~~~ - - ESTABLISHED IN 1786. d ;.;'PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. 117E1,1 1111 a MILT AND 1111011.11. : 1 11 WHITE .& CO. • • lux= 1.197. MEZU •Oltiri ux Tic... - 1) inurrorrrt SKICS TO to 1.0T2 0/193: . n .do n t•oll t r i pm andings, riirabie half pdalr. WEEKLY—Yro d ,, d r i;lge4n=g:a nadd- Me weEdy wide" do .--y•••• taddtdr each Club to . de daosed.. • — Locdoe palm, will de.sit-j"-iavdridblr In advance. No Club Papare rear expires, =Ma th e metier I, Bent tar as= or anutrucato. Soon, (101locif of tfooptiron or 101 l Do. ratb odd:thud Inoloth -•. an. 0 00 2, 000 0 0 3 ; Do icor months ........ 10 00 PI I*. . root .:q...-:..._.....12 Oh trielve ofontas 10 Ou euaefr,God., 15 Dom or leu, far alatoto.-L5 00 'the f roma+ additilaill ilor, tioo :unary, the at }demurs (Pei UV 131.1911 evcluelve of the . . Tor i t fiddluntal moos. parotid over ohs, *o* to M r eocit vituare it/ under the yearly rote; • - Ad . orreediros Wove, and out over fatty, Does. bo chozool yy a moue sod a half., . , Publhhory not aro/notable far legal advertisententt be. • yond tho amount charveil for their pobllcolloo. Announcing otodliloho foc edits, to he charged the lam• tui other adver...own. myertimoiaoto not malt,/ on the *nip Orr spociffel •number of loti•raiont. la, coothoord thlforbid.stai - moot eurnal or Tito frit . detio of armful adocrtlairy IsMkt& liodato to 'LW own horu , ditto butinvot and all ittrarDorm-nts for the benefit of othor partoru.st voallOvertlernieolu not tuarogietely monocled 90th Unit; inn, bonne.% nod all ,cloton of folii • r [Laments, 10 lonisth otheltvlda; bv/ tt l a The Oni eons m 1 010 be charted at the moot Mut ; Fot• all . 008 tromnot adriallttng, billy will be osparately rat:dryad, 094 prompt pio no ot Li 11V/trill All olvi rtlytmetav for clisrhable thstltotloor, 52* elcol had panted, ward, tincro•hlto unl other Pobik froth likr, to be cbargrd, boll pricC, Paylibly etrletl/ to ad ;Marriott? mow,' to boo ehorgol 10 ;tau Death 0011m-flovrted td101:00.0 sl*.tf!!..ftdth, pm, DRII,GG ( ISTS • let 4. 1L rem.] c. ti salmi- VSEI.I ,O.IcDOIVELL. (Su ozsors KereJt.-.Zetserl Whelrsale and Ms at Dens ssst Fe salmi StCre, menet of Wend street stet Tints eo.e,o_ez,ftr-rtrttr,ext etarfstilr, esetiett ,, ?dT. Sistit al tnd FaiIc'ESTOCK Wholesee nrvl Retail Itre - se;e4s, center 't'oed.iszed Fre sta • Dragxid .7 ,l4l,Nrsai s g"' a :MVlPALT .7 . o7 " u, 5m.4.111 - ;: t wholesale:l .Dmot, Palst4 Pre Refs, Vando Aarctl, littsburgb, Pa. Oa , - • rlDP&CQ..}vhotosal Drund . .. Dye Ruff*. tieton of Dr. )I.'Lar..es alabts O , Roan as lis. and-7.n 8/.1'4 ' ,' "a' -[ ,-T-11E-, - -t...1):A1(L , ToRNA. SIORGAN, Wholesale Drugiisi . , 'sad Vaaka is Dye Stuffs. Paint& OD, V•rnisbes.e.— :,.. W 64, A:t.eet, cam_ door Scrucli ot:Lincoaud Alky, Pit/alborph. t.i.KER4 CO., Wholesale Drk 2.1Wc0l at, ettaborgb. riamteurs tral9N... ......... ...... RAUN & REITER, Witoiesale and Retail I Dmiteate,natet et Liberty mid Et.. Char M., rAt., GR0C72.8. Q 'AM LIEL P. SHRIVER, Wholesale Oro cm rviance and C01911111013:11 Merchant. and Derd rc In Pittsburg& 31snurnotured Artirt., N 0.130 and It. - = Scorn! curet. between Wood and P.oilthnald. •, Rars IL 112.11,71i11.....1 10 ... 11 . ntlwOr.Ter. TTOHN S. DIEWORTII & CO., Wholesale i Grocers, Produce arel ecronsiseion Morefonste. and nerds tor Guard Ponder Co,`of Guards GI, Conn„ .o. Za.Wood et, Pfasburob. • acutram_;.] EMBRIDI GE & 'MGR k5 1. 6717a11e Grxers astl Cos:cassis:l :11erasets. :ie. 116 Wass sad 150 First street, Pittsburgh- . 1111.EY, MATTHEWS CO., Wholesale lirceers T Commql.mall ani I , l4.rarding 51ercbarkt, and anU L' Itruhtozi Cotton Var., +. tTw•ret-.itilxeburpb. JOIM WATT- JOHN ,PII,OX. Toils WATT & CO.. Wholeaale Uroeere, tpp! Cco gh, I' h ML Merchants. and Draft, in Prrsturs. end Pattbunot 31,suulactures. _noIALs , ST bur JB. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio. rtr . hrt ' 't '' lr °' r ° ia , '' Or ' t ' .V - n ' rSg' , • ''' i ' a.• 'b .ra 'tl4':Ar.'r'tOr?:tktl- Prsrl Ash, al. Western {Reduce gunerally. :qrs. 0, totsseen SmithCrld and Wessi. Pittshurch. • L. B. 0.7101.1 ... N,AILAYAY.. .X.OS. W ATE .......... SONS, Wholesale .ura rr44 Catostisoon and Fort.shilsr, AlsrOhar.t3. lostsehborgh Statostactured Istttent,Not. SO soul M Wstsr greet, Pittsburgh. §, F. VON BONNIKTRST s CO., Whole rale Orocera. Soma:di, sod Cosords.too ?testis st4oluiZlNeo" to . Pit rP:AP0=t.,`',1".7 . Z., ,5 .11. „" , 7' 7 , pau.rgh. IAS. DALZELL, Wholesale Orocer, i`.'l:itik,TrX. d Pe " . i r g,. . ' SAIAH DICKEY CO., Wholesale Gra rnin,,Commilron Mnrchnut, end Deakin in Prix 58Nvater. mut 19: V ent rirret. Pittgiurnh. 14 =GLIM -NMI:9 J. 111,NCli. NGLisli 5,.. BENNETT, late Engli,•ll, Oallab .. her & Co.. Wholeralo Grocer, Comsniyasce and . orwardlng xerclutn, an& Dealers in Pralun. an& Pitt.. Onrgh.Nanufacturra. No. 122 2rrund ft. rani' t2l Vire et.. between il'oal au& 21nitt.11,12 • Ir. NILS. .. gemstone. onnoiroon. ILLER k RICKETSON. Wholesale Strom, nod Irosorters of Broglie& Winn. nod Srpn,No. :Ammer of Libertz mod 'lrwin 5tn...., Pitts burgh, P. Iron. Noll, cotton b.. , to. t o , iultrutel. Wana.----ansne n. C. ton M'GILLS & ROE. Wholesale Grocers and tiCoancinsion Mnrchant, NaLiberty strc. , . atu.h R OBERT DIOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifrhocln.diller dreier In Product, PiPotrumb anufactnrco, and nil kinds or Foreign ood Do=titic Whom and Liquort i No- itrett Ira!: crack ' ROBER Vl ' e nunn DALIELL R, Untou llerrbratta. dealers rrtaluee and Plutsburnlt Manufacture. Nu. Lib , / a... 44 Iltteburah. RhOBERT A. CUNNINtiItAN. Grows, Phulune, Pomading. and Comnabuton 'der. and Denier In alltshurdh lionuinciunst. `Nor Ltherrp stmt, Pittsburgh. WM. BAGALEY & CO.. Wholesale Can rT V eer., sce. Is n.l :XI Wn.Ni otml.ll9ttsborgh WICK & 3IcCANDLESS, succestows to 1... L. J. D. Wick. Wholoul.Grravro. Foraanltn. 'and (knotnLaskot Memhaati. dealer. in Nail, "too Cotton Vatio. and Itittaburgh Manotooom* ErocmilY cornet of Wood and Wazer KtovO. Pittsttrah. ,CCI-6111 ,4,1 ACULBERTSON & CLOUSE. Wholes:lle I. Clisrors soul Commission SI etohnnbh Dealers in Pus ore, snot Pittsburgh MalltlfOrtUrril Lasoty .trees, Pittsburgh, Pa- JOl.. R. 111:D. WILLIAMS & CO., Wholesale and • Metall Family Grocer& Foraarding and Cencucha tabutts.atill Dealers In Country Produce and Illttbury.ll Manufactures, corner of Wood and Fah rittaburci , jtOBINSON, LITTLE & CO.. N. L 55 Liberty stmt.Cittaburah. tVhoLr alr Grtarro. Pro . CuMerchants.ttaioMerchants.and dealers Ilttrburalt Manutretnrca ,n,1.0>1:1 MIT .13 l'. • $ R. FLOY.D, Wholesale Grocers, Co ILTD ro t!. mission Nreli ednrs, snct Dealers Irt Predoßourd web Buildings, trot:bag Qn Liberty, Weed. re— ad rad:, streets, 111.1stdrtib wst. TTILN PARKER ,t I , es . al n e G o r , o , cf eierp.lAD'''"llPrrtnrekLlVN. w Canng . rti4 Row Deny st... Pittsburg', ..... . !.; 97: WM. YOUNG s , v a, la Liberty KIIFICAL nsrszeitiuthsrrs. E nN IL MELLOR, Dealer in Pinno Fortes, • )Istelrouvl 51.4ral nook, and 6,,,,r r t u rri,.. Sole arrut for Cbtrkering P Fort", far I cartrylranin--N 0. 51 troll et. LIENRY KLEBER, Denier in Music, Mu deal Instrufwer.te. awl Imrertor of 1 Wive i.r.VIA egeht for houtwAL CarWe greed welNov. Puto. with Cola:ma's L o lean Attachment. .I.ho, for Dunham' ItiAITUFACITIREBS. ENNEDY, CHILDS CO., Manufaciu rm. of Ten . snwr:cr 44 S' ring. C.rltet fyva lbn Tai. and Batting. reurk 3EII. l.4l,burg6. Ine.7lnr.S kONES & ilVintoofacturero of Spring I=l Blister Stmt. Plough Steel, steel Ploughings. h Ellplio Swings, Ilium:terra troy Ark. and Moslem 112 Matible Casa., lire Engine Lumps. and emelt Trimmings generilly. romer of Boss soli Lrbut Pittsburgh. Pa.. ITTSBURGII ALKALI WORKS.—Ben Y l _gt. Bern L_Cet... MantlfartuTerf. cf Smta Ash . Alrnrh rit.,,arwa?dgulplaurlr Arils. 11 arrhouse - ' AGLE GLASS 2.l:63ismractra.r Corn Guesoirart. Tide. Bottle. Wive Porter Iliecteh Ale, Minocel Water, Patent dirine. axed Wine Bottle, of every deeerirtion. Also—Wl ie nOte Gush goers ohnetently on hand • Fettered meortnient of the shove articles. Also etote—ae the other Omen G )-o ls, Factories tioe o • e ail ' "ri Is the n 25 11 Owe and whin, Orders reideeotFoliF eolialted. and trill be Ellol on the aborted= notiee. •,SFarehnuie. -- No. 11] Setertdi greet. beleitooi Wood and Sndibleld Pittoborgh. PAPER HANGINGS WALTER P. MARSHALL, Sucersgor to Panel C. 11111-11nport,d Dealer in Franat Ainerinun Paper flanging. no m d touter, Window blade% Pin Board Print, L. Ahr—Writln, and Wrapping Paper, Print ba Wald etreet. intacen Fourth awl Diamond alley, Pittsburiih• TEA Di T I A 'CRP ex. " - MORRIS lIAIVORTH, Tna and Wine llerebnnt, lAA FEW of Ibe Ditonoo , t, Pittrbor.gb. WE. A- SeanCo OP" % TM. A. V.: , i t: CO.,. etrt . i i. ro ,, cer bo . ! .. .,; r uad ood hare %two,. nn bawl n Intk, townitornt .4 Choice leo and Ciro Tex ern,hole sule sod rani!, oroopliA on the hnregt ELANSPORTATION AtIENTS TORN A. CAUGIIEY, Agent for the Lake • Erie and Welk . . I.lnr, to Beaver and the Take,— =at an the nrtracr of Water and Illidtbheld ets. AAFFE & n R O'CONNER, Proprietors of the Plttnburgh Portable Float Etre, LOTO, rope Penn And sync %tree.. . LEECII & CO., Transportjrs by Canal cad FervrimilnK 3lrreb.t., rorucr of Wevt utbe Gad. • - V23IMAIr BLINDS. il. 1031111,212....,- —4. L.l 2/17[1.T M. .A• WESTERVEL;FY SO N .. well ' k no= . .Verdtlan Mind 3tulirre, keep onialantly on bawl nr my to ibi'r's;M•r‘T.al Iv a t l 'C .S tr n. Tr M ' a4 ' , l r, ' ;r- o T ..,—„,....,, enhance In the Disennud. V oatian shun., =ado Jo order. and cad blinds enmity rapainci. silo J . A.BROWN.would mostreviteOUy inform the poblietbat be keors on hand athlaltadon the treat aided lltil Diamond. Attre , ..retr. a MOM ete saw , rtment i'IMIV;I..' Va.a'aLliereir.=l;"an7looo 0 i . 1:. • In t:Zl 541.taa. lila litinto min he remora.] without tha Ott or , FM* . SKr. Diming porch...Wl the flora. troll, and wood ed the Cabinet e4abliolament of hammy & MatielLsud. I am plalattial to furnieti their old eustnineie. e.• wall I. thavul. lia at largerarit_b_rm,,thinF In their lion. ..:lir c a.lo. O io ocd treat, litteburwh. J. =X4MrAil.'t SURGEON . _ DAM HAkDlEVeterinary Surgeon, lani^ A hum Edlubu, thddt. would rewpwafully dor , 10 [lathe public that ho Lis coortmouerd prxtioe It itt . .t=offwaloor, and, fry coreful attenuon to whaler , ' il , to btu, be horew to give wttlafact on. • It nrnmeotion with Jame. Mull, Horn: Fhooltur owl IlLootonolthlog OW dwwwwwul will I. tarried nu. at the .:oroor of Tuunel otrowt and l'onrou Iranlo Avenue. . " ----- ooiTB ARTNERSLIIP NOTICE—II. LEE has again amorlated with him his former partner. J. R. Fat rem In thelCool and DOLIMOtif Woolen business. under also Insn'and style of Murphy 2. Lee. lIRYIIY k.LET, WOOL DEALERS and CmtnalA4Kl Merchants for the male of dismrinsn cm Goody, No. Literrty flttelmrah. Jtninarr liskifietl3oll, Wool Merchants, Realm to FMnr cod Producerenerally. sad For. Warding and Corombeann Msrehanta. No. 115 First street. and 116 Second street. l'ltteborsat. ~aaasvma eaniris9aPßfla. .NEV ILL} JOILICSON, Eripvccr an ood. Plato run, ((boo pr.rargh , of al dim" 11.1thaery.leaulo of Newort.rwra. Laodscatros, Drag Label, In et.lerrn Sell. for I.ial•ior.n. Cotton tztatat. L. U. Cr" of .1. and at the Ware. 'lire& N VILLIAM Littioeraph sts.Net 0ppr..114 dn. t. 11 .70 , 4iandeco,r, 1,/11 11111tvads.mana.Bona.l.nbel, Arthitcclural 8.1 ,IVIno. 'Drawly:am 6anmra. atl VlolLog Card, tr., r.•l dravrt =Moto, 11,4 ntio..l In color, Bronx, o Slack, In Ova most approw.l .1,1, au! or. th e .r.,‘ able WI.. _lealer in w=ultat. WW. WILSON, Watcher, Jewelry, Silver ' km. ;an Plil.rtGottpi. corner of to and luurthm.,,lnitguni.,ra. u—scrut....a =lreton, • mmt- :WO • - -I HARDWARE AtE/WEORTS. I,OiA.S, WiLsoN& CO., 1.1. - Nituileaste Dahl, ha hardware arulithtiery, 1 tat street. Pittsburgh. R. D . . HUNT, Dentist, Cor4er of Fourth end De's= tt, Laymen Make[ ad s Farry ctrfttA , , ituturgb. XTICHOLAS VIVIAN, Civirl Engineer, Dranchtsman. and Prsetiral MininlAgent. Marx a l ialoghto of ?Went Ibr the Patent OtLeo. !ohm of Nlnohl try I , r 3hett, Water Work, Honing )1 ho, On. May be found Letnix 10 A. 31. And 0 It H.. at h N 0.21 Illttntry street. Pittehurott IVILMARTH NOBLEit ' v flouring T 3111 e, No. (,G Liberty - nor of A A, entaborgb. P A: MADEIRA, Agent for Pelnware toal Enfety I nenrsaare Compmay. 4.l.Pstrx stritt. T GARDINER COFFIN, Agerilfor Franklin 'JPflrr Insurancv COMP., north cs4d miner of ICP.A and Third PIIMLI. W . ,... 11 , 0 , , T. d ,E . N r p r - t E.2 .. tr: f a lti Wood .h i street, ,, tx l preparril to do every deeemition et BIM 111, Irith , urstueee d durability. Ihmt Books ruled to any pa. m. and .boeutid eubatanthdly. Boom Iv mum re, or old boa.. Found carefully, rir repaired. !Varner pu ort tu gilt tetras. Them alio have bludiuy am irivitbd to m i ll. Priam I. as9:dlr. . ILACKLETT & WHITE, en. Drmortie told Foreign Dry (iOnts. No: lot 'Wood .srreet-Pittrburirti. invite the siternion of buyers tp their laxro inert: of Yre.h Goods nmr openin4nail whirlo they r:ifi 'd tre=l.4l n nri=rni m a.hi=trikathe rrilinplt an rumination of quo otock by trees no inerrhautn. and inhere sintizur our eiir • Alf 'CORD 5. 't% holes* and Rdtail cattlD"'74,• lm Pujelrg"' Tvia F tri tuit V anu t =pleta atm.. en Hats, 1,4 q fur, of erara quality and at) le, by Wholetale cod Fetal'. and in tile the attention Of thole ruatometa IfiNd!purrittaw ,, ,gto. , a=Khring oh. on that they will .11 9 n che meat adann tagannY 11TM. DIGBY, Merchant Tilttor, Draper. V autl.th-aler In Reedy Made Cloth. e. 137 Liberty rt. New 'Coach Factory—Allegheny. W l l4 - h ., 3 .,!,.c.i; l l . V fo ill ThO l p a ntil ' C O the W t Vel d hare encto • o ep tin Laccels, between 'Weds 1 and liandusay stmt.. They are now making and are irepared to receive meta. thr every deacelption of vehicles, he, Chariot". Baronehee, Doggie, Keeton", kr.. kr., which, froto work 1 ettaTience In the manufacture of the above woxk. and the farilisies %hey have, they feel =Went they are etothlol to do tredli on the mon reasonable terms with Owe, wanting articles in their bor. Paying particular attention to the x 1 :lion of materials, and haying none but competent worktpen. they ItaT. no Ip.sitation in warranting their stork. NI therother art the attendee of the public. to this math,. I N. it IlePaleingrre In the best mliner, and on the na most resselle to s. itC-thtf LAXES a1.1.350X. P 7 KAUBJAE III IPIOR . I II WICIIITMAN. 31annticturer of all. iii kinds of cotton and woollen u4incry. Alleght:ni city. The shore works being now to all and rtiretawful operation. I are prepared to execute tgilent with disittabh r all kinds of machinery In mylitte; such so willowy, toe era, spreader, eard a, grinding unselitipetyrail way, dom ng Tromp.. speeditm, thre:o, Mom, wiallenearda double or simile, for merchant or country work l mules. leek , . 1, 4 slide and ham! lathes and tools In githeral. All. lamb of shelling made to onler, or plan. Civet tot goorina faotos hell or minx at reisonable charge. i Ilene yo—Kennedy, Childs k CO., Illstkiteek, Bell 0 pc., King. Pennock 0;0,325. A. Gray. fr ~ , MILE MARBLE WORKE, (established 10101 be rnmeNn wn:nrie. !O. 104 Libor , ' .., Ni ' ult.. oo T W' a l ,ll=l . oria tt .o l lit,ienr= n f.Telita ! !ToN Pier Tryll al. - ay s ou hood, and mole to order. 00. R. A chola.. selection of Drawings al hood. 1510 Important to Stage Coach and Wagon . ; Ili arroyo; ...MESSRS_ SINGER, lIARIMAN A CO., e .- P. , 2.7. 1rr':...,!....'1.-.Vel`-lbtl.ii"itt.`•"'"'ret:2." ta"-n tyeted by or best mach Milkier', 40.1 priMolliurd to ho the beetle, use. An ortlinerritoach,,wlth wart of them Ault". running daily, ail! etinsunte a h4lfpint of oil in eta mouthy The small quantity of .4,1,11 le. one of Ike hest I evidence' .e hare of the g ro ut redact in of Motion. and tairotYytiently getat sating of lo.ver, 11 rtlllnekt the mach lieurnetors to eats ill', rye trot. on the r stork and tatl.— . A 1..,. It will give great. Safety to Darele a, the , iizt etyal, It:lti7Vlltheisett'rel7ALin•Vertei.s.tferinl=l.lng 'AP'. the 11l proper care. the patentees trill warrant loom slates to loot from 12 to IA years. dray running. , Warehouse—So. 101 Water. and 140 trout Onsets. Plebs. burgh. noilOdy CO., N\ h GUAM, wl. 11/3 1 . ;DIGBY, No. 13t; Liberty street. begs y V nmpevtfully . to Infionn ids minter°. retina. i Wi1i11747. thst taitzz 7.;,,,-4 , sTlll47.4.llll!e'rwrkni stvlea. adapted tor gin amnaching fallpad winter wraantm. All thaw in want of cheap taahlonable.iand irund clothing. .11111n4 large/4. coo" fa.hionable.r tort Hock in lbe Vertern moonliT. at thin WALLA/meta seplb A .CARD-48511 'NIURPLIY St BURCIIFIELD. North East F er ' m ur gen ' :VE!r6 k rlbn 4 Z.::4 ',,` , " , b l 7, : t loch- thank' , to their customers anl the t o genet-- all,. for the larse 'toren( mud= ext.. eded to them. and Invite the rentlnuauce of their fano, Ilaelna nee enlarged and Itnnmvell the,. tee. the,. are enabled to Lee? on hamt a very eatnteive 2.OISIIIRUL of Joode—und but ere aria hare the advantage of plenth ,li.ht to eaamit , waale. and make their teleetione. Thy design making their ertablErhneetit.,ae far i.rnetifaltr. a FAMILY STORY, where .nary ankle ma In the liry (hole line. needed for the wants or famllier. ran to 1.. .teed—a.' la thoir ounthane‘l efforts to aelect the beet gaol and to sell 10 prlom . thoy hope to mate it the Inhered, of famines and Ile d'At'A‘e In a—. tip stslert—entripte from etb 'Street. or through EITTSBURGII COSI3.IERC,I.AL CoLLeGE, Corner of Tidal and 'Market ravel, The only l Institution of the kind in Pittsburgh. Faccat.--John Fleming. Principal ithstructor fa the Science of-Amon:tub • 0. E. Chamberlin. Foot rme of Pennmanthip.ltlerce.ntile Ca:nut:al... to AO., 31. %V.iom. Pao, Lecturer on Cgrotnerriol 1.64. three dt.dring it madden. know twits , of flunk Knelling. and It. application to es cry Likuch.of bUaltua. also 1,01 gach at rat 4 rapid pe0n:11..400, are Invitedi to call and rasa, Inv the arritIRMICIIII. Lecture on Commercial Law every Moi , dar reenloa. to an it terrace yof the reaslent city laiturall. Wen - - - • - •- 111SSOLUT1ON—The partniership of Rey .'" oohs , t Shea was dissolved by molnalroment on the Oro. hub. the business of the Lord will he staled by either of the poetic, Ito 1.12.11 e of the nrm is i d ror dint pur- L. L.J. Shlaitthlm, .J. L SIIEE. , In retiring from the burtness of holynolda the I wnuld.recornsand 31r. J. L. oboe to Ty friends and the former rustaners of the house. all L. O r RETNOLDS 1 6 . STIFF. Wholesale Groc, Merchant. and deader in - Paper Penn aryl Irwin .trots. litteburgh. IttEMOVX.L.—DR. .PEER It - Liberty etnnd. below J'llt. No 10.1 luelliE sum! hutiding. . --" -- • . A.O.LE MARBLEORBS. Tal; , 17.srmiLitriED 183. by ED.M1.T.1.7) il WILKINS, N0...41; Liberty 0t.,: bead of Wood ctrent. Klteboria, Pa. ' , i 0011112.11, Burial VAult,Tomkoume , , 0,, nantle Pico,. Llcntee runt Pier Top., ulna), on hand and InUde to onicr, of the cd.nleott Meade, anal at 0770 reduced ruler, A ehoice celnXsUn d! craleano; - on load. 2 x , the floret - --...L. STATVAIT ' ffO n tl oir.T,..d • , 1.0.. . • . 11 . 1I 1 ) 111 S: J. L A. .1 , 1 ...‘, p , ' 1,,,,bi.,,. REFERMCCES. m. tint - mar Draw,. Linen Ile tou. e .Enn• .n. udge Might. John IL et. Ent. 11 11",:,1,7", a;•.• C. . J...% .. Far , t.... , _ litat m"."rn tO rse . Pittpbtaigh Bonk. t .I...wer & .m. ..„,.. . hi. Fbcvnberarr. F.M. ; 11111 ECu Wert Meeendleen 'LK. e4no. ...-• g0u .. 1.d0. 'bort McKnight, Ent. .'"... P. O . 7, ; C o . Z.', m. MclinlgEtrEM, ErtedPg- It. T. Mral a, a t , _ ~,,, hall. Joshua 1. . a Fran ESLraltroy. Ent. AllegE , s., ~,, , E. W. from grateful for Es , : r97 . 1 , !1rra, .12 n. .r .4 , 1 7 . : Ivel during intern Y'EE" ." q n ,‘, ";," to It r ndt and bortjobneutruntral to oranr P . _ oir. h. sill oralenTor ea render salbertion bonrancr. a2l ~ 4 JAMES *r.WOODWIKa. -- (1 1, re ABINET FURNITURE 3IANU-.T 1 / fartur, Were-mon. 77 .1. 90 . 11,10 threat .lelly infornouhle frinntle and _ I stammer. that he.han now completed thi lease,. • ; and flpist stock of hotochold funidem see before seen In (lintel], as ho le determined to noted tho eltuelttl . 1 1/‘ 1 wellumonned material*, hest workmene it, and ...wee do' elmsand from Wu event of ble cad m and Dwilityln nynktfarturing. he he enabled to prude warrants! tenth Mere] at the lowest prime. Ile ban adopted the principle of Ile 'Wog the metres re t eh hie awn, la quality a d price. and keeps ' elfwa i n ' on . hriti mi d the 0.1.1,4:Ft tacitly of voe description of turn) ere, fano the cheapen mud Val t. In the mot el, ameit tad ruddy. that a bonne, or ao of erne, ma? be fern] had front his stock. or manutsMured topes .4) . n,' • •• - lie theirßere @elicits an innltryk. 11. that Ike&dram . tams et hie etheblinbment may he ono en. The following talk! lie. lu tort. of meek, • ith • for richtseita nf fir nt from smooths nervous] he any of the Hartsell :tie. P ur, drawing. dltdng, and Intl-we m chairs. a every rune y, =tinning of ronewocel, mall nenr end walnut. Illtsa hen. Coneerratolre anti km , / te ed.. of rese t dew nipti tr. Cserithee, Sofas. Tetubleth and teats et thei lute" ck , trim li and American patterns, ?ash er. Whet-Nat, and ladle ,parlor it ritine lastu of seiner Ink V. ork Table, L nu, - !Wald eters], meek Maude. I holden, marble toil, • abeam*, noommis.l aniPwainut titre and sofa... lien. xtetortnn dining tables: rill nmeno4 the mrenitntwoved. and .ecidedir the bent kind made: curlernbroka hall and 0, Lien werdrobee. bed/toads and er lettantle of each e Lan; ..goillinctik grAble ball acid WI vervion ellen, sun arm and etoOla ,ureter] sad hvires. ride hoard., tire . onto. Wend radon hat anode. im nisi* etude. cribs ,te, for staid.m paper he, t ida and lea pops. Vol". =teemed. and Inlaid pearl Iktblon. an On. de. ei , aswetheent of Common Pm' ton and Windier Cabman maker. aupplied with, all artistes lu their Ithe thenteat paths, VP !,07.dbumtapmeT1,01ilyotztal.s.mifirS,....hri. at 'VENT!! GREAT SEMI-, NNUAL SALE S f Ditn.Goops, the Oa* mire• .of A. A. MASON a Ca), C 2 arid 64 e arket street • Cogirrnoteoil on Moculny, Decorator 10, 1530. to continue hroOgh month of January. TlWhole odablirle moot has inVII throtro open for Beall e, and their as. write .noel. amounting m {ht. 11000.r0dd Thirty honsand Dollars, will le•eifferect at itttan, 0 5 ci WILY one fourth Into than tonal pi*. • • wince of their Send-Annual Saki to any one of the thou ands who attended the We of Lod year, will be outtl guarantee for call this moon. They sOll. hoverer, moon. fro , of tint goods and priors. for the 'lrwin .0' th hn hare osier attended their sa eis itch Cadonerrs 75 [nal. usual i 0 piece. Cotton and Wool Carlin:l,ms 3.5 cants, wool - price 53% cents. I. 40 pie.ss imam sod IV* Is4ain 111 awl 15 rent.. trim 20 std t 3 een t, 311 hie* high colored plaid do., Scant, tuna( Price, 011% roots. pieces striped and Snored SU a, 60 cents, anal i WO , 75 cords. 20 pis* Satin do (Thine sad Fat( 87% cents. usual prim SI 73. 50 slams Mara SOL.. reduced 74 ter cont. no vie* Fmorh Merino*, Out oat pries 51.37%. ple , es Paroutti.ttni , ..l Lyorie... Cleats, reduced 33 yor cent. MO pis* Warm, all odors. roluied 30 her cent. • CO 1,,,y Alma, which will be ,old from 51 to tea titan usual pose. tOO yards EDnot.t. Ifibbims at 4 Red 10 meta, urn., pine 1M tomow. cartetlorod Coleco...eat cents. µsuet Price Oe. leti ea* English. and Americas, Calico, at 5 and 10 cont.. tonal Piro 10 and 17 1 rents. 20 eases Bleached Muslin& Mom I 2 routs net yard. t.rO bales Bruno di el fin, all tondo, M.o. Lacer. Inobrolderitia and filo*. Linen, Morita Cloth. Canattnertr. Caralncis and j alr fartlirll.l:flittab6l'LltrUTirt ITTerolrrilrtrls= 1 atiottis ealea ofTlt"y-Ttito Ign early r 0010. T00'10..0 smice o =it — nig. • A. A. MARIN CO.. '.llor . rte_ ' -- 104 N BRCKKSIS. 0 . 9 50 t ,4014, Corn Erboms item f•Rd for Nn, by JOELN PARKES t CO. • -PITTSii PITTSBURGH, MONDAY NIOIII9Ng, FEBRUARY 10, 1851 • MOVEMENTS' , or TIM • • 114,roct,roltra or otiorr.o.l. gard=" l,o sal! ry follows: ' • c.a.,' •zoo—widay • • .raoa ... Akira. . • Now Vole" I 3. . khuops .... •-••••llardAY• Asia Nes• Tork. ... •latarolaf• Marra •• Gorda FlAotan2. Blara:ls. ..... MaIT I V•M• ....... ••••••'°— • 4;91 DBB MEI rOa LIVAprOOL entudz. WedrteNfitl. Yro. '2l Africa .............I, sod ThurvdaYs. 051 ena. Escavcru, kAhaton, 511rfdocksville, Moan, 3too. Inure, Frankfurt ,c.ings. Pa. Fairview. Vs.. Arrives on Pride:, at 15 r. cleparte on Saturise, at ti A. it i,littirlt —kir Atm.. 0085*, AP011eh Pa. Arrives Weducedays, sl ar. a.. departs ou Monday rdica.m. Lennere...—By Logan:ill Ferry. A rt ie= oo Friday, at r. depute on eeturcley, ate .5. N. - FaAanx.ev.—By Verry,llle. Wexford, Breakneck, Oals, Prospect, Whiuetuccu, %env . ..tat VP...lw eountles. Arrives slatly.at s.. Y, and deperts at Ohl a. X. Letters foe the dolly malls pseud. tie In Cr. Meta one hour 647 57;e : S s l i ' ltrs. 'Zer, t,T1,..!`1',, ' arczheir departure. RATES OF DISCOUNT. cos.rnin wutr yea 11171.1.1 et •11RTT. N. HOLMES S: SONS, Emote's. N 0.87 Afarref at, adman Third and Anal Ada P bored. PL.NNSYLVANLA- 'Branch it. Mamillem--......d0 L .......e. Dank of Pittelturgh--par flcaneh at Wcoaltr--...---tho Exchange Bank of do Par Dmnelt 61 Nettia.--:. .-do glen and Mau-of do----par tranch an Notuipirrerii-...da Bank of Commerca.-.---ma Ch . Ha. ma_ . . e natit .. act flank of North AlnetiM- .W eterftlimatla ;„ lank of 1 1000 Vatbk.iln -,....- .lo I.omtk of Penneylrania.--par Lalayirtett Hank........- -Ab Plank of Penn Townehin-gear Ado LtgelnatTrnat Co-do Bank of the United Stales 12 Wertern Bestrew Bank, --de Commercial 11006 of Pa-- Bank of Maralllon.-..-.....d0 Parr:titre's Mechanic& DV. tar . tonall Note, ----do i hoard Bank ----par iting I:NOLA-ND. gensinanon Bank .. . ... ......par Alta dvent Ratiks---....-X Mama., t Illwel, Dank.... par NEIV 1011 K. MmGairid Dank. ... ... ....,par New York C1ty......----par Mtn ammating,Dank-. par Countri. X Philadelphia Bank-- ..... par. MARI LAND. Tradeeman's Dank... ~ par Country K Weitern Bank ". par N. JEllS111" A DBLAWARI. Hank of Chanaletraborgh- X All solvent 100k5_:..._... X Bank of Chester County-par VIIIIIINIA. Ilank of Danville.... _ --par Bank of the Vallee...-. 4 1 Bank of i.i.co, eater-Pm Hk of * Virginia. BlehmOtni B a nk of nen:nommen par Ex. flank. Va-, Norfolk.-- X Bank ofliettraltargh . , ... .. X Farmer: Uankof Virginia h, 'Bank of Ltorietown - Metehante a Meth. hank ta Bank of Middletawn....-- ' North Igeatema Bank -1• MoMmonery Oa pant---par Itranehos.- Bauk of Northumietriand.pari • 1011111CAMLLNA. e.ewo Bank ...... -........ Xtflank of Cane Bear i Columbia Ilk t . ....ge Crapart Ilk a sc. aN. Cktrolina.... I. Iloyletdown Bank.-- par i flctromerrial Bk, Valtotneta li Easton Bank._ ......... ...par Merrhantal Bank, Newbern 2 ' SUUTIICAMOUNA. garmere'llk o?fluelts Co_pallllk of the 61- of Et.l:maiina 2 Harmer, Runk Lanctottor par:liant Of Booth Tharolina...- 2 I:arenent' of grading parlHank of Charleston.. ' 2 Iturtu.BkofitehnylkillCodtar Planter,' A tiechaniee Bit 2 Var.& Dior. Waymeburn Xtl OF.l.4ttilA. Franklm Elk, M whit:talon r• . Atimmta Ins. 6 Banking Co 2 Harrisburg Bank. N Bank of Augusta..._.-...,... lb lloneettalo Bank.-- ..... .- 'l s Bit of Et . ..digt,_ Aaana6g 3 Lamastur flank par TENNMIHK. Laucaeter Count, Bank. -raw All aoleent h00k..._.....__. 3 Lebanon Bank par ' KENTHCFLY. Miners Bank of Pottagille - X Ilkof Kentucky. Inolgaille 3lnnungslela flank par Ilk of Loolmille, Thurston, X ' Wed Braneh Bank X Northern .11k of Kentorkg X Wyomom Ilk;Milkeaballepar goutbern Ilk or licatorkl N York 1tg01..-....._* .. ...... ..,,, - 311g6011D1. • Melte( Note, nßk of Rale of 3ltaeourL...-X 00111,1 ILLINOIS,. Ohio State Bank „state flank and branehra.--50 Branch ut Akron._- An Mu* of 11110o1e Branch at Athem.--.........d0 WinCON§IN. Branch at Bridgeport- ....do Marine A Fire Ina. Co. ehka 6 Branch at Chllksethe do MIL:MILIAN. Brooch M Cleveland do Farmer,' Mechanic , ' flank 3 Branch at Toledo.. ....... -..dolGoattnnuent !Honk flank- 3 Branch at Day t0m....----dolPenthau tar Bank 3 Branch at Delaware_ do I eel:tram. Clanpany-, . 3 unmet, at Columba. ..... -.do tiara Bank 3 ilmulth at AA:Mahal.- doh CANADA- Branch at Sale., tio t llk. of It. N. Amoral, Tortentos linnet, at Nlandleld do Bank of the People, Tontota6 Bran-.h at Hinter do Bank of Montreal Branrb at Ciurinnati... ...... do Bank of 11. Canada. Toronto Ilmneh at Colombo,- ..... .do BAHTERN EXCIIANUt. .Branch at Waehlngton......do On Now fork (nrem):.- , ... 34 Branch at Cadiz.-- r ........ .do int i'llitadelphts d0..-........ t . linnet, at Laneamer.. doitht Baltimore dn.....-.• -Ng Branch of M t. WESTERN ENCIIAN(111. Branch at Mt. Veroon---do Cincinnati ....... -........_.,t..1 Branch at Newark do Latogreille....... ........... :-.....1 1 1t 0 Z1 1 1; s o l'.; ' ,LT . ,Te :1;:;1`, ) , 1 11.1• 1 :f4 0 p71 . ; ( i - i i h r. ..‘ A '.17 .16,00 Branch at 'f - do do 1 . 41.01.....-...1i , ,A Brandt at 910. Plomant-....dr, Faale, old Ilrartelt at Zaursville... ..... do Vaal, now • id . .tre Branch at Norwdk ..... ......do Frederi,kftrum.-....... Branch at Piqua do Ten Thalem • Branch at Portatomob ..... dt,Guitoma...- ...... Branch at Hiton-t...-.....tt0 goveralgtif......, Brands aPitavenuo...... ..... do Too fluildere.. thaturivit Chillirothe-........d0 Napoleon, brawl at Cuyahoga- to 1n0.m.a..-. Ltrineb at Wien, ITICEB AND Eir err. n. 111LEINF..1: F. thinlo .E 111 /e 1 Se ti Fe P vr. SIOO.IV I 104U1 , 11'101; . • . .. • Da. mi,ltaur Co l'lttmburgh city Vs Do. o. I . • AlDgbDu. rur eitY 6. .. PllO.- r./4 , 1r. lima of 1 . 10..1.ur5;h... ,lerehautee and , fattur. Hank._ rarliamitt Batik ..... . . Dank of 81 , 31.1.111.. . . AlleghenrSasin,cs 4 Dank. . .1,„ Dridga Ziortlxt•ni Litortir.. . 111111.2mopOTI. DM V•• • • ' • VIKCIANCL. Went.= Inour.u, Cittnine Lana ram, /4,..1411.1 Elreut au tl Atlantic Ohio (Illtiasch lo lattclairprhancinnall Loolt,lll, Lake Eli, Una • MNdigCle 3lononnahela Youablenheny nlackwater . ... .... andn Flo,as Lao GNU slam. Penn's. Central Ball Oran t Rail R00d_....._...... Cle eland.d Pittabargh Rail Rand— Ilraddrak's Fi er ed Dona Dram (aural _Lone, loldl Do. dn. Dlr.) Payette 31anull Oa. c 01.14.5 Pitt.4Anl A llostun North 'Atorrimn North Ire.t. Eon. 17 unth O on hosren N 4 cstrrn Ilaughton'n. ........... Narhock.— BALES 0? 5 4 sbams saak YiU4Oassh•-- POrepaciive, and Painting in On. Mit.ll it.• SMITH is nem prepared' to give liaitructi , ;l7l to a kw' papal in tGe thfrerent bindle+ delltttlul art. 24 big re..ruy .11wtm ttaL6 t Atkivetr's Wee, -betsrern Watt sad Huta Went. floors or Instroclion. frost 2.4 to 4:50.1 hot% tS' to Pi sr. • 12mres.. and dberps.riptiors son Ov ttottr (!arrnooolla the.ltaSlS. • Hofer to Dr. Oulu. or Dr. Addison. Jo!'..t.dtf KERS' OIL-25 brls for sale by • Ti , :=s • HOBNOB. LAMS CO ItOR ::.7.;-:..:0-A-.X:;TT7.:.F..-,.-7:-._: COMMERCIAL. Pittabilaard , of Trade. YEBRUARY PriTECBITAGE MEM. ' Oma, Prriadixtote (iasrrtv, t , • 'faraday morainic Feb. 10.111.61. f tla *Anther qu'aatastlsi aria mold sad **oat fu cut. &rat buituera. hut tbesuatirat seueraliy war au/at...lth tth miW., tad thasta.A. quotations. ' . FLOVll—Thehrhate been co arrival.] of one...alum" fur seitria dart 'Fist, abd milea vela rout tied to mall lota at 104400U11000, oos f7,thg0.50 mt the wharf and ftt •roo , - <4 and from Apra in dray load iota at 04U for soot and 63. 7 / 1 /233,:5 ita• extra ',nude. riithri,—Very Wale is manias fartrard. e.tel W. have tea linaltaL villa so gauge from lath aucthththc 01WORK11.9—We notice only • moderate barium doing at atlady prier" W. guide 1.C.0, .agar at a rau.e off CO tilaNe for COSIIIOII fair. and vitae. qualities 3fehumes fitratti f oot, with .ta..t olgt4tftti"O to titt . 000 tit trade, Coilee is rtatkalary at 1tt t i , 34 2 %! prime 100 ...dictating to term. notice • tootinos4. foul= Inih• Darker, at full Silicon. Sales thooks ..boulthxs 'toil sitiotAro scan, witti Woo of the Ilorubor ql stie„ 54 aid oft latter at felt • TIETHD llEET—Faleitof 11 tc., in lota, nt!lC 2 Sbia" . o are moderate. • EWA MEAT—Haler 14000 Ike, country , out, at 4% for thonklerg 5% to" older, sad tllj Err Lama, la moo., ami of 40 0 Ho at t% $5% and an on terms amairstent to oath, LABD—Eales of Z 3 bbl. 73., mid of 14 hbls at 7.4(g:}: "'6uppilo. «a ronillirtalrely lisbt. zurr.tu—n. maket cantina. dull, with full mirtilbs Eilon ate:airing In small told at113,1330,10mir auoIAIH Miami from 11 to 12412..ti0 CHEESE—The market io oUlek with val. of good cam s= W. It. at 6.Vb) Otani of or ram W. Elie . 011.4.-1,3m.1 I. selling at 93001 Sll No. 1150 at fib, and N 0.2 do at 000 'gallon. SHEDSb-The mart. roothnica Pratt) firm. with further do afelorer acrd .1 15,73 5 1 h.. 11. 0 0000.4 Is bo l d at 11.40.kilmohrl, and [Mire. Nothing doing In timrihr. market ie miler, and pricer am Pretty well maintairmi. Thr Ibllowing are the rornent ruling rat. with =all Weir •alrann SthakiSitth rhlnt 111 i No. errl 1113, No 219,304.10, am/ N 0.3 at Si,ba? bbL Bal. of toning of VV. of lake Bob at 17, and of rod fish n • 011EAHE—Salre of 18 bbla MIN ? bbl. DIIIED -FAVlT—Apples are ..ezre:. with amalf saieetroth store et 80r. Peltehrt• air In fair euPPir. with Wee Ingham al 111373e1.44 bu. • TALLOW—Qutte .- fair bodiless her bean doing at I@ 7% fur mutant end beet tallow. POTATOES—SuriSIcs am becoming .11glit, acoal price. lmpterrlng. troAnote al 05 for Nenharatocki,et 15 fur red.. The production of gold and .lire, In lb. Republic of Moxleo hay orrlvnt to • stain of groiporlty unknown In format eirYlla, and this prusperity would yet be more cotuddivably If 11.4 high primot quirk ellYnre. ..`err 0.13 . olotaele to the eitracll,. .1 - the ether from tbe Mferfor olio taken from the w hmmrdlug to thr repent pro. rented w tbo Mobloan Congrese by the Htuhier of Rinmioe laltr..Y. It •1 , 1.11 r s that - in the It montlhe tram thelet of Jannagy.lBllb m thallOth June. 1440. lber total alnutllll. of gold and env, eolue.l In thabaluty. without toeludnuf that lo alder). none erin dmheed doting that per). 4. way an follow.. 11.14. Ch ..... litmrataora-- . .. . . . • -• • • .. 1i.1...1.1... C. 1 . ,.... .... -.- LoG.Im 11.15.11 5 (W.W.1., KA UV. lo.ntitmo 11.. , 314,4 1 0 3..... 125.4.1) 2.410,7711 2X4lttg'S MD L... 1.....!.............- 2„4241. 1 2..2,W) - 7.1N,Y0 .1.11.020 • 3.9.57 I;4okt= .....317,571 7 V,:;14 193t1.878 °Mg:: 51.Z51.41d 27.0 s9sh Adding now'. Ms rum taw or tan Whims of dollars grribe riser els and • rod( Willow that. armoring to mr tarn data, are lett unearned. nod which. lo virtue or pcn minnow or Ire (nulaulkskily exported. the neult L. the trid., amount extrechel daring ihr 1.+1 ,4 at." .it. 4 *semis X.11.11d0.0D0. • bi- Loan, Jau. ZO. The welt*, continue. luieneely cold, and heavy & l. of Onsting lee WI tb• elver arreeltothiweltr. The Wyatt,. big arrived yeeterdar fn. ketkuk. At a Lae hour last Thethe Lad.' and St. Paul arrived Atm Now Orleszw. The aMeere of Wane WO,.reittrt runultnt hairy below. Utak. the weather meditate, In twenty tour hours. Isar a nation nient the whets trout anf quarter be entirely euspentlen,—lllernb• • Irx% or TUC Gov. nerGor.—.l despateb was lred In this dry testenlay, Oahu, that the Oaten.. helots. thoewav w y sf r .ink o n l e a o r th to s o C wow gd h av h n e I tw n ohnpesr io— fom what muss I. not ttated. The Gowen:ow Beluga was (refuted withicult and lard, • few bomb at whiolt wen , thrownweerboord e with • hope of arm, the boat, bot to no pumas. The Wins wens saved, without to cargo. The Mut Is okl bot, and valued at al ' uttnU. —tot. Molt //spud PORT OF PITTSBURGH 4RILTVED. Slid:Lilian. Brim Ns ' licaver,(kenlno. Bearer. /Atl an4llk .tic. tiara/room. Bennett.lllinernartila. J. deli a. Ileruldelarea. McKeesport. 'Shan Fabried, Wile Wed N 0.,. Ilibernia No. J, Batch y, elor. Cludrusali laiendablp,.Canelnaint. Elisabeth. • Pilpi CnLia L llodringpart.: •ttur==tll*Ltil i llatr ee /reale, lade% ' • Empress. Cam Zanaarille. • I.YP SliehliduL. Dries. linend. liesver,Secoloo. Bearer. • Baltic. Waned. Brownreille. /Weak, Parkinerg. Drirernerillo. J. McKee. liendeirkann. SirK•raport., Clipper no. 2. bard. Clorinnatl. Cdurablan, Naoh,lll, Jae. near. Moore. Warding. Sirs..-nger Slither. Clndrinati. Friradehlp. Par. andornili. Capriar.lladets. Yew Orin... tIOATS LEAVOO TIDE DAY NASQI7LLE—SIaiYnri . IDA A. lIEELING—DintaaI 10 • it IIOCKINUPORT—PiIot Na. 2, 2 1. X WEL I.OV.ILLE-10,e1110. 10 •- X LOVlSrn.Lr..—Navlaxtrtr. 10 k. X. 'LOUIS— Emu Newton, 10. 0 . lit DEPORTS BZ RIVER. WHEELING—BaIIa.. Bablett—Z bbis ale. 33 Phil. lad, Baker t Forsyth: bbl. al, 2 bales hope, 0 empty I‘,o W Smith: 1 rsk wire, J Bandolier . 14 bre lard, W Wrioltues t (748 81 baa wiled, Wilk/myth a Noble: IPl i 3. bulk meat. 31 Martin, 14 empty oil WA, Ogden t tbmw. dem 3 bhlo 1 be