I EZtA DI A FrAO DOllf4 7, - .,....,, ----- 7.4 - ---- ----- - - 7 ---, - - , -- cx , r7,•;... , 7 Ifigljtaiihr# 7 ,o4l - 3 - Clit r For egMq Austhsll4l.iithaltsistighial Condition tuer ; oddeti ;14 the: fowl of lie mem •• fa 17.0, C a Pl a 4 i goWis InPnartalized SS lipanißter,Or,47 - ill/46,4 4 Obgerved en the Eitaterti coast • ltal!er, whosirshopai were covered With avarfety of bei a -41.'114 trial 2 lthealled the • place llotanYii 1'; ' T Oll ll4l it ens endeared by a...awl:thous or deli lit' ---th es itltrame is repulsive, us tinseled •tp a sinle • oreriiae. :After this vortgetiemmnts of pre tfikthiWn'ttouthery land were circulated thine h-, out Europe. •It was at this unhappy period t the oligarchy. ; of • England, blinded •by sci - - Fis 4 M abandaned • her • interests and to the . _ brighrest •;,,Matel a her empire. The Ameri an milonieS„revolting under•oppressiou, proclai ed their independence, and the mother State Irsiine; . cite. :froze her biisom the eldest Child ehe had • nuiteredffwent-forth again to seek - et - lime' Ite for bee 'offapring lie . - tlie." . waste - places of the l ie world. Al, Australian' settlement was proje d, fOr the rceeption of. convicted felons, . A u ape. ditiou wee at once equip! 'lt consisted of two i ~,+. : oil sear, Six transports, and three B ere ships, -OW board was (did male mid liii fn' ale ( conefeter.:l6o marines with their emcees an the usual emnphamtut of crewel• - •Provisiona, too ire plemente, i and - materials were provided. nr [hailed withits load of crime, the squadron sr ead sail. tor the... Unknown Southern Land." TEM exjleditien reached the eliures of A It.- , 1A110311139 . , 1788; A A:lgor, named•Jac son, diss..Wurel through a gip in the line of cliff the - magnificeUt harbor named in honor or its di. cur erer.:,-.. Thb i•ituation was preferred to that o Bo tanyillajql the boats were instated, and the peo ple-upppridout of them, literally under tL ells dow Id a - forest : All was wild and silent. The tenta iicre, pitched, an encampment, was a .g - ed, the axe and spade were set to work, an the • English n3lllO Itlld ' UfttiOLlMere for the first tiwe established in Australia. On that distant ore, 11. X plotlieff with dreary woods, there nowt; ands the Xapitilt of a great colony, a prosperous city, embellished with 'beautiful etructurea, 1 opu- . 10n.4 and 'xich, and stamped with the imp of civilizaticm. - Scarcely sixty-twoyears, the ore; . liar{ elapSed since the birth of a colony now .ut riv"i4g. in the ripid-growth of its impo one, every Otter ititbe world. ' • • • lint New South Wales did not epring--it trug : Bled into' prosperity.. The early years of i s ex-' • istehce were full of trouble. The gealities • f the soil were not understood; the crops were uty; theleonvieterwere idle and greedy; the mi 'tail , were insubordinate; supplies arrived 'at t intervals, exid the hopes of the settlers we de • prepred,bpthe dread of famine. Scarcit and disease made havoc among them, and beta foin • months had paised, a gallows eastits ill o •.enecl -: shellow over the birth place of Sydney° A outh, 'onljr seventeen years of age, stained. the nt . city with crime; ail:twee cut off ••in the 1 d ‘ of • • prandse" by the bands of the hangman- oth er Imiserable creature, during a time• of waiit,, onillinied eight pounds of Hour cakes at meal, and. died Of•enrfelt. Others, sharing th igno rmice of mare educated classes in - Englan , con ceiinsi ttua.lilea of escape , by traveling oser and to China: • They started on their journey, an were neter Moro heard ill'. Probably they we killed . . blithe natives; but possibly;4:irlso. Someecame domesti n' cated among the, and relapsed i to the .dage state of life. Reeently, it is well own, . Swine =Dom did sce; on the coast above 3 oreton Ildy.'4 The colony struggled for existenceduring nanny years - . e- . . ih setlemenkwas founded at Norfolk Is nd, to relieve 5,44110 from some - Of its convict opula•-• . adn; but, inmite of every exertion, the 4entuty 41/MT M' a close while New South Wales was in ' . this Meist unpromising condition. Del ded by, • 'reams . ,of sadden fortune, many spent th - time' ittima'unprofitable stswelijor gold. On of the ,• ennviets, noticing the passion of his com ,onions ' resolved ;to pridit by it. With a guine and a briar bickle he mantifacttired a opeciro of 0r,., aid declared he hadfound it near the hill . The .fund was detected,. instead' of the re a nd be laoked for, the former received to flo • g, and, afterward committingamOre serious odic se, end edhislife on the - Scaffold. _Acontrast bet e on the 1 . condition of the colony during the first ears of ' its establishment with itipresent state, - splays 11 remarkable result. - Four years after e land ing at Port Jackson,,thepublic stock consicted of One' aged Stallion, two colts, sixteen Own, two daises, one rim, fifty CIICM, .12. 1:13311., one boar, fourteen sows and twenty two pig.. t Para- Matta, near Sydney, there were three undred acres cultivated with Indian corn fo with four With wheat, air with barley, ono oats,' four: with tines, and eighty ids laid out in • gardens,. besides seventeen belonginriti the tool . . 1 In all, therefore, there were ltd animals fed; and 458 acres tilled. -Before 1F.,35, about 17,000,- • • 000.1155. of wool had been .ehippeti from New South Wales: which new contains • ntwut 6,000,- - . tit eheep, more them 100,000 hots. a st.rly 1.- 1 t,ooo.enttlo, and pigs beyond c al _tion.— At . 3 b0u3,000 sheep, and 10,000 cattle slough. ~, • iered annually, producing more than t. ,000 cwt. l ef tallow. 100,000 acres are under' cultira : ;data they - produce nearly 2,000,000 rsbels of 'grain, and more than 60,01 X) inns of potatoes, tobacco, and luty. From such small beginnings • has New South Wales risen to this itsition.— IA iketeli of its extent and resources m y explain the rapid progress.—Sharpe's ~,..iroyarinf. . . . Prom the Ohio e. Hirai., admen , 8 MUSS OF TANKING. This imprmement, of which mention was made in our Itist, will speedily work a revolution in the lansiumis of tanning, and lea matter of eta cdent importancito deserve a little fur her space in - our columns. Mr. C. L. Whiting, of theifirui of Vint sa, Wright & Whiling; of Licking county, 0., exhibit.' to us a few days eitiCe, specimens of shedp and calf skins tanned by this process; and n quality - i wan such as tol fully corroborate al that has been . ttaid in'. - favor -of the invention Two of, three gentlemen are experienced' tan s rs, and as . • proof of their confidence in its value after full investigation and trial, they have pu ch ased of the: roprietor of the patent, the exel ire right to malt and rend this leather in the counties of Licking, Fairfield, Perry, Knox, Waynle.,Addrintl, Richland, liotrum, and Marion. Thtly have xl • ready pot three Wumerivi in operntiori, and have ';ten or twelve thousand skins in the inmeness of : tanning and finishing. It is confidently believe,' -thatthese gspitlemen, with ordinary care in inini ' no*. Will in a few . years, make Innldsome for tunes out of this business; as the sup4rior quali ,ty of the leather most secure it the 1 ference as ; soon as it bccmnes known. A. number of practical tanners of Columbus, Mid. Several from other.parts of the sitate, have ,for_several.weeks past been engaget. in testing : and investigating this process of tanning, as ex , plain.' to them' by Ansel Frost, Doll, the pro- , prietor of the patent, and as far as wd can learn, I they are all firmly Convinced that trial has been claimed for it. is true, to win that toly about ' one-sixth of the natal time is required for tan ning—that, the 'quality of leather produced is vastly superior to any ever before ofinred in the American - markets, including the Choicest French ' and' Turkish branda—that a . saving t f 20 to 21 per - cent of the' cost of tanning materials effect ed—and that the process is applicible to all kinds erskins and leather, including e heaviest g -article Of sole and harness. • The atest skep tics have only to 'investigate them der to lx • come convinced that this -process is destined M . revolutionize the whole business of to 'lig ; and alio Mitt only about one : fifth of he present mid= of tanneries wilt be rev ' when thin ;' process has become general. • By - this 'process the hair or wtsal" from the skins by chemical conipm . 1 ' effects that object in one-fifth the ti requiVedi and the Materials of this so counteract the deleterious effects separately have upon the Ain, that in combination they secure the s tion of the hair or wool without in . operating iniutionsly on the texture a j ' By this paeans-the offensive and tedi of liming Gating and droghing Is skin mid the best cmilition that a skin c . tanning iswhen itisfreslifromthe ha '. imal; as the natural grease of the s s' need to be kited by lime, as in the this - improvement aline is worth m who use it, than the cost of the who It a t,the greateettaert t of theme,/ ' gists . in the use of chemical cram . plumps up or opens the pores of th as yeast acts upon dough; no that • miteriali ' being.present in the vat, ' die skin; and thee. material being strength in absorbed, the tanning and perfectly accomplished. The for the tanning process may he v f 4 sixty days, according to the t kind or leather. The skins are from one vat to another—only th the liquid needs to be renewed as require. ! 'l We are assured by . competent jai I latestigated the bus i ness, that the 'I 1 id strictly in accordance with the I ist its =Atilt operandi and the clfer ' A Lval Curiosity.—The other d perior •Court of New York, a Cans i argument, when the defendant's an. dneed to the Court in the shape o. of some six thousand folios: Judge, • 01 the document and then gnooely e •it had by all means better be sent I pair Ita ft specimen of 'American iu jndielar bon toot was considered a .tiY the mammoth answer, no Artesian well at Charleat reached a depth of one thowand intended to go still deeper. The indicifite that water in abundance . • 1 1 The total amount of receipts b toil liational.:Dloatintent Alms:int '9F I 4 18 60 use 3 '0 16 59 b and al . ' oht duriaithe ronteperiocl aid*: i . ; 0111 0.tiee, was $32,31444. , .. , !TO CONTRACTORS t wp Bid osA..i.,Scr Erectzpg; n I .14#0.12.1pen tiOnW foie, A lleobtsayopuftente e Watt In tllo.lfllltY %Vara of the' cityorrittebusata. to •pleas of the 000000000 ..13UT deAtrtly,d by ere. PEprAd. En he feceleed 00 the place of Jacob Painter • 111., Liberty greet. nutit the lot der of !lamb nee for the ereetloo pf the alma &nadir" Leiden the palm fixeren( to be them= as the SlotactSelfein Imd" yUL curt afteratiolux sa bidders ulay 100 rpoet and the di order aril. Board of Intrel.t. feblallf • Y. Lllttltea.. Prowl. Pro. D:(1:006:S - Wq0:V4: 1 -1 -1 /( 0 ):ri . , "PROPOSALS will be received by the under - A. , stan..l; Until the Itith day of VetirnacT twat for d , "' couststion of Nine locks alai Dams in ch annel ve . or for won i .er More of thein.and fir clearing the oitimber. mit the banks of trees waning over the chazowl. The Dame will 'average =St feet long. and will to la to Vilna high, with a base of 50 Gel In width. The Lock Mirkl be 190 feet oboewl SU Sot w with wale I rgi Pe lusAlo feet he einuti of t hedamn with grunt wallls4lfeet tang, 10 foot thick. amt of the mho beictit out the luck walls. The Lneu obi lA.. tn be. lu7 ,.. =alay to the pIaM and of lbw o f hrler partkularly and deetwileslio lbo Mort o tylvanua Lulentp, o i4ritowvma. a copy of which will to frond with the propiletore of stuth new. town as publish Ude sioner. to which cern..nee lii Emile for ware ran and to infiewiedOw The molt t t o e completed by let Jarmary.lBll4,. tiniest thhook! to retarded by tinneusllyalet , and thsrefont ounworalde mown. Cntra-tore rll I be re— Oared to glee want:lstory 'enmity far the emotructlan of ' the ltaproveineut. Seineanitual cash tottocols will be made to coutreetore as the work phigresees. The witopany reserve. the nada of accepting the mo: Scents deem beet fer its or seal the early cumpletion of the entire ,21ork. , Of odor or Ilt . M ELL , Sweeter" or AfieLDock River Plot Wider Nitit i le z tlof , igo, Columbao Teen. --- Prqixt' saLs for BiOnninOt ll3 OoaL (a EALSO PROPOSALS will he received at 4,..7 the Philadelphia aim Worit,M4i=l7 w , lAg r yv ricligartillfrirlgliAll ;OR S (01Al, Imitable fur tbe manufacture of Sias. to bg dent's.] at the Coal Moroi at the liar Wuxi, ear • . 1000 1001 , LI Ibe 15th of April, 1000 do In the mouth of sloy, 1500 do do J 111...% WO do d o n July. IWO du d doo Aulnud. MOO do tteptember, stra) do Jo October. ;.wet do do November. The Coils taunt be nrin, clean. and dry, and of a duality :1 to be epprored try the Engineer. The proposes must MIA the particular variety of tool it Is lutouded to fungal: auk If id terra{ not Woe wool id those Works, ratobles for tetaf evil be required:previous to the time of opening the prow rel. The pr ton of 2040 pounds will to eonsideredge the weight lntruded lb . h proposals. unkreotherwboesprmolY elated, mud If it b preferred to deliver by catwoM, ttw Shoot bushel of OM cubic inches will bo used. In cave of • fillore to deliver the nod according to epreenactit,theirUo tees of the Gas Works reorre the tight to purchare an ' ever tbey may deem tette and charge to the contractor an Soot oe damp cruwequent on !melt failure. The parmot4 - .in be made tn 0.0 equal Instalments, nt 4 and 6 months rafter thersperigedperlodeof delivery, thelsth of each month ' to be When as the al/envoi the monthly delivery,. at the option of the Trwtees i pay meats will lo soh. with legal mused deducted: _ .glitartre '- aaractor prefer to deliver the Cad (licher then n•quirrol. lc. hilt he received, het P t meats Bill b mode to date froth the tune entente". Irac, .1-on:eon, %cruelt , y m Ol. fultUlthent of the run 'llibe r'qui'd* .715111,1 C. CREOSON, Engineer. PAIT.ADIA.PICIA (lot Woe., San. 11. 1111. jut-4lutO • . : .. PROPOSALS FOR STAXI'S. NV Omer DCP/ITYLIT, SM. , . Jant 111, I . pROPOSALS will be received at this De: : portutent mild the 4th daeof 3/ireh wet, for firpoleiti ug ttarotre for thy taw of the VOett Wove of rho United ;Rates for four yeses fro= the Med der of April ; ordered by the Department. of the follow.. deseriptio.4, hie:— ...The name of the once and State do circular form. cut from a mild block or hanlenod steel. and ramie ln nigh 3uner re to admit of letters and Pinta , M &dlr.. the mnth and day, with a thumb screw to ter, oath lettere end timares in place. Pugh stamp. end the letters coml .. 'lag the maw. to be of the tame sue as t h ose mow mann. lectured and in um. A turned mahogany handle of Ike •tame like site, to be securely fattened to mid stamp. Th e months of the „rear abbreviated so no to Pentair but three letters earth. of tbe same sice now in um and to be cut from solid blocks of hardened steel. rigor.. low the days of the .inunth. from 1 to 31. inclurive,to be mule of like hardened •inetal. and of the site last aforesaid. . Also, damps with the words "rid" and 'lre." of Na tam of those now in usee ALo, Mune with Proem denoting the rate of postage, and Silllllll2 those now Inure. All of th toe above strom• to lie made of hardened Merl. The propterb. min alsocautaln e.t.a. bide for the cir cular stamp, with the months and figures. ,_ Also, Mr each swag. Plod , almAlKl 3 ff the 33 ." m u* tiding of three letters. him, for each separate piece fa the day, of the. month- Alm. tor complete erte of Months rod Wren Also. for each separate plrce with the words ''palor and "lg" Also, for each madam piece with the figures denoting the rates of partake. The meth= of the thfferent pets will ' not, however. he given to different controdor, but the proposal for the whole which me deemed most favorable to . Department will be arcepted. The Department re ...cries to inwif the mght to rash all proposal. if the Mae is doomed CIIIIIMMIEL. Predawn+ of the carious kinds of damps remained nub. • emu at the appointment alb. of this Depart/mut. • mia... - ollawn. N. K KALI. Produmeter 'General. Proposals for Chain. Cable Iron. 0.- Nave Annals Orran WASUIXIVION January 33, lea. Q BALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, en kJ dorsrd ...that...orl for chain cable ingt." will he re eelred at this °filer until coma of Mond.d. the 20th geom. try texts tot farnidang and .g at the Nary Volt at Wmhingtort. Ihdlirt of Columbia. all the chain cable ' ion mentioned in the runORAZIR table. Ili: _ - I t- I E of !mule., runsbe. MEM= ItE iTEKI :,A.EW'"" ; Total. Etaktft - I Ail the afirmaid chain cable 'l,n most be of the very hest qmolity of Aserimiswot lad., ha. from. admix ture of foreign iront WM% be hammered froth Wawa In to ruugh tam That (or the finiteet [lmo le piled, mid rolled to about an Inch in tido - k lnn now, thee again cut, Old, and rolled to the required Fire", mud. r ot to th e required lenpthe. nod portion for the ohacklvoririvele, loos, sue noun:lmi all he wrought under the betconor to . elm and shapes which will to tarnished to the contractor. 'the whole mutt he &Arendt/I Sniff ht lengths, fr.. from all !lowa, merged roil. or edger. or other defeetw sthjece to ouch tinsels foot beets as the Bureau of eNmettntion. fiquite used. and Repair Limy ohm!. and le in all tremolo to the e ntire malefaction sal sponse of the colummlant of the d.avy'Tard &tweak!. ur it will not he modest toe leilt Ireany part of the coed Imo be sohneted tneeel, and 'proof eatioracturyero lenee nrodueol to the meld command ant that it bus teen m.utarturwl es hereinteres ramie 1 rd. Tivantlty reqnlred to makie onethinl of the dB , two rased cables tund. he &Beene' on or tato, the hoot yof June next Ts another Child of all ...aid es hire or before the hot day of alsoler met • awl ' the itu skirt on or tete, the thirtidiSt of Liiremivor ' Pe. AO , d,lrects off offelion to fornieh the raid Inn tehould any further Information toe required tn.' enable them to make their oat:seam . refer , ' to the sommandant or rommandhno caber of the Nary lard at Washington, District of Colombia- To the perm. widen ma -offer y ompital particular whedolevi drawings, and models deerriPtire of the Per. and portions of esch kind of inin reeinlted will be.prulab -01. when the ma tract le posers! for executionAtul to wh the pad Wen must conform. 1)11100 seders& the quantlti required. and the Phew Sated lanai, and the aggregate amount of the I oder given and savisi out. Ajnirol44 ann.n equal to the stlearawl amount of the contract will Is requlreil in the matter wit Wirth in that hrotrament, and ten perrentUM In addillota will bewithheld •Irtin the snount of fish payment ose collateral rernett) for the faithful performers...of the footrace Ninety per sub um of each delivery will be pal d br the Nan . Ahent at WaeLiu,iiten within thirty days alter the preen of WI, to llicate, approved by the curamanelaut of the raid havy Everf offer must he &tromp:ailed by • writteo gMaantr. . She reepousibility of the or ior ur guar.." to guarantee milled to by a navy went Other MHOS . peraon, or by one [nowt. to the 13.13VALU of Conetructum,aed th at' t e ne offer be accep4d, the bidder or bidders will, within Ldays after the 'mint of the contract at the pet nine' deolguatol, execute the nano, with goat end indlldent theto Welsh the thaln cable iron, agreeably to the terms welted this siestas:o.S, or which niaty be embodied In the contrue The law of the 10th of August, 11501, CAUL , the reuelderatlon of all proposals not acconie. pealed by each guaranty. Lindero are particularly cautioned to coders their eters e require; that they may 1..1W-in...hot from other booboo kites, lei order to prevent their Wolf opened before the day appointed. All offers not male lac strict oonformlty With this iadi enne.eynent, fn every perticular. will be sonsidered or nee jested. at the option of tile Bureau of Construrtude &Stiff meet and Repair. The person whose offer may he accepted will be needled and • contract forwarded without linnets tarydelay. Potions offering one directed to designate the poet lace through which they desire to to addriaml fo and the navy agent to whom the contract shall be sea r execution.— And yip nand to mate their bide according to the term hereto annend. J- Ile 1-A=lU/ff. Navy Agent. is removed t' on which ,e usually ~ mpotntion Ithey would when used y berm, laity degree ~ ithe leather. us process .ed with— /Wet kf un ,ff,r. • I hereby agree US funaleb and debtor at the Navy Yard of llmhington. Itimrict of flolunibin, in conformity with the Irma of the n a lvertisement front the Plaxy Agent% ogle, M AVanbingt., of Me tat dm of hammy, 1.111, .004.122 ibs. of obsln mak iron of the rery ben nullity of American manufmium. at the ram of rento per lb. Mounting to If my Mier ba accpted, desire to to addremod through the post ogle° and be cootraet to be mot to the 0. 0 1 agent at --- for execution. • Vety reepectfally. Jour Math , . comma, 1 A. B. be in for k theotan - • does not lid eystent; re to those patent.'; CO 111I I I mid vita 1 skin nearly Ithe tanning • t once enter dant to the is speedily me required ied from one ickueis am" ot changed strength of ovion may os. To J. 11. Lorna'', FA) , We =ltainde Ayy Ttigneoh. morden t, KvW t. of ----, to the Stole of het b e guaranty that, in cane the foregoing bid of be strepteci, --- will, within ten...toys after the t o of the contract at the port °nice deolottab col, execute the MOP, with good an./ Ilakirla 'sureties, to fornioh the chain cable irtai therein specified, in conformity with the terms of the wirettioement ander whirl the oakt ..LW wits ntille. that x te the loot mr 4nowil oi leieneed and u 17.11., Ii eel Attrnt. Ccorelope le be eniiirred "' , conceals for chitin cable iron." isthollw4T CAPITAIJETS MAKE NOTICE. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR A GOOD IN% EMItNT —llie lber offer fol. oar all tut Valuable ...sty RUNi tI onDr curter of Holliday' and rliwwint ruildniing rbstri 7 f 0w... 4 U. ' buudint guano fort of ground,roudzirming at WE corner Hollidsi and I,dritiont pima, Madrid f.nr i k.„..! fmt. then writ M fert„ then north Al *rt. thin n. 7 1. ,bl r:ibi=ritit77VgiVk 'thw V . VtlntaVV/ I d bibt Hum thin fsebtiir ' n routh fmt Pleitrant rtrt, trw , t to Um trair of beginning LI P.n. (Lb. andtios. Improved by a LuT,e and ...Mod.. and Om*. %unitarian,. budt td suhrtintlal 1:1111M1 t g Jr the best mairrtals and workmanship, and • cututatablo hrirk Diddling, with • largo iterdru. Tha f tizrZtVride fmt nesparlth a T0 0 ttd.,....5: ar Lott thrugthroe a ou. I tier ts shirr. it has to ounremenos. and path for rimming on a very etll., bruin... to tor-wins drirritig • toes. Uon fur a Forwarding bd. du era of burl or. Baltituoreaul rimybu. flatbot, d mor,7 ta • taw °ppm . ..mill haring an d on North !Let of i 5 Hat for the entrszeo of it-track., wrukt arrstrumi•late Wee forwroling tionms, with rrturntrark uv riearant Ansa. If tarerraarr. Any faith.. I Wormalln e. be °biol..' of the .I• 14 PoLta. e.. 5 who herre hole proce .ical suknce producNl y in thc hu came OD Ur • Cr Pr° a document uer in peet ggc.ted that o the IN o a ustry ' The nry fair reply F. rt, 8 C. bag eet, nwl it 13 lateet bonzig ,armor. he very , pg. r. giliOK OF FIANOS. = 1 John 11. Mellor. Al Wocd stn., bat• :,.,".. , oat mated nom and soknalklamuruomt ‘ , , of llama% min opens ml mad' to rase. ~141 I i SYLENIRD WFT BOOKS, Leallga of Atetohri. tlrrat of HeatAT.o • Cathart of 'Went Art. Amaranth. YriandahlVe Waling:. IMArr Mom. Sam Mau. - Presbyt arhau Praha and - lipllll Moir. iMPVP".7"..!VnuerdiriiioNirrobilro az: - ekviuto a- ...; oferc.rth ' thelVai 'no dating the .atuotmtpud., baiW INSURANCE, Davi/are' MutialfigetY Laggalice Co. FIVE &rip tividepd4liidaied ttio Board w 4 lein. ts now nd st "fr r- Ir - I:Pwing porous are entitled In r.ap„tillideruL declared In 154 i and DOA. remaining In the ditiew.- and m od, ho wtonanalied fravrir -1847. 11: ) JacJ001)000on 00 1 Krasner 11.4 , 00 Bakerrell, PBS. d C0...10 VD Kinser UWlrrilJ C. aort----15 al Linton! Thor — ...AU 1.10 - Ca h w boob M.& Camille!! Thomas— .... AO 00 Mellor L k .1. thaw. W . U., • M. , Ou 14eNno Puna Co 5 Ou Doh. John Or Melkmakl DJ a D. a (>0.15 00 Drels James 11----. 6 00 31r4Nosidels {._L 40 CO Praline . . ... MI £000001). Lael 1.5,10 aloriJohn AO tar Poe .—......10 OU Uniham N. W.., .`..0 00 rustler . ... sln 10 00 Shoenber ti U.lO 00 How llrew ard Jas C 0.....--10 al Sottsuhn 600 Donor JIM.. 5 . 00 Rublitom Win:l4. fir0...15 0011tobitoon It Co .. .. On• flames P.. 0- ..... OU halstcm Juhu II 10 00 lily, John T 00 WhiOnnins P U Demon L. T..- OthWrialit John a Co—s;sillan 'Atwinkl, Jonesdllo 5 00 Hussey C.O. ..... .3-._....),V CO .leminder & Day .1U 00 Ilialett J. II 5 CO Illackmore nos— .-._ 5 Pi Klinelater)! 5 W ltradybi Beiul Iron - Co-.15 On Klmber J. V. &J. T 10 00 Butler J. W.& Ern .3.1 0i) ledlls lbw ' 10 00 Butler L. M. 11 . --..-...25 CO IJpidneoWirm.o You.-30 CO Unkewell, Pairs a Co--10 W lweas )I.E-- .... . ..... 21. MP Bidwell J. C. Aiet ..... ..0 Co MI conoeu.o.hoegeo a cote ~ IMotb A limey.-- 0 CO Llteb A 1.))....-...—. .... 35 CO Ilatnew MM.—. ..... —.4:4:1 . Li u t e ch onon t Ca t, . . 4 . , . c 0........ ............ 00 .. Blakely James. ti 00 Lucas M.?' CO 10 Itiughtim Wm.. 50 lat Isweli M. A limo_. .55 CO 1144an1 Oro. A Cunningham 11.10 6 OU Musser Fad. (rdhoun Jag M..-- .... .10 la) MeCinetwoo W.& R-.-. 15 OU Clark & Thaw -3) U 0 Me/U.O S.. A' Co 5 00 ,1=1,11.m....e:::::::;I: COo L'llt I.':)s..c.t . trii . .: .. :',l,T.' :Cuomo .1.11,...-...-....65 00 Mulvalsy A Led()) 1 5 00 lbmnpliell H. A. &Cu._ 5 Olt Miliormlck,Feetiest Co 31 00 Coleman, Ilailnumk Cwlo CO Mclntyre Wm 45 CO Calhoun flirted 05 oo Mills E. F.. 5.. ..10 00 Child. IL& Co. 6 00 Hamli n .F' 135 CO Carothers,lllll&r t b),...13 00 Memo A A. & Co 5 00 Collier E. D. it . F. 0 15 00 Moor, Itobt.._.-.5 SPO Cope W. It ' 15 00 Moreheed.Clipelandit Colo on Campbell num... —.35 CO Monis Lewis 46 CO. Dalsell, Levis A Co . 5 Oli Pennock, Mitchel A C 0... 504 t o A dm -10 Uo Palmer R.ll 5 CO Dairen ILL Co. 'V VO Pd., II 40 60 Pewit Ala .30 Wl PemisPl Standlsh---... 5 CO [HMIs .4.11 5 CO Phillip. J. a. ll. ..... 10 00 Dales John P- 65 00 Belot Ilerger °O 00 Daltell Jar 10 Ou Robb.= J. V.& W0n5...30 CO Ettultrh A Bennett.. ..... ti CO Robertson A Iteppert..-10 00 Eherbart Wm_ m oo enau 4.. 011.--...c.20 CO F ulton A don -10 00 Scott John & Cu. ..... J... oOu Fulton W. 1.1 si) 00 Semple &1110)el ..... ....... 5 00 Fanner Jae .3) CO Spang & Co . 60 110 Fisher Jas.& Y. 10 00 Smith Thomite 5 00 Oreenleel . :31 CO Inittiers 1) 5 00 llreen Daniel A.) 00 Thompson Joo 51 15 00 um a gi .as ea wino., Martino 3 ,„..1 ~ 0 0 4 , l4lyd:hos. J . .. 6 ... .. ..., i t CO Whits W i z . 'l5 OU 411,7 a. . 5 CO W.verleroh . 5W (lllMeirliim 10 00 Want Wm...._ .. .... ...., 5 00 +OOO Wood Jame* A ... 6 la/ Ilutehlion B. F..... ...... 55 00 Wool Jas. W 6 00 Hart Wm. li 400 Wwal & pushes- ........ 6 00 11uwarl Jou. L Co. ...... .. 5 00 110)dr, Ldwarlv A )11e. z . narlert•O.C...... .......... 60 00 Knight. Ihirs W. A' I: 5W Ilarba d lOOO Ilanmugh 5t .3000 W OhnAl . o 100 on, rmiti a c0..a0 00 Young Wm. P.--- ..... .4 00 Mardlw P. A. MADEELA., Agent, Pittsburgh. Marine, Fire, and Ithand•Tranipartation Iniutuice. HE Insurance Company of North America, PhilsAelphia--Clitteml 1104_ Capital 8.500.000. Amett Darr 13, 1551, 01.0014555 30. Will make Insurance on buildings and their mm 1009,111 this city and sicinity - , aLso on property or every descrbitiom Oilpped per Want boats mod other vereeLs, either by Inland tn.:LT000011 50 oroo the • ___ . Drill-Mr,. Aran. G. Coffin. Pre:t. Thor* P. Cop, faLIIIIIni W. Jour, John . Era. Edward EinsEh. Richard P. Wood, John A. Brown. Willi., Welsh, &mud F. Smith, Trawls Hoskins. Nunuel 'Brooks, E. Ansdn dlnhorm. Chasies Taylor, Wm. E. Bowen, Ambrose Whits. firomronL i nzall, , Jamb El. Thonms, E..lLartialralh, 11. D. Sherrerd_, ...W. TAM Is the ddrat Insurance Company In the WEI Stater . ars i d fr. %. _ _mrithriTslitinien';frr=i":ltr=, II mar be ommairred as offeirlia= r . rtiVa , the lab i le_ . . No. 141 Front armor . American Life and Health Insurance Co OF PHIIADELPIIIA.. Agent for Patetairgh. SAML. D. TO trLE, mime; Fifth st. slots Emithrleht Pamphlet. containing all ner.....er intomtmlitm ran to , obtained .t the dace tal7Ott Delaware Maud Safety Insurance Co., QFFICE, IN NORTIf ROOM OF TICE EX MANG E, on Thirds. Philadelphia , ba tollosing Matement , th. Altars of the Company. F 42 ra I. to —= ,PL7 ."10:f (v. b9V.I , Ottt 1 Marina and Inland Maks On hire MA. $300.929.11) • . . . Famed Premiums during the rem erulluir Se alms On Shrine 81114 Wend kileks ....-.. 111142:;0 . 2.17 Un Fire Kok.- tr.:MI-7S • , -4264 ~1,r2 Leak*, Exte.wele, Ate.. during the wine I_ -'...." --- Marine and Inland N.Liettitioe , Luwe.- 11-113 . Fit , . 1m r ~' . 6.21014 - {roll[ arel Lave 1.34.33 . Return Premium , —.- 1.0.14 • IteHanrrnno r rs u(6.0 . .t F.ipewes, Statkorry, 4391:1 • - Mia,Mll.7 I The )Meeta of the Guol4oT are ae folk.. • tk.b. 5t.u.k5..... and ur...1 it.a..._... ....... .1 4.716 M 412400 Unitedtade.l•l per erot Lc*. ...... --- 444000 l'euxamirsuil • • 20 ..1 5 14 $1:4•10 • re • " 12.M.7.5 V-MOUO Pialadel'aeity Sia •' • ._......_ :4,41.....1M V.M O Suring Mardru Six • • _. ..... ..-- 4,1541 M lu6 Marra W.nueylvalda Mall RONI OutoPaoy- , -- 0 - (4 . 00 70 • Unkm Booß of Teposlmm.. ...... .—_. 1.410.00 60 • • Ilerebaott ao4 lianaferturtroi Book. Pittatatr,46 ... 2-36000 6 • Flulolutobia and Harr...loll raeoßelau , Too Boot Compaof 260. 2 •,_ Pbaudelphla-Karlgauge Cosoyaoi,...-. 7aufo . Scrip 164 :Mock cf rundry Mutual lagurmuv , eampardra ... Bills nrergrable --11VAVG.! . . Cu yu 3'.100.10V.0 InP6 nu hand 1.73A3 terr.t due Ba nM l ne h ll M ee u a o re . A 4O 1.0 ireujuo,C.sol-4 , 9uvripliou N.!... _ . 100,000. ----- iiiar Nov.". 4tb,18.50. • The Beaty of Directors hare JILL day drcia.r.d atlPMlrtal f :IX PER CENT. In mutant, ILar (.1.41.1 Etna, nod PER CENT. on tlor :crip of the Com{ , anf, payable on and Rem tat, 1450. Alm, a divklentl of TEN PER CENT. lu :crap, on. lb. Capital Mack and EA/11.11 Prrtni . ums, Ontifiral. for which will Ix. irmed a,. above. Martin, ITIII L m Folnnil, J. O. lob woo. Jo.ph i nl. .1,0.4.. «vita MaLtiml E. Saes. K. A. Anulcr, Dr. R. m lin., Jun. Trammir. John C. Ih,,ILL Jam. land. 0. H. Burton, T. Pau a v.. • . Ch.• RAIY, John IL l'ooroo. 11. Jon.. Ilrroke .1. T. Logan, Pitt:, 8. PLlwanl ,, , IL 21ta U. J. MILL., Wm. Lyn, Jr.. •Ilnah 1.770. " tan. IL knoll. WILLIAM MARTIN, Pr...IL THOMAS C. HAND, Vl.PrcaMene Jmarn 00 Cowan, of PILL i, . 1 • .1 *C. By the Art lneonTratint n t i bl i , 2TV. We jeri.:!l= fti,f'drlrtgluttiZenitertut subjestlng' 6''':......1..... 1.; coy ii'Mr."&t;iritebler. premium N. pbd,,,y by the Charter 1 . .* the Ptlftwut u 10, 5 e., and the profits of . the Contpan an-dine-n.l to t< Ise and mural. lo the I posteloiou of the Couration, a: • food for the further tO. malty of the an.ounl. Thle fund .111 be repmnted by Iferipl.l.ating an inter. of As per cent. divided..non. Of' Ineured and Ittcekholders, pro tot,. upon the at:wont of entreat PlllOllOOO. and Capital Pooch. Pitt.burgh Attency.titt Water Amt. 3....11m P. A. MADEIILA. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company, . Hanisburg, Pa.. TILE eery liberal patronage extended to 1 1- thw itar ,Lra T ill o tliffulr3 at a .::,,ro,;irgit:fl o, 4 0th;:........... nullident moult... Winn o f the eatimation and eantldence of the pohlic la the syrttent of Inanagentent on sehleh ita huh.. is conducted. To city or country nierclionte, and owners of dwelling., and minted awl osuntry property, It is belleeed tide cony putty adonis advents...ln point of el:wanner, sett", and ...curdy, inferior to no InsunsoreCktmpany In thie ronalrt • ConJucted on the equitable Radon -ally Itopeneed nee.. of Clenotication of Itlet.e. excluding all opecial haunt.. W- I .nAnit only a Whited amount In any one locality, thus pre elOdlog the fre.ruency and creurrenre of large fires, and I al.. no both the I Mock and Mutual Plan. W not ohlT_Ptst. I notes the cheapness mai stromnuttation of both ruethods, but entitle. the InAared to a petrtripallon In the. profit.. . It la under the control of the following Dintclinc , —J ,, ne , i I'. Rutherfunl. Klutz. Robe A A. flak,ett. d John 11. Parker, rt 1 Jones, Moon/ A. Carrier, C. degedelt, rt i J P. BOTIIEBFOItD, ProAdent. A. J. GILLETT. §•eretary. A. A. C.uutnot, Actuatl. . Bunch Mirs, for Wectarn Pennsylvania, 64 droltbeeld street, Pittsburgh. t he desitlesi 'subsume mill be fur. nished witb butt of the Computy by exiling st she odor. uddy Western Insurance Company of Pitts]Taxgh. cAPITAL $300,000. IL MILLER, Jo., Prwatilent, Secret.. 111 Lamm lnot all kinds of Mak. Fire and Marine. All !mum will be liberally eidlualwil am , Prompt twilli „ A Mime by 1101000 um , arc we ll k 130 1 ,1 2 10 the filia= i nlry lo to . r o , l=l, :a g rh-41'Etlara=ront. an ' caning edi!e beet protection In Mow 'ebb deedre to be , Punned. Luerd - rom—lt MOW. Jr., Geo. - Black, J. W. Butler, N.' Holmes, Jr., Wt. Hamm C. Ilurden, (kw. W. Jickwu, Wm. M. Lyon,..limani Llpyllieott, Omega Deride, Jarrow W MO,, Moo. lerk. Thew 6eutl. OF, No. 92 awe meet, pasireboutie Speu i t.d an e y wi up wale.) ritteburgh. • Delaware Mutual SafetyliuroranceConiley QFFICE, NORTII ROOM OF THE Ex- CIIAMIE. Third street, Philadelphia. . ua NlerebarsDee• other S =orderavd '" hem r MAIO. INKI/IL.C.—T...r also Insure Trots's. C.V.., and Freight., ronelon or meant, under open or stovial polidea, to the maimed may derMe. laboto TYNNYWIATION.—They Insnr. Alerettandlse triurported by Wagon, Rail mad ram Canal lent,, and drum luau, unlit - err and hve, on the most Wort' terms thatevoa—Joeeph Neal. Edmund A. Semler, John C. Davin, Hobert Burton. 3ohn Penever, Samuel Iblumd, Lq • h.d. Theoptilho Paulding. al. Anne. o ngdt.. Is ' en ry if:Jora'ro'sl v'7lll"6'. , John Sellers. iv tn. Eyre, J.r. WWI°. AT PIT11.11(31.11-1 1 . T. Morgan. , John T. Logan. tdomm. Pnvident. Tool. C. Ham Vico Prevl- dent. Jost". W. ()mb Secretary. U /Wier. of the Company, No. A Water street, Mr burgh. i0e...2.1rj P. A. MADEIRA. Agent. _ Franklin Eire Insurance Co. of Philad'a. DIRECIRECTORS: Charles W. Baneker. Geo. K. akbmts, m.sbssi D. forts, 'ruble. TORS: Adolphe Boric, Samuel Untot, David 11. /Imam. Jamb lb Smith: Mord. PAD.... CIIAILLES V. DANCKER, President Cuaatts 0. 14.10(111, Secretary. 'This Gompany continue. to make 'moray., permonent mr uouted, oo rrety derfiptlon of Property in Won sod country. at nave an low no are mthcat with ovnrit The INunpany have relvreed a forge contingent fund. which, trlth their I..lmiLall and PrEgnl.2o. safely Inseeled. at ample protection to the aatured. The Novell+ of the Company. on Jumary Ist. INA% m pule Dolled agreeably to the Art of Appmbly, ern so follow. viol— sl.lhX4'l2 71 - Skee their Interrprositao,r period of nineteen ,they twtd upweble of Übe blithoo potte Unwired Tboutana b"• 11 we &wet* by Pim themby attordhur reeler of the wltuitawee of lemmas., we wen to their abill y end di, WOWns to meet With yr Il j p A umutdfaalit k , i mat I Office O. E. corner of Wu:flitted 2,1 etw - —•- THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE LTIMPAtiIt, No. MI Market Stmet.. Newark. • • and No.:11 Well to Accumulated attosUe flphaterthalrldirts DIAo X) to 40 per rent pnAll per mom. etthoother mill twelve applleatlooe for intoratteo tot twee to the above eitereedul loeuraurolaoputr, t be *hole PPM.. tolog ‘11,11.1 also g the mewed. dtl.• # WILLIAM P. JONP.:#. Crot• No. 141 Erupt street. - iLD RYE wuitifsint: weer , IIJJ : van, itr. whu old dad divie' JOlMPidart 4,irA uOl 61:23 25 J 411 37 ILo. M==l MISCELLANEOUS T AI" '0 bat N. C. Tar for ante' by Pas ". . ' UMW/11=8k lAGILLItiaI I.) LACK TABBY,VELVETS of a very nu ll P " rw a ''''''' ''' l 'ait'ilii - 'I L /TUZINIZt.I), " " lila.:. i N. Y. nor. v0=r1.1...d wok. , / , g. -- KlNfi GAUZE - FLANNELS— hlurphv : & Bardiast; hay°. °Wham!. surairrior.OtOf alfora inudir. eupor. Wrloh. and donantle do: abr., Wide Flannel. tsvesivouns. __,_ Ala 4.:f.Ui'ER FRENCH BLACK CLOTIIS - I,7Murpby I Burchfield beinon nipuritil a ttention on the acne department 'of their loodueirro and trait. perinea ranting tuba of any dcirription to give thaw &caladium, altl .. .. _._ ITEILMIAJOE , Dm ble.Lise's csbruzAvau. Dr gruoi for pale by • .1. KIDD I CU, _. I .4' CO Wood rl , . .. LINER PILLS, Da 'MCLANE'S CELEBILATED. aie , rn* for Pale by jai J. KIDD a. Ex) . tr ifiL CORNS-1500 gross for sale by . V fala J. KIDD A C.) LI poisalE-2 eases tine, rand I bale extra t7v.sov. for pale by jai, J. KIDD I CO 16•1 PSOM SALTS-15 brats for sale by IPA POLS - J. KIDD ICO 4.1 U N DRlES—Fifty laurels Faily Flour; 10...f.' brl. en perflue Mum Lsi blip, One dis 0 0 tunings Dr y ' A I brl Ewa P.a. JOl rinidrnl aud for ude k, pill 10 WA fi CO ABBY'S TiLICOMEROUS for sale by R. ic.,. FL SELLEIDI,L7 Wood .1... sada .0008 for Pftligi d mh. 4 nude per bottle. ANCY SATINETS FOR BOYS' WEAR. Murphy At Burchfield Invite the attention of three awning Ipodit for toys" wear, to their aioarrtunsut of thee and other st) lea of good, smumst fir thle puma, p. 11 3 , WOOL—Cash paid for Wool by ' 1 jalti SIEBVIIY I LEE. fa ut.ny A . . BROWN FLANNELS - One ease just re iv/ fria m wanufarturer.. ual foe mar by LAW - : MUll.Plfif I 1.118. it E D FLANNEL-:One case on hand and . Lir rale by polo ,1 It LANK ETS—Single and double Isal, steam ~ .. . kjossa.. crib. and roathas blauleto fur pale by 0 /fad • MURPHY a LEE. VICIFEEDS —Three cases asserted Tweeds 02 , ReePrrti from manUfartUrrn. for rale by • I colt/ • SURVIIY UlAC—Two tons Sumac for sale by • .016 MURPHY A LEY. M OLASSES—Fifty - five brls new crop, per iitriglaTZELL. 68 Warms Ja riIOBACCO--8 bas No one, B twist, received j_ per occulter Brilliant. and for onto ev Jos JAME 6 DALI.ELL, 68 Water Lp BANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C. t& '35 half pipes Lhasa. Brandy, - Pale and Dark." 15 eats k. dr. esta do do "Pale," ruin,. vial' 10 do do, and mod celebrated Mantis. pipes Holland lila .. Doblins Mitten" and "Flab. 2 ptnebeans Riots and Crotch &hart Whisk...l'- 2 do Jamaica Runt 35lards. N. E. do. do. q. casks Port:Wlne. 25 do Madeira Wine. 'Ai do Ward Malaga Wine. do Pry do . do. 10 do Chem Wine. • 25 boxer Borlratts Claret. In at, and for n 0,.. by . :WHY PARKER CO., jm1331 Llbertt street LARD.—Twer* bids and fifteen kegs for LA sale by k DAIINES. GPENST We have how on hand a ILA hags stook of Isst Gold Pens from the leading manufactories in Now Yarn. and made expesiody to order. Also elegant Gold Pencil Cases and Peralohlerg Silver Cues in every sarieti. Porcupine Pen iloid , ep Pearl do. All for sale wholesale retail at New York WILSON den W. .WILSON. DIS.- 2 . boxes revived and dean W. t F. WILSON. VENISON II fii sale by TOW Ntel.l/.1.011 KIDD t CO. M 7 C- O ., r ILLVTE r It'S d OINTM J EI i % u 'L T, "! gam sale tiT J.IuDD It CO. ;rush Creek Furnace uSni:SITTLI: a co, Übsrty L AIID deal DIG IRt. 11 1 ,. 2.6 Tresh Roll Butter; Su -- DR Irxi f,lryrWei:ti kppiew. ..i 1 10 btu Third Priirber, received by C0.1fi1D1,413, LITTLE a O ri l l.klLOW.—fifty brls4eceived and for sale b}thas SUMTER a DAILNES. QIIIORTS.—Ohe thousand bus just received I 7 pr steamer Jenny Lind. and for Ride bY ..2..% ennumt a DAMES. WRAPPIN4 2 AND PRINTING PAPER nov.l 1 ,or "."*. ! )' qr. `' i l . ` AlAitrillALl . - -_ All - io,rro.N. 2 bales now landing from the u_i iheanier lierilfor sato by 1:141A11 moms a co. isaii, i Wen, and rival A.,'L ARD AN Di S'fERINE. ll bbl. No 1 Lard,• ' ',11.1 , b1r. eiriin; now landloF from eteernel• Geneva Farads by IV.AIAfi DICKEY a W., riot il'eter end Front id. - . - Ilb STEAAI BOAT BUILDERS. Extra henry Onilati{i and name.' Twilbi.ruitable has Area. Lois twetinn or atrulug. riveiv..d on on...tons-04 and lot ..1.,21 , w . by N I I:lllio.nletreet. IEATHEILSI 16 sacks now landing from 1. '''''''''''''""l"" t;gAll DICKEY a 00., .1.. 0 I tiler and Front stn. (1 OLD, SLLYER, BAitilt, ' NOTES, SIGHT I_lll end Time Drifts on the Cart WA WO-54:aria to. loogbt einimad. 1 . Eir.4.1111 Marine NIA. l•ntled 011 the wort fevorable '''''47 . • " - lb' '''',"[" lions C. AUNOLD • CO., 50.14 Fourth Amer p.w, F-- THE SUBSCRIBER iNV ITES TILE attention Of Olen - huge end others to Ms large end e_seoried ettek of hosiery. Oho, Ender Shinn. aml brewer, Tbm store erritliv in 1,11.. It out. lleriou. and Ctton. of all rin. nod phew.. ronasolly on haul and for .ele low by' 0.,--. V. 1.1. EATON. IF:tit:CA OlL.—Five trls received, fur sale Iri I bl dia . . SIIKIVEK &BARN i:.4. BUTTER---1 - oive orbs and ten jars prima roll '''''''''', "" n.... 421. ''" ll ' 4 d 02., Y ' 10 ER a BAKNKS 116 11 0. MOLASSES.—Fifty brio, 'to arrivig for mil. by I. il.-2.4 ERKIVEIL a BaILN ES. , II U P F'S BOOK KEEPING. —A supply _Er of nun'. Book Krerifog and Clunk ilooks. reed by . Id - K. 0. nTlICKIII:V. BY i'EAUH ES.—Thrro hundred lam just ."'''''' . '" .. d i ''''''' ' ' hr MiIItITER a D 4104 ES %. —. • ELANNELS—A farther supply Col,f the ab.rve g nod, • ruper.or erticlejurt red by iiit I lIURPIII aTUMID' [LLD. . ~. t i IREI 4 ;CH LEAF—Fifty bundles French, Elounur, Dub.ll.llold sod H t Lea G a. rale by 10 J 2 , 4:11.00N51AKER A CO.C 21 iro, pL COMIC 4- 1, brig Rose Pink; to lbe. Brut., atuortrgl; lu ea,. ttnol.'Yelloy .4 lynnul: For . 1,, by L , 1.10 J UCIIOOI4MAK ER aVU VERMILLON-I ` rieste, Chinese, Ameri I MO. .0, ImpYrlal Vertalllkut, for eels by: yalu F i SSENTIAL OILS-1 can Oil of Sal‘Safrater Le rano 011 of L.erufrr, I coo 011 of I of Lemon; 1 Num 011 of Berptnut; 1 i box H '' W . l-1 0 0fr . ... mull boo Oil of sow.: Jo. ..M.4 for .1. bl: .10 J SCIIOOOMA KER C CO. DROSS!' AN BLUE-Ten boxes No. 1, for IL .ale CT .CO3 I 1 4 ..C1104)!MAKEll a CO. Mil of n superior quality, a loth ICAIAII i d ; ?`J L., Water 0 Front 011. ASS E S.—Twenty one brls prime ii",. Maus., just ter idol awl for male by • L.._• WATEIIIILN A 00103. n iffikft.-Thirty ke i t: and Rix brie fre. " ""` r ''"""'" d J ;VASS ORM Co. SUUAR-21 Sngur for sale by . no:; ISHOWN C KIRKPATRICK. 144 Liberty rt EAV RAISINS on moots me KIIMP consignnt foATRICK.r sale by POWDERED FCENUORAF, C Ylu lb• fat rale by [AI) BRAUN ttEC_TIFIED WHISKEY. ' 4„,.obbt. Mtn Berthed Whlrker, to Intro awl for tale troll JOHN PARKER a W. ■OL ASSES.-5 brie tar tiouC, R titirEid u ultaYS. d ig °T DkU I street. GREASE LARD- Twentybrie Grease far received and ler rale ET nu e. e 11ArLEAUGEI. • BRIED :PEACHES—Three hundred bus Dried reaches, to note, and n. b hArßAucm. 101 , EAF LARD—Prime Cincinnati Leaf Lard rt " Ir' fiLmd r !WcatfltlV Ida trott odT IIHEE PLY ANI) INGRAIN CARPETS. JleCholeric Inklton parrhaters to tho largant etted workmen* of Um Ply and Ingrain Canl' , t wo,. brought to thin market,. and ehraper than any of the erydery Nth,. We Incite all to roll and examine our (took at No. 85 Fourth street and 79 Wad ntreet jab° W. 51eCLINTI)CK. WINDOW lIANGINGS.—W. McClintock offers to thone wishing In pi:mi... • •rrY 1 ... 1. ... , " itv.r.rett of satin, Wain. Darmok, of the nrwca mdurd prim. e thy CnrpOßlarr how, Ecs Yourth st.nel • - - The Old Printing Establishment, 'lstiA'lT.Johnstoa and Stnekcon'a,and Blank BOOK and zrathrorry B'arritotor. .Y. HAVEN prepared to exec." rear,' MY) , Of Ited.i , Connetrial, Canal, atid Bost Job Piloting and Book Binding:and runti.h ~rry ankh. k, thr Blank 800 Paver and tationery hoe, at the r.horleat MAW, anot on the wird' resaottable term, Blank Bil/lt toot eudiouv. Warrhourn comer of Markrt nod tkorood rdr.d.r. INintiog WM. , and fkr..k illuda, No. LB Third rt. Brg New Books rust Received. 4LTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet;: an auto biorrai.lty. I vuL Imo, mu, -. uptilar kaktration. for the see parrats ar: , l ot trachern «T in ' o .:r1= ' ,711f.—. " .11 ' ,,Zt.7 . 147.=,....51r0 b at lt,r.-....atativ...n 01 fh. 3ute of Miclifitan. By Ira May. lir•. A. )14 Ist,...twriutAalrul I.f public Itotructiou. I vol 1 11 . :IX.1 . 1ievr Book—llikery of o n e Noland. by J eer S. Abbott. ivith ennno iton• undone with the former roltim , et nib wool. 111.4,11.1 verleo. For ear by • It 1101 . K / 'PI Awn.. Bonding, Fourth trt. SIII:ROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY ariunfirni. Conn. Capital ntoek .ml Stapler Food. . 31.031. Chartered liel6. She uniterAgued has been apt.lnied' %rent for this 1 43 and re.v. COMIMMY. to seemed 31r. rayetta 1113411 ° , to b.Ole pollnien in the tin. and marine depart. Went on as favorable terms •• any other reabomablo ‘ 0311 " noy OIN OW. ARNOLD, lan./ 14 Fustrth M. next door to hank &Pittsburgh (ITEAW 6601/S.—IL M. Greene 8 Co., Nlaneftieturers of Enrage and Demesne. &raw Ocean. ... the attention of borer/ M their gin& for lading and 'Pry will offer Indium:wets In great rarietT of tei, to parehimery who In. by the a mannfortorni Are. ,Famplev extilbited et their store, No. 135 1.111 (o$ gam.) deentar-hrt ANKINO, COLLECTING ANT) JP CHOW: 0311C/$ l .-0 0 1 . 11/1.31J.8 . 1 41 1±t)01, No. 67 o ntlleatemie r lt i .it br rg eltle. nollentlorm mad lb e In all the inter/pa &tent the Don. Neter on al Wrest Dante an..not.d. Notes end Then PerglateiL 014 1 ' - NDIA,RUBBEIt 'PASTE. 4 gross of that E. articl• boob sad tbstm_pq. .ad •• • Pim.. f &Kb Pw 141 x4cV.! ferw th• .to•gled. FR_ 21l• WOiat 7 silif - VW•md OM& Iffa/ J. alt rar.t.Lut, FARMS FOR SAM &c ER SALE—The subscriber offers for two male his lame and rauuttodlonslirlek ltuadlust ER 14...11 county. Va. The above.anam. =HT In fi vridl is ealeulatad ygi r haulm, har eltu &led at the lilt at viit o lerrtir n ear Istd ohln od atria. the uhlo River, pad very near the prevent keeled route of sal! snot The property in lu wad with mut. &lent atatillow.vell. callana he. The title unquemtionatle. W the trans rude mgr. Posseseiou term the let day of April. &Lire., gait paid WM. WOOMICILIN, Crave. Creek. 111.arnhall County, Va., Jan. 17. 1141.-eiT-ial Ita `ALE OF VALUABLE REAL '.ESTATE 1) AND L}b)N WORICif, no Manama. CorFTT. VEX canu..-1.12.0110t la a there of the Circuit roper - kw Court of Lo and Chancery °leak' manty. renders.' in therm, nn Tmoier and Other defendant, the n taliluigte ed conanbisiorum, appointed km the portals, will proeord to sell at klargantown. In mid monthly. on the fourth Ilan day to February, (being court day,) all that ProPertr lu unruly, Virginia, igin't along' and to'nr I Meat Ulmer. generally known am the Slouungalla Iron - Wigka, and the alone that Ism roomy,/ by mid John Tame sar Mod ollWra m saga Evan T. Elliatt aN others, contain. log taunt 15,1)0 ecr..e of land,. whereon an. • Dolling MID • L ort eloutulry. Nall gartary 4 f i t h rls t t t and arr. Cat lila truil P tre7f L t iV j arg r indmem f Ithri Omni:tie r. J. Timber and Lime steno. The. I, o f a vidnahle germ croasing Cheat Myer ; belonging to the property. ml. ..Gin Is well situated for manufactuclog purple.; not ardy of In, but of Wool and Mann. belog tortoni In the heart of • good arming sod wool growing count., about br: mlim moth of Pittsbargb, having one of the beet water powers In the week ail water commuoication b. Dittehotwb and else tam On those premise, ere have been expended within the lamt ten or Drava mote fifty thousand dollars. In the erection a Use rollinDmill, nall factilOyi Meet furnace, and other l,nlhhogn g The rooks are now to tolerably good ander. Immediate ly connected with thetnillm are icon fut. or Ore bonder' wroe lizo rlor farming land; some five or six mallet farms, er with sixty or eighty dwelling bow, mile vada fur e workmen. The male wilt be on a await of on, two, and three years. the purchaser giving bond intkwurity far the payment of the pinc mousy.' Thome who h:up may be asp...a to make investments, ma expect great Mogan to the purrhaus of this Tathable l'ZP'll-.;a'aiSJU'irraid=ireW lulT";llrimPa"'"y.iro; therlemitipt or information 'mien may to ' ioam ' rin or perm". wishing to Pomba , . EDUAR D. WILSON, W. T. WILLEY, Commissioner, Moron:town, the 12, 16.50.—.lellbwatT • JItARELSON SEWELL, Attorney at Law, dhio Sate ltoomLdloorr for tokitkr Dorpontinur. Ack owdedkeroonta of Dcrtl, er. Ofike—h. , th mrisltlCT I,IIC. M. M'KNIGIIT, tenders Ma services to thy citizens of Pittsburgh and radnlty,as a stcll end Ants, Collect= soil Cantedaherr. It. oil attend (1,1 the collecting and secuitog of claims to this and admit, lug Mates sod Casuistic; selling andrenting property; drawing of deeds, bonds. mortgages, and other Instruments of writing. All 'business to his Ilno attended to with r'm Refer ron ' : I,.. 4'. ' re i/ ea . ver, Ihioard . Com_ pbe_ ~ 11, a p r F u l „a n t er ,.F zt iohn Monisoo.Poo., . .dre OtAce,loses& Weaver. 41. Fourth eldest, near the Mogulsot. Mdse. onsthirmariaT PENNISIAIISIIIP. AT NO TINE FOE /1-kNT years, has there been such merupolous hickeer Meth.' upon the public about Pe u ntunanshlp, am at the E=l l Piewf . are ;I; r cw . lated thanah m tAe . In order to induce the ignore:l wlttl. the r believe the ' . to 17e , pen manship. Persons Madrona of becoming rapid and elehant penroeh Mi d do well to call at DOFS EdhliChriTlLK COLL.EVE. Mid exandne the hood ootUq of mom of the best penmen in the thy . . who have been Instructed in thlr Institution. dee.l.smT Alleghany . and Rater Plank Road. TILE nuderngned Commi.ionera hereby sire ce to the Stockholder,. of the Allegheny owl er ('l ookilnaitCompany. Mint on elo - tion to oltwl ooe Preoldent, flee Manager,. an ...TRIM/M . for wailowiletnY. will be held to the home of Me. Down, in llokentown. In Allegheny I.kinnteiott Thlordny. the= tit of Feb...re newt. the election to rummer, CO eleven o'clock. A. a. John needle. Chas. C. Sullivan, Jamb !trebling. jr, tiro. W. gailth, ' William Campbell. Wm. g- Hord. E. C. gtewart;. M. Zimmennon. K. Carnahan. Andrew (lan. Goose Miller. O. W. Herd. L. o.l'ort4 Wm. Beatty, Jobe Settler. , ' David Welker. T. M. Linn. Peter A crier. . Thomas 31111arghlin, IL Fte John Menlo , . Thomas. wart. January 25t1t.11341.-4S.Cid3tiotili Allegheny County, es: 18T an Orphans' Court, held at Pittsburgh, in and tbr said county, on the lath day of January, . before the llottomble William 11. M'Clure. Pterkkut Judge, until.. Samuel Jon., &ovulate. The peiltiort of Daniel Young. .Administrator of all and singular the mule, tr., of Catharine McCann, dereawd. waaprevented, setting forth that the mid dectelant died in. tudata. haring no lawful tune nor p.m.' swats Mr the payment of her debt, that the died beisol In lug domain of fee of and In • oestain measuage or lot of ground situate in the ,to.th Ward of the city of PtUaLurals, haring • front en Waohinathn street thirty fret, nod ...ling bud. of equal width on. line parallel with lie street fifty feet, upon which acv erected two 4walituu M.', subject to the reirig o lle O ! '"' e ter or ' itTufVlAT, aus sold nod Whining M'eunn. deceued, and ?lambed !tulip, hi ed Jam, Hammel, by deed dalot Ugh dot of (44ber, 11w 104.0,1 of sold iuteetate being ttu• undivided one hall 'of raid premien.. and there being 00 Petwmal trial.. to NY the deLI, s.f sold Catharine, pray lug the Court to runt an order fan the sale of said mai ...date, for the payment cd the W a. arfel:lron, the Court order sod disci that the raid ad. M dse eatue the raid oo.gut...ee gulag ,rale. at the limn Honer, to the city of Plttelatreh, Faluolay. the htleenth day of February. A. U. VLSI. and fell the eda for the loot price that can be had th. rend - , plains due amid- to awl the ranee of the Unto an d. lan. ot amid-Mug to law and the rule of of Co awl that the s adourtirtrator make a return of Mo pnewedulgo in, to lb.hest Maned Othhans . Court. fly the Cowl. • yaggilawt.lT • DANIEL afeCURDN. Cloth. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company. numb Ogler. 54 Smlthtlefd et, Pitt.bursh, Jazatinry TTIE best evidence of the 8114re010e of the Itinolbire in eeveltennue le make theooo.ea 311101:00 iter. I N.li ra eect Cournat . ' meet the wan. orther,entounit ■ t. the unpatielni amount of loon done: hart., nelued nearly auk Hdlrle. Ina little , tine than 7 months: and adding over 570.1100 tat Capital to the Company. Ttu. Inrectors are proud to ref , that nearly all the pruperti tenured le of the oateot anal. to ,mu ll roar. Rol hm, propellent Iturenel foe miff lore . rear. Numb...l Polities hound 11.0.13 AtuounCof pnmerty &noun.' 1.4.0734.4 00 Irr.:ll:l•ZlT.tr r1,0:O dm riar. ' toe ate n k... - ....... 270.1:A to 41.,sartr tat To le. deducted from ille ' ltio.re balance, incidental ez penee. of the othee. The holiness of the mummy to rood tleted strietly 01l the Cut faistrAple,eutoUtutina every member astoekbobler. and entitling blot to • than, of the Po and and by el,. otil, eguitable method In the syotetn of mound inattnineo—that CLANNIFYINU THE aitordiug ootml ben... to Ito Weeny'. 'lto Hobo are eteennitnglr divtdei into too dietluct Ilso charter po,eldtog that tee part of rho funds of either run be appropriated tor the yu mmy, of at e re occurring in Ito other. Thu Vint Clara to denruninated the YAMMERS' COMPANY • in whirl, hour. enee msy be nude 0100 country dwelling, bathe , old buildings. and we d property . ; mei uothitu more hazardous I. allowed to he Laken. The do Claw p demaninated the MERCHANT , : COMPANY, to wltteh frutlnneu may he made 0100 the ufer PA.Y'Y, tints of proudly in towns and villages. The premium honn are only about ogo yirrn large a. Ouse usually ehar , p , by other Compan/m, and Om Oslo. lon. Not over V ailuwed to behooved in ono In runty, and the ap leant le allowed the fallege of Moor ing either with or without the liability 000 Premium nu , All luaus will be settled at the 4.lseeef loos with ponopt hue and,llberallty. II le now muter the euntrol of 111 , " jultrll. d ltutrrfuni, Albert. .11111011, Naunnei T. Jones Alotm, A. Carrier. Philo C. oliolgewtelt. Khdr. Jl.Ol kJ. Parker. ' J. P.IIUTLIRRYOttIt. Preoldont A. J.liturrr. tOecrelary A. A. Comdata. Actuary. To the keißiers of the Pittsburgh Gazette. IDUBLIC ATTENTION in respectfuily in lb. following truths. set forth ha Malloy to our of she most imtartant;;Priles of =oleo, tom- , PETROLEUM OR ROCK to , it lo tit owntb , an aim po l" rdi ,: " Tnr i tru7reiVf . .lva "- curei m riedisea 'n' se. a leal ( .7. 1 to neat. have. Orme them become folly APlPMaltral fly ; , 11. r atout , rva/lx hme.DmW. It i opt t tftil n.m be edy of • a lt got Pp tot r the wk porno's. Metall,. miner. huh. cue, which we cm:m.loe, will emainne to Le toed when all other nostrum have been -forgotten The P.tmlouto 1. Natural Remedy, Meliorated In the depths of the earth • by • wirer mid agency that laughs to worn all human o i mpetitton. It is our duty, when we wine about • clue, that we write the truth—that wr nothing odes,- toted to demi!. (hoe who mar Mod our word or Put coon- Orme co statement. Ihe lick are very apt to retch at .r thing that poluthies relief from disease . A storr can b ee dly be too highly o ftwroug to answer the °tool of gull. tog ar humbugging I.3tan fthem. ho we Qo not desire , to do thin we are anxious only [hid the truth in it to orm mmedr should be told, to order to wore for it a re tattoo tar exerwiling,any single &Mete in the materia not. kw. Math nnwrameoi to t —facts that maybe rocertainot rot city mightorhord. hear =Pie towtiMou7 fa vor of the Petroleum. Within the Nam two months, two of oar men eitirens, who were totally bliol, have been restored lo sight. tiro. eral rams of blindness, in the State , of Ohio. time been coml. Mahal., the mooed gentleman in Dearer ...Y. There are other. but these are emirs near home, and troy be refemal to by any perions who have doubtri on the 1.01,- lot. Them mem were mtml alter they had been abandon. br plaralelaos as hopeless. Pet ro leum will one. when toed aeomling to dlreetiono—Dtarrherth. Dlmetiwn. ti ntl Ithcconatinn, Uout.Neuraltita. krur i t t ions on I'impln .m the bee, S b elitiergil E jola. <7.= Wen.. Ann, Chronic Cough. Asthma, Unnwh and Mt Puhnonarr attections of u chronic nature, tending to pro. dureCionsumpOon. Mame and litaki. Mono. of the Bladder nod Kidney. Chaippod Ltand.. kNooriated Corm; nod intninn , In tact, It is a Gana WORMY& itntnt. and ha• been Isini in moat of the above Abenumes within the put year with the Moot perfect success. llertillentes that will utonish are In the hands of the proprietor, who will take pleasure In thew. ing them to tbe aM/ctol or their Mende. Whatever others rimy toy about their medicine. the Petrilleurn is the greatest Remody of No age. Physicians of bigh standing in the prokorkm ore brit-inning to me it in their practice. Thom who at find looked on with doubt Niluncertainty, me will to Mini it due praise and oN sidemtion. Before mother year rolls remind. all will be reihd m arknowkdge that the Petroleum to the mrial tmedicine ever dismeered. tor male. wholoole end re. toll. by KEYSER A INDOWELL, 140 Word rL Alm—R. E. Sellers. 67 Wool Nowt U M. Corer , D. A Elliott, Oomph Douglas, Allegheny City. Also, by the ro. price, F. 11. KIEL Qum' Rath, Seventh street, Pito. burgh CHERRY PECTORAL, trOR the curb of Cougho, Ookis, "louse mi, Bronchitis, (}Dup. Asthma, Whconlor Congh, lkatwnototion. This trulyvalnable remedy Mr all d(14.10.. a the Lung , and Throat. hat. a. the chief trilanca of the annelid,' as it lit the moot oertaltt nue known for the above ecrta oainta. While it vt , lxviverful atonxt lb.. otoet ILT.rgt'att l ord h orz fr tt., - ,7,l,gt\TT 4 ati'2l... ( i .grsble family tuntscintn common might. and cothds. newt below the °pluton of men who are known to the world, and the world rented their cannons. PROM IROFE-4.4.111. lIIICIIKOCK - - James C. Ayer -11 ronatitution that it la an admiralle.rompoutul for the 0.11.1 of I.7ogial and brobehnd dtflientlies. opinion an 00 Its nupor tharatirr 00000 he of any xervlee, you are at lob. 7"' tour. It of L. L. D. Prerident of Amherst Wien , EVIDEXCE.—Dr. J.C.AYer, nir —l4..unttolut ,, _ ( : , tak , .. to Y o fret ptl for the reetor ch atiou oil 000 arc I n tli t a m y . apZiLL 1 tint s Pa arrompaulol by • steveiv rough, mut made net of umuy umfirtztro, without obtaininx relief. I and ZegeT ° gi n v atw O p P at b ttl.r . A l hitt.l o a ( ' 1 ' 1;01. '1 .1%1; 0 1,mrch,rry. Pectoral, the .ON. of which 5 1 0 immediately aTlTlTl " ntit ' t • Zil l rxo g thdr.ll V:z o ura. 7nl =l, well, my month ha. craw, and i all by the nee of our val. uable ardieloe. , P g sToNE, A. 11., Prinei Mt val Rope rnoninary. From Dr. Bryant, onatto. and chirov , Falls 3 : Lex F C. Ayer—Dearltir—Etwkwed please find rentinata , ti7, o l l y %, e tra r t r ilo l m o" : ' , ' litte l. :e t Z.ll l XUe r l ' t a' nsTrtrult tts your'm Want nor have I ever seen a medicine whnh our re d no nutty own of Cough and Long Complaint, 0310 r phyticians sr. uxing.it extensively In thew prank, and with the Wined ellecta. .Truly yours. 11. SI. BRYANT. P ro pm‘i by J. C. AYER, Chemin, Lovell, Ma,. trot.* In rittabtlexh, itholexale and retail, by J. N. Town arna, Alaritet .I.leoo. pant Joooph Douglarx. Allegheny 01(1.derl3wrowler T. WARE—Englifill & American Britan nia Vs Sete,' Plated dim Plated Baskets, eundlefticks. T EA and Toys k Hided Urun laqt quality Ivan Ital. ane. Mangle Table Cutlery. Silver Forks, dooms. atal but ter lintrelt Plated and thrtuan Nlarer Von* sod Nsefros Tate Mae To Trays at fine Illoansbautmanufacture, Malay artonauttni; Plated Tors of Isnnuttal aatteors. Army superior Ponder for cloning and intablmr 51aal too. Brushes tar cleaning. Cliamob. Sans, feather Vaster, to -Pun paralnta-soyer .ol relebranl Murk , tltand. almut Um Fist? of a bat, which ill,w make codes, ned: beef 'l, l ,.l=b r ,a , n.. any thing aaa In . 'it.V."lttrt:TUN, Cur. Ilarlud and Count, sta i - CASKS MALAGA WINE; CASKS bar Le 0201114 In prime unkr, on ranAgnuirne to kis Odor Nast. prime:. • 25 bhd• Nagar, - ' =I lobo Ilanirorr, prim. evaperrr , . :stf luds Laren/ Ott . • 50 kegs Lard: . 15 brla Bon Baler IGO has dabs ..: btl beds Timothy Peed; on band aid Ibr Ws by BROWN A ELREPA.THICK. al . 144 LibErtf /MA r• 111E151VAI - - COUGHS & (;OLDS CITRED Di 48 HOURII 1 1N.C} the iintrottnetinn . of thil new Cont i lipoWnl.6niglis and ColdaAnn mind In a very abort Liam. W. wt the. Eel , Wa •••',..P to arran cum rams of Comrha. U JJo. Ilronchitlr. ly les% than nod al a cheaper ram than any nthar,mialicime crer ammrred. IT lIAS AN ENTIRELY NEWAVTION—The old Cnimh Mnliciner all Achim Om stomach and narnma which ir in dbaireemahle than the much Thla ohrle att.] tlik mistar, for it lea plowinut :mottling article and it grill rum mon, trill be nfa-ml , ! The e‘b Jimee in favor of till.. medicine in our city, In.. our own citmenr xhodld or HAMRA-Im . y. It ho the pnwriptio.. of is rrgUlnr phynicisn , nit hes Ineu ward by him In MA own preetim furs number of ' , nu - P.l , llllth. moat bemir Pa llitblall3lPTlON—A lady from. Strohm:dill° writes, that her daughter lad Wen at with 31,1101 and extscror atkm. molt games, herdic fever. and all the distressidite at ' alifl ' ;a.s of "rry t r nrn, sad ' s "n •nttr.Z... 'Wist'lle t .'"'i roma, who fr!sal solfend with Asthma and Cluttnie Lastuilt fur eight years boo been entirrly mitered and We cough reou.s.d by the use of half a down of bottles of this Pec toral Syrup. A gentleman from Peoria. Illinois, writes 1'..- that el f . knows the Pretcaol Syrup to la, a good article. for ho has tuel it in his own rase and in LW mote of members of Laketon, with totes most perfect surer., Ir is orb or o CUMPLST Algoirmas tow snore—lt la put up in half blot lonics to roots rack, or sis bottler for A.: Lit Cdedelon STOoUtt9e.. would didwell to keep a son/PIT of this tuedklne ou hand all the limo, as it 1. WO of the most lorr i es:t o and tool d. ellkaciore , rroslies esagxmd t er disordrl for ,all IAUTION adldeat loTtoT by solos ono of the evictor nostrum, hot du not heed them. If you. want to get well buy Da. ELListett l'fr•romd. dlaatrr. sod take PO other, this will each you. • It has it smite of the rood rah:aide plants sod herbs of the matetia mettles. and is eumpoumiAl by a penton sidiltal la tile heal ing tut. Thee. cat Is• no deception in thinotedleine. It it ,eciagyvol lo your uwa mai the proprietor has tomer rertilleaden front persons lu our usrlsp' Ity, attostiog It, ralneable pn,perti, which will be oboist to our Person desirous Of ...log them. Aura. W.T.throughuot the Malted Stales toren this rmslidne. Large discounts till to owle to thou. who will tate on lohrest in the malleim.. It will pay • IsoK. Profit do all Agents.tesides. they will beduing suffering IntManity f a serriee by plarlutt In their bond... the prated medicine fur Lung drsearse the worht tow ever p colored. Foe sale. wholeeale and oxtai l, , ler KEYSER* aIcDOW. ELI.. IrrugglatAbitt Wood street, Pittsburgh. PA. tO atom all letters tad adetteles mud. twaAldratteL AN* tar Pal.. Or 11. M. Curry, Allegheny city; P. Brucker, yr., Browoutsillel neon, irmhiugton: John 11. limhauart, Welton': neore !VT. McKeesport; J. D. Cowell, t.nordborg: byenJ merallaALl and druggist . . geoeddir• • .00:3. VELLERS' LIVER PILL—"The very bear ICJ Pill now io • KAXAR 11% COCA? Moore, Vs- Jan. 4, 1051. Mr. IL M. Viellers- , Deer Ittin I will state to you Wet It is 010 opinion your Pill toorhaps the eery beef PUI now in UK' wcyt. Liver Pill, r I. eurpatued by 1.1/e as on AntlMlllous ill. It le or highly etteemod io our tom. mutiny an a family MIL and is.f.tst suppiantlng all others. I now epee[ fro m my corn experince. end Imo the ex. ['kW, of many of my friends and customers. Vow. respectfully. P. 9.-1 my permitter% Pa Allow the original letter. hot MA to publish the th e name. 110-rellers• Liver Pills are the . Original, Only True sal Gl i n u tiAe , . All others are emultirf , eitar bre u Zita t itr . .. r„ tigr ". na and Or t ih ru " o t ankantorts Liver Pal. and the orshe had I•I ' ll'ood street. nod of Dror.•-•Tiets gem' TT frt the two nit'es and vicinity. peclt ELLERS' LIVER PILLS surrcede nil Charleston. Va. Feta. M. Inoo.—Str. P. Or Sour tern— Pills have become so popular in all thin In shin of eountry. as very much to supererde all others as e Liver or Anti-Maims Pill. • Tour. tr tf.vtrurt of • Icarr.l JA3IES A. LYIM 19. Pomba." rtrolleet that li. Sellers' Liver Pak are the miginal sod only true and genninr 1.1•00 IMII. Cal mote he had at S. ni Wood streeL and of Druggists generally in the two cities nod virinitg YOlO 4.1 llt JOHN NUItILAY'S Ftxtu nIGNESIS I'mprinel under the immediate care a! the Inventor estal.iiched fee uptranle of thine The , eletpuit preparation IA reeinoinended to all eases of bile, leidttiee Indhaetion. •out. andeel, t• the tuct.t aafn mot . .01 effectual rem In w hich N tins lagneria mar. and Indeed the mit one in which it uoicht to be ethtbited. Pot lattelng all the Inropertlee of the 3fintnexia near in ineitertn witheut hetnifllatile tilt. gt to form dannvrons comm. Ilona in the teitrelie HT...1144y rune heartburn It Mend 11101111 Y the mete of elorti.as a, and their cartionateti are known do It pievents the food of Infante tondo mon in all mita It act,. • phaeton .1.1 . 1004 am/ it prrollarly adapted to femalvv. elpllornphrey Dave tectilledqhat tide whitlow forma mot uble etnnblnatiolu with uric add rake in two of gout and `easel, itierebv centiteractio• their Injunimi tendency, ellen other alkalka and eten Ilanneala to mb had failed. Front.hly Philip Crampton. Hart, Sortteonfteiton'td to the Armyln Ireland:— It Etr—Thern tan bone climb!. that lianneela mat . be nattlininellfa.2lloit rarely in the form of a coorentraled erti lotion than In subdue, for thisand ninny other reaacemi, I emof opinton that the tiltdd Manure's is arm valeable utlition to our 3laterta Mallen PHILIP CRAMPTON." :lir James Clark. Sir A. Cave, !tr. Bright, and Mem, iluthrie and Iletictrt Mayo, of low.km straulyrmniamend IY nwrmi t rlit l tt. " 4 , tV , lf,:nalg gm IL, d'l'i;rai.d -me • fid rude lir de3o I. KIDD A co. VAINTINd—liouRe and Sign PaintinO• Pert t_doolny. promptly sod neatly excreted. : . B. We tylib it diqinetlY eedcme , c l that ew.. Patettnl end ac ellesp let ethrr PAW,.In Wn r'''j o x pt nrr 4"'" .! '""" du 11. PHILLIPS r. II DES. 126 , i totah•or iDr. leafing foe Weirs delP DALZELL t Chl.r Ef - YILE•CARPETS of . the riche' and Irth.4 rtylen.eau he had at die Carvel. Warrhotne. Fourth Pt, nt ork,4 n. a.. they yin ho boa in any of the en.rtern ritieo. K. WeLINTOL.KA iIIEESE. 1000 boxes fur sale by • 1../ An .1 II CANFIELD, I kRY 305 silid 11 bbls 11 for , nlo by 'no I. N WATERMAN S SONA BUTTER. 1 0 7 . 7 . h - roll; • to kr, do for ask by tug L iWAYKRAIAN i yoN VILA IN OIL 401INTZ, riceired this dy st the Carpet Wkrehoure, y 5 FotOrth ..t. Jan W. 114 AIeCLINTOCK. MOi .. :f) . n SSES. b i rl i s . r*vr; crop forts& by Wti 1 KIRKPATRICK. IjkI.AZ , T.AGANET (WARD RAZORS : - 11 J.L es tale, anothsr, of of three unique asal valuable Raw, the unix safe auk perfect razor tosuul sutured. tale W. NT. WILks):11 . f r. )RI BK. LAC TKAS nom .ISOLANE Morris k Haworth:ln the 'Mammal, hare this slay n , ee.red per socket ahtp bercembire, about I:01 lb. of . Vona M i ll g 414 RoushFlatrokml Black Teas, Ilse very belt that he pmeunst in the titans& Silatlet. Mb tit mute tb rents per lb. Thr Tea tlarbet in the Diassurotbkast vide. AO 4 PRESEICVLS— r Hald..-u. tssa Vies—flue tu eat.; Proluta—ttoTtlaux; aLtrUarkirrK Preserved Praelm.t . lumst limpet , ma i alratiberrian Gvr mak by Rat .1.0. WILLIA)I3 I.l_ , L J AR!) & GREiSf.—Tert Gila ; No. 1 Lsrd; ♦bets Gnaw% lam Isadlos tram steamer Washinertaar r sale-b • yawl DicaxT a 03 .1 J. 13 • Ways sal Frost sta. MEDIC,AL _ PErßOThlnktr , :OR )1001R011. • 'FIFE, VIRTUES Of, Lbis ...mmnrkable reme! dy: arelthe etholontt irplication torit to the pup+ • rtor. toe ttattomt Mot bah... It ToOnl. la Math% Mgt to. • t.• 4 1, and direction,. for the bemOt of the Path. • ••- The PETROLEUM 4. Inwood from a weir In thla mote ty, at h depth of four bundeol fret. le pule. umdultorar , tad article. ,trithout any ebetaical obahge.•hut Ault no lb. aoro roan' Nature,. LlOomomll That It matolne =Ter of ancori:Liy. There 14 -- irtha.o l l7r cans of Plum. u h ldrit. If Pooch ittlght be of „a adapt ' = „l,=e, V2 % 4 4.. a 5"..., bloom . rowed thoegut of putting It up tn r bottb.s. to y in. motto. -' .1.1011 for the cum of ILhose. Tom tantand Mal a' gpg• fin 14.1•1 emend remarkable cures It per. forme. In a mho bodicatints of it, Wore popularity atell wide corral &optical/au fa the