The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 10, 1851, Image 3

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    ' ,. 'Bt:.TELEGRAPH.
• VAstntaamf Feb. 8
Sr' ATr,—SeseTal petitions were presented by
-*rum. Seward, Chase, and 'Hamilton, for the
repeal of the 'Fugitive Slave Law which were
labrcin the table.
Owininirodneed a bill to provide for the
istablishment'of a mint in California.
,A' bill I to' distribute the encode of Congress
wasrmokted, owl Ordered to tie engrossed.
- Llonsz- , —The house resolved Steel: into Com
tnittee of the Whole, and took np the bill to estab7
11sh 'a board of accounts for settling claims kgsinit
the 6creernment, '
lir. lfcLean,Of Kentucky, spoke in favor of
the bill, and Mr. Daniel in opposition.
Putt.sonirirtx, Feb. 8.
There, ts considerable L excitement prevailing
here,,annsug the colored population, in regard
to the case of :delude Purnell, a fugitive alave
who is miry having a 'heating before. the United
:Stains Commissioner. The avenues to the Court
roomy arc' crowded to sutra:alert, and the Mar
shalre police were employed to keep the foot
ways clear.
The . stela' tor Entrion, runpiug between 61,
city sad. dialtirnore:vvou cut through by the ice,
at Newcdstle, and wink. She had a large cnrgh of
valuable 'goal, cu board.
• ; NEW YORK, Feb. 8 •
• The Steamship Georgia arrived this morning
from Ch.gre, b ringing the California mails, and
355 passengers. She also brings $10.5,000 in
gold, on freight, and 15700,000 in bands of pas
sengersd Her news yeas anticipated by the: Em
pire City,.
Plirtnutcenu Feb. 8.
~:..The Steamer Enkaon; running between this
city arullialtimore, waa cut through by the ice,
at Newiamtle, and sunk. She had a large cargo.
of Valuable ggpds on board, with the ves
sel itie eappned, will be a totalltlS3. The crew
Floue---Priees bore drilined I2ic on the bar
rel. Ire now quota - at $4 50.6 $4 56} "el bar
• • .
Bye Floar—Ts now in demhtid at 3 50 per bbl.
• ' Corn, Ideal-,Sales at $2 871 per bbl.
Ornia—S.sles of red and white at 100 Cy 112 c
- :per busli. Sales of Corn at Gle per bush.
Dining—Ls in demaed at 44c 11 lb.
sale of 'Lard at 68 and of lin
- ! seed ali 85 en. 87e per gallon.'
Prstrision-s--The market for Salted provisions
is:quiet, and receipts continue unusually small.
Old lIIeSS pork is held at 'sl2 50 (1) 12 76.
Sales of new western mess at $l3 75 per bbl,
and Talmo do. at $ll 50. Sales of city mess at,
SI2aLL 12;60 12 bbl. Parton has been-:salting in
a imall way at 81, 0 for old hams, and 10 a
126 far, new ; for sides, and 7.} for shoulders.
Lard IS emaCe and prices on the advaisce—old
',.keg Is held at 81, awl new at 9®9 74 lb. But
, ter is dull. •
Trdt—Sales of bunch raisins at $1 05 ®ll $2
per bok. Sales of Palermo Oranges at $2 per
t ,
Dried Fruit,—The demand is limited, sales 400
'boiltelit - peaches, unpaired halves, at $1 76':(} 2
ad bush ; pared peaches are selling at $4 50 e
95; Sales of apples at $1 18 ® 125 per
" ,Traps —The market is dull with no sales.
February 8.
Cotton—The market is steady, with sates of
200 bales at former rates.
Floor—The market is firm, with salei to day of
1800 Ibis, at $4,81C84,87 for common Ohio, and
$4.81q.55 for Indiana and
i Michigan.
.G rain—Wheat rain—Wheat is nominal. Corn s nominal,
with small sales of new yellow at Cie iA bu.
Provisions—Pork is unchanged, with sales of
160 bids old mess at $12012,125 bbl; and of
prime at $9,1218.9, ^ _6 bbl. beef is idl fair
slemand, with sales of extra Chicago mein at
$10,50 14bbl. Lard is scarcer; sales of o')bbls
Ohio new at tqc.
.Whiskey, is firm, with small sales at 2fict
Linseed. Oil is firm. with sales 1500 gallaatlllc
Nei Foe; Feb, 8.
Cotton--The firm, with sales of one
..osotisand bales at, for middling, to fair upland
-at 12/0 12;; :and 1_ 2 3 . ® 14/ for misiMing and
fair Orleans and Mobile.
, FloiaThe market is (inlet, With further sales
&Of 3500 • bbls at $4Bl O 404 for Conimon to
- . .l . good . Ohiii;. $4 81 ® $5 for good Indiana and
-Michigan; I'Bs 25 0, 5 50 for fancy Ohio; and
$5 50 0 5 76 for extra brands.
, Mrsin s —ltilteat is dell, with no sales to report.
Corn is Unchanged, with farther 'sales of 8,000
bushels, at 67c , for NeW Yellow, and 68c for
• PrOvisions 4 Nesi pork is source, and improving
in demand ; 450 bbls were sold at $l3 25 for
_mess. Salen Of old mess at $l2 12/, and
prime. at $9lB ®0 -25 per .bbl. Beef is quiet,
with farther sales Of 150 bbls mees at $8 SO ®
10 so: and of prinie at :$6 ®, 0 ? hid. Beef
liams'are easier, and lure tictlye, with sales of
200hbls at $6 75 1-4 cat • Cut meats are scarce
and nominal. Bogs are dull nt $025 per cwt
Bard is scarce, and firmer; with sales of 200 bbls
old at 83, and of new at 8/e is lb. Butter is
more: in demand, with sales ato ® 12414 lb.—
Cheese is tamer a 6 at 7c . ? lb.
• WMaky prices have advanced, with sales of
'lOO bbls of good Ohio at 26c per gallon.
Hemp— r Salcs of 'lOO bales dew rotted at $ll2
Linseed Oil—Contiones firm, - with farther sales
Of 4000 gallons at 90 (3; 00j 'ti gal.
L , Wtd.—Galena hai wfvonced, with sales of 100
pigs at $5 7/1 cwt.
Bice—Sales at $3 (7 - si 350 cwt.
• -
Other articlei irFe - without change.
Feb. 8. 1851
• Flour—Sales of 2,000 hbls. It. S. brandii at
$4,50 and of 100 hbls. City Mills at the same
'Spires. '
• . Corn Meal and Rye Spur are without &tinge.
1. Gimin--fied Wheat is selling at.oBe,vlo2c, and
'White at 10-160 2c 11 bohel. Sales of Yellow
'torn at Slg, ii - nd White at 01014 husheL Sales
of Oats nt 420:44e, and of Rye at 70e 14 bushel.
P.roisions-There is steady demand at former
qui:A:alone. •
Gro4eriep unchanged.
• , -Whinkey—Sales 8t21C25f in hhan and bbls.
CF our—Prices linve declined to $3,40 1.1 bbl.
PTori•ions--.fides of 301) bblsrork, at $11,25
; (41,37.4 for niwts, and $7,00 for ramp. . Sales of
Lb]; Lard;nt :ten° 11 tb.
..a; On., wad PEC.II for Pale
sit IL E. eITLLica. GT Mal rt.
11111UCotkiK \VIM AT CAKES—I'sf y o u mdmsint good
jup Ilthrst CAKE
- ktrver Sze,.
Duutd.. ele nle by .use Dabbetr— br1"..5.
EVOLVEI - 1.5-"--L'olea and Allen's, for sal,
CI Market rt,ievrtr , r ToarTv.
c:ItEEN APPLES--10 brls prime, recd i
irAcd mter, and 44. gale by
C., I y ADMEL P. smavEa..
ILENP-110 Nalco .Mis!,:ouri dew rotted, i
, lara anal Per role by ALEXANDER OORDON.
MI Front at
L JANDLES—uO Lxe mould, an con g~n il lDlDent
ATNGER ROOT-3 isarks prime, on band
sad for aye N. RICK ERSIIA)!
- Wm' * %tit do
rie just ieceiv — ed
Mpreior /alias 6.
S. pair by_
inetore, for
; WITS ISLA' bu„ prime, for sale
Ita at.
3.LERY-15, kelp woried, col' Bale by
IQUORICELBAILL-5 camell76mM' !tick,
YRUPS 16 brls Golden Syrup;
M4als Clarinod do Om polo by
_.:TALL(IIV—r49 brt s reed per steamer Arena
•. : attli OD. sale by; J. 21I: VOW D
:-.... , . .z .
~ Round March 18011,16ag
' . TASll—i4 L easks llunean's
g. mire Potash,
-• : : 1.,,,1. , by. ' 1325 .1. a FLOYD.
- .. AK IMITATION—Paper Hanging in ut
italic. Drink, ilia TarnDbed. M rata by '
slab , - lc. P. SIAISIIAL, SS Woad at.
IFIP'II SUGARS-20 brit d. reed large tail
' • . • i IC.O brie mill bat.
to 4o embed; ,
1 .3 , 1 ft ' Nji d gei, o dm. And
.: gr ale by . JAS. A. ITUICIIIDDN A CO'
OAP 6 COAR—.3O Me for n '
bs '
len. i , '. W3l. A CC/.
Ileedemml. Oth , KUM nu:ULF ' •
j ig 6.c for Bale by .
OWDE.II-450 kege Meeting. for sale
J. ♦ R. FLOYD, Round Church
PORK-200'riecoBhog round, ,we
ttionaest. rm. la • WM. lIAGALUY C CO
EATIiEIIS-17 sacks-prime for tale by
ARD--3' brie and •15 kegs fotTale by
BOO2tIS-80 dos just
FIFE Cott:terms or—We had the
pleasure on Saturday afternoon, of paying a visit
to a fine green housel full of the rarest plants,
which has been recently established on the Fourth
street road, just beyond Oakland. It is the pro
perty, of Mr. John Muifioch, Jr., who is now Jr..
Europe, where he has gone for the purpose of
making additiohs to his already very extensive
stock of plants and trees, at his nursery in Lows
er St. Clair 'township.
It is pleasant, when all around is bleak and ,
dreary, to enter a hot-house like that of Mr.
Murdoch, where the choicest roses, earaches.
and other flowers are in bloom, and the inhabit
ants ofOakland can at any time, in mid-winter ,
carry themselves forward to the joyous spring.
by_amisit to this charming green-house.
Gaost Innecascr.—Arrest.—The inhabitants
of a court, near St. Pours Cathedral, called the
attention of the police, on Friday, ton young.
man named Edmond Speers, who havepentedly,
of late, been guilty of gross and open violation of
decency. lie escaped from the police otliceni,
but. was arrested on Saturday morning in a pot
house - on Water street, by officers. Reed and
Wells, of the Mayor's police, and taken to the
watch hones. He managed, however, to make
his escape, and ran, at a rapid pace, up Fourth
atrect L One of the policemen, in order to fright:
ca him, fired his pistol into the ground, but this
only seemed to lend wings to his speed, and he
distanced alt his pursuers, but win; stopped in
Post Office Alley, near the Gazette buildings.
by a compositor, and conveyed to the Mayor's
Office. lie well merits a heavy punishment.
TEMPCIIANCF..—We. understand that the Board
of Brokers passed a resolution at their meeting
on Saturday, declaring their intention to attend
Mr. Gough's temperance meeting in the Metho
dist Church, in Smithfield ,tmt, this evening,
in a body, and -sign the pledge.
Posrroistn.—Mr. Gough is compelled to post
pine his visit to Steubenville for a short time.—
His friends here - trill not think of his leaving
Pittsbnrgh for some time to come.
LucrcuE.—Ttle Rev. Nathaniel West delivered
nn able address; on Friday night, to the members
of the Teachers' Association, in Lawrenceville,
on the subject of discipline, as connected with
'Mental, and moral improvement.
SIGNED TUE PLEDGE.—WC learn that about
fifteen hundred Pittsburghere have signed the
pledge since Mr. Gough arrived in Pittsburgh.
JETT-NILE CONCERT.--OUT renders will recol
lect that Mr. Kemmerer, teacher of music, will
give a grand Juvenile Concert this evening. in
Lafayette Ball.. Nearly three hundred children
will sing, accampanied by ei brass band. The tick
ets are for sale at the low price of twenty five
cents, and the hall will doubtlers he crowded.
following gentlemen have been appointed &le-.
gates to the Railroad Convention, which is to be
held at Reimersburgh, Clarion county, on the
Mul inst. number of persons, were, we un
derstand, weitiously appointed by the Board of
Trade, whose names we have not learned.
Cbaa. likketnon,
J. Schoontnaker,
SamL Church,
J. Lyon,
Alexander Miller,
Wm. Philips,
John Floyd,
Joseph S. Leech.
John Watt,
John Parker,
Juno B. GOI:1311 lac
Fifth Street .Nlethodist
had at the usual places,
IRE YOU A FATIIER, laboring for the
no of • litrally. h and
,;ttring from ceotralii ,
~ Dnfi ur tst,l4`.4.' p.rig. •
Ararat a .110137 r. Fettering r ietari dbeases whirti re
male. are penny sulJect. tow Dr. S. D. Ilesre'n etmbrr
a—lt will certainly cure y
Cal at oar 001mb or 411 one of ear mierits. sod get
pamphlet. taalls, where no wil l SEMI that the libaker bar.
nitwit* no prepared by Dr. Howe. bee been the
means of permanently curing, mtre to which the
human 'tunny are eantinoallt soloed. not. e.o' other
preparation of Sarsaparilla eser-yrt brought be
palate. ,
sta,, m e dicine has eltsbliele4l it, hist, n•put.l.4 ID
numerous and well atteared cure..
It tap* up in quart bottles. and is the only liar...lila
that acts on the Liver, Kidney, and bloat at the nole
Vie .
which *enders It *hoorah., more value& Cirert
paticularly to froiedee.
Be sure'ssal require for Dr. S. D. Howire
SARSAPARILLA. and take another.
Price SI per bottle—a /attic. for $5.
For sale by
D.D. S. D. ROWE CO., Proprieties.
.1 College Ilan. lineinetall, Wets
To whom all caters may be addnased.
Alm, for ado by J. A. Jones. J. iirbootimaker a Co.. W.
Black. R. W. Means, J. M. Townsend. J. 3lebler,
.W. Jack
!). A. Elliott. Allewheny city: D. R. Me.
o rig,
_ b lame .. .linden P. Crocker, Breen, ill, J. Paull
C 0.. . Wheeling: J. 11. Patterrion. and E. O. Morgan, St.
Cldnriltey Mcßant KM, Cadiz- ociAidawT
La. Konr.-11Ir I rbmrfully onmply with )our
that 1 'maid give youau account a the able. guiraculow
cum of ror Mita daughteen e,c by Ow tc, of Sour
veze attacked with yrry ion. ere In Fehr..
March het, ban I iminediately sePhei to the trot
ad aid In the city, by whom It wa11...0pt . ..1 a "very tad
eye," and all gave toe no hope of doing her any geed At
which I took her Into the country to on old tell.' Who
had teen very atirvestful in curing eyes. She told thst
h. ewe was Level., es she would nortainlY Iwo not my
that one, hut aleo that the other smodhl teing'
scrofulous at
of the blied. And Ido certify, that
the time ay father (J. A Vsehou) came to the oonelueion
that we had letter try your Petra... bie me. entirety
&Ind of one eye. It la now shout 100l o o
roan.. Au.. the
Veinin ileum and ehe ran now eve eith both /lea as pad
/0 ever ehe did end.. far can tell, I believe she tuou
with the blew/leg of the almighty, been enrol by Petrole-
Tour, respeetfaii,
It. 1 . ..NM1 Veer ma Cab..
Pittabarreb. 'aleph 30, 1h7.0.
illirFor rale by Kr, wr h McDowell. 140 Wood M. 2. R. E
Seller% G 7 WoodD. A. Ellintt.oph ro
slam, and 11. r gehwortr.. Alle.rhony: ZiNl I.y t h eppel,.
tor, K. M. KIEII,
how:allow9 Canal &win. Pesenth Pltewborch.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons hav
. .
Inn elelmongnlrot the rnnate nf Henry Vovrau, lat.,
legheny city. County of Mint:lwo, detnnor.l, I, eoll
sad mewnt them for FrUlemenc &mini] penann , gunning
thenunlves Indebted, are 11 , ninl.1 to maketrnt wi th out
M 4 1lW)IAII 111111 N Ell. lizerun.r.
febivran , l2. Ben= Alley. 'oar Wet. , Kt. Alleally .
EIIEAS, Letters of Administration to
the gentle of !wart drier.
&mewed. gave lean
Mutant to the trubsernent. all hereon. Indented 41 Bald tttt•
lota ate requested to make immediate payment. anti newt
hoeing chastiser &man& etesittet the dtCrtICI.• willmake
known the mat wlthnnktielee to '
51A1COARIIT It. 4/111011,
557 Mneket etreet.
111) south street.
Thllatielnlan Feb. '5l fennwh... AdeelnLetnttnen.
DOT ASH-8 casks just rrnfd fur sale by
1a25 <lo MI SON. LITTLE dCO
up 2 kort itrOnod llonoy;
3 ton. Pearlr.
tr mon pint and g narlCEA,
20(...b0u , S:10 •
.71 bum 10:12 lir4
40 dot Corn Brno=
2000110 hemlock lannott 804 Loather.
For ran by ENGLISII it BEN NETT.
iartM) 122 Stroud, and 121 Ilmt mtn.
toKEGS G Twist Tobacco ;
60 bbls. Tanners Oil
300 bezel Niter Omer.: ror rale by
Ma 30 JAS. P.AI.7.EL. GF Water rt.
UNDRIES-150 bap Rio Coffee ;
rockgs Y. 11.Trs:
10 do Youchnng do:
111.5 box. omnulheturr.l and leaf;
Prk" ltlTl?reFr:V; h6,
CASES C.3.o3inetL 3 ,
el 2 eases ls
Plald Eluxm.
twtTO Peso
23 Lbl. fresh 801 l Batter .
300 by
No 1 La. , . sat
%0 bus Dtied Peaches
7Jobn•Frtint APO ,
r.aly ;Igo: For rob
2,./ 3 Lbla
• VA dor. 1117.. r
1.4 nes i ;r ' rlalteratus
31.1 !Ala Roll Butter
do.t s wes..lo
33.1testx Jo 4 °.
400 boxes Cream elm , .
an du (*.down Jo
ALL .th 's D
ot.,r*o itoghl do
10011 Dried apples.
Ii bLIa Low
A rg.:(l.'r y.aP".l J ) 17 r t 7t:PI
100 lola extra dm
30 Lag.. Cork ,
au bole ho .:t Mackerel.
78 bal. Tar.
Preduer Desdett tald Loco' uneoloo Morebants.
itsZ bt isler .0.04
an LBS SiurroN
zu"l?jt "
Pr due Dealers and Colotaioston Merrheate.
I . el Water street
11, j Wu t.ur. . Ossisc
100 bus. Nhasi, for 'Or hy
, '-',... PrErlurr. Drat.," and (Wrornlrrlon Merrirnlr,
I je2.l . . oil W.r.r rotrcr.l..
il9RN—al I,i•ls and :;,) ~ a ,;10 juHt re 4 fd 1 1
N_J ;ma, _ J 11. DILWORTH tCH
i .., v
hrl,..iz , N , tbre
I 'WITH , 111
PlGifiON—'2o'.l loll: , on an!
. i,.c.' . N.
.. DI . LWODTH t Co
-DIRE:SO2M PTiO !It BOXES, Turned W,„j,
.1_ for nab. Ly . par _ J. ICHOON Mt ft CII ROl
-----'.-`' • ' ill imskett; fur ant, I.- -
(jac'E oiL_lll baskets or Nilo by
.pi. . 1 J. CoS.:Writ:MAX l:Il a
NEN' o. CROP CASTOR OIL-10 bris Blow's,
N 1. jaat'racaltatl fur mie by IL. E. eELLEIL.
ttl 67 W.alo. .
—INER WAKE—Spoons, Forks Lailie;
i S i ßactEr Ksth.., Pm-hers:Vs srws. Coat: at , . .
taatat..l to Gator asal Op Itand fur sal. at lb. kor;:air.,:::
:S W pitted ,LW or Xlver ma. W. W. WILtON,
..' Oar. Market i )Dumb st
Ittf age ...It to plirrhwe a. I tof g
t v , loc.atiou of tilt% lostiMation.cQa.lning from '''''`" Tt L o k' i' l
I t au . t. wrgl pt i lppiledz i itblrotn, ndl AM:W.4 orc ' m or.r. a
co.ri v ii.'2..;i.r.'D O ," TlZtj - el fi y . .T u " a nb '
IV Lt.' irt`,:l.' ' 'q uPt'lZTViiiVr,'A l i c i . ; .'''''' 4 ''' ' ''';
Tltil..!. 8ANE:MT . ... 1.,
to Dry o.lx. Grmerio, Itou sad NW.,
onner cr xtrect WaAluiama Turnpilv Do.d.
TouperaunlrDle ocithd.grly•S
CI AM. P. ROSS; Attorney at Law, Off tee
1.3 so. l at CA Fourth Untat.tu Latoartiwltoild.
og, VAbur,;ll. apatvrlyti
I.E.X. W. FOSTER, Attorney and Coon-
A 7l. sell, at Law. Na, lot Fourth att.., near tirautat.
Intt•hurwle. novlnallwnelyS
T enbeeriber will Nell hie farm, Initiate in P.righton
town,lein. I:enier count , . Four 31iVenuare.!tl,, nil!, from
nver. • the honed, nwel. containing IV. aenw. of
.01..0 70 14[1,1 an. cleard:tn.! under mw.l t0n.,., mid in a
rixte .1 0141, cultivation. well watered nith narrate, a
"ever spria,, the balaure well timbered. The
building. are iL kr{ honw and kitchen. and a gond
cellar. with a never falLita, well - of water at the door: a in.
Wain house, with a bhingle noel*, a &nada ham. dtiuule
ro( mud ,thadrd Abo'loo Apple and lon INwelt tree, gpf.
ted and of the bent qualit,. The Amid. for nualitY mad he
notion, f+•+tea! In an! in ILr helchl,frhn.l.
ilat: pion of rtAN I T. 11l
Front I,:t fool bark
nn under len,: for all of
which nu lialietnatable title will be given. For tem, an
pi) team anb.eriber.nn the prerni,e.
Public Sale of Real Estate
WILL be exposed too public wile by the
et,,s,ilsos,au the 13th day of February nexi. at 10
o'cick. A. M.. on the pryinL.eo. all that certain tract ot
land ritutar in Wllkin. lowurlap. county of Allonbcnl•
om Um north by landc of llrnry Morrow. on the
woct by JeaLle, Duff, on the Annh Nancy 'tailor. and
the caet by Jame. belly, containino, fitly nine and one bolt
GO!. 11111., or bee, heina the saute tract of ...round
on which the late Jazin, Crouton', remided.properly
near Franletowu road. and ir Moot - len tulle* from.
cleared. of Patehurpit. aloutt 40 call, of Ow 4r 0 u 04 out
d and 1,, 10, - .1 cultivation for farming purpoYe, about
noo. half h. coal land. and the protatrty 10 nulr.otte and a ball
mile front thr Central hail Rood. Pahl tract ofground 10
nn w owned by Mre. Jane McCown. Mr.. Icalu lia Heldman.
and !dory Jane McNutt,a minor. and held by thrill *a
tenant , In moranon, each owning an undivided thin) tart
11,00.1. And C. Candliera bating loan en/Power , ' kr X..
:lane McCowan and ?Ito. 10abella Ileninian by warrant of 4.11 their re,wetice inter..., and Itnherr llord'
man. .ittardian of .aid 3 1 ar. Jan.' McNntt. haring I.An
:althorn,' and directed by Ibr ',Than , Court of AllYalirny
county. to Pell thy interrYt of the sald minor. in the real
outir alkoo dexcribcd. The mid tract will semolina', IY,
wld to the highent and teoat blttor, on the till, donnf
February next. 01 10 o'clock. A. Term, of ,ode will b e
ialocal 4 1101IERT II
- 11"( XECUTORS', SALE—Notice is hereby
given that. ID putsuanre or an onler of the Orphans'
loan of Alirchcor nninty, we will 4,1 - awn - to p obit, We.
in the tillage of Clinton. Alleg,henY roont.t.i . a. on the
loot Thwt•daY Febroarg. A. to 10,51,, at IV o'rhck.
nn the Ferrol., the fidloartna describedl,ro rc perty, •itielgal.o. 1. containing Thirty Two=intlpehes. bounded
by Judy Whensd. start. \r Glop litrod and other, on
emeted tv.ii!tory I.runir Dwelling
Intl No. I containing Forty triton perch., tannnied by
the 10 .1. l'arkyr. the ochool oaten..
reo n n ' tt i nt:Mrit '' y ' ite b v i l ., n ,n G 9-100
ed by the stmt. by all alley. by the whoot Ino.u . la. on
which it crxtro a Wagon Maker's F.hon.
lad \o. 1, mutoihing Yttrlr Eight :~llppreehra,
Tend,. of male are nalfe.Aten,
exalt. the lalance in two equal an
nun] paymisti4, with intgreet. to seenred by jll.l,l7lrDi
bonds and toortgagym ANDIiIAV 51ceLF.Al.TER.
. -
/CrowaS 1:x.121.r, of Jlll,lOl Taamart. de,'.l.
1 2.: TifE L 01:PliANS' COURT of Alleghenyi count, of Deretataer term A. D. 1830. No—
lit the matter of 1 be,partillon of the real rxtato of Wat E.
Pattovon, h.. of Elimbeth tea - whip, d0....e.1.
Allegheny tnuniy. S S:
-;' l " t f e e.„ 'ngsTrnel:N.'PeMr:e'n'i s eree!!. 11'.`if,77:.
4. 4.,.. I
... .e. rahlor,ll3musa A. Nlce.orit., aryl barah
• 1L:,.'7:1 1 :ir1.`"A•22;1 1 .fra‘. 1 '.': , }7,,,._
~ ma, C. l'atterFou. and Sarah Flell Point.,
.pa. n . r .e.. minors., by their guardian rtol farm. Jame.i
." McKnight, halm al law of William E. Pat.
0000,0. d‘'
Thos. Scott,
Robert McCutcheon,
M. D. Patton,
it*WiTori,Tteithr Oren to the show named Partin , that
wit: one certain lummox,. and ter" of land
,situate in }Barbeth lowtohlp. In raid counts, ...donning
lands of John Hindman. John Rankin. John 31eKelty,
Ebenezer Ilenderrou..:Slichael Harlan. Jams. McKnight.
and the heirs of Peter Patterson. 01ntaining about 1 , 0
arzcs. with the apportenansws: att., one o th e r nrtaso
meatnage and tract Oland situate in said tog nshlp of
Elimbeth. hounded Iry lamb of James McKnight. Thomas
Patterson. and the heirs of Peter Pattern.,tvntaining
about 5:1 with the aproartrnanoes. on the Oth dot' of
March. A. It. It.!.at .10 o'clnek. of the tonna - sat, fur the
purpoet• of making paititlun or valuation and appeal-4mm,
atotaid real crOtte. Its in the :31c1 writ reonirol. at !deb
time nod glare "11 Mrtlrn rang
nheriVe Oltiee. Pittsburgh, Januar,' 13. losl,..—tal2ormS
M. Miteheltree,
Wm. Lehman,
Sarni. MeClurken,
M. B. Brown,
Alexander Hunter,
J neobPainter,
Robert Daltell.
turps this evening in the
Church. Tickets to be
, and at the door.
IVO. 49 LIBERTY STREET. l'trrenuncn.
II r. DELANEY ha. 'list IL. N.H. ate.. a(
e.ery th-,rll.tion of auttable for nty trade The
Cloth., Car.imeres nod Vestinon hate tom, Klerled with
trreat ...whom the is
importation.. and onliglrt, a out
of ever, thin, that boll.. nod liand , otite, 1...- Spring and
:tummy. arrar The ga,ortiaa.iit of Ve.tinica I. tinit+oally
lar... inal aor d. bitt to style and plisiil . and ranraa he
.e 1.11,1. if equalh4 Ain any other watabliahnient in rho.
oil, either in qualityllunntits. or priee.
KAI.. a. n.w ati le or 1.,,,1 llo.inion, .1.1. 1 4 for 1..'
i i
ne,a i:,.. and Pants. and
Ihr a arr.,. tl.erivtion,
sueh . T•eraly. Caalitneretta. [tali Cloths. limp d Etaa.
Le. The entire Mork will favorab e romparr of any
ah.ek of goad. opened:heretofore In 1 ltalitnrah.
Mr. J. II Watt'. wall known atilt nod tvol.. aa a entter.
will an staple ausrantee hi oil law ploy faTor tial
..I.ll4linent•with their onle., that. 1.1.1 %ill have .
f:.",,tl'o 3 t h ""t h !,:,.dl,7 l ,`:.,'::bron', ~,T...."4 . ,"..'12,..1 . ,..":1 . ,1 ,
arkta.l.4.4 by many who floor
ha s lora, I.nuld tut'
ill. atate. that 1 111 flindah . haatal ..1 GvhfonaLle
(load, 3,1..111.
tin found in the Ea/derti naarttet..o at µmai
lower pr....,
• . . .
A large and gietteral a....ortment id ready mad* elothina
la on hand. mad-, the ptrecatlon* n>13 , 1111 ,. .1 11 1:
Pont. and Purim, Om. a on. Listrot et, le. made
of French, Kwyllets, and Ammer. Clothe. of.all fashiona
ble odors. Pantaloon! OP every ilewitintion. of plain and
Wary Caeuttnerre of the latex) rtyl, Patlittet and
Summer nimbc, Vell.l nf the hen Patine and Silk... Maw
and hairy Ilareeillein,Cloth,t'aehmere, tr.. and therm.o
tiara its the. l'bdlsing.llne. All 41 armeute made at No. Pl.
are warmistml he rut and made a two workmanlike
etyle. and will he eold to for molt.
• un_pinne but the howl, of Workmenemployed, and full
warm , paid. Al! tlannente need, to order no above. war-.
raun.d. •
P. 9 hc b • ptiMhareer will find the stock at .1, • mart
deviralde one IA ri Pima!, and beautiful meeetmant
fnan. Insarllmirlf I P. LP.
IjiiirrsttußGii CO3l EILCI AL Cla,LEor.,
Con, or Thml end Market .rinds. CharL.l A. D.
The a J 3 Cliatt,•r..l Institute of the kind to Penn
',cum—Jona Plasma, Principal Instructor In the
:1-ciener Acmcint.. •
0. K. enattutr.Lry. ' Profeaeor of PrntiMS.wbil,
,i ,
Al2 ex l- ca l2l v l.L.B. M. .1 AMON. Fv., LKIIIIVIr on Commercial
Terrrrra.—llon. Wm. Wilkins. lion. Jam...
Iluehanan. Hon. John Itn•tion. Hon ChAriPß NM) h., Ilan.
Mown Hampton. Hon. W. 11. Inane. Dr. J. It. let.;lintork.,
John Anderron. Oen. J. K. 3loorehraLL Jame. Dun
lop, ra lier , y, E n. -
COYIMIT.Y.--JObll T. C.0(111110. Attarrikl et
Lao Jame+ Tossej.,sl«rehant 11. A. Pr,or. Amount - ant.
• : , tudents nu enter this Institution at Iro Ann, and oh
, min I u.druetton individually, both day and evenly. when
enntle.L at ill 'merit, n diploma, wMonl b) the Farah, and
Examining rommittt ,
Thum dreitin, thorouch knowird,, of Hoak 1.-oplux,
Penumanshim ac- Isar in mind that this I. the ..111,
Chartered of the kind In l'UtAburrh. Coratannica
, tluto addn,ed to D.K. Chuntwriin. van meet with I.* olo l l
Military : Bounty Land Agency,
lIOSEY, would respertfully
t. 7 intcmn throe inter...led that be hag engage , ' in Pm"
raring Ronal,' Imada under the recent law af Coastal-Ye.
By that Law. nil who have actually armed in any of the
wars !int* rtgl, or theta-whim. nr minor childmn, M.
titled u, llounty Load. front 40 to ICU acre& smanallog
the term ofyorelcm ona Tu. the law exgrmedy provide,.
a..mhot the tnuarfrry, benefit can arerno to the robber
until hi. land P. Mooted. It 1. theref., aim evident that ~
inditl ma
al claimant, tang ,er
lt their Into] either in tom , .
or by :tarot.. The one will be Mural too expets.i,eo-the -
other to In. ef cient. re , oniina Mortal ontron.e nod fair
n1 i 1,,11,1110/1. Atlaltnrt.. locate by any other meth.'
wll prow.: In the end ,moire. To orrompliab thin, and t 0
cl.r.e the entire buairtma ,of the onlaler. in the economical
orarit eunternalatea M °mart., tot rerommendM by the
department, In my main ohpvt. I pron.... therein,. at n
nomparatimlT tntling ealwn , e M Proeon -4., A LA..'
Womtnt for gm...title& ga. To morrintendperwonally
the locating of amid warrant, thereby wearing and guar. ,
Meing to the ',ldler njudidotta arlection, either in Tit'. of
oreumstion or pale. MI. To nblnits • rat , ut for mid land,
with a deact.° of ite.ittaliti•lnMilon.gc., thus
enabling Mtn to fortrr an -climate of It. aline.
Tenn, whirls .111 be rmoonnble, made known on appll
onrmm (heat
Pa. row) 1. 31/•rtlEw
N. co the name of your Poyt Melee, County, d
Pate. Tem- ion.fe.warmnan
xEcuTiii. , NOTlCE—Notice is hereby
_LA e iron, that thountlandavol are the legally enps . Ututed
[aTe r dV7l; . •: ' ="at. TlT l Trgnr'mn.7l7'n'l 4 ...S.'"lll ° T . , r mn""'";
haring Helms lapaiturt eald ratan• aro hereby . notified to :
prearnt them payroeuL and tho, Indebt.l aformeld
are hereby notified,. make Imotodiata ravisrlit to elther
of alitearribern. JAMES CLANK} . ..
W. It. DUFF,
fabl:veltt:t Executor.
Admilikirstiso the vital. of /Dra Foater. late of
:err Pt- Clair township, Allegheny county, Murat having
thin day torn granted to the underdaved, noder in hereby
given to all per.ons Indebted to raid mats unke
media. payment, and all perrauta haring claims Hu
raid I', 1/%41 are requested to praaent the lame. dull' en
tlertUal for aettlement.
Low., ft, Clair, Jan. 'MI, I W 7 —ja2l:Tetit•S
g Pee
odebbriill w make itotneauate payment: thorn !Izmir
r11:1 3 Q, will prcn-ot the yam. for eettlement.
DANIEL Adulltatt _
Allegheny city.. •
A I.IiONARD SCOTT d CO., No. 54 Bald Amt. New. I
continue to publiGh the four lending , "
'kw., Bleeltwood' r liamtalneG in addition to w ok')
They haft, recently Commented theionblication of a vans
ble Agricultural wOrt, called the ''F.rment' tinkle to tici
e Idle and Practical Agrituhtur.. be. Henry ktephens i
F. It. S., of Faliohnegh, shame of the 'Book of the rru,'
ac. de; ureirdoi h r John p. Norton, 11. A., New leaven.
Profeeeor pf thientiße Agriculture In Tale College, &a.
Thto highly rahabl. work will r•rtnprime two tarps royal
octavo volume., mattatribin over 144111 lama. with 1 0 4 or ',I)
aplendld elect cos/Wring., mad more Than MAI engravings.
int wood. in the high.t xt,ri., of .rt, • illurtrating altinet
every.intp/emant of hu.h.odry wto are be the beet fur.
mere, the hod tnetlicel of plowing. no planting, laying bar.-
..king. Wo Ac., the ;various drtmeelle animab in their high.
oat perfection; In abort, the plena - ill Peron, of the hook le
unlirtn. and Grill repder It of Incalculable rata. to the etre
dent bf m[l - fruiter.,
The void; to belnkpubillthed In imonthly Number..
of 64 pages each, ad sem
mire of the Meet engravings, and is
nold at . 25 uncork, or fur the entire work ID number..
of whielt Them will be nt leaet twenty two.
The British Peritidirals republished are se follows. rim—
The Isoutson Quartirly Review (Comerrativek the Edin.
burgh Review (At Mgr, the North British Beeler. Flee
Chorehr, - 111. lieelminnter Review tlilleralk and Black
All'a Edinburgh piniculne (Tom I. - •
tionsyM I.llmr work. are dietineul.hed by the political
elude. above itelleata‘b vet hot a mull portion obtheir
; Grade.. is devoted do mattes! eubjecte. It I. their literarY ;
Ghat-wrier -width given them their chief rain, asel to that I
VrY abert all other journals of their
(1/tirtmber Nottl;;;Talnt ll " .V:lts " a " lierril i b ir di
Kmldanre of
a l.
Oil. time. {111115.11f ettrartive. from Ine penal work, of
booboo 1111,1 other literary notable., written for that maga
rine, and fired applarina in ite.rolumna tooth tlrea.t
-1 tam end ItG the
N o !Ante.. Sorb work. We .1111.
I ton , sod -5Ty New Novel." loAti Toy Butner.) 'VI' Prnim
•,:that M old. ' ...The mai other of
bleb 111161011110 tired edition. me r e by the lesdiug
puldnher. In tide rmutry. Imre to - be reprinted by thme
! o obliGhers loon the page. of Blackwood. .11, to km the
. beued Irr $.<01,1 no that enterrthern to the
h w print of that 3114;nuine ma tawny.; rely un haring the
YAP them farinatitm tales.
Yorany one of the four Reviews per mintim 'O,l
Yor any two ' • do .1,1 I 5 MI
T o r any tlinr, do ' 00 '
I I Yorell [Our lloviewa. • do OD •
For Mark word'. Megmene. ,10
Vol Meeker...) end the ar. ILeviewedd un
For Illaekwood andihe four Review. do 10 on
; for Fanner.' (ymplete to N 0..) SMI
I Pay meta to le nucleic; MI ranee In rolvanre.
Clll 11111N11.
I A diWount of twenty hr. per oeut fro. on. clue
will le allowed I...einlc; torderlemfooror inon.eoliee of
0 , mow, of the altar wort, 'Ma, 4 node, of 01.0.-
I7:L1 or of one Review sill le ion( to out- tubine• t - .
4 w.miec of the Rele• Review* and Blackw‘ed for 10. 0 . mol
• 1
fr:Li t leel t h irst be ren . t
thrl. w r llto leaner. will . .'
red ae ar .01
Itemi p ttenets and eennmerfrsdene ehnuld tr alwaye
ISt t t r
1.10 • Entrence nom Meet.
I.ILUE SM.A,LTS-fl case for Pale by
31zuba. \a6l
awl now uysn fix rale A lust, and well
rel,k.l tt . Cii. st.l 7 .trn P-l•
uu.furt. frsm (he nur.4 , 1411 chiskhritut. Non.
.h..h 1,0 {tulles .'Menton a Lpuzrtta,er , These Via
nur isurinblr'Suld al D... vs's., th.:111 ANA srtra
siuuUs,h , trawl...S:6 , n cm rid', m 1.11114311 sus , warraute.l.
01.1 m hart pu)ment et th it full value.
Agrut fur a”.,a1.; of lialekeriug's Manna for West.
Waul stmt.
- •
bire..k and Mins= Biography. Mythology. width..
grabby. partly har‘ed upon lb., Dirtionary of and ihr
n Biography and Mythology'. BY M Smith. L. D.
j4ri"..l by C. Author,.
Lirr+ t h,.. i u,rpt of Srutland and En g liah Itineeraes.
B .lp,"„7,7p= k r = i g, T r l i nt of R. Southry• by.
hh. Fon, th. G. C. Southey. M. A. 1 vol. hrn- nom,
The Deriin.• of Popery. and it. Cour.. An--Addr.-..
lityrrd the Bnortwa ) Tabernacle. on Wrdtinalay crew
ing..lmus”by 140. 0. Murray lb
Anied l and fur pair. by HOPKINS.
. rpo
1.4.3 Apollo Buildings. Fourth
WV 111)51c ' 1
lLl.rterfi tlaldon. a celebrated duett from z,.,_.,..
o;wro of .f..,iwitala. ley atiohr.
Mother. Court tha 1110 tome: alleW P.R. by a C FLoter.
flamitly .be sleep.. 010 Afire folr. Id li.,C. Fonder.
Ild otter thee till< hand ..f mine.
ti , 111 l e maiden.. maw, or Mune:undo.
' It,. ton: la. harp, >et: front the Daughter. of Ft. Stork.
tbean Hurls!. a favorite 4101 Levelling ballad. _
Thou ha. wounded the onfr-t that 11,1,1 thee.
Den Itolt, or de'n't , nu retneuthet sweet Ails+.
Soin, lall.n. li, a. I'. Feels.
The relehrateil Polka Dane,. •
J.-nett and Jeanott-,lnplete.
_, . ,
1 . 1. 1 4 0 1 . 1 3 ' ' llt ril t i :3 '. l:i b u ' r , Yl2 . ll E ;T:7 l .k. iA,„ Polka.p. 1.,... .
Iriv tli.lka. ' llatonelara PON].
1.111, 1111ruld11.1.-0110.., 0 and prett.
Do,. fiundrill , v. Itu•hrilia Folka. Allegheny Cotillions.
A now edition v.f Dunhill's !dial - tuitions for Piano. with
six a.l.liti.inal page , of new le-.ann.,
Clarl.'• iiatechiton for the 1 1 111110.
Ifursiw's Piano Forte Primer Itereirvil to-dAy lio
-4:111% II MELLOR. 31 Wood at.
11 It.-A For; largo stock of New Planiei arrivlt,g. and
will 1.• "1••4 Cu .ale thi. week. Taal
I _llo33 d ilEFt. r,r )P .,, AT , li u rl . h. , 11 . 00 k
~I (S-Jo r. i . , l:t r tll d i: r i , l i p p ited
- ailing • laiti.oe lilt, uvivau. no Pied. with additiona
from the nuthor •
a tnntoorrttit of the 7th 11.11441:1 editin,
rontainina, oliio. tabular Index of the medicine. and the
dlsewies 111 P -11,111110/ ..rl . 11,4..
C 4 ,11 of medicine tie the 41.0 rt. wurk. Andra P 144 4 .1.
AIIIICA Floweio ay.. i v., iiirra atm. of MlIa.Illohnles: •
full supply of 411 Die eioiliatves u oid by ph, siciario In the
different delusion, trot , intions, with all IL, worko pup.
l'''''' ""
"01 1t! I IIACEOFE n N
'O3O .10 , 01 for ate Ilemainloc Miliefn, a.
i.:2,cl4towlfT 311, lolsertY .
. .
Xr BIV BOOKS AT 1101.!IES'ajj
the Literati Dept. Titild neat, ontsavlte i.
the lion illtwv,
Henry :newton: o Jorolilte run, of the
Itoigu of Door, I. 14 G. P. 11. Julia. 114 1.
' The Duribe,i iei It orunn s Liver and Mourn:Cr 11ate--4
alinnnonlale, n one'. Ily Ntrs Fouthworth.
01118; is novo). l ily the author of - The og-dries: .
Mane Inth 1111 l cor n Tali. slit 3lotliers unit Daughter , Dr
lira.. Aceilar.
Slother's Ileuranyursr. Dr Cron. Agullnri
flanker: Magnalito liiiJanuarl• - ~
NVliii, Altman, for 1,1.
No I of the .Itorrienn Himont:tn.! edition Nth. WarerlY
IV■ Holmes . Literary Depot. Third rtnet, opposite the
Poet Libre:- - -
11.‘14.y . et Lail yis lUsik for Felirunrr.
tirnbani's Mnizauitie do 4
iartalnis Magazlio. do-
Shantondial.: 8 now net. air Mr, Southwinah. '
limo. 'galloon,' a tali. hernviitherri end 'daughter.. BY
Gram .lumbe.lumber.ular. .
Nlcithres Iheorets nisi: n iwidoel to Ilertir Influence.
! A ,l' it i' l 1 ;i 01 4 1 1 1. ino " i ‘ .. 1 1•;1 • VI "r"f ..11'“)'"r'''
j No . lof Vuo.‘ " tuoraun ' Illonannteil edition of tho Waverly
Novel, the ehenpest ...dal,. erer tieliliolted. lialn
• . - _ .._ ._
New Books, just teeeived.
ri.IIE Bards ~f the Bible: by George Gilfil-
I . i. i “.1. .Yom..
..*•" One n prn,r....11 , exhibition of the
tir..k. i.rnummr. th,gried her tx , glimerl. In Onseli, and as i
1..,k nr....rri,, for nrad..nue, Emil cullegw. DS A-4.1101C.
hendrw.k. I 1,4. Lann. mo-.
Th.. Youth', Can.nal. It' Hannah Harr Gould. 1(01 Ihnln
1 Chnrno and Cranarr ettarsam. 11, 31.1 n J. llelintioh•
1 101 I . ..Tnn. mu, •
The 510 , 1wel ,,, crupctme , a meluol in ••Ifonle intlurni , ..
Ili: Oraer Aetular.
Nterhanir. , Nlanasinr. :Ink Engineer,' Journal. FlrA,
nurniwr Jutt zwrciveal.
Ilyrne', lArtirmary of Mecfanle,mo.lEnin.v,ing• \u':.
1 ; I ti! ' l ' 00'' Y 'r '3.l''. V+ 4 ll ' O . RU ' ltri' K n iN' ionrlls A
t. ,,-, .
- - .
rA.{..n* end erilleal Wtia Entrroh Letlcon. Cunard
Yfteejnitti. Sclsell..r.lie.rvett by IL A. Andrew,. I. L. D.
itl-tAto nr tot rtrtrut being. the tr.rtausl oar
rxute and 1•1 , 1111.4 ..t.tratel through the Itandwieb or Haw
:than It.latul, and other pant of Pult Ily Boot. Drury
1. Cberwer, author of -The At hale oral hit 0w1..." WILL
Tut, tom urn', Rax•Nre , ..- • sequel to lime [Owner.—
Iq 4irat.e altar ftert.vred end rale by
tat, IL IT Market st.
rhrnowle, Po.). run) Amer-unto cony.
• quallt.k.A, ruled aal Okla, Wile
I:Innk1101,AA of every de-erild.l., fAc - ba.l or ruad . 4,r
sl.‘,rt uotlev.
r—Eu,,li,b, Ennui, and At:arr . /can. Ihney adl
rale Fr W. S. HAVEN, Stalloorr.
latm !lariat no.uer SeTond.
11001: ANI) JOB, l'lLlNTlNu—r,very
ji .111,61.1. L«,l.Ca.souterrlat. eleaud.Lutt, (N um) and
rxreutnl ootu , alld In the
nununer, I,y IV. S.
f. , ) Third betn,...11 Market and Fem..
T A Tit VS ERY—Ii% S. Ili, v EN. corner of
7 li...rim,' and 11.aski4 hwe kw Kele a. huge and man
, it nn u,nritintil. .4' fan,. otatinnery ar ham ant
oyeneil tlii• nvirkit. Alerrhann. with nary
artirl” hne 4.11 nor Viturable trim. p.lB
l'aelet. Commercial and
ijnerici iair4 nod Cap Paper. wrtstmly
ruhd end blur end whit, kw ea/. tin
irrni" at Jai, M. S. II ILVEN'S
at the linldro Harp. ?in. 101 Third AL
New Vork. among thrtn, .3t ,lrudid oftavii . certril
t, e powh.t of end popular Mink,
ai I an ri irn , tre
• iNr, a,r y tntirll tf 11111,11.31'mm ben-
• T HIV 121XIKS.—Ilurnlwit's new Work,
Conzauo. nr ,Letch..• of • l'h,llieli dePcrlption of the
Skr4h.. of Nlieurpolz; tl3, for Roglab.l of
th : r % Dietiou.7. ' 214
Far • I I,
j hi
itsoLirs. 11113BKRT'S. IIC)JAN AND
T110111`,413i . : , . and 11..rp-on , Mark, Red. Yearlet
Cannln« Ink.
Fab r . % lin.kntan and LumpLon', Jerk..on,
ant 14.,nnw'r InatA and Pod Lai 1,4nc11:.
- 1 ;,;.,:; ;;;; -„i-,-,,,;,-.,i:...;:ri-,,a7g, uliaiirz , -Awe.. Pratt . ,
t.*,, , ' '' ,..11, , lA•tunts'A Awl tAh• r otanuticturtA of litorl
it..-. ti S. IL sl Z;untll'e I.Ktorx,or to A. 1.. Ilnylo 1 1x.1
r• rbrated 11,4.1 PenA. 'rah gold .AI Allrtr lIIAA . A.
% hartalsn, 1/0 wing • Pauer—attliquarLsu. dn..
hl el..t.bant. lII', ni.lumblrr. •up, nI3AI. nIrAl And •h• -
pl ant..l:rl,rol /1 , .....1... rah. dr.,' And ...In. ,
e, .1... 6 A/AAl ''' t7o l lJ ' 7:i.l ' l L e f r a' A 'e n , ..l '- fa ' nr l T '' l•ll/ 1 1 , 11 .hth' p. " ; r pt d r. ' 11 . .1 11 .In e' . 1.
n orml .trip.
AAA von...pc:Anil lithogra‘tio fOr inney loan,
p •parrd pt. hm•ut of all Aix,. onitahl• for deed, ehnrl.
• and liltsiartli., rel.l, not. Nit,. allnty* an hand, the
In ot d,nAhle Id ! 1,. al z,AAAI yuattrrn4. plain. git, t. ,
n• And olite•rnl..nnal.h. f..r,1.11.., parti,. ,red.l/111 , And
to nailing.
narn nolo rnrelrg. 4 pl,in anal ont•nonnb letter mr..l.
. 1 7 :5 1 :::c..... " :.. h r i .:1, 7 .7. 1 nr .1 ::::/. 1 ru j , ' Ii:;11 '1 ; A P • i r 3 lt ' in: ' ,.a h. n . :l '. . ' llr.7: , ..
ti n....A Anil Tool., 1.0.../..n1 ,•3n.1 1..,,,..,,p11ng I•n' - • , "!.
u ... 1.,n010.... I. ',JAI moll FITIAII.It ropyluz IowAA. Una 011
' :::t I J., ' 71: 1::::: .hit,- .
r.. 1 And white patent blot,
'' 111 , 117:;•. ' ,:lb " •A '1 11 .-. oil . , ‘ ..r . Arti. I, In the Statiourrylln,
.• It Sane) And ...pie. ~ ; pal'swith 7& lamp. A.....ortment ol
l. tk . booki nod Ihrmorandutn loan of all nantnon fo . ruut
o ruling. in
, ery myt , ' ~1 hindlng. and P.n. ,. 0, All ^iIIIIAI
A tinalltleA tor Axle nt r.durrd ruts., on tlm amt nAtAon
110 tersns. ot ' , %V. ?.. I 1.% VIINII
Illank fkroA. AndS on
tatier, W m
Aole. Corner Id Nlark,A and .S.l.A.r.nd Atrettil.
._ _ .....
TOW IS TII li I'lllllE. 111At;AZIN ES put.
. - -
1 , 151, nt itoi.stp,? LitererY 1 .1 01 . Third ft.. 1 ...P .
In .14. the I,t 011...1 . 1141.1..
Ponkem . ,lommlne 11
FT rear 11.:1 no
1111nt..51erchunte' 3lngralne du it 00
Knirkert..lter Mrmumne du 500
Arnerienn I,oblg . Iteview ' do sOn ,
Eeleetie 3110.mrIne do 5 4.0 .
31m. Ell.' Morning Coll--... do 500
Ilerperi Moh.zlne • do, 314
I:mlev4 1.1, • 15.. do 3 :50
GrnlM.m . n Me.uxine do it 50
Sertoln • Jlamalne ...- du '2 fill
Iniernetionol )40m11m. do 3 00 5 4... 10 0 do 340
Iforlicolturl. , do 3 00 .
rull.loonr do 1 23
1.11411'. !Aline ttoe ' du 000
h.. 3.0.10 nmober 00 the, 31ammlnes .111 I+ the trot
n ,mber of the new volume, end 1411 be , the Lett ever
15 0.1.
nri ' t - 1 1 ,7 Ng... in.r:".,T,',' 11 1 ,.,-t„d'i!;`,lg, ZIT-C''.17.7. -
..... me.
A Inme and 'rep nelerted otoek of mognlflecut ANNI.T.
A 1..:, 1)117 KWh). Ale, xult.ble for Christ...l and. Nen
1: Vne.oto. •
• A loo—A 0 f0t0...i11, noortment of Novels n.d Cheap pule
li4ntiono,StAllonery, %JAM.: 05.1.1, te. All orders stlende
tot to punerually. J. 11. 110L511:4.
but . No. 741%10 area.
TANDISII, VIIE l'Ultl'PAN, a tale of
the /lewdest, Revahrtion. By Ehlred Grayson, Len.
), 5
listory of the , Reformation of the- eixteenth Cneturn
1., J. 11. Nferle 4 noblesse: U. 77., Ihesldent of the Th.gdse
V.."'''.:11.1"111:11 11 , NV P har 11 " /k of T h' 6'l ll
leke ' ,taisti.;idg " ... '" . 'Y
. ''
* " 'It'll" *
Keuturky. IMlGrtory. Antiquities..and Ringnslihr. kb
Isedrattsl to forty engravings. Ely Lewis Colima.
The above works Mr sale by R. C. STOCKTON.
Bookseller stet Mattson%
jalo Corner of Market and Thlrd as. •
QUTLINE bI,A PS--Pelton'x aplendid Oat
h ue 31,,,, ~,,,1 . o w NG, introduced In all the 100,1100
ao soll in N. England and New York. We h as obtain
ed the agree; for them in Pittsburgh. and invite teachers
eu4 sehool adnmitte, to all and oratul. them.
No. I—Map of - the Western Ilerniephere, 02 it 12 Inches.
2 ' do Eaetern do do
II d. North Amerles, 70 .14
I do • United Manes, 70 a 12
• b do Conde,, 70 a. 5'6
do Asia 70 x'o_
' 7 du S. nano - Man Wee, 70 x SI
Prioe or the series, with key, 12j.; or the first two Mods
pier. Mum. •1111 key. $lO. •
T.b.."or map.
U ri r nakd In''"r'Y ' h"°"'nd sine
Tn,l ' llgh reboots of it;tl7(;iiiihr. Primary. ''''''''"
For male at Publtsher's r lsr2Tlicrost addition of freight
*basin* 0"1".
. "' =e ' r " gi A S l la r ß lr s atiVlPotrllS st.
Morris and Willies Home Journal
; To BusilEn every Saturday in Nets York
i 1_ City. at Two Bullars a 10pr, payable in all MM. in
etooltneum or /larva—Moe of the Home Journal. No.
1 G. 7 Vinton New York, Decemtwr 13, 1350.—T0 all
1 whom It may coureni: TIMn may certify that J. V. Iltestm
1 DI doll AlAtilnril.ll 10 art a. agent for Mo..* IVOIJMn
110. Jae - WM. and that all nveipts given by him In pay
,l- : ' ,IIV o ' fp ' ul i ,itgA o . o . o . l n l . l l l rl twh'f."'. r lzrni Mil b tlig a blerul
stood. that all ei ' d....rioloom are paysik r /I one j flu ad
vane. The new solutes. will mamma,. od the lot of Unti
-1 on.. Su' r r r n' fit '''''.4 b A T IG I ItreI i n ' PkVITIP .4 , "',l*
.i rg . !,.. ~,, 0 ...,.
&Mors and Proorie.m's
. •
4 . 7 110L31ES LITERARY DEPOT, Third
tippet. the Pug Whom—
amen' ]I In. Pd . January..
01Ive. a novel, by the anchor uf .The
The Mother'alltroulperter. Derr& By Ware Aguilar.
The Lutterells,_• or two =wringer—a noTel.
The Ladder of hold—an dory.
Tbr Routh& entWoiottal.
A !Art... 4113 the Jesus.. py Dr. Item.
Dr. lh.ra • !Leidy to Bugle, ou the Decline, of
Ilmue J.ural. No I of now volume.
1 II kI.I, u Ell plcanun. Inan 1 •
• that lie In. ILL, .I , ere'd a of I, IT,
• of celebratedmake of
Nt 4,1 CIA,. and ho•ltAtr. New York. whirl.. with tin...
bawl. h•eto the tt.,t gaol. •wrtbd...d
to thh etlt
An .... ..thera, ono splendid oetatridouble carved i'lann,
with the Lew hutuvieluent of Me over
• ...lug, the Wen and cuart nut.ortant v. Art
f..ond ouly nu Nunn,. A Liar.; tw. -myrrh
Johan Attartina Kama.
Li N .a. lt i —Ab l zret:rll... to. of New s itu...k.;.mbracV
FO2 RENT—The store on Market st., 0-1
r b Teaser ex • Wariety Etatanka
pukaaahat Oral, on lal day of Aprd neat.
tab; WM. 3CCIANTOILM., e: 4th at.
of erouo.l.aitmteel on the toropike. one.
*ILA of Mlbereellle; chkh tun erected fratne..!..
hook, ood etablizw. le. The erotkail Is taltuar
ly lesel.aodhaius bounded ha [rout by theberelath m nee,
fol. atia exteochnq heck to the Penna. Rallreed.
tale of the gloat deetratle locatione lo tbe vhdelty of the
city that la twat to the market. Efate* . v o c r uxo . co.
felaal2fr 191 Liberta et
TO LET—A Wnfeh\ MSC Situated kw
two. Wor•I szti Market, .4running thnsuFha
from Fine to et,ood street. rerently occupied by
t Atkinson. It L• Fultable for matalf.turlns crab.
"rf aO "'"". E"'h 74.ll•lElr. ATKINSON & (MALI'.
thlmeriber tem. for sale the honsentel lot sit.-
e n tmost pleursul part of the human e.fmottnn. the Diamond 12L/ feet. andonMnritet street
24fort. The Lou,.. L. Bell roustrue.t for nrun fort saul
rouse..., with nn of not. et the.. The
lot L• well stored 'OIL ehoke fruit trees and shrubler,'. —
The slams property Is very doslnstoir as pfes•ant psi.
tot, ...Moto, Also,inal of bigot 147. W l.O front,
sod .0 Ist took. ..I Inclosed. . .
SUSAN . tWIIILAii. Canowthune.
F"' mnlnr
V'nk''''' l ' .V.7l l 2L l of tglNGl ER, AC,..L.
- 1 4 1 UltIltENT—A g nod brick ritable r.fA
litralrben7 Alloy, between Liberty ,and Smith gip
held prwent arramoll fur three horee_.
kl mangle to act , marsaudate Kix or
Lora. l'he building below laege Mut rmt ,. . 1... "? sl " *
la be v..r, puitab:e iv • Ow. or Outage or ...Tr
: 1 :o.o w , " Suoulro or JAS. MONTIWYTIL
febsal2w• N 0,177 Fmithfteld. or No. 27 tiixthat.. ;
pCISITIN'E SALE—A large number ut
I- Wilding ion. In the moot tiesinthie anuallune. in the
Lorunghof Birmlneharn. FAA Birmingham and e.onth
litt , burgh. la Wet,' forle low and on anaummedsting
tout , . Bargains may tw h od byompllcatintt , I
BALRD • IItVIN, 114 Eeeond at.
Baird A Irvin offer rileo, for rule thirty-eight WO on
1'rnn1)11 . 1.11il Avenue. Yon ternn and further putieulara
apply ...above,
FOR RENT:—A warehouse isituated on
Water rtrevt. beterv.o Market aud lerrs,
buMurer. Y.uqulr. or .A. 4. PA LIMA.
No. GB Market rttret.
.111 - oft RENT,-The' dwelling house and
nurroutuling onuinde, now pied by tor
f. at the heel of Pride meet. in the occu Eighth
Sernon• winking to null nhaallou (matron moae null hue
tle, and yet renkte in the city, em and here tehime.
It iv within fift.en minute,. Ira& of no Inoineo, yetrt.of
the oily. &NIBS JA.i. li. BUCHANAN.
OR SALE--Seren year's lear-e, with itoek
end Ilourenof Dry Good; St re No. SRI Literty rmt.
r forth,r harden tars enquire SO lawn fehtillw
Very Valuable City Property for Bale.
HE undersigned Administrators of the
a t..
of Thou.. Falrman. deneared. offer for .ale the
' e realmtate Of the mid Thomas /airman. consieting
of one 1M feet let fronting on Liberty street. running bark
to n ten feet alley. the tavern e td known an the
Man ' with the a-rounds end ntable connected.
footling on ('inn alley thirty three feet four Inch.,
lien, three lot. fronting on (Merry alley. mail eighteen
IlMffennt, and runnlng hack slaty feet parallel wlth.Flous
alb,. all elta bleb property MU kw mid at private mie.
arplicatint , to the ettbmrihene or If not mid before the 2.6t1i
of liarrh. n ill he enema at auctlnet In the highmt hhidern.
tho Tavern rioted to offered for rent. Apply- to
it. Ca:arm:Lb,
jaltedttrial, 161 Liberty et '
IiNOR , RENT—A beautifully located Lot,
containing 8 near, more nr leen of tale on the Turtle
t.reelt Flank Ihml, the geenter i tart. river hollotn.mlniimhl)
e ' rl i p t re l For
‘' L . . r i k n . iir air , :,,-;,,,ye..5tr(711.'141X7.63T4
lionm! putarenton triton s Int of Aprll. ISM.
For term. and thrther articlar., emit:Her of
THORNTON A. SHINN, Attornef'at Law,
Lowrie'. Bnilding. elnr).) Fourth nt. „ gore Smithfield
TO LET—The Store Room, No. 65 vv •
Market. effect The beet locrtion he Ow cite for
r, or dry mods srton, alio, for fugal...lron, orrAow•
broke?. otne, Apply to yigff W. n. WI L•ON.
yodort RENT—AII that portion of my river
teen.. Iring hellions the Pittrburoh linvidock ,
d Plonk flood*Mille river, euppriwd to entlllak.abuut
tot ion, to which will be attached • two .Wry (rune
b.... with .mixrellent stoneceller tm.b.rneatli.anorchard,
• stable and torn. It is all in • high I.te cu1t10.33..
and would be well egleohded twi g Mirdening
po..ei. No pc.ranti riet4 apply milers he mu color vel re
rorainendid for booeffy, inbriety, and industry. The
facilitie+ for getting to market are novel to any in the
moot". the ohnipaut will bare him ehoice of the river,
plank nod. or nil road 1 . 0 his animmolation.
j,:ffnlst Wll. W. HAWKINS AL ESTATE FOR SALE.-The under-
Pinned offer r. rile • ill,. numher of 'minable
hot og lot+, And soma very deilruble atter fur manufs,
tunes, In the Borough of Blrmitrhata. Wein,' near the
new Publle School Bowie land English Lutheran Church.
The ropid g ro wth of Birmingham /11 to lotion and
tiuni. timing wenitb, and the resionatly price* at whieli
Bement- be Auld. • 111 render Llwra rafe prottoble In
'' f in
Iltle perffer. Termi favorable.
'VFW yortleniars neat terms, enquire/4 the underiianed, at
tin office of George F. liffinure.l"., on Oran( itirot, Yittae
burgh, between Third Fourth Hanle. or of It
Et nimer and N. Patterson. Ein'r, at their of 'lu Blrm
Ingham , 10.. N 110001 F. EATON.
IL)rOtIIOVAiOUN Warrhouw. No, 351 Wanly olrwt. Mot
irrupted by Bull Liggett. will rented. with,' the hale
pile Irmo the IA of Mardi nest- Apply 4o
,004411 U, BRADY WILKINS. 101 Fourth it
LET—One House mid Lot
AL sininted.2
I on Bedford Amt., Nerepth Ward. For tenni.
spill . to ItOBINON, LITTLE A CO
'44 Liberty at
'Oft SALE—The sulorriber offere fur
mo 4• tar, and well built Briek llotue. with Ore
or mon:leer. of goud. situated oath., Vourthateret.....
Raul, within there rity. Ihierewdon 010 , 11 no
the 14 orAprtl newt .
Alto, Trrr denlrable kt of pp round. molting ner Four
Aroo., with a vpring of earellent water t altuated
mar the elute.
Also. shot of groutel 41 feet II Luther liy MI tot. athoin.
lug the rtaideurn .14 hlr. A. Toner, pear the At, . "molt,
thu Seventh Ward, on Pennsylvania AMU, Prosesalou
given itonhallately.
It I. pow metal° that the Plank Brad sill le. encuplete
rust the shove property early ha the hondug etoaraer. Yoe
farr Mr...the 11; g 1.1 6 .1.1; ity_3l.Y.Ll.X_p d r r ip et.
j I OR RENT Olt SALE-The huhscribtkr re",
not IP very dealrabie encititry Ileeh ;MN
In Allegheny city. situated via Ohio WU; atol.wwwse
Allegheny Asentierweat of tha Common. The tom, lo •
large doule brick In rosuploto order. , Thou to a
carvlnge hon., stable, raid gond water nu :lie annual,
whkli galippriew two werea. imptur•al.eun
deeeliPthei of fruit: ulna. a spring house and eoke boon,every
laaweesion given whenever deeirnl. JOHN tiEBILIKT.
WWI RE N T—A two
. . , tory
.ill well for mill. or 0/1 perfwfual levie.nne lot Oil
inlvv atreel4.ltEu¢lnor
teat to filirina :Mei • l•
sp,in g AM, : Irina feat on bibtrtr, by I,tr tt/ epr - tu.
mh.r. A150..1,1010 foot (rattling on Ferau..on 01 , e0f.: finnio
Motel y ofyoaile the Contral Railroad Der:A. and rat:talono
acne. Da:CIA :I.lj JAMES O'H :I ARA.
The Thin.l Wool Puha, Sehonl llonie.anil nine no
rbleb it putial, rill be oolfl claw, aeparately or 10-fawaw
r,.;,'.1!;;;,:u.;,"1‘.11.271b417;pTrhZDY:1060111:11:7-.1 'n
Ant additional Inform:di:ln deafiral will To 01000. and
—•"1-Zr1rECAtlit EY.
. I Pmet. Omni Dirtrtart. A... Maud .11:Met dm.
. .
Apollo Buildings.
"PO large 31aneion Ilouee with [TV
0 neer. of lAuad attached. ~muted at Oakland.
residenee i t tSI
pro ,,, it wrupied by the rubenilwr. pituated on
tlo On.rn.bargh ill, In the Noroogh Laweenc•-••••
r'ale. The bonne". lam: ant convenient, ban r 2, mom.,
good Misr& and oath fawn... At. . otahle not rani.,
toarther with n for grad., routalintr choice rhea,-
bery nod fruit tree.. Ti. omnihne ' , Winn Ina .hort die
! tam , helw. and p,,roon can •in .t .n r hour. For par
ticulare Inquire
laihtivi • No. It Market 'Aria_
1:1 1 (ilt S.kW •)/It.i. in Etttit
2 Iwo, xituat.l f, a large Lupine.; it can root.
and Potirr buflorAm .the 0rn0.1 , , hull 11,nd.
It will thorowthiy with new Loilers.and leaned
foe n term of 'ear,
Alwt, an of
alto for brick maklita . --claY
Alen. rvvend tend nuarriet of candlent Stone.
iall!,l2taw3w PlllLLlPS.E...llllrullostbruo.
TO LET—The Three Story Dwelling „ 1 ,,
llon.e. No 171 Wylie Mmet. at prewrut to . 10
Ur oho 11. Lirtntoto. and containing two Who.
dining meta and When, ou lir tint floor. Pre.ww.lott
given at the lat of Aprll. lnoultr of J. A IL. VLOVD,
lain Roiled Church.
► LET--one Two Story Brick House. r.n c
12Ininc 4 Centre Avenue. Mlncr• 7 ::l4
• Rawl.
4alo Rout Inw.tquirre of
JOHN WAIT 2 (.o._
VOR RENT. The • Store, 118 Market 4 , P ,
rart. them-mad clear tram the carnet of Market
anti Liberty otrveta Ptetrattnn vireo thal i a t f
ant. Inquire of
jaa..l2nt 10,1 Penn FL
- I 4 I OR tsvn very convenient
, pie
DWRI.LINO HOUSES. on And ptrret, Above V.BI
no.ll3rar to Smithfield. VanArnnon nivenon tbo ••••••
of April morn
Al n. I.enAr for on.
U or
h worn an.
i m 147 n, nct , t4t .
U rprly . to " th ".
fourth pt. near Wood._
FOIL ItENT.—The followi rig proper- 2
tree are for rent. yin
A largo.well Bashed. mud cornliletelf Porttlettel
STORE, on Merkel. Street, between flint and Sleuth sta.
suitable Dr Dry Cootie. Several rostrum In Peet Mee Dulidinen3 the ientee)
(hint glories. suitable fur Arent... Incert e nfilmt, le.
A terve awl conninkut DWKI.LIFII HOUSE, In • bug/-
urea pert of the sit)'.
Poweerion of the foregoing can be given on the let of
April nett.
Also • SMALL STORE on Third greet. next door to the
Gaul. Mee. Poeeesaion given innuediettily,
FOIL SALE—Ate unexpired Lew on theWarehtruge, on
Thiel newt. heretofore occupied by the late 31r. A. neck".
"."17 th E. D. GAZZAM, lel Second etreet.
janl or bIL MICOMMICK. Third .0081.
- IVOR IttNT, a Two stor ' y Frame House mit
d Deck LulWhrg, with two lore 'eltvnb '*"6l
IfnN street,
Stood. xlfninln
Yoe terms, entity t o LITTLE - a CO..
.4.012 .1.13 Liberty ginget...
rico LET, the Store Room No. 65 Mar-2
Wet street, atiolnlng the Watch ,ed Jewelry
Y. IlCalsl i .L - zz. n a d ll n anTn U lar7l ' ela b nio l
This owns is located to their ceteentral atm hest
an d
point in the city. and well adapted for a Banking and Me
cham:a Order, awl hintranra t OM, or a ann.. A spiel:WM
new from. with rinylliti Plata Ulass..,will pot in as won
as the weidher permits.
Pcoseralon {l{Tttl. on the fret of .Febrnary If wanted.—
Enetdrrr, IV. tr. 1:4,0\,
rid Corner of Market mist Yourth street,.
14 1 0 ii. SALE, the Three story Briekte.o
Ilk. Ingr,%l4'.
to Co. your, in be 0000,01 by
le on toe Prkni
s tiloar or all incumbranee, and title Imllspulable.
111 Liberty street.
M J., ACKEREL-4n qr brie extra No. I; in
stun! and for sille by . MIMI DICKI•IV ACV.
Witter Stnd Yrtutt mt.
diorvErioo bogs prime - and fancy Rio,
lA3r rstir by • J. lb W.ILLIAMS 1 CO..
. A2•l Cur. Fifth :aid Word sta.
\ i,..,. :1 ,E LLERS' LIVER PILLS --" Could not get
1 . ., without tluuk."
AlConnelhvllle, 0. Jut. 9. 1. , :.1
Niel. IL E. flathrta—Yottra are th e Duly Liver rills that
:72.1.'E15r1a1.,' not
u C.'","".L'l h r'n tti,t;::'2.--"„."`gi
ecuinnte Lion. t ours renottililly. J.allthE,...
.11nPhetred awl eallt , h7 IL E. SELLEK/h 47 Wood at•
slut sedd la , .lnhotistv cv.u.r.lll• Alb
iF•TOU SE BLACK TEA, Moans rttll
t Ilan oath, n the Diamond. all the bat In 1,e,.. ti .. ..
i t.trbargh; this nanulL bat a lenitive feet... rz,,4,- ~
' llod Avo w nljantniearant ilrivond ... . .... .59 , Per It`
The hen Importninto the U. elate, ..... T. do
cAri P.7.7AVV.Artg,a-„:;,7t. 1.,,...".ar.
0ri,„..,eb . ....0„,,„g f.', , , I" P.." .. ja,... l e a,.
any Ituttaneee. have u pilet il , Wto or
....,,,, In
"'lmairtnemiti:,r:oruih:is;o.nd*Tr,.,hlyot km'JLLl:n4t''tNln:tfP?:est....l'ri:ke'',l 'neetti.„.l::Tre:a.,H;il„,:k.ev7g.l
Alttiorney at Lew. N 0.163 Tblolfitl ,
ru PAO! ,
. a lter, having Made arrattermenta fof r. ly ..1.34...
_. ~
orootre Bounty Lamle for °Mee.. As_.
_sn_nt!._ !_tt,l,
wiow. mid eiblzen, and will Mum. If ..7.,r- hoar
5... eonneeted wlth tbe o r Otr anT_ tta. karat,
noon, the Pension ogire, or the Oatittn \\ -.11 .. ..y1 a 0f
Washington- . .
plat LOUISVILLE—The splen- 4. 7 :34
did rteamerNAVIGATOR. CoPt -- 71— Z r
.11 lea,. for Or acre sad all Intromodiate
port• till• dor at linickwk. For (might or froo.yr, eppir
A LOUPE—The fan ruonine rummer
,AACt NEWTON.Captnin (Marine IsraeL will
leave for the slam* and Intermediate porta. on Salmi
the 6th Irot-Zca M.
Yrt freight or partage. annlY on h.atti. fel4
ISVILLD—Tho fine etennter lONIAN.
Wpt Linen. will leave tor the Orme awl all
Intermediate porta title day of 10 o'clock, A.M. for frelgh
Ar apply on lehoi. 644
The Imo ats.mtner J. tt ADAMS; Luc., isd4ESl :
chanter. will It.ave for rasa Inter
1.. 1 ... 0 1 . ow C! . ..lhire ,l ;• • )'• t'tith W o
et. at 10 A ..
fresg . ht or pasussus, apply on boart.l. - feb.l
• 14N06 NEW OItLEANS--The new
1 f.ttt rsinnits newsier EXPIIESht, itasletLi
utruster. will Inure fen the mln.rss ansi nil Inter
ns... Ma.. .rhi thin htlernsn.n. It 1 Wish. k.
Is*, (night ....1...wt. , h,OislY his ho.ed• 1 . A 4
yrou ClNClNNATlL—'l'he.gplerid
id nteather STILTON. ..Apt. J. hart, will
• oe for the' sore tsthl intssnusdistin ports. t.
Mi. slay. 01 ItS o'ciork
For frehast or P....t0s 0 1 , 1. 1 , nn tnetht. . f , h l
• - -
larr, sir,, tOul travails! nit.whsier PAUL t..
A. DEILMOL C.isht. IL C. hots. .oil
leave= -
nisole. on Wesluesklwt ht . ... Fehrustrr, Lths 0110 Welcwit• A.
Foy {Muhl or payslure APPIr on L,n‘rd• Ma
.yOR (iLASCOW, UV EIiPOOL -,....
AND L!VVILLE- , The It gram, „7.4:
Wm. Shedtlen notolt tu. r. will ruu
. i
re,zular incket betwe,o thin city and Wellsville- i•ATT
uo litvburwls every Monday. Wedneedny. Anil EMUS. Al.
..: lnek. r. Av
For treirht or pumige. Apply un Lunn! jar:o
1701: NASII VI L L E—The tine A
jrrtramer,MATFLOWER, Illulelt, ruart , r,
••11 leave Mr the Abovenrullnterm.RatepunA,
. .
For frrlphS or pa. , AR , .144 ^v ja2
yoR ZANESVILLE —The fine
4 •Imilirr lE3llqt /0:1 , ,Cz. m. 0., will k4l. 7
1... marl tuft MAW latc. put. thiArtllergi... -
nt 4 o'cl,tek. •
frrieit nr
Erqx. ST. LOUIS. The fast run
nirm eammel 11.01IKILT RODGER 2, Cam l 4
itehyr. r.lll here for the shore and Mt,
m•rliate port+ Llth day, the 27th Ir.taw. at 10 A. N.
For fr , ,lght ur tom., aPld) .0 la.rd. j“. 27
and tiolen.lll rtramer .VEDFJLAL AIICII. 4.
GrO.Dowman. entyanunlrr. will Irftve for a 1.?...
and Internolnate port.. on .alttrilay. the 25th Itutant. nt 4
.frlork. r. S. For freight mlrtaWfl').Pl.lo7FrVoroLf.t''
110.11. ST. LOUIS—The splendid .. ,
a' a+l.ll, J. J. CRITTENDEN. 31. Sttattnt.
...monk, will illar for above atad tote
...dint.' I.rt." on S.Otrattfr. the
sot , at 4 , U.
"r In . or 1 , * , ./.7r. apply on In, or to
- J. NEWTON JONES. hwrot.
1410 R LOUISVILLE—The splen- • ti did steamer Vertnant. Capt. Ilaslett. ill-.
leave for the alarm and all latenurdiate
nn Oita day. Coh ,Z 1 hen.. ptln o'clock A. 31.
For freight or inv.,. aPPIY on hoard. yari•-."1
itcht draught Steamer PARIS. Creep!,
I . lfitYiry t h t ° l7..t n .4. '' Vrl r reiglit or re,
'n:ll 4 i; 31ILTENEIERGER. Act.
11. 1 4 1 01 t NASH VIII LE. The fast
Tufbning ateatuerliENßVA.Capt.Wllklna._
Ire 1 to re for the alpuTo and Intermediate porter
n 3foinlay.-Olth irut.. at 10 A. N.
For freight or pasa-nce: nod) an board. Mali
FOR ST. LOUIS. The splendid •
new banter FLEXTITOOD, Was. Conley, ~...
connuander.will leave for the ahoy. inal lute,
[anti..., porta. on raturday. the inrtant, at 1 P. 31.
For freight or nvsage. aPrIT Ward. or
splendid new pleamer .I:DITOR.A.O. Sin, .4 7
fon, master. will Irate fur shame 11.1 inter
mediate landings this worning.`inh Inoant, at ID o'clock.
For freight or pft,ezura. apply on Inard.
OR NASHVILLE. The epics-
Meitner FORT PITT. Miller.
P , 4 1 . 1 4 tir
%MERLIN° PACRET.—The rplendid
tiver whet steamer DIURNAL, Caswell.
ter. Is now perforatiait her mauler tai-reek) y trir s tadween
this city and Wheeling. leavi mid ng I.2itAntritti
Riot 10 a clock
A nd ; . lU . ‘ ,!:e 4 rn i v
ton t .rus
to e*ck
l week. 1"
ft. llll7r rimri s c r AT7.7l. A g ' .;;L.
lkiEl D mawer, will leave
Pdt,lntrith every T J.Tllnr•day and Fatonlay. retur,
int, tear,. Wellry ill et', Mood., Wedoe•da/ !
dt . Fur freight or mama,.
or =YFi.iiCgent-
it PACKET. CINCINNATI. esplain am f
I..,ruillothant. - flak ,1106.11 , 1 boat waY built hr
t he of the ...awe Nwton, and other, l'r
the Cincinnati and Pitud,urgb Paeket trade, and will Irate
rver, Wr.1ne...1,1y Cr o Cineinnati. I,lare of the New En.,
land No.', !or (might or i.u.arnre. etkply On or to
ste.n 11. It 3111.Ti...liERGER.- A •nt
I i l is t st " ViT.r.tAir r tt l ....n ' it „r sZ. " " , ' ;111
n a model . pat 1,1 Isdweett Pttleburgit. Whoelin,
and conft,h. leaving Piti,hur,th rerrY Mood. ,
m .
a F
1ary..1.11. Carlin.. alai Suutis/s, returning, leave.
port and i+onfoh every Towle{ afterlluul, and.
Ia ,:anti..l.
Cra r n ' l, l. n ri ; or r" l “ l ll..ifirM;: Agent
Irangtst ARENA. D. P. I.:inner, runt
rt r itr. ' i:roeTr3r 4 . l ' ea ' aeo ' Vel ra tu;.7.1.71,ti
J o). and eaturdny. at ; , ,clock, A. M.
POT Ml Id or pao.agw. aprll on hoard.
)1,- - EG Alt Pit faill:T FOIL
1104.:K INGDOIL C:—T eII6A ' 4 tow Pi.
Cat, pain. rill latl. ttotttott•
evrrt Tuwie, et 10 r. tn. •
For fmtgitt ttr In
IV.II. 11. JittINSTON, Aut
A.—We bag., amt. nersugemeutg for TI
Dm the *k.... expregg dun,: the winter warty,warty,by, stage+
to If .,
lliAtavkbundt. nod fn. theure 19 Nun*, huub. 1t 11
Through in 3 , hour.. ?wall tekelt
g.-, only eau taken- U. a CO..
clel7:ll'2ln Canal Ilaelo.
Thirtr 'lx IliAtrw to rtiiluleltillia.-1.43
ra I , taziliti,
Intent T.iivraph snit E4prriii Line Starr Company . .
Liner of Sow Cowl., 4,r 1101,I,IDAYSIIIiiini
1 - .71% 1 1 1 .1717 . .t. h. .1 1 1r 1 . 121 . 1 i r . g1 " 1 .1 .;1 1 .1 . 1N1 1 1 1 eir i
Durso, thr .u.prioiliin of Calmat riaviaittion. Fit Daily
of errizitirr lonrc Inn nod frorn
then, l,n the Nriir Itinurrlriii Fowl 1143 mllwri to
Tim. throw:hi. hour..
laso SI I nn
la.. In Ralurnore In 111
Coarlien will !env. eviiri toortilini, at o'clock. firorliwlT.
and or." , iilolll at the :noir Itrair.
t:\ to Imr. w en, noir, alwarr rrnitiners. This
itir itirvir, rapialitiour to
l'ar.wituiri. tor Bannon, 'ski. ilir New Itall
t. on Um ars - nal of tile rani at thatplain. For
or Worn...ion, aryl, to
Mi. It. 311.1111011.:AD. SI Charier Ilnirl.
or to .1. I'. 1101.111:$ Monongahela MUNI. •
Ur. J. IKii..—drr7
Tbr Antliorribrr nth.. for Rale the stork, ,141 will.
Iraw Vi'arrhouret in Philwielrhia se,f the Ftrlianne
Th, gintn.nage of ensirrrn 6%141
the eiimuirrritnin tierwin. wt.,hing to rinhark In
,h nr I.lwor who war hrt altwtf intriv.ited
In the twrryitrri Lnwll. Am the time i.sulentiring for nntliing
nertin,noint. 4 for the rprlnz bwiiners. it I. itnprirtant . ..arly
fdnrriviug suture' E.( John Mcfailvn de Co..
Canal twin. Penn .trret.
lei Dried Peaelies:
J.:. 1.50 Tou Drle.l Applem. for Pmin by
lar J. 8. DILWOATII it co
TERN, ease genuine Chinese,
V role by CA,.
V((I st
AMPRLACK-50 brls for sale by
.Klllb 011
A j.Z4
• . .
v Doff...Commend:it Wok Roving..
mire Sham host Book Keenittid .
blank,. tor the .Poorwatt:Oct reeelTect , intirecniiPir
fdrenle by JOHN IL lILLIA/11,
ada Si Wool fit
O ' UR WILEELBA W RRO was taken awa
from M t AIWA An Friday. the lidb br.)...ry. ley'.
:Vii, f 4 t:rciT L . -.".. W d m i,ii, ' , l . " l:rr ;I'll:: t ario i n k r':
on Menday the ,oth. and add. The gentleman who yon
%limed the sold wheelleterow Hill pleace return the mime,
and get ht. money airab . 'Pero doing hr nlll Areal) ,
obits.. jedin J. A 11. PHILLIPS. 7 and 0 Wont et
HECKER'S FAHLNA-41 aases for • sale by
I d ., J. witoo.rvitrrKfin a co.
81 25, Bl5O, and 8175 per gallon.
TAVERNKEEPERS had better try Morris
0 Ilairneth's Prim. , Par Parrs 11500115. at the atede
pedini, bekre marehaelnicelieeihree.
ta.V3 Led, ride of the Diamond ;
111ICE -.3tl too prints Carolina, for link by
. J. 2:. [ JAS.!..i. HUTCHISON A CO
QIIOT-50 kegs assorted Nos. for sale by
. . ,
A i OLASSES-plantation .5... Sugar 'louse;
i tii s ) rut, fur pale by
An i J. IL Wlll l / I MS A Cl/.
EAS---.31.1 lif etist, tried. to extra line 13 reen;
:is catty lets do , do ~,,
10 bf roan. Chalanand iOrdoviv Rind:. for
lode by, Jed/ - J. D.WILLIAMS 0 iiii
MALLOW. 25 bilk fur sale by
.1. (.9 J D CiiNFIELD
pill 111.0 N.---511 tons Brush Creek, for sale
by J[l...J II11111:40‘. 1.1111. E A Ili
- 14 4 OLASSES.--400 brls.plantation.
.111. ti r rrs JA, . 111.TL111 , 0.
EAll--2.501.1 rigs (IniettitA,
iITCH iir nit ,
ISi A I )
mil:. JLAs O.
i INSEE 11 011,-2 0 kris reed for sale by
r x a - IIAnDAT IIII .
i..! Ila Mt .1. MOLASSES-. - , .,5 4 1 i 1 , - lilo , lr 5 , , ,,i ... , i ,,,, i . f.1 „,.,
17_ , : i:::1: s. ii .1..
et. Jame, n,
i 1 I:101 AN t . '1..1 V --a , bks lust ree'd liv 1
ILI .m1:I 1,11 5 [111;11.ig A iNniin as!. '1
ICK —lO tes jo,:t roi4l for aab• by
111 ,12.1 Ill' 4 INtllrtAsl.
il. HST iSLACk 'l'l:.l—Acme kind as In
io Enclaml—Small ! rtn2u.,html_fln.. Itn
ir;VA7 C'ili‘l't7lol7l/!;'iliill'ii".7i."67, Pig,rjr.:lti
oLvri..rcj. 11-I.l..nlouruh. , _ ill 4
I'EAtIIERS--3 Fackay . riane, b.r sale by
It It K .1 MreOilif.,R,
TA LI LI k L,PU R -29 bob. extra, for Sale by
I - r,..11/ 1 lIIIIIT-- - C! , .. - .rnell' — e imprt;redpatent
j i Pipe ror ilidrannt .
. .
. .
titdrsukek a a , ,a,
An fitl.4 on hand and 10 "".
. jaZrAti A Lra,\VW.r t.)l
00 'IC - Water at
Jw ' Nelaon. to ~nle
BROOMS -1 50 doz Peforest's superior, fur
......_... .....
AbALEY, WOODWAXI) A Co., Whole !
jui .yl.l
ISEALD, BUCKNOIt; lb CO. Tobacco
(...Mumlaalort lierrbanta. NoArriortt:lVaier time;
16 North Wham, Philadelphia. augl
4ENCER & ANTELO,f General 001111111..
sioo Mereh.t., Philadelphis liberal drama
de conragnmenta of Proluce hecterally. LirosOalCra •
tooro•• Ir;roccors - r00....._ ..1 , 41T/1 r- MI:COMM.
BW. POINDEXIT.R: ...E L CO.. General
• OnizoLo‘ioa and Foolroolittg Merebonto sad Flour
ers. No. Harlot utroot. PhilodelphLo. Jrzi •
To Southern and Western Merchant&
The subncritxr respectfully inwiten public
s of tensive ntoclof IYrfutuery;:takmhhavingercsunt.
Ac.. whkh wren and tiro tioklen Modals L.
Nthe hot six yearn, been awarded by thaltistitutrs of
New York. 14.10 n. sad Philadelphia the bitter bring the
ly.lto4lon llnlals eser alvardoLl for Perfuntr, l 7 ebony Kurt, or in thin country.
ItoiTnatt's Uxtu.u.r. linarma (Altienoit,
Awl ArnbroxiaL) univenatily acknoWkdKv 4 l oly.mPerior
any Fhaviittt Cream lu thin csufutrt or Europn.
fiyymmarte yea unalleautittlly traturparent,, and
maid, raminaryous and emollient propertier.
daponaremot Compound: Ambroalal liftman Tablet: Mt
. ry dilating Soto,
Scrum.. Tour ttotysAlmottil, &me, Hllletleura. Won
oak. litd.sehim Munk. l'aleboutily, tleaulbue, Floating.
Ttiarent, Olire OIL Winilmr. and Cirmosiso.
EXTRACTS ma Yds llama meintrit.—Row. Jamie. tiny-
mud de Caroline. lit:noon. Jenny Clad, Monmellne.Joete
me Muth Magnolia. C. atranelle. Waal , atal many
.olher in all situ.SeTe perfume, -
Tom" Wald:at—Florid; Water. Eau de Tollettet-Oramm
Flom, Water. and a great yarkdritit Onlodttra and Lam -
Jer Waters.
Poor titanium roa lot i11i16.‘43[1111.11,11. Reareoll.Andone
Oil. Eau:WIWI, Eau Lain.le Oleine. Oompound (Ix Mar
row. Hair Dyee , liquid and In 'powder, and Phihowinte,Elef.
nine. and JennY Lind Pomade.
Otortnadc Parraranow--ROxionie MOE Raw Tooth
Dent:OWE Odontior.Tooth Paate,andTooth
enom, Vegetable Coninetle Or tam, Amami's e for
charred ha A. told Cream of Rode, Cream de Perm. LIP
eoho, irupterry thorn. tr. , ,'
DerOehler Powders,' Err M 131.114 apperpuoto hair. . Pearl
Powthw, Vitahrio de Rouge. N;Ruitie cl &Pane, %i.e. ,
liiiir Comproithan, Pmetnn Salt. Weld. a great variety of
other artki, too numerous to Warned in thin Mycelia.-
metiE he
T anhaeriber !toyer to maintain We reputation which
Oda ertahliehmend has arodired. by dirpc•ing of nothing
lout ßiot ra w wholes, and till dai happy to turolah Um^.
may senores,
to widronise him, either wholviale or orbit,
on aa reasonable term% MI any ertalllehment In the Rolled
Stair, , RAPIER la borato ry
Sorowror to and former Direetor of the Laboratory of
114111mPa= et.
Mr. Bluth', Perfumery IS fur male bye]] the penciled
Druudelf m timeountry. "
o tf.a1 ..., 4122 ( 4,21 , : ,, : r .n Ann. anal en , reedving one
0, , ,r
T il x , ll.:r hbenl dit Y mlt er ' JZIT:II ° .LEti% '"b"t
. _
10.000 pe No. 7 to :93 Ladles' ataUltaees* Bonnet and Saab'
Itibbonr: 10.010 ps No.l to - 2.1. }dila mdln do;
do Taf
feta dm plain. chageable. chine. eatrred and corded Boo
t/01 niklC /4010 pa belt ribhonn full aveortment velvet dcg
black and ndorodcrape,. mar, I lsole. tarlatan". geldtvr,
illneinn and lima..lln lace, artificial flowerN cap tabs,
crimped ribbon, ae.
Entbrulderial, wove. and lambourad iu lacy an muallni 64
to 141 runanulto aria curtain [vine.nraillywork and tam
lamina:l h.& cambric. e.Lac, mull void Juana marline
plain-do lawri;.men'a plain opt cravat;L
SlamWiwi., Florae. r, Eatln. and India Mika, Silk buttons.
In an•cas. variety. Alaarinc braid, iriml" drtu trindninßk
fringes, oil silk, linen cambric, lam imortment
Gina., sexing ,Ilk alokcs and mitt, Mohair do do. Usk ,
and .11k &filo; Ladisi iancs silk erakaba lure ,ells. kirk
and ar,elk Ilareke, and Hamra p ..kne enah
o=lien i Kt n ;w i l::::=l " - 4,lrgAZ
imp; do dpi dm, caper, collar, raft, moo. as; 36 in Ai.
Iry and .scia. cravats.
Thlead. 'entto' widt h ,alncienes, edzinga, illouneinge . and
inkertinre. al plain aml emial rotten and lacers,
white nd colored Pit dr,see. esPa, trimm ing hl •Wmk
nt,nt lace veil, Mark rilk and Mohair lama
A large prupmtion.ef the .have S4.O•M are-entirely new.
and Non. of Ow rielif—t in the mark., and we would re
rpe,trully fOe t )nn IA ckmnim , them- •
l'2l. BROADWAY, up Maim
Buperior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
'ONE'S EMPIRE .INK, 85 Nassau street,
Ne. tor!.
,12.11111. .2 'MA...
-El !O nor. per dos—
On dretteht. Per .110 u ..... cent.,
Tine ie the lewt article ntanufertur4. It flow.
COPYING INK—and will not rortudec...,old.
precipitate er decay. and pownessee all thr qualities requir
i a peed flung ioxitable for the Qum, end ed.
utirehly aJapt..l rer the. I.el tern.
TLe onderchtncd le P.V.,1 b. furnish to Itte trade el
thee tcr or hone rotonniption. at the above very
low prices pot up sv'per order, cha fer li In any pert
of the tree .1 charge_ No fur M.A. Inarrela
" L ' " "rr rharcod cotta at
""9 11E.1)1,0RE LENT.
(AA a 5 Naecuo IL. Now York.
Q tart,' r dos
I•Ia.. •
tStterevr , to la% IlAnsmt),)
Aiox. 252. :.!.5e1., 256, and 258, /'ear! Si., .11r,
1,4...1i Fulton Ft. awl Burling Alp.
In lb. United Stab, tulapL,Ll.?_/ . slar ,.. L p ett , In Utt
Ow noel ••xlen.lre numbor. IL
VI r J71 1 11IN: ‘ : tad EIt.EV HATS in tI4 nodd.
In Colnlodttre
ain mut liaohlursable CLlht . of all lana,
nt.rl..nt insltr srr tu.
p117,1,..121• LA. =C s ant .L.B 1 ear
No. 14 Naa , au glred, N York,
VI A_ NUFACTUItIt',. and have for
■ 1
L'4 04`ita':;,;V
n.un..l to Plata' all-dartatel, stdoiatlng pr
Cs.ds, Bona. ,
Cap, Son'
Ws.tsr.c, }Hank., linen awl
Table CoTrre.l7rumb. Carriage. awl
10t.,. Salim, sad Traveilina
Bumt:old I+,:wrs . Explorine and Military
OW, Dialog Dress.. l'atnaa.
and urtiel, for iinnwine nut mrasons. awl
Fartory Moan. tlaa Tul.ln - d. Moms I,nder, Knapp's
ratrat Farallon, Cow Milker. Machine Itriting.Dolla.
T {Shun An il. . \ t o 1 'omen.. Pillows, lode.
Ikasta..Ktnpesck.,Cantstns..Water Tani,
~Te; ET
. the. Trade made to Order. 0.11 , 41 Et
'IUBES, TUBES, TUBES—Theunder9igned
LAPP movie.' 'aerial penularkna fn.= and andri dl
cotrunnleatibn with the-Dirtutnainut, PATENT Likt .
WELDED IRON 11.'llE COMPANY, De the redo of tbair
very ear...llna and Fupertor OAS TITIiES in'
large or mall quantitn., Then Tubes an, Aural Very ex.
huolray both In England aud the coutlnaut U Europe.
sot Fold .x11141..11' by
Ina & Tin Plata Merchant ,
44 Wall suet, New Tor
5 slart,in'e Lane. GUI
A nn.
Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertisang-Envel-
O. 263 Mini ( Sr
The ..
.ularriber, milleiting the peationeire of allitehM
tri e ere this adeertigement. feels Hoveof that hositattott
with which is new article to brought l4ifore.the public. 1114
experiences of etiars tuns eatabilehol theiraupgiority be
yond ell vitiation, and be omtkiently riga, to thetagstimo.
ny of the, + men who have these envelop,.
and to his rapidly increasing saligs, , as proof of their eassels
The following are a for of the reasons for their Min -
14. 110 the place oretspiesd by the real, a person may
loser his and wide..., eoruspieunualy and
beautifully etaboeegi, mitered or plait,atfOrding Per.
fiat stagiest, modest fraud.
1 The Envelopes gannet be opened without bytes de
!ern, Neither woo nor waG,, are miningl to oral rim.
4th. trisen the nil... Yeti, of a letter. the oral in maits
Immediatereturn.. the vender, instoni of being buried
months in the Mad Letter Moo. -
fib. The Envelopes aro furnished at almest same
mien as
oth. Each letter mailed le a most elfeetireertlsement,
IVIIM el./11[1. the attention of all through whim bands it
foll . owing b e lid of mires for Una, en gra l avd
limas. and. which will last for yearn and of tberetOrts, of
the usual ere,either white or butt of goal paper and
roads to iibrive, • ith =MP, adders.
Pram Pier. .81 ,4 2. wee IN
20 WIC, or less $4.00 abort.
:00 to 40 600 :Oen
to NO 1090/ 4AIOO
SO 11.10 42,01 bis* •
When It la not enurenientto, f aN ...tot Of ome,
per mail or import, d Menai, to a pgetable Sim Tore
Mouse will he statielent„ Ali orders; ill meet wlth r preinapt
attentiou. If intim:tel. ' 1111. MURPHY.
No. Ilea Medi street, New iTerrit.
.11rderr will be attended tope. am If left at the stor,
of Mere, be
t Mott, Wall s 1, or of Mane. or
detoilmau t CO., 114 William et.
A. B.—ltusitosss Curds. embeetwid la robin, homesm
slo.loper thsemand. niale
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopheins,
lilt MEDICATED COMP UN ' 1), infallible
I_l for renewing. lorigorsting. a • beautifying hair,
mmoring the scurf. dan d ruf, and all . feethme of theacall,
and curing eruptions on the cite s d wen of the glands.
Muriel. and Integuments. and he •ng range. Mk urn. ,
sf , Mitts.le. Un•
lth this I.pers en 'them b bo stint
'nl NIL' The first muntal. in mersea. medial] men
el the hucheet eminence, pmnnuent citizens . of all la
last have mist It I: years in their d r
rr , m
slug us awl nurse... °. • one serortl,that
itnpartinr rim r. Itutitrianee, ad marl to the ban,
eradicating wort and dandruff: he ant wounds, eurtuw ,
eontustons. tr., and rel , lvm,r 6 .l
'ki-leugg'Air.,,-:d,,17 Tr. ?Alt
antona therh.wwnew ma well
lie Prtui , .... ed P r '" t. • silk! 'lb lur
eftleienry, Barr, TrieutdwfUns unn , , .
g 4. 1,, , e , th e " . "'ij'',7 ctit ' fn,jr,iirlor)
of ther wn•pamtlott for
the hair mot 'ens
n.wr t in wt. The ..eienull treat, tat the heir
mod the Wet
r.embrarimt cub
ee l l ha . r . a4le fir
is aim e worth the money.
j.etween the ruemb whieheotwlltutethe
skin a e n o d width draws its suWenanew ham this
eery eirwe. All di of the hair mi.
Il tar i.reai ". g.i• , If !edesri lO f E• C t
ih eeralp
n n , imh the mall Teuel which' feed I the turd
1 , 7 u t is
sal harahmws of the; ligareeling
nents. i tooth
ea, may be. Stimulate the akin to healthful artlon with
and the torpid re reht, rvcoredog. their
a m,iy, will annihilate the dseae. luall affwet.kma of the
kin. end of the substrata of mune and Integlilbegas, the
eel on. the raltie it
117ortn7Antula t P111:n 1 ‘, and the glands, hat l' itt Ps* th h k .;
hie , its sweeltic amino, and in all aftwtkena. al • jury of.
throe areens. it Is a se.verelgn rem, y. •
:told i3l lame bottle.. prier 25 osu .e." at the pH. ifntl
liers 1117 Ornalway, New York. end by tin , prim.' merch
ant, and druggist., througpout the /[lll.l l?tatea nd Can.
ada. tlee^
twat. GUY Vebraary. at 11 titi
nadetra Wbarf. [Wilmot, 2217
Catalog - I. will la. yrepand and
a[alaatiaa day Wide the Pale.
aTTA7Ttrt,v.:ll,77t, r.•
-200 brix Nue! I, 2 114..1 3 3%kznl:. WO hi"
24 1tItit=i4V.IL r C grpalr at talreOt Tin> b3I
. A situgrz aou.,„
No. 3 O'Donwu
1.1thax...... Nt
reblmilm • tllalt. Am)
75 boxes :Tr!:
brIP Tresl
/w k., Feldh
tear . : )
Arnmen4 aml for fel. br 16 2 . 1 .1 11
111svfD CUTTLE, Atiotney at Law.
~..lcontwAhkuver fur PentnYienthls. ht. Loath Mo.
eninolatne.the.' P.h.OY antweted, ne=ly
101 IN AOnniny and enunt
hhip Feller at Law. and Cninnn.e , bet fur the Stab t 4
renogyinonn.hc U.., %In.. Ohte.of r(tt , harhh.)
~yer,......../.-Pinebargh: Mo. U. .1.'1.1. lhunhotraa
74'Chtellehe 4 leChtte, Joh to to th..lnseells A
Methrd C.
. math, N. 31 OM teem st e .3i w Chew,
nanny .1,14 h Lune nettattnent e. Ann in at the GA,
lowing tAlwhich they at, tor' Agenth J.
UurnaJ Ihnneaux, ht., Mk: lo j. J. /Awn& b..
rand A C.,' roehelle. J. J. Durand: t og alc. A. de limn.
W[vv. A. L. Inewilh, A. de ]Tondo r. Jean. Anal. le le '
ei. Anchor tile, Llenlehtly Rol gni 111 Ate Whew in " eanth
auct;thww, 'elected with e.n. by John Duthhel A' (Nth
r wi h e and wan littrinhody - Pert 141110
• ' AMERICAN itousr.,.. .
.. .
i' F. u dersig,nrmi having *ntirnly*-2
• Tl.lli tit diularroal the alvrg extouaire eatabli_ !b.
t., mut...lcing ha all aluutitarehurairrd alai arty
n.g. , . 0. ronoallUltY Vire Wire thaill to now ready
for tr. rroe Aiort and arevutrutatathat of the trarelllnx
mtualunlty. ,
Ayer. notireof th..lll, , UnlilM"trourenioneeior this
11ouor is Alcaatnal sutortuouo. as the nuaterOuA trularat,
ruentsak Infohhare boon wader - mann, lo psvarrly rITV/1 In
au advertior rat. - Sutifeo It to iny, no.exponae has lova
nun , " to ron er any alurttnentporfor.,
The furaittlro tra. male explolY to oulh , Fa-rd". of
taoL and in mrtiono of i voloi - .11., U.. Draulua
nanno. will VAltal to be of th, sil.4_ Loaortful 1111.11.-
ILI, The II tin, nous. aro rat,aolvuo. and the bourn for
am& will be on an.nani a. to suit the cour,uWalco of the
early a tall.. .
Every nd
donarttutatt .0111 be .anatreetostln an unaareutiona
hl,l3ll./er.atal the prupriotia. plnt,i-s latnwlf llna the
Ann.rinAn llott.o ohallar;truly lho Tturrllora Howe:.
febs ( . Linvi:, Ries.
J. A. Antll . 4
irIoULTIPt,t LUCKE, Wholesalti and Re-
Li tail Ihmiaxl.- , orn.r of Ito.l,eul Third PtreirLA. n
dor the St ehlArlen Pit.t.AhUrCh. :
ICs- for Fale II'': . . -
• 11111:111aNi1IS
413031E4 MOLASSES-SO Sue r;
rAg Knzlitor; Pagainds'
TOSS,,L2OOI)IIai asS'd sizes,
T' Eberbearrn brarla. i;r rale
LUE--!,-Tvren4 lau-rels jiist received, and
n_lifor ;talc low Ertbeharril,At F.N. WICKERSHAM'S
lAIS , - E:r.otW.• k KWh rts
1.506 ":;4'1,NT”.,N,-;;lLl:,ardtlVed
Jo] ' . , ' i oir. 0 0.. a . SUM St ,
- -- _ ... . . .
fiINSENG . AND BEESWAX .- I" j3 - 1: -- aga
x_m nin,...t. 1 MAI. Ite...a= now lauding from stronser
Towarum for Folo br
deb , ISAFAII blegEY dr CO.:Tf4r it ToOnt stn.
___ ___.—_,— .---,. ..
Tr ANNERS' 01L. 2 --'rnociit) , bile , Bank Oil.
J.. in good V.V., for vale by &•7v/ J. 2R. FLOYD.
VII OLA.iSES.- - --38 bris 11QiV, in store, for
/TA vale II - 1409 „.; J. a It-FLOYD.
DOW landin, for .
I 4 rle Hy • dalO_Ll 13A1,1.11 DICKEY IN.,
SUCKIyIIEAT F.OUll•-1-Tirent - c sacks in
goer a:!il for rale 171,1101 lIARDAUOII.
ORAIGE , • ,
COO lbs tor rule EE &
nurd , c«lll.• ,,,
ration:. qualltim 4.11... alartt , ortlFle; Anel odlair.
ra . y . flue. Alm French DuttAin. mad CaFilraol,
blacksoul fancy, ta , Verthyg, at rer3 - low
prim, for the aualit a y. . , ! , colt.
lop OLCBUTTER.--Tcn rli IRoll Butter
merlred iotl fur rule ly • .
ilia ARS—Fifty thousand , f
If and for tale Ay :11 9jA.
OIL n M EAL—Th . v bags Oil Mimi, received
and for. 00 t.T — P, t W. ItAItBAMIL
FLOUR—One hundred ',brie Extra Tannly
atnl 50 S. Y. Flnar..put .
/all 11...1.1ARBMIGIL
at mineral prin., mtv , iqinn .1' the fe.ll.o= bre,.
tie and GraT Illankrts. I.d .irnY Ilnarer (10011
1,1 and Crib Llanket, nide!) ar aril' ani!.nrivd eluac at
mines,' mfr.,. and will la , rola on fan._'
itiOLASSESFifIy lags
br 41.,1R0W?
At.ERTITS.-5 tem. Sale
0 es,: I, J. , floe ,
lEAF LARD.—Leaf Lar
atz! for rale 1.,
4.1 UGA.II.-15 h lids prime N. Orleans Sugar,
ajin Atnr.• and ler eale iy IP)BEHT PA LZELL t 6).
In 9 • LlLert - r !tree).
14 1 1S 11 Cr. B. Codfish:
tfebrln N... 3 Mackerel: in I.rl, No. I Lake I .11.
brie No. 1 Marken.): In pter. , end
not . WATT & ISI
/ 1 11E1:S1 . 1—.19S 100 Cream eheemi in ;it re
arml frulr l.y. .1.1.111(S
lall WaGr Meet
illlol.lElil ES: •
I_A'eltegtl Young ll.reon and Black Tea.
ratty I..aer. do. do.. Imp. and Ouu
V.dixe,A .t.flobinetru•lYe Tr.l.arna.
19 d.. P. Roldneele h'a and
'Ai do ,U1,1411..i, CO , Tnincr,
'nr. bonen Pr., and Hammer! L`a dn.•
redil Jprr, Galen. Lost,%
n Lump. In -taro and Pa. 'al.'t.y
' JOIIN I'A 6).
Lll' Tr entyiied•l ,. lze:l;lV
t. l , ;;1; . ~1 , ,;
A -1 LASS l'Altlt—Flve hundred reams of
riJi; -souttes palenl kr ea.. ItoJnll • . •
J. 1:1011) k cu..:Urea Rood
licll Iland..antse . YanrylN.Clard
) 'ta1i, '1`7,7;_., 0 , , ,.',.4 .. ,T,Tc!,*-.l . ;,rgtgtf.==i
Velvet, in, at nort.h.eaSt awn.? of Fourth atal
Ito, o.t #h.) .. 'nelo
ity .t lSlN , xelt and.
lain 11/It)WS. 3LIMPATRICA
(4 1. - ALEIIIATL7S—I cask 1 Saleratua;
j to &AI
In Om+ and hr by .IAmT,. DALZELL.
jaall GE Vint, stivrt.
BLOOMS—one huudrol bun! Tennesee
1ib..., al ton. Trnr.a Slab, rreeivinT frnateato.
or Como,. and fur rale by JAI' P$ DALLEI.L.
lin. CS Watt.r stmt.
AITIN DOA; (1 LASS — Five hundred boxes
V V tmortod AV., in eture nod for by
lnliJ illy DALMLL.
PTASII.-6enoica Potash, just received,
nal tm m) Cy I:OItERT DAI2.ELL
1, 1 1 11E:Sif ROLL IIUTTEXI-2.0 lasinseree'd
r tor :air by , jar; .I,II.C.L.NrIET3) .
1:4 1 LANSE.EII—A. email' lot for sale hL '
I: jar .li , 11. CANFIL_
SI I EEP PELTS-1 bale for,sale Lv;l
atjveL . It. C.I.tifIELD
(aLIGAIZ-I'wentv 111111 A new Stigaroti hand
for ' , del./. in! , 'lllllllir & KIRKPATRICK
15 las Glant A.ll - 111huns' ;
15 lox. 11. A..llnamitlK
sl Ixs llarnor's's d r.,mnaott
LARL}- 1
IA on bawl
iO LI; " 47: Eagle 17bcolide s •
1 tete ale (twee. Mere. , on mad
mil fur =lobs' jals MOWN a giaKPATIOCK
nultabk for mediel.a
fee role by. J. ,4
-1114NLOUR—Thrm hundredl!:krrelm: jo ,t re
11: nekr km sale by pUItIII.II.4E i • lt m liNa/t r la
L 1214 •
HAvANA: su,All,_Twenty boxes White
tin. tl6 st.
SPICES. Cassis, Pim neto.
01 Pepper,
,k Clrowe,
s 11 DIOCEti CO.
tt . Frout.
‘10.7 . , _
PUTTER—Eight barrel , : pack or i.a e
jekl4 E. VoN. PoNNUOISET
LARI.I--Siitvf.rlo No.l in gore and forenie
by /43 ISAIXII DICKEY ACO 7 yiat , r t Finnan._
- --
IaREASE-Forty five brim in utore, PIT Sale
Itit by
jea 1 Walcr and Yinut Ma
BROONIS--One hondred dozen for aale 11
___' nal . S. F. 'VON BONN tioicsr a- Co.
MOIHUS t 11AWORTICS Teri Sim, emt eke of the
'4" ll d onr * I flarorrd-T , , at FO .n per unohd
The finer unalun, at 7 n
5 ob " .t 0... . °
Extra .nuerfinn at 21 (2) do ~.„
Ott Country, pt.q.le that nw ItLACK TEA. *fill Endow,
It their palate oxrutly. 'neve kiwi, of Teas sru, 0,-u.
diructtrum t:Auland. mod they cannot lc bennht at any
other otors in I'stn.bnryb. ' .
M. 4 "'°q" -- r
drIREEL . APPLES-=-Twtnty brls. Pippins,
oda q• 110:61101t1. 4 T.iy . J.,
J. 14
QIALNION,--5 brim Salmon; Nu. 1, hi store
10 and far tan by i 2 3, ,, 'ROBERT DMZ:Kr : US! (),-
'---'2.1 bales fur F.j., by •
SA.I.AH LICKEV A CO, Water .1. VI.W. rt..
;AVIS' PAIN KILLEII-111 7 1fuz
''''''ic!';::TrVri.l.lll,t'n'Z'nl-!?.*1.• A n r:ent.
. —. lig...Alain.. .
CTyt2t -
113},RRI. '
1)1t1E1) FRUIT.-7.0 brie liri74 A r pples; .
In do srm ttI.:3I.EY al.'s),
. ibr , is 23 - 1,44 st,
vi-m i .. „
BUN( LII•44AS-- AO lAlp..ei (Lreirler
I ' m "' I d ' a ° d tr°° ‘ " °°°°. ir Ir. ;To Itlri l';';"''
b, ~.,
t il y o h b re l a t re , e weae, aIN in.
NA= CO.T sad tor tals
n ,
IV - • dt YA a
ORK ... ' Ilker.S.,l.o.St Car I. area liay Forks;
r :A de. 'sit Genvan kir! • do;
is dos a rpnige.l eta -1.1.11
. Mtellra Mita
°a i'..?'..”'"' and ''' '''''' ,eI.W.I,TETOfIL.4 " PONE,
n ots_.p.., doo beet Cast Steel flees;
ee l !. ",,A .j . it-rmil o i, '''
do c'''h." h oer.
! ~,,." 2 .8. { NAIL RMAti L. SON r'..
13EACIIT,S-- - Sliree hundred Im E hele reed
. L gear f , r 4/..- IT ' [Jaz; e.tUtrri. r. siorlyrn,_
S CYTH E.`.•-:--75 dtrilierfdraTßliC3 - 6;"
ro dox Iron Croille L - -,11,1, ' •
lb dos I*, r I," boo • os norsirn't.
dad for soli by la r.. WATEaMAN ri SUrsk
rola I - d 1 nal IS al ir ,i!.l C Fmat rt.
k, at Ili. Ws
lbaus linen
b {
C .l. ' aid
Q,CYTIIO SNEATIIS---425 doz hest ii.itent
1,7 ` itLe n camigimrnt c.n..3!... hr
1." Li:. WAII.E.NL!!N k EONS
x un c,r e :
mu r1 5 0 1, Z;81; 1 ,
N AILS s SPIKES-4: 0 ker,x for val g _l_,y ,
I)EAR jaIS 1
L Co. " :k a prin. fo_r'saleby
- RAM Butici
111{AT,iGES-20 brja swoet, to =life, for
la lg kll. • 116 Water,
74.-10 brie primp roll, for &4e by.
.t• 27 111M* I,I6CAIMMiI.