PITT4iURGH GAZETTE VORLISIVCD BYVIIITE CO '"'"r - riVr sult ." I SATURDAI FORURAY 8, k`miar Pacts—The next PeacoCongrem --11101- China—Domestic Sinners-41s Akers, (bruinlogy. , ' Tlllllll poor—Telegraphic Nora—Home hint Pantie loins--The English-a Astralia gibtard's Pineess of Tanning. 'arms/ .u.ioNAL arrregsine. 46 Ifoiii-ant still keeps up the diecussiou of the question , respecting • the citizenship of colored men. i 4 that paper, of Wednesday, the editor 'defined is citizen to be "one who dwells iu a place, and 'exercises municipal privileges and franchisee." 'We took him at his word, and showed abundantly that colored men are citizens idleveral of be State., which was the original proprisitlon that gave rise to this controversy Thisleingtke case, and the constitution etyma!, lydeclaring that "the citizens of each! State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of 'fitite'lls in the several States," it follows nn an irresistible'corollary, that if a colored taros is mt citizenLt'fVermont or lifutachusetts, there is no. power existing whichcan of right deprive lam of that allied which the constitntiou throws over him. T' lie` constitniion'of the United States, which is the supreme law, does not 'prescribe to . ttie Stance Int close of native peissons shall be citizenE, ;my more than it does what class ball ,' It is atterly vain to cite old uses, it; slick i'case: and therefore the lung array of authorities 'cited on Thursday , by the Journal. must ,go I'M: nothing. We are for z enstruing the Ccinstitation in favor of freedom ne edited, ns in favor of.slavery. It is true that the naturalization lows of Con. grunt xcludcr all except whirr foreigners; and of obis° in XaiState could a black foreign& ever acquire citizenship; but this - does at in any way Aliitraiiebise those whose ancestors were in the cOttair'y antecedent to the passage of i those laws. Tbsim,g eel foreigners, f o r with them chi power` Ctogress over the subjectcenses.— Cringieis his no power to declare the native col orist-Mei of Ti . iginis to be eligible to ell:teen:l4 I in tint State neither can it disfranchieei the nu. tiiiceitied 'men of yermont. The reasoning of the .1;:ountal of,Thurts•lay, on this sobje4t, is in genious and Plizieible; but it is not scOnd, for tlici4l.miiii'lte,t given- "Alter foregoing was written, welreferred to Kent's - Conitnentraies, and find that we are sustained iu every particular -by that high au thority. We make a 4-ir extriicts. "The article.in the conntitutioui of the 'United States; declaring that citizens of each Slate were entitled to ills the privileges andlimnadnities of citizens in the several States, applies only to nature/ learn or duly naturalired citizens, and if they '.remove learn one State to another; they if entitled to the priedeget that pertani of the mole de . aeriptiott art entitled to in the Stage to ethich the removal is made,. and to none other.?—Rent's Cui,"Tol. 2, page '7l. This to all we elaira for them, and it:em enough I to: pirotect them from immarCeration. 'if therefore, for instance, free persons of col , or are not entitled to vote in Carolina;,free send of color emigrating there from d northern State, would not be entitled to vote." t lb . Thhis sentence is very significant. If free per sone of color are not citizens in the pepper sense sif tie Word, and have no right to vote riny where, why`&Ws Chancellor Kent talk about their voting at sill It proves positively, thongs inferential*, attire linve'said; it proves that in th 4 northern States they do rote: and it perfectle coincides with the views we have expressed in the forgo ' tug part of this article. But we proceed to the met sentence. iffhe laws of each State ought, mid most, govern , ' within its jurisdiction; And thi• laws and usages of one State cannot be permitted to pre scribe qualifications for citizens, to ti,e clatmliil ond exercised in other Staten, lu cutitraveation of beirlond policy."_ lb. m An lb' illuitration of the doctrine 'contained - in thu Waite:ice, suppose a citizen of Pennsyl vania removes to Virghtia, and,elniab the right to'vote, because he lias resided theepScified time inithe State, rod has paid "a State or panty taX,"'as is required in Penueylvaba, his ?vote would be !ejected, became in that . Statei'i'other rinalifientions are required; and of this, he Would Pave no right to complain. But we pnmeeemlut was declared in Corfirld vs. Qorvelt, that the privileges and, immunities conceded by the 'Constitution of the Unifesi States to citizenwaf the normal States were to be confined to, those which were on their nature fundamental, and , belonged, of right, to the citizeus of all free governmeuts. 'Such are'the rights of protection of. : urr. and LlD run, and to acquire and enjoy property, a nd-to pay no higher impositions than 'taker citizens, and to;pass through or reside in the State at pleasure, and enjoy the elective franchise accor ding to the , regulations of the laws of the State This. citation is very comprehensive ; rind the intelligent reader will perceive that it places persona or "fundamental. rights above the reach of invasion by finite authority,. while it subjects politicalrights, or the elective . franchise, to the regulations prescribed by the proper authority of the State, over which its ju risdiction is unquestionable. If this is authori ty,' it will require a higher law than the consti tution to authorize South Carolina to du what , she is doing. It will not do to ray that by the lease Smith Carolina free blacks are excluded from the Slate; for that would be but making one ;bong a justification for , another. Those laws Writ no authority_in this elec. The only law a-.. they crin plead is the Imi , of necessity; and at they would plead that, and tioitlonly, it would ,make p far mare favorable impreision upon the minds: of the people of the free States, than the outrageous assumption that the law in question • is constitutional The Jeurnal of yesterday_continues them alf , comical, and misstates some of our position,. lint in it 'requiring further no- •" The absolute rights of individuals may be resolved iratt-- Thetight a. personal sectrrity, The right of pummel libctrty, and The right to acquireandoenjoy property. Thesertghts have been justly considered, end - , frequently declared, by the people of this coun.: , try, to be natural, inherent, and unolienable." Kent!s Coni. Tel. 2, . Nlin:llint;otes; Tester4sres Lurrunrs.—The effortarifthis eloquent champion in the cause of temperance -in-oar city his, we ore rejoiced to i nay, been followed with the happiest results.— Great numbers, including rawly of our most ac tive young men, live roue forward nobly, and enrolled themselves among the friends of tejnper-, noes,-: and some whose feet had ..well nigh clip-' Cped,--lime recovered their standing, and relieved Ltheir friends from the bitterest and most insuffer able anxiety sad sorrow. May lie who is always pleased to see the returning prodigal, bless them, and enable (hem to stand. firm.. Mr. G.- instill Continuing his lectures, which ar e every evening attended by no- many us con possibly get-in. Many:go away unable to, gain admittance. litlfEWß TNEVANADA.I Louis Napoleon ttas triumphed offerGen.Charj garsdi* and Ifoletein has succumbed . to Deu niark,•-or rather to tbo combined poweiTr Aus tria and Pruzaiii, ordained an they ore by Rua sta. Every vestige of popular liberty in now trodden out upon the 'continent of Europe except i in Switzerbwid. there 13 something in thin state of things which It ia fearful 10 contemplate, let no regard it, in what, tight net may. It in awful to the mind of it freeman to suppofie that di2pothim has become permanentli establialted over the greater portion of the human family. Or if we view it only an a tempter). siljnatment, liable of any moment to be dimtrranged by a tremendous outbricik o(,pe pnlar feeling, plunging the whole continent into the horrors of evil war, the proof ect in equally - appalling, .Thlii list mentioned molt, in we think, We nioat probable, and terrible as it may be, it d emirable than the other. girm,” naceelA a new Post-etfice lately eaMbllthid. in tbiwcoanty, 'mot A. 31!Lee, app(Anted pla-Mager. fito4l4l. illatc*.-7rbe tit. Louie lotelligeacer 114*-151f.dia ► ,lety.biadaense article ou there fiirtadi of [Stook:l'll6ton from tiait Post he h. spied forr Thirty•sis yrsrs. Sachs csrc*has aot il4 flag leatM/eat ar modern history. I, Hotta* portion of the contracts upon the mit- . , e ri:i &tendon; leaving te be supplied a sum Aight. ly e''xiceditig 1 9 3 , 000,000 - L In tusking at this time for this large additional • i mbscription, the Board - are aware that the'y are ,I drawing freely upon the resollects already Evart ly taxed: but they do not. on'that account, bent . rote to make the appeal. They make it hi the , confident belief that the• sum they ask will, through the instrumentality of this road,,bir re turned tenfold to Philadelphia awl her cifirens before the present generation mind have panned awny, and that - their demand will elicit a 4es pone worthy alike of the !source from which it in ko intonate, and of the object to which it is Ito be applied. If we could forget what is dueto ourselves are not at liberty to overlook our obligatiene to other's who - have united their fortuuestrithth in a common deathly, and faithfully fulfilledtheir part of the implied contrast- The extraordinary energy with which the Ohio and l'enneylvanin Railroad has been driven wantwanj h. + et ., trated upon thatimproverlienlj teeny emalltr ones orighutlly projected with a view to very different connections, and created others destined to Mid largely to its revenue,,and to those of the Peon nylrania Railroad. From the present year for ward that toad and its countless tributale , ” will pour upon the western terminus of ours u im mense amount of tonnage, to find ate way lowly end at a comparatively heavy cost, over', a bro ken hue, till e`o completion of our entire read shall - ripen an outlet fur this and other . Conde whose most available eastern conueziopi is still an open question. whose hapacify shall lie j - eigal to any demands which can be,Nuitile op en 11. The Board bare made the bent arroneelnilid° in their power for the transportotion of 5-er chroadjze and produce betweert Philadelphitiiithd -Pittsburg, daring the continuanee or canal aSri gallon for the current year:fit prices varying -tieoni front 50 cents to $1 per 100 !be ' 1 They have fixed these rates not .0 much With a leiew to present profit as to the promotion of what they believe to-lie the true interests of- this tonipsay, and of the mercantile community, with eonstituteathe available means of ' 51.726, j ith oit "' 'h . ;so intimately identified They have, the CoMpany for the prosecution zod ~,,1 1 afte l ethiinfoot eareful investigation and mature of the work. consideratiou, deeitrea upon starting from. thl clot ' 'The Board Sprite the attention of the Stock- , set With a uniform tariff of low charge.-t, in pre, -holders to the fact, that the amount of interest 1 ference to the sliding scale, which has heretofore chargeable to construction account, being the miltated so seriously against the increase of the balance of interest account from the date of the . rahthd tr ., " oenhthole i i ti o ao..i the uncaps of the organimtion of •the Company to the diet of De- , ,, b orerarara " eei L " camber last, after deducting interest received The Board are gratified to have it In their pow and the nett earnings of the Road is but earnings" er mstate that they are sustained in die ndop -123 ta. tion of this system by the concunence i hr the in- The Report , of -lire Chief Engineer, e. Ed-• telligeat gentlemen who now compoj he canal gar Thomson, Bay.. and of M, dm late Superiuten- I dent. of Transportation, Herman 'Haupt. eta i boord, and that they are assured of their cordial Ics ration in fixiug it as the settlial policy now General Superintendeut, exhibit in detail 1 etho th.o . rag L eroi dier gotain the akeuila liP, i the operations of the departments. withi the t i , on the State works, as well as those of min cum , management of which these gentlemen are re- I ra . . spectively plugged, and various other matters of t r 1 They bring their action upon this subject to more or lean interest to the Stockholders. ~__ I the notice of their constituents , in full confidence • The Eastern Division iii" itta• Rood k m " "'''''' that it will meet their hearty approhation. completed .to the Tyrone Forges. ton rr e enner , By order of the Board entirely satisfactory tv the Board, and will not, "' C. PATTERSON President. in tae ma suffer by hontmet with any 1 _ other railroad in the country. Between that I THE Par.su'isrir 'atm tztullEialit oti talialb , .. point and alto., where the work upon the lightl A corespondent of the New YarkJourunlitf Com ectious wan delayed some four months for mere,, wr i t s., from w oe bi ngto , ~,,,y e, ,, • wont of means, its re' in by .° :" 1 "T ••1 have had husiuess with several of the de satisfactor,y ; meanneen wilt 13a I.44 ''C 'n the 1 oartments, and 'find the various secretaries all coarse of the ensuing season to have this Petion & vet i i r ,j,. p osts, prompt, end ready to din er the work and, the Hollidaystmegh breneh charge the du t ies their ofticr,. This sdadie brought up to the inland, which a proper 1 i , trioo is rerieiray n working othiv i roti i the regard for the public opinion and the interest of President down. Mr. Fillmore is constantly In the Stoehholdera has prescribed. his room from 11.1 until 12, except when the Cribi- Upon the Wester!? division the work thus far net meet; and to see him, you have only tonend in has been well dope, iinig paid been exectteil no yonrcard, by the waiter. No useless ceremoni rapidly, except, a Cr a w seetioas, i 1 ,7 Ir a . deemed I , °tie introduction is required. I have had several consistent with durability- The unbapeiy fossd ~ interviewn with him. He is just what a Chief among the iii,„,„ , resulting, in some eases , ..,a,,i.jei, t ,,l e o f 4 pm:morello Republic ought to be, in tuns of life, have been a sinirce of delay anti p lain, erob i e, comniunfo ,„,,,, i , ; " toil 4505150. inconvenience ; but it is believed a recurrence t itio .. of these discreditable scenes will be prevented His reception room, on the second -dour of the by the admirable police arrangementa mode, im- 'white Howie, is much improved in its appear. der -the sancilon_of the Board, by Edward Miller once. A large library now ornainents its walls, II I" th " :4haaata "b rit ' ''. in char g e of that ; besides maps, charts, Sc.,and there still hangs division if, however this expectation should i,the only portrait h u th e apartment, that ow. nut be realirad, a firm local judiciary and u' . re dark, looking picture of Buliver, which has reg. linfile military force are reedy do tinsel 'b.' au - ularly descended through several previous ad. l'''' mac y of We law Pr"1"14IY and agacli " 4 ' ministrations: The President, as the English- The Board have contracted on farm - huh' lePua the n have i!, •is Looking well," anifis In excel ; fora suf fi cient quantity. of in n for the enter- lent spirits. I don ti -Hale a Mate popular man in st ructUnz of the Western Division. while Washington. • • honest State pride is gratified in ndverting an , bent by, you are :Male, in the State Deport s) - the fact that the . road is thus far ment, mid here I found the Secretary' of Stan', exclusively constructed of ran ylvaiiia iiiiiteri the bereatittr. Weleder, in his room. No man at '` l ' that 11 ,`" w -d ITva—n-° that in aa l:"" i , ng 'the Capitol of the United States is tuOre respecta their lull couviction toot the onsereoce in price 'ble, courteous, or dignified, than he is. Every , will be more than counterholoorial by the sups- thing in his pirate other, has this loos,. oraer rinrity of our rails oar: the beet of those ra- , ' tad system are seen here. Whilst listerang to his ce ntly imported other for oer roads. 'he F ,- c "TIT - reworks upon a public topic, I conl , l not but ors, Me an evidence of their own eonwas-ooe.l ihi j a, attar Test powers are here- moment-tar bind themselves to replace, without charge, 01l , ted in she mind!' la the nialeatte opparauco of roils :which shall give way within five yea., his person; the deep lotonatious of his voice, nail from an original 'defect. We vast fountains of his Ithowiedge an d imag- The 'Eastern Division of the road was opened a in ' ation; he is, I. think, the giant intellect of our fur Use to the Portage; intersection, one. mile west countr y. of Hollidayabrirg, on the 17th of. Sept_ last, too, Only remember how long he has been in pule ' late, to secure to the Company the full Benefit of tic life! At the age of 30, he was a member of the , fall trade and travel, and the Portage Rail the 13th Cot/green, from New Hampshire, and rmul FM dose) for repairs, by order of the now he is, for the second time, Seerjtury of Canal flommireioners, on the 7th of December. State. -His earliest speeches established his During the umeithe ,4 October, November and reputation. Whose eloquence can be .wore December, the nett receipts foe- passeogers tad , : brilliant If he had crier delivered any other freight were $42,054 - 4; ritual to au amnia. in: iiiporati un of the Bork of Ply mouth, alone. would 'Serest of $3 S 2-100 per cent. upon the cost m b e i n , i ,i' ej ,Lial i f lefil,ly upon the hearts of Amer. ttds-division._including. the Hollidayst urg branch, . with the interesttherszon chargeable to construe- -‘e'm•oaftliee‘.l t.,bLenitehoraoLeithir'io.biti`::rar 4'lfiliddee4ol‘,ldi:vp'hir; tion, add of all the cal's., locomotives, machinery I nv er of buunin eloqUence which-Nr Webster pronoun and fixtures in Pe: This result itiduces the valet Bunker Hill. • Board to believe that', the road will, during the But I more .rejoice in his recent speech for the current year, earn -iiper cent upon the , cost. m, I union, as it was the triuniph of statemanship whatever portion of it may,be brought Into ape- and of pure patriotism. Whenever our Union ration. and that it will hetreforivord - yield an I , its been threatened ea , its cote , ,thoiioe io dot „ equal or lager per centagi-uponithe whole out- " , lay, prOductive and unproductive, after making 1 gee I have in day v o olu ftri n t yiy l involuntarily , looked c.o to Mr rose led d his xle t e g. b . .... 'proper provision for depreciation , by the creation 1 tie arm has powerfully guided the ship of :tare of an nroplo contingent and renewal finvt - ! i b an i.u fe o l . y s izlong, amid surrounding and threatening The local trade and travel increase so rapidly as to leave little room for daub; That they ' , Gib ' in litifew years, be adequate to the supporfor ffith Honored be Mr. Webster and the noble band road and the • payment of the interest upon Ds j. whi_ ,..,.. , havewdifeefe,nod.ecinciah,nd.rdvperidwiouortb,h.les..sed Color cost. Even now the receipts of stations which by """'+' had no name when the road was located, exceed FROM RABBI UGH. . those et come of the largest towns upon the Juniata. • A branch road is in course of cunstrtction to Blairsville, with means provided for that purpose by the citizen , of that bororigh, and its extensiou by local efforts. to the town of Indinua. or the Hubstitution of a plank road, will depend upon the results of the surveys now in proms.. The plank roads from Bedford to Hollidaysburg and ~from Somerset to Johnstown, With numberless lindred improvements under construction or in contemplation, will aid in *welling the receipts pf the mother work, to which they owe their existence, and in developing the dormant wealth ' id Pennsylvania. ' All other tningn being egwil, , the geographical position of Philadelphia will secure. to her a sir. trial monopoly of the trade of the West against ell rivalship. That trade is, however, too tempt ing a prise to be permitted to remain in any halide but those which lire as prompt to defend as they ere able to hold it. We must look ihe fact in the face that it is lost, in part, at tenet, to Philadelphia, if further delay be suffered in the construction of the Mountain division of the Pennsylvania Redraft& The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, is now un der contract throughout its entire length; from Cumberland westward 5,000 rums ere at work up-' on iti 22,000 tons of rails have been imported for it, and the energy and ongacity Which mark its` ' management, permit no doubt that it will be pro necuted with the utmost vigor till it reaches the Ohio, river The Erie Railroad, hitherto driven forward With ;very little regard to cost, must be comple tedto Lake Eric in May next, in complionce with the condition upon which $3.000,000 of State, ' and $750,000 of private :dock worn refinquiele ' ed to the,-preseut stockholders. To compete with these uubrukeu linen from the seaboard to the western waters, managed, an they will tie, by the ablest unerchnuts of our sister cider, Philadelphia will here the eastern tool westeni divisions of the Penneylvioda road connected by a link of 311 miles, embracing ten inclined plonen, the crossing of which liar here tofore generally consume/1 sufficient time to make the trip between 'Philadelphia. nod Pittsburgh, upon a first dims of railroad, and the use of which will entirely cut off from this company one of its largest prospective soureefil of revenue, the transportation of live Flock from pints went of the Allegheoy to the eastern grazitig counties of Penusylvanan, and tothe Philadelphia and N. York markets. It is suggested by the Chief Engineer, that the sum of $1,500,000 will suffice to build n road from Albino to the head of plane No. 2, by which the worst portions of the Allegheny Portage rail road would he avoided, and the time consumed in crooning the mountains materially reduced. Aa }ii last alternative, this proposition might I he ailopliel; but while the proposed connection 1 would le. m mail ,points of view, a decided Mi provement over the one now in use, it would fall very short of accomplishiug - the primary. pro pose foe which this insiermking was projected, ' of securing to the Cuminonwealth and its two great cities the benefits accruing from the poses- 1 Sion of the trade oat travel of this west, by fur- 1 - Dishing a resp ectsute which should in all resp ects cum- - pare favorably with the bem.ofits rivals. That object can never be attained, while any' link. however small, shell remain under the ever-va- ', eying management incident to the incessant', changes of stole idol local politica. With a view to procure that result at the cur liest possible day, and to promote at the some . 'time, what they conceive to be the tnu¢ interests: of the present Stockholders, the board earnestly recommend -that immediate provisions be made for netting the mountain division under contract at as early a peeled of the ensuing Spring antin character of the ground will permit. To build this portion 'lf the road, and partially equip the whale, wiltrequire the filling up. of the caps - tal clack of the company to the limit fixed by the recent:action of the.stookbohlers, under, the authority, conferred irt . . the charter. The amount •sitbscribert.to- this - date i.s.. $5,825,850, Which will be increased more than SIOO.CKN/ by the lane of stock, deliverable upon the comple- ---==.---------------_ -,,- , i . tt#-infrOAlilk g 0 .113 AD.d A , 1 4 : 3 . 3, Air. election fiiirectom l of .tillirconi l I took place on Mondijr last, and resulted in the selection , -of-the •follawing,persons., to wit : .. [ !, Wm. C. Patterson, Samuel V. Merrick, Thu- Elm- T. Lea,'David S. Brown, George W. Car penter, C. E. Spangler, dole . Yarrow, Wash ington Butcher. , -In the 'annual report of the Directors, which will . be found below, the Board urge with great force the propriety of placidg the mountain sec tion under contract as soon as the spring opens. This is a :question, in our opinion, of vital inapor tenet.; to the state, to Philadelphid, and to the' company, and there ought 110 i to be a moment's ' hesinititio ijx,, adopting the recommendations ,of of the reis3i4. All that Philadelphia and Pitts- burgh, Lase already done will not place, this 1 great natural route in its proper nod elevated position ) until We nomidain section IN finished. It most he dune, and will be done, sooner o rooter ter I, but 'the sooner the expense is borne, the will ne road pay a handsome dividend un the entire outlay The,followingls the Report. Office of the Ppotqlroso4 #aitru.d Company. T PIISLAUCLIIIIA. p m ,„. ~, t,..1. • , . h• posrd of Directors submit to the Block. - hoblerx. 0 oompliance with the • priaiisions .of the charter, a statexamat of the affairs Of the , Pennsylvania Railroad •.ratutiop; from October . 31..1g.50,-the date now fixed by' taw for xlye 3' . . • T miutttion of its fiscal yetw. The Report of the Ttg,rthlT *OM'S We re ceipts of the Company, on here of capital stock to the latter date, to here - been -- And the diabursementk Jeaving a balance of. whkb ,i-o.ll . the amount of sub. «eription yet. to q!! . .llecttal. 1,013,040 00 V. 5.822,210 OU 5,905,646 12 t , 74U t%3 Sd CorrrtrP.A., of thy Malyti.l . ,tuxik dosette The following bills passed the House this morn ing A Bill to increiwi the per diem allowance of . the Commissioners of Fayette Co. A Supplement to the Act establishing a House of Refuge in Western Pennsylvania. This Bill . was amended so as to provide, that if it vrai.-ne i cesmry that their bonds Would be add et .less than their par value, such side should not be considered usurious ; and to authorize the Coun tty of • ouch county unwed, to up d - point one Director for every 112,500 subscribe I by 'it. A- Bill .to discharge Peter Walker, Sen., of Somerset.connty, from a certain trust, end to provide for the appointment of a successor. A Bill to incorporate the Conewango Plank Road Company- It was amended ao•na to limit 1. it to Warren and Elk counties. A Bill for the relief of Thomas Barr, Sr.. of ! . Indiana county. and others, aoof ldiers and widows stildiers. in the Revolutionary and Indian I Wars. A Bill to authorise the-Rip...burgh and Stee -1 bensille Turnpike Road Company to.plank a por tion M . their road. In We Senate, Mr. Walker presented a remon strance against the repeal of the kidnapping law of IS-)7. I Mr. Myers read in place a Bill to incorporate the Kittanning Bank. ; Dr. Ca6thern, from the Committee on Vice „and Immorality, reported, without amendment, We bill to prohibit the sale of intoxicating drinks iu Washington Co. A very large o mnibus Election Bill passed the Semite this morning. It held misty or seventy passeugeri—.among the:rest Dr. Caruthers, who took with him, arid pieced in safety, the follow , ing ;To fix the place of bolding elections in Wilkins township, Allegheny county, at the house of John Shaeffer; n Bill toffs the house of John McCall, - Jr., as We place of bolding cirr- Dons in Collins township; a Bill to change the name of McNair to Penn township, and tix the place of holding election , ' at the house of Robert Donaldson. The Supplement t o the act incorporating the Associated Firemen's limiuniice Company of the City of Pittidiurgli, passed 25tti of April. 1850, passed the House this morning, but some of the Locofocos thought they had discovertsl a mon strosity in He provisions, and this afternoon moved a re-consideration of the vote, and the further consideration of the Bill was postponed for the present. This latter motion was made for the purpose of giving time to prepare on amendment, which will obviate the objection en. tertained to the bill.. This afternoon we had a renewal of the Tariff discussion. It was induced.by a mothm of Mr Bonham to postpone the whole subject indefinite ly, which was disagreed to, by the following vote .We Loco evsrs. focos who voted nay being in dale, Bigehrw,'lllair,..Bonham, Brin dle, J. Brown, -Cassiday, Demers, Downer, Dunn, Ely, Freeman, Gibbs, Goodwin; Griffin, (tuffey. Hague, Jackson, klaury, Lent, McKean. Mowry, (liryomiugq Reckhow, Rhoads, Roberts, Shull, Simpson, Skruner, Solider, Steward, Tho mas, Tram, Cessna, Speaker. Taal 33. Nays-31013n. ArrnstFong, Baldwin, Bent, Bighorn, Blaine, Bowen, Broomall, Brower, A- E. Brown, Cooper, Cowden, Dobbins, Ihnigan, Evan.,(Berka)Evans, (ludiana) Feather, legely, Fitfe, Prete, Ude, °easter, Hamilton, Hart. Hoary, linuneeker, Killinger, Kunkel, Laughbo. Liffy, Ninthly, NrCluskey, M'Cune, dr Kee, Si. Lean, il'Repudds, 741'Sherry, Monroe, Norris, Mowry, (Somerset,) Nisnley, °brine, O'N,eill, Park, Patten, .0-nrisntati, Reid, Brij:m.om R 3171. Riddle, Robertson, Roes, Scofield, Shaeffer, Shit pmt, Slifer, Smith Struthers, Van Horne, Walk er. Total, 59. Mr. Riley came out manfully in fa4or of a .modification which will give grted-protelition to coal and iron, and reminded the House that the profession of their Party in 18.14, was for the ta riff of 1842--which many were now deserting. Brenton. rsofc~a3Zllom ,:kr the Pittsburrh lisseitod) Some Business—New, Fork Mint Bill,-:—Califorisia, band Claims—The Tap? and Appal . ..meat in the,Seneste—The Patent Lows in the Ll,Mies. This has , Leese busy and important day in .Cangren. 'The ilbuse has been the theatre of Tone of the most active and protracted struggles that I have ever seen in it ; the subject of the contest being the New York mint bill. And the enemies of the measure base been so for perfectly succea.ful. They hove / completely. g riddled the bill, in fact, they have destroyed it Of the necessity of a mint at New York no one doubts, but the rest of the country will not tolerate the existence of twu such establishments, with their immense staff of officers and almost unbounded expenditures, within three hour's ride of each other. If n mint goes up nt New York it must come down in Philadelphia, and the latter prop osition Pails nu advocates. After a three day's continuous struggle, interrupted only by the mid den calamity of Mr. Ilnufman'sr death, in the Committee of the Whole, the original. bill was tivt utterly mutilated and eviscerated, and then j literally expunged. The raking fire which dia -1 nbled the bill wits • Mr..l. B. Chandler's speech ou Thursday afternoon. Then atter a great deal of manoeuvreing, somebody moved, to.dity, to strike out New york and insert Ilan Flaneisco las the site:of the proposed mint. It prevailed in Cotutaittee . by 79 to 77, two majority. Then the appropriation was struck out by an almoitt unsnitnous Tote. Then as a finishing stroke, Bayley's autemlUtent or substitute, pietely ptw viding up assayor and staruping• office at Ban Francisco to receive and purchase nll gold dust ...-.._.,_ . anti ore offered. and run it Into bars and ingots Of the value of Rom fifty to one thousand dollars, teat adopted, and in this very meagre shape the bill was reported to the House.. The amendment inlay be rejected to-morrow, and the original Ibill may pass, but it not likely. The bars and is legate will probably carry the day,•,. In the Senate, the bill some time einceintro doced by Mr. Winthrop for the e"ppointment of appraisers at large, end altering the mode o f as certaining the vnluulton of tutpol# was sassed. It atv. made to pR'S through the crucible of the Finance Coninatter. and - there .mushaltered without being ut nil imp roved, AD reported and passod, it pi-Qs:Wee for the appointment of four travelling apprabiers to be taken from different States, nt $2,600 a year each and expensea, who shall consult with collectors, Ac., at tho varioui Torts, to ensure a uniform system of valuation throughout the United States. •It also requires that the price of goods imported, shall be assumed to be the Oversee of thnt ti n t' t ot ptAttamil '141" kuta . trOut vtillit - thVaib i pittleal, at lh , ghee '' lo .'” 'F,'",,I, with all cotta end:charges added, excepting insurance. This is not so good as a genuine home valuation. but it removes the evils and inconveniences caused by Judge Woodleuri's decision. as to what price abroad was to be taken as the basis of valuation for the ttaxnement of the duties here. This !All tout s . F. tq the {l owia I sandbe acted 41 „,,, }here . 1% is obWously a bill to which any proposition telating.to the tariff will be gernmin and appropriate. An amend ment will be moved to it, embracing a somewhat wider range of protection than Mr. Strong's Into unsuccessful one. 'We shall see what the Speaks er's decision will be, and whether it will be ns- Faille , ' lie is , yalki. Is he Lleittellly sidverSe 'to any mover cut UR the subject. The Senate nearly disposed of another subject which, though of far less general interest to the country than the preceding, has occupied a vast deal of its tim e . I mean the bill over which Mr. Denton and Dr. Gwin have been squabbling the whole winter, proposing extraordinary means for settling conflicting land claims in lhaill‘tutil - The amendments Were all pa.til upon, and to- morrow the bill will be engrossed and passed at present I cannot say whether the 'squatter or the all settler party have triumphed, Gut think it is the fortur, represented ,by Gwin. 1 not satisfied that the measure is neither just nor well intentioned. and I confidently Lope that. it will be quietly laid to sleep by the House. The tight among the-eutsiders an,l tk,e patent 1411., and thp fat contrmas for decks, steamships, :so., is I":.couilue Intensely thteresting. . The pirates and thtir agents are putting on a face of injured itunsienee, and beseeching Congreq to protect them add the nation against the - villainy Ir and elm's:tens of the Inventors and patentees. The latter have been thought a very Intrudes., guileless elves hf men until this contest arose, bat it appears ;the world has 'wen deceived in them these many years. They are wolves illSkieOp'S clothing: Atoll now a devoted bona of depreda tors, upn the pretended property of three prf. arisen'.eons has arive, detuitnittin j shut “ if thiy clipttot pull the wool off the hacks of their rolveteuries, they will poll LI over the eyes of members of Congress. The lobbying force gathered here to help along Nlr.lTurney's bill, which would reader valueless every patent in the United States now worth may- tlintg, 'is numerous, well organised, and skillful in the use of the mean. sad appli oneei by which the joints of an infirm scheme nre etillened ni Washington. nut I think all VI fail, and that uo alterations in the laws will t.ole place at this session. JCNIUS. lu forulancr of prey notice, a large num ber of friemla tho improvement of the country by Plaids hwils met at the House of Henry Ad erhold, in thy borough of Sauonburgh, on Mon day, 3d in : The meeting aas called to order by calling WILLIAMAVALKER, Esq., of &8010 township, to the Chair ions KEN ' h'CUT and dons ABSEIL as Vice Presidents. And E. Jfaari...,l7 and Ro,''...rf 61/41/01,1. n9SeC retntie: 'the object .1 the meeting was stated by the President. On motion, Mr, Mackay. of Butler, was called titson to address the meeting: also, Mr. Seal, from Torentdm, Mew, Porter and Peterson, of Allegheny, and Dr Getty,. of Butler. A siaternetit of a meeting, of- citizens of West Deer township. was rend by John M. Alcepnriel ' ly. Esq or a delegate foam West Deer. 01N:tuition of Cul. Neal, from Tarentum, HARBISIIIMO. Feb 4..18.51 ite,oired, That the Chair 110 re,ineated to np: i,onit a Committe,of three to memeralite the Legirasture for an net granting a charter for a Bmitl, from Tarentum, in Allegheny coun ty, hy way of Hosenburgh, in Butler county, to Butler. • • John M. Porter. John M. firumpe, and Ilubert :million!. were appointed a Committee. lte.olved, That an exploration Of the'route ,roponel should he mode. and reported to the mot meeting. • The their appointed Col T. Neal, E. Msur- I.off, end Wm. (I elker, the remmittee for that uirpose. Remo/caul, The! three committees be appoint ed—one in Saronburgh, ono in Tarentnm, and fle in Butler —to get subKriptions of stock to +aid . . The following Committees were appointed: Torentino=„lidues Clark, J. Kennedy, , Thos. Kier. Stisouldirgh —David Logan, Jolm M. Krumpe. E. M. Ileimbold. Butler—,l lir., Hon. John lir?din, Wm. P. Mackay. Resolved. That when this meeting adjourn, it adjourn to meet ngnin un the Thursday of Morel. (tieing the 18th,) to Sasorddirgh, at 12 o'clock: and that the difforctittionlmilleen report thereto. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet ing be published inthe Butler. and Allegheny county papers WARIMGTON, Feb. 4th. PLANK ROAD rernwo Rom the Sprtll9 . ol (I, ()LI, Gareth.. THE FIRMEST SOLITE. There iS n great deal of discussion about a lines," and gentlemen have taken their maps, and. nun a thread through titates.andjover the All, ghenies, and measured the whole distance to a hair:a breadth. This iv an easy matter—riven, mountains, and plains are crossed with equal fa cility. The business is settled at once, the map folded up and the record rent to the press. It is duly copied, passed along the line, and the eru dite editor smokes with great complacency an extra cigar over his topographical achievement. • The result iv nothing but amokr—the.puff ex pires with the cigar. . What, 'then, is the shortest practicable route between New York and Cincinnati! Commencing at Cincinnati, we may safely es timate the distance as follows. The first two items will exceed the route via Hamilton, but eventually cut offs will bring it down probably lees than the figures given: Cincinnati to Dayton Dayton to Springfield Springfield to Laudon - Ville Loudonville to Pittsburg - Pittsburg to Philadelphia Philadelphia to flit? hark As the route between Springfield and Loudon ville bay not been all surveyed, we can give only approximate climates. Tukipg the most favorolde line W 0 friends of the Baltimore touts can figure out, and you have: Cincinnati to Wheeling 469 lik Wheeling to Baltimore 390 . Banknote to Philadelphia 100 hiladelphia to New York hi ' !lure ice wide margin, and if neither estimates . are strictly accurate, the variations would not materially affect the result. When you add the difference of cost between the .I!hih,delphin and 'Beltimom route; the tßf frrnee of grading, passing die Alleghenies at tho vrry . placw palore marked oat as Om great highway between, the East end thiWest; and al-,usc4 all saving he necessity of Bridging the Ohio, an immensely expensive, if not impracti cable work, naligatipn considered, acid who can liesitite in . ' saying which is the ours' terrible, least extensile, and Most direct route. • The whole of this line is under contract, in the heads of wealthy companies. and completion Musa, save the gap of 100 miles from Springfield to Undid:trine. AU that Will be required of us is to furnish the means to grade and bridge the road ready for the iron—each county supplying the means to the extent of its line through the same, • This has been done through thrtle of the eastern counties—ore we less able than they it is, however, meet that the termini of the rozni, deriving, as they will, more advantage than the intermediate points, should be the heaviest contributors. Clark and Knox should do at least what is respectively put down to them. They can dd it if they win--they must do it,. if the road is to be built Look at the tier of counties through which the road will Lass. Columbia, Stark, Wayne, Knox, Delaware, UniontrudClark, besides touch ing on Holmes and Ashland. Thence to Cincin nati, two great thoroughfares present themselves, uniting the "Birmingham of the West" with the great commercial metropolis of the Valley of the Ohio. The whole distance say 125 miles, will have a grade seldom exceeding 40 feet to the mile, avoiding the river Ohio, and traversing ir region oft country certainly not surpassed, if equalled, hilts agricultural wealth and industry. The toad would in every respect beadiest claw tee, intended for great speed, and heavy trains. Twenty-foar hours from Cincinnati to Philadel phia: would be the express time—thirty to . New York! . And this would require a speed of only miles to the hour. From the Color:hal. Ilvrotd. HON. DAVLOSEAPS PLAN OF EMANCIPATION Among the plans which have been devised for the purpose. of meeting the great difficulties which surround this question, Bon. David Sears proposes that the proceeds of the public lands shall be used for the extinction of Slavery, and that all children born after a certain period ha free. one of Mr. Sears lute communications flo the subject of Emancipation he sup: "The last census 01 the United States gave 420,000 as the 0 14 5 . bin 0 4 . 00 female slaves under 10 years of age, and 800,000 as the number of ffunale slaves between the ages of 10 and 50 years. The plan Ftposed contemplates the purchase of one or h theie claws at rate to be agreed on. It i estimated that, at their present average value, they could be bought nod emancipated at fL cost much less than the expense of the Ist war with (Irma Britain, and less than the cost of the late war in Mexico. rouusts: e.rkgre. to appropriate the proceeds he sales of public lands to the extinction slavery. 2. Commissioners to be appointld by Congress to negotiate with the Legislature of the Slave , States, for the purchase of female slaves. wader ten years of age, and also, if pficessaty, female 'slaves under titenty yeara of age, and with in ytittctiniu t r o oboe n contract with anyone of said Slates Which May agree to accept the terms of their commtision. The money to be paid to the States, and - to be by theta apportioned. 3. Female slaves eo purchased are to he free; and their issue are to be free. 4. All children born aftec ltt-,. ; are to be free, within the Mfilt contracting. Spats retdarksi- - t am ready to acknow: ledge a nett of property in slaves—living, tan gible , and existent—but not a right to hold the race in bondage through all Suture time. And in order to avoid the-difficulties and dangers which might arise from an immediate and uttopluied liberation of a debased and iztterant class, 1 have suggested thsA children whomay be born after 147 - lOWA be •apprenticed to their owners. ur others, until they are twenty oaf years of age, with the proviso that they receive from their masters a suitable education to fit them fur their improved condition. And this is to apply to all children born after that period, wlielh.V4 their mothers have been freed by appropriations made by Congreis or not ;lie ptdcess ouce begun, the impeilAm t imto oar living a powerful. a hap gnti a united, pcople, is foreyer T moved." Th'e' eminent position and mature age.tif the honorable gentleman who lays tllli pain before the. nation, entitles it tea oiost respectful atten tion. tiortheru patriots am not disposid to east the whole odium and burden of slavery on the South, but stand ready to open the coders or the stun in aid of their Southern brethren in this tatter. /WTax number aml f..NA,MAA, rliarartcx of .1s ortitinatitm . In a .16,4,r4 tW.- ti o p liver. Lab lout chmt• ku,4 itiy \ uof tuediral Imeu Augur of them skYnal otbrc tht gru.+l a cf.....cuyriou, /earn eummeed incombk, and the unhappy patield arm al dk. without tuediratimMure Lein, waded to oiler him • lumii of me-merry. llaPt 4 t ihk ...longer to th. rasa A remedy has hrso bond wbleh rum all them of whatever charartrr, arising from dem., =mul of the liver. Th. Plllrdlerorerml by Dr. Sl . l.awe, o Viralvils. art dtreetly ors tb• 1110. and by corn...ling it. opmanoue and purif,iog it th.m ruM sod mtli. amen the '.....undalute that have Mwir erftitu lu the atmem Id ...MASA ItemelMa hitherto propdm.l for them dt.ea ves have laded to operate wpm Ole mat of the Manor: tat Pill, make 111/121•4171. Alt WMe the mtl.n o the liver. sod tot rlestmitig the fountain dry up the Lupo Ammo of alma , ',lamb thrum derive their etisAure. gale alt t JA IDD a CO lebtala.wlw No 03 Wod Of . cASEI F t YIDEScE IN OUR . MIDST. Kum—Piri I cheerfullyeormilyliwilb !nor mins , tl.l I would gyre you. account of thin Moat. mirardlime eureef my littledauahur t eye tit the we of your "resni kith," :the was attacked with • very Aire eye to February or Mar :he when I immediately applied to Site Ir.me .1•14 in the city. by whom it araepronouturd • •••try Md eye," and all 00.11 Mt 00 boy. of Ming Mr any goat. Al Mr which I took her into the countiy b au old Isly. who had been rem eturearfulln curl. eye,. Pb told me that her .are man trip•lori• M the would cellSitli, loge riot only that one. tut also U. the other would bins a =rural°va afiertion of the bloc& And Ido entity. that at the time my Ether 15. IL Vmhott) war to the colichmion that Ira hail WWI' try 1 , 0. •A< blind of one eye. It Is now about Mrs , mouths Mom ithe bear. W. um, aml ahem now air with both eye'! as WK./ men. the dit end. faro I can tell. I &Ile, the h., with the tiln!eing of the Attnighty.heen corm by thityrilr nm Your, mthertfUll Y • M. faaattra Vanym Comm. Fittaburgh. tiepl. 30, lEdiO. &Wrof mila Er lier`er & 10 Wand eld R. E fallem. id \good M.; D. M. Cum. D A. Elliott, It P arhaarta. Allegheny; also Ey the prnpvie. tar. N. FIEF. amdriltvi. Canal INA. 9rr.nth rittabingh. ' Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. NCOu iia!otr. INSTITUTIONS. Ofßfo KM 44 51 . 01er Wm, tb anrchome of C. It. .]T C, 10. 110.rr,Pryldrnt....-A. N. MAIM. limey. TM. Company la prrpared to !limn. all merrhandlar to owns and la tninalta, maxi., An - An ample guaranty Mr the ability ang Integrity or the s h adlnation. la Wirinivil In the clammier of Oho are farm.. of Pittidaineh, wit and favorably -known to th e maimunlly far Muir pruJenen. latelllgare. and lama - AM. " Drarguma—C. Hillary, Nan. Iliagaley. Irm. Latimer. Jr., M Mtn Bryant, Hugh D. King, kilmarl Ilemetion. Jahn Haworth. Ed Mahanadi, 0. M. Kier. ap:lnitf Dominic ond Foreig Bougn E hl relnengr, Bonk Notre, Gold ,t Sderr,,,Sord Er rhonged AT ENCTIANGE AND DANKKO-7 HOUSE • OT WM. A. HILL be . CO, No. 64 Wood Street, Pittaburgy aa• termer! euxwew IitrOASTS. • .111:11 POPAAITNERSIIIP—We' hare associated k) with TO 011•10,1 BUJ- tete Chalice or the newer+ Iwhoolle Itali2herllowiji&vee his pegautl...rentien.w. the 1."1,1i3 o ."" a ix). EEOHANGE AlirDHAValgg HOUSE A. WILKINS & CO., Corner of Third and Market ate., Pitteb'gh. GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., BANKERS. DEALERS IN EICIINNOE, COIN. RANK NOTES, it. 74 Iharth if., 14,4441.• fiank IVl.Ontryb. .Notes slid Dna. 4,lllerteil anAll taro. of the Doloci.— :Roam W4E614 1141 rokt oO cotoutleelott.• feb7 Lecture to Young Men ON TILE BEST M'EANS OF SUCCESS IN numlNEss.—m. ftel-ange. Unitarlort =Whiter. pro. • ♦ to deliver a mane or three Leetaraa taleyng men, of whieh the shore maim! is the Ora... !ts,' ereoing, Uth bra-. at 7 oahak.itt Union Mall, earner of rmittateld V T street , !79th he 9 ,o.lomm:dlr. and young tam e tpecially, are I.' Tired .t atte n d. • SPRINGIMPOItTATIONS , C. B. IIA'rCLI & CQ., r:!o w n.t."."ll`; re -31 Thizi,LL.lP:Artm,tz -- "c=c= ths latestraurrietien stiles uf t.srsenta.•AlArts, wee, I osiery. Suependera Under Hamra, Le... tint, nod, Oiled tin:. Drxelnit clowns. Handkrrehlefr, Yhonlrler Dram , Linen (lolls., with • varletY of lr peculiar 10 their line 41 buslners. All of whlrb will Ise wad very lowent &km Our Western frietele are lueittel to ...in. nur stock feIoSMAZ, - Linen And House Punishing Goode. A. MASON A CO., No. 6'2 and 64 scutMtel Areet, toe, roil:dual, - Lund •luge ... of the fulb.wlng 4 O n. bra nteibutae- nabs. Dsmavk ausl Diaper. LlNriXt r atV:lta!: ". suti=ok: :04 Cambric Liueu Damnot. ids.. blunt Cambric Itassitrechiar, IV-4 Altrodsle Ettrollutc I(s1 thx At umk ateolugg Inch vtl km...asst. S. , 0, - - - -- Large Auction Sold of Rafined Sugar up 447R,E GROUND DUGAR REFINERY AT NEW ORLEANS. • RBIS OF REFINED SMAR, 2000 m.o. L. Crushed. • Putrdsrsd, =WI k . zs t... Y" %SIT, AucUraae, at the Korea TKOS. pal LaT r llartNellAkts. ata Agent. t r ari .t itri. Nat:least/an Itouse street. W.4ess t6e11.11,1,11.,, at the rasa alum ej ,,, Sth peva Ws and dar, yeller:dam Brrodg. ad du Krd ttle vintage IaIS . du do : to go nee Notleta Itaperial Eagle Ula. 4 p above ace upder ettgues Ileum Keys, yr, gaslata . tao q,.. AbatatK; • Osydlatr. IS=6 . 300 1°' essaII.4II,4KKK."""ISL Oli tat srbola, ball ourtey aad rebel. • La* Paitnership. Subsoribers have tmsociated them t.7.,,iir3erg,:v...tz,,lt.tiAttr the tern of Block mt; i l h t,, tl , at el I L 1.. ., t Tr; t.t.tol 1 tr Sock. AMVF 1 .11151(11 . , ILEILDE WASIIINUTON: 1 knit" MAU lIAMS--ldurphr it. Burchfield ur On band a laza, lot of thiplEgighatar, which eta ...lima at grazaly radurati ark" , ."b .ut mm 4th sad 3(artet.tra..ta fela CAUTION. TIIE public are cautioned againstnegotia thin eta an , p?tl daft to our Gni,. darn 1, 1 month+ eSt.-r doh. far Serer:l4 , o thalami awl CIII Mll Sateu rhUV:1174 . 2 4 r471..7 11 .. 'd ir. W... to arm rat - 10 , 20 cuY, t ! gli A Cii. 6.1.&d1ft Correction. • N publishing the uncalled for leLlixnees of the hank of littalourah, a enlh. to law. in. iionruuhrr drig.ile 1.1.41,611 g to r, tthale Ler In. yr..? rrrottrotwir prhitett Dougherty." The partvintermteti will take StatiN that ultiros 111 , 1 balanm I, oiled for aithia the timertipulatoi iu Me Aet of Aaaett.ihiY. it mil rechr., the •ralth. SNYbkit, Caohler. VRESH FRUlT—Peaches and Blackberries to Op in thitn julot, mud hermattionliY tneireto _preserving thnioriginal 111.0: and froilinatia r Alto Chet - riot and Nunn. put up in theaanne maniac far pan outwit On head and fitr l i?l , 7 to M. A y . SI'CLURO4. CO 1.4 :nal Lintel) . nitwit I.IIRD SEEDS—Canary and Hemp Seeds 'up" of th I,tt qualitt foe sale by feLB M'CLEatti k CO. LINSEED OIL.-4 bbls just received, pure quaar ) Olt, $.1“1 for role Dr hOULSON. LITTLE A' al, la.s \a'::3 Llbrety IMO AND PA. RAILROAD STOCK all raid up. for sale by WM. A. HILL 6 Co, [ebb einek and Luba., Brc.Lers. FIGS AND RAISINS-1 Sri : Ix d mes !tad anllnr oal., by BROWN a KIRKPATRICK. OLASSES—.34 tiere. u and 102 barrels., - " 1 " Prirn' l' lTlc*N7t LARD for , OIL -15 ter, C. 1.8 21 it nod aired. IPER-1() reams Wrapping, assorte lm. do . :lxCll ds wlc by tts JOONMAX c I: LUE-60 L bls Vogimon, a. kiASt&w h ii: & co CUSHIONS—Just received and VV fnr sale by . KIDD fctd • Na. in Wend Whet. RAKER'S lIF.RBS. all kinds, a fresh lot c't hand. and for We h, febh ILAYJEWS DIAMONDS-1 loz. for .141 If o tem. ' 4. FIDE. 1- C. ONG SIIAWLS—A tow low priced I, ,rhavrl•—e, warm article—ust raerirr.l b rePa Mt hrlIT ittatilITTELD Nt ISSES WOOLEN SHAWLS—Of a su " TARN a IiURCIIFIELD. =MORT NOTICE TOTICI.I is hereby given to all persons hay , Ang claims agelnet the relate of Ilrnry Dawron. late o /tart:ham city, Count, of Allegheny. decesanl. in rail d pro.ent them for willow,. Etml all femme toowing hautoelvee indebted. are denred to make payment without delay. TIII3II.AS 111111Ng11. Ferrety, tsttwatss asAva ens,. ass , tysbatrr ri stivseas Notice. Letters of Administration to 1.... - Iletato of denies Grier, deraved herr feet aeantrd the nuburtner, Penn.. indebnul ...id ee tate at. nopestrd to make Immedleto payterut, and thee. haring Orton. or domande amnion the deoolent, will 011tia known the name without delay to SIARGARI7T 11. GRIER, .3 , 17 Merkel rtrant. MATTHEW (111.1K1t. UUPouth etreet. Ailnilutetrator Iphig. Fel. 11 fetOragitil ADDITIONAL SALE Of Forty Town Loth in East Liverpool, 0. TIIE recent unprecedented elite of Lot,'iu the lace thriting Town haying nearly exhanaled ',rev lid tut. gild the demand atilt COnlit.ll , llt the otidt,rtnrura ha, been indu , d . to la, outs portion u. pronet - ty In loan lot, g. above. and offer. lb.m for rah, at wt.,* and t.robi that cannot fall to steel the Ira". of to 'wiling l 0 yurebarte. tt b hastier,. to Nay anything of the bwat...n of the To•en sold pp 11 a tit haring been outnewntly de,erthed in recent adiertiretnentoi Other than that over one hundred Ibta have meentlio rialtl.A hand.. and 1.-en hunts...id by d.. • to.ylugare a derv.- The alxive luta greenmail.; the touat tligilde and de.irabic fluthe Ow, and an. or Ica - ated In the centre of recenili rubh Ingirtuanbn apgly tu the muarietur iv ur I v Janie. giblet,. . Funeth VlttNburgl.. 311110 r 111.1 g KLY Eaet Litert.nnl. Feb . ..NI, war. MoPADEN & COVODE lu Mat.leu S Co I Vann! Basin, l'eno Str . Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road. TnE sui„ , ,Tihn „, haring been appointed daunitti4rta.. tun due IVuuot Irwin or I,utril Rua infonu theaustate that ore an , non trtneand nue. nut narclinadizr or unuaure for Altauent runt on the ot.eua. ; tho rtaut. tto.., tin tio. flaw carried Ittuatith is An, uJ it u. %in funnuntel ca I.JII etur., 14 advance:, • silo," or rataussa arra Lica surn-tacs.rusa rrrrortusos Dry Gaud, 11,1, Situ., Uml, man...marl . tattle, Cu., llsoust s . Frusta, Festbara, Fu[uitura, Isruaa 11.1,111,1 dr tr. $l,OO lOU Dl. Utuauaaltas. t.rjsosTier. Taut& 11Yr s , tula... 111 I. sato, Clot,. alas. Tbsa.taty sasa ulb.ar ".J taksls Ital. Pax., ISnsi. Purt. putt, I.arst. IvJ 141. Tolootaso Loa ssassas, sirsou soul Issa,. raw 'is WO As.toos. Us.tlr truatats) Tar. Satoh, I:sum...ratan I'a Mut, Sr. LOcs Is It I „wMrFalsES 1.115011 F.. • Temperance Convention. N ADJOURNED MEE'rING VF Trmtv".”*.tio. .111 bc A n , C on na, Tue•laF ittAt.lnt '2 o'el wt. P. M. In dr. L.cture ut nu, I.e.bltrrian Cburrh, burgh GAT J. J. BIXUANAN BCTIER-' bbls fresh Roll: s ao u,c slut noL. 0,1 TOBACCO -49 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by 1,1,7 MyGILLS k COS. • L • TINDOW GLASS-100 Lxs "Itrumht's" h by - lb. bye kale M &hi McI:ILLA A 1:0F.. Botimto Contract= () 1 1 11 ! Ohm tind Penitrlwania Crmpan, , 01 hntll :Mai JAL, )lamb trl.t. far la, tug tha TiAck froist . ritt•lmrirh MoKillon, a di,tarset , of •nJ form. or nrottte'at , tn", bo obt•it..l el the ..111, litt , torT.. for tartlet...C. prerkao In the lettinc. , to anthro•nut. ,olonton Ih.t•-rt.. Chief Enuant , er. 'the nr,ranattnan•l to In seeonlant, lib the nrintrd 11..rtne, and lbe c , l the Con, W3l. m Prerklent. l'ittetoarith. Feb Gth.1 , :.1. N.rth Neu York Irtbnne. ;tearer. Railroad It urnw. nahheh ft haw. 4.1,741.,1 pATENT 570.11' POWDER-2P boxes 111 St. recrlsed and for gal• br li. L. SELLERS. V.' tVr...l sins, of whdin lb. cry', artlek rort, nlrnl. Ar HOUSE OF REFUGE THE' litAN.AiiEllti .OF THE IIOITSE OF Itefum. want In purchaar a lot of ground euttaha• fen oration of till. In , litutient, containing frnm ten to fifty n,. riven. ....plied with water, nd altmted nneul n l ue of e rive.plank meal. or Min.] a , within aye mil. of the l tne Committee. JAM E: , ' ANDERSON.' lIAKEIVELL. ,JAI. CII NI111:1:S. I W3I. CIIA;n, I Putalmnth. Ont. • th•hfulawtlltSl Civil inginelers and Land Surveyors. FISAs'rINGS k PREISER, having aoomei i. ated thentwlreq far that num.,ill at will to e'ur ttu inu.l4, mil nut and dlekling land into letaArtellnu. draughting and t liing ylatte and wav< larinc out. lora tint: and auperintunding the mn.truction a Ball, flan[. M' Adana and other ma.ls, bride., On. on farorahle term.. Wine lin. 100 ROW atm.. head of Fifthrad the I \Jun llonee. ` 45t.k.,AT tWOS ]n storr and for sale by the sub .' Jrantilntn., dyne the 0.1 Motile' nhe Trl le and ,eemle et 11ortia4. Ildto t.tourt eAt, lit ' g r .aatte. " Cream Tartan 11.111 Ilrinutooe: Flour 2ulpinar. Alozonetria Uentau limn Camphor. rebel -rill IT E 110.11E-ICIDE FLANNEL—'' v muannv t atanatonn are wiling a kood tide of above low as Per Yard. • Thel hate al.. on band Slararlue &liven and Hold home.ninir Fianuelo of earl.ua prteeri awl onalitiea 6.14 1 001) CANTON FLANNE I , ; ,-,A further •urplr a a Teri , nle`tiaZ rAI ta , yard. rmeirml at atom or 6.1a3 1 31URI'IlV a nuncio-Imm A s ITIDE --llouFekeepara, and mw at unr -OV)7, "'"' nog. for '71.1 31 ' 1 . rael li eTrefta as "amorunont of ' Sbrattng 110 , 1i4A. cc , ,40 one to Om. yar , ln wile, kirsch.] arid atilkarlo4 Also, Pillow.cane 1123,n ta4lAchotb., %We Atom, Wart. Iluor dram+ sad 001011, 11211 tiou.pt,visol, tirc,lo _--• . 113k711EVE A Is, D COLORED QUILTS— jx..„7.I,,IvrrO Qu i r t rti:"Vilditjtt: e tte u i ttuNioti . onion, Ititu unti At.o r \thiti , Furniture f0:."45.1" A 3 Al SI NS-4 , 061MM Buneb. • N Extra boor - for pal. low 1,3111 c x I.r retail: f..E.r. W. A 11‘12LIJR(111`0, . ..._.. It ICE-15 tierees, in i s , tb .u re m :itfl o lo g r r iale by (.4.:1 %Vat.- arul 1 , r90t .. • . 1• • LIME AND WATEIt TRW& IdliWdA L • M . a CU Li, J AI NT, rim -a le tar ' • l'Al'llchFiLUlProutrl.. I. PEAtittki-I.iiisacks, just received raja Do' iglu tti DN ., J. I. CANFIELD. 1 E II ONS--14 boxes, just received and t 1.17. IA Tat 14 4b5 J. A. CA , N;31.3.D. CIitESE-250 l'taes. fur wile by frbi Y. Y. 'Nil>: 1111.NNI1011.`iT S. eq. Fit 0,u4.,..) bids extra Family Flour, - for taw to, frh r .. 0. v. i'o,l HUNNI101:031' 0 1:11. LARD ---I Mils prime leaf for malo - hy Itba 17, VON BONN aiofter 0 CO. UTTER=-1 bbls roll, 6do peeked, • W 56 • ID keg, do 0 0 $. VON 1,10!!!‘ltoltSTS P . 17/AIN 131/ACK S I Liff—Maaru 1- A. • DuntnOrtetn ham ren•lct4 • arty full .44 nr mood, which they can cell at lower yneri. p l. ! .... gnorndly aunt al; ale, tibia N. , . lulu uf`.• • ,...i," .. ttanert , ott lee. WARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, situate in 31.... ,u ernos Pmts.:x..o.D .C4' , 14.. .. January . 27..1n1d. nniCut•4•l'lltl'=rlr.d"r•.bdi` tcunm ' a .11:...a:Tflr' RVIDEND— This Company has this day nob :now. aim Faudet.... l o ,l ,.,Z. — "VtarY.eseheeedi, declared • reml.anntlal dllidetal a flee dellarapnr balance ii , boo s j7 ttugLi,:l., -- f r c rth. p.,, , llfookkiAt . a . payable at the office of thzattrar.,4 . l4ll .• tMlair 11.1re'fluttaJaelnpuville. 3,ne .I`..ittlnu. arbrnarl. ~..1-biu, 'L... • 1 . 4 . 4 • n'• toa L 44 D ' retll 'ar t 'l teak earn, Wes CARTNERSIIIP—Th6 subscribers here la.a , man.. umr,Xl,,• 4 w.ra anitioselua. teetered law oterestrtseetac taw, the n or- ~ , cider thee , Selo A r o....tortr= . ma A a 0re1)... TM. B. sCAI ie. teuror II Y. . , JAM:ErI ATKINNON, noT2L . ' . sal f JOLIA M. OKELY. PILL BOXES-44 )0 - • VISZ=. n. MUM. hltlFll APPLES-34 sact i r i f•L A lr iz s i a : L a hy co. •-- • - - DEAILLASII-410 e•asks on band and for pal,. by f.IA IL DALY-ELL lIEESE-50 Loxes on land and foinidel , ,T IL DALZELL LASS—Of sizes and qualities, on hand 1.11 nod R.I. W.. hy WA; 0. DALZELI.t W. k-,) NO. I. ItOS/N. jolt regeiVed and far :We by IL A. FAILNIWTI/CK & CU. 1.41 ' rarorr Wend and Plat sts. 11ELLOWS nair. of :Bellows, nearly twir. for ..40.b, tiCA - I,E. ATKINSON & OIEELY. 1 , 14 119 first strveL. To Gas Consumers. AUTIoN TO TUE PUBLIC OF PITTS: . now—When-de. pedlars are stunt. introducing the ne - w rtyle tiannumer, twombling nwrm candle. Stud anti. glair. tourer soul long tale, and tot. with two hole, toning they eau nee 25 or twr rent. mud selling then a, sl. and 51.24 Now we. the Intel:dors, twit to nats that our n•tallpet- , 1. to rents, with • liberal fitter, enabling Ilona itt fit there In non" and dwellingeat one adterttual print. 11r therefore caution the public within. nod. inueolen. and partketarly against a younw ' luau about .5 fen .1 inches high, haring blswk eye, n t rl, hair and culleh whttkon, under the well only. lb la et- ' enutrely polite In his hunt., and well rale:dated to de. I Ile treiturully trks to gain confidetute through Odd Yellow tint Ilolung this timely notice of this .kind of tricker) will he of-I@r, Tour, rentertfully. J. 11.IIART. Gas-fitter. - 1 I Ili street, New York. //••• - Thetyrning man alluded to hadi never hem =nectar with the firm. fehltereol I .4.: * ;; - T IN SO ON- 4 knew for a uiuu all gr~ ber or., ddners, cuvint:ll. ' : - al=ea and I t aTtntra.Titl for k .. =tu n c u tn u alT. A r ott.. bnY' l ' tee nd 4 rtra n ttl : ‘ r . e n :t! tinny bromond aonent. r fuad all lands of e l anon in en Agency and Intelligenns office. attrinlell pnittantlY and for sill molt:rate:charge , }lca , call at 14.11R1E . Agener and Intelligence Mar, 311 at rilnlollll7. Skill -15 Timothy seed, j on hand and for le by ft. DAL7.ELI: CO. Liberty street. • ABTARIC ACID-4N) warra n ted pun, (tient. he a. E.SF.LLEICS. - fidit. • 57 Wood Wert. ' I E14144NC-100 Erx. Lubec seuled,-for sale jj.by ledt' k 00. . . i n - VG 1 —Prime new and oldOrlcane VILLIA3I9.k CO N ELO P E re - ciared. a largo ransit! ”f huff, blur. riml hits Ermplopt, of nll onit.mally low ' , rim+. of W. b. nrdionmr , Wa.mbOuge. JonN, Cor. Mnrk..l. and &mud Firrott. WTRITINO INK—AninI , FR Writing, Fluid, Copy'. rind Red I, k. Chemical Fluid and Mid Ink. Ilnrriiin'ACidinnhian Ink—mil and black. Cumturriutil Ink—black. onrlet "1.1 ' , rnt+ Caroline Ink. For onto hi - W.P.TIAVEN. VOit SA White Lnuimville Lime, F by the barrel or retail: 150 middle Arid unii small rnlnn birk. blank To I,lx 1:41 certiamt , -K our late ennutorreit tliii.elon am! all our daily tun' m 0.4 of our weekly. and 01.011100 different late Eniarrn. Welitnro. Northeni nod Southern or...viper , : arid Nandi! Waft .0. Aluvinneo and n H., oehnol book.: ink. nrritinn 00,1 tor impel, quill., intent pen, km air rhenp In nn i• quanti ty for eindoniern. ISAAC Fifth iitrert. =EI •• - • 1:11UT MILL-One Smut Mill, complete, for wale le•ig by fob, DALZE — LL CO. - - barrels and 15 kegs do, fur oak E. DALZELL A CO, Liberty nrert. 01,1. BuTEß___.s bbls prime . R. Butter, baud .n.l P.r eale by TIA L L n 74I.;. IOCOTRINE Axat ALOES —75 11 , 4, pure article, . for .ale foLS IL I:. SELLERS. A Q,UA AMMONIA , n. 4tir.g,ils, I OFFEE--:2 00 hag, Rio Co&e, just reed for male by BUREIII , Er ,, IN&I,t I , IALA.Me . VIItESII PECANS—rust received, 3 MAP I' (rap Pecan out,: for fa, hy W. A. moccrrto a Co. WU' Liberlr Oreet. fiNRESII FIGS--50 drunii received and for •••abr by frtu W.A. I•leCLUII0 A Co. Pittsburgh Gas Pipe raid . Tube Works. IIE untlersigru4 have just completed their eltaxolve IRON TUBE WORKA, • lOW are ram nonufarturine &Rik:. of OAS PIPE, Lo. ...awe awl other Ella,. sal alsiseo of WROUGHT IRON -TUBES. lirb they .14r Plr nate at the Imre. pro... _They are pn•pared_ v jo ean-aOr order, se, s i:l4X...erztout No. 91 . naul WI Wa4r strut. Gbh :an •PPETSIIC RAWL PA g NIT : Ail:a COIN DETECTORS. — •TIo. 6 4r.- poly Isotromeol )0. horabal +bleb o•tinterf•-•t eao rertaful, otpedOlt.uAly. re. a..iria•.; rataneaL Prloeo SLIM. VLlal.azal W.. Par rate al the sod Jewel?) afore o! w. 4.1.1 ma-am-of MarLel and 40) eta. • A 101.1) IA WKETs.- - -Iwt received a large •bat IV artier. and Nlnlatary otaabie for 10ararmlype.. (lair, ar. lob) W. W. WILSON. I.V ER, UOI N WAN TED--Feir which,the I ~"1 ( 0-14 Brot• fet-Waralxtreet.2 unra.eattte'lla. • Xtl/lANGE BANK STOCK S 0 shares WM. A. 1111.1.0 Cll. fel.l bolter, _ _ _ NOTICE. s . lwry.n , itolobtell to tio• 'SIP firm or I. Storkl.4,lol ph...• rail and ..ill. .nt..ls;an.l mir mot.. JOHN I LANKITTS! RI.,NKF:TSi! i qunda>. all ..1 rylArb an now of offered foil. (bl'A ft LET 'CU li'f Arx CILINTZ, of 1 11.1. , dit , .. and at lovn+l prim, reed at th. non. of C.. 10 .Itt:RPIIV ItMICILFIELD ROW N'FLANNEI e S. n Domestic e: Al •n: White. Sam& Orem, and Mmtarinc Elie. to nVIIPIIY a BOW -- iota fIAMES' FLEECY SILK GLOVES, and other kind. of Rioter Glover—ail groortaaent tote sr.l at the .tom of 3tURPTIi , i EIGRCFITILLD: ADIES' WINTER HOSIERY, of Tariou .11,,te1ti„.12g..11,7 reel nalieleef Wnnl 5434 sat. to MrItIIIT t urnainELD. MERINO & COTTON UNDERSIURTS: X Nirwlln & Itcycitmrtt keep an worth:tent nt We 4 ,11*. Al, Silk.. 4 0 4 4.1 e Iter:no do- And Mrsitro Lemb r Drawer.. 64.3 IiTAITED. A SALESMAN in Dry Good y ten frt. k asal ra orr.. Nnno aid pr.DIS• EsSsim n t 0 h , SAWN • yit..l. U. VOWELL'S COMPOUND VEG. ETARLE rownr:rt. firr the rum of ExciiraArati or mid flout runolly for that exeror iisting• int , leral.l. affliction to which m6thrm, thr rat" - of nuraing, aro stiborL 11..17..111s thomicrit prompt coribe wor.t lis a G•er +iro' le, a ionalii n. W. , . 0 01 r. ,1 r.lut..llna or 1 his tatinful wire. it iii vntirrif Aar")t thc it mar.lai without tt , tisk of iniorY. 'flit. ha. li.wo pi.atrikir 11,ryiennd highly ri..initutl si.tni. ..f the faculty of lg.- I.n F 4. l lz l ;.l ) k hr it CO.. . • Liberty ' , rect. ilntign. For ode 1., 1. 1. IlLcon tn. Jot, 11rnotota. Atu,Dcot.cts, swot D. 1. 'l..ttlorr. Prouvi.,. Allegheny fet:1,1111 Penn Mutual Life, Insurance Co., Philad'a. A (IP:T IN ICITTSBIJR(III. W. II: DAVIS. r the Hurt nW in the In on curt a the city. the,..1. , 111. moy ou. he t i and Anil), o 11 to 12 owl . J to .10 dock.. at the counting J. L‘ebnoornaker A: ttood Azret. W.aoo. r lutonnation w be Oren areiccutc,c,,-,uncol.ropouot ry Domuhleto explolohnt , tio tihielrtoo Poi hen.tit• of Life Im.uren7.4ty..l Wont OMR tttrtu 4 non on aroltroUnn. Cututal ,locit over V-1700.090 and ectotantly inercsAn.., Drocita nonnullr zunongot those thinned for lilt, rlttol.urtib. Inn. 41. CLASSIC:VL DICTION";Ry I.) A yew elamdral ditlinuar) of Oree . !t ‘ llw . 7, p : l4;,'„`fhl,".?l:V =V . ,n;o/r the In I% ilharo Smith LL 11- ~,,7,o roi El F ir t kV . , ,,, and Sum.. Allth/W,... ill] of Greek tt . zalitesman Illuerrad , and 11)tuiog. , . reri.ol, with tiutnerout roll/onions ana addition., Chsrl. Anthnu, U. Prolersur of the kand ',alio Lunn/sere in ColumNa Colter , Ih, , mleswe Itobert.Souther ; edited In hi, wn.tbe Rev. a n d. Souther, 11. A., Cu. rate of Ylumbland: Cum4•rlaml. Full bound rloth:witb nurtrall. N. 6 the Life atelCorreAnoudeue< or Robert. Soo- 8. N. nworr and .Istlk fit+. the, La.. of the ttheeth. frtlaJ. ant Englinh Prlneraael outhortod with the Tama surromthaa Brent Agnallitriekland. anther et the - Lire , of the !lan.. of Kurland. I ,6 Tlitla of roPrt7 atal Canary: an Jolrlma no In the Bontuttray Tslrrnarle. on WeJnealaT JrartiitOC. Jau 15, laal by Rev. N. Murray. D. IL Thoahot hook" in..; twelves!, and atrsabibl Jan:al • R. C. .s.rucrruS,..Nu. Market 112bronkle, punt, ant 42 7 11."1 N e o t . C l o VF4L . B"E"' e Rena I Lear :AFL ri Ithato prime N. 0. Nucor. IN tat. !A. I.ria Lank, annual B. 11. '.ltolay:axc lao Mut, anima - One awe ratra i.ulittur and to rale by BROWN' A KIRKPATRICK . lota g CASKS CLOPIDE LIME, Muspratts' LA" ap Ca.. , tor new crop. Glow's ber '...!.0 Envii4k Etnerk,awottnE , Mum 11.. Pine Vttriot Nor K te i n c „ . , Tnx , LAI Nl NES—A large and oplendid assort incra taaa wial. Hantilton. and French Ite Wow, and Ca.laneee, from I . k. to ter rani. French 01l weal lw• I.wiVa 004 ~ ..'itou'r• -• alntr•otrif low twirl—, . WWI LYE P1114‘,1 LORS' Tillitbiticl/S—Reeeicetl and oiwnwl thig dap. cant., PaLLltoy., Schrow.Twi‘L. Salta awl Latlitut tat that. %Moo.. 'none, Metal. wsl4 Jawannwl Pant Strop Horn awl aka Row' StnilWtn!...Buttous, a.• A. A. MANY /. • Seljp-s• Lough Syrup in Illinois. 1.) vG,E PIERCE, uC Midaleport. Ituqu' lee nearowlet amp of January HEn, I. ra. o tn . lubird Moro, lew with a math • ..` that • clailintal tom to kis WA; •yr woral own& treattount f•W three mouth., limp. the rrtioired e art lotA•r, not plan thprouttla motlnur ma theacter dap night. wv , only rto. Ohm ••Selirre . Cough Snit*: •Wirlt • ti tleman L T tf, chr woe nt, 'rest u him fanuty, urn with hial, a rt i et obtained and wed with great rret.,r. , l and 5..54 tailed to aftnel miler IL E. SELLERS. toy drticEle Wood R. grpr.ll3 - Itt the teroeitlesual • T° -7 . Coal Men and Bint Bandein. I f 0 ' 000 rt. COAL BOAT SIDING j 5 MOW Pet 155. k 1 . 155 k, fur osle by ROBERT yIeFYIGur. Auorney. p§:11,1111 Volarth Wert. CASSIMERES A- VESTING' e..mittsa Roark fhb doy.enika rm.. so Ibl • Mine. Drown sat MroniDtwoolokekia ot . • • xamtior &be-' elroosirs outwear Black Mink or Enktuelned Middlesex ko..• ti Aeldrie Orkin! Keignety • Black ratio. 14.1 Fit, LYeelanirre. Merino Uorowilleo Trrilnirk, -A.,A. MASON: AAA , lebl '" Ala Thatet et. BUS. DRIED PEACLI h. ESr t 5 0% LT , : leu.irio.LAkerlr • 100 dos o?rn Miner. J rot reed tor role by • MeGILLS &MOIL IJEATING IIUILDINGS—We are prepar e.% to fornieb creek arinentue mad yne, bolikionn by ennui or bog water, and bare erk kannl D. 11. Witliono. trton tb reek, to roperlnlenil It* 630 rwmarE, ATKIN:m.IN - • LET—Roefl t awl Strain Power for. rnortiooleal pro Yeovil% or in'A I WM ATKINSON I MELLY. Jill krone ik onAcco--5 Leaf Mary in store ant Ar wile by WM. IL JOlL`nrlib.N. Jill • _ - K FAIS LARD; 110 knot nnromw reorivoil Lx rale br \ M. It. ILIIIMATIN. 0311 N br Chlentriab liomm reed prr otesinor Clipper...l3kb will be roil y t•yl. m ba.. pcll WM. A. MeeLtlltil u'reu IiERRING-13 kegs new. LP .1.31 ' wm. b. WCI.OII BENNET!, sale Onvere and Denier; In Prodare. bare to. rx 11 Bdoni, erel 121 Find de, Inman.' Piteftbennh.. • Closing out the Entire fI_REAT BAIIGAINS.--A further la dm top/Sees The trubeetiber wlddaf, to the Mimeo of bit stock °dr fumy and etese Dry the iii of April oes, troold rempalfully call the of lo old euttouters and the public. ebo are I good Coo. df. Per eetd. bolos ~.. fl = l = , i;o7ll7°Troll=ll7.ti'le flll d mar o of the °took tut liberal term, with it lee of nnee whtekt be btu °erupted for firer 11min:Lin th'a' New York Store. Mettet e. .-E X O S TES AND DRAFTS. tere - orr. Non., anh =I Tralla. nt twit • In ataertn, or finund In brnks of carman tale al • W. S. HAVEN'S Wank llnnk lalr-I.)Cur Market nun. • ' (American. Journal. raul Met ....4,7.1 I,3slll>tatJWffiitigNl:= ll, l WANTED T t O BUY.N ()tea of th. Ja:.^) q•BBLS PRIME ROLL BUTTEI CP 2 km+ 41.81nrd Hoary 3 tam Purl. co MTN plat m/12 , 0371 • 310 hoses 8.10 11Thomm /0.12 te. 40 dm Coln Brod= 7000 Ara 10.31nek tammtl &d Leather . • 'Formal., by 'ENGLI2II k DEN 38030 ity bbl.. Tanner' el Oil. ',WO boxes Prime Chef:a Far hr an 0J an . , JAS. MULL. GS Wailie at. UNDRIES-150 bop Rio Coffe 10 do liU74 n;;; ~ . • it:. boxna Oreen truinufnetur t.prkgs RiAlAll Water r AoISASES Cansinetts: _ e m Mad ilannebg ; For sale 20MILS. N. 0. - NOLA. 1.5 • 20 bbla . treali 801 l ITutter ; UV tax. No. 1 Lard WO bug Dried Pctiehea: 13,0 boo Dried Apples: bbl. extra Faintly Ebitit • 8 Jr.. EELS LINSEED OIL; Laa bids Tallow; 10d dna Brooms ; lfi lddo ressionh,• 72 base , pore 2almerst4ol 171 Dab; 11014.61411.<4; • an bozo. do do; 2.5 tear, do do; 400 000.c4 Cream Cbscoe: ii•lrtz-bidrY du t 4 Mar !Joint. • IMO bash Dried APPiri bbis Ergiti • A few tons Pig iron: b, A. all lot of ttreep Pettit. Kyr 13101 J ➢ CA:tI•V• IS F !MIX FLOUR; 200 BR - . 100 lois extra dtt. .• : ' 1 174:a ff Arokrrrr. 74 brim Tart b ~• b.g.=4*" V. igots aisoN. • Prud.., Dealers and Oraomiirtion Maretafiat, • 61 Water neer'. •• • "ILLLBS MUTTON TALLOW NI !at ran Meal: las Barkatteat flour tor nate by : WOODS 2:N. . - • • l'elaltter lattlere-anti Cotandantou — . llatttalLatty .itt3/ GI - Water ateret. • . 20(11 BUS. CORN; . . Ay btut.Osix. lUU bus. bbarlo; fur male by T. WOODS l. 50N. 1 , , _I Proclae DealerA and GotamixAcka Warllal2Pß ja:_, Cal Water atreet.. i. - d AUKN-26 hrts and 3U sacks just reed b s ll 4.1,9 J. :I. DI I.KOICIII 2 CO., ~ - DOLL BUTTER-25 brio in store ' ' ' . ..., 11, i,sLI" J. K. lOLIV9RTH a 63; , . . YIG IRON-200 tons on hand' ' ).29 )..s. DILWOUTII & CO' • JR %U . !' SMALTS-1 T...; , e ci fa i s i s t l , e a pi n a co. IiktSCCRIPTION BOXES. Tatted Wood',o • fo r Alk. by 1 .1, SeIIOONITAKER &CO d OyE 01L-10 bask j el c f i cza u llg ioa i& It JIM N CROP CASTOR OIL-10 hrlalow's No. 1. 'opt errvirod for Ws by . Rkr. lJ L 1 9 ,429.. 14 FLAXSEED OIL, LARD OIL, WIL4LE " OIL , SPE" °fl it. fo l=l Nat l/t3„6" ; Wood R IJOKWREAT CAKES—If YoU 3iantigood; Y Risrinelleat Cakes, use Rabbet's LlTerveseitue_Cken Need, for xele by JCS, R. E. F.' 'aS 111EVOLVERS—Colt's and Allen's, for sale jt at 67 Market at. conker of FrmrtL,. w.. iIREEN APPLES-10 brls prime, reed is ,‘ltr d q.A.NIVEL r. mum. • - .4EMP..-110 bales 3Essouri dew rotted; in Gore bad for isle by ALEXAN 31 D Fron ER GORDO:7; ,' 1t st lANDLES.A . ./ los mould. on consiznment for Pale br ja2s ALEXANDER . GORDON. GINGER ROOT-4 sackgs prime, on .hoxi and in,ola by WICAERSYSA-11, cm Wcod t arto-rd ;I N FOOT OIL--2 brls just received :1 grri .armor ankle. fnr rain bv S. N. ICICKJERSII.III PANISII WHITING-20 Lril in sc for 10 *ale by .j. 24 R. N. wicsErmm, . w.„ 7"—j r,„*. he! . ( 4 5 ,..? 1..NA_L ,,i0„. W ,, :,1 .,, R h E 0 L10 5 t:f .. 51r ,1 1 1., 0 ...‘„, --- LE , ...xusitled hr 1441 L LlL,tt.yrill be rr.d.e4.l•lth the barna. '''''''''''' fr''"" IVAIINVIITTAS.INIT,ii, t ~. • jal-Nallf -_-_--- VrpITE BEANS-- 3 :t i ti . l. ,, qi , j u . ..ffr sole ~21. W.xl r.L. .152 ., ISIERY-115 kegB nssortetL for oak 1r - 'I,7S J. ff , ll4loS3lAKtitt 4 ALI& 7 , iquortice BALL-5 caves....mull.taik, 1 ior mle-by . icti J. K110.)NMAK,13.4 CO. ItTIPS-36 hrla Golden Syrup; 1.7 z tads Clarified Ito fin. wo n. ITUTCOLSON Jr CO - I)OT,VAI-S casks Duncan's pure Polash, - I ale valv by la:j..' J. d IL. YLOT7) ' . v ``,,lK IMITATION—Paper !lunging; in inl- Illnaneu otent. sad varnished. fnr sale by . ' .• 1a,...5 R. r.MARMIAL. an'iVrvai at' SUGARS--;22 1, 117d. frd largo loaf 210 4o . • , 170 ;1 pp v•.‘l , 4Yd; . .. -.' 3) d: Ch 112 Penn% nod to; yak by ~311.4. A. MUTCMIN IN A € . 4) .1•2:. . A. 24 Et. Load. Suam.i . Ilefleirry. • . . 11 OAF SUGAR—.IO - brls fur ' , ale by I 14 ISM WM. BAG Aar i co: YEW BOORS. ~ ~:-;;; rec7l, per Kteatner Areas. J. 2 It. FLOYD. Round Mitre, BrilltWOZ ALLOW-2g hr and for sale by r w.s SEND'S ESS. GINGER; Render.. k Co. ennaperillk; • - tbr pale bT •IL V- VEUXIIS ~nA Wec4 4 VIOWDER-150 kegs blasting. for sale by i.. . J cz . J. - A R. FLOYD.Hotrod Plana - W . _____ _.., ILK PORK-200 pieces hog round, we ll ijkoaseset. for mlo Thr WO. BatiALRY .1 C 4 I,?IiATIIERS-17 sacks 'prime for sale by. HURBAIDOG INOMIA3I, AZ 115 Water I. ARD-3 brland LS le - I,ll .c•'' "" L . B. 1.1 - ItOONISL..4O cloz justreJived by ~.. .1. u. niLwuilt eta co, lIEAUTY.—It is universally ell — iti;si tine Maury is more common In this astute; Oh at , e ,;. . while It the earl,. time It is rail MALI:to ijeer muntry 4it ion at so pang tin mgc. Nor thla ta taw j , - a certain extent, but the tow 16 cam eaneek by amine - ; Ike •. ' read " V " ie l li d Atr . itrand i'l ye r r mseti""Zra".",,,,. .s•w_c--.l:it,,'" • rtwewartteles are ecimitike inaPanlinse, atiat Le • itamed a high popular! Julia Ihnet Nes tual r M/ Chi . am all at- , "' l l lrantmi. ""' '1 t i ,. "47. • : t s " \o' "'"'"I -.-' - rowder Le• ti - e - etin, ti .W v n ritr—. ". its aL.: 'oak My Mame rig*, is " "'"." . j .. .a. rx• ittrant . • arr. and contaitni an tooputp, .c.y.i . ., ,- aerie re mate an injury, in rowblr lama ‘ Juke Listiere Depilaimi h0p..,..,. , n , .., j • ~,j . ens linin What is wane write piht . :::. " pVi - tie r'''. • tlinr, " l . jr tklmjp i ejj,Jr Af ' ' ..te'le wit' Tmenre a% a2= . ju" ini U tli,. *'... .. "r trli q ' h rit;i'"u,e'''"!tut 1..0.- ' trninni, oe - 7. - ienhim. u ar sin tisk. • beautifully \ ticatec limo, .ir - , .. , ....k .. e'it will mine the hair ton: . ..it more arenas , j; than any paws ass.l.- .:= i° 53.1%,....... 'Unto inlet! ca.. . _,_____ ,imp.o. ..'l . ll YikaTing Creak.. —lt If really a p.o.e.- tn mop. al this mom. There: le none of the mama% j th e • tonally experieriod al the air f mot wart..tht r ~ 6 nitiner , it Dame the plan north not rat m Loft,: .titti, and not Halle to two sue eltalkett ' tea Limel's Raw Tooth tte..—sest In the hale, ww think the.ltielb were intendol ai the roams! wrirL.Lrot De the hatitin item hut a hen_ite_c.boat,Ll==r4r., - fAVEZT'''',3--..1:•,...."1,1,i,:,... a.......r.7 the ....u•PaiL.:tly.,, • . 5 m.JULlill liAtinL. Peetnmer and Cbentint,' • lin Chesnut rt.. Phila. _ - For "ale.% helm& arid retail. It; Li. A. Esthamilek a (0.. and IL•LI. Selierr, Pittellotsh , aml J. Mitchell. j. kll , 7heny ally, Pa. .. ...____,_ -- 1 -i .j .41 liiiii RECEIVEITZA taFtr 'irk on ' Br • <.b.u..., }.4o.....Work.sail.Enfroaeenrr.r. Dictionary at • whiner, Sleek _.‘enlos rakitie 11 mit sad kniciacerlam de. .......kumnirmand ‘ll4. !Metaled Mr the. Ottoi 1 . 1i , ... -.. __._' - 7 - •kaimi by Diver BY . Struierly mx .eawr- - -,..- . .;,„, c ou,„ of CIO - Eitaiaters, in Lookus.. Tlll. work L 2 offit=l:illt.i.t.,rlza routaittni,=l.ll.. v . : P"'r;"q.'t=destriage and &wons of ~ ..11 rel n". ime n tsnt reerhinto in me Unica! Mato, indepenien; o r Iht , remit of American Ingenuar, 3 l , , Lql.leitn ,ILLM Onnplete • practinsi troilism on Idluehinl.me *PITY. a.Dae work ~ an 4 V. itemitur Leith idRii . ...... , no. Man 1110UU rah