=II ESTABLISHED iIN 1786. ' PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PIUBLISITBD DAILY AND WEEILLY, BY 11313=11 Mr. OT 14110 StertS. 7:zr 0002 to 151"7051 Cirter- •- IDSlLt—germa dollar. per annum. paretic half )early.. Jig Imu-dot If mild 10 advance...". - • 'WrNtbLY—TWO dollar. per antrum. advance. Omni • • .1.101.6:!-.1 on the following ntallDAVis ... copiew no Tau 0/1.0. Twenty retire do bWyO T dd M t‘,,,tttt,;"`t,',B',"Lt:A=Mnobl.r . .`=l bs teCt . th.v.prAectillas, mile t th e runnel seat Err inteeld. • • 1 .• • ' • RATES OE ADVERTISING. UO. EMS.* (101iner of Nonpareil or best) Drs"• cm-a atidttional insertion wn • • . leu. •is month • A iv) •• 4 10 mwtL tha......a.._ 1 9 2 twelve. wont= ld no Iltandtag caret. (5 /inn o Wi per annnm—Ss 00 tn. Dollar ter mei addituna On. deintintectlamerable. at pleminrii (pm my. • ' anni) • mltlaire of Ilse paper._ ...... 00 .. • ' for matt • adfltionol squat, inverted mar one month. and ,e ar aned ndditinend menare inverted under ton poorly roan, ' • ' Advertisements exceeding a squner. and not over ((item . • L amb to tew charged as quote and Wt. • _ . Ptah:deem not nermuitable fur legal advertivetrunatv be ,' goof lb. amount charged for their path... Don. etaxonorint: 0,0.11.100 v for ogler, to t charged the tome adscrtibetoents. • L A,ltcrt am marked on the ropy for s airelStal Mdm rot luvenion., will le rontinued tOl forbid, nod par mrat emacte4 sceordin •' $ a r t. of oanml nlvertiders it dricrly limited to thair AM. liralrilLate buoin , ns: and all adreettniments for the tonwlit Mother p.r.one. r e e well m all advertisement. not Inureeduedely ronnectol with their own banned, and all • Met a ft.....dvertimmento.. In length ur other/du, beyond m Waged. sill to charnal at the unual mt.., For • adult tree/J.oot nlvertiAntr. till , wilt be mparntely tettedrred.diad prompt raiment deired. L . ..Essirettivement. choutable fire ma. vatA. township. an.l ether public meetings, sad . to lie charged half mice, payable striutty Yul e Sitirebtlw notion tote charged 50 rents. Dliab twtker hiremeni anthout charm, unless area. 'Op. ided by funeral lovll.thmn or obituary notices and when 100 semartfunled to be head for. adreatisrm and all others tervilap communica. • • 'Pa or ure ' rte o .. o :r d ar ' : €'" o pub ' lk 'Lli ntu a .gar a rnti o . vibitto chars. ars made Dar ad.:mitre balms of psi, rate askriathea.—.. very' note,. detagned to colt attention, to private enterfeives. redeulated Intemlol to promote to ridne4 hstwrevt. can only to invetted wit/CM. onderntood in4 t,nat the mate IA to lie paid for. If intooded to ba iteand_De the Meal column, Ulm A.. will be charged at the rat•ol,l3a than 10 CoUVI iwt . .flialpp or Lai- Notlem to he chargod triple price. pzirs flneuse Petit/me -2 each. - te mei Auctooueers . be alb not tte be rladmd under 'early to,, tent to be album{ catnip( thirty three aml one third per mot. frau, the dos einMettet of bill, smata at tOtwtrooo VI MILT PIM. Otinift(um, three insult/ow St 5(1 •Da oo tultlittorul 11 WELK. • Ors &Lustre. (lu Huss.) two ntent= TAMIL :Clettuts. •. • Do. • ewelt tulditioual imsertiou SS nuts. Lt trsostent uLlsortistrusuts to be paid In saltaurr. 'BUSINESS CARDS -= ALDERMAN Cfl A. PARKINSON. Alderman; Fi ft h Wahl, Pe tut Atert.. lx•tArren 011ang VrA/nul_ All AvtAl4.4 AIUnA.I to. mvnmMs. - - --- - • . P. & G. L. B. FETTEKSIAN, Attor- N t e ri egtx , tr, atm to"! Netste Agents. Na. Lai a th •. 4AglifES AL KUHN, Attorney at Law, office, ---- to Wahiawa Roll, comer of graut street and Diamond . • a. litiabarid s. g ab.. H.....COLLIER, Attorney at Law, office - a In Lowrie'. Balldltina loarthit, abore anattagerd. ring Sainal a raoreeetlon with lien. Nt•tve. Ek,., of W 'City. (narnerly of tbe Laol 019...) La AS pry. pared to Oar proper .allentleu to the proeuting of Land • WemataPeneicsin, Er., sad to the _prtaeouiloo of claim. _ telt. Coaniess, or aoo of the departmeuta isi7 allAfilig . F. KERR, Attorney at Law-A:lffice ~ Oa ith st, totes cu Snallldield and tiratg. Pittsburgh. VRANCIS‘C.FLANEGIN, Attorney atLaw, I itio,W2 Vouet street, filtslmagh. *- . TOWE & WATSOs, Attorneys at Law, Ira. no Fourth stmt. Pittsburgh. garritusg—Alrassidrr d Dan John Porter. Eno.; Iler ma i Umbras B. Pigs, Juba liming. Sia roaritant:tiou. W. Jurlsom, Pittsburgh. FiDWARD P. JONE ' Attorney at Law: Oflar: on Tourtb xt.m.rt, I;etwern Worn axkl Venn GPASPER E. BRADY, Attorney •at Law Ms. PO Fifth Itzte, PittAnigh, MIMS AHD BROICEIUL CO., - Bankers irsa Ereha WILLIAMSnge !note,' Nor & Earn miner of Wooed and Int ntroet.r, kfltranamernan tad. on literal tern. and collection.. onionntly attend.' toi JandY mid Exchange Broker; Fourth *trod. Dealer in Hank Note., ODL of Ex- Gold and rilx Hoek. toorht and .14. irr= 4 ,„TrZlir=v.l:lTLAVTlF: A r e Te "4 J42i wMAARIMER, JR., Banker and Broker, allistrark :ion 66 adjaning the Bank of Pittsburgh. i2KINS &r CO, Exchange Brokerd, East.Conaer rra) ra flint .of Marcel earner.. AIL at moat libte. IVIOLMES & SON, Lealo.3 in Foreign. .m Domestic BRIJ of Eartiamv, Cerclerstes of Dank Note. end Spscia, No. 159 Master street, Mt.. traren. - 111)-Collections made on tho priaciont cities tluroogrout %be Unttni atvg.. arIEORGR IL ARNOLD k CO., Bankers: LA Dealers In Esobiattri Coto.llauk Not,. te.. No. 71 Fourth stra..l. prat dory to ILe k. PYlstatralt. Co+ lertiael ostsfa7lo tab rolotl ts. alai tits rrotaYls 'twitted to ow part of the 'Carat . ,"\•!.. UM/. am.. • RA.NIER....t RAIIM, flaukerd and E x. etiatr4c ..11ruk,rg I..ra!mx to Foreign sand /....le at Nscham.ce, Certasett-. or Drimite. Hank Note,— Oliervemarcor Thi.l.4 Ircca stxrets, direelly elppmelte the 14,ChazIrs mw.. . . . . g - CAROTHERS & CO., Banking House; !to—lb Wood etreet, Pittsburgh. Current linne t ; re- Vtd Dereett. IZAilleellons nude on nll the pineapal Mmed the United Listee. Aim) k IRVIN; Commission .slerchnnis itadlMßrokers. N. 114 Second larva. r.rfoosi, sod', Dian Neuritic* tram !UK, to 1,10010 saw, yx on 11.11 offfallf. rear, .-.,-10..rv0. if.. .... ...rm. If. • fxr. rI.JIER. HANNA .tt 'CO., guecessont ta, ' l 4.ll..`"VgP I,x.‘,SWlT.W.ltTrAtilt.i . Doosit, taut ffc.T., awl t,e.ie—Nortb Wood gni Third nr...1.1.. Currmt Wiley rrocired.. Dc-;. , poste: filght. Meets for va1...A.1. rollortiouf =dem near.' 11 1131 " 11m 6 ggr, 4 1 ,- . lh r.n ~t.' ti;:, Mu eri cos V graii. , . advsnoef made on ornawiflamenta of Progloo., sblypnd cid.' cfa literal Ora, -------- -- .Vir. TAYLOR, li'.emusisaioner and 8i11`. k../Wisr, Ili! Ramat) street_ Strict attentton will be . 'to an business entrusted to Ids care. Pittsbursiti matsniketmad articles alwaytoo hand or ptucuh4 at stunt. lacattla. Notes, Muir, alorluges, - ae-, negottatad on fan, abili Urn* ' -Unser, toxie.liesnittred. nal ECIintSELLYSB AND STATIONERS. • ; _ ,ILCST - C/CKTON, Into Jvlinet to onn & & ode , tobilliatulleri Statham Prints,. sad bltulay, et, sOlsitst sagThinl amorist, Pittsburgh. Ira. . • ali.ffils 7 Tih . &rzihr bepoL Orbit %polls thn Port Ogine. Nei Boots re-. dal] by suns. polonylpttoos rscsnyr.Cl to soy of tet, tin oelirustats.rs. publltbnd at the pulall•bpe, . ' WTliii " kaig — , Bookseilmd - 81 7 ,. W 70..71 north stmt. Apollo DUlldlnits. . . '. BAKERS ADD colincnotwas. 11:4 „ AVID SOWN, Xeir„ Wholesale and iteiisir Dater indlioiketioppr, M Vol:nth curet. Pit/Aural. OA" .4 Yawl , cotdreltaa . w.s/waYo on hand_ £lllasetuany attnkinl to - , CARPET DEALER. ...11'CLLNTOCK, Manufacturerand . .r r ytn. 4.[ C a rp % Oil Moth, Ittomut Dust Trim hew hhh4.lt. t. Warthog... No. t 4 Fourth . L, hihd irnd et. 4. ` .. !:40111 . 118810/1 AtiD FORWARDING: SON, PRODUCE rat g D , am Merriman/4 Na 61 Warr end: TA rffil-C. BIifiVELL. Commission rind Foyr • . ' yatillal Plerehnit, I= Wan. .t d, Pittr. 12. AlliNiTth Ni. Forraiding• mad. •- ' .1...34-,m‘st, No. 112 *mad armt... , . . - reftW RIWI., Forwarding and .6-in—n irittoltnt....o4o4, D.2.1,n, lo r trt: . rd s,, PZ.z . Amt. 11Mtounita. ' ri:Nilififer, L CO.. }\Tnvarding and. Oasumfodos Menba.u. Canal Avln. Pittsburgh- Art doxlici64s.7sWcee.r. to 4kt- VrrAte„,call"- "="al,t'grulz -- r ;ii ,i.. ~ DRY 90 7 0 D S -:EWI AN . T - & 1 a,ia:in, , ,c..,.l7.ri s c: . r .i or.. A. MASON d; CO:,,Wholegole and &tail. Pi ~k,,,, I. ttawnTb• hoot sad 114.p6 Dry (kohl. 6 11tharkel, o : & BRCII — lfi UFIEID Amain& t(Mods literclantr, colon of north 0r.% "i' biii si b :—..---. . 7 'ii;V:l7inaccFr.: rem.; Vire:4r SNACK LETT - i. WHITE , Wholentle Deal-. I,tair.la Tonlyn oar Docorrtic Dry fricalc. Jiro. 101. crnillitrarn, Plttorarttl4. t 121:11,SEY - PLEMINJI ..t Ommin'un , , C 0. ,. t llrolrobturni—ror tho role of Donorrile. Wooing. oat -, Woad.' abordialcro in all kind. of Taller , Tricorn . - So. MI Wool ttrect. fourth dun friocalfrn. Pato- DitUeMiSTi. ER McDOWELL : (tileCe m errn " to. 1* gerr IC•pn..) ntpt Rexil Thvg riL P=ILIT;nIr,UI , Z 74147141413.4 FARNESTOK & CO., Wholesale. and Udall Dreetist.., Scenes Wool wnd Frtet _,:,:•s2lttliS.A'holetmlfttkali!r in 4gre Pad.. MR..b. 011.. Tarnliticor. 44. Ar•••. • •, Enrols, Pa' GoodA varraatell. . KIM& CO., Wholosalo.Drumsta: Den 4- .• ere in 11de13. 1 4) , 2p.11e . ,1 , 41714. vil Iclnee k, la .. M ET•ni: 8 Xfq N e e. GO. mrart arrd „„,i reelZebeets. Pitilbergb en itlll be etra Pa. We e% .ith 411 .-THE DAILY N,WICKERSII.A3I, Whole:tale Druggist • - - ISIORGAN,WIlielesule Druggist, un Defatri Itt.DieFlutfo:Palute.+3ll...V.rui.lo4;l,,-- j. IQ tl Wood ftrwt, davr math of Mann.' Miry, Pitt•Larah. . -- J S(IILOON NIAKE ft tz CO., Wholesale Drug see..treset rittAsigh. reersritim fr.t*N .............. .......... gir.onGiszrtfy. IIAUN &DEl'rElt. Wholemale and itettil urekDrusratta.rormez of Librn; sad St Clair env faucca smart _ . . _ ... .. --- I L. SIIEE. Wholesale 0 rocer, Comnamaion l 07 • Merchant, end deal, Iv. Paprr. and Rag, earner of Venn aud Iram atm t., l'lttAarsb. Q.,IMUEL P. SLIRLYER Wholesale 1,7 rev: Prod., cood 13ercouireioo ' 3lerebonte, DM Dept etp I,l•llteburgh Manufnetan.d N0...10 sod 132 SePoutol otri. bowl,. Wood pod Pietsburub. nuoroiro rnmpo 01IN S. DILWOitTIi &CO .Wh I I esa Ilrorrn, Pr , pipo Commixhoo 3 t-r_for ils=rl Powder Co, of Iliaardvill, C. 111.1., litttburßl, , Berrlotiwr..l & Whole -UDGF.KiIoRBRI limner% 0, , 1 Commipalon No.IIE I[l ILEY, .NIAI"fIIEWS £ CO., IVholc- , alc,' t,Cntarti,:cn 0.1 Fon! • Mr Muhl. Cotimi Wat. t.. Kusburiii , anww .......... ... wAtt Or 3,l neerm. CommL..lou ?Errelisto,nutt Pr.dure and rittelnu,gh MAntancture, Lat•err... "met.. lilt. blare, I B. CANFIELD. late IT Warren. Ohio. A..h. and N'. t. Vra+lttre betwe.. Stoltherld .a 1 Wooa. httsburyll B. .kir1.11.1.74 11, /IVY. W.t..1111....4 kS. WATERMAN S: SONS, 1111.1014,a1e • Grocer, Ceetuniution un.l Yuroranitntr Merchant, reln all tin& of Produce sod it.eurth Manufertu. Article, and Agra. far the fate of ltirLunowl and Lenchlturah Mandlecturrd Tobarc , , Not. eh al•lltl.Weier Plitxbdrah. F. VON BONNIIORST &CO Who!, Auk citurrrs, Forwarding Bud' COMIDIMI Oil an • Duller.. us Pittsburgh Manufacturerwl Western Pratt:we. Nu egrsug of Vomit A.-ert last ar Pittsburgh. JAS. DALZELL, liolemale Grocer, Com 000des NterebauL and Dvnler In l'nniner and Pitt, butch 31anu6etun..—No. I'Vnthr 0., ra.burnb. 1.561. WILEY .011,‘ ccv• ISAIAII DICKEY I. CO.. Wholemale ten. Commbri.n 51erehanitt, awl IN.slere to Produ. GO Wale, •u 4107 Vmut ,troet. .Vit.burgla. lIGL. P. .141.1311.. 1.0•2" 61 . -CNCT, bNISII BF.NNErr, late English, Gall her k Cu., WholeaateUrwera,Coutukluttun and attling ! , ierctututo, Qui Lualrt, iu Prulsuu .04 YR, Limb Naltfosturt, t.O 12.1.4.cuud M. awl 121 Firupt.. I..tunou WruLl awl i,tultlbfErld. • - • FM. 1411.111. I.IIPAD - A...-. v. me.... eirrese.u.• % . 1 I ',LEH It IC EtSON, Wholesale Iv/ drarno, ,ant lalp.ntrto l t innnip, IV in••,•_ . and iol= I ? st Tr i o ;/!T:6:.'et1,6.:. 17::1:':;;;,';;.111;;; hand. • _ _ ' DILLS l ROE, Wholinear , Grocers and . Coratuhuiba Alerelssa., argh: •--- jtoBERT mooRE. Whole Pale Pins Orneet., Itertifying Diottlhr..k.lor. tu Produor. 1 oittP sauttictutra. , •11 kihd+ ot korriga nud douses n• Wino. sad Liquor, No. MG Liberty mu..., On Land • oou 114,0, Awl, of suivtior Alogragahots Whiskry, hleh broal low for rn.b. 13110BEKT DALZE I. 'Wholesale I.lrwop. Cot:mixt. Aten-bauw, donlers In Piudaro Imo! Pittsburgh Thrauf,cbtr.... No. U 1 Litunt, Atetl. PtttAtintb. - OBERT - GUN NlNGll;i3i,Wholesale tine"... Prat.* Foratudtag. (1311111141,1011 Ater. ICA:nd, 31saufartorm. NA. X.A. . . . ”Okl/lf . -MIT T. 0....1.1r. MTM. BAGA LEY .l.: CO.. Wholesale Gro mrg. sad LW N u.t .Iron. Pittsburgh. • Pee,. O. %till. 11 111 nodW IOfC nm•cennorn to L. comeomen Alirrhata, dusk., au (sou. Nash, bilsen, Cotta Ton.. nod Pitt.hurgh Mauttinctum. grorrally. turner of Wool and Wm, street., Pittsburgh. - /L. CTLIM.II - 90,1-............. . . cuLBEiiTsoN & CLOUSE. Whitie,ull• a rt.• tiraonualACConsaihihai Merchant.. Desilon in Pro. isuld Pittsburgh Alsaufactun.d 195 Lihrrty itivol. Pittsburgh. Ps. _ 1). WILLIAMS ACO.. Wholesale and • (!Alit Family ttromr, Forasrling sad Cutrontsgiou erthatibb end Desb-r• in Country Proda, sad Pitwba'rgla . 3.lsaufsctort, corner of Wood nod Fifth Nty neer. 111,111r10401,, irBINSON. tirrix . cO., No. 255 'Llb•rty Atml, ritt•bargb. Whu.s.alt, Gra.rers. tioe sad CogualLulau 31.-reastitg-grolde.dcrs is Pittotatrgh Nanufrgiuse, /WM tI.OT, RIMS. NM. & R. FLOYD. illiolesulellrueere. Corr • mission 3.l..roluintA, nod bosh, in Prolum—itottaal t tarrh frontip., ea I.ibert,. mud ninth Orarp , .. lietshurch, Pn. J0.1.1111...11. 01IN PARKER & (20 . Wholesale(lrocers: thmlor• In Prutu , Wino, I.hilsVi,Uld Moo. y . tiA , F i Zif...l . l rhUtul - -Nu Comtuerri.il MUSICAL lEISTRIRCENTS TOIIN IL 'lELLOR,Drialer in PiiinnVorni,, apcl Iv.runterito , I Rook, •rtil 1 c si"q - 11.1:" v°'" ENRY-.. Ii.LEBEII, Dealer in :lonic. Mu # Meal IrLetrnertntA. and Importer of Italian :trine , errent tbr Nunn, t grand and fiance.C\ Amalie :Eoleam Attachment. Al, F, bunlun'A ,briLNITACTURERS. r XEDY, el:11,11s co tti cu"'" ONES b.: Iqcuturaaurers ri Win sud Miner Ayr; Plough Wing... (40 , 11 and Elivlie Fr;rin.r.. Rammer...l kai.t dealers in Malkahlr , . Casting.. Fr, Engin , . Lamp& awl Coach Trinnoino iptic..ll., corner of Ryes ar.d tea nt, Pittsburgh. r. rPowaITTSBItir3IL ALKALI II'OIIKS.-13e-: net. Ben, Ce• 31anuf...-tura, of Sncln Ath. Blear!, xn. rrs..3luilatic gmt Suiphurie NVerehnure, C. 3 Wahl: rt.. Imlov PAPER HANGINGS. AVALTER P. MARSHALL. Succem,or to Y Samar! C. 11111—Intlt. , anal., 1,, Rendt tbd Alamos's lain Ihnehur. and 14minrr, NVltnintr 1tha4. 0 3, fn. fitte d Prints, Al.o—Wrltin, Pr',lank, and Paper, iF Wm-dm, t. tourth aid Mammal all,. Pittrl,r4l. Pa. TEA DFA TPgs MORRIS WORT'', TPA and Wine Mtn-haat, Eytt Ade of the Inomond, lin•burgh. -WM No 2a . A. SI'CLURG & CO., Oninera and Ton Donforg: onY tore boy.. alsiun on hood lance asnornnent of Own,. Orr An d, aal Eno Tenn Also—Forelon Yonno and Nuts.Wbold. "mk."....11: oniddied loom. loam TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. r uN A. CAUGHEY, Agent for the Like Erie and Ntkhlran Line, to Beaver and the Late. , 0 the comer of Water and rant/Ovid rte. 1 1 AAFFE O'CO1 , :lall, Proprietors of the rittebutah Portable &en Store, earner of Peon and slot etrerta DLEECH .1, CO., Transporters by Canal h p . slaLi . vardmt I. , rrbout, rorwr of P•on Ort•et VERITIAN BLINDS A..107111111.e. . - . ncerr.STLti, A.WESTERVELT & SON, well known . 140111140 fillod Sinkers, Coin. ennnlnntly ors hand 00 10 - ordrr the Mn Unor nr, at thou old Nand. N. 13 Ft. I.lalr isms; 00, at No 04 I , latkot Poinund 'lore. 'Moaner In the Diamond. Veniti•O Shutt,. mad. Warder. and old blind. noatly retoir.d. aria_ TTA. BROWN would most respectfully inform, lho . Toildin t hat h01t...N.0 hand atilt...Lod On lbe 'tot to of Diamotid, tillnalieuy city, a rouniittn ..4011rnent tit Yenlfiltn bliatioa.oo Vonitlan Shutter, are Linde to ardor the 1.101 ratroolnd oqual b. am to the Dolled Dtal.to. 111. 11110.00 non horemovol without the mid of ow mono. dol., Having tnntLese4 thr surk,.toril. and wood of th e cobitwientaNishoirnt of Ralnnay Mrelelletid. lam iin•ph.l to Dirniolt Moir t.Ol nantoto.n.. o orll an the 001. lie ai lato , ,eritt. eon thing In tlinir • ue, Ann. 11*.ed ~ P Llaulin A oetortqS. J. d. DROWN. fitrittNAßY SURGEON ALAM lIARDIE, Veterinary Surgeun, late hew Tellubursb, eeetlaws. reriwetfully iit the ttzt b t e tAn ttioturs.t.;,,,„;, In „me lo•rosueetion with ace. lifiree elveleg val will he retried Le, at tlie onmer or Tue.! otreel. awl gtoneylvimia Ave.,. • _ WOOL BEERCIMITS. lIRPIIY & LEE*poi. DEALERS and A '""' Q & W. ITARBAUGIL iVesll Merchants, 117 Dealers lo Floor and Pruluce prstervlly j Yor Intrllug aud Oryltniso.l , . 51e - thy:lto. No., 115 }lnt Alrrel. sod 11.16reoud tterel, EltiAburgh. - ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRA.PEING. . NEVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver on Phtln H 11. 11111n1 elnry.) Plilaburgb. 1.11.— . 9C , " Of Ilrad,4 of Newapaper, rroOt37plKro, I , otbtrtter , erne Labor, In r,lerre, Seal. Inr btririnrn. tko. clkle•a,arnelika , oeiallorm Cotton :, , tamtno, brat 'err,. o r art, arid let lien lorroot prnma. • - lAN'S,J.itltogretph „ lc trtal , llehntrnt. 11.1,1 he Port rttralivrqh. str.ot 1,111, Dr5,114:11e0.11.1.0,a, Atrilllorttlnd and' Machine anal V ianina cam,. So.. ..1r00,100 , 1 drea' hoof, and print,,, In rnlnt,. 11,4, Bronze. or marl. the 004 ep,nr,•.l.etyl, and al the wort reamol abla prkes • Rtnin/ W W wa; WlT.;ST o i . ; , ,,W r t . iteteu, , .lrltu r .ll7. Sjiret d - Fourth Omar. littstutruna- li.-4 alt ' ilra Clr a re n k, r•nrfolli r0,',1‘,4• HIUMWARy vatecmutrs. WILSQN 7t CO.. Imp Wbole.l. In 11.1.4. ann er,y, No. 1:7) -mast:tort. Pitt,hurch. DENTISTS th liliNtTlieniint; Corner of Fourth and Ikcstur L. bctlwa. Auld aul lary Pittiburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Worts. T "luti4eraigned hare just completed their IRON TUBE WORKS, and az"i m.ufseturlo. aim. of GAS PIPE. Lo romothen ,4 alter VI., awl an 1 , 12 e, of 'alias 11,y Jrae fat Anix.al. the 10144 mem . .T 4, art , " now prepatvd to aerate ord.., to a.. extant., about SPAN , : • No. al and Y. Wear atm.. !Al3m 'PITTCItt , ROII. PA' I,3IARTH NOBLE—City Pouring 11 MIK laretty oo c 4 Adan3a Pittataarqb. Nr - iimai,As VIVIAN, Civil: Engineer, A:AT floodtor Moe, Water Worts, ttollittia cr.. 3127 4 batartat 13 A. M. awl a P.M.. at U. reakteoca. \c.ll .11arlory .0=141115• 1 A. MADEIRA. Agent fur Delaware Mu taxi Safety luturnora Catoyaloy, 42 water 44441- JIIAIIDIN ER COFFIN. Agent fur Franklin Fuc luaoranco Compaor, noith amt ranaer of Wood. mad Mini :IM. GROCERS. C. S. i(st7'sl.. son P.. Itorl.iver de, Paa 4. - roar • --from /damp* -kklorday,Jan. Cl I trerpool danuSsi, Feb. N. - 1...-.. r:cn.. I"Grk and Hariy firs—litardAlp Trnaa FROM 111[W roar -...fe11a Satanist), Frh. S. ..--Havri. ...-tlstorday, Nor, tt. ''''' .... '''''' ----- '=ftV ' ; ' ,27 l t ...n„,71:., 7,,,..7..7..— r- ITedurstlaT3lar. 1, -. liar WednexlaP, AP./ 2. Ida Wedneßlay.klay T. . '''''' --limn ..........„..Wethienlandnoen. ' ( n'o'r s.,..,e,w• A ra r e, ',/, Ch.—APIS/Jar Trine. Al 'T , ) ,, 12 ..., ! ,... 2 .3 T,,, ‘ " ,.. 11 ,.. 01 i nt r, 1 i e , .a11 , L.1 .. ..I , te part ta i I ' 11 , 71.1111MCM. qaurdar. PO' 22. mire, of Woad and Emu ,u,,,,, i'OO turoh. Where they . IT"In.'"" from N , " net oder ala and rumple. stork of !IMF, (..b.ps, Far, &,.. or i c , .72.......`,..,. - --„,,-:: _^—,. ' , Monday. Mar. =. erery quality alui Ovk., I.r Wh,leyale and lletall;and ' in- i 11".7.....,7.7 , ! . ...: . 11 .. 17:4: e .; ''',„,."C = l , ' . '' ,..lLV It r the attention ot their etomra and porrhuers arms. I tar...quits. them that they will sell tar the most edema. /80M ALA.:, ..ottcrm.... I Wtrhirmtca.... ...for N 2 ark.... .... Friday, March '2l• vv3 . 1 , . ,,,, Dli i l ,„ l . 3 ,,, Y ;,,.: :ll , g l e , !l l :ug . :S u rk v il7r, I) , :a r per,l waAnot.too. ..... , :f . :*1. , g ...... .,.... : fra5e ,y 1t, p.... a , u ~,. ; Ilermano ..--- Now Coach Factory—Allegheny. . . - /UR CA IFuItNIA. , U. A. mail to here fete York on the Ilthand l lsth C 4 1M10,44., M. A. IVIIITE A: CO. would re- , a c`tdt march,ft. ehtnfft. , • A S spertfull, Inform the gliblle that they hare' 101. .ANTI rem WAIT. ertd ••nu on Laroc between Federal and Sanduaky i . ,111.43. They are note making and are prepared to reciter. ~ , ,. .4 . 1 . .P " 1 . 1 1....M.1.th° on t h r ' 'M..' litho( orders for every dolerir San of vehicles, Cosehe, Chariot, i "a. , trontc.t. Barouchea, lignia, Phretoo. Ac., de, which, from their ----- -- ----- - - m„-- ----- " --- Inuit experience iti the man of the atame ~ , a te. ' ARRIVALS MID D ABTURES WI NAIL& and Ho Iwklak, the har they (...VI edam they are t.. Emmaus-11y tiresusburgetolicraborn, Plolaquiiyhi... enatiliet to do work on th e m oS re...suitable, term, with : haw lark, Za,tern, Centre .torthern pasta of lt. tea. lb., wanting attleh.s in their line. Pat lag parttrular atteution to the yeleetion of materia/s. 1 I*i,'"gr,'N'it,.. Jerry, and .` i ' n . ' ' 'l 1 •1 4 , 1 : '" r,,, k ,7 n — s 'sell .haring nano but competent workmen, they bare no Ne.„,,, urgimakk, daily ° Anna:act - 4T. :: 4 . &var. at I , in.. brattatton In warrantiog their work. We th en... imit the 00.50 1‘,,,.,,.._ ,,, i i .uh „ , ii ..„ ou , mow. ~,., v . atteution a the oublb . to Illy matter. . N. H. Ittluticlum done in the best mantel . and gn the Including the totuglee a Bradlonl. Cambria tents,. Clio , _. • moat reasonable term, fa:att.( Xt.. Juniata, LYouming, Morin. Mal/ er.u, Potter, Perg, . n,t ot.kn, , Murraysellle, Salem te. Road , New Alexatidne„sud 10411: , • I auo minim,. Arritel, ,lAAI, • swept Hood's, at da. st., do I Putts daily at 11. P.M. trrr.--lly Butler, Pa, Ile memo Crawfurd. sod Jellerson rvutite-s, OnsdertiwtolNa Yolk toad uppereatudadally. 1 Art - ores at II e...; and deg, sat Ike.. m. I ~.outtr,tak tan 11 rarno, 11 adiington,tirmn, 4 I.L.;=. 7,-..eito...fhttgn , ,—.., ~ ,,T.11,..., . .m...: era vat, or Ohio and Indiana, Kruliar, Illmol, To au.- ' I:L.t ,t ;Tg ', .. ... i ir " . 1 )" 1" ,!!ltil Tlro, ' jX.li ' Xt ' s nine. P. . 61.1 , 11321V11.1.1. thno.-11r ayette, Haman, Darliigten, Florenee. Parin, Pa. llodlilay Orre, Va.. Jetternon. llarrt• j ig emu. Carroll. WM. .amt T a.m. , euuntley.GLin,daily. I Arm.. 11 P. k.; depart. at 7 A. M. I Naar. it sassusr.—lly Beaver, Pa, sod Clevelamk Ohio-- I Beata, Co.. In., Columbiana,' Trumbull, Purl. ..Z-9=4. lA , btabtd. film k.Wayor. Molina. Cu yabok. timmlalt, Lake. ll Aland. Lomita, Huron. atm. helix Sanntmay, Wood. amain...muggy, Obio; the extreme tairtlyern couriti., of the Siate• of Italians sod Illinois. lueluding all Viebi ' man, leers, and Mamma", daily. Antre, at 11 A. Ix; ilw i yamta at ti P. M. iirtrauxo.- Ur Shargtburc.llou,toti, Spriiiitued.Taren. • to. Pnat.ort, Kittanning. tiLkitohnlas. Amin.... CI.. ion. and Ciractlehl ruuntie., daily. exeert on Butalaxii. At. ; rite. nt 7 P.O. and de(ute at 0 e a. Nfrarra.-11, Perr)wrill, Wexford. Zellenople, Porters. rine, Ilarllusstra and New Ledge. Artist. Mod.), • Thursdays. and tinily.. at 6 P. a.. th.part, Albods) A, , wmigemtax • and arida., at 7 a. n. • Inatt,rnAr. —lt) fnuri...min, Hall. Finterrille. •n) Mon ounaliele t'it. Airs, 'Lambs, h".1..1t. AI :. 1. M., de. , nart, Wednewlaye and Yaturdai .., at re a 5. IY,rogro..—lly Buchanan. Stmt . , H.. McKeeeprist, Cent Valle,. Ellmbettnown, liambles, Iluxtrairor, Beller,- mg, Coulmtown. I , n , opull, kaet Liberty. tuver Middle. too, Pa_ Ammer amid+, and Thur.!. e. or x a aX: dm wt. Minato, A nod Thor:dap, ate l. E1V111.7.1. V 0.-14 It Mitre. moll, Nobles - Mao. Omni... Porneltmowu..Clne , Conk Village. Pai alle g .111..111. ia t. Pii.-- la.;liauy. la Arne, tomb., awl Thu ' ralatx. it 1U 1. no .Iquil• Honda. and Tlantatigyri .; t P. 5. /mama, la.—By Clinton. Murdoelusills, 31,,0n, Hob . Frankfort MI - sings, Ps. Fajrrien, Vs- AttiVlA to Friday. at 6 r.,3 to &tart. on Y'Atonlar, at dA. a. Yort.Ortx —Be Antrim. North. Warldnatun. and Apollo, , Pa. Areirre on Irmitteedawat a r. n. deparlr no Mond,/ aIIIA.M. t.w.V.IIACC , ..—II• I,ati% Ferry. Arriirs on Friday, at t. P. AU: depart. 00 6atueder, at 0 A. N. .la, slams-11y Penlmdlef 11 etford, Itnakneck, Bel, Pry...7,e, Whiteidowni se., ineluding It amen aml Vt.usaist. ronoties. Arrivegri a. M.. so.' departs at &la aM. Lett,ra for the .. ells moot i.,, St the 06,es tambour ' trove their der e: lettere for the trpttecaly, sesnl ,epekly.and mtvklT mall, molt In In MA Otl.ratalr au hoar . before Limn departure. 1 , 111'3.1. GLENN, Boor. Et io:}l., f l ood Ftreet, V Necond dorr from the corn of Th wherelte_jo menuto do etcry dororiotlon of 13Indin, with nentato.o l - olglity. Malik Eters =hot mtr yattorn. - and hour 4 rob•tonhally. Ikons hi nonnberli or old b,lcs hood carefully, 1 . 4 remixed. X. unto put on In gilt letter..t Thu, who hos.;Litettar,4 are in,Lnl to rap. x 100 jatodly Franklin G.; lIACKLETT R WIIITE, Wholesale Deal -10 ers Dinne•lie atil Foreign [My tlimdf No. 101 ! ear t street. l'itmbiargh. Invite the attention of liiiiyera to their mrk kirmh Grain nok- of-nhig, and which they j sr , ki PO Ver.,' . iil.lM From brAdt. 11. nhcil l a . ente - tanth remilrina frmli kimbi awing the warms, oil requert an examination of one stick by trio- n um b ° , ..... ern riterrhatiti. awl others visiting one LWIGIITM AN. 'Manufacturer of all ktuo. of mttou All.ahrus, .7Le share vertu , helms tiow to toll sal sum.ssftil i,sstisso. lam raper,' to oral..ro with disi.d.h for all. kiwis of machinery In utT ha, ...11 wOldsre. yieker,rpremiern.eante.griudlutt ctuselda, re !wars. dhrw lug frame, stssrdern, thrwnits. toucan. woollsql cards, double orAug I, 114 oterrhaut roman • twit. couirs, nuts. tr..; sit& end hand loth, sal tools lu, returns!. All Muds of shafting ede to oat,r. or 1•100• s.rrr , for Vr.log Isetu n..s su callls ressorabls. ltrus To—lies:m..ly, Clllllll A Co.. Slarkelock, Bell Co.. It lull. l'eutursh d. Je.s. A. Ors r. •_ ge MAP. 111AltBLE . IVORKS. (establbibed 131 by EDMUND WILKIN:+, No. ISI I.Abrily of W0..v1 atrmt. Iltloburgh. .14.umet4. DOH. V 15.1111.. Tomb,. Re: 3131110 Neer, f. , tat....1 ou tuna, Rod n.l. wort., ti. D. A ti10te.....1,1100 of Drawl.* ou band. J.lO Important to Stage Coach and Wagon ManufaCtarera MESSRS. SINGER; I.IART3IAN . CO.. Va have b,nabt lb. Hata of •u AXLE:. b0r.m...1 by tr. t. l t:.4..1.tn.r. calln3 Patatit.. It bus boco te. :am tml by out got omit bron.uterd to 1.. ill.. fart lo tta.. An otalloary tooth.with ret of t 104.• •. Atlom. roonma ..111,...utne a 1.11( plot of oil fools I mnths. Mr arttall quantity of oil kt..l la Hoof rrldeor. bat, ot the an-at n.luctloo frlyttou. And ...nt~rutputly grvst anritut of pi - i.en It .111 make the mach ocopt)rtor. AV, ct.oVoo thew .let acul f. At., It will gnu mat . not tttliardet, out ...oh, I will, the irlpel, and not busing mg mnbetlon with lb.. axle. .11 ...ntiray orrartat the al (row mtuinsl Olt. Ito ,a, LA rair. tbe nntontocs mill matt, of On.. Astra to li.?.l. ' l l 7 . ll 4 n. ' atPl7g . Fruot at.n.V bonx.l.. A CARD-185L VIRE BURCIIFIELD, North East rner 01 Fourth awl Martel etret.... 111.teburh. at sUe , to of the Neu r ear , turn their thanks to their eurtomere and the piablie getter ally. for the large share tit coot , . extended to them. aod melte the rontlosmnre o their laver,. reeentl7 ...larged tot hgprnred their room. they, are euaLled to htvt. teu hood a eery es.hup.ire s.e.ortment of Geode—sod buyer. T.1:I Leer the altantate of pletty of 11,ht to cumin. ; t 13.1 make their eeleelmor. They deniao making their eetabllthment, rt.a far aft prorthwtle. • FA3111..1 :TURF. • Item every . ..allele to the prr Sheele ho,, seeded the Ott. of ragolle, ran be procumt—and lo their ntinurd ellort• to velvet the beat good, awl so Pell at to. Prseoe. he)* bore te make It the heir of ratoolt, awl dirlduati. to far, them with their ruotom. IV—The 11 - 110L/.1LI: 111:VINEVI , will te,rnUnnnt In the, up andr•—entrauee trogo 4th otreet. throLja... om ll"ISItORG" II COMMERCIAL COLL.F.hE, Corner of flint and M'l arket rmo , . The unix char Ll 3 Itoiltotion of the Litello Pltt.bur,.ll tle.—John Firmlo,. trim (pal loatrnelor to the I , e4oer of T.111:11,. 0. K. Chnantorriin, .4 retamtatultly. 3lerr.ntile C4mputriltAn. c. N‘ r stron.. rte. Ischuer entotoorlad 111. e drthing eorephe turnslndge a link larwps.g. wri It, applirnbon ',err brloch IviDemsb. dm Gant and arr ited In and in. the RrrangtatrutA Lem. , rel 4! Law erere !Imlay 1 , 8 Itef,vvre bane the rn.leut rnrrrben, 14 itp tre n l w O rt l; L 1 11 1. 1. removed , 11) . s In the .szne btalinc. .0 r:11,1g. ESTAIII.I,IIED 1R32, by EDMUND AV ILK 115, 14. '245 Liberty eq., I of 14 oval •treet. M,1,111 , i2t0. Itaripl Vault, Ivrttbst. A,. ! , I..sttla- nitr aol. ner Top, , tuel nwir onler, of tb, at cry mlur..l r., 1 - , , ;;;;.. .1 tr.ruk,). Invanac: ar; ,1.111.11a . 1 1}1,101,4.1C I ca --- - } from 1.4. - 1 110 _ll REFERENCE.' Hun. ilvrmnrß nnv t..1•,1 Tiernan. F... 1 Hon Judgr J,bn Nuirm. Em. Wm. Ruhin,ntr,dr.. EN JON W.. XT . , Y.Wr . A rth I ' l'l ! ,lu2s n", t;;- ' J. H..`sL,noverr. 1%.1 1. .rry. Jo Wilmon 'loon Exrgvut. do. RuLadl Em. Lumley tr Co Jon. NklEnight.Em. Br - ming-U. T. 31rdcan Co. ham - - - Johns ithrnle,l Co Ender., • • •• - • :t.l.throp. A11,11,3Y• F: t . ” . IA itratefot for the vrr peromtgt• find durtng nintwn yr.+ to flax eit,.Eatinst h.d Itku Ilargcrt and bled ent.vstrd to le n.rr up In the pre-unt time. and vtllLndeaver to rend., s...tistaction Lerreter. .I , ABINET FURNITURE IHANU ,II„CoGtru, Wartz i rotr; 07 il 7 Third street. eurnooters thlrea f rte 7 nit ' er enut . ple ' lld ft trie 'l argt i and hnett stork of bouernold furniture eert before men n title ray, OR he la deternanod to uphold the quality with rellferotoord materials, beet uotiunatettolp, and netrtrot de- PiNtIC and from the extent of hit ceder. and tevility in manufacturing. he iPenabled to produce .a poled furni ture. at the louestitrea. Ile bat adopted • principle or Identifying Ulf etnetten• ern' Internet teittt Iti men, Inge and luireld keeps always on hand the trreatest variety of every oaf furniture, foci the eheatteet and plainest, turtle aM urn 0 1 and corn'', that a house. or any part of GM,. unte PoTir. 4 ll! " tter!grerAt: r an ' tillteet "6 lo i n u 7int e AVlTatar. Motu of LIR establishment may've anorn. The follouititt atiodea rouslel. In part, of hie slisalt. which for tidiness of Arlo and tinieb itanuot be softwood In aor 00 the Eastern cities. Parlor, drawls's, dining, sod bed-roren chain, of every erier', eradiating of rosewood, mahogany and lout, Elymbethen, Couserasloiro awl Earty'Cbsirs, of every tWa motion; Com be., Felo.,Tele-sdele aud %rims of the Lanat French and AmerVen Wbathot% sod ',Ake parlor Writhar Do.lts of varkso "bubo Work Tables sod fancy inlaid stand, muele nand, and holders...hie top, lashowany, rosewood sot walnut rent.. and fa, to. Idea, extelodun molaz lath.: 511 sizes of the matt hoprused. end derridrdly the test kind work ranl.Prmbruke and lv jal. , l: o s; s.w:goher h tiZeitsod Tai!bstamlst..o.f chain. a othausue sod War ...Mary 504 ...k 00.Z/de bottol, farserver, Porelasoks. hat stools, sod music stool, ,rib. and rote for children: laded nisch, table end lea pros, mahogany, mamma. sod inlaid {esti Tank, sr. de. &r. A hyrgo saavirment. of Common Furniture told) Windsor Chairs Cabinet makers frupplird .11h .all srßoles imthelr line. Steamboat. sod idols. furniabod at the %burden untie. All mien , promptly attended to. MO ()USTI' LANDS—Cerra CsLis. Nevwx, d I turner at law. No. 163 Third at.. ti of Chari -It. r !...viou made arronserung for tir . 4ez , r . , th 1 t r ap '' '. aro! rVidren..Ld '' ZillTlte n tniTt soy °Uttar boo. orr.. rooureted with th e goteroruent .or aril. Depart. Inmate. the Pewit. Gifu, or the Courts ut the City ad WtoWoutost. J. 27Att . _ . JUST RECEIVED i fer steamer Perahontar, bnel SPUN ROLL DACCO, fer by 1.10. N. 000. k CO- Fob. Agoot, ja..1.41.4 QEI'ENTII GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALL of DRY (UN:ILS. at the film More of A. A. MOOS t CO.. fol. goal (14 Narket (demi Commenced on Mhalay. (*camber 30, - 1030, to .anion. through the month of January. Their whole eatablich. men. ho t he thrown ^Pen fur Retail Trade, and their ex. teualre *trek, amounting to One Hundred etel TWO/ Th./mond Whin, wiLl he onenAl at Retail, at Mir One fourth Iree than usual The notieu of their Semi...anottal Oahe to any one of the thougantle who !Mendell th. ode of Lot rear. will hi path. cleat atotau,... for • call this *eaten. They With heerenT, hietlehorl • fon of. the moods and ynoo. for the bout( of thow. who Moe St.ner attendo.l their palm via: Rich Cashmere.. 76 yenta, tonal mita ST. LW pkves Cut l nn and W I C•shuwrrit LL mu!. tonal prim Z 74 rents. pit.res Callan and Went Delalnet4 IS and 1$ Pant, usual Idle.. and rents. 511 vivre]. bigh rnlund 91.1.1 d dd., 45 rent,, nsnal pile* trA W o,m pitri,.l and C. reel ella, 110 cents, mat price 76 rent, ta) plow", Satin de Chloe and Satin. 0 71 i ants, wual Veit* 11 21, 111.6 Silk, redtved 2t. pee 100 tortes Ftench II W. usual vein , $1,37.'i• ZOO l'aranwitaa and I,norsoo Cloths. re,luard .11 1,..r mot. Aimee., all rotors, lured emt. . L'bOrl :gnarl, Shawl, whirl. ...Id Rom In 1 , 3 fa lets Ibsen usual pewee. 2.000 yardo Bonnet 1111.1. , 41.4 at h mud 10 rents, usual 111 to 2., MM. , . Fast uquote t1u...f0.10 , v1.w rarmo of rroac—flue aaway Ceram toaet.pae do memo, 474:4.. tall bkaal 4!..4411, %to blmel 4114.4kce1l ' 4'<"'..""P" PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 111 , ..—Shen •ere 6 fret Idebry to ebsorwl, at duet by met6l wart, tall ...Wu., and rirlo;•. Michigan. Brim, Senior. WOG, IP/melt. Dromos•Wo. Atlantic. Parkin...mOGllll, .J. ?toKw. tlrmirkkw4 Mofireogiriet. phriiror. Haller, DirOltliats=. el.in, Moore, Mbooling eltvimutu. - EARTD. ILohigan, Orin, Dawl - . E Doovro, Gordon, Limiter. LAW, heininitt, 14m u.rillr. Atlantic, Path:tot, Drotro,,,lii. .1 Molt., Ihnigrielmo, MoKimmtVri. 14/elll4 rihd~e4 ElLsaliett. blAtet. Mt Vornoo. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. NAMIIVILLE—MarfIover ID A m 110CE1NUS011T—Pilot. No. 2.: r. 0. JAVISVILLE—Navigater, 10 A 0. St WEIS— laaao Nimlon, 10, A p. F°. 1 "'" 41-71 t. Mutat parkrt onstr Capt. Nan, will lean asshore tht. SILVER WARE—Spoons, Forke, 1 1 311......„Eni radtots. cosh4- to .mer 1.1 on mum fu tale at the ialrest nat.. f 1 . "1924t.%41.01 egrts• 1.:01sL . Mattur= I PITTSBURGH GAZETTE 7,:tk) L,Oll, Tams W4SHIRGTON._ ICorn , Maleore of dr Pitt.twrgh or misrepresentation. By the contract the corn-1 pony bound themselves to pay tea thousand tars a ;Oar to Nicaragua as a bonus for the char ier, until the work should be completed. It is said fliat the second instalment has not been paid. • In Mr..Squier's treaty With Nicaragua. which has not yet been acted upon ty the Senate, oc rcinreil a provision 'that the United States should defray the expenses of sending a Minister to rind maintaining him in this country to negotiate fur- - ther arrangements. Of course, no money has !been advanced, as the treaty has not yet h`inti'l ruined, and if nothing hasbeen paid this yeas.,] by the company, perhaps that accounts for the 4 non-arrival at Washington of the promiselßtr,l voy. The agent said to have_ been seleaßio residelkere, is reported to be now in London.• It is altogether a funny episode in the diplomatic I lisv• bates. FllOl HARauratutoa. C ,, roiroisteute or tbs Dolly Pittsburgh thief,: I u the ;ante l f i h A it, " = " ing, F lt e l b r . . 7 Ro l berteu B6l. ti I pre,ented ti petition from Beaver county, in favor ! of the erection of n Poor House in said county. I Mr. Lawrence, frsan Washington county, for the passage of a law to prohibit the snider in ter-jesting liquors. ,- • The hill to authorise the• Auditor general to transfer the stock owned by the Commonwealth, in the Pittsburgh and Butler Turnpike Road Co. to the Allegheny and Butler Plank Road Compa ny passed to second reading. In the House; Mr. Bower, of Chaster county, rend in place a hill to establish a Board of Li cenaers, in ench County in the State. - ! •I Col., M. Robertson rend in place a bill to incor porate a Board of Health; and to secure'the port null city of Pittsburgh. !Titian the introduction of contogialm and pestilential dileases;, also, a bill to - incorporate the Birmingham Librnry and Mechanics' Institute, of the borongh of Birming• I ham, Allegheny Co. Mr. Iligham, in place, a hilt to protect the Ca• ants, Railroads, and other public worlll,of this Commonwealth. 31r., Bighorn, from a Select Committee of the intmbero from the County of Allegheny, re porteJ a supplement to the act cotablishing a uniform standard for the measure of bituminous cool. Mr. Fife, from the Conimitter on -Nice and Immorality, reported - n general bill 'regulating tavern licenses, which nuthoriz. the Judge, of the several Courts of the State, having power to grant Licenses, to issue's 5UM113069 ereapias ter for the signers to petitions for tavern linens., and to require them to certify under oath, to the troth' of the facts set forth in the petition. In tier Honor, the Tariff question was under disrttseion this morning. 3k. Bonham conclud ed his speech, after hosing given the House so hitter a dose efFree Trade,that the most unadult erated Lorefoco might have difficulty ill cheer fully swallowing it. Ile denounced the whole doe [Till, of protection, and wished to Zee all our manufactories- destroyed, and our whole people engaging in .Agriculture. He forgot that tee no tion under heaven ever prospered, grew great, . became stealthy by devoting itself solely to !he! production of any one class of articles. llis reason ryas this: Europe can, owing to various causes, produce manufactured articles tench cheaper than we can; we can raise grain more cheaply and abundantly than Mt. other na tion on the globe. We should buy where we can buy cheapest, and sell where We rout at the high est mice. We should, therefore, buy our manu factured goods from Europe, and they will par. Chase the grain they need from UP. • Mr. Bonham, in another part of his speech, declaimed bitterly against monopolies, but lie certainly forgot or overlooked the Let, that the Itentlgeeleei lin proposes above, is one whose main cliaracteilatic is monopoly.. ft would place our government in the hands of the Manchester manufacturers of Greet Britain, who, having an entire monopoly of our market, with no compe tition at home, would lie able to make us pay preeisody what pricer. they rho, to affix to th e ir manufacture, The theory of Ftee Trade would subject us to the iron rule, of not only what Locofocos delight to call soulless corporations and heartless capi talists, but far worse than that, it would subject ua to.the - whims nod designs of foregia corpora tions,. wllO9O feelings soil pPrjuilices and affmities lead them to bate our institutions and despise our people. Let this country e'en!e forever, such doom. If nothing else will deliver us, lot our spirit of independence, and sense of dignity, no well as interest, rise to free 0, fr o m the domina tion of parse proud monareblids. The tuna who can advocate either openly or covertly, so toomtrcus a doctrine, should be branded ss villisnous, if his want of ability to under:dam! the tendency of his measures, will not save him from the iodignation of freemen. PROM NEW YORE. [Cmre7por..intre of the lhaltr Pittalmrxh Gaxtt, MAI Tons. Fib.:: The Steamer Empire City, has just arrived two o'elock,) frnm Chogres, sia Jamaica with two weeks later advicesfrom California, and the intermediate Pacific perm. The "Empire City" brines a litrge amount of gold dust—estimated at between two and three millions on freight, and it, the hands of the passengers. The news is of no treat importance, hrtsiness Irma moderately active end the markets overstocked with nearly all kinds of produce and merebandize, from the Atlantic States. The tide of emigration contin ues to set strongly this way... A large. number eturned in the Empire City, 'and a great many 'acre left behind waiting a'favorable opportunity. The news from Jamaica is unimportant, except that the cholera was fast subsiding,. ' • The Cast and Nortlt Myers are very much ob structed with ice just at present, which is toot ing dowu in large quantities. Two barks which arrived this morning were locked in, and floated a considerable distance down the hay, awl finally reached the wharves by coming through Butter milk Channel, or the east side of Governor's talent The Iro'scrn tel other motariliinun litre foci very math grieved at the-defeat of the Sew York That bill, sal Me: tr. I:hind:Lir and 3locife mem bers from Pennsylvania ate denounced .11, being unworthy teats in the House of Representatives. The- annual Fireman's ball winch was held at, the Astor Place Opera House last week yielded the handsome sum of $3,200, which goes to the. Fire Depertment feud. -A beautiful •stcanuthip called the “Lousianar• I was launched at half past twelve o'clock to day., She was built for Messrs }lowland and Aepin wall's Pacific line, and for beauty of model, and strength will compare favorably with any of her predecessors. Acceding tat Government mea surement, she is 2,200 tons burthea. It appears from a detailed estimate .made by 'the_ City Surveyor, that the total value of pros petty owned by the City Government, is $14,, VOLUME LXIV- --NUMBER 162. fits-thereon together with the advaneed mov er amounted to SI,IOO. This amount is alleged to have been unlawfully retained by Robinson from - Mr. Jarvis. Cards of crplamiliim hate been issued by both parties, and an itnextiration in to take place this afternoon. The stock market rallied tcralay, bat the spirit of speculation is broken for the pie:eat:and it will require many favorable co-ordinate-eiresuri -I,sta noes to induce speculation in take the Rime 1 train it followed a few weeks since. Money is 14nore active, add not so easily obtained on fancy Ottocker. The price of money an paper Lundeen !' , b u t good mimes will comraand•money at 51 r°'a 6 per cent f9r6o 5,90 day bills,' and 6 a 7 for Clays to six month do: Call loaxis are still negotiatad at 91 to 6 percent; the fonnerrate on government sto ck dollaterals. • At the stock exchange to-day Pennsylvania 'Yr c•trcre ouhl st.94} and Ohio' and — Pennsylimila muds 96. 'Government stocks are ratherquiet ; the loan of 1867 brought 1181 and do. 1856407. Western State- stocks me very firmly held, with few or none offering. All of the railroad and fancy stocks are from 2 to 10 per cent, and some 15 per bent lOwer khan they were this day week.' Canton, which lips recently carried to 96 by the Boston holders of the - stock, sold to.day . at 70 a depreciation of 26 per cent ! The spring trade does not open so brisk as was anticipated, though there is a fair amount of-bac - siness doing in the dry goods line. Many of the , leading importers and jobbers complain bitterly of the large and growing number of unction sales , to their great detriment. The stock of goods is not overlarge, as was the care last season, but much more select,cboth in the foreign and domes tic branches. The total value of the dry goods imported at this port daring Janciary 1851 was .$8.707,833; same time in 18-58 $5,748.492 , ;'the some time in 1849, $4,599,945. In the produce market there is but a limited bailees, now doing, and prices are generally mai form. . &CEBU lii THE LIFE OF A COIIIT/EL'L. Lord Grey was attiaples, 'fidelissinia•Napoli," ; the bright the beautiful, the city of thl; S.yrtn, that piece of Heaven fallen to earth; well nwy its inhabilanta exclaim: ',•See - Naplei and dftil" Could not all this enehantmenteill a smile 'to the,/ lip of Lord Grey?. Al, no! lie was on melon= ;holy as if be was living in .a London Illovetaber fog,—the courted and flattered, the admiredimat envied Lord Grey, Possessed ottitle and eatates, handsome and 'gifted, with !slumber who bated on him, aid. a thousand friends, still the young lord was not bappy!, In 'the company of tho gay and joyous; how Zgrave and thoughtful; when beauty smiled upo him, a remembrance of some lost seemed to st nver him and the smile was not returned. Alone and almost unattended, he was now travelling.through the Southern cities, seeking - something. be knew not what,. he could not find!" Change of place: seemed the one thing coveted, but change of place brought' 'no relief; et Paris or Naples,- It was - all the same. "Thai& heaven! !" be. exclaimed ;as be sauntered through one of the Mott retired streets, ' , thank heaven. I am -free at last from those, troublesome friends, for one day at. least I can be . • - , - . Scarce were the words spoken before some • 1 one grasped his arm, with the f.milariry en old friend, and. “Sly thirds : in deed n fortunate meeting," sounded • in, hie car. The young nun turned, and recogni zing an .old school friend in the merry lace ( before him, greeted,-him as cordially as hie mood would allow; and then came all the news of the I 'The new !lager," excloi teed hiS friend, - "hare j you heard of the new singer; the Syne is noth ing to her. she makes her first appearance to- 1 night, Julia. Pisino, a Roman' name, and there is a strange story of her having been token from I the streets there, hi some -- ono attr;otted by . Ler voice, and educated for the stage: you must go ; and hear this wonder." i - Lord Grey answered listlessly; he some-beard whet hid companion said, and in desperition, ' ; half in the hope of ridding himself of his fries V he promised to be there.. The eveningearne and • found the yOung lord en his way to the principal theatre, not that he expected to ha amused, but . becifuse ho might as well be in one plate'sd • another. lie entered, the -brilliant lights, the crowded boxer, the Bashing eyes, were nothing to Lim; seating himself is a retired corner, he ' leaned his head on his arm and was coon lost in thotight. Ho forgot-the scene before him, he • forgot, the preter.t hour. Scenes of his' boyhood I • arose in hie mind, scenes of which .tell years bad ' not effaced one line: he thought of Rome aust the dark mournful:eyedhe had met there; and then came speculations on the fate at the ehild'who, had eo interested him. Snddenli the same tones„ that for ten years had echoed in his soul, flailed , I on his car., but sweeter, richer; now they •rorte clear and high like a gal of wild, bird-like mu sic, heard in some pleasant wood, now low 81111 full they floated on the air, steeling into theye ry soul; it was a sail song too, and the same 'reelaucholyetratas that hadwon him before, came now' to hie car, and fond Lis heart not less sus ceptible. Ile dared not raise his head, lest the delusion should be dissipated, it seemed CA like a bewiching dream. So there he still sat, his face buried in his Lands, drinking in every note, of that delicious melody. There was a pause _She . . theatre rang with acclimation, then all was hished, and ag-,ain the song went on. - Excited and anxious with hope, and yet with fear, the young lord raised Ids head and gazed earnestly on the stage. Hote beautiful it was': A lovely girl, just blooming into womanhood, Was before ' him, and yet it seemed the child be had met at 1 Rome. The same exquisite features, ertmethitlg even of the sad expression lingered, 'though now it seemed to conic from thought rather thanfrom Isuffering. Her hair still fell gracefully 'around her face, and the simple white dress, "relieved t ronly tt y a small bequel of valley !Mies, fittingly tara .. as I figtire so full of purity and peace.— rSue adigare could be the object of no harsE.- '" WortldSb unholy desire a feeling of respect nail 1 empathy Sprang up in every heart—eveu the applause was subdued, lest it should second one ' ',so shrinking er.l so gentle.. One look 'was. ' mouth for Lord Grey, Who that shad Been biz . us the whirl of London fashion, or the still more, brilliant Beene of Parisianguiety, cold andlisult- • 1 ty, indifferent and scornful, would have m0g u1'...114 non'' lie stood up, in his box, his fins face beaming with excitement, Vs derk eyes , kindling with lore and joy, while a feeling of j repro eel lent s shade to iLI. iaPrel6SiOn, The I young singer gaze) timidly around the ervveled - ; I hence; at length her eyes rested on the bull:hi: 4 figure. What.rurb of recollections overpoWers I her': Why .does her cheek grow pale, the tones tremble end die away upon her lips! fan tt be that a face but once seers end that amid the gather ' ing tn. - flight= 110 iaaprets o:lei:mart: The cons , teuence of one who speaks voids of tympathy . and love in our hour of distress,: is never forgot- tea, though time and change write der:pawl last- inF traces upon it. Who shall say what, hid shielded that young girl (roof elle.. temptations • that enrrounded her, keeping bersphit pure and childlike? Perhaps the remembrance of that twilight hour, the -though that gencr ens heart would sympathize with and feel for her- And now they had met. It seemed but a mo- . tient from their reeognition before the half I fainting girl was borne from the stage by.ber , dfrien da hour after, the beautiful Julia was • 'r.-- ~vested with the young lord in her own graceful j parlor, much was to tie told by both, and long nod earnest was their conversation; no reproach; es clouded that happy hour, for the fair gal knew her companion's noble -soul too' well to doubt. She told Lim Ler sorrow et net meeting, him again, and how soon after, a kind, mild old man attracted by her singing, hid given her a ' Mane end treated her like n daughter, and how ; she war now striving to repay the debt. And: them she heard frem2lim of his father's death, - his own rank and wealth, but not ono, word 'of his Imeghty mother, for the young lord feared that his happiness Might again be ,rocked. ' With gentle, persuasive words, he won her; with teara and blessings her kind old teach, commit ted her tolls care. They were married!—the Neispolimns wen half wild with disappointment' , at their loss. from the foot-lights of a theatre, .- the beautiful Julia Plaints stepped to the ranlstif • - • • Countoss; and never on one fairer ormore wor thy, from the pcossessien of every womanly grace, was a coronet conferred.; Pr Qrcsnt. EIME3M I In a Loodontlrasing room, where every thing that wealth or taste could devise 'won collected; e c an hee h k ad -r. le ti fi ng bu o t n . h lau- fi dy ri . s ti z ol t 'l l bc" it ru in tilface th li o .tr a , : hr h e c ry- The liredied destrill fully over the rich furniture, now revealing WM. tmintiful flee mailing from the wall, now chair. a iog the thadont from the corners, where they bad collected, as it were, for comfort on that cold November night. Therein pattered agtinA • the windows, but as then eye glanced towards: them, it rested on the rich son:taint blushing faintly in the firielight„ and* feeling of comfort and repose stole into the te,art; -Gentle thoughts --. —thaughtsot the loved and absent subdued -the still haughty expression of the *dy'etece; the soft light of affection was in her eye us the ga ted wailingly into the fire, ttnuing,' in its - log !alertness, scenes of beauty, faces that smi, led familiarly upon ber. The hose for her Sink return' wasiipproaeliing, and her mother's heart yearned to speak tbo words of pectin:. Ater mint entered silently and presented a late; the lady held it up s in - the NM light and s ti - brightened her face se she beheld the; beloveds: Lights were brought, and with theist-- (coeLtDED )