The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 08, 1851, Image 1

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    '~--- ~-
Pui1125111:1; DAILY AND WEEKLY,
'irnliz 'no. nrtm, orrojoos 'Toruoloq
ihdlare per sent., pay
(0 L 40 4
II ould in wive/gr.
. advaurr
,VlNKtiLA—Tirio dollar, Per annoo/A,,,__ -
11l be aupplied'on tbe fooliewing
Tbnes/ronolece do . ......
Ten toplea
Twenty colds, . 0100 .. ...............
,The pocket Wrench (lob to le i fildrewed to penoon.
/IP , tole peal iiivarlably in 'Arny, . No Club Paper,
sent eller th, year expire, unkes the ..e for
• venewaL
nATEs OF noriarrisbro.
• chi. SG iare (Id inter of ItouPanel ur.lanl •
one .... 0
seachadolltional insertion- 0
.1 75
in.three w wrr
eeks- 4 titi
your m rs
outtu, 10 00
-dame ..... 12 0.1
- - • G. twelve troadh
t. a. .. ....... 1 011
one Pow.. ehenorrable yj Pleavote (Per as
mum) eroluvive of the paper 25 00
For tech tuldillonal tonere. inverted over one months and
ibr ouvalLadditional sluere inserted /seder the yearly late,
• Ag=t; e reeivta earectling a moms. and not over fifteen
tom, to be charged as avetuare oitul halt,
Publirboe not amountable for legal advertberoenta
." rind the amount clowned for their. publication. I
••Annonlieing calubdatcs for office., to be charged the saran
. otherailvertiennentv.
Adeettlenneetv nut marked on the copy for a aped/hod
nen/ber d Jew:runt, will he continued till forbid, ad MY
, /WA /meted noterdilsgly. •
The privilege of 'annual aolvertlyers ia.shirtly limited to
thtlr Own lintnediat bovines!: and ail edvertleamete fpr
the benetdof totter pervon4Aas wetlaaall Diverllvemen n ta not
Immediately connected with their own bnotinses and ail
rbtaves of adiertiactswistv, in length or plherwiai beyond
tot Dealt. engaipah will be charge/ et the usual rotten. For
ell ouch translent Volorertislog. bills will ton .separately
rendered. and prompt payment is dcelnd.
• All advertise/nen. for charitable lovUtution, fire coca-
PDtietta /owtothip, and other publlr montings. and
a g ora Mc, to be charged half price, payable strictly In ad
Ilarda2n withra to iw charged 50 00010.
• I .' Death notirea ineetel eittiout charge; erolaoo aovr.olei -
I . flied by funeral invitations or obituary notice, and when
ticconspanksl to Is paid for.
Itegulat advertiser, and all others vending rontrounitas
thew or 'requiring notices deigned to calltato:Don to
fairs, &Are.. Cone... or any public entertainment,
when client. an made for ahnottance--ell notket of tot'
vale avalociations--every nodes de/di/toed to call attention to
private enterprise, ralrulatel or Intended to prranote intll
- inst. ant only be inverted *lll. tire Uoderstainl.
log that the kaLlt Olin be paid for. If intended to be 10.
eeriest to . the local soulmon. Die mute .111(w charged at the
rats/ of not leer Ono/ 10 cents per line.
Mellon or air Nodes, be le charged triple price. •
Tavern License Prtitienn 1101 each.
hoed thotate Ala.& and Auctioneera' adverthenarnts not
to be elsesed coder - yearly tab, bet to be alloweda die
Mita of thirty' three and one third per cent. from the .
amount of till..
4LLr na 001.010010 10 000.0 PAP..
One geol.. three SI 40
Das each astlitional invertion 07
• • 41,11:1MU0I0OI m w6O. term. • •
. One Square, (It/ Hui.) one invettlon-. ....... . cents.
a . oublotional mots.
Alt trandent advertisement. to be paid in adrance.
TORN A. PARKINSON, Alderman ; Fifth
Wan.OrAmi aireet., between (ranzu end Walnut. :All
businems promptly sto•ndr4 to.
AMBS J. KULIN, Attorney at Law, office,
In 7llehotan Belt winter of °rant erect awl Plationd
►y, Intlebungh. L
IL COLLIER, Attorney at Laic, office
lo Tesler Fourth (4.01.b0ve Smithfield. .
• ring Menet. s conwootew with It m. omen EN., of
WorldnotonOty, (formerly of the ,Lottil effim,)
wired to glen proper ottentlon to the procuAnit of Lome
Warren% Penelons, Le, rod ttio mooecution of olithwe
beforwOrmymeso, or nay of the department, -
TAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—t)thee
ap math ea. • two nontbdo4l aril Orton. Pittsbinala
FRANCIS 0, FLANEGIN, AttonieyntLiur -
No. 142 roatib erect: Pitixburph.
rms. n MM..- --..1.411. VATMIN.
~:.TOWS ..S:. WATSON AttOrneys at Law,
Aci.: no Ex...di .4....4..,1itt , hurgb. • .
. a.,—Al....naer k I>s y; Jean Snyd.r, EN.: Her
rao. Harrima k CA.: Vim. 11. thwoo r r Julm lletoing.! ,
conntkaaV,Oeo.,W.4.3,4oli,littabulvh. janl:l7
4 D DP. JONES"Attorney at w
&.R. Fourth rtreet, betwevn WELI wad Slaitlr
JASPER Attorney at,Lan',i,
No: FA Fish ,trert. Itttrburph.
- . . .
'-• wit. 11.. W1LL1A1111..........1. It. 1e . V..........1. a. 1..13r/IN.
' liyuM..l/. IVICLIA3IS & CO.. Bankers
♦. ant Extisthor Brok;rr, North Elst corner of {Trod
sad Ird tthretr.l'ittsithr;h.
. - Allththartioar o ads to thrral terms, rod .co ll ectlo.
• • - Irtl sttente.l to. . j
KINO, Ilmiker. and 'change Bniker.
i - varm4 etr t 1 k in Bank Notes. Men(
nee. auhlah4 Sh , ek. bought end euhl. i
The bkhee.t.ieert .prjr.• 1.1414 premium fa Jimakett
glN.Ware, pullet Winn, rr
IITirMAARIMER, i3.llllr:er and Bioker,
v : - .lthatreet, Nn. , (4ed.ininltte the Beek of litt.shitreh,
.I.4ELN S CO, fxeiirtn .
4:stati raid c,,rne . .
eeke., ,
N.IIOLMES at SON, Dealers in Foreigii
• • - andistitneatie Bike or r.rdsins• c•rinifti• - • Sr l': , -
g . ;past ilot•••••1 , 6 to..cte . , I , ln.
.0 , 1 i llyk i t= lab;
itironsr IhiltaStatow.
; dat Rtag E. 'ARNOLD &.pO., Bankers:
viiiini•t to Radiant, Coln. Think Notes. ite.. Nu. :4
Yourth street, nest boo to the Hank of Pittsburgh. C.l
- earefolletittrufled to, iaul the proreets remitted to
nay part of the Union. ,
K RAmEt) tECiist,
CAROTIIERS & CO.l:Banking Howe,
. No. 15 Wood Krect.,Fidabor h. Commit ITOW'Y
I A • •ominismon erc • ants
I end 1111111mk•re. ..41:114oimd !treat. Prreonal .41
.E4e.seccuitka $lOO to $lO.OOO alw.7 , Os bond '
WM:DWI itOst..... -EX. •
CO.,:gneCegSol . B to
Hussey. Hanna b Co- Ilr tiens..l.l3,totrit,
dealers lairreign walk:sassily Kielmnpr, Methlira..
Depoidt. Babb Notes. and eivrie—Norib Wert corbel . of
Wood awl 1 strreta Current Motley mreiteil Di
rndl. Fight Check. foo sale, and roll...lima mak. on ma,
ly all the irinsi .
luta ( th e tinned o f
• Tha biliLtst litetrblis In6l Aiterirali
Advaterestruileatiebasigniuritte of Protime.ablytioil east.
ens liberal teriam.
TAYLOR, Commi«sioner and Bill
G Broker, 112 Eboond street. Strict attentioMulltbr
siren Wall bath ose eutruakd to Ma 00. PM...burgh
manakrtored articles slump, on hand or procured at abort
potter. Notre. Benda, Mortgage, kr. negotiated on favor
able tonna. Adtances made. if required. • 0n22
RC. STOCKTON, Into Johnston ; Stock
. tna Iteek.riter. Stnilener. Printer. end Xineler, ••
net or 3tnrket amt Third Wren, Pittetntrith.
AS: B. HOL3iLS' CheapLiterary - Depot,
Third threct omelette the Port hffior. New hooks Pc
wed daily by expel... tcaberripttoce received to exp . o f
th e NetuttiorsopNewepapere, publicity] .t the mthollther s
h street , ,00k Bookseller and Stationer,
Nn. 78 roan'
Apollo Badir,,,,
BM= AND comaionits.
p. AVID TIOWN;Ja., 'Wholesale iiraltetoil
r.rotn.nit Cimfectlimer. 611 Fourth street, Ihitylurgh.
...drh.ogroCtZmeog%Fftrey,:i.:.ratiortary. altrays on hind.
" °rng
y C NYOC anuft
. m
Fort... , c,n*"."" Cloths,
aiml FhadA. de- Wrchuuse. 85
and:V Wodrt.. ItttAbarah. .
nllazil,l:9,.,lAdnrc Merchants, :40. it Water .4-t,
• • •
O 1 lIIDWELL, Commission and For
*.aaa, Stema.doza linter rt>K4 rit.6bl3:rgb.
I. IL Fo;; : iirding and
Casroniuka Iterchant, No. 111:.: str....t.
• , . .
. ,
Ai -E 4 +k , JONES; Forwitrdirt And Com
rnimfori IhrchsntA, Dralng th Nada,. arid litt.
Mancifartoned Parall 2"'nt'b
A.IPANULTY & CO-, Forwarding "
Surth.u. Ca.n.l Darin. rittobumb
. .....
ceef ts or it to At-
• wood_ k 6...Crantaledon and For.ardind.M. , '
e dealer. In Ptttabarsch Manufactured Meal, ' era..
1.31.11110, rc,prctHrman .... c. i. 1.1 . 110T11 201, N. 701
LA:MASON & Wholesale and Rani
- .l6,lbrain Fa!lerr and t•:tnyt.• lay lino 4, =3larkr
. -. ~.... ,_
-.44 p.,,,,,ii V e y theele Menthante, cornet of Fourth
Arad Areas. l'iltthuralk.
a...K.antettarr annaZZa7a neer
.... 51sLACKLETT k WHITE, Whnle,..rtle Deal
, i , eia In V ariun foal Domenic Dry God, Xo. 101
nalltirt., l'inehural , •
', muitiftik, k<Pgri , reran ti -. i- thrian.
. REESEY, FLEMING & CO.. COnUnlnathn
Merthanta—Ver the gale of thsmeette. Word,. arel
tlooda alen, dealer+ in all kind, of Tolaae Tatham
'eaar,lNo. M Wieel Axe, Muth thaw than Falb, Ytha
PC ill 11. ELllanyi • • kr.... le Illn IV Lll.
7 EYSER 1: ?siiINIWELL. (Sticeests.nrti to
Ito Ito., a Kerwr.) Wfinl,alr stwl Ifetap Drug land
. Oktet $0.1... ,rwr of Woal rt,..1 a pp 111..-nt alley.
r iim,rivlim" tArefully r.tspon .gta •nd
ai7•7 7-- -
1.4 Retail Drulxvi4n. rorrior Wood kid Front
N. HAM.AVtitififsl WlloiWiti;iruggist
S 5
airtnal=r,n 4
E. SELLERS; Wholesale 1:04in•
Pat I?lttrt V.l.ll7we",=i:
4i' 9:llD — D7CCO — NiaAesaie fieuggigti'• w _
~ 4t- -7 .- „
MtA pt i rtr,l•22l . orglebrat , d IT.I.IN o ti ' atm'
.e 11,, yod Lett[ NMI. N. C ' 5 •=.,,,,p r d'ai pwke.
YOUVWftnitit. Pittsburab. Olden 1r
ed. mad toriarded vita dayat-.
` , •:—.,„1 - z- • ;"'`, - ; . •-;',-P, , v„
'4,15--atieleAl-h0 i c 4 . 6 ,7 .i„,,14.'",„,--;;;;a
~:'---TIIE'-.•---..:J)..-A1TAy...7.- -7 PITI:1- ' Vg..- 0 - 1 17 .-.7... :70,AX:TTr. , ,
011 N D. 31()Itki_k N, Wholesale Ilruggist,
and Drz.ler in. I/ye SIMI, l%int.. Oil.. Varni.lux
03 IVond eltr.:L one d..r ti. 1.0.11 of Diumnet Alirl,
JsuiDONMAKEitit CO., 1%1)014 , K:11e Lru 1
Ft.t , No. C 7 Itit.l AL, Vatsturgh,
TC.61[51. - IC %GM.
jt & W it 311
holesal , l
077 - of I.ilopry.wwl o..ClaSr rtr-
A.ll U I'. SI I V Eft, \ t;
kj. rer. Nolan. end IN,lnnalmcion nn,l ,
en. In l'itt.-Itur:3l %.Ixnntactort+l Arnrl,.. 1.4.1
E.Ponnkl stmt. I.esween NI! ra•nr,,h.
!OM( 1111.40LT11.-
J OIIN S. i iiiiiii i ii ii i ii
•'' •thuters. I'moloce nrmodgion .
M4 , rassot.. nod
fastior livard linlitrJville. Coon..
al. ritte.l.ll,l,
J. P. arligkilwit.l, u. F. WM %UM. ,
Buimitilik.E ~ INIMAii AM,
lii awl Canuil.4.l. Mrs - chant, N. 116 Irate
street, and VA ringt Anwl. Plarburgh.
).? HEY. mArritEws & co.. wholes:a ,
linecrt,limilativ,a and ror wrwling
fin' BrightAm C.d .ou. l or. nrer 0-.PMFblargh.
- •
.1•111 f SS," I JE.11% 1,11. 40 v
TOIIN WATT k Wholegalo Oroooo+.
tip Conutdr-lon Ni,rehartt, 3uJ 14.3irr , Vrtdure and
rapt:argil Manutlrturrs, No. Litrrrir
B. CANFIELD, Into of Warren, Ohio,
War] and Wertrrn Prorlart crormlT• trrd , r. r‘rrd
b,tsrcn Fmithgrld Pitudmrgh.
• L. N. 0'....71 . 1104 ,1 •a. W 'armo,.
• Groorr, Colanthz.o.” awl Forwardly.: ,Prohmm,
dr era in all Itital. ,, f eruhm, and Ihuburti , Mat/of:w hred o
ArUelr.r. and -tarots for the rale of hirlonowl not
Lyriehhtwoh Matolfacturol Tobarro, liM. vt, and it Water
etseet, Pttlaborgls,
-I.Y• florora. Fnroarllng aml Comotlvom
*oh..• Dealer. in Pitt , l.oroh Manufortores nod if erttrn
Prothro. No. 30. corner of Front atm:tuna Cil.l/ICeiy Lane,
I[AS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer,
s burgh . n tol
e, Merrhant, awl Dieter Ihrkluer and Pit..
,eau ~-+Nn 70 11 titer rt.. Plto.baroh.
3,A1.n DIMLY ' • C.41.,11.1.1.....1.
I6SAIALI DICKEY & CO.. Wholesale Grn
rcm.C.l6ll2llMin 31e,hants. and DoalerA In Pratte , —
. 'A Vat r, and 107 Fnnot ,tn....t.yittsbur4h.
nrx. D. n1111;171 .... . . ............ I.OILA I. laO,T.
BNGLISII & BEN NETT. later-5.7 English.
0 all7ber A Co.. Whl , ll,alP(3etrore. Gimm!.,lnn nod
rardimr Nll•vhantx.,,eu.l 1 , 11,, in I . 7n.ltre and ritt .
harel anuf.wtnn. , . No. 1,41: 0 , ..0u.1 mt. and 1 . 21 !Ind ..1..,
Letveen 110.,1 anti ,notht. - .1 , 1. •
WY. M1LL1..P..114.11.ii-6.rarilir.Z.N. PV ‘ Tbli jct.
MU L roIo E, T I ,A. i.porteri. r•f BraodioN Wine..
_exam. N 0.211 earner of Lillertv awl /Min rtmat Mum
burgh. P. Ira. Nal!, Ont. Pam.. te.. se ~ e uri....13"
us Wad.
JIMY /et C. WIG.
'GILLS ROE, Wh ole ale Grocers awl
Fotrunimiun mcrchun...tio. I L za:
013 , E11:1 .M.OOIIE. Wholesale Grocer,
r hectif,ingldle?.
u tul. r it? PnAuee. PaUburgh
oI all
110BEIIT DALZEI.L CO., Wholesale
JUL, Ctuurnimion Sivrtlteut.. drobu, Pro Ju n,
sod Pitteburgh 11anufartur , , Nu. LiLert, AL7v.,
Pittnburgh. . .
- -
013ERT A. CUNNINGIIAM, Wholesale
Groo , r. Pruc.lnce. Vm-sanling. oommoomo
c nt.nnal 'Deal, In I . lll.Kbur4h 31munfarturce.
Liberty Alri,ct.
WY. MOULT G ana ..,... (r..ILISZ.
Yr. It. FOVEA". t1../ . 1 1 , 111A.5.
WM. BAC,XLEY & CO.. \WholosaTe Oro-
MN. No+.lll and '91%4,d greet Illtdourgh.
. .
.019 1i . 4,X131-...
WICK &. riIeCANI)LESS. ittleces,ors to
L. I. J. D. Wirt. Whole!ate .drocrrt. Forwarding
and Cnnarnlsadon Merclrian., derdi•rA In Iron: Salim. Ma,
oan arn, nal Pit b.burgb Sianufat - tnn7 urnerally.
conarr nf We and Water almfd, I,..thurdh.'
.. . .. . . _
L., ..2 ., T t r i TnorAtr uo r Merrtlant., [alder.. In IT,
otrret.. Pitt.l.urah. Pa.
num, Ankkr;,l•K. WLenl
/.1.101.1 II
D . 1:/1
wIa,LIAms 3 Co., W J.I
holeA N
ttle k, awl
• • Entail v.ually tirn,r4. Vorn - nrdin , and Conni-Ann
1 Prehano. end I,..alrre , in t'outr, Po.luer n.n.l Iltunirt:l3
'3l-winf art t ure. turner ,rf 1%.•+1
40 l ill h ..... I'it4bu d rr.ll.
jijitiiqAN ;• - •;:iirtf,t . :: -. &"Z0.'...'K:,.,"-.;.55
ti,r,„ ertnxt.PittFl•nrg... Onvn,
h. Wlhnlrraln l'r,
1 UN. 11111 l I,744nrulaia,m Merchnn.. and ki•nlers in ritlKLurgh
.1111711 t r 4.11).
R. F )Y1). \Vhoksa.le Grocer,.
ntewln. Nth Luval..
.101..0 LEY
101I\ PA ItK Whoksale Grocer:l:
r' 1,14,11r.r . .. Ip.!
01 Dmlent In IV Int
nniteltala I:..cntnery
Lisal Itt
lwrty .t., IVburgh.
YOUNG & CO.. Pealets in Leather
v Ind, sr_ 143 Lawr4T 01-
. . _
'4OIIN 11. 511:1.1.012, Dv:oor in Piano Fnrtt.s.
t v aticl u 4`.. I,lVttn!.'l(l7,'l'4,'."'"'"'"...;d
AI ef tent Penn', "'""
-pF,NRY m,,_
al 1..6, of !tango
strut for Nona, k fo ,rgok gok *go. 19. 0,
twlth G0n0:6.1. --Eonon Ati,ll6.t. Ann: Pookton,
jiENNEDY. CHILDS & Mn.fiuttt.
m.of wt.,' (apt cimin
,uouTinw nut 11. tut,. leOulllll.
.1111. i.
AcONES d: ill. Munn farturers of Spring
ad 614 ter±o.l. Plough sn•rl Ihough
h anal Eliplk Spring, Ihunmen.l Iron , ninl
•dealnro lo hirllnable Czniing , • Pao I.•ggim•
ConehTrimtuktn. ennun , i)• corn. , or g.n , .04 bout
Vittrburgh. IY
• - • -
Derry Mottufarturere of Oode 1h.111, , 11
rowders. 31urintle owl Sulphuric AridA.
\0..1 haler FL. Mier .
A 3tztouinettirrr Bath.,
and Flask ~Porter. linera.l Water. Pul. , nt
sod Wine Alro—%Vo.
pow 11.14....
F. f+ ccartantly on 11.1 a ,r,neral axsortment of the
Are articles.
Also atath.--sa the nth., Green W. 1., Eactorle... are all
tot i+ mrw
topped tan Is the rw.tom to 50mm,...-111i. Fa,ore
ll operation. and will canto.° in oPeration sum .
mer aral winter.
trrdera respectfully anlicitt , l. and will be filled
stmrt.t notice.
1111 tecomd street. I.:tureen Wocd and
Smititteki ala rm .. l'iunburzh.,
SuccesAor to
Eamn Z v ezewriotil l 1 7 nit—
apclr lilurn7::.',l l
lm] Fire Print,. ix. Mraing,
and Wrapping Paper. NO. 1,5 Wood area. bawern Fourth
and Diamond alter, Pittburgh. Pa.
MORRIS it, lIAWORTII, Tea am Wine
Iferehonts,:Eszt •140 of tho D rod. littrass-oh,
• O. L awn.
lAT.M. A. M'CLURG Gr ,, cer ,, and
Tea Dealer, No. Liberty ttre.d. elate Wood
hare *Ware on hand It lan.SF,rtment of Chat, Grne,-
lee end klne Tee. alm--Foreign Fruit , . and Nuts. Wheln.
fate and retail. Detarre oupplitel an the Nee. term,
TOIIN A. CAUGHEY, Agent for the - Lake
tria and 'Alicia.. Line. v. Iteavm . ami tho
on the. cemrter of Water and Smithfield .te-
TAAFFE ..1;--0TONNE11. Proprietors of the
• l'ittalnasa Portable Boat Store, corner of 1,00 WI
EIILEECII S CO.. Transporters by Canal
anr ad Merchants. ram, of Penn ,toot
vex BLnims.
• .
Yrnltiati Maker, keepconAnntly nn Ilno.l or
rim - .1. to order tlirajmit . artirle in tn., Ilne. at their 01.1
N/I. 13 St•t*Oit at No. 41,1-
nd ittorr, enit•das. do. Diranoivi. Vunitinn
w o nt,. attjr old 131:win watly r.. 101,004. *Oa
1 - A. BROWNAVOtIiti Most respectfullyinfurm
0 . 1 OP rhPougukjihoed_.6;ttl7,l%.'nnyhelT;."ni 0rt":3•7!'21.t.,!!4.m7:
of .Vonitialll.llo4P, rho Vridilati $l - ••nitero n y
il. trot& to orurr
Eta pnrrhare..l the 14rk V o l t an. 1.0 4 ,1
o rre f th'
- tie at 104t'',..,113 011005 thlnllto their gin. , I
Airrnff. :so. 5 Wool Pitt.burgh.
eir-4; .11.
- .
_ .
.V2)1)111,01)1E, Veterinary Surgeon. late
',..1. limn Edlntturgh. F.-Minn.'. woad .n , 1n< 11 . 11 7 nr.
qua a lb.. public that Ito bas honnlenren prun.n. In 1,..
sbnve prnfinnon: awl , by rarrful .ntn Minn tn .I.atnrrt o
.Crueted to Inn, he hopes to aitn ontll4netion.
In tnntrvnlion with Jam. ilant:e. H.-, Fhnnilll.! 1.11
Elark.nnittllng In grnerallallt ho carrl.., nn, at th. ent-ner
of Tunny.' 000000 amt. l'enn•ylvantl .bonne.
onin with him n. Prltn•r pwrturr. J. It
001011 . . i 0 the Wonl anti IttwurtUr Moult n IAF 01,..
Ihnflnn nod .1.81.• a Murphy .1
/Sitlll. & LEF, ;(Voot. I/EAT:ERN, and
nhuniNth.n ,rltn nt.. for e mitt 111,0•111-101
n N. 1 lilt th ..burnh.
January 1.414.51.-1121 , •
tomb,. Finur Fn.lort• get:tend) nntl F.
anti 11..rrhant. ' :tn. 115'.intt otrotrl
and 111.1hentnhyttrrel.
pid,:v I i.i.i....;(,,. NStl N , Eit)fraver 011 IV.all.
Phil.. 11311. ttlitnl ..or, A l'itvlrttrt. - It. Pot.—Vltturst
ol hu,, AI h 1 1b...4,a Stt.a•ttatt•tr, Vntll , l . l' 4 'r
Iw3J,rwitetw. W.,: Ital.-1., to o.tltor, ~ in for fllvittiow. e,
flak', and A rettratlicutt, I.lt4tott IlLatztµ, Le.. In 11. , lilt I All.
of art. aml at 11. Ittiort , t yrt,...
11%1 1 , 1..1 ! 1 ,; !;!I. , Se :1 INI A N Itg tgrarl
Pittsbargh. Slap, lam.l L . ;.::7 1 ;n711:11 - S1? - 171ilif
braf.. Band. sn.l . l ‘ l.,rlan
prplor {SW.. !W.l.+, arta Vi.itinr kr.. n
II •n nnil
Fl.k. in tilt. tnn.t nppr0v.r.1.r...14.. .0,1 01 (In. tool
•ble Pa."'
WW. WILSON, \S'atches, Jew.-Irv, Silver
ww, and Atilltwu U.2.le.i . nrner or 3i•rkrt ..4
Fourthllira Pittstatriat,P. 2i, .1v.,,,,,,..„
earetug •
. • •
WIN, WILSON ti CO.. liquaten mid
In Irani... and eutlery. No. 1 . :9
cks - .1 rtreeL Pittsburgh.
- -
kit. I). HUNT. Dantist, Corniv of Fourth
y o 4 Deen.Lor st, urvp•o Market and Ferry stireep.,
ICIIOLAS VIVIAN. Civil Engineer.
dt- and l'rartiaal Agora..
ratighL. 31‘.1c1. for lbe Man% dar,lna nr
f, Minas. \tatrc %Cork, Itollina 31111 A. hr_ Mal 1..
and I..triat 10 A. )1. and at hlarrAdrnar. l
Ilrhory lan1.1:111,
IVII.3IAICTII N()III.E—City Flouring
suo. No. fl' Llborty av of Adman mi.. llttsburgh.
1) A. 31ADEllt A, Agent for Delaware Ma
tun ttlfet, Itntrann• Votapauy. lb Water etreat.
S GAiti)liSElt COFFIN, Agent for Franklin
Ingnrancr Csannan.r, north a... certa, of W0...1
Woinl street,
frarn the comer of Tbini, ahem 'lel..
pret dunhllitr, 111, anq to do reel, drLittin. mIN to 12 of Binding with namtnega
r„r n .L 03.1
ryn.folly. or revalml. N 111,11•410 alit letter,
Thole wh e have blndma to call. Price. low.
ere , in Drme.nir and Foreign Dry floods, No. 101 foot
Vittrharr.h, invite the attrntion of buyer, to their
Ft4Vilt brook thKele, now opening, mei which they
err jkrt.rarrd to melt on very orrotuntotlaling term,
e cnnetantl) rerviring o o h tcoNIP daring the
w.a..on. nod rerpien an examination of our ntock by wtm
pro itivreheut, not other. tinting our
xi 'cog)) s: co., wboieNde and itotail
Nfantdarturora. and Dealer. Ilan. Can. nad Farr.
own, of Wood nnd Fifth ldroeta. Pittobpoh. Whore they
nlior a MI and complete otio•k of Mite,
.Caps, Fur, tie.. of
qte r' lralgiltrf:g 3 Y lt . -i!:f y ial V u l gtV:nd ' p d uL L lt thi lilrge! '
nmnoira weal that Tale, .111 roll on the runl advan
uno‘on. term,
ltr. l AL 111GBY. !Merchant Tailor, Draper.
vuW toter In nemy ne.l. Clothing. 137 Librrty et.
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
...M. A, WIUTE Ss CO. woula re
-011=711;0,1r= v t ,'"a !.',l ll ;vt ih at.l ll :o,l 3.
rtreent. They we now making' nod ' ore prepared to crenve
6Z9 b man
ezrorleure In the menttfacthre . ol t h oe b abore sr ll or 04
;. 0 .
nod the I.lllth-A they.huve, they feel confident they nrr
enabled to do work nn the ascot mammal& tern. with
thoee wantind article , . in their hnr.
Porto. trltticulnr ettrntlon to the eeleetlon tonwriale.
owl 1130100 none hut competent workmen, they have no
lo...llation in warrant/14g their work. We therefon, ask the
ottentlou of the public to thi. mutter.
N. I:. Repairing done in the best manner. and on thr
nned rearPoonble term.. Jadthtf
HWICiIIT:IIAN. Manufacturer of all
kinds of cotton and woollen moxhinery, Alleghem
ny. The shove workA being nose in full and enurer.fnl
op..r3tion.}l prvi.ared .:,ruin ordem with chest:Mit
tor all kiu2ls umcbhmrY lo my lire. euelt
plekem. epremkm. earth, krisnLing mneldnes. api. ditrw
m fnunci. .nee den. thromil,lunum. woollen cunte..loulde
el. Angle. for merchant or country work. mule*, mckx.
ided hand dallies and Was in general. 'All kinds
of r.h.fting made to order, or plans given for gvaring &Mk.
lug mills or nrumnable charge.
rd—Kennetly,Chlldo Blackstock, Bell A C 0.,.
Girl;. Pennock k Co.. ... A. Graf.
L}: \11.1:BLE WORKS, (established
tsza by EDMUND WILKINS. Nn. IF4 Liberty
I' of W,./KtxreL 'l'ittglatrub. M.11.14C114. V.lll{Ul
Ilembnonc, A., Mantel Ile.", Centre and
Pier Tot. always on band. and male to order.
N. U. A choice releetion of Druvrlng. on band, Al O .
Important to Stage Coach and Wagon
Manufacturers. ..
ESSRS. SINGER., CO., the right ef an AXLE. invented
aarritiel (frit-int,. called - alieelehl Patent." It hi.
telded by our heat trot+, and tin.nttn , .l u.
1.. the inn In tt..e. An ordinary with a oet nt Oita.
tilt.. runnin, daily. will rougurne a half pint of oil in nix
nionths. mall quantity of oil OM het
of the ,
11,MICTI., a, base of the inv. reduetton of friction. mai
ron.equently gnat. pat itot of Tower It make the cowls
propnetora in nave 2. , per rent. on time Mork n
Al.l. it will Owe neat raft.fn to trarelenc the nut
lee with the wheel. avid not harlot, any conurakai w the
tale, will entind, prre..ut haat. corning "Ii
lit popper can. the patent...ea wilPanmant thueeAaleitri
fro2lll IL:20 15 year..
lto Water. and ill Front Arr., Pitta.
burnt, ntr.:s:l>
13 u ti i. Li , berty street,begl
thin to. I. In. n44,1•1nn . 1 " o7r n " : '
CIA tillS. CA: , SIMEILKS. mul V Eel LNG:, Of the
mlnplant Fm the nin.mnitinn foil vnl .Inter
All 11,0, In .rant . einmp c1.1.4n,
wen .he tan. flohinnaldr. and 1,114:444. in Ow
entnarr. tbk entabhohment. nepl9
A CARD-185L •
n.rnet. of and Alarket
rx tip. 4..unnt.nor.tornl... f the N..w bear. In ro
their thane W heir nt.temen and IL. , pul,he
111, , par llr hare.. xlanJ, cn.toin calealed and
uta.. the ...SWAMI. of their felon.. Ilattng rsntl,
4.10,r,n,l and lutrtov...l noun, IL,nn .nn
1.1,d • vri, ..tonArt. wouronent ul OuLoty—...d but
will havo tlit. adalace plr.stly •11•1111111 ,
soil nob.. 11,0, relatin, They lilVign to,kinu
their far pro-Ovablr, a FAMILY
STORK, after. er..rtartarle in
l the ory ooxot
nd In no llkolr
Wily of WWI., ran w prowumd—a
rvulLnu..4..llnrlA Ow beat prul. and 4.401 at low
11,41 how to wale.. II the intent of tamale,* and In.
dividnaby u. lavor then. ru.unn.
lw continn..l In
thu n•.c, up rtain,--totranra train tue ...tat.. or throuvb
. . . .
t il I '1"11S li 11 lit; II CONII%IE ILC I A L- ,
1,4 wr id Thlrd anal 31nrke ., ..1mt5 .. .. ?Ix. Ivoly clin.
6 7,',P,'. '.`23:l:;'`it.-"., I i:;:, ' .., 1..-'.';'•:•rit . ...- t... - I. th ,
A V.:TiZ: I.„ 6-..,..r of r......„ , hi, M.,.....i.,
.1% aL.a... k..l,..L.vturrr nr, Cuturuerrul Law.
rou.i.L.L. kpowirrill.n of Ke•Ti&P.
51, al piir&tion pry bra. h huriuma..alno et& Or
arr Invtle.l to and dawn.
tr,! " Zr,hdtLaw rye, - 51undav uvr r. 'niug.
lt,f,rerr,l Irmo .m o
eal ) A IL.,
City uarti-11.1J. [Je.l3
nership of Iter
!lntLo.Ju..... of 111, will u l:t r t7l n r:l "‘ r " ;7 t
of thr past., the 1.5.0. of the brat br wed ti.rthair yvt-
J. L e 1101:.
retx.rinc from the burivem of ReynnlJot & Stwo. 1
Irmald rinanown.l Mr. J. L. Shr , r IS rely frketuto awl 11.1
furr&o.r . riskomrr.. I t the bOupr.
STIES, Wholesale Grocer, Catninigsion
rd.°, awl deul, In Paper anal ltag, mrucr of
In - in otrs..te, Pittsburg/4.
---- I;AL.—DR. itiWEER ilas remorerl to
f it. Li wrty itr....t. below NM, Yu. 1113. Of!Cm and dwell
y :r. tl , building. au,cl,l , m
~...m. ESTABLISHED 1832,1,v EDMUI' I)
WILKINS, No. 2.1 S Liberty et.,
bead 01 Wn.l Arend. l'lll,burEti, Pa.
Mon ument,. Burial Vault.,
• 4,.. Mantle Piecra, Centro and her To,
always... halal and mule. 10 m 1111.0101..
• ..boinwt Marbles..and at am, naluri...l
~., pm+ .4 c hewwfraiWin of Dralriraps.on
• • • and. ,
:, tt.r.vrrAar
.0.- ' it. p0rt...1
!rum nal). 1 1 --- 1 ,
:‘l l 5 .
1 P , , I.
• ,
! mu. ii•l ~. jr . ,.„„ 3 . Clorti. " Tiernan. E.,
:lion. J Ire IVtlkno
John I teener, EJ,
iOn,. lia a.m., jr.. Eno or. I r k, N.,. L.,,, Architect
John ti - der. E.!, Cash ..t' Soma. Broken..
l'lttet rgh Itank-• • ...owe 0 llama. do.
J. IL F. homer, F.ea, Hill tt Curvy. do.
Wiham Mceandleu. Lot. It 0 Sargent. do.
liolwrt . irKnlght, Um. • Wm. lint:airy 0 re.
J. Mr night. tin. firming. Ti. T. Morgan & Co.
ham. Jo,hita litnalen & Co Fruit ra
0. Lathrop. kliat.. Allegheny.
E. W. feel.. grateful fur the vcrr hheml patronage re- 1
ceived ilitring rdia.s. ,ear, lib 11.1. .170.110,10 A bad Om
large. nil hest job. rutnuted table e-...n. up tot he .moot
time. a: I sill endeavor to render satinfactlun hereafter.
.. fwd. ter. Ware-memo 07 1 . • 00 Third atrytt. .
J. V. NV. ' napertfully inform. hie retrial. , awl
.decor that lite has now nattplrted the largrat -
and tin et stork of hourehold furniture ever before aeon In
tide eit . ma he to determined to uphold the quallti with
.aellAwynnrd nt material., beat worlwanehip. and neivent de.
cigUX and fro the extent or bat ordero an& radial' hi
Inanufaauring. he It. ettall..l to produce warranted tuml- 1
tun, at the loweet Price.
Ile L,.,.. adopt.Nl the principle of itlentlf,ing the ciartoto - '
ene Interent aRh 114 own. Iv quality and prim and koepe
t 0,,,
in hand the greateot variety or every dearalraion of
furnitive. loom tree cheajw..l. and idainert, to the nmet el.-
imut. no .thy. that a Itml.r. or any Tart of one. mar In ,
fueirt.h,l from Li. Mock, or manufactured exprcroly to
order. I Ile theretiim nolicito an insperthm, that tho mlran
' tam., 01 hi. roLtabLlrliment may 1... known. The Pillevring
q.rorl, r0n.4.1, ht. put, of Itt, 'lock. which for richtisms ,, d
ftyle.adil Minh mooed he nutria...l in. any of th., Laatern
alnlng,.and cladra, of ea , r7
,a t ilugoffiiraotal. tnalaatany and walnut.
rud , Corocrsainin , and 1. 1.1 choir, of ..r . l"
triph , n4 Courhro. Mb, and Dlvano, "(the naval
Frroch and American pattrrnr. Ta•lme, Whatota, and
Ladh-o , .arlirr Writing Dorit of mint., kind,. Work 'table,
aiad fat 00 inlaid ...nit, annain Nandi, antrtiolderr, mart,h.
top. notho,any, n.rwoo.l anti walnut. n•lttry and rota tn
..s.lrro.fra, Moine tab?, all MAP. of tho aloof lan, , Tni.
and 41...jdntly 1.1mh , ,t load road , : rant, Pembroke hall and
wanlrohn., bettnt , ado and weoh.tand.. of each ts
larro aanorttnent gotbir hall and iwrior rrroption chain,
ottoman. Mid atonic, ,eretary and 0000 aide iwvorti.,
fire Armen. t0w..1 tart,. hat atatal,, and tnulde cril4 ,
and eon. for rbildrorr, Par , ntarbr , tab lo an , U. Po? ,
mahogany. roarwood, and inlaid p..arl Table, h r. Ar.
A taro. ...nrtoment of C. 11231.11 Furniture and o n gr
CalAtol maker. aupplird with all 0,510(0010 their
tunnahonts and Ilutels—fornthed at tho abortrat vatic,
All onleg-a-pnxmptly atlrrutral tn. • Jan
of lIIIV GOOD?, at the One nrire AM, of
A. MA . ....+0N (X).. tr 4 and GI Market etn+.l •
COPITI.Uner..I on Monday, lA...nail, :O. Is:41, naktinue
tisroin‘h ihr Loofah of
..s Their whole estat.lials.
anent Inu. Is,n thrown open for Retail Treat, and their ra.
plk. antoutttlint• to Ono tin...-.
nol ladlara. will be °Hared of Iletail, at
1e,.. than 0,001 prior. ,
1:oltat. of their tletnl..Annual Stale to an y one of the
IL. alto attended the rale of lad rear. nlll Inn nntli.
tanteelor a tall lido moon. They will. however,
nt f. , or the tve•le and prier, for the Lanett of
ho hare net Pr atterelid their 'nine. Olt:
.ti Canlanerrnilv
Woolunt vire $l.
)pineva Cott.on .txt ennllntnrns '25 tent, usual
prim ftiN rrnt.n.
1 pin,n . .tunn anti Wool !Mm 16 and It nit,
mond prloe :1i and' ...". rent,.
pier. linill r 9101,1 plaid do.. 45 not, unual pri,
.7:‘ , . r.lo.
',inn.. atrlperd and 14ntr141 Silka. !A rent,. we
prier 75 enntn. '
r p
ni....-.. Satln dr Chine and :ntin.lll!i , n o a, wool
too Mark nliaa re.lnnad 21 , yer rent,
.00.....: French M erlon, 11 on; 0.,, 10 1 ,el r .
po,va Vararnettne and 1.,0ne.0. Clothe, reduesal M.
wr mist.
4 ~i....., Alvamy... nll ...lon, rndonal r,011•1 ennt.
.01 i , awara. :Shawl, vhirh sill Is• PO reo.lll St LO
t It,. 01311 :taus] nide*,
IN yard... Donned at ti and 10 Oh, usual
pare la 1.'4 rent..
FNAt. rolnreal l'nliro•-• al 0.1 eentx. wrual p er 9r.
lOU ea..., datvil , ll and Amyiean Cotkrwa at II nal 10
orna. unttal irrinv tu luvi 1 . 2.!.. no n
90 re.. 1n.:m.61 3110.11,n. rmlunr.l . Z nail pnr yard.
• '2 , 0 bal.. 110,00 Munlin. on grade..
M, UM , .. • Etbrohlern, Trintininc, /mire! and
1110 v., lanpnr.. Check. Cloth, Quodsnen., (-)a.riea sad
J.antt hoo•ther will an lcomenre variety of other in-yady.,
ail of which will Ira Marked Down to L.owarl•Yideethattani
of their li,Viollll rale,
They Invite an early call. a 0 inady of their chokes/
. V.Aill will noon Le 1. 1 4( 21.101 lowed prtro nar al. firm.
lain C alai GA Market rt.
t urii
r i ntoild
d , OILN 1111003tS.
bb dwell COM Broome la stone nod fnr deb by
.1.19 JOll.ll YMBNIfff • CO.
Or rue
. ,
- .n 631 IMAM SHIPS:
4.1 or'oiluer vemelr. gm 116ninted to .11, to
Gavel Line--11;1 , 4 TriFs.
wt ron run UNIT to Ski TIN.
...... .Sal.urdny, hey IT.
fork ' W'Y I.
Horton.. .... ..... I ;Vr
York 11tan , I. 1.
.I , nlarday. Hatch
.Isok Y0rk..... Minis 2:1.
....... satunbo. April U.
06; , Aturkl.J. April
ron trkkrook.
York IVedricAlay, Jan. 11:1,
IVr.lorralar, Mk 12.
...... 1(00: lkr,lnradar. Vol. I.
Ho.non krealnrodny. }far. 12.
..... York iVe.,lnerkla>. Hot. :Y..
lkolon Wedner‘lal'. Al P.
New York Al'
Halifax, 10.00; or . . Not York. CZ. xe<Nllla
Air ca
Any .
u.... 1
At my.
leo ads
A Mc.
rt. nt
'• S. Mail ;Warn...n—(l47in? List,
fa ruomw roaz .
r4l l aVa,
,i) , rl. and //am1.42. ..11,enab Tn . /.
j 1.1.051 KVA' roll.
.t for Herm .aturdny,
...... .. ..
..... "''
Apra 9.
.. Iles, .
I M ed
m 1,1: utvda,y. :May 7.
......... f
ql ,en asp, Surf go
r N kr ..w r.
, n r e k ng r
Yew York Satunlu
....... York Watinlay,
for Nevi . York Friday, 31arch 21.
k F m til h la o y ,.
M Aw ay
1 0.
for k '
JuuPrlda e
rVit caLiter.vt
Yo:ltu . n Ole Iltlimtllstl
'babel learr,Cbuleann on the 14 will:al('
. .
EAnTUIN..II, Bryen.bitra, Cli.aheryhopt, l'lditylelphia.
Nrw York, Baytena Centre and Northern curt. of N. lurk.
8y1aw..., New dorm.), and thy Yia Now Loglat.
Il Blatrr.—
Thy rEtlyhiProrincey of Lower Canada, Kora Scotia, and
New. Bruns irk. d our . Arrive. at 4 r. a.pDeparta at IP. IL
NIOIITIITA Tray.—lli 81eu...ri11.. add Iluilldaysburg, 4....
incliidlo,7 thy Younnyy of Bradford. Calabria ( yule. Clin
ton, Juniata, Lracartiag. Thalia, IrCEPIII7, Potter, Perri,
'Dog. Union... part of IV,tutorrland, via Livetraere,
Munnyvville. Valtru ...! Ronda, New Alexandria and 11.11.
ana count) .1 Arrive". daily, !Caudal,.. at,: a.m.; .1.-
part, daily dt li. r.. ,
Eatt.—ltypluder. Pi., Piercer, l'rnallnd. and Jeffery , .
rountl., At
port INyw York...a uldarCanada-d.4•
.(Mare at Pip. AL: 1111Zdep r tirtm at 9 .t. it. - , .
Sul:1111MM oat , Wi-suit.N.-11) W.lsington. Pa.. Omen,
Fa, ette. tyntner,t. part of IVe.ninrelend entiuty, Virginia.
Mary land, Baltimore, Washinghnt City..Southarn and Weate
era pax, orlithio and Indiana Kentucky. Illikola Tbnuoe
...v. ,tlalmtni : %valor'. Nilyylayippi. ArkanYtv, North ('one
llua. (Borg Louiyiana. Florida. and Texan 11111). Arrbra
at nr. a.; a ,I,l..ictrts at ar. a. ..
tS.V.CII.),Nr 11111—ly Fayrtto, Btlyr.on, Baringt.n,
Flarvtuv. P .., Pa.. lllinlay.4 Corn. la- Jeffery. Barri.
ton, Carn.ll, lioltu,,aml flora rawn. You itLiev.tlltlo,daily.
Arnvyn it 11 r. u.; depart, at 7 t. a. . 1
!:tarn Wiay.-r-,—lly Beaver, and Cleveland. Ohio.— 1
nearer C.,. ra... Columbiana, Trumbull, Pomade. (leau,ra,
Aatatalaila ~vtark,W a) ne, Medina. City kho,Stinunit,Lakr.
R7l, Lorain. Iluro. Maw - . Bile: Pandueky, IVood.
and eag Inuke, Ohio; alto extreute uvrthernomuntwa
of e :Qat .nf Balboa and 1111uoia, including all Middy
aatt,itata., d Irtatauttia..l.taly. Amy. at 11 a.l d‘ -
part 4 at ti rl a.
hii-Pt—llt yl.arextoura.llouston.SPringtOd.Tatvn
ttrut..l.rer rt.. Kittanning, haltanantun. Arm gratt,, Oar
1... and Clirne l . l 4.1, amount on Buudaya Ar
rt,val. 7 r a. and depart... a r. L.-
3caria..-ellf Peer. evilly. Wyx4.nt, Zvi ienople. Prrtrra.
rill, Ilarila.burg and New tyyle.... Arrieel Tiovdayy,
Thurvla,y. .1.1 iatunla., a at It P. a.; depart+ 5 1 ....).•
tt, ..1 Friday., of 7 a a.
Ilr.B.tovittr.—lty Star,...n, Bail, l'lnlvyvilly. and llon
I onwabyla 1 4. Arrnay Turvisys. } !,.chit.. at 3P. a.; dv.
pay. ir ~i, e.das. and
ord., ~Stn A. it.
1.:,..,,,, , ,,,,, a.—By M 011... Eimer. nun, 3lrlirtvp,rt,
Coal Vally,. Eli.ilvtlitow. thanble . .. Iton:travel.. Ilvityyr
ta,n. C......a.10wn. Pert) opt.lly. Cant I.4berly. Criwr , !Will,
f o.n. Pa. . rttea rounds). and Ta u . aa. a: th .-
I Pavia ilt t a. n and Thurvda)s.. OA.•. '
iII.T•ANT VA---1.1, W Wk.". niill...t, Nubleaturv. Candor,
Barwett.d. en, Cry., Creek Villary..PatteK-ou'anull...Pa.—
P..thany. l'a. Arrives Futylara and Itturalary. nt In a. a.:
drrotr(n 31 ads, y and l'handaya, al I r. It.
4 navtra , Ity Clinton. Munlockrtilly. Moon. lion
. tour.. Fn. bro. Sprina.. Pa.. Fairview. la. trriven on
' Frida,, at . e. v., .I,tart..o Baturtla, at HA. a.
ratu.v...- -11 r Antrim. North, WroliluFlon. and APallo.
Pa. Arßre.... WM...AIa/A at a r it., eltpartr on /funds,
na. 11 A. Y. , .
Lk ACllltrl.r:.-111r !Avon'. Farr,. Arrirp..‘m Friday,. A
P... depart:. on Oaturtiay, til a A. 111.
~.., -1, Per, -,I L.. B ...Joni, Brealnyek. Oak,
Pr...p....1. tt het.-...... Av....eluding 11 atter. awl n ovum..
, 11.21,.....
, i.a rd.,. dad fiat 7 ~. h a
,t et 6.. A a.
1..... r. a' We ..1,411) 1.1.11 k nltleAlpe la at, 411f101 OW hour
her., !lair depattnr, lYttere fur the t:....vkly. rena
l aerkir.l . l4o weekly tnana moot he In the (Mho half an %war
I..efor. llo.r deparinre.
ar ~ Y .
~:. noti roe. 'TIC rlinchaou nAirrra. .
111)4Xii..`i .C:. SONS, Bankers.
Al . II .V.,r . 1.t a, briween Thircl .. .d Ibarrelgts. Parrinirvh.
PENNSYL 5 ANIA. Illran.l. at Masoillon.-.4...0t0
blank of Pittabwr4l,..- -....pshOtranch . Wotole.r.---.--oln
F,rhatun. Bank od an .. roar Branch at Xenia- do
M.r. and /Jan. of dn.__ ..r. Monett at
Bonk of Irtuleree.-. ...... pat Clty./Fonk.stinodzroakt...,.. J.. ,
Bank ..f N Qin At.• l• . ....-1.3 I' ~. '..ocaut Mei LlC.Llnemnallau '
Cauk of h rtlin I.ll:rtlee,tne Franklin Ilituk...-- - ... do
Bank of Peunaylr.;la......par LantYaße Bank...---.- Jo
111, - td Penn Toornohlp_pae Olno life In. 1 moon en_do
X, 14,..f GO knead : , tate, 12 IV...ern Ileaterve Itaut.- ...lin ,
i‘onlno.relal Bank of 1, ..par Rua of Maratllou .--.... Au
l•arhr , ' 4 mrd,..11.-. ht, par ~ , nall %oh. ... .. .... - .1.
-I:frata] Rank ... . _ .... ... par , NEll a.No . LAN I.
1trn. 6 11 , ,00u Patnt. par All •olo , ot Hank._ .... ..... ...4
Ilatlohlr i 11,1, Bank NI.:W 1 oI,K.
11ornanie4.11nok I
ano , auo.nizto• 11ank.....-..1.7 Llun N". n i tri .ook C".'
NA adelphia Bank par :II ARY LAN It
,ots hwork . Bank ',anthill:nor, • P V
{ .man • Bonk par Country •
O e
Rank- . . „air N. JERSEY a DELAWARt.,
Ink . t. ' l 147:41!"; :r itt r xfP -'as
'"" 1 .' Il ' ITI ' IM A. . ''
Ilalik of Ban, Ilk . ..: 'par Rant of lb.. Valley 4
Itar,k 01 14,1. 1i,.. Chnter par Bk of Virginia.. Illehtuond 4
1104 k a flortnanto,........yar Ex. Bank. V... Norplk
' Ilarik of 111 , 111.burch.. .... 4 I armors' Danko( %irglnia 4
junh 'of Merriman , tr. )Tech. Bank 4
Bank of 51Idell,horn .14 North Western Bank 4
alontgornOry Co Ilank-._pa Brartelo. t
Bank niNorthoutherland.parl NOIITII CAROLINA. -a
Carl.isl , Bank t Bank of Cape Fear-- ...... 2
Columbia Ilk A PridnoCo.pii ,Itt or hl. of N. (Angina-, 2
I IkVleatnen Bank. .... ......purilkanuienial Ilk. Wilnuna'n 2
, Eanton Bank Par Merrhaol.o' Bank, Nerin , rn 2
I Erie Ban -_.... . . ... . 4 micrit CAROLINA.
Fitniteri lk of luck. Co. par,Bk of the Al. of IL earoLina 1
11 l
Fannon , ' kof Lanra,..r.mrlßank of earth Carolina..:. 2
Ferment' 1".1/korltaa.tin“por'Bank of Fltarloatoo
I i a1...M.14:0w, lkilleo.parllantor , .t 31a I,anica' Ilk a
, Far.. Ilro , r. 1% a, noalon-g..4.1 GEORGIA.
. Franklin Ilk. Nt whlngton to.rlAnk , tata Ina k Roakloß Co
1 Ilarriabuo Bank— 4lltank of Annum.. .. .. -... ~.
ILnendati 8ank.............. 4,8 k of Brnnsalrk 2
Lanonntorl knot ... ...par , TE.NNE. , bEIL
i 1 '' ..1:7:n t ,; " 4 - : ' ,l " ." ' 11;"1--1 1 A" ''' illAkiii . .. --- A
linen , Rank of Votbnillo 4 Bk of Itentnekv.Loninvllla Ir,
. lonongahela liank..:. ..... par Ilk of Loulatllia 'flaureton ! t a'
I Woo: Branch Bank ti Northent Ilk of Kenturky 4,
I Wrotnlynillk.lllll.elharrrp.,outltrrn Ilk of Kentooky I .
; York 1 / 1 1/1.. . . ..... ........ N 31ISSOURI
* ht:a
1 Relief No 4 Ink of Stat, of Mthaouri 4
I , Gill. .
Ohio Matt, Bank V. State Rank and branthe4-/Z
Branchat Akrou.-- do blank of 1111,101, ..... - -
I Branch at Athene--,- do WlliOliNti,lN.
. ..• • •• • --- . . ,
Branch Bridgeport- do Marine t Fine 1 no.t . ,n. chks b
Branch • µµ{{ Chi Dr . -db..... do - MlCllitta N.
.Branch a ClrTaland..-.....d0 Farmer? 31...h•1nce Dank 3
Branch • Toled, ....... etork 8ank..... 3
Dranch at Dayton alo Pt:Wands: . Dank ~
Branch at Delan... do ltoluranne Connally 1
. . • - . . .. .
Branch at Columhu, .do State tank -.
Ilrulub at AAhtybula- in
Branch at ,alesa du 00 of D.N. Amerka.Throutu. ,
/Iratich tk Statulk.l.l...-....d0 hank of the Poop!, Toronto('
Brand. Illplry. ... . . ----do Itaok of Monlrval 5
ilrauc.l. a Ca01u0a11.........d0 IMO. of U. C•uadx. Toronto('
Branch a Columba. do EASTIIHN EXCILINGE.
Branch a IVaqtatuddl d.o 'ln N., lark (ur..m) I A
.ranch • 11adi5....,... do On ) 0 011001elphin .10. ' ~
Brand. a Laurts-4.1 . ' th. , 011 Italllmom di
u r ,,,,., . ~.,,ua111‘.......d0; Wl , -.TIIIIN EXCIIANIIY- '
Ilr•nrb • 1 ,,a 11. Vrrttut,--41‘..Ciuclunatl.....--....... . I
Drama. at Newurlz,...... ...... dolLouls•Ille I
Rranth at Myr.. do St. Lola, -. .... .
. .. . ... ..„.I
. Itrituch a 1 Nuriturfield. ...... a in WU , AN D ......... VAIA/E
Unaurla el Martotta..- dolDoublima,,l. 10,1 0 1
(ch hun a Troy dn . - dn Patnotlo•s)
Itr Uuearh • 111. lieuctut-_,Io 1.744.10, 0001 . ...... ........... 0,00
II what entice....... do 1446. e.t.a - .
..-....... -.... o,orj
II Ell at Notaralk ..... --do • malerirkr.d'orm— ......... I,MI
Ittm.l. et Anus- do Weuna1..2.1..- Ilk/
11=1:1::1::.!:‘,'."..: - .7..,2,`. : ,..',V,Ii T ,.. - ; - ............. -.- 11:V.,
ill b g.., ~ i ,:, : ;ix i !"‘,1:, ,..,; "- --1 , ' .0 , "b t. " ,,...,6 1 , ."- : .... ... ...... ........ 11?,
• • ntrnittel•
S. WILKINS .4 ,11.. ENCIIAN4IE 11:
Csmer TAirrl mot .V
11.! ....
, •.
Alleghr•N --
lintrk of 1-I....rtrryr h.. ... ...
K.r.r.rws9l. Bank ....... ....... .........
Perr,..te Rook..
ATlr.ghtuy, ,svlns.r.- , Rank
=HAL XV.Cr.s.
31 0 non0h.ln
Northern o.l4lrties
leglrrn Tocuran, ........
tiv n: locuranre C Ylrrtimn , .......
A thin Ile A n Rhin I PI nigh to PlxlPe..).
.11 . [WATER •tArt.tartott hlll,lO.
et:riwri AOCA , I4 , PUY..
IV. Cc Aral Itall
Th•il ..
Clet klito.l
Mari. II nflrray
Itrathlortel Vl,hl PIP, a• 11.14.
Erie Cava Moth. t
'Fayette ....
:t., Fn.
I'itt.lturttl4 14...111 WWI 111.1.1.
North A rtl ,,
North 1t ..... ...
North tV,
Piti.lturghl . a. 01..11c.14.
Huh. Shmittt ,,, •• . .....
tIAI.C3 QV 111 , 11171(1.
1/ nod I'entla. K. It 29.150'
II .10
to 1111'
, Perspective, and Pain
it. D. It. SMITII is now prepared to give
A . T ,l l . . „ intertetlon to D. nupl4 In the thlferent limnrlr ,
Mkt nen° ttulto,t
Mot ket +4. Donn , af tontruntion. from tti 41 DI, tuni
from Gls tor te .
r. 11. Charges tael other tnyttrulare e a bo
knnern by 4.Alitg taftenon) at the rooms.
14.44 r to Dr. tlassam or Dr. Addl..
Pittsburgh Board of Trade
prrrsavicat zummr.
Orrutc.rtnswrinta Mann. 1
' .
February IL 7851.
The weather Lesterday sr. dear awl wleamnt kw out
door trameadlomx mid • fair general busluens Imp de/rosin
tho mark. t. rah., however, 'raw...unduly..l6ms! to email
opreatkom to th e mambo. hoots trade.
gliolllt 'AND UltAlN—Nothlng of marrows...a was ..Inn,.
iu dour, for the want of Atoka to operate (iron. Tery,lll.- i
tlo is coaling Gsrward. and salsa fnm first hut& are hat,
ty worth.nOtiging. Email mire from atom and Myer at
gl, *:1.40: mod nom atom In dray loaf lots at $3,V411.1.76
l I IL, for superfine and extra brawls.. Th., markat for
, n la atOady, with no furthrr ejyan. lo prises. Ilerwtpta
Aso light, awl rata thallock al shout the follpwlng figurer:
lg m17:10.74, tta to Titian Rye Ill4tllll Bark/ CO , C...
ca.: tae. awl Ilan at 3.14311 a ? to
II ILK:kali-3 sgan PHOVLSIONS—Tbe Rm.,. f market to
geutrally ntraely al oar taxi knotatienc ihoar is senior
mall lota at Illi; MUM. at 31(W.21.1 It gal: and
Crifos at 12! - 214 llama I. nuke ylrsa, with a wood •de
mand. fla/e Fbouldera at fG Odra at re, arid Lou. at
gl:•••Salk. It ' Further alien of lanl In Lida at 1 , 461V.a.
and In keimaa.LlafoLN iA.k. s
FEATILF . :4-6 ales to • thlr extent xi &11 - crlte 1A lb.
11. e toirt4 t for all other articles .11Ally quolnl. le stea
d/. withu t Mioee.
-0x •
f! ,
the Aunnth
. 4...17, have Been i k calm..
. .
•os. Ca) es.
Total fotjonuars
. _
Liverpu I
Buenos Ai
t.t.. Shamne Me. 113.141./1.2'. O.
.... 1.1.'+1 1 1 110
St. LOUR, Jlll2. 23.
TOR‘tvo43ttles to Aar at the Piro:a.m.' Iratt:•bottee of two
hbils ,hip plug tut tolhenc— 1 hhel at p 3 la mod 1 WI
mark Itltt as These lots COMPI{Pe 10.11 t buy upun
the et..
illy ua Lute—leo ...ales of either. IVe moth,oa to
quote eratunon to medium .letup and lead at 11.90(193, and
good to prima at SIOta.IUS M t..lwad we quote at
.91`PMatul 8443t4-1.3t. fer lower 1104.
Yto.....Market mutilate...lull. with nalndaY 4f 7)470{
501 , hlda to lots to (Wow?, 137 1.1.1, llarrboo at 4.4.75, 70
Mantua.; at 11.4..a.a: :a , Cold Siming at' 84.:1k. 75 Gaup
Sour at $4.11`.!", 43 line at atal 32 Sue at f. 3
bbl. Iletylead . tndar 9701 bldg.
W !mar—Saha to Jay at 11 flier,' Exeloanite of 170 *ark. ,
lafee °Waldo uf 17uS sarke maul 40 bble un
prlva, porta. and 73 bids gold at Tar. l/AN—Multi dull. aud rangre.a.. quoted 3 - cetera.).
Ith rale+ of about 5.000 earl. as fellow., 2r4 mete 11.4 iv.
area on 1...W.1,0 4.1 , ..T.M eras ow levee, to guouir.
at 4.Vic 4.9 ke to two 01401 luta,
from levee at ay
nice included avt , 50e narks returued,
W Lfoo tae. badly daroagod. b. a dietiller at 121ie"i"
( , ‘ , l , —lfarket uowtilml, with sale,. to day of 400 ',ado.
at 51.17earataiorluded, .5111 earls no private terms.
lunarltrx—No udee of either. IV., quote oriole
to choice barley at 1/ and rYe b O G.V S e.
11'luntt—atites notalnally tut twfdre. with noes
of 321 I.IIIN an fullbwof 4tai bide rectified at Zit: and 31
bide raw at 1`...1!.iel and LllO 1.01, raw from Levee ou rata..
net en settee, but prier. firm aa loot
quoted. willt . ealre u followte :NO and I.XI hide uteealrork
at all: sad 7f 1410 ruarri at 4740. Of lard, Pk, fa 11,7
tea a 43 1 ,
and 1.1,. :Su. lat to delivered at a leant on
the [Matta Hier. at 7!.ief'2l tea th hide fn au Levee at
sisal TO lads at 74.e1k lb. Of humus:A pleklnd tura, galto
of 10 edo baate 001 Imo. fn. ',lobe Imam , at
awl 10 eslto pule.. al be It eale. of 140 tr...
. 1 . 10 1 6 , 1, , A . 14 . la, and f 0) aka ebouldcre, to dry gait et
SI 40 11.14,—Feb...t0 Jaz' . Of 45 dry - Mat It
.tw ao l. 1 a ) t 8 41 ,-V lr o e
dry 04144 at .b,,7bc, mad a .
l'caNaita tit", tan Osun Cl:tn.—From v n reo atlY
pre4entod to Il,e Lc itlaturti of Ohiot we retort the follow
ing atatikiweof the boetnew done on ttm Pennsylvania and
Ohio Uoll, as Worn from the Collector, book. of Vanua.
town, Wazren,and Akoan, during the year tatn.
%chest 'bur. C.
linFler IJ
f:: ... .
an es i gen... 4.10 Ins
(Awl Awoo.
ILse. S. Pork km.
feu:( , ;to
tow.n•do I
Mb li " k
Ind n , Natio, LI
ri 4 2T,
)n w..._.....
Antes Atllen.litt.
Ilan "b t r" b l!' • Llwn
14, r rVe m
rak,. -1
ea:arnoln i
Tbe rolLosing statement Ir exhibit
coat on haf4.. January U. IS:,
Arnount rrid for work prior to 10,0 ••., ~..;:ivi pi
do Ur •ilkltSail, • -
AO 1 for rep:or. of t' ' C . 4 111 . 1 . ?,
.1. for 0i11ti1,,111,11., of 1,, 14.3 07
.`,.1..e1. pall In' full - igl
. ....4 ,,,z.0,,,21
TAIIA and r. 1.114 revelynd 111 IMO • ' .1.5.Z.r.. at
Iht lelt•Pl. a 1,1,1 uutold f.'? 2 '
; 31.31t..101
)(Int.—lvry were Get bindles in clamor': id dusk
by metal ...ling, and rising.
Theingan. Brien. Beavrr.
16.11ver. Gordan, Hvavvr.
Wine. Ilennett./trovr.line.
Atlantic. Prkinrn, Brcnorgovllle.
J. McKim.
Thu, Shrive, lialky.
Nrlson, 3luotv,
Yrinvl,lty. Cluenn.U.
Drvelne, bloalklen, Ellsalirlh.
Stichlgan. Ilasvr.
IleavrT. Gordon, Brower. Browhoi
Atlmutic. harkloron, Ilnort.lll,
.1. IkleK, thasvlricksoty 31eIiremort.
NAF , II - Nll.l.l:—Navigutor It.
Tliv Nm lLmmnr I.nar Nend..n. CARL 1n...1. win
or tit. Lwr thin .1.-.
tk-an Alagtor. rlll knar.
Desirable Suburban Itesidezi' e for Sale.
Tut euterrllwr Mien. for rale the ho en 'atel neonate.
where he tilllf meld.... situated on Peek 4004. heion Tr,
oot. In Apenlkent, nod etemt . ..t1 talent it' elk from the
Lurk... of Iple e11.,-, Th. Int le 140 feet f : i on Park et
minion hark ..... feet. In • •Iloy—eon - Ini, 11...1Y on.
suer. of tfmatul, aml le tountlett ern emery 41.11,y lam. open
r d
I, I. I
1 1..111 •
lot. a4rt..l will tree* and alsruldrerY. Ti. boo. le
nearly ore, large, and aseredloaly well streangSd: hawing I
a *ant of Alt feet,a,l a depth id 72, and *otadna fourt,n '
roma.. 1,41.1.5. 11.1* nt. put ..1.? It le built lo the ben
nod most durable amoner, “111 119, • 11. ,oppvf n.f • nod
tuntalne all the inn!.., toeit...p 1 0 . .5. aii,feftiipe. with
; authillag topaly ollood uril ...11 ....11. ate at the their. ,
0.. the prinkes nre the ', .0 .11.111,.. mathle. '
earr...s. hog.,, Le. The e ~,,, ...i. ote 1.11,1 , •31 u.oetly a/ a j
par ~covered with :lode, 1, idt 1...,..., ere. ores., atm eying 1
ahruhe, euernate, g....,,,terr1., ...i.ler./. . Ai. .11.1 • 'email
giuden. The fruit le I,llx. 1...1 kite!. sre I. 15... an. to
thelr print.. and yield ...amyl. Po - 11,.. •41 la irk, Minna?,
family. The idtnittlion of :hie property, a to exlnfirlts allot
suburban comfort, ...1d... .111 enolyoltr 1.1 the slly.
ta nut eartariaqd by any rsalderter. 111 1 hie tlelnlty It has
a ale*" of (lie Ohla UP,. Ns oals a 0114 .4 TrinParais'a.
sine, South Pittsburgh. Ile .11r. Ile la,, Otero, awl the
1,111. around. furtolog altovelber a prootaiiile .p.,,epert ..,f
arbiel. the .1.. newer wearies K.:, 1.11 %Melo nolo. ..r
01tisorts from the port ..f1itte1...../1. oil 11 * 1.1.10. loans lo
full al.w. Thu re,kleure mid gr..... 1. a. abosonoteletely
removed fro. any annot an. of dust, . deolettellve of
ounrort and vegetatiost, strl..lord. a re Irani.. a* quiet
and p.0.,ful a, if lasted lii erar nowt le , *(k lu then/null:1.
, i
ri, ~,,,,rty will vuhl at a hargalli..l. l lasa^^ 4o ^ ttis""
an lee first of April. Kiadoore et the 11...11...01115.
1 tirdlf 11. N. WHITE.
- s ----- ' ' -
European Agency.
..y e f olai.s.sher 11.1...... •leltlou the t,rl lelpal milk,. of
pmt pedalo. Praner..und 11....... darns the e o f .
01 , 1, may. nod June next, leasing 1 1 100. r2ll on Mania
i., .0 nal he pleased to attand la any • eneir of • hu. ,
i i
eln s chancier whirl, may I. c.101.1..1 to 11 1 care.
i 7zdtmr l7 ,s. JOll. O. DAVIS.
Toe - Greatest Bargains of theSetuson.
11 OBI'. U. TIIOI‘II.SON, No.llo Alitrket st.,
hree d..n. front Liberty, lorsluo detetniland to e 1...
„• •A•••• by the hest of Aprll, will. fn.. this day, sell
to entire Aral. of Penn and Staab. Dry On/ila at sorr fur
tit.. This stork bettut new, largo. Illfli well retested. imo.
• 1i.4. In part as follows,
' - 1.110 - 6 lit/01/S—Frvarli Merino, Paralnethts, Coburn .
Cloth I...l...Casmeres, and Alai.., all lislors; Dress
.like; aide Mark (Hock do: Shawl% Long and Square;
Ohm.. llnalerp,Ao. . '
OIiNTLEMSN ti An—Cloth% Casalmens. Satinet,
1'..,,ttar,5,01. ,. .... 11,1kfe. Ilreuto, Shirt., Drawer, re.
111.1t1411 Klikil'lNO I.lo.)llS—ltartedey Sheeting, 5 - 1 - 6-1
ao d u-t; cotton ahnettngs; Osmanli Talt.lo Linen, brown
4 bleached: Inunant. Tahle cloth.: Anolahot a. lizilea. Av..
, o ,..'' ' ' ' lli a i liTh. .1..7,2=1: of 1.1!'..a ,=... -
-,,,g. mar rely trpon gettlug tbse goads at net.
a this...Act:n.l be date nut by the_u . r.t of pri.
.1.1.2j25..!...-------- IIOIIT I/4 THOMPSON.
:[4:a hl4;
h.1411 , Ma
LOAY SUGAR-100 barrels ass'd numbers
q la b, pa{ BUROILIDGE k
CORN ITEAL---10 sacks. eiftra, for sale by'.
The following sketch of idolatrous ;
tions and practices in China, from the pen,
of Iter. Dr. Taylor, Missionary of the
Church South at Shanghai, will be inter
esting to our readers :
My Dear. Dr. Le r — . Hearing a gong
sound rlong the
.streets a few mornings
Since, I inquired the cause, and was told
that on that day—the middle of the seventh
mouth, by Chinese reckoning=-every fami
ly was expected to contribute a quota of
gilt paper, to be transformed into money
by the action of fire, for the use of those
spirits in the other world who had no near
relatives or friends living, to keep them in
funds. It was an all-souls' day. The ori
gin of the custom I learned to be as follows
The first monarch of the Itling dynasty was
born of very poor and obscure parents, but
by means of his vigormis abilities overcame
the untoward circumstances 'of birth and
fortune, and finally reached. the throne-
His parents died during his childhood, and
he was.nevcr able to ascertain the place of
their burial ; so upon his accession to pow
er, being desirous to sacrifice to his ances
tors, he commutded his
. officers throughput
the empire to prepare offerings, and burn*
paper money in every place, so that lid
might bo certain they would, at some place
or other, wherever their shades might be,
get a portion of what was designed for
them, and thus not be left unprovided for
in the spirit land. This, it is said, occur
red about 500 yearsugo, and thus origina
ted the practice of making offerings for the
ghosts of aV who die away from home,
whose friends never knoW the place of their
graves. This custom is observed three
times a yeah. The gilt paper collected du
ring the day is strung on long 'bamboo
poles, and at night is carried to the many
burial grounds in and around the city, and
burned at every few rods all along the
streets and paths, so as to give every for
lorn spirit a share wherever it may roam.
Some carrying torches and lanterns, and
some playing on various kinds of inuSical
instruments, give the procession quite an
itemising appearance in the darkness of the
night, as they wend their way along the
solitary dwellings of the dead.
On the same days, bit without any appa
rent connection between the ceremonies, ,
five of the principal idols in the city are
taken from the chief temple, placid in large
sedan chairs, and carried about through the
principal streets during the day, and at
nightfall are brought t/) a small temple on
the Yang-king-pang, utside of the north
gate. Men dressed in the fantastic cos
tumes of former ages' carrying flags/and
boards containing insciptious in large 'gilt;
characters, sonic with gongs, others with.
long pieces of bamboo rattling along on the'
pavements, and others still carrying large,
lanterns, follow in the train of these idols'
as their attendants. I Besides thete, are
large cumbers of persons, of both sexes,
and all ages, wearing red garments from
heOd to foot, having iron chains around
their necks, and hand-cuffed—with dishev=
Bled hair—the poorer walking, and those,
who can afford it ridit g insetiaus. These
are all persons who, hosing been sick, have
vowed to the idols that if they iceovered:
they would regard the i nselves as criMinals,„
deserving to be pruished, but spared
through the compassion of the gods; and
follow in theltsion in this attire
in fulfillment of their town Besides these,
multitudes of people, crowd the streets
through which the ' , recession passes, to
witness the scene. - occasion is a gen ,
oral holiday throw; - city. Towards
night I Went - to , temple above
mentioned, and Is: dace thronged:
n .
One idol 'had alerts ought in.' is
the others- dpproael titer another, at
short intervals, tin is who followed
them shouted ;Lod themselves on
._.....~r.000 a.
-I * l 4
IN ul (m.)
15 n53 0 LOBO
12.,63111 41.11U1
1t!L. , 61
Kra ya,vr
y 11044 X.
07,11,6) 6:.4.11 41
2:21N L,X,l4u
11 1, 1
f II _I
the ground. The, idol was placed
with its sedan in t la assigned to it,
small.tables tilled
~ .ariety of articles '
of food of choice kind s were before them
as offerings, with the belief that the god
actually feasted upon' hat 'was set before
him. If he did, he as Satisfied with a
marvellously small q antitv, or else the
same food was eaten t vice, * for it is certain
that the bona fide tle: i and blood attend
ants of his godship ate it afterwards, doubt
less without perceivihg any diminution.
The usual accotapaniments of gilt paper,
incense sticks, add wai candles, were burnt
in profusion, while hendreds of these poor
deluded heathen came and worshiped most
devoutly before their' senseless blocks.—
A mandarin with histrain, who it seems
was master of cereMenies, came in about
sundown, and prostMted himself, bowing
his head. to the ground nine times before
each of the five idols separately, and just at
this juncture a pile of gilt paper, eight or
nine feet high, was set, on fire outside the
temple, a little to the eastward of the en
trance. I experienced a feeling something
akin to what Paul felt when at Athens he
saw the whole city given to -idolatry:--any
spirit was stirred within me, and taking my
position in the open, space with the chief
idol in front of me, and the other two on
either hand, I distri used to the people
crowding around me he tracts I had taken
with me, and declared to them the absolute
folly and wickedness f these superstitions
practices, the utter uselessness of their idols
—th,at there is but one God, who made all
things, and that Ile I only deserved their
worship and serviee-, , that he so loved them
as to giro his son ! Jest's to save them from
eternal punishment. I They listened atten
tively, and asked .in many questions as I'.
talked to them and with them till dark, and
then turned my steps lionieward with a bur
dened, sorrowful heart, praying as J. went,
that whatlew seeds of truth had been sown
in weakness might he raised with power.
But alas! sighed I, when, 0 when will this
vast people becOitie the people of the Lord?
When will they be persuaded that there is
no other way by which they can bo saved
but through Jesus Christ? Then again I
comforted myself with the reflection that
the work was the work of the .Lord, and
that lee hail the power to bring it to a
speedier fulfillment than the strongest aspi
rations of my slow faith dared to hope for.'
But Ile will, 0 Be will haSten it in His
time ; it, is a small thing with, the Lord to
nave by many or by few ; it is not. by might
nor hey power, but by my Spirit, saith the
Lord of Hosts. Therefore I thank God and
take 4:orage.
Pours, mast affectionately,
To the P:rictubt Pea, is lhr r. Stoles:
It is well known to dm people of this
country, that there have hexti held, w om
the last seven or eight years, four G aural
Peace Congresses in ..the Old World—the
first nt Ismdon in 184:1, the next at Brus
sels in 1818, the third at Paris in 1849,
and the fourth at Frankfort in ,Germany
last summer; each attended Wyi, a large
number of delegates from different and dis
tant parts of Christendom, and many of
them,distinguished not - only for their ta
lents, learning and philanthrophy, but for
their high standing and influence in society,
church and state; men speaking various
languages, living under almost . C.very form
of government, and professing a wide.divers
aity of .political and religious views, yet all
4rawa. together by their attiehnient to the
• ••• 'Peace hs an objedif eeMreen.atid
Ml4;ry in Cldlui.
Sitcvnur, Sept. 13, 1850
The Next Peace Cangrekii.
absorbing interest to the whole hunian race2l
These .Congresses have se4ved, as they
were designed, to promote f term' inter
course and strengthen the bonds of amity,
*Miceli the .people of differnlt countries;
to bring the friends „of peace in particular
into fuller acquaintance withleach other in
their great work; to devise and agree upon
the best means of accomplishing their oli
ject, permanent peace among all nations;
to present and keep this objeet more prom
inently before the world, as algrind deside- l
ratum of the age; and especially - to fix, the
attention - both of people and of rulers en
the duty,' importance and feasibility of gra
dually abating the enormous evils of the
present war system, and finally superseding
its alleged necessity, by the adoption of ra
tional, peaceful, Christian substitutes, far
more efficacious than the sword for all pi r
poses of international jUstiee, security and
peace- , I
The next of these world-congresses is to
'be held at London, probably about the mid
dle of the eoming July, in connexion with
the World's' Industrial Exhibition ' that
grand development of the new and better
spirit which has begun to pervade the nu..
• tions ; a demonstration that would have
been impossible fifty or oven twenty years
' ago; itself a. decisive proof of the progress
already made in our cause,.one of 'the fruits'
'of the general peace enjoyed in Europe for
some third of a century, and likely to be
come an important auxiliary in the work of
universal and permanent peace. It must
of course be an occasion of great interest to,
all persons of enlarged, philanthropic views,
and will doubtless draw together vast mul
titudes from every continent, and well
nigh every- country on -the I globe.—
Such an opportunity for the cause, of
peace has never occurred in the whole his
tory of our race; and, desirous df turning
it to the best account, the American Peace
Society, in concert with their co-workers in
this country and in Europe, would request
the friends of peace throughout-the United
States to aid no in procuring from their re
spective localities suitable delegates to the '
proposed Peace Cengress in ,Loudon next
July. We address them thus early, in or
der to -give ample time for preparation.
We should of course prefer the most devo
ted, thorough-going friends" of our Infuse,
more especially judicious, Christian men;
but there will be requirol in delegatei only
au intelligenceordial, active interest in the
,promotion of international peace; and any
person of good general character, disposed'
to cooperate in efforts for the abolition of
war as a custom repugnant to Christianity,
and hostile to the best interests of mankind,
will 'be welcomed to membership in the
Congress. We would invite not only Peace
Societies, but all other philanthropic asso
ciations, the friends of peace in any city or
town, seminaries of learning, and all scien
tific ant, literary societies, ocal churches,.
and ecclesiastical bodies of every denomina
tion, to send one or more delegates. Un- I
able ourselves to canvass the country for !
the purpose, we would request our frietts,.
in every part of the land, to inform 'us, at
their earliest cony 'ence, of any suitable 1
persons in their . iciniti who may be in
clined, or nigh induced, to attend se
delegates. The persons selected by any of
the bodies we have designated, can receive,
if they choose, a commission from our Soci
ety; and we request, in any event, the
communication of their names to us, or to
the American Peace Congress Committee,
.as early,, if possible, as the first of June,
and as much'sooner as may be convenient.
The World's Industrial Exhibition is to
be opened in the Spring; but, as the -fee
forYadmission Will for a time be excemively,
high, and' as. all minds will be for weeks,
perhaps for monthi, too much engrossed
with that unique and magnificent demon
stration to allow meanwhile a proper degree
of interest iu an object like ours, - the Peace
Congress is to be fixed at a day likely to
secure, the beip attendance, and' the largest
share of public attention. We shall in - due
time inform our friends of the.precise day
of the Conginss, not yet settled; but we are
doubtless - safe in saying now, that it will be
in season for delegates to start in packets
by the middle of June, or in the last
afruniq of that mont4. Past experience
proves that. no arrangements, satisfactory to
all, can be made for taking out - the dela
gat.. in a body; but 'we presume that a
ris-Te out and back can be had in parked:
from Boston, New York, or Philadelphia,
for $lOO, peraps for $75. The former is
ae offer already made by some lizo* from
the United States, and the latter hy lines
from Canada; so that the expense of at
tending the World's 'mina trial Exhibition
and Peace Congress need not exceed some
5200—a very cheap purchase of the advan
tages to be derived from attendance on such
a Convention and Jubilee of the World; a
privilege not to be expected by any man
more than once in his life. .
On behalf of the American Peace. Soc
iety, and by order of its Executive Commit
tee. CHARLES .BROOKS, Ch'n. '
' G. C. BECnAVITII, Cor. Sea'y.
Wm. C. Becws, Rte. Sec'y
Bostein, January, 1851.
N. B.—Papers friendly to the cause of
peace wokild confer a special favor by pub
lishing the above communication.
Dr. Akers—Chronology.
We gave lately a very interesting speci
men of a work on chronology, which Dr.
Akers has been for some time preparing.
From thorough conviction that Archbishop
Usher's system, which meets us in all our
Biblical literature, is radically defective,
Dr. Alters has felt the necessity of a rudi
mental work ou that subject, founded on a
more extended chronology, and better adapt
ed to the demands of both sacred and pro
fane history. The merits of the subject re
quire, for the millions of Bible students,
that the constant recurrence of chmnoloa,
in days, and weeks, and months, and years, !
throughout the Bible, should, if possible,!!
be rendered available, according to the in
tention of "all Scripture," to a better on- !
derstanding of the Divine testimony. Some
thing is needed by which the year, month
and day of she transaction being given in
Scripture, the student might, in a moment,i
turn tit the calendar for that year and de
partment of history, and asiertaiti the day
of the week, month, Sc., in Julian-time.
Such a work, however desirable, is not, so
far as we know extant. Dr. Akers has at
tempted it. lie has prepared a treatise on
the antediluvian and post diluvian calendar,
which wag used by the people of God, until
the Exodus of Israel—including a!period
of 3,§98 solid years and six months.
a synchronical solar cycle is furnished all"
to be run upein any number of years, within
'the same period, and to bring up forinstee-
tiou the year required in Scripture, with, its
months, weeks, tiays,'&e., in both the an
cient calendar and the reformed calendar of',
Julius Car reversed. He has prepared
next a treatise on the Mosaic calendar,
Which is founded on the great Paschal Sab
bath, as it was given to the Israelites until
the crucifixion of our Saviour—including a
period of 1674 solid years. A Synchronicall
cycle of Mosaie mid Juliadtimo is also fur
nished; byl.which any year, month and day
mentioned,in Scripture, Wain that:. period,
may be turned to immediately foriinsiee
tion.. In addition to these, Dr. Akers has
also treatise oti - the Lard's Daii showing
that it is tlie original' Sabbath ,which• the
Lord. made, for man, and'proving.that. it- is
restireadloua in!Christ: • !... ! •
The reformed 'calettilar ! of Julitut Hteir
is 1150 given] in 'a diAbict: aide; to be
tended, asrequired, upon the years of the
Julian' period, which he has noted rep..
laxly ;
The Olympic years, years from the boa.
ing of Home, and the years from the era of
Nabanas.sar, are all noted in order; ;thetal.
ter are given according to the' canon of
Ptolemy, f0r.424 years, to the death of
Alexander, and then extended, upon the
same principles, unto Christ. Ho has nn
merous and extensive explanations, design
ed to facilitate the accurate study of the,
The fixed period of the Dyonisian Era, as
ascertained by the learned JosephScaliger,
to A. J. P. 4,714, commonly called A. D.
1., began more than three months after the
beginning of Dr. Akers'A. M. 5546. The
different eras are all explained; and apex
the flood, every year is given consecutively,
together with the years of each patriarch,
king, &c. The years of the rulers of dif
ferent ancient nations, -j so far ns could be
done arc given at length, thereby allowing
1 the harmony of sacred and profane ehr..
ogy. The house of Judah and the house of•
Israel are kept distinct, but harmonised in
time. j The captivities are all Aptial, and
the years numbered. The seraitisreeb
of Danieil are all numbered, and it is shown
that Christ was "cut, off" in the - middle
year of the last week;&e. .
The whole series of years has to be et
plained and defended, in respect,to their
several Component parts; and. Dr. Akers
has commenced this laborious portiort of
his work, a sample of which, on. the most
difficult part of Egyptian chronology, we
gave our readers lately. •
These labors of Dr. Akers aro destined,
we think, to attract no little public inter.
est. They are prosecuted, under teams
ble circumstances, but by 710 ordinary. in ,
tcllect. Theyconcern subjects of profound
and constantly increasing interest; :and.'
they present the best solutions we bare
yet read of difficulties elicited by recent,
chronological researches. We hope- our
friend will malaruse of our column* to lay
before the public, from tine to time, exam
ples of, his studies in thil interesting .de
partment of inquiry.—Ziona Herald.
Domestic Putiset
Those that are corns observers of, man
kind love to consider them in the.most fa.
vorablo lights. When men Are abroad ' ,
they choose to appear, whatever they really
are to the - bist advantage.. But at home"
their minds as well us, their pastels are in
a. perfect undress and dishabille. The
world is the great theater, on which they'
act a part; but behind thC scenes; they
may be - seen in their proper persons, withs
out anyctudied appearances. Our domestic
behavior is therefore the main teat of our
behavior and good nature. - -
In public we may. earry a fair Outside;
our lot e may be not without dissimulation,
nor our hatred without disguise; but at
house, nature left to itself; shows its true
and genuine face, with an unreserved Open
ness' and all the soul stands forth to' iew,
without any veil thrown over -it. Theie
we see men in all the little and minute cir
cumstances of life, which, however 'they
may be overlooked by eoluzatii observers,.
yet give a man of discernmed a truer
opening into a man's real character, than.
the most glaring and important transactions
of it; because as to Ape, they - are 'more
upon their go:l,rd; they act with: moriS . Of '
caution and of art, thanof pLihaand sim do
nature: Iu short, our brood or ill brced,ng,
is chiefly seen abroad, ourgood or ill patio
r at Louie. ,
It were to be wishcal that we hail. more
family pieces IT:served and traiedited dorm
The good public magistrate is an'exam•
plc. of use to a few only; but the, prudent
and affectionate father of a Enitay, is of a,
more general and extensiiie influence. For
my part, I 111011.! admire Cornelius the'een.
turion for that short -.sketch of his life in
the Acts of the
_Apostles,.vig.,." that 'ho
was a devout man and one that. feared God' -
with all. his house," than \if he had been
represented as the most victorious general,
that he had enlarged the bounds of thelite ,
.man empire; for we learn from it this use
lesson, that the influence of a pious ex.
ample, like the precious ointment from
Aaron's 'head, descends down Wards froM
the head of the family, diffuses itself over
the main body till it reaches the'_ery skirts,
the lowest members of it.•
lOhVE101(0 , Or TILE 31101OEII8 OF COLOIXD
CIIORCILES.—The Baptist colored Chufeh at But. -
fah, lam suffered a large diminution of , its mem
bers in consequence of the Fugitive Slave Law.
One hundred and thirty of the communicants, as - •
we are informed by the pastor, leftithe place
from fear of arrest on the charge of being fu
gitive shires and have passed over to Cae.d•
The 3letliodist Church, in the came place, his
also lost a considerable number of its memban
from the same cause. - There 'staid to be among -
these more disposition to make si stead and to
evade or ggaist the law than among their Baptist
brethren. Samebody had advised.them to arm
themselves and defendtheirliberty. 'The Baptist
pastor, however, told hie people that be found in -
the Gospel examples whtch -justified running
away, but no examples which warranted' fight-
The Caere& Baptist Church at Rochester,
which formerly numbered one birdied swift:awl ,
teen communicants, has lost them all excapttire,
since the passage of the Yugitive Slave Law:— '
The pastor, a native Kentuckian, was the Matto ,
flee, and tint, whole flock followed hitta. ; •
The Colored Baptist Church at Detroit has lost
eighty-four of its members fie= the same.cause-..
They abandon their homes and their occmpa.:
lions, sell such property all they cannot awe. •
niently carry with them, and seep refup. in
Canada. ,
'Meantime the number of persons amaping rand •
their masters does not seem to be essentially ley.
sened by theprovisions of the Fugitive Slave
Law. Since it was passed, we .are Warmed•
from the same source which tarnishes us With •
the particulars-already given, eighty-iserreitiL
five slaves fawn the South have passed. through
Buffalo, on their way to Canada.--,6a.
In d..e Virginia licaMe of Delegates on Mondai
the vote rejecting the Central Railroad Bill was
re-considered. The Ifottse also ttnantmonslrpis
sed a resolution authorising, the employment of
emmiel to decent! the Wheeling Bridge ease in the
Supremo Court.
A London co: rexpenilent of the New York Joni-
nal of Commerce states that ten shillings ate?, r i
bog are now di:Mended as no entrance feo to the
Palace of Gloss in Hyde Park, in which the great
London Industrial Exhibition hi to he
When' fully finial:Led a guinea is to be the Kite of
uLich is to be reduced no the, y
bition season fideances.
Thejthiladelithia Penneylrma]: tea that thi
halt tiniahed and dour itegtheadllYillbuwPori.
and Elmira railroad is to be speedily completed.
A contract:has Leen . entered into with JOS. dan
der, relay the 25 - *les attending . kerne'
Williamsport to the town of itnlata4 and to '
tend the lame to Elmira. '.
• The Schooner Snagam, from'Lagiatta. JIIIIII
nry 12, at Deatuli_re rla that thnlate .netts re
-cared from Yucatan, relative the outbreak of the
Indians and defeat et the whites with great elaugh..,
ter is without foundation." Letters state thait
o gorantnent speculation got up to raise
lartni, the treaarrry . ,being alarmingly.
The atatenwat of a declaration of Ladeperulenee
by Yucattn is. equally•:fabulinia• Llusinees
very dull allnenna. .;
. , • le7e, Bate 1" seid a yew limn, to •
his bright particular, the other night. •
, iLore, Joel, wnlll declare I lit IrnoW--,,,in, •
l ey , it Is getting married and' kitting little
I So n eal::! d h ' y:o t rt u g li e t atl e A ,, !' n7o , :e y o:ul u , Y :t nn is t r o n t t a hzt e s c : . : C : ea . 7.4.4l :
. 'Tie I• hare one, ulnae I trot had von. -
, •
- Vie cry or Celtic nays, an English
journal. is optinheird. TlielVostei t aii - 3 41.4 3 -
or Scotland are without I t o&
.Tho Emperor of has stderrd the Frei.. ...
non of two totio:111 , - liavi, or telegiaph Ingo
pvt„ersburo tu Bann attd Vierami.
= -