The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 11, 1851, Image 3

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. if.
Ti/ 15 krIKOTON,,Feb. ID.
firria communication was received, en-.
111011Etireport of contracts and expenditure* of
the Treasury Department for the year 18110, which
‘tllll oilared to Le printed. .!
Dld en . Bright and Mason presented petitions
.7njAvar of the establishment of a line of steamers
Utica. j
. 4 Pearce preset, e t o credentials of sue.
um G. Pmtt, ns Senator from the State of Ma
,..Mr. Hole presented petitions numerously sign
ein favor of the repeal of the fugitive slave
11111. WWI were kid ha the table .
Id,. Hunter °tiered a resolution; which VAS
lamed to, calling for all correspondence by the
ileskan Minister, upon cn - tola monies drawn I
tin. by Mexico under contract with J. D.;
Mr. Darns, of Mira., offered texerolutiou tall.
leg for the corresiaindenee relative to taxation
Imposed by New Grenada, upon Americanscrime
the Isthmus of Pertains.
,Mr. Hale introduced a joint.resolution,
Uag the presentation of a sword to the nearest
Atlatives of the Isle 3.111j0i Samuel Ding
fs', itr. -Might introduced Lill declaring thatthe
ugitive elate Oct.did not takeaway or interfere
With the causes of action existing under the act
li.Tkuil'hills engroi4eil on. Saturday
hAsn up, iltl. Inlttse4.
1 e Cokamittee then took up .tbo bi,
Hence to-sapply the deficiencies In ,t
appropriation bill, Aind after come
liner tome debate, 'Mad appropriatin
Abithe Cherokee Indians, the bill was
heigagrosted. • I • , ' -
' i•llse,Sentite then adjoaned.
. .
' ..
• t
„.„;i O r USE— A . r. Bayley presented several appro.
prltition billy,. nod' oved to suspend the rules,
*Attie might offerok remlution to mke all such
bill, thiriptiolithtlider, w} ich would exclude iill
1 ,
other hiiimidesiirititAimy were dispo or. Thy
Hoax retails! to ctispend the rules i nil resolved
ittielt into ConiMittee of the 'Whole, nil took up
r ,
'thsk,bni establishing'a Boned of Acciluuti, to sdt
tlivelainie agitinct•ltm Government. • '
,',134i - Cral amend:merts were diccmcs ti alai voted
. Mailind afterthe first section of the bill was
annex led, tic question ,was taken 94 striking lit
oat, and determined in the Impttire. tinnily
the. original bill.'mds all 'striekeb out, and the
sitinttituto of Mr.- . Doniel,,in effect, allowing
thiliifients to sue the United Stales,hy bill in Nal
ly, was adopted.
The'Ctimmitted then rase , and ilia question
being stated on agreeing 'to the bill by amended,
almotirin mai made to bly the bill on the table,
. tali did not prevail. 1
ZTite Hoare then ittourned. '
• • ••Irasinsoros Feb. 10.
it Las- been decided by the perision officers,
shat where a soldier engaged to serrb six months,
awl then hired a ellh.thilt4 who 3+ol the re
mainder el the term. both are entitled to bounty
landsuitlcithe prerisiori of the Act] of Septem
ber 118, ISO, according to the actual amount of
dirrsice muttered.
Bathixos, Feb. 10.
Yetterday, two gangs of rowdies numbering
about fifty, known Thund bolts" rind
filddrigers," hod 4 colliiisav in the street, which
rerndted In a most disgraceful riot, raring which
drearily* were freely teed. The rio woe finally
tutted by the police.
L Ons of the rioters deliberately fi d resolver
In the face of OnC at th o r otliceri—th ball passing
through his face, and lodging in .e back part
of his neck.
liscrixon , Feb. 10.
despatch'receire4 from fiarann.h says that
Bullock, the cashier charged with d manna the
Central Railroad Bank of $lOO, has been
*'(}ea R. Richardson, attorney, di at his res•
hicnro in this city., this morning. •
General Quitman it here arrniting his trial,
Snider ehe ego of being concerned ie the Cuban
The tickets fox Jenny land's first 7.oncert e'en
eold this morning. The first ticket Int. eel" at
aguq premium.
: Stour: 7 ,94les cf 1,200 bbto H.
Met ,Nothing doing in City Male.
is.withont elmoge.
Beef, Cattle—Biles to-day reache
prices ranging from $2,75 to $4
on the hoof
, alogs—Snles of $.3,75€ . 54•V e 6.
,itli raining to-day, and business
market is dull and he
of toiled to fancy 'lndians and Michi •
830 P, and of N. 0. at $4,87.,m,
:Grain—Wheat is dull, with Irani
elbio at 100 .3.100 c V•bu. Rye is q.
80e. Corn is iri better demand,
SOuthorn yellow at' 67668 e b;
Western, for August delivery, at 62F.
brisk itt
• 'Provisions—Pork is in limited de ,
prices favor buyers, though Ohio is s
of Mess at $1_,1_1@13,30 for old ati
Sales.df prime at !•i9..2.511;511 bid
new. Lard is firm ar:Siqf , ir ;
!held al 9e tl lb. -
• • Cheese is selling at
,farosistir.—Coffeo is dull, with sal
31oLisses is very firm,
jr. Phi& 80e I? gal. Sugar is dull, •
a 0. stle6,fe.
Whisk, is steady 25i0,26e.
Bemp—A large auction ;nTe of Am
_co to-morrow. •
,Cotion—The market is ateady.
• .
Plalr.••••theUtriCeii henry walls
03'0'1,7 lAA; closing at the latter fi
• -- Provisions—The market is firm.
IW/tildes at 115 , ,i, and 40 hlula Macon
113b,packetL: • •
...Whiskey—ls in good demand at 2!
eraarries--Are nachanged, and
' Holders of impar sod n
firm at 131- for the former, and 30(
Araitt--- 7 Sales of '7: - 40 bushels coMy,in sacks
est -tic, and of 400 oats at 4itc hn.
•• e1t615 ,c— The arket is firm.nod good is scarce
L.. The Finn has risen :t feet since So inday, sad'
SWeliZr," The weather is tanning cold.
New DRIALN 4 , Feb. 8.
"'Cotten—Th'titiarket is dull, wok es of 3000
bats 'streamer prices.'
Seo~er e:—Kin tfotree is dull at 11 Sales 4
molAssex. ai 27c- , 1
':Ontrr-tialem . otObta 1 84,00
COti: ,, -43.1e* at GOP,Gre.'
articles under bead ore
op.oma sPgror for sak• '
• .
.. Y. i:nYILERF. 6 Wool at.
UCK WHEAT CAKES--If To want good
livaird..l (um ;14b1..rt's ktrkistfsl , , Com
• pd. by Ar..v
rbLVEßs—eniea an d Ajk
et ma 0.4,4, „f °
APTlt.'g::l -L----
' 4.t o n g for saw 141 S II
_ dAMITL Y. dasavEß.
111jriP=r-TlTibalest Stiotgouri 'dpir rotted,' in
- ibroaebY ' AI,),XANDER
- • PI l'ime at
IGANDLES,--50 has mould, on enragrimen!.
Ibir U.I. bt • is...q. ALEIANCeI i LIOSPON,
VeNGER HOOT-3 "Inas piime. , on band
'',. sad Pawa.l4- -• .. .s. v. sr XABMSIIA..II, ' •
.- . s . Cas. - KonA it Saul gi
• 111 11( 4 FAT ' S FOOT. 011.-2 brie J{ of receive,
11 ,14. • n sii
o ptripr si ( k*, fur ',Rh. i.r
S. ?i. rICI P.RSITAM. ,
~, , g/SIII9IIITING—aI Willi store', for
- _ , . , 1 . ,t , . 1... n F. N. U2ICCEILEI.IAII .
lillrfrir BELICS-3 0 bn prume, for sale
J. A CO,
2 , lWAnil of Sa ..
. ' Et*ERS:,--3.5 kegs neeOrtarf HUT3p . •
• . „jar, • , • J. 2C1100.N31 ' ACO
EVO.I, --- IClOrtral..- - .. - 5 elves ' lsmail abet,
IntAife hi .i.Z; 3. NiIOONMAKER A CO. . •
YRGPS,46 brls Golden Syrjp; - .
• .4. - ~ , z talk ClicriLel 'do I 4 Ale bi
• JA.EA. lICTCIIL , N *0)
'ALLOW-29 bag reed
nlllll4rll4ht lI
,_ re
"""...Ir j DU, . Azunicuut nuahii
ASR-8 casks Danous'ajure fot4 h,D , - in a&t f iv J.ELfiD k
:TX IMITAT ION —Paper H i nging in pl
ig"'43'l4.*l'Vtlfor eaeby
b 3 Woca d.
te s ;t:r.
Wr ude by
Prolatelse4;‘, " al " Sol una I
AriOAN-20 kis ua uO saa - s st reed by
Z_f--.0:9 9 ' .• J. A. DILW 017.2 . 11 k CO
OLL BUTTEit.-12.5 brls in siore •
J 329 • - • DU:ROB:VI kCO
jalB.o.N.i-200 tons on
F as welrere gang to press last
• nig t.' (at 12 o'clock.)..a fire s broke out in the
'• • rehonn between Wood and
Coacerr.—Theinvemleconcertnf the %mars. Ctree dield streets, extending through from Water
Kemmerer . bet night, at Lafay e tt e Henoeoent- irst streets, and occupied by intoes Wood
ed off adadmirably.tended by very large audience. All things! pan
',leo: as an iron watehouse. Al we write. the
• •vnhtnble stores on both •idesi and the rougnifi
cent Monongahela House rtre in great danger.—
. LECTURE On Pituttotoor.—We learn from R We will keep open to long ponible, in order
telegraphic Despatch, that - Dr. llollick wilt ar-,• . to announce the result. •
rive in Pittsburgh in a few day., mid deliver a
emits of his lecturaou Physiology. Due notieci 1.,,tan.--Tbe lames seem to he inereating in
otthe time and place where the lecture will hel fury, and ore fl
largo masses at fire ore about
given. I , i n all dtrections. The env - insure on the ground
and are doing good service, pouring a tremen
' doss toltime of water on the burning building.
The glass worehouse.of lhneion, Plnnket & Me-
Ku ght join imminent danger..
:rue LATER.—The firemen seem to bare the
n under control. .1 pimtion of the roof ot
414' wnreliouse has just fallen in with n tre
domi crash. •
Mr. Cough still continues to draw crowded
houses. 'Every night the churches are filled to
overflowing. The Brokers' Board value up to
their resolution, unit signod the temperance
pledge. Would it not he well for the lawyem,
doctors, merchants, manufacturers: and all oth
er branches of business men, ttc., to follow their
example. The meeting, we undrrntuntl, will he
held in the Smithfield klethinlesd church, and not
in the 'Third Church, previously announced..
Tickets to he at the tonal places —price ten
Ttivondr..—.l divorce a vincula notrimonii was
granted on Saturday In.t, in the Court of Com
mon,Pleas. to Erasmus Cooper, floe, Jane, hie
, •G ma.
()BT. D. TEIONIPSON, Nn.116 Market st,
,Inorr hoot lawn}, haring uletnrouned rho..
the find of April, wi11... thin clay. sell
; atro..l nt Vane, awl ,094 A.• bry liond. at cult for
ato• 0 Lung. a,',. 1.t0p.e., and ..dl Anierte.l. nun
, it part a. follow'—
) titkiLtS—lrenell r;tlon. Pammetta, enbura
. Ltelmn.. l'a.bmnre.. owl Alunroo. All nolt.t.; bra,
Ut.o. I (ILacle Jo; klutnrl.4, Lour nal Equarel
o s Tl.P. ll llN't o. li * EAll—Clatttn..Clowniturna
0. MLA , . Merino. ehlrt.. 'tooter, .00
kr.k.1•15,1 6-1
C, tt , a, Shontimt.: D.. 1114. ablo Linen. brown
Itnnook 1.11.1 e Clot Napkin. [Mlle.. kr.
, Inv., 10-urns... Tit ot bane, and lilnukel..
r a full .Irk of ffortt.tie I;tnAl..
, mu, rels upon no n. 1.5 at ctutt,
tuu.t. r100..1 out I, tbn Ur, of
Kern, worn top utri, lot of ground .uituble for
•vution tin. I mfiliition. rontaltiltot from It to nft,
.1.01 nuontlrd ootl, awl n,tuntol mv,e, one of
viiro*jk.E.'"' of Ilm
!... r r.1 h i:; ',. ... 1 a r iZ d 1 .4 "1 1%;.;91.: . 0. '
,ruo, u - 111Ln 0011 ).14Irci..y. ihn oetl, Yt
•gill. llillsf:\.
()TICE is herebv given to all persolas hav
te hy ,
r. 1,, Ibnry 14 ran, 64 ,
t [brutfCom. of.l lethen ll
d w a m k now cnl
r ye. Inde..l, aro Anwnol t.. make Without
13, 1 5 IL•ntonr1 1 1:!) -M , A nL " \l l :int. l !'.l . M
00. re:e 7 n)
fIEItE.I.S. Litters of Administration to
110 e l'...tate of damn. filler, deremol. bafr bron
tccdt ot la, •It rorm. 1,, . o {4
o ..n
to tunic. Immo dude rat totut. and Itunta
THE Corxrr .I.ut..—One hundred nod ten ta:.our osim. or ita.mand.r.lll.4 i.141, make
prisoners are now cofinml in the county jail. ae- ( " 00110 F 1001 '
eased of offence, of all `d#T re rem. of euagnitude, ' %larket
from murder in the first d o. dawn to the pet- ,cam .tecct,
tiest infraction of the laws. This is rather below ' rot,. Adunnixtrn. - $,
the average number.
Q3IITLEY . & roLvIN, Coal Merchants,
AnarsTED.—The inhabitsnts of n notorious iJ uOJ DClm , Thy I, ‘ Imo 111 ; 1 xan.,
hoime of ill fame, on the hill, 'were all yesterdaf " tr ''
arrested, and brought before his honor, Mayor
Guthrie, charged yid
! stealing three hundred I SA I . I . P. ROSS , Attorney at Law, Office
No. IM. Fourth Floret. nour lintnt., Lannurtlnnflull,l.
dollars freaks' man - who Incl visited their info- thrt
max. , orn.. atOowleS
mous den of iniquity. They were disehargelon '
but will be re...examined to-day at two o'
HAIL Sroom.—We hpda hail :worn. yesterday
which only lasted n few minute ; ",
and did uudam
age, a, the stone, ,ere, small.
il from the
e annex!
°bate, and
ordered Ito
SNIT.) Cuglso.—Vesterday affi.rnoon was !
opprfpaively warm. About three 0 clock a dark'
cloud passed over, giving 111 a little lightning,
thunder, rain and hail 4
GA3ll,ll.lSii. m e n, laborer. on the Penn
sylrania Railroad, were arrested last Sabbath:
in a low house near the point, charged with
gambling for liquor. The accinottion was made
good, and the defendant were fined our dollar
tind.sixey-scren cents each, which they paid, and
were discharged.
• VAIIHANTR.—Fire common co.C. , of drUnkin.
nesa and rigrancy were brought before his bon
or Nloypr Guthrie, yeßterday. They Weer all
Fl2ll::—An unoccupied frame house, at the
corner of Pro..peet and Fulton street, NVIV, set on
Steen Sunday night, between eleven and twelve
e'elock, and burned to the greeted. No damage I
was done to the Furrow. ling property.
Tin Mc:cr. - in.—We are indented to Mr. O. W.
Bums, No. 13, Federal street. Pittsburgh. for the
second nutitherfer the present year, of this in.
teresting magazine fur children. It is ably ed. i N
ited by the Rev. Roofings Weld.
thrumAr Rennunr.—We learn that a coun
tryman FR, knocked down on Saturday evening,
on the wharf, and robbed small amount of
money. He was
cowardly r.seailanto,
t~rIaLAST.—Slur 1
festival for the ban
siltation, will take
Hall, and we trust
m attendance.
liEw Fuss Omit. - from the Ameri
can that a new post other, called Monroeville,
Joel Monroe, Esq., post master. 100 been estnb. •
limbed iu Allegheny crony
The poet •oflict of Moss.
tinned, Inui teen re-es tabh
Esq„ has, been res!Appoiute
PIat..ANT Prill.lC .
Leld.iu the pilblic•!.lchool
for . the purpire of taking
renewal of a charter for
Monougahela, nt Birming
0. 1001 1
. et former
On motion, it
Benlent, Thnt n Comm'
pointed to take tha !untie,
'a memorial to the Legi
850 head
The following named m
ed on said Committee:—Nl
Samuel McKee, Jo4eph N
Nl'Elroy, 0. ()Trashy, .1.
pleton, and Wolfe.
On motion, tlkerneeting
N. V.
W. Stunts, Seeretary.
gun , -
Tar Tax Horn L.
the Legislature from MI
preeente4 petitions mime ,
operatireS in our COMM
the repeil of the ten floor
of_late so injurious to the
name thnt if this law is
will at oure go into opera
which cuifortnuately
the oPeratiec.s, will Le ren
r ed
sale of
.iet at 7 ®
th Rates of
Sales of
. Oats are
and, and
. , Sales
dne Thlo.
for o'ltt And
,ew Ohio is
Nl l 'l'll E FARMERS' Ol'lll.E. -
1 1- . X. kii i ;Ui ' ..o l i tf.. t ." 4 .l% l -1 i t tii ` .. Y :;:oi- N l•Ullu th s ' i l l tii" n t . :.'iy t ll7...
ant n'arksoo.l'A Itaowur, In muldltion *r to ' •111;11
.the, have re,....utly eothmenr e d the pubhcaflon of a valua.
Id, Anri,ulLand arnro. caller tin - Fann er,. tinl.le to Sri.
It title and Pthrand Ay - rtratiture ' 1).) Ifeur ht
F. . 0.. of F.iltill , nrolo. otsthcl, of ale "D.* o tit , . F ore,
a,. te, :ow.i.dett to. John P. Norton. 51 A., ;ow nren.
Prrfe...or of frier:lloe A 0 rirultnre In Yale Colle,, to
Thh. lihrial,..valththle wort: sin tocagd - 1, two ter, , tort'
octavo ,It nn,. rontainion over 1.1.00
.ing , ' , ..lth . or ~)
.pletulld 'ter! f i ngravinor. and own. than .fia• enntntingil
on V , . in the hhthe,t rt, le of it. Illuatralitur Amon
y implement Of huaf.ntelrT now In tow 01 the IWO far
m., the beet method of pion tow. finotluq, uMlttli har ,
eAttu... te. hr.. Ulf farina. dr-m, - ticaninmo, to then Ititth •
rat prrfortinrc In thort. the pletortal future id the hoof 111
• ni
de uiur
of ,
nmi and
nt will
rftd , r it td Innueuluble lathe to th.• !tn
. nt
TRW/AU:cut: NI , 0 young ins° of : The n,-d: 1- twitut T ohro.bni hi ..emt.thAtithl i r Nutel , r,
Allegheny City t ' Quincy Ifni!, on . rsii.itir-rsg`t h i l tv'T. s."i 7i i.l'it7. l s l tt:::ii'Zse l T.7-ii`inno.- min t.
Saturday evening h l us, am 1. in let. two t,• two.
in n' m of formin g °l. The I:riilt f..l.fra r , puli::ed are so follo.rr, viz:
a temperance sort .
burghnon Quarterly Itrthw (Con..errott,e, the Mu.
OU motion, the tchnnan was op- 1 Herter iWltir: the North IlrillAh liorirw (free
. fbittehn'the Wetthainfter llerh... (Lawn!), and Black.
pointed Chairman, au A. Shinn, DN., wood, i..lini•urph Magnslite (Ten:).
' Althon.h the, wurfe arr ill•thl,kl.lle,l l.r the political
Secretary. • I Pilnlif i li ohm, hnlient.d, ret hut a unall porthea of their
- The Chairman ,-.......--oject of the meeting. 1 7 , c ... c0t4p , ,, ;p ... .vet51 , 10 i s .iltosit s i ibi s i c ts. It it eistr li n ter:try
all which it was unanimously resolved, ' ths t -''sisca i•'4%s m si.."'..",ria, i alice' .i l 'oi'it-O's n ii i . of tsar
That a Committee of three be appointed by the :), , 5;; ; ,,,,t ; : ,,, +;,41 . ,1, ./I
. :7! , - - r, tio
„ load7f.! ! . 5 0idn0..... 1
mceting t.. 6 prepare a Cone notion and Bye Laws ,O • 4,i. IgT.,',4l4'4';',,'it i r lsi i i. o '. l ';•;.',;;:ii,;',.:,.,-ai ' u t',. ; :,ti
fur the regulation of the S eiety, to report at the 4 I ,i i ;llin . ranit ethvrJit , TirY/n4 l de, Written lig non lmm
e al a i Pr: avomnev in it , Moon , . 4 4, th la ars , M
next meeting. I tioulsoo lel,. relleo Sh.,t7. Plhil rr . , s , ,' - itti , 111/
This motion was re-cons tiered, and it was : 1 ::t1, r1' . ,. ... r ra •ir'; Status yvi, • ; 5, , y ; ;11 , 2,i
Resolved, That the pre ode motion be re,cou ' iihivt, nomerono drat editroon am itsoiti b; . tio• 1 1...1. 4
sidered, and the number tvitituting the ~om- 4 ;
-4 ; ttp t :t . ,” l i n th1i• i f . ;.0 . 0 ... t . 1 - , 4 , ..ple,:ztilt n t . n r ot i t t te n. =
mitten be enlarged to five .ersons. ' flatted by fle.are. fridt A en.. n , that mul.wrilere to the
Meagre. Smith, Schoyer Douglas', !ruin. and . Lirtf::: i ii,2l , = , ,baijli , V ,4- ai , /ter on hay , . the
3lyers were appointeil me bars of mid commit- 1 . Irgitg,
tee. ' 1 For any one et the four Itrmiew. per annum S.l AO
1 For any two do dd h 011
It was then, ; Eor any thn-e. du do 7 101
Resolved, Vint a cam '[ tee of tikica I.C• PP - i V"; fiiii:asiersi7,4"..evios.. 411 li tal
do 3 to
pointed to draft a series o resolutions expre,ho. 1 for liblikno.i and the three Review, do 0 fat
Ire of the sense of Vie m ting on the genentl for /11;.eirwood and the four Herten, do 10 00
For Firtners . Guide (mropirte in =No..) 5 tal
<potation. , •I , , „fa) ntrnt to la, finale in all non.. In advone...
On motion. Messrs. Scboyer. Irwin and Smith --. etuntnall.
. dirconnt of twent3 fire per cent from the abort. prim
were appolutni raid comm tree. , will be 'dinned to club! , onlering four or Int,re mi. , . aims
... one or more of the aluve workr. Than, 4
In of Mark-
During the absence of the committee, eilr. „,,,.,,, , of , n „..,,,,,,, „;;; ~,,, ~,.n „ . nn , .1,,, ,t.,,, r,,,
Thornton A. Shinn WWI C.ll 1 1414 (Or ro address , 4 envies of the (ma Itefiew• and Marl:wood roe to t . mai ,
so co.
with which request he eons lied. • enures frnut Haim mu./ he toot dlreet to the puhlt.hrre,
Tber.committee having hinted, presented the i ve,', 4 j,71!),!,,! . T.F21% 1 1.„ - e x;',.. ,— ,:„,, -- 211 1 „ 1 .,","JA7 r 0 5 n.,?,4
following preamble and r loft, Witifit were, 011 i re . d .. ,,,'',;;F.'" '` ' "'-- ..` - ' r -t " ---T. ,—,"
motion, received, and the committee was dis- I dr n4 4 l . fil•Mf . ef PO ~g ill, r Pp , ..1 , i !- 4-as. 4
last c.4.10r Iron r .jo On I dldl Itr.
barged: , ; sh : sop Kiln . e P .
C Wherine, In accordance with a recommenda- ; . .._ t •I) 'citoß elr-] ~;.,:,- 1 .;;I/X.
_coiesov!.!!nots telcrs
Mon proposed by 'Mr. Job. D. Gough, for the'
',organization of a •• Your. Men's Temperance
l eeciety,''. to be composes] A' the Young Men of
Allegheny City; and vici ity, your committee
' helleyingthat each an o nization would exert
a - salutr,4 jkluence by th united action of all
those who axe fixvip.ble t , this cease; and be
lieving that. it wonlei hi? tins mo ons °I ' more
closely connecting the ties ;riot i 444 voung men
together, and by their e ample ;aid pv,..;ey4
would encourage each oth r to resist the temp
gam which are seen no to lie more strongly
ttlop pi et held out for 'their debasement'
County Temperonce Com
niternomr, nt two o'dock,
terinn Church. rittrhurgil
will he very interesting• •
. of Rio at
th toles of
soles of
the city, are unmivally lu
The morality of r
lee ntsB 42
Sales 7
sides At 6
the market
~•olaeaes are
a 81 for the
'l, for • ule
. neighed, VW s! Iv4e
se an evil vbiotA dergan4i
operation of Om friefuls of
Resolved. pult sue cffoi
in npreatling the principle's
. .
In this community.
Resolved, That. wo orgs
purpose of disco sing the
suppr . essing the Nice :to4
prine!plis rt.fonn. •
On motion it was . .
Respired, That the meet tig eudorse the sett- 1
sacra stleanced itt the foregsiug prescalile :
.g iv icauti66. owl adopt e estite, artiste by
.... i
• On' motion .Ift, e t ., , .
lienelce.l, That the a . 7 ,,..;.4. i i ..etiog
be pitblinbed in the Allegheny 'Duly Lttee,.iiirig,
owl Temperance Gem, alnkslch Other letperl ho
are hjendly to the mute.e.
On motion it Noc
Resolved. That • (!ornteittre of n„ . 1,
pointed to tlYretit On Mr. Joltu IS. Gough,' end
request him to deliver an address LePsr
"The Young Men's Temperance Soceity or Al
legheny City Mesors. Douglass, Shinn; Hmith,
Cooper, and Schoyer, were oppointed maid cOl/1-
Tlio meeting then najourneJ, to re-notemble
in Quincy 114 on Miley night, February , lith
hns. Pickens ha, published a new edition of
•Ainerienn Notes:" iu n preface to which he
he is still of the sonic opihinn in regard to
iews of life in the United liintes, and inde
lyntly asserts that he hoe borne the ill °plo
d their citizens eight years, and can do so
t more, and longer if necesrary.—Like Maw
.. he lures to he Inisemble.
ILEXLEX. W. FOSTER, Attorney nnd Conte.
. \C.
IC4 Fourtl.
N' THE ORPHANS' COURT of Allegheny
C.unty. of Ihrrfal7rx . trym .t.?:c.—
the mailer of portaina 01 - 11 m. E.
PYuwvß late of Flltalwlla
Alleghmy corrnty,
• .
injured .
rind his I
eiy escaped.
11.6. Ctlter,oa rs &nob Pi:llene%
; 2i411 , M9 !rand. l'•Ilet tun. Joy.. Patter
ge:Vi to iss a ir.loor, Thumb'. 11.,..11F1uta. end Sand.
I 1 17 . 441 wile.. minor, It illtam Pallet:Am,
I Patterus. Amanda Patter...floe
atm C
I. Patteraoti. curl earth Hell Point..
I. h .g;
, Notk , _here. Vittda to the alum mailed rattle, that
or flirt.... 61 the White Roventogoil 91111 of pariahs. an in.
que,l ts talso .ml 14.1.1 hied. s oul thertin
Jean-N.l, in .11: one ....Mitt met. saer soul tnrt land
anaL. in I:liftalwth rultip. In raid, moot,. talttAultta
or Julat Julat lituaan. Jabs. AlrKell,
Iltuderarn..llflmel Hurling Jan. 31eKniahi.
anti hes,. uf 1 1 . ter 1 , 111. .0, sattaiulna stoat 10)
ast, .ith apPuttrnamee: oleo co: other mutant
and Inn of land gituate in otid tutto , itip
• VJL.ala•th. bounded 1,1 laud.. of Jan,. Ilehnlaht. Thom.
• l'alters.•al:l the !Art ttf Pot, Pattt.r•on. containing
si,olit 1.3 got. l oll .h the r.t.purtettnutee.oo the bth th, ot
, Moat. A. 1 , P. at 10 o ..1 li.rumso, U., the
Ma 1.... of Soltant: tniftilinn or toloalloin
of cid Wail eclat.. GA 1111th. coin rityy 111.1.nt onion
9 Pitt:torah, Jots /4,
.49 SlT , Ri:er, PI; Tnlritalf.
l'. jigt nyeirl :rind ../.0.4 7,,, /
ofon. (rota the leo.. Mita...nova.) nininrioo a part
of evcry itait lc nnlir &tot handy/no, for nfillug and
i 9 inniner wito. Elie niciornincilt oi
rota,. 1, t .11,41.11 y
ritil ',rind. nosh in :ill. oz. anif rvam4 h.
epr . ./1, 0
L I It atotallett tat. any .ollier egaa at U
ia thot
• ' lia r : 4 " ,le ht ti ‘ f . g ', ...ll. l .;•Zartrr " : ' ...rulapted
tate... loofa mod Pants. 'Sumust of ever, degertpllon.
purl ~ rustle. Caglauertar. !taken - U.o.g. Drop El.,
le Ilig•ontics paoa
.k ~II fosclilr minuet. with a, clink of itsalg opeotgl hemtoton. to Platmorsh.
,Ir.J . t 1 tarn astrtn 99,1 tag. at , .utter.
will 01.41. an ample t heft 0..04 .1. um, favor thlg
...Mb/ rah theft
° r
las., they rill AA....
111 1 . 10 n ntio Tuve tried NAIL I would fur.
thee 'tat, that 1..11 furnigh waal atol
lower ma eau le f.,otot to the Lutrito totaLet. taut ta much
lower ptieett.
A have:tat actor:al tosottment of ready b um a clothing
I% tut liana. matte m the pma.nt jathloug, priglthr
nek and IDA, of idle made
Frrlich. Luall.S. and Amertean , Clothg. of faelusaa.
he Pansalo-tn. ..•ery &receipt...a,
pluo and
faur. 1.1 the 0at...1 Is Sloth.. Natio. and
mN.r Vt... of the la•.t :attn. awl ell o r plaln
amt Mara , iitre. Catlant re. ar. and other la
st-11g to lb. All No. It,
are r 11111 to 1, eat ad mach. Ina ittoui autkuttailike
,nyle. got .1,
ellll. toh.
a.....1.1,10.1emt1e ptattia..erg .111 hod We Hoe/. at Itt a Ps , *
deeitaLlt. on.. In neleet a viten!. anti beautiful auestment.
Inst. I rostrli,att I P. DELANLV.
• • - • • - - -
TilT Pi rrserwou
recollect that the
ruly charitable in•_
'ening. at Wilkins',
can do so will he
ide, recent]; tlLicon
5.111t.1,.:nd A. Attlee.
• .1,1 mast c:.
'0711'1 , , a snertivn. Fan
ouse. in Isiriningluun,
tan enr.sHesation, the
a Bridge, across 'the ;
e of Tirelre 11 . e op.
charge, teal draft
ure to procure the
promo Were pppuird
11F. Eaton, I trin,ri,
Aranhum, IL E. Ap-
ajoulued. •
.TEItSk).S. Prelit
Several. member, of
gheny c..anty, have
ply signea by the
acharie,, praying tot
taw, which hAs been
r intererts. We pre
natal, all our male
ion. and the distress
among a number of
--The Allegheny
lion, will meet thi4
the Second Pre,b3-
A 8 the proceeding
large attendunce ft,
Ice offices all Through
ren of liwral
eem+ to he .41;14
t .1./10
- - --.
,' 1011LUE SMALTS-1 case for 11/110 bV
1.11 lee ' J. SCHOU:V/IAF ill ICO
It Et'' , SUGARS-,2obss d. reed large load
JL Hal ba d • nuall lent
• . 210 do crushol.
. .
170 do powdered:
30 do a.m.', tostore and
fbr Pale Or JAS. A. HUTCHISON a (X/
1323 .1 at. Pt. I.IIY soar IlefinerY•
I OAF SUG.III-30 brim for sale by
0 .21 (VOLIt/WM.IO .t (XI.
r. 11 %. IC SEND' S ESS. GINGER;
Ito/devoid/I We tar... l -drilla'
iulla Saraparilla. fed , nle 1 0 11 E. FELLERS,
0 03 57 ....1 et
10101VDER -154 kegs blasting, for aide by
1. .1..1, .l. 0. B. I , l•lYDAtound Cbufell
it - Do' Arill--e ea , ks jolt reed for safe Joy
i 1.4
. . ~
14 400t , oiAtk: 41)4 pprpfp
. 2 }cF.• -Irait,el Tr .4,F .
'1 Ipp• 1.014.0
I...)4 P ir e- 4 1 :4110"tittr" '''''''
ii '''. • 1012 dr '
'4O dffeolj 11rL020.,
700 d 14.1,11004 tanned Far 'malt,:
pm 10 1= 21,1114, and 121 Vlrst *H. 1
• - --- --- -
4 n KEGSti Twist Tolatetal ;
It i ~, hal, Tan., 1-'• 001 -
ZOO lour, Pritar 1.11.,..0e : For min 1. 3 ,
100 70 - JAS.. HALZEL. 10 Water M.
4 ,
. 1 u s ll i t iEs_- 150 bags Rio Coffee;
0 10 tark J e O. It Tea;
10 do 001cLoue dol
120 Latta toaoutactureo &ad bat:
Or te.kasldtreo Col& 1 arldell I
1001011 DICE!;)' 0 lA,
Water and Fn./ Have,
ve i Intemperance
I . ininie(fiate
Tetnr?!/CP lc , 4NR-
401 be Nucrugq3
I Tutql Abitinencv
ze a society fee: the
htferent metlioo of
r disAeminatiag the
CASES Cal . aitudts
1/ - 2n.1.1 lii Flannels; For ..k err •
P .
Aor t. • , .1224 J. 243100 N MA IC EH • (XI
g k LIVE 011,--101114kelP ka a* by
J. WII.b/b;blAlikl2 CCO
IVtI W cifOIiCASTOR OIL— In brls
.01 morised .nl.• 1,, 0. 9. S9LL.F.OO.
ibbb d •
LO AF SLGAIR--10010-0:ra; aced numbes
b y• 26 2101.1111121Xl Jr
P• I
1,7 A 0.. plowiral dOlionary Houton t4.tAbdijrn=l,ti
11,411. L, ft, olitnrofti tl
ottoturitnOillrn . -4
Iliad limn= Alain cawsn reek and !Waldo hicyorophy
sod Nlytholo b ty, ndirod. with 13111.1 , 11. , COMairo .2. nod
additious. ehati, Antkon. it„. Of Liv
Rt.lte.,,...„'w=Lt ur by MA "...IT. t..narhy , Vothtond Southey. at. A.. Co
roto of Pluto hionth eatutorLitot. Full lnotrol elth. with
Lstea at the quorums( .a.avalaral. and Enalloh Prllprly,rl
contwelnd With the ri.eal *merman. or Urtet Brttath, by
laue.r arkt land. math., of the 'Wet a of the Queensot
kaglarel. rut. I
rhe or hatellatull it. Bawer: an aittlreta
. r a n lin th,hr,alta , ar Ilehttele. j„,ll . 3letlttewtar eeentuth
z . •
A ,7.1 1 :T0N. AO. 4 . 1 arket M.
Am'& o ronr.l
prio FORTES—JoIt .v IL ...---
• 3,.... No. PI W,4llqteet, ha. rrertfto
1 awl Mlli atam Ina Mir, I, Imp. 4.1 .411 1
$44,14:1 mark of a, bhi. a.,‘atat ...taro. Pt
talf.rt,:. fr4rts Ow manathrtorw of Chlearrl4ll.l7o4.o l t°
arhhh la• 111V1.4 the attention of purchasera. Thee. Aga
Z7o77,l,t.e'f'n:nabirrra'th nt
r h rial. ' llial d gf;lrr ' lr '''''' =
U4l ii 214114 tal,u ili Van rayment .t
thelr ' filt value.
trt asr Ow rah. of ehlekariahra P1a....1,1r y.:1 1 .,:e n '...,
un.l Amnon Ilkyraphy. kl4th o m t aLdr i l::
man Diograttlo and 313 ILok,r)- By 010111,. L. 1.. D.
Liss. .4 lb... Neel, nf e..dleal and Engl6b Frincss's ,
Dy Alan.. Lif • Strickland. Vnl
and Corresnrindrunr of B. iteurthry. lilltrd by
It,. 1 3.C. Ynuthe,, L. A 1 ny.L.
The Deellue of l'oper3,
(:woos.. Addis. dr
ill-. rid h. In. linudutu, Tubsroncic. u. 11"..d...1ny oven
m4..lau.tnr% 11 I+sl. by Hrs. N. Mori., D. D.
JuA nsrltrd nod for Ws by IL HOPKINS.
, Apollo lin o.lin3nn Fourth K.
NEW 3113SIC—
relPbrsted dnstt Dna tr:'s,i , ..r4
' 2llTl ' ; ' ;. ' l‘ ..l 4 ' illl2ll . blT3l I lirntl . : .
by 'nos. Ly S ' Fades.
Fwnstly nri (Mr. by C. toKtr.
IA off, 6.4 band of mit,
• • o
Come Ista:Jorm.loo. or 'Prom ,
Wt. mut- be how; rt: from Danghtoro of St Una-
Orv.n Darin!. A fAVOFILA voll
Thou hnn AMA n. 1.41 the Noit..ll.l:at lorml tts.
14n In,it. dn't cool •"•kt . 't Alko•
Nano. Polka. hl F. U. rooter.
.. . .
The 4,4441etant4441 Volk, lINNer4.
1....tn0t awl .1. ,
- I ,
r.:/ (2 IN4ltilh- b• 11,. Ern44.l. , Fprlthy Polka.
~, -2 , . 1. ‘, 111. II 11Lir . ...11114 r Chlt Chat Polka.
I H. ' PNIt N. 114,14441 . 4 r 44 1 4 4411.1.
1,2,4 oaNdrill.--r,r. NN...tud MU, • -
N , *1.1t144.161144.. lin44oN-I 1 4 r411,4. AllechNny C44.11114m..
A n€ a ...Minn el IlliutoN 4 Id:triuthy. PT Ihnnn, with
.1x 4,1411tir,1 N.., . 441 n..- 1..N.N..
Clark's ca444rhi•44N La thN linen.
. 4 I largo 1...r144 IT2turr. ' Ilrerlced helot hr
JOHN 11. ULM, W. NI WrNmirt.
N.1:4-4 Tvry lar,.. Atork or Tr* s'iNuem irrHION. and
mil] IN. oiNy Cr 444.41 N thiN Nerl4. 1001
ry De ITOLMF,S -
IA Lltcrupot, Ild Nt
ol rryl. opmdto
the 1 4 trit 0114Nr: .
Myr) Ntu. atm: • Jacul.ll, 44,44 4f thi•
RNign of Geor, 1. I 4 ILI.. 1:.., ,- J.L.N.,
Th 4. Duch..., 4. or II oattasix L 1:4441 II 4,4unteN.lltitr—o
S ll hanoundahn MT I. By Myr. z.authaa.h.
Oliva: aum el. Ity tla• author (ralhek...^
It:Ill:wart-, a Tide Int Sl•trhtla and I.43u:three. Di
Orata. . .
• • .
llothrr • ltartirrnp«. Ilr
Ilaiskt Mhaarit.• 6 Januar,. •
Whig Almanoc for 1,1.
. ..
. .
1 1..7 .,. 11!ine? Lii,rtrr lorv4. Thai .tr,t, or,..siy,lg.
;,-.1,'• 1.10 , limit -( February, .
lir,11:1111 ., 11itt.,11.0 'tio
Huamordalo, 3 hew vorrl. by Mrs Ata.el.y.4
a tab. for mother+ no I daughter. BY
Oran. Auullar.
31..,. H, l' H' v rr.vl Ito Rnmr Ivllvenr,'.
7 iliil•: • onr• 1. 111 tnn v011,,r rf ^'ll'l , I/ilrlw
h 1• \r .34 Ahnvum 1.. r lh,l.
5..1 oftN n,„ I li.mrn.nd M3tlan.(3l w.FrIT
3nl• - I „ ru11' t I•Jilb•.. en:r pn).il+nM. j. 15
New Bockiis,;just received:
Tlhnlle of the Bible ; he I klnge !Tani
'. lan. I val. 12.,
it,., (I!lrndarf; Awing pr“ArryAr, exhilition Ma
Crninuoar drrigia..l int lwAinner. OrrwL atui a, a
lawk ci ..srn.r., for arl'eallegvs. 111 Aaalarl C.
iirnlrirsk. I 12nw. yaw.
The I . 4. , Uth , Carnnel: Ili:gill:nuId. 1 toilginn
Cilfllllll land ennui, -mac n. Marla J. 3lnitntovb.
vni ma,
51“-ilanir/ 10.3auvra' icurgai. nr.t
twr ,h 4 rrreit
hh40.4, Enchvez:lng.
41,1(.Tea1. 111., K. HOPKINS..
n!piou. anti rriGral Enzli.h - L,tenn. Inun.l.l
the turon.r l.alul, tiVElliall Ltraiatrol..l Dr. irili.ll6l bretttoL
ItL oiLtillon• awl cotrecalno. fn. thr L•xient, of tirster.
lan-144,4U, Mwrller. Gem... by F. A. Awlrea 4. L. L L.
to.tAb um. cr 1,0111, belt, the verporukl tzar.
ram, awl vA.lnit• I.trnkl thrldtgb the liandirich
rind otto nf PoirorslL Err. Henry
T Ch.rver author of - 111.1. anti hi4Caviors^ With
l'n• mama, trrolfrorr •wqnrltse Ina 1...—.
Pi Aguilar Itr".l..tslatult.n., •a IN. 47 Sl•rirrt ir
It. A
Chrnuldr.l,.. haul American cop,.
Pao, and qualltirslaled and ydaln. laue
Blank lioAk• of err ry 1 , -riptali.. hand made Iv
..rrd..l at ILOrire.
tqat4..11.11-1:11.:lid, Er,urh and , Ain.lran. Uncy .44.1
qi•da .151 - .11, I.) W.:K.II:N t.tzer.
)11. Raz hrt , C , ,,ruer M it z
i.. 1 .
inociK AND 3.8 PftrkTisti —Every ,1,...
s-ripti,-. ,4 LI gni. Cham.rrigd. Stnuatvga.ecdd it..l
.all )0,01 Itie.ttuv....xceuted at ,lionontfe. Ltd It. Mr
La UMW. II `LA .... "V e. 11 .4 - v - 6-`i -
I=raif„. - s - .; t t.:1;r e
.4: ;;:i.Ferzy.
TA 'PION EltY ll'. v
1,7 r•ev.ou.l and Ilatlet St,. I. lor Mir as large end fit.
Wet. im,rawnt of Me., stutluberr me bee veer been
In 1.1 u• market. 31erebasalm enl.Pbeel
erhele MI" the tn. 1,1.01,nta r..IN
l'aoket, Ckannti•reial Mid
Qultrtn rost awl Inl l'xper. • all qua.
bt.N. rOlrct [Jot plain. Woe and rale liberal
I. /*le 1 . HAI El'.9
II It lb. Golden
11. KLKIILIt now rerehint• a f
o r made Is, tt , eta..
'Nen Vert, anutoe them.
e l f orle,r canal Piano
xt the ruhe,t denriptlou eJf estet p • Inn It la awl.
Indhe Ilnenea.tyle, 'II' ogue In the •Inn 01 Untie XIV and
V. A I+, • or fa•bl..tuble m e nhir an txten•lire w and of Bra?. Instrument, Vielm*.
Slelolvers. and ever, ea. ii of lattsintl m.rrbo.u.
N PA, BOOKS.-- 11 umbiill'a new Work,
or rkketen of e 4 . 01 d ,,, lirtirn lb.
Z , lllll , re , ,elebe• If the /
IV.I. I .4 I:: mr,
I3.Trpre 11 , nanjee end Engtnerfs' Dielloustry, 21,1 No.
_ .
11113BERT', 1100 AN AKU
THOMPSON'S. [Ma lierriAnu 0 7tl.rt, Hod, I , aritt
aIW Carrauto /Lk,
tiontuit'. Itrootroen anui Laae4utie.
i lotV13 1 117r0::1:41prip. Prolth,
Ltrt orlfr r. Lomon'u. and other rnenufortnres of slur!
Peut:l4. 4 Swtitlis (uiroutuor in A. Harley k en)
euluhretol 11014 pith m• , 10 4nti owe,
bPhaularttnan, tatcloh 144wripg p4purz—lintmOien, &mt.
Ms slept:en, Atte, oolumbh.r. tofu: tortil, rut sISPLI cro.
Hrinol honl, cop, Amy atut medium.
Purfortattl toonl. bttv tutper, Oran 14 , 41.0 riireti
rutboottu.l gold. liiror mot tamer colored, Nper. cold 444
enlooolollll, and rurnert. and filluxtrer ht. far Mtn' boxe4.
rreonn-d larriournt of nil onitahle fur deed. rhert..
or. nrul ,holoma. I mush note paper. alwaya oh 1.44, the
nowt tivointhlu At OM 44.4 end pattern& islaie.Ptit, rttthuet
nol And Altered. notable fur Wile. portlts, treldincs nnol
mourning. .
in.nh was. condor., Alain and nub, 514; renssb
oKa. brnwh. white und IA or. had and ohtin atllwaire
..l bull. Also
01 nen,. .‘rious iattrnAn wriline rand; brass
tin. nava and Turk.. buss, 0d.,106 An . wws
ink., brusher. Aron.. aml E rowg. b
tmllsh inunks, and ..11
opa r. 1 1 51 0.` Aairi_of nsl and addle, patent _
H. guano., nr.
MW fan., loseihrs. tosnameol ol
blank Isloks and
los.ksj nr all nmmon forms
ndin,. .{) to I.lmlitur. hud paper of all sins.
tool quullik.s. fur f:J.. ndurrd rates. the most remm..
adds Irt ms, nt . Z> • W. 1.. 11)1VEN . :.
blank BOOk and Statinnrry Warrlmuss,
nolo emus, of Market.and Sonund rtn-etr.
VV OW IS Till': Ti3iE. MAGAZINES 10!1
1, 0. 'a , 11P1•111 , 14.Iary Pelvi s I . 4lnreftts.l,o4..
r tkird.l 4 2.7'. 'Ark .. •20
rru n niTo4l 7 a . . r VT .
Knwksrfawarr Slammitsr 011
Annsican Whig Ilsriew Cif/ it OU
Eelectie Maynalor do ft OU
Mrs. Ellis' )Moraine do 6OA
lime,: Magazin.. In 300
Gude,'s )kook .10 2
firubasn's %Laszlo.- ........ do 2Sn
Kart/tin. Magazine . - ....... 11., 2 111
internationnl Magazin, ....... du 301
Magazine do 3 OA
Horticulturist ........... .1.. nu
Cultivator do I
Lisfeln. Llyinkr Ago do 00
fiberay number of there
La bill
will hello first
num of the new 1 / 1 1h110, a w ! bill he Ile beat errr,
nbola ma s cv.llM., will t. drl'• • fn.. of yert
toy cam, being quite • ear th s I: arne l sulaea ' ritdsir
2q rtork f nap arrest
. .coraza
vrne, ultn!ole Flt!t..!no anJ Now
1F vt
t4.AIul) ,4go, 1: ie
QTANPISIT, 711 E ITIMAN, a Tale 74
t t trtf'24 P4 ll;
J.'84,11. A P i t chP; Pr ,
kt.itTk, Tte lIL, , tl chit ry and 1 1 .4:MAT
lia•trab. t,) By lelrlf
The obm, Irrrkt lot vale by . It 0. N/UChION,
booklller a2.l.l.lJarirr.
1•10 Corner rner WIN od Thsnl Stok
\Walla MA PR—Peltun's splendid Out
We Nam, lot tom In fat:an/h. ran mutt: ..*:111.774
and re
enculultterf In WI szol,suune than.
No. I-3lap r.f the lleotern Iletolriduu. 02 ..N2
" .INoSom d
5 t h"
Ameneu, do a Ca
4 do (Wind it'd, • dO1 t)
lb kurope. ;0-4 AZ
Jo An, ;U A 70
do S. Ara rim A Atnao,'
" eoo
Pri ' :
t 1 *d., tool, VU; or d : h t trwo
;hot , 3l n slllr Le I}}u.
o heounatenorlialid In nrnracy, hrettr ao
an h 0141.10
thf 'rein!! of thy lamer, .^frodlumr
. I . .ft . tn; eddl ' Ural of (no ill t"
Fid:WWl fp , '44 1 41 tuNA Hum. blunt.,
4' 4 301 Chi 14.144'
- • _ . . . .
Norrig and Willia'o Rome *Journal.
131.1.{4NILED errri Saturtirtv in New" York
•A Two WILY. a tar. tbl.w. to Oil
Coottnineu or Adyscr—Oltire ad the Iliwar &amid, be
i t meet- New
hi ntVe DeermLer 01. reco.—To all
whom it may mamma may mill() the! J. IL Ilatupe
is duly mall:lo6pH to art ite agent hr
by WLLM'y
.11001 Jarmo., and that reerlptaylyro by hita • la 000
moot far talli paper • ill he July acknowledged by OP 011,
o n of publhadiatt. and It rspreedy agreed and male,
.itUod. that all autortiptli. am payable owe vett la sib
we .v 1.1.• will nommen , int the I•d af.hiou•
Pubactiptiano melted he .1. ILdlohnea, Third newt.
to the N. 1.1 OM., 1101101$ k
r.P6 Pmph
°l' a etort
i tr
orp4piptelte t ra:t Oe
-1 ' olltr.lnctrti,e;lbeuti=r -- Tbe Welder: .
I 11:: .'Lll: . ..''r..t - ,11 . :.17;4:=. , :_,1ty, un- '4,qop,,f
nli---ati Yallel • . T .
•". .'
The Leda a n7dt ' r.; 1,1,4,...3 1 b -111 t
Lenart . pn n. ertint.t. Ay, Pr. nv.
1 , ygirtftPt i :4 14. It % . Ai. R.Yr4li.
0 11 , 1 , / W' U. a l.P Wnantr. On the Dorlinr of
, I'verrtantl•ar N,
Maw Journal. o 1 of crnr volume.
ISLttiCKE/LE.Le-c4:-'---- jag .
b; qr gtrlrrtirat..,.'.l:ll'
Water and e llorkt rre
VOR RENT-:-The kohl on Market et.. ern
A: or7pr by In Tteker 711,643 . :;mee k P nIT " 1.1
• 00
' Vietrag l i ' OCK. 4th.t.
TOR SALE OR „RENT—Eleven acre ,. WO}
1i l stykunr4l. 41.161,1 On turliplite. one Inn.. 'kW
:,,! , 11 1 . ?14=111e: wt.brlt aro elected • Rams'.
ktel: and ;11=114% t . T etrelet(f=
one b m e
e n v o m lo nq lr s uh Lando ,
rlt r ; h. nor in the Wake, Emoln. of
• 1114. YOUNG .1. C).tem:at?, l4l 1.11,rt1
Fr , ! m V . a , r i : ; l , 4) . u4r , sitt i aate , ; ; I
, lo t; E:14
(ruin Firrt. to tier:and otivrt. rnr0tt7;4%,41.0="
4. Ig suit Ole for anitufarturingerrto.
ad." Cur Palo tin. Louse and ins Wu- ":
OW n tht znmpleuratis port 01 tlw trwounn of Inr..
arr. fronting• lb,. bia=ottsl tot. ..lon Market strn4
240 fret. The . is well constrtserd for rorufort and
with no obtaidatire NPLIT at theiloor. Tlw
lot L. 'NPR qtlrea alit. choirs, (nut tr.,. and obroldwri.—
Thr abnes. Isslnstr is tory donna& n pliantst told
rate r,hisner. Also. port of Intot 147. la frt.( front.
nod WO feet boot. and Invina,L
Mild. }SUSAN
For r""h:'
OR RENT--A good irk stable on 7.7411
Strawberry Miry. betraccn ra.rt) sod snails Afr
at.prcvnt rarrafintect tluN4 retr-• ,,, cc.
rittoc..t.c could - he ..11,,IneAte to fintracdatoralra ci:ht
11, building heinglrargo orairrnlcntly
ar, .ultraL!e ram .ts.trage Ltcr
chants. Enottlro JAS. 310 \TOOTH.
• Ebt, • • N. Smiths 27 Sixth At
130:§ITIC'E s SALE--A. large nuniher of
Unildiou hetA In thn Irrable nituation, In the
bornfich Ilirrninwhatu. P.w.4rtnatKiatin slut worth
Phl•bur,rh. Olin.[ for rank. low and 011 raccFnantorbainu
Iturcrfin, luny Le had by annfication ID
aim BAI k ntis,ll4 Scenn.
0 Train AR, RD
fvr ta l c title tv-cfist.t dcr cat
l'cnn•ylrranla Anew... Fir t;rrafit .04 further mrtlembora
app! ,ra a l ums. (o_s
, . l_
ltEi\ T.—A warehouse situated on
1. Water .trret. between larket And Fen, •witablc fir
Pmlu`• Engalm .500LZELL:
fchl .
fOR RENT—The dwelling, house and
. 0rn . ..-lina , cnnulti, now omnplcil by
r, at the lora,' e f ornct. In tho 111.1fils ant..wwWwra
Per,n•wi.chine In Ind A Mcntraut free frrta .finolLe awl WI,
.fila 'yetrtwidc III: can Enal herr m a rt 1 , 14C1,
It Is within fificco rninun cf any hun.ness part 01
the. city. febt - ellf
17014 sent's lease, with meek
mid Briar,. of hat Conl.Stfirc. N0..2.41 Liberty rarreet.
I , ,rthor twirfictelrar, moult,. WOLdlar
Very Valuable City Property for Sale .
Mundersigned Adniiiiistrittors of the
...ha.. ritomar , Fnirman.lircrtuol. oder 00 rgle Le
real 4 , .i.ate the said Montag Fnirnnua.u.n/.61
.1 nor LMI3 0,4 Int nn Liberty glrerf. running hoelt
I,u fret alie,.the 41.111 .trodknown w the
Mgo.:gn gill, the gtoungs and Aside runnel-U.l.
frmil.nn .4 l'ittut alley. thirty threo 11,4 Ana inche,
Int , fronting on Cton allcy, gig plutatern
fret (mot. and running lurk •Isty 4.1 perkliel wit!. Plum
hirh pro,rt, broad tot rote o h
A 1,.. the 16,ris niferyg for rant. Apply 10
it'AIIIMAN. or
1:4 Liberty ot
• •
• -
).: 4 1 011 RENT—A. locautifully lotrattot Lot,
re.litAlntr.g A am,. ur ti,e Turtle
ithulk 11..: t.trt tart
Imitt.l for ...Ark..: gss Hen. 9 , tinnll:,
"'""- lifin7,l72`.'4llW'X'Zg!,,,, Lair.
(.I..tory,),Vourlit A, above Staillsllekt.
r 0 LEl . — The Store lit;ml, No. ',l. • ' Z.!
Ilpriust .4n rt, The heel le'atao tr IP , rite t , riiii
i,rr. ' rr l A ‘7,iritt ' . ' rill; in o ' 4l i'4.l‘ r '''4'.'i`P. 1011)N, .
jrolt RENT—AiI tit - at portiot; or my river
NA.. I vl. bets«,
riser.attilinrir and Iltruldeekle
elil Hook ti1L.1.4 OW minion...l 0, reintaln odonot
any Otr:, I.iartileh Will bp atuarbed 0 toll rtoe7. frame
hutmeytbutiesuileat etownellis: unileiniatb,anterrhord.
a Flab/fan.] learn. It la all Ina hinh elate talent:lran/AL
and arnilil la. S/Pii ealculatial fur dairy or wantaning imr
,..... tr. iwr um niiid aidilt mitre , he eonm'alla l e eli IT ,
e.....m.intled far laincety. act net). .WWilnetry. The!
faillillre fl. gettinri to =arta ..n. equal to • an) in tinli
enuntrr . 90 the rerupant will hare hie dicta., of Mr riser;
plank trued. o, tall timid Iliffita irenesinvelatle.n.
iar.r*Jat 601 .6 ii.w/i/SZ.
tnEA /. ESTATE FOR SALE--Tha under
-I}f woo. for raiz a lartie ...her ef l'ainalele
i I I 1 t 4
.0. nial you. ver) &Arable titre for =nut,.
Wrier. In the lleirouith .4 hinulnahani. ',a-v..1 near thr Iliehlie &N 2 , oral imillleh Lull...tau "me , -
Th. , rapid i n...iilh cf Ilinninatranin 4,4abilioll ..I
AnaglutioA wealth, and the reascruible pee. at which
hai ta
aoll he e.. 1.1. will rend, thew • *ate and pralitatilit in.
raanniall. Title iwifirt. tame farureildr.
oh! n i ' ,ll. ' wtl : ll l .l l 4; il'' t.i'l'nl:,4.ll'eZl'llita'll'lje‘t'ill'A',..A.tll
yarn , . tailawciigi , llll . aret
. Finirth rim... cr leftlilliaiii
I l i= ' ''4 ' IX T. " ' ' VOW tVelaAr " '
'•.... • . . .
II 1 .4.X.11. 1V Af:i:ItOUSE 'TO LET-,Tho•
l_i'icasiinieliunie Wait-two • Pia. :ill I,ll.e•rly .gnu...non
....MAW hi' Nell A LaWeaaa will tw xi wird, teith th. LJM.S
prirlkirew town the tat of Itarrb trot. Apply to
.la-lain - II )IRADY WILMA& nil /Gunn It 1
910 LET-One lionise and Loot pitunted or,z .
I on 11..J1, J etraet. werenth Ward. Int ternie. 6 :
ittelitaltil. 1.1171. f. a ell za.
*oil& 0.
1: , ..11.11..erti At
'OR SALE--Tbe tout...l : Theo - idler:. fur 5.0 I
l' wile a IRV, .04 crli Aullt tirirk flour with Are
or rriii of aniiiinl ell nal, il iin rib. Tung!. at re; i.e.ww .
Mat.withinthnee Lades ul ihleritr. Pnieraqun haven or
Oa lei id April twist. . •
. ,
. • .
gJ.InlJe tat. , (grot..l. mai I '
A 1... lot ..1.,,rtml .14 Pre 11 airlaen
In, the of Mr. A. 7w.1. flat 11. r mt. , - rvi...^lla
lb.anith Wra, r.n I'mrrrlanida .Irnme.
It I. bow ernaln Ibet the 111.k.11...1 rLLI 1 . riatiplme
F .S ltritMll2 P la!, a r 7lll .
aLir -
VOR NfokgAik—ine t
1 , 611,41 or Mt very J.slra.l , le Catintry Mr./. r.ip,
in or
itr. (11.1. Lanr
411.-qtuny Armor. Ire.;l . f the eirrimr.u. Tl, boo.. a
baron Girl/ ball.llnr. in rrrordrte ord. r. in a
ramie... tr...., %raid., sod_ r.l rater Olt Min yn•iin.l.,
b euri.prinel , ro even
r 1141.41.11 nnll- elm. • npr s t, botior atal
hrti. 'rut Jltll N 111:111fAllT.
1.22.11 f -
F of N
va cu , , s
~..t y
r c
. 1) welling rAlp
JA 11k6 PA ra, oi liavr
ZOR lilt ON l'E l'E T I I. LEASE
--1 vJI ...II frt ra.b. nr p-rvl.l b".., Olt Wt.
4o . ;,P, ' Ttit "
oanaini ny :" .ll h wrt): Coy-wm. ' ar..lAll,
' l ' l7 , 4 Wf. ' .. , ?ltln ' t7;•v ta go n iT;;ru " .ni?. ) tn n •:-21=!.
11 'Wr w7 " •
Th. Third Wan( l`tiLlir ,h,..lllourv.3rvi .41, on
whirh will rlther wpar.rlY
w..ther. In suit ptirrlt., , ir. The La 11U S.. wide on
Chrrr) ..ekl IAI h,:
Any )lditional root! 1.•
tenooa fair Imown,ns nrll
JOlth : , IFCAtEr.Y.
1.1,...111ard Infector, .1 e.U.L 5.1 31,7 k,
jaral Ist,
7 1 0 'LET—A large 3.61141.41 Houle wk
twrra of Land ait4at.r.l .t Oakland. ;grid 11A1101.. t CO. ......
O LET.—Thatresidence at
~...ntried b y the pabArrilk.r. t.n } " , k4
lei OnZn . ..burtts 13nr , a‘h of
Tn.' taupe I. lam. and mavon,nt. hx 12 ram., 2
ot rrllnrt 1111111,11,11 staid.. and .rartiave
ho m w.; ta,lll, with • line ••n1.1.. ernitainiatt , nolea
1.6, and trait Inc.. Tito ,11,1110.11 0.36711 Ir • 'ohm" gto
lei;lantganir"'" 7 " 9,‘CW. ry
Mattel att-rot.
FOR RENT-41 SAW :il ILL in Ent liirrning.
bons, w,ll pltuatrd f,i m Iniev , AISPAA:;: , ; A ran mi..
l; ' :I/IT:ta fr o; ' ,1:17 1 1 ," ;:ir, ,'I ln. " hi=t C . ilrn.. l •l ' 2 l i n:Vh
Pa' A iLrm of ,rAzv.
A1.......‘ , /lebt 11. for bA oikloA—elit) drp.
A1,.....veral grrAol ottani,. of t..r..lirlri Stour Inquire of
Ili hkaarr , ,.. K. 1.1111.1.111.. raw, IlinniAglaan.
"tit) -Threv Stimy 1)w••11ilog
•' Hoare. ?in 171 Wp lir anal tareleut wropio.l . EPf
by an 11. lama..., pb.l ronlnitplog ••••
dltikm moan nod kirben. Ilo• (apt rappr. ropm..l.
afrM 011 the Ipt of .11411. luquire of J. IL FLOVI,.
,210 14.1 mad
Two Storv.ltriek !100m% 7... , 1
A "'"'
RENT. iiirSture, 118 .51:tr+r
J •—Lit
'trent, the manta door from the miner nillarkrlES
m 'Abort y rAmrnnon Olen Ilia 14 of Matt
L '1,7,1; 4 . 4 1 pHir. or • ;ally
- _
C Lill TPw tititi
to very vonlent
I I.WELI.I 1101!SEr. rtrn4. •
awl nem la ,nnt INmanoo given ou ArA
11 A pril neAt.
to l,aw N. onr or more ,All., POW lone.
L.. tin and ova r th e Allegbrny tbr Muth 'Wan!. to . trst. A. 4 It 14 XIITON,
ldaltf or DENJ.AMA:AUTON, •
Fourth tuna Wocal.
'OR liENT.—The ort'
tire an• he res.!. vas
thrgt, well liol•lenl. routOetele furrilshest
STORE. on 314rket street, hetes,. 111n1 wort north
swltal.le for Dry Goods. ,•
Seseral moors in Poet Office Bulling, In th, etwoh.l nod
third etorlee.rtfltable for Artiste's Wow.. 4./frletr. h.
A large ehe worettlent DIVELIANti Itlf,liff lts bus:-
11.. PAR of the ells.
Puwwl ..f um furegolng eau Ise Oven on tke let Of
April next.
trtIALL STORE on root Itelt xxtiiiitif to the
g •Viiitl.q7:4l=r 4 rErro l igrii7. l ; 1 t4'
Mint ttorr . herrtouiro Oki I- •
t " ". W E; (34 - 7.7.AM.i 1 0411 / 4 '.' 04
istsl ! or to si.3rCOIMIC !I , TM I44 40107 .
"OPT .tvry.kralnu House
Itat4 , 4l . rp. o v
• r tjr72., 7,pY yto Cliflrtel t i, s:irra: a. co,
..sL . Lirerty stn..
LET, the Store Rime No. G 5 Mar- ti
Art oleo. twlleluloO the WS:dr and Jewelry's' . , .
W. Wile., rterutly oeruhled hy
NM. A. benlaust nod I..rettutunt
The , hems he its the most ertatt.rl awl hest larduets
rolutthe OA,. and well °dom.& fsw • Husking cud Es
chance Orate,
lusureoce trill., or a Wore. A rtleudid
~e ‘ e (root, with I:tuslvh Mae iiia , h adl Iv Fut he
is the weather
Vi n o
given tot the Len of Sebroltry. If root.l.
ErsOre of IV. It. 15114403,
Corner of 11.144 islet Fount, Arr..
F YOU USE BLACK TEA, ,Iloaa1511' 1 ,'"1*
a IlAunatu, In the Nano.). "11 the Le./ to , Or
Ulu yol. •).....:111Te fact. .1 4 1; 7s
ertorttrltnn will plow.
lino/ Atruun And 111.13,ant flavored . pu,
The }tat import, II loin the I.? Stmt.... 75e .1.1
Omen Tea. e.ttlatly ocil at tante'prh.n.
All Ter. at tilt. mt.thln.htuent atelt•ttiktlftoqfirn r The: s,Pr
in mono tnotalten. 140 p , up up
, two or turrt t y n.
yon tuiaLl mnr.ose Rat 664.11,, a... 011
4•91,111 buik.betothlnk
,-h lhnl Ten k•ep
0449 In p.trkawe k..,.
the nrisunal
a 7 11. K L o
It tak er Warm , . in P.CT1 A 2.411
t ri% ‘" l f l= " 4 . j r ' ilb u r i n ' VeT j u n iat; " ‘:l l
NrNas CLUtit uni ur York. U. K with tho,
nu bawl. farm the toa.t elegnot. rarl.ll.aptl rateLeve nrck
wver Otlvred 111 thi% rill •
Manus .Ahrnr. nun .plenaicl nrtire aohbinearred Piano,
wg. mile, will, the 1.4•. Ittlprolfeltletat of the Met
Arun, the lat..* owl covet Irotaartant bywnlyerobb to be
and only on Nunn. k Clack Nat, Abn, IRO tul+rrb
Attnalluetil Nano, , „
y. It—An e<l.n o lte tot oT .!;;ew caa*eing . I, 9bY
LI ;g1 `'" A I N h O!'7111117017E1 iteit;:ltlVT;A.
ej rnl
: ...7.4 1)G ,reu.12 }
ir4 r,
t 7. Rrlu+;tipder date d nened wp
S the
,Tat. l / 4 .gff
DvPtLt.Rhe nWh Miami gad laa4l by I 'IL E. MULKII2,
._L7 \Soul rt.
...truTtfrOtalataKrtlerally In The twoellleaantlvlrlnlty.
_, _____........_
- 1. 1 )1t LOFISVILLE.—The splen- thrtlre , 'h. h .0... W. •
WOODWATIID .11,:"...R1Z0ic
-1.1.....111 ft... Mt.
r 4,......."1XELLA.11). J. K,urt: L., ,, a - r.l I re AGALEr.
,i jp , 0 ,1 0 Omer, No. zn Market ht.. Ptil,ejetpb_ eL L e,e)
, t e rmaroler. rill Irmr Sr the *taro shed to..
i.era . r , r
, rortr . TornW. the 11th inst. e 4 eclat. r. , _
. t rht or teettage omit no Went. nr to I e... J. NAZI=
le MI 1. SLAMS JONV.S, Ag.t. 1 nc. Vets:hot/ .1. a- Ire,.m.
AEALD. BUCK.NOR fr. CO_ T 01,,,
~,..,...„. r .., L . ( . ../. txrU l.Si va.. Tp h . e w mp p. .l c e , .an d, i r d . A mt . . e n .„,,,„, 51,,,.1„, N o . 41N,,,, ir, g , ,‘„,,,,.
. n. 1J lihrtb Inure., l'hilattelphls.
* " 4 :!
, ce.mtuntaJor.,ll hurt. Fu dm &Wit and Inter.
'4"4' ""-P.. "" ‘4. ' " ' 444444., 4h4 42414 1...44 " ' 4P ' M- I\ii ERCER & ANTELO, aenrral L'ununis
, inn tr..i.Lt ..i. pernagr, am.te . te.,.rL nr .
IT I xicat 11rrehants, Pbtledelpitia. Mend' Mrs.,.
1. /di / . N EN TUN JONI:S_ Agr6t
nude OD conhtheuttrute a Preeltane gehrnill). rjeoeiede o .
I - 4 1 01: ST. Loris Am) ILLI(x - ns m-, : - -- ---
ii.i.V.`;.'ill - ;.'.t tr. he 4 . -"„b,;...reiik:-.4 : -=g-- - %
toodhate twit. Pall, Uhl hart., at to h.ort, I. it. .
F. tr.-4.h1 Pr t0..........epp1, . Lori. 1.11
volt LorisvlLLE—The +Tien- ---
tn; :oh.. NAN - It:ATM. llth. le•lhlin,_/,
I r 11 1e1.... for IL. elm. et.l all lute,. dialer ril t
1 gr i t...... 1. 1: obr ..1 fit . neat. Err: —.., ht . i.e.,. 3prt
. .
it ST. I.olltl--Tb, lan rutallna strigalor
..AAC \l,llx' il'. Captain Chnri,1,,,,,. w in. --... N..'
Imre. 6.. r thn ntrm.. ma Itarrta,Dato tn:rta. t.n I 1 :. day.
nt 4 l' NI.
he errLtstor Da... ,, , , . .1.0) . 0n hoard- r.LII
1 . 11131/ISSIZ rteataerlik.NlA A-Caa-W.ll[la -
}Par: f:- thr ahnit. anti Intertur-Late pa ,
nt,lloolla? - 21,111 hot.. at 10 A. al. ,
' I.or DI Iglit ,p.s..,..asnlY os Uwa. • .tan
thl• do), = I r It.
1.. r tr...y.:.t ,- ,, , avaPr..11 , 4 no board. Pill
izbriCINCINNATI ..t. ST. LOI'IS le r. ...
I Thr t rt.. ,t , arner J. Q. ADAM, 1..,... _._. - -a-mif
Llliiit.t. .111 Ir.m. rur n).vc rO4l Inr•-rrthuln , .^...,--.:
pa. ea,. ,lb in.t. nt lu I. It. •
l', r irrl:ht Ir ~...aTr. aPPIY (41 loutra. r. , 14
AND WEl.l,ll..l—Thr to- reamer
IVI:ILLE. D ra. SI.III, mater. vitt rlta4-.
VR'l 1!' 11;°11rr7` . 11;°`i...AIVI;tr-;17..,,-,.... ~,....'
....,,,, n --, s l, ; , ...zi.srrir , ~ •.30
. _
FOR N A SII VILLE—Th, fine fr , _.....
0t....m. , 71A ti MIM , IV.H, liam!ett. rannter... ..,/
i 1...,” tor thont...rrandlnt,mxligtr ',rt.. .....,
. - ...
1 , 0 R ZANESVILLE—The. line ..
..t..tmer I . , trr. trill leartiajWl
tor sin., • IbEi 1114I121ViiiA. (On, lid. riflurn , nn.
at . ririno.... -4'
For freight or 10 , 00. 00,4 on 10.00• i. 29
PACK F.T.—Tlir
0..010.1.0 , t DIURNAL. mar ,
ter. Imam ,000,010.7. Jur ionnlstr trt.vor kly. trip Letuovn
MI• till losolnTt 1 . 110 , 1,ur011 nt 10 o'cloek
rtery Worinoglor nod Friday, and roturofng.
Iroov. mot • Cue..lay, tburado. and ...atutday,
srrok For I Night or ~..raoo. apply nn boord..or to
roll A11)Iffr110:tti k Attont..
1113,1i)' ACK rt
ILLE PET.—Thc. ,ttior _
It. Ihdr. 00o:tor. 0111 IOTo
rltttborltli ottr;,Tburol., not tonunb.), rotors.
In. hot , . W..0.0111..,0, Mond, • W0dn0...10, 00 , 1 Fn.
C. B: HATCH •••5; CO., •,
AVE noly in storc,•and are constantly re..
o•oilm by Meuse.. thy soon extras. wort
ot litsitlemeo Fltrulxhime &kale. r beforo e ollenal,
yalirarlng the Isle. lost richest styloa s oferaxsts;
111.., DD.,. dusysoolyn, Under throne.. Loa..
Tips, Freak, Oiled Silks. tires/dog IltioelltOoilled4
oboubetr Pr... lawn C 011.., sill, a tail., of other ar
iilisr in their Rue of bust... ,All of which si ll
he ld tX. very Imre. lir... Our Unto., bind.iU Lot 1. .tra: LING AND riled to examine eine stork an
4 :40. till PACKET—Thy Let rtinolno 'h
wails" It Al, Capt.. It. Tom.. EXCLUSPirRIA' FANCY DRY GOODS.
nniMOOBE & CO 1
n .) nl • -
on. : A t (ORE.
'er; ThEir-ii, uto ries. for Striarenrilly. Lent
k,. . le, ...lot stis. of
betty,. rt. retorialno, lest. ti r ok,.. '
PDX elooh,ti Tueeday Iftermon, snit ouritoli •
err Frw, tree „ r which 11, offer In In en extremely 100 ;wk., mastic.
WII.EI No. ertalit. h.ral „11. , coui.t Tor CAM ITlmitiOd id out sa
MC , RooncY nod
Friths,. feta ace'rlsixt. trit.las"ol"!...ledyto/L".-,
•1/6*, t 11.1.4 101 l ribbon's fotroesurtmerit ' Prltel die
block tool adory,l crap.. crape lime, Whatnots, .oh.. 1
r ,„5 Ernsella lace, sylideire„ dithers, cap tato,
rtnlsr.rhani ri.1..0.1.pi 6.t ..A Luill 10
Um °worn. of 111...4...uter /r m. Nrwlr.a. bavl ollivr, I,
the ClEurlosuli and Pitlxbural) racket Mole, awl will leave
Im, Widnrnlir t .r. 0w,...) Ila• Nr , ... En. ,
..t N.. 2. I, (fright or Iturar_r. ..)% 1.m.n1. or la
sur.b U. )1. 31ILTI)N131.11111,11. Agrut.
\EI )t; L.l it W Intl, l'
WELL.VII.I.E P.* CH ET—Thr light
raught Ararat" All EN.VP. Kliper. nos
111Ifgrq11r. dry. Al edor•Jar..n.i. mn
Jar. Atml Paluttlar. ul T
For frOOT or ru uqr. upplY .0 1.4 N.
11F.C1,1:1.A. It PAC h:ET I'_ol1 1
110CIZINGPORT.—The Caw h
‘ Capt. r. Crala will k.ave 4.1 nborL
erry T , 11.3, It 4
Fur fr..l:da crpa*.lgg, .1 burl , or JoliNsTiri. Act
TR A NS POlii-A;f10-&-
' Atql.)-111,, h,,,,:rrr-..d16 nrroo,,marot•`ir.r rtikr
moo the above r‘yr.-.,lrtring Ilse wimpy selson. Flat,
yjoilkt., • R.I fr , m, throe. by 1 , 0n,y1r410.1 hail
I:.1 to 1 - I,ifal..lo.Lt. Thraustb in. , A Irmo, yutrt-
St" , I.llj
t."I 114..6 V elal tatrn. D. LEY.CII C I.YI
J.. 17 .I.Y-, •
. I'F.WIII3YLVAITLI 11111141.(144).
:kItII:IN ( it:NENT.
fA=111..1y..1 aullt.ipr,, Li n.•
tbdlY LIP, Of ••., (Awl., for /1..PLLIDAY:111:111.,
them, . 1 - the Nan Prnn,..lvhula Ittdir..l to
During lb, tu•spenwn of !anal Narlgstinr.. Duly
tha . Cn,h , .. irk, for Ifulllda)slnr4t.-
the :sec I , 7lnlil‘ - ahla acid (21.1 11e.) to
Iltrat,h Murk
I I n
I•ry IWltilnr.rv. .... ........ 10 On
ten' morulac. m b o 4 , r1. prealKiy.
- ..
E.I.TI.AS to luny; . note. alircr In ruttliq.t.t. 11t:.lo the rt..i thn et. rocntUrt... tun 4.., upl 1.,..i.• .
thr .1,1: rinel
ru...0n 111
nr. fur re.tunara take tbr Netr.dlria tunl nt Ilan tbl.ur, dittnt. ,34 1.4 r at m. nt the rare . Or.:t brace. Fur
nattnon nt int..ronn. 01.41 t In •
II a lt' tltattlifEAD, t..t. Owl,. 11. 1.
or vn r r.1101.11F.,‘, %mat:gala:la Flow .
l'ittrbn.nh. Orr. 4 1,0.—am . :
Piiratisil - t - Tlii . A T JUN 'LINK 'Fiilt . . r A - 1,1 7 :.
j. Thn tuiterilFnr luf.n, f.t ate th. thnk. t. aal.v.ll.
lio7. 'l7.'t'rnt'l=l.4%,l:lTlTNY',.'thtfal&..lrntt titan.:
.1111 t. thr entuldrentlannf rut, ne ulthine ln . Ir -k. In
Intuttnture. ur of thrt.t• who tun. Fn nlrrult i , n , Rt.
In tEn ..,..,.. trate At the time It ettrnnetnu furl tnakit,
arraonuou .., hr to. turnstree, it It Ittonrltnt nu!,
mpohnut.uu tlnntld lan mad,
:A:Tr:stun tnrtnrr . Jahn ‘lenttlan t . 11..
1,1 ran. Itnein. Penn t.... t;
. . ..... . . . . . .
.1.2(f I I:BLS. 'C. MOLASSES;6.
pi/ ,11 !Inn
It r
W 11AHR,1I1.:11
16/ -IN , 1' thaw;
15 14,1. 1 . . , nr15.1.;
2...1110x..0 do do.
21 kr_ qn z
Nvi In ,
rs, .1..• l'unrnm , ch t 1..:
4 MA.
1.n..1.411 ;
u 1.1.1.
3 Ottlll'l Lb.
(. RH LS I.1)1 I LY FLOUR;
Pk, lf I.rl. enn.
. •
I,. aa
Ito by .
T. WO:11., SON.
Prralum Dt.alvr, and Itua:puon
in 11 4rt
1.0 LISS 31UTTOI , 1 T.., Ligtv ;
. Corn vend
: I.ta
Oo IS, llorkabrat Fl. or. {,r otle hr
T Wta•r. a SON.
1 rr4 aro Danl.", and Cranal:pir.o3lrrettanta.
irn rd Water •trort.
ta ULK PORK-2011 piee, hi, r.. nd:well
I.llltrttp.mtpl. fttr al. by ,tll n kCA LnY a‘ co
F;TEits-17 -ark. trine' for . hg
~2 , 116 Witt, pt.
. _
lAjr.l)-3 hrlo arul 15 kegs for sale hp
4 1.• .-Ir J. Y. DILWORTH'S CO
n it. : Kims,,,,,,.. ; „st reveived 1.1-
io J. &WWII:FIa A Co.
. .
- . ..
FRUIT-100 bit Llrietl Peat:lie,:
1.0 hs Orhd App/es. Ow Val. , L.
j 82.4 J. S. DILUORTU k CO
VERMILLION—I eaNe genuine Chiucm•
got zah• • J. MD; (N),.
JaWI 1.0 W.. 1 pt.
CK- - ..0 I,rlB for sale irk'L Jb• Klnb I C)
V I:ymurrtinll4.k hr,lseg:
w...L.: 1.1,1 n ..: I, n lal ••c.~ll•I•!]
Jllll\ 11. NF.4UII:.
fur ',lle
W If li - ELB, , tii 4, llos' . t , sz ..l ti . :ke . n r at , ray .
mtio lt . e7lnne ' r7 .
01.111./16.v .11.. mod Pek. P. I, lll . o a
mu Mum's). 11,. :3 , 11/. vold. Tier lvl., u r t i l4 wipe pap - .
.1ea..11 Item 1.111 1401 , rpluru
and .0. Li. 0...0 11.0 dolus ler grill, wmatl)
oldley pe, 0. 011 e LI 1 / 1 0k1 0
HCK I:lt'S rasex for sale by
Sit% J. S('llf/ONII.INER A CO.
81 81 50. and 70 per glOl5ll.
K K had butter try illerris
ila7ool. • 1:411., ALOW•
k. "•
"4°'" 110
%TINE Fro !a.,
1171=:, too prime Carolinn,rfrir sale by
gses 0/10. A. IItTCHISON a LI)
I . lol—ZiO kegs ns,orted Nos. for sale by
I ism ..I.OS. 0. II lITCIIIbON 01:0
011.ASSEt; Sugar tiouse:
i t- .0 co
. to ertra tine ()rem;
lOU PL... Chu:. %To bkn. tilm,k,
kFS ' D.IVILLIsfig (1)
Fr ALLOW. Z 5 bhl. , for sale by •
Pjo IE( tons Brush Creek, for sole
t, I.2 , ILITTLE 0 CO
. _
Rlatt n iati:iL i .-:"37 , -41.10
j r . l. ‘ 4 , , 1
c s 11 ,
VE.AI I ---25(X) pige tialena, tot sale by
1435 .IA?
I . NSF:ED 011.ei•-•20 tat+ foc'd filt Ante by
te.2l 0ARP.1.1...111.
S k MOL A SSES -40 SUrar;
, Mg bd. :4, I,
, . • ?I) lk•41 1 . 11 do
I".'" '
" ' t'"u Tv m. r: 4 1: 1 111 - M.111.
iat i . 110 Viol, n.
lEIZHAN CLAY-5S tixs lust recd lir
1111 ,1111111111111171. 4 1110111:1111.
ItICE—IiI v.., jut rcced for rare lir
2421 ' P1'1:111111X1l'. k 1:5101R. V.ll.
HEST BLACKTEA--Sun - ic kind in,ln
L tostluod—t•moll Loa. .trono sod io., ploto.ct IN,
;XVlr fr lr) : ctal all shtiii,;.4;iiqiinj',l7.:lilsTinril"L'ii,
no Irboto el++ to littAorat, , 101 l
tac prime,r sale be
1' k 7
- LAMA LY FLOUR---20 I)ris exult, for Kik 1,7
is. 7 MCI; .11cC25DLEr?
iTarroTed 'phint
L ell
• ' A rrla •
All rlo.
on baud WI t
Mean,3-11, fm sale tor
. .. .. .. . ..
bare.ll( . A I.KX ANDEIt Gillilk.N. MO, ..t.
T AMIL] FLO VII— L.lrbtl. I",dal ›.ty'e eztrn
.? . ...b 1fi1. , F..u.e. ' 11,
weal per Keatin.l. Jag 1'ii.1,4.11. fird i tlaz
.I.Cl+ i. I
Imi, A „O.
I2JOMS--150 dor reforeAt'whoooritir, for
➢user W. romorallow ..... otia. Loii - i&i , ar W. PO/ Nind.thit 3, CO., General
l ~ l ctanntiAdm, *,,d Fomenting, Morrhootr sod Fkou
pro. N0.r.,1 Motive We. Plaolt.lohts. TT4
To Southern and, Western Merchants. —
711,4tdoeriber reeroctfulle intac blic t attention
ite extensive iddek lerrf nutty. eltote.Fb pu aring Creaito.
to, to whirl seven Sitter and two dotted, Slob& Lave.
laetabt year, teen anarded by tbelnetitotoi of
New York. Bottom. and Ph!ledelabla, the inane being the
tuonly tiolden Motes moor awarded foe Terrorizers ei th er to
ropei or In Rd, etiuntry. •
Rocittes titarreltra Swim° Cards, (Altriind. Roo,
and Ambrodal.) unletreolly sedition/n(1;d tobesuperiorto
any _haring (telito In title mutiny or Rump.,
• Ottorotat Yon eliarnto—lkantinally liessinvisent, and
ttroroya mina bii rt q t=t i r ? ialMns itiai?lt =
:haring 31,
• Ennanst. non tionn—Almond. Bono nillefleon,
duet. Knoell}, Vlnsk. Catribourly, Idnatior,
kraut parent. 01Ire Oil. Minn, •nd *finnan.
. nvntas son en tinoniaronn—llette, Janina, 800 ,
Oen d. Candle, tiernennt. Jenny Lind, Illniodirs-..lon
ei Club. Mannolia. Knead, Citronelle. Ken, and many
odieties. to all sixty dalsrent fortunes. .
Lao de Toilette, Orange
finterNiater, and a root variety of Colenot and. Laren
der Valero.
PLlVillAilllnN rot rut Itary—flenolttr Benre1)11 Antique
Od habrloor, to Ldp. - ante. -Ctoutnund . .). Mar
! Z1,74 . 11 r Phlmsne.lZiei-
Kl vd n - ct.C 2l4 t.ii...nostZll4.lramk• noon Tooth
Paetr- eboroonl Ibottrtme.Olontluo.Tenth Pnote,stolTo,th
Co .. .trrtir—Tedrlnblo Cr.-111,1k Cream, dennraline
ch.,bp,-i hand, -old lbvton or Roo, Cretan de Pore, LIP
infer. horr, 'nary, tr.
t nnomiugenpnlluoilnialii Paul,
• I:num, Attattnor t Inognr, Vletotio
Bair C0db.,..0.t0dk., Prldon bedd, groat varlet of
t , ? ,,, b,aartlttes. too macron, to be tanauZl In thts nilretitro-
Thd rubani.ber trodntaln the roputallon . whlch
thao ertabliahment t.u.arnoord hr dlinaotng of uothlnd
but Inad no halal. and erlll to forni , h Shoe
al., rosy oddl patronire ban, t. vb./odds cr reta il
. maanonble Jerboa so an y erbablldanent the Unitod
gt,t e ,
Snorts..z to tool Grater Ddvator of the Laboratory. of
114 Cheaunt 14.
.31r. Corner NW/atom IS for role by all the principal
Droned., In the oountry.
LARGE OF tocirr • LA.
r4.l.nol•krol. Irovr ayal 1.91.zen1 in BO • wilt,'
tart w 4
truchAel. tuvten piaiu rata lF; 7.4 L C.
Mar .1114. I Wm.., Alltn, Ern !inflow.
'ln el,. tanrlf. Alrloe br4414 irnme, drml'hillu444,4
11 $ ..
. 43 , -414 , * 14.4 4114 rracal.. Insv wit; t,l.rk
• n i s
17.4121=k..,41.47, al in
LACE 01744.e.5.
udjaain. IlLtamaK..•ad
11,,rau4 ,s,llll. ;Ann anal elm' callus and ,nllk
A 1n.. , of Oa. *trre arc ptir,ly rwr.
.m.e W., n...lara 113,. uarliet. a n d n , want!
'''' l ' ..trelTADWA a Fiat
14 Lila- Niwpyonit:
Superior Black Vlritinianddop*g
TONE'S .13IPTRE L's:E. Si Na..q...11 street,
Ynert , - . dna- t,
On draa,ghn per ,nlina . too.-nt, •
the r-rtdrir idannta..-d. t;and troely—
le • . nnd CtICIINU nig yyt aynakt.
precipitate at dto,.. and Tanta..., nli tt, r,ult
ed far a ann.] 1% r.tintr trx the Quill. and ad
mirably adapted Int 11. , . thred Pen.
`..l.lri'dntord or.darod . farrd.h . tho el
-11 i or tame 041.1011.0. •, , OF
ano yart
or knqr 0F1.0.n.l oarn; et . 11 , 11 "r'in
cwir LENT.
SS ed - pan • ;7 =sot _
S. H. HASFORD & C 0...
(Surerroors Lp ,t
Nur _252, 244, 2;11, guni Dab . Piarl SL. N. York
:lultn rt. gag Burling rlin.
;Di noir TUF Lunn.. Arigiaricr.ric or
In the tlol4d Ft.*, !.0 All Ilark•tr. In the
artirl, of SIIIRTB and DILIAI ERII. ve Lrep an endlr.e
rarsrtg. Al, the met extrn•lsr. ronnufarturrra of OIL
CLt CI:11 EICEDIIATS In the world. •
1,111 and l'arbiooptl4. Clothltx orall kind, Catalnuovt
.torl. arm I, n.dl. Itnlen t pUI F. LL. II INYUIIL , zir . i;.I,4I to.
r , trrr.r.ownrato LrwlrAearl Ilat.ilkat,rd,
.2.11...r01. and . 2Li9 P.. N. Trrk.
so. i 4 SaJs.Aux , fret, Net: York,
lAA NI.T.t('T.rIIE and have for wale on
\ [ 'f .BETA
the lar,t .thet. of GOODYEAIDD
iNT WiTA LI,It I:DODS in America; wa
ranted t... 1.0.1 oil con.i.einw
emit.. Donelue.
I.e,min... Pan..Sou'
11 ...ter.. liinuhet.. IWno end
I.i Coven.. Crumb. Centime. and
Ilory Clotho. Soli., anti Travellime
Dieeere liaoloriou and
emi emir.... :lir twit:a:De. and onettieinie.
iarlon Iles • 1111 , 1tIO. !Dr, E
ol IT II
Potent fe.entiont 3thher. iihwhine
Toa, eidi , ' C n eob n i;i t e.Zoori i ,
Vim Doeket..o6. Artic ret
le. for
the r.m.le to 1.1 , 1. r int7Alm
PUBES, T ÜBE T ÜBE le underAigned I
1.., Dreier.' ' , pedal peroobelon from
arein di.
reel. rommonereal. wlth the Dieminethom PATENT LAD
WELDED IRON TellE thWIDANT. for the rale of their
very exnellent Rod .opener nod ti.ln TIMES lo
have or mnell mai turf es-
Doplrely Dab in Enclatel end the continent of £ll/010.
ZIA .not Lc
WI1•LI/V.11 lil 111 11 tX)..
Iron Tin •
et tit, Nor Tort.
Diaitver Lane,..LlD Loalon,
.107.41 T to Dothan. etwel..Ulesnow.
?if why's Self-Sealing Advertising Bnvel
Ttle oulucnter, in eolleitime the patrol:awe of all oho
may see lb ativertii..meta. feel. WOO of thet beano/ion
ill, which n time article is hniught befoos the Dottie. The
expel - Detre of pier. evteLlinlied their eopetiority
youl all itomteou. mill Le coolitlialy refer. to the UMW.-
nj of Muer blllO4. 110.11.0 . b.0 oft WWI thew enveteDoe.
owl to hi. rapidly rah,. sto [Thor of their expel.
The fullowing arc • fear of the rraJous fur their popu
ou the place 'ucrlple.l the Peal. • Mao. MY
hare Ms lae.s.. aolJnlte, nraoPl.P2ttelY ••4
totlaoetal, 0 , 1 , .rral oar plait.. th us •11Jrdlog per
feel ecortty 11.111. fraud.
EutrA.,. raewX 1.. , peu , d without bellot dr.
I. Nel duo. was for waren are minim' to oral the.
ath. Via. the uderarria2e nt a letter. thereat troureolts
{woo-Hato ' , dorm to the :ruder, forbad of Wog buried
twitith. Deed Letter Odin.
ath. Thi• Envelop., aro foruldidd at Almon the Ewa
prier us plate once.
nth. teller wailed is a oriot elreethan.hrearleemeal.
mare &timid the atterititio All thoutigh wh0...kith...10 it
l'be I t ,; of loth. tor thy" enamored on
1.r50.. 010 WA. mill 1.1.4 for yearn and of IfirsTILITP, of
the tonal els. either white or bug, of good li
er, arta
Wade aa dole, with uitue. re, ited
Plioblef Met. Prim .Earodpra wade at
. 2.1 titter. nt tifinee.
to ..... ....._... ...... IWO Xt
n.fin " 7.5 U
Mi to oei • Sato :MO. IVO ,
011 n ._......e ...... 11.1,10 ..... ............ •
MI to 114) . .. ... ..... ...12.0015000 • 15.02
When It not renvehkoit forwani ostionith of order
frjt;.7t:Lr n
otterdo, It anitinlieet. • Ic2l. N ew .
2C3 tladbion atm. New York.
Olden bill be mite to yrntontly, if ten nt the store+
cf Moo. 11'nfl stre,t. or of hlevni. IL
rodoion.d co , tVlllLani
11.theme'Canlm emthvied In color", rival !Me
Ideai at 0(0.00 per iloostand. yEhn
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricapherou r
VV int [NT:eying, Invigorating'. and beautifying (Ise bale,
and ailtino die thin. direancw of that thud.,
113111,i, nod atinatii rata,
'swum, du With this peewit...Wu 'there I. to Oath
tar oc.b" The trio ..airuAlP in America. litedleal coon
th, hichett clent,. prtniltwnt t4117x111, of all hoar
Moue. nod laneso m:taho have UP•li 11 for yearn in their tire.
tutu roomt and wormer . .,,, lailout It vial thcarenrd,that
Itn,.attitr 015,0. elt,, luanrithee, and do the hldri
mdintlana and healing bouthl, cotiou
entllo.ll.l, r (DI tvlrn . lol: diaciter2
the it.. growl% .14 the touter., it hod no: Mod
thoyino the niciliitibh. or ctiii.ounda iiittent , th io the pule
fll, toner"
11 she ato l iele Il
. a n et:atom the lor
poly, it adird cony orr horde, whirls from CO to Inn
iu P : I riaV n krf4t:tx t .Vgal.T,' jute line r oluene db. flint. for t ' oe auk
tun,ol3ll V 11,1,11,00 of nature's eltoif.ett cram:lent. In
in which eneb tottle cioneleord. tholoon worth the•nientrdi
The aihnity between the mettiliraney which ennetitute the
akin and the hair. which draws its roetettartim fterrn
triple envelope I. tery r ate. All &Noce, nf the, bide nr . b
tenon. in the 'itt tho teed. Niter per, of tlie auto
err chnts'oil• - or Of (ion 14..4 nod 111 do not circu
late Iteoly.thranoh the - emu/I outi,l4 wh ' ich hod the rot
with impart hre to the fibre., the mull, If
.00% dendrod. elied4oia. or the lou, cm" meow, 'dry nea.
0.1 Ithrehnea. of the tirthotorte. oral enure halal:co, oath*
eau, that. be.• elttnulate the thin to toUlthful action with
the Tik , 46.lllll,,itid the torbhl veytele, recorCrihir ( lard'
tit drlty. will annihilate to allalteetlona of the
altinsand Of the autotrobt ofnumwiet , nod totrouttentr.the
prose:, nod the effect at, Ill.: tlitr.C. It Up , ll the *hitt•
the ninthoular fibre, and the cloud, that the Tritootherona
hoit. "herdic action, and In ofirctieem and to}Or7 of
the.* ',maim It La a rovervign mooed y:
Old In lam battle., pricc 25
at tie', nth:wind 00
dier'i flrialrele, New York. and bd the ortheicul usetrio
aut. aniddttodcieta quoin:hoot the hotted ht.., nod ea.
4 , 11 C ".. deett..2m
—I I IC.
W ITTSfitTRTZ keel coTtantiv
" " n 't:AN.b
2.2122 btla tio:. 1. 2 aaJ 3 Ilettterel: SOCrblrs atul •
.22221b.a-Lest CIIEI.- 4 11. and 1 .
100 tuba 111:22Kil. F ar. at latmt rdetta by
3 1111.2alra Wbae.
t-1,1,1121 (Halt. Ara.) Dallltaate.
COFFEE -100 Lais prfmean,l ahoy
ter We br J. D. Wha.u.DB t CO,
Cm nth aid ITDC4 lan
1, in ma's t., Lull, Cu.
lounmunkuttraus prmai4l." auelhered
1 016.; IL RSNKIN, AtlA:rar,*, s t zre oun .
n7.) sftu "
lia," . m ° Mat, t ' ' 'M.... 1111741,=,:
3141.1 Co. •
0.,x0 N .R bosro.,
aittreyi e n ifen e j ,tl 2.l , ll%... i.a 74l
mr . n , .. '. :7llL.Litt. tn." .bout thrro.tnauatql CR)
t ea
*O.ll Dote. that tt
tato awa , pl Jou haul aewhalavaistion he
,-tan ardtw. . • .
cataaktal hone. hf . h. UttureVedrotmmalethof Ofthis
Ilahaa dpehant anvithatam es the' outoeraus betproe lo
to. , tas tthiett hare teem made eerttett be ?rely g.reo
tat :thertimetoeut. eutfitt- It to Ob.
Do ea It,- het !eels
•rnst to mut. arty orartoteot int,
TLe run:lnt. wee rade expretAty to <elm eftiettne. of
rat. an.l reattin atha. etpeetally the Dxstring
mom Till be roan.' to be of rite mkt besittlfttl thhilatba.
tare. The Dthhar roam. arr. eripsehna,. Alla the boor. fee
Wray rill be emoge,l as Wyatt, the eottrenithee of the •
car/y and late.
da•paratheht will be ereedioant la eh ettwereptiome
el- menet,. mad Ihe proprietor 'Pleltra hith.elt that the
4 ...rim0 House: sbellbetruly the Vrereller's ileum
` h, kiCE.
('COULTER fi ILAURE, Wholeerdeqind Re
-1,/ wt Drucgtrt, Corner of W.o ma Third streets. nn
LI, the 65, (Marko , Motel. littOurrb. ' Mr4Nrl3l.-
. -
DICE- -20 ta. for sticloiTivi.:i:
UGAR. & MOLASSES—ZO hlulu Sugar;
2,50 Isartel• ?kW.. frr
le b jal9 BURDRIDGE !MAU
ITINDOW 6LASS-2pOti Um, aes'd
kbrrberara brand. aurtdd by
frlLUE—Twenty. barrels jut received, - and
VA fly tab, km by tba WM. at :Ot. ICTCREIZSILLICS
yals Car.of IViroxl • nxth
CAN ARY' SEED received
/all sod Ihr /sleet P. v. WICK EIISKAMT.
• Cur. of Waal t Sixth rte.
1.11 More= I reek Demme; now lerellny ft struber
Tor.., for rale by
doll ISAIALI DICKEY t a)...Attr r t Front eta
TANNERS' OlL—Tiventv Iris Rant Oil,
in ORA order. kr vale hi k FLOW- "
M O . I . .. I aASS , 'ES.-31 . 1: D rit; new, gig n fTir
.IRD.-1.1 brl.4 No. I, now laodixt,w
LA ode ur Art? 18MAIII DICREIC4 CO. -
fur r6lo hr 101 F. k AV: HARDAtreftt
up —..
=0 it. for salaby Hall MIAMI & JTETITS.
lIEN6II BROADCathlS:LlVillrybi
burriairlil Pure just aroused a frer4 purply:l:f. Ow
rerinui , qualities of Me Omer article.L.ssirisnbrig tiarX
faille/. veil fare. Abp. Frpuril borstal. awl tklaitairea.
black uud faker. Illtd Black ?Win Vriliaqi at *cr.). kiif
price Lb
for . quality " 'walk '
111CILL I.ILITTER.— ! Teu ►ln•la. 'llter
iii, received ail Le ale , 183 ,
8. IttfellitOGllll. •
10A' B--Fifty thousand Cigarsreeeired
and 1195..• a by, jail 2. t 11. ILtRYIArial ' '
IL ME 1,--lhirty hags Off Meal, received ' , lobr J.III S. kW. M10%40111- ' ;
LOUR 0 hundred Lois , Evan - Family:
.. % v1
j e t 6 0 N . V. esr,i , .l. received surl for tale - br
. .1.411'. Ittlißattßlll.
at tedoned mice. cenwieting tt the follnetnet Dtaht
no and ray Ulantehn Ittne and Um: . Sestet ,Cluttnw
Ile.l and Crib Ina olete.Whlelt we are antherhred In t•lnse at
rts l h.' ,4 Itrww. and Iv sold on fareesdae tem. hr
OLASSES—Fife brls. new crop far rale
by den "DROWN 1 rani:PATRICK.
‘IALERTUS.-5 lons Salerann., in brie and'
17 huesc..iu. LT I .OMIT DALZELL i CO.--.
LEAF LARD.--Leaf Lard in bris and kegs
aW ft.tate by 111311E/1111)ALZTLL it ca., •
UGAIt,--15 !dada prime N.Orltatts Suzar,,
1.3 1n R...,:ad furt..214.• by RODEIIT 11.11.7SLLt 00..
FF ISII=-Fifteen drums 11: it. eckltiati;
Lrle 3 Ha. ken . It 21 la,
pate Lt.- t; L; 10 qr,.
No.l litettrel. in‘tore Lo•IL..r
1.11 .11,11 N WATT • CO
Las Cream Clia+se in store
V. adPar rale ba . J.LLIES - 9M - L71.1.L,
u+.? WatEr
lA 1.1 ball obryti l'nuon llTcn 9. 1 L 1119, b 1 . 99, •
:15'.raltralark do. do., Imp • emir Proader.'
k Puma llama 11 Robb.. Toliarro. : •
19 ' P. KoLlusao Wo and na do.
CuLlnesr 491 Th race, • . • . ,
11 qr. Wm, Priam ad lLmcool'9 5140. • •
/5 carry haus James. Tbomparn in.. 1 401d99 ,
b Lamp, 119 Mat and an rale LT
mot. . JOHN PARLER k CO.
1 I LUE—Twenty fife barrels for - sale bir
.1.11 J. Knz a- co, zi.eow.ii R.
G L ,, A , S O S ,. .1. , E1--ji t r:o hundred ret9arof
J. CO- N 0.03 Word R.
SATINETTS.—MutpIiy tr. Barth -1
Geld nerts , nl a
AV.Ze t. . s u.. === allOwiree m a
lert. te...t. north .Ign corner 411,041116-1" C
IIiAISINS—One hundred and tifq Iramee sun!
lut bev,ticteiredfirmac, low IT__
t eaks N9 : l
la score sad for •sle by JA.VEd DMA%
BLOOMS—One. hawired tons 'Tennesee Trunrreo Elaboreitictog from ;tato.
er Iro , a aril b y DAUELL., •
Jail \a Cy Was. street.:
0:1101V GLASS—Fico hundred' boxes
sptutrtl cisr. In r Vre Ind for Palo by .
DOT ASH.--5 mike Pivash. just receit'ed,
L an./ Ga=lxfir it 9 COB ELS 'MIZELL dt CO.
I ?It ESI ROLL BUTTER-20 b.te just reu'd
fir rale by
LLAXSEED—A fmall lot 'fur sale h
Jal7 .1. ti.c.eirteLD :
BABE?PEL : TB-I,bule for eale by
CQ VGAlt—Twenty bbds nevi:Sugar on hanil
_2210 gy Bale nr iaft BROM> X; KIRKPATUICIE
T OBACCO—Twenty las W. IT. Grant's;
33 is Lx, Grant kr 1V1Illanai; • •
15 bx.W..l.llanakla;
lixa Barrow . .. Warr...lnd:
25 I , am ,ad,ornea aln on band and
for sal ,. LT jun BROWN k.
ARD—One hundred kegs prime new Lard
on Laza aw for •ale by .
S UNDRIES— r Ien his S. Toltaatus Cocoa; :
7 51w Prodaser Boom.; . •
lobo. node Chottilatet,
do COMCI Porto,
_cat MOIL
aal ebr 1..15 BROWS KIRKPATRICK '
lIE BEST' OF WINES AND Be.slqunt..,
br • au bard and
for rol7tr i. JOH MORRO , c 111111111t711.
L' 01/11—Three hundred barrels.. just toed
• Lod Ibr rate by BURBRIDGOI INOILILASI, • •
101 l • No. lid Witted et.
I.IAVANA SUGAR—Twentylioxes White
AL. Eugar, for vale 'by
11 a e
ttran mtAtt,-. •
N 0.116
PICES.Amin, Pimento. Pct:pc r.
4 ,gNotmot•, tale by I.l.l.ll.l2jlpitgottitt
barrelspacked forkilo by
_inl4 •t 3. F.
.VON N:111011 , T A c?..
I ARI.)---Sixty brie No.l iu btoro Laid for sale
i. r i by $3.13 !DAUB DICKEY ACO.,lVoler A 1W0.... ~ •
aii.Asr.._Furty five brls 'itt .hcore; for _sale,
by . . IiAL4ItDICKEY A CIII .•..,..
.__. ,
_I% ADT AAA Vrcuy.A.: !
—.... _. .:1'
ROOMS—One hundred dozen for Kale Ihy
jal4 F. F. VON isoNNuorwr,a
• MORNIS d OAWORTICS T+u"Slort : ea/t 11.9
LuO 1.10.1 daviaradi , aa at'Lu fault per hound. . ;
.The Moir dualltira at 7.5 d • do .
lima rutin - filo at al Od do '• ^ 1
OW Country yonyda that uty .111,1 elf. Tet t trill ting e :
ag:I I ITeFrOV. 1 L1 " 4. ' :;nr2744, 7 ;;,%.1 " , ;c
other atom ha hottbunrh.
by tio quart ias whuicialr. 141612 by
.HYI4 11
I •01M18
gAREEK APPLES—Twenty lak FiPPintg
tji,r naleM j vox so:mum:sr
ca.ALMON.--5 brio Salmon, No.l, in skin
for .310 LT .,
Cofx - O - N - 1-'2l7);reslin• sale by 7 77
*xi 13.&1.4.1 1 DICKEY a ca, ' , Aran & FN.=
111.. Llcrett4 Nit., JIM fwelyi.4 nei I rrelnht
ii.}_ SELLEM wbol,ftlec;.33t.. ‘ .
- -
DIED FRUIT-30:firls DriedApidrrl'
bMi.ll.l,l* -
ja23 Z./ It (01 rt
bilml.landlint from itruarr eilnh 7 , ;at.,
- hid.. old crop prime qa•iltr, +. 1 17... }
Dan - JO U R
VORKS-05 bist , cast Axel .11.ay Folks;
-1." :it V I ":..,‘",,tA`74., 11.. t;
"°,3B' ; "`" b e . 3. WAYEllild'N't
0t.::5-131.1 dor. best Cast steel IIOCI , t
snot do 49 0..1.1.1010es
oto notstgraomot sod tank - • •
-oat.. • • . I..2.lvittit3LiN tf••ZriX
pEACIIES—Three hundred bushela rCea
cnn L".je try f jaDl RAMIMI. P. PIIftIITIC
iTtiEs--73 doz bomt Grat.a Scytherl
1,7 VT3
s. wAnt;_. rtrie.
L ICL , yrnsl Virift
se/ For nte by
i 14
— S&VTIIE SICEATIIS 7 -42.51)nz Lek toqvit
masifutulat WI k1,11+.1+% .- +.2
ial 3 : __L-..
L i+ AV 11T.1212.+1•2 k 2'22N
7110 - AILS & SPIKES-4211 kegn for na!e 1.. y.
./..1 PA___l_ . L.2+. IrivrtAlßAN 1 EONS.
1111FARL ASII-12 caskl r prime for : ,"
_a_ . - L. E . ATI.I.IfAY A `-TINA';
i IIitANGEiT-20.1a13 sweet: to =mire.. or
It rale by Y prronarn r
UTTER-1(1 brie prince roll, for eninlor 4
.11 wc.%N1,1.1-kr:
. •
" "ir • Is at hlklult
rit• that =Ana t r. a
Le-Prtpared sad' add UY
sal hr &Mii 1.11111.