befere it extended nor further. The firemen *lade desperate exertions to save it, and fartunntely , n ll the buildings be tween it and the M u nongahela House, in which direction the wind was blowing, were covered with iron roofs. The loss is very great, but is covered to some extent. by an insurance of $1.0.10 1 on the stork. in the Western InsuranetCompany, and *lo,ooo in the :North American, of Philadelphia. The building was also insured for $3,00 0 in the office of the latfirenampany. We ren ' iet, to state that this fi re was owing to nn incen diary. It was nscertained yesterday morning. that the iron safe kind been broken open, and all the money which it contained, (about one hundred dollars in gold, ) stolen. A draught for two hundred dollars, which will be perWitly useless to the thief. seas likewise taken. The safe doors were; left open. anti the books were of courser as the fire spread, consumed. They were pulled oat, anti scattered round by those who first entered the store, when the filmes se.b sided, which gave-rise to the story of their hav ing been taken into the middle of the warehouse and set on fire. • • • • .. - . The loss of the valuable books and pavers Is by far the most serious part of this calamity. ATTESICTED ItieiNldAlt.3l.—An attempt was made, on last Sunday evening, to fire tile public school hones of the Fifth Ward, at the corner of Walnut and Pike streets. Fire was V 04111.101- cated to a broom,.and a number of sticks idled together, but it went out, and the incendiary, probably becoming slat mot deramped without effecting his pnrposp. FESTIVAL. —We are rejoiced to learn that. the festival for the Rev. Mr. l',savant . " Inthrmary, last 'night was attended by a large number of our most respectable citizens. Nu w"rthier charity exists in our city, than this hospital, where all, no matter what may he the nature of their dis ease, ere admitted, =uttering being the only qual ification requisite. lIANDSONIE PECESCST.—We le'arri that Mr. J It. Lambdin, the celebrated artist, who is now on a professional visit to our city, has presented the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association with a beautifudportrait of tine late lodge Mar shall, The painting is rendered doubly NAluable by the cisme of the painter, as well as by the em inence of the subject of the portrait. ANuTIILR J CUS,III. - Me learn that Mr. Kemmerer will give another Concert at La fayette Brill, on rent Nlonday evening. on which occasion he will he nvsisted by a choir of three hundred of hi,‘ youthful pupils. SINOULAB.—II. I, SoMelf Ufa singular that, within the post few s'eeka, DO less than three iron fnetorieo or warehouses have been tired — First, that of Mr. McClurg. in the Fifth Ward 6econd, that . of Knapp & Cu. ; and thinl, that of James Wood & Co. The incendiary, whoever he may be, seems to entertain n ...penisl dislike to the iron manufactures. llAnntan.—Captitin John Ha.rtnn of the Fifth Ward, aged seventy-three, yesterday led to the hymenear. altar, Mi.% Mary Jane Richardsm, aged twenty. The. gallant Captain did his countt# good VS , vice in the lati war with Great Elritam, and has been "time whereof the memory of 'man reach eth not to the contrary." superintendent of the Boyardstown market house. Ile ion vallauttwd fearless matt. Tug Poor Uncap —There are now one hun dred-and eight inmates in the City Poor Howse. This is rather above the usual number at this _son. . Dr. Rollick has again arrived in our city, aQd announces his intention of delivering a free f,ec tare on Physiology on Friday next. The inter est his lecture excited byre before, will doubtless insure a large attendance again. See his adver tisement Sisartast Ptnervrewarr.—We I understand that another attempt has Leen nindfi to fire the rmiidenTee of Mrs. Totten, in the Seventh Ward. Icr..—All our ice-houses are now nearly Ss the supply of ice for the pest ',reek ur two, has been verb' abundant. We have no' oubt that our citizens will be able to procure it nt a rea sonable rate during the ensuing summer. • Tun C.,..v.“..—The Gourd. of Camil Commis sioners have directed the agontz along the line to have the Canal ready for the resumption of navigation on the 15th of the present month. OCTRAGEOCS.—A colored man, employed as fireman on the steamer. ames Nelson, was yes terday brought before Mayor Guthrie, charged With committing an indecent assult on a white woman, who was a deck passenger on that boat. He was discharged on paying a fine of $l . O and ,the costs, as the prosecutrix, could not remain in the city till the neat term of the Criminal Court. PZTiT LAECENT.—A colored Mall, named Eat on Kent, was yesterday committed to prison by Mayor Guthrie, charged with stealing meat from the butchers in the market house. Ptcitcoesti s.—Our market people should be cautious to day. as a number of pickpockets bare beeti, for some time past, in the habit of frequent ing the market house. Several country. people had their pockets picked lust Saturday. Cowitirrxm —Four women from n - notorious house on the hill, had an examination before Mayor Guthrie, yesterday. 'They were charged with stealing a silver watch, and three hundred dollars In money, from a stranger named (Any. The watch was recovered, but the mouey was not to be found. Three of the defendants were omit to prison, to stood their trial at the next term of the Court of Quarter Sessions. The fourth gore hail for her hppearauce. • Sr.LLI9O I.lO'OU , iVfnlen'T L1CCN3E.—.14.61 Adams won yesterday committed to pri4on. by Slayor Fleming, charged, an oath Thomuß Gil more, with selling liquor. without:, license., MAYJIL ' S OFFICE, PITTstIURIIII.---Fice ca granti sad ilmnkarti4 "ere ye,terday. IFuuglit before hit honor, Moyer Guthrie, and cummixt.,l to prison for various truer ul' ranging !raw twenty four boors to thirty • BRUTAL Aoest LT.—The Tribune of yestes ltq rap that a hardware merchant of Ude city. while returning from Church in Allegheny. in company with his family, was brutally fUyILUII.- ed by nix ruffle. in Anderson area, near the canal bridge. They knocked him down with a colt, and inflicted severe wounds 011 his head and face. one of his front teeth being broken in the_ affray. The attack wan made without provoca tion, the wretches probably tutting mistaken him for another perrota. ea. MITTEL. --Peter McColl:4le was yestenday committed to prison by him - honor, Nlnyor Cuth• lie, on the intyrmati. or Mr, Mary Me• Oonnigle, who More that he had threatened to kill her. i3ELLi.—The bell of Trinity Church is now rung regularly by the sexton whenever a fire 'occurs. If some arrangements were made so that the bell of the Third Presbyterian Church could likewise be rung,it would be greatly to the advantage of our firemen. nuu,—The alarm of fire yesterday evening was 'caused by the burning of a newly finished brick dwelling house, on the North Commons, .!,kllegheny city. Conaiderehle damage was done to the interior. We did not learn hew thb fug originated.. !derstand that some Ins haceit it in con for the purpose of in. order that they [diary firer, 'which ity. 311 e trust that ions into effect, as coos of remedying • SetCtit. Vi'aretn—We' u. of our moot ptotainent temptation to meet together organizing a'apecial watch, may put an end 'to the inc Lane of late disgraced our they may carry their this i t ems to be the only • the evil. large number of the a House, removed night. It was for r, and was saved • lance that all tho below, were roofed '3ltrsosnoitteadt lodgere et the Slonongal, their baggage on Nlondny some time in imminent dap: only by the fortunate ciren. house.; between it and the h • with iron. lx..iNtry.—Twelve or th pour honbe are insane. Th; trinarnent, and all their w. tended to. paupers in the city y have good medical tr ore carefully ot- Bred dollar" worth toter, from Mi. M. coo warelfouse, two James Wood & Co., BroLcs.—About one ho of tobacco. and cigars was 31eGinleY. who keeps a tob doors above the iron store a at the fire on Monday night 1. 3 in Lir —l' main I quest on the body of 1 the employ of Mr. [lair Township, who I l wirry, where he had .1 Pittsburgh, on the Thad been probably he was found when to dinner. He, in Ifection of the heart. m the visitation of • StII,IIEN Du r ant.—Coroh Arthuis yesterday hold on John Marshal. a laborer i Wm No of Lower St. woo found dead iu a stone been Working. two miles ft Brownsville turnpike. LIB extinct fol. some hours, as the children went to call hit .all likelihood, died from an a and n verdict of “died ,I.l.4"iwas rendered. I The unfortunate man had no friends in Alle. 'gheny County. • • sSSF.I rum indebted to the Journal, of yesterday, for the opportunity to rectify on error, theitiononguhels 31essenger has discover ed. We quote from the Journal.: "We clip the following from the.Monongahcla Messenger : Sateldr—We regret to le len theta young lady. residing in Williamsport, whose name we forl?ear to mention, committed sti cid° in the early part of this week by taking arse *e. She lens engaged to Lave been married on S nday next.. Rut her betrothed unfortunately dint, and the melancholy event so preyed upon her ind, ns to induce her to commit the rash act by hich she was deprie ed of lite. •We were somewhat as rised in reading the above paragraph in the ritishurgh Gazette of lost -week. and we thought it strange that such an event could take place in our town, without it coming to the knowledge of ourcitizens." We should have written , M'Ecesport, instead of Williamsport, and the eiror was not observed until the daily and weekly 'editions were worked off. For r Pt;talo . zrgh Gator, THE JUVENILE CONCERT. Ma. Lorton—The Juvehile Concert, given lust Monday evening, at the Lafayette Hall, afforded universal satisfaction uhd delight to a large and respectable audience. Prof Kemmerer is certainly entitled to much credit for his success in teaching so large a num her of juvenile vocalists, and the large audience assembled convinces us that his musical achuire- MentS are appreciated in our community. We scarce deemed it possible that so large a number of pupils could have been so adthirahly trained hi' vocal music, to keep such aecurafetime, nod to articulate so distinctly. Over three hundred children song together iu perfect harmony. The solo by a young lad, and the five pieces performed by the little misseS, -were well done. The performances of liyerly'e Brass Bawl added much to the pleasure, of the evening, and the excellent arrangement of the singers, caused them to present a very beautiful spectacle. The behavior of the children woe excellent, and gave great saticfaction— indeed the crowning triumph of the evening was the cheerful and ( decorous behavior of the hand of boys, about 100, who, like the little ladies, were supplied with white handkerchiefs, and waved them. and sang with as correct o MPOSI.Ift, . and conducted thettiselve, aid] ns mulch propriety as the little ladles. There ie to be another entertainment on unit Monday evening. ParentA Nhould hying their children with' them, to give them a torte for vocal music. which lA too much neglected. Alt A (*mut:. FRO* CALIFORNIA. The 'Empire City' arrived at New Voik on Fri day, bringing news from San Francisco to Jan. I.- She brings 210 passengers, and about one million in gold dust, $750,000 on consignment and $2&0,000 in tbehands, of passenger, Melo!lowing letter from a letter of Richard, a missionary, written frcm the Gatune station .of the Panama railroad., furnishes information of interest relative to the work In all the public works I have seen, I never knew so large a body of men no happy and con- tented, or to enter more fully into the spirit of a 1 • gnat national enterprise. I have made minute enquiry of every laborer, and also of their en- cellent. superintendent, Mr. Truesdale, than ' whom the company could not have selected a more able'or efficient officer, as to their health, and their opinion -of the climate. Found that since the commencement of operations there have been only three deaths, and thai those three men bad been sick before they left the United States. As to the Irish laborers there has not been one sick since the commencement, all are perfectly r contented and happy, awing to the wise, humane, and judicious treatment of Mr. Truesdale.— There has been a good deal of difference of opin- ion as to the time it will require to complete the whole but from what have seeb, I feel sat isfied that 15 . mouths will be Fufficient. The track is already prepared for the rpils from Navy Bay to 6:dune, a distance of three miles and a half; and a large portion of the remainder is already exc.-elated. A Coin counterfeiting establishment on a large . „ scale has been broken up at Panama. It in stated that the Whip have been victori. ono in Sacramento City. which gives them the ll... Tendency in the Legislature, and will probably seccrre the return of n Whig to the Senate of the United States in the place of Col. Fremont.. 11:1= The Placer Times (Sacramento City) of Jane :try let, has the following review of the mining operations: Up to the present time, we have had but little rain—not enough to enable miners to work in the ravines or dry diggings to much advantage. On ly a few days at no time line there been eafficient water to admit of washing. Should the present weather continue, it will, to come extent, inter fere with the calculations of miners. They will not be able to realise as much from their mining operations in the early port of the,wirder micas tintidgated. But when tho snow upon the moun tains begins to melt, the Present condition of things will change, and ample amend. will be made, for the time will not be lost, as tho mi ners are now throwing op clay preparatiiy to wash ing. 'rhe anccess of the mining interests of Cali fornia, during the past season has been good.— Notwithetnnding the losses that were nustained in the early part of the season by damming op endions, miners have generally done well. They have,do the aggregate, obtained a large amount of gold, as the returns by the steamer clearly ittente. The excitement of mining in California has nearly pact. All classes 'of our citizens now, very generally, understand what can be avenged from mining operations, and they are not dis appointed with ordinary SUCCOSI, llold mining has b7cone a permanent business. and we hear less complaints from miners, than et any previ ons time during the past 12 months. 1 . 110 Snn Frulli•lSCo .I.lllllllla Commerce in re lation to the q uarts mining, says • Among the most extensive establishments may Inc enumerated that of Stockton A. Aspinwall, the erection of whim.; machinery in now completed, together with a large number of surrounding buildings, such tis dwelling, houses, blacksmith's , shops, joiners shops, Sr. Their machinery in said to be tar superior to any other yet pm up for the 'purl., for which this building is de signed. Palmer. Cooke Sz Co, are also making large out ' lays of money on mining operations; and have tit., far been well paid by the rich harvest of the precious metal which they have extracted I from the huge and ponderous rock. Our infor- Inset says that they have removed enormous i quantities of rock, and' already extended a tun nel about one hundred feet through the most dif , link:part of the - solid rein of quartz. • • Several companies are now organized in the vicinity of Burns' Diggings, for the purpose of working the quarts rocks, there being in that section one hundred and fifty persons engaged in mining, and some of them have their multi 'nery already engaged. The veins in that neigh borhOod are said to be , the. richest found in the country. A correspondent of the Pacific News, writing • from Tuba City, Dee. 18, says IVery extensive dry diggings have been die covered in the low ranges of hills between Tuba and Feather rivers, audio places unlikely foe gold accoSding to the notions heretofore received con cerning deposits, - that it is not probable, bat al together likely that the discovery of gold has but just began. The prospect is good for getting back - some of the money loot in damming :the Feather and Yuba - rivers this eummer from the dry diggings looked upon as worthless, while such great %hinge were expected from the 'lam ming."' '~..:V: ~'c£6ea.Jr::~ic~~ . . The Stockton Journal contradicts the report heretofore received, that Mr. While's party had been waylaid and murdered by the - Indians. La ter intelligence bad been received front him. In whieb he announced that be had been snoresent in finding the extensive silver mine be was in search of. The Sacramento Transcript records the find ing of a lump of gold at Ophir, :Sutter County, worth $10,01.10. Several persons had died of cholera at that locality. The Placer Times says: Alfriend who is located between the North fork of thpAtuerican and Bear-rivers, &i miles from this city, informs us that new and important discoveries have been made upon the last named stream, three or four miles above Steep Hollow on the Truckee emigrant road. Two or three persons have been at work for several weeks past in the location named. and have realized -from one to two hundred dollars a day to each man employed, A large number of persons learning these facts have crowded In recently and located claims. The most of those at work we Lear artesloing exceedingly well. The gold is found in the side of the mountain, in what up •pears to he decayed stone, and pays as deep no shafts have been sunk. We are told the gold is in coarse pieces curving in value from fifty cent. to eight dollars. The same paper notices the discovery of nn extensire bed of eyal shout forty miles from Sac• ramento, which had been laid open by the miners intsearch of gold. From what little is known of the geological formation of California, we are rather doubtful of the accuracy of this infor . motion. DEATH to TUE iIIOENSAINS.—A correspondent of the Pacific News, under date of Yuba City, Dee. IS, mites: By the last reports from the head-graters of Feather River. snow has fallen to the depth -of 1:: or 14 feet, and cold is no intense that eighteen out of n party of nineteen men froze to death in one night, and sixty or seventy:mules.The avow fell so rapidly that the woad was nil covered. and they were obliged to burn their cabin to keep them from frCezing: but even that did not save them. It is known that over two hundred men retnnined up ,the North Fork. -with the. de termination of wintering there. and fears are now entertained that they will all perish. Bernnrd B. Light. of Elmlgeville, Vu., was fro zen to death a few miles north of Downieville. lie hod started for Grass Valley, and becoming 'unwell, was left by his companion, who proceeded to the nearest settlement for assistance. On his return, nothing was to be found of Light, -al though the blanket on which he hadlnin was dis covered. The-nest morning the body was dis covered about, fifty yards distant. The snow was about n foot deep at the time. The Alta Californian records the following sin gular ease of kidnapping • Some time in the month of July or August last, the American schoonerJupitor, Capt. Snow, arrived at the Inland of Dominique, ``one of the group of the Marquesas idnndn, l and remained there for several weeks. While at the Island of Dominique. the captain and mate induced five females, one of whom was the Queen ,of the bay. and only fourteen years of age, aud'the Others the daughter s of chiefs, to go on hoard the schoon er, by name false pretence, and, soon after they were on board, got under way, and forcibly, and against the will of the females, brought them to this port. During the. whille voyage, the females were treated with great cruelty, and after their arrival here, they were treated still worse. no much no that all of them jumped overboard, and endeavored to escape to the shore. flaring been saved from drowning, they were again taken on board, and won after the schooner sailed for Strwkton, still retaining the females nn hoard. The captives were afterwards taken to San Francisco by Col flays. and upon being taken before the Justices of the Supreme Court, were ordered to go free. Capt. Snow and his mate, Cullman, were also arrested, nod after an exam ination; committed for trial, forfulse imprison ment of the women on board his vessel in the bay. Bair was tiled at se,oot). R. McKee, Esq., and Dr. Worencraft, the com missioners appointed to treat with the Indian of California. had'arrived at San Francisco. The cholera bud been very fatal at 'Santa Barhora In many cares whole families became extinct The custom houwo at Monterey wav robbed un the 7th of January or 1:50.0tAl. A portion or it belonged to the ',Heim, awl the remainder to the Government. Five men were under arrevt (113 ruspieiou of being concerned in the affair. The bark Bostonion woo lota iu entering the Umqua river, in October, and Wm. Bell, of ram bridgitport. Mos, . John T. smith, of satirbury, and F. K. Johnson, of-Pruenia, were drowned. A Bible Society, auxiliary to the .American Bible Society, was formed at...San-Um.. the State Capital. on the Nth December. dna Professor Banister elected President. The annual meeting was to be held un the fourth Ssbbath ofJanuary, depositdry had been established, at which Bi ble, and Testaments. in English. Frencb, Spaa• ish and German, were kept on hand. FROM OREDON We have news from Oregon to the middle of December. By, an advertisement in the Oregon Spectator, we learn that the people there are in earnest about a Railroad to connect the Willa mette Valley with the Columbia River, with its . terminus at some point approachable by large vessels. The whole cost, it his been estimat ed, will not be over $500,000, and it is proposed to divide that aunt into one thousand shares, at $4OO each. It is thought that it can be com pleted in twelve months. We are pleased that .our neighbors are awake to their own interest's', in promoting all such improvements, by helping out nature, where her hand has Dot quite met man's necessities. ~ . . The Oregonian contains the message of dor. Gaines to the Territorial Legislature. He advo mites a liberal Policy on the part of the General Government, in the donation of lands to actual settlers., The Oregon land bill, which passedthe last Congress, was suggestsd to that body by Gen. Gaines, for which he deserves th• thanks of the people of the Territory. Ile urges the immediate construction of the road at the public expense. Ile advocates a liberal system of education.— Of the public buildings, he says: "There is now in my hands $&,000 fat the purpose of erecting suitable public buildings, to which may be added $.lOlOO approprinted at the Into session of Congress. "The want of a secure place of confinement for persona conrictad of high crimes, renders your prompt action In re gard to the erection of a penitentiary rably necessary to the faithful execution of the laws of the land." He asks the passage of a law for the protec tion of the Indian tribes. The General Govern- . tent ban appointed a Board of Commissioners to i treat with the Indians for the relinquishment of ' their rights to the soil. Ho advocates a revision of the taxes, and many other laws necessary and proper to promote the general prosperity of the Territory. In conclusion, ho feelingly announ ces the death of the Into Prenidetst Taylor, and ' congratulates the Legislature. on. the passage of all the compromise measures of 'the last Con gress. The Oregonian contains also, a highly interest ing letter of Om Gaines, to the Into President Taylor. The Territory is represented as being in a very prospect.. condition. . The Spectator states that a part of the bones at a person supposed to have been drowned, was found near Albany, in Linn County. The name of the person is not known. The _money found on him iv in the hands of Mr. George (line, of Albany. Mr. O'Neal in faking the census of the Territory. George M. Williams died very suddenly at Or egon City. COLD Vit LATHED —We learn from Mr. Collopy, just from Portland, Oregon, the wenther there iv extremely cold. A boy returning from Portland to his father's-home, one mile from town, was frozen to death. lle says the ice froze at leait one inch thick in the room he slept in on the i • night before he left. 1 MPRi,ENIENTS —We learn that new and sub stantial buildings are every day going up in Port- I land, Oregon. This thriving city is at the head i or nav igation un the Willamette, and le de:llliter' ; to become a very important city in that prospef- I ous Territory. .. Vt. I: I, li tra."—We have received a floe solid potato. from Henry Fuller's farm, in Portland, Oregon. It weighs three and a half pounds, and mensiires twenty three and a half inches in cir. emnference. We have also received from our friend, Thomas J. Pryer, n turnip. weighing 35 ! pounds. This is tow:hang for Oregon, but we raise bigger 'potatoes in this State, and as to tur nips. there was ones on exhibition on Central wharf., last Sunday,'which could not be got into a flour barrel. Dryer says he would have sent us' cabbage, but they could not .get it aboard of the steamer. --Cal. Cons.. Cratots CENRI'II Ao ECltto.i. --The Oregon Spectator gives some curious facts, which it de rives from Mr O'Neil. the Census Agent for Ore gon Territory. These facts will afford some discussion among the ladies. The Spectator Stly, The population of Linn County averages about 7 to each family. and strange to tell, there is quite a number of bachelor,. in the some, Ile found one family containing 12 children, hearty and well to do—the product of 19 years ; and another containing 9 children in 11 years. Ile I visited a number of families, the mothers of which were but 14 years old, and several the mothers of which were only 13 years old. One family, in King's Valley, Polk County, the moth er of which bad three children at birth, about five months previous, two of whom were still living, the other having died a short time before his visit. Three Wallies by the name of Apple gate, residing in the Umpgita Valley, contained 89 children; the distribution being nearly equal be tween the three. There was oaf family, the father of which af ter giiing in the names of at= children, Wag interrogated whether there was any more, re plied—v . Yes, there are four or fire more," but he being unable to call over their names, was oh. served io trail for their mother• by whose assist- , once the catalogue was completed. >lr. called - upon another family, the head of which being absent, it should be remarked here. that it is necessary to inquire the birth place of the beads of the families Ais house keeper. a color ed woman, was interr6mittsl as to the Stale in which lie was torn assuming rather a knowing look, ••I don't know 'tartly what State. but I think he was born in the State of ltellenio uy—l don't know if it joins lientock or not.— Fre often beard him talt about it." Ile was a native of Ireland. Another, being askeir - what State he was horn in, replied that his father' had moved round so much when he was n baby, that he was unable to answer corieely. The country of Yam Bill contains a population of nearly 15011 .owls. HOUSES, FARMS, &c. _ 14‘011 RTT—The store on Market " . .b "%151111!1:IN;'OCE. LIAR SA LE UR REN'li-Ekven acres 0t.,:; I' ttt froml. altunted tha atnnaa , ° 11 ‘;111 of Alines...till, on a n rreetr.l (mt. Ali ana.l .4111.115,„ an The Anon.l I. all larsr 1er..1. mat lento 1..0r0nl In frant by the rtl..1.1111•I Lark In Ina it $a one O the :non In the rleLnit, of 'ii, that i. nes in Me mark. lal LET—A Warelnann situatati rlll.ll 14-1 r n nne..l ren arel Stara., an.l runnito th Don Una, tr. Neeont re. .1.11 , 1,...,4.1 In..' •Irvile, At,inren. It t..ultat,lr fee 4 n r •Var ' .... "... 1.666. 1.11 F TI. I NS. 0: s DEEM' litill!SE AND LOT FOR. SALE—Tir• T r, , I °,l a. !ranting. thy l/11111111.1111i Val fe. andnn aorket atre..t 210 feet The bona. aril ea..rue:ea enmfot anJ enleure. nh on flonlanr. of Cato o ut t..., 'I he Sat fa sell *tont nitlt rhalre fruit tors. o abruh O lnar, p — The 0.n.r.. pn.port, - I. ..,..lestrat.l.• za.n I Oat. ',ON.", t 0.4 ntWrrl:t. Wet No. 14.. IA fon (not, rind Nq bark. OAlnrlna•.l. . • /Inn. SLCOCIII:A.N. canon:burn. Atrther panntolsra. Inquire of DAN I EL RI SING ER. *colt Dearer. Jou rAI. OR RENT—Ii gond ' , rick grahlo on 2 Lls•rts an.l smith. trstruntx nt prnnrot arrant:4,l for limn llorsnt. ran ring, it: ontill Im.t_wil7 trout.. to :vrntnico.lnte Thn buil/Inc twlng 1,1, and converlinntl) alt oat 1. nottl.ll., tnrr p.n., of storms . .• for mon. chant., ;I:totire nit ' JAS. 310.NTIS1TII. Y7..177 soltil.ll.l.t. or So. 17 Stst 1.0 130S/TIVE SALE —A numlwr of L in It.. tr., tltontion , . In Lie boronzh 0,l Itlrininttnnom. Coq lit/rningltant to. nonth I•itnaturvh. g• Inr lc., an,l 033 ao-tanuolelil2.. t. rno 414111 , 441. to Snct.l llasr.l A Irvin Otto Inr Itrtv-etghtl , ltt nn , noto ACM., 1 , ,r tenth. monk. r partnntln, apply FUR R F4N T —.‘ ‘rarellutiqe ,itnat,,d on W. 11112 t. 1. tc... Marl, 411.1 Errr, ,1110.1 e fr, prod.. Enquir. JAS LZELL Marl,rt otitvt rift REST— The lion., and ..71 - , 1 onarr.aandint Vr/Calad• oca ner ki 0,1 1, r,d) 1. al di,tarad cl Prid, utrrut. I!) Eialhth art•lttne ta . finl c Cantu. In, tram +mnkr and bac- CI, url Tr t n+l.l. an a t ,. tit.. a hen. •naria a plc, 11 It. lf Oft.• IMMO , m nt Icigin,/ , part cl lbe HT)JAr'.W OR SA LE--tkven year'n Inane , with gtock and ft./Mr, nr Dry Linoty atr,t. nr rUnkl.. pArtirvllr• roatunv ...Coro (..1.1,11w - Very Valuable City Property for Sale. VIE undersigned Adulinktrators of the FLI. OfTho.s. VAirmett. elcr,t,tAl. ttllve fitr Atli. the ntra r•tate a the ..hl Th.ttuutt !Airman. roatti.ting of :Ate A/ Ittrt 10ttsz tat Lilwrt, tAnt.t. running hark to u fr. ft., ill, inA A 1,.. tht, tavttru tiara knotty, A. thr MAcouto 11..u , e It ith Ow trrotautl• tot Plahly ectratirttAl. frt.oltutz on Hum MI, thirt • !On , lert tour In. Al, thr, 1..1. inttatou nrl Oh. rr, Allt,...steh rut tart n L. 4 (root. atAI ruitntng ht. It tialt AAA ytkraltrl truth Plum snort ull a It holt prtAtrrts wall br told At ,rtttnltt auk. At Applwalutti to lb , •tiloAribtAA, (Ad Lot Alla I.4ttr. thr ib t of March. will Itit trerrAJ t ilirtiAlli To it, htiaten ltkltlert 01... the Tat eto tttu.J . l.t tAl.rotl 1,4 mot Arvlst tit It. FA lIIM AN, or It. CA UPIIELL. ,A,AAlmrat lal 1.11.11, .I - I.ilLflt RENT .1 lwautifully 1,,...-atowl Lot, Au11.,1 for •market cl go ß atr ' . '" l ;' fr,Z;nl7l.ll.l4("'' *0,0,1 Pl., tetlll 4 u»t forth, rn.cUl. ,, , 4 17111111\'1\r\ a 0N SHINS'. Art.rr, al 5za,t1....1.1 r LET-- Th. , Store 8010, No. 65 .rp, ItsYkrl street l'ke twrt liwatiro in for ;e: • nicy err kind. r t urs. akin. fur 1101111,11. , krill., • oftirri Ark s ti t , 11 . lF WI L.-11 . ; 14 1 011 ItE NT --All that la.rtinict my rivt-r bota.ta t. Irlyi.en .0 • knell Plink Antil tont IL. rl,. r. 0 , -nI iny' sena tr •• 11l nil hi arryixer•l a ;no r a ni. honer alth r urn , . akinoirilar ziinrckark. and torn. It IA all in a hi,h *tat, is ruin. aCs . I.ln. ealcuLwnit (nr dirlrt L.r rum,: yin, perann nerd lint... he gra entree if ni osurn•tkled bintrotri mini-nil,. and lialitArt Tby fseiliti.• In crlni ni ni innrknt kin. outwit yln the inuntrt, a• lA* kintrtit rill have • an kf thr rrri Tr•Z i. I EA L ESTATE FOR SA LE- - 'Elie under sale reiltAt.lo 1w 41 1. 3,4 4 .•5 IrliTn.i.,hsto. ito 1...15. 2 , 7 T.; new &bon! Mum KIM Euritsh Luth,rsanebti'rcl... . . • • • , • . Tbr ranl,l grutath of Itlrtolophant In t..pulatlon and manufa,turlnir wealth. an.] tint rearonsble p.m. at winch lot. will toe fall. 0111 n.n.ler them rare aryl ntontalde In ,lllnent, Title perfect. Tcrtn r farorabl. forpartl,ulasa and 1,114.. rtiquir...t nnclernrnecl at ibr elb.• of tieorne liilronre. .rt tirant strd. ~ Pitta.- I.urelt. Irtlrorn 'Third and Fonrth s c treet, or et William ;Tama .d N rattersuo. •. at their otos Ihtm. Ingham. tttl , 11,1SV.e, V.AltiN. /IANAL WAREHOUSE TO LET—'ll.2. Warehona, N. 3:,1 I.ibrrtystreet, nor hell A Livnett, will tv,rrntrd. ult the lupin prlrtlrrers.. trona the 1.1 of Marsh of xt. Arta,' to Jat.%.sltf II BRADY WILMNS- lot V..unh LET—Otte [louse anti Lot situmed r i n fledf.:rd quet,Fh Ward. ant terms. Ai annir lA I 1.11 - 11. E CO Ain. Jar I:vs Ltherty at li I OR SUINCri LPT offers for I: ma... lahre and sell Mirk (amen, with eve a . ~.1 11 or mom acrr4 cround. mltnat..l tilt I•oorth alree l an , .. arltlat, thrce nailve of this elty. Purraearlon on the 1.1 of Aprll next. AI.. a vet, derlral.le lot nf mund.rontalning orrr FoUr Arms, arlth 0 apring of excellent grater tboreon. pituatocl mar the ahnte. Al.n • int of 01 , 010.1 1 , foot 11 mohoi ha I hot. attolrn Inc the n..ofoh of Mr. A. T.. r near Nn cit.. onnr•lta thr nolrt nn yenth Marl on Prnn.,lranla Art nor 1' , ..-annn o II Ata gn nn avo. rtkn that On r/nnk Rovl gra! nvmplotn the r. , nnn ram. r For further Chita{ hyprth ot. rout n•ar Or Mat iten,to•l ntyporty I•=lltif dil'Oß It EN TOR SA LE—'rho Kubccriber ,x3Z nal n 1000 trot Int r.ri do-nrahlr ontry q 1.1-• A ltrr; h ! . rt r, rt .lunar , t . y , i i l , lll . on Otto 1 .. r. c 0.t .t.. 17 . : leave doullo bock 1111,1131 g ord., Illore to • r•rrnsat hou tulle and 0 , 4 n•t, on tho •r , nod. arnleh nnniwave. .rn imprnvokl rontaltno• 2 20 t7 devrintuc of fruit •In• • houn. owl •Inch 1100. Ponnv.inn tir,n whcnev.r Dolor UCL'll ART. nalaltf WI RENT—A twu t,tory CA ; ' Non.. on liar *timt. EnTtire 1216 JAMES DALZELT.. G 4 neer rt .yOlt SALE OR ON l'Eltl'E'rLlAL LEASE —I will 4111 fnr 4,41. or nn periwtuall 1.;141 (nna Ir) 14: (IA M Spring alloy. ad ) n ruzln , Moth (1 and I:ngtne unt, ,qukr, to by 1.11..”(. 1./krP , ll. and A11....,M,L•tny.t. , . nral STring Altry. b.-Ina 2(4 Met on tartly. ..1' 10 , m :Zpring All•-). 1.300 11 ,, t frantln7 on li.l.Cl2,l7l(lrrrt. dlntnir ni.vrit.. l>ntral Rodmnd Itqat. and rontalnint: 43 atri,,, lanaktli JA3ILS WHAM,. ikr,t LITA BLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. • Tlool Ward Public ~boot 11no.,nn.lnItoon whielLit •Instil. , . will 1. whillther ..varately of tn..* r n h u r a Ide on tl t. An) n.l.l2Einual inMrtnattco will tw . Inrun , of .1.. made knovt api3 , 7 l l l ign , t , c. ,:c.,s. nrnrd Dirrelnrs. at N.( IT and Z.:. 3lnri.rt -tnwt. 71 1 0 LET—A large Mansion House wittiTt9 , I a , ern.. Attu+Ell,' .Ituatenl of o.l4land.lai lIAIWY. JONES t CO. LET.—Thar deKiral.lo ,residence at Rl7".n th.. euhscrther, gitualed,vl3 t Grx...l.:.htir,). Pike. tn the Borough of Luvrryt,e-..... ntlle The hou.e lerr.e nr..l I4S Z . rift.l.urgh rvery Tuentar.Tharcla3 - and S,tifttlar. Irar,g fro, Monday. Wed...lay and Fri fhnd Eft. ACMII. I/EGyLAR: WEDNESDAY tln. owner* of b' FY Irtrularr ;mu. Noorwr, aryl other,. Er ,noAnnatl nn.l l'ltn•lntr,th Park. t tn.d, awl Tull kat, r; ti for Clnrinnatl. Flare of OW Iry En, Icsol No. 2. 1.00 fn•iftht apply on nowt!. nr to 11. BEIM ER. itcrnt );EGULAR PACKET FOR f ir, 114WKI:‘ , WORT.--Tbe fine Myna "' . F, 4 1-T of . o 2. C.,,t I. %. ..een Tni-.110 of I U . C . ID( k v u. P1NV7.7.1,1^,-,,, 0, TRANSPORTATION JEEC!! EXPRESS TO PHIL. ADELI'llIA.—wr ham. mall.. xrronminrom faj• iq24=4R7s.Z.ll==;:tl7ll - 714=11 r,ml IMlLLMaidaa. Thromat In 7. hour, Small 1.4.. Doll mu Le taken. U LEECII ..1.17 &Ma _ Cava Flavin, PEIirRSYLVA.NIA RAILROAD. WINTER AItRANGEMENT-;- ..S. Thine d< Ilaon to Piaziadelphla.-24 tuklee Rat+ ets..rtg. • OrKel Intent Telkceeph ant Expriv. Line Stur . c....t9rapt. Fix dmily [Klee el Sr w Coach, 11OLLIDAlen Run. 1,1 Irma thence he the Sew IN.ottr.,Penelia Rallenad 1. 1•1111.M.LI.PIIIA. NEW YORK. w,e.l Dann: the ruapertaion of Canal Narlannan. Six Pally tl n C.acht. wtll halve tar llollstlataLurgh. and (rata ht the Net. Pettnarlaatila heal noal auk.) Pt Phil.lelphtm. tl.n.uah P. Pare to Philadelphia. .1 a itatae avery at ..elor.R. .ot., nicht at the aame hour In . time. *brat. in madit.,• Thia I+[M tat.ePt eat:Ohl - table, and es t.. [Le en..h.tat • . l'axavnrxr , Ga flp:timnro tate the N. Mtn rcaul at Mr. Jur, nu thr aztiyal gd the car. at that kor "-..'4° imfi T ' lNt'alitill ' t P .A * ll, St Charles 11,0,1. . • or to J 1101.A1F.... - Mouratraltrla Pitt,burett. Itor 1. Is:tn.—tire: VILA I. , ;SPORTATION FOR SALE. Th. Attherrther ottnts for k tiff etncit, gond will. ICambotun liiiindelphta. c.l the Itellsnee L..' Th. putronsge 4 thin rad e4tatillthl mut em in roll wkth, 14...x...iteration per.uo •i•bina tn eniLsrL Ft.-I.l.tiflur-A, of thc... tuny Vn.y.J3 Ir. th... - arr, MP trod, An lb. I. aJvftnring Tor m•lunn en ..e-rangen..nt•i inn Awn lot th La , Ene • - y sin riaz it S. inthottatit 101 IN 1I ADEN, ~urvivlne parto, of John 1.1eF*1..11 , lea Cannl 141.40. Prun :24u BBLi. 2.0. MOLASSES; N.• . .00 Orse.l 1,-,ch. • num., Fl.ntr. F., .1:147 .7 7 l li 11A1,1,4 .411 oar 1031.5 LINSEED OIL, ^OO •_l. 1,1,1. Tallow Ilnanua 15 El.k :1! Luse. pun. ralt.faltl• 14.1. HAI Butter. elk.e/o: 'tar :la Coalman ' 41, r-at/ Euellah thaw, du: 4 I,d- Illekory Nut.. LW bud: Mini App.1...: 4, 044 rat,: • . A 1141ruu: A small uf ella...yralla For nal, o )an'Sal , J (2() 1: A L L 0 1 111; • wing,. Coll., So 4414 No 3 Manktr.l: 11114 Tar lr ha, r:ll.llPan, rat 1 .) T. W.JUDS t I,alute Dealer , and l'eannuaalou haraa. 33.2. CI Water 4re..1. I (.)00 L"S " t'f TON TA LLOIV: :SoDo Corn Masi: Ir4a) lb, hurk hcwal Viol.: for sale Ly T. Wll,ll/5 .t. SON, Vrodure Roles and Com:m.4/41 51.1.rhalata, ra!) rcl teats atria, I.: LK . I'OIIK —2OO piece 4 heF nmnil, well ■llritarn4l, far .ale bl IV3I. 11/1.1.4 LET • CO I,EATIIERS—I7 sneks•prime for snle by yip neRI3IIIDOE 116 Welter brls and 15 kegs for sato by 3,2 S J., DILW.RTII .4 co 11,1111LX)51S 7 -M dui jugt rer,eived by II ~...., - J. S. lllLVrogill kCo III:I:IT-100 bu Drivd Peaclieg: ILO bo Dried Apy1...,.64. Pale. by jrat J s 1.11.100111 t co ---_ 1" ERMILLION-1 caee genuine Chine, rol. hl J K I id. CO, ,st.N •1 LA.IIPIILACK---io brIR for snit. I.V Jan , J IIDLt }I jVciltKS ON 1100 K KEEPING— T , wort-, I mr Mr , ".. i.rrr - nrrir for ode t.r .1011%SIV.LLOIL. m_ts sl %tool a UU It HE E LISA It itOW was taken away (ram our am, Fralay. the 1/ah of Januar,. by e man of the name or Wm.Willlam, and add to Mr.llotlfen. Of Al:cal...a , rit) and taken In I'. M. Daft,' Anrtlnn It no Straub., 09. - Znit. mad mid. The izottU , •man who mu ch:L.4A the I.. , ll..artmarrturn the mute. and act hi; rem,' n‘talt Ity thans 1.01 wath' oblige .tra.N J. 11. PHILLIPS.. and 9 Wool xt lin.:11 7KER'S FARINA—:i eases 1.1. r sale by 1 I ,51..1 J. SLID MN M AKER k CO. 21 25, $1 50, and $175 per gallon. T A V ERN 4; EEPERS bad better try Mania A llimorD.C. Pr.. P., Fnewn RUNE,. td the .l Vrtrcs. Ilk f..... vurcla.luz ....I"...ber.P. THE rg.a AND WINP.FTOILL . ja2.5 rebt pide flits^ Dimond. 11 IC E-3G tes prime Carolina. for sale by ik J AV, JAS. A. 111.Te111r , ..N .k co Q .... 110 Y-40 kegs assorted Nos. for sale by 10 ,i,...• its A 111. - TCHIS:IN S. CO A,I OLAS:SE , S—Plantation & Sugar House; 'JAM ''''''"l.7l. l 'i %'il.;fi'VA ace. T EAS 3U lif ehsts 1111.X.1. to ettra tine Green enttv tno. do do do IS Of rhr.n. Chnlan .nd Onlcuz Blue*. 10 ^. l e I.S' ' II J. D.W11.1.1,01., .t . CU A MLLOW. . 25 W 1, Ws for sale * , 1 iss /I T I CANFIELD 11111 G IRON-50 tons Brush Creek, for sale by v 25 lIOIMIOSI. LITTLE S 1i °LASSES-4W brls plantation. for ral 1- ''' pers : JAS A. lIUSCIIMON OCO I EAD--;!500 pip Galena, (or sale by .1 . 4 .3:J JAS. A. lICTCIIIS.V. ICO LINSEED 01L—..."0 brls 'reed for sale to; 1.24 .S.- a W. ILARBAUtiII: SUG A lt, s & MOLASSES----..10 b h101 .0 1, 0.0. Stier. , W Idb. X. 11. do • NMEIME!!NME .11 EIEII ANC LA y just reed by LI J. 24 BURIIIIIIKIE INOIIIItAAI. ICE-411 tex just ree'4l far sale by I.IIL 023 BUM:MIME s IsnlinAm REST BLACK TEA—Same kind as in .3P tuuland—Small leaf..lmr. and fine. to when. el.. In Illulnkrub. .0•14 14 1 EATIIERS---1 packs 4 - 4 . 1 - 11 e, for ;41414. by— . 4.24 WICK a 11.:AND1.K. , 1 li`A LI LY FLOP It '2ll brls eztra, for male by .1.27 . I EA i./ • PI PE- -Cornell' , improved patent N.+ b e Ils , o t. Are.,lll[l.‘ll J , All on hnn.l enl Init., 1,.r _ LEXANDEIttlititlkIS. Wat.r IF AM 11.. l FLOUR— -145 brls Itarn.ll'. extra tdu brig Ymidy dc , . '''''''' '..""" jr. '' '''''' n it=. idrrtd .. a CO ..! . 7.' Biiowls . 1 !Ai doe l'efi.reet ' s superior. fur mi.. lo yea. ROBISON. LITTLE A CO - . I 1 . . . I 31E111 - I. " , kegs ne.orted. for sale tn. A or., J ,iIII.OYOLVIILII. A/ Il I IQUOitICE BALI,— 5 craw's small stick, for .ale br yd, J. SCIIiioN MAK Elt A CO. i.: 'Y li Ft . S.-36 kris Golden Syrup; 1.7.1 ....i Idly ClurJfird . A BUTCHIS dn fur YS 'tile hy Ail A CO 7 ~ Y I.LOW —25 brls recd per steamer Arena Au.l lid ..1.. by Jed:. Boun J d . ing B )..UE S3l A vise for =le by po:v J. SCIIOONSIAICIR A CO 1111EF'D SVGA RS--20 bze d. ref'd large loaf 103 brie mull loaf; • MO do ernepondhtd: 170 do ered; ,30 do Clatiflod, In done and JAS. A. IitTCIUSON C CO Ante Et. lends Bum Hettnery. LOAF SUGAR-30 brie for pale by Int BAG/alit & W. WNSEND'S ESS: GINGER; thrtutmon Cds Barasrills; tar sale bl /12 , 67 Wood it PHILADELPHIA. 110 AGALEY, WOU . D.WARD & Co., IVholo- I JP thncrro. NA 2.11 Market at... Philadelphia. , •• ~ g~ALD, BUCKNOR & CO.. Tobacco eolimt.gion Ilrrrhant-t. No. 41 North Water Arr. , . 1l N.rth Wham.. Yl/flaklptd. 1.14.1 }: I 1 „ tt ,„ toa.leott tvor.hanaroto or /Tubb, wotott w. rotwo Ol ctwww VALTIM c. 6mm:draw. LIW. PNDEXTER Sr., 00., General • CorosoL•mlon and Yumanling Merchant...wad alone •iw, No. ni Martel •tropt. raLoelphlw. irs To Sonthern and Western Merchants. 10 n U e S . 2 0 1 :., L ,ri 'L . tERIIALERZ. itbt. etlnViVe Mark arfilme sall iy. " Luta.gait:th Jr.. to which amen 6.ilmr and two Oaten Medal. have. within the last six )ea n, been awanled by the Inatitutes of New Vora. &wont. and Philadelphia, the latter being the only. tiolden eve, awarded fir timbal:Derr either In Europe or In thin country. Hut Contort Sntrtail CUMIN. (Almond. Sim% and And.raMil.) universally manna Ward to benuterlor to .113 Shaviini,erimai In this country or Europe. OuornaarSon b'itorran—tkautifully trail .. .went, and bbrtily tisrmeenut and ..mollient protasetb aanousiremm Oorapouild po; Ambrosial abasing Tat kt !Ulna m rrarm vrba. Ybara—Almond, More. Millefleura. /tom rivet, Pirtachio. 3lutk, Pod. lowrly. utunildts, Floating. Trampomut. (100,101. Windmr. and Cimiasian. :Z . l - It44Ts 1. TIM 1111.1.11011t.N.--12., Jl.lllllO. llon -911.1.I.• Can - Jenny Plod. Iloumeline,Jort• tlimmaia„ Ch.snatite. Oitnutrlin. &mit, and mull lu 01l nixty ditterent perfumer. T.mar Arla.--11.,Mila It atm, Kau do Toilette. ()Mtge Pluam at,. and a Pre . .. variety Of Colognes and L... ilvr 1t abr.. kV v.. rna li•yn—l)enular Bran' 011,APOgnG LuArale, Oleiae. llnaktiound Oa Mats row, Ilmr 1.3,, 11,oill and in road... and rhilOn.g, d • nine. and . I, .uti% Lind l'uniader, ,noty ~,tote l'itiVtaktioxs—lialrarok Boor Tooth yduntin, Tooth lloto.andlTP.O. w. Creraetie cream.ilEttandlos. far p rhaped banl.. 0.14 Crnoi of H0...4.1,4.= Perv, Lip Itawriwn, • liepdat,ry Partb.t, tut r•lloThl{remprettutuukiair; Vinahere de hnoo, aronutie Vinegar, Vittoria flair ether amid.,. P uo . r, t t h o e e b g e, a,imded a gr hx v a a l g r i e e i t l r e f mem. . Tbe eutacriber hopes to raiLot.4ln the reputation which thl4 optahliquopot aoqurol, br 1.4.6112 X of nothing bat Ilya toz , . ameba. ah 4 will by happy to kaal, thane who ro a y ebb tot:Rama,. oith, of or retail, on ro rearooable terms a- arty ~. I, l bligiment. in the Utrit,/ Stare. ZANIER ILAZIN, Noc..-,sor sad former Dirretor of the Lamas.) of LIM ENE, it01.115E1,14, 114 Chewout Mr. Lltrin'e Prrftunerp is for aale 144 all the priooloal Druggists to the C1:1111.‘17. NEW YORK SPRING IMPORTATIONS. C. IL HATCH & CO., No 79 TrILLIAII STREET, VoRK, AVE. now in .tore, and are constantly rho