The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 12, 1851, Image 2

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    *flTh ;
Vi_r.I6,ESDAY 31011NENG, YEB'Y 12, 1851
Finn Peen—Coa l—llla.ihington and
g Corieepotalence. - •
Paos-•—telgniphic, and 'Local NeWA
--Cells of Allegheny County, and the Western
111 , 1 1rit• e
EEC Pecs—Scraps from my Note Book, by
Lamle T d, tre.. .
Mr. Pistol will lecture this evening in the
Reformed Presbyterian Church,,(Lste Rev. Mr.
Ewing's) Fifth Word,
To-morrow evening, in the Routh Common
Niethodist'Clierch, Allegheny.
llis lecture last evening was attended by is
many as could gain admittance. The ability
and success of the speli er re beet attested by
the crowds who night after night ettendi and the
.numbers who are enrolling their names in the
colgl water army, 'now numbering over twenty
six hawked in these cities.
in the appropriation bill , reported by the Coin
mlttee of 'Ways Dad Alen ,of which Mr. Harcp
ten is a member, there izian item of - seventy-are
thousautidollars for the erection of public build
lilies is Pittsburgli, now tly needed, both 33
r. Matter of cOnvenienen land safety — buildings
for the post amp, custo : house, pension office,
other matters pertai ing to the general gov
ernment. Large : sums f money are collected
and - disbursed here, but t is due to the offacirs
this money, es well las
t bettersecurity should
-- -- too small or
'who reeelie and itabFr
to the public at large, th
be afforded for its safe k
• uilding is t. tot
lui L b ineas, not, is t lit
r internally ot : ez r
tion will be mode, l
uibling, eoriareensur i ate
the government May
(hie present pont office
its large and them
nectar° from fire, eith
We trust the appropri
that a good. lite , Procd
with the requirements o
be erected.
1 James, the neirly elec- '
• eland, -is "a free-trade
l • • we. to understand
Irer of free trade; forif"
• was high time he fpiand
a very unprofitable bu
• well as in Petuasylea-
I work in 31anchester.—
rer!" Itealfy it is par
: 'IL Ilad•he said a [ree
d understand him; al
'eve him; but ...a free
beyond us. Mr. James
cotton machinery. We
i le is said, by those who
intig. This we can un
he manufactures 'free
; uracture, we do not, he
The Psis says that Mr I
ted Bane= from Rodo
manufacturer.' How
_this? iglu a mannfact
shot buhis - occupation, i
anothgt:iitte i for that is
*nese iti 'Rhoda Island;
howirrer well it ma
~ Alree- - trade manta
&doziest, siow it as we
trade politician, wo co
.though we could not be
trade nanufacturrr ^ is
I :iv a manufacturer of
i. ;eau understand -that. 1 1
; ; knew him well, to lie
tleratand too. But lila
1- oar% or favors its"-m.. 1
- •
Among the multit. I
have been crowding to,
few years. there are non!
tfie tiorwegirins—the poi
Cs of foreigners who
I.lw shores for the past
/more interesting than
•ple of Norway, in (ho
put in a general sense,
•e wide spread tribes pc-
Northern Europeifram
. West, to the confnies of
mbrueing the northern
l•a, and the Golf of-Fin
strict sense of the word ]
the Scandinavians, whoi
copy the greater'parto
the German Ocenn.on th!
Riberin. .on the EMI,
shores of the Baltic S
since these people begin
try; but atreAv they
Wisconsin 'and Dliuoi
are ablut todssue rrpe
forei, devoted to the jp,r
rani They atetsiS er _
. It is buts fez- years
- to immigrate to this co
form large settlements i
They_hare two weskit
their own language,
ri an.,
oaical, in slnagnine!
terats of the Scanditto
I .
eas, and kavo numeroa,
aims% them in those Stites,
-.1- preached ststedly.
! The Norwegians
plc. boasted pe
and energy ,
Xll he engrafted upo •
- I a valuable accession to
remarkable evidence o
• institations, that they
late on the varieties o
Europe, end found th
down under the dcspo
much asunder that of
; come here, they find th
• ! mosphere—all is free.
• Gaul, the Saxon, and
. 'taco, tmd are pleasingl
in each recognizes a f
dices melt away, and
, their . minds. Arid sob
• Scandinavian, the Ara
tie AmericanEnglishm
find leader of hie Euro
Cr;e is now deeply en.
ii ‘ xpatriated countryma -
to use his liberty.
Andhow is it that e genius of gmerican
stitntions works this ttransformationof char
- 'otter, and melts doWn • a generation the prejn
!dices of ages? The seer is the simplest ima
gusable. Am •
=scan Ch 'minim take the foreigner
;hy the hand on his arri , give him a Bible, and
'then let hint alone, ex: pt to cheer him, and aid
',him In his efforts to se. Here, for the first
j time, he am , and feels the Gospel working by
love, and it purifies Iris heart, dissipates his pre
' Sdices, and elevates his character.
Our own PASSAVANS is a warm hearted and ef
ficient friend and counsellor of these interesting
'strangers. lie has been amongst them in their,
'settlements in Wisconsin and Illinois, and in
"The Missionary," of which he is the editor, he
often pleads their- cause. In his paper for Peb
iriary he speaks of them at length, and in con
elusion says:
"We mumet conceal our intense interest in he
ist( of these:deeply interesting Teeple. They
H ars"stm n eetheat thee 7 "tti TT
arPnotiuigsloldteneglectbrt e,Aml
m Church, in tee way of her duty to their im
• imertal souls. May the spirit of all Truth guide
!the counsels.of those 'who minister among them,
to devise such modes of action as may mostef-
fectuallyadnace the interns of the Redeemer's
'i kingdom."
/ 1
hardy, industri R 4 ..vim- 1
when a little of the in-'1
f the American &Tatter
• such a stock, thT6i . livill be
3 our ixrpulation.' it is a .
1• the happy effects Of oar
, can embrace and nisimi:
) mankind to be tonna in
- fixed, stereotyped, hound
sm of eect end custom, no
• vernmenk but wheis they
3 motives in a diffcre . it et
. The Scandinavio'n, the
• • e Celt, here meet face to
Sttiprited to find that each
end and brother. Irrojn
truth has free course to.
I t next t The American
3 rican German, and even
1 n, each becomes the guide
5. an brother; and the lat.
geff in learning frlom his
• how to achieve anti how
zo."—A aeries of articles from the pen of the
-Res. NAT/IMMO. WIST,. Pastortiof the Fifth
Presbyterian Clirch PitMlotreb in reply to cer
tain articles written by •'Alethez," in defence of
the Fugitive Stare BilL
• This is a respectable looking pomphlet, 'of bG
pagel, and for sale , Xnglisll S: Co., it) Wood
The California Courtier, of the Ist hist, elossi
Iles the Legislature of California. as follows:
Whigs in the . Senate, ri
•Whigs in the Aisembls, : 21
Whiga in both Rouses,
Democrate in the Senate,
Democrat, in the Alembly
Domoorats in both Honsez
Whig plurality,
Donbtfol in the Senate,
beabtfhl in the.4sseintly
Whig majority over Democntr. dnutufrd
{/Of one of these doubtful ones, the Courier
!says, he "has always acted . with the Whigs. but
Idiffers with them on the Tariff. In fort .he ix a
ilthig by nature.". This is a neir field for uatd-
Tidbit The 'Whig variety and the Locofoco va
riety of thesrentts hosuorill sometimes require nice
IdiserittdAation, especially amongst those near the
, .
I ..awni Btr, the Turkish Ambassador as Le is.
called, and perhaps - hi he is, has tte:n for some
(months fa the :South. Ire hear of his where.
ishoutiaid movements ocesudonally. The last
Ni.e hire is from a letter writer of Mobile. Be
Amin BCI, the distinguished Ambassador of
She salntst of Turkey, has been with as now for
'a 'short time. He came,with Ids smite, from
New - orbums. Be retured last' evening from rt
*bit to the Goierosnent works'at Peniacola, with
he• seemed to be muchdellihted. He
iisits and inspects almoskerery place andthing
eriute, and though heloolos in-upon, he does hot
stern toLariquitench a =commune for prisms,.
pip, crime, And filthy at Bos. I winder if he
7 41 Write "Notes for °cum' Circulation."
i:,; - Weteter's Letter to flu'semen is We well re-
.reined in England an itWras in the United Slates;
There is something in it so novel. so unlike Eu
ropean diplomacy, that it taken an Englishman's
heart captive in spite of his, head—for some of
them area little wren headed:: and it will have
the same effect upon . the continent. It grill
the text book of the republicans: and it sill be
naelesi on the Part of the ruler; there to try to
suppress it.
The London Doily Newi,speaking of Webster's
letter, says,—" Such is the honest language of ei
liberal statesman. it is n language that. if em
ployed by our Foreign Secretary, would make
the Lair stand upon Cory heads, and even disturb ;
it npon wleig ones. And yet we will be hound to I
say that Mr. Webster, as an American ',Sinister,
will hove no less•weight in Austrian councils, his
country and its interests be no less respected at
Vienna, than if he had truckled. and lied, and
crawled in that base, adulation of despotism,
Used' and recommendereven by organs in the
confidence of a Whig nablistry, and considered to
speak its sentiments."
American republicanism is not well understood
in Europe; and, simple es if may seem to us
who bare grown - up in the midst of it, is is t o
them one of the most difficult things to compre
hend. Liberty and Law brought into "perfect
harmony is a new idea to the masses of Europe;
neither can they comprititrid bow the true friends
of an existing government can array themselves
in opposite parties, u,on matters of policy in
that government, with.
to revolution; nor ef,
whole people, perfect]
be governed by the
without military force
explain these things t.
in language sufficient]
mass of the people of
stand, would be a gee
and'do more to shake
pats than allthe brute f
to bear against them.
The Pittsburgh Jou'
severe upon what the e .
the "circumbendibus"—.
and very• generally aw
its suggestion, which
tion so absurd as to i
Now, Mr. Gazette, Q,
our rights. That
~but it is so perfectly
_don of a railroad fro
ver, to Bridgeport, tb
it, and commend the
inteling Gao.
Well, it is a matter
us who has the hoot
Pittsburgh Journal or
Both papers have•used ,
ruling the river route
post- We accept the t
show that the " elm;
and beet railroad Co
Pittsburgh and Philo
all the obstructions for
by the Ohio, the Mono
ny rivers. Furthermot
tug contemners of the i
built, and WbCeling ma
the principal part of
Ohio Railroad turn offlj
eirtrantemlibul Ili!, he 0
We have just return d. from Circleville, where
Re were in attendancz upon a, meeting of the
corporator!, -named in the net chartering "The
Cincinnati, 'Wilmington and Zanesville Railroad
Company'," which wad held on
,Wednesday lost,
the :4 inst.
.The meeting was an unusually full air
--Nearly ull the corporatiira named - in the
were present, eriepting those kjoe----'r.rafiton
county. In adilition Urearned, many of
the tow as aloe 41Tri tine had defeganis lo ettend 1 1
If the feelings fuel sentiments of the gentle
men who COMI.10110(1 that meetiug were n true im
den to the feelings and purposes of the peple
along the lines of this proposed rood—and we
feel confident that it is; indeed we know
such to be the case between Zanesville and
Circleville—there can be no doubt about the
early construction of this very important
We have riot yet received fur publication an
' official copy of the proceedings, but we expect to
have them in a day or two. to the meantime we
will attempt to state from -memory what maxis
The meeting was organised at about ten o'-
clock, by the election of _Cornelius Stenger,
Esq.,.of Mistrineum, Chairman; and Thomas L.
Carothers. of Clinton: and Washington Dela-
Mane, of Pickaway,, Secretaries. It was resolv
ed that the Secretaries should forthwith give the
requisite legal notice, that hooks for the sub
scription to the stock of the road, would be open
ed in the several county -gems along the line, ex
cept at Lebanon, in the county of Warren. on
the second Monday in March next; nod that, 'at
the same time, books for subscription would be
opened in like manner in New Lexington, in the
county of Parry, and at Deerfield, in the county
of Warren: and that those who should have
charge of the books should make report to the
next meeting of the corporations, to be held at
Circleville, on the third Wednesday in April next,
of thenames of persons subscribing. end of the
amount by each respectively subscribed. If it
shall then be found that a sufficient amount has
been subscribed to authorize the election of di
rectors, that notice will at once be given, and that
an election will be held as sistie,as it can legally
-be done.
1 .
here the gospel is
The general determination appeared to be, to
prosecute the work vigorously to a successful
completion at the earliest possible (Lay. It was
desired, and supposed by nearly ell present, that
it deal, with proper effort, be put under con
tract some time during the present season.—
From all we saw and heard, we arc willing to
risk the opinion that this road willbe made with
in the next three years, if not sooner. After a
very full interchange of views and 'feelings, by
those representing the several counties and towns,
such was, we believe, the universal conviction of
those who composed the meeting.—Zaneseffie
This .newly projeeted railroad is intended to
tonnect Zanesville ,with the Little Miami Rail
road. in the county of Warren. It will be a par
allel line with the Columbus, Newark, and Zanes
ville road, now constructing, running about thir
ty miles of an average distance from it, and
pausing through the counties of Perry, Fairfield,
Pickaway, Fayette, Clinton, and Warren; and
probably through the following county Mt..;
Esimerset, Lancaster, Circleville, Washington and
Wilniington. This is a• splendid region of
country, and will tarnish a rich local trade; and
by means of the Ohio Central Rilroad, and the
-Circumbeudibus," will open up a fine region for
the sale of Pittsburgh manufactures.
Ft, thi Pift:hurylA Gazelle.
THO ' HPSONVILLE, Feb. 10, 11:11.
Me. I:Tilton—At a meeting of the niti.ens of
Peters township, held in Thompsonville, on Mon
day evening. Feb. 10, to express their views upon
the propriety of having a plank road between
Washingto r and Pittsburgh , to pasd through
Cationsha • end Thempsonville if prartica-
After it free exprension of rentimtent on the part
of the pennons present, it was agreed to call n
Meeting in the Town .11all, nt Canonsburg, on
Monday. the 24th inst., - id one o'clock, to consid
er farthernle propriety of having said road; in
viting all who may feel interested in the object
to meet with them at the aforesaid time and
The meeting requested that this 'notice should
be publinbedin the Washington and Pittsburgh
papery friendly to the object.
For thr Pittsburgh Gntur.
Ma. Eorrom—From the freqoent midnight de
predations committed of late in.this city upon the
persona and property of some of our most worthy
citizens . , I consider it high time that there should
be a general move made to find out the causes,
and endeavor to apply a remedy. If the Night
Watch is not strong enough, let it he increased,
or if It Is thought necessary that a more efficient
police could be established by a voluntary citi
zens' patrol, let it be adopted. lam not partic
ular what mode shall be adopted, provided the
object CID be attained of restoring peace and
order, and bringing the offenders to justice.—
There is one question I should wish to have.nn
swered. Does our Night Police challenge every
mail found walking the streets at an unseasona
ble hour of the night, to know whether be is a
citizen or an incendiary? By keeping, such a
register, the lodgings of some of them might be
found out: emus.
. The influenza prevails extensively at Berlin.
A letter from Berlin, Prussia; dated, January 7,
..Thetn 'cal reports of tbe health .of Berlin
are not vesatisfaetorz. in a pnpulailon 'of 400-
000 there no less than CO,OOO penman' 11l of
' l e
the Fi e r d influenza, the results of Meehan
able =ay mild weather." ,
Foi the l'ittelotrgh Gazette
The installation of a new pastor of the First
Presbyterian' Church of this city is an epoch in
our history. and well calculated to =Ma rat.-
tion and attract' reflection back to the earlier hi.-
toti of that hod v. On the twenty-ninth of. Sep
tember. 1189. the act incorporating the Prestly.
' terian Congregation of the Town of Pittsburgh
and vicinity. became n law. By that Oct the fol-
I lowing per.ns were named as the Gast Trustees.
Samuel Barr, (the pastor,) John Whiten., Robert
I Galbraith, Stephen Bayard, Alexander Fowler,
IGeorge Wallace. John Gibson, David Duncan. •
.I.lamson. Tannehill. Richard Butler. and louse
Craig. Of these eleven Nil' had served in the
revolutionary army. Since that net was passed
I less than sixty-four years have elnpsell. and aka
changes have taken place in that Church. in ,
!Pittsburgh, in this State,Jml in nor Notional
Government '!
The small and humble log building in which
the Presbyterian congregation of the tetra of
Pittsburgh, then worshipped the ever-living God,
has disappeared and is succeeded by a large sub
stantial and commodious edifice. The original
pasttii and trustees of that congregation, where
are they All gone to "that bourne. froze which
no traveller returns." Richard Butler, the gab.
last soldier, the true hearted patriot, "the ro.
nowned second and rival of .Nlorgan at Sara
toga," is gone. .John Gibson, the early pioneer
in the West,, the bearer from Logan to Lord
Dunmore, of 'that eloquent speech which 6 read
and admired wherever the English languege is
known, is gone. Isaac Craig, the modest but
brave soldier, whmie seniees extended to the
West Indies,•with Biddle, and Burney, and Paul
Jones, who followed Washington arrrenton, at
Princeton, at Brandywine, and Germantown, and
who fought with Sullivan at Chenswm and New—
town, in gone. Bayard and Fussier, and Tanne
hill, all tuddiers and survivors of the toils and
dangers of the Revolution. are gone. ,tare, the
pastor, and Withers, and Gailbraiih, and Dun
can, and Wallace. Death has spared none.—
With equal speed. called at the doors of the
preacher, the lath, and the soldier. Sixty
three years have not left one man of that body
who first conducted the temporal affairs of the
Presbyterian congregation of Pittsburgh; and as
if to exhibit, in a still more striking light the
transitoriness and uncertainty of human affairs,
it may be stated, that - there is now, in the large
and commodious church, but one individual who
is an immediate descendant of either of the first
trustees. Detail, the pursuit of worldly bu
siness, and other causes, hare dispersedjar and
wide, the children, and grand children of these
pioneers. of "the Presbyterian congregation of
the town of Pittsburgh and vicinity."
Time, however, is not exclusively a destroyer.
If he has cut down and scattettsl far and wide
those who acted busy parts here long ago, he
has conducted hither thousands of others from all
parts of this wide world. So that in the space
where, nt the time of the organization of " the
organization of the Presbyterian congregation,"
there were scarcely ten hundred liVing souls, we
have so many thousands of active, enterprising
! people, and that single church has now around
it, within, the sound of the church-going bell,
' more than one hundred edifices dedicated to the
service of our !Wised Savior. To aid, too. the
pastors of then ultiplied diuretic.r in their la
hors, and to facilitate the spread of gospel truths
far and wide among the people at home and
abroad, tract societies, mi,ionary societies. and
Bible societies are established, and render most
valuable services.
The yid Gazette was then in its feeble infancy,
justfourieen ..nths ohr had 110 fe11.% la
borer from the 'Susquehanna to the western
boundary of the State . no* in the city and ti
eity, alone. there aru from 1 ., to 211, many of
them religions papers, all of them, it is -lo Lr
hoped, stinting to do good.
Pennsylvania has inereaned in population front
lens than four hundred .s
thousand 00 0ffs urarl)
six times that number ., ,
and in wealtlrisi a notch
larger proportion; while the ,lark spot of .la
very has, by the operatic,, of the abolition at I.
been gradually reduced. in that .w it include..
in its embraces leas than one hundred livingih.
souls, instead of _the four thousand which _d. ' AN UNHAPPY MO AND A MISERABLE
Int the slightest tendency
they understand how a
free am! well armed, can
' s ere moral power of law,
and the man who coup
them through the press,
clear and simple for the
hat continent to under
.t benefactor of his race,
;own . the thrones of des-
rrce thut could be brought
ditor very classically calls
c routes by the river—
ces to Us all the credit of
c pronounces a proposi-
Ink common sense.—Pita.
e insist upon maintaining
ambtndibua" is our word,
.plicable to your proposi
'Pittsburgh, through Ilea
we could not help using
00,7101 for adopting it.-
but little importance to
of the suggestion—the
the Wheeling Gazette.—
it for the purpose of ridi
ir n railroad to Bridge
t rm, and are prepared to
ibendibus" is the shortest
~ to from BridguPer, to
• elphin, toting into view
?lily other route, caused
,itgahela, and Youghioghe
, ,we eon tell these sneer
' iser route, that it win to
S prepare herself to see
the trade of the Central
. just at her door Ve say,
formerly embnyeed. PEOPLE
As to our National twernmeta, too, the change ; Th e of the LAO. Daily New,
has been striking and cheering. At the very writing • t i •
time whenar7 - Legislature. sitting in the city of r " ""
•. • elphia, were en:at:mg the. charier of the "Y'
Presbyterian Church, delegate.; from the thirteen -Neither the hang of Naple , oar hie
sudjr 1y
old States were in the nane r ay f ram i ng that are drained to et; - joy an hour, repose During
Notional t'yastitution under which ~tar country the lot three. day, the amts ity of the police nal
has ever ;Crate prospered. Sao, that time the the number ot arrest, remitid.. one of the period
population of this Union has inereased front shout - which tttonteeded the revolution of 11 °Y.
four mil:ions til abnut tweatY-thcmi—aur States, The 4,11ne "fularme.nriginatc. , front the folios •
from thirteen to thiyty-vue. t am! our territory d t. '"' yerit " - The police "th.ritte' have w:-
been extended f ro m the a, th e p„_ i cert.-lined that Sterbini, formerly Dictator of the
cific. Roman Republie. had despatched an agent to .
While our Legislature and the Convention were ; Naples_ who illegally Procured "a liar' of au
thus noting in Philadelphia. the last climate, - which would have proem-eat him an M
ot' the oil Confederation war sitting in the neigh. ; lerveew with his Majesty. • The moat dark de
boring city a New York. cud the,, anal there siguy ore attributed to this pertain. Again, a
enacted that celebrated ordinance of 17h7, prt, l'atabrise has been arrested for carrying the ad
hilating slavery in all that region in which th e r e dress of Martini to his countrymen; and, fatally,
is now a free;liappy, and prosperous people, it is stated, a conspiracy was dfscovered a
needing in number the whole population of the mougst the mi rya Three - combined evenis
thirteen States; before the Revolution t have cause than two benutml , airre.te.
Thus it appears that the Charter of .• the Pres; out pradue activity amongst the. spies.
byterlan - Congregation of„ the Town or Pitts- which ^Pre. in e'er) el" , of seeiety. The
burgh" had glorious company in its detut. The Kin , in tormented on etery side. The Janata
Constitution of the United States and the Onli- attribute all these disasters to the press. ' The
mince of 1787. A p hh , h „ EhLt.h. ! police n.sure his Majesty that the safety of his
person depends on .spies, the military august,
the increase of the army: the camarilla echo the
advice of nil Conspirncy appear. unexp ectnßy
here and there--the demon of revolt burst. from
a bed of roses like an evil spirit in a pantominn
when nll appeared, tranquility and happiness.
Every one about the King appears to be bent on
worrying him to death. His 3lajesty's advisers
attribute the present troubles to England, and
the result is, that a few Neapolitans who were
anxious to visit the Exhibition have already
been refused pas,ports. The large array- is to
be the antidote of all evils, and, as 1 stated In
my loot communication t IS 000 men are now re.
eruitin ail tfa_provinceS, The troubles of a des
potic (Rwervinient were never more thorougly
illustrated than by the eVents which are now -
log place at Naples. Nutoue is safe; the King
always appeal', eurrounded lay a aloud of sold
iers, who scamper with him through the streets
on rare occasion. The utmost caution. in used
with all who approach his Majesty. On the oth
er hand, no Neapolitan team say he may not be
in prison to morrow--dragged from his bell at
midnight. No class is exempt. Yesterday
two brothers of the order of St. Benedict were
taken off to prison, a perfect panic exists through
out the city."
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
MAR,. Fcb. 7.. ISSO. ;
9entlerralt—The Board of Director, of the Rel. i
leforaaine and Indiana Railroad Company,
met at this plow co The 6th inst., and allotted
the contracts for tile eta:lring, awl graduation
on 40 miles of their line. extending from Mari
on to Bellefontiiine. The bidding was very spir
ited, and the work has been let to respoadble •
contractors - at rates varying below the engineer's
The clearing and grading of the whole line.
from Galion to the western terminas, of the road
at the Indiana State Line. 118 miles, arena un
der contract. '
It will be gratifying to the numerous readers .
of your paper who are interested in the Ohio i
and Pennsylvania Railroad, to learn that this i
importantl extension of thatiimprovement, on the
"direct route° St. L 01115," i.*7-ino fair way of catch
up with the "fourth link" reochiug acme.
Indiana; and that the prospect is good, for com
pleting all westward of Galion as far as Terre .
Haute, quite as noon as the Ohio and Pennsyl
vania road can be finished. 'Probably within the
The citizens of the Miami Valley, and the
people of Dayton, Piqua, Sidney, Sc., are moo- 1 Eras !—A roomer was current about town yes.
ing in a new railroad line from Dayton through . terday, which we have every reason to believe is
Piqua to Sidney. The route is q u i t "' f ensibln, 'true, that a serious mutiny occurred on' board
the country fertile and well cultivated, and its 1 the bark William 11. Shaker, Capt. Wm. R. Gard
resources ample for the - successful completion of oer, Jr. master, an her late passage via, the
a good railroad. When finished it will I,c a I East lades, to San Francisco. The report is,
valuable feeder to the main 'trunk line. ' that the bark, owing to the sicknfizs of h ome o f
Plank Manch roads are also proposed at see- , the crew, arrived at Manilla short handed, when
end points along the route of .the main stem, Capt. Gardiner applied to the American Consul
and the people generally arc olive to the impor- to obtain more seamen, that he might' continuo .
-lance of improved means of conveyance to the th e voyage. Thi s was found a very difficult
Eastern markets Pittsburgh. and other cities gn
matter, no good hands being disengaged in. that
ova I
of Ohio. will feel the benefit of these "west- port; but finally, and alter much trouble, two
ern doings' in due season. -There is a good ! men. one a Portugese and the other English,
time coming." Yuma tr.iY , R. were induced ship. These men were notorious
i bad character, and known RN such to the Consul.
, Foe 5'a.1".6 " 7 ' 74 °r ` tk. i who cautioned Capt. Gardiner to keep a sharp
MR. EDITOR:— ! look out for them. The hark sailed from Man
] think that I can assure. myself that the reel- : ilia, and on the third or fourth day out, the C o pt
of Pittsburgh and Allegheny will cordially , teal ordered one of the new recruits to go aloft
units With me in saying, that Mr. Gough has done ! and arrange some sail. The fellow refused ;
the -"u" of morality nail reli g ion on em inent when the order was repeated in o prTemptary
net-rice, by. his recent lectures on the subject of
: moaner. The sailor replied Impqdeptly, and
Temperance in these two cities. It in certainly
the Captain advanced toward him, when the Ilsa..
am nttempt to seize him by the
gt-litifying to the philmitroplilst•, to see a 11 , 1111 i, i tint , , , um ,
P °s " sin g noel ' "'hi' paw et of el 'i ue "" . '"` t- i
throat, im 'the two clinched and fell upon the
'l i ng ma nfull y in 'hi' noble souse. And it t he l deck. A il t that moment the other sailor adv.,
more particularly gratifying.. eounidering i°' i ved to aid his comrade, with hitt sheathe-knife
fact, that he brings not no 1,01,11 y, and holds forth !
out Capt. 0., by a violent effort, loosed one of
no permanently the great principle, that it is I l lie
, his bands and managed to draw a revolver from
Gospel of the Son of God alone, which can - his p,.irlirt, discharging niie t arrni into the neck
fectually, and permaneutly reform the drunker.. . or tin, mutineer he was struggling -with. The
In a recent lecture in Dr. Saiten Clitirelo chi frili , ni maw , iis hold, and tlse Cnptnin
principle was boldly defended., ,Arid what a no . t o Lis feet just s the second sailor was about to
ble defence: We were glad,we;rejeicial to set 1 stab him with cis knife. The Captain Instant.
thisvital principle, which e , ,,, ~n.,' sorry to ,ty. ' l y leveled his i istol and shot the fellow through
the Washingtonians impear tb hoS e
. lost sight of i the hi . ini. Lim ig h i m instantly ,
in their efforts At temperance r/torm. forth ; ,
The W. A., it air occupied but a moment, and
so prominently and ""1...ta11i• Tld . , begun owl rem: td Its bloody lerminatioe before
rs' taking proper ground. Thir placing, tthe. any elow at th time, could come to Capt en.' of the fliers nod crew, who we most.
making the pledge a hwidnoiel 0 the gospel nod most.
temperance pledge on its prop r Lase.. It i4iv b
I diner's assistan e. The midineer who Was shot
not the gospel itself. And selong, as Mr. Goug n the neck en 'red, and his wound nearly heal
maintains this groeni ids lob+. in tl , , "a - l - ed , but he tens morose and silent tha remain
will be successful.
i der of the ropier. and as the bark wa• about
In connection with thi., it glin t . Ls pleasure t . o i entering the Bay of Son Francisco, be l
state that the students of the Associate Reformed , or , riniarii and w *, , , ri. ,..... 41.,t0n 1,44,
Seminary, Allegheny City, in hider to expre, , ~,. i .
their deckled uppnoliatiou of tine course pursue'
by Mr. Gouch, presented that 14entleinan with
superb copy of the Scriptures, je:ltli thisiliScrit
tine:—"Presented to John Ll.Olough. by th
Students of the Associate Reformed remit
ary, Allegheny City, flue a tokeh of their hig
appreciation of Id+ tenlous advocacy of ti
great principle, that the Gospel . , of Christ i• ti
only efficient agency., in relbrinhig the inebriate .
We are glad to see this appreciation of uteri
Let the religious come out antiilt. their root
tenance to every proper and 'so." 'plum! effort I
Advance the native of temper nee ; let the
holdup the hands of those laboritig iu thin gloriot
work ; them anal then only, may we expect to et
the cause triumph, and enjoy dame blessed hut
for which we all so earnestly pray.
A Futx-lo or Rocono,,
Foxing Into usr. 7 The Ring of the Ban
'Slob Islands,' in imitation of thcigon e d old Puri ,
custom, set apart by proclamatilm, the 31st da d
of 'December,- as a day : ; of thanksgising an
NEW SOUTH WAI.E.9.—We htIEC receive d
tho California Courier,) files of pspors from No j
South Wales, up to October 4th, but they co.
Ulu no news of interest, being ill taken up wi
discussions about opposition totarther shipmen
of maids from &stood.
. , .
, :icuous or toso:•"-
E.11:11% 0187111 , 1" or PT.NNRYtT A VIZ,
• PopultaLm. N0.,11. - uo Ite.
Allegheny, 138,122 22.853
Armstrong- ::2.41 :04;7
Beaver. 25,533 4,550
Bedford, 33,212 3,798
Blair, ' 21,780 3,723
Bradford. 42,80:3 7.389
Butler. 30,339 :1.252
t'atribrin, , 17.77:1 2.8118
Centre. 23.379 3.911
Clarion. ..!, 28.5h7
~ 4,023
i'leartield 1 11 2 . .. 7.2 5 : 2 1, 1 ,
. 1 , 1
2 '. 1 1 - ~, !
. 8 1
I Tinton.
I 'ohlat bin.
cra wford 37,087 G.l.ri
,3,58 , 1 544
Erie. 38,717 5.824
Fayette. • fd9 177 13,605
Fore' t. :361 . 100
Fultnn. ~,
,-: 7.5114 I.l°A
Ureerte. 32,241 - 3:701;
Huntingdon 74.:04 3.944
Indiana, 27;135 4,1132
Jefferson, ' 12,9/17 2,151
Juninta, 13.113 3,0:30
la nrencr, 21,080 3,179
Llizerne. 58,000 9,5641
Lyeolning, 25,20; 4.1314
Mercer. 33,034 5,591
liiliin, 15,071 2.598
Moot 13.03. 1 .1 . 2.500
m•K a' 224 ' 1153
Northumberland. 23,258 . 4,058
Potter. 5. 9 53 1,135
Somerset, 21,345 3,983
Sullivan, 3,609 652
Susquanntu. 30,000 5,000
Tioga, 24.102 4,221
20,322 4,428
13,1170 • 2,514
41,818 8,017
11 Amen.
Westmoreland, :4,78'3 8,352
Wyoming, 10,702 2,077
1,098,315 f8G,235
Pittsburgh. - - - 46,6111
Allegheny, - - - 21,270
Birmingham - : - 8,741
East Llinningham - - 162.1
Manchester - - - 1 . ,755
South Pittsburgh - . - 1,883
Lawrenceville • - - - 1,734
Duquesne - - _ 870
Sharpsburgh - 1,T29
Tarentum - -
mcKeevort -. 1,299
ElitAeth - - - - 1,105
West Elizabeth - - - 328
, Pitt Township - - 2,035
Lower St. Clair - - - - 6,938
Roos 1,442
Reserve • - • - 1,060
I Pine -
Ohio 2,109
I Franklin 1,327
North Fayette -, - - 1.437
South Fayette - - 1,119
Findlay 1,318
Moon -
Wl'kin, -
Parton -
Elisabeth -
Nobler -
Collin. •
Baldwin -
Upper St. Clair
Fm 1.1"1
1101.111 On
t Deer
tiert Deer
A nom; eauJiarr.—The Petinnylvania' Inquirer
sap, ••11 Tunnel under the Delaware in talked of.
The enterprise Inn bold
,One, but by no Men.
impracticable The trot •inestion is an to the
co.!. Such a work would, no doubt, be•of im•
memo oilvantage.-
I q a Crsst,.--The London News, * referring to
the forthcoming census of the United States.
ear :—..titartling as the results have heretofore
been, they are destined to Le ertstcompletely into
the shade by those about to be disclosed by the
present cenrim. which will exhibit an instance of
material and industrial developement, unparal
lefed in the annals of notions,"
The Treasurer of the South Carolina Confer
ence Missionary Society , of the M. E Church,
South, reports the 911 M of $17,700, an the
amount collected during the Pant year, for the
support of MifiSiOTIP, 'Which in expended in the
support of the-preachers to the slaves on the
plantations. Thin in about 4 cents for each
slave in the State.
European aigeng.
The roheesiber Wind. •Idtlntp the prhaelpet cities of
Greet BritQin, Freon, si/ Gere=l', during the mouths of
April. 4e7, end Jon. sext..lesetog Tetbbargb on Itareh
Mt, end will be Plo.ed to Kind to any esehdee or a be
Mew deereeter vbicti may be totted to hie care.
Jaadteed 7 10877 D. D6erA
'From tAe:Boldim ,di L'ororno, 24r. 16
In fulfilment of a duty incumbent, on us, it is , al- 4 : 117 -z , , , r , t ilr i d et ir k = from gri t ;r o ti.le..
indeed pitiful to give, in this place. an account al Dr. e. f.:n0.,.... sh.k.,,4 r in,
or. n dreadful catastrophe on the 29th ultimo. ...,.a1,,V„,.. 1 ,,ZT,'„1.V,Z,'....., ft 1i;. d ,4P11,,,7 . 7; hb shaker f `
'arieiparllls—lt sill rertsiole eine Ott -D. "
That day being the anniversary of the birth ' Call st o r depot or ou Oo ot e or . ots, sod Oct a
day of his .I\lajtzity the King Consort, of I taianAlet...grati, Irbil, to Ileltst the Shaker zar.
national festivity. At noon, the men-of-war gaily I ;,°;=,",,*? „:„ I ..:2;t:V iy hk i ii,'. i ' .. 1 , ) ,. .
d ltooz : b f. ,,,,, n lk:
decorated With flags. joined with the !tonne 1 hmuml f'lluiD !Lt" “Lannasnr , odeezt, tl7ati oto- ° the e
Forte in . firing the customary salutes. But all I r.u n irie. "u° of ''''''''''''"" ."'" t" i l '''".b' 6''''''' we
these cheerful demonstrations of ' loyalty and joy i
.2 1 . 4 za.urto...hri..7jr ‘ :4 l l.h.'d lw high , PaLsthot br Ito
were, in a moment, changed to sadness end ' it to pot up lo ouort bialf " l, 6 the only zwrwpwlns
lamentation. At half past two o'clock a loud . 1, ,, ,,t . .V 221! _t1 i e.1 r. .1y 0e , EU.* e , ~,,,i m oo , .., ~,,, .....
report—n sudden crush --.haking almost the .., e1 ... n .`,.:: „.. ?: : : t ,,,L.:1‘
i f u... the:: .. .. tolThle to every
whole town, drew the attention of all toward betanturz -@. 8. HOWE'S SIIAKER
the Type.
After a few moments of anxious gaze, on the , Foe pale by , I
Dlt. b. D. 7W WE 1 on, -- rreprhzors,
lifting, up of a dense cloud, overpowering was •i College Hall, Cutelatisti. Uhl°.
the ss.rspectaele of a burning hull, in the place
, Z7. l t r l:NiLl7 L. zr o r n b. s j dtsswd... • , •
of that tine frigate the Donna Maria 11. The Black. H. W. Meats, J. M. Tri ". rtimetid - J. blottfe, a"l:
chip st,m fis i, d ,
p h o lo4r e n .,,, u io p a .
o at f ii th h e a d t a a me s s ma w ll . par ldt t of lo the i- i st
I,.. ttaz.. m.h al , le . ifll :l,l e ,n, or E z . tft . : 0, . g 1t . ..31 , c. i.
reilke Jas. Paull
%Beate the spot where so shortly before she had ; C . l.'"'l'D , DE .l , 0 Et... aeng ocalottler
floated in brilliancy and in apparent safety.
tier destruction was complete.
It is imposoible to , describe exactly the horror
'and consternation of all who 'were present at
this disastroui scene; it is not in oar power to
depict faithfully, and we will not hazard the at
tempt—to realize such feelings they must be
experienced. -
The Datum Maria 11, was a teak built ship,
shout forty years old, strong a d capable of much
service ; but great as is her I ss, it is nought to
the grief and pain for that f nearly the whole
of her gallant crew. Of 124 men, 158 perished
in the explosion, among whom were her com
mander, Francis de Aisle e Silva; five lienien-
Itant,; Machin Jo. de Souza, Louis Maria Bur
-1 X i allo, Francis X'avier Telles de Mello, Francisco
Cypranio do Santo Raposu, and the native lieu
tenant Suing], one midshipman, Joso Bernardo
I de Silva, the assistant surgeon, Joeo Matthias
Lucas D'Aguior, and the punier, Manuel Mar
ques. . .
These officers, were, for:the most part, young
men, well known to possess superior talents, and
who had promised, at a future day, to add lustre
to the royal navy of Portugal.
It is hamcissittle to explain the cause of this
horrible catastrophe. From the strict discipline,
and proper order maintained on boarlthe frig
ate, carelessness at the time of firing the salute
could not hare caused it, more especially as the
explosion did not take place until more than two
hours afterward, and no signs of fire were heard
of by thwsurvirom; neither weretheyqbsereed
on board the G. S. ship Marion; anchored close
to her, nor at the F3lm fort. These circum
stances lend to the belief that the explosion was
effCcted by the means of fire purposely placed in
the magazine; but by whom, or how, God only
knows; and it is probable that it will.never be
We may not finish this article without making
honorable mention of the officers and crew of the
American corvette Marion, who, having happily
got rid of the immense danger to which they
were exposed by their proximity to the burning
ship;gove the most prompt and effectual assis
tance which it soar possible to give at such a
conjuncture At imminent risk, and while explo
sions of small moveable magazines were con
stantly occurring, ten men were picked up out
of the water, or token from the burning hull.
Such intrepidity, with arduous endeavor, is be
yond all poise, and well merits the commenda
tions of the council of the floversinunt, as pub
lished in the •-•lnrte Official " of this number.
The bodies of the unfortithate victims of this
calamity. which were found, were decently in
leered; that of the commander. recovered the
day atter We disaster, was buried with all the
honors due to his rank, and was followed to the
grave by all the civil, naval and military officers
in the settlement, and by great numbers of the
residents, both native and foreign.
'The bodies of Lieutenants l'lncido and Snmgl,
and Nlidshipntan Bernardo, were hlso interred
with due himor. The former died at the Marine
it„ipital. the latter on hoard the Marion.
five only are survivor" to this ttay—une poi
tuptese, two trot:ars and two Chinese. The
former, it is stated, is now put out of danger.
and from hint some particulars have been ob
tained. All he remembers of the unfortunate
Donna Maria is, that he was standing at the
gangway be semi no report, be says, but 9111,•
werittently felt a sensation of cold, and war Wl
tutkiAted. when he cline to his senses, to find
himself in the %Laical. The officers and tarn
of that vessel gave every assistanee to those they
picked up- I believe, ten or eleven—tire or six
of whom hale since died,
I bear that there were du board barrels
of powder, ,of two arobas each.) Thirty-four
bodies were picked out of the cabin the 4 4. y
before yesterday', and seventeen,yeaterday. • ft
is supposed that about fifty Chinese are blown
up, consisting of tailors, shoemakers and Ker.
rants. two painters, Tanka women, hum-boat
men. ulte., the latter near, ur alongsidethe resseL
The officer its charge of the fort in the Type
Wok all his clothes that morning out of the ship
to air them. The sergeant there had a narrow
escape !rem the fall'of two decd-eyes, which
went tbeitigh the -roof of the building into the
fort. Most of the °filters were married men.-
The Lascarlieutenant picked up by the Marion's
bat, died tot Wednesday, and had • military
burial out in the comp°.
The crew, in all, consisted of 225 hands, of
whotnad were on shore, either sick or on duty.
From $40,000 to $60.000 were on board, belong
ing, to the people and captain, brought from Goa
to execute C0=1,910114. She had on board some
meichandise bought here. The officer who had
the kyy of the magazine delivered it to the first
lieutenant before he came on shore,Thimitle the
magazine woe not that day opened.; they alW49n
bad three charges for salutes outside; and that
too was In the after part of the ship—,-which part
is not blown up ti the explo s ion wan only forward
undo'r the forecastle. The magazine was of
brick and snorter, and other non-combustible
Desirable iSuborbaz Residence for Bale.
Tot thbertibar offers for sale the honor and grounds
whcm he now Me des. situated. on Part street. below Tre
mont. In Allegheny, andabout 25 minutia Walk flow the
market of this city. The lot la 110 froebont on Park et,
running lest* 212 fest. to an alley—contairdng nearly Ott
erre of ground,und is bounded ou every odds by lathe oleo
lot. , adorned with trees and shrubbery. ,glee bons. Is
nearly new, large, and exceedingly well arranged, having
a front of 50 feet, end a depth of 72, and metaled fourteen
mums, beside. hall, Dine feet wide. It Le built in the best
nth most derable town's, and has • fire-proof roof. and
metal. all the modem convenience. Two pump. with
en unfailing 'apply of 11.1 and ,oft water, am of the door.
On the math , ws are the nooessary out buildings, stable,
merles,* house. A. Tbe grounds are laid mat matly as a
lawn. ,norm( with ebuire fruit hoes, evergreens, flowerhag
-shrubs, currants, goweberrth, rathterries, fm... and simian
garden. The froth /lot the best kind, and Om trees are In
their prime., and yield numgh for the Itehte of am ordinary
family. The eltuation of this property. as to asininity and
suburban emnfortsl combined with contlgillty to the city,
Is ten sunward by any rieddenea In this vicirdty. It has
to Thor of the Ohlo River for over • toll. of Temperanno
vine, youth Pittsburgh, the city, the two Myer. apd 1.10
hilly thinmf, forming altogether • panorthifo ,prothect of
which the eye neiN . It r earlol. ErKitilll2 'fifth enters no
departs from the port of Pittsburth on the Ohio, para. In
full view. The residence sod ground. an also completely
removed from any annoyance of dust, eo destructive of
comfort and vegetation, sod affords to retirement as quiet
and peaceful self bossed in tome yule! nook in the country.
The promty be sold at abet - gala and pomesskes girth
no the lien of April. Erepaire at the Cmatta oak.
satheeld " D. N. WHITT
AarAaornta WmencW—lble le to certify that a man
mme to my bonne Iv the felt of lllt, by thaname of Henry
El, in a ter) tad comlltlon, and teas almost tastily blind.
Ito had leer., midi, in the Haillth vrelee. Ifetras then
uhro to cue of the 1,3 t Itorpltala In Lotalon, cot had the
heel t,.otu o •at London .ul.l agra. but mold not be re.
eland m elobt. awl wu clitrharecg loeurabla that
!ward an much about the Petruleuro, I thought I teould.gry
, ome of I , uil Ibt•••••• I 4'4 hit a 4tlall latttle of the
Petroleum till. which ;or,' iiL e t re cell and moot to the
more o, ,re mouth
lov w Mug. to to. qozhliool to the truth of the
of the Atm,. star/moot at stay that. I may to called upon
r • 4, do. nod -tow. of ray urighhoro rap .11ty
Bottool. Drsver Oct .1.
f..r .1 SI ti10w...11. 140 Waal A.m.: IL C.
411rrr. 1.7 rtreet., 11. A. Ca. turner
Enna. Almel., D. 11. Curry. D. Allillkott. Juorgth
Doovho, S...l”!nrtr.. 6}. the En.
1..1.1,16w Lanni tlawin. SeTrolb mt. PllOl.D.h.
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
Moe No. 41 Water dr...1. the C 11.
IA NT. •
C. U. Hiatatt,.Proahinql. ...A W. MULLS, Frey.
Thia Qllllo4o' tiow pr.q,arad it ! a t , patep a a a jk.
10 atom. and in tratulta, v•a4,11, ar.
Au asala , atiaranty Itor it. , ability atal ititeglity of th.
InAllution. I, afforded lu the charuct,r uf W.llltivetur,
lin art• .11 ritlaatia of littaburxh. .ad faturabl,
kaoaru 0. ale v.{011111144 fur ortidetia,
Duzumusi..... —C. Q HtiAer. Wm. Ilm.ter, W., Lorimer.
, Walter Hrrird. I/. U .
Joi ir k Haworth. S. St Y. !14.1.
brei,yn ,nsdianye, dank
Uo!J d Sibw, Bougld,Sold Krehanyed
IVIII. A..H1L1,& CO,
No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
qp - m Alt.. UN Mt ocean.. 0.16,1
G()PARTS Imre amsociated
with 1.• T 111.11,10,1 L'efihier of the Venom.
Wloo•Ite Beek. who will dot... yerremothatteutkos
hu.luen , The 4) it a th. r , oasJo, rat hen•tofore.
Corner of Stird and Market eta„ Pittebvlt.
Foreignaild American Har dware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
- KM NOW IN tronE
A MI atoll , ortWork of FpREIGX AND Arzatreli
• DtARE,
Boilable for the'rhis trade, whkh the y Dratend
too r r to purrhasewoof m SriU COMA=
t u n withhe cake.
RR. ROLLICK. will arrive in 'this city in a
an Cara sna via &Inn we seat or his
ib Co babes ertil be eta. iblltf
DIED. ---
On yeaterday. the inst., odoek, 0.. at Use
revidence or Jamea Park , Jr., Ear l tionnion. Allegheny
City. Na Rata Anita.,
The ferrule are requested to attend the (anent' this day
at I n'eloek.
ag' ,ll - lB5l
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
ATKINS t CO. Proprietors, No. RI9 and 2,11 Mar
ket street. Philadelphia
NELL A LlGlitt T. Agents, Canal Ruin. Pittsburgh.
We are prepared, on the opening of the Pennsylvania
Canal. to contrast for Prright It as lon rates. and ;Ore
All gaol. inwenl h~.`.!'r asany
Free Lecture on Physiology.
PR. ROLLICK will delircr a Free Lecture
on Playriology and Health, illustrated by Models and
hi... clock,ry 14th, in Philo Ilan.' far
Oantlenien, at o For Lull., at 3 o'clock.
Inaring Las gar, Dr. remain al the Monocoraliela
House. v.. homay consoltra proTossios:ally. or well&
&Nakano. for vial, !chi:L.3f
4 Partner Wanted.
±k PERSON haring a thorough knowledge
We of Millbury Loan., in all Its brtalehes, and
lee to few., a partner is an cau4llElmi buillaws.
ran luau. of a gltuntlots by applying at th is office.
N. Ft. No capital will be required. tot r.of
THE Foundry connected with our works
having been partially dextrnyed by 6m on the night
of the 4lb loot., we give puce that we are now preparrd
exemle osier. es uthtthitor foundry work pop
Papers which bare mentioned theentire dearnat.:l of
our work., will plealw rx,rryet- (Signed.)
• FOR S.M.
Za_ I , TOCR FARM, situated In Little Bearer Town,hip.
Lawrence Count!: Ih, w the water. of Links Bearer, t.lOl. I
acres. 114 mike from lbw Ohio and Penn- 1
iqleaula Pittaburgh and Cleveland tbfito
load pawing through it
It I. known aa the !lariat, Farm, and haa born
copied as a Stomp Form for the hut thirtY Yearn nu UM!
la how In brat rate under, and wellmlaulatttl b e, .beep and
cattle. It L. well watered by Little Ilmorer Creek. and awe
eral nerer-faillng immune about 20k a^rea under fence, the
Warm.) mut La meadow and I.a tare, and about RI acre.
in woodland An apple orchard of choice "rafted fruit.
sith a angular choice poach trew+ near the house. If ap
plied for WO. ruluable lot of household and kitchen fur '
allure. alio • brat rate ccolang .are and farming 010010.,
wagon, plough , Or • r ,an Go had with the farm at
moderate prays
The bitilding• on the form an, one Liick holm. 40 feet
il. Zlo l rai . atTn ' tk. ig !t r .7. ' . ' / - tet . , o nt 1. s well t tITI o II 7
ed and in good tet le. the roams are ver, autrenwtilly cal
eulatid. three la oho hirer dory, with ore plamw. rel
with three large Franklin .lame; fire room* In the tipper
story. three or hair gratca fur raul. One tram..
When attached to bral Mx., 24 I, lb feet. two auntie.
Limb. with lax., pant r,,iiil porch trout feet wide
Is Oint.
n boa, ailarl In kltrhen. 22 by lb fiwt, , an
Wait , coleuls4J for a rata slam ur teed.. with
torch in front ten 5-et wale tone Inure woal how, at.
, Wheal tulle stung bout, 40 by a, het. One tumor 'prior
house. near the brick hum, by 11! feet. and tett met
high. with loiter atom 7 feet high. and the aid!. made of
.ono. • good and pryer falling sonny of toll lime/ walk..
through the lower +tory theupper room well caleolated
fur euirage A died uito,rat Gm a wad, Lou, • hock
smoke hour; our frame howm. lid by lb het, ten
feet high. with )...tour cellar underneath, one hewed lug
hoion, aloof tairigle Own brick house. 10 by feet, one
. and a half sturte, Ligb, with • twirl. Willa s).flag near
' the house, our brawl liat boom, near the brick house. 2w by
14 feet. oned a hall stories lavh. with brWk chloarMr•
and garner. for undo- aim.. dud on one dd.; one
, frame hank barn. OU I,s 41. bob In bet high. Itirmlaing
, floor 10 upper .tory, and entrance at oue In
lower our', bro. frame staid, atMehedito barn, 04"1,
111 feet, feet high. with walla for rattle. one (raw.
• tarn. 4o by 24 feet, twelve feet lA.' frame sheep Lou,
210 I, .24 het la feet butt, ilk Idea into 'herb pen, with
. m the .-enter.or frame aln,
hoot, aum.aid to tbe above how, la.. 1., 04 Seel, Kiwi 5
, ',.lbleb, itith rack. the vender, one frame how, for
poultr,, 1111, . 00.1 • sigh
F. , 1...1...1-10 Iv John 11011. .nn IL+ ,ohlal,r, abo
.111 .bo a / a rm. ..1,1••• all
to. Atiliali !lull. on the Pitsdnirch h.a.h 4 mile. from the
month of Heaver Creel., mid 0 mile, brio. 10.,,iawn,.
....•.... • . • - .
f.. 1.1,11.,.
- - • - - -
riv.) LET .\ de..irtthie remi.lerst,:, in Al
lot =AI
tegheo, 5 it,. .itoxi..l xi the coiner of Wub• ;,..4
itn. xtreet .1.1 La.t t
ot 41.1atuf .. fbe hour la cam.......
ioox. aal svpiete • ith miers:Foremeuts. woh hour,
L. 1... oven. ar. C 11.11.11.. boor FOLle altarhed. aim,
50,11. Ulrt the stor: , of Alex* er a lix,, Et In of
feh1213.1 at the to of 41exatater A Ldli.3 .
rrE-N - $ll-.llti:S old Allegheny' Bridge *tuck
cuard. arrtr to LlAlitli 1 Ilitt'lN.
12...0 114 Stroal A.
/L te ARD- -The butArriberx take , his made IPf
' adnit dorm or thei dorm Lhasa* to 0... riretnalt sun
, r *sends sho,L, their extraordluary exartkoa, axtat
their pmt .4 -x.14 from dextructkoa Ly Are amkl Water uti
the itixht of 10th.lostazit. •
6412 - ISAIAII DICKEY a Oil.
_-.. . .
IAR!! OIL-- 12 tdis, reed per *temper
4 Clusio.u.n. mkt fez mak. 7 .1.14..11.11.1F.LL
fe4l2 . • ' No. C. 'it hter .t.
ttriNIRAl ..LASS)—'Jill lat.; 2 4 .1.111, fur
V V •.ie hr 6419 JA.S.I.IA/2.E1.1..
Lyle, in line order, fur sale
‘_) by gobl2 J SCISOONNIAKER. i CO.
REFINED BORAX-10 eases, for sale by
TANK ER'S OIL—DI bbls, -for sale Ly
rams GREEN -31/ cans, for sale hs . ,.
LA3l}' BLACK—In bulk for Tanner's, "al
e hbu for Web,' .1. CCHOONHAKEICA CO.
pAPER }LANG/NG:S—(3OM Paper Hang
tru,, wi th Gold Red V.-1, . suatehml banlvrs. for Drav-
Ey, Room., For saio by W. P. 3LUESIIALL...
4412 ST, Wcut In.
11 - HEAP W A LL.P . A PER—Frani 13 14 aunts
cents. a !aro* bmettnent. for pale bp
b.:bl2 W. P. MARSHALL.
y y —for ...b. by bsbl2 W. P. MARSHALL.
Shawl and idantilla Warehouse.
(u r 11SW 1'01:11, Le now openitig ono of
91711;1711 ' Staii - rtfl er Ter',olo of 5(111\t1
111191.11 and all-kind , o; r P111.41 M.ll4Tll.l...49.. A m b ni t i A t e rw L
red fn. lb. lawn Paris Whims. received by,
and partkularlradapted to the Spring trade.
lifierl.&7egetereg Igg c a k ed "
and en and lurk Satin P and ' Con it m ud vi
ham Umbrella.. All of which all) be offehd o st ratrem:ls
(ow priers. We repecially Invite our Western friends it. eit
amine air Wookbefore
Alan, WIRE 8110 W umhoAn
fur exhibiting Shawl, and
Mantilla. put tip lu mew for transportation.
111 Orshatok Mai:mine for Much, with 144 gazes:
tl”tor. eulturiek fur f W ebruarn
ul hig Review dm
11fe's DiMiplinta take:
Mertaniers 31agasina,14o.
Womennt 9940 e AZitaiin
110 9 3 n 4 99, 4 , igir tor 9,9ine. aud doughteng
Wcfneee 11FCUMPoPOot by Uwe Aguilar.
• Vereptioni ibe .Mort of Wu, human
1 eark tij T, Ela.
Oki. •
for ule at Tl) o l.2ltrtiter . X Pktrettl L o j piseitte t itle ; Of.
ial.X CENTS REWARD—Ran away from
L 7 the subscriber lg it East named nhp. Alleghe.
no Count, an indented Apprnettes Jateph tabs,
about 19 mare of age. 1 hereby forwarn all perenne (mm
harboring. or trsistlnsi the aahl aporratier on nix areNtat.
The abort. reward. but no charges. will he bald if brmight
bottle. `.• feblliwUT 80137. MILLER.
iy HITE FISli —92 p 4 l l l i s iti ltr lc lie y b ica
. Water .4 I , msst sis.
CI HEESE-123 has, in store and for sale by
1,) 04.11 LiAlAll DICKEY aCO
TOTUY SEEp--Iti store 411 d lbr at by
1441 ' ' ' ' teAtstt DICKEY t CO.
= . . .
TAR -150 bble, in store and for sal; by
- p ., ItIE CANAL COMPANY—The Stork
bold. of die Erie Canal Comp. n
, an. heby noti
ed that f o r Amnia] eleetion of Dirwtors for the enening
ear. iritl be he'd at their office in Erie, on the andlkon
da, In March neat. at 2 o'clock, a .
14 order of the PIPAIPIA.
Canal OR, Erie. Feb. o.'ol_ . __ 0.1.11
1411 E LADIES all sty "If you want real
iteia Tea. 00 to Morris a Ilaywortlia Tea Shoe la the
Inamand for ll.' The Tea the, eell at 10 cent. per pound
I. nullt eery' good, an , l thowe at 75 rents and SI. are
Um twied, daniged. or lat.:dor Teas ao. net.. kett
at !hi. rstablL•hment. and they how retail all their Tea.
direct Crum the original theme. harlar proved that Toy, stlll
wraptmes. which, by hc,iltint; UM the
light, toe will Sad is a. taw... Jr itttlY'e fell I
I. • IWO d CU bu u t& D
a n Anrt Tear alts.,
- n
he Wathittaton Co. {buten
I , d 1,1.10 extra Email, Elan •
....7uperilue du
1 100 donna extra Corn BM..
1011 Lone. Window Masa. smarted, In atom
sod Fm tale l,t . JOIIN 'WATT aCol.
EVOLVERS- .Nav received. au additiuu:
e•Ii ."‘"1". R'"A WAV. s tiliNiT
The dwAllng LuUsu FffrorrlV MrUpied Id the suh.erl
b, near Ilasebe.ter. situate on the lint of the Allothent
nod Manchester l'lant hood. with tarring , born , ..bfs
std other out house.. and about an se t w of grants!. To.
veloa gl,u ou let kiwi! neat
IV %I ' BAK ItIV Ft I. 1..
Moll:.Its tiffire ta3 limo{ b
',POLL BUTTER —'2 . 5 bbls prime, for nale. I.v
1 . .1•11 • Flot .I.llld Na•roud
LINSEED 011.,—10 bblq. for sale by
feell S. W. HABRA Uli
TALLOW -1 0 LM=. prime, for sale by
fela N. l i‘ Outatiii
• -
1.11100.115--50 dar.UnTfuTicale by
LIP &WI S. AW. liARBAI:1111.
'AWED APPLES-4A bus prime, for Rafe
A- 0 ...:11 jtAii aA W lIARBAUtiII.
IikRIED BEEP--b aaaka sugar cured. fur
1/ Fak b Phil S. A Ir. lIARBAUUR.
WINDOW GLASS- -IWO boa. manned
T V Almem, as ..b. 1., 1.611 S. AW. HARBACCiII.
AND-55 bhlo, and 100 kegs No. 1, for
.10 by febll S.* W - 11A11.0.M.111.
CLOVER SEED----35 bbla prime Ohio, for
Aale by Pill SA NV lIA.RBACaIi.
DRIED PEACHES 156 bags for sale by
febil ;1.1 W. ILLIMAIALL
COTTON TWINE-2501El superior pal*
I...ia b ioysd• In J. MOD*
No. 00 Wood itact."
CASTILE SOAP-20 oases for sale by
61110 ' ELM 2 CO.
1 ARD-40 kegs and 25 bhla, for sale by .
S EE.M. , .--40 bib Clover Seed;
Timothy' dO. OW . I . l w ' '
_ _
1 i ItY .IPPLES-Lai bughels on hand and
AIL , r.. , .. 4 . 4 T f...E10 BROWS 0 KIRKPATRICK. '
kit M 11.1.10:s; Trieqe. --- t
henege, and
v tueriart. for Nate !..r
A L 1LN , 1 . L t : ,; 1. ,
• FLOWEIt:t 471: x 5 , ...1 3 e u h ,, y u, ,
It LACK LEND--700 Iles of superior luali-' •
JUI ty. for Pit.le E t R. E. SELLERS.
Irbil° 57 IT,Allrtn.rl.
i , A3ll'llol{-3 hhht for Hale hr
k., frblo IC. E. SELLERY,
)011 . 1). B.A Y B 1.: RR 1: —2 tibls. for sale 11
/ ‘OPPERAS—Io bbls for sale by
5. k-snums.
VIAL CORKS—IWO - grass for sale by
4blo B. SILI:KIN.
OLLSE in DE LALVES—Printed and solid
Ftury or g' 4ta . lo AUKPA V A BUltartrEtAb'
N2 b Li( 4 ,loliS--Mg7thALßZCht.
g nett, Contort aoldr. Motor L. Latstott u Paottor, Hood.
aloe rintotted Alt.," sold other orylsto of ltortruna t good ,
LOAF SUGAR-100 Wel, assorted aunt
_.0.11,00,,, far sale bi RIMBRIDOE k INGRAHAM,
No. 116 Water st-
"ISAIAH DICKEY & CO.. Agents for Me
i. rhankel Iron Work., hare Iron for sale of euperior
r l a l l . t4l:a . r t, lnteree. warranted. Warehouse 112 Waaltud
BATTING -15 bales superior, for sale by
MUTTON-10 bnleelor Kale by
x . 1 6h10 MAIM I . DICKEY t CO
IOTTON BAGS-4440z twilled, for Yale
vi by, tehto '•-m..1.8 * ROE
~. ----
SEGARS—IO,OOO Pprine' hale by .
10,10 I L , A RUE
kETTERS of Ac, to the Et.
ate. ge David M'Kee,„ : toamahlp.
o, County, thawed. le ~ , a ntett to the sub.
eesiLer. All yellows hada... fatesee requeeted
to make Itununlete Der:vent at ,Vec Invelne clsles
Pr''" then
tY CItALY.I. 7',
Wilk!. towlyitiy, 4'blyY6tT , Adatiharat'or.
FOIL SALE—Two lam,. Flour Slills oral ¢ Saw 1101.
tha P.aer ilnytk. with tha nroat.47 slat. low. Al..
Yell InTrorod Form in Myr. wa..y. Prim 15000.-
Y, a harm of ILL atm, on the Ohio rirrr. three 0.11,"
ha o w IMaar. for 14;84. Al.. a. of 140 aor.4 ou the
Olio river. 6 macs below Beaver. {hr $.22 per serr.•.Al..
COO ear. for Oil par acra.. Also. Corms of I 1 ll:, and 96
mem, for V... 5 pee acre. Alta. 175 arms for allt,and 03
arr. for $l5 pro KTV. tra•et er with uosny Whets of he Tad.
ous alzel and prices. Luau' of •
N. P. A 11. L. D. FETII:II3IAN.
Attorney aat M and Real 'tsta. Agent,
, fabill I No 100 4th at. Pittsburgh.
Of Forty Town Lots' in East Liverpool, 0.
ryHE recent unprt4erfonteti tole of, Lott in
thr above thriving Town having neorif oahrtutthl
t oh. pretiounir Ida ont. and the demand Nil continuing,
11/,, unatertigned hen hem induced to lay out a motion of
h • property In Dann lat ota above. and =ern than for mile
prima awl term. that mania fail to moot the Clew. of
0....00hing to ch... It ii needle. to any .7thith;
of the 'motion or tim Toarrand proapah-Lt (It intrlng born
doeuriLed in rthentn,leertments) other UNA
t 4 01 ro - tr one hundred lots have rteontly changed .hands
1.1 been purchmted. by these sithing to Dr...MO OlMtn•
hi, hoot, . .
lota . .are
~ . aionng the mcot eligibletintldtclrahle
l‘titwtt o Pall/ kcatetl in the, 01:14/1! of
ca apply to the ri tcr In lrec-pcc
41.1anica Illctely, EN., Fourth tat. ' llttaburgh,
JN ihttlimting• the unealled for bahineee of
the hank of l'ltt.burakt. Ofoorllllll , to law, miDeeetaber
t ..h.l.olte below:lug Jeaat Doe , ,,tra, taade Dineen,-
ta, *l.s, prlot+4
noughetty " The natty intended will take Ocatee that'
noire. hi,. balance la.-ailed for wlthln'the no atipulatad
lu tt. Act of As/Pet/0,4. It wall ...chest to the, C0t0...
wealth. JOIIN ,ISTDER,,CohIte.
Linen and House Furnishing Goods.
A A. MASON & CO., No. G 2, and G-1
trt , . °muttony on had a largy
tottutorat ar tha tonowto t r gout, of au hut ...mot.
Table nod, Daaantk and Inaorr,
Nal,Mtut. ilw.. ,
rl.) P. D.)I , P , ti
Taarela, Ili ekelper. Diaper nub PaPtiank:
1 . 04 Al i.ud~l•
StoNososolLt Homo, •
Yittaborh,Wow, 7.1,
o et..ettott for Poolieut. Me s uroo•ra sok OlgeO lSA. rs of the
Votousto for eroottro s !Inds. over the Nlovongshela
Pitt•Lorolo h. lb. Cootst, of Alleobsoy. will
I•• 1.1 et tb.• Toll - Lou-...0 Ili.tSlaw the IS of March
to ,t et 3 ...ha, I'. NI, • JUIIIN
libilr,:t'T •
Large Auction Sale of Refined Sugar
Bon4lF Ida!, Brunhed. Powdered, 'Mull
aro will be add Aurtloa at Newt/r
-ies.. B. 1151. day of Vebruary. 1351. by EL TURPIN,.
Audio..., at the storeof 1 . 110.9. BAILLS. BLA.NCIIAIII.I
it, Agvula at said Itahnier)..N. unapt mwt:
.}...tsrma 111.eral at We.
AL:tat. ou the ateir la.. at the ratoe'ato,
au Parka...4th arr.!' i.h• and dart N.H. - awn, Brandy.
5o du ant •• pale vintage 1835 40 du
15 do - .1. -i
-2.1 du Ist .• 1515 .10 du
20 111,. Nutlet, Imperial Basle GI.
All the atone are under Custota Lamar Kris
10k, Laatetatiulpywolet: •
Um ease,. Aledoth:
lou lins.ody Crravio.,
[mita thedr.mi,
lOU Lank. 011.014
. o
WO nun earth... l (111, In %brae. laalf. qtiatter sal third
63"Serna Ilt,ersl at Isle., • lebala
• Law Partnership.
:17ILEsubscribers have evsaciated them-
RICO, in the practice of Law , undue the Am of Black
.1111. ton. °woe the other of them. when not en
gaged in Court can he found at all time,. in the aloe, on
Fourth strati, Pitoborth, now orrupleG bF Mr. Black.
DRIP GINGHAMS—Murphy & Burchfield
on.hand a lune lot of WI) G/Oelanaa. art , frb
arm selling at otatlT mdamdra - k ,- vaatc..." 4 Lb
and 3farkel etOOOU. feb3
F ITE public aie cautioned against negutia.'
tine druft to our (ado, ilhlru by Ito&
nt• Maynanf a Co,on Cornett t Stecltosn; Non Yor k .
dant! Cintionatl. Demmbor 1850, nod .payable pit
mast]. alter date for Seventeen llondred tot tYlfty Seven
Dollen twenty one vent. Said vat mailed from
rare to our tuldreva on the lith of Janwtry* ind hat
felled to reach um. KENNEDY, CHILDS /1i (XL
L"RESII FRUlT—Peaches and Blackberries
put up In their own joke. and brninetirally misled,
riad - preferring their arterial darer and frrohnear.
Alai Ch. artier and Plums put up in the ram! manner air
pica or tart. On band and air rale
WM. by
ff LI . Mg Liberty atreet.
nIRD SEEDS—Canary and Hemp Seeds
Alt of the Wet qualltr for sale tor
LINSEED OIL-5 Ws just received, pure
ceeotr-LA "kulsisc:N, ctrnE a CO,
felA No 22.5 Liberty .reef
."pahl nP'```WJfLL
tvl,B &metaW Examogo Brokers,
vas ANI) RAISINS-1Q boxe;.figs::
393 do re.Wne.
am' and for sale by 111101 i sle KIEXPATILICK.
It,IOLASSES-34 tierces and 300 barrels,
IVA mime ' ° ; . "" g `' b oo 6 lig - iViTtIINTRIcx.
LARD 01L-1,5 bbls best refined Winter,
teem'. Sr J. KIIOONMA d
febB ::t Wocd street
PAPER -100 reams Wrapping, assorted:
by no do lionhooreda
LVE-60 bids Common,
10 do bore, far oido by
iILDER'S CUSIIIONS-41ist reepirect and
LP for fah. b) J. KIDDY CO,
f.•b, No.lo Wood Arrect. •
QHA K. ER'S HERBS, all kinds, a fresh 'lot
'is on hand. sod for rale by
fr LS . . J. KIDD. A CO.
(1 LAZIER ' S DIAMONDS—I doz. for sale
ILI hr frldi a. KIDD a CO.
LONG SHAW LSfew low priced Long
shasra—,..scarcs artlrle—yuat randred be
fell!. , MURl'llr a BURCHFIELD.
peel. quality, et store. of
(0 ASTOR OIL —ID brig Blow's best, for sale
1,-1 pc- . 4 ' KIDD NCO.
B UTTER -7 bibs fresh Boll:
d., • aolid
..) IS Ur, ,
do Witlwelrfd Sod ,
for sal. tx 0.7 McUILLS 1 HAM i
TrOBACCO--.19 Isar:. 5 Lump for sale Ivy !
1 feL7 , BIrdILLS 0 suy.
AIT v I l ITyl ,
no G L l , ,y iS;t 7 - Itld hzs ui ' L ll s a a utt;l . 4"
VATENT .."0:1P Pt.),WIIER-20 boxes lust
lyrd sod for P•ke ► ipy R. E.. SELLERS. 07 iEncol
at whom th e 6.4.10... tide anal alms b. I.d•
'Civil Engineers qui Land Surveyors.
II EASTINI;S d PREISER. having associ-
IA Mod thetardwrl fur that purr... Will attrod to Sun
aspun. lay!lto not and Wilding land do. 10.. ..1,... '
drsurbilng sod Lusk, Oslo sod 1011. laying ouL lota-
Hug sod impel...llns the mar... Hos of Rail. Plank.
si.Ad....a 0,1,.., mad.. Arid,. le, no favorable bans.
otter No. DX , Woo , kn... brad of Flab .d.nyt, nrsr tl..
Court Eh., PllrLborgb. • - frl4 4.14,.EAT
I)RUGS-10 xtore and for sale by the sub
nrals.r. all of tba tort quality:
Sulphate and Orroor a Moro.l.
lowi HAW.: • .
Eder. Sall,
M rur Irrd. .
Cum ga Amide:
Orton Tartar:
. Roll Illird , Odo , •
Flour Sulphur .
Alrrairlrla Srunir. .
Oslo Canna/or. S. N. MICKIMSUAAI '•
L. enriler Ir9oa and siiih do. '
l,r ill T E 110.51E- MADE II..ANN E.L--, -
sit Itlglli A BIACIIYIELD ate riling • Komi ex ,
tide of abort. so !or sx Lt.,l rrnta per yard. Th... •,,,,,.. ~,„
rh,rigv„r.= 9 t , -; 6-e Phdd " . "... 1 .
wT-_i... ta__.: ,
__ zisi_
g 0001) CANTON—FLANNEL--A farther
uy ~,,,, o f .'o r supsinr nrticlent 12.% erro4 per
prA. meelred st. Mary a
teb6 •
Sellers' Cough Syrup in Illinois.
JUWE PIERCE, of Jliddlepoit. hoquoitie
conotr, under date of January 37111,1641. that
hat horn truutilod mare or test mc h kir iw,rat
yank which loot year cont mod him toMated,e and required
emdical treatment to than month. Dorton the name,
tieztL i ter id tati . llkrotagl i oAtlnglt%dLaweadig ri
.4eirme CattgarlVA .. .filth • WELLUEI=I:I f i r the Imo
of (.2.01. h,ought Irich him from the State Ohio. u,
Chapin had Mom" the SYmniof meat ate in his family,tunt
when mowing from OWN took innwn
midth nina,
of which Judos Pierre obteinedMid with great
when other mom taLled to afford relief._ _
Prepared and mid Cr H. SELLIRS.
6I Ward st.
Sad I bY Omega paeans the tirodUoi sod Tic:Lulu,
• Jong tierdrae--, . • ....... ..JOMN °A - Mt
MCPAtitt - hi deltODE'
StIfyIVIC. to John Plei'voiru d Cal
Canal 8e1.4/1, Prnia Serirt.
Penna.' RAH Road Co.Cetatral Rail Road.
IIE subscribers .baring beeb appointed
Otte agent. fur the Pr1:112, PIllItM or eratril flall
ed. la the public thadeic -are now premedrte
Mee any tarrehaadire or mita, for rhlpateut vain loathe
opening Of the caned
tkrdis era tau roateprill M ran94.lhrow3 m file dap.
ad all rotteldned to will be del. tinted fret. et MUM. —
I 11M1 C charge for advance, •
ruro Ca.nnnur ¢ral. tuuto..M.l4 - 1A nttaarsau.
Dry Boul, Sta Cutlery,Confee:
tic/I.u, Fruits, !'eatberu i'umitute, b , ruus flectirluas,
tu,:jdlery, Wool, tr. A. • ELM - 01(Q O.
!Ilardware. quevo.roure. Stud. Crilu
ltuther. Vlore, >las. Muuthy "..1 other limo Snub..
Welt lUD.
Kea, Butte, Lard. Laul VII, Tutukreo Leaf.
ttraiv and ltacao4* 100
A,tuu, 31arbk• (rough) Tar, rittli Germ.' Cluj.
Bouts. i. ' luk)
GEORGE E. Alamo &- CO,
..„ 74 e„.„ 0 fu IM-41,
. eiNtn‘crryt..
Not.. aw 4 Deets collected cm
u . lEss 'Vt .: —
Stocks DA:WA and sold on ono4=
rfABLE'POICDER, hr the tore of Etanuk=e or
bun breptts.
A eafr arable ost be
eertmly Lir nod euturistlng
and Into atheism which mothers, In the earl
month...of nursing. are anNeef.. It lamb tbe meat ItetllAPt
and complete relief. curing T wo mom he a thw tterS
and this mot Is usually 'worm!ea iongle
like other remed. Dm
It roma is entirely home
lees as new.. the chi. Lto It zoo be mellowed without
tLe least poem!. tisk of IerJWY.
This retnedy has been rrymtedly methane! mom hlghlf
remematmled. by mute of the ...I taculty of Pitts
Price—Lane Doll. • Package. cr ride cute be ir e d, him IN a our
, 11.11 Wert) .t e a t. Pittsburgh.
For ale by T. A. BlYletb, J vo. Alrratat. WS,
end D AL nktert• Allegoeny. feb&lect
WIDE SlTF.ETlNGS—Doudekeepers, and
t iTri =I:7•TZ!!=7 P L''
Astit street.. an ex,rttnent ethatuti fozen
noe tb three ytirde trtde, bleated EDI nu Ditched. Alm,
pdhi n e. e m e Imen tehkeloths, table &Intent, to drapers .LI erkeh, Losuitkeeplng cmis generalb•
!Lit•ATlLAl,N,4l,dc.o..l,'?up QUlLTS—
keeperw to Loco meortmeot of above t goi:if L k g= i 'h =
en d m e , Alg, Db., Furniture Dimity kw quilts.
LtAISINS—Common Bunch.-
. Extra Layer. Male tale btbe
ar felta • R. A 11/.0.12E13 A CV.
it ICE-15 fiercer, in e tore and file'. Bale by
kt , s OA/ Water at 4 r DICETY CO
m. Ft".
_ -
itrr and Ironing
b. 5 sacke, qt • 0 , 1
sale by fe c , Ju.
1[4E310 - NB—J4 boxes, just received and fnr
alai by febb.. -. .1. D. CANFIELD.
CHEESE -250 bo - xeR. for saleTCr - :-
FLOUR -30 bble extra Eatnilx Flour, for
do'by feb.l S. F. VON lIONgLIORST CO.
ARIL-4 hble prime leaf fur Rale by
fe.b.s S. V, VON Bova-twist a co.
B UTTER -4 Ibis
40 racknl,
10 g do for nlr h
',LAIN BLACK SI L K SH. 4 tlunrnr &—_
Drummca bare rorelred a very full ru'pply of above f
avoda alalch they ran eell at lower prime than they- are
generally mkt at Mau. Black Manual autl inure& do. of
nearest Myles. . i ~•••
PILL BOXES-400 papers AVooll,
~1, -. lnturr ' . .
- 35 -- Winter. - -
foirale by febr, . . ILI zi.u.ass.
DRIED APPLES —34 saelcs for sale hy . .
ft. lIALI.F.LL a tlia -
PF.A'RLASII' easka,oii hand 'ard for to. . feln It. DaI.Y.KLI a a CO.
if I lIRESE. , --50 I,ozes On h.lnd and tor side I.y
1 I 014 - ' . It. U.t.tZlitart CM
.1 I CASS—Of all sizes and pi:aides. bn - I.L hand
CI ate! for pale by fete: IL DALZELL iCU
IBBLS. KO. l' ROSIN; Just receired
4, ..,i for tale by
.. D. A. FAIL ileftiLY tiCO.
ebr. e
• .-on uer Woe.' earl:Erg as
B aiLowS-illie pair of Belli Rs; nearly'
~ net, • foe WY by >XXI FE, Anil Naja/N 2 OEM.
• febtl! - Ve arta rimer
iTo Gas Comm:llmi.
, %_) aaw—Whereas, pellare are about, latrodurlag the
neer Wile at lisaLarnera. rualabling operineacalle,lle.l
with • claim meatier and luau tube. and tap Gith Pro bale,
7111.1V17172r. " N7i ' aritr:: ‘ ;:•ir, 7" ,rrrlc e i ttZ t tg:
Our retail torte. cent, with ' a lit.etal ...mutt Ulla,
Mere. enabling theta tu It them lo store. =I Gwrinatreat
Our adartiaal prim. We thunders! rtia:a pabito
agiltart tieh haaacters, >al particularly ma a puma:
marl a t Gat G Piebea blab. hal ea.
am -m
bale nail redtch whiskers ultikr the Leis to
ecieirelr !elite la boatucaa, atal we I. Malaita. kki.
Vllo r ict!l;.. n lirprtf:l I tlrftel; Ta n a c PLl.ittd " s '
t , kterr eili t!.. , " am. our,, J . • 114 Lialluir Arent. tiaw.
Ctierheng wan allude,/ to ham tket or neentatuseateil
alai dal Oct.. , fahfe Wad
ttc-, . 4 :1111X —Places forp
v . ----
eA.N . TING ...SOON —Places folio nu.n4of
W 00... boot tomer+, *tool 1.0. W.
rorra,oltort tatrtront 51ad.11497" for
=mg nmYer trotrkr...i..mmZ nn
roTipratt. .
31ortes borrowed al lent. and oll•lorals of ptirrommt usual
In do AV. , / sod in
ortendtal to prrooldlr
oral for ooty modrrote ebortteo Mew. roll at
1rlet.1(1 HARIS'
tobs. Agmtcy oral lutellitcroto palm. 5111
Ml MOTHS: SEED--15 bblzs
. on! hagd wad tor sale br DA Tii6nt
iR CO.
!ebb , 1.14r1r
TARTARIC ACID-400 lbs, mum: neat
4a, torwe by . .IL E..".ELLERS,
Wool str.l.
HERRING -100 bre Lubec stsiled, fur rale
er. .1.24 riaLtl7 DICKEY a CO-
UNNELOPES.—Just received,.%a InTge
inntity of bud, blue. and white Envier:en. of all
eura, fur nle at manually ism wen at • 1
W. S. JUNEN'S,Statiornif Waled:mu, •
1.30 , • Cur. linen end • • d stunt. ,
r AvRTTLNG Writing Fluid;
if ibbSg r ettoitdlital Red Ink. , •
Morrison',l'olumtdan Ink—red ltiti block. -
IbiganThomprotia Commernal Inkrblaok, owlet,
" fkenb Carmine Ink. For ails by -N.B. lIATICL
IVOR. SALE—Good White Louisville
.12 br the barrel ar 160 middle ailed and :mall
uneaten boric. blank To Lett 150 temperanm emtilanater
latai manteafeltdetemon aeoi ali our daily mall mut 'a
tam iteeklYi and about 100 dllbirent late toot .. t limtbern and Southern nearpapent and ArDlla Mail MIP-'
ply Almanac. and a k. salmi book. itik,%Millttay and let-,
tey paper, fnatonnteroill a patent Petn, nOr aale rimktni LAß anYealitia'
Ink, 1
Mb M.O.
SUGAR—Prime new and old Orleans. Leal;
emslt4 end Porderri. Ibr rale bT
&I J. D. AIILLIdL9 &03 •
S3IUT ;STILL—One Smut Mili,eompleM,
tbr,.‘k low by febs R. DALZELL'E CO.
.....11111 , --30 barrels and 15 kegs do, fur sale
Librty . WM..
j n~OLL BUTTER-5 bbls prime It. flutter.
. !lowland for oale LZELL CO.
ba Libertr once-
SOCOTRINE AL°Es-75 lba, pure article ' ,
for mia by kb. lt:P. SELLERS.
br (65 R E.EIL
ORREE-200 bags Rio-Coffee, mast TI.Vi
Co 11C - 11"4 ,04,t,
VRESII PECANS—Ju.t. receiceit, 3 blA's
therh Pecan nnhe fm rat , hr
..h.,511X1113 &
L•6sLihrrtr staact
FRESH FIGS-50 dryma receivid and for
ftie br fob. W. A. MeCLUCO k C 0...
I—Pr the only instrument yet ineenied by vhfch
Coll.llKilii min fat be certainty detected entelitionitlyere
potriac.but a 02(913.1t. PrieceSl.:4a Vl4o.and 44;60. For
side at the Watedi aod Jewelry ytore -
Obi coma of Ibirkenand 4th.
OLD LOCKETS.--Jusf received phi'
lrioshydy elerniot tied Watches and Minhflar• C l
table for Lionorrotypea Y.
~ ,4114
W. 11/1-411N ' .
QiIILVER CQIIN WANTED—ror - whi c h t h e
"-Tgh"' h' ! '" lt l RILL &
&AA — Brut., 64 Wood nrce, doors hbor,lth.
ANC; ISANCgrocic.-4 .
,LA far "ale. &moth , .of RN. A. RILL &
trt.4 Lankerw.,
.61.MY7. 1 1Tiflh=tnttilitutV.Antratf
tea •••hty,.., .1 • 0 ktp nate trzent
CARLET WiiiqiNckiWri, or differ
,.ent whit?, out loteret prieee. nt otnele Of
Mt, nt• ,
g aiiv .: Wum FLANNELS, Butn*447Articir:
.i;l‘hite. Itarmt. mn. Aniettine Wnom
thund st tl e none 41
—)IES' FLEECY SILK' a LO% ES, snot
A oilier kind. of . Winter tihne•—in aerator. to be
at the etoraof •
IIES' WINTER lIOSIEItY. of - minim
A kind, Meluting 2 new article of It tot aD.O 101 t, to
bid At the
r non. of
MI,. 1iC11.111220 keep at OTIATITITRIA gat th.
T. FT.& _Also. Mit ant Weita Orrin. do- ail Ilona
ant lattib'r 11..1 Gemara nto
B EAUTY.—It is uni‘ervully conceded that
ufarhasty W: mum
acumen In this muatri than ih ant
h while at tio mum time it I. cal that in no other
amino le it int at ,lo,ra t ua Dur Now Oda la tr. to •.
ctotala exteut, but the 4.1. tarn tamed by ateltet. lie
ray to all, 0.• not nerint your trrantti aPwanowe. hat
trail the fulkothig, seed nut lark 00l kata—.
The. article. an. erietillat. {Reparation...m.l bare all at
tained • high { - ‘,l.arit{.
Juleallaurle Orman be Chine. Mohr. We imputing
to the Noon .. • 1•220.2 • raJia. wkillear. ln
hrattinif alarakt • peram be more earful thou the now
lantcht the the elan as matt/ of Oa. nit an ter,' intoM-
V.O. My ChM...
us ncolop,olutel 12emlentlror
eaaJ routgazu itrarailmit w !tab tau oerahly Saint
an injury,
juh a loop. Dcpihratry Powder, the rmollog_atiperfa.
om hair. What ht Aare unnatilly that tura Isom Zato,,,,
to tilt. of • WT. Thin article • mow. It la a &brat
time, without the toe of tut) *Lori/
Iwteu~.riL -
I Jule• 114. i a Vertualte h r Hof
b D4: te . fil
rat i t ' gr=n ILL 0:e t he 1.1212%
. Aorta. time, ant more
thou •2 1 ether dm be
at the war time intclilltia
Juha Hawn, :baring therm:—lt 4 then e pleuras to
Out. thtn. mouth There it Sidle of te rourtinic4
rout,.Dorany elztertr..l.l.l,l=f.tzt war Ott
tow troy . to tau. rbappol. ' 4 a '
.3211. ROM Tc 22.11 ••22.-2.222 to the
n e t we
think the 'Rath men ltacodett as the LreaLwt orouneat to
the human fare: but when naFleel.L. outtoom LI re 4144. as.
„,,,, 4 .1,4 •.22. lio.“ Tooth Pane will 11212.4
to *ha weth • inniUhilattra, at the 2 •2411 time keetett,
JULES ILAGET O P old Chorale,
liteartutta, Phila.
I The Ale wholesale sod retail, by . ft. rh.tom, en •
MA . R Pit4LOllth. and J 3 / 1 4.1411,
rAPEß—Yilo,PacieT Ca — terml —.
Quart pea% ad Cap taper, a large glumly otdl qu:.•
pla/th binge
.bite, !iv ra. on liberal
Jail W. C. HAMM!