The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 11, 1851, Image 2

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    14tience of eager affection; .ite tore it open.—
'Vhy does the expression of '• or face change ns
ehe rends'? The numb of inCgoatian bur" in
her cheek, and '
inettchen, alas, the light or to e. liar compren
ed lip curls with scorn. It iwas on longer the
gentle ; loving woman who cloud therw, but the
woman prowl of rank az4 j ioivilegra Arshirlhs:
- iti
roil outraged at their vnsi - Witk the .
grasped in her hand, abe walked the ;nom with
• .quick , uncertain s t ep. ...41orrlint!" 'she rout, I
Tered,."3litriied: andLo an hrtress, n public dog-
er:—disgynceful! The boy' is mod! Ile who
might have chosen from the pride o'r England, to
stoop so lbw, to be made the dope of a low born
But. I will never acknowledge, never per
mit it. ,And in an hour be will , be here to gyeet
his mother—to present his wife--hin wife!
see .how a mother Cr meet a disobedient
ton—nball feel the scorn tide to one who !anion
the honor of a noble line."l She threw herself
Lack on a sofa, and bitter thoughts sent abode
otter simile arrow he brow. Ile who had been
her pride and joy, in whom from infancy. every
hope and expectation hod centred. hod now no
cruelly disappointed her. she thought of
his childhood, his boring Lent. his goodness and
'beauty, gentler llienlglan 11-One, till 1111111. t un
e.P.,i.nalY her feeling" of lemenunent were
cried and fadeilgradualiy aw
.r: she mould I,ot lose
him, her bright, her only o le. She lowd,si not
-the pa :31 , 119:u Of time; slid only a loud knack
aroused her; hastily atarti ig to her led, she
• drew herself to her felt lei ;14 and stood gating
at the dour. n confused no not was heard is the
- . . .
tl below, quick, well kno si steps on the -tale , . ,
atuf MA moment her non h pod lieforelie.r. Ifis
taco was pale and ansioul, god his dark eyes
gazed at her with a tendek tallurnful look, that
went to th e' very heart; a 'other', lore role up
freil and strong agnin wit in her; hard wa• the
struggle between ofiendei pride and yearning ,
affection, affection, eian t ueyed, as it ever_,.tiould
and will - Sheopened her Lirins and clasped him
to her heart • .
”Oh, mother'" he into med. -f-irgire me if.
iu my own happiness I hay for a moment forgot
ten Yon; let us nll be letpp together."
She knew net till that Moment borr.rourh she
loved Idni.—his heart beat against her own; his
voice sounded like mein to her ear; all recent
meat, all anger were tilieo away. What could
she not forgive to hint. who iron) infott tool
been to her like life itself, when leaning on '
beim he told her nil? . The prejnilices of years that moment forgotten—prensing her lips
to his forehead, nlie said in a noire . broken by
sobstiVhere, my son whikei , the daughter you
have brought to mc?'
What happiness brightened Lord Grey's fare,
at those words; lie felt that in them was convey
ed the :fullest forgiveness', and the dark dentin,
tint - bit feared would rents forever On his happi
ness was swept away in l an instant tend along
vista of cotta. peacerg!„ majoyaient spread °mitre,
fimo him.: Not until that, moMent had he ever
realized all the strength. 'untl-ferorth of a math
_et's , ile quickly left the room and moo re
' turned with'lduyoung life, the beautiful
leaning - on ids arm. Ilisinother turatti her eyes
- upon her. and started with. surprise - ..., could the
". modest, stentle, graceful being before her he the.
. one she had determined fo hate She laid her
tuintftenderly' on the head of the shrinking, tear
- Haligirl, and pressed her lipa gently on her cheek:
.'Thus," 'she said, "let
.the love • between us he
forever sealed."..•
r(Ow..nappily the closing lionra 'of • that night
glided on. At n 'late hiar they separated. actl
'every heart was fall of peace and joy. ;'
The news soon apresilthrongh Landon that
Lord Gres. had.retrituedrith a young mad besn
bride; many-were the surmises—great the
otrieMty, to see the oneT who had conquered a
heart ronsidered hitherto invulnerable.- When
she appeared in societyi nli were'in admiration
Iv—e'very 'thee .for once united in her praise.—
ddharnoved maid thoaatirilliant scenes as if born
ito ranbiand• foitune; ivery motion Was grace
-every word won (or hurtle hearts of those
ado listentsl. • The ailenclor 'that summated
ner made no el:Mt:Igo in ler character; the some
meek - ientle spirit reigned within. °mid at
she wad beautiful, lorhig and beloved, brilliant
indeedwas her destiny.! Themorningwas indeed
obscured by clendi, btit the day we, only the
more bright and eerrn , and cloudless it glided
on to sue END.
The advantages of well laid plane ore aptly
illnstrated in the progress of the tvork of this
office, which is charaeterired great accuracy ;
and precision`,,, as anti may perceive who veil
inspect for himself. le learn that it the
practice of theruperin' admit to invite examitia- j
tin. and criticLim emberti of Congress and J
others, of the returns from their turn especial
&toilets, and the resu is are such as
to inspire ,
unive6al confidence in the exhibits made. It is
a singular-fact that in n number of instances the
omission of one. or mtro •rnembers of a family
his been noted by those knowing them and that
in, we, believe, every : s uch Case the absence of
those persons on the tint of June hoc been as.
eertnined, oral sorisetilites demonstrated hydbe
schedules themselves, in. which the names sought
bate heetiftauld at' the jplaces whore the persons
.dwelt of the titue named.
IrlaeW it is rememl4.rtsl that the returns for I
each county are depo.tited at its court house,
and j are appealed to as authoritative relerence
by an observing and. interested people, it trill
not be deemed reninefiable 'that truthful state- I
ments have been aimed. at, by the marshals and :
their, seaistants, without regard to the rum of
time or labor. Indeed, we hare been n.wirml '
that, in the imposition, of county taxes, the re.
Mined schedules babe ;been referred to us good
data . upon 'which to , a'ssess both person, end
;Nor it. it alone in the ;execution of this impor
tant Work that the evidence of well laid Plant iv
discernable; for, in their financial features, wise
forecast is eipp,arent. un CE111:11(11,, of the
probable expenditures was naked for prior to the
pasenge of the Censns and the amount of
fir 2,767,600 woo cants! for in the response, many
members-of Congress objected that this 411111 WAS
either vaguelparrived et,'or shaped it's mt mum ,
....rag,srcdge, to he tonsure-11 by demands fir stip
"-plemental appropriatinui„ The work is not yet
done, and therefore . cannot tell Its peed',
coati' butthe rule rif prJportioll may help, as to
appi j 'enclii•esults with a tolerable degree of eel
taitity. This, the returns of five assintati rase
:!hall in 'of twontydive States and this Du
trict; hXre been taken indiscriminately. onitheir
expenses noted; and the{ show flat, Cows pap ,
Illation of 952.,fr).4, there has been expeOdled the
sum of $39,927 0:1. Adlling to this, say .B 1 123
per thousand, tiring the pay of the marahala, we
have $41,074 80. At this ratio, as,timine• * the
population or the country to be 25,000,000, the
whole expense of taking, the census will be;sl,-
043,121; 14, leaving 0;21.4,378 Of for the pay
ment Of printing, hooks, !dank", stationery, clerk
hire, office rent, fuel, furniture, and other inci
dental expensos; anildhis LI believed to be fully
adequate to these purpo4s.
, It will be well to explain that the $1,200 giv
en to the Pest Office Department, to compensate
for services to he rendered to the Census Oflicje,
have not been considered in the above calcula
tida.—Reputdie. • • .
TILE CrNalltl Of fICE.-15'hile in, this office a
few days ago, we obseed. amon g oilier visitors,
the Chevalier Sergio d llaCedo; Minister Pleat
poteidiary from 131101 lih6 11.15.5 Cd thenogb the
establishment, .giving . plose attention to all the
details of its operatio:ds, and obtaining memo
randa of the routine of business, togeth,gr with
copies of the schedules, instructions to, the mart
ehals, and their deputies,' &b. We felt Ermined
at the Ineident, affording, as it did. a practical
compliment to the ability with which these tLiiiEs
have been planned owl candoeted liy. dlr. Km
nedy; and nt the same time giving evidence of thia
liberal - .and enlightened Spirit of the hipddy es
teeined ' representative of a sistir Turns:lie. solo
does non hesitate to seek , in the .departmems of
one Government for such informanan as may
prose instructive and profitable to those of iii-;
own.. It - would gratify us to are this 'sample
eatensively imitated. and especially-I, the rep
resentatives; of the ilidted Smits, in the n-aives
countries with which we have diplomraiti inter
While on the onb,le,ct of the Cenece Ofiicr, we
will take ention to comet two error) , 0..4 , -
tedin namterihing the article in the Repolilir ot
the Dth Distant, viz: „the nnount of the nppro
priieip..slted von fa - ,2;51.511.)..ami the rompen
ention of the Post Office Department
A. RealeAl natant liartvcra . Foa.cer... A5l.
EAILANIE—M. F. Lemairre has been astonish•
ing the Academy of ficiehres with an elaborated
'scheme of a true suspension bridge for Li woe
an atmospheric railway between Calais Fuel bo
rer, the chains, peculiar in
51191;ttldell above from a formidable regiment at
Pliiptir10:1011,0115, tioatine permanently C, it,
the air, 'int] below to ho attached to healily•bia
. en bargtift.t.thiler water, while ploatmenra eu the
abutments on the opposite chore will complete
'the 3tltlllitr4llll, eo us to support u buir rallwoy
bridgl.,:tinder which, we presume , the;Channel
shippthig traffic' may have its usual fteecourse to
and fro! As to cost, M. Lemaitre
300,000 tha t
,cy per to all, Rln 5u f l r f.Xt e yard.. cr 0 .
AN E meonyT.—A new light TM , ‘
from the bluff a Staten Island, itt , Fort 'foe:troth,"
Wednesday night, which for brilliancy awl clear
ness surpasses nay thing of the kind eVer showa
in thiscountry. , It is an invention of Professor
Grant,. to whom Congress appropriatvi ss,otio.
for esperimeutal purposes. From aliont half
post seven, until 15minutes after Et o;e1o4k. the
rays of the light were thrown on Castle fin den.
distance in a ilirect lino of Sit tailos, what
the superiority •of this light, over any ,other, at
least uu our coast, woo' clearly . clemonstrmotl.
Mier that , time do light was no clearlY arrang.
as to cast the rays oo the light. ship, *cohered
41 , miles South fleet from Sandy !look,,: with, no
doubt, a similar effect tothat witnessecipmiono
• ' The hew members of the French Cahletet erd.
metlistit known to film, Thy are.
Dround Shuya, Foreign lAffairs ; Theodor. 'Pm.'
Navy and Colonies; Moyne, Public Wotkai
TVESBAY SIGILNING, neßtAity ir, iszo. Agricultural and Commerce; Gen. Ned- I
1:4111d St -Iran J' Angel!, War. • Louis Napoleon, - '
.lit ia said.. has now got a cabinet who will not I
hesitate to obey him, which ;myna the case irith 1
the men who have just retired. • . • •
The great object which the President has had
at heart, was the removal of Gcn. Cliangarnier
from the command of the army of Paris. In
this he bust been perfectly ttuceessful. Although
the Assembly had threaten.' that if Gen. C. was
removed, it would invest him with a new •com
mond but little inferior to the otie he held, and
the members of the former cabinet having thrown
up their appointments rather than sanction the;
act, the President was not to be turned froth his
purposh, but "took the tstspunsibility," and re
iuuved,him. A stormy debate iu the Assembly
fullowed„which resulted in the appointment of a
.a.atimitfie. Brit dislocation anise in the commit
tee, and finally the following wishy-wasby reso
lution was agreed to, 8 to 7 t
The Notional Assembly, rillnowledging the
right of the Executive Power to diem.° uf mili
tary muumuu's, blames the use mode of that
right, and declares that the General.M.Chief of
the array of Paris preserves the title to the tom.
fideuce which the National Assembly testified to
him in the sitting of the :LI inst., and Passes to
the order of the day.'
•• This is a complete triumph to the President
snot virtually lovesta bins with uncontrolledpcw
er. With a subservient cabinet, and ••n Semite
at hi- heels," hr can doles he plednes. lle seen.
to have more energyld rim-Riser than the world
gave him credit for. •
111 the character of the new Commander-in-
Chief of the may of Paris, Gen. Paraguay .1%
Hillier:, the Paris correspondent of N. l• rots
nt;;ISHED UV *U11 . 3: CO.
Finn? Pear.—Commeroio—‘s'ethinglon, New
York, 'and Harrisburg Correspondenee—Seenes
in the Life of n Countess.
Twao Pxor.—Telegraphic, and. Local News.
FOUCTU l'Af3E—Poetry —Scraps from Note
Book. Ly Laurie Todd. kc.
A hill fining William M'Crill's. in East Liberty.
us the place of holding eleetions, in Collins town-
in'this county, passed both houses of the
Legislature, ou the :Ali inst.
tom Dry Goods Dealers will end, in our col
umn=. an odrertisotnent of E. S. Mills. of New
rock, oho offers n spleodid stoelc of Shawls.
Mantillas, Parasols. etc.. worthy of their
inspection when they go Enet.
••leetisos's NI .1(.7.1N11, ANTI
JOUTNAL!"—The •mennil number of
this Oils. [ misdeal and scientific periodical, has
1,11/1! at hand. It r published monthly by D Ap
pleton Yeti York. nod fur sole by A H.
English Si Cu., No. 79. ,loeeb
otv much gratified to olkierre the spirit
w hi c h h. /won aroused is favor of ors early eon ;
!teeth& herwyen Pittsburgh and western New
York, Otraugh }Le valley of the Allegheny. 1V:
think the matter will not end in talk - this time.
The 'American of Snturdas, contained some
intere,ting otati,ties of the Mather and iron
trade of ILO valley; the tir.t of which is pat
Joint It over $1,800.000, a n d the latter at
together, tipwards of four
for the VA J article+ we have
vier &,I;mtuirer says .
"The new Minister of lYar. situ 46 new row
minder-in-tiller of the army in Pori.: are un
derstood to he more devoted to M. Bonaparte
When wr Mkt- , that till. , yak)" if or • than to the constitution of the Republic. The
lively recent nettlement ; toot nut a dollar has new Cranniander-in-Chief hos long beitu noted
ever been appropriat,sl by either the federal or' the favorite of the President, and the Nation
state govqnment, to make or improve its means ,
sVu ' p " O ' n i t t li s e " mtt " o!l h i ll e t nt - tin ho Lo a
astitenrpr:Vsdays to
of transportation; and that it has but one prac
he thinks thereby to serve his interests or his,
ticahle oat let--down the river iu tunefresh- ; pansiope ."Aehille Barognay was
els—the above facts show how rich is tge . pritei born in September, 1793, the son of a general of.
which awaits the company that shall carry a first dragoons killed in the Russian campaign of 1812.
rate railroad through' it, having New York for
tALthater:ed_f...,th,nsirtrArtn,e7,nfitu,d,h.itrilLfaeitisnamtne in
one terminus, - and Pittsburgh the other, ;Ma o
Aide-de-man n - of Mar
way business probably the largest and best iu that Marraont, at the loupe of Leipsic ,in 1813,
thu Union. a ball corned oil his, lett hand He had attain
ed the grade of Captain when the empire fell.—
The Americon. in speaking of the Convention '
; In October, Iblfi, at twenty-two yearn of ace,
to ho held at Retmershurg, on the 22d, suggests we see him a captain ip the Royal 1512 . 41 . 46:
that the day tens ill chosen, being Saturday.— , der the restoration he, rose to he lieternant.enlis-
W e t hi n k m too: but perhaps it eanuot he al- I net. Promotion under Louis Phillippe was still
cued now. All that can be done will he to c „11,1 more rapid. Actively engaged in the -African
sum 6 i t s h c o o f tont w a g„, tid nt uf i fi di eze t
jn 1 4 . 84e flivi 4e ats ,i,m n dates i,4a
statistics. compare views in general terms, an.l
C°w`withee to "P" lb ss g h toe P ut ' ded n division of the tinny of the Alp. otl by
lic prima. • t the favor of M. Bonaparte he succeeded Gener-
We bellevothe plan which would now gain the 1
al Ondinot in the command in chief of the Rot-
oflnhto,he nomin a t i onis fiestot-rfess read to to
d th u
largest number of suffrages is, a roll ro
ad to the m
a un y E L P the i d ' a n y .
mout h .sf Chaim, thence lip that >try‘m to it, I ces a sentence which though its ordinary times,
source, Lb:Mid /IC/V74 the table laud ur summit( it might pass without notice, cannot but be re
botwecn the sources of the Clarion and thuds. of 1 gardei in view of the conflict of powers now Bo
tha Allegheny itself,—which, singularly. enough. ! grant kAtlfefn i-segil',o7”.."l Judiciary, nu par
timilorly aignincsnf 11, says that he under
here flaw in opposite directions.—thence down .
stand; his mission to be to pert :'To respect and
the latter to Olean• ur near it, where it would t cause to he respected; upon every occasion, the
unite with the great road to New Tors. 'shin ! authorities established by the Constitution, and
would open a communication betweett Western ; t 4 vigorously second the authorities in theexere
non of the laws." It is impossible to nasucinte
' Bennsylvanio_and Western!rev Sock. II most. de- !
• i this with the summary release of SI. Manguin
; sired,. etinAtionisetion. i by the Assembly in spite of the Judicial decision:
i3ome are in favor of adopting the old Sunbury! am) with the application of 'at, %login'. credi•
and Erie surrey, at the point where it teaches tor to the courti for daninges against the jailor
the ill:tie:1. and following it eastward to the 1 for esca p e, and tar a 'en' c 'ed a:der °I arTf'd• —
place. tin , : affair may
'Williams - Port and Eltairelilitrood, reaching the i li n Y a t e a Z Y ; f i ' e n t;., B o ' l.!:
New York and Er . , Road at the latter place.— very soon provoke violent collision. '
These quest - iota of routes will no settled hereof- the Court pronomned the eredttiit'a claim of
ter, and we think it would he premature to dia. L damage., to he unfounded. the jailor having at
at, them now. W emit may ,ne thine. however tire[ rd a "' dtorel... hi , P. , "er. and having
formertle erop,l,oly
tf ths_ire the aid of the friends of rho New • ,: I n d t e o d i T h i t Y , l 7, t b a.
Voi k U.; Et ie mo-t for Olean. nut ments are confirmed . and ea .41 deleted 1 -g ;
t hr , p e ople al,n,f !tie other route con for future attest. L'ules, the pinintaf I.e
with that aid, then i t tam lon „ f th- a di.suoded frotnenforcing it. u mug grave contliet
• • ; may at nay moment arise. Considering the
distr.ure, grade. - • ointrd ezpressions of sympathy and encour
Pittsburgh will be strhogly represented lathe j 4gsagg. otlereilla thnjtidges-at the complimen-
Reisnersburgh Convention, judging- nom present 4 turf visit of 7.fH You'. , day. and Is elan.-
indicatir,ns. • just cited,from the first general
can he little doubt that the President
a w a la 7: t. a i l o l :t e e f:r7:minorld,t9l"Tils
tttgot 'ffe"ldien
Para.—On Thursday morning, toiled AIRS proTmi
,Deputy Marshals Smith uu tl ttlrell, accompanied neat and grave affair of the moment, were it not
by constable Agnew, amemed u colored woman. that the Executiye, the Assembly nod the public
known by the name of Tamar Williams, at herare quite engrossed . the two former with the
r ,,, martm, of Fifth street and Hermontz , r t e li of e ti ;l:c c t t iz li
ju l;t , t , e t r ir :ri; , l , l ,,, t v h e :t of
town road, PLR:drip : Li. It tea alleged that her Lao..utift; and Legirl ) a * tive g authorities to which I
real name was Mahal.. ohs' that she was o fugi- hare hinted that ¢ . The is danger; distracts
tire 'date, I,llluitirig to Wur T. 144,411. or leer. attention from the met ely imminent. however se-
CPA, 3laryhind.
The warrant was issued by the United State, i I t is ifrniFQ-Ss ilde, niiii'tiri the r.ig n "i.i t d e...
Commissioner, Edward D. Ingraham. She was i hiding statements aiai have yet renellit"isi to
brought before that officer at 10 O'cloek, but. at 1 apecolate upon the changes that ironlE4 France
the suggestion . 1 the counsel nn Lath sick". the :at this Moment. If the Assembly has tuSi-runati
rase was adjourned until i t '
afternoon of a . a. , , the p ~ , .
relorl. in soneeauence of' the engagement of ' ' an - e re ''' . en ' '' itti p"''' inw of the whole
rouged and uhsence of Witnesses. The mutter i power of the Ons'rnnii i iii• then quiet may he
has therefore, not been presented !afore the I maintained for some time; lint alter all, this may
Judge. . I not be the ease. French polities, however, ate
We learn that the I. m oot alleges that -the i a mere tome of chance, no fur no h omtit foi,
woman alnieeelleil from him mom thin twenty.n .. .
concerned, , 1 „.„.. „Let wait the turn
two years ago, and that h has not seen her since fi g ht " -
I , 32rni. The woman is A , parentlY shout thirt lug of th e wheel •
1 1
or thirty five yearn of a .s. Iles Imadamil was I
0 1 40 ~,i,.,rn 0 , 0 , 0 I k e 0 11 k1 i,.,” t i,,,,, ), b a ho- , MB. IV erisTell'a Let aorta TO Mn. Ur LsratANN.
gill, :lave, belonging to ems other person than :1- //Jais:, nee - of .I—.l supplement to the Liver
thediresesd claimant. W. e . hove heard if ssol-! pool Journal, of the Intl nit , denotes n eolumn
that Cl,, linqbattit and oste lived on adjoining . to the recent rorrerpouileta.e between Mr. Noise.
ploutations, end ili,appesr.dat the same tins,. ,
The Wallet ha- been a minnher of the Nletliodiet ',tan. the 't u ' iiis " Minister ai Wrishingt . n.sini
1 . /lore! , for ..elle.Tears The worst feature of the : the Amer". sies , v , srY "t Stale. Alter giving
c,, , is that site Ilan Live rhildren, three of which ; au outline of the eontrosersy, including several
are very young They were all horn iii this estreetn front the. lasi,toc,.., let,. i rn, r , J,,,,,,, 0 1
State. 10.1 we do trot understand that they are w i n d. op ;,. lA u w, '"
claimed The hindeinif fib reputed to have some
, ••In this way the republic is piortiging the
property. The womanassistto be in great
di-tree,. Mr. Brown intimated that some of the j Fisrnsenin/U in which, by - ...1-by, she ia le die-
Weelada Wirt - Mae, are India...ter county. They t lie t. deVolistit,
cheer o n every where, the
..„,,, i.e
.„ ,ttothed to h ey Several colored pt . ° , friend. of ciallisneirniu, truth, and . flre.letn. In
reere pre.e„.. they j t
he themselves i this diplomatic 'et too,' however, Mr. Webster
has the hest ride of the argument, for he has
, i nietly The Judge authorised the Marallitl to
Levy the wore ,. io 0 safe plate unt i l the hearing ' 'the law aphis side,' while there is a freshness
about his courtesy that surprises and please,—
of to day. ' Congress was delighted with the manliness of
l , Dis i t , mt....4llE mai AD „...„.
. the Foreign Secretary, and it seems the unwel
.tome laughter Mr flulsemou's notes excited,
. . .
The Louisville Journal of the gd instant,' has . reached the attentive ears of the repreentati‘es
the following partieulur4 of the disaster in this' of Russia and Austria, Loth of whom were in the
, teurner, in brief telegraphic notice of which has j 11° `" : ,
hero already published
, This letter from Mr. Mebster has also attract
led the attention of the Pent`, press The Nfottur.
-The Lunt left New °ikons with over two Lm- ,
emetst Joemto,
the ,
the senate
dred souls ou bord. - OnMonday, the fith ult., I
alB o'clock, when nt the: bend of the !eland'.‘h.. laughed ut the threats of Austria, nod, uotknow
tee., in the ifieolseippi, the hoot struck what was! ing what to say, they attack ..the law breeding
' nipposeil to he 4 bung . , and uimolt iirunedudey of the Amen Can Democracy." A raria cot ,
.went down, with the Log foremost,foremost, the e ft . p ort . itespondent !tip that Mr. Mobster hoe done
'or the boar .dickMg up. , She went down so fast !
„A himself .great honor. in the American ophiton
that ' , bent, the pas.engers could be orsmos,
tlie ' 'ignin the hlrmard port of the cabin w a s Awe , by the 0 6,1,1 s*d be has vaen en thin
pto the sky-lights and the ladies' cabin woe I occasion.
under Waxer about four feet. Captain Jones. was I ---•
. •
standing in the main cabin 01 the time, and by ' From Of J/Ornotona .11/mr.
Lis exer.liot , , aidid by co.'. of l'i' officers, the i 110NOAGABXLA B.LACTPUTEtt VLVIEFATION.
latlin, and children were safely transferred
, to 1
by the acts incorporating the :Monongahela
the two:rant deck. the . , only dry spot
on n. the ' Navigation Company, we aro authorized to raise . '
boat hat they had to wade in th e water up to the sum of $200,000, for the completion of this
theirnechs.- The passengers in the forward part : work, of which the State is bound to take threes
at the cabin wore nearl y all drowned. Mang : fifths, or $120,000, in coon no the ' balance of
of there arm California/tit out Their way home.— i " ,o 0,0 1 X) shall be otherwise subscribed.
Of the deck. passengere. consisting mostly of ' Oar efficient repereseatabrre in Congress, Col.
Itillh, some Oertnans, and - five or six Italians, all . Thomas S. floymond, who appears ever to have
except three were loot. One of the deck Pas- at heart the interests of his Liiisrict, -informs us
sengers swam live Miles before lit winched the ,
that he hoe assurances that the City of lialtimore
shore- There were only I! firemen, out of ill ' writ take $30,000 of the stock. et., soon its the
cared, and all the deck-hands were drowned.—' balance
; shall be subscribed—thus leaving but
All the officers were saved. the sum -of 1.20,000 to he subscrihri by the
The loss Gt It'fc is eqiumted fit I'M to Ids , counties ~, m0tt,, , , ,,,,,,,, and 31 ,,,,,,
?mils, of which number shout V.i) were cabin: lit oil,„.stwths.the most oh. much,-improve,-
V"' n gt r t jlt deck Pee'enger'' and the remit' 1 meats is left to the - pirate enterprise cithei •
der belonging to the crew. We could not nicer- I citizens? b 4 i l it r e is a work of the are imp°,
I°° ; the ' l ' m " of nay of t he ' uffer ' n .' , The ' h , °° . h " 1 twice to th&intereste of our citizens, towurd the
anti papers ns will as fur money D t h e n c l er k's I construction
of which we are offered the eum of
office were eared. however, and that officer, who ! 'hi 7000 0 .,,,,id e d wo g ive $30,001-?add surely
stayed oith the wreck, will probably give the
i if ne neglect to improve this opportiluity, we
name, of the persons drowned Nome of the
rdeserve toy suttee all the inconveniences of an
Vfitilontifins had deposited their money with 1 ~,,,,,r,,,iii;,,,n,i tardy navigation
the clerk: ethos 'retained it in their own litte, 1 ,
'The whiiintages of this improvement will be
' felt by albelasses of our community; and more
The cal:itt, t.hortly niter the •inking of the l rfculurlp by t h e farming interests. Every
wish t h e in
'ad then floated . l, ,if tuw w :the rarm•within our county will be enhanced in
paa,neers on toe aft ~Pr evi ous ~ reoll a f rom pj per proportion to its
°tie '
bouts-or '
a 'l4- teas made with P!'"" ; itroxiinity to the river. liken this work is tom
and ou it several Melt were despatched. to the , f ,r itiet t t h e f armer will have daily an opportunity
shoro for aid. Most of the ladies and children seltiling his prolueei either South to the rail
were thus safely landed. The
p ortion of the road, or Furth to Pittsburgh. without the loss ca
mbia which limited - oil watt picked up by the re a dout upon t h e Jetty of Hirer ur six mouths,
steamer Pe - tone, about 11 Milt, from where the i
; waiting Mr the rise of the water. 13nt we have
occurred, and ' lto ' on taker neither time nor space at present to enter into a
board at-.: Vero& in the afternoon following.— d eta il of a ll the advantsges to accrue to us from
They. were in
_lt very destitute 'condition. most the speedy
completion of this work.
of them having escaped in their night clothes ; The eitite,„ o f 3wion county, with commend
alld, being tiptoed in that manner for nearly able energy: „ re moving in tho work; relent
twelve 1101 n, ' Fortunately- the weather was
agents are visiting Pittsbusgh and elsewhere-,
, and it becomes us also to act.
Two children were miraculously saved. Holes ;t o soon as we con give ...sumo*, to oaf
Were'eUt in Or Wirer deck, and through th em ' Pennsylvania friends, that the menus have.hein
' lO we re e 3 rrie.ted from their berth.' T hey procured to complete thin work front. the state
were_found lying on the anittrasses, which were I line to Fairmont, we havetheir engagement that
thatitinipon the water in the rooms. One of theta ! the work w ill h e prosecuted f rom p roa ..ili o ' u p
isaaid to-have been aileep. They *ere the chit- Ito the hue _
dren of, a Mrs 4tontnan, who had just returned
from California. -
They survivors who were taken .4,04 were
treated /a the kindest t4oner by Mr. Carter
and another - Omen ia the' neighborhood of the
lo the city of Jecksou; n few days ego, tw
in, woman, belonging' to 3k. Jock, SP4thttag
the yaangesi & ad otttutt gentleman, on 4
into a eisteriton - the 'premium Both were &vim.
'ad,. Tho ' tYondmiwaa drunk • ' -
dmirer+ of the ruled Iri+h ', kglk ta rok of
Tete jialasf:Exitta
froal a !eiler pttentl
Asa hifirfaff a
frie;uls, qna
identity. fan... A grand old ails er fir bas a
inquired anxiously, for . straight Weak ei g hty feat high. and a lover of
I you utile that re ar on. ; '
:.Dies, 'etiald'spead Weeks here without exhaust
!, with all the exiles. We ; log the arborieultund interests of the park
' in and kliteliel.. The Aleut—which is, to .he sure, some ten or twelve
but ' - felt Ininntee walk ! miles round. . . '
s h•r i ll ' i 16'a twenty fire I • A sexy pietaresque cooreeau in the-park, en
le lakes; the trysting place closed and forming 'little scene by itself, is call
eta - meet ; 'hot after , ,all 1 ell the Thorne ry. Dia an abrupt piece of ground
irettlibarti of the govern - covered with a wild looking copse of old thorns.
it ime district, after the I betels, - dog woods: and' fantastic old oaks, and
not to escape.. However, I threaded by walks in VirtriCALS directions. In the
; 01 1'4 1 the stistili of the I centre is a complete little cottage, with the neat
eat &etch kitchen. little parlor, and furniture
inside, andsodofal glowerg : nosii : .
Alltto may i.ooLiieredtheorriamentapor
such a picture of It in your mind as Would most
interest your readers. But you millet remember
' that farming is the pride of Woburn, and that'
farming here is a matter of Immense importance.
involving the outlay of immense capital, and a
I. personal interest and nystematic attention which
kerne almost like managing the affairs of State.
About half smile from the house Lathe farmery;
the most Complete group of farm buildings, per.
hops, in the world, where the in-coming lutrvest
; makes a figure only eq tolled by the aceotaintida
, Dons to receive it. lettides these, there are
!'milts and workshop. o all kinds, and on, the oat
stirt• of the park, a VlAole arttlenieut of form
rcottages. I can only give you an idea of the at
tention heatuwed ondetsils, and the interest M
ires in the comfort tpr the immediate tentaita, by
resorting td figures; sad telling you that the pre
sent Duke has expended ESO,OOO, .(4:360,000,
within the past five years, in tiler farm cottages
on this estate, witich are model cottages—combi
ning the, utmost convenience and comfort for
dwellingit of this clays, wifkao much of architec
tarsi taste main befittinglvidwellingeof this site.
Of course It large part this estate is to let
but tenants, hot atilt a large tract is managed by
the Duke himself, who pays more than 400 la
borers weekly, throughout the year. ' The form
; log is very thorough. and the effects of draining
in Improriug .the land have haen very striking.
Above fifty miles of draio Lave•been laid, 'in this
estate alone, annually, for several years peat.
You will gath-r them this that English api
culture is not made a mere . recreation, and that
even with the assistance of the most competent
and skilful ogelits, thelife of a nobleman, with
the immense estate and the agricultural mates of
the Duke of Bedford, in ono of constant occupa
tion and active employment. Beside this estate,
ho.has:another in Caluhridg“liire, rolled the
- Bedford Lever.—a rust prairie of some IEI,OOO
acres, reclaimed frpin the sea, aud.kept dry by
the constant action of steam engines, but which
is very productive, and is perhaps - the most
profitable farm hind iu the kingdom.
In your yo
ti►►gtur. Mt* fel l
the most intiatte-ti
have tstot Ilagber.
two ilatt4 iitatioati
(rem tttio./ td NV..
Wt., to sett Mot, to
whel* th* three tli4t l
were disappoiatett-
went to confine each
hod given their imrolel
they do not sato • i
•• Soon after, our it tirsion to the lakes, Mea
gher visited Bothwell, with his friends Mitchel
and Martin. We the made his acquaintance.
Be hae been gettinra fine boat built to beguile
his time on the lakei, and he is about building a
hermitage on one of the Islands, where he pur
poses residing. He asked Allem -, n friend
of mine, to go up and Christen hie boat, Whiehis
to be called isiperanta,' in iomplitaeut to the Bair
poetess: but as ire nit agreed that the wenthet7Js
too c6hl for the ladies to truce!, we deferred the
christening ttlisspring.
"Smith O'Brien, who, you know, refuted his
parole, is rontlnod to Marfa Island, hotnoW
allowed more liberty than qt first, ha Mg a
horse to ride about the island, which Is a beau
tiful oue. - -
•• Mitchell's countenance I, very fine, hae geritt
variety of expres,inu: he has the etamp of a
leader. Hi, health is much improved by the
Martin hi II great favorite silit ill all—he is
sa kind. frank. humble, nod honeat—Ps health
is also good. They are on the molt friendly
terma with all the neighhorboc.l. Three days
never pass that we don't see some of' them. A
few day. we had tweet laugh at theta: they got ,
tired of their lodging , . tatty thing bufieomforto-
Me look a cottage, and ke 14, house three days
easetly. The first evening they came and poured
nut their household griefs at Snit dreiide : they
nest went to•our friendy,,the the third
Nlr Mitchell, deelared he could Aland It no long
er. and Teton:led. hag and baggage. to his former
hounekeeper, declaring that no house nook! he
kept without a woman.'
Butmequent letter contradicts the report et
Mr. 0111rien's attempted e.scspe, for which the
writer says there is clot the least ground.
re.pi the Itorticultotive fir fehroni e
received in London a note from the Duke of
Bedford, which led toe, while I wee in Bedford
shire to make a limit to Woburn
This is considered one of, the most complete
estates andieetablistiments in the Kingdom.
It is fully equal to Chatsworth, out quite in
another way. Chatsworth is semi-continental
or rather it is the concentration of everything
that Euriiiienn art can do to embellish end render
beautiful a great country residence. Woburn
Abbey is thoroughly English , that id it doe= not
aim at Inptly: eo merit ne gTandeur of extent
and substantial completeness, united With the
moat =rtematie pod thorough edministration of
tie whole. Besides this, it interested rue much
no the pose for rgactly Or, centuries, of a ; I
family which has adorned its high station ia, the
highest virtues. and by uu especiel duration to the
interest-e of the soil. The present Duke of Bed,'
ford is one of the largest anl• most scientific far- '
mere in England, and Ms father the Into Duke,
was not only - on enthusiattic • agaiculturist, but
the gee.ited arbericaltung and botanist of his
‘ 1. 3 ., whose works, both practical awl literary',
made their mark p,pop the age-
The Wohnni estate consists of abant thirty
thounami ecies of land. Tharp is n - ftnepark Of
three thousand acres. Von enter the approach
through n singularly rich avetaueof evergreens
composed of shelt perhaps one hundred fen broad
sloping; down like an amphitheatre of foliage,
from tall.orway spruces nod pines in the bock
ground, to rich hollien, and Portugal laurels in
front. This cootuurrs pet nligis holt' o mile, and
then you lraVe il and Witid through an open pork
specious and growl—fora couple of miles—till
you reach the ahhey. This is note building in
the antique =tyle, hut a grand and massive pile
in tic clessical manner. built ahem the middle
of the lost century an the site of the old abbey
have said tient this place seemed to me ...ten
ting? English, The brat night or the house is
peculiarly ea. 'lt is built of Pertinent Anne, end
tole dint intieve . discolored look which where'
even w&teleto huil.hogn indhis dalup climate, amt
which we in America know nothing of, under our
pure nod height skies—where the freshness uf
stone remains unsoiled Simon Wei' length of
Wobunt Abbey in a lane palace. and Ciontain.
ing. ea it doc. 4, the accumulated luxuries of art.
refinements, and comfort+ of so old and wealthy
• a family—with an lit,lme agsrearty'aiihttkihrof
t our mnney-eyow will oat he surprised watch
that we have nothing with which to compare it.
Indeed. I believe Woburn ie considered the meet
romr.lete house In England, and that is saying a
good deal. when you remember that there are
.0,04.10 private houses ha Great Britain. larger
than our President's house. To get au idea of ,
it. you mind imagine a square Mess, about which
externally—especially on the tide fronting the
park. there it little to Impressyou-sonly the op
peal-once of large sire, and nu air of simple dig
nity. 'lmagine this quadrangular pile, threeato
ries high on the park or entrance front, find trio
stories high on the giteden Or rear, and over two
h i pmed fret in length, on each side.. The draw.
ing room floor, though nu the secopilintery, le
therefore. hastily on n level with the garderisand
pleasure grounds in the rear, and the whole of
this large floor is occupied with an unbrokensuit
of onperh apartments—drawing rooms, picture
: galleries: music rooms. library, etc.prsoecting
and receding, and stealing out and in among the
delicious scenery of the pleasure grounde its the
most agreeable Intumer. There in a noble lihra
iti pith 24.1,0 volumes—a gallery, one hundred
and forty feet long, filled with fine lamlpture—
, (among other things, the migiaal group of the
three Imo, by Cr<o•VA> anal a tort of wide cot
thior running all around the cpuoiranglo—filled
with cabinet, of natural history, works, or art,
' Sc.. nail forming the must interesting In door
wok in wall weather. Piothien by the great
: coasters, especially portraits. these rooms are,
; very 'rich in, mod among other things 1 noticed
cen ts in platter, of all the celebrated aaimals
that were reared heir ty the late Jake.
Now. Imagine the quailtangle continued lathe
rear on one side nest the sculpture gallery.
! thrtaigh a colonade like side series of buildings,
including ridiug house, tennis Court, etc., a
Squatter of a mile, to the stables, rthich"ore of
I ttiemaelves larger than most colititry
imagine hot-Wises and conservatories almost
without number, connected with tho hoes° by
covered passages, se at to the tittneelt
comfort and beauty; Imagine an grimy consist
ing of a cottage; find the oyouads about Iffericed
I in and filled with all nutnuer of birds of brilliant
I and beautiful plumage i Imagine a large dairy,
I fitted up its the Chineee style, with a fouutein in
the middle, and the richest porcelian revel, for
i milk and butter imagine a private garden of
bowers and trrilis work, euthosomed in creepers,
which belongs especially to the Duchess, nod you
have a land of sketchy outline of the immediate
I nocessotien of Woburn Abbey.
They occupy the apace sir a little village in.
themselves: hut you would gather no Idea of
the luxury and comfort they afford did you for
moment forges -that the whole is managed with
that order and system which are nowhere to ho
tumid so perfect as to England, I W a t t 0,1, to
I give you another ides of the'establishment, that
a hundred beds ate made up daily for the family
! and household alone, exclusive of guests. The
pleasure grotinds which aurrouild tWw.• sides of
o the h en „ , Ba d upon which these realm open.
! ore no beautiful and coinpletethat you muktper
, mit me to ,lweir uPen them ti Mpg,
t.isr-of a series of differentEariens me cue
into the other, no to pregtice delightftilsing
riety, and revering it apace or many
about which I walked in to hetrilderi.4 a state of
deifeq that Into finite unable to say hew large
they ore. r ithow,i however, that they contain
uccnae of arapcacinS, barked by another of
Deodnr retiAMiri for ;non Inxurips groith,each
dine upward of a thousand feet A iiine
epecimen of the latter tree. leepty-fief or thirty
reel high, attracted:7l.i attention, and there was
• attothen'tWenty-hre feet, of the • beautifal Nor.
rotk Icl a n , t r4ne,.--growing in the open grohnd,
tooth the shelter of a glazed frame in winter.—
Theas. pleasoyegiomulsyttowever, interested me
'lllO6l in that portion called the American gar
' den—several acre, of slophig, velrety, turf, thick
- ly Jotted with isreept , etrhodalendroos, miens,
lc., forming the richest masses of dark green
Mileage that it is possible to .conceive. In the
- months of May and June, when these are in full
! this must he scene of &Inlaid drafting
brilliancy. The soil far them had oil. bean
! formed artificially. -and consisted of a mixture of
peat and white sand, in which the rhododendrun•
and kalmws seemed to thrice admirably.
! Beside this; some, there is a garden composed
L_wholy of heaths, the hods cut in the turf, one
species in each hid, and full ciflelicate hallo :
parterre flower garden. in which a spiking ef
, feet was produced .hy contrasting vase, colour
ed quite black, with rich masses (growing io the
g... 4. lTO ei:d e ) ,.... e o r f e b t7l otb r , w l_e i b t h oF m r s t a i i:l o l ' o m . w p s i v i e . t att e abc :l co an l e i n e it t
I these two genera-in the World—the taste of the
farmer Duke—nod with which I was familiar be
1-fore-bond, throup the ••SatictuLa Irorturnese,"
atelMr. ethetair work on the “Crostra of ll',
• The park is the richest In large eveigreent of
any that I have ever seen. Ili? large
(be fernier bake [has- Pioilaeed at the present
penteol,. after a growth of over fifty or sixty
yore' tha most euperbe results. The csdath of
LehattOrr-4he • most sublime end venerableht all
trerell, ill 4 lion imildest of al inargrena„ Ore
oree paluv-4hough all . the ran pines and Aril
•The first John Hostel!, Duke of Bedford,
came into pcsecutsion o.f thin etteto dt06.19, and
it has descended ip the family erne:since. In
one of the apartmeUts of the palace is II series
of miniature portnite pf the itoade of the fitfully
in of t 4nbrolien lire, for 100 'cert.
Aminßei : 4o spite returned to Mobile from
rensgeob‘ op the :list ult., and left the wee clay
for Moelitecrieir op hls Ins A 0 Weektiogtop city.
—414 leaving Pettsucele the party were saluted
by the Forts sod the Nray
Emionsrtoa NICABA QM. —The pea [otta
ni beauty and richness of liicerogna are extra
ordirotry advantages which it proooots to settlers:
ticizootot are oettlittig there to low numbers,
ttottior, under the ansPicea'ot
the oolotalltei %be
great scientific traveller, who dooms Oontral A-
Nerien to present thoppast Held for colonization
of ony (Millis confining.
VOL ONTAIT 111,1 Z niAll4llTErl. The jury in the
ease of. Knight, borlicteci for the killingefliughes
at 11.0u.t.i.; have after being out more aria
24 houre, returned a rerthet of roluntoq,
In the Virginia Mime of Delegates on Mon
day, the vote rejecting the Central Railroad till
was reconsidered. The House oleo unanimous
ly pun,' a resolution,
,euthoriring the employ
ment of counael to def end the Wheeling Bridge
case in the rinpreme Court.
Josay Liso,—Aftet giving ten or twelve con
at New Orlenns„Jenny Lind will proceed
to St. Louis and Cincinnati, and return to New
York before the tenth iof April. Castle Garden
has been tamed, and will be fitted up in elegant
style before tlist : lterloil. RignorSalvi, the great
Tenor, has been - eagaged to eaglet Jenny Lind's
grand concerto in New York.
Stephen' Hempel:slut, Jr.,p prespq sprip i pc
or the yov/st sod thwishillA Shit' a lowa', wei
fcrnierly a wool moister,. and toned for tunny
putt-. in Milford tuwalihip, Ducks County in this.
Desirable Suburbia Residence for Sale.
Toe mohieriber obit, to. Pale the balfre .at woods
slur, L..awi 1,14, Park stmt. below Tn..
pima to Alliatbany, and alitiat.d. anima,. walk ffr. lb.
taasket of std. city. Tlie Vd ti Ito feet front on halt it.
fritinhatt beak 241 feet, tom alled— , antalallta ....If ow.
la, avowal, and I. bostadtd °Pi'.
Wt. alarm/id nab tfraw Yal shtiadory. The hou.n In
[warty new, large. sod tarliallogly v.ll .anneal. ball.
• front of 50 fiat, and a doitb of 7 and rantafra fourtoen
roma, lane filet wide II 4 built to the beat
and ari , at data Lin wanner, eta has s Inilmatf roof. and
the Madras. eAtetellientrt. Tan palnlta. with
Oil unfailing ynKat of 0.4 amt a 44
fro the portafry• v. Iltildlaka, stable,
rartfroilo,fre i ar. "[lie grOal•fr ate 1.7 natttly a. •
l•wn friPetal wlilt clad, hull tree, efranyeena, towering
shrub. manta. atiopetiertini, am_ and a email
Auden. The frail lo of fraibed kind. 002 the trfra
Clair prima, and 11.14 ruiltakb Cr the ',ant. of ast onlltagy
frailly. The intact/on of ltd. fr,..1,41fry
subiarlon frantefr, renibl•oil with runtlgittlY 14 ttka
t o any 1' 4 4. 4 la I ktil , Pl t 't
• .2.. 4 a." 4 14. 8 11 4 ' 4 , 44 • i'''Ot" . l".4'
taadb PUL4uritb. Ise city, fke tam tj.aayy, ."
hub anatod. fortaltni ailtalytker . ,tifiwpial of
•4" prtvi trOtt. 1.31 a'l . attl enters on &tarts Ow% ttp twi (1.
o. W eser In
fall view. The fraLlene• mid ground. ara aranplotelt
nanayal (Nan any antra, stew of difrt. defrfrartfro of
matfett 3.11,1 rep letion.ol34 afford- a Pain-anent an atilet
and praa.ful ..If longed fondue quiet =ad. bathe r.ntry,
Tb. ',Pp/Tit - wilt litaald at a balvala.o4 tal.frailon
rd WWI, linguini at tb•tfristate 0000.
W 0412 .1).
Ca-sronfrat to to r.tilfy that
to to, itott.,e lo the WI at IMO, Ay the claw. nt Iltoo
Els. In • left 1.4,1 , 00 !Woe. and war altorat tunny 1..lizol•
Ile LW 1rr.0 . • sol.ller to tho ...flirt. Ile tra.k aro
taken to ook of the fast loipltals to Logolott, 1:11:14 had the
troll trcuturot Loofah kouki rooki Out be re..
..torrd to right, And trai dMiatfool tocurabl6.
Leant re otorli gout the Nttnigm g l lbottsht I traukl
rotor of It on WI , 117,01 tank° of th•
Prttolootrt tit *
. which ett.fri,losl. It•
roam. cnv
7 16.30.; t.;„ 41 401 ? ....1 1 . tye MO of tb• 11401i0
a the atvigfl tiay gar. I tier T lrs
hO.I ~toe 'u(!9 l 1.111 D" I.
CnAedillote.i. Bremer Co, Ps.oot. • Mo.
fu .ale by Kaltr t ADDisrell, thi \Cord street• R. E.
Mkt, G 7 Wothi street; ILI A. Yalmertock. A (b. sum.
word .O J OO rtgrets, D. AL Curry, D. A. Elliott, Joseph
Diniglastouiii U. P. :chiral., Alleabrny, also by the yr-
Prictor, S. M. KIDD,
liasiti.Sgreuth st. Pittsburgh.
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
°Mee N. 11 Mater in the warehouse at C. IL
11. Ile err Preeident A. W. 3lnata,
Thu conirany la nor prepared le Imam on me rcLandlw
In Mac onLI Oa tranoltu, ge.
Au amrk guaranty bir the ability mad Integrity of the
InultuM.n. t. ationbel 'slie diameter ef . ttneViteetera.
rritrirto,t . l dthen. of 1n1,t0410,;:ng,,,,1k1i'ir.4.,,
uixl 0. finerey Wm—Baggier Min. Lormer:
thematic and ForeOn &change, Bank No tes, .
Gotd 5.110 m, Itought;Scltt Erchatts.rett
micliAlicir ANTI - 1 . 19u5
Whl. A. f111.4..1i. Cf), _
ei Wood Street,tlittati.
/ 4- 0 htfro.irit_
i pOPARTNERSIHS—We have associated
with us l'uodesYsLith: Mfr Cashki of thw liryners
Ihtyysllr Ilsyk: why will Clallity hyrsbrall'ettSwlhs
Ttly nyh, nlll. him moans eitery
AV. . I . ..
A. - WILKINS 64 CO.,
Corner Uird and Market sta., Pittab'gli.
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Slieet
11A1). .!,(XV 2+,4
A full and Ana 094441 1 VON AMP AMERICAN
ladulubly with any at the mete=
RE y(ou A FATIIEII, (or Vie
k l / 4
tvlphu,-it tUrf nta.
oar' ittp araa ow. or ntr 113 get a
ohs, • n , tou alp Sal that the Shaker the
Fre4.l j t•td4 pa.. tits be. the
r,r 'lllr= ttattaoaily euLlert, iter an h y ld oti
py,f:ra ' boo 01 Varesparllla um yet brought beh. the
" 711 . metlk 4 . we l l establlthed Its tat. reptin/lob by It.
OVlDerWas .4 well ll.ted
tr:r1=714 4 16 1 4 ume
ham 'WI teuden , It altottetm valuable
4100 .4
„ It !: HOWL'S eUABen
a FA pee boifle—tltottleaktr taketm ‘..
I or vale by
Int. aD. 110Wle OD, Proyrktons,
Cale. Rah Cutohonsg, We,
To tam all orlon may bet falircaant. •
Aw, .2„, by,. A. AA.% Mitt= V. 3 W.
Mark. It. W. /late al p h p a4Al miy • .11••
Met: T.A4•1141'11
lad S. t aw, as.
c a CALL
ila -- tai:motaber and Ifincraidabla elimembre ofatitniewe
OrtY :¢stlng fat a dbwam,lAtate °fit* herr, An loot dial
lcitio•dflbar,iittentkin of viedicsi ;on. mi.. of aw* db.
eve*. clanaid woderi the genital term of eialeuto POO. !ire.
hero out/awed incuralde. mid the unhappy Innent waa al
lowed to die. without 131(111ralsclowe twing ...ailed to oiler
him a Impala( nvoreer. - Happllythia ran nolinitrer be the
croe. A remedy ha. hero found which .111 cure all thew.
complain., of slim..., clutratirr. analog from demtuf':-
inent of the liver. The fill. dim-orered by Dr. 11 - Lane. of
Virginia, art directly on the liver. and by correcting Ile
01 1940. arid purifying It from &awe, cute off arafratir
pate. the complakte that hare thela origin lo the diem..
of tbleorgan r R.medie• hitherto *mooed Mr then. dsra
ere hare Ailed to operate atom al• WA of the dilemma but
Dr. Cl'l.aties Pills make !bowel,. felt upng it.. onion of
the Ilrer. mid by rimming the fountain dip tap the ImPute
weenie of dici-aar •hich them derive their etiatetww.llor
rale at . J. KIDD a CO.
• NO. al) Wood it
European Agency, •
The auLarribor Intetais visiting Ma aninciatal HO. of
Or..[ Britalo. laanro, nod Gonasoy.d.H.g the monttl. of
April. May. Mot Jou., WV. !oaring PlHOortab oa March
17th. aod.Mtl h. ploarod to attend to all, syrepeles a a be.-
rhararter obloh toot be coreded to his rare.
JaiaitdOaril JOHN D. DAVtot.
On Monday. the 70th ur Y. broary. bier. SAMS F 1011.41,
Ora n. W. Vennllnt agasl 54 year.
?be funeral will take {dare thin day at 10 o'clock. a., Y.
fr. - m her late reoldrore earner Third and Grant atrest. to
procaed to the Allegheny tAnnatery. The Mena. of
family aro luvite.l to attend alltusut furthor ontke. ,
Sliaml and Mantilla Wareham. •1
tup:+hiliwd NEW 10110,
.1. now opening ono of
largesi of rirbest assetinients of PPItING-AND
SC 1/11hit SIIAIVI-4 heron.nee'ved. Also LACE
MtMLIN sal all kinds of SILK 3IANTILLAN, inonufwin•
red from the latest Purls (+Athos, rsceivolbs.the ott
out pvticularly salsided to the :soling trade.
A 1,.. a ve spienalkl ofasul CAR AthOLS AND CAI. I
co ry uslethig of frininq plain edged entthu
sod silk .at Turk Faith Parasol., 11011 Cotton sod Dine.
him Umbrellas. .111 id whirls will be extn•suely
tow pre.... e eased...llr invite our We,dern friends to ex.
mot.. ten work le.fore tenvhsionv.
IRE lstlisW irI•ANIIS. fur exhibiting •
Nlautillas. put up its rases for trati•purtatioin feltildf '
_ .
aI.ISII.F.OPATIIIC BOOK S--Just published
.101 for sale atthe hook store of the usu lerstaned.
nd'. laustawne Physician, meths.'. with additim++,
from the athor, mannwrit of the ith German naltiOn.
COUIBIIIIIIW, u Ow, • taluthir in p dex. of the medicine,. and the
di-as,. in • Ilich they -se used.'
C..n of medicine far the above work. ARlicA Plaster.
Arnica Viewers and tricturr. Sugar of Milk.' (Dobai,: a
fall 501.111 y of all the taediCine+ used hr pb+ sicians the
diflorcnt dilutions sod trituralkinth with all the Inak•
polillstuAl on lionceopathth always. O. on /A A nd.
role Mend far Homeopathic Medicines au, Books,
41.11. It air: Liberty et.
Ihham's )Is•tarine for )lareb, with 144 i nag.:
Hticulturist, far Fabruary:
(Minister. 'lOl
• Whist ticsiew d,r'.
/Area Iliselplim • take:
Mn hang '. .UanZlnt Nat
Home I nelson., miethr mothers and daughters:
)Inther's Dec:Awn:we. by Gram Aittalur.
indfdliveption• or the history of the hutaan
Licari: by dirs. EilLei •
Oliva.. uteri:
VI k r 1 3 1". lti '
min at IV%f +l,4otit Post (IC
nee. 101.11 ,
Ii t RF.WAdb--Rtm away' from
the anbarrDwr, Gams in Paw Deettowniship. Alleghe
ny County. IA Antlt.un.l great ire, named Joseph laths,
+heat lit years of ape . I hen-IA Ihrwsins all persons &cm
harbunuw. or ;risque; the. will . r .ptrteace la Layitemunt
the i.thwe reword. but minims., till he paid if brought
hcrith, fehlliwder NOVI: )111.11.E1L
WHITE FISH-9 2 bbbi, for ante by
bli Watrt =I Front PM
lIIEESE-123 kITS, in nture and for ludo by
TISIOttIY SEED--in store and for sale by
Ottll 1551011 DICKEY e CO.
rriAli-150 hblo, in'Atore and for sale be
I. 011 1551511 DICKEY a tn.
!ll[ .d holders of the Omar Catantary Orr herrhy ittoii
aml that am Annual eloction al:lime-lota far tht• math,:
yoar.ll h int Irtttl at that tate la Ur, thr fed Mon-
Nlatath toot_ at o'clock,
cal;t " of the Yrciddrnt
lr. ey,
Caul Fa. 6.'51 tall
FirHE LADIES all pay "1r you Rant real
psra Teu. row Morrie t Ilaturarth'• Tea thorn Is th e
V swat! for It.' The ina they snit at 30 rent) ler potted
is rrnil , ler: , imal. and than at 73 touts and $l. are deft.
m.. Car ptial..itmu,l. or utherior Ira. ur nacr kept
at this estahltotanert. am/ they now rstull all th eir Teat
tirert troth the ort,thal thetas. harlot proud that Install
oat 3..... p to Mobil)). until's).., which, beholding up to the
DOR. you trill gad Is as wroth as • lady's veil. *bit..
Re )l g o a h r,.-n.., k
10330 bush Drn
tt .
.0 hhisextra WathPllyCoßuu
33 Jo nupsrlia der
toi (iO.l extra Coro Drthas.
1400 bov. Wi /11.0111.4, U ea*
oalfrvle hi JOHN ATI a VD,
will arrive in this city in a
y , aul witi .141vet"ca....rir, tis
.nickse clod,
EVOIXERS , -la rigtrived, an addition-
Ke s.
41 , 4+1 araulue Con , . Rost) r.qr, al. Allecri
11 W. W.
IL. The dorltitot Nara , fartortt. oecupt,l by the
.u 1
G.A. Alattrbrrtrr. utast.. ho law a tilt .I.llrohept
owl Ilsorbetter tionk Pool. Pith oartlato , LoP. MIAs
.at oihrr out boosts. and about an acre .f motor. the
Watt. GP arbor m iht/rbut ph
. .
n t)LI, BUTTER—.23bI6 [ mine, for mac by
t - It* HAH110.1.)11:
* Atoll • N 0145 Pint .104 /Id Secmd
LINSEED OIL-7611M.. for mile Ly
, lIAICBAt 611.
TALLOW—NI OAF, prime. for sale by
fr.bll.. aL .
BROOMS-Str dozen, for salt. le;
febll S. 6 W. itARBAUtiII.
I)R APPLES—ISO bus prime. for sale ,
b% fan ,1 a W.11%1061 , 101.
I)it/ El) BEEP—P e m
ask. srar cured, for
.ale b, 0.1.11 0. 6 W. ILMINEtiII.
4se, fur onle 0. a W. 1161111AU.1111.
WU hogs No. 1,. for
L we to4wlA V . : jlAlLll.lpin
d r, LOVER SEM - V.-SM . print. Ohio. for
'616 bp - iebn 9 A W
DRIED PEACIIES—Ifiti bap fir make its
N. 6 kV
lOTTON 'CWINE-250 superiolP qual
, Oi liilG4 Cg,
1410 NoL lrutxt. rtrdet
`t 4STI SOAI , — , A I yit.e3 far lode tOr
APR- kegs awl Ibs bbls, for sale LP
ia 1:4463440 hole Clover
T "ig*N 4 2•K r afr:t b i •-
Dn t Vr
J .IPVLES--21)(1 buslir4 ,, 00. looßl'autt
UR Wi ,oc bl 6.1,10 liIREIVcilleK.
E R I Lll,lliN TrirstP, Vberke.s, -mad
iNT P ."'"" b) J. iyll/hISM,AK k 11.
4\V ERS--For ' , ale by •
04.J° J. SCllOOIiklA 10,11 • CO
LACK LEA/1-710 11/.of .uperior
•alr h, It L. FELLEILL awa_ I
bbb+ for by
.M yAT 1.11111 ~ ei,i. f„r ~alliy
farlo R. E. SVI.LEN,
VOITERAS-10 bbla for pale by
Oda N. f SFILErlik
VIAL CORK S-1000 qust fox
c.blo KI CEUo.
1 111011. 1 SE DE LAINF:S—PriAd and solid
geld have on hand net am ettment of mart Bomb.-
Ae, Calm. Cloth. !loom de• Purometio.
futhhol laza o•llier el, ke of Mumuu . koolle.
1 - 1.4 be o.ll' SUG.III-100 asoorted num
r., far tkle by Eltifillit11)(1: k
ao \o. 116 Waltz. Ft.
ISAIAII DICKEY' 8: CO., Agents for Ma
lily. Iron Works,
Iron for ralo oupertot, warrard.l. IVorrlontm 112 W•teraml
107 Frtall 0.1111
BATTING -15 balegyuperior, for glIV,_ 1.. Y
tale isymi l TEF.Y - A co.
ticatox—to I?nles for ludo by •
1.1 t,• • ISAIAH MCKEE k(V
1 1 0110:1 BAGS—AI doz twilled:. for Ftale
11,_/ by ' .h r SteGILL.9 it ROE
Q EGA US-10,601167ineipe. for tale by
thlfl )IIiXEL. I C tri.)E
Adipiipinratikte Notre. 'cif ' AdialflistrAinfi to the Es.
war { tie havul'lllfee.tiff'ot Wllkihs toweighip ; Al.
• ny Ee. Anerda6ll 2
.. tutwe 'Not mated to the sot ,
*Tiber. At t Etrwitut imictited to mkt total.- on toluteittel
ii . hod , 1..... 11 w0 fayment nod dime having elliiMA
...g.ilitil th • rem:. will tetwent thari , f , AAgement to
Wiikthe town•hiii, fel.lOwetT 4 :. A ' ittgl A triralhe. ,
V.:II'..UABI:I. 314Lik.IVIt AND.LOfB
rot AALE—Ttro lone. Eitot • taut et ea. - Inn oil
IL; Deafer t.:rook. eith Ire tie . ' nun hewn. Ate,
.4 a II inhfrio; a) fogy tichoterneetwanty . . Ping ebbilb.—
AI.. e. Tano of 118 hetes. oh the Ohio row, three miles
B 'ls' 4,Z ; T . . k tae!ttri• It ' % '' er rESTI ' Iw...• ..74.: " Ajt
itteeteir nir itif iwr eon.. Alto. ' t•_ ot 1,1, Ilii...v.Aini
do, he 1'25 pie arre. Meth ll'ti i.ore• cut :11,,,h1vtl
aryl for Ili pee arm, together with too Ahet• c.y r
..,.. 4w. iitel wine Ezujoire of • • .
N. P. . 4. I. IL KElNEtthliVt,
Attoroev• pcl.Aw toilti•lowitt/Lhilte'
tetile No t ulo rt rr - .. otA
iagnIQNAL GAP' . -.' 4 -Y°.
Prlclfiy, TOWS tots in z.-• '
Irv, t'reVlat klitisfottOP .t Liverpool 0.
too Mn. nui ,Li 7,.
n: !O
. t 1 ; 4 eale of Lots in
' tho tilr..*r. " .vr. d . ?- .. f.' r t" ' d&te= l l ' l42l:tr a
hn Yotnon...l in ,0 •" . 0 1,..... a LiQm it
t ItlinW fr - ot t ts UM outgo/aro onet t tho •• r It f
,tr i 7 4 -,:,...- 4. 4,T . ,, , r,,,,, !tit" tonllna to ray anyttdo c a
=alb' a 7 t aciPtUgraft=oti l tlt t nT L"'
aad1,,,1 goet,3l:vo pa have got-tatty chanL4 of
iwirc tv oy thin atnnoa ti proonte , t Onto.
..1 o 4
4 . (5. i(A. &Yeoman the owl ellObleatol dentable
to A., r 4 , ll M i ltaftlovirally Otani to notivatre of
M Zw...itittt I % P, q - orit h =TtormoN l: l7 " .
' or
w... ,.. JuIIN I S. ttLIa.ELY
tot• trataliant
r publishing the uncalled for balances of
he - Hank of Ntlonrset. pearling to lan, Itellerember
keleegr Lieu cng toJrner Whom,. made Ifnrefre
feo. woo •
erronenusl prinhel Jeer,
Pougheey." Th n
e boy Interested VIII take rewire Mar
manor ho IlkinVol. is ea red for within the time stipulated
In tie. 4ri or Afeetohlr, hr
ereat to Ito (Ammon. *efr.h.
ff. oronollemn. JOUN tSIDEIi. Cartier.
Linen and Iloase — Tini;di. -
1k A. MASON 4 CO.. • No. G 2 and G 4
IMetket torte ttetstentli he teeet a.
Mee huge
ret et . the teaming rood, o t bmit manatee.
aW :";, k iZ D tPl';
) , ))4 .
thetabee. pilaw wall Mama;
/1114.1.. KUHL. 8.0k1,1 eud. ELM El* .
Luau Lawn, atal Lirs. Quals= r :
Vluar acd Linea Damask, all
lde vu 01.mbrie lisadkart.lllafx
104 Allendale Elitetlngg 104 Boatalajtat
64. At/arr. etletingg - 4,7=1,...
tt te r G. to
Taiwinee downsitiall: ~ ,
A be
"'tlrlrA . .treisttr " At r. C o=l i‘a . tegthe
Leetun. Nom of the PreeAserlAA A-42.. "u""
Audi. Gt.; J. J. Buctiva.N.Slr:7. .
__ ....
Pittotami6. iN . t....).... -4 ti ,
.-1.,k. 1., Prrimt..11.44......k 0,11 . 2 % Ri , ,..
n.":11. t .". 724Villit tZliaWMiAtlial
io l. : g i ti ., A.L..)::T"UP. L. °o4*-- / IJ . 011Naiir...._
Large Auction dale* Refined Sugar
T5. „,,,, t 0 tt0 Loaf, itlnobol. Powder:Nl, smell
roY be pmt id..Aoolide at hew thre
lons.. the 1919 a [rho's,. MI. by B. TUIt.FIN.
al the Noted T9IOS, 11.1. ILLY. ILLANCLIARD
A CO.. Ageribe areal& Illetaletr. Nolr IL.. a....
in..Terme litenil We.
. ILO.
oh the gime day. at lb. MUM 4M. WO Caducei oth pale Pod dart Pellero d Braun,
50 al. ^ pale 11M9 do m
75. do " " 1911 do du
Jo lo " BIS do. do
NOW. Imperial 6•110 010.
All the above Are alder Cueluat nun. litre.
tw toekele thileholet
Ile) MALY Abeinth:
liO " .11randy Cherlitie.
iel" , Mute truirjoilled
bel beelike 011rer 011;
MO men :Mediu." JO Oil.
Quarter sal taaa
tnaeafir-T liberal II wk..
Lftw Partnership..
TIIE have asmAated them
selv. Itie . preekre.? Lew, ander the nen a( BIvK
eAluatine. tbn other 01 the. viten not ei
eieil in Cour t en be firma at all time In the ne, nu
urtb erre, Pirrelievnb, tee
, oe j ru m tinkillf. Dusk, • ' •
Liteillir •
. •
RIP OIN , GfIA3IS--filurphr Bure held
IJr have oo to • large lot of Drip • liingtouns, which'
al an , . • reducni minx earth rani mart. allk
Awl Market greet.. lAA
Fr LIE public • re cautioned agninnt
nog .an aceept draft to .I.l' caner. drturn by .Otul-
Noll.ll4roard aIA on earllrle
of 0.
hen tort.
&tett einrlnoatl. other :Nth. WU. aod paßple PIN
tocotto after date f r Urventern linodrad nod VI r.erect
Int Into tarot,. oa. Ink raid arerptaure no! , mai cal team
Nen York to our :are. no the 14th of January, and On.
titled to reach uv. KENNEDY, CHILDS a CO.
IFREM. FRU 'l'—Peaches and Blackberries
Put up In thet cora juke. sod bormettoallY
t .orrby presercLor heir orltical tarot awl freelinea,
Alpo bruPPlurto put up It the none mama. for
pr tart, Ort b Aland ibr Fab. by
256 Liberty Amer:
BIRD SEE anary arid Hemp Seeds
of the. toot q Illy for
6.1.6 W .Al ACCLCRO t CO.
LINSEED 0 L-5 bids just received, pure
Conine, OIL
Ph!. ft 4.
No 245 Larrtr larmt.
" i '''" l '''''''' '' ' "l "' " Wif . . b i. lIILL t CO,
&IA nark and Exchature Broker..
FIGS AND AISINS—I49 boxes figs: -
393 do raWor. NI
enn.l r.rol for =de h' BROWN t KIIMPATILICK.
o- b 1
lik lOLA:SSE, tierces and 300 barrels,
111 prime mart.' ..e g bhlr A. II Ire sole br
LARD OIL-1.15 bbls best refined Winter,
Su We 1, J. F.C1100:01kKlat t CO.
~ r.i Wood grat.
reams assorted;
vge by bb J. YCHOONIUEER t CO.
10+7 * " 174C110%1713& b iII tCO.
11ILDER'S C SMONS—Jufflt received rind
ots by Da al Av J. KIDD CO.
o.i .rmt.
ig 'TAKER'S lERBS, all Yindo,lrejh lot
io boad....vd • m4EY
lEEE .T. D CO.
GLAZIER'S I lA.MONDS-1 doz. for sale
by DM .1. KIDD 2 CO.
I, oNil SRA few low priced Lon;
-"I•r""*""urr'" "Tatenr • StiIiTIFIELD.
CASTOR OIL-10 brie Blow's best, for sale
VaDD it Ca
UTTER —7 bbls fresh Rani •
7.0 kegs do ixot reretsrd 'and
ad,o/o by Gig MoIiILLS a KOK.
rpOBACCO-40 boxes 5 Lump, for *ale by
4b7 .116111.18 it A _ 0L
WINDOW GLASS-100 Ms "Uaugb&'
by 10. far yak by Leta MAULS &MOIL
grENT SOAP POWDER-5:1 bole* just
waved sod kke rode no A C. dalaXad. 57Nacod
of whom anal. , al.. nay Own), b. lad.
L 7
• Civil .Eugineets and Land itulTegopt.
IfEASTINGS Jr. PREISER. havlng twonci-
PUPPM• h ltil Pitt•t4 to Son
rga grk ti oot .4 riPrkitt o tatid katk leaf=
Pax mt. g Ur , oui.t= " ollll . , g liank.
.leAdm Pritres. ea ficrorstile 1 , 7154.
Offr• No. 100 Km Mee tiesil of nrm. meet, ocur Air
Coon flow, Piterburkti. f.)O dritaurtlir
RUGSL-In attire and too male dm gait
vriterr..ll or et goofier-
Puiplike and Peeltife uf Niarptait.
tiom PIMP,
lireen Skler:
rum of Leski .
emm Tartar
Flour Sulphur:
Alexandria Pram;
fieun emptior, ,N. WICKPRSILI3I.
Lark rimer ma:l2M - Anti -
A l im IT E 1103IE-MADE . FLANNEL--
v ISPI/ OUReIIVIELD oto irerd
Cee of Mar low kr ZS mar per tat.).flier bare oho
pre brad turiro. Blur. tiro., lktal homainade
kitP.N . .t Ma Priee-mul 411•11[1... P
fold -
s 001) CANTON FLANNEI.A. farthereuut
reorurppir of
at *tor very ruperlar article '.t 'l2.Pi mitt per
t , af a 11 U/U'ill • a SURCIIIISLD.
1,17/Are .., SUFIETItaIS - e - iltllll , okr per pad
r. ; k tiorrhileke g Zr g e=user r% tm
-g ePof TotA M Zert .
Market Attrei, rat mostrorut of he'll.. Mulittra, trout
Ole t t•. three Mr vide. iteaelteti
Valor -eve 31Mirm harm tablectikka, kaki. diapers. amen
Pug draper .ad cruel, nit bourekeeptigy numb geprtsttr..
AI, AND i 00140 . QUllTS—
tr..pep to tOs ant%rotttaZ n innt• goot. of t i ngrok
pk Me MGM Atn. Cktralture Moab' fa . w.IU.
11AISINS—Coraulan Bunch. . •
Ilk. Extra taper Cr mtle.low tithe
x ur rotail: lih.4 W. A WeCLIIRO • CO.
. . .
it ICE-. 15 tiereee, in Ptore and far sale lit
• is.tiau IWC.KET A CO
,oti W.Or sod Free. ntfi.
Wat.rt sal P, ,t NA
1:17 PEAeIIESI79 sacks, just rewired
lJ stud fix sale by OS J. b. ek5112.1.11.
EMONS-14 boxes, just reired nod for
L k
Fa, by febs B. CANFIELD.
` l ll FESE-250 bott - s. ror sale by
FLOUR -3d)
bbls extra Family Flour, for
•Ale by febs E. P. VON DONNITOSIET t CO.
11111.1-1 bbl. prime leaf for.aale by
a b:. 'I F. 'FON BONN' BORST L CO.
BUTTER -4 bbl. roll,
a do paed. .
& • '"' ck
0. iNG.S e' V I "
N/ORn ik CO.
Itrarartrin have metres! it very fall eurtply of aberee
.bey van veil at lower priers than thry are
nenerally *Altar Wan . Black Floart.d oral Morrie 2tla of
Ptwr.t sty/1.,E.
F ILL BOXES-400 papers Wood, •
Lir ..le sr febtl
EtVn Afr 4 .4ES.-,14 - ineks for sale L
DEARLASII-30 casks on hand va(Lfr
...kb,. fob° R. DM64/9-
af y
• Tf&
f 1t apci cir then, on ka.v t A
ta.ftn .DALY.F4EIM
.NO. 1. ROSlN t i t kpr ,
and for sale b 7 D. A.
4'5 • nl
tyVni ccoa 0
ebb JN 108 ELY.
To Om
. _
119 ern Meet
AVTIQN-Tcs Tor - .. Aimero. • •
%acct. latmat.e.a, tn.
remain a a smut randle. ilzed
tta.,i, 4 a Ur est....a.e.ita two Mt%
•••• it 1,1„,„ mar 40 inn mt., and palling *on
Va c' tartan- 1. '. 67(431 . 1t an "' i fr ifsga" ' IbU
en/ of to Ulu
i , ri tilna them to 14 theta la nor n and ihreip=
..nat anrrinF L' ira, ratl lealatly a taetemn Zurt . a ro.n.
frolon blab, tuna
blank .cnrlT
hair and rrs aunt
ttski ffhifkm. lowico•tbe w e l l Clair• sae ow
. cf d
rivelw e. alitt ha bit Un tOy, it. ar, O and
oSd eakallood to do.,
7.1 t f1Y2117 trla t' diffalw =Oft* maadra a
thre Odd wt of
O - Wltti will b.- wo, Your. ref poetfopy,
14." 6 A.fitkr... 1.
114 Lualnreant4t..l4w; Yak.
el". 7111/ young man alluded to bu wavy bed aztnected
ulth the firm felakanuod,
AVANTING SOON—Placeß fora number of
yjr. aaleemgarlaady:epaiLkidefVna
r nrt
vita A . :antr a ! Ear t an rode itu y ne allar
Moony rc ' e ' roln:d lent.aatall km& aj d ziv=y7i
In Agency and lutelltrener atm. at to tastaptly
and tbr etre moderate ebatlaee Mew call At -
Agency and oa,, kb .
i f rpI3IOTIIY SEED-15 bbls Timothy — era,
I , m hal:Jana tor ±ale , R. Deiza. co.
ACID---4000 wanuaticd
Ibore, turas by R. Z. !RUM. ;
b , bs ' wted anal
N ,
ERIIlN(.li 7 lou bra Lubec nettled, for sale
t•C ;au . isatsu MOCK! a <XL
N E LOPE 9,—Just received, .a large
Maj. ablto - Envelopes, of all
IVl."lll.ll..`d,TY= Sfaxotionn,
_3 . .. 33 Cot. Marlon on,l &rood rtreoto.
1 ty}{,---ITIN-------ti INK—ArTtOld'e Writing Fluid,
V (bp) t.6 end Red Ink.
It beet'. ~e utioal rhakt and Red Ink. ..;
hurlnslo.4tuntean lot—oad =I bleat • , :' •
Harm i Tbompatera I.laomercial Ink—U.. , a,seartrt.
slat red.
• French Carmine lot. for eatla by W. 6..7I.AVEN ' •
........ ....-
- Ia I OBTSCitxIIV bile Ipuignille Lime.
..1: - hi thelanil er"retath 11* middle. Mid Auld maan
tub blank So Lehe 1.T.0 tempera*. eff ol .".
oar late eounterinftdeteetam aod all oar .ta . t toirel ' 4 l
...r ...Mr: and Mau 10/dlnorent lam eetern, ,
ialiee3riadoU ant" I
rNorth ♦ ern mat fautbero m
era emo o =l,,,u.nae lend poo
17rgper. ollle, * 11l Ati ta. WargAr4°'
at " OLcra. -
PAZ. amt.
.1M carob&
Cxx.f .
e•Rai /Win, An:aired.
Palma: Rad Road Co.---Cetal UT Road.
r..oubs.ribers having Ten appointed
Peipplao Watifar datrvaturh,ola ce Patna aall
tunlau the Ilk that we sev twr pretend
r. ear Mental:dim prodner rhiptoorut
- .
ticods eke this map will be carried through is 6n V l Maft coashased sse be isteastie.l he,e.:ar
am+. 4 edeen ima ee. ' • -
_ .
• urts <r Yakima noun reunproini indllinciell.,.
Dry. Ildeda, nets.Sho... Adak, katicaanT, CWd.T.Cnad
finnan'. Print.;
Vonnfinn, Dmir, %balking*.
&Wkly. Wool. en sr. 1116.1 i ICU'S.
Ilanlyzn,Ainrodynr., Grornion, HOW. KW` n OOO, 0 "
laddler„ Clover. fins, Munn) nod other drags Odd&
ar. 90e VI 1
Dam. Bert. Pont. Dana. Lan!. Lard Oil. Tadao 24.
Cadet. Tallow. drain and Nu, we li I
L,b, M.N.. trough) 'l'm - 010i. Amin, (ledmin V.lg i
bones. to,
duCd . r r rr
r ' ' , IIrFADV.: t COCOAS..
No 74 /1.44 4 4.1 la !bat: qf p 266.0.
Notes sui Draft. eollec.2 en all pm. of Me 1.47714;—'1.47714; —'
Stocks toxight sed.dd oo roggn.4.4. • ; AO:
. •
11 lITAULt POIVDCIL for U. eon or l'Aonntann or
ens A
rif t sodAnoet corfoesfut entardr foe that novels:lu
and folders/4W affliction to xhicit =Omn i In tb••• , l7
Dimino of tinning. ton softie., 12
amount 0.4.4*
1.1 roccorlel,reUrf. curing the oroot moo le • for dun
find Ude exot la ;small) iericrol by • ehigla Us.
odium rionedks for Ode pionfol ....It eoIIM7
!num resperte ttio clAhl. as It only prollorod on=
the lead poolble rlick of injury.
Tble remedy hoc horn repeatedly toed. s e moo blzbdi
reootooterined. solo e of the tueJleal Iseult) . sf ntuy
PrtneOtte Dollarai Picchio, For eal . ;on ' le by
T. 21. NEV.IN CO..
Eat Liberty ato 4 i4 , Pilltsbarallo,
Fue ale by L. A., 8010 vc. Joo. 4 , lroorot."Jor.hotriaatik
ELuny. Deurristc. L f , FebtAtO
UOAR—Primo new nod old Orleadis Lod.
Qetueloil nod Powdered. for odel.r , .
.24 J. b. WILLf/IUOI *CO'.
I b talUT MILL—One. &put: Mid, ;42 - anplete.
1.7 -, r Fob. low by 444 ll. i tiM;r4.L I co-
LARD -30 batrets and, IS kefr;A=do, - for
b , R. DAI,ZEI.I. CO. •
Lawny anwL.
DOLL BUTTER-4 bl.l. Kim R. Butler,
l A nn hard soil for tale by' IL DALZELL &CO:
lEb. , lT;Ettert.
OCOTRIN E ALOES-75 In.,Pure artier%
Ear Ede by &IS ' • , X..EF.1.141L1L;
by 465t. 4 11.LEXt
OFFEE—'2OO boi.rA T Rio Coffee, juit
fur nal. by EURBRIDUE
C feta :tn. DU Water arm. .
FRE-SII-PECANS-just. retuitred, 3 bbla—
treala Runt: nuts: Ice sa!e 17
Ifrel.Vlto :
feb6 ' LISPG Lawns . newt-
RESIT FIGS-50 drum,releived eizitaar
4a4 . W. A. MeCLITRO a CO:
N_Atihr I. tbe•nolr Inatenmentt et Invented by nblebi
connterfelt ban ean be rtainly detectedrnadltluualT .w
.ntti ch. but a mathent. ce
Prie, $4.60,.4thr
,ale at the itateb awlJett - 0T store fr u ,.
ctn.. and 4t6eta:
(10LD LOCKETS.—Simt , Teceivcd A [ Argo
gt,i supply at clesuant Gal Watches and 1111114 We Caws
suile Sir Dwurribi pea, nate:Au: W .
fa{ W., W . . Wbaiulsetic
hlgklest . pecsalaza Iv laid -
➢mk.r. 64 Kcal was_: dcormbasr4lll.
fnr war. Eagan of • WU. A, HILL 2 CO., I:
a BURCHFIELD. haste on Land a smcd aatortntrist of
Mankato. of all the different traallnktfaelcuilaff a for
rale of extra *ire and quality, all of widen are now offolkll
o f ata,
midt . ha, sod et lalrr rr
lIROWN FLANNELS, a Domestio,Artiale s ,
Al= Mace. Bain d, Orem. sty,l Alcmene Bina, to:
nod at Li. sum. of
A other kin& of Winter tilcrrenLror M kei
at the pro.. or.
. 4 kind, hull:dine • new 'ankle or Wool aullat,;
be Mei at flu Ron of
Seta .
1018PWV * lineWli
.i. 711..7 k /11,1111j1111 krr• an amelatrat alike
• Aro. cob, Al.o. tllk and Os.. Merino 40, aides
and lamlin Wiral D'urtn,._ lita, , ,
. - - - -
LO . N y
SEEIh 42, , h '
hl4 N.O.TErsN.:4:
201.11ja.0.1rp1. IN. N.O
Nrcu.lo n I
IL Ifolaver. 1
ISO taix norm naiwrfin. end ertra brand..
Landlug Ara korsaln El ISKUIVN I..KIAKPAIMIL7C
. • . . .
.CLORIDE LIBIF., toter,.
110 CAS
35 ho- U air,
Cltlat War Viand: Frtr nth.
K CO, thilrettl
D LAINESA kin& and splendiannnet
Ilatatil. and *Wad+ D•
to tar yard..
Fraud' all wont lat Wort and I.lalttoorra at Itattantenr
km vino*. • A. A. at,ABCI.I • CO.
Lopata kl tat. day.
ctn.. hafniu.. S.ltrltia. Twits. Salo =I !ant r a Allat..
and Cad Hutu... Bone. Mrtal. and JaPanttan sat;
amp Ituttona Ilorn arm! Bark Bon. ntirprtuarr Itaattaak
To Coil Men and Boat Bait n.
etTittiott Cheei=r.7
ci4P.ARTISIEBSIIIP-The gubAcribees . & L i&
) to tk
ralore Inieartta,blvadry Ow Ara of : fr ii i i, .
p 1..* Oath.
JAIIY.S AS NV 1%.. . ;.. '
lA. JOHN DI. WM. y, c•• . ',",.
Receired aud oyrard the*, as 114101 .
HAL. tr. Brows az. Given ltraald , ,h, a y 1,,,, , a ,i:
=a . p . erierr Mark I...kHz. . - ~..:
W.. of EuAlaibd tad 5141.14. err {to.
Artea'r Grand Kn... dA. 5,,, ,
, Work AWL 1 . ..Y.1k, C.b....a. Jerrhio and Msts.;llsl;.
icelleue.' A. A. HARM a CU, -;
.. ..
5 ' - 0 BUS. DRlBD — l'f.A'cim- ...
ele lata Dried A 344... 1 " l ' ,
SO Lt. Plantation Hoe mar; oak rear's.: - .• `.....
100 der Wm 1im0... Jcud reed for rata
frbl • Hell ILLS t 110 i; ,'",."
to to (Grubb awlovert ai.paaatom for a y
bulky., by atom or DA tater. sod •bawato4..
ttoted D. lb tyo. Hata, sopartotood Ml..'
sll9rttnll. Jitt ECAIRK, ATILINVON t
rro LET—itoouri and Stenin Power faittf .
tbeatooka Itaquiro of -
0.31 119 oot at
ACCO--5 hhde
Ptah aal For sato by WM. U. JOIINSMOL:
k E n o d , r;%Prel
. ' • -
1110311NY-5 brls Cinciratati- . llominylad,
•".'''''9 l '"V rtf kb A . ll l ‘lleltr/o"
y ebrl. btu ys. r ,A .
h 'IEIIIIINO-12 keg:, nerrjor.
br Jan }M. A: 3CCUIRO 2CD 2 -
WROWS..I..—EIcc usn k Beßwrir,'WhiALC,
sac Owen and Deilera b, Rainer. Wore hrha4
124 &mud, had In Flat eu.; brtaara Kcal
0 41. Pittaur.b. . J.230,-
Chang out the Pttire
GREAT DARGAINS..;—A further •
tbna in rota, The albwribie wishin g .4 * ,
the Intloare of W.: *blob of tone r nittl taxple 1..*: •
tlreltt ce,li N aga nest , wonkl reepeetfun t e •41,,,, 0
or tar tononentro wait the obit. 'MIAOW • , e 0 . 413 .1'
rttibooth 4-Altr per rent. below fan g . ar , • ' AI wont 'OO
nwieh,kna to a/morn/se badness to t Op , • T. Fir
• would on grad orparbant. laCrAr et v•• n" thin na tw. nr . the:na r k na liberal Inm...tap cf laer tab r
,7,2r11:1,,t=7:44 rot-m.14:41),f ,
• .31`51.0AVieticil".1 7 g
N.Y414 . Maxtor It. rittabot4'
...FTS.—Engrair and' ;
..I In leaks. a t t
ef a v= or gna
t' •
Ste.„ ' . P..ILAVE:N Monk 114 Stare. gar
' • Cos. 'Market oaf licrond sts.-
.114: 4 4,T tam Journal. angl loot ata7.l :
frar . .J YEACLIES—A small tut- receivid
.te br . t - Vbt: A. ttleCMike
ANTED TO BUY ;—Nutes of tbeWct,tsrtu.”
V, In a; and sted. PatAutia &tatty
t ar) It.
nEAUTL-lt 411 lltSiTrastly cone:tb . i±sl
. betzt Ls auto mum* In thit emu
ensiles. the woo time it is salt that to •
...ley L it Lott et wo young en use., Sosr,this Io too Ina,
esitelsoettent. but the km to cam maul noni•ek
Arto lo r d" cot ACAfrA2 rnar pennant atslKlSnt!ar4,
mod thefalosrloa. and >on need cot lock goW
There ankle. on, aeloonsio Ideprestletto, - .01 kept ffit-4
onski • high Isernbuitr. •
.1 oleo Istassel• tsrnsar. iCame Ponder. fest lese• S't
notingmost hilt/ono complexion a rollout shiteuesa
poklan ba RIM awful IllZAihaiw Of's ss' 1
ter tlu. skits. so =oaf cr thnee mid fointtq '
Chlorrepoirderlscotopstsodod tOlrltoa 44 B•l4t
nee. trod oustalno no lotrothets which 9a toodtdfloson
r' .7 h ri?
sne r Depllltory Pcsud....r, for pssoffritur on t rits - 4
taw hair: itlszt Is more unsightly Mod tsterhtoo boo
or . strous of o Lay. -Ude WU. Val - roman 'ot lira :dor
time. visitoot the um of opt %heap istutrosona. • ' •
uo Im part m
itisrld Mths_De •11.L_Itutitstas
toauly• Impart to red. white, ...Any Ist', • iseaosunuf-,.
testa, tavern, or =tam_ snit rotor [h. ts•lrto - -a9
antler Ussoosod mons Mutually than tor othot elf••l•tu
Istts.t tho same tune Indellible.. •
th,3ales agues etiosine [.tram.-It rtalli • uhso.tot
at. Id* this , cnon. therm WOO Of WO /WAWA(
NM= =Ugly ft.p.i.AA% In the we oodot - oorgs.
Uso 4 sottotr. It testes tha thin math and .oft as as Jfl
oct liable to hir ttsallt. 4 .•
Joist lionells Hue' Toot Y0 n . ..- tint to the Ldr. 0 Int
4:1ot the Teeth war latonlod ao the Ream , 44 .•• •• •"
ts =...
. so Mussan Ler. hat .fit l vo
I ttr . laz
llM ' f ' .l? puler ot Lr ant
the num. Una tootrattip.
ur gacustlA: and boolihr.
Ch.L, Perfororr sad Mendel.
etwasot 14, Pldlo.
Tor rote irholooote sod retail. br 11. A. Fotnitotodt it ea.
Ind n. Pnoro•Ado, ap , s Waif
:fun RECEIVED.:-A new lam* bn.
X .4"N' ilinseo,'. aork =in ended Ai d
Armed fib, Oroet,Stari„.._ . osner byroo,fouitor
O oginootha lid tivil I.
"`1"1.—,,..""'" Mr v
run al dad i••• 4•1 L••••• two
I =Z
LI. oo Z. u rosFistaljaneaa w =
oa ate lutostotre. I. • '''''.,je...ntese and to anitt Uwe
u• tan bet
other. L...40cu01t. • s. L. '4'
!Int; .i.••=l, - , ;Zeiss* et resthr,..and Io or.
deo:mato oldals Use art. su testets=lt IN*
b 'r • • " d e ' ' as .". l s ..n th."' %T i ler int:j.k
uosber We .
r i
Proof/ I Pll4lt jaW . it s stenot:
: NUTS, &C.-624
t. Lob C.rmar, 310 Its J. Ratting I. an Y.
twat' 21s.tsf ha do. dog war his do. dolt 40 X tun ".?;
be zktrwa•nolfroorstrs 3 moo Moms do _
- .dot Cursio PestUster, to Joss . 4Uelotutx.
trim and raper Oben /.11,1 .
los. let othohr •
4.13 Wass cal .11g3Sts.