The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 08, 1851, Image 3

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    Conneertos..We ere reqnested to state that
bop Totten has no Internet in the huelneie es
nOir eandluetoll by, Co. ' In ehtereenting
,upon'thelete aro at F1u:14.'4 fonndryi we stetea
that the aceoents of the late firm were not set
tia-.-.11ix,j,9; we. aiulCratand, incorrect..
BuDOS oa Amu:nays Srairr. , —The citizens
orViegheni whocelmaincsa recntires them toCrosi
1 40'4-*ernen street bridge; will, we rear, bean
pelted fp . suLtnit to the inconvenience which they
experience, osiing to,' its: dilapidated , colulition:'
for.eome tile° longer.- The Howl • street bridge
eonipapy hitve refued aid the city goal:mils in
repairing , it, and an ordinance, appropriating the
- tuffor tcnrteen hundred clullara tor the erection
of nneW-inny, which was paned ,in
f le• Select,
Wan not =mitred by the Common .oinfieit . '
, „
Ttutowtsu Brusly-4.—A young lad, non of a
se reipt+table citizen , Wal arresteity..esUuslay,
... and taken Ito- the Mayor's otßee, charged with
angling a cernizin, named fifichml Kibipf, in the
facemith a atone, cutting it horribly, It to feared
thit the poor fellow , will lose one °fit eyes.—.
Jibs juvenile nessilant, who seems to bas had no
came for the attack; woo held, to boil'4,r. .'s ap
:penance at (2oari. • -
- '
Mar' , -Nunn —A. new churn will be
. • .
totla4antl put in operation'aftlic Ni •
tel, on Water street, at twelve o'clock
Ocr fannitig.iVendsWcaccattentki
- - for tlientseltev. • =
. ,
Co*eron haw been n ppointed by the 8
Treeseier nn 1 Secretru-y of the Meet
vitt fitonk-inf Allegheny. -
Ausartvh- Cirt IVATE.rt troetze.—
mix thousand dollars hns been approP
the Dmitri irot
for theongen3ent and e
:penes Or. the Allegheny City Water '
t. rtugthe present y-ear.
• Nixie 13 VIIDON.--IVOrkMe la arc
, - IkOW c.
Ivittg . :the'nreli of the new bridge ore
nal- In Penn street. When 'finish, ,It
b eUtifuhuld, durable etruct . .
. ,
8/t.\IIISr UP
nit firms:flans Axtenn.• revs
• —The feilaries of the officers in our sisker city
have fhecn fixed for the present year ns fol
inure , I
Mayor •1 fP.f/00,00
Street'Cornmissiazier, 15j {)•00
of Councils: j 3f10,001,
cis). Constables, • 1,2fi0,00
Clark a:Market,. . , 300,00
Afennenger, LlOO,OO •
• . B f XI tun g er, : 40,00
City- Assessor.' 15,00
Rinonling Regulator. . . ,00
CityS.likliter, 111,00
Maron's.,Otrice, Pirrsornou.—Ono agrant.
only triede.his appearance before his bourn!, May
or Guthrie, the morning watch returns, yes
terday.' lie 'caveman:titled to prison tort thirty
days: 'The ragrants .and drunkards seem to
haretilmost, deserted, the Layor's Office, deter
red, Jiro presume, by tho severe, punishments
. dad;eattettr Pier. DEPAITYZIrt.-11n, dile
ghebY, Cotomila bare' appropriated Mel sum or
Ofteetriumdred. dollars to meet the 'a:Proses of
the' triie.tire eompanim or that city during the
ensuing Year. - '
• • 11ECTIWISIGI VAOLT.—We learn from the Dis-
patch,' that one'of the largest German Congrega
tions of oar city is considering the propriety of
erecting a vault for 'the reception of the dead,
under the charge Hof , proper. watchmen, in , order
to avoid nil danger ,of premature interment, by
postponingthe berial until symptoms of decom.
positiEsx are noticed. : •
••': • A aludlei arringement was some time , since
entertained' by Hie directors of the Allegheny
Cemetery, but we never learned its Tate. We re
member that one of 'oar first physicians advoca
ted the 'measure strongly—end it is certainly a
Project vrbirb appeals to the heart of every one.
Allegheny The , Alle s met on Thursday
evening task pub...uant to adjournment.
do lhaSeidet„Council; Col. Robb:mon took the
report was prevented Mr. Dallell, chair
man-of theeemmitto appointed for that purpose,
stating 'that He DOM .street bridge company
had refused ;to- nid in the erection of a bridge
• over the canal in
Anderson street •
— l%c - committee unsi;lristeifeted to
• inquire. into the :legality of taxing the various
'bridges ever' the Allegheny river, and to take .
Legatadrice upon the subject. Action concurred
. in by tile - Common Council.
The cumniitteis on markets was instructed to
.• inquire into the 'expediency of raising the rents
of the Meet ilnd vegetable etalls in the market
Aeth concurred iu by the ether brunch of the
- Council, , •
. • The Camibittee on the Poor House Farm was
instructed to make 9ut.a full and circumstatial
report relative to the Farm, and were authorised
to send for the necessary documents. Concurred,
The Committee on the Wharf and landings
was atitboriced to repair the levee below the up
' perbridge ' end the sum of sl.oo.was nppro
- priated for that purpose.
Action concurred in.
tt _resolution was pseud, declaring that no bills
or datum against the city elmll here Ater be act
ndefon,exeext at the elated nieetinp of the Coun-
The Comniv Council referred to the Commit
tee els Erigines'a resolution authorising the May
or to draw • his warrant, in favor of the First
Second,: and Fourth- Ward , fire companiee, for
their,quarterly appropriations, which had pre
viouily passed In the Select' Council. '
.The question of granting the quarterly. appro.
prhation. to the Third Ward Fire company is still
bob! under. advisement,
A tition from oesecel citizens of the Flint
Ward, raying for the ertiction of a bridge over
the canal in I.acocli street. was referred to the
Committee on Streets, with-instructions to con
tract for the construction of n wooden bridge.
Actidi4 concurred in.'
A petition, praying -for the laying of 'a water
',pipe on Sink Lane, was referred to.the Commit.
tee on Streets.
' Action concurred .
The Committee on Markets was authorized to
hare the;eity scales ddjimted, and INA into-good
The Committee on City Property was directed
to publish their report on the differences between
several citirena of the First Ward, and the Ohio
and Pennsylvania Railroad. . •
The Select Council amended this, by adding,
prori4i.l it be done free of charge to the city.
Tnnownne STONEN.—Two.juvenile offenders
were arrested yestenlay by Mayor Onthrie's po
lice, charged, with stealing apples from barrels on
the wharf, and then throwing stones, when re
monstrated with, at the. man who bad them in
charge. They wavelet off with an. admonition
by his honor, after - being, confined fore short
time in the watch house.
fs'cissact.--Some of the news-beys who carry
the Cribene, amused themselves yesterday after
am. by stationing theniselres in the third story
of the building in width the office of that paper
is elfulted; .. and throwing stones at the passer
by. We trust that if this is , not - discontinued,
114 Pelleewill put a atop to it..
A Diann or lfricrui—Petitions hare 'been
i'orwarded from the eitizens,isr Pittsburgh, pray.
leg the Leglslatureto establish a Board of Health
In this city. We trust that the Legislature will
. com'elY with this petition, since an institution IT
thlnu s ;nd is very mach needed here. Too many
at ear• unfortunately, have been emu. I
Pelled,Ariusith the carstee of the cholera, among
their friend, in PIA years, to hope that a
teetion. this't 'ad will be thrown around- an
TWlrunalDA.u.kurs. --The jury in the ciao of
John B i sh r d r d er, et tt , -or, vs. Dr. A. t}. Walters,
11 0 netioulnrought in the" District Court to recov
.„,r,4,, for i n s,, r i e . 3 •onsequent on alleged
rot. wiled with o verdict
njuliWuctice., yesterday
W 64 cents datungul for plain
• The.dircu4;es were laid at LS'e tb..52-tui
Lre arm had ')e putout of
Nat: find; Dr. Walters wax cane din to reduce •
the di/dere:floe.
Reported: for thr Pitt;!hurglt tinzetter. and fur
theetaititit!:4titto In yjntr, ViliPhington et . tY• •
Irtmurp 'l4 to February. 7th.
D.* SUATI I. C. 9 n m. 3 p In. 7 p m. Daily Itleu.l
, 1 10 ! • '29 30 '3O 22
2. 28 -. 36 37 34 34
3 -.-- n. ' • 33 36 34 82
4 , 23. 3.', 49 36 36
C. 34• . 38' 4a 44 39
6 . .."...211 - 34 36 29 29
7::: ZS I ' 32 46 42 ' 37
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
ISRIUrg , :II; silej , ula on:. and wh
raw i gt t . % we implied
lay !aid Ittet tar of tho emartask •fltte•
, .
Two TT ear from California
- •
.. New Tong, Feb. 7.
The Steamer EmpirtiCity from' New Orltomg,
sad the Carolina. and Columbus from Portant, ar
rived They bring $1,500,000 in gold
dart. •
The, Pacific arrived at bete Orleans with 2:,0
paseengern, and two weeks later news from Cal
The mines atilt yield well hut b.itiess ht dull
owing to therent iidlux of gouda from oil (inai-
ihio Custom llowm Monferey moi robbed
of *ll,OOO.
The Georgia left Chaves on the 181.6 fur New
Thitt Fn. Icon with Jenny Liml on in.xrd is com
ittstup—tsient excitement prernik, and the Le
ine is' crawdetl with; citizens to welcome her to
dm City.
WAsuncaTon, Feb. 7.
;.SEanfe.—Carious petitions were presented,
and appropriately referred.
Mr. Winthrop said he had received the certifi
cate of the election of Mr. Rantoul, with the re
quest to present them to Mr. Rantoul, or to the
Senate. The gentleman hot being present. and
to prevent any misconstruction, he presented
them, understanding thereby , that his office was
'terminated. .
e .ibited
opal Flo.
uid judge
Mr. clay raised the question of privilege. con
tending, that as Mr. Rentoul had not octepted
Mr. Winthrop was entitled to Occupy his sw.t.
Mr. Danis offered a resolution that Mr. Winth
lop was entitled to his Pelt until Mr. Renton'
Mr. Butler opposed the resolution.
Mr. Rhett offered a reeMlution' declaring- that
term, of a Senator holding olkee by Executive
appointment was vacant upon the assembling of
the Legislature at his State.
A debate, here ensued—Messrs. Berrien and
Borland 'agreeing with .Mr: - Rhett,—Messrs.
Downes, Bradbury, Walker, Hale, Seward, and
Underwood agreeing with Mr. Butler. and Messrs .
Rusk and Clay agreeing with 31r. Bale of MILS:.
Mr. Hale moved to lay the jerelution on the
table,. Which. Woo toot: and, 'without taking n vote,
the Senate adjourned.
Horst —The loose, in Committenof the Whole,
took up the bill establishing a Board of Commie
iiiOneni to act.upon claims referred to theta. ,
Mr. Nelsoniadvocated the necessity of the
measure, and showed "how little was done fur
claimants by Congress.
Mr: Thomas opposed the bill, believing that it
.would lead to fraud and corruption.
Mr. Venable advocated the bill.
. .
The fommittee then rose, when, on motion of
Mr. Burt : , a resolution was adopted to close the
debate to-morrow nt 2 o'clock
' The Mouse again went into Committee of the
Whole, when •
Mr. McLean, of Kentucky, spoke in farur of
the bill, .and without, finishing his 4.e - eat. he
'gave way fora motion that the Committee rise,
which prevailed, and the Ifouse adjourned.
Judge Vance, who recently resigned his sett
the Constitutional Convention, at the request of
what purported to be a meeting of his Democra
tic constituents, who disapproved of: his vote
against the section providing fora repeal of all
charters; has been re-elected by over 1000 ma
Pitri..tom.prtu, Feb. 7
Henry flellsworth was this morning taken be
fore United States Commissioner Ingraham, as a
fugitive from Leeds, England, where he had de
frauded his employers. This In the first cane
'which has occurred under the late international
treaty between Great Britain and thin country.
February 7.
Cotton—The market is quiet, awl middling
Upland can be bought at 121 e, =al middling fair
at 13e lb.
Flour—The Market Lu.sicatly, with sales 1500
bblu, including common Ohio at $1,755:4,87 1.)
Grain—Wheat is dull. Indiana and Ohio is
'held at 100E1106c ha. Corn is firm, with sales
. 6000 bu at 6616.
Prorisions—Pork is steady will. sales 100 bbls
old mess at $12,124 b1:1, and of prime at
$p,.12/ &Id a $l3,-
2o for mese, and $ll for Prime. Beef in more
active, with sales—.luring the pant two Jaya—of
1500 bbis at $8,506 . ..,10,00 for MP., and $7O
$7,50 for prime. Old mere is nailing at $56,0,
'and prime at $4 14 WA. sales of 30 bids old
prime beef hams at $lB.
• Whiskey is very firm. with-sales *Clads Ilhio
at 281 e 1 1 1 gall.
Linseed Oil—The market is firmer. with sales
200 galls, American at 906/.11.0e. and 10,0011:
English to arrive at (lie --e
New Yore, Feb. 7.
Cotton—The market is vend) , and active, with
further sales of 1500 bales at 1/19t. quotation,.
Flour—There is an improved demand, with
sales of 4000 bbl ;t $1,81e:4,87 for common
0hi044;87€.4,94 for round Loop, and $4,810
*4,85 for Indiana, and Nlielliptn,
Grain—Wheat is unaltet,4l, and bring'
100, per bushel. Corn in better demand. with
sales 10,000 bustle% at ti7e for new yellow, and
bailor new white. 'Sales of wet.tein mined, to
arrive, at li3a.
Provisions—Pork is firm, and in moderate re
quest. Sales of TA bhls $12.121 for mess, and
$9,25 for prime. ,New .held at $13,22 tar
mess, and $ll for prime: Beef is inactive. with
sales 150 bbis at i58.50r,„10,50 far mesa, and
ss€? . .li for prime. Lard is tirni, with soh, 200
Ws at 81(71:18.1 Fa lb for new .41 old.
Butter—The market is
Cheese is saleable at 71 3 Se 'V lb.
Whiskey—Prices have advanced, with further
sales of 250 bids at 25 . (;;.204, per' ga110n....
Tobacco is unchanged, with ,ales of 4101 'Mils
Kentucky' at 80,,11!. and 150 do. Maryland at
12} 171 lb. Sales of 20 cases Ohio seed leaf at
and 10 cases Penn's at 10c - r)
Groceries—Sugar is more active, with sales
of 250 laid, Orleans atrq (4,5 i t - rt lb. Molasses
is firm of 20c - pr , gallon. Rio Coffee is quiet,
with saleslof 100 bogs at 714 lb. , .
Linseed' Oil—Further sales Of 111W1 gallon.,
English and American at W6 - 01c }2 gallon. ~.
IN,7IOINATI, Feb. 7:
Flour—The market is dull, mid no vales trans
pired to-day.
Whiskey—Sales at 24c lt gallon.
Provisions—Nothing doing of importance.
• Clover Seed—Prices have declined, with salea
of 11,0 bide at $5,50 "V
' Groceries—Sugar and Molasses are ire good
demand, and prices arc firm. C o ff e e i s ceiling at
®l2lc 'pi Ib, including inferior and
Cheese--Sales or prime at To lb. ;
. . .
Cotton—The market has been depressed by
the Canada's news and no sales base transpired.
Flour—Prices have declined with sales of 1000
iLbls Ohio at $4 100 ; and of St Louis at $4 25c
per barrel.
Provisions—Sales of Bacon aidr9 at a.l, of
shoulders at tike
Bagging nod Rope—Sniev it 'l2 a ILI cash;
sales of prime rope of Gf (o , 64n.
Lard.—Sales of prime barrels:4l.rd at 7.1. (d. 8c
per lb. and in kegs at 84.
, •.Bilgiir r onolitsses, and pork, are unchanged.
- The Pacific has arrived from Chagres.
The Califorpia !iewe SUM anticipated by the
Empire City.
The Lexington has arrived. also the Quebec
from New York.
Now ORLCAN,I, reb, 7.
Cotton.—Sales of 4,000 bales .ut a decline of
c, since the receipt of the Canada's cewm,
• .JACKnoN. (dire') Feb., 6.
John A. Quitman, Governor of NtissisrAippi,
resigned his office on itlonday inst. nod started . ,
for New Orleans on Tuesday to answer to the S AM. P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, Offier
charges preferred against hint by the Federal I 0n.103 Fourth rt r nto!
zent. near U. La
In ntertino Ituubl.
Court of Me Eastern district of I,ouisiarey rel- i".`• l'i.".h. at.:...... Iy S
olive to I& eonnection with the Cuban 'Expeiti- 1 + LNX. W. FOSTER, Attorney and Conn
tion...Mr. Gwiune, President of the Senate was.r if. sAhrst ha, \n IC , ronrth rtrd. Mar Oran , rt.
inducted into office, as Governor of Missi.sippi, i 'L"'"r"" _ ' novlcAlawlyn
on - Wednesday the stltinst. .. 1 4 1 ItESII FRUITS, NU'I'S, &C.-62.4 Ilia
I Zen. trumanbn Mt. 110 reedhow Rabdtve Ili lotr 11.
t LooK . HZILE NY FRIEND! ~ 1 , `,;.!;,'",:T, 7 ,1;5 u 'mh , Y:44.1 : :.:!,",;;; .V4!..41.1t!4'.;, : d 7, 4 ,t,rt.?.at"„;
IRE TOR A .FATHER, laboring fur ti4;.11`,..,"i.';',11'NT',.,::7,111 .. AT„„"" ! ':7 1 '.",',,,,'"1tt"."' '
~I lt. vjr, of a
: funny, end rum.... fr,m ;tenet./ de- , 'Pirko,. For Fab. by, .1 11. Wll.l '' Nlel ACO '"
.... 1, , i,70 , :: , ! , ',..,T.1 1 .0. 11. almo..d a CUM I burden. I del° .
__ . Corner Wood A Fifth .
.fr Am Y......,,n,. 3 1%.., n ti1f.: 11 ,11.41 ' n . ..r ,,, f . r . r" , ' ; . 07 1 4.ere '
1 1 , to o arltzll k in- C.l ILVEIt W.tltL—' Spoons, Forks, Ladles,
.5 e,,r i e , h "74.'"'"'rniour_sto.. you m ' '.' ' r i 1. - 3 hoer KM., Plizbers,..Tei Fete,. car,. 0,, 111.1110-
D.U . A ' lMla4% . 43gof "" o
''' ''.' '' ' nt ' ." V" i '' rriVaTt?...l l . ' rart: l s ' ; ' l:l ' . ' :r u lt . it. ' .'d lY ' V t. . \ . { ! 17.;/ t r. "
~i l.. ~,,,,, 2 ;‘, ,. .41t1,4 th.l the Yhalter Mir. '
, %rano of t.ern......,,,,,.'44 . ..,.. !",; I. 110er. h a .. ~....,, th ., a75l
lA.:=,..r .. ity,
r w w l t h hi i CAN'I'OR
. 01 , 1,,— ..2, lit brim ( I ' l ' h r i: : : k l . s t •i 'l.h s:l;l - i
J h I hb A • far..,_ _
.7.4:.,.,.% trt. , , i d ne . h. , .,,........ta . b.1 ,... 1 , ..t..... ,,.. 1 itr blob e.,,,,,,i„„' I. “.. ' 1 I'l,ENlbll.) NEW PIANOS—,
SILK L. ERE It taken plearure In art. -
I t ,. mt. up in quart teeth. tort Is the I
th.t....te on tho Mtn,. kid..., ~,, ~,:m , r ' l / 4 mnPorilla 1 motoring tbal be btu ro.t peed a lot of L.
wh,. , r ,,1„, ~ ~,..n . ,/...,
...,.. s ... at U... ono.. I 'mine Manor Of Mot relebhatod make t
Morlde to Prem. Nov..* CIAII{ . and in, nan o New York, whirl, with thore
::..7„..,,, e ilatirm female,
Ile rm. a. ' d .. .qu'r . for' Dr. :.. I. 1 10 , VF.'d .11010E0 : ' ..., " e l r ' o n tlr ' . l ..rod i"" l ' uTb " la ' r ' i ' t " v t . 'l".M. ""'"l ' '''''"""i"'t"ck
HARSAPAILI Ir". - mol take notio.,
h i c .,„.51,..„ bottle-6 4.111..51.4 11... Amon. albera, one fblendlil 7 mixer double mewed l'imat.
!..,., • rale by Iron. XIV rtylr, with the new lon ern t the ,ter
- ,,u . 5. D . " own
~ „), P „,,,,,,, ..iins. the 101,4 amt nrmf. Ira Illtltop ' n ' or t e n n f lent7 t.. 1...
ham . n.. .,
.._,l C_otlere./.lMl , l.C . lneinnall, obi, I Ittl•! , , nlir , on ii lizn.i! „ .! t..rett'i r hums. Alm. two onlorel,
..... i.
b,..) 7.7 . ,...„L.7 737,7 0 :,....., . ~r , . ~,, L p..? , .—An extemire Ira of Kew Mork, ...brad. decor
134 . x , „ .. w .,„,„„,,, .Y.. 31. Towlvrentl, J. Mlder, W7Je r .k. 1 PZ . ,.. ana b tpso choicer' new Son.", Polka , . 'Vtdtar. Yr:
•Cm,rlm..ble: i t: . /I= k g.l.:Rheny elt w. 1,.. [rn „,. , l: , X UV VIE GOLDEN 11A1t1..101 Tidnl Al
Cie/Ik_ ..... ii , J... 1,0 ,
..._....___ or. Chronicle, and Ibpatrb. raspy - I
A Co, Wlteelltir. J.M. nttereon. knd E. O. Morgan. Nt.
Camille; Iklisa A Ana:. gall.. odaia.lima
Randmisn Lariovistwar. , --Theßietuisond En
quirer contains the following detailed notice of
an experinicni, made on Senn:lay last. nt Ricle . 1
mond, of an invention to overcome high grades
on Railroads. It seems to have proved suc
cessful, and if It can Db brought into ordinary
use will be of immense values
James S. A'reach'sExperiaarfal Railtray.—Last
winter the Legislature appropriated 1;10,000, to
test the invention of Mr. French for ascending
high grades on railroads. • Mr. F. has expended
s large sum in arranging a Locomotive and tar
for the purpose, and for laying down a railway
on the opposite tide of the river, a miles above
Richmond. It starts from the - I:Melville Itairoml,
near the Spring Mill Factory, in a valley just
above the fdlnunted house," and runs up hills
and ever stressins in a direction perpendicular to
the River. The experiments with the railway
were very interestiem though, on account of
souse accident to the stensalsem of the locomo
tive, they were not us full as desirable
Of the ascending amide:mending of undulating
surfaces, it sees. clear to us that no better me
thod can imasibly be found, combining as it does
many requisite qualifications, vie despatch in
the construction of roads, greater cheapness and
certainty of traieling: as, by Lids method, the
road is neither , - affected by frost, Ice or even
grease itself, (for the latter has been tried.)
this rail-way the rend, as constructed by 3 r.-
French, is more than a third of a mile in length,
on a grade of 200-feet to the mile. The ends
of the sills are cut off square with the string
pieces; the rail, six inches widened three-fourths
of an inch thick ; is placed upon the string pieces,
and extends outwards two and a half inches,
thus affording no under-surface, against which
a pair of rollers (the simple principle of the - whole'
invention) ore pressed. These roller's or wheels
are suspended from the engine, a little in ad
vance of the delving wheels, and nee pressed
against the eiterided rail by a lever, by the reg
ulation of • which any amount of adhesion
may be obtained. This mechanical ndheninn
has the advantage of being gradmitel to circum
stances, for on rosining on a level but little fl.
hesfan ie required; mid on retching un inclined
`surface it is poyes inn quantity requisite for
escending and no more. Thus are avnidel the
effects of weight in a great measure; whereas,
on the ordinary principle, much lead weight
in put on, only to be made uneof at certain points,
and destroying the road en every pmssige
-'-ester it:
The vigile used for the experiment is nnly
tons, add was built by Messrs. Hogg and 'Dole.:
matar, of New York, under the superintendence
of Captein John Errickson, n gentles's. well
:known for his great mechanical talents. Up titis
genie of 200 feet, this little etu;iise drew a pas
senger car filled, with nbout 100 passengers, at n
'velocity of perhaps 10 milis -on hour. On de
scending, both engine and car were perfectly
under control, capable of being stopped at any
moment in a spaee of ten feet, end thin, while
descending by -steam power and the force of
gravity cobmined. The experiments have clear
ly indicated the practical use to which this in
vention can be applied. ,
Among the two hundred persons present on
Saturday, there seymesl• to be a general grata
cation with the experiment One of the great
objects to be gained by this invention is that the
name power may be obtained t hy a lighter en
gine and cars, and consequently less wearing out
and injury to the roils. We hear that the high
est grades riser surmounted by locomotives is
one hundred and eighty feet in a mile, in Penn
sylvania. Rut there it required a locomotive of
only 3 tons (the °Climber,") to overcome a grade
of two hundred feet in a mile. When the exper
iment shall have been fully tested, and a heavy
weight shall have been drain up and down,
and great power shall have .been obtained by
'lighter engines, it will he for the State to order
the adaptation of the invention to seine portions of
of the various roads, now being built, to which
it is applicable. We know not what may he the
effect, in time, of heavy friction of the two small
rollers, revolving 1700 times, while the wheels
revolve only 32 times. •
,- .
We are not Engineer enough to venture ,a
predictionas to the permanent usefulness of the
invention. As far as it went, it succeeded per
fectly en Saturday, and we heard several mount
aineers declare that if the invention could sue
ceel in overcoming the grade Of the present ex
periment, it would be sufficient for railroads
through their Mountain passes. In this age of
Invention, we should not be surprised to sec this
application so improved, that; in less than a year,
it will be made me of -in surmounting the Blue
-Ridge. superceding the very expensive and snail
like 'funnels through the mountain!. •
NEW OREEENg, Feb., 7
Cy:CM:ATI; Feb.
{Pe learn that a young luau named Stanley,
eon of the Poatinaster at Duncanville, hue been
arrested on a charge of abstracting many from
the mail. The circutostanfes, as we have learn
ed them, are an fallow.
On the 15th of .1./trember last, and also on the
17th, letters containing a considerable amount iu
hank notes and drafts, were mailed at this place
far persons in Philadelphia, by whom they were
never received, and inquiry wail set on foot to
ascertain! where the loss had taken place. A
mail agent, after conic delay, travelled the.rnute,
making examinations, but !wing unable to gain
any clue to the discovery of the money or its ab
stractor, finally gave it up. Two letters were
written at different times by one of the lovers to
a friend in llollidayslairgh, stating the facia and
describing the money. neither of which reached
their destination. This fact, on being discover
ed, rendered it certain that the embeirkment
occurred betwetatltlairarillenntl llollidayaburgh,
and young Stanley being obaerved to have more
money than usual, wee suspected of baring come
connection with the matter; and when it woo fur-
. . •
titer ascertained that lie had exchanged in Hot
lidayshurgh for ' , mallet note, a $lOO bill an
sleeting the description of one of the stolen
ones, an officer Was sent tq arrest him. Ile had
left Ihincanseille, but was punmed and taken on
Lost Saturday, and Las been coin:Audi to await
Lis !fiat.
The Sums missing, as far as we hare ...certain
ed. were rent as follows: By Dart & $3llO
Jamet Baird. (New Derry.) $500; M. Graf; $111);
L. Martin, $225; M. Graf /v. Co., $47. Noar of
the money has been recoveroil. The remittances
of James :Baird, M. Gruff Co., and 1.. Martin
were principally in drafts, which have been du
plicated, so that they sustain but little loss.—
Part of L. Martin's, (sloo)was in halve , . of bank
notes, and after sonie.ililliculty the Intl amount
has been obtained in - MI • the bank on the remain.
In, halves
Stanley exchanged some money at the branch
bank at Hollidaysburgh, but the facers, when
, .
applied to, would not make an examination to
ascertain if the missing money bad been paid in,
and none of it has vet been identified.
We understand that the Duncanville postmast
er himself bear. lut excellent character, and that
no suspicion meta on him. The mails sometimes
. . .
lie over at that place for twentY four hours, and
any one haviug ihCcesSio the keys, as young
Stanley probably barl, would doubtless have op
portunities of searching the bags.
Letters addressed to he Pont Office Depart
ment on the subject u lster reached IVashington,
and in all probability w re taken at the same
place.—lllairsrille Aperlarhmti.
i The following from a late number of the St.
Paid Pioneer. will nerve aj an answer to the in
quiry on thin sultiftt in our piper of Dece Ist:
But there are prejudices again.l our climate.
Sonic insist upon it that we cannot raise Indian
corn. Show them prolific fields of it, as we now
can hundreds, the naked: earn glistening like
gold in the mellow sunskijitiof Autumn, and the
.ground beneath almost pnied with yellow pump
kins,.and yet they look incredulous, and ehokr
their Leads; and say;}' .•it won't do, I was here
last June, and your - springs/ire too late. - There
is not au Indian banking by the lake nide In the
sunshine of his Niel hot mummer, who cannot
raise and ripen one variety or other of maize.
Fromthe delta of the Mississippi, to the remot
est brunch Lake Itasca, the head
of the river, tht4 crop Cull by raised, and ir nines
and ripened every year. i lVhat folly, then, to
contradict these palpable 'Nem! The name rea
soning applies to .wheht. -At Red River. many
hundred miles north of St. Paul, they raise bet
ter wheat than - ever goes into the Market of Mil
waukie or Cbicitgo. There in not a, plant of any
.description rained •in Wisconsin that does not
ripen here.
Q.SIITLEY tic (X)LVIN, Coal 31erellanuc
I,3wJ I.lltro m Dry 60;4, flavrrrii, 1 . 6. and 5•11 , 4
r4rroor a Walnut nnvt and witlOwtoo ruraidke 144 W,
/II ANl4,llli' OLL--25 brln for yak. hy
Jez., twinhoN, LITTLI .4 (X)
brook and Boman Ilioural.hy. le sttsdrscs. tow 0.4 '
snuao. partly harnal nonn the niettnnary of Onaek and Itor
man Ilinorenra" o, l l llll,lngy. Ito Wm. 3millt. L. L. 11.
Roviaml by C. Anthon. 2 - . . •-
Lis, of the Iluona of Scotland and Englbdi Priper•re..
By .Ignee Strirkland Inl.l t t .l Oll. RENT -A good brick iltable on .771.,.
The Life nod Cororsonndenre of R. Southey. Edited by • Strawlwrry Alley between Liberty eml Dmith....'d
N. Pan. tin. Rev..: C Southey. 11. A. 1 nil-Sao_ mini. hr il p l l.ri" al pritrunt arranifial fror three horma, ra r..a...M.
The Ihwllin. nf Fromm,. and it. Cause. An Addrees dm liagnohr• rm. , ' IA otailY Merle to wonenniodatents or eight
IleeM'd In the Roadway Tabernacle, on Wednesday even. hors, The loading being lame and nnaveniently sitna
in,..lannary 15. 1D.T.1. by .N. Aturray. n.n. I. ~ ., 7 sultatie rus a Var. of ...rine ter mem
Just roccimal and fur ~d.. hr 11. 111-IFKINS, ehanto. Enquire of JAS. NIONTOIYIII,
tch.Sarla - • No, 177 Smithfield. in No. LT; Sixth et.
_ .. . 7A Apedle Building, bough at.
RW liusir;- • pl.• 7.0 SITIVE S-I.LE--A large number of
t ,‘:.
,1_,,,,,,,bri, I,4l,itorarings,6inh.,th:o. nkm ‘ lt , d i n iim irl i t . .le gi aLtu , at . d a
~,,,i n, ,t lt hi o ,
iV_I 112 . 1 , ... „.,, , ,,,
Itf bore!, Isidro ; x . rrirtiratrif olUett from
tile ot..ra of Jemlintla hr Sool .
' , loth,. than'.' faithful tome, anew wmg. lei DC; Remy. t'itr'e h. ”sn'scto for nos Ins aid on tgromnomlatlog
twin alt- atm oleepi, my AI., fair, h, lib 1;. ViAtrr. tenni. bar i nano mar he had by applwation to
111 oder thee Ili. hoer of nolo, BAIRD A 11l IN, 111 Sernmi 4.
Como. maid.. or or Terme:olllm ' Baird 0 letin nil, alo• for oale thirty-right 1..t0 on
IV , . imre he happy 'yet : !not the liatmlitemnf SL Mark. bratra Irani, Arvin., For terms nod. further partranotra
mean Burial.. favorite and touching halls/. IPA, 00 01,,,ie.
Thou lamt wounded the emire thnt loved th.. - D n
Ilen Bob, nr d.nit you ~. intuit, rwert Alter. VOIt ILEN'I'.-A warehouse situated on
thrain, Iblpn, ollom hy S.( C. )......r. 11 IVater itna I. between Market and Error .utlable for
The relelonaled Palm Iratunm I.lmium. 1,001., Enquire of JAS. V1 . Y.1.7.1T.1.1..
an. 2110 Jemadt-tanapkwe. fel.-1 No.illg Alarket
Val , '" giiintrilliis. 10 Mrs. Erneet. Feeble. l'olks
14‘011 lIENT-The dwelline.Pitouse and
r, , 1.,, , ,1.1,t-, , ,'„ , ,,11,1 , -....iirr. --- -I- . 1 urrtnlndlnp onslnd, mow ''. bird by [of.
lime , or a I .41.1.
hilly Quathilley-ll•rytiaiy and pretty. ...IL ti ' t. ilia head of Pride. 41. In the ' Cialitto Itunh.ormom
lime Quails-Oho boxer.' holha. Aillegli...., ri.dillione. Penton. n lilting hi find 0 lorZion Inc Alm rmukt• and bum
A new edition of 'lonian*. Idetruellen, furl'isni o with Ile. and yetrowlde In the city. cOl3 nod here witch a plan,
oil. mblitional pager ~ I new boarann, lt k to Ilion lifhant soinuter wall. of any bushier. parer
Clark'. t'aleolunto for the Nano. lo n . etty, 4.1.1 altf JAS. IV. 1113C11.1NAN.
Fort . 7I r Ir IVIT:AIVi.tV ! . 1 " i '. T,.. b , ' ,.,. 14 1 01: SA LE--Seven year's lease, with tttoek
N. il.-A ner, large etoek 1 New Fiame arriving. and ir .nd WI 44444 4 hey Ilcodoolore. No. :NI LlhertrytneL
will to open for Abe 11,1, viral,
.1.31 Imo Rutin, partkulare *nuttily. as shore, 0 , 14n11 w
.1I ONDRODATHII . BOONS- Just poldfshed Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
ff and for role el the lark .ton. of the ondentlgnml.
„„„,, bounnotie[ Ph, sloian,mvio.4l. with additions rflllE undersigned Administrators of the
fmnt the author'. man ...crud of the Ith berm. edition. I 1,101,' orrlmno, Falrinan. denrifoaal_ oiler fur vole the
l i nntaining, 0da.... tabular index of Um niedloines And the. in real notate of lIK , sold 71/0.1.1 tairman. 00001.11110 • illkaa....e. In ichteh Oruro, Ineed:'
ern. OM hot ha banding on bawdy rtrwt, running tiara
ra.., of m. 4118.410 for Ili. alio.. work. Arnica Iss..wr. , a bin fret alley. Alm. the Invent etuml known as the
, 1 111111-.1 Flo. en. eon 11.1 ton ugar of Mill, Globuirr, a , f.o.b. Boum. a ith the gronod. and otaldmeottnerhal.
Nil .upply of all tr.:......leirte• peed byphysielan. In Um fronting on biota nil., thine bin.. f ..four lochs..
no 11 , 011..
outs,. dloomo
I , pa o, tso ly,•Awle b t.ol. benoot..llll d :di lib. worlin pub. A 1,,,. 1t,,, iota fronting ou Cherry alley. each eighteen
tt. fort trortt. and running lack niaty 10.1 wall. a Ilb Nun,
Sole Agriit for the ifinuir . opq .I. ' ". "'": ' '' .. 7o l , ' " '‘ . .. '" '''''''''''''.."7 "."1 '''. '"1,1 "1 ''''''' ''''. l '' t
ll l k . M. 41,1111 . - limier. npolleation to the .nb.onbrr. or if not wok' bt.fon. the . ..f.t a
111.ko-a - T . ' ortu.lberty It of March. will , r , fteroil nt rumen
tire hlghoot bidders.
-1. -- 7 -- .------,- ALwo. the Totem itan.l l. (den. for mot. Appll. to
EW IIOOKS AT 110L)1Es' jj,
.It. FAIRMAN. or
Literary bted, 'Third street. oppomite
roe 'tot Other: .- la2tAlaur23 151 Liberty et
_ -
Henry tliner-10111 a Joroloite atm . ,: of the
Hill of Orange I. lit G. I'. R.Jalhow , Ea. 14 .1 011 RENT-A beautifully located Lot,
' The louclrao, or Itiomari. I,Vt. and Woman's Ilate-a ....wining t , aereolluttoo. or lora rlittatt. on the Turtle
tooviL , • , Leek Plank 110..1, the greatening overtr mition.a.huirably
oloototemdalef.eattotel. IL Atm Dontloworth. .00.4 for a roarkot balnirn. with. 7nantity id mod hearing
I Mon, 1 rooveL to; the moll., of - The t ',lvies.' tipple tteno, and mtlY half 0 0 hoer • w•JA froto 0 . C..'
IL: e In.:elle, A Talrl for Mother+ and 11,0 like, By Homo.. po.o.tott given lot of April. laftl.
limes tgoilor. ' . -
For ter.. niel further ongleularr, Paquin. of
Abatiter , bramenag. By Geom. Aguilar. THORNTON A. SHINN, Alton...yet Law.
throkem; Mi , garliii.lizi.lanuar4
bowrir'it Banding. t.:l kriry.lirourth ...shun. Multhlteld.
. '^t ,t. ' l! l' ...l ' il.. ' \l '' ..!l4 ' enti ' ilitititiorat.4.l mliti.i. or th,lro - i ' o ' olh - 1 -
vrr r - •
. is= yr° L ET-The Store Itoom, ' No. 65 mtrA•
• • AI et street- The PArt Ineatlon In tbe il• fin . 1 - 4,
% f ill GAZI N ES FOR FEnlt IJ ARA'. at - tt,;?, or, gird. Atm, alwi, for imormnre erefoi
i .0.' . ! ,
n a.. , ..-. ....ror, IMPoL.Thinl - el. the broker . ..floe. Aentr In .1.2.1. Al. W. tril,flN.
iiiiiir'ii Lrul,lii Itc,R for February; lOll RENT-All that portion of toy river
trah:mu , Itararine do • '
bottom lying between the Illtsburgh and Broothloelt . i.
isnot., Magenue In mid l'lntik.Road and the Herr. inipproted to nontsha alnot
hanntatele: a new no., hi Mr. Doullworlh. filly am.", to whirl] will he attarinal a two Flory haute
Home Influent. II tali. o , r meta, am daughter,. Ili hobo. anti. exrellent ono...mbar underneath. an °reboot.
Grace Aguilar.
a otabir and barn. It 1. oil 11l • hint, odate of ',titivation.
Nll'vth;r,t!tlt.t.::l'.ll7.7-bno=l'il•Tre"Oisrflfly7e."' and would be well calculated for dairy or ganlening ran ,
Fore. No PD Mord MIDI, unit... he ran come well m
The WhIA Alumnae for 114.1.•_' conmonded forhone., earl., and Indurtry. The
No lof the Ainerhan Illuminated edition onto. WaTertY Lennie. far getting to market are clonal to mt oto the
Noveht. the rhea,. edition peer publkhed. lel 4
a. the osoupant will have hi. choice of the Over.
• plonk mut or nol rind for hie ancimmmlation. ..
New fooka, justreceived. yal,stlll INAL G. lIAIVIi INS
ry lIE Bards of the Bible; by George Gilfil-
I li EAL ESTATE FOR SALE--The tinder
', tan 1 ea 12nom•
littned offer. for wile a large number oh valuable
iireek Olirmlart. heing n progreoive exhibition, qf the mo jit, / the ~,,,o 00, 0 ~..1. d,ibh, .11... for manu6e.
lireek Graunnar. oir.iguril for beginnrrii In timer.. and m. • O r b, In the ronmo d , or ihnni„ o n n ., lo,n,mi noor it, •
took of esemtmo fir orodendo. and college, HT Arnim' C. new bablaeltrhool Ifortoe acal Knuth]. Lutheran Churell.
Kendrick. I n.l. 1•Into. mu,
rapid growth or Birmingham in notmlation and
llie Youth, Canooni. lit Hannah Flogortiould. 1 ntl lottnn T aonyai)...t.oin g . e,eaith, and the momonabh. /wire. at which
Chorine and tinnier Charm, 110 Maria J. Mellninelo. 1,. will'he raid. will render theta a rate and pr
I vol. 12mu. nom.
vertment. Title perfa-t. Tenn. faenralde.
'CI,.- I hDltrer l i nn etoDl'omr , • I + 4 lDel to"Henic lotitlemv." For_wouliculari and to;ro.-...ortninmor Otemoder.igned, at
By Brae , AetoilD , " the nbare of (1... e. rV. illiaunas hen.. on Ilrant greet, Pittm
11,1,,m0r. Magoon. , and F:rogitreero , J0w1... raft . t,,,,,,,b,t,,,,, ) . 1,,1r0l snol_rottrth eireela or trd lifiliona
unmber lug n mired.
I Synonma and N. tiltemon, Eot'o. kt their etlie, in Itirru.
Ityn..l. Dictionary of Mrelfatlier and Eiteittroting. No 22. hozham.
.w.ta most., .. EATON.
loot reed for mt. toy , It. 11.11$ INS.
D Apollo Iltillillogo. Foorth lif. 1 f rio - r,ET-on, LL,,,, , e ....i L.,, ~.,-.1
NEW BOOKS! • I Itialforil etre.. Seventh Ward. For tern, to 4
I tu ROBISON. LITTLE ICo .las...
i b N [IRE :WS' blerts. ENbusit LExicnN-A i' . • 2.5 Litoorto .
_ . . . . . .
~ copious and critical Latin. English Lethr.o. foundral I Fill: SA.LK----The soleteriher Offers for ts,lt2
sa I lanorr I.oll..thortuan Lexicon of Br. %William Freund. , i ~aia a lan, and well built cent How, wilt. five at. 4
s•ttb Mallow, asl rsrlmetionofrom theLindrona of teeter, ,- or moo. a r m. o f ~,,,,,,,,, n o tb,. s„,,rtb tench
iarei..lati. In E. A. Andrew.. I. LD. 1 Road. Within afire mile-tor thio tiny I..raeratim given ou
•Plik 01,, , 0, , A 40.0 or TOY PAO.: twine the pemonal 11.. the 1.1. of April nett. .
ratio e end iviiiiltii nf tra , rl thninrii the esuila bib or Haw- Aloe a arrr Meltable Intel orronnol. nontainintrover Four
oho. Inlmule. land other fn to of l'olyneda. Ily I.e. 'Mary an,. eal a *ring of errellent water thodmon, eittmtoil
T thee., milled. of - The 11 Wound Idolhiplono." Ivith Deur !he also.,
Ala.; titot of ground tart t II ',hes by 100 fool. tohnite
Tilt mitinee GLOGIIII-IN. n vyu.l to !lonic influence.- Into Ihn me' hner Id' Mr. A. Toner, near the ...I, .pt...11e
by lira, Aguilar. limeited and fur rob. toy the Seventri tinni..d. Pommy learns .Iretaue hew...ion
.la l3 R. b. bIoCKTON. 17 Market al] 1 moot inismallahl,
Clonnok le, het. and Ameriran cop,.
1 It it -07 w .rtain that the flank Real will he eimplete .
I part the ato . .ve tondo. y . arty in the tontine monomer. For
I DA l'E I:, UL A NE. IlOt INS& STATIONERY 1 liinber tatostosttoo. sow. to 11.1 vit , ockbEll. 5....1,11.
1 1 . ,,..r..f ;ill 0,-, ~,ut .isoahlie, ruhni amt plain. Mu; I mod. neat the tin. MIA - riled property ta:r_odif
14 Jliii • EVII'01: s •'-The 1,11 .....
Itlant. Brat. of every .1.-erndhuo. on band Or 1110.41,10
,It -- -' ', . -•-•. •' •- 4 • ....VI
wed ea .heet wait., .VIVI;e11 or tent M. eery .1,fral•lo rountrY lier 4 ;42 ,
Sone, ry- Corte+. Fmnel, met An...inn. fano, nod . eumf. tit Alliogloony tar. filoolmt co Ohio 141114 and ,
eta Me. air ...d.. fir u• s. Ha I EN. sostiso.4. Albvloroot A,nue. we., of Ow Omni ~,,, . 2 . 1. , how. iii a ;
fit, Mirk. et. ...nor of SeeDiel. larJraloohle hen* torilding, In rework-1e enter. Them I. a
- "-- - A.ringe t 0.., .ta14....nd ,Anl water fit the ground..
(11.1 K ,1 Nlt .11tH PILINTINIL-Eyor, do. „ to. , 00tt,..• ts, wres. w iMbro'ved•r..too. gee
...notion .4 - Ma-al. Conn...mill. Sk i , ,, , and 4 .erittd . s.of fruit: anew. • 'PTO. , i' , ... mei 'Di'''. i,,', , T ..
1 11 . 1 ,i g„..4 torm,m og . i.,,,...t 0 , „o ~..„, ~,,, , ,„, .;„ yi,,, . 1 , .04000 01401 1410 newer 41.00141, 4.11,1 N minima
1.-t 500,..r. to ; ir. , ir.t lks, i e o-`- ` 4 ° '
Printtng !Mice. Do Thiel et.. Mork. and Fort, 1 -v on it EN T_A two st t wv ftsCelling •7•,,,••
,A ,
.. „ -•,. -
.. j`
11, greet. }:nquire .4 jr__ , __:,2
iii TAI . II i :',. F. Ft 1 -1% .s. ' II t Iry. corner ou i tan JAME. , lIILAELI- ut 11 an, st -
i ran yel ird 1011,-1 1,... 1044 for, nio n. Inr,. noe, ratte I
t itlesn neeortnient dl tow. dattetwry as ha. era lain i FOE 5..1. LE (111 ON l'Elll'f:TI. A L LEASE
~,,..1 , 'hi. ..,ot. t Sten-ham. ',lio I ulll, • Very - -I A Ileell Id; emli el. oo t. "mental I. woe. nue lot en
^rt..' ''' 'hi . I ""' e''' ibr ""ro 1, ,4 dr lime... et. 1 - .mon .In.el 2I reet b..nt he 110 1e...t to Derma, 'di,. Ad ,
1000, 0 1. A ir,ll, II ant FaMite Ware ,t1.0..,40 ..,
rtill.ll'Elt-I' , lio. Porkier. l'anin..•reial and 1 i...... 1..... he iv. 4.11. coro,o atet 111.-Jheor .......1.. nod I
Quern, 1... t so I,Lnp Voter.. larreor,ll ..1 all ell.- Ator.n.r 114.,, li v... 2,4 trai .A. 1.11.ra,. LT ' l.l to opining
~...,, en!, an d ,4,,0 0 . hi m „„, 1 .hoe. n o . ,nm. o n an., l I Uler Ale.. 1.3. m fees fronting on Ferdillrato ,1r..., maim
,rno. rd . mitt It. 5.31 1 bbo',.. , n. It ept.-ote ihe Comm' ita11n.1ikint..311,14,1,1011,1140,
• 111 , 0•J , 41 , tf 1 JlNtliO W 113113 I
N" 1:11 . STOCK, OP I'l_ V NOS " L •- , 7 . ,,- . ,7 , .
11 at the ob,len Its., Se In - fink! , n 3 mr....• ~ I:\ 1.1 ARC}: 1 INOPF.III 11. Olt SA L}..77,
st. KLEDY.B m one ...retrain: a tn.* lot , The Tlind n anl 1.1.11, 'AM.,III ome.and rim on , T I•ol
of elegant Claim . male r e t rain : Ne, ' a hi. to it ra...1„. will he mild either r 4011114•13 ~A 10 - 016 1. - .
New 1'0r.,, astentA tin m. 3 ,i.Mmlnt 7 0.14,11.4 *e' 1,. c. ther. to .utt mon•lut.e. The Lei t. /lit
feet ale. en
of the richmt. l ...erolooto of eimmor aril tone. a lt.t moth. • i tern MM. mei
Rid drat. on 0•100011
00 the Remo etyle. ttt voue Mille nl. of Lou. XIV end Ant addamottl lider..moo
rol l )
her . iven. arid
NV Alen, • new lOT rte Dioldoionide and Moonrise Mo., tern, of ode
Lit.. I, ~ n .appliention to
aril .in iiiiii.oilr, i.•ili, t • t tire., Inrirtuarn, 140hn..
tioit.o.T.- Meindrah•• Mod .err. o 3 eo , Ir .4 mommal merrhom I° en... 1 11.-ani Loorera.m. at N.. 47 and O.:. Alotriott 'tn.,
.1,1. min . ...noil lon
_.- -- - -- • .'' . - 1
- v EW 1. 10 ()ES.-11,unliolt'h new Work,' pro LET-.A large .Nlansion !frame with . ...
~.. 1 C.-tu.o. or t 01,... h. 01 •Ph ottrad ileierbotten aam .0 ee, .et WI ontarhed, rattan. at Oakland . -
Culver . ' 1013 ' '''' 11 , 101tY.J0N21.; it C4l, .
1 1 , `44 , 10014,4 , Sker eh., of , :innhatoto. the New Engtatool of
On. 110.. I aol I.; um ry() tEI desirahle residenee at es•cs,,,.
Itt roe'. Mralmnie: nod irogtoter, Itictionaro. :Met No. prenent rartopied by the oulweriher. 'Roans! ..,,.... 1 k
I ... breett.lnorgh bike. In the Ilortahrh of Lawrell
r 4 4 04. ....'• '',' ” 11 , 1 '0.• T he... T.. ", wi rTit Tn . 1.3. • idle The boo-, I. lane and convenienL ha , 12 n..m.. 2
''. D'"' vo If /LtlblilNe.
r , ellor, and earl. bonm. Alse a stable and eurrlade
i n i .n. "' Mall .' t;r: , ; ' ..... ~,i,,.1, a One omed , .o.c.O ' ntarillug gooier ehrol-
RNOLIES. il 11:11ElirS. irocLt N AND , t -r •• ..1 ,, - ',"'',,,."'• "... "....• T.6. ',.. Th ';' . ' di-
A. 111.311°M0N . 0. nod Harmon Blaok. not. scarlet , ;?,!: . .r,„!,.. t i i„,,;1,.„..te . " .. ' "L n 1',474' . K1..1i,Ty r ep,r,;. r , .%
eto Cartiono Ink.
No 11 0 Allar4,l tin.. •
ootoon% i'a1,...(,. illnolonan .1.1 Imonolotio. Jrieloon.. ' con." '
..I M.. "'" HL. ''' .i. "'•'' L.. ' ' hr. ''' . . ir 1 01 i. BENT-AST Stu - 311lb ill Fast Binning.
Intots,l. st' vier, 4...0ti0n, Gillett'', Cohen A. eratea. 1 • •. • .
L„ I ~1...,a, .. 1,,,,,,,,-, , ..,h,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,...„,,, st..A 1...3. well iiituatril for a Irrge ninime , ri It ran ronil
Prit, 6. .M. , 1111111•0 immeerens. to A.M. hay ley 0 tYcio nil the entire boittenm. .4 Lhe 011711404 Owl hall fltedl.
or b.bnind 0i.41 1 . ....., wlth Au,1 , 1 .11 4 , 0•4•14 0,00. , IL ..111 le 1 1,0. , •001,1y fe0,441., WWI 0. I , o4lent,and letwed
St barium:l, Euglith I t
l o sper--entinuariam - dno. row a norm n( y..,.
hie eleplralL nil,. oumble. mop, mini, n.yal and el m Alm.. an elAudlebt 0144 for brlek ptedomr-oleydrap,
piton,. brien4 11wrilo mt.. demt rd rt...litorn. 'i
All w'rer. , goo. 'Mamie" ef everlientrbom , tor Urea
Perron...l I..aeh 1., le.t p.mor, Mono g. 4.1 and .river. ,at 1 ..I.:14.11vor E..1 . 111LLY05.1,3.4 Illrodognam,
rinbeeral gold. oiler, end bore ',Mod pate,. gold and ...
oolnirad Mel.. and mien old lithouraplt. for faney I.vow. I /DO I,ET-The Three SlO7 Dwellings ,
prelAred parchment fir nil ram, 4111131de for .1...... gnat lime, N., 111
nerdod olitdo , Mano tro brit riot Iwne:r. o•no,ro on ' , mod , ,th.,... , b.- lel/. II Ileboandn. and on
two Perin ,
r tlerirahm or/ mc.ramT 1 . 11 1 ,400.1 ...1...1e,i1, - , tinting nom bold kichen. on the
floor. Pe....welon
....1 noel nOltennl. Purist& for balk, ponied, wed.llog• and 1 ,orell On dlu , let of April. 'minim of J. AR. FIAII . II,
.1010 Round Cborth.
French note envelope, plain and ern/wand; letter covet. - . -
..t .s. bnow hite mid bite: bdol mod 1 4 ,•in ndioesivn em , T I LET-Uwe 'Two St 13riek House, 7r,ts,.
relt.., wardhu ot mod whim.
tiatern. war, cup, tenon, Natur e writing moil, foram O ~, r t...,.. l 7TT_ n t
~., : ,:iii. i . , ... l'.-urn A T. Td.. M8. ..11U
In k, and Turkey Ina worst - sand hozemn.pyttn. Promo.,
isle - • ''''O TTTs . j ou , w . ,•.,
,i , co.
Ink, Imuln.n. Frrnrh and Euglholt monytou Woks. and on
r o p e r, Rm... tromrof all colorafrml and white patio. blot- 1,410 R RENT. The Store, lIS 'Alarket stt
' 415 ,, 1=... ' ,.:1ti,T,Mi ' ,..,:,,ticw. to the tit/0.10,4.y Line. 1 i L L i.,tir0..4.,11..,,,te rer,indp..llLfrtiza.t.h,e,..rouri:ser,,w,fAi•Arpkrieti.........'.34
Irath (sort and naple., together with a large asrartmout tot
blank holm and menu o f ten I..dn. of all runions. forum ; 0001 - tmlmm of DAVID OREER,
Inn Peon irt.
of rullug. In eve,ey style of biuding. and taper of 011 Amp i ra ,llo,
Vn nahtle.. f0r...1e at Minor) tato.. the tong motion.
l i elernm, at ' ... 11' e. 11A VN't 17 / . 1 (111 ItENT two very convenient
Btivik brak and obotionery IVarelionwi. Ai.w} 10.1.1000. of, Third street. aloe.
•twrifi. ent-ner of Market ami Demo. otreeta I mod oear to rosillinel.l. Pora.ranitin given on tip , trot
A Apr i., t o u. mitt, ,„.. tor om.en.momyeara, /tome large Vacant
11 14.41. at ,111.11.11EW tourer to ILA Third .reetmr- . Lots on aml near the Allegheny River. In the Moth Want
tootle en. tvd outs, eutsbarsb• ; Apply 1I I VII. M. HARLINUTON,
Banker, Martian.- .. ..- ... d
pet year SAM
'font'. Sten-hoot: Alaimo o- sno netollf Fourth oL, near NVoml.
linirkerleAl,er Min
agnoe .. do 51n • - -
Ameriego 11 Ing Rein,- .. . do n tat : FOR H.ENT.- Th e flolitoWitlg proper- 2 ,
Echo.. Magazine.. •.. do 5 .' tie...n. air nt. I - 4, 1
Alm. Ellie Alumina Cult oh, 3cm I
.. re v a
~.. ,
,_. ; A 1n0...., well 11 1 1, lind coMpletely forniahed
Ilart..r.' 1,
^' , AT/ int% 4,0 .411,1 atorti=lietor u 'Mini and 'tomorth sta
tmley's 1,11 a Honk
.. ... 1 . " .
. 2' ,
..• ' : 2 , o. 1 '" ! . . " t;!;. ' l ' n• .l itn " .. in " l '. !.iiolller 11:11.1Ing, in the neenuo I it.;
4, rulinneo , liwao•ltv.. .
D ia •r . M ., 1 , : ,, e t . ,, , 10r0 4 1 ,,,, m .„_ . .„.„
, i l . O 5„. .third emit., ointatil. for Artlotoe. Rion, OlNcei, Ae.
111,kwor•I'. Magazine ...... do 300 1. A large nral convonant IOWELLINU iitwer, Ina buni
ll ul
ortlcburixt ...::..- .
Pteraoahm td the (toreaviing .an he given nu Ili.. lot of
'Atte'', L AveivinAvedo 0 . April next.
Tholloottuary Donde of Su, Ilsgseitimewill he thr !got ( ~.1.1 . 1 . , ',9,g,, , , , ,, ,, ,! , L ii,, t mt, t , „ : , : . Tlara •Inn.t. tirst door to, tin
nomber DI tie . Dr. i 1d... , T.' lll 6 " . 01 ' h. "' ''' r FOIL SALE-An : ' w•lL.l4.l . lel n ' ronr "l' llle Trombo on
L" tt u b " - 1. 11... ahnve 0/13•1041.1/0111• 0 1 Will ife delivered (ter of p.w . t. np1i,;, , ,., , ,, , : , ; ,,1r,r,.1 , , , , ,, - 0•<•.,,,.... hr mr. A. v........,.
r, , ,..,,...;: :! .1 , - , (0 , ...1.11. • --i -0"- hT.ril4 . E. D. (iAzz. , l2l, 104 Second FtmeL
A large and well ow leged eleek of magcent ANNIL rani or to If. ACCORMICK, an Thlnl 'trot
/ 111 VT ItinfliA. An.. ',Malik. for Chriodreari and New .
Tear'. bremmom. , !o(Itt RENT, a TWO story Frame !louse t,Tes
Aloe-An torMnolOno gorartnient of Novel. aid Chord , Mole ' and Bock building, with two lota militate ond
Bretton, rhatmorry, Victim; rank, Ae. All omit, attend- i 11,, .0.. 0 1, ;no ; n.,,,,_ ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~.. 'f.,, n , m.
ol to monelmilly. I J. 11. 1101.N1F....
Enr Writ.. .Moir no ROBISIoN, bet - rbit a tv.,
fad ' tin "1 Third otreeL
' dralol 233 Ltio•rt" otmt.
_O - -••-- •
ii i 'l',l NDISI t l'Ilk: l'Uttll'AN, a Talc of 11 1 10 LET, tin: Store {loon' No. 65 3111 - ~
t tb.. Anterboati ' lterolution. 111 Eldnal (Intyiron. F.m.
0.4 etnet, adjoinlnd the Wahl. and Jewcirra.
Ititory of o.raltefornmtion of the Sixteenth (1..0110ry, .. V. It Wilton. and nail aleco led br A , ...ra. '
hy J 11. Alert,. d'Aubigne. D. 11. Frerklent of the Theolm N . yi.J...” a ~,,,„..., Banking
.., i t',
stud t., h...1.41,,,5, rind Viom l'n klent 4 theilooelete Tido n.. 1 k boated in the etc
mune". broineot
Evaroatlique TiaAmiankl lIY IL White. B. 3 0 Trit.. , 4 Cid pond n. the only. an.l wellb , lnt , oll for a Bambini. and ho
ley!, earrehrehm. '
.. .harlia. Oniir. anti loormarire time., or a Mono A 1,1 0,114
heutitelk I. It. Itdowy„Atonoulbe., ato4 Biography. tr. 0g ,.. 1.10, will, 00..1, plat.. on t o., will he put In as omit
luntrned hi forty rogyaring. Ity howl. Collin.. ino the weather pernott., •
The...hove work.' fir tale 1,, IL L . NTOCKTI IN, berwrioloo given on the lle. of P.Oruary. If wanted.-
tookontler and totrolinnen y...,, 0 t ,.,,t
iv. w. IVILNIN.
1010 CormA of Marker and Third sta.
~,, . owner or'Alarket and fourth Ana.h...
I r rriefi l o E OIAPS--l'eltion's splendi , l Out tao it SALE . t i . Three , . .„ . ..
It son) Drieb.a .
line Alato not tow heing tiotr..orr 4 we i ' • ` ll hOi ' 4 beetling Nu ID II a n lt 3 "
, mots In New Lonlandatul NeW - 10.40. 11e mow 1.14n0n• ~,,. ~,,,,,, it,„,„.,. ~,,,.., area. ...../err. ow-
ed the ammo, fn. Omni Oft blitatotrgb, sea invite tria.hers i'V.
...... ,
~ , e...h. Vaal In one tear, and
atol .hoot onnuitho po rail oral varmint. them. ••"'' ,11,,„ „",, ; :yriJ ... ,, , ...ral hi Mogan+ on the Diem'.
No. 1 -Map of tin 14,0 ru flethight re. o 2 a 42 Inch... ". 4,,,, ~. ... r4/.//// 1,r,10 , 1 0 4/ 0 1 1 , 11/AOO . / 0 / 0/ 0
../ 4/10 Aterhir. " - l o at 1170111.
lid Liberty; .trect.
.10. . Nort o America.
4 do - 1 10101 Stale., 11 I Al!
' 7 '' ; '
6 .1., , • qa,
7 do , m Arneriot. A Afrha. u 0 1 .4
eilmrar tin. ill'.v., with 1... . i 2 o or tioe h It lote Brun
I . Alai, to ill. iiin . Ito
. Thee,. temp. are t -,•-•lb111, wetirsey. 1.e.., arnl ehrom
r0me....1 .. t nra want- ..1 the prus... o grainteter
and limi. 0 10.41. el the Looted !donor.
Fur ...le at 1 . 1.1.4413.01iipmeir. Wlll t odditren a freight
abarg.... ett the .- FIJI CA TION AI. IRioli D•ltobb.
1,..rue0 of Alegi. nod kourth .t.
Norris and Willis's Rome JouruaL
iliri;LlsliE.ll..v.r l ' t.:atur.lav• in New Yorl:
y lco,. st To,, 14,41101 0 year. payilile In all emu.. he
1,0000100 , 0 Al clev....olllen of the Home. Jnorn;l. No.
107 Fulton .0... .New ",,I.k. Ileeentiwir DI 'DO' , " - T. "ii
whom, it mao ramv no . IMO , 0,01 0.141.111 that J. It IttoWr.
1..010t , •iotherind to too 3 euirtgent for Alornm A Woo , .
110tta . .1.4 go o_, and that till Pewit , . toren lot him In lot.
tarot 1,,, 4411,1 intimi will 1.. dillo ......•im10..4 IA 111 at ch.:
ofilne of pubiterotat, and §§t IA 1.0 , n oody awned swt ttb , ..f .
.tost. that all Kribeersiolitel. /... 1.4. , th .,00 . P.'. V ... .
at T... new toionoe veill nutannum on the Mt dt Jaml
ato Ottenipti.nt received Id 4 II Helmet, Thinl elm. .
opt..Ain. Oh. Ind 11111 m. ,
~ MORltis a It I 1.1.1 e,
.I,N %Morn mil broPrietnra
- ..
ritnivt.niiirmile Ilia Owl. 1/11,ri,--
Ilarwrie 3lngarilir for•Jaintaro
Ohre. a morel. by the author ~f ell Ogileter.
The Iboth,.ltreoputtriee. trivet By Oman Ak WM .
The Lutten.lis; no twoi marrlge.-• near'.
The Ladder id tholl-an EOldl•h odlff.
To le,Ve and tree Inved-ot mho.
Canollue . e to by 1 1 11' M. ItcynaLla.
'IL, Itrioneto Conf. an/Md.
A 1. ,, t0r0 no Ilm ...111. I, Ur. lOr,
lor tm.. Reply no Iligtem,llindlo, un tin' 1k1H•••• of
Itomejournal, Nu 1 id new 101.2/.
men. ,ROBBERY.
• • _ • • .
Lifayette•Hall, Corn er woo d and 4th sts.
‘,llt. KE3I3IIitER will giro a grand Jure
yu Ih. Mogitul Euler talnment of talowll.rout mati6.
0,, next aroninc.Vrt.nry 10,16 , 11,1;4r of nearly
hildn.nt frt. the. initlificht M. K. Ltunday
thr , :nott tt6. Haptltt Sond Feltrol A band .lll
tht• a l TN o'clock.
.Intitsar. , .:4 Chtldr. Lilt print. Pay at the
- trANO
lhonal ftln.rt, ban rnrwl
nr and now urea rot' Ayie, large and well. • Y
m 1,41,1 Awl of ahl attar. rt
uot Ilinariubly n.II et It.e.tuls t001f...1./ any 00(00
lfaunnall.liun or rift, audio all eatna wartauttnl.
01.1 Hama taken.tu part yayntrut at their full valor.
An..nt for the nal., of (71,I..terleu's Han. for IS nnt,
_fell N. SI Wood
0. f ),i
FOR RENT—The store On Marker st,
70 stit;b 1 : 4 C. Yeager ea a Tula,' Et‘a4--:11 .
" ri•b i r d 'ra". Moo:. 4th
OR 'RENT—Eleven neren
of around. aituatod on the ttirtild , e , our
east of 31lneravIlle., on which aro rretad a &woe ••••
dwrilitna how, Rood anthllttg. le. Ihe ground Ix all near
ly la... Land heing lannalni in front 1.1 the netonth Ateet
mad, and extending. bark to the-Penna. liallrood. It la
one of the nowt dm:ruble lucttlons in the rieitt/tY of the
arty that I. now iu the hlarket. Ftit s ll 7 I. of
191 Liberty rt
TO LET—A IVarelnluse _situated z.• 4
tats wi.t and itarket, andionninn throvzh
froM to Frond strect. nvently oeruld.4 hr ., "
toodro d Alkinson.• It t, rultable for montforturio t rorxte,
rill: mtn.o. FINS,
I I OUSE AN!) LOT FOR. SA LE—'l . lll. Yr
I 1 anLa . ribe often. far .ale the how.. and lot vito-21
ate to the molt idra,ant part of the I. Such of
,tr. fmation Ila• Inatnond lA, frt, and on Market INT
210 house la well eononsr:ill for comfort an.
eon %mi...., alanoaneetld At the dor. The
lot I, well 4tool otod or fruit nod ahrobber)
The above prvivrty (1.1, dr.lrDidle 311 11 1 , 1 .1 Pt VT ,
tat, reaidgoee,
.Alro. part of lnlut N 0.11., 1.4 t rrop
audw foot 1axt.1i,N.1.*1;,,,V.0.EfinAN,,,,,..b.„
For forth., part:cola, Inquire of
• tfr.1.1....1_
M kr brie extra No. I, in
- Want tend Frani .t.
g 1 4)1 , 114;— , 11.1 bap primy and fluor Rio,
1 'fr 0010 1,1 J. I. WILLIAM: , A'co.
tior. w.ssi
QIELLERS' LIVER nut 14 - gt
CN o ng without then, " •
0. Jan. 9, W.I.
Ali. vu.vas—Vonr. an. tin. 11111 V I.lorr bilk that
sail erg, I could not not without !hot.. and et..r,
that makes time 01 thgm speaks In the 1.1... t terms ol
bun n,..irtfully J. tiIiKEN.
and sold b., It. E. IIELLEItg. 07 W. , .01..
and gruggkts nailer:llb .
IP YU(' USE; lILACKTEA, Mositimr.r.,9l
A 11 00 th
.00. In e Inionimd, thg km!
hoslargli. Oak Ilf.port , bin Mt.:ilk, fact.
minpark. will prate
strigia Owl idearant flaran , d ..... per
V Lids Imported p lu on ta tilt IL Rates ,In
d at Nun n n In
All a. at establb hment a. Irani the
Original bring for aup•rL olac Parlotne Was, whirl,.
In ninny in. .yes. have lairit put up tiro or Ihnin ,
and y. well ann... May would kr... toll s In
mall bundle na Ina stark. as Pstifink that TIM •111
su well in a imrkitnn out thr rheinto.
,31Anavnar at Lagn. No. 148 Third at., warner od Clietti;
er: boring - oms litirannantanta too the
pmentro llounir Lauda °awn. nd Pohl.,lheir
wildeto awl atalaraw an
raw ontena Iv anY
rya.a, rontwated.llls. the ..inon,. ..."‘l.
ments, lbw bettslou oaks., the Cour& at the lity of
1110 T hatiiis just reed for sialiTby
'irfl.fl 1-!/
- .
dhl steamer NAVMATOR. Caid-W-Amn.
art ' Itber fur tbe aboye and all Intirtned
iart. thls day at Ine'eloett. for freight or mange' . r ,
. Went. fe 1
d ST. LIM:IN--The fast rnurtloo roamer
A.AC NE% TUN. er.l.lsln Isr.ol.wlll
leave for 11... Alm., ea! Ilarrsodiat. porta. on Fatmiglar.
thr Bth 1 I'. 31.
Fur frvisalt or psviue. aDUIT . G. 4.4
s . t. , , , ,nt.ncr lONIAN,
Inn-mlla. port. la dal of lia: r trelL'l.Vl. For f , lgh
or paeac.
up loani, 11.14
- _ -
I • The firm. simmer J. 0. ADAMuca,
at,. will leave for above and Interniciliate
tort: ,
or la 21lthin,t. at la A. Y. •
For frri g ht or pa L lon t i., apply OP Want
y a m runni ng steamer EXPItt:Slt.
tuat.ler. bat, for tho abort, arilall intro -
niedinte (wets this ancrau.n. at 4 clock.
For (might or pima,. apply on Iverd. 4.44
yOlt CINCINNATI—The r pleml- . om a.
id grantor MILTON. Capt. J. PAir, oil
..av e for the above and iotormoliata ports on
this day. at 10 o'clock A. lg.
I n crn .l o , .' 1..44e: apply on !want far.l
yOlt N W' ORLEANS. The
larpr,netr, and splendid sham, PAM.
. DER,ON, Capt-11. C. Ilaalt, will har t a.,
e, Wednesday neat. February nth. 0140 o'clock. A.
For thigh( or pama g o apply on board. fry:
aI'AND WELLSVILLE—The tine r.amer
Wm. :Madden. anwW.r. will rim
, rivulor racked betwoen city and Ir an . ing .very Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at
2 'clorit. P..
For (night or paamam apply hwant.
Plenr tna.trr,
will nw fur thpaborrand Intermmllac Porta,
en Friday. at, P. 14.
hr fn.lald or ',now," apply on Inwrd.
11,4 1 01: ZANESV/ LLE —The fine 0.7
t!. l ,
at 1 o'ol:k.
For fn.ittht or Apply on bonni jitZ
114 OR ST. LOUIS. The flint Tun
barbe r. vine
will lent, O
17T LO
OwnWERS, CaptiWal
or , and inter
iu...tinte port,. t o ir tiny. the 11111, Itutant. al 10 A. 31.
kor (might . n4,ply on hoard. hal
I li'wOlt NEW ORLEANS --The new -
...I rOcullitl 'teenier FEI/EllA ARCH. _
rt.tnander. learr for whore -
on] interniollinle torts on Satuniay, the Alit lorinnt. at 4
P. tr. For freight or or
-11,4101t ST. LOUIS—The splendid ll
'Ammer J. J, CIIFFFENIDEN. Strrling.
rinnntacier, learn for eh° and inn,
inmlinte port. on Sattirday. the . 2.3 th lort, fit 4
For freight or Damage. IFelt tot or 10
.1‘.•!.1 J. NEWTON JONES. Agent ,
VOE LOUISVILLE.—The Splen- k a l
did rtronirr Vrrinont. CApt. 11v.ieft , will
Lave ror the ,t bort. And intermediate points.
thir da3. the 113.1 inst. nt ID o'clock A. 31.
Far freight or twrAhge. 'mar on honrd.
L' light draught &renter ARIS. firt , enlo..
ion,rter, will lent , for the'ntrove ntul all Inter ,
ioetlinie port. nn %tomb, al 10 A 31. For freight or Fn.-
r,nre nut!, on btrinl or to _
I; 0 MILTENIWItfint Arcl
runtime MramortlENEVA.Cont. Wilkins.
ir I leave for the &Gott. and int,rmwdinte parts
at 10 A. M.;
For nr par,ame, apply on 10001. Jals
VOR ST. LOUIS. The splendid
„,.„ trd . :Krtvoun. Wm. ConlaY.
&anatomic, will Ira,. 1.. r the ahoy.. anal 1114,
larN luelanrl.l.
at 1 P. M.
r j. ' N .71.1NES. Arent
14 , 01 t. NE IV olt L E NS. " lhe
rplendld new cleaner EDITOR, A. G. 91a
tria‘ter, will learc for above and in •
undiatv landlngo Chia morning. 9111 in,tant,mit 10 o'elnrk.
For (night or pa , man. apply on matt. ja9
did rammer FORT PITT, 11illor. nimiter.A7cll
will lean, Llicabore and Intrrnandiatn . porM
thLt day. 9th in...tont, at 10 o'clock. A.
Per bog
.0 17'611LA insTfrkiffialriND
new inarket sleazier DIURNAL. Conwelb
4.r. maw perfitrmitap her re
tri.wrskly hely,n
dila city gad 15'6,1inio. tenting PataLtareti nt RI o'clock
errry, ?donde, Itintncaday and Friday. and onlurnhan.
Wheiding evcry Turoday, Thundety and Falurtla,
In.weh weak. For frridit powll4 -,, ,sttlyon hoard, or in
lvmzytt.l.t PACKET.—The sienwi . : „. 6M
. LLE. D. It. Dale. morn,
l'otliburyh rt•l, TlirAlN,.ll.ltu.ll7 Saturday.
Sand Fri
bay, cvrry flondar. lCodnesday 'and Fri.
For frviitht or paa..aar, appl, on I.oanl, nr to
lc. R It HEELER Amnt.
'AcKET, CINCINNATI. Captain John 7 .. .
birudi l igliam. nit nplpri.lid gray built by
of Mo. runup, Innu.e Neitliin. and other.. for.
the Cincinnati and Pitvddiralt Parket tradc. and will learn •
o,ryllrvlar,.inr I.r Cincinnati, 10 plow of On. New EriF ,
Lan! No., For (Right or 11 ot ) d, o n bans. or to
it. Ft:Nil:ill PACKET—The ftgt runtility
rr WE1.11.1 Cat.L R %tun,, will
a.. n regular pock.C. briwren Pittabargh, lthrtling.
and Iniving.Pittabervb enTTMonday
ailrrttoon for 1V..11,111c. ntenhent ill, and lirklMant. and
errry Tlturnday' oftern..oci Ra' F4•ul.entrille.
llndm.port. Z‘iiialuh; returnlitn. and Fitniodi Tue,day 611.113000. and Siiallah
oti.ruiYin. For froßta
or lavp7) Wll4lDlS.Aranit 1
wt:Li.sviLLE I' AC ET—Tbe iit 11 147.77g:T
draught .I..arorr AI:ENA. D. P. Kinney, •
hr. leave, PitlAuruli cu Ninzalay. Wedneatay. and Frtday,
AL 10 n•c14.1., nn Tutalay. Thus
day - . and Salunla,. at ~e lew•k. A. M.
For ft...ll:Mar pas•4n,v. npply on N.N.
UI.AIt PA ET FOR, frzr,
11OCKINONIRT fit, tit , atnrrll.• , ••=r6 ,
2. Cpt. txun. gni! I,m. a, ntrot...-
I Y v T
nr 1)1/ 6,0 t.
EEE.II k. 1.70 . 8 I.XI'IZEsS, TO PHIL
...a IiERPRIA—w r too, mote arra:literate:4C. for ma
im. the above expre. , darn, the `dater , alaa ,, o. [ 'tag , .
~ Itollulavaburgh. and Iron. them,' PeittoTl•ailia !tail
Revel to Philadelphia. Thrnugh sa , boor peck.
age , only ran la , tut, it LE..E . r .t
• agt.' Uo Cabal Basin
How:tett, Plotalvhdita.-24::
0.0,0ga1—02 ataailig•
(Read Intent T. legraph and Exgreaa Lim Stag, nNIIN.II , "
Sin c 1 Sew floarhat for llOLLlDAVSlitlftift.
;41M. 111.171 (. I‘ Zi ' trillti k 1311/Vt l f. '" "
the anpenaionCeati avigation. Mx Daily
Lines of Coach.... rill learn ( tot a l alliday aburgh. oral fienn
thence by thr, Neev Penio , ylvanin Rail nand 6:43 tailgat to
Philatt•lplita. Time through tg, boon.
• Faro to Philadelphia WI W
Rare to lialtinate
fiarhea will hate ever, morning. •1
awl evert Right at the earn, lan...
• EXTRAS to lento at any Onto. •larayg in mediae.. This
i• the nowt dirort. rolutortable, nal expedition. W., lit
lit. • nmvrti. cittea
llaaaengern for 'tall:wore tato th'e•Ne. Rail not at 11ar.
rialturg. direct. oaf the an - trat a 1.14 gara at that plane. far
p.a.., 10 1, 111illinil. arrlY to ,
It. g.koittr:Arr. elmr),,,
or U. J P HOLMES. Nlonon;,•hcla How,
Pirtaburgh. her. 1. 1.0.-4,7 •
The. nolmuriber uff,rn G.o le otork. &mod will.
Itoe W,ltrelauure in Philadelphia. ie.. N 11., inellanre
I.lnr. Ti.J tattn - nia.• of tiki..nlilestablirbed murvrn bell
north, Lim oort.lerstiou uf•l4llmg to ombark in
or of ilno-e vie. may 1. , ainwlY -inter•-.4
in tint en.rrying trade. As the time is inivatotniu for srmitimi
arrammco. the pring busineas. it Is itniortant varly
moplleation aimil,l be made.
• . .
Eurvhritur ps.rtuter of J Ol u L hu lleV V
naleu Cu..
ea.( lia.khi'mu greet.
FRUIT-100 Int Dried l'eadies;
1:o ter Pried Apple, for wale
VERMILLION—I rase genuine Chinese,
y ;cola by J. MUD* Co,'
A3II'IILACK brie for sale by
C 4 iszs J KIM/ Ji
VOliati ON BOOK I(BEl'lNG—
tsar. Comptermal
SOOT. Otearn list llink Rei. t in ar
1115nko for the shore oorko. flat nTelent.s
for gait. by
.1111 IN 11. MELII/11,
352, WAA A
d ' lilt t:EI.II,IItRoW was taken awny
y y our more Enilay. the 10th of./nnuarr, bY •
titan edlliti nen, uf Willleas v l wild to Mr. Iliotfrey,
of Allegheny rit!,. awl taken to P. 11 , David Auction Biwa,
" U e - ,
atillanfo7ll l7
I EcK ER'S FARINA-3 eases for Kale by
I Jetts J. FI'IIOONMAKEI{ kekl.
81 25, 8150, and 81 75 per gallon.
ToA ERN BERBERS had better try Morris
nairurtWo tri te. rott Fitso,M Itrio.mar, a th e above
price , l.4lll-1,
toiM Eitat .01, of the Illotnond.
ICE-1k tee prime Carolina, for rale by
11 lb .1.2 5 „Lis. lITTCIIISON it So
iI6T---511 kegs assorted Nos. for sale by
011,A SSEti—Plantapon Buff House;
1•11 ' ' ' ' ' '''i r tn4LLlA 314 CO.
rirEAS--,Blhf ehsts med. to extra fine Green;
N..-Atty In.
lu 111 ebnots Choi. and i.dung Block. for
rale by Jodt .1. 11. %V ILLIASIS A VII
FIIALLOW. 25 bids for sale by
13,111 I RON —5ll bins Brush Crack, for sale
1 I 'J a i'ul U 7 0 . LITTLE 6 et,
114 ' , LASSES-411P brie plantation. for sale
1 4 JAS. 111iTC1115,15 6CO
I BAIL-2501i pi g , 1, ;Mena. for solo I'v
.105 A 111.:TC1115.1N 1 CO
I NSEED lilt brie reed for sale by
CI 1084 5. 5 IV. 11.7118A1i011
"in 510L.%S.S}:S —5O Idols Sugar;
171 roa,
11 di,
. . •
ii Jann, . .d. e.
ja24 iir. ‘5;;.1.,.t.
ERMAN CLAI-4 1 s la:just ree'd
I m 2.1 01 It lOW IX:I! A INOIIIIOII
1( 2 : I "
• - -
I F i : . S:l; , t , : 1, 4 1 „ t: ,, E ,... :1;F : t rn - , -•%i n a , te ,in. k . ac in
tr.. from nil lo nofe—onet.., nn. %num.
far ogle lor MOH II In HAW LIM I. in the Ilmmond..d
no • Item el•• Ilialrorah.
- _
EATHEIZS-4 primp, fi.r nale by
LILY FLOUR-20 inn extra, for gala by
EA I) PI PE—CornelFs improVed patent
I I Lon 4 Pipe for 14•IrsAIN
Hydraulic •
omo,, 4„..
All MS. on Ilona and 10 Arrlre s k.r rale hr.
F ••;Al LY FLOUR--145 brie Ramsay's extra
• • , • 2L bets Scott'. d
..41 per creame r Jae Nelson, for nolo by
Jns _
- ......
BROOMS -150 doa reforent's ouperior, for .itTS 110BIEON. LITTLE i CO
BAGALEY, 001 A ARV Co.; Whole
. ~,1,13,14.= .61saet 161&10616. n4l
WantaSiiii '''
M. 1 6
IkraWater abni
Sorel Wbir6a, Pblbeler ' .
111VIE . 1 , 1 4 CIR tr, i s .
=Au oonsUromootm of Produce oroorallr. Unoo2oom .
R. PP 100 . 11 3---.....1111.1.TC1L C. U 11301717.5.
ItW. POINDEXTER b. CO., General
• CommLoOon sal Forwardlogliferottoutmand flour
re, No. : 6 Market Anat. PhlladelotAa. h.=
To Southern ann. Watt= Mete-haute
The aniveriter reapectfully invitee publie atteatket
extensiro stank of PerfurnemlloapaPhaainpcmtur,
to *bleb wren Myer ml tar llaktan Ueda. ham'
cabin the bat .to Tear, been anartkd by lba Inetituten of
Nee York, Born.. and Philadelphia. the tatter being din
Golden Medals neer awarded for perftnnery either to
Europe or in this eountry.:
. .
Roussys's Ultussituta tiatyrio balsa. (ationtib.litoei
and Ambriiml.) unirmun. By aelmearledged lobe meant . to
.12, ahantat Cream In thin oonott7 or Europe.
Outortiont sox Sostmo—lteaatiailly jairparent, and
= 4- f i til d er b uZio"=nitl a n ' lT:taa Tmbre= .
ry ahaving Soap. , .
t i cyrunis Tonto Foam—Almond. Rome, Milleamuni Beari
iinet l i tstnehlo, Mnst,Patrboualy, Omnibus. .Floatiami i
Tra_nsturrnL Olive il, indsor, and elhannitli.
LarninrS Pot lint Itortm—ltose i Jagmith Rom
omit de . l i emline. Germ:mm..l4.llly Limb Sionssollsa,joek"taa". and
TOW.. Weinan—florlda Water...Au d . Toilette, On ate
Miner Water, tad a toot varlet)" 01,0,dord" and My"'
der Mater,
11. Kr otArtoxs roes rirt. Imat—Gendrs Moitat'Oni AttgOo.
OIL Bandon., Kau Lasts/de Maine, Compound Oz mu ,
War Dmis, liquid and in ponder. and Philooomr,Riel.
nine. mut Jenny Lod Pomade..
OnnNTAinic Pa r r smanom—ltattantle Elisir. Rem Tooth
limo, Charon/ Dentriare, Odontltun Tooth Paste, and Tooth
Coorrnrs—Vrgetable Coonetio ni. ntnandina . fix
Osmium! intuit, Cnid (trim. of Itonre;th.ento de Perm. 1 . 1 1 ,
I+Rlve. haohleary Chum, t e .
De)dlatory {Norden, fur• ,
rood c o, vi..1 8 -r, de 800,. j=fr A ,., ,,d d'h 4 17 ‘.. „ ,, .1t.0 . ,1
Thar Compneiteni, linuton Smits. bend." n '' ' ' r ..1.. . — y ....
other articles. tu. outueiour to I. inatml lo thir wire=
St • ...
,, home to man:dant LI. renutatlo nlitch
bthis establishment lot smoked. Ti b nstitution or :Wilms
ut first n 4 ankles, and be nappy to fureaph th ou,
ho may nab to marmano h im,
m. either nimble]. or mail.
..„ ~....tle bum s as toy establitlanout to the United
Sorxrasor to and former /smear of the LataratorY
iIUtiLSK RrnaLle '
Mr. Marin's Perfumery la fir Rule by l :4l 4V, :44,
Dingging in tnecount.r.r.
H. :ADORE & CO:. 122 lIROALWAS sr.,
NEW YORE'. Ilai , r o o f lo 'tare awl am rem rprly. ono
LT i tii
o. hi , iir dlarair 4- tor far 7 jrilliiiinsat r lir oM
g . part4"ra
10.00) ps No. 7 to .14 Ladle/ and 311mand Dannet and Fash
Itilloatun 10.00 u tta No. I lot' plain satin do 10,000 do Tar.
fl•ta alto plain. cLanaulde, rltho. naternd and corded Boo
tn Alk,c 400 t na WI ribbon, fall astortnieut velvet. do:
I•larlt and roloml ern., traps Ham, tarlatans, crphrr.
illusion and. Ilruzella lace, artlficia: Dowers, MD tabs.
.limpedribbons, de.
Embrolabortl, wove anal tambourial In • /are an muslin: 144
te 14-4 oaw al to nett,eurtain fringe, tundlemork and man
Inured book- catebrie. Wit. vtull 11174 lanowit wording.
plain d: tn, mpols plain .Ilk erwratin 7.1110 C.
=no M • l4 C.
Sfareelllnno Florearre, gain, and'lndla
In great variety, Alfieri. braid& gimp., Arm trimming,.
&Mgt, oil rilka,, linen funkier. large anairtmetit kid
1ttr.71.4717:i•1'g tikileaq°'4le7":lllt'=Fir,°hafs
andllar ' ent, and Barrer veils, purse twirl. embraid.
ertirland plain linen, lawn aml =nadir kelkfe complrla
...aliment. of took, twin and rambrte inarrtlngs and tilg
inm; do do themes. raDes, rollara. roffa, rape, Ay, Win Ma
dras and twin aerate.
Thread. cotton:And Valentiennee. edgings, tounchmetand
lomtitom all widths plain end vmteleMno and .ilk Lame:
white and mimed tStr dment.ceOnt tr . traenAkt Anvott , .
mnt bee vale , block dlk sad Mohair trbandm term
A lino proportket of the above geode are entirely row, end maw of the riehent to the market, ant Iry would r
itttectfully Invite you to...rune them.
• • •
Superior Black Writing and Copyin g Ink,
10K.E'oSrk. EMPIRE INK, 85 Nassau street,
aria mesa r01tL11.....
.—../ 50 em: fur d0z....
I 00 lot .....
f. 1%
On draught. Prr
Thl• le the he. , artrele Manufactured. U Doe. freely—
Is a anal LVOV INII INK—and alll not rornzle, mould.
Idectpda. do,y, and pcgremou the una ll tiel requlr.
ed for a gm! Writmu opitahle for the QUM. cud ad
mirably adapted for the Plcrl Pert.
Netrared to farnlch to We trade el
ther for enrol or home conautoptlon, at the snore Tory
loy taker. put up al per order, and dellvenul to atii . .2 . 4 l. rt
of the city free ehaute. No eharre for mum.
or keg.. are eharg”l extra at nettort„ . _ _
r do
hut, w •
65 Vaknnie
S. H. HANFORD & CO.. -
(Sucrr.on. ta 1 II urnmp.)
goo. 252, 2(4, 256, and-258, Pearl St., SI York.
Elet•rma Fulton ft, and
.Are ON I. CT TON xravum AsnArsture ar
In the Crated Endes. adapted to All llarketa.,tho
ortirlos r , IIIRTS and DnAwnts. we keep an ecalle.
warn,. Al, the meat extenrive manufacturers of OIL
Cllol'lll NC mut lIATS In lb. world.
Halo and Va.hlotrahle Clothing of ill Math. Catalogmea
of enek oenr hy man. Order+ - ptair attended to.
F. 11. rtant
, ' .iumessont to Lew la IlarifoilL
laralordaw Non. .2.5 ' 2.54. 256, and 3R Pearl at
_Vo. 1P strew, No, Tai!,
.1 A N UFA C Tt' It E and polo nn
kruntvd to atnral 4 . .11,141.1g of
0.4, (Irak, haarbno,
Lervins. Paola. Cato, Nan'
Ir..atera. Blarkk.rt, num, sad 1
raid.. care, Crumb. Cuninare. and
11. aw. (Inaba. Sallrt: aud . Trar+lllnr I
au.l artirlea for
lrulrgia i l n . and
lawnr.,r F eu, 4.rir;t andlrtny Can TuL 131/Im. l dr. Fiapr
a laenPrrmlaa Coa VII
d n telUr,lla.Toya. 14k lora,
Nnt!tek. V .
roll, Fin. ad.
Artielen {
tar Trade
1.13.4 to Order.
I ITBES, TUBES, TUBES--Theunde4ignerl
receive./ spertal penal-Ann from and 9n l'; 1 1 rouunua, Bin PT.. d.
WELDSD IRO w EOMPA m Y. hm he kae N!
very relienc and euperinr BOILER and OAS 'MBE.. in
tar,. or vault intantitax Tnhee are ta.exl *cry et•
tenelecir loth In England and the mntinent of tEoroj,
awl *old excluoirelr hr
Inan Tin Plata Slerebann, •
44 Wall Rtlyet. New York. I
:I Martin a Lane, Crty
and 140 Buchanan inrret. Ohioan..
Murphy's SelfSealin m g Advertising Envel-
11 The rututriber. In sonatina the patronage of all who
may me this advertisement, bads none of that battalion
with which a new amide is brought before the public. The
exteriena, of seam has established their enperknity
rood nil miedlon , and ho coundently refers le th e Latham
' y o three bushier , . men who have used them envelopes.
arid to his rapidly inereasing Mira I. proof of their etrel-
The following area ,few or the re.ons far their pop,-
LaL Mu the gam orcupital by the mil, a perrOn may
have his um m o. bombe,., and address , ronspienothily.end
beautifully endowed. mimed or plain, thm allartilng per ,
fort memity maind frond.
2d. The Envelopes cannot he Drama without being de•
bd. Neither wax nor wafers are Inquired to seal Omni. '
Upon the ridscarriam of a letter, the meal
return to the sender, instead of being hurled
months in the Dead Letter Mee.
sth. The Envelopes arc flutilshed at almoot the num
prim , as plain ones
6th. Inch letter mailed Is a most effective advertisement,
sum to attract the attention of all through whom hands It
a 11,1 of prkes for DIM engraved On
Mama and which will last for yeang tai of tarniartm , of
N usual ASC. either white or buff, uf govt paper, and
made wabove, with name,address, At.:
Priem qf Lam. Peke d of Thrtlepte Meth a ,
20 letters or ims KIM abort.
40 to rah._
1.1.0 10,00 1101 Mtn
Mi to 100 12,00 501/0 ' 15.00
M hen It hi not emaveraleot to tbreard monunt of order
oHr mall or mamas. • reference to resitectatde New York
use will Le milltrient. All order a s
will meet with mutant
et.ntion. If rade...ed. 1111. MURPHY.
No. 203 Madhon street, New York.
()Mery will b
11 e attended tn prourotly, If left at the stares
j f en!l . lrxr; e ( 11.. " M"'""L
N. It —Bush:Lem Cud., entimeml In colon, from 00(00
Idea et 010,00 per thousand. oce..Rdast.
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous,
g alt MEDICATED COMPOUND, infallible
for renewing. in=ath4c.ane
MlinVilia the nor! d hand al adretamr
and curing eruptions nn the Min. dimes., of ' the glands.
remelt, and lota La, and retkelmr Mime. mits, hrup
eprai., this propmation.Nbere he tie such
word as fail.' The first mimesis In America, manna aim
of the highest nuincnor, prominent down. of all probe
oimm. sal Imlles who have used It for year. In their doee.
Moil room. mid nueseria, Omit it withmica...out. that fOr
imparting vhow, gl,m, luxuriant , : sod 00,1 to the hair,
eradicating won' end dandruff: healing wound.,
and releiring diem.. of f.
coutusmite. Mmia.• it has mood
the MM. the Mande, and, the use rs
ammo, the multitude of compounds admilieed lo the pub
lie Mots,,, used in private tweeters lu cheapness a. well
. «Meiericy. Parry...
lo unrivalled. The lux
iovum rash oda of the mtiele, have enabtral th e triventrir.
s supply it et 25 mute Iwr Wile; which to from 50 to 100
per not leas then the prim ef anc other preparation fur
hair now in um. The wicuthle th.otim on-the hale I
end the Min roileseing the tea able direrthent for the cul
ure which
protervatien of nature'. choireot am am e 1. in
in which each leMle Meneirmed, I. alone Iroith the money.
The eflinity between the membranes wideli constitute the
rkin anti the heir, which draws its rostananre from thin
tr io, emeiopr. of
chew All dimems of the hair mi.
einem the Min of the head. If the mires of the map
ore clogged, te It the blood mid miter fluids do not circle
Isle heel. through the mull reseal) which th e the root
with moisture, and impart 11lI ll
to the Huns, th moult Ls
much dendrull. t h e of the hir. graven.; dryness,'
mid heroine. of the ilgattienh., and entire
0 ., .0) hr. I . 4lolllrd° Inc skin to braillthil rictkin 01lb
tbe Tricopberium and the torpid vessels, recovering their
will annihilate the dim...a..
a n all affections of the
Min. and of the rialmtrata of ma ne., and ItitegurnenLe,tht
proems and the effect are the mane., It L. upon the AM,
the mumnlar fibre, and the glaulda, that the Triropb
h. Its rhetilk action and In ell alfmthins, and ininry of
ocgene,it L. a sovereign tordy.
- fold hthliw, peke /mita. at the principal nf
tlere. 137 Brordwity, New York. end by the Minoltal mettlr
Ni 0.1 druggists - throughout the halted MM. 001 Cal,
ci CO F.—Onhursday
jr.XL tebruare i at 11 erkek. at the Warehh'''.
0 nimull'n 141 4=m...1'21T bum. C nl orae
Cala:rarer rill M. previtul auk the Corte» ratite' tria•
ultimata. du - betbro Ih Noir. W. IlAltlahoh •
W D. SiIUIITZ & Co.. keep constantly
tdITTY.ion band. at wbolnkal. CWEE.F. 1 , 0/1
711.•) . Indra b. I rtg •
2.000 brim Y. I. and 3 .NrackPrel: t.nD td.. and 0. , .
=lmnlkma I , ;•".t.A . napty CHEESE. and • .
+du ntln pvrt.R. For agentJewett pp... by
• :in. 3 O'Donrodra bart,
kno-, W llaniande. Md. •
TUST . .RECE I f r
ED per ite-'4l -
7111.ces SPVN uoLvtorioro, fur rale br
DOs". plO. 4' Co. b Agra,
1422A1ie .• 1411.1m0r,
- - -
S UNPRIES--3 Buiter,
b ' r 1 CO Meal; •
h rots Yesthenr. . • I
” Igtr '
igr.• trlssitepc op ni
Wriumf.. sad fa male Cl Jail Y. L.N7n ,rANS&
pAVID C. TUTTLE. Att orn e y. at L a ., o,
am Ciacuakdosaer ms Peatur ylvalds:t.lpal.. Ma •
amcuallakviogui,ir.,, ,,,,, ...!,,T.d. , i wiour
1014.. N . 11. RANKI N. Attnnlty.'. 2 4 0,„,,,,,
i ft . i , Liv, anti Ca- il. Etat* or
? 44 1 . - .14. FL Ma,. Mo., 14.Un or • ..
' ' FFlrtrunes4lto.burtab: lion W. Porgro.l. Mampina A
!Mlllet. 311. - aodiaa 4 McMlyre. Joh* M. Parka, imnpll. 4 .
e 410,.... Mc41.4 4 V.. ,_. • 0.n4144r ,
A X./. lAlititig—, :Cuti'niissi--"on,iilerriTr,
guy • ult.. Na al 014 Levee st., Npo ork...7k.rpeme..,
mantlT on hand a lam mourn:ten t
a! Brandies of tb• 5.4. ,
louring min. whirtiofft.r f. nth ma AgFata O. J. ,
Dur...l 4 I.7..L,lketlFama, via Max l 44. J. band, J. DcF.
Vrim! 4 7 .. .. , ... ib 1arrbe11e.
i1..1i nueso.Lll.rit A. de 4 ...Moutt• .
.?... torlsor e. e:Vu ' llan : dre ' o nz 6.1..1 1T414 Kt! in".A'...
..111:tr...;. - Nau.w . ...--cli2,:x.,!',l,iiiirr'..`: irr.'ipot TN;
AiniticAzir HOUSE, ':- .
PILE untlenigned huing ,entiror re
built Aral Haug olthe abort. ofteitivivaretallittb.
mint containing. in all &lout three hundred and 1 1 43'
mud. trona fteliviftzlir give net, that lit. cane ft'ittift'
cur tie reividion andam secomendlatinn et th. lAts
' s
An extended notice of theuncorrimacd rennvoideneer of thEt
Mouse ie deemcd - mpertMot. as the be ininvort.
menu which hare been made cannot be pnverli shi n I.
an advertisement. Entlior ft to tor. tin ...ewe tuts been
ivim.l to render oar araitiMent petit...
7lie furniture sax made expre.elv to order. regardless of.'
cost. and terrain nnmonv of It. eneriallElhe Drawing
root., will taintim! to le. of th e Wait beantltal roan tat . The Ping ame. an. rainciene. and tlft. haunt f...
n....1s will be m arranged m to suit the vonvenience Ott*
Ely and late.
very departmrnt 'rill be conducted in an unestrptinna
hie moaner. ml the,pmtvietor pl.i.lars hicidelf that Ihn
American lint., eta rw.tinly the fravellere Home.
' ' LEWIS Ilia- -
-----------,...--__ 7 _
1. 4'C0L11711..
' T
Dritgelort. Calmer e Mood wad Itthyl avec% Mt .
der t11.,14. klutkv et. ray4nrly.S. •
RIT,'7, • av
tag t
‘.l UGAR & MOLASSES-4M lilids Sum;
JAI9 itußnitaWititMi'
YIL yw iNclo GLASS-2000 but ass'd nizety
Cberhys.rEs LnW, Ihr sale by •
, LU we
E--Tnty.barreLv just. received, ant
l_Wfor rain lost by this barrel. at S. 1.4, WICKERSHAM'S
Alb ' Cvb TVood Slash OA
15 . 00 LBS. CANARY SEED' received.
..d ibl..a.,t. s. x. - vrreirEitsuArM' ..
Ala ' Var. dWocd & MU. go:
fIG AND — BEESIVA.X.--M - bags
~,,,, . ..1n , r di, ,f . ,7 1, x , 13,../wax; now lab&l , ng from planacr
del& ISAIAII DICIMY k CO.. illanr 2 Froat sl& :.
Tlf' T ' s ' l !!!'.2.,', l ,;, - ,lwedn47
A1,5; A 6
S T B .E r S.-ZiBtris new, i .
1 - • . - brls• No. I, now,ltniiin fur.
.L we del, lC
store and for rale by jail IF.. 4t . 11 . le/111161MM
IL, alone tor Ada hr Dalt .111141:1,11.Vt
Hurrldhldbave just apeord fresh .114 of thiv •
`AAA 4 , 111111 m vbe above artki. Including black
twill.% Ivry hue. Alva. French Irovaldne sad Caralramit
b nval fancy. and 111ark,lialia Veattair, at very law
Driers for the quality. . • not,
ROLT, BU'ITEIL—Ten brli. Roll - Batter.
r rev -aired and for sale by ' •
CfG.AIt,S-Fifty thousand Cagars mewed
:Inol for iatle jal I E. 11.11.12BM:0n
OL lltEAt—Tliirty bap Oil 31cul,.received
.4 br 8 . .. k Tr. lIAMMUOIr
,WILOUR ; —One hundred brls'Extra
al S® E. F. Ek.ur,i.t remi*V *.tfor
n•do;,,t prirlVA, CrAA rling of the
Gamy Drab,
tic and ilnir 111ankabe Ilue. and tirny Milne
DM and Crib libinket, which we err antborired tacker at ".
tall prima, and will bo cold on faiontialo tkricabe
OLASSES-.—Fittv lots new crop for sale
ALEILTILS.--5 tons Salenitus, in Lrlqiind
Lan, C , r eetn hr, Ja9 lifiliEßT °sum. A CO.
Lf:AFl,Alll).—ls:af Lard in brls and keg,s ?'‘
amt for rah: by RODLICE DALZELL t CO, '
J. • Liberty Acoa, .
UGAjt.—ls !aids prime N. Orleans Suga.r;
ky More and Sarah. bi I:ODERT DALZELIik C•A. •
1 811—Fifteen drums 6. B. Ondftsb
;Ate,' 3 Morkirjh 91 dal. Vick lots, -
eI .No I .111wlercl, char and for Ai. be
jall JOHN Witrr n."
GIIEESE--I'JS las Cream eliceini in Flute
j and knoll., by JAMES DALEELL,
fall No. CA Water street. r-
ter half clic+. Sonar Ilywin and Black Teas. : . 0
oily 1,0 T..• di.LT a.l Gun border...
m brrri.
15 qr. lactre Price and I larworoft.
redty lades Joints Thounsoa Jr. linblow. leaf Ai
10 Lunn, in nee, aril for ralc by
9 • -
G LUE--Tmentylire
lan73fmr al by
Jall I n x CO, No. OrtEcod.l. -
Nd,. • ■ . York. 11_.
1 LASS PA1'1:11---I'is e hundred reams of
Srtsrllix patont. rel.. .
jall Hll , ll CO-No.I64\PM t. ': .'r
. .
*ATINENTS.Murphyi& %rex
luntlvcome, Lamy Mixed
ab.o. Plakt and Ploin Caodsr , eres.
in gaol Nerit,Ce...,44nrn, livrattekyJams.Bleck
Vrlv..t, riards•exi turntr vocusb • and pc.lo
vo A I SI NS--One hundred and fii;lxael rind
it.* bait 1.," rt. irul r 4
fpr ,loFhr
JnIS • ' 131:',11.‘ hfiCkPATRICK
S A EItATUS-4 ,, - , t 7 r . ks . No i: l Salerries;'
iu 24, , zubl f., pall. bY JA-lIES 1". 1 .0.7.ti1d.
Jattli 15' Warr et.m.t.
H 1.0031,
—One hundred tons j Tennesee
from RtttEli;
Geneva. ana !or Rtle by JAML.'S L'/XL.S..
No. IA Wuter Frreet.
VINDOIV GLASS—Five :hundred boxes
aasortni PiZell in ' , tom arki for ludo
norrAsil._s c,• Potash, jre
ust ; ceirell,
um for .te ; .,n - 1105551 DAIZELT. t CO.
It ESII ROLL BUTTER-20 bvi jtustrea'd
for &ale ,al7 -J. D. eAraIELD •
NLAXSEED—:I smalllLit fur Kale bi•
(.111EEP PELTS-1 bale for sale by
Tali J. IL CAd/rLD •
UGAlt—Twenty hhds new Sego} on hand
irland Cor male tor JaiS ' DI:OWYt KLIMPATRICE •
—wentl,' bxii W. H. Grant's;
15 lata Giant 4 - 111111atus't
'l5 Asa W. A.
. .
20 , •z• Itarttne. half pauid: • _
o.benviso lurnd lad
61 . 111tOWN t
ARD—One hundre y d ke„Tl prime new Lard
J 25 in"
LI GNI/WES—Ten bx.s.• S. Tolmatis Cociia; .;
. 5 Imo Pregtoceo Firoms
3 bs
hA s s do
C Engle (legatee -
oma PdAte.. bad
A 33 r.r.. 3 1.0 isl 3 13110 WE A KIRKPATRICK
FLOUR—Three hundrell barrClsjust ret r ii
anti for Fair by DUILLITLEIXIX monuAn.
lal4 N. 116 Waterrt. -
HAVANA SUGAR—Terenty'boxei White
Malmo tOo.or, for rnlr hr •
111AWRIDGE k 1NG112.A31,
No. 116 Water rt.
1 VICES. Cas . sin, Pimento. Pepper, doves,
aml Nutotogr, for nolo be ISAI A I ULM LT
den • • Water A Front AA.
BUTTER—Eight barrels packed for Rile by
.101 - e. F. VON RoSNIIORFF.k CO.
%stybrla No.l in storo.anil for solo .
by JAI3 lAll MCP:N . I . 4 CO, Wg•ylk Frontst...
G REASE—Forty tire ,, l , :ris in More . for sale
I lAll DIOKRY a co.
, by
tal3 , Water sod Potht eth
... . .
BROOMS—One intn r dred &anti for sale ty .
felt 'n. F. 1 - ON 111,D.INItOtter a CO.
MORK/ S ft IlittV OItTICSTve. Stow, clot Aide of the
~ -
Tinad Eavorral Truk at Id earltT par : bound.
lbw poet qualitaa at 75 do do •
Extra rup.ol3. at St •00 do'
Old Coottcry t rpla that . oat BLAU, — re0;1,.. will G l ad on;a
Wrath th gfailtbial= a itnd T ry ' , " n i t7t o lfe=tr
.at 001
Woo . non littsborata • 4
frA by tbs, qoaxt or Ithokoale,thr mak. br •
• • MORRIS it f .
IREEN APPLES--Terenty brls. Yi pine,
lAd rah by P. Y. TON DONNII#II67 a. • •
QALMON.--5 brio Salmon, No. 1, in MOM
kJ .k by , jeJ 11:013F.:11TDALIXLI. ,
COTTON—`iI7 ales for sale
b 25 ISAMU DICKCY 0 (V, 11264 d Front al,
p kßlt Y DAVIS' PA IN KILLER —7ctio%
i= W
ual Mnret.
NIIRIED FRIJIT-4.0 hrls,rtrhul Appler:
• •1G .10 -an 1,..rb,..5: ti
C. by - ' WM. lINIALM7 t CO.
.i a *.n lh 4 t 1,1 11 nual !L
I l l UNCII IL (SINS-2.10 . Luxe 4 • Krei9ler
• Jlhrfavi.l.2.lin fnalk fleamer Dewitt Clitstr. Lx sale
. i.*:.s lnt liAli ALLY"" &.(V
in hbd c o ld ,n. prime qua, ill.-t nn .6, end( kale
f 13n91 'QIN I'ARF:LIt 'a CO
FORKS-95 dq>. th,t cast flay Forks;
711 .I. N.( Colman Inz.zl
411 ,Ir. 4 yinflArd ra.q. ct,vl 3lanure Fin*,
Jais ronxignnicnt .111 sor.l‘,.
:ii) do; I)ebt,
f;antru dan.:
innannt awl frr ,tslv
,ue.l.4,`g reed
.or it6ITEL r.lll:TTb.r
oe. Net 022,1:e8,12.4: '
.2v. hely Corn aim nu rnuu2nt
eed bT L , W21'2;0142' 4 SOSS.
.10/h enact ILder .11 CI I ayar,..t.,,
CYTHE SNEATITS-42.5.110r, beet patcri
l t;souLt2a. nu tonUgnmrnt a a inr
SPIKES-4N kea.s for sae
L TTATEIMAN it 1 , 02:1.
PEARL casks prime for enle
L. S. TTATT.2SIAN t RT.:52,"
OLRANGES—s *week to orrice;' flit'
le 20 ki by ECTJIB MOE k
114 WsKilt
BUTTER -10 brie prime roll , fur iiale by
jav mac s xecANDU:Ss.
Is Dank Oil,
.e 11. 11.011).
in store,. for
.t o FLOYD.. .