The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 11, 1851, Image 4

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    .mtwEi,li2TL4Eou-•-nl , cciN'llmmmts. - -
BECOLLikiTTOBB bg (#080(1D.
-.. . 1 Titr• DrICI TZACECH. I .r .
~. :It only seems like yesterday. • 1 •
The Morning fresb and cool, ~
• • 'When first with my satchel on r, .
~. lhent my step, to school. '
'. hly Path lay throogb a pleasant lane,
~,.. Whereieafy.bougha did meet ll •
Abo'vo my head, while tilted itt gaid
They play/ around my feet. ' [,
At length. I reached the little school,
A calm, sequestered spot;, l i
~ By Wm, far down the vale of . years,
It La not yet forgot. , ii -
• I,
'• -
Ono teacher kindly took my htorolt
And ',wady on me smiled, 1 i l
• ••• for, oh! she had not yet forgol.
l i f
• That she was once a child. [
• , , She', still look'd young and beattifol,
Bit to my fancy seem'd k
That; even inler happiest moodi '
• Of brighter lands she dreamed:
.. Il'
' "R often snake of some f ar ahorti, •
Where all her treasure lay; I 1 ,
And said that soon her little It '
-. ould'lnoor within its bay. I' '•
1 -•'
.. _.• -- : ". ' l!'
We thought 'ah'e `,llike tim'hor days,
That thither rho might Ily--i (
To that bright laud where tesr _ she said.
Are wip'd from es'ry eye., I , -
'le cLool,
,'Ono mein we raised her from f
;: Day followed after day,
:AnOther teacher filled her pito
And still she stayed away
And 2till Ale bilty'd, and nerr
For unto hel- wns Oen" '
:a In 4o:freight land of beer'
- From the . fforar Jornat ft
-.. " .. 13T.1.A11i111 TODD. .11
I remarked in my last tat the mean, I was
puraning- f -viz i rising early—to earn
,money to
tale me out of the country, were the menus which
Providence outplayed to keep mo n it- Had I
not risen at half pact three a ID
wormsro would .DOT
i '
' have met the young worms in Bti V
the at. four. `
She laid an' embidgo on nie, whic line toot been
rein:MS . o; though sti summera are Peeled, ,and Pri
harvests•are gathered, mince her pproina first mod
ray redmiring eyes. Seeing her epprciach ou the
mend morning, on the some minifte ythonght it
was Ski wtteldraft. Ou the thirdrerun% I leek:-
ed, and behold she Was 'there. She! had yet a
' bemired feet to
walk he turning:tits corner.
' • I quickened my pace, soden Inlssing, gave ber,
se sharp' a look , as posaihte; vrithout infringing`
on cnamondeceney. I read care t delicate health, '
and 'a tinge. of melancholy in. her meek oyes:—
Retracing my steps I took my stand at the cor
ner: As I watched her figure receding from my
iiew,l; communed with my breast ailtallows i---
• 'glair girl I something wrong distnrha thy sweet
repose,andamida thee forth:to sweep the morning
dew., I, wish I were a brother or ti! *omen that
I. might know and share thy trouble. jj From thy
countenance it is evident th y health ie delicate ;
and from , thy dress, I should suppose. thou. art
one of these sewing girls, with no linme, about
whomi hear the young men conversing; U and do
doubti"thori art'going to ?talk au hour', on. the bat
ter.* before commencing the labors of the day."
Some "menthe thereafter; when we met ou speak
ing terms. I found every word of my jtmojectures
.. true to the ; letter: I missed her on the fourth
, • =wader She appeared on the fifth.' So we met
.. Old pamed for a month. • • I ,
: - t,elneafternoon about this period, I sew a hearse .
- •
in front the Mime nextto my workshop.% riot
luering seen a Amaral in • this counlrY, I Mapped
• to see how it was conducted. In a few,rainntes
, the coffin woe brought forth, followedby a come :
. ly matron, who might have seen forty eumMen;
beside her stood this eelesamfftlazetelmireil mai-
-den whom I bad so often seen is Bniadway, I
gave a start at the sight of her countenance, for
by her sable robe and falling tetra, I saw the was
deeply interested in that funeral, and therefore
eh inmate of that house. Botobow lifcame to
• putt that I had never seen her coming in or going
out, Was a mystery too deep for my comprehen
sion, till Lad been at work three months in the
hoes adjoining.. t
..191ose funeral is that?" I asked Of a neigh.
- ...It is the husband of that matron, and the fatti
west thatyoung woman." . • I
• -• .. Whist - Idnd of peoplehre they''. t ennui
: red neat. •1
'Poor, - hut resesectable,"enes he. . I .The father' 1
hu been long sick from the effects of ,expearain
• s the camp with Washington, and their chief Cep-
, port for twelve .montlia past has been the poor
daughter who sews for families, feel which abe
rice - tree cents per slay.. A hard lot,
Sonia' two weeks after this period., the people
with whom my brother and myself hoerded, were
removing to theconntry, and we•found some dlr..
liadtyl in procuring board to our liking Our
••• - 1 landlady was to remove at 10 o'clock au Satur
day :morning, and at four o'clock' on Friday
• email knew not. where I tnightpillow my head
t. on Saturday night. While. my bend was on the
anvil, My thoughts were traversing the dwellings
'• in one neighborhood, viewing them l in rotation
The late funeral stood prominent. Says Ito my
self-"herd next door, dwell the neventa, de widow
wad denghter- Fame says they ma respectable
though poor. Poor folks must shiftfer a living:"
perhaps the widow will board myself nod. my
• brother, to help to pity house rest.e.c. .
The daughter is of age; the father line just gone
—onepillaw may serve for motherned daughter ;
no a touch will remain, whereon we may strexh
our treaty limbs. • i
While thus ruminating Jas. Powell stepped in
to our shop. His family occupied the hasemcrit,
and the widow and daughter the otirl I toll him
my surmises about the widow, and baked him if
he thought abe would board as. i tie said he
would mention it to her that night; I and inform
ere neat', morning . I told Lim to way that we
would pey five dollars per week,- and spilt wood
and carry water folher. •He returned with a fa
vorablennewer, and the suit day we .dined With
the Mother and took teawith the daughter in the
• I
After tea her mother went to meeting, and my
brothei to see a friend.. I was unwilling to leave
the daughter alone. While clearinglthe tea table
in•the act of wiping the outside of a plotter, a
sigh from the depths.of her Soot escaped from
her lips. .
t. What memos that nigh Reber-cal" I asked.
.. I Sigh" she replied, "when I think of my ig r
norance. I was born on the day Laird Howe 'mi.
tend New York. lily parents fattened Washing
ton. I.never was baptized. 'nor do I know my
"Says I, Rebecca, I'll teach you to read."'
Agreed," she replied.' . ' ' •
The rise, progress and training of young ideal.
• will be 'developed in the next chapter. I would
. merelyeaution my bachelor frienda of 22, that
except they arm willing to get married in spite of
..tliemselves; that they eonsider well before ttiej
undertake to teach a handeme maiden of le how
tempest Alt - C.- I . .I.' .•;
Fees Ninsoca To IiESTneKT..--Alfili to street'
the coalition of free negroes hoe recently passed
the louse of Repress?. ntatiies of lientuckn'aud
Ins been sent to the B.ear4. The bill provides
that in each county the assemor shall annually
ascertain and make report td the; clerk of the
• county court the name; age, sex, as color, of
every free negro and mulatto, and that the clerk
shall keep a register oral ouch free negrocs and
mulattoes, and in the mouth of duly of every
yearshen home a summons egitinst'all each per•
tons within certain ages residing In the county,
commanding their appearance et his office, there
to exhibit their free papers, if they have any; and
in the absence of Ruch papers to producer such
evidence as they can of their freedom. The bill
!bather provides eat the clerk shall make recent
of the name, age, sex, 'color, 'height, and visiblu
marks of such as' appear before him, Mating
when they were emancipated, or Whether they
• were born free, and if emancipated, ; by whore--
For hisservices, the clerk is to receive a fee, to
be charged against the foe negro or mulatto.—
If any free negro or muatto fail to appear, or
fail to pay the fee, or fail to comply with the lair
in other respects, he is t 9 be informed spired at
ti ll
the dextconnty court, a to by subject to a fine
not to exceed ten dolls . If the fine and omits
et pronention are not immediately paid, the
convict la to be hired ou to any 'one who will pay
the anionot fur the dm est period of service.—
The money raised in ' ' way is to he applied to
- tbe colonization of free egroes in' Liberia.
Another section of the bill provides that if coy
free negro acquires' in any way, 'ercepi by de
scent, a title to real coheir or shows, such real
estate or slaves 'ball be forfeited to the common
wealth. I - 1 -
• I ' -
The Washington' co pondent :of din Buffalo
Espren announces that 31illard P. Fillmore, son
of the President, ho r s - n appointed Secretary
to sign land patents, at • salary of : sliioo per an
num. • 110 'still anis as I private rarretary to 'hie
'ln recent letter to the Rev. Di. Tat, of Cin
cinnati, Martin F. Tupper, Esq., the celebrated
&Oah poet, announces his ,intention of visiting
the U. S. withinthe nett G Months. .
Good Pay.—ltis said that 'the man employeg
to sweep the Court ruts at Neer Orleans, re
ceives a salary of Stp a year. ;
. ,
Gating Me name up—isay gr. gigglier, ei'ari't
yon lots feller go up 'in that, are gegoo.
"It could not 'possibly accommodate you my dear
-friend , “Well then, 'he kind =angle to take
,my aatd along; foil at i detertaied to get; my
. /1111120 tip somehow or otherY
.Notke to Contraitos.
ROAD — St'hed Pronsteals will be received at the edier
me Ohlolnd Pennsylvania Handed therlpthy in Piths
burgh, turn Thornlay ' th e 'AWL du of Hsieh twat. for
.fi11,1"„ the
mitr lpork . f . folild . ri . fsti , to llreigen, diotth i c:
obtoinnt et the lave Pittsbmwb, Ihr eme o tre l :. week.. prevroos
hilt. lettlnk . .. application to Solomon W.ltoberts. CLMe
r .hb..r. - tioatoods must bs senwelanee math the
tcnned foetal , oust uldresont to the Pt of the Con.
PthY. W3l.HolllliteiN. HA. President.
Ptttehnrutr. Feb. Gds. D1A14...^,
North Ameican. New York Tribune, Auntie. Railroad
' pnblbb four thud. fetdaltd
E IOPOSALS fur Erecting a I% Ire Suspen
' dun llriAte liver the Allegheny Kiser, oppooite Ma
o , alvreL in the fifth hard or Ito city of inttsbulith.
rt i s e b o i dir Jamb
Pratte, Co.. Liberty dose teyl be ,
until ,he let dol of Mo+rb
Lott. for the ereetkm of th e above derailed bridre4
Pattern thyroid to be Um name so. the Nfunonlobela
with such alterations as bidders eurrund end the
redthwentnnee. Be order of the limo! of Inrectoro.
febldh $ LORENZ. }Wit
PROPOSALS will hr received bylthe under
edgeod. the I.sth in of Feleuary. neat, 100 7 e
construction of hive Locks and Itons in Dock River t i m b er
one or mote of thtso, and fer clearing.the channel of
and the banks of trots :caning ossr tne channel.
The Darns willaren :a
a, , feet 100 Z. sou ./11 be 13 to
tect high, with • base - of 50 Pot loi width. The Look
Chamber 19a feet long sad 10 hot wide. with walls
:A/ fuss thick and 10 sst store tbe evinh of tlx data, with
• guard wall 150 fist long, 10 kwt thick. and of the soros
tub . Ls the lock walls
he, b. and Duns to 110 bOilt ak...TRO;bIT to the Pi..
and of the charlirta tvonfosi andshvcritsd in
tb ., p , 24 ., tf f tpthry,t, of Pcnewyleanla. • copy of
which toll lo found with emprictors of . curb MM.
' ta
rf ' s a c; . 1
n 6 t
Ir . t tfe. ! ' 4 TO. " 4 ` r " . '
n oo k ta be cornrlrte.l ' by Lt January,
, 1,
v re should be retard,' by unusually wet utal
gown ;an i ;._ , ;=trir T4 . ". tife ' c r s ' alsll l l l usi b a74 ,
itopqt lw+l o rorruarat. ' Nruustrususec,o paytosats rill 6e
male In molt - sows' , as the work rm.:, e s u .s.
The “.opativ metrrem. the right of aecepting the pro.
dov,ned tog for Ito Intetrat awl the eorlY ecenPloh.
Of tlt cutlressork• lie crier of Ow
Tif g. J. KELLY,
g,,,,,i • as the Duck River Sack WWl' Nrlljntlicrn CO.
Colunat:a Van. Isnalalaw
Propails fO2 iii — turrand — us - 60•A
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at
Iphia Warts, mull - noon of FRIDAY,
il'i'arlgq b teitary. far ne rt.or t IR hole of TWENTY
11101.:EA. 1:0: , :0 11:4 ' 31.1a0j.1 0 g , wAk. naltahle far
so -
1/1 , 1 ,- • be tialisol at 11, Coot bones to
tbs list Worts,
WOO toes by the 13111 nt Arefi, •
Wog do
to oboe onth of
/L NO W do to Jul),
••• •
4. • Au 4,..
4000 'do • do linker.
• • • • •
60({1 .do . hophry.
' The Cents maid froeh.Wlecw, a dry. and of a atUdltY
tlebe aiy y
If Of kind not heflare urevl at thew Wertta.ranil.lie Witnat
will be riarlited!prer lona to the time of opeinVir you.
tale. The at= tan of :440 Pound/ he eon. red as flu.
welfebt ln tlt.llriniwale.onioese.thenr exprevaly
awed, and If It bn to deliver by mimeo,' the
Attack. cubic Mille. 111 I. ured. In rase or.
failure to deliver the coal aorording to aaleetnent. the True.
tees of the •Una Works rater, the dab... nova. , wbetw
erre they may deem beat. and eliati , to tn. erentmetfuwanY.
Waage damage ounaegneut ou such failure. She lesyments 1
big) Jae made tu two equal instalment., at 4 and I. month,
alter 4 , /lalLeined petiodeof dellinur. the llth of each mouth
to be 0 the average°, the monthly - I.liter)", vent the
option of Ttodyeety. jaytnents will la. rash, with legal
Interest dialucted.
bhould the (lentractor pre.. 'direr the Coal earlier
thaw yeiralred. It will be deaf.. • i„:11,0•no•
I made to date from the time eawriftee. • .• •
i.rittwartory security for the foltlhoeut of the reotrilef.
4111 belugnlla'll. •
J011:I C. CRESIifIX, Engine,.
• ClutAl 4 4 4 G7l 11.00 Worr, tart. n. 1.1. tal'axdia wit . '
Parr Mumjittalli4f , .
- DROPOSALS will bo roiTived at title. 11e•
pertinent until the 4tb thyof March next, for Ihrulsh
ing aunt. for the ore of thr Pm( Ogle. of the United
6tges [ter four years hem the the dot of April heal. when
ordered by the Devartment. of the following themirtions,
rbs name Si the Ogler and State in c' ruler form, rut I
from rand Mtge byrdenod geol. and male In ,nth I
manner as to admit of leg.n toll rimy, to derismale the
mouth and day. with • thumb sedge pal rep such letters
and figures Its 'dam. Sorb gomP. amt lbier4l4allelY
ling the mote, to ho the Md.' Are aa those edits
factdarrl sod 11. nee. A remind mahogany beadle of The
Nom* tile sire. to bo aredgdy fastened to raid stamp. The
only. roar abbreviated s u m es to rontain but three
letters egh. of the mine cite now in use. and to be rut fn.m
solid 140 ,of bersigust steel. FIVItt for the do.) of the
mouth. hem 1 inaluges. he Made of like hoed',"metal.
Metal. mg of the Pim Mat atorwasid.
formulaps w ',,',rho wmile ab 4 of the
m of those now In ith
n il
denoting the rah. of Imgage•
and similar to O now to tow.
All of the same gamma to be mule of hardened Wel.
'The propmals smut algamataln sera.rate Ws far the tie.
color stamp, with l/PI months and Ogg.,.
Also. for mit separate piece; untaltdng the month core
kiting of the.. letters.
Also, for eachseparate piece tor the
of the mouth.
' Also, tor oomph, err. , of mouths and bd.. ,
Alen. fir molt separate sing with the worts "rag" and
Also. for melt separate mere vittr the egurre denoting
the rates of poesy. The mall.. ot the different sets to
mt. hoverer. be gems to differ.= contrast.. but the
yaw.' for the whole whirls is deemed mot faroralde to
the lh . yrlineut will too actorteat The Department
rz. , mleL .,,, :tt ht.,„rrject proteeols if the pro,
re4l ' V ' tll7i f m
talMallaagt IV. 14. HALL. to
Proposals for Chain Cable Iron.
NICT Ac.traf
Jaucary ISSI.
EALED - PROPOSALS. 'ha duplicate, en•
oiSvdorm!. pooi htt:lrill
Prols for chant cabLr , be n
od at this Mary until non of 3lotada). thr 24th Voleru.
4twat- for lurui...hijsa and dollorrittc at thr Navy Vara
aallitt4tutz. Diolitrt 4 Co' limbic all the dada cable
, Wonijuurcl iu tho folturr tug i nil: •
<1 '
15 f.thomr
`: X~T~J Uicetrr.
r ulrixr
- s Lmgth.
~ ' C'p i ~~. S.riM I: 7. ~~
-_i-'~--i~~-- ~
1- g.E.. 1 -; 1 :4?,:‘," 1 . -1 " " 1
All thr s.rornoll obsm tom out L.. 1 lb. "%or,
I.oot quAlitr of Arno - two .01. e, froe from
lure of foromo Iron: 11100..1 Itr.r.nerrii howl Linn!, In•
rah Ttiot to IL. post then In , rut.
prlod. sod rollnl to atoot..o irirli fn th 1141,0, 111.3 •0001
out, pitod, and tolled to tho rogtored m.c. sod to tb.
/nun' Potato. Tbut tortrou for the rhaoßteo.PlNilfil,
bores, owl plum marl all to wtourlat uto/or Ito hammor to
thee nod rhupor telOh will toturni:bod to ti,, ouotroctor
The whole mint bouttliroml if. straight lougthr. Stne trout
sit thaws. raggoi *star. odge, Or otho pull., to
ouch Proof. sod Into. the 1/11}Vall (..keetruettcu. GIMP'
Meta, /14.4'llet.otr ulay throet. and bo to on no:welt to the
oths .m(1464100 •tus spyroral of tho r.munscolaut of thr
Navy Yard atoervol., or it wtII our L- ret.4/wiltw
.duo, port or tho .du frou
trot 004 prr.
nn ratirfrolory ovidetroo w yirdttoed to tattoo told couttrotai•
sot that it hoo bran tuttnu4 . 44.4 , 4 at lo'rolnhArro roqui•
The qiututur rrquirth make unuitth - 11 of the Ulf
krcut sirrul eutl, uuut deLavethl uu of irriuro the
urn dayofJutie hurt tor =other third es4'ry
Wet. ou or lurfure the lard dur ..lober nr.t,
reurikkr 03 or lu.f4ne thur3thrt of Irefeuthrr
Venom &Amor. Of oliolog to fuesil , h theaired Iron
(should any further Inforeiretiou ho ereyoleed to enable
Ureic them to ash Uricmfrs.) are referred to ti re evturdandant
remosatgllng °Cheer , of tbr hoot Vora at Waaaltregton.
Llhdaiet of Volumtia.
To the plane Whoa oder-tiny be arenas particular
ichedulre,drawiugs.. aud reolola the hart
nod portiut, of ere it t ea m .f of Icon (*Ai tar Will rarebit
ed, when tha rottleart t e.ereired for •recation. aud
arbkh•the .411 iron Ina, Cunha n./.
Pregln t .rnl
other gison foal enfred mre.
rem. the moored ot.crebiAy went collateral ec,nrity tor
the telthfol torrfotrowoo of the COnlYncl. :Wiracti iwr
ogrooe fad&
wi rers& be load be the Navy Agin, at
WreWniitou thin thirty lair alter the hmeontotiou
infq:cute.rapyrcred by ,ihe contruatubsut of th e Bald
Noe,. Y
titer) Ar,Ruat arreinialuicil by a written cu.nwty.
twuHWlaf Of the guarantor Or guszreatorn to to•
ern... ni a navy agent or other Per% , ..• or by
wanly nno known La liorrau of t'anatrootosea. Cry that
if tire afar he smelled. the Uhler or balder, will. within
Unstop, after the Yerelot of we 0494 , 01. 1 the read Offh , i
&ail:tutted, eseepte the .more, nUn ju.,l sodautheieut
theto (timid. the raid cloths Add, retro, agreeably to
tenor eperidial In this advernartneut. or trldrit Way tie
emboilici In the context. The law of tho luth of Autrual.
134 G. ftbid. , the courederation of all prolo•rels not areonv •
partied I, noel guar.., •
1141,rea are mretkularly rautiourd'to flvir ePrer
U ahoy • re :mired. th at they may to' dicingulthed from
other burin., lettere, in order to yreveut their being
opeorel before dap ahlahtted•
'All offers not wale hi pallet ronforntiti all]] Ibis ath
vresisementa lo eery leyrtiettler. will lc cotoddeerel or re
jected, at tha °pant of lire Unreal. of ConrernereotoGoutio
Meat aml Repair. The perao:t ittere oiler mar he ...and
delay he notified read a rut:tract Gora'aPhd
sa .1 thOnt whore. —
remons offerimr are directed to deehrnate the Ire`l. oar.
throngh whirl] they derire• to Le reldrosarel widths. navy
&Kant to whom the reotrart shall be Sent for orecollop.—
And also required to real:albeit bids recording to the forta
hereto armored. I J. 11. LATHROP, Navy Agent.
Porn r 4Ter.
Iµ . l , "e' to tdoh and deliver a the Navy rard
at Wetbintrlon. District of (Mumble, in conlbrweity with
the terms of tbewlvertiacent from the Neer Aseed'e
16 at leattendlon, of t h e =I day of•Janose l y,
,09t,122...0f !Lain ced,lr Inn of the rely bed ettalitl
f Amerten mannfartdre, at the rate of - tent. pre
Vretireilei t ;;„=
the poet tab -,
the envy agent at --
'Very teepenfully, yte
I de 're to be adJmexed tbrou,rte
tleo evnitrart to be neatto
.Ur obedient no-rant.
To J. 11. Laritur, EN.
Navy Atattl. itphinatort. D.C.
We the uudetoitmed. re.t4t..ot. of----....' to,l/d . et*t. 1 F 7-
ranklin Fire Insurance Co. Of Mad's.
L ° ' -----' b""b ' . 4u'r°4tY th".l"'. th" 4"'' '' '''' ' ' pi RECTORS t Charles AV, Buncker, Goa.
id o f —lp poopPil, po n s withip tzo da/. t
dnet t 3 t n'telld, of the rontract at th e ult., &1./Vit.. I W. Itt r hatlior, Thrskalsrt:Monlmoi 11. Lewis. Tobias
..1, emot.t . the Fame. with INN , ' add std 3 t 4 eot wttf'tid . • . sun., Addlydo. tL Bole. s tu n( Grata, David 0. Brown.
f or ' th i ttle " te ' rot r' . 4 trettt k lul o velt?... "4 inco 4 o:tt r ti :d w A hle ". o. 44"m he t:itl j'''' IL
'''' l ''' ,4 lritt l iter..." ° 4 P. . BANCK ER. Illesident.
bid wa. mad, C . P. Cltalts.l IL lIIPLAtiI. iCrililia,
0. Y. T ,-. M.C " WP.4I 7 .41U :.!1-71PTIoti of 1 1 11 11 4 forl ' O D.. . '4 =l
I eerliry that. In the told ed" o, Fuowtedge tad or„.
_ fl,
c.,,,,,, , ,. 1
. 16 17 ,6
Witt rho a1.....uatrl ;tour:tutrs are , wird a . d . d xth , erir. roiLit.r../e.= Da r r ~,..1...„.,,, . 1 . ,,,,,,, c .,.., 0 1,,,,,,,, p d.
Kod'eldtt... he rod.o,ted -1...,,,,,,,a.,,,,,.1:1.Lb,, , ,,, ' ;.... l•whkb. with thilr Carit
,a1n,..2 awu PreZu . .bo, saf.dy ht.witted.
.p.2.1/....r I arg . .....*,,,,",7%,. g :Tbb,,aa,,.. January 15t..184d, awymb.
- .
',.11 - 1.,,,1 a - m. 4' 4001f to ih. Act of .Ir...tufty. wept a. Wholes
Penn Ilutnal Life Insurance Co, Philad'a. '...0.
•' Nlort-atn ., .._... .. . .... ....‘... .......... .11.917.433 41
A GEN"r IN PITTSBURGH, AV. B. DAVIS, ~ iltrallsiat; 14.72.1 ad •
..( 1 1,.(41d. J. ri0n.Y..... decalw..l.l No. 3N.: 1.11...ett Ate..t. I VIDIPIPPY Lomoa SWUM k,
...... 01431 23
~,,, the b.u.m. er,ovettleure of broom ...riding In the t . td0rt.............. ............ . ....... 31 ~,,, ~..7
hewer part of the dity. the .cot ma. oho Iv Onitvl dail... , Cuh, dr.:— _...^^" ...- . zi7___
(rum 11 to 12 .ntnl 3, to 3 O'elock, t. the ...Odds. room chit`. j
i J. 6ohOPProidt.if &Co, .N 0 .21 Wr.0.1 Area, where all novo,. , 3,22.M.41 , 3 71
earl Ittfunnorft sail o•ftt....ottetdoMookatioo. prompt- note their Or4rroration,larnioil.taiiinuVrodmth3
IT ..treaded to. Pamphlet.. rpt:mama th e priaelplen and have [mid PP..° i 4° Ti o . b o ff i polipo orp o loppf ~ilb , ,,
heaetta of lAA. Icoursato. . 0 4 blank Ecru„ furnleloll on ; Irollaralroo. , Il• lift,
aril 1. i , ~,, bb,,,T, .kills( ~.1 db ,..
ppl"tration. . advatdabr. of enor., a. we L ...
4 Qtpllal moth' over SMObtat aod ..tardy loereadog.— potitteat to tad , voth promo 110 7
o? , ...mfr. .4 .
palbt dlrkled =locally arnongrt tbsee Insure 4 for lifr. i . . 11A11020.11 (X)0117. Aar= ~
l'irnburrb.J.n.3l. i551.—.31.2w
--, ---.____ ; mal„ofll_te V. E.Tl.terof IVtattl and 3d ata.;
John IL. N.fella.. 311Ifood . etrOrt, h.. r ....,.._ ~,,,, A.,,c comir.rtilt No.•lff ) , Isrind. Burnt. Nwark.
"?' ''''''''''''''''."l"k'n'''..L.."""" II 4 g g , N. _ ~. idttl - ,No,
.11 Wan Atrwet, N. 1. Ammoniated mown. •
Or Platra.Oor Opoo Rod ...If f , drat_' 11.033f5f0 Orrißor (ma 30 to 40 per rent joott positrn..
~, $' I over PI the oboe-row...viol boon.. Loop. ft the :whole 1
(.1 --- PLPTNTIB — BIitT 3O6 kS , . e c z 4fifrcf --- T h. '..b..Tit."' will '"'''''' app( /b[ '''".'"'".
Obt,.,..,4‘PP'' at "'R• °"'" e 'ti. i'l" '"°4 d'" "" VIVIIIMIONTS Agen2,
of ?lam Art.
frieid.l.ll,lollming.,-Wihter I.lliNdOt. 1 Oa, 2{0.10 iirolt ittnnt.
Ern. VW.: llesbytkrian Prklos and Ilytou Books. ,
..._ __ ~..
__. , , ,
PaPildialy bleilill •-,,,,,...
J.ElTZ)=2sisea---EooVd- rbarnsa So.- . • griLD RYE :IVIILSKEY. dta
Tor ientept de EDUCATIONAL Boa. Erße,-, 1 " co w tett En, 1:1 b &* 1 . "41 Vta a .... 3 ibi'
Lilian . . JOBA ialara4B A-CIN. i
-Ilea?' : '' 43 MUMS- ont:OtAX9.ll blip *,_,
• • • - . ..
- nvmuwm.
De/aware Mutual Safety bean* Co..
Pla: Scrip Dividend-declared by thb Board
oR nnwavv, vv. Nov. 4.95:0. is any 444.44441 .
woo, and toot for i1it.4.4144414% thLt
decTl4lftstf: indnr64.,=ql In
mad) for delivery, when called tot. tic— th* oa r,"4
Aod,tob Jobn -.......45 00 Joattoo Gr 0...-.-.....-10 03
40al. Jaw/bait , _.. 5 00 Kromer 111.1.1---.-.-155 00
11,1101/011. Peso t Co.-10 00 BlLtroy 7 ___ . . _ . ....70 40
°""" .1 4 IV . . Vl - .: . . - - - 14 :31 Etett ' b ° llB n Jii - --....
lig 2.1
~.,„ J.
(51,115. Ilk i hn ........-- 400 Loett 51. a t.t. -- 11 l 00
compl.el lOolos--40 11U Mellor L. .5 J. 8.--...213 00
Oxfam, Ft 9 .......00 op Madam b. P-.
.-......--.30 00
Dales W. 11.1 ..............31 al McKee Ilaso.lCo.-...-- 3
10140 Jolty N. ..___.._ 1. 00 McDonald 11.4 1).4 14515 00
1.0310 Jot/10 1 H- ..-.. 5 .0 SteCorsokir. J.l/,.. --It) 00
Eralek LC C. .... . - SOD Panora, flllobel 0 - 00.10 al
illnofffb.all Fo Ad= 1500
l ota
13. W-SO 13$11ev A1e1...- _.
..... .5 03
crbßllross , p. 06
00 Shambassrr ti. 0 J. .... 00
OsegaTboa. -... ...... .5 00 Soong &Co .5 139
Horan' Jos • Co_ _ . lu 00 80,11 John t0......_..._ 4 00
11001.0 Jon., -..- . - .... S OU /Whiny= Pao J so 00
(Names arm.lo.• 8r0...15 alltotdosuo ft a C0.........03 00
ir.,-.3.1..'T 15 00 Rolston John IL .19 410
30 011 Whlterrub C. . ... _ .. aOO
Bataan 1.. T_ ...... .......25 Kitirl•lll John I Co-.. -11 l 181
Atwasl, Jones 2CD 5 W lhosay C.(O BD 00
-51esenatr t Das 10 00 Iloslat .1.11 1L..;. 5 CO
photon/sr, Th. 5 00 Klmetates 31
5 00
Brady. /let) boo 03-15 O. Klmber J. 31. 6.1 T.._..10 (51
Butler .I,W_k 5n5...-.00 CO LOllO, oro. .. ...-. ..... 10 01/
Duller L..X.01 .. . . .-25 01) Llppinnott Um .d boo- 30 00
Bako,oll. Pnara t 1.5.._.10/ 0011.uros 54Y--.. - - . . 23 00
L a th J C _AO ... .5 o. I.lrlug,ouf.ltoggso t er m .0
Loath •Po r 600 1400 •Co 45 CO
~...11 . 1 17 ,r(1 -J n"' ...: ..2 t'd:Fr, $, ......:.2 2
1 1, GA) 1.101, &G I , 500
C o o
Ova f 5 Curl. mamas, • Co 2.3 011
Costal Sam It 11 r. uollluasar Sato .- . ....... 01
79 COlMcCuldbr.ll.llt. ....... 4/0
Etlllu 4. - „,:z
... ......40 1.10 31c1(0, b. 0 Co 5 00
Cuaay. Jona. &Co_ 15 ft/ Millar 0 Itisketsoo ..... 41, VC
Cough +Vain A...._...15 a) }MI, 4.0 It N. 11 -- 10 CO
Coma Lauds .- - 55 0 0 Ilulvany 0 Leah.... . a 1.0
Catosi 1111 A. it Co.. - 5 CS/ %Morale... Patties 0 CoW 0)
Carto .115800,0 8 Colo ta3 Mclntyre Wro 55 03
Colbou Rich /1-- --el W Mitil 8 F ... ..- ... 30 110
Child. 1 4 Co. 1, 1i0,310r/015 3 135 Oa
C=alb ,Hiller a eu-13 011131ascat A A. a Co 51:0
IC2.4trek.3. D.
0 F 0 --- 12 ',o° 1'...°,1,4.1 1 ',4,4.d.,,,,t, '2
C111:0 II 'WOW.. .-X. W , inn , S WTj O .- 000
Drareli L eath C 0..... 0 ts. Prattotls
a Co- 5 00
Boris Smi th ..10 01 l'altkts B 10 000
Dalll B. • Of. .. ~ 351 0 , 1 Prke 11 . 50 1.13
0000 es. CU 0 01 31W51111,-„. -5 00
Darla Jo. lt ) PlB.B p, J. l U. .......-10 03
Dalo* John 8 5511. Itolsk Ilers•ss . -.......10 GO
1.01:al 4m . ip uo ituyinvu JA!..i , . 5.0.-3 0 00
Lochsh • 11.0s.en *llO Robertson t Rappest 10 03
Vberhort Tips _. ..... 20 00 l eulla Jas. 011 -)..-. 40 00
rum .40/s. 10 no saott Jahn I C0........_.5 00
Fulton 33 ii • • 9) !lb Semple a. flissal . . . 5.0
114 - 17 VI , . - - lig 2, raitt,;''..i-i,-.:.-... cot
A 4 11,,..•01 ) .iu . ..m - .... It 2
,11014 '.°.„ .. .. 4S 00 13 1 punt o .1.
143 4 1. t r 1 nT 4 5 .. C ., Y . 8
(%11'stto " Itt:t . I f 4 fOO
11salWeaserJortb . ..... 4 00
4 , l=li i l . . -10 00 Wool Ittu - ii e - a .- 1i
i t
1110 , /140111 F . 11 % I Luairli !...-- 0 1 5 01
11:,'.11,5.L. C.....
.. 5 tal:0"41. 0 , Itli'd' . .. - ii,. ' w
0J ItolBlo ' 14 00
Hu4.lit I' .Ii .1,7, 1Z:1:1,°,'1% 1 ;,.:,.. _lli ( a,
.turt , ... Smi th •Co 10 00 Youoß \ l 'o , - s -- . . -, 1 . 1 7
1 ioSU 1m P A MADE:MA, Agrot. 1110burgb
Marine, Fire, and Initial Transportation
. . •.
Insurance. . . - t..
yIIE Insurance Company of Nord, Ainerwa,
Ykhith.lllol.--ItstrtPre.ll7ol. Capital SSCOM.V. Attrbt
.atusyy 13. 102, 61.001.245 On Will =the Irtouttszire po
....,hgys and lb.* rantruit. in this rity nod viclultr tft ,
ch. Viro crey 4 tr., tb.tylptiott. thlpiw‘i per meaty V .
.4 oq oo t..kils. tlitbq by blismi tr1t11.41.1"..".. T OO
Artbur n. Colso. Yri 1. 111,.m5•
Jnbn It. Nref.
. ... • . .
dolin A. Blin, iVilliato 1V•4414
amio rilll. 'Mali. ilmitlno,
-,Samuel ail; Malin Altiu.r.
Llarles allay. Via. E. llownw
.l A' 4= kti hifr.
. I/roue ) . I.rpinal , l 4 :,.
Aga. N Inn
• A Montt Wglo, AL, IL Ilbener4, lilni'y,
. ThL/ a th e Went luminary 1311Flanylu lin. lnalten at..
gal Crean la high Mantling, loon tapering - 0, sii=rll i
and avoiding all taks of so talra anarilo
tit '' ln the iiiibilg•
f''''''''''' " '5 1'16 ' 17 ' 4 rAIN I FII, Agra.
j 024 • No. 141 FrosaMnert
American ;441 apil Health Insurance Co.
Aged, fur Piteztairgh,D. TO IPLE,,
.01Nre. ST 111111. n. atom , Rmlth6ohl.
I'vmphlvt• rozdalulau all ocaveary lutormatlep cao
Delaware Marital Safety Insurtuiee Co.,
cilANtir, on Mint L. Plahrtristra. 11.
. }braving Statement tbc a 111. ( . 441praq.
Lc publitbutt Outrarsuity with pru , 11053 of ettrstct.
Prentlutor trcritod during Ow yrar codiug tAraber Ultt.
1S u:
Ou Mutine 1101 labia Itr , lrt $232.606.2.1
. $34/0.421.11)
Eatned Prinnistio tbe Tract endingu &born
On liarind and Inland ...... ,sttr:.7 nl7
00 Fin. It .
/404., Cxpeneee. dr.. durtagi ghe /LAW I
Mari.auJ 1 gOnn.l Sat 1A....4111j S.
dal Lon
Krtzgro Prentium4,
Lintel *
Exi.hee, !teat. Salart: blasti , ten .At
Tla , )6...4 of tbv COLII4µII sAre !dia.= .
Ifortgaxe, sal lirtasud Kru”. .11
$12.0u United Slates Six twr .• ••.--
V.13.00L) Itoo.ylvmakin
It— ****
* IjM- C4
lastdilkyredrtiractt.4 - asil
Tow Bud eopiny.-
- I.llll3,lwlrada Exriums'O'Coaar.” 11.1:4)
asn rbark buudry 51070.1 Iwutaan!
Ca,la tm
loter..t ** . .... ... .... ... .... -
Ihr hoo.l.uf Pr;minzu.
Nl•rm. P Brier rutll u.l • . C 7.604.74
NorrMitzi 401.1591
„Tw il l d : k t irzl , .P.Allere tel. Aar .I..chtred it dtviclonal
17f./: I.
u., ti1,..,.-tiMkg...i.". Yr i .",, StWit. and SIX
tat , ' i..tub . 1.1 . 1.1. lq.o. Jaw.. ' ett 4 PlagrAl f iq 4"? d
CI,NT. II t'crit.. cat th, Capital . 4 tnet u1t.1,1 , -stlto.l . l`n r"
Ulll. C.-tut - watt , . Or irbkh vill b• Low,l tu sbosr. u‘'
.F44aril., 6..1,11m . .m.
Jnhn Pear U .A. A DT. Jtam. Tinquair. C. 11,-1.1. Jrn, C. Mal. ~ )1'11•Cn.
Jam IL I,nm, 11. Jon, l!rmk, J. T.'t...,111.
1 , 4vrnr.1.. II Slomn,
U. U. St En. 171301,7 m,
bunt 1.. ix.
THUM /OA C. lIAND, Vire 1 . 1,41 , r,
°Palm IC C^wer. Sxn•icq'
By the Art ICAltrplltlth2 tOttCmt‘rt.i.tht irtn
nog pudert, ttn nin err e` [it t.. s quirt. CI the pronts
of flee loetitoti.u. ‘Ohont .t.hp , tiva tbetwelks to any
soda t he pretuintn
enek and ,ah.erintion
andre Pledged of ute Chart' , let the PsYtoent of les, the profits of
the Coimpeor at,, thrretrd to be Inverted and nralain In the
pos•es‘isn cd the (W.:oration so fund 14 the Inttbrr .4-
,11111 rof the a•eured 'f him fund will le reprivennJ Li
te.4l - 113it Ltt 11.1,4 a sr. rue rrnt. ithrtult-4 attanng
the luttlltAttittl ei e,ltholdere. pea rote, 111,4 the .Ovum
rerte.l Premium. and Canitsl..grei.
IhttAntildi Water .treet
. State Mutual Pito /1/surance Company,
Harrisburg, Pa.
THE very liberal paroliug!. extended to
r 'Zug the •=7:l
• tgs.
aufronfuten% of 4 the In ' the or 121•13.10 , 17.0 ,
v 14,11 Its basin... In nnoducted.
pad twlau.l ZudlfluTry'lg.".'4.l‘ Tail;:r!a ° 7l.7, l =:
pap allords advintages In 1141,2 of ebeannees. safet,. and
Wel!f r ys....{lt t ortre ' gii i =l:=d e ge r ityll o pllVZirtl
. Clandseatinn uf t.veludlng all Eyelet linoWs,lo
- sunng y a Whited anionj4 1p ant one itetait) , thus Pre .
I rhult4g th u frrooener and umlaut, ot genre nod
afro to both the Stock and lutatatt Ono, it not wit .Iser
the theannove and aenAntnnistleu of bah methods.
be tt e lTu " tt:gtbrel=Of o r ,, . lll :ttl; tei,=,"Zob.
P. Kulberfsni, A. J. - Clillett...n.tin rtn•her_,.f.. Joh.,
Alown A. C.tier, Phil" Sedgvi , ..k ; Hulett &Intr.
J. P h. 10011.11. President
A. J. tilLf.F.Tr, &erring.
A A. rialita, artextt.
1 Uraorb Othre far Wrstrro IrruilrylraoL4. 54 bmitbarkl
str.el.hyboburgh. drriritorlorarsher will Le flu.
*lib of Mr eto
cpsoy by rolling of therm PP .
. . .
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
APITA L $300,000. 8. 8111.1.511,
1, I Yoraident. Neeretary.
Wttl ititure agalort thole of rid.r. Fire anti Main,
All Lauer will Le literally addosted and protolal
A loom , lortltalloo—martegiel by IIIMctOr• who aro wall
t''.;:titresteborod"rrrrltirlotittle': liteiraet'rne'r'"lwbtbr.6
they Oa,. oretordet, as onetiog Co. prideetlau to Wore
who &lire to b. loaded.
Inateroca--it. (kw Biwa, J. W. flatten'. N.
Iblirom Jr. Wm. It. Ilotture. C. ibtoww. to.. IP. Jookroo,
.st i L l 3 . ^.. ; "r" 4,tlerU. Jet's. SI A
7r ,
Ytd ti.V2 at (Va L reboune Vpardt A Co.,
uP wit:ft:o.loPiuobimth.
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
Al CHANGE, Third Aar. Phlolelobla
. • Ras Insmunon—Bulldlows, Merebosallo., and Wow
property, lo town all moot,. Insured ...Mot lon or
&Immo. by nro. at go. lowest rale of protokoll.
Hum. Inoommuw.—They atm Imo.. Vragels, Comm.,
Wd e... k
Pretowlnn or mastwloe, nod, open, or +peel
ide, A! the avorol may drain,
1.0.044 T11.1.4111,10:1.—Tb0.,x1m0 Inmre Moreton:Alm
trap toorted by W.Aoos. Pull mad ram. Canal twat.. and
" Vit=orv i eqlr o er J * l lgut U arrto nb ;.
Dam, llobort du*. :John Penrose, InUnuel 'Edward,
a .
Iland. 0:n191311os PanMlog. 11. Jops.l:mo
110 g. . Imnry
t' l =l . ^. reg. L rlf:Jo l n.trl. V31 ", 11:r. N I pvr .
Jopt„,''.4!,',.:o7l44 . ;:au j tl . —D. T. Slonran. 1105 b
lobo T. la
311.finw, Por.klmt. rye. C.ll/10, %kV Pyesl.
dent. Antra or: Con.c.. feory.
....p&p,. of tbs Cmnpany, No. 12 Water street. Pitt.
I I'. 0. HALKIRA. Agont.
i sY"L~AN~otTB
b . rfa . N. O. Tai• fot sale by
J . 20 urtasaroax ik ma ns.ut
N. Paull. sad Martxt
-1.7 Murphy * Borr_tillild breter•eirceisbil!ettiem w lb.
wililleOr t cloths of t4 . ll=ptioa rirraLjn i .= o : 4
PuY?loob.t. igt.
VEIbiIfULIE, Di. McL.r:E's• mergurro.
eilO greet far sole br ' JiILIDD t CO.l
LI INTR. PILLS. Da 51‘.:Loa;'; VI:LEYiIL,
wo wrora for rile by lea - .r. KIDD A CO.
VIAL CORKS--1500 Broad for by
__role JoltlDD.t.Cil
PONGE—° caacn 6ae, and 1 b.ale . eitri
IJcoarge. for Nato DT ialS. J. KIDD t CO.
PSO3I SALTS-45 brats for rale by • •
jean J. KID 3 CO
N U k LE S--Fittv bariels Family Flour;
io._s euperfine flour: 'Abele fine dcr. 50 busbeLe Dr!
Apple, I Let Eu r ... put Ince-lent it.:llfinresninhpr
jai ~j
TRICOPRE - ROil 8 for enieby R.
E. 9ELLEII.4. ST Wood rt.. wale a:v4111bl. PSttsbarct.
reuts IVT bottle. 4141
Mimi Burchfield invite the add.htlete of Mate
h T .
gaging ~,,odd for bore' ft.. to their ut~ot of three
mei other 'tyke of goods adapted for thte
Bceing Crum tastafacturcMll.l for mlchr
MUISPI/1" • tr.n.
10, ED • FLAisINiL—OnT mit , 6n - hand and
it Ibr ale hy jot ,IL'ILLV AXLE..
TS—Single and ub bed. use=
Loot. nit, aal coat LI,. for ndo
~>> '• Mt; Min' i. LF.E.
ripWEE DS —Three easesassorted 'needs
ivit re-eir,l from rasnullletneerN Shr mkt by •
- • Ar LEE.
6 - ;1111AC--Two tom Stininc for ;Vali
A t 1 }lris b Dow erop,
r per
tt..mer .11iltoo, and !r tic
TBACCO--8 ilx;Nn one, kltwist, received
3. r .; stnamor 1141Uniii... e nnii roe onlT'lir •
d DALLLLL G Srator
Si hid( lA, aqui... Brandy, "Polo an d
15 ran. 55. nibs do do °Paler warbou•
10 do do. nod cooot 41,binind brand.,
- I plp, ildlmd (11n. An. hne ant
ilvidarboons blob .4 Sentob Wltigkey.
do Jetnaion. Ihno.
In 111015. F. do. do.
jr. outs Port Wlns. •
it , do nfiniolis Wino.
ti doFeet 01.1.1;.01.1.1;. Wine. ' • •
Li do D ry do. do.
In do Mon's' ti
00 inaos Bordeaux Clara t.
I u .turr ISO Fr solo by JOHN P4111(14 I CO..
J.l 431 1.144 tr Wring.
I ARD.—Twenty brio and fifteen kege for
RI SOY by Oar. . 1011 LIVER BAKNE.M._
OtA) PENS. Wo, have flow on hand a
4r... 0.14. tbe trot(lAld P.p fror t ! %Va. kobbit
W ttt
Cat. ro t r,ory r..tb golderr. Pearl do.
w .. buy•sle awl retail 1.,t
OeT.• 11. NI. .WIL8O:i.
IrEsisoN loans recived -- and
for Aide by de3U wn.som.
21Y10 for ale by dra, J. KIDD CO.
r AL. , L i I ,
y 8 TER'S
d oj , N TAip K ;;l l ;— , zro . s 3
LARD hide fur selehr
dale • J. Ititm £ U).
IG i ROT.—Vi ftV tons Brush Creek Furnace
f- t1y1p10.4.4 1 “4 -
'brim fresh Roll BM/en
.1 1 011rur etinl IGO, 4
0) bar lUtt..l Prod,.
Ml 801114.05.1Arrix k IV.
PPALLOW.--Fifty-brht received and for sale
11 by 4 SHRIVE* B.tILNES.
QIIORTS.—One thousand, bus bast received
t' per stream? J. LW. . o) for sale . by
0,551111154:K t 115=5.9.
T for sal, gu5.411im.. ST
1. 0 W. P. 57A1b511ALL.
VOTTON. -21 bales now landing rpm the
.b......urnyva. for ealu
1:.519( j/1C1,41..y
_ . • It 'Y. c._ll
••• • DAN • - D
- - •
61.b1.. N... 1 Lank
bblo. now lading 14.. at..anar, Omen.
Fry Irak by Is.AIAII DICKEY tCV.. -
Water ad iitC42l.
TO STEAM UOAT summits. Extra
Wavy .Nalsd owl liovr&rti Twill...liable Er
beat Decking et Awntug. I+4 , irr.l 4..:(ntnrut, fLZ
.14,14.. by FL/MINI) t CO,
FEATHERS. Hi man ram landing from
VIAL MOM teo-•
---- • • -
OLD, 81 E BAN K. iskEB, 8141.1 T,
atailaii , Dtaft• on Ow 14.4 at?.l Wr4, SthetS,
boIA onld.
litre• 'awl Nisrtr.,- au thr mrot [..14-14
trrert, at Ow banking 111,1.- 4-1
N.. 14 Fourth atret.
&Waal. nt Awn:butt! mat caw. IQ Alt Lulu and
Wow., End, Shirt, and
str,te •rtleirs
Cat, a all at, au3 ~.e.lautly 006.4 .4EATu AA
tale t. ti.
. _ .
QI 7 :N brls recrivvl, for gale
AYer. dtAS A sintrEp. a 11AUNM. ,
it urn:R.—rive brt4 ftna ‘erk;irt• roil
jup balter.ldlunaly Att. Pt
dr2.5 siirayElL a OASES?.
0. 3ICTLASSES.—Fiftv brio. to arrive..
far 4ale FflrtltEr. a BAINES.
-Al a Dug'. Kwrionerl tu.c. m..". 1
I 1.0 ~T4ICK111;!.
lt] . I 'RAC IlLS.—Three inlwi red bee j w+t
mmtewl and for ado. by
. .
d AOTTON FLANNEL:3—A farther supply,
r " h `
I. 4 I ILESCH LEA hunitle3! Punch,
1.1,:r0m Prnb_ °rid .J Ft, fiT ra . ty: by
JO. .1 SeIIoW:HARE# a. CU. *al at.
COLORS— lab Rare Pink;
a lbo r4ll.
• ID (trtin lijitya sad
. . .
I".r • .1. 1., J CA.:111.K1?..11.41i111'...:(10
,EIiMILLION —Tric•te, Chirmses Ameri
alo'" d ". """I"Viic - gthxril a co
t4 I SSENTIA L OILS-1 can 0;1 of Saiigitfras;
2 rat. Uti of L•teodcr. 1 can 011 of Itawsnar y; 1 MI
~f 1 ....... m.
.1 00 , 0:h; , , , t . r . 01.2.,: I 6 , 1 .. 0 (Al of Clover,.
"' 4 1.1 1 0 W ' ' J 1 PC1t1107.4411 Ku a CO.
. .
[)RUSSIAN BLUE—Ten buses N - 01, for
1 .6. b, 1.10 J RULOLINIIAKER A CO
LA RI.) 01 L.--Lord Oil of a superior quality,
..otkaaotlf uo LAM la.alle hy
' lu NAM! lIICKIP 0 CO.. Water At noot Mr.
. .
VI 0 L ASS E S.--jtvent L y °Lie lirls prime
/Li b.Of nss , toaaoss,l7
. 1 . .....40 . 01 sud Ks 1010 bY
11 litTElt.—Thitiy kegs and ail lab; fresh
Lip Lut.t jurt 0 rated Lod Lt Pe. hy
jolt, A tl . 4 I LLWORTII a CO.
‘II...IOAEL-21 Idols NcS
. ilugar for nolo by
IJunT; }MOWN • KIKISTATkICK. 144 ?Away ot.
NEW 11 Al SI N S Oil consignment ler aide by
d... 27 . . UNuWN A KIRKPATRICK.
ll_ 4011 ILA rot
I Ask hf I ixl I BRAUN RETTER.
400 11.10 Lea Kralfled WhPkey In Moro and fAr rob
ItiOLIASSES.-25 brie Sugar flops°, St.
IN/ VA& R.fitternfturt Terra od. C o ad fa unl• by
40 KULIERT DALLI.LL al lAterly area.
ritiEASE RD--Tweidy brlnbioase Lard
LA mvired ign , l for Pair by •
. I RIED PEACHES,Tbree hundrei bur
.1 DAM lo eon, sod forst. by
B. W. 11ARBAU011.
k:AF LARD- 2 -Priino Cincinnati Leaf Lard
149.0.9. , tog"' "'"F‘'n.l. l ol.taidal.
A 1,.,11.,11;=,°2,7.mbrir.,r, irr ref: at_ aw
oral lot to lOU, marks; sod rbootor than &O r
or= Allot.. We norlto all to oil awl examine ova stork
LL .ti 0.1.3 Yourtb r unt and 79 Wool Areal.
lalp W. aIreLINTOCE.
errs Wilmot 'Askant, to wool.. • re,/
of datle. boomarkr. or Ate Drama tool
boot style:, at redurol go-lcoo. Call at gm Cvvot Warr
boo, No. Si Fourth Amt. jab ,
'ate 914 ??igiAg EsbNAllleAtt
llATEJohnston and Stockton's, and Biank
A Hong Alta Mtatlanad \ Yardman,
Y. a. litigEN 1a preparn4 in arreale ram/ atria of load.
emamaradal, Cand; and Sit-pra Opal Job Mating awl hook
pianos: ad rarolrb assn article la ttla Wank Doak.
Stallopen /le 'begin 0660, on
tim mi.t.ramonable tarmac
Blank ikmk .al Atalli.ety Wan-houar, dram. of Market
and Avant' dreads. .t
hinting =ea and Book Madan Na EO Tbitti at.
New Books Just Received.
ALTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; an auto-
Mocrs.phy. 12roo. ntua.
ttar k.dowillo m : ;s TiLte t i b ur
.„ 1.1 pa . rr . nta an
pine titeestatt.
flnarNor m tfett ' vrith • re eol edam . ' 4 t, rbo !tenet: an...
itl';4l,ll=t °Jr ;1ater.",17,,T I vol
'a., UM.
Abbott's New Book—diner) of Madan. B o hm. ho John
C. V. Abiwtt, witty cuarovioae 11121101111 the lamer
y b i bb , ev of thi• populard.lotortral ur vale le
It. 110E1( Pit , . 7;tp4k, Enikliuga fourth rt.
if c tarta t t. ,, Cono. Th apitalditork arid Harbin, dotal.
the j. owlerrigned lief lawn anointed agent yo this old
ment i on aLtalorable torm.vdthtuz o A llg o v i vronola 1:04[1.
off th. ; 7Ogirth it. next ihad to haok of itittiburgh
STRAW (.1001)$. —IL M. Green, -- A
diutufactnerrs of Portign awl Dortorde Maw (hada
cal the attention f buyers to their gouda Ow Wiry and
10 1,,,, 5 . Titer wil t oder indoortnents In • arra% variety of
rtylet tr.. to Medway. stin buy by that
, nttorvi,
ra.plre exbibliel at their atret do. 115 Pearl
street. IoP York. • dectlaldto
t atrat6. Eltubutet. Esph6746 ea 111 the 744ter6
lOW Wol., title. Ide We. 6.1.474 Iv 611146
INDIA RUBBER. PASTE. 4 gam of that
superb snide for Nolo and rho., rendering , them ra ,
Irma. woof.•zot PIAUI.. • . d ap. Thg
matt* ynarattiod to Immo' they 1,..t..
reloaded. •th.
OalOrood Met.. H. MUM
~ , rI ~~ ~~. '-
„ Cl
U§a t.r.--Tilii litsbscribat ' it .h. :lll
Pe' his .laegy , Sza...That
is I.llnbettrtarst, - riiatti. a. The
wopuW.t Ix WWI NW lbr a .6 0 "..."2 1 1.
bt.C.l tukt. Ihr .11tat. Or ae-teral it at W
.,” " tt" 5 ... t. in. natio.. ma. 1w...a
Ittikes th e bla aim, and earl M. the ;atten.t lamtni
mate ersad taba. Tao Druperty Is in pod ./....0111 ~ : d-&lent
&lent .tatalog. yell, edlars.te. the lailtrirr,
and the tartaa made clay. l',..""ne putt '
April. AolareY.rpoea..pald W • ICOO •• .
0H... Lly,d,
lilulluill Oomtr, V... J., 11, 18.11.-41Z.Utt.r.A.
kJ IND IRON 'con, is MONO.III.IL Comorr. Vte.
ours.—Pummint to e d.roe of the eirrailt Superior Quirt
of Le and Ch.ocry as.. county. rendered t theranse
etherstaJotm Tamer . and other defendants, lb* ancient.-
. conuabedoce.. spieduted Aar the purge.. will prom..
-to sell at Iformadoien, add county, oththe fourth Wow
'dap to Macao, ISSI, itednii . oatut da7.l 1 thatttronertl
to Man... amain Vlrmstia. band al.. affi 0050
Cheat Sher. genetally kaare tis the emonolla 110 n
Worts. and time.* that nesimureped bj said John Tete
m, shot mthen to istid Ns. Pilllcelit a.othem, wedeln-
Ing about sorra of hind. whereon
Rad. 1611.
La r, roundepe Nall IseSpry.peut and Sar Rill, ail this.
three Bblet Turnacreo—
On Zi= r il . serTi?riVitu w ii2ce D. the.Blmactoal.
Timbers. Lime time. Thfre leaim valuable Tem
c .a. Cheat Rierrehelon.pait to the
This es. .. is will &Wed f, mamn ir. Wrtnk
not only of (no. hot of Wool ...Toth" being=
to the boart of a good farming ual tosil =Gulag en. ,007
about AA miles not of nitteblatah. harimpooe of the bort
stator borers in the are. and Water, communication to
Pittsbnrah and elsewhere.
On these promisee. there have I.n ilthi the
last .1 or Melee
rolling roam Oily thousand dollars, to the
erect,. of the mill. tiall faco.y. blast furnace, and
other bulidiage.
I t;•w - ii - rItirmi now in tolenddy gond order. Immoltite.
ly cooneetig with the mllla .r. mom Seim or nee hundred
term of enlarge terming kaat; MEM On or ain smaller
farmr, Savants with slaty or eighty dwelling bootee, matt•
a Malt
Thin ork.
tie o n o
a credit drigna., ha,
the g andanier with amenity gar the yap:dint
acd the mbs.
Thome nu la may tee diapitted to make lave:o=mM, Or
barnadu In the indthare of Ma raleabie
ptepCrtP; rod ObO moot) do
he ooderri 1 will tote kSl '..l v sglffkilbttlfg
tur dommimmia or In ion which may ba deair4l ' by
poniona wieldnit ta Immitme.
T. WIT.SOrg,
W. T. WILLEY,. Comnidinderretra
Stornantrace. Dee. Id, 181.9.--del twin
IHARRISON SEWELL, Attorney at Law,
Ohl :kW Com carNkrier k tOthaF Derosalona, Ack
utrirMlarnaaras of /wily,..uvoint„,ve
WM. M..M'KNIGIII% - tenders his services
to the ells.. of Nithsburgh and eirinity,as a gen
eraCuedess end Coneepaucer. Hu will attend
to thlleing sod malting of Oats, to this and admin.
lug Stake and (Nand, selling and renting ProPertsl
drawing of den,, borate, mongoose, and othor frogman:iv
ofwritiust. All isoinneel 14 4 e attended to with
ammeter, awl eamt.
-r NOT A. Wearer. Eciwird Campbell, Jr-. P. C. Flom
l e glLTz
dig( Jobs .IrCalid/t to, tap, UHL
llt, Zia; MTh IT gai , t. four enact, poor thr
rem, hat theta been suds town:Natioua torten.
nramieed an
the puldie about Peuttuonwhip, es at We
oreent- l`secreof Enateling are cireAslated through the
Pau and country, erlth tice engraver's trams endowend.
tu order to belam Ilia Lament to lecilere them to be pen
l'ereems deeiruse or Melvin., rsmid amt elegant pen s ou.
will do well to tall at DOSS' 2i MLitt:AM:ILI, COLLlmire
mut exandue the hand writtug of some 24 the twat penmen
to the Illy d
who Litre bats luetrueted la this institution.
doe Tan
Allegheny and Butler Plank Road.
4 11 E tiutletlignbil Coznanissioners .herelly
4. 4 twe make to the 2torkhokl.r• of the Athlan'or nod
ok 4,4 ‘nt 414 So nirrtion to Nett Coo
l'rephlrut. hoe Manta., sod r ft , Onn - t ET ,. .e n. nrf . no, •
. ""' qll 4'l 4
tV ‘" r;
on:two In. Chan. C. Foinsan,
S. C. Stmart. SI. 7.hotonrinen.
Cot-whom. Andnro I..lrus.
m. Wetly.
John Nenk, . bookt
l'eter Noeley.
John Moril.o.
, Thump. Etetkort.
Juni.). =M. 1h51.—j•27.11..14*ntdT
Allegheny Comity, se
an Orphans Court, Itqltt at Pittsburgh.
.la and fur 501.7 . rounty, int ILs dey of Jewett . ).
tulore nutudahle titillate IL M'Clunt, Creaklent
10 ii• , Jo.. Aeonetateu
~..utiou of hatted 1 outot. Admintstrator of an and
Kotula, the roads, kr., of Catharine MrCann. dereared.
oar prorenuel. eettiox forth that the Add armlet:l died 1n
t...0n, baythic uo lento' loot. tor personal ..tare ntr
toryt..ot of her delda. that the died Mod la her situate
Inby abort to • natant tnetensua ur lot qf ground situate
In the Meth Ward of rho titter 'Yttrium', having • front
00 WarhlustWe ;greet thirty hut.and eateueling beck of
mast twitnit Orr • lime .valid
.115 Wylie strort Ulf fret ,
upon grid , It ate envied two dor:Ilion Onto., rattitut lotto'
rat owns of an manual trokital reut of elabtern &Uwe.
Beata the wow lot of .outel whit h told and motet ed
toned tkdbartne WCuno. doreaeod, rod numbs! 51'Cunn.
L James
et of.ahl l ad'" l ,; i t:it,"& d :lV.T.4 rue '"•ll
of m Tye
id prtsttl , ,-... rod au, tenon no yet - wend rotate to ray
lb, dolt. th e id tlat t artne e prating thy Court tit Staid Int
fur sale afraid real ertste, ftr the 194 twat id the
11 hemp,. Ito, Court order at.t,titr,a thal said ad.
tataldrator tap.. the said ttutintsi lo Path. WA Ot•
Ott tt Iltdour e th, ou Sala ay. the
arteeulL utf;t:A f •
tha lee'. tad sell the samesame
fur Ite V et, ot. t ran Ito had therefor. 0151 due
nuldfc ut,4.10 and timely snaky of the tint. and I der of r
oa that t .
wet th e ' s, " er o t trr f rt Vh ' it N . ""
the root mated Ornhatta . Court. Ile the co u rt.
jr 44 at4T UAlttL .11cCUILD1.1.2<rk.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
Drawl: 0fb.r.,4 Cool: Meld A,
J•lmaarr Ist. WI.
rilllWhelt evidence of tile succese pf the
blr,br• In .nt....vortna to mit+ , 11."STIvx 11010‘).
tlie .014.4 lbc104331•01.11)y
to the uotars.ll.b.l munout bosbeo* which btu. Lb.%
dna.: barlug 1.0.4 ar—rly 40/1 lo .
Quo obx:)••:'•41 Adkins Ow, *7OOW CmAkibl SOU.<
Lintipny:. The binsctors an proud to mrolo.a.:l
tbo pobvetty lomurod b of lbo •61,111 ydtva,7,4 wino,
•ne • 1•111111TOPVI•10.11 1 Z51 . 1.7.41 , 41,
NulablyofFul ,, ..... 3 . 9 , 3
Abosot .11,11100.5 CA 00
0111.1.11 04 it preselueno....-1.1.306
Auaottal of raell 01.e01
.I)oaouu . )of . ttuv•ntre ....
oout of euventre ..
.rs ' onot . . • Thi . X.e.l
. to he dntorte4 Iteilrotal
prat... m,.
compels,- Lr c0nd0...4 strietly on the
Mutoet plincipttsentooltutior. every number atoolholdtr.
end ...utiles Wes to shun of the profit...anal br the noir
oet arthod In the nyrtete of tontnal Inattrence—thst
of CLArieIVYINI) TUta.ordett
heneNt to the , E
The fiat. 14.14. a 112. i 1V divvied
Into taro dirtioct rho<hatter ,roelolini that no
part of the tool, of eithtt eon at , lowt , flat , l an the Pal
tm,ut Ir,•-• necortinz to tio• .tto.t. the tint Clara la
denominated the FAlt}lEtti.' CtItIIPANY,Iu
bnn. mar Le meal , tate. .ountr, dee11tw3:14.14.1, out
althoga, and pernmal ; .44 getting tot:.
las Tho t a t i3ettteated the
CIMPANY ' ' latch Ittouraner Lo made upon, the•
lab.kinda . fifirropertf .In towns an.? rillsgre.
ma premium notca are only aht.ot es. nallt as lame ss
these tous.ll7 thirged hi other Contrauler, and the rater
t kev, Ned over. IFILAtaI la elhweal to be Insured one le,
nod tit npollesol allo.Vl the orlet:esw or tour
1n..5 tither with or wOl.OOl the Ital4lll, of a loenthlm nnto.
All Mew, ant) le ...toed et Ito Plated ha's anti , ;wont&
tame and :theraliti . It om content of
f.thowing ,honor,:.
John I'. Itutherfort. A11a..4 J. filllrtt, faconel I. Janes.
Awe,. A. t e r,...e. Lolant Klott.Joho
U. Parkgr. J. V. I:l4llr.ttelllat. Ilronleot.
A. J. giaArtr. SortiA., •
A. ..boot.,
To the B.eaders of the Pittsburgh q%zette.
ArrENTrON Ter.pnetfnl iv in-
L Nitrd t• the follonit amm, r.t bath In volition tit
a rho nowt Imp...Uhl imuctlim of modern tinkle
vrrnoLcu.o LIE IIOCI OIL: It la not meta thou one .
/.14+ ago time 1b... go
ant ld re t me!lf tem benught baba.. the
Zrec i" o.l Wry
ythreiont, yol .Ih.a. , that thy k,14-tx it to tried
more certain will Itt greet fame thread. It Loon therein.
It • too .r mr the ea* l'unth. of melting mooed:
but one. D a n e. enwelre, •1.11 continue to be used wlwo
all ether . Imre loot. 6.nounit. The Petroleum
a Ltatond Retutar, elaborabst to the depths of lb. Loa th
bit wwer 4:nary that tondo to ettrn oil ham.
matt retIlloa• It 1. our w zw c t . ije . telt e y r en ot ed n i.
.d.:Aildorlb:ttrop i ar knut 0 .10 ,S 1.01c901.:
drhoe in .1 . 11441.1¢Pi. Kra nor tool apt to thlrn
it, thing MAI 'TOPA*. telioef 11.111 atom., • dory ran
wadi, ty ow blalay wrought to loather the aided of PM
tod or hutahttegung rum. of thorn. Now, we do out dente
to to rhue we an 00.1000 only thet the truth minas:lon to
our t othedy dont.' Le told, In order to mthry tor It • Plow
tenon ezyte•lnd_any tonal.
to In the mated.
ka Fl.a uurerniebed fart r—hate tbat may Le... Linn!
In our oily and MUM...thaw& lone anthlo tedium., In fa
no' td oi l
' the Tart two moosh• two None own calm..
who were totally Minh hate teen notund le plata. Soh
eryl of bUldurea. the State et ohlo. bate Loth
tun.J. the minor gratlethealta therm routtlY.
hate ere dicer. but these am route. neer E.t.a
tthand to hi a., w 4..• halt cli,Al tbe 4UO
- TM., mom, wore cured ihr they h od 10.4.1011•
ad by ohyriciaus m tapdow. The Fetrukum will I
elan adtaillnd to atrectlnne—latuttimay
mho, !Wellman.. . nowt, E.mOttlb bo.,
"l Uk
Mem . ter, throat , - thushe, Arnim.. Mundane, sod MI
Eula;maly ettmlons of throaty Datum tending to pro
dr. atillll9l4kon.
11111911 god treble. dirty.. of lb. Bladder and Kklney..
Chapped Fiend. Itatmlond Monk, Lthth and (t ou t....
In fart, It we • mum ValriXsAL audthe, sad bat teen tried
In mud of the alwth anthem within the vast year with the
moot perfect theyyto. eertlfeatee that will ashaarh an • lu
lb...bawl. of the prom - Lao, who will take plearom In thew.
Ind them to thy atlllet.4 or their friend.
Ithodever other* Mar ray shout their atedklom. the
Petroleum I. the ytes.t Itenudy of the woe. Pbyeldane
of Wet stanalog In the loyfe.sho ary-bedlunlng to mw It
In tbetr mart.h•. Thy* who at AM looked on with doubt
and uncernanty, am willing to mthill It dm Probe eat
41.741 tu - kt47 , .6 " tfilr,A f ga u rett . l,l l ,Z.
let [wahine ever alse.ferml. For ante Wholetwle end
tall. by. KEI VER . . MrhOWlghL., 140 Wood
Abll. E. Adler. 67 Stood greet: . I...tlenurry, D. A.
raliott,Joarpti Dottyles . ,AJledbruy Also, b r the pro.
mielor, N. M. KIM Canal Barth, &math Meet, Pan.
hush.- • jolt
OR the cure of ,Coughe, Colds, /loatst'-
Droneldllo Droop. Antromm Illicaldon Cough.
and CotoompUom
Two molt' valuable noreci y for oll.tliwaten of fDrolmom
ond boo lomat. the MOM , . of tSis , OMk•Ode'
vs It Is OVr l a . n"OlP ftto ui tnown i Sor rico; am-
.al ttgt• Sad 0,...tWal =if drm...r.
i.led do.
~ mos tbil mildrWand emn
amteoblo way Medicine. 'for mamma made lind ouldn
Read below Ma opinion of mm ho an tmoild tto
V.t. 7 rlttne* ITon-
Ple-I lam mod your Clem/ ' My owl" ram of
deep noted limuctiltis, altimo ratlided InOm Ito chemical
conotitolloo Mot If Is en iileeble nimrytind fin Me folk(
of lorynglal mod brain' Msultien 'lf my onitMot as to
Ito mpetior <hi...l7'ol'ow of coy orrollo, yon an Ilb.
"4 4."" 11.°1 1:DUCIPTAIIIii0Cli, 1.. 1.. D.,
Prerigclit o AI,
mit= EVIDENCL-lir. A L!r, Lowell-11mo Flo
-Yertinif tinder obit:anon. feu iho tribtanUan of
my Imiltb. I rend you • ropoot a my which 700 an
at libartv to publish for that... Mir! ytiott. Last antlltlttl,
t ‘o t obad =u
°blip:l4;lhp op b tow ' Aitatly"
no Oven at n ' lght. •fn give mil a boa.
of your tibmry Pectoral. Um tow of w * bich I intmedlotely
ronnoroweiricoontlog to direction, I ban. fad purehmed
dig Nth WOO,a m nd ma nearly recovered. I now Oorp
o v il, my cough totrod..4 .11 bi lift aft of your vat.
noble tordictita. P. N. MOND. A.
Prinelpal Mt. none Pontloo7.
From Dr. Bryant. Druggist tool Poototarder, Dtdoopoo
Dr. J.C. A yerlioor Oto-Doottood
a o . n o the Merry Porn:oral Lot 'rut me. I can unbolts
flop ly yy that modicum wv alma sorb 'satisfaction
as doom nor bon I over own a ovnlktna which co
rod roi mony mom of Daub out Lung tkanplalnta. Our
Ovoid.. usteg it ootensimly to 10.10 mete.. sod
with tbe heook , er tuts+.
T 71 . 4117. VAN?.
by J. C. Al Y.B. Ctiotolet Lowell. Mama
rl, 8 3, Sloitrtetabtosno rt .h oeaenMMooiln.
isbm , J J. S l l. e gThWenOyay. .
' decl.twrovlsT
rjrEA IVARE--English & American Britian
en Tea its, Plat. glo., Plead Candlretle. my., Plated City: beet [suably Ivory Ped
al. Handle Tab/. Cutlery. Silver F'gtek., Pp.. and flut
ter Arglern Plated sad Alum. ads. Yolks awl Spoons:
Table aleda Tea Tee.e of aloe
Wahl,. moment. ; Plated Treys of teamtlfal patter.
A very rap.. Pm. , for delta.¢ aod polls/A. plated
wee., agrusbre for d..a.g. Clumuy thin,
4;rvbx ittrinaas—gArer's celebrated )Infeliltebea,
h ae th t, th e Area( a hat, whale Will =alma:ere, mok beef
'trek: oydera or any elm In • Me meaotes. •
V. Pale by .• IT.W.IIILSON,
Cer.tdarker,aad YourUr sts
.1.1 etipar;
9 . 6 2 rrt !lu"x"e
lt "
193 hn Roll utt r:
" " T 111 1
- - • uttabetts um*
.COUGEB &Cans cIIRID.tir *krona -
QINCE•the • , introduotion of :this new Com.
I.7lWaid. Ciitigis awl Colds Wu ititS=V77 shod
thus. We will warrant Di , 7isTSWI. 7twk
eats res. at Coasts. OWL ta
•••• • and .•• shsS•er nits Oats sal,Ti WINS Wadi. *wit
12 IlAia ENTIKELT mar old Meet
Maga.. all eisksa ths stomach and truism muses which
is mars disagressiLle thaw the. mynah (WIC Thai Is shirt.
and is this Sal:tars i far it ts • plossiatia istlets
and it will suss or as /asses isai be rrfond.dl Thie evi
dent: Is tam, at this us In oar sits. fresh ani Sara
iitiswiss should nanince way orie of Sta ericary. It is Sky
Tr...A Pilau of a tesubir physicists, and bias teem wwl D 7
him hi his own practice be . nrosassi at Trim ,w the
CONSWIDTIDN—AIy Dorn Ptenbermilla arrints,lliat
her danghter bad been alDlrtni anth aroma and aspwanr
atkon ought meal, heeds need : and all t/w
er .alls lt t lamala .
tiavmphms of .
cured. A gvillemen •112
mond) Who al a s with Asthma ettd Chronic Cough
moner einbryram has lawn entirely relieved andtha
oed by the 13/4 of half a down of tett!. ft O his Pea
brat SYMIn A oxide.. from Peoria. llanta wlitea
Mat . ho Louvre the Pectoral Syrup to hen goal articie.lbr
be bes urvel It In bit own eme mai In the cams of assns!
of Ina family with the most perfect meow. -
It 20oat Ora Curator Mammas sow samre.-It Is
put up in half plot tonics.A in mots each,,. skit WU.
tor 5:1:14.
Conn= drosamivres would do well to keep a suPPIT at
thie comliclue ea bawl all the time, se it la one of the mart
perfectd rinowourne ratuedtea ever dierovered .kw all
cousbe taddimareauf the lunge mul lnelimot Channaptima
CAI.7IUX EXTRA—Mani penis. will PT to got ran to
buy Jena , coo of the earnnostrums, but mact tuned
theta. lf lOU .000 to get well buy DA Frugal PrnvolDA
.tact, and take [lnaba...USA will extra you. f It has to it
ruing of the most valtrablo plants and herbs of tire anr .
Nice. and Is menpoundtd by a person stilled in the
ion at, There call be deorpti.'in thismarteir-4. t
.yrcrured y,tte elm city. and the pmprictor has mon ,
ma Le rtitkates from) cur own city. sanding Da
miumide pmteMes. Which utll be shown to any "Mon
dm norm co melon them. •
nons in WANTag thronewn,.tho United Etatea SWAIM*
Lawn,lhnnuots will b guide to Mow who, bill
tale an inteawd In the intaUeine. It will day a hag. gMt.
to till nnne,lerdites.thoy bedring mitering hr.:Witt
a aervioe br plaeing In their bands tho wernt rat uwalleine
SW Lung dcwayea the :rigid hug area peraincrd.
For wile. a holoralrand VW/. hr
Elio brunt:lA..l4d Wood March Pittaburah. TO.. to WU.
all letters for natal,. inn Id ba roldwaftiaL Alms roe by
IL Cgrry. Allegheny city; Inman, yr., Itroar4;
George Bain!, Wa•nington; Jolla IL Manhattan, lite Rya
llecrso Her. wr. 31eKneewei: J. IL owe% Canonsburg:
and br meichauts and dro.Lnn generally.
ELL MIS' LIVER PlLL—"The very best
431.911nrr, In ta.'"
Royale. Corm Ilora, Tao Jct. 4,
Mr R. E. Selien—Del. 15,11. - . I will state to jun tLa tlt
My opinionyam Pill is paha,. the ern. Gr 4 sn,
in use as a Elver Pill, and ,utpasePti uoue u en
A 01.4111.110. Pill. lt Ix very hlailY ...teemedin our e.. -
araty PM, end 6 en r o264 ' ...nah "'"
^Pmk Cove my ant expnlerr. tool frau the ex.
eneeof muoy alai frilado :110i CIAXWLMT.
1 ~l
our. re...v(4111r.
P. 5.--1 rieniatt Va ^hcv the erizi.l Liter, but
mite vutillatthe orrlter'm natio.
dinP•Seller , Liver Pi. Ito the Oiatitra. Ouly True atil
eine. others ore touuteriol to cr twee imitate.
. ... . . .... . .. .. ....
Untrue., revcilvv% llla It K. Palen . Liver Pill. are
thr orlginal n oilil (1:1 , 11r !:u, Jevi griminv Liver Pill, and
rot& 1: ' IVT‘t ‘ c . ftl... nc.ll2,zi "' a of D "'''''''",tr
:LLERS' LIVER PlLLS i oupreato. all
oth,r, t.
cb....., Vv.. Sei.t. ll 11, 100.-31 r. 11. IL
lle erv , -1 ear fib Oslo Lervete ve luinl l L , in nil W..-
tr::,.....--7..tyar=r6r-b ----fg,....1.-.- - •
I Lvrrart of I, 1.41,.1 ...
JAME 4 A. 1.1.34 IS.
Pulvh.Tr . . , r.vvllvet. tut R. E. Zeller? last Lille on the
rai i :tklo o klVd " .= d , ;II -17 gag.;" .=. 17,
the twa etlief awl vielultr. 1.10
`lei JIMIN 311.111.1tAY'S F4vtr,.teuxeu
~..Z.Cind.-17.4`...“`tni'''.rutg,r=r4,of the 1'1'14"
This rheirstat preparation Is merlon...lA In all v.. , of
Idle.seWitles, itadhmAloti. ntut, awl enyel, no Itir 1.001
at , . 1., idol ie., tool form lu nlstrh Msonciis touTi nod
ludtrd du. .IY on. Iti,ltirti It our ht be oxhib.A. pow.
.11 the prop.rl I.s tho Ninuto-sin ton iit henorst
toe. without Letuglisi•lo lA. it. to tom dany...../Ill",
WY. bouelc it rttrausily cumn tworthnzu without
Inpiriust the nat. of the stomach,. mats. arid their
esthonuteo are too.. to du. It
tIA 1.4 01 Infs..'
u ruing row; In all it .ts phaTing nvelirtit, an d
roitntif s•tnt , d
Itutuphrey Ilury 1...if...1 solution fortoxsof.
uhle eutubtustitKu. with oric acidi ll . mr . r. of srutit aW
thvreby muoivrauling their tutorials !rodents,
when othrr linliu• nod I•SPII Nliutneria itselL. had failed.
. • .
rival 21r Philip lratuototh Bart, D0M...We...a ttt - lhe
"Irrret t tr;ll : e7e ran be too doubt that Magueolatoay ho
adodalttered more tarty to the term of • marenteatol go.
lutiknt than In Ailed., ter thia. and moor other mums,
Inu of opined! that the Fluid la von. •aluattl•
adddlon to vor Slattria Medd. PIIIIJYCILIMPTON. ^ .
rirJamee Clark. Piy tt.Cooper. Dr. Bright, awl Moe..
tiothrte and I letlert Mat a, of Lundell. attester rentottnewl
l o •ToCeV i tt d aolret7l l 4: rtal 6. lg ju" t
trey,tt l ed ' a ' sV o att=
iu tglar lMit7tgt i n ".. r 4 .•
tall • V i tt. Wood& Pratt W.
lI'ALLIBT OnnlCElrr.
CONTAINING no Mercury, nor other
ttliternl. Thr following tallinamital ova. gim by tho
r. brand Ur. Wool., Beach. tbe author of tha grea e t
med 4 '
ral .on «MOW Ihr Atorelrela Prarlke of 11.111rine and
rustily rhyrkine!
'Harlon been made avinanted with the Ingredient!
it Lich totapou Alldlealog Otntanitt. and hav
ing tinturlevil and heard It In enteral oases to my private
preetko, I ham no 1..0 atiMl to riot., or allaying that
V...,t.b1.• honed, rootaltilutt no minors! awbotaner
whatever; that On Ingredlonto emobinned u they are. mad
wool at thrtobol by the propriotor. aro not tally hannleu.
bat of wreat beim , • truly Itelentllle Remo!, of Cleat
power; and I ohnertlinir raconinarnd it as' • rianumed
whirh bu done aorta wool, and wiskli irlaptiol tot
caber f mo te s ontiety of
Ilioualt I 4.11, wryer
twtated re ennurril the rale of revert urolt
rinrv, toward air the truly booed. etniorboatita, lantana
Otani ter of the promketer Of 1.410 Ohittartit. awd an valm
of/1110 tliorow e rr,obliu tar to .myllolo murk mooting It.
New lark, April W. 1111AC11. D. D.
Itranio.-It MP of tho tort think. to the world forint..
111.1v—Tbourand• are yrolv ~and by thla Ointment
It moor falla In 'alit.< rohel
For Tumor, Moos, ma elt kind-, of hmortequal.
If mol.hoto and Nakao. korai Ite valor Inman. of Nwolleti
or Pont Iltellk 4,17. ,evail Biwala sprit It inenebrneiv.
ttoOVAtiit I r %tiro:Cons. It Over toltrf in w.very few
A.vonetik Oe. la} dinetiens te:lng . 31eAnistte.
Ltraltorlal&t. t htYVee..inr•
• linett 1 / 4 ..littreete .tC ttieve. grim, Ik r efit:e or the
vitAtrarn Orout.
Tooth Ache. Atom in Utw kr.
Yr,wlke Routine Dipk. •
There ara• wryer. rethape. thelisin• hrought Mi.
public. that ens.. a time won .101 a reputation .1,1
31ctillder • Andhaling or World Mdse. Altuml ro
r,:, - "..."4l;ro°4 l ;;74'!.Frhlt.T.',tkA=l , ::-;uP Pro — .
• b. of the tali, • third of a temokseme pd. In the
• fourth of a swelling In the limb, de. If It does nut
dee iturmdlate tellof to every now It man do no injure.
Wog applied out...milt.
Ap. another eldetwee of the trust.lerful beeline mare [e.•
adwed thi; Mite. vs nalloola the following certificate,
from • rrneetid.l7 ciatr.rn of amadexpereet troin.hip. PC 11113
Maiden-reek. Berk.. co- :Mardi Id. .
kids*. flitter a to—l dere, hi infrim too that Iwas
tamely eurvil of a We
pain in the Met.. be the Use of
McAllister's Alblieding Mtn, which 1 purchased from
, I endured With it ter shout twenty 3,4•11. and at ul tht
was unable to sleep. During that time I tried SlailAlS
returdiet. which were preseribrd for Pm. by physicians mid
Other permits. without remPrlng my marl. and ad WI
made trial of tills mine. with • nwult faeorahle lrrl and ex
pectation. lam nme entirely Dee from the erimy
ttreillt r 'eh
Sole pnps .. np
Anew, to . M. , . aaae.n. Yalutornwic earner ~f
Wood oral .1,, Wtit. Jacks., Llert. snow:
L. Id ilrem„it.. ?du. ot Market dn.. the
. I.thurartal.
thu a- tX boor.. and rudlitfa.l.l ?M., J. IL tamed, enc.
I ,ieg, cal 14nn
6.";j1.11,1' from ..:W at
',V7P: 1 71; ii,tr.thlr. I,llnem and J. IbaQl.ur•
di Or . initniland..tkleseeport; AleXan mie hour det•llMa:Mon.
ca, city rt. 11 Bowman 1. Co., impl J. T. Itoxer,
Homo, ilk, Yolop Barkley. Dear e r Tralter,jl.,
Elltsbeth, Dmikaleht rein. Deo:Motet. lalidlT
.ip uhu. I. the moo she 41.4 aol appreciate the luxury
,ma esti ph.... If aril thee. be. we do nut whin. our
. tre y tothem tint In all ether, we pay. If ,ou wish to
revaer shaving 4, plevute. porch., hos. Jules Matters
Altoona rdiaebut or Ambropial Shoving Crean. Ilia nt
, teri tiaptesito Mal wind. todescril.e the fielhurs of
Person—atm ha, been need to darh. with ordinary map
upper making trial of thiolor the erst tiMe. It is cow*
maim of wneder. admiration, and pleneurt.
JULE: 4 . ILAtlitLii. SHAVING CREAM Is °scowlingly
emollient, mnderinpr the stiffest and moot wiry heard soft
and pliable, producing an admirable lot.ber, tad ita ex
tremely mild nature pill. lug the irritaDoM and Prefohiln a
that unpleasant and dill feeling the dam which ti pat
often esperieracel after sharing.
Gentlemen using dales tkintri, Sharing Cream. may Gr.
the coldest and mosl i p winds Itumediately alter pts
um, without the slitn ng ehapped And Mom who
once um it, ve 'ran side y will never Me ether
rl4l"''''''lovhn.Ohkhlitb .rill
It IL-Tri rDv
a uot
t nod,/ ap th
pearance to the am of the
Jules Planers :having Creams ateddigh.d Preparations.
eturdsom4.l *Rh AP ill. to Um utter exe,bision of ell Whirs
exteulate4 mtder ltse PPPdatiVa 01
.µ.l .01 be Wpc . ..11104 01 41 app aake 4t,41 W am,
11 1 ,14.4 - °O4 J V L p 44.44)E1, Perfumer Ohl PPM , " •
Lbesout dud, Phtladelphil.
u lu
aaprlt.V: Alm r.rikr
31Itchell. Alleghetd Cdf •
'Drug and.Preseription Store for Sale.
lawalril lux tkounAlus awl ipaprurittY I.rt
apply .t t h e Cht.kle ditee. jaZl
eii - PARTf'.. I ; II SII/ P—We thift 6 - 7
th.....74lit.ta b tX . Eut
JAM} A..lll.l..uartn. CO.
Pittsburgh. inutsary 210, 18.11.-..ll‘ltdlm •
OLL 13UTTER-2S brls fresh,. in g 1
tni•-r. nury, (or .ale 1V SI. HAW I.Y.V CiY, '"
18 At Wood
ARD--7 brie No I Leaf Lard;
-11 14 t. " neh f itlala i t \ t.'o
"VI ES--In easke - Purel'otash;
10 mote Poleratue. for tole
J. 0. H. FLOYD. Routol Clufeh.
SEGA ftS-1100,000 common for sale by
Pal tt It, FLOtD
UTTER—Iti bets prime roll for subt'lly
A.JP__ 442- 1 J. a It, ri.tlyu
Wilater ClOttag et Reduced Prices T
, •
VO!.. motor's Cheap Cash Cloth in g Aare, LibertY otemb • .
proprietor of the obom eetolabblovrit Wok Unmet,
of tlhineinit of the holance of hie slots sleek, to make
moo ter Ms exteuvim ourehayee for Switch vbertly to 8,
rive, boo detennitirl to arm tbom r t t ezt
Walt ad, vittoo
to fot o f hllO .1114 P ell, n 00001 eat¢aloo yui he igen&
B ROCCAI 8-85 dos for sale-b y Y
no. 11. Jon:o , nm.
ICIcORYUTS-2 bris w fne t t i gy •
DRYAPPLES=4O sacks fur sale by
jotl unshelled, for Bale C .oat We. ii,Joiusrea
ROLL BUTTER-2 brls fresh for; . a - Vil.-
MII Wo. Jol,lllol±o . k,
fIOTTON •BATTING-100 hake fur oak by
1.1 ,a2l W LLINUFORD CO.•
STAR CANDLES--30 •hts Cincinnati Ina
j47l'l"' ou t""'t s l ob
a CO..
c, doe- Lubin'. Extracts for the handkvAlef;
44 dn. emelt tooltyted3
14 Jos. Jenel . l.lmi rechein, for AIWA:
do,_ • - .0413. '
24 oink common mall Barbera.• -
Tottettier with &full and complete oovottraeitt of faie Per
fumery. wee twelve.] and for &ale yrietvost
We eercer of wu.tent 1411 h rivets.. •
8: IC
MALLOW—Thirty barrels Sheep and teen
T i
118 . . f rtarived
TIMOTHY SEED-4 barrels received and
6.7 r We by AM SAMUES P. 811ILIVE 4
Gbusheli. areeiced arid
%LI An. mile Dr isa, riASIUKL P. MIME.
DRIED APPLES— O bushel juit reed;
ate fat mdobr w
MOLASSES—Fifty of now
C bYassun
P. gamma.
Nos. 330 sad ISI &wad dread:
WILOOII--Seventy tie barrels Family-tow
noelrel sod for wk br
bat • $A MILL
ApSCE!,w 7 .ppA___
kmmuceii. WOOLLEN GOODS.--01The
I....fri g e Pay yes larnl=lllsnlodla
ZA tankrtrarg cibtola nout.
IZZI rt Cosilnd • berm.
10:1 do do do do
14 do net do Jo do
X Wag Black laanket Cloth, do
I da Bram Grey Mud, Cts
Jo an Mack Broach artedototk.
X do . bawlTavola. smarted cokora
do Jeara. among! oncon
, padatcnt t . pa k tltzd
4o While Tvilnd Luna% rant old.
4 do Crum barred do d•
The above dcrollad goodo 'aro a loo tvoalkament tram
twinaa tOsaufactuntra. not and on.t. mad Inv at bale on
liberal tants to lb. and, at tnattulacturoni yriota lL L
and fliated: ga = Cart. Muslin. et' varkno
.4 " 4 ""U". to
' lllVTAlli a ilAri L lltk .
- i. 16 N. E. coc. Fourth a Market at.
WHITE BEANS-4 barrels recoiled arid
tisr .kk by ja..o USILTL P. EIIRIVER.
LARD—Twentibartels andtltirty kept Na
LA T .' readied .ad for sgAv___
of Warheil Wool Ly Jell' U. LIE.
ituroby L Iturehlleht maims, to Loiterer particular
thet to Ibis [cloth of their baduaes, - erel are careful
to .elect hover-kr article—the Ibienstrartuatel pare ear.
sad boatel low pee. Der quality, '. jell .-
lIINESE VERMILIioN-7411.13 for sole
Jul I • J. IQDD & CO. •
kI3IP SEED—Fifteen barrels (new crop)
ea tale es isn J. KIDD I CO.
CZ.17.11 OPI U31—.51.1 lbs for sale by .
``SUGAR LEAD-1 cask for sale bv.
area cc*: 1.
4.IILVER COIN WANTED of err desenp ,
I,7thro, mut the hihbegt Premium pail far as* ...abr .
b Y.a b SS is 0 0 •
Thint wed Market ett.
SUND.RIES—G talcs Cotton;
bsifi Itio: 1 Lank
1 bri
.. . . . - .
a bars 'emaut.r. •
M b ar
p 1 c . .1 , 4 Pe... bra . .
ti• M b
ar featherg
5 bap alum= .•
15E0 Napider Forge bloomy,
:ow Imuling from Afettlyr MaTaaaer. aa 4 aa... ) . bY
ie.': , -! • ISA:Ati PICKY.Y a CO..Water a Front eh.
13IEARLS-15 casks superior, fur sale by
.IOLL BUTTER—Twenty barrels prime
inn reerind and gnirvEß.
brls superfine;
1.4 brb en.s to tale by'
t.R! Wat. H. JOHNSTON. 111. fbmodrt
k HY. APPLES—Fifty intake's received and.
4t,b7 AAMUEL P. mann.
(ifSKIS:=2OO hu white d yellow, for sole by
w tek
STOOKS FOR. SALE—Western Ins. Stock;
Turile Creek ?lank llead Stock: .•
1nabuigh,C144.404.4 444 Loutsvillo I.'clesre44
Our.. 44 abet HIM O. Bride 444. tic
thy a 44414 111. ARNOLD 4 CO.
74 VotOth et . •
mURC SATINS, of the most desirable
rhada., to le tad lb• gory of
14IC} Tweinty tiereeh new crop, received
this elan and forma.. by -
.1 BROW N;• KIRKPATRICK. 144 4.11.11'
1 4 1 1511.-713 brls No 3 Mackerel; •
• a mks Cal WI. fur sal , br J. . 7toyo
CODA ASILL T 2S wit; Johnston's brand,
for rate by .ia= J. tR. FLOYD •
l iROO - 515 7 -150 dos for ik
1111CF,-- 15 casks Carolina fur sale by
1 lb ' i.e.
.. J. .1 IL VIA/VD
I UST[ RECIErND from the Phillipssille
st, us dots Forturt. -^ , •. 1
OW pulls 8.11 !loot 0111Ckittd
- dOO 'ludo .1.1 go do
:.90 y ads 13.1 Sisal. Oil Ciall4 '
OD d ogeorted.oea UM.. Mood ad Daiwa
Cover& of w.tald leather Odell. arwl beautiful patterns. fur
I..'wkadeivie out resit s/ th o ordroboooo N os:: and V
Rood aro., IVY J. - 0 IL lIIILLIPS.
1:17E- JOURANCE--Itttimuce on - per
iner.b. the NICI , ofILS effected tin
ealidiX alma tam head Life ilaitrasto Sudety, by
apt lioaliun b ate nualereituad. " •
A additional o entity at esblattaterr rataplitet,ittat
Toe attstaiLe ebealatbta. buttabe at tbe Mails
in& Homo of WIL & CO-
Wand at, mond deco ahoy. fourth;
ARD OIL. 5 brts mater strained, for sale
LI\SF'D OIL. 5 brlx pure New Castile
Oil jest rrerircol rod for T u r , log oN,Lr i nx
COFFEE. 213 bags Rio [Omni° bv
del: 1111 Gr. marrnen. , k CO. '
.._ _
FISII. 116 brig largo No. 3 3Lackorel;
Is lala No. Illaltimarilleniwg
13 arm Ouelfiatc ter We b.. - .
. •-
. hA vi ' • 7
1 1P' 4 "‘`'"" 1 " d27 "" 1 " aW. WAHEAUGII.
11 -9 1 13 . 5 ;.' 9 -641 " rwl : uduf 4rat n aonmiioi
FINDRIES--Three hundred bide. No. 3
Maekerr half ANA do. do: S bbleSo. I Sahnns. in
f. v 4 In' mill JAMES DALZELL
Ash in Anne anii 63r nslc by
11ERBS—Elder Flowers; Sage and Bonnet.
fresh LaJM•tireet•Ri and bar rasa br
J. KIDD 2 OU.. N 0.20 woad rt
AED OIL. Ws recairet on consign-
Jul lava, awl for sale by •WALLINGFORD A CO.
98 Water meet
O. MOLASSES. 3G 'bile new crop, just
• rec A eived tad tcr sale by R. A. CURNTROILEAL
deT SW Liberty at.
ItOLL BUTTkUt.: 4 brlis just reed
1 to de.'N R. A. CUNNINGHAM.
brand. for dew _ L. A . CUNNINGHAM.
likrurrE FISH. 75 brlx and - brls for
oat b T eleV IFAIAII DICKEY t co.
itliony Ntrft> : hn^a for s:de by
11 J.
LD CANDLES. 420 - boxes fo r sale by
SOAP. 150 boxes Louisville No. - 1 Rosin;
Mar Pe omle
1,13-' void.s's selebrated Ka:tatty Mustard.
(Knoll the v m hand and far sale OF_
WTTON YARN. aPPO dozen Hope Yam
Xj awl. by is: WALLINOVORD / CO.
OItA.NOES. 35 lib Ls. just received and
ta: 116 Water stmt.
FLOUR. WO bids. for sale by
kj N. York srsup, ••urt •uperior artielo.
•Trup frau the St-Idols redden.
dad,. ILAiso do
Oblr•AA do for sale by
149 Y'.11.. A. MrCLOKI; s CO, 9S librrty a.
`OA ASH. 75 casks Karts brand for sale
_ROLL BUTTER. bbla prime, receiv
ed tor PAW Ey .b 71 19. A WAIARRACIIII
rrALLOW. 50 bblo. prime for sale by
1. Awl) 'A Jr W.IIeABACIIII..
gr - mEssE. 50boxes W. R. Cheese for sale
L 1 by BB3O 8. A W. lIARDALFOU.
DIO METAL 176 tons for rollin min
purpme., 0.17 REMY, ELATTUAWB C CO.
bEACIIES. 173 two per Mayflower, for
.sle by 0.17 HUEY, MACITRISWB A CO
UTTER. 20 bbla roll, for ludo by
_Cr 09 . . •. 1 II CANVIULD
ROOMS. 40 dozen for sale by
es 9 ll CAMIELD
REASE. 9 bbla. now landing from - Ge
''''"'""'"s". DICE= t
Ant • %VA: sof Front stmt.
61 ALERATUS. 100 boxes for sale bT _ _
BOOKS.—Educational Works,
kJ Mir, klay. Isktrankektk Blatioiskry, (Notre* Ant.
1411 141, EWA st
wear. stroastrao.s. muss
LINSEED OIL. 10 Mai received for sale
by dr , * e.a W. ILULBAIJOIL
(.101311 DABAR. 1500 Ibe just received
and bet oal* by lIRACIN t RIUSLR
3 ow., sod Libtxty rt.
uAI NESS 9U dosen pairs Horse and
Male Hanna at ukle b
INDIGO-618 lbs Spanish Float, Madras ft
)1 , 16111a, for br ' .1,30 3: lElte I CO.
ITAINTINO —House and Sign Painting
_ rit t e l "ateTZ:grit a =erdts . nOlva,
Matz; sisAIIILLIng thaw low caber *sten Is lb.
elty. ack4 are deseratorl to Jo It.
1•14.1 J.
'pita TM Dry
32 Dry Wall=
1 lougleDetTliktex lasdlog_lbragle by
VELVET PILE CARPETS of the richest,
T colon sad Wen Krim cau be tad at tie_ Car Pet
Worths., Nw Fourth at. Id Duk. leee' ` 2 TT
be had to any of the eastern alters. W. MTLINWUTS.
iIiEESE. 1000 boxes foi sale by
1.9 - J 6CANWII:LD
DRY PEACHES. 5C45 sacks and 11 bbla
ft. We by JO L P WATTI3I4III -IM I / 1
ROLL BUTTER. 15 bbli *rah roll;
JO 102.‘rweraniteran
pLAIN•oiL calm, received...thin' day
tha Carpet Wanlious., fib Fourth • •
AI()LASSES. SO brie new eropfer sale by
Just siva - rid by express, another lot of theft todan•
Razors, the only'soh and perfect num nano
*tomb • Jas , . W. W. WILSON
Morrisk Ilstrintb. la the Dlssoostit, ham, this daytr
ral twatrtl=o.2z z ' bun 15001 M. of T ,
mans slocusil la the iitislistiSs M sZtet. gifie f man
and 15 cents Der l. • -
Ms Tea 1544 In this Ditolo.4.
- 04,7131Tk PRESER ES -
assi taa a; . '
ade Pressrssii
145shes s usispos sses Etravisirrias
or IW Ws sirs AA 1.%)
'HARD d GIIILISETen brio No. I Lord;
4 hilsOresso. tm► Width► 11 , 14 MaiwinrWastuftice.
b 7 ISAWI zuccris
wart asorroat Ks:
-- .. , ..ii',-,:-* . io:i - :: . ;.Ai;
. .
••Tbert art Wee Oin iv heave. anistatli.,
• ...Manna dentin of in oblicesabt": •
RTU.ES of ship recrau
p fable rem&
114,Pr, VI
and M. cononst avvlbutlati fur R. loth& sew*
bun bas hawed hilt to have II het up In Lannert* W.
We nn Westin, to the tenni of the vont. . •
The PiPPROLLUM is emound bon • v.ll la %Mam.
tr dnke of four howired got. le • pure. unnaltene
led ankle. without in- Written, but not w II
ewe hum Natore's eirrat lates•mui bat It natant
wwertlet noching a numbs ot &wows. le no ROWS
matter of aneertaintf. Time. arc =env' . thine It ItaX.
Etna of statues. •hicit„if Loos.. talent k of not .
Dees 42 alloslating and tratortait the blown of
as 47i
iva t gr the tyre of The vhcatant sad 411._ p m
sing calls far avd wontul ronsnaele cent tt ' Wpm
tort d. to ems Windt. et
tlitsibendeof Warne.
' Ver,terVentite a lona rant la sestiOnshat W
we an roost-tow he wise inn nen wort trig.
let., tha favor ef th e m wise matt. aoi wish (a he WNW
Whlld veto not nem Ls it a waivers:a am„Lbstins.tgelP
, qt,... oo g r ee unbesitatingtp ray,' that . s unmet of
anon. It _ thirevalhd. Ammo thew glig is
onsoveratol—all throws el the mawon hums, mi ke
01110510 CONSVMPTION. fin .. 21
gage., ASTIAMA, awl all tilae.a.oo. tbow poseigat •.
fill COMPLAINT. Mb:TAX:IU. litohow. Maims dee
Mader and Eldneys. Palo. in the Rash or Sito Nara. .
litavots. Xouralgin. fgl.l,, , ,lLlnsAustio
etas. Satre. giswortas flora , Itrulsetnq wee,'
Az. Ae. woad debility, 1..1.1int• from c eq
long and protntetsd caw of Wrenn. alga Intl
Mita Wish It will set 5..1 Otters! TONIC sad
ATI .1; In Ana cum,' Lawn:4.sand to the
wads Erwin semonna netrUneess: mealy, the
function, which Canes Shwas, not a tronts •
and elslnt hssinded arehrown.l energy to all the
or kW ThapraierieVar knows ef asecni cam of P
that resided every ether trestsclent. get see usa •
of We PETACILLTM fez - a non limo. The .Wocc as
Nord ao eritbout the irtgottara cf the yropristor..,-
;.+... Canal Loin, near 5 7 Word stmt..
Also, by X. 5ELL,1:13 , .. 57 Word st.,
• • .• And KLYSEIt MIX/WELL •
earn • -•
er Irmlstr-0. and ‘ll.-.:ln rha
srestly - . tag eewrt Ar•potc4,l )4,1141••
HaVr ott znol.who whoa, sick and afilfcted
*dim/ woof Cho rt.flor and,Anarroaith r.*.
Work or Ihrila KW' raw, Old orostoin
ulcer', to.. that tlo, cao t rove taktoo tho
LEUSI. You. tooy raJk *brat Ist , r - lorr a certrunu. yucca
pkarm. bat 1 hta dart Itratoake it as lb...trot-WM
is fare of at bo os t nnetlio;tr, that ,t h o r virtu.
"dm 50 ,.. ih Soy oti.rf
ankh ain not contained inny Onl.ntrinlyi
racked anti t a d naafi. from dn... tan,
Uor SU wont got Mar fnn any cr. ttio lilt eimmotatsa
Reader: It coda very.little to make • trial. 211.• Petri"
leum Intature—oo comyound. put apt, the pon e.
of imp.. cm the rornmonitpt lot It to a reettely abbot.
tad by the master bawl of nattor; load bobbin upfront Um
Wade of our mother March. In Its errata** pod', atm) ••
fere to toner!az humanity a toot: woody, a pertato - matt
cheap on. -
latora alter oilier adelkinra hate SUN to
reodrr any rthrt. It hat eared litteumathao.• of lami.
manding, and of the word arid wed rainfateharacwr.
has mod Cholera Ike., by one or Pro dotes. , It kw
rural old ea. of Marti.. In which oval Mbar '..soadr
has beanoc r ua .A 6 6 I!.Fat 11 . 660A1 la harm AAA
know of. It toll earn earned
mad Uoteted tam
in a Um appllcatimo tmloutted teetitooar eau he ratable
.d of the truth contained U.ahoec oatmeal, by Ml
o h r Ag .. uLt. , :k kl Ell. C.U.C Ram, bereah .[het; Of
. .
.tietrer & McDowell. earner Of 'Knot Orot sat
:Vier: U. Acne,. L: 'Wool ettod; D: A. Utast. attl ‘ lV.
Curry. Allrßlu of nt tt are the axeu Lc • .
: attends] the use of 310131 111th'S
MINJUND taND I/I.OOU Unlathfft. lu
etning xvetert md moot tate...Ma cue* of I.FLAgf
11.1T091' ASP ellitthtlel fill hilllAllhar, le • sulleiest
roarautte and nrommeedatton Is induce nil whom, ..lo
led with this dreadful disease 10 10s
Haulm& of rm., of them tith, of ht. Louis.
and *there from slaved. her e Lou •setre.t er sliblis the led
few mouths to the rity of St. Limb. same. while barters troll
amtlte &breed show situ that performing the Settnt
wMthrer tried. Mao, ot these wereuhroula came of late
Mending. and or e hop of reeurers Idot heth girth M
While other. Mussel...rut dem, of the mute brume ,
matter lornu serf t h i s
All. Lowe., 'kid to the woos
tierhif virtue. of this tooloine, stet Ilnesesotle who brew
Mallard De Mosta., and am wee in the eruoyment Of health
ema bat esteem the minim!' 4.4111,02 mud • preprktgr.e.
beneferior it:maim'.
It la well known Irmo the et7tt um of th e Mit' thititfft"
untwerd applimum mew. y sheet fermthenbritre
of this dived diem.. I application of slat=
Hutment, partig) Mkt In tome • men., out bed
fcrttanon thee. not all the sidle thie disease Its Wag Re
mem more isimaneutly in the and wooer or MAW
caul main develme 110.1(10 e More dreadful Pam. end allgt
It Om seri:Simi return.. It settled Into ts. elartmie Ma.. •
which. If a 0 mlOlO arrested. rut. the irslisttiml for life,e; •
Mott ratified by the Metterf the tem...m. eountrian.
tadre 1)
d pore deartsurtretwl by th. history fltrulabed ofs
j=ti i ..e h t...lll: n i.s . rovezu:l , gts t, raft I= l.. eral
notice mod Wean...tit depths - ihe hut few usoothe. , ; -
11ORTIIIY.WM itzuwAnc 0031POUlilt thol 3=ol
PGRIfIEW S.M. intents! pso..l)— . n o
ntennew i ll
-th'd tbroucTi i bc o oll:4o Ay "a .
(serum reasustle erdimect. which bar nettled aeon
ttaltafflat. 03111403 sod lendom—ertgewee It entlnig from
the Frets., and redures the nolithitisl to mast loselth..
Let them whom. alff kted not demi... chemeelrea. aad
put off the me of this triedirlor too long. or until their
Undo dlslosabri or euultmled to sorb a &MN User
tier are cripple. far life. Tile experiesder of bundreds of
thooratele dun' g th e mot. 0., well as a multitude at led ".
prevent day. larnenetrates the Sung of emotitng
neat relief trait maternal aupthstious. ,
T7taprausleter of t h e. valuable towlklne known frolanto,_
meth.", that mionmard eth zeedblr WWI •
permanent cur. where flit, .Isste b' Musty Bud I
1 n the
ii ) i.l is Ile 0 mad duto)) .Flea amt slosh an alt 00 0.
u „,,, 1 , .1. sill caste
Vol. I ali
nottlrtit MIS. saw VW
Pin S,f „,
deno t e brawls thst it 'squirm knave ffnlit=6
an Interne! remedy. to unslose th e deeded sem; wad
thomele Rheumatic Mutuoutst nod Mood Mather La the
Aly remedy that has term Imo dimmer... 4. either . to
nterkw sr ant other emote, that will rffeettralf rffm
UM ahem, • '.
This mulleins eon to lord. wboireale or retall s a r tWo...7ff
!bird Amt , next to theO M
Pt.t ~ Pittsburgh. • ~ •
Also for sale in l'illeborslo by 11. lmrwr. WM.
J. D. Warmth. S. N. Wirkerslism. and .1. A. Jones. •
Prim S. Per 14i11e: rta Wok. tot So% or bit per dran., P. hi bad gratis of the
nornal VISITART.'Agent:
toaxalr'TO T7Eq AITLIPTED.,
—Dn. Jana Ilura...tbeillnumerer ind sttls
eso mart junklor undleiner.
the inventnr a the ...lacuna Iturtrunteut tor lallatitalltor,
lamp. le effeCtica a mar nf Chronic direaarc vas • ate -
dent of that rtutuont phyalciau. Doctor Myna and 1..
gradual.: of the ta.Porray ..f l'oannlr.u.da.aral far Mkt .
• xitter-bru: bora raglan] lu the intr.dliathatanf Yr*
td lb./application a nauntka dura. .
bla T =VAN ' y o lti n' .. b . l, lltl
aannal an nap:lrk:la aularnea In rating than
and fatal roaladinc Tubercular Consuroptlon,
:krauts. Rhe.M.l.lintl. Arthma. far, and Arne. reav e" nts
• ban. Chronic IlrrrlPsl.s.
.and WI throe °lstituto dn.
• neeultee to
eren (ma oldness.
lunch." undor the Wro of him Ithichlramanl
ty b lair—baby as trent mat ectuponatl only . .`fiir that
trlanmpalible nab Pbrrinlo4inal bra. Oct by the we at
his mural., adaptc.l-to. not prb.scribed fur. gbh wan/
_ .
Da. roe Altoratlro arheta la.rd. art Inraihr
bit acklavolellara to by, sof erior ro all other.. na a ramp I
tire or firer pill. laarantali • arthr , Icater.Le knelt per.
featly free tram reattreneen es el. far Lloitlen 1711. an ad
tad te b tl y jell m t ti . to
rl7l/ft P" 44Vll:7l.l. l' lVEire a etZ .
It antllrkent to eAtabil.hvhat aao 17.-ru F . 8611. In the =lads
Nn moat ekortleal.
The afilieted an. InLitett eras.
mart one of the larloo - .161:3,1110to Livia:rad
C.l amount of-each Teltletiy. asal dr a prhostraL 1: '
For ode 10 the falleao:og nu. a. .roll air 1. yin&
rtirto dm:ado:at the .otmar, -
J. :,..1,74.33 oftakr,
L3l. Towurosol. Ilrery al. 43-Ma:Lot .r._
ee A. &damn, 1 / I v,A.--t. to at th, • List oMca. AlLaaar:
Jorreph Bartley, Darllagloo. &racy e: anti; Ti
ahn Labtt, Lawn Vale), - •
T.Adatar. Bearer. .'. . - 0
COMFORT A.RD 147T31717
OR THE AFFLICTED will be found hi
D,. Dewitt 46e11t, i.INIVALLIBLE LL\7UETT,•
hut Anal the tents Dints rears ea.
withal. and hat. be, end a doubt, teem the freer at oar-
Dig Dun Urn et thua:ands et individuals, in alnlitin mar
elan. aid <bar:Later at dawn., We Del that ea brand, ear
thing. invariant that tter I:the emir 1314414,:ha.tbat has been
offer.' to the afflited. that dres, in every mania( &lye anarrh
- what it la told far.
. .
It has cured. and is tatvabla of curing inure dismal. thus
anyather medicine offered hir sale, co east not by Idiom
muds rancid, or by what pall..
•St/011,, pod fouvitaMW Pl^Or or the abort,_nd
that it is the calf snide that lass siffewred 4a thko 1131=
• patent Meheine that by ere, teen raliPntxrd and revs*,
Id the prose of UN slits mussily, as the Ping. Viteilite
/Wanly Medicine ever offered roe !vac, or used by any .
Tbe duo . !loos 11. Orin= V. C. The Mx( Ithtto
IL Morro, kW Mayor. How John A. Dix. tote C. S. demo
tor. William II: Porter. Editor of th e Polrlt of lbw
'limn; sad • hoot .f other dithiorolthed damns of Mow
Tort, who W.e.fully toted its merit,. have permitled
proprietor wellfer to thew( . • •• _ •
As It is known th at. Patent 3loPtinet nee 004 gem.,
all ipatioolled by th e kethot. to.l Polito dolt.:
oe Woe undoubtedly a right to bob thoeDet highly. wit.
Hexed. This Wonder trotting Compound too toot MOOT
omD fear. below theblic. 11, brit felemle are.. it.
'tn t
sad bob Th T h u. ee
mat ovlouldedly Pinar sod
eonrv i itir meth of its geneendthiede. mob omodie e
oallt/m. It is • monolith peitioly Mr ell Port dhow".
rbtuniallo mho. orothlous Awoll voe
fr(m. word.% blithe% obill
bombard all the pd. coat mheo that limb Ls belt. to
(her 1,001000 bottle. hoer been add without marddslot,
and Woe perfected .00h athouistdem curet. otter all ottwe
ramollet have failed. At etoMtcr Lelkf, had tro not
odertthand to bur tthordedi, the strooxed veriblneet le
flits modklac.. natures moody. 10 ••7,4•61.1 from mt
etatiks,lbc lutanal as well as calernat it.. It mitt...
ly upon the dal' cued j•2l--gath• it It.hletlad MIM•Mbt—
It la • auto cum for Mart.. entairo.. BUM. Chadic...4
all spastaute da..o. of tbe t .Ekletem, ant
Wrakacsiln male. female, from atlialmor mum :It max
ho ZrT i aell: trrit. , t. Sellout, limm. &Id t
Co., and Omit. a. t 0... aid b$ Like Mail 1;!n•u&l:
acuMIT• MD pot up la tax too and mc i lLaa a ltat to •
14 ,4 11onopound I. warranted to prodnec the within d« Onto when usd In waking tea cabs,
=kyle:. ado, to, W which a 1.103 i. effected is the
dour of about 13 torrent,
To Mow Dugs—Tor rah round of tour addt WO ton
ounalula of Canteutted ant the offal gegintlty ofgalt.atit
W thoroughly tonetber erhik dry, Ithl watna lerse
pared to. that )0a 1•13 00 041. and we at lelinend then
add unwell cold rater. sill make tbe dont boa nantl
Ude.... knead It we 11... let It stand'lllteett tantel
brk. Inklag--ac or too boors NII flo no Wort Windt
shonl4, to Wird south thinner. and Ithred gg
.11 to nob.% toast. fifteen eto...ty 14.2464, 415 .V4
ty.a. of getting too vouch of thh, Mtn Wt.%
broad: It .11 not tura 1.1. bread . eal2ataa
_Ton pm hut the shore Count und into tea rakr..4Ta*
elllnge,rehttly rot., Indian oak., eakenotwAtod3
alb* corn bread, brown bread. biscuit, lhadter 'brie
vb; aloe, apple turtr io ro=, wit for slb
!ire. 4.1 ravernril
. litfildEtll, 57
.Irmd •
TAKE MYTICE.:,,f • --
kJ tee Dothan anoint wIX to P.M to ail . .. ' , VW
YT.. Matra:mot ea.
VtieTerl2l7l. l l,:=LlUlhea Roth t hEta lb. •
tothfactlou of win;to tho seot4e of this pia., ,thin
smote. nty own ttopyotetneat tan It. now stands 13171-
'llUett thie 1:091U7 =NJ". POthit
=Or other r emtul.loarr. klodsof
shawls: " I
' slot'. bonnets. ar:.:=l Injt=ita=
that nun valet WU not Nit re. More than tone t
sonata In =Coma parts Or theaountry here toid use ENT
mould oat be without It if It owl St • rate. to tutor tine
orebeemeat tear et calico, MI which It changed the,
of cam:
therefona. before puttitoc,lt Ilabt doe. try a Mt*
tho dress tont- !Ago Iteatuel ens thee/13gal so
to nEouttnead It any stronger than I know to be lartrttr
t •
tEdeta feet, rouutry merobale sad elefi r Mf,
Ittt.mloi ha 07 the;eobeerlber. R. SELL „„
had Oct wadi/110re before I RE its toottetal eltncts."
R. E. SELLERS—Sir: Sufferin9frctio.o.
cold wed roust, for 'bah f, trad'lraf=to,,,
" ” trfrgetraAnli la [cnt*at'O ztigettl
L. Mien' Cough Misto.7 l ,,
OR to both Too sal the bd, I ta
matttelltat 1 hal atom/ eta
dal effacht and (under the Doane hloolaStae.e
to tem, the bath.. teeetry el"
ha mute propertlee feirtals 4 no. on. la p~tkalsi.
.0. • rsss us'orbss:
dia'"4"%ir ffs Usodsitr.
eeeebe sod and the „ .
us al "4.1: Sense Court
P =';‘l 7 %rirE sztaxnz. Yo. S 3. Rod .
and told LT drUggate stf‘t.nre,
Addittoawl yam( ef ttierzejed,tetzni.cur. ;3
!In L. IL tielareetelra adlieted So some tja4 18 4
tirl'aMciVee'b.l7. fr''..letattlteal4ll4l4'..'":ormerlaaC."bl.4"
M er jr o d th tl b ller i egl=a b lls C row 'r4L
KO, bat received uo Weeds unta I met with year le
Lie W 1 then. ael 11 , / Udell =ASV re ran.
ry ,,,myyytmalt to the public we oneeod the , 0.0,
does Mai We rrer PeeMlatl Le the cum
?mond sad add by irw A A• ' • •
CXBONATE AMMONIA. 41utthorii;f
Matelersibby thal